The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 22, 1853, Image 3

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• Ilrrist "taxi'-The rissi taaboit at a staid •
ati;•2l"*. the rtattlei givessuf ituticatlon oT
7 /114. staantr .
La HUTU, !rod this place, broke
Min of leiehafts, list week,' near Grand river
,.Tits La Dent iris a new boat.
" ' The rittiburgh Gazette, under the bead of
river newer _ Pettish es n foolishly eukgersted "-
went of 'the damages dans to the Vella City in
the . late . gale, - describing. her as a °restful
"meek." &o , and attributes the article; to the
Wheeling 'lntelligeneer. lio such article ever
appiared in o ur colamns.— W7seetiog Infelkrouroo.
' Thellntelligetteer is mistaken. We clipped
the Item in question from the editorial olow°
of Mat paper, and It ids credited correctly, - es'
Published. -I: j, - . -
- - Th:ti . steamer 4 ,Mlegtteny Clipper hai been par.
4 , l l szn‘i by OW. Taylor,' of ;McKeesport, and
some other les up the Monongahela. She.
gotiinto the ttoileg Milanese.,
'.' The Granit Etats, from this . pert to Bt. Louis,
Is monad at tbe !Esters. - , -- t
The arrival yesterday. were th e Alliance and
• thassaass.. - . adepartures . were the,daklauti,
Geargetawn s diteturn, aliprCincit'inati, and
Julia Dud, f isnessille... : . ,
.. .
.-- ' Thet 'ht.*, apt. McMillen; after being hand
' lamely - and; thoroughly repainted and, ratted:
Is spin alike !Ma,-s . ,nd 4an her elga, out fort,
' Cincinnati in. 44. ' Capt. McMillen, as all who
'have tivivelicfrwith him knew,i levilline specimen
of. the Zociable lad obligitg oiliest., end every
bodygang down the river today will take the
Huron, if they can, of course. t,' ~
. , The Wheellog packet. for • this morning is the
' favorite Exchaispi, Cept. Rhoads, ''
. • Comm or. QIILR2III lisstuore..—.Before image ,
and Associates:ideals and Boggs.
' In the case of M'Olaekey, Indicted for larceny,
reported In yesterday's paper,, the jury could not
The jetty found ld'Clure.tbanitohnittn,guilty
of atriattlt• and battery. He was-sentenced to
psy the costa
• Commonwealth es. Moses Frail,: bidietment;
Poisoning - h0p,..0n 'oath - of a Germah named.
)detler. Metter • Swore that-be saw *defendant
mix poison on a shovel, and drew it on the
'%street, And that hafeaw a hog eatit, and that it
.• died- In- en bane afterwerds. Other vitneites
;units that defepdant admitted baling: poisoned,
• hogs.. Witnesses were exiled for the'defeace,to
',protagend diameter. ,Tile jury returned a eel-.
diet of guilty. The defendant is a Jew, and it is
thought ble.religiotis-opinions lanced him to
-deal death amens the swine.
Commonwealth se. - Ediard M'Caffeey, Wick:
m-ent, burglary; on' Oath of 0. F. Porter„ The
difthdant was plunged With breaking into,Par% .
eit's totme,• and 'telling birds end bird haps
therefrom: The' date pf the burglary ilia not
clearly established, and So the jury tamp him*-
. not. shifty of burglary; but sullty of grand lar-i
Commonwealth es. Washington Prieto; Chas.
and Thomas ELinerettar; indictment, riot..
Hltnefeiter being at-liberty on ball. was not pre
eentdwing the: utaL , The others were found
eud sentenced to one month's imprison
' Commonwealth es. James Henderson; indict
Inert, highway robbery, on oath of amen named
ld'Ourrau. Tee defendant was chergedwith for.
-• tales two quarter ()Ales from the prose:
;cuter, in Allegheny city, some time ago. The
money wistartervards .foind in the defendant's
Omitionweilth ea. Margaret Clark, indict
. -mei; larceny. The defendant tad prostautrix,
leis driabing together, When the defendant took
the liberty of wearies the other'et shawl without
her permission. ' The property was loud in bar,
poseession. Thejory sound there wean° intent
ateta, and eoideqaently actjuitted bee.- •
' Commonwealth Os. Jacob Heisler, alias Heeler,
indictment; 'obtaining 'goods under false pretext.
esa from a saddler in allegbeny. On trial.
::.oonessa's Innoser.--Babert Dowell. s man
. gobout Afty years of age, died yesterday afternoon
- .of Wades, received from a men named Alexander
.)dogoiston, about a weals ago. - The two were te•
•.• gather it a drinking home ealle4.the Tribune
;Home,ln the Diamond, where they got into a
' Anl; When birgaiston kinked the deaeased on
. tee upper pant:lmo spire, and abrojomped on Ole '
chest. McQaietonlMmeilstely left the' city.
• The deeessed Died In's eoart Opposite Siasonlo
• • Comm' Lowry *Wittobled a jury; abetlel
• st'elmok.; yesterday evening, when havineviedl
abis body, they edjoiiecd . . to meet this , eertabg
st nine z'olock eider to 'give tbejbleidierts
time to nuke • pro• • Ptt paatmortem szassMatica.
• • • • •
Tss Conan Pow Hotte."-,-Bleaent. &A.
`Patterson, of AlleghtuY'scity, have table the
w:Mesa for building the .new County Poor
House, at $28,250. The huildiegi 'seri°, be
- Perused within fourteen months. , Thet Padget
House will be 200 by 4 . 6 feet, with two tiers of
roottm, and will bit two stories, high. The din.
big-room will be 00 by 30 feet, and the War
den's . house .will •be two sterile high. The
buildings will be heated with -steam.
-A oorresttoaderme between AL:on:Aar of old
stria aad Cot J.ltirra Snowden. tendering the
latter a publie (linger at thO St. Charles. was
handed to ;L us last night, Ir*ar too late an hoar
to be Inserted. 'The Lotter Of UM:atlas' Is sign
ed bY forty-tsu citizens: T$ Olnuer Is deallaid
oaths grotal of waotal. time; as be will leave
to-diy.forlhiladelpbilito eater upon the dodos
of his olfittor;-the Diribtorahlp of the Mot.,
:TED blot L-131nee the commencement
of opetstiens is the . Pearl ?flour Mill, of Alle•
Oozy, the Cappauy have been working day.ond
night until 'Kittle a -week or tiro. About 500
barrela - of four:llw day - mere turnal out until
th.aftbie; risco 'ben they hero averaged three
, %pared: The law atop of the fiver, sad the'
...approaching harvest bale stopped the
of trbltMeaatqueutly they are able to werl/-
A Rov.—,A raw =timed at a.hone. of 111
Caton on Prospect street;kept by Jane Davis, on
Scuiday night; between two men waned Hashes
and - Larophrwy. !:Hughes ehot Lanybiey,and
Larophteyatabbid floatte, inflicting a number
'at 'dangerous wounds,- from phleh it it *Ought
t bi will hardly_. roomier., Ro j arrests bare been
made. ;Limphrey's wound is not dangerous.
Laideni —Hugh Jildgi; tad *been lodged
la jail for some time paled' 6chirge of aseault
dad bend-Y.:preferred by tda tatither„bas been
.I=nd ti:,hara been engaged In the larceny of
number d email Wiese front P. If. Dada' sue
atm start. .oorstoltrarnta antra made. out and
lodged sedturt Mtn on - the jail books, yesterday.
. .
Anis= Ann Beirisr •LHeary, lifeCiarktry
made .Arittitieforri ,Aiderman, McMaster 'ester-,
de y sitslosti ; his brother. Cornelia* for small ,
stied battery committed. , Coble* terraship -on
gar 10M, sad sitio,for otte committed - on the 20th
this"Miy., Contents am committed to
. .
*RILIOVALi or sue AlLEiittr.lT
TboUp.4l,-Fizler, Erg ~Paeunaster of Almelo's,.
tinetbe bundles otCrederal street nstid
bhbia u cubinet warehouse. for *be. Piet
Office, whfele►will be removed there an the let of
`July.:: The ram will be Diore_apntenient than
the old building, there two, large in.
luaus from the street.
FiLSIIIPILVIVICIU --Moir Gillespie arrested
se mina issaied It. Vogel:lA - Altrete: ci7j_fOr
'obtitsiag quantity of cablost ware (torsi Mr.
"S. w. Woodmen. Ttnid street, by Wee rrprosen
4eitiocs. _ L . He mai taken before Mayor
mfmrte the soatter.was compromised by the do
readout proonsimg to return the goods, arid'pay
' lieseivr lop tartest —Ahriet Leetarilisti•
•%thud ecit yeeteaday h(einet Jobn eah
,. •
~treetor oh the Btenbenetlioltiliroatt, fir „an se ,
. setae and bstterj, alleged to bate been eommit
„ teal on thellth of Jane. The case come hp hoe
_Jere hltiertrien hisioi t who held the defendant. to
'-'...Dziosiala Rana , : —Fredericlig Holt wee
Arreeted sod bfoughVbefore Mira Perk, et AI
. leedatr;idtdibt. tor dliardan =dud Ile
• walla& $lO. and, to default at paparnt,
BlrnatT —Ohastee Blotto: midi
oath end tot' oratetlon jeeterder, before Meyer
; Putt, spnet.:Hartmeyer,
he. far mutt eait:
' .ta7 eilth eer to.. . T fraeu 06001 . .
.rett Inger Beerteloon, when' the Doctor
Wink - Skater - warlike - head +filth it.eane. Be
ars ,.. httrtel and held to belt La $5OO. '
oTifi AiliOdissA Winos obn
. O s,.mnibu hoe ffelgti Muter, of Allegheny ally
-; • -informed - as that Ante the lest of Jonasoltbore
°r x , km, been 'welshed '151.t.• toad' hay, Si6s head
• t • •- • ' o f Ague; And no tow &hoop and hogs. •
evinialt,pirty to be given by the Ladieti of the
Eptiavyal ChnoW of Moonlit!, at Arthat'a Bali;
on :Tblvilday Vomiting- - Thitats of odzalusaoo
7c , 'ttrea. fee qents• : .
jiltki-Distriet Court the Alittnleit tit woe
, :Aiken ,Vllt . yestardskyandgen 132111111011 and Wit.
}yamsos the Baxeh.-. ISOtkftg o r hi ti est,
," •
y o arkscii. tlllw TUAL. — A niotlon for a
, ass ,trios as , of Fmk. reported 0 to.
• day's
~Eaper. =sae Yedttlel l 7. by his span
ffel• •
Es~tsttaca yard Mc aßee7 „
was oaten
. * Wairablaiejsimprissassolarla lib Pal ,
lt,u7i oa wee ciarlol of Inninr and Is nizik!s•
13,020e61as released yes
terday oa . WI: W" griT 4 4 4 fol./Art= l 7 tu
PAILDI,-..012 Pridai. the colored Mesons of
tble oily will par►de. Is the evening a grand
copper end ball will come off.
, • New Tour, Jane 21.
The steamer Humboldt arrived at 8 o'clock
this afternoon.
' The Cambria arrived out on , the . 6th and the
Baltic on the lob. ,
Linemen Maxecus.—Cotton unchanged—
The sales on the 6th, were' 6000 bales, and on
the 7th, 7000 bales, with small speenlative
and import demand.
Floor and Wheat are Mist at 2s 8d 'idealize
on , Wheat and fails on Flour. Corn "is ne-
Wright, Gaudy & Co. quota Cotton as doll
and heavy; the prices favor the buyers folly it
privately, but publicly nu change. The dullness
is attributed to the unfavorable condition of po
.lltical age,.'
' At Manchester prices were easier without any
Marked decline. -
Breadstuff, in thLt -London market hod con
siderably adrancecnod were very firm.
Richardson quotes Flour an being in lees in
ll quiry after Toceday. Philadelphia awl Bald
mon were selling moderately it 68 advance over
Friday. Corn unchanged for floe qualities. •
Wheat le reediting Idadvance over Friday:
Some other Circelan quote 21a8d advance. The
week's snivels of Breadstuff' were smelt
The exports of the Kingdom for the month of
MaY•exceed last years, over £2,600,000. •
The London money market had improved. ~
The French fleet has arrived in Boehm Ba y.
The Russian forces are goerching towards Wl
daiht and Wallachia, where the troops are or
dered, and are forcing marches from Warner to
Bees. ,
Tlie'Rgyptian fleet and army of 80,000 pen
an proceeding to the support of the Sultan, and
thelareonian chiefs were '
•A. eplit has =erred: in the English Cabine,
• between Lord John Russell and the Irish mem
hem, who have Sant in sealed reslgnatlou.
The ratification of the Zollverein treaty bas
been exchanged-by the miens powers. ~'
At Berlin,- on • the 2d, it Was 'thought pesoe
would . be preserved, bat farther developments
were anxiously looked for.-
The income Tie bill passed the Comiocus.
The sutjtot of the imprisonment of British
colored entjeotnin South Carolina • is about de
be brooght before Parliament.
• Tho Ilumboidt galled from Havre, the brings
Southampton dates to the Bth. • Bee sullied at .
this port at half pest 8, with 125 passengers;
among the passengers are W. C. Bryant, Mrs.
