The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 24, 1852, Image 3

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    - HOME ,lATTERS'.
INDIANA To . • r,. . PLOltollll6l . ltinif.'
-. ...
adj. , ... . . . . . .
Pursuit to o. • _t, the menspre aet
*a the pang ea today, November 921,5 t 9
*Week. The grould tying staked off or the
Saturday pale* AO's( one Mimed" to
number the staka, that the ploughmen's/maid
tat no delay at limiting . 1:6 the ground, but
proceed at one to deiur . their, tlthete, `lc order
Ito be In retainer. to 0110 n 4h912 7 :ti1i. at 10
liCtliek. ,
At th e proper hair run ploughmen arrived,
and, after dravriug Wilt numart, wariaddia s.
ad by SW J. P. 0•11.111 D, who inattnota thorn
as to the manner 01 should begin, plough, and
ARIA their lade. e weather being wet they
awe quickly at the r stakes, and so Niger were
they for the amyl that they verb off without
waiting for th e eq lof the hate ' Bata '
furrows were turn :until spectators sew {bat
work was about bet g performed highly medita
ble to Tatiana. 0 the th irteen Until 'otroipet.
tug, bet one; If . _ y, ploughed lass then sin
Inches deep, and meTit was said, ploughed
nine inches deep.. , : _ .. .
The ploughing bqing octopletsd tho ploughmen
tad company retired to the boat, -wills the
Jays were exantitlng the_ plomthlag, and eat
down to a good Maar; tared up by Mr: Rod.
gir Bell, of Deer Creek: After the Judges re•
ported, the aomaWdlaperai, Wail satisfied
with the day am*rem4mt.
; Idanagy_s to meet at R. Bell's, Deer Creek,
on litany, the 29th Instait
nitholthor Tel '
The Committee an Ploughing neat a follows:
. The first premium to William Slaty; Robin t
Hart Iron plough No. 8.
The ' woad premium to - P.' Hart ;AM &
Spares Iran centre plough No.lo. •
' The third premium to Jams. Wilson; Robert
Hell's convex plough No. 10. r 1
The fourth prendtati to John Cook; Hall &
Bpeer's true Matta plough No. 10. . •
Th. Ala premium to Jaw tiarrardt Jobe
Hall's plot kit No. 9. .
' The commute report uzaulmousli with ono
exception, and on that premium (wooed) the
attairmanauld - not apes, for the following ma
-sons: The Judos being confined to Wis, .vit:
nearest to the square, straightest plooghwl, and
cot less than el: 112 , 01101 deep. ...n was ronsidsra
wry neatly ploughed.' The chairman did not
consider this is come up to the rules; firstly, It
being very moth off the.this; secondly, It being
scant six bakes deep, and not•nesrest to the
square; and, thirdly. the quantum of land staked
off was not ploughed at alt, by four or fltrfiti ,
rows, and for the far raga thinks It ought to
have been voted out '
With entire deferents to the ploeghetelL the
chairman thought It hi" duty to make the save
Then were many - other lands ploughed In a
wry workosadlike manner ; hated It was all
ploughed well, and did touch credit to the
ploughmen. All of which la respeatally sub
tatted. J. : J. F. CFAUULAID, Ohm's.
Jour MolCzat,
• Pll , lllll Wreck -
:.;1 4
• Tonna; Nov. 28, 1852.
After the mansion of - the burglarpeass, the
tda of AMY" Inds, for the murder of a man
named John Cevan, on the 19th of October lest,
vu comminiaid; Weans. Phimegia sod Penny
for presteution, Mid Menus. :Mahon and par
ts/Lb for defends. cur readers will recollect the
ottutriv . ins, as infailrepirt of the evidetieti be
fors the Coroner, wee:given them, lithe time of.
holding laquest,, . Au. ladietuisat against
William Taylor, for partioipation to the murder,
was also laid liercrstiat3raad Jury, int igoered
from the feet
.that belied tinted States evidence.
The, following gentlemen were ampanneled as
1. Antos Flores, 7. Robert Stewart,
2. 0. 8. Joseph Bostar,
,Jolan - O'Dontud, , • • -9. Jobe Buckle;
4. Andrew Fife, . 10. June Pattersan,
5. Thomas Rankin, 11. Jno.flisegliterback,
8 !ilium -Mandell, 12.. Dblra Jones. •
Mr. Plaasklit, proesoutleg - AttimUy, opened
eke asset la '1 few tetauko, Mutratlva the
different du r ess of murder, and ofdlut Aurae
sat kinds of -Al the class,' be edified
Coroaer Artintesothe drat 'witness far prosi.
" 4 '444
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Bhatpabarg.•Sov. 22.
roa Imuna.
Causer Arthur', sworn-1 was Coroner of the
Gouty In the Pali; as snob woe caged upon,to
hold solaces' op= thalesly of JO° Carskaboat
.tholgtit of °rioter; I thud the dead body Wog
oa the goon at Mts.' Taylor's. to thttin's
' ts tier Seventh card City of Pittelmrgh.
No cross estodaidion. • '
Charlie Belmar. (colored) "worn—l Mat to-
greased withOaran in his lifetime; I knewehere,
Mrs. Zulu livid is October lam; I knew where
Jahn Crean boarded.. He Dud In Mrs. Taylor's
horse; I hid lost onto bolus on the inning of
Um 19th October; mu gauging la the yard,'last
(Mr. Mahan requested the Court to order the
mimeses. for the proweetka to withdrew util
they was ea/led upon to testify, labia was Sr
i spoke to InNe and he spots toms whim I
imam in , the yard; after let had pawed eight or
to yards in the alley, he wheeled armed and
gees Into Mrs. Taylor's house; Isla, tug hope
they abet going to cat' apthare in thashosse
*gala to night". I' et down to eat my eager,
ad tka theta: anameneed In the hoes% is
Moe Taylor'e home; I heard a tumbling stout
• thaw IhmonA mud sun one speak—l thought
it wu John Camm—he said Itop,stop, hold one
I sat "There. now: they're Selene' I said
Othstothemothocmg Nancy weathers cube time;
Illeaetiesoler therrint out and foot over la the
direction of M oe. Tayloge hosse;..l did not go
am to Taylor'a ntudb it was one of Mrs. Toy
. sons rho peeved along the alley with - James
-".irsibi; I deal mow filial rated lb. mutt her
• norm from the time thop. - limit into the borne
'until I heard the sob* it was about a quarter
• Cragostamised.4 sae Si&Odlag is the yard
what kids atalTaylOr weed' by; I said,
ereabe sad theytepllothood orening." gg
Heath li. Mania, - (entered) iron—l was
Bring with Clarles.thriaror la &debar lest; I
tear when Jane Taylor.]lrd, ead imam him
Cana; they *red In tie was asighborkood
whim' wu at that thaw I NW ritistaippen
Chutes Baum !adjure come home; that Chutes
sane throoei NU alley; sad geld, - ".oh,lord,
Huey ' what.* fass•there beta *One's haute'
ern Ilistentd sr the door, and I beard John
. Game b o tlo W to g"Mordee ail listemed I loud
• .
as awful ease le ihus, and Iron up the Mips of
Mts. Taylor's low, and puled the 'door opts;
mho' I Tent Isl ISM Irma himingthavaa oaShe
r %ead will. poker; It wee a pins - of iron slant
eigoot long; would kaow it II I saw the poker
B, L.
Jorer—lt vu not insisin; it o riesilit '
open uom ad, about an UM long. ,
' When Inns arm• kitting John Orma, the
blood vas m infig &malls ram ail back of Isle
- heed, end be Put op Ids hand; be nil sondes;
-- he sould - say 'tabla s O alter I vent taboard
pot his
to the Leek part of Me heed; what the blood
we naislageo freely, heimm Ann" by the
boat diem tide door was ufe - dart ke wiped
his hail, which was tensed with blood.on the
dem. I raked John Ciama's eider (Um Tay.
lee,)aby she lit them beat his; she mid to me
that she oaddeet help it. Irwin said to media
ke didn't west say d—d suer remits cocoas
la may boom boliaglag to him: se soon se ever
be and that ,I tame out and slammed the door
to; It wee pretty lain la tinned's them , dark.
Them wire Williant'hylor, Me eider. John Oa
tes sad Inds is the room obis I was there;
Main all Unit I home about the natter .
/ Orme Minabsed—lt au than dark—prosy .
dark ; when I went Ist* tin room, Wm Taylor
Via Media' ap by the eissithipisee ; -Wis. Tay
lor sae 'naafis' in OS beak part of the room;
the had ands' la his bad; Um` Wafts ne..
salad eteadiss oaths Um I
is the room.
sod Teem la the boot pert en the thas. Um
TI " illg"1"F Oa; f do sot Iroar Where
~ be was; I mat, back to Limbo Boum vim
I left Taylor"; I got import:lea will beck;
raid not anis eny mean dun I bed sot seen
agfildat Meet the light; I en ponies of that;
l t stalaiudthrt hi ire of that es lan of abet I erse
• sod laylor'e Mused IMs (Worm
. , 0 ant war tog; Mr and Midas to se
aboutit: TUs me of tbat; I do ait think I
Robert edits% tin tastable, by that
' tosse t I ma taint George Gordan , what
7 4 bed sem; As pima of a white moo ; I told
, vs all Itatre said Mese they ;• he dialed dun
I did notimew 'whin ahem It; sad be mid
; „ t i m e Jim Inds bad been in
-the email for
.7: throe 'MM. end am set there at the Use of On
~;. assred; I told this story to two other pernee,
7:41 told it to this the sus wonting; I told 11 ts
- , Ibila te my " lo stain tne; thOrel* thei r
114"L' ems emerma rigkt ilile aga i l ithe
, •sale Mu , : I Ina sot dna; I hid mot beat
• assldeg sinikla; I via Windy sober 1 my
, 'bud vas not shoe_ treat air that aresia"; 1
' inal art eat Is the Alla beatlng writer orebild
that the ireniel bed tam sway; I lad as
au. Ariskthe I
layat bdiliN Ms vesatessee, sof
• r hasimpl attar to d tlailipy Warn limo a
%pow la irr hew I do mat ibis Wm-.
iity h - vie May thealtrigs. ismiltrik I
' ... kw iliveklea ll b lri" h. :
lhargri liir" lialsolbilitl Cl"L-"l' attor
' i4ol ll llrlllifillifitiont. thiblisklowelebs
c.. J 01 1 0g lip 011111111t.* beak WI
1 .
- •
. •
hit hi* twiesoddial u s I i t hus: Witan
dirt caw - Gam, he was blsetting on the back
put of his hudj 4 l' told 'l7adi'ljhatit7 ' Ol I*
and an Cann, wheat went' btit; he did not
ha odd-that if there Mid been any one
elm dude to no over with bid e he texitki blot
pas. hies. Taylor seemed, to know what wu
going ea; she had her right elitism she didn't
say anything more to me; ,I did not speak to I
William Taylor at iii. lei. Taylor was up
stain In the room where Camoi was; 'and she
wee Nobel, Cann wu not drunk; I did not see
may 'MIAs; In the room; then was nothing en
the mantleplece; except • • ._plitoe of soap—wash
lag soap--a piece dared these inches in length; '
I wu looking at lief strindlng spinet the nr
deplete, and I happened to see the 'soap; she
did miss) sorbing When her brother was Is
lag beaten; I did not be any candle in the
room; Mere was no light 'of any kind in the
roam; there Iris no tire la the grate; she was
just ping to maks a Orli in the grids, but had
no Are with her. There:were two windows in
that room; I saw him strike Cavan ittiMediately
on the beak pats of the hitad; Conn did not at
tempt to defend himself; deceued tad his fact
towards Irwin; Cavan did not attempt to Nadi,
nu William Taylor attempt to assist, nor did
hire. Taylor. Irwin had hold of the boodle of
the poker ; there was a kind of 'a' knob oa the
handle of the poker, on the end in Intkes hand;
it was • solid knob:. it was kind of round, but
not so round; the other end was like a poker,
only it was' bigger than an ordinary poker; the
poker was namede of brim, nor had it obelus
Una. on it; I di& not attempt to .interfsee; I
ems afraid; Ravin was sitting down on sated,
he did not attempt Art rise; I was not In a %W
-ilton when I went net; I left deceased sitting on
the stool; he hallooed out murder, Idea Inein
'truck hint Wee In the room, but not 1ondly;
Inds 'truck him with all his might; there was
• stairway leading dein into the room Meow;
then wu a roomlolow where Cann wet killed;
then were stairs on the °made; I went down
the onidde stairs; i was not In the lower room
at ail; this happened on Tunday; I pushed the
door apse; I said that Taylor was sitting at the
front door in chief a:Lamb:Lotion; I was in about
halt an hone; I know • young man named John
Gordon; I told Idea mhat I had seen.-
'By the Remus:tutor—This conversation with
Madura was eighoby Mrs. Taylor's back door;
it vu there he told me lira Irwin wan in the
country for three dug I wu acquainted with
Irwin for along tinir; Irwin vu at Taylor's at
the time Cardin Imre he vu in the country.
