The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 14, 1853, Image 3

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Olrdah'e Comrro—On .Saturday Judge Mc
- . Chore held a Court for the transaction of Or
" Phases Court - basinthe;
Judge McClure read his opinions on the Teti
' ons argamente lefore Vat a reek or tiro elude,
i• among others his decision on - the petition pre
„tented by the County Solicitors on last Betardey
In relapse to the appointment of a Keeper of
numb. The chorea Is too long for publica
.., tlon, and we are compelled to, present our read
::,„ -- ere with a summary of It:
The p etition asks this court to "nominate and
appoint I come capable, discreet, . and prudent
person to be the keeper of the jell or workhouse,
i.'. as provided by law,' and seta forth the sot of
4 ,. assembly of 1706, and tiro sections of the sot of
1767. The petitieh maker no reference to acts
t • , - paned : s lue, through a period of 81 Jean. al
, - • though Leta elle!, and to the 'point here have
i . been enacted since 1767.
• , . The sot cf 1706, sus (1 Smith's Lows, p 56.)
l "and the respective. pristine shall be work
; • _ homes, 'until otheri are provided for felons,
F" - . t . thieves. vagrants and loops and Idle persons,
1 whereof _one stall be in each county of this
i• province.
) By the set of 22nd February, 1718, the
Quarter Seniors (as it-res then organized) war
- emporsied to make orders for building work
houses la Eastern comities, and in Bee. 2nd it
s • was enacted that a workhouse should ' he built
) within. three years, after the 25th of March
1718, one in the city of Philadelphia, one in
•.'• . Chester, -ma the other In Bristol.
IN ... On February 21st 1767,—. upon conviction
Justices of the Peso° may commit Idle and die
.f,,'' • . orderly persons to the workhouse of.. the amid
f • county, If such there be; otherwise to the ono
, mon jail of the county, there to be , kept at- hard
labor, bj the keeper of each workhoole or jail,
, ' • for any time not exceeding - one month.
See. 2,—" On conviction, the . justice &all
it : commit to the workhouse or jail of the county
. ,• . there to be kept at hard labor daring the term
i - . aforesaid.
Bo: 6. That the raid Justices in their Gener
i : 41 Quarter Sessions, abaft, as there may be 00- .
;' -.. . cleans, nominate sad appoint some capable, die-;
czar and prudent person to be the keeper of
ouch "work/Lowe" ,
,••,,„ - Mark you, nallail, but workhouse. Now, if
the petitioners had=-looked at Bee. 4, of the Aot
1 - they rely Da, obit would find that that section
nuts that upon the presentment of any Grand
_ •.., Jury, at any court cf Quarter fiessioes,that there
-j- -:.,, la no workhouse, and it shell be Air the benefit of
, ..: "a k the County , or common good to erect one, if the
.:1 1 ,, . ... : Jcuitices of the Court - ehall approve of the mime,
the Commissioners and Ammeters of the County,
' *---- - lif they smite 'ln judgment with the Julie s so d
. • - •. the Grand Jury, shell have fall power and as. i
•,, • -.,. thorit y to _build, erect, add to, or enlarge a
• (t .. - - -4 moue:dent trerkhonsr, and to purchase a lot or
`k•-: - jr . , - - lots for the building of such holm on, and for
. ."- defraying the expense, charge, and cost thereon,
(i ~ • may assess and levy on all estates, real end pee
-1 aortal, Au., In tho County.
, ' The Act of 1706, and the let and 24 sections
orthe act of 1767, say nothing about the 'keep
• ter' of is workhouse being appointed by the Curt.
See. 4, of the act 1767, provides for the erection
of workhouses, and section 6, of the dame act,
- . provided for the appointment of a 'keeper,' after
the workhouse is built, end not before it woe'
built, If the Sheriff is not keeper under the
.'. • . let of 1705, and under the let end 2d sections
' •of the act of 1767, then there are no keepers of
I Jails and privms,And never were any.
.The tuna referred to - were pasted ( before the
`old Constitution of Pennsylvania; and wore moi
-1 ed for the province, and not for; the Common
. wealth. - -
The petition rude no allusion to an set passed
. ".r"!F , "vkla 1807, April the 4th, which directs the Jailor
;,.. •‘. "
irg rniett the cuminaletioners rith.s list of prin.
~-under sentence of certitude , and if-the
. molssionere shell refuse or neglect to pro
. • . ,- -;:odficient ertieles and materiel, of labor
. .. .; - . ..A111111 0 are, and the oomnitestonere, or
• . . • - •.' 'of them, so neglecting or refasing shall
ad peyote hundred dollars; and if there
• •,.,
...•:.,_ •,., ',;..: ~, , ~ . .,dificient room In or about the common
, .„, •• . - • '• ; this purpose, with the approbation of
7-',;•-',•• • --', • .• , , :t and Grand Jury, they are _empowered
, , •1* .-. ;tau ground, and erect suitable buildings
.'..,,,5u0'-',',....., z . :',., "' act, width has been entirely overlooked
''' , :".414." :',%•iblarned Counsel, prescribes in plain terms,
1. ._'. nest, Tthat when a prison Is used as a workhouse
,• •-• . --the Com‘pdationers shall furnish the Ortialesend
me of labor - and manufacture,, under a ',
- hei f i li v l ylnalty.. Second, the Jailor of the psi- •
: ' son le th -keeper, (Leo, see. 4,6., 6,) for be is
. •Po called. r- -
, hignufeature implies and pramppases machin
" . . • irry, but this venerable statute leaves us In the
dark as to how the mead:bey is to get there,
is unless farnlithed by the Commissioners.
The Jailor of a prison to appointed by the
Sheriff, the keeper of s workhouse is appointed
= -
,•.- ', -- by. the Court; Allegheny county hes a prison, it
~- •
_. , beano workhouse, therefor:n th :l .. .Court dear not
..r'," . appoint - " - • .
Sheriffs, The fact of the matter is that County S
Jellore and Commissioners, armed to consider
about authority and die:Mellon In the premises,
- , - ofier'ths arablisimunt of Penitentiaries, where fel
, \ me are confined. , ;
All previous tub were repealed by the set of
' '. •-• I • 16th Aprit,',lB.34, .sectlim 9of which declares
• that all property on which court Rouen, jails,
f .- Th prisons and work houses are erected, shall be
A vested in the respective counties for the use of
r. •.• - the people' thereof, and for no other use. Sec.
.;:. don 10 declare° that it shall be lariat for the
V -..::: • _kcommtssioners, Itemeg °Method the recommen
'.'_ : All ‘ration of two .sactessive Grand -Juries, and of
i , ;,...4" -• the Court of Quarter Sessions, to trait a' work;
• 1 .I . touse; um if need be, to purchase ground for the
-- . , erection of such building. In aestloe 11, it lade
. eland that the Commissioners can, with the a p.
_ probation and consent of the Court of Quarter
Seselons and - of the Grand Jury, alter, add to,
or enlarge eaelipahlio buildiug, ' . '
The act of 1834 rapes:ls:besets of 1706,1707,
1767, sad 1807, from which last act this one was
-, .-evidently drawn end framed by the Legislature.
" : The judicial - organization of this State was difz
; , ..' ferent before from what It hes been eincithe
:,,,,„,„,.• ". adoption of the Constitution,o years after
:AWN, - .e Declaration of Indepacdth* , In Pronsyl
, . vaaix, If the object to which a statute was la _
: ...,:,, -,,,:h he
to apply no longer exists, then non user
C' , ...-., ••does repeal It Corcimodweeith ve. Hotter; 1.
;i„-;:;. 1 l.:. 1 .; Bonnet's Appendix, p. 2& •
;;;;;.•.'••.,;,- :,---- - What would common sense eaggest if the law
• -•,,;•'-,•, was doubtful, which It is nett
~ .1 , ...?i •.';,t . . Judge Di'Clare elated that the office of Sheriff
..;...;S, - i -- '1 r was one of, great antiquity, and his functions
...‘.;;;': .. ::1 , were - once ',indicts/. Ile gives heavy bell, bit
i::',•' power Is great; and his responsibility Is enor
',•-•.-1:1- `,..; moos. We is responsible for the safety cf his
, ~._, ; prisoners: , Nothing bet au sot of God or of the
•- • • public enemy can verve as an excuse for,an es
'."- ' asps. Considering this responsibility, surely it
r' , Is reasonable that the Sheriff should,appoint his
•.-_ . . - own agents end not have those clothed with as.
Amity In and about the prison In nowise rerun
, ---• _ Bible to him; perhaps strangers,
or hostile,
• ... ' ' rhea ebb he cannot control, and by whose seta
, • he may suffer. '
-.; . Bo soon so astrakhans& le built add =whin
- - 'point 's keeper,' but as matters now are, these
• - landau In bondage cantrot make bricks with
-1 . unduly. .
i . This Court has brought before live different
'i Grand Juries (in charges written and oral) the
_ r. necessity of the emotion of a workhouse in Alla
gbetry County, and Grand Juries hue uniformly
:, ~ . ... • recommended It on their presentment, whenever
i •-,-. - this subject was noticed by them, except the
Grand Jory,st October term 1852, which re
: commended a chain gang. No workhouse has
'--='• . - ' ~ been built.
- 1 - -- ' ' ' '''• Thertris no doubt but that that sectlonat the
. 'i: " - . sot of 1884 rotative to the building of a work
-- - --•- house le Imperative upon the Commissioners.
.... - . Whitt:Gm :statute directs the doing of a thing
for the sake of justice the word may means shaft,
and when a statute says, a thing "may" be
-.I •. done or "it, shall be lawful," which is for tie
' • , 4 ,-' - ' public 6arjft,kt. shall be coutraed ).hat It 'must be
. .., •). done. The - 101,15 u epecito in relation to the
- , erection of a workhorses ea It is to a Genet-ken
or alprisam •.- .... ' ..
'' •-• ' Allegheny County should have had a work
. . .
... . . lumse l on g ..
g ego .' - ~ ._.,
- " From 4 careful perusal of the Acta of Abets
_.- . - . bly, train 1706 until the probes day, the Judge
stated that the following propoeitlone were men
• , • mit r
t. - . --- . - Firat. That a "Prison" Is not a "woik-house,'
j.' -!.-., - unless used, for the double purpose of "a prison
,- end s work-house. .
Second. That since the eetablishment of Fon-_,
.' ' " untwist.
this has fallen Into disuse.
t .- '- . Third. That sections one an
Third. of the act
- 'l' - • of 1767, referred to in the petition, plainly M
' - i-
t . ... . cotes the jailor ea keeper, where a p ri son is used
es a work-Lowe. - • '
t.• '-- Fourth. Tltateeetion font. of sot- t0:1767,(1r1d0h
-,1. . :.-- is - unaccountably omitted In -the petition) plain
;- - • ' 1 7 - Presoribes that a workhouse, as a eeparale
-! . ..e... , ..... - . / building: shell be: built before the Court tip
.s ..e..,_ - . , ,
s poke a keeper.
Fifth. The whole stream or legislation on
this inkier plainly indicates the jailer III:the
,• .. - - keeper where the prison is used as a workhouse.
Section six of ant of, 1847 is plain end : , -- so are
; • , . oilier sets; .
.• ` i• Sixth. The prison le ander the control - of the
,-, , Sheriff," end so absolute end unconditional Is
; ;,, - • this, that its Coroner, under prooess of law,
arnfiees a Sheriff in the county jail or - prison,
...,, - .•• he is guilty of ill - escape.
, '• . Seventh. No sot of Assembly prescribes it,
1 . . 4:- ,:. and the policy of the law interdicts that. any -
" functionary should hold divided peeseesion of
;1- t ' : - thaprison with the Sheriff, and that person not
'!-, , --- ender the control of the Sheriff'-'
• r .', : - - Eighth. The Sheriff ii muter of a prison as
loath as • asphalt &muter of a dip.
l' . .it. '7,-- •• _ Ninth. Where the law outs upon an Is:divide
,, -,,, ~-. .. al an enormous responsitillty, it clothes him
-,•', ",' :- p
o wer commenauste with that risk and re
' . ~_ • ' 4,,,' T roilt. o - lair ootatomplotso or wroth*, at
Courts eippointieg keepers utters jail are used
vorkhosina. •
Elerenth. No Low enacts or desiguedlyintemie
that an; Conrt shall appoint a keeper of •work
house until that workhouse iterteted, as a sop•
orate tenement
Twelfth. The act of 1834 is Complete In itself.
Thirteenth. This petition Is exceedingly de
fective in sine of ontiseion. The Court has no
doubt that if the learned counsel for the peti
tioners hid perused di the Acts of Aesembly on
the subject; the petition would have never - been
Petition dismissed ,►t the cost of petitioners
Dieritcr COMIT.—Oa Saturday the District
eoart wee engaged on the irgumeut
The following Is the trial list for this week,
before Tudges.Shannon end Williams.
