The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 07, 1853, Image 2

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4: fs,ti'T.Sl.lllllfai . GAZETTE
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:ON E4Oll PAGE'brikrs Pd ?ER.
, . ,
1 , 1101.Premeennine Wrezty airratie—Tee etente . ° dr=
.• , litiOn of nne Ireekty Gazette deers to oar b e ns men
,:_....nwatdenri% email/10f ranting th eir la a kiwrn.
Oar etrattlatton la between taw inn nye amen.
.zea innatatieert ellleas end antaty In W =nab
Tanga innt Zeatein OW.. . , • . -
tlt .TO
ADVEETUSEAS—keither the Editorial Roo
por Printing Establialorment or the Dant .latrrrs.
opened, Pa anoday. ADVEKTISgaii vho &Jiro Mel
•fidgtees . to appear is. the paper on idenday =terming
,nl:ll7l#ase hand thegi In before 6 o'clok. on Eatarla
476111 L
. roc cairsi cumneeloalne, -
.IMOSER i'OSYNALt, Of Lariesater county.
tole AtmrrOle acalsax",
t.-mcor.arße, Of Franklin Omits,
- sox sonvrros 0 WEILL,
IOgrAPIVAN 'MEYERS, Of Clarion County.
• Pitttbarpb Catholiccontaiim the tot
"Tbe labora of the Garsits to perpetuate In
this-community ,the. Tabora of ; Meagre Barker
- and Kirkland hove earned for him a severe, bat,
in our opinion, a well merited castigation from
. the Commercial Journal, In defence of his daily
- . rambles tremble legiuthats ephtee, as editor of
-eeoularjetimal; into the regionef religious pro
: •
'lemies, <be Gazette tells us he bet labors for
, "happy homes and altars free," invaded by the
• Catholic Church." .
. • It would no doubt gratify the "Catholic" oonld
- It identify. es with the notorions Joe ll'arket.
IlapPily, however, it is toe well known that no
, paper in this community haa Pposed with more
pertinacity' the ielf.inopoesd omeade of that ob
; • •Ituriosui individual, and no other paper has come
In for so large a 'abate of his ruffianly abuse.
,sympethiesigo not with inch pests En society;
= Fho.iojuro,any canoe they attach themselves to;
And the attempt of the "Catholic" !nevoid the,
,torte of our etriotures by interposing the con
, _ df Joe Barker is evidenee not only
ofWeikness,; bat of (wheedle's, and is also an
:insult :to AIM Hight Reverend Bishop O'Consou,
whoirte;eitustarily rieogeisa us as an oppo
neat Worthy of his steel, at least as far ea pro.
ptiety In conducting tie discussion is concerned,
which he would
_hardly. have done had he eon
. .Addired our labors at all of the .Joe .Barker
As to the "merited castigation" which the
"Catholic" says han.been visiced'upon us by its
. ; ; ; -.. en.4utor, the "Comniereial . Journat,7"we'sp•
`prebend that that is In:tatter of opinion. lie
'doubt ourneighbor did tho best he - could in sup. ;
- port of a bad cause, and he probably - looks upon
Ids work with considerable complacency, and he
will, no doubt be much kcal:lied to know his
bore are eo highly appreciated by the "Crap
, . ,
If s we "eamble'out of oui legitimate sphere,"
-; :anther" Catholle" ftTera, we hate Diener.' (Non
. • nor and the Bothell:a rioters of 3lantecal to blame
for it, If the . .Blishop hod not attacked
• •the Carnelian &shoot Bystem ire should not have
;." boon; under the necessity of: defending it, and if
Iheßomanists of Aloutreci had not invaded the
.' tight Of lice diaoussion, and if the " Catholic's"
coadjatori the Journal, hid not intileasly as
mined the Italian patriot Gatassi, we should not
• hate been under the necessity of defending tho
feetiom of speech, and. should have escaped,
withal,. that "merited castigation : . This, the
`.o.nstigation,":„.we presume reconciles the "Bath
,- ollo" to the-annoyance of the discussion; and it
; ,...mast admit that it is something to hate secured
- • the'valnable eettles of one neighbor., and aho aid
lediteelhe - rsdcto cell upon his friends to make
; tmfor.the Tau of that priestly eubseriber, who
mast have. been badly posted up when he, went
off in a dudgeon. We asa tell Lb; "Catholic,"
howaver, that ev'ery subject which concerns .the'
' liberties ; and klub:less of man is "legitimate"
our alum . as. Although ire belong to the
an support its principles,' we by no
esiatilder. our duties bormded by tte plat
:.74;.rio-ii:lt.trould no doubt graHlythe " Catholic,"
I:Ocular preen of the. poetry Do con-
Aiaitr.tol . wittt the -editor calla " legiti ato
- .'.spheiet"-andwo apprehend this "sphere" would
-be Limited enough, could bin Holiness the Pope,
or hie aim:al the Biehops, prescribe the circle
of Ito-duties. ~ Therioneorshin which prevails in
. Reins, Hipletp4nlitric4 , Bpaln,.and in all Cath
olio conntries, would . eimplifi our labors greatly,
• end we doted no longer stead IC the way of the
onward march of the Hierarchy of Rome.
present, however, we cannot gratify the,„"
, by stitbsti Ring to the "sphere" it indicates,
' • naleilit can induce Bishop O'Connor to announce
. : • publicly this all oppieltion to the Common
Retools le withdrawn, and unless it con show
that .the Roman Catholio Church siards to all
men the right to,wethip.fied'according to tho
dictates of their e'litteelo-nele - ,:trithiutlet or AM
* diance; Pains or 'penalties, fromt . guy civil or
'ecalatiseticibpower.. If the "Catholic" will do
'-this, we wil l take into consideration the propil.
sty diniontinuing the dieettesloe" - . '
Tap r:74lPramatill ,MESTISO 1441101:11%—WO
lope oar citizens generally will attend the prt-
IdhltiogrLiqtror Lawineetlig, to lake place this
paining et Mi., Bryan% Church, on Sixth street
• Thq:annoOneement tbat Mr. Jackron is to epeek
- ought to be. "ugh:lent attraotion-rte those who
lore' to hear the 7 eppeale of an bloqueot and
earnest Man, but than Is a ',higher, nobler mo
- thwyt Whfoh :should lead our citizens to fill the
house: The evils of intemperance press them
; : Pelves upon, the attention of this community
with i terrible front.: Riots, stabbing, murder,
and every evil work , are • its legitimate effects,
end calitletidly nine every patriot and Christian
, • to,lnteritme fir the salvation of his country and
Let tub come togettiSr, and consult , and ' unite,
Our efforts. those of oar
. itho are; eicrywiteli:aronsing to a sense - of the
• iniportantie of this great work. ! Every diri
hail new AMeessions'in this great cause, and
among the latest le the Albany Resitter, the or
gan of the Fillmore wing of the whig patty in
New York, - which stirts out boldly for the
Maine Law, and after giving een:titling picture'
' trf the moral and ocelot effects oriatemperance,
, 'Can- anything tie done -to stay this tide of
destruction that is running seaward through the
land, eivellihg and increaeing in volume yearly,
that sweeps away and buries in Its turgid flood,
that:mends:upon tbatuanda of oar people ? , That
flila homee with desolation,, end the Prisons
with oonvieta—tizat visits the itch, the poor, and
t the middle classes alike—thit breaks the hearts
of Par mate, and make's the young hopeteas iu
,life, hopeless In death, and hopeless of eternity
•••• . —that takes the strong maillgosti his labor, the
Latelleetual man from his Mulles, the armlet
•'firoTu his datiee,..the husband from hie :Wife, the
.fliarediffeem his children, the children from their
..;strents,winit hurries Meal all, a great army of
,i,,•,.l.ll6.faiWt4"ik;dcath iof shame, and grave of
.. ,, p,:-.9lishoner. [ - TO • this - great aggregate of octal
f fintt private griefs; it adds onerous
i'5 , 111.33 Gad 'burtheas upon the frugal and' the
• 'temperate. It fils the almehouses with paupers
and swellty to an enormous amount, the erpenree
a . .. Courts end the prisons.. Michel:it it the
becomparattrely tenantless:, and the
Criminli Conde deserted." fie; &o. .
Eine* the above was Written we have learned
i" - that MLR. Berattuorr, a celebrated Temperanao
lecturer, has arrived, and will address the meet
. lag to-night. Mr.!.l,3,arlaigh was at one time
realdept of this City, and
is Well known as
; en litatidentbactl imprmtsive speaker.
. ,
Prmannitnn Awn Cirairitsvnia RAILROAD.--
At a meeting of the Directore of the Pitteburgh
t and ConneUsville Railroad, held lit),ltie
'. • teas*, Maxi IT. "Bassra,. Erg-, watt...dented
Cider Engineer. Mr. Ilariel bee bein a .4cat
"efficient member of - the,able' corps of engineers
thwpermellraule Railroad since Ito organize.
End hut for some years held the Idgbly-re
r. spanadble position of resident Engineer on the
WesternaDivision. brings to the important
Which he has been chosen, a tips ex
' ...'llerience, - excellent abilities, and mast 'popula r
and sgrecaby , mannera.• ills selection glace
great eatlafpetimi is this boramenity. •
. • Mr:games will °agonize en efficient corpe of
Eughieen without deley,'„who Will take the field ,
soast . Pessltile, end prepare the road for
00Miactorw. at the earltot,possible nsomtat
per*, be'sent into field to has ,
ti ilke w ick o.gfeliti/ aslossktlo: - . `.
• The Banda Mr*PoArii.s.4l l it/ melon
Goon Rowel—The, New York :TrOune, in
f , oldivis article, acknowledges that Archblottop
Hughes' Property Bill LlZ:defeated:in the New
York Leglslatore. Tills is oheeriog. We feared
the worst,-after vrotoond the Tribune favoring
the nnortnity.. Tho firmness of the friends of
liberty bile averted the calamity. • The Lectures
of Father GATSZZi have not bent in ?alit. The
Tribune vents lts Indignotionse
, tlNe admit a defeat on the Church Property
ill, and our numerous correspondents with
respect to it have 610/guarded us very that..
,oughly. If calling names like "Papist," "Ll:fi
de'," "tool of the Jer.ults "&0.,'&., are newels'.
cing aro:Lit:tents, then we' . nr‘beaten also on the
merits of the queetlon. * *
"Yet the billlsheaten, because—we-shall not
Mingo the matter—too many Protutants are not
yeemearfnoed that absolute Freedom and Equal.
icy is the only Soil wherein true B:eligion can
flourish. Ihey fancy that the State can and
should dissiountenartee erroneous creed, and dis
cipline heterodoxy for the.glorLof God and the
goad of souls, le the old' mistake, aid will
have the old result._By and-by, we shall con
sent to let Catholics anage their own affairs in
their•own way, and try to correct their presum
ed errors quite otherwise than by legal vetistions
end embarrassments. * • it•
' . oeatlemen opposite! You have beaten us
this time, but your triumph will pot (Mare.
We Chan meet you at Philippi!"
It is not worth while, in this moment or sioto
ry, to tkp:, 'et the Tribone's logic or threat,.-Whin
that ,Cling at Philippi" takes place, be will
>yrietli tit! and .religlatte liberty
there . '..1 •
We 140 glad to porcoive that many of the
Catholics; of-New York oppos6d the arrogauf de
mand of 'the Arehtishep, as the (alluring com•
munication to the Now York Courier will 'show:
&Nora of the Courier 4- Enquirer:
AA efforts , are being etretuotisly made to le
galize the Bishops of thli State, In holding the
property of their respective diccersee, coneisting
of churches, schoolo, Ac, &o, by cline, of of
fice, as sole trustees, allow me to utter the tea.