Freemont and family, P. &adder, special envoy
l i
front Bremen, B. Bingham, Conant General from
[rite kaglish government to Carralres, N. Brown,
late American Consul at Rome, and B. M . Sykes,
-bearer of Despatches from de American ,lega
tion at Paris.
The mediation of Austria and Prussia' was
spoken It
Count Neeselrode Lad arrived In London with
despatches. -
A later despatoh to the Landon Times states
that the Emperor of Boma had despatched a
Courier to Constantinople with a demand that
fdinsohlkorrs lac: proposal ebould be accepted
by the Porte within eight days.
DrtLOIT, JOllO 80.
betrolt oily bas paned the gigue Lair by
about 800 maj3rity. .
The retorts from the interior of the State{
indicate a vote In favor of the law of four to ate.
There will probably be o majority In the Stay
of some 10.000. -
• I
Raw Tonx, /one 21 —Poor, sides 9 000 bbl.
State„.at $4.62®54.68; Ohio, $4,62@i84,76;
easter;.eiles 2.000 bbta Southern, at $5,12®
$5,18,- better. Graisalei. 40,000 -bushels of.
Wheatit $1.191@+51,23 for Weetern, and $l,BO
for,. Gennessee, armee. !Corn, mixed at 68Ie;
yellow, -,65a,. plenty . Cotton, salmi 600 bates,
Coffer, sale. 800 tinge at 9F®9io. 6rm.
sales 200 hhas Orloune, et
Steady. Holism, steady. Whhkey, 224 @Vie,
talent,. r rOvisimm—Mass Peek, $16,7b; prime,
$lB, easter. Baled 200 Wile mess Beef at $12.-
74 easier; Beef hems. 12®150, quiet; valet 160
dents haute it ®9lr; shoulders, 5j ®6lre
Lard, said 800 bbtaat 9itgiloia, plenty. But.
ter, beary,'at 10@il6a. Chette,tic.
Plutainxtenut, Jane 21.—Flour quiet; prices
firm; Bales 1600 bele' for export at $4,64 for
Western and- $4,76 -for'Pious: freth - gritandl
there Is rafair demand for city comramption with.
is the range 0r54,62/€44,65 for cannon Ind
exha brands, ands fano, lot, at higher quota-
Sou: Bye Flour and Corn Meal not Inquired
for; the former is held at $3,75, and the tatter
at $2,62 , 1 "11 be. Wheat in gooddenisad, further
soles 6 000 occipital, Penns whits at $1,20, and
red at $1,11@,51,12, gl bus., Corn doll; sales.
1000 bus yellow at 61. Groceries and pride
lone, small Madness doing; no change. 4 ..
Cmonntarr, Jane 21 —The liter hitt Wien:6
itiohee.. , ,, Weather extremely hot. Flour. -Milt;
sides small at $8,85(04, for good brands . , aiit - 1
$4,10 for extra. Bye Flour scare% and in di.
niarat..,at $4,20. Whiskey, 1710, which ti par
o,,ade4.i Provisions stagnant,
New t ORE CATITAI hiAlirr.".The . offerings
of Beef were 2,800 head, prices high and 6rm;
the range for the week won 9 ®101; the market
closed Eull owing to the warm weather: Sheep
and Lambe,7ooo offered, and neutral seldut
$2 60®$8 60@i$4@i7 foe sheep and $2 25 $3
500,875 ss®6 for Lambs? Saes 160 Cow,
Imo Calves at $22-60, $55®60. •
haLADELTHIL CATSIIMLZ/42.—"The offerings
of Beef sure 1200 head; salting at 8010. Hogs :
limited sales at prices ranging 'Uighur from !so
quotations. Cows: 100 in market s $BOll4O
titheep and limns, the tonna at $2.60 00. and
the latter s2®`F4.
Cap'l Slat, Annual Frani:oat and *aims Fund
• $1,000 • 000. -;•
rsoospoßATED 1825.
Pelletal of insurance issued at all times on the
moat favorable term, against
08. 2 15➢
ustillin raj Tor Pittsburgh au Allogiss , a Putuil
Jr tad t o lithatnith ronnablp two MOON bola. the bor •
o gb.. TOO farm contain. 150 acres of manila.. Lthe.
aeon W 4.225 MM cloud Lod wtherionitivala. TD.
11.6.01wISWItill ..• 0 Crane alai los donning. • 11001 a
flame ban, otchart. £0 Also, about 1,0 acres 1.1 1
coder son •• 2 Aosta the ..A a taran., - O.te the Asia of
no, to the ant. beat one A the test located kr coal
wort. ana ore on 111. neon TOO ;bole ninth rod
!' ft F . l: •IN enal
N4'lrtiseautrr. OO.lO No.
)61. onaletraat.
C2UNDRIES-50 bble wbbe.d. Herripg,
5.,.1 6 dedr..•01160_,.. 180 001100. 2 ,0 . 1 /....s
. 40 Dbl 4 Spa. uminv .4%. 061 s. pt lay 6(4).110~
...Loam ow: •'• 60 .. A ',IL, • • •
600 , 1 4.. OP vor/d lima; 76 bs• BlsoatUrd Toby=
1 1 2 b,"",,,,i' rime e
r, 4":
- I V 7 I role " ltirtl i so , l L'r tittle,.
• 2" ',...°'"- ;11..Pr e • Vl' Lttrir:72 4 :4o : T r:
SI 71: bf••4b.'4..-uatel 1 , .,4b1i.,1100. Beam ' '
60 St esmmoo - do.; 250 bceer Owned Masc. .
16 6 .'• - 6.,PAC • • . 302 teal , di% bails;
16 511.49.10.,04ue ' xi II A.limme.e 0111
6 0E.. 'lartlog; -; 10 ..• Ilmseed OW' ,
In rem lad lot /..4 ot, ' ' r •' ' . .' . L
tail_ AMY NIT a a_____ ). I _4____---- 2 4 ,3 b.rtr stmt.'
110 4 N B NETdi r
f.g teabay• a-t tLD
ia.Yead tinrratalestasta t nditriel
tp . n. BijiMaw.voyar.i. Ili kr,
h lip s I== and Janabot Vabeada ;Le I mei tap. A
at tioadlaWatt and Want) Band. lb
ItLACK )3 AILEG E S-56 pieces plain,
entlentieireri" "',..1.217-4"* and otbe Dow
A. kefirON 66 viten Aron
.Iteobor :et* 6MI It jots :cativo! slut fot tab.
1./gaud r.csil. by ..
jvii •DAVISON • AGNZW.,6! SlOvicastreet.
NitOji z itlev e t s tA: t r t l . ol— . lleall . i t atirt , ers for , Tor hoe sdomod 201106
La Kor York aid
- -
WINDOW; 0 U UTA N 8-01ased But
• Y Parar t pog toed and to, br
. AtiattiLL. Wog stmt.
p ldlsiltrtfeo of good., Storm. sod Ptafto,to u t. bl
,11 P. MAUI:CALL. 66 Waal rtn.L. choice collection
el ..1a ork hsol for nlo
.1.1, w. P. in 4
.w/WW15.1.1.L. 1111 Wad sfaiot.
NRO. 3 ISIACKEBEL-25 bbl 3. new No. 3
Uockorol, Ifuoschteetti Isupootion. rrootrintatr
o. H. 1.4 for gala b 7 R. DALZIMG A 15).
I RO ron N-15 tone Pig I and 3 tons Nau
I :Eel lion. lot alio by
oo TIMM WOODs, .
109 Cktnal !trona. Mona stmt.
PUfUMAO irince-inic,coi;c4l. uP
woke Powsb, ewe •tild
S a ges AxN):
ounsE-50 bona- • r .
.1 in do» and (4,W. br
" d 'onaLs-- 4 casks penis,
Q,TA.IIO"A" prune Mach in
s:tors and to Wbr•
T. LiTTLi m•
FTill----0400 us. ilazilec4 an stare'
ans Dim=
" . .
-, 1 ,- . C
. O. fll i Al E R. Ci AS
.• •
Mir Nell—The enntaltes elan In the Tot!e.t.a he
'view. we ...gala hare Dena:mars Lrealare to antlnetent
ere the lifboleti l e print *lona wb.le etberwlte te tired
wed that le all the e n apanesUorders to the
eltr, ea well lee tentry her.* • ned
war from MI, to are ear et T above depot enOttt One
W. would farther remark. that tsar. era weer ankles
whlth Is ernewalenlydllheolelta quote any farther than
the Bat when we airCantreet WO*
we think. the es werlsand of. dealer will end Vat
littlellltnetalty In dlcUogaleblen the nnntly
price, as to wet ehoehl tat the heat bend market prim le r
IIL• onelnenl •
=noir 01 T 132 ITIMORGE EASY=
`tor satek maw JEmil T. Ilia
_WO havUlad.tuaurouelally, a wry dull ' , tab. alr4 eat
' , Wang hosts. ay 11.1 r acre: knew bllbiLl.l4 mane dalk
but It la to to remembers/ that the aDalug
mended early and eoutintud late, laarlag bat ter erlato
tote ruppllel by Oh. ttutlissr tad..
The weather mailer.a intenarly hat and dry. and mast
have • bad .not on that gr.wing crope.• The aPribtt trap,
Particalarly, an la flaring for want of mai tare.
The Myer hat receded to a stage of 2.W. fads f .h"
trine it has bean statliatuy fora ber days. None but the
smallest teat. are ranuMg. out the! ttsoWettilf " 9 "
bat ttl. (night. The "rater has bean drawn off the ev
nil to allow of masa to Um TreaPart keeseillot. •Wc h
Irta ant off receipts of freight fro. that 0 99 tt.rt th.
freights autgard remain the syne u I:natal:am oath.
aim they hays advanced. and we tidOta fir solid freight.
Chutinnal. 25 eta per eat. and bulky height EN.
.Thara ha. tom no
la rates daring tha amok.
Lour , r amalo• at Oh. point at wh'eb left Itlast week.
tit. demand being conthasd tett,. amt. of the housetrala .
fa Provide. there contlaues a regular demand, but
pricy ate nachangid . ..
We not. no enemy matters, unapt that
&tars II ea as satire a demand for mortar u In Dusla
moony, but as itia yet satire enoagn to absorb all th.
Money afloat, Imodsrs are still &areas at lb. out. of 9 to
12 per mat per annum. Exchanges an may. and na cor
net our anotations below:
• _. DurioC. felling.
Philiders and Baltlmare,M, ts. 1. ,
... _.._
Cineinita• and Lotifirri
Ne• Orleans. 1,1!'
LBllBB—than has not bean Canab dons Ude melt In
Soda Mb, and rated are unobanand; no quote
the ruling rem: In atm &melba:no theta notb do.
Losr: and -a continuo our anotationn Pota3K6A,PearB(4s(
ind Selena= 4.X•
• ILlOTTalt—tbars ars lent An animal of froth ?alb sad
tteretad command 11QI2 .treely to the present last., of
the market; ordinarr kinds bore been mlllar at 94010.
IlltANS—oar anotatione are merely nominal lull to $l.
to N au. as to Ignalitr. not ore , 110,09 nark obtainable
`for mall stilts fn .r. pa. ti tt.
Balk)N—ercobserre • daily awl demand for Baron to
ao Into commmotton. but no tandenor to any advance IS
rates. and ai markets bolas are needing air alteration
that ma} be estsrfaured here will la downward. Sales
of the week about t 5 GOO ?Os at tai Oe Should.., 7X for
dab. 9%m% for plata Irma and Ilea% for M.-
ours/ Elams, fir which prim ars lints Orme. These
Sean Indicate the tolling rates fir LOCO .ad :AO lb. lots.
there bring but little Wirth. Irr tan , ..cants.
Ittrlra 1181er—no ales hare tratablred durhoz the
weak. ' • #
BEESWAX—theto is storty dontsnd folr Boolra.L, and
oar m onival an made at :QM
BROOIIB-7.les aro evadlly mid. on antral at ',micros
rabrr. Vlike fet mam•o from $l,OO to SLIT. ao4 fanc7
an 4 grates moo 4127 to $2OO.
BUCKETS t TOB3—tb.o to no alteration to prim;
Bookats from atom 22 00a.52.13; Toba No. 1. $7.00.60. 2.
EitICE--tbere it a vol boo's/ foa raKtkli:= 4 oak*
a, coda 'regularly at one onetatlorta.l22 ft-recto:Los itod
0/0 for ottrt Fir.ol.yoslors *IVO par ant.
COPPER—seas of Pit:taboret tosoofactorad nag-Col.
, t 5520.6. cloth oaf Ilan.
avel than.
CHEESE.-the =Oat le not oserstrked, bat the arid.
