The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 14, 1852, Image 2

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- ii:lisiviirtepnbilelied our table, for Sheriff.
correolidu `Mr. lebitinre Inefent/ will be
... ,soo. We base addicted the retsina to
...."1, - U r.
mlaut rigid scanthiy; and have not the least
i rsinbt ‘ of Mr. Magill's!' election by the majority
~:•t i, ds*.doliotsi, or something near it. We bate
...,.tlon'taken the bauble 10 make up bibles for the
-- CoWcasididittes, as we found it difficult to ob.
''" tale returns of them from several diettiets, and
Inirthatir,ts no doubt of tit* election of the whole
-Vfk"Waty ticket.'
* ‘7 ,4itials the absorbing o g
subj ° ec il t . of convemtion
, IRO of thought, at the present moment, andwill
toe until after the krtaidential election.
In AUlltballiCtianty, our annual election has
been cendattieitiedei entraordinary oirannabt.
lee- 'it . ' load &guilty of
_an exciting and sin
gular character, hal.peahly loft us the election
- of sk;iiiir, tuid hieguatly diminished our mud
. ...., majorities for Stets and County
• ticket. This
exr-ltement, drugs as it may Deem, so far over
rode every thing cite, that large numbers voted
for. Barker and nothing else, and great umbers
of others, au both sides, were willing to trade
away any ether eaudidete for their favorite for
tiherilf. The result bin been that our usual ma
jelltiell as we'said above. hays been reduced.
There it nedidag in this, however, to diseour
- age any Mend - of Gen. Boor; or to lead veto
tapper that we wino& give him a majority of
at least 4000. Them local issnee put, tad out
' of the way. we can now go to work with is dear
field and on Olin billet, and we have SO fops
avail of the result. Ova. Scott has always been
loud and admired in this region, and there eau
be no doubt that sifter the smoke and temporary
...,,., .... , excitement of the late contest he died away,
‘ ,...i?'Z the whole Whig party, together with tiondredi
't,..4Akif Democrats will be found shoulder to Amide?
• . •` In indoeille phalanx,' marching to the rile to
vote lbr Seca
But in order to promote this result, It is abso
lutely nesaseary4hat Is re have a more thorough
orginitailan, and to *fed this, no time must be
lost Ws mutt go to yolk immeiliately to or
ganise nod CanTalta every distriot In the aunty.
The aging to effect this work must, bathe/3*dt
'Clubs of the Onside, where they exist, and
:-- when they do not, meetings should be held, end
420n:instant appointed. Let this be due, end
,we s h all give a glorious account of , old Apes's*.
ay on the 2d day of November. 1. •
The vault of the State election does not in
'be lead alarm us, although our Democratio op
ponents bare been most extravagant in their re.
joiciage Wirdward is }undoubtedly triaged by
n windmill* majority, hiding had, it is mid, the
' , meet of the Tota of both Natives and Calor
' Ike ffolfman, whlg, for;Canal Comudesioner.
we YOPititti,dtscordeci,',hard. bat cannot de
: fiat Mil.' 'lnge; event ** see nothing to the
ratans ii nutiteUtenrreaderth. suite to Pierce
and libig. , Welielleii-teiteisyhada iitfiertabi
for 'artireutafseefe,' , sad although the vieree
* 0,1 4 lewlen 4 we - loomed Of exalts.
•-:.: -4444 t wait" - • 7474, -Yetieed 47, bet go to we7b
, Odlit'hitlitt ma Hirt =a on the ad of
. 4 .., , they will have the pleasure of seeing
•,. - ; - ..t 4 . 41 .41 "- ilv- , ' iil44 l4 l. 4 ienesend , if not.foint
:!'''l.*- 190 Wis, ''',',',.;';',."
regret to byre that Mr. Allison is defeated
in the Bever, Lawrence and Mercer dienist.
` • No better man, or better member, was in the last
Coagrem. We regret mush hie defeat
,m~~'f.~ ~~.
.?.~. _F(.~::
• .
_ Omit 7 .-The telegraphio retcans from this
State us fumble, much so tut we =pasted.
It if too istanust to add *Apnea, to sae how
the Video of the pirtiais relatively 'stand, but the
Indies** Cr. not in. Sailleast distinct's:dog.
- -:iftstlidnotizpsot, to Mari' the State at the Oe•
tobtr, election, Mat wi look upon it is safe for
. . 114.3f9ira.,-The ratan . ; for the 2ideongree•
*:,,.,010hal 41Ettlet, is tit indica te cecelled. Incate the
Altatian of. Mr. Htnie. by 'Omit .1000 majority.:.
i,' - This L au excellent ini,convidetlng the &stria'
Con cased by the Bitter defeat= to the pelt
. . . of thelMett*ltinrhltit he realm foe LL prised
-'' ' pal inajdritt-ind le very eolnpllnientiry to him;
. ,
The,Pott.iojttmaadr the roans In favor of .
Jades Woodyard to ray attention. Well We bawl'
.46,biovn.sitd Sad that the Native puts
of.thilattighis voted for. b 1 thus verifying our,
atstimMildri, -Were Amadei* proolivitire;
Thelf*t assints Witt we iled about Judp,Woot...
