- , 011,Yriday s*arattig, Dseetabsr 31st, Ls cal int•ot daatht.r a land &pi -Dorm. A., jhabar, of imegardstdan of tar Drab:sena 19 months. Th. 'kinds st the Wally Inr,•-rneetfally (drawl to Mina the fuhrri4 at o'clock Ile , ( E•tordAn Army xs from tb• rekditudr of au Danits en Third ,treat, Wised W 094 and INsel.r. street. • .llRams' Relict School. INDER, the Loctare Room of the First . I.pmoytnian thorob. f Itt•toretb, open egedo on onann.tbo 8l Soot. Zotroluto on Bluth et. ,n1:11I _ ~. .. Noce--Iforticaltatal Society. -' INS animal elcotioh for officers of the - • mlocoory Coragy Ike!cultural he-tory will tote 'ot th y Board of Deolune Itooao, on lirafoorfor. J.• W 27 6, 16 1E4% at II c/cloot. Jolenl , LIENELY WAlODS,Eoorntoor. Iron City thing Company. • I AN assessment of firry cents per share haA tolled on tn. Voeir. of tble ta • T0N , 113 , tr. in Me MT. of litteborgh, osx the 311 t, doT By order erne Bawd at Directon. iniDllol W PALMER, Tresaorrr. , - ' Co-Partnership. . . 'RPORGE. P. SMITS .has maocitted with M B J.C. WM.:. Batanol B Beltran and A Patter son trab.sral will cOntlans..ths Wbonsalo Dry Oacna Rastas a. caner thenrst cr OSIOSOE r 13111PII At CO. PittsbrrskaJarraary lat. MI liaL4lnt Co-Faitiership T • • ~. ZANE this day associated with me in the it trardwari. Malbw. In. 1 . 4.n. Will A Won4well. ikod amen Wilo. ender unrileck or JOSI•rH WOOD AUL!. a CO. ,30§EPLI WOOD WELL.. Jaui . JOSePh WOOdlieli & CO. PORTERS and I)tders in Foreign and Dm:wee n...rowani.sasOnaders: corner of ace and. Diuoloit3n of°PaztnenliiP lalAt pa bi betetotbrevaubicted th !Ma e : a ' ratvle e‘t A A .1 AVOODLIOUtIE.Ie Aar Atesolvett A Vortlhont• sr:II &title the bnalnaaa of the late firm Thaw lel= have ohahns analnat.the- Annrtewltat .'them. slat those Indebted el I pl rued to tor t • . retieDllotthle Survtrive Partner. jaNt WO,DLIOIIde. Witmer. • . Notice. . • ITAVING tissirciatsd with us IltSh Irons, 1.1. ma Gyro a. tuff-Abe Gelrrfal wire f rev_ will bs mrivood trader. Or nwril sal syl.o WorTMOII3i. WOLIft # W.' au WOLii. NOT/CE. 11Es. ty of the firm of S. P. SHRIVER s. °l4 • - 1 E ..1! i 0 Rad 112. R= end Pfltsbto*B, I.lt dto to otiItIVBEC, DIVA - Wall tb.." 7376.11JEL; P DILWORTH. 1553, .'JUAN B 430 DILWORTH & CO. having declined the 13.0310 a. tuotiof Efirivr 1,313run11 • 03. will entiote t . o s_ct al , a.f r na ra41 . 0 . 1 . 13 . s.f Masud lad 1.4131114 313311 L • Pow,l ' W" 4 3 fg . 11 0 ' lO L'an? Th.l° 4d ° :tuat. ' : No. 3 1 I° o 4, rutt,%tubartß.., • L P. Euvrial.........sarrn utwomt.. r . m.yrovri. • . • Shriver, Dikworth — it- Co. WElOLLSALECliciiiere,Produce and-Com aisdoo Marebaws. la Nthburgh Mann. iiKturt.N.U.l23 wag 11 , 2. brecn.ll er:im An.nc3o'w.n . ItArc DUD Co .1 l'ittAbsigh Jimausry i.e, Ishr. 3 the Allegheny Val i-J.)4 no g.. 4 MM.:ay la,teqUlrrd to r.," to the Tensors, athl t.eNhlmellt of flea de Vass per sham. OP tbs breoems of Febrowi Smet.met' flee doilsr..on the Straka *sett month thsreatter until all is sdd. Dr order alb* Beard. JuAirt T I.o4:lSlhe Treasurer. ishdlen I L 2 Wood street. Mr FOWL Armstrong hutment sod Pt.. Press, that , loll.inert. and Dainotrat, and Je Ibrsoulaq Star, sops each widtharre tynnoam., ATENETiAIsI ins b Magnet', in nod by , J KIDD It CO.. GO WO.l O. LOUR-MUSTARD-200 lbs English, in T lb tiro. tor,lebT JKLDDk CO. RNOLD'S INFig, comprising Writing 11 Pluld.Capring •ull-161 Inta—V2 r.c. D far rala br KID A Concjded Point. teetimbny of the efficacy of • - ill WanedOere Sera.Huge, from a regular Pete - udriarobannat fall to eoavinoe. • Prom Dr.J. J WITRUAN. DAY,L110.1... nrkanisv. Feb. . • Messrs. 11l Ininaett.k L Un_, ate tied to be called tor. and 'to giro satlatantlan la all Call-e wind, oroporly at. It Ls Ono eoneeded point. Met D A Yabneetack's Is tba best lirrealloge Poole we. • J J FlllOO3. •feeparollial *old by W. A FALLVESIDCK &Oa. tut • • • • corner Wood and First ht. { ' ! HOUND. HERBS—Sage, Summer vm: Thyme nal Hanarann - , in and glb caw. rd by Unl i W A bIeOLV AU Cd. riticks TOWS CABIN, just res'clat ISs. rB. Fourth stmt. • Theedition in paor.__em pl tuom , ISSUE YAM:lt—prim 57% uoutt Auo.. ollttou la one voitutul, F yrtiu , th 403 • - • i JI. READ. gontheni Exchange. QlGHTnoliTirno Bills on Now Oxloansfor 1:7 We by rjat:lN] WM A HILL At CO. TWO... JUJUBE PTE, ,Liquorice, Vanilla, and lar Ems. melval &altar br ANFORD'S Ameridan refine 2 _Liquorice, uyiscy.ty by JOHN E. inwix. Ink, received JO sad for We br 11.1] JOEIN F. IRWIN- UABRISOWB Brown Windsor Soap, reo'd* • arid for golg br Usti 7 JOHN B. 1aW1.4: • WENNER'S . romiilado Divine, . gamine, Jr , rpmtvad nn i:t fat sal,tir JOUR E. IRWIN. jal , • - ' Apothecary . . No. 63 Market .treat. 113111LADELPIILIL 0/UPI:ES—An assort ., met of Cardin Jost received tram Ilention'e cele brated ratabliehment, rblrals.loblor,lecnapriebrat—, Craulet Plzen Gam Draw , . • Cbeenrate &lets, Cordial Drabs. • Jlo Crow& , , Creem.Deope. Japab, Prate Beene Alerands. fd ' Vt?/11). a C.l. - , Comer et Wood end Sixth sraxet - s. Bp lIROUNDY . PITCH-600 1b Genuine Lbr sals /MD.& CO. . • SIINJYRIES-- •;, ' •: .113 lbs Gam folstati; Z l • P s Itootticln Is gtan; • osltored axpauttris; , AO 114 Er., s.lpb.r: • • -, • ' , AO Ills Larender t lovas ; .:• ' • ' .25 it ' P- P .J FTr! °4 ' q Zitt r 4k CO. .0.e.31 Usres•ts hipER-2000 lbs. Turkey. in store aed J ii.DD I Co.- • 7 - • - Exchange Benk 'of gittatmigh. ••s • -. • 'pent.. Mat. 1832. .13 D ALANCES of D re eposita exceeding Ten.- nonles, nbien have 'remained in ttda Dant. anal/ens • #.1 . .102,41 than threeyoke& , , Lot W (held on attachment) Aran B. 1010, 110040 wtl: an Doerr . Mt. 12, 1009. 48.93 131tarlas4 Molar, . Dee. 1..1819. 14.3 a '1 errtlff that HA ferstoiaa linlMines are correct; to lb* 4 bat 9f ar inow:Oga sod belief.. . . • • . • JANES B MUltianY enabler. . enlorritial before Ma. ,U 511.1.4.120taiy Pulßo ~ ;1 • TATEMENT OF DEPOSITS add Salon .• • ; 1.114'4 " hiathr.u'"& - ' ) °°`e. ' 4 °k °' .• • thedattofPgil..t.67.,t:`r.....beein nex t and L int • altered: . . - • H Haßeltnelr, !July . 23.1817. LW 00 There ale no lielanew [lnt lambent to •.. ' , • 101 IN SLIGO. PM, caehter. ' • yertatm , Horait Basta it Pitt. basica. Lee- ‘O, 1002. • ." ' . Woliserltied and starratal unto-before me. denLalte.34.o ' brit.o.l2nr, tinter, Putlin Seeds said Implemtints. • , J'ALY llabbake, , n Uttar._ Coontaberrevud either earlySeris toillotr beds. of the mon sonioved Amts.. A large assort=eabel be Sant pi sr urriegarsog and Pudding a:Error, Pruning aawe sso pusar., with handbre 8 bvt Lone: and other Gar ai. inialeourots at varlobasortAliteaw Cotters,Coni ssid Crushers, liruo-snli ado.. thing plows,. Cultivators, Corw "abetters, Seed Drillsoand a Isrire atestm tar of Labor Navlog tonlestentv tor the Vann .8 bard.- The vita. loiter et the rasedi realv forgistriontion, sn exatoltur the sir., at, the llordeultural Warehouse, S o. • - 49 Pi(' h EL. do3l ~ • • : • .3AIIEEI WAIIQW)P. • •laA ISIN &limo now Sultana Itaisina, . }Alt reed by .•, W A AfeiLttedi A el, ' • deft • = !,conserWoal tnd.leech sterod .SUO3-20 bblEi Lovaring's • . -- - f, ....-. ,-4 - - Iffnearittes for 'Magary. 5r,i , ...- • c rlfirraced: Harper's Ilagarans ) l"ar Jaana k .;„-:. ilVottztt•entunkt. vitt be footd—Thrn Wt.ka I" . .l' 41172.1Vllgrtir- WIZ, I:, " MISZIZ ° . ' g. . . . U N p. ..4,,,A., Mso.slei. fox Jantmry, incIIIIIIIIO IV • :". . ' ' P! ‘‘ P in"l. £7 ;it ; reiii . ) - grati ' l * / ' Vor.." 1 "" :-•••.- -- -aim: , - ~ • . . 76 fourth stmt. . .GAZINE-44nutzi.No: AAPBY'S gigt J.... if , " • • • . .;-.Bemdoal .1.11[ 6 J1 1 RAW, JONES- tc CO have removed' stoi*.rtoSe [mt Ws:o.lk, gc.. so ono Vrafxretrest. Mint house below Market t. • Vros.. P. Janis, A pot losursooo.Codvsos of North Jltewrin. hcs retooled bin aloe to Z. os. eu and el Water &at • 4 r - • •To Let. 4 000 D. OFFICE in the seeend - story or itd2717°',""•4"7"1111,11:•1tAr2-06. Homoeboathic Works. • . 411 ST FITBLIFOTKO---:ELEIIENTS OF t0:00r1PATIVO-P113CTICS 0 , . Plptale. b 7 .1 prin. At 0., second Amnian edition. enlvdsd and "finoroved, by •Gsrald Unit Di. 0 and an Appendix an Int w erci n ltts . no t osen, be J. D!nalad. A. $3... AL 0.93 2 Wu ad . .. • tonaat du Rocdo,oplithicßook and Shand dor( -. , . 