The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 24, 1852, Image 2

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WEDNESD♦Y NO I40IT;14; 185 E,
Mao invieMlClP"sivia• mods% Boer .
we Miami ROjil, lb., Dun Okurrs,, are
Mod GO 11,1WAtt. idit'diali• dela
Weer ft mot 'rikser , sgn IlLoslar ssoraisr,
VA I s 1 ,•• 101.11"2"1. Wag e . 0014 on Saunter
, —,--
WPM loguis. I/WM iliamis.—Tb• estmatel tiria•
lifts or oat Wegit.liar* alio to iu, Wittman men
• No/ bdroldo soollhotiottattr4kg tbettlottooss twits:
Oar OdoulaiSaa lottobtuit Oros tad fro UlollAna, limb;
tog Joie& owt, irtitiiii iiiitixiskty jig Wows, pftwit.
. • se..Cnie Treiiidellell,Lenena. -barbed Doan& of
OM Tn. for eskt Mai Saw. The Weaning all of the
make deeezislape le the Oen Wad of metal fat wins
Maas et eaealsimerterl.tee hardest end wet Tehe•
sble gee emetal .
. _
tilaituat religious 1
festival tittle plaselo,-Morrow. la the only.
watimmi. otitsial, rift/teas festival we haw, sad
it lipeccliatto'iniestisitri." All' eel citisess
4114 so analiti..rbe lay aside their
barium for iff.:4l4, to initnowledge,
tie tontine nr se . ereelang • Providence, vac
heri crew& OW:jar with-Ms podium!, until
ell hla paths drop fitness:
A friend reetindi U, that Pittebirgh hie pe-
wallas MOM for 010111011 i the day; which has,
.• pima ohaisir bf* sstiaNve for this festival,
!Mel era net
.consioiki to pie tent of As coon
.Tituriday, to-morrow, is .tieldneirfoorth
innivensey ii( eite_ererienition of this
the French. - O tie . :2sth of November; _
. at vas taints pommalou of by intim, for the
11ritishacivermatitt4'imid e ihitAnislci-Bazita role
vey this established;_ which" his remained to
this day. No doubt, thaws' ban post reason
40 retwrst thsalut to Neatest fas , this 'amigo of
rola% which had 114 : 040014 so great a change of
destiny[ lontsybuttlow Gab scarcely conceive of
the basins' INC tittiall great Ximissippi
had the French- Inficiata and lastitctliais been
pectoinently estatatried here, as at one Moab
seems probable vould. be the ciao. Trovidecco
had better things in stare for this fail laud;
, and he drove hitt theme who laic., eitirderiy, la
their own Ismail** Nisi; discarded his cotmeei
sad despised his Intact -
Mi. Giles' Lectare,'lsit wreaing, was one et •
• theism' beautiful, and one of the best, to vkieh
we Sue iller listened. It . tras tall of great
• ilmagla, elwridagenuitliaeat, mid moral haunt
. elm'. Keen In its wetire, Just hi'lts - delineas
ilea!, beautiful leMPle'fft, chaste in its die
ties,. and salinatad :ta Its deUrery, It afforded
- vas hour of elesetedmidrere eejoymenL 'ffo
would that eurviroildilizg, iiery feolleh
• baii worshipper at 'the urine of Mammon;
meld hate beard irr bat, elm, ton few of that
slam can find time for the intelleotwel pleasures
-- of the lecture zoom, and seen If any perobaseo
were led led by hellion or custom to attend, we
for the- corroding Cuomo. of their sordid
' worship had telt we twasibility which . each eh
rated teethe weld resoh.
Mr. Gila lealrM for Cleveland to-ley, where
de delivers two leoteree.'• return and de
lime his last Leoture in tide City • Mt Saturday
• ,
wenung. . • ,
Jupax Fozerezi):LChi"Mondsy, Judge For-
turd leis taken sick on !babel:Lob. and on Monday.
_ night heed's so seriously ill, that hL dsse was
considered crttlast' 'Last sinning, re under
shad, he vu eonsidarably better; and vs bops
soon to bare the pleasure of suuouneing his
litusoko tiltito.tomor, Aim% Yout.—The
Oetessoe Conoidl a-/Lit city him piestd; by
!' vol tam vete, i
" dtt r eieldng rillreid thiOcoth
this great thereagilare. Wei • trill Itne the
tfect to do atm with the omnibus soleanooi of
stitch emery voles - ligtheic New Yeti mar
. . !tinily! eetroler . .fiseonstrat - toe.
•blifififiliti• 07 131XWMIO , PAITT.
, We Oast Mi*lffik
eadtbiellidAsseiregarlibifity some ,quartua,
that the .1114 pot 4 tislieskr. that It Noted
dbrte ere •Update
• Vigil it bee bees - •beatei,'aboat:manort:
r. -taw everthrees. and that:Die remit his some
11P0* 111 . 1/101 11,10bIlt . amain effect, vs family
agate: but when the cigars of that :detest are
- cuddly analysed, there is nothing, to kid to
• defile; or to Word just ground for that hope.
leas and helpiesseralllng of disbandment which
' • barna= ugliest, upon the air. - •
Notwithstanding its ; defeat, the lifbirr, party
still venues • position of. great dignity and
• power, and easnit bath,iiewed with respect
by the eetseetlifel Peril, Whose politica, is one
of extreme ditiouity aid danger. That party,
Possming withikitsslf sllthe &mute of die
,- rapt*, and the inialHatbe arising from fierce
— tied inseoscialdefactions, is continually expo-
' , 1014 to dlistmolbit foam internal diseenelons.--
, „ same cansielrldrat meaurehly produced
.• 4 the late Whig 'WS sdist in greater power
'in Om rub of lip now, triumphant Democratic
• emilltles, and kis, eat bresseriable to andel
paha, that witidse,* gut four years the Ridge
will be again milled "petite sigitiati the reins of
power us* happier supices *tabu gm be
. fore attesdel their. Obits for the tied of the
• . 4414 7 • • • • • _
• Thid Whit par t y susormideet st the late
. • . .
aleetion„ world ken bees Ii as embamiased
paid" sad greet beye been quite unable to
Ities amid out itenteammbe far the welfare.of
the Stanley. Its *Wawa to the: fillibutering
westissiet. se...iffe la ciitala ,qwertaii„ would
bus bees preiesiced eippindlion to the spirit
of frudoet, aid to titspopeder will, and at en
* step It - would Imre bees thwarted, and its
every recommendities remitted. Mud oonsoli
. tie:sou be dmitidfrosntheie conaiderattors. and
from chi bet, th a t while itis wholly free from
' • the bellostiblli.iles ir . or, it is in
_s position
• to step in at sex' thus end pretest a Arm and
anoesesfsd rub, neig to .sny, lIISSIIINI which
asescrwithe mate defection is
asruts ar
: .
This. erldi tidakiluti eaccusfui party is .
tee poietf4to reader Wks mom hu;''
. row% haritiackbut.• apeelblatdewot the
Ist the. path of Mr.
feemidable; am In the cutest
s pmet d s a thi eszegr, and thejwW Iscrease
.";1:::-*Sittrehli., of his far year's melte. will
rre se meigisgeta7 to fain- Ws Gadget,
- 0-railibleit vale party at the very
,He has factionothe
4*Wesistinews,ollthle to - satisfy, each
"4/0411Piere leiluestut..W for their due share of
,ids Cabinet him
• - dee wisher , Ot,eitit fiction, Uleal fie of .ths
twatwiliseisitibli .144 fooordeut chirectee.
for lostaookbow will beset along with such a
Cabinet is the hich the Georgia Cit-
Ise* eery, if britisekte 1 111. 1eftf7 P.° 1110,1
. . of kis Ineosgesouipiiity.lw -01 be obliged to
Lam - ' ---- <1 i .- , : ~ .''
lot ikentm7 of itiert'P.• 8 9 011 4 Wawa ,
- /or Boorotory it iiii;jt. sossotill ;tun,
Jlorth Corolla, Theortletrien--! •
For eaattzo lif Ittdrifim r,;: S. A. Dotes"
Tor tloomotoey of the interim li. cow tf
Olort* - Doks Doi:
lot Pero lisotoollomond. J. W.W Poetry, Pam
trylotots. ibeakor_ -
_, 2 -
- Tor Attorney Wnonno JOU Via Soros, of N.
York, Roo& DAL ,-
NO -11(011Srli ii,. own: loam% Ibis pill
cone Os loss mod , for W fooosodost sod
Ile Mods of osok dodos, sod of each orpirsot,
trUtosfs fortOrril into lbs sassoblo for dm
altsro -104 roc, thr..O&M • of , trostalril Palm.
•Abootriss Vas stryAlls atoorstot to , a soot
beieg t. Ckitriradli.osd itostritostior,
) I Nateg dere*"..._.
_ llB4 - "Sort "hold/ mkt,
sod till dolkflEM10" alias
NUM 04 ittraikr:dirtflogstsl trlllroUros to
suss trash Mr orraulepolgertii4,gfa n•
mot Ws torottjAtiatillti 'War this
' , tkot wilot thollid, rikkgrord'Pritetbo,/ r id•
tie ftorol Aar iirit to as of
- *I deillfhlasor oratimirtldoolitpbstoro
• the ottriartrki.ll ,o 4f ddl.:Athisf*, -WWII
614,100rk , VIII btAleilisibif iOk into di
sislailt*Matitrieliiilli *
i itit ir,
zo a kitl i z .
..... gxlmi . "12
4, 'n~;
F?. .
