The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 12, 1853, Image 1

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    ' -;{
.. .
& CO.
OI,IMILD BLUM mm boot So , Tlll toil or/11::
DAUS—preen dollars per so anal. pa/able half yearly.
1 4 Th . 6 11 "" KLY— I ggiiire ' re ' rer Imo man riven.. CIA 7..
t... app ij p , p. plo Ofbg.reW2. —s6 te
• . - then miles per ennagi...,...;:.—.....- —..
,-.•-. •
gig coptoe __do.-. .—.—....... ..... 'IE 00
yf ,L Thiptre=soreholitrl;74dreseed to . ,;n=a,
~ , ;;. e nd to .be paid invariably In eitanea. Ho dab gapers
;- ` :fend
thient after the year emir.. ..4... tim moue] le
-rot for a reirewaL '
'.,: ''.• '4
liars or noyraruno. ' '
-..- . , i .. des ;Maim (10 lines of Ilimpirell.)
• , . Do; u each additional aitud•t. 02b •,-
• - - Do. one meet ....-..- 175
,- ' • Do. ' two reeke—.......... - -." — . 300
..: . : Do. • -threw- weete---........... 600
' ••, . . Do. two month -.....--.....—. '6 00
• . Do: two inonthe-:.--...—....t. 7 00
. •..• .
' • Do. - t ,...a7.:::-..-,::: 1100 . •
Iterating L and s . Olin or ins Dor am 640
One Dollar for each iddltional lute.
• One Manse. changeable at pleasure. (per •
• it
egoltutre of the peen-- ....,
'arose:. additional inner, ,maenad one month,
and loy neh addithintel Kam imerted`undet the yearly
' rater half pries.
Adiattlement exesetling a etude, and not over Oft.,.
Dad, shamed as a sonny,. and 0 half: -
Pnionthars ant ononntable for legal admitted:Rd. ,
=he amount thaared for their publiestion.
suitor candidatesfor °OM. to bewhe tiro
Rumu other aareridements.
• Advatieemmila narwhal
tonslite cony'for • eD!...i6u ,
number of Ingram.. ELI be, hmaL.llll forbid, and
pa ant egsated. aecordingly.. • -
rm. Pridleme of mond advertheirs La ettletly limited
--10 their mu lamellate .bosinest: ant all ad...die...not
Art thwbenefit dottier panne, es war as all advertise
menu not itomediately winnow:l , witb their own bud
newitodsll deans of advertnementa in length or-othw
• &Milt: beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at the
-tuna! rota, For dismal trans:got !advertising. bills will
be separately modems]. and prompt oad ed ts ded.
Ali alvartismenis tbr eddritahl i , ti t an.. Or. Om.
Perla. ward,lownehip and other .pullio Meetings, and
en... lite. to be charged halt prise. parole Midi,' in
Uddere netts*. to be charged SO sent..
Destb notions inserted withooteharge, notes. swamps
io sow niy aled M fo amel. to m be rma iitatio
paid n or obituary natl... and when
Replier adtertirwrs, siol all other . ..ending comment
: vtLgosize i rtring notion designed to ta li attention to,
blie entertainments,
wt . , La* obargetirl=el . l4 P' irdicd 'a ttanes—all notice. 01
lainteamoolelion—everp notice designed tonsil alien
. don to mint. entered/a, ealattlated or Intended to pro
mote Winton! Uttered. can only be Minted valid.
41tgerrotaln6Ing that the toms is to be paid for. If intend
ed to be 'neertal in the local ottlithin. the nine will be
cheesed et the rats of notlena than 10 ante pro line. •
• • Blame or -18., notices to be charged tdple price.
TIMM theme Petition. Pitesob.
• Neal Edda A trots' and auctioneer.' adverthenumte
, got to be clawed under ]early rape . but to beelleerod •
•. diem:tit of thirty three sad oat third per mat. from the
=etude! bille. •
Oimi tlxn..l to
• kn. osah odditlonallnrertion...... "4 37
un - srsiernierre Zr IriliLT
One &sure (10 nuns) on. insertion.-50 ants
Do. ...••
_nob •: !clonal thoortfost-25 cents
An trandant lIIITCZLISSMSI.I2 to ha mid to advanze.
. L.
Ceasiato WRY Mr lit lialuoverl ilaMttee k l ,
...N.',..EOLDIEB & SONS; Bankcirt.
Ro.trKarlal st.ndloete fAOII and Arvada POZzeorlti.
, PiNNRILVAN/A., 1 Branch at Alsadllcuo..-.- U
Danko!' Plttebargh-.-.4 Branch at W00atar.....--Ate
Ilschange Dank of do—lner Branch at Menge..4-........d0
!Imams Man. of de..:.....tar mak at To
Reek of Gommerce... -.. Day Rimk.Clc nef 0.. th.
7. 1 0
pant of North Aso mica-per Couunrzclal kk,t.,ls..ereecie,,
hank otNertlfn Mettle:Lear Ora. can Beek .....
Danko.' Peonsylvanfa--ver Laneyetto 8ut.k...--„...d0
Peek 0 Penn Tamosely-par Mao [Nolte. a Trust (30-Ao
Bank of the United Rates 12 Welders Rearm Boa. do
,Cloznonendal Bank. et Pe.....Der Bank et 115e5i110rt.......-.,.40
• Bermere A Idechaelca•Bk Small Notes-- "' do
Girard Dank.-e.e *Der NKW BROLAND.
KezudartenKk.-.....par Allselrent Beeke---....Di
Maroteo.a. Dank....per NEW YORK.
MutaelneDenk--,....par New York 01ty......_.......,.
rw.,..u.t........4„„., Cenne47.......-............. 3:
Iphte Rank ...._.. MARYLAND.
Boutheurk. Ileek......—tarißeltletora—..----kar
Rig2t2"11.4.1..- N.Jl.ikarilriavilia4.
r 47
' Beek of Claarberebersh- .1.0 All agrees . ..,.. • - m
=o4.ak of Mostar Ootooty-ver • • ' VIRGINIA.
'Reek •IDnerille, —.par Beat af the Valley * - ..l ,
Reek ef De.l.oo..Ortoter.ime Rk of Virgin* Richmond "
Dank 0 Germantown.....pes BA. Bank.ya., N0rtb1k...... "
- Bank 0 Gettrahunth.......,Ni Yarmarle,Benket Thds
Dank of Lewistove.:--- - Merchants' A Meek. Beek."
Bank of Middletown.— M North Western Bark.-- "
Montreerry l.D.Bank--yer Branehee— ••
- Beek of Northweberland.per NORTH. GA.ROLINA.
Garble Rank.-- --...-.. M Bask of Cape Pear-. 2
Golumbla 112 A Iridtaartr 1 13 k a 13L of N. Carollna.... 9
Doylestown Bank -...-..ear Conenerclal 131%1Lcolnen 2
• Kest. Bank.-:-...-.....per Merchants. Ban Nowhere 2
=ak....; . M SOUTH OA LLNA..
111 of Ilucts Co..nar Ilk of the At. 013.0arelles 2 '
armers' BR of Lencester.pas Berk of'South Gazelles-. 2.
" Penners•Beak oflteedhig tar Bank of c1u51e5tea............ 2
Ir.= SA cdhcheylkilleaser PlatalgeNt Ideehronee 112 a
-• hr.* Orer.Weyneeburg.. Id
OZORGlA...lsuares r XiVoslzuton . ar e rn o a I=6 Bas/
iuGoI Ilerisbeg Bank-....... Wak fAnenerta *
115e5uda10Dank.............. ilk of Brunswick Arrest& t
=14.1= 6. ... if.70,. ....- . .dzr
in.wi TY.:INE .
Leh... 11.2.- . - pe r B.IiTUCKY. ...-
I , l= Bank gl•tttortlle .1:1 1 ,10 . 1 • A=Ioolsellle.
'Wert Branch z.k........- g Nur:M. Bt. of Kentucky i.
yOmotiM.Wakirk=re bouzinsa Mof Kentucky.
'' Tat il . k18490R1. .. •
; /!41/01r 0m4: 77 Ink anat._ 9r.t.....4.......34 -
L 1 zaolll.
Ek r niate 8eek......';-........1e Dank ...5 kranshos...oo
entkroso Bank of IlllneLe...:--......41
, IVat o - - . WIEKDR22II.•
alc it Itrid .........da erboo A Pire InAGo. elks &
' =it e . ISIONIGAN.
.. , Ile.. • Machaeles• Bank 11
Wat • ' Grmrmetent Reek 800 k....;
.....,...„. at 7..... - 7 Ponhortler 8ank.—........ II
at De ari..........d0 tesurencrOmotpany—. A
eh eallolrmbee • Stataßeek...., .. ...II
branch se Ilehtabula=-do • OADABA. - 7 -
. 'Munch et 5e1a5t......1 Bk ofll.N.Annnica. Toro:1W
Breashat M5ztadah1..........d0 Bank of Me People, Torontos
Wmaw., Bank of Montreal... ......6
at 01ach0nati.......-de Bank of D.GanuelaZononto6
ItstNlarobzus-........A0 .PARTZRN la° NOE. .
=lt s i gladls._ " g git'f.2rbiz.----PF
L'erech at 5an5acer...........d0 On Rallim rt ----. •
...Drensh at RterntezerUle. do wstrzt&ITIEARTA, ,
St. Louis-- ---.
b. ...... •
puuI CIE VA.1.17 - 2
- do P5tr10t—..—..16.50
itintoltt at NM Tant0n.......d0
Traueb. at Elyria
• at
Hemet at Va. 7. •
.Braaaltt at tit.
Emma at ZaaesTll.4.—d
reannti at NarsaLt......—
at Pim. ....Ala
Mt at
1.4 91
Tau6aderri....--..- - 4.00
Branch at Ravemns...:.—,2h,
Branch at Catilicothe...,—do
Dram& at Carehocs—,....—do
Dtanah at
- FRAU! 0
itieormiD . 701 1118-P
:triton aszrrm BY
NS •.& Co.
`'AO. 16, 1,011
• D w •
'll 1801
1 01:0
D0....w00. roam:
Plttobraub OUT
Do. monk. Vs. N. 1'...1
to. h.23 :loft;;;Fik
ill! Mid
, lot
sank .or Pittrbarab2. •
Meraluati;pmf Dan)
littclatuis M •
swan. 'Llbstler . ...l7-
jpittstr* LIU lasaisiter.:.l
Wettrfillnscce Co—.l
Mum' .Imrson raa
rtt . iph igrs--....
rittaine. lealrglle
l aritelifilackvitZ
Tam tuna aloavi , U ,
kW. tral Nall Baal
?ill* Po%'"ite . re tit
Cleelsad a- Well
• RA.
IL Ws?. DIT D 0.3.
Kane. 00.
• MU Casal Bend,. (.140-1
De.• de.• Icor)."
'fortis Cevek Plank Road
Clot, a PesTarllls Pt ad
Ommba. Tante. ad•••••
W ts
M 361
p ax
IbiLLW j[Cv(Dtw~._
lb. kit.l-..........i—...
6 1,
V0r t .......4...,......
GEORGE. Z. miaow a co.,
.zza4zs Aro ii =num:, 000, Wig 11'01111, &C.
Ore. lid 1425:0 Petsftrir.. .
