PITTSBURGH. GAZETTE YtrIILIBMID ET WHITE a oo PITTIIIIIIIO B I.IOESINO, FEB. 14, 1853 IIerREILDnin7.II4TTER WILL 8& PODYD ."'42,0.YZAC11P.2101 01.17118 PAPEO . • ISAlTlllrass pasty Ourrn.—the extant,* dna lstbe lirway assatnik eon te tnr indium [ ' M. • *We 'WS*. •••jan= glittnn their buslnrti known. OlirAtivallacm bi.men War aint 11•11thonsiz4. inch iinana slut unanty Wntgra PC211117 I.ol# sadDistarn Olga:. - .Isro- Aviv ansias Yeither tue Pall wrta zooms iwpagung Letebllshoient.t the Dutr. Orstra. are mooMf Mi - ievedm. - ADVERTISERS who desire their ~;joitkal.to Meer ha the pen.. me Nosier moralug. ....mpl,plemsbmel them to before 6 o'clock, au le,stordei seta oar resders• to a,letter placed int page to day, ooneerning a great rut '-:441/1 Welt road front Fort Wayrie to Peoria. The Line denerres all the ald Pittabargb sad Phi can give - correspondent from flarrisbnrgh, and Da•frita flew York, make reference to the new Pfejtitt of a mid from Bleirrrille to Butler and ffnXitlastie. The latter writer hopes that Pitts. Inalfhlrtil not oppose the project, but 'will die.. plays. liberal spirit to the' matter. ..There has beta no opposition here that we know ef, and It hisinotleintioiposed publicly or privately. We anteto so= at our memhors not to oppose it, . . .„ did lutd.we believe 61u not. 00.1larriebargh correspondent wavers a qtrititbinirepropotuailed to the North American, *Idol( paper spoke of the Butler route as being sad!F, hot s direct line 'from Philadelphia to It seems' from the best light which ban titt-rrbtairmul that It be lees than one soils than the route through Pittstargh. TlMiettho jitend to spend 'their'money In It he aware that it I:4l.•noaer d McGee as a Oita& line. - it may have some local tzsde,.lnot .to' pay Its 'running expenses. It ,reaped b. K consider ble me to this city, as It !MO be „it Ando to,,the Allegheny road, and raid' Op en to Pittsburgh a portion of her na tiriLMarket. • . ?...Lreturdsa y.•Jadg6 bloat= delirered his opSao¢ the sioyliestion of the to g Il p oate a toriof the Jail. The deohdon, e 14 : ftOraiiort ot which we give, wait thoroughly gainer the POILPOSSIOIIeTII. , Thollo 0 ffiC!?ll bare tliai it:rebuke from thetiudislary is well sa4trittrithe people; and as thy Legislature will Oditiots follow.upthe rebttke, they rrill.proba 44.44:litsteet egiedient to abandon their. pre- Nits% and Wind to thilegitinnote • hail** nt,o*,alfien. ' . . -.'.IIADLIOAD.—The , tr.MiDgmacuati of thi.loth inst., breaks grooed ii favee ci -the'Connellsriiie. road. It-says it hi, been In . iscece;donbts as to the sincerity. of rxttelinittili the' nutter; bet its doubts being ".'rerOnWl4.4l•Srith It, says: Ifeilibis be. in good faith we shall be glad of lt, .The ` Coenillnille route is better for the etAarge than, that by Latrobe. our sultana market. It is much nears,' -tikilaC j Ot „ eosins, a better . market; la propor,i, fitd, to the 40.TC4litil of traosportatga." "." , Aftsr sainwssice the utmost contidilbce in the Preinidiataf the froMpany, Gee. Lariats:, the those inte r rested look veil to the probable knastainano• of &knew marement. If the•pro 104.elf..ranking the Coattellsrille road is honexelq . lin. be accomplished. It giros ....L . f . ,...•ceskenttlfelytitirphass to the whole subject whir.-h - , muck interested the public mind In this • QartlEseie have only to snore the peopl e 'sotto Widths, are In earnest about the Con s aeUaellla ackente,,and ths aid proposad to be Latrobe iced 101 be transferred to the geti ieUitlilei - Sad as en indication of their ear ' ',Stifling:tiles Conceits, to night, promptly rote `lbi_s6oo tlop subscription asked of them. . . - i fkrosss„sts.".This Cominities "appointed - .y JWAkineelittistoteks cieilunes to secure the ,atsts Pia:SC Pittiborgh, held tones* iitArikiii,litteStpalated a snlro CE:1114*1) to Vitt upon . intecitiziooAiiiioitator the 056.0- • The sub-oomipittet col:Lilo(' of thifal - -- Ineust;pcFsots, to wit:. A. B. Fleming, .1:-13. Alenlleglq Spent., 11. Ingram, jr. 11"Auley, Lorons, ',74iiiiilL,Eatosibstion, Wm. Wade, 11. - It. Hun Isy, - tad Wis. 'Matti • Lackner hid before the CoMmittee a letter faint Jahn Edgar Thompson, President of the Paissyhssia . Ittglyos4 Company, deollalag to Wee into any misimusat to encourage the the Fob at PittatiStSb *lli take our, e. fry 'surprise; so' , : that rood iroild .any be greatly benefited by and far seOlitissii the OLIO sad 14insylionIs COnapany, :,iitgaitinstayietbod two hundred and Arty 4ollani; „ . • . Thelitisturgb Gazette' asks no to "soneet” thirndareprOntatattons coached IA 41 ppragasph. published the etbar day in reference to some of Tti Mate :meow concerning the. Central and 13altl 'Mire Railroads. Notwithstanding the bad tam per Mut bad taste which themauler- of making this must dbplays,lireshould be glad to oblige dm Bustle If any mierepreaentarlon existed, bat as such ' not the fact , we have Mithing to mired: .intrefererme it made to .the "fright ful olummi l. and precipbee . of the Baltimore and Ohl& road ..was In general terms, cad common radial musinot expected . to presume lim Bathing* which : - are not expested•—North Amer . InLa our prelim notice of the Iniseepresenta • . Von of the North -Asseriaan, we atated that the iiredkiallen into *u no dottbr:.‘ohntintionaLn Wean trim the tenor of **Above • gaiegraiit do withdraw one charitable opinion. It now , appeers that there wee a design to init . rairanout *Oslo Is rolteentedand petelated in, , In, the abirve paragraph.. we had said, that the eaindlohlo route was the beat and moat di ', net telt* east. ;he North American' quoted us as wing; that the .s.Baltietere and OLio road," Wu the heat route; aid then , quoted against, nt a remark' in relation :to the frightful - Utmost cud precipices 'Oda oiler 1 ropti, wadi*. only melt 'et C UM. : 134211411; •Ire 'charged:the North Amain* with7lninteritnial itilareprevantati • sad the shovel! thlekuply. -, - • gibe adher e of thot paper can see no itunbetuntrifikunhtstili mute * and the Bal. Oman op d . :011111 iC", - 16141kati think to mope thoedasganEll'llfitithhapkeeentethin by log thitie;terine,ire teal enured their .IsOre.bidel*A - teadars Ida' very '. II A,F * - 743 . 