The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 24, 1853, Image 2

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    D A I4OII I I ING . , 4 IIAIIOII- 24; 1853 - .
mr/144.0.VvTi .0- a
of -PAN' Gebir244I'SPAPRR.
ma Watt, Ourri -----
, eztntaiTe ..
our, brobleNni.772. licz
•etsetd.ftiiibtenegat,:t 4 19 na. akbw 112eIr bad.q...lcocns.
o.l . 4itulattou to betvrea t.and itOuzza4 reach.
latiOnort vrtil. *Ma, fict c0u.33-4,
il ra Pentury-l
alif *sal EssUin Mak-- - ' - •
4DVP.••• • -
-.taro 4DV1116T1611a6.-Nolibnr.ln6: Siftarisl ROOM .
• nor hinting .334 , cs t 4, . 15 4miLguirn. ~..
tonscl; on . 6 nt1 1 7.y: ADVESIIBE3B wins engin.. [telt.
nm6tint6 '66 ntnn,e'in Abe: ntp!tr nu ,S.lnudny- morath.
ttreni - In benve 6 o!eln.:1, 0n.6,66.667
Tas- Letter et . ..quoins" wili be 'facial °tier
intereet th , layi The nitr . Judgr of the
Bttprirtitri etinit;3ohi Cempbeil; of Mobile,
1111 ;Fotkii4,d,' itieothe pf /lin isiera, as ultra
gr gtrairi. ,, Aeirtlegrapbte deapitch to the North
Ametithth i states that , Wesley Frost bee been !Li
reikiledt6itie Singe as hthitherortho SCeefera
Nistrlct of Pinurjirithth: , This 'will be eohd.
colifori to sOnteperepon in hie city.
.44 , Neteeel ren- Cartraitsts,,-the personad;
tertishigfai loan of $3 000' will girdseen
rltx,inaloctute eyed real estate, worth .double the
miney'; .. .,,i ii, willitigto pay stair prloo for It
Tue tkel'eleaTeexi.' —ln a recent testicle,
p.nblieled by a Philadelphia contemporary on
- thlanhJeot ef Spii;lt Itappinge, these pretended
- meiffetatione from the spirit world orti7iet
JOT, as, pin 'And. 'parcel of The train '.oi .
anlereaturalderelnpmente , recorded in the ill
bleiskocesirring: under both the Jewish and
d*.eilai eTai.; .7 - 1;0•Bib!o, it' alleged; is foil'
of 411 siiernatural;hottitite old r aiodney (tiepin;
taa.9***Ofei 441.11uponit'aod tit° Spl=it itappei,*
trlth hitfirntitifestithini, but tippeals toles atria 1
t rtzttalgeling:ellehtfie,reeelations of the 301;1P- -
tura were.desigand itt inllnenee. l - --,' '
, INA -iSti 4 ltlble- bent . itice r ei:ei 'to r eixPerritntr3"
' tolialfeetations, es tree; ,and thatlthe Creator; in
Ur dialingiii4tht bli Orealitiiii, has deeO2edittecci
. •
a 0 . 94. pa-Eel his eeononey,,we sciia6 bat Mot.
SpiritliapPittge'hare ally ,or the chairer' of
:- '-'..theitilitlani, is teat iicclear to one Mind:
The kaPardletir4deltildpinents.reciorded in:
:• ' -. :tha:ltiblallike :WI .
theYsiiii,eithorfirt the Deity himself, it ft , orn
Illairteiseiegiiir &irate not an lantinea of record
2 f.liitlelethOieji,...ofieernicierdiatiOn r re= the Spirit
: :'....0f jileOisalpsivite,.eiOciPt izionelnstaitee,end
r .
',eo.4teelle4tAsiia ooffitoolacl with' .the di. -
:. - - 7 e.talneeiVe'ver etthe A!elfght,i... :The .Fitch ot
"...!Etuiggiffaiiillta:ipitii... of - Samuel:. bat. she'
was ander Ide`entestitot br the',Jitilale lac for.
e q .491.-.: z•l ' il ' ''' in l4o lo 4 l °4- o P , lete Adetei
to 116 '. 44117- IP?4 6 (4 l !unii .4 4 Moses, to. all the
..." . 01 dApstantient i , - tki r bleitl-tiro 'not * fficira;
;: aidritslif.liere ' ens,,doe4,44l, 'h ut. from the it
. 4.- 4 .'Weiglitp,..,ltlrMielf:',, 4t,419 ,Ite:•liiteariest, with, the"
.... -": manifeetatiiiis,Xedorded la. the Now. testament.,
.', It - Wietheicion Of 'don, idioaelf, , wiiioti op ke at
. the baptism of Jordeni anitafter the death oithi
BeTlie:h . eililiai r ed to Idb "dieitiles,iipereoil,inid
toolo;Xtalvirif.:., '..! t gandlezae,',and see. Lira:sprit
hash nottlealt te nd biota, as ye sabots, hare.”` ,
It la olio to bb eomaraed,,that in the cieo•of
'',Pettletel, the appearance Of Atoeett and...Elik.
jab ilia"the'idount. of tritinogtirati • on:L:the 'only'
.. iecteeee e ,° !„*cl t'spultual)parafe3-
• - •lAtili!f:r/f--tlyy spirits were tote .q typresent,tarr: !
• ' ' eblii So Ai- ilea.; 4 B r ant heti 4saw-tzed hmerd I
thump.•and the r thigh•;dliciplee' Who' Witnessed
the traiootgaraitor r had - ?oillar detaoaatragott af ,
the presence of4foros and Elijah. :' ' ' i : ' '
In these - t eases .there was no need of..rap-
'phege,teit call for .Writing ' inediume"--:no
moviiii*iiiprottiiii ofstables.---The'' spi r rite," .
In,thaie.,,daye, r hliticit learned the - Presint Elide
afjl,ltivitteaA,.lixtexiii, If the memory of *trend.
.. - ,„*.?ferVitlitiLrigliticoiaplainect bitterly at 6oing
.',.'itfiiittii.*dt litriLid . r.on o of ilte anxiety. of Modern'
etilitte:tif4FrlFOXll - ' r .l - '-' r ' '
• '-''..-.i , f.';'-' , ' ' . .lhe r ^rteieffl 4 ir 5046 eiAl of ' condemnation
*ro,::,:it.r.t...:t*: npatt - iiiithettstelting With Spiel 1.e.: ' It
A:Cf :-. ,_ ', 4 ‘ -- l'ek,,„„., ' r ieYed:ff'le*eerfrt.',.# - these days --a far
O'4"1";." -, -.1n4t.ireant'- thing frotithe • ' , witchcraft"' of late
3 "* - .': 4 14 . -: 4 *l:4eatfc , iiiiiitit ptmlsbmenc denetiv=
eponat.:., l „ , Thett. wheat not :softer a witch to
,ei,:thee hiiieiry:of the efftteli of-!odor Jett
leitnan' , orideratandlitect iliata "witch'!. woo ,
enied - tOtial.She aonsrilted_aft4ipfrita, though
dope the . Fenner et , the 4, titetiltney.' of the
eirkliFe. The Condemnation or'.4he pate-.
,ill'i law ieoelied frog tie hands of Goa.
telf..ehoild be enough -, with thole who re
-I,!l2oPleatiFti-ty.' noir; - :
' atse - Ixortestanientthers le one allusion to
6 namnalcitione from the spirit World, LedreaSe3
the ektloonte set anon them by Atte founder of
. '
the now epeheation, which is found Lx • the
. First% fnf \ tite- Itleit'alan and ;Lazarus.: -She
rich manielnpresented ai lifting up biereyes lu
- ' Hell lad Abraham to send Lessens
tiihimAiatitierthrit he may testify unio i them;
. , lett iii.inteitzente, into - SAS plane of torment."
_Bat libreihatie gebr,4"slteg hire - Moen and the
: pr4littal:let •them hens' them; 'l./- theP hear not 1
Ile; i:, - ..reilttee, Will they \be penmaded though 011. 1
- Fief - root tkoAa4.7 ThXshowl a true krowl- I
edge zirlliFLxiiii nature: those who will net be- I
Sore Ilia revealed word of ' Go d ; would not be; j
lievo a 'epleitualinanifistation; and there who dg
, \
balleveivhave no need of such , manifeetationc,
belie the,# ate not 'Fern:lifted.' - Thrit which wai l
retooled r.o`fia'lizairi of Dies In ' behalforbiti
br4hien who Were In dangeiof danination, his
net b'imi,granted liqoutionable "mediums"in
thizi ark toi rAli6ia of fa into inePortaice than
.werenitodln the' petition - of the: . rich Man' in
tortients.":•;f '''' '. . .''
ElPftli , rapping; do not any meat,.
tteeelPartehe 'ef ' the e h araeter of 30teet- \
oral folidkiitations . .roiondedln. the Bible; they:
do not teeetable; In any may, the epirltual man
. ireatailopajoiii*til there; sad they are di•
natty kignadlitedly the philosophy of that book..
It hre iee l eee.,.ooePre;lP'*.tteeePe to array the
Bible intheiisopport,-They,atond on their own
therit.4line, , r.tri:liy thim tenet. be jet dged..
So farad 41311;4 is ioniiiia, its facts;iti furig
men* itictlio:ioiiiiinligi are'agninet . : ellthettl.
If tliOfiaiginia' en:Lariats truly, an - droollY Net
eidritet•theg 'an 'nit mare true and. real than
the Imanifestaltexa ` of. do glieht of 'fileder,
and the the present day are 'par.!,
taheralzihft guilt . ; and if they bodruly and on
ly:F[4l4; ihetgedtineen is- only changed in
kind; not fa degree: ~ -. ' " -
The .foileahoglrottedloge acre hod in • the
ti.Votlii; irkirlahurgh,- &lc day:
..ThetßitlloBllzei, oh motion of filr: Strong,
took np *a•authorize the Pennsylvania
ItelirgatUeampany.. - to' enbectlbo to the capital
stook ;, other Stoics ,- connecting
pith or.l.,fisling . tO their avid, sod to guarantee
t incur . of "the - boucle of each companies to
an amonet not exeitding lb per their
Eyelet, oppeeed the hill, midi addition,
preszated ti-ptottet Irom .tho Conuctiroioners - of
Alleghtity,Ccunt,y'against . ito passage.;
blesere. 'Flannigan and Strong ,defended!the
bill, and urged its tmpoitanao as a moans of pro.
;noting the prosperity . of our great CintraTßsil
way to the Weet, and, attracting the trade of the
West to - the Penasileanin Tonto. •
The bill wiii-thisrpaseed.
, . ,
. ,
letter frizz: tatsaissi pahhohed in the New Or
lea= Plosynne; - plioa on =aunt - of the siege
ing in of theirtertPreeidentof the United Stated.
lion. William B. King; on he 4th fast. at La
CinnLre.:" shoat,three =lles from listanzes
?be rrriter esys ".
- • .
. 'The oath was administered biCornol
nay to- the.VlOn Freeident, who was ready
waiting our Tbervotante use bronght,
up to the door, and Nr."Klng stepped fob it ; In .
order • . :te't Ids into - Istar cos before ' the coo
should be toci - - high, la tnrike it ptcst.tie7.,4 o
whole tavaltsdn; •oone no
lotteg of come twelve- er
fifteen , Acnerreangentlereeri, itasnedialetytiaSni.'
log nndslorming.ntrlttscort'L i roned tho ear--
Ilsge,nssentiiintied tho.Yiee,Pseeicttntio
Kingl(3l'i Ifintiasitt;on the Asia dsy for
the *Biota of Iffk;',.olrirtrair,itt.the partido et I
LtmonerrAtOnt,tightean piles ;fiat Ilitocalc.
llis b e. 4o - lii *al:poor; and no bee; auctietomed
to nee:instils hi pith disco:se in this
(Minato botanists be cannot survire Vert - long.
Ile any Jivo founiontho:ltt'.thtenottd• ogoaoe,.
but be taw 2Ttin.ol4.tatounno,
views his.eitning:tatio with ealmtner,'aa one who
fonht the goiliti,gh;f;;.nodw3l hOld of rter
. , . .
Six tbpithe
affzt ,
Ilan dollar/
eat, !!) fof: the new silver altar.
i 1 GA;~;'l'7
z ol d , itAteiteit of - tie fAltgbehy Test
teseenfiit regicatVoim4
SyhDDod ll t rieh- 4 ta cool- end 11.4= deitosite.'
on the
bas, elresdy been mentioned in th e papers
bocli Of' cost land, exists in the neighbor.
boa of Myers' Mills, Somerset County, Pa.
