',RCM Imi.—Tko-orate of wailer last Laval 29,Indios, •Atot lotk*Osa calf oat inol of o - oloo; !isobar - wry w0n0..4 Zetreki, Copt. Bellstimatto gait : vas at the whirtyseterdsyluiiii fa i torso far The Jitseete4e, Capt Siod,s ti ere s ud two, will lawns •)4ir plias In the Wheeling trade= litoaktu*, , lng next. . - • . TWOS 07 'RAnzo.ll). Ges.. Wm, Lorimer, ir.,Pitat4eut of the Y. & 146bied, bee eotelod patehaite of, the grousde oerepie4 by Bohm& t Pen' Glue hou& os Rotor One% to be used se a Pasoan. .Deyot'or the Casually/1W 11•2,04 for 40 1 0,000, 7 " grottatb aro fait bog, boudoir tothe one,-pd 247 feet deep: Petite nested by tie int of Jai:mars, 1864, ar It &Kited b 7 the Convoy, nor =ill the firot et ApriL". PITIGet , ligh t 8110,8001 mss- hamlet , Lowe .!ehteo&y. 1864, , 'Wo osilebege o foot be the poi sbart.the stmt. sod ahs the lot 510,000 la to be paid In ,took of th• tradolod the bal die Company. sot - ootorartible, at 6 per mot from the-lat of . . au r l lot Immadlately • britnint, 800 11°4 • . saw Itilaalair, 'boat' a . 'lmassaatat ' iiassimalate 41'0h:oaf the wida.llll#lll, amp westing lin beheld wo muse : beyond ',strobe, sad , • ',of mils fano the idly:aid, thelBUset duvet le order to • who meg wish to .tread, the R. Company hate made a le -1 de: The Aesawinuslation train dope at Latrobe, will be mita beyond) in this evening. sad , • •g• Oa horsi thelBth. ' will make T the tsip. sy, to swam att. ace. - The, foe for the *1,85 The tickets to beaded will hold good for s weak, *all .1 to Pittsburgh. Sludge (two rsausilwant ad epiardoil . mad trip vill oo:W soesslen or EsanimmiaTbe follow hare been appointed by Oliver . Mkt Engineer of the Connells on lbw fourth Coipa. We pub. of. the gentlemen appointed on seal days ago: • • ma. Mentor Assistant Engineer. ennui, Assistant Engineer. Peeini.Cler ina seselemee 1 1 , ._Ihree.,111q "tat •Relieved. Reed atomize. the Lest Wee. .1' Nina: , 81DXIBT lid, /axis Mo Bone Ci*i. Rau Topecrepher. It biicoatei in the eleinilY of 4 Cannellseille- They stilt leave his tatopletes the elude foroe of ,s road. Tata Corps Waal Nastas :as Monday. isessias as . Li Itioku; 'A. notated Man, eopged mks Ite . thet the Ed. Charles, bid his leg brokenim .estallatetybelotr the knee joint, yesterday non , tUt. P eager depot, on Liberty stmt. .He was chasing boy en the platform. who had 'famend nut off. with hie osy; when boron over - the atop hedimi from the. latfoim to Liberty ...street, mull% the Injury above stated.: Hs MIS mimed id the Charles in an 01111116 UL , , Lomeruna.—By the completion of the Indianopolla : and Bellefontatee BaPraia, through ralhumd isonnection luta heen formed Presa Philadelphia to Indianapolis, and (by mean anottor relined) to Jefferson. opposite Louie . keine. 'AMU mate sin now scakinirby the ColltEnt4, to ticket pae. septa through from Phliadelphiaor this-cdty to Indianapolis and LQ111,111114. . The colored olden= of Allegheny will hold their; oidebnitlea of the at pros. in Mr. Geo. lireed's grove,.at the head of Federal stne; :Juilorpy, instead of Deriny'a grove lisomtee ' Gois with the Pittebrirgkers. Mum. Avery, Collier,Callen b ro ss. Mr. Pareavast, sad °theirs will slims the as. Bow Ras Ovitz. .The 'Repress Train at the •OHo sad Paresylesala Railroad, nu: over a cow id Ball ereek,'Oa Thursday eveohl:which dire, " • Coe of the' paaeater aan. off the track, bat without doing soy lolory paesecpre. The ear was placed et the Crook mats; vkich detain - ad ohs trots abenth*f ashoar: • . OID Onipma — —William 1166.147, In whose posomolow, et Citaciniatl, 440,0001 n ocuntarfeit •• mosey was micently found, is an old offender.— Be was arreited In company with another in this city, soma , time ago, and held to ball to an -,tiwee the clump of prude( oomterfelt money.— lidoasasy however, ma olf, Won the trial came up; Ids partner Is now serving a sentence of Goad In ilia . demurer.. it. Bummer — gourd , person *t empted to eater the home of Parry Baker. En, .13olleator of Tolls on the Oseel, below the Weigh Suolg,' on Thursday night The ilbutter na gMd,opins, bet the barking of re deg frighten ing the robber, he pm up the %WOO. .14.uotoor,phsciim—estonel Potts:ion iru lead LI for driving s "Motor whorl" against ths baggy of, - Woodrow& brophig It. B• ergs . alas bald to tall for astloiotto zoisoblet: • Maass= a= Bmsraas=Bold & Murdoch, the aororsetois ea the aermarket building, were arrested yesterday for blookinio op the sidewalk. Oft tepreseathes that Walks done by the order of # ll , l ) 6ll 4Bllohnuteiffee, they were dlsehorged. VACIAII6 , LLUID ,—Th• rain*, of .the aloe if:astir Itaidaat Naglatter of the P. M. B el" le sad the mi, emulated by the withdraw• at of Mr. OW. Buses. baa beta Wed by the ap- Yolateteat.et Mr. Leftist, formerly resident Be. glum et the Ilowataht &Woe of the eame —G!siNbi wee ball yesterday In 111.000 is-the alcohol telt instituted by blellialley.— .14 Mal 11174; behove: , l■ defeult of $2.000 ; bell la the 6411. Bair, sad MAIO le as emelt bilPhtl7eise . in/Whited ,by Johh V. Belles. The tiger it'll eras !cogitated berchhilderami B. )111,111417. , 'uie BIIZURSII.-Tlut Dimtors of tha .Ward. soboat, hams tat= advaatag• or the au* tsar vacation to have the aehoot Mass.'s that suit, *or:mealy malted sad maimed. Beris!ridarootanca Areadaties at the /mummer' Bakal of. the pry ,lisys =de ar. tesidre prepersticas for s par. Weems err at qtrustre Meraidassm Meta 611 Liberty erreektfda @Make a. ‘ ll. Button vat deliver ;',Draaaaisti—Maaart 3. Batt 1 104. 1 .13111 Wit' ifate Itaagaated on Tba - raday sight 'as dela cues, by Temparaztes Whip al, the let :KW: MU. • ntaltP. - • - Gamma nr Asyscuem.—Abont . ten streets we nomhang pada ind payed in Allegheny qty and about the - same number 'are toady to Tim P. Et. IL COIIPAIT . —The Directors of this Company Late tamed aviation to be commow aid on the aisokibto shop', founder', do., &a, at the'dtiter depot, *dab had Dna ansprodod until ' Dui Putes.--,Taue Davis, held th bill for be teg eameeniett i s the Luerphsity ease, ups same liseal..by bor.. bait yestardap.. !beim ems ' dpaeuily tiosuultied to Jail - Duas'Enour •Fteet' Saturday, the 2hl at July, up is last alett,. the &maga passed aro' Willo..Locks, salons! to 2,011,501-pounds. : fl, tails on the tonnage istuttett ' . 191,768 99. . Fess Itater.—Ai — TVa oeousted in the ID* Weed, yestesday;ta 'Mahone esufhal his Item vesy.sualtWend.. ..- Permit Yes ,Avatete.-11. P. Chalow bee re- Aleirel Putnam toe Aiguit. Ire lute also the lithettiothihet en Ise& • .. . . , ..„ . . . (ISlOlasir . tar 11111e. - :'::::, izou lindersigao4duitiliaili Mr git. r t .ci a r m . e alli maths.a." -....... ''.., ow« 44 .4 2=,_...2 &d id welitio.tot -5carr.,.....i.... ~..... ". 74,1 6Oe.s4iliz zo tw o in th. toll me i = win Item' In tn.. ininr fjhowftlhar loo t !Ito trporattrrlint to , ' ill= l ir . rir, -.l.797ilsa,itoye, THOUSANDaeoaII far Trade! DOLLAItB CASH • ir rirli4P Is WTI LOU; kr agoeiluttisolb, r. ues ti sr. 4tai wham,' kg , Zharsirtroo is attocnum. l 43 or rziato, noun E--. i Biiet Heats, „„...s FOR SAL" 6" t f °l" f r y.." 1 • sari anal;, bgaw • it loam itn444 nroriihnestarrftkb 4.. 414 44.44. .43 1 MIT• 11 " 4 Pint ":41111.1 A arto uk t v A tki es -Bo woe,. . A Beta DI. 00. Dwohuf 4114k1.)las+111.81"7: ni• Vac. AlUsbour 0171=„,,,caeler' T. •I: l Uak s kAhlpf"l!"ili! to is it , w a t.... sm , verral zt. 2.11040%.7/7- 4 mut • " . 41 striaggr4o.,!' 7:` • ' BY TELEGMIA TEILIUM Dal Latnpt •Pt= EUROPE. 4 ...L . ': - ARRIVAL OF VITERTEAMER ARM Nur. Year , . filly 29. Tie Steamer MIA arrived last 'sight at eleven. ealtrek. 911tOrlap:LIverpoal dates,to the 16th. Rae Mu II briefly Bummed up. . Eastern question remiss Oresisely in sesta rm. "neve noth'ag authentic to ening', the markets: . . , Lressroox 5 6 1 / 1 31111.—Cotton--The sales at A*Week ware 46,000 bales; fair Orleans etes7, Uplienlfais illfrnales on sPitmdation 4000 twee lamilßtrempen 10,000, bale* Trade' at Man gibe 16,0 The 4 Ba oo vre Ol cotton market etis :more watt en . . • ,:" - larsrpool—BreadOnfis.—ealse 16, 000 bble. Flour; Western Mild 27,. Ohlo • 27s ed. Coo steady, yellow and white 811 6d. . Provisions.—Lard to moderate demand, pekes Wining buyer*: Beef unchanged. Pork and Boon in moderate request. Oadee—Diresand good from trade and export. Money Merket—Consobi 971. There have been lugs trenaeadems in Amatican sesuritien and IL b. stocks hansdranced. . Lord John Rustled stated In Papliament that the dillioulty between Rants and Turkey was by no mean at *dead-look, but diet negotiations were still going on. Ceptain etring,ham'a energy In reclaiming Cos ta had prevented this being carried to Trial., Cap@ 8. having plaorthe Murton brig under the glum .of the 8L Lob. Interviews had taken place between Mr. Musk am Baron Bruck. and matters will await orders from - Vienna and Wash blgtam Two more Austrian ships of 'War are sent to Smyrna to watch the Bt. Louis. The India mail le telegraphed. The Bur mese Nesse to sign away their territory to the • There wee no nen from China. Thalweg from the West coast et Melia rego resent' all us quiet. `Breadstuff Western Canal Flour 26s 6d® 275; Baltimore and Philadelphia 271®27s 6d; Ohio 26.