< t .-... _ `• ~. ~~.1 - .~ PITTSBURfiII G/MTTE. moutsr.R. STUNS!a, 1.84 . . , : • = . ""ColOani% ice no ma 40.w4eatheeldlY eitalkftodoe. a tow-days teMeeklfalteibmd , , little ‘tom , year old " lord of theveiviticar isuinsing' hi If in the grasi'bfwedebbig the'froliesona • filed of birds„whlch.-werriulaying,aeound him. At dength a beabilfnibohillok 'parched himself •' ! upon a droa bob of . ' i .Pteg. lib an spelt , tree. which. I Intended to - witbin a few, yardt of the place ' . Inhere the erehitt died , and maintained his post- Ben apparently Anoteseious of the elate proi- i ” . ''lmiry to one WOO* birder usuelly conaider a den- a . =,v.rann neighbor, l The boy fumed astonished at - his impudence, and after regardloglim eteadily. - ' . Yfor s - minate or two.'obeyiog the ir.sti . not, of his '. 1 '`.: bluer put, he picked up a 'tone lying at his ;1 . ',feet and wed preparing-to throw - it, steadying '.p..., Ifinaelf care y,' for a good slit The little - ' arm was re had backward wittomf storming . the bird , an Bob was within an ice of damage, When lo l hi th read swelled', had lore /insane Ne tones plea: " care A. linitL-s-Iluk '-Le.l-In-k—bob.o -1! '-'-dlnic—lanti est-da-no-weet—l know it—l know 'l-Ilnk—s.-t.iiik—e--litik.- , -don't throw it,—' throw It—tbtew dr,"_i.c.—awl he didn't. Slowly 'the' little arm entrsided to Di 'natural position.. and the.dtepliad stone dropped.' The minstrel ; 'domed tho Murderer.* We., heard the idoogister 7 - rk-!' .through,! and watched his unharmed flight. se . 'did dm tay, with a sorrowful commix:awe. Luz ' ..• !lone to bear an' expression of the little fellow', , --t -lean& we approached him and lequired, "Why ; - didn't you stone him, my boy f You might have. . f .' ." ' ' Itille4 him and espied him home." The poor -:"- Buie fellow looked tip donbtinglj, DD thollfD bl ~,- weepeeted our meaning, and with an expression' belfshame ad half sorrow, horoplloA, rßouipet„. „,..."` 4 . iyho willasy that our nature is wholly depist '-:!2.,...-lud'after that, or! aver that motile bath no thorn: , - ; 2,1'.... todioathe the esiage breast, Melody - awakened, ~..r&,Burcisnity, and Bumealty Miro... The 'angels ”. ' 1. - -,aeho Sang at the creation whispered to - the Child's ~' :..,I',lteart. . The bird . irse sued, etul'Ood'larttoei. i ''... fled by the deed. Dear little boys, don't - shine thebirds.-Chiatoa Concoct. ;I:;;!.‘; ' ' -tdrameneniwewm ' • - MISCELLANEOUS. IMPORTANT TOJIMTSFICEEPERS. :•0,0)1E CUING ietvii and more economical tear Bodo Utram Tutu. any other "reparation "Ws." , foe • hating BOLING POW , • tiot . Oridd.• end Jontiy.estm. Puddle go. Pot.r.n, corn Baud, nowt Oahe apple Jlemplinga. fest." , .ef Tofsparthile le on that *eery Pomo., e10t..1. Boarding Hong, 11Mting Saloon gni". Ptomaine. Vessel, Banal Hoar AO. •I• and. epos a careful via!, to be the leer ,• • thing Wild "Sensing's day of their *Meer... '• • it 041 Important advantages ore/ the and crake.. .rr 1. it must. essen.a of oillr.'"com shortenng. aPoi , ed and • tb: trouble 'an 1 aspens* et Worming need, inar..—leater nit Wing neemary., . • • molted - for the,dough t o'riss before bat. • fitif tisepte.nalt breed may.bo opal. in • fo• Wont. iiturrAl3 o ,4l,T=7:ll ‘ b ' r2,Zatieti.. "' D ' ot heath* best octane) ornot. ' • .. • • end we by nall•filse...; . mtge. of .dig e mtism bettor fined 'rd. a -weak • s l.lntielitlol•llllt2lll tomsekt: ',rooter. neuter and lisehom..thau when matte triP. past , li. The trre.d made b 7 fermantation.doelmt afford the Same =mut af nourishment to the system:that It doe. . moon made vats this menpousd; because the regetabh amtained in fermented broad. 'MM. Om propel eotion'af the sootily Mild upon it. and emasennentir. pat onip.tnta to 00001.0 [too body. wdl. tad *mde tone :. • ..• mdsertiole tiu been ttpironettly tent e d, and Is only . null. When usel amording ths directions. it . le . varrannl• toga:. •, 19.11.: Be Val to mit for DlTGEllrfi BLKING ?A l tai= ofht V= TAIL. •. . • • ,telfelia3 •• • AgeMa in ritabara FIFTH IiTfiRET B'IOOIMNG • - WILLIAM DALY. . , . raIdtBTIOSTOOKINGS-420 dos. LOWS titre bray grey Cotton Sock,: TS dos da do. nn d.• thaw Meade, at the ''` •-• . ' AIM/ Eltaiptr gtoektray ItanalliotOrY. ova • .- , .v.. r - wumem. D.p.or. .•.-- . • . -.'•• poys , :gtocKiNes.• NEW PATTERNS r —nada. flo,o'.stoot tolxid Mit. Seas, ribbieffit :... r _ .. os; id du. dtdo. white do. do. do,. as.. Il t.bo __ _ :. . . • . - . 11.8111 BIEGET•StootAor sourtztory. . ; . at= W11.41/41 1:41.1q. - • ifIIRLS' STOWROS-37 'doil-431 .- irls' and -Au Ulan' . .blu, Vottim Etailri.O. an 4.41. tiT 4 5 . ';:.. . d '`.. d ".".'''' IF gi&kg do. do. 0 - • 4/4AIITS' _ aSTOCKINGS id SOCKS-9 A. 10Q das. of Mr_dol.:Piinter' Wort. .od EI.TY Eto....kingi.., '• ' ' sod bx.ks; - tho Mila ffTV.EIti filoeld.oz Mao ofancor.r , • . . at . • • •-• SI LK' 1310 ERSHIRTS:--6"_ ,d as. La , _di_ 43.4" al ' u n_ nano_ „ *.a ea n ci.r.neL °°n orarA i rdiro czdam . k ir k i nAL L. 7l. 3 . d ILH in& Tamp G7AYE S- 200 dos. L Awl °Child noes lel= :8d..; ThrOlt Or rfrrr r 1 i PLPSIi la c i 0. 