We have Been Epoch:meant the - mineral, and re
gard it as an intermediateAtween the bituudtt
orrsomil of the Wed; and SOP semi.-bitumineds
or our region. It burns wick great freedom, and,
will; no'doubt, prove an excellent article. The
field, which probably does Mt -consist of-mere
than 4060.anns, commences 'about throe miles
souttmetat of -the 'Stage of Salisbury, and
,r ogee along the western margin of Couttleman'e
&oar as far as the village of Myers' Mills. The ,
rein le maid to be abets( the thickness of the
great rein in the Cumberland region.' The route
of, the Connellsellie Railroad passes in the ire
mediate vicinity , of the ‘coal, and in contempla•
Son of the, construction of that road, all the
nrellable land line been ptuathssed by certain;
gentlemenW Cumberland." .
, • _ IlEmovAL OF CLEKKEIn•
.4innsfros,.hfuntill—The s Office on
h etreet. and Its vioinity, has been the
ace oof grist 'excitement tegday.• In the Anst
piece upwards of• one. hundred Clerks were re
mar adjeaving but saves or eight in the effiee;
and it was preposed , to dispense with the Eighth
'street and Seventh street offices iltogethee,mne
office and a few-picked Clerks being deemed
'Mau:lent to wind. up the busman. • •
In the next - Veer, Mr. Kennedy; late duper
,intendant of the CCM] Bureau, sued out's writ
of replevin on Mr. DeDow, his sacoesser, by vie-
Ate - of which he entered the office with a Deputy
Marshal, and removed two or Untie cart loans
ofrotettuseripts and documents claimed a, private '
'iroperty,bot embracing a large gelidity 6f mss - 7
ruscripts prepared by Clarke in the office, - then
eorda of the Census Board,namerous publication,
receired'fioni public societies, &a The doe.
nmeets removed were appraised •at s4Bq; grid
Kennedy him given bond In $4OOO for their elk
:111r. consulted. the Dist:rat Attorney
bud there is no doubt that the:nest prompt meas. ,
ores will be taken for the recovery of midi is tan .
.a patio charaffier. • It le underetood that Mr:
- Eennedyhad'aceumbhited elarge man of man
. nieripts prepstathry to an extended work-on
theresetirces rof the country, which he designed
to publish on his , own tecount, RS Congress halt
declined to publish the Census returns on the
eztensive scale proposed.
erect of the ;noney stringency at Nov
.Pork, .titu Philadelphia Ltdgertuoderstands, hos
beCn already to countermand large orders fer
'foreign goods,'pertleularly for Continental fsb
riestzbut a great many which were expected will
-be Ilmitttd, tor withheld-by the change which
hie :coot:tired In regard to monetary affairs.
It must be .apparent that. each a. cheek. Is a
healthful one; and we hope the warning will be
. ,
The ElMogi, Telegraph, Connecticut, in Il
lation tome condition of the Esetern Bank, nays
that tts,liabilittet consist of circulating notes,
• about $184,000; due‘ depositors, 1138,000—total.
$187,000' . Its assets consist of, /tailraad bonds
„Forth par,say $40,000, discounted notes and spe
-1 Die on bud about.sBo,ooo, total $70,000. These)
I assets include only tho , property new on hand
anti in charge of the court or renderer,. If to
theca we add the notes and other soctuitles, di
_reit, and collateral, the property of thelank, in
the handset Mr. Chlttenden for collection, we
are assured that 'then) to sufficient to pay all
Claims against the corporation,- and to refund to
. it ceiholders their original investment.
..Ass . lIGLI Brersiss.—Thaprogranime of a gi
ant-looking railway scheme ins the. West ap
peared In the London l'imes tomer:enths since,
with an array of American notabilities as Man
ager!, Counsellors, and .Bankers, the eruct ob-
Jest of which we could not divine at the moment
ottr attention was celled to it, bat the pewees
ef which we have not been ansalmithil, of. No
,advertisement of the scheme has , appeared in
'New.York. is far is.e are advised; no allusion
made to it,, by mum, In the Railroad and
Honey notion of-the day.: The existence of the
Company was • scarcely known in Wall-street,
until a, recent country Rath failure brought part
-'of its indebtedness to-light, and that not likely
to be ;timid, except at the cost of the innocent
holders of the circulation of the Bank.
. Bat a day or two. slate, we accidently heard
that a, very.latgeaa=ult of Britlih rails, mild
to the of the value of *1.200.000, was recently
landed at this port for toms railway concern in
the interior,and that onattdrd Of the shipment I
: had first beenhypothecated to raise the denier , the Costal:Rouse:end the remainder sold fn
the market for caSh! We do net certainly know
- thi5.tr0.081421021...40 very mapicione in Its
dentils—pan any immediate connection with the
'London programme alluded, to; but the infer
clan is rot an unreasonable one that the object
of the publication of the Letter: abroad, Ina not
el) numb the hope of SICCONI4II cash negotiation,
'as to secure a torcrable barter of the bond, of
the Company for rails. If en, the foreign credi
tors have moat likely been taken in "and done
for:" They lave thabonds, and the embryo
road is without the. rail,. for which they were
contracted. The mortgage is - worthless, and the
mortgagees -witticoat -any other recourse than
upon on empty , ter, and , constructive right
of way..
t• - .
This Is ugly wo win its best estate; and we
fear we , shell have much more of it before the
gamete np—or after.—.l4 Y. Matz.
Dra.tiveas---The Constitutional Conn:aloe,
after a ecorahlng debate, has decided to proceed
with' the:work devolved on it and reform their
CJnatitutionel Convention., Thereoppn three or
four Old:Fogies •loogbcd off, leaving the Con.
notion nfl the better for their absence. Com
anitteee on the eermad,departanente of the Gov
ernment were then, appointed, and the Conven
tion- aditirned over to to-morrow to 'give the
committate time to prepare their reports.—N.
BIWILZH Bertze.-.-flone of our Banking
:Howes yesterday would buy the notes of either
Of the - four 'Binkireported as broken, at any
vita of :discount -, The • impreselon team to be
ftneral that the failure is &bad cue. Itr.g. B.
Doe, who has been redeeming the East Tennessee
money at Janieville ' at I per cent., closed his
'agency yesterday. There was mesh excitement
in consequence. A great deal of this money, as
well al; that of Woodbuns Bask, Portent Beak,
and 'Bunk of North America, has been paid out
on tho lino of It. R. 11. V. Railroad, and the Fox
nod Wiscotosin Improvement. IT. hare heard the
amount in oieculation In this State estimated as
high sas2oo,ooo and even $800,000; but we hope
itygpi prove to bo lest. There!, tub mach res.
sou to. apprehend a heavy doer to the bill holdt rl.
Thu Or e mge.Bank of Elmer County, Few Jersey.
hoe boils discredited, as one of the same batch of
~Banks, hlot we Itsve-no &driers yet of Its failure.
Bernuza-ta,aintsn—Tbere are applications
before the Legislature of Blaine for an inokesse
of Dr i nk Capitarin that State to the amount of
three inatioru of dollars. The bank committee
hare reported that the addition of a 4 mUlion and
a Aaif will do. The - nxisting bank capital of the
State is something over/our - malice'. The bib
hie continues to ezpami.\--V. Y. TWO.
Mows or linear Ton.—Thr Boston Bee .
that the dO,OOO copies .of hips. &omen supple
ment to Uncle Tom hive been.nearly all order !
ed, though the book will not be published tilt the,
Ist of April. It is to contain the \ feats and die
uments.epon which that famous eta y was faun-
DIPAPPOAIIIID.k-APlDthaf girl is etated 'by the
Boston Bee to hive disappeared from that Tien
ty, in the same raysterlocui manner with Hannah'
Corcoran, whose cue has excited such general
interest in Ciamiestoirn, Maui.
"rue -Way of Wit TRANSGRESSOR "—Eliza \
rbeihMlilleras, a colored woman in New. Yerk;is
i et dcr arrest to easier Ono hundred and ninety
one Indio:dente for' robbing, the extreme penal:,
ty fir eiblitt would amount to nearly a thousand'
years'imt.tisonment. '
A liserYosrims -A commercial friend of earn
roesiVed a letter from a Northern Insowsnerfoorn•
pony on the tiny following the destrnethin of the
Alsberne Cotton- l'reis, asylum "We have rein
speedier a •New York company a portion of their
luternst.on cotton in the Alabama Cotton Press
in your city; plena° inform no of.the position."
Answer was seat by return moll that its position
eras verytad, the press having been bent up
the night before..-N.'o.,Pic.
. ,
i ' Now YORK erterfdL PALAC E. New York
1 Jounaal of Conemeroo staid Cumin consequence
of the unfavorable atate of 'the weather during
I.the pain month; and a temporary delay omailon
ed hi:a - want of handbag Mosterials, the Crystal
Palate will 'bat; probably, be ready for 'the:ra
t caption,of artlates before the first of June next.
t ~_
1 , s t Wiew's lamoneaTiox.— T he taxman goo..
lentered .Wt. the -New York Custom House,, liar
weeh, were of she large aggregate valise ofFlve
Ilillions Fan:chiliad:o and bovent,pali Thousand
, Dollars.. The heaviest weekly amount;this, we
I tare yet regletmetitAdthon,h freqneutly called
uponi of late, to report from . .four, to, four and
emelt Millions a Week. So me of the details are
worth looking. it: , . ~ . .
Iron Patrick -
,8631,131 Sugar", - : :$183,242 .
WOolens, . - .6do 672 Teat,,,,_ ;.
Cetfons, 407;383 . C i gars, , -,` . 111,188
hilleillaneaus, J. 828,963 Watches,. ,.44,403
Saks , '-i' . 0 88 , 0 89 ' - ':', -
1 „ Grand teml;far one week,' - ': 5 5 ,4 7c r0 00
z l alsolTfuo Teationts to filmata.—N... Sidthi
7 . e., Whig,urati chorea SPeaker of.the Ittrabiela
' andalureen Friday. Mat,: by a Tote of 881 o: 82:
Spppeae #.3 - Legisteueni etuald . seer itre . Mr.
isclar *team (now.
Connatiedextre of the Dalli rntsh. r ,h
• ii'asnasirres, March 21, 1853.
4 Permed Explanation—Ar._Eue rs tf r Speech—
' Diinis of tie Oteillotine—lir Carter and tAo
Patent Office Nonninatione —Terrible Mortality
oolong Clerk!.
' In my letter Of thelfith, I made Dime remarks
upon Ike reported nomination of Capt. ,Lewie
Carr, as Charge to Naples, which, if construed in
Alau:tonal eerier, would be unjust and inappro
' petite, and which I desire to explain. It mi .
my Intention to refer to his political yretensione,
solely.' I meant to - speak - of the nomination as
•of an unexpected character, because diplomatic
Servics require a certain kind of talent, expert ,
'ear-a:and training, which I . presumed the gen
' tlextum named in thia case did not posttest.
learn that Mr. Carr. ia.not Witlioist political rep,
utation—that he is a conaletent Democrat, and
that he has comb qualiteatioes fur diplomatic
employment Which . give him an advantage over
the majority of applicants for places of that
kind. It happens, however,. thatno nomination
'et all bee been Inalbs for the place in (lutetium
Mr. Everett delivered , anplendid oration
: day, mithenitestione it Wei in the negotiations
crneeming Central America. It cannot well be
condensed- 'He - represented the domestic view
of these' discussion,: that Is, he, recommended
.1 high American home -policy, which, while
_taking care of, linproving and embellishing the
territory we alrudy have, will least manifest
deitiny" a fair and wide field on whickto ope
rate, and to work out its eels., But auabstract
would boa, mere midilatioi of the most flaished
and btaittlfal effort Which hini been heard in the
Benue for years.
It is elated that many heads fell in the Cork
ses and Pension ornate to-dsy, aid. thitt- they
Will drop like ripened leaves through rho whole
of thismonth, when it unopposed that in these
bureaus, the political harvest . will be nearly
gathered In. The President and the Secretary
of the Interior continue to he exercised over the
claims of applicants' for the .patent Woo, Indian
Bareso, and Land Office. " It appears Qua Hon.
John'lL. , Miller, the most virulent specimen of
Buckeye Hunker Iremooracy I have ever Been,
has been sent to Otegon es chief jostles of that
territory. He has been lion. Diehl K Carter's
meet bitter opponent, and being now out of the
way, may perhape give that gentleman a better
cliancolgor ibe Patent Offioo than ho has hereto
fore had; at any rate, his pretenelons ern said
to have been renewed, with some prospect of
favorable result. Though Cal. Gorman hue been
induced to pause in the unmet for the Land
Office, it ie said that he has only let go to get a
better hold, -and that he will renew thewar with
• spirit as noon as the Ornate abaft adjourn. Col.
