rustrisxm warrn a 00. ITT/7111108 WEDNESDAY /110/IMIO, Mi. 19, 1253 101.1-rrisarawi Wixom oimm—rba env:Wye area o f our _wow thaatt. often to oar ba.sinen Jam isartdafrable Malan of malting their trusliva Oar dnalation 14 Wire.. lacv,ard En thousand. Flub ' U.s idakiet mar Vll44tiand Want/ In ins:tan 4221.1 i. and Pedal! (Ms. • gYJ ADVERTISZES—NaIther the Aft Udall Roo.. solosicut Establishment a the Dim Gaszors, hula epmel en Bandar- ADVERTISERS ar ho..distre their notices to =pas In the - yam on . Itondsy roons. nftliala.e bead them . to o'clock.= - satr mailnr. PiaBDO[oi arts CHICAOI).--We hlya now re, oornaninioatlon *1 of erlievelared, Norwalk, Toledo, and he Bontbera' *clam Railroad. This will glee etesitlaoilirles for visiting.that region this win ti?. 'Beoladiertisement in the appropriate col- -: - • "t". fizz conagraviriz BAILIZOAD. • .- Wo are glad to find attention again directed .. .-. to the Connelsville road. This road has always been la , !meta with Pittsburgh. It has been '' Suffered to terrain In the shade for some years, It to true; but while Ile claim* to prominenee hi been postponed, they have not been 'Van ., .' dined. The Importance of having a railroad to •: , . , the Wait, compelled the friends of the Connell.- .n, illis2 ad to center all th eir egorta on the Ohio '•' .... end P !minutia projdot; but a. that. road I, '42.; I.' now it ed and well advanced towards comple _. ~` 404 the original friends of the ConielLtrville toad can return to emir old fareete,,and pot again on Its leg,. The constroption of the Connelsville road I. ablvolt tely necessary- to 'Pittsburgh. We will "ben to build it In self-defence. Philadelphia _ . . ' ~ It not content with the outlet which we afford Aorta. the Wert; she Is. seeking other c0mm ...., eons,. without regarding the consequences that -, ,7 2 11.11 likely **result to us. Bhe Is pips to Wheel lig to compete withllaltimore,andwe must allow ~. Aaltlonre. to come here and compote 'with her ~...--.. ' I WbUeo Ildiridelphis is locking other outlets to - i-4...-- env Weei and Northwest, we man seek other i . ..ontlets to the East and Southeast. The Alleghe . iy,,Valley road elms ni the connection we want ', with• New Pork, and the Connellselle road the one we want with Baltimore. If - incur those reads, we are at the mercy of Philadelphia, and - ' Philadelphia is 'hewing her mercy to ne by . - beldlng roads around us to take • our trade 1 iewayrs. with these roads,' we can offer such a vs. , - Olt, of outlets , to the Atiantlo seaboard for 1 : Western and Southwestern trade and travel as to make this a commanding, point between the " ' East and West • . ' We did think, at one time, that the interests .; . of , Philadelphia and Pitteburgh were eo Intl '. matey bound together that each coed work hinvonlously 'mai the other, and, promote the I ' .• . Ink . nets „of both. , But Philadelphia. appears ..-- :now to - think otherwise, and openly seeks to - benefit herself atom eapenee. The llnopfield ' „ ,- road, phial appears DOW to be the pet of our - - . ultramentans friends, has been urged from the beginning as a rival to Pittsburgh interests. , ' - The natives and designs d' itsoriginators and < abettors have not been kept secret. They are open and patent to all the world. Philadelphia • 'is hot ignorant of them; and with the knowledge . witch she has of the designs and probable con- - -- sequence of that road, she cannot complain if 7 - ' ' we follow her..ample, and pay regard only .to •_. our own intent, hereafter. - ' - .. ~ Ili% Independent of this view' of the matter, 1 - _- the "Cdtuvellnille road is • important ' and ne• l .•egoam7 to its, as opening up a large and pro- 1 ' denies/Rae of co un try hitherto almost intwees--1 Olt to as. The rich comities of Westmoreland, - ' Fayette, and &menet and the country east of them, offer to us a' tnAto Immensely valuable, ..and we would be derelict to ourselves if we did •,,,-, -,- . not Make no effort to gat it • ‘,..,...... .Ilheeatmellerille road 'can be built in a very .. ! shin time, and then isdio reason why : it awed not be put under , eentract in the spring, and, ~ .....