'WEDNESDAY 11682.1I1G: .1/AY 4 . 1853.= Tits JAPLIA ExTtntrzon.—The New 'York Coe. Vfe perceive 4 reported theta the linsquehanne has bream her share, and ie incapable of taking her place in the Japan Expedition; Ind It le ar gued from this, and the Vermont not being sent out, that the Expedition will be a failure. Those Who argem'eo, know little of the character of Commodore Perry.' re greatly regret. that be should be than crippled;_ and doubtlees:ho will be oorry that he hue lon so much of thee Eft:lent Lid upon which he depended. Big we feel • well eettled conviotiar. that while his being time Crippled:may retard, it will not prevent his Efssraw: 8. Fuca, Esq., of Ban FranoiSeo, offers a prise of ten thousand dollars for tl most oort,prehinsive treatise upon the construe - tion of a railroad from the Atlantic to the Pailfie Hceane, together with collateral subjects—the future trade of the Pacific and Enet Indies, and the wealth tf California. lisonscript of the t '_ . work to be forwarded prior to Nov. 1, 1853; to P.Andrewe, Lot, York City. The csports and emigration from English ports to Australia do Dot dionoloish. We find ';'.;;:,,;;G..„, that-the departures from London alone for the Australian colonies wero,vizt —For Port Philip, 8; for Sydney, 5; for Adelaide, 2; for Hobart Town,: 1; and for Swan River, I. Total tonnage 7,751;' , with a tendency to de,olini" in the rats of freight! 1 Ituser.—The BOCheeter 'toys, f' we have accounts from farmers in variotts towns. et Mortroo county, respeotiong the graying wheat.' All concur in stating that its condition is erceed 141 y - favorable. Bach we believe is the fact gen orally throughout the Genesee country." Coax—Thin - article is higher on the Reserve' ~ thsit the titnes warrant, Audis driving people toi " peek other markets for.the purehase of their sup-i . We understand that a gentleman of War-' -ran has justclosed a 'negotiation for 1009 bath.l at Cincinnati at 50 els. In these pattsiti • cannot be purchased 'for lees than7s cents.—.' • Warren Transcript. MISCELLANEOUS IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. .11R. APSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES. —Ds..lssua Rom. Lb 9 discoverer and scie proprietor ththere most popular .d binsecial mralcines, and elos e Invenstorof the eslebratodieutrument ter Meatlag.ths In effete:MT • cues sf °tamale diseases, v. • eta , de'ty of that esslornt physic:WE Doctor khrsie, and Is a usualu . of the University of Pannsylvanis.and for thirty Team sinor hsa been stufaced In Use istratlealion of • and the Raalisstiens of ToMalles thereto. Trtegh the use of tds inbeting tubejuccunectionaltb N. ercahrlsetio amp 00 d °Masse his be has usimal an unparalleled 'main.. in curial, those dreadful Ana fatal mabsdiest. Tobessclm. C,ussumetion. Canoes, Scrotal. Rheumatism. Asthma, Worer and AVM. Farms o all kinds. Chronic Erysipelas. and all thsee obstinate dis mas. WM7er to fen.leE Imised..svery emu ea.ea ir.fsbes under ths..o of his remedies, towhich humsni • ti beir—not by the .e of one compound for thsi is incomaatibleavitb ahrsiolovical Lass. Dot DT tbe no.. i he .of...MdE adanatel Do. and pramelireslfor, each mime.. Pm arsom. . hoar • Tonic Alteestlre Pills. , shen used; ar• lunt'st blr acEsowledged to be superior to all other.. et a para. tire oe firer Dtll. leucteauch as the,. leave the bowels pen Wily tree from coaiseneer. a• also him Goldin Pills are al. snittsd. by the flu.liltr. to imm! pecans peapartire. ads,. tad to female diseases: but being ntistlal that ••bare hist L retilcitrat to establish whit hal been raid. in the mhulsoi . the most antical- • Th• athletai are Invited to cell cpan the anent. aid wet et. (Mils) one of the Donnie's paaphiets. farina • dr.aii. ad amount of each rased r. sad its application. tor ..le - hr the Pill°. ins areuts, as real as by tun drac " facia throunnout nountry. J. Dobtaur Coa Webd eta Plthricanh. J. Id- TO•11.0C14 Druggist. Di:Market eta Lee A.. Bentham. Pruden, near the ton DOesaalent a 07 - ..tr•Orh BAILICr.DittP.ILt...: Dearer acazOtr. P. . John Elliott. Loran Valley: " T. Adam. Ucsrer. a - • • aticll•dlr • .I'VESTIMONY PROM ]TENNESSEE IN zakblATaila A .:U: ul 7.MrPtl l ; E :Ctgg E a - f -T ru h ; milers in the rarthilevtr of Mr. John iforrio.rd, in favor 9t4 A. Fahoutinkia Vermlftice. The aentlanuto is nail an, e.. la this thtentoitityi sod Anything he iraya can be raged on!. • irt:prong antlemtn: Par the benolit of other., It s ke plantar. in tettifying to the fralu• able unsafe, of your l'artniflazo. Shunt tan yaws env my attention wet first celled to it by a 'deed. art calm In one cf th e Tanks lee Nenbeille. in who eo Nth:lath:at It lino then a standard article. haying...l it la his fatally with eer7 oatlextory reonluc fir hie hen vial home far roe of Toy cUldren, •ho h ad until been feeble and go bout to trequent planes.. The Vernal. Voce impelled-a great nuaber of Wurse. and the child afierverde Cr/Anent. recovered good bee, th. I have sine , . need It regularly in ray family fur most of the aline/ma of • ehlldreo.autgentralir with good taint One remarkable cane. In the family eta near relation. I vill =rattan in roottkular. The child vas about four Years of area had aware Coen puny; often attacked Dick ' nee. .U 4, the age ay:imitated...Ay loot the now of the lower extremities. / .roaattetael the nz, of pour Vetmlfogn in ho m ese. and tote the half of a 'vial' Which A wee taking with dire:llene fzr ice face. I learned anerwarda that th's eldll penned an rent - sacas balk of large Worms—the nu fah, toncematubered—and. In a short Una,. by thence of theVer=iftge. the ate crewed. Iva health fovea to hurray,. Wheal nett rale th e child, eke Des eeaPiny SOS ocioflog perfect health! This re *Will', from tar 7.l7joare of heath, the friends attribute. thence .1' rout V•rxit... Joax Itatraroan. liarfrocalturo; Tenn., June =.1817.. ""'"P'*4 nnl told • B. pantrsrocs co. &DU ll t anliVoti etrettt. le3-Tee only true' and genuine Liver Pills liZurad br .4 E. BELLER 3 . larmr.g, Onsiii: Worth I relit saltily that I owe to my Whoa sufferers. tamale thstt thtia ongtiemed. crestre li ct from the use , of bel le& Liter Pilot have coffered tercreir With Um User complaint far...rent years, so mach so that both myerlf mut Wood. hats thought that I emoldeant marries Oat • short dam. Much money hod teen expended in the ea demo: to.praeareirolef from the vont.. tilayelciana. hoi a:l1n gain—sa a led resort on the moon:mend salon alai arother..l prorated some of Sclera' Liver rind et yea, store. sail amain crest milk! from their ma. 