4u.d's Afillveikuu We waled aothlog but
- what is roved, whit* we were met by mere as
tart* sad abuse. 'Weldor "the Poor nor
Judy Woodwardlive been able to overt/m..11
stage unities We tut&
TlttrPoii of, YMtoirla7 boo Alto foaming
'Tun Voice op blo- AUT.-1111 wUJ.noogolso
tko follovtog so IT soothosot of nom Clay-4f
all ir►9 ones lbttori viten be 14 prolbr not
"T• Um . . ARUN of
Preddear of the - 13044 atikto k Ike Isestabest
aart.bave sore tissiiallitary anOtinads--Ite
lust be BbeAssaim. -
Bat what. spo il s . tie iiptnikr . .iif
tki POWs irgurist lathe fast that irtlEle Beat
Ms atosa . kimasifto te- di 'Manua as well as
Pima bee aoi iet, at; 'bows
tistiropsiesper eitkor of quip:to/um
aIUla, lib. Tvir•edged tooli
ikiNittm:nii4:.'iti. Pan. oat bah irsji
the lit. ebition of Judgelt . hie
totPMPlA•tailest,relaly in Leedom poly- Mr.
thd Loegfoto Wanda* IA Maly bra.
for CNif - 4110100- - Twa
all° al voted, .bar or whoa is • probibtr
- . _ Lagapao, tkrigit thy return • sra swell
umiak nub I. Tuition didleitely 'The
3 EltstalOsiordedlillammt entail talisman!
Uperels 1;a , aortiiir
-Ott*, Oat
.0 4 ‘4, - ,Viinno.
- * 111111 7 11111 # 1 !!Pl,i
• 2 Mfg - sr
caw Porte rot am Ilat-11445.11}.:¢4
b 0h1.1e 4 4. 1 ; 01 C D
p ~ N . 01 ! 4114
tine Golithisr,Agrallewsgiligiiii:
• •
t 44,
-: riiiii , oa rt .
4 :,,4 , , :15, 1 1
ans .
trcas ,
ia. k , Mit ocelittete tatterniitreav theAllativ
eleetke; on ihe 4th tiat.NVe notjet lti; bet
aline reinvid they MOW. a very Imp
, mfitanli; iniiiimitadillty or - a'Whlji =Verity
lln -)hat &Mt At ill mate the propane of
Goitit carrybig edit &lite ale ally flattener. be
timsoistesssithat SAO Stale he.-bson regarded
iymrsirsre so, , issetleiskig Armocritio: , • As fir
ii isidisa; the retina from Santa Roan eininty
&vett oder* for Geo* T. Ward, - the eh*
comildate for Governor, OM James E. Brome,
.. TIM lame noway also interne a ma-
jorityof iribestembers the State Boure and
Boyne of lteprendstivs, end gliesaTiOnitr
thy C. Cibell, ',Mg, for Coniees, over Augishaa
E. Maxwell, demount, _The; rehires fetus Es
cambia county slew s lemoiratie majority for
Geletwor sus nitObers of :the Legislature, while
for: Candle* the Whit eria6ldete runs 'ahead.
These °aunties here belittlers rated as follow:
- • • - Cowen 1860._ Prwildest 1648,
-- • -• • Beard .eibell.. Case "Tiller
- ' - Dem.— Whig. •
. - ants Boss . -100 168 63 , 203
1 5 , 441/
Adriess froth the Florida election later than
,thpre , Bgniee, chnfirm . the expectations Of •
whirr triumph. The Whig rthernatorial - cendi.
date is prebabli elected, and tro44 b 1 4 1 1 410 6 .0,
the Legislature are whig. What vilinot Florida
The &ebub,'o German raper published atllll.
Winkle, hie acme oat for Sober and dastum
With io easement of Ito groundslor so doing,
from which we mike the following entreat: ;
°Franklin Pierce, whatever merits Me friends
may claim far him, is, compared with Winfield
Scott, whom time and integrity are emblazoned
over the.whola world, an'obscnre attd
we can be Moder nO conceivable obligation to art.
Fiat n elevation to ticpgelty, for which
chime made him a candidate, • it the &epees, of
a 'hero who owes hie nomination eddy to hie
&seri& Eailpway, then. ye Democratio dem:
ngogneebicatue ve emit a! oor ;hackies: Yoor
Witted sal praise effect ueequally little.
This is but acymplom of the.chmtge going on .
among the Wortnato Voter* hie asi . of dip
mill show that they can no loageiJao led to •
tootle by.the Sham Democracy as Cheep era led
to t h e daughter.
The Chronicle of yesterday, pays a strong
o ,mplintent to its locofoeo ally, the rod. Itfter .
nononnoing Magilre election, the Chronicle says:
• There is one very easy way of accounting for
this result. Mr. Kent had it In Ma power to be
cleated, and would bare been, bad It not boon
the stupid course pursued towards the Whig
candidate by s t paper etyliog itself the organ of
.Allegheny County Democraoy.• It mired itself
up In a quarrel between Magill end Barker, and
by endorelog the slanders of the latter, not ,ouly
ietypeeted the decent men of Its own party; bat
neenaed the Whip to Indaitty In Meglll'e favor.
lied Mr. Bent pa a padlock upon the lip of the
Aft*..editore alluded to, he would now be the
Ihreilff of Our county. Theirjolaing handsytith
.he Barker; strengthened Migill, and alarmed
his friends, which brought about their ovarian-
Aidata'a defeat
BaararviuWe have the.reterne trait the
taroagh of 1:11altarlile: They Mead as follow:
Canal Coaualleaiter--Hopkina 212; Hoffman
Supreme Jadge—Woodward AO2i 9offi2gton
Coogreaa—Drana 195; - ffahaa 75; Graff 2.
Assembly—Elder 205; 111'Counell 70.
Conamiaslimar—Lowman 210; Armatrong G 7
'ileirThe Weeleyan Named Conference corn.
mooed its third session at Syracuse, on Satan
des. Bee, Cyrus Prindle, of Complain Con.
ferollCO, is President of AO COIITOIIIiOS.. The
Committee will render their enema report during
we present week. • -
"WA somewhat strange mistake or hoax
prevailed in Borten last week, in regard to the
health of Oen. Scott. The Boston Bee receiyeii
•iad published dispettles to the effect that the
tleneral*Le at the point of. death,. and could
not possibly lire twenty-four hours. A rumor
MIS even current that his death- tr.d ,ctually
taken Piece, founded likewiee on etelegraphie
dispatch to. some of the principle Milieus.
