MONDAY MORNING -All 14, 1853 ~ , v , - - . 4 " . . pa • Paokrzcres '.ar *sNizl,.: ~ , . - • -.- `'lTise folloirinsprangraph, trim the New York •'. „ ' - gloats, is going the rounds of the paperi . .. '...a. distuignialted English-geologist recently . stated, that among the restate to which Lamed - and Riwliis3ll have been led, by their research• ell e s ffineveli, Is the followingr.:-.That th e p ro . pdaia.of Daniel were undoubtedly written after t r 4:.i .. .. • ..,_ , the events to which-they refer had taken place, 1. , and thatch, whole of this Book is probably notb :„., .., . . leg hot apolitical satire! This,though ettp-preesod -.;•:.:,,. ', *. byfayutlin his work,hastseen communicated to ~::- :. ...the London iikalaotic Society by Major Hawlinson. ..... ; -.atuktelll probably soon appear in its published r' . ''''':' P1=544°121' L _,....t.,;;::,1..;.7•7,,,::L:....;:.....:,;,..:14.,4,4„..... o n f tly tti r e p ir b o ua rke bbd up in on .G E tri T in titin y w h hi lem ji , l - ..„ .:-, , .., , , , C ~...:!..- - , . omze under our notice, Is a table of ' common - I;ii.. - _,,,, -',' :•!: - Atients f!,-it. t. 444' eery 00.We:res. Yorressinti roewn " Ataittst. 1. 1 21 4 Per farther partactriars.euquire of tlee subreribera JACvll IVEAVEK, jr, itlarket nod ft.! te. or EMIT. Rom.. xp.. * jetti C0,..1yil end Cherry For Rent.' i t SUPERIOR DWELLING HOUSE front. 43, gg.o9l:3gylgocillaon;. i,t,tdAllatety City, poem/ talk J FCLIOO76(APC ' lt 8 . 00 Ntti.rict or Bale. HORSE; CARRIAGE AND HARNESS: The nor Ix see:M.—the Is light, and p7ll WILZ73IA - MPII £ 0c... 77 and 79 Water alreet Par Sale PINNBT & BTEIIIIWTT. HORN BOW. line awS— gala far sale by (]sl4] B♦ D•tiNUTOR • 00.,_ bble Linseed Oil for sale by ROBIBON • 00. 236 Llbiorty strult. 1110 IRON-90 tom California Punnet, 1 for tal• br • Jal2 A It0B180:1 a CU- B 11 ULR PORK-50,000 lb. BoßalklGi, --- 40 bbli N 04.1 and f: for q4q4kr 1.1 R HuttMON a W. F LOUR --60 bbla. S. F. and Extra Flow; Rye le/ nob, Buckwheat dfcuot Tor We by tjal2l R ROBISON CO. DOT ASII-15 oks pure for sae by Ulf lIROBIACIEft CO. receiTedi LI and for We br (1•17) J. ff. OANF/ELD. LJfitEan S.E-3 tons W. wiliel,Otteaonmecc, I fo N ri z ale s ji t . )9 J 7 41t—,3 11.t b b r l s a a o s t cßzttor.; CLOVER 9F : SD_~(I bile prime 844 d far rale 67 WICK • Ib:CANDLE/18. BEANS -100 bushels small Whita Beau, for W. In , 1i.121 WICK I 11e0ANDLEM StOR-10 hbdr N. O. Sugar, for auto L . 411" !!) IioOINDLI6IIS. AJ PPLEB—SO just ,modd and for talst br X Dazzaar.a Do. pEAR.FASII-12 aka. in dog, for ski° by L TA 41; 75 pigs in doze, to l re l' al 4 o by ' al R DALZELL CO. L tons this dorrec'erforlale P ' ~DOT u"" ft ib,, u 're,L.ij-N, by caa" prima far nou.m. I 1 Lard, ezßa &soy : 60 thaws do do do, romErEd and for stis • LI BELL dt lawrr. EDCMS-10 bbh, r ofd&rftle by jai - BELL * MGM. EzioLists ass raced at No. is, 1092 th gnat 'TM mew Wilms In pinen 015. volume—prim CA, ann.. In /al dd/tlnt an. Minn. Vn, LOO waN L lIIKkEL AWL _ ' ') MIM Land Warrants ITTANTED, at the t higheet market ao price, y v72,t N.. 6 Iroarth gine A wiLKixs F i RENCiI .I—lir—uNof-sZA A Co. r- nre closing out this Eginoce of their lugs stock of Merin... of,sllpthe Masi fachincuals col^ j cs a lt 7 immense reduction Mena Rlll BROCADE SILKS -44 Rich Bro c 811 b. perarll.oar 0a.1118.. at 5t475 A A MASON a (.3311 • Ja2t) 83 mail ft Itarkat aG WRmom Al?Pr,rllo. 'R-1 reams coca- Ica DEACHE _l_, uld for sal. by fj.921 reed t_ it 11 001..11148. 