46 a. t. 7. 63EBF- WOOL FZET-2,0 4.. dr .. .; . 5per /0041ambl~ooiA?i0s: i 0 '''Av4424s,•!froig.'"Vs-ikti-r,vis„)l7ll,7' w ' "r- -±.--- - ..' c -.1, . . NPA - az ti -. Marcheatjallors, et • y,-,---, TT LE 6,,,, 8 ` - .L,' ..tow tetniiiii4 tb .. • 0 r... 1, 'sad 13otb,...c"kmix, oosomt Ibb ir ' -1 a$ 1 " 4 " -Da. • • s byre beeet r., •.l..ct...• 4: ''' th tC" m. ...h•sbl• st lea . - a f. •• thy Casf .".. ertac m t r. ...t; -..,.- . ~,,r faufttli,... ~... .. 1 1. of , gi at, ...jun map_ to ~. PM, Ittrilib 1V,1:.' .t• • 111. bawds/Mon. - ' .0 6 . ;.1 -, . mt- iji. slot b.t Oil , ... - _ •-,'...' . - :•Porf , :‘. by the Package: : f : - • :IrtliE`folki • .g tiitiitleti sit eastern piloes ~.._ taw a Soni, fisiath,Tohaton 0 0 , and almbies FADA .45 80044 .8 NAVIN BICARBONLIZ OW 80D/s. Pallikts- , app.. rizenta, Oinirrev liatso4o, , QM* • Otend. indigo. a. M. tranuee iNI, 11 &tans. Beam& &I , d • NUS4t7 4,1:46=1 'S io)l42 WOODS, 7,3,111 -- : 1 - 14 Ilroktr. No. 46 Wear N. •• - '..Prescribed by:rhpacions: • guYszouiss Cverywnere prescribe B. A. WALLNILSTOCIVS VIMILIYUGH, fir the moon [hot "t • can placer pliCc co affiance io Rood the folo injg statormitaroci se3tlnalan orhantlt rays known moot • to 4. 2 lg.'"°th io. that l e tsit "i llitto saTioiTToo hl.6 VT , " . • ri t :=TlV7ll: 7•l 4 ;:frgriatt 4 ire girt - trtr. li ll oosinoioottouAly ay toot ytwev himi universally gtma iiitliu.enon to nar tank tood"' I; and woo ittittli atollßucti.ed kl_ohotialtut 0h7.4c00• town • Woes biosto.o.Er. sod Its vadoity. when I oil lin4nqa lip to B:tem./ELY: 1 Nth dodo t loamy Moo, nopd it own nun milk Wire stii , fsettonortlett other Savontionoloire fat Id of !tour &the .R.e%. i. J,rurFot, li BTU Tholosalos d ro , • I 41 . 1 t - triooloil aniseed soni.try ogioughoot they. B ats . .. tout, 1111EAT_DEBIAND . toi tho only tine-nod Leann. moon erg.% p0.p..0 E. delete le in sera . 7ll=rm i rt ° o 6 seet i"reh liq, " Or oar rt de and. Vermtlace, nom a nether wr o tu ' brlnk 1 , 1/ Illablt Cl ramie& thhosan oar Vara kW , ar henna not biattibintub here latalrobs Cre.t Oetaarsd tessour . MdWowe Witmer maw sonds an ager.ep em ..en; IMAM* lotm or Eve kinds of nut roar Una. rdls n4Wnq rttaat m ar i mat enable I hate ,rrer neg. CWT.' AttoS Kant Peettimatar;.. and old II: Z. att./A RS, kr Wirt4 street. . . fb 'Notiet—le.rr eertlneaniar statement rdeetnle rite sru,h. u.a the troth oat, sod 1. msde erirW " srinj i sar M7 I V; • • spa I/ int Me correctness or r e statrom.tara. We ttm% • WM:A= to know that direr are not humbugged nr .: "at.amaanheinted •• LalLtsn& Plt/enureh. • WBEES TABLE •BUTTER.-—The 'ettb; has made Tring.pnep be . 111 re• ba rano tn oars of Ors sfeb. bronglir in La tbe cool of .Abe ntrnalas anAt. In retrisontors. etrrtrlll Ds pen ! • ' teeny !meet and sadtal , le to table sum • Orders left draingr • •relt the corner of Vinnl Einar attests. kluLargh. er earner of rederst and IloblEr • • ,1031atrain ahesbearinlll rabid lestoedlately. cm re , earl of *b. BusCst Onalrses ter II regUlar enoplr. harm WIN Molest-0e rsar.rrlll barotdssrlt.b trepan.. Oribleeta. !near Mann, nod iloardlotabaser riallitO. • -; • • likiMiNG-,WEIOLESALE AT 'IIITAIL - uP P1111:281111at foursu naa ind.Boardlog noel. =,' °" .;.steg t ` d 7 rbg Ver"t=" 7 l4 ela t b: • Waal, blood equally.* cheap, at • retatt tine. .1 Into bay. Uvula tuft:satins eat. by lab • are SOftwOrt to pommel • mat tlfnaocab, oosatity at nom yoloe, I - and *mw al:allele& at bluttals RATION'S , . =3 .1 gamier. for Tea. In tba Thattend. xo. ••.• sop. es. 15,zooTolloceo;donotod brandr, ....r . 7:l o Xilbr. Cod. sautr. - ••• - • . dI - ::100 80888 Bby 10 Window Glom • • . . • r •• SO" do. 1 by IS do.. fu,f roo'd =I for Pd . . 'Mr • 0.41 . : .Lirruz 04; tomy .TO' LOAN-0,0000 tolloan :ffion we. heard sad Modamteoo • attntipailswe.' For pastioolora. armoire or • wur/02. " Broker. 43 Idatkat langt. Q TOOK YOR BA • O. 88. Co.- I V ebx ` s q ii - 418t fliatt i ljec Loma 76 To Sirs t gagratVrtcr h GITOOKIVANTEPitts . bnigIi Trust and ierere. rtiull itett.llB. gad uosi Me. T 6 Priam amt. ovxditm zar, of ritutranit6 toa EtALESeenritics hiving two yam • form In ntoosugs of IX% Itastari EtiOnage on , • Cobircil. Juts Esebaate Onkel. _WEAPPLIN PA PER-300 reams Wrap. , -' -Ir PthiYam ftsale IT . - ,•' -... •• • l — acova 11. COLLINS. Ads2.-,Stbralders, &deo, and Sams, for - [As) HENRY IL COLLINS. SLOAN'S OINTISENT and OONDITIO ,pownstu3—rox gab, br Oak a. swan& • OF -ITTA,pvts:r.tivis.v.):l:4l l l4:ml IttfUES,iind GBBNADINES44O piects arlaurryinid l7r su64nseailies of tbs. moat 0,71. sod at. oat rola at . . - NAM &AM.'S. 1.8 Fifth' eras UK- 40 bble. just reed and for weer -- - tsar DEMBSIDGE t 11501111•11: ...-4111,8favitsaie1Itigt141tia.toill 1.31.1."""*.7.", Rittman—lN Mak.' ilea. iIf2AS mid INITAUNG .TUBING-500 feet Aug ,,A te, go. s. Jam leo =m0 .. .. 71711 , 3* 11112: J. PEIILI4'3:II 6 Mutat stmt. 