minas= 131" - WIWZE a co. FITTISIt7 TIEDN6B6AY 31 . 0iNINO, JITN 22, 1858. jiggirEEADINO MATTES. WILL BE FOUND FAUEOF FEL 4 PAPER. . . ".1186Prrreacen a Wee= Getrivalle witennlve efiest WWII at cot Weekty*Onsette offereto Gni twelninn men ei =est dent retie twedlact ottneklawtbeir businen known. ,one eimlntAon. b between fool ensl , bee thtlisztlid. reach. .thrstainet eviiy4illan• and entinty fit WOISTIS PiIIDS7I. `• . . T) &DTM MTI„ ett6 —Neither the 141torial Room '?ege "t o V eflOrfo l fads 1 1;rE i tt o l f 181.118 1W .::;,?l iim .1,. [a . gotta* to atthret n the IMPeZ, 012. Howley otonking. Win Slew* hand ot In. Wrote 6 dtlook.on lettordoz DEMOOItA C WHIG NOMINATIONS. 1311 ;Nil CO)VA1611011:1, • •'.. ' 1105E3 PowsaLL, Of Lootetutter County. o .._. --• ... ,-. '7OB Ammon GOIMA; , • , r'' ' . ALEX. K. MoOLUNB, Of Pranklin Count'''. roz iniaviroa CIIRIBT lAN' my.TE as; Of dtrios County - :PITUBIIBOIi AND. CONItI=B9ILLP. BAIL- All the preliminaries necessary to be definitely . settled, before commenting Mistreat work; Mimi' been nearly dieposel . of. Gen. Lerimer has; Xicieelloautfocuay endettoceeatally, and has *Mel, . C ',....'„ditermiced not to put the road under contract tibilenny tbir,g relished calculated to ember - miss Its foture management, or to ‘. militate agaiest its Most triumphant emotes. Ooly one • Elstinr noir romaine, which I, in apromo due • dro4stion, end .111 be Most likelY definitely and satisfactorily settled this week. The work will fhenbe commented with prospects more fletter : lag•them. any. other that hie been commenced our konwled gentlemen who penults considirible en grneerieg skill has lately 'paned over the line, • ',for int entire length, and-gives very flittering . *pilot:tits bi - the practicability and general - netyr of the route. We are permlttedlo make :some extracts from &Letter transmitted to the fie nay.: . • ' Thal,Eigineeflog filatires . of the reale 'exese -1-inea' aro ay MM..: IVbe.ttoe 'from Ihttelmegli - raises Op one general and uninterrupted valley, ;...afoult a 04ntionous water course to the Burnett; where by reunite It arouses to, and deecends by, teaaad blmlar valley, and • similar. wetter _tonereli..edinberlyedl\ The excavations: may with Jae rieeptiatiorLhe tunnel; wholly - Man '• cuts oe - dltch wick; pi tapas. The beidgee at@ ,intlyeits.' requisite, are few; and plenty-of proper Metairie Ls at hand for their conetntotloto where needed The 700 k excavations will be in lime. gene, aandstone,•coal, and red elate .. • The waters have literally oat through the • Matatilas to their baser, and yet with eb gentle dMotat that only a few mill sesta arc to be found , on tbe main streams, and nearly all of them 'using undershot er submerged wheats.— ' The 'grades on such a route must be small.— Thetributaries to these streams afford, ample ....water power ' witch the ; exception of WlU's Falls and thole itllouthimpion Million Willa' Creek; • And tbe Ohio Pile Fills on the Youghlogeny, which last named was - recommended years alone ' by„Col Molise ac tl others im the best site la the • etoontri for a Italie:nal Foundry - 'and Not • fall occurs an.eliber of Lheroalo etremns iniriby of cote. And with . the exceptioriof the gamma. not a mountain masses the l ine;nor is It requlaite any - where else te make a the:ugh cut of any great raze. '. Biehly,cultivsted farms abound on each aide • 'altimaieontaproons to the route sifter rising than mountains.` Tanneries, sew aid !grist di/i -. f:Garter, 'dot= factories, take ovens, f 2122222, seeneanteries, of epadey, ehMeli, 'picks and bars, already In operation will afford reasonable 7,..fletlitlei during. thafeonstnctiag of the road, and will nipply meek localbesinese for It when Itolehed. - Tee commerce or the section of corm try to bo aceemodated is by - no means AO ID w' considif.able is might be supposed. • There Ira lergepopulatoon notclinfe the °Modes of Al ‘legbinv, Washingtrot, Fayette; Wertmoreland, • fLutereetied Bedford in Peintyylmnlig who re ' quire a ralitosd .. to keep up with , ahe UM* Who object to , ihe , ,loeg 'badly up hill to Atte Peozuglvattla lin, will not IM.ve the same ob Yamlect to your road aimatedinimay belew them. • .tilke t i r etilmate of, the Liaised:llow country is 'health ~Malsindicated bY,thirisnmber welt Y. , parse elitiog ' who bamettained advanced years ,11.115424r..1iCnat ettL3 sit to, ladles changes. nor • ibiritrentasof lest and cold. Water of the pr-- 1 slot quality le to be had in ebundanee. • 1 . Prodier,' timber and lumber Leo hauled hem Tann° pomp contiguous to the mute, from forty • to imeetyrelles to market; either to the Wheel ingltOad at Cumberland, or MAIM head' of Black Stint , nivigadort it West Newton; The cat& ... value .ot fitnarg lands Is a correct datum from whleh to Maio:tete the probable, amount of. local their produotion will fartaeh to ...a rill road to be cocotructed through them. The lasde under .considetetionlme; end have fora • long time, been averaged et fifty dollar, per acre, ineepeetive of surplus Umber and coal— A Mere wealthy farming population is not to be met with for the same extent of country without 4 , railroad or water comommication,than is found emormible to and upon the route of„,your _road. Therefore its prospects!. far heal bminese tom pare most &tomb!? with cither linee 'already in. beerallon..,' And yonr road;_ when flubbed, will offir to au edulLimudgestion Into its nelghbor '. hioa.inducemtintt of no ordinary oharacter. The ealtnate I hate mentioned.nd the !rater. The mils are deep rood auderfeld by Ilmestbne erred . , abate eats pledet throughout: Bonding stones and , stones, , for the manufacture of 'gime are abundent; es also le timber'of Oak, Maples, Beech, Piave, lietolOok, Black Walnut, Chestnut and hoeust.". Toads . Ochre and Alom are found to ontedeierable extent in. some. viebaltiea And coal, whiettie generally, abundant up to within a , few miles of the moment en tee Pittsburgh aide, mid aide ty 'with the Mute exemined, lain .some 1211G26022 of 'eight, Unsaid fifteen feeiin th:tknee . • Thti.i whole distance, the name `writer sap, , • • musfiet.l.exeied 158 ' miles; am!' by making .a , . longer; tunnel than *the . oe° now conte mplate d, 'the;:distanee eau be 'racked to 115, and the gradients very enuaderably reduced: These are Ittittate:- , hOwever, which will be beet decided attars Corp. of, engineer. in the field. W. are plessed limn; also. that an excel ,.irritel4to of fietlag towa r ds' the work exists in -. ..CatObAdarid. This we anticipated, from the frigidly and 'fiospitsble, manner in which' the riommittoe from Pittekurgh was teethed last spring. dWe learn that some 8200,000 of private Steak hes been pledged in that region. In fait titbit:ripe:my flay L 2 epCn , the work with a freedom re haveneter sena equalled, Capital. tats are keen and shrewd iseoterera of the Irene' ofstocke, and they have materially expressed their confiden ce in theauperior character of that Of this _great and most important work. We hardly dare tell all we knotifor fear we !should ' not be believed; but 'of one thing, rn ran enure the public that the Pittebargh and Conuellmilla Itallticatd Is now beyond a anger of fame.— Its earli',Toompletion is entirely Bettered. And the teholetommunitywilljoln with as, when we itarlr4lldontr. to Ges. li,athser Bat for him the work would , not.now have been-In exlsteaci. • :0119 Ann IfseeternTrut• ftertinen —The iron • hisetreinect, - ;theenrse ties' are toosity on ; thii pountii:, sad_ treS7 propirstion made to pot down ;the sesonCtron• bitesesn this city and fieniektry.•'This wit( intd peaty, to tbe cot. nefignee'end feellitte• of:thie and of-the road, sehlehtsinrossde4 - , Attiltlinetiontunebren abed Out to prevent the Cntapnnpfromiertottig -eeilumengor elation' on the fbsuft Coostooi—or in nther words, to plena_ a t . tofeear the entitle it', present °couple. We aaa.so no poi reason ter objecting to ouch • .ernotent, for it not iteld eirithing to the , *efeennet hostile eneriptdote of ta", that pail of ;flat fotenobtitvilt whir dittanlett ft. - The Corn cannot be and , Abe emotion of a bead - amt. apaystreetet,e aat only be alreat foi•paeamgemlint etin4nDak the•talitticcarktilafdlot. 1164, rether - an it tretitietC•Veat::lhp freight etaiton will : be ereetrOit eirciand; Wog for aralliaidreitfaat along tbe'roacl..: wit'ainiglid to leant tleit,tbe road fa ttowdc; Ili asealleatbaslaelaial; he. trains -ntetang fall. ::- I flutfrelatit bullaaaal la rather dull, tint tlartill)iaalwaijkly '1144 iteftencace k and wlli &Raglan s /kaiak Aikido& jef ,ILiper atilt far the fait nit iiitattlOraba.dif on flee ant af .Tatri .110k.aill be the anamenctatint of fetsire alitrAtiiib t 'argendi of frita:to 1; per cent.— /tstfosneieetti oily-just , cf; the: lid of i be,l n g . 1 ! , to fey.' iikaqatitog.m amtaker steam frac!. 14aaaal leper?, Ito 'potato; and al' ItiOngmalor. aukaegatawt....l. l .{ .7-7.FiJi- - '.