f f ~. • ~+~~f.~r.:J `'S HOME' Am 37 ,The magi of water on Bator - night Ma 2 Ifeel; the heavy rain of Friday night had not yVt. produced any effect; bat , • email rise will probably be experienced before tiorslair , The Zrati, commanded by . Capt. Davis, merly of the Milton, took Ina lead and left en ilEisturdaj for ClashinatL The lAllirms also went out for the iame.Oestination. The Adsancs ar rived with a nisil lot. of freight principally The Clara Dela,- Cipt. Dean'a new boat; I. Iy ing "the whirli . and will coon take' her first trip.. Capt. May also hams new boat. at the lauding bet she linot named. The Arai.; * new elde-vbeel boatbollt at Browniville, arri ved on Friday. pept. Oalligber also has a new boat, nearly ready, designed for the Zanesville trade, called the Ramis Ordain. New boats are Multiplying at 'rapid rite. The Iladleon and Louieville papers unite' In isrrilfylog to the fact that the " . kiesere.Wrlght, c . f . /dation, are :shine . to omitted at this place for'tio mossier boats, 86 feet In Length, to ran in the mail lints below the Fails. The bleier& Wright twine° the aoundnese of thcirjudgment is claming heie to 'get their boats built.• Tim Puking' Is the Wheeling. packet for: this morning. Twa STASI A dlueurrnsAi FAIR --Mr.' Jas. S. Seeley, Beereiary ,Of the Allegheny 4griatlitaii Society, received last week, the. fnUowing note frdm lir. It. 'S. Walker, the Sec. rotary of Inc State Society: Ilissmuusou, 'July 13, 1853. , Jae. S. ,Neozer,,Esq,,year Slr: At our Es - 'cativo Committee meeting to day, the follow., 'lns were appointed a committee to act In MR:, luta:Soh with a committee of like number to be appointed by the' . Allegheny County Agricolal. rat Society, to .make arrangements preparatory 'tortbkhert anueil'exhlbitloo:—Robert C. Wall:- - er, jr., Wm. A. 1161, Wm. Martin,. ar:,' John Mardoolt, Jr. . „The figlowing gentlemen were appointed come time 'ago, by. the. Chairman Of the Allegheny Co'ogty Agrteultatel Society, John MardOok, so a Committee of Arraugement: . It. Mollrolgbt, See. S:Negley, Paul A. Way, Deojamiu Dternarr Comor.—llefore the Roo. Judge WlUiaiae- ' Eltewirt ea /song. 'Execs:idea, No. 64, April . . : Jena; 1852: Affidavit filed, and rule to show cage why theingnisltion !Mould not be Bet aside 114 'Plaintiff'S tomtit and proocedings stayed. miner- on McLaren, No. 90, January term,. 1847. - - Inquisition approved and Judgment that F the pOrtition SO made shill remota Arm and sta ble forever.l 1 Mahtlitha on 'Sagunto, No. 141; July .1853. Jodgmeut *Penal and defendant let Into ado- froce,..on ooliditiott that he pay the costa which ' have accrued since jodpeat, and rut Me de ' feacis on the matters sot forth ,tn kin affidavit of - defence, Bled June 27th, 1868. • is ~ :Ewalt es Lumberry, .No. 406, July 1853 Jodgment &Ward defendant for want of eulbalent - ' - ' affidavit of defends i Bagley rs dlerrit. EseePtions to the master's , - report overruled, end the report oondrmed abso totely. . I • Ezerasora.—Th Rev. Dr. 11cOus,.haring so espied the Profesiorshlp in the Western Thoolo- I• ' 'Ocala Seminary Allegheny - City formerly oaort.. by elm, and unanimously tendered to him tpy the Prtsbyteriery-Genaral Assembly, hes Fro ; lelgnedhia Professorship In the South Carolina . The Rev. Dr. Thera:well, President of ilia College, Utte g reso red. the folloWinlitions to the - . which wernunanimoaly adopted : That Dr. AloGill'e resignation be seempted, and thd chair - declared vacant; and ; that notion: be given to the Synod of South Caro- Ilna, that the election of II successor deitilves upon iG Ilatoletd, That while the beard sincerely regrets the resigstation of Dr. McGill, it .is con strained in candor to acknowledge tho force of the Motives which have. impelled him to :hie step. Ile had become endeared to us, though : hie seJournwith nelwas brief, by his mire occo bbiation of persona; excellencies and piofeenion . el ability ; and hewith hied, bolls return ' • to old friends, otiftionitdsoce; our eympatby nod t- !•," love.' We siticertlyprey that his heeilth may be 'rtestored, and that he may long be spired to bless . the church by his 'example, kis Inbors and his . _ . .. Barden.--An ' elderly Man, named William r• ' , ' Chainbere, was killid en the Pennsylvania. Bail. rood, a little beyond tile., Two Mito Run, by the Feet. Express ' lulu coming to Vie city. on Saturday night thin! hallpast seven o'clock. _,': ':',%' - ',lt appears he waitralldng on the track, when ' ~.ki -;- Cdhe engineer, Joseph Demo observiug him at a tr, . ..,./? . ..11stahed of about c o hundred yards, blew ,the .. •`- .. whistle, but owing the heavy grade wee we: ablefte cheek : the t sin.: The deoemed moved! i ;:, alightlylto one side, but not tar enough to mold L.' -1 Ir .- ' • that psit of th e cow,catcher called tim "bumper," In? ,v ;! Which etniet him upon ,the baoly breaking the f , . beak bone, and all the ribs on the left side, end ' pitching hint down in embankment. The train. wan stopped,:and the ibedy placed on board and . brought to the depot,*bere Coroner Lowrie.tut enabled a jury. The verdict wan in acoordence with tbe.facte above stated. Mr. Plumbers Was formerly _the eexton et Smithfield Street blethodiet Church, and resided prior to bin death in Allegheny, City. For some time past, he hue bleu engaged as a newspaper cinder. He leaves a family. It was in evidence that he wan deaf, and that hie death was owing to that cense. He lima always borne the repute ction of being an 'lldt:test, potter and industrious Vial 'Comm: Jun —There are only !evenly perilous, in the; ounty 74, at the prevent , i ' 1 a! . „team yesterday week ago, until Saturday laofi“ there were Ample%) commitments, of efh4t forty-fire were committed on charges of dritikannese, aspaaby and disorderly conduet; four for larOnly; form far assault and battery ; three \on wise ;'two sotused of assault and battery with intent tO kill; 'two for keeping tip pling hokum; one far pleader, and ono for safe . . 1 . •Lidies,\famines and me It York this stssiss ts, tee g ante visiting New m e Great Ezbibition, :, ..,,,..... ' I.,r i allid , .,_olo Rea t.: • ,.•ee ewe. 31nel:we, Hu . . ~ , , a hl ti dt i t .?„ , ,L i= cato , !Mies' Wardrobe aid g , etabliehment. They can gat n ot only above- milelee, bat ale daseriptlon et \Household Linens m readY m ade every de or . , . made to order; se e , th , l i, . 4 „ ~,.ararat IA In. other pat.°, o4r Pais 'er r. Nuteericon.— • number of citizens residing on 'the- upper pert of Sdurth street, brought nit on. 'Saturday Aga;net, Wilson & Co., to compel them to remove their Chandlery out of the limits " of the city; as It emitted a most foul and nnwhol• some stench. gig `goner stated that It wan the duty of. the . Street \ Commissioner to have the D 1111111.900 removed, but as warning had been given the difendantii bi the Commissioner, and ns action hod been &ken, he would bo compell ed to Inqiosa a penelty \of $lO and aorta of suit. Seviewlnstutz-4. young man named Jere. ‘mlah:/dorn, reeldieg in the Gth Ward, while walking through a iboard yard, on the bank ,of the'Allegliony river, was abut by come unknown perscoor the bait peliog directly through the the thlgh,! from this ,rear..• The wounded man ,reseinsged to reach hie residence 'on Pent street, .wont suelghborioepbyelcien:was called 10, vibe ' qtr.:amid the. wound.: The occumsnee happened twthe ted sedl2 o'clock on Saturday morning. liairttateostrucv;—Juba (bee, formerly 11 Genitahte of AllegitenjVity, was arrested and nemmittad to the tombe for turning hie family ant of dooris ' Mt Friday night. &member of tibial' was 'at tha. time suffering from measles. He woo also` In the habit of beating hie vita end .. threateang to bill Ater. ituoid asn jlarrass.—Charlee Tbeobeld of Eut labervy. tote* suit on Saturday before - Alderman . - Parldtuton spinet :George Heidel• bilge'', on the 'bole charge. from the aerostat glean bj the' pineeMwor, the assault was entire ly,unprovoted; and an aggravated out. Itennsar.—Oti list Monday night moose entered Mfr. Shine's private Smoke• House, /sans street, Third Ward, Allegheny, and Allele Me, whole winter supply of dried tamer, = 'beau, tongues, A:oc, without leaving hbn a pound go try Ids own miring. •They left no clue by Think they might be alsooeered. To .Nsw Your..:—Tho; Directors of tLe „opleortla liallroad have made arraegtmeote to tteketpaaooperr through to No* York otty for „ • 1111,90, and. no charge for porterage, If pa/sea - pre go through without etopplog. prualsoc74 :), - dated on the 20th - -clt., and drawn by, ;sob Ge/Or, Esq., k favor `of MI, WaL:Baztar, for $BOO, at sixty days, was coat on the 14ith inst. ' • ' Now P. Callow his recelard',llel .'.' as eas 'odium:" Cr ,Miss Thnsa's Spinning Wkosl, • Dove', by Caroline Lee Bentz. Ile had • also raoalved all of Ike Marvel's Works, and al ' se =ten lot at "The Attorney." ':DieD. , - 3 agassl , itlit, the boy that fill .frook lhe second story of ids father'e resbieneolaoy Toirdsy, died elk-rtider eight. - . -.Fronto.—Edwitd . McCann 11111 bUt. and Ailed $2O for 111441:Aug owl resouiSs spritoi• 47. LIM s trstaluisa lh yard. Ifs Iris - .:samelOgitla Ohm.. • • , . . ~„ ~_ • • • t A • • • • • • • - • ..Mh4l, , : j 1 • • • • • • • .