The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 01, 1853, Image 1

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- .05401 ,11.
has hr:l .
MUTE . & CO.
01 " na p mi; sir., mos To tug Torr ornag
DAILP-6!Preis dollmiper annum, capable half tenrly..
Datums If Dalin advartepl
GPSZEICLY—PIeo dollars - 9er imam., eissucc..C6666
DO suppllld on 6116, fa/lowing
Stave enie. per astants....---,....„-8 6 OP
?I: copies i do , --_—......—. 9 PO..
Twenty . con!es do :63 00
. .--...--
sztekettof each dub to be elimeed to one perfoo,
ead. to be paid' Invariably In advance. elab papers
mall be - fattener the rettr.expl.tee. memo tbe tooter to
soot (of aretteral , '
Bans OP ADvspalsrao
One &Mere. (10 lines of Noorpare 4 ll.) o
o. one Insertion .—...' r . a. ??? .
Do. , eaohaddltlonal n00 .. 14 . 0 . 070 2.
. .
DDo. • one' week ...:.4 .- ... --.. a,,
o. two weet0.......,—....-.. ,
4. _
Do. tbrte w00ke........--........... 0 O r, ~ - 3 , , e
Do. two toonthe..—.-- ;
0 00
Do. three 01°.°.-----...
• 1, °Q
.• • •
, sis mouths.. 1100
• Ouo
for each , i. • INr
. • tha: Square,,changaable at pleasure. (per
annum) exclusive Of the paper 40 •
• :f .7.r each additionaisquard. merited over one month;
and for each additional square inserted under the yearly
half ' •
• , • Advertisement exceeding a innate. and not over ffilteen
lineryia•-be charged aa taspaare ands half.
• • - 'POI/Wien not accountable fOr legal sdrertisements
*Yowl the amount charged for the on 11 ation. •
• •-. danostrdne candliales for office r , to b bo ' charged the
Some as other advertisements.
• 4. Peltergreasuu not marked on the copy for a spccitel
MlM:3rr of tusertkins, will ba continued till 'torpid, and
•, payment exacted accordingly. •
• Tbo privilege of anginal advertisers Is
- • .•
"uelnenf•, and all
.011 o ltemen4
S ' re ' Visi r b o nTeht , t2.: • ; , t
• VlOntr IMMedlotell Connected. with glair o with agirl
wn' bus,-
' neer ,
nod all Morass of advertisements, In length or ott.-
. rsuatia b triol ' al l gefit=til ' ad i a b ll
r .
bra operately rendered, and
ril p
r rompt oar. eot l e.
de o alrei.
• re tr.-'s "
o t l "
- •;...11,Mitk0 charrrf ta vht rt 'Ace ' Payabiri üblic gneietrtil
;•••-: • , •
; : t .c,,,l o darr i tass u notlfor to be charged 10 cents.
k 1,6114 , ft.:ll=7`crglitang"gafl.:l:l7',7:gt,
tepaand. to be paid for.
. Itecular advertisers, mad all other. sending communP
wagons, or requiring notices designed to rail atterdion to
• .ineirs e 0 01?.... CoricartS, or any public entertainmenln
•• tater. changes. are Mole Ibr entree of
private aesoelationa—erary nutlet
enroll Mune
• - [l o o tr. private entarpriser.ralchlated Or Intended to Imo
' Moto illdirldttal trikereat, can only be berried with the
• •:• aulinetsludine th at the SWIM iito be Pali for. /flub:mei
, el to be • naorts.l In• the lecal oolumn. 'the same will - be
.• • charged at the rate of nor less than 10 dents,per line.
. • ; Zenon 0r.n..0!. telltale to to charged triple prim.
Tavern License Petitions S 2 each
• heal &date SneWtst •naf nuctiOnee adverrtinessents
' not Lobe clammed unde
r. yearly rano. .but 110 'midlevel a
rarorJot of tlairty,thrine and now third per rent- teem tha
i:trent of bills. •,• . -
• e :1. rll 4 / 5 2110 nogg resits.
• ,• Ortt Square. ea rhfe
eh a t
11.111 it 00001.0 ?Orr.
On. Naar. (10 Mae?) .12.1 ant.
Do. wad% Dovelon-25 tents
All lssnal.nlAlvestlallnents lobe Dull In ottennee.
111=1311 . 0.4131T,
80N3, Bankitre..:
- 'N.. BOWIES ,s;
Re. 67 Markega.h....l.
dead iburth tic. Matecah,
Illiauch at Mesitllart....—e .t.ti
!Watch at Woodet-----da
Mama at Xcala-'...----do
Branch at If alla catmrci--do
l eity Bank. CI ntittaett--do
tOaantastettal /I lt,C.ltrattnatlda
I Yea, ilia Bank:---do
Larcarette Butt .„..-......' --de
Oblo.Lite loc. a Tract Co-de
Western Reterre Baale--do
13.1. et Matteglatt-.'-da
LT...sin otts.,.. r . .---.—da
'131.A of Pabbanth.--par i
..4 11.halagir Dank of do -....par 1
A Um and -11.. or d0......zur .
... linut of C0mmere5...........p4re
'. Dank ct North danries....l-,4
1;11.k atNath'n I.lberties.pari I
' 11,..k of Peawrylva4.l i t : rar
•-•... Er.l°lgttk.4 8 . 1... " 1
--- - I.l..taardal Ilank et Pc-4; I
" Damen' a idea4al&Bltpar i
011-1.1. Bank -----.par
' Fano:metal:l 8ank..—........par .
- - ilsaata....& liank.- - ps
' '
' litee.ortle ILwak--
8ank......--.9-st --par .
*.Pllll4dalphl. B.‘l , 4.4.' i
. Wygrark.lla ....1,631 ,
i - WegrArn _Bank_ .vcr
, . .11.1.2 k 94 ellartbariblutis... 11 .
' Rank n Oberin
.hank;.Dauri.. ptr i
hank .4 I:4l.Co.hater-wiri
- .
Ilk i (Gernaatow . n.....-m
. ii. t i. , ( 1 1-,.. r .. .!
talk allllddl.italra -. '— .-
Montcomm Ca. Sink-L.4,71
-- . Book of
1 ' , Gu-Itai Dilak.e.:-.' ~.--. ..
tblombis Dk d. Bxl.lsaCurr.:
-, -'• LIN B,Fik..--k..: PF
I" • „,,
Baak of the ' liallo; .;
N 2 of 21rehia. II 4
6.2.Bank,Va, Norfolk-- ..
//arracro , Boraof Vlrflais '.
Lilterchanta• 1 . 2.1... Br..
North We. 19.2132.---. ••
N 02.211 OXIIALLY.I.
Bank of thy. Enaz--. 2
2of Et. of N. Carta.— 2
lehrameret9l Ilk,_it 1.1.111 2.
Ilorobants• B. ,k Ballarat, If
Bk of the Bt.. oftl. Oar.. 2
Bank °ler.. Carthas..—. 2
Bank of Charlatton—...—.— 9
, Planters' t Mceb..92 . Bk 2
. . . .
'Ys.naereSt of 13130 J 00:jper
Vasrere Elk of Laacrsucr.p.
War= /IX offthaylklllOwps
Yia.a Dro . t.Warwtb=r.•
Laamisre:llsak—,....._ Tag
.311riere BaatAfPollsrills
- Monona:awls Hank—rui
:Nett lizateh
turas% Inc.& Basktuoo
13.2 of Aviccuria.--.
E rik of ]t T k . ,tecra 2
/Lll solrut II
. . .
Shot Kentsecf. Laultrills
IDE of LontsvUls. Thurston •
thattters Bk or Renro.olt• .
Sonthorn MlS Bk
SOU ofRI. Sentneks
LI of Mai;
LLINOIS. cf iNse;oCOS—:.‘i
nate Bank and irsachas—.o
t=lllll4=s ---"'“
13= Lti=or ,.. —,tiri
,Branth :t
Cott hoa r _. gy m
t ' a ' g - 71 t
=2 N-4 1 e
• Stt.neeatter du
=.llll',lltVgg" - i:
Ciorcramust Btack itsak—.3
' adasular D
ne.sneeCor oso---.- r----..
ilk a fl3.N.AlmerfaXarlmesk
Bank of the People. Torcatos
..nk °Montreal-- —.5
Dank of 11. CanssA.,2:
. 5.555‘55
A 1 1 01;24 k hia - Z ."'-- I PF
1 L00di0a10....---....--. •
dt. 'Louis.— --. •
GOLD L.NIG 135•501.5 VALLI!
Doubloons. R0i,15,(5)
r do Parelot----15,50
Ladle, old 10,50
Rads, now.-_,...-..--.10,03
Yrodoriekod'ors. --... 430
eroTholers.----, 7,50
0td0e10...--....—.—. 5,00
roUrden- - ..... ±: tt
NoroDOod --, '•• l3 °
Duata...---a-- 245
•Brlsnell at 10/•••—:—L-4 . 1
• Mrs.& st kit. Pleassat--As
, Btsrattst
' Diana st Itcmentlt
' Smelt at
flessa tt Portsmostbt:.—do
. - Eston--.—“—do
Ittstvil at Itamettna--Male
Eintteo st Otattleoths
4. t0
• :linnet st Chsts.hoss-4
• Smart, st
rants OF STOCKS.
• A. WIL.KINS & Co.
80.1144008= EMIT.
u.nagb - u. ,6 .—".::
. .
,1 LAo. _
- - : Podwllv. z.— :;„... I
.Da. - V ........." _
ntt,,,,,,gh gill'
' D* tatrat .
-:- ok
..f • _ pituburg ,1
1.. ..... off we m.....f.,.....
• :;- E.d.
„,„, g . zud.
f: - Alkir.b.r,
It , - Cisl a gnal.X — .«.—
D:,,r_d 13L. Dralrn.,--„r.....
.. ,
- rostnarkm..•
IFltteeg LL Inacrana...
pnati..UsursJace t 106.,
.171tlane Ituatraadi
(=lmam .
Plteghto eeu
... ~ , • ..flor•s'a .11salasile...-i.
' la &lie l t 71=.1.1
•-. res.'s. arsl cell it<ll4l
blot Ohio
-•- . •
-, - . - :.H:
= 4
f 1:C ,. 7 4
P .1. ,: l
:,... I . N!
, - . A -di.
r 4 L'i .m. clgi, ,
rdulau , lig' o R ood
, caw. omit m . , ,1
n•ig. Vr t
lltlsz T.4la
tllaa Oull Co.—.--
tlis it /30.01 l ' ...- 1 4
. '. -.
Meth Tirmtna,....,..........-i
.. , .
ttstnaill7M. 61 4. 1 :Z 1
•., ‘ . phi., ..-....,.......;,...—. ,
45 . d. "•
P.! 1 ,..'. , . Ott=l!";s 7 r77 -..
ru' ° ' ° 'lL-
___ M_ -I _
GEORGE AltifitiLD a am,'
: . •BANKERS.•
1 , 161L1E3 IX zxquallar., COIN,
-4• 'l . • ..actai sad .Dridtr oialieted as W ides a.tu . onsed,
baubt. sad amid an remsmixdoa.
a.VIK(3f6 "tt CO., • ' -
• ' N 0,76 701711711 ETZENT,
Oppotitmils Bank of Pittsburg.
VW .. 7flustietiostuatslost Masi 76066.1116 -
. •
)H. D. XING,
Banker awl ikrchange Braker.
to 48. 10171.511 aunt
• • 111:1YEI 'Halt" Doll
llit. ars
axe ant
d t the highest marke t
velem IteasPou Onanalsdc= Wade
• If: itC0=2.20:11....42."3:¢ha
, .... , .
• '-- -', I Wanted.'
ik maniciat Dalian. and Half Da11,,,,;
/IP'f i
..:. ~_ ...., ' g N oth,,,,, t h_.
, T...., - , , ,-.._ .}.. ....
. .... ~,..„,,,,,,,„,,,,, li r dsr=her4g ,...
'...,,- 4 , .....::-.-.. .z,...„..,.....A4 .,
. ~ . . „ , ...... _ . ..
4EDBEN MICKEL, Attorney , and COW):
tellor at Law, Wficielpart, Alltabent . Coanty. Pa
aa ' a tatrtrilt 14d
• ,
• • Ohrd. ' • r
pe at
GuidedMisthemjittring my &Mom,
jdelldf ciEctuaz 9 =maim.
