MTSLIORGH GAZETTE. ,PITTII3I7IIOII gAtuItPAT. MORRIG, MT, 80, 3868 _ imarzlW, , 0 ,lIIATTER, 7..E.L8E Fp MID- M '6% OE PAGE arm, PAPER. • . . 111116140111111MI:Wmux Gaszerz.-1130 ataistv, item - .1111 , 10,eir (41441 te voriratinsap sus v,;saddlirtqadir &Out eimattag that. bathing& keenna. 4 - Allardreglakm}sbetiotafxce'sad !Witham:mt. limb. • :*olimeiti 'Man sad sway Is Wrieni.Pgazat• EMEEEM3= . ea leaeley. ADVIIIIISZiId who dram thole. - -hethee'te Meth lel the .Poser ea Nowto7 waralos. , Wlllwltiewbamt ewes la belt. 6 ma*. on llitiada D;==nco Irate ,13101LIZAZWIL • • MOl3llB POWIIAL4 OJ Lateaate County. TOY Lamm otinniu., • 4 J '►LEE:' L moottrite, - 0/ /ham. county. - .uou rozvrros anurnos,• CURISTIANIIIEYgIifi, Of Marion oausty. , _ , . T'sis IWur:Govensoutur.—The deinoanstle ...inky if tide State does not seem to - be a unit 7 ~lea. oe for Om. Bigler. : There is a lirtliet f the party, we know not how large, aikkits '' aimmates Ids 'Naomi's/dicey:mid on `:gMsivde tar Irons bang Prasanal. 'A oalatiuudew i;gon.rseastlr spiesred in both the deriscioratki per ....-." pins of Weettestehmot County, opposing hie re. '"unniiidicabecisisse hoists not Palled hls pledigi ''',ki lilathis te'die ;Olio debt. We imbmit a few ,!intruitis.' "Alter dwelling upon the finsmiatem ....- ieuramneents of. the State, It saym -..-.,- - : ii. "It must be eidafitted that the tidinbletUtkas ~ ,, kit elev: Bigler hes proved a failure. The Bhlo -.leTlitd• is drifting before the same unpropitious -ipiles egiormerly; be big not proved himself ithe 'ill* re "Weather she Utorm.'. Prom every Indite, - .. - 41 on the State Debt edit be laarealed from three o;ter fileimillions of dollars during his term; a =Alaimo* appropriation bill of over Ste millions --41'dislinre passed the last Legidature, and reiceL 4Wad-thw risautire motion; -A dimiaudon of the - 1 I.- Outs Debt was the platform on which Gov. Sig ,. 1 before h eectietindsef Wet= farmer, t eard taneaTienini . - -ileeeing they had faith , in him. They have been ''..iknidlied.-, If a min deceives us moo, it is his at - : .-- -, llvdt; tf tidos It hi oar own. , To the LaMar' of i' .li, - Watiamised Co. rho State Debt to now the ' .. - ‘Ci T . :QUESTION. They have no faith in the 4 , ) ,41 er- -- ''''/ • 1944 ' prdsulotto of any Governor whass l' -. . l.. -,:‘ ' - tee anseulememors ra nee fein t! ii. . *,..4... .. ,.. ):1ti . e Mete Debt asWon b in time ofj d eat t a nut ; - :_skid4iiistead of being In part liguldated3rows "'c •'• " ,--,... Y.lsitger t - kEnn the selling - the good dividend pay ' ...?!. . isicaikii the Cconmonwealthheld, only efPraded k w ._ ~ k. , -** temporary relief. The 'Ude, ,delayed for a `•-• . e.; 4 N, Moment, burst onward with greater rapidity, eed wlthougleths State hu disposed of the rir ti . " ~,,,,..... abs held In 1887, and haillellEe' Boat E. . 1 -kievs *lee - bran' levied from the people, yet -adudwreskneoessary, enduring publio Improve -1 _t l osikt. tas been eonstrnetedelnoe ism What 4 hue •vs to show for oar new expenditures? In 1 all;-trete ther , el e' Is distrust, dlsbetbrfaotion; and i•• , 4 .:-4 . Bigler proud true to his pledge., I '- 4 letood up nobly and manfully 6 defence .. , 1 e lm. "tem •of the people, and by skint of t -, . 1, , ..... -.,„•-,,,. .•, • . end Speculations oaths pubile worbu i''-4. • ' i'. ....,,.,. ,• 'elms m the tax payer as he bas i - .,.% ; ' r. : . the -ithe , Interest of oisrtain Philadelphia ',:';' -*l'• . 5 5 . . 111101411):12013 causistermy in his .i: •• : • .if the veld' poisOnd'ithour all had he I * 't.ltirest bleillito, a donettelliVtolhat bill of &bow -1 .e.telaillinik..the appropriation bill of the bust see. s '. ,alus.nitiffshttil p&lmitid an of the State ' . . ~Ditit during his 41/4;14 would here been more ithitirting of thews's= IRstowed 111151:1II him by Altiplerectilappers of the *sirs that be. HMV'- , '.l'.huhitistn,„ etatestesnehlp and integrity, so highly tituttat - would hare been much mare -readily „„• , .;t „mut 4 ht admitted that these are skid --.• ” odds of - Objection to the "iewoutbution of ' - 49,*•:1 31 10i..end1r.11 be just se pisi against hie .. -414Sthsh sktuddlialtemominatind be cleArturults-, , tad. Althe Pestiontle party Is Uspoulble fowl t*ithaskrtpittius' of eau In Patunyinnis;" eWitlfutetutuniinatiott , feta Ittlial we hare hoes , 't Agottltts'il*ltt ;ILIA 111 P4isiltIliti Mu Poo- . ; 44401 bridle : - ; t . : c lie Leoltotomi, itteiztooretio paper publish- Tait' Lel eider; ieptibilik 114 e OClllllllllWotailll # o2l # lBl6 othl-CPlat• Jl;ii:** l , lll th a PO of • .., tiriiikusWhltteg , lielliattkatitt*Puts thrtviihula elegtiteideNte:ssteei:nitie'rthilees, as slum of tlilii, tbeill'art**4l4olo:l4 o than make a s: ' • filiritiiti!CP 14111": 51 .7.i ff# s ::Vilikli;,-14e the stesuie t to fa/lA*l,l'4OS meteriefitiooreid it will be auoin. '.' ktleteSia . tkfipteiVitlthe etioggtee if those who 410 4 rmstr ..lItV; I,llf^lC:r'lntlo, AU, mill those do who an Lim Wu* the seconds of Incompetency t` Will thq Intipori him f. Will -.:"- She Zwenagetimi and ittitedred preues help to ,uset Ilat, tor will . they _ join In collecting the to.• ... . .., . , - . • ut whoa they now - denouncie f - We shall s ee. , • • m a mas FpSIMI iginnLtrh.Eist P ;12 qUUtin.willnii anzioq 41Zni V* r4"it 61, U.n in of the of: the -4.: ‘i‘7... relieeea Ifswolleth‘eate then Will 3 , . We mos t Vi*" ja hal boin al Jo , . "The general howeroot ty. • iteallir. This ViliST4 t at the ~,. bo In leee'iho o'' ....„ of mom whep A u lt bon ..,„.,,,, f m e ...., jws t ewe' Is l e the effee-pasboo Mao of` sms of tim 'etre gedgede,2,.‘ b y ea I ~ tneeli ge i . co u, lill w fig hen "`,..- if wee - lw will ob taint ee ssaesuu lim of Iktfe'. of Ben nations of la: be of the- Metal,oe demo...ft the iheil!"11.1. oet °We is ' -- t of -the m oo Ilte heVe.lhe:leh .. Nemec , . .The Me "I t Tee-, The teithent-_, - 1,,, m-Rtiosten Empire In ~ , • ........._ hug ll= trilled _ • 4,....,•• ' $O-11,` more ',eta.' - : -,'-' 11 f , is m ill never and ns . role " kihooh f meblbon y thin' aryl- 1 ss."'„*, r '''' ''''` P .osmoranhe ~ w i w i o u to .'171:-.1itAL ''... -, otirke irele°,'''' evoking BUu 011 Ml' ',%de.,„ Aid tkilai,)6l/2_-faibfavain"AmEd w-liw:, ~,,-_41...,,ir0gia0, 4k!,,,, aig.n. inn -. ...-' 7.'-',, --• *Ed* El obeldodneeree spies.- '' .' i l ',.....', ,14 ..-414. mumble she Lew jaw.,fitied 4:: r,.,,, -. -' , ,' k_ prel3ol4l7(thiAlodt; '''',,,eL' ' " 4024.11213:76 toti da w ct .. -- 1 - ' 4 " in. in,,whfid,#u46* uuns,Ain......- r,t;;4..; /3 o*. PS:. et"^``' kV:74 l'el,- " the o f oo sel—iiet he tod h-"*.`;‘',Kri,k-• ~-, 'iow 15 44° laonn t* blur, vrAtere if he =,--.t .7 woad 5t g,,,,. 4 .,... " 1" 1 I" PWe fond f or ~ ,o,fik.. ..---.. o _,,,„___,.-4„, so 11044 w... 00 shall I, ' -.77iwifeey Imre -sbeoledete'ef -- hi letelkf -,'l tletes 407,when Emme of del o , Mee a woe IV"' Wonlegte to * he It ~. woe, 'PewmsiotslOuth re°BmayruA...isty*lllol, aloarda i f ft Abi....,.....ix0ut ulnae% the -- ;;Ita be Mat. j -ee-ee! sritmair, tuautembedit a , " would do don. txr . ier anaridgblemas al of me ad. '4 ' '4i;oiffto* zr:trepien., has aii:stiws a FX I4 ~tww'. 10Zedondtder'hworor the blr . i 'M 'a*",l till* inunh°,,st wool.: '' '*-1 :•'. illig at Atigeris; lad ,,,, ama zuw0,,,., °ens s 4 - -,. ~so X-,--- wow colemoo. , . -, ~.. st,lrompu• info need' setae:in, VI , - ' - traxn areas isms" &PP rebuke' ' * **-11 its metttel f lA. beiloeh foo;.elPei though the ofor ono" : .. . p6siiim, Louis Knee that of .Tieseteet i foUIP set from ibls. mit asat*A....b..4lll'4"peopto "111 ~,f Bero9o .17! . 311*—t—che'Dnaos." erica nd in*: tild e ela eboDemeeeelle Weetnitee 04,11 thirvft""it.