The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 01, 1853, Image 3

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4 VolOth, in Court of (*nor Sessions Hoorn.
4 rib4 it:lotion,. the Hon. T. J. Sioux of Lover
-Rt.: Mil? Townsteep, wit called to the help.
Mews.' R. Palmer, of Pitt township, Mem.
hennyfot Baldwin, Paul A. Way, of !Sewickley,
and Dr. Robinson, of -111vrenseville, were elect.
od Vice Presidents. •
Aldermen Steele and Mattasks; of tide Oily;
and Thom, McKee, ot Baldwin township, were
sleeted Secretaries;
The delegates headed In their credentials la
tin f9lloirtag *hie.;
Prtrestneatt.`—lest; Ward,-13amael Barnes,
Daild Rudman.
.8167114 Ward, , ,Thotoes Steele, Joshua Shales.
Tided Ward,- Andrew Mollesters, Thos. U.
AF Amal Want—l:Verner, Raney Denaldeen.
• sym G. McCartney, Andrea WU.
ftizth Wank-460=3A. Bewley, Dante! Arm
. atrong. -
&malt `Ward—Christian Oyer, Henry Wilson.
Eighth Ward—William Woods, John A. Ger
: 4eant.
'Nita Wank—James Little, Jame/ ht. Luke.
Auannalt—Prnt Wasd,—Jahn A. Soott,
I.Behwarta ,
• &mad Ward,—John Glair, 'Alex. Moore.
ThinT Wank—it. C. Alexander. A. Gobson.
'fourth Wad—.lu. Maiehatl; Jas. Park, jr.
Burris =Bimini/Am/I.—Dr: J. D. Contwan,
• And. Patterson:
"Bast BireriestAasa,—.lt B. Carnahan, George
Slisabah,—ltobt. C. Walker, Jas. A. Ekin.
; asuthrittsburgh,-7uces Wall. John Beek.
West Pittsburgh,—.J. P. W. Hancock, Jacob
hilaittard. _
Wu! Etizebsth,—.E. Percival, Dr. J. B.
firl:efoort,—Wm. Money, H. Harrison,
Harbingh, T. H. Nevin.
. Oakley, Reese Lloyd.: -
Slunpaburgh,-17m.4. .1. a Roberts.
Tatestum,. 7 .Terate Robt. Otniford.
Zenerenerak,—Dr. Jae. Robinson, George P.
Smith. ' • - •
iltaneltatei,—W. H. Philp/41)mM Itather.
Lover EL .1.• Biglam, .louthan
Upper ' Bt. Clair,—Cispt. J. 13Ierm, Samuel Via-
•. ' Bobinarm, - -John, bl'Claskey, John Ma.
Fautley.—Tohn Wileen,.Georga Baran .
Odartios.—Wm. Perkin; J. L. IBBard.e. .
Moon,--John Graham, W. A. Riley.' •
North Fayette —William Mcßride, Jaoob Me.
South Fayetut.—Bstinel Mine, Janes Patter
Knospden.—Hugh hicElhenney,,,David
Jeffenow—James McKee, Joe. Pearce.
Douglass, Henry Large.
Badwin —Thomas McKee, Samuel B. Moore.
Veresilles. —James S. Riddle, W. A. Shaw.
Pitt —Robert Palmer,. Wm. A. Herron.
- Peritex---las. Mitchell; W. N. Suraileid.
Collins.—W B. Negley, Thom. ' Alkena.;
Pam —Thos. Park, Henry 11: Stotler.
, • If'dkins.-11. W. Horbaugh, J. W. Ranee.
' Plum —H. D. Flog, Armshrong
Pattott.—Jno. Morrison, Wm. Shaw._
.E7MAstA.--Francis .T. Gardner, John Pat
tareoc .`
Ear Deer.—J. C. Ross, W. J. McCleary.
West Ilecr.—W S. Gray, Jno. Kennedy.
Saaler.—John Lloyd, John MeEthenney.
•litdiona.---Charles Gilmore, Robert Moe's
Reteroe. — Chas. Pugh, Hobe. ATTIOII
Rom —E. W. Cook, D.s. Carib:share.
JP Candless.-4. Ramage. A. Grubbs.
Pine —A. S. McCord, J. stoups.
Franklin.—Geo. Kelley, Alex. Means.
Ohio .—Pahl 4. Way, Baronet Neely..
It was moved and adopted that no persons
• skald have access will& the bar except deli ,
gates and reporters of the press.. The ale was
adopted permanently. . • •
Mr. R. O. Walker moved that the Convention
enter into the eleotim of a candidate for Dis
' trict Judge.
It ma on motion resolved that candidates for
Treaenrer, District - Attorney and Assembly, be
balloted for at the same time.
_ Tha i :anus 'of Messrs. Dr. James, Carothers,
Francis Seam; and
. . S Rymer, were proposed
for Senator. - -
=The President announced _ the withdrawal of
the name of Francis Keane.
" Mir. T. M. Marshall withdrew the 1181710 of
Mr. /Water, at the request of the latter.
Dr. JAMOSCirotbere was then elected the can.
'data , for Senator on the Whig and Anthasonio
• ticket, by acclamation.
The names of. Mottos Hampton and James lv
Kuhn were proposed for - Judgeship.
.Messrs. Heigh S. Flemlng, Thomas Daft mid,
7obn Wißeck- were proposed for Trounrew.
Meseta. E. P. Jones, Cicero Hasbraa, S. 11.
layer,. Brae, and A. M. Watson were
nominated for Diana Attotney.
*After some discussion,lt wme resolved that
Elaretary should commence et the bottom of the
list; and call the districts Onwards, in balloting.
Mr. ;ems Marshall, of the Fourth Ward Al
legenjq presented a Letter from the Allegheny
Temperance Aisecietion,to plea fa nomination
- for the Legislature strictly ..Tempeataut Maim
Law men. They represented Wlarge portion of
the Whig party,- who were rescind not to vote
• for any person -for the Legislature unless avowed
.Tumperancernen. - .
• •Oa motion of Thomas M:. Marshall, Hee., the
communication was :read and Mei
• 'The AM ballot resulted as follows:
• .=MCI' .117DOIL
. , ,
.Moses Hampton, -
James L Kuhn,- '
'klugh B. Flanittg,
Thomas Daft, • .
-'-john - -
E. P. Jam,
A. M. Watson, -
el. H. Geyer, • •
D. D. Bruce, • - . -
Closes Hasbroiok, - - .
.doses Bakopton was ainommed the candidate
..of iKte iflig putt' (or Diatriet Judge, and Rush
8. Fleming, the candidate for Treasurer.
- • Filipolght being necessary to cholas, anode.
."'se' Wick' for Prosecuting Attorney was IlaXICIISII!
'... A motion to adjourn until I.o'clock prevailed.
• .
dam:woos fliestex.•
AA the hour appointed the , Convention was
'called to order. ' -
Onumtion, It wee reached to mark for all the
tie:mining oftioee—Dlstriot Attorney, Treasurer,
gerrayor, Commissioners, Aesemblymern sad Au
ditor; at the urns Woe,
Mawr& John Kennedy and Wiliam Welt were
proposed for EuTepor.
Meson Bennet Lake, Adam Reed, John Butt,
James B. Glenn, Jesepb Taylor, Luke B. David
_ ecm, E. J. Break, James McLaughlin and Lewis
- J. Firming were named for Commissioner.
Menra. Thaws, A. Rowley, Thomas Penney,
Jaws Dunlop; Charles Baylor, Thomas Kiddeo,
!imam Wilson, William J. Smiley, E. P. Pratt, ,
Darid L Bcoltii. Caleb Lee, Jotbn M. Porter, C.
B. Bloc:, W. 0. Lulls, J. L Brindle, ; George
McCombs, T. J. Bighsan, John E. Puke, Jacob
Gcy, John J. Muse, Dr. William lokuice, Jos.
Johnston, B. A. Meltay, John Alexander and
James iLudiall verb nominated tot Assembly.
• Mr. Bis,lani deo:Meted running. but after some
die/minion he permitted Massif to be balloted
• for. '
Mr. John Alexander deckled conning, as did
The marking wu then reasuced ape resulted
MB follows :
• suivoroz.
Jon Kennody, -
IBMs= Rost, - -
Mr. granedy ■u ancoartael the rocobisfol
0 03,1141,tc-,
517.11c4. • 3 1 Ge.te.
" Batioit 1.11i4., 4 withdrawn.
Rita, .. 4 0 . •
';',Joba 800 ti... 4
Jima B. Blinn, 84 44 85
•• Joseph 'Saylor, G 2 _
Buko.B , Balms', 7 8
J. Brook, 85 - '5l • 71
41*. Iffer4r4llls,• 2 lead:awe: .
I-Vetoing, • 15 • 8 - 5
lazkili McCormick, 2. .
litr E. J. Brook yin deolAred the duly r lac tod
let b•I4A. 241:allot.
34 18
33 • 30
Jame' H. Clibbeny,
John Maw:,
Janes E. Fiaarift,
. WO= Salta,
. Li illfrtt.
. '''• Thi• toilet. . 1410212 i ;.
.... r A... Roeder, 10 Ilwele. "um, •• • .22
LT.! . et
__Pli r r.::.= . i "at%t il ir il l .. 7. " . " - '''''• 1
. elrd.
.1.-..—f...2. 14 1 .3ZirPaA......^.7"'"7"-
-„,z.i..-.E...c...=:::: it tf..,l,== --- I
1 .,
2:171mh0.....:::::. -- : et la
~ ..e
. " --. ..."1-77::: 7 :: 52,
...,................,.., 0 opiteepriu.nalee......--11
.- - -+..... r...,....-____
... ,
• •• ; -The Itei. Chsirlits Ifsylar, 7:ditzt M., Perin,
. ...1411n11. l'Ark, Jobs 7-.6113.4e, sad dis Hoe. T.
•.:J. Bigamy merit' ~nooaoeed as th• • Omura
' • ticlip,titoril for dm oandldacT f6r Assie!bly.,
.1 .., . • : .... DIIITIUCT AITOXIBT. :.
' - _ *I belk: ed %Dot. gl4 b bilet. •
•IL Pi .. J ones, ,-; ' 49 -48 454 f "
C. Essbron4, .. 6 8 , 6 ;
I . & D.' Bruae; ~ 28 , ' 28 . - 18
-8. H. 04 7er. , PI • - 12 • wlllittswn.
A.M.iIiA.M.W ' 88 'B2 84
8084 &mn arias ulpoult.l,4 Keit of casaba*
I. *eel tor - nue oallsmosa, isPect the risaticna.
;,.,,18kie441.641- bask tarrlid daring the early part of
; •( •N,
'B. P.' Tow, - - - 61
C. HaserocuAr, - - - , - EV'
A. M. Watson, -- • - Si
D. D. 8:Q0e, • - -. 8
H. P. Jones was then announced the Willi
nominee for Proeetruting Attorney. •
It was on motion resolved that the Pi:tilde:at
appoint the Coroutisitre of Correspondence (to
amidst of thirteen pulpits) for the ensiling
Tear, and announce them through the papers.
A resoluttofi to altar the manner of boldink
Primary 'Meetings and County Conventione, wits
presented, but on motion waa indefinitely laid
011 motion adjourned.
.Cafe Sex Pr.= Etatn--Seien out of the
Mat of the beautiful and Coady bridges erected
along this road, within the dietanoe of about two
miles, were swept away or rendered impassible
by the late extraordinary. flood. The inhabit
ants along the road, and those within a range of
several miles, dame together and resolved to re
pair the damages after the way things were done
in the "olden time," without waiting for oar,
barters - and masons; and within about a week
lave rebuilt laid the bridges, and intend by
the ohne of the present week Co make the road
uss,good q now." The. President of the Com
pany, War. A.. Han,Esq , and the.direcitore,
'whose enterprise an energy had but jest oom •
plated the valuable improvement as far as Ever
green 'Handet, Intend, we are Informed, to oele
brat.* the timely seal sod liberality of their
neighbors by a Pro Me, on Saturday afternoon,
in a Grove near one of the newly raised bridges.
I.IIPSOVID Saw klin.—We noticed briefly ooze
tlme'ego, the Inanition of a patent flaw Mill, by
Mr. - A. 8. T. Copeland, Liberty street. Theme,
del has been completed, and fully answers the
expectations of the inventor. The machinery la
'sty simple, earl be mooted:at lore than half the
expense of the common kind, and is capable of
doing more theta four times the amount of work,.
With less than dne•half the expense of running.