• intend forward with railroad epee& We no. :,•,'-`,.: *Ma Olt the OharteranthOLlZOlthaeonnties ''. ^.. ,•ef: e ttleigialiy, WestWoarelend, Fayette, and BODI -iriit; and any av, borough, or inamorata contleny, to sulmaribe to its capital stook, so that no fntharlegielation is necenny on.that soon; ' • Uri nate has Uri surrePed;',and'ltaltlnvore is ..tinder ptidiee to holy it ,to a liberal event 4,Notldegi therefore, la venting but for our me!- .. ,"chants 04 capitalists - to take hold of the.road • -- with a vill;give it a good;'rousing start, and it . sill noon acquire Impetus enough to carry it We may add that there I. now no time for dallying. Whatever -be done ought to be ' • dons at once. It will soon be "too late." TER NORTH AhOLEICAN AND ME ETEU. • RENVILLE ROAD. '• • On Wednesday ofslast Week, speaking on our Own responsibility alone, and without authority .." ! front any 'one, we published the following pent •greidi in en art.leir on the Pittsburg's-end Sten , • '!the Pittsburgh a is Steubenville road h one of theJlths in the. great fix feet .gangs mute troth Sew York to Cincintati, the Allegheny . Valley road being' the connecting link between Pittsburgh and New York. When the Stetted -title and Indiana road, the Pittiburgh and/ten ' - ' bairns road, and the Allegheny Valley road', ; are Completed, we shall be able, - we hope, to offer . - to New York a centinnine and very abort route toand front the West." • •- 1 Clit the following dej,.(Thstreday,) wspub11111: sd ah untried from the annual report of the Pltte • burgh, and Eitnbenville Company, of which the following paragraph forms a post eaknowtedgeno nig—with the Penni- I •meidßrilrOad, crossing the Alleghenies without'' , .•IneUned planes-wifh our road cosukiliair (tiredly anfA Lis sena In the city of Plttelnuwb, and midi • 'the earargauge;crieelag • the' river by a bridge, etunecting with the Steubenville end Indiana ' crosettig the Ohio river at Steubenville by a'Aridge. and the Fame ,gauge continued . Shrotigh. to St. Lout,.-41ww) Will ba an Sabra ; . tin line of road, by •vidch care, without let or .. • . hindrance, can pvs,onr mountain and river, • . from the Delaware - to the Ellealssippl--to schieh , rota Clete cm be eat nook" • To ;thli we appended the vulesideditcriel Would seem from the abon. extracts that fi fees-S , inch Lenge has teen dedinitely -adopted, and that . but little hope that say change 01 biennia. Owls that et the Central ;road, and ea sinagemeAtthavr ' - bent inadintsontinue Don& Ohio to St. : Louts, oftoVres cannottittetwonawy obis:Alta. It with Muth: ferret that we re . ' ilmadea of seeing* * vest elz feetgatip _sonstrwetedin thin End from New York to Cie • Ptltkthe report of the Pittsburgh and Bien k.nvWe Courpany titer* it (for_ the N. American pnbliehled it, Or a part of it; On: Saturday), and •_ling our editorials:Cols of nanny elle betas distintitly setting forth. that the Pitts tureinui Steubenville, Company hid 'adopted 14 4pat S inch singe; for lilt parpose soling with wilk the Central road, here, the-North • Aintrfan of Illondailast, copies our artiede of ;the ltedriesday Precede& as settling the ipies- I tint Out the 0, ~feet page would be - adopted, Rod uiries that as ah irgnmedt in faior : of the ' Entridishi road! " • "We 'have Up design to object to wbotteerieet unto : arguments our Gotta/pore:7 cad urge tafuror of theTilempileld road; but we .sedunli, to our frieide of the N Atte:dean whether It is ethotly ,vrithln .-the bound, et bathe" lu quote et editorial paragraph Of ours whidli was =Dint been we bier. that the na r row gauge had been tiositirely adoptel,ind which woe iiateilitto4 day, and parade it no, beteg author avant- :the ElttebirgßantSfenbeltrale Campo:7,lth= the question had of , ilehtliy spoken tar' themselves: The aka eolith 4jtout:thirldth,clitheetarizes our nelabberi of the Elorthslateritaw, !ill. we Ithow, lead thorn to ylaie Visr:aiter is 'cork; avinvat the out or klieg ...' .. !lo:,artaltient infavor of the • Opinion allsiturghes been, and is,thatilie. • .•, Etaabarattheroad should:adopter, broad pegs; espisiellY atone Phllader iddspecutitdsteivuthedia : ththir., businest away bat Otte oithekii does not alter tbUllitthUrsiiand SteithenvilleCom• PlRlPtrs.dgtia Of &FPO* 3 n 6, 1l "Ado'. '.