®27, 61: llslted States white Wheat ?grafts lo ; mixed and red 7e 8d ®7s 9d; Corn, wham and yellow, 811®31e 64®825...7? Provisions--There have Wen but, small par cheese at unchanged pr nee; deman d moderate: Bacon steady ; buttons li mited; acme eamPlee commended le advance—Shoulders neglected. Cheese—The first public, auction of Amerioan Cheese went off welt. The finest brought 471 C) 60e 64 ; middling SW (3446 Lad--Staggieh, unohanged. • Copper steadily maintained. Iron rails Naive at .88.15t®.£9, tolm early;delivered.' The Manchester operative strikes continne. Bye trade is good ; export trade crippled: The sales of Cotton on Saturday amounted 8,000 bales, 'unchanged. Lerssf—The London Thies has the follow= , ing; _ Paws, Friday Evenlog.—The exchange met firm until near the 'close, when a pasta ' . arose, commenced by a rumor that Admiral %nate had been Ordered to the Baltic. Three's closed at 70 ®9O (madmen The Income from the indirect tax has, the first half jeer of '54. exceeded the same period of last year 22,000.000 f. Realm—The newsfrom the Prioolpalitica and Odes d see disheartening. The stagnation of trade Is daily increasing. Metter from st Russian officer. In the Pried , polities states that the army would page the win. ter In the Ptincipalitter. The officers ere sending for their wires and families. - • Mercantile advice, from Vienna to the Iltb, thethat a general conviction prevailed that the Turkish question might be regarded is set tled.' Bullion In the Bank at insigne keg dammed 4290,000. • The steamer City of Clegor arrived out oa Saturday. • New Y0ut...14 . In regard to the fever which made itcappear anoe be the neighborhood of South Stieet Wharf this week. the Boyd of Health held a meeting at noon to.day and passed a resolution aliening. that the disease occurring was only ti malignant bilious fever, arising from bilge water - halite bargee Mandarin ; that only eleven cases hire occurred in all since noon on Bunday, aid that no epidemic nista. Thn.eity enjoys, in emmy sweet, enamel freedom from demise. • . lisennons, 301729. Another indignation noetiog was hell this if. %moon; - 8000 persons'erere present, most of 01101 doom there b 7 maturity. Infienitestary speeches were made, and • committee of 25 sp . - -pasted to question the Mayor, and take his view, and intestions In regard to street presetting.— The excitement le rapidly dying eta. PatzsDnlZllly Jaiy 29.—P100r inner; de mi:ad llmitedv holders ' generally ask $5,25 for old stook; gales 700 bole fresh, ground:it this price by auction; sates 600 bets Buffalo extra at $6,12, mold at prints sale at $6,26. RJO Elmwood:Com Reel, nothing doing. Grabs, good demand for What; bet little offering, sale good 'prime red at $1,114)111;12; white 31,21. Old Rye sold at N. corn m good demand; sales 800 tos yellow, mostly Southern at 70, 'float; Provisions quiet; Mess Pork held at $16,76® $l7; solos 314,60; Hama range at .10}®1 2; . Bides 71@8; Bhouldeve 61436 i WOOD ENGRAVING ICSTED with despawhlNALL ITS l ANCEITS. to Liu me style.. sod at the Isnot hirm tw,Art Calm Lkimam: owner /earth .M tvasaar• Moats, Clunthasti. übio. N. 11.—Por kalor atto-tkos oakl to lam. S.tarra Pal Boni Steam Boat sad Boscoss CUM. . &EMI SOTIOR--Tais public are hereb N ylafinnted - . that Mt LITTLE PAW MILL-BU .RLROAD rasa la. eet their' Woo. Into opustlaa Al the tel protwal ..a Bolivar any meant of OW at MO , Moults. Om WO* tivor. Do a. tameable S a o. el.. The . avatar gaallty af the Little Mill HonCOAL Battik". the 44...04 .1W auttOttostat Wet Meg wino/oat vim a Pan abate of go ant aupera; .4 tbeevforo hrrile their Ittemde. cud hatton ali woo Waal to trade la Oval to gall imakedlvolg at the Onnfaere tan, ea the manta wet etasergat the Dlamattl td D4thand Alley.ar at the Wlur4 near tag mouth *fifty WM *ea. gad taw J. Woof", ItaUlag MIL. • - . totted .. WILLIAM ESPY, Praeltkat. VSW ItlUl3lO, NEW hi 11810.4 HLE •%10374:11a dlin—ttortpoit ad itrt=t - -000t; 7 4 . mittptotta woo May &Damon. of Ws . elm • Mk Ilt4s, TIM • bisatital adored vignette, br Drown Dreams, a Seem: new Boaz try nose. • • Theron* he lads • t.m Lite; translated Irese the Geoids, b 7 Grebe. . • Thal* erddat• dons the Hyatt the Negra:fathey's t.. 4hubressee to Bellitnern • am Nam Nandi. Kr Baal Han• beanie' Mad. The 014111'40u at Kowa TW Pearls Wage 1•11. babied; brKeshisT. • E l = Beletti melr latirieom 01 13.0.1nneer. unman ' , theclitnie maglautte al dampen, Weans POStfa 11.• rod br Kra • ALKO—An sand mintl2lloll of Bono ral behead to/ether with teemed napalm. onnpanttons or the dart Yulatloar.lopas. et• ' oh , 101 HERD swim, lr Idea el the Kohler, Kenn STONER, No. 80 'Wood street, is open log • froth ImPOI7 BOYS' SUMMER CLOTHING ham Now Toot Thor at 'Ait.4.--nay, Up, in. hand. .am.—sod 8.0 tbe attaotioa of both &Oars sad =there Wm Bop , ' Masai lo 808 liolahsd:—lt suo ex hibits woo LYN In lto serantrosent—tho tailllsort oky, Art TX . 1411 snob* moil to stakl . tb o r toloottott f;y_tif Oho altioto .44« ownitUrsi. IUOJCIS VILOTINUO, south It gollo os *ow plots sa am/. sod sill bo owls to order with-hio moral pattetoolltr. • Pittsburgh Ihdldine and Loanaucniation TAN BOOKS of the ”Pitteborgh g mil Limn Asociatios." which bum Mx orgal. I. sza opm aubristfula at Barkisatu 1% 21 71" M".‘ ago.:.Stvinto7. 11.- D. Xing, C ) OIN, STOOK. AND NNOILANON 'BAC kM,gramme mi tomb An la ma a-Dam l and NMI nded at inarront Stab, em.lkm• m ipmmo Sa Itrl" I=brlaalair"" P "' Wrar ANTED— ., v 014 Wien awl 11414 Doling • . trgriftZattilrultna l : Crow= ImltrulL Awe on . • eiratsh serfot D044100n s• 44Trivigske awl Ottloar .‘ , • • !o[ Wmian6 rtgrukst . inalet u rater . wi lt Maui aso ookt. 112 A • - Oda. Stock and /:chaste Anita. TWENTY SHARES &M. Bank Stook for ale by IL D. KING • • ROUES. , JUST RECEIVED-- ; Lip Ptartlleglketsi Pratratantr. Tr .4 . Mama& sad Bab.TW.ltal`Pare . vall.l pad ; • %TA. t . p=rlsip r I%M:tam - OILLIUMVO Patera' t PlizatoThlu. Ipl4 by J. . AU:seder, 14! lataaa ,lasubse Nate; $ apla4 Dra i rtl=7 " a b tsuaLlas,, - yolk: lib ada ' Trap to 0.506 • Pattaasaa • a:t f ro If tx . t:;:ritir; • ..3.,,,,V=1M7r01fir bf, 1": . • ta.stat t or Little °Mania,- Porpture kLictilalt • Darns rn Parablaa and Mirada% i •••Alai's. Etraattoor, Tatar al tb• 011 4, a• p rritigar r e=gog Stop t • Tor are b y DAYMON * AfRiBIN, . jr2o . *Ai aufsit. sgog /mirth meet. • 4,..E AD'S AMERICAN PLEADEWS AISSUITAST—Nrst 31/113os olth taa ea sean mad addi Vgaber with • rt ems= myn,.—ar • iamb& Proottint Jalx* b. Zlstith JudWia- Idg4 .. ,4"* Priral.D " Lti b akkoiller sa4 Stitioak. 171 a - * &Ulm. banes 'Third awl /oath, dor Smlttes Poem,; ALL soON Alex= It-tY°" 11.' "• ! " 2.7.7#14 - PrLre„... j,,tVnte W"l il=r th. = dad P a raoLb.i Dr.Cmaa. .0414,0 W redo by • linii . op.k., 4 1131V—Ifstiig 50 Wow ..ota. own ...mitw•wilunct.4 toratwviiiklwrovat N dowse* milk ammomtifar them isimir Prim am. Ism •mimmt *ls mutton. mad law says imir7-mos/Itm MITT. ILBMIM 99, • 'ma stroa.Moot mama.. AL OILLOIUDE Of Liu; Buy: A NN 3 1 1 graii24*. PITTSII4/8611, hIMINET Oirrum rimunnu 011.1.1 littstrdsi. Edersdag. 3.0 K. /153. 11,01711:-• =all lot' t 20 Mils. anterfine vas all that yes ottaid on U• abaci. and ft bittnitit' 44.42.; a lot of 1800, bbl. fairs. at Allegbany Dawn. brought $1.46. 100 Dbl. In lots from wagon at 114,434t44A1l far snipardoc and 102 for eat= 20 644 aurcstlna .e 14,62 torextr.: 21411 c cupalloa at IL 41. from atore, talaa of. 60 Obis. ann.- Ina at 1t,60, by the dray-load at 14.01.., Oltillt—aalts of Oats conllona to be :made freoly, of ortdelt we no:a 400 hoc 011.00 tt VlO and 1130 do no • at 35, and 200 do. old, at 40. Viteat 4 to donatut at 004/00 and nary 111110 coming ha Rye MM. and *mold command 84C0Ithere was littler' excitement.; reat.rdar. and met. bares Wm./Mrs, ale Gush we note an particular xbanlta In Pile.. yet; ee. at 10.030 P.. should,. sx and 3000 M. Han. at %tit 000 Ma. Western Huns at 9. sod 100 pes Wasters ettonldens at 6; 109 pew Medlars and E.,. at 6X07%: 100014. Elhonldats. at tIX.. aed 1000 ar llama at 10. whSell la in dramas. • GBACERialt.—.• Got. • IntLint:l.o.r gm Sonar to Ilm. feed D.erafa. aalag:dlo:hhda. fair. 634 lour also 16 do. Ma at 8, and 10 dn. at WM. Mae Is In angular demand and ....add bun si01001101(. four mm e and 10 do. at 10. Itolasue u clot In damani. EEMZIMMgIi= C4I/LESE—atoelt4 N l.ght; 4414 s of 70 and 40 too. 14474 qualltles, at T. UAT—ralaa u nta/aa ad 'II loads. new, at siocosio,da: , 2121116,EZT—In antIVI damand t aod tn. :market boo as upward tandonomalaiof 26 abb., raw. at 24. and 116 bat,. n 041144,85 da and 60 do. In lo'n at 26, 60 do. dc. to lots at SE TOBACCO—ore halo to not.. Buis Alvin. to tutor. sad salts of 60 bna. Orant'd fa, at 24402434. font roaot this brand •u is Wog not knit ataea at .2260223 L. OltEAßß—seala of 40 bbl., Bream. Lard. to go east, at 0. 8.108—..0 itutolnat for; stir of 2000 B onot4. 