The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 08, 1853, Image 3

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    nomt..-MA ' ERS.
• , Neissii, et. al. vs, pedjey hateettred.,itit
too verdict had been" retuned; when Come
A: Poiria eiim.finrge Simla No. 625;1a17
18112 0850.:- - Defambit coafessed judgment :
,favet ofilhdattlflor $118,19.
,Robent Walker vs. Jeremiah Allen, and John neah, Esecutors of there state of deaths Her.
• eon, Het 181, No. 873, Jai y term, 1660. Woods
far &IMO!, Idoniscas*ad Arthurs for ?deed
; lat. Utica to recover damages for attending Ms
, farm of defendant and making repaini upon. it.
The ease mar not eariop24e4 shun the Court mi
1, lounud. • ' . •
Cocit'or Queens' : ezastoes.—Ths cue of
Thodme Smith - was ionainded y; the
speeches of counsel 'occupying almost 'the en
moredig. The Jet, retired shone half put
demo. About twelve o'clock they came lido
Court, unable to apes", and were discharged
• They stood six to ell..
Commonwealth va. William and Samuel Tay
lor. Indictment riot, toe oath of John Gordon.
Theoffenoe with whieh they were shamed co
caned in the latter part of Aurae . in the dth
Ward. They ere indicted together with Qoin,
who Janda =demob* an imprisament in
War Mrs Tultantiary, for the CAM of man
. etter, bat °anemone of his trial for that
alu offeur, ha wee not tried on the charge of riot.
They Teri found guilty. •
His Hour sentenced Samuel Taylor to two
Months Imprisonment In the comity fait Wit- ,
Dam Taylor, was remanded to prison to await hie
tidal far' P 0 42 ,7. oe Indictment for which is
now pending 'pima bine
-'ledge IfoOlcurelhen'disoliarged the jury from
fitetitar Osmium at Court, until Monday. The
rest of the day wu taken op with -Orphans'
Coln-thulium. and the sentencing of pawners.
WW.lata Irwin , sontloted of two adults and
batterlea and a riot, was sentenced to twelve
- - month's imprisonment tit the Pultentlary.
Amu Nesbitt was called before the Court to
moan suttees for the larceny of a watch, the
ptopertyofhla, of which he was
fated guilty -Ate! dire ago. From the good
duirsetertho prisoner had always' preeloualy
• ettsmin4eke Court felt disposed to glee the
• Beane muoishotes4'which wu imprisonment
is the Penitentiary for one year and three
months. JecignycOlune recommended him to
. apply for pardchetotba Governor. • •
Samuel Neuedly, 'stun lad,oonvicted of
cmy, was sentenned to oat year and ens
nrantluf imprisonment in the Penitentiary. His
. Hour sosompanied di 'cacaos with some kind
• remarks, ableh seemed'to hue a good effect on
Joitsiitwle andNeary Smith, convicted of
the larceny of 26 ants end oboe of Cigars, were
oietucedto dve dajk imprisonment in the Jail.
Tim Corot, hating no other business before it,
adjourned lista to day-:
Mamma. 'Assootemos:On Tuesday' night.
lent, et'a regular meeting of the Allegheny
County Medial Satiety. -the following officers
were dieted for the ensuing year:
Pruidemt—Dr. Geo:lv-Bruce.
Vbie Presidents—DM P. B. Mowry, Charles.
ndinglsoretty—Dr. 3. J. s i bgEactstaties—Dr. Chu. P. MLn•
- . J. W. Online •
; Catsom—Dri. J. Brooks, H. B. Mowry, lad
p.. =ton. '
taminealln. J. P. °lmam, B.
Boydar,end A. M. Pollook.
• Delegate to the Nationel Conyentloo—Drs: .
Jos,P,lastam, It. B. Mowry, A. M. Pollock,
• Goo; D. Brune, and J. T. Myers.
..Del4atee .to the State Bociety,Des. 'John
Jelekson, Wee M. • Grey. John Pollock, John
. Wilson, T.- J. Gallaher,' P. Shaw, Dan'l Mo
. Meal, Wm M. Harm, Charles P. Williams and
Ausemierr Meta Wean Norentenons.-Deloir
ere glee dui Whig Ward nominations In Allegheny
s- City.
Poe Illayorlbehert W. Park. -
. 1 " Dirmitirsof thikPoor l -Ju. 8: Graham, three
rum Thames Parlig,kwo years.
Hiiiii-JoheAtirell, S. C;-William O.
Stockton, Er.".P. Johns*, D. W. Smithand Jno.
. A. Scott, Philip Wit.
thine years; Jai lirCaadien, one year.,
it* of Elecitioir-U. Morrison.
Inspeotor.-4anter Hittt
Anami-. John Dyer.
*Constable-Thionas Boyd,
&Mai Ward-Roberi Aeliverth, c. ; sous
M'Estiedit, Cipt.Mllliam Martin, - JamenCtianr.
ben. John BPParlial., O. C. - -
• School Dim - tors-HI L Bollman, :UM qa-
My, three yearn; Thum, 'll'Onnell, ono year.
Assinaimijohnikaiissy. ' .
../ndgs of Ileistions-11. Velma . ,
lup i flmlih.
TdW Ward '.-,jsones Miller, 8. 0.; Woo. Boyd,
Catnot Hang e - Jamea Ea an, Art hur. Hobson,
SchoolDiiaolara=Dr. B. D. Mowry. 'William
...'iliallterk-ikres years; John B. Bandenca, one
Judge of Ilsotlons-John 11. Sift.
d ospector=John
411411110 T-A; O. AluMenda.
Constable...lfichatil :Krebs.
Word-Williiizi 8. Illuell,' S. CL; Jas.
Prole, jr. ?Joseph Craig, James Porter, Andrew
Davidson, O. ' • •
Bohol Dirembire-Joslah Eing, Iln. John T.
OefEleollons-4.D. C. Stockton.
..mapsetar-Alszandes Cameron. ,
Asentor-lemmi Graham.
;Constable= -A. ifentkomery.. .
The aiumal intwellogof the Allegheny County
Agrindturel told en It'edess
- day 0.10 *clock, in the Court House, forth.
election *fatten sad the transaction of btu'.
Wm. /lulls Br., of Manoltater, was ailed to
the Char, *and James K. Kennedy appointed
Ca motion of Mr. Miller of Snowden townsidp,
liontasittee etathiWing of Maus. Miller, Way,
mud rastg, was appended for the` purpose of
sontnintiog stinted oilcan
'Rohm Megllightt-gol., tad a charter for the
- fthonty; of width it , te Wended to procure
, sloe &stag the present elision of the
Wieser use, end -annoituted that
• ; -
thellainßreiterFentrud, late President of that
iiitolaYe las no : more Oen. L. proceeded to
,comment epos the soy which they, in common
;With the entire etunanthity had sustained, and
• painted .[4 Warne taloa the Madan= of heart
'end many edetnes of tip deemed. Hi was the
_weed eamadentiouslll/1/1 the easker.lud ever
k• nown„and as an Wawa of that oonitdeationte.
seeut he:eland oo wide&
Judge, Forward kept , his moment with Mae,
and seer after the pangs of the act known as
the wadi note law, he had refued to have soy
thinned* with notes ofesmaller denomination
Ikea that brerided foils the bill.
H nth - tads lb* VW
• not w to aprese whic h
Ultra his admiration of,the many meld*
q• ualities - of ilud gust sal• good nue* . who had
• Plitiad 11 1 r. teitng /I 11/14111 their society
i which Would utter tt Alled.
, CiensralL.coneindialiby offering the following
rescdutiona, 'Mak west eeeonded by John Ida ,
dub. Jr., of Babies tointald . p, ind adopted
Wasenan, It ha pleseedDisineProvidenth to
return from oho Hon. Halter Forward,
the EneltPresident of this Society,
Booti4d, That we hereby pleas on read our
- esteem for Idolise anteda, our appreciation of the
nine if hie contributigos as • =caber of our as
; sociathen;tedone sincere grief that his mainl
and brilliant Career arson our 'filbow-mea, ku
Shit aoopy, of ate thou resolutions
• bepresented by tide itholay to the family of the
dsomalde sad that they be published In the city
the motto:, Ileum.' McKnight, Kelly and
Sport, true appointed a committee , to procure
: the pangs of asnitable charter fa the Bodily.
The members prouteded to mark for the nil
, '. one candidata, with the fallowieg undue,
President.—ltUllam Martin, Sr.
Vire Preabienbe-Ced.J , 113Cabe.
• - ; ; :tea--Ba.Ww. Lerima, '
Meeading Beettent4....A. B. listthetrau.
sloweepanding Becratgf--datnes B. Ntit lo 7-
thead of Managers--David Boyd, Bob'. Mo.
HuittWßeejsocin Kelley, Jams : Young, Jr., J.
IL foster, JcorialtKing, J. B. hielradden, G. W.
?nu, A. Spas, Pl A. Way,Jobn .11101thiry,
Mere.' Baer, (Robinson town
. Bums, Henry' Ingham, John
Mr. •hiattin, the rasident elect, Me and
thanked the Society for the honor which they
-U. Idelisight, 800 babel! ,of the "auditing
eronwittu, stated that there was a bolus* of
autos to the treastu7. ,
After some returke on the propriety of 0411*
Wafts Ufs 1011131b$M the aolety adjourned,
t titian& hang say action
jouribti lthe lit i r th d ou lt=r t i g i
wi th;
t titt a l:R a n .
.p , Faidt. basvy. . -
of Go IlitaiTtrigr . cf
• ;-.?thi,ilante at. Nn Weak •11 . trond Pitriktia
• % .: ; C isa callikt torkelariof Jsauu7," Ida 'be per !
L',, ,,, lttselialtron aid Wood, the pop
damm* ill mike their tat a 1111111011
. Moileker. Go- popular caissalo,
14 1[1441 4U V 4l=7 11'
-11111 4t7
• !,1b Nato . be 1131 U44-'
blurt= or Mrs BOARD C 7 daxaotes.=-The
li o aid o flf ol y ogno jof IRO ABORRORY OCSAIII,I
lerfeitiewtat Beilelyoui 31re: Littler' turas, ,
First Ward, Plushao4 on 11 , 01.1 A , * 1, ercbg. I
Jlnweryitk ~
Mr, lifelfsight, as behalf of the entitling eara
"take, muted that the 2 batman in theirea-
Mary sunourited tolne , t 4644.
Ow mattesthe report eras acuptsd And the'
usinnittee adage& -
IS. lifcaniabt, Erg:, mind thp atrarrian of th e
Board to the draft of an set which hi hed pre- lo
paled, - for the: protection of the gad= and
ivult'frmi of ihe eiduns of Allegheny county,
irblehanstain so much damage everyyear, owlet
to the inennions of idle sad malicious young
men and boys
After anent ingestion', it was resolved
that the members of the Legislature, from Al.
leghmy munity, be requested to use their most
strenuous exertions to procure the passage of
each a bill
The committee on farms, consisting of Join
Mud,* Jr., Captain John Young, Jr., Beads
men Xedy and J. hi. & Boodgreas, reported
that the farm of Paul A. Way, Beg., of Ohio
township, was the best which they'had examin
ed, mid deserved the tint minium, "ditch wu,
on Motion, awarded to it.
Oa, motion, Mews. Murdoch, McKnight and
Speer, were appointed a committee to revise the
charter pulled by the Legislation, but not ac
cepted by the Society.
.On auction, Memrs. Way, Kelly, Snodgrass
and Miller, were appolnted a cononettee to
nominate alum.
Oa motion , the th anks of the Board et Ilan-
IPSO were tendered to Mrs. Little for her hos
After the transaction of some misty Detest
badness; the Board adjourned.
J. E. McOABB, Ch'n.
J. S. ITransor, Boo'y. •
The report of Mr. Way, desorning his mode
of managing Me farm, shall ix. limn In oar
Drumm —Alexander Hay, 1n s card inyes
terday for
Enterprite,,declines the nom
ination for Judge of the election, In the Pint
Ward, Allegheny, on the Oitizen'a Ticket, form
ed soma week or two ego. Be cosign tui a rea
son that he is. Whig, and pledged to support
the nomination of that party.
BruovaL.—Mrs: - IL E. Robinson, our readers
Will learn by her iduntiscocent, has reciured
hir old and well known lifilllnery establishment
from St, Clair. strut to No.lo2:Foonth street,
to the store lately *wooled by Aim Bern. Bhe
has Inprilled hentelt with all the latest styles of
fancy millinory . goods, &0., Mi.
TEI HOPE COME neroar.--The Hope Cot
ton Faotory. 'which has not been in operation
alnos last/ ue, hao commerical operations again.