' timents of BOMA of the most respectable and
ptaas cmhoiies, in saying that the LAI meet, my
entire disapprobation WhEtethe. church rp., , aba
of heavehly oad spiritual thin, I believe that
it is the duly of all to submik to her with rever
ence, ots to divinely come: rest rood teacher 1111
top:rice ; but when the leaves heavenly
atiffei.o,.. awl I.Teltll2, in ptllifea red teraperala
—% boa her clergy, instead of necking the lost
of-the earth, grasp with an avaricious hand the
wealth of the world, then.l believe it is the
duty of all wl2o have the spirit of their heavenly
master, who said that his kingdom was not of
this world—all , who lore the great lights of the
church--and who 'till oblation the page of his
tory—to rise up and utter a. protest agalant'
theses things.
The condition. of Mexico, Spain an. • • • 4 r .
America, where a lazy priesthood roll In Wealth.
while the'reace of the people—their shoep—are
1 wallowlog Lee swine in the mire . of Ignorance
and itiperstition, should be a edema 'mangle
ilia lons their heaven-briin liberties to mist
the Lest artful and apparently plausible advance
en the part of the clergy to a power which they
may berkftcr noiagelpst ear dude* Wad la:.
situations.. • ' • ' -
The eloquent;
bray', defeudei
though thole af,;
would tiler:ea ki
poseeaa a goo:,
La her, wbo we
easily allenceV
last Erih.
York.. We take 1.14
We aka envy trua-1
end b.ssi-Mcceelt,t`.
warn as of dangers d
Ltd reolift. Fhita stmok t .
conotry mud tho great mi
calmly looking cn arid ac, ‘
proving, Father ()avant lilt
&gained the drat now maklnt
blzhcp Hoene with putters
ought to pant to galenalonia:ES
- ctitated c. 3 is Ito Itominh'BileeL. .nich
no country can grant with s iaiety. , Either
Gaisszi :•
In order to prevent the increase of the influ
ence of Humanism, the Protestants of the coun
try must he truly American, in feeling and in
actiets. But to the ehame of mariyei, csliel Pro
teetants in this country, I find the Infinenoe of
the Romani* very extensive, indeed; and .rit,
to the ehateo-4 do norepeak of theinfinenctre of
the pnbllit, , preas—but aeon here ••ArchbLehop
Hugheacommatids man'y and many a paper—bat
out of this city I find the generality of the preee
denoted—consecrated to the Roman Catholic
party:au-I under this direct influence of the Pa
plets,mnd orpoolaily of the Roman Hierarchy.
[ApPlausel Remember what I said to you en
a former occasion,—the great danger you hive
to contend against is, a body of politicians with
out religion. In former days, toe pernicious of
thieiree Republic were as eminent for their re.
figuida feeling; 58 they were remarkable for their
eteitemanlike ammo of intellect. • Now, however,
th - P mediocrity of your public moo, in order to
obtain,. the votes of Roman Catholice, are per
fectly 'Whig to kneel and -humiliate themeelvee
-before Archbishop Hughes and ths Jesuitical
• party. [Appal:tee.] Ono of the most promi
nent tomes that I urged on your attention at my
last lecture; AO Whiph has appeared -. in have
been patteod etairbl" the public press, with some
tow exceptions, I will new take the liberty of
bringing before your bettor. The matter I con.
mister a very important one, and for that reason
will repeat whit I eald on the subject in my het
lecture in_this hall. I desire to 'meek about the
Bill, which I understand will be dammed In the
liegielatnre meat Monday, and it hue especial
reference to Archhtshop Hughes' holding, for
himself and his sacceespre, property belonging
to Roman Catholic congregations. Three thou
sand most respectable New-Yorkers, who @re
tooled against this meneure, were called "lunet
te:s" by d member of your Legislature, and why?
Merely bcoause-rey presented a memorial and
petition against - the bill. lam thankful to Pro
vidence, however, that we can array much more
than three thousand citizens against this odious
measure. I earnestly exhort you, my friends,
to work all against it now..—at once—for, when
It is pulsed, what eon you protestante do to coun
teract the tendency of ouch legislation! Work
determinedly—work with a unity of purpose to
anoomplish—and this obnoxious bill will not pass.
[Applause] • .
But, I would ask; ie it right Velar& - Roman
Catholics that each • bill ehould beoomelaw? r - By
no moans For Roman Catholics do not ask .
for it; it is an entirely now thing to them. In
Italy, where the Papal system is dominant, the
Bishops .aro not masters of the Church property
..they are not the administrators cf the revenues
belonging to the Roman Catholics, their sohoole
churches, or hospitals. Asti so, what the' Re 4
mhth Hierarchy do not possess in despotic Italy,
they seek to obtain to free America. And for_
that reason, had l e not an abundance of others,
1 am right when I say that Romantik= le increas
ing in your country, and is striving to obtain
here a poiltiott in a peConiery point of view,
that it does not possess in &rope—at least to
Italy. Bat the RomanisO themselves, herd is
this country, have a perfeot right under the Con
etitution to-manage the financial affsire of their
different churches; and for that very. reason no
one haste: shadow of-claim to endeavor to do- -
prism them of the °receive of their own good
judgment in that partioular. If the legislature,
however, under the . influence of a hierarchical
preseelit, tithes snob a bill, the very leaet that
can be sold of that It wilitlay down a most
dangerous preeddent—a pricedentwhieh, in af
ter time, may prove exceedingly pkejedicisil to
the stabinty of your republican inetitationx: If
this bill pace,believe me that in a few years
the Roman thorn.' will be denuded of 'their
Church property, and all of it will become
vested in their ArehMehops and Bishops—
And do you impigine, Tor a moment, that those
parties will mistime the cat oof that property in
order' to advanda th' interests of eel:mole and
hespitiln,and to aeelet the poor? No, no, I
tell yen. ~ . come to Italy, and see how our Bish
ops act there—these who happen to have con-,
trol ofsnabfanda, See how much they do Tor
the cause of Freedom! And will It net be the
, came here, when they are enabled to command
exclneively the disposition of these revenues
In Italy, a Bishop—with not near so Much rev
enue or income as Archbishop HVOWL3 will
have under this contemplated law---haring a
goodly number of relatiies and connexleme, gives
a great amount of money to • the poor, and to
schools, churches .and hospitals ? 0, yeit.—
[Laughter.] No, no; but very little; those
uidhops "Fend it on themselves, and they would
do the eame thieg in America. I - tell you, that
all money so pitted lathe. hendi of a Roman
Catholic Bishop In Ode country, is money planed
at the disposal-of the Pope ; and all that money
will beithpent in a proselyiizing 'Tar against
Araerida and her freedom.. (applame) I pray
God, with ail my heart and soot, that this bill
may not peso in your Legielature; became; if It
do, In rfery ; State In 'eke Heim, before-many
years have passed, a singlet bill will be eought
for atill,oblethed, and my prophecy will he fel•
tliled"Ameiles is hist—America is lost."—for
two hundred millions.of &dare In the bands of
the Bishops, and conseenently et the dieposalef
the Pope, can do anything—can do everythlog
in order to effect the subjegation of your liber
ties. (Applause.) • . •
asegive my oommunicstion n piste
'ono, sod aware our Protestant
, );11 who profteti to,be Cathodes
true outfit of off hristisolty. and
'he 28
'plll:lL 7 ,We learn from the
'he atone work of the bridge.
Cleveland end. Pittsburgh
'mares the Beaver, has been
%tract, - to Masers. Power
. sad Alernmasi, of Craw
ls work upon the bridge,
I 4 road, we presume will
;dart i'tesods Is-mast.
m of the Southern Nicht
.n four' miles of Toledo on
'tb, an amletrec on the bag
two.' The flow about
Left of the track, a perfect
..115/011 threw the firat passenger
feet from the track with great
smashing it to pieces, and reducing it
.0 an' unsighfli pile of broken wood, iron and
giant. Row a single person escaped wound or
death is astonishing. One man was mortally
wounded. A huge splinter etroek him below
the breast, tearing out hie entraile in a horrible
manner. Ho died at Toledo, yesterday. An
other:mon had his log broken, CI third a foot
smashed, a fourth d mere contusion on the
head, which will probably reduce him Co a
condition 'of permanent idiocy.. Several °there
were injured and braised. All were shocked
and hart more or lege.
The second passenger car woe thrown stress
the ti ack and broken in the Middle, and came
near throwing all Ice inmates tipon the traok.—
A barbed hie arm broken. A lady had her head.
badly bruit ed and mot. Amax rewinds severe
wound in the aide from some broken glass. A
gentleman who was in the second oar, ,aye the
shook of the collision was tremondons—suddenly
luting people from their state and throwing
them headlong 8 or 10 feet over thel backs of
their neighbors' seats. Putnam* In the hind
Care whinapecifed being smashed ran to the as
eistance orthe first sad second cure, and helped
rescue the people from the ream Some took
thing. coolly, others were frantic with terror—
the men the worst —Chi& Forest City.
!lona COPPI2.—The Lake Superior Journal
abates that the new satiooner,o. W. Ford, wlleh
wan lately taken orer the Portage, returned from
Lake Superior, bringing down 80 -tons Copper,
in 101.9103 and barrels, from theMliitiesota Mine,
aloe the Dollar of the ill fated Monticello, which
won taken oti board the propeller Globe, to be
pot into th:h Moho on loer arrival below.
June 2060." Steamer ltaltimore broughtdown
Sear tonsappar, In barrels and maeaes, from
the Adventure mine—ono too in muses; from ,'
the Aztoo-15 tons from the Minneeota—one from
the Ohio Mining Company, and three tons from
the Ohio Trap Bock.
June 22d. 'Propeller Manhattan brought down.
night and a half tone in barrels and 14 tons in
=nem from the Norwich Mine. (Thls Mine, II
Is thought, will prove second to none In the
whole Ontonagon region) Alec, 86 tons in bar.
rele and nix tons in melee; from the North West
June 23. Propeller Peninsular arrived with
195 tons from the Cliff aloe, and 35 ton e from
the NMl:manta, in barrels and masses. 'v.
An Incident in iegard to Ateskimmo, the gen
tlemanly ogent at Pittsburgh of the Penny!ra
nts Railroad, arrested our attention a day or two
ones. picnic party being overtaken by. a
sudden 'hewer, hahrelactantly made up their
minds te'talco a thorough drenching, whed they
Tore very agreeably el:apnea at the appear
ance of a train of empty cars which kleskitnen,
with his characteristio gallantry, and that fore.
eight which never fails him,'had dispatched, for
their relief. This :incident, unimportant in
itself, is a fair index of the gentlemanly con.
duet and tearing of all connected with that road,
in their -
intercourse with the public. Upon few
roods is the comfort of travelers on faithfully
consulted, or their !tardy se well provided for.
The cars cad all the.other appointments are in
regular Ponnsylnnia st3lo—etreegth and dura
bility' being the tares of the good old "Key
Stone." Mach of the credit for the order and
method now prevailing, is due to Ron. 7. Edgar
Thomson, the able and indefatigable Preeident,
wlntuts betted hie entire energies to the pur
pose.--Ckeekmd 7kos Democrat.