4 t Mkeprotlfeekeisset th e Appletenalas Bent forth two Lora works, within &few ds . ye, which we * , End en our table. - Gnii. of these an Annirioan production, entitled, Leidy and tie LOfiy; - or, Good in All, ankristilillare,l. By ht. J. id'lstaeh, author -,F:t..:iof..TlFOLlmie, or to SUM and to be,' and.wrier , al Other wake; Thu work fa a eort of set cif. to • athsals Teen,' and is an apologist for filaewii. ' • .• The lady alhui Intik the work "had Its oirgin in OM desire to remove some of the prejudices seyerathtis the Northein,and Southern Gaited Illtstes,hy a the and loving .portraiture of the :obaraetorLtias•of eich." A very coin, itUriallgtr.object_troly.'but ehe mistakes,ao do mod of her alma; the true chapter of the pub , yo senthrldln — t the ' There'exists no i.e. i .c is the' North against Southern • . riople,thalizouttiers, cuate#, nodal labitl, or [ • any thlug die, With the eurptiiin of "Slavery. Moray is append as an evil per se; ai pollees. sing inbreed and irremediable Wroop; whelk linnet be raided and Lustre i °sorb} , any kind cr . r • E . '2 4. irestment 4er- beau pictures e .soolal happl. , andEontratio comfort which may exist. - with all its degrading !@1%1,404 • • 2. • Ye' npou'vuoster snd olive, even in ate bait al. ;.ythekthen when bad tun abuse Itt toeing, the., to attempt to rem:tile the mitisideues et, the North with Slavery;t4 ,:44eniht witlitot delaiipthrn of the eoelot and 41414it.rehOloits which "may exist, sod doubt " 'en do In mini funilies at the ; the bilter Olt sugared over to hide Its klasaft.imsyyl4 , !t: csa • 610111,0 one Put Sion WEE;eturr.dp+Vionll prrfreeei to.the • lrittle:•:•! • • ' . • *ll4,T•iiii•.:A Tale. By tidy mAlhiliettnri anther of Ntrintleyltentri ft etc. -The, - 4hovs Werke- areligh ll44 6414 •,BglseiM-Jipplaion 01•001PPUY, end foe -‘ 4 4 l o l .7.: l L•HFiaguitrat a; Woodlottsis , .. •• , ',,.f•: - ; . :. - !.' 4 ' . 4i-"•-i-• ~--- ..:k4. ,- ! ., ,•: . „ . For the Pittiburyk Gazette. kraroz,-10. tho Chmette of Sitturder the 29th of Jemmy, you mike the follnahtg "It sneers that the former Engineer ofthe Jail who.was trilling to serve for sl3oq • Tiler,: Rae discharged by the Comalielonertio =eke. room fors relation of bin Ebenezer Berke, st salary of $480." We deem it due to =melees, as well tut Mr. Boyles, to state that it U oot trio that the for mer Engineer was willing, or in other wogs bed offered to eerie for $3OO Per &tome , . - te m made &troffer to os of any.kind for tbinyear; the two lest yew he wee employed et the Wary of $4BO, en moment AO has always been el lowed se far sa we know to the Engineer for tho So far se the gentlemen being a relative of Boyles, it bad no intlutame on our appoint ment he was highly reootameaded to us, indepen deat of oar OWO f4vorsble knowledge of him, and In justice to ldr„Boyles; wo take pleasure in etatlng that he need no Latium*, or did he ever confer with no about Ms appointment. And we would farther' state, that the whole editorial statement of that date, has no founds lion in truth; if the public wish to Inform them selves of any or all baldness committed with the controversy, we would willingly 'farnildt any matter in our possession, so an to'. enable them to come to a correct conclusion. This communication would have been sent in earlier, but was detained,. owing to the !been" of one °four Board. ROHM /31XD, • ' Wx. Amino. If °abort eettlementto make long frlirndo," wn shall be entitled to the lasting friendship of the .00121114413110111, for the immediate settlement with them which their Communication invites. Its lengnsge is not courteous: bat it . Is explicit: and as It lessee' no excuse for tender handling, we shall esehew gloretips disposing of it. The Commissionent lay ! , 1t is not true that the former Engineer was willing, or, in other word+. lUD erratum to serve for'l3oo per armum." This is a mere quibble. We said he was waling to serre for $3OO a year; but did not say that he had offerid to do so. A villiogness to do a thing is not INTLITILIOnt to offering to do it, and the Commissioners are old enough to know that.. There wan a good reason why the former Engi. neer did not offer to eerie for $BOO per aromm— it, but the Commis'loners denied him the chance. Ur; Boyles stated to as that they made the ap pointment of Engineer and Mercantile AppraLs er, Inc 'days before the nival time, in order to get rid of eOunter:cpplientiono. They did'at want to be pestered with office-seeker', he said, and so took , "tomp judgment" on the Thole lot by reek log the appointments iu advance of time. The tax-payers of the County, who eleete4these men for the purpose (among', others) of deciding be tween rini applicants,. chiming I chiming the beet ones, will see how the task is performed. A day is named in Advance of the usual time, for mak ing appointments, of which no one is Informed but the persons predetermined upon, and then when it turns out that at leset one of the offices Gould hie been Mica more economically, the ex- .-- - cue is rade that they hadono offer to that effect. True, but whose fault ;ill it? Why did'at they give a chance for the o er to be made Our an thority, we repeat, for tie statement, is Mr. Eb. antler Boyles, one of the Commisaionere. : The allegation that Mr. Boyles used no efforts to get Ms relative appointed, is mere clap-trap. Every body familiar with mob matters, knows how these things are done. The-Conmisiionere add: "The thole effitatial statement of that date, (Jan. 29th) Aar no foun dation qz troth-7 ' Thials plain, at any rate: and we stud • - little amazed at the tallness of the impudence which oaks an editor to publish • nommtmloation which gires him the "lie direct" so palpably as this.- "Brit couunzuffeatlons corrupt good manners." The Commissioning have been so much about the office of the Pelt, that they hue learned its slang.. Not oily are our statements of farts de clared-to In Wee, but the public are told that if they want to. get at the truth, they meet go to the caprioissionsfo office I The first fad stated by us-on the 29th, was 'coisliutirkaOrruirthed to - the prionien scat 41 014%; instead of 4 noes, siliatedlii the Coop Maleness. 