• Wm. Taylor was called by the Commonwealth,
but preparatory to being sworn for chief nate
nation, he vu examined by the defence.
Wm. Taylor, 111/070—I am aeon of Jana Tay
lor; I was at kettle on the evening of the MS
malty with John Carats and Jams Irwin; I was
not present when the murder waseatamltted; I
vu down stalls at the tlmiu I heard no diffionl
ty and no nolo% John Irwin and John tiannwero .
up main * mom together on that day, te
trarch evening, about ire .o'clock; I vent up
stain while they were there; I saw John Conan
when I went up stale* lying on the noon James
Irwin Yu not near Cam; about ten feet nom
Mau he bad nothing In his hand that I UT; I
didn't notion whether these were any injuries
Ms Cavan or not; Ilmow that he (dead; Jim Ir
win wee about ten feet from Cavan, lad had no
' thing la his hand; I had no utiversation with
Irwin after my made John Oman died; do not
mind proposing to Irvin to teke lay uncle tothe
Doke oven; uncle John died on Wednesday night
after Irwin and Seine bad been in the room to.
gather, I had no knowledge or his being hurt;
saw no blood on his head; mother wee not in the
I TOCClinled / WU there.
Cron examland—l do not know Nancy M.
Mader; I did not nee any colored 'woman In the
room sa all • .•
By the Prosecution—l have seen thin spanner
In my mother's Masa, but in no potion's hand',
in the room where Irwin and Kenn were; there
were no other persons hi the room. but the two.
Dr. ltocandlese, sworn—Pound the deoessed
la a dying condition; found a qnsnaty of eoenu•
laced blood matted In his heir; his eyendition au
such that I could do nothing for. bled; visited the
house 'Binned, bat wee not present at thepoet
mortem examination. t
hief. Jr-- Tap, dr-
airs. Jane Taylor, sworn—Do dot recollect
what day of the month it was
, tl w it t otus Cavan
west burg did not Bee Cavan h was as.
len when it was done. and did cot Wake up On'
di the middle - of the night; r ertis down stain
and did not know he was hurt; 'ben I went wp
stain I thought he wu sleeping it vu about
the middle of the night; • I said to my son that
Canithad a chew of tobacco in his month, that
be slept curiously; told my eon to tins him on
his side; I thought hedidn'tmake tuba strange
noise after that; I did not know harms hart un
tllnest morning, when gra. —, [could not
hear the name.] told meta Wake blot, and I told
her I Ocala not waken him; I went up sots and
found that he wu cold, and I BIM that be wee
dead; then my son=-wont for Dr. • bliCandlesr;
that all that I know; John Cann Ina at the,
house ail day before I saw him; saw him Ent
up stain, do slot know that he had been out; do
not know thin he was to the room up stairs to
the evening; do not lam that any other person
was In the room before I went np;"einnot recol
lect any person that wan then, became I trent
to sleep in the &Denman did not on Jena Ir
win that evening, until after my brother was ly
ing in bed up stain; It wu towards the middle
of the night that I saw them; did not see blot
but once that day; do not bees of any person
being in theroom with my Innen my brother
lived all tut day, until two o'clock the next
Croasommised— I hare mu coy brother fel
ling down stale' Leon this; I did not nee him
fall that evening. •
The Mitt/meat of s little son of Ms Taylor's
Ins here proposed to balsam by the prosecu
tion, but was decided against after stew ques
tions bad been admitted to him by the Court.
De Black,- .worn—Was sent for by the Coro
ner, to hold a poat•mortem exam/mica "nitre
body of Cana; found the isjurisi *re waned
to the bead; loud s Plight out, shoat s ball no
isoh in Meat, upon ilke bask pat lsf hie head;
the skin was broker mainly throne; for that
distance; the sight eye was swollei, but there
was no abrasion of the skin; .I mad* an Incision
am* the heed, from else to ear, and dissected
the scalp baskwards and forwards; found a great
deal of estrarasated blood between the flash and
skull, immediately ender when tho *and was,
esternally; eight or ten *noes of , 000gastod
blood wan lying bet** the cranium sod the
elfthii - it membrane of the brain; the lajuries
would prodscsidieth; the Menai wound might
be produced by • fall, but not the Internal; snob
a wound might bilsillosted by dg what the
reeler of a ehntr:
Closiresandned—Astatesrpeeatiperson would
be tam likely to have s termination of the blood
.to 'the bead than othem sad bys seem fall
might bent s blood•emel. •
A ersssito steak ert Lathe Dress Geode has
arrived at lieleases Auction Posse, sad 'sill
for ads this and fotheirlag days. A res.
credit be glues Dealers purehaelag
Tanants.—lts consequence of • some sod
dist to his inhla, . . lfr. Collin', who to an
mimed to 'spar at the Theatre, wilt be tro
uble to felell hi, short engagement at the
present tiona He unable to leave his nom
at the Bt. Chaise Hotel. As soon u• mu
be conslinnat with do rummy of Me health
end the fallacious of engagements preiriousix
entered Into eisevliera, bin friends in this oity
still, in lours, hare an oiportunity of seeing
TIM EMMY= the Thuds% 1 lib
eldo pantomime will be predated, for tim b r ut
thee, to alpha The tricks and emidaelltles of
clown, barisqvie, end panteloes, will Owe
botb ionaig and old. . ' •
Time will be tan -eftinumin' se wall ea en
main performatioe tii4sotnalf. Elee Ont
Men Texrnsion Itarnato.—Thle monitor.
• melt countatlon .of tie Mende of the Milos
Law dill b. held to tbe Grant. stint Baptist
Minnie. The (Mutat tin oteettog Is to eww
the aeon of the anomuntly. on 'the entdeot of
the paelagent on sot similar to the Maine Law, -
by par .I.sehdature: - deters! eloquent gentle.
wen will Wives the nntlog. It to hoped that
thuttet Importune offhsquestlos trill =sow
Dammam) LID. Dtneznazzx Connor.—
nate worelont oomtitments by the ldnyor; on
ilate outgo, yanadsy.
Verli of Bosiator.—Two boos mUk awl a of
'femoral about 1.250 stolea last Ms lot
boatel boat. betas= tlao olty attd"B
Iffronplitioo was nude at the Um, but oaUl the
pnaeat ao !based von arida A oleo hulas
beta - obtalood,'A tau - IrM arrested la ; arq
township, awl totailyed to thli ally for mato.
atlas before the Ifayoa.; He trom ootaaltted for
w.weak% can atteatlan to the reettral of the
!Wee elf the Fbst Cuaberlead Presbyterian
Choral of this city, to he bold ea Thesalay
Blahs, far erkhig tomb flu resetisi the debt
kith triloh tbalr ehareh is emeasbered at pre.
met: Thle ererlfebjeca will ato iambi ware
large atteadsaee.
• winnimico.-Adr. etudor W. wean WIN ROW
lured for the aloe of Mayor of Athyleteh b 7
the Free Desocesto of that idiy, at a soottiog
held by them ea blades Woe. . ,:They ea Oka
suet sort Woodsy WO; la lb. Torthes Wier*.
Is ioadreto • Oman tleket. ' .
The Otis.
Comae or 0r5z..,43r0. Thwases.—".
re, Wie. Dltre; thelkithent, bareagy; The eer.
ethedereeffirod deep leg he • roes Is the Be
asa OsZMIM llithia Myles. es 1114blire IL,
ea die iiski AI- 110th eq•esber, loot The
berithertleekieththif ream sada oat. the bars
toitaisojtey lnie.voirw sot
.• - •‘grOdifabilaliNlMgMalnNiMiliseMMlMO=
Plowv.—hheativrealj'aelered .
e*Oln i :l 4 l**ldaiv - ii .1 0 - 1, 44 bat
Oat veve ise la Al* order 7 the 'Oval
of oots te: Two eiera'aveisted aid met
Wiled ;for Amber heavies. - '
Itscarzataa:—We are/41'47U !dat thahtfoi,
Hon. Walter Fontatolirrsearadajr raj/144 p - r atid
'rill soon be able to retrata•
Dinah of the • Diatriat Coat: 410 . attack -of
atekeen has been atty. ` •
Dirryor Cotrst.:—The cam of. Maiy Skip
trine end Margaret Irwin, et Joseph - B. Tc4d,
occupied the attention of the Court neatly the
•hole day.
vetlliem Elohbaunt, - Cinutoiltie of Matilde-Bt.
Holt re. John Alexander, et els. action fornleat
mat This 011111111 was instituted for, the recov
ery of ninety ele norm of lani to Lower - Bt. Clair
tp., now In poweeiton of defendants, (oome
Vklet,jia number) part c!f:ple Rjrtate of , West
Holt, deed. On . '
- , .
tea-th• quotation. idea in the foll= •
LArno our reentry madam In a
IIF not have
ate prima, except when "otheratie notion!.
met that to all mem In the Oiling et small onled la the
Well a. the country trade. holm.,
my tram three to Ore P.O PM above
We artml.l farther remark,. that them are many artists.
lain!. It la etheelleelr anneal& to quote any farther Item
the nom prim. /Int when Me lie. thererr.ot .to..
I=l,7lll b 7r.rrbe mem stres
tra m laat honk! be the lint Wad marks prim Mt,
Kumar or nerninunt smart
. .
.. _ •
0 twanin Billet KlL—lnnor review of to-day we
be. nothing now re totentaltur to Italica.. %hoe - War has
soattattwl at a low data, to onvoqutacw of 'phial tb•
saairal futon of Ma market bat boos that of donnas
and quietness is almost entry branch of . trod.. /or the
East day or two we hare had abundant Mos be thin al+
say. wtriehehoulot Uwe bare 'awarded to the bent ender
regkare, will. Inn row dasa. nem. • rise to our rivere r and
bring about a:renewed setrrity in the market. - •
Our small class steamers ban been able to.
Perham their revekei trip to tie redone perhets on the
river Wow, but from the- rballowrires of the water tbei
bars labored wader Ms necessity of titongolt with light
iersowo so that the nealtrUnf western prod:uptakes been
narderate r ard friers generellystro well rue clued. The
flour babes daring rte week 'bra been pretty far
and tire market continues galls lirsiat the fully anoint
toe of hot • steel. The rewire Cl Valls 'bass train err
trearely Attar and the few galas srldob bars
bimd shown • cordlowel steadiness la . theintrket Gt the
Sully emoted germ of hut wank. - .The nralarser other
grolnee from toe wart bare also ben of a Illosited• char
'rr,ctsr., and that:target libakeseigrely
AS IV..Tha ptinetpal bwalsoa of tho wall has blin
In the leading artioLt of anis Mb, 'dila continua 'alto,
arm. with an aellvadomand. Ws rota the following a•lo:
maks USX; 4 month% In do *Man at avii. ;Eau
dmatk at Wm and 60 nous domeM. o at alfo. no days.—
Of other descriptions of intim maim hare ban to. Unlit.)
extent cult at the following iatti r. bl(r. nOtanb
&VOW,: and alleratus ROW b." .