-Yertillefp,Orptisr etosonsittlagieith Philadelphia at $L point ; Tine 6 tb• that, ataiStdthdelplds Pi* Judtatiis9 l ot l 4 l , l , o 4 ; 01 VPeNtulg adi`vviptilah in Aver iVAtuither gin& As Lin: . alet.tEjt!itith to tbatUoaritav; n ask the North Amaefoso thaeiYeet the faith lthierethloti 'mud j-14 taitiNe' Moab, • ' ,;. • • ' . Cranzaaaa lap Mazosnia RA6ILAL..-01IT reading rill be cradled to lad that WE project Ls am certain to ve ahead; sad to become a --)posercia axe .1:01212=1 .redleikes of Its EZ233 ..teadrei deemed In oar t, boete L :7,a,a_ t it twee= to be placed under cant _ _ front Cleveland to Warren, and that the Routh. ern end, which will terminate somewhere on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, between Enon and Now'Brighton, - ? be given to contractors as soon as the route dellnitely located, which will be esrlyln the comlneusaon. This Toed int pap through the very finest portion of the Imtent Reserve, and also pene trates emu splendiducel fields between this city and Warren. Its buiineaa will therefore be her vy, and the stock coiweqtantly, valuable. It ill open up to Pittsborghsecemkto some of her best customer', and thus lgreatly: promote the trade Of this citt The gentlemen who are at the head of this company are men of wealth, energy, and deter mination. We recommend the wail° contm tore,,sa the moeVpletisant they cans find any where. .I'lla Ca tile tt a stew mealy size, cad' nuother 'cm , .maatitully printed. II Jciiirhal for the F 111111; the 6111.40 D; and the FirollidO.lff is of an elevated class .ot agricultural papers; - and fills a want long 'lnce telt. \ It Li published by Luther Tucker, Albany, at $2,00 per annum. 'itra ILLIISTIAT11? illaaskx L 077-Am—This Is a monthltpubllcatlon, containing GO large oc. teen pages, and the first contains 22 flue Illus trations. We observe the subjects are all foreign ,bat we suppose America will hurl due pima in the subsequent numbers. A. Zdantgomery, pub lisher, New York Prieto , per &Daum. FROM wegruieroi Careespondenoe of the fhtly Pateberzh flue tee, Wsepsoros, January 14. • So . high Is the feellig running between the helloes of the harmonious Democracy that the Hunkers are 'talking of involdzythe reserved power of the Senate to check the evident pro clivity of the President elect towards a select few of the ) lately proscribed . Freese!! section. General Pierce argues that their penitence Is sincere and their purgation complete, as they supported him cordially throngtt the canvass. He la against raking up old soorea. The battle is to be, fought oat over the cues of Gen. Dlx and Col..Davitt. The Southern ultras threaten that Dix alit be rejectedif nominated, and his northern friend' retort with the menace that Davis shall meet a like fate. In the meantime the compromise set are looking up with a modest hOpe that, as Pierce was their peculiar candidate before the nomination, he will not entirely for get them in distributing the spoils. The Senate had a labored executive 'melon this afternoon over the nomination of Badger as a ledge of the Supreme 'Court, In place of Jadge McKialeY, deceased, and in that of Edward A. Bradford of New Orleans, nominated last session and pissed over: Senator Badger; Is certainly an able man, but he, as the N. Y. Tribune justly -etylea him, is "an Iron-heeled old fogy," and I do not thin)" his ought to be confirmed. He does got live In the Dletrict in which the vacancy ex tras, and their, are several score if goodlawyers who do, end who want the' place. Under the circumstances what could be more appropriate than to propose. Mr. Crittenden, who was once before rejected by an adverse party majority an mere party grounds.,. It would be a dignified andaceeptable retirement for that true and Tel enn Whig. It . may seem aingalar that there should be • warm and close contest over a Whig nomination. widen has belts already rejected in a Democratic catioqs by atrota of 2.2 to 1. Bat the democracy' seems not to be united on the question and the caucus was probably attended only by those who had been drummed up in opposition to Mr. Bad geior jetty other nomination by the present exe cutive for- this place: - Ton will hear tba result by telegraph. . • The dlsoussion upon the foreigneffaira is sus pended, not