'fhb, we are tom, ha nil founda tion in truth. This is 11 - mere qnsitien of fact. The bills In tie ithiniff's office wilt !settle the , question at issue. The bakers' bill' are not fur nished to the Commissioners; and the public need not go to thar office for the Loth We ap peal to the bills, sod they will Masten es Um . The second fact stated in that Was that 1 the aveniulef 'whittlers at that time was-75i and this, also, we ire 'told, " hss no foundation in truth." Bit the jail docket, unfortunately for the Comiliziours, bonsai oat. Thetis& ring public will find the evidence in the office of the jail, and nal in the betnininicairs • office. Thirdly, we stated that ca an enrage of 75 pzisonen, the gross amount received for their subsistent Weald be $8,185 • :year. Is this, MAN," without fonntiatims in truth t'? Oat 'tate; meat an be miffed with a slate ind pencil r - -It is n mere Tuition of figure": and if It is fibs, then the multiplication table ig a. lie.., Fonr . thly, 'ye stain Aat, taking the admis siori of the CinntiffidUers, that the sibeistenee of the prisoner' cost ozdy4 coats it day, Messily ra .I.4nie - of It. prisoners at th ' ' e te, would cost $1,868 75 per -ruMn. This is branded, sin, as fain L.but we appeal igai to the mulUplioa tion liable:. As thus: 75 irth V. 75. at none can't lie." - We lian not rein ' now, M 'specifj , the ,othsz statenimii of thit article, all of which are so unceremoniously branded as false. But we en renerme • few of them: "aim is tied for the' ' prisoners to sleep On r,' the brooms onto sweep 'thet cells out ;_ the soft soap is for scrubbing! them out:" "then are is the jail 58 cells:" ' "the engineer kali, by chine of his office, access to ill the cello, to -examine and regulate the 1 Pipes:" &a. &O. All these are denied. It would have required no, treater Maga to deny that, there:wan • jai at all. Therein not one of these facts of Which the Commissiansri are not pin , moony cognizant' Tleybuno that they an bac The last part of that article Nine ~ denied by . I Wholesale Ito width 'ne will new refer, wu the statement that 74 - 13oyies hod admitted to as that not one Of the bill" enumerated by the Com , inissionen in their "Prinlfiato'! vu .preseated by Mr. lithglll. Mr. Boyles does not deny that - he mat this einholen to no, nor don he sip the Mallets .conareauleation given . above.— Mums. King .and Mgt° may igturre the Mai. sin of their colleague, as much as ,they - plitue; but they man fight their:Mari:mit with bilk aid not WIN! 116. ; :. - ., i"' "-' TheirqVig lioiolllljltlitil3lol Is oar. article -of Issi, 29th. - tb4wa hadtturt a voucher for. It ii 1 an easy matter for the Commissioners to con. runlet this: but they cannot disprove one`of then, They may invite people to come to their office, to be gaffed with all sorb of tip ociy 'libel stories: but the' inquirer after truly - Li this_matter, wilt go where he lit most likely' to find st. And now we invite the ettegtion of the Com missioners to souts."Qaeries" addressed to OM in 'our article of Idonday.last„ Fab: 7th. There are come ;people in this plumy wtio would like to see those queries answered—if they no . • , Wicopy from the Blohmond Examines the 'following article In referent, to the ..eight of way,' to show that Were Is at lout one newspa per in Euless, Virgin* that has honesty and itIOTTO enough to take the part of the weaker side against the liteeelfee• — to uphold a just &ink loping Ate insolent traiados of State sdpendiarlos, and bloated omporstionn Be an o utcr y Baltimore newspapers are roo tlet an o against the projeeted railroad from the Virginia Capers, up cur Eastern Shore towards Philapeldhia ard new York—called the North and. Bondi Railroad. Their object le to rent the Maryland . Legislature from grant. the r i g ht of way for the road, over the Maryland patios of the But= Shore. Bo a few stipendiaries of the Bedroom and Ohio Railroad, ..`:"ldott . strophes ilk!' a tape worm through tiokwhole ncithorn!,progia of 'Virginia are oppoibig,;iilth the game #alsd and Jealousy, a road which the' people of Brooks and Hanooolt, tbo•atantres - in the Tan Bandit, the extreme northern point of Virginia, are desirous to build Mora that surow nook of the State, to eonaeot therosebrea with ilittabao and Thiladelphis. After the ImbountlMl llberlnbirPr WIWI* to Baltimore and . her grsat'rot be ex it, was to pected - that, that olty and - World he *Eng to allow the people, of, two eatisatieastera Goan. ties of Vlrglata;'ast the two . extreme northern' mantles at Virginia, births no ipmgrepldng of. 11,44 With her or her, road, to go to mutat whaMthey might dimire.'. That was the Vivi- "~~`:~ ~ .. MiMU lege which Virginia allowed to the loge belt of her magnificent counties lying' along the Balti more and Ohio Railroad. Will It now be netts ems fee Virginia to get upon her knees to Bal tiittore and her stipendiaries to beg the same privileges for four of her frontier counties, ex treinely neglected,ned so remote from the %pa lmed-as to be entirely beyond its : exhausting Influence? Many and pave arguments are urged against this measure' of simple justice; but they are ar guments from the belly and not from the bmina —fromthe puree and not from the heart- It is rather too late in the day to take the trouble of refuting them? They espy with them their own refutatibn. It is greatly to be hoped, for decen cy Bake, that Baltimore and these dependencies of here, which have received such uninterrupted and long continued liberality and generosity from Virginia, will not when the ample rated of right and justice is petitioned for, by a few straggling frontier counties, rise and attack the very principle' which have governed her In dispensing the princely generosity which them selves have received. Was the Wheeling esenrsion, and champaigne, and punch and toddy, all leveled tat these four unfriended counties of Virginia? it soy of our renders 12 see thought .1unlos" too severe in his comments upon the,flosse of itepreeentatives, let them read the ... following from the Baltimore American: The 'Howe of Representative, if the conduct of some of the members continue. to be totem• ted, mint rapidly sink into contempt with the refloating pert of the community. • Specimens of I frivolity and trifling are daily exhibited,which In themeelves are disgraceful to the character of the Hottee, whilst the fact that they are indul ged in at the expense of delaying important pri vate and public business, renders them censura ble to a degree that can hardly be too strongly characterised. A crowningkreach of decorum was recently exhibited bye member from lowa. who during the time the doors were closed for a call of the House, reached the hall by clamber ing down one of the pillars-from the gallery, roars.of laughter, we are told, greeting the performance of tkie feat of Congressional gym nastics. The exhibitionwas not more disgrace ful to the individual eonoerned than it was to the House in allowing it to pass without reprehen eton.