„„..--4.,this. lo ok lr l i "'far lihenlawd6ibeneftiPoeliaerefe tie Int P-7 of emery adde d-to the mtinmit si ke "VW Diolomme,sentiment • whir yenta, .- thee, publics letalmo lost all; attempt le et In I and If ever as *t Aeertaa people! om cowing V' 4,444 e hi ow 70Inol °lke' lrMlklbd. L'' ..` ,:fi g ; 04404 of losteidei nealagitadago t IXa&ao 'Era In Woe of the tWitiiiiii of is Chan' Ptopirty COlitittit. IS tl Dr. 14119 - , 7 th• 'tea of Iba :r.. :to iiolll,lliilifik Zoom !mei thst be toWeetelas s actioami l o r ibu s the moue or Om atteredla iiirls tribstltite, as th e blea of th at W g . " U pipeir ea wboadeislVltheyi 'rib Ptua who • 10404 tha ,Etalitp"-. 811 47 1 . 11 95 0 °°. 111 b 45 - , ' ' . l alt b l 4olloa/tt bi'Otitbilt forth tinri which ',''' - Drat.:,ithiaittapiet, trite etet'etit heir . s :ire 4 :-.r. Mai ildo*Ansaltt:49: skoil th at the utritt joWww bribe Cariaiele dhesrioi*eqw.tho up-, .'' .. thma.o . 00 iliiiiegbie killoitof the. Sr!. and 1 1 3 00046 •- • , ,frott Wiz 64,/64 L 'Ma u i, # e l tj ' , ikeet:..= ' , • ..: ''''''' ' :I; .7. mil 11 47 1 )=9! initto be 14”itintifir4iidi ery indignant over ittr Ottichel r yesterday nii Religions Freedomln 'Mauro, anti logs In, to* Ito std s !mils tztraet from the &dam . Die Bon, In defence of the Mayor `The ant, however, dote not undertake, to de tuigfithe. positions taken by the Mayor, and which furnithed the text for our article; on the 'twittery, it has, during this controversy In Bal timore, nspreseed the stropped divalent thereto. In stepping in, as it now due, to his defence, it milts all mention of the real ground of .411spute, and claim, what no one denies, that the Mayor hal siright to,supprass street preaching when it obetiraote the public thronshfues or is 'carried on by mem of an ananthorized use of public property. This we have ales le been free to ad mit. Beattie Idr. Mitchell nor anyotheepreuh nr has a tight to obstruct the pablio streets occupy public property without the . oonsent of the municipal authority; and cc far we concur with the Bun. But, the misfortune of the Meyer, of. Baltimore is, that hs did net put th.roriat on Mat 'Omar; at all. The preacher was not ts ken'opeind forbidden to preaah because his 'preaching obstructegpublio retreat', or was rier-. vied ire without authority in public pieces, but brocade! A. might say emagtha g chat avoid effeod aorat3o4. r, It was not llte,ariest we compbdued of, bkt tho ground.,otterhich it was made. was the ontrageoutprisition taken by the Mayor in Nonce of theirrest made by him, on which we commented; and we take occasion to repeat, tharthd sinners of the Mayor of Baltimore to theipitations pot to him in this matter, as pub lished by u yesterdays were monstrous, end In, vowed a total denial of religious freedom, and liberty of !peed'. Had he (limner' to put his de face originally on the ground now taken by hie apologists, he would.hue escaped the (affirm tionef liL fellow-oltizena, and the adversejudg mull of the. country : abut. ho did not, and he mast expeot to be bell to his original declare tions,eintil he ha the manliness openly to aban don them. . , We said, yeeterdey, that the pa:pla of 'Bait'. more dld not approve Showers° of their Mayor; whereupon the Chxneitle adds that it iniquity of the Peopliofillitlizore are autheUct. and there fore they an; on 'the side of religiousireedoid; cum:hi beteg judges; bat it so happens that the mejSrily of the :people 'of theit city are nag Catholics:- Although the Chronicle may not lenow it, it is neirerthelese true, that the papal& lion of Baltimore contains a very decided nre poiderauee of the Orotesimit element. Thera are, without doubt, la., great many Catholics there; but It Ise fact - smil those famil iar with the statistics of. the city, that the weight of numbers is decidedly 'CktheProtestant side. . . The Pennsylvania Railroad foreixtruntlis took 04,469,187 against $060,908 same time last year. This curious factis obeeryable. that the Pennsylvania Canals, which cost $40,000,000, never received -in one year to mouth se the rail. road did last year.—X Y. 21tikerne. It must be-remembered, however, in the first place, that the Canals never offered the faailtties for carrying passengeis that the railroad dote, and from which the latter derives the largeit portion of iteassienne; and, in the second piece, that the State reoeives from the canals only tote, and not the grass receipts of the carrying trade upon it. Were the amount received for trans ,portatlon on the canal, by the carrying per chants, takon into 'mount, the comparison Would •Ins widely different from that instituted in the paragraph we bare quoted. • - • A. correspondent sends us - i'proposilion to the effect that the Whig candidate for Commisaloner at the entoolug election should be an excellent liaaaarita* : and one - whose familiarity with Boma and complicated accounts should to such that hi would be able to etrnlghten _oat and ar range the tangled boiinaut of the Commiesionere `oil*. Thu prepoeal is worthy of bang could ; but inpunuch as the country lays claim to the need Cotemlesionsr, the wishes of oor coun try friends lust not -be overlooked: Thtre can bean doubt that a man qualified as our corres pondent suggests, would be a valuable aegatet. tion to that office, and we throw out the ssues tlen, as requested tct we do not wish to be an dentood as commltling otutelves, to any way,' ea the ettbjeet CoasizzsruniAnunosic—ln our local 001-Inott 1nott will be found the detaili of. a purohue, toads by the President andloirsotora of the Con =tingle Railroad, of • site for • depet at a eon verdetkpoint en the oity wine. The .epot cho ins.'s - admirably adapted to the *pose for eildeb it has been selected, and the terms' of purchase are exceedingly favorable. 'The Wig*. thition hes leen managed with ben. Rivinteee well-known skill in pecuniary matters, and re dounds both to bison:die and the benefit of th Coax. Comtism—We learn from the Somerset Rotald that a Gamow:7llas been formed to mine eked, in that county, on the line 'of the Connolls villei read. The point seleotsd is on the llne of ths county, adjacent to Maryland, and not far from timberland. The construodon of the Can nelliellie road will doubtlefis lead to - the forma tion of many companies for working the rich coal and iron diposites which It trarerses in Fajette and Somerset Counties. . . . Strwonso.—The eltismus of Kittanning have had two exalting meetings In reference to the la callow of the - Allegheny Valley road through that town. The last meeting reserved to protest spinet its location on Water street, and recom mended Btaliaan street ea the proper route.— Oise of the reasons oweri against thilication on Water street; is, that it would tt draw, in a great Meaminv die general business from the residue of the town and concentrate It on" that street. At • meeting at the Teachers of the Borough of Harrisburg, holden Monday evening last, the following gentimien were appointed delegates to represent Denphin county In the oPentutylvania Butts Teachers Association'. tole held on the Gib of August in the city of Ettebarg. Bev. W. E. Dewitt, Bev J. F. hiesiok, Bev. C. A. Hay, Her. A. Coolunan, Bev. J. T. Do merest, Rev. .J. Winebrenner, Item.. Mr. Bean, Hamilton Airicks; Eeq.,;Val. Hummel, sea , Dr. .J. H. Eager, Dr. C. Beller, J. T. Wileon, Dr. E. L. Orth,. D. D. Boas, Dann Eppley, C. F. Mean* L Wohlegeri Jno. W. Kilns, &q, J, Barrett,-Theo. Fenn, / 1 / 1 44 a. htiazi lay, J. J. Patterson, J. Clyde, B. A. Lam , baton, B. Miller, D. W. Gross, IL F. Bolter, Fleming,' W. T.