Pos.lcs Nawc—Nothlog at al Is doing iu thlo
line; ezoept•cuee of &linkmen and vagrauoy..
ACCIDIIIi. —A flaw ou the force pump eon
nemed with' the 'team engine In }lntel print
ing establisbonot, Mew off yesterday morning,
isjartng a man nma M'Cone aererely, though
not dangerously. '
Forerun AID roman Commit= Mom.—
Minorco A.-Johnston mu committed to jailyes
taday, in &fault of bail, by Aldonnan Thomp..
eon, for forging and puling counterfeit money.
The impala Pluto Fortes, a large oolleollon
of valuable' medloal books , aratmoical plates,
&a, will be, sold -this toning at Davis' anotloa
.71111 CIT{ZIXIS TICILIT."-4110)01:131:114 meet
ing of those favorable to the “Independent
sees Ticket," was held last evening In Gherst'a
Emil It was organized by calling James M.
Canister to the chair, and appointing A. M.
Bans, Esq., Secretary. Addresses were della
ered by Jacob Shiner. Esq., the candidate for
the Mayoralty, and Messrs. H. Stems, Joe. S.
Chambers, and Wm. MoGUL Esq. James L.
-Graham, for 3 years, and Thomas Parley, for 2
yursl were nominated byacciamation for Moo
tars of the Posr. •
MItELVY & BLAIEEt have associated
elth Maga THOMAS 13. BLAIR. SU bashom will
tlnstal =oder Os bin AI'AILTY BLAIR&
Good Hews for the Ladies!
ee to Wood to 11.1.1t-Prioa—tbls goo a:tido for auk
log JUN& gtowtStoPOlog lts Milog di; MOWS scurf
drossiag hanb.."01.., dr: hair bosuarour.
NU tor 2b sad 10 onsts—tbo mats slums/ want ftgaTly .
pold at DO routs sod sl—so ba t hs Isaias as UAO
It Is nitirrnollr 51301•04 t good Miss towilt tor
tbablalr. bell at Clittß Chablog_gtoro, tloroutrir
(sumo as tho oot;') moor of Wood gag Walt,
Melts, Pittsburgh. ,
rOle.—Thli Uely , Mae allele. for chess ate Dl.
mem Xsaytlartm k. to reduce:lto this prlmoo Ilat
idz i zzl i t: man.. 1 1 1 allow ?1,1 White
Ihme i5k6 11 47. 4 ,* mnd. ter
Matte In the fltmmerr. It le emellleat [mums. roll
et MIIBBLZT. Olothhortorm. (formerly
a the
boat.") mum of woca sag Liberty stream Mu,
—Pri lierinhigAr laalgriVs. ""x l . br
de rim the Ufa ahas Ilte , lke whiteners said awe not
Were Sae 01111131.115 Clattcl Stem (lbenwely
aeons an the • .itts Ecutnjectste: et aw
Weal end Watt
streets, iltteburgtt.
/3 ' 161V11 nips. Mon. (lonsuror ths "Irls boet,..).Stnee
p 0
Wad .3 Jabal, otnnits. liztaburgb. dooltaitsl7
-1000 bur 1n1=41141 1 / 1 1211044.4.
40•4641:62t 11.
• • 60 tom 1161•44124.
lb JAW.' Ilugar.
bb/s.ll. 1114164666.
140 bongs laktllatt.
60 ht..
50 MAW 0 L
b bl. Moyer .
4 WO. prime mil Saturn
• 2 ba/44 ieb444 Palls
- • • - 2 -•• aw Tam reed 4511 be oda 64 •
defy • J 0411113.21.1)
- 6616 ZinrChialw 11.61.666,666 . 6r69.
, • "Wax
J. . 61.1,61656 br • 0 6LBIRTJOS
i1:L1300)0,41in reepired—
Bata . iamt2t. flee Illatkvext's Uvulae_
orrnal asit OnterpostLa, al Etna. *Om.
WWI , Jolta
_Mt miry :ge Tan's Inar . ke
, I.3tory Liao au tto =la
'Barman' • Meal* [Mut Wad. Blow; Wee 0 mats .•
autaber. at f 3 • yaw Ito at
cinnicarn co.: • .
AHD - 27 bble. and 3 begs 20.1, raced
Bank of Pittobnigh.
Shares wanted, for which we
metro& Wen
-F rwilDal. !Ugh orko. if fornWbbo f /LICISS t wits the pot
- Cliff Stack
IUtrANTED, at 75 Fourth atreeL
I/ don ♦ WILK MB a 00.
Bight Checks on Cincinnati •
CONSTANTLY for sale in any amount
ae Nouroll""t- •WILKINS W.
Oartant*Jelli. Rarptani
Groan than Ptraarberr/
- Duman Mad. beiri
Wanes - uarsaa . nt . da.
PI. Annie
t.n W./ Prßa and gdaeajan,Undlervocal
a Co.. Boma; kw Bala II •IV • 0 0 ,
del9 coma limed and alath Amts.
UNDER.WOOI)I3 Pickles, put np in gallon
galka. caart %
. sad Diat Sa jaa.
O•rlos. nt:. •
Pleall.r. . ~.' , Crass.
SO bats NU. &DO. Jatt ne'd,am Is igal• trt the dom.
s' Mal. br ~ ldea I LI .
THE American Almanac and Repoiocry
es crew acclrierre. for w u te69 ~
do - -
litatiaorr, •
- 10' Wcod st. Wyoa id, end {Lb .to.
re _li t tiP *44
a Z . Tea
6 ?
b o L sou B¢ua. .
keg pecked .
1 bbl. Ass& Seel far sae
, d l a WKS. a fPULAD
• Hew
virAn. for the Wagon.
Okl•SCSki Man.
amptaro Soca.
Saha Polka—with coarall lamas of Salta.
Oh.„Soye i wry Me NMI, •
Mal Ps Yam. •
" Walesa au frauds day youth.
r t t.M g Ag . deartad.
Sanaa ah 6 Salsa by II:ni:boa.
lade Del by Sternbach. •
Ji• iratchfa
• Rated als alZry
lllth dl ta bliatticarn walla.. Dna , Warn
rocurerna. am said and ag rnal•
- .lolla MILWErn.
taaIII Wood mad.
1MP:318-700 drama feast' Smyrna Figs, Oa
.reaeana.etd bra* b 7
LOT. J C f imperil)
.m4m404 p i , .2..0 old' Rye Whiekey on
ACU Imam, •
1 .._ESIONB —5 bze. is prime order, reo'd by
I a ads IR A 11ic01.1780 & CO.
p,r3 AltyrtßrOtMfrki•rr,rrry
Ar4HEESZ-500 boxes cream oiiiting for
su for ..I•tr7 tde26l II II COLLIS'S.
IFINIONS-34 - bbls. time Onions, in store
.411.8.3. by • . , 11X.41. 14001:1 1.
ids No.IP OM% 44.4 4.
- - -
BUTrial.-7,,bbls. orioles Bon. for sato by
wan 3-41) bluihels small Whits Bums,
Slniale by , (dall J. a IL PLOT J.
YPLNSI-2 cub Dried Apples. noelved l
4 r4 25 aria."' vox xorsmoarr * mussily.
l- ' ibe JaiW7./115% .
so soy.: . /.4:dosssa Women . sr maw usaao
lIVI • Mr Ilium tr i. lial. S t ig i redji MI.
Stranakelli Ufa. fratinfiritaa :
Varervilrrom b ala
""' ''
- • No TO VOW Mat.
1 .'“'.. ; 117. ;:lriaxiirts - 6:4ii4:1. I
itomm.7-22ks Ewalt - palatial et: - reentlathie to •
eke - ten over to litomfax.ho order to Weed tho
tneegoretion of the Attica erettatesetttloor;
- •
Thirty-fens .prlysto bills true passed, task;
.dag ova rellaquisblng to Obio, the asdnisbad
Pan of the .Comberland road to Slat Bate.—
The Hausa then .adjommild:
Ma Banat' W111.11.0t In session today.
Humana, Jan. 7.
Mr. Duels read in place a bill to authorize
the Little Raw . Mill Railroad Company to bor
row money. which on motion vu taken up and
pseud the Senate.
No buoinese of importance was done in either
Both Bonen adjourned over %nail Monday on
account of the Eighth of /unary.
Barron, Jan. 7.
Gen. Place and lady are now at the house of
John Aiken, of Andover. ther nealred
Much physical Injury, Om, however,
prostrated with grief at the lost. hie son. Mr.
Newell, of Catibridge, is badly lojored, Nadeau! ,
not recover.
The Inangnratlen of the Jackson Btetne to
morrow pro:deal° be an Imposhi spectacle:—
The President has directed all tseineas to be
inispetuipi In the Executive deput2sents Both
bonen of Ceogress have sdjoutnet to at ad It.
Several milltary companies have !arri from
Baltimore, end many strangers fret" a
Lomentha, Jan. 7. ,
The John almonds collapsed her does, four
boilers blowing out their aft heads. No pann
iers were bort nor scalded. ,581. s firemen are
The boat was towed to Albany, by the
steamer Falcon.
Nair Your, Jan. 7.
There was no elgn of the steamer Halifax at
Gen. Plane and wife are still at Andover. It
N believed the fonend of their son will take
pima to-morrow at Contord.
Barstuonz, Jan. 7.
The Maryland Leglidattiraine fully organized
on Thursday.; The menage of the Governor
Was read. It regret/eats the finances of the
State in a preeperons condition. The surplus
revenue of the year is $543,000, after paying
$677,000 of the current interest. The Governor
eettmatrn the annual revenue for the coating
year at one million and i half dolbss, with re
duced expenditures under the biennial eysten•
Pour mails are through' from New Orleans,
with dates as late as due. Dates frowthe city
of Malec to the 14th nit. stets that the revolt'.
Woe was still raging; and &ministerial crisis had
!taken, plan in relation to. the resignation. of.
;Mutes. The Eliglio Nays MU generally believed
that the resignation of Senior ranee willehanp
the polloy of the Government on Ake Tabun
tepee question, ramseitating the Railings Com
pany, spanlah acclamations agreeing to all kinds
of abuses, and aleo in • other affairs. The ene
mies of Vanes have erected his removal, be,:
cause his honesty and patriotism presented an
obstacle to their iniquitous designs.
The pranunniameato at Vera ern' was not
confirmed by any subsequent demonstration.
Oa the 4th of December an earthquake was
felt at Mexico Puebla, and Jalapa.. No ,dam
age of import ance malted.
The San Louis Potosi papers contain an adver
tisement of Reury_Elay, offering a reward of
$5OO to any one that will sire exactfinformation
as to the whereabouts of the silver mines in Rio
Verde, owned by Dr. Gardiner. and $5OO more
to any one that will show, In the ante district.
the quicksilver mine pretended to be owned by
Dr, Mears. ,
Gem Harney mired standln and took com
mand of the Bthantlitarydepartammt, In the str
.of o,en. Smith.
The eottOn crops of Texas will doable that of
last year. .
William C. Stone, of Midst°, York, shot
himself at Galveston, on the 23d ult.
New Yoxx, Jan. 7.:=Cotton, sales 1250 balu;
market arm. Sales 60 bags toffee, Mo. at 91,
dull. Bidet 23 been, Hamm sum at 61, dull.
Bales 120 barrels molasses, N. 0., at 21..8nn;
miles 400 Dbl. pork, IrreDlar; calm 200 bbla
beef mess at $18.16013.50; Primo MO
inn but Aulet at 819e$2.0;ealea 200 . beat hams
7f€481; Wet 600 hams at 10}®11e par lb.
Bnoolurs 8, steady. Balm 250 6Na:11126V
®l2; easier. Better dsooplog at 16
8a 10.
Bala 6.000 bbla. State Floor
hasten. 66, ®
Oblo 65,02 , (R, *6,76, 8a1m 1,600
bushels Wheat, firm. Bales 20,000 bushels Corn,
mixed at 76, easlir. •
Cuecramtu, han. 7—Evegsg...— lour to de.
mend at $4,40e4,45, with sake 1200 obis. Oxen
sales 1500 bushel' at 30; a decline owing to M
aimed roesints. Whliksy 'levy dollat 1111 a.
194, the market elated dull. at the farmer rate.
Cheese doll. Butter less MSc*, owing to In.
creased reaciptm good roll 20621; peaked 18619:
Sugar gem at Stec In good demand. Molasses:
tales 400 Ibis at 28it29; firm, with good demand.
Clovinied dull at 05,6015.70 .Nothiug doing
in provisions, except Wes 10,000'pleees sides In
bulk, deliverable at Ifsdisin; pries *not made
public: priaee unchanged from yesterday. Hogs
$546,40; in good demand. The elver has fallen
two feet.
