The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 18, 1853, Image 4

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    ~ r ~IC3~J
8101 , !4#81" 81011N1140, JITLY 18 1853
• the hair; and close the eihlicle,
Lee the window curtains fall;
# empe anon her teaturee,.
answered to the call.
) Let the ihildren klai her gently„
As ob. lies IzOon the bed,
God bath nailed her to his bitom,
.tuid the 11 - Wenn. Is dead.
:verybodi knows that B met adeartlain.4-
-He 'Mamie did—andAattrlbetes him succeed ha
Lfa niihily to that Importatat fact. The fallen
; : tag may be se advertisement. or may be in'
• tended seta burleaque. pate foe ether.:
/ •
Tie "Bearded Lady." with' 'Makers dark,
, amen each day at Barnum's, near the parki
Bata" , eXhibiti. With his usual taste,
Bin only humbug that it net barefaced. -
Da. ;odes told Dobbs, when he wu sick, that
' 1L be Wished to get well Kb meet not e indulge la
anything Sulting—among wbieb 4e, pieced
Mg ardent spirits, eating high fitsdred meats;
and looking at handsome girls with tow-peeked
. :spoke on. Print. tble it world appear, that even
calico le blessed with;tnedielnal quelitiee :
f. Server Parana"; is the motto of an eating
home In New York. l demper perstee I' wart
the isxlation of this 1600 !bit of intim whpu need
by an Web ockelae . ie radioed elteninetanoes, u
he eat down en' a Meal f watery potatoes.—
"Server papaw!"—and eu he ended with a
alp; .!It they wire • r they tumid be bet
ter!" 1
. _
.E ra
IMPORT/I.NT 111) 011
...• CILOMgeIIiNG better d more economical
• . 0 thom &kat for
TOM.. neara other prerwaer.
In Wee., for .B.lng. Duelliltk.'B 4.41b1110Ab
I' Kle f. - or BAKING PJW Ulf R. tor suing fhwade Ca rp
-.. , Fried. tirtOhe bad Jonny CEO, Onialcgs. Pehkien. Cum
i ;104.4.....0. m.... ; Apple Dunpllog., Vestry. de Ac.
, Tani spiels I. one thivererf; Fainliy. Bowl. Boardltut
llocur i Beting Salaon.lehlp, Steamboat, Yowl, Cenel
Boetese.; Eli finle EEO a careful trial, to be the .al
• •.••• Wog Seeded v•• 17 shale.!., of alma •Motencai ..
~. MAO. IN.:4M al moat,. oho Mood of strut. nret•
..I. It setae toe es pen w of [Ma t egoo.*OO. telolorto.NoO
blood,. and the trouble mint espouse of proo mug goad
youto-oMerf Calf balla 1 1 .elts[y.
.....O. Nn 1.4 a replan. ler the dough to HE before bet
Inc wasma-sit, bread o f by merle to wlew.inloutee,
• ' '. ; Oen' sheer e ifeeend Eon Worms light, tilfeefe
_ :: :, tlk:l or et . guni yelttg: T b o rrid and plonii, whether ("Ito.
• .• .4. ItoLd a hes l. ay WM moot. is much more nuirltione.
niefer Of' ff./Edon, • better fitted far • .ween erotneehi
Sweeter. Eater and lighter. then when mule Et f Et;
;,.., Mun T un e n bat
d . fC fr n n a s u
D.n..d.wMsO.o at
.aoo4 t.he
~.•,, IMairinuttin peat, Lbw evatoutd; bEeEe tbi , yeeetehlt
2.; ''Oebt cootaltud in fermented bread..orEente the propel
.. f;' -6""'
g"de '1
'i n l itretl t ?. trtgirt ' n7t-Vgali ,
. -..'Frir°11 4 .:i...".tb:.,.° tivA:.,,-tv,-,-,1g,i:1id,...,,,
Jal., 1t...
mien newl se Ewe.. to the ...Elate. 1[ It
• ' •-learlnistej tuy.i,,,, •
1111. B. 0.441 t a ask ir Dalutirs NG POW:
Pais, and tete no *User. and ion •111 not b. dttelvel.
Ptineteat °Moe. Let th nem et... 4 NC. Afore. bold triple
.' teat Emote .intt dtnsidedaannetej. l l
Baa.daß Menai%
serntylla ; Anent+, in idittsburatt
• VILLIiit DALY, t
sus. Use's grey muss Nat. TS dos do. do. ho
led Ltd. wags. at the
• Nina MS= Stook,. Manufactory.
. 0 1 4, WILLIAM ;Lux:
ioo dna Do: atout udzad Cott. soda, liklad se
En dos wham do do do.. attn.
' t /11= eraser Moamar Man rwootT.'
a 123 • waidAs3i
GIRLS ISTOCKINOS-37 doz. Girls' and
Man' whits .Cott. a Stockings and elastic too;
dot. do. ad ton,terccorkad on do. do., at the
MMI SUER Stocking tentuactory.
• 1
) lOO el 11. Of MeV., Gantt/ Woal. and Stockinet
end Socha. et the CURIO bray= StOCCIIII Mounts:tort.
RILE ,lINDERSGIRTS--6 doz. Ladies'
thallenien's ant Children's Silk Cnd.nhu:R 13 don.
**" . '"4"" gi l / 1 5 41 t =4 1° S . Xkt . .
QILS and THREAD . GLOVES-200 doz.
Ks Ladle? end Cklldten's Hosiery Wove Silk sad
M 13171. '#.S4,II4II9IF'D'OLUt r
WOOL FEET-20 doz. super
owes locks. lamb.' +.l colic 1011bs. Lacy Cape.
not I dadi/nee thread Socks. et the . tt.
• 7/11/1 eras= • theILIEW Manntentory.
aide W.L1.1.1.11 DALY.
Goods . . . , •
low Goods for Gentlemons' Wear.o
: - . -, l y a , wxrrs & CO . hierolant Tailors,
' • No. Oil Ltberty strent. are now recoliing thell
/Anna .0 0 Simmer noel . . !lingo:og tun. boon ..i.s 0
eats fccon lat. baport•doo• and ambnicso all
aim mu d•ilrable still*, of Oaths, Canlineren, 'lna.
..i" , V V AL l4 4:oo " 4ll.lin t a a, . licV hi C rnt=lLl . 0. e 2
- ~ , e nt, • •evrt.• tog talrl. me In thnlal. 40 1010000. aO4
Sale by the... Package.
T. fainting articles at Eiu3teni priies :
zza b a nu4r.. ae..a o f x,ht.o. sou&
Mt .u.. i P;IT , 1 1; . 11: 3 1:1511434154 .54)D5.
r . 51.:4 ;
5 i=1 3 5 . 434aa 4 ,A4 4 17..r. 40 . s.
'Masi 435433m.4514 1144kat,1445 45 W.... rt.
Prescribed by- rbys
P .
LIYBIOIANS everywhere ireeoribet. A.
TAB NXIMICIVB VEB3II/176 Z. far the rowan that
awe, eats plume Mollmt coordenoo in It Bead tw. follow
:beg nateetent. bout a gentle/hen where we hare 'pawn
Mani rear.: -
aiefern A. Fahnetroet 4 tb.-6entlextra: It elves
weadets tlatt'l have teen me/Wor your Yet
' Mabee torsoene ten or ww/ve "nem sod dad eng that liinee
here sin mkt other Deter DilLs• and preoarath OA. sad
4 OLD ooneehteetons4 ear oat runes ma ontrenelly given
swiefeenon to ►WI wro late ow d WA was anwrelly
-.9441 and romenntied pod rowa/o abr./oasts la the LLVD
Of Ma- hleatoo. Bre s rfeLonr, whiere4 old touhwte
apt. War 11.70 het.. dodo.. the maw time. owe/ It
It 4r own tentlly with waffle awl•feenon whoa other
11pda/rat/au tave.fahsd of lieu deette t effat. •
' • - 70 1 10/..rulf. • inotas Tow In:
tr renal onlaterults and IDOLVIAD. • ' •
BILL Whohweleaed re ad by al/ r rine/cal dreads . .
• anereatti.try eas halite thoweirenott the U. &aka/. Imre
111.,REAT DEMAND for the only true and
luq: Menne. LI VEIL VI prersroil by&nen:
1411 ooNGuertue, Lb, Horeb 7814.
Mr. LE. hue 9014:119Ded..e.h7011 , 7.10619
of oar Sormlnate. from s sed4Ar r, o Smog..
IA nu, kohl; of lonian througo our yawns bat an bi nay
not boon truousb bars busty. the 0.121.141 tor your
M.4.r10.. tbdlootr WI to Aontit on oltoOOI.• lam .soot
Yoe oomo font Or tr. Ittado ol Plll.. hot boor LAO , .r bilk
ors sottobuy 'bob. X sod mood ramble 1 bars soar kept.
Floosonnts •tariAtasli, sud obihys
- Toon. boIYAXISIITI Axon Kum. Pogo:tartar.
Prevent! and eotil by R. 1. BkleLLlte. Li Wad street.'
r ke Nerblatlar Nonfat—law ry uttlatote or steeemmit
Clots. th. truth. sae the truth ants. and le tosteehy
try " r
m iat li .P7,73
In the eo~oa of man
moo d at the correct... of CO. stat.m.aut. r W. who
• " Olen O. to thew don 4ler ere tat humbugged by tie
and ettabstattorell tone:Hew. • r
• lareg . • It. It. lISLUtftB; Neuharth.
by Ms ostibisl. on]) true sad gessios LIVES
Raw 7Csuz.Obbmaat7. Vs., Rena 20.'49.
M,.-11. Y d ei tess.- U4 -1 Oil adscy I.we to
7^o gad puoilelielaradir. to .It. ttal / &ale Nen
oak Liter 1.1p..,1gt lot a L ag dm, Sad lo
kie.l37 that as stokes* ;or= sod book* waist Nit we to
• Mate. ',Pair!. Surd ot it o•leurst.d
kills odes to A.R 00.00. West Worts. sod re
sosimead d to tad by mi Vt. iSmlcb, 1 mo
unded CO •firg tbata • latr 101.1 I patattaftd one boa .
Sad 6004 4 .m td sabot ',list they antrocassoadol—
the beet err nu. ever neci; slit. atter talwiii How
Sasso, 1 the Cows bah *Wind/ WU wassail 1 am'
1101 r prxtretty wilt. • JUsze.ifoLy.
It EL. tea.
Y.. SELITik.S. 67 Rood shoot
- boo oisda+rfaxamorws wei,' Do wil ego
E rd =tfr l Alt
ao to Kea of leas *sob, broaabt la In of
,Itia emailocand Kept In r.fri.oratoro, /ad Ell b. pep
7; ANA, 0..0 and tot
oulol. for [abloom.
- .Onforololk Mutat Iba•tak at tbo =ma. Of W. 4 =‘ , l
• .rnalbOtreof... riubufah. =nor of molaral and Bala.
WINS., llaztiou..ll.l b. 000.1 lootaallatelsooa rro ,
ef 000. c..atroo..for a rogalor supply, at
o r to(. largozab. a.opero
~ -; :.lorgt7?amollxvaPouads,r, T .lvoil %JAE:major •
~,.: DOLE'S RV pkanoisr nurri Si the best
0,1,:7 outbid, to the UAW. la st.e. - The Allowing ape km
4, Weil A. letter trots the Itev Mr. Chagmeo. old.
~,.. .'.'''' . " ... " 3 '"e 5' 4
..." 4 ~ifir; . r: i cevehior It i r r' T A ir Tonga
- , /septa Area Zglay be troabig wrh Q tbstr ~X 1 sail
•...,, , lbir ea L have hese. to whom] ale the ettlater of roar
. ...‘i . - .l . tri au Atlett 1141.1,7 the nee ot vetch i have derived ea
, r -t Zaea .v o xtr
tt Mimi= 10 1 ,Ill'AVA".1:°° 1 :1.1'411
-!;- 10, 1 : 1 11z.".1 . 6.t 7 .:=`ihtl.,g1;11:1::::::1
, ~- prima headache. aid esorlrdy twelve/ me kr moat: 'al
:"i `tai l d , eßl x ;:n d ilt=:4 l. eirl 4 trietl 4 :ll th b lel th ev. `"°
ankh. In' the de; (aid their setae ie kaiev.);hget
ierittnar alit boat 1 heard V roar liyaerioa fluid.
rjetb, i a .re v u , tr . ,llth t rter.e.l br thAe who env
es a it ems bet ehettele hal:moue et
' 2:4 ` .41 "1 : , ,r..gri!.,-;".1??:.1";!gt.`""iix"'
eattlely int~etd. , -Tve two Or NY b ed Is Our ett;
apsar *Visaing'. thy heir ts deltyhrowithg Melon.
, and It WO a ialihesithr Mate. It ta therefore ottk
, + trateeenatesett I rematautod Taal / 1 710.100 YmA t.
Meth." 'min ' Bext - si Osamu.
Annie mar br lA4OOX A VO . wr. 11.1.4 genet
.. . bpi tbaytemetriple wholmale asintell sows ler the
4411.111,!`iPtteat frettrgfo . golf/lialat
fIW busrt.A. •
11"" „ '
A. r ., , , 1 , 1 , t1 0 0 . 1).1 1 41 , e10 1.1.111111:4 , b1.1111 11161 a
Pa. toitzarlfh :et at /Cwt.. 1 , .. 1
SOS 4+l4o, e•sn, 'the woo et width is NM, It den
.'ef. o •X.ol.stiazglonitst tbe wenn, A Mr JOl6 buk4v
(1.1.7.ftra 014, trii. thi
rty lo f lOU
, sr? nutrly fli of M.P.
7 . 0 " ?W. rj•oo g o:M¢L b llltrnft ""
• het
so mans cam awa it .:4 &WlZ
I Wald it wan. 411 A mon so Animation coons on!
I' in adAldanal stipl,l7. • -
21 . 3 . 4 T0w5. to, Wm. W. Soda.
.14 • - • ^4 air. Woot aasl fird incomits.