Salem Ninth' to t h e amend; sales &nisi the net vest
Dicetly made at Non het on Moeda) Dikes gave vara
sheds. and Ti goons:1ov at 70714
TDRIED PRE:it—the master U about oral Deed Ipplee
hell it 714D9v without tabu Tony Dateh . een, and
Ideas sat list • closing oat We Ti. scalser Dried Deaths.
at It liT; demand Quite south
Erin n—freeb 4n so. to demand at 10, hit the cane'
(airy. earem , v-attuir coomiele4s'e I to be made heftily. We
sodas malts &Woo the veet at 0.10. <lathe at 1 0 ter nv,l
.._517--owlog la the break litho Ilaskand No. 3
Pa. , . Dot or -.i.114 .. hotly a.... .tbdhea 4 ..l th. llm-
Itt{etnets . tooid b••• been bed manila her r.tatl to th•
o iafita, era .. at 1.1134/ bbl. will some ta;r sable to ety
*de at 11111*. Bidllmor. Thirties ari In Fatah demand at
WO. and Halifax do yleklwl. at 115.50.7535 75 Lel. hh
Sad ft • at thw• rat. TT.% 1! 5002;0; Shad,
115.7 k WWI. 19 60g110,0e. ht. bba 'trout 5131 Shad. Si:
75. sod White, $ 25.
• .
9114911zIt&-salas lo anal , big to tbo Leads of ;alias
smear. is 10.42. ead,lbr tetall a AVIS ,
11:01,113..the man of the *oak reilb only 1/00 blla, and
Ulla amount v.. taboo for Dome-0n Tr • forelga-Isrra
roestssd last oast. 0f an adrannft'of 12.34 amt to
. 2natand did ir.t. allsot •3. lon base, a* tray wen already
•aboro eblrplut ootnt TDe demand fur boat. ma
not been aver - mars and mine Dada rout.! 009 9 ISM t.
$3.17 fA• moprelLas mad 1:1,93 Al'S* for 11217 4. en .barf
and from wagon. settling down en, Tarstal .133.004911 3 AS
for impels. sal tur salts. TI. *mama resolved
dunes tbo seat bas been about sass} t. tlO demand.
GIL SlN—tba demand for Crirn and Oat. yonder.' nisi
and solos an strsdr. on tr. •Luirf. VS for Oat. sat ki
692 C.
for r., quota as 9999f0. and 13.10, 4.17
notolsml at 04950 Wheat Las nos toot dread ln anr
quantal Ism ask. ard vs note only...mall ailea at Si. LI
and 90.
ozoointits—thi market 119rfel W. , gnat/ of 1. 0.
b.. , at 14:41.. by tn. Old.. as ty• utl by lb. bbl
.t ti In Kof .0; 11 dames, pales of maul lot. at
Mai.. wad to the mall tad. at WOW: CcErroe. I. Ivor
barly,lnpuirsd fcr. and Wes at 1001401.. hob art thou'
trans Eras*. Moo. /WK. •
daNddE—Drlce. range trot. IN to TX o Ia taantr,
and . for Was bar. tom laths it bath Mow dump:
GERMAIN CLIP—.w ma* rasa in, loc. at $ll 11 tam.
on times . •'
lIIDE.I—Ivan. interin Wortirn LW.. hove Gant gals—
- _
at ICOlO5i. but ;alma .. Oruk at tbfftetth-
BE.ll2—sbare la a mall data Nat Lo , ttp la 16 wad 20
bale lota, aut note Ben 211002A12,542ur ton. ta,II
and time.
KALT—tb• aurpir t tba miss bap falls aft plea at
1,1 to 111 per
IKON a NAlLS—tbe re:nil:11=40o. art in aenacen
Da SX„ sal [or led Natteti.6o pee keg. on the wont ere:-
It. 6Pa cent, cII toe cut, &.k. CAW) at theme Basra,.
bat tae dactaid Is ziat sal
LEAD—ther• L. not lane mrf o h 33 2. 33 d u Lb*
13.1.:133:1 preel343 . mewsl pf tti..taek [33 mew ths.
to mos. pnees us Arm; "TN 14 OWL. *34 bar
littotrra per 23g. and ILI Per
LARD-31e. of 150 and 23 Lb's, LL3.1..3 V 3 333 L. 31IL
boa. .1033. by the siaew Woad km 103;313%.
POl6-33 ales monad: el/ P 33332
it 116.60
. Id= 1111.7J- bias&
na Usri.actlom an. repartad.
011.11-1.1....4 Oil 1. a Intl* tram. bat na salvo Imo
tramblrett Aces oat 1.4 neap: by Ilia bbl. at 664310
Lad lA. No. I. to to re.Nl4 &anal by the bal. 410:
putage. sm..; Blaadtal What. all. 110; :Co. I. tatuarta%
POTATOE2,-thata negtitan the art:twin Main.
tea vast bars gone int, Itota ant want of partlaania.
PEPPER—tales br to. bag, to the Wel trait. at I.UO
PIG EIZTAL—tho only ealeo sloes no Int meat on
110 tons or. ma 41 $lO, 70 tom Ratbolo sod .I.Jnoptoo•
on pirate W.% sod 4001044 Macs , tit. ot $33.404,1130
Than yeti Itttlo Alledbosy mind lo turbot ,
ISOS/N—auk. JAW/. Foto 41 13.00 pa bbl.. ond b/ the
pod. bbL
/d4P — denkod POW/ 3%43X. 7.5 * mitoldon.dn,
ondeldod, latch /guns ma u.. 4,11.4 of goody Int
duns b. 'rat trade. • •
, 131005—thrta Is =or 4o dostiand 1,4 stels.'bos ordeto
oon be gilled ot our mynas pootallosui to /lamed
an not &Irked of any tistsoctions. sad -we goon cant
os ly st 111,06.
/ALT—holden hue dunned Pftlen..nd .. ,' Ondld
I. ant. a% 111,A45. lo mai bb:o. At 111.23, and oxeyes{ /L-
as. .. .
SMITS XIMPENTIX6-salei ire ectakinx,at..tha do.
MM. aeamd lot woott ....aorta 40 eta per gallon. mat.
is the ruling tate. r
frrwitteg-loom sake Dsoo Does mite it 9421%. bat
Doffa 'err large lota
Ude-atlas of young M) son at 60 to M. *DS Immix' at
711, br the Itallettec. -
•TALLOW-Me tonsorial@ sours to bet% try the bbl.
.urger tom might be had ter Wm 6
. .i.y, IX CO 011.-otead 7 rota. bythe 000. it 8 go per abort
from manufeetore , ,V bands.
• Irstsstss,pepts are otm dl at 22; for eoctlftwl. bjf Um
bb , ...D 0 id - . deed) at ttat rata.
WIIITIS 12 4 Prwattam no 6M. to notate alarm.
bat prima Miami at oar onotalloas. sad Um damaod li
aim %Mal to roe raflilf. MO • of oar ramulartarent bar
na ahead to a oontfelemblt amotmt -we Quota
14,52 per be tor pare Intl", arm 9 eti 9 sj, to dm Ass
tb. um..l ataa atm Sal Mad. 6 me 11 D.
lirtnt , ol7 GILLBSnot marl artivlne: WO from store
of =atm breams at 81,15 fa eras. r-to . fo r 1 1112, 4.4
SIAS fa 7609.
WOOL-dare baa b•en lama saltier, Iles •ask. and
Mira oo tbe wharf and fr>m mason bar. he.. mod. t", it,
errant of 22.000001. ploolpolly Watatts tha rikegil of 40 to
66, and extra quellUre • Mule' Natter:. larta *lmbued•
to tba a natty, within el was of oar quotation.. ar• ba
'imolai to Wilt. 00 Maio, • ra . o R. mode of gt
Wm to go east. but Ma terms did not Mamba. DM Orr
some the por:ha , ea Moat dtalam, here nod to W. aria
007, win map end 000 Os., so. talr. R•Oslred &ding tbe
week. moattr to b. forward nit, 749 balsa. .. f
ed •
LMohol. ;pi ciut-.....1 .1=..)1DD1C1X2,3,19i,
Ala-X It 1.41-...ittle r a......* i:l7 At
- TS. ...-.....17 00 slum--...-..-...6)(,M 4
• ,,...,.4 90 emitted 00.........20 .e)6
'Bran. rommon-.1 1 4619-.t14911 arrow...ea -........10 6912
,b,„,,,,,,,,,.,,, 22021 . laquaratia.......... 9 aelu
)In._.tth'g' No.
127.____:-..1-..........11 111=t,„."Vgt.-7aaM.
i ll
Dflob;todlear 0060.1.....025 Da ..,,,a15,.....- 076
xat,..;...........• ... IMO , rintatone......-. 43430 6
comr, .11,4.- ..26(05 Cantober. tellnad.Ao 4646
caataat, be irale - 11 bbs,76 Onto Lime, eat.-- 064
&Mapes ototin, ..Toted -23 L ,Mehtneal ~...-4,14a2Mat0
a b 00,...19 Cream Tarts..:-....92 6131
Cotton obeettniON NI, 1...24 ftypperras ............ IMO 2
rt0.2....76(a11ate, In tetneta -11 (191)
C"' tri;"bLiratt,l ' l ' ' Qom Gab - fe . .= - -t Mg •
',Soda &a ‘116 4 .-OX 410.. DoPl•-•-.. 90 elf 96
Oilvile.-9 A •• " %Yee ' s.. th--'4 .. -16 4" 1
th"?....."....--.....r4 ILP. pow d._-.66 Mo
IV "717 Z :::::-73 1•14 ? " 7.1 1 1 ." '" -- s i s se
Isaaa:liiiir;sop)p . so ---......0
boo -- --3..,113.18 LooDto..-...r u 4 0
Air"4.'it b.-.12-raii rt=halmir.:....lS 14
riateCheranTifb..l9l•oll Mirth. Tor W.-9S . ....
7 ..2 t. :: 7
86 1, 0 . 1 aarg.....74 xi
ct . • DU ••••••••••
' /II rts• " ' II •• ttaaeht......... :673
fled onto IP bn 1:12101_4d : tlrrna-...-.4t0_2.1 5 ,
hirlo6l,l cgfa 5.1 00 .. , AZ . Min::::::.4.4?
Otorpowler, f7f-f4 OPIUM Taxlo.l-3 i:
tat....... -6i raiz 75-,r.........: /.60 tiborb root.:-. WOO
Do 1 O callous. doo 00 - rat AZOODMA-...-...11, 016
ppftm w a x...,4.0%94.60 • '
Sal bode..-... a', to ax
Drab. do , -........... 9 .t 0 , 0.02,211.......-...*,10 WO
/.90" V. 1.--....... 1 .10 j l ' irsl isilted..4-.M 11 '
j . rm. 0:ii.1919 0 . 45Wa5t i t , t17,..... idir o - sw.
1 Rake. it 000.......,,W, 7 5 n7,,,,,7,7,ririitt...60
I lov a nl i. I . 1 : - .1 4 X,47,4
i lt.r.:= o9 .••••••ibt9i • j ,
- raav .4.-vriwi -ley; .1.1?- - -I
..._.; ... .0.--Egil gr.1,1,09:-. m ....:.-1
~,,,-_,= , ,-,6 - ,7 7. ..„,,„, at 19 kag...-.........5.22 Co •
Stint ht ear- •
It btd...b.slt'll Tama , a. Te1n.....N
Ird . ... _13,7 as k ea, lameite.2l.93DS
I:Ho, .. . _ • „Axe Tin 9lste I 0...-.-.-All
P•Df..DI Dia, iiiri,--.13 - ;I X ..... -....414
1 ' • Asasonsa 4 rdasni 21.10. 3 . .'
1 -irsvissraeasS/09 heed were Midst 10644:64%Fam1e
Dial td OfWeleaf Deb ow owe And was LA or.
int A-.. 4% bad libki 46e0376 et' xe A. arias. - . F- ---
• .:-CIANCI2IO2I 'salvias bi ragrod .ses illsoorsi !it ps -
. ~ ' • - .., - •
. - • -
Jeffareou.Parkinsau. Crowtswille,
OWsyard. Peebles 6 I=hvelb.
Lamas EltureettOlannasvillu
Thou librivar. noire,. Wost Nunn,
!habit. No. 2., Wait. Beaver.
Jisaver Gnedat. Beaver.
Album". Taus,. tlneloosti.
lloauvev. Vattieuttie, Webb's!,
Zsubsuse. Abut.. Wu.. Wt.
Cat. !Loges. Kincaid. WhatUAL
/elm., Pastime., Cruet:LW
Col. Baystd, Peabies, IClsabsth.
Taos IS/wirer. dalibev. West Vessioni
Lulu.. Canna ibremnwvills.
Mehl,. No. 2, Wolt. Wellsville.
Heuer. amble:, &suer.
Herunu'vtoo us. Louisville..
Ouvgetoso. Mawn. boulsvtils
J Dive, Zuessallu
StrOWNPIVILLE. sa. or. and or. 5, . •
WEE? SEWION. OA. hl.. and P.
Tea LLITIL—Thera wary 2 fart 0 (neva water In eta:o
wl an 'aft 57.0142 at dart and 00 a stud.
Regular .Pituburgh and Wheeling Pas
senger Packet.
.1-1111 E new, light draught pitmen
' ger packet kinGDOLid. eset•
D Moore. will leave Pittsburgb Wheel
e 2,117 Tuesday. Thursday and Rein:day. at to eldest
Lto Whseling se Minsiey. Wednesday hid+, .Lt
as same hoer
The Mao:rolls connects at Wellsville with woclttelw 4
tee Pittsburgh Nallroad. end at Wheeling with th e Del.