'mad to Um continued cue of mono dace 1 ham Meson entire!, moor., erect mt halt!, . Magas Cosmos. • • t. am the hnsband of Brush remiskm—l think Bei len' bids a uyerior peggica, and bedeye Out they were the tours of ouine kites hte. Jacob Criltnl93. prsused and sold by beLLEtth. . 67 Wood nreet, !kW .QELLEILS.'FAMILY MEDICINES-- . .!'ezr.n E. Seller?_ - , s tqfy, - ,tb ° , 2 hi t o ..r m a r eToiter. others, to state some fee's in twist:on to your eanellcnt • Fondly 'talkies, I have need your Sam tom largely • In my own fatally. one -slat irsquently answering. fee expel Ons I arg s tins= firsts (toy nyito Itio) of Worms "row • two clalllren. I: haus alto or your Itlrer -rills and (Itnah Syrup in my Amity. an they ham In arory . Instance, produce.' the e ff ect dealt .As I ant engaged In inerehandir.vg. lam able to e is Mat I bare jet to bear of M. Mat "allure. where yontiXeddelnea.ha - re been nrsl. In my motion nethe country, In Onnslusters./ my elate thee they are the Ideolcietre of Uptwday. and are des. , lined to hiqn a very arteosiTe popularity. Yours mtwurfahi. W. 11. Pprx--u- Treparni.F.d cold be .11- E. titLLEUU anZt . (I Wood street. • tTHIN) C. IT TIITI BEST!- : Yousa Tortuntr. Jeflersotreounty, Pa.. P. Feller —I bovent frnm J. K. Leese four vials wf your Varmtfulse, and I gave tea vial to • child of mine, which a spehed eithty-ais lame worm s. Likewise author -another •vtal - another child two years rid, which ex* p-dal over one hundred large worms. I thine tt the test Yertalfugo use. • -ft. P. Wussalls. Take turtle:Oar '-aria—Every certificate er statement iliven.le the troth, rat the tenth only, rod ls made by . reroute well known In the err:borne of country where they mid., and mar be. written to by soy Pon.tt who r.I.T doubt the nor . ..omens o; the statement. Me wish every O. 10 know tbit they . an 1:10t . humbugged. by 11.. and reartwactraw.l etertill.tes. IL 0. 111.1.113, ritteburklu I.*?..Pr•ptred land sohl not! . It. E. EIELLUS, 67 Wood street. nrEFriction - Truck. QOLOMON SLIETTEit, Laccck street, Al leeway.... /Worst greet, is makina l'retaratnne to cater entea.ire/y in the manntactere of A.N2I-PRIO -2102 'TRUCK& which tn . the great ease with whlett ex tremely larnentada emu re wheeled. and Cr the ent7 utter and tear on the bubb, are nertmled. These trucks. thceigh but a than time In the oteatet, aro now In ace at Che ewer depot and etch& Water smut platform of the entral rialto/A. at Math= t Co.'s, and Loooh k Co'', 'reatteparcatlon Wareltestoc. at Coleco tn./lel/man # and at other • We here just all.d Genera from wsops:s.na tit Louie The eft. tf We.. tracks Is ldn.l at $l2. .12e nubile cra rasp.telfellyreentatod to salt aed tonne %heartfelt. tiuldUltOt. 811c.2/r.h. altSZta. ,Larock amect.near Federal. Attmhen y .1. Ant itors Notice . t; Allegheny oncaty u..• a ti # - the Orphans' Court, in and a_ for rett eeenh - -ta tie matter of the antenna of Nez.ter Ulu. and John ✓ Term 1 , 352.—1 an mew toatt: /Faith •e B tt4 • 1851. the Oeart mryAnt EL Brady Wilthir, aMlttor. to exalt ana. alettibaht. • . tbe Conftt - JAKED .13. 111313011. Cerk. An Duties Jewry:qui - an' betray malted that I wilt Moend Le the Medea of the above appointment. at . m, apen. NO. 1150 Y. ~10 Menet. P‘tteberatt. on ift3ool. the Oth s day of MAY. A. U. - 1004. 2olnoelt 1. a. • • U. DttADY WILL3INO, Matter. Pittehnenh. A:4l Z.% 0010. larr.Z:1100 ; AMIE tisktortmtnt or Ladies' DRESS lit. (l lL O,D Li tt ; EP l ,TY,,,,t l p i y am i al Lt . lp ir large rtimly ta* L ' u;!all o Dress booth , . axnuaz Cirletr are,- raper falls wasb Wk.; rrencti C keme.), -410 n. Damatt..lll Bannm and Taanag; Poach dill,; Linnad!ras: sal all the at new stets et watra. and Mant.l.laellk, (arZ MIEDICINE CRESTS — We 11.10 now tit,- - 1 V 'llia - up". ecrp‘tiar artltla of walnut Mend. ue suitable for ...brats. phyaldana, teldele ars add as low or lower than they ran to pur chased g.tivflAtre. • L. Wt/.WE . .. tar. lef raket etreet arid the IHamond, re l gig7.7 , ,t i ll t4 t 4j( t i o 7 l ° r th . fo 'f ro U n nd Va! t re e ; l c • s.tala• roof 60EU53 . 1,1;7Z1i.g hVn and El , l2aoge Doke,: iroutoot plain .14 tumid. vla - .l[ aul UDC, eg Lug „c. 0.! stpd cknot telhonsb, VI! ..71.4. .plO handsome designs I:twain:ll tat.b. Lol t•T„ •r. mai 4.W. a, 4 Pestka 3.111 1 / 4 .lV:tr.. trom Z7Sf W131.* tal.,L7r sato LT. '210.11.13 PALIX/t. sp. •.• zsaiszbet. Eng-. HALL - PAPER—Este n*n and other Ira ri•tw. e fi pfr setts ns. ttentirrrefd erd do sale e Pt*. Watrbrais, No. LA Martge nnei, to, tore.. third Paull, siesta. • • sta3 . TIMMLIE PALMER: AS suIINIIALIISO TUBES-330 feet Qu and hib.l2+.( 2ntiog, of all de•., reel 41.1 for ' wt tL►SodL liubber /15 }Lake lama. s e en r alum% •71,4 va 00SLINE DE •BEGE-MaPLIY. llft.flt(G2FlBl.D Lpe nsed a fmly of tbs Also ssrstils Goods ail:olaria. sitdlGeo, 31011.11 e, de P a t l tt i f=g2tot i artl:As t re klfp u :11::z ols , s; . . of hoards and hisa•s - VI/ hill% BAR.E.G.E; white Mons , do Lai ne; ,„bi t o r . os..rioi. ; . PloiF — do do. d • ;Woo Moos. do I.alto•;• boa do. ' an. a,; LAtrtnocioned Vous. do Lain ! , Ot extra lyaoll tf. Moo ). 1.1 attnalms At store o: .1. 9 16 - •. • • MUIIPHY l DIDVEIVItt4). - SILKS,II-49 pieces beauilul Ilea girl forusadltutaott fashinnabls tot,rs, Juot readied br xrpn...l. • , spg , ' A. )IASON it 00.13. 25 rim om;s. • A ttn.t..ll/ 11011 Ms jammg 14 pkres new styLe 3.•Cluclud , woritred Maui lb•Lcumointi.tozun. WAWA:ENS 'and DAMASKSJiIt/4 !Teed 41,1- Pe , Ent...l.st A.4:SIASON 2S rlf.h Art,i.c m inro ataariment of oral Iloners. t!ul lhauks 3; fib UN Ik ViCb • art ...ow retAing O'er deattaa kaw p,......q6,4.;.aatjAr1ite4 . (MMO Yuo LEE 14,041417 rn:rnth,d7A,g. ,:„„)4. w. „,„.? tl4,tAir.v. , uarir, 97a41211 For Rent... jkIKILO nAT:r. —This we! known Bali, situated cm the Feet 004 m, having a wide. 