>r" , ~
lams, from Wakes:to bomeifiont his Man
ca tan, fvem bis lasms to his 'Mato, bp is
kw& of profrotort politicians; determinad;"st
every eacrillos of convenience or prwriety, to
Vialtairlairhirelligar. Sir the.
value of their services* the late cinema, and to
ithewlionlargel7ll4 Contributed to its awl&
' =BMW ga ht cosadttelik Wane go thavasms •
-with Wen, eoeee
Pere orithentowaie with .neirepa
coontaciag reports ef 'pair - spiewhea—soich
mita always mske poet speeelteshieh- tiny
bad Wowed at rose hittle:Pedllaghor hickory
pate radar; some with apatecteahttisi or mam
moth pumpkin to pram or eabiblt; all to upon
one preemies or another, to gannord to we Om
Pierce, end all expect him to - give them Ms en.'
twin consgerice; to tell them, with the under
visaing ass it shall go no : farther, whom he
ham determined to select for his cabinet, or, if
ba selikiloalias act bees tosde, ; to aid him with
their - drslithwested halm. = All feel equally at
liberty to discuss whit him the tutors pray of
wazilkastrathin..ilia-hstall him Oat course,
and what muse only, will gin iatisfactlon to .
the tree and independent electors of.LlStle Ped-
0.811 tkaitpretinsies fir sharing the relies
fhaesal,Bisare ln the formation of
his Cabinet, and In emideetingales Government
after his leingeration, are preserved =dry all
I pardbls piles heaths truth. Every imaginable
an or darks is employed to. impose Wars lass
, But, to return to the, gladiola =which we set
Otte—the -ridded of the Whig, party'' We Ina
the most judicious, nisi, and expesienoel Whig
eaptre In. tbe_eomtrflatterly opposed to this
trestle; pe4oy, end even ienedeat end ohm ,
ful in the view ottho (plate. Among these is
the •Karim; insellipeacer. 'la I long . article=
the late titatioe, she edltors of that pipes go In
to an argument ta short bow few rotes, tamper 1
!Mislay sr:silting, there were wanting, (and which
many. canseesnay give: to min the bears,) to
bars errata la Whig victory._ The Intalligen
°sr . I
Bat, withell the cipeeted lte.lrell as the 04 - .]
anticipated majorities , against the Whigs in so
many States, an Realists of the. Toles cast.l6 the
lite election will ehow that a variation of las '
than one 111; Waked ef.all the rotes .taluin
might have been euffieleat to change the - result
We hare not, as yet, the whole *Moist ttiarne;
bnt enough to known to enable onto asks an
approsimats ealeclation to what extents Tiuls•
eloa a rates in the following Beiges, which have
chosen Donee:silo Bleeders, would have been re.
gaited to men the votes of those 'States tcathe
States. Okapi reprint ifs. of-EA - dors.
New York, . 18,000 85
-6,600 - 16
Illasiasippl, • 4,000
New Jersey, 8,000 • • 7
Maryland, , 2,600 8
'Connecticut, • - 1,66.0 • 6
lows. 1,600 • 4
Rhode Island, • , 600 ;
Pthtstsfe, ! • ',JO--
" 84,466 = 108
Wonsan &Orr' rewired the votes PI lola
States, the, aggregate Electoral vote of Vtdch
cumbers forty-two electors. By • *sage of the
number of totes which are above 'withstand as
farming one half of the majority in the twelve
Sates enumerated, deducting : therefrom*. tal
ly of lien. Pis:rased addles them tothatof Gen.
Soott,• the Electoral Totem of shoes Motes, one
hundred and sight in numberewould ''added to the
forty-two Soon electors *own) mats the Elea
to's.* votes for Gen. Scott onalionired and Ma;
sad—had the votes in those States beta so earl,.
en—would have seed his election to the office
of Peesident., .
Estimating the aggress* number of voters ill.
all the States* three minors five hundred Um;
rand, it Is apparent that • change of leas the:t
one vote ins hursired (one per cent.) of the ag
gregate popular vote might have been sufficient
to give the - Botta wthe Whigs Instead of their
opponents. When, thee, we tate into, view the
cimumetaoess which combined to being about
the Molt of the - Election, what is there in it to
deject the Whisk or to *dace them to doubt of
the sabstsorisl hold which their priwipin have
open the abed* and Confidence of the People
baillowdou this state of tulip:silty say des-.
pendenty as to the future. It is not the first
time that the Whip have been beaten when con
stdcat nowass.. Tin 'dffeat'of lir. Clay, the
Whig eandlifato in 1814, was such ware.astons•
"en lhaO thaeof hoar CILIMMAa'it eM ihtealt• - :
*unload yet In 1841Ethntthigs Mlles' to the
remens,'and thy lrionspbasst majority placed
their tethildste In the Tritsidostial *M. What
has more: than' ones' heretofore happened may
lappet again; e nd once move, cadet ?uptake'
• gathered from ' defeat, the Whigs may mu* to
owned better close this article, thin with
another extract from the hireffigasar, which ex
presses sentimosto which mitt to 'Meats way
Wkig grata
As for the Whip .laying down their artosand
abandoning an. honorable canoe becsines of.its
having met with stoma! oh's*, as some have
proposed, it is not foi Women to be thought
of. Tiny have lost an election, it is true, which
Ibey ought to have vetoed: Bot they have •
country left for them to um, and to saw from
the evils of foreign influence, grind, employed
i s
oomiding tho cement wtlch Mb this Ocre
orammt together. They still axe bound by ow
r7 consideration of duty to themsslm, to their
families, to their country, and its Institutions,
from which the - defeat in an election cannot dis
charge thath, to stand by their princlples, betide
what may. This is a moral es well aspalitical
duty, :kph no good dikes cancan off at plea
rare, end leas t of all can say realWitig.
. "Truth, Miami to earth,' will fist spirt,
For God's eternal years ate kart;
-.Milo Error, wounded, writhes in path,
And dies amid her worshippers.' -
ItAILIOLD 11) Sr. LI:MIL—The "-oalyCllsk 1
`wantiog to complete a direct railroad comment-
cation between Pittsburgh sad 8i Louts, when
the Ohio and Pennsylvania, - sad the Nalco;
tainiend' Wiens Bstiroad, which are new In a
process of rapid eompletion, ars finished, In •
railroad from Tens Haute to the lalseissippi
Blinn This link ie soon to be added to this
great chain, which onitea the navigate waten
tithe Atlantic with the Ilissinippt We lean
from the St. Louis Republitmo, that • eorps of
engineers an making the necessary nem foe
$ railread*om Si Lodi to Terre Halite, and
that such arrangements have been *ad* be.
Man list complay and the Oldo ,and Mises
-141;1 Company, (whloh is oonstrucUng • tail•
sand from M. Louis to Cinelnnatl4) that the
two roods are to be ran en One and the same
track, from Illbsolnown to Salem, • doeo of
about seventy sidles—tkos obviating, for that
' distanal,Cthe neoratiil of oentrusting two
parallel roads, sad eonstqueotly making this
seventy sidles a very profitable road, all it will
have the butane of both. Prom the point
vivre their* roads separate, the 11114/1111711 ISO
attending the location to Terre Huts. There
is about twenty-Ire anise of the Chicago branch
of the Genteel Banned, - which is directly in
the Ilse to Terre gap* sad thane of which,
It is peobablei wilt also be seaured—tiCus skeet.
ening, by full cue hundred miles, the road w-
ennui to hi eenstmeteet. Capital Is petered,
for the contruotion of the remainder of the
line to Torn 'ante. ,
Tbee, that great railroad canneollou. mid*
but • few yens an was contemplated as far
distant is approaching a near a:impieties, and
eectutdy more that two years wtil elapse defore
its consummation. ;
TITTOTTAIT! TO Swanton trimmers—At the
iste seri of the Court st'lleit Lisbon, Ohio, In
the cage of ihe TOlis Considi, of We!UMW es.
thijsolashont Idental, illdP Day derided that
the town hie no right fI collect whirtage under
the preent Stutter, sad grunted a see-molt so.
itordnigiy. 41 boats which here paid wharfage
to liestotbi & Co., the agents of the tone, du
irtetthitas three lan; an non reelalui their
SocutiV - -
'lOll 01 01:10-417WIAL.
no eltylkot km born foilitsked with
114100114i.d tbi 00k0s1 Vote it 'the Preidti
eat dittlos fthretale, es
Plaice 1 • ' -189,180
. •
. Scott I , 162,628
8 147 8 2
Hata . !: ,
Pima char 801 8 • • , 14,148
Baal sad Halo etcr,P 4 P 4 • 5c i a . 46,3
-11 11 1: rial f181,• "" ;124111r4.8tie 10402 8 1 if lb. vol. fur'
St is afterij at lb. °algae eleattoir
j•• - - .•
, • arriiin' ga maxis.: . . 14096
I=l' c . _ . _ 22.167
"MaldivA Al' ° Tit Ea " ' 18, 2 '8 8
~.; -...
.- -• e: - .:actlll3l al
, r 7 1,3W G.. 1 . 1 "
Stalladili - . , 1
.... ,
-7. rieffibiiiiiiiNC ~I' • ' ' * ~ Ai Iv, a :
0 0 4 0 0 m
ii, - 11 1 11 6 11 .13 irt i r,) " ,
r , , . ~ . „...
i lloisi,
'4.liii *OliikliPtal. 444 P"
Ignitigia at 11 .P1* 4 1 11 6,' _ . e4etlw
itflOkiii •.-*,,;.' ',',',!;, .- ' , . .
tstit vire.
~,,,,-,-' :, - .., 7 ,1i."-- • :-‘.....- , --- - -
: ~,-;
_ . .
