The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 19, 1853, Image 2

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    :-itiasßoll.lßH GAZETTE
anxD BY WIIIII a cc
i tsjit,66 Wasstr Clurrn.—The extectilvi dna
laaon oronr weitfrOxzetto offers- to our Inollua Elsa
mootdattrale msdlna of =Alai tbel.r Imstnea
o v e dmalatton Is be:vein:Lim .41 dye thotwand; reaeb
tat anima crazy villame axtd amaty is Watera Pranryl.-
wt., sod Eutena
111. TO ADVEWELSERS—EsitLer the Editorial Booms
nor Priattsm Establishmant of the DAILY' Guam era
an Sunday. ADVERTISERS who desire their'Mploar to the parer en "fonds, MernitM.
will plow hand them it bet. S &dock, en Satordar
• Wald Endo Covrianoz,— , Th• COmornittes o Mem!.
1,0= 1 ..w =Mx- kbl of the &legates to the 1W . Ataldia.
FOTO Whig Count; Coarentlan.. are mounted to mod at
the CourtadtPd.da SatOttay.thenth trig. atll o'eloOd4
A. H. to appoint da'alatee a? the State Catreeattott at
Ladoga, au the 21th.of M. Dreamt mouth. to accents
Canal' Odatabolone • . dtudltor deperal . and Bareffer
lento Moo.
. • - '
PI itratracra coinnimeirui
. „
~c'- " ; '2. ,:. - OR,Thuredey . • - • g last the Select mid Com
.l ' • - ttietteottnolle of • e city of Alleg heny , 'panned
l'' - !the following reso alien,. to wit: • . ,
f" = -• • unsolved; That .0 Committee on Ordinances
' be instructed to report an ordinance anthorizing
- ' the mabscription by the City of five thousand
shares to the espitil stook-of the Pitetfinrgh and
' Cunclirrille Railroad Company—provided the
• " Railroad Company arellegislative authority to
pay the interest on the bonds bated: Prodded
farther, that the ai tyl
of Baltimore subscribe one
million of dollars • and the Cannty of Allegheny
"seven hundred and fifty thousand dollar:: to the
stook of said Railroad Company: and proTi'ded
- farther. that the City of Allegheny hue and
• enjoy the same privilege and authority to Tote
for Directors of said Rellend Company se are
posiested by mild city in the Ohio and Parmyl
- Tania Railroad Company:- . • •
The Rubios in the shore- resointion will all
be met. The legielatiou required is already ob
. - .taho., TO 'city cif 'Baltimore will Most arum
red.4.. atubkribe the Milllon required, .as it has
„., hoetiunardreously recommended by her Board
'--- Of rris4,,,Mtdis warmly by, her tall
none; gen t eelly . The Commissioners of this
...,:- %eV:wily are
_deli considering the subject of a
sistriuniition, mid we hue not the least doubt
. ~
t,hat OciTillt dory urn carry" out the nazi
•,'!". , `mans Rtehaof the pesple, u well se that of their
....- .
own allo;.-byi' . . Submribing at least the sum re
' - - ,-quiradbithe abort proviso. • All these sub;
scriptiotti Made, the situation of the Company
rin regard to funds, wilt stand about tie follows:
• ",,.." Citiof..Pittsburgh, - . • -$ 600,000 --:.:2cAty. of' AUFghenh •-: 260 , 000
." Connty of , Allegheny,' . _ 760,000
l', •"' 0 90 1 9. g Feypte, : : 260,000
- -..
County of Somerset, • , " 260,000
. ...." - City of. , Baltlinore, , "." " 1,000,000
~ ‘'..." .
Primate uliemiptions, • 600,000
$ 3 , 5 00,000.
Tide Isakeuni;that of- private subscriPtions,
is probably placed too low. There is some pros
peat slur of a sthseriptien'af $200,000 from
. Allegheey county, Maryland, and a promise of
some heavy private subscriptions in that region,
where the stock is highly appreciated. We haii
made no calculations far any Private laser/P .
• Connie Baltimore, where It Is probable consid
erable amounts may be obtained. Good and
safe contraeors will take st least 10 to 20 per
cent. `of their contracts in stock, so tintt we may
safely celealate that the Connelsville road will
be constimeted without going into market with a
single company band, a rather remarkable event
In lialirOad.making..
It idostimated that the road will cos; induct
ing engineering, right of way, stations and roll
birdcall, as well as interest on subscriptions
while it is onastruoting, about $4,500,000.
Menthe atibrozipticrri is finis!, it will anerant,*
we think, to $3,750,000. .To this add $750,000
Of emelt taken by contractors; and ire. hen , . the
raid fieleted Mid stocked, and out of 'debt. •
We *aid not be Surprised to find capitalists
bailiff steak in this road as a •isafe and profits.
' - $lO lavestment. • fin aeon is the stock is plain
- it briers hi tatted of 6 per cmit. payede in
• , - wrms - gor-4=wr-rs - revr - e -- ase
• will ba so hairy, and its profits an large, that
the steek'vEloommand a premium. This Is no
Visionary. speaulatlon. It is sound reasoning
from - safe premises. If any road connecting the
Etat and the West will pay, the Pittsburgh and
Cennellsvilla moat risivareMY :will; and who
can doubt, when be looks over the mighty West,
marching forward with . herculean strider, that
-all these grist thersubfarea will prove remount ,
The Lust Wasbiegton Riporten devotes tumid-.
arable spacato the abase of Pittsburgh and Its
citizens. The course of our people in looking
out for their own Interests Is denouncjid no cife
lioaezt wid :turfy/demo, "narrow, selfish, and die ,
creditable,". "dishonoring," •reprehensible,' qz
juditious,'. "flagrantly unjust," "ungenerous,"
. and, to cap the climux, "senseless." Assfitting -
cotateentary upon this . outpouring of adjectives;
• we hare to announce that the. citizens of Pitts
burgh Iwo subscribed within s fraction of $50,-
000 to Scour* the chertei of the Pittsburgkand
. Washington liallroad—a road in every wsy as
pertatit to Washington as to us. While the
'...czlitor of thadtoporter woe deluging his cologne
410141.tpatagingrelleettoon upon Pittsburgh, aur
Oliiiens were quietly doing for Washingtroz and
WiTh'sgton County, what that town and county
morcuzusble to do for themselves: .
The editor of the Reperies 15 o candidate for
Diretier In the Chartiers Valley Railroad. de
two-thirds of the Mock in thst road le owned by
P4Mhtuzkeie, his election can only be accom
plished by their aid. We fee; omicron to know
nadir which of the adjectives applied by this
scomfdate 141 fine hity and its citizens he would
have his elootion Bet down. . Would it be "diet;
honest" or .. , discreditabler "iojadiclotie! or
"eausoiener : We await an uswer.. , .
- .
lion. Andrew Stewart; of Fayotte, being cal.
led uPoncpx Ittiteday night, by a veto of the
Conuraii Ceniell of Allegheny City. to addreea
them on the abject of the Connallarille road,
stated 'Mons other things, "some Interesting'
feats in ouneotion.with the early history of this
road that are entirely now.'
He Mated that inlay yearn set when engaged
In missing arepertin Congt . re on the eobjeot,
0613. John Mane, of GeorgetoWn, sumaisor of
thm-,Woahington, u President of the Potosi**
and Chau Oimplay„ put into hie peened= &I,o*
of Ota...W.oahingtou'e papere, In ble own proper
writing, from which it appeared that im
mediate:4. after thp clooe of the revolutionary
ware,was impressed with the Importance of open
ing rainuttnications with the westem country,
ithichte said was "the beet if not the only ce
ment" that coald bind the Bast and Watt togeth
er. He accordingly mounted hie horse and per
sonally uplorod all the great Horn of commu
nications between the Atlantis and the West—
thi Pliant flew York route; the Philadelphia
rutin the routes from "Washington - City, and
Baltimore - , and th e James Hirer and Katurtuf
lute. The result was a report (accompanied by
clasp elide own droving) In which he pronoun
ced annotatetwisted route by the Potomac and
the; Yonghlogbay deeldsdlrthe ihorase, Oat.
and. cheapest ease:ion between ZUG and
duo West. He afteriarde pranced an. act of
!he ,Yliginis Ligidatgre incorioratlng i Com
' paay fOr.t/4 8 PotTolle;PT4 watt in Penton to Am
napolis:toebtain the eonsurent anti= of the legls-
Ware vf Maryland:_ Ills plan was to itoprovo
the Paeans* and Youghiogheny as high' eni
pfnathitible,iiind then emits them by a iota He
leis sleeted President of Ilds Company, sod 001 2 :
• tinned to pima this faienite object with zeal aid
antivlty till the day of ids death. Hence the
rintehan not 'only bean well called Pkianunt's
Parrit;the Pon:auto and Poogbiogheay having
eottlown'szta rezitcnral -all the tuountaine East
ead'West or,thciltrage Rlde, boss also well
• called ftWataacetrithen tie oollatlowo wod,
after 6 el end labors=.
outtrllatOitile of the whole ettrjeckprouttoumi
thi r eprizaterille route," by the , Potomae - and
YoulAkintnirl*,•So be decidedly the nearest
wadbest - route to.'eattnect the .A.thUttlf . ,stut
Western - COW/tin mut Ite s jeigmeet her been
adatitintai by all s4sequictt
• neir"viiaanoa otAtio ajiacterM - irsitelixior,l6lp
trooderfal pee— -
PimNovi Gazdta.
• Mt: EiliTok.--Ther bre generally two aides'
to military, mg those persons who take'pains to
pre ent only the side that salts their own views,
are certainly not entitled to any claims they may
set up far. candor disinterestedness. Had you
invited n alinement of the facts and circnmstap
tts, Which application to the. Legis
lature to open three of the Mail:avenues extend
ing eastward fromthle city, I am sure your sense
of justice and liberality would have prompted
you to withhold the expression of hostility to
wards that measure, recently manifested. The
facts are these.:
A desire Mextend the boundaries of Pittsburgh
over a portion of Pitt township, ao as to have
streets regularly Mid out, in conformity with a
general plan, Assured an &pone stion to be made
to the Legislature and a lawpassed appointing
commissioners to Ltakel. survey of the District.
This was done. and • epeeist tax was imposed
on the citizens of that portion surveyed, of Pitt
township, to pay Ste expenses, &a., amounting
vr,,000, which went into the County Treasury.
Then the survey and tat were unpopular In the
district, bat the people bade* submit. The act
provided that the new 'treet should be opened
as roods are opened in the county. In process
of time population increased and portions of the
district were taken in as new Wards of the:eity.
Oar thrifty enterprising mechanics boight lots
and erected anbetantial buildings on what they
believed were or would be public streets. The
gantlets of &Magee arose; and enact was putted,
thronghlhe agency of the County Commissioners
fthe same ofrudals whose conduct in tho script de
alcation is now under investigation,) which
took from the county the cost of opening the
street*, as originally contemplated. This was
not all. Individuals Audios no remedy for the
transfer of their property to the public, obtained
this passage of an act authorizing the Court of
CommonPless to vacate such streets on the appli
cation of interested parties. And such vaoations
were made, and though partially beneAdal, they
prove exceedligly Lajas-louts to the general pub
lic. To remedy this state of things an Applica
tion was again made to the Legislature, and has
met with favor in thellonse of Representativea,
the remeonahleness and justice of the measure
being admitted; and the !named advance of
preperty, promising a - preximate and pertains*
maneration to the. county, in the, iray of tax
es, for the inconsiderable outlay necessary to
the opening of the streets.