1111¢Iditla Dahmer° has done nobly. At the
late election the eddies bare carried every coun
ty in the State. „The mutt is s decided one.
lie snob aunt has' happened since 1840. The
Dentocreht, who professed canfidenbe; hare ex
portentea an orenthelming defeat. The Slats
WWI 'always safe, but at an Indication of the
state of feeling In the, East, the result is worth
doticing. .
. „
*Oho trial ot the 'Portsmouth bank rob
hire has been concluded, John W. Rend, the
principal offender, baling been sentenced to ten
years imprisonment. Charles Stratford, charged
:Ls an accomplice in the robbery, had a final ex
amination in Philadelphia on Saturday, and was
normaitted to await a . SeplilitiOn from the GOT-
Mirlbe citizens of Washington hare resolved
to protest against the farther Irmo of individual
or Irresponsible bank nOtes.
NO -The Collins steamer grotio has merle an
other quick passage out from New York. She
made the passage in 10 days, and, 2l hours,
which, we belie., is the shortest passage out
ever med., '
ogii..TbbideDonongtiWill case, which hat ex
cited to much interiet of late. is to be taken be
fore the Supreme Court of the Salted States.
'the late decision before the District Court de
clared the will null and void. It is most prob
ohle that the Supreme Court will affirm this de.
geldin adjourned Meeting of the British res
idents of New York was held on Saturday, at
the British Coagulate, to devise suitable Ines&
urea of reaped, to the memory of the Duke of
-Wellington.' It was recommended to Britieti reg.
ideals to wear the usual emblems of mourning
until the day hereafter to - be appointed for the
obseqales of the Duke. The Rector of Trinity
Church wee, also requested to permit the deliv
ery of a funeral sermon on the afternoon of the
day of the funeral in London. -
sigh,,k rattier Important liquor cameras de
cided In Boston on Saturday. The Judge ruled
that liquer.sold by an unauthorised person doe
not reader the proprietor of a house liable.
ikrcrupowilears of
_the Pittlbsizgb Gazette..
TA/ Amuse and the Election.
.The tut dose of democracy under Van Buren
'bankrupted the treasury, and brought the coun
try to the brint of ruin. The people turned for
relief to • Whig administration and brought in
flea. Harrison with that accidental airway,.
John Tyler. 'Bet a glorious Whig Comas our
bea John fora couple of year., and laid the
foundations for that prosperity which kabuki
The much derided pledge of 'two down a day
and met beef,' wair fatly redeemed. The demon-
nay ateptteck into power, broke down the tariff
of 1842,,and left the nation overwhelmed with
debt sad exhausted coffers. 'After three year'
of Whig Ms, we are again eintratooked withyoo
nay. The last month's statement sheink
pins Of about $18,000,000, and in another month
the tntantte of fonds . will be twenty million'.
The receipts from evatonts this decal year will
probably be about tho sum as bun, to wit, *ay,-
Per the Fever of ehctiting the Btatelg s . the
imentia; and the Oita of Mad; I append 'the
retinal ftnra the sir. p;iiltdpal Comm Uotupee,
foe the qusr.tein ending Bept. 80th, 1862 and
- 1861. 1852.
8 0 104.. si,92rLooo ;1,886,000
New York, . 9,637,030' • ' 10,216000
4284,000 1,897000
: .407,000- • 211,000
rataideitos,.. 179,000,, . 141,000
74 . 014.010, 869,000 -436,000
'',5 18 . 703 , 000
Met , 7 061,000,
• , , „410,761,000 =T516,288,000
Ti. pis io.+Lsgtmien ey es r Is half s calms
'et 'SA" trottlif -lisportatloss for stitstobet
veto massioottdly'llessy, airing to secktsitil
*raw on Wigan'? Ii
;NA , 11 **Ik• 44 1 04A 1 0 1 18 1 1 lug
~.,I ,4 l & l l• WitslAssokhrilioresas two iskbeirs
4401 . sta. *Wise tio*--beiddstritisf
*,S7'.*'l*.iiig# .l a:Ptiki* - .‘4* . iidadidi'or•
hlt lamellas of 'the eighty soillkess
elk debt* by Mi. Pei. Had Cowes Itt
ite the tigebdte anthinity three.fontihe of this
stun would hate been zlisbutsed Was purchase
of stria st the market rates. In this way the
lemma would hate been stopped on fifteen AM..
Iltin a s:of dollars, end the hard cash wad bars
restored to alinulidealisang the people hi
stead of beineloolied up al now in the enbtne
• Moder the enlightened policy which 'nowiprto
tells, the payrusnt of interest will go on, and the
oc•iniffil be abstracted from those channels in
which the trade and business of the cosmtry re
quire it to circulate. The ion of 1843 TM be
paid off la July ant; and possibly some void
siori will ho made at tho crossing session of Con
grass. for purchasing in other loans before Ma
Election news from-all parts of the country
eoutinnes to indicate a glorious triumph of Whig
prioeiples. I have just men I friend who hie
returned from s Hs week's tour through all the
Northmeesten3 States esterptlows, and he thinks
they lilt all rote for Scott. They are all break
log any from the - dentoerotto nonanstiene on
the question of internal improvement. Wheth
er my frieed is not a little toe sanguine will be
ebenn or dell! of &member. The Maine ques
tion being now settled, wo can well afford to
wait for details until that time. Juntas.
