WEI -ESTABI r iSHED IN 1786. PITTOURGO GAZETTE PUBVISIIID DAUS AND WPM icLi HI WE= .CO. ' 'll S. erata:or ram ereege, Tan Ken ine rah 1087 en= • • . MEL o,4l, r4irinitallerspeteartem.l47.ol. bar TUT. " MPArtre n' pes '. ace. he adnero.. Caa:ies • . 104 Mailed rat tb. mumintranalUou " 3 ...tda. per SLUM= 0 00 • EU ameba; do • We ambit eta Tweet, ameba . de 'nee MAUS far each Lo .ft °DUCE &0011311SSION hIER6DANTS 1 ,11 , „t o • AND DEALERS TN Rood. er Ni . v N er o ,: xx ar.al ... d i L a. • a a . v. lad by Laud Carrlago to all parte of the Tthro. Inclu ding tivo ri•E by Pitt arrival. PITTSBURGH MARUFACTURER iff.llE.Cl*-012 blarchandlw OToT.a. • No. 1,12 8.37, SMUT. Dayiling Rona, it. 1-177.4111"Rrin. LESEtti 01 , THE C)3IPANY. . .... ..$ 4 , 0 CO Ull3.4oTaivi v.latvt.l. citY•Calad-a sal Arobly Nall:out aad buivr 1 8.953 00 fia.ck in Dank. ltalltolds. mai In•nranowl:o, CPI 70 3.111.4 Itto.,vabl• . 1 83 53 r`vh on 1..00 GI Pl./alas. on .i . n3 . ll3.7aliiiss rooently I,ttZ 2 SU.. 1. ...... Li, a. II:GO. 4/11. A. M'CLIJILG•& CO., Groersiand V V Tea . Uuter.. roes of Wood and Slatli S:.}potor, have aloof • on band slams wortin,nt of rboho 111. sod Ens Teen —Vortiam Yrolto and Nato, Whok‘oald and noun. I.lmla.anpolial on the low•aterma. Russell & Johnston. I t irnoLEsALE GROCERS,- Commission VLeruba and Dealero In Produce Pfttann:{(2 , klanufaetnreo, 237nt, ce (new buldinx) (Abort/ et. ncl2—nayl7 • USSELL JOUNSTON, inoleaale ii Cerarabelort )f Game, awl Dealer. In Prce dent lad Pitteaargh .I.lvoulletruce, have removed their Lore f•nm lin..llV, Water atrivt. to hie. Wt. (nor build-. leas.) Llteity atreet. act' nt. =i:I:EME!IMMIE=M=3 Perkins & Bateman, IEALERS in Flour, Feed, and--Produce tio. 20. Market fitheet Pitteburgh. Cheese Warehouse:, nL IIitNRY 11. COLLINS, Foiliaraing and Codoninnon Marehoot, and Deal., Chossnalonor. I YOn end I'm Won nononsll7; 25 Wood otonst. anoTo WAIST Pineourgh =Ol "( i gAMUEL P. 61.1111.VER /, Co., Wholesale Orceers and Comaalaaton Meacham:ft, and Naha" ikautry rradum and Iltlaburvia 31tattlazturna oc 130 tad 132 Soooad etttnt. bahreen Wax! and dmlthl3•lll,PitiM , Laub. 163 /6,11 ......... OLIN S. DILWORTII & CO., Wholcaale, Ortretr. acdona, Ilatard's Powder and Safeiy Ww.e. 41, Pi9aburah. L..a Learn.. 411.11.11143 . ANNA, - OAitaETSON & CO., Who'.c.' Gnrr, Commission Inl ForwardlD. rtorthlata Ilar on +++Dot, ClDrelaca. Ohio. • . . Particular atustition even to. +Lk pureozol+rd landue++. filtuntel n the river. their Isollll.l++ for ablio r Ina and reorisOna froiaht hr the Late aro naurt to utr holm ID Can pb.. • mm1916.11 P. 1.10135 T. W m ., B st .°/E a. t •-- • . . () BLARKI3URNOro CO., Wholesale bar4.at tbeLrWat Notts., 14.111 . ater street. Pittsb6ritt , Pa. . rept • I. V. ir034,111.011.J ta. T. UNPLAVV. tiORBRI.Dardo INGRAII&M, Wholesale .G.JI Grocers and Clomialesion Ilerclusata No.llo "piaSe ts.gt, and 160 ilret strent4lll.eburatt. .11ATTLLEWS it CO., Wholeeale Grooers,Cbautwida aria Pereardlaa Merchetste, anl aaeriLs foe BrLeh ton Cotten Pwna. 67 Water at..Pittebt!eett. LJOHN WATT tr. CO., Wikolnez& Orticon, caaadadoa limbasits, Logi Maar. 10-Trodeacasl bo or_ O ands taar.ulaonnoo. No. WO Wont, Knot, riffs Pa. 4., B. CA_NFIELD, Ist," uf--Warrea, &hit), Prarlll.4bc.l.TtM="l7.V.l - 4 1 ', tti j r", Ash, and Wootera 't•rodura amorally• tooroaa actitllf.eld and Wood. I'llzabalrab. • =MI fl iIY. sAlAll DICKEY & CO., lYholesale cers,Comissi orettaa, Desk" In 'Product— 'So. 56 atar.. m 4 Fzent are.. • • amausee... J. viten.. &BENNETT, Into Englist.. _A Oalbw hes 1 Co, Wholesale tirocers. .(Juann stet r.nrardiNglierc.l.ll! s aled Dealer* Itt Yeeedueri e.ezil P. teareett Malettateetre, tio.l22lstect.tet.e..ta ISt nest et, raw,eee Weal and nutedfl.l. • arand....-14.1.110nn'Idn 01L.A..9 &ROE, Wholead° GrOcera and. QwnfYtloo Ntedataren. No. 191'Llbeftritreat.' 11 , ...noutzh. I) OBERT MOORF,, Wholetak Grocer, Ltactityterg Prodocn,' Pi ttfbarsila aw:4a.. and .4I tfnda of Yorrinn and Donkeina Mats and Litibet lab Liberty .tree`. Crd hand a T w eg i ltz r u i u. np t e .. rru h. old Nonotgabala Whitten Vit , ODERT. DALZELL & I 4 1 (Moen, ham:Swim SlM±..l.s, L C 0.," en ° odare eC'ale 1 , 74 . 11:4r.rat. !lanai:Warm N. :11 - 3 "l Li r L l l.7 l smrnt & MeCANDLESS, :successors to Vv 4&. D. WU, Wham&la Grocers, Somanittn and Clonal Won alarshanto, Onion In Iron, Nada, Woos. Cotton Yams. and PittoburgtOlannfonturestnenandly. rornar ett Wood and Water Weed*. Pittabargh. CIILBERTSON,'WhoIcsaIe Omar and 6, Or.-^~^•t^^l [ ercLwL D ula up. mullit t g : brage-. • D. NVILLIW§&ZiiY,; 4 • Retail tastily Grocers. Dort.'las and Omanlloelen rorlianro. and Dealers ha Country Prd-amt ole~le and .! Pitcsburnt 1av01.5..-tures. corner of Wool and 111:11 att., llttstarrh. R. Fail ti, Wholeaale Orbaers. Coup erbtlon 7darehanta, mad Dealers In.Produns—ltound mrch Builatnnt s reattnt . on LRAM. Wood. std &att. stratasPitzturgb. - MUSICAL 1318TRIIMENTS. LOtrti MELLOR,DeaIer in Piano Fortes, Music, and Magical Ine:rnen.tg. &non' and em Sole agent for ehlekerlng's Plana torten. &a Weetern Penngelmna,—elip.Bl Wm! ate • lIENRY KLEBER,', Dealer in Masi°, Ala oril.:kali;ltezratetba.d Iterarter of 1t.. 0 Burin.. laTgooo's Ll&loan Atti2otoot .'d 2.ll; . 