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PUB/aOl9 CO, PlTtssua GRA, . 1 0/U 3 P7ifMgMa,Ge SIPTSTa 4118r48:. iIrirRAILDLYGILIZZWRIrgd4BB FOUNP; 'l` oximanrldEbPrralite.Pza.- • r GAZIT ' Sie•Th. el34llllTidiCii vftEeg.r.l9llol3,osprtt• offers,to oar business sum .4 rl74l4ediAle medliiia al Ada thairlynitowlior , _ ' Doi antalattapii Detract, ins sad flys thatutand.l 444 b' 4441sicettrtirriolUsaittitiOusty la Witxterst ' q taals aadXaatern Ohio. Itos:TO 441111M14488—naltber:ttui 141142t141800ms 44.; Et4:414.1t /444151ishaant of the Witt. Miura. are 41•!nil as 13444.T...ADVEri118Ea5 .00 Wire 'theft. botica 1.0 ammi, l 0 .the paper on Nandi]: mania& I .l4lpleas4 4=14 thinit in before o'ctoek.oa Eiturds/ DE*OCZATIO Villa 11.0111111A1101111. roa axis oceountoiru, 4,108E8 TOWNAL!.. , Of L*4eater County. rim AUDITOR. ainarri, ALEX. E. 14(41,1413;0f Frasalin (Mutt .141 cosmos GURUS, CHBIBTL County TH841;13143 MDDM. I . The Whig County Oon ooo, venti o on, otto snet too °t en s cotto n; o**lo4l rethede7' t the ease- Cue of the party s Ticket _for . the enPPeth o , tore lag election flouts f • ta e . simuu eatial made by acelarruttioni and emcrs wer e upon the _ • y the PrlnelPel 'l=lllo beUill tiP Canal I, lllllll toiwo ti tio . n e for Proseennug Attoresl and tkomelestoner _ . For President Judge of. Mb; 7 - t itia n:a mm o o f:mg the Convention en the fir " bet a o of this gea r - Hon Meese Newer° Tit name _., county. H. a to the whole f ta""" i& latnill rank among the menden 13 eteede le the fire ku t at an eloquent and ef. th e pitted:mei . lik ., , wh ec t end pro mt. an lecture lottoa n ds ooo r . the people with 1111 • 0. jozlet He goes bettors .otin end will receive, aa h a will llnglalUed tePlititicu nial ' of their approval at the a the teethe° deceive, bon 1 great nn ballot Senator, the Convention , th " 1- IPer ted the e of Dr. James oOrtern that mill P p re o gs o igoo already screed one teni2 In Oat, totii3Lotty, and this endorsement from hie p ity ' eminently; due to him idle friends wee trent rep resentative at now h o d st mare m otoeing higher de- Ithurg than h he, nor. "261 " Atte:tile tO the two or onor end houesty jealously watchful auststunta an deon the claim of ble State he hu e earn of the tumults of,the of his eritun leeed of Weill velem be no doubt. phut elcothm then tan on obotne of 1 For • Assembly, the Cannot' roadetno five mow td 1 upo n the first ballot, and 1' a tirke4 en b aQint to the citizens of th e ,11elic presented ate it of Turatum, was a mem County winter, a nd P amir; gave_ Illeeranuas_thawnieeterallof i . 4.2, ' 1 tapErsimlelle• Li... ago, I n d u such --17 the legislature e" ' eara abiding reputation. Me coin ed an exce ll en t an d_ _. and upright .6 5 A m u ms, of Forsallim, lean ii-. a nd will end:prudentman, , • duieerturcsr r miumikeeran' excellent rePreteetethe'oetlaeotthetrtial ' ~,meneheeter, is one of ' out * . and s "' nd reliable citizens, , and t a lenta u roan nnnon o. ooorybody judgment'.Copt thuniee st a t e He _'knows, both /141 s and tb " egbeat the e d hos had a served with honor la Congr ess , tke bar. This Asserably , successful weer et etod, talent-and last, we think, combines' as to ticket,' judgment as any ever before presented good judgment eounty. Law tboonimott,Fc/egtoed• great tuition ofuo r u e our lde th futute e ier ' which will be a prominent° in well known tk candidate for gutter sr law. Illillia l i . 6 , i n w ror do prohibitor-S Outbringcotoutitt- f o ur a re known • theneraisems far: Asemnb l 7 , , re„ to us as being committed, unequivocall y in tor of the Maine Law, and ring with the ill represent. Slre ed to on by temperance men n, heartily t mac- milleagme on lee t oflecs, sore F o e the remaining coun tyon the "third ballet, there .wan: ttehehleee i ble. gese etee n: gi sd e &blame township, wu 1 Mr E. , h spoken of by nominated. Ire beer him Auditor, lghki two beds kpow tato For lndiana those who mocoolowsf, of were-014,114 fins *Le reo•o4*ed If ,_, woroonollotei ...0 ~_______. teethe ::,,,,; tutees*, - " epthretioes mve•••••./ 1 ' - 1 PeleeSeleg a1t ....tt.- thaqtt to widah be bee been neene I. ,--- , m p ow ale ........., ..14.oxuta, of ALIO i. ; 1 4,0.,,, Thme B . 0..- ba l lot- For nossie~ - slki the id* 04,07 edit, was „,...,i n , o f i dueghtte9 me , - + Re ben Itle4die .7,( 0 ,,, e tti l vos, For Duro= ~ ~ sainIM EWII/444 4 orobuged utltettt, whit& i m,„„,,,,,,,,,thtre len in feu , etz P. .7 . 0 21 ". mot on thelidi ball ot i,e_ J o nes le a 'mug man , ' ,f. 1 - 14 '. ' Nu 4010 02 7 ".".. fiord ' i.g.t i y and ea no -c , '' .. c - : Eat.. alai' energy '-- 'to the Party , Pam"! -__ acce p tablemm/flee ~,,„ z dub ...elmtreo Whigs of % ffeeeralff- ' tic ke t , ted to the e 1 74/ ' tnet is the fo r 'M ira g e ° 3 There 014h k....e ,.. 1 _al Allegheny county im WWI hare preferred A re of touter *hula s t. th e °M ale, but this oth;rnortlesets the e° me 41,, ettooted se the. is ?tempi the et^ee in. P 7 ounty is FeelbtP rag Pet/ in Allegheny gr owing out of Pot' sena, however, are genels4 for nomination* t . , , pz 4. 7 Il se rviette ug,.1...,,,bd.a_ r ~, - The New York Bare ' I i , ''r ,4"; Janus" - „ is 000 b e d been .„._ , '''" 'i e, .Iso,o g A I'7 uy asserted that." ',.. brows S. -<. 7 l ''' - •• .-- .1-.• - .0_,,nA1, therldsme 8... ea -P-...- Thad do, - ...--7 - , .1.-v.4 „dog: l oth:0 front the Ihrir one 4 1-" ' se43lllllThs. of that city, with to light emit tless sad now: .t co m es wow% 7 ' 4kagea thin the BluateslVitoes, / / - ''' r : Abet the editor 1r uprooted. to 1 / 1 4 "/ , . -7.7 the Arioner,in this eeed'had seduce Stith -,..ki0 / ff e , t h lg r o *gine th at he lam f ames & of *Mob thouland mnthu7 P t is notice r o f madame 11 -' : k 41 : 4 old Obtain a 16Ter" would t a ttoo , o f , - , _.O d,„,,, these parka he wo w B„ OW ~..,,o, co untry oe s n er e W ft r 7 least too tho----,. Tax, end for this penis. Y - i sha y to visit /felt of tiro thenesnd '' '' j4 i be editor asked the Inedetietwornitalueegt sad co , 01116-'''r d tlt woe, °f " i ts revenge bt etthin - - ittorTtittes looks the Wu door o f others We i ;:.te e MY ite eln St*. ~..,„, ow it hue hue 4 , i . .24 ~. daub:remota. '''"""ech greatest bent ,4t In 4." t et . or ale of the , i ' .. -, - the reel olleT" , the New T o rs t Named ,_ - bugs of the 'Ws tent 00 nrs° of Maggethl -. I Aforesaid. 2 :i it hoe foisted itself upon if .r 4 , , and eelateidsS4s Pe 3 §Selng en° 4aluable 1 *--"," 'Oec,/. polio, wit ho ut r l l' ft has, free the i , .' musical'. Journal to purr '.1.. 1 , - t .1. ,Irgillit 41 astern ft by endear/it% 4 7, .`''. 1 t- . , '''' sruit.,l(oldlit bait, behalf, through P IR. ''. I_ .j" ' the countr y non o ff ered, modem . romstotioe wee ever ernesimAo relish no edito ra owe It to th s 1 thin% 0011AWY womb , to be had a * MOT ll' i t /hew the proposition 12°4" ..,,. r -.. ...ono intimated In Ma d a m e loot& . .- .-.... , to the agent. of tee v - , Tholt t e resifts for • -' Ilwoolow," - P" adt "'" 1 Twearrelke nil h y sham Magill y esterd ay . ' ' Jewell Wt.._ o nentor Bigler. It iro l oXe it r 4' -- ' itOorelcg t,'""" ) , the Hsu Goo Dude - ic ..4 ~,,. to ailed • b a 0 Datele had better be emp loye d , ' The /O n ' '''' home th e itiordirOrg th at inha bi t islegthg biflt le hth deli°. 1 =here is a tittobtwat I city Almost every ? I di ng men inn ' lk," - 'lilt ~t hat that city. and 7 11 th s ,„! " endea voring to ~... murder n 0 ~0 , 1 (show. -ithlogiis V ploy their ''''' t nfaloitotgeelli '9" a „„ they ere , th „g.„4,lly -Quad k ' -' ^ thwart 4040erf when — •,' rdi?.4Neynaiturf Ea4l4• d in act of "sr ri:'*: '' , ' °S4rdr. le merely Paimo ticottmut t ow ift6 A ~c ,a'K ....„.1, ffeliverlag 44 iM P" tan sot i thja k a 0 man i ' 5 Z.'" -' Ili ak k a "' ' Goremor to etioSheritt- " refused top. .1 ''.z .' ' ' '''' .r > - • k , at cuemen POUtln.l"ll,°.2nishinblieg 00 hi," we, ^'' * ' , form, taping 11/1."21.7...ted : him with a Jotter 4.,, home. the <1""4" 11,7,4,7tig, and we have /et t . cg , 4,.,' -., Is be esUreied to deittol7 of, a letter In ..' '' '''.. to iesth *44 the mer e rings' In-whatever itmey 1 -',7 . ~..--,,iccan t ,,,ie Wit wo ul d .... . 01, t 4 45 , 7 , 0 t • saal/6* k 4 4,,, In this imul^-• ' th,...15 ti 1..e.' of the Er, . ~..,' ~o lmost o vary week "'" , wallet Lew. his been owl 11113 f: this city The i t 7 &I)liarde ," to ~, two linelett bineei spanr out that condition of ef,, der, latterly, end on ce! 1 , i f .,1 0 (" 00 , foAt, Shore to notion!. to b ell- Aapls his/h4ttoitilo lea facto la the likro„,..4ltetthei° Pri:.ld'',.l,72d , _f t the remizkAlg the ' I. mr...._04 Pat will _ no t ere e2risoohthoesdrjohstat tieLekters,senoliteon to Is m e te- oh DOO . O Bus% SU pithead 4 Pot Jars- , that the Ad 01....... „et, 101) 41 ,% bane replabf fh• eltr porte d, lues * sawn to the TelmelleePte il 1 ~ asst the mabanueed 1 got into foreign bands 't 441rusprBturleatkW.S.t"8"the'e donee ofG°lllterele adios , 414cin tit . 41914,1.4" u: tr,nethilfmAnT -.noi t einem ~. . far sum, or _,..„, kid.. heimuutus„, . J otoduirge toy Illy do • A Pnerts II t o w by Freeldent i.. - 1 , litteq, to i dsmocrat. and be „ bite * Ast, weskit% tok ,frow n by [• f- .. r $t 1 4 1 ..... e ut, 604. *l;4 with 118- trititliSolitt ca ooaekrnae and E t piety support , A t t ii h o poem of II bins with wee SI 't , fel b e sli trtiF, qn 6.1 ousting up. sod the gorgeous term ' That MAY .. et htil l itato to eteetieNr Ice bum motel, , n _ ~,.. Ito i s , ..4 ......t...!. kritetiticr ,„ mut Aid yoidtorm „.„ t i coi rotated at ‘ocrpcim..zo,,,, r.. i —,-- aliisiaj - 1 1 Id" leaf * 40 ' 164 deco ration /*lb w ;lir me 1q.,,,,,,,t,i- //61140Ll'isfibstmettOtAr414,7r°tigtiii,40.0w*41L,Ww d* wait . '' 1 ' 4 ,4 , - witai.o44 ..._ be thbfrdig‘ta 'm a t /4' Orcillita'f• 140,6 1 60 0triPIV II *sal 1411 'i - ,', '4,,, i ( itAirt.:lKtilr.t._ a tgor4ouniutdatt atostribtf4,o,,„lintiom ih•Promi A - Ali- J- - wish fa° ' l ' l - 11 2 4 is antes to um 4 b*..— ~ _, t ~,,,, „_4644,60,3444tirr0e 1, f _ , ^olim „,., , fot , a , '''''6- '' ;.t . ' t,41-ATladly 4104.1 r - "ZE' i v .4 t': ... ft ttz ~.. d -* .