041:42tkint33 J 0 HeuEoVEN. " 3 , 15 1,11.. Ty Ong- B00118;BOOKS—Jart rearrrqd— TG•ftecdas of et:Bar4olob's. or Um Sul se• , :t.ta - d , 07 r W *WU. , suttof of 1314. d. be. /I owl.* to exits. or a Vore• ft= fit. Zaino", Thek *Plans .4 rfifortions of Sapolm.n.DTß.4 . 7l l mom: - - lt r i. S'lna=Vrieta TS ti b , 4 1,rita I. eoth, eat welt , ei. - • . •ttaapre• its. !tots Ntoctor f or Jamu e but l—the Deism: anblb of to Os moo rum. Pot .00 br k - 'W. A: GILDWIFENN 6 Y • CO.'•• s. 'l4 A.Rtt-20 Illst No.l to =lra for solo by 1 /MITI DICKEY b CO.. • 4•20 ° ' a - IVat. .4 1.00 ea BM- PEACHES-400 bus. to arrive, for Watt , t boat et • EAUD:AND 7 i • CJ 89 tame. Ita I Lard. r " P" - "lLVeareilet ao- • IDs - • - Watar I.d rts. - j A11 1:ro j2111114 ` 11° 1 ' just rifclifllital:.ll ALLOW-12 bbls in store, for sale by O • • castrro- IitITTE)3-Ib4xes primb R? 11; a son. • ut inapt imtritr i WAV br. g ; ' I . N. 0., BUTTS —7 xeceived •- 4610 . , v911..!T01/I.(so4frainratnY• EI=NIIM COGST: Or , QUAITta BE.llloas.—On Friday morning the jary emparoceled in the case of Commonwealth vs. Ellen McDevitt and Rape Mo- Catches's, Indicted 'for assault end battery re tuned into Court with a verdict of—.. Guilty of an dasanit'• The jury were out all of Thur, day night. In the surotyief the peace ease between Geo. -Beath and the! defendants In the above ease, after a hearing, each party was ordered to pay their own cute. The Court then discharge , ' the jury, until Monday, as the day was to be devoted to the argument list and businces in the Orphans' Coast. ". Francis and Jullas Oppel were brought before Ott, Court for sentence. They were convkated of barelary In the Court of Quarter 13083101113 on last Tuesday. Before passing the sentence the Court tusked the prisoners what they had to say why sentence ehould not be poised upon them, to which they replied, through ?Sr. Rose, the .State Interpreter, that on the morning of their arrest they wpie 'going to Manchester to buy potatoes for a pig. The Court asked them to explain why they carried a doublebarrelled 'pistol, a bowieknife, and a dark-lantern for each a purpose. They raid they had just come from Baltimore, where people wore knocked • down in day-Light,and they bad heard that in. stances of the rams kind had occurred here, and that it was entirely for self-defence that they carried the weapon. As regards -the dark lantern; the mud was so deep in eonie places is their route, hat it wail absolutely necessary to have a light in order to get along. Ih regard to the Melee leathero they had pur -1 chased it from a man with an unpronouncable English name, wh:ch they had forgottea. Judge M'Clurd said that the only word of truth elated by them wan, that they came from Beltirisore—the other assertions were false, Ras cality has become so great In Baltimore, and "there are so many rascals engaged in the buil nees there that competition has driven come off, . every 'direction. The prisoners had foetid theirway here in order to have a clearer field for their 'Midi/owl opetations: The eentenee of the 'Coati was: That Francis and .7¢llns Oppel should pay a fine of 6} aeute to • the Commonwealth, as well as the costs of proseontion, to restore the Stolen goods or the value thereof, to Mr. Parker, and to be impels coed In the Western Penitentiary of Penney!, Tanta for the period of nine yean and thine calendar months, each. The prisoners were remanded.. Divid Jones (lunatic) was then brought into Court andrinformed that thojery had found him "not guilty of larceny," of which he stood In dicted, on the ground of Insanity. The prisoner would therefore be removed to the State La:antic Asylum at Liarrisburgh, there to remain until, each time cue ya wasad be (ally !covered air Co . ohran.then commenced an argument In favoe of a new trial in the'oase of Cassidy, who,. our.readare will recollect, was convicted of two charges of larceny eome two or three weeks ago. The grounds for the charge were, the obtaining poeseesion of a note drawn by . Troth & Scott, \with the express understanding that Caostday knew a person who would cash the note, and thathe would immediately return the money to them, Troth & Scott. Instead of returning the money, Caseiday, St if 3 alleged, applied It toile own nee. An indictment of constructive larceny, .was brought against him, on which he was found: gnilty. The other charge was tangier to thli and resulted in the same verdict. Mr. Cochran's arguments were founded mostly on technical flaws and the admission of unlawful eyidence. A great many legal quotations wets made. As the whole argument was of interest only to gentlemen of . tlio profeislon we did not - take notes. Mr. M'Cilmont followed. in favor of the mo tion. Ho was sacceoded by Flanegth, Howard and Collier against- and Black in favor of the motion. Judge M'Cloire withheld 115 dealelon until Monday. The Court then adjourned until Monday morn ing., c. Tics van:tons places of amusement at present in the city. advertise for several perforatrces to-day. Bayne'e Panorama will give three.— 'morning, afternoon and night, and those who :have not yet aeen it, will no noubt avail them selves of the opportunity, aataday will conclude the engagement ; n this city. A pantoinime will be produced at - the Theatre in the afternoon, 'and in the evening three very tine and popular pieces will be performed. Sanford's Opera Troupe will give an afternoon performance. Lienderion'a Chemical Diorama will give three exhibitiene—morning, afternoon and evening. faun L232.-112a following is the trial list in the District Court,4or the week commencing on Monday, Jenuary .13d, before Jadge Wll liama: - N 0.154 'Walker vs. Btelly. 153 Hollenbaek q. Hero= 108 [tenter re. WAllace. • 122 McFarland re. Smiley, et 157 Walker ye. Merccr'e executors. 165 Morrison re. Swartz. . 165 tame re: same. 169 Milean ye. DreLlenthat 170 Same re'Yeeng & Bon. 171 Pennock, for nee re. Mahon, et ex. . 172 Cnmml6e on. same. 177 Woodson. Scott, et al. 178 Woods for use re. Wagoner. 1,79 Ears. Breldenthal. • 180 Penneck, for nse on. Mahon, - et az. 185 McKeever vs. Holmes: • 187 Rose Ti. Wreath. 188 Rill vi. Breidenthal. • 189 Socurbeak vs. Smith, it al. 190 Hopkins, et at, vs. Simpson. 192 Logan, et al, vs. Fenton, et al. 194 tayton U. O'Connor, nt. al. 196 McKnight & Bro. vs. Pearson. corona JIMOU Booghner et al, irs. Kramer et al. 156. Raker vs. Dougherty et al. 159. Schneider 1 , 11. Ebert. 160. Same vs. same. _ 161. Preston Davidson et ax. 164. Blair elan, tn..Dolzell et a:. -167. Sanders vs Mews et al. 168. Kahn vs. Dillon et al. , -173. Brigham vs. Lindsay. 181. Winder= vs. Robinson 182., Raker vs, Morrison. 183. Faberge's. Bell & Co. Brigham vs. Lindsay. : ' 186. Scott vs. Negley. 1 191. Adams vs. Kent 193. Troby Disva. 197. Jacksori Is. CUrtia. Iloth vs. Stab:Mkt • , Regesmas VIC Peons—We aro requested by the Young Ladies' Bewarelent Society, of this city, to,state:that they are 'out of fends, and beg leave topple their appeal to the Futile, for as sistance to enable theta to discharge their self• impised duties of feeding.and 'clothing the per. They meet every Friday afternoon, at the Lec ture Room of the First Presbyterian Church. Ma. Intuit, the carrier of the Oarette In Allegheny City, will serve his sableribers wiih 'the Carrier's Mercantile Card; and &Now Year's Potm, to-day. Wdore confident our readers In that city will not forget him. dilutes Tiegsr.-'—die Independent ticket for Mayor and Ward offieere In Allegheny City has been formed, Jacob Shane is the nominee, for deyor. MAINZ 1610.001.11 LAW cost - mtnon.—The friends of the Maine thrum la* throughout the county, assemble in the Pint Baptist Church at 10} o'clo,okittia Looming,. for the purpose of mitts 'elan release fo the passage of a similar tau in tjxit !Hato. . Tulsa are new in our.Coutd .Tail three per sons to be conveyed to the Rime of Refoge in -yhusdelphia, and one person to the State Lu natic Asylum at ll.arrlaburgh. Francis and Ju lius Oppel,- sentenced on yesterday morning, were taken to the Pei:Monthly, in the after- umne se errr'ELecnort.