1.66, .p 6, 166 22T
-'266 - -864 :218 .
fda. 'Enrroa--Thicommenoeinent day of this
venerable institution, which has emit forth so
many men of renown, in the pulpit, at the bar,
in the medical profession, and In the national
halls, should claim from-you a palming notice.
The Rev. Mr. Brovrnson, of Wallington, tem.
porarrPresident, °Violated on the oconalon, with
much dignity and propriety. Thin* were some
twenty graduates, most of whom appeared ou
the boards, and delivered oPPlumitibe
spirit and. force. The Oreek salutatory
Was worthy of note, the valedictory touchingly
Impreml re, and several others trine:me of talent.
That of Thomas B. Reed, eon of Dr. R. R. Reed,
of If'sshington, on "civil and religionaliberty,"
wee conceded on all bands to be • tliteproduc•
title in style, and effeopiell kotlentidett.
. The Provident hiving preached's bireatlanre•
am discourse on the preeediug Rabbeth, made a
fen happy remarks dm conferring the degree of
A. B. on the graduates. Several honorary D.
D.'s were laid on the shoulders of Meer weak
mortals, among whom we remember Prof. M. P.
Airioh, Prof. .1. Holmes Agnew, of Calversity of
Michigan, end Rev J. hi. Scott: of Wheeling. .
The orercisee were concluded by an address to
the Alamui, by Dr. Agnew, of which a Washing.
ten paper thus sPeakt:' , Thoe. 11. Elliott, M. D.
tho Ideated epeokor, being unavoidably absent,
Professor Agnew consented to addrese the Atom
Once a professor in Weshington College, he
was of -course of home there. Wo missed the
pleasure of bearing hie aidrees, but are informed
by bun:Telma judges, that it was of a high Or
der, and Medicable to the learning, the hue lite
rary acquirements, and tastes of its talented
On the Monday and Twat's; evening!' petted
g Commencement, the literary societies wore
addreeard, one by the her. Ile. Moore, orGreette ,
burgh, the • other by the celebrated Alexander.
• correrronera. otter Putreurse deretta .
hittawoon, PA.. Oot. 13, 1852.
hsssas. Water & Co.—The result of the
Derry election shown an average Whig gain of
ou Buffington, Roffman and. Kuhns. This
gives no good hope for Scott and Graham.
" yours in haste, - J. W. Ames.
Ms. D. N. Warrs—Dear Sir—We hare mat
the enemy and they an oars. The districts of
rue county nre not all in yet, but enough to
hour that Buffington's majority will reach 400.
Howe and Roffman will be a fraction lower.
Our entire county ticket will be elected. Set
down our county as sum for six hundred for
, 'cott a. -at
The El Dorado arrived at New Orleans on the
hih, with sixteen days later advices from Cali
fornia- • •
Tho Golden Gate bed *2,000,000 on freight.
The mining intelligence continues very favor
able, end the 'pipers chronicle the discovery of
oevenl large limps.
Then has been tame • further movements
amongst the miners againet the Chinese, and a
public meeting had been called at Jamestown on
the subject. = •
..;The stemma •"Columbia" end 4 .8. 8. Lewis"
lied been libelled for violating the passenger
Late dates from the Sandwich Islands repast
the resale= of a emit= epidemic at Scuola..
In, width had yeti materially chinked buelneac.
Tee.Gosernment of the Rawlwich Islands had
promulgated a treaty of reelproolfy villa the
United States.
- Wo bon that orders were received from the
Navy Department at Washington on Elatorday
night, directing the cloop•of war Cyane, G. N.
Hotline, Commander, to prepare Immediately
for see, and to trail foe Hanna •t the earliest
moment ponlble. As the Clone had Just arrived
at this port for Norfolk, she was ready for sea,
end norordingly took her deputare yesterday
morning, and is now on her way to Cahn
We him also been informed, but not from a
source which enables us to make the statement
by authority, that the steam' frigate Ilisslasippl
has tern ordered to follow the Cyan., with .a
dispatch: We hare ao doubt, howerer, that the
report is true • and that the IlissimAppl will
therefore eeepedily take her departure for Ha-
The object of thii movement, although nothlog
certain can be known in regard to it, cannot be
difficult of coojecture. The treatment to which -
American vessels are now systematically szth.
jetted by the Spanish authorities of Cabs, ren
ders Indispensable the presence of a strong naval
form for their protection. The Cresent City
has been refused admission into the port of Ha
vana., entree ebe wilt drat dismiss one of her WE.
aces. The pretence of the Government of Cuba
to dictate to any foreign vessel upon such • point
as this, is simply insolent The righter theCet
ban authorities to exclude American vessels from
their ports, depends upon the nature of the trea
ties betwen Spain nod the United Stets. Bat
whatever theme may tic. the act indicates a hos
tile spirit on their part, which will vent itself In
still grosser,outrsges whenever it can hope to do
so with impunity.
The treatment of the American ship Cornelia,
the seism of her commander, the rifling of her
mils, and the other Incidents of this affair,
which will be found given at length in another
column, afford mill stronger evidence of the ne
wealthy of having upon that station it naval bete
sufficient to repeal any each insolenes, whemimri
it may be setempted hereafter.
We take it- for „granted that the commanders
of these Teasels will beinstructed to avoid every
thing which can give the Spanish' authorities the
slightest ground of just complaint, but at the
same time to - .inlet and repel, at every bused,
and by all needful messures, every attempt to
eiercisetindue authority over vessels of the U.
, or to infringe In any way the rights and pie
lieges which ittnetionn cilium in Cabs are en
Wostuuros, Oot 1% 1862.