~.V4 1 1.,L111.11/ I)I&WY,' 181 loberl etrett,
rvi7.lett ma smr . Aim/. black aod
so Vilit. ollo ..ffLi.liMllkiSEUErtd. d'Zies.
•• alma* and Zan, am styles or twoot, *tow
loleAstaloot Coat& •
sums sod Mood C.LB.9l7lERigr. fiend,. MHZ% ind
.A plot UAW orpor mad toindansbla Goods for
.smost samiN 4.41 Wendl4 ',un t o/ yskr.
, A4llll, Swam Crams; Ku. kit
r tact 1hz."41
iirfrr . flarr o g Ursa drioestoml the Iwn am.
-DO sad at tto. aluitlint Ovor,lll arr.eor tor E..
2,l;b...ttre eljabl , pc.l,) mo . cut . its. I .
ra. ' ll;4, fa ' s? !I! It ' Mpg It"lfir
ISsitsa OW Wing." sal would be
la say ord.= tar War ol du* ..tuam
• •
-. - 1111N4 Aug' - ,P4111.'
• :04, tom t.* T
ntha .P
m IA p Y p
a i t
V a e d
similes oba Mamma. Bluonstorilla WS - Jerry,.
rmliitou mood he.lgh, Stull Ornamental
-Perm Ansi,salad (to volt by Irving gbalz oidm WILD th• gut:
•4• .
. k!
• , ' -
• •;, •
.. r ''... ... .....
Va Country Bthdenic,e* Fig „Sale;
PRE oubseriber klaid out ten cores
, Dato TWENTY L 0111,4111 will one kit or tbe whole
teat sera. T W ENTY
La 4IA Jai genre. on e vet titan.
bays. Cow MID and Toettlra Kum ad aOw on 1.4 of
Col, Win, /tains. on the rinethieatt, ao4 0 Jonah g on
ibe month. it has mamanding Ylewo of Allegheny ./
Yittabergh. and le atinitahly situated ler timid...
Mita Lend la In the highest rate of onitleattos; le le well
antrhiltod wath Grape Tine,. A pp . reach. ant (Diem
Ttaaa t aural te, antobbery. ae , from 10 to
12 years old. Huh Lot will have • portion or fruit Trews
on it.. THISI • very tut; ter timpanist., loquire•at the
. Lumber Yard OZ. on Blatt gavot near Want. Pitt.-
burgh. ijeadtti CIURLES WOWAN.
For Sala.
afiv ritt township, lei ibe Oty Dluriat, etsve the
muwreele 110,2151; boutidel by Morgan. Beithird,
in nr ”11111dita
by In teld District
tea, pen et ieud owned by thelete Stephen Wiley. dr.
eased. and tor c 0..., or authathen read.neee. it oct ex
wllect by eity be
eat seethe. le onatneudwa dallies; fel
view of the ...illlegbeny Valley. sod aurromadius
try. 150 ran ma be booaht tither to • wbole.or le tota
cult hutches... .5 Inasl credit will be etyma au Mt of
the humus. men ty: Apoly to
AJAX. 11. WATSON. Atterster. Glam.
mylitf 110 Fourth et., iinitbureh.
• Xcpiticant, Country Bea.
FEB:E subscriber. offers for wile that beautv
fed TR/ter OF USD on Oeal Mil, tamely CW3II.
P P.P. , ' rionnFe Fan. a na male.*
of e.1(1,0 Lalis, Zap. .It contalns twenty acres ( totlg
..17416 % .3o ~nam.ated o sith.forest
Tat,le a, • •
Tate location Osm an & one of Use mat extenalve and
baautPul clear in Wanda Pennaylvaala. and Pon. ,
wltithe twenty minutiae walk tout Via ctrl, placenta en
vantages Mt 1111.0101:111 t 11111111011.1114 Dr, ..T 4 .n"
tract orison in Ms market
It not win canna Oclore the fret at Pone, it will thew
be Ctirldwl into lots and acted at auction.
tare .•• , N 0.71 Fourth areal
Valuable Farm For Sale
SITIJATED in Cranberry township; Butler
toiutty, oottototlmt of MO aartso2ls iter•t o. which aro
laridtt gawl aan rau.n, sod the tomoludor Umber and
wood laud. tot. waft mmeed. and on the Dremleea ems •
to story. 111 Nom.. spoil Dan and out bulldmmu It Is
•histod ells. from Mot town Of Batter. 20 =ilea from
-Phlottursrk. bout 'I mlla ream Stautburgh. mad 236 :Wits
from tb• ZihncPle sal Ilttsborub 'Plauk Raul. Us It
am • him °moor I of .mplo. Dlma oNtm7 ter.. and
;Gomel goal Splits. of water. .arair t. •
aD29 Iftsoltle Bail. No IST fifth street.
To be Let..
IrIWO 'ROOMS, on the oeCond story, °Ter
to. Stat. Mutual lire and Marino Imam:Lae Con-
P.A,"eoltsble for °Mom Inpults of
.pleat Comer Fourth lAAt m ARIN/ I s ,
or Bat.'
/aßeitz HALL.—Thio :we 1 .known
sllnated•ovar thm Post Ofbon barlosva arkin
tad sod vary Manny. has hem rePtted, an/ by th.
armee/meta ler light. aa.. Is not In ell Mapeets Ter,
euffab • feaktlAncem of Panoramas nod •orks of Art
Peeerallp, It la Moo well. adapted :or 'Aurae/mum. and
other eublie meallem of Mletim, or Pr Capt./m.lml
a Intlons, au/elk/Antra meetlem,an. and !mum of reedb
um s. ran be mated 00 th e folloarMa molars. mum,
via: S 5 per dap. or $lO pePwatli;lneludint am , foal and
arm tom of a Janitor •
atn•-•101 bah wool! be rooted fora humor one nr more
Pearam the rateof Pont Hundred /sells. par annum.
Appll to of.VeAUX.
Third slog, over Ohre ilan,‘ •
ap7 or to IL Ib GAZZ tH.
• Desirable Residence For Sala.
rrIII; late resident:a of Jcinatban Kidd,
'4wesm•L4ctf.re4 fords, situated In • ...a
flca P.
of m 00..? CW7--tba main ortanaloo
of the water ycd aN pips eider l• gull mon cwalr.t••
Tim haus II • wall built two atm doable. bov.o. Toe
lot !connect MI wawa North O•unl atreek rain back at
Net, to labor, amok 004 la well Improved. Pala law.
swa Lama areatawbolakifut. APDIT to KB pr i ma.
splfitt • • L. WILC,X....
For Sale or To, Let.
situate at Franklin, le the couuty ct Venan and
.ff tete of`Peonsylirenet. whit% oreaurtses a Rolling RI
wrist 51111. Pea Factory. lame Store eel' Wakehouse.Ll
dwelhoff Scow., with Omer out-buildlocx wilt as con
eenient. cheap and eel:table li afar Power ea_ the Slate
can afford for the ohne Flatworm. Cool elthin 000 hatpr
or the Mill or good quality atd sufficient quaetity.
Also Out • stout dlstence /rem perhaps Ili b wit turesaa.
kor terms and leformllies inp ut of a 1/. Floyd sod
Janes Week, Pittshureb.sett sue 'ahem/bee at Freoirdso
Pr/ •, Las6trl It. LAM klitaTON.
Desks' ble Wl:part* toi Sale.
ASUMMER 'of very valuable Building
Iccta. dila...lag the Outer Depot of . the Ohio and
• Lai=,•=l =EWA ial - ='..= " 4• " t " fi:
on WPM..
Alao—• valuable uolmproved
Wor d the corner of lib.
erty and Factory M.O. Fifth Werd,opycal le the (W.
man Cathota March. BO fed frent v. Liberty. 67 100 fat
tee=artory. running beet toe igLelley.
e the= awry 41.v=1. Lion= on L.bolly
.heft. r 1 the whore, the lot be l
ab toad by
DM feet deep. me boom Ul rod courehloat. boll
modern Otyle,ead of
eleven rooms.
dleo—A Farm of 164 ay,. Lavrtancetuurdly. rallat
Loam New Pear. • • •
• -••• •
Also—Atm in Bun. co, of 'scions gm and
1.1.4. tram OW was doom
Yor solo On and on socommodoldng tenr&o3r4 at
• N. Lan O. /1. Car '
Attornois at._ and Rod UM. As
05211.1 f Yoarthstroec. Pittstnur...s.
For Sale.
MBE attention of.oapitalieta is called to
emanienidng at- the earner Laecok Meet, and extend
ing ovo r.l em.g timaa at....t towards Robinson etriwt.
by RA Poet In depth to a le het alley. Thio Property
b. Mad ollogoiher or be &f led into Lou of feet
front to talc nouninuere. II L boodle:melt eittudikl on
the main thoroughfare bet Iranian. two rinse. and in the
lausedlate vicinity of tto Depot of the Ohio and Fri:marl
yenta Railroad Cksinuony. 11 would be a mot dparabia
loadn for a Rotel. a Piano Halt or frr business bosun
with dwellingsattached. as this reaper* mama} will
.4.140 to value. and pay a: handsome menus on the
Improvements which might to map.- It It worthy of
attention,. Perecuis who wish to pzchair,_ase mutated
10 baUWaar Sc . tl POolse, or
[.Lett N.IIOLSLICS n 00101.
or Rent.
mIIREE'Store .}toonie r - With Dwellings at-
Imbed. ott /Market Emit. batsrocn Second and Thin!
stmts. I.squlrt of • (1 0 FLAISA DCZtIY V,
No. to Mud Amt. .
For Bale, or to Let.
WAREIIOUSE on liberty streak. En
izaknoo lOo.l7.l46ertistres w. 2 6
• • To Mt.
iacallent briok DwellinAltuatad i ra
Penn bet•rmn Warm • . Ttd•
• ono of Ile mom dedrabla Dwelling. In tb• atty.
the bows betne gce2 nnudr, and locateo la a&utet.
ano moor th• mod plemant loot of the city. Tartu
moderato nadnin an tn. Meadow dit
jalLtt . • JAMES 1). Zink.
•- Very Desitable Beal Estate.
HE, subloribani offer 'lir eale 11 14 sores
210rocuset, altuated • ast at liinerrrillo, Mtn:dins On
etnatt Palma Haal...Xl as tendlpe back 2212
12 a few yard. of Me Prborykranis . 241,/rmuL .Tab Pro-
P.M to lolgibh . EMMA. rug of same. and well 2orlbr
IL. otteutton at pm.a deqribli a emrreblent eanotrY
bmaloa. if nor .141 oath., It 0 , o•dowalll• na eta Wielded'
12to en/4er 212.1 late. NIL 2uUNCI
i " : , • 121 Liberty One.
Let. " • To i
. Clark. bekAiloJan stmst. WWI WS. , Mth
Amami . liad =until
or/. tdmtomi—
COW ands , tb, . bas home, losama ths rommth.r.
'fic.l9 Mark Orme. orIS Yam* Mmet. •
adMI ' I - - : ;J. L. RIAD. .
! .1 • Fox:Silo.
rpriVO ILOTS-40 FEET FroOtonßebecers
X streetittLaben - f:lrerere will be rude oury. Xtgialreirt
MAL J.Jlsl‘l4lPlt SUIPSYIiJt,
13.1 r , elue, Allee bro.) Cirl.
Drug... Stare for Sale. , .
1270 1 12;11. 1.1112 2112% ba.l.• • ssod.auPtaas eltab•
1w..2, 1. off .2.4 furs'. so 2••nrabl..imas—tt.• present
Rimpriator boning mad• anstmegoev. to ••••• to th•
oxuatry; •
1•10,12•or_. _ ' • R. 21/.1.•
jell • . • Mato Agent. 21 /MS •••••1:
A lIONIE in • eitfier eityroan ba - hltd at ex
/1i tran!!y !ow orle•L• OISE HOMO sad LOT Iv 114.
- TI,SN 4 «, ma LLT :I 110110 a
0 , ..T MIL Litho +IvaLU7B froa:lvv!
up. eater Depot of the. ENTOO.7I,Ig. Astir Oils.
1, J1 1 1?! " , .03oiaisraial ;AVIS WOOltoopet
situate on Bank Lal.lltrost, freed. 'ost t An..
I..4:aw4wir e atra. H**dbaft.4l`.
amintabl• TWO ' BTOILI KKR with Mrs oo .11
fpgatel:end trill 0. "W"' NCIAIMtgg
/a COaalornial Broken aslot
ILRUG ston -10 R . SALE—Mavidg a
good lod.u. alai a lain Orleefed la•OfOOMO Of
. grin te .14 at • berszim The fkono and sesta;
teg=4 " DrifLr o MlMUTtalWrbgl=
Satanterms. western ?repent s good loceiloa
'taken In pea pasieeet. umnite
' • Cheemereial elktarket street.
41{.0k: •011:r Aka LEASE.—The
.L 4 Lot of Oicand: attitaisat occupied by Jan McClin
ton Glottal/a, on Libart, strut. betocen CUM street and
Vtrain alloy, slit bc Wood lbr a tom of pears Oa= April
LJ • : 4"17 .1 6 0IIN IL trail It . ?Co. 63 Market '
3.27tt NOWT ROBB. Attorson at. •
hat Published.
- so *stomas of the Undo. Ulatory.Theolary. met Pht.
loerpky of eerfaht %Heard manolostioas (remit. &frit
NW. of VMSIII of ••rpirltkapolog,"“ktellum Wriurkg,"
•Tilysleal thren.ltistlOiNt? ao : .- Irlth Itlortretton• by
iV, U. .W . attlr t on. e;.. ; ted . e p ityr vtl 4 . cl o g! op i , o r i ell
the .ho 4 rfaiatel:. ' XIX bet: " oorl; •A C
moth 7 mom. • huge aboYfr f . of. tl . ye ' 'atote Work fart
reoq end for sob bi • •
:.101111 11..NICLLOIt. Bl Wool etreet.
favor of B. A. FAILVESTOC'd YEBllllll3oE—
anda* Bohai most W. waif the attention of cur
modem to th• oettlftete of Kr. John Ifertliord, in favor
of VainemonkU Vertoltnee.- The gretkman is well
known in ^
ignmegimunity. sod anything l n7OOllll be
Unarmßoanurink. Ji Oa Lnllmatlement Per the
Umiak of °them. I take piemarain Walking to kin 0000.