- Bishop, Hewn, Dr. Dock, 3, M. Beak, WO H. Egle, J. AL. Taylor. W. J. Lawrence, IL ld'Elieo, P. Conelly, .1. Wroeirier, B. D Ingram, B. Pernald, A. -E. EyetirTX. 8. Car man, 0. Edwards, George . Kohn, C.o. P. erap, NOM Lanus Dscutor.-'-_The Soprtme Court of Illinois, now in easslinest Ottawa, have ds.. aided that when the Journals or the Legislature do not show :that an set passed through three must readings, as required by the constitution, it cannot be recognised ass law,. even .when eigoid by the presiding olliconi of both bratithes of the Legislature- and approved by the Gover nor. Tae - Agates and approving were money held as baths evidence presumptive of the pae an:go of the act, bat not conoltistre as to the fart if the Journals did not prose it.--Ohloosor nol Homan Canntr,--The Chinese Repository tells a very eisigular stori of the .paniahment Inillotod on s .Ohliseie original.• the offence, it moms:was unpordottable, and it was deter mined tonsake an example of him. Consequent; ly, ho woo wowed round with cotton, utotzted with tallow.. and hiring been: dipped: till he presented the appearaam of • gigantic can dle, was etuok span his father's grave and light ed. mune, the poor fellow peristied in slow torture. Woo ever denim heard of so notopletely diabolical? . Co*Pgrose# Bohm. —Oce of the:aunt Im portant itetal of: Deis obtained from California by_the Northern Light is the fans that Goal of the best quality Is rotted at l'aget'i flunad lylas near the water, and 01 wharf, bath et 'email expenes will enable vends to load kern the month of the pit This 'Willeve. the Paelfis steamers what therhase lOtqrwinted, and save the inormone expease of trampordnis coal front Wave at $2O pee ton. which la now. the colt of kyles down coil it. flan Pranoisito.- The coal from : Paget's Board le said to be equal to ,Welsh cost. sped. nacos are to bisect to the New York Crystal Palace for 'exhibition; Du Eton to Timms —Ty celebratid ohorr. run was *maul to neutrino; Piai i tow dap ago, for emotng no tong on Ibis Diamond is tbit borough; vithant's Odense from the anthorithin Attar • homing of _nom It mos dechlod, to b o w Dajui - WerilL for , trial.- To Mt to Dares trenbKtio ll itnor lad IiAM 44141.14 re ma, 14/'#4l•ol.l4bititaiiiiiteldeft--, •;":. psr t -~-v.- X5.7,-. . , Emma ow O'Dosontm TILISII EIILII 77.0 M 'Vas Ittnnaa's' Lawn.--The Team:ie . neatens • detailed account of the escape of Patrick O'Don ohne fmnithe English Penal Colony, front which We condense the following: - Mr. O'D. left Lancoestnn ID December last, disguised u • tabor, being put onboard a steam er bound for Melbourne, &St concealed in a stove, and afterwards in a cavity under' the coal bole, immediately adjoining the :farneces, and _separated from them by skeet iron. This apart. . meat was eaten feet in length, three in width, aid two in height, admitting the body only in a recumbent position. When the boat fired op, the heat was almost insupportable, threatening death by.euffeatlen or apoplexy, and which was avoldetLby later being pumped into this !maim, whirl completely saturated Mr. , and where , he remained two hours duriegthe police search, When InWas 'removed to the engine return great ly 'exhausted. About forty mites farther, at George Town Heade. the same ordeal wan passed through for the space of three hours, daring which time even the coal hole was examined by the police/ • On a sound release from hie fiery furnace. the exile was concealed in a berthirimaluindthere a day and a half, until the arrival of the eteamer ar Melbourne,, where, acnompanied by friends Mr. O'D -walked ashore dimmed in his old blue : treaters, check shirt and black and greasy, paen dog through a crowd of peopliicomposed of line and detectives en hone and foot, took a car riage and after a fleet-hone was carried to the house of lb friend about four miles from Mel bourne. After remaining two days under this heepits,- hle roof it was deemed beet by the friends of the patriot that he should remove a long distance from Melbourne, to a secluded and remote part of the forest, bordering on the sea shore, and re main there until opportunity should offer for es cape to America. Accordingly acoompanied by" an Irish guide, and armed cop a.pie, they tra velltd 90 miles to the beach upon Hobson's Bay, where an old dilapidated but, swarming with rata and mosquitoes, was selected as the least auspicious abode to place the escaped convict, and where he was kindly oared far by tho family of a brother of his guide, and where he suffered severely from dysentery, brought on by the hot weather, bad water and unwholesome food. Ilero Mr. O'D. remained three or four daye, when ho was summoned by letter brought by a friend, to come immediately to Melbourne to em bark• for South America, and notwithstanding the meroury was at 102 in the guide at mid-day, and thegevers illness of Mr. O'D , the dietanco we: accomplished ea horee-back in-20 hours. It was intended that he shuild sail in the chip . ..Earl of Lincoln," and his passage awl a bribe were paid the Captain, but tho drunken state of that emcee prevented the plan being carried out, and filially Mr. O'D. sailed on board a packet, January Bth, for Sydney, and' was concealed in the hold of the ship without light or air, and so coffered tati by the cargo as to escape the search of the police; arriving at Port Jackson on the evetting of the 21st, where by occident he got Into the Hotel of en Irlahmau who stood guard through the night. The next day the fugitive was oodveyed to seclutled spot on the beach, four miles from Sid tory, cod in eight of the fur famed Botany. Bay, where he remained until February Bth, treated in the most hospitable manner, when, getting passage an .a email cutter, "Oberon," he sailed for Tahiti, one of the South Sea Islands, under the protettorate of the French ; the friends of the exile paying the exherbllant price of $4OO for Ms passage. Tahiti woo ,re.ached on the 3d of April, where the American Consul, so far ai he was empoiered, placed thu rtfugeo under the protection of.the Americanflag, and us them was a British Consul at that island, Mr. O'D remain ed incognito under the name or John Thompsm, 'and was kindly treated by ths Americans. Croseing in a whale boat, twenty.five miles, to the island of Endo, passage wee taken on the .barque Otranto, April 80th, for Sett Francisco, whioh wee reached Juno 22d, 1863, basing been 185 days in suspense and ill health, in escaping from Van Dieman'a Land. Mr. O'Donobne landed on Monday at N. York front Calliondea looking bolo and hearty, and hturtaken rooms at the Astor House, Ultra he to rtooleing tie congratulations of bin friends. Aluminises Banntes, formerly bishop of the diocese of Philadelabia, but now holding the the Metropolitan archceplecopal see of Baltimore tv in the Boman Oathsii o church, has published ins lieu Catholic Jon ale • paistoral letter, from 'Lich wis learn t the assembled the clergy of his.nwn trotatidiats• diocese of Baltimore on the 6th.ef - June, and su bmitted tst them certain die. elplinary regulations, prepared by him in con. fortuity with the decrees of the Provinolal Coon s:11i and of the National Council, which athletes were modified according to their suggestions and agreed te. They relate chiefly to the cer emonies , connected with marriage, and provide that hereafter no marriage ehall be solemnised by Catholic authority without the pthrions pub. liestionnf the bans; recommend the eolemniza tion of the marriage in the °hutch at en early hour in the morning,' so that .it may br followed by. mass; caution Catholics. against montage with those not belotigleg to the faith; sad coun sel the finmation ofloands of ton persons each to coatribiste to the intension of the church,- North Amer. . . TN, 131710ED1 Mi. Our AT New BiCII• acct:—Mr. M. 13.