TER LLIGIST Taxi IX Till VFORLD --There is
_ s a oadar-tree growinglo the mountains of Cala
versa daunt/. California, about tsrobty miles
northeast of Murphy's, which is said to be the lar
gest tree in the 'staid.
At theground,lts circumference was 92 feet;
four feet above thit it was 88, and ten feet above
that It was 61 feet in circumference; ►nd after
that the tapering of the 'haft was very gradual.
Its beight•ls 800 feet :This tree Is by no mesas
a deformity, as moot trees with large trucks ore.
It Is throughout one of perfect symmetry, while
ita enormous proportions !aspire the beholder
with emotion! of awe aid eublimity: Elegance
and beanly are Inseparable contomitants cf Its
grandeur. •
Tinian. Dune MST. —Early yesterday,
the Contractors on the Mateo Milo Tunnel. em
ployed a eufFicient number calumets who-went
to work, en the same terms the old hands were
engaged for. About three hen/Batter, the Irish
laborers, come eeventy-Ere intamber , tame on
to the ground in a body, ordered the Liermani
to gait work, or take the eeneeiluence. After
some bandying words the Germans were drove
off the gronad, and the Isiah laborers &waded
Of the Contractors to give them beck their slum
'door, and they would agree to work on thir cid
terms. The Contra:tore refused, and' were
threatened violence. Cop. Kiefer, wi th a- large
- body of police, repaired to the T une} ; and ar
rested several of the ringlaideie, - road the Wa
stes fled. The Germans went to work again.—
an. On..
TEM Itecaar DLIST/Zaal3o Cara or AIINALL
MAGlsnem—Tabie Turning are Corry to
announce that glee C., thoyeing lady in Surrey
place who was reported in this journal some fow
weeks ago to have suffered from trying the to.
ble-moving experiment, by moans of the above
agency, is much worse. Elopes were entertain
ed that she would 'soon recover the use of her
hands. It teems, however, that those hopes
have cot been. tallard. Her bands aro now
firmly clenched together, mad it requires greit
force to separate the fingers, even for a moment,
from the palms of her hand., This extraordlu
arraffair haa carped bitanse excitemeotin the
medical prefreseforn— L ondon Horning Ado
Coassrkta nl Durskse,---The Chinese
motto Com Pony forty-two lanumber, who arrived
in New York s don time ago from din Fraocia.
co, and performed one Week at Niblors, appear to
b 0 in a destitute condition. Their wardrobe,
which is stated to be worth $lO,OOO, is retained
by the steamship company: as a lien for i debt
of $6,000, incurred in their pacoage from Cal
ifornia. It appears they contronted to cage in
New L Ypri for ten mouths, at $6,000 a month,
and were paid at eau Francisco $lO,OOO In ad
vance. They were to
_receive s2,oooin a mouth
after their arrival at Newyork, and n t i have their
board paid, bet It appease these atipplationk,
have.not only not been !tailed, but Got the con.
trootiii has disappeared.
llieholtds Piddle, when President of the United
States Beak, obtained the opinion of Chancellor
Benton name point of kw, for which the Chan-
OePoe. charged a foe of one hindred
" That is not enough, judge," paid Mr. D., "bete
are two hundred dollars, and your servieee are
cheap enough at that."' " Bow le this 1" sold
The Cbaneollor, "do you think I do not , know
kbe vain of my own opinion 1 ' You hare' in
stated - me; bet on the whole ptyket the In.
ton Atlas haring mentioned that:daring twain'.
50.000 bushels of canary send were imported,
casting $18,600,
merce• writer in thn Journal of
adds tho ntelliganod that 41,000 Canary
birds are innually Imported, costing $17,360,
making a total of nearly $31,000,
Wx. Z. Zonation, Manialag Clerk In the
!Mate Dapattment, end au intimate friend of Mr.
Webster, has been removed to make room for
Mrs. Btubbe, who WWI removed by Mr. 04yton
farMshlng Charles Jared Insertion with the
facto from tho dleburslag anemia of the Btate
Drpartmont, upon which be hosed hie assault on
11 enter.
• ,
ins • Lies Immanentoe.—The New OrLeona
Courier says that tho two "auspicious nude
armed to the teeth," which the telegraph report.
ed a. day or two ago ao boring left the mouth of
the ricer, turn out to be u couple of pleasure
boots, in which Solna e k tizeoe of Plaquemine were
.coallog an excurelen..y
Ton PACI171:1 !torrid-1h fit. Louie deptthlican
"When Wet liare mural to fit Louie the
termini ed the Railroads for the North sad East,
the Middle States and the Booth, all dhiptite or
ditimenco of opinion as to the terminus of the.
Goene Pecille Railroad will be et en end.' To
this end all the 'improvements are now talk:
Venters IA busca.-0. W.Kenbilarrites
to hit, pi ileum from Paris:
••It .. 1 4; at a chair of liesseeapstby is about
• eciested istheFaonityof the Medical School
• •=TA. The Emperor, the Empress and Marshal
Bt. Arnaud—who nape be owe his life to Ronne
patby—ttre. very' mash in favor of it Wile
Iteohel believes in this 'science as firmly ila the
three last mandated penman." -
Batters have been received at the State De.
partment relative to the seeming abandonment
crone fishery intereata ma the northeastern out,
AU deinii)mt claim naval, prole:done-Mae is'
net yet 1/4 upon the banks:
DAItACILD Coas.—Thounrids bl,bnehais at
heated Corn hare been shipped :from Chicago
within ca fe■ weeks. the Bahia market
overrun' with dainaged and heated Corn, and it
is being . sent to Now York as fast im transporta
tion can'ite had. 'There . % is used by distillers,
who buy it at almost their own price. The prao•
tine at manufacturing whiskey from damaged
corn Is getting. to be quite common throughout
the country. It help' no doubt en make a batter
pouon.—St. Louie Nees.
STORS ra Pants.—A tette!. from Parte
eayti—"lire. Stowe hoe been in Owls about ten
dsys. She [teem to be traveling incognito, for
with the exception of canoe two extremely email
and eiclusively American soirees for her, eh*
has met with little or no attention. "I do not
thicarthit a hundred people are sweve r of her
presence in Parle."e
r - •
Inns Cals.—A. correspondent of 'the Boston
Journal says that an establishment has just been
opened near Harlem, 21. Y. 4 tor the manufacture
of railroad care wholly of iron, The builders
are Bed to be men of capitol and enterprise, and
have already orders foe all the oars they can
The annual ;premium sale of Tobacco took
pima at qt. Louis a fecr;,diya since. The best
manufeetered, hogsheid received a prize of $6O,
add trita- sal for $26 10 per hundred. The
hogshead which got the second prize of $BO,
eold at $23 60.
%yawn's FOO2l, of Mississippi, has suspend
ed speaking in several emusties ,of the State, in
courequencenf the-prevalence or the small pox,
syhionlas recently made Tta appearance.,
fLoenvo BtletlrESS —The New York'• Mirror
rays $40,000 lists been eurik, In that city, in
the endeavor to sustain a National Domooratio
a Mains Law Tritunpii in Michigan'e al
ready bearing fruit. Wisconsin, by bar Legit;
latare, has passed s similar eat, by s decisive
majority. Roll on 60'601
Tan Washicgton correopondent of the Nine -
York Journal . pf Commerae,states that the gram
of Jana Madison, hake President of Ude depub
tic, cannot now be tgaostnized!
&letter from Itaiana: notfces the arrest of •
leading slave &ado:. , It was thought, however,
that the whole affair wee &mockery, and that he
would coon be ilbcpttel. '
Two Washington Union contains an mole in
which on attempt is made to read the "Nisi York
Evening Pont" and the "Bradt) Republic," oat
oC tho party.
Reruros from 57 comities' la Rentnaky show
123,000 moro bogs than were returned laid year.
Tae people of New Orleans are enjoiing
peaches, tlgs, plume, blenkberries, water-mel
onus, &o.
LW' Major Jolla Wtm.occ will bo a candi;
Joie fir pit Oilier of COUNTY TiIt:AMMER, herons the
Whin eo3 Antkitsoonie County Convention. to be held
In gannet next.
• Etir Daraerreotypes.—lf you wish a Ike
Pk"... ...lona. in Dn.. Co to caw.), CIALLIAY.
No. 70 Foong street. 6
terNotice.—Tho, friends of a PROIiIBI
TOOO Lutooft LAW to, thonested to send Delegates to •
COUNTY CONVENTION, to be held In the th.w/orided
Presbyterian Chords, Matt:meet, rittsbarah. on TIMMS.
DAY. the 710 day of J01r,18.13, at 10 o'clock Let. • At B
oVoet in these...lnn • PUBLIC MEETING will be held
AL the nine to which all friends of the proposed
Law no. Invited. The Bee. E. W. JACKSON. oar State
dared, willies ;latent
pr order of the State Central Committee;
- .
seir Oakland Property for Sale.—This
rrormill Is situate about belt* tone then the city4l..
front!. out. Pittsburgh Fainter. mid Mr... Turn.
Dike Read. 'Arundel on the outh and mat by lands of
Jeme , Craa. E... and . the north l7 A. P.Cbild..
containing about BIX ACET.S. It lathe.. with Fruit
Trees - 0(111e oho:feet kliadsonany of them In full beneirlir.
There la a emlbrtable twowtarle4 frame 110 USE. with
other balldinge: atm, an aboolmee of Gram Itamberly
.d litrawbenT Tic., of EOM quelity. I will dlr.. of
tbs Property Üb.gether.or Mehl. it lo mit pur•
sham. TllOll.l/1 J. CAMPBELL.
Jegbdlin N. 119 Water Are.
:dr Diseases of the Liver.—When the
'onlebrattl Dr. Rash declared that dronteroleas v.,
disease. he enunciated • truth whbh the experlene• awl
Mow - ration of medical men Dover, day contralmr. The
runt apparently bumne excesses of shoat wild Indulge In
th. no. of rplrituorm Potion may time be manato] for.
The true mow of coodnet. which latakea for ledstdation,
if vary frequently • Dowel state Male Liver. No organ
In M. home. system. when derangvd, modelers morn
frightful ca!slegue of dircaros. And If, Inetud of apply
ing remedies to the manifestations of diceara aa Is too
often the ma, rhy•lelmis wool! cilia-Ebro willt vley to
the original can" fewer deaths you'd 'moll from die.
OYU i11q6.4 by • deranged EMU of the Liver. Threw.
fourths bf tba (Weave* antimusted maim the head of
SiteogiiiiMin Imes their twat In • diseased Lim. IS..
•Idr-Oncin's =eat Work-a.)
: L rarclisaers will be earefol to ask far DR. WLANEB
am other P 11.. pitrootting to to LlreMPilla. now Wore- ,
thapublit. Dr. NCLanes LlTer tills. also his celebrated
Varitiftigis can now Ito ha]' at all rim/actable Drag
Pores In the 1.1011.4 Stat-is..oi fermi the sole ictoprielorl,
jilt &liftman; to .1. ELM g Co-. CO Wool ravel.
