The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 13, 1852, Image 2

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We iltlato forborne to notice ocrtehr
possig Wipe, of his: honor, the ,i — layor, in be
• meted el' thiralleged fraudulent usturslizatioa
papere,lei fuer that our motives alight be ist.
plidelk. bit ere feet ' ecannotteager lorr
hour Ike &setup Of *pitiful duty, withoott*:
tag infatatfed to our obligatlons u, * pehllo
fbEfll4ol.,' While ere - bete no That to discos's ,
.is# or pereret• thoroigh . Ispl exuntuatlon" of
klisndVa istarellsition freed& but on the
.eietthq• dear° tlist all Suds brut& of the lava
• . lbe:poputi rearaked , 'tato sod punished,
loithe ;stilt fill'irbeTe it rosy, yet we are n 0.4412640 .441264
.441264 se an sot of Pieties to the publio, to
.PrllOnf ijsiwt Inkehitotial and Illegal prated:
- '_. `
.- .. ' ;•,, -. UOandtalandthat the Itipoi ; in his prate-lead
. .-:asilto putaiittie esitotlty it the isnkliikeetat ,
• 'initeseideit Its legalise:4a is.l+7 Vs illetel seri
-.:hoptimilutel.senta• ot peaean, -As we us. !
eieelesat as isle; lima statute is. tailed nptin
• ~'"•—•
ti ;fined Nita ltniieirmt Will.irdelliar
elm 'des istratielS, and ltur *ma le nest
bates ettleasittlittseett.' is DIN Asia ibieh
'aquae at knot ths filajor Intl a penes
:: bestagit teatent blot, and required him la 'testify
•'. • ,•.'• - shileeasiertat ineornr,ea te Stmt. kusertedge hey
ohs leas had,.of tntadaleat naterrellestics
peiranr , „" — --,„ll4,sittrees , reatpreporly refased tf,
bar?,trOld hie honer sat bits le Sal?. Tine
elk* elieolllo handed sat, sad to ae itapposea
-.. -- .Aritheeitiettdiestioa. , tile hoer, se ere ate in.
'' . •-• : •: - '1. - titriliet ti4iikciat betas . : blota 6 e time, and
; :':, {d Vale Dried rrthe *tam to•atmear
•••• ~- v .:•:eilllti,ieaßeito nate ,what reseal- xbulteeneb.
C ' . .leniteteedinivetildieadto: , l'he Mop-
M# ae.
is each s ease beams sa *shirk:
_ ..,__ , , ,=-4.ifitiiig *rill the alma ese
4baufiretiati pod/ eseenied iostiintiona,
the i 'iiiffieillfarenee; being, that lastcicl et the
• ':: : : • '. :iisellik' semeirs tea set et the evidence, ite,
e _yo:
: ..:.• : iiiiiilie aistaty NI : - v 1011
- - ;ltke euld .Of 112 .
-•'` '. :..i*toinnity:tindsr each protierediage, when se e,
dace Sputa tre forbadlrons iota ingarXie terrors
'et•pentithro' eat. and vhen a mere anepicion: au:
'rimer be . de the barb of Inguisitorlal
.- - „atnel!l ms , „ ,
Tresaierdises. , • All . publio coofalen_ie raid be.
. ' Asetinyed;tani lien weal be deirea to !peak un
-, di, thelr breath; for fear our Otantlaqulaitoriel
- ' .. • isliht - act, ia:, nhliptr `of. it, and; _cal one of
ante bet him to aqeexo ant epiloitee
tie p e, els u
, .
ee be ape 4 !ipir tMs neighbor.: :. • i ,..„,
!•...iiiii le his liner rite :id - Capes:hi juritice, he
• sista take airs thst tire, witetase ahallibtigne:
ireittraeliniaite hireself.- If the witness het no
'' 'ieaanl the Mayor should explain the lin; aid
,~ ~,,..
the gni
kinfirf his danger. According to
deaUleblek hal beta published - in mum of
w an
, „ Ta r i m N i l eight tun ut hi snhavesokuow to
" l g
t'4l ell ton violation of Ler, • stch rthsecto them a
impelsoutent thisilidr le It lege'?
las i" tau the hialor.: heik• lb° tett!' neon
w h o oolong the tattled eri el lee i e
and 041 go
heonteeer to It ,. y who
in 7 twant
of e+fikoloo,
44'"'1*4iti'lla 6114 tr
sotua. the halutri
nultbiketti rientrltai''' S ° °zed°
ender brag .
- aio n co
, nntulttlag one
inewar, and Witty another: end not the
h committed to 'b'
kite -goiltW'roroPe• °
Muds mot Pon"' ' one use, the
Ws understand that at least in
y a person bronght hetare lam for
ii°1112"" the benefit of suttee. het "Celli
, miitlat gentleman mho appeared a r ka behalf of the
to leave the
'see "
le ruminated sod unen thorized,an
' , m ..
id. Hon for it Stroh eeent Model
then atenholly contrary to the ep irit of free
dr has also transcended niee
seended q
te t t of the iiiand jootioe dr:landing
bailf those he has seen, proper
Itaootnimenotille ehlar- ° *dr, fis demands in tbsumo( Mery
he would of pantos
husbking, cc sun
with oe-rea
.4314 4 04.
einighten titui'doite nut subserse the ends et a
jaige., twit. tank oppegsios. mad is'
„, • ' 'Mr nut* rininniumsd
tho • ebj e di m is Tie beee
~ mike no
loge* the Nislor's Proeeedibse
the-rto proper sod legs! setutirl. bat
m:sion seal its honor hut monitested,
inquiel" al mode of his proceedings'.
terad" 644 °fre ts sedan' s t l i tt ' apielon that his rant is not
A 1 vs of tartlet
,1 010 , pictspi.,.. bpi ,
• dire not:119113a to badman, deem Itbutt proper to udrbrn a. all .a pent .
a !_ns .
woomaybe brought before the
Juror trot too
.or ts
fiwer +in
14 . {, taro nott4llY•
doer, elope in :redone
lind a
eturtimm and no person- to legu irti
tenito b l g a
eitr nor gneUien Thish Muy- mbuiunt n :
Dtanrff; mere ellll4a.tio
411$014ke otatlon after evirienost Jo etialinete "
Yid,Perlien or Vanaaa• la *hell/ enonthotteed•
•,! • • '7,
-4, 0•••••:!•-• 1 1:•••.•
~. .
~:...:., .-- ----;.--.:,
N . 7.if ' ~',:
.3;:,.. -.; '• .4: .
. -i-' , ' 6; i
:,rt. ..., , 4 1.1.,
r. 4 % 1. if 1
', 4 ' 'I 'PI. :t :..', iii• . : :..
4 , 4: ,,, ,::. ,, ,,-111t.
.1 , ..... 1 . 4 44‘ : _:t
. 17,4 1 ~.. iv. - - : 1 .
... , 114(y .. 4 . , ,,- , 4
. ...1 1 4 1 1. 4 .,
: ~..' 4 i : -...,„ . 4 .„,4„ 4 k
s l4 ktiZtlli , t4 , lti ,
• n`. ,' . ,
.. , 4%. , ,- k., , ,.,.4
44 i.N ',. 4 1.44:
' , 't'. :e•A!' , .: = , l' . -15,,::
iir, ‘1 .1t ., r.. - ^.;":1..
4t no , '" ';' •C
,7,1;:r.?... IF.
'—':%, :•.!,t•eq..k ,*.
1' , ..;.'` ,;,... ..,
' . :t . ' : ;. lot ,
: -. .5.. :: • •"!
4 :" ~'4;:.Z.:,:,:;'';‘i!,s;'
_,S . ' l c : ,:. * ;. 4 s : 't
;,';-;•.4 . .,,•••; , .;•;;-:-,.4
..1........ • : ,•:•:7.-.4.-,, -
-? • lfislitltiall that the Darlington caned opal'
114 d, Bearer ionsty, wan Set et the 29th,
Anne Elul/tie 8 Bon, on eery'
defcit*" tam, at priaiebtlaw the estimate.
• sktedy ressidag, prigoratlone
T s . ...
with Areal ter* , The load will
ehtereadif for theralle.aarly ire the coming
• ,Vitigik l . l o ll, bi 1 4404 . 5 iia11is km& oweiTel7
Etterable'groimd:andirilltatnieetihephict and
• Doaturyleaala resdnesr Daillingtint'atation.
la savants& the Elttabnigh and Erie road gill
notated st the same place.;affording, a choice to
, the eialpeni et' transporting', their line coal to
Cleattlind end. E rie, on the Lehi, the great mir
tete for coal. , .
TIM 'Raw Xlsorr. - T he New lark .ruseehas
the following remake on the poetry 'ea future
of the party: •, •. •
Tle Whig psity-wes artsitly near I. easier
elnaststalwee thanit is at ;decent. It has been
MOM than oboe quite ss badly beaten, Ind that,
tar' whc to opponents were: mull more cam
.. • paw aid tatted than they are at present: ,In
• Ifellcasheiberi, Widgedrere the'aletenti
- eat or two Stem, and yet, owing.
bettislyed therblenders and ooreapdeos of the
thiprirept the country tie dery
neat yeer; o siaost . . as .11orreeghly sefien. Fudge
•hada. dais,lnew.. • To .eassider a party ootbeer.
timidpitas as straw a roluority:aithe
new.have every Suite; *ems to
ed acre. ' The Democrats, - we names to say,.
dieditH lielOnperee the ',Whig petty se et lextio
... The Whip have no tj end
ad , wobsersortents except _nob se their own
.10los-ess7.. crests, They aan ,easily render
theasalaee powerless and contemptible,; W they
ackal 10 MI do; for any party can rein itself
griaddeel golden then It can bet reined by its
oppotenta. If It °home to diatand—te,bresk
~.. •
_ap Into host tedious. osoh fighting for some M-
I.' . hs se. and ktistafying itself with tome loot
aidpispentratruggie:—ead if it gear, fit to
- - ' siie (e'en 'Wood bend.,. sender all lea
*en Ilea Sad Wised/se deep end strong entho
ettllg great sidlemsipo9oses snd pried
• '; a r teafienesee la 'the lead rot:tabbies of the
, ;Moil me dissipsto its vitality se bo die out
• dfir lied Pedalo .'7lfiert and, - the memory,—
- ; Aber viable to , perform he earn bistAerries•
dotter wateMng those open whom , power'
dal riesossibility have been devobrak '*
, The Whig ;arty hes bot
ad oss It Is hot needed now.
• , ;•••Tid Ogre is nethlegoew Which It can do. It.
awaset iitilerteki todistibe to the fnosze,--to
'....•.pieltibesline of ;oondmit widish' the country.