‘ • • • • • • • I • • ".4 • ''''', 4 4 4.44 ';' • " • ~...,•••,?.•••• • • ..",• • • • t•f : ••1 . , 40.1 1 - • • • V 5.9 : • r • • ==s 4 4:s _ • TEE Etainuil COIPLII eux.--The defendant itt the Halve Zetime Cane reported on thane. dei, rut cff taldeg with heethe child; the !lib- Sect of the litigation. The further eehaderetien of the case wee pottponed. Eczema it Tirrnma' HOuen.—Williatn livons.was. held to bail by Aldermen Parkinson 00 • SatardaY, for keeping n tippling house is L►trrenceville, on oath of Ellasheth.thirdore. • Pus is..—Csptala Miller was Seed on StinreLty the not obeying the orders of the Wharf Muter, hi removing his boat.' BY TELEGRAPH New TCRIC July 16. It V ramored that as explosion tuck place te day.ca board the eteamer Empire Stitt , . en her way down from Albany. It Is tail that she ran lobe aleep'and the explosion followed immedi ately afterwards, caching great loss of life. Ser est dead bodice are said to hare been taken to Pongbkeepale; there ie nothing authentic yet -beware?, The• Bleck Warrior arrival from Havana to. day, bringing dates up to the 12th. At o Norte race there on tho 18eff moat. the eests erected for the epeetatorn gave way, by which accident come 40 or 50 persons were killed and wounded. Now Your, Jaly.l6; 1853.—Sales 12,000 bble Flour. State at $6,0605,12; Ohio at $5.120 5,18, closed doll; Southern $5,12 ®6,11, buoy ant. Wheat. 17,000 bu Weetero at $1,36, active. Corn, 25,000 bet mined at 70; yellow at 71; the market opened ao•lee bat fell off at the cloth.- 200 hhde Sow, New Orleithe at 41. 31:losees, 160 hhde New Orleaoe at 287, doll. Coffee, 200 buss Rio at 61; Java at 111, quiet. Coiled. heavy; sales clarion thelaet two days. 1,100 bales. Whiskey, 250 bble Ohio at 231, firm.— Pork. 700 bbls mesa at $15,02, firm; prime $l3, firmer; worn buyers than sellers.i. him Beef, 150 bhio at $12,75, feria. .Shoulders, 250 at 7; Hama at 0, steady. Lard, 400 bble at 111 ; in kegs 12, fair demand. Butler, plenty at 11®16 PIIILADZI.PLUA., July 16.—1 n the 00[10a am bit there has been no change. There lona been au Increased onport demand for .Fleue; 1,500 ithls . old cloak Penna. and „Western were sold at $5, et which pric ; : th holders are . firm; tee ground is held at . 5,25, there in a fair inquiry for the supply of vet a rs arid bakers at-$5, up to $6, for common and fancy bramla. Bye tu. Advanced; 100 bble sold at $3,75. Corn Meal; more inquiry; 500 Mile fresh ground Pa. sold at 871. Wheat .Is seine; sales new red at $1,10@$1.11; old white $1,25. Corn io iddo mand; 2000 beta Southern yellow at 660, afloat. Crscmwarz, kili.lo —The rir C er has fallen 4 lathes Mime lost evenlog; the weather is Oar. The markets' Ore quiet and generally nnehanged. Flour' is held above the views of buyers. which checks sales; 400 Ws were sold at $ 1 ,76053,- "80. Whiskey of 70. flats 40, Corn 53. Wheat 75080: There is nothing done An .Provislone.. Bogart Sales at 405 i, with geed demand. 51n. !zest!' 23024. 100 lona Of hot blast Pig Metal were sold at 42, et 6 moe credit. Prime Beet 0 .- Tallow brought Bi 3. • - Carriages For -ale. J:.HE undortig-acd has . just reativ- H i 39111, . Iron the Hash toe Wand . 4 ` REID:1081h eit.tut nebrthe Two mile Run. be t i.e Pittsburgh. and.Lowretoerille..• splendid moortmstit of Vehicles of everTihriggistiou. obd.wx.. 7J3 alk.4.r.rath-cittrm tor obeli. /loriog had twelve reidu ' ' mob. to she boot. ners...l with his well basso Wilkie.. in the Hush he flatters hhimeli In patting down an bellretititi. Theo, wish. s parelisse ere inribid to soli awl ere for them mlr.. • • C2= al and prompt attention raid ro repaitine 01 It. (taylSkity,Bl Josmot wr,=='” QL. SODA, OtILORIDE OF LIME, MD MATZO sod'SULPIIIIRIC ACIDS. nitro , la store for trr BENNETT. Itralttlt a jr7:3os hoooo street. near Market. WALL PAPER—A large assortment of evory moiety of Paper Ilmuthros.frrm the Merest Prise to the ofmmon. medium. floe. nod jdobsst Win tinish„tarl anstantly replenished by erases from the Cast. during the maner. for pie by .412 T110)lAS PA ER. - 55 Masket street. lARE bIACKEREL-10 bbl, . and 15 half- A WA,. Lananlackarel. In etole and fen rale nr Jro J. R. CANFIELD. riff ELSE-200 boxes prime cutting Cheese, 1 jun ree'd and for trio by J. D. fIAYYTELD. V4I: B TED-1;000 bbk.'.SOUR FLOUR AKE ,SILAD-30 bbla. sad 25 half-bbla • Lake :had, larthre . ard far yalopy.. /Y 0 cAxnAD. ECORATIONSIn varnished Oale,-)la g. y. Pa./ of Pools., Walk Wrlzan, Marble; Gold; PI ho Rad Verret In, ir • 1. T. • 1.12 •TIIOIIAS PBLISR.,6b Masket etneL !WINDOW TILINDS.—GIacqd and lin glazed Gretna. %den an sasortanent of new and handaentaansed , urtalata. foe We be . /7/ 3 THOStAa ,rdLMER., 8531artet atieet. .-N V ES T ERN INSII.E.ANCE COMPANY— Nc..71 Fou 6o rtghm.eet Weiternil.aran. Vto.tc., fu We at DRAYER.BOOKS of the “Pattnburgh and Alkatteoy P.M. F4C3Die Pray.. Donk tioo...ety.. of . 17r 7i= tatcood.enr.a. REREA GRINDSTONES-42 Grindstone& (~ort' .Iles), of the e4l.bittyl Ben. qu:eiry Lr br [l,Ol VOL BuNNliuKar t MURPHY. Q . TEA - 11ENGINE F e e rrl GE SALE—A far slo. evEer:44 diameter. 0 Get ocro g r 7T1CA3.1X901.7117. eaten hurt and will be mid Jo:. Inqulrs ni: ' • _ 7711 . THOMAS WOQD3. 46 777.1•777 strert. MORTGAGES of various. amounts for Iv"CIIAILLE11 E. LOOMIS. ' Mort aol 0444 Itrcker. lb 1 , 117717 eterot. • I°l l llE BEST PLACE TO BUT TEA—BoR x & PAT TO. i the Diermend. are still IL exrellent.TEAS at SO ern. tor pound. nerwltlantee mc thrlate *dunce In re , een Esq. lye IiELLEVERNON' WINDOW GLASS-,—' ~co boa , . RH Obvs, from bob to zcxzp, ant arl yeond quality, for lode by Y. 16 TON BOtibIITOILST % MORRIS. MAIDEII-30 keg bladder, for sale by jibs . VON ItONNIIOI3ST t I.ll.lltriri. CORDS-100 dos. assorted Cards, for sale Xi by IjylG] VON BONNIRMST a MUMMY: WAIL PAPER—A large assortment: of V V Mtn medium. mamma, and Yery cheap IV all Paper always on bury and far ••!.. ty .111 R. P. MAILSUALL..S6 Wood Emet. NNEWBOOKS—Froth Harpers ,t Bro.— Roma Netttresay D. Arnim.: Chl!dbtxd of Ofs.t Mr, Illostratadi Betond , Book to Latin, or wm.noxk• For oak by ;1,1. READ, 1,7 N 0.78 Yottrth sten, Aran 111111iiC611 RICE -10 tierces prince Rice. in storo and fx:Rabt by WU] 0. BLACKBURN A W.• 1)10 Mk TALL-150 tone Napier Pig Metal, In It.* and for We by ITN IDAIAII DICKEY A 0). XT 'AMERICAN MINING COJIPANY IS loans tor vas st Yo TI Yourle st.sat. J•l2 ,A. WILKINS k CO.' 1%1 Aal.E or a L-25 No. 3, zec'd. jyr. >- •A. A. lar BANF.. 77,12r0011.1 .tred.t. tqI.C.TRA FLOUR-200 bbls. Eitru Flour, for ado by A. A A. SIaBAVS. 114 8000124 street, W' ER---1.0 jars froth Butter, put up oz rrw Car family Asa, rged ahLf day by ab P. 113. arta fsa ail. by .1/12 A. it A. bfcBANP, 111 Seaoad atraat. CLOVER HONEY-400 lbs. of tares cf ' gwrzb......l , nr=„7.4lr.p , .vzi . In nalo . w. A. AIauLIJRO, or. HIM rad Wale sew. ek, rittobcar.h: ire And—cwr. ifeetasi ace itobliwon. !Regime,- 11 ACON-7 casks Shoulders; 2 boxes , es corted Llano.. fat al* !nISALZELL a CO_ AIaRRACITE PIG IRON -60 tons Iron dole: 100 logo [forth burg Piglg. meat. tot solo by ;rat c r o KlEft a JU NE,. 13NIATATIO IRON-60 tints Rock 11111 ep 1f00..0n eopolcazo.ont. for mid t l • ifB • JOXES. QIIGAR-CURED lIAMS-46 tierces beet 1.77 Cifoolountl brand ougarettrod Ifiz , for .1.1, /18 KIM JONES. • fo A r a l . l° UCKETS—a doz. Beaver: Buckets,. ft 1.111 ails b 7 1730 IIUBS-4 doz. largo aiso TOia, for solo by 103 cOA oustsitoßsl. it : mummy. BOOKS—LifoJof paomno Cole; and vi • Poem. of Alesanda Bmitt..Jpet rveJ br /06 14 0. X, SOOICIII & CO. Q IDES-1 °ark Dairen Sales, in store am sj_ for mate IT WWI NPALNYIBIC •yEes't _POWDERS, — for raising cakes, trr‘o.l; te, Ir grad of b-owerit yea!t.—Uo.losoood'o, tilt'., polo by W. A. 31cOLUi(). I AMP bbl adsorted Lump Co. oriv.!t4ra to J. J(.1 , 1 , 1 JJCO.. W•vd glvatifiKkffs-10 g tf Chalk Bag, .kltad'o . just redd and rcr .afp hr lott:sliso =Tans. .A DIIESI YE PLAISTEII.-2,COU yards Ad 1% Loa. Pia War. grreld. In •t6t• and tor Asia by —lrtsVLE)ll2lo 11E0rilasS. 111AMOMILL' FLOWEIIS —l5O lber.-Oer .nso tallow= tboof em io s and for f of. LT• Isis' • crnicuti. SIN 0 LA 5£4--200 lbs: American isinglass, t.- bre aril for rile. by Jll6 PILOTLIKUII. Pit 11X)f)!IT'i ffiaoe.. in . store - end fur :31'.11:0 8-6 3 011 Ibe. Nutmegs,. in &taro 11, arA for rale by 11,461 12a 1 111711411101111111K. fifiaStAßD-500' lbs. ground Mustard, in rtbie awl for raft sr it statitsa manillas& (lAN L./LES-125 bpxtse, extra Candles, in 1 tore sal Gr sale 1,7 - ISPIIINCIttP. ILARTJACOII. QOAP-30 boxes (Heine and Extra Family k? ea "' ' th " ''''' 1 ''' . 241.Ni11312 11611.11AUCIII. ylb . _ pt)NE lI,UNDRED LA ND WARRANTS 1 WA NTED...rot 'P. bleb 'Um blidult ioarkat pi,* J I te pod, at Yu 71 / °anti We t. wiLK,244 a co. 1711 • DEARLS-10 ctzeks 10. 1 Ptarie, ibr male J• br MG) 9t)1.1.1b1d. 1 1 , 1 1k/RIIPPING VAV.ER-230 ;:erad crown • *xi toedkoo. Wr.iodos 10 IMO• H. CO • U ji gz r ar it. fgg4, ,, b . y OLv S 1 9AP: -40 4 0 /e 0 1 10 41 Sosp r fui rnie bv . - . txx mums • uma Pinuouter.Gesrms. tt 3laimur3lortt4r.7w7.ie. 1E53. J gra.' ins on Ballard*/ - Ink: dials con: selnatcd in tom. deputznants, but there la 'to &Multi' outride' d the Jobbing trade. , , , FLOULt—ealea on tda wharf of ; GO LbOs. antral:Ls at toli 00; 30 do. at U.