Of 411. lassous, Piaros*eirett22,B6o3eott
44,028: and n4169,615,-
The total vote for Protident In 1 e4B - vas 828:-
618... Inorinaa in 1862, 24,956. The-veto In 1848
.Clay 164.788
Taylor 188,366
Cass ovir,Taylor 16,427
Taylor and Van Boren over Coes 18,994
--, Pierre has pined 14,877 over Cue, &Ott 14,-
170 over:Taylor, and Hale fella 3,692.hehind the
vote for Van Boren.
The vote of Ohio in 1844 stood:
Cass 155,057
Polk 149,117
Bleney 8,060
.Total vote 312,224
Increase of rote since 1844, 41,244. Piercie
bee gained 20,043 over Polk; Scott falls 3,631
behind the rote for Clay; and Hale plea 22,-
782 over Blrney.—Ckorlard Herald.
at 11 meeting of the fltookholdere of the Hemp
geld Railroad, hold at the Valentino Rome, In
Washington, Pa., Lexie ,Steenrod, Req., of
Wheeling, ins appointed Chairman, and Joseph
Henderson, of Washington, ,Seetetary.
Mr. Peal stated the object of the meeting,
and read the report of the Directors during the
lad jeer.
Dr..llsiter:mored that the - report be repell
ed and adopted, which wee carried unanimous•
Resolved, That three judges and three clerks.
be appointed to hold the election, and Mr. Rod
ger', of Ohio county, Va , John 8. Bray, Bed.
of Washington, sad Simon Cort; of Westmore
land County, were appointed judger, Joseph lien
demon, and —, Clerks.
A motion was made by Mr. Laird, of Wert
morebutd, that the Stockholders proceed to the
nomination of Directors., -
Mr. Sebly moved to =end the motion by sub
stituting pommittee of seven to be appointed
from the several counties, in proportion to the
amount of stook subscribed In each, to nominate
direotors! ,
This motion was warmly oppoeed by William
I WHennan, John H. Ewing and Shah. Beatty,
sen. Faure., in behalf of the rights of Penusylva
nisi to elect a majority of Directory; and advo
cated by Dr. Baker and Mr. Sebley. falledging
that Ohio County woo ,entitled to her proportion
of Directors, according to the amount subscrib
ed, and after considerable dim:anion, the motion
YOB withdrawn. The meeting was folly attend
ed and mush warmth of feeling predominated
during the disimmion.
A motion was then made to appoint • Com
mittee of Are to nominate a ticket for Directors,
to be voted for by the Stockholders, and a com
mittal) of one from Westmoreland, two from
Washington ,re d two from Ohio county, Va., was
appointed. The commEtherstired, and after a
Ilea absence • majority reported in favor of
giving Ohio county.ll, Washington county 2 and
Watmoreland county 2 directors. The mlnor
ity'of tats committee,reported in favor of giving
Ohlo county }, Moab:Von 2 and Westmoreland
Idirector,withoutnamingthem. motion vas
wide to nadirs the report end diocharge the
comete Chairman depicted out of
order, as the ttee had not yet tallied Its
The committee stated that it was impossible
for them to agree on the names of persons, and
while dimmable the meats of retiring spin,
the Virginia Stockholders withdrew and after
consultation among themaeirea, came into the
meeting aid stated that es they held a majority
of the stook, they had formed the following tick
et, whisk they intended to support for directors,
vie: James Paul, Isom W. Mitchell, Samuel
Neel, James B. Bolter, of Ohio county, Va.;
Colin ii. Reed, Wm. IdolConnan, of Washington
county, and Mr. Laird, of Westmoreland so.—
Mr. McEennan and Mr. Reed immediately de
, Mined being candidates under such a nomina
-1 Eon; insisting that each county was entitled to
choose for themselven.
Mr. Acheson, who held a proxy to Tote for
the, subscription of Washington county, then
anted that he would submit •• proposition,
which if the Virginia delegates acceded to,
would bring emao among the contending ele
ments Mr. That he would Potent to OM°
county laving four directors, Wubingtpo two .
directors and Westmoreland one dimateri pro
viding esoh county was left at liberty to select
men of their own choice, to which proposition
the Wheeling Stockholders agreed, and then the
following gentlemen were elected
alahlif. Vs.; COLIN M.: REED. WAIL WHEN
' NAN, Washington county, Pa; ISRAEL PAIN
TER, - Westmoreland moldy, Pa,— Walington
Tea Loer LID •razianio.—Tite fearfal No
vember nom which swept over the chain of
Western Lakes, brought sorrow end desolation
to many a domestic hearth. The toial number
of lives lost will probably awe= airy, meet of
them anddealy regulpbed in the surging waters
On Lake Erie, one vaunt is known where gone
down, and not one surly= to tell the name or
sad tale of shipwreck; sad a propeller, fall
freighted, and carrying terenty.eve or thirty
perms, has strewn the shore with fragments of
her,wreck, bat not a living soul survives to re- .
late the eau= and summer of her going dower
It is probable, however, that the Melds was
overladen, or that some of her machinery pre
way daring the war of wind and waves.
We learn the Oneida took on. 0,600 barrels of
Sour, which filled her bold and some tiers deep
an part of her main deck, and at the Railroad
Depot received =dittoesl freight, beef and hams,
In theses. She• was loaded nearly to bar,
guards, and ow havefoundered Inconsequence.;
The floating ashore of the smell tost with the
honks sad pspers of the =noel lashed to It,
shows that there was a pretreated straggle for
life. . .
The blow fans heavily in Cleveland and Ohio
City. Capt. Rich formerly resided in Ohio City,
but his wife and four email children are in Mae
eselumetts. The Arst Mate, Mi. Reigate, aged
30, residefin Ohio City. An aged mother, her
only son, the stag of her dm:lining years, •
wife and child, =dyne sisters, one of them in
feeble health, sod dependent on the brother,
wow mount the loved and the lost. Mr. Wil
liams, the second Mate, has left evils and child
Is this city. Mr. Sherwood, the Clerk,"also of
Cleveland, a diseonsolate'wife. The Steward, w,
wife and child, in Cleveland. Mr. Loss, tee of
the hands, aged about 20, leaves I widowed
mother in . Ohio - atty. —Okra. Her.
Tim blosuntoox' Dusan& —The Hon. O. O.
Covey, member of the Benito from Marietta,
who bad his leg broken and was otherwise in
jured by the explosion of the BOok.eye Belle, Is
deed. His lore will be severely felt to Southern
Ohio. His talents were of a high order, and be
wiallanivereally esteemed. He Med on theiTtb.
Irian% by the Zanesville Cowley of the 181 b,
thiS the Hon. Mr. Bartlett, member of the House,
fear Wealth:glen county, .was dangerouly In.
Sailed by thi . explode*, touch more eo than Ant
reported, and his recovery. e doubtful., The
Hon. Mr. Oakley, member of the Houle from
Monroe county, wu likewise dangerously in ,
Jared, end will not probably be able to take his
seat dining the prowl union.
Twenty-two persons were _killed; crime eines
died, from Works Seoeived i frem the explosion,
sad Nereid are known to ho missing. 13everel
bodies were seen to fall loto the river, which,
have not yet been recovered.
The engineer on duty, although denprously
wounded, Isnot dead, se was reputed. He
sista Walken wu a full supply of water on.—
ExPlfiettend agineers, who 'roadbed the
fragments of the boilers and Ono, And hullos-
Om of nessij or quite entire absence of water,
wad of the most extraordlnuy pressure. Au
to oodside's of the come of the terrible catas
trophe by the proper authorities Is progresslog.
-.Cure, ll*
Senor . Cal&sron & la Baca and as Finibusteros
Cotrlmesciano• of lb. Now York DaUy Slam.
Wiamsaros, Friday, Not. 10„
' itis a well settled fact.with our government
that the Flpealeh Walker here does the diplo.
mac/ of Spain for tits Island of Cuba. Senor
Calderon de Is Dana is en exceedingly able
man. Hal is emulous and moderate. His vigi.
lanes ii the most aeou ! dotage!, to the son-
OM of the Filiiheltet expeditions which In 017 I•
staidly in agitation against that colony of his
royal mistress. He haa in operation well drill.
ed sad well supported corps of spies sad Inform
era who famish blue infornistlou of all move.
manta thseatening the quiet of Spanish rule in
Dabs, much more reliable than ens be obtained
by our Government, which dose not aliploy such
mean: I bare reason to think that &nue Re In
Bares has within alma laid before the Sear
tarp of State statements going to show that an
estansire and formidable plan has been laid
within the United States, for s dement upon
Oahe duriug the oomteg Winter or early in the
Spring, and had invoked its Interfernmes to sup.
pew the nada:Wang and to punish itsaulhoru
Bat ba VIII not mooted here. The pellet' of our
Government to proteet Spain In the possession
of Cubs was tasted in the Hills at New York
sod New grime of the persona Indicted for
goengelling to equip and mend out the Lem
espedition. Spain most depend um He own
iitrai rk and the whams of .Its European
ggere luso ion* any doubt thit e very ex.
pintst atifeetion estatilueung the Creole in.
'WOOS of Cubs. If next Spring a y am of
lee ttusesall Ameloin volunteers can be la.&
iml with artilleep arl___mpneVetteepaida wow
ilia " de , Atiqn. will '.be Muir ' dui
sa lsmasladlekar a / 1 411111Tbe apes.
faiditeilll, ors en au/ If lakdißoo.ll4.frOS'
w ow as . distort fairer lier—miti It. 111
'74..': , ' ': .-,
-,.::, - 'vt‘_ - -:',...;."'"..-' :''''',.'" •
;?1,_1:.1,,!;,1,...L.:4 , g. 44:...;,'-'-1:,:,".',.'Z'-,`,.