‘. 0N,,,, •' 0 - ''' - ,- ' , t ~ r' ,-.3. 4 .„k V" - ..--,,. .)... t. r %.. ' ~. , .-Z , ~,, r /y r ... , '. ,_,,,,,, ..,. '-"'" - Y' ,-r- t -- I -.-v.,.5.. ,i. ~.:1 - ..,..,,,,,,,, .4. AL r ay '', , '," ~ '-' ' 4 :; , ' .'' ,- 4 - • 1n.,,,,,,7F t ..' ' 7' ; , 3 , ,.. 1.2 ''''''''''' '' 'r ~,m y k 1. ~''''''' *.,.%.,..44,,,,w4,4- '"-.4'-'"' iY '''. -' . i'''. ' ' .. ,-.- 'Tf„ ' MEM Vioiregoesag pr the rirOarrim , Ddr ;swim '..; - • -•••• Our neighbour of Philadelphia hive adored Snuck distrestefreadointyreepeetiag tie 'health of New Fork. It Tee reported there last week that the plan= bad appeared In some of - our tianNst ,that - cholera , mortats— was, awteping off lie , Mundane daily, and that , sun istrolte-wati a Misnomer for an epidende peetileace that las laying waste this devoted metropolis.— The.ennounement of, these fearful forebodings ' Was ,socompanied by notices to travellers and Inanimate that merchendise wee deeper and tioolmodalcitur better "in Philadelphia than in any other Eastern city. Pity that 'snob amiable eympathy, ehonid. be alloyed by so !MAR thought, as that Philadelphia would mate money out of Nei, York's calamity. - However, the last week's report of. Interment hes quieted 'fears, and dispersed, it may be, some rising hopes con netted with the fall trade. The Intermente `of the past week were onli: five hundred and four teen, being a decrease of four hundred andfifty- Ave ae compared with - the week, ending on the 20th. This is a proof that the terrible mortality of the third week is. August was at.trlbatable to she effects of the excessive heat. By retina of theisna date It la shown that the health of Beaton, Phliadelphis;end Baltimore likenkse, greatly Improved. Charleston, that need'to be no terribly scourged with yellow and: other bilious fever, hanbeeoras one of the healthiest cities of the , The eslanity . of Nei/ Orleans 14 ite granted either than alleviated, tit:A the circle of the pestilence which envelopes that doomed city llke a cloud, is extending to the eastward and northward: 'We have and in doing all that lies in our power to near wallah:del brethren that walk these in the valley of the shadow of "death, bat God alone can bring effectual help., Alluding to the efforts our citizens hairesnade, kn commoiwith then of most considerable pla tes in the country, in obedience to the eared du ty of ministering to the en, brings to mind some shooking instances of depravity and bigotry.— The chairman of the committee foi receiving nations here, is the Bev Dr. Hawks; divine well known for his fluent eloqatia,'and the we to which he applied it during the compromise agitation in behalf of the salvation of the Union. This reverend solicitor of charity refused to pub- ' lir& his appeals to the sympstides et 'the people through the Tribune, because that was en anti- I slavery paper: an would he permit the names of centtibuton„ nor the - . lief of don:idea, nor the proceedings of theatemitiee; to be ootainnits. tad to the patio ,thimigh that ehannaL mould not have theltreeof the free whites of his • parish eared, nor their parting -agonies 318=11- god, nor the bodies of their dead dandy Tatar red, through the'sgeney of Innen Mho oouldre pet the sitelaniment of the blacks. Poor priest, poor bigot who could thus allow his devotion to slaiery to smother his humanity. - , I perceive' that you have approptiatelynairi the disgusting boast of the Journalof Comments —the most brutal and contemptible of i 11. ,. northencadvoones of slavery—that Cotton Mai' equal to the crisis is New Orleans, and wauldre calve no aid in - tie work'of assuaging the mise ries of the pestilence from, Abolitionism a sentiment at such a season caddies, proceed. ed only from the lips of a fool and the heart of II demon. ' But it has been long known.here, - that the charity and morality of this-vensland byo - cation print were of too low a entailed to look beyond a bale of cotton:. While slandain - g the free States for their hostility to the fugitive law - and the extension of slavery as covenant break- ire eider ihe Cauctitation, it has openly celled upon our Statejudges to perjure theneelvee and I nullify the laws upon the demands of slave hunt- ors: Far yeareit foamed at ,the month against' abolition, infidelity and other Kens," and at the lame time ,received immense tune d'xiicnitey by letting out Tabernacle Hall for the yearly meet; logs of socialite devoted to-the propagation Of their doctrines; and would do so spin if money could be made by le. This is , cotton philanthre 7 pi. ',lliet- same *ljnion" print' has recently in trodneed. to the public( • project for rearing monument to John C. Calhoun, who died - afloat, in Me am *o4 inference of a manifesto agaliet ' the Union, and ita labored for tweittiyeara to deidniy • lt. This Wootton ittibicreini and dlitiot ly of hidireatly it will all be made to pay, end ..pay Welt Uit mere, propoted ten* a main thenti tethedivil, the scheme world And mot- - One advocate in the - Jeanal of connine, if like, -ly to lung extbariptioniandabratbenititta:, - The tinannal history of. the put meek lads , inns a general, tho u gh not rapid, imprevehont. ImiPortittione an not so enormously heavy, and iotOequisaa new to be romping out Int hiding' places. . Bat it is clear Oath*. last .Seitsible people .are afraid it; the; pliant I Imi:dittos' et our foreign deht. ; We, keep. haying and - dent pay, It Is to' be feared that we skill hive' ludic: no iroriftte at ;grain or flour .with.whlckt to supply the wants el fatainedtu rope. ~ T he continued wet . meetini l %'likeiy to destrOy the potato crop; and lin don "s, vast' amount eflisjuiy to harvested - whistoate sad hay ia ..the 4elds:. On .scsanifirms thelsrvest has rotted; la the lid& We ran bans lay este Crop of eau, • there'the guises hoppers and Ober Insets hare.not eaten the atnks auf eare—thed; pest hie Made 112/61,112id hake in some counties Mr State: W,ishaer iM1361-11007C0 from-such useseaii,the isppii. of rats and grain crops, - wlll diminish thequantity . ;ot,whcet and flour ice should otherwise hare. for. „export. ' The , ireappearaina of the pane rot is most indernitcus visitation for the farmers. Notwithstanding Mr. Gatiale's laudable frorti to redone the balance in, the Treating by, there demptiogof debt at a premium, the golden acre pi the indi-lireseury ace has doettnitdaindle ; ~Testerdayeireaing hfr.'nrths ritioard balatute is hantl , ef $9,274,467,' the Ingest eta anion: kited it one Point Since 'the visage :of the sot establiehng the present epthencl:eolleotions.--. lila *leo the largest mass of Oda ever gathered in one place of deposit* in the.tinited States., • The companies . ; are not getting idongerell; or ptiiispe It would' be more : strietly ,correot to say„tlxe noel - ;purgation, eeem to 'drig., The _Maryland mina atCumboriand, from which the' Moe; brllliant anticipations wire deeived;, tan sent: to trinket hardly more than half , what was expand.' - The bed state; of the Cheiapeahe sad Petoren Canal, awl the strikes among the ,110111, probably had something to OA lnprodaoisg 'this:4eult. The Laing elfin the Anthraelm, ' . .tiadir s witi the Pottiville has also bad }rosy ilotieeable.'; By 'MI6 of onnejann the mount 'reacht;3i tide.water bag teen 104,000 time le; thatduritig the nme time in 1852,-- Hat`,York espies' sengaged in the - constriction Orroads lotion fiew'JerseY, to the iortheur coal regiois of Peunsylnpb,end textyear or the year, after.ears will he dumping a thousand' *for. day on the piers of Jersey City. ; joittok' "- nal MN TORL A /dILASMIOLT COIL—Mr. Isxit, flOpe;fir _ , i2eriy of 'this eimeniiimmOledvoi loneedeee to , a :Riled ed i Oltnt;,,idee of 'l'itfibing,b, d ;holli . wen( fenilw,in New Oilesudi • the 18t1(of Diet month filr.Buide died of,Yellow . Fever, end co the 20,11-14 wit followed' by his., wife. _pile. lir ono of magi elioiler wises 10 . wideli, 'tilt destiojer.bius blotted whole , ' feelialeelroie erie tepee ..,„ Tint City of llastrylge kis coiktritOted-$8,061 - 20 torso:dim ti?e relirf kt„the eaffe!ingiu"riew Or. 1:11CAPII OiLiitzums.—Vieltsve merely Um, to announce - beton going Wpm, thitlaii,pq: ler; the 'murderer, siespedirornprtionjest (Men. daj) n 104: B. bi hawed the window; ban end lowered 41=elf Irownt d, .by minis a rope suede of Ms biallatlt.'Wino She Sheriff is .now nishlokifflotest itrientionunti to mishit Ms re osPture: - 4 0 iler -1,7411, AIaILIGIPT IT A MIIRDIVIIII, suns aiatill'Aißtitt. sea.;-On the 4th dayof July hist:Dear Chard-. lop; Klaawhii county, Va., a'raat,tuticied John' Itorisg-waS murdered'on the bighting, mad from ddi person 'mistaken three thousaud.tiolisre and tome valuable papers. A matt neon William Talton alias William Waller, who wee seen in the m urdered mane _company , on the day of the murder, and who wes•suddenlyt 'Missing, was suspected of having committed the murder. Patton was mate of the steamer. Greenwood.— A description of him was published, as follows: A man ,named Win. Patton, alias Waller, team Green Rive: county, Vs., murdered a man clamed john iforley, on the 4th of July, for his money, sad receivedabout $3,000 in gold.. Be goesny the name of Willem Patton and William Wallevrthe name of Wiltlsct Patton is en both arms, written with, indellible ink; windy hair, near red;:thin visage, light complexion, ar.d freckled; large eye teeth; a soar on his right, forehead; Hee feet ten inches in height; stoop shoulders; weight about 165; a river Men; Irish descent; very talkative sod very fond of titan , - ing his money. A reward of $5Ol will be given . .for bite apprehension." • -; • . . • - 'With thil deloription oar pollee bare been •a• tively on this Mere, and two of them, officers Rose and Ryder, 'received secretly the, probstie Locality. of his whereabouts, mid on Sunday-as certained correctly where he could be found.