The etreets asked to be opened are Wylie,
Webster, dad Bedford, from Polka street, east
ward- A glance at .3.laGovrares map will satiety .
the most 'crapulous economists of, their unea
sily and - benefit to the roily and county; surd
the most Inveterate opponent of that bog boar,
the -.New Wards," that nothing la sought for
inooDaistent with public justice. Damages are
asked for a very little of the property taken;
indeed it is only value ell a smut hat orris re
quired that damages will be conceded. Most of
the citizens propose to gin their half of the
street, where their lots ran 'aright angles, with
without other compensation than unclog bent
fits. , Nothing [sprayed for but the re-enactment
of the law which originally provided for opening
those *venues. And sorely public liberality
is stretched to its utmost tension, to secure
railroads and open other fullUlee to commerce,
it cornea from an ill.grace.irom their. advocates
to strain at • very email matter, while they swal
low gigantic projeds without a single contortion
of countenance. :/The citizens of the Sixth and'
Seventh Wards and Pitt township uk only
justice. If $5,000 of a annoy tax had not been
imposed , on them in the first plan, and paid
to the County Treasury, there might be soma
grounds for genUemen of talercesoplo generosity
and public spirit, to pot on their speotades and
exclaim against the monstrous outrage contem
plated by the "New Warde." . A Guntur.
' • We publish the above communication from our
hive of falr play. We have no etulhly inter-*
.est in the'inatter, other than that which is felt
by every that strict justice, Should be
meted out to all, as far as posaible,in tie 111121883•
meat of If then is equity in tho demand
made for the payment of damages for opening
certain streets, out of the county treasury, we
an In favor of it; but we have failed heretofore
to een it, and our correspondent hu not convin
ced le. A good deal' is said. about a. certain
B 5000; which was expendqj for a survey. This
survey .was, as we understand it, for the whole
district,. and • not for the certain etreets now
prayed for. The benefits of Best surrey annoy
enjoyed by the inhabitants and property holders
la that region.. If there ie any unexpended
surplus of that MOO in the county tru
ancy, it ought ght to .be expended for the ben
efit of then who paid it; but if it vu all
.spent Inthe ferny for the...bezelit.u..!thi
- • ireeigit
claim for the Duntent of damages out of the
. .county treastuj. It shouldielso be reeolleatid,-
that a special privilege is -now enjoyed by the
our Ward., not granted to any other incorpora
ted city or borough in the county—that of hay
leg 25 per cent. of all damages foropening street"
Paid oat of the county. treasury.
:That is a poor fling of our correspondent in
regard to Railroad anbacriptiosut, and cal/44 a
weskunse, or a weak advocate. Railroad eirb
ecriptiotur • are for the general benefit. It
io the' most equitable and republican matte
.of bringing every man to bear his par
tinn of responsibility,, while be enjoys , his
Share of the benefits. Itsilroad, subscription
are 001 tares. They or 3 merely a loan of
credit, by which a public good can be accom
plished, without any detriment to the general
welfare. When well tweeted they are a double
benefit. They beemme good paying, utochs,' af
fording safe lasselments for spire
aid they double the Talus of the prperty In ate
cities wheie they terminate. _
We pobliobed, yesterday, an ,rode from it
New York paper relative to Dr. Tyng ud
Spiritual Napping,. 'BM tollowtogborintMOS ,
tion,pnbllsbed in the N. Y. Brprass, waMd seem
to be an authorised contradiction of the report
as 'pnblidord by oa yesterday:
Moss's. Entroza:—Mist ono ministers ofl4. -
ligion come down from the high nth°e ofpreach=
ing eternal truth, and combating dewily more,
to rindietla themselves from imputed opinions
which they serer held, and alleged reworks
they never model
Cannot a 'chestier% pastor collect the cent=
manicants of Ur book togetherpricatcly 6y invi•
macs, before the inanely accuntudon, without
the intrualou of en emissary af -that aphis who
thrust himself among the '
;'!bone of God" in the
Quo of Job, and Tor lbw Urn epperut evil par.
The Redo: of St. Cithigett (Dr. Tyng)irill not;
we are etre. Abandon hie importaut duties to
refute charges Tate thee* made hi- the' report
ion allude to, , eo utterly at Tatiana* with his
patio teublnot for thlrtyyerus, and of that di
vine word upon which his instruniontl; ire
founded.' What the Rector did teach on the co
union referred to , can be Cully "elloin,;.but
that would exceed ' th e 'Molts of gate pa*,
end we mill therefore only fentkh le short
catalogue of things he did not tuck awelutig ,
ed in the report captained in the S i pirtetal. xele
1. 11e did nor contend far the "iptflhal origin
of the manifestations,' nor did Ae "edsell the
luta, and repudiate the idee of their being some
new duelopmenti,. of so/patio or oteatrio
2. Ile did not "announce the fact that there
were mediums among the coslsmtinteants in his
3. lle did not say . "he hadpenonally wrestled
with thls, sideman almost Ineessandy,for three
yeah! past. - •
4. He &Ind say "that If the annoy:4wpm
tinned to Increase he should be obliged to relin
quish Ma Jabgett,y."
We rather-zuppoorthat If the Rector should
find thee, olleged spirits its sonorous se the
Niles on the hoots," that gke Luther, when on
on his way to triad, be word boldly travel on la
the way of hie' duty. • •
That he looks upon the whole system of alleg
ed Rattail communication as a fraud and a de
lusion, as antl-seriptund—as likely to be rain
' ons to the minds and bodies of those who fatally
pantie It, is known to all who regularly attend
upon hie ministry,
_and, this lector" contained
nothing Conttuy tohat his 01l known sentiments In
this tweet. W cluistlia pastor an do less
than warn his'. own flock sphot mate so don
guano? What man of htmonity eta too our
lunatic asylums crowded with wr etched' lethal'
to this delsolon,, and, trace Its baneful effects
nettling the •froutdations of troth, and dis
organizing the'framowork or Moist and domis
ea without • his sympathies being fully
aroused, and big' best" efforts being solistad in
ate eripprear*
Wusittso Thi.ll2ol. CAsig.— Previous- to the
close of , th e r e cent terra of the 11. B. Capriole
etillTti a motion woe filed by the Attorney Gen
eral of_Pinnerleania, and the counsel of the
State. Baking (aria order ,the Marshal loon.
contethe decrice - orYThrt in relation to the
Wheelies bridge,..doolarlag it to be acr illegal
structure, aral,alto for an attachment against
the einem,. managers, stegetookholden &root
eromplylng with the decree of the Ccmrt. Now
tiongae taken by the Court on the moan, pre. :
tivis tO its. adjournmeat; tad so the argument
en the titration. goes emu to the. term which
oeurinthees The atgutheat of Ws
metlotterlil brief; up the'question ae to the ef
feat tithe Oct of Cregrau. - doilaties . AaPtlitgo
•e Pete road.'—Pli, Pat
For .04 Pitaburgh CCM& -
.wao Enitopixeco stivEart
it is the coastutt pies or excise of proalave;
rymen that Misery was introduced into this
country by the English agaiiMt the wishes of the
people on this side of the Atientie We can
readily understand that the government of Eng
land might cause slaves to be brought here in
defiance of.the wishes of, the aoloniest but cutely
that government could not compel, and certainly
never did attempt to compel the colonists to buy
those eleven after they were introduced. flow,
If theeolonistrt had tinily refused to buy the
Mares, .we may readily conclude that the slave
trade would be very soon abandoned, and we
may presume, even without any further infer
motion seethe subject, that the importafion of
eleven would not have been continued for a lung
eerier., tauten there were eager purchasers here,
as well as active and ready sellout. This would
be the natural and inevitable conclusion of eve
ry intelligent mind, upon the mere statement
that there were in this country a large number
of human beings imported from a foreign corm-
try, against their own wishes, and held here in
severe bondage, and compelled to labor through
life for no better compensation then is given to
the oxen and horses who labor with theta.
But what is the history of this matter?
We are not to look to pro-slavery speculations
for the true history, because they will tell us, as
before elated, that She -colonists remonstrated
gigabit the Introduction of slaves.
Mr. Graham the author of an excellent and
impartial history of the Belted States, gives the
following notice of the remonstrances of the
colonists. After a considerable number of the
slaves had been introduced, and the ptominent
slave holden had been well supplied they began
to think that it would be good policy to prevent
the introduction of any more slaves. If the
number grew too large they might become dan
gerous and the profits of their labor would be
reduced, and therefore fling began to remon
strate, but the elave'traders hand the business
profitable, and the smaller planters who had not
yet been supplied eagerly seised the 'opportunity
to purchase as fret as they could epare the
mean& Thie Is the substance of Mk. Graham's
account of the matter, and this account le cor
roborated by Bancroft in his admirable history,
which certainly displays no hostility to theelave
holders. At page 407, volume 8, he says: "In
1727 the vast importation of negro= was a sat..
jest of complaint in Beath Carolina." The
grounds of thole complaints are explained at
page 410 of the came volume. They are as
toilette: "Maryland, Virginia, even Carolina--"
alarmed at the =striae production and the con
sequent low pr ,:ca of their staple', at the heavy
debts Incurred by the parch:Hoof slaves en era.
it, and at the dmgerour increase of the colored
population, showed an anxious •preference for
the introduction of white men."
Here It appears It was not an objection to the
original ictroduotion, but to tho "dangerous In
crease" which Influenced them. It was not any
disapproval of slavery itself, but of the "eases.
site production" by their labor, and the conse
quent low price of their staples." Some of the
lese wealthy planters had begun to boy slaves
on credit, and were likely to Increase greatly by
the "excessive production," and rednoe atilt
lower the low prices. Those who had been cop
piled, and had as many slaves es they treated,
began to think, that more would be dray:your.
Our readers wilt recollect that it was in 1727
that South Carolina complained "of the vast la
troduotion• of negroes." Five years Later, in
1732, the adjoining State of Georgia was settled;
one of the rules prescribed by the trnetses pro
hibited slavery. This was the policyl of the
brave and benevolent fornder, Gen. Oglethorpe.
list, says Binerotc, "Ile could not mot:Oa:the
future, and his legislation did not outlive his
power." " ,
The Introduction of ardent spirits was also
prohibited. Bancroft proceeds to ear ').But af
ter a little more than two years, teneral"of the
better sort of people In Savannah" addressed
e petition to the trastesa "for the use of ne
groes." The words "of the better sort of peo
ple In Savannah," and "for the nee of ne
grows," are quoted from rallies, not Mr. Ban
oroft's own. ‘"Tite bettor sort," no doubt, meant
those most able to buy slaves, not the more vir
tuous, or more intelligent. "It wee necessary,"
said a traveller, in 1783, "not to permit slavery,
because, elates starve poor laborers." But what
cared "the better sort" for the poor laborers!
AbOat 113 Dinah as your psalmist slave holder care
for the poor white folks.
In 1788 Oglethorpe again visited Georgia.
Requests were then made in favor of the allow
ance of slaves which he sternly rejected, de
claring that if negroes were introduced. he
"would have no farther concern with the col
ony." •
In less than three years, however, "the int
portation of runt was no longer prohibited" end
"tante from Carolina were hired by the plant
ere," (..the better sort" no doubt,) ..first for a
short period, then for life br a hur.dred'Years."