. • -
keta ( th at le wpm %WA lanaketej base
bee emit ont to provide for soltszfal o cloatla.
racy. While this admlnletritioa remains In
power, the Immense supply of United States Mae:
Ws sold to GOO* Law, 'us pretty safe la the
store-hoaus of ,the goverment, ha} muter Its
mumeeson It Icsapposadthat Mr. Lev TM find
the meant of withdrawing than tad, placing
them ""at" the dlsposal . of 'the .41herting at ,
my‘" This Is a rum for Waring Umtata lu
red= rill be, attempted before Nara or Awn
ser R. 'WATSON is now engaged in
olonahlorias 6.000 Rena and 1,111 bare riasetsolly as
band a Lam Atha of Bolk Pork of bb own earlop
olio. a Na 1 arUele of Lard. In Mils and kepi, fir do at.
kb Won Noon, romp of Mary and Warm etrinta
Dr. I%ane's Vermffugs.
jDoriog a practice of more than Maa
r ram Dr. IrLase bad &Undid lasmanrabls pgl6l2til
with orory form of worm Maras =I woo • Wanted to
oPidy tbe mamba of nip Mad to Uto dnoororl or •
irantarnao or Worm Dootroyor. enfant In Its ottootn
the molt et ttla labors to tbi Amorken Worm Sport Ar.,
non Name the toddle. vtdoh loDakotly oda, .and Mal
ho d.. 21 alike to ablldron• of .the rood tondsr minor to
the asocLadultt It inures mildly and subdues four. and
destroy. wonsui-*ILIt Invarlabla snow. It la any of
adostalstratloa. and as It done not mauls mama In
any lona 'agora., no ronziotiou an mownl with re.
lord to drlnklar ooktwater nor Is It capable of dolma th e
least Injury to lb. tand oval Infant. An Inctodlbk no&
bar of worn. hi.. ,been expellod by this groat Torbil7
It alay b. putelsod from U re p. 0.0110. 1 .-
arid Ilezebants, In torn mid oputtr, • wad from Us 101 l
Droglieters. J KIDD & 00.;
Pit4burgh,, fL h.
n ati=dli a
Haat sad a:amt./4MM Maw thdla
. ,
• 10. 89, 1,001) Wlll/114, :mammon, Ta.
MMKANUFACTURERS of Grunaarile. Cam
St•Pi mad Ilammared Efluyeab, Beadta,Soddßot
floes, flay mad Mame .01118.
iaartities made of e. beet • toaradala. and marrafflak
m i
to If o a avarice to aay 10 lb* mutat. Iduebasta
others vishlud to on/Vaasa win MA It to thaly mesa,
tag* Wean sod examlue Ouf stack Dolor. taffahmdir oflo.'
Goodyear's Patent Rubber Bhoei • I,
AMES P. TANNER, No. 50 Woodst, ij
'h bow to recolpt cf • We. lot of VA •Io•• malts 41
which 1,01 be ooltl by lb. we. or dosn. at •
coculd.r•bly b•lov the onoulsoteres—Vetlail will • •
• , -
JAMES P. T..-kt, :Yi'. , z
WHOLESALE 1 • I - - `.o ", .I ;
114 BOOTS, SHOES, BO ,tnrz ,,
klo. 50 'goon ow:, min. .: i
WWI Tklng apt Paw% 4
liirMy stock ernbratle I every tnrioty and
acr4 of ruak Plu . , W.W.I. a , ..7.1. dim
4..4 ni . ...
U..N..r /1.1.. ad /4.125.4! . ..... 111.11.keaw•Mattm
NAN ViraiMlT:lTicialrls: '"*
MKT is 'due to Kier'e Petroleap to say
that It hoe beta gears to rettyletely eradicate an/
nutlet of this drsedhil dl I 0 100 Abu than any
other randy, and at ler Poet or isootinaladOs to the
The theuessits of certificate. Is the hands a tin In,
stator. many of .blob sp. from troll Munro eltnesiof
the city M Pittsburgh and Us ionsedlido tiolollT. Ili
Woe clearly wifely - ad all donbl, that 11111161 P LYRA:S
(4M I. mediate.. a so cartoon .aloe. Intoaly at •
bat randy to Panlir4 lthesionitria. Inatome, tau of
Moth Dot es a nlesible latessil rimed/. Wiling lb.
jauntiest:log physiciatio..e sis it* solbsiog Wiest.
'to became soandatad with In omit.
Than barite a freed a wham. an wand thet 1110
metioloe lo purely natural, ettl I. bottled to It dram from
the Wort of th..attil•
'the folloolog cortifican espied him • Pant Inahcb•
od at arrocams, Nor Tat. and bean data Augsall.llo2,
to whleh to alb appended the certilletto of the oda rend 077.0
Thle may is troth will/. that I bona bele, sin I.l ir of•
Meted .101 horpfato lb. last worts yew, flat amt of
de that 1 heroines usabk toattert pp/ tad of be
dome, sad moot oi the thee amble to eg o
g. toadied
to no bed, oat hare Ones amend nearly ell ipetiosely
the ben Oracle= liar moony agorda Wtaidestill
got anon rote& but so aura aostecatialled to r C4irs
until Dr. Ihsofte&sinterSel as to trY the Or
Wog (Hl. as nen Ullog b. 4 tall • 1 die eh alitehlt
Wth at ant. bit the OINK ass againtablaw 11 threw the
peon to the mhos at owe, eat 1 aeon trim to grow
better. eel by miss wen bottletlibenleaanis Iferth
Illoaredo of dPilera
My pay rirtify that I Imre boesocosaleted with Mari
Millkltio or goolt UQ. to 0110. .hap • nor. - dged lune
nenteily shared In baudishil ert•
Indolestaleira ant other Wesson fa Which tie mew
anuted. sol eau .4a easadeas nooteeend it to be •
sediclas valla of einatioa. sad casedbly .1 11.2
Deo attnedel. Its tar stereo/ha lh seettkiee bra
af, 11.
tar We by all the bramble In Plttotaugh.," -
Now opening a large and entirely new
Malta /404 W MI Monks. C• 27014 WIRD./ wttb
.XIM 7 71.14 to • C\eC•t BUM stitute
,alb prima
Soosetoor to IL P. Notion £ Co.,
es.tor) SWUM% ktf o tTOClUt d r,l4ll. 001$
naighs t rzuL
op. se. Ita. 'gator ogroot,' eon
wort orossat4.l oti to say , •
At Saba Warn Co" tit Soudan lb, CU tut-. At
t• Sat ; R. A. Putt • tat, Itr•WIULILY REMO, bilks
0.1=1141111 HOBO: •
- • DIED.
on Tuohy gaomtng, Yr. JOAN/1111Y WINO. I. thIP
Cab plir of his so.
The ttimioa she Wally an laWdrant 'slits& torte
tbe (mast, thl. lama= es lidoet,fros kle
red4ssce. !la St stmt.
finis 0771=
IRON itov. P,lO NOT. UM
Asthma. ...»«....... 0
Winder, o.f
T*ta— ararillOYT ; lßlßßl — VlU'
• **.
•• 40 04
to GO., _.—
By wan .0
at lb. sous ef arab n. „ aim,
Pbrdelsa to Baal of Usalth.
DrAibitionfor lAdatewfit 41 Mr. Paeleiente
*awry, on This4riiiring Del at tArL eclat,
P. .Y.
MR. HART luring voluntuili tendered
MK datin prnarduif Os fhb». •741111.1. ah KM
o ul i nded octlosaze Tr . we:r u t! tte i m =
go Mar rmn r timarjbp ...auda ten.
aszzltgariallteram. w i n *a matf .
lingua Zro.g.go
o ° nat ' lo.
Books . and .11agasines.
THE followingßooki and . 11121021M1 are
tab. boa al tho. Thled &at Wormer depot out
Nook almao . .
grehme Nagoillie Ila Deoppbor.
- ..14=1—(Pututem ill iiimithlttafil7.l
arr-Kamod. P.M, b 7 Thadmill ,
Moak flour, No 9. • , - -
llootaha RTC of the tabard of the Ns, by Imams.
Whitehall. orthe Thaes of Croatwoll. .
Ileallstt_of the Prattle% or eh. klatestura Zama..
Teo of the ailedadpal Yeller. , . , .. .
• Tho Wood Me*. froas the has rock Of II I day .___ m
me, • lot orfof vat aba 2 . 0 . 0 .1. tv,,,,,-
Pea you
J BW GOODS—A A - Mason A.Co. barn
4 1.
reed a road I sad tocepiete Its ck otallkolla
4.19.0. mos la Pal% Aho 2. 9 • 4 4 9 91 sad
12shloasheaor 11, =. rarsiaattaee oobary.
ae. ao. _ .Auto _Y.
leag= quallty o War flasiottelllestwas. ae. "l '
mot .
ENZOW ACID-60 canoes fbr rale by
.cie • • TANN UTOOK
Gmnißuis . AIIIIIIID Ml' YOZ • SALL4-
110 Bar amts na l sallool6 G P. lad Mk N. 1 . 4.
lank. 4 .
so 0 um asTsOollo; .. .;.
90 .
l lto matte
rOttligrarciy . ) ".-
. 100 Orb bomb
lo !ma
,r 3 . ,artt= B .--.
t ',Tr.
111P/111111 , ff,
. 4ZN,"
Nen - - Din 'Mt 2.
I I is • e,
d 1
balsa "m":" 1 "1 4 'rains* co:
SOO kegs Issortai Mao, perkakilia
; 8 11:INDULICE4,•
7 .111 7: .
, r,sl
},= . ~ _ _ ~
lolDr7 lioodli•irerchsn •
hn : ll4 anieid from the
.gth ael.ndld Mot of llossalidee Malaise.
Whams M 111 , 17.14 Pend= MOM; madam to, M..
an** bp sank. not la II NSW nanollos bekre tn.