Stitt nuadtles of yaw basselniae. about Unt years ago
Ine attention soul Otst canal to It hy a frictd, tin officer
Mohan( km balks la likhrille, in wheat estimation it
wa• [ben a mandant atticim hawing owl it in his famil y ' Wveryratletwtur, inth very eatleteetore revolter lit Meade*. / took a Wai
Comm for on* of my children. rho had until then been
fto feeble 504 sublect to tuguent *loess: I he Yirroth
ogs expel/al a great rttobie. of Wotan. and th• child
athitwallevaumlat rammed good !myth.. I have knew
cneed it rem:their in my family Myrna% of JO. dimwit* of
chlldnro. 000 0.0.01,7 00th good effsei. ,
tonarksbta tan , in th e rawly as n ea r ration. r
menden In icuticulat. The child wa t about Mot
07 .ge , L. 4 elkwg Wen Donn attact.4 with
melon , Delon end..[ • aim tomitintioil, nontit Imo kw
MI of the 10.0. eitt,Atttri ree o 6llllthdtd . th. hitt et
•Dn. V•tmlfuse In the eue. ant la. the half al • Ilk
wbkh I was tahten bowie, with eltsntlani fer imam.-
learned ateenato tut the 00 014 mused an. imam,.
bulk itif large Worma—tlit numb, sua P•ttilotnEvre3asta.
In Anhwei Elmo, by ikons. ol tn. Venalfogn. thy We o.asecb,
and health bow. to Immorn. When teat naw hike
the rte =Wong nod tJelinf nerd.[ bregitlll TO IN To.
• 6n0rf.1r..61 th• noryjans of Gong., 0.011010 00.0100 n.
bike nu of your Wk./Whitt., ilealtroan.
IBLlkepanni and
tod. bA C ! I TTA C ;of iFllitig,
e iv.
PRO•ttEssou I . l . ll Altta'S
COrIIbUUUb. or Nfilknaed rotosnuod, for beautify..
Iva „,,,,,nll.l am pllnltning th e
. bat , own
brill ad, Dora. Cloy, rboommtsol. and at Union.. or
the rain. -11 preparation,. tba. ado of 141,14 ....p t . . 2
ono million of bottla aminallyoroold nem to mord no
advartlsoneno but saind ttmontoda who ottratuumoma
and ammo of IL h.lmg pnbably no 141 , • of tno anon
mans as rot of the Mull.o norm by Yroloroor barn. Ito
ittrad titranlib • piano otatimmot of lb. Inds darl•od
4 . 11 M toots. nod with .Uom tomitto hu oundrt and.
bratty thank. to tia lositmorsobay•trom..
,: ~
rt. Oaf marry , . on-coats oratoloo for. t he rar 11162,',
an• Chat'darind th at you about. 940010 , bon to Of Ma
Anambanna Tennison*. of; and that Um ou mod=
ofClou immune da/o nu nearly IlltakoCM
TM* pima, crurarniaboi IS a b•Clar comontary On
tbn 91,/ um of Mr ar . .131e than anything ito Intontor mold
rulf 11 taro not paella., In 141 /nod. ISDOn Um bale—
we. not invaluable as • bbourbon & famed, for ma..
tools., berm, shin dump., to.—iL would not, of contd..
n; ix
in donsand. Th• oromfar,, tW oohllo would boy WV. .7. ov a . bat Profonat Lamy'
no+ rolling it to a doom tat thanoarast lan mail
iaolovolres of hs O.4•Ms _ .• •
1.1.1 nun. how.. unlc442lOatiled ibeleale and
4u. atm.tranblatar rod :li7 trod
ihrougbont Ufa anltorifabitod Von Our.
arilm, dram Xrimik 44404:•• moart inuutik
~ ,..,,.,,.:. • ;77,-:.-41•::::;- ; :..,,,...;,;. . -...
,r;,.:: - ;,' . .1.7:.7.,::;.-• ': • .•!i,. , 7,2•••• ,•.-•i*,--..',-
Pittatrargh,:ltaysville and Oincinnati RR.
Procrealsaritl re-alr,d "et tr. OFF:O2 t. e• e
IYITFCUROU. MAYSVILLE. AKE EBI4 EPAI).= ICenuoelleville. oral MAUD= .fr ULT. Ls clop
o RALIJATIONabbIIASONRY of El,l 1,3 e or Maul tab ut
aS "'"- Nave= th. Munnion ricer au/ she Yea.
I• eamed.
In O ds. aloelbg polar tea'ner.l.oe, will be nue.rei Ica
the oho!e or •hr another = rectal.,
runs crd sp.citterin.. will be read/ for or...Jar-L.'
alter the 10t1 Oar of July. •
The Aleferro tween tbe ut sul.lontre
rivers will be offered for contract a> tan, a tb>d . !beau=
31'Coanellerrtlie, Jaele 4. 155.1.
.1 . 61.11/V1L0 . 3 Mow. 01 Ito.. JIMe 18:4-1
rkiHE COUPONS dun fires proximo, on the
70 Marsh sad Ylenleorlll. holnrod. ll I* Coed
DUNCAN. 00111 LIN in CO.. HetOtro , 4/11
%lhaao-0., OA.
WILLIAM A. MIL CO. Banters. 11 W004..L.
on or after' noon do. to the hear,, nu deonsod.
The In ado are .I.tal 10th NO/OMb, Ihp. doe2ononry
11153, and are numbered from I to Is° Itiohoolre.
order 11 the Boort!:
WILLIAM A' Treasurer .
Pittsburgh, Maysville and Cincinnati RE.
Prorooda will be rerolv.d at the ENGINTErta
I'PICE rfina rltLhurglt. itlaytelllo az oi etntiflmal
rowa,.la MoOUNNELIBI4/LLW, untliyhe TIT al‘llitTll
of Ilan Uwe of toad (about 3a aec.Lat) oa/toren the mug
kluituna river eat the (Letral Orl. uaUrw 1.
th ßur hol reel.
slur nowt. , lestonon are rteeirel far
we or number or anott. • .
(Una sand rip any vitratiora will Oa At re t ady for etanaloation
Tier July.
DelonLeto.. the. Mo,kinguin, and llorkYoT
tin,..!) ho 01f4red for oonlraet a• won a , the
If RunkaT MACLEOD, 01.31 hi:Linear.
Ilte.Ynotllrtillr, June 4, labs.
je . Tbe Alloiret letting ia postponed until in.
TY/xSTIETII DAY OF AUGUST. The 81 . 01,116:10.1.S wit
ookly tma day•
. 353.. DUD64T ISACLEOD, 1I ef Engineer
Office of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville
:Railroad company.
Fll,9—The Steoltha , or th. CITTOIIIROU AND
hrsonnviLl.o ItAILROAO Cutl Copy a. te e
tided that a' NP.E.NAL ChT4 a 0 or the 9 o.heoldur. of
aaht °mosey •111 ba held an F11.1.021Y. the I.Sth day et
Jule at Pg block la t , e lateen n at the O , FICI, 0 -
Ttlft:PlOlNlCali oraald I:amour.)ot. , of orant Ere. ,
mud Dlatonad lo the city al IT •O JSCH Will. to lake
into can. deratl o the propriety of to the Ca fie
Stook at .414 Company. an & also. t. tn....tau - mbar bust.
ten Importahee reld Comp -De. ,
Be order of the [head -nt sal ar of Dlr.ctere:
jp9nd . 4111AILLW , IN A YL. , 11. Storetary.
Dividend Notice
Alloaheitr and /Butler P/atala Road.
THE i'teiddent and Alanager of the AL
LEanurtY Avn POI= a In.asil Roan hare 11 , s
de, deeNtred a Di , IDaNit toe P‘illit Plitt (.31.57: out in
the profit. el veld Boed roe latt pis mint:, no 5030
Nhare es the Nair LI ok ot sad Comm • . oOnnlch he
lan ann'ottl n retl on or aeiere the tir•t er Janiivy
Lea • Tolle orelltad on th. b•4lte of the Company.
13 ...lora( the Rae:
JADES BiIEDIN, Secretor.,
DI tier. Jul 5,1853.
oIIPANY'Ot West Haw Tort.
DVF:ro , ! ;
Mts.. P. Sentl-n, Llarver V. , tter. Ileurr
A. W. Toll. rttlap II Dome/ Nlchglee &coke.
NLI John S. Lettettm.
Inners stralnot 01 , 404 the area h.trloni nature:
se- Drench ens. Vtf.h etre.-
11118,235 t It. )I••LAIN. A coo'.
Northern Protection Irumrance Company,
Camden. N. Y.
, •
. CAPITAL, $200:000.
LYMAN CUP.TlB.l.'Preal.lont.-.-9. Carmanta. Secretary.
Itt ILL. issue Policies against lore duru
v • so to, Fire on Belldtrove and Cod, cootent, salvo
On the Lull. and Cargo. of hoe aro and Ca nal Ikeda. on
thermos* favorable terms.
MI Immoo •
c...t t .
. 1 1n^.111M.d.t
1 7 Mad st this Moo. .1•47 CURTI b. A..t.
owner Wood sod Win ettretS.
4.24) orfr rat-lets d Yokel:de Ilsoliog Moro
Remiselaer Insurance Company, Lansing ,
-' • _ burgh, New York.
JACOBFAME. Pykdout—...-.3 kora LwOar.y. Scorotazi.
CIIMITEILID IN 1836--CaPITOY, 203,000.
THIS old , and well established Company
aat biepaial Wu. ?0ffa1..., by thoty ad
k ado of liloa Moto Oa the moot fayoy•blo tom, Tho
Prompt Payment of It. Loosesslorica the osweatoon roars
t It. youtionooey, totattle/root tyt rtri! , ine
• 'alias to effect comet a
daZo J Cr11:11'. cheat
°atonal Insuranco and Roal
• E.tau spent two b..ronsaf led at Ible Ogre.F
Pittsburgh : and Steubenville Eailroad.
SUE subsOriborn to. the', capital stook ot too
Pitttooticla ar.l Staabonsillo It-R. Co. Inv, burst,
tot fled tato tn. Tteantryt•lls north instalment
of too dollars par ?bars. on or, before the let b--oauber.
SfrOTes ' e s h o =ls ' il,=. ° ,,.7 -` ge o la t ,Vr n ttet rt
stook saboartbod fro. has taw ka.d.
aurae: *fake 'Warn of
WILLIAM AI, WM, Trac.nrer.
Ikos.,,rft's Mice, fit Wont .nrtat,
November C. ltsl. - I spZdf
Notice to contractors
PROPOSALS will bo received radii noun,
the 201.4 JUNE. f.r t'. GRADUATION sod MA
90011Y of CO. FRANKLII4 AND 1r AttriEN ItAILcOAD,
lxt•odailC from • Wine on 11, owls= boats 111. Of <MO.
aths /wanly of fratoboll. to Ashland. Afhland county.
Ohio. • disnalrEor ahlot ICB ml so. Toe Lae all ta
re•dy for examination Juno 13th. For cArdou Woo, apol•
atthe XnAlnesit.. ilhon. fonnkiles. l'ortoss county. .11,10.
Tba TOCUiliillli dlinane• of C • 80, , ex telktli.ff fr...
Ashland tol:/iytott or hl•r”.•1' sstlhlo. nth NO read sin
• short than. , N. 119 , T. Pro. ilsot. W. A 91,1:8.
Balf.r.l 11. Kasai. ehlefla N.*,
Fran. lln. 9100 19:1E183. Inf./Mil
• Notior...
LL PERSONS arol hereby sautiobett
111 asabaatparcharipa. or tmottlattou fax a NM itlya , ru
by Ma .d. of a. B.A. to. Lc Twelto 11 , 41111.51
atut T•111Dollara, Pat. Yea. 211 , 1853. payable 4 blab..
attar data.alth .taytat.4., pay ant bat Ito. st!Pbett,
aali Note baring been lb& of at 00.
atbSattf PA/ , MATTUEIVB & CO,
• • . Nate .
CON t SEQITENCE haviug sold our
Purnue. to tb,C4mbria Iran C.puoy. lbw partne--
.1a boratobte ita Wing untor tbe, brut t.t Stiltbl4l.4-
oElt & Us LI Ora.. Viltllte,, 11.1 alfu tee partn.,
ebb &Plating .14 tb: bray of &lb() PUUENBIEROYR:
at tkobria Para.. are both 1111.1.4. Thit butt....
1.1 beoattled up by lb. map... at the Fur..< abil
Otto.. aro sot... 10 pie the - namay of
the mac.. At .ii Sa, av Up.- bum o
' ()Ppm.. P. !VINO.
P. Ellub:ißlttlUtitt.
Marettl, 1133. , laybattf 1
ita RI F. RAM& has been ailmitttil- a mem
tar of totlr Erm, todst• lot Jaensry,l , ls.l.
C0LY..1140. lIIM&MAN & CO.
retmary. 1 . 1; I&SL fele
IHAVE this day purchased the .Stock
and Altar. of Aoosi Zorkleo ne ),Ell ST4ItE,
art ntroot. JokSOPII CILO.PIiAtt:
• Pittotwoh. l'obrnan . 12,1. te23
'1 H E PartanioOtp of 8. Robiocm, S. /I.
,Pohlioni. sod 'Moral Little, heretofore addoe
soder the 4141 •ed •of Itollltdv. LIVYLE e
tat day dlalleed by metuttenfant. the Bahl Little
with/Malta froth rad time the bathe... rat ,
tiara at the tame Olen by it hold eo end h b A..flithu,
near theiltrut and style of K. Itobloth • Co.. oho are
duty authorial to arylve. 'settle. awl mina all debut
dhow . beeotalog Ode to told aurolI.D1•00. Little i 00..
Sod to mettle and hay the right./ of the Nape:
P. 1t0111309,
.8•111101. B 0011100 K.
• •
- . ,
• •• • •R. Robison & C b.
IarIiOLESALC roi3ep r Proilace Donlon,
V 1 ' and oc..oisisloo !41/ taboo.: de-.