00 BX BED 001000~ .au 'of 10 3 dmor...bontp. a ininal lot. at •2.67 4.44 davit. LILTED BBlitr—rtobil ult. of Main b 7 tb. time. at DX and bax7anectat,lo.4. • MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. The HaUroisde m varione wt. of tble C3ontry give lo dination. of the Improved state of btufness generniir. Tor .the month of June, .. connsaral •Ith lest year. Lissy are as follow= Q LILO. mum, ISO NS. 1862. 1863. Inerimes. Wlchbran Cantra1............99,49 40 H 9.434 44 • 0.197 re 5114 • 1 4. 4 1344.14•44 , ---44,791 24 14,463 42 71 874 iv .4(167 94 61.129 :6 2,71 4 0010.3 Pnotailleusla.- 21.i76 04 64._11.04 za 5061 at 300 II .np Itoll6ooo-.122,162 63 1664• , 49 34.324 76 Hallintoto and L1iam........170.74, 00 2.1/ 6 6 Ott WM. 00 Mama and Weatern...... 16 404 26 16 092 06 Greenville and Miami 43 409 be 64.166 . 66 10 213 Oa Cile.L Hamilton. Dadto. 20046 r 6 33 202 113 60070 Orin liallroad—.. _312 307 90 862741(90 00.394 02 Now Hamm 04111r0ad......56 646 13 6(738 , 60 41.08 61 llodeon R0me.10........' .....61827 73 34.92270 30,161 05 Norwich ao. Woreaddar 21,969 103 2 41.26 4.491 311 1 1.11.1192 tat anitillinoit— 6,163 34 18,36(19 131.99 10 4 Hutt iwit1 • mm.'..111224L.60,119 01 654,6061 62 0 9.510 44' P. Llattella ... , . (t 1 00.691 ut 14.222 121 tatimurn 9. fa (6 mca) 162 192 03 117.762.91 14 660 •11 Cleveland and oltimbia 73.693 30 912.66,0 17.773 cu. Pta 5121•42.-111. Roust.' of 44649109. in it. weakly MIT kat report. In imaraklngaTPl6.lron. aTIT: "it =ming paper note. an 06.0 for s.oo4lNrui Ave. Ithmiy Meta,. 'o ho delil•ere.l. at. 1115 V. too.. We have It loin math tioubla W el/mover tha foundation fors Tuch rtiontoect and must hoiloowled oar 16.61 97 •IlecoTor any ooe who Tat met with eit g• hdr wank who lonia or mei,. loth oiler. ITT dlocorrer that rho retort la Tory flaiterwily dwo.dited." • . • The statement here alluded to was made In Au of the morning caper; but otrm mut. so tar as tida miner was warmed, was made einnuthwity which no thought Co int mud. The gentleman who. Me the engem*.t to us la not north the tiff; balm soon at he flaunts we are dr termitted that the matter sbaO be , fully expleined. That 'the npon is very generally Warm liter —by the hon. births. 4 true; and it may be teat It has to foundation whatever. In bet. but of that we thall bernalter. Of one th ing. h wot. eartaln, that the roe.. of the ram of Pig 3lnktl in the goon of thu city .are pawns ly geindiosei and donbteChy ether buys or aftkm. We made etatement of a ham mie tbe other dar. on the author ity of the mumq and we informed by them:M. not long ainerwatds, mat the domes ware luvorreng both are hon oable men. and we dont know which was right. loft now there is. met of Ifbnir and 'them. Operation going On In the pig metal thirkst—the buyers attiring to put velem down, and the mums to put than 11D; It • sale te retuned at high arms. the harem Gmethon it; if et low ileums, the fullers doubt it. Under thus ciretunstattem woken. determined. hereafter. to report no palm that do net corm to ni with the sanction of both borer and Mien We will not be med. tf es mat help it, to further tee par, paws of those who with to webby our Inverts to ;Ow the . motel. The demand for tummy h. baron mutter for commercial MT.. On long parer. which command. fully 7 IA mot . or. ead. and for abort Pan.. the change was not malaripL Thoi Smoke aye, hominy. alma..p freely the paps that ormas within their mark. The demand for Ittch.ge for the atemmee was mol, but folly supplied at Paris bills at sight 610. which adsol. oi mewls shipments. and LbaMaas., mot 1175.4 M lamas It I. a =Mar Or ssrintai. Mewing The lame ler parts. that the demand 4 itscamum is not ems mill more amt. than it Ig Tbe ricesig. at the Custom /[ t ons sat mu. s rAcao day . —ON. TIM... Jul/ W. Pm. op Flatei—Yrince cr a Egan.. Wia—Ths clos Ise Iglus of Immo In the et. Louis market yeatsaday M ien... was 110 to 6113. Them rat. ' We into, ws. yarned. at. Mars. at IL, rime bf the day. ter • prlnte.tiels. There is an adv.. Mow, y Mess dames of lemn to $3 P lea •itnin N. /a“ taw Tan dm In the price tf Elmo may be Mimed to two mum. Met the egtenne (nanny!. Kentucky has ae. game:km.6ly ant Awn. verycoatanally th e amo I. tt at bt.M. Probably to the sateen of one Mild et Om-fourth of the Inca! prodmetteal Oat dosibtlem, the obrious tighloante of seises renter. day Va. ammelniandlataly owing totelegmbluedispetchos Kum the cut and Me Keels. nners lin gang. 1. wti man la pnetoetgas of war. imp. are mareaing mad ci coahmsoarchtmr. Roan le memlog oa her amnia tc wyrdsTarkey. Already. the Lnutabs.provlacee me mem Pled • heavy Year alund overbamm 01.00 Nes arta the Meditermosaa. Ramie is ta. only gnat null we hare-la Kemp inowlag- Iret Ityr go to war agdost the protest of gyabeed ant Yrs.% and her mounerm. her 'exp o rts and ' tanents.am at en end. nos • war between Ruse and Turkey kos act ete • ploblbitory WWI. noon Of Almeria.. Neon , . y give Ti. laboen en lea taw anima. • stock o h and ..PM 1.0145. la 7 000 to COM balm.— The antaynt tn gran forward from the .11bwoori Riser le from 1..000 to 15,000 eels.. Ilndmate4 crop of 1842. Al 000 to 00000 - bana The top qf rbe p. neat veer. it I. meowed by man v.. 111 by man: yge.-gmb. •bly larger than that of last year.—kt. Loan N :ar ye,. YAM 7100—The market je germ frr Waeksret at the apnea lass ..e.k Italm of No. lat S 105114.60: NO at Silt gat lleiNSl23s.llw term an. eitunil ootijko. at Set 54175 Ma. gland Se. 3, tand.have been mid at 45.7451057 • hot —Mei ea Mlle. Llet • . Kw Ounce, yalrT 411.—The oda of Torn.. during the met wore SAW hhda at fi lo Gs let loran 47( .107X' Kr lrlr t. ilea Lean and 11%40/4 tsr choke. Lad ts amt. nal at Me. • • The Bill blasket le baser at 07( en gterneg. an. Ma Preach Mtn mem to b. agniec or go 4 • "An PM. CC* .14 en lammonteeim.r. Teen emand (Maul. far the Oeotinent had atn. lama: dame ace been rammed to _. - lamer vas a Ilan more &mead tontay, bat the.. ad. years by bean chat me In rotes-71. Y.-IMb RIVER INTELLIGENCE BUM! "BOAT LE&VALB AID DEPLIITURED AURIVieD. Cal. Bayard. Peebles. Elea!nib Tam. Alam name?, navrr. Manre•Pnt ante?, anal., ileownss American Bt.o,BroortPvillaliie. • Dar/aura. .• Col. Sayazd. Peebles. 111 Tgos Iltoren llogeerporL Exchange: Rhodes. Bitmosrilts. km.rkeen Star.lcCallan.Bro•Nwllle . 11.01011101 US 0.0.67 Lost BILOWNBVILLE. W. wet 6 0.. ' WEST NSWIO6I. 8 A. Al- and 4 P. N Tag 1107.—Tbere were feet 6 lathes natoy is 00.2 - nel Ilut.readrur at dusk and Ada. • IMPORTS BY ItaILROAD, Pro. 0. • P IL. E. JOLT tea; Mx & yara re.t, lbt 114.0. nee .1 rolls • I mark u gehireekan I b. books, nit: 1 be ma.. P tdelbons; A W. b00...0ut:164 tlu wool. Slade% • et. 1 b. east: 16140. batter.. 601. empt. earn; 276 boo wheat. Bryan. 6563.47 • et. 28. do de. Wlltntrtb • on II Ow natl. Ball 3 1.1.- pert bbl. Shrivel% Ildworth • :38 WI. ed. Par. ley; 6 boodle. brad Mein. Dry. Anue•d7 • 36 ..bas Ilerafiela; fealre. & 1 64 eqg J Uibboll-: a bbl. 761:.%%WirtV 4 . :Zr.101:4 9 2 87gri bbl ..p. 1 001 kotateas, 1 6. burnt', I D. 3 advs. 1 eg Potato... I Lag terry& P Or I trunk boner. t bb; I.2gei 1 tem 4 74,0.8W010 I ha.. W I.llln 2 rolls lealh.. ar..l 1:111•1.1 1 bbleggs. B Dyne, WIN. notstor.. I Craig. I bbl•go, d Lord; 2 eks • 1 b. bacon, Wok • Ifedand lug 76.00 wool. LI Lon 2 bx butter; 4 this e.g. I eroet Da na.l keg ma, L no 6 .4 U 110.1.0560 10 barna. floar.o•lnnt • Pledenek; I tot soothe-. Lemen • eso 3 Dbl. emu W &Ade.; BO lnre W 8 Taylor: 2 tms. 2 14 dos brooms I bed. Nlmiekt 24 has& 0 Omen 5Ws 4 Item. A Antler; 2 ea. s. 3 eaten. 8 lgrr4 boo. Lori, VAr : dilt b e i g . oo ll r " fs:f ;Pi gat: B Arbu th not; ...slyer!. dray ow; r • bb1 " ...i. • 2 e 510.7../ Oraldnln I bbl .0.0.2 ~lm. .1 A I.ylon sons, 2 Doze. rags. kt Daluel •an rut% e l.e; lot *crap leen. 1 mt., I M.. Leah; 26ebee, P Drava. bbl. brown J nog.: Ila henry. D Wallarns: 25 boles elunse..l II Canfield. PROTECTION INSURANCE .COMPANY, OF ILLINFORD, OONN. CV! &ode, dnincal Premium and Waters Fund 51,000,000. INCORPORATED 1825. Policies of Insurance issued at all time. on the meet favorable terms. against LO5l OR D•2111AOR DY:FIRR, OR Teo ' PERILS OP NAVICATION, tly oeoaai L AI:L.11;01i% Arent lohlenTo3.l Per Pittextria an a anekbear County. , KENTUCKY EILITLRY INSTITUTE, TIIRECTED BY A BOARD OF PISITORS JUF &pronged hi the Rate, la under the imperintend. epee of Olortel R. T. P. hieldeN. • aunt/weigh d endu e/a of Wag Paint and enact/al Pitirieeeiy aided toy . Lw famity. • The WOMAN Or tiTtifor It thee mead, moht in the heat, Col/elms. with the Mnition of an minded mime of Magiamatiet. Natural Solon., ant, theetatio earl tonality! Naelmertm, eee Tee Banding of madeshad e. tu be entirely refitted. mot arraagespeetsSyr them with e. min brtire the 0440.1na of the amain& 1.4..1 whhitr will modal. the teeth/are entirely neequalied t. regent 1. begin, emend/mos. &ad agnaablemea of regd.... Is already la thrimmoma of =trued.. ant ergot uof ItOVIRCCInt . • ; The dem% ANNUAL TIM wiling. on the NEOOND MuNDAT 1MPT111114.4 Niaelre :.herze $lOO . yerm Nemo.. (mmieinPalhetf mired eayeele _..A4 the Berrintandent. "MO I.satabb P. DhuLll Y. bldg.!! "Preelasistoi the itioutsville Jamul!. St: Louts liapubliraus. Pittsburgh asset's. Nashville Ksimblleast flauster. Nashville Union. mid l*Nebse Nsgie, swill publish tri b i ll tom mwn. issue. So the amogni 110.ang sou I bill seria l:august, at tW lastlaga—rtgost-firt assassossaseultis.l For Rale, 11/1111 iha.WATER POWER and with, vy , wr-vithant the 41111.NZRY, 1.14•0.00.11000 red •1611 rowstroctint buliAlos known cc •'BI2INNEIrs WUOLIN NeCtitALY:is llama oa. Ohio. Ehtll balkilo2 1004 , 0,1 rear Me Bealooser too Ohio sod 1 . 