Pf I.l=ros. Tbo god.e» of ttoe taut sittoo.
iss pas viand Ilooalls•
too P•rdan do.
aca do tivcrod anahstm de Imre-
Wit-toga da
an Inriad eataa4 examine
t ali i. dention and licanmiaakes Mao of P
tar m dm. 002,4ait
11E8 OLOAES--,Murphy -
.r= f o 4 AT.. %cut/La gr.
*mtradius_A fartbn• sapplyof then dotes.
itv:r=sok". =7.1:11.140.11=
Caduriate rrAIA moinintblvikin 6 Ja•
, •A
MAtATT Vlizloo:,pc:2oliars,ol,
• : • : :Ts 4 : • mon .
• aLl6ltlaga taaatlfal .11.1..t0n of Matte
tat • tb.y moans. stvny los grim.
bY.l°°r Bcalo whi c h h°B been
Sweet , Potatdes. from the Xiikhepue
..IIIST 250 barreN of excellent quali
ty, rigid Itaggnicardmlbr ran. eittur wbolio-
P or Mall. er - ZI/WIB.OIEAZISLION.- • -
'1 Inteall•• o. 111., Diaond, -'
Pare. Golden Syrup
: , IVED 45 tibia., of "Phillidel phis Re
lam:: Was made "tool Leaf Fruprodarh
r ori=el r.OLIF lbos Um smut guar,
told. Fo r In oor.inont.try_to mit porntworo. br
No. IS.
Our Aims.
. .. _ _.
►no clothe the Peotile,iiiid to maks money;
a sad.' stir 'Woos WWI. hay. log tin afoot roe-
Vest& and nofiflootort Idoo .W. on fa. 10 boaorifff
orfro—oof only —lfftfil IMF
natal. COII at GOMM LULL msa* Tor roofofflof.
fbo most comolot• ofoortfooot of 11114 .114 BoYB' Cloth.
in in tb• riti, • ,
Wit BTUDIf i IO PLIA.RE. '; ' . '
1.. onions& • ,
. ocdta .
. .'. - 14 Wood of.. • .
CARAWAY SEED-000160. for solo by
• B • PAID(S27 x E .
W sodWirot.t.
duL fot sole by
:V 1:114 TRACIACANTH-150 lbs. for este
11 . by Wail a aIFAIINZEITOOK • 00.
e for sale by
K&OA &
LOES-14AOlbe Ca
mw B
I:1 1 1 1 '1 =y .
AOCABOY SNUFF-5 bble for sale by
ritr b ll 7 o I
t tP , E a :R722 by 32-27 by 38
ko nook l'asr — kk 14 36; 63 4 6 . 6 e. l ir g ifir bY
. .. . 113oolualler sod PlAtioturr.
1 nal No. 63 Wm! 66.. Intlrma 11.11 sebl 466.
tIN iho Court of Common Pleas ofAllegheny
000017; No. SO of thlowater SM.. A. D.. lsitt,
molter Mete Maio. of John Ilsaillara. tO WPM'
'".4 0 . 1 = - 1; WIT t ot°, 1 1`I I : ti,,Vretti
000.0 wlre. And now: to wl Dovecot. 001.,1142,
ow mtLoolvd.lsons IS lawyer. isle the *wit Mdm
01°01lAit • mboQO.too. lath. tollitti
°Way et Doembor west. sadromm to MI pmms
alea. 000 1001 Um omit* of tba woe sboil baby out Al.
Win, them tham moats, las Pateborab Ossetia.
daktdtPty Colts% u: •
Sae Omataoswoulta of Peaasslmts,to pinabolals.
WNW the wratalreo. Oreethist 00010.00 rm. owd
aoollMaMdwroa.ttadloslatteeddoalltamaies e was toonor„
704 bo sod armor beam the Judaea 010 !0.0000 of Oma
moo nom of Um mid llonsty, to to bold.. at Pittetomlli.
to sod lomat Comdr. ow the .amortb 'imam or Nam.
tor amt. to show esass.l(sa7 'as bove,'why_ motuale.
don Mull not Ilme sada , the war oS lb. void Omsk.*
meted to mob smart. se lb. (bort Mall spooled. ovol.
• bow II lababiettroestley ma say atom miter. war a*
emoslmed. stitOrim Mgr testlaawy. to token. Moak' sot
to reamed to writing. sad SIM or motod II sae IMI
Cveart. as anhe m Sermausto tas mate.and amoorfoll not
at 'NU
Mam e l W.b*l.
Ilenoroblo wlnha N. IrClore,Proddost
Jed. Moor mkt Mort. at Pittebmga, the Nab dos of
November, A. D., MUM
le MIRO IL MIT& Prated:wises.
WO AOILL.IMesta oeditoatt.
A Farm for Bala.
(ONTAININO 125 tierce. of which 85 ITO
elteroil and bus ivx4 MAU oreplthatfaa..ell
Ad and thoberad. r lib &bamboos of ONL—llltnated
Plum A:ltabn.yl (bulgy. 6o miles crop lb.
kliegbesiy Wm.:o Priosa..Csaol.abdlbersza. Obtase•
?me Al letbet alltyPtln a
ab.p at w. . w h LwaA z, s ..
70,12.1.1mta.t.0rbsabcilb. eat
ne4.lm WILLIAMritt
Irghersy County. es.: j .
14tAt. Orphans' Cam,intoui for saideolmiy.
TN the limiter of Estate or
l a _itMTPlOZ Lll'ff eg ' s th t
lad.oo motion of W. leoblert. ne.
• aoust i. a . t a zztr= evlawg
/Mors olviatid to Mat*.
yd. • tam hoofs thy , saminisersui. Br the
Court. 11111111 D 611.17211. CUM.
Notts lo bemiyitivon tbM 1 .111 b to Woodson ot.
my ottim. No. 44, Otum Myokt, elttaborpb. astbo 411,
of Dmostabor. LL lo rick**. 0. Y. mMtmt to am do .
tho of the ato.r. aypolototyst.
.• AWYUDILII. Amiltor.
rImSNOINEERST--Tho Practical Nngi•
rods Poe Sol dub* dostatahlot woods tenth* as
mo sod oloollestkoo nooloutiool Pm& adieu at
groom y, klomoula of olOoobOoorr.lood nolo soot tobla
ClibrO/Sling wooldog olOooto ot moobloo,.ot the
otmotlo.toilthoo mot PooaromkaosotorlOo, Woks
or *luau and toi:rho otrouotkot
as amas Kat. A Iloor of Al& ostublo gook to ,
Mood awl tor rio - - = -
J a WILDIN Itiolooollat • storm. •
• wow rrnlt-
Koßtbody mita asa Po/lath Melt
zwargea, and Elegszkil7 Fnr
__" IsWAIT
Duals School.
, to fhb oplo.of Ilk
Without ll—without bmitin
Wifeaut boetrAorithouf Mee '
Without moo. without chum, .
BONNAIUN #cspeotrall, infdmi his
8 .4 . Woods sad payees la Plthaeueli sad
PPru Wolof. tay NW Thum.
day at . WWI le .Istaro licteluy tad nondayy ate
p fory Gum ladloo,At • ler meta". end in Of gee.
iloupds, st LarAlf 11=1 Wal,oetneito Os nor th told
Woo.l am The Chilitse, * *Wail Mum yoteaUT Immo
doled et earstei• 1/ WM% tble nem, will In Istredeaul
by A. L. tht..neau yd dtd to tip_cam awe. sub
• Bobeatloobo. Itosturea. Mho see Roftn lot putter.
Wu. Imply la h.M, 110. U. Waylva stmt. - iontzat
VIM BOOpJ--Tns following new Books
~raros r'srsl.
Whitener. " 4 ,,_' •
am:— br the seam d
Ibuelltto due PtdiK ex Ilia Iludeinne Wee. by X&
wed balmy. •
110% Naltl7
" Idlatemb - 147 . 4 .. .f0t
eolgifirnsi n . L in ts r
PUMW/PM—WO eke. Dulled Baak-
Ewt •rt 1n rd from; Miti,e. firr Seib.
IM; for
•oxi - 0111410NNEIORT I WISPILY.
SQ, H. MOLASSES-401! Mk St Berm
342 ""' t irtaraeluossr arcatenr.
O. SUGAR-10hhde.fair, for tabs by
4; Ma, VOX 11)111111OUT • osmonr.
tifpuEßLEs , •
220 mr"
a 11 jobacoo. • •
• ,0
22 * 4 l 'P o 1=1; ,
Io " N. 21120
Nw.../4• 11 91 6 *
COO Oda 2.21 105t1122, • :
tbrsis....u. .
side ., •• MI WW I 0 2 Mow; Woe Lava and
1200. 224 aid IN Laird
GLOW -14 bbls r max au°.
OM ARABIC-40001U. white and aorta
Tar Mb trf • Ita USSITOGE & 00.
Gum 40111-51) lbs. for sale by
was a • ramixamac• co.
We by D• Illiliaropi•co. •
tr vspatord wads, Mtr ii.
it 7
130811 PINK-2 oks. English, a superior
IA *Mao. en:d sod for sae . •
a smiles. •
IrCIIIKRY MYRRH-1 *too prime quality,
.Itor Wein fun) IL 111 BEJAIA.
itlll-6 Vox/dna ese7Ovad tor litebiur.
ATH BRION, togliall,HWO for side by
OND. URSAVARILLA-2 bales for
oak by lees] I II MILLIS&
IL-1 0 b6ls. Coaklin's - No I Lard ,Oil:
CIREEN APPLEB-30 bbk. li.gssetta and
BRA,NI3-3 AWe pare wh folivika
LAXBEED,4O bblajaat rad% tar rale by
. aim a°A se.