—The municipal election in Allegheny city trill come of on the second .Tantday (the llth) of 'humary. The lager p 'that-city ha, Inuedlde proclamation. . To na 0P1M1D....W0 loam this the I:touts. flouring mill on Latoock street, Allegheny City, will commence operations co Blends,. Thu, le one of t h e largest; if not the largest, flouring n ag In p en wyprania, and will be second to none In the extent of its operations. • Baysit's Votaos-to Eunorit;—This is pest. tint, the last eshiblat of this beastifol Pan owner at the .athattenm. These 111 be tiro 'Wattle= to- day —si oil:look in the after neon sad at nat night. The half otteald be engirded, se the paintbNperell desernes patron - • -;::.;,.,;: Don't forget &teeter Setiford's Beni fit, this evening, et Alvenni° Hall. lie presents a vari ety of Dance! ay-pen:ring hirierif in three of hie beet, inch:ding the Highland Fling, B%Hoes Hornpipe. t:2. B.CC,IICet is the last tight but one of Hanford's Troupe. "10-morrow there will be a day performance nt 23 o'clock. ASOTIILD. Comurrmiar was loigei ;:gatimt Wil tiam for nseault.eild battery, on oath of Cornslitis Cryley. 'This is the fourth charge against him.- MALIN° AN A/TBAY.—John Barry vas finally committed to Jail by Boner, the Mayor. for - default of bail, for making an affray on the night of tho 261:tibial., at the Welsh 4.lhurch, on Ross street. LASCYBT,—John Jackson ' a cetera. boy, was committed to Jail for a further hearing,by Mayor Guthrie, for the lartsny of some machinery ly ing en one.of the steamboats at the wharf. Ox Furring hearing, Alderman Major finally committed a man named Joseph Bush for disor derly conduct, in default of a fine of titres dol lars and costs. POLICE NEWS LARCERT.—Mnyor Fleming, of Allegheny City. committed a young manta jail, on yester day, in default of saoo hail, charge with hav ing stolen 813,011 or !eight quilts ft m or man named Wm. 3THentti, in the Poutward, ward, Al legheny. HAMM CORPUL—We understand that ••o• tion to admit Walboor, the policeman, charged with the murder of Kitchen, iu McKeesport, to bail, wilt be argued on Monday, in the CoUrt of Quarter Sessions. AMUSEMENTS TIIEATRE. === ==M J. P. BREGSPOULL_ -. nrsna aii - Doors open at 0% C.'rlork ; Performances nommen at 7 o'clock. PRICE OP ADMISSION tlecon.l d•yol .— 101.54• lh Its ac m e rt.ay bowared at U. B Ofllo.. do tog th TWO GRAND PERFORMANCES! NEW YEAIrB TAY! Thls arterntoo,at two o'clo , k, will mg prodneed 13.Tligt °HAND YANTOMIAlfritli Clown • re. raeley . ... In taloon.. Cr. Hamilton Calumblog Etna:inert Demons, Paine. ge., by the ' Cor.:l' Praetor's to which. the laug nt hable Warr. of ' THE SOLDIAN'a BETH ti. N- Nat. Teti Mr: RT. ~..31.1a0 Wheeler Lisette. exacta rarennator. Thin Erman. Januar lan the ratan:names win ma Moore with the maaniti.tit Drava Of, JOAN OP AR O! AUE 11•11, OILLICAN, ~...?lAnv(lfith the °rand Standard c v , rg- - Not Parton airaolibm After which. the beatiVfol Donna or TUX BARRACK 110011. • Colonel Perrier Ere . lonod An_priginat Dramatic NEW 1 EMI i 3 ADDEESSI Wr(!ira fameuly tit the nealcos. by • nonnative is Clio city. wilt be epoken be Sirs. Feeren. ,---)1e. and We. Gilbeet To renande with Oa: lively Para of TUN NEW FOOTMAN. Mr. Eras _Mrs Wheeler Bobby_... -• MONDAY'S MIL. FARL BENEFIT OF➢ AIRS. LABELER. And.onti bar Met appearance. Ern. Amman. Jennarr Mt the performance will tan "raWb F A r zni P- Pi , Vif. .:........_fore.eldenl Yemen (Illbert Mehelien_ Mulsan• Dorval.. After TUN MANIAO AND TELE CAPTIVE. _ _ To be falo Usnce. ;Td - by the ' trat - ser of - DOSIDEV k bON. U'mbn' set o Poem Meyer— ..... _Ann W h eele r Alba erblob. the eyeelleut Oom.dint• of BIMPBON CO. lir. Dimpeon Idr. Bailey Mn. li.mprost-. • ... . ... Yarns To reaolu4e with • Farewell Address by litiVarrea. in.llos fink sow o: la—De•te may be meowed without addittenael eb..•••' ATELENEITM--LIBERTY STREET. , The Celebrted New Orleans . Opera Troupe OPEN on Idonday_Evening, January 3d, sad continuo .xis areolni daring tho,••••b, lofor atterkg the tforleson• Open, of tiormszobbl • OmuraLbo. Cbtld of Ms Prolote, to parti•ulsts, w bill. of th. Adzoisdon to' all mt. or th. z sate: Dry • er.. krg .chm e Ofritot bbtlof or foa... i.. ray Teo g. 11.0.3 illturttan Warn Night—Banforti . • Beton. ONE WEEK ZONE, AND POSITIVELY THE LAST ATELENEVSI II Y 4 LT IEBERTY STREET THE Publio are respectfully informed the, Bapmr V OYAGEs ol • O EUEOPZ Wlll ushibited orurT night dusing the prams: web. and will Poriticelli Orr on an lot January. ON NEW STABS' DAY TWO EITILINTIONS. • At i . cletrwlr ho gs,..guLboori. Whiehswillbe hat ulibitloa city of Pittsburgh dab . 0. oi. Stenon—.--.11. H. ELM -.J. Pcircad.4 Nichol, Biactin & Co. CENERAL Cdmmission Nem cor- T ner of Market ard Chareb *trivet. Trnetall7e. Ten, de . T.01:4 ' ;7 ".""4ck" "Ligii.biu'rr7io. TliE Partnership heretofore existing an der tea hem of Cults Dobbs, in the Gmeral Cara mans AI, AKI hi-otiose., was dirsolvnt b y mutual ocasecV6 on the hest car of lawentb•a dhe tonnes will here. ter be contuc..l by J C 1.111:718. who 'Abdul, authorised lentils the twines, of the late - tan. C CURTIS, • : F ••• - ' • To caffeine from the tate dem. eclat chranlellr etn commend car friend. J C Cunha to \my friends. tad the puede and as a geouvraert teeth; of their coat &nes. and also the complex:el ct which he l• aztot V. DOBBS, General Insurance and Reel Agent pay Ln c0n.1.0 al Um ()thee Of mo la. Elm. I take aleatory 14 rnarakmaadlog Mr. ➢ Dobta.\ late partner. to 0* POI .• • a contlera•rt .alas earn lonre. J C !CFI Northern Protection Insurance Company, Camden, NrY. • - CAPITAL; :$200,000. ET3IAN CURTIS!, President .4. illbtoxtunA, Rettretary. ''WILL issue .pnlieiem against lepa.r dam us by lire en EnlLlings anti their root ate, .f 1 on tho Knits and Cargoost It acorn and Gummi Pesu. on tb•most favorahls terms. All Lotm• this Astrucy "Pt .ei.tyd - and ProntLfs p.141J at usi.onlot, .1 id CURTII. Agent. orrer Wood and Ann ytrertA. 0.20 - over Payicks t Triends Moose. Rensselaer Instnamee Company, Lansing burgh, Now York. JACOB FAKE, Prealdnot, .J.lOlO Ddcontr. Sectostorlt CUAKTEKED IN 1830—CA PITA f., $200,000. Ing• old and well eEtablighed Company are Moored (wimps Pinion% by it,tir A.ra4nn dl L Is °IVO. lasts on tha goat fororsols urns. Ilte Inneont Payment ofs Its Laws dprlng tb. soyssitscrt years of its contlnuanto, is a sulnk.icot guarantee to parson. • lelflng to start correct Insurancp c de4v KTI . AgenL NAIL RODS - --. 50 ions triiAatn • blit Nail Rodt for n"ls to &AO VON BONNIKIRKT I IRIED APP.I.E.S-100 bushels just roc'd JLIF sad for solo 14 • 433 1/0K BONNIMILST A 31111WIIY. BEANS -50 Jui.innall whit on hmod,tor d:r Uf TON BONNITOUT MURPHY. 11 ROOMS-20 dozen Corn, read and for IN to , by. . VON MINIMUM &MURPHY.. riIIMOTLIY SEED-50 bu just ree'd and Prole br , T J A Llbestr strJItOONN, de3o 2SS eet IIESTNUTS-30 hu: just rood and for IVI tale by ' J T 13 .1 BOONE. ;lea e W 5 Liberty stmt. • I RIED APPLES-60 bushels just ree'd Eni for =de bf T J DOONE. deso LOVER. SEED-100 bn in store and for eaie by JTt.t.,T BOONE. INDOW SHADES-11 ycry ennetior ef 1,,t Good diallty. and th e beat arse. ner bore offered ler'sale'br dead - Jt II PIIILLIPE, I: o. 116 Market .t. EATLIER .BELTING—Iost reo'd from A the cmantfactiner, P .4.41 £Arn. ID, Ord, , onn. A hag , . slca. , of osk tanned PaltinP. ' , Mat will AP.a.is t" ,1 1 :;7 ' b rt 4 ll 7 ,l4lVagne..ll6 . Market. ping. r,P3A_R—SP; hods. prime N. 0., new crop, CS In enre and me by . doe , • JAMES A HUTCHISON A 00. . OLiSSES-100 Ibis, new crop plants tion,tn rtoip msd for rah, A b-r dr.:o JANIEs ILOTCLIISON CO. SUGARS-600 bbls. crushed, Laxrdeyel, l i n u qr u s e g i ala i i . . by BRAZIL SUGARS-40 bap it 01 to for 'Bale p r J 11=11190N 4 00. 014-2° btils Linseed in store, for solo by J A lICTCLIISON - A CO. If OL BSES-150 tibia S. 11., in gore" and p fors to bi A IIUTCASBON t CO. OPASIM-100 bakeaupartor,. for Baba by de 413 . J iIUIVIIIRON 150..-I"us tons Foundry,• 'a) do Pk Vbenser:firr sale by JOHN. WATT A 00. ^ Stook for Sale. FEW•BllOrea'of Stock in_thoLittle'Saw YIII Ran Port Comoaor TOPIIIII2 intipkt...- I=Zj'elf =fp A:IIIt t. :II .` O:2PLIVIt elteet. Ude e last , rwrtu.klY..tbe boob, out be eloe4 .4•2.* Per deys. 649 RM. ESPY, Preedent. SUI} 2 I 6 . 146g6r ec'd 466.11166 . al. by A CIILBERT6OIT EW - BOOKS—Just received— • • . • ay. sterwat. from Blatt, otaro ldsursine. 