= 40 do extra a $144; feCto uora. ra:e. 0 lOC thls. superfine.l9 do, 25 &Land 301do.`at 11,22 sat CO do. at:t4.lo; eatra, 50 btda at 31.15. then Is mt much laqulrr far Bone from du: hands, ha:ders of old limb , b.. Log desirous of vatting sit of what the? Das* tn. harul: totte id thspoellion. it present. tuno than $4.40 brute perSno on arrleal. , ; , . DaTS—acle arriving mote freely:eel prices ihaw an icl: tithatincl to tee.c mass 6it ante. of :0l bul. st bO. 1O des, it 46. artd. 100 do. at 46—eViclog 6t the letcer 11603:1—the Dabs on 1112,41.1 f 7.aetewl 01.000 bs.sed 131.41 A anl 414 do. a: oq,. 754. d os. Irem , the bAbloit .tor. ..1. to theelty ludo et hi ot • cent 11.11 10.0 014. 11.1361 1074 sneit-mred 42.1131. and country meet Riles of 0010111ets at 4 sad &dee at 7. These tomes an tr steal largo pareels woad no: Ent tom. on the mar -0.01.0 theta • Vigil—Wee w artl4fof 10 sad 21 bble. Mutual No. 3 loft, et 110,57. sod by the alogle bbl. at ,1L.70 $11.00 ; Lake Yirt, ete relit. se loorloos pilotatlone. . Ed—than mu a little movement la Ccltt. on Sananday; dales ot2oo base Ma r aud 25 do. at 10; U do at 10%; TO. Y 5 and 00 do, a: 100(. tour mod a —nit Loaf Unit as.na by the beeitlo3Mlo:i. 1611(1Alt—We• of - 10 hbd.. taxelr far at 43f. cob; and • tor hhdo:ftelf Liz 4®tlt. ILLY—neno I!•r Li taming in :ffooly; eo •t •nlet of le loidwilt to $lO Irk t•w. ' CI4NAMON-111103 to Iho trod• of SO awl 08 =atm at 38 oto. A b. rODS AS , I — .911n dttsand fur Immediate WE but We an , la:Islas! Ma sale arloo da. Importal. In one gat _l9lllBll.EY—tu attady demand, mad steak nut regY bears: Was rep 'Med of mummy r seAfiest. of 9) bbla.algtl' all some at =, but V.l. the ruling Ogam. et 15 btu!. at 8 ctan u ll gal.' . MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. The tolls onlleetad at the Calleator'n ctfee. lleaelf Lllw Teo. on the North:Bauch Canal, elan. the rpaulog of as , 'nation. rahlblt a''aratlfllay lurreefe ever the otrteepood. low year, and augur well for the Were remota nu thin branch of the polido wear, atuin the wholo hue In core pleted, dune./ are the egurec Aratuuteulletted lo Match, 1553 Aort jattle • $39.1 , 5.3 94 Amonut xrestell in tam, period Lot ye.r. J k 6 .9 63 Ramo the yea'. The follootog itatemieot reco'pos of the Pennerleacts Railroad for the month of June, and the to tal Floc. the let of Jami arf. ae hampered with the comes pending paled last leer: Receipts alb. month ending June 110. 1859 111078 59 tame monlivlast rear. 1»1b2 di • Increase 'fai.B2i' 78 • Ret•lptstroo3JuLtury 1, 1043,t0 June:O..= $1.451,101 03 poriod Inst rear. 230.10 03 Increase, • $170,918 68 PlMP—Mackerel conintain the advance c otleed lad weea. The arrivaLs are halm and now d'a sail,resdily at Si t"t bbl by the We: email lons of near d'a main state nt 011:38. sad oil I'., which me verr tearee. at $19.5 kW Lb% NOT. Pmtia haveate !wan ,D i c i er 17.2 d PI abd— Coincia t o firm and advanced. eee or new thearce. . . • • 10• . .ter;; Bank 51.60631.07%. Quer° at V 2,23 4.12.31V•0 1 hamll at 112 41 nn, hat-. Elaluoc: wad 001- .01 bar.. bee,. 01 at 31..23101.1 , 4i 011. M. 1,1. . 3.3,- 25433.40. 00 I tickled Ilertlog E. 433.21 a bbl —OOO4O , Rip. List. tone of to foreign lettere by the Arabia It very dleocureiheg lo t Railway and other nemitiatloun just now, endduring the pendency wit uteertainty in regent to wan Nothing can be donee:coining in retairway. Mown time. hooey,. =weer was annautulating in the bandit of benkars. welting fir the o owing up of thole itical !wa rm. Whichever limy the Question wnw tatt.. wet hr. lieret that when waled there confute amlre Inquire for American oecnriths, Money nil abundant In Loudon or loan; bin with no chat In hancreteo. Consols were Chigemed shout ;I; le et. T he e effect of the latch satire. ender/IL Petersburg, reclived after the elope of tinshieswen the brit. was not tom 1111.—N. Y. Ttib. Tna elnraneot of inld by the Africa to-aan nee 1579.148. The Cotton. Breanstuffs and. , Itanroad Ilene nave nA been rutbrient to pet for all the on:torte el Po glint axl.Fretirlo labor ant.Th we hare been 11110 1111 ao freelt.—ri. Y. Trib. RIVER INI.'ELLIGENCE STEAM BOAT AEVIVALB AND pIIPAILTUB.I:S WEST 142.*WTON. S A. 21.. and 4 P. Id. r. Tug Itrria—Tbere were:2 feel O haw water In ease &Warder weenies at dank and telling. • IMPORTS BP RIVER: 112 D4lieut-1 WY. beniware, Irl2l. k Mal; 11 b 4 a wp.r, B Sinew In 42 &Ls 8001, Itr- YIBIO 1 ., 2 ra I e.. 1% r1 2 bbl. palm Bon. Ural k 1 t1,32g L 011161011%- CI , CINNATI. Br dart ca-113 !Ida I. 6 taker, Carr a en; 20 da do. W 866aa., Ida W Wright: . 21.4 rk..ndriee. Carditaillacc 76 bar saadrleo r Yletalog4 limo & Pa. R. Ronk July, 16-2 las tad., • iv , . 1 box do, J lAl'enbaelo 44 , stka rook, A Wailer, 12 sko Slookk t eo; nook, Llpptotolt It Parr; 07.140 .hoe kk040 , 1401 ,,,, &co, lot .1100,1 h.odlm, ltotao. Olen hots-0 & 0..0 •lltsoolou yarn, etat, 1 bbl oork, kkdr. 2 olive, 1 hoz. It P Gnurlek, 6 ...At toe, W. • &make ot; Hu% 11.x0.010 Stmol 0 400 0 , 10.0.,& , . 0011.1 a POnolain 10 not. make: Pm, Ii VotoPtlallo, 1 mot 2 bit. totrtotio&, 1t.. , kort•to; 12 4. , do,"pro..too; 1 bait tote, ws. W L hone; 6 tot. mokds.. 51 51 , 0150., tau0..3d0.10, W Morro; 2 valve, ootp k *AI s.J 8.1110 3 0:0,. 1 bokt. 1 kW. U ble6obbort I tokte nat. X. :batik& 4 do do, II Stoke. OMR= • PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CORN., • Cap'l Steel, Anntaa Premiums and ireetarn Fund 51,000,006. • • INCORPORATED• 1E25. Palialea of 11m - ranee Segued at ail times an the mat favorable taigas, spit:lnt LOSS OR DASIAOR DY FIRE, OR TOO PERILS OF NAViwiTION, GT OEOROR 0. AIt.NOA.D. Una zahlEtcv3l For Pannonia ,o Allecenar Chant, EDWARD B. GRANT, coniqussiori ANDPOB.WAHDLNO MERCHANT, No. 01 Exchange Pince. • FIATAISIOUEV • (1)B 6 !) ,. !RS ?Zi a FEEZICE; &0., and Polkaed Twee A . Meg, Pennet Ca, and In Mourn A. guabloen I On. irChno• nit. BANNING'S PATENT . LAGS and JUF 1 BODY . IthAflll—Par the p . rPrenUon and rum of ZgA h '.:''',77:117•diki1 i * . ,....- : "*" . 4°::)• 1%; 5 111.7terProlareue.Ani. ' So. ' ile 81.11111 of D. 800. ning's PATENT BRAUN le dm... km .eed 0.106 nAlmusperrommeodslien. They ten .OU-rerl 0, too Mohan melietlauthority in the country. Pantottler_ de...thine of their aorllmtlon, may he hal groin. of Em twelemonr4. p Poe ran, In any ouantit T. rata'. A lady In attendthee re wait onterdthn.. Sal by GEOROE 11, REESER. 140 0 Wood atreat, Plttiburgb. PA —ALS Improved Shoulder Brace; • 02-Ladles', Gentlemen's, ?Mosel, sul Bop MaSlmuldir Branee—n la , lo rmel red, of thermos Iramol fathforsable Intended to roller.. etthind shoulder& weak back. leanton forer.lato. ' There !hoof. der Bruen me ao athlete of erreet value. and are naafi, eup.elor to moat articles of the 101.4 in rot,. The rieutle. taro . , Prue Amgen, the purpose of therendere. de well as fiteneldm Ithheee, and et eery HUM ohne. the Priv. 4.1 rerVe.l ."' e .131 L KEYSER'S Dl'ut Store. Nor EVE earner of Wood at. and Vtroln l My. Mirada P Pennsylvania Lands for Sale. • rftWO TIIOUSAND ACRES OF LAND in A. Jetlotion .o Foreit eountfe , , he..ns tlesbwed. 341V Y L:11 4 l b s th e ' re ' r 'd. ; . h lrag:.=:111 4 1:P. f oi ar tr ll!ote ' Ve th - awry nod brie s eahrowl. It le worth the etwweloe of ital.! eetNers. of epeChlehrre;se It wilt to mid low. ROOK to ' lIENRY 0. RTROUP. /51 Market gdrerh Philsdelphlw Daguerreotypes, SLOG to 820,001 =ARGO LArorrrTE • St Fourth street. `bliing•torr ea clot Bea and nmenerratote, we *errant Dar Ilkenneem intoner to naue. ATI, not estlalate tory, no charge I. mad.. exatalm. moD o, anal June. fur roureetlene. attert( AND FOR. -SALE—A good FARM of 0 4 NI. MT TWO AOOO2. taunt. gamma. whirtt teseelleat Coal met 01U nand Vermloc Wad. Ifing within land.mat,' rat the elty nn Monnattanala titer. nfitanttat land. at Daniel neither. James 11. Inure, oth•re. he ull i cbeep. for a erflatou*eatt lowDna. Tere 14/0(I. of Market..treat. MM=MdEI VALUABLE MEDICAL WORKS—Wo V .Inl . ll Medina Dannycontaining teem. to the phreleel.monn mad enoustlorul development of female*, prthe thndentedblo Treatment of Ulric tlllmaxe In MI loteel Itfc Moeterr yenn dtroollocs I r the remedlat ae of meter old symneellee. by J. U. rule, D Ty pltoll Weyer soil Ito Ilomeopethlo `Treatment. by • Awe davon, Domed, en Medians de Is Pemaltede Pane, Immolate:l by Id Coe, It D. Tlno delentlde of IlterteOpathr t by WILD= LL no. 1n1n..11. D. Yor elle by ‘• Jo% J. L. DIU% .11; Yourth IivILAi3TER of PARIS, for Land and Stucco rk; It I w tAtll.lo 08.118r17. of the best gaalltri ' ililllDerteigii, all giro wed Tallinn glib , , alw•reco• henriat 819 Llbertr etzwltZtlltshaph. FANNY FERNO3 NEW :BOOK--Fern Immo , from n od ?. Portfolio, with nriglrteladt• I row hy. /bra 11. Boftlai • former xopply• jun 000 by' . 8 7 . " 000 P.'r i altBlB. Bookriiller .8 simamor. jel.ll 83 ii Veer sir... how. Third and rourth. . -, Vpil} KNICIK — ERBOUK ER FOR JULY has be•o rad by IL P: CALLOW. Third street, oybogb.. the Pon ';me. TIM number mono to bond moth ttyqt, anti tonebtorobly more or the, ..X4ltots Table. lo It. I 174 rt /V EQUITO Nr.TTINO—MURPIIY ! 