Tin 'tigeztattkag,„.l-leiglesesaalL2-11..
ts• Ci trjd Nsbus • "'"7" — I T 4 I.° ° "
010.= •
be not ist u. ukar. Beam end it
AsiQ rNaUU
i IN m O wi
.-, December. 'in jolt
• ladle kee ta remee.
o,Two rd
armlet be! . -4 VIN• A 13 ,417
• r
;is leM
Fl 7-- -111 wo lbollll2lllllllUNol4-1112!A
PAINTIi-16.31a. *4141144/#4.
ad& i„, v at *
Tor Sale4is •e"
•sisaiy son. teyethirr with s tarts l to6Etoosd.6o
fat frost by 110 Wt dory, having lbs. sots sklesolts•
Vets PatortWaniAlleiburrefty._ , Stillsrasressttatos
Oss mos. Mal sad Grayst, NSW twin tborhols boom
pus* Wes Mel sod lnawßauditur en boa sad of
ordtabir fora smalloaoalsdarl.BOr Mb , *
Wasters •111 Ist sad 01.114M7t...6 rs Tm W b R b •
treast. fetrostfis ass to Ind. Roods,
. molar *Mom Alloy sstlMsra ftslL.
so= •
-BLCM--5 mum! Pott's;
Ilr• •do ermined • 4 •
a Bcgoositagam 100.
SOM SALTS—W bbla for sale b
'Dar i a • .3 , •
Sp4EER i t irDO . S .I 2 t RZAINS-A fig
arib•wor•aar i rXiaj r ,ll4lll.2llH . ot it
WAIL PAPER—A valid, of aimstyles,
'V T tot th. Win Ted% .bni nedleast Übe Thad*
Phi " 1 2:6 "1" 7 "" 4111781 . 1.i br
WOOLFS SHAWLS-=lOOO of • ever]
oir. Ar
N t 7:17.12t1 64 11Arket it.
QACltilsol FLANNELS—jmst'.eceived
and an hina • amgetisaartand of Backlartit•
4.4 rallied ass addltioial mar' of hationable
C. hat. Jon Remind &logjam. of domed
to allasteolfin), • - -NoZt_
'I I I : 1 1 ' -ptooos'of ..0 e; op
ALIO (srpstAicam),last'
• cea • . A. A. lawn CA .
VIII ov.. %to month.'• Nni • wbef
vra ft cs i ra m r:= eas
a the Isirs —er iecei
Whs. , 1022
tbm tagdamtble cloaks tow at tin) lull...sited at
OLABSZS--100 bble Sugar liouea
Lv.a. lams receiving from rtser Po re Pitt tens by '
n 024 • JAft • UUSC/1180/1 k 00.
BIITTERI2 bbla Roll jtuareo'dandfor
ads en ,
iILtEEP 'PELTS-500 just rec'd and
-for ado by T &JJ NIL. 207 Llbsrtr
WC E-s tcejust ll3llllZdaregiO suFßeti
AoSni us Wear it., 33301
360 Front
TARCII-30 bze just we'd. Cot sale by
norl i 1111181111.014
ItosiLsoAP—to u mixt i re a eg ! Il e n e . by
11iESE-500 taus prima Cutting, just re
i/ airo....d for Ple.try . B CAn/LifLD.
111.1aN8-150 bo small -whiso Beans, for
AD bbb , by pen omarew. •
A PPLBS-20 bble Green for sate by
77 ktingleD.
I.II:ITTED-6 bble. and 6 bre. Roll: 3 kegs
LIP puled: toe We by J
VEARLASEI-25 eke. for ado by
no= J agorfun.
Qi n ALERATI3I3-5 0 bblo. and WO bro. for
sale by ' Emartl WaiilltDl3.
1. 4 1 113 H-10 Ibis White ruin_
..- Late 00,Pri.r
• 10 a DV. Dor 1D.6,
(aIIZEP PELTS--2 bales tor oak 'LT
► solll
aH. MOLASSES-20 bblo. for solo !),),
1.-1 • ma Jl3
p o Tess-4o ely. for tusk bt
RIME LEAF LARD—Pai up in 5 and
lub teoeke, Orrt r A ts 4 , l l 4, t ; oo ~ a co.
volved by "[toy W • bIoOLOY.O I 00.
• -
MINCE MEAT,. of a abparior.q...
at 1 4 ' 4 [2:27 dr trothiltraitV.°'
g 'ANARY SKED-50 lambda prime die,
53.61. B 7.&IIIq .. LITOCK _lll Ot? ;
1..12 . - Boron , of V/ Boa
BALSAM COPAIVA-2501bm for We by
71 ' • Corammll'ood and hart.-
No. 16 . 10u.rtti at.. omaite the Hank of Pitttbaritu
1111.1.busigh. Illov. lc!. 1 Luz
- Meaufactome Bank: -
=st l iegraZiA.Comp.itb
Pltisoarah sad Itbion
r.and.ise4 . aro prepared to eupply
Itteasiewl with Metallia LIGI Boate, upon etiptiestlea
a,. • ,
`'.Office. 80. 10, Itioadway. New 't ark •
'A. ailed be by. the meat Actor tioetawkaad It trill atit
T. ablaut la lama awl time inumeital. to watt,
thomatalves es the great eamomy of lOW Bests am thaw
ar Wited.• We are Dow amble*
far the
witeltildiawel. at • Meacham" at Pieeit, or ee
ether retwatanwoisit, foe the itapNy atetter• Wit.
tem eat say ialtirwiehow will be. blerfelpar•Callea by
Jewett Snarls Director, er M. Learnt. s er.• -
. . LaMar IlltritiLte Ara Too..
For Rent. - -
SalOK6l ROUSE. situsteenPlumb
.I . Magalre of HDLITALL&OO. •
• ("ANNUS SCRAPS-IW° lbs. see
sell far sal* by • , 8 TIAILUZGIL
LARD -8 bbla now landing from steamer
, w , 7° ' 4 o " I ' br tsersu Is 00.
frIMOTUY SZED—RA be. rea'd end far:
I. 'eh be wain a BOLE 10011.
gIOORWIIKATiFLOILTR-$ 0 - bags balled
Eloawbsot flour. 1of4•161162,8610 Df
c o gs.• 6 1.11161111101 L
WINDOW- °WS-4000 bill ILISSOTte ,
dam cola sad an sale iiAlisna,
SJalfer POTA f TOES-2A bble.
ny "ieta'd and
l Ein oam anom.
VUTOII-1000 lbs on band and to &Rivet,
Ihr ads 14 EIDD
lltt Wood street
LIUTTY-1.1100 ft.. in bladders and bulk,
• 1.. dm, awl for No by
HEMP SEED-20 blde jolt reed sad for
ns. by wan J KIDD & 00.
arsier4. ask 4 kw se/ •Of - IDD It CO.
MSTEIi SEINS-3 gross Eng and
al,m7 thlr fat woe,
J lIIDD it CO. •
111091! a VIALCORWEI--
nsmi. onrimins (Mlor a st br
GROUND N° 72 'Talitlabr toyir'x. lot
'*4 T'A r.4 .IITIV
. 4 1 4 . 3u
SANG --3 Im a zlthir mi rihr ;Ito? Weill
APP I.3 " O bbis J 12 41 41 iiisillesoog.
FEAL I VI ski. prigrgoLisegg
f , t;rl T e z b i L im
SUULS-45hpds ripe:op / p i for sale
M0 . L..A k t ,7 381113.--176 bbls.size, N.Afor
CAR AIIIM , ONIA73 O Itt s fOr Illark
LLCM SHELLAC -3 owe but for We by
mar J 1101I0ONVA11114 OCk.
1112BUIRY—WJ kegs London' emoted, for
4. er 101,10920/Wilittg.t..
A. FOlllOO Testa.... Wanted • •
in "the' Teliti DeArtzetent of
U .
Z •
•as tlabCals, (la VtUdbatth.)—
Da Ma, La Inning:flay Is mad. to tba Pm!.tt ca
agefflatarr, oaw baton the Uth of Ladvabat_ • • • •
As taacalastien al takoalca• at the ftbao Homo. ca
Tavalay.tha Mb el DieMbor. at II *Woe% lam, • •
• K. U. MaUUWAII, Ltalt.
ISSONEC dadring a wat Nano can be
dimiti mbar. Lobtes ono, 1,7 swifts mom.
1 N. FRANKLIN, Attorney at . Law, No.
. 110, roplith stmot, trtiema 'La awl itmllkSoll
NEW litiOKEThe Athenczn Yana
Boa. or lamp mil of Ameticas /101.04070. WWI
sraeliald tivatlars 000kmaa0f.4000.200& tninift•
Yd e j
nout a r= rt
tile m. 4004 pllntlig 001tIeli0fir god 1/1010 , 0 11 . 1 .
5 11 A 0 . 000 . 6 tnatiasc ts War%
dloollosi ease 00/014 .004 .001k,t_
amore ., as cm vi Its the mama 0
a mama ea 4 saisatitle As isnocrwarufronsat
Pe gloms. setast ju watreft. c .41. 40 . 8170 01 r,
rtl i tral 1100.1
, te arrw.
Stook and Restuutga Ma.
CtilNrianted, for wb,iohilr!rhigtoo o market.
gza . a . r• piOd pill 'oh en,
Tl 2l* =. • ' LV,
m aOO ia 10p.. n a se. vas arm_
WOOL -7,000 lbs.
la to attive„forsolo by
nem • laW irrl i t T reott C hcx.• -
•• - • Cud-rionabei 19. -•.- .
FRP= & • WIROMTBLD:erik noir
, ___l
Eexa—so be white sea Beas; for
Ter" bbla..2lorth •• • :- T.T.-cm
Warehouse to Let.