A91.44,47..nt0 aettold Ali yseAl Th• thaa.—
ft.folomalro 4 orki on wasidadon. '
~ wmairs & vtz7.6 AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,
SO. '4 Tarsus tteXIIT,
• tio.siftg 114 4Jszak 0 - 111a5urpA,
ve4;l4o:o;Aks' sx nut 111.11.1 Rest:lM
IL Ifl/10, •
- &gilts mat Extbsage Broke:.
Sig; 6 4 4 latlini
prY§ 04111 , 011.5r0 :4 tst fkbegt market
nvrtriW.<o;•• 1.440 tvr
i **44 4
A-gat-SIAM:Ism aid Ilxif Donna,
CP t4O"Uet m..,4ttt
-04-Fr i
. ' l cy
!CV .
A-4,44,4%,, wier
- . t M n SI , ff, 4 -
• E
• .
,tI:I7I.IEN tlalckL, Attorney End-Town
. !elk+, at LAT, 35 -lietsport. All•alaerry ecuntr. P
mod Pr4ZlrtgjdZilov.'"*C*CletVr'
and iJon ay. mg ea
. -- 7
I i iSSRS. TBCI.) & SMITH, Attorneys at
4. law:No:l44. ?earth streikt..:ll attend to Day Dr ,
f.O Cot bulutes darks/ ny itsnos.
dera - GIEUIWE 7 011.3i0P.E,
8. FRANKLIN, Attorney — ill. — Law . , No.
. tre r . llo. Fourth . 44e.t. betovin Wool sod OrtitheeLl
Pfttattar.aa. Pa.. OM. rough oweet. botsnam
Bcai 46el.laad
Notwascaa-0 /hum!. W. P. Wits., .4eKalaht
Prntbot. 117417
CRAIG, Attorney at Law, New Castle,
IS lammenep County, PettnelDl. , .
Date • r to Dun. Wallt Craig, Crone Oppek: J. Dunlop. Eau
Dampton • Htnith; Kremer a Balm. U. ChM , Co.. Loe.
Wilpon a Oa, D. lam. aplMelir
lAILES J. KULL& Attorney at Law, ,ffioe,
e Panrth groat...a o;anL - Pitt.l.lwwa. ja.15;31r
e p P. SPA:LDING, Attorney and, Coun
t IL. aellar at Law —OLYNELAND.Obio.
Ur:max:vacs—A. W. %cosmic Bha:er Ataaton.
I AgES ROSS - S - ...? — ,01,VDEN, Attorney and
v cloos:thyr at Law. Once. ttaidence. ISS Thlrtl at.
U AMES F. MESA Attorney at Law—Office
tp . Feartl•at., batragua linalthf.eld and Grant. LIU&
TOS. WEAVER, 4.tturnoy at Law, Fourth
tl/ neve. hear the Meknes Moe, iNettiburith. Pa. Col.
ealoun attended to pm:l%lr. • wiLtb.tke
P. &G. L. B. FETTERMAN, Attar
tt...eprtiN+t s "" t " az " Lu ' s `tiar 4
FRANCIS O.FLA.NEGlN.AttomayatLatv,
No. 1; 0 Fourth &root. Pittsburgh.
EASPER E. BBADFT - Attornay at Law,
No. to rtna stmt. Pittsbunt.. Pa.
08188tatfi LURE:IBONCaaw SEWELL, Attorney oni at Law,
-LP ilioiloOft for taking llaas, AO
lelgstB,BBe of DpelL te.,..3L .bore
8 al tfitala • lartdAlrr
; •29 STATE mum; BOSTON,
Checks, Drofts. Certificate's of Delloalto,
AND Lneurrent Money bought at lowest
rate,. CoDer:lona gala on all parU of tki Caton.
BOSTON—Franklln Baron, Sok.. W. ¢. Fier . r. Em-
Camblar Bank of Cocerre..kitarra.l. Thar.,
a Bro.. J. IL Eebe, Mora a Co. 0.0. Brig
- bata. Jr. Ca
NEW TOILE--Ilaarry. G. S. Boni. &Sown Curti, Beale
real ink. h earnanfar V .11
DITILADALPE I / 2 31Uent -4 1V P IEVankold a
:r FAN Grant
t. a Eton;
Ifalairor:Coreoran a BICE% Weaklings., D. C.
WILKINS ,k CO, Exchange Erotcps,
• uiFn Wr=ll,„' °S -Par
aaßz—.-....nararca rums
Bankers and.Fipliange Brokers:
_ •
Bu cupiHo ell Gold, Silver VakNotea,
LIP neopits loan! en r... 1 Estate °et 13,1unt,.. i
Va,'17‘;'..' 1 ,17.:6 - i3Vt.':.°Z,IW .°Carll_ ~;
=de on L points In the Union. vele, corner oi third
end W../
direatly oyperilte the di. Cherlei Hotel.
tallrlly- ,
nAIRIxt. IRVIN, Real Estate, Stock and
LIP. MD Bitikara, No. 46. Firth rt. apa
' 'Lep= It. Cot, •
'No. 96 Food street, Conier of Diamond alley
‘l7 M. A. BILLCO, Bankort and Bro.
Ir V. 6664. 64 W 6441 st. •
j a h ad taziln .b lkcs. North fastoorner of Wood
All transanticeas made or: Vim] tams,
anl o
orriy :, :i.randed to:
all. KING, Banker, and &clump Broker,
a Fourth street. Dealer In Bank Notes. Bale a xx
ue,Gold and Bilret: Stneks bought and cold.
h. Thebest market price pald sonengennfor irettiran
Balt Do hig llra.and Iderkana and Bpatiah Leallara. in par
hands •
UTM. LANDIRR, JR., Banker and Broker, -
11:21street, asi.O6,estiolaitte therera of PlCNlntisb
M HOLMES & SON, Dealers in Foreign
LI • mud Domestic Dins sr Exclians•,,
smite, Beak Notes toil hoetie:Dio. , Starkst street. PIM:.
harith.:ZlMOcilectichS made on Ii the ritutipal Atlas
throughout the United Wastes.
Intvaxas runt....-manua aern—,xlg. a. mu,
- ILOALNER7 HANNA A. CO. Successors to
Eimans h Co., Banns,.famults. Ilutrus,
G &skis hank Yorein wad Domestliallsottaaly,
Wjo CertiArates
.;•=l . 243l;:ii. ' ela d nTanillg th _x :T r Ora r D?,!
toctoni c- yew.
fgt . pll 3 4! 4 :ls b igl b ljog ' trt tVVVi i ted
The •nagtea scentulz
. 1 for sad A.a.L.n
43 . r.remid• D'aconstiar..uorProduu#lll77.l v. 1 4,
' uarras.
C. STOCKTON, Into Johnston & Stook
con. Btoiseller. Stationer. Printet, Ender. cor
ner of Markat and "third sancta. Pittsburgh. •
I L. READ, Bookseller and Stationer, No
..7D Four7bBtrBBt, d polio 7370.18180.
J. E. Weldin
IiTnoLtsALR and - Retail Dealet in
1/I V • blank and &tool Books. Parer and Stahonery.
No i 0 Wood street, (bataren Third and Fourth) Pitts
hnrrh. rnar2o
L. vaLcor.,,L.... minute
WILCOX - & CO., •Druggista and Apoth
'll_4l•'...l... Miner DlarleL street and the - Diamond.
ken_pconetartelp on hand a full and complete aemetnernt
of amps, Eledielnen, Pestunern and ortlf.lea Port,retee
Ph/Alois= prom - Intl= atiefullr compounded.
.. . John P. Scott. • ••
VV I kk L E
N . ' S ,'L.. L
bt D
.1 2 I :y r a i a27r4. 2
.tsitltii .
gtroot.PL.....ough., Ps. -i: ••
All =lna will :I:solve prompt attentlem. ',
43-Ageot for Load= A Co'. valuable Wall r = edl , *ten•
• •
•A . A. FAII.N.E.STOOK lc CO? Wholesale
Drugglc6. and maanfacturers or Ifilllta Lead. 11"1
=4 LithArge. tomer Wood anditront .treota. l2 PM.
bollrh. 1%. • .<7
tJ ali
an reVit Aug
IN. KIDD& CO., Wholesale Druggists: Deed
cr. erg In Points, Oils. Drs o snJ tostronsotn,
Proprietors of Dr. Wishes msorassi os orto tipseito.
et. Pills, and Lo hyrax !So. 60, corner Of Wood 61:111
fourthstraits, Pittsburgh. Orders will in carafuLly ;win
forwarded Vtlintrystoh.
Cat.Jso SALL)
.Itt.klont Idoo
E. SELL:F, 19liolesale Dealer in
L. ip ofa x. Ll t e ., p RS
ra t zt.nt .
WOO kr,
Dtralay do llpret
1111/DRI. ••• .graaa
13RAUN it RE - ITER, WEelesaie and Retail
Driatztato.asater 'or tabu - 0 . ..41ft clsfr.ts-. Pit*
JSCHOONM A 11 , C PR & CO., Wholesalo Drag.
data Fa
•Iv Idari,vect
• v-o0D•
Dir. • /Syr&
C. M. 11. Bums--
, Nichol, Brackin & Co. •
QBNERAL . C.lmmission Merchants, cor
m. of Market nod Church streets. litishirille.Trou,
rg : 111-.7 . 1s otriti Didier Co..J. W. Butier a Bro.
1 B. 1.10027.7
IDivAr do lt in at.
wad Deale F
ext TOW a T gre, Pitburg G ,re.
]Prvita. Nog. G
I.4lben stream made on consitrattents. eon
• 3.1. 6: J. I. BOOBS: •
a: ,b.t.r, linters In- Wont ind Prodne. gaurrtalr.—
NO. %Wanner of Ogrrison Alley gad Ldbuls
Pittsburgh; Ps. d• 24 •
' Springer Mirhangli.-
(scectstwai TO B. & w. RA:unit:ran.)
chant, Dada to ➢lour, Wool and rroluna Cfnarnllf.
0.140 not in, and 116 tlaeond at../Rttanrali. 8.
'a's% I.l°
Henry H. Collins.
110LESALE Produce, Commiesion and
Fora dine Merchanta. and Dealers In fron.Nsila.
0 a. Colrtan.Yarri and istrtaborgh alanufacturea
Mails:. leo. VG it Mar 101.1 d/)
.IiftWDRICK,- Foncarding and Cora
Particular attention pald Forwarglog Merchandlro.
ad consignments for 141. Ifo'connegriorr, DT prararanee
for liosta of any descron.
Ordem promptly strended to. Instrhdloris will In all
..YOur basica
cimm be Impliottlr obeyed. • •
.le napectfrilly eollelteel; and pled. mYr
self to nee every amnion in yanr behalf. i 522.1
LIER JONV, Forwarding and -Com
misslea Alercbaats, , Deakrs le Produce and Pitts ,
blanufaetwed articles, Oanal 41tha. ow &math
JONES to At.-
W 0 0 & J //, Co., oo=doolon and Forwanlbselre
d gers lz rittablFo goOnfoctortol Uorlo. Mt.
. y le Itetabilehmetit,Thfid meat. oppeAte the Ted
MIN Plttehienh. tine. Landscapes, Pottrelte.ifbre
tilltheatts. Dr•r. Bard. Lebibt, Ambit...tarsi and Blsebtas
Drawings, Bealeeee and Vist:We Cud,, es'
drawn on Bete, and tainted iv colorer 0014 &Wm..'