abandoned. The effort to inculpate 31r. Clayton for unsealing to the ratification of the treaty of 1850, with anandition, has quietly resolved Half into smoke. But It hu not been without result. It has left feelings of bitterness between Oen. Case and Vice President Slag, - and between their terputlie personal adherents, which will not coon if cut bseradicated. Wa gers have, been kid that Oen. Cats will hue no more private conversations with his " former friend on such delicate topies without witnesses.. On Wednesday nextlSTr. Soule is expected to do. liver an, elaborate oration on the Tripartite treaty correspondence, when he will pay off any snores that may rem* unsettled between him self and Mr. Bum. Mr. Upham, Senator from Vermont, died this afternoon. His disease is said to. hue been smallpox, lie had been tour yeari in the Sen ate, and has been during thb greater put of that time afflicted by illness: Au effort Is . making to Indus Mr. Moue/to ri:Snakier, hie determination not to go into ths Cabinet; and It is deemed probable that he will consent; 'for it seems to be agreed upon that in the contrary 'event Caleb Cushing will be ap: pointed to the State Department, sod Mr. Mk. lawn or Mr. Dix into the Navy, thus giving ths two. leading positions in the Cabinet to the Juane. 720111 JEW TO= Mrrentn2dettee of the I . lthibazith Daly Ossetic - Nies Yehz, Jan. 16, 1863. Warm weather has returned and our streets are now well afloat with a foot of mud and snow intermixed beyond all chemical scalping Per. foot Genfalon has reigned in the attests daring the two nights cf eleighing, and worse than car nival freedom have hoes taken by the mob. Bonnet!, hate and facts have been alike ateashod by the relines; who throng the city unchecked by the police. . The .41asan Wlll Case hoe been broken at last, and hie children will now come into posses slon. Of hie property, to the uchurum of his con- nations, wko made the will themselves. The yemlTy who are tripped ot the Meson pro perty by the jury, are vuy Valenti, treated by the jnq, whe'lltsitietei the testator to . hare been bitbeelle; the Tin cal to brio been uncier tind jet tier thosef'wbepetotheed end witnessed it, :to tie :wholly ristnceent. A million of will dollars now be given to foes of Abe WI -41.0 32 , 01 Mum, snaking them quite coml'orte. ' All John Ball's elation ltereabopte are in ea trouble at the bed beating:the clipper dewier Arable tuis bad on her b r ig trip- bras Collins irteamer After - the benefit of all the Atherton' improvements and taking their own time to bad &ship which should dog the Yweltass sad restore the supremacy of the Bess to John 811, his Model ship is beaten in the row to New . Yo rk, thirty two holm, and this too la the heaviest passage:. of the season. To folly test the matter, the Colasillaminers each andel( will now be beaked to the toile of ten thonsand dollars to beat the Arabi's, . upon any. terms the Canard people elwole to make as to NW ID stooks titre is an a c tin business and at adrausing prides. Them are minim here fox all surto:Of , green railroad bendlrLisope, such cc ootinty -bonde of Ohio end P 'Tanta Wye, and the steuritles of the toads in a. The orders arc Welly from Freud and Ilertuan N otooll, and are not emilyfiied.. -Mousy con tinues to groisairy and 'imps per cent. is not readily had. ; The favorable Showing of the banks will terns bo termed, Judging from the liberality of their lows. Ons task, with a cap. kid 'of *300,000, has had loans to the extent of $1;200.000; of phieli=o,ooo weentedeto ask: brokige hodei; in Vail street, and tut io modest' banking. e'pleasure party Is now below ortanlted by a wealthy stosmahlp onus,: who.means to take company, of forty ontomo Europa in s' nasal yacht, and maks the gund tour. round the ono tluout:antartgoltig and bobs ointactaluad ; The cost of the. jaunt la estimated at two: hundred thuttaind dollactU., an outlay-list would maks aim an English fostuntisom non, top btops to bur IL ludiensa fortunes are being ascutoola. Where chwittOhr and we /S* o -14datT Ptc• plivlui Samosa loggias*" pad as eat:seam& sottaaaa are held atom& -' ; -LasV algid Mr: Usidook; iesditi onee ini t Im p o rter , o b rter of divas, Pearl 'until's& Mi