'ISII4-12 bbTh Bay. Fisk; hf. bbls. do .; W s. - / Tehnt: 2 2.1...tdas 4a. Jost zor.'d by 11.41106 mire toe nisb~67 ."-im.intzeix l Co. Puat*VAVS SEUICM--41ricelvdcritt A. A: Us*s:c'TiG er.P. EINEST - BRANDY IMPOBTED•- .111111-taltosc.st 11.01143 . • WASTO" eror ROUSES; FARIIIN, 1.3 , < „,..bui1w ._ Venal) 0un4 . 9 Ileeklencea Fat; Sale. rrillE Babe.: ' 4 luivir g laid on ten alms -IL late LIVEN rt 2..11 - sell one Lot or Ito whoie ton sem- Tido La-d . Y{serre toarti•hio, eltoat licitvaws Pro 1101 nog Yerytlyie Pune. adiolwor la , of Col. Wyn...ttotinsen on the north.razt. sod C .3c , • ng on the wittlii It luts anay...iltlair Vl•erx .1 A • • eny ang Plttibergti. oral to a Imitably flhiste , . r Potidenceg This into le.ln the htirneet ante of • Ilration; 1214 yell ennplloi with Grape Vines, Ap•.e. Peach. gni Cherry -mete. Goodebe•rien. COOO 00. tin - rubbery. no - from 10 to 12 yrir• old. Each-Lot will hale s gm - Lim oe/ram 2..4 on iir. -Term V.ry• C-saalcr stszti.u:ars. lteittire at the lacnbor Yard 0211 e on laugh 0120.0 Detr.farant. pa t ,. Onion- 1144211 - CII &IMP 5 hOICA.N. For Sale T ' IRED ACRES OF LAND on " arinva FM township. In the City Alefrist., above the lloeynal; bounded by a Blot gen, Ihtbrd, Franca And Bldg" bet., hi ..IL litetyln4 , Thin probes ty le • pert a land owned by b thA=Stett.Viil ley l deo ' 174 4 1..g0 bola e r t eon, od r eT ' d elteb 11. g N.., Val loe and guttotuitting noun. gre.otil. tan now be bought eater no s wboier.or in lots to. eals pletehosers. A liberal soda will be wireaptiyert. of. tb•l l7 . ?""'Arkri:li. V o/410N, Atthinope i•tanr, Zed! 1113 Fourth at, Pittsburgh: /Et gulf:went Country. Seat. rfrIIE subscriber afore for sale that hearti j. Ica TRACT OF LAND on Coal Mil, formerly. oceo. Cosi be Para,t rincer, Reg, Ohl eddoloine the resident. of A. Kirk Lewis, Esq. .1t contain. matte , scres, part which U under goal cnltiration. Dartni on it • Poe YOUNG 0111711 ARIA and U also ortuctented with forest Ivo.. shrubs. plants,A, - This location cd.oxpeds one of the too , t extensive and bewtoiful Hews to Wtltnn l'ennerlvenla, , And, Meg •Within tereat7 minutes walk ram rte eltf, Pte.enle rentacea ann sum-done WlSurptseed by en/ ' tract orlatd 1n the market. . . ,If not hold entire belbte th e at of Jtme. It will then be divided Into lots and offend at auntou. tnldwicarric • . 71 Fe ortb htect- Valuable Fenn For Sale. SITUATED in Cranberry township, tatler bonbty. consisting 01f240 sett& 11l arra, at which arc and now ordrivath n e and the remind. Weber and 'wood land. It le welt tented, and on. the prompt. are a twoatory Lon hones, cowl barn and tot ballthegn It le ntriatad 15 ranee from the town of Hailer, 20 mile. from Pittaburah, about I mile teem Eranebargh, ant mac e Lyra the Znlblecyle and fittebargh blank Reed. On It are • Jaen I/wharf of apple. peach and cherry trees, arid .averal good brit:leant water. Apply to It. I' WZDEL, ap29 Idoennto K° o7 filt h street. To be. Let. 11119.0 ROOMS,. on the second otory,'over thi Stets Ildroal VI sul.,llstits ,losorsoes Itz.gai7—ramble LruEloes. Imicare ot • A. A. CARRIER, Corner Fourth sod Etoltha.4l sttreG I , or Rent Kilt° lIALL.—Thia ol known Hall, eituated over the Peat 077 m, borLt o a wide, troll A tea w atA Moireray. Du. b•ork matted, an. by the arratuement for luau. le.. le now hi reeprote reel eultAb e enblbittons of Pthoranmo and work. of Art Senerahy. It to al. welladapted mg Annleon.ary and other Dublin meetly De of Spathes, Or fa CrC.oponthon •lettionsi'btookbohlere meeting.. or., end belay of moll. UM One coo be muted ou the tollowthe molars. home, nth SD per day. or ids It week, tholullog gag. fool and 'nereloo of Jthitof • • tho.e.the ttall woull be rentelfor for. term gone Demon v7mre at the ril;•Or You. Umpired Oellan. per annum. ADA/ to • F. Off.VaAUX, • ;Third etory, over Piero Hall, aD7 • or to It D. GAUL% • Deniable Basidence For Sale; • • T)ate residence of Jonathan Kidd,E . 1 deileasod, is cibrod for We, 'bunted in • Vow. Boot loan of distant:a Clty—the meet exteusion of itn. water and s. post renlen it still more drairshb The twines I. .1k Veil bull: two airy doable hono. Tee lot fronting nn Inn ea North Costal Abet. runs hack na bet to Lamely abort. and to weltimprored. 'Price low. and Wins sooanunniatirg• •DPIYP JAM rs DENNEY. • nolgtf L. WILLY,X...t. For Sale or To Let. "FRANKLIN IRON WORKS," 1 iltigate at Franklin, In th e county of Venanzo, and &ate of Pennsylvania. ehlek 01414 utio 1114 2411 factory. Large More aid Illarehousakll dealing houses, with, otbar ocit4naildinsc wAti a...- votam, cheap and p u re Water ?mercer, oneisle tan afind for the abov, - Cloal Ba si n mile of the DWI of now tinallry and tokaufflUent quantitY. Aleqbut • chore Watson feria perhape 2.0 bast Yoe farms audinformatica Inquire of J P IL Floyd nod Jamea silack,Pittsburgb.aral we subscriber at Frank. in. Pa.. IaPF4II. AL. LAMUNItTON. Desirable Property tor Bale &NUIIIBEIC of vcry valunble 'Building Lote,.adjolnlnu the Outer Depot a the Mao and 1.19 U Italirml. Alleibeez t e b.uttnt bbo Winged, _and OP Franklin. -Dbint nnl Juniata atm% and on Allegheny avert.. , Alv—a valuable unimproved Lot. on the torment La. any and Factory gazette. fifth Ward. obr.ita the Get` run Catholla Church, 20 feet front on Liberty. by 100 fat d 7. 