"Slaves from Africa salted directly to Savannah,
and the !awl against than were soot rigidly en
ortroa., ovrOeungla-lon
four hundred thousand shaves; end a truperabon
dance of orient "spirits. Yet we are told that
the British Government is alone to blame fat the
introduodon of alines against the wishes of the
colonist; =Ctrs do not understand that the in
troduction of ardent spirits into Georgia is
charged on that time government. Yet both
stand upon precdsely , the same grade Had
there been v persons in Georgia or the other
Southern States antic= to buy alone br strong
liquors, they *Mid all hue been free and tem
perance States. Abolitionists and "cabala of
the Maine Liquor Law:would bane nothing Ode
and nothing to fear south of Mason sod Dixon's
Line. Oar notice of this matter ef.the' ppm'.
tion of the Southern Steles to the prohibition of
the Introduction °Calms is loot yet done. So
late as 1787, when the Constitution silts adopt-.
ad, there were was an earnest , desire in the
Northam and Middle States Mprohibit ionsedi
hir the introduction of Olin= but South Caro
lina and ihottba objected meet stretnotudy, and
declared they would not accept the new Onitti-
Wien with tuth a prohibition; and finally, to
gratify:them, there was a provision introduced
that "the importation at 'him should net Abe
prohibited until 1808." SO the adreaues of
elssery tell as that Eegiand is to lames for the
. ,
Introduction of eaves.
We ere also told that a large portion of the
:glare ships were area In the North. That is
tree, bat eroold there Pave beta ;nay Wane
llaporlsd, It there had sot been a market for
It. Oglithrope..hielliot boarorsrroded, or If
8. Carolina and Georgia had not insisted upon
hiring the glorious privilege importing stoves
for twenty :park the lab.mons. alive traders
told hare Wad some other employment Bo
tbat it le impudent sad &baud to throw all the
blame on the - importer of glare or on England.
Trim Wax ow Ova PI10141) .Scutooza.—The
Atlas of yesterday had a full'aocaunt of a meet.
log held in the 4th Ward on Dloadarnight, by
some perambulating Citholicus of the Thirteenth
Ward, to mike's demonstritionia fever
divielon of the public ?school ! feed - among the
various religions sects.' .The preatiediega of the
meeting were of a bigoted etarecter, betraying
a settled determination to destroy our common
'aimed system, and make the State the supporter
of Catholic, schools, rather theli a desire to get
rid of evils which they honestly believed 'they are
offering. Boisterous and insincere declamation
a tae a At instrument for the accomplishment of
stab a purpose, and it was very freely wed'by
I the persons most conspicuous at the mooting..
! The_Cathollei seem to have delibirele •
solved to maks this the great spestion on which.
aU their polltbillitutton,litlo tern. . In every
portion of the tountryility have simultaneously
attaoked our publio schools, denouncing theolket
tyrannical and despotic, but so far as wo hare
been able to discover, aosigulag no reason for
change in their organisation or conduct, except
that they are not permitted to teach in them the
peculiar doctrines of the Boman Catholic
store oar schools now coder the control of
Catholic teachers, and were the doctrines of the
Catholic Church now taught it them, things
would present quite a diluent aspect, std in
stead of long harangues about the tyranical
character of oar present sahoolayetem, we would
be favored by our Catholic Meade with the meet
violent denunoiatione of edoh as dared to pro
pose the divlelon of tho fonds now Insisted on
by them. It is very:evident that the Catholics
have nothiag to complain' of in. our common
school system, bat the tact that they do not aid
in building up their Church, but tend rather to
loosen the hold of the priest on his parishioner,
thereby weakening the church,' and placing
ea far as political influence Le concerned, on the
same footing as other churches. This Is fill et
fact naturally Bowing! trim the intercourse of
the children of our common echools. This cf.
foot contribute' to make our population homo
geneous, and is therefore wholesomaand worthy
of protection, and no declamatory appeals of pow
litieel demagogues or clerical gatemen should
induce our citisaas to give up a portion of the
school lands for the propagation of Catholic
Ideas. Sound argument would certainly induce
them to make any change that would make our
eohoole better; bat nothing, we tract, will over
Waco them to favor a plan so certain to Injure
them fatally, and coolribute to the spread of
ideas so repugnant to our ropubliean intitu
tions, and dangerous to our liberties.—CMiciti•
sari Gitatid.
Wo were ehown the other day &couple of gold
watches, recently remitted from the week of the
old steamer Tennessee, which was Bunk nearly
thirty years ago. They were fond on her
deck under nearly fifteen feet of water, where
they had remained all that long time with an
amount of water and dirt flowing over them
sufficient - to here made another Btate.. The
gold wirings . wero not at all lejared. The steel
work, was eery ranch rusted, and 'the orystale
Craters ; The palatine en the We' however,
woe as balsas .orlgteally.-LNerrOrirasr
yule. r
raosi urns:tuner
Citzr•sogniena of haft tgh
WASIIINGTON, Mara 15, 1853.
Another du of eacitement 'A cargo of nom.
inatiooevras disteharged . - upoir-the Senate from
which I extrecinothing of first rate Importance.
It is said that John Rudolph Clay, wan confirm.
ed minister to Peru. He is a Democrat who
lived through the Whig' administration In a fat
place, and tame up now in the sunshine, a very
vigorous and healthy gallinipper. This is a re;
etoratlon or rather a continuation of an .iniete
rate Bourbon. Mr. Kidder Meade and a num. /
Mr of ;other sre-eating politicians of the school
that first failed in kicking up a bedlam in 184
io and out of Congress, are iritensely &gamed.
They looked upon the mission to Peru'sv made
expressly for them, gala . declare themeelves .
"sold" accordingly. A sort of gentleman about,
town by the name of Carl, and an ex. hero of the:
Mexican war. to snorted Whore been nominated
Charre to Naples. That would be lomething
like making Isaiah Bynderi a chaplain in the.
Nati—but it may have been done. The times
are a little promiscuous just now, and Mr. Marcy
is pressed by such "troops of friends" that
it would not be surprising if his eye failed
to detect a mangy sheep among his bleating
The Boston appointment's were all made to.
day. Peasleo, ex.member from New Hampshire;
goes into the Coll tutor's oßoe, and Greene, edi
tor of the Bootee Post, Is made naval Ater.
That Paulen who is not rich ehanld want
dace is natural enough, but it 'rpm an intense
lore of piece when a man whose business gine
ten or twelve thousand a year, voluntarily aban
done it to assume a paltry poet within the dingy
walls of a Custom House. It is slow ambition.
Benjamin F. Hallett, whom the Post used to de
nominate the soldier of fortune, has been nomi
nated a soldier of fortune, now steps inbasido
its editor as a servitor of the govetamentiri the
capacity of district attorney. Hallett wu
"man of the late national democratic committee,
that called the convention, and though formerly,
a very: bitter abolitionist, antkosems, and so
forth, has been for six or eight years 'Past • li
raging prailavery democrat of the South Caro
lina type.
Three Cemmissieners of private land elattiks in
California were named in place of the excel
lent Whigs already acting se emit. ' There is MO
objection, that I know of, to the men appointed
to supersede them. but it is a pity amt party
proscription should be carried so for as to reach,
men holding judidalatation. The newtomeds
!donate are
Ex.Semator Feieh, of Michigan;
Hon. 0. W. Thompson, of Virginia; •
Hon. Thompson Campbell, of tilineis.
One of three Is an Old Fogy, and the others are
Young Amerioans. There has been a desperate
struggle going for two moatha between the feodone
designated by those names respectively, teethe
Norfolk post oßoe. To.d4the Fogies triumph
ed Ido not recollect the name of the lucky •
representative of the fogy interest, but he 'tri
umphed, and the Young Americans will hieg
their harps upon the villein; for three years to
Col. Bleck is in • fair way to, get the geeer
norship of Washington; General Lane will bie
restored to that of Oregon. The democracy of
both these gentlemen...hen been undoubted
fromikbeir cradles, and)t.hey will do credit to
their bringing up.
A long list of register' sod receiver' of land
offices was embraced in the communication from
the Secretary of the Interior.
The treaty cresting a joint Am erlea and
British Commission for the settlement of claims
spin et the government of each eountry•by the
citizens of the otter, war confirmed after a brief
disoulion. Mr. EvereU explained Its neousity,
showed that the claim& were small in amount,
that- the Qom otkwould give places to but
two °Mak ho ere. xi that most of the claims
were by . ecerican ail zone. :The feisty - then
passed egaiust a nag ye rote 04 . 0D1y seven.
Nothing tia sal f adjoarnMent today, and
wa cannot tell-when the Senate 'away,
but hope it will not tarry more than aupther
week. Jpege.
- -n•vorcr, r
Waltman's:si b tiara 10,14153.
What bu beennocomplished to-sta7 In the task
of establishing the toren:miens for the ensuing
olympiad may be held on the pant of shiulkin.
The Senate has continued the' wrangle veer the
Central American question; and Old and Young
America bare carried forward the dispute
about the Mu and Squints treaties and the trim
vention. The business of explaining and let-
Wag these molten !tams ti be • labor game
what like that of tlyilplss. The stone Which
ka placed on the top of the monad In the leaning
it foetid regularly in the guttdr in the muting.
Perhaps the lest Intetioeutionlyetween Senators
Clayton and Gouglas has placed men and things
In their true light, but we mast wait the rave
letietts of another day to determine that.
1 la the mem:dime, the Administration, though
piaserving a wet amiable exterior, is obviously
taxed at the penistenny of tha Senate. Why
does lanot adjourn f The Preeldenthas nothing
fall to do, which he would n 4 rather postpone
until December nett: If the quell= of pence
or war with Greet Britain be not so mint, the
belligerent disenieloni of that body are very lit
tle wiagla to wag it to at .amluble fusee;
audit war should crafortaustaly tdi the ?milt of
existing \ diffienitlee, it is not to be curled el by
learned dissertations upon the expoullou of em.
Ore, which the members dolly give to;theircrld.
A short executive 'session was held to-day, at
which many important noadastions wore acted
upon. A vote was taken upon the nomination
of Capt. Gardiner, of Vie drugoosul, wbo has
been for the third time promoted to the major
ity which Lieut. &humbug, who had !lei Isla
unfortunate difficulty with MC Fuller, claims se
his due. The nomination was laid upon the la.
ble. It will probably be withdrawn, and.that of
Lieutenant Sohaumberg eubstituted.
Mr. 11. A. Wise, of Peerless meroorye: has
turned up again. Ha ittailti the tattehin to Prsdoce,
but It Is preenuied he =not get
. 14. le
somewhat Ilks Se wolf wldch the. Tartar flight.
Ire can't be held foster by the tars, and lie
won't let the Tartnr releseq him; The DeMoc•
racy has caught *lee, and That to do withldm '
they don't know; but they do know that lflkey
'rein him locge, he. may rend or, carry off ;soy\
twoocent inembriti •'• of the :float 'tied eren time
of the shePheede t eeeeld:lteki*'eefe
fangs.. That he will bilietsit Out of Mt iNitz7
to nearly s Bred fact, an his frien dand
former ally, Calebtoohlog, would may.
A batch of wetter'' numb:miens were sited
upon to day, meetly faronbly, which you
. win
get through the telegraph. •
An effort will be made to induce the Bet4te
to not upon the resolution in behalf of the, Ter
huantepeo Company, offered by Mann I n open
senior!, as long ago oe tast enzumer. It lignite
Cllibieß3. The Senate have had enough of Oat
affair. Bata Anna is by this Urea 're-insiailed
in power. It will be hardly possible for blel to
restore to hlealee law, order, and well regulated
freedom, bat he will „put his foot upon thi
bnantepeo swindle, -and leave the speculators
to find their remedy before the Units of Sitl ' it•
00, or In a fair arbitration. That they and enti
tled to something by way of damagee, for the
fallen of their volumes le probable, for 'mud
the former fluting odollohtrottono of the eau
try have been more or less Involved Is them:
Oen. Lane wan confirmed
.bb the Senate -to
day, as Governor of Oregon., The rotary is
$2,600 per arum, and the pay of Indian Agetiti .
which Is an appurtenance of the Mi.; Is $1,600
additional. The per diem and mileage'of dele
gate is about $7OOO per - annum. The Getteralle
either a disinterested politiiian, or he doubted
hia re•eleotion.