List Ne. 280. Murphy et ole ne. lpath'e exit
283. Miller et al Tll. same.
510. Weeks ys. Miller.
239. DOI. Ft. I. Co. vs. Forsyth & Co.
• 390. Calhoun me ye. Da. 31. 1. Ca.
258. McKee va. Irwin et al.
254. McVay vs Mathews et .1.
275. Perry et ale vs. Miller.
313. Rohm vs. Irwin.
425. Lewis n. King et al.
456. King vs. O. & P. B. It. Co.
46G. Same vs. same.
457. Same re. same.
612. Vi'estn. Ins. C. vs. McCleary.
619. Hill ye. Dodds et al.
615. Shackelford vs. Morrison.
522. Blackburn & Co. re Townsend it ale.
523. Scott vs. McClelland.
527. Corbett vs. Brown
528. Fawkes re. same.
530. Quays vs. Yeager.
53-I. Townsend vs. Eamnett.
690. Bon et us vs. Outzwiller.
544. Smith vs. Neil.
549. Dlgby vs. Martin.
555. Shope vs. Smith.
569. Ebbs re. Chambers.
663. Hill& Co. vs. Warner et ale.
669, Same ye. Stewart et alt.
Junco ll'exusta decided on Saturdayi that
tho - Sheriff and Jailor have the power to dis
charge prisoners conteted in default of -a Coe
under $l6, at the expiration of thirty days, on
remission of the Sao by the committing magis
trate, the county paying the costs, without ap.
pealing to Court. -
Common Pneas.--To-day, the Court of Com
mon Pleas will eit for the transaction cf bu
A motion wu made in Select Council, but was
withdrawn, until the next meeting, tusking Conn
ell to raise the *salary of the City Solicitor to
4600, xi the present salary was totally Made
'quite to the services.
• VIEDlOlll,—la the case of. Yeager or. Queer,
the jury found thenmount of judgment ($333)
for plaintiff.
The jury returned • verdict of $ll5-55 for
pheintiff, le the ease of Job vs. Stiker & Hes
TEIZATEZ. —The, beim:atilt' historical romance
of Ivanhoe, dramatised from Scott's great novel,
will be played to-night, together with the fine
drams.of Il Watch. The plays are both ex
cellent, and should ensure a fall and fashionable
Aessurr Ann Bra-sta.—A woman named
Jane P. Baum, laid an Information before Al
derman Parkinson, yesterday, against a man
named James Carr, satinsing him with haring
kicked - her in the stomach and-choking her.. A
warrant was Issaed for James Can.
TIPPLIiiO Honsa.—ba oath of Jacob Penis a
woman aimed Mitchell-was arrested and com
mitted to jail, by Alderman Parkinson, for keep
ing a tippling house in the 6th Ward. •
A➢SAULT AID BATTERY.—Another information
was laid by Jane P. Baum of assault and battery
against William Cadman and James Carr, be
fore Alderman Parkinson. Warrants were issued
for their meet. •
JOBEPII O. POSTEII..---.-;...—....1mpra urn Hunan
J. P. BILELBPORD-._—___..---.Ht•ot tilituoint
at 6% c'elent Pirfurmszatio ecaumouct•
at o'clock.
secured ra " .14.
scrss ss .
13.8aata mai Ca saacrat at Um Wm Cam during the
day without extra chato.
1VA,43. Sloood olifixt of flo boaotlful. b I ttorleol Drams of
. HOE!
Tani EVZSIVIO• Febrnarr 11103, will ter seed the grand
Itletorltin elenneonninnnelihd
nti ea the most Depend. •ledi
Eft Welter &niece weeks, etled
Or, The Knight et the Lion Heart t
• Ivanhoe Who dlaiovarestad).......,.....tdr. C. Foot.
I aue Blot J. of Brantford
Rebecca (rt. Jewww),-- -11 rs.
Wn 6r
Friar Tw - c Far!.
Pas de wad Gllbart
Pao de Nom Ml.Watolosaave and Mr. Wool
To mocha. with 06 . p ramsof
... •
• •••• • -• • •-•
will Catch__ C. Folder
la active ronnsation—la anialani =eat
loterent, entitled.
- ,
GRAND ITLLLS3 Ex:ammo' !
fl£N E'S magnificent MIRROR or TUB
BIBLE, or Antediluvian World. commenelng with
the Inauttral arena of ltheos..from Martin's designs. the
great brthorbral balloter of Estrith. fAlowed by the errand
and pletureedue rem or the Garden,ot Eden. or Pe:L
ases th e Temptation: the Itthelsioth the Ark; LW" Flout:
the Daum ta Dlr. Enamels Views.
Donn open .[ dy e o'clock; eurtatu 81ee .1714 o'clock.
N. th—Ou Well:wader 2% eeleek, will
commence etternou exhibittona for lathilies end reboola
A liberal dlsomant will be suede to thhools to these erbilth
In the Orphans , Comm .of Allegheny
County. So. e, December Term, 1847.
Mt TN the matter of estate of JAS.
~..3 ,
i 7 IL "micTilllZlnVor:e ri.017:
,„,.„, btoto . k. Dip.. the Cann emolat. David
' - N2. 4. reede of i!.=:4 1 t.V711: tl,ll.l'i
the admial e stretote
. Prom the Record. JARED 11, BRUM. Civet.
Ms mean above named old attsad to the donee at
DO eyonuttomt et the ollgo of Cltrel tar • Reed"No.los
Fifth Meet. to the CRT of Pittsburgh, on WEDNESDAY,
toe Ott day of Moab, *llO tfotoce A. 0. •
dellmita DAVID REED. Auditor.
In the Orphans , Court of •Allegheny
County. N o. 01, Jane Terme 1851.
4 Otte_. TN the mi4ter.of the ash) or the
real estate 'of JAMES 110112 . 08.
of 4--andnow. town: January 17:185 3 .
Po e 10=rtP41:1=1 . OT1011 'dl p:
lonnibranees on the reel ands of the t old
decedent affseder 100 interetts of the ter•
tin sod to retort them.. to 0,0 . 0.9, Ru5 .. cwt.
_ltroto the meant JARED M .
The auditor store named mill attend to the duties of
Sis appointment tithe aloe of flesitser A Iteeddin.loB
Fifth stew, in the City of littsburch.enWE9sB.lBl4 l r.
the 9th day of M 1,21,1653. at JO Weiees 0.5.
felhm4t9 DAVID ROOD. Auditor.
Administrator's Notice
wEREAS Letters of Administration to
W. mut. of JOll5l WALKER. ut. orallega.7
dom.& bat. boon Ersmod (Mu OAT. FoOmill7
AL) to Lba ontuerlbers. All won. 1041•044 to Ul• osld
potato aro reguostdol to matt ttopoodlato paymont, ond
banns ola'noo Agana the avail of tbo oAdAlooodoot
will orooont them proper!. aolbentlestrA sottlooloot,
ollher of the sabwribors.
frAda ores • Almlolatrotcoo.
(Woof firm Hoblros4lAULA Co.)
..T. LITTLE.& CO., -
WH-01.118ALS 000E103,
. No. 112 Hrelso
Valuable -Iron Works at Private Bale.
ripHE ertbeeribere offer at 'private sale their
I. Iron Works at New Castle. Lawreuro 000017,i
Commisour. a lam* Roiling BIM Ragnery. lame Nall
notary !W notary Keg Prelory. and all umestary
out•bWldigs. .
.31.1m—Yerm romilbas Hormel: Sa Building Lot.d
onalontthof Um Water Power of th e Pb.tions* and No
Manock Binn. V. Rolling Mill sad Nall Factor/ an
driven by two wool gun= NnOar. and thethebalance of
the morniam7 Water Poorer
lams part or t he mac ht . 10 in
lrt i
ths islet Mrt.anne, and lTilnag
Rau alt of lb. Ito
'44 oh.l. fa r gro b 4l"e:e:ret 60 tone of m.o•
oboe Bar 'lra. weekly,
The NMI Yastory standar, the neorleary macbluery Oar
Gmkins 1.600 ken of nalls-wealtly. Boma lama sod sm•
load MO. work • thus mrieg all drakater
' With Um *beck ere Mier the .Trentont 7¢111.4.. oat
Now Wilmington: ,beWit about MOM rams tram the
Wort. It hi ono of beet both terms. In Wmteru
Penamy Irani. located ha a gron Yawn orruntry for
ors. charcoal rad stone me. Th. mo bean built
about lour !ears, and Mu ales. mete Iron of • pod
00'1t am • Cast Iron Blast driven by • Stoma
'• l i ge ben Works , baring beta In operation for the last
too year. its namallattures of Iron ant Nall. not hare
an sarellent reputation. and always comummi Um highest
- Trate* property worthy the attend= Of persons
wishing to in the Iron Boolosen poosseemg many
advantages.= to of mat with. Its manufactures
masa the We by way of Me get. Extension Canal, sad
Ma Crum Cut sad Qhlo Canals. Tn. Pitlabursh sad Erie
maid Ciamland sad Inshonlog Nahroads nog b 0 t, :u va,..,..4
will pass nem. Me Work.
Thom me RA Blind 111.11.0 within :0 miles wkdrh
Mem a/Trd • supply of Pig Irtm one or two dollareuer
ton 'cheaper than the Pittsburgh market prise for lite
ror termer peitt wets. =mei. of
ProildmatUf ttreComl.lron
New Castle. January llr /M. • daortimawlM•3
Festbirs: Id dA Ifissmed; say landing from Mean=
trin CM: for ea. bY 1.1.13] . ISAIgil DICKEY a tic.
• 6thahato Xseates,.
j. R. spEER, in Addition to the
p --6=bagiditaiTZ
assume/ fm th•le sWL
ibis modem la doom Ammar, to totria en MOM=
he pravalltm rod addend old the somittry.
that he hurelingulan,:_m2 t , • (nag
N. 00 Wbrtl
ILW 11 CO to-
Joss s.
odd CarA. MAINZ& • • ustrlnik
Wasplsom, Feb. 12
87.14111. —Mr. Davis made a report in defence
of the bill he introduced last week, propelling
reciprocal fishing rights and privileges between
American and British tiehermen in the watin
of both countries. Postponed.
The Home bill regulating the fees to be al
lowed Clerk., Manhole, Attornies. Solicitors,
Proctors, and others In the United States Court,
paeeed, with various amendments.
The Senate then adjourned
• Honer.—Mr. Gorman, fom the Committee on
Mihtary Affairs, reported a bill for the rellet , of
Col. Fremont, appropriating $17,500 to relieve
him from eertalo costs, damages, end bail In
England. The money woe obtained on four sop
orate drafts which were not met at maturity, for
the region that there was no appropriation out
of which to pay them. The funds were coot by
Mr. Fremont to the then territory of California,
for the'support of government troops.
After some debate the bill posited, and the
House adjourned.
&smarm—The House bill Mathorislog Alle
gheny County to subscribe to the Steubenville
Railroad, and the Renate bill acithorising the
Eaat Liberty and Penn townithlp Plank Road, to
erect a gate when two miles are completed were
severally passed. The House was not In ses
NEw Onice, Feb. 12
Datini-are received from Mexico to the 25th.
"AtticS the• ejection of Congress by Cevalloe,
68 memberawasembled at a private house on the
21st Impeached CavaDos, and elected (turbo,
Governor of Pueblo, President ad Uteri', (No
rio refused to accept.
The garrison of the city has pronounced in
favor of the plan of GandaWare. The Biglio
ease that the reinlution is ended as the whole
country is in favbr of the plan of Guadalajara.
Gen. Bute, Minister of war hat sent a meting°
to-Arago urging his cabinet until hie at rivet
The latter is marching forward.
It is reportedthat Arno Is willbt; to recog
nize Cevallos and also the Congress, provided the
latter will reform the constitution. Combos bee
lamed a proolaiition opening the ports of Ma.
cation, San Blat, Tampico, Vera Cruz, and
The steamer Albatross arrived at Vera Crui.
Great excitement ensued an the people supposed
Santa Anna wee one of the paalengers.
Waentscros, Feb. 12.
The President hu nominated - John Randolph
Clay, envoy extraordinary, and Minister Pleni
potentiary to Peru, and Theodore Fay, charge
to the Swim, confederation.
CHAELLBTON, S. C., Feb. 11.
The etenmer Isabel, arrived to-Jay from •8.-
.vana, whence she sailed on the Bth. Mr. Klieg
arrived at Havana an the Bth, in improved
health. 4 •
' An Englien man of •ar offered • galore which
wee declined.