G. was willing to fall bank upon the consulate
at Valparaiso', but en many others were hot open
the scent of that place, that he is doubtless
forestalled. Mr. Gilmore, though a •warm per
canal friend of Mr. Buchanan, does not bring
his recommendation for that consulate, Mr. 11.
having given has name to aiother friend for the
same appointment.
It may be now aeaumed that the Senate will
close up its executive •bnainess lu a few days,
end relieve the country from any apprehensions
on the wore of its extensive soliaitude for our
foreign relations. •
Little was done to-day towards the filth:fac
tion of our Pennsylvania friends. The Poet
-muter General le said to be delaying the work
of, appointment Mop the nomination of a head
of the bureau, to which that dray more espe
cially belongs... Nevertheless come few heads In
that dieLsion fell to-day, among wkich was the
Whig Postmaster at Dayton, who was gape:led
sd by a Captain King, of an Ohio Regiment in
the Mexican war. Bill Brown, of Indiana, who
has been desperately pushing for the general
mail agency in the West, has gone home, hoping
to 'outlive the opposition which his tortuous
mune in politics has excited. For the presto!,
the hostility of Senator Bright and hi eel has
' disposed of his case. He designs returning
when his enemies chill have retired from rho
field In fancied security.
It is Ado; rumorecrthat Mr, Mayo/may, of
Ohio, was -to day nominated to the Senate aa
Erse Assistant P. M. G.
• N. G. Ciphadt, of Concord, N. IL. was nomi
nated'Conamiesloner to adjudicate claims •nnden
the Isio}reaty with. Greet Britain. The salary
is $BOOO a year, and the expenses of travel, ,
are bores by the klovernment. Mr. Upham is a
nhusc of Gen. Pierce. Cot. J. Addison Thomas,
of New York, was nominated as law agent to the
Commissioner. The eoranilesioner is to sit M
London one year. The decisions of the two
• . _
a paragrap
oomutimioners are to be 'falai, with privilege of
appeal, however, by -the commlesioners them
'elves, in oases of disagreement to a common ar
biter, to be chosen by themselves.
It Is said that Judge Meson, of Tow:, was
210011121ted COIXI6I!36IOLer of Patents. • Title nom-
Motion produces great discontent among a wide
circle of eXpeCtAntl.
A. Dudley Mann was nominated Assistant Se
cretary of State.. lie, was a 'nominee' Harr!.
' son Whig in 1840, and hos been in some employ
ment of a cenfidential character ender every ad
ministration sinee•that time. The appointment
hid been preciously tendered to George Sum
ner, Esq., brother of the Senator from Massa
chusetts, but declined by him. Mr. Marcy - will
now go to work in earnest, doing up his lip!".
many, and undoing Whig incumbents in missions
and consulships abroad.
Hort. Mr: Campbell, a estingolshed lawyer o
Mobile, was aotataalett for Jastice of the -Sa
promo Court, to fill, the vacancy occasioned by
the death of Judge Sicßtaley. Ho will be con
6 dozen or two cUllectore and other revenue
°Moore were nominated along the Lakes., John
H. Harman, of Detroit, to be collector, and so
en. Harman was formerly editor of the Free
Frees. Perhaps somebody, nameless as yet;
wrung in on Mr. Wood's plaits at Pittsburgh., ,
Mr. De Doi, 'the nei Superintendent, dra ws
• very long and a very strong bow. To-day, by
way of getting Ids hand in; Mr. De Dow dieban.
ded at one fell swoop, the one hundred and forty
clerkiemployed on the work, the entire pane,
with the exception of six, left to take oare otitis
records. Well, complaint would be puerile
about this; since the Democrats hove rewired
upon a change, let it be thorough wherever the
best= falle. Since. the Senate, the consent of
the House being exerted thereto, his decreed
the rejection of the mein part of the statletios
collected and. arranged ty Mr.- De Dow's prede
cessor, the Bonner the' other, is closed, and the
work„.brought to a dead halt, the better. In foot,
loan see no excuse whatever for the employ
tient of more than half Wdozen clerks in the es
tabliehment for ae many weeke, to supervise the
work of printing. Juane.
For the Pittsburgh Qatitte.
\ The discussion which has taken piece with
r6peot to the Palle Schools owing to tho
atrium, communication to tiorernor Bigler, has
'giVen`a prominence to the subject which must
be catenated to arrest the , attention of the cam
The Roman birerarch.9 of Pennsylvania is cot
only employed in a crusade egainciihe schools;
but in other Statee we hear of stroller tic ovements.
The Biehop Miscalculates the eentheent of tjte
country, _if_he `sepposes that he can succeed is
overturning the p7ent syetem of public educe
lion. Let the-20 of a majority at Detroit,
speaking through the ballot box on the question
of free education, reveal to Biehop O'Connor anti
hie partizans, what will be the result in other
The Roman hierarehy I eyidently glean op to
a delusion if it imeginee thit, the iltrlefittsll peo
ple are to be hoodwinked by the plane of ambi
tious eccleelainci.
To change the whore echoed system c f the noun
try le requiring rather too mush 8(s people who
glory in free education, endowed with the spirit
and morals of the Bible. The claim learrogent,
but we aro met with the specious objection,--fyou
demand the money of Roman Cathollci, In the
form of aschool tax, Maury out a eyeteteschloh
is contrary to our consciencee.
The pecuniary aspect of the case is what We
wish to look at; to feign a co
the validity ofthe objection. rrect °phases 'to
Conscience is abed guide whoa controlled by .
Ignorance, prejudice, or ambition. What. was'
the conscience of. Saul of Tarns worth. when
_ahe was breathing out threatening and slaugh
ter" against the disciples of the Lard'—ot that
Tar, time he thougkt -he was doing Bode err.
Tide. tine ling the changes about
conscience, and another thing to Ilse under. the
1 totgeinuccd airen!ltbtspco mod zu4 Du GO tiOUTIC.
Ilan ef doty.- •
Theie is some limey apurpeSie to beeccaip
U 4 la tasking en isentc,astoonremppesetWrongs,
.from the practical workings of a gate= to which
Weave opposed. -;-• . . . . .
, We venture the, assertion, that- in a proper
examination of the enieject, It will be found that
tee public owes nothing to tho Coition° Church
on the deep of motley. The amount collected
either as poor Tama or school tax from the Er.
man Catholic population, does not bear any
thing like a prmortion to the some expended for
, thee:. brnant. . .
wa have Boon a statement to this effect no a
paper. Tie heeding of the piety is as fallow*:
The Boman Priesthood in their Tel:efforts to the
poor. The priesthood have always theh
more of baptizing tha n feeding the poor . tee Ife
Mink we can trace the tame epirit in th Ito
mieh clergy in this cookery. In the care of
Boole,-after their fasheoo,they are indefaligabll;;.
in the care of et:daring end fendehed bodiee they
are amazingly indifferent. 0f...431dr veryfgreat
revenues, exceedingly little goes she suppert
of their own poor, *to are I-ft almost entirely,
often solely, to ProtestaLt charity. We hare
yet to learn that any cousideroble aliquot portion
of the relief given to pooped= tows from their
carers or that their own pauper.' are Indebted
to them. in any considerable degree, for tempo.
ral relief. On the other hand, they aro untpar
log in their peconiary.demands from the poorest
of their took."
The Btehop may talk about the wrong of taxa
log Catholics for the schools, hut he had better
look at home, and let figures speak note the ex
tent of the pecuniary demands from the people
to creel the cathedral on'Orent's bill.
Bishop O'Connor may hare a low estimate' of
American mind to detest his quibbles and sepia.
Isms on the echool question; but one thing is
known, thn the Catholio poor are not sustained
by hls church; neither aro the Public, Schools
kept in operation by her contributions.
How preposterous is the - pretension of Bishop
O'Connor! Lot-him to ell honesty tell the troth,
,em to this pecuniary harden. With respect to'
1 Catholics being dampened to pay the tax „levied,
' wo would ask bow mach Is the country tett:Ani
-1 Led (in the way of bearing the public burdens)
1 by the thousands of railroad men, who are birds
1 of passage, here to day bat off to-morrow?
The Aheeasor takes the names of this multitude,
I bet v7hat is of the Collector, when be
' undertakes to gather the taxes? The answer
will be in the language of the law, 'nos elf in.
Let Ireland, in the day of her Barre', wheri
pinehlug famine blighted the land, testify
mias to,
the fact,that America has a heart to feel, di
In 0
h d t : that
suffering humanity, wherever
found. We grudge not that money Is collected;
Ih, the way crux to help the poor of the Cellono thumb, and to edalate her children. It is
, the relate of the geepegpqo do good to all men,"
—the claim is powerful. But whilefthis is so,
we enter our protest to the charge that Catholics
are robbed of their money. There is such a-thing
as making a piteous cry_ef a suppoied wrong
when there le no cause for it,
The Catholic church has a perfect right to
establish denominational schools, but let It pay
for them just, as other communions do, who dee
sire education upon an elcieslastical bads.
Cititeu's lisraranto company of Pittsburgh
IL D. KIND. flamers;
;emu:7.G L. itiatserrax. DDYT•
°Fluor, ss WATER, BrrwEezr nessrr AID
/4- /NZT4RA ❑ULL AND calm) /IMES ON TUI•
es , bubo ob oyertrat ban or damage by naic Ap
am..terawya. V . Ob 31L and LYLAND NI final VON
ona mks 41VIztimm.
DZICZo : To7 11 :
Jo E.111:3 '
• Wsa h. .
i;.,bert Duwap Jr
rnult. 'Wm 11. it 74
In.. al.
Mrsses. KTan & CO. have just received
Gr. beeirrel dozen of Cleneyerlg highly perfumed !LONNY
&dew& et.priilpg: lb. ordinary llomy so.yS MI6
muted limit Wddr.r. talk Prune Winder. Winter
awl Muer h'eurrlh4 Nome. It la mlraltled by all. Med
Ch.... , &ars lb. Guest ha Lb. .. , rl.l. ' mhl
£1 NOTICE-51. :ticCiviLlY *ould in
bra hie Moods and the yobbo generally, that Le has
"emoted LI, 4Eolce ;loci of Cli/A8.3 and TOBACCO, from
Lls cld eland, Ili Wader Meet, to the Boom ho. 1:3
under the 31"noniehole Henna next doer to the TB,-
laturrnr., Coconut,. where be will endeaeor, ea
Lao/tarry, keep oho of the beat stroll of Los 'toned
Cigar. In the ray. He flattery bland! thet the ohylk
Claaes as 4 T.164 -r) he Is In the felt of a:feriae for Fil.•
are roMelently Well lowan to need tooth*, reaomends.
bon to mourn for Lim, at ids new Asal. the same patron.
_b, mealyed ad hie format *lie, et pastime. Teo
Ago* anted by lie. hl l Leoie lave Bllla-dfr. Jonathan
flansham, n 1 We Uolvd. Vain inenty,llllnolt; *tit.
to Ite ptleptlatore; that he Lad snared tautly from
Myna and protritted eitiot CI Yen. and Annq and no
completely radiant to health by the wort the Idearrhlj
aloes.. These novonabonahly peace, great rani*
prow:Or, sat cat be Laken site deli let ladtantue
Oltlay disease, reeeh,az Inylgoretlng stnidl, bat tba
Lir:tr.f ills stand Lire eminent ee112111.4.1 rettetlor
dleomenlrel h,.,. to b•olthy artletn beet, the •Atrei
celebrity they fere attaloaL •The nomeroo formfdabla
dhow. erfairg from . dimmed Urn, "Oath co Icon
bottled 11.10 ef Olt most ozolowt lhte.r:ara• to the.
Unite' ttabre, ere no. rendered eat, °tante, /Leaks to
the ito Or nod per averanoe of the dlealentubbecl blysielao
whoa. came ibis neat medi.One Lrare—a' cante,ehlrh'
.111 doaand to onGtrlty te one drowning 'of AreLltnta.
ThG forst:obit meClolte aboold Caere be key. within
t... t b, cod co the appltran"e of the raffles!: ryotptinse of
dlata"..l Liver, It rat Greeley and aGfolly admlnlebyed.