—Boft. Amer. The Trarhington Reptalir t equally severe upon the conduct of the House, and its almost total neglect of publlo business. As a body It Is a disgrace to the American name, and we sin cerely pity the few respeetsble men who are so unfortunate as to be numbered with such a nest of tranegressom., lIIPILOVILIIISTIt to Con WITEILS, 9,c.—We learn from the Sandusky :Register, that Mr. N. G. Olds, of that city, has perfected an improvement in Car Wheals. It has been difficult, hitherto, to attain safety in the car wheel, on IC oo 4ta of the ehrinkage of the central portions of it The rim being chilled to harden it, while the others parts of the wheel:are in • molten state ;the con tractile force, as the central portion' become cold Is very great. The Register says: Mr. Olds hes avoided all difficulty on this score, by casting the inner and outer portion' of the wheel separately. These are fitted tocacht other with • bail! joint, by means of the Lathe, the inner surface of the run and the outer sur face: of the central ,part being turned to fit perfectly, and the parts seemed to each other by bolts, es ae to be - firm and the wheel equally compact with the common form. Besides-overcoming the difficulty and danger arising from the shrinkage, there is another Im portant advantage which :ill likely to be obtain ed from Mr. Old's improvement. We refer to the diminished expense of replacing a worn out wheeL Hitherto, when a wheel has felled, the met of replaiing, it has been from $lB to $2 O ; the whole wheel, of 0219160, having to be rebuilt. But the only portion of Mr. o.'s wheel likely to need replacing is the the outer rim, es the cen tral part will scarcely be exposed to any casu ally: consequently the old rim can be detached and a new fitted on at much less expense than Le required to supply a new wheel as heretofore oenotruoled. The leetimatedloost of lie repairs $8,00; thus there lea saving of $lO or $l2. There le a slight increase in the original cost of ooratruotion, amounting, we believe, to about $2 —hut this would be of no consequence, compar ed with the supposed advantages to be derived from this ingenious but simple Improvement. We aro Informed that the inventor has taken the necessary steps , for protecting his Invention by • patent.” . • In 'this connection we may mention that one of oar most scientific and praitical man has nearly perfeeted en linprorement on the MIT IL*, by the rue of which the track may be 'adjusted to tracks of different gauge, varying not more than G lichee, with little or no delay. `this Is avert important diarreery in oar country.—Cin. C orrespondes. of tl:a PIM/mutt U &ult. Ilsza.untruan, Feb. 11, 1853. • D. N. Waltz, Esq., B'nr--For fear the editors of the North Amer loanmaj not be Inclined to spawn the query cow talned In year paper of yesterday, .relative to the comparative length of the proposed connec tion with Cleveland, by the way of rteeport and New Castle, I have euneludedlo employ • leisure moment in furnishing some Information on the subject. The line Is proposed to commence at New Cu tie, or at the mouth of the hishoning, and tb ex tend through the town of Butler, to Freeport, thence up the valley of laskicainttne to Mars-. sill., thus torn:dog a connection with the Penn. sylrania Eatlrosd, by means of the Blairsville breach"rosd- An instrnmental surrey of that portion' of the line between New Cietle and Freeport was made by C. P. Valppo, In 11386,which exhibits the follemingeesnits: length of the line, 54 miles; maxima= grade, whiel'occurs at nine different paints, 52 80; mimic= radius of curvature, 421 feet.-' There ire twenty curves on the tine, below a sedlue of 000 feet, and setencarree. be low 600 feet. The estimated oast of the line, with a wooden superstructure, and fist, or plate rail, le $1,686,812 70. The portion of the line from Freeport to Blairsville bas, I believe, never been surveyed; bit its length , is well known to be 42 miles. The comparative distance would be as follows; • Prom the'Clereland and Damning ' road, at the mouth of the Mabonios to New Castle„ 2. miles. From New Castle to Freeport, 551 From Freeport to Blairsville, 42 Prom Blairsville to Junction, • 3 From Janetlmito Pittabargh, by the Va. IL 8., 63 miles From Pittsburgh to New Brighton, 28 Fa= New Brighton to New Castle, 22 " • 103 miles. Thu. we And that quartets of quarte of a zone will be gained., by an expenditure of not tete than $8,000,000; and the adoption of a line al. pipet impracticable, fiom Ito curvature', for the use of locomotive potter. hfr. Whippo's Report le to be found in the Senate Journal for 1836-7. Dertehettelotte d the Nat Pittsburgh addle. New Youc, Feb. 10,1868 D.R. Willie, En,: Dear Bir-1 hope the Rd . Iters wig net. Complain of the late action of the Penneylnnis Legit!'stare in reference to the pas sage of an sot to oonitruct a road from Latrobe through Batter to the Ohio State line. lam flak of au complaints of this character. Let them make ill the roods they can rate. fonds to construct. Wq should not winos under it; they • will do nen° bum In the male, and for one I regret exceedingly that Aar Councils belittled themselves in taking action on the Ilempfield road: They plowed oar City in a position that, for 'ode, Ido not like to