2orrfoluso Maw - . • TRANSPORTATION AGFJITS I A. .11c..ASULTY CO--Tranerportara, rcrwariicle awl ConzaiMioll3 114KchaaLe. Dtmt. l'opn street Iltubarall. (AU, PAPE.B. RANGING AND PLASTERING ft.)OSEPII JOHNSTON, Phis lieaou & P ll . lll siti — neridelab.carrair of Third otssafimlisal HO-Lin . : h 0.4. Mortar. Lath. ealc ZUGRAVING AND LITH6GRAPHIIIII Lithor—rh otn, Pistebusith. IlseeNnre 3 caVer. ko . t. P ralta i %esr Labels, An - Wetland and Ikeldn• DPAritlic ~ Basks. end - Visltlno Carla Ae., es:waved at 4taan /Q... and Printed in mos% Gold, Winless at Malt, k km nut aorrov,4 style. anl at tn. poet reasons • XIEWKLIIIII3 CARDS, dko ..• 'THIMAB'WOODS, COMMERCIAL BROKER, NeN4O ElEgrket eeeee • pvt'maUttotl. Po. yIAVING cstablished my.elf as above, I am to. pronorod to readvo CONNIfitiIIENTB, or AM PLUS t UOOl/8 of eeeee doocriptio., ohleb can to told lo this rootlet. and for tho sato °condo/I atory °lot t 0.. will too owl ' All onto,. Ad• Pittattotich /Contactor. .1110,. prompt ly attend...l to. Particolar attonllot rill toalma tc thAnto and Col , lotto. nf Note, trails, 11111/ of tsshanat, and the tut. °boo° and No/o of Atoka. • . By total-rl ant recoollal Wanton to all ta11... In— (rated .1,11 iv:l Lope to mitt sod po.ranoo°. TLIONA - 3.W00,11 PlttobteTt4tt 22. 1413 • ' [mold REMOVAL. • .10111s1 , S.,IRWIN, 6 . 13.110611 C T AND APOTIZEOAIIT. • la AS REMOVED to the corner of l'onn • JlL.and. Hood otroott, lobar, 1.8 Val Y... ootat.nely on olio& • 101 l andAondull to ectcd snook of 141544 .4 cIittIICALS, to obloh rooptf. Inoitco attsttloa of rhyolc atm .n 4 fam.llta A lto ,.choloo color° tko of too Bust PEaftIIIISKY. Molltoo can b. hat. too • cocipet.t canon. at al/ bouts.. ' Etta* • A CaTd, S t f PR 4 NO h STOCK CuK! frourda and Cho. Arars% : Let thlutralulal meek thin racist:Lis va n• and Nuts/Ca. tanotntait Satin Itelainer H what Nor.ted so 4 Eqttol3 La ce and tad 'II 'what Lllndloga and frin lace and mull Cur...aloe, of rultdialhi cdrite. and Curtain Cowl. of all lEtudn Crane, and Alnorttan prpslo and tdolltm Cor o'," of oat. tu , torna; /lira . and Heat,. araea and non.oultral Itoilaud, oil 'glint.: Olt Olathe ..d Shades for Window 111101 a Vanitian blind. Of all Rind.. lrdeta nrOMptly Wad. - Md. St0111:2. mll3O. • Cambria,lron,Company. BSCRIPTIONS 61,. , th0 Capital Eto di 1-7 obera at MI. Ofin MIT Will be netlind at am 0111. of I'. db. ar at the talanftrairl. ' - 1111E14 11111711FWS CO% 0.2 77 AMMO Water street. • NEW SEED STONE - James Wardrop, iFFERS for ordo CANARY .BIRDS of tho ht.t aroved treed, Deism rid itlthtl Can't - Rope and SVirsl.neZr Ile 6 ul= 4.l. aNtre ' r=f;a aameaC.l of the no," VLCWEILS, rim Csatellias, to.. Dais, llallotropsk ee Runts.. (In vote) for Christmas Tram from the B.ed and llordettitural STORM. N. 40 litlth sten near Wool. . Stat.° Official Interrpre - • lir it. 41 ft 0 r„ • Interpreter' of toreign pA v aell4ll; t.'lV, l th:Frittal,7 l ,l,:,lltri 47..7., . 7 found 499r1 dGT from 99:9., linufll 9. ctitTsii:l " l7::9Z=WOgicr99, ' /:;4 1 9 1s ol tor 0.. 1991,411 Ind or ott. 9r9.l9oorwatoosvo,l.l - 9.19. Lao( frcla kr Into the.(ll.man Yench. Italia* - and /.994 , 99.9, 11,110:13W 6.1 laraa apt . Tho Pennsylvania ClatkUen. Ctimpaay. OR tho Bole of Menses to,usS Clause/Ws • • randier Cottanialna and Elleaebtactlad; dtesalh Add, ds, v. nos vault _to. nernda ma. MU. Ad n Ontadt. County 14 C• 91.11 o t 4 a K amm, Amt.. PhlladADhis. 41;17 ID. 31163 —l.l,2ltddr • • tp.OUNTY LANDS—Capt. Charloa Naylo , AN.mor at Law No 153 Tblrdst ..1:6191111ofer4 Earlag acado airaamorata for the pa frown . 04 flatr.Land• a -toe ltars =1 arnalerr, t heirrift'. and cbtldr.n, and will Moat Waal a t Lntl ncye aorarnrooator any of bil e yarb WYhlnaNn.OM*, or tbs . Omuta at... , TEr of Il l eri . ! t aat Tailor "and i . 1:710- Lo.Pud imPand fouttueelotedni. ' =MY • -D/OBY„ Merchant Tsear o •prapar, - v awl Wain!, Body Mt& 1:114012410 taftVit E. WATTS CO., Mereluma Tailors . , 181 'Abair Atnet....We qv war a r e I 0 at a z r... tbr zu s t 1 ail z a W • RiV.2743 =IEMWM GRocas CI 9.709 13 ernitYneor. , l MOIL= Mortln, /Imo* O. Hand. De, IL: M. Host., Joospn 11. row, rhooph. Panrllnc, Wto. Ey Jr., • =mood A.roodor 14.111 Deis, - Jahn. L hie., Jobs C. Coyle, . Ouch Croft ' Joao. T. nara. Hobert Boyion, • ypneey MeTles.ho. Jooerti 31 Lanett. John . . Potrooo. lhooleo Kelly, J.. 11. 11 arlond. Oooro C. Leber, ionauef C. olrken Wm g.L dole. FAIrM Darllneton. Honor Mloan. .1 i Lou Pates. : 11. JO Hroo3e : Jaen.. Trap unit. D. T. Moo 0. do. J. 6. Jott.t.. WILLIAM 31A0T111 Prordant. Toonoo 0. Reno; floe roe...iota. Yawn W. Cow... Sontotary. • aa-gene, of the Comyouay. Mo. 95 Wow Anon, none loner!, I yolll3l 1 ___ r. A. 3110/1111A.' Anent. Remo vaL Iffarfae, 'Fire, • ana Filsad Transportation Insuranae. • ylf~llElleearnncaCmpany of North America, Pliilnielp hi 1.--earterall4. Cspitals3oo.o%). Wen Jonouy 19. 