KWAr- , the izmt•Prrorea etzfla, sad et the mot nest*.
D 4 RMe< fatttlt
A. MAW • W. rinlataa.,-,.e.r. arum a roar
A. MASON A CO.. Wholeaala and Retail
aka I,V.l b ttarat.7 ata male Da Cloth 0 31.11. t.
sadMIURPIII ti )3 OROLIFIELD, -IVholesalo
sat Ikea Ilry OooduSfirelan4 corner of Youth
arkat et I..pittalwrgar. .„
;CC LEZ ( Lueoceisor to %Murphy 'Leo,)
of l f rks!.T, god Commluion Unet=t foe the
ooks* Wolk* Onsda, Na l=7 I,itnirti gout
AZ' • •'
.All . 6rdern bo exccated with striet regard to acta
bility and bsaratr of finish. Itcpellis will alo bo'attesded
to on the mast Tea konable terms. Ilanginoll their work
the best Eastern Shaft, Priesand tyliee'l Staff, tbs., leel
thststll ho fssor them ',nth their instrourgo
wiln wl
be perfectly ea Wed on trial of thOir work.
laiirchwars are requested to glee tbetn • Tell hero. par
abasing slim/where, .6
I A. BROW.N wonld most respectfully in
on toform the public toot be keep. on hand. at Me eftnd
e west aide of the Diamond. Allegheny. elry. a com
plete avaortment of Vecitiau 111%rin &leo, Vendfan nhut
ton am mode to older. In tae warranted equal
to any lu the Mittel/it:ales. UM Illinds elm be removed
without the aid of a amen driver. Having pun:hared the
atoek;tools. and wood of the Cabinet intabllehtomat of
Ramsey A .I.fotneLland. lam rrepared to funneh their old
cuetomera. as weLiae the patine at largo. with everything
in them lino. Agency. No. 6 Wood street. rittsburgb.
oachgti J. A. BROWN.
Warehouses N 0.149 First asd 120 &coral EL PiMt:web
Canner A No.l heavy 44 sheeting.'
do .do •do do dm:away. of all 001 , 11 , 1
pled Carpet Chain of all coior. and Awl.%
00M1111 Vine. white end Varlryrikted agarg
do Yarns. Candlewick. Beiging et,
leMialeveicri •
Pena Cotton Millis, Pittabnrgh.
t arcrs of
is an A. No.l beery 4-4 gbeetlug. •
darpet Mein of akt colors and ehadee
. rllll •
Ned 12
13o 6;
rde ti
Plough Mora and Ruh Rorda'
Rope of all sir. mad descrintione
1 - 4-Orden tottthe Ilarderase Store of „Logan, Wilma
41..ta.„ 131 Wad street, 'titillate attention/,-. 1.43/dr
IoIiENNETT & Mannfrioturera of
Plalu altd ham/ Yatlor , floakhurhani and Cream
red Ware. Onlca at the Mannfactorr.cornar of Wash•
lcd,tou and Franklin ea.* Dirudustatn, oppoalce
bnruh. Pt. . mar3o-dlly
011 N WETHERELL Most • ufacturer of
WV PATENT WAsalta VICES, Crawler article. SOLID
/103: and DIU ZS.. BOX VICES, corner ofAulthente and
Robtheas meets, the south from the Dand Street Bridge,
Alleghthy oe3o7—oell
Herron & Cris Fell.
MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of Brass
181, Work. Locomotive, Steam Engine. e
Ahab Cotto'n Batting alanufectunirs.
Pourntr. Rebecca e tram. Weargoort. N 0.12. Market
aßegheny eh, at, near First. Pittsburgh.
' N. 8.-011 Dram and COplro inks. in . 2 biiiinEe
Ok. or cert. Piai•
rders loft at the Poliudry cr °Mort will be attended to
Jones &
A! ANUFACTURERS of Spring wad
ter Vert Plough Slab &rel. &eel Parnigh Mors
and knlrtie prtour; If rust Nut Toper, Malt Patera,
Elurerr Mail and Itsourourd Iron Arleat—Corner of xoes
and First Rs, Pittsburgh, Pa.
D. B. Rogers & Co.
aI):IANUFACTURERS of Rdger'is .Patent.
Improved Staal Culths!ar Testa—Corral .-f Pm
1 Lag orelate. Pittabaratt. Pa. . feb7
W. WOODWELL, Wholesale and Retail
r . d go:lt:tutu.= and Defer to Cobloot W. No. EN.
SDM. J. fa MPDLLI___... DaTID CLPY!«....
felibard manufacture and EtrPr - nrennUT oo B•Bd . 1 /
a.* of Tests, Brad, dad Pp.:antra; Pinirhing; Clone
and Cob VAC. di. Word flour barrel Ind Lsthisindmeor.
nor Na. and Tools Barrel Bolin Copper and Zino once
ExEr; Patten! linked," Pratefin divot. wroth./ inn,
anlinr Marabou.. 69 Watarrt- Pittondrult.
L E ILLINGS, WILSON a CO., Diaz:11111'4:01-
u/ ma f all gart tuts,fare and gimp lacks. de.
boo. ebalr. o
of Hunan Colin eloon laiAh and
7hoe nail.; .or banal wad Lotman do.; silo Ara ad and
.1 bland URI', le.
• ..• • .
°flee et LI PPENCOT7 A COl3. No. 118:Water .t... Pitts
lezlegh. le7
TROMAS PALMER.. Manufacturer and
Import, of Wall raper. Border.. rim Board Prints,
Landscape Pap, Window ;Linda. to, and Dotter Li
Writing and rapping Paper.lionnotsind Binders' Boards
LP Marto: stmt. ...Moon Tiitinl aid fourth stn..
littirlaurgh- • meit'29
rer of One Perttult Pleinie ant tucking 01w
es—Gilding of etny kind dmis to order. as rdertmOost
work, ae.., No. 20, Et, tdsbr street. Pittsburgh. Yearns. oel2
lIIITALTER. P. MARSHALL; Stine( seor to
V Eaninet C. MD—lmporter sad Desire in Prem.!,
Plead American Paper lianginne and Darden, Window
fleadeb, Vire Dom& Prints, • n. AL.—Writing. Print.
Ms and Wrapping PAW. Tic 85 Wood et-, between rourob
and Diamond idler, Pitleboran. Ps-
New Coach ractoryillcigheaq.
A. WRITE Fe CO. would re.
iEtL—c'eas. spealfulle isifortu the pubilb that they have
erected u a opou lasiock, In/tars/a Federal and dandnety
street, They are row meting end are PrePeacd to maitre
orders for every description of vehicles, Cowles, Chariots,
Barouchea, Bungles, rkILL4,24 to-, tc. whkh, from their
experience I they ntrassrfacture of the - show/ work,
and the Ix - Citieshave, they feel cooddent they as,
ter''' with
thou , venting oel elre in ti:eir line.
Caiin; perdmakir attention to the selectlou of tsstatialai
sad buying tone but compoteat work - user, they have so
heaisetima m werrauting their work. We the:Worse/a the
sneution of the public to the mutter.
N. D. Parsirlsoe dens In the beat mazer, mud cm the
=at res./instable Isms SIX&
tft - ace. 11170111S1N.
II ORENZ & WIGHTMA N, ermarly of tho
ari l 'OT &IT:BOt 2,d s " ) ti'm IYOTYVINN
Water sod 65 Front groat. PAtsburzh.
N. I.l.—Prticam atuatiort paid to odd Aim of Wtadow
0 Lam awl prirMa =nada for Bottles and Vls/s. mar 15
Dr. James Sin;,
“FFIOE and Resitleteb, No. 112 Fifth
xfilg . rtt. 0357 , 071t7 tt Lh
le Caedra,l, Zitt6burtcti.
7 ..
G. 11:1"GGr , D---.
SSOCIATED iri the Practice of Medicine
from thin date, win occur/ the omen
Dr, e Lako, 010 Perm otroct, frOmreen !IV . and
. •
°pie and Ort4vdice4Fgeon.
ILL give particular alai Lion.
to orerr tarlety of operation to the Ere
and Cluo Foot.
A riaLelal Eyes (deemed. of eurertor natality.
Ainilloation nod address to be tea at PoseCtiles:or at
hie resideraor, Federal Meet, Allegheny city. stem the
Diatooon. • apliilr
0310EOPATHIC Physician, devotes spe•
dal attrition 0
treatment of dlemster of women
e i ghildrea. raid acute diens.. generally. am llas
cbronl: a., conical dlerairea Often on Auden:onstreet.
nese the fined I • . reet Mid 10, sod tint door to the Planing
Allegheny City. OM., hoe.•, from 7tolr A. /1.. and
from Ito 3. and from 7 to O P. 31. .y2sry
I SCOTT, DiNTIB7, Fourth Etrcet,
(F A a li t. we t fr oi. or : l.4.k.t. . 4.13, %a=
Jr.. HUNT, Dentist, Corner of Fourth
gal theatns en. between Market and /term amen,.
R? F. WEDDELL,, Agent for the purchase
. .nd vale of-Acal Rotate. Dealer in Bend., Mortes.
Cm. ant advances reads ocenroperty for oafe.
CCLap, comer of emlahneld Cad !gen 0t... ac12:11
Corner Woad and Fourth Inn, Plttabtogb.
Ittrantsaan—Whinnere k WoTr, Wca. Hamar/ . A Co,
Yannestook Co., J. P. Tanner 41' tk , .. m i
l ler . A
• Ickes°. o.rge Jima]. MI
Austin Loomis. •
• •
"DEAL ESTATE . AGENT, Stock, Itior
xe, thaudlsa and 0111 rotw,, °Coo No. ea, fourth St,
sUO ve %cod.
101.110010ess rromotAr attendel to.
IMILJEL L. MARSIIELL, Secretary ditTi:
IP se .% 1111MIA1100 Co., 01' Water slant-
li_ . P . ..lONET4Eztoflnlneurance Co.
,sA iil 2 .,
M. GORDON, Secretary Western
• ranee co.frA Vister st.
13 A:MADEIRA., Agent for'Delaware
ta•l Safety 42 Waal. Amt.
- IFGARDINKR COFUN, Agent:for Franklin
/In lasing/to out o u.roi Word
and Third stmts. . -
4, e OEM IL MELLOR,DeaIer in Piano Fortes,
'ludo, and waded Instruments, &hoc' Dvkii. sod
•Atlonm. Bole agent fir ObJekerthes Elmo Fates,. kr
2era. earaylruda—No. SI Wood 4.
pMIRY KLEBER, Dealer, in Maio, Ma
1.1 frurtraments,..l Irmortor of Haan lirr.P.
o *agent for Nun. Olark's And Flu.,
with Coloatan's Solna Actor..... Also. far Unnhan's
Pi.. •
Jon, =Lax:
fIOVODE ORAIIADI, 'Agents of Penns.
Ealtraad Ca" mesa a( U.. 4 If unit at., nail
Pad. PittabairgP. an
(ti. , A. MoANUTL — fi r i OG—Transportors,
U. Forwarding and Idinandlean Idedenasu. Dam;
nand Bath:l.4oSi - ildreet.lattabatth. hbtl
`s~.:~ .
~.: ;
1 .