Mr. Copeland claims, in his invention, the dis
pensing with rack wheel, gig wheel, and log or
timber wheels of the old mills, by s centripetal
or central glue*, in connection with a rectangle
triangle .re•actiag abaft, containing in endless
screw and pinion wheel, playing on tiro endless
eorewe on the 'Shaft, and reek of the RIM
carriage. In obtaining eight distinct reverse- mo
tions applicable to all kinds of machinery, Where
reverse motions are required ands `
epeolfie int;
provement claimed. Also, els improved Sew
Gate—two or more save being diagonally set
abroeet of each other to as to allow cutting teeth
In reverse ways on each edge, making sixteen
hundred outs per minute with four ewes. Also,
au improvement in setting and confining loge or
timber on saw carriage by wrench rollers and
screw dogs, far surpassing the former wayof
Mr. Copeland filed a caveat some time eine
fora patent.
Tampairsaas Marnmos.-4. temperanoe meet
log was held In Bewlokleyville on Tnesday eve*
log, wash was Wray largely attended. .
Jno. M. Elirkpatrlat and other - gentlemen de
livered addresses.
This evening a eseetiog will beheld is the Mir
miegherri Merket House, at which Mr. Melltt
rick will deliver an addrees. . .
• Tax Ox suns Wilx - -Aidttmatt Bocittissin
delivered a very lengthy decision yesterday, in
which he gives s verdict in lane of the defence
—the 'proprietors of the Oranitiaree.
Another snit was twinned yesterday before
the unto magistrate, bat wee indefinitely post-
- •
Ezscrraw.—the him around &onto Ground,
at Two Mao Ran a has been ereatod, as haTo been
a caliber or maw
Workmen are actively engaged in erecting the
estitig billiand the remainder of the booths.-•-•
Two barns hsra been bntlt.' •
Permeet's Magitzine tor September, received
by H. P. Callow. ' •
Barrer, Aug. 81.
The Earopa arrived this morning llt . hail pint
eight o'plook. She brings the following addition
*l items of neve:
The Empoto; , of France has rellutinialte4 Me
contemplated jotarney to Dieppee, on amount of
the new compheatlon of the Aosta= viestiau, It
It Is unwired at Vienna that should Bustin.
Maki any kiwi& into Teals, Austria would ea
°Pp/ ,the foototepe Of B e.. .
Dates from St. Petereburg state that notwith
standing the negotiations for peace, the . war de-,
putment was as satire as emir.
The Cur's aeseptanoe of the Vienna propoei•
ties was net unconditional; he won't consent to
evacuate the prinolpalities, until the Porte Iwo
mgned arranipiment, which is tantamount .to
a concession of all the points In dispute.
The Persian 'abeam:lot has assured the Porte
of &Waterloo. The Bluth was raising a lute
'force placed at the Elalttat's ,Lig§.7lsti7
The Sultan bas ordered the Greek bishops to
rebus to their Iblahoptfaa, as they have bees
Ifeet:doing the Russian agtnts hi fermenting die. -
orders in various parts of the country.
New Orleans pipers of Wednesday have been
recielved. The papers speak hopefully of a slight
decline of the prevailing fever. Among, the
deaths are Cornelius Connor,of Westmo reland,Ce.
Pena. ' and Virgil Morris, of New Took.
Dates from Timis to the 19th, render the eleo
don of Pesae, as Governor, certain. Bell is
elected to Congress by= oveshahnieg wintry.
The Interments for the week, commencing on
18tb, loeludleig fever, wen 1442.
The markets are stagnant. Cotton: the week's
sales were 800 bales, the receipts 600 stook on •
hand 10,000. Flour Guild/di - held at $4 Aso
Vilibltey: held far quarter admen; no
salsa. Cheese So. Provieloas Arm; 100 hltds
Bacon Shoulders cold for 64, packages extra; 188
MS/ Man Park at $l4- 600 bags filo Coffee at
101. Other articles eincluagad.
The followlug n3mhastions were made by the
Magi of Cbester Coanty:—Assembly, Joseph
HlMumma, Willi= Chinese and Jesse James.
.Philadelphls Whig nominstlont —Distrtot
toroey, Wm. B. Heed; County reassures, jobs
M. Colerum. Milos Gilpin wee ine-nomiersted
by the elty codas:mt. ' fleastar. Charles O'Bell.
Assembly, H. &rang, C. it Hut, Joseph
Bleution, sad MltiLlsum B. Monts.
Nits Chessaire, Avg. 80.
n • reports of Interments had not been oom.
plate previously to yasterday, for some dap', ow
ing to ► difflaalty about the Calbollo Cemetery.
The report yesterday to 120 cues of Yellow
The clamber of inUnments to-day was 189, In.
oladlag 125 of Yellow ?aver.
Arrived, oblpir Osseem.trom Vicksburg.
Liberty from BOA, Moms from Bortoo• Thor*
Is nOIIIEII3 doing in the inuakete.
0111011111171, Aug. $l..
The river haffallen 4 babe* •tnoe Ise! aligbi;
It Is now ratnlng. .
Nsw Your, dug. 81.—Flonis 26.000 bib
State at $6 88(46 66 Okla $6 60(35 68 actin;
1.260-Dbl. Ohio at $5 7b®6 , 87, cow Muted.
Wbeat: 60,000 ba Western at $1 84; Goo MO
at $187; pan/lasers demand, eonomalon not
generally conseded. Coro: 45,000 Mt Yellow at
77; Mixed at 76 Saliva. COffia: 5,000 bag" Kra
at 81; Jan at 111 steady, Bogart 16,000 !Ads
N. O. at 61. Mnecorado at IS; Hanna IS Arm—
Molsestm 200 bbla Manmade at 22®24 steady.
Tobacco: ICKtiabde at 8+2,8 for Kentucky, quiet.
Linseed Oil: 200 galls at 68G87, steady. Whis
k, 650 MA/ Ohio at 201, steady, :York: 1 000 ,
bbla 0,0 16 67 ; Prime , 818, Omer, Wm.
b e e : 200 bbii:4.sl2 50, lumff. Beef hams, 18
®lBl,.steady. 800 etZ•ked es ee 7®7J; 260
/Moulders at 01; bun 81, Tom, 000 8818 88
11®1 1 / 4 11ror. anent: 4,000 bales so." 1 14 ZOO.
. Ihrmenntata, Aug. 31.—Tbe Ilottris market
le nu gale; tales Malted. flour, more enlist
ty; sales of &boat 6000 bbls et $660 for fresh
gma d, $5.76 far atipatlint, and $B6O for nits;
thereto good demand, for ally 00allamytIon at
former rstea. - Rya flair and Cora meal,
log doing. Wheat, is demand; 4000 but red new
souther. at $1.17; coon net prima at $Ll6t.
good saw vllllO at $1.25. Ilya no galas moat.
ed. .Tho market is nearly bal e of Con; 4000
bus Yraurylrazda and Statham yellow at 14
71i. bat madly 71 ic store.
7 . withdrawn.
OICKES9 boxes beak Orem
‘...1 ChicKintriag by raurputon• terriebr
pooB-6 boxes fresh Sus, arrived sad
abri*lsbr . fsaln ?NM Wart • ON; ,
OILEF2D MI& No.l Tama' Oil and Z)
~ IL'~N:l'3 ~ ~Sb_~lf , 9'.7fi ~r~S'~"isP7*s~
REZBE-0200 boxes whin 13.•au.*13_heass
is stars au! are male br J.' 11. UANTOILD.,
SINGLED 01L--20 toble. Limited Oil, for
.1 are br• rest) • • .2. 1030011 CO.
eiRON-100 tons • Oalitornia rumor'
-11 :0 11 ",1 6101 . 1. " 'a. norms rod
TARD-10 bbla. and 15„41} N" "4
V a li , gm , am al. Y . =EM * CO.
WISH-49 bbls. No: 3 Aim for sal*
IT , .t. • a. starp.„,
\ \ \
. ...
- , .
~ - . , —, .
'. 1 .P,...., -- --- ----;', :.. 5. , .!--P ftigtv - -;''...1-, ... 1 ...4-J, , , e , , ,„,;-. ...:r. ..; ..., it,,..e"- , , ,, . , ••,-,,,,,,,,.. ~ ,- , ~..,,,,,, - . 0..
~.,,,,, •-0 , ~,, • ,,,, .a... , :„ . 4 ,,
•` ' •= ~,, ....f„. " r,, - - : ; : „.1::'..."•, - ~ ,,i , e ,- ,--s - „ , , , , , ,,f . ~-„ ,,,,t,, ,,,> ;,,, ,, ,i- a . Qi , , - , - 1 , 4 , _ , ,- - ,-, ...‘,...-1; ~ - - . ,h,.„ ---' 4 ., 4, " 4 e , . 1 ".--...r''''.' •f'' -'?"' '' . .4%."
~......-;._,,,..' ~ , --.. „J'.., , ,,,c 5 ai.,,, _ ~ , ,,l,_,=:_-,..v4v-:-....-2.,,_,: e .eq ~.. z-,,, ! - ''' ', ' , .. -- #-lii i .` - ' 2 . 1 t. 7 ''.,Yr.C.FV1,12 1 ""?4 , •IN - '.." , -"..'"- 'C' r - AV.+ k ,f. '
. , • f - • - • -s", ~f..-4
•„ -„ ..,-.-''', ,- ' `.: '' , •'-'''' --; ,- .4 .- ' '.-. •:, 'i ~1.:,,, '''.. •E,, 4,`:: , ...',: - " ' -.. 1 ' lx" ,-, _ . r ;;;. 7, ,,, : it-tiit-,f:tr ...,-',' ti,, ,
,1-;' ,. ... ) .ezy: .. - 5 -7.:„...''. 4 .----.-,. r;`.. -,-4:!. , i ---,•-•_,,,..]:. "-• P • -,' ' •'""" Z-. •,,, \ ,,,,t(t., `c":',",,,,,,,
~ ~;
then proceeded to
Attorney, result-
' • :: 7. . : llttesPsesessiotuf Gissitri. ,
:tnuirdaT =antra. Eesteriber . 185.1.
Wa Sunni swys* ?away. secankablyttall.•lth no
inane:Was at say.Sstauss to mot& Wbatiiir actJytti.
will manifest wsi imalntd to the Jobbing and norinitair
ILOCia•—•tberpwavizoiirivaiir: meerdar. and , wa aro
saapther withent Quotations. • `Me list *minims" =tee
!:.$ 4,76 €441.81. bot gra maniocs au s!lvariee thetiti tact
eottvi Low biestaralied . . • . ,
. ,
ogre—. sale an antral of 22tt inn. at a; demand Is
B. CON-sat. latterly. wens dullelbsilled:s3,l we Quo".
Was cf 542 pas. 'nixed. at 65(.555M far - &hoc[dem 730 7 %
On Sides, 'ad latoohy. for: Rance. Yid 15900 ths!ShoUklerie
and llama at 13Ma9jg. ,, . 7
CO/FEZ—thane'. ai ideal demand for 60E4, frcm the
trade, and sags ofBoind 59 tugs 0.1034 four mot• •
MOLASSES—duII and slow of ask • We are : adibied o;
tale. of 2) and .10 bbl,. at 22, e 3 pry package,.. • •
WlllSLES—demand steady, and ague( so 80t1.50 bids.
71 )134161.%)--yallin 0710 lis Vhictala 21,14,t at 10)i. end• . ,
17 k.&i do xi 10.
. BBGAR—Wes an manned to small lots to: the retail
trade. at inertial rates; weir lot of 10 boas Bradt at SU.
11E1W-saes off, tons at 6140 P ton.
01 1 11 1111E—obeeks are low. and we :are aithout TWA. or
sates; tha marten. Orm at eg. : •
PRlCK—vales of 16.(00 eotamon Dollvir at $26 *Pe
GL6l36—s ells on Tuesday of Lb) bin. 64 , 110 at 62.16,
nab. but this it belsei the views of. bottete
' P/TO/1.-salse of 100 btls. at $3,12. [Tit lass 1240. at
$3,26. and 26 do. at 52.67. nod • •
I. atm lin nll. saris, Auji.2l-1 , 1401...The motet te•day
dolts utter. and Drleea sea a m. gal. ware 100 d
Was Howardbb andr nd 1400 Dbl. Clty 0 1 / 1 1s. all at aS.2I.
Team neaa than sellers is the market to-3a,
ORAIN—We tune an salve demand. cud .11 IMPt O w.
meat In the poke. tor .11 doserintionnof tirsitarlde morn
ing. About 2•,000 boothele of rinest were atMartet. sad
se has amen the ease tor enre dm* pute,a.t....o.
l. were In Inman:der, conattrorntly Ca a Iler lota
sold at the top Ileum torwor-erb.E 6 ,66 at et., 18
cents below our quotatloce • We quote tale to prime reds
at 108a11216 ante , ad fair to prime whiny. 114s118 rent&
vary 0 66/enamels tor a bou t If our brengl2oo.2l ce n t s The Wen 01 Corn nese 0.00 bathe% .1 LoYad I cents
for white. and 60a70 for Talley- Wart land and .11zalola
l I.c ife Bales of 1 1 :Ot1:,%81011 117 or
do • at 32.411 eta.