S. FRANKLIN, Attorney at Law, No.
rotath et-get. tiet.eea 19.1 and limitlageld
.trwar.%Plttebstrigb. Pe, 021ee ninth =nat. bctlrom
raft,l7thi end Grant.
11313.5 en, W. n 7. *Om.
'9[othei.. • 179:17
CRAIG, Attorney at Law, Now Castle,
hal.:manes County. Panturlyanla.
froth C g, crow. C. I.Danlnn, nol
liattptzna t Smith, Kramer a U. Childs a C 041.-
gats, %Glen 0.00., 11. to.. - apna-11.7
11 - A3IE S J. KUHN, Attorney at Law, office.,
Fourth amt. near Grant. PittanurslL inUntlT
L P. F. SPALDIN4, AttOri — s7Wy and . Cann
a, 0r_1.4% , at Low —CLUVELSND,OhIo.
• orraaacra—A. W.'Leemls, Shale At Stanton.
SNOWDEN, Attorney and
ity Ocun eel tor at 1,51 , 411E5c, residence, N 0.155 Third A.
oltt.turnh. , ealtly
411 r S F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Offaco
1 en reurat et. between BFLltheald and area; Ptu .
LOS. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Fourth
street, tie the Mayor's CIO., IlltsburrAr r. 001.
tetirms attended to iiromptly. .
P. &G. L. B. FETTE.RMAN, AttAr-
L NI • rt.) , at Taw euad Reel Estate Merits. 110.107 410,
arm: PittsbasFh. (OM
ERANPIS G.FLANEGLll.AttunteyatLaw,
N 0.1.70 Paarth stmt. Pittibvish.
LASP.BR 'E. BRADY, Attorney at Law,
Na W PIM stmt. Plttetnumh. Pa.
lISItEtISON SEWELL, Attorney LA Law,
a Ohio frate Ootougaidonor Ihr tiklag Danewitionn,
• wlorlcsmamse of Deeds. e. 015.—Maarlb .test, above
A WILKINS CO, Exchango Broken),
rak. lb No. 75 Fourth Stmt. cDpAnlt. tbe Auk Pitt ,
bur.b. All nimAutlono st meet a ir 10.
•. Bankers and Exchange Etrokers.
I3Y and self - Gold, Silver and Bank Notes,
D negotiate lonia on neat ,Estate or Stack 3c...tattle.
Vcr'st."'ill'rg7.7lhgit;3,o,%' Tlm. mile
°U."' "I
made on al, points In the Union. tell.. corner of Third
and Wool etrecta. dir,ctly emelt., the et. Charles !Gatti.
BAIR)) & IRVIN, Real Estate, Stock and
11111 Btokere, - No.46.Fitt.list . trtai
BRollmt, & co.,
DEPOSITS of Unciirrot and Par Tiiildß
_UV received. Intereet alloyed =time Dlno.tu.
mu; bight Areleage ocententir tor Sale. Nate% end
Dredrei ne t
Collections. prosoptiv attended to.
• • tertian — OD., •
No.. 95 Wood street, Corner of Diamond
LL liras .
111/ 48.. IL WILLIAMS Si - CO., Bankers
V and Mrchong• Brokiss. North Sart corner of Wood
•1 TLfht istmets, litubrirrth.
CruaraetSonsauds Mere tenrio, and oollealr-r..
• ••• ytl> attended to. iskly _
KlNO;Banker and Exchange Broker.
Foartb stmt. Arian In Dian Now, 11C1.• 0f
Gan" anl nth.. Mocks bought nut sci.S.
Ttl• highest martnt vine paid in intarlun
Half Dolla rs , and Ilezlnan Dolins. In fur
WM, LARLIVBR, JR., Banker and Broker,
V V 4thstreet, f 10.66, adjoining tlte Genic of 11,..1.1. - cn.
110 HOLMES & SON, Dealera in Foreign
.01 • tad Donauctle. BM, of Esetanne, Qtrtltenbut cf
nice, Bank Notes and nponin. No. ifuket ftn•et.
tunfh.f.Callections mad* o 11 the Drinchul cinen
glarung.ut the Unltect Unten. .
DALMEA, lIANNA & CO., Succazere to
Ilasser, Mama k Co,. Bravos, Bno.a.t,
aid dealer. la Yore and Domestic Excl.-arc, CertMeatee
Deposit. Beak Nev .wad vec-ic—Nertb Wt. curter ref
Weed and Third rereete. Garrett Meaty received ma D. ,
petit- Eight Cltecks far We t Rad collections male. ncar-
Ir all the principal taltlts at the Iltdred hates.
The laltrhen pre:alma raid for Poraltra .3 tor:lean
Adeaaersrarolleertallhalistruntlearollnernalarrel asst.
=liberal tn..
no C. STOCKTON, IMO Johnston &
21411i1,11413f17/: V ts. litear. kt.tima.Printim. rch Mast. cc:.
I L. BEAD, Bookseller and Stationer, No
tr • 78 Fotatb Week. Avolto D 81341801.
noLt SALE ,and•lletail Dealer in
blank and School Zook.. Parer .e 2 titlo.,T.
No '63 wood olseet, (berm& TL.lr4 S FourtN) NM.
ra.a}2? • •
WILCOX .t CO., Druggists and Apoth
a4. emiea. corner itizkat ere , . and Mt Diamond.
1.•••_p ....rail' On baud a fall and oomph., 41..ntspent
atat Rrus. Yettarlery, Lad artacles pert...lU
their bIIZIneS.
parefrisim prescript:cm! tarefely ampoulkel.
1,11/11CLESALD Dealer in Drngi, Paint%
V Ono, Varodobta and DT* AMC. No. LVO.Llbortr
street: is
All priers '011,444,0 pnanot attontlea.
gr.igarn ent k.dl far Looden a Co'. ranoololOfsallr nadl no+,
st .
A. PARNESTOCK & CO. 'Wholesale
v. Draggisto. and sosantletnrora of White Lead,-Ited
baran. ra.
sad Lithang, cornet Woods ,roat natan t.inch7 1.1n.r.-
KIDD kWholessro Druggi l tr
•. ere in Palea L A c o : • Wa. Dee .1 . 1., aba ir i a.Manbc
RVID - LI - I.l2gVAlrrone4 ' eo " rb s' e ' r PVeo!I I X]
fourth st.etn. Iletstn tbzuZLers will be =retail, peel.
el. end foremedeteslbb
§F.T.f.KitS,--Viholenala .Dealer in
N 6 . a ''=•re,-'!"•;-WIrgir.°11.::`Gr'P'''' to Lc..
_ _
Int .
Int Fond Any
In .inneJnEr
Ent. I rb k Auz
1..t.31 I . Nov
- FATN"ltuaii; - * - ER - ,Bll"caTa'rlii
Drageona °orator a Wanly and d Ulair dna, Pa..
• crab. Ps. •
. _
• y solloosauLKEß,s, CO., Wholesale Drug
em and, No. 24 Wood 0t... Pittaburab.
1 Div Ids, CO , ‘
Springer .littirbangh.
(ereerseesi To' A. £. W. if IRP.11:1011.)
cp.m.,ldor Fleur. Wo6l and Prnluco geno.rallr
ti 0.143 P.M rt. and 116 li..eoritPot..lll.t.thurcb. Ps.
IM, .293 pm
O 11J p
,Ulr w.
and ,
Cotton learn and l'llt=tlTlarTtge i tre . t r‘ pVr: .
Id 4 Water et. Idttadortn. att1 . 2.1
KEND.RICK, Forwarding , and Cavi
-IVdI rottrlon Merchant; 1.120. A c rat Tyr
tre. areltoutt, Woottatreet.rltltttrilo•
Partlettlar ottennoa yard to Vortarllon
and eowdontneott for e. 55. rioronnuotloo. 5r proftreata
tsr Boat,. or our dererlotton.
• Order, pnorootlr at:-Odd to. lartractlons .11l In all
50550 I. 10 515.5[15 obeyed.
Tons knot ant It Ics,,OC/1031 .11,1t.a: .0 .1 rdtdo• tar
tar to nee 5,511 exertion In itotr dettOln • reltdor
. •
& JONES, Forwarding god COM,
natation Merebants. Dealers la Pretty.. and Mk
VIM Olatinfarirtrel article& Gnat llonta.nerx knrantn
Irma, Plutburat.
Div.Ql , ll Pr aC
Dly.tiet6 ;Oct
/L. • ,•-•• 911.1,JOSCA.
EARDY, ANEY& CO., Saccosebre to At-
Imoo, Jana Co., 0.1.191 , 4 , 100 sad ForamCa, Mar
ts, degas ilitabargh IJAZlLlfaCillnd rou
bond, Ps.
a-.triQlnsit, ■,.U........
ASSOCIATED the Practice of Bleeicinc
u .1.
. 40,111 occupy the dlr.* hltbnta ccul.
by Dr. calc, 310 Ann =cot, brmeu an 4
casruc•ts. •
Optic and Oitopidk t Surpon.
WILL giro particular OW ti0r..,. 4
Mkt) , of o root perstlop to the E •
reelehrote, Yee street. AUegheor dtr• the
Dimond. • gpl7:l7
F. IL Idocire, X: D.
, .
igOMCEOPATMO Phygiian, devotee ape
da Mennen te the tree:rani af illeensits of women
hhiharea. and Otto. au. elically., am ,noll at
aute lent tandeel UMW. • p elt' on Aiedee t eli street,
nine the Liend street Ifold it, and next dam to the Plunag
Mll e Anitaheay att. On., hems tram 7toh A. ht. oinl
to= Ito 3 , and tom 7 to I; 1... M. . ' ia.777:7 .
mmulflNG can.
PILL SClEWOllMA'EnAthograph
to Rftbalabmsaypnlied 8.0.4 nowt. -Ma Pat
PittaM ß =tracPa, Patna; akar
ht .
EWA At , ndteetral and Ma ht.
cy,4,. azurr .,,
u m ... 4 tainted In aim. 004 /warm: at• nowt approvai Kw at ttpumi
riN IL 21=0.11, Dealer in PialioFdites,
• mule. sa Medea! InstrtnaidatsiSehml Boots, 0 4
11ENIM. BIEBER, Dealer in bingo, 111 1 7.:
—.l6.iteutemarete,_trejavarto of Ratan trtaga.
titti=4=7:44fge fl r Wrf uli=f;
1 - :"M:4117 :ii4pLogp:d:lo
-- 0 1 RIS. WOMBS; (4Wecee'sor to JOHN
iaprttkaltse%ti "i ttobarel AilH7mmatoreTcala, !V.
J. 8.. Weldin
John P. Scott.
Henri H. Collins,
SHAaill. - LAND, STEVENSON & CO ., i YaLCOE WEAVER..ia4 Wholesale Orooer, Delaware Zit - a2l Safety Ims-araßee comp'y \
\ Coverio for Steam- ices.
' 1 4 1
me 1.1.0 e, al. Dealer tali"... Liquors ...i Old Ito
(saccassoas To Toms? a. xomern.) n.,,,,w..1., Rye Whiskey. Market Street. carrier of Front. frpFFICE, No. 9 and 10 Merehants' Ex- f ET.Gb enberlber having toe Antra: A,•en-
- 104.ANCEAC'TURERS of Plows, StoTes,&e., ‘..r CLLABGE ne Third Emit ' yl ‘ fer the.tile \lif Pi tehee. -lI.riG.P hi linvii; cre,
corner tif Lltiertr and Pitt et
Pittabargh. rr...eGheicif Family Ontario at, Retail. litnact Beats. - 31ARINE, INI,AS if AND'Emu IN itIRANCE. the roily one ttal(rilo,d • Medal ..tkei,l air olf the
m llt h atid Oahe ltotte. aopplied uu resronable term , Eau. la.cksacm-lin V CNA* Cargo and k ritual% to all Americo. fratilt. hi 8i024 . nor.PieDerio• ti a..elit
aubscribere 'would:rept-Wally call the atttentlon
at PaPixera, end the
house enerally. to the fact that they
opencot a tlltorhouse at the aborts plate. where they rrot 1. if .1.C11]....... ........... ......... ...... ....Gr. X. 11.1.1. , X=. 1, 1 1...V , 7 0 . bood7 1 1, 1" Vidier. G . lika/ . 1,V .. 1- ,, ak r iet. a Perttle." ima ~.zz..‘ra," ears pt
.11 ke. -P ..... 'VY .. hand rod " d " . 9 -4 " . CABll.° ilirld. A. M'OLURG . & CO., Grocers and ding 60.;i ' l ' ilt llT,T.t'ul'..`,l;:d.' ' ' '''''"kf l "V r Dermal b. , . ',.',\ ' '''''
general opeortmerd of theta unting rtier., wtileb they et the ed war to , ...perforate . es of 1.11 ,
will <Her fox =oh, its cheap or charier the. any h.. in Y V Ten Beller., corner 01l Wood and Sixth Streets. Fr. Itsocxxxna-On If eremmlisegenerally. on Store., mote than ...Of 0f... refolution, Per ate. Fo
the West. base ewe. on hand a lapse agortnient of choice Grocer- Dwelling Houses," ac. fortlier yard in.. atai fay T 516 Alr.jr..L.