The motley recently stolen froth the Mogul
Vernon Bank, In Foster, R. L, amounting to
$10,240, has all beets reoovered. It was found
about I r o'clock on Sunday morales but, ander
the door of an old olthroh In Rios City,Ooyentry.
Two persons, Christopher O. Place and James
Horton, residing near the bank, haling been *t
reated on suspicion of being the perpetrators of
the robbery.
The Contention of Congregations Hits of Al
bany slimed oe Prides. The controversy with
regard to the extending of missionivj aid to
-churches in alaro•holdlog Stites was Compromt
sed by resolving that aid simald be extended in
came rhereentnisters preached and Laouleated
the principlesof nett•alarorm. On Thursday mim
ing Lewis Tappanrffered a resolution denouno
ing the fugitive elate law, but meeting with a
great dvidef opposition With4lllll
On Friday the earl awe:thrown from the
track at Jersey City and the botiduentr,Jerindalt
Quest Hoe, was crushed between two of them:
in the Slet of applying Me btealia,..nd
one of Ids thighs broken, two of hie angers.cut
oft and , his body otherwise Injured. Two of
the Patleeogers were also hurt,though not
sorioasfy.. The eecepo of the whole train web
teliatialoni, the owe being - oonpletely visa
ed, and piled up into a shapeless mw of bat
A.psellmieiwy meeting vs* held in. this city
yesterday, et- which It vu determined. to wife!
Bon— Abbet Lewnesoe - ootopliatestall
oe his retina, tied ti committee was appoistek
with tell. powerwto tinder the keit - glut aid
IWO all wetwasl7!miStißella4--tiatmellut't
It-hilt:mooted hatchado* abiim m g
a q ui irlteri Yr* willl4 fakir for sit &boa
OwitadArimakei." Oas ft kr anima in
Nos so
' ho, !Nod the vatic is Nan awl**
For Os lesbargA Gazette.
Corrooposnloon of 11u Pittsbomh Oaaatta
zranta lOREVEIt !
mit ceizzoisu
[Prom the Nor Tat Thaw. (Mott., II
Important Noonnat of our Gramma
- _
Tani. Obla:WOutday.4:ka.
Score left Bpeftgeeld at, 2 o's Lee!, so
oompanled by a =mbar of cilium from Me
pleas. mreiy station - 'on' the ionta, damn
strati= was made, and the citizens' of the sod ,
rounding oonntry waled to meet the Wen
coal. I
dt Hont'ilitation, a ,roman' Pressed fMward
with a fat, prOmising baby in halms. "These
General; said she, "that child's name is Wm
nILD Boost, and he's going to be a Whig, too,
In spite of his father; and If the old man don't
vote far yen nom month, The rest of
sloethe as was not spoken, etre by an Caine.
look.' _ ~
At Urbane, tame two thousand persons were
gathered, and au address ins delivered by Joey
ff. Gams, Fats,. to which General fiOrt re
plied, alluding in terms . of deep to the
recent death of General Vegas. A num
ber of ladies were present, and a net ber of
earrLages and other vehicles from e 0mm
At West Liberty, where the rant ate pel fur
.fetemomeate only, there ins a good eriag.
A platform, which had beiarereated h vs for the
convenience of the spectators, broke down tinder
the pressure of the creed, doing no damage.
'however, to life or limb.l Gen. tiooll 'evinced
much concern at the accident, and was quite
agitated until he learned that no one wu ses.
rims/1y injured: .....
At BellefonteLae, the * county seat of Logan
County, the crowd was lionsusa, and the scone
of the previous - night it Middletown was re
enacted. People surnmaded the cue, mid made
the general get out and =out a plafform erected
for the occasion. •While Gen. Boar! wu on the
platform, the cue sonidentally ran Wald
tinseling the planks. and irauelog a fearful pante
among those who were on' IL - livery one either
jumped off, or won preparing to do No, with the
exception of the General. He alone, it wu
remarked, quer= =startled, and dud'
At BeUo Centre, the Data were again stopped.
in the midst of 1 OtkaildeeUble crowd. One old
men pressed forward, end oried--.4leneral, I
fought at Lundy's Lens, midereaptainOmuaxas.
Cod, bless you! It does my beidt good to Nee
you, and I hope to tea yon before long et 'lather
place"—(meaning Me White House.) "Ziemer
mind that, my Mend," said Storm "it is • suf
ficient plestute to see you here." otifelY, pen.
oral," rejoined the old oldie', "I seer yid-ones
on a night that tried men's sonbt—when - y . •
rode along with Captain Mums, to show him
the way to the enemy.", This little incident
, • aimed math excitement. i
At Entopton, a ouraber of ladies were gathered
on "stand, and general 'Score got oat of tie
ears to shake hands with themoeben & lar
crowd of persons immediately inanneincod
and, despite the ringing of the car bell, wed
blowing of tho ♦htette, they would not let him
rotor" tee the ears nulll near ten minutes bad
teen lost.
At Patterson, in the Midst , al the most Natio
elastic demonstration', • moan conneenced ditto
ing on the top of a pile of . lumber, sod shouting ,
in a stentorian voice, "Well boyp, I'll be d—d If
I.aint as good a men as net'
any one here.. Hunt
for Pierce." rt e awoke no enhe ' _between, the
people seeming to be Wien. to Introdnett any
party teat in welcoming j SCOTT. Several flags
were here taken on the oars, and spread to the
It stow began to ralni and before the care
reached Tiffin, a smart shotrer vu descending.
Notwithstanding this draiback, however, there
wu a dense.crowd at the ;station, and the streets
wore tailllantly illuminated and tell of people.