0100, Joural and Corsonoralece 100. .51001* 'Alcoa. by on an liralb supply of Uncap Toul'o•Cablu. mg, Ufa nal Memorials or Dwat.`l liobator. • . • A Mary Of Ufa on 'ha looltaus .Barnum ar s I llluot e toteorou.d .Ifows..pfloo nanttar, Or froopr • • • • - irmrtheta.i.- MME TELEGRAPII The steamer Georgia arrived to-day, with 200 passengers, and : $2,500,000. She let: Kingnton on the 24th. NEw 01.x.saus, Dec. 31. The Falcon arrived to day. She left Aspin wall on the filet. with the California mail, and $lOO,OOO in gold. She brings one hundred and fifty paseengers. The cotton market today is animated, sales 20,000 bake at lei - advance; strict middling 84. The altigs of New Orleans concede that the democrats have elected Biblrina. The majority 'for Governor In the city is 1200. WAVIINGION, Dec. 31 The Senate to-day confirmed the appointment of William Henry Prescott, Secretary of Legs- Sou to the Court of St. James', vice Mr. Davis, rceigotd. Several unimportant nominations were also confirmed. Tho appointment of Mr. Dudley, of Georgia, Commissioner of Customs, was officially announced thin morning, but it is underdtood ho will not accept. Meanwhile Maj. Barker hoe entered upon the duties of the of- See. George E. Deck, special agent for the Poet Office Department for New York has been re- moved; also two or three clerks in the Census Bureau have been recently removed, and there are many more from that Bureau contemplated. The 11. 8. Steamer Water Witch made a plea sant and snecessfal trial trial trip from the Na vy Yard, to day. The President and several of the. Cabinet, it le understood, were aboard The change in Mr. King's health, referred tAI in yeeterdey'e Republic, was not seriorm. Ire hopes to be able to proceed to Norfolk in time for the neat steamer. CIECI3NA2I, Deo. 31 The Taunt suspension of the western tele graphic !IWO woo occasioned by heavy freshets at the Miami and White Water river", and tho incindstlod eta large extent of Lower Minas. ippl, rendering the roads impassable, and doing very extensive damage. The breaches aro re paired temporarily, until the water subsides, which la still very deep. PnuaDer.paLt, Deo. 21 • The amount of gold deposited In the malt da ring the menthol Deeember, is three millions, three hundred and thirty thousaml dollars-- The nument of 'gold coined during the •eame month ie $5,770,707. The amount of gold de posited for the year 1852, Ls $51,049,295. The number of three omit Wens coined daring De • cumber, in $3.053.900.v The number coined In 1852, is 18,663,500. Haw Yaws, Dec. 31.—tvening. , The fallowing was just readied over the Dna from Halifax, being a portion of o delayed dia. Patch of the Franklin's near LIVCIMIOL, Dec 11.—Cotton market steady. Friday's prices were ac follower—Flour doll e. Weal decline, Since' Wedoesday Wheat hoe declined ld@dd. Fundasteady. Consuls 104 ®looj. Millions of ages will' be sown with wheat la California. this year; and from present Indica• dons, we are to have a scarcity of seed,tts the high mica of flour awl our necssities, have com pelled ne to consume most of the crop raised the past season. There will be-s noble chance for some prising millers from the• East, to come out here and erect mills the coma:log spring. They will not require barrels to pack jot our eitizees pre-- for it in racks. —Colffornift Corte rp ondonro of the Journal of Commerce. The Austriazi government have revoked that, as the leaves Of certain trees are'itackeil in Hungary, instead of tobacco, all vegetable pro- Autism; used as eubstitutes shall bear the sr.me tax as tobacco. The Trappist!' of the Abey of ?donut Bt. Ber nard have lost! their venerable abbot, , Father Bernard, at the age of seyenty-one. He bad been a monk from his twenty•fourth year. A gentleman ; ln . N. Y. wee recently metiln the street, 'boot midnight, by three raffians, who demanded of him to tell them the time of night, whereupon he pined his. hand to one of his pockets, as if to take out his time-pleoo. and drawing forth 'a revolver instead. he presented the latter and coolly remarked—"lt le just go . ing to strike Mire!" The ruffians did not wait to hest the report of that timepiece. Bolwer's last wolk- 4 •Sly Novel, or Vuieties in English Life"—han,, we are happy to stay, reached the 421 et chapter of the' 1169th book, and is nearly half completed. Blackwood, for Deoember..contains the last instalment of this Interminable hovel, - The Michigan Southern Railroad and the Michigan Central Railroad have both given no tice that they will make application to the Le gislature of Michigan, at Ito coining scission, for permission to construct a railroad from Toledo to Detroit. • Oa Christmas day the Erie P.allroad.irmight down :1237 hogs for the Nov York market. The daily receipts.; we aro told, base avenged on. ly about 1800, Thep an principally dressed hoga. SAMUEL GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR., No. 47, St. Clair Hotel Bicildiaga, St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. V ENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING NLADNEX %IF CLUSIVEf Y to arter, and trarranded to Ault. 110 courant h . ott hind than. uaartan/lat of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. • • . IiNSTINGB end OVERCOATINO, OP TUE LATEST STYLES:' &hetetexttristly tor the nut.. twit. aentlemea Leanne their =tem here their wishes eczeolted tad trorpned nth. 9.6 ell wort in done nailer We own ettpeo• a dolitt2m W. A. M'CLURG & CO., EtAVE REMOVED TO THE CORNER OF WO4D SIXTII STEMS, Wurcr: they offer to their old customers the imblio!soneselly. at the lowest rates, Whale d* and Retail, the Largest, meet 'elect lad gnarled Stook of CLIGICE TEAS, FAMILY GROCERIES, WOollE3 AND WILLOW WARE T DI 70UND 15 TUE WEST. de4 3ANIES P. TANNER. IWHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, ac., NO. 56 ; WOOD' MAT, PITDMOILOII. Be Third and Fourth, . tar, „ r 2; eatibriwo4 every variety and e of Santa. Boone% Styl At.. yurehased direct term Or , New ling.-MI autiMetarte e. Andaptait expreitair rail and Melte:taxi.. mid Ideold at Eatitarti prides —Mem+ call and examine bet to - boring. tar/ Citizen's Juisursmou irompany or Pittsburgh 11. 1/. HMO. I'U W , U , . 1,341 0 EL LuatzusLi...fiser OPPICE, 04 WATER, Staprrs. BETWIODI,,MAREET ADD , WOOD • ay- LN8131r46 !LULL Atcr CAIIIIO RUMS ON TON OHIO AND 4132.18811414-aly rag, AND Tumumt. 61E11. Se- / o mov FIRt. notlkva Rona ten & LA by a:s epese.ql6e tetr a OND /VA riai TlOlf a DIII7.4TONfI i Kip , I - Wm. 4,IiILISr. Jr. U ¢. Ilia , S. M. KM:, 4 lian I alel Kip, Wm. Illtrboar. itol Jr.,iirt DO. , ip, I John S. NOP crtb, 41. Ilarbaug 6. 1,11,11 CM FiellAges, I:4lmM it,ai..tila. .5 : Behoommaker. Ni altar Bryant. {km 11. Mays,: ' IMP, M. rouraxig. de= DAGUERREO'I'YPES AT THE NATIPNAL GACLEILY. 4ACKSONS National Daguorroan Gallery, ramiioft the Diato•nd and Wallet anat. (OPPWIe WD.... DPW 6tott,)elttabarith. Ladies and Oettleaten alaltlnt togttaln Ilfellts nelson at ataleritte ptiteeorlll plat. coil al.the above.estibllskr 1=1; ragtt rze hutr ,„ lbrirt with all the plinth t•Ph•llt atal do. triaareottemot lettatetl billke Illttltle,••let• • pr. fott mrmblarttat Itti,Llttrassi listen or m ellk and detested het... tel ea . ; -.-" . 1= 4 . Nat...tett ' o ' pea " E;g (MA st" tit tll 6T. .r.••••n^.l6. he. Diammwl. 1.1.1•.1,r ' if,f4on's First rrenuttm DAGUERREOTYPES. Till office /beading, Third Scrod. CITIZEAIS and strangers trbo wish to ob. Cato an itecurate, artistic and life Me liteneso, at a. err 7 moderate price. kW End ate their interest to call at this nett Ithuren tetablalunent. where entire oattsfactine iroaistitied. Of no ensueul me. Berths one of th e L. - zneet and beet arranged Olde and atollabts era mop eroded far the room, instrumento of o the fooo l omserfol kind. sod boring Aut.' tbefletem ncrrning f "M..