Patent Iron Union Now. ' Cooking stares Onto Bt.w ist and fine Texa-liord.w. Fruits and eau. Wh01.19 A 66.10.1. OP THE C)3IPALL Y. ' care of Thompson 1 Hithcock..
Patent Leyeir , Parlor Mores , Hollow were , lired lle.ll- eoppliel on the 'await terms. • Bonds, Mort., te arid Ground Rent. .. - . __tit 24.661 = . derider.
Elneeld _'i " Too kettles, 11.2. kettles, - -- -•--
"WU Bide • " Parity Grates. Common do.. kIX,OOO do Fite do -.. ..... 10,721 06
improspi Bull : " Fancy lenders.Commalldo, I lumotEsALE G. RocA ns,
,co . w • ,i on VtilledelPhia Giti 9. •
Rumen & Jo - initon. 3 '''''''' P. "'""'"" "P""'"'''‘ --- '''''''' "
❑ mAcKEREL, sg.u), cokFism •
do ..--- 20.20: 90 QA.l.3lloll,llerrint,Pork--Hruns, Sheol.
Cotton .4 Corn " Fed Irons, . 610,000 Camden A Amboy R. 11. fir oe t •
. 4.,,,,
~,, to dos 6ldes, and Lard, together with 'Cheese'. box-
Ehorel ie, Itursialoon Coal Buckets, Vlf Mercian.. and Dealers to Vfloduce k Pittsburgh Lowa...- ..... ------ --.....: r 3. ' faCe2
Cultiratzr di Urn Ehollerr, Russia Rake Pas 31.urectures, 997 (new bulidLux) fAberty st. etantly .boad.wnd for se. he 4, PR-0114 1 , • G.I i.
Horse Ra. Thu/M. klachltilw. t
_.12.-aIYI7 22,000 United ht... 21.• , i , _ . . i. i m . den/Ikea , -L Market clog. I hiladelphr
hbovell, Spades andPorke. Ratei• Stowe Pire to. Sc. - --- ----,-- - PA tii,,ares Penzerlr.ta 1.111.16 Coms..r . 6.00 0 '
They will also hare La a eharktime • gitio•reil.P.W.G.' Removal. - 6 " do Ste.cslop Grater 4600
of Aaticaltural Implements. 40 " Metal/an& a llonet.turera - Lank.
ccliktf PLIANELAND. BTEVINBOHA 00. : tt lISSELL & JOILNSTON, Wholesale Gro- Pato/pooh_ .... _._-......,.... 2,260
...-__ ars, Como/Delon Elerehants, and Dealers In Pro- 6 " Philedollibla ....d ii. , .. Grab
Coach and Carriage Factory duce and Pittainagh llanufsetnree. hare removed their Biotin / ow boat Cotepeay.----
JOIIN§TON, STOTHEIt & CO. - Boors Dom Mo. 110. Water street, to liii.l27.(newoyld
ings,) Libel ty street. 2 'i ' Philadelphia Exchange COMIIMY•
Scrip and Block 111 eandry Hutual Imogene,
Companies .. . - 10,644 70
ORNER of Belmont and Rebecca streets. Opus s IP.LWORTIL JOSEPH DILWORTH. Blileitealvable..- . 121,819 4
f l .) Allegheny di r. would relfolly inform tbeLr J. S. Dilworth & CO. o.h 0u1i.1—...... .- .... --._ - ... 04,..5 t.
1' endx. and the gablic generalliy, th t they are rit.ufac- Beano. in heads of Agra. era Premiums .
ges, lievuttekes,liecksw
of sßDea - Man. Policies recently lulled -... 77.90 (if
Ir.i=ta ' . In al/ their varionostyirs tilMsh ...lap. , Llubtoriptlen Nutek-......--..----.a... 100.000 Cia
All Dram. will Witt:rented with miliet regard to dura
bility and bleary of tioish. Repairs will aim be atteoded
to on the toost rest.nable tekma UP. In all their work
the bestEsetera :thefts, Poles and Whool Slue. they Gel
contileur that all-who Weir them with their ostronose
will le perfectly tositalled on trial of their work.
PPM.... are rittlunstiel to dos than a roll heforepur
, oming elsewhere. oc6
I would Mostreep6otfulliln-
IP • Mini the ti th at he keel, on hand, at hi”tand
on the west tilde of the Olatimpl. Allegheny eti com
plete aseortment of ' Venttan Blinds; el., Neal thin.
tern axe made to order. to Ma beat et le •erran equal
to Any in the Poled &Mee.
Blinds can be reinortd
without the aid P o l e d screw Arleen Miming pop:hued the
pinch, tool& and wood of the C a binet Esubliahmett Of
acmes, t McClelland. I am reenactd to furnish their old
cue tomer. as well as the public at heme, with emetYthiou
I/2 their tine. Agency. No: f. Wood Macs& kittsburch.
mcMUI ' • • J. A. DROWN.
Joel F. Hamilton lt Co.,
. Ni
A n ikr o pp l c 34 uß
Alsos—Tools of the'roost approved dephro and oat*. fir
shoos, ouch empower and Inoulnlanlng machines,
ollda and hand turnluglathes,ursight a:1111mA slachloe.,
slide rests. Os. •
Orders from railroad COM:4111M =lane shop% kr...
respectfully sorwlted. as the improvements now bang
roadn In our scud pattern.. to" will
I n co ff
ram:lndy all orders s.
for machinery. tools. An., In o to ur
ao2i-drin Orli , •
Warshaw. N 0.149 Vint and 12) foxed St, Piltsbanat
, M.O.' A °Z._al bony 44 cbootlen
ldo do_ do doff:Lannon of all &lon
Dve de sort Clnlo of All colon end dudes:
Winn Thine, "WI, ao4 warlentod colon;
• do Yana, Candlewick. llottio.o. ado.
Jo7Tndnern .•
Penn Cotton Kills, Pittsburgh.
t aren of
eir to A. No.l heavy 4-4 Blreotin
Juliet Chain of all odor e end sh ad e.
Plough. Lines and Bash Ciont
Rove of ell slam anil descriptlo.
.41:41-Orders tett atshe Liard nate Atom of Logan. %Pilsen.
131 Wood MMm4 sill have *Mutton . ideßnly
ENI;;ETT BRO., Manufacturers of
mod Pan. Tell.. Rockingham .4 (Imam
(Rayed P.m. °Royal the liatinfaclary.comen of WI..
.intiton ant Frnaklin at:este, Dirminghano.otipoeim FM.
bomb. Ps. marnhily
JOI.IN WETHERELL Mafiufacturer of
PATENT STASH ElI VICES,. sureritr ~tide. SOLID
110 X and BRAZEthBOX corner of Anderson and
Rotinsin erre.% one attire from the 1.1.1 etre. ttritlin.
Allegheny City. eaNdy—coll
Herron & Criswell.
MAmT.LPAC* Comm ER ro EI 2 I :t S . ocall of;23 ,, rai!
Al, Cotton nortito )loonfactorers.
k'ourroco, Roberta: etreet. I W.Va.. No. 12, Maxtor
Y. P.
Alleolernycit7. 1 1. moor . Olost. Pltreburot6
11-01.1 and OrOl..`or , oker , frr
.ncub 014.
eglort tbo Yound.ry or Onto!. will be attended to
Obeertuoliy. fdrelr
Jones & flaigg.
AIANITF.ACTUREitS of Spring and Bill
-01.4 PlCnitti Slsb 5.01. 1.1..1 hough Wing.
an 4 1111ptie Swlncr ki
. ra..Nnt. Tares, Half ral.nt.
Elste• 11.11 and llioarrol /ton Ail..—Carne tel Acsa
and Ent., 11111//naglx, P.
D. it. liOgers - co.
ANOTAOICIRERS of Roger's Patent
Imprvreal Stsol CaltlyMer Teett--(.4` r.r amp
lki.l et etreeu. ilttnbures. P.. (.67 .
W. WOORWELL, Wholeaks sad Retail
g onottartar azol boaloTpa CaLliot W. No. 13.3.
00011,00 . 0 vasnetetsgre and keepcomxtiotit cd) 10=4 all
in0•001 . :•0100. 11:040. srd Pp•rablm *llo.ololg. Clout
nal Mb Mae blued Om, barn! and Lat•l 0 0 ilcn
• 0 1011. and 'lady; Ilarrel dWk cnr , r acl rAnd . 1 •.•
• rt radtarn !fader/ /W., auvrreda edd,a.
la. ' ChniqUiLL. CLIESOI • Cu.. •-
••1500 , 17.0hosty, Wk." st- 1101.1:4002D.
rem cf also, I.a.cks. Neg. sad_
.thal.r. sag fintkltlx...
Itihma el . c, also fl U.l
are. N 0.115 Water el. rut.
but:L. • • let
. _. .
11.1.10 MA S PALmEit. kancitacturcr and
/aPtat.:i of Wall FspcPaper.Bait.. V;r• Board Prlntli,
bc.p. Paper.•NTlnJor litteJs. a r e. awl !Irak, In
WKltlog and Wrapping Map.,-,Loua.ta..lllindele
t., No. llarka; Ws.; tet.r.n .rm:a ..a Fourth ..
Pitlaburgh. ' man,'
'CHARD J. Manutietu-
ef f , rtrut Pietore ma 1 Luting Olou
sr of soy [Jul done to or& u ouauboa.:
wort. so., No. U, 40 urge:. LlU•bufgo.l4oo6.
octcl, .12
roTrlrnrrml ,
No. 10 4Food start, betirten hr., and Srear.d fa,
XA/LNUFACTURF.II. of every description
iVI Of COOKMO LTOVCF, of ths Antat sprang . ..l pat-
Urns. nod owl as *lO t•htia the Lest males-Wm.
'mono which ba found
At'Bont's orleLrattsl ft:Wog door Prrfor dteFest
Ego Ftcrer; lteullatortt STlMlltiq otos.; ottsto .n Lfimer
Oratos,F ,, ettith a fOslte the alp. I:Mon Of balldrro To*
K*'li. Iloilo. Ware; It ago., a, to, all of srbtch
me forks the Itte.Gol3 cf LeCors Lsfsre purchasing els..
whore. otr6l
Maseit6a Vatat 116511i5w. B , •••• - •1•66.
Elude*. Hr. Doan!, Vrintm, ALKO—W. Priv ,
In,: 65.4 Wr6Psieg•hior, !to 65 W0.6115-tontvrean routth
Pitifibun,s, P.. •
rEew Coich Factory—Allegheny.
A. WHITE do CO. would ra
•WC: Ishemta 'the rabl!" that they have
a abet, on Lannek, btlar,t, Fftlaral and SahCeetkr
st:esel, They ice ram otkieq are pte,",,ted to
cr,,lers for•••ry thdrripttor of veh!•tre. Coach's lltatiols.