Rotors add Ohio Rsilroed.
The Medulla entirely new and draws but 13 illei*s
• '
"P"18 J freigh crpaseage,el4 on baud:
0. D. OOLLIN 00D. At% td W Orr etreet.
Wheeling Packet.
MILE new and etannoh strather -
1. =CHANGE, Coat. Ithoadea. .111 ran
" •
"" rTa u mt "" ::: eltrasfea4Tiag d Pdtabarsh
W ray 1762:De11i: WkanIZSDAY ani DSIDAY of men
f"4 . l er) . K 6 .
111!n %TOD ' , 17.121.1Vrter treat.
Sir The itaahanne la an an:fraly non V,
iiirfatt:32 t=i2gire; mune:Piga
fast etenne Capt.
lens for th :bound vi Lannon
ports on WAD:. VA Y. tin 1.%1 on
at 10 o'clia. A A.
For freight or nuitinte. ..board. Lk=
victs—n. tsni Inman. LA BILL.,
ins sot, sr 11 o'clock. rs.
For tinigh t or p.wt• ingly ad Wog ei to
W. B. wincipqt.
Ann., DAN CONVIHS.IDVay.tnak4r
l lean to. the &Dave 411 Intermsllst•
port., on .ATU /OAT. tbe Ilth Mama. at 4 r.N.
For fedgbt or passage apply ...board.' .713
1 1 1 0 R ZANEB , 7 I LUN—The
1146 t draught Armor HUEY EAR.
x Muter, will I.ay for the above mid aD
letarointlsta pointe cn TUSBDAT. the lOtti Wheat, et
lot freight *Timone. OW aabeaM
itotl C. la meant.
.rase or JULIA' OMAN; J. J. BI ul '
twit, loaves Mu:burgh *Dm} TULPDAY _
ID o'clock. A. acid •••t7 rBIDAY
et 1
o'cloot • it.
attlywn emirtly apott the emit awaseta. Woad ,
oat Ulm malty two.
Ict D•lsttt or wow,. only oe
J. D. OOLLP:(1117001%
of—JOLLY IL .UL •t•ots.
iroiA more nxi-ora.,
.V.NZN,' P I T V t ;;:.11`n),..'''._ ° 14'.:PtIr s . : . .?;: i l Tp_ W e:
tools bUtiwv.ry awl r atoodow wheal Laksollshm•nt.
DAM Old bowl stmet. Loaloo--atutallthod mon those,
• ai:yr alto.
Iles , w tdOltli tb• gla ovs•tay of the leoptoYed
tattle arti various bowie I Glans*, isow as • prom.
Avast eimit ee Mit and way b• comsat...l at Mk
Or VICE, LAPAYETTY BDING!. coma,' ot Wood atad
Yount, sire test dtof on e relate dint
U• ha bat tire besof of onto ilia Ue• abov• sokotad
p pr ariod, al tetras of 04. [Wad Magda*, wham hs hut
taaid t.
e ewe. tt•rias aloof *slat
: boot • yaw th n!, sotli s
to m ob. • tristh tor•• seen time.
bet bag the Wave of aanoonettag his from hoodoo.
wtth • mot solarbili les wtto• .t of his •••17 throated
ant Improved brit.the LT& beet la the sopetiottiy of
them 0 twits that, peso. haat. Maud or wash or.
moo la•tatttly tw tsora•l oy atatar than, sad Noy pa
rse th e weevilly of rlowrelaw lbw pro 100..0.1.0 of
exet a mu.t Weaned isenob Ills.whtto that ao.
• trwai the, • d sad roe toting to warm, the. toast wilauta-:
a boloyosswt the way *orb of haws. tittuy by aey of
audit, light. as teetotal ..elltbkoals to tbartial bet etstaw
hos. Wand 0101.4012-a7. he. ebb wsoftbroto..wileits .ba
farther tremor the pabboorhith w,ll *earl...mod to
aeboawheia , assorlait tbs. wee n.. 1.1 afar whh their
coossosed, tbak ao asertiOti shall 0. ..a me en ha tart
le eivels their apatebaboo. Abdo! to tee at soot..
pommel by him et Wog emelt. Vs th e Pa ladriaat kw.
mad attlar one. cf the moat aoratrat 1./..ll , tete by which
ew has obtain:red ••tharono• bakewhtli• lb. dhst••••••1
rig. a. be 01011 a his somiewsima docamaote, too. isdiesia•
• et nab, Door./ taSys• laabwif twdttboolala of apyro
111 • . •
will Ow r•f•ndleas to we., 1. Ohs Ihaltal etaboa.
who hale, broad Mt wat•ed tenser Intl mow% to Lad
woof Ws swirly Inewatott aksd ttoprersal agrarladow. •
tkutd Cbacrantor to . aslraardlnary. pemtra.
oddly 1.. - 44. aca all ortrunvet. for In can of ea emu
;Tom of Dosfoom, rands dldlonlat mks ar num.. nm all [Ann. vartann .gtbst tom
or probably. favor eosin prodsood. nit sot nod=
to tbo etri.o Otto. oar, awl nsay ran *Obis ottimollon-
Jeeua our Ward' the run =los rot tho only. nro era
poreorlbla. onorarot ind notliilit...tNa uno
anti rpm. daf.tin. bowl. • StAndilig•
pettact m 4 natant al.*. lad to ma la drat o roan.
toklo lo gen.! eon anadn. La boat atortlellal.oy at
pine of rorada. at tba bar.. no ontllsfoonsbl.;
ton bnpletsant ornsot:oe of notion olf LC. got la
ondtely n 0... and in.aottoPolrarona Warded to 1M
dlytdoalo anent alai dp. dal ma / day. all Ma
soden. int eta lombly adolma.
"From 'nut I bawl elitormi In Me woof gr.itokloonie
Gk.*,l tats )Wars b 64.1.11n0 nay Itsolsoony to th e
tornolsg notantoondallat oft s. totulty.
"J. Izon. D."
. final:meth. Jana 11.161.3..
* . t gm haul in bosehog Mr feeble tonelmeny In favor
of Mr. ransom' If. telamea Ith at them MAME,' to
y that I oat. Wel. me mos men m fist tememalt
nada Men um - . e•ttl . MT.& 11 Do
"tots Pralolat daemon. "enfant:onunnel University.
. f...
“Pinstrgh. Jim. I. VW."
. i 11.0 11414 • pair of Koper....' Mamie. gisrant
them oar cont.:Mania I ahterfalty and imams to , the
number at Ito.. •ho manament Mom.
*Jaws T. OXUS. MA : '
.littsbarils.Jnae 4 {tai" affects me pleagam t. .tab that en th• trial at
amen sp. Mega of Ilpeelseloo Mayen to my Maga Ey
Mr Nakano ..1 sad In met( easel ennead hen • &Met
of onion an I eoponally Imam.. ta lb. limo. from talon
I have tuft `nal Mettle lam rtro remnants.? 1 Lam
1 atertion 10 as man for a abort µMoe et nom I twat
they are Li A 0 oneellset qualm, sad noralteettansetad
for oath pm` one J Y. litattisee.M.
. L .
160.5 .50 AIM.
P rti=triewmgro, 4 ra." 11 1 :Z1 pout. College'
OClawalon 1 Malabar 27.1t51."
....ilta ben. anosonfatioa I rail at re Um Olean of lir
Saloom= M I oat 1 nee theejarmlfser. yeatn
ail i,noaa.. .
"Pro -tsar a Anderat.yaimenty of Sklar
.Beeheteer Jnanart lE. PEE ,
..11annn ndo MEd ala .We aset Ent.% Iff minim.
aog alaannal tba onadele en 'onion %ter an enastrott
ad. 1-ham ao .id•Oloa In pronannelag Mom mporin to
anythitig wltti ion& I am aotaalso 4.mM gentillasty
l oan cant dim tally roostataead them to all vim slid
nttnetal ..d la ittiortnlaspa c toirk „.. mt ._
.. Peahens of tathalegy inn PftWirla liana. Mown
BEIM a •14na011atn1101,... ,
"tee York. one CISME" ' ', '
.f cordially. •Dean am Gen. goy laftlineat now In Ute , l
nil:00; f = 'Ara d
. e ~,,,,z 2 rArra l at
1 47rolghtod no 'tlarrlmllllZ ta In got=
ales,. sot Ma g slant mt 410 1......
*. Prifmer antimony StE *
.Yhtladalable Jonlm E. IWO
”Ilawirg Ina -ineel lb. !Dodgem Endo mom. I
am fully mann , ..1 that they aro of sloped. gunny. I
01111 taken • pat far am non, anel and thin anansally
any to the emu ••IL 1.. UMMILD. IL U..
. Prot. sor , f Surgery. Starling Midget Malone ^
MI. Attend. , imaaa.n. in p v.ll. lielankorling
uR 11:3 rabbi, lint
- . .
, Fifteen Dollars Only I
a • tb• rIllas• or Itor• a dsllglittot mid 0 thy
ir, ,, , „;.. te,, , ,4 , —;. , :„ , ..... ~30 . „,..... Solid.'
. r 111 11. ilk fil r P.I II rt r, .off V' lir 6‘ •• ° lrtnbliel= t ail
sMaly saimmid. Muth of Ohs lots oar *berg hart bbdi
aold tor 10th 2to to WO no mat. adnoo. over ta..ortm
tor whirl them tots lire new roll. shoo log that th• Sob
000 .t 1 t• guard lorestmot. -, ,
Heal WWI on 61 pals of ',ma *Omit Is raeldm iamb
tang Is arias. and b cannon* t•hss nunhood Mr lamb
l4tati:l•,;.d.i:grui porpai t o . a,a cla m t„......
laud at Lim ristr?ortL.4., for s4,tail Ind a4 {l o ,Xlvil
been cfPred for 73 serrhatcd rot:flab, the mow. to the
tow, of Ntreloo.L.L rams bimimmitly On. roll tot
from $6OO to 21.870 Iwo annisodtsrdlon to loestlonotod Um
ism! 10101 1 aro now on, log flor wilsu must from tut ea
ttoti sod eipthlllM of produotor all 044 1. ere. 0,010
mid rard•o iterriabla Mr the Nov 00,11.000044 it
erthrs loom On tan times It. protect emu
Noah fint‘daribst hi •0001•1 for MAUI.* lots 22 by 100
tad. lfl 1 toother, or • !um of her
2 to SO
amm.. 2 ' limn ar• SIC flyable in -monthly 1.01-
' 11: a l:or! ini722tabil f f igr a tin; ''' il ' on . 0 1
.1 . •? I 0.
to • ltto , obi • rm.
i' i uTt ' Z?•2 . : I!! ..14:=1.?..•nortre ma lots ire l uaus.
I. onlj a short dist.. noth Of tb• orlobrste Lab*
Itorirlionia. th• braityban.l4,lr.ll..,j;.= of
vr-fare.., .b.L."...igi ..,:i. 4:L.A. al:
MV.rao.t:ll.ll°lll:llXlNghq,,,- '`..'Ll:•=l
trit:ltAr«.ttfltt;altlVl ettini=rl
the Long Isimd Is too moat healthy lotalloo Within Us
burdsnb-fentr dont. somrdlon 00 im populthlth, than .
In any °slow Woos
The farm. from which Isar smir relllol at from 323t 1
filii am stoics. of dm ram. dmral Marano am aril
Imbibes. atm motor coltholtloo. obloh th ane% b• bob
elthred kr COO peen. lad land oil boo north sad a+ath
of th.. wltti Cif battor roll suturally .411 i from 2203 to
I 113t0 por am -.
of A itil l tt oraCtrilt3ii, To°rPogallier; gni; I LU a
Cot. 10 goat. stmt. torton. 0110.111 nalre ronintanter
arid roman(
o n•talith ,thrtf0ra, 8 2. 00.... . a f p raryllelf ,
ro igoill , 1., Igalaff; 1111 ;lab r,..i. intotiasUm
s• roar Os deslnd.
tor ir. r. k I•lti.."37agetts:l=ll.m=ulsni: .1:
SPOiner, No 3 Trot:farm; lirsitlynt Oarrltt.U. Iltribr,
Je., ta; 8 midwy. • ' .- '
•••ot• in Baton. 3. 21. P6TinfuiLL it 0..70 Mate
stmt. ' US. MUB7I2T. *mot.
htll -. *iron of RoNf l o i xt i d 1111,1r4,fort ihgldiart.
I ,o ll m l 'ern. ' .1. a. ainvitiadli . .. sows tams
uzial TAU & 004 Na: 10 Fonith
Y strut nago LibortY,.. food Multi Irt Antall.
llla.T=CrLV3h.raol.. '414.4*a, . P., , - arldVaisto
Pocono who have worn ado In oat Wu trill do troll to
ea.. , two , =Luray on having theft wort' stunted by
pouttc.: woo ammo and sow inanotuturs One own Int
Plu and shoat loodwro wan afford to worgat lout oo low
am au at t. estatdiantoont In el Ville& •
Piroono Crint tho conntry who an , t toyarahau goo
is convoying rotor from 011.11 tel at I. 'bolo ad.
vantage in do no a wall Wore yr g ikon oonand
. n. os we an Lb' ottlyznitnano3 od Lud Pip and
ilneit Lud In Muir/. . , - • "' '
Onion frost tie Goma, tne=ll abut tout .00
lonenowill rosin WC* ~ , Nob/bawl=
ourisoi'For sia .
rzuE undarsict bia just reeeiT
l EM .