Wan Penne wader: penalty of Its. diepleumre.
11,1tairssune of. opentiose fimr or
• firs,jesid Wert It ern possibly be weed out,
Ili bat Indirei of tattle are Mote prostedgittd
the sl F . before lb* engagement—whas the ,
hes beta wifely studied, the relative
IlweeenigheCand the point to be , reached de.'
and eta~Mld dote:mined. Parties are the
alYtrratt; they dinned ereste them.
All ash tido yowls asiefifily tam ,.
.."I"fiersathiirldwaltistion,;; 46 watch the , . laden,
dAlleslielle, sad le to Wog :tad: bley are .
''Nit Was may IMO tame:-bat oven
. .
,1011 will *a at= lost ' dud : an tha.
'basal ti 4 aleali lay aa;
111411 UMW "APIA by prodesar,
pediamar r asdigaltietle Preface, of thapolo.•
aVe all delaidastlawsf pietism bit-.
)f adore ,. " •
♦ikr;i .~,.
• dJ
• ;."7
vz, l
• 't ;
8111371110 ALIAII.-10 theellalli of
diar e nt ion , thero ,o46o o4Oobl
Mob formerly exalted the
ed 44" p luutime pr on li c the feet that bodies want
i ,r "t a-
- ebenal
their Amtrak's and the grave.
- ft 44
tlea dr ed in
ded Bat that was ascribed,
.1.--1"1". -- .to the throes of vitality, in
[ ne whb l:reirs - ro be due to the OlfeßoT of 0.1171 . Ipy
iiol::., A pi is deeeloped=e hree fed bod y
.mat& mialiCs o. bi .r i tl i rd i p 3b3 So powerfal le this, pas
the nuarelm-• -- life . insist 'hi water, that
"oPaclipoessit,.that have
e hysleisa to the stews At
e '
author of a tat-book on legit
Pan{16 ,1, 12 ,.. 4 11 . 6 t. a :. union mend Ce the table
. often heaved up and thrown:
re tbs to.,
.11%211.9 prmaantly mange"' is":4l,beldrtp•
~,.....6. gr.
at the lhete4nan to the keePil uis, prima Is
' Ith honer that -""
_____.l'" ht.' Ne'liv.-•-• alit' sot imam lo .
oc kw, glum'
' IV • 11111N•••^•_-, ... taraaallts spection o u Te . Au hones,
d e n
annual, wins a b out
...--,L....,y , & - e.thiseerem, tioeirtb pats the rese; eh lin t uf Lim& whir
*!..'f4,l: ~ - , ---- -Nr5e1. 6 . 14 . d. ^ . - ' tii.Wdealthitell".lll ,I ' ail • W.W. "I I" ' um estela /ll '
~oezo,, .(. . v - ;:g••••••••--,---. ~ •-- ' 2 es. esel semetheis btztl ,
0- .
- .'S -1 .,.,...., :• 5 • • Igiohs.ttesteittiktel-
la wamo. s,„ apatite,
-' ‘.:6 - ' ' —9---- - *SWIM 11 0. 11 ,ffieet *oho bits catmerted lila .
t r .
f . ..ii-,; . , ",,,
~iiit„ im..s.lifiseb,- .srunwignit wail ow vsesitak bNa " VT li " tlelmeersthe
A'- -i CY. VlOl,llOO lie Ai iiilrlist / 4 bAr cllan142."11" It i As it hut
i f.• '
.1 44 = 1 . iiii,,-, ~--,. T. ,-, lieui , bk b ei l k ii gGh - in the oressy of distptin E°
164 1
Z' I L '-,' ` : 4 ; : iln*
~._.,....,,,,,,,, r-- , -_,
..., - -'f 6 ,:i.....--;',7,i - 6 4 ,01.00t...b1tahmv,„..;:.
zis: '„.:, :;,,-,,:- '"01.105,A,..',„ irmitip-mas efadnen.l74,llf•
.I'Z., ..' '-'' ti, •`-'- ” is! astillelo.4l4 Ar..,, oingssolligatst, ~ •- .6,..
~:;'''' r . •
"-;_. . .-'"
•:..:,,meepeee.7,„ ,- ' ' '. z '',...;
t ato
..; - -," .; _ . ~,,,,.. '•,-;.-,
~.:: ' . r - 2v . ....
- ''
. , , ... , ~ _ . , _ . ~
41The, ,Warceiter"(ltsm) ARlisvepter_a_ • ,_.
grimn from the Boston Journal in relation to - the
• • of-the itszOnal fonmettlir—Wsbetinos
I Min; and odds the following inteitating par.
:flinlare in remird to the deeessed Statesman's
.. . . _ .5... . . .
Mr Webster secured by his will flee /melee&
dollirs, aimnally, to Mn. _ Webster; in addition
to whin she is to receive the annual Meow: of
.terentpflie hundred dollars or more, that tains
the interest of Ole principal sum mind some
yeses since , by Mr. Webster's friends. , Accord
leg-to the - terms of that gratuity, its benefits
were to inure to Mrs. Webster dazing her life.
I time; should she survive hlm. - - •1 , • .
The circumstances attending the Lunen of
Me. Webeter'e will, 'as related from antbentld I
sourees, are of an I:ma:intim and pathetic na
ture: ,We must not properly relate them folly.
This =nog, however,—as it shows how his kind
feelings and great foresight stunted to'his last
domed% lies and duties an earth. Ile bed re
qaer.ted Ansa most to be Interested, in his will,
is talk over the terns of it (as made known to
them) ind to bars a parte:A and satistectory
understanding , ; with one another c'eind On that
sublime and memorable Thursday night, when
the tall laut tho witnesees, were before Mn, be
did not axesnle it until' they had bean brought
info his presenos ad bad expressed their entire
'epprabstlScrof the disposition he was about lc
Cate of his property.. • . z
Peerthe Patellar% tetaxatr.
Oen/milt iiirtrrwrz.
-Mit Emma :—lt mist , be truly sloatifyitig to
tta citheatt of this tommuolty
. to witless the•
overlie= =king by the meraberfof this Inati.,
Mete to tender t an object of interest and atft&37,
800. Pittsburgh; until, willow afe ears,
cold net hold opher head cenonget a . majority
our greet cities, In offering intellectual treats,
in the shope of pablielleatures, by men of ability
cad' emir:ease. • A change -for the better` has
taken place, and it is hat.. . just to ear thanks to
the Library Association for it. We Mtn one
Boast of an association : that bids fair to Stead on
a faoticg*ith 'othmi of the country.
Be great is the demand for leeturers -repu
tation, such :Agnes, Lord - and others, i that to
semen-them arrangements mustsometimes bti
nude a yeas ahead. lem informed the
of Mr. Giles, Who Is to commence A course
negt*oek, was made the early pert of last
raring When. we take 'into considgiUop the
yortel.ilde epputation - of Mr. Giles, ea' 6n Pio
vomit and poputeir lee:toter, and the eel:Catenate
of bin risidence;:lt will fro seen that this c*ortme
ottooding his engagement will be heavy t the
AMociation relies -altogether on Uto patroness.
of, the public: to meet the ezpense incurred. The
aunual reports of like institutes in other cities;
Obey" haelsome reecipte in favor of theli &teen!
ries, deriVed frereleatures,.which la applied to
tho purchase of books ' &a, tending totracke
lierory attractive nod 'traletable„. therebY toying
Ihe Ulu:I:Won for thalm prove:cent and'cultiva.
tion of literary taste. The orperiment ems tried I
Len. to, a limited extent, during the teat two
*inters; on inquiry, I learn the , treseiry Ins
Plot much benefit:tett Shall it be no hereafter;
will not :this citizens of Betteburgh Imitate the
eltitens of Buten. flew Tack, Philadelphia, Gin
clionsti, Bt. Lodi, Buffalo, and oven cur young
. neighbor; Cleveland? in the neweeTers of
these L eitiee, It will be seen that they ha e rep
1. -
I,.4:aunts of lecteree every month, and a acme
..uf them every week, during the winter.= if the
question,'• Don't you think we ought td have e
library in oar city,". were put to mull atid_every
in this community, what would be
the elterrer "fear would undoubtedly be the
response. Well, the*, as there can be , but ode
opinion onthat acre, It is hoped that Our pee,
pie will catesonge.thie enterpriatt by their Pro-.
nem at the imbues. which will he ltelilltWeettlPg
directly tawatdp the laudable work. 'Map.
lllurstistrit RePIJDI•7IOII.-410a* incident of
the into election must be universally grit/fling.
The people orthe Siete of Ilimkelppi, es will be
men by n telegraphia despatch la , another col
=me; hare 'Mai to.sgay the ,boada of -the Plan
fere Beak, and Ass mmesetke stain Of /eV/ -
di:Won which has /aghast° meted upon their
State. • The hietery of. this debt if Intent/et
Under the old constitution of bilesin4o tha
State chartered the "Planters ' Dm* of the State
of Ithotheippl," with a gelatol stock of $B,-
000,000. Of this capital, two millions were ro.
served to the State,'und the remaining Million,
loft - to Individuals, was subsequently increased
to two millions. The individual eloakbol Uri ,
paid apt tint the Stale only subscribed end sold '
its bonds for $l4OOOO of the suzionnt reserved,
,the bonds not taring homed to the .bank.thut nee-
Ao.gisted sbnlea by sentgolssioneit The eam
mundonsts and nuojorlty of the digectme tke
Utak were appousted by the lairrernsi.. The
debt thui created us recognised ander the sew
ennatltatieni „of 1832, and as such-war- ape the people of. the _ State. The
• ds, meanwhlls, mld above par; aid tram
1884)4° 1840 the State received her theidend on
thisatock—generally ton par mat per annum.
The dividends thus eared to pep the Intend on
the hod!, and loft four per cent. profit to the
1 State on its two millions of dollar. of Mock.
Thth stock was subsequeally insetted in- the
Natchez Ballreiad, end was thsre sank, together
with thesinking food treated to meet the bonds
1 The Italic tunes of fonds are dee is the years
i 11101, 18G0 and 1814 and the questa= at the
late eller:lion toned epos their payment. .Ibe
result of the vote is highly gratifying, , 42
Wings purpose on the part of the peep; to
restore the credit and reputation of she
I Y. I; Mier.
4110 11C072.