% noar_praetteed th e osiebrited Boots, of PtilLadelibuk and Neer York, Mr. H. natters himself to be able, to odor to the rezone of the Art, •otrle o 7 01411160 . noarres. ether einsly , sr ingroiDe.efidan bee 000.1 , nem , eorraased. I nv= npon end opirann& ok , 0 00 tialtgoZi, e.inea e. et_ Fel Ili,* /owls D. I. *vas NrCORD & cu, WHOLE ALE RETAIL FASILIONABLE I NAT AND CAP ild./.II4I.FAOTPSZ 88. . AIIeDIDULIZJ IN ALIA.X.ENDS CCWILII,OP WOOD AND FMB ST& • fittlburch,. Pa. • ail-Thodf, stock nab:sees racxyguslll2 wad dlls Llatimiad Wan. Um , . ODD Dad law Wanda. Buman - Nature. FOR. to cast our eyes over the colainnai arta* mos sa4 pas ttakWalparr_wasp?ast torly U".."' ": "" '"tt`g J'et:TZ,r, klatels rIUSI dm lots M... Otscserseks. Ws esa ass W es. ant mash moil. bat asetiost srtielss of Mattis usaitr ea 1, Worsl.-Itsmuatos that easSwroal totem r claims oat his scan mar. of nen tans mar wads LS/Whims it atusastwur las Cd —work aussated.lD• OM — WM "Witt • OM/ I, W nanktt AUCTION SALES Baltimore Advertisemeni—Coffee at Auction. E.D.11,.. Dec. a. 1,5'1. ON WEDNESDAY, the sth ',January, at 11 D'e102t..... II*owl:. ‘yazehou, taf, Pc.:, 24 (In BAGS Rh , Coffee. Ju MaDs^...l W1LL1.1.31 O EADDISON. de3l:6t. OW , Ames. Household Furniture, Superior Piano-forte ctn. at auction. Oelect, at N Monday morning, January 3d, at 10 the Petro 'e faro Horn, No. my Fount( egreen, near 19(re1 et, IA sold. ets elte le eerier ins loetmelterfirlng. the Hoorn/min enl Kitchen Furniture. re.epriting auperier Rosewood case Pienotorle. oet'eg Mrneserno Heir Boat rnts sun Porker , Item O. .ad egloor Chairs. (ilk Frema(Korn. Katog,rny 1) ,rnring and plain. lintesto, high erre lore root e.g. Orae, apnag hlottreee. hlaherratto sad Meplo %Verb Stade, Wort. 7tande •rol Tables. rcomiler. Windom Piaui.. Pining Inher, tlateleteliste. Morn. Le mils, de. AL 1 001004.. Voogd. hetet raft 8111 r. Donner, of the lalest 01.7.10 Kam liana Prom. 4 hlttlitrers ti .ode Le. one (hunt., der3l P hi DAM. riacticorer. SPEOIAL AND IMPORTANT SALE OF DRY GOODS, • ritEPARATOZY TO REMOVAL. 1 A. MASON & CO. will hold their 'apt r.mi Annual Pei on Market greet, at N. di and at. commencing on homey. December Putio, lart, contfune moll Fehr y, at which time the will re move to thrill. New Etat . nowerecting 'on Fifth greet. .took they derinn ere on wi,h a 101 l and complete atemk of new Goods. Thin Fetalloirinal Pel will therefore be tb• clearing • out nod dosing effof th le entire stack, every article will be marked down to one cum:diner, low rate". meat Inmate • rapid sate. del? 11 ARD-27 bble. and 3 kegs No. 1, -reo'd• IL/ Per etaar-cr Winchester, end for ells by deV • CULBSRVON. Book of Pittsburgh. rINWENTY Shares wanted, for which we I my slash re,,lf farnisbni Anrimr tlxe prep ent vett. 14.721 . A WILKINs k CO. Cliff' Stock WANTED, at 75 Fourth street. d• 22 A WILIiiNS &e 9. Bight Checks-on Cincinnati CONSTANTLY for salo in any amount v. 76 You el Amt. der.79 • . ♦ WILKINS 1 CO. Three per Cent. Premium, PAID in par funds for Silver Cern. deM A WILIUNS t CO. JELLIES, JAMS A.Nr MARMALADES Currant Jelly. Raenterry Jam. Omen °age -• tnrannerer Daimon llialktorenr " • Orange Marmalade, . . . . . • ?inn Apple . '• Put on in fittet. sets to Ey Win. Vivi env ood a Co.. Benton. forato o r A breetitinii d 10, .1.2 J tornfr Wood and Knell grortn UNDERWOOD'S Piuklea, put np in gun Aslf rallon..cuart. and alai Jars: . .. 'f ' " ~.„. Oarkov. IN &aorta, . ... all rod. . 011109". Pico:Cy. o,teri. ..M borne of tho above. i ngt roc . .4tora for e. 4 by lb. arse,or roan. by- Olo,Of . W A MOIL', ‘l3 a CO., , Odod.liews for toe JONES' CORAL HAIR RESTORATIVE I. Red [mat to Iledr-re..—Tblallise article for mak• lad thw hair ;Jaw. :hyping Its f•Illwe off, curing Curt, awl drawing okarsts. owytw, dry hale 'km0110:fly. I. now odd Yoe aed DO ceote—tho t hat al l a were formerly sold at 60 mote athl 81—ss that all lolls. e ns wow use • • . It In uoeverally alloy ..1 to be the fineet thing too. far thellalr. ontd at Mal/OLEO Clothlng_tltoro. aorroal t 00... the Iltot.") portal. of Wocol otut Ll.tty straits. Pitfall...au OR JONES' ITALIAN CIIEHIOAL rOAP.—Tble truly Cm article, for curing Slain Din Eruption.. ie.. se seduce,' to flag prlca.en - Unit all T to lL It mttr 00.10., Cart ai,.tluW Salo Whit. Din, 1100110, Sot hoots; Sin 0, Tondet Skin; Is s Eike HhII7ILIK Sewn: end. f;.! Infante In the Nanser r.lt Le 'non len t mod beelik. Fold or Catkin. Score. (fat-merle 100.0 is the Big kkint,.) earner of Wood and LawkiT burkhe LADIES OF PITTSBURGH . and Vicinity • A —Piro Wand, !roan ES to 72W rents Tar bon Lir JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. It [lan It Skin a atm a tato-oar. and itthl7lllc 004 at GRIBIILE'd Clothina. Store. Wortnotir kooatt lot Ma ' , Dig Ooot,”) mono: of Wood and /Slants. iamb. YOtaburata Tons , CELEBRATE D DYE-Ern- U stiscaestil fir Dyeing the Wait beautiful Lirovn Ye boat. Pries. 50 cents and $1 lot bottle gold at 0111124 !ILK'S Clothing Sion% ( toition, the "Big Briet,^) wino, of Wood and Liberty streets. vitt . ..harsh. daTorditoisi. I VER COMPLAINT of five years' I.stand to lug sorest by bring the original , cad only atonic., EU SILLS. propand hr IL Y. SELLERS. P.m.. Washington 1.61.. tp Sant 1.1061. hMoma nL b ou r L s i — o nr Ott w—hfah writ h effoow u orders ithareray nos tln ourpart of OW country. Stony of my neighbors are sued them, lud found them of the prtab sot attllly It bilious affettio..Molt headache. to. os for nolostlL I ago gar Lb at more corer has be. • mortielna that has dons nos do math got d. I bars btu atitiourt with Liver Complaint neatly Sre years. add her. hied rations remedies. het in Talc; at tart I beard of your Liver Ellis. shish barn circled the mod happy results. and I ito without riaggatation I s now per. fact!, eured.may say I therstoro team:nand that them to all who are atalctod with dlsame of the Limb Your gratafni friend 3. gurrn:. ParchaMts arlll mamba. that all Pill. Liver 67Woodalmost. than smu upo p Mt dor hr a Imo-iSL as ERS No. idattl Q UNDRIES-- ncoo&n. ar c.ucr 42 maks J - tb. t tbA boxr . igaegorr.al a bbl 4/. E. kL•llolanes. . ; 11 0 1) tartß2:/aks../Ish. • •• ' 21 DDI.. bared 01. 100 bastel. Claw., E.M. • • 100 "101.11. Dual. & bblo. idea. r2l Butts,. 2 _baler Ohenro Pd[. a " Tor ism; ma an I fur rate Dr deN J B UADVIBIII. A Female Teacher Wanted. TO leach in a Private Family, residing a few ma.. frthf•the citr. Mews ;l i tres. 0.111. Pittsburgh Poet 0111 - • degielf Teacher Wanted WAI..TED—A 3oung man of same expoV V AMC*.• Malidillat ill BITS . &boot. Arrly. • the altara.a. at Ot.• bal. Liberty armiL Lost. • A LL persona interested' will plewo take SS.mar tbst I hay. applied to Os Melange llsak, of P•etfM h rou l r:ie f r o f. ', e ' :,? """ .,:ll l lt "' , sat,of Arras; ISA, for P.. shuts of the tT os ( ortal l ourek. Imbed o , ma. by mall Bank, sal lost or golslabl. drUlatswfor 4111,8 HAILLATT. Wanted. A k T the "Peach Orchard Coal Company," on 11 dna' Sandy Riven If ettnekleta Ldineefentatnomd.th d Fitly One Chum: Ten 3tale DIIMC d'ea goat Balldone ant Itiporr. Powooly ado cents per ton telll oo paid far dlg e olng ndol: and liberal wanes and eteselp employment piton la air.= and boat bultdorf. A j p it,d6,,Ewoittli. Wood dela Allegheny Valley Real Road Lettings. QEALE') ProDogall receivecLat the Cotetiotoy'i Oftlee, In I“rth ett et. Plttenirgh, u. bl the fold doy of re ortstY, Vb.; lee doing th..... 1 ".."2. Itridalust p.OO. boedi n to , tee. Vlttetiorgh end ftittatunine. .t.. 032 County, • abeam* nf 12 What. Tha line 0. Putt deo- Mete .[.boot cue tulle to length, and little may to pule ley en. or memos all Out I 00001005. Prilliot 411 s byouilluillorre be ready Co. In et...ellen on toil short the rah day of Yobrueet. rtorosele will bt rextved for thetirs/libi. Masonry. sed bridging_ and sloe for the supirstrudero, otlil bublitnit eaMUI2 Erillle b s r e. t r y . e e t l u it u a d it ro h lh.hlo i b ) • We total, wort l ever tut bee. ttlehleg tron,) from litteburich to the Nos Work fot • • . Cot tr. cloy refortoroo • tit b. ol Ditto] frombillero not perm - many loutoon to the Company. Tor forth», tuformatioo. sot:aim/lon MU tbs tattoo. to Ilea. Wm. Jp.111140, rreri dont of the Common to Osage R. RiAbooto. KM, AM. ototo RoatOtor. or to tn. sobforiMm W Mt LNOR RUESHIS, Chlof REIM:2mo. lir polar of tte Doled of .11stma or, °Meeleaheo• A alley Ball Haul 11. mo paoy,lff ttaborgh. Dumber 3)19e2. &Wed( wit th. kitten Amerkao Ball Mad Journal, N. A.; 4MOTICan 11•1'.1 Titrs, Bottom TribUtte and 11.rald. tier York Natiooal lotallioancer. U. Armee.. /kchutter; Cot:nutria; Aderrtrae_ ,r Buffalo; Armstrong Democrat sod leree Nor, Clarkoa Bethke sod I cumand; Jellarsoulact The elk. County Advocate , : Macao County Nurr. Tb• a..mad VW. CU meg Weekly Ull day of letting, and ~hug* thwart,. Pennalvanis Bail Road ERSONS having I)l:miners with tho Penn= ards Rail Hoe lnformedd Company,West of the Allerbeny contents are That the repels. of the noel and eansitroction of the emend true and Depots lam been committed to tea Eir gimes Departments, Edeard Chief Engineer. POlee, eleladelphia , enalstol by Oliver W. Flames, Ear,, . A. stmeneertfilee and Geo.IV. Loitlfer.lllO. P . A. Engineer, otlive elotence, Weatmoretand CO. J Losuberet. Eel. bite been appoint...l eoperinten. dent; Mbar. Alton. Lien Co., andT A Smolt Atentant getlalsndent., In immediate tb ent• of all matters In rent• don to tho treespbrtellonettrelaht and Faxon/i5...0. ,at Pittattrah. 