4 L - C - 0110L--30 bbla. 92 and 76 per cent. j 2 2 n , stsre and far sale by J Step ,!:? 4 0.. [MAC-78 hags grounTl Sumac, aloe„ 1„ . 3 fat saleby 0.241 DICHNT ctnred rWACC6—.IOO Va. Alanur Tor4ces, various brar,l9 b's and Is etrs. fur 9e br f Jal2l DIONEY4CO—. 111110TNAR'S NEW flfONTliLy_rh e p c t' 7:1•T:i N"W.o.l.TztrAk4Pitht)t b*" 2r N 0.75 Fourth street. TEW FIGS---50-ermm; Smyrna Pigs aved rs, s l. alel:76' rt ' INCLUao Sixth Ina Weed newts. II LITTER-3 barrels prime Roll, received end foe hr J VON BONNEIOB/4 l MIIIIPILY. YRINGES--250 daz for aule oy co. 13 A CON AND D 1 .--- mF— e: h?" 2.V.l:27AVit74'' .., [—IP. T,71" "t'"O'lnrcucilliPays-L"."' Winter Clothing , at Cost. IN order to make room for Spring Stock, I 1.7,',1711 i - p ! ';` , "`:. l° J. 7 LlZ'O.::`'S:C k l"= : Tr'eta'i'eWitT.‘ll.oPll'lii4CZ MlLVGl 4 ot4t4:4l l 4 Tr il if' . =lag. 4estrzitlii4:.„,;llltortinttob4o4.lll.l4::: - .wed. Terms cash. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. CIIICSTKII, 74 Word (OLDEN SYRUP—S - thAdoia Syrup: fi fu tea. (10 antis. vital)do. do.. rwed by • W. A. 31 c . CLORO It CO.. word and Blach otraata. Q UP. CA. RE. --- SODA-100 .dl kega. "New Cae . for sale by ./alO UNDILItS— • 8 tar,elf ftml Bnltar. l ban ?.nt° lazd .3a19 BUIB RJoME ed/ NOda4 '1 Jpp ALAIL.OIbe. powdered, pure, in store au/ tor ode by 11./DilA 00. DRO CINDY P li ol l --- 10001bs for sale Jegi /3 A PIEINERIDOR a CO. ACE-409 Ibe, for 214143 b —y /Y 1 2 •19 B A FAELNESSOCK CO. ULK PORK-1,324 Shoulders; 1,081 non latallno from etearner Turn 134 sTe bl [da.92) 112ALA1I DICKLY A CO. B-RANS-10 bbls small White I Bea T ne .E , for rale by. J. •IL 9LOYO. DRY APPLES-50 bbls Dry Applea in store. for rale or (lal4l J. 18. FLOYD. UPPER LEATHER-_lO dos on hand, for sale br eas shoibta Roi. r L'JSRSD OIL-25 bble In store, IA J 219 IIoOILLB HO[. ARD and GREASE--19G tierces Lard; " 7". t*""' " gear CO. Jo. DAYS and WOOL--51 bags Ray.; 7 do. b y sorratr'g A•'1•22:19"1/' nR. MOTT'S Vegetable tLe Domestic PILLim Meett tetleW10:17111V; ant Other .Ter. Boil.. PoorburdefLand Borofulocul Brut. Loos, and the sure of Lim Corno nt. Dyspepsia. Data. "5000. and all and elle.s.toe cussed by lmourltlee In the tiletern. and • deranged Mae of the Ortratts of DI. ou band and for Web r Jolt sriumx a co.. . No. al Market street OLOTH—A Mason & Co.have on bum' • few pkote Ana Pm. Cloth for than usual prin.. Eta rte„ vtdch they are og A ling .cr ret 25 Der e 4 leee UNDR/ES-- 1,) 300 bags 1.10 Coffee. 60 Sugar 104 bb l .. 0 Molars.. - 40 - eU hYroP. Ivo boxes manufactured 'Yob... We and re 10 came Barrotee Sh huoerlor 06/2. LoyerlareCruated Sugar 60 tt Puled 42/ 0° tr ' L .1. 1 * !ed ' et c r; 2 •• : • giros. • pactagean I 0 t 1 mod /322 Teas 'ND drama glga.. .0 bones reparior do„ tellb • general cuutrt rocs, of Pittsburgb manufactured articles 10 aror, lor aal• • CULDIOITKON. 1.10 No. 190 Llbortr enc. QVG hhde, N. O. Sugar, for Bale 10. ,:ore coultotruent. br rad • J. A It. 1140Y/4,_ i tti- COFFE—EISO bags priM - eßio Coffee. la Bore sod fur tale by • t ; tame do 011-00.1.lLvaida si , ns riswod. ‘ l lO 100 - Charm • • ..PePPartaltiL YU Ju noevnary. nipe. C I.s niconitinationn. - 160 - Urination,. h lierspanioU in store and mt. Or • JOl4l J KIDD a 00.. 