lb AIM Who kattamoested Weld 1n 'the wire.ham. ^ Oe bdag satertedb7Mr. Hoyak.ipir h e b unksd Min dorm Sad ogoll7 gut' one 4 i r b ar : tutu. Usyclook scitlestliUt _ lex "rait . :l46l b ile . . arrested who committed the attempt RA murder.' ..ifbrouriLeyialoturs —Oa the 29th, the House We hare no police here worth a rush, and the I organized by eleetin , Dr. Shuleby, Speaker. Dr, wonder is why so few outrage" are nommitted; S. wee voted for by " the Bentonite, and a per m pollee, inch as it is, is nothing but a set of don of the Whigs. Mr. Newlan.Whig mee pat drunker( Irishmen, watching another set of Irish - forward by the Bentonite' and.elected Speaker who, get a livelihood by theft. , C. prcr,feF. George W. Bousten, Mae Benton, Mu - I cuaaoulylercdCtdef Cerkofthalouse.tte ieg : ph : aerpita.a.titetkitheug. hature of Maine his filled up/the Senate with four whip and tone Democrats, &hart* the Whigs a preponderance in thetipper brooch throughouttho 'melon: That - unfortunate enact- ment called the Maine low ruins every party which attempts to enforce it upon the people. The Maine Senate will stand, 18 Wbige to 13 Demccrrts; and apparently no United States See ator can be chosen atthis session, as the Rouse ie composed of &majority of Democrate.—Barton Carrier. ... TIM PORT or TA'tPICOULOS a T.D.—The Mexican, Secretary of the Treasury has ordered the Con- Dui-General in Mexico, fo New York, to inform the - public that the port et Tampico is elated to interior and exteriort rade; in consequence there of, no papers will be delivered for vesitelsolear ing for the acid port. The Demociacy of Ohio; at their regular State Convention held on the Bth him, openly repudi ated the Platform adopted by the late,Baltlmore Notional Convention of the same party. When it was proposed** endorse it, the resolution was laid on the table, and then, after a debate, the Convention deliberately 'refused a motion to re• consider, no ne to allow it to be taken op. The Columbus Journal says that the sole reason why. 'the Baltimore Platform, wee thrill reptidlate and kicked out of the Convention wee to conciliate sod obtain favor with the 'l . :carollers." We have no doubt of it. - CALL Arrourronets.—Th o Post of yesterday contains the foilowing list Of Ippointinentety the Canal Commissioners: . OttPICrIIIOD.II Lelawase.Pisislon—George W. Clawson, o Backs county. Easter:l Divislon 7 ,l. B. Haupt, of Ltoutgom ery county. • „Lower Jonlattn—W: W. Wilson, of Juniatta county. Upper Janiatta—James A. Cunningham, o liniaingdon county. Upper Western—Mr. Boyer, of Green county Lower Western Diriston—Joe. puke, of Arm Wong county. Weet Branob—J; H. Kelton, of Lycomiog ..,. county. . . North Branch—G. W. Search, of Lostine county. =ME= PhMadeira:Lis—R. R. Simpson of Philadelphia eoardy. Eletoo—H. Yard, of Northampton. Laoca4ter—L. Ration, of Lawrence. Moantain—lß. Williams, of Slide. Ito"Mop:burgh—J. D. Lett, of Wuhington county. wzrcafecaLse.; Johnstown—J. C. Bartlett, Of Clearfield • wzian Loam Tobustown—Jobn IL Gregg, of Washington. -- Pittsburgh-W, Stewart, of Allegheny. Scant' Sliaron—H. B. %line,. of Columbia. . GOllklayaburgh—J. R. Herd, of Centre. Northumberiarid.C. I. BrOwn, of Wayne. . . . EXCURSIONS TO EVHOPL.—A wealthy steam boat owner of New To* proposes to rig up, for all European trip, a steamer itch!, now nearly completed, kniLehleg her in he richest manner at a cost:of $60,000 over or, inary ships of the kind., About the first of II he will take on board his eons and dkughters and far or fifty sap other gueets, and for Lo don, C penhagen, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Havre, ilßordeaux,' Lisbon, Qibratter, Matiellles, Nooe, Pdalta, , ' and ouch other ports as may be desirable, stay ing aehort time at each port, giving fetes and teeing the lions. The expense, which is estima ted at more than $200,000, will be borne by the projector. tilicrvires sr Cuss.—The New Orleans Pica% pine learns by private adricos from Havana to the 2d instant, as well as by mutual notices in the Havana papers, that the small-pox was raging In the city with the greatest virulence, and that all transient visiters were tearing. Several of the foreign residents bad died of the disease.