A PPLlB—llmelpts d irr.a .sroh , . doting tb. noon
bars bola blr, and the saleo Imo amounted stout MX
bbli at/the tsar at prim ranging ft= 01,20 to NZ$ R.
bbl standing to analltr.
ALL—Ste market La onasbannel. We =Win. MIT
'quotations .t 00 for common, and IR R bbl for IX.
ALOOOOL-13ales in Ilantotlot• bratto Mars mortal
• at additOo
RADON Tao *arab.» la teaskat art llchtokad the
'mks of the:veek Dave been 1... sad of • limited ebenee.
ter., , Illsoaly atlas, so for as tee eoutd learn. ware as tale
loss:•-Epp11 , abouldere at 31(t. 1000 D. deal sm..easo
be do at the name deem Small sales of haw et 131112 p,
and of eldes at US% N!.
, et, have eau. leeward abaly. and tbv
matket couttemee O, at the fealty punted ram of hit
week. say 13 tar lupp 12 for pastel to Me. awl 145017 e
Der fresh roll. from OM head.
=MCMINN!' FLOUR—The folowlegelloa have took
f red r--310 eras from storied 'isms net; 110 socks
r, m ant bend, at si.tr2 pit,oo 20 eL ma the *bed etlll'
IA net. 450 eke el 90a W Tbe ruling est. ham obne
ore $1.76 190. eel /1.08/01.12‘k rita of 10
OLbbS—W6lt. er.eo4 Wei to come terretd
quite hear. Ala we ikozire salt •ofEl Ws owl Luebele
Itca atom at /1.54 btt. Pram ant hands •• may, goof..
prima valta at $1.2W511.3711 bo. •
DROWN—Saks al dal nom ..ton at $1.236111.40
,aeoonliog to till•titr.
Begswex—We m.y aw• .22z II h t h co, 2n
of ototaaot.
116 N—Eaceltts bale to•all,,kt,mitte noel ask s.=
Ent hand. M. 10010346 w be. •...
BAIOES—R. moth • emstisioad tel Murat Lr nolr
v. at $5 fbr moms.. and $4 , tor
DUCISID AND TOD3-4Do current' iitio train den
are WS to a; al dove. fv boelutA. at 4 se.o I Idea
011.10t1E—Thu.14cle ecullauaa mule./ ttalterlf It
NM- Prices Iwo adman:l,oh Wu it wan per bests
lir. PIM W. E. at•lfi• Illqcosaosoa may Livatu•tt at
, 1 / 4.
08•14111daitlE3—.1 We cf Ibu .t WO la au: ka.
..11:4a.aila. Ilstß. a. au Iln Waited. ' • . .. •
:0411311143—Tha 4,0.1.. thr current 114 of at.
Weber 0....1 1Mi1it.............4............11 3 .11/ •
. • i grialaii tetra.... " =-7===.... 71 4 10 ' '
•• =Cr..
C11101.:1121—na manna ..11.• . rad 4r alma at tbr
fatty inmint pd., of ma V 04114 1.07 1044111 e au anal&
I=ol3 fa moull. nal Zba foe statesadlat. .
".COPl , 2ll—Plitsbargh umuutaaturali• la ftrod &masa _
a/ =117.10 for este .4 laitala..l 0144134 fa, 'brasiers:
b sod Oa,
00TTO:f YARNS—WI bale no alteration to ootlo•
toms of lot 4•a1r..! . pat milli are kill • 04 , 1..4
au it the rota:— .
rooff• Tait .
ig cz t a .....—. 7 t tb.it11...—._..-...acktlik
N o . T—....;—.:.-11. '., - lo.ts:-.77.7=12: - :
No. t............-..—.17a .• No-,16-• —....:...... 010 .
No. 1 , —....----17.3. . N 0.17 ' 'MO ' .
No.lo-----..17e ". a.n.7- -- - - -s4
N0:11—..—.-114 . N 0.19---.-15: .• •
Ito 166 6g, coorprt Chola Vkits-164 6 .
Tr0.60)--. Consist Yar•—...-214. •
Na T 00...-- 6.%; • o'Coodlo o •
600--.. 6 • 14,160
Na " 66g ITMI6I 36s
6 " .0.111.164 las •
Inottlog. No /66.1:61.1 "
.0118DAGS—We bOvo on oltrestiome to oolleo lodes (Ids
4.66. The Ibiloorlai Is comet 11004141610 • •
/ 1 1WV .. ;1=
MonDla----11.00.111eny----lie 11 &a
klaottla Rat to , 11 . 11.
RV Dolt 67
litrnd Reis. br
• Do de
P.M= "
Do do creseanto—... .... Ile
00,1 , 071(10ILDACIII—Th• followl•• lo • IM of prime
nrir, &rat* of canlais manfactorwl .t tb• New =la
rattisur. •••
O.IIPIT, ri—Plitsbrtik autatmetarea4 raged
chaise ara aelling hem the addle at SU 111 Ibr talon&
sad lei Mr Whir, The *Aged Wave Obit.* inning..
land .1 the Pea.. bad se the Hume attl.. w *WM.
sulfas ...W. If. w/ I 1 to orient aulaatsetirte..,
°mom EMILII2IOS-411.8barsb asera*l‘ml brtara
earthy. beve Mused In "nal. as an. gains;
71( ken lea 1. sal Tlfdfr 11..2 .. ,
DLIIDITIMIT—Terstbat United ales crania Mn ee
corral ...Wen • band. nada. la lash...:
1:00111.-The market nit; hlzhei:ieee are
obtaised. - 00. 400 dam at lia 440 itonst
704 dr atl.2lolll6ae, froaidrathaada.
ILOOII-11..bas Wand: reed fn.lh
- aner tbe low'stan at wets, la the then b ...Meabk
/.radaralba rerelptr. tomer: have tem by war= ad.
railroad. The rare from drat hatada daring Ds wren
amount th 4.19 in Ward ea lo 100. 1109 4,0 Ito Ma- 111
the sole est tee the wen the nling rates inn s3s4 4..
but at th,lom tba samba was tolls Err at 1•11.4041 e
matiogi.ity !saw:Eat turNt A... 1 extra *mtg. sad
tt. too, with an adirtsdu teetalti: Vt. Moto; Wei
tros abet. LOA. lb. WI *V 40. at alma Rabb*, la
*As at 114.125t1M1S * bbL . . .
. 1113 0141...kt5t bluMlet tt t*.lll4:Pottltt WWI
•tom •
..fI9II—TM ales Mt ' trap toot.lottriktkatat
tb• flatly voted prie• it host ie.. & sur.lund
15011.,111t460. as 20.1 stillt**MsitataiOlh
.1 moo 11100$ *biro** lbtd
rid. tao Ibtnins at SAPP bbl.
11.131113.-The sukr.t b !inn. irtth Wei 6341,14 tects
lainrs—n. Miamian Ads the. must canna ,Ana
arida thla bond:
Sabine, new cr* * " •
do old do -
0110C1111113f—W• modes a coatlonAmami la the
*wind. •116 nal, • light Ladoga. during lb. meat.: 1T•
not• *aka a• fallow.: 31 bbd. N 0. oasi at fist; eau*
*l l 7 nbLi-saidiarn. la lots at 1.7.: and 111 tea codas,'
imp% II.• Wr bawd at no iskaor Eat tonledarake.
W. ma/ of t• nominally at alias* PI: - • •
OBAIN—W. Inman mania thug@ to Mica In lb,
icrsln market. Almon la In Rao& Maw( 'at thy' *MN
eal•Oton fair extent •9701180 a A bn. RIP.a dia
OCS bolo Wank P DO: , Calerooo tro ear corn at 405and
-410 ba &tato F Du. Belot lain be' eta' tram' Ira band.
at 220132M00314 and (Wan Iran store at ate * Is.
111 , —W• iota Wee dicta' tb• watt( II los* at $8
0510,11512 • ton: the 'mutat 910119 nriß I* ltie.
Hoos,Tbo Woo ot lb* 1•9•9 mount to NM Itiod. to
etty rookery. It 110.60.147, 1 11. 1 9 6 . 96,66 . 990 96.19. T /90 Is
sot, googly tho lattoollsono. • • - • ,
ANON AND NAILIP—PtIoto gee ttollt 011, ttraittc4
sod wo 000 P sOoto moo oath. 991961P9 19 4 14 9 61 / 990.9 this
, • 9 1 .!1 oo
Non A-10 Bo ows-4—..--44 6 -
• •• to 9 10%
. No 7 P• 21.7 ••••;••••••••••••••••
"• • • . sonny 476 - -•
• 4 .
416 lac
Oat /to 0 IAOOO ~.w •
of pig. st 4)1(..• !ph: . nai YIS . 4 melkat:
' Wk. 1. to small tar c,.,'.-''
1.0111510.-Tbe itirtrt la roh strektd sitit harbor
with ingulrb tabs firm tbr yards ar $ll be IMAM
Iltr. &an Prior sr dr larding, sir Mr,tll , It
NR. serarmy sat SNOW *Mar. •
SP ebb as 111011' lap 'Auk: libblibt
111116-114 **to - Er beibtpte IS. nib& intb
okra neer at tor $ be.
onaribibt Mr* 041511•TOOKI de Sea WINS bit
abg robt.ll blarlossatirlitallatc• - • -'-
pia lism-lt• =AS InsproltrwialLaiiiiii"
flu hot weilEoll.l.ollllllo.tbi aft of Ibismipaire i t
bor•opianoll. adielaikillOMOOtorlli i ipoil
lionssier tamosailifivitifilt*Mtitimehge
ambit Sat aka 50r,116 tiMPtiolf,
IS* MON* iOl l O. dal fir ^ • %lc
ii a 1
tonArgliandosoi *IOU Se. msi Mfg, MISAir
' 66411111'411W ene4■■ WWe
lEVW Wt. STXViet V s•
ETIII.OUZ—Lo;Moto arO U■bt ant mvoilmkUsgt.e,
Iti9tl) . ago ire furie 1b bets from ern 4a■di its:LW
- •
8165,11 tine la• goad steady damned at oiaeuh• _.
fOAP—lialaa 160 lams at 4.10 aad aF.llll%aiptaka
!BAlT—Yarthez ales I.lllbbliai via:] a
. rierzs--aota etso bay's* tx. 11;
suov4. - .lt blnhals doves. tam atm. s sListilk
Aubii. -Flu and Is north Ildfsl,lso, aadslanthy 1 2.2 5
(ma first band.. .
quota nominally feast .tan stsl4.ll.o.lllfibb
WINDOW °LABS—The mutt a:lnland very firm au:
der tha, Ugh. sapplfe. —Saber GOO •tary a by la, need
a statiT brand. .t svits2.74.lid.ersorsca No. 2 mantra'
de atll.b2 W Lot—mitt kraal. aro .0:41 at higher rates..
" WIIISHU—Tbe rata. of tin visa amount to alp Obla
2 d., 23, I 00 . P.4lr tn. knave Ogarea • •
WOJL—Wsi ban nothing of latanet to report..-19.000
sr.r. sported a. sokl oa "rivals term..
&tumour:. Nov. 22.1852.
BinEs—The market is without say marked
ammo tram last rook. may $3.1U43, arm, equal to $4.-
_604µ5,15, sae, sad averaging elect 131100, atom
Lloas-4. llatitad samba wan add at 1.16015 9 100
gm* te batibeta.