The Cayenne departed on the 7111 for Tortugas,
and Pensacola.
At Havana the 'weather has been good eitme
the 28th. There Is an improved demand for
ragas; good °militias have arrived more freely
c.nd commanded the highest flturen Molasses
are higher.
The loss by.the fire at Zlardenas is estimated
at fully one million of dollars.
At Key Kest numerous shipments are report.
ed. The Hey Lighthouse is progreselig. Pro
visions scathe. A cargo of Butter has arrived.
Groceries find ready sale.
FALL Erna, MAAA, Feb. 12
Mr. jideagher arrived here tut night. De
was received with the greatest enthusiasm. He.
lectures here to-night
MADISON, liu., Fob. 12.
The steamer Memphis run lobo the beak about
five mile, above this city, this morning at half
past two o'olaik and sunk to the cabin floor.—
Her cargo is a total toes. Her passengers and
crew escaped.
' Nsw TORE, Feb. 12.
The Franklin called for Havana at 1:11)011.
The Baird of Directors of the Baltimore and
Ohio 4allroad held a meeting to•dq and resolv
ed; to gin the workmen the advance asked and
seceded to all other demands. The majority of
other proprietors of foundries Bo hive also so.
ceded to the adman end the strike Is over. The
business will be resumed an Monday.
:You. Fab. 12.
The majority for the Blaine Liquor Law, In
100 tonne in Vermont, In 5000.
Pettansx.rnts, Feb. 12.—Sales 300 bo■ Cloy-,
erseed at $6,12. Flour, more doing; mdes 1300
bbl, mixed good brands for export at $5,25
Sales 100 straight at $5,311; 3000 bills faney
$5,66. Rye Flour and Corn Meal, nothing do
ing. Wheat, nothing doing; red S 1,1601.16;
white $1,23; the last sale of Rye was 85. Corn
In better demand. Sales 4000 brut Southern yel
low at G 4 afloat, Including some to anise attar
mer quotations. Oats, no transactions. Whiskey
demand limited, and sales small 24.
Nsw °assure, Feb. 12.—Ccitton hats declined
i to }, but active, the vales being fully 15,000"
bales middling 81®°. •Sight Exchange on New.
York advanced from per prem. Freights
firm asking 3 farthings to Liverpool.
TOTED FRUIT-75 bur. Tried Peaches
D ' i ' d ° VOL . .; J AVA'S LW rsiVPIIY.
2,800 bons UM 2,000 W. 810214
11,00 " 10811; "Se 128.1 k
'260 128112 100 12218,
Cll,3h"' .2,a
1""1. 43 . 11 801112110/182 111111PII11.
FLOUR -14 bbls. extra Pastry; .200 do.
Bogartm. for sak b
4, y
LAULK PORK-12,C% lbs. Hulk Pork, in
Age= and for se& br E. DA1.7.61.1. & CO..
2Z3 Libertr street
J1:181) received and for eale;
30 barrels No.l LAM:
10 keg. do. du
15 bar:4lsl4g* Roll B¢l.llll
10 do, PrArlesh. +-
fel SVELTER. 1:111.1406111 *•00
WE •LY it. BILL'S superior Oil Paste
JLPAN BLACKlNG—Consldezat. In the Carte.
to any other snake. For re.. at inssuisetursre
Prin.& by W. /I. IdeCLURGI • CO..
Agen rg teynr Weloll our. Wood and Nett. street&
b. • Ireb
V.EfEESE-2,000 boxes prime Cuttings, for
14,j Ws by [fe4l J. B. CIANFIXI.I).
PAPER-122 bdls. Wrapping Paper, for
1 ..l. by If 41 J. B. CAN-YIELD.
11.FANS-12 bbls. BIRRE White Deana, re
aired aaQ far ial. br
..REEN APPLES-30 Ibis choice Apple',
It HIED APPLES-20 bane, in store and
jjl for ale by MI I HARBLUGII.
■■ ``"LOVER SEED-35 bble., roo'd and for [MI SPRINGIER LIARBAOOII.
EGGS—. 2 bble., reo'd and for sale by
44 mach hotturr_,
$2 bogs Cltestoutt:
• old Coppor ID ill.,
To coin on steam. /*rept How. Toy nio by
44 Wel.. and hoot stmt..
gcmders Prepared Indigo.
This sable is Chemically prepared so es to render
It perfectl salable to water. by which mesas kb cents'
worth. lido non work then one dollar's worth of oohs.
nton indigo. We would rail the attentims or retailers to
tole superior article, which we ash 'tali St 160 ywr root.
leo than common Indigo and warrant to sire satisfac
tion. fan. A. WOLUILO A CO.
1.3 earner of Wood and 111. th street.,
Ethiopian Son a,b, I.o.Frat.r. Mb t.r. Lithe latent,
and one of tha most ellseHre rt Mr. Yoder'. nanyteltlans.
It was sung In thin clty 'with Immense nom. by the Now
Orleans a-tansies. The drat lasuntso K te x bAw ooly
at the Muds Wore of
fel • No. 101 Tblul Arent.
pontnal and Post novr.l
tiREEN APPLES-100 bbla. ehoioe Green
... .:atel s tr i r . iLl y ee per U. Pa i r z t k ildller c at earl
-553 259 Liberty street.
XOOB-4 1-2 bbla. fresh Eggs_..jast redd
- and kr sal. by DALZIELL t Co.
UTTER-5 bble. prime Roll Butter, for
de by 1041 A. DALZIILL C CO.
lIREDD APPLES-50 bus. Dried Apple!,
In Ears ssul far ale by •
o-orazer.c a co.
QEED-100 bus. Clover Seed; 50 do. Tiro°.
64 ' 7 u 04 . ma Jar rale by
ABD—In bblo. and kegs, for sale by
(4 A. DALZELL it' CO.
QUGAR and MOLASSES--50 hhda prime
N. O. Edgy . ; 20 do. fair do.: 100 dlolossarg
43. B. B. do.. o boi.gNasiolyraboaly
Olome Institute for Young Ladies,
OLIVIA J. FRENCH, Principil •
TIIE next session of this Institution win
ammo. tat this first of Cotober. and tog go us for
a sassion of ton roonttu. Board. Tuition and Light. $5O
par modem ear. months, or 11100 par ear. Aar' person
sanding three senators Tot mean of taa months, and
to • rodoetlo o•ro and Trfor to toll. sot soy
one aced flys senior, and paying gair bowl nod Ta.
demon adranokna, This
Do entitled to a rsdnotionA
ach whole, This will aflottl =aunt India do
in the soma megooorooort synorontits =kw..
thorer redotina
enwornea and tOlroolaro giving Augur Intircuelon.
tan Ds had by orlittotion to tha me t to triglisit
Elliott. IkeltSlmgra. Word ati:son,Ptgaturith.
ITU:wird [Wash. Mei.
Asaw. W. FOSTER, AltonLayarid 00UP
it km. gyarl Mihltglak{fib
OTIOI Prrrenttolu Barra, t
Standar Skuttlag. Pahruary 14.31E43.
The weather on de.rday .as ores. but unbica. sl .
Bualtutea um. only txlerably active.
/LOUR—The market vas settle and brio , * tours t s s l i'
sustained. Satrap( Blalbhlnstralghtbrendna f. asdextra.
at 14,424461,30: 200 bbla a. f. atralgtit. at 14.32142 do do
at 114.50 i and ..170 Ltd* a. L and extra at 54204264.25.
tra, Wen of 50 000. at 14,40, and 1001.01, a. f. from store
at 14.45.
BUCKWHEAT Fl,ollll—Poden of WI TOO, at 111.15, and
125 marls at 51,06.
ASHES-40m of 6 nuts domestic. at:Kiln
000N-0.1,00f IWO bus at 44. on tho afloat
OATS—Bale. of 200 boa at p. and 100 do at 33, trout
trot haodr.
MOLASS.F.B—The market continues Som. Salo: of 75
bbl, cypress at 32 .ad 40 doi'at crute rate.
'BEGAR—SaIes of 10 htula at tln, .rd 20 do do ad LIE
marnat Arm.
ellEKSE—Sales of 40 Loam ,W 11. at U, for mall and
10 Mr large.
BUTTER—hales of too Do at 124. for • nutmors.anct 15
for toll.
TIMOTHY srao—Ea:oscr 2i.) hole al ST for Inferior, and
52.25 to . gad.
SALT YETIIIE—SiIea of 50 bags et oK—four mon
1/1311-Bales of '45 Obis, mackyrel No.S. loaner
Bon, at 60,25.
111T--Baloa of 61 loads, during the 0.4. at SS to 112
la ton.
CLOVER 8 I ED—Some eastern purrhaarra tors In tour
kat on Bat urdax, but we learnml of no aab o. Holder, are
6rtn. •
BULK ALKA,T—Tbe market I. 'Waal,. and bur , . Ide
bolding off.
aLON-1 ha market I. puled. and we o..ntiona to 0000
abooldem at 7 to IX, aides at 654(255i. and hams at 10 to
1034. 6054 Wendy In .nail lot. to the Innis.
The \ew York Phipping List, of the instamt.contalos
statement rf the Meta:wee trade of the emited tita:ew
which we condom:, the - followlog, not haring sell
emt ewe at our disponi to admit the roormary.
Th total rteelpta of lotwien In the Unlttd Staliqt from
Jaunt,' Lt to December 31mt was am torso..:
1852. lBbl.
" , 9 Obi 2670541
poi- if
mu Torn
1e62. IRSI. .KA. lbrel. 1E52.
.431),..(10 1d.310 18.3 , 30 11.6.5 T .23,51 S
Atm. deducting the above stank' and alipn6ta, Inland
to Canada, the tete conaataptlon of forelnn to the Llnlttn
States anneans to have been as (.3:lows :
tlhas Trt. BMA Total In gar.
.—=1.743 14.0 X; 11=7 'JAL' l';11
Addl. U. anal at Lonitia., florid.. and
of irblet was taken to market during the respective re ma
and snowing the at.. on the ant of J.ualy,lia nth
.44 to have tires equal. L. total mum:nation would be
imitations :
Dom tie_ g.rao.aotj 10.7t0.;41,
Total —442.07311
Tn. turia-Thuv none 8 Rot 0 Inctm wrier In chnni-
I co natnnlar Bmenlng. sl dust b pier nmrk—atant
• • gand.
Jefferson, Pashtos°, itrowasvills.
Col. Bayard. Peebles, Elisabeth.
Lurerne., Bamattt, Broiensellie.
Thos. Shrives, Ratfry, West Neerva.
Buckeye ELS.. Beltahoover. Ciatiusati
timid Pislsla PutreosbEibeinntbl
Mishit= No. Z. Wolf. Wellsville.
Eonats. Clochthatt.
Diurnal. Calhoun, Wheeling.
Anna:leer. liseludor. Chstuansit
Keystone &am. atom., CLoatnasti.
Vise, -.
Witielputer. Moot. Whaellia.
Jiitlierron. Burk/zoo. Brownsville.
Col. Bumf& PoUblm. Bilust.tb
Thou Ahem. Bailey. Wert Solna,
Luanne. Bovirett.
//Opium. St Louts.
MATS/cum. Evunur. Cluetundl: •
lesehigun SP '/. Wolt.
m State. Lintraboomr. Cluctunitti
Stupeurr. Wbfelluct.
Tort Maio, Woottrmrd. St. Louis.
No. 2, Ellnefalter, Chirtutpu
erarrrenur Inarf
118011/21.911LLE. I .....m e r. r
WILFT IIWTON.I A. 11- sue! Y. 51
Tte larbang.• leases te-da, the
Wb.flltur. and WlWllnktoo Cfti far New Orleagq—.ll
91 , 1119111.1N0. ET Wuccaurra-30 bbl. Omar. 1 bige Troia.
torii. owner; 6014 form, 1 9 11 Pill- 0114
411oop Alta,comic 610 mu W B Ilelmos t arm 44
bbl. four, Cummins A Foto 64 st, whoa. INUclastli t Coo
109 dl do. Dm.l Ho 14 oks 9.4149. Tracy t 191191014 40
0014 11,4: 1, 11 Ur:ohs,: 1340 pcs ti:lk moat. Ca tk e ttbla
; •B ridr 941 ' pyr. A Ilanlacr 4 MM. do. J 1. Shen 9 961.4, 4
itundlimi. • •
CINCINtATI, 80 Crain Srers—di bales row, Posne
t Co; 15 Dbl. lard. J Orleri 44 ens hams, 03 bblo44,ES
hhd• bacom Pa 1310 6 14941.0b5ec0. J Co. 99 9114
boo!, 43 tqlls bacon. Wient :Moan 50 957. .9140.)),
6101 e• t 1114Itsta00o 100 do do. 100 .14 m4laoet. 12 hatre.l4
, P'" ; 4• : • . g rdn...Vak::.%•.jrtTgratTaiikT.ll
utufsr•sca. u k J II 9hoinsbergsr. 10 bbls Dons. Ehrlym
a Ca V. [dads bacon.