Fnail as &rain* (Ga.,): liersobliegs
As truhave already said, were he twenty times
trtISO9 President, it could not add to therenown
of Ilett. Scott. The enimMating point of his
glory was sawn thosn shouts rent the ale on Ms
entry Than the Mexican capitol The ambition
of: is mortal cad hardly - 011m a higher reward
than that, Wass It be found in the exemplary
record of a long Ufa of patriotic smite, and
continued sacrifice for his country: General
Batt is defeated, sand his plume it lowered be
fore the prowess of a younger conqueror. We
4'lol :Lot desert' him in • his defeat. We Cum
Gleam 'to the old soldier no• than vier. We
wanyl that ekeumateosen had net bumpkind
to prevent ne front rendering liint more efficient
service. , Webers beta blamed for our olowle"
ablation of allegiance. We have pointed, Oat
its true 02118e3 In previous' with haw
numb accuracy, our readers as better ijudge,
with the aid of present lights.. Wi'bonor the
invincible band of Whip in Georgie' who bane
net &lir voteifor &cat, bemuse we are con
vinced thst he us worthy of them. The pub
lished aorrespendence of Fillmore, and the eel. .
dent coarse which things have taken in some of
the great States, se evinced by reported majori
ties, hue strougthoned that acomtetion. . If we
hue lost a President, the maybes
_gaited the
beat of commending generals. Batt will bit re
stared to his just blunts for a doable reason:
84 efforts :for the interests of the anoytrill no
longer be neutralised by his aspkiii *MIMI
position, and the personal hiendehip
,at the
President *kat we ate sure, be otstinued
Whim hereafter, ea heretfore. Th• honorable
conduet of Mr. Pierce toward, Sort during the
Pillow trial; tea good guaranty fee this,
11(1/I11 .131 P 11111 ' WAY/ MD to Donis Oa.
ficorr.—The toga ammo of the, defeat of Oen.
'Boon; must be Plain to the noinprehenelon of
any one sequilated :with the secret pate played
by the. Looofooosoithlett was to , repremmt that
Oen. Boat was • Catholic; to all' Protestants,
while they knew that the Catholics were going
against Mtn tea man. . •
This gimp was pleyedell over the country, in
the besets manner. Cimulare and hend•bllls rep
resenting to bare been issued by Whip, were
pieced in the hands of Protestant Whip, and
thousands of Whige r imailliainted with the wl les
of La:stood= Wits became' alarmist at the
prospect of the reign of Popery, and voted
against Oen. Scott. -
This gate was intooessfally pactleed in this
vicinity; ondat almost every poll in an adjoin--
lug county kV@ honutbills were put up by the
Locators* on lb* night before the eleotlaa(rdere
that: west noNatdotic roters,) clan upon tbit
Ciaolice. to rots for Oen. Scott, who was their
friend, end one of than. And this wee outdone
in one county alone, but In all perts.or the
Stati,'witere the fraud • wee likely to have the
desired erect --liar. Tit. .
At e ,
LASoArns. As Bess.oi - AaAnt. 'l44 ' '-' '''
Linage; for, fikqtt
Berke for Plezei,
Lanzaatzr oesißerke,
Wejagge protty_nearly....tlayi tor:Locofcm
Coo to cease pitting . their brag country against
cars. Icinamiter can but .Barb at any time,
and Ara do It vbenurar it is neoessary.--Lan.
, - ... .
A talesoderetsnding be tw e en - n
Metiers. hilll
M..l.lotti sod James Lyons, set Itialusored, lia.i.
has been sealsobljr.settled by the friendly War
liositlon of Menu, W. 8. Allabee 'sad' Willer
The florinllsvfUe Tribune tittles that the first
frame building ever put up in Buffalo was kited..
od 63 years ago this Falk and, one of the per.
sem witoassisted in Its couttritotion, M. Jas.
Webster, is still tiring, and realise In Orange
ville Wyoming., tawny.. He wee, st, the time
retailed to, au apprentice to thChituse carpen
ter butinate, and although: now :eras ago of
three sacra and ton years, he appears healthy.
• ' •
The Helm. Ward have Gornto:toed proceed
ings against tha.Cleveland„ - Columbus and Cin
cinnati Hallreed — anpany, for damages regain. ,
ed to the loss pf the steamer Ceuficts. The
Casplatt was tnoored '
at the dock is Julp lint,
squalistruck her and parted her 'tern line, her
stern strong round on quantity of rocks which
had been placed in the navigable waters of lien
United idiates by the Company. The rookimads
a hole in bey bottom and sunk her. , . The dani
ago is said to ho about *60,000. • : •
cholera, within- • fow dem has made lie ap
pear:mote In the Itoeheetir Jall—two dying irith
it.on Wednesday,. while Hee more were down
with It on Thlusday.
Afiltur Twat—The Cholsoa Tolepaph states.
that • gentleman. raiding In, that vicloitY
Wen of late.sadly.peuled alibi unaccountable
failure of an excellent cow of his, to gin her
natal quantltrof.milk.: ,Dut one morning lot
woek, on golog , to the yard whore the ow, was
kepi, ho found hie doi„(a ter:len:4d terrier,)
busily cagaged ems:toting from theta:Linty
yloldlng tow the , rank that belonged to her mas
We leans from the Eit. Lents fiqublicun that
the Old School Preebyteriand hard determined
to establish a new college at Salton, Callaway
County, bruiormi.. The. : ltepublioem stales that
the Society is a wealthy gout, and that jibe col
lege building, nutleverylidog eenneated with it,
Pill bp built upon a liberal Cade. - Its location
is a lime ft Is in an old, viell settled, pop
alexia cad wealthy county, The Marcie are to
need nod intelligent, and hey wIU of once gee
the advantage which snob an Institution brings
to them. It is lithe centre of the State, - and
accessible from all, questing.
The - Historical Society of Pennsylvania will
pgebrete on the Bth lust, the anniversary of
the wag or lygt.' Pgail. Aa oration 'will - be
delivered cid the opoaqop, o'clock, noon,
In the Smetem client Philadelphia, b ,t4e
Hon. Behest T. Conrad.. •
Tan Borzonta Diorrosarr.—The Dorroan-Dm-
Honary at which Mr. -Jodson worked so long
sad with IRO a desire to complete before he en
tered his , rest in Heaven, is about to be seam
pillared by another band. the Wow. N. Ste
vens. In a letter to the Missionary Roomy, uu.
dee date of July llth, he eipreeses the hope to
get dap Dorman Dictionary of his howls about
The cad' f tho nieur—in October.
Tssisssi -;--Tho Kona* Register of the
64 instant gives returns from several ooantles to
East Tennessee, which dhow steady &nit to the
Whig ticket. In Knox moiety the wen stands—
Hood, 1,863, Prercei 665, Webster, 13. • Enos
vine(BrownloWn haughty rives one 'vote to
the *Webster ttekri! ' -
urtiutp op'-Etiirrutss =The Cincinnati
Commercial say! • that a gentleman residing in
that city, and possessed of property to the
1- amount of tan thousand dollars, is mad to have
lost his all by the remit of the late ideation.—
Ile-also borrowed serail hundred"dollars from
Uri friends, which be staked upon the inns of
the contest. I
• Min Harriet Haat, 'the phi - 11012n of New
yerk, big Addressed • Letter to thaeity Treas.
aver, complaining that, though the li obliged to
pay Wee, ehe has stet s rota ^A for yens ego,
tide lady-L4 rateable lady in Ins neatlati—
ranted to attend the I;Liesiiml 'PIM of *Mos
it Harvard; hot the!Profenors, being immilied,
would not let Der - la. Pim 'young getaimace,
they knew. ercesid feel too imeetalortate to do
say good in
_her presence.; - • -
m. einehmatt Gazette - estimates, open sp•
perently.miliable dela, amt. thetsuregsts e•ot
tel employed In the - wholesale* business Jo tint
dm la $10,020,000; and Ih•t over 10,000 per.'
sew are dim:stay me - played aid ;apparel by
tole Imporlinl trOs. , Tba eillObtr or &Mem
Is between four and Aril h•uoilrel, et wk.* oas t
bombed am wholesaler. The Marts ',spilt Is
• otatlstlsel feet, that more clothing! is=ma
tutu-red there than in /lithium?... or In Baton,
and nearly u muck es In, htew York or Phila
Inv Donant..—Oov. Mint, of Neer York,
in diseanting upon Mita•Prison punishmentit,
sum pludahment by shower-bath lo in
human, unwuranted by law, and should be
-Joel Nutmeg', a pew Ilanipshire lawyer. re
natty meld: ^I hive Leen . haw,yee for eighteen
yearn and If there Is anything on Cled's
01,-sty hate, lt is Lew." • '
Tho sister of Sown* Madame Zudanky, la
keeping a boarding holm In New York., lien
eldest Roo Is IT, and wen retuned a place to work
in • earpeater's shop, beaanso he mould not
speak Znirlbh. A few ladies IQ- New rat sue
Minima:3A themselves for the family.
In digging a well In Wisonalln, reeently„ a
Mr. With came scenes' hard subsMnee of
wood; open digging itstert. it wu found to be •
unified chat uptaintpg a skeleton - end some
hundred ef dolUen - in gold opjas, with nasty
arms end other WitrYdm WWI& . •
A 800 TILLHACTiost.--Captilo Cass* U.*
Clay eoW.. slew days ago, to Madison mown
Ky., 1,000 bogs st. 41 end:2lton, payabliSwhen
Nora would ba elected—
7 fintsi iaJfaro t.—llity Register Simonds le•
Iced over filo Dumbed marisge certiSaitto fa
this city tiyein; fait intek—an itticoyamott lup
Tao Bmsovevor fw Ammo —fo the rs•
port of the proem:dirty; or the Legielsiera we
ice that /dr: Webb, of Butherford. adored le the
Homo of Conimons on the 20th , a resolu
tion thstraelbsg the Committee . on Pleurae loin
quite bad 'the most 'eligible plan - forlrininally
removing free *epees from the State, ski that
the monition ;trim 'dotted. oghat the fru nu ,
ire population is entomb= on the bodyptitio
Is generally sounded; end wo believe there are
few who' do not desist their =ant, proilded it
can be done midterm emelt/. and at a moderate
mpeirem--Ornerterith Ara Carolisles.
The Paestum left -Weshlnglaa on hloaday
morning OS s *Alt t 0 Atiespolls, Irbers.'-on bU
arrival, he was aiet by , several et the 0631tfi of
the.atearnahlp Mississippi; sad estarttd through
the Nand Attedanty. • The party than teak the
annum Ragland and real onboard the Ulnas.
. .. .
. .