'evil ur Del and guy stairway. bee been refined. tor by the arrangement 01.1107,1,1 s tow In all rrepootr'err natal • fsrethibitions of Paterson. and worts of Art gaturrally. It Is also vrell adapted for Anniversary and oiler intllo lasedeirs of Daddies, or fir Cztedation •Irrrions. twat:tar m.. 11001, and being of Ineell• run eirsi can to rental on the toile-wine molerate t.ray. VD: 55 per day. or 014 7.ti week. including gas. Intl and rervicea of • Janitor. oath. Hall would b. rented fora rem of ones, more 7 ears at the ratsof Year Llundred dollarr per annum. Anyly to Y. DDifallUX. ' Third 1101 7 . or. port on. 107 or to K. D. 0A2. Desirable Residence For Bale. rINIE late residence of Jonothan'Kidd, ozsb deceamci, fa offered for role, lactated let . Iffrkl, 411 " ttongtg itrah'ltre'sil= !;' s 'ye'd i s ' elvtde. The boas. le a well cunt taro ttrey double a boase. 'rem et [ranting 6o feet on North Calm] .tree r id. back 274 feel to Llbertr eti•ect. Sod It yell kterrerad. pri de te ee , and terms azeaductolaticg. Apyty to . JA3173 BIeNtIXY. colrtf L. Irlbed X. •111. Valuable Hotel For Sale. IHE spacionsitew HOTEL, known as the LONALICANNA ROTL. ° in the new town °IA 30BE, on the Una of the crest Patron Urania Central Itellmad, 40 Mlles east of Pittsburgh. in Wmtotorrhint beautifulentis7lnnlit Is offered fos mart Hotel Is brick structur put up In tho most substantial manner, and but. Nano it was opened. about • year age der • enlendisi barium. cod now doing beam than °s e°. Three 'sod. Dor doy stop to tame meals. going Rant Cr West. Tho facility of =mono:dm:Jog with Mtn burgh, and the excellent «natty tor sett Lin soothes et micoteting, to.. wound the town of Latrobe, maga tbla sdmirabla position {tote!. Th. Rome le at apt tamed on • leafs fo r m ream to • good tenant. SPPO Per annum At oontanlllannnt4o On, era.. A lams Piro log Ram. Capable of twitting over IDO stoma= • Bar Room 20 toot square; a to Pallor. ka fit snd • /We dim; Parlor 25 by 111 no wide 11•111. Kitobeort Pati lreVlTA=4;4l.4rnir.rihnirnriarllgTerOt The Co: building, motet, to Pmst 01•SsiOtS. Sodd Washiloute. largo Stabln. capable of atahling 20 horse.. sad an Soo Simms Thom are Moira gain $5 TOWN LOTS, several of which would readily bring 6502 r e. an. with the property:ei so cordons. mature. an. • Th. whole wilt be sotd fcr die low t o of MHO cash. or Its equivalent. For for , her information, apply to mhSteed2nt DANIEL MIAMIAN. t Union (Orson) Glassworks for Sale. MEM rubseribers, :dreirinc t 3 change their basis:ma, offer the 'abase Works for mil su r es t,. moohls, tools, eta.. ets.. call la aunt miss and in r Tut opristiori • CU..= secured, mita • demand for all the iilms whliti ow be made. The harass. has 7 vas, with elixirs for 63 blamms.— The pi . ..party consists of pro tefisent• lots, each 100 feet nears, with • Erg ram hank batsmen them. 000 lot oseatard Icy the Mass tionsimaidiaxtorsr; the athm is mon assimble site fcr niacthet; futcrr. This pro. pen) hY easy missals. tor micaufaetaring PUIPOOM komassion gives Ist cl Jana. Terms slimy • sa , Ulsl • .Q1.16.11)1R A CWT. WAnG -o.7ixi and OO Kau. For Sabo or To Rot. "FRANKLIN IRON WORKS," , Situate ar Pro. iho county of Venoms, and Btotiof Frriturflrouia i andolt coral:fires a nolliog I, a drift Mill. N all /a r id Ltr. Store arid' Warehouse. dwelling holism with old.. cutAntildinuE with as con veuiert. chmp and raluobtopter Power as Via /Hato ruiwwiTorl for it , . Ord , . Pun° Coal within o. rolls Af the AIM of • Ewa! quality or In auflicieut quantity. lso but. Mort thorns. firm perhaps m bins furuarea. or term and loforniatica loquirwof J A Fiord awl .rata Pittsburith.and toe sub...Ramat Ft-outdo, po. tartkli • it. Desirable Probortylor,Bale. 1 , 717318 ER of very valuable Building Lae, adjoining the Ont.= Depot of the Ohio and transylvania Railroad. In Allegheny city. fronting. the Railmsd arid on grantlim Indwell, an.l Janlata st.eote, and on Ailegbenyavenu.; Also—A rglnable unimprored Lot. on the corner of Lib erty al oh Fsetory oMeets, Fifth Ward oppculta the Ger man Cs o Chureh, SO feet front On Liberty. by Iti) foot de=achiv, srancintbar r t , oZing u alley.. street.adjolnine th ' e t' aYorel the lot :lag 20 feet trot ' be 103 feet deep. The hone. Let.. and convenient. built. mulerb sty., sad sontals•Sleven rem. Alm—A Para of 214 s—i. in Lawrence comity. 0 toll.. from New Owns. • ' Alpo—Farms In Dearer no of nations aim gad prima, !Irma 030 an n. down. For We low .2 on amommodating tern,... tnquire of EL P. G. L. D. TETTE/MAN. : • Attorneys at Law. sal hoot Estate Agent.. Mrourth eherL Pitisburcb. For. Sale. THE attention of capitalists 'is called to that VALUABLE PROPERTY la Allegheny at/. ornansettelng at the Control Lm Man, and ratend. tag 1•30 feet sloop federal 4..1 ovant• Itoblneon atroet, D y 103 feet In depth to • CO feet alley. Thle Property w1:1 by Fold altogether or tt, dirtied lob Late of St. foot Pont, to Cult tprehasera It la hanataretely at:acted on the :cda thoroughfare betwean the two out.. sod to the Immollate wouttly of tba Depot of the Ohio out P. nne•t vanla Ratlroad Cornoony. It 00014 be • Cl.t dellitta• location for a Mato!. •• Public Ratko? for bnalow• hotpot with ttwelltnte sUanbed, as thin froperty esearodly will ladvance In value. and pare bandarat• reweave on the aroventenw which might to Curie. It 1. worthy of attention. Persona who wish to squabs., are repursted to Incintra of W. R PUSEV, or S.1101•111an BON& rVIE V s y c D b e e r rs a o b fflee Real lE a le-4 acres or Ground. sttnatel east of 311roerarillo o benne, on the !event- Street Plant Real, and sztothling bock with , Ina few reads of the benrastranla flaltroad. Thiel ?re port). Is whale. ablated, nay of scow, and well worth/ the att.:ion of peel.. denting a mete:dem ootintt7 baratiott. If ranee)) antler, ti molt resSlto be eurolladed bate mailer slant lots. tVtL TOLING t el. mlll7 lel Liberty area:. BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, ona Clerk. Wow Ler. street, Kalb %Taal, •Ith • n9:112.1 memo, aud an attro Mr/. rtarlrral— thllar [mem the whole hour... Ix:quire of the autteerlter, 2ic.19 Clark Arne:, or 79 Fourth stn.. rultl7 J. L. DEAD. Tb Let, X. I N Bloomfield, a mile and a half from the city. • number or Brick HOUSES. one seer, and al higtu 14 by 20 (rah 4 000000. kitchen and collar. veil thdohtt. and water convenient. lleuctrom the to /100 read: with from 0110 non and • to to arid • halt &meat ereend of the bast quality. Imitable for a ern*. qu Ca ev e whleh Oar he had to term of yrere. du. ire of J. PATTE6eO. nehYddf LewreneeeLne. Dwelling for Rent. btrtHE. enbaeriber will rent his preaent reed. atone. No. Will Street two earl 1 1 .1a....17 . sad b agte ne revalarn enalranlan entalulna algid rtn..