CINCII7N•7I_, ET Eno 112.1$ mast, 177
val... 74 NrilAnn: Sabo& raga, Palaw,llsEr=
last Cllieltn
a Mobs. 111 1=. 1 17.1 b , IltriVrtratl2:l.
%Tr rizz. ,,, tptA. I IS. 10 $ bbl., E u lt; 7
Bs Ome I PO. ROLM. Feb. 11-24 has 010•00 wed.
for N.. Yost, 800 boo wheel, Bryan ICa 1. rap lumber,
J Torollosess 'AS las pork, 2 cks harm, 47 boa clover med.
Mara a lilrkpateirk: 10 caa potash. Phrliir I Oa A hos
cheese, J B Canfield; 3 sts crag Leas. 2 bales /she <ltal.
Co; 3 cars harreee, 15 bleb. apples,2 bsa, ono eastoa..lo
bbbe floor. 171 boo bras. 1 bbl cider, 1 de pm, 10 sheep,
Ne=e, 17 by aoples. 50 dos brooms, 22 bms rye floor 13
hogs. 2 stases. 7 boas Coca. 19 buksts carketkor, 90 bad
ore,. 10 box applaa, 2 tags —emcees SI des
W hi
OoesoIer:15 bus elem. sweei x J W• 0 Ca; 7 ear !est.'s.
her. LI tilloss 35 bb's 11.124 Hemel, 11•11 leather.
Berand & Bore 21 tslls ettessl hatdlss. W Da7; 7 001. cop
par ore, Horsey Cks 2 Os. heathens 1 crate. - 1 ale taxa
Os dried apples, J balselh 6 btas butter, tee P 011.1.141, tag
bbl. !loos e ./ Patten; IMs 00000 , Deer; 100 18,1135 x
sew. 11 D Pehasea: 7 0010 rya Bent. 8 Unbar 6 1410
do. Mereser Roth:Pan 100 hills paper, • a 310100110 000
assch, Warner a Co.
reoß N. ORLEANS—The new
and rplerdid, light draught an...
ASlllrioioli WIT, °apt. U. W. lOW',
will Icor. int th• eboTe and luterriodiah/ Wt. or
kJ ArtIRD AY. the Irth last., at. o'clock, r. w.
For freight or passage, word/ or Ward. big
yOR N. ORLEANS—The new j a il
arn.Letto u t n tteatg P i At r i k f ts gogi .
A t i .11 infernolLit'a porniL . I3,I.II.IILIAY. aos l2th last,
at 4 dolock. a S.
For (night or puma. WO/ or 1..4. 142
?oft N. ORLEANS—The new .
•¢u •417 sope:lor litesslor P [MIA,
t , hisonn. 44444 r, will 1•••• form. atlor.
. 4 .
la emu. on SATORDII , tb• 12th Iva.
at 4 o'eloak P. It.
Pop frdsht or p4a444.
.P3 1 . 7 /r ' llVigllrtn, I.4est.'
steamer 111ANCREFITER, Coptsln Rm
.... 111 le.. far the above sad luterm
.p.ta cm SATURDAY. at 10 R. al. Y. freight or pea
se. apply on board. 141.4
Regular Pituburgh and Wheeling .Paa
tenger Packet.
lILE swift runntn
wiwt eatit. vont.
mre, ~in LOSVP Pittsburgh tor Wheel.
Ism every /r t i
and liaturdity. )fa i l clock
s.. st. snd as
litteollng in thne for the Line s.
Will lame Wheeling for Pittsburgh every MmulaT.
W. toe War and Prides. at 7 o'slosk A. sr. and arrive at
Wellsville In time for the Cleveland C 0... and et Pitts.
burgh in time for the mowing Must to [ballast.
for freight sr pmsege.eppl v on Ward. fell
Pittabargb, Steubenville and Wheeling II
8. Nail Daily Packet Line.
THE new and splendid Pasoan- m jd ai lit
s s,Pkitts..l4l,l6l(B/...Capt.Thotitaa D.
hom; WINOURBTED,II.O4. U. D. Oboes.
4111[1142 Ife b tg nT i ns b !lL:it i b i " V e:11:
lon on Tu ay. Thunder. and ilatunlar. at 8 °Week.
The Winchester loaves Pittebursh on Tuesday. Thurr
dor. li n gnisy. at 10 o'clock. nnt.-Itet rn loaves
When Monday, Wedelteday, and /MUT. et. erkedt.
a. In
nese magnifinnt etearners were Milli eriememir for
thle Trade. and for speed and amonottiodallone are on.,
y oats on the rime. •
P " : el ed ies!bo% b ill marl. (resin for Parkersburg and all
Intermediate. 11%1100.
Vor freight or Nemec , mrolz. , W.A..' to
fe2 • J D (*LUNG vo 00D. net. 67 Wenn. street.
Wheeling, Bridgeport and Snnflih Packet.
rpliE new {aid 'staunch steler
EXCIIIANOZ, J. G. Rand, msator. nl
ran as •regotar pset..t between ride. rib.
8ri.107.1 .11 Snag.b. luring Pitts
burgh, every Monday and Thruvlar °foal, Intei.
""lae "
b 11
. arm W4 tl 7 y 32.Wer at.
The Exebancll o rh
mtii g' ;441..nuin tai
steamer JULIA DEAN. 3. 1. Illou'un,
ID Imam Pittsburgh oral TUEZDAY
at ID o'clock. A. IL, and Zanagrino. nary /WHAT at I
:. 'el lihlp t pan "L inarrcl/ soon Moab*. raguistiaus threuatt•
t the entire mason. -
Par gralibt or/mare; apply on board or to '
J. D. COLLisawoon,
tag. or JOHN /LACK. Agouti.
Twantv Dollars a Day!
published WI now ready for canvassnrs. Thin work.
so lovaloebls to bosinenn mt. e: ids. • hintotY thervet
ttentrot. most sorlhoe of the on Rod date of ordeal.
tom manteectorte and population of every town In the
United . with valunble natation' tables , a new
scup of WOOlted litallo.
Au Agent wonted for Int:booty. app;r Isnmsttlataly
01•011. WENTWOltrit
w fell ,
ar No. 110 Washington street, Boston. Mass.
use, llatMower, Radish, Llama. Camamber, Zaa
tit, ankotbar meta Mr hottoin Pruning Kamm Pr.
Mpg $O a, with Ch lola &Mutat on Mae hamilmo Cora
awl Cob Orb:deer, • Corn !Worm on Mad
Drab; Cattartroltablo for bay or ma otOta. ono of Um
most artoolats and =fat la the country; Toplothl? . .ftoot
Cotten,o.lllratmm [at. ItOdaorrir aw to. l , rotk
Plow.,(tall lad Oparro' approved t.) sad • gnii
Emutely of aborartuir ltoplmorn Acme ilp•de• and
tnat*. Raw York., /to- Ito.
Crams tram ameobast. or &alas will la Mod promptly
on Ilbarst tams. from the Boat sad Ilortlenttmal War.-
boom. ID Nth stmt. •
f o b 7•0241 WALDROP.-
`'.`COTTON-86 bake, ia arrive on steelier
_A 6.11445 raw er /email await a 00,
• • WaU =arum saves
For Sale.
TILE attention of capitalists is called to
JL. that VALUABLE PROPZIITY in Allegheny City.
commencing at the corner of Laoock street, and extend
ing vtglf et along Federal strsat towards Robinson strttet.
be 100 sold
her o r
a Id rxet alley. Thtl
WV! be sold altog.ther or be dirld.d. Into 1.. ofT. , Pet
Mont. to
tempurchasers. It ix handsomely situated on
the m a te shfer••between the two /lu t a aect In t o
Immediate vicinity of the begot or the Uhlo and Prolart .
yante hellroad Company, It moutd be • most derdrable
location for a Hotel. • Pobilo 11.11. or for buslneas houses
with dwelilan attach.d. as this Proyerty .a :redly will
dranu In r Ling, ." ••/ • haidsonm toxemia on the
improve:pews which oalght ha made. It I. worthy of
att-ntlon. P.m. who • Ith toPh.... are moot fled
to topalte of orc
YII6OI. or
SlcUr 11.11001ga a
Coal Lands For Sale.
; 4 1 4, ,, C . ! ;,, ES OP LAND, , situated on the
ohazessnllw. 8 0 to %T.,‘.l:::',hl,l°‘lit noderl
vile of Itltormoons 0021, alvut 5% teat thfrk and there
In on It • jaiwaionb unty of Pres Stunt, or
There about O ores of tbls tract under cultlratlon,
and the balance in Ilmlr—the ohms *grieve •asy uf
cultivation. and flaunted to the n bo
th of all bind., of
irrrlo• The Coal Olin mil e cpm nal in 31.1000Orra. mueratlon.
with a doohle-trink ml from thnsolto to the rims
050 feet, with a foil supple - of ear, sa well as
eats to lewd harts, with all ortseasarz.ipportenancwo and
fixture, tor .leading toes at ins sun. of water. On the
It a blacksmith Bbow andrtnolig also a larao
Bost fa boating mar or OLODO to die city. Thar, ars also
another of 'tenements for bands, am wall as for tenants
on the firm. - -
IT peril IC desirably' located. watered hr . Ilrine
• Sprinsto of pore,Wattr, and it affords come very ooperlor
laltra for Ilannhntorin. garb ..r . 0 ' h..
nor adv.taCaa that will be ere. on el. ,
to a perm.. Or a Company who are all•i00. to rung.
In Fll4l b.f.. as Mining, I Indite to oh. opinion that
pooh twortunities u We are rare. a. anY quantity of
Coal can be contnoted Tor to be delivered at our Railroad.
or at daft.. point,.
Two of tine owner. of dd. I.d are ha delicate health
and unable to 111:11, riatend the boat.. at it e.t.a.:—
he.. their deelra to well. It la now. for the first time.
eted far sale at a tall price, and reasonable terms. of J. BEEN.
fetal co leant Zanteville.
For Bale or Rent.
A LL that commodious HOTEL situate at
ri the ;unction of the Pltioborgh and Braddock's
Fleid Road. and the Philadelphia Turnpike with the
control PenneyPointe itotd. eleven miles room the CBI.
sod within thirty minutes of the City by the are.
The shove Linuse Is lb , es aortae high, ivntsining forty
&moo:dent!) allltlne4 Rooms. mtni.e.a 'with the tacit
modern style Of rocolturn The plat of the Rouse te cn
the most w
rn sod ient orningement. A g
well of Wa mode ter atibe door. conven and within Ice minute.' at ood t
of "Turtle meet," from watch soft water and to can lo
wily cbtalcm.
. • • - • •
A cool titalilloc CA.:list) Horror, Certing• flour, lee
no, Ite.'no. it wild [lnure le rented. Ike lenwie would
hare to purr-lose the Furniture.
• • • • • .
A large two otilitr BIM. Si DWI:LUSO itouer., near
tbo story, ettitable for • Boardio &hoot or Fandl7
doom with tall, the Wool O a t b oo m
apeortawara to
•Isiverna. a Stoorenro. Stabling. ae kr.; aeourtimant to
which IA • litrge - traet of 80111)&1 LAND, imitable for
alarming or Har t ha g introcilee. which will tet ranted
with the llama. if dretred.
A numbrr of smsll TENEMENTB, nslfsiftr far Ifor.ll
Inv, In tbs.:no rfenfitY.
• .
A FARM OF LOTTO)! LAND, neer the above Hotel. of
Mary Acme. • ultabis tar Fanning or llenlenlow hurpmes.
with a good Dwelling Home, limn. &able, and other oat
ha. The above property le Memo mil. essfor
h. It —The salw=lber &Mine laying out . porno. of
Abet beautiful valley into Lots, swim I.IF 1., Douai+,
Resitlenersa andwhirl will be mid in quaantim to mit
pumbamita. Th• Meaty or M.Mus. menet,. riehomte of
bu. amtleme of ammo. (being monmod with Yhttburgh
y Ma Pettawytranta,Rellrowl, • good Plank Road. Yarn
mtg., and River stentabmis peering and reposers, Dow
lerment i ) Protextr nor Fathomed br any offered,
For particulars. impairs on the prmoltet. or at Brown'.
Rotel hittsbutgh. P.
A Valuable and Desirable Residence
Por Sale
PLEASANTLY situated on Bank Lanr,
II in full elm of the Allegbany and Ohio riven. 'no
Lot I. Id feet front. god et:tondo back to kabecca strife.