A Powintrun Anzire.—A Meal mauled; ne
the result of the Pro Mantis! Election wee hewn.
says this Pottsville lenntsl,—!.ifelt littlish kad
could not conquer Clem 'Boott-hat WWI gold
PIRSONAL lirnuvadarcu—it wag staked, en
the 4th test , that Thomas %nag; of. the
firm of Darius Brothers, Landon. bid - sailed in
the steamship Nampa for. LiverpooL This vas
o inistalte,, as Mu Bating le still in New York;
nadirs regret to loeiti that: he is detained by
oioknete. Ur. D. les been confined In ale Ito
sel—the Clarsadtai—far the lut ten dayn-IP •
severe attach of inlittettuai and - ids toadied. at.
tendant was entirely opposed to tie bleier
leaving the elty at the time the Earapt
De know early recovering, and we understand
win lawn for Eagle:id next Baturday, shad& his
convaleicenee - oestUnge to progress favorably.
New York Herald. • • ' '
tri W um u phal li"°* en g try . te bto tee lkettost ft 'mar .on k ih i4 e 1 21 46 th-001, 1del
1789—the very day and mown on which DanW
%Alder dicd, Mit) , tines years after.• , •
- Reticule's M. Haaodarl,a pramineat Deprocrst
of the North Carolina Legielatsfoiladformeely
a member of Conran, minister to floslo, and
Mr. - Volk', leading Mend; het eota6 Out la Wow
of the distribution of the. Pabliir • Linde kiting
the Mateo, sad wad highly applauded in the bo+
dy of which ho le a member. T hu lo s
. „
• Tenure env Vera. - -The ceremony of 'fermis
log the black nil 'took Floes' so the .00nvetit of
Vidtation in Baltimore,,s few days Mace.. She
names of the young ladies, who reeeirml the roil
are Misses hi..Virgints Boating, CarelieriPiett,
sad Miry Terieton, aliif Baltimore,. ' - -
• Three Democrats have •icarareletited •to Con
gress from the Mato of Wisconsin. In chi Bret
district, Daniel Wells le elected; ii the second,
fieniamtn Mittman, - and in the 614 John.B.
Macy: The Demoerste, •as is dual to that
State, hive a large majority in the Leirialatire.
tlmmo StammTwos.—The hoehaater Ad;
rertlaer. nya that ~tha emigrant train for the
West fits that ens last evening 114 :ton board
mom sennty.sia newly enlisted troapa'attle
17alkat Stun' mar,. gotog, as It vu bearitod
by At* aims toArkareso.:.Tits 'Agar aro; iga
thg •.+2• 1 1
A ,Atrtrieb; botert:OrmarbiAtidlotir:. bermrat
vinititateadeat tit be erootet:itaattninaatent
oaf tiatr'rentatint - at4ht. -Vol. *Likud .- AU
jihaa= " anflied 'it Vleribuid on this.
017aa tau.
meoratic nit Polio wait - opened at the ?redden
eleetion—lt baize the deliberate oplalea of
the goal people there that none of the caittll-
Weimer. worthy of.eliPport.
Seth Ur opinion `weld "net bo neadeed to
.Bennewlek if the people could be eiade to be-
Here helfithat le said daring an election osa•
UM in .dbryperagentent of theratandato.
. . ,
wATsoN--ii zow engaged in
siaol,lrtathic 3,000 /16¢1. 606 Iwo =unsay 02
'Mad • He. 1 article bbla and tem la Ws at
his Wu* flouts. corm of Lltaty and Warne Stmts.
Various theorisahave been itartsdrelative
to the erten of Intestinal Warne. sad rat the cnienrce
units mid 00., anuninittalical aathaeltles. In an WA
homier. all are intortaall, and whkh altawree—dha
fatal nature of ills tadaeans they neat la children. At
this BOMA et the rear. MO attache or *anti are rand Ira
dung ar wall ae moat dangenna. W. taltitre . d. than=
In altentlag the attanthat at parente to the VelleffOlie Of
DA Inane, It 1/.09*0t the austertraardlnary zueiktnes
me Inahlaced to the nuhliNnal bee deer failed dine-
Poe We br .1114140de end lirrahulft. In two sod
eouttrn and ftoct Ste sob prosiiietork
surrildharB .61 Wood stmt.
jer:WINES,-:TerflOtIll Wishing to rlll ,
abaaa Fauna Musa Mb Llamas of ail deftellpUoaLPe., eau obtain them , at the lolnyt.pclM. at st.
Ulu Elton of 'J41.%)11 WX/LVAN •
adh' Ibutrtsodhostitnets,
WIT is duo to Kior'tkPotto loam, to soy
that beebeert !Lamm ts - tompletall itialicate 4117
vo.Vireot.thls 4medfttl dtwaw to lea slaw than sal
otter newly. sad at -or letspnealeces to tke
thoiusanalt of lo the buds of Ch• pro
wham: Many of LYthleh are !roil won knowa catwalk.:
111 . 0140 M burgh awl Ito Immodloto vielottf. co I.
•ho• dostlfwat, below! 101 l doubt, that HUNS
LEUX Is • nwolleloo,o/ oo eatomoa talun._pglaal7 os •
kcal toady hi Paralrolklthouto4lnu. Dwabtsw, -less of
Sight; tut is • oaluol4 tx;tornal lirolllan the
- lovestichlloii Phi dlolaao. sit will •• td italtalowf tiolionh
tomato sotalletetwith itl moll&
Timm barring ► dread of taistnew & asautra 'has Ilk
medicine 4 Forel/ antarool....nd Y 1 00 11100160{•lowi Itom
, ,
Tti. 0,1 1.141 r ~ 1 00, 0 00, K 00.3 hums parer &MA.
*I at trona*, Wow 'York. au/ bests data Anglia 0.
t. W 4 ,0 it Om •rmni.d th• esruthata ot tha eoletralad
.D. Y. INot.ll. D., of o,yrkdrose: .
Silo May lq Utah oortiff. that 1 bait, becrion ialr
Meted sith Scrofula fps the last sena' Tend, ear amid
tbo dam I bola boo suable to attotul to say atria of btu ,
glue*. mut much of tO. :bum rural:4.l4volt. and rioulioni
bed. boo* tirra it... 4 Islay all thattar
ttw bah plarrldrpo 'our country &froth; 1 oconlooolly
Cot onto toilet. but u out*, tut rOtltlllat, din Voir Irmo.
taunt Dr. Pont rocoratoondol rno to Stardom., fr .
Hoot Mb no nary QUoll eon I 4 ,1 so Taboo ,
folth al Aril. but !be effort Ilia arloulatthmlt Moro Ws
IMO= to U. surface at. moo. tri.3 t at cud Wiwi to grow
bettor. and by *dog trim b...111....1 hotpot a cora 'worth
.11111. NANCY X. DIV.ZYK.
This may welly that d Lire teen eapstenCed rich Kent
. Yetrelouta. nr Beet on; La lame than • yesdorad have
repeatedly wltnemed IU beeelletaknekete Ls the eve of
indolent Warn and ether dilemmas - far uhlett It I. romint
menial. awl rupiah lendelenee reeatuaerd .1: to be •
adiattod vriritrr it *l434km. spa can will *ay that
wi. rest hu atteaede4 •Ite nen viten, calm 'minim had
. . . .
rig sae essli at. prat In rout
. _ . .
_ ,
• so. tio. voko 07417, friTs!iinifT, ?a.
MAN LlFACTURERB4rCiwk•nurelii, Cut
. Steal izlll Hsttend Plara4t. epulasabit4 Ilex
.., tta p.. ta u t..7. , ,j, ,, L1...
p 7. ;, It..
4 % 1%, i
. 1.4 t ri t i , .
... 4 prils o. litWl 4
huh ottae " • rwang sk= wilt Mal ti. to Met *ln.
t.,c• to tell 0.1 mania* Oaz Met Wont touthaarit *lir
Ann me h
Goodyeee. Patent Robber Shoes.
AMES P. TANNER, No. 56 Woed.t.,
.-nor la tre4pl a • Iwo LA a M.. *bola =Wu al
13 *bleb ntll soli by tb• tlee,SV ileva. at "rico*
ron4byabl7 blow the numeaUirses—lieblen Ora.
rot acv Donna,
l'.• 'CANNER.
IN BOOTS, 811.0E8, - VANCE% do.
rm. 50 IMOD MR; mrastmos.
Batten 1160 aid Youth.
stip-my mock:embraces every variety stet
reilf4r4ll=r erss s ts:::: p e r Wif
NUner NU," led tIII be aan at Owens Khoo
..-Plater call as& ewe= Infer* 6.71.,,
ACK SON'ational
El mt
Dry' s
owe's.] W ftrotAtior.h. lillatvo lllopkihttabwil..
aval=ll O. alwirritikaNe
mgmag.4 althea.* oat/Am owner abi l lll7 - 4 .
mgt. semarau he el stall. of Me basalt kelt orb ill Or
NalMmlosersalikator3 lkwom Au. *ammo.. .
71 aqa fault dartleta
• mahrei taut+ rit a rs. oral** pm ,
• iam. — Jabal' al Ott sad dmesiml agars. U.
e 161. 1i0rib...A.• sad TIMM/.
irritvota h.* tt...!ag •
• •••••••• b• Yuman&
AND omit, to ALL was or mi.
-PitlslErgb; Pa.
imerbeir %t art mbrikas .vory . looollt ask it, 10.1
nab sod MVO.: 134. N C. 24 rd 00:
• •
011 i. Bagdad. 1% Stott -
prriziais aid Stranger. The wisp to op .
) to. oo "zee, aellesto WO Oka likeetate, et •
M 7 toodeest• peutio,ll Lod it to tbelets4riell to coll
414. tea 407/7 et { • Reiland. atone; seltailett.l
1 4 . 3 . Ltw00 pod.. .1101.11X‘ 611,0 Of ilk
I threat ova beet • Silo owl 331711049 emeeromo ,
waded Orr tie. woe.. 1111.6 Ibillsl44llto of 41.0 Moot
etesoefitt idod. oat Yooloat 04Ottte0 potoOt Of Don
n e r .. ,
vette ea Trarttowel the slob:motel IWO
kliadek.od 1... York. OM 4.l3atliere *Marti to lee
oda to to Mo. potroottol AR. •411. of Now
nary.% .1841444 tt , &MUM. Vlach Ms Wien been
ReeiM arm e l l o.i.tltittlt fit ed , TeettiOttlrat'
NO.-47,11 47, Yll7 STREET; Ngiat WooD
Noir • opening • large - and - Windy new
etcelt of lanarte4 sad 3pNua Oulets. Sosidbersilh
ontyt.blag anally tee t Ouppt SW* at W knot
A. it. 110LAISS & BR();
btrocipor to it. r. Nelson &
• . matauriefultras • •
klATlDl4l4oll,l4l l aLlgra!s, deausr DORY.