Eta. alt. SoLomora:—ZFrom infancy I ha*
boon atakted orlth moat aye. asul abartigghtadnom. mad,
in 01 t. I. I hare rorear beau able to sot a, pair a
°LAPSES that orduld pap.. I hap* bad remind pairs
that armil enable um to to. more distinctly. but mold
fafartknp Mom oa MT* that one-half hour from tha
ct that tboy callmad oath great palm .
harPoutd M Ma your adoordsomint by .hi.b I to.
you had tout' Unpaid acme, mid sa 11 baa boon my ma-
Mara aim to sit • rain that mould holigfittio. I thought
I mmild try PMTS. •
Sou mutt seit think ate flattering .hen I my they more
ttan enenti ml expectation. I hate tel torn able to
read by candlalleht for mono tbut half en boor at any
time babe.. I got these Olasala Slant I got then. Freed
ditto itraday all day: •od until ton, o'clock. without CoP.,
g... 1 .1C the leek pal.. atdch is a thing 1 hats not done
baton Or Team . ,
I .17t/do mueb Wilk It demo:mica ;mentor:atm
,and boobs, otbays inay be brut!! tad by It.
Yon aro at Ilbosty to mike doe of toy name at say Lake
wr refeytaar. I Lci. dr. SRI) your, ,
LtraNltY MARL, %T had tlooter. Pittabbrob.
P. d. I argot to omation that oay la gram* boor
Ritbad by Ms pair A. rob and algal!, Dinned- [1.16
air BURKE k BARNES' SAFES---11ore
la the 1101 of teellmassy se to the value of Our LAPEL
upon Cash ye ran confidently ran the naputallen of our
work. We have already pobllsheat several aUlttleatee.
proving that Safes rode for our reraler an 4 annum,-
relev. usa 'roll abroad. have been ischiestea to the
ga preserved their protects totally floCtrocr dames.
s following Le another Droplet the rune locontestalle
EI).000 'wait br BOOKS MID - 'PAP=
ALBION, Lats Ougm. 1 .
, November 1, 1832. J
Moss.. Buten t 213sgss—Dear Hat Your two kittero
wire duly toothed. I war einem at the Woo. I would
Fey la re and mrow Fatly anltiOr It perwetly ling
PitiltlY I torte] the one I bouthi of you last ILL ou the
morning at the 10th of June Jaid—owottre building
being burned to adios— It was built of wood and Midi—
s Dirge throe story bulidlem. fly Bale was la It at the
DD. of the Aryan/I MI into the cellar. where thew was
Aimee amount - of MI: It was very toot tkv.
• notes and book! amount. that were La th e gate.
amounted to about Ten Thowitand Dollars, wee
saved. There was riet o aegis pewit togotroot: and further.
would µWiwi any person who is doing business, to low
t o t rie f:., ta t t o i y .t altafie
c.o to
Ithrenlit.pozni.,ato.7o', g— and
to any one. Tours, truly,
gar Morel Mir TISTIIIONT.-311% 8010-
MOW: Sir LA think it no more than an act altduetlee ro
700 al ',epee to the American ronuntralt, to state. the
RiPEUTACLES I bought of you suit me wall. I and my
:eight ranch torgroled. Ima mai print with theta
for, any -length of time without Milne le tu7
IthOuld my tight °untiring, to improve bj be 12.031 . them,
I bare no doubt but I shall he able to read w lthoit them
to .short time. 7oure:trxd7. T. DOUNDEIt.
llosh.fillty. June 22. ISM.
, •
9/4.1 have. use/ Its. Pedant:one ETS,GLAYPEd or •
very brief period. with Ambled advantage, end here o
heelhatlon th.statl thaLa defective vldon of long eland.
log has bemOrslleved. and the organs teem to In aeguir•
lug vigor amitiOne. I therefore cheerfully hear teeth:lrony
to their excellency and seemed, se alsqto klr.Bolernons'
skill as a (vertical Oylklan, and the ntoderful facility
with which he admits Me Wanes to the various! nee,.
, of Tido. • D. IL 0077010,
• N 0.20 Way. street. Pittsburgh.
./ one 21,
; tea- wz boliovo grituro has provided a
remedy for e e dhow* vhlell Itreh - ls heir to. KIE/P8
PETROLEUM or ROOK OIL, put up es it doers, from the
uraot let.ormorr,ecolocaled deep In the bowels of Mother
Earth, le, entbout dedibti - ,one of the crested of thump
'remedies. Read 'the Gollowie• tiatintooy, sleep kr •
mteful perent:
rissurr-Vausy, Olde, Prot. If, WI.
Hr. A. rt. Kler—tlir: hare weld all your Patrolmen,.
Ir Rook Oil. some two months put, and have been took.
n`` for roue 'watt to get • farther. mcmplr. would bale
rold some down room We hare found the Oil reef
rocallent in kW Droenterr. daughter. at the
the', rwa",:17:1:t.:5he00nf'".‘r1,7,111f1.16;r4a174"444
the 'second. el n 1 the•o. a.opted. awe W. rage.
Itntudistely. 11 19 9149 an estraordtuary .roroolr for
hoe. and lealacrod gyro, Out/. Prothro. awl ltienciatisro.
and tor the Pileg romp bare been owned of long standing.
Pun. with sropow.,. Luse Bedews%
roe :0014 ad thii brawn. la Pittlanintb. . • •
fe9 posers adzs_rtliAtet.Jlwdsoditun glow antra
031-oARD.—Doctor . Itirsas having boon
nlLred from the otßdal datiu. as 8U114071 .21d this:kb:3 .
° L i b, u. 8.11.1.. II l ILe. will In Agar. by wadi
atteutlon to him Predsalon. °Mould raldrace No.
N 3 Thltd stvet, &bon &althea 1..
We ulna the attantion of our react
ex• lo the winrelrementor'lioEyrs IaVICIORATLNO
CWIDIAL" to be foottd . arto the toutth'yege.
• _
ri T: T. KEZIAII3I4-
FIIILIY W11,131.61—...—.—.—.........EDWAL1Z GREGO.
MG . AN,. WILSON 8E..._034.•
1011Z1ON AND D 03.11111110
nempwAnie, AIITLERY, 04u
Have remored to their now and extanaire
etoro,Na.E2 Waal ltre.t, tour dame atove the al.Cbarlei
Uotr. Clara thole rugtornara. and maelAnts geaetally,
are irirl ad tn an exarninarJon of the most
:ant eve: offend la IN: eft:. UN-
NANtracruaesa br -• •
eaka, 95 Woad at. batiwoon Ist and and.
an• An. lank alinanaa me to my inwhoi.d..iiis
~} ~i>.
CASH CAPITAL 8500,000!
- H . C. L 003112. /seat.
Na. 59 Wood street. Rash.,
- - - •
am L. Lomaii-----Late of the ff.tna. Hartford.
Newer ...... .111 no of torn', A CO.
Thooloce ct %wren Nance.
Riehord Bigelow of Dune. Malt a Co.
lichkrin Milion.--.--Firem of ClailiNcllellos t Co.
Cowin of Berm Blies t 00.
...... ElaN Mahon/ • Co.
chow C. of Willard A-IVooL
P of Steno Maar.
It. Gillet Clays *Down.
o'horice B. Firm of C. B. Latch Co.
B. HuClanaol...--..-_.Pirtm of C. Bowe Co.
IfiLlaiwa Lonebet..--.411A, of A AA. Lawrence 4 Co.
I.7lm•La A Bodies.- of linckloy 4 Co.
toscia .attortry,jr..-.Pinia of Lowla Alterleursjr.. A (10.
bei P. crke., ---,Pim of 7. IL Bee* Mork. *Co.
T of Trowridge. Dwight Co.
J,l C. llietson Pima off•lac Co.
an't'i P DAct;,...:-.7..7.7117178a)dir14 kith ' co.
,korpg C ..... of tberman *
of IL D. Morgan • Co.
Lunen D el Com.. Lathrpp a Co.
Mower Nearenoer,-.-..—birw of T. A 3howenitoc
!Weal Sanford of Johnson Fanford.
CIS. Neetwee.-.-.-Siren of Nortorr. Bulbs Bort
Repo,. . .... orcd
Buckland W.131,11,.....-.-Yina of tiwkell. !derrick OnIL
(hod ...... of A. S. Borneo A Co.
Noe of IL lac tton.LucWv lIEIN Allon t to,
James A. zheigh77,-....l7inirritr ov 33, iii;;7 6;6
is mien'. mthin g une, Bina of Frith tugboat, Newel t. Co.
.4A4 of liwitr, Undbut A Co.
Curtis Noble, -Vim of Condit Noble.
herd W v•r l 4--....-..-,-.-41rm of Work Drake,.
Adam IL StooLacell,...-Finee of Gibefin,Stookwell • Ow
fbnaphrey,- Firm of Itlarner, Ilnenshaer Doitior•
ille T. Efookot. ... , . Cortisone/el
Houleo 8eneat......—....F1cril of Walla Fargo co.
s .Vo nt an,
Guinn of Coorse.Fcoooe • C.
8111809 L. 1.001110, Yr... Went.
ClllB. J. hIAIITIN. fieeretarr.
R. C. LOOMS, -
.. ( Of the late firm of lit'Cutly & Loomil4)
- 09 111.4 street, Plitxburgh. .
ThirA•Aitanal StAtessint
iilll.lllClO. Na 74. 1853.
Amite of the Company. Mar I. 114:222014 51
Premlonanyeed to May 1, 1853.....-111.= 56
Interest reed on Lease, 916 19
Ittatloatry and OMAN Furniture.— 1,090 00
--1315.153 7.6
2.199 04
' 1 152 81
Prom io Lan emetrolted..-.
Do. t0rm100t0d.........
Loa*, .9.9 ' , moms*. I.benoolosloito, ile.
k !noun Dm. llotonaed Prozolums, •
Wollo nary, Printing, ...... 77,901 111
.Capital d!nele paid In and Mewed....
&rat end Ifortbagr — rtoc ---.3 .612
Ch-r securlt.ed- tt, "'
137.845 "3
Chan band.or In . bmuls ''''''''''
mecurei by bandy '' _
0011. hurnlture '''''''''''''''''''''''''
•mount of adjuntel Maims aim! nst: Um Cam-
JW ND. RUT/111YoktU. Usurblu carnal: •
P. 0. BEDArtCII. 11orrisburr:
ttAMUB• JOBB, Phtledelrina
'A. li/ LKINa, Ranter, Pittsburgh; •
Julift B. RUT/IEII7ORD. Nail:n/11count";
A. J. 011.1.41 T. llarrirburg:
ItOUERT KLOTZ. Carbrucomity:
JOIIN P. Uol . ll=l'olll4 President.
A. J. 11111LBT, eocretary.
11. 01 hum argon perils of ara and Inland turiontoo;
le•o, torrettataire la city or rxrukary, at loran rotas
cork•lstrut vith rarely. Polk:Ultimo] tUrelllcur boater
enter r-rrotticlly or (or a tor= of parr.
U 01Loa; mitre of Fourth and Putitheeld strict.
Joinf A. A. tJARIII6It. Actuary.
Murk , s'sl,lnotiranoo uompany of Pittsburgh
est nyzi L. 111•10111[LL. 9set.
/1161111L/3 HULL imp CARGO Rllll6ll ON 11111
44. , Pura., Apenrst Lou er delabace 07 PIRA AIM
accuse Wperai of Ms .Lt anal LNLAND :C4F7O.ITION
; A(,KSON'S National.Daguerrean Gallorr,
LDeliva f th
a s tm,/ Eltt Mum,/ahnn end
a Slackat atm, (orr"tit.
'ilia b.