-I.lot sad find run lu Hata Lyn. W Rah nona • sad Hitch., and all to annleta roanallon tivela ea eras dednd- /tam» as the pramlan, J 8 LIOdECT, or . DELL k LIGG Cf. laso9 aad TO Wear atnaL For .Rent. TintEE Store Rooms, with Dwellings at toed. on 111.1.: nreirt. betwent Ettond Rad Third /riquire of d 11/1/111.6 D6I4NY, ja22df N. 61 Third For Sale PWO LOTS-20 FEET Fronton Rebecca A_ groat Alleirmr. Temp will tr. =Mil •Aar. Xl24llire at MIS. EU ELOPE Bank Lime, Allealror MT. or of 15.4.6310 N fICIIUYER. Jr Gor•tre For Bale, or to Let. A WAREHOUSE on Liberty street. En quire e N 0.317 , Lawny. stn.t. =l5 N excellent brick Dwelling. eituatod2 Pena et-. betwmt Wayne r.t Us.. This Ate of the matt deatreble _Dwelling. to the ettp. the hours twine to go. lariat.. and lent.] ID a_golet. and one orthe west Dieloll3l parte of the city. Terns moderate. Mtwara on the ;mulles of baird /MITA th REID. TABLE CITY LOT TO .LEASE.—The Lot of Grooad. at preeent eceuyisd beJobts MeJlos- SoY. Clothier, on 12borts stmt. betereett aerate sod raitalley. to tinsl/or torso ol years troto April neic stplay to . • IISWIN, No. L. 3 Market et, ja-litf Or. /MEET Ltol3B. Attormey. Ith at, CARPETS I CA3PSTS I 1 FIRST ARRIVAL BY CANAL. IQ ECEIVED this day, by W. iII'CLIN -1 Q, :OUR. at the CIanPET A'Alt,ClloCtliE, 65 Yourth ise. another largo addition to hi. einernise aasortaent ot Vele. Ybet Carpets. Tapestry ltrosaelsCaryctr, Ernasele (tamely; I Estes sonar theee - Plyreatpahl )3 uperillne threaply Caspec Bayern. Ingrain Carpet, Fine In In Carnet, Vomit!. Carted. ' llst . and Sag WPCs. ..d.L.9o.—Pamset Pecalan Cepa% Tapestry do. dot Twilled do. , do.• ' ' • Owton.,lnitra.n. and Valuta, Cuba.. Chenille Borg . Itidelalle !fats; T" ti d '" T ' llnliz ..' lb" eta i tte l t d ll t aTg Veleta Pant Tutted Mater, fancy ipso Cora. Jetta and 31.111 a Nato. —A 1..13P -01 b 0 LOT lI.E. or all widtbe and tallith& 11.ceetwocd Oil Cloth tile•kebeek Mare*: Idanocane till (tbht.l T.....pstront Sudan. Plaoreet Olt Cloth; etas Bed. • Table Ldnang Cheats. tn.. no. Csnalati on of the least and beet daane, adapted to..irr a:y.o ef fninietiload,enetther with .11 other articles articles ully convected with the Carpet 1.020.80 to artuen we reepts•.thdly invite those wishing, to Amish glosnatoata cr /Loot. .1.3 011.11 and falolloo our reek. ... • W. INTOCE. lt" Ltvket e[root. To the Iteitiers of the Pittsburgh Gazette ';1111101III3LIC ATTENTIONis respectfully ie R. Chet to the following troth...set tooth in Motion in oHe et the emit tswrtant remedies of modern time. PETWI.OI.II ou. 11018. W. It is 134 i more than one Tear aft since Ms great mud) woo brought before the V lit.WZ:2: l ttg.'bieV 4 lfe=y i„g-,.. - 601.0.0121tT. an 4 ...lieu that the longer it L e wd the . men condo will it. great fam. .pries , I t t. nig. We... 017 of • day. got ny tor ths sole wurpole of making mem tut. oft, which we conorivii. will - methane To be need when , nil other =airtime hen been tbrgotten. The Petroleum iii t • 4 +. 000 .1 Remedy, elaborated in the depths of the euth h 7 te Wen and ueney that hued to Neon all hennas cmutitlon. It is our duty, when we writ. shoot smell On, that we write the truth—Um:we say nothing cnifti Wed to deceit. thee. who may trod our tuft or pot mai dun in or statement.. CO. nick an very apt to mach at .. any thing that promises ruled from disease it don ne I tiArET be too bithly wrought to answer the obtect of gull. I tog .Or hi:mob...Mg tome of there. Now, we do not duin to do Chic we au aftlons only that N. troth in Slab= to oft [mai/ bal d be told. In order to Wore for It • rep,. tatleril W . ...1/pg.) , .i.ela rstiele In the mated. rude - In- • Plain ungsrmuu (sea—tuts tkut me be unextened In our city and neghbarhood, beta ample y la Is Yu of the Petroleum. Within the put two moors., two of our own citiatish who ware totally blind, 12 rit but restored Weight. ft. - rfla u... of hi/clues. in the Etat. of Ohl.. hare Um .1.1. AM. atm the maul a bentlemenin Heuer couot7. ...b. rg g r e other. but these are mum near mate. end may N. ,(41,1 to b) my parlous who hue doubts on tlu nu o jut. Then woe • ere mind after they had bun ahead. ed nr phigkrims as kopeks.. The Petroleum will enre elien need according to directioft—Dianhaa,Dreentur riles.lllummatuan.dout. benralgia. brupti..... th .. 0. flmPlut ft the tom lihntile Eon /Cue, ain.gworin. Totter i.o.da jived. pains In the bun and loin V. old some, Ul IWoo.. Aft.. Chronic Coughs, Asti... ilroschlft. aura Pulmonary affections of a elimali ratan. tending to V:in:and adli.. dlee...es of the Bladder not libitum , rim 07,1 liantio, breniateel Nipples. Coin. not &Mi.. 1 $o f.t. it IF 6 Me ortlrloA.t. umain. sad hra been Lake 1 in runt tf the shove din.. within lbw pa.l. nar with tke • Mon burnt eve.. Certifbaha that will se:midi art 10 • ilie he. of the pretrrintor. who wlll take plug,. tg show iv them to the allhated or their friends. • 16 . )“,t.T. MI,. may .0 about Nett bleilelnes. rig it'etruke. le the za.dr of tbe axe.. Physician . entail .Kadin. re d u bread. en ...Mining be ore it lu their Kadi. n 'thow. who at WIL looked on with dould lift n_noirMity. an +111414 ft .wad It iitil _,M;7•47„e4; einufftnition. neon. t ooth yearkrollayOunti. aka TrA ,.. . oOnstorfled to aektorwl.lgo that tin Petroleum lei the a arttudiguity el elieroured.