Babout 014 fast. The IsnorOrebovota arc A lam ternatorl
RICE DOUSE. arranged with erlde Dail, Patin, flitting
Lod Dining Roof.. and47.llelfori on Ant drat: Ora Dad
Regan, Inth Bath 1311111.1 (roirplied attb hot and oold
woks') oa the maenad floor hydrant Later in botn hon.
nod oacl. A not Brick Stableand earring* flown
attached. Toe grnand. at. tably ornamental. and
abo. I with Froth Tr.. or flie td.r. quality. and onto
variety; also, Miran, librubhert. OA, ar.d within a few
Wawa.' walk of the old Alien heny Apply Do
fob , B. AfeLAUS. ft Dinh glrefit
for - Rent. •
rinlE huge and, apacioas three-otory
boare no. eacnCatd - by the subwrabers. NA.I3 WAAS
belwren fin{ ' , meet And therim. Po enwila
given cm orAADIII. Inquire co Our Arntaimg,
toiztt A. A CLIAMBP.II4.
Farms to Rent.
THREE rnlunblo FARMS to Rent—Two
of which are Muted 13 mil. flpm Use olty. War
• kern trifle 1.1.1 t Bd, noominlon from to DO
amen of Land, with go. noildinpre, ne fr..
Barn. on each, with on Orchard. Alm coe farm 00 Wien
ham Chi...near the Zatimmrde k holt nand. casteining
00 .I.cle,r 1 laedy ea. Wow. ham... Orthard.—
If dogrel, will rent silt.. with stack for farming, abi
umnrils. or shone in the products. the talmn oy, Ikenah
at egnal all 71r per amp Snore wanting. wiU apply
111 0111.1.8 U.
f. Hr. Xs.. and Loan Agent 11 Sint( Mr..
tOR SALE.—A Lot of Ground situate on
tooth Canal Etre.. Allegheny at,. I'd lot fnmt.
and running but 1. 6. to Cupenstar? A 11.,. on whirl,
le snsetel Iwo (twoatm. back house. ho. I rented.
mom, V
not.. good style, with hail and store
mom. al. not, for SI9 ner year. No. 2 mum., tho
mama Ilnishel and .mtast.. it
awls Per
romans. PAO, 52.31KS—cmc Odra it hand in an.
'l7ltr. B. k1c1,1121. 21 711 M, 7treet
- Howe atifl Lot For Bale.
ITUATED on Wylie street. The lot has
L.. • front an Will. atty. of :0 feet and attending
Wel to • six Pot allay."l2t lean . which is .rested •
tbss• Mora. brick derailing bonze, gnisked in mode.
sty. with • ta/1 itad two parlors. back
ad.., with a glossa:on Us* second
ttirciateasdr.g rooms. anti In tbs third Woe roan. low•
.tr T oni tunas, nab the woo. StCl7•
aint water In tbo yar i and kltr.tett Good tanoia. Sr.
Termswanba made , MaI.AIN,
no la PIM st
A.. LOT_ OF GR. ND 'belonging to the
Third Nadia bebool of Ptusburah.
01130 toed It). el 041.110 et. be 0) teat. Gnat
atooet. oPposite the lot yy which the Nana.
Neliroe4 Vattpliny prows to evet ticsir Passenger eta
bon. The above lot le syllable for a ( alit b•
di. tdist o .alt pa•tlei. rot falthill partlenten appl •to
fellnt the tchcei Dimetant. or to JO
d. LLti
to tee Bau
corner OP.* and Wayne stmts.
Per Rant
1, 4 k DWELLING House on Wylie SC.2
tow gaiter, Slal• • mold dootostil• Oleo} ,
Cnlakd 1. g•,mobgao, km. 14 •••rtcleat•
Malian Mis s • &Mow In all al Prilia•
Sal roof:l4l,lth esooriest bar boum—rout loo—Egonie•
of fa]] ' , JOTIN WATT t CO.
For Rent. ,
ADWELIJNO Hens° and Store, on the
ottnur of Townsend and Wyliestreet& The Del.
t Part bootee. new, 'tab Cellars. Store room
I ere... Rabbi for • Prue at Omen More. The bowie
I. nearly new, mid flelsetd la the beet mirky= style, witb
••• pipes, bath mem. • tailei for awry lab hot and othl
vats, Ai:quite of JOHN WAIT C CU
fel No. 268 Liberty street.
For Rent.
FOUR ntnnll Brick Dortillicj Houses, con
taarlosc too, ,
Minenrill. 154,eatb I'd. Kent law.—
trequin, of JOMi, WATT t' en.
Foi' - llent
Room T HE Store Room and Cellar now occupied
by J. Bofbort. No. O 3 forarlat store, our Wood.
Poostossivo &Olio lot e g; t l , 4 , oll1 1 10,ZwIn c toso of
hllor, No. 12) Water olloot.
• •
rAlteE - CITY — LoT TO LEASE.—The
Lot of Groot.i. pcsuct occupied b, Joho Melts.
Nor, Clothier, oo LiOsrty street. Petersen Pictls street sod
%%spin allay, Unites lessor tar • Um. of Tower= •pril
Is 4 ciecL Appip
lIN B. lIIWIN. No. 62 Market et,
Pe.till Gr. 8011111.? IWltB. Atturney,4o4ot.
To Lot
rpm 110ISSE in Sovouth street, above
For Bent.
to th. Eighth Want,tße Peemeilranig A,..
our; also gerersi DWALLINIInear S
and STORES In Penn
Am!, gear the Canal Bridge. Dequlrg or
j.26..0 DAVID BULBAR. Ilsod street.
For Rent.
A SMALL well.fininhed STORE on Third.
doto te the Casette OfOn.
E. D. GAZZLE. oßiee erket etren.
JO2O between Third and Foonh MOM
White Oak Ship Timber and Farm Lan&
A BOLPft:000 Acres of Land, of prime
ht.% fig= b*"
quennoting Monk rob. tbr t :obh Inn ISDISZI4 tlattntr
pan tnk boatel, trttnn 50. y. In Web 'tabor, ion. tb. sold
ent.k to tun .Ivoroind at the Doom at NW
llsitaitnn. for ante In Int. to jolt porotsbm, by
D. CLIEW. of xprom 11001's 01111.,
3•19.11!w2mT Dotl.rCo, 25 tolled ftom Pitt.borith.
For Sale
SIXTY-TWO Acres of Land, rituntod on
the Ohio River, lb =lles below Pittsburgh. Abont
one half or the tract cornice of Iltst-class River Bottom.
the Wan P arto n, . etue Upload It Is well ad•putd
ober for or 4.lthastungt and situated on th e
Ohio near the Maros& end In the nelebbothcal or the
Thl• twolrertr prosenta unusual buturements- to
thorn who .eh la man. on thisonable thrum • beentl
ful spot [Or • COMITY Una. For Isatoonatiotu 0000100
J. L. 2401tht1801N,
taßldf AtOy at Lew. No. 41 Great street.
For Bent. .-
11/ARM:MUSE No. 114 Beeon4 street,
y two loon from Wre d •
nta ll i rk aa a
2.5 Wool Mart.
For Sale or Bent.
'FWD .BTODES with Dwellings attached,
U. on the earner of Markat sod hint stmts. Th e
stores end dwelling, ore immunise es to be throes into
on, for • ill• 4111. i will not the whole hone low to •
good tenot, on • low, or will nut them ratan, or
11l WI the groped, et • banal. on woly te rse, or will
cb-sours It for • good hear. no' terms eget!' to
WALTER. DEVIANT. 434. Liberty et.
For Hale
A., VALUABLE FAEM—Contiining 120
rla: Amos .Ituatad In Baldwin Township. Allonhony
County. from lb. City. on Um Browimilla told
and obw P loan Mad from has to P1E11117,111. Ponwedon
.Iran immodlitoli—tllta.indlaPoiablo. for further par.
(Bolan. opals to • J. Al FL 1/LIITD,
For Rent. ,
T ,
lIREE Store .ttoomeovith Dwellinge et
tarred.= ilszkd erret,b4t.ten &mond sad Third
OVe.t. hglul. or : J 01011 A DUINT, •
Ja.42:ti • - No. 61 Third divot:
. _
NO. 15 Wood Wirt, adjoining our Ware
Howe. pith a anyavlor FMII and mar PtLOOD
LT. countera and other lintures.
n. location mad arnutment are adrolrablr aiitted to
• Bantle. lin" or lnutranalOtlloaand for Furl • par
irm,:ilintlz rented on favorable tame. •Poreasion arm
Clatt i re.llo ll tllTdON I CO..
ja.% corner Wood and front atreets-
• • A,Colmtry Beat for Bale. - '
THE subscriber bating lost life health, lulu
baring more pronsrtr than be wishes to keep. ban
determined in dispose ot pert of It. Th e pert In on. -
don contain/21 atm. or /5. if the potato.: Misr K.
tin which la mated • comet Odl4lll n.w DWI Dwsliing,
tasterelly arrangsd. and finished to the hest and lawn
sah.tanual intoner. Clops to the Dwelling tea ilrattal
irirottreorlialfir.V otlrgdfgrgi."%n
i. " 4ohard of Stabl e.
young crew.. cm/tally selectsal. with sonot://
etd beering Dee.. Priten...d tettne
.Vtagftlgrnd ftf:rit=
For WWI . patiens/a. call at thorn/dark ed/n1. 1 ./
wlailerettly. and do It mu, or roes n/ rbtr s at N ir.
lett/DI ¢ue
Beds Ash.
CODA ASH, of our own manufsoture,
wtdoe me *wantsquat to amen and guallty b
any honottal; aloof, oo oaadood sale na
Ohio and i; ;Nlasiatippi sail Rciad, prom
0 - - ” . .fi - ta.St.Lotdit.\.. .
p.o.a. vat 01, Marlsed by the andsMixard, at
(it Mew, in the City of tiamlofe. Knox On, Andiense
Instil TWISOP.Y. the Tsth day of Pi tblY nest, for
the Grading. Masonry and Widens of T 5 milearOf the
Illinois division of said mad, am Ddlialt from new Palm.
11111204.4 to the Wabash Mem ;welts IMussnneL and
own:m(4w all the work on said r 7 1. not at velment, in
The Oster work ...Imprisonreyeral lame. brldaw , avid
much dennible 0 radinz and Comrabtors will be i eepilred
to COMIIIPC.OB . net I.=eilJavely tattl dottre It 1117ttii.1 to.
( .11.
Prormani ell] also be recel2he same thne and.
Clam. for the laying of theft... Mt. m . ineenne• to 1111.
note Town. (145 miles.) and all n . .Idinas.
P ..1 12 .,.. ?4 en. 104.0.".A!'"...:1'11:.:1T1PP.4.00*
.. . ..VI, 'a
a • T rask,
_..les)sud 1
... L .."... pl e ns, gpd, hpeetileationsseroh__ ...owned ow
and after the 30th hot.. at the cake 7 undo - Maned.
to St. Louis and abejlo Vincennes. , \
&SNUB& ' JAB O. Co
Eft. Lunn January BD. 1803. \ .
93-Refer to Josiah Ling, tagle Cotot o Wert. Alit -
' . DiEsolation. ..
B. Fr
, Partnership of R. Robie4, B.'
11. E
Robisoa. and Thomas Little haretofonheifthinn
under the Om sod laps of ROMA. LITILB.*O., is
ails day dleaohn.d by mot. tant., ' m lb. Rh ,
raid L
0 I ,i
withdrawing from raid hem. The u \ Wain,. orIIIN/ •1
tinned at IL. same place bill. Roblenn and. ft BR, le .
under the trot and style of N. Bolds° l‘oo., .0q .4
duly authorized to ready, aettla, and, t all debts
do. or baeontins dos to said trot of Botd the B
ant to natl. and 6.7 tbo RIM. 00 1t...1
% ' \\
n ~ ,z
E. Ilobizon it Co.
, . .
I VIIOLKSA LE 0 roc era, Prod nee De ori
V V and Coutunsaioo Berobauta, No. 2.50 LI • • ikt.e\
Bitte:inch. Jkl.
,artnoiship of the uncle
yARIIE pat. —.snip of ._ ___irsigoea, A
the /loutlon buffoon. ender. the ftm of 1 9 / b y
TH I NUBLIs. IMO &sauteed by mstualt,Tasnt, m
the lst stant. both parties witt Wend to. a, 11. use that
name of the firm. until the same ts fult• settled,
L WlLltallij• -
1' •-• tlitteLE. A
Notice. \ .. • N
91111 E Pittsburgh' City Millet wit& hereafN
to oondu•ted by tits oblerslelllPriDder Um brio
1. 11011/tltTli IW. !1.1! . ntV..... 1 .t:rA1.._ •
a SerLifilinWlZON.