Pnunnitulcu,, Jan. 7.
Cotton firm. Clovesseed In demand; Bales
1000 btabels at $6. Flour. Oaks 1000 bbls.
standud breads at $6,60. Corn Weal $8,60.
Grain: Wheat In fair demand: Sales 6000 bbl,
at $1.18@51,20 for good and prime red, and
$1051,25 for white. Corn scarce, and good
yellow worth 66 ; whits 62.- Oats In demand ;
Sales 8000 bushels; Southern and P 008 1 71148111
at 45. Whiskey unchanged; Barrels 26(261.
Anatomic' Plates at /mann.
ON Saturday aliening, Bth instant, at 7
ILIF o'clock at the Occaccurrelsl Bala Rooms, comer at
*oat sad /Ina BM. will Ca sold
I at II /Isabelita Pleas. &hot Its 241natattleal Alias
attar hum= body. in Its anal miss; SI tables at Ds. II
J lusher, with ass; Landon edition.
KlUan'a d.. ••• .al ;IN, IS olatas,with
PISDLI IS. Joactlansas.
t f
O• N Satuiday caning, Bth instant at 61.2
o'clock. at th. CbauntycL•l at.. room, sonar of
Wool and PM stwta, bald
• whoa:noel of valuable standard Unita.] Works: alao.•
lazire•tock of asoellancon• Boolfs.
Jd P BI DAVIE. /Luc/looter.
finpepor Piano Fortes at Auction.
N Saturday evening., January Bth at 8
lllo'c at to Co mmerciat Palm to,
coma of
th vta.,arill be wid—
th. coperlor Nootav• Mao Port, t 0100414 ftoacarceil
ca. -
Ou• alcond halal Mot Poste, octavo. Woe, will
Da7l P][ Da Vle,.loeaoo..r.
ilzWa •ot Twenty One Cues Dry
Goods, Ten Bales Flannels and
Bankets at /maim
Monday, .Taeid'ity and Wednesday
(y .aissaing r a January , 10. 11 and Mat 11/o'clock. at
the rel.,
rooms, owner or Wood and /1111, strew. Wilt be
sold a large and eatandrs
j ot of Dab and meaty
able Dry donde. which barebeen maned from
nat.= Jobbas and blenutecturerc
ZOt mar. on moor French am! knalleb MO; mated
colon. Caszmaret;
locoalm Platbattn' Tweeds Oen •
tacky and Wm e Peterabam Oostlasr. Beast
Olathe - not m ien zed Yhtebloce I.Bo.lage; Linsey.:
Colored Camtnien gals m ews. Lancaster mad
DClUltrt. Ulegbune Prima Pahmens, De Law 3:e.
bar , g.: Alf !scan Oil Cblatm Pompo n ipecac
od h Vajliare: "4 ,ll4l . t7 I P l r a t t i gafgitll .ll' l2:=
Cottons, /3taart!. Thread; bilk Clavats; Ms: nee/lon a.
imlend'd enactment of .1 - niteni, Ozabrocre. bro:
ohs and ' Wool animist Day Otate lens 811.011; Snaps
bleached klusllng 7 Wee 3 allow. n d and enlle.lm
tailled and ma Ylaznele Cantout 8 to as 8 bollyr.
Blanket.: naktner. bbltting 81s1pan Comet heat Winn
pleb Lt..; Clean Dl.grc Llren Table ClotbnCamblo
and 8110 Web:, Bc.
Tenna—Thne moatea on sum am 8100 Or approved
endorsed tePer. Hen P DAVIS. /art y.
Paws in St. retaes Church at Auction.
ON Tuesday morning. January 11th. at
10 o'clock. tua seEnd male of PEE In that bsaullful
Murat Eli MU Owe en the nrentema comet of 0 rant
and Dianduarl Omuta Terms stmts.
Jac. P. X. DAVIS. L.P..
-,CLL pentane interested will please take
/X. sales th.t r Ws systiki toss. Der.,lisags Bank et
.i.lbursh. P.. Dir flusliests (wittlessis is WM* of
C•rtiteasts numbs. liroliondr-0 off i% )dstsi
111 of Assust, 154. tor Aro &aro tr. 81=0.
Wound bi mo.or odd Book. ona loot or mislaid.
Stock far Sale.
FEW 'Shares of Stook in The Little Saw
7 1,Vg:, of . San
.eerie su G Wlst la Its valuable
Istbtossalsnt sos repttsstso to ball at N Clistismsses,4t.b
amore _ibis Is tbs ofputnally. WI boas 1.4 i be
d'" irlt. DP4. Proodivat:
ao bunlo Newtown sad Yam Plpsdas.
SD • Omni:lg mut itask.s. •
" aososnlviOn nor. Sta , sai• y
• ala 24 JLIIES • 11.E.Pflat Nall Wand!
- dam
bus. all white on haad,tur
• ' VON soustwum 1 INIIIRPnV.
VIIESTNIITS-3Q.tos. just rea'd awl for
N.) .s.l• iv • _ • . J,
'• 4.30 Mat) stmt.
1 BATHER BELTING—Gnat real film
A ttio manatact imm.P .4 , 41 &Pinata,. SIM, Cons;
dock of oat Untold I:totting., Plibeti Will shwa.
A t,. 1 74 91 . 4 Bwrqt•
d k .Ul LI catiaa, tf0.116 liszketErest.
Quoeit-sr) Mb. prime N. 0., new crop,
1,7 Irk sten and far Al a
dalti J‘nEl A 1117f01115015 CO.
ALERATU3-32 bble-.44) boxes, prime;
Parries - idea 29 a I 9 OOLVNL
tII3Y APPLES-. 40 s a e by
53. unsay n oaumn3.
• ES-100 bbla, new crop plants
-01,4'412 4 " . lirorflarioanom tco.
• Como Pit - ENENi Nam.
• --- NttabrisNeolug;totntsEKlKUEL
i fbe vost.bernotard IWO; N,01; 1 1 05150 . , "
• asondlinay dull. - itiagils "Nirisli NONNI In
007 leen axEcloef trona. Ti - nlsyrniatreros flbrim
rairon for • ton daysynat:, ' • ' • -L
FLOUR—lulu oflCO Mu a. Eat M2a:l*NX% ,1: 1 3 0 *
to at $1.111510 dodo 0.54.117; TA do at MEE 5000 cow*
az**. a 5 E 3 do a Er= *tore. at Wo.''YeryEt
tM arriviax. •
BULK melt-11 lot of 103.030 la box noßadookl ae
53, - . WU. otber min faxantsd. -
GROCE II I2I-8413131Lis without Asap. Boar
br tna 1110. as In quality. NW 50 bblo
mobunoi on pibrato am*.
CURLED 1101313 Raill—ftles of SOO baloa, at 5 eta *O.
EAT—Salo 21 Load, at II 10 to /Ilia tua
DECRWIIELT FLOM—Saba NO 0, Ifoie It 01.00.
HlLT—Ralr*loo MN .111,10.
300E5-saan :4 doa, catmint,. tmoa 412 bait. at
WEIPREE—SaIa 103 bbl[. la lot& eta -
The N. T. Coll.lel en• Ail. I Ill .' 7a11j . 0 itottstko
of tho Pork and 8.. f trad.ofthttBp. Ilatiohho.b.Ef
ussol freob far du roar ltdi, 70.700.0 M Soo pork; ih"
000 lbs.
Tb.. quantity oftasef Ina% artireilistb and Mongol and
parnatl thus Is bat trifling Anonscul teitD litta lima"
s(pork, %btu treattaL Tbs. It a Ism basintis carried
02" Dark "MUM atul yanking from lop =dad in
d" Tot "d la latnd Jatntioand also la Malay Wasto
in• Quatit7. ssortiag to • oantal list's:Ada Sand isni
wind In that eity dyers Mayes, unsling Dan 81.1 add•
was Ti.
The assailer 01 beef and aml cats sad peeked is
other alter. for that market to Imams. .
Beef revolved dosing theending Des.
LISSY 174.000 burele.or—.._ .93.009.000
Port received darted sa=s.pmea......
• barrdrn•—.,
Port. lime pad abooliera berrhe sod
Herondazing as perled. ab o ut 300,000
The above thole. so sarregst• of Pub sad aimed beer
sad put (err' skive of hew sad ehouldeve) to that air•
tat dories the . leer. es follower-.
IM. ebbe:mem oe made:Me fame LimMlle Mmes. W.
Ws the Met week In December. ezemdel 4300.000 br ads
following V the rimrt afitti .16.64 azt maws
Of the N. Y.t Rae and far 1112:
hom MOM
tromptha .5512.11{11
609212 26.
2razumorintion ez00n5w........-1.091.123 61
W•91:311 - 2 - .::::::=::::::::7 1 d=
To D 1•116661 161,222 117
1.4641 to 7% wont.
2/6 aothoettoa. at 1116 Mot of Ms ollator af tlio ILfL
dolphla az/ 061192116 Hathroad 1e P111961d9126 tll 216
taimtb of Dußm l / 6 6: amounted to —.-121065 U
0966669666161..*Uttl larl 11609291
1,04.% IV MVP). 3 41A•110•0
tee Hna—TWn wen 0 hot 0 Loan aratorla aba#ool
last snubs. at i10ak.,.b7 Dies amt. 614 fal4ag.
• 1611.191 D.
Tboe. farina, Balls7._ont.Nowto'
Joffe:too. Parthno".
. . . .
Col. Bayard. Panda. Miffing.
Beau,. andnavar.
Buttusai s r m .Brldesport:
Hutu. ta. Baltagnant. asciasuAL
Wffiganar. Whining-
anus, Puffing. ihogrunik ,
Tan Mains. Bal=t , ingtag.
Cool~lkfu eves. ißraboth.
annr..4ordos. Nam.
Diurnal. Gahm. Wheeling. •
Nahum Egan Bffisnort. '
NEW OElSlat&—Yial Amino*.
13/31711MW1 MINT SM. •
BMW MILLI. A. a. AAA o►. R.
Win NEWTON. t .0. 11.. 44 P. 04
Bakis 1...: Ix 1152-rWi tat. from
ear tea fallarring lin at bast" lad an
to 1852.
1 1 art 6
slam I: Il i ij:
S _ _ ^•_____47---.13
.W.en mailed
Dunkirk._.._ do
Cooalimoo --1... do"
Wolingtoit exploded
Maths OstOod
I:Nr lt."" W!tt .17 : 1 1 '11" 1: "--4 to -.. s“.: "": E gg4 4 l
Wastoogton est
o .**
?.?!../.51 too _
Ifirtall Gulf
M. !Ira
Ina, Elm
- -- ? , ,i1,
........ i to
Trustee-- tellsroul
Jaime - to
tri llostoo- od
11111•-...= " r d, '
tepa--- 110
Owns. -.-
-... Inwood
Indus -....- named . .
Ponbooto -....... aliened
dromous---,- euallrol
/Moo--...-- so
oluei.-,- Md./et
e *Woos-- - do
Noodle -..:..- do .
WWI. Boors-- oolllston
COI E1t110..--....n0.
Choctaw -u::::
- lowed
eoodoe :10. 2-- snel
Obleasste-:-.... w,L
Eason - - mea
lloneeotti Gero.“ eel
Wavle+ ---- soled
wns :ea.-. =Lad
Hall Coluealu s-
at.. Kim
Y. Winos
Ask. Wm •
U. Nadi
=4 , foist
orastl Itaold
ark. dm
klatehle me
Ma Om
411 Lads
Ma Mer
I Ka mot
Zor n"'
k stn..
Time .r mgt.'
L 56.1411041.---.
Dr Nr•nklis...— erpledad
I total I
Doi dra nr .
Kanlope.- :
111 ; = .1
•Usi Wasul
` P o oatigat— nagged.
m unologam ao
Dos *moors
M mo oralul do
1 .07 aollsloa
aemAmain, —.—. =styli
Ma ma nao*C--- oa
61ns Waxl4l—
. .
ao a.
Poo /g
4. as
Ma lUrer
Wok TM
annul Vlew
In Mahlon to tbo obovi Wry Itatoto.'. lost' Midas
Lb* am mica thug—
rOR ZAl5lB9ll,l 4 E—The •
hsuht gamer JULIA DULL
0urr...m.11 U.* Wr Zurntdm,. s/ Awl all
tgansedW• ow / Toad st 'clock o. 31.
Th. Jalial IA co hu ou•lloat oeosualuinu.