- Sears hes nublished a card in the New York Timm, to refute the rumor that Mr. Franklin C. Gray, who rthenty committed . ealekle, by thureing himeelf u 'der the locomo the on the railroad at - New Itechello, was ed to that set by dread of a prosecution for big. The first marriagnof the deceased took 'place Many yeses ago. The match was an un happy one, and the wife, who was then residing in Illinois, petitioned for a' divorce. This the hustle/14, who with at that time In California, did not oppose,' sad in default of his appearance, the Circuit Court of Sangamon vionty,la ‘ November 1851, disaolved the marriage, sUowlog her five thousand dollars In fell satiefaction of all claims for alimony, and all other demands. The young lady to whom he was married in Washington, hut Manth, It Is slieged„was aware of these, facts. Religions excitement; It. Is be li eved, was the canoe of his death. MAMMAL Wroscoor.—The:Bulktin is pastiest. lady severe hi' its comments, on the conduct of this officer ' the recent case. The Sun able. We tan only add our opinion, that he sated more tikei the: partisan than the 'officer. He seems to have espoused the ranee of Howard, the claimant, with unbecoming seal. Why should ho. have despatched u cab to prevent Fisher from being deposited in the county prison. and con. eactiently, to.Crevent the service of the writ of habeas corpus on lir. Freed? Whyitoo, should be have displayed so moth ingenuity and aotlvi ty in balling the law of the Btater The claimant in this ease revived a claim of six years date: And against wham? Againet ' a humble and friendless also, • husband, and a father. Howard's mission among us was' to widow en innecentlrlfe,'iourphan tour helpless children and to bear away Into hopeless slavery a man Who had long enjoyed tne bletaings of freedom.' Arid all Ode, to add only d few hun dred dollars tohis large fortune. It wee an in. famous mission. 1 What matters it to II man of honor that it is legal? Your sympathy with;lt was ill-becoming you, Marshal Wynkoop! Your alacrity to spirit away the trembling wretch who was in your onstody,—neder a law which no American names in • Weirs land, and which he cannot think of here without the hot flush of shame on his brow,—will be the regret of your old age. Bids, it You can, the handcuffs under your military laurels, and do sot forget the four children' nd lonely wits who , aro now weeping over the desolate hearthstone. In the eight of God, their grief is a testimony against yeti:L— P/din Register. . • Tint Itroternessr er Cot. COLIIII.—We °op ted yesterday the etatembut of a California paper, that the grand logy of Han Francine bad found a true bill of cachou:tent against, Colonel Jamee Collier, late Colleotor of that port, edentate him with having misappropriated some $BOO,OOO of the pedalo lands. The Washington Republic, making this statement, says: "Colonel Collitieti stemmas have never been adjusted by the department. He soknowledges having in his possesion moneys belonging to tue United States, bat tied mouldy refused to"pay them over, until- the Department should allow Mmf certain ~ suspeaded items charged against him.. Flout the Mut, however, be declared his readiness ttratand • snit and abide the time, whatever It might be. It Incas the Department preferred to take themora summary method of a criminal proem:Kalov, widish will probably end in smoke. Namara the proeeoution In Mr. Ring's case rests upon a similar basis." ATTIXCT ro AIMAACIAATA a MA011171411. Textetday between ttrolind three n'olook, • Ger man named bedabereas Yeekceepecitered this efface of Justice fissesentraztaa, and after some few 111111301.LeaanyerestIon CA business, Voskanip drew donble-barreled pistol, isylog, "Now ohoot you," and fired, the ball passing through Mr. EL's coat. Mr.. It reie and elevated Ms chair, 1 d with It dealt io effective %Mew 'uPon the head, of Voskacip,, , , alto' pretrial lils taking effective aim with the second barrel,' the ballot , rid,* wee also discharged, barely missing the Intended Vicelni. Immediately upondisaharging the mond barrel, Vaskamp run down Water meet, but yam pureued and capture& • • 'Woekamp is a native of &nom, and hasher.; tefcre employed Mr. Hazen :metier as an Agent or correspondent relative-to some property In that kingdom:- 1 7.'e cenversation Ia ,Luooherent au to ireduse doubts op' to his tan. 1, 3r- - aqe. 2 Suf Dem. A roan looking crea the eendog `af profii gong . patlenten of the' DO,f,, - with' hie pool] *Tee egethat the belts et tam:- who 'Ras at the beadles ordee:—.Hee been' &cecina' of Ulnae Another volog hanuedlettely watt* oche 'He heel. been been' and dttedP• • “Tat A 4.7.- -4, Tautltsat Etrprisxm. —W. give siday,liethe liewej the !mast pub li leiter of "CoL Beritoa: b written In reply to an bivitalen tielhint quad by many Whip and Democrats. of 'Monroe county, We man, to deliver an address In that county on the eubjeot of the Pacific Railroad. This letter we regard as the meet important to Missouri yet published by thin 'eminent States man, Nebraska Territory is riroved by the red. orde r and by mops emanating from one Govern- meat offitea, to be aubjeak to ocernpation ancinet- Commit by the ciVesns of the United ' States— and this, after yielding to the Indian Tribes all of thvierights.under treaties. Sento:ell triumph is con:plate—and Atchlson's disgrace unlimited. Far ka year.. Atchison was Chairman of the CoMmittee on Indian AI- faire, and living in eight of Nebraska for many yearn longer, and yet he was wholly ignorant of the condition and propriatarahlio of the country! Bat,' in his ignoranoe, he stead up before the world and dimmed It ae the !property of tie people of the Gated States ! What a humilis tion foe him to be thee shown up before the peii pie of MIOSOUti, whom he misrepresents entre geonaly by his oppoalthin to iNebraskal Let him Taiga and hide himself theme. Flee Frosident.though he be, hie Isnorance is dis creditable to the State sad the positions ho bee held. The map of Nebraska Territory, prepared at Washington. by the CoMmisalorier of Indian Affairs, showing what Indlah tlrritory, and what is white people's terrltory,l open to settle meat, to now In St. Louis, and will shortly be en graved. All honor to Benton l+St.'Louis New. The following Is an entinot from the letter of Col. Beaton above alluded to: I Connected with the [Pacifio] toad, and as one of the facilities . of making it, the desirable object of settling the country west of Missouri cot to New Mexico end ' I Utah; sod I have the gratification to inform you again, (as I informed the people in my speeches at KAM), Westport, and Independence) that there ie nothing in the state of Indian relatione to prevent it. I in formed them that the Osage snit Kansas tribes la 18_6,. end the Pawnee., in 1888, ceded to the United Btatee ill their lands South , of the Platte and out to Red river, and up to the head of the Sensor; end•lhat after Ireeervee in behalf of come tribes and groom to others. they etill ro• mined belonging to thq United States the greet est pert of the terraoryl so ceded; that it was violation of no Indian right for oar citizen' to go end settle . any where within the limits of that great osseion,which had net boon' Lncluded' in a reseme; or grant to Itidians,, Mr. At chison has denied thii, cud Mode a great pa rade of the police mid penalties„ military and al mil, which any citizen would Incur by acting on my representation of the, state:of. the country. In