000.212 , 000 Andan/ w e Sod — the 14 loop totativis tub • the Entwins Of WIZIO Sod the 11•0111111113 K tbrftot brie k • 11 IL. 40 40210 width by 'Will bdollyab,y mind. bbleotze•=bie.lll,l•l44l,,l,Tutilter tat,a DOoorpo. rept;lll,l,l 030412, pewit The coy Is 10.41.1 as vr4t. yy 0220ppoCrook.15.1110‘ 20 terror er .11114 feet' ol•est.ot *Wm p.drula fur 012.2••• fog taa _011,121020.0 01,1 th• abaresinetio.d rab bardoulato bbrdb• bI • . W•ltalset, at it: 141 m • 0.,K. SaINNEN,MAssiIIoO.. , pLASTtRot PARIS, for Lend it'd . atucco Ent_ DirdilL ir 'llZgarg - fth Ity;' 04 11) C 9 asEslisioad i varlair t grita, s l oty , hoot at Irl9 Vasty stro‘Ptgabantiv r - • r:PRE10101GBABOOtga FUE4ULY has 44-4tVi, MAW ' Niy ul ics 410jr..e, • - To the; Physicians of Pittsburgh. WOLF Eat CHLKDDATED DOIIIRDAII AllaltATlO • • 81 . 1113, 11'pes—Deetning It neciowary to remind 'any regraartnemberof the Mclimlianytwouon of theeemblisloal of yr:natl. of pare Rotten& um in many diseases ofo dermal tendency. I rearm-Aft:illy Invite lour man. wain to • very rupertor article, man taactaired hymnal, eachtsivelt , at Scluedam, In Rolland, by • Prts. , .. Pee. liar to my own factory. It Ls flavored and usediaLsa. not by the botruikon Larch beery. butty the choke botanical variety of the arca:mac Italia ant:dirt /WTl's '•''''''' more 'lnoue extract Is illetitied and recalled with Its apt. rations eolrent. and aroma, scotteestrabst tinder. of easy:Mate flavor andaltogether tranwasnasnt, la Ile midis' and it:minimal properuci, to any Llollana Gan horetotare known. Amid the influx of inferior Retaltalancl, ith which the Melte , itl now flooded. poyacians tad .. lade daitOullY In prontring a good awl purr' Gia, which they ma Prs erribe alai rOandena In al tonsil lel easels. As an ha 'R.:Mr Of twenty I ear's usual... In the say oalow Yet X., end reoeeekla• a motored experien. In the nazufactute Of lams... OMmpeidally, I bee to submit to your a. talltlan my ARO3IATIC Sillil TOAD BULL'S Alto, as one which cannot fell to realist roar utmost ea pectationa and I Omit to happy to Mrward toy on a exa. of lt. Dee or charge.. In waver to a letter IntimAting lour sea4inese to acesiet It. , . 't Is now scaratly one rear slue. I bare ;mated and distributed my Doomett OM' exclusively for irsulle10•1 purpose% yet within tit. trial psdrd. I bare emitted stimerOUl lettere. both from rhy,clitcs amt pea nta tep wring to Its really ertraordinery sflicary to a arc', Ito riplent Dropsy, o f • affections of the Kai nd bla I. pro gem Milt; oho t Dyspetlo ?det, when y eken in proper puentstfirs as a Diet Lama, an I empsets at Do ter, la found. by uniform eipsrlebee. to be tales. LI/ 0 ' IN= luri Lb s= " P.:V: ' , ' ; ' , i .-;1.. .Hoer thr•ld thl !Ur s =' ,- V. r .rg":iltV: l .L.""a.r dr°=',VlZt VOVil prorwillonal experience no " The Aromatic &Wails. Erh.ops Is oat up lo Mona bottler. plug_ and closets. neatly e .eared and Isbellsi with my 11.19 erabMee label, the bottle; alsroa Me *Mile a m/ lfra clear oath lt n oitlta ynto n gt. " rile7. 4 no the Corn. _ lIDOLPHO WOLFS, . For rel. by itA r g r a 11at ' iragV irorai l tnast, Mahwah: and by all the prumlpal Druggist. and Oro oers In tho bolted States. Extruits from the N. Fort Medfeel Oetetto end J. owl of Multi:, edited br U. Reese, M. U. 14D., 716 tiroadmer, betabor 1 : 1852: .. • ~ HOLLAND GIN AB A MEDICINE. In our last Mather. we accompanied the publication of • dr , ./. On this beodeet. from our fellow attic., U,1•1• oho ry,ir, May. with a brief eommeatary, kp•eseire of our owo 'lowa Sh.oe then we Imre been emtlorlog this a n and thus tar with lavorabl. prorate. Dot we API Romthe , eselpt nt several communication • on the subject from medic* Men. wtatth vvvvv ~hoe that Mr. Wolfe's Aromatic Sphirdam &imam* in very estenstrelY lo Um, end in the band. of ptipiciang. is , ,[yowl. itself. a• a stltoulating diorst.o. to bee minently eimprosfiaL *Ater other clam fire with Ms Intent' bad Men tried lo rein. Inn. o these/aro thus rePorted. etidomitial dreP• ellnes been ear a distr.*. ca•mrif eased, o caliph bm been entirely removed by the pities.. or is caleuto. of considerable .3e which Is awribed to th e use of only two laittiss of tbis article. We know not the object of Sir. wom In dra.mmting bi. i "rc k! grtohlehl's.ttr.."dr:VT:lVZ.:.C:` msno the anthem tra, el Tincture of r:nicer: . linseed of PerpetUatinst Its ancient title of Huila. it Gin. it le true that tql,achnite it ta be nothing rip, than Me latter art, de In It,, pure eat*, unadulteratedi by notices drug; and hence be contriallsiloarnehr• it from the Wu of com. suer. nearly all f whob, as I. ...41 known, . menu. motored here an I el,natiere from loierlor whip*, Lod rutin*, drags. The name he b. given it, however. Mar three the miry.- of design...a htlertisie Ise hrenersd excl.Prely for medical p.p.., •n thee commendit to physiclae, for wt.... souvenir.* it le en sale only by reputable druggists and •pothesorms; As respects Its utedit lois/ and surmise effects: we rinds* stand bon to claim only that It it • pure and reliable ap. Coln of Holland Olvi, mudas such, worthy of • the coon. deuce of Physicians. In thme •Ileeseci fur which they are wont to pissed. It. and have hitherto only been re strained by fitelinir it 1 - mnicticable I 4 obtain the article in *purr state. Nor she oldtoy prijudire against Mos holt, mulkine deprlio the &Mimed or the benefit of this article, which tram time Immemorial has held its plass tring' be remedial agencies of the !Later. Medico, If 11 e ' Lnuodworthy of cont..e by cantina. erperienco. At all even.. tboe who persist In tbeemplorment •nd toleration of other a c loholic.Minis, as annum, bit. tori,Ao,altd .pnlvaly !dime wh i prescribe Gla under anT cirsometan,ors, must all unite to giving the r.- fere.* to a pore &Mom over the man.fald adraterstin. . rife in th e market Hr. Wolfe 1it...11y supplies ph). Kola. with a sample bottle no ...irate and trial.. eat f.r•ti In his circul ar . nod states the reputation of the Horemedy open he Mammal. salety and etEcieney of hie lland dl". when used under medical advice, and pledges hi, own shame*: in bailor. that the ullcie will not sAmpolut any whoa. it. From the New Yorklitpress. October 28. 1981 ,lIEDICAL LIQUORS. ^ in ermsnon. I resume. p with many others of the pro dressed fceelon. recellef. Soto+ hew mouths d.. • eifeular ad dressed °To Doyeiciam throughout the untiotetetea° by Or. LAM pho Wolfe. the importer. of Beaver etreet. In. 'aim • medical and chemical ea aminealou of a new arti cle dt Holland Oto monolectured brj blimele, at Paithe dam. In 11n11.d. ,y • peculiar pro., and put tilt for Aromatic nder the itornim hat Dutch title of s r loot Schnapps'', The circa lat alms Pr. thin tine on eminently euper.or degree of purl. y. aroma 8. I cot. , ad Mahe... gravy; and direra moreover. • gratu- MC. IMpply of It to War Phrelclait whet may feel dlepoeed tonal them claims in a ...totals and prnfeallehal 11.106 (*mill,. with throe Lat. in reletion to the use of Iloilaud Oin. as • medicine. namely:: tint. that when pore. It is luvaltiabie sod profile be exchanged Ice toy other reuoviy Known to toe ion. In many comphants. both sec.and chronic; secoodly , that .cold the multitude of 111-made or adulterated Docn with which this country aboonda• our. llolland Gin imarcely tu obtained at ao, Pflie; thltdly. that the melee! impurities of atir infertar or spurt...l4in Iltat. of the hydrated oxide of Artf u Pal•O0011. 011. or na-re nue bobly known Potatn taunt, Voleal qll. or Sandlot Alm. and moondly. of 'be braTIAZ of the tee essential oils of Juniper. thrtesi atilt. lighter—which !moult... sou -1!IJ ee It from Olio scrap .1 .n tareuh. 001OIat'on of Ibe 000.01.1. .ylofrd.