Yaortesces—Tnere la a fair dame et so/Jetty InProfit.
Iroe, sed prow at, 'firm with an upward tendency. :11
good Input*. • prevails for 3teas.6ork. We note sues tr.
dot 01100 bnle. at $16.23 Balt shoulders are to demand
at oa ate Bales on Sattrnlsy of 113 hhde. 61( eta. on the
Mt • There is an aorta Oesnand for lawn aL anda
Sales to day t(80 MIAS Ittoulders at 7X17% ote. =l
hbda 011.• at 70t(Ts8 emu, No trammel:lon, hare tallan
place In feed—lt lahe d firmly at
- a tlow
thlu t wee y k l W e prise.
BeCf—Th whist d e s ign - t w
o lo o a nets Eut a ernma
Wa n d ..
and the Delano/. 740 sold to shy butehera at prices num.
leg fre1n13.1214 to 4 4 25 on the hoof .08.1 11,:aaa8,25
nem and seasedne Thew. • •
dallied — U .ll lr.! Tirl reo.,‘ 11.103ilarfra lut e,ir 61. the
1170,806 E — A IIO ./ 110 .4- • ' •
. •
Itchlar nail decidedly' mme euy. Sotne et the Banta
dharantad. neat y their reeelida. ar4 other. , marred
mareln. but there eruandttutty anteater could* enolol
of morsti. ", The hnoortatlona hare been lust. and there
has been a dtunanzt for dutlre.—N. Y.Trlb. • • •
mus ruaa, 73. 4rolninedin.e.
A:ohm" Athalee, Wheeling. _ :
• ' •Larobe. Beltaboover. Clubman:
Ntahisin No. 2. Welt
• !".Ninhanini. Rhodes. Wheeling.
Us limn—TUN were 2 feet 2 inolui water 'ln the
channel lid evening it dunk •
• WHEELING, BS 1110:To114.4 ta. 1 Dig Iron. A
Mulles: 1 bond-0 & oo: kts wool. -1) lime& o:
b2oudlolded,Proneloeur; MIA paper. rook, dr M.
..; • drop, a a Bolk&E.10 woad ware. W Wood
!: Bout& Lkor.;-132 K. B • Lundy'. Lane-191 cki copper .0
Otlooln; 4 toklolnther. HUB/ 64 Lako Champlalo Opp
to; L.l Id Cook; 99 Yt moods,/nor & loon; 29 do,. Ir. In: I
112 mard.les. Illobobon & Pam& 193 tam 0h000r..7 D Coo.
Told; 49 do. Lambert & Wotan: 1 kg platno. J t It floid;
dos broom, Iteark t Eltkpotrlots. 1$ aka woo. Amp.
. „
1:1111C1NUTI. By .All,lO pie, lend .6 a. o 4
ooporr,ll bbls a iron. Lrack &writ: 9do 'r Jove; k
Quirt: 42 As pool. Mr tsar= & co; .29 kgs rob. 2 bra W. Potadaztaz.
- 17INCIN/ULTE 82 bbls row whiser. 10
do rharnal. W Batton; Ikg utd, Jortu Bratty; 2do
larprol t rr . a4ll•lll=4 , k; [VT I, 7 W c :l r sgr i r
lierinsfaa a 0 1 :d . 2.6 CoPerison.- . 10 boa tea 7:1 .
WIlrot: .20 bblr
.41.rrhbkry. Boar BM cCatoloc- f . do marble
do 20 roots wool, Barker 0o;110 bbl. Dour.
ot1 O ! 7
By Allihroy 11•11 r No 3-2.1.018 hod
P Brag lEa broke: gagUrbr •20 di papa. W
8 Hama 90 Mar srolstor. random: 118 do, .1 Ur I er;l2
ha, .in. Jonas a Demon 20 lads . whisks's . ..l Durchloroo:
9 by drugs. B.llBellers.. • .
-:Be. L 0010: Pr 11 T Yestattn-3 an ma. Jo-es k Dar•
ny42 00 WW 0 1164. , 1 0045
. 22 but leattuin. 10 (2.4 14 061.
W/18171Y17; BY 81C1A.1101.-70 to tab. D T Woman:
WO di .100 k trot. Kennedy it C• 4 11 rolls paw, 1 tx
-1=.306. Bien Punt; XI biles cotton. Weaned, t co: I
lot viz imitat Ittinaltoa '4 rig, 23 Wale weber. otter . 60
do 13 oat. 4(410 do plasm to: 12 strki 4,034 1 b4(011•Itch
Wady: 31 sk. ‘404-.19 (e ,
01:201102A21. By Clark r . -2p Mb lard 01. Jozpw
Denny, 22 410 40,01; W Parka:lo3 bbls fora. Brown It
10 320401 0 10 124 tits .statlurt. Leech 2 et •
0 kP B /1.13r0m W•1 1 / 1 1.0.ti0y - K1.100at Ati.d —lO
WWII map;enrveo; 34 bdls • butd1.6..11. Itillym 1
I.4ootueott flarr: 10 Irto ant truett IWI fl NM.
Tema?* grutiota. 0 lructr; 7 bbli s hon. I . t/g do, 3
Dan wed. 10 tis them Lorenz; Steinitt nig 2 cultht
tall. 71 FL Easok/aZdY 1320 006 htlet. (I 71 Attiorm;
tons aye clay. C thamor. 1 roo 1401 taper, W.114(.0411;
32 , 1 . 640 0. m 1 03 00 :40 1 0. lierdosao:•
1 kt
1114.0426 10 ht DIL Wier; 2 bz• 01.6. W OA
-4t1:4 1 03. kikkknu, Dri4lo: a batemer. W 111.130,36.
• - - -ByMAILROAD.
o. a. r. btraata 2 bbla
botMr P Peamon: 630,857.180. ba stoat WiLaanb
s ece Do. =ado do, Ltrytus, Konnoir oar 10 Us but
kr. 3 0514 ramp. 21 o stnisar, I bi A our. Lltirtgalow &
ma 41 bbl irost.l. *
obibls atipt,Adalas
rot 215411* W •Ol eta 2 earstar; D 00001UPPC,
194 bo f Dna. Hors! Te tort. 2 aftr. 4 L Btae;
0515 00ar. ral 40 Op do. Volk nun 312 Dot tatd. 10
Way.. Or: bunk batter. ft Ibis Do% Wow,
1* bow J Pattoo:111 b t u
rota J Hort 45 Obi &am'? la
b:iron. 22' Mb 5450 r. 71090.10 bib. 2 roll ob..
Tamara& 2Cu 9018, 12 Colman; 5 bap rata:oar C BD ,
151alte vmattabloo. IL Youird. sdo 121.19. gr, D
U lo llo B thlifi fi niti t lara , !
• ;/0 Aq oteat. , 2sldiaston2B3 barb flowarf Ilayo
fIARPer FOR 'BALD—WiII be sold at pcb
he tabk•noFriday, tbs. EflXTYEtilli, DAY OF
PT1L111114181.9 - st 1.1-teclook.s.s . the well known
FARIF•F',Farral ellmo. decometl. Nan 1101M.IIIP. 0.01411
mil , . ft raV tb• eif i. , oratalstogrtlNX FIUNDSZO AND
scour seillli_.,. - imnorostests an: • 'Lam two
atom SUCH :110 dt costatalos tru -roma; ti - ,irell
1 1 =ra h •Yls suit ° ij h
trier., Yet. farther pit i r.teur
141=• ea Qs smarm, or to , - - - 4cunt DOTOr Chant atY.ek
• 1.12111.--Tbis thrention (a .. ankle bkilimennble
In sonany. will mast amyl, embank'. all cab
n 'num An. betas ankthiyethane ealfuettall.
cloths' Unchains uno Lb. In, ihneeas gently but a.
surely upon Lt. do not lothini tbs bast Mlle.
They eatirot b. split or broken Mks th• o 4 kW., ski aa
they D only b. tot.. off by baba. as. tot Usbl. on D.
hat. and olotba. faunal by rhea DOD never blown Off by
'23 Won Ical indeed gal sal..by_tbe gram or dos.
go. by W. A. ASAW.tiliO.
ant Onus amid to. Dation, .
IRINOR • & CO.'S' celebrated ENGIJSII
11111715D.--Ther rolnonlbor boo b 'appointed
anent in PlN.boor tbo eaiet of ibis •U?mpsebr
bO/r.ankle of to .bkb b. vapid nopleoWally call
the Wootton of linen.. Dentel. and Me mobile g 0...
folly. it I. admitted that In ftrar oad Manion to other
annufletare, !welts or a mouth. can *pal it. We ban
au hand. but ID kegs. amok* blot ardl shortly b. In re”
eeci mildest to ell all
b...a larga or otaalL -
Dui/ - . N R wood w ind Sloth sires
Old Murk= Whirs mkt /24100 1 / a zi;
• . • wig, t$ sod Moslem Dolly:111.iab, french sail °moan Crown.: .
. 111.1hrsea Osemillred Mikenalinr
, Amnia 8124 atztot Dembloan 4
• gervetegra sad Maoism
24. Dolan; sad piwelaceis ~
tor vtdcb 1 will pa the blananmatimiree io Aiml
l we.
Cola. Stook mull • EL 2.1 2140
ea Atoka.
OTllltaneeMr E. Z. SEarra—loll me my to gala that
l'i i " :l3,l7l ` e v intr f e Tail= °TX; :Ls 14:1
le me algid Irluenot Ito oupcUnc aut warme—the
=uncut one.' ter•aose onalute•l then naretnaul
Nab of 7 411 .• MO litylthh apelled tutor ow hun
dred large worn. li/D. Oncou
Tong toornsafg, loltnnott °aunty. Pa., 1017 h,1633.
ParetUa ulablni tt lferut lientelne. that nor be nhUod
upon, slunk! tun wowed •od Old by
H. Z. 61XLLUB8. AI Weal street. .
ol kltipio BR T GATELEREEL— , For
al•eac matron blab trees, vitboat th•
- mnins-Justrsc: h st ij a of Ma own soprorsd
sos.srssolos. Yrs suitable tor BtrsonuoT
tostn, sad Potato diset Onorlar Bow. for
Mr or Gorn mirkma poems; and • grist yr
Katy of labor assUjr tmannonts for oho Garden soil
fluor. Dunning% tat / sad othar standard work. on
Trod; rower. Hoorsb o Aroblorotural sod Lrrodsears U.,
rlsolnir.lbr Ws at Bent and loorla oo
nomt Wsrsboso
49 tatessL — • J•11t8 WAIWROP.
In part of importer Inert Qom Batt y bold r=rilodatog HrOeea, D 4 of Yorks, Pota:o.
Haab& Once Boots. bro 4; 041 srpiodioll
mita tor Abe %soda; or conatlall. 8..4 POMMI of varkaa
I=a, Corm ltstos, (halo Crwilts,- Scythes
18;nPir sod 81.1 b Clutterr, Corn ebellorsS 4
Porpra.4l.l and 000tplats *Portant B.B
tor Lb. or. OarlPott. and Darman. Tit ; 81. 14 'fur
otos, flow (krona* Jo; tbo eyed 004 Implo,
sca; n t will owe. 48 Mr% Poet.
otral roil.; Oft if 480130 P
BQEIVINO—BIadk, bias, dahlia, violet.
otle m e rk gran, and bran fanah, 11liana ad alm
a C 23"; Mandl. hada lkoteb, .wt Amlean
plata a Lay Omani
la, plea an fill,
=ad awbablerad. lendTalll3. • )d ,0-enda
artU baby 13 aorta ate alit of blef reeds
Ure plane, ad *ante all order. la the enrolee'
llata MINS AID SPY'? flanDY NADI CLO rillbt)
loyal/bine bade a groat vaelaty.. 2fo aloe Abell be
eared to mate dotal, nal" tbo headneartare for mao
aad boy. No au", for aboottentloods.
• • CUISTIS6 24 . W00d Mae ,t
SS. We lo Please. iota
•• .• • •
rooolved_Ror Rapa7lvaala Railroad:
Op " 1 41,(4. Oat op op Dux Emboik sdm Outs drab
.41. In TI I.lt2pr F 4c.3 I.4vbeir
eatl S t ti. N s.„ ‘ ar s =llc (10 Sit.M luza mt
611.101:41:1 1 11MIgabOf .V.l. 3l . ll NlVrZt i g i tT.
.aaU• .-- j. CIL
AuTirgui..copiNTßy. SEAT FOR
athite:Or o 1 pet m thec• WO.