PM/thatch. ; ' tale
.• • •
• •
rth L : yrioatto il ly 6 tor h tss °f . e il r fin geed,
11 14 .-
111 A 74,1314:, 'was clleselfti by m tit eoretot,
lb. Lt instant. Doll partlva,..l 1utt...0l to, and b.• lb.
Acme of Lb./fru, unliFttl•
Is folly wool.
„ , • L V.ILIIA tat'.
PM/burgh, Jun. 5,1853: A NuuLr.
FALIE Pillabtith City Mills will hereallsr
sondo - ted 07 the un&rsiened. 17.0 , 7 the Ina of
1L51.1,17711 • L 17LL510011(..
r i. : Co—partnerehip heretofore existing
Wow". thontoarlbers.ander the
tairot ol DAIWZI.
0 tt .4 CO.. ou db.:Piled on the It ntt., by linsi to
tlOn and nos e tooomnat; ether tortno, It staborLool
to ato It. It tbo Illot In mottloanott.
. . lIZNILY D. ILUtiT7,
i, . • • TtiOg. J. ()AMON.
.. ,
' •
sx JA bi tis MEB liosli
• , '•
• Bald:mot% July 1.1582.7j711
irlE eubooriben Inive fora:lad a Co-Part
ar.hip and •111 continuo the Wh010010Gi0..47
oolong, at the old otand. .der the drm
Bolthoooo.July 1882:—/TO
lIE perizerehip heretofore exieting hi.-
- • Diawintlonm
Omni l owtombarod. ncder the Olio of
t.lnaldboo...urooorsaudtkonolal. lierchaute.
area dimuleed• or mutual einuntst. on the 14th of Wtch.
bottoms aril. be motioned by J.lii Willionie.ot their
twiner Wood. W 0.121 Wood newt. rho a - duly duly so
tto:lV to male up the outline of jb.L t io l t v a i
. la
.Pittsborgb.loril 1.16.53.
. lerln retiring from the boaitiets t I tiNio
rocommodlog to the !rico& god pabooo of.
ttut lour aim Mr. Wllitatoo. toi getaltorm gooliadd
to ittorlsroa. with. promptness au4 Oddity: othatoTor
bottosts U Intrutta CO tag Pro. 1. 3 '
. SS • - JOHN HAFT. 21‘.
. • •
. . ..
- -
iIC.HE PARTIiYIRSIIIP hinetofota exik.titig
between tbb nod emoted. slider thesfyle, f W. s.
btu LIMO A (Al .. termiustsd. by basement,. the brit
day of Kush lot, The business teal -b." f sou's:f.'s so
hsystotors. by W. A. McEntee. to LW own ex,ssuns, who
Is anshoEsott to WE. Co the Dulness of cb.. NW faca.
W. A Sfe , `l.lllW,
' .
' PEtsbursh;Aittl IfejbEl. •.. aEontiv E. 11
I. 14
• .
. . ' ' ' CC4iittaership; - -
IN T HE undersigned.. have 'this day ora,rd
Intel 0 , -Pertiorahln. nmee the nameen& ntyleof
Um AN , HANNA:A' 4 Di), for ch. wave,. crtn , P ,,,
ic, a 'carols. Alltilat lrussr,o, ha O. citror Altestmu).
• JoIIN T. lANIAti , ~__A Da_ ,
, • ROIIHRT T. 1120,ti.
Vii: 1,142 tty,. .
. . H. cu , Lne.• ' •
A Y. C1111.D3 .
.'LIE-NRY 1.. kitiriumz. .
• unsilhodo, Allegheny catz, 'Hoe hr
12 , b,1161.
no...7Ostaltf ,
l'haie thin day aeaceiated with me, inihe
07 acn, JAM:s U. pallittat, ender PM a • Juur
Pascza 00...
Yobrnary 1952.1.41103; .
- - ---
TO ttie Publia.-
r g irllE NOTIOS of, the":Diedolution - ef tl4
. sl o ikodkia z
y . It J p o q arrneet, 402 Co:In th• uominagn Lris
U* 7101.41/ A dlooluttor s Mitr.9atd. al U* dCr lAen whoa 4...ntaktr - - 1 -ortiria'.r. '-.ioturpaAi . au-
EeroovaL- - - - •
pi/ARLES E: LOOMIS hes removed
kdari. lady berdrbra br WIDEW, • 041.0 1 ..0-10
o• 1•11 IRMO, Mahe UMP &Nat of rlrlsborstr. .
I. ,
' 6A.02 YOVE ICE,
Burma's Patrit!Water Cooler.
WE ara Law prapored to OtLraur liteads
T and onstometi a suorrlar article or WATER COOlo
• Eithof onthe row-sty. and ot
:trod[retherd motto Tbithr. ids
e remit of oho aprlleahon
• .) priociyieo ClP se ove r
t DOth
•• MOW. Tie ro k•rx. water
The Prommtor heo l ' OnLerytt7ll
A El, The
to this partiostar
x • -dor duireoLle economy, and
r,;llg Mord one improvement to
abetter, hne , ae.leb“h. arriord to
or bereeeiktz sr icy It to
ti t I ' garb. • proof of this le teat] An
the eery • throat -too of those
goo • uft.—•_,.: - et. lo art. of the obontrY• A
_ • te,,,ltsma Slatelpent rf De. in regard
to thew) Coale. will sn-Solo etrory
ono of Otdr m6pniority. Vide, they leset the thly article
of the kind me, pvcrt(ed. They men funisbrd yoth two
tilothmo-oonvonduoting elm:ltem. by taws nf
with two pogo& of l to Cut hallo, Inver is kept at •
toetherature-of OP o
three son, or 0 0 from ironing (all
day). T., at a motor Some:three cents ter den a ami
ty 0 orOloary , vie can ty thltotootly IMMO.wI with water
cold no lee to elf: lon, &Cob , . lo tho eon. Wsr -
This Com Web fou g nt by actual ehocriounsh On Fro oe
0 0 0lou of of least FoeCnt,-(lrf pet rent. &or the earthen
lam formerly hod for th tuto tw o,,
Arnim d tMolete oserybamr,./n this say taring
moth uoneeekori .r to aryl tiouble •
Rehm tuthafertored the moot worlsomidike able.
nod handoomety bolthel tn erfry Mere.. thy took, •
Noun,. ern rl. dining room hot.. dleamboat.
An important looprooomont has lately Mon adds to
the Cook/. TIP: 1.411 von Mepoble of bolding from Ms
to oiubt pound. of butter)
:I le
Mooed, and. ore
env,. Ohio WI unity of locator eon to toots rte, thy bard
or. .4A , ad.l.llotal irt: '1,17 important olditlug
te,. be ...Nu., vnJ coo style:f • Moldy.
L dodged. the Cr.!, tau earn be. lorpldied g • Smolt
yawns. with a PILTEILINO APPARATUS, which ferem
the ntPlittolme ut impurities from the
older, trot:orlon it terfe•tly Moab and w 001...,
tine Ira Iftr
KENT, lot l4•Etetbauttis stittoto OLNOINNATI.
thr Rotolo Pittsburgb by •
t O la KE b e L t Y e ureo3m str gandbr , t
.Fos.', D 1 and 00 Third street,
ti RESPECTFULLY informs hie
friends not:coon that he has just completed
hoe spring's.. which It dechiedly the for
root rood Waterer °Erred tor his in tide thy, which ern
coothol at loric. as low as eny in the Unit. State.. Estrl
n A. be I( deterngued to uphold his stook. with
treamel onstOriele, boa workmanship, 'and dewest 4,
'duns and fiotla the ostont of hie orders and belay to
mouth! orthrfug, he Is ouablal to priduce .warrauted
Vlllthi/ TURF. at the lowest pin.. -
Ile has adopted the principle of Identifying the author:
or's :thereat with his ow n i l¢ 00001107 and price d X.P.
Cwoys on hand Mrurea.* 'Variety of every tleacripboo
of Yorultothe.frona thechrapertpad plainest , to the most
of nod cootly. that a hod., or any part of out, mei
'au furl/rhea Nom htm stook, or mwoLecturrol exp.sly
:o era., Ti.,. following artirl.lwinsiet in part of hi. at
•rtmoot, eh., for 00000,4 of style and on.. osenno
eurperrad In any of the resterb :idea
Lows XIV tate,s, tae 3obst
Lai Aufas In Ploth and Ilthr Cloth:
I.ldodo yen thah
Wal ogony Chaim o nut d
o gooS E tholitht do oh,
wo..t .
, 42 , 02031/ Mow.
10 Walnut do
PO Marble top CoutrnTablea
10 de Dretimg hureene
30 do Washstand*
00 bolo.* ' do •
Ps/ Common; do
133 Ploo to D.A. Dumas,
e 5 .I.attegoay llesetes.le:
10 Wein do o
E 5 Cott:._ do
pro Ohtrry add Poplar do.
itehogony Warthribea
10 Walnut do
30 Chorry do;
10 Nolo Enidath
10 ninth* and 11r.kfest Tallaa
Sarre ..,and Hooka.* •
7.0 ha. Caw Seat Chthret
11 Can. Seat !ticking Chairs:
11 Ladle? Writing Darks:
Nat and Tosfel. stands: Whop:Var.
1:0;00!»f,;; Popes Math. Tab.:.
•ca Corrootrootlon Chabot Pembroke do t
• o.!boctuos4 Hall an * Pia do:
:toothou{do' • Ledlos .
Arm Ex
dr, Ott tension Dining t rahl.
end Chalw
'AP.. • larail oeeurmani of Common Yunnan, and
tilnisor chairs.,
cabinat matt. euPplis4 withertialea their iluel
the thalwate thul Noble forttithed at the .honest notice.
4 41w:ern Pro:aptly attended tot. • .hit eoth
Tl tho Ro,ldezz of the Pittsburgh Gazette
il:UBLIO !ATTENTION is respectfully in
070.1. to the folio. g triattos, est fto th In ithetron to
one of the roothimprrtant nlaiildie. et modern tins.
sth - PhOLEINE OE SOCK '011.4 It la not more than cow
Yeeraao ;VS great temed=rought twthra the
run sl= n at r-th,
that.t. Kmiec it Is tried the
moron at
ett. will its greet fame exoboad. tis otht the root
eoly ef • day,.init up for the sole llithoiwof Mall. WM./
bob one "Web... conc.. will coo.. to be und when
noothums bare boo , n
In The Portliest. Is
s.NatUrSI a
wooe r In th e dot. of the earth
ty we. and wooer that laughs too isoorn all ham.
1000 M. lt Ls o. duty. when we write about writ
clue. that we wt. the truth—that
of my nothing calero
or who
he tr.t ottr word or Pc: covet
dantor in or stalthuants. The rick are tern
' pt to catch at
Itothing that; prom.. rellef,from dho A Cory ass
lomdly be too highly wnrughtla answer the otheet of soil:
leg or hountrothtinx ewe. el.. Now , to dp not desire
to do thoe: we ere ans.. orM. that the truth trireLetlon is
cur reused, rhoUld be told. toothier to won. for it are
fth ethweding any sinthe
. .rush in the mate. Mel.
Plain Unr11.1...M..4 Cacts—lket• that oasybou.setalna .
our 0077 ghborhOW.
ample teat:mow No fa.
of the Petro/eon.
. Wallis the poi. two ...La two of our own
olth were tote.. blind. have bent motored nd, toditot. Fie
oral ..4a,4-f.f . I . 4lttleees..lo the atatio of Otde, hare ben
earth. - And Mau th.rese of agouti.. thibaror
Thoth are oche. hot... are ca.nor home. end isal
to witermol to hi any per..e who have doobt• on Meth.
fem. awe. wen 0.4 , 111 d after they kd hew ehasciar
by thirsts:weea hoyelmoth The Potrolenm will Dym
Leaowd acooltilna• to dtheetloos—Lthisrhaw Dysentery.
kthethistuan, Nana Nearaigiam Eruptions au the Skin.
thrust. on Moo bee. Chronic Ito Eyes, Ringworm, Tette,
Meld Rwd, poi. ho the lioness.] pinta old ... Claire.
thow Ono, clocalle Coughallehrna Nthnahitl., and all
etforalons of a nat., buil. to oto.
Sonethathropthroit. . . •
..13.11.9 and Maths. *Lowusie th. JP..., and Klioars.
- harped liensbo Cseoefeted Nlppt.a tens and BOdcm,
la taro it is • dairy .must tenor, and has .n filet
t oo
tas/.0 of the *bora dimeaosiwithin the peat yeararlth tit
roxrat a.... Caret.. that will astrodsh are
the iothdo of the povprietor. whowill take plea.. in show la
ire them to Lb. affieMed or their tr..
thhoksrear .1' Ohm. their rodkin.. 'LA
Petroleum ts the ...test Remedy of the we. Phyaelart
et theal ...the Is the proftwalon are tevillining to ane
fn thothprwtha. :E.. who at P. looked au with doubt
sal torrertarsty .4n willing to well It dna praise.
wirldarationa Beth. another year roll. round. all will be I
an:polled auknowledge that tile Petroleum Is the groat
t.ot mseloothe ere, Itissersere.t. For este, whale.. awl re
,t, br EKYSEIt MOON EL.1..110 - tic** st.
sla•-•Pi IL.
reline, Oct pot* t
D...1*. Ct.., D. 1.
:11. 0 44". 4 10 .
endt.h..l. apaa.. Wood and Ir. Cr.
.os. , •
MILL nramillEClNO,
20 . =4.. 1 ZP tamlif ar , d, orp.r. SW.CAJteki dna
(aeratedNeaten/It on burl and twat to order.
Bent ter Etlirtalm: C l / 1 4 , tOlcZi .sort oottee..7reura
.Itorr etee t tALOLd end Bohr stock, et my on menus
f Le/Orr. wroulatedittet eutlitY, alwa n or, bold st the
er i ll g ert i rt en B gti,
Pick. torso, Witsi, Ca;. ant %it flroarro t tart Ireti
Proof tee. /*stir, I , ..ictur. T. Of. b‘fa.