60 mat lot Q GUAR AND ItIOLASSES— WO bhds. prime New Orlians Buhr. 000 bbl.. Moises.. la non and to arrive. Yce ealo_by • 61111.1 T LA. DILWOII7II • CO. Nos. 130 and 132 &woad stort leinglehoree shoe bar. for sal, low 14181- Lucau.s'a no!. NAILS:4 - 511 keg. aasorted‘sizee. _1%13 McOILL3 ROIL: TNAffio'3I6NTHLI7--Just received Ihr Jaanars 11153.. anneals oriental work. wader • ahoy. title. It la Intco‘led to on:abuts the more vo now r . Artgirlo: characteristics (l i l t ? p o o t pu . lar lune ri...als4llr...Z.'"OntiCklitil eadeription sa s 7.1 r or :Y e.ot. • llombre. PICKLES—In kegs or by the gallon, a. put up b Woo. tioderwe • Co.. Dorton. teblett we ea. asippl ball y llotals. Boenllng Nowell. or Pionllise al ./Vbraisc'. 71" 1 1 .1171.1171/ 1 tt)_ . " fah C 0..., kWh sod Wood sweet• Q.I QULLS-200 The for sale by - 1,) 113 11A FALINUTOOK • 00. ....2_,l4.lUGARwhito.rt ago Brazil; for sale by JAMXS A. 4101.1111101.1 • CO. j. -TO -2C S ° ll b l/* ttifllleE by 119 Nco. /.11 aad 132 bound ortftet. R UFFS PULMON/0 SYRUP—A 'Lana bp• noo•dy tbr Ooort••• C 0142, Arthal. Dronetat* all tA•otloaa tb• Lobo. ror by fan WILLVX C .11 /WU r t.t pOili ' l6.l . ()ES—, for LIT IL Jag VOX BOYNUOIIIST 2 MURPHY. ODFISII---8000 pounds just reo red C ilad Ibt oat by BUILIIIIIDGI a INGIIRAM. No. na W•tai ft.. L reset tZROUND PLAISTER-Mtotte just reed ‘,and for eal• br • INGIbRaI, jrRENOLITH aLOAKS—A Mason a 00. will el.. eft War Want. of Malt Vtatach Cloth asks. at se Itataaalat dismal from former Duey, .4 ILK ANL , DI EB9 at Ms reatlCed thew reltw—A • nd w MAW 0 a OP. in. Wilma oat tbatalanea lame aell aaltotedHoek at sad rum lootla at erratty waluoat pima W. 11.002i19--50 a,:mrwd, for lab by JTAJJBOONR, 995 Liberty igtmet. 1. 1 3 95 d for Yale by ived one Ir.. se:. D r Ilelel J. •• CaNnitLa' ISU./4 1 ,...P . O T IIK . — at itOj a ws b . (hog round) to itAl4ll4loi/S Y • 00, w or i hoot id. tI V ITE GRA PE S-5 kegs Almeria v G'""Vitt'lda inrIVST•V".., Ounur Wood dud Blab ittrolets. . J. T . I . S t. P r ORK-100 bble reu m i /0 t BRIX • LIGUEIT. Nee. e 9 and 70 Run •tivet. '1 17 4- BOSTON. 1 I AMERICAN ',HOUSE, HANOVER STREET, BI STON, - BY LEWIS RICE I EBUILT, Enlarged, and Elezantly Fur Coolepora apf.hed.panasning all the mode= Itiproremoutr orol Po vro. tor Ms ocooconodaion, or Mr trarelltav noZ3-1/ NEW YORK ' Steam Communication Between Newrork and . TLIE GLASGOW AND NEW YORE &ma Ship Ocmcaccs2Low. t• ic.Dpoletcd lc Irmo :lin Yolk. 01.g.r. on RATURDAY, Its Y6th *Aron cunt. et 12 o'clock. nook. 7_Z_NRT H. COLLINP. 1 9 , • a, , ^ •u6ta :a raca66)--..• 190 tlacond Cabind " Iliddalp " ‘ ....'-- 76 ..mod ,adda. (Stavaarr Fre Inelakled 1 — 6O twat A datited monabor of TWO -M.. ~.....1,7•;,. will b. .., .aali.d afth al-od.. of good toalny • c perk", cycled. at TAIYATY.DOILL4II6. , -.- Lame. a SUIVIOI2. . /al l g h tor postage applrAo • J. /dig .' I , ION. _______.1,,....d...T, N.lYerk. Governors for Stearn Engines. rrla enbseriber having the General Agen• cht o‘u_qr_"pr tartanTvdgra‘,ll!:Pg•T'a nownowwoaneetltuf• 1862, fa now ore666ros• nmeh Oh. wu "' ay . Warolßkle's wiThtor and, rtTrra. tve: 1,1%j 6o ronoletloten permlounn h• mule he f the kind of work to no performed. no sa not to eerw furthero than one half of one Involution par minute. for r particulare. addr•ea ' fIWAN6r, care pf Thompson olistchoonta Now 10. k. -FR-EN-C----1-71-RyTHS --EL. Cor. Frankfort at. and City Hail Square. Maim Tara,. lOU & Tali POCltilla. ' BMW YORE CITY. . ' Wu built and opened br am tobserilber. May I. 1840, vod matte? and grad, Aug:op le/Vs otavtv taut rntort'"l4""`.l.`igna;ir...ti n.gtconmoya4'icg.": toar.l7. other hotel on Lott eel:aft:eta, save goo ova/. n' WI of orb o nye warmed In lc i ll. y aro al fitted r on W ; :I.k.ltir the hull. ii , o. T N on b • on d II I - fIOWN on 'WY 11"000lyg11:17;.hfia% durr lb., Thu. ' Motel iv cosOttotad on tni t‘orop•so ' y g lan or Loaalrar Rm., sod rota. Rath y idea 1 ....r . 