It= imbooribara being about tomucovato
a lt 1 . 31.3 , weute otrioh.ethe tart :
mat • l •
MOSS-9 bales, in !dare, and for by
lIARIDZ9-50 lbe poj!'d
caroa Woad 1441trat sta.
cWEET OIL-300 ga ll ons for sits by
• AolS • " — B A 1111:AVITOCK 00.
01111 X-15 bblo. Yolloir for sale by
lir von . 11 • 7,IIINESZOOK e 00.
IQIIOBI.OE , ROOT-4500 me froth ke
„ I 7 DALIWINIZSMIC ••00., • ;
OW'D GUM •ARABIC-250 'bete? sale
1 .by Nollll 11 A 'AMU:STOCK it 00..
- -
rrocilszfrov.iJ:4;oll7 l ll4 -71 711
iir)Tls-71.0 cos; for tlit'bar,
The Great Curative.
E. SELLERB:-1 have been troubled
111.T2ttr". ! a li 6 .42V"TMLY"getr=
thin half the ulohc. 4 r. mgmy saudtdish _ ta Octal! tr.
mug. 1 hoard at ToUf Pough rogotred to Igry .
it. mod now date that Ma um of a Stu bottlug oUfM
outtrolf: 1 ebeellnll74ftwarosnull It WI I .Pod 7.
.ad Pima t tun for coughs sada:dd. '
Mean WOOD& •
algofhlo 1. arm/ uutlgoosy,oadutmat mgto
hared sad gold U. IL
11 . 110 IRON-100. tons Win fi eld- Furnae,
sollbole and kr ode by 7 a it
TOFFEE-10D bass Mimi) Rio for ludo by
non VON tormuoitos t MURPHY.
GRAY—A good second hand • Dray for ,
zj ino.s von BONNHOUT situspur.
HAVE this day associated with mein my
ifh4V,V..fosirittotlll4ll h l=l;htztr.
dor Mr firm of ULOILOY W. MOTU *W.
13RO: W P 1 Tlt.
Pearl Rays
thytrig2. o f .yoral ;toroth P4IXON-7 atmetn, mare
ternUNN'n ona pie ew Yvan, the
of trbkh ore made entirely. of n.L. - stal very
highly Daybed. the appeomee end erector which Is
beyond conception. rich mul.hesullftil. Paul Keyed Pi
anos ere eleustiy 1 - m mop edwired rod Kumla saes by
the weralthv aoa fotve of the 611ao ticeltiee. . •
N. B nubile are nepeetfolly belted eall sod
evesolne the Basco an there . mini, of vehlth doo make
be ulna - . • ••
note • 11. KLXIIIII, Third itreet.
CRAIIBIRRIES-10,bbLs put read for,
Steam Boat Blankets.
. , .. . m
. . ..
ITBT.reo'd, diiect fr o the,manuattirrerg,
300 pain Iltitua Beat- Iltaakets.'si ropirtiot allele,
lade low. by . W/LLUIS -NORLY. Slant st. . ...
.."; ' • appeolta that }Ma t of Pittatruntb,
EMONS-40 bores Sicily,. landinz, for
i./.l* by ISAIAH DICES!' 21
. non Wear sod Prost sta•
EANS-25 bu White, reo'd for sale by
eat DELL • LTEIGITT. Wine st.
TIORN-157 bn in Ear, fur sale,
rTATOE-240.bu,,sea'd for sale by
PPLEB--50 Ma. EdtieeetG. read for wk
by..-• fool7l BILL& LIGGETT. Wart
B UTTEW-1 bbl. prima 1011, fur sale by .
BELL a 11.01i1CM.
LOOM -25 bas. in store, for isle by
VINEGAB-50 barrels Cider Vinegar, In
eeri rnFnuis k BATSMAN.
rated: fuiisale
by no•IT
- AKE FISH-2.1) bhls. White nth;
16 ht.bba... reid - and for ale
• 11110uLL1018.
Q.ALERATUS-20 Atpla. And 40 bozcsreoNt
CI and Irr oda Or (ml 7) H U COLLINS.'
LIST ree'd JamesNast now Novo:: A fire
of 'V letoltaloo.. OffloiT' •of RovolatQ6r7Tioroo. bl
Hums. • • •
lo • florry.byfkorge Wirko.Editot of Ma Now
Tort Pollee Olootto . • -
art Rid, by J Toima, author of Eat*
' Uoeborter. or Ms blrrrJ Wholof
. Dab of Poobc Tbacteray. For. val. by
oolit 10 Vortb 0 00.
••Europe La a flurry.,,.
t EEL . & " CALLOW, Ipositer . - poet
.1 4 ( 41. 11111:41P01.
ViZakt. t : rum. — or unteumm
_rcootmbfr: or Cm fi Dols of itstiad. th• anther
of MIS 7 floo Joon. ha 10.... r•
R lT 'igss4alW
*te tiretnd
ig,EGARS--20 Ittorana Segani--in St=
1,7 and for de br VERSII.III At - BATMAN. •
• CO. an sew apailair ammo haastlnd m. frmh
Merl ree.lnehld log the vast fullostabl• aol irtteh
&IL MASON At CO. would,invite
rarer asWien
.On to tbela tarp rer of Pavia petters .
roal* their ins. Met ed Wm' Clotba tor Cuatrad
QUAWLSI. aIIAWLS-41ast reed sniton
."' bsatt:aner Imo Lam ...aSoui.atimeu.isi.vith.•
6140,411Z12666 wafts 104 Pads awl. 14.666
Vslarkee. C V:lnner Pralal6, '4th lr!..b Bl 4skltrirogt
16•116 atlentlaa M61466.4_ sid RAW porlal•t•
•416 • • MaPON • OQ.. 62 am 641116064
lbs.' in store and
Rich. ileind3l9oB4B SiDt&i',. •
A A. BIABOBI I CO. have jtutt rpo'd ten
:11 - ..era0.f31.7 TF4 WU;
ARSENIC --;5000 lbs. id state; for tale by
*ea J SIDD Woad
brand. ItatdaZtorralr n" . .tg hiV.:PA4I4".a
Dolt • •APPXIII%; 611ista •-
TIMOTHY SEED-6bbL9 in store for ale
br ali 110 , 111. ffi7 Libutr . stmt." '
I/TT/M-4 bbhi 2 kegs Roil, in store
ire sa• by T .13110Nr.'
frALLOW--4bblajou4 real for talc by
solli JT /a SOON
~~i u P
S lC'7l l lll batol •
trosll= . /311 t: raMeri c to b 7,
11:.E : 445r l iASREI
VARA. AMMONIA. - 7 2900I 5 ri.iiirtore; for
rar - • wur... Am spa.
V 101.1.-8 ob. Ilaf fjorrtegl
UM OPIUM-1 me g". ocne. ler egelly
UM RELLAO--Voy ram—
gritm. rot
'Ib:MIMES& GINOEII-sKross in Awn
MP sailor Edo Iv too /lUDD avo, -
IUMBER3-4W ski. stow tlanding from
stawasx Dakar Mein Ibmlelrs'
- iswetaritin i 00.
ml/1. W•tot iota hart Mom
L'! ROUND NUTS-100 sub now biadin
ILSI frau itimissallualv i t i troqtrnlobv
w landing frAm,
aINSENO-.9 • 1 40// 0
N - A " k " ,e k "telfAu.ommiy a ea:
Wan dad front ma.
14 Wood Litreitiwar /bank
111911./ . 4 d DL4 t malls t f a tt i t . l4 . fasupsiioe make .
ger I ' . 4 t4 d l .t n"" l at. . 1 1.,r - r i z the —as.=
ter.esata. lant aosjai!=gr,
Dade adaa In the Talkelag to. '
141?, STUDY TO `PLEASE.`,.'
_ 0111141111.
SUANSB Sweet Corn ,
' •". • Ibr silebT
. Grown Tor tieslena
sw 8 5. -PD" i•rk: ..bir
cr.% sger.l artkkkauundaiand at Os
soil aliklirreintterian"(
2.4 , 9% .. et ainViefielli W.), red& aim. !UMW
- k ir " Mintinffalfarnt
I BUTTE t-4"bola. Otitge 6 144
a seir t"" "" l" - Pr lVALatti g r ktr
118 . EE r t4zarAni s Tisks farzletti
7IALY)! f V-41 two forsabi "
TAR -45, kittit, N 4126,
LNXUAR-4 0 b •ITT 1 ;4 44 4'.i..0 116 .
.Arots, : YONSONNUOIIII I4 111 P
W tNpo 8 by 10;
- -r
us wag., a...a no lint
.84106-4 000 for sale
• satattiosaimg
=2 l
enoY of Apintillit:
sE . •
toatlcouni ieeeeie.lg
10. veldt em km to lilereearti tho
Osel« hotel. t• 111 be unable to estel Itlavbseteesere
monist tam premed ilea . ea nom et mat be delidleoSt
ert.e kos. eftemesenes pen enely Romeo -son yaw Attlee.
ndLN tocooore.e4 Monde laeo . Ancrele million. ex
oemoneulty ormolu bleo. "•• 11,4 . •
sagoialeos test
molog. 'Mu oil.. eta nom voodoo* the tent •
=MI6, .Demosis toe /arks. or the Rev befetiodtlet?.. •
Tuts Vona. Ilevoietee fe, the retbromoes eatoemo.
. .
Te - eraselai7kb Ni weasrfall P*120.4114 of
I , t tai i i =r f ai t Tefir i ft.B;;;;l . ..— u t i trj.
13h o w . ,,rni tad genie 111 11 . ktitatt!Kii . "! -
, „ ,
airan, TnnuM.l. l D.V. tbsii bi •
at :Ai o'clock. In yistternom. al *tech ett=.
panted by duty Meads. will be Madded at ball's**.