Isanse sod Gut Inuit wishing tubule/ ItMIL. noweas
at me mrierth will alines tall at th• store
i.ted tipiwith yeay soferinr &de and Eky List.
arrion I ulna au! 85111 that the staintce au Lake tb•
nut 4w/craw fac cif ths Utan all /Os
meta an of amine./ tits,., t 4 saurus.,
paadiaca, aenlict•la Waled. and
°Enna. Lase of n6210..11! tame.,
fait reeublamea. ace rad aired tatala•alnara Widen • sue
• tay.: Una :envoi GU. cf,ick deceased mum
/my pet of tit aritramit
Acelacc. omen ani ocatentili fun r
a. re - rameir be Diana. ' ltdadanbriT '
l'i3BT °MCI BIIIIa/Dt4 TilliliPtintAlt%
ITIZENS and strangtni who wish to ob.
fistst NI .C.6* ortistlo scut We nu like . •
Chinode...lto prior. win Cad lt to Molt leitc-ott cs. 11•1
Chit reed known notabl•orirteat. whey* ender, wodilootion
• otatootood. Cr so chit,iis llsrlow now of th e
Istrett sod boot stow:gar 11110 Rod Sktilt•Lo scot' ••••
orcett.l for Lo outoose, with icetrosionts of Ow .on
sttil Gs tog 5t14,11.1t0 rystoto
twite. ett ittiy th otirhrst B L a coa -
Y A L I d It t• u:how t Vt o . Mr Xe Utters L,rd t F
tads oZ to to
tatroto of Owl:T . 14.1,10 of Dadtoer•
tootyr.. oit.bor dints re Itt cro•Ph•tdolii hu abet bt•dt
rtesc,taci . . . tat wsort l r*.
Cloak MI,
Have removed to.:No. 17 Market street; whore
their eurtotorro. and itteerliaata ritiarallnare loritr• to
our Wok baihrhouttlia•oxelmotbere. Earth'
taloa the anon. fur the mils of liherry it. llama; • laa.'s
ceiebrao.l Ora.. ANDIOO2II. too. as ava
tire•grad to foritith a roperla,f .L5lO, ohforkr at Unarm
• wHotautz ILE ILEit
' pro. 56 'WOOD etas; err:sums, •
, Between Third ind Fourth.
LETAIy stock amtifsca'Tevery variety and
'841:4 aeon, u 'rg"'"'"V` b " .4 40 `'. 1 .472
agaa au) thanalfr autl":173:1 :M u d :Al% wt factory pricier. comparing larcrahly with, trios* of Phi as,
delphis and Haw Took. Purolianar /111 Mau* call and
um/no baihre httylnz. • • inll2
/OM nEnlis
Fleming Brothers,
(suectisso)a TO' KWD & 000 •
No. eio Wood Street, Pigsburyi, Pa.
01-Rrowdotora of D. .11 . 1anies 61.bratel VeinutfOxe,
Urer Pll l / 4 so.
Notes, Bonds, Norgages &c., Negotiated.
Ai11 : 021*. Ark IL :aim A 004 corner Wood wl iourth
ctrecL. 1.10
MILITARY tastrrirrz,
*painted b 7 lb. atite Is under the ouperintenib
hies of Colonel 11.1., Ma languished [r du
.lSpat Polol eOl
b; n ,
taught In the Cent Rol/ego., ar the - allattion ' of ant
mdmillod course ofillatlmmaßes, Natural 13elonce, and
Marone and tenanted Ruminating.
—A'. al made tiute's:li entlrsly refitted,
mid arranorm.ati for heatiltg. them Mitt :ream
before the opeolrot of the coming. WALL TERM, hatch
ertit ranks. theathott. addrrly clovmalled In regard
conmoulasoe, ad agoaablasess of residence,
as it la Mandy In thorough /me. of tinetmodau ate I strict
;in 0.. h on the 2811.11 in
1110NDAT 11i tiNPIRMORS, 1863. - -Entire char. glop
per mad ...nut Bessl6o, (turtmon . . fee Pi extra.) tolabig
In adv... •
Addrent the fluperlntandent. at ° Military loot/tuts,
Prunclho onutly. Kentucky," or tra.inedecottoad
• !slurs ; Pnuridint of the road.
f Istud.W. Samnal. St. LOW. Pittsburgh
Onyttle. Nagthedile Republlcan 'tanner. Nashville Onion,
ood humph. Slade, grill pstolish In city ondcountry
Irma 11/ Lb amount of s33,_ated am 1 bill 10th. Burin
tandaut al Le luetltotial-Frustkart Cningoogrestg
SODA :ASll—llaving 500 tons of par own
Mantarture on had and for gals, W. ant pm/pared
to eentretrtth conaato ere for their ectOrig for the ocga
lot ottaartat a nnlform and Inv at..ll•Pricoraguality
pgrroored - mual to any , •
. •
-- - - - • front sta.. rm. ilargeh
RIATIO and 9ULPIIIIIIIO ACIDS. ithrsr. i• store
and fur rale Dr DENNETT, BiralllN • 00.
)71:30 i /rout dreet:near Market.
PON blab named that Watell'itad:Yerolry atom ,
• bibyket street. betwout Third and Yourtb
the bows Wally obanyled by blears., d. 1. Mason t Co. •
NBOOKS—Afrooi Harpers .5b
.I.A. • Mx. Milan. by D.Y.!sob:
14hont of Moo. ilbrtrate;
• 1141aosid Wok
. 111 /Atha, by Id o:lnseck.
Muni. by J. L 11.1a.D.
, 'Jr7 • No:TT Firartb terv...As °lto Ualullzg,
tnOl7R—D. Cu!benign's "Ei,tra razaili"
ggiMin Ulil e 7 P"utragailv..
- •
TO" LOAN—SI,OOO in cash and $l,OOO in
I JIM PEAOLLES T •IOO bus ; Dry Pennell,
I°6 ;ris ion:moiler a ISOIIPII Y.
.rEnsorrs hiying.FUNDS
food TO
lorcoboub.. Ell find it tb
harratt to tall at tboboap O m Y
tyl 9EXJ . WLdIN , RI nntt atralit.
a tons Soft Foundry and
to VAL Pony PIZ ifor 4 (. 1 .1.1 1.rn
giVfi CO.
jiLdlB-1.2 b
E!aerbl and 15 sada white and
171 LINT, martian s ock, ,
Ij3ACON-7. as Shouldau 2 lxtrea sa
oviol lough tn'nli
• • - ULM& CO
romans§ Wale far Itieres--.......51:4,318 70
II 0 King. I . 44' - ir.L.trimyy. Jr
-14,,.. BUY.W.T. ' 1 Y. L. IC Wr, .. . .
..m.IIW, Wm. Itinybam. . !
Ilf,rt. Imam Jr, I Joku S. Dihraith.
2. , 'arbom,ll. Fennyls Y.nem
)4. . Ara iten.eno.. . ~. Ed.........Y.
, i r .ter Bryant. Wm B. flays,
Um., it. Puma, derl2
_ _ ___.____
• - Sale. •
MASON 4- CO.'S first greit
aq'ilth A :=l.:4ll":l l .l l s,!Vilicl3ll-257;gr
MA. Thsir hatneas• stook, e enDrialua evert &ornate.
' g rU r r = l = h lrAllia....;ralt 4 Z7l;l=
11 t/Dtk newly all of recent porcheeCtrlll all P. wastes
dome esed Cat, st Tipp toe thtr - 1 to ont-half less
than usual ;It
The whole suck of Bonnetit, Inge sal Elk 51auttllaa.
• VI he cold off at a asset:Himont. •
Together .tth cues aid seelattes cf varllns Whit.
(1 .- ors. Enthroldenes. Laces, Ilocaery, Glares. Checks.
T a sods. nntanter hte as, Jean.. Cloths, Cush:oases, tr.
All of which will to closed out at lees than otsnesals
pro., and rattnerlally loner than mutton rates.
A. A. .11Anvbi at.
Pittcborith,icllyj. W 43. if n,
Sens of Temperance.
rprillE GRAND DIVISION of Pennsylyania
rtr.t. IZll ‘ Ciatr i tl. e.
REMOVAL—na Lithe •of AA. Penneleaula awl
t.n Line Is reutored to the weRSHousH of lir. It.
G formerly. occurint tbe Rolm Llue.
hood, tea. the East rRI be defies:Qat the same plea.
reetabbe to go East •LI be received at the Warehouse
Lbertr street. above the Cacal.Daur. tomer': °sett
led by IL O'CsAutor t G.
trtdl• • ' CLAIM k W.
I..Y—Canrletlinke TWO LOTS Of GROUND. No.l hat
• front of 25 feet on North I,lesl Write. reltarileg tract
Stout 60 fed to Clay street, on 111.00 IA eructed • two
et cry fu r y , IVNLLIhO 110U56.11% reedit. over. AMY.
t•wheigom to t No. 2 4•• • front of 20 fist
bathe. re North Cam' Stn.; extenting beat shoot 45
1 , 4 to Gar Street: ori which is erected • One two Story
Illtloli LAVELLINO, containing 10 . , motor Li/ haiL
No. 2 t• • whew, Lot.
Abw—A VACANT LOT situstrd I. the um,. pact of
t!in at b a r I flt a lenll . 2l 3 l? " Xd o e n 7 o ' o l t 1 0 , 11! gi;
ants with bollSocts. Apply to B. 51•LAINf or
17 0 Real /Wats ' 51,21 Fifth -'
LIl /Mlt.
Mentselveat In the
the name Lad ntele of
The badness of John
the Watehattee fin.
I[OllN li'Dollo Cron
aj , ART have Me der ;our
McDonough will be 'Battled
Liberty rtreet.Pittabotrgh
f IA
i buret. 11ORTILI•tLTURAL OCIETT.viII hold 14
Regular Quorteriy Netting In the weed the Board et
IGLaerk dUitlik'S BUILDING. PoOrdo .treet, on WU
NESDAT4ttIy dtb.a.loH o'clock A Bt. Pa.:nal attend-
U. LOCKHART. Becratari.
T: nt.'s Medical . Guide. contairdneirwaye en the
physical. mpral and 41KittCatiOW d•TelOpmsta dt ram.%
W 1 the lloareopthie Treatment Of their Wm... in all
rinin of Ilfe; [,(ether nth climetions f•r the remedial
eor water •nt gymnastka. by rah.. D.
Typhoil Perm and its ilala•OrathlL Treatment. hr
Aug. IlasAnr gag= en /[wilt..dela I'l=l4 ds Pats.
tranalat Col 31 11
The M e n lc Dwis n
or Eicitoopathy. by William ILlIcl•
combe. M.D. • For sale by
c."' J. 1. READ; 78 Fourth snmt.
mibers ere authorised to sell. on feenrahle term. a
1412, o n
in the borough of Diratinshant,
s rooting 193 maston the llotuingehela rise., and 1/stead
ies Wen the maths width slot; Joeepb .heat 190 feet. Li
'll.nahein stmt.
it is l ellevol that thegin no reel estate in Pittabargh.
Tr ms soar, ad utaaecsolr located in • mann,
arturing ar•httahment than this Yropartr. Terns
muds Imams on apallestian to
TODD • 11311T11. 144 roarth meet.
a , LOTS In Allegheny,
(me HOOPS sod tour LOTSI Blom. etreet.Pittelnarglig
thw dn. acd two dart.% Wetottir attest. do ;
Plz LOTS to Bluff greet. Plttthwegh;
Two LOTS on Liberty etre.. °melte the chttherDepen
Three LOTS oppoote the
Mow, N. Brighton.