0 4 ' -f=g l gory t bar riet k glVon ' leon Marty . street, adjoining. the above. the lot be 20 [bet trout he teet deo. The house is WO end eattrentent, under. ortyle; and contee eleven room. Also—Dalltin A Yarn o f 2E4 see. . Larrencereonnty. a calm Ito Neve Ca, IZO:iskinl la BIIVC ;0 et various 'ism sai prices, fromr4 , 3 actes dera. , /or sale Icre sad aceorasiodatiap Emenire of • • • N. P.& O. L. IL ifIrPfE.P.XL,N, riAtto sys at La_ ,yr and Red Estate Uttar., aaSiKf 1:‘,107 !fourth etsest. Pi:cabana,. Per Sale. firlll.E• attention ot capitalists is 'called to J_ that TALUADLIS PROPMITY In Aliekbeur Mr. commencing at the calor of Leath etre.; wad esteutb lug 0001:et glover Fedllffl street cowards Robinson etreet, telllt) to 1n log r L o ' r n b! ' dfl Tl o l l io I L11 " o h _ P rTie t e i t frost, to mit purchase, It lertututhnotely shag./ ma the nein thorou abler. between Ike two ewes. tad in the dukooeglete .Cuity of the Depot of the Ohio ead Brom verge Kallioad 43.1111.7. 11 Iroa:4 be • most ceokrable local= for a Dotal, a habilellelhor ftr busfueif hc. with daehlegs attached. a ale Proltertr .1 me 4 igivarhe to value, .3.1 pal • hoodoo:Le nvehuaco the laprovemeohe which tof ght be woe.. le worth,' of atteatloo. Perm:Radio with topurehaeg._are requte.l In bagmen. , of • W. FUSET, or o. fella( N. 110/,llloh t nona. el . For Bait. • TIMM Store Roonts„ with Dwellings at wesse. oa sisrsst gavot. botween !word Ltd - Third area. Inquire of - VELARA DE.IINY, . .{12.21f No.. 61 Third rtreat. .Ror Sale, or to Let. A IVAREIiOUSE on Liberty street. En erexicii Ne. 33.7. Liberty' stmt. noS.S A N excellent brick Mire eib t iated en rem, urea.. - wen° eeequee. nig m. ...thosaces degiroglei>ging 1.1. house boLog i t n good repai oo r. sad . loaghd to s6oda. and ova °Rho glo,t ples...l4arty the gar. I'm. sioodendo. Enoolis ea Me precdios dr .1.. JASSY2I i ••• • Very Desirable Real Es te. FINER subscribere'offtr fbrlsale 111.4 acres of Omani. situated •ast. of frentla• on Gin Peanuts attest Plank Rastloonl estandlna blek•ith• in a for yards of the Pettorelvania nalleroad. Pora Wet' altnated,ouy of accera and yell vortkr lb. &MIN= of tarpons da•cing a convenient (I,larf location. If not tnld rutin, It mind Tftdil• he /II bilrided Into smaller axed WM. YOUNG a O. . mita 121 /Abort, str , et. • bBRICK DWELLING nousp, on t Clark. below Logan etreet. itzth Waal. with Pr.: llnishad toosta. , and an attta atom plaaterl—wato Collar nook , tat wbota Longo. loot:drool th. stateeriltra Nc.l9 elan streeLoWN Zoortit ware. mhl7' ' J. L. RE &D. • • • For Sale. , ' 91W0 LOTS-- -. 2.0• FEET Front on Robecca „IL ra-a42,ll,o2l2l7oo=T 3 the t f i r t reinnire •a• Ltank Lane, AlleabenrCite. or at &,W)1O:i belltriElL Jr . Welt . Gantt* um, Ding Store for Sale.' r ARETAIL - DRUG AND'APOTHECARY ,STORE. 1n this city, taming yard vostrat Mat ir ottmtll for WOO on torarablo tentts—tLo ;resent portico, - hint. am. antonym.. to 1/11,6 to cue urinary. lattairo of B. Metal: 6 f, rat • Real En., ainnt, 21 Flab stmt. ,A HOME in either city can be had at ar tion.l4l.l prim. rI:N. and tql• la An. : gali:744 . f.Va?ina j teg 1 04 f untarA ,L • i tTZ= 4 " l. u v e. 117001 , 5. 0019.5161.1 Brolti, 43 ll•rkee Aree- FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE slteate on Bank Lane area% froillitg 11.• Art.l. l l; remarntable TWo ETON. with pin* 413 .. .4 wci flhidiWi; sad Eli b. Bald at Weal., Innolni of _ 211031101 Vo01)9, jeS Oontnetelal Broher. whirkPt 'tree. PBUG' STORE .FOA, SALE flaring aoo4 Santini ana • wen eelestel inortment o , will be Pole se. berasin. The Eton and • cm- Datable Darling can be bed with them. Also two Sue ensconce - a DWaLlelleGS. all of whine nen b. Wenn.. loy c now, Western Propeetr In • gaol /mai..Ul tre inset in rut peel:leant. Armen. of WOODS. 1.8 Crenmereial Draken 49 Market street. RAI ••AKOZ,OITY ..LAJT TO •LEASt.—The Lao, Gronad, M ;renal ecenpltd Dr Jobn NoOlor herb CLothinr, on Mond, 'treat. between Mr.tb Mom sod Vtrdn othrr, will b lemod for • term of yea-.front April Im. nert. APP/7 • ' JultN 8.11:W/N. No. L 3 MorXet 0.4 .4,2541 . Or. ILOANNTILODU, ittornir. Oh M. • Just Publiihed..! QPrarr BARIINGs • tINVtILED.—An. ezponue of the 01104 Histori.Theology, mi lo.orty of certalo alleeedeactmmtlesuove from the Vpirif Wor/d op mama of "Npliitt4OPi•fr.'"o 2 o l lo ,o Wriu 4 sN' arr. Demoutractoce,*• /ie., with Illarnre Volt, bz arr. H. Iliataron, A. a. la • .12too. vol. of 191 Ps.. u Intoth'eted. ; Set up in siperfor AO.. end foil/ oeeellied the =tie , Hka Pot*/ weer. 50 coots; 00th el e oth,Ts am,. le A larse x 0901700 thor•boee Work Just red and fox sa by • ' Je3 . JOHN MELLOW; 91 Wood greet. :TESTIMONY FROM TENNESSEE IN (nor of B. A. td.I.LOESTOCIVA TERM/TOE- The ninths Onion nye: We call the atteunon of our readers to 01.. eartincate of alx..lohn Ilenttord, In Wee or B. A. Taboos .010 run:rhino. The.Tutlsman Is fell Cnwn 1. ec=onsatyalad .711th. b. nri tan [w railed on.. • IlenCit. A. rawest= A C0..