The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 18, 1853, Image 2

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StrBLIJOID BT Mllll a 'co.
;.*oaDs:z momim9, JEpr 18, 1868...
'" 04V44C11 PAGE OF 7117.9• PAPER. ,
1111S.P1Traomit Wmay . d.crri.-11. exterolso chin
air W. 4.17 Oaxelta o¢m to our .bosinaso mins
• loat<instribo medial, of making their basitiota. Wm=
, Oar, cistolatios is b@tveon lortir aal Ove Ulm:wand. roach.
Isom ii 11.••• and comas' in Wat.rra
viola IPA Sulam Ohio.
. . .. .. ----
, 113.14.) AtlvEnisiipi—Nelther the IditorisilLoones
.. fin•Peinttng lAtebilehnient of the Dann Om:ma. are
.. - cininel.htn:Bunday..ADViLETlliliiB who donee their
:,.-.• *gun to tr i g to oho yaw en Mowing nt.orning.
, Will nine. hood theni in Wm. li . o'clock. on Ent:elm'
-.,' evening. I
.W}no 2ropaa --- Anols.
. ,
'.,sal CASlLLcomasegons.
MOSES P2FNALL, Of Laneaslar Couny.
MaCLIIRE, Of Fraithlin County.
• int strayrros asmas,
piMIATIAN MEYE4u3, Of Clarion eiwity
• .- Etiserizair Brour.The feet that the despotic
. • governments of Emote employ :pia in this noun.
'try, 'to Watoh the' movements of foreigners
whio desire the success of liberal pritioi
pies in thide native land, has often been suspect
• ed, but his never been so folly and openly dowel
, • aped as in the inetance narrated below, copied
from the Cincinnati Gazette: .
HUN Manua 07.280 GIRMATO--GRIAT Ex,
ornnnurri—Da. Jtmonsos puerto to Ernor.—
Freemen'e Hall; on - the corner of - Mercer' and
Vie istreits, was crowded last night by Germane;
- like section against • matt named Doctor
The eirimmeltances of the diffienity are enbeten
' flatly as follows: In the German Revolution of
1898, a - perantittee of two, consisting of J. Fick
' ler (now In the city of New York,) and • Air.
Efteinnex,:who died a few months since in this
were sent from Carlsrobe to fituttgardt, to
muster the .population of Wurtemberg to assist
the revalitllon4 Although their minion 10110 a
. seethe one, •M.-open denunciation was made
againet them byi Dr. J., who revealed to the Go.
eernmerit. of Wurttemberg the whole matter,
" causing the arrest sad imprisonment of Fickler.
elmped. For this intelligence Dr, J.
received badge of honor. Fickler was after.
wards ^released through the interference - of
friends on condition that he would leave the
crountry. The Prue/lan Consul in Cincinnati,
' Mr. Stanislaus, has also received intelligence
from his government, that revolutionary move
`-meats are being made by the Genuine in Amer'.
• es, end that the Prussian government received
their infonnation through Dr. J. of•CinchinatL
' Junghans was charged with the aboie,
which he did not deny, and contested that he was
itepubherizi, in the American and European
seise of the word, but was a Monarchist. Na.
_.::morons pistons, who knew the Minter In Germs.
• ny, identified him as the name person above re.
!erred to. In the meeting last night, the state
-- mute obliging him with the conspiracy, were
reiterated by numerous nervous; in short, that
he was 'a spy' for the Pruasion Government in
this city.
The meeting at Freemen's Hall resolved on a.
burning 1U effigy ,of the reputed any, and eome
thousand persons marched in procession to Fifth
street Market-Space, where addresses were, de
' livered by Meters. Nothacker and. Thielman,
whenthe processioureenmed their march to Ca
. nal Market
,13pace, where, after another speech
Engllelitand German, by the chairman, Ito
, 'darker, an. effigy of Dr. Jongbaun wan publicly
burnt, amidst the Memo of the 'people and the
slang of dllmordent innate.
' The Gertuaneef Cinninnati had cause totfeel
en Ending a spy placed in their midst
by a tyranhical government of Europe ; and'the
. Only worider.isitharthey were able to mtide4mte
'their indigiuttion. as they did, and restraint/mut
' 001000 t 6 the course of action Indicated stave.—
. Spies • generally and deservedly meet with but
' 'lltile favor; and Dr. Jzolghans may thank his
stars , that! the excited Germans 'nf Cincinnati
.contlet to wreak their vengeance on his
effigy. Whether he will fare . as well hereafter,
If he remain in Present position, is proble
'nuttiest Our own opinion to thit he would
.....•__ . - • .. tattssiiitidelmalth by an early removal from the'
~,otitis of Nil present labors. :
it.;ltie s ittistrtan'Cloivernteent made it a matter of
- ..r.;..eftnaptetii invites; the administration of Gen.
it had sent Dudley Mann to flange
spy, but— es an Agent to collect
- Inforitatiod en which eh base the; action of one
Goveremierit in reference to the Hungarian strug
-:,'" Ala! If our Government nun, no; send abroad
'Agents to ;collect information lee a legitimate
• : way, without being diplomatically; taken to tisk
.thisrefor; by what right doeathe Prhesimigoverri
.`:-. 'wont partite vim in our midst! Hu not our
Government's much better right to complain, in
this case,' than' ustria hid in the caie of Dud
ley Mimi 1
/As a friend of the Keret causiOnEdrope, we
free. to: Goatees' that we entertain no _fears
from th e presence of such men es this Jou:atheist
, bat that does not alter the 'disreputable minors
of this tranhaotion. It is not fear at the results
of what he may learn and communicate that stirs
, tip indignation, but the disgracefril character of
hie minion'. A epy is an object 6 , hatred and
diegusk and continuities enjoying any tolerable
degree ofiteit•reepoot wi ll not ' knowingly toter
ate theuo. - If the despOtisms Of the old world, not
(content with driving Off their valuable citizens to
seek refuge" hers, 'will tend pimps and 00.100-
- .1210pp000 to [witch and report the simians of men
- over whom they_ have no longer any control, they
malt be careful to select men with will net be
tray the astern - a their minden. People i n this
country will not knowingly eutitelt to fore:guitar.
- veil/aloe. 1
porazinsymni Rout.—The Al/eyhasse Pape
-Write of &Welty; in speaking of 'the terms en
which the eonnelirellie Roadie to connect with
the Beltitnoo and Ohio Road, says
" We have understood tide day, that the terms
of union with us, u adopted by Baltimore, are
quite preps alai to the interests ,of Allegheny
county, dladrlmiaating in favor of the, read- to
••wheeling.: xa. Other. words,
.psesengers an
• frslght are ';to bo conveyed at a /in State toll
mar the ; te Wheeling, then to the city of
Pittsburgh, in proportion to the relative distance
of esoh remaking from the bionumlntal City."
The .FateriPria' has Bien grossly ndeinfonned.
"The termini union with us.o adPpted by Bel
, timere," and sot prejudicial. to our interests, nor
'!.,',lsSny room' ) alloWed in the agreement between
ehe two companies for any diecriMination " in
-; favor of the road to Witeeling." ‘ ,te have seen
the meth:dui of '‘eitment. and Aro:able to give
woquallßed .sesturaues thet , ;the interest/ of
' -3;ithle city have been duly carve for , and guarded
',..;,:,frons all posfilbßity of danger in the direction In
•; 4iniii# by the Batavia. , ,
ennuall.We have reeeHived pat
_s,,.",nlOvitial, tie Or/oars - and 'tridents of this in-,
editothni-AM the! 70 . 111. 1858: The nneober of eta , -
attandance Is 258.—Seniorp 86, :onion:
72, Hiphoinorre 48, Freshmen 40, 1 Preparatori
~ : Heilarttrieni tit. no annual rammeseenteut
tee o phenol on, Wednesday, the 84 day of-Au
'iliartneit.,„ ;The Address before the Literary So
be delilleered ,on the 24, by Bee. T.
' .. ! ',1f.f . ..1100rit; of Itiolunond, Va.; and! the Addrins
it r ,tis the Bd, by Hon. Ohis O. Nun
of liarksbarg.; '
' :- In" anu.—Tbe eleven o'clock extra train ban
been taken dr, sad some changes have been made
!':, II the time 4t . iFrival and drpartnie of the. Bs=
. ' pies!' and Mall' trains. These ohangee are fully
bet forth In the advertisement in as t thee column!'
..They go had operation taay .
We are glad to learn that the roa is doing an
eariellent tandem, all the trains raping fall.
Blaine it Home PORML—On paturday wa
had the dediare of witnesslog • reaping machine
la operattelbe • wheat field of Mr4 . l7laeblddle;
near - East:Tilberty.. , It perforined its work rip•
Idly and Well, *atlas d strip of shad fire feet
_ = iiide;se 64 se the horses could wili;ind leer ,
Ilk the 'plaid pettedly dear, and thirwhltat
raked up Infu ano/1 bundles. The Machine !nod
" Atkin'e Patent itelfll4loelf Beggar,"
',ANA_ wag esidbltedly Mr.. . 8. %l i ght ,of ,Obl.
mtgo, Billet,: A large member 9f 'palliate*
witeuused the !mondial of ihe meddle, alit
themselves highly grattfietti It .111 eat
About 18 scow easy, sad Gotta •
lissus4.—.Notwithatanding the ptaspeehof
' tigotaus hpposition to. the ettahliehmeat
this r ent i oky by cobgreee, quite !a atutible of
tltmlllu trout httianatt have emigrated into and
settled opeg that portion-of
.it Wog aeuth wyt
of ooduty, No:, *bleb; ll' Lai eat!! Is not
ay teak of balsas.. ! • ! • t.
, Mts. Etrovz.:— lts the Mimed" of Friday P.f
-tentoetigliiolllll an adkie Oita: 7l 4g. Stowe.
Whickbeil - esPri/deg retail:duos ,to an article
on the came sibiaot which lately appeased In the
Poiiladpl4a wag Beildas. , The, awn sad
substance of it is that Qaeeo Viet — iirlirefused to
retteivuldre. Stowe et Court, whlik has had the
effect of pending her (Mn.a Stowe) into an obscu
rity from which she can never emerge ; and
thereupon the world is greeted with erostatia con
gratulations upon melt ea auspicious result.
, There wss • time when theta was reason to
fear that the homage paid to Mn.e Stowe to Eng
land would drive same people eras, on this side
of the water; to those the story unlit now pars..
dad in the pro•alavery poem lee very god-send.
It relieves their overstrained minds from all an
thelpitiors of farther danger to their darling fn
siltation. Mrs. Stowe is no longer, to them, the
bugbear cite was.
Perhaps it is not jutlfuible to spell a story
'swallowed with to much relish; but we, think it
woulkhave been well for those who are se sore
ly effoted with the; antl-Stowe mania to• have
made Aomeinqtdries an to the truth of the nu.
rative over whicii they are so jolly. It hall, an
fortunately for them, been authoritatively eon
tradioted, and hoe not, probably, the !shadow of
• foundation to stand upon • The whole story
carries on its face an air of improbability, and
nothing but the exclusively gullible would take
it down without being better satisfied of its rev.'
Hy.. For our part we doot oare a 8414 whether
It is true or not. If the Queen did refuse to n
ude, Mu. Stowe, eho was guilty of - an novo.
manly, discourteous sot, the disgrace of which
attaches to her, and not to Mrs. Stowe. An tin
ptvjudioid world can think none the lees of the
latter for having been sonririly treated. Wade
not, hoiever,believe that Mrs. Stowe desired to
be received at Court; nor have we the least doubt
that she would have 'been, had she wished it.
'The Queen exercises no control in the matter of
preseutatione; and If Mr. Ingersoll, our Minis
ter, thought proper to present her, the Queen
would have reoeived her the same as other pre
sentees.. Mr. Ingersoll, being a gentleman. would
not, of coarse,' hate refused this common cour
trey, especially to a Woman of unblemished char
acter and unqieetiloned talent, ha It been ask
ed of him. We are anstralned to regard the
story as a fabrication. It eanhot, we think, be
traced to any better authority than the N. Tork
Mu. Stowe's reputation cannot be injured by
this - retailing of petty scandal. - The only par
ties likely to be Injured by It ars thou lams/my
their own want. of good breeding and gentility
by glorying over a Presumed want of those lir-
Mien in the Queen of Great Britain.