It may Le bad from all drontlela and meetbants
team and country, and 'thalamic not retell from
st;V- ire believe Nature bai provided a
ve,•4 7 for I very dtven, eaten feel lo /wiz ton KIRICK
PETROLCUJI cr ROCK OIL:pot It Eye.. from Om
groat ha... Mary. concealed Jeep In the !teat, of Mother
Earth. he, without dsult, ono orihe grezteet of Melee
remedies. Rent the follnerlan teeny:lous e .(11.1 'IT
gyetefal parent:
r. ELM Eler— fq
h . t il i h Sam sl O a t r Sp rPo b r o M um
or Rork 04. some to mouths
sweet to and hare bou 4.14 ,
100 for your .not to get a forthar aorta/. wool .idts
...d OW. dawn mom. Ws hate Mood' the VII wary
...scaliest la Ilos and Dysentery. Dlr daughter, at. the
time roar ageot wait tuft. au Isles very . Sow lrit# th e
gum I 01100 ber • tastrgettfuL• and to [tr. hours gars
the sremol, aOl the dux ttuppol. sod shift. mrered•
Immediately. It Is also in satracillusrr retualr• for
17,71'0":11L'Ik41 % "I tOlt . itg:: ' de fr o u gt . 41 . .ve.1=7 / .
Thum wlth rospect..• lilac =mem.
Pb, sale DT all Um Drutonsto lu lltf.lhortto.
fog Rama advortlalog Patroitum ulaaa•lfour.l •
Mike 23 Wood Ad, between Ist aid 2nd.
- i llA work warm:trill equal to arm knounduredlin
AND DZALEII IN onpnln, nurrxii, AIM Ac.
HIS 5L11,11,11 tH
Twelve doors abov . e Mater
• .
Between Third and Fourth,
aeddy dank ambracot ovary variety and
Riylg , 02 Ikrots.Strae. d I net tram
T.: ;.I ' .7g , .111.1.1NrIf t
(Adm . ,' ..opsft.str timonaar WM. Ihzet or
4.lptas No • IC.A. rurelubler• VIII vino. c0111...4
examlem buying.. WO •
Spring and Summer lionneti - .•
TAMES Y. TAIINEE;No. 5( Wocotitrebi,
would mil the ettentlen of Milliner. and othreeor
tut to 1.11 eettio. to hie large wort/nen/ of nuttni
.ir i g:L. 7l , 2 i nine lbt the cozen,. moot.. :ateta , lveur
Now opening a /all4O /11111 entirely no*
Stark or Irayarted and Ary-rtican Curet.. together with
everything twangy kept In • Carpet Store, CO the lowing
ea& priers. '
.foriiilc I..KIANI .....;:-..-.-...._. .i. ,0...,n)6
- .
11111.41` WlLSigt..-......... :.....EDWARD anEll . REMOVAL. '
nAnDwAnE, CUTLERY, tto f& I
Have removed to their nem and ,iztensivb
Marv, 64).62 Wool Ann. foot door/ atove thy lit.Cbarlig
!Joni, wenn/ tbeir onetnnert. And toorobants6rencranl
2 nilaTi til co an ei•lnlnatlon of the mut nolopitto mon .
nnonl ....t off.ted In the Cl:,. fian-
. le the hind or testimony as to the value of one atm.
anon which we can confideutly rest the reputation of oar
work. We hoe. already published several. ceitpeatei,
of.ving that Safes made foe our regular audAkinsiy
salsa and sold abroad, hare been rubieet4. to ay
and preferred their °entente totally, treeFfrom deroaai The .
0,11.010 g ((another motet the fol.n loconteetable.
character,— •
SATED . Virrill A $4O HARE!
.4.1.1110:1; Ent COUNTI,
Nue. Beau* neause,Dea v
n l our two s
were duly received. .I.fatea, absent at the time. I would
grtirifilfrt t and ri MileBell,butgljlitstgl7.ll,4ll.4
mmang at lOth a/ Just. lost—my stare building
• Is g bwruid to ~bee. WU final of I S awl Wet-,
e foie Shea...tory building. Mr mde[e r leff la It at the
time of tawere, and fell taro the et. 1.1 , w h ere
I,,yr 0 11 V tip ' l A` 1 t .73,ft gi
in the Yak.
olmovinted to about Tea , Thoneaud pallor., whfen
eared. TLeoff ofm not 0 evk Dtper feuoyed_and farther.
I arotthi 04010. 3411...P.00.0 Who le doing; anginal, to ioSO
00 time, hot hey waste to keep their Dame.... in—eed
U. ' 6 " 01'0 Yint=l4.ll'"l4'44_
, . , • .mns
' 4rar yr ISt ft—Penang wiatting to ptu ,
e6to Pkila6S Wrau LIV:1021 of all deledgforWpati
joimhzt. can Dinah thina;st tbo Immt Welsh o t9 c A ppi,m5....24, bu il . c h a i n rime .
=.: AAOOB ri;r;Xlim ;71).a ea. na....4 prw, bE
ihh2.l o4" A let. OA
loan $3,000
. .
. . . .. . . ,
'7'-'lSr. Wasrao—Threo thousarid dollars, for
three rare. tribierourr4 by tuertgagii. r.looninbenq
real ertsle for whirl. a :Ibiza' interest "rill b. pal& In
quire it tlaobire. niqUilt
stZi- Pirrssu4crt COMPAItir.—A
telveduz of thilltalkholdert of tlu Pittaburgh !Utley
Comniuy of 11lluan held, at the Eke= aver tha
llayor'e Olne, es WEDNIZDAY. the '21`.1 luatant, at
O'clock r. far the Perimee of oruanlalug clubrt the
general !Pining lam of 511vbhtan. Punctual a.tteodanto
lc requa•ted.
By order of the Po.rd
Mr. Bra 4dvertiaem — int of Mormea Cordial,
Interttteut• /II the City of Pittsbargh
mart:man 13. TO MARCO =, 1531
Diansur. -ideate.
eraerunaPl Jr-
Them., of heart
or rue.mrr TIME IC/1“:
Slides )'—fertutlear.—Whlta 9—Colored )—Total 10
17 order of the lloar.tof Health.
. V. I t
Threciaa to Board of Health
,lo.l7 Lltu 'lf
eh+ rant* on mett.
I m s II 6n a
drrivtl of Gentlemens' Furnishing Goods.
e" subso2 iber •tegs to intimate that to
-b., l e Vrtiaft and Skttonl^
I . 4 LV:4, l ' 4o ll 4 4.4' w omrgri, r y,f.4:
74 Wool sinet..ootllle 1411,
lb ( MESTER. ;'s s stud, to please.
Michigan Southern Railroad Line.
• giagggaiA
rgIIIE 'shortest and beet route from Toledo,
Chicago: Milwankle, knots on Lake Ilichisan.
Via. Michigan Southern !nal Northern IndWma Rahrosd.
Through terTidedo In 7 hours. without landing.
One Or the staunch cod commodious Upper
Cot.lo TROY.Cap/ J. SI. Parton; SUPERtOIt,
Capt. W. D. Wilklnesn, ln connection E th ane Michigan
noathern Italleved, leave Clevesand 05 o'clock, I'.
W. on this arrival el the Inform Train. Toledoncinnati.
Sittabufsb astilbo aaat. boot:salon at with the
sharp good for Chicago. bMtlar throokh Adrian. 11111..
dale.Coldwater,Bronut/ White Plgeom, LJoaeph, /loath
Senti, elithawabevan
Eptlrottato froth C Southern Chlor, 17 bowl.
nu Mahlon Retrofit i s new, lald .It
• bvavv T rall.and In perfect order. No palm will he
sared by tb. Managers of ttio tor d, to ,
In p to too of tha toot rya's. to travel In taaHoo conntry. mat
wirilagnragetotv•yed free of charge. by mains! It to
fIuA.M., and abetted tbraugh from Cleveland to
rthiOrary ' 4 l t l :; k tt i
Yor theater inkrthation or freight 0/qt/racy. arply to
• bablildf
T. A 0/qt/flak.
Monothraluila House.
LL ; PERSONS aro •hereby cautioned
e_ -.Wert order of tor a NOTE drawn
yka to the order of 0. fa Jamipoo, for Twelve Ilona navel
and CeolhAbins. ;laud Jan. :lib. VHS, payabia months
aoar dam. wltb saterett.•a payment has beet amt.',
tele Nota baring Poo Jon or sto ea.
dI I LARA .MORELAND; or. Adventures in
the rar bontowest le the tale of • new novel by
none. Bennett . She lath= of "Java! Western Telef. -.
Lew af Quiet owl Ills haostlem. by hew J. Fleetwood:
ISemrs . Ilbranolotty of the Amnia's, &age. from
• 3.52 to Mb
Woman's Life; or. the h•tlals of Calnier. by Emily
• • Oahu
peak numbers of Putn
1.4 •11001101 am, awl all the other Eu.-
VIICJiI lamas tla s ; ants. at If. P. Vtll,..g i TlL .,.
N D Stew i•A''" t: wall be
twatlveil 8000! lb:eel:P.4l4 P. U.
— IALMER, WA sl' rt es •-•
ARMEIt WANT D—Either single or
turreted.. nputs. of 1). MUGU.
ire tdr Alleyway trim milas &Dm Pittsburgh.
To Let,
j[N Bloomfield, a mile and a half from the
car,,,,,,mit,r HOWLS. one nary and A
e [ ' jar AA 4 4 IVA fiTO . L Pt! 11M :13 '4 6: M 174
yea.; with treat one ea. and • bed to tour end • hair
eenesol hound at the beat quality. /eatable far • .pee
gereen, Watch may be but tor • term of pen. It.
.1. rarreasua.
tob2.llf ldereheeellle.
To Rent
an an. In tba rlt.b Ward.a Mtg. Ito rtm•r• haiu:
ram, nith rbmta Mats natal It, d•rning. Immatre
011414. ninth Ward.
Fara for - Bale.
ITUATED in East Deer Township, Alla
`hat =ant/. 23 nines from Pltutburgl. ant Stall..
tom marms, nava. 'cm mining Kat amm a. ...tarn
%bore ta • amari FtLAMM Gt./MIL:a atabitt 60 6:31.
i „.;,7Pultf-ierfaur 1.4.1,. 51.1, sabresibez U,.
ta4m4 CAWS'. .11)1111ttON !UV tr.
'1E1:1131101DERED CAMBRIC lIDSSS, for
tw mt. —4o.dtarn of Mr.. eteats Mkt. Just toedes t Inn. Wknioni." it:lrnat gnat. LlMabribi
*lf • . frubMj_ I. fr. YEAZIEtt.
GLES--Suitablo fur brig. and tientb torn , Is re. In aszthralag mil berm..
porno. aoo af tray rot breaching Um
Irma:M.4r to. WI. nohaer L.Pwi• o. Iln Market aunt
mvtl. • U. Inttlta.lrb.
IiI•EIE genuine article of METALLIC RUB ,
n rteAS and altar Clottlow•saanafartund
ens •or ar's Paint. .1 aria at the / 41:a /tubber
:no. 114 Itarlototnast.
rolorr J. At U. PILILLWB.
COATS, jonketA, Panto, and
blaet—as low so sart 1. tul to
708 en, 01 Md. 1101.1117. J. a U IPS.
, /IS blark s t owtot...
BAlNk 7 sroTlfis-LTYibares of Lichacge Rant: 23 an. Ilarrlimots'ar4 Ilaraofootarors' Bowl:
Ior•SN Itahrl:l4l N. !touted • e+6lo.
at l'ockat a>s WS. Sims Iloslto,
N lb. month or work. at r.i. ay J. 1.. WLI..DIO,
/14000lr old atztoner.
r. 4.21 04 Wool otnot. b a t . .. ,Third wool rs owt h
IiUN - L - 47k6 DRIEST—New edition, 10533
Lit rnlP roo% az4 for foam br
..1 03 TraNl Mtn., ad . ,.. R
o'rnrLrl .4r
tITTKR—fI. bbl.. lresh Roll Butter, this
riaMty stlirrai. arid h
UhNtri U. cotutta
stveLEs—a. bbls. prime Oren Apples,
in goal oe.u. tth day mfd br
fiksitT 11. 01LLIN9..
H OPt2 bales fresh llog i r t 4oksa c to L t i g as.
irfollllC CHIMNEY TOPS-21.10 of v . a.6
.- 062
""'". I'4 ah
• gb Wo.4ll.thret.
Allegheiky • Gown' , es.