4.1.1 ho the viaalor. aid via,Eld Svfovtory, a a to In lb. Invovrdiare vto Jolty cr ~.I.Lud ioreanOle In I-. ad the arlucipal i',lumr:46l2l.aavv. • 11171/3t4k RIERHEFILD. FLOUR, FEDI:MOE AND GENEE RAL.COM MISSI,ON MERCHANTS, 26 CONSIZZ*STEZIT, EALTI3IO24. liD. ATTEND •to the disposal of all 'kinds f &wheel aid tfra Pyodue.—elng 4 mattaLolaMthtrr4 7l ' t " ; Vlaa io r . IZI:.r, 1. Vbront rJA4IIg7:: `CLEGG'S\ PE TMERY Li A FAI(NITOCK • co. . I , ANCT SOM ) S. THESE superior articles \of l!erf.cuaery, di y new o rsl:l%." 4* l s t t sar! *Poll rof L I trd.„. chi—. v.i..t‘tulk. 6,-,! ....r..ponma rSones.—Walontend Extra Yinelland mown and White 0 ix . ...r„ . .1..4 c .... kit r ipao NI.;, Pan.'tpwand, Topa saltitrees for lb. banrkarehlefs oa7ll.a.reones Oil Mr7:t: P ft (a LI article ) 'au LOW }Lis earto . tl ' h ;b l)'ra • U. hd I'7". le. i'..' ' " rOlr. t r i,T d ieo '4 7 1 7 ; Perfumer Ind Chet l fr t, , t ;18 blatket street. belor 21. Mhllade hba. • fri Menr,..diztlforiret thatisegvc"fe4Sthu tiry cln•___________ ''''''''" -_ . lf' . Something New. \ VIRS. 11. O. SUPLEE, inliteetheoten; VI TA Soo of country Merchants and Dien Ma to ' bar nun called assortment of PAPER PATTERNS, For full sisnl Wier . Domes, Hiseene Mantles, Tel,. a). 'lludillas. Cape, aprons. Fut, to, Re Toe Patterns are embroidered I nyariont &Nan: and orb) tad fringed sturvinu !meetly how the Prics' vll at. o Btoeglonfi'and,Ptt t'dlVn= IVett t r, tgb h e= I r4Vel " rFi .. •'l' v.Wet:rfin:,,,yobr%:.!.-11.0.T: d'.."..."-• -- 4ttmrat or ,)1 )thing. s , of:. soy opu melts, 1. 151.1PhEE'N, 11 .1 'd ei.,1krarAZ - . ~ General\ Commis ohm /A beral \ ednanc. • nnerallr. N. 19.7,7 \ MEER STORE. . MICK, \ mer. ........,, ....„.. (Between Market end Magma 13 l'hllntelhhln.) LI AVE FOR SALE SP Isn HIDES, La 147 end Green halted. ihdadV, Terunerd . On, Tanners' and Carriers* ools, al the nen hrloee. and noon the bon Wan \ rill lands of Loathed. In the no‘e,,. wanted. for tan r=111r04" atther stored fre. of o chin end eold n doeuneloh. eentadlNS ' n . _ ------"-'-----' n c °l 4 .,s __Jr o K- 10 L 1 . 8, ,3380T1CER8, • /ntpoiters and Earinfacturer. or easel. D030.1./102 0. , _ .ple, , , FUR NU. ad AK= ar s ist. ( aPPOW 201111, 8 7 / 3 2.6 P ILADELPaLt. Ala 02 441 i ts LA-1;V nrovv roar. i S oar 000.111 'Po, an been tieleeted in altral, 4\Toititt C m =l: 4 L', .7 Mcan offar thearadla yanr i Thinz their .ac. 41,01.,0) i11... * corn4 . lo .. erat u..4. lna Lost e r4. gelf \ oc ! mye . rk.i tlno ,y ri. b ,th. ~.. atibLtes of YennfllyAniasalibfk , , . \ - -M4taer \ Sai Important to Iterenan annfacturers Tradesmen and Professt blen. 48 8017111 111/111)\817=21, PIZ Lp Z 1.48. F rIIO.IIAS B. CAbYERT, deo al .11n r,.. nl kisi cct aric.ziatlif.."itttilicfrx.7,4l°L tin= and Labels. vouhl most meeehrully call tliaa entio4 of ' Tmercantile and probsuimml nina to thea• "118 portent mmentlal articles. Ea.he Adhesive ltnvelopei, 11..12r laUcte eha\ dr...., 0r101...1 twiner emblernati,of the bxnaln cool .q•__.= . 1 1..a.1tf 7.l7*o72.ittalkf;l. T: 1 'at...... Utter Whoa. ThenaSneeloyeihae. the rano I t? ' hood tflT:lttth"- Vilt4 ; i . ., letter, crouhrila ow:ol ' ns ank master \I rnaine•:= ° Am the Rama Ins; lir,b\iy6,tir.l/a The adln.rtherr Invitee an bey/Kilo*. of • en• 1 which arlll berm.. splrodli. 