11 11 Huston, Ent. of Allattelplals, to the '.ettetzt drelaht Agent of the Uompanr,onamed the venal, Ina and foneardlog of Produce and Inn obandtre,Cffte. ot rbiletelphis, not 11 J. 1.. daerder. Pi t tsbu rgh. egoist at Philedelphia, not Cletelt A Graham; at Pittsburgh. until J.noarr bd. 1113. ' • J. Alestlmen t. the ',prancer intent at El ltabut J. liras enowden. 00., Solicitor of the C rap any at Plusbureb. dolLeodtlatJan. lll&.American Almanac: and Repository et OrNI Knowledo, foi the 3 ,6 Y 1 8 37 i 'or tee by • J. U. WELDIn, • Boolueller and Stationer, deM f 63 Wood mt. Int.. 3d end dth. ' • . QUNDRIES-- _.., . • 0 o b.ei,irrw , 7h t '. { ht.. 6 :10 A.0.. 2,0 4 4 ,P. 1: ‘4'e 2, AP2 ,1 24 1 .holl 1112t2ler. , , 1 ttf. WV: 4 \ n. -7d %CY IslaliDLEs' liewittilo Music. WAIT for the Wugon. . Folk. t nnmd sktriptaso Name ' • frnt•nr Yolka—wlth ago a7llke¢eunt &Mag. ' , lb. Boys um in* 11171?= P 3 ' )"m• Waeraar• thetrieml. Pk!'g!''!"Yfr. • T43 - lic7pii - ure departed. ' ' • I'm • I'llssico.- Exerews sa Fc.lax br lilref .lack. elude 11.11. by Ihratach. to. ' . watchful and beware. \ , narked Ics the cradle of the Deer. s Illth all the late publiosllons of Wallace, lin er. , f oar. Umatilla. /. act. Jtsat reed and tcg sale by • '', JOLLY l MELIA/B. . - 4.18 SI. W ood street. - . .1 4 3 105-700 drums freati, Smyrna Figaijnet rirrived. and (brut. by astB • • A CULTMITSOL • ' ALOT of superior old Rso Wbislsey on hand cad far sale by • de73 A CULUEIInb.N. APPLES -100 1411 e. Pippins, in P rune der. For sale by Idea FS] If Li COLLINS. Ilia APPLES-50 bushel"--for sale by "" , morns 'Lomas& OTiil (111.111N.MY TOPS—Two nest • Noe 291 If II C014,11_289. ULLN I-7 I, l r 13Ywb• .• • • tl • Lbt..tr.ltid d *. To usivi. telsalo B4ME---7 101s:1:I:Tito fitiFfor gabs by, . , .t.‘ ~0 AINI E RC 1.,A, 1, A.„,. ,-,, . ‘rrrnumasiN kriau t im \ , 04; Tirtsttronquarrrx, \\{' , i„,,,,a., Alknlog. J.uazi X, MT. k r , 9 - b e ',eth e r itmerday wart„ r warm and at \W.W.I/ It hul commenced arain. We [44101 ID etnoure ho them.: kat. Floureras flato at the alitowsl rate, mulWr• Quote \ at $1.2.7 lur i. I to 81.16 fora:Ara from feet lapin. WE m. 9 \al, a f. et 41,:t:, i'dt .Ir. tXtra, et 81,5;100 do. iSUf. a rat.:7 (ZS , at 11,99.81.81; 68 4t. a. f. fr.= sure et thao. MO 6 An , fibtalstere et 11,41. \ cooh_ t . u h e mBB hos,ehs 11. A ash7cts ralm er.t hatlt. OATS-Sibs Miabox..iVat, 'lsm htitta et 94. COFFEE-Salre IN: taus et VD; 15 d•oNtB montrr a s eui, Pla WETAL-Salalt:M tiba. St abra . l o etwur C.,., et 39.1, ale mar. 00 ten. Usthessalteal s SC:. six RS, cr,uvEit Ersw.....s e ies Inse, at 15..Muimi lbo bx a. .1e en rrivate trims. . I ',. \ lill.eNi-Sales tf 10 bbl,. teen •1 white. at i\ t r-o bu t s. 111:17 31N.AT-.7ales 100,00 C r , citv, on rt: vata terms 10.6110Th'. country. too m 42.414. .11181TET:-Selm GO hhlia at 2201. ls ' \ - LAIID-6aloB 6 titre. efIONS..6 I I 7 k , s. nue rate. al ' \ iddli) 01 L-Fiii e I 61:11t. 00:17.. at Sulictil. : ' \ SALT-Sees 216 bbl.. at $1.10.. :I \ CIACON-Soles i.100.10e 01.13/laibl. 9. \ SUCIAIt-Pal, 10StiMs. ate',; ;Mailer ealestebn \ i's. rr in b10t..., et 6.. -‘• • \ s .. , BUTTGII c SaIes 1 tit/ prime roll fkl3. \ \ I , int. Gum \Saars.-TiM Oral of Nom : it:be, 1 5 t:92., the. were In all. n, Banks lo tjhlN.whose oon4itira I:resealed the follow:nu Tregate flit:lr.:- I. Deposits_ ............ .... ...... -`,... . . .......... -.; . .:1... 6.972:066 Buie Bute Steels-ell:IT - re: ory..-.. ....... ..... 2,603.091-\c,8,721,000 The 7.1.5t011e \Locomottve yoblishrs the pll.wllct lltt of free bank. o,ittissal amt moo to to orgaole. I. InAlame.'brrliii the rt:\ lelou• of thb free bank. I' bank : .s Ne oe:flank. • Name q 111.0 , . , , raoltal. CV Bunt of Sleepers:T[llN Connmeril , te, r E: 00 Ste. Etce l / 4 CM, of Ind.; \ Tern, :', .6.9 X) Ouvernmentlltrel Lank. • I.afarattv., 6910 0, A Iymboth Bank, ' k' ' ''''' '' ' i.Tu 000 8161.68te0l Dena. PralrliCitT 6Mpv TreArra: bap,. : T ' arrellsole,:\ - ' 1000(.0, Poblle Mock 1104. 1t ep.st • . 11e•k of North Alueries. Next:era. \\ ' \ 6 0000 elm:abeam . Dank \ • Tette Haute; \• , 60. , 66 Welash Tellsy ant, 1 l e*kev9orts I '. ' ..,.,, 0 , ‘ ,„,.., 0 A :Indi.a Stoat Babe Lasokto. V \ '''''..- timoserey r rlarsk, \ t laufafette. '‘ /96.060 Hawk et 16..aville.\\ hvabst r ille. ' , 100.eile foe 11.4, - s \ \ :: I CrA,OOO Total tank ~elks. :\ \ 81,700,900 . , Tains erXtite New ltitsx Cavai.6- Tar Alimalt At7:l".' Dont.. a stets:men'. 0f,t191, movement ofttrotk•str VI. the , ~. nu. , at thst \point tale ve.andlastu .Btatementa.mord tar New Tort. l Wert Tiny ..erfabl'olli w are, not given, . s the. fhe tnenureusV ll 1 1 7 ;r.ement 01 nrimerM on the canals,. enl fr.: tide waterOtoee .t Lovett In the to hiss of the Ai}..', Toe AruoaBaxes Th...regite. tobncr, of pr.F.4".1 , errly: o 6 tit AlL , ..r.n tide 006. to 1.0t7,4, tens-sgaittiuSlTl.llo t6l4.last e. -be,' an inert. , tbs. rear btu T.,lmt of 96.801 Moa, The wzrebta. tontzotgior tworarte clear i at IllbanY this yr. la 147.UT:t tons. -satinet 19.9,175 M. We Jr. over 'mt. l A Aggregate Inure. et ibonsge of restarts Li1 1 . h104!..4 ik•TV-t at Albany. t, Let ar weer 1.4118,196 tone - :,. ' Tbe vaton•of the Vintr.veithig • •C \ AlOaaT thla rifle I. $.5,498.1e0, Amur.' ja tl - , 2.4.:6.1:61 Isat . yeett-belr, an trt: errave thla vete over t. orerNS - 2.0.M. t.\ . • Vett, of th properti: leerbl at. lb try ltils yet., -At. 176.375, again, \ SlrLtol2Att; test 56.-laubltua 1 , .... this rear C 4 re I t. of 0.678,74 i. ...... , sr , ' Auer :rata toe se of tivalhe of file pro:Ss:Mr sv . r ,, :. tug avel cleated. ilmoy.t ••• year 0ver1eat.833.49 0 ,..., Tot* eoltee,.l at i.e Moan alt., thl• v ear en s t rvpartv. Be, cleared /wh fa h beb, t ...moo:a last ::etrAITIS• • 000. loils.mits \veer 6117.5-11. \ Last seer 8063.•" 0 , \ Thug It will t* Itt• Ihtt Ili, resluet , on or the bat, of It '' ;u 'r o b tr [•'. Flin ' •::a r t. `tar ht ' a r t " Nae r It:Tell, ", :i ' LL ' i:r „h. l thesone a r oslv 6/ a tn, iii..hea\riraven to the caon.l. a larxelv Inert:arca a an f butidel,...ni v .,, m tte. v • • T'o' onset haei.,f :V Jul icil: - .,,, s-Grahsts. VA:O9f: : A Oa en' itothnep..t.l►Oslo .8 \Co The f srmer : Idiot 3440 : 1,0ml a dtlie•sturr jo6:ween 111 660 anl 7 ..t.2.11; .. )1. ".?: ' p . % th '`' :: V a ''.ql - VATA:\i l e. 0•_" I t' l l, . h >;.,' .."., isols k whar r neld e . U T 19st et 07 mite Loo. eon, 11 , , \ ; Um Part. 1.7 C sST r.-44 r vs: ,b and asv•n houtrwi tomb. aul tee ativwrol \ La e Musa:. 9 he'refi beef have been trick .I. \ • Cley•Mbeb.l.lM ...Non Litt rear there wave but ervv \ thun..t.lba s kr.l ttar \ tatutand therees peeled at thathl RIVER INTELLIAN s .. Bitter BOLT ABBITLIA 141,.:!.D.8PH M 413.117iX5 ‘ =-..-.,-.-.--=-_-_- --,•=L ; •=.--,--_,,,, A ~ -- . 7.,- , =- - - --,"„ Tat Ettsa—Tlute weia 12 Bete Bseßea Watt a ebsaniN last a reatoc. at Soak. bevrt marßt \ L'O.;. \ \ . ' AItRIJIRD. \ \\ • ' Tbra. Sather, Ballet. West Ns, Jettsrto. Pfalrawoo.Betcr - onitle ' dlr. griat,raYtlti ß tOr=l:, \ ' \ Baster. Onrdon, 11..0. ._.., linekoro State. Da”rboater.ciatitiwal lilathestar. Moon. ITtatlal. DEPARTEh'. Jefersan, Parklroati t Itrtnistwilla. Taos Mater. ilat..a7k West B taloa. Laura. Bauraat s /storm - Me. 051. Baru .1. ['eosin. EltratS2l. 'uyer, tsontars.B.saver, . \ ~ Katsina, Stows Oath, O . • , w..thi. K te. cul,l.'ot.rtl!