IaAN 0 FACTURERS of:Plows; St.ovesoic.,
corn,r , of Liberty and Pit stroets.Pittabctrut•
aurae - ethers 'genii Dep.:petrol.? call the arttentlon
Cl Furaere, end Ills rublle generally, to the fist that chef
Lees oe..ned a Werth 'nee at the the,. p 1...., whore they
will kelp oonstantly on nand, and sell Meal> far CASZ.•
sener..l as:torn:ll*ot of the funnel. article. +bleb Ine7
will offer for ea s . as cheap or cheaper Gun eel hope, In
the Wort .
Pe rat Iron Osten etz.a, cooking Starce.o2reStOT.
Pa ent Layer - Parlor stave. hollow ware,
fllnceld " Top kettles, ender kettlm.
11111 Hide " Fancy Grates Common do.,
Impinvedi Hell " Fancy Fenders, Comecon do.
.Cotton and Corn . • sad Irene,
Shovel " Ilsirela Iron Coal Duelete. .
Culdrater .t. Cern Sheller. lineal* flake Pan. ,
Ilsrea Dates, Threstlng litseblnes. '
ehoyel. Spade...Dd. - Fort. Smola Store Flee Co., 1 .
They will also here In • du rt time a genendassortment
of Aerionitural /mplsmonts.
celdttf. -_ SHANK •
-_____ '
Coach and Carriage Factory
VORNEF. of Belmont and Rebecca etreatz.
R.J All e gheny City. nonld respectfully Jamm their
frtentls. t public mine:ally. that they are manta..
turina Car/tears, ama., Uocknerayn. inha
.1 Chariots. in an their call 1. styles of Putch and pro.
Banner Cotton XiUs
ro . sr.3 • 4.1.-
Fenn Glace Works
F. R. Moore, M.,D
111781 CAL 1118111IIMENT8
ntkle4lo - iTiLTION AGi3JTB.--
JACOB WEAVER. JR., WtioleBalit Gram.,
Imptrepr a•d - Healer la Wk.. Ll4i , ro wad 014 1114
”n , 04 , . , 14 11 4. Klu.tr7. M.rt.l et:met, rower °Cry:tau
11 1 1tc.barrL
110 p t
44. are 4 C0aT:1.1:414 supp " 11:1 reim ' arg:
W 3 X...ta icei! " co laj tm it er G or NtxTand g s r ,l7:7. an t
Imre always oo baud • large afoortza et of oblate Gruen
log otol boe "folia—forolge Frut. ood NM; Wholtoolo
Dotter , .4141.1 oa %hot .sest terms.
Burrell & Johnston...
alereluntk and Deafen In Pnvines A Pktlebnigh
Manufacture, 97 (am bulldirm) Liblnl7
_ . .
duce and iiitteliorgh Xthrifootures, bath rented their
Stone troth No. 11.9, Water street. to /io. 297. thew braid
ings.) Writ, strett. th?
-4 ri5.11% s.
DEALERS ikrt Flour, Peed, and Produoe
grurrally. 00. i 5. 31asksit Stria: Pittsburgb.
Cheese Warehouse.
VIENRY R. COLLINS; Forwarding and
Commtaloa Marchest, and Meat.. to Choose. Botts.
Mrb ant Pralune nenarallx. LW Water great above
Amitefi.ld. ihttaborgh. oay3l
— Q,„AMUEL P. SRRIVER A Co., Wholesalo
0 Grocoro land Camatsclon Mardis no, nod Dealer. to
Counter [Maine. and Pittaburvi. Mn ofactuzez, Nos. lad
and 1= &gond aLtoet. betweaa Wood Lad linllbl M
old, Pl
:IMF ..... -1 , 11:0110111101ISII.
0.11. N S. DILWORTH t Wholesala
laO racers, and diranna Gar Ilasszd'e Vowder and lia'aty
Yana, 31 Wand In, 1111iebarab. ton
5•811 , 103 .
ANNA, li ULILRETSON ix CO., Whole-.
sale`rocers, Commission
Ohio. and Pot warding Sientbaute
on eel. thereland,
Particular attention given to the pirate.a and able of
Produce. Situated do tha rigor, the, faellitlea tot ehip.
Plug and reeeising freight by the lathe are equal to oat
bolas in the slam otarlii.dGru
V. a 1100110.)12.....-... --.11.1.711 =ALM
JOllll ATMS..
WIL BAGALEY &.00, Wholosalo
ears, NUL 18 aud 20 Wood &taw t. Pittsburgh.
OUTiI 014111....................... . ..........010....5.
PiCiBLACKBURN ,la C 0.,., Wholesale Oro
• et/rad:lout Itutalakera l ca4 dash. ill Produce and
t l abarah Macadam:4lmm 01 Pitch and Oakum Mauro
on lund at their Watekomm.ll, Water envoi, Pittabntah
_ _
I' • aepl2O
J. 1.4000150 1 AB. V. 111911.1. EX.
_UP Omen and Oommisehm Merchant., Zia UP Rate
atmat, and 160 Pint stmt. Pittabuzgh. . .
LtHEY, MATTHEWS CO., Wholesale
Groners, 60— , e and l'orriallag hift - rlausla.and
ate fociSrlitStca Oor a
ttan Yana, 87 Water ptalttabmgh.
t?CON WAT .ft CO,, Wholeenic Grocers,
Vomminxlon and Dealers In. Produce dind
ettiM klAnnikatuna. 2:o. 266 Liberty Arcot, Pins
1 B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
'oa .` bo und tlli="=9sl.....,"lah m `ui
betweendeb. and Wear= Produce generally. Water Ildeet,
Endthtleld add Wood. Pliteburgh.
ame messy
I SAULT DIOILEY 41' CO., Wholesale Ore
1, tgattigg7ll,,."lf'4.lfll4l.l""i'2'4
a & . BENNETT, late English
A 9.10 , r no, = 1
b.ora . route. sad Islets In Produce. s l Pitt.
121 &mond tit. sad 121 First2l.,
betwort ad and
bat 1fC1111...-10L1.1 a. Irczu...—v.vras. C. 101.
11.11 'GILLS d ROE, Wholesale Grocers and
,c . aur t h. r mn i m e.o n Mcreb.ato, Os 257 Libirts stmt..
OBERT MOORE, Wholotale Groom:,
ileedlyinglartiller. dealer la Produce. Mal, b
natantareL sad all rend3l3 sad 104%
Wines and Liquors. Ka 010 Liberty meet On hand •
7,72%1C:111.1:V°` 'b"—gthE'
OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale
lA, Groan, Ocrualrzion U•reboote, d In Produce
and Pi ttelturoit... blesattectures.. No. 253 Liberty lotreet,
Pittab wt.
WICK IireCIWITSS, ocessors- to
L. t. J. D. Wick, Minimal.. Groan. Toreraellthr
red Oecurderthel !Unbent. &elm in Iron, Nails. Ulan.
Plttethunle Bfienutaa - area . gesurrall7.
cendler of Wood and 'Water tame:4 rlttetharah.
tfiIkCULBERTSON, Wholesale Otooer And
. (naannalork cahoot, Dealer to Produce and Fitter
h Msaletfacenrrd
therab. I'. Arnathea 1171 Wert) etheet.
jiD. W.Tr. and
• Batontentll. Grocer., Fernslfni sad Oncontadon
ret, ante, end Dealers in Oman' Pcodoco .nd m E t r• , = ,
r.socfactures, corner of Woo; sad nth zta,
a& IL FLOYD, Wholegal° Groom, Ooze
. tnon Merchant& and Deslereln Prolnge—Rann4
rch Bulldogs. hooting on Libartr. Wood. and ELM
stmt. Pittsburgh. P.
Dora ORRIS M'COMBS, (truoccesor to JOHN
{VALI: Sit ' ) Inarotter k Dealer In Forei g n and Do
Nrc-d•rnre,ll.B3 Wool mt. betemen Dtactmll All. and
Paarth Itzsat. 11[2.W/rib. ALTC.Stators'ilvls slimy
Ott bawl. (to=
PutrrEm—Assidertee, comer of Thltd .tzvetard East
A I Ir e g . bi s a .
mon... Litt.
..Tames Wardrop,
grAFFERS for sale CANARY BIRDS of the
ky mart apyrureil bread. hem p ,r hard, •iid and
otoircro. Rra Socruo—otatuary. 'IOW, Rope and
Mixed Soot Ilciatoett b e turritshed comm.! of Ma
twat FI.OI7EItS. 'lc o.rolliar, Root Bur& hollotroprr.
ae. Ererarreno (In pot.) for Chrlst.mar Tree., front tit.,
Pwl ant horticultural STORE. No. fit FIRO .tree t, roux
Wood. den
ITANING been appointed,tho oxoluiure
Agent, for Pittethergh , far tba sale of Patent 111.41
attantan en. StretehoCLeather Beltran anumfarthred
by r. JEWELL t NUN, Ilarttbrth Conn.—We now offer
fa Bala • Ism. anodyneat of .11 the ninths, manothatut
ed. at fba manufacturees pease, his ertlele beinsf sure.
nor than, Leather Belt,. ever baron offered In this
Elarkti. Alt, a 1.. bard of all width. of lndla Robber
Belting othatantly on , for tale at the . 111thhthe
Beilins 11.04" No.llo Markel street.
• .920 lit II Pill LOOPS.
AVIS° recurea most of my FALL
GOODS, 1 a n dr In most .
naT Wand.
HtheY are Open, lbr rals—enversting of Bracelet.
Bawl. Itlaley. Damask , Cbints Curtain Guar. Lim L. Odre
tains, of ,pl,wild pat. rzur, n Tambour eac den
Mauna. Borders, Ulmmt. Cornices, and B an ds:: naval.
and Cords. of all kinds: Buff and Green 11Wland. of all
didtbm itrenStr and Bagliah Quill. , of all alms; and a
rade:, of coolly too numerovta to mention.
proudly filled.
WM. NOBLE, Third Street.
Tho Pennsylvania Clausen Company.
OR tho sale of Licenses to use Claussen's
Patent for Clottenizing and Bleubinc !lax. Items.
CLAPterns'esnfl.frAT.:f4.NrttUgf Decd" toe
rhiwtoas, Jay 19. ISHINj;Vdr . Agent
OPPOSITE the Fountain, Zaneinrile Ohio,
Mrs. Anas M. litscer AAA W. A. Jaz.. Proprietors.
pc, CHESTER, Merchant Tailor and Clo-
Mplll l riloTAti irtraVo=l;.. r " u "' l n t .; -•
"(um. DIOBY, Merchant Tailor, Draper,
•♦ sod Deakrin Bad • MM. Cdothitu.l37 Libesb. 4t.
OUNTY LANDS—Capt. CharlekNaylor,
Attorney at Law. No 101 Third et wirnar of Chasy
hsvina road• arrangements for the purpose, will
Iprocure Bounty Lands for ofileare soltliorr, their
widows and children, and will attend a ny y they toad
new. connected with the worenwitnent o of lte Depart..
manta. the Ofilm, or the Courts at the City o f
Waohingtow Jaiffidtf
ARBUTIINOT has coramonood to ra
ki,, .4'. aeortmeat or Sprint , SurotosrGoods,
roosted. to part of 8a dints, Cloths, Paolo:Lan, Tweed..
earn,. Cnatingt Pantalooti Mott Linent Alpacu s rtfots,
Nenakeno. Moos the Woes, Bente 8. Lalte, Printed
Lawn., EtoWil girls. Lawns, 3luelin looludos, Dom..