Run , ota irorth $1,11051.60 11 bud. * Velma article
' • '
B lil e oo o e d /
ai utye / rnoo ah.elay—de T
fbebdeu re rr Wo%orfi r O b ff l er edSfr r
o4dsof c dr em u Outer%a k MDfr,tom ora
hioo rfavtl Info 13,60 to U. 60 of Lb. hoof, eine to
' VOLT ' a i rtnlttibato Gin tokon br Naas at
• • •
Paztancumna. Nor.lB.
(WaSahtatoe Dimas Tmto.)-I'bo off.mla• of beef Cat.
lb, Olt caret have somewhat Mlles off. balmier. remaM
without shahs. Aro= 1600 heed Were mid (mm 13 to
tuorlib an oaselosal lot of Wm. quality above the
ft., asotatime.
The ruppli of omm It folly equal Is lbe deemed. CH..
=gaff.= 121 to $2O far tallith mar, mkt $lO to sls.
do mar.q ni uaUy
Hugo odt at MAO la la.
''ll''a. woe about 1230 befall! tibetvatal lavabo nIE red,
warty AM of watch var. &llama of at $2 1.. SI each fox
the former, and 13 to $3.10 far the Latta, .Prleal of bar
W ittrav atstattehaota2.
"MB 92.9-%Tbsr• wen lb.t 9 inoboa wiltrritt thaws
eindad ai du.k, by metal mut. and wue9.
,Thoe. t Bhtirar. %A Morton
edieboa No. R. Dwyer.
Joffenon. Paktum. ltrovntrilla.
Vasenat,B AIMS, ProvAniDg.
Juffrtson, DrorarrlDo.
%tea Ahem. Half". WIER
Lamps, 2011116 , ..4 , ........
tiLtergt z..7.L.
fixv ~
2OLT2 .11UVINO Tlll2 DAT.
BSAVER—lllohlgash No. 2.
• , IROI TIML 1.471[11.11M.
8801111113VILIa. 8 A. a. sad II P. a.
WRIT lIIWTON.II A. 111. sad 4 P.M
W1111111.1N9. 81 ratagaa-2 aka 2 crate. ware. Onats
& Grab.. 1 bbla J 108 tart 12 Ws &mar. Va.
9* SO be. barlay. la II Bums. 89 b bl. flour. 9 11arbausrla
101 do, Clan & Thaw; 61 aka wboac 0 Leach & Pon; 212
119ar. LIU. IS aka adult bbla ao Willaaat6 & &able.
do-rPetions wiebiog to par ,
aua ratoo..wl/121 WIZ LIXAMI Drat' dearriptleas. pen
as topertr.l. a ye °Mato them, at the lorot mica.. at Um
Mae Pty.. a Jacob 1 / 1 1ANO14Jr.:
eelb • • . Kuhn sad ...hat Arleta.:
- 16 NOR ZANESVILLE—The flue
ee. mama lILIN oro sod .
mow. will lam for l th• A bo all WA.
SMALL roam, oat ti•hanlay. sA le A. U.
Jim freight et meson apply on board anti
Wheeling, Bridgeport and SUDflill Packet
'VIM new and.stanneh gentler
Inn/VIOL este. Ithatrnita, will ran at
.6 airtime nark. IL between eitembersga mad
Weittrnag. Betaireletft. sae mown, 1-.104 Vlttatungt
avert Illeiattar ate that. etii6 weeie
/Or tr-Ar ht 7 rwttm a jt to
U. anIlL Water et
MEtat adira au outirely ta,• lad grwail WO. or
gm Hatt draught, eteageotrusogimadttkos. aaletubdir
dratahad sal turelaftd. holt...gamely fur lids Cade.
ihtleburgb, Steubenville and Wheeling U.
It. Nail Daily Packet
2141 E near and splendid Paeson . ‘ -
terreesets. DAMN 41.4Copt..Ttows
bow 10 pcusrst. 0pt..4.1. P. Moore.
lb. Diurnal is. Attatnarrb co X. 04.1,
OM/ ni4.f. ol 10 oVsek. ►sm.—KetnntlaiOes." , Wh^o+
bur on ToWort. -Thar.aar. Led Csisitt4i. la o'clock,
` Asti.ls4eirboy !sates Pttfalisiva so Taman. Thum
du. sal
Wassaa C a n isto sy d a y, Wed a l y y s ..s 2 o 4 d — h4ly
12.1 rsli - r h clxst,*
them liparo.llo-nd itimusers wen balls espreaelf t
Tr.d4 id be nod pd umaigiodatioas are imam,
porad er
o th Urn.
Theits boat,. i f
wil noel,. 'Med OW PU1.0.1 '
tater.4l•l6 Imams*,
rfl2 fret,ht r I ea !card. eq •• ,
wand th.4)D. Met. bla Prattle sL
- . I .Tames Wardny •, • .
, ..
UAS o p e ned a lead snd hosioniturnlt t
Warble:lm None, filth el,la elemetiee wi th
erstry,ase from • Map lersalleal mmelennet
Ili tbe malomellartlealleanal pannlmbemlU WI
Mabu. t
n b em M .; a nlemmen t rues:
m ;elemeen.
Mee tb• lateral
pmemee mem, teatime; be $lll mud) to I otreime
mei' ablele Mat wall PM be Oman the lomm el emit;
Pombeblem Ma% et flown. feels
Fab 1111 /ILLS Of
.42 taillAIIP nun,
Ben so—Joks Lepa. I:4•6br V.! nerotast.o Out
Jaw 4" . & 43 . •&Nam. %Marne.
hal Luriamaw
ea. a Woad. a.akar.. Pittaaria
... , MITI MLITT, Sane!,
Checks.jti, Certificates of Dopodto,
AND Mac arrant Money bought at 10W6Ot
Mo. lkilloollooo =ado.* Woad. of 110 %Woo.
ilOOTSIX;-inoiltla. liroo ni %V W. B. ir.,i 14. ;
MI r r i lr i 4nro '.. ilk M.. l l:D r" . 1).17r
stir ioarlu a XA a a.
t .
p. a s.o. loot
j - ' I /wing Carpronor • V.nollio. Ikean
nnt..owa-2 1 1*.Virri•twa a a...a.'
: [ • al.. ,
~...I =7 , l7 V mg an • Wass, iraablastoa. D. O. -
Dart ypets.lll,oo t 0120.001
, 10 & ,CO,CO , L&urmi
4 13. foo 0•lth stmt. haring ve.y g.
k aw l = " *go soi ro l f =M. '
lary. SO dorto lotsumic Col wailwr pm&
Soh soljalit• Ice ymnahrea .• • I awl
, - :.Pittabitrgh - ad Stanbeiville
• RE sutitoribers to tho espktid of the
- • • lin wig Stastostitle Os., an. lorvb
IEO th • the
jts 4f AT: %.r...-tb‘, Diblrri
sty= ant% them Mr. saM NiOw* mow of
. I !!rier 4 ":**hrr.r .
nes4s6kon- Wanes Wred
. , ,
. ... • THE
. ..
SiPifeailiitiiioirlicrtout ,
And: the iderohant., and Property Holders
eierienhet air row. sodtkleuoy. - aro bayaby report.
fatly baroma4 that Um Imadaratibed. Ito lb. 4aiy aatbob
boat boat 41 4ld OMA. IS at gal tiara traiamial la law
Pdltebb allabatbaorr. combs *my buttesbla door*
Ws of probartY. Malan .
, ;1.011.6 OR DAIAOII V/ .
. i . F .! RE ,
- . • t s Of lispiciATlON.
ottokTonitOioting. person ! ifieu#the IMPS
molar Policia* laiii4 by the aialandgaid may aboava to.
It esei atabiett and ratistaaton beistaass, by tie*
eta TrartaUlat *amt. boatediataly. tlarbalabad to,tba
•Paboottag *tonality vlth tha toe-41405t. "Awabla
"abate ldlaatlatblbsaa—Moo. Awaits tar lam oat
doe. alacoootil at =moat Mee otlnteant. - app!, to - .
' ORO; P. ARNOLD, " _
. • :- Asitot tor Pittsburg ► llt and Athogbisky Co
- dvialba'
attnitoom o$ tbctollise to oar um ast i spbeall
luotalatest. or Purr ow op*, easirttirlsx No Vidor
loft OWEN tikme. Pi &Mk..
WNW.* Istada of Ihn.
Lowed Shalt tun.
• k do L
Crow /02. 1761.111 Oaf.% •
C a t.: ' Dom ar...te r tL i At:
at m*
I. iht 41.. " Tbry d us •trodl ed ots 0 111:
amnia 111JUO. asi 'lrptio old 11 lb. lama Moires
prism ileooan iliCKL.Vadaosabie
bon senor, Wend WI MI!! stapetli.
_ smd Wafts 411. O R S,
• - • No.• 186, lame Barr • •
Rl is isosipt sr their ha Av .
Eliai l arj4t i op=
4 1 6 .": L w s rbigeVig
'2 I4 M -774.764
aSta Mt "' ult airp mho*
swam •
• - -
dr ia ker . 1 1" 1"
,4 4 4 "7" 4 militraue.
. .
„-- - , - ,.,8y .- im.gipwg:
COMM Declined—Breadottris firri—Trineh. Em.
pire Establish d. . ' . •
. ' • _ ', Novi Toes, Nov. 23.
Thf'stesmner Hermann arti this evening et
half-put li.o'cleolci with eigh peva pataetunt.
She left Southempton at 4 o' loot P. 11. on the
lO Liverpool orlon Market Tarijay evening,.
N0v..9141--Th re were mere Ilers th • buyers, -
andthere be been a Slight dielinain II guil
tless. The tales for the brit three days were
16,000' bales , of which theVeficillidere took
8 600 awl the idiperters ' 3,400 •Fair Orleans
61; telddlieg Orleans C; Ali Mobile 61; Middling
Mobile 65;fair Upland 6i; middlingSplands 65.
Tbe steamer America 'Molt arrived out on
Monday had wdepreesing efftiith'
Ilreadatibri.Blarket firm; Philadelphia 241;
Beitiniore 24a; Ohio' 24s 64. Mackin' quotes
Breadstaffe in good demand t full rates daring
the week:=Oont on the ep t,401d in cargoes,
are rather neglected, Uri obtainable on easier
terms. Philadelphia and Whiner° '238(423s
9d; Ohio 23s Well 24r; wheat,lred fie 3dip6s 9,1;
Irish. do Cs Bdrips 3d. Wright, Gandy it Co.
qudiewhelat se very arm; Flodr, a shade higher;
Corn 61
i l4wcr.
At Al oheeter the
. market wax tory qalet
Seeds and yarns were etendy o • .
The Em ire hem been established In France
The title e the Emperor is Napoleon the Third
The people vote on the 2let and 22d - by yea and
nay. The&haute will bit convoked for the
The French Senate reports the Empire beredl
tar', to - ,the legitimate lune of Napoleon e III; if
behave no lune, he may adopt one of the Soo.
naparte family, none of whore roast marry with.
ant him topsail
'flio Franklin broke her entire shaft when
four days out; she Made tbe rest of her pulsar
with one paddlewheel and canvas.tilhe resched
Cures 00 the Bth , and wet 13 to atbampton
docks on the next day for palte, which will
occupy one month or six weeks.
The America arrived oat On the 7th.
Rieley's panorama of the IllesluiPpi and the
Thames arrived in the Hermann. • .
Laura, Markets...:Plostiog cargoes of Medi
terranean Wheat held atilt advance. Few sales
of American Flour. .
Money securities in active demand at ulnae- .
Ing rum Console f to 5 above par.