122 0Une111 , 1242..twe teaoltni eh • tontalog • tee j ,. itftll,[o.• az...4.1°1.1 . 0 at tedui d p ric ei , annnltana• t ta, Manville., fie, vary low • *if - Lam level that MOIMIIM MlTTB—Aseusattlactt eacetral hr 'ANTED—Within throe or four. miles' of screety Arat FAMILY HERION. of one or too of mound' •I•OLo t o t. . cof , O Of ..good rultsble for ,m Dairy. for •hleb rent b. potS. A mood Peon In MKS , ' een.yeortn coot 13.0000011 be wookuo , Vol fx Met Olty trooorty On fair One 1. L . Inquiry of )J'S POOMAY WOODS, 40 Market street. • WIIAIiF BOAT YOB BALE, with Carl no-Vox and Voce. now tyfruf of thee DOW totheni Whirr; or. 1011 exolleuge reell feta er twavtieldiolf. Apply to tirlPt . Mold. ' N.K. It Plattotrees yr ALLOW, Third atroct, has - reed' o email ) of POEMS. br Aleynoder o.ollo,erbe has TrIN'T.4. one, eitionipe , ol L itilhlol6 In tee .141..12. /1.11.1. 84 el k fAt CO, g CIOOD VMS FOR SMOlCERS7oenu „i in . c 17jt.115.111>lhal:taiicir.;.41IToleiftitseWir, makg:r. AMU , / BD. /enema, Parkinson, Brownseille. Cot. Bayard. Feetdra, Imiekno, Beanett.Broweder , Thee. Barham. Bail Wed Newton Extbange. abodes, n ey. ame:lna. Advance. Woodburn, Ca:ma:matt lYttetteCTED. Jeffaraon. Pm:Mama. Braman:llW. OM. Bayard, Beedaw,Aillsabetn. Tao. Stever, thdr., Wear ammenn. Luzern, Bennett. Broyamalne. Young, Orman WI. dlagoolla. Wore. Wl:manna. LIMP.. Dar aawaanla. Cinel anat. atda raczal tax/ isirons BY RAILROAD BOA!l'i-j. _ 11,ttaburgh _ Wheeling Pas senger Packet , • TUE now, light draught Tiaseen- MIGNOVA. Cart. Marro D. teen. will teem Illtsburgh 'or Wheel. never o T: ilLis=air;rt PYd.r at the memo boor. • Th. l i dagnoini mails et Wellsville withtheCiemliimh mod Pituberelo Halirtser. and at Wheeling Mtn the Bal timre aria Ohio Ilailread. 1 -" .3l ..TiMiin eaDmily nemesia draws but =tides water. • . Vornnt.tht cr mug, &noir on bornd. or to ""' D. CO NO VV Aet. C 2 Wan. Ark t. , • " 'Wheeling Packet • . new and ntanneli eiwuner T • .1. TXCWANGE. Plat. Magda& gill run a r reguiar penkat Edelman band Wheling. arblieprct., d &WWI: leaving Pdtsburgh every 'lltiNDAl. WhONEEDAY and 1111.0.31 of each trek.lr freight° Dem ca • _n r_an board. tr to - J. D r CuLLYAr i uOD. Agent. Water ' , treat • /FR - Tbe gat/mace It =entirely 120 V and speedy late.. " g rl9ll2l W " art.P=TlATlrP . aktiraw; na.rl3 • UR CINCINNATI—The fine Out steamer HURON:Capt. tllllllln, E. leave for the shore and allOttermedle yertA THIS DAY, the leth Into; et 10 o'clock, a. a. r.r freight or D.l4ge apply on boatel: jyl4 • • JOHN FLACK. Agent. NOTICES. ke • Dividend Notice.„., Ohio and reptlsirlrinla 11.411rii d. .ryHD Boarthot. Directors .Ohio nnAs Pannsylnktila stkilroad Onmpaur bay e lb* day eyed a Midland ot d ereree and a hailyxe and. rsrsbl. f 0 ite h arellg h g aettl::7 ' ln l ' t=a;:tr, OT t at i ratt...l the IBM day ofJ ly, ea 3.. Br ovine .or the , Boarenr Ditactors • , Wlt.tildtt LAMMED. JO., Tretsurea. Pittibutab, July 1,:1803. • /72 . . • • Dissolution. • ridE partnership heretofore; existing be ,rxeen the onirti - hmed. la theOlaas Dnatona, under the test ne - of SIMPOON t of to CO:One dor dig...teed ti mu am consent, the term artnerahlp haring ex he D n ant.og. She ban y nela of the late firm will bep ire tete:l b/ ThotmM tkd WA P tara R. J. Petixx. ACC VOC.HIL MATTIIIaW EDWARDS. - JOSENj 0. YnCOR, • WELLS. XIOB/A • TER)filan filltrfillte COntinnatioli of the Glons',lllnalizomn Ater The eubreriber haring purchased the in Janet; orhls eontlime the boohoon oo b own account, under ho e sumo of EIMPBON , N '22 Wood floret, owl hopoo. by otolot otteuttoo to booklet,. ..We *Phu. of a , . POttOtooko beetwed en the lo Dm. • I T1101113;01.11PSON. • Pittotursal. July 1.;141M , • jy1.1163 • - • rfritE cd-partnSrehip t heretofore existing is under brro of A. A. MASON A CO. la tbl. dor 61•arlrod by mutuol:rourout—Nstbon Moro. retiring from the NATO 414.31A80N. • AINKAIN , ,A. MANION. Ilttsburgb, July 1. 1839. • Co-Partnership. ' SEV-A. A. Masod has this day associated. with lo Mother N. F. 11.33, Eirtilir the 11.3 a firm A. btl!trudlanitilllt's7D.gfil',.2°DigigtBor•Bl°4.l:.ll ?tub street. Alf NUN A. It: AION. ULAN P. 31.3.1uN. • lithibunrb. July 1.1853. Partnership Notice • THE late firm of J. KIDD & Co., .Whole ade Dttlesims, tkee dhotolred be the death nathan Kidd, and John Flowilno. the attraiai.a 51=ko h tn n tl e l ft e a r a h l i. a. " .t.l . t e aVal ire llt e trir with Innther, CODIDLAV of noutlaue . the ha. tlntn.e at the old etandocontar of Wood and Fourth eta , Pittebtoralt, Pa, under the MUme eel style of FLEMING 1111.111111119, where they will heehattpy other we the rri.tvis :i n dn'aitirgitnt.'!:ir tine of 4." . . 3 h. bo.lnvoe of the idte firm a will lid dlosed by Job FI and all poteopo cloaca • ...knowing th oms.l..o.indebted d tle tbe same at CPO: ortliestoonverdos.ne. Y017rad....3 • Co-partnership. • , 11, 'RE LVY yB BLAIR tuivo associated of with Woo TI101:1AS 1 - be bedlam. will be cautioned unlit Munroe of lI'IIY.LWY • BLUES. ion Owen, • NOTICE—The iitookholderi .or tho . RIB 'LINGUAL' AA PITYSBUILO II Bill ha E COIIPAIVIC ill ppl,aae tape settee tt an ELECTION will be hell et th• Dlth LEL ha MIA WILAN, in the barcoith of boathataa, on Fans& the FIFIII LIA Y OF Atall&Y next, to chow oAlare Lir the salt Ontattny. • Pone tall open • ,I 0 o'clock .1.• strand be cleat at 3 n'edek e.X. J. eIeHNUILIT, &waylay. NOTJCE.--Tho, annual mooting of tho BtollEbollor. tn.. /0111,11.1C0N 1..kt0 PAN parnair I. 1/.1d . 0t the OPYICE of Comoons. to Um olt,T of ITITSII on MONDAY. /,11363. 1=3:321= .j)ITIDENTA—The Traeicee of the PITTS iIDROII OAP COMPANY Pant tbls dee deelartel a 'MEND lift //VI: Pea CaNT.elt the Capital Swell( rata Company. out 'of th e pronto of ttue lam fitz moutba. payable fort/mein: litocattoluers *air {fuel repute reotatliem i at the 0111 e of tag Company: JAMBS N.. unwell'. Troaaurer. rittetionth. July lt. 1813. ' : iTljajtr Pre..sitiont and Board.of *ln i iitlin T s i g TWO Dtll.L.eltd ma each Eanot ettheCatetal etoak nieart Compeer. The wee be pelt tO the rtnekteLlett or at er 11.16 th latent., Srleellt • i O. E. WA44116.. Taiwan, YOH A SHORT TIME ONLY • I - • • HEW DISCOVERY FOE - THE BYES. .S,t'ECTAOLE, GROUNIi ON THE Fut, :Mute . * of bittertm! Untrue. br 0. 1.)LO. tti'S. the eeletorobel Optima, trove the itorrovel Are e torte Ntanotrerterr lecrulou uottul EatshllUmeute se IDS oh] newt strut. Lotrloo—ettahlialked more shut &oratory ue., 0 hubOttOt.. the .14 loreober Of the butprored A pre terlet, end various Umprore.l (Hutu, .11 sow ow • unthre• clonal vfelt to MI. oteeto end mu he orouttlted &Taal orIVICILLAFLYETIN BUILDINO). femur of Wood ILA Fourth *but, brut doorOrt Furth: otrert. . no boa red lhe honer or .candled Ore Oro. named pee dyed tarns °fiber:loll4 HI oohed.. when be bee ex.. perieuted the n. bolter .. goo eradearent. abet I wing Nan eetaatlr rehrited re babe elicit, lot • ebert be hire the honor loroodeting hle;.crlyst ircert Loran.. with a atalt splendidad . ..meet al hi. rewlr I nyetiled L . 04 thiproTed ePEOTACIbb.S. Ouch lathe eopertortry or Mee, Oiseser that. comer haelne Igo:Weed or weak eyes nay loetettly. be telleced try odor them. Awl they poi now rho prepare or preCertlog the pro lows omen of eischt to lb. mad &Avowed period or while they atm. hie telt% the old and the 'vend a ovule tb% most Telma. ' rTrTll7ll=!:.Z.l:lJ:llllgigll6lt ' Unt y ..lW4 mrecorocal toreteM•ser,he. with Accede... solleite the farther [aeon of IL , public... which les •111 ever beoroud to saknewledge.Oboe ran allover Mtn earl:l IWe mettulta.4l., that ntoeihrtthtt than to Itahhoh on till rot to meat theft approbation. • Added rr• adaratee es he him ef lons direelles ro the Rlll lebroarlea, tEal 11134.1 on. ef, the Whit emitt,t uftth[hthi, hi whirr, re hem obtainer ell:team/1h kuobb.ilee of theete , eeso. 0111"01 be bac in Ale ereaeodoo doe:Wove , . trees lodorido ball of rank. eotiory nod the Llehret. 'armada's of appro. belch. .• lie will elide refereneee to person., In the United States. who have fond the gond.. herwilr and temlott. to Ole . rde able boric in natal ere& Sopa:reed Seertaeles. NEW DISCOVF,RT FOB DZAINEO.3 21.• nawlyi S sm n n d t seo Ond sintlsu m an th in ae y a p e s t er ms ease. ef Deafness, entralt different in make Sr constr.. tse e from ni l oth s ra,anrcesaing every Meng that but been or probshly eser sem he produce/4. They are not modeled to the musty. of theses, sale may mitt %ruble without pros lettlost, mad being of the roma ess/or as the attn. Ara net rerceptibis. The pow'. of this saleable intention are so 17:',`.,,T.crLndtrIttTLP:r4rif tajoin ID gamma' eenseptation, to hoar most dialloctly at • place of woralp. at this her. or any public. arsesoblit the unplessant *resat:Us, isf staple* nomessa the ear la *Wire, remoseel end the enutentnstlon• afforded to to 41.11 .1. attllstml with Me site•Sfol maladY. all the aasistleme that can polusbls be darned. "from fa t e have obaetved lo the m adeof 51r.Solosaous . flaps.