011 c0.1.1)10N1 V E ALTII of Penn
arleart,a. to Annottsro. Ad
olnrator acne non"of Mr notate
`l.-r of ANY DvruSCronu. Iot• of Upper St.
if t t = l :t r reVt: d . E iriir ' itil ' :e .' 7.l . thl VI!
tea tat aectten of an Art of Areatobay.
sold Vounetratalth. entitle). `An Act to <nate • alai-
Ica fond. sod to prorkla tor'lhe oraltral and certain
thilnattlaborent of 0.1,1011 rd th•Commoorealtb,^yaraed
e 10th dar of OHL A.D. 1019. you aza hereby cit. to be
rct topear toil. Alrzandorpoota
. rrann.haah 7 ty 7 ter
ivral :41ita ol 4:„ reiril.4.r
there to 'how ih•
da• by errata oraald derradrntadOnld not be pjd. Det a in
Given under it, hand and scat of oia , of Prtrabareb,
tbla Ltd dap of Match,
nthflatintarate A. ItlellAnDelN. Realstar.
49118E1u:up County se.
~,, s t Il VOMMONWEALTII of Polio
lu artrsola , to boles, and all ntber• In.
..y . er treed ref
Lc the Estate or JA2I/2.4 10111 6 / 2 13
et ~ .t, tat. of Alleahene county deeer•td—ln
• parattanon Of the Ort. o. ool.lse*DO CI•12 Act
....„, of Morcott), of add (.I.cantonrrealrh. end.
.4 1.103,.An Act to create a Coking rood. and
to proved. fur the gradual and rondo ea 00201 brottt or
the debt. of the Ooratnennealth." paned to. 10th day of
Areil, A. U. 1249, Too are hdebr Mtnt to be and appear
ir.e lri t: 7 3 'll4oill.s'i':lcf '''Aplrll;-'b.,.."rell.'42l°'lBd3ll,.iftfej"nnrit'bsitrth.trtrel?e'rE‘bllo‘if
eaves Irby the to:lateral toilet Ponca Yea. doe by es:ate
of •a d deco tear. aboa Id out be pa d. detain Inittb.
Olsen Armlet ley baud. did dal of office, at Ar t arab.
014 33d day of Kara, A. U.lO S.
Dthl2dll.l•ltSl A BICIIARD2OII. /ladder
ilirogheny County a
• . t,,, gIOMMONWEAL'I'II of
-4".t0(,.. " e.L'o:.;7lgl;::A.'l:louVilL'Zirar,
.4___A . ... f p i ` lolriti.:l7l7:Pit' 47 aV f lT l P".",',7 -
... \.. 77 , aellonbly. of raid Chmroontreadlt.lendethrolf,
An Act to ceertre a ranking hand, and to .
L77,Tvgllbh.tolfoW:oV.ZintsiZt re pot
Itt ° lT4l gi
Atoll, A.O: /•12._ytin aro hared' dial to t o sod appear
before Airmaarter lttobardeon. lion4der for the Pr , bate of
Misr, ke.lo and I , r add county... or before MONDAY.
to. 2.5tb Jar 00.3ard,•.0. 1133. Inert and then , to rttow
room .Irny the oollateral Inheritance Tar. doe by end*
Cl foil decedent, skald not be pahl. 11•re10 tot not
th t i r s trArt: l ll:cdr o r f =l . l k ri li tal . of airs, at rittabargir,
nab212124a4121 A. PICUAUPSON. Plodder.
INCORPORATED by tho Legislature of
i = . 1 . 7 . 1% , :c . the Commercial College acting
"!011.10 Or TRCITELB
Unebtogn. tato Ere meaty 01 Stat..;
lon.ini Wain Milan& late ainretary of Wan
Hon Moon Hmapioin
lion. 'Wattar Loner;
Mon. Chad. Naylort
Una J.K.lloorlaad.
' •• •
.tualook Keeping. and, NACU.: on Lawmen's
:Ch.M... • '
.I:V.l{lll . u:cy ['rotor ilorcatalle and Ornamental Pen.
N.B. Notch, Lag., aloha l'lttalawb Dar, Prof. of Menu,
P. n
1. 10., A.M.. Prof. a mat.tta.
-Thlala cnnalderrJ them. : P tbi . Vl 4 , "
d`ti f trti:lf 7 TiTiiitg'
11 by the Moat eminent moreontne antitontlee 1n the
t of
cow:l4l.lnd of the Prinolpol as • Proctirol amentotact.
Ae etpernome T•ober. and 11.101 Author: ae ako of
ht. collomene, Mr. Wllllstoo SA ev Penman, be Muni
I ! ' s.l.lllcrejoic ' HlTß : l2. l P 97 pp . nar.
Pent edition, poles St 60, pootago,l cents. ..The mat
perfect eanntinaton of Comm erMol Bolcom and Practice
Mon $l, penmen 12 cents. .A paha System for Sten.
ouch nooks one Amonote."
'r -- ---
I,IT DIGDY; 1:81 Liberty SP street, i , siLttow
v nvd,tag .le:oak:ere( RlSti GOOD fine
Clot r. 43menuntue.• and ie•tsio. Mala and to ; the
Faellef Omde moot rune nod beautiful style, nil be
Wier. at Mullaney...atm, end MALI •up m the t uld
t 1211r.6 ttliOlt• r.
soprrin tend e tbe ind
• •le are Dom{ to eke. Sit. ne lb early ea . -
. i•,, \ — 7 --- 7--
Stationary .Engiees abd ilailre Irdii
km' Oar-
p i ru • Cott .t PirteAl.3, , attib 3. Ow the /1/ , 'ltch a\ air
rtia ' d itht. .ad .Railroad,
•e ZGs '''N'as.', , k;rh . A i r i Ai. r ih;
- old Hoed.. now .called, twee° eptulklira . the
Itet. of Platte No A. 't., \
P. l 7ol2lldes/rous of snatcher ow one oreinter of the Sta.
iloortry Eneleew or toe whole, or partvn , the rellottad
Bar or Cettruut. • 11.1 pinta& Itr :pi chleo itmeel:e hi
tb. undetra"gned. at tbe rtSu ctu.;\CratohrkjCoetity. Pea *
a - nape Itte nein To-r o t...a, to b..", .o Ittre.oh Stow. ars t
Ba a . ne . e ed a 'dors .ditkor..d th rewit . Blot irtftt D. ,
ton 'or the ralorce..lll.: alai the pepo ger toeSpr the old
Caottotro. 't o
Bid ten will !We the quataitty of it \ (at earl i &atilt ,
Von) do -lt.d laud the rotor et which I /0 to be Ittroroti•
" will be
d "''' 'PKWIIIIIYS P . 7§ 'a Ira.,
.hr, t , j New Bowl to soold Annual Flaw.a..l. Vt. ER
ohaitieli ra 'atd Gii3 neet t
es. ~,
ri i IS.E aubrcrit k ro are riorpeetrre at Mar
ors Warrroobt as 139, First s feet. tattoo.. ' , Cook
an ItroithbelJ, that Barron 116/14 , 11$ PI or Nicser,
LIER.o, BRACK Iit'S.TF.XDSINTS.aII aril. II .12.
aested with teas littiourer offered irt [ht. tor teat.—
Ile•tots arrartgemertta lial. Pby width tbey will e eon.
steetly to receipt of nob. attests ani 'rleUeol. they
71Tec ti r j . '{ll'ertt:e d= i ttlg XI p e:lolt e. lirt beg
tt :r\th
in the West. and being prikotteal Site Ftttero. Ma .t.
Ne111:11i adrartisesee to thardeelrlaz arritdre JP this lid!
Wo ce stUnue es heretofore to t Ilt up building's of erer
th jell th al f ase of 71 ittr t, or! rnippi Iy.
.h..,,,e., ratzerrraw,
/to, 109 First etteet
A. srunss.
• •
r I I II. ,II OIIIYSEED-25 b :llama
Jit mh irt toned mod tor,4a l o Of
Jost roo.'d from the PMllipmille a 1 0 loth laMory.
I.t 001 made XL Z.O. 40, and 40 1 oche. la oi Ah. for sMe In
may qmmtitlee, at No. 11021 m too on 2 o
I OVi — l - f , IifiTESWAI4. PAPEI 20,001.1
rNA alma Maar Pap, id.,,a. § .. rnu:r d r : If=
d r f.llr..interW44 Wor ' . ' monso, Nn. 0 . KAM
Mush betworot Third mid \ Von:Lh mrott , , by
onto= , o , ~ 111 , .011.114 r ,tL aft
reel—A e•rr besatlful Americo-W..on th e Sprier:
l for eele by \ llO3l ,ritt.kl.
nfIENE span CARRIAGE,or WAGUNrt. t _
or BORE ES—Pour and six ream Jet‘b../44.3.
,or ..n1 mutch 'al well., Poe b 7
.¢.23 - s J. AZ &
READ 3 , rorn t • caon 'ost—
LL Boacrs HYPERIO' FLU/W.—We here repeatedly
frofnpokca In Geo; Of thin celebrated arile:e for the halt) and
m the praise of tb• ne who base no el Kole belleie were
404tthed In dolok we we Ott:wore threrfulty glee
orlon, the other preparations. In We.
err:Wont, as one of the can;
nil Ltt;srhy..vedift,rtnist eltht moo the sloes I lost
belle Cl the end 01 t t tt x ttrOT. ' l ;:orsteeedh" head
tit7itt v es ' O l i °l7
11 l
Plull of D. Soots. Jr.. ktho.. the...teats In
Worthen, Bluth th en. I /1%.. teed It regularly. nod
atletly aceordthe to din:Oros. ln CqVS•OIOI.. of which
ho hair bus steered all o'er M 1 head. It le now about
an 100
Itlttf:r flTe's.thfirtTlni Tnannrcr 11'"
Bold only br WILCOX &
nth= 84 Market street. and 808rolthaell street.
NDRIES--5 bbls:WriitTtTlyi
20 krcelth. I Lard: 10,dos. Colt 11l
150 Us Neehals Potatown 70 bat. Cloversoed.
000 pes new Harm. smelt 200 Dry Appteet
Ith boxes prime Chew, \
store and tor tufa by
_ • thaltDl] /DON WATD CO.
.NDOW SlriDES—The largest d
, boia astortinant In tae nitre wlnilesain .1 mail.
at Nov 116 Blanket atnet
nita. \ I. PUILLIPS.
TABLE COVERS--Pedlere Vad lionse
ke,tin ay. tenu•otinl lirt/ iiantaine nur plonk
riNO the Honorable the Judc of the Gene,
C INH Homier &Mons of the Ps ca. In rink for the
only of!.
" The portion of tIEOHOZ ITHUTTTHo por„.o.,
gElisabeth lope toonlyaforerodd ii but r Jab
i r.reth , t, it
rl lir oL ! o. 47l.lrtl ' orr :ritt.;;" neot i ltori. '' srld •
doodling house to the Ward aforwuld i eed NWT. niat
Jour Honors will be pleand to rnt him a Ofoorwe to hare
reg,7,°::41,111i1.741.6m°. '' teltii ° ol l , cfga,
We, the eubeen brew filiZOL a of the Bora. of Y/Iss-'
Toth, do •,rtity that the atorcretitiorar is reente
for Icel.-sty end temperer/Is, sod, ts well emrldrd
with bousarotro and coneentenoes for the setcarnpdatlon
.4 lorrend of Mangan, and tratetem and `. that said
Loan IA necessary.
Jojhoobt Warlist'S'Ori:M"..lB."artrbliti,j'.lli;:kilin"7.
if wth r 1.,,,,,! . w:R . mice, j...aoploaste. W.M.Clearheor.
decree Ir. Ilennloir. ' f elb.Mrdzi,
T II KPI - 6.-
-(1) 1 1411'.'11.EtE P Z E ."-".. 1 .!-,... i .
! -11, .. , v 2,1 " 1 "4 , °°'::,1.1`i:',`ES1,111:'L";Stlf h t.
numerous elan whose nay& hate heencbaut ed br We
'improved schooling. ..I the papa u lea vett and fatal.
none of the lut twentydeatN a tod who er now eta e,
:=l° i liT 9 ;h hi tt e elt d tsg . cLl!!:rf ;',•%4,21::10117.
Penns •ce brace Illstfry.Arens...le‘.,g, br, &lean..
il.• Indusstial and /los Arts , the lealipc tot nt In Serial
0 eon: snr . . bream Wi th crtticina a a tic, takonaj oars
bito. sad other brancasa of etegant Lteratnre
each ren , sios distinct .04,3 e. Pub.lstadr , J. W.
! Many. la) Chesnut target; Yhtlalelyhtaf to to hid of his
At the Eagle HOW, Llterty etreet.flna urgh
13-All oders enflecten the Inoue . tet dressed th•
anew, ail' he punetnallyaltendatto. The Trad• eat lied
at the Issue! duronith • lachtl4 t
lIVI i I4 I I - I.TON'S ri ll i Iji E i ST—i- i N i rr !...lido
sred he exyntre. far sale by J. It. 'WELDIIY, Der
t6 \
91/oksellet and ntaticoir.