' Auger active at stiff rates. Coffee steady and
unchanged. Rice; sales 800 casks Carolina at
The Board of Trade returns for Octobeefur
Matt striking evidence of
the unprecedented BC-
deity' of business. -compared with October of
list yeti.. 'The exportations exceed £1,085,000,
diffnenithrough every brunch of industry. The
inoculations ales show a .favprable state of
, Thit BritishParilament has been occupied with
the formalities usual upon the teception of the
Queen speech, to be delivered on the 11th. • •
(Meat interest was,felt on the result of the
Presidentiel election. Pima's enecess, , it was
thought would give the lest kick to the Derby
government. '' -
The death of Daniel Webeter'elleits notice in
the English -oress, - bitenot. that 'prominence hie
potation entitled him to. ' '
FRANCE. _,.•
The members of the Emperor'a family earmot
Ineretnithent his unseat. The Constitution of
1e62 I. to be maintained in all that Is not con
trary to the present Senators Connate= which
was adopted by a vote 0f.86 out of 87. The
President has officially accepted. Ills message
produced an unfavorable impression. Jerome
Doniapatte has resigned the Presidency of the
Louie Napoleon, If he here no male child,
may adopt the legitimate children arid de.
econdonts In the male-line of the brothers of
the Emperor Napoleon, or their descendants.
in default of legitimate or adopted successors,
the comoltuut of the Senate will appoint a Imo
Too Ex-Emperor of Austria is ill, and- is
likely - to die. .
A letter in the London T imes states that
Prince Louie Beesperte hen resigned the Pew
sideney . of the. Senate,, expecting the appoint.
meat of high constable. ,
Advice. from Madrid to. the 3d, stateibst
'no omelet, existed relative to the Crescent
A meters shock of an earthquake nu felt it
Malaga, latch shook the edifices sod caused
great oonatoruation. Many' families took refuge
on hawked vessels.
81141111 d ' Holmes hes bre* electod Slept'. of
An either of the Untied States Nary rug:.
vete, through the Timm, the praelletbility
of American uhalrmen reaching Behrieg'•
Smelts from the European aide by tray of
Nora Zambia.
A linter from Malta etetra that
plenary *ere shot at Pieigglin, after an lot
ptisonment of four yearn. kyortter of the Papal
govenuent; amoug them *AS Colonel Simon.
An earthquake vas felt at Liverpool co the
morales of the Sltti. It to also felt le many
earroandieg pieces.
' New Your, Nov 23-10 P. M
••he P• 14111 bu arrived at ilalitie, tut Abe'
Ewen, Hoes aro. dome net news will be fleet
Dormions, Nov 23.—N0 tosil south of Ito
The Virginia Legislature met at Itichtnesil to
day. It being an adJoarsied'seision, tie menage
was received froviste Governotand both haus.*
were orgasissd 914n' the peasant:sly Ahearn ot
iose& •
Tbe Baltimore Patriot Pays it lemma, en relit
ble authority, that the .altant frigate Trifoli
ate!. will not In able to - proceed‘to Japan, her
bailers hatter been condemned bx the Chief Ba
ilment, Jewell and Williamson. '
The Wong E. - M. Chapin, Capt. MIL ar
rived to-day from ffhe replitts that ,on
the hd last', is it. 19, lorg.:ll7.,sherspolke to the
trinity brig Germ, the captain el which re,.
ported that ohs bed been chased foiseverst days
bye, Spanish mate, euppolied to be
.e pirate;
aid which bore off when the Chapin eppeared
In sight. The Germ bad been out etc month*
without Quaintly any oil, and was:going into
Oa Thomas to Ida
DOLTIVIOILX. NOV. 28.—N0 101111 101101 Of Rich
send. I' •
The National Intelligences publishes ido al
um" being part of II correspoodenee between
Junes Bachansui, whisSearstary of State cider
President Polk, end R. M, Baader% Sitaister to
Spain, authorising him, on the part of President
Polk, to. offer 1100.000,000 to the Denomasent.
of Spats' for the parnhase of Cabe. The propo.
olden mw promptly,_ bat courteously declined.
The Repubtle pabilebeesmotibeation to claim
ants under the unsettles' stab Tomcat, that
the eeeetsd Instalment has bent reesind and Is
nadi for distribution. at the Department of
Bute, to the ponies sitc. meyformard ratisfso.
buy ividenos of their
Donn, Nov. 23.—The manta from GO town
tint 82 t -bin nod 22 Coalitionist:llnd National
Democratt, GO Raprevantativos, no chalet: mak.
lag the whole 131 Whip, 112 Coalicnilsta and 18
Maternal Democrat. The tome to come la may
Rive the C,oalitioonta a majority, , but If they
fall Inn chalet. a propoetlort of thon melted
by the National Dimmest, may control the Leg
islature. Boston ban antra I Whip; gee on
nate; Bonney 4 Maga. 2 an eholar; amine.
ton to choke; Palma G Whim Lowell - 3 Cosh-
Damian; Nembaryport 3Whigt. - In many mall
- town Inert the Coalitional' had a majority on
the Donator. there le no choice, sling to the
temperance gentian. •
liortom. Nov. Lehrislaturt.--llouse
stimuli 135 Wbig. 110 Cotillion sad 15 Natlooal
Deiwooreta The teem* in beer from. will not
irary'tha tank wench. The Whig. will andoubl.
edly hoes amnjorlq. Clillerd le probably elect-
name, NO 22—,Erealo6.—Farther rotates
make the. result very close. The Wsge toy
probably have 5 majority. IThe Frarsollertleoe
cede the Ida of ibe.Goveraor. It la thought the,
the *weds d tbs Melee Law laye a majatt
Puturtzurnta, Nov, 23.
PAM'', quiet odes limited without chimp in
11A040. 'Moor gnu; sales 10,000 bias good brands
for export at 15,12. - Rya •Piovir *K2S. Corn
Mud taros andertu'aes3,6o Graio--Wheat,
prlow steady; silts tea at 1120118 i white 117
0118 e. Rye, toe The" Supply
et new corn is 'Melo' more frail); prices an.
settled, ranging trap C. 5 to - 780. 9sts Is. di.
sued at 47@48e for goothern; and 500 for
Plush: Whiskey steady at, 28C to bbls. ,
, Ctionisart,- 'Nov.' -Eseollm.—Flpny— An
hnntased dimmed; saint 8600 bbls at ig3,8004,-•
05. Whisltey - Wogs in good damaad and
fimat Was 6600 at it. Mass -100 hbis Mess
past AS $lO Was prime barrel Lard at 1010;
mitt Ilkouldent OC Wams, - flo; Wes 25,000 pm
beldam, la salt; dellirftbie out at Louisville
at $O,BB. .Cksess, %Pio. -Buskins. generally
Ptuutptwiny Nev. 23.—Beet Cattle, the
Wye tar thepest week WM 1200 ball; leutop
at 1~50 per 100 Me. Ilep—Nsles 1500
01,7505,55 per 100 Ma. era; Wee 10001
phew meat how INN to Nio. 'Pimp and
Zulu OA do la* 11450€11;60.: .
ltfa Tim, Ifer a Ctli Uirkek—evive
2,000- beim at Mr dm. Bakel7ooo
atiltlobe at 50, hi ortep„awl
terkushe. Ihtiv24}o,stllo hid 1
--~ ,~` .,
. .
1- Rove - Taax, Nov. . 31 . 3 ,..Ertatza.—Stocks-v:
Central Michigan $ll4. Vurpentinearide st,-
87; flphits de 68@80..Radek, comma $1,60.
Es Loa $81,150, 6 mos., mit*t altered. Lia
ised 00, 68@o90; arm: Co tto declined II; the
saloi for the fait three data we 11,000 bales
Caw hoe 'l4; Rio 81®9}. Began ales
' 2,000 boxes Muscavado; 4g ®s}; brown do h6}},.
o&: Iffelitmen, Muloovado 24, Flour; Belisle,-
090 Ibis State at $5,15; Ohio $ 5 . 8 7W. 60 ; en
too $5,56. Southern $6;87(x)6.60; j0w, , 0ide.
i State and •Weetern bum buoyant; naafis doing;
common hardly is firm.. Grain; Steil, meet
Bed; easier and at a.declins, but betty+ mink,
'tie export; Bales' 15;000 but Comedian at $1,12
(:)1,86; Bales'l2oo ha Southern tisk °miles?, at
94; Bales 17,000 ha mixed Cora at 136;, less ac
tive. Provisions; Sates 600 thin Mese.Pork it
$19(319,60; held higher, prime 445,87010, -
firm; the advance cheeks males- Bales 1600 bble
Mos Beef. at $12,76®18; repacked; _bettor
mend fora pplag. Bales 200 bbLiferof Semi
$l6; Chl ago plenty and heavy. Lard 121%
18; the let psico for peime kelp Batter, Ohio:
anohanged. Cheese, dull. - - •
hels_ Navigation Co .1... ny.
Uog of the Stookholgro tho Illonohao
bret •c. Compon2 1r be behl ourousoco of
.. • of toe charter of twerp...aloe, At thdc
1.70 a r.nt et, la the cur rittebargh. oo Ungar
al *00e.7. C. Ha; (tolog the fret bleu.
..• •
• th, ,ensulag year.) at 2 o'clock. 1:•••• be . rot the aced=
socal or
trAT4 7 ::`
der In the.
of lams Mr
T h. LIE anneal meeting of the Stoekholdere
of th. Perin. Volt Monoto•turtaz Comport 1111
boo Oh. actood is.y of December ovrt..o o awn.
to. ogle. of & , - tither. do. 70% Walnut otroot.
eollkinor neolum TIIODIP6O4. &dr,
'LAVING sold my Magaiine; and declined
op. eee.dyr T`
.& la Jaart of my btothrY 11.. W. 0.
gate. IVA! gt . Tr, I r% r r h gr 111`1.1:7
which Ow lc oraparii to furnom y urtmaly. of th owei
quality. and au imamatoodathio tarmac: awl hop* my
Oland. will all eve tam • uto. •
``J• o. ourivcci.
Da Pont's Powder.
SIX TUOUSAND kegs of this unequalled
otoottfottoto to Montt , . sod to lathe. of t bo wad azbtrzht.t)gil:
sod tootnetomsttlo, lotroot alotivorablo 'oaf
quantal, at abort seen. W 0 BIDWELL,
/Loon? Co. Blatroffototort.
Me, No BE4 WOW. oontabovo Ifooongabolo Moo
Lachine. Cana.
lb. Woad. inter DLL Oa um Cool.
• Id. Paulorlth tbo Lad tbortmato sttambod.
be Wood by pablio notion at the • lactda• Medd Otaco.
at MoetnaL on Wel LM tad day of Doortaber
ant. at tb• hoar of flYnt o'clock. D. m.
TN, land. &boot three Imadno 1 Ld arty LI frontage.
I riNa r tZgeskro t leed Vai.7l. 1 11.1*.
• bo distocod ot omy lot. at • may mu. ao
Imp* reamablo fa ever.
• • •• .
Tins nrivlloso. which Li on the mlind WO; end wilt In
one ealle sod shelf of /Wares/. affoilennett farina.. for
aneetabllabroent orally description of extensive /ron or
oihrr sossofsetotien ae vessel. .111 be enabled to arse
sloven& of the Foondrkle, dn, for the mum of
ittte.sdititar of the loamy sal my further itforsastlon
may No tants a either at this °fla t or of Mr. NIA. arottor
intradtits La wooer at tat Lashioe
art. point out tat arousal, au
d. rnasor.