-! tewled In se. 00 qf Ilr. lidolpbo Wolfe'. cuatie tm d but bis°2cl.l. loot Arontatle &hoopoe° to the tact tot rigid enalyels. hod I wan Induced to do ells (notwithstanding th e pro priontes long standing and related reepeclabaity an au importer) Mato. Its purity of 11111.61are'labt or every other spirituous liquor employed 10 medloaltractice, is of the most .!4 , 110013.42001:10• ca the eximmunite. Inamieuele .11 iesuMect to two distal et eau.. of %arnica.. imp.. rat..netnely, th e infeeor alas Juniper. as nail •• the roused cea; I found tat . ..ever. the °Aromatic Schnapps° ....sty recommended by • physician and erriter of no lea. Innuenee Um 11. D. U. Noma of Oh. 11.. York Medi. .1 Omen, and by meaty of the moat totio.t of the prolemiou. who 8 iteri no reason to alarm. bed ob. tained other then ampiriesi evidence of Ite benne. round purity end value. Lthereforelmolerl to Inform heel noco at beast. Dr the labs of the puha, at lerge, af g•Laulta of my loyestiganont •hetber they cooed favorable otherwlee to the ch..tar of the ornate and the interest of Its propylene. i Thom ratans are es folio.: &earthing first for the oil of duets.. b y dutillation. Ib e an oafroto two quarts ado iiguld. what. seaside greedy wee 0.882 stet whore boll.ne plant wan 311 deereee.:Merlid enteneshe resitstlllatles yield oilf d ame or of en/ cams glad whatever. The fame unseat y of commas oln. veiled. yielded no exoeset. mount. br redletilletion.ol oil wel(biono.B7l. eith the ballaggeolut of 40 deg..... the llghlet oil hay ner! pr-eloha e m aaa d over. Tide was eoncloolve th e to t o superiority of Mr. Inolfeie Gin in rvieteme bete oil ouolper. upon nh p ich the aromaelmor. and diuretic end other to•didnal prrt..l.o of ever. kird of 010 ementlallY Cerend. Dto as to the ro.el oil, with whim .1 Inferior spirituous lion.n ate more or lee. inpeeistratol, nod abed. maim them 'polooneue in the ex e cs ratio In which they ere qtt. billed—which came. such liquors 'hi Ink... When the.. do not. end Mist. that morbid lo•athrble app. fife for sinitta indulgence. with all deplocabie o oat. omnees... which the frieodeCrow end pia. leetbropy saloon, meeriala le.teni toast •atiety sad tashdlon neva cif Mae for which .be drinkere of ours Oct. are dietlngulebed-cal this find,' arrid mthmatical vowel ell. 1 bawl no trete In Ur Wolfeie modliqual at.. althouah 1 repeatelly entei . quantities of It with th e chlofide talci.n. by ohhens( storm whittle so readily detects and obtains It in th e ordinary etaritom Aonordbrel r, 7 rev , bound to ear that I retool thl• Oin a.Wm. erm7 Tonal pre emitmuti para. sod denim lor ot medical pet,. rain It to tentelimal for It. mese. orlty. I doubt not, tot and end aehms a Oceans end to that pertallarly moderate method of distillation which learse the balmier end Iwo vo•aitie eawntlai rile both of L. bend., and tbn terry, bnidtri In lbw xlll Telic .154 Is eullsient, to accountfor the teemed oilmen( thieab ye iother 1 70 .7 bat In regard Pi the rascal roman • of the ita•lsin Jun per born. of etd , rrthe manutacturer rppab In his etreolem I have cachet:alma kneel...an n when to •t• Hahn,. off differs fr tint of the Jimiperfs ormaaar, oh. 1 flud that the pore oil of bet paten e lbw lett. Tider Mids. with byd•oehlo le aril. • I onki mint hor Tide add twi on to t h e - stomach se a peincti a 1 crinp , enne of the gastric rjolm,`prob•ble area. this imat a r a u • ar r ea ti e MI. and' readers it the raluerle Milastre etin. pima whien *Le fennerle and will, praliablr,AaMo tam Downed. I eciamourntly regard Mr. Wirlfe'e • &Median Armtek Sconappe as a rattiable ...realm to our pharmaceutic t • •ar niobium of lie comparative 11111..C.Pejlill , to thorn • tar nee Metaled 1 1 were a- a beverage T pm wine Mahal.. me kontiterat. Ebner the beet water frequent r prodoos, dieteenalos and ertnetnnse even dan gerous .Poet. opine perm.. 13.^CUBIOISMI 10 thempl eLonat think It would be a good prwautiouarir provision, as • comitareetimi or preventive of those effecter, when miter' moderate otointitlne. At all erente, I/ tbe Duran artleM of t•olland 041. beretotere unob tainable, and .5.000. mar he sief-Ir vrescrbel hr Pi7Y &Lan DAVID 1...M0TT, Mt D., rer" Pharninceedral tibeutiet; Aff'fflit•hurffh .goat. 3EIIII iIAWORTII, 7142331a151 come, of L. Diamond and Dna,. 111411.11/ TAM J. a. 14.11111..0. 104111 SAW. 111111.1,12 ed TATE &4; CO :„ ;No. 10 Fourth asset near Lir. and federal "Moot, Alltiohe. ny. aunfacttimire of Skeet Lead. Leadon fitpeo.flydranb ittatko,Waterelooots es., de. easy= who have work to do In our line .111 do well to call, vs they may rely on having thth work exoeuted by qy proutioal workmen, and ae we manufactureour own lead awl sheet load wo can afford to work at law eo low at any other establishment In eithor Perrone frusta the country wbo white to purchase pipe tonoeying velar from outings will. aw it to their me hawserya to wt. no call Whim purolusaing from amoral ,so an the only manufacture. of Leal and fiber Lend In the city. Orders frorythe cora:dry foe Load Plioo. abet , . Le. , see Yen,. will rowdy. emenet attention. (mhieulthrtfh Chocolate, Cocoa, and Brotaa. W BAKER & CO.:8 American and Va. ro u l s hic r if=7;•.l °° ll, A , T e g e.. o °P o aniartl Ohs ebiof . and FM. of the Veda:, idr by all the principel'Orocers In the United &Vets, and by' th'ir termils: Mow A Ilium, New hook; %alit A Twills. Phila delphia: Thomas V. Drundlet qolthnor.; Bennettputl• I.lianextg./hlo., WALTER nakelt &M t,. I oh:le 64.1 Dosolowt.r. Man. LATE ARRIVAL OF QUEENBWARE. EERILY BIGBY, WIJOLMALA AND }MULL DiALVA IN CHINA, GLASEVAED QIIEE3(IIWAEE, 127 Wood MAW. Altdomph, 3 NOW receiving, direct, 'from English L Potter's.. an extensteo ...cement of Good.. embrae- Ina *met "misty In Ma line. Amon., whlch. are—White Oman. Toilet. Ma and Dins., Nan chciee .Lit. Vltm tnm•too., prowl for d lloolg flinch "_nd Iti ru &eal'.4`a:Vel;l4'. °L 'L'',adtl e d r ec f,tihVb ed ell sod moped Warer; 7t71 age =IT ' ‘Ctr i o;wlU (.4 s•••er end • ..oend worm.= of Vital and °non Pim ,well., c to M. Man trate of eit7 and ooantry merchant.. and at mod...ea mines. I fistanlawnenti GEORGE F. DIEM, VORWARDING AND 60513118810 N 1168011 ANT, °Mt next'Dor to Parry Pith /iamb Pa.—Oontraete antosed Into for thipmante or Rail road Iron, Lo ow:Chet Ur; bazar. Machinery, Pr[ Metal, to. tr., to anypart er point on ale Oltio air . MUM. Nom moat,. or their tribotari.. rittone LiAntilit and 111/.48 are cant and unwed or mu tat Tontkiata. lot the mon -esh delivery of Uarg, insurance can b Minted thereon. reidarnotql Retatomy is the Road to Wealth. AJO FAMILY should bq without BEAT INU'd OENUDIR EXTRACT Cr COTEER, acme wood outhle losaluabla Ilftid gose art far seems pounds st Store Coffee. It sleets ma. otter then soy else. besides zletog It Hshoess aml etrenath. suitable to the most fsatllloas. It le also more wet/Swore* thu Coffee. uptirtlo car usuairs, awl oou t t i strellav i rlients tha Roll try IrlfE AIM tritlV.b h ossuolertorai for the United Emtef, and to whom all ordersraocompauled with the cub, will meet with prompt must be All letters addreeftri to J. V. /Mulish'. 00000 be rola load. ImbOstew.y-'l4/1 EUROPEAN AOEI9OY. itkNEW YORK Aso LIVERPOOIIi Karallaw..TaLULthe of EtiIiACKET RIM'S sail Weekly. find PUL ADELLS ASP LIVERPOOL LINE 01 STEAM. tlis IU Unit at ilaaobaatar and tiny at Glattaaa) *an hluntalvt ' JOHN TIIOSIPI3v2 I. 1. .410 Libartp meat, thaaltilr Parwatto ag ul n 004 t Eir v P as ra fi a; , hrao a .4.r4i ba u u w d s 7l idt ;7° g `= l ; tl. Rrpiao..! Eno ch .. 1. lrianiia ota Nor Tort or Pi vn Alw a 0 railroadto nettilm rill. and •ST 1.011211 Of OOMI rid dam la Ma railroad 000... Iowa:WWI ait Tales' Back Aotiow Lock. VALES MAGIC LOOK, Yales' Bata Looks r ato... /W. connln^tl7 ro band and.r for We. mo, tom oZdf of eat". Vitilift.7titinbthg. :AlafaliananogOmmilalanvet. Daguerreotypes, $l.OO 4 $20,001 M'CARIO & Cl., LA trarni ILlloiLikm. 54 FOUrtilltllegt. toolnoi n.r ow: to ireoltlrfill= l" MATVall tor, 54 A4n 14 oso41; 0•11, examoßoo 4ftt: . .sonn. ato4 Wit. to onomemo 44,r • ' - For Kent ~ , ' mu DWELLING HOUSE on-Third „....11 # A 31tioyra4 7'4 =i d . I A ill itimra g t a l lo w t me i •** ' * -'' ! i.,0 , :).:i. 4 . 45 • . • «'~ 3 . ._ 3111 W YORZ sm.. a irpcmagreAtialriiv Bauer/fo\ Alm= : . ;Sea rent. • • '.LAYPIDII . `WORKS! • • The Zest wad eddy Complete • detteplithan *Milers. • k TNIFOR,It 'two large octavo volume", 'FM Paths. with warty Ern Illuthrotkiew for h Works togthbwr P. PUTNAM aCO bay. wwwitlyoubdwdol LAYARIPS new tthrtit no BA oFLON AND NMI/VEIT— betas the rants of a recond.r.redill to Asthrh ie. I cot: Bro, with nearly bar duadred :drawn:at Illustration, Cloth N.l3.—Thrw who purchase !hie with the TIPAT WORK En ) be thOgibal with MOTE COMP LITE. and hatothonoly printed on due pater. for the low prow of PIE Mt. woe I th e flue rilltion of LLYANDE FEZPU DLICOChrtI6B, br• TWO DOLLAR!. • OONDENNED torn:met the Froall.rdl.kk.lo """"'" ` l "*.." ' This Coowensed MM. embalm an the Intriestthe owl Important portion •of toe Ori.l Ins% oalr mutton : cannon below mouth details of soutpdanal wad nthow mental retool.. ' • NOW EDITION 0/TUB - FIRST rxranrfloa. with CO. bur drull sail thirteen Elude:Woos, wog mop—ltrul. flow, untfrna with the Now Wort. Cloth. Ii A NEW EDITION OP Tills EMIR DNA/MIMED, without tto luring —large Irmo, oitth St -' Of. raw U. P Putnam a to. feel tomyelletl. In alliriSk . fencroodeny tb. etwtereentof Ahrens. fl wthor • Brothe M r'', et thodr 'ninon of "Laynidbi throb Illtholtwies to thr, ,firet American Da the eontrary, thatWorro ;uttolished by OP. Putnam Co. mote than ninth Inc the Iwo. 10 hoodworestyle.and at • price gni'. tn'd " Biwa, M a nay filmilar unterthan twold 'whether Word by Eh woe or any other A.10•11C011 oubiltherE 0 . P. ?Other. A I o. hare afro thiblithel • carefully coodearrul edition of th• .eau Work. looloning • I the linageeath:Fee iatenntiroy matter, at a price whir , the Work "within the weans of Al clue" - netters ^ Whodher elthar one or both of there editims uace Printof in New Yak. Boston, London., St Potent...a tr • matter which Mann. Pura= I Cs. madder then men oot buth l am.aud not that of Ream Rana, So love am ea book b thot l