One lA.IT In Broadway stied, New Brie:goat
one BUOYS and LOr In Butler .b eet. New Brighton:
All the &bora runnel Property ern Ea bud at great bar
gain. by Inquiring of
Jr: THOMAS WOOD 9 . LS Ilarko street:
VI/ANTED—Within three or' four miles
of WA elty—A neat FAMILY REFIDANCE, with
swiOr two arm of around Also, wasted lot • terra of
m,w • rood 011550 FARM, solinble forDar'', for
reblob liberal rent wal b. p. 15. A gust Fa.= Mirtil-
Rids. worth over $5,000, will tie ezetsrarwl for rood Citr
propene on felt terms. Inquire of
174• THOU" WOODS, 45 Kurd street.;
&SSIONEES' NOTICE- 2 Elm undersigned
andantes of JAMES lirrfliitlY. SA, torero, notift
sone Itslebted to said Denney to dl itinl make par
mend and, WI persons harlor chants soxlinrt tam will
Owe nresent them for settirmosit
ritaricis swain?
rlttaturgb, J. 30, ins:.
AL—ln consequence of; the de
." anneal= clone old depots, oy the late Ely. we have
removed to the DEPOT OE MEATY ET/LYE!, .Dove th e
elLel t o
what. out Dominoes will hoainatinno/ as
irddlle ATKINS & KESSILE. Roal. Lloe.
I_ll. Noitloba illtsresin• for July;,
Theater/We tagiista Hartorieto of the Etzlataehtb
Century; •
Th. Old Mato by the itintr.-atattatter hoot:
kettle'. Civil Wan/ tat al catarrh r to /ranee;
D. Oilttee J.Jle mat Letter e,: Tai, ror tate by
Jrl • J. L. *LEAD, 79 loarth rtreet.
3.000 ten Elanlag Nedee: ' ' •
600 kela D. and Kentnety Ittfie;
100 guatee-left flantoe , :y RlCej
• 'balfg ees Kentnety '
CA) lbeardster• Hy...khted
in 25 easha Caret)
neszatine, ler ogle br
Jr,l J. E. vu.werut a co.
1...7 BRIM en godend street. Allegheny:
tale OgOC6II.Y ISTOltd. on Wane:ea treat Fid•brall:
One DRUB 01010 on Market meet 113 , t0rgh4..
Ilse dTJA.U. o end:lls4l etre", Pitt,
brgh—all going ahem. Yea part: :War: laallln n!
ill . TLIOLAB It Odd& 45 dlaraet !draft.
‘ll) u .tgar.N.ETT',;l? - . -- 2. 1 r7...t,
ol [tomboys an d on.dOsoo.=naft do
Bob!natl. plain and flanral.
le- an ...tient asoortfoiont of 000D3 POR digit
°Ward. and dlon's sad Bore Wear geaeallf. lately toed.
PIIr 13178.01171nLD b... •by Atnitgan Lam.
aml other atrial Vantlll.4 vinets they will el>. Huai
nant.4 ..en They M. aamment of
Lan ?MN In and arina laa f. nuking Mta.; and an
IttotgltlLLatm annralol i ne t ril k y . mina. tinn•
elaanneanin R. xlll :1 4 1:0 MAT, ka.411174411.L2r.t.11
ancnneorat of blaa Mot.. Mitts. josh
ItLASTER of PARIS, for Land and Stucco
It AUL te OLMENT. of Na boot qualitil
rirattasTuo.n. ail atlas old walloosats, Wreaks ow
tuna kr 319 Utak, ktkortZaiitakrqt•
wo&kro • W. WALLA° a
- -
— SitTAn4O4 Inksonarer ta • nerd Innlion
• splablll ,bnet.... , e-rt lorr. API/7
Jew B. 51eloktbl.
lratat• *O.OO. T 1 FM lerea.
YfIEILLIL.I...Dy the rue of ninon . * market or one
halt the labor anl time required by tha Ni baulked u
erected. Cream may to hos. In the best can= to 15
to TO rolnuteu. • Yenned for s.l.
. -
LOST. tIMS Farmargi Perth,* *with a:MOW &-
Cu rf Cr. Clo, • firrthrr 7urnir-brrt red
ezprw alrl far fla br
J. 11.WiLDIN. Dockerlifer. and Stationer.
1e:903 Wood stmt. bet. Third gni north.
int rb.ant":.'.4 i';Zt`..."'•,:m.Z.'ll7l";..7llrtr..
p a ,l! .141 emelderally wore ol - I.lllare - age'
ectire FERAL halloo girl 6 yeere ofd. mantes
sitoeflon as COOK of 1101196RRYPER la I reeeeotable
feadir. Reference mar_ t. bed at the ctn. of thit aim:
if flute
j~ -
Tory au o.cyar Honor. PUt- UP lu
togpfl2 to 140 . *sob tor faudi,vulo : jitg , , i llaza rot
cot. Sloth sal Wood Knots, tit46trgb:
tre aud--eur. Federal sod Potter:lx, • Roam,
=fl 008-3 bble. fresh Eggs., just rco!cl arid
(at We tr
1E71135-4bbli.fri sday.g
i'far Ws br I.!rot u 11,3D0LL1,12.._
ITLEEgi--249 bores W. R. cut '
') add tu ostra lardy Cream r b
'mar . ootadia.
PEARLS-10 caste No. 1 Pearls, for lisle
- - - - -
RAPPING PAPER—MO reams crown
lir rind medium Wropplod P a lm tv .
Co uas.
V UGAR-30 hhde. N. 0. Sugar for sale by
L; OAP-60 boxes Rosin Soap for sale by c
33. Jr 6 COLLINS.
ERNS-.-0 btds..for eale by •
VIIEESE-300 boxes Cream and Western
VJ Krum Cheese. Jut reed Ws day by railroad and
fo- made by
Jr 4 - T. LITTLE & CO, 112 ducal strut.
(lORN "BROOMS-30 dozen extra Core• I Drum.l,l. Jo.t reed sold for =de
to UOKETS and ,TUBS-25
di a Dockets nut A dm lute Tob..,triziidrioot.-
Web/ [J/41
OUISVILLE LIME-50 bbla.'LoaieyiUc
Liu*, lo aorta.' forrorl47
WINE al 27 ) tudir - per-bottle;_l44y NOW et 23
eeots per bfit:e; for /13111 to. INN U /141 5 011.111,-
414 • or. of amble2lU and Dburood alley.
(worl. A our), of the ulobrated Deus gnanT far
br 111 4 1 VON NONNI-101MT ♦ 3100TNY.
TRAW PAPER,-1,000. betake crown,
medium and donble crown Strew Parer, on = ' l2 "-torot aoll for rule by"
If 4 VON 11)N211101L9T MCRPIEIT.
g hILS-50 bble. _Duro lard'Clik, 4 casks
& Y t4'‘'" h `"Vi';ll °l ""%i' eiTtligg l ig* l .
_ _
I Pt kIVE-15 ter, 6 prinio Rico, just re'd
O. ST.:OIIR-77.. thdo..4oC:d
1;371. •'4"'"'' ''''. DILWORTII a co.
{all. STOLASSLS-101) bble. 8.11. Aloha
*a, for salotoir br
oIIEESE - 0 Cream
JuAt reed and br nmazu
1,3 •
1 1 _ curxwors to J. libld iCa,W Wcad kraal.
110 AROOLS-1,000 lbs. Po Argolo, in
star. statue ads by
ry UNIP.CH BEKILIES--500 Iba, Jun ip er
u Bfarks, Eat. =1 kar Eff
YLL' Baorriu.3.
itiMSTONE-2,000 lbs. Btu
Iron an for d br
t numina
g ' , REAM TARTAR—GOO lbs. Crew,
r Act no'd iknd for ma* br .
UTOII-1,000 lbs. entail, in to o and tar
3 by Wl] ➢td'.Hl6o
1 1 0.4 SENN& ALEX-500 lbs.-yoL Sea
mAl "" th " ° "" ar 'eriiiisa ntarizEns.
- -
)OSE PINK-500 lbs. Eoso Pink, in start,
fcrt ...WM Hal PLIMING 11110111ZR.R.
h p 0.2 41.10 0 bbleshrge N 0.3 Mao.
61121 1 718. ' Dll4ll'oB= i W.
lel,-25 Carom No.l Rine, for sale by
~..:.i..~.:.. _.,w~
. „ .. _ .. ... .
E1t.0.--Its. soloorlsons has reed 61....n1 7 a UR.
! P LEDS. Was !wog, oarrhs Ow, ' , Dow Abmi.a.
h!, .lobs. hews Noma, owl. Lang, In
tllrtf c,. S e 7tlst '4 " rnsfu " l ' lr ' 6 i - u L ittOrttr r t "lost
non. verotah`oe, Dun wow. le, (el nn .td at. .psis.
IVDNAIIIN II ' it",4',"..t 4.1-. . 'rt. t*: nap fiR P T4gi
Dauer.. at the 0....4 sun Insplassent Warobosso , 0 Plfth
groot. 11•231 JADES WALDROP.
(.2 ITNTATES--50 bbls. gibbed Berrbsz -
.10 5 draw Ck.16.1._; 130 half thls. No. I Dannon:
ass 61.14.. DADA. Hari= 900 6615. per. 7.10.244wr0
2O b]4 Lone Trans; 60 •• P. H. Msal
COLL no. eltr.eurol Naar 76 by 31anufactMeng
10 /Arks yr.!. 811 so: I Minos@ 091.1 Dry dal
75 bozos W. r— throor; 76 hf antis 2.lland blk2os
00 hhl6. N.D. &Wu: 600 lowan of rapping horn
_,OO blienyh4. rine 60624 Mies non Wow . / wars
25 31 bls - raqtah CI .= 10 bbla..whlSo 13aing
et, 14 summon 414 2 6 0 Kn. wswit.o4 0166 L.
61 dna. Issometx 0 tyro .40. NAL* .
16 Chu 3thoshass 20 klne.Tunsore 014
60 co,. HILCI.IOS: /0 .. ZlALsool Oil
In Wow oral !or snio 07 ' •
Jai JOII2 wirr t 00.. ze tn.}, .1.. t.
NItOOKS--Jast received at No. 65
'3larket otreed.
Jumbos ob,Merk and Lobo. Neer Voinme:
Toe Ilible in the Counting Moe" br D.
The laD4 in the family. by
Tbe Rue far bathe, p gmet
Przerentlen the Mallet Isnilln
The Rom Sterne , from the Genoa=
si.nribrur Qnrstioas. brit;
Leath ULttil. Obit:lnv. Prbisio - '
Sarid e. tarS on Solontorea Songs. by Ital. S. Owner;
y Beal
1FP.E.,1 4 11 Retry, Stetebes, 21Sertem
Or. Cor's learreiern
The Old non , ee by the Sher
rroobet and Kites ottbeOld.Teirtament, Hanrimr,
Memoir mod &mamas of Dr. Annstroar
1.. DAVISON I AtiNEVri •
• Market rear rointh street
Q TANDARD BOOKS--Sreah anpio .
fleaenlife' Haulm Lexicon:.
French o v a
Annette and Puebla
Wanfletr on /111raelan
Drecule'e Knotycleted*
Tlh logicaheo tleht'e Tl
ketch Dank:
T . •
Fakir Cyclopsllc
Mao's. Cyclopedlal eoL and 7 ealf,
Afolon nabob= and /Aaron. naeolohert
Fn. Ilandred Sketch... (Bernie.%)
Web , tete Q.11,42-MotiOrlarr. U.rniitrd: •
vo. o, :
D'Autqgnett History cf the Itaannatih, 6th vol.. Lac
Ed.!. vri.s. For nolo by •- r
leM . 65 Market eseet.