• cb:o Commluiour of ewta wort,
omp. of Dopartsiont or Publ. Worlso,Qoalux.f.obor
20th. IBM volblar
. , . Notice
AltrgAesy County. as: •
1 ~•
fIN Commonwealth or Pennsylvania to
Johti Nary. him Ovary. Ago. to ern Jazoot Au.
atom. maul Parah /top, hts oaf, tote hot= dos Hwse,
Janes Mat Room tOsoNt wad [honor hi. wit,
Itleanqr hoary, Mark Deur, Satoh J ono Deitz. Mary
Doom .Istlol Naomi' D.o.T. 1:1. anor Pew. ttilhato
7.lnoutatoo, and =at ioghismt.o.lotoEllto Alb Daub
on - cionmand 70%1 raett or yo that laying all
hadnars and neon', arhotnoyrr, fi st le no, ardonr in
yogi? typo. porn.. bolero oar Judo. at ltobargb.
oar Court. of toonarn Ylas . then, to hoLlen far Oho
Lawny ohnnuard. on lbe firer Monday or D....mbar rontt •
to 14.1011 all andsdulutar th ings • ta•h Too rha'l
know In a, eerfal o noaverthoro'doydrollog. on tr. 0.1111010
of Joha k Iftibm. to te.prettottewiltalEY and nataxl.loo.
of a Writ do raratinniulooda tbetesta Malt coed, anol to
Parrelusto Ustimony. I. ragard_to_tba Mir of Ural Moab.
trunnin malvionad. Ana bolted hal not. mks Ito poriolty
Of tour hallotnd do hrs. • •
Warms 'Ma non: IA Ullman N McClain Presidratind.
01000 mad &an. add troth day or No”mbyr. a. 0..1d42.
011 U. ff. AYnn. PluteunolaYl.
tN dafentaitta alarm nam ed alit lona notio. le v.
arr1t,......_•• • L • • MM MLUILL, ghorltr.
ETTERS of Administration on the estate
ROBILW, ENOX. lots or the Sind' Wood. AIN
50 , 4 oststs, $1 top,sond b vos. 0.30 knows is the
soloed., Intboat delay. 8111.1 . 1.1HIMILY,'Lloer,
itofitlavior 1,164.1.1 ttivet. • 11,amidey.
1 .... •
, .
8 hereof given that Ueda /1111111C0 adver
tised la tale papa Ibr mal• ta Mt btabest bidder, (If
apt preltsaalr 4 Wow , at at atina ,, aoa.taa No ZAN of
N. vomboraamt. tuts tam thva , .. sayalaasly ..ataaroll of at
pew* alt.' . JllllB O. WILL lar. Ads's..
. t -.atom :craws.
- 7 ,
• lOUN A. CAUOIIEYherin retired from
.ap 1.. */.444 , of CM Trek= Yea, G. M. U ARTI)JI. Era.
at Wegener ilabenealtals, Haase . misled by Mr. J - 11,
WWI, at C . u. ark. Lanark milled 0/. 4 r.•b r
VIII hewed/wart 64 d 4
PnU TlNlllllta b ra=ta l t. i g ,,. . u
4852. gioniMir
Cleveland and the Lakes; •
CUAYDa IH A enAwropp, Cleir•tana. propriatirs.
PARKA A CO., Arab , . Itaabaaar, Ya.
WOUS ELL KNOWN Linen prepared in
.ta b liZutralZel. mu r,,
Abe Übiels,
Tba etamaer Wields. Weal VIII roars eannoetion with
1 re Um , : Plltsd.ith .41 Jtraterner. daft
Wattelerra.e!watrelar_maret . bat al erbeeter oath sitant
7.`" (l A . tellhetTONi Meat. •
IlloaraWeaterla Craw rittsbargb.
eat ' tont., Imlthtlehl wet Water Ma. •
OmNOTICE-It Mr. Louis Baker, of this city,
Istol• eetbse los thillted• - ,tztooCkasol Lairtmrra.
&road., vrlll .11 on the ..tier...,. 4. 0111 bear
maletblas to his rgiuntarp.
eall 'guns WILAYKR. Jr. Muir Illstaralt..
IQUIISCitfI3ERS to . the Fund of tbo DiaF•
:salad Mallet Iluaa• p4eq, oti .al porp , itio
wareeVa twn toe, D Trourum.
Notice to Stockholdoro.
s uE Stockholders or th e P i tt nburgit and
, tbat the taint lostalmat of 6vo dollars paralma I,
to. a allot I. *ad dill to Dui lade rho Tr/wary of said
traalatar,oa or beads the 31tri dar• of tafarro lag-.
at trta Treasuates aterrs, No.lo, Waal Arad. la
of 01 N. 8..1 at Dlyo" ' 4 " ar g b •
on1111:11.... A.
HILL, Treasurer. •
frIIR Eitchithohterm of the Pittoburgh Trost
I. lad Meter, ttosopsoe •.• hetet+, helrreel that the
*rept' testament mg per share) lArspolort tab poi on
or he .4te the Itth Ind, sod en retie! areettot ea the leth
et recto immense eteeth thrreafter moll the tell mune{
of *Mit Meet lapel& •
eep3 JOLIN. 1 , SCULLY. Amway.' •
Notice to Travellert. -
TW°Daily Linea of splcanlid Coaches ran
Plltsbaret via Woolungtzt d a r rollait• to
rife monglansdn .oeom =
at fedist, se =mi.
Ms..' Lilo bay. gym Intrnaros 4111 o:no.i Si ,
Omblays Patt of tb. Med Is 11.1.1. luta We rte.
Da V l:=o:6 4 Lnes Inset 4itzsac.. itzvet.
)72:Ger ' JOUN J; VANS. Aggot.
Notre. to Rail Road Coritraotork • -
pill subliaiibere, having: giadottakett
aosoloto the °Winn listwolt Lth..1.1.
lb. Pittsburgh nod Ntowbostillo Noll lout Croon Pitts.
bomb toll/Went* notpoot.nrll, moth our,
trortoll OS TO stotto bur bid Mr portions alovid wort,
at lbw tat* Usk and sal *Mtn ,toolnnao or boring work
on lb. r to WI 'Knout dolor sr ttkolt tAllew,ooraor o 1
Wont or. w .ri l t instooont alloy. stattoorboro MOW MOM
powdery of Arta wilt to Gourd, wowed to mak. oat.
tolortro7 stands with convectors. tor Joan pont
of thlryaiit. • bolo at Irelpapdbie.elistrurton, ot Lwow
lobo non tow troll nwoinnotodock n. . . 1 Kolar. an we tr.
notornuttod Ito an thy work .1110101#1 wromettla.t.
swot Howe:will please U. mice that they an
&ntl WWI. otos to yoy twat, orr mat of %how tub—
ectioUch on or Woo* 11th July Wi t s:el Wooly P.M mg
nary thirty data thoreolter, oa th all la pht.t.
order of tho Uulblino ttoonnitteo,
le D KIN% Tiuutont.
To the Public.
... ,
Villg NoTIOE of the Dies.;!titian or•tIto
ho et Joins Pans" a 0.5.11 t h. morels.' Atorto of
mot ay. Ai Arrorroot. A .11Am1ilsola lo Welton pLaufd. 01
•144 k Um yeblla shall Imo du* twUe. wttrik C1.1113M11111.
MC 11 M. CA IsiL,
- '4IIW IM Ano of JOUN rangim a 4...
House of Itetuire.
TIM eutooribon for the orootiou of no
UN. of Refuse Omltoro P•,trfl•uW No
'mein 1..1141 Moll on Bowmen. of twenty ow. mot..
Me most follmrlo.4 1.7 amoO., oyolfeu to to POW .
tho Toworoo. co of bolo IE. Inth do/ a 11."...
Most If ordrof of lb. Bauder Dine tre*
JoNollUA 11,
THE paraershij heretofore estitini
rd'ori raaki=l..toont ow:At " ' "'
11. 11142.
I itaie thin day aneoointod with me, in the
ittrocta..cs arrocanr ANL LIVAIR DaNS. 3 4
.7...aattel I/. YAASKA. asez i r4rtafavas
• " Annr, lA. 11$2.—f
WM/IMOD. • '
ndrat or A. WILKINB I CO. have
übby dtralnal er corral. no boolame
"""Th. " I".Y. T.ILIZIf i t
.10111. A. OA 'Gnaw.
hi 1110WPPON .TELL
Blankets at Exchange Brokers..
FrBoaLPEION BELL 100 Tote of A. vrd.
to a co. auLtattlaat lb. Sattlan• %ad gulp
,A.•••N st Ur ot.d. row
Dimlnto& -7"
tg Ocp-partabralp belt:faro e tip
0 b.""" 101.1 t1. ...C. b == In la ' 1., ' Zr A t..3..:
otr ity i l i tt ron tbor malt. b. ebaboriord ,
" nur m , T ,T . , 1
3 . 11 1.
t A LME&Ibb.
.biltb.ors, 2 aly 6.1017.-40
reifitsltlbeettherbol hart oiltble fanip.a:CoPart
• 01 tle
, a llrb. 10~ 3.1* g gni
rd yßf i t rj %: •
lasibillifb. illy 74. /1401-01 ' '
0 ,
Commeedog November .1Ith:,
DETROIT, camtao, mu.wiusas, acu
LTD or sum now wosToo mons TO
(„oww , cusp of Altiows , with Chwihwa
Aiustwryh Saaroad to Clematald.
FIVE Traina stare from Pittsburgh, daily,
Carirrdats framMat)
a.nmr prrabarati at ea. ti dlowt at =saw at WS
v. -a., awl nachos Water at aria P. hat to =sae.
11160. to Woorter. S 3 .76, to at 165,60,1636 to mow
Vernon 113,1.3„ Connestivir at Marelllost •Ith Moe thaw
to Nay Ililladelptda i rsheeton. ao
For Olarstand. Columbs: lad etatiariatl, loam Rt 6.
at AN P.
roma allines at 4.wiL
mt. and at 7 sae at Olaraland, and mob twa.
doz.° at 630 6. al. rueenwersella• *atria Pittsburgh
17 4 00 " r1 re. to ' slre t v=r Ifi. Ci rbr " .llllinertnta a" rya
onlr at the Ittinalad 6 2Onats.
ItiLltalltroluir. the mall Scats lama Weida at a.;
rune. Atilanes at wan. awinsethes Itlttabarsh at Lin,
p. with nu analog Praia oft the F 566171.
rants HOld for Philadslitbia sad -
LeareaAlliaore al 100 v. a.. and mobil Patel/arh at
a.m. Ortnataig Up waterers wh Atimpamme
r m..ttinnigh to Prummush la HP '="gial =Wt.
. "44 6 9 In er en=:1116Lt 1 1 6. 1 8 =tromilarin
7 lea 1.1..33;mta4
Th r i rso
rao puts ViSinr 6 tinr.siousafiransittma at
arou a Tickets between Pittibirith amt rrom WWI- I
be are so: for St.oo.
Lome P taboret at 4.30 a. a- wed antral ate W. , •
anti l it=riVgt .b ta =6 3 7• wor snake
The Wales do nation= Sundays,
thoolboaaeg run 1 , 2 000neetlos with. Use Waite oast
from the man,. on Wend street. ' c
Far tielteU_ pa el) at the redwal Strad Bbitket of th e
Otiktand P. Railroad. to vOIIOIIOa PABEIne
Stan Amt.
or to 7. numniza. • .1
pap.uana. '‘
11wbnrab. Nom:lbn 17. 1343.
'Pennsylvania Rail Roaddompaay. -
TUE Winter - Rates to PhitAllphia ond
llnenllsklmoro no ao •!aloof:
Lee. toot, 00010. Sob. Pods.
Butts.. rtandhot. chesoo cotton. tortlion- yn 1 .4 ae .
°u ;
Douvor.toom andirons, Inistloa, do no
no. *boons sal nampoods tow skim.
anod Than, disonruo. buoy sod SAL
loaner. n0...A earth. wool. dO die
Brooms Ouzo any. trathon. tun sod
M PALM snow:. noroluadlon do fl
00V0Dal • 011/111/aVag... al
- tenor Pun end Was. no - Pi ano
GHLT Tor anus - sr/Luna:
Nti.,bwWbeovoided. twattitti itroteider.
. Two Daily Trains.
nor pirrasusaz To PEILABBLPHIA
. .