1131. $1.P91 - 4/16 in). Will mole Immure. ou buildings 'and thole contenta, In t/als city and vicinitr. en. on propartj of every Dv p nolo. shipped , per Koala on and other veraels. ettbin• Dv Inland tratmortstion lir on Ma KW, .01.1001111. . Arthur G. CoC.n. Pret, Thomas P. Cope, Samuel W. Jonas. John R. Neff, Penni° smith. Richard D. trnod. John A. Brotm Osaka° P. 8 N.NN. muds Hoskins, Senate! Pmts. EL Austin Linton. Chaster Taylor. W. I. Bowe. ' Ambrose 14 tats. Osnraw Aspinwall. • Jamb N. Thomas, Junes N. Dickson. -S. Merrill Wain, U. D. Pherretel, Posy. •,,..Thls Is the oldest 'warms Companyn theUnitsd Stave kre.s from N. bigh standing. lona as amine mann, otoklineAll risks of an nmon Maude,. obarsowt It mar tt otosldor r ett sa offtritti,sapio enmity to dm ;tuba" WILI.I/.11 P. JIWP.A, NI tIO tat el Wales street. Weitprzi Insurance Company oLPittsbugh. lIAPITAL oat) 0,000. R. MILLER, Jl., Neßeddest, 1. U. Gordosi..thomehery,_ Reddest,ill Insure Amine' all thole or Meta, Tlre and Hanna. All lemma will be Mora,. millmted wad proanly held. A home Inolltutiom—humeeed by Direct,'" who are well [nowt ln the sommouity, ma le ho an determined be. t6Stan th shamans whist rbtre munotil. tut thi blot 4otoctiao to th en• who deem re to be irommd. • blasMos—ltsubsts .1.11.115 t. Jr.. J. W. tittles. Wm. Ly• no, C. Itotsco. T. ttsott. A. Mullet. C. W. lasts tam Gso. Jattsor.. Jasses ll'Auley, .testroe Dona*. :tattoo ist lloloq, llotoss, Jame. Litptsseett. and W. If smith. oMee. No. 92 Water strset.twaJohoo- et Spout t Co. op atom,) Pittsburgh. t=22117 AMY 1117717 AL S.F. 1778171LAIICE 17011PAtil I . IE9'O:MED only for the safer cheers of Property. Ma an ample capital. any , ,allorde marsh or adventaam in pant of cheeps..., safety end sem:name daunt. to 011,01 ronotry merchant., and ay.... of aael ups.. oui 1 . 4 . W or °Z.rjAZNIKT:inum-7. 0c.21 breath No. 64 lisaltSfeldel..httehtura. • -.- Franklin Fire Insurance Co. Of 1) it . ELJECJ!!: C!Trlea . Z. Ifaca.r. Ado " . 1.. Boric Eambak6 nat. Ds,lll Jamb K. eaailb. Morris . . • CLUILLY..S X MEL. Previa., Gittius G. Banana. A.m.( Th. Gomm p eon tin nen to mug. Ins arm oee. permanent or limited, pa or err description, of Y . :start, in neon and ecgt e ry 6, tt , rate; r a "l7 ag . eionsirzat wita i nocoritr. nitli their G:pital Prtz uL, “* .t.4lll. ' ”gbi: affern unpin protection to the wore& The sant, of the Cotopzar.on '4 minor, 15t.1661. upon? Intact atinviztay to Utz Act of azannbly. wort so f01i0... viz:— • 11.112.76$ Ono. thelr Inenryoratina, period of 1.1 alarm they av OPaahla of One Million Four ilundred Mamma Dollara Losses by /Ire. thereby affording ..winc e et the advantage, of nentenoe, as well a. their ability and Ala. parttion =eel with promptness all liabilities. . GA/ADDER CUYYLD. Arent. sal? Orise comer ot Wood mai r 4 s. r. saum.:.=-..:—.aossaqr Shriver, Dilworth & Co. IV I i a L t s ut L a r .. a u r y ol u t f:g idu 6.. v... no and L.wer'ord 4., Pfttatoiraw. b..... bawd .pd twelviost by Comil mid Railroad; the following Omit whidi we oiler at tba lowest market ir lroa to which we 1r1•10a atiardlon of out ailnldo and caw timbre- • UV bags prima Rio Wren 100 do Dipped Candler: 100 do Cap. do: 5, do toorlid do id protein dod die Jaya dr; 60 40 Mar. do Seo boo Va. tia•X ; lb. sal 1•.:00 211 r. T. 11,11. P.* irk V.. Soba. - do; wean ad I; tea Vlrairda d twiatTo• 100,. bbda :1. (1.901i0n co Earami ior ebt. ut eZ ii. e iiii. ,w..zii.B. , 7 and d-2 Tooaco, liola****;: 4 E .., , .. eat chewing 100 tbl• 2rooktyn Ryon.. 10 lad* N 0 Oboltiedlßus. 10 arr. 0 acklor: ..2) Orono 0o0 , 1*2: ,0 two Capsfig j IPI tad* plokled Iforrlor ,2.)., .***Oo* ....d Wrapplo*ll.lo bal.. No. 14 2 flat . • I . ***ll 100 do Caodlertek; ULI' 200 dss.2nototr, 410 tiro*** Mt, , 0 do Tab; )00 bbl. Loa lotto; 100 boxes Ma;..' . .40 unshod *ad pood'd do; 2'4.1 do Roca Nom . torovtlue I.lln *lol.****orta.ol of all good* In 1144110 e. Also.. full *apply of hoo. NSW iklld W 1134011 01411, Ac. *49 . --- Straw Bonnet an d Hat Watehonse. ' V0..1.051.M.aar.? &rani, 11. ?PALMER offers for safe, at nary t a lon Ifleeo. • fun asiontantat of ntrav an 4 UilU 1 710.Y.1548 1 4an01ip.an3 ' Anode. and. ntrar. tirald.olll/.01.n0..1110n. Lam. UaLf.ron , rentile, . aO4 Boor raj "rat_ I !Zara. [ Mow' alp.r. J. any tand7=o calm fornks.in opt nob 'l7 /ZYZIPM-Tft:i. o rk ," ;t and s,art.plalnatla and Sat f.t. ,f all width. and ao ' gr ' fanorganao an4Crant Ow. LACZ.3—Ylals. snot flannol vnlts and among Elk and ll Not. 2_ IST&A W TRJIMINOIII-41ords.Twols, flntjons,Bralda. YLOWEES—MnaeII and AnuTkas. to anon. ani "glikhr 5TA.7.721.1......: Pino. an... Mane. •Vloroneo , and ctn. stylea. &merged nuoilthe 0.1 ooinfo. 34 fl/V.-Assornol aoa/Ittoo and onlora, Al.o--1110n and lon ;aloe/ Panools an/ Unals omeal lloo . caan jvm. DIOBY begs to inform hie friends viaritlinigiTeiroM .