.1..1• in.,. Breath Barr Mute Pholtiers. • saperi,
e uosl 4 6.11 gf tbelora milts In dm Bea.—
Tiry son deny well- Mill tut suit slit [tat 4 ilk
aut.L. clot bemmo dull the rase ran b. reue•Li
by trar s ttoo Lb. Burr. W. tomes • Ceara:4e tkut rue
of the Attest ltioortut Icithe West. trade orther
DeraMobstt icor tO bur bacihills.
In Our Hllt toa at soar B
are dumb',
,11. L;.
'4+Fet oat r'd lYthrr.""o ".
All onbr•
wAiI,Ac,C3II Llbray.
Pittsburgh. rib.
PasrE, SKI; siEDlL'iT&ii LOZENGES.
, 111; subacrii . ,:cr takoi this method of in.
loran-.,t ht, as nal dtia. r9bee maternal.
that be 054 evntl,o-Vlrolik tale awn., of yit arad Fithnu
wince - , to the .tare. No. aye SlertrtltntO tan., pear Be
vcuth. Idlers Ipo examPoue the_ uanaulla.pos of hie •
celehpaed knave dr Coarse. the latreassou demand far
el4ob L., ant , 14, Lap to annul ht. maanfaetanag
abeam:meat. The Intnuat will Le put op se hentotan, ha
tau mann. of O. nab 'Pal SD. tla painter*.
rim am-taloa of Mug:an, Coofortlamate, Urtnen and
above, la alto callnal to tan beauty and (mann , of too so b.
knees's altallasted anal ratan Lamina/40f thloh ha Pas
al all than • loargelnllo9l7..ll.olliiii HIM to fullall adders
pith apnoea.* and dampanhe TO. ilaidleatad axe:
Juoaw. bloat.
raTa a uTt l ela•
it„ r e, lna, Carenn. • robin,
retaausalut, a)plu • Asiduland Tole.
Pahl black Currant. ,
!The Fuer Lonatrate ne a.
Modulated learaoll, Pep.rmhat, fraoldulated EOM
Oaparrav, Wintergreen. roahenla
geed, VlmilA6 • I.l.lper,
pant. Larnader, Clove. Ernmary.
Cloacolate. ' Pineapple, Lion .
All or whieh the pin non Parrnitato be and* at No.
lartleler.elthotat anat. the dant Loseag.• Amnia,
;h1 ll.—Alao manufettuvir of tildarlrlard 1.1414111110
114 T Y. 4 rtilnd INATOK.
. -
. .
All the We.. lOthili.) an mannfaatond In boturnts
ia....stntl nit!, Kritat ears. , J 1111.4. D. ILE/4121G. :
. I/n.9 i , ,
. ,
_L., ; ‘,,L WA I Roos, ollsoignir ditto eels protnietoo
01 me,. =o u t no end keesencial =wining, sod alto
the i uremia. of rho zelegatsd lustruoient for lataiLan the
boons, In •efferting a cure or Cluunlo dlseage ' rsen ens.
Itiat culluent . .phrelcl., Doctor . Vb.. and ie e
totinstont uninkaity of kinne/IreOldfoe thltr
be e ,. ouseued tha Invabion db.
orre, and the opolloglon of remedies Own.
T..lroitelt the use of ble lutattog tUten,lneonneetlon altb
ht•'Ptvybylaml liyeap, and other of %groins:Hoe, bo bu
liddetui AD nose:elided d 1311.11.1 in . =nog atsditzl
and Intel oralsdle , ri Toborroolor • OonsoPoloo. Csio.•
Scrotal.. Rhoinnatlnn. Anima. lora and Asine, rf
all tiode,l'hroolo briell"elar. and all those obetinato die
to.femeler. erg) form of Werner
Yuileholltudn• the urs of We ternedlos. to whlrh but:tent
frt.; heir.ner bj tbeesse of one, compound gar, for that
l'hyrlolontgl Law, , but br UM - aro d
hi, and orisciribed for, each
turn, of &erg.. • • • .
Dr.itose's Toole Alltrell. Ms, when neon. an Retitle"
kir let norlol urn to be el/strict' to all °than • scons•
the "leer iIINAMISNI 20 at , •Y the bonen, ;Mr
A4O). frro ecialtiorsA so oleo-We (Joann Pills angle
=hied, br the faculty; to poise. s o ooliu
04 reatole digger, but bolos eatielled that a bare trig
Ls senirlont to establish erbst has ban laid, la the =huts 01
the meet . •
1. saline* are Invited to 0 all leon•tlee anent. anf pro!
bo, (,nals) .71• of Doctor's pamptileta, piston •detelli
.1,50 nt. 00.0b.nsraull nerd Ito applleation.
For solo by the whoa log ciente, ae ail bream% drila
;eels ibrou ono,. Dui country,
J. Schoooloaksr 4 C o., 21 on. fittebtunit.
.1.. y. I....mad,Drdagtst.4s:llark.t.St.. • • •
L« A. llgkhant.Druguler. near the I!Oirbofig. Allende
laeph 17 11 ,4eil v ini i ton, nrpi •
r :
T. Ad Toad
0c0...t . ..... !' 4
anglidlY ' • 2
" •
.1 - 11.?TY.E,E. el l PL l 'Pti , A i liTt/111 7 4 . 112 14'° ! 1 4 1.N t
e I, mr.oth ' er largo . .l4llan to Us euttatt..Xortm:.
of WIT°, Pins .rott ,
. 14,ittry
11,4 , 21110 Csmot.n. • ~- ,
' '' .lanex-IN th.rpote;
. • pan, pas.l . chrse•Dly C.T.04. .
• • bup.4llos tbro,Pl7 0.1.11 •
. . .Ipapare. IVir.ll , o.l9•tg
4.43f;-:Dstru'ut . Viefilu.,Catpait l"'t 1 ! " 13' , " t !'
• • '...71.1 7 It.. t , j
(Itenlll• l3 ;l44 . . l"r l i''' 24 " etl i t:4W i r .
1 .
'4 W 3 , : , ..' " h" . Vontrir.l
: ~. . ~....„..; - , • Taftel hair
. ...
' ... ,'..r.
Coro., Jut li;a1111. Its tenor 4'4
... . ' .All 4 C. 1.01115. of ail . 14th. mut . ...tbs.
Law. o.lClottiL i . . 11.. kobaok Dlitliev
• , ! I VIVLIVAIIII.TIL. . .F!l P''"3"4.4 -
. - - Zablo Uri
i' 'aloe or Um IsMit Wad boot dufgp.. j . 001
2" ..r o " nrAtlgr i e r.l att Ng
.- .. " 9;
tostiftSull its
avg.: v . :Egnit {p b anaille ..
or ;lour'. bullat oflpsk i d itc. L .
, 7;ikt - gf;
~.,: , ~r;,,;~.
aggago ßgigrd ..
and-after 1101c1jAY next,"May' 16th,
Xfithe EX I RES3 TIWN altilrarethoDeyottnLlbertit
siroyt.eyery morning at 9 o t eLyit. stopplazat ait. the remy d'illone g.
op-the ROW], awl arriving la Phltageltals
themotl ...eating at Liarrislayyp
IN the baltt,mars t CWI.4II4IIMIIPI t Railroad. arririag
Rahn:a:re 101 reelect 1.11,
The monad Mail Trait will Dare the Net aTerr
'tro et IP 35oDicek. storming at all the regular Stattonagn
he Doti. end COI atistino at narnatnren with U .-A t ri
Dr Baltimore, arming lir Philalslghly, or litltbtorta iti s P a
o t ialoartlia next evening. .
- The AaoMPlation Trait will Isere every - after ts-aD
5 . 13 ..etta - X.stgrPlagost all reavier atatione,:amd
.1 . 7 • tar a. Lat-otp.
Fare to Philadelphia SOU. Care to Matta:tors 37.
Thy 7`ast Exproes [Narita PhtleJelphla at 7 X
o.e. will aril.. la Pittsburgh at TX Y. r. The Deli
bxvlng Philadelphia at 7 teelotk I . Y will array. in PrA
urgh the naxtraiornlng at 33C , Pelocx
ett-pcoinodatlon Trate wili %leave Latrobe at f 7 5.9
uptabrlia in rips:Xi:U.9h at a a. W.
Baggage that-lied' te an, 3tathirt on the Penntylya - ga l
Rallroad,and to Ilsithatra
Pa.:rivers will prayory their Tickets at the flailrrtal
Meet a the Depot In Libras-- streel.
J. Arent P R/t.
Donbas—ln Ctlle of Des. tbe Roux paPy will iiool tre to
otlig,tapensitle for perilonal Leggett. only. and tor.o
amount not •tregling tout hagirgi dollent
NirtlOß—llsusra. X.'t J. Ilrbeltaithal. Omnibus Tr
hh ti o•
Dieters, lases been employed - to peneo
ert a7al
"Pt. the Deptg. at • char.,. not C0123,ra
contester oath pasPeuger. god 123‘ cents for sigh .
pun, •
DR :shunt,. Ilay 14,1333. mTI4
. Ohio aid Pennsylvalua• Raiload. -
as a
;=:,,.„ 1 •• •:••=, •
Meta' Arrangemint the Neu, BrightonAccommo
: dation Train,
L MEV TRAIN fur inuottnor artuteem rot. will
1. , '" Now Wiiihtiin at 7 A. 31"etitt mob olttshoruli
11.0 A M. It will tease Pittshurehat 570 P. M.. end
roaah Nov Ilriatithu at BS. The soloed Train will rut.
th rettifore; leaving Piltaboreb. at 10 A. M. sod Now
titlghtuo 100 P. 11.
Quarterly Tic kohl for three 'trains. will be Bold at the
Ilrwtuy rrda<«l rives; between elttsbure Avid Co:orti•
VI V , Vie Vi th aft k e V I UI4 teTike ' 2 "' ! " Boob ; 1 0 17e5 L 1 I74
'melte:4A. eh. titer arid Nov Itrigoouti e..u410 . • ' Th• lob
ate le be 1.10 for lo •traitat. to he titlet tip with the
'n.m. at the nrehawr, sod to be
to If rranoferred
to our other hero.. tattoo. Tubote 101 l atlormer rate,
And :tooLoster and New Origin:ln Earwig= Tickets at
Ye • Tidom apply to 000. PARKIN, Ticket Araut.Lut
the al httot H. W. 14/B a 14Te.
MI 4 Chief litietteer and filmarloWodent.
. Xictiipan . Central. Railroad Line.
In connection' with the Cleveland and Cineinnatl
RR. Cleveland and Erie R R., Cleveland and
‘tatiburgh it /2, and Miaigan Central R. R !
IDASSENGERS will be ticketed - through!
g dram anv vadat on Lake Michigan to , Clervelant,l
Cincinnati, ritteturgh, Pt itatelphls. and adduct, and
ft= ..ithere - rtrose places to say point tat Lake .11 , chigan.,
kiA QI.EEt It. P. EVAN..
laNaLentr —Cot J. It Bows..
A brat will leave Cieveland Itr Octntt, Sad
Cl,velaa. every evening at 6/i o'clock, arriving a real
city in titer In retract with all the world an Trwne Ead ;
a eat, or rout!, and With the L.k.c hurerirr WWl r t
float, Mc Linn Beata Mill leave elt,a4lll LA the Ilk
Inwicd order: . .
- • .
31.41 r QUERN.
yA\ Q'~NR4,
_ . . ...—..—..
01,1 T aaArri).
Mare tr...
fromCievelamt , to Chita... Is mull , the
ruelemble orls. The museum eltfore a pow n night i e reel
up' hi flzepelass steambeal; stid. talthig the earl at D.
tro.t la the mo• Mug. Wag himself In chteesto alter a tune
how,' ride through al i le lusuPeouutt y. and over the bs.t
usau `her Bullet-ad to the Wait. by ear other mute. he
mueder, the fatty. of alhbt 12p011 the Cara
iv t It , storm. of the Caper
arY,Porsota aletileff to ecieure paseag..ake e-n.
tram, car freight. grill apply to la A. gl orm Arpurt.
& !. 2..ZIVIS O raW a g g of
I f Saff t a f A f tl ' TIT;
. Mein 0!ilt P. an Co. Brouongehela House.
nohigan Southern
.; Railroad. Line
TEft ehorteet and beat route from Toledo,
)111viaultia, ot§.l port. on Labor Mobil:att.
V illoblgats &athirst] and ortborn Lobar.* Itabroa.L
iltsoutth to Toledo In 7 boart. oltbout lattalog.
Oao of the staunch and commodious Upper
Cato* Steamers. TROY, Capt. baztant litti447toV.
CO. D Wilkins 31. mnottoottort Ittcthe :Matto..
H 41.11.1 Callow:1. warless. tilsoaland at 7 o'clock. P.
no the artiaal of the bspratts trana tron Camino.%
titotburatoatra tba bast, conosoUtto at 'COIN .11.14 the
abet. Kobt tor Moot% loos-Iva VhDt , tsD AtDD ,
oaDr. Bronson WM:a P:soton, lit-Joteph.boutb
Len::, sitehooalts,,to.
. .
Enuttantnto from to Chicago IT boon.
gT r The Michigan notitheto Nanny! Is new. laid with
te an T rah stal la perfset order. No pains will to
mated by the managers of thn llama or goal s to mats
Wt. doe of the best routes to travel in tow nontary.
Ilk it es Bs rcl fns of emelt., by wco
ertnn It
lb Akr . Agents. twat .ebetted ttitough loom Cleveland to
sa-TbroOgh Tiebeta eat be lei at tb. aline( V.
• atik. Camp. oa 11111D/et, MIS 51 Nrer Woe 1.1.1 , e.
• VorineLbertobe4latiote or freight or women., imply to
h=id! , Motkoncalketa
Michigan Southern and Horthern Indiana
N' and after February:7th, 1853, until lur
?To le d o lad UMW a.
.Cb!,,ao for Toledo B
for ..... '•a 41 "
Att"lltis Road ltt conjunction with the Toledo.
ntrnotwalk t , Lake Voonnliew Torn and 1:4. lteteto
Wltuntr. anti Iludenta Myer Hall Ittowia, form the out,*
Ran IMtd ettionntonoatton between
Chicago & Columbus. Cincinnati & PitM
torgh, ids. Toledo & Noxwalk Road. _
Wl.lne•ta tho MAD lanai he) 7,4111L1T1N .