Only 24 hams through:- to Mb" Axe, tot* tram
cam/tin; at flarrittargh with traim land far
• Feu..
-Philadelphia,• • $9 .97 14. : •
v. 9 50' • - ,
Thirty Reach tints extra being hipaaad.oaPhilei
• adelphis Travel by theoeiall Oommiaeloairs. .
Ondeh•aai the Lepot Litr4, etnegt.ehOe Me Canal
erermaeroloo OP NINO Web.-
Pearen‘ero.:7ll/ hr lb. ZO 194. ttodehaittek
f a t . 20 , 912 , =baLe, , , ,, L*2 . 1rjr . 141 . 1 . 441 wrt et
ref,. Plank And Turstolkilioul• to B.Oro lOW=
Woodoetore seam 0.7 comb too. of CorebeoaesidAon
Pas4,4err for Baltlrmor4l 44 th e isav M
of s Yorlian4
ClumbeilauLl Rai 1t0.41'41 ll•rristmrsti. .
Pameocrra 141..4 /doh avoi4 .41.04 turret curloilgs
.ar4r Weis st aintlilsy/burgh.
Taft EV6S /NO man. TWIN' VII Int+ daily sit
M. /4, it risluits4.llol/Alelptila m nall : usa• at I! Vdodc
Names. ars at no met. aniti Nina. en JILL.
Para..," tan t ter on lbe tiay.ll they chimer, as their
tet,r• sr.antal any truant.
• . The Ancommodanoo Tram win Wave Pittabangh d7! ata aul arrive a golataugh's, asap thanaun,
at 3 r 'trunnion. lb. Trains will Lava :Radataliabh
as talons—Th. aaacannodalon Praha at alit a. a. arriv
ing In Pittsbargh n It A. a; PlfSt !WI Train at 2.30'
P. 11...tiviag at Pittsburgh at 4 P. an arana4 Nan Tanta
at 10.30 w. U. arrivals at Pittsburgh at
we rear I.lWharet td hatislasugle•
tol / lt.orbarg,llL. , • •
a•antaagaraßlLL palm tads Takata star Hannan
Ornw,at the pnot la I.abarly bast, above the Caual
• Arritagrawins bare -Lear - mat. to . check Ileagegb
thrusuitt to rblianalghla... • . •
norica—ln ma at tuts, the Onavanj win bold thew
Mau narentaible fir neragul Vara Italy. gal bit ga
samara not @larding ma h. dollars.
, • • • •T .Astautl-,11.11. Ce.
M.lla J. and.u.i,
Itst.:Weia sional to waver gasagregas and
b mato Oa as tram lUD/haat. at a attars* oat Waimea
1214 cants 33r. each_ tawaltalt. ant MG teats for alch
has.mama .
T .
11113 i 9 the 'mat office which insures
TIMM/0011 TIOAKI tellVmhiextea.eata
tau teat.. Peavestas sae time ma Elmer. -
See Mall lloat..(dratise the V WWI Stateellslll
Cir elazoncalele lb. WM*=ETmar
A ITYP.IIOOI it 5 o'clock,' vie the Toss
Padaeowom 111 lo.liao ea tba boa:. Ltd take oplesiktsi.,
U. le
. Mall I.l.ateanat 'Reel atairtem. mast =endue one lb.
Plank Gael: armadas the emetraelee m dayllobt Palm
Po , am - clams eleamlae can of the Baltimore - A OW
Kallrnad.etl Weloak. P. M. Pfeekfer. et %Wits&
le übfngton Qtr , ilea la Pbfbadeleble.ead ertlee Sew
Vett the same ovatelle. • , • -
** Wasbloatee 11
etesemi lanes the What above the llfklie6thlft.
et 5 &Meek. A. M. Traveller. leselag Plttebargh al the
amplAs beet,_ar crew the a:mantel. nu rem elltaa.
and arrive C o
seat owning ler abak "Wet
trete bf ear . kr Baltic., \Will amp Mt Italllarenjuell
Weetilegtea CM:, sal angrala.pallstlelaideM SAM=
Weekiegtoa alty
LSI Ideltota, er caber of the M. 0., at
tee Walt llowtott Pleat Steed oak.,in elotaelitsbele
• .
• (strciasoas TO rulurs. amain.) , •
eraser nf Liberty iia4 IllstesiWriitabeirsb.
Tini yen:scribers , ' rerissinelly cell dr sti mate
et ifiessini. nod Os public. ceseraty.tnins pal that they
Wei.reb an. thii tboystplesec•bass they
sill nein easitaietir ivy beat, sod NU sway/ T CAME. s
seseral sivertra•ot of Hui SM. ankles, shish lb
awl Mts. fue nub, OP 021.111, Of thence !blip say hanseits
Paws Moe Pinsk Hi - Sliest IttairysellireSterys
Ps fast Lir., " Parlor Morse, Holies ems.
Kieran , " Ts, kettney Sew Smirks
Hill Wide " Tanen Owns Comma as.
• improved Hull . Yana, Nadere.tiosiseD Is e
tlbn.el. Maria Inas Ofti alai*
thilileston &Oars Ebelk - Ss, Rotalei -Nabs -
..hone -Ttinestiliat -
en andillits.-Stenes Stows Pips as. I.
a T a__r"i4ll l Pe k iL: s pgr -1 !°"__"ar_! • "*"!' 1 „
. it AM 4AND. law:Palmas CO:
For Mutralia._
ADS prepired , to.abgatte , rreight or l'ise•
. ea. Want, cmMitPr Sado tem,
"` T " l ' l°.. ` th ""laris h ir." - ziant:l,::
ace • ' Iletqath recentraed.rbusd.wire.
For Bin hat outo.`'
AAM prepared to same Freighter PaiTip_r
on all Lt.. worms. ••• • cur ... •tv.227 .
' th N.* T ' l6 k. "`"'"VierutTv=
rip RE subotaiber would atiOctially inform
triolMs. sad Umpoblo.thsths Ita••••11•11tb•
1•1•15-oreoploo 1.10Nr.. Mawr • roblobk 01 •
ner otiVaNe sa.l st. Alle•hpy, ht. 110
. ran.* ul dnloc • ratan , Vona, 4.41 . ..e7 1,04
h• hopes, bv altsot.kat and fit! deal4g
VAN; olattr orfaxos."liintiard; on grotind
• fiat tootritr—on 'bat tb-,l.sdar ho Mewed
••1.. • sadriss Cck UT. rot uniaker •' • • -
ftni.l:ll .- •. - •.U it..WILXIBs.
wanted '10,000!
M E Zt r W°l " .° and perlitk i o n gi t t b a:.
tb ;-.;„,;„ • :=. mad l y Art lermatal Ibrinsatr•
*Atm •A meta& sad parttime tba OT rattan lb. Aims Month ea If 09 DON
mind the parb. 111.1 imetr •1111 i•
ipiArs.d Olt Pal. la asp *MN • -
Artal* AY •Mr PrmaPal DronAtA i rl y by
'"..nitAtAAPOI •
__4. •
ii Dlt, ham tEiTritITEfoRE.
NO. 21. 111)11111,1111HD STREST.
INtweeta 1/mIW aid Ctwataut 84.4. rai 1.4.1•41 , 1*
SALE Bal!81n
1...&a10wn atr i oolS, , tW km ola .
) U ,l
0 PA ham) toroas.
Elah alb r , L-otoo Tit ti: t b k :
b 7pg b. 11:) . 1) . ... 1.1) . ;
Wm cotrage
Log.. wank) Irs• a slam, so'd Onsalalim.
iolivar Fire Brick and CrumbleVlay Mau
. Company. •
1 11118 Camaiany bnv,rig enitrged their cs
u.l=l2.l.' alga . = 1, 7= 4
log Clay. ;
111 , 11.0rdris ptemptly attend.A to Da_ • .
• • Ilan a Juttito, Cosol omao.
PittrastrabOtaatombar It. 1101.-43
llNVEreekt, illanbberiz
WARP PEAR TREES and calor •
zn.a of desetiptimr. ham' Ow /TM 10•1 • and reovie Umbra., Now Tart Mu
SLIM ism. hada; iv...limes of fl irr .••
04 Om Vest erta•m• I..vITnM MT 00 NO
dearHaU. OrlW.w .44.10,1. mien mini
amogibig, ;via
N 11. .
. . antio
slaalv as ask el matt onvot
- •
•. w. -
. _
1111tCHAliTTAIIAM, 18* umiiiin
lashing I.o.!Entieu t
M. it
-r~:l.~. ~ •>-.
. , ORITIB; j1V110i1;1310 . , ~1 1,, , -(9lloiri- 1 i,', 7- ',..:: TI
. MITTIXA, Awn MUI' i ~ "C
- i 4 -A• - •--::1:- , :' , ' , t •
ivaoi.per . sicw , . 00 0'"
ka l fr o ra,
la , nmi shall mat
san :
./I.lnrelkel wane Cuomo .M 'eag l e .
aour merit Ws esitr e-
Love. troas. mom re me1 ........... ..,-, : :,., -,.
rar.. .....,
. . ._
tv,.. l "wdl pot " CIMIY M II :O V
....4i= etig
rs= " ... . " h's
.ftieogese mi r m l b' Z ' g
...drai4uw,,,1=,,,,, er ,,,, ,
Yon ximpitraiL Aitli WHOOMM.OOOIIL
. .
. .
- ' • . ' MaZ/Ini. Tsai aira iiiii.rlisWD
mecum l'lll4Llll.Tairl=se
I. •.....r...t.,... A
. i m nimmly. 'Mimi Lair !'
use ittlo3lootomi r lie ' *
mild • sly 0 ...
W* etre Ijiii trell . ot teAmmaterimmly. • .__,_' '- 7 "
' - ' • StlrVraMe,lPtiallr,l°3"ll..'''
•:„.. ... .
pea A 'ANIS lawn,' 001.11gL ,''' •-:" ' '' •
, . ..k......i. p. 4 irC ' " ''''
•• Dry fry—eati i.. Yew. ....=. A. -, , L •-
Cbatbotedlarea., my .". 7
....m.,:p*m of th:ltrtiet •• ~,...„4 4 ~. di ;' •
ea Ea.= mar coats a :.TIIMOIAJW IA•1011 • .
I kTtigtV:lllVVrcrr. ttX '
hetet= tie mere me shoom.t, . - -.7 i.'-' ' - -Lvik . ,
- . ' •
,' mart" ,
rib is one etas inanenesi Churn of Asthma $0111104. ,
„3: .* Am 4011aaredited to (therm' Peermit, - •:.1 7
.. . :,.
_ ~_. • • • Ataurr, N. tie( if. 1118.- ..•
Dr. Amir. umed—Coar 0( bee Lis miii ... -,.:
Mixed with Arles* t it lb. .em Ibtmori libie 1
b 0.13 Obtlee6 tOnlfV_lft My C 3144 Alt • Win . : .
Mil tlie. tem Inn mi• to mum sa myopic . -.,:.
*mod s t ay ordidnem so men =au , ,-,,,,
pesetribaL ar Am mpwriamOLlMl* )
At tint it ilAMea VD mak* sr wenn !kiwi ii*,- . :'.7
" 11, k liil b "lo4.. Ori ''
11 4. W1r . ,_ \?* ' . s, if ,''
11 , Islaumod.. I ma arm OW mitibildild ;• -..-:. i*.
:gg, . ' '.l" ; ' 4 .: a'''n'
lisomat" .o. l=i ,: ..
-: °mutts*. .41
. . Ave. as Prgaltwit: tir Aiskirge :Citaik,; , : , :•: - .'