<741 ,ggii?!:f. e.frAlNArg.L..to tresorl i g 'stint, !di elenanoe or the style and patterns of hie Mr Order. and l'aetlitimbr the nowise dutlitY of ithiUtoths i the proprietor bores that all who Mob to yard.. or ankh. I o ht. Hot will faros him with an early ea/I. Alio. on hand, the Wrier., boot tomintscitired. end moot tuir lonsbie stook oi RUDY SUDS OLOTILING in the oltra .11 of which will DA offmsd •at the tory lowest prima for mall. • ' Contraatora Oonnifry Sterchanta, and all: ho nosolume lmireiri will find it math to their sidrentege to mania the stock beibre silllthasing. as titer EU admit with did' del boor/salts. Ever/ artlob in the Tolinting line made to orde nth. iniet hisitions War m an Me idiotism notaaa A • rat tale anted linmedieudy, .0010 • v • Lad4es' Panay Fun.. V • E RESPECTFULLY INVITE .TILE atuntion 01 thy Logien bear nsiviiing splendid. iii..ertment Purlnow open comprising Muffs, oi tori P• 2l srisbis9utu. vidnuu. ohm.. as- of the pilloving omits of Axis. Pions llanin. Unused IllsoVirns. tatctral do n e Root do . Jannett. ' Cross lei. Kele. Coney, • Kitt do french CO Thistbrairrell Doan. do.. la, le. Se. This is the Largest and holt assortment of fors ern of.nd lei tills market. Thor or. all Midi: sal of the ormest styles, and mid at the lowest Krems hrtnie.l„ Ilo0Ulti) Si CO. ferbionahle Hatters. non sorrier Wood ual 'WM stroots • )114 W CLOTHING HOUSE. Edmund Watti t IdERCIIIANT TAILORS, • No. 185, Liberty Strut ARE in receipt of their 411 Stiles; also, a comploto mambo.. of ...nod stmde For. a and Winter am, nosh as (Merroatiogr, Nola and Niles seem., 111mmay'and• Prot ClioLlet. of earl.. eolors and Qualities, C,'th. Of the lest mates, and most tesinotiaate colors, tor Dress .0 Reel (0 1 4. (I..eloisr.e end Doeskin. piths 'and fannynclored aim., of entirely itim design.. Sento s.-Jut remised, of the new. ;style., and la Kr...variety' Altosether of nommalled assortment to which ira ',the attention of our modem:en end the soh and Ins Lome to assure them. that all Clothe made 170:10.00 en swim. style, and at =donne ;Mem nol2 • - BREAD & CRACKERS RON CITY PILOT BREAD and ORACO . ot tr BAftgltY ti. , N..ur Liberty. Amt. opecid . to ibe E LY . • neTiLlipurelzuedoneof W.R.N.tu'irOrickir•nd PDot Mout moon:too, L . Orepen.d to Ell orlon to Crook. ors or Pilot Bread at tbo obortert duporlor Family Bread. Itze obi Dlapopqa Dread, " 21:Ittnirtel t s.-Tgrt . 7 .4 7 ;1tZ 4 .11* -- istsl " ar:ag:lrrboweiiti..zy bdr , d• ded , drad t. or4sr• 10.01 .I,II7IZPWARD. .CALIFORNIA BREAD. • rici,HE subscriber is manufacturing and has b•ad • superior attlelo. of thl• 10dIonuabl• ro• t• Cor alnlol.lll. am . lll~=r•~t4 It nm•to• good fin itrit4r:d 4 i ggra d o . . A slit?Pnaf . " ' No. all.1.1bort•• •uvit. AIiIIEL KROESEN keeps constantly on baud a good mod:moot of Wiwi% arid Sala Tybr, Il.looozoWat, Oat Well, Itltetua or Draw famtotg WYE Woad.% I,laals. Charm, Dry Illossares, I.Sle and Mom Dodrda, and a ll e th er kind, of Imo ado Una. M.o.- d 0 nerei TOOl and 100 dm, Doolot•. Warasola.blYnardc 1 . 41% dreet.P4t3bintb. monk• BLA=!=gIBIZLOWIS iIIrOPACIOBT . Co-partnerdap Notice. 1 • HE onboariboro would respectfully inform Abair Muds asi4 tba public gaoarilly, that lb., ban animal illo p rtntrabi• aontoavacing on, tha lath Apall, reader arm of IL WILL. All 5 t 00.„ Ibr tic taanntwinvw. of BLACKSMITH .11MLL1.018 at arm dwietlptton. which they aro ddrtallond to auks of the aary bast maaniala and anarrior wartmanship Tao, in wad to ha.* al wits on hand an avortaisrat el all duo from "18 to 10 anba•• at tlialt aiminlactary; tonna of .ob., • .W- en sad lsada.kiattaa . s : . ROBERT:WILLIA MS, ; JUtH wrist, ll:oor Qitr.D4r 114-• ZEIJUiI7 13.47 -E, fr k an - * 911 ' ,31 !P Fix' don.congrie:d rffi'inktmirag.hazs m • - _ . iNinr.ItAITOR 091V,121 OD ,rre..zorr tall! üb. 61,669 DO D 54.340 NEW GOODS Pine and Cedar Wire. lIMMM NIB6IILIALTEOI7B JOHN GRIM win}LEsaLr. GROCER, 701VAILD11110, 710DC91 t C 030113.1103 IMICLIAXT, 8898313 Parirunh Stangfbefurest Arad., drttry desen'ytion. 983 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.. 4? Part' mi.tentioo 8911111 t 3 8 , 1 4 .999039 , 1i1 /11713 HIDE, OIL, AND LEATHER STORE D. KIRKPATRICK, ==== between Market and Chesnut meet; HAVE FOR SALE--SPANISR HIDES, II a Try and Green flelredt Paton lEttlk Tannote Tanner. a^d Camera' TvOLS: at aka lowest Veen and arm the nett terror. ill Elude of Lief flEit. la the rough. WANTED. fee bleb th higher marketd,44..(ll be 'Wen. lo CAEN. ' ll ., :trehlT.Nts ,fl'ej,; W bid CINNAMON /sr. EMIR, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 16 FPI* RILM, BrIVLL't ZSI• uD WALNUT. CINCINNATI. 01110. IMF g orr , litmstru/4631161/31 AO prompt attend= ;arm to ROT 16-11:. John IRfor or Mr. Zdvard Etuourga, ,r161266* room o. ammo— woos, 31'CORD & CO., WHOLESALE. RETAIL FASIIIONARLE HAT AND CAP MAN FA CTIIRERtE, AND DIALZRA LN ALL LINDA OP MILL DONNED OF WOOD AND FIFILI F 415-. AArn t s .rockrifbnees awry sonnet ANN st7/A Ntiburgh, Pa. MU and Cam Man. D. Cob fur Dan.ts. a080:1•110,1. FARQUHAR HOUEIE,; BY EDMII.HD PHILLIPS, ,EABr END 04 MAIN ST,REgT, iIALEIrp Ohio. NAPFDTT & OLD. • BEJI.IB 7017NDERS, PLI:IIBERS LID OAS 11'9 Ara Strad, Pat burgh, assrssisst. rims, cans= sail.. rrassos,au.samass. ittANUFACTURE di kinds of Water, Oss sad Steams fittings. Muses Ettasi , slth GAS sad st..s as, shut notice 173311,8'& CO., CoIIXISEIIOII XERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE PE 1.1-tiS LW BROON, ruu. PLOUR, DRIED /MIRES, •.