1.12 =t . :2:ifla
••• gown:dem* vlt• DOOO2OOll
itattP r af•- - Wl - of OW. Plain awl Ol•t•ro of von
Molar at the 6001.-41•• • 14114 Min, a 4 ltrablrag.
4 "'mum • 01,3 i mow.itko fmr, 1••41••
wl mar to tb• Noblaotomi
Mar M tam apply to
ak r1 3 4.•=1 01.4 d 44
rico of 111,1X0. s
sa23 n. !detain!. 41 Web strut.
ji4ORTUNR IN IRON—We *UI eel( you
•• • Wwd Vinapmx 'M
. with ANZ 111 1 / 7 1M0
or tIPOD /AND to Vsnalill. ecmulty. it mid*
sow.° G bowt hoe to LW, Otaricit daring tho bard Woes
of %V. ll s esa be pa& is bloat to three moots*, and a gar.
Wee east sods ss 0. ibart Ilim. _ iiiin n • tbassie. In.
.10 , 1• et' saitlll 1 . 1101111 WUCIDa, ii • stmt.
Cerlo.lllll4.2efined winter grieuns 0)
am.. •
liam m wrim ="47 l " . l% frl u r ai
fa 1.011 . M, MEM cs Lull op. amlicloWp_tprrva
- - Egasol . 11141.1 An DUJA-•
itenom tta,--1,000 pieces plain films;
jup SOO tamer caave.64 Munn N , O plow
r min viri4
w 1 Xl9 " Etrte n '§ in""A°?-r-
SUGAS--40 hhdo. fair N. 11: Sugar;
to ° l a t ti. )l lll. ), :artr l oirmaar Woos:
oco okoo so.,k
iV • • 004 so Matti Mood.
Q FAA B-11, WI Saga whit* Beata. /or
AJP Mad kl • 11. IWO.
e dye...
SN Llbet/t'rwt
, '-- • - - -
r i'tiffi:BOA*l l 's
]j OR ZIINESVILLE--The fine,
• danaer JULIA °., W Ilags4l.
mutt, e loavet rittabnratt DEAN
fr O r
thls.4ls7 at P.n. . .
.. .. .
reknist 'Rftsbnigh-iuld. Wheeling Pas:
it "new, light disught paasen: ;:' ..':
I)7lllll4P reuvieaveLPittsborsh fen We * •
int eve ry Tuender.lannradar and Safnedsr. - at IGooelank
'AL It..natd Vti o b7llllB on I.loFtinn W:edneed . 37 nx4 IPnid &rya
th htlre l e ' nelinnhaile Ali WOlll.lllO. ithlbe6hl/;d,
t 1 . r.41 Pittoburt h•GniGnd. and et Wheettut with the 11 4 / 1
• ore and Oto B.ltrosd. -
The Alawnolln /a eatlzely new and dram; End 13 intplien:
Poo feet:Tht ntpsame. eetly on board. nett • ,_,.,- •'-:
attn. J. D. OuLLIGGWOOD. Aet, C2•Wnt•or• n,reer...
• Whegaing . PaOket: -
TILE new and, atannod spinner - •
• MiCELA.NOBilliet. l th oades. rusildatid.
VrEgillttri'd!gpobri,'Zia7=tri cad
Pjttat h
army MONDAY .WEIONLSDAY and YILDAY rt u e7a g th
! Ifttl i; 11 /Va c t l iWU s ittVit_t h tlt u r ' s g ' .:17a7 32 DAY.
Tbe 'Psabeope eenneel sat Wellealle trim pittr.'
lamb :ad Olrreland annroad whd at Wheats/a with the
11 upu
,11.:Irraggewnhirr nalread. - •
• . •J• . r YAM
_ _ 4 :if*,lizghangs ati entirely we and apenly loomt.•
qdier.7o= 27 4/I=er r lbTare=frioPitrl
WEMALE SEMlNARY4,—Tholuidersigned
takeplefiente In annonnolog thi - gual i kthatoehh.
a IV. to the establishment at • 1.85.1.ALD MINAIa
eif l a high thsreoter, louder the undo.* of the Btottne , l ,
'Episcopal Chart*, they here Purehated the -. Madden
house^. and 'grounds of ttio late - A.lllk. Esq.: sattUttel
the Allegheny Arsenal and design PrObledlog
r.edlately To wake snob . maize end looProrgrients ae They
he repaired to carry tot the purpose contrutplated.
they ice happy also to add that they hare rewired th. 4.
ilecriteL as Rector of the rktiooL or the RAC 'WILLIAM
MAMIE,. for. gun year.. Chaplain and Brtnelpal•
Teacher In the . Patopeco Bennie Institute of Plari/and.'
evodnotet by Mrs. Llneoln Phelps.
dlr. (rathe sill be sided by theroughly• competent ard
elbolent tesoSers in the dlftrent deportmente, and no
*girt will be spend to notate tee Institution even' any
peat to the Pont Bemlnery of the East: •
The &boot trlll be opened not liter than the lint Mon.
dor In Noretnhae next, and at en earlier date If gibe
I:11"U/ errenstements ten be ea nor completed.
- Mr. Ola•ke erpeoti to remove to thhirlw %bout the mid.
dl-of Beptember, arid alit then Issue • Prom:kering. set,
tine forth the plan, terzoa, te:, of the Irghool. • ~. •
' • • . 01.1VEn W. IIAtiNEB,
- • • CEORUE B. 'BELDEN. •
rlttelounth. Aug. 4g, Ufa atidlitler •
Yin re ad Laecok etreftnALLECIIIIINY MITT.
Neso drresmisene—Ber. JOHN ..NEWIILL, Pereldent.
nd ere(' eAor of Ala Benin /lethetnatleS; JABIZzi
. - NEWELL; LB. trofecter of 3hinlfeh and. Junior
donGIITII 9C3It.AITNITA SiSE111)11 of this in , alto.
Eli Ituneneeon the PLILST MONDAY /N nEeTYII
- The Course of Inscrnett.nn In tho Collegiate low
nartasent etabreee "Attn. Week ead Ilabrofer Intr.
ton; znethoonszles: natural and moral echneer; Int. oh+.
TenOnh belies lett, de. In the Junior Uepart=ent s
rnwriglbb M ik elTtrtheTolitt u tt=tirl ' A L -Icigri.
• •
. .
. . . ,
didegiiii, Diartion. ' per stsclin,— ~.,.' 416 00
Junior pennrtrangt (sounding ,(J nrsannnanght)
t: Pu : s3" 7 ..- 7:: i g
00 f.n , h luta. Der
.1e=,!.....' .....7..:
lig: c jl ?r ft oriT4 A 1.74%.. litig&, /u g q .5. 4 4
Hoe. Lipman, D. Doer, A., Dcride. hon.
.• W. Move, W. Ll.lutt, Biq. , 0. daimon, Po.
Ohoniero may be hal. from any ot the Trnsteep. ergar
I)ENN INSTITUTE-00 - the iorner.:;f
emoted exproaely for the parpooe.
• J 8511T11. Prinelpel.
The BAT. J. ht. Sawn, Principal of the prsig
TO r 6,• le kronen to tur es a genthonen omit sot], quail
molt calling, le scholium:O. toot. OnorliT
fait/ guinea
Her. Alex. T. 7110111.11.. b.. Prof. to W. T Seminary,
1t.,. M. D.D.. 'Whop of M. li. Churril.
Ber. Win.ll.4.r.ton. inctor of lot Preabiterten Choral,.
NARY—The LIM, .4 1 ..ES:.+11'N of ale f+cla..o) will
Awe. ca. Monday the Wrlftli DAY CP SEPSZ.
causes' throughteensy! twraty4i e weeks.
TrlmS. SZE ralsom:
Tulflutia decd Languages and all branches En. 1.% 00
•Motooo tO
Etetlocurr... . . . :6
• Hanna eompeieiii — ;;To
pared ro eweelve apnileauonc Dr a lounger Mae r
unpile. No pupil receved Dr a less term then oVel
entreat dedurtna for aburace except In eflat
protilnled Woes,. 'Sulam pa able ouequal . is sdr,ner'
the X‘SosLoasi Rhos near the slam, of the res. Lia.
air lullqo4 Liberty street; ha:lrma Thfr.i au.l Fourth
The T bk. 5814.01 et MD lortltottoo comon.
Monty the InYTII DAY OP 81SYTEAIDE:f. stArt ‘ ootoo
11.0051wroor ot terry sad Liberty streets. Istaly.axsmi,d
by the Moans. Veod , t. - - •
it<fermos—lloo. A. IT: Lot r tols, C. Koni, . Von
Bortoh , orn. R. Miner, Ir.. • • 5u2142,
CaELEOT SOIIOOI-Engligh, Claseical and .
MalAnnettrol—try. J. F. GEHL/ prnics ea lomat:ls
dint. or TEACHING on.TELIHUSDAT. bet e SeptrinbeE
Bora - from i o
ta lo extern 'send ars
dmitted to
.Beltonl lin applications nude by letters tharped.
the Pittsburgh toit Crafts or by Mum el boteleter avast
Liberty street, or at &heal lieores, notahlreet xreisr
Fifth end Great stn.; opteellte theCbart lfeaar . lealtdlea
so,nling to Res Ou
olution or the MOl
Councils, Pttded on Tues,luythe th or Agust, •
lt/ DOLE. • •
' Maros of the city of Pi itsintrzh.
• • GEORGEB. Dralli
11", JillitellEST, Mika nut, tiaar pom mad.
U. irsit,Pl.—qoatraote antesnd into far &Diamond ot Bath
town Iran. Locomotives, anon, buy? tothaart i z . r
• 11•11/.."4, An, loamy part or point Be n. the Ohba or
attrantratia or their dibmarda. ait BARU
ana mph and talent 1 , 7' Wand& Toni/loath. /oa
th, mine Ma deliver/ nr .rahoe. -ftz •
tbsrocra. . oinarnmen
F.cononly t
Y. he . load to Wealth.' •
' t ic; * Ju t ,
thin ovalusb as nna
gators Colts. U.:loan Inifon bstiltriban int:lU r n 114.-
botkles It Hoene
and Etre:WM..
zon. , t to.tidlot.. It So Wet, mono Irlu:nonlo t Wt.,'
PiiParrd In the onto/ war, and cetttal. itcr.D.nt. it e
trot sitenitinfloloti '‘nd Inr . itonstinz to the nyriem,
801.1 87 J. kli.thburgh, who LIU:6 foUr
zinatactarci. far thc Outtri. Statoor, and to .hoe all
cdery o-oeniapenlei cash. will mart veilsproatt
attentm. AU letiern - Warmed in J. F. KILATItiai
mare be vostlaid.. . frotik,l4,r.7,ALl
(AIN W YORK ARO L I VE BY ("Ok l a .
• awaltousTait.Line et
DM:MET SHIPS sill Weekly; and P
Tr AM ta ;11 , t 5i ll o il m O
pt.oz gagr i. ft!
. 11
moatta ltt
• nup Ltt.rtt
In dm *nit exec r.r PittoSatsh; be L. always on t... 1
Past. Tidies .4 !Qat Walla. trots fl to .t nm•n.nt
on Vv. Notional Itant. on.l al/ IL. brand.. In Zngland.
Iroland. anotlasol.o.nd Wt. cold Ito• of Intones. Al,*
N"" York . et tiLVVL,'.'"r•ad"
Inkbott* IrtaNtafr
• Carriagea.For Sale s /. • • •
rrIIE undersig ned has just zouslr
..s. from lha ast, at bu 04ltar101t
EllOUda...ltaat/d .earth. Toro wk. Hon, oltwo.m.
PltOPAntab. and Latrretlomllt, rplantal aorntovat or
Ilablcloa Elmer doserlptbn. onll motion. te mak*
regal arl rpm sod sacood•hand CAELKLAUGi. ULIIIO.
DUtiOLES, to. yr Wel to 0111 sell ow tho vary Wean farms
for alsb.. traylos bad twain rave wawa* la the trod.
.11/ extriltll 0/1 •Itsown f.4lPip.. fp lb.
&mars hIG.II In matins down .11 octaretttkm.
Taco* vlAbla to p. aro rorpoltroll, tarifa& to
call and r.• to do
IC•=2 tota l 'Ttailelltarfe 1.V61417ttit711.4S
..1.1.E.1 Tax.
' 1 .CO.,
.N . 0, 2 2 1 79 tg i
IYrreet otar Llbertj. -. .... rca . cfal ctrook•Allta.h.. :
or, ...Learns of Oho*: Wad, Leaden rlge.ll7ofonta
? wt.
Daths,Watarciccarts *.a. 11...