&trenches. DegteeV, Phrtnna. tt
ke• atte, Irma thrqr
tel.; rammer,' In the sa.nfartate of the aka., Wart,
an , 1 tho %bey bay, VIP h• - 1 cat 1 0 ,0•01 tho" are
-,abhel to dr. work ea tho c. treaaLle tcrat• with
tGi.•entine sst . e.• 1a their hue.
l'alue putt:0100 ath•talan 0, the ael"cent or mattletale.
lak.l 1143113. g. teat the 'oetapcient .''tram, 11,7 haTe ro
he.eitathr. Ino-arraEllne . F. thereat , ' k Ohs
T. ' /L 'f t: h ge p c . aiLVotot h l'.l. — L!'ol* the
""e•thshls tem", 3C4"11
Fenn Obi Workz.
ORENZ ft, WIGII'I ILAN, (formerly of the
j trot rl d 0.,) Ma.nyfolsonror 'I .11
kind, of VIAI4I, tf/171.Y.5. *al WINUOV GLAtS,
. .nil C 5 Yratt stre.t., _
4tll.—Part!-loLot roil to otd F . llOlOl of ill
oo si/ rrlTsto motOlo for talc no.. lb
CIOVODE:& Agenta or
I.) Nollloo4 (o..:reorter of Pam and If aiu.s.,, Pit.buroh.4.•. )00
t A. ,11cA.14ULTY CO—Trunsportere,
1411=1V4t;!. 9 ., 9 ,t1=f4L7 h-"- 4015
2 . wri-noto—nOotd , uoo.orotirr of Third stfooosna Lan
pich•Vit • L...
eiSCOTT, lii!irter, Fourth otreet,c4
thos dnorwwwst of Mutt.
Ail work warranted.
!R.b.ill:TNT, Dentiot, Corner of Fourth
_.. r o tUt/t-• betireso Mutt awl terry rem%
i ---- t:itififiELL, Agent for the ptirobase
Ja s . and We Of Rent Lona*, Drain. In 8.11111 Norte.
Cmea,VA, t rti,f s'ethtirgi
LOOM/8 & arbovrinx. ,
001011 0vr.0.14- JONES A CO'S DAN ICINCI
Gonna' Wood and fourth St... PlUsbargh.•
Itnrinnntna—Valtinors A Wolf/. Wm. thignloy i nfle,
D. A. Inahnestask A Co.. P,Tnnnet /1.
!ticket/1m Worn. 13nrod. • .oe
!Austin Loomis,
chscdtte arid DUI Brokor. offloo No. W. fourth na.
" agrelne pkonlptly attended to: iya:d)e .
(.2 had lIEL L. MARSHELL, 's'a (votary diti-
Insnrine• Co.. na Weir moot.,
.11ff P. JGRES,Agont or tho Insuranco 6 . 4
V'v' v . of North Aonnica,l4l Proof et.
WiCeistitibat — ,
a: • moo 0o.;03 Woter et.'
P A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware Mu
Mal Beaty Conar•ni. . l 2 Wan staid.
GARDINEB. COFFIN, Atentfor Franklin
eir Tics Losoraico pompom, sort 4,41 otaaat Wood
odd Shia Meet..
blit GOODS
4.L. MANN 00 ~A MMO
A A. DI . A;ON '."""1
CO.. Wholesale to.;
Buyer. PitiTristl'" n 4 Re:41)17 OXI 2 } 3 t t 1
mummy BURCHFIELD, Wholesale
sm HAW Dry tloml. Mardian% comes of Fourth
atAgrcet auts; rittobartb. •
(stioceesor to 'Murphy Loci,)
Wool Desla =I llosomloltra liferilmat for the
zionauticul Walla Gads, :70.137 Liberty Mat
sTI : I
• ,
. • l. _V_
WHOLESALE Grocers, and Agents for
fain'e Lia.
Smlth'e, and rd's Cow Jen No.
WOZWeel. cretl—V.
DEALERS in Flan:, Food, and Produce
4114 30
aeadar, No. s. Mortet 'Street Pltbt arab.
t. .;.
IaENRY 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and'
CAna=ladon Mrchant, and bealerr In Cheeseanttnr,
VIM and Proinoa genandly, water anvat strain-
Plttaburgh. . ,
myJl .. -
AMITEL P. SHRIVER & Co., Wholosiilo
1..) Orators ar4 Ormtrdssion Merclutraa, and Deslary in
Country Produce end rtrtatottrydi Manufacturer, ;Ice. 19U
and 132 Second street, between Wood 1.04 n=ltlatte tn. Pitt.
re. I. Drvtains... cumara. .
IORN DIL . WOR4I 6 CO., Wholesale
oroe.misaa Agetita it= Iderard's Powder wd dorori
dre.3lWood ar. Pitribierah. • tar
13.111.011,01114.. ...-80.117te 11,CVA. ..—¢nuleatraa.en'
- CIARRETSON - & CO., Whole
sale Grimm, Cownigstonital Boman/Lag blernineats
etred, Cleveland. °hie.
Particular ettaation given to the purchase and elle of
Predate. bituated on the ileer. - thair fereWtlee for ship
ping gad nieel•Les freight brthe LAU are equal to ear
house In the glar mart9.dez_ . ?
V. ateneergia...—..--,....—anarg gam.,
WiBAGALEY tc.00., Wholesale Gre.
n. Noe. It wad 93 Weed etreth Pittebarth.
ow. Joiss.
BLACKBURN & ar., Wer, in — )Vritolapalo Oro !
so hum! set eir Wareltosass, WatetUreet,lnttsburch
adt3l7.l%E' %Ira; 1 0
drowns Uoutudsstan Metchatits. N 0.115 Nato
onset, .5 160 Ann street, Plttsbnegh.
MATTIIEWS . .t CO., WiLolcule
NotserS,Comsnleston andacrerarttlngNerehsr.l.a.and
nts far Itrgbton On= Urns, 61 Wars et., Pittslntegh.
!OM IrtlT . --aorta ...11.
41OILN WATT A C 0.,: Wholesale Grocers,
021.2144Z112 Idannants, and Molars In Plod. , of
tl2bursch Alanolatma. Ito. 200 . Lltarty street. rino.
A B. OANITELD, late of Warren 0hi0,. ,
Me• Caamisloa and
Dool to Row *oo :. ar tier. L' Pot ant :.O'n-
Poarl AZ:an/ Wootorn l'noten. go=lr. Hinter ttno , l.
bonreen Esdlnfield end Wood. Plaohnsgb.
- our . MUST
I,SIEtU ' lifekEi& - to: Wholesale Orr
„,„s x Octualsolon /I•Tolkonts.ina Dealer In Protlnco—
o. NI It stn and 107 ?nod linnet, Inlobargb. •
11601.121.6 a. =MIT.
ir. -- RENNETT, late Engli
i al.,
F. Gallagher Clo.. Wholesale lima, Gomm/aeon .2
oppoding lternhants,aill linalers In Proaluni and
llancdaemarein No. 122 denond at and 12; Arno..
.1 and Snalall.•11.
G L A LSGra: t e r ra ,
ELOBERT MOORE, Vetttifittiirekr,
Itannbing DIMUler dater In Pro... fil—
allactam, and all klieg of /ore. and Dom..
Winea and LW.. No. 210 Illaorty err, On hand •
Tab b fiti t=dlol;l7.=" wbuk".
OREUT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale
.;I?"figaTZ e r=fgli i "'W. t ' . .P d ag, P 7t 4 .:*l.
fonda aecl22.a.
WICK & McCANDIESS, suocevora to
L. s. £D. Whet, Wholualt Gramm fr`rdrkdd4.4
ad Compile. Ucaats.d.nard Is Ira. 15.1 b. 011.da.
CM.. lOW.
torn of Wood Waer LUNG,. fillablargh.
4 CULBERTSO., o esalo law:m.46nd
Cbc...lnAnn Martha.% Dmhst P.4.a and Pltu•
Inunb ]tae tarot Arndt. !A bony rt/vot.
burgh. P.
1•131 'irarAii.3.l.4.WirOF:Strlllad
ReSll Yale GroorTiacar•Lus Ors=lr
or r in w lzsaramari t =e
ZnOT2I-..-Sir .
IABINEIO/4. LVATF. it 00. 10. 255
- Lib•rlT Rent. Pittatemh. irbreshe Cirmsrs. Pro.
c• rad Csarikslos Merluza; rad den In this burst
J& FLOYD, Witalasal3Grocets, Corr
alsslcm Mezebants..4
Lib• rs Pr .—Rear
arct, fryntLaa es Lib•rty:l4"“d. and fitilp
street", ElttoblLMS.
ILAVIISTit been appointed the exoluinve
Arent. toe tbe silo r.f Patsot
V,I en , litret,lsed Leetber Belting. rnanufainur+.l
by P..1137141.L SON. llartf,YL Conn.—Ws now HT.,
ts sal.. •• Lupe n.artmenl of all el, 1.1,10.. tmenurectitr
el. it H. tileaufecturet's yrtrwt. hie artai taint any*.
fe. ke in Lue sl b ad ureute ve bh.
R n
bbe s
ean44ntly an band, outband, rcr salsnt the .. .1141.:hine
tlaltint Gepf," Na. Ile Harker: street.
.p2tl d it II PHILLIPS.
at ATING received most of ray FALL
WARM. 1 tato olumar. intorcatrut la! Molar
i :boy are cpotk. and for plo.—....extrttrr of firsco.l,
84trzt.talalaa. Irammt.Clatra do darn tioctloc Lace elr.
War. of opirrll..l rntorr.a; u.1:3 Tasubour t floor.
Yr 112,•. 11,1ots. Conde.. argl azo Saosala
azol Curia. of all lima litlff a.u.l 11r..0 Ittrastid, of all
et.ltLk rroOrti eOJ 111411.11 Qatar. 01 all 1a..: out
'art.!, of owls tco numerous to =anti°.
. . .
WM. 1 OGLE, Third Stmt.
Th Pennsylvania emuseen Company.
i; "- OR it— th c e r
a r CI
sale of Licenses to AO C10.11e3811 . 0
11 Patent be Cationialcue ant Bleaching Vita. !Lama,
Jute. te... are now rawly to novitiate with Unto. itir
County. Licensee to manufacture tlat
; JOHN 110BiLla. Agent.
phowialptla. Jul . ; lg. 1412-1.31t7g41e
NuPPOS:TE the Fountain, Zonestile Ohio,
' Hrs. As. Si. lltaury .ad W. A. Jona, rroyyle LIES.
1.11 CIIESTER, ' Merchant Tailor anti Cio
lbloY, Number 04 Wool otryyt.
tom F 41.1 to •Boye au/ Soothe ClutiJuy. n01.1. - y
I M. i/101.117, Merchant Tailor, Draper,
.rod boAlor to Iles.1•11.1. ClothLue. 117 LRYyty ot
UOUNTY LANDS—Copt Charles Naylor,
16 Atto E uoy at Law, No. 16111111 A st, torn.r (Their?,
All. y. Luvinu mu.* Arrongetaruty tor lb. pun..., will
sycruno 11ougly Land,. tor ofll.. Ltd 444Inte,[ 11 , 11
•14(••• 1.1 will attono tom/ othor
to, .woo. to slob tbugYEartuctout °you, of3Deptrt•
rn.clat. tin Pepe. DM.., or th. Coon. at of
WAshlnototi. ;:ctr
CARM . UtIINOT has .commenced to re
). .4.. full ayortYriont of SyyluEl. /11111tazuEr Goal!,
eorudttltut la Dart 01 1.0111101. Cl o t tutiosouluoureEE.T
/out, Coate us, l'AutAloott stglyo. Llulloo, Al s,llAutO,
3100. De L01a.., 11•114.1 Le Lola,. etinted
Laoto, Ausb'd Cola Lagruadoluolin illeghaml.fluaintlo
U toy oi l / 4 1.10t0 GE.lloltotio, threads,
A rtlAtioloAl ID brolly, earuool,l'ookuteutlery,Flob I looks,
ClookAJo•ylry, L., be,llo . to Wilds A* roopectfallr 100
YIN , . thy attention of Slant:Ants Paluyo. •
alutg. 10 Wood BC A llama. of DlA•sond
- .
State Official Interpreter.
lUM. J.
, R .
1 0 . , it !n t
. e Interpreter ...e d f t Lor
ar i l rant.. tu rreltht In n o the eft, of - Pitteborth. eeest, l ol
tt. at
roorth et e Bond& 'AL I, Mortgagor, l'owen of At.