see her in. They have passed (as I wee informed by a gentleman who came In the same train,) enact to connect with the Hempfield road from Washington, conned. log with the Pittsburgh and Steubenville road about five miles from our elty. This - will throw the Ilomptleld, if rightly managed, In a positicht not to be very profitable to the otockholdere, but 0111 • policy of this kindle not to be approved ot. It is now a matter of great Importance that our Legislature should pose a General Railroad Law. • An set of this kind will effectually cop all infamous and corrupt legislation, and pre. rent Philadelphia from getting ouch sots paned se will secure to ber • monopoly of business, for her olderne are the mast dog-In-the manger let to be found In our country—they are the Chi nese of the United Suites. I bare little doubt that their intention with the Latrobe end Butler road Is to connect with the Cleveland and Ma: honing ; and It may be that Clot Is suggesting those matters for the purpose of revenging him: wolf upon our General Robinson for the Bagels. • flan he got. Rest assured feels sera under that lashing; he won't attack the General again la • bony. This connection will nob do as much harm, for Upon as we have the Ohlo and Pennsylva nia, the Pittsburgh and Steubenville, and the Allegheny Valley Roods, the amount that will pass through Outland, excepting to Nil, York, will be of small womb • • Bat to retrieve end raleem oar ebarifoter, sad skeww that we hare a liberal spirit, let our press mina Out :strong in the*!advoutcy of a General This alit sifootaelly stop the' Phlladel. phlens in their course of . corrupt legislation; o thesolius, by log-lolling, they wilt shut the door spinet every thing . except - *hot will lead rib MMEM 'i'''i ~~. ~-r ,'. MOM ISIZW YOBS. • Conerecodeers et the Pittatetegh antette. lisw Yaws., Fob. 10 All the commotion caused in New Yorkby the late advance of latereet by the. Hank of Enti; lend, leas.ceesed, and the tendency towards an easy money market is more marked than for some time. The banks are discountieg all the peeeeble paper, tend in the street there is notice able a great abundance of (code. An attempt was uiede by the drswere to advance the rote of exchange, but yesterday the taarket was flat at lees than ten per cent. far first ease tames. A email panic:now would, no.doubt, to the means of preventing a stampede in thelature, for it is not to be dented that New Mining, and "other speculative Cotepenlee are being made with a reckleeenees that insures a breakdown and heavy loos ultimately. Real estate continues to be the most popular speculation, and the profits are certainly large enough to Induce the moat timid to try ,their look. A property, resumed la consequence of the purchaser filling to . make hie payments, sold for, eighteen thousand dollars advance upon the ptise agreed upon two yeah] Mace. Bo large le the advance, and es great the manta for down town property, that In very numerous cases, old proprleton have pat their lands and stores into market, and reinvested the, proceeds In bonds and mortgagee, choosing, wisely, the profits of the present Every body now-a-days, whnreade, is talking about Bee. Eloise? Williams, the reputed Ban. phin of France. en clearly shown by the elabo rate article in PatTlal:ll . B Magazine, and other evidence developed by 'this publication. The Frenchmen among no arnanthtudastia upon the subject, nod none doubt the identity of this hard working Indian Missionary with the Capitaine heir of the throne at France. Wherever he 'preaches, a crowd follows b m, and the °maul- butione to the fund he in rajilog to aid his In dian parish, are largely increased from the fact that a royal preacher makes the demand. One soft shell loco focos'are ranch exasperated at the conduct of the hard shell beaters of the interior, who have adopted a badge, quite as marked as the old Federal cockade, eparted by such "demotarate" as Mr. Buchanan. It is all the rage now to wear a "shell," fastened open the lapped of the coat, to show that the wearer:4 none of your prggrees men, but an &lath:titer:a ed and unterritild leo foco. As the modern democratic party can in Its ranks &lithe impraz , ticable old federalists, there ie no Impropriety in substituting the 'shell for the old eookade. By their legislation in Congress they have long ago thrown out people at the feet of their old ally, John Buil; o fact known to all. A. new weekly paper hasbeenestabliebed here, under the editorial management, of the eon of the Bt. Rev. Bishop of Vermont, (Hopkins.) and a eon of the late Bishop Hobirt, both high churchmen. This entree has been deemed ex pedient from the fut . that the Churchman and the Proteetent Churchman quarrel with enc.h virulence that even flash papers consider their caimans diegreced. Mr. Hobart ie a brother of the wife of the late episcopal Bishop Ives. Mra. Ives and her daughter are both attendants of Bt. Patrick's Cathedral, under the pastoral charge of Archbishop Hughes. An attempt ie made in some quarters, to prove Blehoppee insanity, bet li can hardly euooeed without bin wife'', family are included, for they exhibit ell the symptoms of the bead of the family. AU the railroad quarrelers:nein unsettled, be all the roads which have gemmed charters arle pasblog on with all possible 'peed, so as to have • sort of vested right, and thus 'prevent InApit disturbed by soy action of the legislature, or t; city authorities. The present quairel will ree , melt In a law of setae sort, that , will stop new roads, and make the old 012r1 more .ralus ble. Mr. Comptroller Flagg Jo warmly pressed on ill sides to resign, and have say office in the gift of the President, but he refuses. The pat ronage. legitimate and otherwise, of this city, is indispensable to keep the party together, and it is found a great bore to have an honest man at the door of the public chest; no "milk" coaches, nor thrice duplicated pay will be allow for ser vices; a change fatal to the profits of oar honest legislators. C. Ras Gaur Lllllll2.Y.