Pinworm= MID Commuantruzs Itratooan.—
The stook .subtoriptlon books of this Company
are now open at Abe booking house of Messrs.
Bisokensie, Opton & Co. The first mtbsoriptlon
was mode by AL P. O'Hiss, %Eton now a real.
dent of this city, for one thousand shares, or fif
ty thousand dollars—e, conelnsive 'sidearm of the
appreciation, oo his part, of the Importancoand
profitableness of the contemplated 'work. The
• Company pays six per cent. interest on all cash
subscriptions until the road is completed.—Bak .
Mr. O'Hern is a native. of Pittsburgh, whose
enterprise has 'made him wealthy, and whose
public spirit and liberality sit highly honorable
to himself, and to the city of his adoption. We
hope the oitizeni of Baltimore generally will im
tate so brilliant an example. '•
„Ns.morran COMMTION or Canaan Mix—
This Convention vas in session In Rochester,
last week, and the Proceedings were conducted
with marked ability: Matters of great moment
to the colored race in this country were discuss
ed, and by many with the ease and grace of prac
ticed debaters. The report In favor of indepen
dent eohools wake voted down after. a protracted
debate. The Rev. Dr. Pennlngtonrubmitted a
report upon the subject of Colonization, and the
American Colonisation Society, which the Dem.
()twat eaya was an able preeentation of the objec
tions entertained by the free colored people
against African Colonization. The report was
debated at length, and the huge hall was densely
crowded, Meetly by white spectator'. The speak
ers all opposed AAR= Colonization. The Dem
ocrat adds t• .
"All who listened. must hareiniimme satiated
that the free colored people, as a body, are
strongly and hopelessly opposed to African Col
onisation. This was a National Conventioit, at
which their ablest and moat Maenad tden were
gathered, To all. sppearance there was not •
resin among them who dissented from Dr. Pen
angton's report, at any rate no one indicated
the least sympathy with theColonlzationEloolety.
The ohnolusfotup of the report, therefore, may be
taken as the well-considered and Anst determi
nation of the great body of the colored people.—
In the language of most of their 'resolutions,
they are "determined to plant their trees in
American soil, and , •quistly repose in the shade
timed.” • • The decision may be regretted,. but
after what we have seen and heard, we cannot
doubt that it will, for a long time at least, stand
se the decision of nearly all the influential free
colored men in the Free States, If not In tie
Union. But this ehoold net lead to the aban
donment of the colony, or the Republic of Libe
ria. There, will after all be many who will go
there. ,In this way, though perhaps at could
'treble expense, civilization in that regime' will
greatly aid In putting a slop to the infamous
&lave trade, and may finally result In the-regen
eration of a continent occupied mostly by arra.
ges. To thif the free . colored men should not
object. Every man among them may decide for
himself whether to go or stay; and hitherto, it is
well known; many here chosen to go."
A project submitted for the formation of •
National Council of Colored Men, pre rive to an
animated _debate; and a resolution awarding
high praise to Mr. Ganisoe, ei the first and
constant advocate of Rmaneapation, was carried
with cabalism. Resolctione were also passed
eadorslng MeGrawirlUe and Allegheiy City Col
liges as seminaries where colored people could
be educated. The Contention adjourned Friday
Tax Sterrxtes or %mom —We heartily join
several of our cetemporaries to recommending to
all who visit the New York Crydal Palace to so
joie= at the house of Madame Zimmer; to Ir•
sing place, corner of Fourteenth street. It hoe
less amsoyance blink !totes and duet than if it
were on either of the peat thoroughfares, while
its proximity to them affords say sous to all
the conveyances to • that part of the oily. The
house, commodloto airy, and well kept, pre.
sines a pleasant home to permanent' boarderr,
ailed a desirable reetlog pleas for mere passengero
Mesdames Burner and limonite:rue living
with their lister. - The formrr of these ladles, It
will to recollected by those who took en interest
he the details of Sossoth's ilfe, bad charged hie
children when the Austrian - Government, allowed
them to follow their father in Mashie ; and the
tatter, In consequence of her seal and' satiate' ,
&rime the Itevoluden on behalf of her allots,.
men, was not log ohms subjected to snack tri
al and sentenced to death Bun.
Boum CA.IIOI4ILt GOLD Mum.—The editor
of the Greenville Mountaineer, who recently viz.
hid the gold mini of Mr. Dorn, in South Caron
na, lays:
"Mr. Dorn informed me that be had, within
the tut eighteen months, withal:mall form, ta
ken from the mine come three hundred thoueaud
dollars; that he had Used the vein •mlle ands
quarter on his laud; that it was utility feet wide,
sad we forget how many feet deep; that there
was gold meet frequently diecolerable from !the
umface to the rich vain blow. Mr. Domlas
got 141 much as $l,OOO from one bushel of dirt,
and ham been, if we rveolleet
_aright, offal:id •
million or .two of dollars for one-half of 'hie
mine, which be very wisely declined taking. Hie
mine la manifestly forth en Indefinite number
of millions, and the proprietor maineationably
one of the riot:sit men in America."
. PoisonEsinwras.—Th• New York Journal
of Commerce nye: The Postmaster Oeneral has
authorised Mr. Neablt, the contractor , to leave
the points of the enieropes without 'any Aisle*
for the protect, reserving the• right:secured in
the contract, of having them.ornamented at any
time hereafter that ha may deem It expndient.—
The Dspertment ha Oleo direoted the cenireoter
to manufacture a quantity of envelopei of a lar
ger Moe than those hitherto' used, together with
a quantity kriss smeller. : -*
Lenin AeDnalr.—yte bear but one voice—
outside of a leg Lciodfooo paper—al over the
elate of Ohio, and that Total:its la distinct ratifi
cation of the doings of the Teachers' Dalton
Convootion.i The Ethurville Gender in an able
adds, sole: ,
"Mr. Andrews does not forma put of the Whig
ticket, and his elsetion wig; cog In a.Whig
triumph. He ls the eandidste of thepeoyfe, sa g
- bp Mutt 'leaden the peopie viii rebuke atm de
magogues who eppear Ilnctodraweverpthios
into party which has o dollar attached to
SL. ,Wit A.Wverrsz,wf the WHllsins County
Democrat, gireis nodes in his but paper that be
le ahem to chanson from a Plutocratic to a Pre
Bolijournal. The moving IN . of the °hasp
eppan to he a natation passed it the lest sow
motion held lit that '(Edgertotes) Oospessloaal
Dietrist, endorsing the het Baltimore Belot*
which resoindons the editor osunot conscien
tiously approve. Them is i lesson in ibis inni
dent which*Ohis i rtiolans would tin. to
nox ally
Ootreopotoldioce of Ito Dailiflottii'Glas:gitC
Na, YeliVetly 14;1811
week In New York iisfillatiottal cm The
mere pageantry of the Pre . Spe reception and
- progress to th e Crystal P *lra. the 'grandeet
and moot imposing epeofaik 7 4itneetedin this
041110:7 SlBOO'Lhereoeptionfit . 3 - , fildayette in 1624.
In respect to the number 4.7pepple who throng
ed to gins upon it, the degdbetration far sur
passed every 'thing that hailen seen in this
Part of the world. The let Isg took plaoe s et
the Battery, which may be Wiiilbed as the apex
of the geographical pyramitinwhich New rork
to built. " It is the point prue island fifteen
miles long and two or thrifty/Ide. Upon this
apex was precipitated the liyingetasses Of a city
of 650,000 inhabitants, and'eswinnuinerable se
,' teatime from the poptilationtrinf Brooklyn, WU
' liamsburgh, Jersey 'City, an4i . Niwark, with 200,-
000 more. Before this imuld'atton the accommo
, defiant of the city had beerr"lialususted to lodgo
and shelter the orowde of
,SlSittore at more dis
tant points. Arriving herW44sterday morning,
I was indebted to the eouruniqf the Messrs. lA
land for a comfortable nerd fill;the Metropolitan
hotel, which I perceive well4plervea Its reputa
tion of being the beet house ~ the country. By
the favor of the directore,:Ofos yesterday per.
milted to 4.speet the interiertf the Orielsl Pal
ace, and tPb preliminary arrangements were ex
plained to me. ,
Nothing Islet to order.: 4, Hoene presents
a copy of Babledom.which citild not be equalled
out of America. You eee there the form and
pressure of a 'edgily enterp4o, an undertaking
bearing the impress of the stiergy, power and
vigor of the American mind. .if disposed to re
ject the complaints of a finioal and petulant sight
seer, you wilt at Once pereelee in all about you
the elensents of anciLgrandeur. Order
will come alit of this ohaos,and neatness and
prnalaion of form out of this apparentlY slovenly
medley of loose timbers, enjoined beams, sooty
faced workmen, and sewing - Women en.diAebille,
and piles of merchandiee colabolled and enplaced.
A first view of the Palace will disappoint most
spectators. It is very unfavorably situated. The
location is alMost out of toirn,and you approach it
through dusty and haltpared annum] far differ- ,
ant from the 'clean and well-built streets of:the
oily below. The structure adjoin' that enormous
pile of heavy masonry, the distributing r rrr role
of the Croton Water Works, Itself as large &alba
Palace, and built to ender"' for ages. Thli cf
coarse greatly detracts train the effect of the
latter edifice. Then all else about the Palace is
new. It Is surrounded by building. run up 'for
.• aessam; in : that style almost peculiar to no,
called the temporary and the trumpery. But
even In these excrescences there is eomething
striking and. aharaoteriatio. The campanelle
tower le a pleoe of fantastic extravagance worthy
of the emirate! Bernim„„iti immortal founder.
Teat is to say, his impooriality will lest as long
as the tower. It Is three hundred feat high; and
consists of an interlaceinent of wooden, beaute
sadiron straps, and encloses a gracefurlattlae
stairway. Vliitere will be taken to the top of
this affair by means. of the stair, and a steam
elevator, for a quarter off dollar each I dare
say it will prop a good Speculation, as all Be.- .
num's speculaelons are, I Bat outing all. these
earroundirig acoompaalments oat of elght, and
fixing your attention upon this fairy house of
iron and glue, your disappointment will be auo
coated by wonder and delight. Resolutely fasten
your eyes upon the weal side and north front of
the Palace/Oaks in its vast dimensions and great
height, and then admire Cie delicate tracery of
iron work which sustains the whole. Raving
entered, wade not a look upon the cont. - Sate of the
building, but walk directly to the centre and be
stow a full, deliberate gas upon the dome. That
is worth all the rest to be coca inside or outside
the edifice. I never before appreolated the feel
ing which inspires c fleet beholder of the sublim
ity of the dome of Si. Peters. There the divine
genies of Angelo has thrown up a mighty con
cave, filling WI filth ' thoughts of Obi. heaven
towards which It sure. Rent with little strips
and lathes of Iron and bits of glass, a loaar ge
nies with a lever object has reared a structure,
not approaching the former in prciportion, bat
'elevating the soul with similar emotions: I sup
pose the crystal dome Is one huisdred end filly
feet high, but ectodersta as is this height tho reef
seems lost in tee summer air that plays above
it. The workmen itho were suspended Sdeofiti3
aides upon little shelves of boards looked like n-
Stets, the ropes that secured their foothold like
threads, slid the tools with which thOy worked
were hardly vieible. In what the libution con
sists I do-not know, but the whole central com
partment ascending into this dome appearelike
• house reared by the Titans for the tiny eprites
of the air.