— Tentacle,' ehay ;engaged a carriage and went to 'the place where he was at work in •009 Per ebOP. six miles beyond.Alaxandritt, in Campbell county, By:' On hie panda was' large bowie knife cov ered vilth blood,siried co, ands revolverlooded ,litako htitioomcgold in his posses elan:And tugs that n large amount la on depottit in this city.. The deseription is precisely that, as given abet% ; When questioned as to how the .bfood eacceoullielatife, he replied "1 killed on ollice, but sal too mart to tell who the num wee, or the pail where I murdered him." ,Ther erasers brought, him to this city, and lodged him la the Hammond street Eitallou House, sad immediately telegraphed the officers In 'Virginia to come down and got him. They will probibly be here this .ereolog, and Hoye for Chsrleeton ltkoorrow, With the pis oner. -Officers Bose sad alder resoles the $6OO rewardA.Cii..Gas.: ! - . Ilion Worn in 14noossirr. —A . company of . capitalists in 6111mo:this have ergenited under the very liberal charter of the "Hartford Iron ,Compauy," with &capital of $560,000, and have commenced the erection of iron works and rolling mills at Iron Ridge, in Dodge county, about 46 miles. from Milwankle, capable of turning out over i 6,000 tone of rails annually. They own at that point several thousand acres of the choi cest timber and agricultural lands in the Btate, the Most extensive bed of Hematite ore in the country, and abundance of lime-istone, all con tiguous. They likewise - 'own' the fled for the ' Etate to use Riston's patett, for manufacturiitg wrought Iron and blooms from the ore, and their erperiments prove that the iron made from their ore by this proms porceseerce remarkable de pee of tenscity and duotability. .Already they have contrasted with the Mil incite 'and Li Orcesseßidiroad, the moot impor tant lino in the State; which will pals within a '_mile of their worke,to deliver them 20,000 tons of Mk within two years Dim this date, at $7O per too, which le ISS per , ton less than they con tract forin'liew York, adding transportaUon. ,The rails can be made and delivered at the depot ate cost if from $66 to $4O per ton, the latter beteg. the highest cattiest° of competent men now engaged in the basinees, before whom all the facts hare been laid. This *will leave the :Pampany: the snag -LW.) profit of 5600,000 on _their firot oontraok—...4l6. Riskier. ' Peneartenta Pinitisits —We nee confident of the 'thinks of ererS notable housewife for the following recipe for . .preserving peaches, which we obtained from the wife of an experienced trait grower in this vicinity: ' To twelve pounds of peaches, Mk* six pounds of .. .Aeon brown sugar, and one pint of. best older vinegar: Simmer the sugar and vinegar togeth er, which viii make a atm syrup. Pour boiling water Upon the peaches, and remove them in two ininniee from: the wartie„ - sail wipe them dry with out breaking the skin. Pot them into the syrup and boil' gently till' the fruit li Cooked to the 1 lumen Keep the preserree in jut, whirdi mot he kept. closely .covered and in a 000 l plum. They should be inspected occasionally, and if white mould appears upon the surface of thin.' sup, it must be =dilly skimmed off, and the syrup scalded and reteped to the peaches. The Pesedsta tried. last fall were sinning variety, rip ened the last of October. They were acid, but preserved the peach flavor. In a high degree, which was retained by this method in, the most perfect manner. This to the most toonomleal, end, to our taste, the very best preserves we know ot —Prov. Jour. • .., • - Nagar or Towas....-TbeIII.) lour **M ( a net proposes to eksitire Ate name of the capital Of Wools: .The editor asys that Mare are at aartirry - towns'of - the 'mama of-Springfaid, to the Pilled Stater, and that Wars for Springeoldi: .114fienneitly go the rands Ott* Steles before Teething their proper destination:'few • dare to.flithale got the credit in the eastern papers of a neve burning which .took plies intlbston._ ri....Thepaper desalting it the Spring* Id Iblissaiti).:Adiatiser,, lima the mlitake. - .-.:•.Thisloorrealsayo that the 'oitisans of - _the .nofeSpelaCserally twee as to thtpropri• trif • goof name. - The old neeir7; of , the capital. 1" " would hire been bOrr, , bot the ]unreal trioliace rather to the propcsetteamer of -Scragnamwideb-rotte,badiee-loeat time for :kid 'tali - :Bargemen, which is a earenilen of .theetante. - , A cerressen. drat of Zonate] trepans another mime, Mai, *blot to of *riling the nein* of the once porratnl:. tribe of Udine that - inhibited that Stste.;;Yfelitink„ stamina's aiszeston 'She beet. "Simons° le • broad, fell sad enphono. , and -11Inioty, - ."-81. •.Larir , Inainse a or Lozaarcia—A.- writer In the Hew -Hampshire Banana !wan Ale of the New Hamp shire Recorder of :1789-'9l, froin Which he en treats the story of a 4'ariner,":irho complain of hard aleddleg,4hrough the stetting extrara pima of the time& • U. wee, doing well, and I what his second daughter marled, his wife said, ""Corns, you are Mob, yen know; Molly has noth- ' leg but what she 'pap, end she ought to fere ha well as neighbor M.'s Betty."- ttlirell, wire, do as feu think best;.r hate never been stingy." Mire.. goo to torn sad returns with a calico gory ti ealanamoo'pettient, a set of etone.tes cups, half admen pewter tearpooni, sad s tea kettle,•othltne that never were'seen la my house before.. not feel lt, atiChiolly was as well olitted out as any girl in the parish." In three ,years. the third,daughter . was to be married, • *triad Site cones agate for the puree;' but when she returned what didl. set? a silken gown; eilk for a stoat, tatoehistplass, chins tea gear, &0., end en. empty:parser Thltivu followed by estranges= in. furniture end dress in Ms own house, and the peer man le in a peck of trouble, taxes and ran, and desires hie story may be told, in hope these 'growing amiss may be abated. . A &I'Aillll HOWCI/D1 —The 1311T1111111h COUSOr learns that • singular homicide was perpetrated Wear.Darien, ea Thursday afternoon. A echoon er laden with lumber" was preparing to put to sea, when a stranger applied to go on board as a passenger.. The arrangements were ensile, = and the passenger went into the cabin, - where a loaded - revolver wits lying on the table. Boon 'after the vessel get under weigh,:. he took the listed; ,vverit apex deck, lumped into the boat latent, and eat loose. As he bid no means of propelling the bast, ebe Wasdelfting at the mercy of the craves. The mite of the - ,vetsel, .desirous of relieving the strait - gin (reins Ids peril. atm position, jumped overboard .nnd swam to wards the boat. When be approached within _ a few feet of it, the ettanger deliberately raised, the revolevr and shot him dead: , • The onourrenoe took place shortly before the etage left, so that our Inftinnant could net gather tarthor portion, Ism Orleans the nabs of the stranger. . fie WWI 'eupposed to he insane. . • BeturdaY; Aug. 27.—The offa :dial health, report , los the week ending at 6 o'clock thin morning, exhibits the total 'number of , deaths to hese. been 1626—boolodlog 1604 from fermi 98'unknoin. Of the deaths reo ported ...anknolle," one seventhlare believed to , here herrieatised by the foyer, • • • Oomparad with the reports of the previoue week, this ,ihoent An , increase of 94 deaths, of 'width 62 tore from, the incressec Of the fever, This te mainly owing to the. large number of Jambe which, took place in the early part of , the, jitak . up to Thursday, when the deaths 00111172811, sod faillneoff„ and hare eti 00011110611 until the preeent day. ,Should the epidemic, therefore, not •eiceed Abe past two dare, .the ie.:inert for, the -wising :weer will ebo ir it falling Off of Dove ', dot, rialbiook, of the l'imaynee, who has ' been #4 of the fever, is, pronounced conveles; cent. , • Ile expects to to out in rho course of "a A tioo;,e,e; T0111.111.1-.9:1110 ~111 the North donateW e Woe, _a few 'days ago , the following inoldeut occourcd:', l little boy only eight. years old, playing ;dm , - 4, ranger, 'brother, fell down 'No. 2 AIN s perpendicular distance of ,{lily, , dee, feet,. and ettnolt,upon the` ead and book of s Cornishman whole , at work st,the bottom. of She theft, and beundid of into s table of witter,•_without The boy gathired nett up, let IS - 110 was, and iso up the ladder, 'the inbutilis full . ohms . liebind;;Jhreatening to - whip hlne,for said he;Ntny.bodyntlght see dint the tittle dill( dune it a pnrporte.'! Panamfor rtimmirmos—Th6 4 if(ar ,Yorlc TimliViittlillCLO 'rumor that "alike f urause of rarttialooltibtriatebakbeta. amide 10 : aukt.. 117 i bt Val* interested in AM Oran of -Ca. tab avoloist hoOnstats aat down at as t rioaasaavealsf Amiga tmes,akidif oast. itailatidillgio.lo thoOis o : 111 4 11 0.5t , • ?+:....•:ncß. z re 'Fen Isnodra fir:icvn Move eve at Indianapolis. "'MU has .trodlient noiisidans Me -excitement there, woo econcluded ate Satur day,' by" an ;order 'cam the 11. S. Commissioner to release John Freeman from jail, where he bad been confined since the 21st of June last as a fa gitive eine. The State Sentinel "silo d.tphi claimant; P: Ellington, of Micnourie eflirva - amination of the testimony adduced by Free man's ectutecle Woe coneintod that he bad cialm ed 'the wrong Man,' and through his contuse], J. A. Lisbon, withdraw the claim." - "The teatimouyis clear as to Freeman's being an entirely different person feorn.the alive 'Sam' .olaimed ea having run sway fronaffreenup court -tylEentucky.. It is also proved hogged a doubt, that the latter is now in Canada. Freamativrie ideatifled by witnesses Of excellent character now In Georgia and Alabama, as being' a free colored man who lived In Georgia until 1844. '• "A" civil eult will hei_instituted by"Freematt, against Pleasant Ellington for fates imprison' , meat, and process issued accordingly. ' 'Fhb' damages claimed le $lO,OOO. _Thic.caae will come up for trial at the next term of the Cireuit 'Court, the fourth Monday in October.—Cia. Gas. 1 Tss ALLIGID &mass Paorsuronara.