+u OMR 1' . . - PROI.UCE GENERALLY. No. 325 Liberty ..Commerelid Row itpli,rs3l PI ini3olloll. Gilbert & Frederick, IiTHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce Deal rr For teardinn and Conmtruan Merchant/. Nn.. 13 %nal street. PI:Wm/Th. 13..1baral cash earns roe on consinamenta. All ands itannal fr BARD & DE LANGE, DEALERS IN HIDES, LEATHER, AND OIL. 216 Llbiprty street, (•108 OE T2B GOLDEN 50128.) Es,. Tbey keep on bandit at all times, a gagera.larortlarat of Leon., for noemiterr end Sad err little war •cd tea ic o ne helot., si•uorlvelsd. Their, towels. theught tlliztzej l tt ttiw eter ..121!et., are Lbw ur th at c t ' re/ :111X1.1* and ntlel:o2 03 4. Trsewportattoo learebwisep et Coleco Ilslintsa Co.'s. and at ether places. We herejust Pawl orders from tdalhla so ld It. Louie The Ott,. et lbw trucks Is Piewel at. •Is. espu.ste,l to all and fa gamma jha article. SOI.OIION linsTTPtt, apbtllat Lancet Attest. rpm TedWelatgegbeiii, at, New Goods UST opened at WILLIAM DIGBY'S, 181 u Liberty street -20 ream al trench Cloths. sum Canute; IS gm.. Black and l'aney llaadroarea; • splredillot of Tortings. 8010; SlArka. A. led A 1,,.,, hand. • large stock of Winter Waling; to be cold abrupt.. 0011. Sa-Ordas tn. nines nteented having m.ner. at the aterruetMr. 0 , Amen accepted the an perintrnierser of Om flatting Dalarunata, Mbappy to awe his old Wanda nettandelien4 d Gas-Pixfires. frIl& subscribe: l a Itretiatit7 01:413ilk vat thait attoot.aeta.o Wm! Sod koltbEkvid, lb• retest •••0•1•111sat 01 tsuANDL, LIPRB.I3I{ACILITS. PENDa!fra , and actleka coo. Uamil pith a.. /Ma g m otrmd fa thh. .••1••._ ribb ziesetebisats cant* 07 Obiob they Will b. OM. .t. O U7ln recel ot or Pbt.r.b. bbMl larioNe. Star ..04..t1y 1.71141th* &M.0.:t00 porchcam ta , their Wootton: Wa••••tersollabl to 011 low as az, hoe. la tb• nod b.!.0 practleal'llas Fittar., can offor preollar advantages to tbeebtbesulag amd.a la This Hoe. W. contlaca tumb•or•• to At up bolldioaa of am,. Moo...tail°. for gam. for and otrzo 1t.,... Cutlass of all kind. mad. to °err pr.ropt.l7.' ' LOP% talt.Lta a ON, • 0ch1:24,44 ho. 10P PM; Rtlet. Important to Travelers Going Rast: • • rpHE early hoar, three o'clock in the morn- Inc at which the EX MUM Thar! starts for the • Rya. Mg etttalewran, bad mute It very boonsterdeot tor traveler. Vied by that [ref% cwapelling afro to be emceed at • mart ustesafortabbse, (say 2 Woks* s 4 IL) or else to remalo upwil 1114.131•121n1.• io - Vglllarl:ll.l7olti gtlr:rferair)tTellslarg iunu. at r.biy= O b sin East no' Itant Piter . ' l eTrige Latrobe et r_[., by 1t.1.-Ita ot=t7lll:r. 'on tote. gin Sight Si the brew .4 einem, 1.6.111 al 114. EXAM breakfast oimetortabir glib the other mega. ry% toe Ira% reliriaT fres U i t al flTlretflterbo tlA Recta at i tire a re by shoes wraina. • - • , hlLti tiany, JONES c o. halt ratolog Vs.',"244g fi arrnm, areart. Ana" 11.3=1 fits. - ' ) 1 .. 4 . Or I_l= PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. 1811)N1 JULY 8. 1833. r- PITTSBURGH' Oh ICE APPuma.— P r iresscenn Dranitcr—iCtlel. C3all, P. E. Pittaborgh— Liberty Siest—laaso N. Bend. Smithfield -Wm. F Luck Wesley Chapel-:Junathan D. Cramer. Asbury Cheimb,-Caleb Foster. Welch Misdeu—Bumphrey Humphreys. Ninth Ward City Miitiont—To be supplied. South Plit , butgh—SamertlE. p.boopk. • Bilmisighem—Marcie 1.. Weekley. Boat and Elisabeth—Welter Brown • and Eire Hingely, SileKeeeport—spas. Ccoper. Wilkineburg-•-Abreham J H. Look. Lawrenceville—Hiram Miller. - Butler—Andrew Huston. J. D. Knitz. Tarentn=—Albert G. Williams. t • Bliarpaburg—Ztrah It. Colton. - Pine Creek—David Hest H. J. Clark, Eiitor Pittsburgh Christian Advo cate. Frank 8. •DaHltut Agent, &a, for the Meth- • °dist Tract gooney and Pituburgts Female College Israel Dellest'Sup. Bethel Chaplain. • Bterasvuti Dnitinor—G. D. &pizzas, P. E: Blairsville-le, Sumac, Jas. EC - Brackett Johnstown—Jas. 14 Deems Cambria Misslon—Joseph Shaw. Somerset and Stony Creek Minulon—ltichard Jordan; Win. Stewart Llgonler—Geo. Crazier, Jas. B. Means. • Greensharg--Thotem J Higgins. Longden, &chard L. Miller. Kittanning—Joseph . Horner. Elderton- Saml. Jones. Andrew J. Lime. Georgevllle—Dennis B. D. Coleman; one to be supplied. jj udiana—Erenry L Chapman. ' Blacklick—George 8 Batty, Wm. 8. Blickbarn. Glade Rem—Jobe McCarty. . West Newton and Mt. Pleasant—Edward B. OH!- flu, Jas. latently. • Robert J White, Principal of t'Oreenaberg Male and Female Seminary:" Ustowrown Dtanucv--:••Feesnamg Moms, P. E. Unlentownlerael C. Pershing. ' Brownefille—Andrew J. Endsley. Bridgeport—Robert Hamilton. • Addison—Heaton Hill. Redstone—John T. W. Auld, Elias Green. Cookstown and Bellvereon—James Borbidge. Fayette—Lancelot Beacom, Ilene: Long. Mount Morris—To be supplied. Cermiohaeltown—John) Covert:. Centreville—To be supplied. Connellevillo—Peter F;Jories, B.F. Sawhill, Sup. West:reef:mow MyflICT--Tnot. M. Honsow, P. E. Wuhlngton—James Hendereon. Ciaysville—Marie B. Pugh. Wellsburg--Gustartis A. Li:lemma, agent for . - Weinberg Female Seminary. Middletown—Warner Long. Rlohard Morrow. Florence—Jas. .'Turner, Geo. F. Denlap. • Georgetown—Jilin White. • Temperancsvllle Wm. D. Lammers. Chartiere—D. A. McCready, Cheater Morrison. Canonsberg—Stieridan Baker, J. C ,Brown. Monongibple City—Josieh Mengel!. B Hudson. • ' Bentleyeville—Henry Snyder. Waynesbe4—Robert Lseighlin. Hillabaro'—To be supplied. • Greeofield—Abnen ; Jackson. Samael•EL Nesbit, Principal of Wellsburg Sem - nary. 4., Bamszerrun Blamer—Jena Com, P. E. • Hamemille—Nieliolae C. Worthlogien, William C. P. Hamilton.. ' Wooded°bi--James J. M'llliar, and :one to be supplied. G Edmunds, Alfred Merriam Newport--Jeremiah Philips. Stafford—Wm. W.? soup. ; Beverly—Pardon Cooke, Jaebb C. Mercer, P. K. IdiCae. M'Conuellsville—John W. Shirer, Thee. -Win o=l4. • Sharon—Andrei BPommiek, John J. Jiekeriti. Summerdeld—Samuel Lewis, John Com. Fairview and Morristown—Wm:-A. Davidson, Joseph Woodroffe. Centreville--jpian W. Baker,,Dmid lirtdgeport—Dairid S. Welling, cop. Senecaville—jamee M'Gionis, John Trine. Comberland—Geo. G. Waters. CUIBRIDGIS DisT—James 0. 