Direetly underneath the domeistands moat ap
propriately an equestrian statue of Weehiegton,
of the color of bronze, bat whether of that maw
riot or in Outer I had not time to examine. clt
is not unimpressive, beariageo it does, to expree
aloe of dignity end force of character with re
pose, bat it struck me u a rather heavy prodic
lion. The• else Is collossal, sod the forte aod•
•face of the able( is better than the attitude and
Tutting together of the horse. A plaster copy
of Hills' statue of Season le to ocaupy acme po
sition in the fair, bat it does not seem yet to
have been platted. At lout I did not see it. No
part of the building Is yet finished, and a very
large division of It,. en the east. side, apparently
an addition, is pot even covered in. Very little
progress hu been made in the turangement of
the goods. Correctly enough, precedence has
been given in locating and classifying the foreign
contributions, and foreign :tongued predominate
in the !uterine of the edifier. I noticed megolfl- .
cant pianos from Zurich and Germany, end wee
Interested In 'observing the blue eyed and mild
Visaged artisans of that music-loving race en
gaged In &Gulag , their lostraments. French
mu and wines wore there In aumhers, arrang
ing with the tate sad taste „of their nation, One.
Of. WWII* perhanthey and frippery from Paris.
Hon. Auguste Belmont,. toe banking diploma:
fist of Wall street, wan prominent in -,the direc
tion. Hr had male of qulet efftelerai thet cons
parte:lvey favorably with - the purer do nothing
neu of mien( his oolleaguso. Then tame upon.
my absolution a crowd of busy eager American
hiventollll and Meriatitlial, fixing op and "betting
to rights" their oontribudoci. They teemed
late sod, but;: I knew they would
bring up Wart the aloes. gig dark majesty of
Hayti, Soulouque or Fannin lint; hu sent a noble
trunk of mahopnj tree, squire trimmed end poi
liked, reallynne of the beet things - in the - place.
The Irish department Is extenelve. Irish Ilona,
moss, embroidery, needle work, end sketches of
emery predominate. I did not notice a sprig
of ahillelsh. Italy has dope best of all no far as
I could perceive. Among the article" received
are pictures, statuary, drug, paints, and wince..
It le now twelve o'clock of Thursday, and tie
procUsion Limning up Broadway amidefarfrenek..
lay skewer. Jmnus;
Muatoa►ar Dernan.—ln Mr. and
Mrs. Todd were soot out as mholonaries of the
Ameriean Board to the Tamil people. him. Todd
died, la IBM, at Derlapatern. Rev. Mr. Taylor
of .the Madura Mission, beteg at that place lo
February last, 'stilted her grave to see if the
monument IMO in repair. On reaohlog the spot,
what was hls concern to god that lamps are
burned, 1142filleti made and prayers offered to
this servant of °brim, and thot miraoles were
commonly !sported to bare been wrought there I
Ile thought he would put a fence round the grave;
but then he considered that this would, confirm
the notion of Its sanctity. lle next thought ef
hating the relining removed to the mission cem•
Mary at Madura, but thin woidd riot enlighten
the minds of the people. 000011100 h," he
ears, was Cilia It remelts, and report the tech
to the people of God In Amerlon"
Homcsopathlo Solana!, embraoing a large num.
bar of membere,thers Is =annual Congress held
by the New Sobobi of praotitionere in Eligleuti,
which this you is to meet in the °Vol Man
chester. In London there is • Hanemann HOB.
pitai; with forty boa, the Loudon Hotoccopttitio
Hospital, with thirty; aod the Idenohnter Hoot
empathic Hospital, with twenty beds; There
are also many dispensaries ander their &soli
else chugs._ ds instrumentalities for propegr
theisdoetrium, there are seven HulticuePli•
this hornets, spiritually omuluatod.—Hos Ned .
Ganitt Smith, of Peterboro', N. Y., It to ate,
tad, 11 perfectly relieved of a vadat' Omura
of roreatun pare standing by a recent aural
' eel operation, le oonafated In the -removal of
at lute kmalnhaldal to by tying -sad
- --- -
AND TABLLbunCL—Faraciay, th e
greateientriciiitt, itivbeen experimenting on la--
ble-yaraing; "not," he 6.71!: "that it was once,
eery on my account, for my conolnalzu rellP,ot"
ing its nature was soon arrived at, and is not
changed." Lie proOoses 7716
Atheneum, the details at length of his experi
ments, but in the meantime announces his plan
of experimenting, end its results. Assuming
that the tables were moved by a quasi involtua-
Lary trAtionlar action of the operator, Fariday's
first point won to. prevent the.,mind b4Ting any
undue influence over the 'effects prodaced in
relation to the nature of,the 'enbetances em
ployed. . • -
A bundle (otters, layers?) okplates, consisting
of sand paper, millboard, glue, glass, plastic
clay, tin foil, card-hoard, gulls perehs, vulcani
sed ladia-tubber, -wood and resinous cement,
was therifore made up and fled together, and
being placed on a table under the hand of a tur
ner, did no't prevent the transmission of the pow
er—the table turned as before. Hence no ob
jection could be taken to the use of those
cabstand:a in. the construction of apparatus.
The next point wee 'to determine the plate
and course of motion; that is to say, whether
the table moved the bond or the hind the
table,. To &martian this, indicators were eon
On'n of these consisted of a light lever, having
its fulcrum Co the table, its short arm attached
to a pin fixed on a card board; which could, slip
on the barrette of the table, and Its long arm pro
jecting as an indeX of motion It is evident that
if the experimenter willed the table to more to
ward the left, end it did so more Ware the
hands,pleced at thorium on the card board, then
thn index would mops" to the left alio; tna ful
crum going with the 'table. If the hands instil
untarily moved toward the left without the table,
the index would go toward the right; end, If
neither table nor hands mosed, ate Max would
Rude remain Immovable.
Thartault was, that while' the operators raw
the index it remained very eteadyi when it woe
hidden from them, or they looked away tromp,
it waverotl about, though they believed that they
always premed directly downward; and when
the table did not more there was still, unwit
tingly, a reeultant of hand force in the direction
it was wanted to make the tablimove. This re
auttant of hand form increases no the fingers and
handy become miff, numb and ineeneible by eon
.lluued presence, till it beeomee an amount etuffi
client to move the table. Mr. Faraday his per
Peered hie testing apparatue, and hu placed it on
view to the public at the store of-Newman, phil
osophical lustrnment maker, No. 122 Regent
streot, London.
fist the most curious' effect of this test appa
ratus is the corrective power it possesses over
the table turner. As soon as the Index is placed
within view, and the operator perceives that it
tells truly whether he is pressing downwards
only, or obllgnely, then all effects of table turn
ing' cense, even though the operator weever°
till be become weary and worn out. Mr. Fara
day adds, in his letter to the Timis, from which
the above le excreatecf :-..Peradt, me so say, be•
fore am:ludic& that I have bemegreatly startled,
by the revelatton'which this purely physical sub
ject has made on the, public mind. No doubt
there are many persont who have formed aright
judgment or used a cautions reserve, brit their
number is 'almost as nothing to the great body
who have• believed and borne testimony, as I
think, in the 0110J8 of error. , • •
I think the system of education that could leave
the mental condition of the nubile body In the
state in which this eubjeot has found it, matt
have been greatly deficient in some very impor
tant principle."
In referenhe to the above noticed e.xperiments
'of Mr. Faraday , the'New York. Tribune eye:
'The secret, of tabliemoving la ant at last.
What wean great mystery, with a vague and ex
citing saspleion that the world of epiritual rap
,eleccaluity„ maimsl magnetize, and other
recondite and indejoribable powers of the not
vane, all had a hand in It, is now reduced to the
Working of a simple 'Mechanical agency. For'
'this timely explanation wo are Indebted to no
less a man than ifr. Faraday, the fall swoon:of
whose experiments ens print on another page of
&La ebeet. NM conclusions appear to be satis
&Mary, and we tract they may Memel° useful
pees a large number of 'peraons who, have lath
eito wasted a great, deal of precious time with
their hands sprawled on the tops of wipes, and
with eyes diligentlyuoutemplating pine or ma
heckay, waiting for the magnetio inspiration to
If some philosopher would now take bold
of the:spiritual rappers in as thcirough a way,
and retina° them to 'reason and COMMOU smite,
the publio Traub,' owe hint a great debt of grati
tude The !whim arc turned out of d'art', and
now who will came and blot out the ghosts?"
Garatannsa. the Paris correspondent of
the cdnrier des Etati Pols, says that a manu
script of 79 pages, written by RAPOLION is St.
boa been discovered, and Is likely to
produen a lively. sensation. It is a sort of biog
raphy, and is designed to justify his policy In
the eyes of his son sod of Prince. The style is
butictinir, end each 'remit:me makes a report--
Thu royalist conspiratoruare severely handled.
The death of the Duke d'Enghien is defended at
length, and liberty le proclaimed to be the an
atomy', aim of every Goverrahent that oats expect
to continue.
What Is elocular, the memoir was sent to a Re
publican of '93, the journalist, Prudhomme,
whom nothiug conldinduce to arappart the em
pire. That luflexible integrity of Prudhomme
wen the esteem of Napoleon, who, knowing him
to be connected with Peaclie, often inquired of
the latter what were the opinions of his Jacobin
frietd 'with respect Millis reign. On one noes.
eon Pouch" replied to the Emperor "You wish
to know Prndhomme's opinion? very well, he
. mays Yon parpetruta nothiogtntfolties.”..At an
other time, reepotititiy, the death of the Dake
d'Enghleo, Pruditomme varied the saying of Tel
leyrand "It it more than • crime; yes, but it
le not a fault." ' Napoleon cites in,hia memoir
this espresvicti as emanatiog;from e. man of in.
felled, without naming htm.
When the old, Jacobin received the memoir,
(how is unknown) he wrapped it op and wrote
upon it: .. 31anuetripief Napoleon Bonapole i",
and afterward' : "Died at Bt. qlelena, May sth,
1821." Prudhomme was probably afraid to
publish daring the reign or the elder Bourbon.
(aoya M. Oalllardet,) and he died a short time
before the secession of the younger branch. An
aged daughter, his note heir, hen discovered by
evince this prednotion, burled in duet Bhe
submitted It to an Abbe, who is One et the moat
remarkable of the French clergy by the elevation
sqd liberality of Me views—the Abbe Miohon, the
author of • very much esteemed book on the
Eut, and the editeir of the "Bagful Preps"—
I gather from him :l4Be clarions details and the
fact that the memoir will be published at an ear
tr (ley."
It would I:4ent that.X.Ottillatdet credits the
authenticitylitthe im am* ; hut othein are likely
to tweet It to bee /attain forgery.—Rieheiond
Tun Panama Doirrrtruou:—ln an obscure
earner, and theobectitest type of the New Or-.
leans Delta. appears the:following: .
Ansi Disvairrr (lima? --Juncs LAMM.-
7liquetto J. m. i at. W. If. Lambet,i and ..11n.
.Dorris ;—This was a dee° In which the plaintiff
sought to recover her. freedom. She declares ebe
was legally manumitted In 1840; and continued
to enjoy her freedom '
till near the beginning of
1846; when the wan s'eleed and pat in jail by de
fendant, Lambeth, and afterwards carried to hie
plantation where phe ban been compelled to
work, midi Mar0b,18624 when mho was sent to
thie city. She once Ito recover her. freedom,
$B,OOO damages, nadjs26 per month since she'
has been detained In defendant's s miles. On
bearing the 01186, Jllly,tt Larne gave judgment,
In detiteelng the plaintiff to be free, but allowed
no damages or veneer
It is diffieult to cherseteitee the monstrosity
of ouch a proceeding es this. Hero Is a free
American woman, Meted as a slave In 1846, end
kept in boodage eight yeare on a plantation.—
"Stabled diaally,, by what means the above Curt
and bald statement does not explain, to get a
hearing in a Court of justice, the Judge at onto
pronounces ,that her pretended master has no
right over tier, elfin
i ther words chit ho has
kidnapped her and nprivoil her of liberty for
that period. Of aouree Mr. Lambeth is an esti
mable citizen I and the upright and — learned
Judge gives no demegen'to a woman for. being
deprived illegally of her liberty for eight years!