_. • •
.. Pam.. who lam war lo 9 litrtir llac win ao lathe
sal. to thrr mat -try on as Utclr work giordloa b 7:
Vltava wort tom, and SW V. aoulhatun crar owa lead
PIO. cod ahect 3•64 Ise cao MUNI to •ork at Iliad of low
co aim othar ectabllabccor to either el W 6 .•
• , Vmosw taws ths anartry who will, torwalmw Or
On• ~.....lITIITIM Vita' from springs will flea It to Mak ad.
wattage to rt. OA • call bob.. !Archway.; .froca aroce4
Ma ~. as ',mart Me only amonfactarar, of nre .dd
Erie Ludt. ths car. -
• 0r....r. inns the oOmaklforLesa fltwo. P11 , •ti.;..1 ...4
Pn .-, -PO V111•wa1....nen1ittr.,44...... Ifthltal*..l2l.
( anzrsa•a x'saaa.). • • ' •• •
FLOUR, PRODUCE, 'MID .4301111111111101/1
~ sosa llo.3l EWA. iroler stroct, - PHIZADEPHLO.
QTRIOT attontioo laid to the solo of
noon ann. moues, octoroon,. and toot a,.
dowel prom NM to man. s4Ustaati,a.
Seer , I.—.llsto. 8010, a Emu,. LlcArty street,
Plttormitt. or, to lteaste. Froogl • a ON. Whioalno. r.
BODY BalCS—liror the piartion ana 'two'
tlg;ll;4lnarOM P.:of .11=
.t.. 1 Prolaws.Ani, a.. so— th %unity at - Do.linow.
Wog yU
'. PATIONT B.KAOK Is tOo woll own Wed moth
u•warther . - ohoroaoila , kre. They are *Areal by le.
authority to oountry. Priarklat—
dereri t,ll re of 'Jul, opallelh. may be had crathhot ttta
tufdarr , good. For ,111 t• 10 shy haanUjy. arthOlesala or
Wall. A lad lataittladiaho. talon wanks. Bold by
oxonex L. travail, •
• - 140 N«: 4, Unit. Attoburgh. PA.
--- ate
' Improved Shoulder, Bract
jar Lodes'. Geatitmen'e, .I.llezes, ei.l Boy(
Shoulder Dreera—a lat so lo none ed. of the wet IttlPfur .
ad and • Leahlouable Cod. Intended to tabard stooped
'shoulder...oa bash. tunlogforwort,to. Those Shoal.
der hoarse are an • article, of wort volute. iiO4 ju. 'esti,
superior to moat articles of the sled In us. Th. tilanua •
wo's Sera aanr , t/ the purpose ot nuipel:Aart as volt a..
elloulder Brum, and at • stirs little alma • price of :
" Zr a seSe at a. it L-Yesul pr a t titii . 4lfiu 143 . wnlei
at Wooded and Pireda eller. Adifdro,
KOSS: BP aortal Fourth tenet, third coos below
.0 1n n tic..untt .. aid. Ttr i undrrrlgned rearettrlaUs Wry
,9 i en A z ad . % rn , ~4 , i r undo tag name
Frt 41 - 4 e G of
the SIANOW•I7tUI . ti L' p 14, - . 7aerixtig
aod toensseelotrp 0115110 Ate ST r ONtitT BUSVinted.
.lbote Lepanto, If errhanti and (peva 11:1 soma!, ruled
to sat elven pattern. b mod in thotmoat eubettio Ual men-
he, sod rigniehe4 upon reetunsi teener.
• sermind' a•rortnicret of wit I'llid-1101JeB ik ritl
ovrien STAFIO.ntettY, Inelodlo 41q4n - 104A.'. .
Pad French
r te tiota Fa anti. - esloteas e t
ally threat+ or trent:hod to ._ , ,cler , ..
rilanktAirtilljeartr. 1111 l Wale. menage. Polities 'of
Inentraure. sad Jon Feintliis or all Vali! &nest:turd lOW
Intalnar• a Ad tlerrettolt. ,
. A impair et Detifiltr CilleED•Al.tivroys
pp% ego riu!rli - okhi. DA ID„ LIAI a , ,
• - ‘rtih ll l 4 l4l l l.4 l lliiiki.ll/81- -• , " • ILAZAWASt....
11 4 1 011 di LE—Three very depirablo pQeoed
of 4,llrotT/ri t taNTl iiie° 1 sBiut i sTitY
1:1:1114 ebkiruntl;
9M:rola Itairour. • The Lana attalpl for
aohat:. realdraeos. I sob lot titalDß • flr i aa th.Ohla
Ohlo •13.1 P•121 1 / 1 1Inata rho urror
"MI. On Doe of tha lota or walla Volt of pots
water. Flan. Till ta ashlbllad •trol .athor
.J teams.
hao glllll2 an appliestrati . Jull4 Wllhugy.
IL IL PE Ur, 1
• New 9utle. 'Aymara
J1.4.111iA. JOIN Ili
L 0 . . •
aareltaktS. • .7011 N 131.•
•••r h. coined wpalq a 44 taut Siam etmetiar
wateat , ,, to ajt.lnatits &Wow allattl al a 'du et-
Ilandrat Doc.* In 116 Lisa. cot:LULU/ to .tnalatale
Fa reputation; aaa tW aattetlaatti at Mattes-t sad te•
=awl= at to. mama tlam Mit jaatiata tae Amara et
the proalam realm/ itt- • • • La ttgla ttattaarti
aura • Oan had estr 60* cutztaala
this ocutttyVkr-nltlat. Stevan ataittax, ea, ala•
o r
ti stmilwir Las Ws au
WWI= t. a.t/ or tin MS aar4lLta beattatt an au
Emagg!,—Ailislit Serbia:War,* 0.671, : -.
Matti Utile above Dap ausa Wry tade taw br 'ha
ttaanat. atm Bala's Priwa tattectltt o ,,,,
lara ak; aka I, tra
ants. --- 1111•13111411,FL 1" ,,1an I.*-1-415.
* law
nol -Mardis En* Na. log
•FALL AND WiNttit'.dOODK:'
W. IL 11110)11 1 1!HL,
1)9 and 101 William Street :- Herat Tait:
• I ...1111P.OAUTIS asn mietalsys'
• french, • Gerlngl4: 49,ipda;
Fir Talon. and 016thiu*•:,' • :1•2 - :
fitti.inst received by late , arrivals, a
hone. en I well etlectri Ptak of GEIPPLAN.:ESCF,
8 ;and REENCII (11.112/38 Cloudedralat and BO VW
/leafy °asthma, .ntaed 'and %%mem Peter.
almene Nall the earlousentong Varela. 'Thevors Rea;
earn Piloba fancy and bleek - .otsstmefen Pahttoi Cag&
centre In P•ivet; Grenadtnea..LBaelunere Penn and
other feb of new atTlea and saeornd goahrlto, tegeth
er WWI • •entrnelee' 1 1 .140[IXIVILt qf TrinlEkthimval
other ii ! • • eultable.f 2-'ll, • • Clothlng Trade. eel to aut.
taTtrabl kraal hOort time and Us ot 'Boyers are natal;
- ,nterll_l • eitett Ic eXanakia 'my Sank • beffis y reehanfo•
t •
Carri ge Linlnis, Curtain Made, English'
• Etultitlgt • ite• au• ' '
A. /CELLE:Y . ii.ND - 820T11/113;
Inaporrairea maul JobbOrs of
brown, ia. art 'aerated Plumb% en, g tor Omits. Latino and Iratiortara orar Glowed.
Damask, 34 sod 0.4,45 all oath, and 001,,m1,
004 black Enameled Canine orate nt 110.4 1 m i.
Buntings, ON. 13 end 191330. es wine. in all War, •
Colored Moima. Cottollees. Ratithettwrthw HedL
Cotton alreb. Mac Stela.% Nioliatuor, coloti4 slum Val,
'Maud Liruntele Cure% Linen etc aticura. Orem thcralti6'
lintlthe 21 to 40 nutt'Hacks.,.; tituthe,l Weann/6
tthalwl6 2thert, S.. to.; Ballard 0 othr. la EP* nod luw
' 1 ° 40 . 1 .• intar:lthl'3d iCniN N.l,
SILK, Rumor% AND•TzuzummuousE
I • ' •' lft NEW Tom •
1 1PHOU55 G. • STBARNSi . .. Impoetbe Qnd
JOLber el ALLYS, MILLINERY andfaNCY 00„)ba,
or net cash grime—time granted .by adding ilitatad. 1,2
Uranium. Nen York, has now in store and Is daily re
tenet.= • and offering at the ktlren POMPlahe as
sortmeat of good. 14 bin line, authoring all tbe Tudor.,
styles and duaine.eountating of bleak and• fanny ens;
marredirms.Plorence,anaerls, trimmings. bonnet ribeons,
taffeta and main ribbons, drrm trim:dogs of all Utah,
Preach and &whet tram Repo Wm:WA& cravat.. etc.
boidesica. Owen of ah kinds,-silk lace mks, barites.
Win. gbh* goods. Moiety, tlaen.eambrio hdkL, go, e
Ti,. undersigned Writ. incrobania irmrr the North,
• &nth. knaL'and Wad. Titan la the UM . . td favor him
with • call, and examine bin Wok berm rug halting.
Thug. U. Id 1112 Smarmy,
• .i727:6m let. Liberty Artort and Malden Lane, 11.1":" •
New York and California Steamship Line
vu 1110.11M311L:
'rung acacia= awn =Mr or amnion, notoszropa.
TEMOUGH In advance of the mail.' The
r 'Lice gitlng Skrowoh Ineludlei the
The pORTtIERN 41011 T; rITAR of
l ' arri - VMSOATURUIS. LLI errs class donbleen-
Ulna Irietunships will /ears New York on the sth and Mat
of o.nn month, (except that when those days un on Bunn
day. baturney prevtolin .111 be a illitkg w,) rensectlnw
Iry Ike 191caruns rsaritltents , having but twelve toilet
gll4l37lrlValr it'VAVlVlT.9lll4utgritni
vb....,11.1..,„ San Joan dot 001. the reside [mule v
or the Trennit Route, ins Stu Francisco on *a atonal of
the paasoapors, Nor , fatter Information apply tct.
iretroitactsitre Op
GUI pOIaiDER,: •
VONTINUE toltuilisti . .GIINPOWDER of
,‘„) oil their well-known hrsule, Krirharhi
Pea Bbootnur. AmertaelLsportior, Inolesk Wei Nieetria,
Dor-k Elhootins. to holm half end oriartersklitr, and oeo.
isters of one pound each. - kW. • tall orsortmord towd,
tat -hi satins ant etixong rumme r end for Itrport the
reputation' of their Gun Foirder Ls rro Weil LUO•7I to
.ffigal a rt3 f , 7:14.r "
And at the (Moe ot Bsl W":o7s%:ll."ftv.Pil
:raw , vim= • , '
Office, 51691 Broadway. •
'PIM Office of:' the - NEW •YOBli GAS
T REGULATOR. COWART. bee hero porroustauUr
wall/the/ at N 0.202 broadway. Weems Citomb.r. end
Warrno , cAmtAlanti La VOW , primared to nil ELDDR
PATSNTAIAB REGULATOR to-mints 000.0.0... of (las,
Crutraults. low ethos. throegtoul the Unitsd States.
Propontls ate 'lnvited limn elt V. t Uoltid
State. ' , beteg/es Is nor taseaci• •h, OO to be o Lats./tu th. rd,
err the site of Bigots to tura Wider" Patent lies Regal.
tot , •If desired, rawma, traelvat for the forma.
Zeno( nob tyardes la thseariousolUes um advantageous
*.Tbls ialuala itobloo'bita reendird the hlghost soles,
ttnosnoomeadsusto., voll ea the tualneltelal oopro.
battens of the Itugeet 00011110.211 of Ciate la the Uniod
1 . 140 M. Ritz long niontieues of its mints as a/Leo/co.
tatter of Gat. roily at the same time It Improver the
orellty of the llght. /t L bosom/ doubt the mtAt szon•
ralostroathhorerareprlbni tog allatalus soltaratulAaud
britursp best of • Ilstas to thermos or lover non thou
oil, or dorerOUn ozabotruds of a:driblets:l mitt
The .egalstor conhoo • siogle burner or a thousand
arlth the MM. AdulT. cod rondo" all 'Mat/ft to the
epstrosk 'Or tb• nooks at the bunter' Itatzeassery.. With
the Regtrator rgo Gas mu be wetted serraots Or those
tau to Clas Ughtc. •
Ms Regulator L fa ass at ell the leading llotels in Nor
Tom City .I.lth pets% came. sank/ of inattifse
per wet af Gas. and proluting a totter light.
• Paz:hints aultsf•lar • (Walnut/on of Gm Regulator
no to/Giza:JAZ of Re voltuilitar be lied At ths cf
Out Cznlnzf, .atter elll leseat by Pam
..trltZat S. T. CLARE& Ileereterr;
r .