53 Wcod ttreft. between 94 •nI 4th.
.A ,, nfi i 4 ,° ,l• l :6,7l`,.n.`if;',':gr a 4 lf
9 4 1, 1 7' ' 1 'lnvtyr..d Civet. berti j OI I' IstI LI II N i akte:
N EW BOOKS--By Exs!, r3niirill ago— Harp
Ur*. of Alasaatirr end SVIIIIant Yen tltunlndit. by
Jalletta Ricer. with pertraltfl
Interviews thEnorable &hi Useful, hr Dr. 9 s. 11. Co
rel. 12101:
Th • thetelr , of Necro.Zo , l tot. Abbott • .
li i h(e1411 IterpTrogi-4"L;rt, Dakr (Tilt-Impale'',
li. Cum. ed.:b7 ii , • , . 4.... Y yr . 1:•„„„,„ .
abal tf0.74 Scorch itreaL
a 4 pied Laws el Psnoryleania, from Ow lea, lied to
October tbd2. ehronelooleally, arrawv.i. with • times :bad
rfenwite• to all tr. //toeless, *if the, harreese Court of
Pennorircola. elzlea,e , utrnellan to 011 1 Lin, with •
Irv,. end mina, lades. 1 hfid adlOon. corobilwl by
lea. Ddrilor. of Pirtabarch. Sba• &Lel ehe rale br,
• zolit__________l d L 11E41.1 it Focirtberecti.
J. L. . • .
41 U. if Contemn..., by rt l2 aWilltera Erath. anther et
F with). Leadlort Ouse, COI Notee Lod • IsbaselY, eta bode-
Issi the Lusa Careitrbr Jellnasrl./. Fison*: Log, alth
addltlotai eines and noWerowes to Lacitth •ndAinetan
~,,5,„,,,,, th e pegepe t
he be isollsta /leery bawls, Sic
We bz J. h. WaLD/Y1.113 Wm., street
ash,' between 74bd and Ironrit,
• •
NEW BOOKS—Just rek.r B ak
eliceF ft .
u o orth lan et—
'rod•Ff relth. by Hooey RcacrO
. 10 , , ,,P01ef heblowt Library. in /0 vole. ; •
.1. L. 1.11:ED. It /earth &trot.
ci ARDE - N a n d ISVPTC3Fr73— T W
k.I bar °soot cwortaient of OiWils. Loot.
we= reiebtated Garden of It Islay •
.Prodeoie, N.
Y ; ale:, a large awintaient or Iln:gire 4
ow da. ftwoa Iterbestar, rat op In largo acit arol/1/ nest
ayes. aril at rriewi as low aa goOd &ooda ran fart
anywhere. llarbet Uudenars ore Inviod , o eel 441
tIII:V. oar met L. ITILOOX. A CU.
.. eLrater of /lithe/ Meat axl the Olirsiolal.
D R YE 'F LOUR -- To•arrire, and for iiifo:lri .
b= LIENItY 11. catmics, • • .
Zi /yawl atrvet.
RUNfS 0 Ap o , nos landing Iron
j Mal S-15 boxes in store, foraale by
4 EONS - 15
(Stith DICKSY & CO.
CIREASE-40 bldg. in store, fOrsala by
k.2_nih22 • MUM' DICK'S:4 t s..XI.
nital IS.LIAU PIC/CEP —• A CO.
-- -- ----- -
‘II:IGAR 110 USE — 110 LASSES—Fo, safe
Y. le.. to do t . • conni - nment. by
teetAn hiCKLY • OM. \
Water and Frontons... •
---, -
910 the h Judges honorable the Jud of the Gene
-I,d (Mart, Possione of the Pence. In and for the
county of Allegheny:
The Quillen of JAhltd 8 1 1ANNON, of the Third Ward.
; . i t h: ol l'a ta y M ne l " byeltthliZ• 'hlttL.66ros"Vti I:i7obeereybra;
tuatermis throttle wcaramodetiou ow I.:reign: sad anon.
at his tenoning bone, In lb. Ward atareeaid and prays
that your !loners trill b. pleased Witment him %Vetere
of and
" ' "Li-
We, the mbeeribms, <Wren. of, the Well aforvuld, do
cerrify.that the atm. petitioner it of Loot »puts for hon.
•Sty end temserance, and 1. ereli.rrosidial with Nonni
room and conesitiences for the accommodation am, SWF.
inn of .Manners and trarelltda, alost raid LIMP le
James Slot:tooth. T K. llsbkorLJ.O. harkofen.o Mortwell. /norm IL Itwehort, J. J. Vetter..., Lloyd. G. W.
SPA cult,. Jam SUM. Thomas thrues.Vtilieni Limner.
E. Toy ulee.
~ Linhnt-It
TO the honorable the Jndgss a the Court
' E. of General Clamor Beseions Othr Pew" In and for
Um county of Allenhen
rho volition of ALBS. 1 1 . 1 1 08E1/73, or !Iv Vourth
Ward.ysiti=7TlVr'ArTsctrP.erreriTm. tibt'lnciiilrgel.;
for the menslinodmion of' taveler, a d °them d r, ma
de:el:lair hottest la M 6 Ward atmcs MI ; sal prey th at
g: ItINITIn i t Al Viretr t ifjg t i : I , l ' r b!' tl o
our po ,
tinter. MA 10 dab bound, wil,/ , fia
ont i m , Gusnr* ,
EnnaWe. the under:signed. titian. of % Weed L.,,,,twa1:1,40
that the abort pethioner I of good pate for
hmmerywnd tentrmaneo , and is woU romled vi'llft hon.*
root and conrenisticse for the mcw: Mod:Pion and imis
noz :I . :li r rangars and trade/en,. and, Ilt 2,1 d ttyern ts
demos Pat.on, ie. /7 lll'Douuht lINIS rot, P. l Oat
-.ay. John Counoun WIN., roanos,ko hitillitg.
Wil laro_lll-111,L U. U. 8011, A..Jmitioi• WArbls.yrc
Mantis Connolly.
lt ,LF_Pt‘_T% . l l ,
bite glEP...ll.°ltif7:l..i'b' ,etat%(:ctirreil4l,
it t o?cUl t a:glT)? .. """ \ a r PCi-lat"at.";/-.\o
.b 2/ , set strnet, co, Trout.
borivr a 3___Red..b7l !quaint:Ache, \pl
li 'rny 0112 rat:l2lg, fur We pr
ARD OIL—We have acoapted the agency e
alltr; sr a =LC it a d tg l afv=iltnle. "'
nail J. ACI100.1&t&HEB, & CO.
nORAI-15 caeca Refilled Borax, for sale
b 7 Imh2lJ J. ECIIOIIvIt/ESI: & Ca..
I AMP BLAOK--30 bble. Luna Black, for
141 W. by ielb:l3 J. ECIIIOJNMAKI:a a co.
13ARIS ciREp:N--„"s, brand7.l.oo pane
art .t tir rale
mbtlrer7,a'l:.a'l". ffrdrItbSSIAKEIt
kJ order, for tab, by
24 Wool strm
,tlime pram i Ott :tea and tor ..1•10, i 7
eA2I. rt. litansort A do. :
,and EGOS-6 ,bbla. fresh' -Roll,
. ba
llotter. and do. Tgits. JIM recelrina, Cob nh. b•
110bISON .t
)1 Able!, and B B F—lU
plei a CO C‘Toi - ass, , l; 7 dci:4i , reed pref. do.!
~.Nt reed stal la sale br • •
• RO /80N ,k CD. 7 .
ijitESE-3,000 lbe. primo °bees; . for .
wta b 7 Datall rt - Rouleozirs co.
11A. 00 14. 17 6.1,000 lbe. StaO r ialif ere tal
Etdes, Sri erooluslaom, km rale
mtat. • •14 ROBISON , a\CO:
di /HAD hare lead "
-IJearresed hid, Lien, japer.
erre Ibt Boau laneis Lawrie lend tirehhewde.
. g=l:ll(l726 tral ' ettlti ' L ' AnaklZT: " l,;
will 154 It to lhe•r Wrsoteyr to roll with LoteiJ
• •
lu'Acs AnE
h 10Vo: L d -Vli*di oli Ju
Z, g 4 mt e l O.lAittdAzlsalleN. °
. q
I lARD---30kbls.:1,Sic, 1 ;Gt
A I .m.d..a'l, fur &ale bs 'a
,131. i, 1' 01i*0,0,41 Ito. am
'`., ,, ....t •\; , 14. nv, , ....a,, , aa4,1.
‘• 1 .0„' , .'' *, it. rto JSC
I.NE TDr" -- -
i ~,taki-
1-l i fl far rake t
I ikikkli‘p. ~,,o,
i il..t. by \ imh.dt I - —lirßOlllf,l.
I Nn. 1 7 1 - G - ; '... 21irols - T...d \
I, ::ii.: ,
couar OP =WON PLEAS, ALLEG PT,•....
a ,
. ..--• 1N 'tbe matter of t
. e wild h...,
l 'Arii' .: '", ' triA'a": I Vg;."ILIV&IiI; Z'a:
..q. 1 . ?Iflilif:rtit.h°"l'":t u r e a f.. 1'53,
t i , ,14
t 4, ,i. HelLtos Conn order &nadir*. t t Mast
arilt thorn:La, rbill mr* notlo• In .b. Dell;
Plt*ohergh Gmetle. illais Meese week. of the • Pith/on
and Wits rnl.l erononmend Gdat thea same ordl MlonoreS
000 ' ....54.7.the 2ab "/ °Mah,falnZet,
\ l ,
17,7411,:?'''''.41velL,D. cntelsm. ,
ailadlAl ,,, a . Prothumo .
t, berejclA ratalsed • MG Lerorimant of )n, (la.
:',..7l7_Nt ln fo c i '' .q 7 " o,,uir-.4',2:72.zitu,k,r..'"1,.zig.
8.,...5ait ei...4brated Garden. Socf:ester. N. L. apd
s warmth d. Ta,r , Ar•mammintly pat asp In 4 \ 34 and /
Vann/ piotsdo. Med soul:
to \ • .
\ A Itherel alsootantsaill be nude te Sham bnolnat to sek
egalm t 14 A SatteLOSG.
m_____bl9 \ I*.orn.r of Wood 'ant Kiln Groot.
ir 74 'o::'S V PARnING GELATINZ—Tmo
J 'yr". ll ' alakelne. forileliies. Ac.; :or Axle' b t". „ \
mt. O 'lt._ .l \KIDD A CO.
UIaitA. 3I ARIND I —. 10 bottles C/tra"ab l e,
h (10000). ved7 fine. fokssle by
....S . a),_ \ '
lk V
AC 20C ribs; Ala\everY f ine' .•;ast,
/ mb ~ mirAlmnd for sal br
\ \ ,
tUM `4 -
4., , F.,.,...1.1t.,;.:,.. 8 1700gi..ib..0?,,111° 4r j6 It
n /0 1 . 0 ....ta.... eOr7a and far Gale by\
.1 KIDD t CMG),
i VkgT6q& \AIERRI LuvtiTßAci*
, kr fisaoram Cdudimants— 2 smml/&traot Vonfilod
4 do. . Lemon: l. do. do. Greed,: 1 do. do.,:in lasso Id.,
dn. II Min mom and,/ soll. or a
IitJEI \ ANNifICK f,FriTEIOO bus.
/ 1 Y-e' maids &GS by A Dal ZBLL A t'o.*
\ . dead Llbart.trmL
Al'Lmothy SeFQ
by \ (WIWI •
GREEN , PPLES4OI% choice TarieriO,
reeeiving Ur and foreslebv •' n D V/ r ine - li ' jlereete%
Q,C I SII)II.IiIS—Y 5 bbla. Flazieed aid 30 do.
Timothy 8ab1..1 and , far ash. by
VOTTON-357 b lee Spinnint 413 dd. Bat-
On ;fn atom liar aby \
mbJa.lBll.lAll DICE= t CO.
tAiLlT'and GREAEIE-325 Ufa. No.
LI Lanka: do Orman in Van, for rnibrA,
, ohlro. \
~a.tl4/1 DICELEY k t CO. \
BULK HAMS-9,oke.tin store, for sips by
, z3bl9 \ , ISAIAH DWEiEr *WO.,
81..a., 7 5 . 1_ by 542.. ,
t o f s i t f i i; Ile A o* l i e n s i z i
. t r d f il e
. ! , 4 0.. .n , d .