• The New Orleans press ha/ not one word en
the trial—no comment—no breath of indigos.
elan. Sieb in. the peculiar institution. What
has the Cotton-prom of this City to Bay. Speak
up. Messrs. of The Sap ~,,, 'Journal of :Com
merce and Courier and Eninirer. At least as.
morons once again In ibie. connection that thole
Tom's Cabin lea more tisane of the Imagination.
—N. Y. Tribune.
The GAvazt Wars . '
to ItlONTUAL..—Matalred,
July 13, 18113 —Lite' let night the Coroner's
Jury gore their verdict on the victim of the late
Osesui tragedy. Nino protection' found, sub.
'Martially; hat James . Wiabh was shot by some
person unknown who were endeavoring to die.
retro& mob uaembled in the vicinity of Zion
Church. ((Deluding sting 'others the cold do.
desstid.) which mob bed previously oretpowerod
the police, with the object of attacking said Ga
faxxl, or the modicum) within Zion Church. That
the other dinettied canto to their desati by gau
ntlet wounds initiated by thatroope st4he order
of the Mayor, and that both Mould order, deliv
ered to the erddlere;and the firing of the ealdiers
withont order) were unnecessary and uojestida=
his. Farther, the Jury conAemn tba prontioe of I
lodividuale marrying fire.armo even in dream.
titaness of 'steamed ameigeney—recommend •
better police force, and regret the went of dis
. 01plIne of tbo tro3ps who fired without the Orders
Of their offmers.
Ten Whiffles and antwteatielly the nil! thing
as to Walsb, except that they say nothing shoat
the r iet In Tibial he was engaged: and. Instead
of ending tbet the Meyer gars the order to lira,
which ovoid the .duath of the ethers, declare
that It was done exams penes tualneem.
,ft‘ Von* mow uti Rcmrinr.4.A gentlecuna
of .thie city, the confidential clerk df one of the.
moat extol:mire and respeetable - liquor houses in
Detroit, eery recently made Me annual business
tear through Southern Michigan, to make col
lectione,,and of course, ohmic orders for "stock
in trade." - .Retirning slaw days since, ha :in
formed one of the proprretere of this paper, that
he had made a very successful trip, so far as
collection' were construed, but that he had not
received a solitary order for a new 'apply—that
tie customers, audneariy all engaged in the retail -
liquor traffic, asid - they didn't want soy more- -
teat they intended triffispoeis of what they had,
Lad no our of the business, affil-oo ix for the (eo:
celled) Maine lam
of NichigFix"--tbat in the in-:
tenor of the State, so'far so o 1 information and
. libsertation eiteruled, the pe, to of all classes,: .
those who had dealt in the Titter" as well at ,
•.temperanee men," wore deter hied to bide by
.d austain the law, an emphati ally &lied for,
and decided upon by the People f this State.
Detroit TnZutte.
, l Wdsrao UP" n &mama —d yol"Bloom.
er." recently married M Orlsineny, .l. 'Y., wap
"horned" by some of the village to IM. She
fired a gun over their heads and they au sway.
Being taunted by tomo of*, villagers with the
foot, they resolved to try it ever . This e;,y did
the nest night, arid challenged, the girl t s hoat
again, calling her a liar, &a. 9ti this, the nog
woman fi red onoe more abilvd \ ritem, but they
dattglied her to morn, and atlasti . ; goaded tisiei
igestion, Me tent a drugs of shot rattling! .
among their brainless patee, add Wounded, Harp.'
ing, nod howling, they retreated, itinonfosion •-.t
The riaizens generally eutyln thS Anree cf the\
girl, n's being quite proper nod jMtifdible.
Tan Qat? 09 moats or Oc IffleifN CE --AbOat two
ymies since Mr. Flanders Newbegie, ef„ Bidde.
ford, Ms , lost his carpet bag, centaiiing, as it
was eaid, ten or twelve - thousand dollars: Toe
other day he received the following leiter, mid
et:oo,lre, dated:
"B - aton, June 80, 11353.—Edelneed pleime;re.
noire nineteen one hundred MIX on, the Vdek
Bank, Barn, for the benefit of `,
A *lva American Political Eltit Co Convention ; rampart:l,of delegates from varle ta im parts of
Penorplatlis, will assemble in the 04 - y of Phiki
adalpida on the 10th day of August, ' next, td.
agree upon candidates for. the offices -of Canal
Corandteionar, Surveyor General, Anditm iGe
oral, and Judge, of the Stole Supremo Court, 4 ' .
be vol ul for at the ensuing election, on the Gen'
end , / :Imlay of October next. „
Samuel Appleton, of Banton, died' eery
eaddouly at 5 o'clock on Thimeday afternootie 7 .
In the morning ho' was in aa goadsltealth an den-
Al, but noon began to fail in etrenitit, and gri+
'flatly rank until he expired at the lour osmodA
Ho w :.3 widely known as one of de most
right and public-epirited merehante of tho
Drevenaix Qvinuaz —John bloCue 'war ar
rented in New York, on Tneaday, on a cliorgo of
.resulting Ann Stewart over the • head ititb
lighted 11rd/thump. When he etruckiher th{etc
egd how with It the topname off, and the bon
ing fluid fell over her head, face, srme and haddi,
burnieg them in a dreadful manner.
Get, Arleta publiebes a letter In a Landon
per &eying that he ewer expressed rentiroentw
f►romble to annexation to the United Stater,
as attributed to him, and for which he wee
b►obbrd from the country. How the eypree•
alone which' led to this infertile* come in the lei
ter of Ida which'was publiehed at the tune ate
not rtatod. • •
On Monday altpirited.debste took place In - the
Now York Legislature on the Maine Uglier lair
bill, a hieh wad finally refused a third rtiadiug.,—
The logJelature yesterday adjourned sine die
Sowitows' stay in Mae
burgh 'no. being limited to e. ter chart longer. and he
will not visit W. country .fai Want rem. tromed , ste
&pence:lon le absolutely necisest7. ./YIR
Oakland Property for 8 ale. —MS
Property to shoat. 'about hell n mile , from the altpllntt
fronting on the Pittsburgh Fainters and Ileottatdoe'Tutee
vibe bounded on the south and east by lands of
Jame,. Craft. Esq.. and 412 the north by 4. P.Chitis, Feet.
got/cluing about BIZ ACC.Eg. ft Is covered etlat Pettit
Trees f the chMeest Itintle.mmly of amain full besting.
There less romfartsble hmetoried frame IfObSEI tetth
other bnllllacai also. an !Mundell. of Greleet 11 .1/ I .IM
and Etzarberry Vlne. , of good Quality. I wilt/I,AM of
the at 3re. Property altogetber, or Lieu. It to cult pier.
Jett/ tlm No. 111 'Water street.
--- ::-
sib - Dr. Dl'Lane's , Vermifuge.-Dalinf a
1- 9 , -rti - a of more th
mo twenty Terre, Or. 31• Lane Ai
atteared limumerabls patients al/betel with negry tin
of worm Mamma, and was Induced to aptly all the coot.
eel o; hie mint to the din:atom of a Vermin:OM or 'MM.
ti.tro,er. motel. halts .deer,: the molt of PO mboreli
the American Worm Speelfk, now before the putille..
width is perfectly We and tatty be green alike to children
of the most tender sae. or to the age.; adult; It poems
mildly and subdues Meer, and Convoys worms with
Isramtble success. It Is motel' administration, and a:
'lt dreg not contain mercury in any form whaterez, no
.reetriettour are neoseerry with regard, to drinking natter, • ate, nor l s it cartattle of doing the IrsoLinjury fblths
tenderest infant. An incredible utnte'r o worms have
te-a e:peliel by-thie sm. Camaro" \
Port teems will he careful to ask for Ildt,. 217.Nifed
CIIL3.'“ItATED LIVOR PILLS, and talertoo4nl.. There
am athe.r I` 11, PUIVOstIns to be Liver Pll at bed.,
the pu bee Dz. !Plane's (deer Dolls, also 111 • cel mited
Vezmithge, can now ha had at all reemettlALlrOg
(tore, in th e Dotted etat,r. tad [min- the, p pt'letr \ rs.
FL/Lit:NU usurrilEg,i, \
Jib Someesues to J . Had A Co.. LliAve.... ,t.
/Fro — Mott{ 110111/, TzsraioNr.—Mr. . 1 ,, ,
novae, 3tr-1 think ((no more Ulan an set of ladle to\
piu at well ae to th e Auterieel community m (ta t the
arEarAcLacs I bought of you ,tilt me well. I Mad nip
sight ouch immoral. 1 can ;F.. cacti print with them
Mr shy length of time without letim. te mit eye,'
Shout / my f 'ph/ motion, to Ostrom by the vet ciflljetn.
, / have no doubehot 1 shall be able to mad without, them
Ins altort time. Tour. truly, I. muarq*., \ 1
Allesheey Oily. lone 26,1663.
SOL./ bare used 31r. Solomon,' killF CLASSES kis a
my brief period, with derided advantage • and hereAm
hultatlen in stating th at a detective vision of OanA soda',
hog has been relieved, and the organ. seem to Ireeaccyalr-'
1.4 item isAtotte. / therefor. chterkily bearipetlmony,
to ttoir az.llenty .1 arcur•c7, se chin to Nr.tildemove
skill .s a practical Onthrlen, and the wonderful laellitY
With which ha adapt* his Glasses to the varlooetiem
(Witt. of vision: - D .. u. POTION. \
NIL 24 WAY. Morn. Pit elnuAtt.
' ' June 20.1833. •
—— , .
It the kind of Wilmer ma tithe value of our LAVES.
upoa width as an mnfblently root Um mutat!. of our
wart. We have already . pobbatted reetwal rettlhoetwb
Droving that Barra mad; for our reer.lar cud ontlitarr
and- roll abroad. have been
,trubjected to 'the
sEvLamt TYBTB ActroaI.,coNIFLAUFATIC . 8.
and end ormervol their oclatenta WWI, floe troat , Attniat.
The tattooist. Is another proM of the tarty loconteetabbt
310,000 WORTS. 01? 3001E3 AND PARiNDI
. •LDION, Fon Comm, P0..1
• November 12.1802. J'N ,
Mimeo. Bun Name—DearMon Your two lettere'
Peon duly rocelvol. I waa absent at the rune. I woad'
7rWir.l n tetil WoatteLToL
L tl i b l ;;Oir
morulow of the 10th of Jane movolay atoie buluund
below burned , to gam. It yea built of wool and brlok—'
rlmre three atorr building. Mr Cale was In in lb.
im. of tae fir, and GM Into tba miler, where them wu
• littge ygtotillt of oil. it WWI • •rtg hot fire.
Mr nava .mid Do/101.0count. that were In the. Nate.
amounted to about Ten Ttormand whlvh eras
Wg!ITZIII.6.7X ".we ' ro 'W. i/b P oTrlo ' M " Vood A "'d rno f 7oTT:
no 11me, but bur a r oor...o . krep thefe parwm..doe m—ao
get one that la good. out eahlr recommandleur Defoe
y ""'". l7 ' JOll. ' N 04.4 \
5e.3.1114 SOLOYOXlS:—Frontinfattcy ISVO
been ell .11Anyarlth wank eyes nod , libOrtsighteltfinAnd -
In all my trarele I have never bean able to wet d solid
GLAggl,ll that would help me.' lhavvo bad Several),
that would enable me to ea. mon distinctly, but 41 \
nevardrsep them on more, than ens- -b alt hour from alt , f
fact that they caused suctureat Salo.
I b•Pfettoed to ea.:your advertisement. by whlch I am
Ton bed last Imported lose. and nit has been my tfc,o,"
stout dm to not . rah that would beoef t =NI thought
I would try yours.
boo utuir not think me flattering when I sayMg: nitre '
'tun, answei.ity expectalons. I have Oct been able to
reed by eandledlibt for mono thou half an bout at atly
nue before I got these Mil.. 11100,4 001 there, I reed
oat OUodarAll day, nod until ten o'clock, Ignition 'sloe
ilendltia leant pale. whlehl• • thing I hare not drine,
before for years.