1111..Perkasksno• at I est** Intim sysalnit.••••=l
The Ewan Festival at Bala
. .
lIIIIE ..Wooriator of the MIRROR of BM-.
I Tali% WtINDEBNIII; DRUM tatarlaan .
PaOQUCISS. grateful foe Or v istraaan lor :
meowed usoa arm daring*. gat ed . • napirmalf
armostateo. that bp Oa ear Salm of alarm clambake.
and onto to saeourmad we an* &Worm tat. rmisfr
arrrk of Argil smarm arms dastasTnaalts• -
Otir ISO worx.. Beasilital *tale and LOCUM rxe,
• or the Vsserelaik•bila =Mug.
airOiltle of APT SP . mac ehtlgral toast' 11
btu rite.
writers orma eta o'elorm; to aoaseelasi at f ik,
sir dd eg t ilVt=ll =t =Vara?
gne i ss la a.m., rmermarat • warms) la the Midair.
EITILL open' at • **mem Hall, Liberty, •,
v♦ ousel. Orbital_ has butt roaigaritta BOA
°;'" St " ".BI T
hf:Z n i : gM % A ) o va,rl
r t ''
eta Erb 20ddNta'
imbruing munlaantrio at Baotou, It. Harbar, till
om tba AU.nll4 H lionnig,Limortsah.
Cr3stal P atthe /Air.
Won Master LOU& LON %free O_ a
num. grateut
ondar tlr Brioluoi, and an glib IN magatfloutruu • '
of tae SUAIC o TUNC U. brillisertlLAimataittad, sag • •
boob Unto adm &manta Eta at - AMAX. _" •
farrAn'Eanlnftlan !Ungar AMT.',
rt l Z.S2a=t Uttar toadistr'smiler taresiala Santa.
ve..Dooro °unseat& • -srasta COnlnianallnaddind
at Itf o alskaS.. . o
Its for sale
ONE lot o[yiounl
d.t One bf.tontlng P
tozbes. sad 41.4tesubai
f a.c.
• O. kit gni the Coma
tot tweas en Weboter
Teo lots on Otogreu,st
feet fermi. brfio t.t de9
sue lot onilklsint K.
• Ibis repeal •Ilt JI -
lo oat ructurels. W Nur
nol9a.m '
- .1P a;' 81 0 Or .- 3 4 01111 .4 1 * L..
Vfolloxitig Ti?,_ namable: property
twaf arms , it rats side.-1f Dot sold Is s few.
toy it will to ofb malls Saba Of WON draft. ;
yob de mates lOU bs : • • -
I.ot No.
. rol e, tbs . of Lwessamialos ad%
trau Pato tOdatWa alai. TA!
ors now samba two taistasabeablebwoad
wed to nary Mailbag blalatskidsaibta harm .l Lb
tosessoot. sad an Me bisaa.llll tbo
seolottowalt In coat Damara(
Lot - Name. adpialsw mite. sadl are s = l :llll . ,
WWI; ma Metal tap Dame.
slaws we Law, or two sail farM i l i ts soar wa
lot o:1 la Stool sobllasloa, owe u t a ftlialioi.
ISM bet es LW Pittantsdb and Omuta tersollss •
mos. trylWll4.o.foes4t d ebertnat j son 61 ala
pasha.. fnothat We saw of tbe WT. N. los • .".'
t N 0.4. Stams is *Woo, Maims SW IPSO bet its ••• •
Olafson mat, asst *wending Wawa wawa beast •
211, slo Lot to llos if flees
watsbang 1 sera
tails/porobe.aioa. 51,000.. •
Nasal oef4O. WIWI, sabllaslos of Mall le-. •
lsed. Wog two cower Jots
tho lavoult DIS/OW , Ma
modaslos amb 112 br 190 fest. [moans as Usas as. oft.
wbal, Wools sa old &We temomsed—lada,
a nd:
' saw of
tod blab,* rapt at lbabsof abreast% •
eatencialt lave matt and oast bur. satia
ble la balldnwa Sala Sad
1 2 ".
•• 4476 setts of read as
- •
. Oslo. bold sada &awl :mfalses iltimattod seng
automat bro. guetetio may tworldfa Statism*
ro.. Pa. embracing tam tobtostrd nue"
tb. nobs. eelsbtsted 'Vaal Bar Uwe Irsoto—lawn: ..
• 11. .4 , 1 Wald a nabstassi for wojaty la
• Ild. staMt7.. earlarotassoastawattbe USW Rood •
ad ansowly favarabla, War th Mto at ran amen, , -
s% atartlor . beaa add "via the bilaallrra
'lamas larlag ‘ to asaaadaibilatiaass g lad
0 31 tM op. ..._
.to o l d, . I sj=s i d t sts h b T.
Wan otslbd Is obnathms aeweriieettem
'mamas at!•8111 our swim vbiebts as the •
; • fee fortba•rwa sol
ib. asi; o iv* , illber tbs WWl'
1111ANI bbla. mai *bite tor tala
al oat - - , 113811 Y 0-0011.2414.
/11I o NCINNATI. HOMINY-sbbls:Vi
mnr netti.
trolar,bst trig n ize."l
solD " ' ' 7 11. Morey
I.IAY WATERNitzsi . i quality, doable
LL dlatlited DAM
m teyasic fed. 4 4,12=
4C" OwdelSOl
iIOOPER'S OZlATlN—Ooopees Bheet
) sad Stayed delettot i ft Ceea ANY=I tidal% :
-3° 3.3713 - I . ,..:ll 2 l °° = l '' tm°ll° .ea
hr - tllillLl4Lltsoll.
MANILLA ID/MP-30 baiss ram
'-' 1 0 11 JANIS • 111/TOBIBIIII 00.
•012.11 N-6 0 bales te arfiv__ L e for sale by.
Ws stun exhibit far sib on Wsdnesday.lTtO W.
• ti ofsiglnly Inv styles stills alms masa , -• • • • .•• •
roTs i DDIMRES—A floe assortment of
Ins Tqalll?..l.4.lhua mei try • •
'W1,!°34112°,1184,Wigl .
_ .
bses Jut sled SO 'Wm, ism las
,APPLES -150 b
i_fIiO r OARPEZITERS- 7, "0hT1TED.8 . 1.A. t 22
.A.a.a r-ft
5ua6re.k.,........ mua. ..03, Mlint the .
mriralut:ini .. 4 ...,... 41= b,
It aa =ken wort. Mak AO aids. , .agt -
INBNEDO,II.7-26 . bbbi. for fele by • t
RA. mio • . Cat47=Lik.
Q./ant/kin-401Ni. and 75 •bza. for .
okkolrr • [oo1l11• I 0/1/1111110.
00880--1361113121. MlTSldala KOVM.Or
M. fo& and kr a fttreed bh
IMlit , lo2llo,bth. !o
.11 TNDRkSSED CIALY Willi/3-400 far sale
CsolOl • -
TWILLIM seas-300 fat sale -
11: • 1.. a /Lain—
ztyliptiaoie+* ~ mita *maims
VOIT&S-200 ike' prints litn, feed and
4../ tor sal. - ' P 00e
TO&S.000--100 twalla IS's Vs and plAind
• t SII4WI43O3IIA.WLS—AL. A limo • Pa'
'ate taoteaddbUtult • Atte sad Mditallad dalat,
shiat at ad the mat *Masud make al rau agjdatda
rads. amp tante" : Vasa sad AP" t"
VLOAKEVOLOAKB2b Ante athole'
- 7. 1 Zet57-tNot the kat halfwit eithilV.
'soot It sot impala to ak etas
Use gdar enetterawsketers
A gi gk eeex :
. I"yrai lone. as:sitt see awl°. ,
Ho IWlLiver 1 ,' •
011i.1)EMOORA'110, - ;PRIZNIIS:W116.
'to. twolni to Waist ibis Woos thO • Vidasurit
nolooke nibs b... 1 of oro
'call it Oa altenim DOPOi. On • flat: CtUltoW, - AMC'
peratias• latettotaili 60311 possoaLtbsit wAshr.
Moods; to WTI Sho dot, oak S,IIIISSIIue
Amatir thmet of starlet i. fbead,nots=
Psrlor Osulssolous of ea Idol disds".•_
!who, Nanustsuc ha sad thsoo woo anivo - mow/
hoe should 'udism dludopooro Soak "Ts!!
OYSTERS—Fr .aa esh Balloon 03st•
eihal LW/ (treaty !may Moult) al EXAM=
FM= . 0 . 1
""e..1.• Mo., 'tabor Of
A 4 .0 0.7. at in ret, 40.
10 libos.lo2
mr==lar ,
- E.101`Tir .13 8 1. 4414 • -
200 Uora 0.10•0•06, a t!..;
' aff - 11 1. tP;lituriti!
tist red'd and it
- -wz • muipar:
41 Pr . k% M S T ,
MOUT mußrev.
p ,
rASH7 - M 4 1 - ll' ofg!.; 1 " "ill I T
, artOT
"RX4TWOUr £ OINSFM-7 .. -
I-lirS b SW Ariio t ssue , 7
: :"-
• • • '
AiLy maitz,ram- int limo. itsiP
aws,waseshbioritiviek itiptc m -
NW. Top• Bons
• aim „ mea 44 ' 4
s • I eriaB&4llo tnea
ttlL rrli,
Loa lava,.
pr EflCnu
• Cral of rdielnulih 7
in fronting on
173 : 4.",8la 111.
tlg es ll lir
to thtaota=it
W•taler arkiasairso sta.=
la raa
OW 211,4aa.ttftrillS01111111 2 . 1 , -
i t, beta kJw trout, Dr 100 ft data ,
It grid ler Ibr ca" or es aim
al) or "
At Tl,