--CloolletoM: Par the Won:tot others, take pleasure In Jebel/Ana - to the alu• WO mutat. Of your tormiloga. about Um years are aurotiou ma fun called to It by e friend. an ofhwr In ova of thv Mauna tinhell le. in Ottoe ndm atlon It ow (lowa st•Oclort art. We. having wet It to Ws family Lith van ntlaadary rantluo By bldrite I took a 'AI ome fw ow of Oa/ children, who 0.4 until Won Leen wry feeble and rollout to ?meow &Jeanette. The wean!. teas wrallot a gnat tia.Oorof WOrzo and tha chnd stftaterarda gradually sunned pool booth. 1 hen Ilion used la nan.lntlY sum 7 folniff /sr Soot of ,be sillounf. of children. and anteraby win good laths. 4 • Member Is famished with a Mildred doable t of the mot aleseat M.! =MM. Gas mats, with aorolritmeons u> eorreemad. This, 11001 U now the larewtlto New Tort, awl in J Wyman • 142.- Iter .. nseratior. tal k... l4 o We One on the nattier. Me, 101 l room lot Mont OA mem. In the 101 l emirs atmettaw 11 bat othuntat. sad Ma St. NeMacts itto a wear et rot of haste, ant b tho larsan Lion' la the World. roswallioent Pablia Rwme 'for mutts 1201 i 01.20.11i1ed In ,plerpitv ott thia mationt twis3Oit been added to them ala baikliog of Ow St.illetw , In. The chorus for transientornests HBO of to thy/ how tam fetal the eastonmemeat Salon of apartment & 4c, to prmerrieti. ordTar T HMV/Fn.!, CO. - 'FRENCH'S HOTEL.y . Cor. Pranifort et. and CityVall Sparc,. •CPSSISIES TVS all BAIL a Mil s - .HEW . YORE, CITY. We: boll. and . opened by the robarriber:llay 1. ISO. mad rall tted and furnished Auto= 10% ba‘trasts that for omveolonee elegance. onal,rl nod econeroy. It esir noun enrinssoiln the world. It motets MOSS MISS than any otherlintel on Ws conMsant, or One colt. ;• are warmed nn i. TA :.SS .11 'Stied ,Mo t h nal sr Into" erm); rod., which are supplied Irkh Croton W tar lb ovate direr plan d mom. Therels but on bdin • room; Um halls and water closets on 00.7 floor trill be /It • • ober. dodos the motet. Mr Patel Is condemned on the European plan of Lging 'Hoe= nal wen!. as th.y SUS he ordered In tb• ma SOW. splstdiditat-starT, dle le the Immediate etutnity Yestantile BIM, rr, m;d the pstnelyal Plane °Carouser, can[. CNLI . PATENT Pr.. STIO FELT DiATTEASSES, BUDS 81078. : - NEW AND P.CCTZLIR P.ROCESS. PrivateDarellirt, . nemesia* . PrIIEST;BEDS, together with BOLSTERS,' PLOWO, 00118011TX.8. le. beet to the public. st irs Omagh t eal. U the nd elm:sheet Vona. • TUT goero many sad gnat advantage...min ghieh met le mentioned the folloirme vie: • They are eh. tier then hid r till retain tdelteliniritT abeam are- vont •sanut all Mode of .lirneht; an pre yaws. maven as relievers of monmeatient; ere meter sad far more areal,. than any other; Sr. matt; retteeolt aim retreat. ea mot nizontlnis. a berth Mattress of thin matatial being mkeleinstll Vioyutt to multi a iwnnin /m yr. T au hey- dn will be fonnd dutiable far Pere= Markets., yar d tienlarly for Calltarr.la. Anatrelia, China.and N. Mande In the ranee tame. heating ewe mad. oa op.r. log. Manning to their origletel bolt. Zoe We by r. DOBIZIIB NTLON, AfiEN'Th e • No. 91 Park Mee. awl 18 df array stmt. New Tort. \ goholsterem. Cern.. /W amend =VP.. With the Peking bY The Trade vosraily supplied els liberal dbeca.. - We are pennittedto am the names of the follosebm have mod V. eglerove a the anklet.- - fleo , hre L. ilehttyler,'Enn., Maim, Davi; Green leant% pd. ltel.ll. W. hallows, 811 .WT0....d. //Ow Hobert 2.1.1.awd.„ \ lin4er. IL D. • Nittunn. ki• Cap. dwells ~Cantstook, averd.hollalo e , Com. ....M.lstarener INurt.lio , Lnten • do.. *Nam \ \ Goveiaors for Stearn Engines.' Tar. oubahriber hawing the General Agen . gr;':,`..` l l';:,,r=V=ll%°P . .l7.7l;l: Ainsrican Lonatunk Ilibeie now papules tonna& the awe to Ittleamjigine. and wa . rraate them to give • regular and a motla. th making 14 tornatio per rannts. can b. hallmerardlem of the iira of want ' be mean:W. on a.toftotarp more than one half of ono wnrolution per minute. lay thither gattkalart, adds.* T gay at Thom:wen alt elmerke PHILADELPHIA. Important to Nerchaxits, llanfackuren ' - Tradesmen and 'ProfeLlional Nen. .. . • 48 sorts UMW BIZTZT, PRILASMIMILL IMOILAS B. CALl7ERT,47.4nein.lEngra I_ ver, Embower end Mamba mer of Di se ibr Bod een Cards. Adhesive Advertising 14indOpes, Bill Heed. laid Letals.notild noes empeafolly WI tit. atentlen of I. surcentile end prefesionel men to th.e. nomtladartmt 1 s'itt. atiy : g e ntle - bonus ?... 