I my Mb moth as I UM* It dmarring your aohnit.,
and boring others may be Mordant by it.
Too Ma at Hemet, to =abeam of my arm at any t lma
for raforrnos. I am, sir, truly yours,. I ;
' . HENRY KARL, Wharf Muter, Ihttobunth..
I'. A.l fargot to mantlca that my nit+ Is greatly bin,-
ailed by th• pelf she not. and .I,l l ldll Memo!.
state of li c eT. flecl.f\ltl.Eos.,%.(leoeaseil.
'. , \ nod 14:, kinistrai ti of the
igirWis believe Nature btu piovir. o r il llit "'tC , ' ' • 4
.rne ' 7lb " . °T 74l •••••*hiab n " h l '' 4. '".. Kr 1,13 ' R oo. _ "t o 't ! . . f . ; TIN I UT hart ''. ! i lat i Tiat . N ' ali
PICTROLLUM or HOOK OIL , pot lip se It gout. fir The to ° ......ent thrut Zueolrtn. •To J tri !Mule, attar.
post laboratory. gooerreled deep 1011. bowel. of . I N aki uer at I ..., N0,1,04•A1ia..t h t, sally autotag t te4
0.111. Is. *about deubt.•one of the greatatt of frit. ". . V P ' ,7.V.;1ki:,..",p..h: r ,„,7 1,."7„;,%..1.Zi\
ingloill. R. 4, the followlog tallthtronr. wIT. 1, a ' .. —'
'-' ". '.. \ \ 0 A\lloLath.c '
gratefttl parent: \• t lllthoin T ... ':. \_ JOO, N. Ma OPhlt
Pulsar! Vatula, Oblo, MIL 16. lallt, T"'
Mr. P.. lei' hX hare gold all Tour PetrokUro.
Or Reek 011. rot. two torothe out. ao4 have been lOokr
fur for your agent to get • further supply. I coma ti e. g s
.74 It:orlltai grtiren W olM. " TlV4Vo a t t e W . 1 0 3 . 1
titre four sweat vol here. waa 4 lT i lou atrylow With I.
Itt " se.t ` t7. ° at ter RTPIft!.; 0;14, '.4 74.11,;:,t,„"
humedlately. "It hr alao to extraordinary mull I t ,
sore art lndored Hy., thltr. grolota, .4 ltheunuttlligli
• and tor the 011. route burnt. roped et loogstatallug.
Yount:with reaper*,. ' Woo Sloth Ow.
tot eel. et.. the 0r0... In Plheburgh.
4: Was.. adTeTtleingPotrlteuor viftwo eopy.)
Tretwqire •
Major Joux WiLncoa will bo a condi;
Olt? pont/m(0os ot'COUNTIC Taa t una,a bears the
whiz end nun-Ultimo!. County Contention, to he hill
In non* ntzt• 177d.hrtr
var )tuan:S. Foonino;"Esq„ or Allegheny
.lll_ be a candidate Wore the approaehlng uo
and. Whig Gonveetlon. for norcleatton to thi orilesit
to rxeptipea.,ltyou wish ti flue
via. go to CARGO% GALLKII,V,
No. 70, fourth street.
.ser OARD.—Doctor Bfrzei baring•Vetin
relieved from Ms MOdal duties u datum and PhlNcleu
011 it. 11. 6. Mai. UO , Ditil. • ili li future Mee Lis uu t r
Mild &mini:lois to Ws PreLemiam Ofilreaud residuum 4:
lee ttOrd MUM. above Iltandeld... ' .4743,i.
'UpWitiouror the attention of our rea -
ors to Oa ottoirtlionoot .1 10 Eirgl LIVIOOII./litro
ocksraw•opim!egiva sirof.thm Tula Pup.
•~ ~~ ~ ~ ~.
~ ~ ~ i ~ ~.;~ .
• j 0 4 7 ,0 . 1 4 P. l *„
. $/4VA I,.. 'I A,_ TT. V ' Pi.. I ?- •:•\\ ASIIj \ n3IIENTS. \
. r , .. -;] • NE,66 , , .e.. 66 'NO ,rotEN6 , 6
... d ____,.-__ •
INsuIt,ANCE 031%1P AN x,I a 0 3ti r, rfoLIE4' ..iai. :1044, 181k3ie lARGets conm.orr Aso BRASS MM.
' ••\ NW YORit - • • ' ' ' '-' ' • ' -\ n RN , IL XD 'ha htaideed by m4411011_4, 'XL
, ~
CASH O•SPITAL a . pcw,ciPo! - . ...- syalNK'll.l6.o . . atql \Donavan/an Rota. or .SLOidiso
• $ CO„ rostra i• - •& , V f
, 7
pXPIrESS T.I6A.L`I. liaies 's Pittaii 'h . 6, '
netg a
IL C. LOON:. Assui, , 4 .„, ~,,,,, , s , stars nts the piln.Dah Shinn
\N. to tss r / . , •uTh. 1 n;s4fus at Cro•LitoslaLLA P, X inisiti‘llC•fnottioa%
1.116630.6 i' ' I . ' ; r, Mei` event. ((1.1 Ordornhui, Xen . rale...lons
''h •
S.tre. L. 2;i9..•••-•4;••••4•L'''';'.sth* " i t,T;t l" M ., i . ' 7157Pit'5'1t47.2.V.VP11141a% ' 4 4"X= I: a.ei c ,
!, , , , , , T, ~„,-;•-, 7,„ \--- ' •'''''''"'""''.„ e,L,..- .. , at Cht-,sicat "P.;\scitstiest g
htinitid hifi:•lhk. '''''''''''''''''''''''' 0 and, King & Op.. vial the Malt Twin to Colnic bus and Cm Innstit aid
it t...,
Kliaas 11. dleneo.----..}--I"trut of C1.111. 1 312en a eas ; • ith ths Rellefritinineandlt s p sss if s l os rs, , D,,yl s s,
"r , t - 8115t , .....-.....-...-.N.......ittat of Goon. His & CO. . l O dl i r .fanT _' . .f i rt_,TlS , P. . 4 f.7.X.
_PS"... i . .t,
.Al.. is. E.N...-1......t........A-..Nirm of Ens, ny &Cu 4 1., 41, are msa as mins& sy masa xttiu
1( /in, e0r.d,...1.... ........4.......n. of Wiliararal. \ Madsen and &Loveland. Fars Iniat Fitts until ' 17• Ii.
.. , ti P 5 kma..........,.......-...`,-..1,..F1t0t of Soe Starr. Cleo . di SI 00., ' • • ,
. 4
t 0,. :,
earn C. Aly.--. , Finn of Lly. Cisco & wen. I, Lo .. bowl •Ore tosat,nt tinneten by
nark r ...L.4 -- 1, ?km or James L ., &0. ; •?,Fehr o ..T.Winiefieid s , Matlid cart an. „ Lc art and
_•.i' inn 0.. B. :Isiah,. 00. : •Anmilly. Tar. to Sandnsky nityll 66C to f• iults3,6o:
JANAIL lledchinson...—..: .. \.E. , ck of.
.. C. (loins* Co. I . hi T...."'he IfVit, i . \ • ,L.. , ,,
MX.. G.Faxitheof,_ igto of A'. ALaw - roam, k (~ ! . Lqty ...4. ...t0 ..". th., D n.. , 6. 4 MI .& b O °N ,
CANrINA A Buciley.-... ........ --..:,...rtma 'of iaeko.y na. ; Lion; pod and Ssod;34 , Se Ctrs.
~ \
ini cit-Afterbuiy.dr....ilfm or teLio. 'Atterbury in. &N.. 61; • • '''''' .7..5. "..,,r",'"o.. 'T" H" ' Tf lr
jLevi IL Ilorlent,• ..... -,Finn ot .1, . Mob.. Meese. 0 vo. , 6 /Lis ,and no y , &hens to SatilcsitOry in 6, hr. e,
ointe r /height ', -......11im ottnivtirldio. theistic & C. 1 end front hicial•nosh•f o cotoot•i s 16 bony,. b„.l, ~ s d,
. Ne1Anc.L. , .......-..--....-.1-Firttrot If elm. & Oe\r ate. of Say otiesntine. FahcCo I.X. \Xi% to .60
'lanes i• Delshont, ... . ......ihrm tinflaiiimin. Star ill 00. ~ \
Ct[:.,.rye 0 main,.................-.-Flrm of„ etiektuan a Collin
..,, . RETURNING : •
,r ). " L i s , r=•••=7.-- .... i 4 ; .2 , -,:. z, , , , ,!; ; . ~ki n , . ;.1.3 I St . TEM EXFIIiCS Tina.
i t
i o ii r i ehlin_e \ nt I 30 P ‘. i
Demos AkAtenger,.........-...- Ira of T n . ill Stehooirsr, A'=„:1.',',11,.;51,5V,,,V,r4::,,,,,,,,°°:(4°1,,r.4
~,_,,, a Ssulf„ osst- .......-.:..... ~...V., „ ef , s ) 7l,Soua ~ ^ 4 . . ..L. Veil. to Phlle olphia orl.Saltimero, whisb his
- r",s'''' ..,l rfon..-.L,.-filn r ~,,,,,. ....t., 7 '° ° Y , 1 yeah at 10 . .) ....Innis ton• Oneltinatt to Sitteburnh
: ` 1 „ . „.7, 4 7.1, 2 4:, _ .... ',. . . , r
..i . 6:g;( ir , ; (.. v .,. ll p i t Ti r : - :, 1 .t y ,. . 6. Vrinn Ciao mon to ebtkadeich.s oeilaf -- 1 , 7,,i -- rolamkell. , ,ll,r4ck & Phli• ''; ' , ll,lL 'PRI.. X ; le&oes ChtiOnna at 7CO s. act Innen at
46yr.d S. nuen........___,.....f1irin Lf A.N IlAth`. 1 . 0 " . &insne: mo.da \ wall Exiiren Train froni Cliatida.L
• 1 4,,, 1.1a 1,".x.1., ..----- ........ -FlfnA,' I' Ll '" l ''''' ; ,,',r ;; '" ~,,, ....f,,. eft.64.,,-.6 . Y. y...,
Lyman fools. -- ----... -o r . ' "0 - ^ , --- 0 -• hic of - qoYbi.N 44-0 -, - ~. ' :ChM \ BGIII•033, ACCOIIIIODATION TR/Ithi" 1,11111.
......- Pi hhtirsh . 210,. an y and 6.30 P lc. arid Nair ktrichloo
Jude& A. theign&._-_:"Firm or itroankßahiser .S o raus. ~.. ~, ..,0 1p . ~,....k . Tisivi s $1 00 . Qasr• s oti
!swell Prothuiphans, Fi f lll of Coc.thitiphsto i Xo I & Co. ,7 , ,,,1.„,•,,;,,,,,,, c; ',, r .,„.„,. •
II ' ''''Il4 ••• • ••••••°^ ,- •••nr.1"..."4.' ' Ve. Flllllol‘ T,LAIN leases ritisbn-nth at 6.30 it. ..
nalie Neht s.--------.4.-1..-er of i txudit Lffebia.
iii .., . in .,„. , ~....
L;lard A 1itrii „ ,_..,..,.f...i.......1F ha ... or. ..1.6. passooror ars requested to nsnoihi Tickets at the 0tt0,'44"1114.8rtr.-Uk....'---01-
,'44"1114.8 rtr.- U k . ...' --- ol -- '''..
'' ' ' ,, k ,.7llo„;\ san.y . . 0ta.,,, 5 . - th..l , o • l o , l 4o lB ., Or. pA et ß a t Atr
T . ~, f t .,
llio 7: //sonar 1.00.1'11.11k..
Co. Sal . Tho Tonine do Main hin on Sunday.
1'1 '" 66 It ° , Lissr- Further /titan:natio" roar he obal of
Alortemo,-_ ........ -....