•tr:... .j:,::::_,:.:-Ii. TKO PORTAGE senam mum . , The public business Is put to great tneenrstal.: Once, and the State: is salleeted to 'greet lore, from a strike of the hands employed on the planes of the Portage ilailtoad. The passenger trains are autjected to great difficulty in Making their ; tripe, and aches something is done; transports-' tie; and travel will be suspended altogether. Bat this is not the smallest evil. It seems from an address of the workmen, FORM:tad below, that the Canal • CoMmieslonere, or their ander. tinge, hare sliamefelly neglected their duty, and bars failed to pay their men for months togeth. er, until they coold no longer stand IL-. This shameful neglect has either proceeded from gross carelessness or from Intention to give those human sharks who are always ,Pieylognpot the nem!. cities of othme, an opportdaity of buying up at a diecount the hard earned wages of these men,.. Bed It not been for their address, and froth the fact that they have ado** 'turned out from this exuse,:ire could not havabelleved that any men could -be found so utterliinean, selfish and daillishos to keep the hireling from his wa• gm, and nabjeat him to annoyances and lees. flow long will the 'people of Pennsylvania suffer - each things to be? Just so long as they are seduced by the spat song of a false Democracy. - The following is the statement of the iroik. men: -, Psinow Ginza's: Tbe undersigned, opera ties on the . Allegheny Portage Rallroad,..bave met to.day to diets, the beet and most effectual 'means of procuring oar wipe for work done,on mild natal We will make a - brief etatement of the grievances which we complain of. Many' of Us hove been in the employ of the Common wealth on Misread for years; during the past year wehave frequently worked eighteen bodes out of the twenty/our, and often longer; we have not received any money front the Commonwealth for air mouth, and many of us ten or &ern months; panne have credited us and : are now plainsroas for their money. We have not mut , • blared or complained, and would not now, only , lortieerance has ceased to be a virtue. Many of us have been compelled to sell oar time, pay- ing from 10 to 15 per cent. to Speculator; to , Pay debts contracted to =peers` ourselvee and families, and on those debts had to pay an ad • 114208 of from 10 to 20 par cent. more than we =old have purchased for =eh; thus losing ar least 25 per cent. on our wages in consequence' of not . briog promptly paid. Those Cnackliolls and Bills against the State, 'which have been sold, are the first which fled' their way into the Treasury, are consequently first paid, . without regard to precedence. Did they , take their regular time we wontd not com plain; but that time corked In thelPritig.abould be paid for in preference to that worked the pre. „viiinsa tell, mere ly bemuse the rolls have changed hands, we do mPlaln mostbitterly,of. , The in justice Is too est to be borne atrrtatiger. We have been told that some SIX IT THOU SAND DOLLARS of (drams has peened into the haulm vrithout the Saperintendent of there'd Piing a dollar on them, or pussies through hie Mode, thee causing • toes to the operatives of at least SIX DOLLARS its the thee. of dismount. There is somethisg wrong. We oomplain that hands have bemidhteitarged with- Mat being paid, mind forced teettek employment , elsewhere—oompilling them to come time and solo for money, and finally having to eell their `time at a heavy diermani, as the only means of getting their money. - . Money in every branch of the gavernment is pleisty; the hands on the new Portage road are all paid up to the first of June. The money with which they are paid was appropriated at the same time the money was appropriated to psy ue. If the appropriation was - not large ettough to pay the :expenses of the rood, let It be paid out se far ae r 'ltl go, and the money fairly iil di vided, and we II sot complain ..' But we de, - and wilt camels' of having to stand a shave on money whiah'was earl:eland ought to have been paid mouths 'ago, as long as there le any money appropriited, which is, or ought to be, in the Treasury. This the' fleet time eines the construction of the roed„, that hands have been compelled to adopt this coarse to get their wages. The time was when they were paid monthly; wo are terry that it is not so now. Wa g es hive advanced on all roads in the coentry. We hive not asked for an adrasee, we only sek to be paid monthly.— We coil on our fellow citizens to aid to in eee%. ring our rights. jAnd farther, we call on the eta ears against whom the implicit charge to, toelear themeelves, and `let the blame rest in the right place. CortsrponEetme of the Daily P4letntrgh 19esetta. ELIII;ch ; June 16~ 1868. • This eJternoon ricade my first: visit tto this hesitant ado) city.' I expected to see a pretty place: but - I.confees. it far exceeded my preoon. ceptions. A Eder site for an extensive city can hardly be imegincd. The streets are laid out ea scale, at right angles, and the handling are genandly In admirable taite—many of, theta spiendl& . 'Although others of the lake chime have gnat ly.butstriy ped Beitriet the =Obit of improvement?' yet - I am glad Wild tthmistakcsble evidences of thrift and advancement. The coal trade of this , city is of a magnitude that eurprised me. Bo oheater, Buffalo,. 'Chicago, Toronto, and other cities on the lakes derive molt of their coal from this place. It ls prOcared from the miner of 'Mercer and Lawrence cot:intim and brought here by canal. It Is perhaps a fact known to but low,that the Collins etenmers are propelled scree, the Atlmotio by the 'use of Meroer County coal parahased In Erie., Being eo well supplied with coal, this ought to become a great manufacturing city, and doubt, lege will become to before long. It has all the adiantages, that lake navigation, railroads and eh:mance of cheap fuel can give it. It licks. tire Allege, bottom: . one Is a direct railroad to your city; and the other is a loud trumpet in the Shape of a vigorous well-sustained daily press, to keep this noisy, rushing world of ours from forgetting that such a piece as Brie exists. One each paper es the Cleveland Herald, for the past ten years, would have been worth millions of dollars en this city, and would have quairnpled Ste, poptilation. As a Pennsylvanian I with to see Erie keep up with bee lake rivals. Youre truly, a. o. Convettrzon —J i be 'subjects slich re clothed the endorsement aad recommendation or the Contention weie— 'l. The recite Railroad: • , 2 Mho favotable emtismekt and adjastm en tby our Governaient of the difficulties in regard to the Telma:tiff - ea route: ' , 8 The protection of the Cotton lateral from iojorions discelminations by diplomacy, when praotioable. L. The fostering sad 'encouragement of the thole with the doissm, Oronooo and La Plata el. - ears,. through steamers from Southern ports. 5. Sinn; steam navigation with Europe from Southern ports. 6. Jtddress on the most valuable form of Cot ton for export. 7. Recommendation la behalf. of Common Schools in the Staten., ' S.' The adoption of mewls to maintain the lowa which solvent, and to investigate the prac ticability of guarding, against the ‘ floode of the Idiseissippl end Its tributaries. . „ nAMT.IIIIIIO, CrOP,. CO—.ESTI:COTS the vicinity of Saltville, Illinois, and beyond, the Bluff, on •the oposite side of the river, Com amend cutting their • wheat last' Saturday. A majority of the. field will be down doting the present wick, and new grain may be expected by the 20th or 25th of the month, folly as warty, if not earlier than last season. North of thle city, tot a conelderable distance, harvesting will commuce before the expiration of the month, sad before the middle of July, new wheat will begin to arrive in considerable quantities. Last year we had the new crop in market in Jaoe, sad by the 10th and 15th of the following month, receipts were quite liberal. The fly and out, boa done considerable lejery in same localltim but It seem, to be the prevadieg opinion that the crop of the West will.be fall an average one, sad nalfermly of good quality. • Northern lauds, smiths Nerth•Eastern portionof this State, have suffered aeverely from the insect and wet weath er, but to the South and Eut, and la the extreme North, we rimer to complaint of abortnees •of yield from these elude New wheat of good quality will open in this market at from 75 to sf,o, and possibly oboloo samples may command morn. There is come of but year's crop still in the cou ntry, bat as this market lue bun del. chant in - receipts for sacral , years, On old and the now together will bare perhaps little or no effect upon. prioes. Atall events, we never en pout tome a prime article of wheat mtioh below oaillgares for the present atop.. Honest - will commence here, in * few day* end we can 'truly say that more W heat.Hi be made in Ws county tel Benson, by far, then at 'any time preriocue. The . Corn crop is lookiog wen; Octet suffseing for rein; • lair prospect for Potatoes; the (teapot Orals anustmlly heavy.