.1, _from tho ' at •IWo Oklollo
It UDINE, oltostod noselho Two smite U. oat.. st
littentrob. sod lAwrwoorilLio. a irtlsocariorttanat of
Yotaclos of oryry ilsowriptloW. and wul continuo to voodoo
Marr i wow ood mtvga
or rx ii = ritiVs nquilEstk...gtzbunr.
Thaw EOM! Or Da.. of* lORrltielit !Una to
.31- 0 -_,,,1214:4111411.5.:uhri5da"8]
WARTA of PAM, carlo i ad ea Blum
sTTAkikvatmas u m bompAncri • I
0 21 8 a s sZn' %tem =Mir A T I ` "In
To :the Pbssideus of Pittsburgh:
naillttrts--Doesolo• rt t.o.ootry to 'forintsof
Dania rostobtrof tie 11*.hem yrtstoestoo of Ibbesttbillholl
mtdirilp:oytttinfol pure lle lot 4 tiin ID 101ST dfaMtee
rtsreotfolly invite lose estoto
MS ton to • vei7 Illap•PclT aniole„moblifsttur .11 byre y•ct
totehisittei,„ sor t beiono, in flo , letd. by • POOR'o porn •
Par Leroy ova WWI . . It Is teemed end no.dittitod. not
by tb/ common Imrsh betry. but be the Omits. 00401./
Urt.l7 (.4 the art Instil J Urn,. 1r1.6.•
irinoas utrwit le distlind onfl•eet•erett with its spit
Meow wilveotousti to us becomes • asamarsted doctors
of ex.:mien. Istor and anima& altogether tratinettioott
In ite coedit! esid ontirtin•l properties, to any 1.1•11ontt
Oin berytolbs• know.
Amid Lt• lens of Inlitiordistillatitts with which th•
imam. is now flooded. pophitat bud to brae difficulty
in yrOotriag • stood nod pure Gin, which they an pre
omit* sith eonttleto• in its Med La evils. As an bat
,pt fur of twenty ear:4 3 lanoinstiot tho city of Nee Part,
and palomino • nut etycromar• is the 111.1141.11110
of tiotsop• OM esp.. oily. I bog to rabmit to your ate
tendon my AROMATIO 13C113•P12', so atm
orblat =toot f to realise your utmost etreetatlom and
I shall beim/4 to kawara to yen • bettl• of it. fret of
etjacia, n•ewor to • Ittler intimating yOor ..diners
'it is tow mayfly one roar sine , I bars Mlborod sod
dietribtilsol litatiPsa Oli estlnoleely for nirdiold•l
purpose.. yet within that :riotf , tfi:d, 1 hare 100.114utostotts lotion , , both from obyrideos 553 patteets.
Willis to its roily extraohlinary eflosoy it firm), Is.
orient Dropsy, and affootions of the tiletiOTo 01 1. 0.
der generally: *lto in Delostlo Maladies, when taken in
props otiontitie• as sibot Drink sot *mealy at 41.
WA, icutP, by otlfonn firperiertee, to be easitteotir
elibtations la th•Gionobetiost• woe, whoa mu the test
of the tonal remedies bains foiled td •Iferd nom th.
temporary relief, .4 Ilia?. no 4.011 that it vottld yield
similar: emits with priettion sod nottatotr
The Ara i:0. Bohlodam Schnapps is pat op le thong
bottles, rims ad quarts. neatly a:veto:l.d Welled antis
Oar nue* embattles on the bottle; ow.. fac 110.111 of .7
treatthreat.* ow the libel, oa tha cetL
aMuy oath Its p CDOLPHO.HoLER.
b ta a r g r( Deer
tosaibs by i y
ansln tho Catod St U t hpriethu Urtmaa and °m
i t= I f f (Titre 17ditgl.t. - Medial
L100(11'4 an
1 74
Ilroadaroy. October L 1012:
In our list amater, somathomeoll the yoblicathin of
*circular on al:tryout. from orm follow Mthon.
Ow WINN Eth . with •• briofeornmestary. ear eralre of
our own Mews. Blom then webers Dora captor MS Abla
wont. and thus tar with Mooed. mutts. Bat we'aire
to MO .tholpt of senral eomnittelmtith• on tit. sail*dt
troth medics anew vtdob use. to oboe that Mr. Weillea
Arematio lishDdrun bathos* la vary ertensimill la am.
.al In Ow bonds of pardatano. la violins ItarlE as •
othattlatlog tO be •thnoutly thadrafoL attar
the swath tion with thlo taunt had Mn tried In
yoth. Inoue thoethrs Chao roported. abdrooltmldrop•
ay tha then mired; . OW/modal( coo of 0r.y.1, o
hid boon twosome( by the rouithe of a ealou'otto
of condderable ado. whiolt to astrlbed to tho use of only
two loud.. of this article.
We know nOt ot:doot etdr. Wolfe In ded[uating hte
E73= V..??1,V1:1'1 1 64:t9170;:rhV . dnr . .10
menu ths .. conoentroited rocs . pr./anima." tn.ond ef
torpetuathre Its ancleut
of MIN( d It la true
that b• samita It to be nothtrut rho than the. luta art,
lu do p.m Math, nadultented by load dray:
and honed No contradloilowMahos it from the OW of emu.
=ITO nearly all • f yrb Oh 0s is well Known. to mann.
metered here th eleeethro from Intsrlor whla•et and
noise drug.. I'w name tor has Moen ho .mar
am ye the rumote of dodgem:lot artlalo no propared
tofor medical outlaw% and thus comnsthl it
to physicians. for armee cosyruithoo lo en sole only by
orpotable drufradots vatlapotheourtes.
Ao remade its and curative added:. wo under
gond Dim to claim only that it Is • pore and Medea.
ale of Hollsad Ole. sod ao such. forwoy of the mall
dtho. of thysiritar. in thou* Odium which thor afy
wont to mesodbe awl hero 011000000 oolf
straleat by noddle It Ithmactlothle to obtalo th e arhole
ip • pun sotto Nor Ow old any arrlo Im ma not oleo
.0010l=wild. &Miro the efAlthd a the booed or ed.:
whlrt: from Woe Immomorial boo hol I Ito place
meths the rthoellal anthems at the Modem Mad calf It
worthy of wantolence t4y condo.' oapearom.
At 111 sena. thom who per at la the emplothowat end
toDdanon of other aloohohe m.dleln L ao thirfarma. hip
a 0.. aud mo troth eh( poreeribe (ho ma.
thy oirthautarices. of all nal: An a... the pre.
krone. 1, • pun: •rtio.• mr..r th• man f.ld 4010001 boar
110 Intl. market Mr. Wolf. liberally @applies phy
ians with • nmplo troths kr ths'ytts $44 um, as .o 1
fish In Ids circular thd stall. the notation of law
mined, aura the. talroanee. oalsty riod Moloary of Me
Hulloed din. whea uted ueder moiled mlrloe sod
plehros Mt own ottsrao er bilithent that Um Mild*
will not illooppoint any ...On. It.
nom tho Now Took Express, Odd.. lA. MI.
' Is common. 1 Pleththe. oft. mthy *than of the mt.
&Mon. I »mind. we tow months does, a dent. ed.
&mod "To Oh Islelans throughout the Culted
by ED Eldolabe Wroth, the letteater.ef Mame strewth In
thlow • aneltoll and <becalm' e=lastic s of a sew mil
d. el 'loused Ole. mthafsetund br bintoilt, at &hi.
dmo. le llollead. by. peculiar imam, sad pot oda for
01.1141 50. same the somewhat Dutch MI6 of (Wattle.
do. AMMO. Bohm:me Tb• dronlaredithra for thls or
title no essithatiy maw dogma of puthy. mehemol Iffrr. Mtear et. a ido
w.. 00 d ,0 7 00..., Ousted. tete eas• le•ldaluoid
to te•t thews &thus to • ehootle. alsa Po Withal ithatoth
Wog fthalatr with tams Lc ts to neatiou to the ode of
Hoopoe' taw as 6 roodlelow earerly r neat. that whoa
lt Is aboly layalusi aud aot bel emhaustal
itz any edict th rem ve ody othwn ble
the Pmfmoloth martyr
comphunts, both that* and ehronto. e.oodlr, that .mld
the a:WOW. or or sdnltentrd Ilhatidra with country abound...imam Ilalthel Ma parody
to be obtatrest at thy prima td thirdly that the roduol
loomaitth of say Inferior penurious LU conolet. e.t.a
Um hydrated raldit of MOP.* poisthouselLor m thee tro
mealy Amen so fatale Belot. roadeltel. or Audit* Also-
WaY, sat smoodlt.of 0 w hooter of Om two ethottal oils
of +wow, 140001 or 100 tiontor-0131.00 hasnrit64 sta.
allymalt from Char inermaart :imam of an thonalm
illotlllston of obe nwterhls maployed—l rooolyod to to
and of Er. Mole. Worrell dial r.s. d put h 4• Attie(
dd. Aromatic Dammam . to tho la.o of tied aualsola
Ad I was iodised to do Ado factirltholassiles las pme
"throe, hew audios ant mantel reepootahutl 0 0 ea
lm Peen) because tile wooly of 010. store that ea may
mjal hdrltuous liquor tamed:y*2 in oredkal of
the moot vital 0001 wins= to Um oromethalty. Warmth
as It lo snkrot to two dlatlart wroth of petaldwol.oo.
city. Mal • the Wee. ¢ all of Juniper. as m
Tossol /wand moveevor. 000 "Arentatle Behasino"
etrthaty rthanamsclea Dv a ohmic!. oral writer el' aso
his. haute* than D. D. M. hams. of Um new Tort Medi(
offlahitte. and by oath, of the moot emlatht omehms
of me pi oteralue. who 1 MA In moms to suxtm 0100000
roli"dsl"34l;7ll?'4:l"iti."4lVog4"Taelevil lirf%
m n st Moth I w Um sate of the pobllo at hag
o f oho ...I. of am Latheigenoo ; *halter they ;rowed
moorstde or othanti• to the charm., al the assists mad
the taterrat Oita shweshro
Ttom rrat4.e m oerohlog Sort for the Al
14 hasty.. by, 414114U.0. otrtaltiod au freer two
quarto of thel'4lo.l.ohomsym'Ai era, ty woo O,LM and
hurl lotillOs print wardts domem. sow aid nomodre
awdletlllath• ALI a* oat of mvator enmity. of of •ay
o atrd wharf.. The rose estaMl 7 of mamma
Uollssa le, so called. meld.' tht ouserdow andmot.
tf oil thloblas a.Mlothat bWilog pat t
of OS doo.O. the II&AtOt oU al pr.slowir
trocr. nix arse cauledee se to Use thiwilotity trIV.
olfhls On to Mahan Ds Lb* ofJoulper.opea width.
the Mos. Sawn, sod (liana l• sod other medthast pm.
per am M
en ad at tit* thontlally Comma
Ao Ho Ithal 6141. with warn all Werth Writhe*.
'lttlnors Amax" or lam lid. atol w blob modall
them polsoncos wort WM la
thee cre
bited—whlata mums theh 'broom to thialloat• when
Ohara le am d sad amino that morbid . Maarmbit aye.
the Ibt vitae tordelsthm. with MI Ito cloy/or
wthvow, or viden it. Mends rt teasperethe pad
Ithtbacof oallut.y 00.7410.0000.4 of that rs v sod
latthothuthere of tools, Mr 'bleb (Mr Walton of an ID
doors aro distlagubbed—of Ods AUL acrid :Weal
Youseleil.l Muni so tram to Wodlr's mooki OM.
although I mmtedly i s
Wagon of
•11 , 11 , 41cA t lerte ot wato,o. by tth. utast sac *Mk!
silo t h e ardwarY
W.• Maly.] leelbeesd ts m 1 that regard thla oth
se evemoroyeet pmmal math mare. seal deem.
lot id waded po Nom trothea It Is tedstrtad ed
miry, I doubt to thal rim • awls* th d
that pethitarly Sradera w lli artd- tbrd of Method. which
Immo Use battier end oaths esthutial olls e beth of
aw barley thit th• 0.00 ,010160 la Um salt nth th 4
antlaiest athwatt teethe yenned aroma of thisab 0.
other MO. but to mord te the medal emelt:Ds of the
Mateo Jangler berm of whi-ti the manataclum Pleats
10014 Areal., I halo rwthemloollotheleorre. nutria?.
In As llobt•y eU Maas fr m Itst of the Jeluirra year..