. laionitar
and 'Job'aro of..
• D R G 0 D S . •
.•Ist ClanarmUallt.ntrosi,
(9ppeeite the National and Western Notate) and
fr• inis..ll. Ain 18 Du.snisr, •
13W YO3K.
Timm 1;6 itztoition or Wholeula Buyera
tottletratry tar" aasertment of Goodsottitelit Jolt
eaankto at au swans of Um Jut. by tbit addition cf ail
tfir=last bed &brio Lbst r e . rs moubtantlyarztll46 bY
dayolaal amOttae:ri t olt a sat. coon (tiotr, = ram-
WidtiOooda. Holism Pratt
ihavaia...Yan at« ltat:ots.! . Damearin. • a. ao.
atdiata.- az, 1241atat at Larne Ivry or Yrattr,
Idersimbes and" tioebecoa. ClingUma. Butt.%
ssa caber btabla idt&ldatincet, 5111 nob, Al.
tam., Oat tba" nainerana other anklet apeortalinoa
ow.• nal' 4 . A/De4 . A/De ?HAFT- 411/0. aunts. 1 w this We oyiaa'iwyral Patent. Swansdown naving.C.Ainn.'
lbw Idtantkmortnabloasit Tway* tat cash Or
Pima flutist, 811111 108 k, Important at Shoe
.144 KW and ..yulea OaHowls.
i n s Lune.
ca. elk. 800 web., Welt ead Lastinsa hap
<Me, "Ilk La.* lautlara /88:teti •,lalt 811 u. Menem Md.
try .4eetaer. All.rtea'r Ants, .Wilaoree Knl,
ecra ruelket,Reark Sacks: Pero We:rated Oboe Tole,
sal an stieksile a<somneot amiataatly au bawl, and
, : v lB ta a tt4La .a4t attit p i rth ant re. k.
422 - ..hazt
tu. 11
Stone., Ames' Exam. rot Ereekara, La fa, Bboartees,
BoaaTreta, licaaStratatien, AG.
awl Moe aleautaaturets ftmm eseiy eatooa
et the noantry ere rameat thily.LteAct to call.
• .
West Point School
rya's well known Institution is mostples•
*golly sad bosltlfttlif *Stoats! 5r...10 IlloUsWs
tb• Hausa. l'esallso sdostsges ora strsol.d S.
eating s tb , loata 531 matopli.bad nt stet,.
13 ems
of Issrulos. stUltary iktorolom ar. lisaad
13 east:Abate .d 5 1 1 to Modal!. sad to ths rosztly
.ad awl& boring of Its puttlla 2ha lasoullsts
ty. of Ow U. b. 11.1111sry I.4sair sires:es thie a/0 of , tbo
tort cUseocullh•d sod masopliobist lan-motofs , Ta.
E. from 4. Co 10 7oszo ot sae f raforryd. Rsisrasioss.-
o. &att. v. b. Ana, LODl farritb so smoaamo. Mts.; Cass.
se. L. D.. N. Y. (4th Proamort Tat 16o1=1
U. a. Mllltsry Aeodseof. . rot p‘otAeZdsos
lloatillat. DI. T.
• •
• ... T.
aw M sum, • •
AND 172 . 1 4 t TIILL arliff,11111:7011L.
OFFER tar sale an exkinarre assortment L. , at Odritloll AND 7•111(TA /11•211111111,hsosts
*marks* A:Statist r 1411.4111 eaa UTOGIM*I:ItX ElObonr.
Booott LiolcsttteWaq Enallsb. Issitsb.stst • merino
atria sod Mk Basosels- tads, Sowszas wills • MU
wort:mg ot tloOds intltabls tor /Wises AIN CipAlWltts
1 pg stmt. thuds of oat owls smaatssastss -soasm
the Waist sad ibass mad met to be Apoul
Mated uto. &amass mar le imma it oar to , , Jr .
. ..
. Richard Walker's Peroussiortilaw
- A PULL i u, nipply of tho a nimiot CAPS,
ter wbleb • MI ZR ISIDAL A muted
mp at ills
D I, : I. d E.XhIBITNN. eftilatitl7 On Una az4 tot ism
I° 9 ' . s iut.:43t ounu, 31 ailli_oi.,!„ N.Y.
....V.Vilair 11,41 1 F d rz t alt"ilirira'VOurizril,
:,„,. k, lbs hada 7 Ilut tao an. - .1 crles • -
, Uovn—foner.ty
AtwAre 11 04.-ei ar-kzdir
• 14ged etiourd. •
, Asub, Moir York' . ,
_ •
.„ •
Jtrrin Na MI war Wild.
• IfeCIIINA-EASJOLL 4 00:, • •
639 Broadway, NOW 'Work. . • ..
LADzir Ai RD RO B D T 1117) CW.LBII:O9 CLO
novaraoLD usue.
&sir too.t. mai mod. to order, Ountlios,
'inn vim attniA JAZ 11114111T,T..
. W. muratioii, .‘
223 u nigMart" -5 " 4 "a and.
NOBUMENTB, Tomb, - Gra a ' Stant'
imitate Tow. Uwe, 1. 4 "4:
O 01 i hOal sod 13 to cod_ J o.
_ty moiStoo7 G.;
faa. for -It gra ar iNd ww " al ""thrZd do
irhr b ieibil i great "4 81" .
bi n
1.1a3 alla
Gfiandellas and Gu •Pia4ares.
%ME anbsoribes ore now op/maga their.
w.ri - v 4 P . 'w 9 . 7 l:=:VerPoip t Ug
th e ingtodirrtolgilei r a. sea 01l olbaSl.
'.6' ll4, ftt "
Itt I";:c2Wirtiarle. D. 1 1 1 =11) l e b A ' 117:
otoottft. tootipt Cr two itottonos
,totioling. thy
oommonur lulls the ottoottott or totamoopoto to
14 , 4 t - toottotottpal to sof I at 10! aa SAY 0:t61
la Um Woot. nod triad
t r m tta r z . muilo i .. In
Nto erotii=rooVozzato. opltTatto at Mt/
' .
irsz. , giestkitiV ; dciinestici
so. 1 4Statotk.tikstaSin_ort 41.1rable azO ete
• J•C ON,
131W004 nwou,,o,
INIL. For silo; Sise;st Nis c risrlsol Usidwase
.I,ll.tealy . t by.
_PC 4114
.744471.A1irr ;:""'
...,,,,,,,,k c,„,,piii.o.
r . su b s cr i b e r. respeattiaujoi li o
• - plann kw Nubia Ma 06 lorign
ol= i rpnoo siin p, r, ntt
.i f t ai=
74 WIYINX/i Of New neva rosszs. re,.
utaces.sssas stenakns ul3l 09 lam to =Ma
of tt. wry boa Inoronnon gvot , Ppm
e=i:iT'...r.,,„,,,n,„..,..„,„..= 1 , 47 4
.ftiorwaasn Illy win hat. ll* ngs...t.r a -
Item worm tb• Ar s booed lana, IoaPA: New In
41 4 1M4 1141ur0s ,otLuth=44' nro so
FERE 1100HEi of tfittoT , l4birgh Itult4iiiit "A" th !r ctr..4% ' ~*
'- " ..."'"....,,,,,, : %-" h IL 41='11 :Ait!! 4l : • int ruu,3 tmtec...l l = 3 :4 Iwo.'
i •ws ns - - ----;-, -I-7-, <,,icai.L., nom sass is -
W+2t'r . r ,7, 1 ._ .!., W." 4. ig.4.44.‘",«/* iiiii" "6"A4
OLoolata Cocoa. and Irina;
_lf A UR* . .kmattostc. ys
-13 114.41 2 , CHOC O
aaJu W . 11.; •
tem my( ib-tloiss so/ Stair. VOp lUmb* •
Wby lb+ pnbolial Otocsa lb Ms IJultod •
jr:bzy itt.rauurvyip.ny22l.:.,?mb..&=lti,
(badobalt. ado. 74 7.:EaMiliN, co •
mar a 1.„ MS. rag,: " Deredurbry: kiwi •. '•
, _
_ •
oTrc i piisiti6.,hfp_,betwitis
s. • •
tesastmod tilo w i r otesort to Storxs sssst
authalsid to Ws* tb. INES!, ss of ths ist.• arra. • .
Pith.t.cre...Auslut 211. 1 54033P1& lIICPARD/1
CABS— . net '16102. 'and
acm tmit earns d
es ss Vkivnit7
••• • •
LimLEOTION.The litookholdeti of . the.
Prrsehonott OAS ems PAN! e , e btribt otasisio
t the Asalitootte2 Ellett...allotting, for tha Itlettlart
of taro atmaca. to mina so Taverns et told Oolooael
tot ;how loam.' II b 2tatO •at dm .011108 01 TOR
Cull eAtfl. at .hair Work... MOS Da 1. tee auttor of
B.2attabar ant. Women tat holm of 2 an 4 4 .*" 11‘ PA'
JAMES M. 08111firT. Treasunt.
Moo Pitttbarotta at gaaroar. lea: 20. . 14.230ar .
1v 4T10 E.. ,-O LILRTIER .. VALLEY. L
.B. 00..fs porroaaee thelourth retitle erhh
a of We Coneteaccesitb, '5aki...1..410 let . renhalhi'
helm. ghemcnlce." yhsae4 19th doe Al
A.-11 111451, the et the t:/where Talley
f.E.Vl=ere' ll h irl , ; .74 . 4 % ""d itte=tat e 'reig
loncabms Home. la the air or r Ittobvieb. cm W 11).
lir 11 , 1 d i cti= W ri cteU r c pumas: l e(
(Vas azenetvegh Oorkershoes. y •
. K. 4100
Plttebersh. Jo:wen 16.138.1.—[eail 11111“ D. Pray. n
roiL muimlnt!
THE discovery of tho FOREST wilirt
thosn blamer atest bler tb. nst.3l. 10
to Um • Waal. butt'...! whirl doe. sure spWise mei
to the mre of einem. Moo tell MUM of , MY•
Sonapsaito Ire won ned wateautat to ours 'Man gap.
Isaittatantfe . reakedag eberso
in tooth*/ Of obluts oileismaparilla Lod cam rd
Ms ulna. toseasal Lt. by hobos the mots Or plum
to obtain en ex:meta TM medicinal vetoes a e:tbos
P 7 looliole evaporated .ad dattrosoe.
It Is etot to b. ocrodored at Ulm. that tax .o 4 step
toeoty bottles of lbws Bsmosallat somonlmmtsktea
Itba .1
Intr=l7 l. oPo t t ot t OPerft ' l 'sktboSlM tars.
raw. a tonfeet vim predue:l sellout bnetair: ro ex.
foe ot pm al* the primitive haling t.ertlso
of the ram enettlool..plauta of whels It Is ootomsee. thav
modems as Peet atm the Mooteurtm t th a
world nat Onlson. at 04 Win lan lb. tacos ornmable
Tbi. be tocatty that r have mod Dr./102NA ;brut i
Trufil la my fleatimaith tb• most attn. amnia • Wyatt. I
was hilly manta with Neuralola offset as of the Bploe
and Eldora.. aur so ma.. D•bdlty. ehe fouts2 ISSW•7
'Si!.! and reratmol be heath by t he an mo t lb. Mom
Prom Ira tbl. malletrm I
omlLleotly reomusemil for tb• aolerr• ••• =47
be suffer or from taralllSlS. It Is th• Issot man.
Hog • Ine ablob 1 em sommostod. and time lei, or. e
dited ale. the Mom.. my . Madlar dlamm,ms.
air on Its virtues. IL U. MuilEkV.
Cobeste, Dor& 6,114.
LODE TE 11 1, 1 10:i74r8ou roams.
Dr. 0.. W.Holay—Des IP—ler vin. fa mil y oturat
reamed to /I 100 eat. I I La y '
fay ph)
Masai ton to toke'reur Pored , Sven Amordlooly
mot to Mr. Terra% your moot , thls toms. lad pro.
mold - a. boll. of Ir. w ra th reseed be to awry Mott
Ustiggo mem: bsaltb. I/ EN A Y D NALD.I9.It..‘
osee, April 16.14.
Dr. Hatscp--• WAN of ago:•
Tame Wen sod box of
Pun, •hlth t 7roen eta of Mr J•mm Cur. mar arms for
plan, his d nte notabos for me. had hem to •
sum of rodeo It mom Mao • MM. MILLEmI' *III •
tendon cough, pen lath. broom. tenni dab Illy. me
lon of samtet.. I Meson Maim t, dal had
u (111•011 tol d
(07 nal
tor. ElOr• M. 5... moths.
friend. told at• I bad Ma omeratkat sod despatora
Kf O r ao r Tgalelst i sl ' ad a gl ' ..V. d :el7 71,T=
10(11 , .1111 sett Pipe etre retemed. M r s med.. of th.