Scotch d
Artic.inglisecit Poollos,Oarottfeks.MrollotTieklome.
Ltibtroes, Lute, Oloves.Vorobs. thettone.Thrads,
Uos bred.. Parasols. Poetrocutlernltieh nook;
ots. Jewelry. toe te e , ao., to which he respectfully In
vites the attention of Merehsnts Pedlars.
. wird: 88 Wood Bt. * Corner of Dirolond
State Official Interpreter.
WM. J. ROPE, Interpreter of Foreign
• Lmeetures in and for omnunrseelth of Penn.
eilranh, to reside In the cit 01DIttsborsh, Canute D ra t
slesheol, roes be frond every dos from 9A. AL, until 0
T. er. In the Quarter derail. Court Doom, T e tiNo.lso
Fourth Atlooo.. Bonds. Deeds. Mortgages, Do of AS
Corner. and all legal O rr er ermine.. trbabmerer, trine,
feted from or Into thman. Area., Italian and nnasiA
bb Languasei, with nesttren sad dtryetch. ap t
4OHN B. BAYABI) 4t• SON, Deniers in
Leath., 111,1.$ and Oil. N. 21.1 Liberty A, (ortatit•
13 L.) Pittabnzgh. P.
• Eve; nonganus on han7 samurai anoeslanent er [anth
er. 111,1 n. 3.4n0ct0, Bbno Curlews'Tmle, pn,
t. . inar:Olv•
Letitia' Intelligence Office.
No. 2 St. Mir Strea. . •
ItVILE.R.!,gIDt)III. tS eam . fl u r . te azd , yLi . vate
gernlVA With plscea. anbar
WM. NORLA.UphoLstarar and Dealer in
Upboleterer. Tfholesal! awl Ratan. Thud stx.t,
near/ r nimodts the vt OM*.
Portable , Thrashing ' wand Bap
WARRANTED to be thoroughly bail
_arid to work well: nude aml *old ht
0/1571t01., onsosite Phoenterger's Rolling MU, 66! ant
treet. Pittsburgh. The Thrashing hfacWnte_
_Ow ntl.
ftg . imple end nom ere emali L et ,..1 , ..... 1 11." o tl
Le. Ve a = l itli d meTiett•rteraelVoi. j er 42.1 !
twct. work. ore than v.OOO of them ere now to vsln
gnaw end as many Sea t of the Monnwne.
Many ot them hate thrashed n., SO s I
etch; and. on thomngli trial. the) hareb l amed.
eil 07 those who we them, to tet as ostogletore
as well na mar ha the world. .
The lieparator lei Boot'. P . :N. end Is attached tt to
er. and ampletelf Is the straw MO bung
. trt. n" l4 0t..1.; .00 has glum entire f . a=toi r 'he
triad. "
Boliyar Fire Brick and erne*le.Clay Karr
ufacturing . Company.
THlS.Cozo_pany hanng'onlargea their CII
-luwity far Alauutolgaziason, sum prepay* ***i
hummed 4cauum6 kr their Ma, Cruti*Lo and BIM.
111.*ntenzooptly ittliodid to
RIXII, * Juno, Vogt Sup, • •
Delaware lineal SafetyLwaranea Comp'y
'CriFFICE, No,o and 10 31c:chants' Ea
vy MANGE,mI Tined atreet.
Mature Inatekkacks—lha newels. Cargo ADA
;axle let the wara
intaaa laarlances—On Goods by Elver, Casa! and Lakes,
and bk leanleania. to atl ri.-te of the Uttlen, teen
ding the net by Eire at:Mar:yak
laa Imantaacis—ta Merellandls• wmerally. on. Storm
Dereihng Goons, te.
• A 870113 OP PRE COMPANY.
Ronda, Mortgasee arefOractrul 24,684 23
232.058 Pentollrania EP ajar: cent Loan.— 443.207
1112,060 do Flee • .• do 10,761 25
14.000 Philadelphia City Eli do .—... 20,200
210,000 Camden 4 Acnbey R. !Lilly. per cent
JAi ES,OOO teTIWI ,, en 8110-"i4 °
87..c0 United $0.0., Ala do .-- 2,144
/00 eharea Panit7leania Rail Road Company 0,044
b hiamatop Conier 2400 •
60 " Aletchulathj 4 01 8 antfacteines•Butk- •
6 . " Philed Yl
elplua ituh ii;;Tre
Abeam Tow
'Company. ..... 220 00
-2 Philadelphia Exchatina Comp;ny, 78 00
&rip and 60.08 01 oin .ioy Altitual Inannue
CorolAniee... 10,644 70
1/L549 82
each on hand „.
Balantee in hand. cf 44Pleitil and Premiums on
Marlue Policies recently Luutd— ..... 77,096 02
Bubscription 100,609
$429427 09
Diaoooo3:4--Joreph 11. Best Edmund A. Bonder' John C.
Beefs, Robert Burton, John B.Pearime Eamuel 'Llxards.
0.4-go C. Leifer, Edrurd Darlington, Isaac It. DaTi3. WII•
Pan Payroll. John NroU. Int IL LI Button, Jainot U.
Band. Theophilua Pachltra. Jona, Brooke, fluter
hioan, llogh Clef:, Joseph 11.16tirnett. bpencer Belle:Jo
Charlee J. o.lchncon. We. Hay. John 8 4 41erA
Wm. RM , Jr. William. blood. J. G. Johneton, Samuel
Jan. Traonair. Jame. Tennant. Joshua L.
Prior. J. T. Logan. Iltuburgh, D. T. Morgan, do:
itruata rredlOttit. STbe. U. Lune, aloe Preal.
dent. Jatcra W. OVICIM, SetttetAry.
Sirollll2l of the 00 011 121. No. 42 Water sheet. Pitta•
burgh. I mpV:tfl o'. suvutin. Agent.
ffiarine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
THE Iruniranaly of North Amerion,
Philadelohly-CTart. , 794. As.ett
bl•Tdreoiirthellit, $ 1,00001 ;55 00.
Lua tr.
indPeT47 'X /r:l r g n r " g& U lite tA"J'4:"" 6 "'
tnksco ' nor ea the
Ara., oo2n. m e
. a 1b... Oono. •
Finnuel W. Jonas, ohn R. N. 2
Dann! Elmith. . Mallard D. Wool.
John A. Omen.
Rural Y. Eolith. Walsh,
Yantis lloetina,
flannel &oohs. • ILAuat ARibma.
Macke TAy Wry Dower.
Ambrose. ' Omega Asoinarall.
Jacob IL Thom" Jams. N. Dickson
EL Romig Wain, ' IL D. Shemeni, heoly.
MR/e oldest losetianke Cempanytu the Unit.? Matta
ami from its high ahindtrus. long experience. tumale mama,
and avoiding all eteka of au sum taus olmractey, It
may be momalunal as offering ample seculity to the nubile.
1•24 o. 141 Front
WertarnlnauranceEompany cfPittsburgh.
CAPITAL $BOO, OOO. R. MILLER, IL,„ P. M. Clolon, bemntary.
II insurearmlmt all kinds of net& Pin and ?farina.
All lames wlli be liberally adjusted and promply paid.
A how, Insiltution—managed by Dutton who are well
EgTknown to the commortiri o n . r . who are deteen t lzA d tg
.Ttve =ned,aa ceasing Ike t tretVtection% thaw
who desire to be Daured...
Drasmoss—lieuben Millar, Jr., J. W. Ilutisr, Wm. Ly.
WO. I bromu. nun. Prod...llm. Nhalck, Black, Geo.
W. Jackson. Jam. ill'Anlay; Grange Dann*, Nathaniel
Robots. Jamew Lip pinonL and W. If Intlth.
Ottlee. No. MI Water
01 flomon Oz.
up Main.) Pittaburgh. otsll y
ETA= ilinvel.
plftglagLqQ. Pd.
DESIGNED ortfy. for tho safer classes of
ProMO, bss mole esoital. and Words sweet.
I or
ads stave la 'what Of cbesraters. Wet,. WI =mono
&di.. oltl wd oydatry• =orchards. oval= 0
dwslthass, cad /001.44,' .ZITATTERT:4ttwor,,
_04.7 Broach lee fio:63 Rialthtlaid rt..Pittatinrcb.
Franklin Fire Fdsurues Co. of PbEad'a.
IRECTORS:,OhorIes W. Banoker, Geo.
Dionfecal p. Lev lajohlw
atel Gder m z o xi4=diripaup vapid a. arovra r
17114ALVII Y. litliCIKEll, Preoldenj.
Callus Itaxass. Socrotars.
Thla tkordoury watiosea to malt Insursmos,psnaszkent
or Limited. w every drarription of Property to kora Gad
towdry, ratee aa ma.* eansisten with arkwitY
The Comm. have premed • larg t e
oondamt food.
width, with thitr Capital aad PreCki6l.3. Safely inverted,
afford amplaprotectioa to the Gawped.
The wows of the Company. on 45.u5r7.10.1651. usub.
Ifsbefl artssably to Um Jot of dm:ably. wore so follows.
1018,17Temyo b. . to
61.330 to
41.212,704 44
Mars their ID corporallrbot Dodos! Y yrs i =
Sara paid uosbrd4 of One Million Dow rianttresl
Dollars Lowe by Fir% iberoiry sZordlnly erldsosa of the
klyabtages of Iranrsaco. .p as th eir abllDS and 414.
patitiab to inset with bromptnaaa all llabilittes.
able Ofles S. S. winos of Wuxi and .74 st,
I)LWARP Pear Treee,'Peaeh, Apple and
other Ilan teem Non the well known Ildr Yiew
N. at Jotna Betetesh, Noon/gown. New Jae).—
hem. wiehlag ;tee. healthy Walt =I On:masa:al
treat, wou!d do well by lewrlnt.their orders wiak the set.
scriber., .hore etudesars Nth, be ~ea. .
atm= 'SHUNS Al BATEMAN: ttaZ Xezket eh
fi t •III'CORD .t. CO.,
•Ing coami .711711 AND WOOD STRUTS, SA
lkylLL.introduce; this day,-their Fall style
of ussx.e.
...141429c1•• UAW m...argallano
ss now Si? • Acta°
THE ant* . er is manufaetaring and has
A ttu..
.A.. Os a•• • • mh•ntor artlall, of this Indifearable ft=
putsitA for fa ntalrot . ott. It reraslor good for
ggiteretZtAl; . L'Y
J. A ggerl n AU. ''' D.
wirt .4 -- No. 317 Lt rt..
Importer and Wholesale Dealer in
NO. al woos *car,
ASAs now receiving, direct - from the Manntac
tunrev, thle etnautry and 'Europe. a lake and well
ected stook of llatiaare, Cutlery. Toole, a which he
It dela:mined astiallarest sash rates. .tack
wni part.
Loa. Tam. 0011.111 Halter Chant;
'llsouls. celebrated C. S. ahec
NUL ellculalstod Oro. Cut date.
' "amete"eslohattal hhdale and Elpadec
Lon. M eh rs,
Toather telth wiry esErlots trt the Egairata llos. to all
of erre& the art:itch or catustrE Llsrchluate and Moth.-
lea d tanstottully UMW.;
/Is ha tun lluat• TrelTrelt tare Packet from Zerl4.4.