Honorable Edninncl Burke, the Battier:dna Ex-
Comas,loner of I"abante, attired to•nlybt.—
He la not In.!nal by thorProeldont; and le andqr
stood to be more poynfai 14 New liamindarre
than br Wiebinglon. Junius,
111 an evidence of the excitement in the Thiet
breath Ward, Mitigated by the Catholic' oppcit•
lion to the Froe Scheele, tee note that at nom
inatiag meeting of tbe Dentocratr, lest right, of
thet Ward, Meters, Platt and Rellag were nom
mated for Cionnalimen—ltni former had 275,,the
latter Mb: Tome. Illr. Begget, mippoiied bg
.Protestants 6l) mites' 'gr. Wooer, D4berty,
tatballo, wse namad . fci gehoef,ifjeltue.—ci a<
61•1:die . •
• ADDIMOSAL Penne or BIZ.VCS3 --Th•
Southern papers publish the details of.the
from the city of Mexico to the 24.1 - tat., from.
"Molt we learn that nearly all the Suttee that
Sad east a rote for President were In faror of
Banta Anna
The friends of Banta Anna state that he wan
more inclined to a union with the liberal party
than with any other.
Senor Terre' and Senor Castillo Loans bare
been named plenipotimtlaries on the part of Met
icon to treat with Judge Conkling for settlement
of terms of neutrality on the treaty of Taman
A special commission was formed on the lith
ult., for the purpose of opening as inter-oceardo
communication between Acapulco and Vera Cruz.
Qen. Lombardine was re-organizing the army.
The Spanish Minister, Senor Zag►e, has been
superseded by the Marquis of Rivero.
- Gen- Cantles had arrived in the city of Mex
ico, as had also Gen Well.
The Suatamala aggression on the South, and
the violent proceedings against Mexican citizens
in California, are'the eubjeot of violent comment
'ln the Mexican papers.
A company of French and Mexican citizens had
been formed for the purpose of eetablishing • line
of steamers hetween i Vera Cruz and Franco. Ver
nauld & Co. represent the Frpoolt, end Clortk&
Fityno the Mexican Interests.
Intelligence froin the Rio Grande confirmed
the reported disbandment of Caravaj al's farces.
Affairs tad become remarkably quiet at Mon
11011111116 Sturman. or GOLD Duer.--.-The lar
gest semi-monthly shipment. of gold duet ever
mado from this port was manifested for the
steamer Califonaio. Though the risk was juin
-I:dowdy divided by shipping a largo amount by
the Panama, it still properly belongs to the reg
ular semi-monthly ,reamer.
The folloiriog Lithe flat, In addition to which
$900,000 by the Brother Jonathan, stated to
hare been shipped, may be coontod—making the
aggregate for the middle of February, 1853, up
ward of threo miliioue , ocean hundred - and nine
ty thousand dollatr.
Page, Bacon & Co.,
Adams & Co.,
B. Daridson,
Burgoyne & Co.,
Drexel, Bather & Church,
Tallant & Wilde,
J. B. Thomas,
B. J. Meyer
~,& Co.,
Wells, Fare &
F. Argent' . & Ce..
Collins, Cushman & Co.
Stephens & Bancroft,
Bolton, Barron & Co.,
C. & Benjamin,
Wyckoff & Co.,
Hussey, Bond & Bale;
D. L. Boss & Co.,
Blaring, Caselli & Co.,
Other shippers,
Total, $2,890,668
By tho Brother Jonathon, 900,000
Grand total, $3,790,668
The largest previous shipment was made by
the Panama, on the 30th of November last,
which was a few dollars over $2,682,000. The
Tennessee took out, on theist lost ; $2,430,000,
which, added to the present shipment, will make
the aggregate for this Month, $5,2.10,668.
Alto California, Fob. 16.
prospects of thls road . are highly flattering;
the subscriptions of stock are rapidly-augment
ing, and there can scarcely . he a doubt that the
whole work will be put under contract in •
few weeks. Judge Manna, the President, and
Mr. Btranghen, Principal Engineer, are now at
Chicago making arrangements for the necessary
depot grounds, Sm., in that city.
Oa their way to Chicago, these gentlemen
held meetings in the different counties through
which they pasted, which were well attended,
and the most lively interest for the success of
'the enterprise manifested. At Columbia, Whit
ley Co., $7,500 were eubseribed, making $30,000
now taken in that county. At Warsaw, Kosci
usko Co., $15,000 were eubscribed, and an as
nuance given that at least $ - 50,000 would be
taken in that comity; in addition to which
the citizens of Leesburgh offer to raise enough
to build a branch to that place. In Marshall
county $40,000 have have been subscribed. In
Porter and Lake offers of land to alarge amount
are made, end alt along the line, individualsare
ready to take contracts, and take a large pro•
portion of stock in payment.
Besides this, many inquiries have been made
by distant capitalists, Who seeing the absolute
certainty of Its being a safe and hlgidy profita
ble Investment, are desirous of taking etoek to
large amount. In Chicago it is anticipated that
$100,050 will be taken; the chili= of Philadel
phia, Etteborg,and the Penn's and the Ohio and
Penosalvanla Railroad Companies hare also eig
aifieet their latentiaa of lending a hairiest hand.
&mold Elos•ostieiplittelle reamed, the work'
will be pet under contract early is April, and
pushed forward to completion with the utmost
energy and dierateh. It Is hoped to have It
completed, and the Iron hone running;from Port
Rayne to Chicago by April, 1804.
A meeting of the Directors will be held at
Fort Wayne on the let day of April, at which
two Directors residing in Chicago Will be tie°.
Led. All persons having snbecription booke are
desired to report at.thie meeting the amount of
subscription received; and if the amount will
justify the step (of which there can scarcely be
• doubt) arrangements will be made for an im
mediate letthog.-Chieep Tratuu.
caaetrrog of the StoOkholdaca of Lhe 11MI:01RO hahaiva
°capon? of lliehlgar. will be held. at the Rec. seer the
stuors once, an IvrromsDaY, lb. zza ?natant. at 1
o'clach for the 0000000 of craw:dab= under the
amoral Mirdaz Law cf Wahiawa Punctual altvadance
la relocate:l.
By order of Ma Board:
=Mal A. WILKINS. Breretar7.
AND naiLku IN cuaKse r DUMB, sum, ac..
nu moTto TO
Twelve doors above Water
IN 110018, SHOO, BONNETS, NUTS, &C.,
so. 66 yams emir, Pirrearrean.
&MeV/till and Fourth.
sterlly etlek embraces every tarsal and
titylo of trots. tPaney , , Somata. to. gurcased direct In=
the firs Xstittaset Manufacture a, adastsd
Its. Poring and Boomer sale, and •111 be sold ar with
factory col cow vetted tavorably rich those of Phi a.
dslphla and her Perk. Purchasers Hilt plus. call and
exasoles dolor. barter. mOll
Spring and Sumner Borniets.
JAMaS P. TANNER, No. d 6 Wood street,
would can tb• • Vonttoo of 111111orro and otburo. lobo
buy to tell slob,. to Ws lugs asoodzotot of bUtitiltl3.
w oo
to d otylto for the coming pessubs. Zrenetk
/lrs. . rota
bolierve Nature had provided a
remedy for dimeee which aeah le heir to. BIM'S
PYTHALEU/1 or ItOCK OIL, put op as It Uwe, from the
great laternitery, concealed deep to the bowel, of Blather ,
WO, le, without doubt. one of the greatest of thee.
recondite. Reed the following testimony, uteen by e .
grateful parent:
Feltnr Vamer,l3hte, 500.16, 1512.
Mr. , 5. Ihare end all your Petrol...M.
or Reek Oil. some two months pest. and huh Deep look.
log my your agent to get a further supply. 1 maid hey,
Auld some doyen morn. We have found the Oil very
.• scellent in fins and Dysentery. My daughter, at
tim, Tone egeut vs. here. wee lying very low with th•
du= 1 Warm her • teaspoonful. and in three hours gave
the ascend. and the flux etolniel, and she recareM
1.1344111447. It to also au•atraordiary remedy Our
min, and induced S y.. , Cute,Druises, and Riunsmatlant,
and for the Men some have been cored at bug standing.
You, with restieet. lean; Dinader.
Wry mile ny all the DIII.S/11/. in Plltaburga.
(d) Myer* adeertleheg Petroleum bless* coDY.I
&comm. to U. P. Ndson Co.,
ricks. roams. ac.
01:11e. No. 7P4. Water .Um; third door abaft Irsultbetkt
diPettil work armoured tool to mr unuaracturad. •
. .
'flave re m oved . to their new and. extensive
store No. 61 Wood street. four doors above the IN.CharIM
Rohl, where thelr_costomors, sod merchants moralise
are Intl ed 6, ao mamloatto nof the most °amebae assort
:Zoot•sor offend to thm Mtn - folMr
111`,BIJRKE A BARNES' SAFES. - --ffere .
la the Itad of buttolony as to the - valise of our silza,
cam which we can confldautly mat the reputation of our
rook. Re hare already published several •entlfleates,
Proving that Salo mad, tor oar regular and prewar
Pelf lt, and rota abroad, haribeast subtectee to the
and Dreamed thee contents totally fee from damage.'
The following la another proof of the lame incoutestabla
character:— • ,-" ' •
• .0.1.1310N. 2 J ar• ONZYT,
.• • Arrnelibt , 14.1852. - J - • •
Musts Dune It rtiallia—Dear Mee: Tour two letters duly reeeirial. 01. •talvat ILt the Mae. I•rould.
re;l l a. '" fi r ee l rl lit o t%
_atiViat t 1 01021171 1n6
morning ol lb. Ma It June! esL—m h y aeon building
befog burned to ashes. ft was built of wood and Wick—
tilarge threw story building. M 7 ba vat In It at Um
me of lb. Dna and fell Into the al l y, where then. rat
largo amount 01011. It map • •ffty hot
517 notes
aboutk! rooonnne that were IW the eafia
aennontod to Ten Thouxand Dollars, trlala wag
eared. Tama Va not degas pap , Wtieuld: and /billet,
.dslasuny person 0001.404110 builnetin=
no !Imo, but bay Sato to t 0.7 that tabors, do.,
get ono that goo! I wan War recommand 7ear &as
a 2, Tone,tralb - • • •
SerWINES, 3c-Parsons viabing to pr.
eta. roma:, It nu :um 114outt °fall dotal:4lam, pull
aI lowartrd, as atalit thou it th* kuiest prlasa at Lb*
blat" !ad haat etrietii.,
Mzssris:KlDDlc Co.ta vojciat receind
nve bundrel down of Clurn's blow puniutel 1d021L7
mentad Drawn Windsee:Maisk irmeti ailed.; Winter
and Honey Sbarina Seam.. la admitted by an. that
Maeda Beans aro tam finest !tithe world. WA, .
ter NOTICE—M. 1169nrizr would in.
fact hi. friend, and the nubile generally. that be has'
removed Tole choice stock of C10.11114..1 TOBACCO, ham
hit chi shad. 114 Water street.tadhe. awno Not 11:1
under tha Honeingahela Llama neidar ta'the Ph",
men' laanntotw Company. where h• ',cal endeavor. Kg
fac t
heretofore, to keep one of the best • of Imparted
fazars la th e city. Ile flatten liloaself.t at the shock of
Close and Tobacco he Is ha the hiblt of a ring for uht.
are eatdcleatly well known ta wed mother egeanuanthe
tloo to nears (Jr him. at hie anr stare; the lame pawn.
ace he rewlved at Ills former place of bzulnesia , , [Whim
Now opening a large and entirely DOW
Beat of Inverted and American Wrote. leveller 11114
evdryttang usually kept to a Carpet &km at the la,es
mit, mice. oelo
"Tire Gas.-
Ague cured by Dr. IPLanelt Liter Pills—Mr. South=
Hoodlum of West Oulu, Pen County, Illinois. 'mites
to the proprietors, that ha had inffered greatly from a
enure and rectreetal attack of Peter and Aril, and wu
cmuletely restored to health by the ue of the Liver Pills
alone. Those Pills unquestionably prune gnat t o me
senorita. 1114 ran bo taken With decided advantage fay
many amens requiring inyigorsting retnedien but the
Ed" ; Pill. stand preaminent ore • mean of restoring a
dleorguleel timer to healthy action; hence the great
celebrity they tan attained. Tbe nommen. fonnklable
dimesee allele; from a illteased Linn. vidr i b ro /oar
bellied the ekill et the moot eminent gbyelclang in the
United Plates. are non rendered easy of cum. thank. to
the study and virravereatee of the dietingnished.Dliilvieiela
whose name this Erns medMingbearr--a came whkb
will descend to poeterlty as one deserving of gratitude:
This Meal/table medicine should always be ken within
reach. and 09 Lb. •ppearanee of the earliest symptoms of
di. axed Liver, it ea. be eaSily and umfrillymiminbitered.