--a- ,c- • , ,
S,ELLY. Paatangsr Anent, '
'.'"" . 7. '"' ; \ Pittsburgh. JOT IS. 1633° \ - . WS
131Pli .. 0 111/ 666 . Tifispsos&hi e h .1, ,th,.. For iho:Coossaay are requested
wil.lB. J. SILAIITIN. Secret
;... . _. tolthert this and tiLk e e out a ll other aivortisossooteLl
\ \ R. C. ;
. 1 .1.311,(,,,X4,
.......litinf Vusoa.
\(Of nlO Into fin. at initiro ' JOHH,wxr.r — A co, ,
\ \:. waoLiRA.
_, ViTli 0 LE S AL F: ' ,1:1 ft 0 0
E ii,
S and 'Commis-
B 001' S A 1 0 g'S ' !g s t4 j / c n'_; l ;7 h. tr74' l 4 l TCil L'14% , - . 'IVIz:V
tio Weed abr. • ' ;x i rat aro seseirionheLaithwin , n sox! ' , Lie% .4 Offer ai
).8,,itt.14 . ..,,,,.. 10.,,, marset rate._ ,
iii.i.ii. ,
ig - rihi ' eTit ' io a n Waa"' trace
te.r . : ; •
16 It rt I ' ,I, a iic. l .4l l : titu r EGE
.. r . boxeuirtlit. IP.: ,\
1,6 ' 13 tti1 ' 0 . .,...i.0.' , * 4 . 4 ". i . ' ti L gtlif.T:i t o d n ' 4; hilt ,
, L • tng §7,l°L'li - 7c l '3ll;;lp'rti l nPu.. ; \
8,6 t.gx ihrahoinlsilic . 5 casks tga:o . ti Insert -
LIV -. rt?VlUffir';'n'. 3 1114 rsir m ei L i k ir ' R"i'
ito bane:cos., Y. 11. and Biotic Te i , , i . s ' •.
c4fdy•Coi • ,0 • iof •
CO CU& h.O. Stigl`r, tolr to triton 'CO ate Csaidat
I 1.0 i,. :WIC.: and Fist. Win.. 04.4,\
0 d ' .. 4 l '''.l 1. " '
15. ' I ' ;
''' E ''''''' \
. •
.gOCITNE, .--
Third Annual Statemorlik
.11.6 141 1 11 13URANCKCOMPINV.el larrie6urg.
1146suserna. S
e de r ee u e
uoef. the e Pr
6 1 3 ,
-11.- 3.-424
4 01 0 0
6E6M T 4
. 1 11 1 3
itotereet reed On leoseu ..... ............ 910 19
4 14041 '7 011.1 pm;. 10610thare-.- 1.000 00
, --5340,18 20
F14m1962, eamee11ed.,........--...-.4, 2,709 94
,l/o. Tereal444.ll
loam X.loensee, 41petvmegee,,,,x... . 7 702 97
. .
151 u cane. liatu.r2el \ Premiums.
2 1 .4410nerr, Pr1ed1dg,6e............. 77,901 Si
` `
&vital kirtek. paid In sad
Actountokr.woreu u.ei. fitr
.' 15 .1% , ,
Prosaic. Notes. ...-..6916517 60
Bonds and ifortsasps. Moots...Rd •
nth, securiks-
Umh nn Land, in bends of agrols l' 7 2.U5 2'
FCC ured ereo de- . . ... ~ 11.831 61
3.1617 e Furniture's.' MatiMset7.-.." /.000 60
• , —.--1.356.3161 70
. .
Amount of sdjustSJ. claims against , s
Ha Com.
114)i h P. RUVllittroltD.Danthloseoistar "
IVO. EEDGWICF: t Hstrisburs' '•
P AWltifigilant h 4 4 /Irt i tittlgh: ,
1. "
Julf•N B. RUTHERFORD. Dauphin Corp{,{
A. J...811.1.8t. itarrebuts; •
8 T. jONEO. • s . ,
. HOBERT /KLOTZ. thattrn" nty: , ..
JOHN P. 4OFHERFORD. Pissldent.
WOO insurkagilnetberds oboes and Inland n•Flgntion;
530 w. on oterctorodise to cDy ,(, moon,. at lowest Was
conErtent lON isfety. Poticletebbtmd nn d'eulliturboutss
."\?..7anrigl'os%lW6sroPkr A r lS7l7;nlshfleld SirsetA
A. A. ;AERIE/6 Assail.), .
insaiincti vompiky of rittsbidgh
: . won. Errassra. a
IS8=1:18 num, 12n. QAnu) 1\44 , , - j:: TILL'
QUM' AND ‘2136.11381P11, \ Dil'lNts. AN i."rz,I TA .
MEI,. " 1
. 6 A•APA ,,, toes ig,c....“a4, tsf ',tree. • A. , .
c...tches. of Lke RNA andL.VLAIV II 1P.10.11,170b
.4 YEA" SPOZtrAT:up. ..
, Rirso.roß.3: ';'
II D Hill-. . \ i Wu, LArb.,..:..,..„
1Y=.8.R1.7. . , N. J . , .r , '.
li."u, R,. ~ I Win. ~14:.1., ' lv
, tart ' ltunl• ', I Jot. 6. Dilwerth., ',..
F. Darbaugh. ..1 ltnranD .1.4 loe,
... 1,,. ,
I .Prllemurr,hr.
, c.ltaißrizrat.
1.., M.' Pon.lwrK , dAV,./'
. .
No. 25 Wood ..reel, Pittsburgh.
— 4 -
\ \JAmEs p. TANNER,
\ \ WUOLESSLK Dtel.oo
", VD*. 55 Wood . treat , Pittsburgh, • ;
.. \ l Whirs. 1 . 11141 e \ AID ;op irtli.
:11 . ..3.1y 13:00k , tiubrt4s every a var_ietprta .
Style V.11.21!, e q..rt.t4V P .C.1 ..441y to
"the Sten miSlitirtini . ni , e, mi 4 will ;± poll et slam.
rort.r/ ;a r; eohirarhar •hverst. with doss at Ila a
dalanas . New Fier. Porch will elem. call eta
*mum. b. re buritur._
A. EL 4101.111 kg ; BR 0 .
NatANugA.orukums e \ . ,
\.,kTTABIIRDIT. ` ' ,
OM., 25 Wotill\t, between let smd SAd.
,h49rt wernte ~ sinal i 0 407 linorsOr.iirl...Sil
11 0 1L 0 1 - i T:. 1411.1. ----.4 .7 t. \--. .. - :... --'-Th'6--- it r Titi7lti l e f lit - Ti
‘ \C \ a Eli I VAL.\ 1
\ LOGAN, %' I) IN & CO:' ' I
\ A Fog Elem A. 55 \D. 'IIF.F.TIO ..
1 \ I
\ .11/VLDWARIC, CUT'. Itlr, s he La.
Raventooved to their tie and extenaive
stoir.hleAl Wool dust, tour door( a re the Or. Chart es
ildel, where their macaroon. uet Ole hiiiitil rte , rtallTe
ir vlinl4.le7:slOtrot'." th i'''''\77"ielpi-;
. -- fikiotrti 7 iiiiiiP '—'
PUBF clfil 6 11011,DI00, THLUD ST
A' iITIMINS and stritagers who Pia
, L) lore F. turarare. ard,U, nod lit, !Malik..
ZaS ‘ Stil '' ;l ' ; .'n "tUs l'jlt`:,'etr.lll:','lZA
L ' A ' ll ° ....—. r.; ' °:: in= sa ' .:47 , :f.
\ ructht for ten rorpou„, with Ihstrumeets ot CO. the
r...L . 42'': . . , ;,' ,,, v,h4:24,itrt, , &-ely'lgir...'cte.'lllPeola.
E AU. I+l - alseld A . .. , Yirtii . Me. ...i i...aters hilnerir 10
iage in 0.5.. e La alertrotty..4 la. ri IL etyle of Derr
WO' re x ah , : .`Jovtd ..r lua.chhe. whin hr... ne•tr pre p.
~14, ; et, . ...:.r, z :;....e. rat or, le th wta 4: - .... ,. ..:f. lit
'.. T .
ACKSON'S National Daini • rroan Gallery, i
Mot.; Or thri,Dlssarral ard Itarteistred,,itur,,,odui .
games srsa Pture,) Pittsburgh. '`ii ,
If.p&la pad (imam. ‘lplzlng toubtalu 'pia. HUN... •
,Itspadtrat.odo., , ol Ors. all at tb Morse establihh- .
Uset.ette4 up van P. 7 Pup.erukr 710.04 OP7 Ltahte. l l
Sirmired Prithauth stl). PP.. th• pe
orationn CU. IL.
stlsit twourate cto dre dot el the bola. (..r5. meth addl..
eSiOnvanti3OrsiemstVl 1116 . 1 17 M. lestuteas,, , ~i . „ I
1 I" . ' ;74isj ' .. , T,lgiehlglr " r 7c "4 ' '
° ' al wma cot 10yaurs to tu,:eipt3to, Et ewe r. Per
hoZts".':L.:ll74W 114,5 t 41. k nta ercpwrl pp n• ~u
- 1,,r1 , ' "'•''''' V,- 4 411 ,-- .3... to 1
a itat= to owiro:A. 00 " ~,,„,;..,,',%., a 1
-k TeiVAILLEFa — r:( - 101 , I
84 ,1 * . MorSaTtS •to. , egotiate 10. 1
A l onn..,
4NT,t, PALK OP wrocas. l
one ..IsSes 5 Ce, cupapr WOW not Fourth
~ ..I,T._". v \\ ...` _ , Jell ..=.
~....C.IMAIV 71.3111.3
carc..103'.2hp ,
10L35414 , DIAIIGGISTS, ~
Wood'Utreit, Pllttzliurgh.
, ot De. 14.65nes aubratak,Xerroulrvo
e Bt.. Proae4\the
ata in
• I ;PT/A ° `4.r " th :trt° 9 •7.
1341.1••1:9 cr OP" Leic. the Lluae.lfor .9u tbe rro• •
• Jrihd3w•
)o: tz:Nr, r 4 skis ripr.--,tow edii koh
~..• - ImillsedaJattlas of Va. ra.* la 2 lf. - \k
y larY,lllAraml rad fury ln by ,
IngerTak64l7:6*War trlrolll6/61
'4/ —2;bo Ofitillflfa .1% 314;
4 \___
/If bLas da 6h6do.t 26 blar. L la. TraUll \k
..ti . i *.s h."M° N . 31'
\l "4 '''' a° '' . \ i
. 4 . 1 .1 ATr A (.2:b. 29 tibIq!IILTL
1 SALE—A oaporiiar iropißvid
.147:1;O:2AZISIV I T I :ol t "
_._.04-\,itir:ftT EtlVOZV.Vll,:k.____ ‘ gu-c:\ 1
CASH \ 'O -- \LOAN—E3,OOO 11 - 7;ill witii
got!. , ,i °° ?hfilk4l%7AZ ° 4aint Irl'4.M.d'
tNE TilbelpED ACRES of Ootol LAND
IL" Da the Dal( ,brar flax tarsb • air.V64 A 6 Id
it *bane*. lot , aal _ '
jyli \ ; 0 AELL6OOf ;46 sLtrllat Wed.
IL • aullfaw DWI, D TkTrof 11111,1M6 Tllll AMPS
kou , 4toill lum,pea A pi. .1> Ptpirion el:milk. \bp
.r, nlr. pl [Jr MI - 0661011 * WOODIS/ Mullin army
FUUND - Qn •treef,-on Wedneittlay;
•_thix lath LOGitst:• • nays
I.l l, lp , rai osarob • • • owner an DM
!44;ravAga=4-inlivtgp4v.. ,, k , .
J r va• Jana& VEl{Neit.`, ‘‘,
14AOKEREL-4501). new•ho. 3
stliNby ' • \
Aoth. ..., HASKELL & 'co..,
ADIA 31.
olp Broadnit y, New `fork., .-
' .vm obit-a:mow cr s •
'.. uouBEnOLDLtNENe.'