• nrannizois. P IL
Muff. I%MWt •tnet, MIN door atom Ilmlikbeld,
4110,411 weak warm*/ oql6l to Mir rizahatuld. .
eitl26llll/121121120,1)0113141M of rittaburgli
esuuti. 1.. SAILIJUILL, Batt.
Er lulUUil ZLOLL /MP •NW 4111111.11 011 !us
ouzo Asp außM3lll9f. 4BID IrilIUT/4
air Mesta woad loge NI adapt • SI suit
proned Shwa. e/ Ma MA 110480 NA VIII41170:1
an.l riuN 'tram&
• Is&Ere. •
gooda - -
Os Wolof*:lor, UN loth last, b rho Dol. Ma* uor.
dooftWr of rho Isto Dr. llforry atoromo: • ,o ' '
ifirTilic Frioads.or Temperance
Authr Invited to *Mod Silleedinfi tro ba WO, pi too;
tan itooso ot tho Prat Prrb►tetloa Obottb. Os itinotor
.tomb[, tL 78thtt reptotk. 001. itlritr nulls sad 11,
. -- •
Maid Who ; of the
Al Wind ACEIRP4 Coot nom (MU 11.444414 riotistaxpl.
Muth. Chlisdoearr 01•4 to Masa silt piss* but
eabbsti encelag, tn.* , Ketlodlat. Psetsituil Oh t.
Zut Oatomoni4 £U.g 401 clti. a 10Ji ceaSoelt.'fad 00K
deleek,*.p. sk:Oir nth ItlN4' 160104 hilegut
aura, Pittstamth. .Tb• Wale mum:lush* rota*:
TilS ill Pf., lIENRY: GUARS; of ?Alit,
. till etre, kiefirst fade» Were the Theriegtklee
~...60, Lihremy led le husttahk,enTelMidei
Malin Wit..tutirmrartis UALL.aoseeseseles et 1
dentin. theammeellt modern( We Lettesee,-ee
ww,-.lst, Bead)e,: X. We" 07 the Betellthh 141,11a1
meta, ealtin , ed Me: 41.h.The Wrenn! estemila reta
il.* end Faeultleel 111 A. the Marklllav Rine lat .
g liticrie io he biam 1 b r p.i.i.,,,..., koig gh - s
rn.llinnberellehehite eeen• siakAiuifijyylleo
ciumv. • . • , 200 vt .. .. ...210
. ' Viet. e firt itingtiteettu•SOteehl... '-'
IntIt r I L WIMILL- L,..,.
Wu& hOp t 0--froat 0 1111-101011 Pilo ILAN'
ft. •p• 'lOO 111.1u.,0 /11,1qoa whisla
An Woad tr rick Imessnal,, 61401T•ey law
tor sok apolkollas shwa tamMati-- , , -
• , ~ - - ,T1.1110. IL 111111$11ALL, 90 10
. •
t n.
...mitt, AN s
.ki ghts 912
, d
.4112 42111 AP
mu s%
Newt *Ow
do - Taxo nALL - ,
EVAGY made Olathing ofa superior make
caality. sallable tor all ... thma tares sews
tn this retabl=r.. 11 ' t 4 =l,1 2 a rralli=
miworetscL larimilaksmall redact= saioriareu.
7 Ia 111•Tallaltuullee Wangled to.
• mit -
. GLASS -400 Oozes snorted,
.. i .t r a'byJAo )8 1 7 8 9135.1.... 4
• • •• hubs • luso um , ti , ent of 10.1[44 •114 Mont•
..11181s Ibr tale lA.. WILLI AM MALI. Tble , l
.30 13 - • .Matte Butt of Pittsburgh.
7 100 I Havana Cigars at Auctialt.
ON Monday oftomoon„ Nov. 16tki at:. 3
Arb * & ' • tr . ll 4 b l o b boi n TriCeir 00 f W nVer et 'wd
41r,.. t v&n , T.l7V`:=lrl"trl'l, 11 "` an.
bleb us Solikr the biuntka o..eabwsind comma.
nol3 ►
P M PAVIA, AssAloa.
30 Cases Boots and Shoes at Anctkau •
fi N Tuesday marniaa, Nov. 16 th , at tea
my,F i l:grh u rA• 4 „ . .. ; .Mtal kt gales Mean. arm of
20 awe Pooh ant Shesalwaspdal ma =a i r Belle
Ulla and One Poeta; do de lined aW
Woe:moo, and Mon peeved mud awed Peons% dlippere,
ae.,aa • .
mlAlen.. 60 Oa, Poet and Shoe Lams:
- P PaylP,Anetlome,
R Sweet.CorD.
%•ostim, Split reit:
Ono Odd , : '
OlacinnaSlln: •
• W • IgritelatrOlt.".
?1 1 ' i
i t r~~r
- PEOPosALs POE GUN crauuees
, .
... .
.. , ..
, ......... •. 4
, ..:
'Nonni 10. 1662. J
I,IROPOSALS wilLbe' L reoelved until, and
iii_ leololloir. the 10th ot bowsober nest. for Rye 800-
Ilred anoplet• eels of White Oat Gmodlerdare Timber.
each at to be oontOoOd of the following gamet e els— •
Te Osevl s. 4lelk te!w d, tenta, Ilf Inzldr, 1 1 0 t; Is j, S , t . !dok.
TOO t: 1 .'1: 41 ? ‘ 3: . Itt :111 I'l 3:
Unt, do 44 do Slif. do • le do
the, , do 44 do • lois do I do
000 "do '47 do Silo do 0 do.-. •
ado ' do 46 do ' X do 0 - - do
Two •do 178 do It% do I! i do 0
One do .4. do /9.4 do lb 940 do
Ma do -do do lot . do 1d ItIO do
,Usa do 0:, do tat. do It 640d0
' - The a ineatemed timber east to delivered to tbe
lui lend it progorboas. at the aural Arwood, here nes
,ah I atoolete ems at the United notes arsenal at Wo.
L. t ..44.:=C1N1 ., 041,4,5e1t . at tto Ualted
'AMA 41,, 1 , At t ".. 0 .1:7: 1 1. , "'Er1'111f. 7 111.."= °"1 :1
xr to. u. 0 t"-aral 60 oompleto add at tho Vatted
• n on atonal at :MI :ohm • Cam not, T/rithde: tho obab
ea ae {livered ca or before the 39t 0 day of Jose mat
Oita Ms •111 be wafted for the dottrel, of .001.
5t* TV: ;LA L . , r ib : evi Zig •l a I d o I% 1 r:P nrct , tv.-:, 1.,• ir
the soda of Join or Pelona tbe trot of Detadderia3
the a ale ot blurb, and sour be etrelght greased, are
Mar p mord oat Imo adtte e ehak. sort math or lute
k ano tram Cho ewe/abeam snort.' la Wee. of lame
et. kth ammo , be pateared free from lb sed It most ell
woe es ball to lb. 'limeade= above stated. It way be
delle Mak
be to Mao. ottlala the period above nem.
n o s e ir all .111 be dilly Inqpraiid tad ....m.4 0{ to.
a g antser, or other
moos. al ea*
arm wed. trammed sad • ramired. to. dauttAllee fa
ri . tr u atal pad aairdt h lr II orate eels, hot IN Mel
11 hi lire eratZaa .4Vill la tetalneTy tilla k ted vases
alt hem:dna Is masker& 0 the mama so re
. offl Oa told tel We arsine:don bat II trill begotten
es Ilared Stalia, If the ecotraelor fall to total !do
.t.• lbw farther partionlaro as So losteetles Cr otter .
..:r dri ft " by taktersorldtbadlots_aat 14 otelf.
j j4Zoorease to the aosomadlog 0 a ,
16 eoalavetlbr th{ aserw meatinsed Umber will be al
kd bo . I .l9 9 balmaare4 bee lb. emitesdot to
ao tslert 1011.1...9 Wilkolg oarless.
la • dad la dee OD boa tble ram' •
.. • ...lean? to web atita i =l4l22 adobe sada bat
16 / ..
lards 0111 . bre;ratbd b sealed eare/Oto od'
4 • • to tba elsbarelber, sal mite.' ..Powporall ihr
Una 5 • Teloy.*
~ lt. at 011.1110, • •
. • -to *linage.) Caborarof Orissa.:
's ur Ist ung Goods at, Auction.
N Satordsy morning. November 13th,
, to VoloNt. st DiT Clocdo Ilona of Jasow
Ken •t. tenor of IWO% sod Ifosrib airoofo, mill basal
vltbart.le..r., hts Win ate* of Onstlonoolf Vanish
lag Gaols, whichakosa bleu selected •Ittooil da
aal p for
r=loirtoo awl Cotton od=ta ir atof romos:013
;1111=7:a Vofroltel:42:=
Lostomool sad Witte flow Spa flrold COMA Ow
at litr a tle tii .tu a. •
ba•II Davis. v.enca....
A' POSTPONED quarterly treating or the
itretonnoreerrat .UI lie held at Vilma.
....Wan. mils& We 11.0 toot, al c.d. ck.
ULM 111. ellaVlL.Biter
=.l . l . 4 . r . l .ticto tr aramtlurital the
! "" ai l is art lardttil ire"'
—CiArVY m
al undo 4151
Zr."""." 4011
1101.1. BUTTER-4 bbis. Obooos Roll
g , I I U R• . 1 " I " ha th.l l F . 14 t". 1."
11V 8K8-4 gagitai
tir dia lrair a . l .. e gwerd.
INALLOW-s,btas fcs.slo by
tAit-43bbbi. raced. and for
ma. kr 10,11110.11AZIOUT a mutpnY.
:5-45 bozos - Pare Appl7e, o very
ztri! llllllo4r.
INXQA W--10 Me. pore Cuter, for sale
SipU Rid Brown Sway kis con.
as •su
tijay orermior Chainmras
" 11 " • tuunterron.
, LicroOK of dm re Sherry, Matslrs,
by • co mignon.
LARDS suortenene or Reek. Robes for I=l2l a coixamsoo.
t I NSEZD 01L-40 We. laming per am
Ri ar","" * .ritnl 'worm' a co.
.VANILLA b... reesiebm
1 a "" 6111 ,eauss A CUTCM3O3 CO.
lOTTON-00 bales to satire. for ula by
J WS: Wow sod • OMAR DICTA('
• /MU Mi.
ALP". br 11414# mutat •
c :Valuable Property for Bile or Ilia
ILIE endersiened will tell or rent the fol.
IMO 1111114 .ZLrik
11111. 6. 1r0 0 Z t u ßz i, =o"•l44/ ... g
glo era; of Colsabraa. Oalek,
flaw% bat vow A...0W s i J flatam.