coney/Ocoee of this contradiction, and not because it contradicted pm, because it was cal:Mated to doe great lo)uryi to the people of the State, I have applied to the-Commissioner of 'Julian Alfalfa here for the information which - his officio contains, and Which, being °Metal, may defy contradiction from any quar ter: I sent-him a map of the United States with tho request that he would meek upon it the out /Mr of the-three ottesionslby the Kansas, Ciaages and Pawnees, and larofc within It the reserver; and grainte made in favor of Indium. This he has dune, and I have sent the map to St Louie to ho engraved and publithed for the public in formation. •It shows that a moth less portion of the territory has been reserved or ceded to In dians than I had supposed—that the long narrow strip to the Delawares doem not touoh the Smoky Bill fork, or the Grand Saline Fork, that it only creme tho Republioarrfork Many miles above its month cod barely erases Solomon's fork; and that c a ❑ the riven, above that op to its head on a line with Bent's Fort, sad across from the Ar kana.s to the Platte, and down to the Missouri line in we plane and very netrit in others; the whole great cession to free from Indian title, and open to eettlement without .any infringement of Indian rights. Tue Bedrosian or ran Barranlx (N. 8.) Plai ner-Lilian Cocoon TO 'raj BITTKALO Caacsat. ABIIIII.IILT OK Tull Scares Q6161101...—The COl2- ventin of the Southern Members of the New School Preebyterian Chnealt at iturfreesbarough, Tennessee, In sesaion reeently, referred to • com mittee, for consideration, the action of the Gon ers' Assembly, lately sitting at Buffalo; N. York, on the subject of slavery. Tho report of the committee etrongly connemns the uncalled for interference In matters that they say do not Con cern the Northern Chiral:. B ,p long se their brethren of the North and Weed remain on the Conetitution,.the Southern Church will stand by, end with them—but (gi quota, literally) "when they leave that, they leave ue.m. The "inquiries" which the Buffalo Assembly proposed to institute clip elavetiolders and alive holding, the committee characterise as "unlawful and indelicate," and they add: "information is then sought reepeating thihge Mangles to the category of our purely political interuate, with which our ecoleelasticalAuthori. Sea ba're no mere to di than with the numbers .of our buries or the product* of_ our fermi.— goes:lone are asked, which imply upon the very face cf them, the imyeaohinenti of the fidelity of our eeetions in orate/deg over the Christian con duct of their. flocksl t The :whole Wog - is improper. • * • * • e.: "These questions would be fire-brands in 'per chatehes, and an effort to gather the information they seek in any of our. Ohurohre ' would be die orderly, end be !rebuked 1119 tending to produce confusion and mischief. A volantary answer on theism of odr Deadens would unwise ly countenance the epirit of innovation and egi tattoo, and be inconsistent with trelfrespect.!' - 'As a summary of • the conelnelona to ,which they have come, on matins reflection, they Sub= mit the following resolutions , -1. We hold oureehrei,land the members of.the churches we represent, to be atr integral portion of the PreebyteriateChuroh in p 5. United Stites, and entitled to all the.rights and immunities of said church. , . 2. In regard to slavery, vrti stand upon itho platform of the Bible and the tionstitntion of f the church, whiob, In our oilielott,ino where teethes that the holding of eaves is a sip or discipline ble offence •, that, oartsequently, the resolution passed by the General Assembly. at Detroit in MO, defining where it is, and binot, an offence, Isom- Constitutional, and of no binding force. 3. That we Isbell look with tutored to ithe course that shall be curetted by the conservative brethren of the Northern and Western portions of the church at. the next General Assembly, whether they will lentres their aid in preserving. the Integrity of the church, end arresting the course of sedinonal, agitation ,and settling the church on the basis of int standards. The convention comprined.elz mlnieters and ono elder from the Synod of Tennessee, three ministers from the Synod of Kentucky, twelve ministers and five elder& from the Synod of West Tennessee and two mita:eters from the Synod of . They convened mathe 4th of July, and oontletted in session!tere dila. Tue CII.T3TAL PALLON.. ~..411.021 ocle ow York Journal .of Commerce contends that In nearly teem depertment of • latientry represent ed in this Cryetel Palace, the United Stake manifests euperiorlty oVer >Giese Britain.. If Americenalare excelled, Iris in the Bee arta and those which create luxuriee—te which arts Gem perstively little attentiim hart been., given in America as yet. The rapid progress tonarde the completion of the exhibition itt said to be truly gratlfying.-- Every day some now, ,neefal or tasteful object catches the eye, adding teach to the effect efthe (airy-like scone. The workmen have now nearly completed the picture gallery. ] It will contain about ten thenaind equara t feet of wail enact, available for the displayer pictures; every foot of which Is bespoken for the purpose. A gellery four htusdred and fifty feet long, appropriately lightedifrom the roof, end filled on both sides -with pllitures, will be something novel in extent ,:tt, • Missasora.—Our latest number of the 81. Paul Pioneer gives glowing 'Beetroots of the ,ra pid increase orthe territory In , settlenient and population, and the multiplication of houses at all the , principal points. In the town of Bt. Paul, according to the Pioneer, .•the number of bourse completed this Season, !orin process of erection, Is slated Incredible.!' Two new ho tels of Convenient and ciommodioue descripUon are In moms of bulldfpg, and it is added that many of the new edifiers, no kkoing up, would be credible to an eastern .city, Emigrants . in large numbers were pessieg up the. Minnelota and Upper Missouri rivers, tol settle upon the fertile lands bordering thereoz4 and it Is also dated that every steamer emitting et St. Paul from below comes crowded with settlers, mostly farmers.—.N". Amor. 1 / 1 11PIIAVED STATE or 11,00t1T1c —lt to laid there are about .000. English convicts fnm Van Dienun's Land, 14 Mailman, Amon, lii, and vicinity, and . on meeting a man in the totem .think not/lingo( piesentitig a pistol to his brew and demanding his money, A letter from . Melbourne to the Newark- Advertiser. after re. cording numerous assassinationa, gays: • 'ln going to Forest Cteek;Camphell'i Creek, Dondigo and Golden Dig - gine, you pee through_ whit lir called the Black Forest, a dense and thick wood, 'boa twalvt, miles In length. The other day while four of us were passing through tub week we found thirty•fivis .who had been alivk rer,..(that It robbed and then tied up to a tee,,) end' one poor fellow, who unfortunately had bah-thirteen . 'billings and six-pence, was tied to a lice, and hilit body filled with shot, whdoh they Asiffiiintit hi*, I spppose, because he had us mofa ilbei :also ..stnek up" a young lady „quad Attie_ other father'e bonne. This item daygr:oeuelitire.teloiilZ Lad 'aciir4ingiT you m41140'0116, Ctate oloocielY." • Tam Maine Istria 'oldie trOrk well In Bile 'fusion,. Vt. kmots who tare liquor to I Wain, zooklag her lipaj, Ind to , ply 1110. to seta* _ r r&-=‘&4l:i;;,-;6lt%;cl''l'`'E . SPAIN inn nu trarrro Eivalmu—The Neer t. leans Picayune suites that Spain lass been tal i king ifforts for years to helve her nary rgti Gore She Me been commatly counting our Mips. • 'learners, end guns, and has kept pace with . a. them in Lumber. Slte has therefore a formidm T r i - t, hie and well equipped navy , as large andiffeot, 1 ,,,, i ively armed 114 aura. Such is Spanish coati- 3 -,, u dance in the strength of this navy, that they.rely ..,•mt,),11 upon it, in 0160 of war, to sweep as from, the I eoul , i szca and enrich themselves upon the spoils of oar TOO ' commerce. - SALE or a LAMB 81171011011 COPPin HMl.