*a. I lad that the roue ell of botb PIMA •• as the kto
brde.hloolo mil. • I Iltdd O. I
Ltd i s b. otig . tt u ltri:giss=a i ltca as s t. V i a= s eoneat
too MI, sal modem tth y 7 olnohla dlAnam s ionlaat
Ihr •hleu 1111 as formally *ad EU. pthaabir. oortt'
I osereothatly bind Mr. Wolfe. • Behtelant kramalle
Batiaspue Ot • mthlaids amerolan to 000 pthrtthoratle
t • psy sahludof Ito ottop•rallth Intiocouthe•sa
to those •Ito thud:Willed liquors ae • bswerawe nth
RAY travoilair lat lb. Boutbeett.'ortam the lest water
Muscat! prod... dtoteessino mai .0.1.00•41.11
III•lo 1301111 120.1.1 , 091. tO MM. I
M.O. (Wok It woo. bo • wood promodoaarr prevision.
. .1111001000 Or 0.V...• of those el a. 9
Weed MI aksaydwo o s f o 0 13 t . 10 1 t 0 40 . 0 b O o r le.L*O llO
4 0
and m ouch. may
Mersa. De ad Iv a y rertthet
. b Y
D P Y tho W t TM lm
gar PlTaburrh Mont: .111111 HA WORTU.
ithaddhaloi tamer ths Mamma sod D smood auto.
---- -; , ''... ,.. II7B.OPRAIVAGENCY.
w ToR lc no LIVERPtIOL i a
•••''. Swallow , TiOULlii• of '
ACK= 811118 tell Weekly . and P=.
VoalT ill 9f It"ehWi l t Vagl4o7 , " 11
• 411 Liberty amt.
in tee ttgW : et !by Plrtnub;.
Domtyem o
= n hand i
en tee 1!11Vatallt an.
1 . 4 . — ..., ...
WM.. raid free of dheonnt. AU*
anus peenneres from 1.0 Yak a Patluotobtik ;;I;
radrad to Pltttargb. and any rennet a ewe
Wahl the M i ned anew ImbNelYna4r4
Steam Chnommacatien between N. Yost
and Glasgow...
-7 " --
1 -i-cis u....hipv,rh:ettr... •
est new oteassehiso 0 14, bt .,...... ~ , ,
...a too ire sa i = t7,7,a from Nor
med.'. .. 5 &j,,,,,, et_ ~s'• fs, ..„,, gall, 0 • n ca, •
U 1 ' 1 4 :.%...8AT, Om Inmt . a 4 . ~,
• . BAIVABS./. n th 6 " oi Ban: , . ~ad., peo
~,, ~B msres.•••• , 70
Met ettlibte4M"nr, ' do. .
......._ 59
=•mg . ' • i Inde/••••-•--. 'u be
L'llL a tt. ...V trthr..... TA •^^. o
A Ibuitg u rZ,,, , rigger gg . l . . 8 0 ,...,,,,,,,
token." s ENT,/ 1.. L • .
° V„,. 4,ght er Ba•Bese o 7/ 1 4,: i y Km, 2.1 Benders/.
sntislisdiet i ' • •
thaugnte, Cocoa. and grams.
BAILER & C0. , 13 American and Vs
-4;1 "fg_ t agril, c l la
the ewe Instal., ewe take et tb. wan . . are Pr :s•
by all th e Omnlo►tUeanr~ in the Ihgled State*, and 17
OVUth • • -
iiI11•19r a Maim, New lark; Great 'hullo. ITN.
?t ! inhies Thema. V. Ilean f lge. Beltimore; Ethos; A Dad.
a l e i lte x 71 0 . 111.. rnik w vit aag i lt. 11,1=va
• carom muss Ail 0 QmounwAlts, •
• • 117 Wool gint.PUNburvh•
S NOW direct' from English
it N4ni Arl2lr l l 1 6 1tVCr
L5 t .,1:11,2.11:
gad , jam . st. M ad Dann 64:• choti•tl••
Eirtot c=tirAft..proma=telc= tral
a r t Mum/ ber. Igymblr e aa: d olb 0 ??T
Wlto % "" thmigd
VIIIM=2:11` , 141 , Lfte1=1"1,1141211
mma. WA"
• • WOMB P. DM, -
11' 1111111711/11t, odennoot 'oar to Parrs Hotel. Pitts-
PlLe—ONltilea =Wei Into for .b V of BM.
trod, Laoloofirso. WI. Moo? ...Wu.% PM
oral. le. M. to fay port or point on the or Int.
-eV) tndr trltnAortio. semi BOW La add
11 oltn art noel. sal Pond 07 Muir. woo•Dootr• Nor
V ff :ponoro tb. ools .. .loilvory of EWE., Inials.ra.trosto..
greatest domestic impiovement• of
Lea end thees • too= etetrible arttete—
=Moo lewor.ll= e t and Wooer. ateratteute mot =wee
-n " bei*"b""
• =I Wood et t en etttahureot._
ther l eity r" , lerfeS t re mi stente. Joh= Carleteir
ttltelrlor'Arl a ate on the NMI prteclTla. ..
One Hundred Tons Hags Wanted. .
gu $8,76 pir Hundred.
11 . WILL eve $3,75 .mr hoiarell (ma) for.
•• good COUNTRY BUM Ultsord aim wan. tialig
tot iaLli 4lttatnusti, Pita.
. .
tr „ . ..r.tilrktaimbris=
time Boeu, Owe hey bee
teee tet the garden eretmetloul. awl wen; el weenie
rat i ftralriraikOrttner Wl Z 4ll =
, toenail a toll .4 eampleta erenalalete et Rae
the mem endow. sad DsimmulOtsf rid# iltsv
ero=4rms. awe - UN *ma awl mew
DEW YOEt AD • 3 , 3 .
tn. AM= n Artkosald's Idmtin7n
Na.tran Tork
L. O. WILSON & COMp&ty,
.-Impartsce sod d0te , ,,,,s
12 Courtlnstal /street.
(Opposite the risrioesl sod Westersi Hotels) sad
xos. MIDIB DIY 11111ZT,
INVITE the attention of Wholesale Enyere
to their sret large arsistment of Goals. vhich le htpt
anplet• et ell Immo. of the Tess. Dr the midition , f ell
thee.. emle• as 4 fabrics that ale.isirently arthritis by
"Rimmed . and' motets." We lure lard department.
dssotat ..oleo to the tat. 0. Mobs, Cateimme.
Vedic" Ts Don't . ..l=lllst'. White Good.. licalery. Dysio
float., ftasrle. "Yens. NOLO .1.1 Domestics. •e. en In
addhlon. are dlepbsyed Larne Dose of Mote. loch:Don
Wellman, mid Oostwoos, Giogbamo. Lavr.... Bemire.
Mask and other Stevie tilt & 211110.11, Rom.ltsiorm eD
011161" the numerous other Article'einsfinl
the DRY GOODS TRADE. Lit°. Meta. for ~
iloyleslloyal Palma raessitsrn Series Cotton."
We invite the attention of the donut MU.. ior..R oo
Malt [01b171.7.43'
t 4 A.l WI 01
879• Broadway, Con Wail. &red,
LIAVINO made extensive alterations to
CI. their former embus .Mini the
thehos:room orlietarh Cooley Horse. oes lame to
eall attention ol their Eloattiorn relot6s to their imve
sal *lush& Block or f0b061140511418. jut repivert
!per 13tostarttiri and Packet. Mon Homo,, estistrthiri
, . .
Io out anti. pleat. An article tin sicrwiel In rialatear
ma &lams& and baler botom MSS* country'.
Aral to AA/ alnd room.
of oar &Arm
of am design..
of omr destona.
• ulob Alma alata, Tab]. and Piano Oovera.
Nanmaa2libila, Otardsen,NarrOY .t Hari: q.. MI.
4 4, 64 Mut 64 wide. ,
ram three to aranty•toor bet wide. onpalor Inlah and
elegant oolong Warns entlrOtrwr and thoroughly
tem " :l= P grr.l tart:, auTaita:titt
dims Mattraers, Curtain ll•taNals, ae
for ado on tba mart reasonable team mht74
Safety mad Great 800n01317.
N UkToRTUNIrx is ',ow offtredin all
mtlir~turing. none. and ..1811. to states .14
Circulating Safety Steam Boiler,
Tot Stadanary Knonsg Loh motiver; Nut.. teraaNee
tier. Lige, an 4 mean btetatere, aa. Th• oflvalltaaos
of thl• Roller over al , oth-re now In use are
1. Erma Weft noit E.trhistnai being tio more Liable .
to eif . :44• thus to do., Plf• 1 4 3rvrf.
2 a. than 02E1' iil2ll the ionouutil foal t.retioind
to generate the Cum obtained by atrr b011of• of the
S. The out of ocnatzlietloll I. REDUCED OiCt.iIALY.
4 They' rocupy but 014 , 4Ti11.D AI. epee. other
&dere, sod nay be spoiled to.? tegine how lo use.
6. The ex. elute of turns. Uri...will ha irsleulably
le.rened, by the email amount.. fool reitisie c ti anal the
.4 ,-, off It
elan nor of suing la.
The Company OVALLTSIr. /11Ore 1;3
tbrlr soaalusione ere blued on PItAiT2AL
B(SULT9. mane of thin Hailers being now In lo
lad abuot this e; ty The lavenior butjustsia used.
Misr par. ut • pplieetlon. In bringing this rates: Ire
ventlon leen e nubile It standualotos end lade n.
dent in its inert", and, It his the claticied.
mbieh art undeniable. tre 111.14. at row eetgol
lesse etioorlorityrrrer any oilier UMW/ Power. •\
Tense of kaolin on appliestion et the'Oillue
of the olyiVeno 4./1 BOILItit
gread•ar end Partidans. Kew Totes eu the new t
Breeitway Bank.
Otrtmlars., eon talninu tonne of lll h fan
warded by mail requested. Sodom ass.' NO.
mace, to 13roadwar.,
not atuoyins TrIZIL
a:Arm/ALL Lairrarm
imp:me hands! Metallic Life Boat Cocepeate.
American Iturtitttte.
: F. twenty -six th ANNUAL FAlR'nf the
AMERICAN INUT X .111 be held la the qty . of
b ToRK deltas the todh of ell next. coat
tam:vies wth the teethes o ft , cds sad Speetatetu on the
beet des. • Extraartiniiry elf e•ts will **slot to t rn eoaalnitton
Co reader ebb l . ange NAIIO , UL F.Xll t altlaN
Ite debertmoote , • hae, been far tomat
o.. yam.. sad erlll anat.. Lie oselbetself deeded to
sebteeteloe the orodeetWae of nut own toµott7 The Ise
eteta he roll., poen the Grew of the; eitteesst et the Unltel
Ittetesorboes Intoteete It he. labored Pax and etoldo.odel7
ittoutot, Dera.le of &lib. epastUl
be placed Otforo the pubtle.
Br tads of the &Ant
lay2o ACK/alltall ell MID Anat.
Cabinet Furniture.
ill S. HOUGLI, Wholesale Desle and
ltsnesonner st Caine innate.. 1i5.25 alb
...a. are ebonies store. -2ter Out ser—Wltere
ler la exact anent!, on band Mod, teed... Ned
eel. of tueln4 Wan, In Kenocu Wenn: and Rea
wood. sad •peltene llett Qat. r
Per band 00110 Lavas., Alen on tuna tof on to order LI et aoll
link lionesses, Foetal . s Ens, m Ao • len Br • sees 3 ply,
se Innen Carron. nod eel elle ...den. of
0:44 , 011•1p., att... ovum:a.% 1.••• el of nne
b sots stile. lane nant p k.. for neor seed pper.
lens* east part beano .111 stn Sod It to their
eyeing" tee esti and •ssento oar mot team lamb..
I eleven. • North William. War Clunatit
wtalat. 0•• Get. •
N. 13,3 11/LOlLlMlC—rortlsalar, tens ads/ sal mos
In" Salado sad flask. sad 'dolts, lasss to an nasal
'Stab asd thbasssost ass s I.r phallus .
osooltla. slab Ocor sad sdadas stall or way
west, Ws shamans! Moeda* for twastrdosr 7sors Sda
boss swivelled Ids tb. as* "Mob. owl amount of its
work. Tbs sodresfssosl Is gassarod so soil mad. la Use
follo's' "tow. via: natl. Team. L lestons,lllsdarL
lissfoufel. Ts. a.m.. /ova. Xastorty.
froasrmado, .11rtssos, u ressoaddelaw doldr to
No, TA Broads ay, New Tort.
. Custom Howe, l'ittabtrah;
Ilary•reri Ogle., Jana 1, 1133.
-11.4.1..1 Propoul. wl.l pooelr 6, 114 Pft
Alg,fr.°l',..Z" "01:VV",Lt - tfil
U,Ated IStat..) Mons. !AWL, ' mat tign eity. until Qs
11,th_dar of Junk il04:
0... teosiblelreo Lew...Pri a tte %wr a p.
flrmi Sap!. 01 the ten ',malty-- a a •
awns "
Naar. ;Mt bor
raft MI. •
Boa • per Wu
Point .•
, rot bird.
• " par bo.