—The National Intelligenoer of;Mondsy eays:— "There was a troy improbable dory in cline lotion not 'long since, out of which our high pressure jot:mole endeavored to stir up tone ox titement, of en alleged Protectorate guarantied by Spain to Mexico agaitult the United States, for which the former was to receive certain ter ritorial , concessions ; We have received from abroad, from a source in the tor:sedans of whose information we have entire confidence, that no thiagia farther from the-mind of the Bpattiab Game:intent dian to meddle In the qairs of the Spaniel' American Stater; and that, however great rte eympathy sad revisit for those region may be, the Spanish Goiernment Is as firmly reorient to attempt no acquisition of territory in America ite it is to preserve that which it already holds.", Tim Ossneate—The 165 little children who, left orphans by the Influence of the opidemia on their' parents, were ;Mead by the Board of Health and Connell Committee in two temporary asylcass, One on Julia street, the other in the Fourth District, have all been brought together under one roof, in the large building at the cor ner of I'oeyfaore end Constance /streets, First District; thera they 'intakes are of by the be. nevolentleffiea of the Society of St. Vincent de St Faith The Mayor, who visite daily all the hospitals, infirmaries, and asylums, said to us in conversation yeste rday, ' . that he could stand the hospitals pretty well, being accustom ed to such sights, but that it was difficult not to I be moved bythe scene this asylum presents, with so many unfortunate children orytng.for their mothers—N. a Pie. . BialTY:01 °TAMBOV! Tasvni.—A aorreepon• dent of the Salentine Amnion, says: "If you will look at the feats in the case, tak ing for example, the Mississippi River and all its tributaries, I believe you will Sod that from the let ofJanuary, when the law took effoot, to this time, therehas not been the boa of life of a sin sit passenger, or oven an injury to eat, upon all 'theca waters, Ahllnt in the seven months of 1852; corresponding to these, there were over 600 per killed. Taking the asploelone and accidents alsewhere in - the United States for the same pe 'lad, they scarcely amount to anything in com parison with the lass before." IC the fast is as here stated, and we believe li to be euseeptible of the highest proof, plight not • general railroad law accomplish the same re sealed In promoting the safety of railroad travel. Pusinsucer or 'Pattscrtel Comma—Doctor Carnahan haviug tendered his redgmatifet of the Presidenay at the lest commeeoement of this Col lege, the Trustees accepted it, and_adjourned till August 80, at which they will bold au elate d= for his suoceseor. Many mimics hare been mentioned. In connection with the respoulble selection; among them are those of Dr. Maclean, the cresent Tier President, who is a radiate of tie College, and has for a long Umbrae connect ed with It; Dr. Young, President of CentreCol lege, Kentucky, -who i• not a graduate at Prince- ton, but wee formerly a tutor there, and Peeks. , eor Henry, of the tmitheonlan Institute, former ly Professor of Natural Philosophy at Princeton. It is thought that the choice will fall on one of theca three gentleacten.—Newetrk eldo. i • .. A beautiful fight is going on between the two faction, of the New Hampshire donee:soy, head titt. ed .ou one side by Edmond Burke, and the other by William Butterfield . Duke deno te Batteelleld ankothers for their former an very,.and they, In turn, rove that they SII•OCM oed such sentiments only., after his repeated, ad vice so to do. Thej prove Burke to be a corrupt and selfish politician, and utterly unqualified to be the leader of the democratic party in that State, while he Soda no difficulty in proving any thing he wishes 'genie them. • This is not a quarrel between Individusle merely, but it the boretieg out of ; that Are whose crackling sound is beginning to be heard In all parts of the Colon. . .. Will pm help zee out of this mud hold" gala - ifiravellog &eaglet who had jest htiericausit-, eal to stop his testa in ti reed hole, becauserthly aouidn'qull theeagonont. " No, 1 001 stop," es k tii.t Xtu3kee who: was holey leaded, and was fearful stdie . .would be Iste, fee the cart "I weedd ..take It as a greet favor:: betides pay Mg, "yen," said the. tamer. Vlliist _ wt. lon loaded with," ma. lbw - Witte. " oDrage sadmodidiri — tr,..ialia be.. "Welt- 1101116 Pit try to 'get yeiiitit then, for 1: iialoadett with tomh sect co.' , They were teen s traveling together sr • Tao blobtle Itieertiser slates the tenth uo• . boa of thoillret article in the U. S. Constitution' disqualifying, any, Senator or Beeressetatise hoktintinny dam °which shalt Dm, beta nets . tad,, or the etioloments whereof Stall bete been itvutulsed attrihit each tioce,",tind Wu how item be reconciled whit the appointment of Mr Sot land,tts minister .to Co itroerickan °Sao created by the Convene of 'blob be WIG &mem ber; or,if notreatly crested, masonry:a a ehezge ship to atoll mission, and its eneolentents largely Inca cared.. ' • . Pavane &Tana—The Alta Callan:lien inlet that spectates at beryl ant tepee of remarkable nine and beauty, emulating of emenid, beth stoned of the fleet water, see elute been found on Tuolumne river and theirs:ant high pike of this gem, being next in nine to the die t:nand, wstnnt anal explanation 1p demob of them. - • • r hirantam—Gor. Panne hap ot&olilly au. nottiond. the . ratification by the people at the Woe -law, recently adopted by the LegielstOn. The veto Stood: For the Prohibitory Liquor Lee, 40,449; Avast Prohittitlan, 28,001 There tern SU defeottio binds. limotrust PIOPLEIL—There was a singular problem among the Boleti which ran to this par ponu—Whea amen says .dots lie lie or doer he not!: If bego t he speaks the truth; if he speaks the tenth, 41, Use. Hazy art.,' the books written upon thin wonderful problem:— Chryaippus favored the world with no lees than fa; and FlLM:dna studied himself to des& in hii vela end , avars to solve it. deserves Narototon..—The Now Santander for . August contains et deserved rebuke of diabottW Napoleon, in which the hsileolnation of theals` thor is plainly exposed. The retriever tolguldv eandyremarks: "We will not souse Hr. Abbott, en he,has done the bleb:Mane of , Bogies:A,. of 'waning from historical accuracy, &rough hen get for a liberal reward. Arnutpuro loitamen an T111111.10OWAT.; 4 / 1 1r* rca Wood bas been arrested In New York dm* ed with attempting to murder Hiram Williams, a pedirr, in Orme county, in that fitete., to &urged with 'robbing, skootiug bleu Arse Home, dragging him under abridge, piling rocks upon hie supposed lifeless body, and there }en, tog hint. He wee found soon after, antielived eta:lndy to describe the highwayman, but is , propablY dead ere this. The mistress of the &C -aused hie eiso bent attested. • • Hear is RPSl2.—The Madrid ,laureate :of the &lenge that the.hekt continued exoevaire. The thermometer marked, thirty-Ave degrees Rean roar (1101 devote Fahreattelt). The hest caus ed. a groat deal of sickness; and had shrivelled up the leaves of the trees in. the cocottes of the Been Retire, es ln. the middle of November. Bernesemn von KIDNiPfliO.-Bolomon Fish er sod Joe. Bmith, (both colored,) found, guilty at Columbia of kidnapping Thames Smote; (coin 'that Owe, were each sentenced on daturderlast to pay ethos 40000 and the poste of , prosecu tion, and nodorgo an imprieoemoitt of Walters in the Lanes/tar county prison: - • . _ . flaw _ AVILW, Aug, 2O .— T he jury in the' use of CharieWA. Cametook; indloted for ittanslangh ter,-In naming the death , of a number'of pitmen• gets by the mooning nil of a train on the' New Haven Railroad, cams Into - Cowl again this mot• ping without being able to agree uponia They were again lent out. They stood nine for acquittal *naiades tot conviction. * . - Judge MoLosn's 'opinion In the talent 'Viva case or Cincinnati. Is pronounced Worse tharefree soil's= by the Charleston Heronry: The invalid of exception le 'thst Rio Judge, like all Othiliu• riots let America of any note In our nallestal courts, said that elaveryexists only by looallaw. . . PROTECTION I , - INSURANCE. COMPANY, OF t - IPOOONL "I n T nd N'eatas cart Rink. 4530-i ham a ....%-- sl,ooeNuu' . .-t - - AtiocepoßATED 182,1 poual' iss of l --7---- /411 / 1 34 It ___;__111111 7' 32 7 ° , 1 1110 -- ‘ limit fmrsbie ' "g"" , _ ...-.,- n , a I , A i . ji t Aaslllt - M . , i p, 1..i . 1P *7 . '" og Ting i11:44 _. .. • ri - ::, 'limits Ok-SAY/14 , , t ~ !Tr ,_ -, _ , culallalut Air 24,,,, it/ t ii4B. - issf'.l' For illti,,t"=. i tvcomros, a co, lisaszas AsniSen;nusicia mr.Amuts, One. dna; trox.ollrst. streetoPitiltrurgl4 Bay and sell Par 'thia Own . Ili Funds, Night an/ Tteee. - .Exatutnis Coltn., 8:0665. Nuts= and IlreOnen Time 7G14, stect Peon:awry Notes: allow 6 yet cart,. on Time LW-Wiese Rot and Current Itoney; and. Insane !Sze and Mane Pollelei fee the, ..Ebste Luseatece Cossorsy (rah Cana,' 6170,660) oat Royal !arum= Cb (tiyttslllo6oo,6oo), - • 1.16 WI - liver Complaint' of Ten Years itaitting oozed hy the use of only two bow of DR. atelelbLEl CRWIRATED•LIVER 2LLLS. OMM== .."Tats ti to Certify that having been sillieted with,Lirer complaint' tor tea Team; Lad altar - twin: trieHneerlY e ray . knowa.rearedy without Indian teller, I was at but induced to ten Dr:Viands celebrated Liver Pins, =d arter lasing only two bones VIP peructly cured. I now lege plownn• to recenunend Inn them to the nubile u the lweLLOrer or general Ant/ Batons Pill over offered to the . pin*. Ann Munn. IT Bochlichca Wert" .• Purehuert wilt be careful to • mak -fix DR. !PLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, Lad take, none else.— There ore other Pill; purporting to be Liver PIRA. now bilore the public. Dr. Liver PULL oleo hie toll. beefed Verrolhuie. can now he had at all ruperuble Drug Stores In the United States, rad from the sole pro, pttetore. PLEbillill BROTHERS, . =27 swum. to J. Itldd t Co.. 60 Wood otriod. 7ite - ,New Cartiftcates.