—` The,,Oatonagon Mining Company of Lake Cape; nor, Michigan, it le stated, hare sold their rights cud privileges and, mines to a company of the, same title in London, for thenonsideration of £35,000 stg. half which it.. been paid in \ cash. The transaction was made on the 80th of dune, and the deed of purchase has just been received by the Arctic. ' , Wm. McCleary, one of the connterfeitenr ar- „ a l L. s rested on Tueeday, was indicted a few months since in Pittsburgh, for having In possession and 's it ti p , rori bo d . ed d, a . remedy for army diseafts whierkflash lifter to. KIER% dealing in counterfeit Money: Before the trial came on in the criminal court, be forfeited Me fr e llt"zr 7 .2.:::,.',„,fti o d.e.itth•Niri.of a id:......l, FETll 342l. ol:l;or be llniC lie l e m —VlV ll7 q e , h . security, and ran sway. The other persona lii- rontrelies. Bond Vre follow:1r liontuto h. ny, \ctn.& ny ' dieted with him had their trial, were connoted, tratent want: ", , , and sentenced to the penitentiary for aterm of Pealiwas Vaiisr,‘Pt, , Fear. la, 11557. Mr. B. 11. Klar—eir, t hare aoldsal 'ro ar Petrel am. years.—Cin. Oat. ' or Hoek On, eons tweinnontha aut. an have bli toot . a . .‘, ~.. ina for lOW create° at a htrilier soapl co Mks.- Cap:sin Nay, of the steamship rapine, nail r o id soma dour, more . ), We hare fon . t e a Ott, writteh• letter wherein he states that ink O d eternal In nur ent,D . aentary.. , etriinyht..;r 4 as the packet ehip"lndependence "'which he comment t atTe e i 'l .° I:4l:Va e il - pooVr. aillt r a ta seat, al,lins ; made better-time than ' theolipper "Borer- I=Meet, t il h o ten nterrl,,,,,: b V ne‘,...,,em 4 5c,... uign cf the Bear," on her recent voyage to Liverti: .o, sat initi,onst r arely Onis.lcriiistts, ' ffithVti; l lZ pool, which has been published In all the paperer , et !.".b. . 0.. "yr w rii.rd a oi lour tine.' roan, with IbspeCL. . sea,huirer, ite tbo quiokeet on record. He elates that the , a; sal. ay all the Urtianiera I Pirtaborge:, \ - Independence" made the passage in foulteen \' ' R.I. ntrieniteirte P.Fiw i:“. .bomb._ ...F. days sno flee hours, from her anchorage in ,the' Hudson to the pier head at Liverpool No sail- ‘, . \ bee ing eitip ever equalled this. • IN Chief Incite Jervis geld, in England, about a .• \ fortnight ago, that it was not mettortable to say ~, ~ of a mon personally, "Ton are is liar," or "You Li a s k'. are a scoundrel ;" nor was it actionable to horn; \ \‘ Nine the epithets, and any, ' , Yon are a lying stout - tdrel ; ' bat if said of an attorney, In his professional character, these woo.* would be, actionable. At often occurs; with something like awfulness, obeerres the London Times, that a tlisitririll come when earth indeed will Itnid no lore; when the l ist valley will be cultiviiiod, the, last forest Moored, and the ocean Itself will yieldAl, rajah-hid spells. Three hundred briehela of new white flint (Gene eget) wheat, the first lot of the Benton, lweraH void m Albany, nu the 25th Wet, far sl:32.,per buehci La - Bethel Preaching—Rev* mtrAN. will preach • Tempermnen Dena°.the ••Pc.2 hitEcry Liquor Lan,'• en TO-SIORIWW. at 3 • not PAK,. In ILe ILAILEOLD DEPOT. on the Mcnorgabl Wharf, tie - Assembly—V/11,am liVlLLsati;_, req., of South l'itirbargh. will be • tandldste before Ili • Idg (knernUon for nomination co the Mutably Ticks __. ~•, X TreaTUIYIT.--111/011 S. Ftraw.a, EN. of AilerNroy, out be • eendldate before tbirtyproeohbeft AtmO•4lemelle end Male Cooveation, for eoFeclon • IU the °thee of COUNTY TRSWIER. tlyl *whit . itO - Treasurer.—MajorJo.ux Wu cirmill IA eau:dilate too the (Moe of COUNTY TtI6sUREN, berme the Whig .n4irtti•ilaroulo ConotyCoo ettlott, to be told In Auttost next. - • ~ .f lee -For Commission.r.—Ma. J mss.`lll- Cu/Totem of the Baron!, of NYEreeport. 11. be j: , ; petal ah 1 amp:whet Its'a.olidate for the Mee 00 Court Comtel.+loner, by bin otatteraus friend,, statd to th• decle!or of the Antlmasorde andWlititCoualy Con tipix. 4,71. WHERSPO T. I istriot Attorney.—EDwLED ,P. Jo E.S, Eq., will be • esididste before the •DDI09•10i: Wh and xntl•Nuonle Convent/an for noniliwoloti for aka of DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Jr-thllier PattiCt Attoiney.—Cendidate for Whig nnmlnetlon, for Markt Attorney,' DAVID D. D/113 • ler District 4.trotneY•^A,47-"OlLgli. WATSON. r 214.. or will be • eadklite for nominal:Jou leer 06 . of DiOrin Attorney, eraieet to the dodsborr.or , tlbe Whiz •mAntbassoble WoveJobb.. 1:21 - Disttict Attorney.—Cicrato ans, ZIOLCZ. En.. will ts cextedate for norelnallta for tte Orlon of Duniu ♦ttornerrhetore the next Whig and An. tlinaroole Convemtkon. 17224Awd). see Daguerreotypes.—lf you wish a fin° Dictum moderato in prim. iro to OARGO'N GALLERY, No. 76 Fourth street. afiro.9lo.—Doctor Alyn• having Jeen . raneeed from bla akin] donee as Burgeon end Pines Wan of tho U. 8. Maxine Einenitil. In Atone ■ln bI. wadi -011.4 attention to bla Prefonion. Otnoeand runlet. No. 14 'fiend emit, oboe.. &nit/teal& niffolllort w WE airier The attention of 0u.4, ;end ers to the advertisement or "31011.WS INVIGOILAILNO 0011 DIAL." to be found upon the berth enee. Pamilyphould be without them. We egret of 1T1.1111V3 LIVER PILtE. which Live he come an ImilePesable Family lifedleine. The frightful' er antral. 'shish arias frtm • digested Liter =entreat' , th nowires more or leas In *very Perini,: dyspepsia. healssPle.obstrookion of the lllllllllth ague mad fevers pains in the We, with dry, heis lw ting etugh. aareegl th• results of begone derangement—' M there Dr. Ile.' Lase*. Pills are a sovereign remedy. They have mere., MCI knouts to fall. and they should be kept at ail times by famills• ' Diredime—Tekr twoor three going to bed. every 'seem! Of third rgebt. IC they do not pore• two or ea. than Pr m•m morning take two or three more. 6 slight brook. hat thoold Invariably fallow their met • ••• L. The Lbw Pills May aim be used when purging iv elmDlr suneesary. A. an anti-bilious purgative they ere trifesior to none; and In dales of two or three they glee astoul.blug relief to silk-headsets. Also to alight de. rarnre=euli of the stomach. rarchasers will be canna to W. for Da. It'LLNWS ONLEBILITED• LIV/111 PILLS. and We isdne 'oho.— Tbniu are other Mlle. Perliorting to be Lim Pint, s,. tetra the pubna D. a'Lentee Liver Pals. also hi. 'ink brans! Verealfuse, east nov be had at all respectable, Drue Itoree to the United States, and from the Role pin. fireantr.. FLEMING DROTI/KRB, Jrao Hocceseore to J. sldd t 0.. 00 Wood Aunt: Mau Roma; TZSTIIIONY.