— .The cholera had almost entirely disappeared be -fore this nix plague. .Au extra vaccinating cif floeliad been opened in one of the police stations, buddies the usual one In the Municipal Hail, and on Sundays molt of the churches are opened for the same purpose. Advioes from the eastern part of the island report the cholera as being very violent at Baysroo, Maannillo, and Holquhi. The Sugar4/anters in Texas appeared to hive been equally ruccessful daring the plat ieuen 'with Cacao of Louisiana. The 'gut so counts state that all through' Bnaoria county sugar making te progresaing rapidly, and the yield of cane le abundant. Most of the grind intwill be over in less than a mouth, and from theloog continuance of favorable weather, new ly double the crop will be made that war at one time anticipated. The cane generally is of a. ruperibr quality, and the sugar , made will com pare favorably with the best produoa of Ululate; Da. Ruppliip.—lt is mentioned that on the loot outward trip of the lamer Jennie Deans. the felled to obtain !astral passengers, through the medium of mischievous . .spirits." Some time elute, Jaime of our city ' , circles," a spirit WOO called up, who Imparted the terrible intern game that the Jamie Deena was to blow up on her ninth trip. Byname means this progaoetl• cation became known to the passengers of the Jenny Deane-on day before yesterday, ILIA aere nl to defer their trip to New Orlearts, or to select another boat. The Dons started out nevertheless, and we have every reason to sup pose, is doing finely. It is thought the spirits, al courtnenication wis got up to injure the boat. It waefoolish enough, certainly, to do less harm. St Louie /Met , Bataan TO Till Mourn erßta assns.—Mr; 'Lewis, of Hartiion,pntroduced o proposition to the Virginia Legislators, on Thursday, to au thorise a railroad from Clarksburg, Harrison county, (a point on the Baltimore and .Ohio reed) to the mouth of Blgtiandy. The object of this movement, nye the Richmond Whig, Is to enable Baltimore to compete successfully Title the Southwestern and Winters trade with the unit*, and the Virginia and Tennessee roads. The cut across the country, as proposed, will, It is said, plse Baltimore soma 4Q Anita' nearer to Memphis than Richmond.—Bolt, Son. We learn from the last remised number of the National Standard that Great Britain is making large addition, to her steam marine. It is SUR ed, that In the course of the present year she will possess a screw fleet of twenty-two aids' air men of which may be termed tail of the line. It is farther stated that no line.of-battla-ablp will be launched without being fitted for screw ma chinery. Oar reader, will *burro that thin number does sot include the guard ships, very many of which have long sines .been fitted with /crew. machinery, but only large and powerful sbipe, the smallest of which carries GO guns, and. the largest, like the Duke of Wellington, the Royal Albert, the Marlborough, and the Royal George, fetal 1.20 to 130 gone. Judge Betts, of the United States Circuit Court sitting at New 'York, has denied a motion to quash the Indictments for manslaughter wklah are pending against the Ofiterrf of the steamer .Remy Clay end Reindeer. He !tiled that under the law of Congress of 1888, when negligence, nilettonduct, or Inattention ocular on hoard • steamboat, by which the loss of life 'is ceased, the persons guilty of each mlscondoet, /So. are triable for manslaughter In the Ihrtted States Courts In the district In which such offense may here been committed; and that the United States Courts have jurisdiction- over all cues of the kind octurring in the navigable water, of. the United States. The trial will probably take place wittiont farther delay. The Protectors of as Moly pleas of Jerusalem. Recent athlete I rom Constantinople state that the Balton of Turkey has Sochi *encoded to the taint and . almost peremptory demands of Prism, the inerillansfrip of the church of the Holy serflike; aad:tbkothir sserod spots in and around Istaselere. A State with too much isoney.