1.. ' N , atNoce and Leftrrymperatenionad. , . ~. \ . gar,%'..V.,Afg'slW:M.,;" th ' k sirw. ''' . ajA.b.'iltruirgr siflth4'.ting'",V"'l mod ltrbt; et erne1......0.0,0.0. L. *tun. Landon. al. szer eminent harms. rue machinery b nor perfect' • .::: , ,r.t,....,.. E.i . b.,. h . t t t t r . . so de r b , , nizred to execute allo ' •0 11 TRUE3I/31, 08160 Red Llon lintel. i' I a Baags at Sou MCrelay .Taaere, No. ISO, Clustoert St. Pkikt. v 'i mount roar. ormoA. mooin g e.,) 1/AVE received their len , and' Winter 4...e.1,,,..:..a TiXtded‘Wri:ltcts"P;s"t2..ilrd Mite and Cashmere Vostingnontb lienyiertor Jot of neavy .4 • Yrenela and Neenah , Camor Beamm, end Mohair ther emtlana, mei also 'Ube article by Yell weay. , They realm, Monthly, OW; raeklemiellreat from MO ntrii, with Um moven flood. pAll article. wrest: ted to glee eatnitsetion \ ended as law eke. usety where ID the neet. \ rename 'Whim Philedeblaa am Welted to call. Or ders __by mall emeniten wit h d. .t.h. • - \ ..P2 Pearl Port /tonna/ea. SPLENDID stock peat!. handles..ii= O 21.1.4t=tcl:tt"sressnruP711.1? Lox t c : , HELD YON . , Pllllad•iv."," Wines and Liquors. 1 1Fe §t ( • ) L Po rt'lVP4;.,L., "Dry Mieas WltaaChanimo. aoof etooo brood.. /remelt Brandlea, of ammo bruida Holland Oln tmaim Hato, /doh .ad Soo nh Whialoy.No 'and i : . 01;1117:111 ROM. ar. Put of alto abort, ars !mated to by Por We It . lots to colt yo:T i lizo n tk "Mara Lary. 10l ! N0..10`. &rottilfroat id... Philadelphia. Gun, 30 \ TYNDALE &MITCHELL. RO. 219 011243TNOTer...r1Lira111metua. • \ OFFER to tho citizenanf Pittabargh and n.l,fraat r . th. ehelne 01 thelr bamitifularbi rarzt - hr .1.1Me1479.V \ "t of liNV AA P4 T oB2l 6Vll:Writ\" l "\''h' of 0". A1..01,22/1 Width, Out 41041 2102142.191[1.1W1t.:7. "HulTZ=74.llrfftint.beck\p-aritypll4wlthibe at very chess \ 29721211 r ommvp. vBBN nAGALEy, ARD .\w161,6. "Omer; No. 232 Martina" E. VAN METER, Manufaiferer ‘ and. Strrigit tgila r ga r itiWlTai.T ., w r 62a37 Stra — acioai-23 1 2 1 7%. AN UNRIVALLED, ASSONTI_JENT: A. 114 Bou VlOhLitl9llll4 Straw Goods—Bppng, 11352. , T HE subscriber is now pared to vAkVe_ d it ME:IM 811. a aoNr•ar. a rka FinatlEUS AN D 41.11MICIAL FLOlant ; Paha Leaf, raaa,a, aael sta77 :ma =MI ff. 4 irt=44 t hi n% % a ; '''' UbrmL7 vitaysvut nod reit MU? • tur.,:hir,Lriaar" lio—pcirtan Ilanufaotaren.- PHE enbsaribers aro pppared tnip4 ail, ai.. l .ll'°"=" 4-1 4' w :4lNl,l=arg. —l ..F.irfoM ,„ tv.ftat-,..b'-4... • gnat v.:1017ot Datttreta, for iharT and tv...a c00da. 214 " from one to eight•aa Autk: stao toe Nilo rooda,to—.. Oh of mak% from LSO to 170 plata Per =Longa , -\ oTbszagynablaLll=Vartanalrelzmotant bon .u 8 all do mar toomtvalf9p tialt taa: irhhiZai;k7:... machloarr .ite.liattv: wzra, ......gmalr.t:riatara ...., br adOmag,llsityba mtiral • : . 21.B.Pluurof 741:417t1r ogilttf il' ot . jj, 0.7. th"llmOlut amtliml of drbus. aa4,eactilaticli et aimed• roma:ad fh• of than& phis Wisp. \ 1:1PRItIOR Wirral .and . no 1319 pie Alao.ON PAU. task FCS. 43briaiest the /avannnekr JaZtr ~.y. j',pr., : .. .-a:-.. ,~. .1:7,-..,. ~2.,..,,igthi,,,/ ..-. iMilkags§ 185 q, Maw \ =man PITTSBURGH* TEE EASTERN CITIES' IliN opening otstho Canal, If swill be roi l" dy to rams. sad \dom./ taZ7'. Protium abd ,frebarallye. mat and wayt argabta always at /mad rata byrarpoaclbla ...k4lace a-Mitirebandisitillbe ramdral and forwarded 1 amt. ...moot or ouiT, keformmllas or ad. yap „as rryl,abt.eoxtrWory Omar, \ .. ..B2,l„,dizr yory:MM I mg a ll dlrmilortatal.hfolly • W3l:7atia if_ , VOCI„ Card Bak.. t - iwriaricraLre . ,,,._ • . \ n.ime,5„.