It may be had from all druggists and =enchants In
town and country, and wholesale and retail from
naLlq Pole protest:se. 00 Wood cunt.
j NOTICE—The nuun al meeting of tlia
Stockholders of the PITTSBDBOII AND BOSTON
ING COMPANY, for the Election of °Steers for the clue
ing rear. will be hell at the OPRIOS Or C. G. HUSSEY
OU P nn MON DAS, the as: Instent, at 10 o'clotke. 0.:
THOS. 61, DOWN. deersterf..
rlttetrorgh, North lithe 1063. itahlear
9 0.000
Or, Scenery, /ramie! Improve genet, Resources,
and Agriculture, pcpul4rly and Mar.
grated with boo htindird and Arty EsTrcroings,
by Eli Bosom. PublseArd by Wi liarri, Brom-
R. the Pennsylvania Itailrad glompanr. mid to the
Norristown and other Railroad Coalranit.' In the Stats:
fb the &natal]] ad Lehigh Navigation Oontrithirs:
It the Lehigh, and *Ma coot goommies throngh
out rmuryirmist to all miraglid to ' allningand Meng.
facturiog Orel and Mott to ever? Parlorn, and eve
citizen of to. meat Etat. of Pentulirania. this Ira
Portant WORK UN TILE BTATt.-mar.. la.
yrovemmits. and mum. is retbemthilyanhmitted. nod
font mthsetiptions sultoted. gennorranisual the lid
mining gem. are each eagerly turtling to obtain , the
rut trade which must soon flow in from tee gouthwen,
the Wtist. and the Loges, the most of whith i rightfally
beton • to our own Stat. the Einistomi of the great Laths
fromits unrivalled potation. To amid them InahisAbayt
are obit k ing Books, Engraving. and other artistra, to
defile, their semen ned edgmtages and by IvalAng
their own railroads. withdrawing public attaintioe from
nuallr great murrpritie. and attratlions width we
hare to otter. thereby diverting with it torso tomt i lthis
or thevaluable trade into th eir own lap.. ClUteng ,
shall th is be. without any effort on our Mir We iliyer,
to ten. furniatgi roe with • comtiltle plotortrof
all that worth Inowlya about the State end its
md hare inourred very hemy *menses in pro,
surly diustrat log entry part of it with critical and arms ,
rate drawing... 4 all we ask of 706 to eantrlante yogi
share and mho:10e to the Work. W. ben bard it et a
1%747 Eal ' hei ' e l n P rat h itlit . :Vrle :tfwx,:mt:
oil barer the bf IhOcompanlee
thmaseives. and hope to be rtikituters' • riry• large
Sole sasat for the We. As Raba -
Mg. Head garter,. at the ger y name.
where the Book. can tA•O4[4. .11 . ), 13t•
G ..__
" iiiiii bs. no'd— odroraidlr.o. 4.4... . sop.
B. d. do., for Be.o. IA a W. ood Conabrico: do., for Tovelliogt do. Tat. Clo th s 1......d.0l
Y o' ab, Clot.: n GoosOric 1.1410‘. A c
Bo..azatog may of .1.• desotiotlons or iGoodo.
orlll tad It .o tlit'r ult... to cell EU, us. 1..619
For Rent. \ \ •\ •
4 STEAM SAW MILE ‘in geed 1131112ilig.
ill oMa.; also • tam. DWEL(.II . I9 I.lollM,alhafed 0.
dm mouth o f Pandr Moot. ott the gad dd.. of, Lb. All.
*Wog door. 9 mhos frow,Uwelty of fitadowh. Th•
radio. Is got morp•wed by ~ a 7 . Coal if CET foto .
Thorn le .1.0 attaebid to thcsama • Illil. klid.. and
LATH SAW, to good nagging anlw. tondo op the
swallow of A 1113 , 1.W1X A CO, \
wh19.11-st.h. \ IS , iklorwah 7... d.
For Rellt \ \ 4 ~,:\
on tb• town of Tool:Land and Ilfsll• Ow e :s. .
The iwralllng pad...dads 15 room.. oat, wild
Stow 1100.. iww.• for • Drat \or drowsy atorti:
Th. bowel] wool, woo. wai . 9 ...... 9 b .141.4b=1%
roVand V!! trater '4 ln. 'et•le•lrY o \ \
Jona; WADI\ aut. \
r 31.19 - DX Whdts, swell_
The Stowell Ever Green Ew e e tio nl. \
FROISI Seed reined by Prof. J. J. fefure\
TAW.. MIN./ an doubt Um bAat Auld fa. prolift•
Mai 05 Sweet Carp le,. 0011.1. ISO Lwow .alwald
• about It. °woof the Abuttals elalawd, far Ship Col;
11Wirai =V . 1..1 ilige.l* . 7oi6= '
D.! ISA], Oyes do follow:Id ...dd.. 9.9 , 0..44
00401.11 CTOrgTeell 8•11•11,10111. \ ,`
Mt* van ahonld be a•thefs4 whan hilly a n o t o o
host •boald b• tlad at tb• wag, at it.• all d
S lot &stg...hat the Corn olli two aolt.onft• awl,
loop for slew don • par, It:In • dr/ Lod tooldflaw.'
Al de MINIM of do ldwatenho afar dm hitt lit th•
end lndltoto last war. we A, graword than. 'old
this den ef too www•aira wan' .grooth hdlol, Ina
than Was co offeepUblo dithlwawhatveca the MO,—
This wor insect
ISO, oat dal% cootalultdr HAt
861! and LOT man. lad entl4 haw odd Sully' 411.2drai
• '
ataltaof di oars web..
A 11,111•1 suadrof this oalabfabd Odra had swalvad s
sod for ash. by /4 R.Y. /MLLE WS. V: WWI stmt. 1
igli•Prioa Al per Quad - 51 . half Dock. ', \.-
f 00K AT THIB.O--A chance Ilk an invest
ce meat of a mall amount nt to fromAblah •
knob/ may 0. revise& For B.IA—A 9 0 . roar. • lasso of
• LIIINATONR QUARRY. Althla It. bleu LA( thy city;
on tbo ger' Parair
I=tor oonowtod
all ha gotd order aed eoworottlett. .Tbote la • la to
persolrooespablo totelolt oot 2/A) boabala per day,
ere len It sea T
a m a 3/2 be soar hoodte.t. and oast eel?
"CO. St. Rama atm. daollob Abloom and artflter
to tell only la conartnante a( letablllty b attend to QA
able. Pees $400".% torba eoft se elr
U. aIrLA Cf. Real &tato Abet.
9019 ro.
fIARDEN AND itLow'i t a.,sEEDs.—we'
banjest reemivo.l a, mo a tsoole,nt of Fresh Gar
dm awl Ilona Fwd. of th app.% UM* nod of
Hrm rarf.t7.: nor seeds vv. raLel •Ith great tare at
rlgas OA'. rehbratod Gardro, loklmam N. nod
.onset. d. They aracoarabontly pntg9
, flk.'i.): sod 1
" rllbtran=ratilltt i er.irionii% eek 11
win. 4. . W rbt741,11 . "
rota Corm of Wood and Bizthomnrci.
Gress Gail.. az &O sale \
J. in) ,zo.
UM/MARINE . 40 battles
A i r...W. 112 m.
KIDD pto.
Ai:TEL7 2 .
ARD 011,-10 bat, Lard "DA win tet
strains:l. No. 1, t gala 111. • 1. KIDD •
AoE—= lbs. Algae, very fiii.t; just re
drivel se/ /1x.5.1e.b7
19 J. VDD t CO.
f UM ARABIC-30u lbs. gumto
Coot. 'err orbit= 100 lb,. to ds 11odrosin:40 lbs.
dn. dm Soda. 'tore end lanais by
mhlliJ. 441:41.
for davorlog Condbutatff. , 2 dross extract I(antllpd,
o. do. Lemon: 2 da do. grandr; / dodo. Matzos; 1 dl.
do. Po., la gore sad tor NI. es .
zobl9 .12 KIDD a
.11 , " 11 .n.
reed and rar sals br DLLZI3' LL CO..
• 19 263 blbertr Alcoa.
CLOVERSEED—tS bble. arri tire and for
ta , by ImEl9l R. VAlAlita. • CO.
SEEN APPLES—Of-ohcitco 'TariFtlaa,
daily brd ros ale by .
n. DAYZaat , a Co.\
mblg 303 Lbbniratmet.
QUNDRIEB--15 bbla. Flaxseed and 0 do.
kji Timothy Beal. Jimt no/al far - lode AY.
mbl9 Rm.:lau a- nem:arr..
SUNDRIES -15 bble prime Timotifir Sebifi
20 bbli. MBE Roll Button 60 Obis Groom
LO 16 do. Cov l
oospd; 3 do. d birt:Z.dfit.
o. •
V OTTON-367 Wes Spinning; 10
tin In den, tor alto •
TA.RD and GREASE-421 bbls. No. 'k
pAtard: 42 do Clisase; to sr Al ;,:rise c ri cr \co.
lILK HAM-0 eke. In store. tor sato by
mon Howl DICKEY 00;
ACON-32 of aesolticll, - in star° and
far ash br oahlB) ISAIALVOIC.ffIY t Co.
. _
LOO5lB-349 Naylor Bloonis, tar salo by
sahl9 _. waxy a Co.
IARY PEA 01128,4-150 sacks, hir Sale by
othlg ' Igilitti =XXI , 4 CO.
,r 0 the honorable tho Judges of its Court
°Mature Harlot Swaim. oft. PaU, and 'SF
t 'fb=l7l7l VolD . Lerrir BEILISTEHI.oftha Fontilt Warxra .
Alloglisay o City, ;by °musty aformuld., humbly raw ,
nth: That roar WM* r bath grab:lad hisaulf with
catutals for tha groom
of traders ad edam
hia dandling how* tha Wasd albrould, and prays
OM V.? / 10 . 0 n ha. Paul to gnat Mot • llama
t ot
public Ma. rg eabartainmant; MU your sill.