P.P.Uty. end hi f.trir pat Into th e mar. tot 'nth their imprint,er • fah end moderate . tlnne.Putsem A Oa comdder Mat mamma Inman and Ja.tineoaml even theme. doubtful scam of the Amy eau Tnde entitle them to aspect 4mm:option front • HUM , / :4inAgi c .tjo:r . r . .....anyza•rous ant discreditable to t!'rg:tl.lol7/4ter kitfAlrri to t tr eat l trt r rlit entirety pentad In Dew Yore. dot al , DA intone no elan engraved ben. and that it was eammeeed am! P.t. ii.hed b .In ads.. of any other Antenna houe.A. the auth o r :reo.leing • •saheb!. bonne for Um b 1. That the Interf ream of Henn Harper In 'egad to that Wort. and also In regard I. toe pan. one Oa th• tuah of their is &alms In itosi'lar amen ens woolly at. called for by az, replan too. h tn. part of Henn PM. am • Cy acid on emlnly at varnan with the ordquiry custom and marten T at all leading Amedcan Dentine s 3. dad mittens,' so they elooendy an to~~\~)mnuuua Mkk~ M Mr U. public etatyment of thy. a(ny, P. PipentitiZ fen mpelled to repeat that th e encomiast...ons ted withthis Interferesoe —the fact that if not dote prop., but end-ally for an impend's* outvote, and heHub inale chant ter of trd. attack op m twit. property, Goo. gather mime en 01111:011. which has received ottwerrylt k or expo. from any proceed ng l of their Own. rlf.lto 0. P. PUTNAM C . INDIA RllBlls4 GOODS—PALL SHADS IBS D. HODGMAN, 117 Malden Lane and 39 Manna Mtn cornor from thouhies ) IiESPECTFULLY invitee the attention of hi. 011 0 00 1013101 . 0, sod merchant. throughout the. enuotry. greirll.o7. to his mock of INDIA RUBBER OodDs of hie own manufacture Ms: Ha., S11 , 1:1 NI C e Ln . Dag r. Cle . the, Info, Re flog Jackals Woe.. • iditnue, Ragan. 13LtintiX Panty. Uta Preverven. •tam Peeking. Overall.. °°' ( ' ) . l7 o ArA th lrh'S. Date. aa. And every Jeseoption af Rubber emals manufmtured. .Do be round •• sew, Mr Goody defycompetition or proof agalud decomptalilon It ary offend for awe In large or small m beet Orme. Orden solicited and premi \Moe Leas sad =WE TELE B &RD POWDER COBIPARY, nAnnelentrailta tte GUN POWDSCR, intONTINUE to furnish GUNPOWDER of ell their well-known bran la, via: Kentucky Altle, Pea Shoot ng. American Sporting, Indian RIO*, Mentz* Dock /Monthly. In knee, half end querter.kedt. tad tottc. [Genoa( one pound ataeh. Also, • lull Alsortment rowd-r for Attesting and Plinnig triremes, and tor kaport The reputation ef thole Gun Powder la tro well known to nri• monied of the prinaital u g, 07 020 .1n 1t J. 8.. t i D/LIVORT,I i 13).. Agent*. And at the Cm.. of the C0tp2,789 WW unl i t V. ' iroW clip A G. 'LAZARD, Pretklant. A. C. DonsiLtas. Pecteetary. Melia NEW WK • GAB REGULATOORR 0011PANY; 0131. c• 11132 Broadway. PliE Office of the NEW YORK GAS ItIGOLATOR COMPANY Lap hoot poramstand eetabllshel at NA 203 tiloseloai. Pontoon Chetah. r. PAVN apt Tllnil /glean trz,==g,,K9ll.?, tiwOonstands. and where. Shoo/stout the United timenti Porporala are invited from all Mien 10 the United Slams when Osa Is now Wed. or about Mid Introduced, ad the ade of Right. to use Kidder's 'atom Od Ronal. Ws If &dud. togged, will toatval for Ltd bon. Uoa of commie. hi die ratio& rids. upon adeautageose taros. This rand& machine inte recalord tha Wahine pliers ROG rotommoadations. se sell se the iansualdled appro.. W 0.% of the doped eonsumers of Da. In the Onitrd Mud.. aftee.lang extortion. of its Mudd to an scow. mow of dal. mottle at the sand tit. it improves the soallty or the light It blotted! doubt tt• tomdetedio. Vittiortrti '...7ll4l4.4tr,rlsithth ram eUtVl:rr"T. oil. or tho &atoms, =maenads of spts a:rms. the Regulator erobrod a ring% barow or a thowand ith Be ram. facility. nod Modem ail attendan to the . Igor-rock or the weld et the bunion unnetwamT. With the Roos woe no du oast he traded by servants or tame .nosed to On lights. The &guided Is la me st all the loading Houle in Nov Tore sltr Wet perfot scowl. sewing at bast hanisi.,hes per cod afGat.aad producing •b. Oa 11 01. Pamphlets 4:attaining a Ow:Option of the lood Ramslatij en I eeinlabg of its value may be had at the onto. , tae Wonfarrn re then will ba sent by pole. I Jr/Ilut S T Secretary. I LARUE AND nil6Solll7B STOCK OF - DRY GOODS. L. O. WILSON t 4 COMPANY, Intrortere and Jobsers of • DRY GOODS, • IS Otnartlatiads street, • (Opposite the National and *went Hotels) and Son 114111 D 13 nom maw, • HMV YOWL INVlTE'the attention of Wholesala Buyers to then vsst , taus aimetatent °Moeda which I. k4t plete at all 1...... of the br ttetVIII too , Wfatties that are ...runty arrietna teanwery. met • racketa" We Dave lam dgaoisente, devoted ata/alarelr to the Fele o. : tft llll :7 l P th Via.o w .4 l = b a c trZP"ii, mem., ore dimwit. al lame Ito. of snota looltal.no Idtethasaa wad taILaCS. Worhanta, BMW., Liana and other Staple rill , alariaa..a Bordatattea. At Mae. and the nuaterone other ankle. araertalnlas to the WM dotahe TRAWL 'Alm, Kenna Tr the tale of " let /tor Poem.. eatteforn lievtee Cows, ^ at/tarn. the atteation of the mean ha)Valn.r IXPORTAAT 10 ALL WHO: E STEAM AS A MOTIVE A$D DUOS Sandy and dlesat Zoonomy. A N UPTURTUNI . II is now off to eli °auntie wt.. It may coma.. to mean th e extdium them! thatudo .. etoritht, tottrth. and fondles. to litaliet and tavntas ,_ Circulating Safety Steam Boiler, :Mr eta loamy Kthlnthig sat. mother, Morlai Istagium;an of or Late, am 00.1 enters, ait. adthatones Bo tae over al , orb mi mr boi me are— : - 1. Emtaa Pthwth mom Cutoutoq, being no more °able, lorallgtt tli4 be rthatit of hal is rim' red glinerale the teem obtalnel by mbar Dollen of tho th 3. ine - T % m me, at .f conatruallool.lll6DUCED 01111.1IdLe. 1 They recopy bat LIR C.TIII-1) tbe rpm. of °that Salem, sed may be anolud b an. m °ne 11 3 Ito The es elm of turnam Orotes will b. thenlaulathy loien.d, by the sthlll amount *. fuel repaired. and thdi = Mumble IL TG~ the ohms wastagocir:V.VoOtcbuito butiollitiPRAOTIOAL 11031.11,Te. many of them 0 1:1114ers 68Iaq am In me la sod Motet ibis city. The Immtor bee butjaideu wooded. Atm yam. et .B,llthalon, brlagtott th is mesh,. In. I mottos before Me pablto it thend• alone mot Indepon. Mot Is Its theriii. and If It Ma qualltlet etaltaith w M hich are andmllible. th e 801110 will at arm athamtl. leo Its wtherknity over my Mbar Motive Poem. Terms of mth made tom. on aboUaatim at the Mike of the . 111VINU pTEslt BOILIM _telldllPANY,” uthum of Broadway cad Park:Am. New Ink. our ,SC. new Dfmenor Bank. le- CiroulmL 000taIntag urns ufwdel da...rell be for. wonted by mall If rothiletitd. /Wm. m Men. 1.013 ..;;;:d al.r. To Dry Goods Dealers, Xereriant Tailors, Clothien, and hunbthing Stores. o. Mewl & [reports., N.. U Warm, street, N. York. HAVE always on hand, of their own potatloa. oat of Um moat ettoudva amortaont• ta bamow la N . ir Tot et OWN ADAMTXD TO MEN'S WEAK. a maiming iv Dart of—Oloth., Mum Owl ftar o .77,:tt.sai r k . t t v.:dr. e n. o&l h oisi" uttteillo tad ' Lao Vaattaat DAL jia. t. iht Ortvea. la t riil Poiret! laato.lanaZslz.CarntablkattOtna.r4.l.:a, two afar attirtra:t7 market plow sot to width th. WSW tha atteattoo o the Trlkhr. r Jasunm • • . Arne Institute. twentkeixth ANNUAL FAIR or the AMERICN ETITUTE bold In Mistily. of her TORE d o ti nghe month of OCTOBAR oo m mend= with the receipt of. ICUend Epeclearna Cho dreday. Extraordinary effnis I henut In ....reenter. to tender thteGREAT NATIONAL EXHIBITION Incur. Peerd In all Rs department.. It herder. he twenty- ore yeartc. and velli COMISIO. to be. excluelyely devoted to ellauclue the productions of oar On country. The In. emote retort:ono the favors of the cider= of the Meted litetet.elacee Intersect IL Au labored Rog end evednosuly tit promote. Detente( all the errangenteur nlll eyeertty be placed r order the ne ntoAalar say= oroftADOdtß AMC n HA n NL ER. Aunt. Fiu Bale. Fru WOODWORTH, PATENT KAN .'. INE) NIONINIC—gor f g end Veer illth b"24. aittrhgte.... °` y...!"= j r"stges, toolerflno, web. doe: and w mit. we any emetic work, this eelebrated Machi n ' twentrtour roan boo been ourtralkd for the stela, &deb. and *indent ot lu work. The node:reigned le prepared re eel risme to the followlog Rain. tlal riorida.Tenes.L ulainneelli.mon Terapeeee, lows; Seaway, nbio, Virzi . P•onstiwarda. Attn.& at reawnalkerioes ma rit to JelthAna No. 201111roedwer. New fork. West Point ilehool7 -7-- /pals - Nell knowd Institution is most plea antly..d boaltbflllly id tooted amid the Illnalando o I.lwoon. ' rOtrallat Malang. u• Wound fur o,o• corms a therongte and loomptlr hod a:Muth b In all 100 dopartinon a of .ftanalui. It. 1/111Itarr liamlaot h r *mod a t 'od o ll raP‘al'agror to n At :id tato rIrIZ Ty of tee tl Attdomv mum Om old of the matt dlatleugalabot Sod atooneollabod Instructora Po nog, L. P ro f oloorg of Yalu 0:41•1=1 U.1.11'114'7 " w r'adi l '" BD Pl i egr. Unit. tte it at .14aulani " • sat at. .X. TO WHOLESALE MERCHANTS. • .• .• _ • JOHN C. MiNTlAßOZl‘,4,tiiinfc o. at Stn.