„.....t...pi.44,7, z'4lkanthl2lo2Nr. .:ZAVtlUatT"'"\ bl t. n. "PI TT SB U R G TTUGH TRANSPORTA— ION LINZ.< 4.1111.1 carried er! by R. O'COOR t. , I t t abarabotastflTLlA„ JAIM4 a CO„ Pall ida. Yearslll,l74.i4lArVatklialTC'Catlrr Tof: lam, easwrata'aE. IreAtty,t wilt luvroaet to l'rebt27lbon• mutt delimit. ..Ity2P-IT \ A. OVONN R. mmaara............._.____ • tile B a deise4 i i iier aunt. Auittiotertomi ii iiiweeayiit -5:ill 'th . 4,tabird 6 **; ,, ltt r=e - hi mitroi to n'tcl.VVl OrVOK Oltt to eult% tb tis i I Out' Wittduar slues thIS, groat roall*.7ht bears es lett r O= • enna , kand we QIN that tho ' PP7M E ei t e n rar. tie; gpth2r4;"" the " V , , b u qt. , ...t.v uu.4Foollt odllouttla;,bo %dist whet ~1 , ,.1 .1 jur.rx., zonziltirs.s. The LuAti . ols= iroPrIoIu.S.ITA duty. 4% wi u salti t hoa ' i li a 4 mull; 1g .. • o nion. Rit i d . , teuth=dhat so say uorthlntwon. d. 1\' .NaaMraritrutr,2 !e ' ; :t ra - Vr.r4it7:4,lr:4lPr al it -0=7:47.1kpi::tr:.7:41.11.41: Vt.tki,af f rus L .4.4l, , artiele In the ma cry tout. Ourclts a, to"ra. 0 k:W1T1M 1 L, "* " .64 " 1 .,,i. h. oar of tb. Potrotstuu.. \.\\ \ . \ - ~--s, LVithin Moja/ trostsoulttu= pis on eltlytes.' :ral :ZZtgbigth.t..... 414'1144 arliWfA, ntIC , vagr e.irl.t •-•1 :. -bu •wp, t _j',."tt7 1 \ Ivoto r T . otto bu anAspoualuilvo 'don A P on the ra n o 4 by phystea., ..., bt,..., A. .M d . 4 74 4111= Ri*boo luvot twooodu& dfireddons-41*th„ /maw., oNt , ' i n" on the tabu elluni ett ' V . 14 Hoed. Illualu OA bones j oi n wgtouts, Wand Nit tfail7=tsVahut." ,h.d4Pirpjull trunet=o% dlsitaims of th 11= WarDorl Hand% ..Taw Nlpproa. Odra* isTllpsdass . tt f la 41.1 t: t dl l =ll. I. 41( 4 t0 t t,...1 has 4;:czn told tatt‘rft=tretor. t . ,1 .""itt fl'llto..? htg Mutt the •231,144 07 thetstotsadZP '.. 'N ii..ll=loutro turelmtbpa t U.& inadt p olamoo thit of high goading= mr.....ft.ur,.„=„it. &It rln LIMLY . MON. n. whit at Mat looked on doubt ' n:t4l...,:ritr.stilths*rto smut tt duo Ina* and . another ZW_Mil,ll MIMI. all .111 ba rr,,,,1_t0 riltbstmldg:._ttlarre pqr‘6l.44. tilt out 4l aiso-- "3 7. X. Zerjeiwsoltrh.v4tVc*4l7." trlosCu Josoo Allogboarelts. A)" by asiro A Iraz, I.,l.rtnui Eashu \ do usath'utOust o rills. an U . ..ratutootoch a Go.. Wood aud Noon! Vat \ V 'V.I,---itif"-011 .LAIISIT of fill i,,,)t. itzT'ad , isitmop•odoitroosnizsz.,...oo .44,Reanii.1 \ ' nu:al.:6on c0..7/94, .. t Lizsi. \ It t, It. R. Sollerfr— .ar fo p,-- a Is Is jail lessor. jean itrors:=l:Agrati7ttlfga'sft'donr.".` " i gfer, frtriurlt:a'" 4 ' rs'itk'uPhdaatub"":tieLN4- tirgatov".lratAl"Lbt'' .. 4- ' " 'A. iLhoutiedPpi r . r: 4 fhirP b lMtrd LW.. MIN ht, Earl fret'uo ttA t js L'l7,* v, r.,14 rtLrraV oL u fgrera t ".l, l l . ."7 • F-e MtZtterllft• . I.\ i.ol'u7' . t,...97.0rr0r, . 1 11 MULS.O4I. mu all P/111 day -um- KuL.,.... 4.1 UR*. P.Parod b, Exuma No. t'2..7.n": ..r; rrr r ououruit or. WA Isnltations. flab' P \ hp v NEssßs.A. y L b a, f i r Av TYn mt thin and Wnuta y do tra i r a I hG 4 :TV1 . 1...,4. — “A ,me,toroo '.4 Li 4o_rocom_eno.t to m thy as Yoty i.z.-074;Inng-4 4 :e r lw 1= Raw'. bott,"Liti • R Evlern n " A "' k tth . ~y ys.M UL IT Wood A ..„ ... 4 ,, \ \ \ 1 " , \ ' \ \ ,_. ... . --•• 0....... . = • \ ' •—••••••,-- •• .o Watts oft A p y ,. 4 %Vt.% to '=. = = 2 .'• *e LlPi•rit-itiltinTe oto- i llupe a r2 , '..i = \ -. . 1 CLOVER IISa EEDtT -iVt se 41.1 -- / - I " ul l i t i lL l‘ 17 \ p \s V arar A n.qls ,„, „, ... and t,:, '• -\ \ '\. I -,s,i, \ , - , v, ,,-,-, \• , ---\,%;.-=\\ , 2,, , ,,,''. ,-, -, ~,, ‘ '`,' ' ,' \N-\\ V. - -;.