Honor. as In duty Gonad, VIII pm ,
Ws, Hia antacribms, chino. of tha Fourth Ward, Alla ,
.bray City, do certify that tha &bora pullau.r la or good
rant, hoouty and tatoutanne, oat la wall provided
with bows room and la coalmine.* for tba acummo.
dation and ledaing of mangos and Matlack and that
.41 faivrn II actuary.
O. Wallar , Williasa•ditarrharhirliommack,thiut a a
Womack, John UM% Hugh Mum, Jobe Back, William
Ilellaith Polar Atkinson, James Mao. C, Ober,
liana Mali*. • ' I entsight .
rrto the Honorable the edges of the Hano i
4. Ist tagarter &oakum ar the Pews, ht awl for the'
twonly ol Alegheny. \
The petition of PATRICK nualtsp. al. Lover PI,
Clair limentidp , in the non o tgaforoseid.humbly ehowetht,
That your p•Vtloner bath provided hhaself with nu•
rattan for lb. notattmedatln* It tn. *el.*
hie dd**llittg bout.. in . lhn Bowe atulatith an 4 lure that
7101 Vonore will 611 piss**, It dawn him a floe.* t* keep
;titbits hon. of entertainment. ußyone petitioner. u
I* Ca/ bound, yin pray. • PATRICK QUO Lin.
We. the utter/11,am olVaens of Ow Towathlp atoreee4;
do urUty th.t he abarolmani.... 1. aft.tit• for
bounty and trmper*lder.stut-is well melded With bottle
roam and oonyantenws forth, apanamodallon end
log of dungen. and traTtless. Uhl tltat mld ta..ra to
bleCluhr, .IteGain,. Meow jtoor.c,
William Richards. Tfincithy ulre, BtopheaDiller, P.
W. Doran, Xtvard•D•nkri Jowl, 2Wpbetuk, Thomas
117tnt. Johu Damn. Tlannia• Taylor. • fa:Mir=
X/lARSILF:B Unipitaal
}Li. Joint no.I ieW t t linaquicitt l B3.hasieroixted Men
rune then ell others rombieed. being so mstrorted .
to adapt Iteelf_to elm pm l tiolt of the 144 1 T. wholly db.
rrte mnea! rpe• ee=ile.r.tiej i t. wearer, sear
truee l'Anove ettlittoterthierel:Villgtore,
de well to reliant! Mut, teeeeeelem of the
gee Oriel/ Voss. , large .I.oripi .61 be
L. wllihrt
ear...l/meet tweet and Ai bleemect
able • cos- otl.b0•14 104 north Itseets.
Alone PqrizmigA . ,
-10.164 , m, Iz4paii—Thossqi ibass:
I)431 LING \AN SPIKE, Steain
IL !Wine: Itennlnet* 4e, mem
d. o! OP, PUNIC.
rtitatizit Cam. v A rc.frolat tbe
b 4 Foll a gittli4l Ralc 2 . 4 eiti * PalL/1-
DELPLUAIMOILAI iGII,II the Oty of P 111.4044, nittt
oul mem \ 14y.fie velar De 44 bY de1.1431
4it wad* pld c oral incosob end rde.
Oita y vitt o ttyestrre etunttatibn—tltie undoubted. \
PRP SIOO of the, areal Mon Co be Todd in cub. ,
~übou utobarty It • ttncknd within ten an.T.
to= nle.
Wlll,be open lby Inspoctlan from to D every der
one,ueen ormons!lx, WA. \ \
Anr.BAr lesintien
ntiwN\ 51. ;LOMAS n-iph'ltS„b"dd,ub‘clon%•Tut"il.
mlllB-2nnltd \ 93 Weinnd areol:Pdaedelplde.
si.e: it
IMALAX u,L J. 14., a 111,1119 . 4 \ -- kOlitin usus
vrLIAM TATE,‘&. CO. ,No. rourth
. ay. Liberty, and strmt Allsabw
thsl=rais i :slP..% b" l7. 4 ,, t4°4 1 17 d.hls
Pt ,tho tam, work to do In our I ltis will Miwell to
tidy as they um rely bath:tic the/r vork i zataisd by
insctleal workman, Mut as we roarmrsetrow lead
yaps sad Murat load Yrs can Maud to volt atinstaa low
as any; other rstahllsluseat in Nthereltlaa.
fly= the, collo:dry who what to mirlthsas pJyi
ymmayrinas will It it. Muir au
',Map to iitra ns a trall•hwfors yurrihsairm hs smond
hands, as ware the only manufactarms of Lad las and
!brat Lead hi tbs „ \ •
Orders from th• country fdr Lead Pima. Phim Lard R./
Pm.* will rooms temnot atirntion. fait] no t tr
111L9VERSEED- ; =-75 ban. Cloverneed, jot
rwe'd and for sal. ;kr. • • ' 1
\„• ' \ 'J. CaNkIRLD.
UUTUR-5 bbls. prime Boll,' and 20 bxe
_F m dr"*UT . 1 . by 1.1 , 181 CiNVIELD.
',, , PPLES- 7 300
lIIKESE-:-1,000 boxes W.R. 'Cheese; 500
), So. Crum do4.11:0 do.larzy /ULM is , •rd L l=
ie by reams]
AXE FISH. 100 bbls, Trout; 50.5a1f do:
do; 103 Dbl. litre Fhb: ISO ban do. do.; a 0 bbls.
:mom 104 do. Waged /laying. for esls by \
, _ J. D. 0411P1gLD.
011— ,bbl Limed (Oise) Qii, in et t ere
.se rer-se• by tratal J. B. CANWIELW,
11011 !) SANE-=90; bble. prime "the!mill Whi
toingla br CANFIAD.
eatall Wok 141 and 143.y0ut =reet..
RANGES=,-100 boxeljnat, reo'd and ort
I by iiplXllll BUSBELOOII a L'iollll.AX:\
E ONS-50 \ boxes Lemon,net reo'd
• far ale 11C1181110011 it - INCIIIII/16,
ele „ 116 Water •Creet 614100 halt stmt.
oole-tIOo of BONDS 'mit! 1k1 . 411113.191.1, world op
! „IO :C W Estate elear of CI. furorataareo—a! large beano
or h ieNTLIX-10).obatro of Alliobeor cILII STOW.
beot prig milt be paid. Pawns boner fonds to loan
toll to mil ogl Rog It to qbetr Intorod to WI oo
tobitß. IfoLAIN. St 111th shoot
11 • 4, Obis. Mole flopo. and 1 do,. dn. Iloloooro, of lio-
D.fiof otodiff.Just foo 4 br A.3feCLUTIG. ,
*for' of Wood sod Bloth streato„
b.e. rout...lld AO '\ \
10 d.. ,itub.h o=p a y :
10 do.. I.lstsbargh and flo.tem linum Ccactpalay
A. 1111.1C1318 O;
lablß • SkAek ab 4 Itzebsegy Ittokara
TOOKE FOR SALE-- \ \ „ v ,
O the Warm:tee 17 , 33=3.34; • '
40 do. 373.1t0n7 do. -
arda 8 .do ;
no do. Otdo lod'Peonsylv3ll3o3.4lCdd`,
73 do.' North Ao7Frietst Mottle Cordp323l
1 1%
•d. W1LX13431 .73 . 76 Foorth otroot.';
IaGAR AUGERS-4 dos. jtudieed aod
f 177 67 \ nown i m i n nron i cur A ,
ea 116 Plater rtrat and liet) /rent street.
To tElk ilonerible the hdges of the Genp•
2. ell Moot, Easton" of tbie Peace. hi and for tbi
con i tly of Allegheny: \ ~
11,ostIticio of lifitit IMAM of the Third' Want:.
Vg T CV;T:It b i.'r LI h . crAtzt•=4 h t7igerf . 411
lii , sier
, l i tf . cr u a. b mX ' 7=timilf a trosstr a ri ari a Lat p bers.
that yew llenera rift 6. p;ea ' an7l ! a =c bta a licent:
toAtoim 0 pe,blie how. of entiortainotant;,,vol your , pia ,
uak ,so in 11 \ nt7 b/134...111rLi c0N i is sAtx.
's. IS* the enbasyiberg:eillsens of tba Wald gagesaid. Lilo
oettlfFthat thevaboe• Willow: ta of rood ovate bt bon
= lad temperance. end is walk tooridnl with bo o rd
oresart ' IWO if= e ldtia li t ies.==alie l ia fi;
areemaryt, \ `, \
61 .. ic,. iZ .I. 4 .Te r =eyoha Walla' *a dohs Ole . llk
Lantlrm..FhtrinsitrA: TKlZ P lrrelLei..... iteliat
D i.),
t. l troy.,_,l": troy.,_
a clrui..Ebilbssis-l. Ms.-,
E - *ill b ,aoldn , at pulalict sale, \ ct
T i t i .i gi m '', b dory a myth. ICU. &CI Nark. sae foss
lugs ilalCg. Droggi, Stabling' sod of out buildings.
with IS .lot ot,Grodu contsloing atmat damn. bud.
some's. situated bst ta d.
nk Us Mut Road and Mu BALl
rood st gaintou's tilailon. being U nilios - hoss ills oil: of
Pittslibrub • It sail I. and, Diesusue counteT mart.
'Terme will bs castio mix. \ ,• ‘
,mb T•dtst _ . \ ..„ ' GEO.U. BELNTON
At .E.
P '
• : •.2‘1111) TRUSI\ COMPAIIy, \
',.,, \ • PIE DEITIii.A ? ~
pH. S„TERED AP1t111'21).,\ . ,1850.
, \ CliAttlltlt PSRPkTtria.. \
CA.PrI'AL--260,(X19.. \-••:,', '
64. 7 . ~,. E. ncrner of T \ lark and‘Clt'ssuut
\ • \ streets, Philnis , lllet law ~`, -,' -
or:4l'l9lS OF TUII:80311 1/0•111f AV t#11. , &141 ,, Pni..1:
S. '" lXli' C' Tror d* \' I EV . V.'. A
. „4...07-. lb:J . :I:\ 1, , b...74___.rbb.y.. • - .s .
NArbb 'l7:mtab. -- -,ilaM7ii , 44-s- - '' ' r
I,mainlargegtr i t i nt....... : \ \ \\
, \ p .. tezetz...-1 ingig l itAr t r 11.1c1 . 11son,
\ M.D.;
1.\ , 17 'L' lV " 4 ; enst i t ' t
sla 4 Pli g t:blnb.
\ - ;6Epirriii ceitgErtii\ ---- 7,
\F-ABsT AftlarAL CANAL. `,
nECELVED thin del, by W. 31'61,1N;
It \T it l / 4
.... Tom.% at Ms CAR
stint.; spotberas lutaltion.tatas tun n snort:Runt
,ol•t Pits it
\ T' lllgA i ec=r "g '3, - , \
\ \ 4 747 2 • th tti c4.4l . ' A `'
. • ', \ ',,\\\ in...._•1tr,„,„ct"..4=,t,, ,
\ \\ . \.,, ...",:1n itac ... 1„...
41,k()A, Onnutt Venal7Caryttc .
\ 1 INT.trr, 4% \ dO4 '
, I I . 11.111ra a :dol. \
\ Clan: Inn! , tal 1 nation CsrPstF..