_ Jdd EPII /L ,
IL 2. dt N. 1. B. E. =MI
' Man, Den. x 7,1611 f f 019.1.1
. PANY—Tbe nom.e rate. heti... Pittsbe E h. 14
.11 \•
eiret.a.4.—Feettora, ter and Pette. Da... 11...4.A
:loom tlkln4 31.11.-4. c e nt, Mtl b.
_ . - • - •
eordi•—teloobol. •
Cirrerided. Deier
Fddiei. Dried amilt,Limp, Dart Le•ttiiir.
E•lhdorde—ro cents .per 100 lb.
Gied Ciaese—ltortor i had . .. Oberst. Eartlieri
4elT ibedcd—tot) dada per ID)
iTedrere idneA—Liseroo. Port's./ Dar( edited. Isrd odd
Lard 1/11. Wlidetelitiotton-40 reins perlin ibee
• DELL O . kotesatscos,
.00)7 Awiliddit
Forwarding and Camininnion Merchant,
0,. L L. Hewtt,
' 01.71911.A/V, onto.
A trerernaVorttt=l . 74l a 4 j l= L atrt/U .
Thus Conaway on th• <meninx invientlon, viii pl..
on :hi* totantwo ant dna Weinett. Que of these boats
4nok twnry ennnlnw; liondsit onnotad. int
-at Monroe to time for tbe,morslAin train Ginn, for CIIk.W
.there tonnwitinn with the Mamie red M.. Lingo Ildw
of tensland iteambotts. Pnwonnai by this Into arrive
ID Chicago en the followhin niter.= sitar leaning Clore.
ftslght orpineng a, antar sib,/ nintw.tNn.
It Ulm
etro..t. Imartie:tll A. OU/thy. Alot.
ginghnzeii. Transportation Line.
185 I 1 N
2. NNW
SINSIN opening of the 0=3,1, we till be roe,'
rtoolnArt "rah( prozortly. PrOduco sal
ristahta Shri>. at Itrwert ratao &used Dr reophroillo
Prod.°. liarohiallso wilt ha metro:toad travardoa
wt • and Ind. without oar e r rs. for tbrsontina or 0.6.
tell. of o,
Ad torword:f oaralirortiorto folththlir
CO., Conti Borah.
Ooraor Liberty otut Warne Mx. Pittotntub:
BlNOttiot 1.MCN,183 Market
aatwooraOtarth 4u121 1111 . 12 g4,
183 North I.lamor-1 treet,.3r.:thoom—
JAMit3l:llNtillAll., .o. I.O.Novt
raelit tim. ,tort
,y !rut tor mid realvo trelabt. to be forwarlwl with
Dromptnete and coo, and *t law raw.
ATILT:a S rauszir..E.
• ' ' No:V, Mnrk.t time. PhUadelDISM
TAYLori tr.
rolgi 1 , 7
• Waal -
• New Spring Goods.
"LI .WATTS..llierehant Tai t
No, IE6 Liboti 'tree. 0(1.
/rad received eplendl
tot or Spring and hammer trocal•—Cau mere Vowing.
sit Olathe. relented from the. latent lionartathei.—
'We invite our old Mende and the public ti.listd arm,
the our epilog stoat; •hieh it mom ter in soy thing we
bate vier be t exhibited:and will. be nude to cider at
tower prima then goad Wait can he obtained tor elan
whore. Cintlemen who appreciate a portent It are par.
Ueolarly Invited to . , OUT,`,
WILKINS Bankere , and E.x.
1 • emits Brokers; bar. tatiovid oner,Coor rest of
th• t moot location. Into' the .91•14‘i Bt.te. Bon
. D 13114114 N 0.71 bourth amid, bamoligtolyclppytt. l b.
took of . httaborgh. whom OPT Plewil to M.od. atul-ths Dohlle gesurrair. lar4
1 1 /I tt ! hi est .. ciiloi th lo p ti b t:i mi np' e a t a . tfal . ly ow itirjri rtm.
I=4l:l,o24llRtint7Lll:=n47l, l ;
DM*. Or 401.11 A *talent /hair tirorarr Mal's& Birk
nese, vherina bones br a loaa_pumtaa and 111%Itali na
to ramie II alum or ritrokisain .
0 .,,,, ~ . • -: ~. WiLLIAM 111.&!4 a.
SSTONER, No. 80 Wood 'most, is 4 sn .
. ii. tar. NqPIY o[.. ' ...
BOYS' -, ' . ' CLOTHING, -
from Net Tort. 'fbri.ini inntir-niky,..tkai a ft ` 1 ,...,A .. .
"tri -..d t rp o . .v.,
" ~,,, r, ,..t, lialta artittiaantetitl-ths brilliant 4 r ,
.11-11.frit anabill ita.ante r to ini. th a •thateavifttka
t , rtnruti b r st r eg:Miatttfatotrefirlif
, . ass as 4 ViliTlXiii, 7br fln'ti year, la quit, vs *MI ,
, WI. sao Will Do Edi to ontri:lrttb*, inz yg 1
\ _
m ip i
- ,
f,,_ ILD)
0/D i PR (c. \ 1 . itkii
The invigorating, Blair Ina Co 110, introduk Into
the trx alpreetice yan pat et mitt, yhysichiand
Patella \.\ La. el. Mt se. ha for I beers an 0 nal
blerb. firs, brought fro the rtony do rte of Arabi VW
\ the eminent pidlooopier + b native+ of tha
tuba.* roper table for 'iters . WOO+ Dr 1, eiomPtion flet
skints autpowir of elit alning fotigua, ell of . e ta
they .tit -lbutibln a ureat de aft to the tviosof the herb .
pleat re(errp& to. Width t ey unitersalUiew, and'
contellma amok Oti his ret ato Effiopt. r .1.11
\I \
rreidepro in the 'la. Pro's.. Moe w0m.5 0 ....c , 4 ,....
Inneuttna with 4 wonderful prcitection. and
the rerun or, Eta lident is the Is aerating Elaj which
he+ boon ender. i\ by tilt medic I csileges fir . S cat . old. of I orokei. as the Lea DWDanlin .
S . A
"no lam.. insi mo lar anidee of t • e
elm of unreculous ch e mp. whih It . u. In the do
•1, dobllittted aud skatterod nersif it tytb•es. IN b
M e t
r brolt. down by cm.., went by nu re, r r 1 .14 1 -
wt by .ickori.. the [metal - pc end relt 011 genicatiou,E.
et cues - abated, nevivies s , at d out. up.
~ I, ; :e tywntal
,eni physical tyros... of, c.a.- or.. vanish la
gother nodes la intbance ' The ...ay t. bk.. VI-
Om of depreolon and dehtlity hexane+ a taw n De
stones rots. he moves with !sierra stew b • ailed. roa which
was peer ou sr y Funk is einem', or en arm- at idlotlo ow ,
thy. Mown. berat e Lao, ant. ketly• and goes Parch re
...bee. regent...O. and eon... Of new 71'90 h.
nrcenittmen Ocenpatinn• h o e .a s e neat ., 0.
lb ;glTl . t r iTenl:d r itVg,r a';'lnt,'N't,:zZl l ,str:.
are it to It+ norther acWitin. Well sear theprainta
be ailed theA w
II \
I , tlir liftf:lf . ....et4th o Corii+ll- , t l s- tithe fiat solbutlffp
a rill bay adnaltted.that Minnie Of Weil.
into Adam tuprited to bile no ealidence. ' 1
Ile foro4 l4 never tanente-1, is is the care lii.: opals, a 1.0,0
.0,0 . lops , and all other amtana The elect or
the. lo ler. and tt, me/ wed s ...ll of b. ho,wk, e
them... lt subs of that man is trone , io the yet "
But ite Ell,l IP ace -tibilantat with°. Apure a,
rectee.... fa ...Don. Pornelma lint haver ionu
ere , ' epee t • et, the mind, and the entire organaw
Dup. in houra ea headache. lass of Manor,.
b \hypochond • s. daPerda. general prostanWn. irrO,
ta Ility, neap . Inanity to sleep. la,. conalsdot,
do w el b ow see II • e ..e... Inca. ut tal f.tola do
h. sferia prom Li c fouctions hysteria, m mot:mama,
yagua tortoni pal I iron CY the heart, ay./seq.\ law
recno..wtiati . h, ike.hons erbterer eau. erre
bis It I if there e y reli.oe to be read ou lamps
tatimo y, •b tots[ I fallible, i
yr?ute l l:ea ' 47l y c i iiVea 1 .7i n ttgit T rgl,T.T. ' i l ;1, 0 .7,
1 / 4
': .gentt 4,; 7 44T2.1, ''. ''. b e. ITl:dt=' , l 1111'''
tae fts
L..,riiti....tteadsche, -• nett, to tee nerv.of the
ye. in.d\the lariats [ratan nett°. stiartions. It wlrt
ecidoeiDC rocs Winds i • short anat., taws.
swill eds re ve dep.. teem., • tendency to
blush, rept maples. dislike of sciety. leow
putty for + udy boeleass. I eof memory, ...1.,
eldliress yet td,the head.t. . uly. curial debtlity.
hp.ris, I woe. term/44n lboyatta of melp.le•
et ttelba. Do of i o annity, an II Inerrees pd
re ,
ore the spy to. eit i rhen th e &crowd, ,el4l. Me
heentt of that\ no ye datroi 1 I. motinuel
cherful.. ..11.11 mita of min .la prolong - 111e.
leant. Of pahrrocaybss t, too. or pt.* rabia are
1..11 cad, by Me cia 0* a M many[ wo, °amend ergot,
WU cleing tn• Skiiifinni psi, }eliner • tly color to 4
bet init. ildrki coat:deal°
flock themalesey Rat reo er falls to y n thO 'i.e.+
Don or hearers laww-tia. , It idler fit giros wet
lc, ter 11WWInnon.
on ot the b pertc,P,..
whiecheo, cold ani oh read s to of than . frequent
ct of abetswaticu s Dab a V. low , nil ole, real-
A ' lrttg '' 1! 0 =21 ' 3 1 ;: 11 ' 4 ". !Ilt fet:;c49 " PS le'rl7lo
nenktbs stomach la put, di. wier t the a te be
e...X.711e ems:, • traba r r , trall4al dirarect tin s
such ritibenry. farad .bn, a. t a g.min et.
oweeta.latatios., end ..0 herter foal
. 171 - 1 C.llllDOkr exfazu ON \ \
Of tit e • ir o here need MD Bare. I "I bed h
/ 7,
your cordle Middy trookim of, buoy.. On W this in
.}E1,,,, Lb, r.,:t h n. its int..- emirs wee, rarletlCteete
lea. told ter 4 • ...Me I Wee. at t patilne,)-
withal dorDirm .4 benefit 1 bed Imost yea no all
hop. of fierier auy relleh.d wt. I pc, met Yr.
ot your Cordial. had no Loak. *heave 00 tie cSetryie
me. but lir 11..... feet sienna*, siliWnYil 110 W. three
.cilts lam a ed. the lielf.icese , ho tars It ok will
cora me." '
A trelb. PM- .. 1. sd 'soc..tat.\kuve'vd dint( n !sir,:
Phis m.o. toms .41 licould n tbe corr.— ur n. pre.
sontsii thls aloe tini , thet. bat . fou.V.tio altar 00.1
I prinetred sane of to owlish I Mud sib- ii\eninpls 17
\ !
eared me •e \
, Another . r “ ..1 'lrs strutter] at telt eVci r
Cordial bad. Why dad I ..` ear of It before t *au
have sand ea mtg.'. 0, betide. Yea ‘ s oil Y.+
.4 botillY sinTsritt " ' \ , .\
, \\
BABALICD 01.10213, \ \ ''.
or others, sonionis of Instill 11 \frt. IshittorA e. .
fad this nial, otter th um ab. Die of.two a
thorough agensatiba of th , a au 11 lace war.
offorwlia is 4 caul. ...a - ret. it lei 4 neatimoble vitae.
Toe lama of the, caalles none NI bo a b. Cp.. of Usually tech at V. leere s toe public mf cerdhatbil of
Pores ct of the pueatiu mice tho lino to .40,Veroduce
a inn tithe mat cOn . aininYe Denim M thoff o ttriat the
{ 7. 1 irttlionit e Myr. lag a , frlinly Winte4,
ell ' UlOWTilitltn2 ' lNi ' l ulerettor7i at toT r it= fa
‘ wyr ptretat of ticalthuottabring. who \ ff c :ul,l Oat Bare i
beep M, b. for ate •znyorDC., P.P. tlott And it
Detroit/7 Potent tor them ry 41.4. for Bch it is rc
nom rovnim. Thotutonds, f onus men have on restore./
iby yd k th and r. In` • hate Wanes h ~ l c lolled tt),
I beeede4eeea• s\ \
• ,• OM NB 7r
o Tim PETS&
et V Remedy. Dr lioroes iriVistoratluldiordral.•
ca. \
lY• Wette titillii e sawn V. WS cowl nine. lave
repeeedly 10.1 It rectally re...ow-01 by ao Oa
tinguiebed r clol.o a'.. tle oaf lamas/mime o
• for the oremlf aof ditenaro of the ccultal .rga. ,1
4how• .01. co • 4 rot hob.. at yhdb, Tbs. dire c w.
idea •rw bran r old lia their brow.. a s
terunning tic
'oonslitnel in. own oinking 4be sufferer Into • a nald 1.,
ttsoon c-r wanatintion, 1A., • eptetily avers 114
Ms rders bra ea , panne .ban tbe rotombnity bac
Any Idea W.% ,pireij 1•• piths most feorful ...stay.