% I pleasure sublitajt testimony to Me foregoing remmtnandatlost Of the /mutts. "J, M.Tf." . "PlAtaborab.Jaao 241." " I ato booty In bearing mT Diablo Laantooat In favor of ur.sammAeXy• Ulan. LW it them *apart. to *or tbst 1 nava toad. 'The typo poem to rut onnoantly ton•lar their ow • "D. Weans, 111,D, "Lao !Infesting balrgton, Wanalagton Valmont, , "Bahl:nom"' Pltlabotgb. Jona 11.148." ••(..m anon • liana( alt. anemone Glossa%sal fins ohm or rontan[ablo. b chateau,. and oor nap. to lb. number LI Upon arlb ommnaand theta. "Juan. P. Dors., M.D." tntabnnob. J ono 3,IVIEL", t• It alfot le um phanuse to meat that on Mot trial of revers! rpe n o d Spesarlat In my hande y adruso 0.1 firyidif total, rethaal floca'a &Net of virion. an s apalallr woman.. to the are., from which I Lava aid trd lot the 'Mt two yrima whrenrsir I hat. atereiwal try m cam her a atiprt 40001 rf tine 1 Wog tany law of •n fizallataiiva4ty.oo.l-pircoliaily. adapted for such pin aw • . -J. Y. Kmucan, M.D.. PrOlareer ot hysteal IMagnoris and Timor, and Patella of Medias I Departmatt. Woctiorn Hamm Liollams." "Clevalin I. October xi MIL" ' "71,• beet, conmarmiallon ono ive LlseGliarna of Mr Soli/Mons is, fat 1 as Wan cettalf g anb prefer them. Jciam 'Mamma. LLD.. ' "lird ram of Anatomy. University of lialfalo." is itaebratcy January 10.1'51." - Having male WM or M. 801...kr Patait SWUM.% nod emanated r efl ati on d. cm which L 407 art conetr.eaa al. 1 , 1,1. y. no pronounclas them maniac to ant tains with which 1 km acqualnusl, and amorengly ea I;l3^.Ft eke. aordninfood I ra to all who . need 4.02,101 aid lo improving thedr 011. , • .f Lammas IL Loa 31.0., of EalltelegY and Pladica. gene. . ffao and Bewthiln College' tt Now York, •unegii.W. ." w I f iom toy lodgment 0n... to the oPialon of ray ifand edlleanua Dr. lco, In ...ram to the prfeeilon o It,. Potemetws' *carat and oval Waseca f.: Lx.labt.doe n Tho grindi n npagare to be gad and glow. and Mai a literal witrimpansaly, ibmolor. Prof....Cr of P " siefit ' 7 6 , fistlAgegiaw . - Thiladalpfd• June ii 11110 . " • • evecude. of M Bolowan x,l tnlll maxim ` , 11r twy at. of • onjolfrfqe paints. we i f i :Vben, atonal!, rrto t t4r. M I P = " p -,•.x. to tca.m. Fl.lo‘litmg • EUROPEAN' AGENCY. NEyci4l yEn!o o v . L: ii k ...t at IJACKET Sal PO ski r l Waekly. and Nil ADISt.LIIIA ANIt LltitEltpoo4 LINK OP STEMS: StIIPS (Mgr of 5141rohastet sad etty et CH.orol4) .41 Morroly. j JOHN THOMPSON. - . •: • r 410 Liberty rorrot, 1. the cal y sgentror Plroroutih; h• 444 414 , 474 40 hood Va.pako Tlekros 40.1 IHati; Drafty. from LI t onamount ro,roatern from . 24r4 Yorlt ' or Phllroolp f hl• 440401.1 Vittroaroh4 and 404 . 4.r0n , r0t of 04,0 A ro4l 4 11,00/ Itl to t 41.04 Q 46444. rtalittlefirldamT trlvar TAM is laisreaoll 8061171111aMi ;.! 1LL1.5.31 TATE k CO., No.lo Fourth }ll l`.."''O:aFra. a ttil a tt'ao it'rur uurcitdowellod call. sr they msy [sly op boatels then work essonted br Mustioll smyksoen, antt sa we somnsfaetursour own load' PIM end ettret lead we San &Pont to work.it least sr Wl' gjc othsr establlakmattt le older: eta.. . p,o,ss TU. the country who whits to ee alas tae water framsations will had h alt. to tie& n.n MT* 611.11 tante ptunhantet from *mood t eL n is.. we err Or only manorseturero of lend /dim and, Soot , Lud theolty. OrCoos from tbe mentos for tool Plow, gesso Lose ooe Peters wilt motes rtemet at Imbl93l.lnotflt QELLE.IIB! LIPER PILL—"The very beat PM atifila us. Mlseenu bon.T.nouu ). tae. Mr. R. R. 45.1104 els—.l sta. to 70. Lkst-lt.: Tr ' Ur da r e% 11. '." WP rsTlir= t o.tnirrV witl•olltou OIL laLr•ryl44bry »tamed In oar cm. /way VII. an.l la Hut soppl rino. o not llog all • I . s .to glow th e..catanal letter but pg.. publleti the Wrltreil ROM . Or L.Pwr PIIII et. the 6114104 War the ad Sera.n:r . r.lar c uip 0:401544 , Of bue . AI,44I4MIL r i n . . :XL Sati.4l4 et ric4.4.- Irlic,, ; ..,. af.pittibmat. J 1 .wo i Nufatax . igziii =ill ~..m !,!:}Ati .t. . • ~ mre.t...wate. a..tiomp..rot .1 th..utai th .v - --.-,: ___ i _ ~_______ - , of peoporties of ;ono igoned Woe in Mau, dem. ;•. . • , WORKS ... of deepen.* tmageoey, 1 essreetheily lent* notz exeroe ; .\ • • • ce t'; \ nelson to a very impostor ankle, moteututarel b/Mr*•*l MA, '.. . . d ' ` co.s.s. Aiththi... .th. 1 ,41. et Petekdam s , in gloGand, ley a prOedn Peen' , , ....,. peva. liar tom, own radar, • it le flavored gal mantra . not -r t ~,, .• T} too eammen harsh ben) , hat by Us choice tat Int •El . '- !rtt \in t*o iFge, 'octavo co o. , Tsdnty el Ms_ artroatio Italian dont.or Non,. W, on 1 tellit4 i. s......2 i erith 14adki .„ ngt Illuotratione: \ Polo. Owe vinous attract lo dlotilisd and rectdel Int. fte \ rt. fOr lb - w tomb,. P. puyu g u g 0,1. k g , ravens sabrenAlend tfitutb•coms• aconcentnted Ha „ 11 rennet/nu lATANIPS .ork on /Matt°. of ~apace Ivor and aroma. sitogorner Inuncende AND NANZVP.I").. bong th. r 0,.....,i....dity. DT In cannel and needgunal oropardey s to Tun Lb . M AV. Ao/G•vol, fife, Vt., rgeri, Doer tiondred 'Gin hentafon known. • , timer llelgeflne \ Cto . .i , . data Dulut. of tuferlordlotillatlino•ith whleh the .N.ll,—Tigne Who ordosnethlo TV* TI.LT WORN Markin lo now Acodet. payskierto 111.1 ha DWG dilculti, : HI be maintied teg NOTHCOLIPLA, erg' Identeonnin V ' ll i rerafir•Ve 4 tr n tiettartl= " rAf \ M l ale:o fr ed7t=efl t* /I r .Tt la ". it ' 121 IVIV)MITI3' 4 tt P•rtotr often ty TesettoUterling.he Shnity of New lA. ‘, lgroro DObttetik• , • , .. `. - end Possecrio. a Matured imporunics in the wants • ,AIie:NDANAED . ONcl th• Giugoverloo,it of li on Gm mpteielly, _I• tvg„Lo submit to your • det, flag /De had tor s Iv, ;dm, 00 ON. tendon roy AItO3IATIC SOLLIZILAM EICGNAPPIL as oo WI: It AND A. tat •flr,tlt. intthan . Lot f.di t realmyt io ntruttcoatatolt i at i tor t %ani si„on.phh, Hoedniced cm:Atf u n4;* h ieLettegotAl noun.. In &o to • letter ran ' atints MI. tielio4l 'zd tZtle ' reti t mtrVII: 4tahs of seat mid mune toareett it. • . It i ' .... ... 47 W. lY•r Hoe I he. 'Mnd eno \ 1111 W NIATION ' Or Tar lien EX AWN. with didributed tny bomeom Ws encluanyi, tot Medienter • behind sent thifnenlVindretlen. a 4 nits—i vo• Panda.. yet within that trial • rticd. I have received auniform with the New ok. Meth 'I • '*. mot, **. 'U t.. " " b"4 n ' • ' • .b p .6. ' 1. . 44 l'" 10 • 0. • tc. ~..N.W;XDITION 4344 SAME IL ISEMALED,' ...yin colts really ntratodlner, etadea, In Gravid, tn. ed. t Ts. hum. ids ' gad ..loth . -Pw"o"e" . '''' •••' ''' .o. 00 t h . K W .. T ....1 b 1 .- IMM. vv. Putnam k.t.n. '••••••11.1. lo sel Ws der general n alto la Digs Maledin, when token to f., 'PT denT the dyne:lento/ • Henn , MHOLD•TN proper *maid:ales ass Het Drink, an! angiallY et din - that T.pgr'oditlan of "LeDerd'• Wert". 01; the ter... found. by uniform aznnenen to by. dainentlT• trot A v 1 Edielati: TM Cloud . that Mell, a k . eked.. 10 the meat abeam:an cane when aeon timbal uuk ",,, b r a .„ p. pu t ,. ~, u , 4 then meth" , ol the nomad remydics have falltd wadded m o n. thus 000 . A. o v o l.*, .t.rio. o oo o . our* as temperer, relief. and I nevem* drub: that it would 71 .11 as thy' o soy steelier A mai kook.dhotbse lunl g similar noun.. with preeldon sad denamty in your °en sp.seo. thse Aminimenfibilattort.. \ . . professionalesnedence. ' 0 P " riVores aloe pn 1 • ewe lt , The Aromatic &Madam Plehoopps to out op In strong 000"..U.d.T7 bf the non Wei all n bottle/4 plaenand quart. anti. a .v•rodandle,iled dith mest nen I d lumenstlng metier it . prim whil4 . • CU OJIMUO 4.01000NG =Mu bottle; dens hod liiralo Of LIV, bu r ,. k b. 0 k ...ph. the ......; % ,..ti k b., signatr an th• Jabot, and l i r moth. calk. • readers '• 4 \. v---- , ..- 'UP'''. HDOLPHO. WOLFE. ygated l".'h irNt ' Mrtol o %l,,, tt rD. , :ktrsgtf. I rrli 2 ' Th• ‘" •. ,l l... .Z ir :::„ Yo l t- ..,‘! • =Gt. wide Gloom. Putnam / jo. entbefr Par oal# by.; MIN HAOTHE 15. 15 0, . A !rt.. ono lotoineenand that or Hodes Harter..l4 o lC. , .. r , gl , 7= itria r e the PrineiP7,./IrsAgocm eon uf. nee : book is their y fir, Led t• him put lobe, p mar ket, with heir yin t, et a fair and • modente• don ~ liaeose.utnam kDo adder that eondoon mud., and Extracts from the New Took /led rear Onetto end Jour A.D.., lad nen the dolsbtfol nano of thelay \ ''.. ' Pal of *Health, edited by D. /d. Dan. M. D., LW., IT6 kg , .p k o k „uu,,,,,,, k . ~.....„....,... ~,, LireadWay.bdolorr i. Mgt os nfinellel toe an it is eigetaWons ant discrelltab • Hoccasta . GIN As A MEDICINE. y rdpectable buslnate u. \ .n. In oneleot number. we accompenied th• publication.' *o fildroilo Putnam • Orn Inn to date fertho.-- • a scalar on this neeDtat. from our follow eltizet l t7. - 1. 1. Tnag,LAY•ftlYl/ NI VER .. (Um tint Woril) oho Wolf.. Doge 'Ube WIG emloten•tery. erg., ve of entirdvlntad in 11.. lc, Hilt ell ita Gluons/a our own nettle Mtn then too have been employ'. this were en cock horn nod thattemsnoutteed and\ mite *snot, end thu• tar with favorable neults. But wit see ilthed b nnits advonn M. T., other &mod., goon—. 