= 11141,10H0 AND 172 ; 174 aXD 176 raAatl7ll/111T, nw TONE. OFFER 10T pale tui rektontve agiortzient otostlitcrt _AbLOPAPIOX ,MATILIERS.IrLitababiI •to.ring artiviat Moms &IR OnloOlonto; ALDbetio IBoau-t blalaba I .albatj-Jtaall.b. breath bad Astatioan atm. ood rtlt L0a•01 , ./to,a, tOgottoor Vint- 0 , toll a rttoont of Om& minable Pr Elatiare nab CAD Maim. u, Ma Oar., Maas of oar on suaauctur....obtaro the Ismael sad' 2ioOt neat - MORA to b. lband WM* UAW 51Maa ,Dalephea may ba , lots 10 oat War eramo la Neer lark. • Jellatat 'PLATFORM' 80ALZOA komen—errinly iasted7 ,- !it /WIT. r4ht-401.1 w. ' DU, New lftert;'i,"; • • Luanouis 06. bona :21040 l Waterits ELIBILKLL:drOth; , , LADIES°I I I7II. NlB ilitt 1001484 1:1A9 Br•adwaT, Nur srur Dmoiront M'rt'7 , 7!zrt mar "iit EMZI \;„, : , •,. , \\ )\&.LL AND 7 1 , ,N TSB 00 0 Eta \'----- .., zza.... \ , 41.113130N1:1111111AILINGIN7 nr*itetitil.. OltaS G. SITNB, Ibbaiof MIAS. MR. 'APT att. at lamb atiate—Hata g , t 0.14,,, .01. Ifroadark, how York. bao arm liar at firing \ Lad ink at th e Itateta Ace. as —..."..... , *:• " . l4 VtllVVll:lgralll t ritaT i a :A Tala;t4 4 4:,, rartitt\i"lcgr&ta 'ttlia:•iaa'b°"llPb•lX,l Irolah awl g l'sa erg., craps tatTlaklk ° ltranta.•th, ball wimp. Ve r :7..ra. kind, MIRO. rolls tra..val tal,a.. ca no e . bowlers, Hp. earabrio Itpar. ate &T A . , ra2:.ars,l\ Str:%,:4l::7;;LhgV cc VP.".1`,"17,',;. •':',1:2;:„....11:117.t Y. \ . .•:, • • Nl) ICES. &LA \ \ • ..\ ..., • - ' ilOtice- VoisFractora. A, V ., QtArx,p rn.ppo k.r,s‘ win be ree ' td veil t I note , . tr. M. an the IplITll DAY 13. Still ire" k..\ ,1133, for L the asedalob end !Wears o 1 the ..K a V Hit, .X.• • TENSIONNAt 'the CU:VELA:NT rat KiTS BUR .ti 1.. is •At.i from Welleritle... iai Coto Metre O. sit, 0 10.. 1 anehleterefliavrieur it. re. tease norafjet_wometTe-, , Plane. Promote, v i is fleetrtri • illestreete leroisr, Wtint% t ii7 ; , 4.4l;ilifigvi ..di:„.ixatriec.,-„r;, ellsville, l fo,hr as \lt preceirts u ,1ea.a . 5 .i,..w ..... _ .T. !Arras, ChiV4i'Sineer. 0 of the e. 4. ,AL U. Ceerlb o 37.l ClArstviro,.hat. ' . 3sa. \ / sk leak! pSSOLUTICI ".t-'—, The Rtletn ip \ here tient xisting' ' WO,' the Suriend ikeel 4 to the \ z NW !UMW. ( 3031341A:00N. 01 En 'A. 0 'NO' DUCK roue, le thi" , iiiNdis.olveri hr rIII3 41 cookeou Theo url es of th e live wor-esill be . t he 'Spitler of N part s,•.bn la udi \ that to ues. the . of t ot I i nitn. I , ttuttut the t :ltA,:l a l ! . 1, 0 0 , 6 4 0 14. - T.';41.1,4"'"'" '' • ' ' "J - i - ri"..p. ' ti \\ RitteharAh. Olt lot. I , L_Z3. \\\ ~ J. J. 0 3 . 3 s , ' \ J. J. BON ,' ~o Iron - ad Forwar g, Merahan er iti li i and Prod Ifill Kai , \. \ 1 TADUILIiiII PA . ,\, Rakers: CALI. 'well. diem i Same.' live . Beier, Phi 1 , 0. Wi4 0. pith's. (.',Leh r litorrerich A oitZPils! J. 0. Wilse , n ilieo , \ ! i l Pariektd, ,• • er,C0.,.. ray.7,1.4....„4,-44,.. 11,'"kiii:: bl I Pond ullo IVI 4 " 5 inualnos" iiish‘ilevrlar4. Borlos PVoal er Witten b Pittel. n""i''' Fir ir l b' 4l•L '' Zi t 1472 nt. : Vs ' • 0 0,, `Y noTrtr ' rt .l' bl'A ( 1" 1 ' ... Petaieek; Mitchell A ••• ' brtratbotto,sTtri . ; Di ne li,V. uovraisl. Lade,/ • K,. v,itzllf i tli Kc...l % ll - ... Doseelk Uhl itea.,oai r Vs, optima—an wor t. any ollmsto. and mantatfet. utoon ttiO . •71, lofty attooded to byt Natoau atria.. R Y. \ r ' - ,-. Notice . 17 . 4 late r e fir d.. W .h s f. 4 , li ., th_ D it':Co., Whole- It j fte„ ~,._ _4l._r 1.4. by the &ebb sr , j z 2m.. 1 ,4,- ~ ...,‘ l ,, j rrtc. tD• surthin. ili bgitbil . r i er , U 0 R.21 . 111. ' 41111, wr .d .S .k ? o ,l.'rb u ert er . b l i t ' : . A . ' b it Id . 11,, m. rarr olk Wood cod Foarth . ' a4l: lEgitk b '' '',: r r i e,..„ ~1%.,,,04 1171. of FLZSIM :,„ 0 .7, 0 : 1 ,47m0 1 .11.1. 1.i., ii, - 4.ln r i t o te* the fti.bein ,;:f b• bue.74Pnr:gr ir.o ol b4i.,,,,, ...." Person* .1. f tg. bad OF per ;..r. , , 1,111 4* toned b b.,,, 1 ..X thu...lva. IntlebgreU"*.ot jkl . fir ' eni.a=gl"•*.the. emehs* u ""‘"' n hieee...T \ , NoTiog—Th• - st.okhou r , nt tho MER- L )115011A31..R1TT8111110.110.V.1D0 I')MPANT rbn.'447l7 c\ '", !ng.Z l2 l3FATilf.4 l ,l2 l ,l " .Tn h lhrr ,IPr.linObsTl, Frtthttlis Pant MO' ,UV 41 U LJST =: ,, `"1?",:t4r.7,..411"gt1i c t1V; a 71:. •Ir" licKN.lMlT;Wmrovy. VTICE.The annual, meetit4 of *le Zit wiT„},l ext%A.. mak° rw , of 111.7T131011.01 W WDAX, W. W. OALMER. pi °Tip ie be Viven, to the STO K- FD of aka p.AW_finy. -I.lf " n , vos v, so tMON'S stay in • . ttsbutei • • 'Wog halted to too Xt , ty• to }le s•oa ho oil Volt t o •t• • 4. looto:. , lOztotipao applo \ott Iwo r. ' \ 'NEW DISCOORY Ft It WE AYES. Q PEC4CLELV, 4 i C., O' UN ,ON ' nig t•eje4A2'„,t,',EF°°%.*e„.P.Fdr„4,°7l7 21641,'.4,4°.7 \ ~,,,,,,ts.„, womlnt. Domon—emltkialod \e.o-7 ItT ON AM.IB e mote ttre mot rd thlmo do 14rt001.. aUd t veril d Inf. me I , trev. t i: . or mi t t. i 1 d ... , /0 " 4.4l4TE.l l k . attit 1. ash co , n. *" ,ot vr • and Pourth 'mem don dm on Ifoutsh stmt. ''‘ , He h ba I Ph- hot, \l. of vtt m. a. M.A.*. o med out al mesa' toe thdted 1311.heem. whet+ to. ha ow • "- rill tel f O 4 ` o ' !t ,t ralr.:lll:‘ ,, g, ' ::::t r* . ~,\ \ kk.S.:the honer of attnouaMad loa rat from 1•••• ill • meet aptervitt na- tea. t oWitecd, kar.kk rk",' pc...t1, 1 k,.?t,!.%1,1T. 4 ° 'Tr.rZtr,::: =V Jedputtfl thefttl ' of mem th v mot It e , 1.1.1 revert of, provertio Pb. n e tom omen ot trttuv p. t. t .\ t i t '"' r.v.zt., ',1',..„: , v,....1.,17z • • 4, 4 , ofoblo7n. tDe m br,... of eMU \hf dor mudle , ld v 4s em divido In tho taltm vt.te. vitae. prof their eft • hi, of t h rindene ap Nolte he turthar fseolLlM blia.ldeb he Weyer emud to VNegkocreled% urfnu...gree latile b rzt u h u tte . Ith therl i r I:rt b ititir4Wro ' bvt.l7o Aided ta 1. :ad 4 /Zut:re oP=by WM of toad AMID. ta the are' unli t ..., er one ef the mmtititioat uoadtime, b 1 r 111,.1t eirela a t. Ltna t zgAzg c t,: n o4 , t1=17 .4h V . .1 of n,aIt,•IIVONIC the hp ~..„,.n~ls., MD I .llllthre N teDreliee. to . Oh ho the Ihkel 8 Mho ha. m' Man tumbe tomott t l4.4 mut v t to th* S. of his ady'Dment.fan4 tmOce eteMa l 7 \ I 11D,W tdsCo l l l lW7ol*3ll4.l3 \ nu 114 to ' : e th" th g .1f ef t[ ' =,,': k‘ n, the et. .10 " oir i turaMTetr t y * MTOrtha * hltrWra . or wtely mar be produ med. Ttorara u ederdd to the, tmet. of ear, not Mar or I.lNp - oath raped, je.me ice w mew mutOar a- me itort. o ltot. DeneeMble, efle enter thm me uable toteulloo se c, - --4,': ~,z,,a,V.takh,..,•:,,vg,ar,, . .\tre'°, 1 3., s,tz tetolu la .o.n I aomen allot, to hear most o.l.tfreU r lt .11 , v ,,a wv . e P wre w as q t r Dif• or tavkeublie voglitu th. unphommat mower "two.. i v .. ~, th e w 4. ar0 1 i1a " 27 . 4, Id Pei rnttil =11441?.. amleteace llotheasqembletm de . . `Prom what i v ha awned ti w Ismael Mr . &Imo& Ittgimf t" :111Mad " t i t ' of " at r:rt,'" l —°7 to th‘'. . I . l 4 wrzh, j a . 4 ti p." ..., .1:8111.3. IL D.^ . • 1 am, haphy . in I tlma if. om loth thuour iv MT.. , \ of M tht d = Ma l Y 11 1 : t ' W 'P.d* t rta \ a nfli, gar 14,, ex tb ar . 47M . 6l. -. 61). 7 fembew tt. Wllltcll ti 12{T , Iliin “PlOtbufgh; mu a, ivaa,k '''' - 1 •-... mint of leg so{ mons' Diumm.asailfrol th.m me f mallet tile 1 erweMay add ref .Wto o mo. numb* , 01 \thotOY en."l,l,U°l.`"fiet; N D \ • \" ° Plttaborult. a ‘ 1 ,,, ism; . ‘ , ...".?.??ail'a°4 5 0' • t.Ti.k.t•t`th•l ":,,,,t,,WkV, Et. : illel=. o :o . edaL l ''`' l l7', " TZ`kktorl?..f.747,,l'gra , :4'414"4 V.;',VP*Vo ‘a°,l4 , c,zi.,-4:1°,.,w '412: a, ' :XII\ ''''''' "I"..I=',U.TD . •°`"l, Proteczgl e t i tleaal P . w tr 14,orwtti r l: Jim 41 ehm I u.s=ariva r'' "J` '•' \ .°T . I4 commvutatlem 1 la idea I tome of DMa W. teal um them,fa Dam p 1... k. . i mar of An tc7lay . ,=7 BY JO." .‘jr,,,Aks,i r J....,, 1 111.1„. ~ \ 11.,1.4 T \ j Uhl of 3 ‘ foloczow • Dateat De 0 .D. 4 1 . .: . 14... sad fistula the Drllleiple tut whselu . my am e we. .111, 1 have so A da atifel in rniteuwin mon 1 . 1 . f I t o ikokthing it. ,walch lam Rrio..D. , 1 1 MP an ..., oho* , eaDT remuttneed Amu s or foomt tottted let‘iofg.thWii.6.l""jtv 1. 11 D .‘„.; "E't , at \ \ trl '. ri M 4m, a ~ y \ " ' kW h ids oat LODelati, •• h *Tett. Ofte , it.lBlo." ' \ a "I 'O4O , UM sat sas tor I damtra assltt the gr... l° :r=7. I;, ° .' ,;::g i tgi,a• :11:1 0 b. ' Tr*: 1N,5 \ r. finaavv.aa. . TM Mean.. ono •to be mmarwl d " . • end' * \ l\ '' '' ' a \ `t laella ' L " \i. erorwintepumY. 0. 400 "‘ - yellow kr \ 4.. 4 * \*.P." ~,,,,u , . .ii si n ! . urd. - Wigs of 14 &lir I amto l o ' .l ,4l l , 4... a'etiurblattriusii. z r ,,,, g , r ..„ 7 ,, ~.. ~... ... , , pratg f ' , pron. Bea 4 4 car Mee° 12..... madam. Visit e• at f W 1 1e1 , tw3rup , , . . . , „,.. :\., , f 8 444 2° Rt....6\ \ Sikl2o 1 i - Etl\N G RR .O litE treftettt d. , pato iiil roverment , r _ , %a 4,40*.am.tw0'4...t 4 Oh .tud =km 4" aratnaileMol, ''' r '.*”" . -2 i , \4 , i.1.k..,i, 1 i tc; rajt „,, , z .,....... m .rg a ,.... -.ha. \ A ‘\ Lankrim tiloi;\ reffE natieraignad \ idtszaliale a .B. ...a. ..i1 4.1. ...1-w• ',lvo, ZI:4P sr... ,,, Searnt a vi! f V". t.wir....1.1.b. 1' rth•-• .1.14.4. Imo ~....i. 11..15ib5.0.1 1t==1!,.... 4 Ile a,% u \ d iSiVA I LIVV 4 : I2 I.. 4 4SIZ I "td f c eD .tk wi t: lIN - rNsr"°,46lllllB. in L0..,,,\:, 1t4A 7015 unitßetaus t " - \ Mil MIMI Th. r.u..i.v. "tor u. 44., I, ‘ :' and mat rellabla la at, eltrrl N. < ,V ~ , Drp GO.KIs. \ DOW EN 4 MoNASIE,E, I porters of w. v A., - 16a066,61 1 , , r 1,, 676 altl l' Omits 112 .I Ili 64,...,43, - \ "" ..._ .....