• Tor WI., whoheale and r. • • hi , . by MEV/Wit • MaDOWZU,I4O Wad .1. , Auk—P. b. Sobers, 47 Wood Buret.: A 4l :flu% D. a ' Pali I n:i 1 ! Van Al g O h LI i; C 1 tri nil " A b e 7 .• t. I. in • ,c.5,..,...n. 11. G. lahroseteck ilk 04, Wad and hoot slit Administrators' Notice. NOTICE hereby,gitea that the !Notate? thas motel Lofton of A/Fololstrolion to Cflo.Uni AttollLorl. on tho ken , * of WinLIA Aga/. A 18.1 4, ,„ g 4ll ;Taa l triniVtre..t. " . .;,zokyttin to Ostotoril PAlngor, hoof ties nttoryllKOV Chn , no•untors, and all prank.. having claim afoi.o_! nud maw , an ronnootod to ihontlaan4, settismont, MO oC.os . of lobo' coo . . ffo. /meth matt. norr a frnald,, B •• RAIL ROADS, &c Aternunlnn Vs Ifilh ' 'cin—Tb is Penns; I vania Railroad Compitur. hare ro.looed the winter e.t.a on th• I.lll eheir SOCells PittsbarchoPeofla de p4hlhla c olarnße tlo oness: pet 1 00 el, a ry Poeke (aalnal;) Led and Lard 011:' , Vbisk March 12 43 SUIVIMER ARRANGEMENTS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ('%N . and after MONDAY next, April 18th, Fhb. Past Express Tealo leave the Beret on Liberty etreettethr morning et 9 o'clock. napping at the reg tlar Elthtlone on the /cord. ant orrivint Fhlkulelohia he wit - morning at 7 o'cloek. molter:tint at Ilarrlsbura with the Bainmero t enseneheana Italirnad. arriving in Baltimore .t 7 n'olock s. • - . She senind Hell Train VIII lnve the Depot every ere.. log at 9 o'clock... Wooing at all the remiss kitatiant on the Bove, and connecting at ilarrieburgh with the tr g ie for Beekaltimore, t attiring g.ln l'lllisielehla or Baltimore, at 7 o'el the nex Peenin .. • The Aceontralation Treln will leave MOTT 'ldt , rooo, at SeelOatett . p . Allgtt•ll regular stations. and ramming ' Tam to .r rttla-telphla •Sh. Phew in neu, nr . co. RITURNING TRAINS, The Test Execs. Train. leaving PhLvelphia at 104 leering e arrive to i'llastiorat et OS 0, The lien Tmin Philadelphia at IBA 0.0 non,. In Pittsburgh thAneom modngn efitdamnll leave l La treho at 6)•/ artin Iv I ittaborgb at 8 a. mr. Baggage chested td arty Swims on the Pednegleahia Railroad. and to Baltimore. ItaTICZ-1101 ea., of lost, the Company will hold them. eeitee reeporudble for personal and for An mount nnt istateeding o hundred dollars. NiSTICre-limart. 11. A J. Brledentliel.lhanibue Pro. Interim hare been the to teavey patteencess and otagitite to and•from the Depot. hane not to mound llita mute for each passanger. and 12.1 A Sento for sub trout. Par Tickets. ants to J. SIESECIIIES. Agent at the b. RR. Depot an Liberty et. Pittethrph. April 14, lel3. [ 13EntiON ARRANGEMENT. • EfiEga - - Michigan Central Railroad Line. CLEVELAND AND DETROIT In connection frith the Cleveland and Cincinnati • R. 11., Cleveland and Reis R. R., Cleveland and Pliil6urgh R. R and Michigan Central R. R. 13 , 4 , SSENGERS , 7ivill be tiefteted through from Ain point an-take Michigan to Cleveland. Pitteburgh. aria Dahlgren. pod - rpm_ AY rith er Ono. tau. to any mint on.J.Akeallehigate. E000..P. A boat Fill lennt . lnVelann tor tratrult, and &stroll for Cleveland...an...nine .0 6sf o'clock. arriving Is nob city to time to nennect with sit the morning TnLinti Ent. set, or •outl.. and with the Lake banner and Bann.. host. The Line Dona lane Cinvelnid th• fol• lowing order: MAY QUEEN. • CIiitYELAND. MAY Qu KEN, CLRVauAND, Thlf 'iron Cleveland to tilerunto. is mien the Mineable one. The vereenna onion •me rdght's It u a Cone, tient/belt; sod. taking the can n It D. trot in the no. tang. And. himself in Chicago atter • nine bonze ride thrones • 1.14 think country. sod Orer the be, bunged italleund to the Wert. pr auy ann. Mote be cent endure the fatigue of night ruling trona the o.s, ce rho BLOM. of the Upper bakes. SiMenntut wishing to none Tung, or m4e e n t, for fencht, will: Lyn y to L. A. emou, Agent, Cleveland. (WM canner of River and et Cla.. stmt.. Central darhangts) or to JOAN A. CAUGIAEY. • sp.% Agent O. AP. alt Co.'hionangatels gittaburgb. Michigan Southern Railroad Line TIES MOAEY SAVED! MITE shortest and beet route from Toledo, k criesco, .nd ports on Like ht , chann. VIs.IIIIODInati Southern and Northern Indlons Rahrood, Through to Tolnlo In Thoors.orltboutlanding. UNITED STATILE lIAIL UNE One c( the staunch and eennaadiona Lipper. Cabin flitiemerr Ti OT,Cart J. M. freitxtr ' SUPltittOlt; Carr W. it Wilklntran, in'eannetition with the Michigan Pouthern RMlnisill. Will le.. Mt...landat 7 e.. M e on Moe .Hl,l et the taproom Train. Metz C l .. inc.nuati, rlttelaurgh nod the earl, aninectlng at Toledo with the abort anal tor Chlearo, pet.lng through Adrian. Hill. dalq Colt water: Croueon Whit. Pgrartt, fiLloteph, 3313 bend. Rt hulas. , to- body. Mao from L'lrrelatintto alum., 17 hour.% th-blow Soo .b Moir.] le tall elth n art T reit. err/ In trartect order. No pain. will be on vet be t,t, cratiegere of the Soot. er Post, to mak to:.tr o' the tout rowr to travel to to. country. We Myrna. oeurtyrd free of theme, by giving It to he A 0.7. u,, and ditch./ through Mira tilevelarid to he _ • /10-Ttermsh nk.n,so b. hadet cflce PE, lsylb C.50p..7.3 coo the D. 11134 II River .v... ca..... amd. For further falbrmation or freight o• .lx , r to J. A CAOULIYY. ifonortgahvla Vous*. Southern and Northern Indiana Rail Rood. - . C MC r- Cur am lo., rafaaarer Trains will ran batve.rn C •o role.Ja. acid Bloom; deo'. eXent basataTa. ••• tAlarar Matra far Mamma sad Tolado at FS- A. X. Chlcao far Tobaio ...... r. N. T 0,64.. for ........ / 6 Mauro. gar ..... gay -This Road In corijointlon with the Toledo au ,roralalk.k. Loa. horn Ne• York spa £O.. Haft° a Hall R o ad 004 stralnu fludsnn tion bevor !Over Fan n &lads. tam the m 317 es CRIOAGO AHD WV YORK OITY Also 0 RAIL. LOAD COMMUNICATION Is oo• _ OPZN nt ^ taccs Chicago tit Colninbu. Cincinnati Pitt s• burgh, via Toledo itt Norwalgitoad. 