4 In e ,atilt at knral earamouiention, on the-dot:den the auttlnalling a euIMA nil. the ptivitoge. Dem medic., men. which ..... to oho• chat kir. Wollll,'s 2. That 'Woe ro. Hamer in indeld to Aromatic elohltdam Canaan L• Ter, onsualvoly In u4r., that Warn ent alet nee n .1 • present one Go the and in th• hands of ph,ticiamt, is Wad. ..1 , tooth of Gideon dams in ilkeng e o e g o gg,,,,,eu. attmodatioo tioretm ta Ire oto mph eta'. ate rand for by IsnitPerentiom• 0 .1 . ,1i1a• ... o *. Wl* db. medic Aida with WA intend taint In of Alromre Poitokm # Clo., an ' ' mini. at Tarns.. Tam. Anon. ol the nmsthunreportyd, omineleinne with the ordinary am leer ga all leaollug or booboo. dr/di:educe...dr, a g .. of envoi, .., celled, flan pubillthen. ; \ \ haz been nutirely removed by th. pan... of a calm% ;3. dad , 01001A0g,.. th•Y .in * ..2 t mske soy* of m.0.:W..1,10 d on, which D. oderibed. to the an of o y pubile datesoent \ enthlo line, il, P ni a ale feel two bottles of Hos artJele. rmnlnliel to repot% tbat the often mu acted with We know not tin objeetnf Mr. Wolfegn dnignethath hlninterferance—tD/ feet that it • *demist. plelit, P =. nyorlohreltitttatairoTilrgr o ar : 21 . 4 TaL ( r0 1 1 4 4 1: 1 ;: ° •T.'" ,, i iii . l . .., 411 l ." 4 1' 4:• manta th......nrentreled ...odor. of Juniger4Dastrag of trethen,_how on ant. • ichleh has TO -... o wart.nt oe porprtuating Its ancient - title of iloGaud. Gin. it is tme, eelen. tram axle Mee ...sot their 0 silk' • that he admits it to be nothing dm then the letter o r b,.r \JII.AIgs els in Its he state, unadulterated by DOZIOII4 ~rye Throbnce he coutsMistionuiehe. It froca the Oin at camel nearly all el which, n . udi k g ,,,. 1., ~,,,,,,. \ (sutured bore an I m at e en from lilted.. 7 1 h o USey mull rote. drug. Thee h. has ;Linn It; It . mar • the y oion of designatin r hlo anion ...stated etrimfieel for rndiflet Pongees. and the. neMmon4 \it to ;hyoids... fbr whon tut venter. HI, on We, only br reputable druggists and apotheaarin..: \ \ ' As norpecht its medicine arid. uratin er.t.., mo nditi ; of him to olden only that It I* • pare ad ninblear Melo of Holland Gin and or ouch, worthy of thane... den. of Physician., in then disease. Dr which thoy, an wont to wee:ribs It. and have hitherto and bonne nutmeg by fi0430/ It op tpoldain tie article in a pun note. N O3,, •henid any ordeal.* anima 05 , e' hullo melleim a m the afflicted of 'h. benefit of to angel, which hunt time inmensorlal ins held Its pi n among the ?media' agendes of Meagan,. Illedica. If it hokum' worthy of °outdone. by continued fanner... \ At ell event.. those •ho motet in the muplOyMent on/ tolention of other aleabeho modieinto, n tinder.. Mr' nn. :1=11:". P a. '''', l l .VTl O X , e ' llr i .v,°,! ' ?•:,l4 ' , tto a yore adieu/ over the lettetlue ultessuoes sere ner erif In tteemarkat. Mr. Wolf. libonli/y • pull. ph,- donne with a sample Dottie kr =sty* m*d n o n i set, flea, to his eiroulor, area deka eh. Teruta o f the nymed, upon the latocance. Betety and *Mrn ey of hht' Holland Gin , whoa end under medical ant \ le. and deign Ids awn charager In badmen that tit article. U r, wIII not dioappolot any whoa. It. , loom the New Took Esprit.; October 10. 1902. MEDICAL LIQUORS. In common, I penumn with many others of the 'pro feselon I neelved, some few mouths eine, • oloulnoid broned .. To Physicians throughout tin United Ma y fdr. Ralph . ° Wolfe, the ineporter.,of Itver street. lk :ITV ' 11.11:1`4%tt d ,argg."Ximir t=', .7`13.V 4.00. in Liellard. oy • recullar proton and pm to bo ' P\ medical nee. under the somewhat Dutch title of `Mehl. dam Aromatic behnappn . The Meek., Mein. foe We sere i dole an eminutiy nnor degree or purity, arena. 04 ler, and medicinal emanr and effete. tutionver. &gratu itous apply of it to toy physic:en who rater feel disponi to net then claim Ina emeutilland proboolcual manner. Being fimillar with thin tarts in relation to the knot iloiland (lie. as a medicine, namely: Orel. that IMan pare. it Isabsolutely lenient° anion. to b. emelt Mr any other moody known to therprokesien, la y \ complaints, both scuts end chronic; seundly, that am tivl multitude of ill-made or adulterated Ilquon 'el widehthlomountry aboundompure Rolland Oin kentinl to be oblelna at any prism am thirdly; that the nail impuntin of any inferior or opinion Ol t coun t. ink, e t the hydrated oxide of Amyl. a pennon olhor Merely., molly known a• Potato Spirit. tonal OIL or Andllo Anoe holt and nondly. of Ms beano of the two neential crala of Juniper. leant of the lighter—which Inekuritleell / Idly Iseult from the merrreary grim of en exeemil distillation of the meterials employed—l tasolved to se nine Mr. Udolotto Wolfel enliven at dust hietchin dun ArOontla lictinappe" to di. UM of. 00 04 eardreld And I was Miguel to do Mho (anent/manatee the pro. bonne. tenaTanding and Minna ropectablilty as m Imparter) Demme. the parity of Glo, alien tint at every other soh:Meow Ramon/tiered In medical or:Winn of the moot sitailloonannace to the enomenin. linnahelt se It Jo mind to two dlethot came. of perWolems lam. Mr, namely: the inntior MI of. Juniper se well as the Rouen opt 1 ibuod moemsar, the "Arcrantic Schnabser atroaaly recommended to • phnisist, and writer el rot Use Inhume Ibsen. IL 111. Rene. nf tha New Tork,Medi. owl Gentle, and by many of Ma mad emieest headed of the proleeelm. who Ind uo realm to npponl , a4 ob tained toy_ otter tlon manned andenot of In Munn name' paity awl for • I tturrerore niched ta 'Mono evened! men at nest for the Ole of the nubile at horn of the malts of my lanstigattour whether they, proved favorabi• or otherwise to th• chancier (Inn ants and, too lutenot Mite proprion. ', . ..: \ Tisane rasa Re are se follow.: Snualidog first for the Mk .olJnotior. by dietillaUon, I obtaind am Ott. Dom two quarts of On liguld, whom, sneak (MOO' W.. 0.822. end erne Maley Kink wee Ing. degrees. Dar did netereenno reothrtillatioa yielil an oil of greater grasikryor on any ether kind whatever. Tile eame totally o r 00µ00 m Mahood Alm sr, called. yielded en eiemelve DT ...d i.unaka. a on ...idawcurtl..ltb the hoilingnAnt 'sef Lk demon Ws liana soll haven Provioully paned eer. Thle was annually le to the supoimiltrof In. Wolters Gin in tentless to the all ofJraidwroo ytking the anima, flavor. and lihnlabaugetker re pn. •plorhar of even kind ol 41,1•,rnMillbeepond. , As to ths nasal oil, with whine all itifortor spirituelle Henn an mon or Jere Imininturan. and `Min tranden b h lb e e m d — poo b n l o u cot.., s i u n . i onmeto t Booby. i n o W hoict h ax t i h ca e n w h en ems. do not. and mune that morbid Inatiableatne \ tin go endue loluneurs, with all it e deplorable eon y of which the binds of f Woman, and phi. lenthropy .Jenny malDisill. inelesd of Chat minty seed tastidialienees of taste:tor .h/eh the drinkers of pundb tr . i sz i. iittlngAin . s . sl.--o tip Lap ... Vl f :Vd nihmat u le i sel elthoush 1 rennwily seed various quantitiee MIA with 0100 chloride of madam, by the meal Drea , ge. Thick sereeehly detects sodobtesn• ills; the ardinary 011ittill. 1b411011.. Acordingly] reel booed to say that I regard this Ds being m s ee Tr es respect preoratinentiv NM. and d a ins of neediest permed. It So indebted for Its sup. only. I doubt not. to mend manlier materials, and that preullarly moderate mated of distrintent 'wil t Inns th e heavier end less volatile nentlat oils. both o , In Meer end tar ten., behktid to Me VIII. TAM alms een Ss millesut to annant for the spiel arste• of think nes • other Mum bin In tenni to the medalqualities of the 1 Ind. Juniper berry. ef whiM Me, coatratfactoun span to his circular. I hare no anneal trinkets' no where- • l e o L4 W Ptigribl i , aintZ,Ti o . o ptarbth,:f.nt , h?treTr, J yield.. with lodrochloelo and. • liquid camphor. This and Deng in Ms crunch as • principal ormponeet , Or the kostrie Juin, probably enema thlo materiel Inion I toe oil. srel nodersit the saleable digative stimulant, • ' far within leer[ grant nd will. probably...gnu bone 1 I / ramselLeeet l 7 reginibiLliolfses, Salon= Anomalies l'annappr- as a valuable noessise to. our Mormseentic ligezt.; CI mar *Millen of He ...montane honnuounew : tenon •tterts• dlsralled Noon Au a berepon Toper-' antilktr.raling In the Math west, when the bon water : frequentiy produce. Memnon, lend sometimes On den smote, sawn upeo, person unnecestomed to Them I noun think It would be a nod precautionary envision. as a muntenctin or of than Minn. , rahn cdond lu moderate .merit mAt MI *Tenn. Itl• the .purest pcesiblo article of Uelisad Ole, beretoMre unob tainable, and as eun. may he eafely yreeersbel"by `phy skins. DAVID L. MOTT. bleD \ -• Yhermsontical Utermin.. , . ea- Pitoborat eimet. ' JIMIU DAWORTUe torldollasist eranner of the Diemond andl,nroond:Alin.. •thocolate. Cocoa. and .Broms. I IV BAKER A. CO.'S Amerioan e}nd v rdDi Premium ODOCOhADD, COOA. a mnistn. In •Atala Dar t prondume Imre bun awarded b the ea.( Ippturnm nod Furs of the V 01.,.. aro to b 7 all Lb. Wincing Grocers la Mc United Mates. and b 7 their agents: IltwOr a MORS,. Fe. Tort; Orant delybiu .thotnea-F Drnadlre. Baltimore: 1.6 pllt l / 4 Marlow Ohio. WALTEW BAKER 4 00, , Much 31.133.. fatarly . 63lei Dorchester. Mew . LATE ARRIVAL OF QUEENEW • • - IicENRY RIGBY, WBOLICBALI /LAID lILTAIL MINA, BLAU ADD QTIKERSIVAIAR, \ \ Invrocalstre.t.PittabropA. 