Intl al UM analabloo •tast Woe kaadrul arm, molten.
r. 4 arm U. nester/re aatMlq Woe Um
***tee 001.6 bo moony bmi eftelal ealimen
W1J1111141 . 1114161/3 by 40 WO
Iba . tkr-• MO.. be
Its brir Lta•••=i=ollet_,4 - 4te.
sw. et 311ortMei bol4o. alb I oe• ne•Pri M.*. TU. ILI
ow luk vsgattizro wow V III .1% glits pr 4
li.a4 l" Vdtd ft/ ' tielaos . :geisr L 4 ex ° 7t
41.110—A an l isia rani Mr mitt,
Nriri an Lb. Lab
son r trus=.
Weeds la sale snral !Wu e1...a/
TN. propprtr,a 101 b. 1 , 1.44 Ike
'.. "..11".X4 c e oo pnvigm l. 7 a
1 P , • r " 1 . 111• • b
as 6lp7
wit 5 .
. 2 fand ibu ..m l4
a..ft. Ps (.. 11 • 4 01 A,L
James A. So Dzy Goads Store at
m lf... l4l4 n a rftr_ lsth az
fl.z.:..r. ' wour Mau.=
7 a
flolondfoVArtaik Cti erharger• tire
-411 Ifongolkot . ?too --rg
~.rtr 'l, l ttit h=
Posfao. tno
001 l OW& Irma , ono= saki - ijia — foof
MOW 44, I= 6 lomo=lijortool 1133
i ra. n01 ,4 1=4 ukate. Iltr sad
LOVE till7r•olb.b. and =ow Mom IZLotki tit
toT, 2.0141 oohe ppm. 100 real*. !Nos or.. Kilo
looootwat of RI.
Woo 13 " "P lIDA I IL .el ran.
adattgetchlori Xotlee. ' •
11ZTX.13 o 8 Teettunntuy, with the
b..g gmLol te salmilemlll
of iMm aimewa
1 1. al pour
masa ages Wart MI MMlMf i sm
i112,21.1111Mm.t.M rm:
POWS , . • Ti
uataiavall • ••• , . .
- Notlea
bETTIOS of iitholniatrados on.tho estate'
soaps it4tozad. alb
ar a of li aot4 ft==a." * ..=Are
r bw irl onru.
. . autiinst•
tookily aw
• • lone
tN flotatisy oath %No Tußbsi 13 th it
3.1.1x4M.A D ILI . Z sl oattZzr,::
84.phig,1 nErs , .m
U 4 4 4711 1 4 "" 4
e aa• ;
ilL6lß i ronaargr= i
Litta: 16 11 1 . 6 ”64
i 'haltr 1 , 1421 suusi • •-•
0. a• sow mg, • " mis 6; ..
- (h. tailea a ow p.m606.61,1
Irsra Err .P.:•=as v 47.4
'''''‘="6.l=ltur.. dim.. •
MI 6.
my..6,4larTs/. 66
tfi brio!! owtamot of laus yr*
, wawa ha Usl. wortarl. ara
u sil 411..1 1 =
Ilia • 00.. HHH 1.64,4„ , arbor Weal sal etrarte.
Hones at a.a apa
ft* S ATURIJAY Num 136,1
a.V1•4114 GMIC cganylw
Irsrebagli. lef Elm Ja n. .= ,...
. • .
. . . .
.. ...
-•:•, INIrGLOIII73IO 1100101. '•-• .
• Co.,
, - • Edmond Waste & C • . •
— L
-11E11.0114 NT 'TAILOitB;..
' • • No. '186: %AU* Street , •
IRE in 'receipt of their Fall Styles; also, a
=magi • =aorta:oat or aad atm& goods. to
sag roam sresr_, fai th - go • Oomfeestiaga. Pala far.
had Mira lagyenb . glauga r y sts4 Pilot coma, of auto..
*al wry aog gaagUag Gotha of lb. bag eater. &al moat
laraloaabla maga. for Drag had ffoolfbata. . bda Hut
Carta:gm ad Domktaa . and, fancy colored Oast•
iamb of algal, bre
Vedisum—aatt mono. of lig gsgast Avail. aid Is
saga ratistg. if both." an tagatatial aagotsgatto
gal& a. tag the ablation of oar engtoornmad the gob
lig sad beg Imo to aura tams, that all Cloths nada
of Matadi be of abatallof style. mg at moderato ;Mom
B. A. Pahnestock's Vatitifage, -
. • ?ma zuni—huiwas,•soi,mt .
A. FAIINSEMOOKA 00.0entlemen:
*Barba _acted kr loamy year. u Utast fort a ral•
tor VaMraga, I roaxkler It Lary dew to bear tro7
L. •ry to Ito valuable qua ll tior, sod roam urdatrd papa
ty. la all that It futons to bland la onodelorrd
by ail wbo Lava lord It. as an loulaaW• family madielna
Buyaufolly, e. El ROLM..
bowed sod aold by B 3 ' , MINIUM= S OM.
" comer Wood sad Slut di.
rTH BRUSHES—A Bea assortment of
i o nsliah Tooth_ linalpciost reedlr
- W/I 41t 00, IA nerlint at ,
and le Ihnlttlektativai
ImE4wxww 7 mi
SILKS, B.llllB— Another large invoice of
Ito*TaTabiaateala black 141)ca,JastradJ at -
.cipened at A
lbws • 00.'5.• toratlful am2ftent et thou
Bad la Owls. somortal tot.. 001 l
VIAAW-30 bbl.. EL. F. Nair. • _ .
• S " • .Famity •'' metl mi . amigo.
aad Carla'. by • JAIi:A Xerrititl; • •
nolklt . , • • 61 Watat.treet.
ifor for alborostial Polf Latraetlos oat Mo.
etooo le l;;s1 81IdIr i or Bale.
T rofozrolre efr o .r . 2
It .a oronhost wort. Prim 60 ants. Dalt
A PPLES-150 bblo. of tho differint %trie
rs. toc molted 10Y WI by
mil MOM. %Ur Argot.
W INDOW G LABB-150 bui. B by 10;
Cur oasts br 01:11BRIDO■41, Ix
mil As 116 Astor R. and Ito PIM.t.
SUNNY BAGS-1000 for sale b
PAR-50 bblik for sale by ,
.st 0011.3111D01t 12401111 AM
too Mantim Powder,
- • Soo Doer as 4 d. Y. MAE
Ws by "tr
' ?" 7 . A nitwtfirli L. tai
• 81•Woo4 amt.
O r T ir -.'W ilVirr * T).ll 7 .Mq ,11,q
Pablmrgli -Trust and Savings Company;
ikNeleotion for nine Directors, to erne for
the *lasing 'ltett.• will be held at the oat. et the
tummy, es Moeda. the =I lest. !steers the howl of
10..tate3p. JOIIS D IipULIA. • .
halo= ' • Acteary. •
firldzicamria ehogld hoar in mind that
J. KID Lea. Wroth. bra soortrovat Illaiklag hos
rite rind' MmDM to to band I. this Olt : - 010, wroperlor
M k of
attic Walk Shot. rpm* malCris Noilno
WI Meg.). /Jut need ye strta*r Mayemor sad
tar ale by .. W A IlgetAING W.
• N4:16 tlbrtl
to Yu. Whit airo. ArmEynalto ironf at rrrfnUlal.
otstturkly borlorr bor. woks. of ha
lie for several ira— ..14 wort sr • median* Mr thr gonna.
ty, I tan .00..64. Co say that If nranabol by your
ter Oooyeation. and ylrolod by car &nom dtl
cow te sby Alto I Abell dyyoto olt thy the fidilandirabargs of In douo. 11th orDo
rsobt •ffort m munt.4 good 004.0 ob 4 1. prom. thy
morals of Omyouth of ow denby lb u mason rf thaw
*obi or po/lotio. iribt trimy that two brooms an aril of
1 ...f° 101 10 1004 . • I boo. ..V.4 ebars. by yam moo
Mambo.. sot loth tower IN. peek* of Demons boo ,
' If
?AIM r=44 , 1 1, 7= 7 1
lordab ars • D. PAURY.
nressuborb Noy. .1183 ' ...orlar Ur •
••••-• • NEW. SEED' ST.ORE.•,' • •
. .•
• • • "Ws
11AS opened s•seeditad hOrtiCIIDAMIt t
Warebamee.lio.42 FLU sexamilen with
mmbwal from • lam imam: expesimea
e, Me warms thellealjaot pszolts.Semillho
wen bet tto abolmst nob Seeds. IlreAltreek.Orestars.
rusty, Herm, hole:amts. ml ha the MOW .
O••Oly l.reay..l.' be .111 wady to DOM ace .
ori ar.:1 , : r tb.5.111: , 11:1 . 1s tomes Ito Wm. of 111 , 3:!te: :
Office of its Delmer. IllinfaislSifety
PriIIiDILPLIIL, Nowaehr 14,1852.
Yrillg Board orDireatora have this dey
eland et cot, to of
aa . the
Capitol ateek. sad la
, mr
t za IS the i eetle of the wes t .
Er r n annirraire i ems. Zt r ie 110:0 4 :4 t 1 :43
law; Oestiamto els 4 5111 be hoed ae
to War va41.11 . 14 ts tin Babe
WILLIAM .11 !ATM PaseasaM
• he. W. Cattae, Semolary. mleuthe
lielealag Sale of ahtibie
VVBirmingharn; 'Enid; Birmingham; and
Seat% Pltlstli. ea bidet Wtereseas. Mem at
elect.,st. nerg Compeftel &see San, boner of
hood - d Meta etre*, Win be sold without mane. •
hrs. taelietle of dominate , RWLIos Lot; of Westboro..
ew Is me sle. betestbe,.. bebeAW.IW!!!!_•.I.OPM
Wes See pr
iedGester, saasmnunog
W..' Mimes.
W4tin Bola, seem Au
•urt;:ai..v *WAIL We tbo property of tb is or
tete. smite, ledscearbste than me nee osals
alma to Mow erldtbst_to Isms; to mes eecate,"shieel
mast Utsfere vary molly Ist Mon preer.a lot. lomat
at wrests "Sr. bare slreso ho no sold at ear haul
bus peollt•
Tao we.-01.11prile eweb.rild•• be times meal aussal
Tolra.ste. sub • Y. 0•7115.. bar*.
lIAY INATEK--itztra quality, double
414414 IV a u raezt mar .z . 114.V . V . y .
sao mod 16 ftlitairld
IOOPER'S ORLATIN--Cooper's Sheet
RIM Clelatiar. Cir.lll Peastlba
poi n 1.111LW2 •
ad 14 OD II Volum 4.