—ne treaties ofthe As tor Library have jut sent their annul report to the Legislature. They elate that the library edifice in Lafayette Dhoti bu been completed during the pastyear, with its shelving and other appurtenances. and Is a solid strizature. It is deemed admirable not to pot in the books until April next, so that they will not be injured by any dampnese from the walls. The new build ing will bo ready for use with the books irk,. the - let of May. The amount expended - th building. besides the coat ef the cite, up to Jan nary 1, 1853, was $70,000. The totel exetrodi taro to that date for kooks was $75,364 40. The total number of volumes cow acquired is be , teem 60600 and 65,000. The superintendent, Dr. Joseph G. Cogswell, hu gone egain to En rope to make purchases, which be expiate to completeby the let of April neat:, The en which he is authorized to expentint Ihit trip $25,000. This will probably addl6,ooo or '2O,- 000 volumes to the works already,eollected; sad the library will be opened with reboot 80,000 volutes, carefully selected, and many of them very rare and costly; all at an outlay of $lOO,OOO. The average oast of books lately, destroyed by fire at the Library of Concrete exceeds $4 -per volume. These In the Astor Library ore really no leen valuable, bit cost only *1,25 per volume on the average. Sir. Actor's will pus:tribes that $120,000 shall be expended at brit le pro. curing books, and afterwards the net btooinnnt 4180,000, after defraying overeat expenses, In continuing the collection. The residue of the $120,000 (being about $20,000,) will be expen ded in supplying defielenciee in the various de partments of science and letters. The trustees hope to farniehan- alphabetical index or cata logue of the works 1i the library at its opening. Of the s4oo,ooo'left by Mr. Astor, the trustees acknowledge the receipt of $333,333 23. The remaining instalment of $66,666 66 will be doe 20th of March next. - The report in signed by William IL Astor, president pro wt. of the board, and 8. D. Slagging, Secretary. Accent paaying the above was 0 list of book" presented to the library daring the,year 1853. The funds and property of the library concoct in value to $452,36/ 33, viz: 31r. Aetor's legacy. $400,000; donation by 31r,iGogswell, $1,029 90; premium usenet, gain on the stock transferred with first Instalment, $3,462 87; interestaccount $12,551 33; and other items to mote up the sum. The price of the sits of the library edifice re mains still in the hands of .the executor", the parties entitled to life estates In such site (ex cepting Mrs. De Nottbeek) not having chose* to receive the inearoe.- , N. Y. York Arlene, sth. Pouvrar Snow te Lennon.—From the 11th to the 18th ultimo there was o grand Poultry 'how la London; at which were exhibited no ten than 6j6 pine of different Species of fowls, .loch pin containing from two to fear animal. —beeldes eleven pens of geese, thirty-three of duke, ten of turkeys, two hundred and forty nine of pigeons, and forty eig ht of rabbles. Of the fowls there were two hun dred and forty•nice pens of Cochin Chios breed, sixty' three Ban. lams, toren. y Dorking, besides Spanish, Malay, Hamburg, Poland;ke On the first day there were cometandreds of visitors at set adadeelon fee of five shillings, on the second day ovii five thousand st a shilling, and on the third day s much larger number at the same ,price; Vary high pricer titre pat upon moms of the penn. At the auotion'eale on the best day the highest price paid was forty-eight rolneae 'for s Co chin Chios cook and pullet. The wooers! selling prices varied from fifty to two pounds for out, pen. ' 102* mile,. POPULAR VOTE FOR PRZSIDANT. Polk, (Dem.) Clay. (Whig.) Blonoy (A.h.) 4710 r, 046 g.) ass, (Dem.) se Bum (F. 8.) 1862. 1,686,646 1,888,637 167:290 Pierce, (Dem.) Baott, (Whig,) lisle, (F. S.) . By the above It will be seen that Baott polled • higher popular vote than Polk la or Ttty lar In '46. NEW, 17,4E,PET STORE. ROBINSON -& .CO., NO. 47, SIFT.II STREET, NEAR. WOOD. Now opening a largo 'and entirely new muck of Upportct *id ♦merlon Carwts. tordbrildtb miltblug usually kegs In n Carpet Store. at as lowest alb edam; . eeto A. H. HOLMES -& BRO. &coomoor to U. P. Nelson a. siimuyaerusas or BOLID BOX VIOBB— • PLaTxr, 81107M1 MATTOOKII. BPADVI, ' ItUIte, PUNA. 0ter,..114. tau. Water army yytid &or gin otil 441.A1l net TarianW equal to Iwo mtodlototoi. • • ethan's ":1,3 DAGUERREOTYPES rod .ojfite Befildisg, Third Boit!. GITIZENWatid strangers who wise to ot , tato an want* azlistla and Milk. 1114.0ta. vat 7 olvatatida nrioporlll And lII* they Intorno to ow at Ma fall Miro ortabllabto•n i pari entintlatistaetioty ausrantatal. - or u 0 chugs 4. Having au of the sum" sad bail imago& and Whom , ...sr. , . ittictedixt the now., watt Inatratnaota tb. toast Miura klad. naat paving itrtad mum otDagoar. =NV irth *Mt t a a art i . r rillturrttel *Melo ova.. to4ba parooa or.. sty!. 01 Dept!. tre . attnar Malady tt to saanwa,. nal .a r s *pinatas, ta met - .• .•• --,- - - • ....- -- "•i;:,-,.. - -.- - -' -.'; '',----•`,: A ': -- '4''''''- - - ' , : -- ,;-:' ,. .:4:-. - ..N...r.-. , •,1,-. , !- ':-';' , ,,.:=rj....;:; - :::i. f . -,7,...-,:.-.„,.. ; .:„.,.......„ - 1 .,...„ -.. Dar DR. M'Lor's Lists PILLe.--This gnat maiirtaa has ettoPluoled all othns far the eina of i f the Liver. Its afeets are .. aniutary and na.dr. and at iba race Ursa an perfectly eats. thst ft is ant =try:inns It should supersede all olhere. Invested hy urn/ distitunthhed uhysielau of Tituirds, uho pint Lind In • raglan of eons a 7 in .bleb atratls.ur Linn Comal.lat, in venniarly formula'+ and seaman: and .ho ha! spent yean to dimming the inurediefita and their uumditles. than Pills are retallar/7 adapted to every form of the disease. and n tall to alleviate the moat otullaats mar of that terrible arga• plaint. They bah Sundt. heccum talattatal and tini researebee of Dr. 3PLano hare plated bit name among tho bonafaeldfs of mankind. No 'poll Donlon o7dlintoroo of this formidable complairik should be without than invaluable PUle. Dave you a polo to the tialit der the edge of the rib, 1,21.42. Ittemioal ititb • pros- aure—unable to Ile with sue on the telt alde—erith oveiterunal;' sometimes conetaut, pain under the shoo Id ar