1 ask "Moustabolearatlet
1 " .Arriu o rsolebtatect awn
ease Eagle and double arum
Mee would all the atteattilla:rd Canals?, to
batemasortmentof atebeated"Uukiltraotory Pao."
ER BAKERY. lip. 817 Ltbeltr P 129.16 anSdilt• th.
d of 8,101:1:414.
Hal Int purciltsed °neer W.R.NrriseiCsacker sod Met
gr. , / etsetatlM I sr: , smarts" to dB an orders fox Crack.
err or Pilot Dread grata ebortest
kla parlor lis i talgread. Etrs.t Dispepals resdttarTS
. 8 1 . sms1 0. 111. t c s , 11 1o. s in. h e L vszy . ss u e p ratt .itt
Brood. st tkoss.
Ag- Cate. 11a4 Confeetlol2.l7 OM
a. hand & mol
ad e to
Order. • '
Lotz & Braun.
. _. _.. .
ERESCO' s genre, Sign and Ornamental
Pointers owl Japreers 1f0.4G Market stmt. between
nd soul TAlrdsta.. Piurgh, Pa.
All Iclndl of Psitattno (or b Church...Ramo. ito4ln Ir.
ter And oil eolOrsdooe Imit a tion nof
otslot Tr..
parent Windom' Blinds, of Woodddarblo and
Ikons. binnofootarors of Patent Metal Lettaxs, Dealers in
tolSod Point , . • mr. Limo and Plaster. . so 7
D. WIILIAMS /c CO. have romoved,go
eg, No. 123 . Wood greet three doors above the Md
vtatut.ool7lof Wood and PM sta.. wham WY will to
Pleased to mast their friend. and patrons.
Rlo.Lantirralarel lava Coffee:
New Orleans sod Maenad Suitor;
Walden byrop, N. Orleans and Sugar Holm =ohms.
IN, to Extra Me Owen and Bleek - Teae.
!!perm, Syr. Mould and Dtpt Candled;
Palm, Atalanta, Castile urdltbaln bean:
Pearl and Carta Starch:
irrin., l muort Art.:. Root;
WWI :rimmed aesortrnent ' llVe C lta and Slim.
Abko—lron.irant . ..Whlto Leo/. Cotton Yarns. Patent'
zoo weebbearda, de e An. Wbollfeale utd retail by
numb No. PAL Wood etzaat.
Cabinet' 'Fluniiiturei Kannfaetarer,
Nor. 97 and 99 ZUNI 34 /illtdurgA.
-41 W. /IF: RESPECTFULLY informs his
friends ind, oustomus, that be has just oompletod
h spring stank of Sarni nue, which decidedly the /sr.
gest and best ever offered for sale in united , which will
he sold et prices u low se uTi the Staten, Eke
u West. .A.s he le determined to uPbold bis with
seamosed routerlsis, but workmanship, atti newest dO.
signin and from 4he extent of his orders and facility In
moosufsetunos,4,. la enabled to produce warnuited
FURNITURE at the loweet prime.
Ho has adopted the principle of identifying the onstotm.
Ws interest with his urn, In guilty and prier, emit:ups
always on band the greatest variety of every description
of Nurnituts, from the cheapen/MI plainest, to the IlsoSt
uttgalvoll,!_,;,:g,-g =LtzTinl::;;z_,Tr
to order: The following articses morns' in part ol his se.
eutmenj. width. for Mohnen of style and Cobb. csozot
be lo ' grl 4 t a tra r tgei: coots;
60 * Bolae in moth and Hair Moth;
I n
SO dcunMsduniony Chai o
m •
do Wa d .
.60 20
Idaboirony Booking Chaim;
20 Wenn:. do •
60 Mahogany DlVanr,
20 Walnut do
60 Marble top, TableM
d de tro
W kemtandm g ureau,
o astu
40 Inekeed do
100 Common do
10 Min Crandon Ettraatte.
60 Maligns./ Rod/denim
to'Thenut do
1,0 Cottage do
1 20 00 m Cb .ho em . yan rl d w P .4o oplar b. d6:
10 Walnut do
io aunt dm •
Plain MMesom •
31 vie.L....alottlogidrnil=lnit
M. noun Cue Best Chain:
gt cane Best Hooklog ale:
32 Ladles' Writing Desk;
L l a i lLose ,.. lJonel 1
4 1 pti 0
le Tables:
lifonnub. Pembroke deg
ea. 410:
Reception Udie.
14114301A4 del Litundon Ebbs/ Tablas
Arm der.
Mamie And Han Minim • CHlumr •
Au.. • Jame assortment of Onmixon .Forniture end
Osbinet malunntmppilled With artioles la Ogle Roe.
Steamboats and Hotels Itindebed at the oborteet metes.
allorders promptly =ended to.
nn ARD OEDAB Welp/..
sawn bROESEN. keep; constantly on
and Bath
:hard • umorhaoo of di Table
am anartf. Oak t
Wall, /Utah. or Draw Boalratc
Wif .
Ffin B•.µ; tlihrt i,Dri uu lllascaras, nue and Chem
- -
WEDNESDAY 11101INING . , JAN. 12, 1853.‘,
From tbo Cbrietla. ddrocats.
Concentration of the Indian Tithes.
Chief Copway, of the Chippewa, orj,more
properly, Ojibway tribe of Indians, s 'who
his • been delivering lectures in this city,
has just placed in our hands la pamphlet, of
' which ho is the author, developing a.plan
1 for the concentration and confederation of
all the Indian tribes, cast of the Rocky
Mountains. This plan ho presented to the
Thirtyfirst 'Congress of the United States;
with what efface, we have not leatied. We
find it, however, in its main figure, en:
domed. by some' of the most distinguished
names in the country, as well as by several
- State Legislatures. It strikes us, as one
of great importance both \ to the white and
the Indian. It is perhaps the only plan
which can save the fading and perishing
race of the red man from rdid extinotian,
and secure to him the blessings of civilize ,
tion and Christian iniprovercent.
Believing they will ba read With inter
est by many, we shall preened; -to State
same of the principal-ideas oontain4iia the
Before stating his plan,.. the writer no
tices some of the causes cifeae preseni.low
and degraded condition of helndian tribes
generally, and of their dingnished num
bers.. To a few of these, wiibriefli
, ,
allude. •
Their intercourse with the whites is Coa
-1 fined chiefly to the frontier settlehicnts,
'where they become acquainted, with some
of the woret-classes of whites, Who \done
thing to benefit, but everything to rubercl,
vitiate and destroy them. Thus their minds
become poisoned and pre-occupied With
prejudice against the morality and rcligiOn
of the whites, and the arts of civilized' life
"What !" said an Indian`to Mr. C., as ho
was endeavoring to convince him of the
necessity of schooling his children, "shall
I teach my children to lie, steal, kill and
quarrel as the white man does? No, no l"
he continued, shaking , his head. Their
strong attachment to &roving life { the ex
citement and agitation of mind pioduced,
by their frequent removats by government,
and the perpetual annoyances from mis
chievous and unprincipled men, tend much
to strengthen these prejudices. They are
thus prevented from making advancement,
in education, agriculture, and the usefull
arts. They will not :nab valuable im
provements on their lands, because they
think that by the action \ of Government
they may at any time be deprived , of them.
In those removals, the instructions
faithful missionary, and the fruits of his
pions labors during year's of toil and pri
_ _
vation, are often entirely lost. Mr. C.
thinks it would be better for them to be
confined to a territory so limited that they,
could not hope to obtain sustenance by, the ,
chase; as then they would be obliged to ro•
sort to agriculture and the" mechanic arts.
Ho thinks the churches, while they have
manifested the most commendable zeal for
the introduction of Christianity among
thorn, have not always conducted their mis•
&ions in the manner best calculted to \ se
cure success. The uneducated mind of the
savage cannot appreciate those unessential.
erannett kaoatrince, ritual.and govern
ment, which separate, and -may bo useful
in exciting the zeal or tho different evan:
gel . cal
Churches. But when these differ
ences are urged upon his attention, and
bropiht into conilict by oppiiiing claim
ants, he becomes perplexed,•and~ pre
, indiced against" Christianity itself. Ho
thinks it best, as far as possible, to 'instruct
the Indians. through- the English ladeage
—that it is not desirable to translate bc\oks,
even the Bible, into the Indian,tongues . kaa
this would retard them in the acquisition
of st langnage which would opon,to therm
at once, the universal stores of knowledge.'
An attempt to ciente .an Indian literature
would for a long time , neceissrily confine
the race to .tt'vcry narrow range of ideas,
not af,fordizigfinlEoent scope for.their pow-
era. The arglrment 'certainly
. gassesses
soma weight;, still we are not. coirinefd,
even admitting its general truti s Sll/I , t it is•
not good policy, and even necessary, to
translate the Scriptures and a few other
works of devotion, practicarpiety, and el \ e;
mentary kliowledge, /13 a means of lntra
ducing among them Christianity, and awa.\
ironing their attention to thb value of a
literature of their own. After:4lns' initiw
tive to a Christian and civilized \tate, it
might be practicable, if at aIl, induce
them to learn a new language, to \ i7nro
farther advancement.
Tho diminution of 'numbers aser4cd
chiefly to. 'four causes. To new disitre
introduced among there by EuropmmT,\
especially the smallpox and measles, whic4 ,
as they were igeorant -of the manner of
treating them, proved exceedingly fatul t
sweeping away whole tribes. Such was
ho tato Of -the trandane, a tribe settled on
ho Miaeouri river, which and '3B
was exterminated by tho email•por. To
the introduction of firearms—to \ their wars
in aid of the whites, or against them, ,suad
to their waxy among thertitclves But
what, in his judgment, has wrought a \ wider,
and more devastating ruin than th*, or
all other causes combined, is' the otirsed
fire•water brought among' them by the i2t/e
faces. To adopt his' own eloquent liDguag4
"Tho has not Gila:dent moral fortt:'
Ma to withstand its .ovil seductivenees
Disease, war and famino have preyed upon
individual life, but alcoholic, drinks have
out off from the list of nations roaMywhoso
records aro inscribed on tbo face of the
mountain. Peace and bappiness`hntrrined
around the fireside of lhe Indieri\once—
.. . . .. . .. .. .. ....
. 1.,\
union, harmony and a common brothiliOcd
cemented them to each other. But e l Ocu a
as these vile drinks were introduced anoei,
them, dissipation commenced, aMI the 14,11 '
and downfall of a noble race went on. Eit,
ory year lessened its numbers. Tho trader;
found this to bo ono of- tho 'easimeans
of securing him rich gains. Wa ' -afte r
wave of destruction invaded the wimp:, o f
the Indian, while tho angel of death Frofer-
e d over his lodge•ftres with insatiablei thirst
for victims. In- mockery of his 'wrongs;
the eye of the distant obsermr his looked
on the dostrnotiou of the Indislii; and when \
ho saw him urged to dasperato'doeds, the
white man, would calmly Bay, 1 41.1, the Id
dian will be. Indian still 1' " V •
. .11* miens reasons adduced links
th e Indiap cannot, is their proicquc'i :satter
ed and isolated 'ainaition, 4pqms
neatly the lands Nigel they \ now occupy.
They -cannot withstand the overiheiming
[tide of emigration which, from their pcii. l
‘ tion,ninst inevitably overflow their lands.