II 11 Lk. t
tr 4 ,,,,.. ' io " w eg i . t! ' o ` 4lZo ' Aegt. ah tr '''
lab' Leagues.. witi e testooteitad. levatch. apt '
lon&T iS. BAYARD h. SON, Dealers in
cLP Leather lilies t No. 114 Liberty st...topmalte
nom at,) l'ittobura . a.
.N.ep n - 41;441307 no acid ',antral asarrtmeot of Leath.
er.lll.ler, /dolma., 8144 Ylailloo. Canners' Toole. WI,
eme !La ! morally
Lewis' .Intelligence Office.
No. 2 St. Clair Street.
IitaTITERE Hotels, Stromlionts and Private
ae , t t lizv h 4 ,, gl ,..,,uredab•d .111 good ear:W i n i sod
v V - Vbl. NOBLE, •Upholstarar and Dealer in
Uphrirtaray r. Oltilmmlir and Itstrih Third • trhir,
he•rir .14044 the Pin Mink
Portable' Timmliblg Machines and Sep—
WARRANTED to, bo thoroughly built,.
and' to work wed: made . mod sold by W
0611.R0L, noteunts ghosubenterl 31111, 669
greet, Pittsburg!, The Thrashing Machin. are Nairn.
tot, tbuldeand consgaet, are easily removed from blaes
gUos, and may be used with equal ocinventenes, Is barn or
No wad. runs lighter, thrashes faster ,or man
brtter work. Mora than 0,000 of them V ia w sate
the Western Bmtet, mid as rawly Zan of Siountaina.
Many of tbs. bare - thrashed from BO to 100,000 bushels
matu and.= tbinnuah trial, they bars Nen moomormin
ad by those who use One. to be mil sompleta. mid to work
a. well an any in the world.
Ma !anteater la !toot's Pats) and Li attuned to the
Thrasher,' mid, completely sem& A. straw and olva
from Ohs wren, and has glen, *Mira cannibal. whine
mar . mellnAwly.T
Btriw Bonnst and Hat Warehouse,
No,-105 Msaarr STurr,
II PALMER oars for sale, at vory
• lai prices, a fallulottmeint of &raw and MM.
I.l.l..kasatso t till and *aver
n li tZraw,=/122rty •Lr7bPtt "42.
EFZ. C. - 4146'11mM. WAIN La, gad 11,
forsos,h. put my.
algla,ll.teb Donut and Nan Batt" lad TO
zivßalton Neivantr=vatr.-.":2,:rata
Az ad= Braig4 b imam 034
sesTairgAlNilinti3-01,4, ra
alas, m de riarer. and Gum atria, ',nut
E/lvtlir d z .
nor% 4 •14 v. . • • • •• • Uala W M .
' "
$469637 en
IhrArrons—Joispl. U. Beni, Daum!
A. Bonder, John C.
DST% Exibert Burt.. John It. Penrose. Amour,. helwartle.
Ueorge C. belror.Ddrard Dnrilngron, Drum U. Davie, 1711.
Nun Colwell. 'John NeerDn, Dr. It. Ilueton, Jam. D.
:land. Thoophtlue Pauls.Ung. Dutee D.rookr. lions,
Ihuih Joeonh A : Burnett, nrsoocor ,_
ch.u. Kgl T. J. D. Johnson. Wm. liar. John huller;Vbs.
Vbs. Eyre, Jr. Willlarn Martin J. (I. Jobtatow Swatu.l
14.14016 a. Jame! Trso,rur, JOIMN , Tennant. Joatnan
rrice..l. T. Logan. klrubarAh. D. T.Morgan, do.
11111411111 MAAS.. ProAilont. Taos. D. Inro. Err 24641.
dent Imp:: CelsroA. tlenretesr•
;Jo—Orr. of the Company. ho. 176.4“ etrest. Pitts ,
tugh. 1nm . ...7111 C. A. MADDIIIA. Aaron
Fire, ana 7 ,, londiranaTortation
TELE hotumnco Company ofNorth Abxerics,
Philalelphia—Clontlered it is Amer.
:memory 13, ISM, $ 11. Will make Insurnnee on
boil/inns awn their mutant, la tau dtr and vidnitr,
n ptopei sr of emery description. whipped pee steara be to
and other yowls.. ether hi inland transportation er on the
M u nn/ G. Coedit Pro't. ' Thttmas P. 0 , 7%
Mune/ W. Jones. John 11.11eff.
Eilwarl /Smith. Richard Wood.
John A_ Brown, ' Illiant Wolnh.
B : Bra s tear-de Urchin
bacinel Brooks. 8. Austin
Charles Taylor. - Wto. E. Sown.
• Ambrose Alone, thorge Aspinwall.
Jacob 11. IirOCMI. D okscm,
• S. litorrinWeln, U. I). aberrardaeter.
Stasis the oldest Company lades United eitatel
and from Ito high stanSirin.
cuesenco, snide meow,
and oadding all riaknof hnoardona character. It
mar be considered am offal= amyle security to the public.
Wal-LA 11 P. JONES.
No. 141 Print etre, t.
Western Insurance Company offittsburgh.
V I APITAL E 300,000. IL MILLER, Ja.,
.. , ;(11 r?lf 400,
o . Fier. Yire i•ad
-All I...svea will he lilornllr adjalt.-4 and prh=lll r Dal/ ,
A tome liadtlition-1.013.1.Vd Ott "r" sel
knnwn In the wor.unity, and v ho aro dotersninc.l
polnddr . ,r, d libtralltv toznalldnua the abanntor whleh
dory its a owned. on'ering
boo Lett protection to thaw
who do. tn Insored.
polncrunn—llvaben dlllitr. or., .1. W. butler, Wm- I,
on.(1. /Innvoll, Thos. elvott. Max. Ni=fak, Blank. t.v.
W. Jaen.aon,J o.," .Jandee 31Inciej, G e orge Dust, Ilatnanial
Linlm - a, UWE... and W. II 4nilth.
Odle, No. etreat.iva. - nnou Lf Spnen
ap 5.i.110 Pitt.hurgh. rabily
DESIGNED only far .ha safer classes of
lD Phoperty, has an ankle corona. ant adonis ninon.
adrantaays ia poltatvf ehropoovi, ferny anJ acensinso
dation, to city ant roantry merrhatite. awl owner a of
thealliogs, inolatel or courarz pr. iwttl. •
i f,. A. LAI:PAL!, Actuary.
cat'? Draneh OiDeei No. 64 Nelithholii st-.Pittoburth.
Franklin Fire Lasnranee Co.•of
lIRECTORS: Charles W. Ban
W. Bander,
ly Itteharle. not:ll , art.. Itionleai D. la wis, n
I agner JLlclphe Donn Aria rat. S. arne
Jamb li.EWD, Ifortie Panorama.
DiLlaitLES Y. DANCYLED. PrertnAt.
2bl a i
G. DlPPAl46,Benvtary•
CottrfanY oobtlorites to mate Innuanoutporctitrrin
VT on entry deacriptlon of Proterty no ten Ind
revintry, at rano haw s es us enwhitest with wintrity.
Ttte Compan• monad • larva oontingent fowl.
which. with their t.b.rnal rewhone. aa.foly 'attend.
4. aPhrt archim proteotini to s od ai
nioets of the thenpenr.ori J. 12.7 ist.l[6l.aeprilp
.7emeats to the Sot of Asee=buy. V.e y 1 nlilown
frott44,l. 521/Ll2l RR
1„ , ........
"Kg .14
Elate their lnoirperatlon. • period of. xitbf.t
hare Dahl nowarin of Doe htilion Poor 11.. I ibousano
Dollar. Loan. by lire, theivoy adorn,.
adevolnow of Lreronince. as well airtheir ability al, •
Fos to neat with promptnoes all liabilities.
J. 1./A2LDNEE (6414 Vt. Agent.
&DID • =to S.C. owner of Wm./ ahlll.l eta
• • .100,000
WA Ptil.r Trees, Peach, lippla npd
fltba Yt fieela the weil town
Felt View
f 16170111.0 Of . JObOll3.sosemst, Itpervelossr. New Jsree,—
Vets.. ifilOdbir•StOOl !MILL, rtult. sal ornamental
tax., ',mkt 49>erell tir ieweiwg theft. erlets ertLtt the sat
sarttora, iiikentesalowite* easy tee 60.10-
biD .PEOftibB.4IIALTEILLN. S.b.2l,llartets.
C OL /Ina A-iD WOOD sTattra,
' ILL introduce, this day, their Fall style
1,C.311c1 thetr amirall4 8.3 wail
Is•or wt. 11. s. mar..
Tlll.l subscriber is ruarintneverrlng and has
eta Imr4J • •perirr .ram., of 111. I. , :ipmlable re•
I .'"r unle t. tV r' al " T• 2° O . i o n ' t " tro• L . ' 3 5 . 1 5 0 1721' '. 14 rni—!J4 10. :117 -•rts rule,
Importer and 'Wholes* Dealer-in
so. 83 WOOD 611WAT:'
S now receiving, direct-CA=lle 31anatao
,t)*eaaarri an& Caole...
a":= 4= — et . ;:7-
prisel in part
[ea. rrw. C ...,J I raltir Cbucc
velotsnate..l C. E. Air.:
11:1 , ,Crents.t .04 Cta... Cut ~ . .o
'IA lad
Ar 'lts.
.Loekt, tcii-liec Pll4w. lko.„
Tooth., with oven srlicw la th , 11..rdware lin., to
awn:elite .4 othlo eountr7 I,l•rrlaw.l.a na.l 31re-hta
In r.noctfully jowth,t,
idyl , . la. cOw tersived. her twcket froth tidt
'dpcerhe'wei.bratwl Saws; 5
I caw @lndravd tl,,able
SE , I.N. Ake. votial thw s
f ‘
ttottion Clavehitho to
willtorpT-' ,
I.IDIAK KRT. No. 117 rawrty idrect opporlt• t.b.
hnui Sroittif,ll.
il TUC:llO+d °twat VC,ll.No•th . .CrUkerarbl pilot
Ctn., I.m crepated lc Y.ll Wlo:Geri tar lbw),
err or 1:11 , ,, Drell at the .barter: tt
litiveriotramily ISrawiL Iln cod hinwtdic Wes:Maids
and mall Nolls.lnolL every taorolo,..
F:ealaboa.t, , Hotel, t_ .a r ropotlin with hard and toll
;Trout, .1.11 ,
rur Usk. cod Ci - ddit7tloncri on hand awl mitt. te
14 , 0ri I J. bit
Butz dc Braun.
FRESCO, House, Sign anti brnarnontal
PaWan. and Japeaers, :4.10 Merketatreet. between
ond and:lled etde rlllaburgh. Pa
' All kinds of Paintlure far Chedebr,Pledert /le .In
LIT and ell onlots. done to t the float n.cenl 4 e r :T:a odne
went Hinkley t e.i :7 b
meas. aladnalartuttra
LlONlna Meta Latter', ea ere
laleael Palate. Putty. and Plaatar. an:
D. WILLIAMS 8 CO.. have romored to.
. 17.4 a n d thre.i shoe d atm* Ile old
stand. Darner Wart Plith eta.. they. t.
Idsaard tomcat ttatr friend. arid FAIMOLII.
Larltyra and Ja , s CORM
New Orleans and llent.e4 0045 , 1
11o1dannlrup, Pl•Orlene and.enrzte 110nOt Ungardar.
nes to I.ltra PI no ei rren and Blatt Teas.
Pperat. aut. Mould and Dtpt Candld4
Pahl], Alrennd, nerdila and r;1.111 Coop; .
Pearl and Corn Starclat
FarinaPeut.dago and Array Boot;
Llarco..Beer and lkat Tont:deg.
With a dented! a•dortmenter Scull, and Spldair.
, Alad—trink. Wk.!. heed, thdton Parne. Patent
Zlrds Waebtx,etrds, Le. •c.. de. Wbnle•ale and retell Lr
:turd • No. 122.1rucal stmt.
. Cabinet Furniture. ffianufaeturer.
Nos. 97 and 99 Third Bt. fittsbursa.