— .With a ft De rein sicortly.the Oat crop will bo bet. ter than nrud. - --Roeivit/s 011)larrnot. ,-, Taw thiors.—fleuty Eelden; grain 'were hoz. etsted , lastlreek in the. Miami Wiley; the ex. trims dry:weather hsa contributed to ripen it rather pis 7. The some ewe may re due the else ben7.—Cßs. Gee. . This Meat th roushosit this region lignite PrOldeing; and bids biz to yield an ample N. ward to the Inhere at the heshandmeit.ibrt An emanation of the pare of Sprint. n• • •• ay deeded for, the murder d two women at Philidelphia halt proved Mettle Isidy wee dam not Sorted at di, or afterwards eampattotiely ralltsved."."The Odin contained. sottldng bags toirdwoOd sad am clothing. : Taw Rearm Leamearrva ExtnAtiow.-;—A cor respondent of the New York Tnbane glees the following details at the recent fatal seetdent eulting frcm the explosion of a locomotive on the New York and Erie Railroad: This (flanreday) evening between 7 and 8 c'- altair euidue NO. rBB—on old eight-wheel driver, used In helping the freight trains over the bill —explOded In the rock-ant between the Soigne b anus depot and Luteebro,' eh oat half a mile tram Conewacts bridge. I learn from those who saw her start-a few moments before from the station at this Wiwi, to path up the hill, that her tend er erns literally covered with passengers going to the summit. Foe are known to have been killed-instantly, vim two women, hire. Catherine Stately and Catherine O'Day; and three moe, Waltexll. Arnold, Engineer, hitches' Casey and Paterick Caron. 4 Arnold's head was blown on the rooks ca the eolith side of the roiliosd, his body some rode la anotoer'direotion, Toe countenance was etill AS natural as life. Hie little son—a led of 18—recogipsed It and ex there'e my father!" He ran to enthrone lt. The head dropped from the rook., anti the brains fell in hie hands. ;The headless bodies of the two women :ley blackened and mangled a few rode from the engine. Their husbands Heed at the '•eusittlt." Tite bodies of the two other men toy torn and studded a short diatom from the tender. . Biz are known to be wounded, olio Gilbert Hill, fireman, slightly. A eon of Walter Arnold, engineer, now deranged; injuries about the.head and nve4 may recover. - Ulu &lea Stoddard, min blown off sod otherwieo, injured; has just had the stomp of the arm amputated by lire. ,Boaitliand Fisher, of this place; recovery doubt. fol hire. John Collins has a leg injured so that the bones are comi c g oat, and hand and aria torn badly. Be husband, who had left her, and of whom shi'was in search at'the time ut terly refines to have amputation performed.— She will probably die to-morrow or next day. A number of others are'illghtly wounded, and it is feared a number were blown into the Sus quehanna river, as it is but a few rods from the come of :he explosion, and reins to rapidly 111 to carry them away ins few minutes. The canoe of the accident cannot in all proba bility be astartaltied. Arnold, the engineer; bee the reputation of being careful and strictly temperate man. Three gauges of,water were in the boiler at the time ehe left the station. 63 was an engine whlob had been in constant me three or four years. Yesterday was in shop for repairs of smoke pipe. A post mortem exaMl nation haabeen held by Justice Seymour. Ver. duxer Death by accidental explosion of Bo ller 613, blame attached to any person driving the machirui; nor maid it be seen that the • boiler. was id any way defective. , TOISDO NOINALX AND CLITILAND,.AND JUNO :Iox itoens.-‘Tbese are consondated. The meetings of the stiokholdglof Thursday, at Norwalk, deaided that, i iwts on '-their part, and on the part of the D.kesfers, WAD unanimeas, the Presidents cram reepeitive companies being at:At:wised to settle the details of the contract nAn the basis agreed tipowin Net York on the 2.Ekb nit., and submittedlat the lifyria meeting, isti.eit reads: . I. The parties agree,to oonsolitiate, &e upon the beta prescribed in die Charter of the T. N. C 11. Co. . 11. The parties agree to assume the line of the Port Clinton Railroad, and to:mi 4struot the line of road from fiandasky; by Po Clinton, Piety*. burgh and Maumee, to Stratt l ion, and the con nexion with the fdlehigan Sea ern Railroad. 111. The, puttee oontemp te an extensor* from' Pun:tont towards Port . Wayne, or In some other western or .tooth-western direction; and they hereby promise to undertake such exten sions u early se the interests and resources of the Company will admit:, - IV. The portico will unite with the k:ad Riv er Railroad Company, in establishing sod main mining a Raibroad connection between Sandusky and Fremont by Clyde. V. The stock of the two Companies shall be equalisaibifre consolidating. so as to mate their reePectivestooks of equal value; and to that end It is agreed that in aocalderation of the inhaler cost per mile, and the. present produo dunces of the T.IN: & C. R. R., there shell be allowed to the stockholder* of told Retread, of steak or bonds, such reasonable alhowanoe per • mile as rip carry out this principle of equally, don. VI. T he Compsny agrees to establish and inclutrn workshops both at Norwalk and San dusky. . The coniolicisted Company assume Gad guarantee the respective obllgatione.nrthe Com'. paales. , • • ... , . Viii. The conselidation to take place on the first of September-neat, ntt.ll wltioh time the net earnings of each are to be regarded as the pro ; petty of. sock Company., September let tho consolidation takes place. if the details of 'the contract are settled. Until then, s the.tespiellie roads will remelt:l...ender their respective Boards of yanagemeut After that, or until the - annual e ration ha January, htessra..E. B. Litchfield, Lane andlidoall, will control thi consolidation interests &tin Execu tive Committee. ALLUIIIArt VA RALLZOAD....The pro/peat, of this greet work an very bright mod detterleg The whole Hoe from the city of Pittebargh to the Nine York state line, near °lnn, where it will connect by other roads with the New York end Erie, and the New York central Hne, le tinder Contract, and the work A being premed with greet energy. A !age embeorlhed kook capital has beetiee cored, amounting to over- - - $3,800,000 The titillated cost of tho work oom- plated end ertilpped, is in rotted • oambars - /- - - - 6;000,000 Leaving but $1;700,000 berserks. to be aup• plied by futthersmbecriptions to the stock or by an Leone of noirtgage bonds. The presideitnf the company, the Hon. Wm. F. Johnston, late' grommet of the state of Penn sylvania, an exceedingly energetic and efficient 'roan, is now here on the business of the. eons piny. - Messrs. Winslow, Lanier di Co, are, its financial agents, through whets' the bonds of the cit . , of Pittsburgh and the (satiety of Allegheny, In which - the pity is situated, will be disposed of. These r bonds are now . in their bands, and will slimily be offered to capitalist.. They present one of the strongest securities erer offered The population of the city end actual . Is nearly 200,- 000, andibeir taxebie property over $80.000,, 000 ; 'while ;their debt is comparatively small, and most of; it represented by railroad stocks. aimed by them, all of width an worth par sad upwards In the market.—American Raikasi Journal. Rum. —.Orders have been received at the Charlestown Navy Yard to At out the sloop-of- Ira Decatur, immediately. She is to Jain the home rquadrom . Lest fail the Decatur was ta ken'into the dock and thoroughly overbuded and eoppered, and conseqientlY can bigot ready for us la a very shirt mote.=Norf Lb Bina. Tee trotted Spates ship Lexington, storeatilp to the Japan squadron; and freighted with prevent to the Emperor of,Japan, sails' rom New York on fitturday, for • Macao, Chttia„stia Feudal, Ma deira. Her officers ate: John .1; Gleason, Lt. Commanding; &then Hurls, Hester and Ex- Officer; P. Wager. Passed Midshipman; D. Price. do.; It. D. Minor, do ; ,F. O. Clarke, do., sad pureeger4 A. J. Mitehell, 'Parser ; Wm. A. Nelace, Surgeon. • - The clipper . John P. Kennedy, Meat Collins, will leave New York for Xtrlos 'adv. She car ries out tenons and porn" for men on the Afri• can mid= - Btie will efterwardrjoin Common. der Ringgold o. 