SOWAB.D iItaCOOK, 'Y.11.14: i)...'014- . .. , •••7',0
C. Aim 1112-1 saidres IJI •_ _ ~ i •
tutors ow* ems rf elemvmmid Alii
fora it. ntreleal IMALie m OllOll4.
rem Iberia , telest
Ms. HOU othihm. *a tons seek"
my so ma am e Lib
„..." 1 ".. . • .•., .. ' •• r tral)! i. i , ~ - • `. r.• .1
I.lPir2r th if, ' " , th ,ll"ta" rw arrf:. - • i : :., - . :i'..',
_ . r 1,41,.... la Ii
Nott.. venmt a ohu.mi.-:: , : , -: , . -, , , !1 ,, L .! , ‘L ', I -..,
. , an. OttltrJostlns NKr Drew 00/ 01 y.0.." , ,.. • il'.:' ~" . - •1) ..,- ...'''.
• mot.f= WIT l irg i !‘ " !!: - ' - -. "': -' ', - 1:.. ; .••)!.l.-'
car . miv• i4k am .i ly. , tir
B. oed
. 1 1 4 . =..••:' , .. :.
ow am Y. Ilat%."Ar. Malm iri*Mii.;.7,'".. - :: _
OM limmtel Heim: MderdidOhlit. , . 3 ~.... ~.:.1- , :i 'sir,
10.0 e. Td. Paver. Lord ea, or e.... , • L
L 41.m.y.ehe* Ewa. or IL. *WM Cbmill. •
Addeo* Parall, of Otnelmel.. -. . .
_, . ' -
All. WWI eallayst ponome. immariw. •
Let rpryr, 7 I t% t ft i ‘ i rtir . ..4 104 _
_ . ". 74 , a! •= a mg •, ,' I'.l
ism Is mummteat id euriaddit l rad dm I. Ms MC): : .' ,
hz .
Preptt.d..o to
red me Chemaist. I. .O ,:,,_,„
Paid In PAtibtKlAlk lot IL A. FAUN - filv A I •,,
Alleabssiytn• IL Y. Schwan* me by Demme ire -
.A. in Moditlon 4 , nryirbont. - ' , saiabitutt
I?l , V .o f t tlra "Ay . Tr'e plilemsPogirkluw7.4,lo
' .
• A. Faluissielats Veradfiga, •'" • •
110.1• B r nOLUX ll . l htursoto.StattklyF.'lllllL • •
MlllOllll. .B. A. FamenorrodUcteikile.''',"l. •
mask-I.ltiOaeslolllog ttkr VittlifUlp SOT NT . •
rill to ,to thiA aM eau -freolf say_mts pa•
aotirp IttisfActloa. - . It I.llWillplitalblOsttleta.ta : -
tunny ilariPlol4 with whom be other Mod stied. • Smug ,
til= " Volg ' 'flad I=ut! U r lll F l" ....,
• Ts. q outitrif -Wratts - espell.4 won
alumt eitimait Dolor. - . WIWI !MU,. abillad UT. Or wow
To ..waif on Mad. am oat akl•lnut • supply es • ,
Prattrltol soli lir it. A.4ATEN ar • -- • 7r , •
Dr. Otrrsoter liproved ,- )krtrart of' '
The original end only genuine revastypir , -;,,
atria* permanent enno of Comm*lea And aim* . t... - ..- '
so at ih• beam when curisconipperrnieblL ~ ~,--„", ' :_;r:
the ite Alit. at Kann. r
it Ma CUM, Without Pill - '' - ' ,',
ficrenila or [lne• L . ll. 01310.11. twine% °plower
the Ms. trinnas; 4 h 2 •0 14 In. PIP • .-- .., , , , ;1 -
ilist.tatesinUwllsortl. Jobtn,..l ,` • •-
• 6714•M1. DIIMP•Illaa••• - I ' ' - •. '= ll.'. '',.‘••
Rh nat, Dhows at KUM; //at . 1 . 4. ,
~-;' 44
er Imo la. 'Miasma ..Mane" ~R UM M i ~,' e - .-'' . ....- . -
of ilercatr. Ida In IS. fill. and Ihnellins, Illin , •••• - .:, ••• CZA . i•
Ara Debnltn lin•lM tinnhloft ,"‘ A:.- .t.....;`,3!...119
• hurling and tkOthrown. • , •• • , , • • ••1,..1„1
The heat Panda Medicine linchrvel -' - ` L ' ' ' , Y ' .. - % ) "'
YRS SEAR SR raspealito oniWni Dori;
AND •InR ••• tin T
tand mat{ lONDITRAB•HAPIIA,IIII4•im. ‘‘,- , : "•• „
_the ismunata• manniaiNttla
4 ,11 . 1? 'IN.
. 44 , -„,, ~,..•
, koimeJ: aorta* lagtitirrz of Ur r i m. , ' - :-...
a. vinont aflame mar in then
mann manias &Into nonerativ. unontlematti•S
T . m awed =4 cmcsatrated ID 10141{ ..taiNP 1, i , ' •
Saw/hunts non mad ntin allietine •t Mk z„. i , n
isineds..aatil II was bawl Una itainintet be nutlet ••• f N
'= L imir. vs int it ...Rd.( to, clans Init ..„
' _ :•• ':.
t,,,, H a wk,. ficatbotic awl l'utalmos . •., A
ibt hvereal tranisikon in .LL th•_o•4l IWO% aid r , ,s ,
tba..tonwilag abeam c 4 u. al . aa tweak. , . ,-;,
P - P P'P 114 •
'F - P - It - It.Prf•- ,
.......=........ r ...,_0. 1 ..,,.., ti p. v%91 , r ':..-,
571.1. diTinee an &mai sat r• - :
Trt ,'Lt", t. " 4 Cry at ISIS mead.. <,..._,, , _ ,: - 0c
"17 1.51555. Inlchinui. Ort.ll,uni. - .-• •• '
[tr. Jahn D. NA-17w Ehr- .it is with *in, ••t ~1 - "
• Linn It us' Oh. thnnia,,th• •.•,•i
.I= a no 0/ Gr, an y tb• nnnos merino .. ..?.I r "'" '
tinit witelketn.wiont b *llayntes Ytlles_lek and. Iwo ,
rin•suint to nun 3.1. a 4," manna .IMann > • ' '
Craria n.
e uri .rss% 1 inue ounbd wthazites at o:- , -e - -
which nu:mho/1z nunnukn, Ilawish Um • ' "•• •
. kU ,W• s Mir. " th.." ..179:: Int b" asii " reab a sattll ' 0 7 . - 4 ; 4
=lra birtyy.main •E. 1 Wm.. Wideadaaarata.' , .. - --, , -..
AMU prsenumw. who Inemean:t 'kw r.. r; ... , .'..e , * -
ths writ Swan et Lim. tawl4•lni, W
Mlaly. l ayr .. ll ll l M' braattigi :12r:"^''''.;:j..;',-",,,
rrit. l 7:: t4=4 , ==.12..
..= ":: ..''' , ,-.
lboyalparilla. Daya ...Lk I owl wool gat -• :„, ._,„• •••,,,
dee. Arts, baying Waft ibbr terns. nom/ w•• • •- „ -...
Parw My baaawai1ba........... 18 I . ' - ..r ,`
boolg. limo.. dam • wet/ noun while Ma • Nyrat noli ;ro .A .. . ~
sinew anu onena.l et err bd law Wria•anya Ctrl . .. - ~ , , , y a"..- 1 .
ad taaboot Narita Wyttarsal t At i rala_._..._.„ . r., , ,,
~: 4.-1., ,
ftaya Wu by tbolwao. W w••••••• 7,
~, `- c,:"... 5. ...
Ontenies Ifehtm hat sat
.nt inhg% ygiaa.:. al . . .I, ' *
IW I k o Ta D rita nt i -M ..9 , aoa 'l3. XN A ~, e..,,,:,,;
=wee. =fa= i lu =eat i . r l eueleoe ..: '',
." ' ; ljM
In••• 14 11. ..,,,,,, , , , - - '' -.'%,
~,SS ii es T.* 1r44 . _ . w;A, MEM , 1 -;:'-- ,
z h i LL 4 t. lA.
slya. via 1.4 . 74 4. ....aama1ya
.i seitgottl-Mir,i36e.
ur*(1 . ...r...74".42.Z.... ~.7. ' .: .;-:
ismizimplalut. G.A.. 0.....• ammokullpli sr- ~- •-1
11110011 , 110.00 , U. 61111 ', 1 ‘ t. C l C a laildi . 4.. e ig. ft, ' 1: r. ~.
b irgegg iblellediaNktbdiatiateNlibilitkr fri 1 0
11... a. aft.. aWI irankirak soadiamtaa.. . ~., S' ' 3 ...T
Pla Tila w th i r.VlVlL '''' ' ' "11 1% r fiSk,l l. ll --' :1
:8ra....... (am Wit 141. ,„1. 7, ~'..;,, ,
NUM.:W. , 4 ,01 . 0 4 1 . 0 . J -tairmii•- •, ' •• • • ‘,.",:•4
smitt...l4:=low D.ntad = . llx.cointet et r , oe -f -;, i,.
; p LP.. 'it '0 ,-- 1-c. trill , tv",, , i .
` 4 `7°"'Z''' ; ' ,--, PL- 5 nV:; '•- '
4. D. P5! ..2. ....k Zen, Olantainti...... ,
8.-i of ,—,-„, , , k r,,.
~E i x, ~,4*,,...., ~r4., - ,:lw -, _.,
ttUrr j u eeVeu. alb=
ww:bask i . oetliMd b 71.114 liirk - 1 "1 ", l i . "-"i -rc.TI,V
M7113* Ma neetinit ler itkee'll,=ll4lllll.'..'.: ;;;,,,---X'117.4
nith ttionsla sal Canon, t t , '.- ' •••1"••I ..-.,
Winn In Os denninnanni•cf th••• 1• 4 44111 - 1 .- 1‘..........;, ; -,' '2: , ;,r . j . ,.. ,
a bl i ren......wi i i ,.. lo, in ittawaiinz 4444 .1.•= 4201,.. , 4,0 ,......, : ,. i , , ....
~...„„,,,,,,,-. T ., ...... .,, (,,, ,-4.4 -,::
Uponlw iiii ~i..1. _ : *' .. `W,,;ii., ~ ;• 9 -.„, lt,
seaa ih•
•tal i Zl4l 01 1..../I.
Pwriand.c.• bottil of & I r.* • •••=lhi , '" lr i aa•••-•- , ••
4 •
=etrlt.wrbom- -.,. ,-,
with the non artnewhlnn Tosin% - nn ll „. 4 . 4 ,,., ,.
It two entlnlT matt her. lb! 1. b. ,
tram nev Junto. antrlbollanflnliant tinstrlnn„ ..., , ~..,„
. ...6101411 , / RW:12.1 1 4. cajun,
. it •
• g anmurso, ir,
Icenio 10. nat.
• • Yr. Jean l'ula—W a ban sood an mos obi t .,
tnmetel, Cline or 1...5. lark
it you mass Wombs, lasi. Sad VII
gpm. IL , Zi
o. "‘ rtitta.;= mi reir ! -
53 4 ,r:V=IT:mra.b. - • •
nrwttaps.D' • , •.
• •
• • • • g r tii2*e r . •
r • •
• Females, de r t
••• • ,
tbreera,-W boas Vern Me&
YOU,' Wel awl h e bona. an. snot
a ir..
•nry sus.
andinbrioramdl nag
61147.11. 7 1=14113e/ .nn .
start <Damao peesins le her es IE4 -
molar Imosolnal dbelassa.l,•ba
, i 11.4.1" •
sots! Dr: Oenetra TM*. p.a
easel. Wowed Tab mown moll
oar sea Mar tasodgatooll IlsOsalms •
Co Mom Um Ousslinsa: - • •• 4 WE" 4‘;',.2."4 •
*.• .
. i.,
A 1--
. .
i .'
.J:.,,,,. i ..., ..
-5. , )
t. -e
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i T^ ,. .1 . :ft