ChM/ • Icbml• 'L. , \ , \ Malia
b n nut
1 ~° i f tr id u l:' t n itsi, \ s, , B entritslll.7c ,
s, V'tyst. MILT: ,I \ ',, ', .Tufted ltsc,
\ Olsros, ' Juts. lisaltla Mats. lh' l, l'h"
I\ , \ ...Auto.. L '
OIL owns. et .it ..idtt....i i.gtt.. \
t0...1QU Clot \ 11l \ttrces Dian, \
~,,,,r o aci,...„ ,t5i...,.. \ ,
\, Canna O.Clotlc I. &au }lodic
L.L . UV* LC' unn sI ' \
ottonutst 01 of N. Istut nabsrt d 'ens,saaract to . ,
iliMil=rAlre.m.. "° 4 l, o 2"" trett 4 :h ur'.
t r G - : 41 / . 7gn e Ve i tit , * ..”4 .. t 1 „ . 4% 34 1 b. ,: t :
- "
RO7 f. , 14 Bu r E big frestatoll Scour,
trl. aAr 11.rfwd' .od
\ \ an , ILIf 11'0014 955 Weed
Iran Paper. ` • A yei \
ON band hd for *an 4403.1tentii . - ea
eon of PAPER 11ANGING$. coatenc•• =vat
'' t m ft•eli 'd 4:l7c=Vt * =clirr 4 " l 4 =P4trZ
los+Ay o lia7l l 3ii ' Tair art!? V.
/1— b... 1410 c. ,31stainkey.14.00,71..
and rlalm. azatiog .Itogattuke ty als im•ortsae4
IgsVo l fV.giggent arj. "" d
ft.f "no ff.. $5 per Owe.
anr ' elio " I*" l:= l .*.ts . gh tb.
"W i tr"3 ttit ,
fad to‘lif . ',Arc\ T.110%727x.... ,
Offi4oldo.and Peara,7lll - il roial - `)Gt;.
• i ,. .' , ":: ptrrsikuuku. ii.cle , ii, lut
ROD.94ts rill be reemeed,kt tbbe ofEtee
4 1- ',454 1 ; 13 11,. A.,%.,.,_ . ,..1 . 1:,: - .4... , 1"::Tkutt,.., _
• V er t a t V .
. 1 4.,
en it. P[otwArp . rwaz7.o4,waga td• .a• and
NoTtlitgrAtitZe dnicrt b , s ttts \\ com* , l4
h. tto award islpirtirmtp.d • • ~..,, N% ' \
.101. tit) - , s , ~ , J.B.CingudlON.fleatotaa7. ,
Nottiiileg.Goodi:\ A
' 6I. 4I"I:IBZUSFI .• EFD . tore ill&
Blalk 314444:410/4.lcac Blatt Betple'44
14:44,4 B r ea 8 4 ret:41141154,444. Also, Aid .4 BO r,l 44. 4oNrat 'd vane rr4rVarle.3lllVeastrt.
8n ss vhlta'and itrintol lityallont.' Pr.. sod
11.11. h chihtso.f. mon Store& hoet..4 A•••,1•••,
Priut• 11:• bona Yzeoth Olog i tova. toryd lootopot,
vtrti dl o j t ' ren k I•:ol."ll4tPtlntittiktYlELD. , ,
. nthl7 ' 1 ~,xo r out cor.routhi. Mart. &unto.
- ' — C Very DetAsl=lle RespAstate:
TILE sob:Tribal...offer
for isaliat 14 acres'
o Uroatd, altuoted`toot ot tiihnivfhleArpotieg on
kb. Borotot% Street Plank •40,41• I ostontlist book with.
.ilik hor rads of', the Proottylnala itailn.. MO Pro
-7 IYo.irittlY shoat., oaty of atooto..2lOttll vorth7
gityptiorl of roman ..1•47/14 • avovanlitat cottotYr
Orlthot oolchno tlyo. It K nattily by tobtlititt.
ion. alma lots. Th.,os.l.. e
oshlT .1 \ ' 191 Lawrie m
. . ,
`\ \ Shoulder :. 3.ces. \ ,
t N W and superior apt, lately inveatdall
i i„,t, to ad . remedy Elohltissl -11i0sphic Rem id.or
Crook.s Vrtots. %oak lioa sod those. Its taidaarr
I. to expoo4tho Chlod. ...I MOW , * ottotoct tad trued!
Position. hid:stowable to health sod Lsootr. It I. Ilithtl.
id woos. serfeeUr olsatte, and Is so tanotrosted as to
oossor U, put.odio uf Shoulder Broca lad thutader. , IN, \
topslrJust e' , .c. towoar rolls by ‘e -
4. Saktol stad lorth ideoo ohd I
't, • ws. NU bit sit . ..4ml Clio oscsol.
ti.f4ii OF
hay. wird mit 0110 it SYRUP
artmeUou of, the throat. for tea 1.4 theta. rm..
..4 Ibutu!lt • coatttamDt acd.lDebht'aaa,a'.
t, • . Pdrattalren,leffaoi ecentr,.‘
, IL Soilves-4 hs.• your °Alla
, Sirmia 71L1 family foe stiar az. leatb tiatt,tr,tts
'best utiplisize ttut es4.l . ,ctaigbi. ra coatzol , A4 It
fol g "2
e.. •m.utlaVvetA
eiulosr LI :hl oaepLto fa ru y
i s s thrgvtoi :::ilsm6 stdl r bot y
.• ;Ziwited Window \lllnds
VERY holndsom a iindttaituit \of iteirr and I
emutiroi drip- sad tneiriti tha Wall .
tar Wataltt.... 41. 111aaketattalt.
habit \ • •t .T littlhtP ASAP'
OKY PEAUIIID3-50 bus. for. WO.
elae:. I¢lll7l VIM BOSNUOIier A AWL.
• ATOES—.2OOIbIs. Nash annolktink
o itcVgirird tI o.lll:WATirra= "
1 011*.tionsrstacth Jpdgfdoftheffcap
Q'bitter &Moto Of 1210 Pour, yyf fayllto
TAP pot, or saw strum. if Peoblif Temp
lo the
*h oat os ogus Dumbly
an.d bra" yto r gair" aftri%latlll
ela= anoo U u W ard son`44 n hol
Tour Ilmuto tall la plated di Volt WOO I /Walla to t...
We; t/Ar subnodhers. durmio or, Proem TairAPAP J
do orrlAryYlat Lb* OM. potlttesoa•lo roil mato
for Amon/ oud AolOlP , lumak ' and s,lar
popo.oporo sud.oormoottr uroooppoLlatlou
lot Dl!lftialr t ' l 7 ./er f• 4 q'k 9 3 , t !aki
„sc..; .s.
~„. s. - s. sc. mu, \ swum gieshase,' , ll.
Woodnti nuo/1114 A. 11.Uts.
3 1 1P$PIIIIMITTER • \ nr••••.‘ urAllAnes. ‘„
J. P. DATIATOED • - :Stain 111Auegas -
AirDoan , \ nu OTZWeIi: Yet "t . :.:Fixas.m. conuz"'•
at zsir deka, •
• Paici.or eDsusstoxy'c •• 4'
Doi....__.' meta.
Private Bar
nomad 23'
AW] =tar to word at the EVA Otice:dapit the
\ ganorithiatit aaktauhrig
\Mr Ltst bloat of COTJADOCII. •• •
LAst ehlm :\tr....1.8 the wiwzikfor Slli
ffa—rotona night Of Ma QLIFCE AT PERGADltlailiftrA.
'•ol,d Datelley” to. du. Look ocq for
Fool \
tionitartosia March latti. mill La artal Unit alai:gonna
Drama,' in are ai--to. dt \
V Voiding . . Oontoloo lt
D o m k .
L, Bow KM? •
2.1 Ur. W.I.
To co Min wheeler
noluilo Irina MO Catrattruas on "' • .
• .Kir•Mio. X. Kllfflt.RLY. theor:44lllot Amertm
ife.. is cu.:let sittl lapheit'po NOW.} .11th
tt otte of her faterlte etketsctere. \ • ' \
\ • #fferso; Collegek
ANA AL CONTEST; between r rkiniAr.AA_•moRLAN'LtTLLARTsuoIRTri
tEVVItIttION COLLEtilt. *AI take plank In Pip%
CNCIt HALL. ea WIC IitiVIDAY. Slatel2 :Ala, At eN,
Pehte to attmi. \l'b
the .1133tereauCt! , i,il" \ ;
nablit A \ cammiuea
iHalt Aeadepy,
TA • w • te
LE JALiS Irzfrepr irair4sninui.
T 6 SESSION or. thklastituti4
in suitmenniismi , Slkii situation k
ILef Wan;;'..4
St... Fart. v
PitsAborgr, ' •
\ "' l 7'F'" thl t
_•.. • ,ttarsisbusUi\P.
NE' IIIISIorfur• - \ \\• . %,
, ii r ma knlttoktflasni.a,b7 8 . c• re , tt,„,„, 4,
\O. Follo Quadri/Ins. by . . .,Yeatcr. cin ,
, Ceautial Or cf,lil Fa LAW llama. •\ \
meat Xrc • beantigulacirtmelsal. N . , \
, , 4.laiirsidi at :fordce:? . 2;44 , , n n a it u f , , \
: 1 / 4 A rtbg.g4.:l4.%r i ' nj i c nit);\ a -. ii. 11
.1.. 11:t. . ' ..
\ \
•\)La xi. in
\p er o fk it tentinc \ te..... \
.. \ ~,
1 / 4\
'' fierTaftfian. s • . ‘." ••\ ''. - \ \
4Lo.irne arnalna eCtlon '•' new Wham. WilO:t. Flo\ c.
tlorn..,n, \ , ' i
'UM:ft \ ILUMBEL \
1t0.101 . 1101 infant. roof* J bnOoklanngart.. \ • •
Jonrnial alcOcalif. • V, • \ a. f.. 1 2,_
_—_,_,,--l- . , ,
VETY Satißer T;4l
\lieu: ~ I\ 3
1 ,.(3130a 4 ,,
lias. just .retzlitted inm . ,
' X Clic Racterillototte. aid la * now nicefrifornad \ ,
Inn a: Gothic 1141474 Wind stonf.l nowt innokan . its- • \
tenalra assortmen, cf Cintbc. Cars nun \ cninfnic.
*lock 'err fine and chorp ancorivont °I Of Onneris ~ , \
,Pagrablnic Goodie, anitablcfcn Mc SnO. cncecUsocc ~, '' \
Z1 , .....„.1„iff.3. 9 i., 4u. bm=clltiltAral \
eit ' primslor C0n.411 onfera In Out Tallerfon line \
pononnlystnna;s4 to.. arby \lO\pLE.,
, ,
‘4aion• , \•, . OLOZETEIA. 'N *Da it . i. ''
BIIDBIES JO bbls. elpvaive-,;
,i1ttooAloontoi: 11,b1p.\11mol117
14 DOL.\ do. ton reed ond . llt h o s ilobi 4
for Farnate;For lisle \ %- \
A,uka ‘
nce r any perzaxl!ith mall eipitat,:triO
argu'aintecriFitli Ma bu.tikus ofinakis4l lit:".
Trig iflliseriber haviig paiehased, tobitz
*weer three rwri Ka. at Sheri ff•e`e Id, a valnabli \
gri "l y ta, P al7lll ? ;:utTe b tl ' lroTOVa;a l l7_ ." P . ' .'4 \
hi* ,' W, •
loouss i osr rota: &co Is eltualwinnonntret goontY,. \ '
shunt 19 Win, from Johnstown. °ob . :Muni:l4.l.oW 1m4.,
lota Arm Maggiore to
Of t. There Is. tqlnaclaz t 6.
sth• pronerty. about 72 wet/ cleicredfand. orpollent PM \ \ \ ,
btroolog, on.whlsh are ebtat 12 larallinwilotue. 'Morn • \ . • '
atMM. es Om end Mad rill:. lately untenured. in 101
atm; of, lead, mnant .oaot 0n.. 0 1 . 00d.r..." mile. rnsso \ \ A - \
tasi armee. The ie of. good quality:lrvin atqat AM V. .
feetlo %Meknes.. The OcelUe als. feet InAhlebewm , .
of eocd quality. There Is Oat an sha d of Illaben \ ,
In the nelabborbon .121 eh tan to had formating. \ .