1 W. W. RESPECTFULLY informs hie
m " th "rir th T"' th tt itildr m tE l.°4
gag ' 4 l lllViro.4 for,nl.l, iii. oily Widthtflll
told a t jp TA WIT th. 43011, sus
0t..52492. eta ha db term lord to uphol sodtodk. with
swooned materlale, beet workrazostalp, newest de.
flans and Mon tba extent of hl, orders and faellltY ly
otennfastorins he le enabled to malice Warranted.
y Ultti-ITU MS at the loweet prime.
111. hui adopted the ;wind ple ot I.l.tatifylog thacietseie
tw'S Internet with hh, own, In suallty and prteo,aud board,
away. on hand the greaten satiety of weary tIAwdDLI.
of Furniture, front therlmapeet and plainest, 10 U. 2200 t
totc1 :1 one • mar
to onto'. • The or b
In part 01 p bit ga.
...Want, which. for Names of style mut ttlAh , taatwt
b. amused In sny of tbeesalans
Louis XIV tote a tete rot*
60 tofu In Plug. and Undo Cloth:
LO dozen Malsosony Obatrvt •
SO do Walnut do • •
60 Itab Wal t2roor Bocklotttlhattr:'
60 alshosonyDlesas;
20 Walnut do • •
60 Idaibla top Ventre Tables. .•
60 d d e Messing Snreour •
110 WaettetarldS
40 Incl ose do
/00 COilemit • de
20 rtaltaDreadtut Zama.:
40 214hoirosy Boistosait
40 Walnut do '1
60 Cotttete " do
SOO Cherry and Poplar do:
20 Wallosbuy W ar drobes
ldWalunt do •
10 Cherry do: •
10 Plain Donnas
70 Mainz and Breakeut Tsbl4l2
12 Samoan. and Itookesamt;
20 Doom emu Boat Chaim
Cana Seat R 0.42101 Obi.trr
19 LulletWritlusr Desks
llat any Towel stands What•Ndtr,
MNVZlnuMslt's Favor 2144114 Tables:
Rlizsbetbou fabrok. do;
.1.6411• V
ir ltr u athA d 1:1
Ext•otton Dlnlntrratt4
Azat ortuturd
Oath!, 1041141 Mara.- Ott •
laree wortalsztt of Common Purulture and
W S C PU:ros th4i ta r: an3 171trelletVibiritietjt I. the t h. tigo Clea.
AllorderoPronlPtlY attended r. w ily.
SAMUEL 'KROESEN koopti bonotintlir on
bug W t :SOrtaltat of Wash , aid Dath_ kunr
. Strain Oak 1111xtbau Or Draw JIM ar,
•Wawieu.Dwada. was, Drat:gm:9r aatlgWrr/
W r=1211.,w2, amt.rianut.. 14.
, , \\ ;iN \ \ '
' ' \ \ `-, ' ... k,,
~ \ \ \ \ '4 \ '' \\ ' \ -\ , -.. ‘• - • 'N, \ \ \
' \ \ \ \ .1,
\ \ . , ., \ \
s, . "
~ \\ :
\\. ' l / 4 \\ ' ' '\••'' • ' \ \ .
..,• 1,—.:
. , ', • •,' i '', \ \ ,
\ \‘
A ‘ ‘‘..
..,... • • - - -'..- 4. .-.".7 . 4 " '' ‘. • .
\''.'. \ \ -'' \ \ •.\
• -` • '
, • 4 , \,, -•--- • .-:+ • A - ':\ - A, 1 . . v.,
.V.:' ..,
\ ~
,1 ~ ',,\,,\;,., ..\„....,...\::: .. _..,„ \ ..., - 7 \ ... -: jr,,. \.,`. '''
:' - '' .l ' . ••••'..\ :.,-,... ~..- - .".
~• •
-~-~- --~
~_._ ~~,
Pittsburgh and SteUtieusrille .5:33-
TIM slal4bergto the capital -week ot the ;
Yitteloirs and Hteabenvinn are)artbr
tratEed per-I • the Tresaarr, the rourth 'lnstalment
et tive &Ware ner,lfor, an or before Ile DeaenOlea.
aroxima end Ore)lbUnrs rex \ ehareon er before thatl,t
as. clench month bbereefteroontll the aohere nroontt bt
&Oak rubor:l6l4 hss -
nolr:G.ndlirr ' Treeenreen Wend
Car. Frankfort at) atukCiti Hall Square.
077051137112 cr , gawk P/lIS r0u.1341.1,
Woe bud! and opened by lb. subarrher, May 1, IPI,
fnd rantted and turr.labpd Au rust lesh be haus that
ore u•anlenca....leganle. elatafol sad 'german:l,li can
hot aurp.sol to the warld/t cantatas m. 0... TOO,.
than noy other Natal aortaeelluent, Bate o all.
all of *hie- , aterwarmed or. !a., To 7 are all fated oh
oho sable top Orbmonde, erhian no, eupplled ,
Crolon Water through allver plated woke. Thera in hoc
b d In be
to t loOla and 7tar closets tlarr,
door trill be di, web gag during th night. Thli hotel
condueted on the plan of Lodging Moro ;
sod ramie se thty tOey lho ordered lb the eptvlaun
aiplendid haltattory. a. d la la the huttediate •le.alty et
tlexcatollaT!‘a Ipxe!, ahltthe pt.nhpalltres Amoy! ,
I Po/..t.ChL
Tarc: Wardrop, \
) O FFERS for sa o CANARI. BITtDS of the
vI ;741'g P rZ.:12C." . , " ...ey b ' l gtjp .r . r eltilf, 7 1LTI and
ah . .tr ' a moo Bouquet- old ba . foneed exmoczea P of tne
horst PI/AVERS, tic: Canelllae, herba hole. lieliotrayart,
•c. donTgrorgs Ott patellae Chrlitmea Treas.-from Ito
bead tat horticultural STTO. ho a! nth, areal, near
Wood. \ dell
Daguerreotypes, •1,00 $20,001
, .
Si TourlthOtreet, ihrfiolf r;fry rn-. • olf
Et. " il i.rl;. " 4llof• r rgTo ' ..!W-1. '"'"11 n"
Carr, no charge fordo. tool., cr.boofou rouel
mon, hod Jude.' fur ruumbryl..
- Monongahela HavigatiOn Company.
roof totchna s
of the !hot:rho:dr.; of the NonOnko
tktivrtmtlan Cum:than, well on held to cocenetcce of
iparshouno of the hharler Incorothotlor, oft thtlr
ofkr. v.. 75 Groat rt.. Inl'Aborkh. on .s !utch'Y
thr of Jol.florr, A. , .5.1, ` (Defog fit , r.c..t.M.0..
der lc the south./it oclock. h. , for thr cleutfoo
of ofheorr for the cofitio.C"T o cr
nOT2Atfl - Wll. 10N.1,131..L. hue''_
Iv E t, R 5PEC , TF L 1.71 ,, ,1.. ,,, Y
, INylTf i l i TIL i E do
ossorltneut of VP 401: n;erl ' AOLII,011;f17; \l ' ullii%clar.
Ices. Book Polley, Cab, Wriorhdo, (hotel, !lit., Lc.,
Joe.. of the toPorlog Lad. of Fork ' A - I
v.thord, ?fordo, . Losito.d Mork, Lula.
i i
Fitch, rural , do 1
Mot Harlin. Aftlein ' d
Itotk do .73nnott.
Legion Covey. , ' '
' - 4= l
limy* Fox,
lira do Fro atfi ' do s ,
Sktotion kodrrol, llood. do.:/,.....t0...,1r . 1
,Ltdo Is Me I.meg sol he. L aeordaort of For
....,,,„ ~,,m3 ,„„ , „„ r k o t, 7,,,,,,,r 0 ,n ~,,b,, toed V,r,„thy.
noes , . sill.* and ..611 Le sold ct thohlow... Exottru
jorfroo. No,:t1111) a CO:- thohlonallollottoth,.
von' cotter Wend thd'l'llth tterm I ,
TOR THE 00141 0F . . , .
infer co—,J\ la Louts. Poollot F. oh A;re ante Rook.
Joyi , th hoo A Cov.
'oul !Iw I, ,0-\-• n• • r,•. I..ttoeo.sec. r
•\, , ,
Camtthia Ifon Cornpa4,
c... 1 •,
lIBSCRIPTIANS to tho Ot.ritl Stock
of oblm am 111 bo :eceiTed thdVillte or I'.
kitoinlber:er. cr pde. - rtztvd.
.11A7T11.375 ft CO..
nor: 71. 11 ate, atvitt.
I:HE undereign,, are : prepared eypplv
Steemery with Meta: •!;L Boath spro.a pliclatt
t elf . ~
Office, No:10, Brett Way, New Mirk. ,s
11,e ebbed :or by the mums Act :oo:tress:bud R .411 not .
t e e:eh:A-rah tor orporb end , oe,eritereett.h to eatittys.
th,. - ef the vet[ ob.:homy :Dhabi Eau* cmr three
a Wmd. .CM neer math; )4 rirreheobbears Ibr hhe
, N ,
~,,,1.,a,L,,,,,,,,,, ~ • amUtet.Ary t , Cinribbeth cr.rorr,,
other ern main., t geA..... '" ..e.P. Y . \ Pt the tt . .orr , Wa
ters. bier bay Initrbahon ertis. ....C0 L ., , ,0r f.. , ^ 1 . 1 4 :
Jobett Intel% Durtthr, or rl. Le..". *, ,,, ,, ',,.. - 91.L.•
WIANCIII• bIETAILLIU .... , e ...... e '
__reer:Orhsr, U.- 10 A _
Ldr LIGE , s
CUANT:. eni hes:ere !-,
Iv 'Neu- bb I
&b.: :u, Water sueert.'tltuteubtl. kri
_ geirttiberel e. , 1 se.tee mei, ob 03,461 V..... AO= '
Pieilr Town;.
FSTARKE, reepeetfealy.iefbrms the
• he that 1• tau telntort to the ohm rua Woos
eulz ton•• and ors.. Pl., Fort. sod s alolodron Irt
. : dh• ..Contret soars cn.darn tlio.otott riaossalne term. r• •
8. 81.<1'48-4 Usual( toting Nahr:uhan hi. lop onr.
whed. • trul of hli okratotcy do ids Ito \of bahoou.
herdleno• 21. Fifth Wort,'
t date shunts ha. brulor Ulmer, to Or. Itatka'r
warnr sthlrepalrer nf II • Isru. 11 lon tons., for
cm a:. of un rear, to sq,..entarr rad tulle, ant I
MIL L.ClthaT r.oczameal I.IA. able ad con,en
hour tuft:Luz. 11. til.l3llllt.
o .. hosnonsinllT.: his rts:oeboe, er4t 11r. :ober', Xs
Si thou.- • 24 '
Dixatuld Watts ao..
No. 155, Liberty Street \
itiRE irt`receipi or their Fall Stf,ee:' alto,
. rt to corarta suortuent oi two tataadal,:corls. -
all sod Isa•fnsur, rook ar huh - oat/or,. khan to,
and Oahu burern, rot I . l.slClotbs, ot \minor
adv . * Tont saslltlon eartl.• f the tut vulva. anal moat
lultlonsol. color, r Duni hontit Guns 1.! Flack
Ciati sal Cksrldna plain std :fanny calorad
nun atenlarrly nut deem. •
l'utinu— a hut ' , valved. of Ohs aiewesl Uri.. an in
gout vo.hrtr. .thoUttar atrupsuallol usartount \ln
we roll the etontlDLl oleos suatoctros ma* w unt. how lute ton•stare rhea. thit sit 'ltto•Ata eai
14 tar rhalt 1.• of snoatlor rty le, and at r.selrrst•
not 2
For Auctralia.
lAM prepared to os en:r Fr i~ht or Pus-
yurk. lower
eta. T 1 7.14 milt stmt.
Far San Prancuco
AM prepared to engage Freighter Passage
sti 11. P 3.104. uru.l A Cllppet
tn. N. , York:. laver !Lain any other
A 11 1 ,76 SMI2II. •
'oth • 71 Ratilb rr,n: 14,rret, 1%11 ~,,,,,,,,,,
• I CARD. - `
PILE egbseribo wcilld respectfully inform,'
k Ale tr.e.u. Led the ratlle that h. lim ntAnel tboN
houreNletely Occupied tee . plc-aree.Alernee a Itobirreorr.C.,
P.O Lf %law Alley and Fertoriel Pt. • Alle‘gour. toe the ,
OurPoro or Lohou a regular lteru , ,l) emery awl Ten Huai
., +tore as Lore. , Of a It. 041451000 andjal: pleatlOX
In we'll a Abare of netyonai;e. •
$5,000 . .