1D. ., 1 iz4 edam. o . t th . n.? " 1 1. sed " bes:o:llyenbose:d!irill be tonerot 6.1 ly *nolo/ stventsesent, hot mamaa detentim to the Dis&Lettee 0ff10... Them Tondos:. hove the nag=oete• *Me Poet Oftiveauthontles.sho ha. elnesa rut= without thew—th. Oviention , of one .Mpoytsot letter. en:Middy. mating snarl meta. lew then al,m ui., , m. of the DU. litunMe. Leon the mote Dim,* every ley f* , — The admit= rite. en inspection bf hit M. ...woo will be toad rylainkL Billilsedsend N V * . Ttg .l l3=.An.. P tti.i . a teconthe orlitlnal. and' besattintly ezenteld on noel or True. - _— The Bite her non the to-Alt entaneve esteldleir . to h. Um United MUM. hmins &mond the an7ives of fist dem sesta.. ftes Be La Sue, Lend.. and Mir er endAmithommes. ILL. inschhiery le ruse palsoted et a CAW. end he hi 00 hemend to meats .11.,:dma rt\ ir.l. . Q c. lit TR . V , \ /it Clair t. Pi E Coe Bad Ltan eretlirgh. \J. B.:Engirt. Bo; • lfg4mt Tc4lori, :No. 180, C7ustnui At. Ma. \ Inman, erort;teicarn WO= name) V: AVE rodeived their Fall and Printar Edna °filth and reeled assortment a Black end orest Oletbs and wienataitoloakine Plash:bleat. Vika and Cu Cane. Vesting., WU]. Mi•Tb= lot of hull' ?men and tinallah Waslor B4ULT• and Nasty ccetinaa and alma a I.lot article Wt wall wear: Om- They receive. notably. their &blew dinat Qom rril. '"AV:4l7,:,Lltiti,:.itta.k..i.dat.l2., trims a• any hen la the Eut. . • Temosu Tinting Philaderbla are hefted to call. Or ders by nail emanated with *match. '. ass 2 - Importstr i t t o pwrafa c ta r a m ' 'lP:tarbaaribart areareparadto supply all l i r .. . B lau at 0011.0 , 41 , ) WOOLEN Ifte harnltY, of • =valor quality; ' owl tfail Garriss, vittt I.,ClCoepllag and Pa ea.8•11 , 0111= Ramp= fetish moire Mims only woe to three mantle* LOOMS et • gnat variety of natterrovtor fancy and twilled tool.. from mato eintiteme awake x also for plain goods. ma hie of runlet Irma 160 to 11Opicka Per asbato.- They ea enabled from their. ennui,* imparanante. to landed Yarns and Goons via coammattaly uta. Da: Ann mannfetaurera trofore norchalag their our =bury. will to p.ll to Melt Phlisoelphieannelcioltr. ohm Mayo= ea the awn neryerith •14 tb• West im ervrementaan full a= eacceechtlotaration; or they cm be Merced to factories in amost army Sten month and west, by •drireneint • 11= to the =Norf. bare , Ali/LED '6o:f \ of T . • - llrktabaroomor Philedehio utoriesorith the Laotian o fnotchfcr MT. the chanted of of driving. and aloabitlem of awed. faalehed ha of aharts. - • OleclY • • rAnsicsiak ; mu...GLASS. \ /clo: \,‘ ,S. DALE & 3,IITCHAL. , \I"?P WILIMr " Sr ^ RICLIADIMPW-Se s Anal, to tho chi of Pitiabuigkan \ A 0., tu., it.low, - th o ondo. a their heatititalar4 in meow, stoe.l., la . LIT quantity and of LIA 011/11.441( \ 11INNES.rE41. wad ,TOILLV B.U. • . . DISIIZA ' PLATY.I4,, PITOII.I3A. te. e otlrerati ar - um etugooratoNsponi lqx. -- . . Wm, G rn LASS tiVAISS. Chat and Ilcsatted. to ma!tmuldir. at Di Wrest • : - - - , , -. li th• ntels, Board.isz rates. an4 PrtraU turn*, roDU•l.4th tte M Ili ticles. at very that, Drina. . . esr4.lll - . Mies and Licvam. .„. PIP* ITalfFim „ -Qirter .. 15 0 0 and Leak Bartnis. tibld snd Erman dnitriee. L- P. Madam \ Dargundy and Load. Dock Pert Wm, Liston. L. P, and Dorm Teneriffe, Street and Dry Mama Inked, Chantrema, da, of various brands. A LBO- Trench Brandies. of van... braids 1161tand Ratr=ll. ki tie a .15.. bat! to; arbeatari. • Por Wain lots to ralt parcharety, and on liberal taus ; .31 Straw Godsr-Spring, 1852. T HE subscriber is nowursTared to .shi batthr 'rosl.c%rr t" s frailallU X " 7 1 ;8. 4 ND ° Lll2l/ICLAL LOA ..., .anent of VIM it HATA for Gentlinnoo; • bleb - . for' ._tent, vs:dot:y.4nd baaut7 of nuusulsoturo, an wall 4.4 luilforfol7 elm* 411.4,1.111 to. found coarivulod. • TIIO.I.tAB W.l3lri. No. 41 South SKOIIII St. &Mt Pearl , Port M'Onnaltis= `: SPLENDID stockpearl h andl es ; %be lAntist4 and oth•r•-.Pnal vinsk riad• tnorlnr, non band ?Luta bbsl.lA, sal'ablo foe Caldratoing A Ornams. • miety at :. 1%14 1M Pnt, ans43:l4 , -• • \ llndet Stria, thxds---1850. AN 17142.1VAILED ASSORTMENT. 111031.13 4•1114. 41 Beath 844nrA Inin.unusu.. -X, - BROM & ANTELO, Generia Commie. L. .ma lf camas. l'hUndolgon• Üb.rak • on eandenct.t. of Psoduco eascriar. s: avasara: R. C. WOOOT4D.-.....114 41.ik • AGALEY, WOODWAED CoOrtiole• Glrcousaie.22l • stabiladalpta. LE. TAN METES, • Maiinfluitont and IKipostim of PAM HANGINGS AND R 77,! ALLN PAIII/Li , Zia 83 North Third street, I 6.9k1t • • • - PIIILADELPIILL I I • • Philadelphia, Carpet' Warp. • 17P.E11101t, Winos? aid no pun 8 . A ....A L , =TON. TA.R.N; LAI% la. for Ws at tn. itma_priess by • custLTON B. NOOBII. )4.114 :1111Brattl. TIAN stmt.