. ... .. ... ..... ..................,
FOR N. ORLEANS—The splehAr s i t
did sted.wr Plant. 3 tbdolibpat
mastrt. will leavt ed W
MI above and ain.
dia. wad. on. Woe:L.l.4as. dais. e „,.... Is.
tor freight or pwainsppi Ton or No '- -
jati ' , JOHN I OIL. Avast.
Iva law ouzo"
FIVE fin e , new steamer PAUL
ANDISSON, B. C. • thivr.
lean Ibr the Om sal all tap
mPeida. Ilk 6110 e!albet/L. 11. ' • •
fralLbtarpi.."o. ti 4arr l / 4 n bpar_d, to
or mans
!tartar. will y
tem for lb* *bun sod
all Ingnandlata p5:340n - tbis day, Tenn•damt Indoltak
A. It.
Va freight or rungs nob , on bang.
nen =Mut steenur
andmil. muter. will leers lb, the .banned
en intermediate parts cm Wednarder. the eth lastalet. et
10 detect;
for treight et ssamite spill/pi band.
J. tow iteraser IMAM MAD. O.W.Car
roster..lll Inn for tar atom rad rulat
medlar pacts, ororr Marto. at 10
la Imam ar crurax• smar on Ward dear
Wheelinsr, Bridgeport sancta& Packet.
Tr2now and staunch • steamer
01:1ANOPI. Capt. P.boadaa. arill ran ea
• reinnar wits% Dampen }lnaba:l7h 8+24
Wbaallag. Bridgeport. and 81.044 IC tat Pinabaritn
aw l , Monday uan TbaraJar of awn nook. - .
i s hi reeWilM b ront 14tar .t.
Tb. Kuban, ts. an atittralr nay and aptly. boatof
ilrl i le=iirdrb i ttt i eTriLa s l a l a r k' n thts
Pittabuglt, jtenbarivlLs and Wheeling 11.
B. ]}Leif Dail? Buiast Um.
TVlnew Vend d PaasenArd
N.A.6.1) _ ArAtok . Taco
Os boon r
Tbajorml 1 00 coo llootorai T udocolori
Won TialoVillktsa, old katordar• at g i f i =
TIN Illitokney harco 61126baroklasoollY. Thar.
dlly. ocal eatmpa~ le o'clook, t rolo2.
Whoollatroa Kmaar t lircebsidariaad Yold.orAto=
Mao losacdtkeat Itoosoaco Imo b Ilt uproar roc
this Sods . obr u cpatoni tooosuoalskloas 1011121.
" V Arr . or= lot Porkettbori sad all .
*Omsk N a
nocti . MMAKOP. Art. Ir 62 Vastest.
llTNialdie MONTHLY—Jest received
losiTsireszd Waist enfant osithin.iaibt.iiiidad
sling %Olt IS ti istaint to imbibe no mini is
' Ow tiaMa sidnilsninattiorrt . au T;
Can sod loot is it st w. A. liawlitindll it 00.
HOOKS, BOWLS—Jud received.—
UP Tbii &gm et et. tatitelalai or tin 8U.PKW.10.4
.7 t,:=lrittrgrib_N= l 4 o. Bt.
opislons tplintlisi of Iroo/imp637ll3n7B i owora:
" Ajo bl e a r . " Mt
l'oL 3 0=3 4. 'a MAW, hi
Naselastor her w-110333
f .6.111)-20 bbls. No.l to aretvofor sale by
"'to .1194111/Fillifid.
to , Aliaglin Istia 041
- saatity ,
President 'ant Maiiiiiets of the Can
2 .1. , g. in , swami aisres• emu. tis rt.*.
no th roast, of Atka:air
of .v 4. trek, madlog e la o •o rlon; idtt
on %bobcat/ a. lb* Coressmy. otor cflo pralsof
Mg Marl. 'Web •111 to pad to Itoestoklat..
tat. rnommostatrom. forthwith.
jor.Otaatet liatY6ll.. VLISITM,
A stun, cheap; Farm for Sale.
Illasabsorilarr offers for salt his Farm,
sces tosinshis. Allegheny county. loured about
• mils fffrin tha Ohio Elver. asir Shoosiown. The fasin
contains gat? Lau scrim of Mist duality land, fifty tin.
sci ••d audios eallilvaclan. Then is • good nssi frame
hours. and out bulldluo on the minim, and • sem
e u. mhos& Chinintiss, Schools and
1nefe...12 mar the funs. Monis% of tha istibseribacs
on the pionitsrs.
Joisiltslioncift 11011niST
A Firm for Sale.
Q ITUATED on the Ohio & Penna. Railroad,
CI steer the vinare of tlaJois. Ohio. and be ilea of tbe
"dab= Statkin." The Wm omelet. of 100 Thu s bald.
00 eery of eh are soder gnat onitivetice Won
the gretsbeee a gad 000000 cheater std an excellent sell
of 'rater at thee . :s. The buildings, area_dtod coders
111 oodboues. Oda Ra built wit Bert trave.bouge. Wegonitouts.
The Disbud mettles none dl varieties Of *bake gooks
and .00¢1 300 peek tun. Ter...half the balance
in tat , . esonal Mamas /or parueedateoustaire of
Heed. dolma.on the eremloa of
glevlsdtidaZ. OfIEBOMAN la WRIGHT. Salem, O.
Enterprise Foundry.
_ _ .
VFIEREAS, a atuulge has been made in
• the mumble or the Betaptint /*nary. sltne•
t. ZA Sitadetary etreet r Allethatty olty, the buslnees tr
be tarried oh ea =cal, awl a:tweeted node, the name
end style of IiOBLAON. KIM:ISLAND At OD. AID orders
leR Aht Betbattt7. or at tb6 dove of Mattson. LW. •
Oo . No. 264.1.Aberty at. Pittabersh..ol h sacapPLlT ale
Leaded to. It ROBISON,
The bygone of the old dm fO. Klagalettd *DI be
settled by tha nabectiter, at the o ld ' swat.
dattbdeet C:KINGSLAND.
AT the "Peach Orchard Coal Company," on
%Ina ag Kostuskr,to =Bad= tar mouth
Ten Hoeg Builders an 1 11.1mrs.
Smut, truerner pp ton Trill be grid for digging post.
and illnst=sad'atandr emplorment gleln Waders=
nod ton Apply to ,
del3 • .1 gDI LWOBTri. 21 Wood stmt.
Country Lerida= for Sale.
ALARGE two story BrialsiEf °use, and
abo ft th y. pouters of so sere of croup d. to Low.
rucovalo. war the PAllsiolptloToroplkoocod
u. pounds of flo Effaced Put. AroloaL Apply co
e odtkcliso J P MEL ea tbo prom fes.
Delaware Mutual Insurance Company.
eLtdlovrinikp . creone are entitled to Scrip
bxr tAe melee st the Pitteburgb Agency. •
. Milos & Zang
'' s, ' °'fr,=llll?.'
Breen: Jam it, Holmes ....o W e ll . AT -
Well Jo I.rarts .7 & Boas,
Jose& A laohnt
E n ' 1 lal Ell= e.
.Ri it . re r i ! ".
ell Th..
Balthelor 0 W. KI&IJA
Bayard JB. Kennedy s ' . :' ,
Bradley A.
Blakely Jas. Pil ß ek . 31 W.
Patent!, rears • Us spell J C,
roaadktOon. . Llowiloott. & Co.
Beebright W. ' Leech A_Jr.
PZlPllbeh. Loges, Blum & Co.
Issabeit 113hIstorr.
Innen* flucvls. Loses 511 lc
Boma A Itlriparlok. Loge& & Rennedt:
Byrum. Magee & Co. Leath Iti Jr., ,
• Blwilburs 0, .
M ite Vlt. C'''
=llb"C',!" • WlLse 0
• Bell &Liner.. • Wham WM. '
Nekton L A. !Pilaster J. .
Beystd J 73 A BAN Wage Thin
Baud Peter A 0:. 1W71.• .
Colewss. Hallam A Co. • ABB. 5.
ftddr. Joon &Os lt.l3l.ake• J.
Citizens' s'
leas Co. Wellotork A.
, Clerk A Tbstr, , el=le s bLie & Co .
Chamberlla W rexmtlt: ,
rot TD,
babas A. Biltersberear G B A G W.
well Jahn. Norm D T a Co.. .
N t h . slor=Lir.
MI ers. ) ll2, • co. • 11..,• Alto.
= , 4147.,, Massy k Caldwell,
Moore Geo D.
031•1114 3111teaberrse13 B.
anWeAGnibw4 31.110 Co. oopes)ammi, 71torlek A C
Cevealogbela a A. •Thstfok A
Oal. Chu L. o.oaaaar it Hr.
Dan Basmaak O'Hara ].
Dohnaaa • ai a Ca trOmartor Jam spa
DavisHB Oextso Thee..
%wk.! B.
• Nil; ITC -.
1,,,,,," „ ~...,
, Xisimal Jim.. rhillip. Bert a Oa.
Dli n = VV%
0,. ; Rap,3l ./...
, Adiralds it 4100.
;LW? John.
Mg 2 13. " dt. Preston A; Maim,
D9,2 ; !!2t r to, . =top, ,
. irtrlZTli„ 01. Wialteib
atmstre.lß •1 Oa nom ••Norio.
orrettßll.lll • Bro. Boa W • Ward. Q P,
inliale. Insinsai 0: , . - Boberaon • itimpal.
' Watta •E. . NrEt r r.t.... c,.
L b.; % ;;;k ll,l B e liall
0 a a0, 03.
.13,bet" , .." sr J.
0 3 , gn r . 7 7 Se! ° 2 " h ' 4;
amid is fr. ihi.irin a a as co.
Grail 10. ' Mori % •
• Clear.rah a ab . Poomer
Ilhvbird ', •
SRL .1.1, khakis If,.
der ••a Ca.
co. Sobooloilaket/.1 CO.
aavill /IP. lizolth urma.
' !bas
Thaw 1:1% .
,•ti,m *Cb k i fi. •': •• --laltir J ie.. ' •
a a 7 .4 a Co.. .Wilaca haw,
all? , Christy.
nob d t
- .1. ir,4o". Warner. Pectic £ Co.
Mina Ca.
Walken 11.
Wilkuulb • Noble.
- Warmer. Werra • Co.
s in_ . - t r g a .7=o.
i 7.
Mi1. "'. 1.. . Walker Jobe.
whit:mere &Weld.
almarDadit. Weems OW. ~
J. m .r.. . Wood • • A.
=Wm. - Wood Jsm.• a lb-
Jamas Ca. Wick • kidbratinai.
Y ew. C
Y A XilDitill. Amt.
Aileghea Valley Hail Road Lettings.
42EA LED Avowals will be received et the
h C.:110.7 . /1 Mee, Is Youth tax .t. littohorsh. an.
mi ttrusg.r. dttlatrarit
irs.7.lNthobitth stet Eltttaserinststrot4 Mutat,
• o.l.lsse. elf Whs. Th. It. sill b. Molded Mb 8005 t...
st... adsheut oar nelle la length, and bids may Wm.&
!avow or mom ar all oral. rates..
gluts Pxera and Beendstaxao a9t te natty far Is
once.. 0111 sad ale, the Illth day of lebentuy.
Yrogoltst. 11111 he roadood for lito insulin. Mien=
a and elm a i r
tits noporeSsesers. IMO
1,14, at ' N eon plans (.sap. *salad.. Inns)
lab boroceived an t esseid.ret. or** wain work
ftratildnir Ittosk) ken Athersks, tn. N..
oet Etats
eat of.etoii refermom mill be Mennen innAhandeff aot
pennuelly tmoa to the anninenl. •
Pot htetbee hllbrenttonyeMongellen Md..
pen - Andy. beta. to uoa. Wm. I. Jaw. on. Frye..
tom of Um Omen to George R. Ylettenun. La. Awn
dab anataa+ me aataeflbor
ryeeder of the Baud oa
o Chief kaghneof.
f Mumma,
Ontoo Allegheny Yalleyliall Bond Cosmony.Pielaburgh.
Donember MM. 1812.
de94llAt4 Let
'Aitior6a Safi iced Journal; X. R 1 ,, y1 1:11.4611 Ilarflif •
Timm Rastas: Tribune sod Ll.rold. Err York. listkaul
1 5, 1=27,644 : A= 4 :iloseorers r idrooK
Males riosirtor and I mom, ; Jrtroroonlax 8 0.41 At
M ujit Mvo csox MCZOILO Omar Now: Tim abbr.
.. 0 .3.= • WU lon 1.44 UM day of hada& is 4,
Q.ALION, Ewing, Pork—Hams, Shaul
trt% btru'Ll a jra er t irilazt! ;Tr;
daatter Malta amt. Pb3l.laphly.