All of Um within to abm) aralchta U we b tbo om 7
twat qatlitr. and tn bo furolaboo and In
oneb_mantatho at as b y ronsititlos UM limsaml of
Um Mop spa- om 4 by Om Sarnybr, may ao mat a&
MI? mbrr seldom mat. may b.-wanton. lb. Onntrattor
M I matta at the lobed make' TX... It tt mittnatot
that tba numbs. atjaMonm ba ,n{pintaa nit in
stout toasty pm Mt In •Idamm tam bo
stunt ton otlaoro • amoman to to avall.d.
Antintrmatlo it( n oonomalsg Unctrant mill Niter's
JOildß. M . mt.
1.70.3 t Maloof !tot. Um Ina haulm'.
Pittsburgh and CoenelLvlllo Railroad .
N()Tic& is hireby given that Ilia 80010
LUUnta LIM/PANT see ome open toesidltbneleUO
souwel'lNß to the Stack of .14 /load. et the thelle
Ike reediest or fold Coode.ny. on fualTd Man.
Nit do r to Ik. Rest of Elpsoneen.
Tbe int hotelmen'. of 112.60 au Mob awed ItoeX
pereale It the i lope of eubowittoot
a sa a t i tte , ,,lrt., .11k.
m v . = = i l:4 t u l • fir=
fanm t.avounint Of 6 pee mot. on goo exempt:el
onbox per est, lodated allowed on all stodOpsl4 up.
to flood le extopteted.
Br odder of the Booed: •
inL.Luat LOUVER, JO.,
polidlor Peed- Pletennenn and Coonollatttle /18.00.
Pittslmre', Maysville and Cincinnati RR.
aratalienlfilrilatL"c gra 1," " •
At( Rine
i i rtaganTild i rebAlt i Ari b oo a ol ui4Zi t'ooDot
1i wade.) between We
trct Oltio
omoloollis prow tiamotitols. will Do elict:voil
tDo weal, vntotor arm:Holm
Mao ai Spoolilewilotio slit be nay tor olaitilost!on
atter the 10: day of JOll.
Tb aletotot botwooo lb. )Isikiliewlii Owd Mellow
doors wilt bo ofDirod lot oteitewit as pun on taw loootion
u eozoolotot,
11.001011.1 lIIC LEON Calof Ettgloons.
/POstatollnilla. Juno 41$01. s.llu
• Teem Mal Onms rirracione.mi
/lan Ba. J nue MI
rtz COUPONS due first prommo, on the
1.120 LS of the CITY OP PITTSBURG P, elves tithe
t burgh mut Menhonellie Releud. volt t0.3104,tr
GORRARI a CO. Roohml. 4B
On of after that 4•0. to the bearer oe dame& • •
Then. ode an 0 -.lloth Noronha DA &miaow,
1853. mime noioboala from t to lte Admire:
jab 9' itch " U mu,. ?moors,
M -
luny COXPAnY. el West IScalba J. York
A. 0. Van rattan. Ilan W. Pan abia:r...... 11•11. • •
will's= linear. Chula 11. Tall. isaas Vadnae
Cho. P. Asada% Ilarvar VA'enn'a kinnllt 8. 5 4
lien. A. vi. Tan. Sinn' s ! Do,. Stratum -
\ , ,
WM 'mart aa
n<atlA.Vihigla. MOB . : halt4ll.2l , ¢stars,
Arjacck .• 11. IbLAIN. Avrat.
HE late firm of J. KIDD .. .Ib Co,WhOle-
/SHE lay
DrageYds. Udell bees &w rd by the death
i°war , . fwd. s t letj j o i lot
. Fle=l te re, the
uMt :yip,.
rrae b tati!tedAree,tieLeteiited eta blot
brothe. WOMAN end will tontine. the tar
Awes et the old steed. WM*, of Wool and berth its .
Lutehoteb. Pe. wed. the out... a style a YLILIII , O
mugs!, when they will be bane' the Itbtele
nod atedomers of the tete ens.. sod ad other hereon de.
.lab. aylloleels the" line of beeWeee.
lbw balla d of the la. Nat will be domed by Jain
Whostiee, aed all aw. heylog awes ecstasy emd ere,
theevelyes tedebted them. will elseas set.
the the m of thus
eet' their attlisonyrdwooe. •
I atil.haullawil
•;fz e taiherebtero o rlitbc
_aefeLlbtloots of
of both baba. trf Abe Air=7; ai=t:
ottbutio.d.... payee ell d u . uw
ble art.. . /VMS lettfoe lkdrf
dtanatm, .
Alkali*/ cur. Jaw & - - • lomat*,
• , Colartnenblal
yrIEVINT & BUM fun . tB3oCillad
with thus TIIMILS 6. a/ am iz ve•
wqwpaiwi own th• Ara cor kt.
U. STATES iinithe
141 " .11. : *Tar ofetday by LION a limns.
lkone Mc% sawn am ir imaatz.
SOMMMeganejekk o. ...iy
Waal, biers of the • 1 2 . 1 . 1
%irk Iltraissiar to the maw sad tbr.=
be trira rim Draren per aosses. iforiOalla
' \ .
• - _ - ••• --
--- 1 ,. ....
•.•—• ,
,ig. M. PETTIZOILL a CO.'S ADYEtttly;so AogNeT,
• 122 Ir. 1•111 rt'Unt .Isr To' ' • ' PICOV&•.N.HOrwELL.
• 4- 3 ' . " f i " t \'''''' l ''''''" ' lanorteis and .Wholisulti' -Dubai In
P A Co. oott , A itork En• !AS enti inbtantiti al:4 latza-t . ' HOZZE nuaanratact GOODS, : ...,-.
ele-taattz Contaortta Potato th at too 'Stated Mak. 1 , . •OP zi...zgo DC 41x tprld C. ' ... .' .
at tlb. Contd.. . \
__. _ -- - _ ,_ ____ NO. 47 - - MAIDEN LINE,
~ (lIPSTALKb.) - ' .. ' a W'e I " X',
R. Rtdoeal.itnrni , le,itsd. COCa4lps
totonavat te. a 11/ HOLM oLZ BO SIN US bap-aai.. =a
It for toobt latry.a. to coototoo .r Pa= of U00a0..: ,::
Tloool oat oroatto - I.ed Pam. P. Ili IW. a*. .e.
by the package ar <Abend:. . - - Jel,a3all'
•--- -- • -
Hlsraint taturswn.o awn& • Loft
add Sat relaola m ate city et Mu Tort:
Dry Goads.
fIOWEN k MoNAHEE, -biporters of
Amnia. and Toraisn Mt sad Taw/ Gorda: e%112
avd Deftly-Sq. ag
- „
dni , o. Whit. Owls, Or. No $ Liberty Stiest
FC I EN ET Zt CO., Impartenvd French
. and • tber Europe. goads. No. 40 Bras' stmt.
cErEoRGE peulog & Co., Importers of
i.e. GotVs.Zzahroidal..a.+lsllß..4.l2.en"r
sensase VW*.
J. WYSTII a CO., Importons of Sm- •
■Jo bralerrils. lute lad Imo Goods, O. Wool
1 AMES OWEN,. 15 . Broad stroot, ImSak port
-oet of Noss litanahriNillstos u! Moon. Cd.o
rata. tad Nitta and ISLI dis generally.
IIiCNNEQUINot CO., Manufactuntra
asol Im cotton or zwiL Goode, Morisco. SOAT/o.
liosogos..a , W Mead •ta.t.
A.lSELtki4.. CO.,
• ImPotten of 'nmb.
BBOILER k'BBBCIII, Na 29 Broad sou;
ou r fo oo . arri rr.oro and amiss (1.1., Rum
4ITCHELL & POTT, 45 Exchange Place,
Importars of Eindsh Dry Gads. Scotch . sia
LA... Draw Goods, la
1$ .•.7 • . :V.Vl' 1. I;
A 3 'O3 NS A 3 taportar of
.4AtNDREAE & 00 importers or French,
German .4 Italian SILK 01.10011. thAtEll3.4ch
714OURBY d'IVERNuIS Imparter*
of IhvarA alzel B.lls Go4IINILII3. M. 1 1.4 &a. 24
PHOBIAS MONEON, No. 34 Pins street,
11.1orod Cotton Goode alleess. Gao.beee. YeeeiNgt
Wlgtoe,Nalneens. do.
ATOLL & 'CALE, Izttporwee and Jobber.
of P ILKdroo ood fANCT Dar 00.1 DP, ioeskerally. - No
I AMES MOCHA ERY it. CO.. 72 Willisco
gir ty am t zt..l":.abd. J0bb...2 of roar sna E1t!,14!
fl B. II&TOIL &cO., 97 William street
J Icopoite..t lamas' /a= Laklat
Muntraeuarer BUM. &gam, a a
iro ;Axton of Grotlisotoo• lot
WWl,' of Stook...l3olfts. itoo.
.31.Areat In Thy Vat*
of Jam.. son Robert Youez.
& O. 1.1. WfTik
a • nom. Ilawalant Mo. •
Imo an t I..d.Tanosna IMAMS eILIC anot %Met&
BTBALIILUEISI "a - CO., 69 Broadway,
ir unorwr G*Ods;
sr4 wrialsonsx
tt . ER 1 RAND Fiii.RES&lLEHltY, , kupor
,eza i r en. Goebel:a sal Lta. o..mtvll, U.&
kerell.f.. Loons. Ealoatolaisa. is. (avaaato.
Loa wad IT Villa. num.
Atrianatal Warehouses. \
L. ALLEY, (late A.*. Allan & C 0.,)
AD sad WI Water Amt. Masataetarer andDaal-
Cloth 000dt • \
APR' & WEST,ISB Titoadway, Import.
a u t vat Imaz o gu.h..4 German Good& tqr
. 4
tivoo 4.IS.KLN NCR k CO., 56. John street,
g er a ted . old Jobber. of CLOVIS. CIUSLif 81W
tHOTHER, Wholesale
OUR ma, gills!, Drawl. awl gloat Wag Clonin
Clothing Winn . Gaols.= Posh 800. optioning
Lb. A Minim \
L'i • ~ k
. .
\ Drtkiguti• .
ke h t .ou Are, i tc t ‘ tetlienle Wets la DItIIOS.
, \ \ l ROgrairet
*' ists and Elvin". on Wool. tot. 63 and tO W.
too stmt. Slyest and test west esseattd Qom
" • ORR, Designer and , ,lngreser on
I, Weed. Ts 1.0 • abort. 1,76 Is ad lanied
PIILML, alsci n. mtle.n=
WATT & CORNELL, general ErialliTera
aed Pribtars. Z 9O a:navvy. antroncola Wet
er •sy.t. Orden by Met or Tobegrayb pscoottr
. d.',
razor Goods:\
TOEFI2.OO BIILILLE 83 'Cedar itreet,
Istglacears sad 3aritera—Zastri, ka4 Ow.
seas Ifs. 7 Moods. Oeetbs,
CoUarr. Prrigadr.Cakk- 4 .•
Inlo/10 & ' EDWARD 011,L, Importers
•I or kaar7 Goods, Glovka..Laa•s: ared
braidrrto. • skids wanted sor Locamatinvilteilan.
3.14 D• 7 serst.lie• lark. \ \
'lJius4 Dealer kilned!. Elsrmaa. sad suutosw
x“,ll.l4 Imo 6=44 lid etstomorniliT \
z4usze, \
y, B. a W. W. C-ORNELL,I3S untl43 .
U•One!. st. Onumeatal IRON VOILES.
\\ Bata, rup, atc.
aRATIAM &JACOBS, NT Water street,
■ Iltroltex"Tf""'a WM". D"1".,
India; Chinese t . Persian Goods.
• .
P. FOCINTAIII's„No. 653 Illtradwny
, 04.
h t . ..tIA42T , tb the -40
Inetaig. Rods.
M. QTTIMIY k SON, • Dem : len in
,t, 22 r tte1 t h.4.10 . 119 TO. OIL,. No. 193
lachlnery . and, Machine Tooli.
711.4 109 Paul and 00 [Wow sUmm. 50:1111]1473
L 5 Gem Mt. Itss Nat.. 10, 0:0 errantry.,
azol Wood.'
• • Zublelsea iron\ •
- DREuND k CO, Maafooturers of LlA.tar
.zsrbia. Wbrarocas Na, AUK Itroadvsy, 'ado
rr Irma.
d Oratre am Franklin grort;itti atom r.Ol.
N. IL \ \
• , Iffneicatinstriinnuns\ • . •
WINO & CARGILL, 47 \ * lag Lane,
Gultais. What. - loccadsoma, • InaAroarmat,
TUX ,VLEAVITT,.44III4 , tL futon anil lAnl5" k "‘e
la 4 .0 2.12
atrist" 41.
Needles, Fish Hooks, and Tsokl • ite.
rEII . OMAS 11. BATS, (late T.
IWO Itad
0mar,,104 haat strest—Meal?kors• •
lat. 6.
&POT for HUNRO6I3 oplobrated PEN
!) CIL/I.lMb sal Flame Ouireatare_.Dnarttur and
?liar. Rubber P•nel TEI
l. far Meals. LAILS )113:1-
8(4. M Plw amt. ••
rt . TRIM W. FIELD & CO.. liptir' street,
itipartes sad Wbek , • ale V
Vont& Limo. and &gils PAPS "h" II/..ud i gnm s lan dres niM li;
1.1-wrof P.Bot 113.116atavars. natorrlsls.