8,..i r ...i. ...II male to otder. for private IWitillies.
hobo e..hi g el. ene elemen ! . \ .
. • '
\ Henipfield Railxond.s
. Zigg. s i L gt. Llz a'liga th 2 ; / 4%4 3,
ti rte.
end' toe beau . 4l6SCdittl , on the
• tenni ineludee &taint Ne.L'entering
n t . with a ratell Talmo! udder the
1 d • high \ iirid e e emus Wheeling
~. ..,
' tertmt A t id g e atrtivi lall.llOEOII.
w er - reel the lieni n tap e h ene . \
le ctbrel. tear me between She
1 eirettele even t tartlet In the
. 1.1. 7 Creek. leveret on Slinito
1 Sheetin g li m e. ,} \
a t oft ftwiletno usher, river is 1
1 sheltie e‘heeethA btrlet I
ti attritcliaea to ehl.Cote.
' found et,th i e litaiiihrer'S
St delW l SAintu t t i
4 itt N 't.hal. the terms
ratlet St e new
1 0Qt11...0 ST .. of
Pie Stl of _
..3 . _,/* t,L . :
of Cs
bit Mr.. Oct
\ ,
. .
e . . in ea
m a r tee /
fli 44\
2ZI goo o
lino . of floeLliEll
TLC work
th+ clt.7 nf 'Wheei
oa* , 1.4. a
- 1'11.1.24m1
;: o ta
h t t 6.
hauy. e u f
yeller of the Little
etyrk ! ptu.
on On.77,iii;l4AcCe oak
on imrtt Job Lf Tna \
'The w or know offeral ro le lit
of country, mod, will present
Plana and 6x, Moat ono will In,
Wheelir g, to the IStk
B. S.—The Contractor 100;9e:tic
lion isoportatit Tunnel bakiok
of tnn agonnuont, thar. work will
lhelr aTo irtfili . ont r g . ll.lo47 4 .
.B 7 ordenot the ilokr .
IL T 0.0 .. COM.
Orikatrii .tito.or, Ch 1•1
UST RECElVED,ianotiv3r auph
0, kkryo gennion posonOIIILODEONS °A
hut'. own nietory, in Nevi York 0117—
Two ,4% Gator. rouwonci kielodeOnO
• Tiro 0 oetare
line octave lielonootOrith eat of rev,
elek roniwoed ewe. olinio Sri* etrie—s oupti
eiyument for eittier churohlor.parinr 0041. Poe ood
MAMA. 101 Third meet,
101 l .. Sale 10,0 t loa 11r. Carbon's dlekkii
New Nuaio;=,New Musk: •
T ILY DALF: DiYileyatias Me at lion;e?
tre. we',llle4 Thee . st,Uosne: Isomer r,n;
6nsle. MT.OrWN I . I 'O.-.F.cgt-r: • Plums Palts—llrcanil
void Closnd— to t
1.37er .104
VgLTLIW Ito =I(I , ;, '
.1k1,17b.p.4 000'd, hr , /Al
m. Bartel.
and odandard
for Yin
dOLIZI L W:: WELLOW, 81 Wood Billet.
. 13 Ocketke‘on Lock.
.f or
S' AGIC Og' Safe Locks
i t..
ti. Ya/ . e 9 .
jyl4llm Wiry
I 'EII3BLIC\SALEst HOE 'and l i o ---- rjoii'
iii . the rointukottaiNsirnd strrst and INAtornIONY. In.
:tr. '4f,'l,-';'ggr.re4r.b.ll`.VVlV4.ll7nlirttlf?ltel'i
tnr 31..1.1.1c5tan at iii:clotk r.lO. 'Mr Lot has a !Nut
or in J oat a tarns , a tromon scrim 1. and .inisuid• tsik
alma roll Wier NI trot., \lle_ Clouse It a Biros story bri k"
tie"Pirnd''eit;:'l''', I c O itti \ii . A. 11.II.CLELL„ND.1 '
A .grAINING }'VO R -DArLy—Thei 4 A
1 ni no:pis/king sa wrienetanissi.tor et common dl
on plantatlaus. no 0 A. TAOYLBAT9CKS VIiItILIVUO
Itrail thlttrstitriany: \• • 1 . , i 'l , .
.. L I
I)7riiy '. P. Dv ittitt..4riErti„ /Leo OriAntst I,
.Lfrin4...VNl.:Ftshnesistititg . ( tiotltts ' lliillm ;I ' M&
rto Iniorm you Otto y VtrußingiLtaniinuits to sett .011
lu tOLt city, and I. Ind our
It canine tarot dst.y amongst oar ,
Vi tterit Many ii . , ~,, 0 1 oustorsttra. urtinre%lii tn. habit
A. Fe l :!..,?t,a L a . jil l' C g,Ff74not!r,rotlL77.l4 :::t7 l,';'
, , it, ...... ',ln Not LAN's. ti no Iftruiltia in eoLI in
tliii i n'ty i sitorti 10.04. P. Wen ONO. rstinislion or the
1 gee. ' in I rti ' l inrylleTe s n Vast =l7i, g 1,47 V. r'd . -
RespieNuilt i • t F. 4\ mcosa..
Prsrarisl snd told bY, B.A. FAILVI , OC.._ ICA CO„
jolt \ winos of Yost Anil Wonci.streats
_ •
gbile.t . L A 2 ,l =ll , vo r er&L.T4lkL z tutF tv litl
I Liberty. Thin blade Isellatbly Oltrtsted. and g..k ' , lt en
astillgral slew ran bo h.d .1111 mos oot auorchtso
- O pener s Form. the co, srlobtet bt oeDate
tboutrehes a pltasaut :med./Lie:thy mot for., Country \
6 . 0 . es • .ry ottoe attar., tat.s , can be,stated
oablotretohe ltea/ Estate tslboo dr
.1310 A • tdeftol:l. 21 I . lll.lolMmt.
.y Tbis riot/oda! Cyclor.ll.4 12 Ml.:\
Po totairea Ihld Hoots;
7.lfranY bl•tlenary of ,Y.hater. its./ ElifiTAVPirk
Malabar, at bobstot. to Dictionary of the dota l of the U. 114
, otraltro etassloal Illettosar7;
Men of tha,Tlmo; '
Spa: Ve American Blottraphy,lo \
Far sale by 1,4161 .11. B. I.OBWOMIL t CO. '‘
to oh
'kc +.
a P •Noatuirt BO 1111141.9'—With a view ir alas
an out our stork ofd mot Good", to mete nut* for en
tits 01 euraly, ea aTe rred6Ml Ma mind ot our
L ar.lturids. , arrnadines, 1. Handsome
st .... f light erintr. fut.talors; at it manta. At u, Bon
g t Petunia. very 10.
clue.c e. Putortur tinottli kit on bend, trbitit will ‘l,O
clue.olt . 2_9. feu than oost. i • .1714 ~.
:fitlt i C . oint.le c of • wr Or GROUND having
i f t ,'l 4ll4l ' ottLe T p ... lh r te • 11Nt: d r•o7,,rgti =lt
Rn ., r ,4 4 , 7rSlt:,?‘zt.lTAT:t '" 4 .17, 2
I. Ow cur. it I. °trawl at tits \ prig
Terma to ottlt\Spply to •••‘
JTI3 B. .11e.1411.t, Fitth stmt.
NEW lad KEREL I ,-38 b 614.: large No 3
; 8 3.lookarol t f• to• \ •
LE.200. ra.aLgur A co
V.NDERIVO calebrated
SAUCES. . siorted Pickl.o.'plat, quart.
r it * =o " P,l:l i ,r4 " ; , .t L. 4 31.attrcroa1kettbuss:
10 cb. repp.r t 34..; I
10 co. Ztod•nroodlt ImM:in /emon Sr_rn
Pet rase b/ W. A. 2lb4L'Ulto.
a ?
`I,A7I2RIAGE 011TULOTII—Receivedlrom
v ; rhlac...ilze teett67:6i7 plO6OO 7040 t alar6rCar
r,,,o,h." and 64 'No, extra quality. fot 0010
t,the , oangroacts :SO,. 116 3,167 ‘ tetiret.
710 ~ i l. PfliLLIPi•~.
i ;ausilts $t
ree . .l and
3Q,hozel `.4o)Pictsbur h man. -
1,1,P1yr.. In store snai esqkbr
(.004-0 hhthi. 5 O. Sugar.
for vdebr FIN
4ant sink A
a m e
1/1,11.1 t\WALLEIL
VIN"W :lILIND.S.'Ar—At wholesale alh
mtilet . nymwej.ssa Exam:luta,.
vIOTTON\-...V0 baief Cl4tott. sad'
brai7ll) 1,44141 TlTCHitrf CO.
illiiti.2 t K.E4 rae t.L.: \. 2 t s m. bbls. , ,P,ia. .. ) I,l.Mookerel,
irt N tlA,_ 4i i , ...k`o.osairecr.
,1 EA/ago:3 ' 4l , ,/,-; dr37"7l,Herring
JotOtee'd ang to ea p r ' ~,, _ ..
1 .'* A' I . l_ . 4. I : '. l. ti..biinULD.
ROUrr2s.bble; it 25 herb Li, Lake
, \ 3
t,i \Freer.a. t,r{ .4 kr ,br .'s ' \
i,o,_ _ • ._ . s J. n. cuarftErak. .
i iiykir ir:2 - 7 - 5 +eel
blel ._._d2s ho.i.t 7 bble.
1,2 h. \ ad,4 It,oeue..ipstSll.l ! (l 3 l
cumi iiie D. . \
IQ l : l3 iNWMeth itadikkad•
,•.‘ll:Ol42.lti AL P.APl aW_l..l l .t..*,
' \ 'lsYuk , rAPPeit, , eit4
' . ,'; . ~ ''',
\.. • 1 : , \ . ''' ''
'‘ u,„1 , ,, \ : :\ \• \
: -,
1.;;- \ \
, . -7,•.., %,.,.,,,,,,-,:...--.,:
\\ \ ' ' V.,. V\
, \ \
I Cloth. airtentor,v radrad from
huldnne far AUNE,n4i
\ the Ist proslme. br
\ Mtn. /4'94\
NO. PnW Pena *Demi
et Per Meat:sera,
s , llaod etreet,
t,itletk , Ria . 6,.fpr
, ../.:,incar in otoni
threes plain
it by
.", 'titl 7 W..-.
\ P. 34. DA Aust . paker..
C.k. l . +4\
salu 14W, o7r . .er • 2utA Jsr.i woo • ,
, 1 1 ashi*ieC+gl„ \ •
AcatY bior* 1841 t, ti
a:v- 1 41 4.1 A, rtmeni\ - wsperti p . U'Y
01.1.14* 0/4 INGI, 0, Mitts; C,lk k tk. to ';
pad. July. Icib, st p'
o .4b ;. L l t m i tv d i *
stiOii;bon, July at '
I lcroitfet wady ti.,iN c ast \
iLN.SATII PAYN4III4 23,1. \ it 2.0'0100k \
\ , 2t . m i . 0. 4, wo mi.... Irht b... 40 i cede ot \
co.. the fonontax,deeeribel bbooetty ~, - Eboymly ,
vitvi, dm,,,,Leten 41i0 IndefjtVeno...oltot 1 .01?..011 \ •
604'yon4' hors( " ii.r b* Stti l / \ VIVI f t, r . 47.lA.tra -
navtaikz , .jent of 1.,, .4 1; ,. on Wftl:t .ti r t 74=etlint, r \
h a .. 1 , 21:. L. 'o3o' l °q ‘A l iviirlaigi 'lt . .
LOAM enl,Ttlitbo4RAY.l TO
4 ,:i t a . , , :,,.._ .7 ".,...
0 1 1 .1. '', '24 V;MriNttlii,.utsMeA o`g 41 1 6,
In Colnea oleo, eagitiO ...boat .42 riont7tet .