1 B NOW receiving, direct from \ Kagliah Potteries. an eitemirs aseortmeaf of Goode, eMbrah• Ina every rung). fa hie Doe. AMOII/1 laden. mn—W to, DranDa Toilet. Tea and Dinn e r. Man sande* ahtte Clew ' \ mas-body Drat ons. estreeely for Duel; Preach \ ad Eaallsb Clans. la whits. gold•basel. min &cosi • ea. I nod Dinner ecru dome Moe sad melba:42:M. bl Ma rs and rumple minted. U.O. edged sad' lamed • I With Au lhovAlnd MOM. CNN and s. d mural usortmentaf FWD sad Drum Olaseofell all • be the recall ludo 010.107 Uhl amotr7 nurenaras. utd moderato Wee. I fe2MlDkantaS - • Economy is the •Itomi,to,W• I TO FAMILY should be witbobt ll )ir t A INOtd ONNUIN EXTRACT , UP (IMMO. 0 • pound at tote ittraluatih maids tom nit h fug ten &Twits Vail t tritigin it li rtedl=7l,tatzlhrentlabr VII man WNW". n I. a y mots wholeoome then Gal : Premed In he ninal way, and ...Mi. indNidi••t• , • r.s.,:o77l,l!'"irlfgrildrirgt:h'. hTla:Ul' seenotintsuer for the United States,. eefte wbeni ' aN\ online, amino_ petaled with the cash, wilt melt ',Uhlman& atteutien. All lettere addreseed to .1,V.,.. ENATIOIa, most he poetesid. linhladato SELF4I:I4.TINti \\ \ \ . RO # . SMOOTHING I\ , . , ~. Tllß -grecitcst dopiestio improyeme tir c oC , •Me age. Lad se And them a moot &nimble mit =Lana, T 16 1 ,, and Money. atarellante mid pod Me' on ahem terms. Addle...troll's/de ''; \ . . , J. US ON, 'tii • 111 wont eloped Pittsburgh., \ f 4. Vat pale ,also, at the prlndpst wariNtorat in the eity i by. Uratt 0 On, and Idr. he artrinbt.\ Alm,Tallore Pro& on the Mme&Metal. ' \ ' tonientwly4l3B 'GEORGE F. DMM FORWARDING AND 002dM1S8 1N IdIiIIOI.IANT, ottLos text .'cor ro ['aim/iota. ar =: h izte u rrAint: . for st i trAt: Metal. to toy past or ;watt for Otto ti a. tVi!eng=e46V,TNl ignummrak the snore oats @ether: or Oaras.ltroratoa o .ettecteet thereon. Jetda7r: Hundred %Rags Wanteti At 14,75 per HundriV. IIVILL give $3,75 ter hunds (mu) awn Ittl:Usl!terst at xa, o. rsorl, he. 41) r4.ltradatT" B W. OIfiIDWICK.• 'VIII; DWELLTN or G Ren tIO t BE 'Li -----l s.-:. ii ,,...,:ti . fieia1. : 7 4 ...":*1t0 n u trur on ti., r ip. I \ , 174, ot 1,4 0 .14 Bate% .1,,,, B r . . LI, li p. la in . B. DAILLia ' 4 " =Ware 't __ , TO Yourth ' CIARDEN a% FARMING im, • • Bans: ~V.,ec t riltt . 1 L1FEW:.."17,72,t, - 1• 1 1t: ..i100 . k e.. . ut raM ml tioolo, 7 ra .. .a . tla u y d. bal a6i L 1 . 11,y 0f 0 , 1 40 111 =gt.„:;-..eStlka'Oetttg' tore "'". ' Pm, " D 4 &worn and • full mad nompl.ta :mama ' r n•lbo. Sr IDS Farroir. Oarttrtar, and Dairyman, vier UM Tor, Mrs, Sugar Seats, earroin to , tuna Ma Mel iCii.. mut Vi mahatma, an /fifth linen JAMB We 1., 'f. ARM AND COAL -FOR SALE4tun y W ln Zllmbotb tommilly Wirt balou It a 6r.,,- ~ ,, ,, . , t l:4 ;a ti r tf.:2 4 . . , ptil d i u ttof . ul=lAkm; 1010101002110t11 210 a tram_ oci log tralltmy, • t al;,, Irmo. bum orzbard, an about ,/‘onere. a under son 00.1011211144: ato 00 num, wag Abe Mat 1107 tb Ma Man ~,,,, of • tk . t.b . am i t \wa 1,.. * ..ing ow whim on . rim. 2 tr irtil b• sold t r ucatia?",,, r% . , . ~ 4,4olda ii kst4A afalawnot, • • . . 24, ertfii*Oriw. 103 Mk A Mtn ISlard.-IVerrl pk. ktrlgirdi G.: .6. 7 PALL ' : ~ :. „ Z S tr. -- -. D. Honalsor, \ 1 , ,'`,. \ 4 \ ~,,.4,. 4, ~....41: a15.111014..,4, - P . E l.l 4 , : o4. FlJ r :LL:::Y . r ., ll:7l7i3:ll . t i . ::: 4 ,o tt u e g niiA o. of ‘ .x i v ne.:14.1. 7i .:Lta= 1, ,, '.. DLA litr , i * teZ*l , , ,, , A Esinte \ i(lniag 5 Olnde, ' 4 , ' \ k le ~.,..y. , ,:.1 1 t,.........., : v.,:1 17 ,yi 1 i i ,‘ , lis \ 0 rellek \ , eb , i , g ,. t ,... e. , i. , \ r, exasuoes. ... \ 1 ,spd ene vv t tin.. GIT, Rubber Gerefl kutuutrertured, s \___qfUlrell•irgit " ken OP easursketa—are war \ "." Prw , r •-tr stl Ulre , eiiotrln nib - errete. mud 11..XY ofrar.4 O3r roOs Trg Or .onli quantal oDoo tb•• Dart terms ) Ordilte ci 11,pd, rreurotir s utled to by Jr /Rani 4, ST %,LantAnd,l9 . N U :s t a Of). ri 11. "••S l\ ,THE Hama) • o , co , ?ANY, 4 \ A ..., r TrA - •q ms 1.. n. , , 4 i, iONT.l.Ntirlik s to 1'4.. illtt 4 NPOWDE4 Nor, , •.call tleir vrettlfua • ‘1 , , 5,& .: RatnatßlS , 07 4ate%;1 A • tr ' •4l,;. bUlr • ' azoOrr-Yeur, ardTerA Vd t rAVAgtrTattliVi c A 4 - " IlrIPTV , r *.l .\ r r' gre"ro ' ' 4, 4 a. c2t 44' I. lr 1 . rti k 1,',11., r',7-1 • • ".'"';? k ''' .11;. P. 51 V 11 . j. 5 .- gr ' e;tfits - ru i. b; ' .1 " Il' !? 2l" TTra r . k . Vt,, , rge,l,l,lrk \A. R. DO. , Lunk, a. Ng - 4 r 8.130 . I, c If :'o.Ril 0 IT \AT 03 -0 P kiri, ',,;. , cit s os, 119 4141•4 ' , • ' rrii 1 . Offic e of \hr \ NEW YlSs i Z .. c..; Ss; ‘) .' , T. ,lll,ll iYiffeArtra. RA Pl__!4.t. b .7:4 4' :• - . V.t\ rATlOTOCltlatiTWCtr•riale ronslo l DiffEGV \ kl• . 'l l =•••l l4 WtleblegV,V•tr 179.1 . 11 . % V , : \ LT-tt as Aug ir.:.: 1 .:::1 'd . `...34:0t.'. V: ta m jr.::..., ";°X.l'4ll i ZIA tt. t!!'4, .‘,.. M,..i.;•tt. • ow. hi.. 1 7 1 0.: ..N.410. .e - rto \ p V 4.,k \ ' \ a • tultur i %."4 1. br vm.azu ~ ,7_o"\‘'Actr.l. - 4,, ..-0.11-4. , ku rvi,zV,;,),.. . • g ot o lti t 1A111.11144 • t t• beyot t a de1ia45..„.1., .n 0... vat 1 KIWI, ,kboot b i • • mot to 0 1 .1•1111ht t o ••••••Attb,bed brint o teil li but• ot I •to tb o boom O r o t o o b t ma, otifluotinitgorrb' k iti=l:fftV 4 etrli '11% . ..;4 ''‘, IT,IO 'At\t‘::::l2:' . l'bt . g.l..ll l :"- lii.g , I the toq t g l a 4 , wasted \ b r ot • to Warn ` • bibs '7•7; l reta" Zr•lt 1 .11" 44 . 1 11' . ,P".;"Tto, PP= tgirettA tot,ta P''' 4 . 1 1 : # Nit igi ...,,, .)• • tot•\ v,,Az zgt, tg r i o ;r i m' P t tr,'„." \ —V \‘'t I\ i 0 , ?... 1 7 • \B. T, CLARIS. f ee \r. \ ,___ .1N c E I TA.. TtiB43TOOK — 'l` \ \ \ • . \ \ , \\ . WII1:8 \s '"U If RIPAIr .1,.. 0,. \ , A \ 9 Cour4nOttorkre 1 diik ‘ Nitionqaot,FesterrAilotele) and - \ --, „. ~ ingwr4 ~, , 4\ll min \l3l:mX ismxinV INV.I.* he 4tentio of,Vicholksalk,Tityers \ ji ' s " '4 l t 1 .`7 4 rr ° tZVV:irg ,t 751 th. g i. 4 , 1:40d Zia th at vi4ptutit. c re by at.. Z... aektim ego OW' We. aim , On* it. **.t. tXtirsZkat;V:jA e rs: * Vibrigthr*,7..q• a .0.1,1, . 'Fla; "T 4 A“ NO ...•,.. TA .&•1:i'1,.. 7,l %=o .! :4 lll VeA d eornli i i g/74 , . me, 1 1.. - if , 14.• "51 =Mr TrlVa tk otip. " ...M• if =ld% A I ai. \ plimilvool TKARK. ...... .n't , we be :N e ` ll "tvr:ll: 7 .l4,..aluvitrAtrtizma..l. ' \ 1:112ORTILIT 11, , AIL WILDS/IV 11 fat& ‘..A.V t Iffg,TIVE POW :unit , At T041 1.. i ' l b:707;:re . 4 to. .„, t Tv. to aware the *adonis _ of falai, and tato:bag to ataatt ••' 0 ° Oaietr Stesit • \ l 4 , \ \u"\ \ llefriji" 11 ft:,.1 ,:*1 Tot 3 tlaltapalt4zl.oos attlat. U.a.• Mitre ~ tads au dansuotto, ao a atlvaallana iblttuataltr4 012 =11,. ' . b.ratek. mon Ita\ik ' l. 4 =tht Wt; grX . u 44.y id bV.tbot iltk....a , dm INettut al I r o u fl i r,DOcEl) =VLF lI:IIL:Z.LITAx ' : , , t4 , .... rb1Z: .o,r, It. V." t t. 4.nth. mew" ariushOrdtp• lola bo toutleuiably Igo ,br Ma 1 74t6 . ti1105 ... r15u1t01. , 161ut ttuo . s. t ww...f. , 4.. WI .11. a adl. itt ,r1 1 .1 , ‘ , :m.r....m.,.. ~: at. a tt . at; 9 tot arm tatir:tir ii aisl i vsze ni ,bakbaiTh . ? . 1 verjkFr: n rgi ii: pititklt *is no uspleit: \ . le\ , deaf Is Ita. axon a. ault If 7t\..0.. to. .. tn., sui • I Zett set ;Mot:deft it.. tub' o will uto .cite` wag In auftrlositr ottr ether Nat% .I , L . , Toms of tato std. II ano mtlest t . Can o tat •• IR% Lttli Itna OMAR: 0031441•41 k r of r•ad•at 46 Pool-6160. ex Yatli. Dye th , k On /°°° ,61 . 6 7 0 . 0, \ \ • • '4. '\ _ ,M i t t icta i vatalo p han: vraii,l:l4.4ueltrairi Tatior r i r iltit •c 41 \ 1 !"‘; ld . ?nillishiPa 134 ;iek.; \ N. _ \ .kpeTte l•r, e. lik . , our= s‘a. t, N. g!!lc, H AVE \ fkircly s i r 01his.11 ...t d :. :Mihfr ORA 1 , 1 , de ‘lloE6Vitingt 41% k !pa "'Da . Ftilia.l!.. ract•ri7l , ,V , llak fi c k .tu,vAX, t4t , r u r,i ' Mu n tTrlll ' lgt u atett HMV:3. ' IV\ ‘,... ulo,,mgok.t.e4rts. Dal De/vyhtrt• a e,..tger , 55. 5! .W f ig . s ll:4 ` tt a e " T t era r . ' r -a to . 1!1:4 t i . ;! .sn. . , k\ \ , ..:.llmetripisi, InilOtatit \,. ...,\ fl u tt p rolx6 'ANNUAL N 4113 of ti e %,,LIIIItt IN/ MITOSIS •111 Lae ola la th. city %.1. Nilk •YultK ikftni the neatti of 0441414. m, ~,,g. sum 1.41,1 th e reteljno , Orlkle 121... i t ioltito% Ifarl tarIIigIVI4 n EXIAIV.4 IP= r.1141,11niNtrm.i...,.b.:14 - 4,W,7.47; 6.l•autde.r,ttle prxtu %Col otifolfa reatarr. tn. 4.- RIM,. WIN Sr. I‘ vor, efdptl , td . 5....6t the V.ii.l =VVI= e t lNTl7, l =44::eTtnir4 bkpla..l b•pmtlr b p Ms. .\ .. , ..... \\ . .. • *Ay ° ) ' T ilWalltl/10 . 1.114:A'upt, 7. - . ___ , iX , / 14 glaic _ 'pia iiIXiiNVORIVIt e tTNT Pl4ll- 1,1 V /4 101/ it:-Iror rtmths. im.. 1 4.8 WWI. , i ' 4UIVL:IV• P •Mvf. 1 pliat ' l 12:611ot tAr i • 6 trnt7ll " gbttetMarjfit ibin a i l et. b &IX te! ikr. 1 trio, • . li. ael . baTa t et at ••E: 14 . , ii.0 VIV2.IIINET)::;?;;i:d... , . ir 1 , ..74-1 . .. 1r k. a....•, s Irts .v. : o 4 . u f- 5, 4 . 41 j4l' . .. \\ .. , 23 1 •.r. g : Tat. nii A ' '.'• W est Po*\ tichitso l \\, \ init qsyeulpown Initicutiotoonaitisi* t 41ttaad Ithltt!fally 01E0464 eatk . :11112.11.41111. f aZi a t k 4i.,trar.L,4l, Vor4lll=l4AZ, I.Putoik . l l itt 1.en1i4.• Its ulltunr Itzsray . ‘ \ 4:9lhir bii d y ,flavuttant.nr,.lo L. .. • me". 1170 trazw=wirztr rig, tfeiglgr,lortg n. viztv i .unir..... , a . t .2.,,,, j , m .,, ra t z.:4„ .