1 3;11 . 112: .t i no r :11:: • mat ' Sri s ,:f . PATltit 11,1
' . 1
Piano' Porte Xanufanturers.
II roan Idannlaqtaten, term d M Amain. spt
141. b arse.
TIORT. M. PATRICK , ' Defiance Sal
UL der Ulla. (Gaylor's Paint.) Depot. in JOUrst:
Oa sad after IN Pout stew. - -
Toys and Yana Goods.
AL l lllO£ .k,AULBORN t Nos. 59 and 61
D Mallen Lam. Imparters et. TOIII sad 1190 r
Tiles for Floors arid Obirnm Top.
LtZ . •
acs No 279
ova. We t shut, m &mutts Tbs. Ograttrt Clacto.7
Plumbe.. MI6 rf Matala.
z MIAS BARBOUR, 43 &dingo Mae,
Wi;clow Olasti, Parnts,
. .
1101 f I. BAKER & BROVIER, 142 *mei
4i1an..14/7ntersortirath 111Indow_Glan,Ob.m.
Amnom Wing ovr Olus.
(I.ama Wm%
y HOPKINS kt BROWSES, Importers
Alfidcr Olatft !go. ei Diad+l' Wed.
JU. POI 'LON & C 0... Importers of
• innactOr mitt awl Casa r. *a SA Buda
Wines, Brandies, pod Hanns - CWars..
N ORMS OHAMBEIt£4; Na 4toi) Brdad.
The Celebrated "Pintard Pen rd
GELAMPAGNE—The andirreiantd would
greaM ab ej i I / teal% loAlem ith rt b tit i nn i a.
LEBII.4IXD Will', diem not 11e espeds• Ttim.
WWoof t?AL
tads trneta sad ispe.4ll lionllgrest 1,414.444.
lakr =Only 101+11.ylit bri.e 'Co es o grie ,
ana a , awls s. Onlors roe plasma st.
"I." , varraThl it C r ai nrig ut.,
spews Amato tbiataibilketss. jails
4.1Y,Z12, 2 .
r,:4- - - -` 5 , (^ - 4,-
W-Tl , l tie 1414 A 1 , ' 1
c_.-# - ...
i 5.. ii c . 04 k.• , . .., •
‘of all We tareraireat seedldato oroaat. (sad some et
tliok warn of plezoonsiT complalata.
wain/ hae mr loon Mood ottleh could •ompar• hi Its
argots lath thb Propoolloa. Moro am meadmes.bat
at all lime. and In all Weaves rf tha . Waco sad thtela.
where iteilstas eon -raw *WC duo oral do IL It la
)tootoot, to tate. and pafferttr who In words:Do orttk •
tie. directions. We de not ad , ont'se for tit
of them Oho ham tried It. trod thane obottare mos Put
1Tho• that hats stows lb Taloa wall tot ba otthrat tr. •
nod hi It. time, ea. th.rer , 00 0 w bow the dilallAl."
au comic amen of Mashy and WO. width toooloootii.
otroa Into fatal Ooessoodoot. \— -
The Nelms of the ldastalraartWlntlltate in
od to Ohio reparatimbr ak• Saud of Itdoree ti NOP
Yr lan; alto. the Modals oaths Wm. t iIdtWOWOO I A,:,
An- la ; atm ob• means of tk. ow hot
tatiTitCladtmatl.hou boa frlrea to ha favor/ lootloodk , :.; •
bppetrGtrertuarat to eonaLlera tm of eztoper-VaarT,
aballbsoe .1 tablulatat la worms Adaatkaat of
•Partvo and Throat.
\ Head the llolloolos told.. boated an tbalatteraP. ,
.f tha owlotot hladolon et the port sad etty of ;
"to. Joan. Hay S. Ital. --
. Dr. J.O. Airr-11.• I'm' trt.t of poor
Pll - .IWHAIL. la aw 'tootle+. tow !mei what T.ww.k
tam Ito oceseedtloa mart be tow, that It obabblo:aall
elm the cold. cad coughs to 'blab a, la On banal.
ato .
I thiakits sionsl tlisnot rot Tom dlsevroest. tom liej . • ' - ' , :e
, km,. how * c hats nriasb to bi. iassl• Lr tits Liorst. ' '
pas of U. end Lora, • • • ..• ..
J. liarsros,un. FAA.. -„,.*
. swi . wailt its tro • sra•ty't nestitotloo, tosiciti • • ' "„..•X'7 °
In thslbllorlog bat • ttosiond mm. 3.- •.- . . '..` '...,_,..„
\ ,,,,.. .t•trostnis Jaw:m.ll.lm. , : • ... - 4p,
"Dr...Ayer-Is dm tit of Joy Is it I Ins iiiittoi •
i3y I 'Joint, 4lsrlbms lc U. min of comma. .1 ro./.4 , ''' s ,_.. •
tiniest WS .O innefaco, la hope of netlrlatt Islastitlnsti• ..7 •-, , •,,, '...
•Osso of alma* and Opt. My dins:tram earl. hot ..,.:- ' ' • •,,
was Wowed by • snore .t` sad math Atelvitul :1.., .r.: . .'•
dully started Oar bona, bat••o•lial no Warn *ma lb* , .. ' • :,
worm.. Mlt• math eratlaostto gross voro• sad .host , :. ~
arrir•lla Nos To I vs., ikons* mend by air st.. ..,,.: •
onshottossio as • rictfutatimosornotkm. I =est adults '''
• .•'s'
that I mai no .stollelcit rastseito Vote:4'olW la Maud) ' - •
all bollorsd. At tbls than I a• itkawased toktous /VOX .
troly Invaloabla molki. 00th little at postatkot of do; - • .
tirlos uy tructt from Its ass: Yos"anosikl - pot roodisi... .. •, • .
thus Ilan did I not regcd It soy ditty to state to OW • . ..
elided. throash von. thee my hooltV•irt tho , l3•Ko of ' • -
snit Roubs. Is fatly toe•ong. I attethato 6th the ts• • , -
of your CIIIISY PI:M . OUL.. N -• . ' L .. = - .
• .2oors.tmly. littuut s
Ilf. pax!' • ' ..,. • •
1 I.Waszottercor,l.s....lorli \IL 1812. • • ' '-...
.• Ds= Mr isalloilltst I tare Dora sound am a WIT- ..:?
=tore cram thronstlymr tostrwasstallty Id ~, tho ..
•ktoses of Gol. I will tgisll3o llbsrty If awromils pit
. "A Ooosh salt the •Issadrii traotoits ,Of Ost;iit
[don Sul red.:wood's:a toe loots hew pm saytldag II;•• , . . - ,
hOpe.rstms ray ohyskisa brought ma • bottle at rotor -
.Fsetttol.”-. It sad to afford tutatiltstarsilsf, admit " •
la a lire Teske Pm Ims rostorol no tow:nut WWII. -If . •.
l It rill do fat other that It has doss kr rtis• icaf ars Fet •
talsly an of du boooltotors of assaktod. . '.
. *loci Y. CULT; ?Waco of Ilt. Iyosea ettureh.•:•• 7. . :•. :. -
With Ma sessi ranee - and frees oa th 11ia11.,15. stlysii•t . • -
.roof tan b. odd aced nests It be florp. Its lasts 11= , • -
, [1.. : 7..d_5./ it'll b 7 /LIMB R. ATI& --
~, .
~... Ch.mut, in 441iumseinurni. •- i. , ,, • .
a ht pit:dough by B.A. YAIllfefOCS Al Mt Ur ..,,
411 4upy bi u. p. samwt. sadly De .h otsd 80a1......••-
••• tild•diet••••••systbar• i- ,.. ... .L :; i ‘ ,2,1*•111
,„ " . .i....
It - --
0 00.a..t.V0 NITZZE.,..' -' . , . ,i r '
ROM lIIS A...IYISRAELS,' %mews" \
rb r
..1 Ss. of Assisrdsiethissalnistne;
.er —• nay Te2stable - Caissos t eit. moir.4 o r
-= Tdral.=r44.4.•;eir.:::-..vie..a...*
...- •
Mr VETS= + l = 414.'e;seit..-igZelijor ft..
those et ear fabier Untsti sestat ben obi lbws wit
this Ws of 111. mill?, own ty. Martiat VIA C% . ,
Mean sum lbws I see' eft.y it to the A ..earim• j obr
It.. issownis Mat its t oo l ? iseedstial isiftssissurrann
Bosidisial sltsss• sill to men 111 est tor
1.500 Mawr e.ksingteesndlassissi et tbesism.eli suet
Normas sebilliv.
Of ttr 50!.%
It is yxstisala , y s. assissadsi te tbessizers.sirbote
seastitations is., bees tsw iseants-4 by stiabseses
me et wisaripirlis•or etre Isms tasuraisai. Gies
meaty islaniassolis la iitNet It aids Tii way dissztly is _
the • at •• ILK dottiong and 4pactililliwg •••••1 arise.
!swag ap the ase vies .pert['.sad. Saba; islMasi sins . \
bss7ll see visas late MP spite= s
iFirbuu iusukhuldtbou u. atanuter.. - 14
aiAjtests ef it, 8.. s. it a a . tt ... , Jules cf Om Raul • • r -,
' Ka. Itnauctr.Pum..Ja.--...... ess-1 smeld say I
bus buns stebesal .41 • dips-set t. sti.l34 . & i gn pt. 4,
tissi et lb. boat sat somas beids•ti• e.i. a. lbsiis . „ 4
.sers. set Wire swat seas s• &Ala s a sin.,
. r , .
to elt.e • Iletl, bat is ... Anse s '
ibps. intik. et leer 9171.wr0-41nersi•si 4.r.e,...e tiol- ' .
lug Bina." I :pa mris. , ll' stalest, me sal. lo f AA t,,,
sad sisse soli. sad isms! is my bads.. out 5i...• le.
we seam rhoision root
it so sli tin me or. am
Th. public USI also • uuuthalr rdicend le du ft&
sre s•ellsvire I
l'"""iihr.4:7 s Y .onita o, •EsUP• l4 : st r ld \ S " •
Me. Wis. airialtMiS. ,
" Oprow 1.1. Oresby. nbuni
Ine , &rainiest, \ \
..W. N Srle.e.s. Wisest statics, P il. Z. \
.W. ~w „ .* Unikwt. Weesswiessul Lb. \
a P. Itorysy. Jsbasere. Pe
F o ld pi. It. 7 pasoisosy, 5.4 tiii AI P linic. is
DRUI a .4 Cbisisi 11 , 11.14 .
CO, Slitql sad SmitliSsid
s ate aw. ofte W. iisst - ,
and aA. raw•4o.l a Co. ai LIR 4. , ..1 w. \ '
Paper Warehouse
nit, oroootent. sr , also saturfai Iro• ~.,
No Tomas Sod suds o. t=s: ..s ttl: N n ~ mg
rite...ll4T .....aNiTi.......aoAta= - •
:: r r n" sog it IriPt.... otal t o`or owl loto awl Qom Wit
nO., lgr, C44f r " gf -Jo AU.' fool adz at No. 11E1
VLEAR YOUR SEIN-31oko It - NR;irigii ..'
' -
w i
.at ffloOnoth-- 1 . , semi a tolo , of the JONILP
ITALIAN CIiSHICAL scar- it =auk. o cows. Lot. •
I" war .4 D. 111L15111.6, 2fra Liberty moot. ,
rip MAKE,THE azas 0t0w,e.41 - ti. - 2 ,
falling, sod Mos It dimly, gm . Wiest heals of ~' ..-
N, 11:11 . 004/LL SAM JoILXVOZAIITIL &WWI so IA f \ , .
REMOVE SUNBURN, Tan,Thopleo, ,
' lopotOo.llm7Voro . , to .Orsob victi the UT* ,Ip.lllOr • \
. g a t 8 . 0 . A, Tat are, I MT•AII " 1617‘4,04. \
lr . AZ 13 I JONES' \ TSUI fIIWIUTEt ', . '
I a ILT LIM. Into. itla. la lait COO at Soo Lao .• , '
DEARLY , for two ohDlioglt ,
101711.211 . _. , IN , , Id. Boll' SPOT Woo UK—
oath IrhltoOto Pontek ram sod Ms OtoMi ma Tour. ,
Ora MON. lioot mow • I.thor Ilto mow 0414 it '.
oOIoOMOT \ IS Glifiltllo7ll hit Wort. of; tot
Wll cint oO nt qN s.vm G \ t 4Co ....a ttalf b ;
r. oo K U rr ill , 3 sad ti:
TUBA!. IfflatP) M. 4. , fti ar“.„ 0 ...1.........,
MM .
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tin •fa haus.. Pliblii OP.IM. =.17 - 6, - . - rebt
"'S r.!ir• .th. Q . a b* i . . 3 47Vi 3 . 1 1: • "a ' , Mr. lasios
p.....4 8 Lrz 6 . 1 . 3 . 1 4 . ,„,1 0 ,..31 1 4 1 .. „ 9 ,:‘
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dc.": a* l:At i lif is four dmfdrr dap all WIZ ---, ,
th. blroullidX sat ." I"'
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