—My. Sok olov: Wok it :Armors than an got of Jostles to you al ntl se to the Amerlain cohununity to state, the SPELT/LOLA& I bought of you suit me well. I find my eight moth improved. I can see small, gtint with than for ooy loostb of time lilt.bout fatigue es my eyes. ghoolg my light continue to improve by the thw of them. I barn no doubthut I than to able to road without Mena in • abort time. Thom truly, . T. 3100110E6. Allegheny City. Juna,23: 181$3. rev hara lased Er. Solomon. EYE outs= tbr a vow brief period. with dooldad advantage. and barn no hesitation in stating that . Wartime vision of Icon stand ing I.a. Sash rellervd. and Um attntu seem to to acquit; log visor and tone. I thavfore ohearfailv bear testimony\ to Mils emelt/nor and aectiraeg. as also to Ur. Solomon.' skill as a mensal Optician. and the anitiSerful with which Im adapts Ma Olussa to the rations pert, 0.0111.0 of viaiow i D. E. SUTTON. ' 1ti0.14 *erne stnwh rit'vtnrittt ialgrites MEE= • , tar Lyon's Katltair iniFoz Passim , rili`,' , itsgmassa and Ilattstrriso TIM it•2ll, I. most &NON \ ha and vendetta' 'Miele tbi maid ems psolnet. Its astontsbiug Me.. l/ without • inumdsnt in the history ot Ma Jtagenia Media Dark and insuLant =MN *oft and Cos., balm with mom of admirer*. (mask this, Iv ...1„.... Me; idgetailmrust Mimi of the Eathalson. Bald and • tsrfeelly. agtorgtbsd. • Th e Katludrou ha. . *4 MT bolt sites a baldness of II NW, A.J.' . es. 76 lltruist. N. T.. Thatintbalson la a castaln can ns :Venous Ilmi.Aets, and all Maim- sous abeam . 1301.1 br all dealist.memsebass. Try It. Psk. only NS septa, In bum bottles. D. $. BAIMP.. ['repeat.. 161. BrnoAlltar. N. Y. doll In PlUabargh br K. E. Wien, 0. Fraser. Haul Pass, jr.. /Want t Ilea., and Braun yk !teller. •Jratlas. EIeirBURKE hr. BARNES' SAFES—Bore a l land of testimony La to the roue of roe eld/W, uporywhich ire can oonddeutly, rest the =artful= of our neck,: we hare already published =Tend cortincatre, leonine that Wes made for our regulardand ordinary, sales, and sold' abroad. have been bigoted to tha tiVrk:B2flT = TESSI,•ILN AOTUAL OONFLAUDATIONS. and nreaerred their contents totally ft...fro= The' following la =other proOf of the 11161 p ineontestabla tharsater:— , ,;r.€ $lO,OOO, WORTH OF BOOKS AND PAPERS EIAVF;/1 WITH A 840 SAFE! • .14.8103, /tug Constr. Ph/ November 12,186:. Mtstu. Dean it 11sashe-lear Sin: Your two letter r.nlred. 1. was .besot de the t . i th ce re e. b l w w w o:: seri In reg.d to. r oar Safe, 1 madder It pettedly ging Pktooll. In tn mornlvg of the . one I bouhht ar Jnw ea's last fall. au tha belts burned to anbee. It was built of wood an i brlek— • large throe story SW Mr S was In t th e [nue of the Ore. and fall , lnto the 4 1 / a r. when ere wee a large amount OW. It was • very hot Ire. els totem and book. accourite that wen In the gate, amounted to .boat Yen 'bookend Dollara..whe,h wee saved. 'rime was not a Knee paper WNW; and ftwtber, would advise nol __ ppr who to doing busing., to h. no lime, but buy bah to keep their DIDeM go.. ID-6.4 get own that Is gad. I ma enhlr mammal loot Sae JOllli CLAIRKII. .Arliew Cartilleates.--Ma. SOLOMON& :- I called at prat WU, oath. 31 Jaly,aad acted ri... sure of toy eyea stdsb gm iery bad at that time; in ealled taineith flpatt=o that did idtayee a great deal of loot—They *rate eery anieb lamed' at the tlzes: , but that Inflammation has new' lett. 1 =ma bear the Walt of the dna or a Losati,as deal] anus.. 1 ehall allow pia and get =date Pal; to ease 1 abeild baveanyoltfor tale with thin. as tireald sot be without them wader 4_ sr, =Metall= • To , Reeptetrallr, JuHN 11A0E6, nigh sad Webs - ter streets. P 131300.14 July U. ME. 80L 0 . 161415 . — /bdag =spelled to tress 90tataeles„ I bate awes bean able to cat a so= bat what =de sty etas asbe.-4, have alai a wrest numbs!. al slum. bat always Mei, until . I obbarted ayalr Rom yea 1 eta .w by day or atailed*bt.lby any ;earth or time. wlt4th• . treated *sae and ossalbst.: " \ , He. Waterman is earydanalk platasl alit her slaast 1 • I ressalp, Yew% Trutt. L. 8. WATIMM.AI4I99 Wylie street.. • Preesmag, July 19, 1914. . . I.hrai bon Dada th. toast* Of tiahti Glar," tar wrwal ears, butAtareamor Mod • p.lrto salt nil' OW. pr,that l mull-am without Mtgs.. antll I obtalooktks• palrof Kr. Bolaisons."- By tha akt :of than I Undo. hiscyl can Ha as x.ll aa oval sold. Ivan react or write with thin embolus. without thi #flat, b:.4 , 387 .tlar and eandla4hibt.. , • • • ' Than tritob - la all tba dotal to lb.! Rota of rannajim. :Wats obtain a polo of .olaaota that maid inn my am. atab taloa la oeotT lostosioa Ataorlad tbo &dimity of Atolalogthooo rnitald• tot the otatt, - I do tat* toutoodie rooomnssad to then laborlos cadet dotottive Hake. to midi , to lir. dolomoaa.ot whom Mu* eso bi obtained. to roil au atom Tirs.. a.; - ` 1,14(42430 . 11 . 412indattt altradir.64lol7•i - .-= - ' l , - ,*• - •V • • - gar . Mit: , SintixoN3:4—itrora intaney ‘ ' I hive i . LIED, \ , , ...c. eetkea . tot =week er4 , eii .e.leietweeen. eee, 1 At abs a...a150, of irr D. 11, lladdllOn 61' rdtr, ~,, all rair tronrli,l 'have warted:mu able to got Wyatt of . ; Ids., at 2 o'clock r.i., we, lIATIIKW. 114011 ! If. D. D., ~..., th. ..... 1 4 .1.1.... \ i h .„. 1 .. 4 ..,..„. \r , I : f .. rf i r s rly ProoLleat at Jelter.on Calbraw , In Vas TBth row \ wotld .•ble 1 too to see more dletternar, bast old .;„;;;„ troy 111•123 oa cam them onwbalf bow from t he 1 at thew annses2scarb grastpeis• \ • rd. p ...... yoni alrertlsemint. by which I san s Inn ll 2 Worted mama cad at !chits been my amt.. , at;alto see • mar th at would b.0.1t me. 1 o :maxi:a. t old tr yowl, ..eet trinante flattering when I say they more ! t+ o a re a y my einestatlona .1 bare net been able to by ' a for more than half wi'bour at any Coma beton.; ataweaDlasses. Eine. I got tlows, I read , ..e sa.d.Y*ll y, andaintll ten reoloolt. without ease- Iltnolnd the tad Whkta la • thing Idm not done f wore to ye.O. , tay thls mach • I think It dere:ring year entorraise. aridhoptug others an be **fitted by It. Yetran at Ilb nee of mamma at any time frt Were... I dr truly inn.; \ A lIMIDY Ak.., Wharf Iluter:•rtttaborgh. P. 8. 2,forinat to meolloootuat nay wile hi madly berm (Med br the Nat ehe got, mint eepts/Ir Owed, (2010 HOME, \\ .RAN.CE COMPAN \ IN , NEW YORK. \ CAPLTICL $50'.0 - ,0001 a. 0, Loomm , 4o.e. No. 69 Wool street, 4tkiburp6. \ finiscrogn :, •, \ Sin.. L. L005trA............„--.Lato att. Mom. Hartford. itl.qtr Omairy,.... ' . ' ...--...11.2 or clonal \• a Co. Theodor, Afeitavunc, -- ..... ....iirm of Omen • , fe;Yatooo. Olitlkon IL iletlen....- _ . .. _..810m of Cloth.. Moil. Co. ....\ Georpe 1ib:14.....•...4..... .....-.:J hat of Ciporso Bllos A Co. Amos B. L'..,..-...:... —Alton of 1% - .llahoo, k ‘ Co. ohm. Z. tittot.-..-.- .-..) -...-...10na of %toted *Wood. Lev( P Stant,....-.,--...7 v ...-.:.thrirm of /Ammo 0 u 1.17. Henry G. F.10....---,........ 4 11rm of 010. 01•Itp • 800. Jos., Lam....` -Pl= of Jam. Low i Co. Charliv B Ilalr.k . ~. .... A../irt. of 0. B. Latch • Co. \ JohnA, Ituk.Atannt..- , -Toon of l. C. flOwo • Co. Ottlimot O. Laalpl,--........F1T of AAt A. lam rove, • Co. Clarks A kkekky..---...--- /7 11rto of kock:kT t Co. ''l lewit ..AtzrOurv..lV , ,-. Firm of Yi Attartion Jr,. A Co. Levi P. &orlon. - -.,Wirat or J SI 11...0... Morgan • Co. I l ‘.••tos T ..0.k0ht..-: -.firm of T17:1doo. D•lobt a Co. \...imM Ckorkt. P . or tn. '.....-...Virto o '11•Ottno. Stare a Co. ,tt.p4 0 Ctilkos,—...\---121m tbtototo .1•Ootlloo. kW, S 41 =7::::::. - ::. - A= 60' %• f: Zt.,",,1`02 2 Co. Dr=4"-"°'. .'-----::•=1.4241;11,""ri: 1 , e , t..6,..... 7::::... ~ of Norton. Toler tiloyt t r lrn.7*. Ka . . :2 - " '.- -1. i; -zi.;;;liho tiiitt: ir.. \ \. AZlra II Ifprne.l,-..-...- Firm of i.ll. be.* 00. l e. K. Lie cod &don. Lucius Hozokink-.4....-.-..-. of [kohl., then Co. Jab. A. 11.,,A1, - . _...... . ..i,i. °atom. Eir;n7;ki;:itiel: h .4 IL Prahinearron. Firm of Frottorgbant.N.rwrV Co. Jeulgil 8.00,-4-, -...—.... Finn okkwlft; Lturlb t • Co. , Nem of Condit* obi.. it'd ‘.• • OW_ _ 17.....,.. .--...-...—F10k ottiort • IV.. ittktti../1 Stockwell, Yam' , f 0 , b...P. ktook well Co. ow TlVatpArty .. ..- Vino of barn . ,. Illoophrof •Bo er. ff - Lar g ,..