L C Wt tar OTC,
IiqTICE \ '‘
7IHE style of the firm of .5. INS RIVER
A CO. do. NO and LPL Sown* etrett. oSW:with.
Is tbl. dor changed to SIIRIVS/1. DVVti v ilt .4 cid.
whole. rem/Suits Id. 111... 4
January 1.1, hill. ' JULIO S DlLiNetril\\
1 \ \
S. DILWORTH & CO. havigg de4tied
the Whoboaltellroosro D 014110.. ill tatex4rEhkisr.
l ' l l loortit a Co., wil_l toutlous to set se ateotk r thD*.l.
of Hanoi and Laffibm A Smith's Powder sod ty POs e a
Will aln giro their atteotioo to • Cleorral r'' 1.sioo;
mod Produce lioshwow e at their old .tanel. No. 31 Wotal•
street. Pstlaborgb.
. 61 \
E. 111 1 / 1 .01 .metre DILIIOIIIII J.. O. Lilt
' Shrivel... Dilworth & Co.
110LESALE Grooers,Produoe extd Co
minion M•rehnnta. Dmaers Plttaburch Han
farturpt. FM I kil3l. got.ti:t Pitt•tournb. jj
Notice to Shippers.
1 T WILL be necessary to send.dray tiekets
• with all produce. titles marks. minivan. and Ara
'tbr'icla.m:t.figZeO:c,rbten ral " firp:l77 ' arne . l e br et d on Y .
p‘ble for their collection. Charge. tcle be . cl opy deniand.
M, B. No freight will be received after 4 oock v. ag.,
01:011.0B if. PRANCIKUS. t
hti . Freight AqsaL.Pnamlvanl• Re p r o.!.
Northern Protection Insurance CoMpant.,
Camden. N, Y.
CAPITAL, $200,;.?. ,
LVMLN CURTISS, Prealdant. 9 emu. Berre\ary.
lIIILL issue Polioies against loss , r datu
m. by Fire on Buildinp. and their cootante; alp
Belle and Berge. et eine. eral s Cated boot.. er\
tha met favorable tarn.
All Inc. of Ode Agency will be sdj an d prompt.
Ir Paid at title ogler. J 0 CURTIe, gent.
honer Woild and tifthWeete.
deg over Pottieta A Veteran Baer' 'Boom.
Rensmlaer Insurance Company, -
burgh, New York.
JACOB, BABB. Prendent......-J4gra Dania.. tarp. !
CCIAISTERED IN 1836--caerrsi, $200,0
yilllS old and well established Company' I
are tethered to Woe bbllehot , by tbdr Ainut...lll
ode of line Blots OD the meat favors a bay.. Thr
100001 ..,meat et. In t 0.... daring the oFtOrti yp '
at Ito toolloo.on. Is e augiciaat Beaten to \pang=
elude, to civet cornet Isom - once.
did* J 0 CUM?, tt. '
-DOB BS, General las* ance an ‘ k• al
F. Ant. logy be conceited it ads
Ittlato Agent.
- , -
. \
\.r. ' ,
Anse of Raft= \
NOTICE is hereby given to the subierib
for tutilding the Bowie of Refuge for "Iranian
neaylvania that the among ipstat of terecttplick .
cent on tha atioxint ribiexibid try eac h hag beennalled, ..,
DeVable to the Treanner. on or before the BUBO 1..
paint. last. By enter of the Board of Dinctore
&Half J , JOSHUA HANI4A.IIIa., •'. ,
Co-Partnership. ‘,
THE undersigned have this day entered.,
Into oA.Parta•r.l4, under Iwo* .4 styl• of
AN, ssyseny i 00.„ for the worm arts...amt.
lug • gene.. tdllllng buinoeu. In the ett Of 411•0•47.
Wil. B
HENRY P. sitawinrt.
0..1 Bartn. Allegtmar Qtr. Into 12. U•
To the Puhlim
'IIIE- NOTICE of. the Dissolution of the
Or of Jo In Ptstia A Co. to the morning paws of
• 1. 4 1 i, : .:, s r ,Zirrerill bese l. rln t rttO7l l. " T ""L.U.'. 0'
tea. " 51' ' )P.IIITC ..
. ietlntf Of Into of JOIIN PAILICrIta .
I have thin day associated with me, issthe
WHOLESALE anobrar .AND LIQUOR 11631" .-
my eon, JAtIO U. PAlllinn. nyder an tr
an A (AA"
February 16, 10:1.—Ifelntt JOhN PI
XLIE Co,partnership beretofo s tro esiethi,
hootnee• the subterlbers.onden the firth of HAZY
a SON 2 CU., mu htmalyal on the Istlymt.;.by Itmlut
non quad by mutual co:mea *kb*, partner tool:Menton:I
to ate the nom* at the arm sn eettnanent
HENRY D. 13X8.0 .
JAIIM floss
a.m.... soy s:lssl.—tin ,
• Co—Partnenhip. •
T ILE subeetibera have formed a Co-Part
nerehtp and" all rol
tizna the Witoleeal• Groner?
nas at. rt. old stand. ander les Ann of FIABVICY
JOHN CAllietrri_
Beltinanne. July let. lara—ma
In the °robes. , coact of All bony
County, of Drcemibwr Toren, ley . •
sit - IN the matter of the er'eed
tees for the Partition lind - V pr
r of the Mai gnat. of GIGUE 1300410
0; Ufa era iana towashitk In gad want',
dromorho died intonate,: actiescribeat
•. In petition and In the Writ or - partition,
In oursnancw of an Order of geld (lourtl,
10tioe e Perrhy given to Gear.. llelarr aturuirgibrw
imr, heir. and minor children order tire '•of to
teen yearn, of maid Wingate. whom oism ~
of Anee le
unknown—the loaner halo, gone ' ilown the ohfo mt.
con-than mom and the latter mor• than fon...Veen,
ago—tm both of whom Jame. Illekely. Pao. ' , WIN.
uhnital gusuallen.that the Writ of Partition in the air i ;
caw. will Oa esetuted en the bonnier, therein desert ,
In Ind.. nownehip, on TUMIDAT. the Aar'
Maretu 1063. at 11 o'clock, no when end whereion roar
Nut.3l9 and b2l I.lnerty greet. opposite Proltheadltwet,'
.Peustatupt AU, .
T ENGINES, for Saw ana kloa,r
a.) Will., peon -ally. otr hand aod made to order, But.
made to ONIT. en abort all,. 31111 Gesrlog, medal°
order: Saw Will Casting& at nolodles s Mune:.
Soma. Bleb. .Bcreen %Ire, 00111 and Cob Grinders
a .
mnion and patent Bosnm Nea. l. torm the
mill.) so t
stonet Iron root Itto'Mw. (a daalleratnet Mani'
faleatba ri l l g igra, ° .:3?•;,l' .oga, of
maufsetto re. aerated bat ca/Ity, &traduced
ruLaurel 11111 01111 Moan. all slow holtlns
loldenw; Anchor Mama. warranted beet wilt •
owa pato than are offered eh. am In this mar \\
Am.-1.4111's Patent Vlach BIM Mosul Ilfacillowt,nked
InW Ilmarth Noble's. •Pinsburnla City Flour NMI; and
lo nee hundred other mills In the Wash wansuted
perform well. These altalues me sharper Mau any Mom
machines—run tient, clean fast. and all, and et illiast
Ilfwllme. When they ammo tn month the Qire ea be
renewatly yrachten the Burr.
For particulars. see handbills Orders prortmtLy‘St.
tonal to W. W. WALLACP.
1.29A1nt .t No. 219 Literry street. Inttsbomilt.
319. T.ll. And TO Llbriti gnat. oppcaltA stsitlitAd stn:at
Pitbrocryi, W. s'
IVI A t h R . B
nut lZ
A . ll,:teAtp o ck m o .
c Icon.y,) always on band. to ovor ' sloo
bloonstonto Tombs. Ora.. itantro Furulturo.
Top, it- on band and made to order, b ocacblam:
block and Slab Marble, • largo and rolectad stock Wool.
on bond. andoold 4. trio Trod* at the lowed rater. \
l'untbarera gill end It to their inures[ to coil and
manias !dock and I:11M blare boring alrgobart. \ \
job/Alin . A
tiICASTER PARIS—For Land and Sto cpo
Mar Limo; Loolmlllo Ulan
(Mailroom. (all gm. md T 1115911 I frlila callable for`
Iron. stool. shovel =dam tutorial, &a: Kilroy+ on band
t. the loafs: brim; at No. 319 Liberty stmot.
I . Jalibilro] W. W. WALLilkaa
Good News for tae Ladies!
is Reduced to fralf-Prioe.—Thle One article for task.
log the halt grow. Popping Re fell Log off. ming ...ft
sod dreoeing harsh. dry lutlr beautifully, is now
told for 25 sod 60 mote— • time eau aS Irate formerly
sold at ISO mats oud blob. am use
for it Is holey:sally allowed to hoed Wag made for
the flair. gold at ORTLIBLItY (11othing_gtoto. tformerly
knowas the "Bt Scot.") ooustr of Mod rod LibenT
streets. Pittsburgh.
Prin. reduced to I.Scosta at..
1.01 P.— truly doe nte% for coring Okla
Eroptlona, It lodated to tab, ptiosoto that all
isrPom tt. It mates mane. da rk or ra" 3klp bits
nra Tr u na r lAT l.46 liiatar u M C tttrr4
Infanta tattorsatr i flt it emollIont i so• beal4 ; f o la .
at Ctothl o nyjltor, (for= 7 =tl u
;Air k„ latot. ) tour of - Had atW
7p~Se'ol'altlßn LILY
nWtnrNo.tnl u lgVaTaittl l egn= " 4 4° "
lb. -Dig =sow ol' , Wt= 6 a" ri V ,
. .
• .mace fot DM. IA• fiat • traortrol holm or
Pr aw ao mats .4 11por . Saki at Walla
IL argra Ctni gi t goTrAgtr i tirsll la , D ralair "
_. .eahn - r ------ estock - Vermilhge. \ \
Ina to. X. P. WOLFE. Pluzbapt., ,
Tun Mon 1mui.. 11 0,•P. 18 4.
PA. rentesrook il- O: -lientlapiera
ell :g i rl '4=7 riz. tN n gaaniZ•
..,. , , 42 o lut ze r a up. ,
Iff i ' " 'Allirlr im ""l6 l4l 'nr ... M ggEL
C 7 .1r4011•11111134 ii . 11 =4...t.f..44T6*.... ' Witbi s Urg a , 4,1 :1 01
apammutr.. . B ra \ .'
r i
.1=374.04, b 7 'B A PUPP&AAtik,Ato, \ , ,14%rtP1 -.- .- 7
....:.._.\ .. N ..
:, \ -• ;'„ \ ,\. . :. v-
RAIL. } RO 80,
\ _ '
' LOOP AT 711181 Rill etre ITO!.
. And Pare Radar - Ed I
/kV' Tairrizres'Tor Baltimore and, Wa
install City aye lathemed:Slist by , aarehsslor I Ticket
ene the Penheyleathe DaDroad Ceutipany's
AIM,. oa Liberty steest...they sea go, tonna over the
toot. by .hish the UolOI State. Great Watero,Aiall
liteTf L ° 3lll - irootfork. - I. ° lO. ' VL ViDi1 i..... 3.1
Baltimore in 10 .121 boon% respeoll . lyt, being br ua
the oufekeet sod moat pleasant let .
t. %
th irtitgagt: Jtolto ts to . balthoore, SD Oh BsinnA
Is7 - Pueensars tOe Wollaston will roseeAs. shortly'
tots artleal to Beldame. then bsll4our ital./dlr. - 7
to that Oty. f are from Italtlotora to astilnatou. al S .
Pasagnaers ere mound that ttssacoommtalatteueson the
Itoede fonatrig this Liao. an unsursaped by those of
~ seat. Iti the country.
, Pate/nib. February 8.113.-4. telo
, .
Ipchigan BontherzLand lkoMma
)JanusrY et, 1853 ' an mc-
Om. no:le, Yva:wee Testa. raw Ware.
lef o rro c . 'T.letto and Monroe, dally..x.eapt Banday., a.
sad Toledo at a., X.