—Ma. SohoitoNs: called it you: ogee on the sd July. and e.t.a the Wk. Cltare " my yes, whleb wu very bad 'at that time: you coiled me with Speetaehv that did net apse greet dealer smd—They were very mash Intlemed at the time, but that intlanunitlote !mallow lett. I Cannot, bear the light: of the Run ora Lamp, as wellever. lehalt eall on you- ILlbi net another per. in eau I ahead have any tune a;lth them. u I wottld not be without them under cur oustderatkoe. , Yours. ftempeetfully, J.LID2I Id#GRZ, corner High and Webster stieeta Pursidtron. 'AO 11. 1883. • M. SOLOMONIE—Being compelled to wear Spectacles. I bade never teem able to get a par but what mede mT tare tried • mot anent. of 'glue.. but always failed, until I obtained spa * from you. I can yes bj day or trandicelight, for any !auntie of time, with tbo wrest, et ease and comfort. Ides. Wats:loan Is very nmehydsised with her glasses. I Tania, Tenn, TznlT. L. 8. WATERMAN, 109 Wylie amt. threesome, July 19, 1853. • I he's, been under the neeessitY...of ushai Blaine for emeriti rws. lmt hovel:weer found a pair to suit my eyes, or that I coda um without .latliMe. until I otgelned • par or UrAolomon. By the aid of those X bought of Lim, I can ice se well as ever I could. I tan read or write wlth . them for hourg withint the. lout fatigue, both bY day and candlelight. . Lhasa triad, In all the stores in the State of Penneyirw to obtain • pair of Blames that would salt my egos and toilet in' every Inst•nce.j Knowing the digicralty of ebtainaig those suitable tor the sight. I do most earnestly recommend to those laboring under defective vision, to apply to Mr. Solomon.. of whom Mums eon bti obtained to salt all esme. Yours, to. J. MOBlllgOli. Acssausar (BM Jalr 20 . MM. • lidlidgenT i>elr• Plower. Will Grow where the Ittud—lf the entitle of the seelp ii kept healthy. sod the genus of the Hair invigorated II! ethrirdwlttg which operate at their roots: through the Inner skin or derail of the heed. • stringt rate;, vigorous head of Nair, cannot fell to be the result. The opal:anon of LYOLi'll EnTIII.IItON is founded entirely upon this mat swan- Milo law of therefore! World. it Is prepared of emit ingrrlinuts only se will groins this effect. Bence the turd incredulous haie triad and boon benefited by its uns--and the meet of Be W.GIOIIIII sale. The alsVettnues given to the flair is Way beautiful ant pleasing. fold by an deafen. everywhere.. At 23 ' 5 1. 15 . In bug. 55 WItt* D. 0. Bums% rroxmor. 151 Broadway. N. Boil In Pittsburgh by It. E. Wen, 0. Fraser. Benj. Page. jr.. Pbordrur g Bro.: and Braun t Roney. • IttuTl A®'To•thePubliclit. , SoLomon--2 1 4: Pram s premature fallani or cashews of the eyes I have Lein teaselled to try some half-dosen pairs of Glasses— paroles ed at the beet Jeweler's ludas GMT—from the lUD of which any eyes grew worse and eight became materially inewired. I reaentlyfiershesed a per of YOUR JUSTLY' OKLEBILITILD MUMPS, from the ent of which I have mach eamfort and stemma. My eight has improved and my pp. 'relieved from pain.. I could not to Induced to nut with them. Tours, trot y. • ROST. ao.u)WAY, Health I Wrest. ' ,M a- SoLoxosa—After;b trial of a pair cf your SFECTACIIIt, for several weeks. I Mad them superior to any that I have ever Dowd; I - ran net With them any length of dr.. without Latitudes my eyes. ant I can reed by gas light aWs ease end comfort. I cheerfully recommend theta, to thee. that are deleted. as I have long t;•CI3, with weak and teilained eyes. Tones. lte. Mrs. H. 11. McOß►CSlCi.l!enu reset. tYtaburpb,dulf Z. MIS& . Ravi IWILD ML 80LOSIDNB' GLABBE3 for brot Toolc4 sad CAI tbooi to be much toporlor to our bibtrs I bow wed. awl take Plemtlre in reasreme.ebea thole bovine °tendon to we Oloolot. . WILLIAM MoCUTOLIZON. • ri• tehnutt, Jolt I. 1114 BURKE & BARNES' SAFES—Hero anal of tistlaiotty aI to the trate of our SAVES. Ilion which Ink ean randldantlf nil ?Aka reputation of oor wart'. tr. has. already pUblbliii gonna eatifiroder. Dm, tau that .Sates rude for our 'regular and ordinary sale. and Fold abroad: taro bran run}ectod to tbo szviaarar MIDI IN ACTUAL• CONVLAGUATIONn. and inaserrod their conlatta totally•froo from damson. Tb. ionoarhug Is another prtUf of Um taxon Irma:datable eharaclar:—i+ 1110.000 WORTH OP -BOORS AHDBARRI 'Asa lATIMI WITH A 11140 AIABION. Y.aL MOM. raj . Fitatattraw 12.1152. • • Lase. Blass * twarta--Dowr !Int ront two le Ines duly mane.. I atm absent at the Imo. I would say. !A . :null* Lynne easulaer It portostly. /lAN rAkr,r. I tested - ths osa ht (Iron last COL*. the ttiVtd"teirt tanr4a,c'eatAdkdit.'" arts: thra Atari blinding. MT Sala era In •at the eta. a Mann.. and tell into . the also. where the: was • lar.v sosannt cd oil. It was • sal s tns. • /fixates anerhook; accounts that samba the' UN acto.ted to about Ten Th.aatl Dollars. b amyl.% There vas sot iftIiCIIVO . iMiUnta;._ ay. :LS ,a.lejesauly pa. let. le 4.1.2 buIMAIto law ear +tur ; lms 1, O.. , ts that It treed. an rarely reeommad your axe as a one. - Yam. War. t4•ttt -• JOFIN MARKS. F.-O' Hex. 3oti» lONS:—From infano3l lilac beie sallotwi with slut ey.. awl .I.ortalsitterzesi. and mwimv tmv.ls 1 base niter twim able to tot. Imir of that would Ego toe. I have bad mien! swim that smell ...abbe me to an more ellitluotly. but mold sewn - teeppater on anon-than onebrilf hour from the Lot. 4 .la£ theykeittua4 nob itomtvam. I Lappoios to sea von ado demote. by . ,./.1. 1 . OW you had lust bessartad Maw anal as It MO s..n m 7 eta.° slot to seta pair this wont] benalt me, I thought go 6 must uot Wok rm. g :ban I say tb.7 Man Man =awes my exptettnana. I novo not Wes Abe to rood b 7 Oanaliellebt Ow noir them ban on hour at 6.7 time beton I got ewe °lame.. Slam I got ems. I in° Oita Slllalf all day. tug until too Shiest. witliOut sagr tiettelos the Last pd.. whist' L. a thing I two not dots befa-a'Zu Tsars.. r I rey toll moth is I Man It deserving yonSontoetedoN .amt hoping ottani mar twnestelltteil by it. . ZIPZ an at libOrty to mu. use of my mono at ab 7 Woo for sore:a.m. I sm. ill. truly younb, ' DE9BY,LSL, Wharf Nana. Pittanush. . . Y. S. i forget to motion that my vet to great', Um tittxt DT the Mgt rba rot, ao4 ylasaa'• . Biomes Essence of Jamaica Gin geiTht. Email o *worstloo of clioroal In crib:sex diairbas.lnotoltot cholera. Itictuict, In all wow of matron= of the dirrtln tanalons. It is of Inacintablo *us, Dining the 'invoice= of the *dem.% ,cholocoolid siunausr eociplalntioldlillditn. It liWixolWelX efluclow; no funtly or Individual chola& be 'without ft. Co OLICII—B. cui to xot tho mulct. Essanoc ' odd& .1s PiWirel txx B&OWtfint his Dens scdiltectolcol Btorc, nottoeut corxr of Mb and Ottexiot ctrocicatlf , odelotuijinti for salo lir till tlio twpoctiblo soothowilw this Bute; itiolailfilblinish, b 7 &MI. Iva% Jr.. B. A. ictowebxik 4,130.ittr: L emtthr Lenx& Wilcox & On.. &Echoes:maker 400., • . lati Alltstogi7 P. Belnrii!i. sad Lea A. Deck svir We believe .Nature has pnivided. remedy. lbe eeeptdieema latch dub is heir . la: KLElt'd PZTUOTAUU =ROCK 0 11 4 Wit ciao it flews, then the gmt 1 abonniennethn•ted 4.9 In the hem/. of Mott= laonthent °twat nrestest of these reenedies. Mead the intleerhur Whelan,. Mean by • itret.h ll patent: ' Pl.i/1112 1 7sitari 3 Ohlo, L 16, 11651. M. R. IL Illor—bloi '1 hare sold all your Potroleuroo or Riot. Oil, some two nionthswia, slot boy...boot! buln‘ t( c ap d p¢ Tat ro ar 's , 7"}V.Wed-ttrott reg etltlimi In flux arbl I)lniatory. • 6ir 4intuhtsr, at the tine. yOur saint was ham was lying iwi7 tow with too taxi IRO* bet• tospoontal. and to throe howl aro the rotwO4.• and •thii has stopPoil. and ob. to onotool Immtiltindy. It Is • aLso an 100 orboolr for bor. and Indomollfroo, Cuts, Orden, and BliouinsUsin, nod toe the Moor, sotto, lava boon owed at 'outstanding. uni,wlth resport. ••• • Iwo Manor. • • roe oil, hr oil the Unarm In Piltobarub• • • •' ha (Potato sdrorthil no Pot:ratan, Meng ono r.l par:Aldou•Rola TiuBTllorrr.-211r. stions:.Mr—l - think it no more then an act of lattice to you as well as to the AlllllliCill'atalanalty testae, the SPECTACLES I bought of yollc Pete 1514 *en: eight much itayrove.L -I. WI 4A. mill print with them for any length, of time wltlieut fatigue te my eyes. Should my light samilnue to improve bythe i.e of them.' I hare no doubt but 1 oballbe sate to raid without them In o abort time. - Tants. truly. -T. HOUNDER.Allegheny City: June 24.11114. • 113'.1 lure need Mr. tloliquilie. MYR GLASSYS - Ibr Yen bite( period, with decided idrantage, and here no heritation to stating that a defective elslon along stand. Ina bee beam relieved, and the otwarui ream to be A.4ltal• tog rigor sod tan*. I ttiarellare cheerfully bear Unthaws,' to' Muir excellency end Ildinreilro Si A 1 . 0 36 Mt• 7 alsllles Dnetteat OpUcian, and the nowise:it &anal' with Which ha adaiite hie Masao to the 'mime pon." Usaitles of 'tam. D. TA BUTTON. No. di Wayne atreet;i l ittabnciih. • isTgazu EEC! Air Fall Style for Gentbrincreollittr'-i- J. IVIUSON a SON, of Wood strut. will lauodussible dit. to the Mums of . Pittsburgh. sod stsaugsra ylg tbs. ear. their*atltul style or HAM Particular attention hs Irtilbrs to WS% sa to ai4 jar Wehinee the attention of our read us to the etleutleement .1101t8t2d iIiVIGOIIATING CORDIAL." to be found weei the fourth vele, • eitizon'abwaranws uompany 4311P4tatrargli tS. D. bINUr Paterinint.; 0A,51171CL lable,rlsllEDL.iicer °lmes, 04 Inuit, =win Kemal. a= WOOD SISSETO. Tail 11IILL taiT 0.111.00 Ilitilta.C.N t ititi osio APD 841d81.8131P11 ILLYXU.S. AND Talbtrrh. YA K S - Jarin6Sl apattit toilS* dasuVe I.4 YAKS - Attu. waled alp:rile NtA4 814 end IIYZANDWA VIVA WO" ina T.II.4III4pOREAT7 O X. • '. • - • . Disiatrou s' % 0 II II . • 1 ' . Wri. L.:1140 . .7E. Z,6 r. , , - , , IV t il i ghti r . Ha a t , Jr.. I Jobs O. D ..0:- . 0. Bul l * Wirantlit Vallm.. • . e Ethrall ton. J; &bon, ... , ~, Walla tv .... . ' 'Wm HOW% • , , 3OHIf.ILIIRU •" 1 4. Co.) I It« as Wei* . feaftagm Of Dr; litUmftilynsurCi : -P • ,: , . - ,, , 5,:. - ,t.4:7,!.-• , : -, ';',7,•:!. \ \ ', • ‘: , \ . \ , : \ :.. : ; T :. :::...„... \ '-..:.-.-.--, ,::., • ' . . - -:\:,:::. , ..::,;.A. ,- . - ,.., L , :, i 1.•?