A large procession vu iterated at the depot,
preceded by numerous torch bearers. In the
procession was a handsomely decked car, tilled
with ladies, who had tamed out, despite the
On Auld:lg Spawan Hopes, general Scare
epoke a few words from the balcony, expediting
hi■ unwillingness to keep them out tit the rain
(crag purpose oraddressing them, and adding
that he would meet and !spelt to them to the
molting. The house wan beautifully decorated;
and Oiled with ladies. 1 The town was also
crowded to overflowing, end Bede were at a
premium. The General Will lesiva at ten o'clock
for Sandusky.
Poe: moms Bus R4lnntas--Surenca or
Itarne—Philadelphia. Oct. 10.—A despatch
ceieed to this city from the President of the
Portsmouth Bank, states that Rand, tried for
the robbeu.of that institution, hoe been senten
ced to 10 years imprisonment in the. Peahen.
Charles Stafford, charged with being an ac
complice in thesame robbery, bed a flualegamhs ,-
ation in this city yesterday, and was cammitted,
in default of 00,000 bail; to await a reqtalsition
from the Governor of Virginia.
81111D11110 rm faiTLIT F;07101.-.4 /id) of OUT
city, an inveterate novel Fender, lately Bent en
order. to a bookseller ler 'all. the last flattens
from the pram. Obedient to his command, be
rent Hawthorne's Life of General Pierce mita
the rest of the latest nevelt —Albany (S.. P.)
I 11-i-DO.
Daring the put mouth, the American Bible
Society has Waded 88,304 bibles and testa
The canal tolls of New.Tork, to far ebb year,
elle, a decrease, of $203,007.
Mr. Bering has declined a public dinner tea
dered by the New York men:tants.
The legialatare of Bllerelesppl met la extra seer
eon on the 4th hat.
Teo stables and three horses were destroyed
by are, on Friday.
A hue of /tamer is immediately to be started
between New York and '',aragrosp. :
A lettif from ilishopl Boone, at Shanghai,
ways be was about to embark for -the United
Hon William H. Harrood,..fortornly Oalted
States Benator from= North Qarollna , died et
Raleigh, on Thursday lut e of ninoer on the
The report that Mr. Heward, late of the Irvin
Hotel, N. Y., le about , td open e hotel la London
to contradicted. I
, .
Madame ralesky, goo's her return to Boom
hoe completed an aeoonit of the residence and
traveli of Komoth and his captains hi tie U.
The potato rot la said to hats appeare4 in the
of • ClfariPrißr. .id that inroad
parsons will lose one half their mop. r'
. _
The' Webster men In North Carolina hare
withdrawn the name of, Mr. Graham from
War ticket, as candidate 'for the Vice Presi
dency, and enbstitated that of Mr. Jealtini, of
A colored man by name of Jas. - 13mithmho
resided In the northern put of Daltimore,!was
shot deed Saturday night by 'a party of yming
men whom haptught in these* or robbing his door
yard. Two arrests hartrteen made.
The Rocklin', Md., Journal say s that therm
crop will mot turn out a° well in that county as
It was onto supposed. The potato crop has been
se:thusly affeCted by the rot, there will be a fair
On Thutsday last, at Booth Boston, William
Hughes waited seventy mites in thirteen come
cutlte hours, completing the distance forty live
spicule° before the allotted time. We obtained
$OO for the fest.
: BY advioei from BLit AIM city. Mahe 19th of
August, we learn that every thiog was quiet,
Good health prevailed, the crape abundant, and
emigrants wen pouring M. Flour was worth
$3 per hundred. Among the deaths at Balt
Lake, was that of Bishop Lane.
The Postmaster amoral has ordered the en
largement of the Post osoe in Hew York city.
The proposed improvement will cover about one
t housed square yards of ironed sew vacant, and
will probably be erected at a oat about
'WIT is duo to liler'e Petroleum to say
that It o. Inns InKin ta lianalotats imitate ova,
anal** of this diandfal Oxon. In 1 Um than my
Other tanntly t lad at Ire ant of Inecatenience to the
. Btu theaaanta of cortlaaahn lath. !nada of thesis
grietor; mar of whlop ate from well lumps citnetui of
Oat qty et Blttehands an& Ito listai4tat• vitions. so to
show awl/ an 4 Woad ill (lonbt.thts Eisies pm ) .
LINK I. aundleina of no cannon van. not oalr AP a'
lona Mood, fa ratatreb.lmesantuat•tkamaso. loa of
Blatt. but... as A ralaible Intetnal Avandy. Inviting the
Innatisattalt nalotthenn,l. is mlantAit Itatlent.
to beam. stnaalatod with Ito Amnihi
.Thou bettei edreed ottotataree eel emend that thle
Aledledlao I. partly . natotail, atal U bottled tltt lots
The Iblkorins erttillootto hi caged huh tewei;etinh•
inlet Ittnetime; new York. and bras gate henna, lam
to which lo atte Lppimdlo the lertlhaate"ef the eeleßretid
/1 ,,, T In tooth wilts, that I bun bton b.dlg
Skew with &tondo lot the loot ottrk lean. that matt a
Ow am.' b." begs wpm. Id .twad to oar Idod of N
ew/Load moth of noalla to walk, and footpad
to told. sod bats bats Smoot walla all lb.lim. t 7
lb. bort *initiator oar eoostry affords: Ottooloasll7
grotooott bola: anamood 000tittood tomaa ,
.. b ut Tot. Itat torooloortobd Di. to try lb.