-;:=A,\, \ ' \\\ \ '\ • A \ s, , MARSH'S TRUSSES --The 6w,tow in uft. 'A tall ' W 1 t OO. ,1 t 411anandt a= w Ra i o .by. Q, tiNI S \ ---. \ \\\ i n til. N ORt a to r . or P. tun r \ ; \llO bum piy.1741 /b. Übe.. \r g:1714i.. 1 1 . :\ M.;;')f..l. - ,:. darair=4 ., Bata 'l . l.. : lrrti; Cr valok br. 'I Wil t 7 \fitil l i MiCtraolllll I '''''l'4l4 o(ik, , .. LTO 1.1100/4 22 4td Melt kloiloyA. \ ' t \ \ /loan Heiisziptit Cap \ IMPORT:RFS and iTholcitnio Jobbers i & u tutnrann An, curtanr4co, Markvtate. .24.-aelift and 'aim to. . desk' Shriver & McLean, Fioxr, Produce and Cenunisnon Wito1d:018i at Sorra arjazzunv" \CONSIGNUEVTS of FLOUR and Pro r=irstrintunuonzg 111111 of Lai - .. 11 11,1 V 10- -Nrofora:. Lai - L”ittlb , sLatfor. \r.wt. 1 1 .. ! t a l t h At.. r. Oo2S, BALI MIORE. . New Communion /Ions& \THE anbeeriberi bare entered into Co-yart n.nhtP ..Or the brut °IRE:ODLE - EON a /MOTU. 141"4f0r lb. tratinaotiga of the Ontion/unon boat.. In 710- Canon and Prod nos nonntud iE. no 4 bare Woo ,tionsw :io. I=l. grab's Wharf. tinlbsoors mu. \ • \ 1 1 Ir AfiZE6 .l." ' 1 , Y1t.YD6.1." • , alrincters : • itallg a g: '": Wu, Wilson a Son \do Edwin Worths= eon., Co., Illelmoel. - , Aroli'd rams A don, \do \litYnib i?Tiglbny armielZrt, ~ Joao Seignl , Channati. \ (Ada Uordon a E.o.,,Lonbrrilso W II Barthou Qbasins ton; 8. C.'. Otte J Chalie . ‘,_ do ',do Jason Slettullonati. Pittsburgh. '- iirco.o4. Kirkpatrkck do , lb Limit Eno. Caritir N. W' torn Doak. WO eliog. Igrads.. E.l-e. do Mer. a Meta do do r.. 1,1 a.1.711..b...„ , 0. C. • - d o iiTey. 4 gb,ver..m.t.,. ,stlabaton. unions. Noir (Mew ftaatmem .......---- CINCIN • Ohio,. Laboratory. ••••• • 6 04 s , hipil $0 hot 95 \ ttiv-1 85 99 4•0 \ cent. Strength. • nn W••"' /4.4 X/ LL FLETOIIER..% CO.. Manqactu • - ••E1OL; Pan SSW lataa poloorDistlLled Vapor Whistspy always an bassi, ar . A oy , Yl ; as andS= gra les. Cr acs sats; °Mats'ZgrePl4,',""EU.aat llm s. M ENNRAL COMMISSION AN 'AUCTIONIC ERCILN LIt \ No. 8 Winer Dl Etra•t. M A AU T . Ettoefil Atottloo to Oolotattokoo hoitrooto. Gomm • •_ . !_. Q A AIUEL J. \ WETILERILLT..I Otiosioo and Forwardlog klarehitata. 1t10g:23 LeTere• and 66 Cototoarrial ttrewt. LUlllB,lf,O. 1 .1111. 1 '.4 1ar V7 3 4 70 r. ' a to th.P L . " 04 \ flettto John I S Too • Salmon A otoortatg polar. k r g Banta ?"" 4 AS p AVID C. TITTLE, Attorney.t UR' artd Ocatumbadona r for Pentai r Imola. Bt.tonla, oratrotggoatioos promptly.artaware , ortZta r \ Tiff Fr T Attoruey ity 1.411.• at taw. atml Ocramdmic Ink f& and CIN4 O . Nt. Lauls. (Imo of°Pl - 3 ,1* . .117r--11ta burglar 110.. CaaElev & Meaux.. John M. Pais. qp a 7 T RANSPORTATION ac . • RELIANCE LINE. \ PORTABLE BOATS. • 1852 7211H-4--falr atm arrangerric9al fcl#•-tirl rs'Y 4721 :tmr.rtz:billtr-.?• Tim ..,..,. 'biome! of the Ilb:ra ' l 7 gatroaag e we hare heretofore enjoyed., •, . vv.k.+•• how Drerered torustraettor and males height to to grotoutly forwarded. , The earner of liners 801 l a Liggett barbs, teeialiwi: ted. COLUISEIt4GI4.I 2 and coniagnineuts will be Warmed to . \ \ _ _ AVE INS it lin..llLP.. • , \ , "4" g',..l4rai 4 ai tree Pittsburgh: ;., • , Nca.4.7;hielKet street, Platdalltidos ie._ arf fi a SON Ay/. . ) id.: \ , amend et-,Balbatore. s ___________,_. el \ao,d2 \l .B5Z:\ "' .?I,lCgt • - ‘. As\OUPeRYI • \\ Forwardiag. ands.Com.mission Merchant, r.