1111. Mooed up from toy stomach lamb ohloym mar
enentsh mane. tied fay wools mate_patfatly alt l
ttlon tSmmeoeol tokires your hart {Sloe tome time a
doti MY omen* ferule morn 10w5.a1...17 =stoma
Wtscald.- In Ism onto tre mints I -.mama/ met. I
now torloy beta. teeth than 1 over did to to n:. basing
lueatasd tam ty Moods In 0 , 1 , 131•1011 ton, foam
N and Pills me tetras yams to tha vleany.Md
om my Enemy enatirniteetr vetoes.
rosa-ef . 11111TLN CALDWELL. '
11, JS. T. WWI is • blMlEMerateste merchant of bre. Wi
Potadmy. hew Yek.oored eta team AtfaMoo 07tH
Eldora. by_th• Emmet Wine ard Enna • • • • .
Pr. O. W dratap—Der e—lo tb• eamunr and 6E4
lost yen Idm a aim,. eemptslot tb. Mimeo MAIM
nodmed van met fn. OmMeot. I prooomel your
Voters Nine and Iran, 'etch mod m• to • foe melte
time. ottl 1 have arm irejLoyn Sttlar Isnlgh than I. boil
for mom mars mol
il may Jhom Met eflMel la' n 1
OWs sue. 4/1.1 nom rut . 'sow youptuediem. to lum 7 g
deal Mt °then. I am Induced to reamonael Cam offilt•
but atedidten with trona I oat
. u eit r r . v . CaLIZIL •Nap yeertr...
DlitIPEPBll.' •
eset .
Thee me emus:soda Ran •••(7 mat of Ulla Monne b.•
th• inn; Wine weld Plll.Trapitado. Ow(lnson .old
Isellsettou Sr. th red ecnE at.. Lemnote ex/rthe
th0n,....4 es tom a Oa. [loran ' Mrs 01 WI.
Tor rows- Wlt. and Pills a m all temedlos pm.
taMmet to th• mtre at D•oreinba. ' • \4 .11 \ •
• -- •
?soda:nay et 3. N. Tentale. of Nov York env. 64
July 8,1111.
'l / 4 Z
Dr. G. 11; Italmp.—Dmr Anelva tom eased
mints by Or use of your /mat Wise ear Pala./ to •
the Meer to offer yen my asats. beleate stay 'Ma
hum on may te hatellteed by mar meraleat emerdloto,
r 7.17. I have Mom sfitoted teed tl.l. =lad? so
NM?' 111.1 narlT Onnhlnt 07 (o 7 tle• boa Nee Oct fmat
badman Th. forest Wlti• sod rills boas rmiorM taw to
a:tenni boatth.aud I Mentally nomamest Masa as t
am mammal tta discovery of tome lwalegln •r• • blew
lag to =mislead. •, I. K.
Irsv Tab, July /.168 • • , , •
- -
.911:711,411ATZD POLIUCIIT ' PILLS t
ifir The Gmteomita FOUST hips : or. - do 4
signed to mo mop.nn7 Ma Fano Wine in the mare of dlr.
eats Mal, mmhtad astian Wag moss marehlog asd
aimbee. - T hey am leflaltely - vegisr sliareang mbar Dill
cr embartio, pm-Muts* In alleasse *Wu this slam of
meibelese are' armful. mort rammng sliest Tray ere
remit mmitabba name grim:mai L et aken Mans this
witboot fear or tallow sold. Warrants from bellow. or
disagresabia Semis. gad was tO *Mal th• bow*, DU'
beg*. natant. width is all lomostant tar tne samba
amt • motlesuilloo of gong osntp,. gZno the great misellenoa ring stave stllitimossegta
Fond Wln. assompanisil sithStsi Tore* Pt!.. sob
son gingssvr it le..? at all tbz i loWalas oomtbilla•
ast.=:..trberiaatan,adjiragg,ar. pelts., a 01 Cam
lush*, aim Wise seta. Jamad as. Ana revet.;:. am'
Rheum XmilEalas, Ososelwats braless malt to Passim.
Lasumbillaz Weekam*lSlsiblgwesta Zisosoca Dbordsra,
&soma lassatth and learalord prate of gb•'-sattstitalloa.
retest Wise to,bet ap la late • Krug..
Dr. Marrs ewe blown is fps • glan. debar lair
ritlgigniVigritiVer li! .. . l lTe ‘ sar blirsl . 4:o " .
alma% at. who
he and retail. : General patios Dm.
oae door hem Hodson. Na. Yort. \ .
Sold wholseals sad Medi by 00,1. 11;KLYSLI.beinai
of Wool mess enst Viral* alba. PiLirbsirgb. atel 57,JA15.
I`. ilail PLO. nort*sist miter Of retteml stems asd lb•
. Dlamosid, Allegbray: elnialfaer
leer Read for Yourselves that we may Dot
be alremwetw...-nsp, thaltad to roptatalmw 111—Thowo
Wit, am woolleium wbo totwo Do: two W.l with Alt.
Sill4/110Ht? PAT.NT APACrAOI.II4 sea hot.. Omort<l
tom wish WA,' wisblo7 em to miaow tOs s=oy I o Flu.
Llbrrib . t t eort floe booker... la t t , otewl ,Art
ire t b• tel tam.
.. B. ta arCbla all Mall :I reminding i'll II
that Inuswllotw wilt-U.lO ls no:tont7, a, Do will Pot •
gay on day aJ LAI &fon 410.
,---- - -s \ ries ..e - •-•
-1 162•C=1 4 ,
met prloolble et Itsberkal olooktwlT. by 0. 801.0.
NA. tto cul.brabel Opttatest. trots ttm Lmetwred Osaw '
Male Mastafoceary alai lesion Oplasl Mdablistune
II 0.103 OM lbwil Wawa. LoildoLiAlbod auto (1 00
G. MAO ONA. the sole inventor at lb. twinned Opus
balm and rural. loproyel Olacw... IS ...., • p,...
1 1 1 at eLrarm.axtvalll=r<olial
north isreetst that door co lamb alma.
Ile by Gil Ilse hewn of attandlos lb. above numb]
ptizolsal Sawa. (KIN. Cllnd LI ogdoco. wbaro be lua cu
=17;;X:47:1 * to alitk u r.V . .l24lll 4 . .
b. hoe the Wawa ce mutoonclog hie tram wood=
arttb a to
ementtooot ot newly Myra
mut Im dritfrACLZA. Bach la lb. sabartcolth Di
Monti that, ;emu ballot taloned or wealtegre,
cur hadartar b• Potiftwa 07 *Mad them. and tbay rep
PM WI 111=98137 of. toweenriog tn• Pt. 4.1.2 .141/ •I f,
o.lllt 4> tb•soott Maenad tweed ot Ilha while MIT NM
14 "Lb 12 . 3 4 Sad thtZt a ull I. IMMO Mamma mbritle
..opyas e a. mr atty a Mae. *Alms by dttY 1111`
canal. 1101. As wawa ,watriduate to lb. Vetted autem
bate mayadthedseelcoor 0.. Intl, anuelsocr. means ay:
MAW. farm of tb. newt Wages be wat mew
:::olt a .ani el ajg b. who entreat Alm will=
moua , at no KA stall be rontlnit tot ble•Pett
In to
.bt LE...trio:Ml 91sottiro th l it U r:lrtgliaj
at u ituis m' Arld " . It.= " u ` l =',•&,i rr ' , a
pit,Yon, be La to 111. vosmeeita document. Paco ilt•kla!
e,„,,,, ..,..,L.L.,. bi....rt torthnotdat. ot apt.iro
Um VIII pin neon...tato semen In the thiltsi State& '
who bet. foot/ Um theatres bosses end Mutton In the
'am of ht.r.tatt taTnita:l axdlasuwect !petit..
the Amid Chamblee., le an attneullaart. posmlot.
newly lursated.easall InAtramenhect the ear of ottrant*
aim of Iheattew,esttelc Manna lo era. or C...M430..
tlow Ohm ail cCu re. eurraulAS eritytb se tbal bit
er probably eyes elm berretta:ad. , cly um oat bud=
to Um auto' Of tb. W . , and may ram within telt/toot pro
tocuttetw..o4 b l tt at the ram. aolos I %lAV:than tot
r=ii - s • Now. l detw D ~ wem ilL U resTog .1 II: sutodlrs: I . :
lim retteat and nettuut .m.t..aba to suable nektba .
tOjohas iptaand coo . triactott. tO bear Pulp yas
R It. Afjzit. ,l 4...,„2l : Arajva . : .Hem
4114nailpaaa ta. .sank to too
~. al ;I:4dr.* Mil etaledy...Atl tmt,
two lb& toew y dearth • . • •
a what / bate Ist the mei et My. Nome bY
Mime, 1 tato Pnwaors Wasp aty nestlnnas to,tba
. toregolat swe tmlWatllll rn ''!'9.l7: ,n.
a ntlablltabaltliaii *.*
- ' ''.
.1 sat Imlay I. Mit m toWintooy In War
of tor. Woman.' Am • Lib lb tb•M attar/or to
ear that I /Me 1.111., eflteM reet i lltuutUt
under thecae. . ..t. • . 1,, a ocut.• D.
4 QV& Slallis 11411nolt. alsindy,
• Plttaleatt, JIM/ /WV,
ii` of la bet. mom' gltera t rot till
" notNrlrt= m irtioo i ss a ,:at i z.v_ s.
4eirra P. mum. 11.1)..o•
• fittanotunaalla /843%.
•It SSOI ma ;ran t ra j a flat as the ttial. or
r'lst"'" g B° llll.l `4l
tao a, act Mat T
r •Stlan, an apectalli Voitain la IL O •Tes. from Odds,
:xittioritt rat am r Ye e r t riers pr'Xi rtbiltg.rtigti
~•,kat g ,' a malatat (00m.y vskalsklr i a.pod
rreopsor r Optima Blarsals tint =as% /talk
• gie ►
laVapt il i I 5c=71:31.1.n"." 161",
•• The t tomasattatioa lan 4ta %hi Want ctlittr
notations , rot am Last Amu ita , aratri ban, \
Junn It way.
ttacDPro Footof•tatiosy. Untimtry antatato."
• .esta Januar Mr . Pa.
.111.atada Uhl ßokmbas' Eat flpdedy,
and odor to vblob t eantrien
at t o al Youotatelos anatiii to
I myth vain' tra ant. inittatatid, and sotoialOtalt
,an la tit sae 7 rwaturood Um* to tokt.ntsta
, &Wheal &Nilo lutOrolitut.Vir allo y:- \
'baton= ot naboi lt y 1 '44 7 .
_ Bo geoLP4 UOtt
I *bran Ur/. 111114 4,18
• t aonitallit 7, a Liao:L.! tattototut a rld4 1.1 4 1:
1 %
Cr ante r Sao tiatitamitati to att ittai sad
oast. and *no a nem sasuzioaun
YanastW - 11.1)
PW l :bakl+L.J o o 1a
Hay g ~ , i ,cultt h e u rretV. l l, o t Ni. Seam"
it.i . m att
• 14 . 4 tt . %tar atattlati r q
AP , .0111 tas kw. r
\.. •
\ \.„.......,.\
, - .., ~ ~ , ,•., . „
~ -• . \ % : „
s , ,
. , ~.
. „
\ -..
~. • \-- .
•. \ , \- \ l ' , • •
. \. ',, ' \ '', ' , \ • '• -•-
'' -. . ,-.: . , ~.; ~,-,„...- \ -..,-t.^.." '' ; -14":-.V.4. , ..-: s , i(*'''.- - i•-4,-*.... ~%'..i., ,a ,,. \ ..., ..-- \. ' . • -
`A.4?;it9i.,`,,, '''''
- 4 i . . ‘ • 'it \ \
;,4...1g1,. `,, ;,',:• '...",,i' A - j-' . L.5v,.,.,- - kg •:. 'e...- r. l*-. :-- \ '.',, \ \ \
'4,.' . • Atm
,452,...„..:::.:1,..;.:i.:'-',..1it,k,.,i..447... ."-:, , , Li....e ~ \ . \ \.,
v , A, ..._. •.. -. .0t t ?„ 0 4 , 4 ... „ .,:••.1-..1 „ .:,!,•• Ai w t „..i.",. : ~..,;1 . 0. i. i • ...:, \\ \ \\
„...,.... -,, ....i. _• . '''''''''\' ' ''
' '.