's exploring expediti o n to the North PeoUl . • The steamship State of Georgie, of Philadel phie; whilst off the Cspes of Delaware on Fri day but wu struck by light:dog The main top mast MU badly shivered; and the Enid possed through the deck into the - cable, destroying ■ Eve looking glue, near which. orowd of Fusee .gers were standing, and than pseud through the engine room. No one was herr, and the I but slightly demigod. . Tu. Casthoeem.Mexwan IiVAIIIOIf -We be gin to get a itttle light, aid mime:lva some con elstenoy of: rumor In the matter of the Mouton of Mexico front California bY the Count de &outlet Bonilcon. The story from California has been, all along that. the Count was retains troop, and making respiration, while the story from Mexico bas been that he had given up all project of invasion. , The "Universel" of Mextho, Banta lane's or gan, reconciles these embalming stories. Bsul• bon has been makleg preparations, bathes given them all up. The /teeth .11inister to Mexico, it seems wrote to him dist he Was engaging In *piratical expedition, which. the whole world woulgootulemn, and which *meld disgrace him. Baulbon wrote back to the Freed Minthter that be was at the head,of an teganlxed - force to in vade Sonora, and to protect certain mineral rights and properties there, but he hid taken this coarse In revenge of Liate'm treatment of him. Nevertheless, now as things in Marko bad changed under the sathicen. of the Matti ens Santa Anna, he was het only ready to ab andon hie expedition, but to offer Banta Anne, his services, and even' to present himself in the . Mexican Capital, If Santa:Anna would send him I passport. Santo Anna sat they pcusporg, and re gag: probably 4001 Y hr to &Won in the zitY of Nezico. - A Bmarr Eerm —A young woman mud Mae? Ann tiammond celled upon Mr: Jahn 8. Bossing; No. 32 Cliff street, Nur York. 'en Thureday morning, to pa the reward of . sdoo that bad bum adored for the apprehension of the person Who murdered Min McElroy. 13be stated that she was medium and honied 'hi spirit of MAO MoE. with her; that Charism Fourier was her guardian spirit t had that the murdered ed had Wormed her that • minister itadkMed her., ."Bh•' WIC t*kos to the dig pri ory:ad placed • biers, of the tfat ! p a • as s INZIER EMS= bfreum.—Au export dory of 'six per cent. le now placed on all ettreicoln and shipped from the 51.xlmtri potty. General Artsta's tor, proteating against hie banishment, es re, neatly published, wse a forgery, as the real ono is published at !lassos, and contains no each posseges es those referrieg-to Amerioan Institu. ti one, annezation, Carvajal, &a. In the late Vera Crab Insurrection three of the Government troop, were killed and eve wounded. Of the rebels forty were killed sod wounded ? and thir teen made prisoners. A German merchant time among the killed. Three of the most dieting. uishul prieorierawere put' to death. A Terr, toilet Government hoe been formed for the lab. none of Tehuantepec, a General Elwin appointed Governor, and the capital toed at . Minstithm. Mtneznwator Paotarzw.—The following are the Dames of the Midshipmen who paned their examination tact west at the Basal Academy, sod here been promoied to the grade of Paned Ittidehipmer.: Date of 1848. Oecar F. Johnston, Tenn.; Lewis Kimberly, 111. Date of 1847; Edward P. Wil Hams, Me.; William 8. Sewell, Henry Wilsem and Andrew E. K. Benham. N. Y.; Andrew Cuormings, David B. Harmony, and John Irwer, Pa ; John T. Wood and Chas W. Flamer, By., William P. A. Campbell, Tem.; BayardlE. Band, Geo..; John D. Raney, Mts.: Robert T. Chap. man, ; Frederick F. Breves, 0. 8. Thor barn, J. P. K.. Mysatt, and P. Donal, Ohio, William Ovine and Jamea P. Fatter, lad.; kloGannel, RipUbliesn.Lo2, Nartus --That great villain, the Bing of Nl 7 ples,is going on with his derlistrwork of despO tiem• and death. On the 28d of April, thirty brave and good toe; were 'treated while quietly pursuing their business, and disposed of, exiled, probably killed. The'agocty of families so rude ly separated, the shrieks of wives and children stirred the blood of all.. Yet these are common scenes in Naples, and every day tells of arrests, proeecntione, tiondetunatlons, imprisonments, deaths. Every lawyer who defended the pris• onus of 1848 Is stow Ia pilau Cr exlie.— Boob is the purport of a reliable letter to the Tribune. Lean Btmsttoa Iran—The Propeller POl3- 1 . 8 u 1 .1 Capt. Audrewe, has just arrived, bring ing down thirty-nine 'tons of copper In barrels and muses from the Minnesota Mine—twenty tons ftom the North American in malees:and one Enadred and forty-six tons from the Cliff; In bar rels end masses: Sean ROYAL' Correa —We are glad to be able to report the first shipment of copper from the Pittsburgh and Isle Royale Mine thle`season.-- Tho Schooner Algonquin, C.pt. Halloran, has jolt arrival with Uns tone of copper An mimes and barrels from the abort mine, and we hope mon to see more on Ito way to market. TMs Company la deterrineof I rub reward for their pereovemince which we hunt doubt will soon be realised.—Lake &paler Ai.. .a. Itsmaoan Irswa—The Illinois Centre Bell. rood Company. have &welded their loan of 8,000,000 - et par, up to 1051 They received bids to the amount of $4,954,000. The largest bidders were DeL►uney, Isehld, and Clark, who tendered on foreign account for the whole at per, but only obtain part. 1b Prealdeut and Dino. fors of the Company, are well satisfied with the Minh —UV. Y. ]fern. leitmoed. A Queen Atutawainimirr.—The New York mid Erie iiaiircrad Company, according to the terms of their recent arrangement with the Central Railroad Company, virtually abandon ou Aux& rrd and thirty Lea of aril. rood/ They run to Buffalo instead of Dunkirk, Mad take their boats from the latter port. . • ' We !soon that Ham, John B. Je . nria has been elected._ President cf.the .Michigan Southern Railroad Company, to fill the iimanoy oacialon ed by the death of, Hon. R. B. Dortator. Mr. Jerrie was predecessor of Mr. D., in the office.— Tards Slade. 817:QC1HAZIA Rannomi —the work on Ole raid is progressing as 'rapidly se the emelt, of hands will admit. On some of the seetiom oonilderable, work...is already done.--SaMtuy American. %. . Linen two Minns - -The OsionsJeffersociso of Om 2d instant tarnishes s Very encouraging statement of the becreue of the lead trade du ring the present rest. • The statements, we hey* reason to know, an authentio. The nigh prier of lead, and experience of the uncertainly of gold mining, lisestopped the rage for migration to California, sod comparatively few persons hare left the- mines ebbs season_ -Others have gone to Work In the mines, and the result has been so increase of 68,109 rags, compered with the shipments of the time time last ,eir.—fft. Loehr krOlkan. Plots AT TEM AITIZICIAX Hexer —At thrills, of the Are at the American Hotel, In New York, ao Thenday afternoon, there wen 160 boarder. In the house. The fire destroyed the filthead glib stories, containing forty rooms, end nearly ruined all the others. Miss Annie Lansdale, the amrese,leet the whole of het thestrinl ward robe, Take& at $6OO. Nor sister, hldle. Ade. line, the &menu the Brooders, Theatre,loet most of Nee stage drestes. wo of the servants of the hotel were arrested ddriag the fire on the charge of stealing. Chic! Matedl sod two 4 the pelthe were !Oared by falling rafters. The loss of Mr. Tabor, the proprietor, is shout $26,. 000 or $80,000; insured for $28.000. The large flooring millet Cauel ik Galligher, In Zanesville, and near the Railroad bridge, Is to be covered with elate from the new and vale. able quarries in western Vermont. The extra expense above that of shinglesmlll be; paid by the Railroad Comniny. The object is to protect it from fire by the sputa from the the:motile. All baildinge near the railroad ehinld be covered with this or some other Are-proof article. Slate ry makes a ve handsome roof. Mr. Sedgwick miff the , other members cf the delegetion from the World's Fair, have returned to New York. The President cod Cabinet have given so definite answer to t helnvitation of the delegation to be present at the opening of the Crystal Palette. The President le net inclined to absent !linnet!' from the emit of government this summer. The CADISe; will probably attend the Fair eeparately. Thej desire nevoid a pub lie reception in the Intermediate cities —Cow. VIADICT AGATIIIrf a lIAITAOAD.—In the Fourth District Court at New Orlestre, on the Bth int, Miss Camille Varillat obtained a verdict of one thousand dollars damages against the New Or leans and Carrollton Railroad Company, In eon sermenee of her having suffered from an awl. dept on their -road, ensued by a collision, by ,wlrloh one of her legs was broken. bzant or Estraunts on mrsiCems—We learn from the Utica Gazette that two emigrant pas engem died on the carton Wednesday on their way from Bitenectady to Utica; their death le at- tribated to the. excessive beat It will be seen by gefcreoce to the Legislative proceedings d yesterday that the moaner of crowding the mal." rant care has been made the subject of legtela.' tire action.—N. Y. Cour. Exectrues or Frriamusso.