1 1 0.%N, clonr.of Taxes., wantdd, on gruund
A 2 t 06 , .01.7—fi. Ma th• I , oer IvIII be frac at
Au tax.. .A.aarroa 100 134 Not Odare, cr ' • .
me 0.131 \ \ . •/L II WILILTNN Wm.
Bolivar EirV4rietwai eziaable Cl#s , Maur
t . tf paring Company.
riliiSCOtas ny Itssin g enlartid their on-
It 1.61i7 Ira In; at. aro raw proparral to woo/
Ihn I aoroarool deraorl art tbeir;rr2a, Cruarala awl 110114/
la, Clay. , •
• IMOrdera promptl . ttaalad la•br .-" !' .
tat: & J//:` , /le, Corm/ Sa,./..
PitLybarab. Peo!orabo 21015:./.-42 - • ,
Evr- - ' , ls, Sltrn' '
..rergreetus,libberry, ,
WAILF PEAR ES and other Frnir
Treos. or, all drterlottd Ircr,3 thn . NOrrvrits of,
--- ;ffirTAlk u , _.... ;,- N.
141, ct5t.:1;„,n....0=1 'a,li y l aufinoi; •0
\''' \ ',
\- • \ ' •', /. P PNNIEILETON., \
' .11 , 110azikl: 10 , „, lifil roo , .-. • • , '
' ZretlAkm It 8.r . .N. 1., \ , . ' '
rdefir WortbureAr C.• itigd , r , ;;°.
omu A tlia.. .14 \
Y li ot"ht"' rh ert V ''' 4 , l4 tt l' e b' fniu )a titti .dr4‘‘ .:!:lo:: :... +, '
(000100 AW. 11.nalltrItii.. \ • , \%.
OW ti Ilsrill•An. larlecon, S.C. .A• • • .
des 3 Otogron ' do \ i,,,
• Jamwtileo•ll 0, Pitutn.i.... , - \A.
, prra r a Illrk ek t \ s, ,
• 41. 1 17 . 1 , 4 q.. \ Co, er N. \ Restim Bank; s :Vh .h 1 g.
1..,,, p ' . .,' 41 . A 1111,1 r, \ \ '''' %Z " \ o •• •4 ., , ''' - do \ ' Ad d : I :
Jothh Slta.ry, ilat, , lb =A, B.C,
11,0,y it 8111.T...tar. Al. dr, AIAbAF.A, _ \ .:. ..
A I. data.. how Uric . VaUtawlitp
- _
• NEW: t 1 0E8. \ A.•
I'VE. DIGBY bete .•41borizi lid f r i er 4 B i
‘'etielmnifirrvreTiVe l arZt i ga t tnex
gaTAgig d Pgir f t=ittarla r At a 2 l
irlat - al 11WV:•=1, or
sulAtoetkelite or Datarnt al=
iglarebVieeTi II grogistrAti= reithell. att
ratriit t ill ' f i t' fralri " r a hlYn fi nfllearbr:l 4th ,ii.
en et which Wilt be offend at the •cet7s(oweet p r i c .wizit
aeh. v ;
~.,,,,,,,,et,e.coentty Illetthaets, siht;ell,trito Yttiebese
tu t or. :ra had it.zattett to their ederehteor to eahnttee
t i,,,,,„1 re etirehanintr. as ttoe wiU mot with do*
ay sztlele in the Tallorlaw Ike nedhto eT "It the
6104 tadalotable dile at The etortett notlee. . , I
A anent. Bateman vented isomediatels., ' tell&
viv' . t r Gibowi Root! freuTb*rtail i
ar.a.tewaleket,.29e. eemett•te44eeeZ
or to Ow'. rder.. Aree,5,171, 4 .4.4 4 4e1ati1za . rti•
Ttelo. an Ltin'EnTfretut ma tlhrobberi. la wattle ,
rim: Goheeh Ltlteemzttewbcreire lisseleardex.
eee tite*ere te.e, the linmne4 .r
, . . W DttOrditerchnete '',
;,„ •
•rilD4 lIONING, AN. 1,1 .
\ lli iiii‘o3kcy. ..c.4.Oulcr All r.—Tlie fether 7
z g deaer \ iption!of thliliert ehilpre titketrehe
b, B Tircel. - s lre.have heintofe4 giTt'S A 1111 i.
co \of thr . i.Macitieninyi- 1 . - - :- la , I `.
T e \Edelson, \ taking theitime!ef her !avert',
tar , Often einsts cased - or the ordhary esteem
hip p ttern,tffoughilonitiaing hark consteno='
den ma Yoraleable y ß roirseuni. Bim . , le owned
bY,a ca puny teracrelanta in this eiry, among
willara in lir. Joh. B. ( Bitching. Thetnilders
of h'er'hul e Maws. :Ferrite, Plititrign ood
Stec of 'I 'amabirgb. \dim engines arse th e
'w ark e tch , f i t go desecanogg Salelatnater or this
elty. her ter \of the \ ship Is 4903 is l ts.
Net tool , la ' ' feet ' ', oriel\ 26 \fest fi in es
aith of old, id 40 , rest breadth . (ef beam. , r
ai l f
it'gr , 'paddl whee e; which re nindliar'to nee d , th
the \ Bonitos \ate re--diffMime s only 'in \ beim
emehtihat emille aro ,df.,, fee`` ha \ di ti , etes
tritti;buckete \ of, te feet ti i7hel. the , c te e h i :
in k
are ablandantlkpro ded with life-Vieth., &snag
"which ii one of "reic It cclibmted`viffeCere,"
ready tdt \be can 01 gra the dunk ac ,si Inct..
armies notice. he p callar;eenforteataria\ of
the boiler has eerier] to\ koduce 'eery \ensehtlal
el \
modiricationa In thkextemor, ma well a \ pi,
terior of the\ieseel, w;: k iich\we ahall\nd •
To 'to\
describe as biletly se desible.' \ \ \
To cowman* then lilt the "upper deck. , s
place of the solitary 'make funnel conationlyrem s
ployed in the etsatuelliihe\ to Davey away the
emoke and gates f the frkerl i ce, the calorie ship
preeente four email, tubes, es
yp riled hiOrrbites
and gold, rising brit fire feet abo e•, the piddle'
wheele r and only' thirty inches 4 hitt diam
eter. Two , of, these \ tubes, 'or c lea,-tire
intended for use, and .two \ are it neon
menm, and to preservrilnniforniity. e Mr '
"owner eloironeys are attached to tie °Anders ' ils
the engine, and the rematch:4g tetra protect - 1h
hold from the inapnro and 'heated air \which
uncomfortable. By thin, artangementalsti,`and
in oonsequeuse of the peculiar. constraralon\ or
the er,gince, the upper deck of reerlel 4 CO.
reirly 1 dear. No impeding machinery, serves In
hinder free passage fore and aft. \,. •-• \
The feu chimneys, each rentin g' upon attest
ly carved, mid painted octagonal pedestal. *re
I .rmitd Sheet iron \ and two of wocid. Ttiey,
are the only notieettble alteratione du the c.k.:
terior of the ' ship, 'pave the unusual rffearneel
And roominess of the dock, where therpeemengee
may. promenade. Bets the chimneys are not
alone, in taeir tenfilating properties. Beside
each pair of these ranee in a well, extending to ,
the bottom of the'ship, thiongh which'a entreat
of • cold ', pit is cartieddowa to the fire-roots,
rendering, that place as cool s 'and comfortable as
the upper (deck, end', offeeturdly proreilting all
danger of cenflagration (rola overbesUrtg. The'
mein he of theta " walls" `are earkfallyieovered
wilt tarpaulins, and the room cocapieffistard
ly 'coedit to s hatchway!' Through the open
epacethus afforded, an edditional advantage is_
given for the working of the force, pumps, the
pipes of,which ere carried' pp - through its en
tile length; projeotiog upon 06 upper deck in a
meorrerjery canrenzit for the seamen to 'work
them to free , the Chip from water. The deck,
accordingly', suPpliee three deelderate,' vim 1,
\rentilatiou of ttleholdff, safety from fire; 8; ;a
teans of proVentinedanger from leakage, by
,r sdinces Of cocoon to the . pumps.
71,h0 decent from Ito upper deck:is accomplish
id hot as in.otramehipe, by inipractieiblelad hut by neat `etairessee, for whiob sample
epee° \afforded , by the position of the"'engine
triot;.,'The peculiarities of construction \of the
re" begin to appear in this region. Thesoin•
pact 1 s m'\ of the engine leaves a free space on
each eide 'of the chip, from fore to n aft, - both
above en 4 Wow, thereby affording oppottrmities
for easy \triamition ',between all parte of the,
vessel. The 'shaft which ruins the 'paddle ,
wheels is edocecled between decks, .andsoffers
no each ob7:tion to the midehip sectten of'
the 1/6f.Sti 69 i generally •to be 'toned, (Wen in
first-oleos rem ere. The dining" salaam are
\ I
located aft oT the e i ce, and the state-roams
lie below,.easy mote to theln being s obtained
,by means of eubstaoti and spitClou stairways' ,
'The appointments bfth\ saloons,' staterooms,
and other parts of the exceed intended for the
aecommodation of parn s engert, are . very-perfect
and s expense has'not bun spared to render the
Erie:teen : without a euperiorinjthests'respeits
•• •• • ' ',. on , oft he' Inn:seen and the
small 'imount- or ..... re aired to fcetlibem,
tattles alrrat sating . 1.a.1R !!towage room of
the reesek by which It gainer largely in accom
modations:rot merchandiee otod freight- \The
freightage a the chip will be almut,l,4oo Moe.
'The freight B eck , strongly secured }from acci
dent!, is roo ?ay and cleanly: rt fie perfectly
clear from men, in conseqU'ente mainly
.of the small epAc occupied by the ffmerrinery of
the chip, and affords, besides the , \frelghting
space proper, a 'Considerable eappli °retort
roams and recesses, always useful for the Stow
age of precious stables. The • coal hold lite
lwar the freight deck, lad is abundantly snacking
te \contain the entire mass of feel required for,
the s euttrard snd return *sieges of the Ship-, It
is, fq fact, contemplated that the vessel will be
I eta ho carry her coals foi t the longest tripe out
I and bark; even ebettld the 'lnyage be - extended
beyoLtritte cactomaryronte of , ,our paokateteam=.
era ,
The-expfnmente already made with the en
eines of th now ship , promise air.ery auspicious
commeneem tit of her , career. The operations
of reo multi try,' ea tar as the different pot
ioffs have bee tried, are perfectly smooth and
curate, and t e retro:allot:re of the wheels of
resent hare okenideteel with all the,regrt
ler y and order which was to , be: expected
of t em. The preludes of suttees axe very
promising. The nblio , will await the r e-
Bale wi eager late a y t \ s. :818 one :Bat can be
kap is regard. othaprobabilitlee or the
Plan. T necessity of a aew motive power, is
ev\ry day ore preseingi s Adeantages mast be
gained by t e application \of the, leading 'piaci:,
plea miter to new' Imes; aid the intent,* who ,
shall ceemplish this feat will entitle himself to
the lascieS gratitude et the commercial and trie
r rid.
ailing Mt,. to be hoped, in \ View of the
labor an ingenimix eesou--ces which,liave bech
expended p oll a project that seems go\ fesaible`
tut this, the the bon of the new muter may he
finally awarded to tb studies of . Captain Er,
1C21M1.: \ . ' a
Fre= the\etr&it Ave 'Weir, De:. 21.