-frr , ' - 110111 E c —. ' " \ NE'W VORK \TVIBINE. [NS URANCE \COMPA,NY,I\ \ ' wggraf*.Elfrar-n-; • \,‘, , NNW lORK. \\ ' ‘. \ \ 's -.'7--- • ' 4 ' the Ilth of 'eat April. .1;(D D Y CASH CAPIT L\ $600,000! tluistast, listing coMplard its thiettth Mast was ' ' " -ash LOOMM. Agent: \\ r ' more than on efarttle, or to tt it of , Zow ..1 ,.. • IL?. 09 Woad street. Plitnlunr dui* Thom tostint eanaldeattly larger than WIT matt DIRSOTORO t \ , ra,,, It 1,4„,„ 4•1 In tw.. ,, 4 ,...„. 7 ~,,, ce , the wool, 1 s 4„. L . ..:,.fate the Attu. llartforL ,No r bents griever'. mate in\ consequence VI Ear Amer thrweefe.------1rr,,47 " ‘''..t . .. &Cc lyrirep ' too Deoltr Wag still;ndstiled,Ls auirg Thealorl,ReAcesee.---,.-p- o Mime elteetansego, , ,„., , , ~, . 0.. .. i.„.„ t . .. am of Hutu. lilac& Os. f • .l '..." \° o r' t• Wu°. ''''' iiii " - \,..k. 1 + Iniftmet H. Jid1057..........-..Frrin orclomo.stsii.a a co, \Agenteitmlettut It by \Syria or sltill ler distant et „, y George 8Ur5,..._....-___-....1ina 91GeolVpillm /a. Co. ed 50 Li, ond., 4, biludred\ eples, cr 313 00 per a:lreland N \ . 4,i ' kypoogsaleaßseess. mum' of Ajth simd-IRow L.... 1 . 2. L n .............- - _ -:- . 72 . ll "'nerareat, cltire. pafithl i s te adniiee. At thitepricto.orir Ogre' ` 1 ,, p 5pe.,„,_„,,,...........',..1..,-Verot of Stone kitten. fr, tracipts fo • edisr entito DLIT edible: , do sot s=ated iil.,,,a,..n we lie nn . Homes and Loti 111, ilk& 11..7 O. z 4,............ _..n r . of 61r.eltpi 0 i,rra., t . urns ix' luX for kern- and InlOrterlitit all 011 . 5 r ",''',l'. - -7-"'. I . Jaunt Leer.,.........- .....---....Pirtnofen, o or , : .„„ to , „,,,,, 0 ,,,,,, 0ar r . c . dptk Dr Ao. r tigr A y ~ , 131Mighard. • S j fej.lashiissote. --"- .Mnlt S. O. Hoes 4 Co- ijti oth worJa we V alorc toeacit met, oat ofour *seer ON I'InIRSDAY aPrENII4I3, Sept. 8 1 / 4 ",. =4"n O. lar"t're"....::ll:a 4 A al" 14" v" :Ts: " • '''' hi ' ra'9l"'\ Muth 5, L . thatka,eot send • • op la w *abet. at the Coalmen:al Pales Itoomiatert_ or ~, Cf • wka A -1) ..k° 0 --- -- - -..--.-01u " a iimiiiiii g CC. by.k . r. ice tot es. tinge* o errs and the std.ftEh GROUND be Pad Mono MMO o lMjc. s Lucie' Atlerberre, I,y...rim of LrerB Atte:bury Icy , ~, g o . ltallt.3o :op GROUND elbsate ea the earner . Lust P. Jeortate..—..Ftmo ot.i. at. Dube, Morgan ; Co. ' • • ~f IsMild or. iskadoass , „,,...am k pr k neete. baying a front of 03 sa laot. as ~. Amoi T. Dratikt---....finn of Toretuidge.D•ight et pit' • Osmpref Jon, tingl tralling. IlSok•lteePing. 1 Li n keyen arreekuod extending eleag_Otivar etteetloo Peaty e lan o.l.l.isl y= _ ...............-lii:m at 11.140 c• a nn aC 6 11411 .k.c. our taerctuiela atoll.. We done t'thinit. it no ...hide Is nested a large TAR'S STORY RRIOR. •,, =O 1adiree7.2.7......../........-....riusiiiiiifthiileausseirki.l3ratiii. 00 t ,t/ta to 'asses' , beyord We paint: M le hihial those l R ite U o i lo b tiof ith itrori "" rul l" edi ble oljdne t b''ati -tlalt i .„=4 o % x Ge 0 ry. s D Nall m,--••••• •Si n " f 44"Ingsu a '''''' 1 ' t °. ft.r.two I. to bs tt mesh M s . having a front 03•43 feet on r arson *nest. and 141 14 1 ,,,,,,,,,, J , a ,,,,, , ,,...____:5u k a oo t een. Lathrop 15. I.X. A rt ln _ uutrellait thiefael: , \\ ' hut' oo fealty net Allty. ma Willett is emoted ohs t "i""" 0....0f ' -"----"in"" f r i 'L i• il• 1 1" 4"shl o ma r \ i:MMI - RIMMLLII.MOROP.Ra lad CAL:IOIOI3.' other ettailar mums DIV ItLbi bet. 'both of whitth ato -.---- .. .. ritl° ° - -.4° ''''' - ''' i ' ~ eo k ikko f ye k , a ti_ y '\ ./ rocetuuted in modern mile, of tosetaaalertal and eniett =a. irors.,---- - bivatr , Nono.oftua es Hoyt oas re i „ . . I..toossT ..a .+0.11.1 with ~,,,„,t hy ,,. \ b,,,,4 4 ...t. r a c, a, tosser , sosateso. awe* Wt brio Reds: &a m t , MSPhseTn.4 _ ..-- r- .... •-:.-V l/ * ° ., f MT 4 ' 4 11' reetpc tfellysollidi cratiPneteo or our setat.weeki, et iyo thoie WO 'LOTS OP astasrP. Wads PG , 1 Borland muou,.-.....umxt 0 ‘ ,,.. 1- hollle f il.p, st e er kr it ~.... or , teovordesent itt v 4, vey .„,e, e. ' Youth *Wont Cersonetreet. south& liotbarattehaJa. i ' " - B %' ' ci= '' , ..... . 11 . latTsfiLia - V.,M - P - „ : t; • for SRO with Jas sOr 35 phoiAv e :e r a;: ‘ ,l7;l ' ~,..1 . 1 ' d.,M.,.... ,_ 0 !../ 1 / 0 ,./.. , ,he n b tra t =gyr.tt i t • Lucius Heurear,s.....--.-...lirra of Licata...len & us. 7,,,: r i 10 y ~,,,,,d ~,,, , ,k i , f,`llo. 0art,,,,,,a,,,„,,, 41 , 4 , 4 , 1 7,i27iii,;1, - ,,',iiiiihlsputab . le wertherrte. ~ h Aloud._ ..... Assort,- ' . ..lllths of Brown, Ralmer g Thelsit;r, Peer tiPP . , , L ~,,__, , Lecoafi. JerotosectAgesatosi of Vrothoutram,Nearell aio, T ?OM YO 'Orgp,RIAY 'Val 9,6 ewer on Its, I John If 5urift,:.......-...........Yina orig./Ik,, kturitmt,A Co. thii . i . , ..,. 0 ,,, , o , k r , e a te k ,k, wham tt will In Vertu Noble.. .-........-.....,..1firm °Wendt!. a Noble. "e ~ . it 4 \ id . orT 5ii . i . w ...,, like net be unsure N W atotos 'rd ' Y F ... "4:::- : - ....".au50 -- 7= r e iv toolso k 11)Ar a Vo: a•no, , Nang more thanan \totirth Ititufaci o 7- Jaes H ~- tem of barmen uueophsay a antler. ~,_ „,,,,_.,,„__,,,,,,..,..„,; uut a.......y 0 r ir ides k ,, Was H er,_ ...............11auder 06:Oiental bent. .so i:mrf. , 1,...‘55 . .°A,....,..„ .. . -7 . - z,, Antford Nyiktenci.--....„.....Firm or Walla Fargo A o. teat VW um Iry 10 : 0, °"0 t° ° . P ../ . 0 '.° ~, Horn, .161 , 001,......................„ „..._ .__ . ...--.......--.,,,,t. thy preview out of our f 1,7 enpvitentalit '''."."- hiwil4 P"iii'''-"•-"-""'•-hs'''.°1"."'"'"•""° 1 ,'"' ed. • All arnuedltions wi• . from the let o flodeMbet SIMEON L. Lamle, rsosisoos, , uext.n,pDear i n , tk.,,e kol , • .y n k\n" . Zetifol near itt 0110& J. MARTIN, Beeretarv. \ - \ coons of prepustion esprvealV'Lir \ this litti .. 13loW Carder Presses are not eorpaired by to,i-o War' Ruin though our Wrkly \ Edition i'd pld be - api ` .1. trip up to 100000 copitssWe iu'it Prepared Oprint adJ, ail • every copy on Co. "day (Thurailar) tln4 th e Often s Pat to pross.withont interrupting or rebutting, 1 thet dialer:s.llo of our Ours Pally editions, atoonttilnir i to '4' entyall ,Thousandi min. I,Stre stand ready ,10 I odor • Milithsproramenu.'however *Auntie vetilela mild tt °°a ° P \in to Moontionto lutalligthekritothiftishly atd, t , 0fra..,.... , b,....,..b. , ,b...a5ite labOt to edud. ,a 141 I ;moment to thuotlerity 'and :Wows/ of the Melle\ • \ \ \•,', i \ TUE TRIO NE has not now Ito cheraeter tomiale or to \i t.colaird hes not been and nuier'llan ha anent nor aria, le ha s supported the MOO ?Art/ bleats* the bitinedre prtaciPlea el that party sinsaaidd 03 favor the great endrulakh tt his labored to subserrek it meter alved a measurbeetaus• it was bruosedot Postale.* by the lyttdpeotr. It bolds Ituit atoll tames akfree 'to as edentUntesoind p ocipleallErWatlDOUTUlß or carnet actt'etioui the two firmer Ve Pronoun/ad or the llttee, -4i,,i7,4,...y ocach a they tutd emanated the hotels c p. \lx as fer ea Pewee . Liberty, Murat* Tionerance, awned ItalirtererAnt, sad Industrial Dec , venvionnesit ilsaludiserval by acting with.the Wield \ spat:. it mutt tenth:malt. lin t as It has brim, Whig. \ Though never as:* with, any Abohtben or other arre. Ilea rut7.'{uß tFausT. is tad most be she :awls.' " oi of" 11°. / I i' °I. rie ‘,O of wits/ever ilea tends to de grade Labor * 0 ..t.: the Intellectual and meal , \ Ln.th denWovenent or any rte of tor ,k kleid. \Were it all to tanceive that a vote Vey York mod abolish ElartlY to Clareibrui. it milthr. itself, to BOLLIWODII of the expressly Antella sty btu: hail \ that rL Zeit, it do clines to ntendon substhsto for II shade* ‘ of telt!. cal good: Rai. Irbil it rict mee Re y clear to any '1 ,14 effective Potttleal as en as t PlarMi‘in the Otatee which now elierish - lt. It re ithe defeaat of whatever effort to Weird the gII etwtbn und.r the Mgt of. our Union, at is abstract by it.' wowithit progress of Abel Maori In other 111.12 - 15, we Nimortik v ihe coat mount and mated of public dale.: no to trOsher Orated4o anY party consideration whaler% . , And f/ettlio It i deas not, itr, prow to s nuke Akteditavery laahl of,Polltiesl action, other "loon defuniva, it , will glut lie opportholtt. malt no effort. 1* to !Odium Ugh ated,Tenth ass render the continuum, of Playmy lea sielp a Lod leniell. atol by the etin of Cbrittlanltr, 7)03, 1.1.44 Wulf the % \ great eximmleir‘of Politial Joel sod lew.ggarded Vor Tentheranu In all times. bat MA the Mum ,sr Intoxicating Remade. end the \le t imPil." l " , of ttte L'o nor Trate. we shall struggle, we have shrug - gunk metlinchirs 7 end untirinalry • i li i tilud Melte Law es essentially the meat lentil ut itatatit of ewe di,. and cantelentlY hope to sue, /5 3 , .14sottl \indversally.\,„ \ \ • ll° The Osnalassional Iterotto and Weshitig \ tkorirP'y xondence will, as hentofcrey be both reliable a d pus. .. Umtata for d, Ma. byttlis. Cotton. ant at: r, lifer, Bs. to alba co - hot - to'. Wall tllawl" 11.1 . P... Sik, na" ', and \ ".try satiably reported to THE Tit/RUNE. \ . Q&011t COITUDOWII6OI with W , the roast import/int 'a thzeurethee,world We need not bore Mote. Oft bei Gael b. otir • Aseo-lats II se AYARD TAYLOR is no on W.I . Whir oof the globs. sending ns *dela. from 119 _ 9r war In Chest...ad aspect:Mg run to doled [ or our readeri„ tlee Oulu!. moral and WW31.111 Cllll:WWlltidiltr Cat /selsosif• p goarded Japan, the public Is ahead, wane.' no .111 robabir return he , way or Aass , S4 sod - .esli swam, so \bask or wake woes's , Mend 00 pOROWIItIL D'11g177., /llli 06 " " .1P. 48. U . keeP ° l t fudas well advised IT everymldeet of Interest. sod doubt cot that the ,odoe‘gantotsis MOUOTS a Will.WWil. 9 1 :WW/ ,t Wl 14,111 accorded to 14,1111 continue to tarty all our emend ita, i We rarely ini • Dloy Traveling Agents, as Po many,Jait mitre are siawsisor rsowleso In the nneneted mesa/ of solicitor* foriOurnals. ifeyrefer that cur mbar beta • Ohell pay their Morey toYersolet they know and orwasjo Integrity they are *snored. Atry Weald who bathing bit wait do goal by burtsaing the ol.ranlation of TM! TILIA asps:, s. authorised tit esualt and resolve autdortettche: ahl on doe proof triyerioney teal:am maned andpost. esaLhto our sddrosa, **Was the recionalhElta of ha We traniMbisiou. flpedrusi s espies Will pomptly be sent withoet charge to th ose 'requiring thus, and• W. trait nuurikleods will be medal 16 ealrth/M - =WM= met aacpuinteseas to JIM in • MilthaVutialialthloocroPMesole *Ott•nue \ Ramrod Phut' aied.Menr-MyPer•ta ilnedo "h' t ` L.L. t. s.st• at tor tthie ;hereafter. , ~Tg. A limitedamount lif Voce In Tag WEEKLY TRJRtISIE lbe \ appriortilah, to Adiertigng: %mans Q P Tits liahlEßLlf wustaug . i. sm i le e.pX, nis• rem - . - a apint W.,ituriihinw,....M OO Ihree coltelf. mu weatviiiti-450 anintw• N. 000 ...a., A la cogo, b. year, Illty.tyrn numbers, 600 5015 ii.sr ago 'b.. lir tide.. 