Pittsburgh and Steubenville 11.8. •
THEsubscribers to the capital stook of the
'Pritabursh aoll Bt.aMarlll. E.X.. Co. ari, b.oob
Sad .10.7 tato Ow Traaaan. rib barb lariat:mt .
of lb dollars pa rim% on or tba D.cambrr.
and ova &San o r
abate ea or bribe the Int
=tab mouth thentana. notil the abet.
sink nbacriba tot, has beart - srid.
W a.A.LriLL,
nolo.& Tbanterooma..64 Ward rt.
Davemotypes, $l,OO to ;20.001
111 , 0 ARGO ib CO., Livarrrn
ja:ant 4.1 " '"
t 7
intoTkor to mum pot tatlzfae•
tom so ellono io nods. oza=too spool.
now, oat judo.. for yeosroomos noir
Steam posodudeaUon Between Neat York
and Glasgow.
.jal, w ititenisuldp OtkiMi) ~f .3063 toss
wain. lagsa main 4.ZiA_F Dm lino et. ' net
lAV:w i t SATUADat. Uts nth of ry oul
FUME 1110 MIT:
0000. Mira 0103
=0.000.6 1116106 p
- Stimuli • I. Inelolid.
No Remus Plaungen tau.
Thor rotu tWatoklieprowiddu,but not slue or Uouro,
mach wUI bo loppUU onboard of
modrate prim, • ,
1 1=4 P",1""17
VELUM tara. LS. =Mum 1 r OW. maw
151 TATE & CO., No.lo Fourth
. street solar Liberty. aad Metal irreet._
ay albotorns of Ziaret . brarkerdesilyktxydraata
t a' rtFitite i rerYto . do fa our Bassin a... 0 t.
opllwr y. guy fair en bailor theft Tort eroonted br
borksoro, cad nourolacturroor ova had
plot sad Ord leal ire mu Mid to work at least sr 100
re say other ertabliahroast la eitber Milts. • •
Anna It the onintry 500 Irta to swam* lb.
teareybag itatotbram mina sill liad. it to tbrir ad.
noisy to etre yr • eau Warr pludualluar Wand
haadsksam are the only orabotkotorwrs or ette ared
IbertbM la thorny.
Cridorm trout the country for Lead Pileklibrot Lead Rae
tom= jrztv , e.orraoyt arleatioa.
fiENTLEMEN'I3 Dressuig Cues, Belli,
MLR eaea tad Flash Toast Bela Si,. Doses. ('doe
.Boar, near Sam. Cat Panseate.• pee.% Flee
Mn. Cokes. Ilse Perlomery Cleeldne Col or. de. foe
"'am • /COHN a. eltWite
No. a 3 learkeietnea.
k Need br Nee 481 H H COLLINS.
DBYLNED BUGARB-600 bbla."erusbed,
Lil ir d "" l ' 124 TAllgi IgariVaral!"
DRAZLL BUG/al-40 bagruhite for eale
bblo Linseed in atom for oak by
11.11 • .1 A lIIPICIIIEON A. CO.
MOLASSES-ISO bbla B. H., in mere and
tbr 'dab, ]A IIIiTTOMISON*OO.
OAKUM -100 - bales eupartor , for sale by
MOO A /11:1143111SON t Co.\
A P PLEI3.-100 bbls. Pippins, in rime oz•
dm. kr phi by IdYO Ig) VOLLINIL
COFFSE-1200 bags prime Rio , for sala by
that BIGALICS t 00.
10C9 buslikab 0.54.
• 450 Ours. Is gtare sad for ul. b 7
4d4 31./1. A-ItiPPYILS. No. 01 Wtt.r rt.
VVAlliTilD-1000 bet. Clover Seed.
2irsv FIGS—In drums sad.boxes; . n.
Iv Plum. bk bases .ed sbudiwg
go smiles' liable=
imoy Plumy; without _
Jug mind by WM. A YeUhlluu &
acid4 - dm , Woad dot illyth suede.
AB bbla in store
„ Igoi .
i v le
HAWLS—A 41. Mmon & Oci.have ziop Ott,
IS hasd on at the lama nod teet. *Ward Mai of
" 1 ". 04 an Dyke, sat vnalltlo. eve ratablis4 ta Mu
chi. : • - 118S1
. •
• .
AL OICTDiEI' r the StOCithrlidenvniltie
praown roh 'Oar ?air tail Fkoactorill lwidle ao Sow; I
• cdT.,,0d0,..10in doror Januar. Insaartba
Impose Of abattoir thirteno binneugio lot the =croft
row: Ahoy to tato action rola,* to the ,Canntronie,
Intor heitCni . • \
Sodded,\ \ Pittabuich kaIHBO.
TIsEE style ef the 'Sim' of S. P. SI:MINTZ
a CO. tte.lllo and 131.‘Pesond amt. Pttntionnit.
Is day
enatn changed to PLI! ITER, DILWOB.T.II, a cu.;
eaIIUBL P StIFITPea.' • '
JOSSPIt DlLWtlßits, 1
USX' JOHN \ DLLWOhtt. ••!•
, \
S. DILWORTU It CO. haxing declined
the Whatasals Grainy Itustaelita ions of Shriven
fe l L ertb a arlttstoatthane to act se meats for Ms so3e•
of Renard and LeZtn t Smith's Powdenanst Batty Poses
Will oleo ate* then atentlon,to a Bennet , JocemPoiou
and Prod.,* Bottoms. . at Mein old stand. /to. SI Wood
11)1;17 — Clialei.;;;44 . be - rea . G.T.tVoTerti...;;;;l4 7- 7‘..
the abipteuect Le made, or the company will bet be reePttt•
stole for their nollectioa. Mmes. Xll bersid ob demand.
N. B. No freight will b. received after 4 o'
Jai Freight dared. Peetheyingia ffelirrede
Ft./won:run. January 3.\18:3.
annual meeting of the Stockholders
ra t ! election of Direttne of the Ohio and Penney!.
nulls Ball Rood lantossay for th e euralna year. will be
held at the bar.of the Company. t o
mandat, Me 27th day of January. 186. between the
hours of tO ustt,artl 3P. tuteeenn et 10.) •
The Transfer Books will be dread WI. awl the semf:
mutual Interest due Ist Ja”ary.l3s3, mettled kw on and
albtwlst Yabruuy. 1863. By order of Beard of Directors.
fattd4w J BR:1010, reenter,.
11AVING associated with us Hugh Jones
Cl.n. 7 rue—tt4 Oniere 11.4 w., Bud.
W.. will la•ramtlenad naltar Km name Ana wit. et
W1.11111911X., WOLFS' CO
orna AzuwApl viutr HMI BaaD 03.1
Pittsburgh January ht. tB3.
QTOCKHOLDEIRS Ut the Allegheny
tz ./1 Road Ocnuranr uM manDrd say•
Truman, • Mint anttalment ur tivedollars rer than, on
tn. first dar Fatunary neat. and Dr. dollar on the
I , 7a l tart . icA . manth tharay r urol•lll . lpg . L ig r ord . m
62 Weal stmt.
Odtv papa% Armstronn 'Deroaerat and lima Press. Oar-
Eaetstar and Democrat. 14.4 Jararsontan Btar, oopr
oath au chaps Comment.
THE Partaerehip heittofore , existlng an
da tit arm of Curtis a Dobbs. hi tb. (laterallust
bade...,s. diesetged by mutual no
utha day of December. Ibe business trill hereof.
ba oonineted by J C CUBSIP. "Kilo isdoly unburned
ton:tile tbe Wading, of the lat. firm,
g 0
Io retiring from the late arm, I Wed riser/ally
=emend Ins &Wad. J 0211.14 to my Idanda. end dm
punkt ganendly , as a ann... vrortist. of tip& noun.
donee. and also dot anapaniga of which be Ii swan
EDOBBS, Generiii Insuranceiild Bard
. anat..
Agent, May be aotanlted at Oaa Mee of
late flren
I tat* glean:ire to reetanunending lin r Debt*. m \
Una yartner. tense peddle, as a correct bnelnen man. and ,
a gent/man nastily of nagnietce. .10 CURTIIL,
Northern Protection Inenrance Compani
Camden, N. Y.'.
CAPITAL, $200,000.
LYX&N CIJILTM. Praddeat.--Et. Caounas, BeeNtati.
ILL Mena Policies against !ors c r dam
&re ma Buildings and [hale eantentr, also
Hulls and CMG.* at Maio and Canal &tat.. oat
the moat &ratable &ram •
All Loam. of thiu lamer will he adjusted and jateciat•
ti Pad at Mitotic.. 1a ., Fa1b ; 44....
dg owe ?atria J. Prim& Esall.g Qo u e.
Rensselaer Lamm* Company, ,Lansing
burgh, New York.
'JACOB FLEA Prealdeat....--JiXel Carom. Seeintair,
CHAIITZET.D IN 4 4 36--CAIITIL,\ 5200,000. \\
rS old and well established . Company
r:Mralltroe Ivw The,
ProtoP P.T..1210ti It. Loom daring 1.14 •Ivett•rn Ivan
of its contionaom l• • fudleisot itnararde• to Donau
sl o t
to offeet corms Lasnrunee. •
de:* C Airont.
tbLEUTION NOTICE z- - -Notlee is lierebi
glom that the Stockholder" of the' Pittsburgh and
abenellle•Eallmel mammy trill hold caa , ...e.1
a.attaiLeee election tor the choice of • Preeddent :and
MP.. throotens of the Ounnany. at tlas • kortoeoroe'
I. Dokeerell's banding,. corner of Grant Meet
N. Minna elhl, its the oil of ocuemaa ;ea X ender.
the 10th day of hamar,. lea: lib .Ito. report "JP be
made of the eszclitjan of the mm oy. end prognpor of
their =et. The ch!otion whl pace and 9 a'casek in
lb usaraing. • - Cal ES NAYLOR. ,
Beentery. s
LEEE Farmers' and: • tleeban" Turnpike
Road Commix will hold an • Ore Pree.dent.
M end ale ethromere of the abate Osepany, at 2
o'clock,' in., on the trim Heads) of ithuarreast, litith)
at the Toll ouse, Baba 11Pdge
d016111 Whi..2lCHßAtili. Ye lddmt...
• Lachine ;Canal
the run.. water sower on the.l•chLos ^tl,
• e fit. Pool with the Land therenato attuned, ni .11
be leesechlty public auction at th e Lead. Cola Ofikt
at „,„,„ Decent.
qtelati7sboit th;ee hoodosAnd Oft 7 feet front..
tut r tit
boot otte tot, at • yearly rant. otre
lava renewable far ear.. • •
Me prege. obi. 11 OS The and teak: end •ithin
ae mile end • tulf of Mentres/. s.Wde snot &WM. for
the Web.... of description of ex... boa .
other mennfectorkest. es resole .4 Ire ens.. to
L 1.41.1. of th e foandries, Wills. ta r far ttre pupate of
TOs caklitions of iod .7 farther In kkriettni
t 1217 be Immix slaber et We WS., erof Hr. Pe" now-.
mending Du.. at the Lachine Cartslo2lce. Month.,
ohs .11 paint oat the ikon..
Cklef Corn.latder of Pellie Werke.
OWN of Department of Pub. Works. garb.. Oftahor•
Wale herhydret• that the ale cf ebere
arVall',4ll•.(l' to
et tb• Lachine tonal ' Atria oor " f on. 7f plea
Itk alder. 1110.11A8 SZOLY.Lere . ...
Deputment of PobliplActrks. Nereaber.lB.l2.
sea , •
Inandad Amnon of Alleabetly Connie for Ino.l,
are Itare by notllled that they an rtnal: a/ to hat. their
eanatattits canyleted and antra d to tha oro. on or
before Wadosulay, the 19th day of January tuft. at 10 ,
o'clock" at which Una thaw wIII b • °attention of
Bald Ammo. ontaalreelbr theptirpoo• of ennallnea tha
atrocantoteof the COlllO.
'Clem =War oar hand. tido 18°0 ay of Dtatober.lls2,
• \ 118EN12.1 , 1t 0091.05.
dalltd4 aborsdnfotter.
---- „
L Howe of Before. •. ,
NOTIO.E it herebygiten to the eabeeribere
tar bul/diai‘the.RovUn of Rohm tor W.A.
ominal& moo Op woad lostgoint of twenty pn
not ea Oho snocat'Ulboeilbod bt 0 . ,e.11 Ina boa ailed.
Pgablo to We. ---• piii!, octie,
____ •
intiti !NNA. Tro•o. '.
JOHN A. rinvtired front .
w birjutlee.Lrt - ra Pociie. o. 4ut a
pC r 10., 1 ?it z g .n. , I 0n... fat 1 .0 67:11.41V Lc Co t . g!to7.