0 . 11111,010, Alanineville-13 Brooknnier. St. Clalreville andEaton—John M. 'Rankin. : lidobreaeld—Lewis J. Hiles. Washington sod ,Camliildge—Andrew Magee, Wet. Gamble. 9 • Norwich—James C. Taylor; one to be supplied. Adammille- T James M. Bray. Enoch Sapp. Liberty. &Violin—Hoses bleCelL Coehocton—John B : McCaw. West Cheater—Mordecai Bishop, Dine Nell. New Philadelphia—Simon P Wolfe. Urieharilla—litobert i Canningham. Deereville—Zsehim 8. Weller, Richard Cart wright. Neir Athena—John It Shearer. - I Wirienton—Johnililielmod. firsonsantanlihmater—W4iliant Cos, P. E. Steubenville— SouthEireet—Charles A. Holmes. • Hamlin Chapel—Elareuel B Donisp. Richmond--Alezander Scott, Vomit 0. Me -Bpriagleld—Harvey Bradshaw, Marion W. Dal las. New Somerset—Wm Devious, Theoph'le Kneen. Wellsville—Thomas McCleary. • Hanover—David B Campbell. Carollton—Dardel. P. Mitooell. Paris- Devil Gorden, John Cooper. Canton—Cornelltut H. Jackson, George Crooks. Sandyville=Bhadroch Cheney Leeshargh—John Huston, James H. Rogers. Cadin—Ludwall Petty, Stephen F. Miner. Sealthfleid- r Hobert Boyd, Asbury L Petty, I ALLIOI6.III WATIMILLD, Allegheny City— Beaver Street—David L. Dempsey. ' South Common-4ohn Moffitt, Edward Bit ett, sup. Allegheny Mission to be supplied. Manchester—Charles Thorn. Sewickley—lsaac P. Sadler/ one to be supplied; W. N. Gilmore, Brighton—Marceline A. Bator, John Murray. • Beaver—Josiah Gibson. Brldgewater--John Grant. . Chippewa Analial.:43lW¢el Crouse. New Lisbon—Aaron H. Thomas. Lima—Hugh D. Fisher; anal° be euppiled. Salem—John F. Heasley- Columbiana--John Wright; one to be supplied: Liverpool-John Ansley, Anthony W. Botts. Jacob K. Mlllert-Agent for Bearer Female Seminary. - John Barkei—President Allegheny College. H. Wharton—Transferred to lowa Conference. _ W. C. Ilendemon=Transferred to Erie Can fauns. KLOQITE3OB OF OAVAZZI Owing to Rome unfortunate misapprehension, we were not present at Earisom- Street Hall, on Tunday evenieg, to hear the lecture cf. Father Garnett, and as this misapprehension extended to oar reporter, we are indebted to our friend James Reet,,Evq , for the following description of one rearm. of the lecture, which, to every quarter, has been pronounced most wonderful effort of uneurpessed oratory. Mr. K. says “He wan peaking of, or rather describing, the torture of the inquisition known as that of ws ter. After depiming the room; the lequlsitors on one Bide of the victim, and the Item exam ! Sorters en the other, the awful preparation, the white cloth on the head and face, the funnel fill et with water suspended above, the stern order' to let the water ran, drop by drop, upon the sictim's fate, or rather the cloth, were all so forcibly pttrturedthat the reality seemed be fore ne. He deactiberi by . arnica the effect of the water on the - cloth, thstadhetion of which to the month and eyes predated partial euffecation; the sobs, the groan, the agotty.'were all fearful ly given—and then the deep vosee.of the Inquis nor, 'Will you confess r the choking utterance of the vOtim, gurgling sounds, the half entered sentence{ 'Not guilty,' the inch of water, the trembling frame,- the convidilve movement of the body, tbo agonizing, suppressed muds; then the deeevoice, 'Wilt you coutent;to which co answer, bat a dreadful, convulsive movemeni_, and total prostration, told that death bad done its work. , Then the sodden mart of the lectur. er, Lie petition; bin finger* pointer!. his whole frame expanded, as be uttered - the wordy, and they do.not Persecute for ,npirtibree take,' came upon the ear like an electric Steel! I never witnessed emote startling"pleee of descriptive acne& The carrying cots fearful picture, by 1 clothing it with the gerbof seem ing reality, Iran 'beyond,' as I - mow tbought;: . •the reach of ant.' Io the Mettle acting of the elder Kean, the in' comparable floofet.' - the itapandoned Conway, the tragtollooth. end the vivid barite of Rue- rest's eloquence, /never toehold, o oxprosoloo, io o urtuog s ,eo insjestio,' as pors d—on. ba t personation of &Atm as that glees btl'ather Casual of the victim ander the iltorot vs ter,r—Fhti. Sas sehamvfay. • . , . • liottolgoor Hadliil, Sand° d LO•Po_po, ant; ted is flow York .a 'Thursday last. a s Is tko rum of ts• Be?. Arebbldop Hoehn. Bs Is socompedo4 by tb• Be?. )Jr. Virtu. of Loa du. sparwillilall %Wasp= Is is try dip, ff=lll VOLUME .LX - VIIIUMBER 278 Tux Mwriaraftwas EATIACtiD —We eilialre -1.7 coomtulare oar District rewires on the feet • aanannerd in the alvertiaereent of the Commhi• @loners of Mei Metropolitan Raltroad, rdmely, theta sufficient ►mount- of tho stock of tail road has been subecribed to antbariss 'the or gsoixation of the company. This amount watt • ten thansand abuse—one-fourth of the math* • capita of two millions of dollars; end II /mg .