„ ae Woraisruer.forfand, g acacia te/L L. • \ OLEVhhaWD, OUZO. AleAtf4r&e.liditra2ezficrult=4 Lliee4bal'4 4 e, \ Atte - 1310AI; \ BOUTILRI/N RAILROAD ' . \ \ nits OLlMpapy 01114 0 1..ingV riaeigatioos will place , cm tbia route two first Wass steamer.. woe *id.. iambi . :IVwill lees. rarooek nerrdelulugqiigari smeutedgaN . I =igilint iortt :orolrf trolls :Pears for Mew fhaTe ard7tVwstl *in ItseCowlg_firdatllvb,,,,ft ugh oon Ma fulltwisirlakfteruocti carer 1... US sewiw etitor furl :or g .IN atakl‘ rat ay ea/Ceara URI, et. lmarlergl - \ . .A. Cillillif. Amt. \'\\- . BOOKS, 3IUSC, &c. • • ~ 'New Ztfluic..\, t \q' jt ecaiiti-- . . . KL DsXBER Thar % has at bla at us nabs% , \ • tlpirlt Blida, D. E. La Datan .. • P,_i'ftloi.V.if-- 2 _ ' .. \ • \- ‘.4.tiTii,tllZA,vta Matt ',.. " • iy'lL'il.rOk.7tilia°6''. lantabg aniVuara ria ' a ' d ' to Trabbah ' , \ • - i Wobt)d I W.,. a Bird. Laa .Cattara et Dam Der; ''''''. . •\ • ' 4."4nrdrea(=kt. 'ZibteiMb Oat"; ot MA.' Lone . a Dbet„ b• ADM. Matber..ulib by Soakari , Mtling* inlay, • . '...--- . " • -v Ig. 0. Dr Stratesc6; also, all lg. !at•a• . • • cormewlticen , Al.—lime behittlabb cad Wei. • ' Coral azuka.slubow abbctitsb. b.c. a. , . 4.,. • n\ bo. 10111116 D etkler, 756.7aitliennItTeW ttgr2 7 '? r 'n. l'U" V. '''...-'"' 110iiceopitin ceiEs_ OOKS and Aura. Renot. tilDif: ll Ynottot illa "b "t 3 on: ktinh'o Voinkohttfhotk'''ttM"''' 1 4 . : 1 ;:Y'Ynothit orr.V4 Dlrtie Phy do; sini PtTup \g Tiontotann' t A nt 4‘.4 Vototetnottdo Ch' 74 , A 4 • 1=1 " 0 ‘, SOU— or 414 - .neolloot and Pears on litc • . itontrZ*.j ... rot; ‘•YbY 1124 'Pookru7,:, oft ‘ hr" " 4 by D. cook,- YOsYlehoe tont, Book fal U ern!Va ld' jl F_o” 'L'' t Am ,b7 tho OOalltity; . ' t* " ° Y... Mail* r.•!* qr • XlEt a tgn h" .. Bons o(3111A In . the P or i rt - S. • Do do RGt Sew a HE lace— ti e aTu — Che s ao — LTier a t ee is' at 1 T 3. • • u - 'Pm J 117.. %I.l.lllll=l42::,ll7itltut,—th7- t 4 ,,,r.80ypi. masa. ; um Atamsar... far SW; \ kitAvstt.,?.•• So.ssbes. Hester Ettstattc" .'' --4,2 =e ,r 0i11at.',,Z174,..7 a i n tbo \ • t... 1, ..ieeir or 9.,:..iiiacis tr W. R. waxvrill.. ' \ Bh.k.c.d-6r h zuwr: - , \ Hosier, for l'Orastry: ' . \ ?I lo s tra rnu. ttist, i t . tiV e ol l . g, kr Jantrurt ' ' .o.4ii:4%7sk'rW/Vilff"": \ ...___esaLLow•e. \ ...4 e• ALTEw 'BOORS—Just received— ‘, .LN T i t 2 . 0.<1, 17 of t 11. ktautulv; \ PTA to 117 117:4745 t :if loll'Iliat: to ' , .., iese s b r Itir 4raltut lAI I I s or, Bus.; \ Twidzk.'llkil...eittq, furless; . ', .`llelst'siMst‘neTen'st ).3grr' • ' ' '1" ''''''4X ."IIT:a, o [lytTle au Ha rot •• ',nee ..-- 1 . /lifters of Om Pants,. of alt Hato 's. • r0 , ...f1e a t ',l \ . 1521 :4______2,2._ . 4. OI LDSHVg 7.3 I:II(% CO. t. _ •Eitglis4 Workt;\ DAVERNICIPS Introduction ra tr i n rha iP-}-4,ll2lllgrz:V"cl'i,t. • ri\• \ Vino nan ro Postorol•T n oY heolosy• \•• ' • • trottla"god : lll % l ;•=r4V . 2.,... 12 1t r iCi fih=afortt ril,`• Eft:N.l44.. , Ooon op Jst3o-atiot4 • • fa;r:Aw„f,T4 . h.o.4. \• \ • J.l lavg . canztrg.ltha'At i . . • AOY tTMI. aura , c n.r tt.L• t ,.. mw: . \ Ernh C,CSS—A: siCigitqyill'a.,:Ttianilf YirrarlMlViggrtglit ' f' ' \ '',::, , ..; ,\Rihttlf:ii/04 thiptina iturno,. : , , , :, ; Goill.le drchiput9re. applied uicalod.en It.oti43i?, .' Antbqn:•Taotual, , . J WracuT &won!. (0141, and mor?em.llL,) by Another \ fall ea yqY s or Earti of N.bti. A., , 11 . 11 ; 47 . 4 .:IfFeilliCi\iti.,, by r.....a. . '.,.,, li,Nrei w 'c'tPi46ll7 6 ”7"7 d'Y " s u" ''' - ' 4 \ x.' .c 1.... . 6.. ,Om . I..,..—X4 nreaMmentary / ‘,. ollzezt rimattamoults oYitrimeht. by lflayLV Stories ea c....._aisZjipx. ml r:ord• .___,... m o r e gala ki.pAyl#4.! Riser AGNEM. ~. :, 7 -.. "7. , New .Booki. . \ AT. 78 *Fourth tr eet — , - C