'vsfusibesa.- 32310 --,- 'Sweatt . outs \ ono year. Lwow. whlnwt.... 20 00 ' Ras The .tre-7 . low voile at .state TOR WIZ itLY TM/ O MM Is how, Othootahel to 010 c-booritera, alma hrteretwedada,car • attotring say 0.1i1:11:111C1:W. slum in him "-• ° ' • h i -° "7 1:° 4 14 F ., • \ .i, • Pothicrictions may commence at say - that . I'ayment in advance 1s reciidrut la all War eel 'O/lb YWllbt 1, Inuriablydithattinutd • atthe euriraticia orthe advsnws .Shinty 1:114 be IWZMAWI4.I. arabawrlSll./C hLtstters'at oar risk. but the Postmaatenat the place whgrekhe bitter is roallel shOnld to Mae lectunthlul wlth'lol;Vititante and keep a descripßote of tae i hsue. • \ • \ , oitirMiiis of an/ toedwhawliis tank in the, Outbid sleeve Ounelaa,oeseived at par for subserirettoh,: qIS9 . We hero no , traveling %gra., Any coa ow", to Hulse The Trilhou need ratairait to be caned oprai te to ttor hie salwatirdon. All that, is itetie;arr for holl'follo write a letter in ea liew verde tocarthlaese this money and write the • name of the subscriber With the • of 0085. v. (Imlay and BF** and' Owlet the letter he \ 'k GEKELY'I .11oELhATIL, \ yrithita Ogee, Kew York - . y \ran szact-wios.aux TislatillarE. ' ilia/mei reildlng at points when inspirarriva oftener thence a weak are requested to 'e t ia*4l the Semi. Weekly oe tb Me reseed It erliespest , all things con.dderel. pubis/led In the Iltl o o4Btelo. 1 , -. \ Opiate ccp , es, cue yeat ' -......t....,...41 00 ,x.o cook!. me Yearr----iL-Y l . ----47-1 6 00 Mos cotice l ono year..-......................,11 MS, a Yea copies. oho roc, - . -.... VOJOO , GUERIN 'A aItiILRATIL \ A \ aunliihwY . \•- , ‘. Tribune 00es.IfineYegt. • LOOMIS, (Of the lite firm of , fireardy & lootairf,) • WHOLPIAI,II Dutch x BOOTS. 'AND 59 Wood street. Pittsburgh. ‘. • Third Annual Statement 'ay TER STATE. ISIIITUALI.IIIE AND' '.1." !SABIN ,*IIIBURANOII COMPANY,. rflLLndebure• . • • LiAntriatrad Deer ;11.1 8 6 3 . Med" oltheCoenesny.llsy •63.."109.018 61 - Proud tdos roed to Merl, /3421068 . Datereet reed odleses,• • - 91819' \ • Stationary and Oince furniture-- 1.01.0 80 \ eime IA Prez:demo eane.llLid \. $ L',lo o 94' • Do. terad teed— 7.163 81 „. Leraes,litenree..Conte6l;4lo7LßL — E••• temente% Itetuneg , ProsolueLL ' • Pationery. Priatingolko....L.. 77,901 81 s &lAA 56 , Capital Stock:paid In amorsiouto4------ T00.000‘ 0 ? Amount °Treanor:oolo4n l'olosens..-----33584318 TO' . . Prowls/So 60 Bonds and Marti.[... Enacts, end oth, 1.1"4400 27 Cash maNand s or in ¢ands . of - ageista, . esounst by 174u+ Ma Tango:ire and BtAtioners \ 1 .IXO 00 • ... k ----sz&igiS . 10 Amount of adjusted claims against Nis; Com psnr no! yet 6,000 Va. nnicsoas JOHN P. IHITHINSPOISP. IhusnlibkoOnntf: P.O. SEDOW/ON, 11.2tigbum \ SADISM. JONES . PhiladalpUs.; \ A. WILHINO, IJ: Banker, Pittabussin: JOHNARILM R. NUTHISRPOHD, Dausdan GO7ll A. J. °JUST, Handal:sum \ \ T. JONEd .__ . , • . ' ROBERT KLOTZ. Callum counts; _ • JOHN P. IIIiTIiEn.YOTID, Psdaidesikt. • • • • A. J.•UILIXT, &atlas], Wail Wade against pulls cram and inland Daytona.= also. an tassehasatiae In oHY or s unl 1 . 01 un dvellyinhonseo, 134nalums ek ulnae, alms of Pont A. Aii•bgeld\ jettf A. A. ULM/1M Aetnass:, ' JAM-ES TA.H-NH,NER; .. ‘• • WEiCILZSAL,II , \ 130011, SHOES, BONZErS; AND'IIAZEI3I74, No. 56 Mood' streets Pittabianika " animus ra:u aim roma; \ i mno % sar my stock consists ofxpwards.of CAB}l4, toabraencfury Irarlatl'and'alTla 10110.Y.0 and BONNETi, aarcbaswaiirret tom lialr Nos.' land roanuftetnrare. adapted expraralr for _FALL and , HINTZE SALBSonn4 Ell lie Vradat auldfaatOrT rmloaarleg / hoses ly rah Wore or Phlladalobla Haw\ York. Purr _plea,* 'a.ll ani , examine baton baying. Also. KEW Yalta St/LB LEATIIIat • f .1129 D A G IJERRECIT AT THY • NATIONAL: GALLERY:- ACKSON'S Nationisi Da s "guarroan Gallory, corer thaL Diamond and lharitAt stra4),froponOt, 'Mimeo Drag Atom.) rlttabarah. •„.\ Ladies azalandlazumwirbinfr toobtalalisellk• at malasta Shad. will plaao• call at tto. above •-allall• meet. fitted as with very superiot • Side and Salt lerauSet With SOO stall that the epatator sea tak i s most unasata t oballes of the btimest fern with A I the anrealon oTammated 11..1a ALL 0 - vartra.. • Koka , losa. Paintings. G o.. 0W.a... 4 \ 4,, tea. °Coe-Wald arca., •L , le...Porr.ca o a nu 0... t zeoultea ft V.he. riztur0..1.41 , 4. • vv. • le-Litenarets tikan tlzi and' 110 Say Plat of thodtradt igr Itcoato eye*, , sed Opetatass tram) r. aistraan. la, 4. Diamoal. •• tiCd4ia,hlT • naxims.rrur PBENION. • DAGUERREOTYPES; roar OPPICE BUILIOIN s iellt1)4111:EXT:, EII.T.IZHNS and iit4iin who Wm' h to ob.. 9.1 tain.nl actions, artirtio , n,a lira Ilkatacts.n. a. ter; candstato rho., will Itot Rai thou Wenn to .11 it tb.t. Atont istabl.Ouastt,W)on astbdctlia istuorstased, cv to tbargs mado. ow, et Um. t0t.,4 sad b t - arranged - Aida and iralng4t.' )Corral ibr son Vtattas. s 0 mx !=tft",;eafira tf.r dTg .. . ' li PlaAll.lgias Near York, T. Wain, Lici t aut o La ah!s inv.. OoLlcti sitor• voo,,, , tabar Aptly Ce Slvr U KEN-RIE - -414,COLLUSTS. COMMISSION MEIRCIANt, AND WIIOCTSALN DELLER: , I2i ONECESE, lIIITTSfI SEEDS. falnicAlin PRODME GENERALLY,'. No. AS Wood. strait, PittobsuVa. lA. 11.'HOLMES Fszl3Ro . 'memacruaims • SOLID 30,17,9100, SLEDGES,. PICK% meMtss caloWß'essof,;„ • • - • PITTESUBOIL . place S 8 Slifii44.Bt4 betwee,a , lB . Bad Snd., mr wirk varnatild equal to mu atsworadtaikOlil CIGIRLES: STOCK Motel, ; Bondi, Noigiagis Negoilitid ! • • . PARTICOLAB, =SSW= On= 20 .TIIIII PIIACHAZZ. AND BALI:07 MOM igirClOce &et. S. kass a 01; wrier Wait sadZkr,th N Y. ILENTIDT THILIT • OtUauzi ' 011.1030 • • AL. • . LOGAIsii WILSON. , $C wortmas elm miasma Drainiaß,m p01t.£161.( LS I'. DOMIETLa UARDWARE, , g111:1TLBST:, .11,ave . removed to their new , ttud - exterisiii ouaro,lfo. 47 wool stood. foot doors Oar, ttro B'4M:uric* Oval,oduro their castotooro. mot maehisati woraa f t. r . 1 , 11:141 to as . .IMIT i on of tlo smolt tomolo to *mato on foorWeig,t.t • Instant, br • Err. Ills. Fulton, M. J 0.111,19. LL. 'K' 1: of atiogboAr UM, and Mtn MAUS L., daughtor of Jan I.4ttowor. Eri., or Attsburab. --Our *Mafia Mood foroti • rfaib•;( l .E.mf. •••01 In compazir 'fhb tblo ttU 1. Nos abo•lns •PPmi•O•fl of oast t• diet° the oret Datesol ... . :. • .... '• , - DEED, . •'s\ • .• • Ile Ow...Miele tnt sut niume. %Itia, stomit. ma a ywrs. I I friends an reap.otte . . 101110te 011 . 14. Gi th rl I. rowf thl. 112.orelas).1141tmom at , 3 . .... Ct from the traThoo. of Jaw.. OuslOir. tia iteltrostito . ugtqa ttftot. us ;motet to Oa Alk`fal..7 Conan, N. : ..,., , • . • • ' For . DEAL ESTATE IN.THE . FIPTII ILL —fflirreserntors of 3011:11 Oros. deciar4 betyor auttioriaml by trio balra to eke ID the mettimet•nr. of Olt gout% offer ..t saloon nay ber.te6. o d lit lot. td. 6 nit.pSt &wort. use 10•Urff PtePertle . .,•/tithtlift th..nna Ward. \ One Ant on Pam eirrei. betereibtflara 'and Walnut. 60 frog front bf 100 act deep to rip g or on ykleb &math brick um:irate fle:Olori • relit or 00 1 P•r •• A/so. 013.0 tat m mcaer of Liberty ...et And Weliint: Wait 00 mt on Llbskr by 10 0 fee; an Vi•l•ierr o are* , rffloy, on *Mob are *foe tenam•ot• ybiLilog • tent of 7 EN.. Neat DUN till bastion to the •?or• preiorty tb• Lams nate to nit berobilom for farther I ,, ••ltlit. of J. W. msull-Arczl ttet., enter .Woed 'met Path etreege.24ritory. or of (Arbor of tb• uoddtsigalod.._ . • • ..•.• • ‘ .ll33sPli '• • DAT WALK U. • . : -‘4l. W.l3l:Rit. • ate •• • •—• ittscuitoto orJoax Unik abed. _ _ AiA.UTIFUL MAW tOOLIZ'a HYPE KIWI 11L1.11 • 0 II bewslejt dra eatery aid &ruffed. r galas; le is nintnasturbablvtrugatur rd ebu , thumb( the haul now In nee, and thoredillts.•leat tt who retrr hut tea natter. Uldbe triatersh \latigy rat ear,' • In the tread t. eVv ve . hail beauty. ttatbeel ii. 414 so wail as to igt. Itabet‘efeatory mat, tonl t ter the lip . N 1011 T. /1011. W. beesajost whit lab Mc. , end hare no fan a bartnatheteattestated.—Odr. L., • - ••, ~ W. eine vita tee Valle. an a eio 4 lab. ail the Pled a the bat allele for defteelna danelnar.lkta reileantt the b.i, —mgt. D.itr - ,11 ,22 . th lO .\ "" • ' ' Air bold by , • :. I • ailed.; DX: . Y .. is i • • ' ear. &Wart strait and. t • ` Dimond ..u. .11. _ J AITPERT •ICIGA'AINZ for Sops .. .:tkoi. 1.1. It.• P,OALV/W. TrotrAkstrest. bsa I'4 'la " m c \i, :=ll.C . l n tr Liteittl'Ar""n'a."4",... - • taby 97.MMLIAMI:Vtge k ' . i . - ' ''' A 4.1.... B. • • ••• rWritlng lati,'7: 2 Zurggrlis .. mores 111; 1 01t SA 5...,0ne M I A . HOW:WI r I or ,t 243.02. Want, au 03113111 0303 - 1301303.13143 0X404 the 0430413 Vann 13314.330103133 or 0030 The let 1434 003 343000 3 34 net, reinulogb lbeteld Toon 334 33000 01 !!riaird'VVilYulis"l436lr:.iMr! VON £44.1t2, LOT alloy, i n wi te"arßihoirtwatrath 1.• W ow breo him two VI. sad , Ml. • . Loma= Mouth id vaal ia4 • . :7' • . 914 DRUB-40 Peahen, .• 2 \ :9 4 ,Imtliete!" 1 ", 11 tR ai . Pit . , t.111.-Airaoldnary Oil 44 11 earxd, a. ." Tht " •vtoatlra BO It i /911W=56 bates *lts Vgg re ti.. , ) • r N BONN Man a CILIA 9 BQAWIO baxtallliaTi*Obit; 1.3 Pot 416" tirr • \yew 80.4a80R52 . 14 Malan. ' ' - 81.14VZ8-46 442/R5i...14..ta 416 pill? WCIEI6I-61A 13f. iiittigrikl,- - - ...' ''..-.... \ \ , , t " • ".' • • CBAPwr : ... ' 1 :. :Fttiolds--w .