\Moamar!. Obleavat at'
Tins Road in C coojanatlon with
v 4r
, .atou with the Toledo
A...0n hiar o ralt, Isla Shore, Neer Pork and Erie, Buffalo a
IL And llodtan Mar '41411 Roads, form tho only
~ i. i iWi t . ROACiiCOMMUNICATION it cow
• ‘, : , OPE.II4ISTWEIN , ,
C c o 4 091zunbila. Cincinnati &Pitts
rgh, vistaolidoAt Norwalk Road,
),1 • L pen reet-la the MAD ROTH AND HAMILTON
L. 19(IHAA1LV, 4 7 IiEL,LEYCZ.theiId:arLELD
ItiAl g HNIeuLTILLIL and the •
Cl-P1 AND. \ utii,usinue & CINCINNATI,
\ u ,„, :l u c ten H. \ 31110illd, ‘ am t. 1
Mile* 313T2:7 ialatf -
\ ITS' A
WINtE 21,11.14INGENIEN 17
eigaggallg=9 ,
ite l ir
g- t N Vid .af t er Natititlif next, Janua r y 15,
IL FL , . faM E.Otelarraltnarill 13areth. Dant. rdbartlt
every or at In ticeLltopan 4 Ottlp a Irvin; °sena
bo rah, Lill Sid. 11. , t0t, Bli(realls New llama, Jams
r,74= 1 .&°.1. do t",!1 , 4 rap, Zw. 'IT=
Ilaril•bosh ind =e and at Philadelphia at
lobo same andusteontosilie,r liamialtsath sill t \
the faVr".,AV .14 rf=l,l: ,
oral to Philadellthla oedla ' ficim 4 13pors. ,
.„ Mt Mail Train twill
. 10,,are th , `am mono.
lag at 11.t5. amnia a. all th e stalona on the
3 3 4 . and onnootingnat llirrleatra ar th thO [ran too
1641,,,,,,.„. gu,rhip, ilk PLlll.delada as 4.4 1 .4. C, at to.
eellsk Ms oat mania, N . \ \ ,
Tillt Aroomodatlon Taft. salsa! erorp \ ailartioon. at
, nalA k er t*P knobe. 'll V "l "i* " . \ ..4 r.*..
. 6° ;111.11 hi WO ‘, 4,1„ , ,i, ao
\ Ol_l', n'ir-rtittoi utli Tit.n, " 7., \ •
T , tte root Kr
.i ratra Train. teatu , ll , l=ttit tpi st e i t,
117t:*41.1: ilt i 4 ti Fir d' lß b ea ß ie ". l=l44 : l=
:r74,, ...,,, , ....,,,,,..P.,,,,
Rail • to Baltimore. 11 t, ' \
Nort I ' a las, the Contpant sill hal thonO
alma to tor porooal Mtri ro o n l y. add Z.l . 01
amotat 'a oat ha ' „t, '
NOTICP,dIMiIte. 31. • 3. Briede=mahns Pro,
tr . atota. it ,,,,, zi4i , ) ,..d tt eoa r y, paper e r and ,
\ ll,Vertts e . ra p el, and 112,1=1. 31: r eah :
Ronk. \'‘. \
tor Takata, Wan? 3. 311011131E3 11
..,,Ml4 \t, Ana P. A. E. Depot on 7at ate,rsarrettottr.)
\\Rail Road Com
111111\ Winter,!,tek4rre p . tto PhiladelphicAq
Uttamnre r 1
nltne.rr. -4,
.. lard
B 4 . $
h 1. 7. i74liii;i7iagir%•=ol.74:=aitaciaver 1:
_timou -
hemp szul 1141...lestbarotii. ..ras^ s woe
1.1m.13 (soradla bun.; nuvrt,Peltr7. giD•
Flour. P' b• Mk• - t• - • - 0:7 '
rEiaeM \Z•a.2)BOTatr, o 6VliAetaknai
1 0 0& P :4: ,• , tIAVANIA tiII , ROAD
\ ~, . • •
_\•'• \\,,
\\ WINTER'„ . ': RANGEMENT ;•\.'
C k;mentaittg . lllt4mber 17th 862.•
. 3 ,
asuzisaormaggi \
\ 'faxi'azhcca r t To ontauriun To $9 CO \
\ \ \ \\ ITOONITN. 'l, '
1•4141) iI• 15TAGT..517.011 WOO•Tia, THROWN TO
, ,
1 •.,,,,\ \
t,.,\ NANIINIILD 12/ • Dlll
, COPPI • a Ai14;14 wig Lii . e . ko4 c uul mi
1 s, iN .
/i4 11 .7;h fi \ ,,, arcqui g'"u"t . fA9 l ;
1 VINT. ' • start from Ilttatit4tt.
A • (Su dull • ceptV2 ll ~ % ,
...s Pitt•bu4,•_t BA. N...\4ltiaa at =moo at • 5
. Y. and roadie. Nowiter at \lx.. Para to Alliatow
i;•g•or SWlTiettlira:AllgaTil tril to '1",
•" P h r " ittrstiteET___ ,
or Cirtalarid. tiaot p ,. i tzd Cirm.ww.sti, isares PIMA.
• rich at 1130 P. . ra nark Athaoca at 4. rY.
.I .'' P lA C 6lll:' n 'i t gni r tlsTuTsfr.
• • brwatart as= =C is Cloctonaw \ Isr• tbrosigh
00, Pars= Ci utillss. NhAE•phiiikTlwiti stops it th• IttitiO/NI • \- • \\\ ~
aothitnroing. the kil Trail; learn Wooorwat 9 am..
• • l
eant AIN.. at o te,utd rAi ipitt o oo r o ot sm.
• tla .I . ol 4 rllllVirah h a m s
0 od Att ~,, 'M. 1er!...,1.
raw Alliafts at 10.,..0 r. Wq
j r droath•A I:\ LtiAls \\ h at. •
~ brinithig %ha w ho lwara*lpoi 4 a t t .
*=.. throtigli•lA Pittotm , hdqrs;
It:r 10. TOV•': t 7o lo si 21=11,..,`• :rem \\\
, prattotorwarl i tieNriiiii• tram Wash, Warps*
• t=t,:t . .7oA M l C 2a U tt't ASP/ll'Vat'laViall " Ciow""itt 1
AO •,' and I r. 4; \
„,. %\ \ I
Itrottrol .o ow Ticket
be: Plitsht k i han d
*ow 117 1
\` \ , rite nuaciarT \. \ \
tfr Att . orzh at 4.130 A. is- atilt 1,01. t....,
11181.2 ra who with to .000 as 11.1
t 7 tailt•
.• ha hirr 0 r Wks= kr that swim= \ s
\ TiorTralltsii• =tn. outiandor* \
‘ Oaualbsualw riot lA d eogyertioa with th
~ it \ ii t•srpl
• Pet%M a_ pa aoa 7) at'llia o Taderal &rest catiow, 61 \ tha
Otiih4 Pit, ititiNta•.= 0000011 PON..*.:
\ \.. or N , J. • AILBPI2IA
_ \ ' Pitts4th.
Pi • h. Norm r to. 1863, \ , '
W • t Newton ' • • Road Route, •
• \\ . ' I N a G rEtt r : i O s .1): \'' ''
111.§is .1, onlit 'office Which , 410111V3 ay
ruasou - noun' w w.uture.:...d . p, toung 1
. ~. r), • ,..... 5 v „;,', , n r TttritlM'ileWt'.
.411attelaWhernaW:a u the Wire MU*: N;lta 1'
ral . =•trliT_ V • `- iTe tltit t !L Y ert= g i h e= Int
Sialltbeenes at 14 et, en s too, unit raerolon ever the
Mole hoed, erasion th mountains in itarlight. Tab
the otieranirent miteolog MIS Or, Wm Baltlinore &gbh,
Ullman. atIO o'ci6. P. Itt , - f i lreeitteet at NAtil:10(0 NO I
wubiuun Oltri . PO. *Wt..' wW7 I. 1,, T
we thelonne erennni•
' • . iPintentlian•-•••1•• •• .4*. -..-, ',a, \
cn aliFllTEt ,
ONONCildi t.t.hor ,
th. irid.., , i
e at T l i t i .V " TlVreristeleatind kitrnighbr,th r ;
'''''' ggb kl ' er rlt 4 '''''' rni " 4
Arr fg
i .,,,, .to amber nest we iiii or wt r r
VI I° '''' artym-r,f, ,:aiih5,..t.,,L.,.,m",r,
\...v :mt ,....k
.......\ 4 ,,,,...,,,,,,‘
. ...., ,N.... ~..76:,.,,,:
ro iiadr,VC.l= - .1:;: - .7re ,- .461.111
th 4 t...,:m g. t a OillohLa the eirentgatiela
n ' "".
•.. %\ J.j. /VAN& Amt.
' - Iten,Y l7 , AY Rita RomiLettanks.
' SEAL 9 TR.? ale will\be.recetved at 140
.. l iorv,
•\ I. Oesniwt si : , ,I /midi* at. Plitemrzboks.
141 Ms rai , de •fil en , OSA \ toe doing ttla Grading.
4.71 , 11.t,e. 471 th " 1'4%. .Z AV._ e'";
. mg... sir 42 Wila ' s. Tile ins inikne divined tego glr. 7 -''
Por l og74=tlll.l; dor..V\l,7v . t--.!'
Plot, kingdom liwei• - ens w near far in-,
\ n'a4l:4lAliagr g i 04,44 . azzrz .... \,..4
Brtdah4 i ,v ";r l ( h. ' s'Al .. .i.ii• • ?' 121"8
" Itig it ' llll= :AA ••!.• • : 0ti.....?5,,, ~4
VA1V.t..... ' '''''‘‘ ' 4 , , .. zgh . kb. N..
~.,„„...7,.r :z... 4 .:, \ .., drilla
FOr tZth•r t ut . a i l
Imay L. jude.
rzzaz.cagriai o o
nF t " . ..:nri , Ast ‘ P iu ret,
'1. 8; ,,. ' :117,72 , 1P4 r . .V i h V il m . 9l,\ .
T-I:44tiat7_ ,
c % ,
dm. t µ Rill Ras4 Jouraini, N.t.f , vloa 4sny
Tines, Roam; Tn . nut. too :Ileralll 11 orig. N nal
lePri&r i Vei Arn a rbe g gict o s litre
..2. 4 4
Clarion lissister and tens ; J la Star in
, c , leisnte Adger; •Molt.enst meaty. ijeaws. Thaid. •
=V .. Ll,lal/T aniT , i WI at g .4',1a1Ga1r...• •
ittiburana4l.B avitle.A..l\-
Tl' subscribio to ltli &door ' glii•
Pit bursa nsei At•ub•
.., 1, .. , . 6 7 1, the • \ • t• V• 141 b' t
On. &Avg peg sew, WS or b 'before W . D•ahabgr•
gr x, lr , vb s vm .,„„ nbasision or Wm. th•AM•
•• • steed forß=wm..shit"lr.rr".":"°''\
• • eimdkora\ TreinnsrersOlgoe,ai Wend nt -•
ibT~ an iiikValllr.tWo;irt , fild " nryglZ
Maw% PH Altar= purd",:44...
VrletS tr=l . ll2! 4i•Ad 11174 • rrotatusauxl ,4l44/44 . 4 ed
kora/Lit Do come to bct and me up Ta rg t 14
.rut during the night. 3 , • . .3
FOE A COLD AND eau° 11, .1 •
It morning , wat sad
wrenh g. acconithe to dhectlons an the Unitas:id thedlbk.. -
oultririll moms be removed.
None •11 1 long suffer hoot Una •
,tub!. ‘., when they find it mu be eo, mall, cored. Par.". 4;
: eon. allifind with • rested cough. which break* them of- ' \
dolt net tt night, will And. by taking the Merry . Ilect!. .;‘.`
h&c* itoiall to•Y may ho cure el' mund, unbroken , ' •
elseiß. and coumeniently refreshing reef tirtat relief:'.
'from auffnin, end an ultimate cure. L. afforded to thaw: 3 ;7;7
nada Who are thus aillicted. 'by [him tont:able t etude; '3 33 - ••
Prom \I agreeable .fact ha lb./ r.. 116 many Mk - •
\ thesuselyo *owl \Lug to lotsr ita we •t an the naossige ' ••
IfAr it haecsaesd. \ \ \
ltuat typentonitikh7gdua lik
\ Pa vas. TMen.. April late, Intl:,
Kew we ,e eam.7. Clart i tizetlvi an eitautea `.
gew te, oue Pr,
t oe. 60 find It \ Alarm. every other V 3
remedy \w. havafor comas ittfaetlonk Of Lks ....../ ',
I orSo. \ - A D DULIIIII , A \ ILLEPTOX., \ :3
TO auoiuuts AND PIIIIVO,SPYLEIMI, Ohio maxi: ,
l inealuthla. aa byqt. actten ou the \ th roat and /sap,
ohem takeuth anallguantithe,‘l, rits all heaMename,
in • tow lonia and pirwarfulPy 1 yteee7tlmensr and .„. - •
flexlbility of the neon', \ \ ‘ \
AffrliaLt I. *wally much iepni4. s eee eeouz ' -
k ,
mt. by 'ciorro\ibe....a, But , thari \ are W3Me, beau go ••,
annum.. a.. to Odd entirely to Ato lodfclikk , pme, -
Pectoral will mare ts‘on. if the, ma . be,. 1 ,
____: - 3, .
ItIONCLInik or ttation of tha thrtkat and opium . ~ 33
Portion of the lunge. y benund \by 14•JOS V.i. .-
' -
Pectoral in null and fneauent'dines. one \corldnbalths,
operanda le am. rehem. \
.... 0 . ='.. .''. • • ~
her. Doctor LANSIILO. bf Brat*. 4. Y ork•44 - ML.