' l l l -:t
— nt ' A r Ottnelige y..<4.11•141 nit olt,lionot 141-
il by W. Ic..Fettenneb, heirce 0 twit el :A reek.*
‘4l'' e' '.." 4l , tt l e . .g d . ' ott. ' l ^l 4l4: • ?.t.4 ' Z i Tito. ni
inte g3- reet. For i l or o tb r a
a o,or ci i. u, lf . ftl h a i\ r 1 . f t 0, ,, ni m . , *4 . c z t.,,,,, i 4,,... \,„,
blahon. el or!' 4 , n
street. L i X 6l .0, 0t: DAM: , • • oboe . e, ~ .
, ~
THE' 'UNITED,, 8. ,TE •: '• ' \ '`‘ i
. . \ .-. t . •
LIFE INSURANCE; . \ VrrY ' \ n.,
, , •
.\. •
PHILADELPHIA. . . - 1 , i
OTIARTER,ED AlitlL,26 14604- 1 \
onenrsx Egantusu " \
cAPrrAl.,,,vso,ooo. , , , \
Oilloo 8. E. corner or Tblrd amt. OD laid.' \ '
'-, O. PlLlWolphla. , \' ', \ i
micron: k ' ~ \
St.ltbso H. Crow Card, Pool 11404dord:
Ambroto W. Th00p.... Lsorraion Johan, ' \
Ilovjualo W. Tfizgl.f . . • 4 ..rir. ara...7. '
Jamb L, Tlonloor, Imes Drive..
WollanrM. flat... WWI= IC**. \ \.\
i \
Praufoµ.-BO.FOO O. Crow ~I . ~.. _ ,‘"
reot.,Proristrot—Ambromo 'W. Ttuampooo. \ \I , . " i \
I ,
Jamifti E.oolor . s—Pittsboroty Jwoos IL 11/mu. DS \
011oghvor 1 / 4 1q. It . O. Slow r... M. D.
'• u1:01tOle B. ARNOLD
,___ ItlourtAseoperktubaro ' ' \
' • ',
k, 1 - \‘‘.
. \t 't
'CANAL ))&81N, ALLEGE 1151 T,
FISE, SL'et9o.l4, incraa, 'LIMY and , ,Ya•
TEA (of selected tilts ITlstat) FLOUR, for says—
L tseN, 8110ItTS Ent ICIDDLIIiIIe t always ow
e 'Ogg pee.."`Zkiefo i e=lielVell rll‘
T w cw'S somas of Lisa... 7 lad St. cl
, a r ir swear; tr. 1.906.
WItrSON CO:S: 61 WorsYr i ln i li i trAtmlet to.
=Miff ,
N LI ...fainted. by the atate . . 14411 f ' ...a..d..a\ the el:met/Wend
, erm. of Colow.:11. T. P. ALLYN.. diettegawhwi grad.. ,
of Wort Point and • ore.tleal , E•alneer, elded by au -...,
sate fsettlte. The 00010.8 Or . 01.Uar A. /bet Israeli. fa the two Colleges. with '\ the roddalop of f s.
.:Waded endfse of blarbereatlee. 2 . ..taral\lkientrr e al
thwortle end breoti...l.Besthreettoja'A , \ '.. - \
Tbellohdlnef the Itallture will be manly 0,410.4. sod sfraagnanns . mate Ibt beeline:them witb gleam'
WO'. the crenate of the easola. VAW. TORII. which
Aral. moan. the Institute watlrely tammaltrel In, Mara
to boaltegrealerwe, end ..twableaeor of rendealw.
e 111. el rla Oterortatows:of ital Kt*.
' ?, TlClibi ' will tam gne the 00000 ‘.
001104?;/. arra* 0/1.1, llall, notlee where* $lOO
gverzi.:at 110•405(5ara7.11...0%)1.15hie
*dams the `'hilllteri:leglitate,
FtelOallkooelltY. e.t.a! y," or I,h, \ _ a p tid, „ 4.4 . . ~....
.I:7d/c/ .. Lrroildeint r of ,
Lea 111. Joan. I. St. Louis Itiotralfeen. ridatietati
0 et. *ietivllle riellorai Balmer. 'teesibrille tams,'
~ad mem ao. Enzie, will :wrath In. mer •vd meats:. .
run to t • amount of.s2ot_tad Wad tin ,11 to the Suggest,—
texas:: et .4 Ittottrute,—.WarraJbegOninomeeetta.) ', •.
RC IIT ' CTS—oncost Philo 1411,
7b Ain( .Vot,kittabursh; and ...t ad. of tbi
sameril A tub • T.
.• .... .
... ........
EKS of ovory‘dexcriptiori '
• tad Many far r. td
l' eVeteitiptino o4OUNDLLY A
1: oust No 233 Liboty arcs
• \
NIFA' rl t. t
I 1 16
eal . 14) ,
lI_E tin . rsigneil
I Menet * 1 1, as to; .
UND. tomb. 'og from ,
Irwin'. Plan at • lei :lb+
alroweled With er by ,
dawns .. \ , : •
hereto te are she. Lel
_tiare a swear (Oboe ate
Into the Sfanongehela te
ter the owls:demur ihtre e
den .. . r4VgalflX.g
Wed turowtot and ut;ft .
:they would toe a most orol.
or any mannfactori Whew.
'Thy wools C.I o be porthased%
Ilsa. The title In othlsporetd
WI- Plain .1 the i , e , e .w m
Recorder of Deeds and or the
slob every desirable ielorme ,
Attorney at Law. (wand etc
oldwetre the Court Room
lred2w lAVorni
TE undeieigned
tot.' .4 valuable'
tuanahlp. °outdates ,0 L -- .—..—.
. of Tomer WWI ChaisteS. • Ter t --
e....• to the Fourth M.. Rattoptcl IneKtutu...
. the lin. of the City-Llatrict,... It , . at tot.'
tits; mad sendS la , aa etauhaS boat. lbs y
at .
&taloa • .. eat coantry'reslastica,'. 1 stat.
dantly otipplled nub tratuedurt th airoo4ututs -old.
ItliPaju'lV::7:aigt 2,l 2: " C r att: 'l*".
la mad tame . as a. Swot. 'of' ,
,".1,4,,, . \ /dila CIMEa, WS Unity strue . .
Glass Worbs:for Sale. \
Cookaroven, offered tarsal),
4;1 the bullatoga warner for the •manoisotorion of
:Clutlear Utast
_Ls. anew. an/ retollt, otel mat In eon.
LiVer .""b eftlita ' o h n . :tta
__l . tiat; tor . 19 d_e
luso aster. and arneenalder.-2 am eefnhb thlt hosloeett, as *Oros the Idovronettela.
rms of pennant narlll to am/ satlefootOrf to .1.1
di'n*.t4 A • IT to 'i lllfi b ll . . 4e WEB: rat Cooketoern . or to '
CIF Sacra. Plttam4gh. , jeltidlat
'A Femiip . Teac. e anted,
I:?teach in syrreat.3 , Bi=jy, residing &
&&Imitee t om 61a ileimos'ddnu Sax 21h
=meth Zoffe - \ emaktf
z a k
13 ring and , Bummer,\ :... - • .
TA. IV TANISitt, No.- $6 W... 8 Ind.
ti 71 1 tvi rar Apf mui.,...., g Mai
'of the newest Mks ft* UM. -•- ...4.M4 A
?Hoven. it.. \ .• \ \ \ , Tr
will volt • PAHIt e e ntainlen s 4slXTV-V6 l / 1 451 111.
, ritual. lletween 1 Liberty '10.4.34rt ..rtiolibrtav 4 .
.near tbertaidenee a Jane. BUChallr.lrtertV. W teem .
tba AlleabenT Valle Ballnal ono rte aide, • *beat*
mile trona .11art Lit,. Tau lb. otberebne Tlee enrt
emote mann 'Ol 4 nage 11ec.....rty./3/45 1 C1C D W LAN t
Llolln6. 4 lngsntly Ontaned In lonian st i*:,. Dorn ..V feat
seuere.sed rm.; • Truest noose; Oft 400 /salt Venn
IT,24*.g.'X n'\.g4Lx-;
emelt. lots. grab In nunaberi becanaLt.
111ia5465 Der art , : A
n,,. • , '
thi.s, counvikr LEUZE, 45 e•L ..
—coneuun, of TWO LOT' S ItOoND. :q.,1 bin \ \
• rout of Ratan oa North ottaat, Tab.:alas .bac
about CO het
D in Gat oltayt. on or ab to gloated p . ‘oro • . ~ ',:„, \ ~
giZatitrilt."Lattliatarigrtisri.Ti . , \',. \ • ' 's• \:, .
'when on Notati•&nal at , ott, aattonllng tank about aa• •,- 4-
./At i ti r t.7 , llki ,i,
i statgn zt ,10, 2te.. .,..
: ,,, atr . any too Ito A ~,, ~,
~ N s 1,
No 2 to a aerate Lai.
my....-A vAcANT4.oTultzu,:tal
to kappT_ varioC
Ithary, b o ololl*nttt l* 315 . 4 ',11..3.1,..3:•••007,... '
P r r'" %: } V * o l6l \‘ . 11. ' 4 """ - " r , ' .'-'• '
„ IC A . ' " . '•?!.‘ Ro triNato . ***l:42lr , . L. : , : ,. \ ' ‘',,, \. • A .
. ° , , , • ..•
pt.,1E47-ind.. ‘);\ t:
01l 0 :.- • .103 , \ ',.
\ T VEVA wriber b 00 a .... m, ~‘,,,,”.4 .,, \ '
41 .. ,m),,11:-...i.rginti,av:v2" ..er4 , - '... ~ -,, ..
_firi , gr.vetneeitt=trilt"'sliii•nroirFto .:. . . • -• . ''', •,
_IV. itigaill7= ' 'N:l.l4 * ll * L11: 1 4. - • 1 • ,
\ u.
latPlarAtlra 1.i . , - .. croat variety. or too
twat ,
rrtri „,, k ! b. : or h , , ,, ,, l it tri v aaleN . L
„, • \ „,.,,-,
H ------ omEg‘toR,SALE-Fo n r,•, ! :l
on. ILOUIIt and war fa lo ulna. oat. pitub, t e r A
•. One do nod*. :do.. on Webster attn.!, .4.04.. 'P ••
‘. \
Vi i, a , VN1V16114:413...fr4,44 (2 • , , ,, \ , i;,.i.,. ; ..aii.... ,, , ~
~ , . .
ZErtjfit B :antl Irlitftinaft getiVIICE" ". ...
, "'
. \
non 11t1Und auff*Ut ha 5ny..,,,...
.. . ,
...., • ,
All tba'aburo nantotlyopou,.t.",o4 a*,.=
~ ,
~Ytlra , by Inuattlo yttnr, '- , \•. 7 \
7 ifilii4DONCi,CiftECridJNO. EL St \ •• . 1• \ . '-• :-•-• .•
ART boon 0,...ia day. oniaolatod. itoolosatoo• In to. '') •;I• 4•,.. , ••'• •••-
ler YiIIITAUntriSWAVF th ' ''' l
"4 ‘t l
e t
Vek. ugh wltt k. settA •SAVariPani=l426 7. • - ' 1 . . ‘
4,.es aron. ettuttsso. -' ' y \ ,• • • Ji4 42 * , - . •\, \
p ASU ,. ttlraving 500' taiie oor
t' 0 6 .'4.0 4 tin emis. 'mos sataZ7s=" l m-‘ :
rea mpon it inilsom =4 lor e• •
,InTlatttO \
• 11 2.4N1C1T:• ROILY 4, OM, •
• • 'root sesrldalt•
~.1 63 1 0 .. ; In u ainasoquenbe of de
li,ll44.l\tult. ltittelitiar="4
vififißit t
\. s _,TE , _22l_a xrestue. 1 ,,,„,. •
tYsZ.V44cII4-2'°°() s h r" Tit*
41 \ 4 ..':.'. gl°4 lr
i re
, , 1c...-: - 3 .,; :, ~ •
..,-,, . i
, , _ \ '''