0b.... 0 n, thing Woo bid tolltd 1 dld to wabout
hub .. mot, bat the tent wad a.toolatdda•.lt thmr Uwe
Pins to tbo tottiotiot atm aid I at moo boon to alow
b, ntlnf soros toatloal !prod•ens tooth
" "k"" Ytl. tIANCIT Y. Slaw,
• 'Ma .0, oath , ULU lumbootoopolatalbubu r i
poplins. at. Mott C 4 fit name WA • pia; sod in..
rapootodla Itllsooltd tto boodletal baths elm
tadoloot Womb nod caber disown Jar .vbletiltto mow
aradol. maims wltb wobblier 11minialbol_d: it total
aat I
iolao moat at ottntlatoi'oad
lotaao.'boo ottoostaitilltuno.
bllab. • _ • ' T '•
far lain by WI tltt,,PelSlll6i4
3t7sT 4NcErviNci pßom
/1011111 14:ETTCranicU MIRAN, liar
IS 11W TOM AID winos.
Some of these instrumente are or
ism= tunKerrama
Vary are Unsarparsed For
tasaricrrr or rove%
arastraso IN TUNE. AND
The Pianos of these hlanef ecturers i
. have been
Oeueraliy introduced, and hose
Irrooa TEE IXST 01.72X1.
They Hote 4lweys GAM Satifaetiors Wherever
002 No. 101, Third Street
SHIT All nano Cr coat THAN
m ran isms sum
• 18ts AAA surnistassAo sea • .
Cr. Oldster's's Is sow Ilassalbstming
Twelve Handred•Pianos a Year, .
And tee Demand Is Stabilily lAoreasbui.
All • Pprsono desirous of obtaining a Piano
1 / 1 11011 WILL LAST • LISS TINS
AEG. GIVE PIGGIECT atzurraerroa,
Aro invited to call and ;examine the splendid
assortment which bas been
and an last opened al
scp27.:d m No. 81 Wood street.
Rich and Attractive Stock
A. A. MASON . & CO,
Ito% 62 64, cretccr irrecrr, errrecuziari.
,]:SAVE received and WO. 'now &twining,
e,ice Two Teocacwo Cunt Cod Padawoo of Iltttalli
such...lmam and Atomic. Mods. ormorichts • eon,
ohcc Atomic:ma otitis Weld and coon Lubionsblo article.
kr the MI Trait of which aro my nod, ibe nab'.
Witco LM talc. and col I Ict offered at
At the Locont!Valitorwidartot
AmovOltingt Dd. to awe than tlfty. litoosood dollar;
Denaptiolog NAN, Mob 44 Broods o mend do..
Disok and Dotard do. Glom Oro Poolt do Nolo.
8010 do Moot A roDoro, striped and Cbookot d0.,14,a
-oet toms Mid Botha, tiro D'Negjo. Room,
die ,
u nod %lama to g end Nowt/Thaw/Ay Preach Pdot
tot rtthl do Bey owe. Waterloo. Waterelett,
Jemplra State. Belvidere, Yeanectith., New.* and other
Loud awl &Fara Wool Shawls, of all sista woo Wen..
Bphitedkl Part. Culawny Ind a Udsm. Pall= Do
!Liam, Cygnet, Senteh .0.1 Atonic. OWalooros lad D.
Loaute, Irma 14nt.11...thrler, Poplins. Alpacas, tloo
&Law, Pormisttax, Caguaere Xecie., ingot! sad
a. roma blerloor. ' • •
bitoitit 8 AND MANTILLAS.
Frotteb Cloth Meth and Neat/llu, ahl of the latest end
mtht Dishbetabl. intim arlll be synched througanat Uns
oceson. Will open a nee Invoice Pasta crutem Ckek• In
a nerds s.
Will always be / nod MII4 th e but @lakes of
Ocltan, . ad Woolen 1 12 1011 .
All kind. of Glees%
Mltts. Ala. !mobilo. the bet N 1/Inne.
A complete esfortment of all the mat dollish!. Mier-
Alto. lilbtons. Clones.. dia.: Wands of ell the "mei
ethlsa •
0•111 Junoota. Piths. Mull, Hook and Ns
il , oe.llm, !clods
and Bishop Law= Curtail', Material.
Pl•na and Table Unrs..
• • •
24. 4-4 and 54 White Linens, Linen 81.4.10,24 Miner
"4 1 454224 Dieten.,Nantloz,Towolling, Wylie/ Mown:
1 end Mown -Duna& Cloths, an. An AD. cum
ef Kniltsb. Innmeb. art. nameless Mahe, Cu•imeren.
Vtneklus...Befteg. Deaver& rat.,. Peterehesne, Pilots,
VABlETlNlOClredi ' ? ° . ° lThilit • fAsptiort:
. a... lodge and American De Lanes.
Onhooee end idbanan
75 •• Illeerient Nadia.
70 taint Fla n y4le, . noon. and Wow •
25 num Shining*, etwallVid 2trjped Ildttinds.
16 " bateated sad Maori= Insaloln
Itsyttut enna • mall rattan of the itstlelas ono-
Mani 45412 etoek, they would rometudir Ml s * al
Ingrateran of Iny tiocd....extbArt
IWholesala and Retail ,
sualtwOon of their manna,' arottspont, lumina
lbst in musing the sum Uranium .. Ku ant
th wiwUn • fuldwlt barwill the market.
who Yunnan y sanding thou thq must nod wan de
ofrabho Oatda. au usblat to comet* with an ,
Laurie Moue . • • • hIASCIN 100.
• ten dawlen 02 and 61 Uattot Amt.
No. 111, moon mar, prrrsalmon,
tanirm sun.e awn urn Tamil! •
arfirock embraces every varietY of Boote,_
t h .o. 11.144,t0. t.e ma% pargitaft4 dim a t.t=
N.. fat .Id POiladelyhtsplion.. sillph•se
..11... essanam babe, barium , vsel33ll.aver
. No. 50 wooti Emir, rrrnsuaoa.