bisda. yam...ly extending to U. top of the e0u14.1 Ite'a upon It. that elthouah the latter pens r roar ciptif taken for rbennuttle.tbey ell arise from Amite of tq„Llrert end, if you would have relief, no lutao ly a ad boy Lox of Dr. aeLene'e Liver PIM. I'or ale fa any irmysigs, or Morobants' diode through. •c :be Onion; also, oboloOda sod retail. by J. KIDD IC.J.. b. 1.1 , bolo Propylotory, 60 Wood Mud. Ala-W INES, de—Persons wishing to pur e,. VOILEJ3 WINSJ am laocoaa of lin .4 ....rte... obtain thoro, at Um lonitst plow, at OA Moe atm. 0 , JACOB WEAVER, Jr.. 0016 • •Ilazkat .od Frout streets. ger Ws Theliever.Natttre Ins provided s remedy for •ray &seem which firrh le hair to. RIEUT V rROLRC.I-or ROCK OIL, put up .it fiol/11, from the greet laboratorr. concealed deep la Me bowele of Mother Earth. to, without doubt, mu of the greatut of them emedies— Rosa Um following testimony. given by • gt.t•lul went: Ptrasuir Camay OhPh Bent. 16, MI. Mr. d. 61. Kler—Blr: 1 no.. a d all your Petroleum. It nook Oil. some two months p t 2 and hen beep Imam n for your agent to get • turth r supply. 1 amid tars s o ld come dozen mom. W• h Mund the Oil very esmlleat In Plat and Dysentery 110 dengliter. st the Mesa your agent wee here. vas ring very low with tne O ut 1 O r e her • Praspconfal. a In thee. hour. Ss , . .the moond. sad the dim stop and she re cowered immedlataly. It Is also an • triordlnary remedy for remind Inhumed ayes, Com . B ulset, and Bleunistlsa. and 100 the Meg with bare mind liegeg staahng. Boum with resplut, lttsmaw. roe sale by ail the Imuutra n Pltbduirga fog tp.persadverthing Pe hunt phase eoPI.I jos....CheAvs6's lioarzr Aps, which nitride ed so much attention at the World's Fall, ar• now offered to the citizen. of Pittiburgb nod Allegheny DltleAnt the Proprietors prime. wholiwale sad ratalL Thle Soap Is par titularly odapted to those troubled with shopped hands In Winter. J KIDD Avß).. Agents. de•2l No. 00 Wood eliset. Z StE Advertisement of Monet; Cordial, • outaldo pun. Ittsr MERCHANDISE or EVERY DESCRIPTION INSURED, upon the most CenralAl tar. ;unbar Loos or Dunn. tar THE•PERILS OF 'NAVIGATION, .by !Satin. Or LOAM 6 /Inns. bet.. Eastern CHI.. anti .H yarn of Um arid upon Cr.. Wane= trots n. FIRER SIZE. .Ho taken al usual, upon all klodk of I unable Property. aides:dein. est. ot Premium. by GEORGE S. ARNOLD, fektm ' Ann for Intibarob nod Alleglenn Count, • JAMES P. TANNER. • WOIESALE DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, de., xo. 56 WOOD EMIT, WITWIDOEGII. Men Third and Fourth. • stook 'embracer every variety and a4lßonnes. ti. purchased Corot from Z ' ond vittratirarrs'4;:trez 4 =4 ; . - '—rloarko rail sod momboo bolero Irortm.- DAGUERREOTYPES AT THE NATIONAL GALLERY. I MYKSON'S National Dagnarrean Gallery, i!wri=igoc. thgg''AlL'o""! ""*" Lean and tiestuoVrtahh:ta n ZtaxelLtailkallkesew ea a wn; ctrata prkm, Moue all at dr. eatabltate a 014.1 up with vary truparbor era lity around with nob still that tha operator az tale the oat mount* %a grill. of the home form with all U. mouton 01=1=44 the. ta ALL aromas. pitler=atgniillt=ritrotely cowls& ant de. AL L towns not, required to telea;plztore. ethos per• feet re0162b16.13M 03...Liteweala takenof Wet eel deoeweel wow. In say pert of Lbarltr and riclelq. aor aoua. 6/412. end *pawing from 8 A.0..0414 / N. Konen. In be Maroon& 61.nntivlatr Citizen's Imams= uumpany at Pittsburgh EL D. KING. Parsuast, 11110E1. L. 11111.1 HELL. PUY,. OVTICE, 94 WATER, BETWEEN MARKET AND WOOD mama. ltletlMCS BULL ANN , CARGO HISMI UN SIIA UNTO AND MMUS/NH/I 111117115. AND TILIIIITTA. KIES. 4. or ass A . rag y: SLdal IN Lei 1. , N.. i7O MB so.J MIN 5£01:7:1170:V W11t020141 1.1.. 4 Was. Lartm.s..4... 44)...14. , ...1. I' 11. M. Kier. Jainrael 11.40, I Wm. th 001.414. licrbust Dunlap. Jr.. I Jan &W.VA. B. Ilaibaaglt. frmicla j.. 11442., I... Sward h05......4v, J. Bohummaar. %eq. Bryaat. WM 14 MTh. • In. 31. Pirascosl4 that IDI T. ...1011T. KIIII. PHILIP RANEDW. REMOVAL. WILSON & CO: • ItIPORTERS Ana WTIOLT , ALE Mia.LXllB. ut WOREIGN AXO DOMMATIO HARDWARE. CUTLERY, rt,.c ae. Have removed to their new and erteneivo ororratata *oat Wool. four doort. sbm the Elt.Cbarlto kart, Vb.* t.botr jut tuerrtutoto tiotou‘ll7. or. Invl on to on •11.111/.0.13 of the moot completo to. ovor offal dln tltlo 0101. talky DEED, Ue E &Wass. tho 12th Instant., AONES pit , of Robt. P. theltayokod doozhtor of Ms Ws Roo. Uobert Ems. . Air An adjourned meeting of the °Shaer. Wane Les Lease, a ALUM.. t.Wakt. ^ all( b. held le the lIEST PAP'2l2l' Cli.jjaCtl. on )10:71F/CV ING, tette - n.17 Itth. at 7 o'clock. the Etetatlee tlant• =Mee alll rev.% Progress. the eltlsees are earneeny Invited to attend. New Spring Goods L i :MURPHY 2e BUROHPLELD have jue IL ' received. ba tea, ansinena tbla netainit—lilark Hr MN. Ctananad •Inte seat ennead 81d Cilon. .• per neek wad mei Mebane, ,Glente tinned 4lnen atm brie Eddie; .ten, lam and email efflll.ld S.". WWI. tea Nuns' evening drama. at Um notttv.atat comer roman and Market sateen tele To Machinitta. WANTED—A Partner in a FOUNDRY and 11110111213 FERlP.sitostal to imo of the moot Imports= samtothatosing towns ea th. Woitota A psalm mon. competent to take easmro of the Ditching itimp. sad haylos fro m too to thtro tboomnd dollu• to pant 'MI Ana tht.a most deatmblo We:loony. :for firth. ; partleolant, applr D. A. GRIER 100. Marty tre c e , t, i Ma d yritb; uair• l 1. Toon/sOwn. Iditholting Comity. Ohio. - Professional Tour to the West. rfi'W sobserrber will leave on a Profen. ta Aortal Tour to tho Wort, by the Path Mellott. Ito trlil ottani tt Um Collection of Cilium Itareohltrug Papa.. Lorett, Lana %Tumuli. .tad othrr bustorm coatlietal Zai V:= 1 .1,11=11.14,1, 1 a1i,: if tlhifro.l Ulu-moons. bariyatte, alio!tl i r Cit l . awl too sli m . pat litter in Ohio. ottitlt [A 0. rola Mbomu; Uo. 111 Fourth anat. • New Muir.. HE PHILENA SOHOTTISCH, cot:pol l. e 1 by H. Itobbor., . n. Tv. Rose b2bottiseh: so•Mosea by IL/10b...b. . The shore are the Cull coptosroc . .l Hots the hutd4sben. Mae Ftury Iltnat; , Lan to W ;b. ••••: lime Arum Slue. by My Fhle. Sly 01.11 Ken tee•T Loom Elms Rebottle., t ow Yolks at Usual Oisay eabottied• hildsa silt 8 Wyatt. A WIN lot Of the Pit. wi Want • Muter; sonialattig , bo Oh.