•. L•F:vB. Boum. P. , iS. Sr. W? . , • ‘,, t=l,:b ans .s.ro sta4 . ~ BOATS - LBITING ; NBITBAT. wooecnca—Dtcmt. - , \ r , 2 NEW "ontwis—r4.l aßaktow:' . • =olll , l7ll.lll,M*VetiTi.. aItOWNSVILLE. t 1. IL cil kr. n. s WEST NEWTON. S A. W.. atill . i . B. SS . Lore Bars. -17e sotto.. d. yeoei dap, nk tho, carvettof Irma and }Taxan Strata. ono orolee raw, :- Illfer rcai ° • at, which ocr steamboat mule are now furplating Stool; basta. Croler the new asamb‘kt tper.erthrstombo;ste Whether on rim.. hale or stosAs edmpelled \tto traria , 'life bash . ' to sr`Plicketline.. Tr \ sple)v.iid irtr Phr. aut A.L.Oott Oa ',mai 1 , 1 , 1' Nam., run, u. A N 0.% Tha IturstaPltarat 1 , 41. c m, kau IlauditaVW•da.dar. u/ .1 ail af, atye.llo.at , —Ut.talar.taattattlasal• tat as iusada4 . nut . ' 4/ , 8 ,1 5 ,04 . y 8 Ths Wlaehrs lettea IVtataarsrh Tr-catty. Thacra• 0 ST, .141 eaxarlt;),,al ea.. salt—ltat al ga . Ism Watutlaz col , a' .Iyadaaraf. tad at& cfcloat. 411 ,, 5e macnideent atm.* arra bunt orprciali far thittr•da. tad fora 4 and lacemmutcdatlam att ano.- 14,ati by aa , ./1.11,f, rots. but rear/V. frelubfjor Parkarabari laterc.3l.l4. Ludt.. , \ nt r. S ." natti I r OJV P‘ f' i no th all " - Vir it EROERIG ANTEto,\oB\neral•Coaimis iy.,Ocri 4.1b0r0l adovOfoito =AI ...A ...lots of Yroi*e orws;>4r• j.17•.7 I Delciipareffutnal lashraii\s\ \\ t. Philadelplita. \ • DIE fr..llo4ing poreons aio entriletd to Scrip Lusbllfor` A, AL the Pittob*,,th Aplkor. An...lato Lrecoo `o Ito. Co.llamptoo. hmtLlo *O. ttlLn:Seloecolo, Homburg,. 3 tat o. a. ll ' I 0t0r...t. \ L k jirl - W. no, °\ ''‘ Bitted /11 * ... ‘ 4.1. \ j?Tgottl i gtfool. '' '.1.1571r " ... • ilariorf,\ . .ing Alex. '.. Cak.or.llTt.o , \ liaonodo Goa ,I , Patebelor oft. ~,, \ 1114.1 3 a Ca. \ ~ ltn j A ß . * i \ it;l 7.?' ,_ \t, \ \ LII4eIL./..., : \ • Lodoriek 11 IL. \ , flaktorell. Coo. a Co, \ opal J.C. Co. , • 4.,,.*:/iot Oen ; ~ \ • • : r4. a , \ \ I fig."4 . L, "'"" \ • hi.gut. l4. A 6. , ' \ \8..,3%.,•101. ' ,N I.l.o,Ners atitapte.n. Itmuoi M.F•mrl, , •• \ Loo* II o. \ Alr own 2 •go•tr.qld4 - `.‘Loa.** Fettedy, I lt F r• ‘ &.;% • fLl. a Co. EZIViI,Itec., I O i Co.. tA Ilirlatts lelVatelput * 0, II A It • 4.1,CA.*,. % AMA: IV . \ L.elist Lt. ip:Mt . Poet s , t nrnlant7:\JJ , .. nun Ju 0 0 ha, lI I ICed 11 40;o, , s , 1,, lie trd P... 0 & Ca,,, k 111% Orb . \\ -• , '• a. l'olonoo. IlnIlp• • Co. 31:K„...,„ 3 . . IcoloAr. Jonca • -• M•11•13•41 . 1...\ CiAs..ne In.tintroik , WCllntiva A. \ - \ MILO IT 3. Co. SCIirIdoON... P.\ GOILIE & Thaw. A10rP37._W•L.,. 140 . 1 * Co. ChnmLorlln IY• - lloroty ..,.. ,\ Cntlpooll TT. , Mans .obolt. I V., / Calton/on A. • • • Aflllton . ,7 LI II a 11 1 , 0 1 ., , CAl•tarll John. 17„IfgrL 1...•14f 4. 7 '• Cos. 111 a. , • CArnnbAll It A & Co. .Marmot lout,: ;, \ Olio tt.e.A. ILI:, a Co; *Morn AA it Co, ....- CAL,...) Ail. , 1 &1. 11.71. . C. 0 14 . .0 i t , b"‘" \ ' 11iV.V....., 01/ ~ -001. ICY, . \ CoLo.lo & Otallom. 11•4111 WIV, , . \ tkoo.r Li= L *lsola /Leo. \ Coonioatoot 4.. 311o*L. A \ °At , Chu L. • trC41.1.00 0 IIeL. • \ 1.....1 onmul. ' 0111.31.3, \ \ D 11.30 . 1, PA LL Co. irOontar Jana CO. \\ • \D,OI. haft," • • Oo rt. 'Dos.. \ 14""11. . . L itat.la C t ln.tell Jam., n 3.. Mull n.*Co. root,* w V - . \ DALAI too{ • • Co. • . PostILL & No.tooti. - , • Lklonsdo II aO. • P..urrson.lo•o4, , ericilal & C. , 17...tt• ' PIA. 5 11 .„. ''• ' ' • Arro* 11. \.. "L.:1 10,1 t_ . •:Ar r . • Po'er. 0. aga r , . o: t \ 71..Arkr 4 l'lttlso l Tll. ' - ad. WOULD. ~, VolzoostOrt LI A& \ Co. own& no*Pll.\i, Yroweteil k: a DLO. W & 31•Brido ~, - Y.rolnon'iltourane Co. Ato!rtPon V..n.peo._ \ YIIIII I I 3 A \ • 1f001..b Vim •c , \ Pthron**3.4 l BM blaarr,lll.rtalsa & Co. , fi'th.r."..:r.li'll..nikhAn. .L „. ..7 ,....., e-h k C' lsiZ .r l4.l.Co. c.. \ '. ,s, Oruro RA s r. tor J. - %, ' Parra J * ll it Co.',' 1 ., • 'Go .4 0 Cr. (''''' a a C ''' '\ "" • s L, ,!47.g A,), \ , Gin ni , A .,..3 6. • \ Lu i ng 4 ai k . ; , a Lind., a Co. . . lin*Lb almul. \ nu/ I / * co, , • eha n -lAJ It e \ Host:l"M •P. „ , , ~ \ Ti:: 4l gr . ... ~ ~ =lt% C, \ s % Walton... .. \\ ' Ilunsaioo 43 4 & CO. k Wenot Tama*. \ • 11,1ro of II Misty. \ \ ~ wartmer,, t•Ris t.Co. In/Or. L` \ wbite d Co. • \ iluoler. li. , ' • watton li, ot& \ mo left, . Wilmarth broble 111mLelor O. \ Wino, Brown aCO : .. Das 1 , -J, • s WrI Notloou t a Gonost \ '• Hoot* Bo •\WO o, J./... . • llolmos P. L. \ . \ Whitmore &W. . Hollow 111.10. :, ''' WoLoann Coo. • Haan* Jamta. "•, \.- - Wool A - A. Llantatt Wt.. : \ VoO4A.ALL.A• C\ o. • \ Manta James a Cp., Wick A, LITZ:Lath ' \ f A oo,aok r : ” \_ ' •: , ' P inADELBL. Anil. MEM= imitable f r C arkrt s MO , •', ::'. •• , , . \ Attn. \ •-: \\ ' . \ 1 . , IE: annual. election of iratiaols of ,tho ,' 45nr,cistiO3 /or Abe '44tabliabliont of . • now \pf u• a tecukeram:rauaaernut,, .10 b. beld on Slosr 410,1..04 day of J•nslan . ., 1853, at MO 01111, n e t. Vaabo• of 2 aaleo , A. pas. • \ •\ 1 d.' \ . , SO - 1171 A S DAEZWELL. ProUlint. • \ . • ALE , 10Zi NOTIGE.-Notice, is liefeby _I eve that tbe'Streeholdersef tte Plttehaigh and Stenhetkela Railroad crharteaf ' will, hold their noteual lareileg an ea:ellen for the elan:ef a Preeldent and tee:vo Dive cf the Company.' at the I•dfrioeer l e lloon.. in Re ...fell's -bulldlop. corner of 11nuat etretet and Dammed ley; la the citr at Pittaburah.endfrallar the loth 407 ofc i af i laery, tent. 'Cara al. a Mort tellsA• _n ada of the 'cm. Rea of. the eetarearr. arid • ',Mimeo: Arlon work. Tfleflectlon erillposemenceatlDielock In u,,,,,,,:0tez . . , IIfARLYS ReaLOR. \I fiotice. \ \.• , . yoLLta F. 7 Tar Mere and Moohanici'TTarnplq /Oa eztotavy.'w t hold tletilts fttPt•s.d. m b .11;t1r.t-c.rxath) • • watt, , - 1.0 - 3; - tL A.V . F.A\S PitITZB-11EDATi tolp a:al n j'att •oopo too aber. aw! , to orate. DOstb)e, tbi .4••lt ar..Ai4,110•07 „Nap, tumdet . to vorp.tuad to= Lbut too [toted tooID.DtIOC (XO7lJr• Wanda/Or tr , oirtrir lexempllfy Alta O.CODODDo otwooto DortOIDD 11D 4 o=klattgos4At to .414.7,11 edooolOO • 0ak...4 perroantot [ Do 4. • itVendld sad otiooltioot loAbor oDO aao Do itaoal tot Ito Delft DoliOneer •tr ostODJa t^etaiNt• •11=estatol boloqh LOD 0100.7 •-• • *I - v; • •*,Di e kart N i. Othrol ,7 - • • .• - o \ • '‘.7 •v, EMI . . VENHBYLTINI,6:.B44Ie .8 D.. . ~r , and aria? ,14011 dial 01,2 Inib, O. test 11:eneneralsit as .. 6. 1 = 4 an liertr stree=tlZ.V.L,,,, B2i na=twe, • \ lee Z o cloak. th ‘!, • \ - till e Lettabe, BlatravnlZN___,lltV o2 . 2 . 24 , c ...k . ... \ ,Samaill. tioltlaysburc.`Ake *la , wiamh '•\, ,Ileretteerel.lentb=lgictOletk 0 eV '-' •Llarriebertb wet 10-3. theemeee ~Lei , L__ • ttlertoreVto2= l: = •, 2 a . \ emette rii. 'tiiatb lx. alai blear Ba/theere ma „V \ . . elle ee,e3a4 BUR ream will leave the ____nra , _ ~,„;.. / _ . \ 10x.st 11,48.\ nerrlng at all the .L ..: , :.WaT,^i, \' . \ ree4 'llarl annrwtiMit at Herdeb 13, 1 7.7. -- 2 pin\ - • ga1AT 1 4 ,.. .:zte=t4144 , 4r , .. Ti.Aceetemagrak prefs sill leafs •i'lli 0 4 = \ TeVreztu . 4. el . V resulas ekitialtt. "14, \\ bhp =7 • int:, felin W. ? teek trt... • 'fie inat 7 54;17.1revtan Phl Jeg. t i ,s, will mite a, metre. the as et wrath! gain.. ., net irate 'inn PAteleitbistte neat neerMna AnAl.,_. \ Aeseenneetnelnek Tann 'leen OM lontrob•all, • • . ~ 1 1 "" I. Int" Vt h gtr., • «l«. `. 't «t t.t.;! -I , ..iirtput. .... gli o = iiik t f,r n s a mp . til ...,• • Hfavot.,,,..i,,Ai. a .Te BeieelentbaL Quit= igx:\ - . foto:* bare teen . Veeldered . ste eenee7 Pe....P 2l __ lame to f. aled e ro vmps • Stla Dez:‘ ... at . i jel l = to t . alrz b m •v 7 4 1 , u ~ ,m, , ,f21,..4,9, x_ts.Dipotth. 411 . 2,7 •L \ . OHICktirt=I3I7NAHIX RAE lump INTER; AR - Glarzwr \. ' coini*cingNolitiale; felt '\ \ -•• \ ', lllMPilliggP__•_. I'OCLEVELLND, COLUMBO. tmitunizterri \ , DETP4II`, dIICAGO, MILWALIEB:4O, . . . wiz ILIDLICO TO 47710EllialiTO $9 W. ' 2.4yiso Drawl. Im• 0.1.81T0N.47188111441ND . . N, , - • *1008270.: \ ''','. ::. '4., ' . V `4ND T STAMM . TiOlf Voorrn,, 0 . 8 ~ , \ -. ltJusteraitp IN A vai, , \-- - `.. .CinisteeiLizg at diliantal:witA ths' Modica Ilia . , *tt+bv477h Raitro4d to agyvbillift \ ' ' '' , ..,....`.,:,, ' I \ 11,?