Dr. Done's! luorata Carl ‘iorill a . arrest there
la motolurfs. 101 a.. th Pail Mom darbablßbne
threat.. .me ' \ ,
.i , II
Ina, es
' We white the you. oidera.who art trW•
,ble4 eta the...dainties° otsbectiva a the ob o .
witll ea inale.d.traltic elinacpects of funice r happice.
to \ cry Dr-kloreek thrill. r oc Cordial. iis be been
11-0,..... to missy of Its... c lll ...4.1.. p ec . c . 4 l.
tioyeral of our anordnracra-caottio. in 4...1151.3111...C. of thk
ivio ellen Gets., laws that &yarn insn's social' dOW
ft i rsi b V, , Oo7l ". it . hoi ' altfty o !/02.1 . .n tir • VIL ' b 7l/217f
mo t e t Cia.dial. (.rye adrortisommit 3 '
' \ TDB 1111.11CA.L JVCALS, 1 ,,,.,h
awa.nt , t a duly tr.stant. that Ivell mutton ted e
tV;4 ,- .1.14:1117.11 el:iiaTo.lttitt o dZii.nte
01,:p , r114... , ..11 0 dint cur.( .. a a;aina heck.. abaci
do aud their woad on pro.. bepotas b 7 mod
ce. raC , 1,10.111 of kith etole•fonel r tractor,
m y . boric* tweet lejt at re isheriabis °enlist yes
l Ontid iieti??L ' 1r1f;er4,1 , 71 , 7,11.1,4°.%; "' 412;
D. dantstA, Ind tta s t vritho.ut .410 .le advertm
Wirc ' ii 44 l' reZtellell deadlier[ ' : 44 :4111A r y:47471:11,..
t %
in this pl .4 in Philadelphia ad the proli fidt
o!.,.ndate r enlelw radicaliy cuixt with et nova WV
U. stunt bundwds withealt .11 and 000
iond with t DP \ -lour dcliato . worth of Dr woe's CST.
lid. ' ,A. 111 Kuotarl, 31 D.'
Dee dlodff . \ Some th. tam lois rmusard Mir
opinion of the raw.. your ineigoraisas ordiale-.1.t"
Pow wowed tor.4* it. / lave bad It la cur prstticreaal
Itroinribid it kr resit tow turiethe..ff must ki r olt.i.
ehiltied :wet re of. any thins of the kind with w yr.
1 am etunaltitcd, bot i hr to te Medicl.l viral. Oct ra.
taii: th% . h e
4ca 1111:4 " 2 . e. i l ; gratie t nTs i g ,
mitari in i guns, or the amnia ado a nee of the paw \
rant. Pad. latt carotid physical praaitstian, hiedtode,
stAlit, 01 ambition. mating what' , W. I oapacity for boa
. nets dla i 0.01 metal. li r . / AM much pleasod with
edema, end ran with editors neadaniad It to the
pomp.. ot Ca Prof. n ati n valuable en:Mau tor
*noting dboare In some thiSmott tronlibtame torca
and to ail,. 4 tale .d ealitabresseinine
B yoiklyn:D. Y., Nor. 21, 1 1 40. \ \
Prfirea by bl liffillßli, H. fad for sale by CTIAB.
-M k:
whom. General most
No.l " .lßrild way. hew Yost;
to ID otds. most be glared
ne171 . 4 . .,:;Tga . :i to Ttz ,T titrs Y.. FaL...k z.-,
am. of Wood and inurth sWeelli. ,
DN. tt a put up hi eh ly + micro tretn4l4 Vat Cottle],
wits the name blown In the chhh. ' I.
.-\ di tbe doyen
, Zr.,1 4 .= . 14',„ b6 21114‘,Ln:1t wit.. 1.61T0`
by ?fetuses Morph in tbe o Clerk's 01114 Of the
w ietrts
Dort Mr Da draithern District ef t he Baia of Vo York.
141-1.-ybiff \
\ • i
R watemErs '•
1 8 RE pr,er-•
tnal.o of vankqt
'Man.' to ladi:k.o
a4l4lAluoi to bacoolo'
Tab., and 6apiplatoid
ille Cetholloon arid ,
le. IM pu a•ot. of att.
Jeono ;ahem.. hid:.
hl td be reepecta4'
le tamale, Martled o
' Tittlf,; , lf .* ZVI' :It
\..i . :. ,
ad/Mu. tmittlAtima. ,..
gi ,l l .t il;ml . ; ° ,irgi
d'omelitio ' e.ioun.oh
..m.ddral Ilittiorehase. or Floml , ,
4dand Unquiet Memtruation, Ae ,
i r T ta iv A .." .i; -....4afilllszlim(i.Uneer emented.) n;
Moo/ pni.;t. - . itV d :r4 . . i.. York;
and other yihrwr. t o DK thinateivedvithoot • tetimily
inveterate of t fauna complainte..end hardig due,
'ord for them 'a their pathipta, hwy., woad
m:Aded.the Mat e h medicine; and i olme ardoimethg de
\ •eaintr j el! TM hoer maniredind their -yrwatwittitf.
=tlt!, hriTlVr f lt i Agetu t rt= YO:l ' it
aWepting ' r ummy of, it to facilitate gla lotetilincdMiv
itita,toora es Wiwi toe by the }multi.
, .Tbe intim tor tided
tirti Midi fomite en* . ;
f. t al i Zzr4.ia: LT4 14 1 ::Vtisli . til h . trifTylio k i i rjr
,1010%11Vanigigt, 171fr4:1=LiftrarZi4.
.T i ti k t , IVA ( TrAltl . t3 4,141:4 Nul repave' ao s ieiT taste
. 'The cm in meereadl rf Ws rmedy, in , the .eilra of
thii idea dimems. le amd: the mowed linooetOT of
tlie.aystalith With 'a Domain. \doteusgoallort to difighimie
Additional ?miter thliCelholicon beim:no:lbl if the .
conlidermeof lt- - •• .. • - -, e..
~ mean will b 1.?..,:,
syddint obeer
'dfthe dhm,
Prof. Di
JI O. Or
• W. 14
4Fr.rapp6 ,
' \ "" -‘' •
.'. iFr.NiciIOLAS HOTEL. ',
itmt 4,Pipm Btind4 P ' rieilieetti i Sete ma-
4iork , t..l.ahruziyi no. rtiiinesseitA
A N additi,pnal vizglo thi4 splendid notel
f2iitrit:tiiDren t i 1 D Nr,. ! .. 4 4 . : 41,, be
n:=li. T
Ir - 2 ..r.:. ' , rime:re:woo witt e neriti . side. and eabeiYee .to'
ri7v . t e tr, a . Z . TlNtrilet:iichrinir' L T feet addittitl .
iiirliso tee ble. Thee s 4 I=st i r nu ftted OP% lb.
was: o opevtk modern Pty IA with hot and cold water on .
. ". 6 4eeand evearetiatbar le ntralehed With a he,lliiiiwo
dee ie r.e% booeteie i' Lh n 2.51.1, Id.oult glad 1 , 11111011.
7. M,. I %t:timing'. eta to initeepoo4... The a
! ~ now
ere 4 i ICi" I e n
It ' N t egi...V; • V
' le: e mit:V:l ' d::
, iTc Voir nie, tee netweeediai lio.t e =o Denote. In t . be
:4-richale giArjirtiVa . 'V c . n t ' d i *W ink S ?Alt'
tneyieet Motel in ii - n
milt Anita.4l-,,eei,t,,solin
Ls utClie um, town veiled la saWade r on' It teatim..,
i h rL i4 , u. r a t. ..bee ct n .. ser ...
. i.a , Vino:1.11 • nikilli . a ol.the iiit.linahoe'
ae thlir hate ...en rem tl e i; e eeta . ie ee• eye
t e e ewe
't r./
ntierteneete i ,its, Le p heriliin. , , ...°"'"' , Bon "•
_ .. L. 7 , lUer • ThEADITT L. ACK Tit 0 CO.
Car. Frankfort et. r ecd City Ecall Swore.
• • •
\ .7,,,,,.. r.r cm stun A runt roirrunt.
l • NEW TOME Cl.ll'. \
Wm. botllstadanonal br tp• aubettil•tr. - 147 1. ItMl.
ads'. 'l.l and ftiroAdied Amnon MA be t.narts ttod
1 :Or /iTa...irEop,.2/eg...9011;( sod ordrllt el.\
1 11 ,, btl , PattAkt IlAtt. lreed. It cO.tajti• a re tantiLl
thou or oiler hotel on tad. tki•nt, some o • only.
hal of I. • are ...grated or• Is. Sh 7 ars all ttal ati
wit • sr 1. try Alaltemodc diti st• mm. 9110 with
Ctodo vy tor tartrdt. sli•tr Pia oath. To ...lobo;
lon bd in anon: 11.0 balLa sod carter atm..' on tl
door will be lit -, 11, cnalditrind the. nlabt l'Al• Zel
VS lit . '' '. 4 C ' ''. l ‘ a ‘ nr:;l• P r i :l ' IV tk: - =tr=
4`1111`,34'., 7 :: VS g gf.liUlln:,l`;'•4ll.l,
~,,,,,t.w. ~iui • ittENCIL
, ,
, . .
:. - \ MADE tiNltli \
`..4 ' ..walr ..1.2f0 PSCULLAZ I . :ROC= ,
Priliitte\ Dwellino,. Notelk StelAtboati,‘„
•, ,
• Ships, tie. \ . \
• IL ESE .ItED.§. totber'ilth BOLSTERS,
ILLOWS;• colanarkitS,.+.4, sr* s nfrered I. the
\pplin, at er I, lbonowgb tr.g. an Ibi. bag. 'and elleiip•ne.
% /'::• ' 6.F/li =.l7ettrflF=l 4 ZPl ' ; 4 •, ‘ 7 *.". 7
,Vber .e• cb.t../e yna ' an,h‘tr..{ll rennin i.elkitie
...op; are ...Lot in. , nit NI:UW..OI nnrati, are G
• Tenteri, an ..II wired:val . . r rt.noostiem; !krypton
, v , 1'..::m°2. -, 7 , i14,74.....°1„,"._°; , •°,70417,,,71_1,1: i \
inaterkni being suflleteudy ' unon.c. e h ....... \ . '• ; ; C FOrellt•
n''',,,..1,1•7.• • HEII4tI 0 N A.
Tiny'vl be fnend &nimble (r,Foreign Markets, inn.
tioulstly\ ioi s'alif. , enia. A.nntralia.Vninn‘and U. , 1 ....1/ • • ' ' --
",iiMlW'..°,l:"l.7-"" -". •°l.o"P'"'. •'
i• , .
~.: . ~_ . -. ji1 1„, ; a
r il l 1 .6 8 . 5 , \ 11,
..... ,
LI \ A9l` T t. ' ''
„!•13.2.12,ent Pia., .Ai! I: v
ia,\ e n.
m. tank
. 6 1 R 1026
inst. N — .• — iotk,
trph`ppAndrota. and Men luny:lM •
Prlth t a FAtlng bf lbw pound. •
Mo Trude govorallr suppllnl at • Ilwra Coconut.
\ { t ` km lot:mined co um the 0•111. of • mlloortnik
,St c l o etarstaweo bare toed aod appemo of
rge I..`behopoe, Eta, Uharlet:Datb.
V. Irmo tatraon, Ren a Her. 11.
fillttaztor i tt„U : sci.,j..
J. IV:llmlibaw, 1.70 Nlc
4 Ql Jmoon,Oosn
k 011PN Hain]. buffalo. , Coto. U, b.M. on mar
Captllodltter, do.l. '
\ 9 ‘ crFerno . ri,for Steam ; Ergin es..
eabeenbea having the General Age
\ey ton' the sale Of Plrofier4, Ilydroull• Gore
t m•s only otbat mealo_rd‘s medal at Um of the
Amm.lcom IttUnata In ttod , a now preparloato attach
Um Mt. Co' eke. , Fazinite. Ind 1.01 . 1.12 U them Co aim:
a reaulot and onrodf . monon \do tbs P.firing—tagnieo
maks4 LO :mot:atom peroannteacau bald, matt:l4m
CI ttionthaff of work to he Porforamt, m a. l of to vary \
toom num Ono boll, of one ro.ltalon pry mint.: For
forth.. karticularnsoddrma ISIVAN,tr a
\ cam of. Tbdmpoon a Ilitehontk.
\ daI7MOM. , •\ , • 'New No:k.
Imp. ant 'to Merchants. Manufsetarets
Trademnen and Professional glen.
48'sola TIMID flTlttra, VIIIL.MMILP2III.
riklllo3l S It, CALVEB,T,'
g: Dab... and hinnufneturer of Dies for Bust.
ds, ildlisslo , ddtiditslost anrelopas, DUI flee&
nal Labels.noOsed roost reenact/bar cell the attention of
'aeoranale end Vauocak stn to these most important
wri rrtoutlal ar . . \
- TIC /lamely', rslorti barium name and addroill.
with original draids. einbitirsesle of the buelnoto, son
rrann.. l 7 and besurilr oiebowid. till be found not on ,
I go sne n tier . tge! ' e'
‘ PleFo ' oe ' itrr :1 1 Vt A r l' in
7tl l
demo and retronegen the Poet UM. malorttice. No bu.
T10 r44. u
sitimsoon ahousd be v• houtthens—the datendon am.
\ Innea..nin WSW. Arc. I . canning
greater' lose
Dian the eralso of Us , a. \ 1 . , e
ti ll ; . 77 . 1r4"1 in. 4. 4 l ll %. 4 4 "4l iti it aZ 4l :ani ' Ll ' t?....:El
Nets and Letterneper etatiddt 4 l• ,
BOW.. of a nnlfr. ao.. takon*Ora the 0041.1. And
toreatitollr executed on Steel oaDosda.
Thl, advtitlesd her ntir the 'oist'extenslre establish.
meat to toe United. Rotes, haring ntistond the ratio.
of dr:colas. ler...taro, Inns De Le, ltuo, Loudon. and °do
no eminent hoards. ilia nsueldnere nononerDetad ea n
~ ,T a. l :utlar, and he le usesured t truants ell orders at
elks Wrst.ns noent
~,. fil 11 I.ll DE 3l .dtig,(l,ll=3 . 4tai ti ll i ttel.
\ ' '
\ J. B. Baggi & 84, •
^ ca Bt. P'
.of i.z.z.).