—ThoSt. Lode Evening - Nen, ergui ha the following fashion over the exemption of ?Weimar! from all State debt. Maestri bu no State debt, - 1:o1w:omelet° and abandoned works of Internal improvement& and no hamming .teeml-sanual" instalments of ta utest topay. - The Stets . True* It full in/ mrstflowing aid Gov, Zing, in,hri late message, announces that the revenue of theStsts Is lua u than the wants of the State Government re quire, end he suggiate • redaction of the taxes. There is an army of et leant eve hmodild filoemakran in Marlboro,' Massaohusetts ' litho mantenture sit thousand pairs of eldhlrea'sehoes every working day. • One journeyman has work ed on the bench for thirty yunt rrlthoatloeing is day in oonsequenoe of siftess, and daring bit time has wed ten thousand dollars.' One .*nu during the last Jun hie manufectured 217,- 000 paling shoes. Another of the Arhus, do leg an Ism O/0 business, employing nue hun dred men in Idassaebusetts,'; and one-hundred and fifty it their shoe village in New Hampshire. Last they midi 200,963 pairs of shoes in that 'State, and at least es many more In New Ifetopshirs. • Bssisses.-4fark IL Newman, Esq , whose death we reoently noticed, left by life will, twen ty. f dre thoseand dollire to the Maori= nap) 2diindonery Satiety, to be invested by Ms imam - tor, and the interest. so =oh as needed, appli ed to the support of his;:hildren, until the ,troung 7 est belomee of age—,dhe whole to be them paid to the Boolety. . After speak legacies to ht. .chLkirett and ogair family Mende, ,he gave also ten thonssodoiollare to the AMetican,Board. of Commiseldere for foreign AliesleMs, And then made the American Nome Alleslctury Bociety his resided:l7 legatee. Tun d igiDLU Ptasecumos IN TUSCA.I2.--.6 dospatenfrom iVaebionton states that the Pres!. dent hie authorised Mr. Everett to write to the Enkerof Tummy, ruination, him to release the Napa family, and permit them to acme to this oorntt7. This, it is said is not to be oonsidered annlEolal doentunt, bat a printaletter, express- WI Hr. Everett's wishes and those of Mr. Ul ‘liu,. Mr. , Everett's' personal leariusintatme th the Enteral' Thum', Hie presunislorill , add w led tb hls'oommonicalion.--Bosion Tram eltiolu . undpapornoords thedeeith oflndge He, H. Hebei!, President of the Cour; of Ap- Pe Is of Tirglrds. He died at Me reeldenes In Relmond on Thorsday Morning. On toceipt of tidings of Ida demise both Houses of Legielatras &en mark et respect for his metnoric - adopted resoltitlons of adjournment. Judge COell wu an able jurist and a moat reeptotable elated, - *hue death will be mourned by all'who kat .1, ........;.!;.! ,-,..--; Hon. Mr.• Fitzpatrick ban been appointed II B. aerator from Alabama, to 811 the vagrancy oe easioned by the resignation of tha Vice Presiden elect. Lexington, Ky., has jest voted not to grant any-more liquor licenses. The popular will was quite decided on the gabfest. " It Is stead that the late Amoe Lawrence left $35,000 to hirrelative, Mrs. Pierce, wife of the President elect. A oar, load of putrid beef, on Its way to mar ket, was seized la the eteet In New York on Tuesday. • An idturataro Company Stopped.—The Pacifio Insurance Company of Trenton„ J., having aunt 20 per cent of Its capital, together with all its receipts for payments, have resolved to close beakless anti pay their debts. • The total loss of property by thee, in Califor nia, during the past three years, le estimated at slat - pa:dawns of dollars. A Customary Courtesy 12 , :tlard.—The Pope re fuses to alio. caste to be made for the Crystal Palace at`Bydenham (London) from the works of art in Rome. A piece of land was sold recestly In the neigh borhood of-the Royal Exchange, London, at the rate of £BOO,OOO per acre. It is announoed In the German papers that the Baron Humboldt has at last completed the fourth volume of hie great, work, ' , Cosmos." The moon• ecriptillt already in the hands of the printer. • The New York Evening Post supposes the • there would be a caving of $25,000 each Euro! peen trip, by the We of the Caloric Engines of Ericsson over the common steam engines, be aides the caving in labor.. It le stated in the London Athenmum that liserthorne's "House of the Seven Gables" his been translated into Itnesitus, and published in a Muscovite joarnaL "Rho roads en American book"" v. Mr. John Pettit, formerly • member of the House of depeesentativee,lnu on:Tuesday