-:...,...... .........i.g :1. , (4 . r . lrat Biota. • f''' •=7:— .. -.... - :=Trrik - o7dZi A- To;;;;041 c A s. . I, ' ,lini. :I . TIILON . L. Loo.ll.llfealkott. \ R. C. LOOMIS, (0? \dip late\ firm of ArOardy & Loom 14,) \ WHOLISSALS DELI BOO \S AND STIO , 64 ood itreet, Filttalaiturgl.. • Annual Statement OTHE uNis • p c . W 21.,"hg , 1 A.,7llgqar Premiums I temiD I .e.emiNismenemi.e. insarimme. Rehire, Beetleuerr;,Ptirrthig. =32 ilOyea:Alin•as CAA ha bttula: ot r mirw,i ted , b . l. Ainoant a v 1.1 ' BABY Aotri c t, /01111 PI, iliEl P. 0. BRDO I( e‘eatos...Joty [ .. St - a t A. WILSINAd A. ,A; CARNEY • , .t JOHN B. RV , . t t E t, '• ROBERT XL f ' .{.. 4 1011 P, r.. VIII Insuse‘agstimtt R d .— —llBllat/riOantio..... tVITZV I :tI. ruts74:A=7.:4loLM.l:: •n g'a.'l=f;raVorrtratTMl'hfloVstivieH.,. \ J. - tr. . \\ , \A.\ A. UARBIER. A-loary, pitizoii;s insmiiaa usiymilit .y of Pitts • . a , \ . .., \ •.N, LD. MO. 1 , 7;v1r4e. ' \ •\„‘ 4' \ dIaIDDL 141LOSEDC4. Eve, ~ \ orini.94,WAl 2 / I ,llinidle! iIIMMET , ' ' \ \ WOOD intEll73 ',, si ', sir LtaiiX2l' lIIILL AND caw, 'alms ON ID/ 011 D) AND \ i \DDLISSIPP' , DIVARB, ,O.V: , TILIBIPFA•• '' \ H 4 sir: hgi i. L.\ f ix,,,,,,,i kw or dcprkv. iP pr 4 1 ‘ VBX. Ali' , wuwituierai 4 gusru ... 141. As 4 rio. 1 ~, and 2%11 , 31'9/464.f711/C. 7 s iv .ii, , II 1) '41,4 ~ ~ . cvm.....k.,,, W. 7. \ . 'z et. M. Kier. , 0 Kamm .I . i , ' .J. W otirt*Ali. \c ' es t qb. " , '. .: 4 ; I ' v.,. A/Mir% \ 's , , • OW Brrlat, r ZIA B. Behc ltar ! ' . \ ium ` J, -olor'lr. L0GAN...—.......—.161. I'. BItiNiSD, PHf.l.l Ne:ILBuN..--.....—:,,,,............ , DWAB.B GlBlifflil . 11 E)l9lfyi L. \ \., ~, lAGAN, (4 .r. DEPCIATEitti ADD WHOL*LBOXIT '11,13 , • \ I Weems eNe Dottlpirie \ \, , nortpwAtete, CUTLERY.. Ale \ to. \nave retool* to their ttr IN Niid ,crietkaivit *ore, No. 82 Wood ',trete. four doors * tho Bt.Charler, Bow. where thelrsonstomers. mot mortheolofleVlY. are fueled to an esirolostiou of therefor ovahfete ro tort ever offered id th 4 eft, L \,A to r A 11 , IE S_ TANNER\ v . WfkOISSALI DIALISit \ :li.lloolll, BROltti; shamus, irjiD*Tait4., „ , \ Nq. Ifill Wood i =t, .11g i tba.1104 , , Or iii , orotooorttrupwards 2 500 ' DAsEe. roa mirror row* war t owl 11) , 14 o B , Orr, 01013 ear BONNET/1:h wiwwt ..... N .F.. 1 % 11711lona ormuhronorre. agifog enraostr i. Lo , r . l; • ef . .A. ac. 711u r til r. ly OM thoinhbrla4.lohis r Atunpoi, 1 oro. Yorehrrerw will DB.. oWI ow t Wor. tiVag. A 1... NEW YOlilf. BOIS ihrATIIIM Fl7ll , . 't . :a r- a Yll. I LLINS, ! .. . ,0 4 w.„,D.. \A,D ,, ~ CO SSION • MIR HA.NT i , AND WIIOI:FSALE DiALEIIIN GHEE , . , BUTTER, BEED6,;FISII, 11114 n. . tRODUCE VENER4.11.4,, , I N. Sts Wood Plitt bomb. roam lOp •NRLEMING BAOTHERS,\ (Siticaiiou to I. :Tho • CO.), , • \ WIIOI4IIILE DRAG'allll,':, \ _ I *ebrited V07i1112, I • , 0 P . , Gallory,i t0r...0t thoolamonavier,trz.irt.ccrapo4t. rul l it== grltlittalnlifeltkilLieues4 'at mod•mln arleaverin alma abarit k eatabliaL , ' a"arntAlrlgilTith 'loll7 thlregorjrtM a cao r tik• tri! mat mamma fra Wallet of th• la* form alth tf..n " r "'' zgravin.o. °" "edtritz l h_ lw il l .= Ipllostm Miran of arftinal Mammon Y i Got 11§:romoas not mandtrat t. Lb. pa*: tale. • p... L'lliadnarmams taken • of Mei and d0:10.643*mm hi: , 4311.dtrand MrdM., ! &Wm or•a, an Did amaransa from n , Il . i. l i at trano• b• amosaL Wm*" .' Proposals for Pipe. QEALED. PROPOSALS will be re sired. !WIWI! 14. 1 , 160. 6 tett bar, .ideda• 46,1 Itat vr a uZ i fsirPS:: Mt b ir."l/ . 11 . 0 • • 900 \le.; of 4 Well Prpe. 9 Pot long, welching 142 Pow 'elth bands. Also;for all Droarbe4,4nd Coodooode required en* She whole to read thwosnal too ssoidtdoe sathrOdOnat to du Engineer of the Company. end to top deltoid:Ml moth tireire.eod plates to the city as ntny dtreeted„, Inds for Ur porttoo fill be noshed The .Fee te bonded Into \toe Utdol Ortholknopelor on or bePore 181- DAY. elebelt r 0-. endorsed " Propagate lor PIM" eod`edorodod to I. th orn. Bq. Chairman of Inoue Orottantono , The Flew, An, to pat :flea m0titb47. 1 .12 mouths *der d lgtget a.. C'4.. W fui L 7 ?tact= PEARL 'TEAM MILL; CANAL B • :IN, ALLBONBNY, IltAlt TIM ROAD STATION. . ILI 6 0111 tenoiled otth our Mi... Lir ' t i r r id M es ofEVRA6II6Sch)II/10 F 401311. bO inotoo teelr ardent at the 31141. or to our bosetrot Logan. WI Op ACo . Wood street. ot Una. ihritor, Nosey of bery sod lit. 01•32 stmt. Pittsburg • W. P. Baratt, no J. T. `Floor:gtto. AlOrtor ll b. d•Ura o ,to Yowl in eitbit• of Medlin. )45 --"sa 'Ln d i niiY 111/NNIOpr A CO. it hcs iI.MCKZEINGI'S PIANOS—. 1..) The Sobsonber boo Jost rotated ;:'..i'g Prhgiturs.r.:trtvs.,u. Ple.llo=re oar moo 00 tin at Bath UN: , , No IT. '' elegant rosewood, round toner. delthott ` ask Oa frout-61( ortoto—pr or. 6.07 L • • \13.676ec0e w ood. swam 6 Nan& 211 , .' IS flort—ohn do. 00. 6 do , 71 . " 13. 6 16-066 . do. round trout 6 atone, It 11. 0 1.5 . = ot tz . 6 u 0 . . a 6 t . 6 00. . •• 131113—0 n d i. • t Olt the *tuna. dul.tod with &bean Iron Fre tad troOnto Edo Mu Marriott's am on the F •to tons,r tttatute• tut tropeAtlon. Forth... an 16•1- saran the apse lament loatuatonts et Om \ u. i NJ01.11113111:101t, mAI. ?IL Ottlottrhoes Wane; 111% ShO ' No. 81 Wood Ana. llttaturc I SEkEEPING GOODS—MURPHY ,t. iitURC El Frig.° 1.14 lb• ar•otion ' of loutokeeper. Itk , cliplV-T T:i.7::=4 %AR D'l. ~.. 4,.,„ ire matt a Li;oo. ettoutala ar. nt i ina. l P . l tin ;bi lt.. l Vott .,"o V " h , :! ', LlA;7Tellf: 6 4: IS t o dtotrtunt ef oor button.. or hate , I to of hootantere,to mak. their tot ", .1.5 e Naoa*LNk al..n mnk• punh. e. m —o..A.ArK.E.Rilltt \ HAWORTH tEI ~. toiling thr no t&torit Illock,ond Yp,g Elmo f 7., • over offerod th market. Tbn"puthe - 4 io f,sll Writ.. to rot, an giro • Vial. , floooorbor 't- -- \ st tho PAGo DA TIOIkOT • ttk.. corner of the D.l.ntool 'tad Did Alloy - s IIV ti t e of . T t f " tr * l . . . 1 : 3 r " E o l o !'ir wto P ro u / t . a oth a lo l osier tins. r :s ' out buslt !Ts this day redinl tla prlas sr 1131.111Ut LIOBIIB/Y ..,klim m eetl itor; \ , }sad \ '' Filth avert B,ZoskJasalan?lkateri.2 p 011,.. S T ,..LE 4SEVEIIEIANDRED , WRVS • , or ;rinse \ LAND (auk udledl4:ons Parkersbada. an the . Qhlo neer. lo OOP gatillOr ell)Mation. ON CAE LUTB near %I d.' Run, Slits laud for Ilardenina. \ S. ~ soutrs tre`,V.rc.Vll`Lll.7f,T?&l°.°4l74l"M • Iritei ° liffilll7,oi s'r•P'°'\lt'" '" TrirfarA+ wo6nBa•th kkarkat akmak Y I L , c.... MA.I.A. BlBLtS—With chap. rind tricker,• 1 - 1 al. A and WitDollt Ca,:bred MM. In r and Turkey yna, handing..[ serruna Dria.A , who eskasad Mall. IY3O , J. L. Rita% Aasul, 7a oral, moot. .. \.! AAPERS' MAGAZINE for iitt per *.• 0.1303 J. 11 \ RITAD, 78 Pow~[ Cjret , GLQMON NURTIMR-12 eare4 ofik;i: \ \ J. L lt$AD. 78 VocitliltreiL ' ATIONAL IiAGAZINEAfor . nett/ flux., bow:taint aid 01.0— . 4,11 too melt. .t\ 730 . J, IILCADI3. 78 . rourth of mt. `, F CGS -3 bble. fresh Eggs, just reo'd itkid " 11114INEtt, DILWORTH a .CO • iy3o sump: . niI:WORM S co. kOLASSES=4SO bblA N. O. Uolattee, in More and f, We by \ JtO 8UR13111.1 Weir st LASTERING 11A111-300 bus. Plaster yA°g u4 AlNkroViVaNtletl a r..ita water et. 44 f. 1110LASS03-50 bbh.S. 11.1.(711;-, l irro T. 'IMAM fr,:tru . aAm..vo f RESQN'S HYDRAULIC CEALEND-300 bb4lo...trso and far eale By /Oa BURBEL.P.riti t Moil RA N. 116..Watyr .1. id ON Er-300 lbs. whith Honey, s superior MA wrote, Irk \ai bones for Wally but, just reed and tar ..ale by j7SO D. WILLIAMS. 179 Wouti VODIFISH—Prime Codfish at 4 cents per a wan,. nt , 11011R/S PATTON'S. kb , tbe Diamond. Q lIGA.Ft-CURE w.f.-cured lism4. Jy3o 510alita I,EA,CII BRAND —Primeqwwlity Peach Brandy, warranted dttPilad from Noah/a four Inn atm, for tale at :1101ttlid k PATTON'A. Pau PC ends par