Wear power le mint eat to run I-be Furnace' . L lent ni l.
'''' Mb. if the tear .. . ~
s,„ ,
Tgaxat-,I Will take, lf offered\ soon. 12.00fn , :C lit - ''
band. Milt aeom. in two rvir pay - moos, •ithout i...
tones And / erlll fortherllnd a. mat...nor Irk, wild. ' - '._ ,Li
mate a- railroad.
for carmlog ait'gre arr i dal • ,
...toted to Me furor\ from the Ore and Coal ban Om
Abont s2oolrpnld MO thrfritronar In tlntnlng on it t , \ .
~ ler ion., perttlere, mitten. mar be nude to ~.. '', \ \
JOllif WATT. Of t eirp,ol Pittsburgh; to. to the mi. ' '.. t .
write., at Some Peantylvarda.. • • ,:.`, -',.., . . \
nahlAdlw .\ \ 1 '...}K , 50 vouwinn. • . -,,,,, `, : _ \;
'..___\ FolindrY L Piareeity For Bale. ' • - , 'v c , \, i \
ill: oabooriber afore', for tplo his entire ;\ - ft. '' -4. .
T FO,UNDRY PROPERTY. situated oa Malts and Illor . \ ~ 7 \
no 2.1114 atrett, la to. borough of !donut Pi.ronnor,.. - . ' . S
Wage:m.l.o county. P.-. 4 large foam Lots with r. , . . S \ .
knit tarattory Met , UWOLOINU uqpe and Silents; \' ~ \ ' ~ . . \
newts falling Well of goo/ WO. OA [erne amr hrlea .• „. '.. , . i = .-...t...2„,
FnUNDAY; moral frame Wornehoge, Illagtemlin !hop, - \ . _ .\ '. •..
'Madame Slob. Eough .Shrp, and Timber IloUnl o ,ad . ', ~.' \\ , ;..
Stabling for nor labored; cora min ill I bay pen, lase ',. ' s
Wren and bat. boom. Thor. le a tplembl'eurabsend ten. ... • ''
and cocd eacitarArt the foundry. 'Ana, Tatter= tor two . ' , i . \ . '
meting stones. One of Which. Is the rlstorored Euler. ' , \., .\ l . \ \ \ -
Mien" DOM.. AY egg , to log% and can on stover, :: '.„ .\• , .
We =trent mould 50007
et . With all t than
he Patent MAU, for lb. .'. ~_- '`. i \ . '
euntrlof '''' Woolf:odor witfeltarteatog \ ploggibs. Al.. ~, , ''. i\ ,
weed rights and piftenlo for Tarim, othl u artteles. , ' l .
with a variety a washlnety Danornr, hollow red and' -, N,
all Lois of relearns for muntr f earl non:lute; . raw. ....\- 2\\
than full nos of smiths' toon and "dough tot? tools—all . \..; .
wel. foralsled .itt; I‘4"o'. th'fdli'lL-v_"-elo - ' \-\
ti ' Wlti.;::erg - s.. l. .nsine. and tog, deft7...l - Y.:
0104.01 ornot and Iron basin... There It s op Me faw- ''.. o '
ZT.l:l'll46.:Yela'".rlfgV.T=gralrlt t ' ol tn r • '-').
.tthaw shoal/ amply greyish. to the 21 day or AprO. esk '" .
hat day It will be exposed to frail° ma; by the c0b . . , :.' ..
\ roblesdlgraorlti., " szarott. es itioiff.Noß.
('!OLDEN SYRUPS bbls.:o4 l en
Aft Id k.z. do. . galls ea h; trxtc f,„
Roadtr.T.," i'Er'43l.7. lic:3l.lJRO
\ zahlO \ tor.wood.r4stztvar4iA
•LAARD NO.. 1 and 2, jud,
reedmid lor sale by', •
WATTS & CO., Ale:chant Tailors, 181!
. Liberty atau•L-rWe ar• rem reaelrlux Aar Diutui
11 of *loads Dar Oantlnnetes Wdar—ClotilD,Caaeliouna:
And Veutinus. of the cermet atylre Dud Dant 41 .1[44 Our
afradat and Duatusturs will pleas. Dire as. call, ;sada
ipHzirmsu—zo tierces Cotifisb, iu prim@
fbr WU. ISAG&LEY & \
.14 and du Wood devat.
. ;
. ,
f V 4 ,.. FOLKS' QUADRILLESIntroduo-\ \ • %).
lug the popular Mrs of—l• nit Old rolke at nom," \
0 4 Emyr, Carry me 'Loom. "Sol ly Buy," " rarelo.l.r , ‘ i
\Lay Cuat4 e . and "Cebu Brake Jig ^ compamd by B.C. For \
ter Jun yetalyed a 'apply' of the above aM , :t; Qtaad, \— 4 \
rli lea. a Ith It hype lot of the umnat &nos e hebot. •1
Macho.. am As. Nor axle by ', ' ' • t.-. -
sahib \ .1011:( EL ILEUM: 31 Wood street.
\ 14
. 4
W ILOS-I„bhla, this day reed, for sale by
, mOIS \ \ 11 yAy 11. COLD t&
ORS—Frieb, ibis day read, for sale b
mbis urttaT U. comma. 25 Nrcal .t.
• Bi Poarttl Knot.
DIG V...g TAL=-37 "tons Napier, now labding
4 c = " w°,°, Van ' DICK IV & \CP..
MURPHY d anropes ssix:,
nonang \ of ainritylip BUIDAT3 aid Bassiry \
ooY adtl3 \
11 EY APPLELS-32 bekkei And 3 casks,
.41, frt. drama 0162 d. fig. tat. /f .
' with pftetlea welftebolOr C
It arla Clicshir.
otzt , L /or salLbT tr.
r V a i e „m44 .4:4 4 j 2l r"eq i n'gf: th i s ignYt
ata. as br1.t.,64 t ,
71b15 4, TEEINIAS 14.11.1" C.,
•VOPPER-3 old coppet.stiiir, Raw is
viins tam 'deur= 01ota,
"51116 _ Al DICZKY
]SAGS-1 79, bags Rage, 12 041andiaglica
. \ ht t atuter Glob, : fix ,T. Nui . kat! a 6
Glirk i
/3-4 bble.,!noar lauding 11 . 9mstea/at
.9 . 10 for tee br s . 4 Aun
_... ... __ _ .
MESE-50 boies, in \store, for gale
11 .12h15 isarau IMRE,: a ou.
,BULK RAMS and \LARD—j 111
Te t ra %tut N 0.4 Lf.rd, E . r . u. 41 ,4 n
irgib "5' CC.
F Lix4ED:r44 bbls. 'and 33,1 a e Fle
btr a. " " li' , 4 aom qttlf 'ZIVAVIt6.
EANS— bas Besas, ntnir lattdki% trim
dum F" IDIZ • 2 "`! l* ZwaLH Drouir
, .
% • . -.III3I[OITAL. A•
• ''• • ' .l 0 H N, S. i R W IN . ,
AS, UmbirED, to. the' corner of Pen_,
e ‘' \
m•- TA ir rAV and ''''
'gtij.,..tah.l,7bl2l hoop.
5'1117i112 \ \
aod \ OHI:oolohtc. to or bloh,ool coopootoullr terffea \
Election of ohple au sad fawn.. 'Atm, a rack* oche- L, \ \
!Jon df the ApshrXINUOICRY.. Molleiner con Do bol o — •,. ~ •
Iron a•tonnfotontlawan. at •01 bon.: loon* \ ‘ \
ifTRAV Al// • ISILL -1- NOODS.\ \
It \•, -
\ •
IL p. LMEII; 105 Market %.
• for ph., on as Ilhefal tenon as eon h. pm . .. 4 '
1 licana of tip Eutern 0D00.4..0 cp. , of law, Gomm,
,Lfonoortaing a ftilt anarbaCat of pow oloalrohLo Polo
‘Boancta end llshe In tin tnutet. Aloe. ItihromaDlaa.
8,11 . 11%,110 . a raukral aso:rrtlkezttollkllLLlaixy aion?Lko. \
\ • New leather Store. • •\ , \
\' O.\AIOWItr,,, late of4o firm oft Bard. \• \
- /lo:= Libutastreehnoocalto the bend of Wool . \
once • ohoinaro awl 0401 doore s ho LNATIIIOt. 111Dral. L .
nog 04 hp fiat rantoeft froacolno aut. sa.t. Joao. • \ \
Mai a Krii..p.Ottllltirllt of ooothof=l,4= .
IrlfoltV i t=or afroftlll'•=9Uong liholhan \ ;
nlal I.ooa D O O4 onl'a amoral oportnapt of lindhano. \ tali
Ilaolocou booDa wrenOW•otook hfne. I ...Trot:poi , `•,. .
t., soli lan. fa chat. 'll would te, nay frtftn. to al/ ' .. ,
and orstahoolv Rat Datoro`pnrciama cher. hero.
• =hit \' .\ • \.. \ • •._.L. ./.\1). 00wIty.. V' ' I
I.; MOORS, COLLARS ' tta. -- I , tildieti.v7ill :' • . \
\ IS, itrol. &LW Ultefl Y. iMI C 0112,1 ELM an aatoolanout _ \ :: •1
DI nonfat otilp es*brte. ii In, an 4 DC. lipentare.olaho
land: embrol , lwath d 1 r; tounoWLI,OnWA Etaeltao \ I
LW* Intl! handx..nna, to o rio . O l =tooa is In..._•ltnxl ;A :-, \ 1
k I
analit:e r itipter=rteno th an tuitua.j frA r !,`•
, 1 — ty. PUALIVBXII&thkiOi—
. ''
a9117111ttt1%"I .L lM4arititt4ttil
RV 131364,000 e. Joh of \co, defacchoclo o .'4, y aiy,"
Vaal( tolirlt== i ttrotrf " k t r o 4 1
panktfooture—wnoe.of, the tom' moh tie mr•
ri n (l4lv i ltatl i tos l. 44l . , 1 1 2 1 me hula=
Moto we Irt to DoW and ino 00 rt=efooto \
Onrchu o Utz will And It o to air Luta '
'_ intat 14 - ' . '''' • '' A \I • I II. r)
~_‘....--..:L .. • ...,...4 1 ..,..
i l UG A N A N DI dOLASSOQ.4I,I6. If ---
. 44
, thrhamt Suit* \ ZOO bbla, Katt don MAKMI4-10.,
. 1 ...-2L:..._:.:_P0. 14 .1 ' •W M. enciALax I_9). •
IVO etiri'Eß'49eo' bags 1110em5 . 117),,'
. 4"."4"ll qliii - ..caGiAt o. '',,
1921.4 . - • •,. \ lO ood 3o co
14 1RE 5 1 .5-4 ' , init . . cheetk YOX - 71 "- oi s , '
itigoo; trA do. do.antioowdoo ard ImoorforilOn &PA
AtT,,Za , t% t.%,"4,2,17AN.rr 1147414:". %
knolls br 4 \ ha 154...• tS:l3l..llAlLekLar a 0314.
oas colas, just ee
4 .14 "".1
.1, kL 1,41114.1