16 lama. M. a X BANK;
3.5 dans U. t P. RAILLUAD—*
. .
Oath. Stock , aaa assba D n KEW se Bram.
, UINmanEEN and BLACK TBA:817
f4ar , whenever you are In went cf T/Lf.
MORRI.I A PATTON. tn the Plasma. well the brit ca d
cbelpeet in the CIO, coneideration could weer Indbee
them to keep an inferior article. They hove the rwpata.
mu of wants= the ben. end are deterttuntat to maintain
Oath enviable distinction. No- SUM.hether von go
vc nevelt or rend a child ton are surf to w
have on article
worth your mangy. at this es: abllehmen L sold
..14.0M ¢ EMTZEit ACILIM OP GROUND, the.
greater part of addcla is a btautiful gr.ra. alevated m
la bare a roam luting. via. 4 tip. Plus. Creek
alitiatied tour cola. ho.. Um ear. seNnlng emr. Fr.
P dlr. and about 100 Imila from. the Miriam, and Pot.
nr Plank Mad. The triple...eats am a mmfortable .
uoUtir.* for • tanant. App/p
to out. In ton edtsd.Ss. at SI VI bolt!. Thu
toot , cannot NI tot the utonoy. but Int tau Q.
terui'mul to Atli .Iml al • Imo ,
Jolt MORRIS s PATTON. cur dditor the Divauclut.
L . ..... ..
AKE FISH-2110 bbis. White Fish;
111 Di,lr. Trout; r half bbla. WM. 7 6.11:' . .
Zia half bbl .. 15 u?; 13 I , lo....Plekrrel;
70 bbia. dyad; LOl Leaf Dbl. Pickard;
al ilialf Ibis. rhad; ltabbla. Barri=
20er iie3./
toilf lib's. 1 1/[1124....111.1T10C1fy railroad add
for male
ilddla H. COLLIN&
wilitnsc to .t.ake ebrxre of two ebtlctren..l
now - rpm them Ma lio.rums bud rare tiler run recruit.
m.y tad • rbrambut *Mull= br caLliag imbed Lately on
rim J. L. HEAD. T I battik .to.
WATE Cole: RAT OP. la Read, min, campriaing
Point.las, II/tan-Top Marbly Phan with
plated bean, Syrup Bottles with plated PR" snap
C. Warn, braes iilsas Stud,. case of Ticket Baia,
scat everything repodeits to cesaplatantsw F.r sale low
for nub. Apply at me anon of Pima and /land Wawa..
EAS—Just reo'd at The City Tea Store.
oleo, Fourth zed Yen" at-eels:so emirs out/Itr.
Tea, at St. /5 146. This le se good Teat'
ll ere: brouglkt to ale norket.ateriolypApms.
FOR SALLY'-30 Bharat°. & Pa-1K Chock
and Zd Mara M.* M. bank Innen. br -
Lt. D. O,
1.15 flOci.. and Jeacban M ert broker.
. .
STOCK WINTED--Pittsburgh Trust and
Barela/ 0...-13 abases a MB etr.k resented br
11011..E3 E. WO H
B er. • '
Brett. 818, kW lid blue eeler.
e•es 75 Fourth arrest, elegeriße Burt of Betraleer.B.
" A
ocutitie, .34111$ two ye ar
to mt. 1 amounts of
Dawn eitteHy I 4.3:lE'4'nn4".
If D. &LNG
(CINCINNATI SOAPS-75 boxes "Hill's"
sxtro so.l licar; 25 do. dra Variegated lioapjart
d and for eala by W. A . i1e01.13114.
/n we. Wood atal Bath stneba
NEW BOORS—pr. Olin's We and tat-
I LM'Atitivrig= l2 4:l4.—ta rrn A
rublisher. JA. READ. .
. TS humid ftrINIS. ARRIVAL-40,001) feet Lsathei
OaMac. Oak at 4 Ilea:210a Tatnal. of &Jewett A
titbratel atanahvtara. jun toed
tell ' it J. a /1. 116 Mutat Ease.
%r—ALA.PER—Of French and Anceri-
na•ru. ooroprictokr sm.: radar of
askand rale. frnto Zoo to 8$ • Voce, for sea Itrr
Jr.:l THOMAS PAINLII. Iff•art stmt.
FI6LI-100 bble. large No. a Maekirel;
60 balk No. 1 trlkuand Ifindt
kf. btJa.Nek. 1 trilal6.4 Bard;
nr , rr .l „ r U4ala. / Martian •
j :s4p 40111 i :WAIT k 00.. 259 IMerty Masai.
—alear.e.‘ head a fall asauetztutatof allvidtka.
)Wit,Ma, I .&ek.n a s. Lb. fcr We at tha hallk•Babter
Des.; Se. 116 Market dna.
and &mg . v . t4 e MI , I.AUT blas4 tall Dbl.., qi w u ra ,
R'ILLIAft !, wetzgo.
wawa and 5 bah streets.
it l n
1 . 13. 1.1110.1": br • P.O.'. Wir.
le , 53 Market, street new . fount street
lUCE-20 verceaxid
L for ade br
JOllli wen a co- ate Liberty ezeet.
iILuE VITRIOL-600 lbs. Blue Vitriol,
blet ned and for N• Dr
.-Dtpoper Black lami Praeltleammaottad ciam—Llm
late. artala m.m , U l .* mr Na.
, &8008-MAE/A
KESE--50 br.e. Western li;; je m c h eue
1,,J Air akle br 1.18=3 wiCE l iIoc.MLESS.
lOUS. DA LAINES-4. 4 1. IgASON 41,
, CO.l ritta Los grawill CAP. y. , 03 Honda/
lANO il3.4dew e
. Etuvirsc just omed at
A- A- 51AAJN t 1 P& 25 nth streeL
...Atiltr 010
1A0 ": d
'""41.17,=1" O*A. = nna emL
nod for wr br E 1.41 IPAIAU DICKEY & 00.
IRY APPLES—WO bus. Dry Apples, on,
.7 Ltd forasle 11101iir &
lANSEED OIL-2 0 Dhl. oil
kJ grul• br 1J_4141 6 UILION3LIZEII 100.
iii.i.IEESF.;--3t bares prima W.. E. (.I.lte,
lo story sod for Ws br
~LASS:dOo boxes 8 -
II 10
eti,n It, In gni" sad fa, On ' arid
J. T. it J. J. 14.1. NE. =A Lbaty /gnat
emstry cured forsale
ritS,l %WEIfeCANir s.
09P-looa cinrmt.
Soap, in stor. l lkr ,
LASS-30J boxes
zr ets . ol l eci bales Wiado
>r 2l W la tiara udl
BAc obi .. 4 reed
plr 0. a
R.. e nd du iTtalVirb b liwon ra & CO.
SitniET4l,49 bagain store for ea/o by
Imp PLAQUES - 25 sacks
elowll hAlAli DICEZz co.
by tje....'t] IS IIAIIDICEIT • CO.
Ai CON -4.2T0 lbs. azaioried just rota and
LAW. DT 1 / 4 41 J. Y• • •T• 'WON&
kf I ACON RAMS s ad Sli th2e ßl3 1
cAsMeach. 11011 stmluire Ihrtnra. fat
ma •by • it 4115- r. A• 00.
/110 FFEE-120aga Rio Caffeodnat raced
vv .4 for ode by.. Dandi ' DEOLIDIE A DENDELT.
fIEARLASLI-511.bbls.Pearlash,just reeed
(wan nsatran * Eursnyrf.,
I.IIOTATOEB=-50"bbls. White;;_Bla e, sad
iliT cl
lALLYB sad BARE t.. A cyAI patlml!,Dlllll•E.Alsad elivai. •
.100 3IA•OK t MM. ID Fifth attest.
113 1 0blETAL.--55 tons I:, gfrc , m
nylystor, Ive WA by •
. 41utr131.10k,x.,wiw,1 , 4 ou
MI 1 - nßliotha tiP
FIELD 11 .T.•Lirito Oak of EE•MI•
Bette& uLI wollvior Collar. .
.I[4-ILAXS-END and 1
i i ; y mnir Ditto from ii•emor Ilartfbni, for Val Is
two,rrive and
f.h•tr (arls aratuGEß lIARDA[TOII-.
• • vos - aoLontossr k
114 w4tor 4.1114 /rout Irtnvta
11EAU gRz,N•Dy LLD .ItlS
% / V INDOW lILIND PAPER.. 4 Waged Knd
7 V Unoloo,l On., Tan wort:min or now rot
tom' Vowed, for NI. try =OWL" rst,3l,-e.-
in '
01., 0 ottr in 'store 13 — trcl
Afor solo hw (.1411 WICK a IIoCANDLKOS..
111 CRS
Wl_NZ—V onn Llad• Dm. • •In_ro . terk , Wlta.
• • ro , anal oat. D . .31,111 U 1•43B-Th,t.'
130. • rotary' of the Llaaood mkt Diumond
% un Tllt
reed anq for Wu by T.
JULIN WAIT • 0..'253 Liberty &mot.
‘ t
wu t;'` %111%'!`•
TAVAIOUTII IMO/CULL in pd.. ceder fn. sat
J . !Eau iumotali..
27 Diazionnt and/Mum:a ak7-
Iji.EYINEU'BOILLX 10 oases &filled
11, tu...;:k"asso 1 , 7 a cnoonlisra* CtR
rao IM m,y3ool , Gl i PO um t in
nom sZcinuns; •
~ ~, ,
Ttr . a r&g:grk=
ruurta st4rt - - • sty2/1
Damaged Riab
g IN THURSDAY itorthig, 'Joy, 7th, at
rlO eclat. It. Co , AoaleSl Rooms. moor
wood cod anti rt , •4011. VIII to. Vidal to Mt Kcal, ot
W.N. ..d roo - t 1017 (loots. for otooont ae vb.= It NOW
A goamit, ot =rondos IRIBII-I,lllVat dtloh
loxes . htly dattacod by voter httroosportation Ibo
Oral •P. 10. DAVlo.:Auctioraa,
0 1 , / aATIII...DAT, July 23 at o'cloc k
°cart e tbs following described moms of b 593. 21.4
Mi. deceawd. Wm Ali Mom three certain WS 01
Olt.OUND rsh . th Warin..Lsel sof Pi
ay tt.
bo mArk Wed I.
bs &so wag tsvien....,
haring a trent of eh sect m
o n lama and wending
back - 100 few to Wid . alley, on wiach an emoted 081
11.108 and rams/RA.lg DWP.bLthil) L 10111. 4.
will blew!. separate rr Cov.ther MST Mai
A.K —TWO VITO OF 0110 U ND. num tend. igrast=4,
tlolvoll'a glen, web 9) feet Emit to gettarwrg lbw t
an. *mending beck SO feet. • I •
Also—Lot No. et in of Maw Lots hid not on Wand ald
win bf W.W. Fetterman. basins altont of 24. feet On
Wrile Arse& and extending book 91 Wet it Mahe.
• traelaswite—Onettalt cwh. mildne In als. months .ith•
In O t l . o erest- For further swamis:. tennis. of Kra
af Mellon A Nettles. hes intro-este. 0.6 Wylie
Wrest Will Y. N. DAVIS. Anotbzwer.