—lthtrick Fitzger ald, conrieted of the murder of kfe wife, yea ex ecuted In New York on Friday. Ooly spout a bundled persona were present, isalriding the phyelolans, the abed!! and bill alb, the coroner's po li cemen, &a B. made nu publio ace fresioti: - ' Fut& Comae—The Bab-Tremary In Nov York, the Evros say., le now fulled than It erre wu before—running up to eight railltOni, Unless the Goetrrarient makes I great ancritlos la baying up the Neiman! Debt, the sunder revenue will run over. $20,000,000 when Con grim reassembles. Corrucionua —The - Chamber - short Repot! tort' sod Whig. of the 9th inst. donles the teeth of the report that:the cholera hal again stipear ed 1/X that place, - sod me that Obattbersbere newer was la s•mare healthy ocotillo* thol et pretsnt. e Toe woon clip of Maine, It is eald. trlll fall I abort in amount from former year,. The short crop of hay throughout the State loot year, and the demand for mutton, together, hare caused quite a diminution of the ildoks—Baton Cour. Ma, Ganser; of the firm of McKinney & 011. nem Ciutuouin. • fair dapriluce had $B,OOO in money and $9.000 in certificates of stoat , stolen from his Tillie whilst on • railroad Main. • ' Tire (Name of Wilmin g ton tendered Booms. ry Dobbin a public dinner during his recent oloit to North Carolina. It war declined an-adcount of the neoessity for an immediate return ta Washington. - A. mall from the Balt Like region woo received at Independent% hilstouri,.on the 26th nit, be ing the fret entirely through the Valley for many mouths. • The Secretary of the Nu 7 le again at ids post at Weahhigton, after C brief visit to hie domicil in North Carolina. - AT a meeting of the directors of the Sheen yaks and Ohio Canal Company, held nasal, in riaahinnton, ex-Norma Wagon wu maim:led Presidio; and all the other °Man MN rol. elected. • . On tdonday hot, the !'Ancient awl Honorable Artillery Company," of_Deston, celebrated Its tut dsonthyti aidkteentit Anniversary, James McDonald, aged 10d years, visited Bee• toe hit •isk, to be peuent at the anaftenary of the battle of Dunker nu- M eant. Lesko atta Mosde, or %Mk, both decline thole forego aPPelhteleele, herl to la es• Hand that Col. Dismal rill not &nuptials. The new .00,100! 01 NM hloalon, Diehl hi e h re th ar , ontood el Bt , Louts en the Bth imtant„ _ ialult4aek 1100 t phis. whale Oil sold at Nn Doeradlitlso-I.4q.into Won,' and 250 bbla. petitt.ealll Ike Phllsdelahls WM, la to he'4 6 l l :llhalli,lhehhilel Olt Mien. '--.-- - 4,.. _ Insiusuce Compaar -Tee President and Directors of the hwr•th:. J ay J.-.12,1a Dint END of THEiE DAL 511.5 Share, wpm tDa C. 5 LI Era kof thwooot. :Item payablw to th., atltekholVers wr th.t e cotarPree. forthwith. w AMU= L.III4BSIIELL. Ewer, Pirrascuoit. Jona 15,1165. ti 451/twlt) Lots For Bale. tdrilne locations for Sommer Residences at prints mac mall the 30th Instant at 4 Wolcott rac, and all nun tld at that Una ',ID to °Berl at •nalloo, on tba ground. lo what la known as th. • Sutah B Mom.. • galrg land. of the lat. hum Roes, and lying twine. Use Bregdoogo Yield Bluth nod sot the Monongahela river, now 141 out to Lots of two. two tad • boy. og g thews serer. by R. B. M 00... Tetra, of payoloot tooge eaty,ll.ll but • steal amount of the pa/stump tam VW la rooting to two& Ingolre of Bahl= 11. D. SING. Truster. ter- Me. Sommons:—From infancy I hate beep el?leted with weak eye. and siorteltlivednese and In W En , Mantle I have never been Mg. t , se: • pair of GLOBUS that would help me. I have had mantel reire Mat wotil enable ma to no more dlettuctly, but could TTTTT keep them Ca mote then °metalf hour from the fact that they tatimal atith great polo. I happened to ae• your adrertlarment. by which I saw rod had jurt imported alma:god am It has been my. ma mma Mot to get g pals that would tenet ma, I thought I woiald try ten. Too must t thank me Uttering when I nay thermal.* tran answer my expectations. I have not hem abla red by oandleeght for more than belt an boor at any time baton I got them Gleams. Mom I get them, I read one Banda, all day, and until tan o'clock. without ear. •Menclog the last pan. which lea thing I have not dram before for pan. ' I say this math .. I think It deyeenhag mm warmly., and hopind others may be heneatteal hy tt you .r. .t liberty to m.to VW Or Cl/ ammo at say Vats for term... I am, Kr, truly Tow', MORT Zeta, likuutblaatee, Pitt.bnrtb• P.H. I Ingot to Ovintion that mialb. 4 erastly bent Atte by the pair ohs sat, and aaball7 Mau. , (rata fe - Lim CoxrLeixr.—The only remedy ore Crowd to t h . potdlo that has Inner fallad to marli. when direetiona ara /IPL &NE% LIVES PILL. It has bran carnal ream Wore the public. mad has ban Intro.land In all motions of lb. Union.' Man It has bean owed, it has had the moat triumphant alumna and has actually &inn out of as all other medicinea. It has Lan trial Mader all Um diflarent phases cf Ilepatir. and bat boon fount equally e tenacious In all. for mtr by all the prit in inn tad eoehtu. an tnaipal dratirAr. and meahanta, bi the proirietorl FLEMING BZUTIIEBS, Eucos.ora to .1..61.16 A Co, 60 Woad Area. ay- W. believe Nature him provided a En for dtsuO• which Pooh 41104 PS, MERV. PETIPATIUM or ROCK OIL, put op u ft goof% from Oh. groat /abonkon. mounts:l,l44p in Um bovolir of Mother 6ortb. fa, Iralsont dub; ono of tho pluton of Mao rutoodleo. Read tio falloloing tutlmony, Puon Dr entofal parent: Pinar: Tater. Otdo, &ht. lh, 11162. dlr. Kler—eirt I hate...hl all your Petrohnun, or Mak 011, soots two numbs past. atel have been look. log torronr agent to net • further =POW. l lddtid hot. Nall Dome Ind!. nom. We have Lund the ttll bay •tnt a and Drwatary. My ot the ohne our Iwukt was hen, ant triter my iow with to. 104 1 gays her a leaepottettl. and In three hour. hen the evond. and the Sun .topped. and 6. te cowered Immeltstely. It is altw. an extreordinart remedy tar gore ani, Intianned Klee, Cut, Bruins, and Itkeomatimn, and tor the Menton* have been enrol of lone Weaning. Yours, • ith miter. Iwo Ihnit.3ll, hne had ay WI the MUM. trt Pitteltutne. ted Marne adverbs'. Pedroleue. phew ropy.] ter BURKE lt BARNES' SAFES—AIere to tbo bind of Until:my as to th. vol. of nor dAlfatf o upon onion no, Cap nonflloonly root the ropotathia of our morn. We bar* alnoodr publbtood woral ontlflootono "mins tut saga mods' for our rognhor and oronnory oslro. end woad .brood. LIMP boon cannoned An ft* 81COSIIE8T TUTS IN £QII.II OONILAtiroATIObI o and prole:Tod Moir exchonta tota , l7 bon front h. following la manor meat the nanoLam= oborontor* $lO,OOO WORTH 0.1 , BOONS AND PAPERS ISAVED.S7IIIO A $4O BANC ALMON, Mum Corm. Pe.l • Ilmakber 12.1852. Stemma Brun illems—Deer eke: Teo* tyro letters erne Italy naelvel. 1 Ind ebeeele Se the WM. would WlO 14m07•0 to yaw Bar, I Catillidtt ft perfectly Mt tle. 1 tutu! th• we bought oryou hut hill. ou the cumtiaz .ot the 10th of Jamslout—my store 0.1011. Mae burned t 00.... It wee built of woof and Wit l7 t— • Ivy* Ihno. story 7071011.4 517 eate.eras la it et the Um* of Um erst, end fell tato the re'lez• where there ass • bap mount Of Olt. It was •my hot ent. 31, noted an. boar secoon. that •en In the Bete. ehooaatel to about .Teu mead Defter*. erbl.h Ou reed. Then see ed o • •• pew Wend: sad further. wood ed.*. 0.7 tw • • who 17 4 0 474 no Maly, 104 boy a 806.4) res stale paserre.e.... 17—aal lot 000 Mkt Is 0000 I - YGIy reereausead roar Elefee '•t:Rtf To • traly. ZOITN Ph/MR VarCAßD.—"Doctor Mizu having been istlars4 from b's of:Lial Mats. as Samson mad Pbsslclsn Mats U. 8. Maxim Plo•t 1.1..111 ita Mums aim Lli wadi wiled sttesUoa to las Praiss's. Offies and raidence No, lii Point st,st, atom ftalthaeli. tagoLlso Eff3•Ws Dina. tho attention of our read .. to the a4vortlsolarlat of "3101t3E.8 15,1'001=1NQ COADIAL." t. ter fottal nom the fourth mt. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL $600,000! E: C. WIMP, lave, No. SO WO at at/wt. itkabrorob. DlEFrOltfa: Biome L. Lkenois--.---baia b/ the Mau. 1111111r1. Jo km of Co. nerd.; kkaoseee,--.---t Ina .1 warm A McNamee. Riebord •rien• of fa am. Kb. a Co. MU= /L. Melke.—.--F.rar of Oeno. Medea a Co /awl B of Z., Maxey A Co.. Waco B. Tato of Wilk.. & Root Levi P —Roma Btons Matt, ileary of Wt. ClOspy• Doe A9ll. —Firm of./troe• 7.e.aorks of C. B. Mc. A a • J.J. 8..7.0 of U.. a • KU. Laraborb—...libta of A A. lemma. t • ClarltAA Bfreblko.--.. ----lima cowboy t Aepit ABerfAiry..B.,....fina of Leek, Attarbotry Jr., a .0000. • P. Ake rem. —..,Fana of DI 111.00, Moro. a • Drnakf-,—..lftron of Trowbridge Dwight a Co. - Jobs 0. IYdraft,.. —.... of Ifelaoo Co laerteJ P Of Baloweakar. a Ore Comte C ria of ohermaaa • Oallint• (kola aforpoo.—.--.-Ofroa of k Marg. A Co. Leo. D (Lassa.-- -. of Ceuta. intent Co. Ther.. . • Ina of T. ait Maktorkee. Thfoid &aifiroa.—' ofJobor. a 0.6.1. =ll. itorsera—.- - 11.= of Nemo. liaLlar a bolt. Roam ----Firm of Boyd a Taub iroctland W. of auks% Morn. JO null. Afro:tab of A.S. B4ZDY Co. Bee Lecterool,...----..11.1 of 13. Leetwocd 100. Lwow of ftablas, Co, km. A. inineht.--.7i7m of Brown, Realer a Leolght. J zee Prothispboas, Tina of Froth mem= Novell a Co. Jo. Lf of Bwilt e Hurlbut a Co. (Akar Norar,. ..—........