Tiit.f:EACtkiE—iso snake, for mile ty
YIP trills - \
fi r.l
I .6itiiii . 0
II : ,.. 1 3 biae. `lrma's'. brand
i .1 thief ed Oil, in note and lei 'kale 'by \ ' \
.., , \ BPRINGEtt 11,4.1111117011. 1 t
Truces. \ ''.
-, -
IVISrE . ate : l ' m :Proved, ', . tipivernal
iitite E ZPIP I A djue Inc, THUM:bee elided more
then ell otberreocabinad; being se eonettaiettel ea
tadaptt Itaalf to eeeee poeition ta' the lain shall, die.
, reaaing with the swop.. annoalnif to the %nem*, and
In Ste protect pertettion, we eb•11... the aefind la ff.
Ana, It. equal. 'Peraono satiated with !tents or Rupture.
orlil do welt te call and itath.ty thesnolvet of the advanta
ge/L:of im. irrei.. • ii.c..eeptrir reed er , ', \
'co, 3tarketottreet an the Diamond 'an4
tahl\S '. far. Prol•tltild and ourth:earteta.., ',.
I I UTTEIt-4`bble. prime RCA azia?:( Iriii, '
a 0 do:dme ter attle'l, ahlb] '. J. IL 'AIiPIELD.
111R/AD APPLE--300
,bus., f sale •by
11 ir anbla
~______,,,,„..._____,... •
-Loot), boxes W: li. Cheoe;soo
atti;;'.'3l7 for
110 1 FISI,I L .100'bik19, Trout; 50 h.c: \ l \ o,
, 4 40, Whi , e hl hot do. do; •30
l'* .rb . ritl do. V 11,4.4 li!'!4.,‘`.7..ll:'aNil
bbtih , Linseed (inro)
•b•i f . co. \. I CANPOLD.
u-EANql,io btls. forimet ' small White
1RAN6E.44,100 just reed and for
kir. 4 1 . onogr wravrapar ,b•
VkSIONS- 2 0\boxes &Mons, loot reed
f.fU " l "' "
.h.d t 7 \ \
Shkg \ \ WI A. bIoCLORti..
Attp.pdl4-1024blis, and 2, \it:l4
for br%.*ILISI.e4 BENNEI4.•
N Lula and for sale :an
15 IleavrI . APER. TILNGING , N secompsitbig meat "arv;Lor .o.tlAtterac selected ampresly for Ohl.
Hot... Prec4
Aseterlmn osunlaext•gra. CM.
such'.azdy4lvnaFrra. r:l7 ”.lign i f i i r tssed .ad
rsdAtV, 11.41ZRIstY Ilkholey% toe* Tr '' oc. ' 7.l,. boptai'ao.toßtb. All•egtwor =.iintxln: •
reeen. >ugh
r4V..` n ettul,, luti•
ids - 1 -
CD bave r0z , 4 4 --
c . -17 „ .....
tz. x , winrityx.3o,N74,l Pg.
t .04 lsin
north.e.ut cf ?aunt w s nil 11,azket atree s tt
mahli ' "
lja, !itch se w hits .indAntet Pr•rieb and
Letellb Chloum.: anW tparel Eegns4 4.4 A.e.ric.r,
PrisaN laUxt,rett,tLerb.,Teana.tbiepedJa.ltocetr;
• t t` - I'll , l io I U 41( " 1 °
czbti nmtua tan sor. atsi tea strcen.
7 1 24114A1t h OF TOll4t. LiTigt3lr.
R. a. , 411..1' trtotr 00011 Mr,
on,. all.lon or toe Ilme. tor toot tbrey,
and bar* fount It tont prompt 101 l tlllotynt lam6ty.
J U. tinott4ota.
, bu t ayryairamiatuortan easoty,Vo.
U. B. Its'ltrt.T ban% b.a at na• ntoo Imyorlat C. 61.11
Stran Sam y family 4 4 a., yotro and thod Ittlbe
toad maliclastb.boaa got for okuubs. 4 n moom.oalt
to all my nuthearts In prefer.. to thy atm ed
16 my shop, nod Mal' that It alt. Renato! thlsactlo,
I,Xlro toander Later 'mad Antl , l3ll/taus.PlllA the best-hi .
ona nt ctocuto that am du toted
by jlta.
p.rr-J and tlbl: .a. 7.7 Z. SUL LUAU, '
IT Woody:mat.
_Agnred 'Window -Bloods.
m Oin & min o thorment or n eteA
n dbt g ll.4l,szatl4:r Vs at',b••arr•7tTOZ/S.hir
DRY ias
PEAc--so Inv.-for sale log.
lUTATOII*-200 bbls. Isii•abannock, Pink
le b ; , r aw:ra; 6bA
hIe.RINIT. rved avd fb? ,
JMir A. R Er LIM 61 Watsrstrint.
"MI. TAlll.' \ IT:i7i:i7.4 - ari.;.,;7. 7-71.5r.i.—.7.i.
~ lITILLIA34 TATE & CO., No.lo Fourth
,V Y etr;ret tea, Llhertr. toi ..p ea teaya
lilattt-="Crre:ti4V:`'.4.l'.": urd"."
Tema. rho have work [ as y dale toor lint will do well to
Watitittl ' efir k toy. rilaorin.T4rf..TVrlMf•L'jP7:geillZ
Oita ow/ Bharat lead treas. 00ord to work at loud., low
la aottotta . ir entabllabramot loeltherattlde. • • [ [
1 en-abul d'itor the eottorry It ho relati to purcb.s. PIP
tot rattyylog watt', (toot Partrup all! dad lt tot/aOM
IMatut•lo 2100 to • WI Orrorr,parr.h/sing Cm= sawed
touala ward are Um only ourookturers of LetellYtp. and .
.I *3l7 Pru i . 'l4"niflt 6 t. / ' 1 ""'" ' -"'
___,...11 1 1 _, . 4,niama.u.
FlitST !Alt RIVAL )31% CANAL.
II fi ii!.'",,f Ff. t;liailitlL'idttYli'iikti'C...APOLlN
:city,,.....rtvtiriscrs to b. c1i. , 71,21y..aftT.11
T.l.*.tr, ItrurreatCarratr. '[.[,[['
Cron moat: three-ply Cart/ '
• Yop-rriza ta ...we th,ryyris
. ,
urr*Vino Inatirin C.riatf:
• ~ true loaraio Carodtat
[ dt[llo—Catosek Terildalitaliatit. n LOULod Lid
s bels.
~. s-
, \ Tapestry • do. , d : \' ‘ ''.• - -
[ A TZ T "g”"'00 4 00 11 1 jr: f fM ‘Clsaie
," 3 ...•4.11.0: \ .1020110 itatg o a A
,' 4, i4liet NU: TUtr B
' \ Cocoa, Jute and ;dna& 5111 • lll
oiL CLOTII3, or all widths sal 'mirth. [[
' RoNnto.l4 Oil Cloth; [ itioltehaet-Olat et; [
'M"Cr.f..1)4136%. , T 'elZ,d' 4 g ""
Tab[ri Lipert, . [ co-14, ,a,... ~,..
VConVatiod att. I atrat and boat ilas'ena.reltyted to OTat7
.Ipr at rdralddi..) Oast -bey with all tabor ...Var. UM
-0.1..6 FUJI, 'UM Corot bardnest:
it artoll tea
eTr[Pse l s?tro [ 2: ' ,' 1: 4 4T Wh ti ' PO ' W ""thb
' 44''''' ''''
% - .. Vl7Ct'iiNT °4
______flb fourth i . reet.
[ VEW .MI0: - ' ---- "7" ---- ,,
‘tt:Mr 004 Kant orikji Ildto. by 11 oat ' a . ''. • ''t
Old Folk , Otr.[4:rh... ha del[ridey.rata4dthreN.p.
\:Offal &Jest lied ~ pant 11m.. ,i I
j11:1,1„,:r"!,'....".1/4- %. yams aL s uE-500 lb & 1 --- >" ,--- B ---- i... r is ti _. ' 3
\ , \Dotter 'Lk or iordaik,aa itthlos;lr shi m ,. ' •, _s_ reed owl Odand. by 01101il 2 1 SIDI) di 00 1:1[° [ [
[ \ l . fOrgin.'[ll! :i7.7:,,lVOWi..iftl..,okiit rvainion.4uoo lbs Itstin . e3 Cs,mpbo .
• lax , V4bg e ,
t vy, t, z 7 ,, :: • , •••• • .
, r• : i „) for ode bl• \`. r...1111 [ 1.. J. 1111)D .a. 00. r°
[l7Clean Poika, ''[' .. a '.\[ a : ... - 1.12 ROOMS-2 0 0‘tidi. Corn Broom; rdiiiiiii
[ 23.2 l h kL ot II e lac: \ \ ' :: 1 '.. ‘`
( Ij. '4 f"
by ' BFIRIVi ' - • -
A DILWOETU[Ja al [. -
Al.riatt,atitstati: .
fiats te ' s ' 1 ''.--L4l, ",,,,,,
u ,.... 4.1-.: Meat: ev Pollw,liceltiosV.yi S.',r. "r ....E R --. .
Joilrtz:lll. l o. t tr i P M.. 4
&4141LPIWrilf - ' \'''""rer'''"424'7.'s .: ' ' ...
- ------' '2IL-- --------- , \--,_.— . : ~bid '\ , - . 4 4llfi l ikrliZ s SCiPar' • \ , 4 i •'.
' .
~ . E[ t rk.• -
.h: o . It . 4 ± lITNB A 6O
.2. Bra• 114 114 , 2
,SD • •
T) ?ken:m.4h AND useepi.WOOta nit Tim
.• \Yule
1000 Dallas A Year- •
Tar TINITZEk EIT.,ITES, soleotenerbtoe
..r.Ce IA at I,Fale of the Cest 8.00 D.h
41ehedja Ice .irotrr. To ofetn:lgrol,lthre......4l
"4*:4:ll7.rfefelttrit. =M:r4lll 4 N "
SPa Itaoie mule/mkt t , .n U. 12114 4"."- g • P
114tertAit.11247 POlndilt.ll,l4 cot:lV:mut >arEe yer are oCeet.
(nr:ter PerthvinaainClikV.h76l:aher;
/111Wallea'etturtafiret York.
Fruit l i kies So;Salp'-at the , Lebanon Thu=
FIVE Miles 'West of Ibo cdpi,kt the. .
IS toonblattoo ROW— '
lo oCe Apollo 12-leat—.,O ft:UWE
Pesi.S•TroisJS In - •
2.000 Pear Ts., S S J:
aC ,
Isif Martll . mi, /14134(p . 514 , 0 ,
;WO nom D... 0
AJOs Armco Ttfto, 6 to . 8 frtt—S SS ; •
agreteoTari=l; •°'
sisittsisitif alhettt
J. L. elf VD)ta, `.
iiresSt Tres I's O..
, b - c.7''',.V.":tii„. -- 1 - b — — T . '
iiinc;if SIN cici';'l, - ;”,), • x AieKIC n
mry. 74,-eday, O k i .C , Lierra er.ogr. ]larch nt/a,2411, ~ 30.6
a:1- ActralsatruN73 routs. \ o,Millr , r. .....'ll=2 ,, liod I , T '',•
tl•te pe.reins. hia - Vri , • ; \\ , . - ,
..aZ- no. VI ,r-tc ..1 7 o eirck. pqrler..ene* toe.mmew s
a, l, 715 \ (na , LxVij-___A.A. \.7 ICZELS, Aram • \,,,
i \ 7....,\
1 ‘l or , MI C. FOZTER:.- ..... -......:'...1.1=6 ER, SIOUS/11 ‘,
.r.„.. „,„„,,,,u,....... _......., 1d1U11331 \
1 ' l e7 o ,lz k perixt t?. C . .‘l,: ler *.r \ ,..,,rre. q0pm e .,,,,, .
'. . PLICE OF mg:Ls.' NI r ‘ - .\- .. \\
\,,,,,,....:. j .
..... _..... . ..... ..... \SO cet.t.s.. \ •
‘ti',',' "..-"•'"'''''''''"..........'
"* ' \
I VIT * P C' ".........4...----s• ‘ 4° \
\ , ' s. \
_I \ ,-... ..A: ..... : - 2 . A ...- •••• \ . . ~
1113-r it tbT. ote.o,tiuln g (P.
. \
dal.•11 Ott err/ Lame. ,
\ \
Sir a7rl4 l 7lrcere or.. 71t. lict7sra..ef Padua.