„. HILL, 84.II)Tflatit,, Li` Impotters . 0 ' bra- 1 d , r/... Wltki Owls, 14, Ho 69 brrl7 I. COTTEN ETA CO., Importeire of oh • •• ,100 . , E 6 m1P636 dials. ho. 60 am ...._,._______________ b.ORGE PF.A.BOEI & CO, Iniporters of r, Lan. ilou l ralabrailiriis. 43-. 63 Brvedirmnf, G e nf t. \ ii. ~\FNwi3fills InTlisd~~ \S xr.) T' ~,,, vo , % P. Mh t t' l4, i Al \ ,,i . i\ h II lattA \ 04, 97 711.kam trend, X. arorlara nr kiiiNAo e arnish! .11,1 I sianFcafalit , pc!Krlt,AlliiuNea. • .......-1. _\'l 7- I WAN * In- \ ti • • mole „ sk• 11 . L A of .1110,./ and 11 . A :ts a: lora anl L., S S t i 7 , 4°.3 U t ad firimmla.., n":°• ll .'err ERTRA - ND V 4 RES & InXtl7:. Unec R i4 z: ". al (late \ AN,. A r `:.V.,94.lt;l=*.se.Tr'" C 1 21 : chant ....L FOR & \ I3TaTHEIt, Wholeazyle %MEILING. - Dart, Dts sul Yornlabl irjoeb. W AUt z hug4.l C bber Voc.3.A, 1r.11.3i:, I*oppodt \ ALFIMI) MUNRON,\*,UO.,\ Eztonerxe v10(11114 IbllAulsen \441 Iticluhrar. (NA de.iattun , NIP raarLed Pd ..) a. fit .11 It UDE,' CARD, ,ktiNGISAIFtIf. oak \ ettuirittl. aim d•aler 11 \ 11 641itatlain VW) HOW. g 4 P"fi' - ' ! ".4°- 8 X4ml*k YATTA CORNELL' 43.7 . 631 &Milt • \ Print.n. No. t 99 Braidstsr•N46,•••l•ll.4lo' a. m . . Orders bt•tall or , ndettro k ivoudstit at- .`(At. ta fi l lißOLLlVUTCjilt\ Elt.o2:;VeriUZ Ss • and \ F*o 'MIA* .40.4LRATUS-;-' orky Te,,lakati 14:4% faat i e s i 3 4 2 :=1 \ are, o. . \ B. . Cent_re_,, , ,fta n a , \ , c ir RA HAM s '` 4 .11A ,l. par.... hiaaatf t.a_ a,a_gilli.a.la.lllLatama... .12.0 t Air 41 4ri) eutvi . ... ~'4l ;T4" °!'"' _ ro , e4 T 4 Mr turse* niax•%\ P r7Y•n4- ~ 4iiiete arkd 4?oo(ksk. it i f , P. PO6O.AINT4 bettobtrißci. ‘,• • \ ) , \ " • \ \ 41 i (game vat, SO N : \:1) tlois in •4 imbrd , r 4 vitirr6b ROM Ne. 112 otTeet sad aredit. ' \ • " _______ n,,:s!acaline . 7l \ • . , tp . • 11. tycL t. 3. O AO B D4E.RY D I_,Ls rnno 2:4 • o Itak " 'be tgratutl74 S \ C \ • c flaN 4 o:r nt t fe . Azae , , , 1t ... \ \ -- Mar . . 61 Irozi \ 44 iiropif. \ 1114/•\ • UND ' f 11ofLi I * . ,k . k, °" ManNt.aast ~ oi c.. .ik . cearriAal Itanklla. stmt . cl op. rolti Murk Instramenl dATKI Lt, 47 31 Itnsa \T e O, 4l, ridti F 0 01:14'.14 17, 1 1m*virk 6a,T & udFiLi.V.4”ktr""*WlTNThit iijOks\ 0119210)t facturin) t .471!1r FPO fo e•re, • VW VT/41_,:b* • ..I(peA •Urtt? Ora •0, • ' T(tilitec" Wolololl.ok.', :• .•., I N 1. kbeAD w • etriet:; \ 41 4 .rlittplit" 1 4.n. • 4 1pht of • sy, Man h ' :sta d 1 UN tAN LEWIS 4 1141VIO W, Tio; l* of 'PAPS& %e ell.ri..l4l..lntaito. Pr/mita aMtbisters, Aa , • t ukta Thideamahtt alsient. Forte 'GR9Ic. 011 RISTOWNI,-.A . AS, 0 • *tun; Ooreipkof,a44 U. .14 .:7 - - , 77 ,,—. 7 .... N. • Lew , - - .1. 4 toti - .lit I . Defi r ' _ _ . 7. . . p.) TO ', • 1 ._ __ .!..._-_,E 2 1_..±.., 71 . 121 amt. , V, orvand ' ' , •‘. emu. , \ \ i t rtmor & mitso ,N, No,. 59 itimi A10t0Nd.0. 2 . 4 6 -4. , ' of TOM sod TANG limf' 6 aginej TOA •IL - • Coida\a- •9171. E. 278 TrAi -4, , llliatastia t ak (Watt& 4.lbpsuut., Blaterialt, lie ao. . / I .* Rain &Pt \. BOAR ; BOTH • 142\Watee .;.u. t a. w, • • • B U Blii '- -8` niE C S. IL PETTINOILL *,* :.g> ADrittnil, #C.K.ET., 'T'ra'm. . ""r" \ •••• 4 •• \l4 Aa.111,4, r ate Itril,; : „ • la, & c,...r. A&.&41 N. t&T..st .alaer.U.l mad tokr&e.t. elz,:slardis& Coaamer-1.1r.,4 bo••.• .00••••••LM•••••: . i t• - C.. " 4 "‘ \ A t• -.. • E::=M]=M:IMS. X0Z1.V , 41.11.31CUA t. 1412.4 J. wy TEI QO., Importers _Ein, t. whne ..11...tomth, o. 4 , mm, L AI Amp OWEN, 15 - Broad etreot, VIZ oat Z:Ofsgl b ilr tar Orr 11 EDi N IQUIN CU., `M pfaaarere , er..a. Oath . 51 ty •5150.. 555•15: po. *aso w oad fftr tat. 15E1414 rad /345,5t551 - - tr. CO., Na 97 Brout \stmt. • Y.. 64,4 BC's. sad German LHY Senn St i Pr b : . ! 4 ( 811 Cloth Gawk \ WEST, 158 Btool:4y,lmpo*, sod ChrmafiClatts . ft:26, 00K\ ItiKOLN4R. & QO., 56 otreet; lirspgv. &JO.Tebbe, ol CLOTHS, etakaurass OSON, imporica • ko4 suilsh•Pee 13 Luta 143 Inok WORKS. {E k LOAVITIAI Maiden ers,l l l6ititsotarin, Wholorni• 4.AuxickwlStrinitk \ A ' • ‘4 3' I . AS BUTPUR,; .gePhiii,, Te.. 16 ), Moo ToviwsVa44l Gab./ 4111,1 - • 112 • - esh. OA IA Till • Ink • •. 4 1: * s t s °71 ° , \\\,\ o== _. . . , , ~ itovlit yirvkisHill .. , ~ .PICOT at'SIMANVELL;:•, 1 431PORTR68 isto waoto3,4l.lDOPiti ' „ Noun ptaunsitrire.eatut 07 IVERT Mit IiIeTION. '' \ ' ~ 170. 47. 34.4XD111N1A3Z, (U7117h4.441.1 • ' ' , , • Isy ag ATTENTION OF - JOTIBL. Ar jrttea. Daye-raxetetdly r•l I”ltad... It *sr it 17 . nit toe 4 ler Ointall \I S Ilium i and imam lad gasa. rim" , a br tb•P.a.s. or uthcvin. '- • ii...-' TI Lhe Celetwitted "Ms . sird Pere 111AMPAG NE—The'atiderebnii I.J ms.oftn, tolbotek tbo Inds aad VOW •tb • he to oott-tantl, rooototstg tavola*. at tt LISLEBR 4 , 11 D WINK dtroot ,tls• eat ;groalf ThnltT. 0 ••• ottoor tOoado mut Is antoottilp=eitod Irma Ls . 1 /1144n za t r.. 1,... .1 .141 • lo_ftikt bo, tags tovotsola eut.l" k%. • • wu.N.am: mum& \ • u at* y. ore,. u*T tea Volbd btatok kWlellrffrum *.ls* \,I. a - KFTi le V:Tect . 1 \\ C,. N:Ok 4 F. a, d_. ..=' „ 2.114104 kid au Apr firievika lit 7 - AZlllbrtla Irtele irlAtth am. '.. \ Iripi\a inpats4 t b. --- , -.-..... ‘W..,--&--•;- 11.1 1 . —" T h• .: A ltal, ~tßiAfrgal•Miin, iral= " Eiatt , e, :,,. * ..Z.VC.V.Mlm.a,ltte:M s rg. ', , \ • - 1 too te..Vaitad Sta . .. I. ...va4ulVaillntoara al , 11 . . . , egg a!' o '. .ttrrla talr ad r'''' S•l7•Rraidal. IMIt wont% \ ,r=l , o 4, N i kal t a t Ari n Ul.4 . .N . Vals34l eilZ:lliii:frchaNtlita' .i... ' ' 11 4 1 \ `saaa••,llftwa Isingft6ol)lww.r.torkhowniheb Saab • - 4,:. 'k ...:-': \ r. /utla•=3, l Mgr 151141Z1led. \ a A 4 = ~, ...,„ ,-,•:.,..\_.,.:.. Chaff.% halm • bais.,=. - ‘.:• , !,11Z..:.:;r1 i4‘ A • ' ''' :"itt.p.koopta• .. . i . I 'wee, ... m .f \ ••-•,.... .... .:•;\, . -:., ....I.oorruitelrille7 - Serue Ttirratafttra. ' " .k,: , ... 4 ,, -, ..,. i n t i re l TEM t i 1 . `811L.4 1. ' Zi 144 1 4 ,• ' : -. c, ' ‘.. • .:'\ ''''' . \ bu., 1 .snewthA.,..,fir..l.e....woyft.: s;- .-,.. v.; •X: ..\-./. 161 : 1"M t . r '''' . 1.4 • , i..- ••: v , • , r , c! , ii4 ., k 4c1,. B.: i Ia , k • ta!}o'l ,. k.a , • • ahillisaaartal.... A. 71'441: i.t., h 5,... buil alltseiegar,. .d tafraldanath. Mara( eka4a.set, alas cm.. ~.ht latt l uly . nr i p .t ainnaTo b art aaxeloz o maar m. a: ala d ~ .. 7 lata7Oi gy.Frltson.Jbliirnpat as - ~ ,It 4 Is 4 11314.... 1 4 , as f•Kraetl/44), neva.% eka , 1 ,,,,i VOttiV_ .1... - ...... - 4 . 141 u°14 4 :r.. 1 .21,. ...\\ .ftelarty anatcm4. . ', \ , \ m5...a.• wan. •,. , • \... \ --1.. aunt. s +odi " 7 4 ' The .ablie .....alal t ttallr . ' • tib,tie,a L"i ntiMroas„a \ .., \ ! 4.. tirlaleil \te.A .. , CV., \ ',",:: ritiltrner. gtit.ar thl" PAO • '• \ - ', 1014 7 .... cl . ' !. '!..i' a Il b :lfelarr i , "4- A ' , -' , a, Di \ ,1.,7,.„.:........ii..;,...,t,=%.,,t ~.,„\• \ 6. it P o .3.4 eziti 41.11.0...4 wt. .•,, '.,- \ .i, :44 4.401417-\`"l- f \ li ' O . t• Nagq.k \ :::, \ , ...., • \ •-:-, \ - -- glut:,stlVßv AY t4N P 1Ni:3000: $ 1 . very prevalent M doe 11.1YOTP b the ata rept. had made d. t ,, 6 ,,,, 1 thromi . ••tad mato 0. Mt* dart .1 me mums , Nam Me "Jo MS t-TALltn il at . it-rd,..t:1P:,4,--. ,3. ..4.aurr ,--.. A . tml&'"..4 « 5 4 1 4 2 " ... i f '' 2t' y \ **lntm"'bt'a" 7''' ° icr:,?,u.lis-L,lk-i Maket'oo k 4 , . ...tiRIBBLX. T • i 4, t r r a KR and :1 111E li (I t t i h f li askwt 4,bntr ng s , ill e mi ti44 liaditr.. V OW MOUBLYIT ~,r 4 4_,. E r' ''' ___, c ;4.,s. 4 . i o,t3lNPßustl =Tan g 5 on, 'pit " b i le' " 4 Ve nt lle ih narl*l t y h "*.‘" 4 As In' 4u4 v* 24 i:b"..t..., 'le l' , ItS! J IJE SPANIGII if IVVITS Ea tidy ItYld lbalT at 2/4414 VY ETU, 6twoklulg lt ogo—LA k ro T ISFULIAE ml.. tes tht Plu. s \**l'amandamt-irtni4 WlLlthl .l4- ....3 • ( 1 4/= .'l etme% 2\ k \ rROO t 0017a11,' %MUM'S, and .',. itA 4l ll : l " l . T l Ptr oul fs l it io b j ela r tio l i. = a i rl 4 1 1= beep hArtrath tr.. , ;Ire b.::: ma,==..a.4 . = -1, i,.. 3 40d others who amstds•lhe meal I t ii ,4,1741.•• •da. * . e• ' 734 . mtra "*** '‘ C lV l Ar i tefel e kstm i ttlgtaaa as *`° V i „....4"„Virth \ ~, 4 ., , . *%. '''P"ll44'th o r tirtita th alitvtigotlcT; of "t'"' 5 • Tou l iaka l Ju n g Ili Ot $l~ Rut" had t.„ , ig=llllV iraCtio."`l . 4:inrlaa 6hd k t lt `" i "'rrr • ta l t =all ilthltgl. lal" a * ** \ ' 1 o. ss V remedmittam playeadm. ma 1440 , au 11, . t* d,),. 'et,"="‘C=l.3sr."ll."*"sll= Mb Olte .a m kil t , .1 n ut In mot dam all th. mg. 11061 C onnor Yd sul SAM 111110 \ 14 a sm cm \ am alablma at mll humus, mama In motalOnter 1 11 \\1 1 1.21, ; the al h blaihillet tu ,alma ontsellae ma. la ,earl la molt.; Oi I mad el mead f tomes vs tennanatut Ml. bl Itanoy A, Janus 1'0... rL. lona. ~,... r " .." a ~ tiTtut. '3%* It z tf= j . ' 4:111 Ji _I , l i r ... hba 841.1 r. , E1iti,..... L:,4744.= .2.-at.,..4 1 t \ p5 , rz.. ..,... ~,,....i4.1.7,..,....4,.. th : BAN li'd.,o 4 lT: - .. s Acili ' r A.(4iar. - ,:ims,• J ur •. DT B •. ..TOR rtintutir.ff4lsorwr, .=ll44:'''' ~_, , en ,.. ......,"" 4 "-• rxio. ••N • ...am Ax all:Mt., suastv. aur - . 4 : , owes Ica *NT SUAT*to too o**l lopou to itko4 ...lisoir, , . so•VPOW • - • • • , Ift. ' Tha 0t0i.0.r.0 lit, miloot A • adman is tB . UT