- - been taken, we understand, in the falicwirqg pre portions : In Georgetown, Washington 'city, , Montgomery Fredorisk conhty, • Washington county, - Although Georgetown had dans nobly and the city pretty well, the almost • total failure of the Maryland counties to contribeita to an object M . which they hors so deep an interest, left a deli-. Macey of some fur bandied shares yet numb. scribed whini the Commis:lonm met yestelUay. and the Minor of 'giving life and ultimate enc• cent to the: scheme rested on further subeerip• Mons (rob the two eine. .This was honorably redeemed by the Comecluitnets at Georgetown„kr-. and two of these of •WaSbingtosi. wbo stepped . forward and assumed nearly the whole of the - deficient shares themselves, and time aesompliabOii• ed the great step of giving existence to thews• 47f, psny. We now regard the execution of ths . work as a fixed fact, confident that. 'as moan as the line of the road rhea bm adopted, the opnlent counties through which it is to pass will put . their shoulders to the wheel ; .and many d oar • own eitlims who hive held took will also do their duty towards in improvement of each vast ' portume xi their Intent metropolis.—Nor Juf. Cosorsicxxsar fie Paracerre C 31,11911 —At the recent commencement of Pnntetoe College, on Friday lest, the degree of LL. D. wai confer red on Hon. George DI Dallas. of Philadelphia, and on Joseph W. Gibbs, Pr- fessor to Yale Col lege; of D D. on the Rey John Macfarlane, of Dilkelth, Boodand, and on the Rot Jean Pisrre Revel, Droderaior of the Raldenslan Synod, in the vall•Yi of Piedmont; the degree of A.U . on Joshua Rhodes, of Illinoia,and Rev. John Lowry, Tenclieiet Bloomfield"; 'the degree of LB on Robeit A' Drown, of Philadelphia. The degree, of, -A Di was conferred on, forty eurdents, among whom were Charles, J. Noorse and Alernader B. Rapier, of this DletricLA'air fold. • ' . English fI7HOLESALE '0 Meryl:ant. vuel dente Manutteturr. Nea.l.2 Vero tents n-n Word and Smith 6• band and xlll receive yes Erbrennz cords, trbieb they market rate= • 600 ben 1110tten . CO 0000.0. J er ava OnZen • and Dau Periterren rbx.3‘ m, Yobs.. 160 taEr dryon 100 . 00 1 nod da 60 do enema ebewing I • sbenecn 60026. Senteb Eandr, "►n IlsPore don _X6l.l.3lscsbOy da iOO ea.!, lnotonBYrUSO • 6 bales &Muss Al 30 bbl. Pecan Noe; ]ooo oo.. h.rnlirla Natg 6 s Ltstiontre; 64 rang Pepper Sauce; CO groan o.ankitr; • 41.000 half Spargals (Aram 60 COO Cam tan dac bO.OOO hinnionllarsna 06: 160 mw O 7 ' • .3:10 reams WrtrOir P i _ 100 don O.tete /511boxen trbas Pitta: boollols eronnd Wooer:: 6. do Cinen.en; 20 boo die Mustard; 160 boxes 0-10..5r,d 76 , 12 no 6 •-• • CA.1122113611 OIL CLOTH'S Inarnell ROBINSON dk. • - Stu 47 Slab street, near Weotl4, . . 13 - AVE on' band a largo and chillea astarl- • -- a."-moot or CIIRPETIRO4 eta latEL ma t: Edl b•tcd wk... =Ora , . of— • • • Royal VET c Carpatmc aed • Thos.-Ply and anan4E . _ , • • l '• ° ;•?4 -„ Id e9 7:i;:y.ntit..d...:41 . "V Toothed vittilmtry dotriotion of lo • plit•daactotlanj i r......a.,'.• OIL Ourrns Avon arse to Maar Rue - rlo•a. le Bar, Plano atal Tanta zo dam BUIE, Vmmtd.ladtal4 Rod an oreEt-ua,easa., Stale Rola, Canton Jlatticum Wilte and Caws la, sad ' • Coo._ r,Laulorr from 2-1 to 4-4: of offarE at Mr LOWXBI. CAM rium. : pyLS • • New Restaurant. - .• THE andenigned ha opened . :TM:IRANI' at Ma CO, Foorth ,stmet, fay dwra rfroto Martst. gear!? oppoeita tbf die lamb h. hat hoodoo:I-la Ltt.d 0P,411121 Is gow flip/owl to atowamotata they oal; at all boots, ..with ,thoOW May r/Al want in boa too oDuonor on tha table. daily. bolo LI to-3 delook, P . IC. - d earn attaatl• n Vol b• aired to .apply the. h.f.da . all th. d.b.a.. of the samoon 11.01 sand nfreshatott focoloh4 to Wad. at all, howl. an :ha Abort at - Ruh the ftelllg. Idowscat hr tha Ileacritor to Oa a salisfactlon, he taut* to b. dd. to merit a ganetwl and' • extensors getronaga, and toad. a call from all Irtto I Or - UM at ans. How. a corro , tatdo toad, wail got tipokal-.- - .2.0 d in taco.rCOlSlShit 114 i - Tams rmaggoada. Jai WILSON, Na CO P.irtla at: • Littsbarah. gar '411.174 • The"Fiiyette fignngs." • highly attractilana fashionablB • WASEILING YLdtrn • d. vide lb. PAY TIS •' TdINO. selj teent neve ...An 'keen •• • keothd td lb. PeoPrietnr ar th e Varmingtoe dotal, and . • Is 13.1 misty for the receodot or els.t4ts. Tbe Ye.ntan • eprings an ten wire rot of 001 11.2•13. - beneyal Heed. nun nod. by the and dellobtr.. end !I marled Nointhis Secaerx and. Ln ed Helve to the ems. • nee prepent.,/ the %curt wh.k... • ..t sur...ta by • •7 to the kitthetl7. IteTe an oxen, ot.b., ears-11 m. ' Withth • ktil, dt.lov• may be reed- - 11•thdoetrob,llyse . • hakdento•n' d.. • Foot Zoo Seityr 0•0 nraddoede and Jumontillen litenre• lroubado damp; Delany•t t eez. glma, be theltneel top todenne I.r the too tarn i,ey e k •L t .eblo the Yourthdo even an 4 ten Cumberland Ceram.. dnthendlog mm a ebdthing thee men Yee n forty Pet perthallentarin_ ' P•4l.les. end Carnsthe threpdt T t0..