-.... na of Condit a Mtn. A of Won a H es. atoetwall a Ikea. ll.mootroy,....almi of baria ) , Iloootbroy & Dobler. Dia T • bier Cot traeutal Bark- L b.l w.la. P.m* a Co. (Weeps of floorgo.Pel et a Co. 131110011 1.001118, Prekeint. OM J. Di kRTIN. BteratarT. R. C. LOOMS, (Of the late firm of 14'Curdy & LoomlBo WHOLE:PALE DYALL9 IN • BOOTS. AND SHOES, 59 Wood .treat, Pittabnrigh. Je3417'4 9ituansatmrarom yompany of Pittsburgh IL D. ZINO, Ilsome. /As ZIL L. NAAS Lint. ornca, 0s wax% Dam= um= AID WOOD trriarm. imstrata DULL AND CARGO EThKS x.`l llll 01110 AND AIDLISISSIM RITIRS. ADD TEIDOTA• 3133. thr rsno. B opals lot, or damage *mut Oupwsle c as SRdard I.VLARD .Y.triGATIOR od TJUXIIPORTA r Any., 13:1MOTORS i W... but:art. Jr. ll_ D -Ming. W.m.tra.....y.. A. 11. Kier Wm. Itleati.. 'ars Ds lA. Jr.l John B. 11171 worth. B. IlarteA rh. . YunelatAral•rs, rd.." tr........... . 4. Ark.amst.r. A altar Bryant. - Ana • REMOVAL. • FOSILEY, NELSON Bz. CO., NANOVACTUAtIiII HAISIDNUID AND CAB? MUM MOMS AND SPADES. DUN BARRED, SOLID BOX VICES, DUNN SLNDOES, /AMOCO, • olk.O. &A. fe. Have remove& N . p. 17 Market street, irhero tbdz eascomerr. 014 taerelaute Immune. are invited to =settoe our hetet Ufa. outebolon Cambers. Harlem taken the wore fel the rote or Noma N. Norm* Co..' WA...A NAY AND INANUftit NORRIS too. no an e eneee to furolsb a menet article of /orbet Ce•tersa forkd.los A. H. HOLMES . & BRO . - .111511/AOTOOEtS OP SOLID BOX VICES; SIMMORS, PICKS, MATTOCKS. CROWBARS; &e., PITTBI3URGL OM* 95 Woad it., Intarssai Ist and Sad. sanbiPan wort samara equal ba sup caundanuald:l9 • • JAMES: P. TANNER. • WEIOIMILIII DICALEI . t is Eons, mots, rrinrsro, • Han, azo., No. N WOOD warn, mammon, &Wen Third andloarth. viraiy stock embraces eiresivariety.. - ima Style ot Beets, Rl:o2 . rtaleti. tn. mamba tasel 15 trote and lannzeiial .d vrtrt IVA ruir hig,7.l2 4 =Vlll 1 ;h4"..°1.r?: 1 4 stamlne Wino bathe. • . met UAI~Uh~HttF:U'i'YYED . er ras NATIONAL - GALLERY. 0 AMON'S National Dad ' ad"=in ()alloy, some of Um Mamma and Marta stoat. (orpodta Droe Mom) Plitabotwh. Who sod theatiesies wishing to obtain IlMtlre lareweee at moderate mime. will n il at the Om setabit. b . wan, two aa atta fotharkW ewdhh7 WM*. &motel wit la such Oil dm the operator eaa take Ilse met aaeststa tan Ladles of the human Ina with •/1 Wet ftetwewion of•alzatad Ills m aut Imam= , . o ttr= o rg i ngar i a u t: „. ...•toweetely toplad.aod • 64 11 t racialreikte Ulm • )tan. holm • per. eh.likewwwe takes of tlet •10.1 daps ed prrrene la Shif.BothoitkaVis„,, ;46 aattl „ W.utoha seswire. 1. 1 .0 ,(u. DAGUERREOTYPES. YOST 01/10C DIRLDI2tO. min swam VITLZENB and ettsagert who . iiiih to tit. ta. ea shahs* elltetat eed Ige Mittlehet s vet, zeoletste erIU Mot it to Mate helmet es mu et Il i th in =wa eitablUbsteat. when teet " =Arie t apP ever ea& the weryeey et the low ktedg r aiteett . . aer . earat, Able t aTi ltiga k ratre: wastor .. _ :_..y -I l:i~ Sta ' termenz - \ \ Third Annual (IF THE STATE MUTUAL FIR 4iND IU9 31.1.1115 Z ISLVELIUCZ. 0 , 1119 4.• Y. vt !faqir: am, FOIMISCIiII. I t 7 1, , &3. Amta of th•C05mtan7.11091,%9.514/010 IA I#9.oalaase r•ed to ,tlay 41653. id I , ,terie.t t•ed to Leso..--- .. 9 919 Etstloacry u 910210. 1 oralau•-- 1040 01 \ Pm:Maas autealldd • IM. tuo4utt-41. 1 nil 81 lw". Xlmats. - cat misoloos to?. a. Pmagarl% iSca m thatry. 11.811 81 W tr.& MS C:010.1 Stock. pail In and \ V0,c1.0 00 • d=ount arm:mew LW& km 100rn—....---j534.3t8 TO P II: oda rbmtaba Nahs. Jinn: W an.l Maria. 0. etbcks..l meenelbeb- UM, M babdore Iby boads---,-- I 7 no ol \ 00110. Nurainant .4 btationary—.. I.oob oo meant or aiu.t.t Pant twt yot am— .... APO CO : JOPN P. lIITITIREY.a.D. uottplan P. 0. St DUWICIC, Harrisburg PAYIOA JUNES, PhOotioloblon A. WILKINk Ratan.. Elint.barglo A. A. GAMIER: JUUN R itIITLIERTORD. Dauphin omar: A. J. GILLET. Alarylobraz 21 T. /OOZY, SOBERS E.UTTZ. Carbon county: • JOAN P. ItUttlitaPOßD, ProoldoOk A: J. UILLET, Boonton, Will Jana* aisinetporila arm and Inland nortgoliont roo, montonidizo in eV) or eounory. at lout YUJI =Lunt with o r. Policia Waal on dmdline Mousy `i?" 7,== c" it = 1 . 7 ,21;f1. ha ca A. A. UdEollol.4sotuatT. • JOUN T. --..T108T. T. KEIIIXEDY Kinn' —.--NDWATib REItOVA.Tee LOGAN, WILSON & CO. DEPODUBB ABD WHOLESALE MUMS nr, 10fIEION £Nn Domes= HARDWARE, CT:VLSI:LT, 44, dwi T Have removed to their new end extensive .tom Ne. se wed stmt. toot doom abate lb. et. Charted Hotel. ober* their ettetomere. anti Meta. t• amieraltt are Levi ed fears examination or the mod Immolate Marto, meat ever tivared tattoo eltr• fetter Joex rtaxma....-----,....-amour =awe Fleming' Brothers, (Crocznom co r. =co & co.) WHOLVIALE DEI7OO/1111, No. 60 Wood Sim; Pitt‘bwrgh, Pa. SOL.Prof.stor. of D. lOtooneo Colobrotel To CHARLES E. LOOMIS.' ‘ STOOK AND BILL BROKER. totes, Bonds. Homages an, Negotiated. PANTICULANATIANZIUM 01VEN TO TILIPOWMAIN AND DALE 01 110CSB. WPM., ova IL Joan A ON coma Wood owerowth moot& 401 HEAL= MICE Interments to the City of Pittsburgh, \ . , . remit-mit, to iv•t ,0,1313. .., tilietto. ectetli. aah: 0...... i. 4.......... 1...... s.------ 0 ' .---:.:-. Initamoto lon of Drain.-- 0— ----,' 1 Intlastuostion of LI-- 0---- , il i ..MZ1W.71.=....—.. 0 . . - \ Einknootn--...—,--- v---„--.4—. 1 '- Mao 11—Itmelo 6-00Dta 13—Dritoriall—T0111 ' thaw ~ Or . 1113 .011 . TBIII. VILI7. .\ , , t.n... i tr; 2 .-----,=7- - - - ---.3 4 1 1 —,..--------t 10a016_,----.--:------,1 \ 60 to 60. . ----1 By ord. t of the 15Zit—Oirleallii....--". Et!l Caution! Caution k!, TAKE NOTICE—The publia in get but orp•ololly Qom who oudaiwr by lb. tot 1.41, ' , Wombat or a set of scooter—mho; dustup th• Salon ae a m.n. of 1812. were Ina astragal,. ornargod la ' mo milord LIURINIPti arlDi. A now phose Of owirbillag boo N..a oleo At Car am, gang 01, Iwo.atraura It Vol Mho Thay ane wg shoat am rat, II wall ao Vol Country. irel , ton robottin torosott to to Minolta: Polatu aosoetatag • ewer rtbl. gleams languor Moo Itanompowedat la nulling the roman:on. to. b. tablas nII [be Pow Mr Polot.'arto Dingus ono of thole valuable and Ural, lammed peat. 1. Ito alma. but. olowtro lo 51. 00 aleunnattoo the pa • anneal:loved to too Monitor to thaw tak.or dean. Thor one mato of Pewter. two Copper.. Own Ana Froorat Ire. Soma Bow. •110 Vac Neb. Thom soy fa arM/1/ Moo* knot* °foal to Me p 0111, blot tb• ow Xe X bonbon sallret to owaralon I and mamma Mani woo.. Omar ono at on e Thoe tartmathlax ammo about arena felltom lb., tome botling 01 th. Deism Corsoaoy. and lot lb. Want. teary ofPt rbb tope or am net y. and am th• tbe of ate own., ls eame. thin ecnvomod ref th rwo of them gentry wlthlu • few dm. lad know Uremia ta tba toms ma. that put up lb. s.me kind or tads loot smug ropy to • d'ltweat aas ands OM:out m00n..: of Mow contlomma O. Iwo with {ham. aact WI et An It.dr, Polars or both. To twoorat tomb wane.. GITE 15101121 to a'l whom It may ismortn. that slltuy Arprat.aucy, with th.ot maw orlutal lama et won'. MUT growl by saboubb ....tbobl—ibbd GT Aroonzuwo alormaa, thIO cite. All enl rintolmara or Bow% mut to the YACTOttlf. wilt Des - tended tout tha ato non nonce. mad at Ito 40wast ant attn. Weather Paton 11.11. &roll. apicallars. .wo u tt io . a . T o . ll.ll, ttu VATI sad t t a. to ..Ka. ? ". 1 2 / I JkLl,A.ll)lllics. FhaatfoloAo. Joss 0.1852. .102:42t. • Notice. LIE 'MEMBERS or tht EAGLE FLEE CAMP.. NY are beta? regarrad to atteed a !PE 0. i. IICErING of the Ormarear, et their BALL, We" ever lee, at Dell rut Mann u , tollt. Br Order. Je 0116111. BOADB, Bed . For Rent. lIE DWELLING HOUSE on. Thirdia et:ma above Badtheeld vene , tly .me did .by Pnowdea moored to Philade/phia it to mono, with neck Ito bintga Ppeelone Y.J.r nu ft 100... not .4 Odd Botha Id ent . ul.t!. ho. N l, 4*S. of Jasll B. DLOLIOION. Foorthstreet. LRARE CHANCE FOR PRINTERB! Arleao. of dinning• pardon of Rom to other en the pireent publisher often ler We the ono.half of the pmsexion EVZStNO GENONICLA .ad the ISON ClTY—don, end weekly orrwrpatera which went stab Wiled In 1161.0.4 have always enpted a zed tint:den= sod ao ennllent sdvertisiort man. • peralower at:enact to tate flame of the editorial de. pertrovnt woobl t• prelate!. The toatrriala weak the paters aim prated ark newly am, ant the oppertaidtr now manned ID toor. et. t pare n. dethrone of enlacing into the pabsi.hili belana Is ono oot often offered. P P.O (*. . 63' (.7tr ' o= d . Pa sonata frHE TEACHERS OF THE SABBATH bOllOOl. usietxt br• Cho of the BenervelettA Ase:eiatioa et eh Paul •eb. ILNlPMitim2l „ TPX.V.4t.bereteer & C..", /lower, as le , fat the beneet of the .117. OATH 40E:WOG couleeetoll with thalf Chetah, boa hot , hve to have the *mew of al niaadly to Pah Schwa.. 