]DR.bwrole vim Nat Polairme - • •
4 INlSe sla ew eI"M12111:111 Cit."
INSSZDOII-15 bbis. for Pigs b
iadifiltATUS-30 bbl .. .. d 75 bro. for
63 b• bale J SCAII7IICLA,
14 1 1811-30bbla ' bleetish;
.'au tress ' •
ID lEbbla. " told a. 4 Orr Lr
• • 101 l 131111Dtaul.
KOllBBO--thusalne Abpainiaa Kamm,
L FUVUD I . Ir it 11~ oL.will •
IaWANI4 Mist
iitUSlN'Psurs--2 bales rjorsiext4
riWW- ARS-2 bales for
Q „-
IL MOLASSES-46 bbl . for silo by
• . N•le • J O.IIIIIMD.
ITN DRESSED CALE' SR 1118-2 M for ralo
kr laalSl J 1101113111.1).
PrTriCarre - M2411-300 irift• Aa ll muc
A .
•lb barrio Ifollisb,Mbybot •
4 4
•• 114 4 4Frim rbblinsmag. sod by
al* lir J 1 SlarrAllit
sciply 4l. Wax Mpg.
""nV u a.oa tmah lognaur
Nwrigst., " lbrAmipt i OusLint • on e
mai ill Mataus Gad n.
200 bags pikpaitltithilegrd
PIpOBACCO-10U bar. Yu and pound
""' " br PP Warm aam
y. uysoa. antiPoider
t ril • lii7el°Litiela {2100% p ea • co.
‘2041.-130141. Rada Sail.p for sale by
la •
.co • St MlVlttil Oa.
TODACCO=6O kep 6 twLit. far te: by
no BPS V
001(Wat • T .FLOUB-40 do. In don
Itorlaalir. lasi J a /LOYD
W&9- dOO tin. wooded sisal Window
ohms. mo* snarrsaa
.D. Rooms—zoo dos, fay sale by
uitlLANTS—filemia Nb fo b s
DRARLABII-2 tons It Pearl:nth far solo
It by, Nal -OP SUMS AM.
AAr3-40 0 pins Oalana Leif, landing
La ""a b( 4 ` "AVM Irgbal% co.
GIAICT .POTATOES-15 bble, rau'd end
eur rr a ierm £ iurvm. Tla e 1 Watet.
.r te valalbanCdbAq 4tlost _
yrn,of,rrld 13.r.r4 171‘.
be...Two ' MI
' gar.. 17. .
ND haw, to wit, November Bth,
tiff. Os want of ta• Abbr.. ,
Ora Lb.,, e.a• amyl ag lbw SW. It b tam.
p.) sad taal tidbit move. be I
taw mesa nom U. wig 041 alb* &bath day w Illolanba. but. By
• - •
- meal /UM Pretbadotars.
4:=3o° A lc
5t0 1 1.444 fui
a.k.w," toZ.:llbant
12 maw, mum
3itt o • ...0111he IE4
• ihnisai•ek
:•• •
t , ""r"s- mow* • twins. lia.u.=,•
- :Nue ß "'" l l.V"c e "":.l.3 K
rMr . 7M
.10t CPU O. POSTEII--....„.......—..Li55t Jun mo.n. -
.1. P. saztairofto —era. r•ama
4'Dows a way PM eclat: P•rfonstaltass teasommt
t 7 o'cleck.
• • • • - PllO3 OP •
W •
. •
Satent.Nontob4l3.theterefonter.‘ l l l o o 4 l lln.
tellh the art Ir. nrat...l/led . •
MARDI lIIAGUIRZ, or th e bold Boy Nth.
r. A Monty W.
nnum . •
• - Maar •
• A fur trnleh
1 11 e
•Ur. Punettlbour
WO. Ad.inkls. Dunn.— • •
. Paddy s • narniker • -- •
• • - Wltb no.of itlLlntiliDnlteg DAY. r
• ern Min.
To antelndesiththe Inannebn. rm. of
• • TalollllllloB. • • •
...... .. ... Irmin'n.n, •
peer In. Imaellent DW.
Pieter/I.ot Mr: and- Kryl.: & Iffillanen for 004 tbe
•• • . • AT:PBI LONGER 'II4I.L, . :
-Aso inot - cortoitia rinse sitatao troto.'orroza Rena.
-1711BRAORio &e es :froio . $1721-
Kj..Turs World mooraa Ali. 7. of • • •f.
Ms trots Maul awl Retaaritebli Panoraaia. mot
r i alo i rar
ILbicertortnemitiejtunezr v
in arm=
o lblUd b the rood *
I W . -
• 400,000 Person.. •• -
Th• coot or thin Sablica Work of A rt , woo arotra
In no tool onsawis fecoas am of the ltrasitem
Moral Sod latollectreol liotortobraosto OM clonal took
Anwoiorn _ • •
Socotra' rondo and doortipliro Leto.. ocecoopacy
Panorama, while mortar, • '
iirlooro open at 03d o'clock. to ectnaissee et
AtireArda of Adademma 26 eentm utdidno odder 12
Prlolod Oreilsrt, abating the terms stamOrblett
Atiluool.2 SIM admitted. edit In Watched to Tosshoriand
2oporlotic4clo. Mac olndleatko at the 021ra._
- . .. . I. Orpitities Fair... • .-- i
WM loOlies who here been for semi tide
41 .
~... ..s uns tludositroar tor the doititoto bon.
=MN in LANAI'S /alto. 4...1,'" Om:1r
NII . r titth. oral UM tboy mill. contitio• It lariat wont;
leer otter Wm:boo of ma Wu. to tom aids. s. zed
itisi , expeet a• Mew patrooturo InaMa -hump* amid
gamma% The aro slimy disponi" to slum t.toit
UIV 4., the porno." Ye dotiltatatotottfai . ..
t rariks imess BAND 411" 14 tn a ti
noting Marino tho wool. Adoillidicrirld entts. and
. . &
t .t.
And the Merchants, and Property II Mere
atonally, et Ills Town and Oinnty. are hereby
AM,. banned that Ito undersigned. alibi duly anew.
Led hostel paid Me. le at ell linuee.teniewed t IMP
Pan da re
et Inaaneee,' analog every lannsble D..
Rosa - OR %wool RE -
'F PRE,: - .:-, ' t
asap {
11181:01 . 01 0 NAVIOATLOS, t 1--
Oa favorable teems. Persons ineuLlittit
use. Pad.* no.ea es atsissosuisse am 'lio
n, am awn:net and est/afactoff - savetztant,b sow
clal Trml.llsw Agent,= hantsdialely deepalthe4 4 l:: the
lame. .rank coweartently with th e heal wand.
pail hen In bankable thalla--ala. Amu* fay vett
lbw. dismal-ad at =Tent ran Of !Won't.:Al: I.
. . Agat for Pittsburg' and Mks y-00-
(AROUND NOTE-220 bags tourilja, ror
1.71 aharr- 184T4 -
111 MCKIM it 21:14_
- -
-1. !madame usettorat ol th ese swell sad:446lm
b Woe. barojast pan reed br • • I
tarB -
LlLANNELB—Blirrphy A Borafiehl bare
,••' • www. u • ...*=ll
W. Ouse hum, , "
robroidohnl.) Mkt sr
Thor haw Woo tee
Intl* thholl. ha
Lji 11 coos 1
IrtrM - M`'.tt7l
IrIANNIN--100 cis:for sale by
boa - It • VAINt3SWY k Etl•
B u t? r" titz
ODINV-200 au. Ram/Mimed l'or e by
fIOURTPLAEITM-20 gross &no . for
/ Wel Z A FAHAIWIUX • pO.-:.
gIUM DAMAR.-2001Ee. fer sale by i
rit nail ■ • rain:aro= a 40.
I :
nUTTZII-9 firkins, prime bosh, • day
real.aad fee br 0111.111111.
lISKSB. this day reed, and for sale 4;,y
aa am, 0 6 COLLI L .
STARC • —4O b • t
es cab by
Iwo II A cou.iits.
sadOAR-4 hhds. prime, on oorMelant,
brisk by Ira] UR
A' ere Row seadas • bratlral worpart offneelt
%Gram retba ma anima& k.rti wok •
Imam Cialas.o.lsam•Aus..... a* • •
ENNKT RIBBONS-75. CipatostAL uo
amehtyks. Wemit
A A %AWN & •
fa newts, BRAWLS—A' Mason
oralidtion • Les+ sat
meet at oil Urs spiabesios maim etro
Mmls.eclasrrialse lhoths. (keg a.l •gesn) B.
CLOAKS, CLOAKS-25 more .or
kJ Olatdrosbkr hod. Mel% fax 'Pei *I
ova • • IlitOtlatU
Dasnenvotna;ll,oo t0.'520,001
R brCAROO & CO,' Laverty/a •
. 11u... 64 Part ► tt Harr. bolas tor? re
Rem ear arreartrete. es eerrat eer
om. Wetter le ree. RS. tr ert ratter..
Wm es eitere• et war:- OW re•
mew eed leer Re reartelres. • . toreesserter•r,.
rrEAS--NOt the beet i ell 7 llll .
MI pe awl. It eel !terrier N.? ea el Ur
Le a te i t2e4===i s ig e s ji .. ... A 0 •
• Het Pot Bah River I, •
Iljr are oolloor to %Knee 146 WOW to Ito
ore toottoor abo bed or kit , hn to
eoli at tho litontri Dom{ a .ololunr.'il Ito*.
and nßa.w .lotorortow kelt to.raoroll
to no( es bans Md. ►
boat tkk
dult tad M..Mena
Amcor ob.* or totkirst lo Leo& "Oaks WI
Parlor_ " "Doutooloos of au litoo gal..' lb* . 14121t01.
Loaur -, a tlorgaboy, he. oaf Mom •ho Iv"
steaktip eboopenoVo that itelerho,
iIYtITER& Freak •Baltimunvi.o3
NS Nina 4.117 ( t, U= ll o.llo l %Wail
.; ri •el
VA RUM.. 411.10..).11 M
Pi ifil.loets.
QUNDIIIIM—. ." . , • .
V . o
Mt?. A i • '
.:VAtio . li t •
• to' Voto%/Ztolii.o.'
Imora .
t l o m o Ott. •
*I Tar,
-- •• • . • i •r"
Tv Beate% " • • • .
3 lets
attes de Ins, • " ; •
0.0500 Imam, • . : • ,
...t1 no4v.s. - •
8 beta. 00104,V1 tear:. • •••••••, •
to Lake IMI3O 114 . • • '
comsoTst : ;_klt.„!On bead mit* y
n 011111/11/liet II T i t" •
• • It Poster to Oars.