-;_ - • hither; sod batons ow. ho on end •thethte will kdlthOthdlerbetee 4ter Fen n= wishing to eagaat.litooicrolll Pisan tr W sea th e on nee. Board per "eat S per day II 23. . • I•43dleaa "- !Eden. CI Knell ennyter.e'- Glen IloteL rjrlllE' OLEN llOTEL'having been lesiod by IS. subscriber. trill be - reads lm SPUMES Mil ttALMISST BOAHI)6KIS es the et ofJohts gets/ wrlluit bi=slststy mystsbtd.'sel Intl b e . rendered lb!. most ye awl 'ptes•sat r 1•9• af. • ell +.111.1t to be 'totted to [b. mum.. Ts* yymtistor .111 pair MIL sttsetsm• and warm Marva It at , Vlittlillt4 Urea . der Lt all thet be smudges. • • at Stas JOLLY P TERGEB.,- TTIHITED STATES HOTEL, CAPEir J 181.01). enbraiboo rospeetntlly , lofores. tbo plasm* ao4 bealtb-eoldogyonlir that Wrenn re•o dIOAOAYrdi ha Intaattlal and C 01919 HDTV. oa. . tiotel tam been tborniably &noel and painted. A alweently twf trolabeal thro.tiont. , , • lb* Literal eopPena•Tioodal to tbAsoboottibor list pa. • •••• sin boo fade t Im =W to &nerve coin liable. dm mare or an tarn loot a ctspaeeittito ottyr.- /ail anon will be =ado to deserve pot:onus. •,••• The entoratanina and ecaanolent loaatioo tho Hotel ,, and the antbeert•in's lone oxportriew is the buelness, and , bin to bel oro that to will be ails to ed.. wren costal ••• ....WU. than hat seuora be 4eeii Applinallone Boom. non Ba r ra= • nied•a•olr. at Brinorteo not.). Chesnut loalow Roth: ' Phllacieerbla.. factriailtiir) aJM6N 11RoWn.i • Film and thuibier. Bonnets,' "`t IM ES P. TANNER,-No: 56' . .W00d itraet would WI Lb. situation of M.lllloexu and ttburs •Lbp,. buJ to 11•11 salt, to blip l ufortaxeut al B,*"Eig • tl• Donut aria fat c scum,. LIOX num*. Noma,. ustot • G r E2I92sT . E . GREEN and BLA.011:.TB.?-- koahla a AlTlt ' t i r 1117 if fllfa'affal zrvg.,s theneat fa the Olt, No ractalerailoo cold oat , fad... than to tom an Snarl, astltha Thar bare the Mat. Poo of "Max Ufa best- and are detartnaal tamalattta that amiable diatlartioN No atattarathrthar Non go youratft or amt 4 thin' you are ma Vahan an WAN, - traria MN tumtt. at [bit tstablltharrot VOONTRY - RESIDENCE FOR - SALE. !• cbtaihnne faXigliN ACRES Or OIOUND. 124 1, • atua'er put or anion beam:nut ern, ro al-rated aa'z to nat. noecnttor , ng oleo U. rine„erwk Vallor t thuotod 'oat cad. Spa the city. Oppugn. Boa:Warr. . p and about 100 tants (math. AWLIZOiIi •114 but. • trlO : , •••-• jet]" - .11.1 rent. Aiint.Po 21 Pith oven/ ' FRENCH CHAMPAIGNE WINE, equal', to ouv to the Vain. Sot Pa. at fl Y bottht at.. cannot no ipso.... Oho sooner. but Pa an •4c , - ntraPnod to 5•11 • rot at a 1.1.• Pal MAULS a rarrn.2..nattld.orthe ot 000 0pd.: • • VELIOUTETI.L.COUNTRY ¢BAT dA.LE -Coate (-Pb.,aie' toornado.Wr mile -!mm tit; al ty. oa mod • holroillm toom °oda. ad o-at Ut• - /mutt' Stmot /1.1. _Them am •trixt SIX••AMU. Pal ordideb is Tioolvdsl. 114mirdr • ocsomazdtme vas of 1.4.," -. • narandint maim'. It It odredrab'r M a ud 'U r u 41 , 4 - try Pam VW Per are. dpol7 a 4 - • _ • Ea.' E•iaMPtrol• 21 EVICHITEI WARD PROPE ANY FOR SALE . '—Unul. tin s LOT OP 0 MOUND, baits* froot moord oOrmt ad • 44 to t aldry of W fia. tad n o, pax GO Goat to 4 Pet all-r. on mid& is 'milt tee -4 arm Wry from* brkk Mot. •••4un od .1. • rms. eat. PM front part 4,4 '6*bl:di dope an c lod for Mr* rooms. Nov mot , f.r WI • month, Nityvet. to au at armload ra 11 tcf 'l. •Lieb b• m.p.g., ' oa• .'• t at . Jo:" nal mei l.lth streoi. • • HOUSEKEEPER WANTEDL-,!. lad.y who Y won./ nr4 ettarcs d t 4.• , sal tO• thrla ttut ILI %rod kid:TA:el Matt 71.1 , rolVas \ iburAr= ifi4 " 3 n,: h 4 9tt .! : : . pOR SAIE.=-- A cit mpleta MINCHAL.- ir WATitlt APPaItATUE, 1.1,,, 14 b.m op., Ampllgn at ' . . totettits. Cooler; Mart Wrotr St titythilill /hilt •liiti : • wirer pitteil bust, Bengt.; A the with petl.l tett. iiMili ' '' r u.so. atiawni bmw Ulf.Ltd.& taw el 1 - 1-tts bout; .. . LT "1"-IrplyTTIT* '''gri.'.l,ll,t4 ,;;;.".`44Z, . jtl• • . .. . • .. • ANTED 11 t piVr'1 t f f l :ire , t Y 34l ‘.n?yliarit.se ...act of 11.4 , 0 • 11iT7'4 4 'l7.lll'e 14 rizi.t....,m stfih.n.a. , ...-„.-, IpI .. .OLLEW! et.:!fcirtiF . - , tiu 4 (l . ll by Gal SIgO aDI =Aug..= Liter., ..7wr,::::: . :;1 f ARAPE BtlAWLS.—Over lOW - ~7 :•'"- ..:', .• . ---; ttiortkitut iwed ad !rainy att. , •...-,i.. - • 5,,, . , A. A..II•KM • COS. ; -- : /150TEW' Citi/Njkft:t!.---N), Mt putti*lbilalo or. , .....' • .. , -... tiLN KILLSR--150 V• • -:-., •- -- _ r.ry pat.! zwa lii, r ' . • . • t / nitIED APP LE S -2. , - ..,;.. ' LF ftioulFr , •:, um,..., - . .. 4 ',. ' ' - • . . i . . . 7.057 shun. 2,200 -., ......la.l. WM= Sennatt. • i• OCNRS, Comukiesion In Reic. and P 133.130 3 .22 WrtrNn. and 151 Ent. roe , . - . llttrburgh. P.. 13.4.4 en ••1.-4•11.4444 and ant 034 • 4244 Dar salt at pm =vat =5 half 464041%U 2t• 0 b n ht I' r 1 .7 r. ; 230 beld 0. waY•a 4 ,4l. 175 boos 2.20422 =0 Mo. Mould Stasi:l4n. l••• 50 belga Sedlatl=alN 40 dn. Nbsola2 do. • 2 , 11. No. 1 2 Lard _ 100 1341..N0.1 Ilmiok • . 25 ots No. 1 COlllO3- ' 150 b ale s Ala. 1 aikl 3 Del. tlo= Co . Oa latCbalnandtwitan 50 doant ad 03441= ICO titre.. N. id Itteet . 23 1 , 141•C=3154•2 etti3l3: - Slather. 6 nava laalart, 1003 lbs. C144E4 • : - otinmg 100 00 I=4 , s N =are= -1; 76 etas. lost thuni: 40 togas 342.• Paul.; 63 ",Ctoual Fer•pm 15 " Aloylar; 40 We Lala Trout: 100 ". Butur, Water..l3o - and bo de ezactata