17AWLTON 7.14,6 interwta e Toledo atrER AND JDA MON RDAD th MIT Jardarrvz, die .11...073P1ELD ROAD et lONROEVIZZA and the CLEVELAND. cOLUMBUS ft CINCINNATI, AND PITTSEDROR ROADS AT CLEVELAND. m. P. d N. 1. IL IL O12;;?r•rn LL '4°°" "?' ddrien. Dee. IC. ISSZ. • relied OHIO TERNSYLVAITIA RAIL ROAD WINTETC . AIIRANCIE3IENT. Commencing November 17th 1852. TOCLEI7ELAND, COLIMBIII9, CINCINHATI, DETROIT, CHICAGO, MILITADRIE, &a. TARO ILIDOCID TO CLSCOINATI TO $9 M. OUNNING DIRECT TO Clti7Oy. MIIOSILLON INC it OOSTES. !ND BT MOM 72.011 ITOOSTILt THROCOLI Tt mhtrarigt..o IN D#Y. Connecting at Allisnei with the Modena w 4 Pittdurg h ficitroad to cleockcroi. 1?IVE Trains stark from Pittsbargil J• csaassr.....stel.) N 41/. Tittlif Lentos Pittsburgh •t II u L. dines et AIM.. at lilt P.god roaches Wt.Ca A. rat E/ r.w. fare to Aliiwor 32.3 P1 " too, Wlutter.l3 S. to alimoneld 43,00,yth, mennt hereon ga:Z. Connectiag atllmaillon el tA stage lines to New I . l.lladeabls, Cmhocton. at tatlthilli TRAIN 7. Cleveland. Columbus, wad llacinnith leave. Pato burgh at /220 Paseemters mutt Alliance at 4. P Aid Cleveland at P. POP Ciet.:4lPl. and roach tin einnatt at 30 • Puma. gen dins early in JIMA/arab and twerbbit tmatiocunina in Clod /marl. ten through ti Un. tare to Cleveland $4 Th. PaPPCIO MID atop. Daly IA the mamba rattans. .13.1lot0r0iog. the Moll Train Inc.. Woostar at 9 net.. Linea at Alliance at Worm and resales. Pittsburgh at ASO, P. to conneetlng with the avitaing [POO On MP NMI.] /. vuatillall Baal itrr Philadebbla and lialtunato., TUB &XPZIESS TRAIN leaves Masai a 10.10 P. A. Cad remain Plasbursh ant e lumging titstitnavro who ltave (Inoltatati at 7 a. m., throne.. to Pittsburgh in 19boons, audromitect. lag with the morning train On to. Pent. N. B. atages-sun m oaannalea with the nod-from Bann to Stew Csatle,bleracr,..l Eau and Stomas/mato Warren %II New Brtghton 3f PP. Wan learn Pit at 30 A.St. and 4 mad :4 •• Brighton at 710 A. . and IP. IL, lizenre/on Titbits bet.= Pittsburgh and Slaw Brine/ too are •Dld fat SUM • flu: F/11:101IT TRAIN tsarist Pittsburgh' at 420 0. tr_ sod arhyas at/ ear mu n sr .. b P u a r a tickets I f r o i r sh ha o s w t n i on. any ay tsarina The Trains do not in Sunday. thunibussirs run in connectiat with thinglns to and fora the station on Seders' street. • For tickets_ arri at the Astsrai Street !Ural= of trio Ohio and Pa,Ballsosul. N GEOUrig•PAILKLN, • Tiebot Agent: nits J.1:17.3811LEN. Pittsburgh. rlttutmrst. Narrate LT. 1632 Ohio and e ,l'ansylvanin Railroad Onen , to Loudonville. ON and after TUESDAY, Feb. 22d, 1853, ea MAT!. PASSENOER Trarti.mbl-lt Ita ea Pitta burgh at A. at., mu to Loudonylll% lahlatslesunt 7, otso,arrlrlas tbars t br. N. naturnlSS. will lea , . Lan ,- clos,/la et SX A. al and reasS Ylttaburatt 41i Not deists, apply to PARKIN. 2Atist *mt. Pedant atteet Station. l'lttAburgb. Yettrutty 21, /B . A. ft= TRANSPORVATION, .triatlBs.iMsEl A. COREY, Forwarding and COMllliSilioll Merchant, G 0,. irmt....torowly omtpfrd bv . 1. CLIVILMID, 0010. /Went for Michigan gouthern Railroad Line, and Daily idneof Cogs) goats between ClevelandandPtttaburgh• MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILROAD. This Company oath* opening of navigation, will piney on thie route two first ohm Illeglrler% One althea@ beats Mwill lea,. my dak every evenium, Bandar. eicarted. fat etgo,ro.hing at Eanduaky. end Toledo, end arriving et Storm. in time for the Mirk. train of oars for Chic. go. there connecting with the °Linage aednt. Loals line arena] and etiantboale. Pune:lsere by this line arrive in Chicago on the following afternoonaßer leering Cleve land. 0.... 19 .. rreight rega zur r i mply etry cu ottl au ce t h 4.. o. 81aliver Bingham? Transportation Line, LE:EERIE 1852. • • BITWILN PITTSBURGH & EASTERN MITES' pri opening of the Canal, we will bo ref, dy to moire and 'onward prord;dlr, Produce and Idnao gdahti g itayTat=t ratios altined 01 . 1.00.81hl• Prod., andliarehandira •111ba raoalndand f•mvarlad allot and arms, "Moot .07 aural for forwarding or ad vancing Ind gb t, commission, or Btorw. Milo of Lail roma:dol l and a/I di:ratio= ealttdalll .14""1 A WarlilltUTAtt "* Ar OD., Canal Basta. ‘AnlTNLArarLAwirleetszt botwean Yourth and.r.ts.,l'hapsa JA!iNB WlLBig l e Ma 182 North 11 J•11X8 attousto.i=o 4 wrato. oda • New York RELIANCE LIN-E. PORTABLE BOATS. &ram@ 1853 iitaii2l wE ARE NOW PREPARED TO CON. w tm4:2=D:Althltn't*b•ft'r"'""'"ith '" 1 "`"" ' w. /AWN& A; 127.EXIAL Claa alßailnlagrapttiburst. s°.22Arg THIIWPVWL %TIM Offlie? ' Inb7dt ' • No. I South Rama 0.44. IL Iron. FL o VIKED-2 bus. Flaunt .cf:lirgaleoby AND SALES No. (48&) ET THE PRESIDENT OF THE DAZED STATES. N PURSUANCE or Lqw, 1, MILLARD ClLLifth.E, P.orldeat et the Otittel Etat,. of ATI* do h.rehy drc , are cad make kaown. that avt.lle viti hPh! at lb« hmlementioced Land 01:1,4 le the elate of lOWA. at Itoi perktis herehafter de:Maas:W. to Al the Land r , ftl , e ai KANMITILLE. elmmeadam ov MONDAY, the etch der efJamknett. f,e thardisho4,l4.o th• not, , Maoe wimie the toMasioa named taanthlta Lad frac bo.ltmenahlps. Me: North of the bare line and matt of the fifth principat meridian. - ••• • Friletional t wn , hir etity-eeven and township Moto eight. of tangs ttoriv-lwo. Yreetl .1 lown-hip sixty-seven and thwneht, tiAtl eighteof range this - Li-throe. Motional township ilviy-fr•S O end townships sixty. eight, seventy•finr, sevente Ere, seeentv•six, &events. eYoend geventr-eight. of satire tletrty•four. Motional township sixty rev-, and townships Mat] , eight, sisty•Pfne. "event?. steel:given., 'grotty-tea, se , ntr•three. seventy•fist retentylive. seventy six. Pe rev triev.,:and ra , vonspvight, of range thirtydivs, Yeast-loon! townshin its:five-vet, sod Pswnehitie eight. • istr•nlno. "event'', ••,..ti.m t , seventy.threo, W. tyleve. and retool sight. Of range thlrty•ris. Frattpital township stitsgi•Von sort tnwtithiPt eight. sixty nine. parents. .lieVentr•ons, wstentt•two. eareote three, seventv.fnur, servotvAles, Aseenpr. s ia, se At mid tr•enty eight..of range thtigr vete. At the SAMS PLACIA. ternnenel•g on MONDAY., the Land, dsy (June nen, the dingiest of nand land, within the ondernteutioned tolenabips or. , tlonal towcahlps. via: Nara of the bare tine and 'erste' the fifth p..ineipal meridian. • • Frectional townehin eisty•seven and townships Ilvt, .e •lobt. irstynine, wiyenty, meetly-one, wirenty.tae, renly-three. seventy-four, seyenty flye seventy , iv, evyenteseven. and ...vents eight. of ranee thlrtpels Frectional townehip slatyeeren Red townehl ye Atty. elcht. foists-nine. latent, revinityvene, eeventy-two, wrentY three, savents.fwar , earenty-flve, and sier•ntl• eight..? rause MI rty-nine. Fresno.' townihip Piety seven and townships silty. richt, slotynine. asyenty. 