And if thiswere: not te be apphnded s
sccity of ` food; from failure of game, must
' •
soon oblige them toself to the general gt.-
ernMent, as the only means of Embsistence.
Bat this last point of necessity, he dd.o,
would ho preceded by troubles between, a
races. "Fe quote his language i "Th
t t ,
game iibelng killed more\ and *re every
year. It is. k ,comiented by 'recent\ travelers
thaf \ over cake hundred : thonsand \buffalos
are killed annually by trappers for their
tongues and hides, which are sold to, traders
up the IdissouriGamc of all kit(di , ,ii \ fast
disappearing from the sides`of the nv*.
tains. Witen.byfOree of cumunstanceri the,
Indian is coMpcilee kes live on, the ca the .
the frontier eettlers,\ as soon \as the. first.
bullock is killed, the , very will be head,'
' The Indians are 'homing ! To\ *me l eo
arms :' and the soldiery of the Unitn!i\S tate.s,
.'must be sent to dstroy thein. 'The,`hoom
of a thousand campus, thkrattle ot:the
(from, and' the trumpet's blast, will \ ,:he
heard all over' the Wlstern a piMiries; lio:
fea r ful knell that tells the doirefell 0f . 4,
once \ noble race. DesPeration iill drive.
the Lillian to die at the'eMuion'i,naeuth
rather than 'remove! boyinad \ the Icocky
Mountain'.", ~
..Thu object of Mr. C. is tei•.induce the
general govetrunent to oensolidito `the vat:l 7
ous Indian tubes and fra \ gmenta'of tribes.
residing on this side the'Rocky hicrentains,
on,Some portion\ of the public domain Suit
j able in character and extent for the purports,
where : they \ organized under a terri T,
farial government , and i enten upon a coarse '
' , ef'improvement and \general, civilization.
TIT locatiOn whic a proposes lies between
territories I °, 4hr:4a and MinnnaoM,
: on the caste banks of the Missouri river.,
fkis thu eluded: "The great Sioninv
er4 • g the eastern boundary, frfooHt its
he wa rs, draw a line westward until it Missourttiver - thenee down 'the
Missonri,tc\ the,place \of beginning. This
would ferns I . .erritorrlarge enough far all,
the scattered tribes of Michigan, Wisconsin,
lowa, &o. , Th, , he imagines, would he a
more favorable °cation for rho object in
view than either he upper: waters of the
:Mississippi- or 'Tar her South,' gither. of
the two latter, it \is supposed, -would throw
them more directly,iiito the stream'of eini;
gration, and expose:44ln to entanglements
and difficulties with the Whites. The soil,
however, of the proposed, territory, is light,
and very destitute of timber- and therefore
s• • , v a r, 't.
not so y , well adapted tgmeniture. On,
this account, some eminent :friends of the
interprise have suggested that iho'govern
meat might and would probablY ‘ hedisposod
to select better lands for the purpose. •
'ls the gin practicable,? 71M•atither if
the pamphlet answers this iluestion is the
affirmative, and we see no reason ter goes
tioning the correctness of the conclusion.
I The United States Gavernment, after- set.
Ling apart the territory : might exert a great
Influenee;by annuities and special treaties,
j to inane° the Indiani \voluntarily to settle
upon it. Their social dispositions, together
with \ the askrance that the eettlement
would \be • permanent-4ot they ; would
:dwell together--in ono gie)it brotherhood,
free from the distractions and calamities of
war, under the sindow of the general gov
ernment—would formals other strong nio
rtivei to bring them \ together. 'lt seemi,,,
I also, that the linguagesepaken by.all these
tribes bear a striking re:semblance \o each
other; affording She strongest evidence of a
common origin. They arc branches 'Of a
Peommon stock; as the tribes speaking
them, evidently are. They Would, there- I
foie., soon understand one another through , 1
any one of the 'dialects, as the Chippewa,
!which...they might agree to adopt es the
' common language .' , The opinion p4valent
\• •
among them, that they were originally' one
people, Mr. C. found, when he was 'with
. ..
theM., in the West two years ago, the
strongest grand of ppeal in favor of his'
missior(:, They
. vre,#:,rogh affected with
the thought 41414 rejUnited in one great
anc . ial body—to 'smoke together the pipit of
trues-Lto \bury the hatchet and scalping
knife, with\ the' certainty they would not
bo 'required le die...them up again, to be
employed against ontilnother. The civil
ized and educaked poltion of them would
bee6rst to set thensFaMilo of uniting under
the new \ organization. They would pre.
p io 11 \
the way for pt ers lcsinnlightene.d, to
This syst em, if adoptea and . carried out,
would,`'secure importanindvantages to the
GoveinMent. Tkwonld almplifithe Indian
department—remove its perplexities
,—render •ik easy \o sottlC \\
all difqoulties
'among the, Indians, by the establiShment
. ,
of \ a legal 'tribunal 'among them—reduce
thd,exixnse tstlndian agencies and of iron
tihr`rnilitary ciAbliehments. 134 a higher
move for the 'accomplishment of, the ob,
joist, iS\to he fond. \ in the\manifeskdesign
of .P?ovidence, that the aboriginal races of
this country should Active through tuesthe
bleesingit fit' science and of divine revels-
The advai , Apgea to tho 'lndian are , mani.'
fold. • lie would hays a permanent home,-
where ho woidtt.pojoy the`,fruit\ of Lie la;
bor. Schools would bp established for,the
[benefit of,thp yoimg, with the'best kospea\
"of success, The \ finids \ apprOpriated by
floverament to sustain these schools\and
to Tromote the.moral and intelleettial;rt•
provoment of the race, ispuld no Linger bo
lost iti • their_object, is they now frequently
aro. "Is( Tho
increase of
of all this Would be a
rapid ncrease of intelligence among 'the
ludiani, l 4d steps would emit be taken to,
have a ieireacntation in Congr6s.''',, \ ,
We hope,this plan;-which pitomissis so
much to theiemporal and spiritual welfare
A; the I red Winn, will not bo Suffered ,to
„a . .lv3p. fiat tilt,' \ author of it, and its friends,
do ,
w.oqinno their philanthropic , efforts,i ‘ till
6 ri' o,l with mei*. We close this long
artief with an extract froma letter of air.. N. \
Rss,n,\ of North Carkdins, tO , Mr. q• :'
"Iliatiabeme in which you are engaged
is a viist,‘gigantio ono It is Mid which
\froggc+4 _the ilulanthrokdo 'mind `: ` the
l i
most grond d lofty conoquona.;,,Atonn,
and may hes, vrosPer 9 0 4; If you:', l two
'teed, your'' . . Orin IP d O Wi to PoSt ritja
Wawa wit \ one of the 'most &Ans .
utovircenta 4 vie, tip in - 1114elt we lyit.
If yen fail nOW;Yoit will perhapai,have'lll4
the faundationNoritehieh thin mighty fabric,
to be‘iledicited\to' 'gni( pluliat4r97,
limy be - reared It V ;
mad 'aispioes
0 . ' .. • \ \
more fivAle . "than the pntserit.,
events, you Willi when -yaw come to die,
have the ennobling reflettionlo console
you, that you liave devoted your life to the
welfare of your raoe, and i endeavoring t0?,. :5
prepare them for* paradkie hentaiter,
.measurably exceeding in . ! happiness and:
glory, that of slits dehglitfal lunting -
grounds promised them in the, vague lin:,
geods of their fathers,
Spring .Importation, 1853,
I!_teerman.Bm Ca.) Itn. lid C 7 Lawny smolt.— •
" 1117 N ad 1
,I . lalo gr *r u 'r 42.
, WEI= \ ip/IPSS.:I2II*
_ -HOSIERY, ; \ . !MI T au* remind br rand arM.116 , ,
gr:ola!it Atmeted to,the tarn". es
...toex ..a • lAA !» ca r d @OK
41arasova :
to the boor 1t,017 MI. front WawltAo4ll"P"'I thi'd
l g k.g i l.
:.MM=', Ues ii ek\Aml66 115 N. t ea
\ ' "
\ SOds and laiyamenti. \• •
.* '
ARL Y cibbaie, Canliflowez -Radial
, lattiaca...Cartmbera and abet earlySeett Mr Zed= \
•Aof tan mast apploatd \ large
ulna /At= *USW& gillata ."‘ =faa.
CaltaPaiiaklatatansa ;Pat gag and otter at- •
datt'lmplaroents et nen. aorta, littav Cante_ra,Oaraitid;:,.
Cab Ctaatars, ant.sal_ lafttra. Baratptpas and a:mamma& ' •
Copt littallart. Seed Dr4liand larsaaamtmata at littior
grz f ir4 . 711 , 31,:04 fatatAnd t/ardWhe cat. •
exam:fine the nava at tltlyalreal 4 ttitMareltanse. as t.,
ilf . J% nta flan ikocd: , „
dal!' \ \ ' JAILE3 WABDROP. •
\• ‘ 1, , LAMES' FOOT- FUR& , \ 4- a
, aiaako 'a au wiet ia to ow. us add dp v hanoic \
a end q i : now ape%
i cite 4
.1 easliCaffeipistg 4eWtte, /tan, " 41
a m* Martlnt ISa 21.1. \:,&:"
ra ll lt th ' ''
\ -"in .4 - 1
le. \ P' .
tiVtltt a ,:i. and bde l tna=4.l* . .... 6.0. \
offered in th; ma 21drit are all net et tau ' e
nein*: 1:7/da, arta . 4 be et/d at ohs alma &staple _
detect. ~ liteoo ZOO., daeldonabte Batter* +— ,
- roll • \ corder Wood and Itifth stisatt :r
' la: ' : MG WYATT a CO.. \ \ .
, YOB. in 4A.LB 64 . 4.
`..‘ PE 11. .:. 'T 1,410V/E/ONS, ''', ' V;
% 42 1 5 .016111 D lifilcii", .', . \{v : .• ;- . '''l 3,4-
% \ BALTMOST..P. It . , -- , f,; - .A'E - ',l
akca to—to- . remtotaVectler atebenteltanl - %
.;;::...j. ,
Bezel a.nua em. F Bakatrx. Biltiaas,;. -- , *-`r
to;ptkel sul . `k. im " d. i"knPitte*!B:,.. ‘.:'',
} 1
Cambria 1r0nC0mpity.;!(,.:,,,...
iIIBS c aIriPTIONS to ;the Capital Stock .V
-,,. :...
,I, or tat.t...f.fia .at bo "1. 17 . 4 et Ches ag e lorZ.i"4:: ~
, n itui Toarateryrie•it ...'')',: ''':4
• ' ''''\ iallil Tuning:. .F r sT,,,AEß4lt 6 tritaxeit,i,ptiiii:,..t.t;:f,i„, !
. tme 1 CO, tom on 4 , rotelle.,ll.zo
nellA'Orta earl
~!..4 .::,,:
Ms enormt wales unroll th e sr, ,-
to Oro sillrfactlon to Mr ..Oter. ' , -1
t ' iNti g olgr .7 1 1,1. ,v g. i td . im. of 1iw..... •
i' - '47=l,i. 4 11 bioriar iitrier - r' to' ifr. draetot
still ma • tugeorieod roperrer of Plows. 8.114 tatted OW ~,,
nee o 'waren et we ran. to ter ontlev.tirtootin.. r, -Le
r ‘ retgametal bin ee art ebb tad..