\ :m. rl k . ' : 'IOC& lanaw catalog awl albrefar taltist • • iltir• Carpi[ Warman uallarlat street thez a it ... mant Castritniall raw .W. .a-la th is E 14,7;1 tta a oar Use. A= ibis =iota mho \ \ WO smalls i .. 1 r ant t!)dh• z ~. ,•- ~ . ~ \ • Rites ia .... ( \ , • Tat.% iintwerr ...T . . 1 --, , • ,: . \ , , Tatelt i rp B p ixst o .Ar o t. (4 : : . ~k - \ \ . .`„atittattlas and tins Costa Cujiath. iiitt,Orillal dzd . 'ilia. V i ral Can=ta zIC 34 mot d.; commoin /ogralts. colt. Venitisn..4 • -MA dedkof j.fr p,151 tatpoz.. lagloMag MID • v• if balfile JAM OottnD luld *it, • 001 ' 011.1.2 Z. ~ .az Jaz , saa Coca Matt.; Caw a zfabl• Oa C odic Vibtdovr Bbadeitaact • friNapertment ol fille t 7 MIMI ocauteatal with tap Oat. otrNo 'NEWS ILBROANTILE . IfrBB4XILITIOWANDILECULNICiiIitniTIffI efollenhtg giroUgoian buy. been idled to the list of roomette during tte menthe of Jorne./ulf dud Annum, tkmedeeuo, law,. W. J. Pettigrew: AM .1g 4 1 9 .;b-14.11 .. ftes i !rgt • LAE —2 77faii(7l . B B. liiiil3llllA. Llbrerieib ANNUAL BICHTErP 't N. or ru; PItTS. 114201111011T1CULVIRAL • OCILT Y„ot 11.1120-VIC L•coglts atsoloo of tb. 6L. sod on the tab end tlatlasobtr. flora 2 clock , a.Y.•Stil 10 o'clock woe. • • Malls Tickets Si; for sots ot Jictprs Waldrop's, Fifth rtratt..•4ll. t orsoca Aetna. at 4111.11 biting lb, pramcla of Wrack 11111 raspactfratt Losltall • attend. as Maid • 22csatams wt.! to awarded lOrsal sale sof mutt. • FOR. OUIP METING-1x :loa ilea —ontri , urEs• •be p 2% %duel • , _the permit 4 3, n4 th: 2.11 P Vilt.ETL'itlt,l4ollek Sahel. andel ! odiflrllsh.i:S(677.4ll.= , .. roes ..... • V'KLESE • his jus veld :itself yo%lfdoltll9l9lo Id kin** of all other d .:-, ig.4 Iclito ' fira i t fr , % Worts; -- .- •-• ' Wmilo. en).llrave. fn Gnaw: •-•• ' \ . .• . Sly Oil lintoc'hyllOmil for atatli:. ~ .. yrn.c..wo ; ft, • idly Dna. S or Gil. r; •. ‘ •• . • ' viorober of• otboso, !or I b . . (Wits:. .4 ~_ _.... VI MIER'S \ 41,tON,'..FRAIdEigeg ig tal: YlAßD—Tbme talabblodlmtda• avikko.ta • blitims WIWI !atmal 'claw,. b•dli I alatinitr. btu tecultlY ce....vgriT• l 7 lbtSon..._ulA.talP , b , Il i act.L,ticas.. oat Uad.eb BIOKO Z 4, .V."“antwb. thaw lb usa at /bo r Clit• vaso 4 "`" l "b t. 1 lb.blw la I:add 'A. alit add , ..... amine the wan 1t3..505.•0 baud bact•tde wee at ilia • • • '• • , • 3 1•"054"11 rit ' 0 ‘ l' l/iLL ( WSLIMIC, al . : IV & . VrAv Aoolo-0.. r OALLPW, bird qrv=4,rgArt.epnLtlra Gamm, at Lyk in Maillus4l4 er . \ itTA L.I 4t. III I?"A ‘ t ".2 3 P h .gClu.tiron cwwotiiti, . • OW 'REOEITED42. 110TIlle "EWA • 74 Wad dna, .dsdat sad . boot relation g t dassniltdlitdaat 'VX62115013 paw 46,4 thledly.dhala vill Do a 44. to aria •candles tld "to.p crz . 2 Mich rt 5,PC121111.....5A1M4g, . 618,57 to Platy . k . • • SIM ig7r, • D NAILgtOtOSINti QUT—. xi via t a . 1 4 I fing "t t.:40 1 hes Yid I aiU gut sta asulrAnirtthe r.mtkr. ....eat oaf Wtm'lt:. • ' r"i k.. 11r", " ' 4"tat ' • RINDTC—AII• .ises 'wad varido' trits.• stme•lrgri • bow aER Libetty it)4l/ Mil\ • BURCH 11470=1,7"r... MTURNING TRIMS ailZt arid tedisad i nal • ? .'...iSmuSEM:kNTs . ': . i . \ . :''' . ..(l , • PARG10!.4 , ... - HALL.=-1101:14T11 STRw_i I:.l{Ait MOOD. opiposlto teamle 1411.4Satho ok• tigne•l tor Pulley Pugin% Cows t& Il if etinot ;ao.. Also, 040alutr *JULIO,* andllip reU....lol'3olLN .cao lbpesillaeMelsabriaglytairjo Yit/LliX ala W"36OO),FWAtiI of R. IL Oars. At Co.. • .- • &XV AUGTION_SALW. WINN 111.; DAVID, Aligitenumr. Buggy,' : licks*ay and MOTs& triN PRIDA.T inorning. Septom 6 eT 241, at . 11 1 5174 7 12 1 1, Zull%. • - A„.30 Sale of Valaalila s iMaceltaneous and dud \ works. afiN BATna.DAY averting, SeTte mb( ' p 'ajTADealatt,alll lakaald a large eallter.oll alliblelaboallanima Bo*. vac.; *Mob an - MY Soria, 3 rent Stator?. emote Natural SIMI off wea tuut Manual or Claagleat Itarataav,,,ll.o,4e, 1 4 4 . 1 4 r 14 .= ° *• th .a lij tr ib "._.iP i tl ' a.nuctoEl? t iartelea ClPioilltha *FLA..= Daub.— Moir? or 11..t.rmAtUri • I Y OB 4 t.119L1 Landlof thiairmi%Statilickddr thrlda; • Dinar arcitearo xi lM a grZ ako t rn a tian o SOMA American impatalagaes beroatalatcl Use mil: km liriary .DC4.llAge Zfew ' Brick : , ,Dire N' . .- . ' ;Hon k for. Bale, '. • , . , • ro vary triperio Modern a tvle co) tintutthed thtitistrlLLlNG F' extensive beak hillbilly age 1.1 Mi;; the bey suittyliorliond 11Iva nehairtet tbe t— een= eel tillver streets. be sow et alieritiai , • . .T.EUE. UNITED B'EATES'. tin INSURANCE; ANNUM ,--,, :laitp TRUST ',C0i241111; ~ '.' - . ptuLdliELP_ lIIA. • VILA R T DA E D - APE I L: 2 6 ;,, \ \ - - cnairrait. PX211111&i,.. \\ CAPITAL"'4 2SO O°°• ottpkt B. E. eoin . er . of Maid •30 a °illicit Cs Tau wpm Doss) AT Par.L.Dl Datum I Rot hedll. Oradtdd, \ Paul I. Ooddiu:d '' Am rimed W. Thampion. (mid= Jobnee ' ..pardtmie W. TIIIZUM •., r.ti r r ev alnrri ll7ill 1 LI )74701V ID. A Willidp. Mid.. \ 'Presided-803prd U. Cad rd. • . , ~.... , Wee Prwidardrdrabrdr. W.Thwayank. \ , ~ Naiad .Edruarrwrd—ritraburgh. James ILL''Sqltrdid, ' l ; e ‘P u , nS °'''' I t . , 10 . 187.7.. ° 12i0f0i; At.. r:111.1117 .. , - • :\t 74r1Toarth Wee. BM' PEARLSTEA.M MILL \ CANAIIiAIF6I IbblbßoAli STAIIOI. _ .FA . lllLlid-wiltbe ettorped with Bur. .iwrotk f h tY j iitSti •100 U I i.:,.. 161.0 t 0 Et. et, twig 41 Co ,Wood %treat, or rigustrittoter. i ttrulnP LlberV lend St. Claw armee, riftebandu 11. P. Sehlrati L..- ..rame. Druggists. Auettbitwy, , Flour wfU Dadealltred Morns' In either Ofthe wit 4, - Terno--UAliti on deliver-4 14 ti Eashimaable COORD CO. blllll. tbolr • rALT.: ILE FLIM this don also ChlldroVo. hue JIMA oaul Coo. of Wart mho, to whiatt - sr. Inv to tho o ‘ ttantion 'of our common. and, tho.pubner gonorallv— ourner of Veal sad nth stroots:;„: . „ ant? - \TsT n ShY,IIIJ 'a ell: 0111t4101. , REOELlarke lot of 81114. L g lier Tl F F ! 6 '‘ th ° l lfi t tl . 4l3lMiltaiood Intr. VALUAB LE PBVERFt FOR SALE. -Thinadersigued irhi to 411=f . their mteMeme Um town Cr Leann onts . ~rvido gAM bong goo every throgineorogor ...Mug order. hod oe- WO of Meggs good aterelieb One of the but when gtorOne nod= of font ne,to,. vest oonyo9lint, and .A.loar.l set or ground good \earn "Mai:halos it the Mg i s triog moirtoir One ig cOf 110118 m _ - One areboase,oll Dont of the 0110, genre. !..<4 , 11 1, ya dun. lo ; o °P l "t e r , 14440 4=° Y .taa from thelTt4C , gl•o-t irraM4or yen 01.010rlhr. 000. — WO UM all VI 10 " - rat Yor. n•— ligarms. or of mirror an&lan \' '\, ' ' . l - ,15 . -•' 1-E ' i IEOR ,- \!,l caulk A i '*hiwisha. hei b "lrr7: • vitreole. ~A , ---, \ , s• Mee exe lane le ..Ard.o : \ \,,...., 4 ,: .lateat o s 3 1ft sr tir --..•- „i ~,, " 11 : 1 "' \'4 `lt• ' ellarteter lek il• , ~... ... 1 20.blilPlar tp.l... r . r ist. \ -;, t,•, :i/ iv.i.diiss • ergo= T i t 7 47 . , ,or \,..-.... , ,,r adman ..s.l3Mage , tabllikeaant. -'.\, • • \ ~' \ \ ",7 The of Ike wheeze I. sa,7 ,anlajm t p h e lk .:- v• /v\; • _ . haeress*L. sad Is lumina-I sad s.**llpo.l4lT esmaa,ma. • ~, oh mneheo thee* rim o h par c hnie h m„. 7 OQeted . „ B.va . 4. . \ ~..... ~ ~.0 ,4= 1::,.e....-\ \ fiN.A. !1.J.2.i. YDRAULIC CEMENT-4 rgi 4kt:t toad at no FOR- SALD., 2;600...A0RE5: \.l OOD - LAD' is W7it 'dimes:, war dm _Lill •• Jua . 11*Lnad Ismail limbered ••la • ••• • low. •••re of ardol • •• 6 WIJOIM , • • send& WALT; PAPREt and BORDERS" ;AAothAa i zT i AmoaLlii=, qualitri coke. irsumapi4 rnisam—s.mFl* 111DAPER VINDOW,WIADZt. • c DILSONIPTION—JafersothrOd Covr SOodso. of nor oottfam‘ooCilafoot color. fan2Ol TROMAB PAWLES, lINESE-200 boxes IV.R. Ch(11 ‘,..3 by 11'001 VON sottiquortirr if RAPPING PAPER:;:-/P°o 1 • mot= and doublOsEctsr_r er s tuns= idea 137 1103 BUN no W.AILS--200 kegs asnortiii b, fauBDJ VON.150:4111101 \WINDOW ODANS--1,0011, fnrfeari n fLcv Totrigmtzi. Iit,ASH. BOARDS-3W dcki. ludo br ' \ • tN '•MS-btaso ONI fSewo l .s.u blß V - VON BW 11 447. D r ~ gaol 903 BOtiNIIOII6T S " by V DUCKETB *n TUBS— &IQO ao ltulk," &Mi' k r j L ' SAt 'i,5m3e04.54,.. Black V L on, . .0 VnrANHORB.I mr . :.k i \ - i\ aOa,ae 7 S i.O - 140 . 1*kV 1'3.111 1 1 7 0. Lenctst • \, \ \ q `, AI QIII/AR 10 IISF0 1 01*W1-5P - 1i colts 2 ll6VSCLUatz s4 . vi, , \%' \, \\ \ \ ' \ V\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ ' '\ ASTER PARIS—For Land and Stamp "work. raw awl aalalawyrr ober =tart, LO.SUGAR-50 bbla. No. ALoat Root!. J'‘lti":4 geisrAMVittilizer; 1.16 Nrator.l:l4 wad ISO . 101EARL)1.911-49 casks l'eultrah,for 'al 10• \ •VianllJ 800t1LILI. WOrAiR 7 -yandil. til= . lßl4 0 au:3 TARUIr--50 boxes 'flioabright's" Ostsist .a To toms 'ro vsstese4 Ab 7,64, OD FIN 5r.3110 the. ;atria fi *l.slo — fints), u, n o Ibr , Optr lmy is.ligkmelteat 4- w iNTED-;-ISO awes of Id. & hi; BAIL ink it lITC - 9 d, avl 3r llltillp rITSMICII vitt . , 0 , 4. aea it1ea,16.1.;,. •Vrcrii.C.itiallir. ralt—p. woe jp,o; .T. l -igatt llni•draiire. clumsug bozActWesearn :Pmek7 ki cu., put mu ha WK. - . 'Ylral. to • 8,, • sot • 21¢ sta 11, Oa/ A t .114101111: es*/ \ • \ s.•,01):1 • 11LOV. Lir liar by TIN.L-3.10 . ' pt •7-Baitts,,Tin. for .1 • junior WIFIRLYIN a Co. \ 1 , IMI. isilstere end (brag, ~... ' \ ..'• ' a . :.-,,,,- ..i.KLE., ,- ~,., ~ .. .. ir.ttrzlot eon. liii--76 ‘ bble. Linscod rinci.liald tril, for ‘N . Ws by ' \ Null] 1.1111:Clit ' IifeC A PIN Jl'oll : e : \ iES-..*:ityy etiiperior attiab Of PCS. d ' is . 4\ \\ liIT •t 77 nat r ig "! fl. • f) ' anZeitiCri '..... ',4 \ '.. I) MINIM WRITER Grugmere o bblt loth 1 14. 18 D • XTRA 1 414130 ' ~1 , 1 . . .jsr.4 I llsititai . CL .42 . • ' 14111 P 641 Oil. *, ' ~.4 .ed t.rsfitt7 '-' - amauttan. 4 1 Q., urar-1it00474 tot itt*_,ormr, Shot' . 4 AiNs ttesucaueum i raa aliwthh ti.......... Qom 10 111., t 1i,1,t, litstax timouitsAtput + - in. .. I \ infAMESX , itEßthlig-..-Vbbbv ,143iital a 1 s a u Tits. -0 " - ftfilbkruisl'ac a f \ i iirrnow I GLABllk4soozbox-v- agat e di x , . , smayiudovaiugonadmamt uiL ail' P,OBV-4 , sArtiW Lilitfii,`allitAV‘ p, .NL-Tavilstitti7ll,lll‘sl,il‘‘,.. , t F:1 5 0 IA • 11-ve . .ATIOV . t.g MINING XOAIRA MA NY'4-5), iu.ismolutital-11"11 I* 1\1" AMR ME 7111 ' i.t.olt .. *.v.4, •-. , ,t .. , -•:-.. ~ ., t . .., 1 m0 . r .. a, . ', -o , J ::,!. .r4 ; 3 - 0. W .._ -...:., , i , 'F _ "tun - \' '. ,,, ,L