- Moore'Rezrzay 4 Co., EPORTERS and 'Wholesale Jobbers in HAMISAMI AND mune. zra lE7 massmonst. stwsk= Peas day y47i , Aurtraw. AM prepared to engage Freight or Pae• rcze l g .i s Steam= or Myer Egin ..Wag from I . "Tala b ilintu. T 1 tkatt 'vent rnadearata • • For Ban, Francisco. rproparcd to erigago Ereight or Pause a. all' ea Stammers and - Al Cllppre Shl;•_aal r aki. Sat Zak I.over ttlaz t ad a irr ie sar e .tap - est , 71 loath fi rst lavot. klbl.44trim •• • • The incitell Ever area Street Corn. ROM Baetraised P:of;J. J. Mapes. ShLde beteanl •11 - dotan Um test and met prollfk, na of *beet Caro ever groon. /to fanner r, ebould be without One tbrialeanktocre dittoed hr Cons , e.r. end. Lam la. (bet It rosy be kept enemata fent, •11. the Ten mood. Itnt. • Mares.' In the Working Panne: , 911=11,11alrisur dirsonone brabritan wreco nwsottarm.. • `The wee/mad In ant/was' wlsintelly ripe and lealtV be *4 at the now at the Mk end, top • not orb= tb• Corn keep senor/ate end £o lnn , ne mom Iran • year,ll in • dry wan orol Dlaea at tb• Manny of the Manager% ant the Yale of the dreertonejoentofe, bin per. we breeented then tend We Oars of two •boernslne u = growth boiler. am then was be poreeptlble d between Wtwo , — Thls year women to Me Irale one Valk tontalarns Welt tWi szel Dlre•re,, And orald bap mat many bannted stalkeof gluts each.* - • . • • thou. anoint of Ode ellebtsted COM Ida. wand haafirrtld en ma ea I k by- Ob en: IR W. s. ar.wka Mir ik =boa street f tert §.ELLKIIW. FAMILY 118D1011035 . . • • o.l4u.x)lB2ousa. Ohio. Z. 1 6 ,10. y iv y . lion. tar itsir Vol haute of abort. to solo moo foroto Ja matt= to To. 000ti6ot rutty Medicine , / trawl 'oar Irma sai o var g . g latetaila w lo4 to 13r) of Vio;s:Witool. tiro c hiUnti. /two go' =or your I..toar sad gajc n ai% . Tb &Zit th.b na " a gr,nclO aN L l fp rVglZ•sbZigbr ' oo to eg t t i r 6 t¢ I:1: r°4g: at gV *ors ~:„4g traytluaio 3tens :• j.. 1 4 1!!!„ A ; • "4.* d -t ~r ~;.. ;. BOSTON. ; AMERICAN •-110 - USE, HANOVER ,STR EE—lttkZ4ls.k. . BY LEWIS Z RIM LLEBBILT, Enlarged. 3zia Elegantli rut' dad maamsinz all tba lantern liarmensoat_ m a ..* toe U. aFagotkra es. the trulauu a05i47 e ST. LOUIS. r.vorexi m . QAMIIRL J. WETHERILL &CO., flail. =Won and fonrardlng MereltaittBis.2llLniii. V'Aiikail2rallikftl464.ot*mi. RAVED C. • T UTTLE, Attorto at Law, sad Oratadadanat Penanlyitd, umu, aussattnks-leas traml 4l /...MAd- ' cetZidi - • • OHN IL RANKIN, Atorney er.d Conn. Law. la& 0te.01.a.... far lb* Lot. a' ITaais. Sc. Laub. IL , Iltutarr,2l.)- ItaLsesam—PLhabarat: Elva. W. Torrua. tinmeoz - a kUllecr. • Weandlaw a. Al oCus. Ja E " 04 . 1 14,11. *Oa tat, PEORIA'. CrENERAL COMMISSIOInIiIteIIANT • ♦h9 AVCSIONLVE4 Nat Mtn. stesitaWaLl. Kmenlsl to Onisnilef. BPOKS, MU C. &c. \ WALTER P. mAnsEeLL, - nusoOnt mu OULU.= TRENCTexuAIaRId&M \ • PAPER 11205GINGS;\ r 50.196 Wood Bisset, Plttalnarglio,"... re 3 . 1.13 _ • THOMAS . PALKIII4, 1311 . 0111'Xitlan DEALYM.LY VILENCII ILTD AatalaCill \ WALL PAPER. • • \ No sa diarkirl,street. below. 11454 mad st un s!ree Pittalra.rgh. . Foreign Books. for Ale br J* 3 Bowman a 00. a. 1 .11- \Carhart's Genuine ffieloileonC R'KUSER has just racelsainsa invoice • • s•• lot of Cuban's moll. 1.1;10DMlla. rdaoureetared DT Cavan, a tirsoorw. 2 , 11%10 , rt ereeloort or tbete , unrivalled li:ultimata., the . Illrodea Wortd, , of April Irth. expr—"ldr. Carbert hes • wit faction of knowing tha t hie labors are erfurte= that tlarheree Patent rdelndeone ernatdetect to all out PT& of either Armed= or lurooperrsoeSatiamt ma: Orders tor Mara ass rroelred au parts of the world. Onliforote„ wed Australia not emoted: . \ BOLE. AOXSOY far the &tows. No. 101 TalltD 21211747 • eon. thin ot the Gorda. 21,ew. Mut& LABELT* KPIA. POLKA; a bin \ BELLE Potts, inetre4br Psof. Wu:lasi/aka WI oltr: Antis. Mr owls rWIT 60 llass.r; • I Think of Theo *bed .0..• last BI 13.01; " • Moll Do Too MVO Ma S. IL loner; This Woonsse Salami Oa the Zan r ain.: • !isms. Tel Volta- 'Too 4:aortal:tate Mail; ' Itrescrsaa hate; &a:ao : 21.0 137:11intarte• asul latinedo44 lturOtaxa, , Th. Beacks of osila—bol krtterrunv thantra at the nal beautlfW Scot ai"lfeetch oavata,srah • sham or Ito ()DLLs:LRAM. • IA GORE'S IRISH 3ItLODIES4The • IVA. of this Wart tau teen unequalled LW say shallsr aloe publithal. lthaa beta unabate eta A Lula. Itali an haunt and gussian. Po volume of 11 rip issued in the , trotted Bunn bu teen lo tardy tralsosord s. south US , dt Mil.o Wars, eleleitetly onthossal, Ar,,.—sl. To BiLttrf lell OP CaLItDONIA: or, Osnis ol grab' Ush- math. being a collanuoa of more than =Tar sped beautiful brach a e 'thatAs =tog of - whimb have lath:arta bun unpabilabed in lass want= the whota armored. oollethed, aad piled ham [barmy best num. and Utast minas at the satinr's porta—lL Thls Ist must* lona. bearalfally valuta; Lad' boandi, flied cantatas a Cu. li th ograph portrait of Mayan. ham. piths fa. .trail. of Ma autograph isse7 admirer of hoorah malady should obtain n Wry of 'Ude shake seIM ion. The above fast teed, together with a him lot of atl tha laN musical worn ../or rale by • - IdliLLuit. it Want atiUtit. W. MUSIC, NEW - r own Zany B. C. ?mien . \ M foO7 LAOSOIoCCUAtO SOLli akrog . DOthsttlitt OH st Maar - - '•Yor Thy Unwell Ranier Brzelag.freem lanzeitet. ' 111 d llowes,Wallee4 , . Ohl I Lore the Zar/7 Wm, pang • • There Bold ll* Ikrene m o mltletroters Eillopeas eStyr; Anna to welt ter tbe Wee., - 15allartorbre Palle. WWhet, tali b OlAttottfo legiee