4171.71steta of eCloariloa. wet; dn. ono getstleta 00 4 Nat..) out be had at Aram= Bro. Groat Anti the Towhees ot the Sabbath Moor swot, Oho door. -later% IV URPRY & BUBO EIFIELD,II,ore reo'd 0 be Vrorecte. Load Pitch NM& Ithbot, dd, end • "deer c f other rearm lad eemovehldirodl Li tr nen, grown. and Tott (hinted PAILLSO VW: to arment toted Wrttig 0 sultd DILESAB la crest redo )Idrinf. Int White kf Ea.. Aloe kmbrtdsted. Y Mr Unit= Dcdtem 01=1/..r be= fall for Lb...tinned:l f. the rearm Eaten • 111 do wall to e.il tortth tth • PAGODA TEA STORE—Jitei real a parks Blaelbarr• utd Maw Ilhatabd an draft • • la bAt'a• at Oa jar quint and bald. mud. old • • ass Onsdl dna •od $1 vt pact sad lads* • • Doak Fut Wlaes SI du tr.tel.. ha aal• 1,. /ILIII RAW • N Ta. 3.22 sorsa of Lissom! and Dimmed Allar. UNDRIES- 1,7 I blegt. be. Itahl Ott Po b. 11.1. flame& r u iriit e T ri arlllol.treg \ HMO Jo , * 60 tom yl4 Metak Ws feby /en .brim DIOENT 1 00. A SALESMAN WANTED—References A' revOrkl. ,11.231 CITIMBY a 11171097ILLO:, FLUOR -160 bbla. Bapertlae and. Extra Ilia, In Mai sad kw se. at _ • • ciPaillturn UARNAUSIII. VANDLES--150 bozespinainnimi Btearins le2Maths lit Amy ant Gyre ala br. g. OAP-1 00 bozos Cbsainnati Soap, In store LJ mot for r.Io DT $42 SPIIINGZI2 G LASS -30J bozos zosoreed woes Window - i3" 4 h " " a " ' 34 23 1,1 . 1a b .ra \Ea 111R8L.11011.. riNANNERS• OIL-20 &mere Oil, L to atm izd toe *le by Se 3 SP.IIIOIB BACON -7 mks jut rated pax 0. &P. P. IL. tad for ale 1... I. aloe. by • \ Jo= 1111141VE11. 'Di bwoura a co CI ALT PETER-49 bazsialstore *ale I•rt .I=AIAH WI:MET *OM TIMED YEACIJES-25 auks for wile low 1.11 to clo. bow (Joni la MU trtrarr aco L-7 HUULDEES —l5 auksAT •H M liaahaulders wn!. by 1J 121 'I4AW( • CO. HOTTER-8 kegs Nrircio Bottar for sale bj .1.21 HURT 11. COLUZiII. GOIIIIQ CIIIMMY TOPS-Is 2 roo'd and for oak Ay [je.3l LIZNAY H. OOLLINS. fiIiEESE-340 boxes for sale by. \ v./ J. 2 DRAM' IL COLLINS. DEANS-0 bble. for sale by j. J. 22 lIENItY COLLINIL \ SUAP—±I bout; Basin Sm i r fur Bale bI .$42 MIX I U. OOLLINEi. jANL , avARRANT6—We 'will pay the .1 ant market prim for Me yarlerm ems at Land .7r t t . ;lewd seurswel=ittuna.,t, ANK BTOCKS—A few shares M. eb LII SOU Not swamp aria aOd la No. ti roar soot }Oa) A A . IMA M IMAM a Co, gANIL OF PITTSBURGH-30 area for sale at the old [WWI name Basle lenrethic Ne. arth enet- 11•131 Wilathe iyABEIBOARDS— , I2 cozen Zino.Weish• put roe.' .ad rat val. by . T. LITT LI L CO., Uo 112 Deond 412 \ tIR BALLS-1 cue (}am Air Bans as .: . Al" LOW hialloas Worm': sari Ittarlooat...lb *newt ytaYs Ocust or liyasery. bred sari keys!. by • /.1 J. £ H. runmpr. ttanwevadiriat: YvENTEI THOUSAND—SHADY SIDE; or tn. Ls • conntrarowv 67 a Pasta', Wlti .7 - "' ..". " "r. rAII60 e. A 4 AGAZIG 66 ltarkot Am% oar lamb stmt. UTTEK--'2 acridly prima Roll gat tEr, toed NW Int ma* by 1 1 • BILL • LIMIT% Wale amt. FxouLNOE-115.000 worth of Improved witaavtum ehomororun asohAisbaa a 46a* et good Oak. laaatra or s Coasoureal I=l"23.Waltrast, Ni L.a rg . 9. 43 " Ig a LAlN .r Efl t t—A. sns , ! ; eAson & - 11. 4 ' , ANOY BiLliEttES.-1601noes now et,* esgrottik - 111BILNED - BOBAX-10 Wats Refinect 1 is so ns . to Maly. soucrosumum • ••• - ?-.--- -- rSIPE : . NCB Amirriso—A. meetin 1•••• • lea •• at TEMPEALAVet .11 ba bya !irreDAT 11V=11 , 14,3id laltj al • our., Mow • debar. to Use 114. - .14 •All1A•••• Z. seraar tf b.' Al:rgb..i. ACICSON.C..aI 11.• A.. a. Wm tot &apt... am be aramtat ta a 1.4.•%. ak rowdy ea . .A11•11 LaiIVLIZ LAlrnlAs "el"jjll"th4 L' 7l j OTa N T Wartalzk r rela i (r g4 , Lelia= . • Z.. Ckstra Absulthst r XI BE LET till the 11Iit3T of APELLa \atm•• well dotard owl OsoomdfooslllßlA BT AN BRICK DiOXLLINti nixes. wto of Ws Rosooof. wow hoot ftwontWkolvas iLonilAr J UL torso de.., otqw , r• of Etna Caron of 500t...a Wood 1t 0T.1.0.E TO EARNERS GABDIM,' eaucoge.saberiter nettle, e • play of 701 , NtP 111:1fD-ois: Lug, purple toy.. Trijow Aeon's.. obit. gjob% I sC se eraslk, stud LAW.. littprored !two tas t eg also. s w for t ro of . litztoWeal . lIITIL ailir b P=Zra tol7o s, Lit r o ,, P lE IMPL.WILENTII foAtroot nriotr. (U. oworNorrorod Plasma. ot the 1%14 bad Implfzemat Worolwm.4ll Fifth 4ftest, 1.1401 JiIiZd'WARI34,OP -5.. mr, s run ta I --,—,--- , N 9ST—On Frhiiy, the lith inetant: l / 4 be• 'Owe Khaah east Caee 11.4 nee b.tistaise so••, im • toemoeshitost Mtro lneees Cl= B'X B attohtsite lee Kale mew/ MS Mom:: The lases elll b. ilbereti7; tee te leatinx It et the gore of !dewed Orem Weter edges. or with the eubloyibzi l a N t i rt r is tr a ttb:i J.2od3therlor - i V STRAY COW--Camekta.the,pre• , 1:4 mist/ ottt le rebestiber, in Itotitoattshie. that Beaton Meer's. a red sad whit* COW. The wrest is requesFed to earn forresdkprose_eros ; ov ,V=sirt 4 O leV 4 . 1'" e.rahr. 7 .1 .10 \ 7 14 . 11 LI "4 an. ENIIINE GiREEN and BLACK TgAB— koir erela i ristt a( T . ll. threMett the No =Ural= erultitier loge. therolo keep an inhaler, article. They bare the repute. tlon NMI= the best. albl aro determined to gastatato that eneloble dletinetiow. tie *Lana whether JOE io y If or mat a child, JOE are aura to hue an anal n ' Xinline money, at this embliatuaent. • Mo ' "/- t \ t•o " o " t io ..r Al,Ltansay ern. ner.t. , sae. b.." 4 trokraCl ° Mr nj ho'orll own. t•PDIVAT 0 illaolfordlas uonortoonT to • wt. Dkro Dot attaidoo oust 1•01 man • to •Iv rood tonna= \ \ N . rti. Gone STORE -.Jut, real an • • Is-65 DU. ittrA N 0 Sugar at De. 100 • •➢pttru Ttio Cee st 10 ated lb. et b. DD taptelorratretto et 1 hei rlz nr)atjANIIIIV I : Saylitl•w et dD Nsw 'WKS— \ ?mind by. L. WU% No, 78 Yoult•tr•44— 0.11.4 %MAI Ot tb• mibit.mtb'cr•tm, "halm Ms 0 4 1 , 1 • be4h• Tim; Ceiteldves WOAS. TOL Ttallg, Lar•rd's Bs lon •V 1/1...14 Nesti.h hi.rtrn. bblt. Linseed'OA; ' .Iy;:r. 6 , n i:r:prit,T=kw.tiokr. blit 143 Tssume Olk bes. la , d 11. _Nes. 1 sad t N 160 sellone wttale 011 t. s, \ =Wens Wined Spam OIL a =mac ' 1 IA .1. SIM a Oa. 60.W00l street lEEE@ FREBEt ARRIV:11,1,000 feet,Leatheri 0•11104hOsk in* Ballot* taxi•rod, of .21.70ne1l A ont ealebratad mano.G.twa, .10. i r -e•br 30/1 • .1 a El t1111411.d. 116 Ur Ins4lm.. INDIA RUBBER MAURINE BELTING ~t% .I. , ,,—AlwaTs ill band whin nor mt at all.rldttts \ Al. Uwe. prek...a, .. aO. , 112. tat Ms /.41a 11 Itb • Dna% Sc.. 110 Mutat Amt. Ma \ ' ' \ ' J. FL PFULLIPS. WANT TO EXCHANGE— T A iplendid' iseds tb \Wert A rarer Wu. mast Is AENserlr Ass pl. to B. kaLLIS, Apt &tars Agstst. , 1.16 h 0.21. .1 stmt. IeISSUE RAPER—An issorted lot Ng., the heft anell to.slo .t the. ww PIWT War 0.1.1., Kiel. bawd= Tlll;lisonai,Varik.o7 'WINDOW BLIND PAPER,4Obued siqd • v var....401MM. With .11 00107001111 . 0' um - !T. Itand. far sal., 01 . T//031.31 1%1.31 IL, 113 Makin stmt. WALL PAPER—Of French an. 'Amen- , W ALL ' , MAKI' of "'l jtit " i'6111101.11111.:116.7driaot IId4ROIDERED AND APLICA. MAN= A T ,l 4.l6—Metaials atarksd tor Ere.brol4sry Lai sai• Irak try , m& LP. WILSON. -,, ,s2ll \ 56. Zig hum Erse, absv. Ma. REEN APPLES--A 1 , 4 bbls. choice Ra• au, tbrkr ule WIMC & BIoCULNDLES f. IIIESSE-40 Fmk Wevternitesarve ahftese Pals Ss ,\ Wl] .I , IOE 3101.311)1,1011. FLO, bb la. S. F. Fknre in atnre aad Reines by fjfal] WICK it bIeCANDLE 40. LP AC IN-100 Coun try cured llama for ado Li by A UM] WICK t McC6T.DLEIIS.* 1110TASti\50 casks Putaan in 'atom and tar W. by Lbern atce a 314ANDLES3. V . ' : I C., : i : •—•itto.iirg. au r t.t.Alleate‘qr . Clty WA/14ANT$; ay.' thlira : arpT , 'W .I: L arc -ru%....e....vmg...ttit., I? alt, S& ,E..... \ \ I \ ' ;21=AiirselliPTrrs roc:, il; \ A 13.5 states tte P. II •., . o—by j 5.2. 3 \ - 11. D. znio. ' \ co's at, 2...u.s•B..ktr nu:re .tkuqK LOANS FOR. PANTS, vita v ilm a T_Tre , urie .10.1 olot fancy _ VNlothla 74 ;rood ". t. IP.Wo ttaity to p • , ! I t r4 ••• \ IeIT YIIG IRON-400 •as "805.Dgield Fur i - •""Pierio•ri 1,, .'s i„,,,,,,, \ ' Jai - OLoG.ILLS K. ST atm.; UN/AT i t! i lito tOUII krik /..,• elaomt • * Jedilia.l3 ••• 25T Libc. \lo,irtarat. ICE-20 tiiitt;r4l a te }lice; Itiat IJ and Oirmla by \Oa.. - r• ' \ • • • .1318akosognet. 8 ODFIBII,-15 Azniti Co JflJll‘ eLIMISIXt. DIVPIZETII 2' R-100 bble. N. C. T. • _ ~ r t, I: - - Aft=2 - ;,1!! bl;b l *. .! 4 1 58. 4 °l ' \ • \ URI VER: DIL ORTII CO. UGA.S7IIO ado. N. O. , ha: to d• 1 DILWO • Et spa,, oc.'• ve . : rt . •ex • •-• • • -m dignvlas q.t.& In. saa DILIVOKTIE 4t 00. I P-3,5 bbls, Brocoklyn "2 " * PATC4nnwoirra a 1 240 K. RALIBUT—Jbet reoeived b. m it rmxig 6ortox,2CC Sato%ea liallbut. I. • • 014 ler. A. ilea 0144 and Tot !War. rAVLLA:43EA.NS--Per este or, by the e • • •• •ar eastow. by fJ•I7) VW. A. bleeLltag. wag c• •;D sams4,s caiks plain nalairrAraltLltty.n.r. riItRAM I tiRTA lba. Cieaserartai I J I M*: hr Nis bi e • FLEXING B %MEM • Lo4+" , lair-6120 ME. MUG VISEIPi. • Irmo sturtfin& LColl bblp. 9 • and 76 per\ ace 1/COUL ea' iugsbaitt4tftl al* nkr Swans 11R RANT tn-pentinei dmcand b[by - AIWA sammis: ; 4Q bor s ekeheore. fur We b 3 j•IT ' . • • . •• 3 FlSH—Wee_ Mb, Triint, Shad, and Is 4e jid, ' \ b. " 16IIT , F FRENCH DiSIVN ORRVATS— Tart tar atlndl k \ Gable 110.74XML46.t. NO. s GAA.R—bhds. . • • • fair Sugar, • net consignsmat Err •O• a.. 1 , \ \ J. 8. DU:WASH & 00. AOUISVILLS LIME-50 bble. Itouirrifie A41401...innt rnedlndl % l lVl„ ott 4 L a op. IVIIITE LAWN cuAyArs, for dargy- TA, ann. Jot he 4 •1 \ " n fflivr w nm itma. VIII3EBE-200 Nadu prillie W.A. Chet7o, I i sad 100 10. WMensini ObWeilb.na..t_ Jr! \ . J. 3 CANITEO.' LP LACK LEAD ORIIEIEL 8-4 I ni.xer wet uwer.cilkid. • bid itts*ths boat antras mow bk am. fttr /111311 tr. 1.14 EU CO HALE 01L-5 cake blvicluW. :busaia WWII= Pff br• • J. ISCUOulki RE A to. . yARD.OIL-30 bbls. Lard Oiti,Nos.ind / 2.1%r &S 0.1111 J . acnoosmazaa & lINSEND on.