114 oatrozw i r s tikpo,blig ir sge i lz r e
' • '. UNION •LINE.
lad \ 1852
.; ...,,_To'Cleveland and the - r ear
COAL sitILLIII A Cita W VOBJ). Clomolual. Prone ton.
. fr.. 2 A 00„,♦re.8, at.. itackintor.Fl-
TIIIS WKLL KNOWN Line utste wed to
A 00anim1 polcbt 'sa.2 puma... tetveon POI,
bagel .duloveyno. all wt. as 0w1...ki10 4,a4 posts.
Ur Obi* Coal& , .. • . . •
liko ounosoiry Well'. No.l VII mo La maw\ tau .rft.b
...1 , 1 • Lloo. Wm emo.Plitnoungk ao4 Utbeoto. daily.
idondsts•sorid•diaolsoaUsig at Octants:with golly
Liao of p•ctota to worm. A pplyto '.
O. 73.
L OARTON, A.g.t.,
\ ki;.00golo lio.g Mu •
, J. U. COOK
" .7..... _0f= ' \ tamer looltbaokt se4 { r ata
ZN. HE HOTlOl the ar the blic. Diesolution of, th e \
ma fflete 7 . T. lolo l ca b i Znyet. a.u P"l p: . l7llo o r .th u,. .: . or " %tor " ... tatod. 7:41
}Witt th: ' OM= o{ JOON ertikri A luto
—l— '• \ \OOPARTLIEEtaIiIY. •
lima, a day associated with me, in the
Wiumact tworsier Alro I.IOVOR Ballia&C,
my ma. 1 . .. O. PXILKIJI.Otodor3to Mm of "Jou
Pt= .. 3 • , v " \ JOON PiLILILL , ..
2c., erthip beiatofata
battings tho Ott • lookandertho drool Mina.;
00, wak• -ITott as the lat Oy.I.MPot
Wit sod br =ool tootot. oftbotoartner itut.
to tott the soros at no ID etthment.
\ T 11.0.0,1.
, .
subtatribers hay\foimed a Co-Part
aa a ant tomt. tho
mond. a ti
mp the \ ail"!
CAIt.DuN t MAN : 1011T., HICNE iturity. • \
ii.43tUF.te. I . I, T.UMWA
.titgliatta Jail 1.4..
~ . , \ „ ,_ , ,
Pacthwiranis 'Bail ItoSa vinPanY•
pilE ViOer Rita \to Pliili ' biliuld
A. , - .3f-drzgig=,\ Md. 1.‘,,, \ k .„ s ,
ita..74lZiUnZeie;;;:;itoet,Astben7.... lite - 8 ‘ C .B
boo. batr..1..,11k0, tat0 . .. 01i0. , 14 Wiorn •,,
Beesmsx. bow 44 fr . ... brim cloy. tituctl.
r 8 :Val.trstSpiBingrtoVu'r, Ait". 83
earn'Oa"?'''....l.,'"'Vrip7.o7.l\i„ •
rat = l , - ZlViill ...
-',-:-.... \ 7 .. '7, 7if •
, \ Wvliiht •ft.t,' 2..,
mow Orleeaa rtinds•\ • \
ICCILWOE on Inn( Orleans: \ for ,
m gum. , °•,l 4 %."Met, 14 '1
dami.3.B w.Ater-k urth•
\:quilDalics-4„ ,
bus. ClaTurd. ‘O. \ • • \
• .1 bkB , Enalvoll beau:: Dads kr
. AMU • 8 PluUr a -
inp AIMS-150 bates 1a34? 4,414 chisteri
2 - I,ll. " l Ptir! sii. bwt \ • `‘ • ' •
‘ s s ., .• .
• s s : •\"
• •
, ,• „ • '
ziaisvi - afsr. - Dist" yorsiikt - aircitoi*tuN
_ 11 • RLIMENTH-. seemoß • , iThYrkis
...107 of I,3rikieset.tpreunt ,AltankbAtlakssone
seeks.% it PUN b r ed dal' Of - the PalciaiXer tiers
f: p tr. is.c.,=:tntet.llikraie....=
QIN Cabo lord leilMOkiii. gad Weilkoltta and Sew Or
haiin and to entrolY tack Ink •m.
et b• el
.1 7 7t.trom to. mttemortutitableasto amoitotte. Mr law., akd
nu a maga& ef
be putshU It Le deemed e,,ild.tiat to nacryld•Jrz • drab.
4.11, lifie Moan
and Neer Orissots_to aneskst
oXsnas limo line. , 11.Dirik st tne prinetral IsfStati- tales
And way rlnnr. cma....11 ....11 prltt:iirlnt clk,•• akd ..1.-
IVAt l l 2 .7 "' VrOloth . ' " ,haVil4 ' 7'tf"'' , '
.. .
-. \ \‘, PROPOALS ls •
Will be metes/ at the Cantralt ORM. at 'tO e Posttaliee
/Apartment. inane oily of Weshingt.m. until* otleek p.
~..14 yr e, lli L ll44 , Cri1m.1.1.131,.4b0
oo a4d t t otI L :
moil.. af Om UnA Mates for tone.yean s trot: tfusN
lair. 15.33.`t0n \ - \ . • • 1.
Route N. 8102 —.E.go•iu Lath. :, '
Prom /anthills. N. 42:. Eransellli, /cd 'CaIi:AUL.
33 amPhis. Tenn,. Nape Tart, VlckstAT. Kim, Nista.
es andht ht ,fa., to New Orlsens,:ltl6 =lea
""Zki:Vil'7rldiV; and
r U rn 't.'b 7, b...
Arr. , et Nl. Limp. or, 6 dire br
. . 'Lean h.. O r
dull at 0 p mo: . , '‘,
__Anie at Lonterhie sce. days by I p v= ..,
The leensemset relrrirv,.,, Ika da
rt to .141 tt„.essf.
log ex oellom to the abov• amebae to los vislUd by the
express hoc .
NO. 5102.3.-- 143 f Lind. 1
M r , uid..w., E L ,,ti, Wet( 1 . 0.nt. 7throd Otterr, '
Resemoots. lad: on. samandm. Leaven. . grego-
Ma. Roar% Steeheueet. kr. alerport. NT' _ LIP
(kmoskon. T.l. TrOr. 1 A•1•Ort. 7.. ftrokbcP " W.
Owensboro. Se.,, Nesturnb. nd.. tl= Odom. it a tt. \
Aransvllleard./.lll . nalles and bank. ly.b. es le
,1,.'.',..,. Lo nisitlladilly at Na m; \.. :
, Arrive at Seanimile next day by I am; : . .
Liam lennevllle'ttely at ti • tn:
~,,i. •
• Ante, at Louluttlii.xt day by 0a .. .
\'' \
'r a m, r• •• vleted ori:altenate dnys, alth otienspart
and Netramille. on allornate duo . li p Camelia. . .
\ :No. iilo2b- Way Lin.... - s -
Pram vansrille.ind ,lig leandersanaLentnety, Mount
Vernon. Sad. Uniontown. , Sr. Weber. Shavaletoset
-111.. lemoyebla. Sy.-(kre In nook; ill,. joic.b.chk,..:
00... n• gt•dtb , and.B.7., Pednesh,Atetaxpolls city..llL,
11111ernma atd Calscionis, to' Oath. 131 =Nes and beck.
4.17.14 "tenable And sat stern bold.
~ : . ,
Liam Synnaltle Wit: at II s en; • ,
Amu. at, Miro naxtday by 11 aed `. s,
1.. . /Save pa irs Italy at? •er • ,
AMT. Ili Egansyllia nut day by 7 u7Ot.
1 , r NO\ o. o2 o^,lVait \ Zia&
From i Cairo. 111.1 by Oelembus. Ky. Ellegman. N..
Itsated.3la. dishpan., Tens, BleginaMs Bend. Ark, /ni
erm, tarots. Aral, Penn ltint, BandUph. Term.
and PA Um: Ark. to Vernpfds. Teoa.747taues and DPI
dallr,te, .zaltatde and bast Wats: \. '. ._l
- Osirellee-13 en. , . .
Arrive at Ilato Is In el hours by 7p 111 wit S ay,
Leave Stempel. daily: 1101.1 p sat . • , : •.. .
Ant re at Oa th In 31 bOUJII or 6 a il3 seeelld ave r; -
No. 15162 d . - Way Line. \ -
Irma kletne,4, Tenn., by Elmira.. Ark, D ark Ceriat
in ... Blue'. Pointslark.Oormineti, Mak; BleatoweLand.
1ne.,•70., 'Walnut Bend, Ans..: ', Mr at... AI P
rel.. "' Litaltal i sL oh ltet i iirk . .l. l 4,r Vlatolia. A r rmt
White Rover, to: Napoleon. 17a nollerend taut, daily. In
aral side steam tesa! \ :, , \ ' • ~.
Leave Atemehle n ext lt 60 rej_ s '.
Arrive at Napoleon ne dra .7 , .., • ' ..,
'Awe Numoliseri daily at lt pMO \ . \ ' ,
. azure at oiemotos um des by ip I, ga. \: '
1 , No, 61020- , R e ast tali. \l , \• ,
Prom Nareleon. Art. by Oboine. \ illik. Ba th e%
Ileum' Landing, Ark s Ooltunbla. Orsenvilla Itles..Paint
Worthington, Wend take. Art ..Pritiretak, Kiss., Late
Provideace, La., Tallulah. Mex. toed. Gram LA,. S.W.
nick /efflux, lima, Milliken's Bend. Lai end Vnaa
Point. to Vieksbnrch, 'Mks. 111 milks and hack. dale: g
\. o ""I'L;11: raVtet:dalrgrri " no..‘. : , 1 -- ‘,._ \ 1,,,,.
Arrive at Vicksburg In p n.ino7 a. a...a
, lane %Meru daily et abu • ' , \
r s.
\ /Lanni at Napoleon In 27 hint. by 10 p at lent dey
From Vleltatufa, Miss, by Wanentoe. Palmyra. N,.
ErAlttel"il It? •41124 kW al )( 14i a I.Tit
8.....1.1. 0 . 11.. I. • In,. Fart Adams. • brise.. Poe RAMC
Landing. lsa, rerun s ate ...the
..t.a at. Inteste.,
.111. =2 tulle. and. bate. daily. • trr*sultable 'and eeee
hones artan% daily et 12. stlghtis,
Attlee In. Yrthelerthe ha al there, by Ta xi sea
wed den.
teen lilWraueinille doing en. , '
til '' L
, - entre le elettheratert bourn try dp su nest dal;
\ lean AL; rtooristtllo.Ls.. b. Waterloojf Lenient . ..P.2
liedean.:lotdel's ann. Bann Routh. their Lading. '
banshee, Plaquemine. Merrill.. Berth GOll4. New Hint
Doneldioneille. Itennul.Corrnuat. Sdnea bonen Cane,
'o'sylar'e geed Logan g &nods R. to Pew Ortega.. 136 udlete•
An bath, daily, in °Venable and safe steam hada.
' \ 1...• /3 L. Inembnethe daily et ll a ner. , . , - .
AMY/ atreeer Ode.. text day by 9 a ni, „
Leave New Oven. Aw r y eta any ; „ . \• •
4111 re attn. lthelownlle tint day by .10 ' a'n „ ev \
prt;metale Merle as de he the Ithresithd Wayfiere
benne .Lounv die Std New ttlesas la ,the sumy or kr
oath rent separately._ for the eanneetlna Las tette=
at. thuignad Cairo al th ea Mils theald le offend. • .. A
• \ No. 0 - 2b.,- L -Conneelikse lilt: '‘.•
From Pt: lath. 110 ~by Carnsfelehjeffenonlienester
.llthr nand!!.. lel., Iloreulthertim.'ne, helm.. &.tier.. e
vva. Chester, 111 , theliattrthge. Ma. Cape 0
°mann. thd 'Md. qtr. to Cairo. 111, 172 beiV=
teen, caltre 'sad We enunkata. ~ . • •
leave IL Inn 3 a..sid . `..
Anne u Cairo thstoth by 1... 1 4 '
Lean Onto daily at 3a, to , : '
Andre at at. Loan rent day by 1' - . A_
The Ihnertrunat any mute* the inateleetetter
offing on the way and eothethez Imes at its
The venire man he perfenund to oottotta:ToiToti ,
E.t.a...t0. It lea ral root as" itothartegidhr• the
ralelra Lathe lif ' lortrattVldin ' irinaatill he
end, out they meet be of egad toughy and of naurient
Dower to make the trips In the tame are
to be end only 0 neleif:ilian Wm MIMI Index _
horde done may emplod on is - ch boot and for atorsemalatlant gad hr tent eheenne. aseartiog,
.01 Maalox op the m tils. • suitable nth oninalent roost
room. must b. sesithed. Inn. cedar thearelnelth one
: or The dectita are to to anointed esd pled be the Nth..
inent,lbetthey, ere to In panned und-yroyarbal for b . )
the contractorgltnof th ug.. • , • \ IN . -
LOW Acetate ielli be thpolated and Pad by the Depart. .