eompodttals, embsillahed elm an excellent. Mho [Mb • . Ls Bette Mae Pelts. amellek. NEW IIIIBICAL Wollllll. • wocabuw. Ens:gal Cempaaltkag llnateel Vede Men= Latent ' " Lua to sltcutas /AO= Piano Pale Plan - Clerrar• Italeeds TeLoelto. loastd. -•- The %tan, juat recolved brAdotn• Co.. CoDTORR. Me hi 14131 ' JOHN IL MEW-01t. BL Weed mt. ca TR/X.O5Oll'S MUSIC— - 1.. y. Tin llogyay Perim Canine( of Rolm _ buoloottan Palm . Monona enternatan Hoon•liom PonA; Wofteno to Jenny Lad Wattc • 111rtaticat Wang BtondozoflUl:wymtiolor. blarootto - Modi. Boat , ' Tho banjo I In latintiolbot the bulb 147.pnraib.rrik441..y.ollo. a tr t tu, Thhoo .w an t 4 . o = y et rood Pd .. barn: _ ht. hot Why. from" Mb do Itodttonb". Whoa tash,Wlnd wakin. by ottbobtr. Inman Moron, wiz boantiftd haw bettor t.ht Boys. Cam Itlolabr,vtlationy by - . stanch &AA I'M Tot:tattoos by Grob*, &Lao. • //Aid and los Yob b 7 . Jel4 = - •VMOSEILING'S PIANO B—Two • Ole N../ rant Roo. ood Nano Fortu, with doable wood ton wars. and roam bon Ls.. six maw.. Two Warm,. wary comas. 6 colon. Want boa from. Om Walnut sound corners. IS octavo. intent iron a 150..: The abowrinatrosaanta an towoma awl - mat, ax. =*sad .1. /unbar !atoms of 636. a awl 1 ord. vita= • In ibia, to or the atbatkos of rarohsavr. InVieni tad. .. - • • JOILY XXL,L4OII Irpo o_, • Jima far %ha Ws of Chlekadoka r lot Radom Pastaa=o. VALUABLE 'AND NEW .800.118- Y Sidettal Planaris.—n, MU"7 at it4ulial, Ecti. , , • Dawn, by C. W. Wabbar; • • ‘ , Nlblo la Una Cnontlan Homan, Nos:dawn , • . _ , 7 • Napoleon In Neils, O'ilabral ' P. Restoratlon of Ballet,. nal, mar or Um flan ef talisturav, _. , . '. . Abbsunv. Carapeatastw . . Hinlytnib.Tes ColtriviaLatiec --•. ' ' • . - ! Webasea Coabrldand. D•stionayy; • , , .. - " Opmel Woos, b. Btu ,10.0; Tonne Wean** 'moo. hl) ;wet .- . -,... .:. B.haritre BOot Mt Yana 11d1.09. b 7 e;_ .. .. - \ ..inglitli ISall..by:Wargil= ma , ~. J.T • 65 itariat West. mat locuth atliab. ,„ TIVe". BOOKE4—Lamirtine's Bu tt torstia plrll ita7=l7=l;TV. H. 71iIlics141. py I:LW ff. lei ThfitiVitic lowan Attaalptice,c,Co;.tast publlas4 by =viz Trgernlitesilin aim; - • Ifindaaal \ py _de.; N J. L. RUD. Touth stn*L. pi x r ca li 110011,13—Just arrired from /EFS; B.e tt=bisa:iarlds ' la 8ab , 11 . 5 Mania. • Ina amaptata Anal= alltara.p. 6t li=l,4"dillk/Cag taitia, Far rata Dr 10 , 17.1 • V. 'L. BUD. !math stmt. - WBOOKS= 4.1:10416 of a Belle; oh A ee trete the Pest belim listoer. . •. . . The lege liaam or. thebalted Mato of Leaks.' - ~,egr.z.4 Elie , dUles. SUMP% Irl.72see Zest ~ or H. - 11. L soirwasniisect.'iiitiruiaii....' VOREION BOOKS-This Baiksed Book jr of Itruct by Ulna Mutes. Iva Ilre.-11. it Jur . Iron ii.llbutratea .lobsbak itbray aditlab— Stu Colobin of Abbbstb, bib 1111. tax &ars Works, Us Obbbasi 1111119 r. li nl. l ertabiliTCM *130..82 *Apt stmt. DiEW MAGAZINES -H. P. CALLOVI Tian' lMoilMita t atsAr thi Oret o rd ini tt pug , •• INT= metal =oda. Alao. Velma. • • • • Warp. he.% and tto Illaatratel • th• p_ISHOP CYCONNOR AND THE PUB-, OOT. az L. . Jasatan. - D. Prue ri Mi, oal7 \ DarlsoN afulaar. ea Malta , IMPLY TO DIL PREMIX' \ -p i 6 30501:18111 •-00 . lINLOP'S raw ofTENNSTLVANI; JLF As= B.& 12)).te °sober Uniotroadoselettiv smnstd with t 1.4 reittwou tO allittelaSoos d tho pra-mit Court of Pepalgylmnio.glvisot enstrettios to •,sale Law. olth /goyim -LA malooto .I.tan Dto4oo, Pittatt4lt. iteto/rni ottd torial• Or • , s _ J. WY.L.IIIS. \• : • ' • -X.Oiloallar awl •Seackamer.• • 0 .- am SI Weal at. bronext a aed lth ATla I, by NDOW CURTAINS—AiIs:ad awl Vas eased Gra!la, tor May with az as *amt • moat f Banda, cow and Tarr a P tt Ma.. tor ys 41/0111U1 Fkcpe.B.Loßs and tyluz—ecaa s.lssF rreuh INttor. Ww.hii *au 414ftua sells... Of eertou Outs. et mite% M. ea* s, the Wall Pater Werehouss.lle>4 Market street. teteteen.l'llt4 mit Nottrth amts. \ f TIICIXXIS rAriceis. FIRS- ► B 4 IIPP.RINTS—Nkste m bend- Wit Ignt, rast ritilV r an We jig 1 14=1/1P ; tr" . N . o. Martatatree,2lllTd end /Vim emit . I . - • • • V 103143 -PAULO. TOLD AND vavia WALL PAPER tarlorrof - rniaiassalsetur; lA hsaAtgiatrlta.,..llari.t strut . s VARNISIIED PAPER:—Rootilf ilel. °P, O"'Ut h -TiAll,""ita lat bi x tr ldiazi " k t,t sue br e.wai it.=& • CIREEN: PAPER-i-rsi, Window Blinds, , U 4 CUMI MO an ts{thr Wail ?nor Nt!r".'-filnitth WALL PAPEBYreach . • A merkw ,„ w • a ..17 shade, Dm . elth beaders et Mrt7""""!l',snouts7ll " yh inr4 . . nasiltucat".L .: LEY UOODS BOXES—An assortiumt of ty ataa....t.tuad Dn. o , Xdo Will. kg We 'NW • LIBEBOO DECO/SA=lllll3in Papua/4- -r te5,...417.0.11ar to woo: ea", la baneks.4 . - - WILLTElif;1111.1118 _ . 1 AW 210 01C.5.--Tapping caullandam• E stla utp, Aretentdh lsl MO P. um•elt; Nunn at 0. 6,,,teca: VENT.lll3B.aud TESTERS—.A beautiful ..vbr-tt=r-e-grotiteertztkei ia TAPPING. PAPS P.—Meditusi - and Om. - for nio the Pilaw airlaitialla Z Nuts% Most. betirma raw rows and& WEBBING-5 pieces Cotton sad Mohair •• • 'oaths, sr! 20 4•• DNA • . r T Y - -^~'.