elect ed United Staten Senator, by the Indians Legit lature to fill the unexpired term fit Mr. ;Whit comb, &tamed. In Ilanovei no tartly officer Is allowed to mar ry unless he can settle 111 hundred theist.. • year upon Ids Intended..oret and abseil biopsy. Second lieutenant. are not allowed to many at all. Mach the same regulation exists In Pan tie The Ave to IssrGovernment has giren orders that when an aioldeut occur. on any of the State railways, a dittgetrotypte shall immediately be taken of the train, and all Its circumstances, a* far oath., can be copied, to be wed as evidenoe against the coaitictors. .1t is Laid that M. Levlrn-Rollin hss jest been enriched by a legacy of 4,000,000 francs, be. tit:embed to his wife, ac English lady of good The false rumor that Professor Wilson (Kit. North) via dead, originated on this aide or the wader, from the deem of Prollteser Ealpwo, of the Muir:mei Review. Lord Monteagle ed Professor Empoon, pro tem, aa td.itorlM 4 f neview. it Sandwich, England, the outlaw has: Net► tolled ereiy evening Ca 700 years. A Locomotive of the largest 'eine, requitals hundred gallons of oils year to hop it greased: A child of fourteen months old was Hied l Button recently, by Wing onto! bed. ; t The ear/ ere o: the N. V. amend Ad/reties/ have received leo - =tit =ley fa their' Nev i - ear's address, in stidiUon to their rept*/ esi• sties, that the editor WI proposed to szethsejtio situations with the chief of thorn. The prop, skin bu been declined. t A my handsome bruslet, sot is di/I=4nd/, was rucnil7 forwuded by.* minty of l'inciness to tbo Autrinn ambonty in London, Intentiod u • present to Om landlady wbo surd Oen. tlsy- DIM from abs mob of Drumm Vawlllal In M oor the suspicion at Wogs friend of tka ban suddenty ditappuroo Won the prune woe dellocred. : . • Mr. Nathaniel:Hawthorns, antitir of "Mao. dal* ilontanee," :.Barlett Letter,' “ffouser of Seven Gables," contritntaa a atoq to: that Coriatmas number of the litustratoktosidon Neworantilled .•Tna Unpatdoned . • .7 An Ingenious down:easter has b ie tia iiei umbrella. with a gutter all around it, toast the water pours off in • alogla moans. , By the meet !emoted demise of Me lathr, the Hon. Charles G. Athonea, of ittevOlitop shire, vat come into poem -Woo of s!foolo - of about $200.000. - IN the 50,050 milli is men required - to ba rale. ad in Great Britain daring the year 1852, coy 240,521 volunteers ban been earellad, learlog 10,479 to bo insde up by ballot. Blamed le the woman whose haiband has a wootlen leg, u aha alit . hare bat one Necking to knit. SCZOZULL IWip`lT is duo to. Kier's Petroleum to soy tut n Das been toons to Am:Weals- assikats esial srtl aof Ws &seas] atones it has tilos thati Say Oak. sad at los am or lassattaisixo to Ilia toll 7;: t s.rosiss. a eartlllsalss in Os halals of Ma Dro peel.... assay of whisk antrum `at asosra oll+srsa tas city al Pittsburgh .04 tat ICo.dlst. ,malty, so to stars T 180 Claramat of rwtlaad_ , • ' ' 00 IILIPaIIIIMI b th• Wm.—v.llr Commontare „,, . ~ Phy.tul u Tbeary anrt 1:1...m.ty !at Tbovabt. r,..! .Frit . r ' litti on=ir. slid ros Pryr. - • .. \ \ Sot rub. Ibtliarsyrieu by DAVISON CIZIL.4^ 1 iall ' , .• 66 Mutat stfirt urr 1,--- PTS. ' , ErRPENTINE--511 bids for sal( ki jai Fauna imajir" 9: . 1?Ft3E 7 -.15 0 Ilisil;oar="- CIIROME•GISZBN 7 ,2S cues : • B A BARNUM= AC4 RUSSIAN BLUE-15 costa-No.1;1, Web? • / I A.PAILIVOTOCEiteck=7- IL Ja L&VENDilli.— : lso lbs. for IINISToc m saleb3 n It A II a co. Ih I 4.IIINA-20 bozea , Reekeed for sale Jal It YIaNVITOCIC &CO. QIIGAR LEAD-500 lbe -tarsals by. L." 7 J*ll • s .11. ItALINSIITOCK a 00, ,rll u SZIETIO- 7 49 lbi Jag' gala 14 kw. 11.11/41-T$R-7; otraft formsli u.L &co. \ RaaMl6s' day reed at t Bmtr a csoixts. Le l- 7 - ard, eXtra. 'DOLL% caiski prime. fiir:retailinaby - -- nty mum, ARD-IQ 11 .111 1 ho. badly; 30 tine" \do do I:3Hirgale b.) \Jai •k \ a a maaarr,. _ , 1101;;T-%. - BELL LtOGETI. D ONIONS: -. 1W bushobr, .in W ill and tar . 11 1 1IITTER--1 bbl Pagolird; renirefbutd for iffi ado Dr ' luau \ allgt i t WHITE OR APE EA-5 to. Almeria __l TY ?"...41172-Przz 0a , ...,..._ • !-• ...,u , . , Co.. Woeo Bath arum. VIESS.PORZ-100 bbis,r .;,, red suit tor /IA ""r "--, zres.Vatt4 irGLIITin4.