. 4 :r.' -- -..-7 , •.4.-
11":1. 4 ....4 6 ' , .. ' 4 • .. \', ‘`. \ \
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.."1..e.. • - 1 - 7 ,.. ! ! '' . ....' , Til 1 . " , ;' . ..* - .e..4.;:-. ',.., \ \ ,
t c... A.,,........: ' -: ' ' S AI _, I . ...;;;,„.7i.t,.5i.„. ' ' -. .. - i ' K ; i 7 ..... .- ' - ~.-;,.‘„*. - .41 ...., i i ;:y ' . •Iti .j.' . : il . \ 4 l ': \ '''. ' ' V
V----....',12 .4 ., -.... - ' .4 ,4 • '''''''' -. 114Pt . N ,i ' ' -..
Y r .# 3 ;;;;; 4 " - "t".r,,i..--,--7.11. ' ' :fi . N.X 4 ' 4 \ ''\
\ A
,:-.1...',.14.1.TAVJ-, .._ , . : 42.,..,-_ - ...,-.,, ~,,,,,, , ,,:v . , . 1 '14 . '0% , ' ,' l 'rt l . . . •• - 3::::: . , ' . '"' C .,
,''',..:k1^ . 7 6 '''', '... \. ‘
.. s a .
''''' ":1 , - ::-,- ' ,- .•*-., r ,,,- . , ~- - , - - ,2- ~ k' " , -- , '3 ' ',:. •-* 'it" - %: - U - • .<- - ;' . ' -‘ ..';'''''''il ' ' • •
-' ' ------m-t-peof " .'" ''' - A•: - . ' .:i.,4%--t3), ~ ' lAN , ' ,IIX•4
~ ....3 -.4.,.................. ....,...L l .„
I - 7-1.17-r. L ....-:. - 0 ---,f-A-• ••- 4' ; ,4 7.. ,- - , .4
...x.,..q , .., -, 1 7 ,:,..k.....:,:,. - -.;............7..... t . . ~ ~' :,.c.:z(- r iic
.7 1,"' • - : ;; 1 ; : r7:1 - . 1 :, - '1 7 t . :4_ ,-.-. - ' ; ' . \,,,.'-;
' 4 .40.‘,- . ., e:., ---- 1. - C.. :, .T'7ll e. , v
-i . ..... 3.. ,
' -- "It VirWittir#olrtii • '''' li '' - '4'47-:.
- -. ' . ' 4 - . .'.....-.IA .
-11, 1 0„„..4614,
-oil • p sy -F 14.r?4\,..
oVE &
• ktUk.
442144aWb1 414 24a
cosTEN ,keo.„
i n goitax 4,2 Al
VLOW road it`roo4s i
Ml__ . =7l l ll l %tr u Ziir b .t, 4!°‘
lIENNBQUIN' , BE. p ys~p
e. g i... co..
doV , Pt. t",.,d4
EI" tils WAtraV!;;M . u . fi s t*
' l jeltor(ns of ittl‘r;, ° . tit bla;
I ' R l i a lif‘. 43FLEAVt a. a .luukaliaus e
1 km.= garan.h.,Ver_aut-,,fTii-it
~ ,,,chz . Oh lcka t L y. 4 , 6 ' lo . . i
NDREAS A. CO. Inilioner s : o r ; • ,
' \
,i Gonna kid itatkan ME
,G,111r1,1,,, 014Plik
:111boVKIIN riars
of flotioh, 6olaiViloodo,llll* /14..'ff0.
rjraomAs MONROE; No. $4 Ptoti Bret,
u... o4oisst OaUm Clr=ladass Catabslel ,l Vas Vs 4
Pb r bili .
Alktieo 4 . 0 Milk=
irayo4llo4.ll2lPo 11 i 4214,1,412
11. 14 1 4.1.
4 1121100407110 r0411 4 i4i0ake 4 .4•4744101ag ch'..llM
1264ikettn44 abirbl4 84004444.0. •
110111 j 1% DAVIES JONSEiliit:'
et.tuit°f frithb,Adel=":=
s i 'agiP , Stire/Cre.Teek hrthe ii i; ia„T ini eto
.A..t G. IL WITTHA ilialsZighsaike
hew, Important of thou Itiokblia Goals, Tal.
Y 1 / 44 /••TUNIC11111 /11• MB PILL aadliruvilTE D.
szn ama a ,
” 0.1400
fgekeertai of U.* =La"? °eau, \ tit4Fko
IDERB Z 4 N ad D l nu bsts nft t w .3.
. i smy,
unlade. UOWIM a M I4I u.. e Ouat
.4 -
tee um .Imtizen .a • ,(t , l
. .
IA AL s(otl:A.4Nliibi •
m", msd 191 Waftratnill.Nia7tlftewaspe'k
in LARK kWEB2`; 158 Broadyiiilmplirl,\
adarris.angazittihEadi.huhs GOMM .1110[4,
E: r
4 rit.NK,,lt 41 -
Liiii 3. ,4ifo of 01.01= 7 (3l='
0.. 7 0
pars , dal) & \ iiroTalat, 1'
lA LSREi ztendive
'n.431 llablikt La . 6 ll 4uscat. 441 Btaries7 ,
flea dame mark.l4 Flaw) •
1171apag: t..
.1011.N.:4=s a r!raitt 0.41 , 1,7 Ditl3oB,
us ant i ! s t. n
et g =tra . a"r it" ntilfze °°
w. On, Designer • : OW
v_JmB R
1.451 " 1,41.59 Ilnitr a u l atresoClu Walk,
at. ma"' ""ft*l7
rorlowans and Jobbs7.lllas "
i vjzbk . , C u t t
• 11 11011148 a Epw.guL..au4i: Widen
./11th b „kisalr Goats. aselsw WIMPSI;
a / :A=
C a g El evalasy te hiceb• sta M mh
ILI. • how Cleslk
T fUNtt\ind BPOR I iNG-IPI
~YrwNI Cll. annts ft-14
"maxi, •
1, a.Anr. CORNELL, 1.45 . ILd 143
____nnuciit.ftwiffaaornsa.dattzopr &
& 4 118;167:14.!ak0c..4,;
Hai:=Niftau" ' 1 " 1 - •,••• S. •
41 — f --- r - '----Amikee — Cflf,:,*.t.
AVID °DIVER ZLivuktor snot Pel=l 4
=yr:lLazAu'lLl'."-:filatietrir: .4.
0WLY8 , .3 0 4 1 , 177.
*mkt not MillerZseig ' 16.=
hi ti B AUVI I :igtiV e 'll •
A canstari-Eioir
a. wiz-. i.ez 11=X440
r t
- ilitt^lolW
R on , ILSAITZT,44IIIskIoa - • Irak
lieedlage 'MCAT Tit** 4144'
rrHOM.,4B L UX Ibil 4 t . 4 . Zji` .
futo tog • iriwiumumarti
,•. • : •
V„, • ,
EIV YORt.ROSITC , lialuificift4Aft
t v. Com y. 104 'hunt itMl&, , s4,llbiryi
1., ?\
pEPOtfoiIIUNROS'S eile s t . cateil
lOW.' Ink lad' Mug arrpetrtardApplvtax ore
• Rubber P.arils talc et,ten)... )11724,
1•:, 64 Pie* my'.
PIUS W. YIELD e iv t 00 4 mate;
. p ...Utm e =tai t zb isl e. t it ; • :
•daii - R_viimtabusawmpn,==l l d , 7,
• , ; stria. Az.irtal
1 32411; aria tradamat
pßOW'i s .
MATS asnonorani,
.t!srAolt, or ait •,4 ;
tb moat: • . x.• 1 • ~f •
inn, ix}
i mig n ot ri=i4
Ltbia Vetreilf
Oar 01110 100 r
• -';‘'liAhm
s.of Tuna, 1r
iirrsim# Tr );.•
j.lTC~`sAß~`~'' ~.
\ .•; .. .a 7 l4 77:
4 1'1 0 N •'
• • .1.2t.,5bt.„1..5.!
• ‘• •
,'llOl/8E: NOW •
: t t" rrits.A . P*T .T.l. o2 I r. • -
itati, 4f
1131 * IMMO, 77174 '
TBS - AT USYna:4IOgIOIII.4 . ;9O4I)
k tirlml4o, a utr,-,, r o—tt
u.tu u ate. et .
„Vic Celepited • uirlsteml 4ret
& 17 r4. , 7 . W 1 = e 1 r g "=
„.,. 1 q t
Rattilltrira,tatVa 11: X1 1017.41164`,... • •
othar CrodA LIZ alettorsatt '
41eiots*tbrAtillpak, r e z 4:
s. Vrentli
,! 1; -,y-,42:-UtS ; ', ''l v. \ • - a ., -. :. ,
• - .... i- tt., ,
' 0t.f . a... - ... t - f , :,:.,:i g liv,, '' :. - --•—
ttn: 4 1 • - : - Ai.,
'.2 4.1,4 \I:J. : F.:v.4 :* • - ,:,Q, 11 V .
•,i i i !IP .11. M .-17 :LN, t • "•+1- ..-ie \s. ..
, ..., • a "tmi . et- t - , '... 4 ..,*,
,'. • - '1 \\*
, .y,,,„,, •
; .-.... , .. ••
.44-lee,oorog —... ..-
•. iIItpYCHIV.U4 a CS" .7,- 1 , I
\ ' .3," valltt ...- •"1 1 \ ' \
eeSEklus,4 3. 7.ers Qf tri
...., s \
*had MOAK, 67 to • _ NOW% • 1.74.;,,
um cd, ite Mout. ArOft. .
end do stsmittskable bli
11 4.4 s q:
\ardAntar ' ni a th t e 's 64 . . • •
t. ..
,ionr„. 4 sesar lielpit*,. . ••ut ,I R ....
ze N 4'
oftslosatr - lonlir Ailed ilie *via • .
i.hterotkiao b 7 **WY tm4._. l igke l" . . - - :...-41.1 -
.2:440- tbo a* smrra.TAtirg.,Na.r , ..., . c - .: - •:,..Yst‘
alamartaliTad &Imam:kW. Rolls Ihrtie. I: ~+2, t.....e e l \
W11114,1t la a 111:4 od.ttedisbonle 4* .7 p
....wr .....A , .. 1
cm raaltielaa ,on I . 4s t ktez r - 'Alr' - ' 0
• tz. .e , • - -
p o r a o :I o : f t a he i tltd aogi._rltt...t.,, ,r P u I .. .ivZ4lifdfoii- V,k •,., Z ,
7,\ ", ..„::• ^
Imeel,thekhutltiuO taoi', '
tebAru:el'AdiipTartlri3"„ \,
Vas tomtletis /al i blachoettilLat 'Op,
estelet.d. enne„ t q l*stki et
to the polesear.ot- llotopeot Ifois.•Vlbtoothost
tin eothtzT• e i v i c t Pito:Mtn -att Indeed •
*rpm build it k CIIVIRVASOWIW,
`,l4.butramaly; riktit•,dhoeepeAthe:
sad lit pow heft* . o ats(. I , i rmio
eitatielogrt nut 'br trAlr'intia thargpag 1
Ltkrest Beitell4,Fnetto•m“.h_l:lB4l7
eel Wioe bate miner
thiktoralthrocanoith atot r ‘toetsajoeteeit
hottekete, kinoh.Utet. -tal 'af4
make ptsectes,•as-thi " tir e! t r t . e ,
"aaaaa "IP1711” s*titt" ehigi^
Waste; fad' -M,Wat "Jaa
the =lot 6 teak= Vt „Iv. 1
nompitentrm• kmrt 4 aitit -, , '7""!
,vmauir tp , blldhaoth , .... - '1 ,••
„ki t,.
Thif omusar ruiami`
,ileil ituotat.akt .r enicatioNt . ,
with howlatito pinta,* lien!
lima br is tn. weeltN
A-, ~,. .-%- i f , .a. •.: .
samd 011 KO getOdn! , • , : ,, k ,-• • , '
... w bap, andakozo 11 A fiaPuklae
A \
\ -
\ s ,
\ ' lrltb e v. medicine of much' Is fade solettlortte
sit stept oototoothl Wet to,. ,—, , • t•
'a. i 33 Ma. 'oiedrjuld •,. 3.
' •0 44 '34 b.
Ineetedtdoloooluiess Idols glltiolt to; bg a 4114,
DO ittat oarittt Otoonink it I, • tOseoitoil Acosta*
araltato ktrotth, steautd .. - , aloe , soy
üblelttheiolef Pe theleoi
,_ its [the er
attt r
irtib a noutoAin lon 4.9kk th 4
;--prm.d?ii34jiolottecrAuttiut TAIR.
• cO,l Me*. 4 4- 4 1 , i
, tird,t tapttubuig, hip‘•&•-•"";-t u t
AUelibel7 btU. T3l ll l7rt and,
veld oteekhoor , • -•3011,&
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