`I bars rem the Chem , Peeler-el suravoalbeasee,V4AW,
roa and Bronchitis. ea eads s ole to O. as gear •-
~,,,,,...,.., d i,...., ,e . \ , \ .., ‘ ~
FOS CROUP. Olra an meth, of Marl) to DO d: \
lowed by brim and freutteur dome of the Ll'om7,Peehrink..l
until ltaubdues the dbweaa If Mg. hibea It a not fail to run. tlks „ ‘ 3 •
WHOOPLD 0 COOOll May b%Lroten up anizeil.mbred ~‘3L
by th e row of Chan P.... • \\\ \ \ •
Tax irnamize Is .porig remora& by rentsb L. \
Nomaiva.thetance• bare bun notical where whole fben• ' ' •
Ilia. were preheated from anYarrietts corounpammegorldle , _ A
their . 4 " . . , .11h.3" th . \ Cb. 7 P.t0 "4. 1. '" , , \ A
, \ , Ittzzir,, Ohjo. J.. Ilth;lig6L \ \
, DrL J C Ayer—l arnth to th eme IT. of dim truly fr -• t
mutable efieste of 7011, 0.11 . 7 ti k kid.. 4 . \ \
nod In Ty own terenr• thee of 'ar s ', d.ightirs Ira. coaaA . \ ,
pletely cored in three daze el \ • dreadful Whoontht
3 Cough4 taking, IL Dr. Mame. 01i11 of, out garylmit"
Phyal Creel, states that he coaddeks ItAlte beet raw
•dy we harAtbr vols.:guy dime... and OM h. bag
accuse.... of Croup with it. than any O th er medithee , •
, •,
Oar clarcuma. orth• Demist (heath. amyl OA darns ~,
the Aa ot'influam tier — e this moon , he hai fens Me -. \
from y our m'idicine he could namely hare 0•110.4 lath \ \ . \ ,..
out ercLug. roa., nalmttalliA. \--- \ \ '--. ~. \ \
\ \ \ AJ D,BINCLAIC, Deputy l'oet/deaier: - ., .- 3
t 3..nron , the dlitin.iyiebuol florae. of Cluguietry sag ,•• \
.1 Late fo rind the Cherry Pectoral. aa its itigrellithig ' \
chew. • Powerful remedy for colds end - congliniand put ,
......./ di.1.14. , \PkItHELL Ink VILA/ID, 01. D- . „
, Brumnrialt. llalo.. te armory 6.104.• . ' 3 : - .
..111.. VALE4TWE hIpTT, the ',Wily celebrated : _ \-,
. Profeosor 'of \ 13rirgt*in the Medical
° college. . . ' .
\ Now York I:sty, tap' \ - .... - '\ .
\\ ~ sir. ow ;boo. to :aril?? ths ',due and efleaey , ‘
fe . qtt C l t t ' e re " fi ' las i' ' ''''' ...e oeth: " lli{o ir ;
atT id i 1 .I.**l'
np f23l' - ‘ ' •' - • .'
g,,,o ura r eerese dis noon
Jnanan thra Lap . 1
. hats; been - ef-
the bellelthat a remedy ha. at I.(th bans linend that
au In fr ., :ed ork to bay),ktbe cookko. Wan and Mg . ' --'• • , .
soul anon*. width eery frank out midst. thousand* emery'
year. It k 4.1 a .m.dleito whith s the atilleted Ma ,
. 3 " ,qaT
look with dean 6{ reil And they Should not fall to, : ' ,
atoll themarkies of IL " ,;,,...._
. ,I
'IV Pr.vartd.ukoold by \ •
rb • JAltts 0. Alt . -
4 ,- ja , - _
\ Di*Figt and imid.VAnrell. It4ttm.
4 tg oid h t , ri b tta , lar by 11...4,.. lall b tri:Of 1.1)4..1xf
. • 4 sudiebaes evemrhals.\ , \ dAblAirtr . ,•, •.-
• Oro "Ajer's berry • eatortir ml
rwa b 7 `,R b fpwzw,u,Ni::
.14Gnytott'srcairrovot_o4 \
V DOCX AND I: - . 1.01,8E1 ) A '
Pf1.4%.14AT10N FO. Tnit'kEittLfi,- , ,,
wow Vdaz or coAwaprozociarri •••'
DISSA/11.121 Of Tun Oxus w• -
Is , aO, or Itaot
44 . op.QUINDIZ.koIk s CL,I7 , ....,
, \ Let ell who vtorikOwoouto mow Imp` -
logo. esontotao, , twort* trr '
\saMil th trac ° 7:,= Dock end Fornkaiillae %ark Le
;ming Raft an an ttlySt tor =nye,: the,aart massif: ..,
du... that twa, u Ntel., .t they ~io kr0rk,,,,3 . ‘
pow*, to. o this mak" ta., onblla itlukouillo, '
m r: \
ow Ir Esr DIA *nodal ou esperienne
un their snot of falti‘o
wade al, la founded onn ms. Thry By him I ,
wain= Weak hope.. 'Wank Cane Mat tide
n0tt.4.1.......5r. however tootle, &int In heraltlenotir
nirtte--bonnerr loathanne te unelf and other , e, lgsto 's
one Anwar °travesty; let th salient only tunleretalat \
[het hte bore of phieleal rest° u'll,ea only In tglz,f t , ..,
votes Ettroot of \ yellow Dock an garne . tarillaxadkel
• .. -, ...
eo.le Mot. for tLE me. 'eke. to \TY 14.00.1 inhere len \ • 's -„,
imotottoo to verd:vog s hts soooor z-otion to
~. ,
, '. isArk Ts =run rii> . ' , ,\* \ ~....
\ ‘\ \ l'"U" co. Z. , 2.1544. , '.\\ .'s'. C.
\ mik,n.,,,e,,,1 te oicjksinets Htshee fe oity Offee \ , ‘ ‘e•'` < 2 l.
..41" . g ... r .. d . \ "V h. ,,, ."P 1. 7 e ..4 4 .....
.. 0 . 4, \,,' \ \
~...ty vz. , .....a...0 tore %. net stdo• cramps% ow • \ ,i„
W body and hems anent ante or .. 1 ./.'"uird.w. <go• \'t .
e......0a.... I. b. moot ts ache botan oc Oman!' Ma \
M.a N -... D. 4 ."et 4 .1.... 4, U 04 .fr.°4 .... 4 ".. \ A
Dr, Onott-Den fill , -I eront '72lttde \ \
Ton the nor Extract of .Yellow 1 and .
bLAB on
i Z n e of U. snot sendertnl mans on . I \
• 1 1 .7
1 hen he tasefiloted for
toneyeart SIM IntrAlOtia , \
pat and S l de
\ e n , l e g e on pet , : In Me they sot yo barest I tank tet \ \
O. 0.1. b... ii i: ln, 3819 I bat one lei tonnulated . s \
tte a.... hi "ggt \ • =du altes min otk%telt. loh4 ''
as pi wt.,. i aNt =nag Dora from s knee to \ \
toy foot, ant die barged • snit dnl Of offenSle mann \
illy min also %so • opt \ln lame Idles, stitch dip-barged \ '
\ Olij \ \
unfelt offensive =a r, tootTzi nom vow= lios,hosid \ \
b. be 0,, F in luso oolog tios dr ko Jar anolv. \
\ Theatioxy` r \,r th e, put missy..
Van not dearth* to ion. Ise In entlkitsoorthlit\ I. . \
nent o r=l yb oo tilt d twee siren no
( tit anal& .
rAbyotut.Cozlta my Le \ily tl l l,7 ' te l ' onissshassiss , \X \ A
\ln Detoteeilesikey eon tkouithkino ma q T4r,b. la -,..; \
Irrenletr4 I reed tt, sad forted notirdAS oto sonderfol ~ ,i i s
\ i, esa=in‘ . eAttral
iortwo LLell os or i nd \‘‘ \
mead i ..., 11: . , La 0.0 sake. to ;Wren! ~,\ ),
oulort. toy stikboostoo out, mei otkat4 4404 \
nlehtVlng I hal 'tali doue for Ten/yearn \-- X . \ *
token , floc, on , lint kae+ l 7 '
area got satinet( by • bunt, Ibl '\\
1.11 eight bottles of It= 'Tenet df it
rtspltAlko,* sod I now din onkel
los Ibr term to `as forth ii l Ffth of L. ''‘
,&,,,.... e ends It " l A .
=4% Ali it tbs, Eta of nen =tan
otootlortb. \ ' \•
\ '
1 'Skins% a ll Of tils to Us WI .
bellere',lt sl3l oneany . trtn ‘
aehle all nen ottlre Jost trk Ike
neat on.* tonulferhin u staklud end ,
lan IC thr4t 'CU care \ \
;*7 <lB4 4,iren kotooro a tom roll.
no,13•01144n1.1 blabant. S tba If, any..
Arta caro, iturlte them 'to all on ma ~...
thing\ the tsar. I eau be head tunneler ,
.....\ .W l4l . h 4 T M.'. 7.0 " . \ ,
miVer , . \ 2 ZMObli WI
nE, tbil..irit milt.. R-
arena /lbertnatlett, and a vast variety of attar dist-; '
r. Wensitons dfreemesian weeny and per. \ I, \
tiy owed the nka of this =Aldo. \ \ .\ , \
\ \ 1.4.M.1... Sin, lley Itt.libi. \
, ileum. InoOrril it Slug .--Thle Is to eaten Urn anew ,
the Urn of ...411k6tan /Wel see altleted with three or .
four Wow soros wad/ about th•lataiten• of lioun all
largo 64 • pliarter of doL an they anntood Una Newt. ,
tarjf&osereoend i ar, resits' they snag tantleato
0 =VV. wee
oot ~ j eW kof eared iskos ..t4eiee
Land lionnallate teller frpot Ite tor 4 l l 4are nOt ttg
\ , In . t tplit Zen neon nie th. - P .ml and I.ttur4lliat
they will ta mainly treat in `a ate. ' " `
V 3
' Lk antr= " t D o " thona Mated sl I.'l.
knd of *runtime or eanorrone sosny.:i i ..... . ,
. srb th:kt, , trai!l. the an of ir lo t at al , i,... \,.
ti p
, 9r" of rr r rn' Y in in‘4.7;°6 V Ar" \‘.:\
111141144 this atatanent of tls ease *sty Wass • \
\ ~. giv.. up by .. o ohystalaus bens nftutr Ls. ‘\ :
sanate. . natrOorttlned to bitti.A.P. Vra,t. \ ..
on, ofba..x...nanemepid...t
mt. , ; , \
.. \
r ...gzr ei.alann . i n =j , :ea . 4 l = \ \
Jean ofbase t,l : :=?",,= T or nano 7 , ,ek0 W. ‘'.--' *„,
S T 1 1117 tilft i tli T l:Pgb. "l = l :a% u P ham „, \
P=isppluzvtr, — Mowil'i l iti= th it, ....
ta„,, L iV., 7 'l. ,=,itelotarent. /banned
twee the notaktee =AD she tad tun Ire * IA
lad and hermit i5.,vr ,.. ..1447 vwis
'"" . = d l,t. " ..ri.u.bu. m b ad e bane \ '
: TM* tlmetlehreron i k T "\ \
'lone iti\ • Warder'' of MI .
\ a.X Mary At . v , 1, , f t,
\ ,tbtf i llitttVe l ateMtel\ '
It il i t i:A - z th uvf.r.::: - .1..5k. ---
... v iba1y...141%,4.••41:ML1Z•\
h,,,, * b i t AllAt nns u,•• *4l
ur.:.• • than=rts go, non en ve
my \
In N bee of in Son, ratund
t.n, •
wren cold. did elot Sea lier4et, tut ' \
tr0 , , ,,A ,.,,,,,-,t 1, -,,,, , , 7 0%,.. 7,. 4 ,,, x* ,. a; , .
a , v 4 ,
..., le WS , jas , . 1 unpins . \ „..
l ' a i rratat S =Tt i o ' n, ITlrre l lte lida ne l tl i iiVa; \ \
then It toltSlndoolblirre Id Oa len& tea =ldea Ok \
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