C II'A.HT . E RE D 2'6,1.850.
obo . .
Offics 8. E. corner oI Third sad C **au
OTTICIM or ran awns Boian At 1.1113.11,17.31114:
rronarad—Wpben H. Cris
P.?totamatlfaxkfactund Arkitin elf eery daertction.
283 Libeintr street, PittabstriV....
ir , Ptotleular attetnaa [lt so to tcnraiding
Rua TrIILILOAD n 7 J.' •
Bahl Estate Areal Nix 21 Filth A A
U. 3 ISO (o(voloctod.Whilm Wtoott) /LOON: oslo.
'Weir. tall &Mot Pions to familiar t. olthoy of tbo
too dGn. Ord*n plaood la our boom at BRAUN a MI
TB Ivo corner of Liberty and St.Clale Oxon.:Ay. LeXIA2I,
WILSON k 00.'d. 62 Wool moot. alll lot ot cooled to.
•171Stf - •BEY.IN. HENN EDI( • CO.
JOHN_ GEIER. • .. _ •
.............. FOR.A.M2OI. rennin6.3 expc=ooll •
Z. ley EtCli 6 NT. • • . .
• - - ' 1 ).0 Urea, ./ . 6.Rebesp6, • . •
IeRAS In score and is in reatept 1:1,
- OE the fbl-
Mailer deuuble STORE Cly 1115163/IANDIRR.
le offered at lowed surket 16166,63611.415 i Is
but as tol lowa. ols: . .. , .
570 bait orbs," 010 Coffee; 130 1511.6 - Cre46 Weap.Paern
I.2)6easa Revldlltuteet 130 " doable Mon
12016/6 N. o. 310 as 4er. 60 " audio , . _ .... •
Iz3 jude. NAL e 166.6 WO du. ertraluale rem.*
ili6o balm aci'd.W. Glare 5.0 bbla Italta.tiel 1.11.054;
VI euks Germs Clew; 35 Urea earlegated Som.
19 kap gssortod Nal* 20 beers Peeper;
boo bales No.l Baalle , = - 33 mats 0.01 ht' .
la) oakWy 636 we'd Tear. _1 eareamei Indleg_ " -
el lll.ebesta Y. 11. " - I tau Kr. U.K. Ilnu6
ita L' ?, - .1 . , , c : itizri. l ;ll7zi!"..'
650 Idle, Irma bug . 16 taxa Iltartbe - .
1;0 .' 'Nall Rod hex 20 kres Palswun —.'
. 6.5 bble: Tamen.' Ull: 133.13uu hlueld C6621 . 1un .!;..f..
; 0 reels Yeektaranc . 1.6 Dup.
63 bases Rube ep; . 00 bbl 4, yore elder Vlbscai
00400 balt6pastreh ;Font CM bl 15,0.1 Wrap. Tartue .
/41 cute steels patent Bela tub:
60 luxes B. 4 Flablneen's Tolueco: , • -
. ;Ca halftones Wes.ll.oeuat'4 Yob/sam I .
Jena liere's . •, '
4 euee Ramon if Flanks's . • %
. ._.....
-',." •
No. l South Third ertroati Pleldelphin
between llarinet lind Mount stmts. .
Dry and Orem Malted• Patin SIM Tamers.
oetre old Corriere TOOLS; at the tonere Irian
.stion the nest tn.. • _• .,___
All kinds or Lcvnlaa, In the rough. WANZAD,Lor.
which the Minot inarkolje t tloe will h
1-a to Oe.orr •
or ratan In examen. rer ulnae.
Learn e r voted Ow or barge, sni Waco ormoorlse-on.
Jr2.llso: •
a :as ~rnr tae.
15 PlOsSeltat, arrinsr 1.4.15 Ani? Win%
. CINCINNATI. 0/110:. -
u nr , l3 4.44 . nzata tolt. , t•t sad Droarpi attratios Owe
ef to—tr. Juba Grier Ira
or Mr. Bdrl
Pitterarsb. r .4,55345.,
ao, 61 Exlunge P111,46,r; -
(12.1ARS FOR C OFFEE, ie.,. and
zZlagn.=.l.t. Watana cip,cmatr.
j 'Bcrri . ur i itrmrs. In tcllfon c g. Perateck &IN spit IteisEB.'
, • seszilsz:
'• • Nei:MD[OIAM sTEIALLELT., - ,
N . i t ,24ll.2 . erut t Eß,F3 o t r
.r .g - c pc,ripti,
DM/2M WU= BCF..,' 5. . s .2 . f.0 Grits? 2 1 11
heats. . sett/.. Affray damaisdo. of TOUNDILZ,
Mina° & Lens and I,r...boas* Zio 211Libuyittmt„.
0111leo or the Allegheny 114.14. Co.
Ittn.‘alt. Job' 4 ASSL 4 •
1•FIE President and . Managers ofL
Li ea= Is/4 forEncting • Arldro thlollbettkost,....
diPoPole?""lhallEDLND 071,21/XIMLLN
asn biIKoffrYFLVB Clead. out of the t a les of tOo
L.t elz evo nob Sham.). Lb. Capital 'trek of, ,
Compoor orrottdob dirldoodo arojtaid. boo tbo tor,
to tbu ltonotonoooltbt and arida, ors.. b. to'd ItrOtooki
bolder.. or their I.osl roprolontotirlok ettorokftrtho eth :
innzaL 1171.12•] JOILY Thsoom
: Dividend Hotifie.
Ohio aid Paanglvaaia BBBroad.—
I.l:' i tE Boetd of Dfrectoze of the . Olio and
Pararraranls Ehilreed Canna) lam Lt. der do
s IXTULand ar an= =4 • mg/ .T., ...4 s•nbl• h.
nah to troltrol/101341S Or Von. row.. 1 espraaratagt=
Ulm Oa* of the ;in eitelourale. 01 and
Ma I.9et. day ataalY. ' , • , cn ra•
By ardor at th. Bard el Plreetoes: _
WILLIBB LAMM& .11.. Smarm
Pittehargiaadly 2. 16.5.1. ,- , - /yr
4 3 ErinE wad Surnmecr Bonnet.'S P, -TANNE.4, No. 56-Wood street,
ILP Ir aukt%yothotlatiof Mllltotro aid ot.borbo•. -
bay to sal Twat,. to Ws lane wortoct of
• f
Plowe the
r% to. r nawrkirtrks fates. =dog 111.
ISLAM°, N.J.—The r,hannlbar rasparthally
LhArg i a thav and healtalaa ,
.. =:l s ie r t ... -
1110NDAT. rtit SE diti. ":4 _ ' "4
_,__ _• . -__._,_. ._
no ilotelqua bees marsraahly a...a and Egfa•
ehMl alegoKl, zwfaxatohdal tnmaaanat. • r,..
-no /Wrcal imptortaltaudad Go Ma sabnadter tai. vs's; • ..
son haa 'sada him ambitious to dawns mar* tick!) , M a .
arml:e. at a.. intelilayat solsvanciattrhlgthil... o "ry
1 , 44 , ,rt vitt be =dew damn. lautaukaa' ' . .
' ..I;bLecampandatmg eoarvomboal
u lav i a i tho : a u of Ib. B i z
-lb. ko=tbst t.,, 4=1% ur.r. / It cpr .
...,..4.4. Mak Lut woo.
- . l lpapuloa• kw Rama aaklloardeln beCred Ls:
mal.atay. at Wawa /tat e . aaaaa array, war.
Fbilww , l6l.. L tmr.weis.) • awhS WS. •
SALE—Situate Pnablohntovngk toarcagm trois
rlry.o. and • Ulf miles tam 0.1 , 12 mi and wet Qs
h Stnog !teed. 'Mtn. are .teat ,
po6itl. ad
aryl:nen Tlmberod. iltajlzgarsbnam= en.: et Ms
a. mewar._
_•-• •
ILA —Coaskithaz of LOT OP (MOM. bi 4114 • Pnost . ..:";:,
rwatad stmt. and •14 rvt al a s of 30 •sayar
nntit nut GO hat to • CNN alla7, an whichNt
tilep• atcrT fem. 11 00410. Witt kftt *Ws. 44 4
slx tooau nom. itt• Trout put of SU b 01141•244
lar atm r>.• Now tuns far SY a an 42116 01104144
manul mond ma. of. irtlat ND paremnd , ,
out SI -
.11 • a. • •
:112 ;Rea Bot•trdinatt. 21 nth stmt.
E ck — R. 2 1 30 )' C b l eft%il l"P. prime.3ll°Cal6l.
Ft . iss. 61;114' 1 71%Ta•sox 1 / 2 0 . tato•ls, 4
I ° lrtisc T rr"
. 75 b;,lberts Y. U. Afita 100 ds. tknsants Brocco!„
Y•sr. 9) DV. Tlonse•42l:4 •- •
100 Nuts CkaotstonL . . . 10 .//assmt .- ' -•-
'25 besta [toad Sp 5_ la •tor• gm Re was bl •
.I.M JOll3l *TT a CO., WV Llbettr 4.
i i
Ftor Das lust reeettuls 100 of CLIOICI ar..111117 al ,
AVAlts c:10•15-15, to he woold all U.. Kt.-
tuition of tho•t .Do knr• • nabs to. etc>, ~ . - L:..
5,006 Monad Amara, '. . ',
a.OOO item tanq • ' • •
• cwc. urii,uda4, . . • . ',',--.,--
, . 4000 ins Vittotian
- 6.003 Criss Y. Woo, _ glicesk•tt. •WK.I s 4.151. V
Fw , Olothor wands ate/ soalluto wad Wort..
__ ... • . '.....
' 1.1,4 . _ .. - W. A IteCLll6O. ' •
t Ilt_rtill's hake, ' __• - : , .
• : [Emu Clout ismoto . vamuc
;.t. : : Itatml. . - ' .• !. ..,...,,,.
3 ;._7 , ....,_ •. r c 800
~7 nltator•••o ta Va . .. .
1..E1111t0 83,0 T
______ ..„,,.,,,
13AWf)-"A—iiii: STORE—Jima' reddead:
t b •
M:o . Dorcas atLb.
~,vr r an ztlatz _ •
f 4 118.11-4 0 bbLs. ,No. .1 Bolt H
20 oning
L . z 3 ebb, •rn't -, •
••• so• ' - •
bbla Gibtelalantyp; ;.
tom 4rs J.l,__l tarrted N0. A27 / Hnhmoo...
lu.A.c • mbi .B.l
13 , 11 /10.3ar
- 1 7 / Vg. b zWtFt noir •'.
b 7 UmJ trikow
it .u wr v as .
' itart. b..c %rpm& wrmbauw
griclust" . wits 4.:inotil iN is, Maim
a tam tan awes utzetinare 7anasT, IGes.Ml=.
Ltma IntoeUhaf jag •
Qurimum...• .
341 1 1 - Z0i1.,. 1 4 , 4014
t a t -
ey e
— 77 !
. =WM •
atreeLlf PhilSdahada.
. P au l
£. top hca Cravtnd. Pst.l B. Got" op. :---
Azabccee W. Thompson. Lawn... Joblms. -
Benjamin W. Tlng47. Ream. N7leotJ
/mob L. iloran"..- • Jimst DeTerea...,
Falb. Illtags•
erh.J.Ps IC n mpozy L. D 4
lir IL AILNOLD._ ; 4=4-
Youth ttmst. Pltugrough.
AMachear CUT. E. H. Mo
.M .