, su at at the enure named. In Mot Upton Lod IlleneenciS
Ilan mt. the IlenoW of- the Way lineal* 1 at. Lida,
Louisville. theantlie. Calmillemphie. Netealertirs.
burg.. St. Ynnelgrille, eM. , ,21.• Orients; at other •
plain. meenneen tti tanny antis to and the
bathe et the landing:. ath the mn alas. are to 'bet en.
Plored , and own tenantd or too loolitescnom but theyent ,
in be sop-a sed end dinned PT tr. lone ...tle.dre.e.
of the IreparteMate and an to he nleninned et ti obt=k
fet thy tine when repented by the Postmaster G
or trod wed suildent tenons.
la one of thident to the bone or won the Sr peen.,
Were o:Queued:Mg Ilan, by which then bast may tetria.
boat instil ant agents an ra nter milbe to the
Innpanne the Inns nth. that th in be or
be not a snail \ tont. or Wean or not to new nese eon
mats:. to be earned to he deennation ant thilleend fm
Seerlo theDeperbethat. ••• • .
hu even Of th e Neatened are to be orrOreyed
fee of nth th. oti, exhibit!, of (belt credeelisla, Alio
Blank.. 314/ bortheing non itoto; - . \ . .
No on. ;or *De. be g,r.i , .1.111 toe - army,* ott
try of thereat...anent. green: l ease MANX
rotrogi:irAto ' talls ' ,toti Z t=au ty r alry=feer
144 ' Des oir tso ant . morns the eget rn nieet the idd •
earthy Le deemed intrevassult ant also to get nil.
Inn blds In favor of higher onewomleis the meet an
a _Liable thtdthee In pr. nand velem nines worPotaM
cy thoryeepondlenty of thcpartlealeddlag, end of their
12 " Ages la elm ntainear genet the neposale of tdd
den MI antenna to use teas reastenct gots ta. low Rev
sure primer' e,althonsla the onapeneation demanded nney
be graterikon toot rotputott. by than WIZ! high DM.
Doty b A , , ..
Bidden, lei:trtherion and rolndtting th ole propots.
Individuals In'thrun ninth to bnaenguereatto nth Pet
mestere In othr.fylna to their nth efenth. are roometedth
,ben in mind twat the object of Cothran ta engottng the
law, and of thet . arbagiat La notating Ns Into ante
neuter and rella ' • lithe of melt peolithe on thla bun It.
thoroughfare. • bag end departang at died U
at' the mantra! poWs all the you routed; eaddba• a
sten complier. I,b the menthe thlignlcata n. be
The rhode nermintaf boats main& thr the 'melee
&mond to net oanthletor, . must be provided henna too
wenn; will be eortedAas eomeurendr sad they will.
b. subject to the I on of an agent thSitteatt en
Penner b y tide Deputes t. who nth entity to each be t
meth that tiny are of • dent else, etninatb, gunny.
and redly, bed la all aween.e.lepteetto the duty te ,
be perhened. No tan nn Into the anylathan •
be withdrawn trident the went et the Denwiterain. and,
new bon propond 10 tel to. employed will be subbed
to like Impaction and acceptant* \ ~
Bidden aodnuesautore en relined. tie ehepronnone'
of law on the subject of their liabbitlea, to the fah nation
of the ...tot to clean On othealentrn of the Past Woe
Delertnent. ^ approved July Luso. , • .• • A
it Is dutiable that the aerrke mice. elemeDece me tbe
let Ju1y.1383, but the Ommallieemoyt may be postponed \
until the In October nethealau. ifdo e ateolatny..... , ,
nry sad Is repeasual: 1a any eve the eantran will
expinutrthe Punt Jut.. Mr, .
Anielnof oretneet en te , be wiethled . h. lb* an:sated
bidder ant:bulge MOM. by or belon, e Ant dn. of•
Jul,. 1363 \ - Tbe eontraCt IS tO papp;:xen other
thbtha. that the other the t rth is la ne tad want the
Innis not pertained. and not mom th an then the
pay of the trip warn the trip le tun rem aart , pondffelent
men tot the taller. le furnittied.and • deuproportion
of Itythen a mrthe of Perna. he vendetta bathos In that'
' , thedhed in the matron ere thet lithe may bit Inapern.
unless th e denten:hey ganstantrilLeson-nrn in dee
time. for feline no tne nom sr hod e ear intaithe net
*din at the port of landing th e nail loan. Mono,
penny part of ma th snail; for enduing the mall. id , any
port, or It: to et. vet, thieved. ite4 r , ,Or dedthyn; (thane
venue it to a plan or meaner that expone It. to depapedal
Um. lass, m all nj; tbr antigun, alter denten mere, ha
convey a or any addittthn steunboarthe or ea
"romesetoe on the route: ~.,.rd ebonite sPentlei ans.
timhip. in tbe minuet, and bar net untying at the
es; sineo tor tr.:Limit:lyd. lutaillinan. or fnulsbne ,
the Can. of trannalttlue laielithethe. In edethee of the
maL The Pothnester Inners! our alined the *extract
'foe repeated fallerw; fear natation the panels, lawn gn
Meath b a Attie I , netttietioos of thieDeparbotthe'the Mow
los In a carrier what roootoot or too Depart.
runt; far a gulag the enemy. without the count 'of
Ma PoStromeer Clenerth or for setting up or nutulen en
, ,
" grPrototheter Cleans! may. alter ebo eeetthet. &MI
iller the teliednit, be &lawn( • Fronde meant orange
mention, within the rendnione unneed kr km to anY,
tannest weevin required It. Posuthster titherst lath ,
abio dlematUne or anneal the eneleg. be alleelth the
etunthl entre pay ore,thie amount dbyeated with, ',
nameroute. the earlea, the 'only lay:`,Use Diddree
.nd rend... and i be tame et nth member nth.
arm when. COMIMII7 offers, shoal* ba distentif stand ~
In the proposa.s.
1 (or ern --.- of --; prawn to terry the nalbois
route No. —.. noto M -.,--. egrenbly to 2/tealert ,
;smear of erntrasster Onion .dens ales nentmter.
12, std been , htheetur node of veareraM* year `
. for the anneal son or , - --
ud N ad.., i ,,, k . •
t I
\ Fortt,./. a qtraill.V.
, •11, aoailsota ante th.ot . t(tbo Rrrogang WI ft , 2„
\ enef au the mall on nate Kn. ---r bp ar:ptedby tbe
Pertennor Mann the bidder ... 4 ,,,,, 6 , 44 ,4 0 . ,
ofJullbsl. enter bato the requited ab t
mum thswerflin sorted, glth good sad eettlennt sun:
7 1 -4 i -"-' '•
• r Eli z!• , t 1, 7 bee reareataml
• ,' •1 • 11,00 of a‘prtiflOrttg. \ ... -
,'wetele that
a . .... Mi t e ~,,r ne " VeVil ett:tin ablY7 - 1 - aara.7le bt then
p - M . Tertionad that tbor are men of DeOjeeVe Liel able to
swot good their \ tathaty. - ' ,:,,,, • • ,
p,,,,;seeWebould tr. eddrested, nand. to -the &road , ,
Meshed Patron ter flown. and II tg Darthea'arlY Lin.'
r=nt th: . ti L tbej
i be .,i Larlert em the
, fne a ton tips
poot.uoto. pat. December ell 1152. . j . 1 ' •
• \ \ ~ B. D. DUBDARD,,A
lercstMee ' \
postman anent,
West Neviton -Plank 'toad Route •
B4I ,I 7LVORE, P \ 1111.4 PELPII7.4
1 .. _ F • air s \ W2V130 ZD. \
yIIIS is the only '6El \ 6 which insist,. a
\ Fnuolloll TIC te Wailkhusteh, egg by ter.thr
p_rlz=rnirvnterllleale emu,* te th er, ,
th• ll6 PthFtheteVirst=e U gartr itel.rir.t MI
AFTEKNOQN, at 6 Weleek. Tigthe yeetz ti w o riner.
P..t. .U*7.11111.4. an the wet, sag texe U. P.
ye...... .c.Wet. Newton. not to g orer the
k Iltamy crossing the manatethe Lo`dayllget. it
talPifftred2 l .7 trltgarget i l niV e ati -
W eghtet CUT. Cu htttake.telphte.....r 4 th la .
York Menthe 111011ini. \ N • r
atatr ........,...$
eleh *
i 5..............
\ MONGNCLAHELA 1101117: 4 ;
:la tbmian loathe the Mee. shore the Dalbr.
at II o'clock. A. H. , Swollen leeetat u.
. tat.
rat e cf= tn i tg i thnith *'" tl ant morning lor the II c7M
Most. Ite. haltheore. WM, fete Is_ ,galumeetnew
, ethlagtoo =roma &Air , V 6 ' F. ......F.. it 2.:thlee-lt
.s , ~,,,. Mu' ...„;._,.........-....-........;.%5.1iAtt
, .2 , .. : , ~ I ZZelAta ...;-.........................
p U 1r „. sVi4rep 4,a..
I • • ••!'llictlXolDeittl. 44
R• LY invite Gentliumn w
it* alrlistSict
!! anDiims
44 k" ,
ttlt nowbstir.. - 1
fro= o os=u4,6 um art al eon, la adoplattlejthow..
'nods* ho et...2*w br _ear ir...)%bblarioardr.
Tana . 1 / 4, its saneable ntet a ahem curb
theme' e I% ...t attellinet to Its Wastes the
Cot raloelry'
ham tee4etteant
•Aa Purannue.\ Anil 1ith..114:, •
BIB: W. tat, th is raw ktek•mi at cOttstte
tylellit our preen*. sad end le, „
read 1 Mee
\ Diana aaxDrax,
\ nom= Aim maw srakoas. Ann
bendbabla. ea by Ito wketna tan. Ulna ant heavy \
Ofice Una la mall epurelltbn. lt ted.aenall hdelmeals
ht •no tour& Pdaselldlr: lnstlben' • ih s t "Monad
nelbilln of the ence. \'
AMUR it naendly MUM relined. seal rtes *hells •
sand b 7 Mon Actored._int then an'i0.4..01111611
Obethlati uto lett want, to_ no MOWS. \ Manz •
Pectoral will ern then. It qhey eau to outtalk . . •
. .
81103CUITIN a bretatkos at 'Um ttassaltattlinT, e : -
wean: of ta• t•o a. am• bs ma , et tato; CVI77:;
Pausal la swan and Nasal Asia, StslasonOtebbl; • .
onassani I. moo reamed, !', . . . li t. -
Bos;'Pooter Loma. of 1t.41 . tissi:2l.: Tait, ... •
n eto.: am - t.t. Mart Manta Samna iota et ••',,,,..'
ma and Bronsbas. as sad. la. 15 ,, botinrIt•taik )104):3? --- •
Wits ass tam dnososs • .
.. , , ,
.- ~ --7 -.... , .'..tir ',
rou =OUP. 'Gin, an sada o .patinasotS a. _ . 414 % , , '.. •
toad by laza ad tea oat dans 611,1inclattrratatidA \ .
n until Usadoss as dame. It bt seanss.':llloßlA '. -
Unocal:No ammu may to imitate • ••••*.1i044. , It.
Th. \
by as as of Casa Prososa.\ . • ~ .. .• • .k., ~..',; 1 • •
SUB DintIENZA Is mail nannnan •-k• tta••••••I.
Reim:fru 11411..... Ise*. bat nodal sr irbbabtV -- ,
ilas ate Saba= issr 'Maas -vati k r. .., ,
..t .u.
It. 7 C I, ilia Ss Was 74 at %I te•li •i: '• .
=Saba ettedts if -joir Chiii7l'ilathis I. % .
OW. r 4
4 .d ithgrOr ,6so, 4l , - -OM of - Ur. ' tali owe, ',., \-
1.414T-oroa de ta••• •47. .1 • . - ink o4 o 4 : - I•
p••••. kr \ !Wag it- Di , Mauls , 0 "IL ..T... I • •'\ \ -
5yydd....t.47...* , aat be .tisi.i ct .. 4 it
ti T i ffit..i ~ ••
1cZa1 h. . 6,_ ." Pa Ct=a= any a.k ....41\ I '' • .:
l''' o 4 .l7etilizn. --- Tlta. of
bas ' B e au •j \ ‘
.... b.