Se few wetter \ \ ago we c Bed , the ' attent
of 0 r rosters to the model of a new paddle.,
wheel,which bad behtt invented and constructed •
by Capt. Bury, of Greene isle. \t that time the
sit - Cecina of several `otentabqat captains \ and
owneriin this city, wentilio directed to Mein.
rentien;,,and among °there Captain Wart—who ,
nkscrving that it was atlenit : worthy tics trial'Oh
a anger :enala,than of the n%I, allowed the in-)
stator:: constr c et of Is, peddkaor one
hie smeller , sire boa felt the operition of
. the invention.;‘ , ....- • ,•\
The •..„
“Rohy" was 'af.,...60t intended ter the
experiment, but fi nding than' the PaddlesTtro
to be applied to her ho would hate s to wait tBI
Spring for Mal, : Captain Bary, had them
cot down .and made' to At the wheel of the\
"Talegrapir." Go Saturday we' had '', the male
faction of toeing the neat trial of this nay paddle- ,
'wheel. . • :‘ \
The !frargraph." ran about a mile ant half
Op the river end back, and the wheel with min,
trinvented Paddles was forted to work most ad
mirably. - Among the gentlemen on board were,
Copt:llo'ls4rd, George Pomeroy. Esq.; Thomas
hlitlerEsq , . Horace Gray, , Ecq., and ethers.
The wind at the that was blowing quite a gale
tip'Streiia, creating considerable ewell; but ltdid '
not effect the working of the wheel in the alight-
It will be andoratood that the whole merit of
the invention , oonalsts in the swinging paddle.
whicb; , t tic moment it leaves' the water, faith back
agaiest'the , firm; and ' , that `gets, free • from the
lilt of water te - whlch the common paddles Is Ba
ta, and also of the resistance which the air of the'Mothut of its flat surface whiteout ot '
ilorce that Is Computed at one tweet
t ei ghth of too driving power. -\' • •
\ he wheels `of the Telegraph are about 18
fit l er diameter, th e acme 9 feet long, the pad
di 4,f00t A iIICeN wide; \ 'and ire driyea by rm
cog of about ill horse ;•Power, whist.; during
the let,. made 20 'revolution, per millet°. It
there ie tested thti Working of the intimation
pretty iky .. .. The paddles were toned tercet : with
iti ti,
groove' e ` snob one 4 It street the water' tall.
ing Info 1 a taco and communleating no Jar tog
,tremble, I, 'et boat. This war , Very percep I
ble witted , stZ4ing by thewheel With the co
mon-paddle Where every lime that the paddi
sti s ock the‘trata qulveringeortid be, distinctly
felt\ Oa the o 65 bead the geadualenlrance of
the new paddle*ukto the water . canoed by the
anglent which thy.,\ struck, caused ho , jar and
I t here wee marquee° lees strain to the tintheee
1 cifd-hebhat mad thn w 313 machinery; a decided
1eird ,„... 6 ,,,,, g t, aloe, , bat the motlonlef•ihe
,1 ,
neiitheel erased mrtl \ kes swell ti it'd water
ththe other; 'blot .r a this no opinion Mid,
be forded -0o surface: o the liver being top
nektittapaiae wheel otinaltrosted ola eat plan
will woo k0! noW \anqUeettionnble; and there is
good reasone,to Obtim Mit it postemeeei certain
enpotiorliy Wiltealninteltnh*al 'Atelblietiing
carthnolara: .; \," ..\-..,..,,, - '.-",•:'•,;\
T• lot. Beasascit. na aid ar t 0' , 4 , 1 . r:i1k
~ k
o f watallataadintalp7inallall\Wroti,
\ \' \
,\, \-1- V
:,, \ ' '' . ',.'',. :, \ - • ,,' \ L
'.. 1,-.
, . \ - -,.,•••- : ' 1 , 2., ~t ,
.A '',".,-• '
\ , ,
.... 5 ...7.i i i. A .,..
I \ \ 2/L It posse* eincork7z-r— 7 -
- 2d' It 1614 _, ....vttk.°.Tioi'-.. % ~,,,* ~
tam the sommon imam , . •/,___,,,,,,, : t t k
4th. Its actionb gbedualineter9llll7 , .. \
inn Out of aka watii4 Iletttleattali_,,
.....t 5 .,..7.0*, \
bamulous Jar Ito:UM 1,414 "" ° ' - 7,
common paddle. , ;.k
..L.,,,, Ign ,
6th. From thaw essmesoraoszars. it; r \
a mush greater proportion. of the gents, ,
engine to be applied to the iteli,*!: 4 •
\ \ ith. It Is simple In constmettimb laisit k,. \
= du i 1 ; ,, put out of worklaglerber,,Trid k '
W e as e, \ not prepared to say that V, 1 1 ; 0, 1* \.`
hob; but they will probs.* bo SeMo,
proood cousernotton will qulehly rem.
1 Mei ,Telegraph is passing Into Taw hibbi ‘ \
soh belies the sow owner is
... 5 0/IWaila ~ , ~
hiela etad ,lth those. Isalleabaag llt 1
both :1 4 Cl data LW Tat 5
k this \ boat between as _
fitanliv, On trial/ talla Milan 11 Watt of tik 1 ~
We hope toltear a good report inmate awiabl.
;meet. \ Tit/kinsmen. thinks that *OR PM.
lila Till , work equally as wellin hoarye ssi
will .1,./_4l
do risers; au la oats res P ee P _ /gbrak \
rolsci supartor,to the common w heal
Is it mattet which can only be Stiiin_d ~
attest treat, In .the mearnehis ”le is to Da N,
bopei, that hp veil hams she appmribm4t7 \
testeni ids inrentlft, on a huger analisiaa //,
mood Me haestelme to _ the notlae at, stessabbi ‘,,
Foundry. i
\\ \ gPA I
r" 1
• \ \
\ \
p ' '
, \Tt , a 1.4, \ about thne• la any lie froatiii \ ',,
s'4% :Mr °f ir + 4 =l ' Wcitilitio- ,
1.04. Oil be appoodat ~ pa L 14,1 1 .7 4 /11•111 , i, MI \
jent u rellslrSptil,lar i. 4 l,. \
..., i i .d.ium..
aim in • arr ' , ik' eSrball a Z . • it. • - \
tr....taata.mtes ..., aiprtkd of •= 1
,te to , 1„ . :
\ . 0 th• , =1. , . , .. 10 .... ...Q. • "'ill ` l l
11"el.q of MI ~ O Q , . d 1 ,111 11 , 41W - P**ollollr,.., .. ••••',„
:alt• toaitiolli of. ii*Tr'.a au , itueikvieu • \
===ra tna w ottl L . it=\:. : . ,
wb....ui mu k s , Mt" Ibies..icr.o,t,i, . ' -.
.-! ~ \
0t..\,, t..,,,..t.'tif%2M,1i ' 1 "°&141 ..,, . i
It OE is turborlata..thaltis Basalt. absatpA• \
tinned ••Bstaaat• watarrtrate la Pastaatiattaatli .....* . r
DAT. tbe xLnt erm ot /atm../ Mit4 than t. take= ..= ' ..
at the Latta. CattatOtate. at , the Imam , i!atett . ,- . ,
By arta.. \ THOILAII4./MaLi, • , ;
Detartamat of Pabllalf arta. utk NM12,71 - ,t,....7. \ ,
ank Stock Wanted,' \
rplIE Stooks of the trarioheahONof \
w.lateL!,ll the Stor4 :. ani VONscrecref
New Dress Goode rot tie - Seaga. \
A LARGE assortment of fl ut pitiote ark
q "1
1 """h"'°4
it . Lei s ehia , l4,ldo l ok , ; ita...i i ta t or .
• dellt/. \
.. , ,
ID will Um . r, bewi A rti g fia -
Cloth and
Cloaknof cb• aemet
A. - : co. arisat.ardly o tt hasid.a , la.tprioNVANlZ,::'._ ,- ;....z.z. - F. , ..
sortizaat of the OW pool.h.los. of Pre . oett ADR . W.oR.
mans,. Cobtirts.Aloteess. &a . . to. . --, - r . .:.....<12115 .. \ - .
..A.. _:
.I BEEK 111E.RINO&E--Muniliy . Bottlk-_ •,.. ~ ._
fed a far patterns let of DU sued bad=
..,,:c,.. . ,
F 06 1 ,1 artfolo.•for Wiles' dressur cr. elcotob_ao.lo.9t .s. ,• .‘,., .
Pronchblerinoos tad Coboxso. i . ..... , delk , . .., .
10 bv - 27: - .
. 444
•Y \ Pan n"4*".uirPril,PP.Wel,
AHD OIL-10 bills bY . 1 . 62/E .
1.1 Iteitanger, 104 Weby . ; .
dell \ ilo3/805rdarnafra
kIyte&VININNIp77 '
:45 1.2°,1=-.1,7z.< •
\" i \
10 raiL e •t*tiid ntritzt....: \•
?..VI74 I N;rIL . LaTe r e MI. • - bnt tem
etzth a weed AB.
...4'i. .11 .11':
A lama watz:Lent of mar and Vet bola Mt.
Lane. reed /mat+ Wall rape Wamlamsaqta. MUM
wee:. and for sals br
dal{ \ Ta 011.114 PALIII3.
I3OZASII-IMcks: reed Sot mkt*, • 1
s • . 1,/1 DILWOHMAR PI
Y do 10 br for ellsbr
SIRUP-2O obis. pzix* •
..Y*-100 bushel. otearn \ •
„aito : •
arREEN 7APPLESO bole eascated, ,
Sickr - W;bria'r
ci DT fd•111:
bbla far WI
"lIMIBRIDO.IIi 1140881.10.. '
P.L.AX SEED -A) sacks in store and for.
.1! oalor by Mall) • Italilt; MATRSIWiI 1:10.:,
v., store =1 lbs salt es ULU, AUTTUZWI eOO. ..2
y_Lisir. Obese, in •
lasagna 4
EATELERS-1.5 sacks;
store and fordo by min.
I '4.3. I ' not ',received'. it
11 -lat. Itubter Depol.'d dcolada.zsbur- at •
loth Ilwrwe etwas. Vault low lox ‘. •
i \al
I, Men CW.CII-23 Irg lit :T r imook
PtThrthorrartel Mara, tor.
' deelo) •
ILLNTZ&S, CHIN TZE&-Zildeoponfa
trteea ,
at Mum a Oda. a Usatlfal asoarlanowt at 441"7
" a \ Z fz Uth etTg't,"P"°ll...r,
;I.*4 gli i .4er as rc l 'l'
'am bala Ottati.'
„2*/ 3— A. Haan co;
RApi•.girs=P .,t nes - as h iegtl. ,.
v o ANARY SEBD-12( 114. Irce
103ii0F.I . TpiE—.61.0 in Slat fa
4111L='.25 bblea.an7l,"jaei reel and Er
7 e 4. 4 ., , Irmo ' - . 7 II CLIIIIILD.
r f if 4 : ° T r— A. l 4P '. ' r r' \ d ile:gi ll ! ,
Q UGAR.=.2O hlidLjast dlor ry sale t •
1.7 \ df4 \ 8 CAXIIIIID. i
P • \ ' l: 7 7llalur. . ..., x , "
110 DD
) Nio f u r o, „ jumi ,
melyed b 7.
Webs [d•4l • 'a ma is
e N ROM-100 •fo
riale b • r
INDLei RUBBER CIOTRINO.4iIIIt - -'• 4 '.• -....-.
lat tlitlndbi lictbtior /141;44... , •••• - • • ••. .._•• \
' 4 doett 019 , :74 in—' • . . .
1 l'''
. . . .
1- : e a . , ,, c ..;w..t....- 4 ,
Overldcw. 44., 4a.
N. 1.1.-2‘ll artlelao 44yatr I
warm 444 to Or t/to mat ,
tt.• Imitation, of trple.T ,'
' th lt l 347 k*L 1' . ...
EA AND -IdANIII4 V A- - 10.
"rmarlta tar tn. EirLl T-BafttittlX.l
. _
EIAPDWARE PAPIR - on_peritrl4la.
lbr >161LI; - ,1; .7. /7 7 7 7.71/71/,' -
PHO_ R - 5pU ILs : for adlp ~ '
- • ' VRedemitlorto sarita
ilaar , '
IDAR..-CVARINS P. - , Vook 1;4
,/T.I. Ponaski.sputlmak , taTisd. sal:1! 2.10740-
• , r l wi ' Vrats4.l4l34l , l , ;/ .' .' - ' .
('tQly~T B4tiS=3odus Seamlaer; i p
ll lwi , ~s aea /oraWl ? ~trßs~lDtit~ ~ ?'v
at. -.-..
ACM . _