„ n . ..A.,.. : , : , ....,....-.0 4 , - 10 - • li r wom — .iveLir, ~:acmitiQ. ill\ 'l k 'ill tax iMtVI I:I 4 so Kt : 84 1 rut \ s' Dj72.174,A.1104att illAti SMUT: int, XnaiL , . PFEVItr ailik an, ext.V.4 , v a, aivirtasent ar amid a ANECIVAVOY ritAtaBRIS, Pr notis,nd /Ms* has : Ara lal /*Gym Nao4 r Ommontr. `Alabsi I"'" Jtent l etlit i ee . . "b• onttri i*A - [that _ L . . . sotortnione olo9d.auliillftallatt. oka c i p m.kg n. nbor.,• aware( on ,oaria man *MO. abraor, la 'smolt oadL sext TaMOI Wok \ band • flatted 14414 gee ata in .Mo n t a ,If t onn e s.W I. low lait. m Oa , 1 \ :\j Alll2le • ''','. \ : 1 '. \ j-= \ • iIAVF Otit.B . N ‘ Z. • 8 \ ; ~ t. • it may ". ,\' W. " t "t 7= et \ . . "" . ii.. 4. fa,k,".7 A .:.. tit it V I I, A llt i lritt . s ..' r \ r - IDI!Up? ANA AV.* . BEE " 0RY 2 ' 4, ‘.1; i 2 8. PE#II4OIIA • 9,23 erte 8 AGEINT,' -1123 74strlia. g thed.i% cuong.l 4 4a r Pa. boot 6pattol ta+c.t an the mor . Itzw Tux Amami The tolitoria'a tit Or Itialirmas flip• at. 4A., an& stmt MAW. bathe ea, of Nnigt Yon. \ Dry G 9144 , . , A 11,61, Tcoporto're. of '13°W1:37 dlik Tr...* U o * H 2 1111=1.V, HILL, fiItOrLIERS, Impbrcei, of 4 Embl dui.* whit. 4340tt,a. Si 64 t/b417 agiffNET CO., hoiartoriN ad .bur Earopilt? Ooas, ;10. 40 Itrn HOBOS PE&ECTit bnctir. 1 J. WYETU bCI • Whit. ani Stint 1 AMES UWEI4, 15 Brd'AE streot, niporters ma ii.c :11,1,E.iu.1it..t..T41tn."..z. ;mg' `4: . Importan of lrtipat t B,lst. and \Tv' nIIY, p(.ORNASORLIERWt 1At41.08 :glrgligl4:2. °l " T T:baa e= 16LOMOikKOIINSTAM Impo r t er .67 4114 / /n 011.4E41b/ID rattne', 441. 4 , . A .NDR.E4 4 .I ‘CO., Importers, Fren \C ` , , German nnot(nihnn 81LE oNo . oilaros, 4„ ' , 11 I ItRY d' &, 7 0„ 7 tie rs 47;.` b .`"1 \ 1j1.14 Wit= ittA, 41-4:ll=ri titflerZWielraZ°Tri', 404 N ,vi„ R. Joklss,. Plri'ag:,?.;.°Wrt,4:f.°ll.lotilring LL 4111. Rtr,DMOND;34 . ine street, plo Agent lo Iroe,Vol , k for thet Kiss LINEYS , amor itobore Yortur.Vollyoree4roOriel.- WRIVAUS, 'sxohenge VSZN=. AVIV fla b s i grtAQ: *rat:44- -71 C AI• 14, e j la ,4* -l e l' `nd Da yi ~Qti, GO. de, 41:DARK ,W 3 Beigd way, llSAVoltl b io44 4 , a " ° " 1:: utpoivoilraNwook 65 \John wag= ria...5.1?0114 \COI L ' l • lig, , *' , IL& Weite \cl 'aßOP, 14 , ‘ 07413Wie a . rVisi pots \boleamle: J.q1,1)41708,`. ''..., \ \ ) E gte i t :C:'l 7 L • '. \ \ ~,\ •\,\ vy z .1:7, JottE7: & ANYII4, 4. be,,F l i;. lr , .. 1 .3 wcol, $....,„), . rui. ban .o ronthd hat, % % \ A, ver 4• 4l,,a . \ El:Mill:VI:W. 1 '411 9 xO i Tt..,EO 0 1 , \ w Ai A ghilßD l - uo o lul egAthmvr o 4d : 3 .v. 4plserropoq ae,soy 65/1 Mae, . - 111:1.e. 3 CORN LL, Get,leill grave:it - t *. ii' . ..t. ' ' a I. r trl l . P tsla 0 lit PrTlega.. -1 ' v 1 r \,... ,v+,`, ~ : , \ , •:.. . -.: ",".",, r 17, . '' • lIERIGO4O.iiII34.4gY, 83 4 0440414 Ro~e ,lll :P *S'i utr . lP 3l4b. raatl~ e 11:a rs.Parepo4a. 0 o.‘ r LIMAS &SIM : !p` lkino elkon,OLL A1111,W114.7 0 SON, Impl Y. A,: z ara lover tub...lpr: CI UN:' i~ad SPO . ' llpttlY‘lngittl a •..sormts ofZemao4din_patAT.l4l4. *asbir3 • g w • Pr. , . deurtption.rdatecsd..s. \ Afar!ile\,•\ \\ hnd stub e / lat.\ \ (Waft.. 0 NAIMS !d -i 00 twirl I#ld. 00 a,. IT Da, bw. Maks* • : ~' ' • tO-- ••, • ~ ,laVg Li • • •• Wentiras. • t• t • ‘ft . P .."'"' I \ • IFTIM llittrNO & °ARGIL 47 .1 oi‘ Una.. lfaloN im s .u= a4 .••.. ! ! ‘11)1.., 4f is I E/tUoilall,Ukaide, .02r , athe,. • , slieOles, Pisll ookr,..anir k & \ tt. to t Ar... I *it ROSTIT 4111111 . 6Atiltill .11*. hea•stt\.4-1 • .;tanak! \\‘ itigo 110*,14briffedllN- A tr.." ~, ~ ~,~ l'- • • Illiyah one. , h TRIM it; CO., I ,Ciktr 414 lierelare sod sirtu4.ll , Pka \llll. 1 . 41wr IMP eligartallifftie . . , 116 ROAN L WIS.R'S .RII Wt t .1. With,. owe,. a \ itiAt Poy PA.... uazo,..s..tiorri. hiureor .V.7. 66 .6 6 1„ , 1tad0ta5r . ,.4,. ; ,:s .: \ • rum Fort Nalilholo. t 171}1.010 4 ORRIS ;, ; iMP—, .P .l l‘ lieurrilt.e.t..l, ', , . . . , )$0‘, 46 -' • ' elmLka.llLowl . • ?V. Yaw • utaN, at sore , \NAIRN for - lit 0 , "\, An,' YOULt. .219 ‘.- - • • eit:ZO: 4 l:4`3l".i.i. a " . • ::;;r A rt 0 , -- TN, 43$:dilate gast , - • I- la ti4 Vll7,'. '4IY. ...• 4 . 1 .131(..gairttBa0 Vas Wllll4 • OW. Max* as., j 441 HOZKS#R4/18, lippOriert. 741. Iffs.t..!:t.ialts - .Ifrt • a WIT' - : : • h EPP, ' it m i . rtk . '••• 1.1 " ••, • • \ • rAkck i .: . • A ;,•••... • \ \ .\* C % 4.1. • •• • \ Iteirer lirsitrit too D!_ - cx:7 l \ , , 7 :\_. j , PI s . ai \ Slis -'" TA ' A 1 ' xitOpErEutiat)R . mini:mem DIRA , :‘l4 , e,ce HOUSE x la im iilVELlie 001 ,•\ ..\ V. \ .., 2,0 7 0. at nuotitrriox. , • \-, ... st X P \ B2Anb ' ) . . \- ..Z 11 ' . "x" K. '' , irIVTTENTiO.NOP JOBBERS , ' .',, a\ . ere. sesl. Buren Is sidAtes\l(h.ftsd. C 0,46 \ ' nareol it : If HOLCSALY VOL iSfl burns vrt.l It Mr 'tstslrsst to snualso'sgs Stoaltattitsds. •., Tinsel msast.t.sd Sagas- ;4, . Fry ruu , a. \,. , , '''''' "'"'"- \ , :n . Jab.l3 •,, s he' ce r...TissirChre et Film'., \,, k in An t A NE—The iiiid:Zik , ned w s epld \\ ,L\ . ",\' l , l e tits he Is itvoo t t h st:rt . sipovteirroll: T i \‘<',,‘ .. ii. CZ IIitATICD tI. dtrestlmak 561.8.0.61. 5 , ..." \ ... L .. . , *:.t ttx . I , 6ters. Ilsors, va lrustss4=l2 XXII. St \ N . abet *Ms us! vt,mv '4, l4 H iliNi.'l:l ' ‘,. Peals., say rst gotta Its a 1..; belpfeSisiTstior ss usllbras anal, ifs. for dlsset , shfsts ts vas i dittalsa tt. , Mat 6 6 term. 1 1 \e. _ 3 \ \ . WILLIAft, . Meer „.„ Air Ms knot. kr ) frultslitsts. c • *l4 . \ of Fiend\ / ftmt. ii.;71 , , i --- \ , \ irbet• niatticln• cast gi:2110. th.• will do a, • A Is , \ niciumut e? takm.*na AY sate In accordanob ate tob• dtreetions. We', do not 'Ovaolll*pr the !abr.:Opt r: 'dt thus who har• ui.a U. ma. um. wup 1.... tot Auir, itU. that him.' imovik it. rulide . will not be without% • aid by It. . thusly VW. the/ see *curs Rom thidatzT\ , \ . out ?announce! of Cot .. km and 001111. - ith!chrirrit II Vrhi,DiDloo2l, f the 3 lSSilieht6l4lolo4tlltlill= WWII. \ . ed,to,thi• orituAtion by tlif Board otqadym 1.0 . M.** r s' , wkitei; W. , . 4 1 •kb1•4•10 alb*cEeeeemeet leeuteme or? 1 t. • Artllo Oic coo ;by :‘ alcolbi Manias 4 tb• Ohm, liwt,._ V' fate it ClewlnnaU.ld ,• born elven to Ail Chula! Par:twat.. .,, by tlitkrGerernlncnt n cansid•rallanotit•aatrsonkaary: ' ~, ,N Nat.:A.l4x :ad 6 in curium Alf•Olona,cly lbw, iouurc 4,1Th..4 , \\‘, \ `l ac*a , IN. ll 4 k.uthit r4on. tboa4cd orilhklonm gri• A ' , V.c., of 10 etrnwit , unit to Pitt dud tltYnt '.. . A r• • A\. "St. 711 VIS. SIOS If. 11/11,J .1 \ . 0110. Y .1. 13: , 41yre.441.• lows' 'trial dYotit C# l3 /0 1 ,T,': . . , ‘ l'.MtllAL.la .4 Me 'hp Norm what I lIM.I•cr,'Y : ~. .. tnita comviii Mtn miss py.. Qua It gmlieghbrilid •.‘ ui=ld• apd.innimb• rakda we, In Uni unt , bna. i k . -.1 thlulk It. scutal bar n 09104 ahmm.,4,l;; we'd. \ .\ ‘,. ~ kumr.bolt • bettir,rautcdr Mt beFU•d•ibr tbm:4l bdt% \V ' r ' \ \2.-1, , amciym(1i.1.1.7*M.. , , i\\ L . , En whatlt Val data 'en a'kutni l +oaleikatirm;s4;t4•\ • \ \\\ In dal \ follairlnOsses. bath thounklut'ulkiw:-- ' .2. ,, ,.\ , • " \ „ t, .:I'muutr447 , kutr.2l.llM. \ .• , s . , \ \ , \ .Dii,Ayer--In • month of July . i/r,. attached . 4 ... \ by • rialto, dlarrEts• In de ininex.orclibt.• Irr ' 1 \ \ tamed t6ylan Pranetro, In Ape otroadyfrig*4llt teem • ' 1 ~,. o 0h,,,,...4 ultimata and dlstl Hy dloyttgr• ekagd.r bit . \ , waidellowed.by Ili -nor coug6..and'siaci . ,rotrilk,, ,‘ ” \ !loftily alai:A . (or hotolq.bat rwidred no ho4flt ?opt tb• S. . roratt, lterugh condoned Wigs wmc:itud trii.. I L ' \ arrirel\ In. Nor , Y•rb. I Was at "Olr•,4I•Iballit rb.rki \a. tanuances ace yloton of noossonX I m,t, ' "A l lh t: \ \ t Ica* no cutMcieut moat to d bt,what mtpiol . , alt. belibrid. , Ai, thu r tom 1 ,, ,, s od tali:lk YrAtr% , •, A . ~ truly fuialitablo soallelne sl littl• Isiortatio , r4F , d4N, 'A s , SiLrium . any,betlt trito , ! It. wit • You ~r ; ~.. \ . ~., *. ~AI L it... 7. thi.,„ „ v s or„ k , \ , ~.. ..,....\\ • \ ;stun BMW! , N, , . I \ \ !! . .11 . Y C tality by bourch • ...mme7,c, ill , • :'•e, , • I,* .\'•..\;,' ?et, 4 l;e f :Tee \e P :,`, : ' \. '. me • brad. or \, i your \ ,:-.'„, trilatarlatf, andnow \ ~..%., JO tow:mai healtb. Cr `, my for me. yoi an. of • ~,A . ' loo* „\ \ • e mmel!.• : .4b sam e 00 larljOior • `, \ \ ,het II.e11•44 " abort thip 1 •Ontin. In 71 t tabii , 2 . , - -- „ , • et . :pArily . Vmopkt4e , L'emipspo..l,'prtpiged on ~ q.z.4 ri t..44 =1 ... 44 .„ the l i =gr: i t uw e.l. ,I=' .1 .lint gh,b Er...,.... - 'Z.. urt.:A= \ 4, .. ,. .llWirstti t iZot Axi waltztl====rXt , . ~.W. 4 .4 .. 4 Itan,ipple,coultul t Igeotlag, .with monk .. . no. " 4=2ll,lll 4 .%*ifrollikt \ h altrdrarvlr P 4' % 14 =braggsra 4 VII ... _ .. A41\ fro ' s. hi ma Or ''.,' .) itilLeqVillemeoltiaid,r,wn L . L 11r 6 VM...V.., :ILTILTJ: - \ \ kegi t irli - g .1, 7 7 . 4 . .' o rkka OM* .0 1 4 p.. •' " to ma a. \4 l llllllLtirt=nd n ....(mtlinurog .‘ U .trtaa.j . u e t i..t4ii antv n .a ri rm rCs..cr aaoszu , ra a ltplzA • to 5,). ..... 1" tsrtri r gnZrtrT 4'7 il7 .,, N •,.. :. . . ..4t , " P44.1r vOic.. at Aitiomp*:+ l L 'N 1 , ,: L , ". e .0+.1; 6 . 74- . \ ' lite*. 4)r, Zto \• \ ',.1 ' i aWn . APtlg.. 4 ....VV4'**Uki . / '.\, yf hos ti. 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