-2) bbl,. Taro Litti II a Ibr sale by I /• 1 41 •• & \ AMP BLACK-2o bbla =ninon anortedv p.ro& a. duriw.,& d. Waal, for• Ja• ad. I sit • d. wr.a Rent.. , o• ph, - , , ECHOOSILAKIR a ep. pO muc.. TATOLS--3 .0. tisp.and 2Crbblit swan 1.14 vlirig u rho o thb, r a , x at PHEARPRINTB-=Just received at 4.4. NADU a C0..4. 21 EU arm, 10 amp fm . C , Ted Mak 1.4 D.INOINNATI SOAPS-75 boxes "Th • 11 7 e' j. . s pArl_ao . Is do. dp_.7.41.....4_&.pdad k &ad MI 'huts 1141. IL Bask Iltoe)07• \ Cohkreez., Jrandit.i. DMZ.. prom Rica, 012 , eomiga rir i a r woßra a co.. at Ina d.W.L VOMMON CIGARS- 7 69,000 Common Ch NA r " 1 "" 1 " by tot ncummture a marny. lAWN ROBES=-Just opmod,st A. A. at10N1403.7 . 3.13111,t , tti sUmM b. lIIAWLB-Bnusuner , f3hiwiLor, +ad tuna. d erireP i conS Illtbartnet. jj LOUR-50 ti ll*bb. Extra And 50 bbls. •14 1Palls• limn mal* VoS Tou *). NNI1068!* MIMPIM SUP BS&D—.SO bbis. Hemp &sod, for LL by , nail • I. L TAM! • CO. JOWLY'S READY .RILUCF-12 gra! Ram%smay,tiana. sal• br , h. A. svuourocza a co. ittumat COPAVIA-2.50 /ha, Balsam Combs. tee wen , , j i ,___ _.___,....____________\ 3. A. PaEllatroct • al; .1.... ,—. . , ..„0keg. Rille and 100, kegi "ask I YW owa fi Itavalakaall A. ma* titrallb , . - . • .-.` -- :t: ' \ . . , . ..i'.'•..' , .:,: -. t::,.. 4 :• - ,.' , .,;-;..':,L :‘,,i4i'N'.--7-.,:--..7..",.,,,f.,:,;-:..; AMUSEY Q&Ui staasitianz I ANNOTH AERIAL 4111PRETICI “w,u4a.faaaaaao ZS P•nn moot itio. on f 1 63r.N0 Patponourent on scam{ air rh. mturruungu.o. goo on stung or th e cning .•••uola log •n. Lire lb. "orbisonowson /amnia a. Ws rum and cinloontit 1! von, in mist. et Inflated hanger, L , ID rtn .gath ane steg, Otani balm J . :ma en. , ttio glranunG. 'at the . kinst..4 an. or tto Ism.; ice* putty, .04 ...754;11, EXIMLITIONII OP PULE WOILICS 4s.sr burnt in 'ho Worn,fn country—horlitc cot On go. \ Totem oiror ose Tdognont Dalkot In couiti it MP 101.1toarly tae tboo•and manta Weal Phgenta sin .• ro=:: kmi k' tru =WA! Lad' t ' r U. W. • \ th llL.Oti to Ruitigna'n Jovnimairs. tort to Itmek .t4 " 4-.l ltri 2=bl.a.r • _ - bill, The dir • • 11 4 .11., Acting !cumor. -el \TAMES OF - 0 HR I T An..b.ii; Damon holding I WI( es ...2hunder the Ti :3/ ton. si Ls 3 . 1%.,, ,u;iii . , Pit t. 1 1 0=1 3 4 e LAtraebertiee. les Creem, , M duel {34-6 IC'en be evellef , . beete\palltur c:lr toe tecegefeit ebt , pa the Church „ • Jeittat V • : GO'S . • : :S BAX, ligEttt BAND as.. ' obtained br arviriod In Wig. 5a 1 14 11 4 1 0....d the • Booms M. dodo tb, parth rune- v;„ , sayse • FICTION; :s 4 Mg Splendid .ttalp haHIS afternoc / E.T.A 1 , M • IP , iltetwe Tarnlto - 7 1 1 T E , H.i'141 7 1. Btanatiralilta Ift '07.,D1 Vir IDVeleek.• Rad ad Itipd st. dar=ll22=l.l Fo•datly wortbrtr. Labpt_ftll , . ana tau -- • -• • •• - mr:x:rzt teem..: =74111:. Port win ras.t. tral 4 lad MI an. dna Wet. Pt BY east WUITI. MGM Pnblo sale, dribl eq..= CY ar ,., VAIVIerd =lts frpm dqr. trwt. aNI •dilnalv TD•• Etta ar• Pst .trootfa..sod ,gretied abmt \ P•rtolas •I„tar fled II t.ther :tre rlw at 3 yam', hut sot tree =g= titTall:a7Zyll.;;itc.iits77t e =l , l , ll.ntrk .](kook. A e l . logh en sass &r ACIIIK on orbits u. ••Pso i : t ol(l , l i le ct r e lp orcl urnisr- , d en t.rttion awlounr: dirtied lot , sour or t. felts, ..eh bog.. ond bpoorlfol goonory.. Par tart or . nroftVaen saw/ \ tn. rood Storo .rJ•coso_Wardrop.. lt t .Poot • Vrako—o**4.lll•l cod.. ridoinain sod Om P u nk 4.h lataA.t. • s. - P. H. DASTlClnetiOnsur.- . , Cdantry E o mea at Auction. - IEFILL poii.lieli So sold . on SATURDAY, -'• . 1r v tbs Vrite77-rflflqf DIX 07 JUNE lariat. It o kat ..111 •at It* C tut flone *l2t- eft. - at t.tta: * bomb. etc mall asosltot tome VARZIg*II volt ea :r to tbo 90 , 001.1.10/140111:04"4 rm. .111118.6 , ,We5r &stone on tbo Poottoyl Otos halbent. 46,4 tarn min . . moth of lb* boron h of Olsql. la. sadia the onl4 it of n 'it tat* and Ileartstent I,_ Neared n oar kr the • , [Totted Warm 1010 tobt-b 1.7* .11nod to net enottel . in =V *" j ' '' os "' Co lint It, . g .V.1.1,31 - 1. -7 41_ : _so': Vas omen,' la *moon of doe onetratod .uorioar,' •• Pen Oa. , `a, tol "Stun Sp so 7, trona of;tosoll *a \‘ very connentest at axon bo 0 °snail. It rill be -, dlo, nod of la , lotellneing boo ' , Or itd tral7 , r. \ - . la du tan 11.1 C-to 213 non. wi l ft* A be ee 7 1. . \ .. ;la on n.. nn*. steocuntolnla 4971.-nee nr may , ob= tentslnalnhant. .od t. nee 10 roar f m om ma \ • 00001 171111r1C0. ',rower v.e7s. tr GM' br , 179.7d10 a.O-4ao* and. as hem inik, eon of an ISt -.., - =oo=oo. 00 the !tats of Pr 11.12171 d d' by bit . fall. at ID. ow .7.'. patents. Tun& 7... r) Bu. ANG9Z, . 717/ , 1.53 Fut gas, oppa4c..h.Joi,v• 1, • • • •,, . . . : \ ‘ ' - 'll7d UNI D-13TATES \ •. \ \,:- , ... T: -,,, , I\ •-•,:,.. ', LIFT ; AND ____2 :.. - .\'..;!, • I \'.. ' - WET . IMPAAX.-.- \'',.-'': ' • ''\, . • OHABSpRED APRAL f1. \ 4,18 , (ii \ •. - -',. :-. ' , CHARTZIIISRPESOII. \. - :,--, \‘' ;• "., . . . \ \. ..' CMITAL-!-&250,00(k -.:' -..[..:: -'. ''. : \ \ \ 00.. 8,3 r.; eaisier of Third aii/Ohluitit \, , 5 . , ... , ','„ \ .‘ " \ Itrei ts ,, ltiladalpliiii i '-, ,,.\\• • ' \ - \ \ °Mita 01 THI X.l 501211 /it 11/ttilitorttui ." -i ,, .... , :. , - " • ~, \. .1 \ rbirr.tbotipipay\ Liwrina•Jobiimi.' \ . .., . A •,:. '.'.- ~ ~, • - wt...., . , parrs IML ;,.. 3wy. . \ ... . ... :• i , . RareaWWl= 11.rk''''M,%,. il l' iT3Li-111[104 " . '''' ._ Adiaill."=MML W 1111034 IL p' 4 . , ', \,, \ • \ .aqininakty(Dt7il2.l. , VVlll D. .i i, " , k, \ FouitraLt:PfMth • \ ---:-.. ,' iry N. N • \ \.:•:- - .1 , N: • \ \ -. 1 N\ '''''‘ k,. ,‘ \ ' .., s , -.. _ • ..—. \ • LIFOXILL ' 40.1 t ISANFitAI4OISCO. • .112.E0.7' Rt<3.ll' PELTLADM47I.I4. , 416 . Thoziagai4ee Al alinger. ship fAllfi. TR.E.Nirrti g , ...N 4,l = l :.tar 7 Ziedieedirrztvil i ; trciOtrds \et bar an, wegaUT ennead Mb. ea boort, will`tme IMP atillitiprraa D/PlekTtular retzttaste tutairssa u t.gt , Jat t r . LeVt i ll u lnh ear .dlic - 71e"*.suir..1wilur benuf2 itwaluit AE.I4. to—....llt4karm.=hated.riat..\ PEARL' SCI MILL; eurAu n2l ALLEORENY. naßtui 1419 AD IrralT QL" \ AtiLTOad NZ ETZTseget ti llel=rll 4 .otitt. lbr MONTS mot IMOGINOS, arils on hum& lip We via deti ger Moor to famines to HIM, or the two etym. Orthre puerile .r tove et BRAUN a Att. Tztattorzorlkloimeatt .r lgir 4o .4gaNtlint CO. /xcebion Omnibus line! Glen Hotel. dad Beadstoas field Pima ‘244(1. arg public a zespectfully informed Mat ilin t ,% • 4li,r. a stit 74 , 144,12-, 20 eh* The foLettleg am MO dam of oaring: Too .ttototto will...tart from tt• Mara* la in, .t PI t4nrith. at letio tin okoralim. nu Op Itrh to We* dove woo to Foo , to, Ito overt& to llalthho thous dews Gal 041•14 to N. ovate to b.stme t where It ollt mode en. orlaretak etd awn loomed t ta• Obti load. It valkleare the Oleo Uotol T Velum in the r 1 if ' l76radas ft pal 1.4 es. PitNswo nom e a - Walnalt taking la. name rOOO, tad will roma OWL NUM Forty tam Lots for sac. • rrtiltiuttlereigtiOil will fir It low soil - npon' VA:tigiTA, .lisk.. rum a_lau m Ita ..tries,, 17 Ommesymos. Rad tel .• 6 . 4 =4:ttir . tl g ed t; ars %sat Uth; .41 ". 1•11:44.• .TODD a iss 5e.741 • Leaticition Waned AP W ILLIAM QB AVrs. igholeft this ally : In Juts IsA.itao E.ltai het Dowd ryas ar.afa New, °thou; Jar ralcamatko to.thid, rem Wig =ears. rims. hts wit!. . Mll4, OKATAS. -. • .1.111.#70 1114abserr • • is ea Sossi to WOolt21• o FX , lllLY.ahouldlO W.l ' XX111407 Ot COitll . u oat ' xmod ot.thi.Lowoolao aftlal. o. mobs voloo,", otTa°4‘.. \telt*oado'4'"*Cordi=tlrS"'"'"ft'' lirofir. , „tt ol.ot two *Within &to,- - Nprotrol la tho wool tea 4aol too tocroanto rab rZrelia_TtNErrybolor:l4: losaabcftime t3r tato Cat Ratter, to wilue .11 mitre, aozappodod olih thoolatutriqW Asa....ll .2 loltert ol4zostook _\`' ELog tgissit9co. - ;\ • EpArwo- &.= ,i\upkyrnir - . ,vt.tF—th lobtiortoll oat *Who. t4=%triek . '!"'{"di.l7" • I ta N ' zer age LawA A FIRST UTE YAMILY a:getts2"e.M.V3l=.tiaNkulape;', Loh Tuella W =L an ti n oh it' Pzinto Mr ones from tee alts , i WIUM OO. „\ QICCURED on Clarteulikred CI!'" ISTOINk, Lizer.zuggarembi.*, \ ; gi ~ ouynty iurSIDOCZ FOR SALX—N\ \ • tom Of GICCOMA, iamo \ , I- 0 4. r '' ,'lll',li width le a brltal cm% I....thltit. '\ \ r .:74.1riwg:le.v. anti .. ,_ 14.-... .... 110C1114nitfer • ...0 To \ IL AMAIN. \ , _____t? LW &lab Um'. Hatt frutagnosP. \ #O,l itinnara.....11146.r.0ne4...4-LirTgim.....84113 .s 5i.... —' s. , ..sokesiga.s.serct..W„ c.o . • von vowy of 13. t. uutbaga.... 4g5zatbr. i........ . iNut el bss. Onne: =434.0. \ - 41411i5,- . b'gr iltaleSsb—amoimpft. \ or stow Sim CM liet kt Wine - • MEIBM 7 _ '~_ .- , ._ _ \ . -- .\\ . ~.„\-: - ' , \ . \-; ' ' - \ \ \c.