'Rigid sot wed tt Moo belt. Odt tta tomoildoi :Mete
a tt. R. BELLICIOI , 43It : Suffering from
•it cold *MI am stk, i. r trtilet4 Mod mist tto.ank I
t. 6 °Metall.' %Hitt, I Sul torbootott Oltb • botibe ot
&Ilene (boob altuot.... I Odalt It • dolt ova
to WU% too Sad iho no`. !a- to bottlazdAr4-
... that bad wawa] Utak,. ba.• olt
l i ebotaar b W . tot Itba lo
lt t I ollreg tb244.=
Ito Ilurtd. • prtottlist Arum at saw et.-1
ult. Vt. nu • WM. Mint •Itt .in loam
sltb ••alotroolt tomb. Teti.. U. wt. luto
Plea (*Moo mall aothe otto,:t.Uha glo ) mgt.,
tainatad ai,Xlll 81;1.1traigaMbvita
Plltaburillh Irma 4, leer • •
Pnwwl sad faaa s t . a a DRUMM
61 Ito. a...
FRATitrattr & liINUMSI7 •
9 th mtiantas ,
' • Was4f mad Iniratota
ABAY MARX runs wellin sines .
10 1 r-
la43ian &rind Wiwi; suitable:for a
. C-3.
A is inuaiiimaimutair.Ahrnwa a
11 - :.. !"..11.!'ltrallr.VawilliMICrwr".. "1-'
'me kowN% lof4f9lNWill7
At. . 1 tio• ''':,'.''
.Nelartentebliell • r..... 0 .. r.:
,111,111,TRS-150 gyp, -
-I t 7. "l`° 4 "'!."iikinictit i tili o .
. . .. . -
irstms..luu boinjibk - linfigt
....I+, 0 . .. ~. ~,..
CO M • "'"reViaiiiew.- :: - ?1-4 ,
/ 31?,",..',
%he , ,
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trio . c o -;
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.1;.,;4, - . .-• 11..4.: .Al . ity 1,,, m , g,.. k -',.:.:?' • .
~..k,,,q.,..•'.,..:';',_.,..),%:-.::-%,.'i.:'......f.=;4;44.4.^.""-s . ..._ •
1/Bratfi—Vreah Baltimore 14 If ied
ow, as, nurealimmerianam sad Tr
'lake MX' RAO Samou
Tratriesalloil ir au as now,
vs," 44 ." 0 mima sm Vow
- i • W.A.M'OtotlsLl
MU. inn
• POW nt e reitimpkMll Intik
to. 0 cult 01 Aigpt7.M
1011==fte /UM* Pairisb4,l6l64
. .
Whet , Mut, llndgeport and linadatiltakat.
iritErn Liar sad. somneth'iitesiter
. 3 i-x—cramrenuoseeatostukiistitims
tart tat.
iTe•ry ll.asuhir
Sue xallasse• LOAN vatkrely .•04•14 =re..
Pith ' - B.otpeavilltandlifbaft ,
- _ : Dail7Paatetl4;
g atii- sad splendid tilimartnlilarsit.
. ralwarnunkr ihni.
.2 m " r aMt ku cti ral, m , eta maileary_Trs=a' .
Il"rria., tui creket. ihm—lrstanlag.__.
.., 71 , ..,
st,° 3. 24 47, 21, 5vin - 1 4 4 _-"rf....w.•
.)--- 111r;e6br lasts littstmek . ._, - It t irlididert...._. ~....
nar.tbi &karts, allO 0...... • .. Z . 6* - sWertlisit. .. i
i 1.:0 isecrafkmi 0011",...,, V=",,pt 1, , ,1 2 '
rues .• . •
P....d 1 0 .2 bt"." Nig ht ta rarissioug.a •
13.112Hd au langliemm
__:.L. 1,,,„„t 0t In' •"•• aw • I
=ra h _ t ".1 BMXI iIWOrD. Aet. Ifs a wa
, .
I,eolt CINCINNATI --The Ilea
at aro Ileht ittstrallt sesames 11..
vg.-sraigg"tarsy IF L i , for freighter Istmcs s son Mud. sr= ' -
sots . . . ''
kIOR- LOpISVILLE.—Tbe firte- •
ui ellik
s t ont to a r simeeirua, Delos
.su I Issys Sbr the awry salbs_tenssetuts.
Vor a gighSeis rims.. - it; '..
- ' -' S.
.... A. 12
.. — ' LUZ a tliai:- LODI' The fiatsnur..-
" z it=a u g .
ti l Mun,"""M
InAtMi tat .:- : 4CaellakLqift
The' isikir.and ,
gr. otam Opt' .
• • • • ' 011 - 31.1111,014161 US!
'.l' 14114.1211: , i• ,-; 'Doll- -.
Oceditsa, lure • .
- The ass 'Mow SAINCMI3I7:I4i,; '
via Urn two- *bay sat s 0 TaeymrQlae. soup
e ' rh m m v 4l° • *. `" 4 ll. •
mid elevist Rimer P/OLASD
etainll4 . l 7 =rlll. km Or Um
ant saint ports_
. flelo . ilk.ino.r i M '• •
. . -
sruoimos. - -
AW;Gmunr PEILUX glisurizar.
, •
C‘!""r 114.1 r,k 6 00 1 *;
lER - WiaterTermlor this ~pdti(*tion w9ll
igs ! ller tab.
exusWant sialstmbh(sianutiatiiefibThable=l>
wbanktten. or bibtas axissetniMelbs babeato or
tirggrierß. ni t 1:1 45614, .! , ' d
pertleelfire, Cereelee %TO Ofifiiiir
J AIRY Reed RIR% AAR: senoula wan,'
ebsstr r.
elt7. b 7 r t
friabbibms lbw beretbrim,
• usionorts urFmonoixonmsotatir, t•
aonk to day deolorodd Vioiditod of
so , imam ow aim*. 000k,00totiooroloo":
elzatitmanikwpiqatos ummino.• • • •
••••• • - • •111 , H DlUMMembblow-
- • EiCHAICS NWt. 011411=101,11,
Aktrat m is . yri r r .. 4 °4l .4="in e nt.L ivaft ut
au.4.4). d .
Bank of y Pitabmib. r<
Ihtirdar elbeArei efltatrorleet
1.1. emits: stoek towiAJl.r.teastlmmhavaeld to
acekbaiden ar their
• OINIaiAL ineetini-of tkeaook*idirs
atarb..„4" TM!.
bpit.lV4.l Jmd rot sate —
Cambria Iron CtinsplOy;:'7
dui„. capita: stook
6 - sr of 'alb,' Ow *ln b.i.... 6 11, 11 .11ete.
Ilipaellbrase.qtb• vmd.letrissed.-
thstrtitiba histAndlbovurfighsrae•
knahmull :the valtod..
Gf Plomoul.ww•lth ma Kumla" taut* • Min.
irmrsri a rt=rlo_ *lran aims
of Law talopotad t05b...1. w"
ems =
' T iriar rf
r" to"
' C ML
; S'47 ?iautekll7l/
AV" Cbk !.nr eiga-.2 ? .4 - 6 ; L flg! ° • Mrs
II! 1:10KW BEAT PLOUR-Btikerfor Boa. . .-,...
es .
p ',bra Nat. an annaiLioat, M!** .ti..... ,. .:
I 11011.11 hall thaw? 4...lTll~porgar.. ... _
so 4 .Ow la•-. A deitb.7. 1 ' . . !..: '• 7 ~..
MOBS & :OA.KC3I. 7:: ...:; .q.,1; : 27:11:4 V:
zs b.:m..8..1am max , : .. . 6, "... i ,..4 . .,..!,
23 . .4.Axam oa t
7,VVlVimeire- i ...
. • . ao•11 .
•PPLE3--15 IA& green A
it WN; at our
ill. 'in male 'inert tir by. W &wag. •
SITO • OE-Etutrtyr Cellar „Iwo, and
gh r g t, 4 th rw rutirrigtilnrA . '
inaNTON DRY GINGBII-1 mai Dinh = Can
au Om err amara . asarg i m i usiaear c . • ,
LB-4 cks.:Win fitakiamiliftiaLs oi2;
WII/T/19U4!‘.... 7 .3 tchis.for ealetri o. • • :-
Al3OllO "L2O bt4s: -
TINGF.L.SO bbla ResaleM r ; ' •
II di: just reed for
by fawn J AMID !CO.
4.4 UP. OAR& SODA.I4,OOOIbs. for aJby ••;;.:::,
blasiliabowand. aadlvals.
bbts. juatorsed and for sale by
ULMER..2O him Joined 1 0 0 tar oh,
I oN 1 .. m • araizimoom 'O7 Utnto
:A PPLZI3-40 bbla jest reed, for par by
: J TS( ,17 300111 t. PA SOW If
rt. I THY BE6O-16 bblullootby 84
Si wit MAI lbernli Ibrado • -
TA WIAIST • CO,lll sal 2'.1 Inoue.
le*reed Z3,,:;tt
OAP-160 Us No:1 Rosin
Q ` q!men 410082 MOLABIIB.4,
1• mcjor,,,a-ieurive4.;.'.-:-.;
DIIISOU RAISINS-1201nieir" sa d'
&him Jurdisr• •
Sitri r • ""r^ . ...ilAgirre4o4
. L IZATU XI L S -71) esehit4oiclasalig from
*tan llvea tbr aaa
* seal - • *** • argaaiar. '
ESEIWAX-2bb Aimrsay trot i`
r. Amu Harm L. mitiv 0-
, Nita 4 r
iI H F : 4
4. ‘
i"aos* of au lara Charial aralatiCalag.' • _
No. Pa • Car- '
LetliVa caabaaat • ilatalata Jai Tama
tr. a. alitaisMlNlao.%
etila• Plat 66111041106. • •:".7
mAget • 00.,- G 2 im4B4 , lllaakei.:
gaZat. su Mar&WitVitaVat
Ism Pm units. tt r
itort a l = gle•tlims ralrat ir, ,,T=l:
11111.11 A• Mum • .00‘ 4 .44ikkaligkele=tet44';
• • evra • • , A A
.powisir—so casalajostrevi i
111 "'`! 1 "!•`"I'vizincueisitaiiiiteic
& Imam .wiNVOW ,PAP.Fitjur
11110011S-4tYdia... ,
_ . :_tfle_gliT4ble by
• .48.
GITEASI Molt '011}7.300
afge 0!.• 421•191liMitkitiant
friALLOIIIIIOOO by. .1 in Oats .11 1 4
; wirtl4.lll , lmmtv , inomii-% . 1 • „.
si arbtanoitk.':: l