/V,/s Tamins start ErtOPittimill daily, \ .81 OttoldaTi 8.88tabre„...... , La.mrifielstrik . i ate ZriLliaaitaiAiliaat isle. ; 1 I N '• \ - . tr., ir6=B,ltratet at 3.80 Pi. . Tau t6.B.llisaaa L t, . \ V ii nt%78.8.25. o:3!4acto t Tlattratilot i rt i aB: ' \ V \ I to3.l.wynu.suphuKtamton., a.. , - - \ 4orcu;rdana, cku= 36 .j,l 4 3,thei \ ! a l t . .. \ irmsb. at 1.2.30 T. S. - Titmosark.ntatt klitao• at 4. #.ll. ' \ tad Cleveland at 7P.xi an a at'Ortalaatt, aott• Mk' .. . tionatl at 880 a. at. PaABoactit aPta astir La :===\ c al tmaktfat naotmortdas is Clattaaatl. ', rare th l'Plilti,',7,?=l° . all.iil.°D. ll " , \ ,` . 4 ri tt atigt . UrEdill=tilmiiireestrsatlo t arm, \\ :, '..:. D. to , tcomettnit Itrat,a ntalas t th ierm e PtotaB7l- \\ i 'gala IOkO Roam WhiladalPB4.tal N. ,,, 1.'•• A' .., A vursxnu:34.TaAnC , ,- i..ll:llAltlaael 0 1020 T. la.. awl Saab flttobargh at , 2 t ,a.m., luttotto.B Ola sanaoatts 'rho luta. Tladastan alk ' ~. a.... th.Reb tt. Pitubuzah Ins 14- „ plci r d connect- ' . .. \ . '' llt= i t ratt-Ja co ' Um %tribe toad ' \ to Nne tXstia,Bl.-AttraLl Stir._ sad tte.it! Sala* Warta , : ..,' iiis=h:l.El:24.: l" "'lt . • 7.80 A.: M. sad I. P. DI.: 1 ~..., - ' I.Yeurston 7715.81.. between Tltt,ts itaii7ta tilh- " ta....0a be S P" . NA ''. 7 , /anent Pittanzab 41 Lao& ac,,:.asoct sink4g - at4 P.S. .: :',.. .r . bra;.•& . ..7.0 1 4, ratti: 3 attia at asts \tcB7, .....z: \ The T u ning do notroaolanto \ ~, ‘, ' . Lo o ma to Ontwicato aSO . JI Ow WWl* azo . Lroto U. Matiolo33 YlllYRlstremrt. ~.. ... _, , ... .., 0,4 r .17eXata_aTalT at Me Ihotiarat Moat Motion al UM ant ka.EaMoad.te. ' , OBKHOPI TAILIZt Pitt.lsomobarl7.lBBl. , _ • ponlicAnapt Rail Road. , Wrotet 'del his% d Rites .tcr 4112 . P \ • nre;Mait. hokt, II 1141.24. lard allt, 'RnmEer,tlUM,C,b.os. "4"ei: ,;.. seem, Flam tor ...a ith= edtjtc : • vet.; tiatathy and drisa gnats. glassware, Lazo Sad , imehm rase. eay, stareh4 Eua ,' nol7 oakum Pam web,Wanai 411: •••• •• BOATS,' X FAZE BEIVIICIFI. - . '3. - '—...:. '—'. ;• west •PLnk*AVAU•e,,A :. . 1 . A " 81LT111044 PEIZADELED , t AAig-+: , • \ !NG TO .N" CITY ,t,,, , ,z-, .f..- \:, ki,B it 2.1131:10 710.1 . - ,i 1.,T,c S i 8 tag '011.1.1 office Wilial'iatiyikst. ,- \ TEIBOUGHTWE= to) Wasklnettan, a:4W Saltp . igi .„ - tomoNoar....con ndll sant tb.5.14 Ma* , „ I ' ,:‘, Tit. ,u But, earninktnUnlied; ze. ,i , ,-- , • the Monontratala karVabonitk• Whn. 5 „„ ii .., , ,, 1:-.10 ATE11.....k.k11 at b o'clatt. Tia ibis Y Pamplona wth /or ors.. brOr-o.4.e'S Mall (}Vdttall at. eat Newton. neat OM 1 Plank Band, cronies Ma mountain:a isi day 5! Om Samar* 111:1111* t i l=rat..4lo7l . ,rs zmatut.nett...l Washirnmo,Clty, itnein.akaa¢kbipsol =MP 111 NM York thous:to emealni• \ ~ , • I, , \ Yarn . 10 , 1161thnos• ..... tri . rilLr—.‘... a .-".. " -... '"1. 04 1 ) \ \ 1 MONO GA LA, gIUTE. - ..L _ , - nu ilsaacr lama th a Wbarr.laqtrrn Mil Blida; unity. , at k c'elook. AY .11: Manila" iaanlAßittalinnk W . \ otalak boa ars for orma tbs two nza [turns* , tut aril,. In Canderland asst. marn ta Xthe 8 C \ tratn of r Ballftnare. Will env Ballimon ‘, mai wail:anat. GM, and MTV. la 1' at .11Weita \ 11.7 .* -n I 1,. t E . ...... - - - - - ... ~. , i t o 0 ', \ tiPalladelollir-...».... ....... .,.. kgli N7 l. Wnakikran Ort h. --..............1....4. LBO lb, kat& by • dor of abaft. Lira* Varian st the Weft Norton Plank aped 0,12100.1 a faa?TaITO - - , 1 •: ' \ ~. 0.17 lktiel : ' ' \ - 7 7 , '., • ' , VICUNS' HOIMEIIOLD -, vititrokalka . , , . trxrrart STATES WIESSIY azaurrss.. , .. nLeitehasont , -The 143Mb:oho* otthis \ vill borearteehourriedwo em.thweindea . whie,bas \ 1, \ • ...became, *ate P . Tarieht et .the, work - :,' 1 the i reeld \ \ - ' ... WeeTirek r sk "" asobe ."U". l , l .Worb et ' tut United * .4 '. .\ , \.- Weekly. R•gilter. ' , Th1101401211 walk tee attaked . \ \ angthrec . e . de. r Ja4olerity . both ft, ' owleseissad, Mk ~ \ , . ememenetuistiow et I=l \ , \ F1 1 .. 6. Ho ri r &jl;l4 . le ..' itilr i teit O a r" a' it has '' • -: ' , ',jwel it...wallet. periodical Mandate. 41 4 1 - tra.iihetilt be *she the astute intellectual; lebareseiniemsebtoo ' broomt the Ike: O r to muse its_ _PbweeLoe, tlk. to ' •.,_ ~ • .r ad . a=unt or anesteaso via= A hes ,' \ ~. .: ', : Meisel Ito mai &we...at reetatch MA COMET 00._..M. ~ \ , \\ ~ motet. lethis pad e osetthat tasolostiow tom- ,statt , ~ , i \., e ll t ' tZZ , V b lt-tjeVai r wli t ln_g L e i e n."'W .ine,o g. t2ll'.P" . \ , talnatipt oodlostnactichth toe tbasits emu thee lea '.: '•\ \ times (4.. T.ll7. '"*".**=°' rim at b'on- 4. . ' \ • ' the preoent st. a coetate renostarl, of elatistlael . ", \% , tack Elite Wen with each soriabee, wall* accoeot WI : , ..,-,, ''‘ to prove ot, service to the Anwtsicmcitthou bah Sw i pe 7\ hl, - '• rtViel ' ahillrt . : . l .r* li sfie " ii 1 _, . " Na i _ _eitale wa na '',' ' . A .lerailtur twaNvolomea a jeer, worattr • ormeaeo ,', , \ \ ..., `lslare oath. !heirs or the imiirtet the dirsistrecoto , 1..,,. \ • I, ' =rd V o r rh= gli t t gt=trelhir .M" ''. \ . ot ether pew „ e.. ,: Ire le ' s ' e f er irtkoVer or Tt i o ' ,.Poit t = , 41.7. - :ea. ,:- ', \ ~,,,,'lrlth lgo.i,e,tuteliew I , .erfts. wltitteldahOtebSito , •.-'',. ' '' euecoodica toltabelall \ new sotoerilests caaJo. M., : '0 . . , ir . ,:,. ~ 'Ll •l a -Tn. ,44,,,a. ..;,...iii;i.....,! ,----` . . , •'43ooklibes, s'eried :a, oLltiotiahs*lletse -- ."7.'4, (N. /7 Slow. street) al ma„ . Year,,pe . ,...1-ebsik ety_ths,.c.,-2 . .._,.i 6 : ifili 9; 1 17411, '::!!, ' 4ll . War iajpV g at Ti.i& .7 ',--\,{- '. -i : ' ! , : •:. P laZtri;xeemente i;iii, 14;oli jilih s '''isl,',..?!;f,. ' , - , , , ~.P cse ir" r eousW e tr tr ei 4 C37ltZhi;ii4. -- fifs.:'.-.,-r , .. ~,we,l , ‘ 4,lratg to priXttre • epecdoest samba before ..-..-',..,,'::‘,.`,:*. ~ A11 " 4. '” 'O4 t'"* 111111414 ; 'L:i .'" l ., - ; 7: ': ' 1‘ Wentol la the T ettf.the=hhatTgl .' . ' tlaitle ,, --- ,0,',*,,,,,..." •'\ , . , 'ffiew Oriel:Ea POdii . .. . -• :F" ,- :' , -N, - - - . -- \- • - ' LixanANGE . 6l - Now crikitfor, - 4411. \ .-.: I " 1' '' l r'"° f "u t " 'th ritiii;QiiiciL . : "--.' ` '-'' \ .. .44i-di:airs , ' Al i Gi wooattrutlergr4,% ~ ,:.: \ A . \ \ Company. CONT Or. \\l • \ Ogrik! nn cipelieat; by prialeat man Amps Iwieh • Thayhraillar ittaatterktwq2' 'team which inevitably tam" theta. jar wiall Waswha-,, watiew. theta dap, gal& atight ttainchf avat,ltuinidaath aro mealy sonata tw Coatatialaa welh waantioah tut ladlelattd.a aita ,• SaatkatthistltaUan" . ‘ . TROTECTION . c-- INSURANCE I:COWlPANT ()FiteßtpotoxecialtgaTzetrz Tiha thaapaaibuwaAcwiratlattiattattkaaala a parted. act ahn cash %mai • y ak rids tea loot • earatetta• attimaths 16161.1d1.= tatrniq of all otharwal ar.tattad. It. Colossal sawdasa Ikon ah attat ‘ : lanumarabLs names. 1,4 la. =all mama laraw • =nal dew:att.': law= onto 104* 143.1.systklb bog. Awns are sal I.' To m.o. goo - Pi• ram h•tCcir.or away aiansiaweat abtata .12.4 __ =O. meow ailnattalost claim its 99 mama ithchmh TAU tit the atilx,Dhak allawaWasei latch eta bag amen Ma tathlatotaalawiw. sad. tat , Vahhatiwah ALVA. twath• 40-40.1r•fa Waal . CO Ilialit*.them,elres A f c rt ' • 't :T-riE OF. , - too roatoookoi. aioisors tool =hay ttatidt s wawa wtattarla..oe ihozdalhih Mir IL can If ahaw dra Cat Istri them atbrenewawnwr.ll* - • , ' 4 4 ,ll l\TlLT•hbio btiabhhiht tats. somboasofolim our .1 or =wont. izioorp—Too. paw% bawl tttia SIM tin • had, wad to catatatta ;he Moat abottla SITU 44.0 wasasz of a Irbia oar ahlt them at Way liwah-Waaltiletve thszehaseleskanal ' \with. capital bit tux tabor. ta baahrasalsitb• eke- qlo othhaawel *sat toU.Waratchlng mast Wambigleo than tanragalt whattheriz *feu, Wle awa It Ma dots, To nmeb;lawasaca 4ukr".(l: the ladtrigail wmph thhwataan Illta" *Yuma* A. thearrponW la • tataltah,.. sat h 7 h....g • • dolt ha la Into ta cwirtalaa brash:helm, atta ails lariat! hkiahla, AO*, it two:iamb.* La a mai Maas what Mr .., en•1 , 0.K. 012 U./ 111 'k'd! 4 " 4. ‘ 424 "'",, Wadi& ,• POLIO Itagtakaa"Atiti.o‘. l. """ ... • .• : ••" • • OW, lg. - AVM / A • \\. Avatar i riumbg44'.Puttigav CC. - , -1,0 6.1, 7--------1.---'-'-'..----."--"''''--- \\ iIL4. - lairli. Varaftlati• I ". " V - • . rsiia iLL-ILA . \„i . .2- Iwo:/ilseL ~T.4.isss. .. 44 TARNWACIEW . --tientkmizt: p ., , • it.,:a"Viri7gfrs'OF diTirraltritl 447-7 . „..:1. '• . \ :ltrtr'L....._l-\ \ ) 1\ sirv? R4'.3';. - ”: \ \ , r , ,\• „\\ , . EMI=