6.1.1 , z 7e. oventy.two, prrenty•threal, weventydeur, My re, ere—lx. eeentyewren, veventy-elaht, eerent nine , and shitty, rf range forty. At the HAIM PLACE, onarsyseing on MONDAY, the eleventh dee of July next. ter the dimposal of the retain land. taunted within the halite of the 10110100 a loin ship, and fractional townsbise, Os: Nora of as bat lint and trial of the fifth Principal meridian. . . Tractional' township aistr-sonn and townships sixty oicht. -f Ma sttant7 - two. 1.. entsihree. serentri mr, solvents -Bre. se.oistpa oa n. Preen. o ,f ra te . tr ren - risht.evrerty•illne..laa2 t eighty . - nn Frasthnnt townslnp slaty -..to and township. rixtrs Right slaty.nina. Resent,. a.ventr-ona seventv ty•lb res.. sarentpfnor. ventl.fire; merentpetz. seren- Lunn. sanntr-elabt. serent,Astos. tinntf. ..c tr.., of ran.. fort -two. Yrsonenal townsblps nixtyncern. sizt,alght and p v ans/A:ln, and townships se, ntr-two. rerenty•the.. nes enty.fonr. levant, tn. aerentrwn. entl•aOee. no. autroinbt....V.lntlna tar. and slab tr one, of rause mrtr-tan.. ' , notional townships ristyAslait, arrototrnste, laments.- two. senntpttree, se.entHour, arvest2..ny e . en,earenty.sareta,anl township...n*7,4ElA ani set entpaltn. of mon lorry-four. yenetional tnans.hipssavesty,ll, astisentr-pnen, Ito rot,fght. and .rentpni.. of none , 0rt11,.. Innt lb. lan I thin at PURI' int.oll g ,- e. 0 0 ,nneen. Sionbar, lbw thirst 13th a t dne neat. for thy n tn. Dnnl. /ands 011050 the 11 nits of lb. no. asrmantloned townahips and Fans of tosrtubips, to oh: North o'll4 ban line and wed of the fourth prin cipal meridixt. Townships ninety-two and nittety-foes, of range ••••• • a 17::shIps ulnety.twe. ntnetY three and 4*.ty-root. o r range eightekt. tw, ownehltw utnetyono , nlnetd-tro. and nlnetylonr. of • o nine:raw. Townshipsi thretrest e and nine t y•tero,lf ranee twenty. sp tone:pone. cf range tee.ay.twa Tow oaf eighh,J3 h., EL, nh,ly-0121, and tunety.three, of range twenty-three. T 017.11193 Oludd -one nod ntnety.two, of range twan. tr•C•se. Nechne.tuo, fern, rig; eight, ten, fectrte•en, twenty, tweety.two, the anti Ind( a the enutheern guar. tor, and theseutheust quarter eMt e northeast 'lnsular of t weery.thre, twenty•ata, twentre'sbt Mire, thin,- • two, thiety•fenr. and thlrtyele, toteasen:p slphly.finsr, The east Leaf. tea northeast quarter of the northwest Onetime el ~s ti nts three, for, eta, eight. ten: the east Ifni( end the northwest qcart. r of the hortbaut quart./ and the nor:hetet quarter of thescanthetst quarter 0) fifteen. eighteen. twenty, twee V- twe. the east heft the east half Of the northernt IV:teeter tweett , thrs twonty. six, twanty•ehnht. thirty. thin, -two. thirty.f o r. r. andlhe east had of the northeaer quarter. and the east buff of the southeast quarter of th , fri,fiye, In toiensh. righfe,fiee Fertinna (oar, sta. - 04E4. tan, bortsen, eigh• teen. twenty. twentf•two. and the noftheast querter and the text ha ft of the tontheatt querter te.hty.tlinte. twenty-'ig. teenty•elettr. thine. thl , ty.two , and thrrty four, et, gor-Iyhip 4A:inure, thirty . ft 'Ls twenty-111n.. (ex• 'eat the hatchwout quer•eo of Ufa unethweet quarter.) thirty and thirty-Mu, in tfoonthili ri,getreief. and town stun.' oicdhetewine , aserty.eat, and nituttehoo. of nawo !mono -at [Mebane two. the er.st oaf ant the weal hall of the enotheastquertar eters, [lnnen. the watt half el' the the 'tater of thlrtaen, hu [teen, twenty -fotte,4 le 1 the west hi/ and southeast querter. and ft •• weal heir of the .rthenset quarterof swenty4ife, In heewship,iteldY one Lectlol2e kW*. four. theenweet hallant the e eet bait of the 4uartv. him, tag twelve, fourteen. twenty-two, twenty.four twenty-11E, famotr•mien. (ex cept Ul4l POI tb.w,t quarter of the ennheien quar•er.) th• • west bat( of Ole. orthireet emeter. and west P• 1 et the eonthwest ucter•er of thirty-tirs and wells° Utast. •11, is fotonshrpriO4,hou and eectione tee, four. rte, too.twelr, Inurteen, eighteen. twentr.twenty-twe, ter•t• tribe; tents. it. twntyr , 4l4, twenty-ala.,. (except the ineethea , t erter of LO:ln•allq.rter.) the newt nail thirty-three, thirty feur. asel thirty-sin, Ia tonnaity rurAltethrer. all the mettle. end trectionet • ettens • str ing .• rp eyeshot. In freeteeinal township.' sioddefune. eightpssz and ridate.seres: the eat heir. the east nail end the aerttdse.4 yeas ter of thwnorthweat nastier. and the gad half of tee southwest quarter nf sert,n three. erroneous four, stn. right tend the rut half of the north... 4 quarter; and the ...et half of tde artith •est quarter of fifteen- eighteen. twenty, and he irtwen-fere: the north haft' or trig vorthwart aliaztor. end north half of the northeatt quarter of twmty-three. and tee. I .11. n . meats .lonr. twooty-•In, twentralght. thirty, tide te.ter, thirtjwig.dnedstnuAlis e'dt4-etrdlr. F. - 0 0 .1.11 CA. 111,en intheme eiganou. toe tees half of the n,-,beast quarter ef oirl:Uen, twenty; the h north haft and een e., tuna, and north half of the southwest qusetee or twentr-oce.twentptee. ...at,. trl4r...r'V!4.!,°.l7,rAgt7rral - ggV:fil: e•ntheset quertn of twentf.tvera. testae-eight. , thlrty.frort northeaxt p.m,. the ret.t ball of Oh. achttesset cosarter,and the turthetut quarter ef th•n - wthesst quir,er ittn—er. ant Lb:fly-aft. la townehip rideefueeratf the whole of brew •Agp at say, 1.e.. of 1 , 0,00,/ re .1 11,, Ifni the w e st of the northwet quarter of thirty• - •ne.) nod rectos* five. skean, ma, the root hat of the nerthweet not.ter at f,f eeu.aev,•nteest. nineteen, twenty•rue„t wen ty-ciao, and th tarots. In todSe•hfr Winefrnose of tune s , JO. lA+ DAMN kute l .r.. recomeneittu nn MONDAY. the yiye.uth ituy rf July nryt, Mr the allspo , al if the Tub, lard. within the unJertueuttcued totuady. stud portu toeltuttlyu.,M Arerth of tAe Lwr Ur. •6114 well of At fiAlleit cipa2 meridian: Thewest half of the northwest quaver. and the weer half and whine. t quarter of th• Nonthwrat cleaner of merino man and sectire twelve. In toienthip eioearria....