.• fege ° N; b gg'll . sl l = n 91TP 1 -.% 3li 'i ICM ' ~
1 . 2%.1.3.re1e1iear0 . /.1,4e . r...e.e..._ •L, •A,„ -- . 27.!•47 1 ,74
ntitgil l el:4of7l3l7l. F ' ' 'a'
"Da, ' \ V \ i ''' . ,
Tim EfLTING \ Arkth VII Rile is arilre bur a:h.'aaagd~!yk rm. Plill tl! . •
'IBS 4 ;MESS OR\ PADIII6\ .\ v;
f1q1....,%1 - --
er...d h. 6..a. : —.. k .,, s :-1-311., , •,
Tle . perrertasul 10 11 cp."! • 0 ,7 ..... ; , ,zema• \
: ‘4,: ilill \ 770ZDZC ',0.1. d.Z.LX Z. A. J. Illtekt * , '; \
\ D0aie1a..,...-*—......"...-.\ ~ Jiteyttrc.for) ----,
\ \li l F n . :: \;.1;n3.." -t- ' ,
- 1,,%...
'' • ' ' v u a \ \
KT, 1 111 0 t11 1, pirlt,n( t tir3141 L. Et • , V. \
ifit .) 4 TIV.47:: — 4 ° l " a \ 6 'e b4 MI d tha \
• \-\
fkJ(7/ . , ' ION ' SALES/ \ \\ '.. - \*: 1".•
Epri4ehold...Farn\tmei.Eco,Slipet, re,',
\ \Flitues, &e., at,'Auatiozi..- \
ON TtrESPAY rionatog;:'..Uiraili
,ak '` v
: t o . e,dit....,... vllll`.olELDZrita i n!.ll. ~' ‘;,-
, iir a iloZ.z=tAr c in . Ltotall and : L iiir*e . 4, , ,• , (111,ru , ,.. ,.. .
1 / 2 . lormls. Tet•e• (114LiThDttlikt•ao. i•• 12 DM:I:U Dock \ '.
i ..,,, Xgit . "94 , •••• Virs I ron• OW. and Que•••••:•.. \ \
4:rP'... ..
\ --''''''2 /1 1 , 4 e- 4 ., ' !i i° !' " '"?' .",
..,. \ .
the 1•1•100 of • 0.0.11 .. 0,1 oVicura..eF./10C8, '.. \ , '.
msd• for custotoem • parit.ity s t /.4.1•• 80r.9 1 / 2 "nim. . ' \ . 1,
V " mi r.„,..S , " o L FAt , r4 .
P. 1 4 ; 1 ,,. 1 via.
au ,
c,,,... .
0,,. , .'...r \ \ ,
Piar* Forte,\ HOUsehold and Eitchen Far- ,
"4, name:, at Auction. '•
XONDAA' qfcarnceollBth' inst., ni
'cl&, theVoseoerclat_ealee ltoon i s e earner' of
reeeming 10
'rant t.e.c Oinnar ate—
yoe Ofolitr.tleoltit. tit o'...yertety of pleat grielefe
worth! the attebtoo 'ruttiest
_veld Yonalturio.
tub= DAY.I9. Auctioneer.
. _
~..artinistrat.ors Siilo'o/fridge-Stock:\ .
(N TIIURSIIAY,edeniag, March 24,' 4
. • IS o'clock. at. itpiComtoCkclal oleos lloorv, coinct,
of Wood go ldfda etcrts. will i... sold— . - . .. N..
', sco ebsoril old AUX/flat:NY 11,1.1DM1C0.Vr006...
: \
`cell: .\, • \ " ,I, 12. id.,4/Allild.' , ..pcolonter. - .
, v.tiewn's Elpt\Pre..r..rara
'l4 \ A-01'3E11R \
P . 21: qtr.!, 4,,8bet1.
llTlZraiS'aaaEtrange..ka sqlo tgiiti - lib-,
-.IL) rata urtiutle .4 lib \l'kelikeasei,:at a . , •
VlXP'llt;tifg 4 o4t d n i t.":7 l '4ll:lll . =' ; ',,
\ s ,. nuneraut,r, exossu,keb.,r, lz.,ll,
\ lusb ak.0.f..4‘ Zhgbt. fTt'r wee,:
,sructed Ipr the purple. reltla lustrtubrabl,of [meal.,
powerful al. 441 barloir Wyt.lltbdicr.of
rentyriru, as4.ow Taal/A. 'Or the uelebratei
rbiradelrbla abd \l'otlp, Par. N. L.A.,ta .
seeta at
able tp offer to \ the
...Are, as*. /a
Ca ‘\ l 4lprcurks„arbleb \ Gyri,
1100 ape. ausl LA
b r. , gr \ -
THE 1M1T5,12274.TE5 , „\ ' A ~, c. ..,
. , 14; \
\ VAN . 22173 T COITUNT \\,. '',‘„,
, r ., \ :, E.01...k.: \ ~\\ \...„.
1.1••4.11T E E D iiPßl,ll.:':c, 8614. \ \
\ \' c %TSB. PPLIVAT.t, \ \`, \„.
TAPITAL--;5254000,. ..\\ \ ";.
cart:aria of Third 72,.Claelimis:\ -... :"',
COFTIC ' A n f 1) i %
l• ilOY: ll oAll3`rria;klL.P . : IZZA
liA .
.:'. \
8t41545 C 4 ford. F.17/1., ,. .-,..rt,' a=\ \..A....4
\ .„.1.i,,r1=Zz7:4 \\k: -
tilN:r.feiTZ ' \taZ6. \ iLA=it I"agraz'V``l7ge \\\
: \
Iterlicat Ea.:Limn—Mob= eh. Jmn LLISTIcia; AL D.;” ••• ' • ' ' A ,
An ''''''' Y euh ttraT z klaoLD A ! a. *. \ 5 .,,, i
.hu . - \\ 1 74 int.xth stravt:Piti t aautaaa„ \
~... t \
----- --a-
White' gall 4cademy, 4 , - \:' n .\\- -
\., TnitEr..mnrs SAIST or luaiusarza. ! - •
ir HE FIFTH SESSION of this Institntioit.-' 'l:. - , \\ "
2. alll ccratmenee an tha al of ITAY. The Natation la, -• • ,\\ \
ra.rilat. a1,...x. b..itbm"" °Ps'''''."
" "''' •
" ' \ \ ' \
Tr...,._.u.c„„din,, ‘ n ! t.¢.. Aer..t Egeolcar ot s ATio • . \ , .., rs , •,,
'Tehlint-Sracimila.-1:41:. Ai* , IIL Sr * ; IN.;i3IN:I- ' •<- \ \ $.. \
• Mac: Litcra+l3. =WWl:Aqua Ir.tumatlon,_iddsti ...., • \` :`, \
• ,
~ ,• . .‘,. ‘9.. LIiIILINULB, —,• \, '..
militant • •• . 11.111Parm. FL- '
\ \
. \
•...- ',,
-- i
1 - --- -__ ''' , . r ' Jefferson College. , • : .:,
r/SSE. ANNUAL CONTEST, betsceau di( ..:,,
\ ..Prn 14' amPFRA,ICLIN' tartauoY SOVICTIEg':
, W:MON CM43,317. Wm takk ylsoe, .12 PHOVI-- ,
PnliCz TULL. on Sk.nDNEBDAT. !larch COIE:::211. - - .
Tb, putll4 ay. myertfa!". kilted jo ntigmd. b• one. - '
,;Um for dlnineknk. _ls—. Iran an C.oonnnins eir
In. „tErAt•ez.gnas Err..tiai to Prcerre.Va i.a.,611, ef. ,,
I.'ll44erie;m mine r - ,
.• A. ,s. LA2013, , ...
ew spring Geode.
\ Subserther has just returned from \
T. rastatn litit.4.ll2ls 15 11015 05 14111115 ni3 Mc*.
innaU thto 144 71, IFeed 5 t& t . * *.n , r , 107../t 1 .41 n.
t/halTa annetnent eirtts.taocoores ant Veatino.
14* a vory nue .1 choice ar/t.ment 01 ti.ntion**4
PurntatnanOnsar,ml4l4 to the nwrian awl &muster
deem, cf wbfeb have /KIM Rdevcd with the gr...mgt
.nrrent), lor r that raarket../o4 rill befell at the
tarot *nett it: CrAa All *tin, 10 Os Tallonng Lt/a, ,
permllW7atieadeG k ,.. ..
.),18 , enserea. , 74 Wad stme.
- ------- \
11,1 1 • WATTS 2k 004 Merchant Tailors, 181 A
• Liberty el , . te—We aro nor
_,uur 2Prioit
gp:k r.f Good, for OeutlenmeaWear--CloOstA.r.uu.rurr
ledeennea.erehetrue+Laerlreandaneajacanq, Our
4ende and motoutow irO I pletre ur • Pat, man
\ 11. - 131601 TL.
JOH N: I-R.W I N., \s,
lIAW REMOVED io \it's c orner or _Whit
..tLo n eil i rir tc 'Tr \l'? ggri*,'lllNlT.-
-,1 Cu A. , ,CAL:ta whlm br4mtf..ll. imrf4a tom.
.atter thyl ottlana.let• aettok•
40. of th•MeAt NMPUREIIX. Melte:am can - be
trrm <o=peo,l3L 1 , 1,010:. at ~f,,hpyk,,___\
Si'B&W 'PLND NrilatOD&,
RINB TnE:s. . ..••
f\IL prsi,,Eß. 10,5 tYlarkee4tieet,l..pfi' or• •
• era liberal roma .I.loe-ea, ge reare'rl
ria og general:A le, Ore , oyllitlAII" 0 DB. .
ligaltMcf Ttaz.,:t.-
Ilkalerc anal a general nave:lent °fall/44 Egyl.loooy • •
Female e Telcher Nican
teach is a PriAte Family, re 'cling a
Praorerg't ri. "` "Y°".:#P4.4v,
. .
\ , Notice. 1 , . ‘,\ 1 - \,77-
9 . 1 - lIE Subaoriber wilr nat be respor•Ate. : - •-., \
.!.._ tor tuay &bet
.ipntractAl npo EretltntaNltta. ten \
~,141,;:mn. t r : J. ,,t .Etr, r ittttlf j ...4 9, d tti!rttt;etpri„ Italtroall. —:
m writtlt mat, By the astlearl rS;g 7 rttilol' '' t `'
b t\ ..
' .
Om matilketer• w ar /aid Peatalli. ti, utt,..r ""
a -•" ,
debt,Or lt. Apr a (naming Ho
I ** , _._citttf "" t 1 . 4 . \ ' -
tvtml to the eutdettlgnett., . #4.II..ENVItt . '.'
- ' • '.-
20 bbla:-.lllcoliol,:tuptary,g.:
A ,
tmb ,„, J. ,Liie,p,r,•;:. .
taw, th,DN.
LA ' ne , 4sd.q. Na. 1, for salel9L._.
Q GUAR CURE I) 4IAIII.4=-15 tierces o,ard- •
la eal. aura inigar cam/ ItanaVa •
Etna and hr sa to by • Ia TT
dtl2l •T, LITTLE 4C -•-
B gaz-c \
JI 1 E i ne4 In .te E !'.. F e for tale br \ Ur
drZLASSLIO bxs., assortedsites, in storevl awl tamale by CO. •
1 t ohie6o-20 kegs sizewist Tobaseo,first
mtiquaky, in ,tore aCd rot ule W., to stow Ict.
tOLOUß—i°"'bbls. pr
. fi2 and: extra
rcbTrn: F 4 l* .
LITTLE a so.
RIM) PPLES---100 bus. chows, in
lr?‘ •
\ l
xibx I/2 blexad
VATiff.ll. 04—
rr 100 OL Carnilne, diTreTeE7..„
i lnit./ I%[?r a ine4".&,. ‘s,“4 .
1.114(8—,1 torr bb N i tio n " sa,f9tr tallbYKrair.
2.4 •
A.CON—`4,olbitt,... met f
jui mucks-b.... IAV". Ind rot
rLE ist,oad nrset:*
aCON 15 Liam. - not from
mck.a..... I. ...Iv uut
t: > STTLB Y Co.
11117 . NE 6-4 0 ,
.•41t ;pied on consign- •
ku DIM= I 4.
,e 1 . 112 3501 - 2;0 - ze,, , ,i t
••_ ZTst..r4 ha.
.n j 'sar "4:=•.,.l.biltet
Oire TM - T. -Siti,-.;
LotlealCo• WOO& , c, - ,
;I — n4 r t l.s.
ntmab o .e24 2. l FLA/ '"l71 4 01stt —
JAncu'Ar 311' k:ac'-
_ \
I Ihrht .tre:VWIZAIZ73.
\\ \
t \