AtISIC; NEW 11 ,. Anti .. njr ,
Bwn ye, C.Peafer. ' a. -
Pm . e. Navy Leashisg• thtlot 1114 Willem- •
De th-hy Mies the atllecte; ' . • ',.• ~ . • • ..
Yor Thy Love 01 Danger Britt/MOW% Ythirliat,
( til la ltt= r4 l7l4sfeth. - 1 - lelfr. ;, \
\ The've geld Me Dew. the
a tew ,mg '
\ An th er to‘oelt for th e Waive. Welth,e; :-•
Fetter Prlae Path, 4 . .tlbett. Ude Is ar-1 iWis .:
c0nk.c..m...,, t. t. ezotell4l.l wi th as ex & Itho..
g-n 1
11 .li • -- ' .
La elle 211na b laft w e c uleh i.onK3:,
Woollthre. itosthlOomtholtlonv - , \ • ,!.. ;
• letthest Tad. Mean. Latent;
• therneethtters to - a Toutth - Lady en Yluv, jth ' • ~ C
i urrovre's Moe /lift , Preer. , V
CII•r.1 . • Etedetdel&Vereette. bound. ' ' 1,.
srLbtly.""ll•lBl""trt.dUbtll"l. /11.1%. 4, 5 A 1i . 1 in k acn n s .t.
QTRAKOSOIPS. BIUbIC- := - \ ' • ::•
0 Th o .m.„,„ p.i* Catheeet'd 1147.ith Poling . ,
- Vabilittallll Polka; Ileest_ke F.,,,,,,,,,i,
• Hooey-Moen Paths: 'Wethaue to Jr, any triad wilt.:
Filmdom- 11414; '
_t•ortuleg ofll....theny ue.lar.
, it tai ! ittatatV4tta, l ,r. u "" \ • : -.',
\ wile , s,
and ~, aanas
ri. \ \ \ ',, V., . 14i
( -- t. 4 . iL ., „\--ii:Art t_ p rart„.,l,:t \ tr."\- ' - • -
6 . ' trr . t . .0' , L ," ', The thalth Pratim. , 11.7.1 b1 .7% , • ..
of 4 .-. _. ) 4 - , -2x,, a -::. --.,. ‘,... thly Bellot•Veatitlthi tm, thTSie . ' \ ''''
and Indio arthle. c.,.. rd ... .. 7 . „ Ask Alt hthlVlty.• trete .• I ith Ittl= t.. \
She.. , e& 11, P. 11 theire . , urgand an . =IOU VIM „ \ 'When the Ni ebtAllt l l.l%ll. be tothem ,
Port Wite..ttehm. L. P. se . C4reo Tenerthe, tiweet and . u .,,,,, yw n , ~....,
..... ok.. \ .
On Xt '''7.4'.''''ll A:s* .:l , '"Al " "'"',"'" . ' Weirliar i e. Z l erl i t ii;ot..'t" D "'" " d 47. * '
Trent lirtihtt of 1,14 , 114: biz llalthel Gin. Jr: n e e d ..,,,,,,,,. bra a 71thlatIOUS relrebS• t \ l•
.. 8. ,...... . • • --. ...or!: \ hiskels -- `. ' -
' , 14.. \ - .ll"B4l4lfailiOldettne►\
V Er e R B -41 '&498 • sl , IA N 0 Or-Two .)e \ '
Ili iantltedmr ...11.thhe Fran. ielth deitble Mediu. .
hen, athl TetTat (zoo thous. AL& eeithe. sT•so weteht. !
tiVaill coney /. e cft...' went trOit MS..' Ono Wittot : \
Cooed, •eis fttave,..o.rit then mer.. \ • .i \
lA. Abor. • Im.. els hew thentted thiktteth• •
11. , a el.. Sl:tribes. IneoUse ot„ehth t ant 1
' . 1-... .." , thnee. 117thrthe within &few Ws. I. Ih. •
attehtiv.h 01,p •_•re nos Invited. '_• \ -
`. . V /IN IL IIXLI/V BlWhe.
... 4 . , ~ ,&ont..F ths sale of , chicle:ring'. eic• 1
for Wean= P , ••rsayle I, • _
th 4 1.734 .111
... 41/ Co tlal i PLilboolpbla and oleinity;
M.," to
.Z,la all a%d ' V l r r ' par i lt lt P .it"th'
... tL - ' ,, r intl.* bltat4 o.ory` , :tat:toutqpn4
"'" ' 4l , llltilfilri 80i
1 ' of 1 t i tr!tTalkal r oca fh tl4 d. a o l fitothbv
W. .1.. ...a gt C.d . • f driliAla end q olealstlcat of
abood, lbontij: fro, f dot . . , k • %/gar
C ii: ..• t:.4 G :8,
TYNOA E ' ..11 HELL.
NO. aiR ma .I%Niii`T...Oll.,AL • RUA, .
\., th ciii7 of Pi oirgli \ end
VI / ita viola' the bnica et the boa tlfulabif L.
&Oro% otaek., I 'Aar a .watit , abil bf au aballtd“ of
AVNER, TSA nd T .11,E, lota. , \
borf t liffeb P otiV 6 at 'l o 7 .,e VA 2". \`Pr• \-z's
-I.l.uuess Wvt ti....thati bloimldedi?t imktili s
" boar Ira IVal, a Prlo Zs eaitnirp‘ Het .iktik a.
Nat atWien, at row, `Lena tow++, \ '..114•Wi 7,
\ .
i• :R t
t aka )derebauteArhillidel •
Oithioi iOo .•
lanky, • •ow
onetallm jal7:k
la •or coliuT4.
fil 8. wow:woo— a -.. xattaiffs , ..
1.1.A.01.1EY; WOOD • I MN TOole
4WMETER; ruS or.,kaad
lor of P4PERLI fi'Bl 8 VS
648. NQ.Bax.l4
• 4, . Carps WirP. -
QU PfIo PARIO a B, , tialig r tazat i tora l4 .. l \ n.*
thlt "tgrie•i.gooiit.
\ 142cr \ • Thij. p..
:‘, • 400.T0
tt.RTEß ' SNaliMie l etil e°, l
atai \AND CUT •Y, rixalia
and riearlow. •
\ PtAtisfr.
prepared Freiibe ..PFt-
SU th• Ste <rim C NW:U.III4 SINS
fts aettamt taitala.irtaA
, _ _
• :Ha tram
1 .. A11.1 .1p ared engFrei tiiPLith4e
gm at tbe"tiows 'mud \ A I Ollppotghso.llbi
New Tait. lowo clwalmtothitr Dm*. , Addrom
144 1 ' • TA South, ' , Idelptils.
• • The StoWeil Ever Green fi ‘iit' t , ,‘
re.lloil. SeelVraiiedliy Prof. I\4.
b e .) & n gg,
ll• tare should be entbenut rhea toile rye ths
htlot obupla be 44 n t pus tow et , tb• eat sod. tr.
;WO eng!T.: * c rii"ll " 1 .31; r i or 4 t d
At tbotlisher of tbe . tatuume4 the. e'str of b•
tilaZlTlV,, , ll%ifin.Ze v E m olritr bria b
t. Dercos.l? ebtereoc• tullop lb. tw0...,
'Tbsete erot t eele_ohe oohtalatos •101
tollßod febteuuu, chi:EU:b... lett \ tabby tsosuleed
eh ' A rettrrZP.ll.Vrrie= it " n4 i f
, tuba $1 breuuArttS? DAD wok.- .
q . thets, to OM*••Ml1/,_1!6,11 I . OllVb ea 'roar sso•ll,co
ITV; g.C di n 11 4 0 11V i ty.:ark roor tarcoy
° ay." ). Ti.r.i ro ott
two abiLlm. .12•11. 411. oast rapt tdtlt: Wt'
OStal , ml trai4ly- a. and. taliAtv.i.'4o-
' I. tneragar
Z.. 141: T e n
• ;q.t.
disc 111•71
14.1141 t
..:1 0 11‘1:4 &MI
k. .
_ \
3 14 EBUILT; Enlarged,'and hlegaktlizr-
Lantabel.pcsaimetax all the aledare Itateoemeeeled I •
t.meteAtetes. 'for the aeatemeedatlea to the Offh.g.'
I • \ Agee-
jonsat u d e r d lim . har tt IGns.`B \ tn.„
Linkr Sl i stitr arL
0.. nar to:
0.. 8 Thomson: luau Alumsthlt \
s s,
.Bentlazism • \
9AM. TUTTLF.,\ laumies stave;;
' and Comnr fin•PwasenTruds Btaa me",
numannionmons RIVIDDLI, =mi.& 1,47
1101114 .11. _RANK IN attkin .an4,on.
.1 .elfor Lor. and C 0.4
Poroufirarklai‘lit- L0a15,310..; (=gttarrcthd,
Refaten....—Fitabargl.: gos. W. liarrud. Halm
Miller,NVlndle... 11141.0. 7dat 1... k.. Bp**
, •
\ • Wm, a IlasUL
AND AucrioNns, 50.4 ot...t.Ptur
ILit .7,4.1 ....lAN, th ilenauktorfna tn0rt,.....
nui9aran. dq DEALER. ri ALMi4N.
liro. ‘ , 7l.Voat - 111114.4, Ilitsbargl
s'a.s3.Wr \ drat. below, Third Ink ilmlArtt
1 Ttl~ti of IL~ . 6 ! lb? 8.
&vt.Y tDIwA
Vo 1>,.D0 7o u Ip>a !lb? . .-.'
tt no, Nitta; ,
- rdem , • •
yEtwr JBanir
Bbwy Bk4s.
, _
uld flow. D 1 Na 8I r
Itoiral,Fings of tlttiyki !redlines\ maaric.:
24m.• , • eant.4.lnAter.
Q. TAN' TURD BOOKS-4repliaiiiipy.
L. lijeen,les' Hebrew Leslen; -7,
Fre ern o aline. end rerstdassea • •
Wsreew -
Wendel Etrrlogr;eksitat a ,
I)•lebt's Izeo Os , ' '
Theologies' paten 800, • • 1
W 411.1 40,1' 1 .,32 2 \ \
Arstras flelaslous zed ..,...,7..iedetes
Free Lloadred eketebse, (Peraanur,)
Webster's (hum vo,ftidata:4
Nam. Ells • las riaill• of 4.lterspn N.•wastetr.
f Banat , spoloity shoe:
slop" of aim
Ville k tboi 'no ,to
1 .t.,1•41i41144. Poroul . bl 5
13:1111woolF 4 ' 81 Wapi atm:
VALUSBLEXtN.Dj4SWiKit: ,\. "-
V • Bpir.lnallban 1-11.1 ofEtb ptit
Vows, 1,71.1 ' obt••r; \ .
Bible In tla•C•un rib.% B - '•
Napo/eon tetY.R 1 16 1 X•••••• , - . • ' '‘ ,
' MigPik ' inig.l'l et `44,143 \ • •
\A 111.41 am • Chmstiew,a•k•K .• . .
o r a t e kt v •e•oca•al•fttiM - .
Web•ter'e IlLabriaged meti•11••-n• • \
.- Uospellilor•.l7 Iltneklen ', . .
_.., . .. i
. 1
114144g1i ftekt•t•thaVrg7
4 :: A7l) l . ,V=lll= " lit i4 . •
' ..•
, :uo ' lltiirt.....t•eft. mar Voa•••• ' ' '
NEW OOKS-,—Eaniii4ne Reitot,
Viught:. igt i VirArii.t', a. maw...4 n \
n...„rip i uk 6- \ -T1416..36,2/4% \
tterVllM.tratti./..1.1b7 11:m
417 =.4.4..mr40...
1 , 117.EW WOE Dr.\ °Uri.Click and Let
a lil 4 .... , : r um., 1
rri Til TIitrUSAN4-4 Y SIPE, or
L cotmtry Panot4Tq by tutoe.i!it.—:
'`.7 ' "4"
Jet 614 iatswrt,i.•r Oarthlamt..
' SW : a lit 3 —Jup ‘ e:bziivp* from 11:rper
\ 4 B"%th "g.. "Nt6..lit,
1449: .t ri0 b .
~,.......4 . ....
.... ,
\. \ ligreeTT4rzi ILitm`D.,: . yitl ...
Vci: wr . Emil , 4.. - 1., RIPAA. 71,/rourttk
• bers\in\
• -gty
N.Boi.i,BooKN.hoe,i4e,a d ; o r A—
. yo tram tti ~o'.. by 81
BIL,1"4. ow \ _ .. ,C.
N $
Tbs. t t =— .../.
__ • •• - f. , , ~
• .'
gtarlt! "'" , . a \ ',‘ . ..7 , , .
' JO \ \Hi\ t , '‘soaw Trr a co.: . aaiwa sAnoi.. , , .
' ItElkiN BOOK ' • ,'',' the , liiillotid\ ...k; . ;,,
it.Egkgler.d IK,37tl.rarctOuLta fittmu
11;7:4F. ; ...\\ , % •:'...
M coto4i. a A , 'rim., 7 Till, 8 .; — . 4 ' \ i t , • 111, - ,`..,5,
\t w, , 1 / 4 .,,,,, • ..k, tn. 94,,bge..,t all , 2 •. ,
/.Ar rt"'" . ' \ ' l. ' 4 ' . ''. •ii 31 *Ur stmt.\ • '
• ,1.2, - 11.-„tl, UCKst jar([ a., •
xrziar ~. 0. ps.:-K! CALL° • j bird ;
~ 14 1 : 111g" ht 2; IV.l . 29 ' , StaVi l . ' .ZlllVar., ...
......k.i t r. tv . ..01 ,Ar.....b.... Abp. thOwear . , 1
Roiwbold "erdi ... %el ~..."..• • A... 4 q.
current wite, fr, \ s
'sregrio— ...VC ' . / 40 • • \
Plum to
CATEOrS lao r .,
tll .u.rwrasruartg
.. sae-
NS. taws, with a• oh )
ut *lo,.
o u iXramono4o3:ku4.4-614 - '4E \
Al a ny gti ,. AI67,A
0. Sig {tai l
milt/' tlX,4ll' AM
4,l7. t arie fd,''
\ •
L,1112 . 24 . 1tT„ted LiW