— Peon.n two, the west half end the seuthean quarter, trid the at bell sf the n ythha.t coulee of elev., welve; ths wen tailor the oortb•vet quarter , and the wret Wit:4 themostinten 41 tower of thirteen- twentt-fohn and thirst In tow, s.UP Elwin. two, the west half r,f *retro tz gr. , ttirali mos. EEO-Ma, J." , ‘'4v.z.14; itad Elej /Mr TIMORE ''N, •ORIFFITR. 'WYATT & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION NEROLIAN POE THEP-44X OP PRODUCE amiP.ROV\ISIONS, 0. \, 42 Loxantntnix , V ' ELLITHOR.E.. 6e ,,,,. ~,1,,,-1,,,y, Gabler F. 2 111-nsat... ' , .collite rri NC. • Itlaxklm, E 2. It , rittleka 2 niono. ' tes.Pittebv 2.06,21.. \ .... J. 01tr0tan0..,.., Q , UEL J. cfNion on.l azd rA tforamereLtle Otif•Paztlrtar, t Les 4. :WO Rem s ott 'Referto John 5.1 Renick & Lsoltf TAAVID C. TUTTIIS, , Atgicy at raw, avZ erns..,!xlna.t tarniarli a, at 3t.0. . oo..,:routcl,...tiorto 1,J=31,ttr.q.n.0.. Y jOtS IL ILELNKITN -- " -----, , Acturady and etmn• Iler•e T.sw. nal Ce. , mralan• •I - tb. Efts. 4 46 p.n=r, ant, ht. Lev.i.s. Ito- Oat. o( l'lthi h.) • V team .: Hon.. W. Xorir ILA.** W.:ldr. .V.Actilemt A 510.1(tab. Jahn,..ha /WWI) SAmple.3.+CAN A Co: . - ~ ritlLls \ - ---...—:_„...6............ N • . PEORIA. ^ m. ...IENERAL OMMISSION IffEltrs, AIN'D /UC210.7. Z;o. 'if tter stmt. ,E. arl intels! att;noem .133=tiAden ken rhs•••• _ ' uric, , WAITEA , P. AgassAg,„ I r... xeomt n DEALthI ITZONOLI.Lap, 411iRRI PAPER rtAiFtkras, • ' No. 85 Wood Siicot, PVtikarg!' THOMAS PALHlntk tatrozays a!, DEITATOIN 'EMCEE h- I r WALL t!.A.P.EIt. N. as ma'r,ed thwa,,betivel-ekt,e m15:'63 , , 1171 LD FLOWERS--w a n., T74 ,W• 4, G entl 11.7.11 Tra lateit e Woo ons dburn \ e m '1 het a e tt. Mother, Knott \ Kwies Yong, ttek Y t eltyeau &dm sir —. Net \ Vital. s 34 e-Teetive prong. wet 51y P t747 1 4 - 17,kier n! , °:Moor. Night.; Toon. F• 41 . -.. at Ifettne. 3177'. t tie Oran d; l'lt Tbros roteettnenyt Li l u.m „„„ '4,11.1 0 , tri;youtic. 01,1a.alt sTrot Oale; 4:71. Da*, Yolks, erown; Conetanne Polka. tetme; _Part. Qanleill Nag Lete—°.l.4 KnletreMlanekt lie li of the Wert. 1414.7 Rtito. ITallano-271 1 besuttlit, 654 ern -.4nettler: itrelts'lleadrillts.):esta.,• \ outtetabt sod Cliptey bebettiett .grown; l'ugania—;ran for du Pisan V:34 att., Ilat Mb. a•a 12 most evalattr \ dethrneletfettratinx Patn7litTsTcni. It la Tall \ • tell hant nett etteetlye,andle one Walene• Masa abrar Owen \ Deaa Panatganler—rao Parka 2. 'Wean: \ • In Cartmlal d• Sentra. by Vont, Leasyl Darazaaat YeSarnaff; •s • The Ethane just_Ten - ilved. tecethes with • i•ree cite. an 4 peruluelltu!7 slue, • choke lot et Pereten Attn \ plc, tor sole by DOILY ,31ELLeV e , aplS , . • N. 51 Wool etreet, • . - Germania Society Muria, n- KLESER has je‘t received— li a - I Limo Poltrrlelleabal Treat:NT 3.toreL; - ;‘,., • to lb. lovende ,iolly: Yrosibaloar Writtrg , . \ : UV, Mile Dtori ICatrinka Polka: (J t a • Cramorana eep: artodoera Polkrr• . • rt. .SIICOPI 14-tt . of dasella,Polka /tedenra; bomb, tern Boor, 111^, Polka. by Carorot . Tocrilarebto. Writs: Liotenmr• \to lb. lataticron Tennant Polka; • Lades-. 1 P.a. of the Moab,:Bnbroda o realm. br I.. 1 1; - \ Ayg..hly Raj, Ir.; I Nr1111 , 1:111 . d•Shillon Polka: ilargatira Natio.' larch, econoreity Liart ' •. L,R..., , ,0. \ Roby Fobottblt. e.. 11- X , ei rod thdiarbtal to Mtn 11. Doerr, by 11. Farb,: • - Early Dim. Polka, by fovea; \t • St.* old Yrs. at ilom.. by lir oodbort : i, . '. , The Strion arr., - rod astir soar, as MetCr Moto. • 1 doot..a elite Immeor career; tiettlyyrk. one Midordro sir. by Gdibito; . 1 . _ Yanag Yoilra fr om Home . • L 13..na'ar, by do, toeindk, er ect tbelai: ma laud rotrarnrlos at ado raert d metier. osrlanidor, by bott-oballi , • ~ • - •• Old Fotte gordr!de.: buret/yrs. by cram - • Trot arEoli. by &Drat: Lt.' ridl?l,ll;.ll74bton":.°L,Th..ffMg.it. 4.1 r. -A14”,4 choice seirlio r tftt YonVork Muria by Tor; Zer o, Tbalberg, ersmer, 'Maitre-, be. to. \ bro. lil lit:pa 13TUSZT,, arid .. s i . Ebro of tor lioldro Hagni.- , \ \ 'ew Muds,-" • - 1 WrSlC:i . f, the GERIANIA SOCIETY-- Cheri 'to'illiilsorihr NiritDs Dr • , ' ( ~ o,irol,io r r; wrroir do Newport; _- w , azw of thoDolifuliii; Ail. roiko; . We 4 .•hh. l'sw , h , ', \ Ur'. .r D.P.—ert; , \•I oo .1A•loh Dior .\ \ rerwiehro reoka: , ',, \ rail, on Dolor; , i Sourti Der ilcr; • ,; . \ t i pLig: rolka, iiv,Di Corker l Iraborlilooll; L. Itomboulii, Gatterwill \ rouriacof Iturghir s aret 31wIttration.) helh ... Yoilventrvf Procaolio,ithirl hieilltrir.Jaolh - 1.. FOIIII, CiPrice. )31.1nant111, Derformiol hr r L. Lishan er„—ebar ion h„eirre. rxeraiw or hlerthr ► -Ira i t wiorrhalii—lo . :-..t, iloi il chair ' .00-ma . Drhimroti, Ttn , lhaiso. yr A. Jun; Do their 31;141 , 5:le r Ilcfri. 7 h.* StartT hoar; \ Mils Flower Vrelhor \ .11n=ii Arlin; Writer _Polk, ?triter Pityslots. Eterahtir. Wal i Ii hi. art SValloooh, Won rod hettor of this • \ \ .trwhthh: the] . .o-toi deririT la. Dr t brawtltol \ 'Wait.* Co has writtro..l _ .... \ The obore3 wit rreilihyAilarris it G1V11 . X.74,2. taIMtUT with • large lot of Cl, Lo-st Mrialei. *Wa. IT • \ .p .JOUN U. att.t.Let.lt tr.:4 stre et ' \ N ._ • . . EW BOOKS —Jcis . t reeeiva= .I.eturropn I aotcoapkto!otr;b7 TlT.Cannazn — ' \ • ' ': , ;T:fr".l"Zir'it.t.",..t.f t d '''.7,l7l:;:ary to 8 / 8 8i. \ ' Fatr i t7 r llOrsaip ' . 4 % 2 180 . a - -z-y ' nao'n Ii:8, - /grotto / ma., re T laAva ' to,Bapol•On BlionaTtitn :'' \ . \ EJ/Ipt vf altb; ; , T0wn.,...4`,..F.V S In AlAin.llBdagnat!Jm: 8 '.: i1e,...x• and lieslotr. by 1:o8flon and Illtntotna: Tore-.A•on lerororlor; lloloun Leo:noun Trenet; , ‘, 11,3,:fr0 lOre ct Itaaling-; ~, \ '„ o,orn Painbenc .. -• , , Z2/0 1 ¢;orls " . ". q . /g h 4.814" k. 3. .S. Cnim-- • \' . , • •,„ . hat no I Want:ll4BH br Mot 13tralir. • \' • . . ‘ Ilv , W•y: Thlonolt tb• I.l.Be n z \ /Men 11