• rm.
Lonna= bas tblioassa; hi lase. . eau, ,• . •
ham Tau he eesitt wilseart..• *Mk. ,
imA t \
0,4 ad! \ :mg tar. , -\ • - ••-•••' . ~‘ .
\ • •Si Digiciris.T•••l7 ion ..\
”,:rono • •soila . goot .
0, 11 rfste: • ••, 4 06.• • •: c .. \
ril li tlAl l o k t :ll ‘ • 6 .ltee L ry P•ctil ib ril ' :••Jti . '• . ..- \
.boa, 1 42. 1 . saaSsii lb.' cola Issi•ecit.gtuN ' *GM
:mar,..7 1 . . P•Acta CLIID..S ' \
Drosunk.l., Math.. Ye... 7 14 , 11141 A •
\ Pirotemir of `csirgery li *hi Ulf
NOV York ik gayin.,...- \ ...:-
, o'le slants. plo. to oefunr . ..l.oll - 4.--
ofChaa Pal,.. ebbs!' leonalle
awed to ars damson( dr Maid sat ha
Cass a eras coma slan talnna It ....SSW; ,X:i,
Posed bi CamProarsltosb mai= nail ni Siantac '7'4 , : . .
tbs allot thst. a malt at length,benilbuisetesitr• ' ••••:7 , , '•
ass biannual: al to mita Osubs.;ooldssnintOnts;',' ~" ' .. .'A
sconntions, villa sari Shama nada Usoissadansa, - .....: -,:
4ssr. Is Is alma • asogabse bp sada ths'aftledidonaK, - -mss...'
bsok Tith scoltdenos ta ' lat. and (ha' sbadd at intra.'. : ?....- '.......
p,..",,d ...1...111,7 77 e.k
.., Drualst sa Magid. all. tbso,:z...,
b• Ushoiari t i g . 4.A.,:gar.. - 4 : ::.;
sera — 7',.lthss saanhas. \ • • \-- -----..•'•'''i.'
Tc-"°Yee. 0-7 F• 'nrAgt
- Di Onyzott's imraoveilKETnut of :-.-
•il OW DOCK OD salteAttlilLW
,' : • kf:Ne COAX _or ootaintrnos Azip \ --, - -.. \--,
\;-; \, \
\ , VIIIIY ass 'IIIII , O6XD TO U ; 1 - 't
Lad all who vidde pan the Mead dertglaWrltitiefkla
Moan the drum s to maid atddamicla 1(001 tiONI gm's . • ' •
mom. .•
soda Maraca d 1.110. Dock and 9santomtipdt odd:*
modal iton so falkkota in a:Wye! the'atittlitaligtollt : •
, that tabu Voir to, and thar-Mlllamme la dii.
moodatage tot In Mt. sandy -0100 Dublin. falllthd arra \
mammal —moo can warm; fir lila attuadadatie
Jost as tlOO4 .ant of falth In ram and ap., maxi . . \ ;.•
moan& fa founded co mparloneo diIAZ Or twaltattooal , - ' , \
iminom to AMA 'tom lifkarattlfttet .Lam Mb Pamir ,li, \''. „,
vegetably ramdr. tomird'hrokal *mu JA hookilid . , , ,
,9h-it.—tic,..... but,.... te:'/Idaselt.u2dothertOst* '. ' \' -
mo amps& at racomort Id UM paitical col] totate.4r. ''s - -
tut hit hove otoluttott tottot*os uto outr, la
..., \ , \
ortga Estrect or Tallow. Not aationtaatoue,atal Par;V \ \
s un& Ma; for Ida life/a ado, to try Mud IFOlrrenk.‘ , , \ ,
bmitazion in predicting hia mootly 'Maimed:ma tatloolth.V \ k \ ,' •
A \ . TUE c 329 / 1 /C4 17 ; •, . t
;_;.., t--' . ', \. \
.., \ \ , - Taimoinu Ow. Ala; '9 . 10 44 9 iia. ''
\ ,\ \ \
Mkfigioctommal d Iksafetada Mold& or affta*ott • ,\\ \ , \
artsnriAanit WI Mani, \ oflo; Ado .mmtat .0*„. 4 1. 0 ,-. ~ ..,\ \
...... . N riddhio 104.00. Ve mametthotatagaifile l99 9 ‘;." \
It. hair god Hoge shame ef Imo cf adbompl&Wkagigtia. \ " t\ \ ,
dairrisep team Pa board Piot* dardcatifOlogod'A* \ \ 'I ,
trade . Idtee Dail mad Stomparaleyia alsostato. .;, ' t -... '
Dr. Oaricti—Dan lily —Lsant roe lids tif,mattlfg la '..`. . k. \',
you th at 'list tztmot or Whim rat atotpasaiqattua _ \., ,, .
has maltranot ono at Ms metWlrtoilarfcl !mat Plaln • t - '\ , ~. '
I have Dina diked far sorry learl.liatrintßlP,oo \\, ..
my legs sod Po& In 11341 thew got what:a:4lPd hi MA \ \ '.,
on coatchm. and ha 1819 I hal one Pm ampatcrod dicta . \\ --
tha Almo /A ahmit 9 mon th . Inn Olfclhat lag 9 :99a \ `t \
out ha larm eating ant ronning Woo road 017 UM: I.\ . _ \ l , .
my !cot, ant ellochargtel a grad deal PI offundtamittett , ....' -
My grolidas bloke oat •in largo Mlasorldcheliachiemed ` , \ .t.,
7 r,
=nab dknalre Matter; int at the au. thoOloylitebaild ,\ .
Drabs act balmy wastint mew mocir to nwallow.. ' \ ..„ __Elm adaarr that I tawsdand tag flat laittora taus_
I can not dam*. to 7011::.; *al lef- such aattar that )1 ' \
00005 naiad dap Or Wad-lowa' Alton aptadie.ind 9 7,. - •,"
Ma bald of Clor I had mote s Proleatalimt . .' ihr loath. and - ' 'I
had palatal ant tour famfir • jciottanowt llehAti7r,94 - s.
mmains. .
in Oambar hat my mita/ Ws sae cf paw 40-AU
\ ota, AMA I rad it. ant found or otoa• poodirtfol , • - ",
dam parlorand by rotwttlidnic c 1 Tallow Dock and . .
ilioentorillai• I mat and gm tara Imolai of Reid sm.' •,
swamd taking it-la two meet& tit s py great }MOM- . --
nocii.orr mar all became ..7..2.41 m0k1.1601 11/
Welt • Mail had not chaste too rola. Wln LIM
colaaldA horde.. mg acre. had atterit'all bodati -...419
arm mtr, wall is If by vachaddant: 4 Letu p. mania . ~
.0:11 alAbMbattlaid mar "ildroWar -Tallidef.D 94 • 9 -' O4
,elcompartila,c sad Img morldat myself:Wl; Swat, -:, . ~.,
lan tor Odes to at forth thl ' wt.* ot.l.dimillittilladr •;• ‘,..,' 2 '
rtiNg call ll icam Mg valgade lb? ltbeitit has &w lite. 01. -- til -..
la 'llia datim cf sun folo.A#9att . -9 / 419 / 1 14ii .\ - '
tiel antral 444 tho spout tiVi.xtda-oodoeaggiti
11,,,, - \it will atm any locatidiagMt Ikea- ,9 9- I P — .; - '.
Mg al all poi talk. sod JIM lay it;tiodlitenandar, 99 . \
It/ toso $l, wall loatts to • lam ;WOW of IlacreXliallt_ ..... . . \
ilaier Oticiltiaod 'Otago& and 11 - atflatorald dolibt AMA . , ,
sham ante. I Malta trier i
drw'YCtoril am mailUdi Mill oboe V. ;
glom ma goat/ ota f o o o tt_bTaugrati*co4:Alaloo - \',., ..,...... .
1 4 1 . ; I, PVP . .. l it ' ...1 1 : •'- i i- 1 1 .:::1 1., ; - 4 ~,
.....:440....i , .inif` .11 ". 42 4.; - \• ..
.o, Immo. mad 4 1 4/ I T.A..q . et istqa Os. • , •
~...buiA gaagartan &maim irameadly , aid per. ~'.
ikar 9 " 9 a dt?''''al v ". l9 b. ' 9l 99999 ‘ t ";- .••`;•,-;:" .
marae.M."Alm. amain— .„:„
-mama. beom & illatitribla lota Ulat ut and ,
.. ..- ,
p,:, t axi g :ores Co a l arilt.r.b.tor
no mamai dthala: . . 2 . •
I .',Powt ota 4 Pirmat talitati.lilliteir . ;-, - " '
Onmods not of 1 • Parampartlia. Meg • •
I .
f.u....ftt.on of oak Coma *Poo I, gam Mg %Man
'gotta too be lea. and harm JOY !roam. 071
tg ieb7.l.4l : :4:lortrno+thir7DMiliati"glk.4!::7":lir ‘.?.f:,-.:.;—:-..
- Ism hook sad if to pealea Idatmad. c. Zl=- . ._ - : ` .. g .....
I. " =ali d r,, c . U r tu. , 4 ! . 7 6 -.4ith::-,;_.,-,
A OuV'Vriffti 3 / 4 0+4 iii\ 6s it: ~ .„*#.*:..,—.
• \ •,'-- \ -
t ignsant ". '' ,, "•"4`'A' —• :. ' \ "i , ': 2 , -..
193. 1 madi WA alga= a Own" 09 •Illt 0 , •-. \-.'. - i'. '', .•"•
inea dui iamb) iphmdctild.'llll. it'''' 9 / 9 W. " \ - 1, • :
, - carablr; so bittlint*Utal to Vt.,!if,ll..AlKt
. 1104
\ coo at het oitaalthig pltraleisma -- c•i:NA : ;,.,'" -- --\ • . \
- • . . an "
I antsy that MUT I:l=set . ittailitAr.a- .. . ~ \
luu. 51 81 . . ="fliamad Immo twa r ottalme I WA; ' \
' -
Ert=r a t . pg4lect . i . poriad= ... ,..... , . , \
ot hot Ataikrpnr rarest lutnA:_tek%
eialaa p i x tr MLA • lattlam -or. cl I% al.:
lur wa l l` e nierriaU u lv i ti m atepatagi. gri et
= l ' WoUdieisa moll Abe lut taw 1 4, 410111t 1 M.19.
sod almaideredlowalftwatec t r moll. • awn \
Par • Mos Onto &Loam • ... ", ' " OAT . ',1,•;,: - \'.' \. , ,
• • .Pkaoi reriA\Pr,'Werakeilliff44*l ol l,A
- - uta v matitiers: • •,• .. , .L. ,-4,y , A ,-- v _ :
---.,,___ 73.antho ir...A.1-I:4=.\ k
oo Ic. WeetU Om ism Weed Into- acpabOMARI:. \.. . - ...
coand Mart semreart m t& t .ew., \ ~.\,.._
t"l,lrutregl'l'.4 1 tial.7l:4l,lii ~,
_,?..,,, .:,Vie.,4,....i,,
T,T4.7. Alt..; inulata r ,d A ,tra.,_ g all _ .... •: . t i es , ).;,-, , ,:1•1
V,.u,,,f,..4,T2. t u 'a g . a .: - ...":± i ",..-,, i.l
~ ...„tr....trei 'di& not ma top_ilt, - Aim took
__ :::: ,• , : -, -. , ..5u - ;
irl--thgehArz , =.4 - -.%=- 7 .47q-1- zv ,
r.t.. .1". ....tut tb.`!ati.." `,..= .1 ... , " 6.1 "1tr m "" .. -i,:-.' - .:' -,,N, x...;
tract of Ulm' PAW salt ,-; 1 Um datwiti I.! ". ‘2,..... 5 ;
Mad at Ita pat elholl In Atter:um thigoictattri \ - .4 \ i- -, \k,
' l ham :CO indocomat to maga. liga statemptatihd
„..\-- : • 1
than ft map Indus ;Ohms aglirtedemesa the.. aalemes of • ,-
Yet.-'"-'--`t. to trx do Valklll , ,Diek sad du= \
totimnag. a* 1 da. awl la la mama ormegar ..
raii.r. 404 . "1 "r uk ., ,- . : a . U w' i al .t.l l r s t raesiook, ..4 7 D'
_-- kr Pot ur le clistbittleit.\ - 41. pulAttle. - \ ....:
si.tgaurke Li. &hi ..-. -, ....••1atrl z rant 4: - - \q,
11.- e mat maw a levertnamt AltdAgS
tiM 4m -...,
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