_oneolro., \
tLeasewor,km.n,,, \
__, ~ \ .- . IL eLerkoeen, ;1
Way r.sealrant tan:Mime% or 4 Idr. Itlobtres lin . , _
' Act Stor• . 4 \ N\, -, , catiOrlaor . 1
• • Zami4d,WAttS \ & C •• •.•
•,111ER O.EAN T.• A 4 14 90;'•••\:r:
7.74. :38S .tatriSf Airrort
Bin ivenipt tliejr - Falt also, V,•,` , ,V•
11' , TrArt.r= " i:" " as rij r n a A t i it " /• P c dr. h ,„ A tt .. .;,'''\':
= ni.v=icn O..doerea and i• 44%
.. i lkL , lx .. .ak4 lass 44) \ 11: \ f04C.4 *
moll& of do lime dirks, .1114
th A t i =VlNO374=aa '' Vt&lTS" l
ao. 1... to ammo'Om. I bot an .Clothosoado;
brnaetuilte mpetior It,, .4 it moderato ark. - •
, ~ j ar Azatisbak\ \ '
yAla•inn.srea to engake Fitted or Pags.\-:1!, ~, \
gi.: s' il it Ms Sllastuno, 0 3=132494 ulna Ale n • .... N ~ \\ ,'" . 1; \ \ ~
°Mix IciatthsemkT tart hnuc- A ' ,1 , ,
. , Jeriza,„- :,' , , ~. 2t,e,s \
. , ~,s . ... tt. &mar.= t tmt aldha- , ---, \, . \
For San Franinsiro.- \ .\.-.' :. V ; ~, \' ,
't l ! i ritrET llP m er rPlek_ gi lE : Pli' ' 'll Z. ,'' ' '!, \
' ' 'Nen Ice...lowat than ...on., ear .\ ', .„,;,,.. . ''',
\ \
' ' : 21 . 11ttttinta aVairkiliitgaS:, '-'',. ~-: : ' lk ,
anbattx watild respoctfurly,loilitsr, k .... ...,,..
1rff,..... ek„....n. that h. h Autkr,! th. ..;,:. , .; \ ,V \
irtlia i rr= "t ar:= lt, " 'lll4. 4 essate, ~.. ' I 7
Wise, aDetn as p.. l yin or 4oint aagin ,sl /raoslaranArLautu,„:„. ._ ._ 1,..\ .: l . \,
t. merl e ; . h't . . ' 1... murex Fuze= -- t -r
,_ ‘' ~..'.
\ : •
'''... %. s. s k ooo ___..z.v . . ' \ - A •-•'-..-
T .0AN L
,%Flear of TazO, worttod, on ifro,aaA'k , \ . ‘ ~2,- ., . , '•,,,, •
aril. mazy liz a . ;4 ' ol . 7 S Wi "! .s- ,7- \\ • \ - •\\ -::
, rezi!kti ! ' •14 8 h . ma. Rub - - v•i \ ,
\ \
Evergnom, Shiut,ben't Att.
_, ';'' , s \ :' \ \.
pVTARP PEAR :TREES and other Frhit, - , , , :, \.\ ' ' , ' l , \
Tim. of all atemlplican. DIM . i Lbtrserfati
...\,, \ . !...., A \
gg= tritn a4". 4 l4' l h , " ag " 41731/T* =1•1 ~., .. ~ \ \ , '‘,
VI:: irt . a. ..47, a t=l:zwa .r 7_ ., \ .
:„. , k .
''''''''''4s7.lll2llllllo,7lZie=Ndps4. .\- S '
\ \ \ .:•
N'll—trli..."'Prkl..,"th" at a 1....... rnd4 M ' . \ \ ..
stand. as
.Haar of tho tuun carents roam= =, \ 4 t . b
\ 1
11EROITANT.TAILOR,18S14133ERTYAL \..; '., \ \ : -
\ -,
LtENTLEMBN'S Clothirtg muforiquaite*.. \-., .\ \ \. ~ -.1 .„ \ \
Y ,l iir=il"`"=== \`vr.i- , \ ! ' \ \! \ ~ '.
41 , ,,„„t,h0.dre.„1........ d r.mi ortnolo:.;:. - ,;);:! \ \ \ \ i , .
ern, ...noted esseeialls An Umlaute= Crag, - 4._ • , '. , \ N .,. if S ,
\ \\
' IV
.Iy\\ \ \ : '`,. „ '
. , 2 , , Nalco Comm ',.H00it0...,.•,.,,.. „
lIINE staisceber. have entered into: -
'tenthly under the dm atilt:Nl/UMW a.
for the treototetlon one Comalselort bush:ma In .-".
awe, Cotton aod Prod . purr llr. -ham tibia ,
Tillrtb.l2lll. No. I=. betith's ,Whatk w ol o tt i lmAd i 1 ::••--, 't•
''..:, ' ' - •':', A \r P PlittlAFAZ:e- .f :i. , •.•
\ :,. anizarEClta
V , floe , T ookllto A C04 , ,,8.i11i , 0ra . 7 -,`':....- \ ........:...-, ', ..... -,
\ i. 4 4741%7 0 '4 V \ . : „
.i - .,:',:.::
- XVI`Jb .
r.'''Ar4ta? `'.111 2 i, 14- ' , .• ‘,. .'
liut. w AT,. a," \, . • . s -• . 5 .. ..•\,
Kb.t. a Ozio_baßaid;royert e _,.., .., .
_, ..-- A•,., , •
Jolla Croloh. Lao-moon. .-- u......' . : r , :.:.-•,,,,,.,.. ,- 1
Ez2...„,,,Atip,.._.=4:- ,„...1.- \. ~. ~ ., ,, , ,,N :A;
i cw . - zi \ do , ... do . \ -,..,_: . ..-_, ~.\ • •
Jame XeCu ll oorb. Pitteturebd-" ,•.7 .- : '..'. ',7. 1 '..." ',':•:.• .•\... . \
•flteoda a 1* e... • ..,• : , •' - --t•-' ,
, : ., , •• .:
, •%*.x....i- Culla N. Weibrn . I••4 lii•ibit:' , :\ : ' , :`:; , X, - ,. - •
. - Sutiriftr Co '', ''''*iil".,..".2:-,LL i'.%,t.-':
J°4 M1**•,•&11=13-213.•
. ' A 'T j.A.L'. N.. Odom. . • - o4141E•1•16 f :'2 ,. \:t
. . '... . . NEW, GOODS: .i.- 1., ",...
_....'.:t .' :, -,;;,„•.-' - .
DIGBY,.bep to latoisit
F,1% enttootersj.thei be le recehtnaltie \
TALL alio wmgmotis. udaudiu miar .....1„ . ...„,...,...,
177• thi ' z .L t it beths atterriArmetettle mt I tlr -.4.4 1 . 2 gre;;• 2 .':''....•
ruler, ud Omer= of Mil 11274 gad patemuf at.6W ear •'', 4 . \ t
itern and Yeetht oe , or 111 sup:rtorzelltrlotbse
ttloM Pr etrlble h 'il I l arorl i ttet l itth att' 4:. . 6: - ''' - :,',',-, 2 ,1'..,•-•
r..lll:4J.bli'graDy . 42 ,MrLd270•12..tb• _ e-•: - - ••
all at itch rill be offered st.the very kareettoddea la-d • - •''., • '•- ,
Contest-tom Col:rater Ileribiab, and all iebaotrt.ll4i-,•;- ,, ;‘,- L. , •••• '
ke r e. trill Lod It much to then and to exaattaa \ ... "
eh. norX before onzehart hs . all Mil .41 turn Ti'4 , 4!.. , ',.\ --.‘ :' ' .
' 1.4 "'''' ' ':' '' tii tie .
Jtevri utirle In the Talla Id%
, llsynimde te esd• , :.— . ,.••t -'. • •
mod foehketable stile at tie reettea,, l ',.. , 4,- , -,
A fleet rata Waxman treated etetr " "-'s Mat t
erne. and
'Moots, freohirOptirtedi% , 4.;l ! ::-.., ..,
nviduitd, T•Upa. Cepeal, ar.olidvps. 1.T,1141,;:..N..,
erces t and other Mower Raga Mr salL•putuag., •
ed la O. olden Atm btrartPest Tree& to,?dirb.
.'- , "4., - ...• ' t,.-
riot?: ironetfiDitlrott n etravil f f .r ; •`, t,..,, ••• ‘
detk o seve. aolt .. Elhoi= 3 l
,tee=tl i k m . i ....!! :...
•: - . • 1
straw 114 net aziHat.NA 2 OMM, --,;-.", i •
'`., \ No.' 2115' 2iLiiictiiStAconir.''''l , ,::- -'-'l.'
ftII. 'PA 14 TA.Offers 6r isle,. al.'veri”,,7) .
• tonor , iriceit a 11;T atkettegrot Opll t ar i szA 31312,..ther. „.t. ,
9Wr il lrLia Vo ~ll oshAmtrA ll tsa t t; a aATI '-'..'-`.' ,• ,'
' M &d Mdatrienffira Hayer
lteest;•7;4:-,'.: , ; ::. .
td:4 "Miw•l b6 ‘ 44l4.Btr '"XoDierdlltAt i 4 , \• , :-7 : '
.tvgwowt ma
~ ,a......i.aaae.f.aldsautaaaata p . , ,,
an,,G.a.aaactaav i r,
L.4=9-Phrk sad scared 11, .24 . 4011,.. ra \ ,
°TardrgirNisa !' ft4mm i llms *: '. '---:-''' •
itl.7.atV.36.4ll4autti.i.lbstiliiaiie; .
1 rgr vc., , ,V4ltia •ND...1.477321-91§U.:. ittEr , s , ~
Ilea tiro. dea,...%.,P1ar0rt.114 oa r . . , " rod . , . , \
ittttelletts Id 4 Wont . 7 i ,,- " , :A . l -.7 , , ,, r . .:
Au— law xd0ki1,..414.pri1w,,1.e...;..'.
I " i* ' -
" sad kl
"A PAtiii i \ iiiA.,
Q LALERATIIA-32 bb1. 7 40 \ I +-x
1r 61 dg
la r....i. by .. \ I.c. Z.l •• ' ',f , C i a '4,
TINY APPLE.9SO imette4-402 , .81 1 1 0.14:.: r 1..., \ .
LP dee =4 , _ \ • ..': - 'lllornTA Q 3 / 41 : 0 L •'. -• -.7
. - Iti oLessz*,igo Tbbie. , ACWV4*.p/apPlr'AZ.,:i•',: .
i' V fe. 3ll", ‘" la-g r , . "l" AeCo;',.:l' '''•.-'''-'
. •
Oa iii.etTerapiV - ;
vatz; tax.. \
HolidaY\ Preseas e . At'
CIENTLICIdErS Dtessuig A0404'
IL/4.mM and Preach Toad BattleV,lg=tail,;.,,:i
1),..5. Macy Yorm•Cat Pasirat..
Wat.rtollas, Zing Patna/tr. ..thantzusilawnwfteWzr,'.'.
I.ed br ROMLEM.,
DEFINED BUGAB , B-60A:bblciamum 3
tiut ...11102;atialse x fi lt o i gv..
7 .6" \'•
_ _ _
-\ \