* of 19,.{6-.1 . rte. ISO cents. • 47 , A . Le. lot, of F a l t S a tr i tri l lat hzir ,. r i h,. 4 ,13 4 , ,„, Proposals for CoaL QELLED-PROI'OSALS will bo received- ot lb. Ofilot of Venn. Pennock. Ultabeli & Co.. until W fort dar of Munk nest, for trvincrolehlog gni de riming on rho bOaltd. AT atILWACILIE. W1a...50,000 bushel. Net quality COAL. for the mannftecturt. of ,Laid Cool to be dellnrof Magni lb. months of uno, July end &tenet next, Tome of pc,yencpc c. hued on oath, on Um delivery of the Orel. JOUR LOCKWOOD. Eventn rlihrankle ties Light C. pony. Pilleburen. fob 100E63. • feILU• [Janina! COPv.I • Chardon irallol Railroad. LIE undsrnatne4, Commissioners of th, SCHART' VALLEY RAILROAD : lobo , lisairtitao, L. P. liftchoosk.laoob Movaao. P• Wan.. Ovvvka B. Do/VA Jamvo O'll. Danny, •111011 MAIL kredirriek flocrea klauctlaid lirocrio, Dilation A. Poo loon. John Boyce. 'Mom,. Watcoo. lobo W..,... Dativl Mutes. Aoki. David T. IlakokolL J. K. MMlleal. wtma IlZlVilflo . 2dONUWO l ninfetiOrN! . . 'l ll lll l l. :V! nib do di Vobruary, loolaAt c at 10 o'clock Pince oaDatiendano• foreoaostvd. 011:44i • • " Grocery Store For 8a1e... • N ALLEGIIENY CITY; corner of Ander loon sod Lomeli otno's dolui • tourishlng Denims. tlluirt l itlnt !To n do .I°TtITT.AII,I,c,-71 DIoD .4.men vie* no snit all Moot. Uo.1•Wlil. sod tilt art 4. Tao thousand d 011.,, two oast lo averss• . mom of business dono. Th. Btors-hoom onto tor SIM Pot 1 0 00, 1 . 004.1 4 / 1 2 aloes ltomodtslsly. If swoolosd. um, done. 011 tbro• notos—baslor lbw.. At, sal of. months to rm. Apply Cs 11. AMAIN. Election of Directors. CIVICS VAIN CANAL COMPANY,I On, Fre lOW 9,11162. AN NLIOTION will bo hold on 'MONDAY, the Tth der of March next, it the 01111021 of the - Coast Company, to the 111, or Lie. Iv ANY EN DINTAIVIAB at the Me thatel perky for tin .osuins tteleglite) SHO . U. ouvr. bravtarr. New Steamboat Law. TO THE OWNERS ANDMAPTAINS Of STEARROATS ON THE SOUTHERN AND WESTERN WATERS. W. STBEVER'S four inch oyllador ef t ai w g: P aritrabt:llll, l l l ll sA r Wel? dlocherstos • tuo-luob gleam or wenn, ell he r0i114 . 1% h•tol or stem unsex: Sr. eamosot. on NUE andtle mint rhante sad, ottrobto ID that oonetrootion. not that.. got out of ord.. Sondes lb. 4 lush eyiloder, ORO 01 Oa.' fAt Ole: 1. 3.Alond B ßrh ernodern Vgratt=e. Paper AWL, Ilantattotto, gale- Itoulos. An Wee futnithail with the rounen onsm eat nonstronnaottone by mall nrotoptly atteiol.4l to. littnertur•J and ter lola u -8 To Let • EVE iyozafortsble convenient Brick DWE Lltiti HOLMES. altuntei on Miter.= VatrritrAVlthltiVißlTlrit Rouse X.' sluar Some, Nes 'I, , , ;119 . AMANDINE—For 'chapped Walla Tooth Put* ObirioakTcoth 'chap ped wing Crsamt nlloVaK Akagds4e 011; tomaloalt ma. of 6itWith MO4lllB AAA OM:. al • s T ARP-15 kegs No. I Lord, ieed Iliad for We by ifelS) 1161 4 1HY ul CO .L 1 POTA:TOE9- 1 100 17nag.Fink — Ries and Red fn gory ftir sale br AU PEAXINS t BAUMAN% • fl KEEN APPLES-60 bbls., jast ree'd xi for We by ffelll peasnci s ONIXIIAN._ rink; BILLS AND ACCEPTANCES ~_l. WANTED—Os N Boston. , J..olarrillo. , N. Irk - St Instr. rawao phi., ' Cu.:thall. Bedlam.. Chtdir..kii, Clev.lan4. Detraft and the W. 4 vtl ' aj.ll7- SIGHT MUCKS, abo. turntable 7ntk i it . l o -331 .1 .. .t.,.. 1.11 ' 71 1 ourth. mter.t. Ca lINDRIES-- • , ki 10 4•61.4 Dry A0:164: 4 6614. eggr, 12 110.6 ...102..0.,d: ..• • - v t 3 dm C.. 242 Seed; 1 barr.l.4 ball flottei - . ' 6 kris 40112 /3414.1 • 10 kern Lard; • 3 barr.l.l\ 1.4611 C.ll. 666.4 Cbt.44t ,124112.0.6.20 It•ts.l4i,oty cnl fe, 4414 by f.t4 • \CIUK t IfeCANDLESb. OLASSES-500 bb,s. N. 0. Molcisses, rre'd and for W. by • roll BrBtlsoEd 11.101:MOG UGAR-164 hhds.Sagar,...reo'd and for sj sal* by ; SPRINGER YIARBAIIO/L ARD-38 bbls. N 0.2 Lard, recd and for • ale by [1'6141 BPELINGEB LIARDAUGU. lifeOLL BUTTER-20 bbls: Roll MAW. nrcielred and for sale Dr 4 SPRINGILIt LIAIWAINIII:\ • .10k EMOV AL The taidersiko d aottnon that Ito ha ratneed lAftle ggW Icooon4a mIIo .OARR . I AGE WiltEllOtain aact , vit war b .ad a now paean" a Taraalo. Road. dorn I 0r:4015414rd frqt t le b' E r ilt " r tg :Tr i y tot:VT:Orr trl 3 .:7l, t l 'h t U 7w " '' ve 4 ats t . i plttloe .. to the animate. ata.enao lo no i d { an . o l on f ia m r. o pethi tt .. attars Meant to g dart Thoilowbbing to path.. axe raactfulle In d Gall and moo tot taarsalees. • t o =AV.-ratan "anal:Mon red tap atilt. o f [fallAtterY) JOSN"' ' TOOL WORKS,', CORNER OF FIRST AND LIBERTY BTREET4 PITTSBURGH, PA. A CIITNISTS' TOOLS of every vorietv. DON PLANAR.. RD,. sod and TORN- I:OTLIER DRILLING I.I.ACUINER. to, Ag., sotto fumed to ordn.. JOSEPO, 7. CO. ISAAC J05A5........- .JO., 0. SICASKI: Jones & linigg. AIANUFACTURERB of Spring and Bibs. tar *Baal, Plough Slab Eltee4 Bird Plough Whig, and ELIPUS Bgrhunn Bra. Nut Tager. nal Patent. /Wear Hall and Hammers( frog .l .a—Gornar olhan and First Ms. Plitabargh. Pa. • • SONY 6 011100 .. .. Oli - .0 IS ISOCICSIA D. B. Rogers ki lANUFACTURERS of Ro fir's Patent la bnprgred Steel Cultivator Taattlornar of Ron and Bat gluey Plltabargh, Pa. 1.12 , .T. EATEIERS-2,0001ba., in More _and for A • sal. 07 J. T. A 3. J .130VNE. 7518 255 Lineal odreet. • LARD -10 bbls. and 30 kegs, in a .113 and tr ule by ifal2] J. T. J. J. • an. 111110LCBUTTEB-20 bbla. in star: for Lib wa by [felln J. T. t J. J. 800 • U. el LOVER SEED-500 bus. in store and for IL) .lo by lhlll .1. T. a J. J. BOON* rirSIMOTHY BEED-101., bus. in store, fo ssts by frel2l J. T. & J. 1.13005 X. THITZ BEANS-12 bbls. atom, and tarsals by J. T. &J. 1100CilL MIOLASBES-200 bblis, in s and for .sis b. MU] J. T. & .1. .:BOONE. IU . 0. SUCikR-;-44' ) hhds, is stow and for LI • sSis by Vart . J. T. aJ. J. BOONS. FLAXSEED. -200 store and for tali by (UM • J. 1.1 J. J. BOONE. TALLOW—Ontds., in store and for sale Dr J. T. J. J. 1300.1 X . 'GREEN APPLES-40 bble., jest received sad far eat, br !M2) J. T. al. J..IIOO:GL , FLOUR—IOO bbis. Extra, in store and for sal. br [M2 J. T. • J. J. .HOONIL ARM? . APPLES- T i. sts?re " 411 2)6 Liberty sure. \ AVI c LLTE r.. Gg e -7 bas i C iu mer w ' White ba M Wm-41.9