Btlweta Third and
giirMy stook embraces ev7 Tar s i:tr ., fold
raTIZ asea=saarra=. s •Vsom orptessl7 fat
I and Wigan whs. Wad wilt Le sol.l iLt Loin% Nips
—news ell old ezuolo• Woe.
Nit. 89, woon mum, PrITSIIII/011, PA.
Mvas,ABINAOTIMERB of 0 unaarreln, Cant
Bowl sad I. 4 atossvd AWN; aseass, Boikt Boa
noes. Ilsi o'Alesos rests.
Ad sztleles owl. of Its test animists. sod trarnottof
'rialto If not soprtior to Norio the stotbst. Merohluds
oe otbee otettoss to ossetsso•lll44 kt to Pols Atm ,
teas toss!! otri ambles oaf Stock beam potehulas ls
- Self.
• AND DIAL/111N ALL [INDS OP . 11710.
t - PaU6p0,144
At e ra itagl af e of
•A rrtoiavult
1852. • • ' 1852.
U um awns
Onamenaing Hugest 18th113152:
OHIO & Ron
The only Karns id! Real Rusin est frovi
01110 HlTglt,
Rani* ConneeSois . wish Chprekrigi and
fliteteriA Rama/rote Alliaxes to Ulevetand.
. - lIASSILL9N AND W008:1111t.
AND TUROD[DTIII . irDAT TO igaiarutim Ti !TA
ase nom iroorria.. •
OP& •Traina n.
t 5.4 3 from Pittalaugh daily,
Loma Attalla:tab at 5..1/ a. IC husanten tllni at AMt
au. al 11 3 0 Waste? at 4 x. ran
Wasanr...3 76. • ,• • •
_ 11XPX61111 TRAIN . ' •
For amandaatt Plttabarxh at 11 a.
dlxa at
at 2.20 x., reaattyllnalw ma
P. a.. la Wu Om lb. mains Wats °abate ltrle„ TIM
twalti atoo at teeatar, - New itrlghten, Clam Oahuabl.
ass sad Salm. and at xa othea. Patton Wire= Pata.,
bargh UUU
. .
Tway& tram ?Ingrate .land. 140 tones. Is
about BLX Atlp A lIAL 'Mitt& bars sl4' rms.
mn• Out Inks Ms Cavan int 4 to In Dunkirk tbs =at
rata .or Mew In the nada' of the tonal/.
Stu Nall Ulna canting eastward. boo. Mambo at 9.20
1111, dWe I at Alllaas• at 12 MI). no soansetatbetoolth
the taarVzln *blab loam Clarodand at 10 a al. and
maws bat 6 P.n . , nomosting oft.b. m tb•
trod on • litatOylVanla Ball Rad( tor kW
=T m at e. A•a44 Wm With tha Watt
. . .
TUN main TRAIN '•
Adamlag haw Milano at LAO r. x, and ruches pitia.
burial at 11 at night. Ay Ws train wormers* roma
.Cludattati to tithgbargh lo aria day a( kaa than 11
boa - N.1.1.d arrsrai days hr . atsasitasits ira the Ohio
rim. Pars Wooi Clissinatil to Plitsbarahhid - Paean.
..ra karma Obsehusati at 111 b 11. Liarshunil.lo
r. sr, mob rifAantridt mama arming. ~
• MR haw ma la wimp with theroad feats Ikura
to Now Osstis, lisroar. and ham Wan, ow eh. too
uolid. to Whownhiand train water to
loaves Pittaborah at gAO A. tr. and lisiisht is tsarist
thia . .; J . ? dat h tliarytaad and to News,. .
linr tea Awortuarshrion TWit imam
rstto7stle A. i • mat 4.46 r IL. muss. hybion..,
A.ll. and 1 P. 11.. rtorOaa at tairtatidists atatwas.
aloatabis Tickets. ova tnr tiro j det wars sold tatwara
plibitaargh, hittestar.aadliew t ea.
Citimiarly thluita aro sold stains andtieksta by Ow
prows too= of Uwatillons. . • •
assarsioa twits. are aowatuadatad at wisairaatis rata,.
The Stales& Inotranottganday. •
ilaudbarima ran in eaurnertioa with the . Whirr.* and
from theMahan oa itaderal atrost. • . •
Vol tialuito...aparr at the Moral Street Radian at Ur
ionic. aid Pa. itsairoad.ta • ammo PARKIN.
Ticket AgraV" .
• • ..
'• - •
stio.buor to U. P. Odeon 14 C 0.,.
phinjw OttoVIIMATToOIUi. ISPAXT/if wawa.
00e alit W.) n amt. th illoor= o =ll44 ,
arqUlrmt !1rr.41 .
jwirJo s rninTniia of. W. kinds• oxen*
los 1410 ollm .itliol.l.4l.llll4sedasts~leniii.r , .
Pieta atantis lig to lars-itortani - OSNO
CieSsainl var. tie LOOM gainiale4 ktbeti.
11i54,1•12/014,1113, rip' all,p,ittr adobe
, ‘
-,..„,.........4,- ' .4 . 4, 1 , :-;',..;:t . i . j . ' 4- 74.;;;.0 . .M.- i
•,....;,.7,,--z:,,, ' ;.f-,-,..,,,,-..5,- '- - 2 - '4.ze.;,..- , .111.-A.:.-4-,,4,-„F...-,.. ~. ~ ...-_,
Dr. 3114,pielillivet,PRIjA
great" Ainiilean" iemeay tll s f OMe
a the sat formidable Inn that flab la bar to: la naer
knowledad to Oe nontlat to anal medlebos allairldt4
veer offered to the y.Aib. Sla salion beam eatn;aa
artetaled TIM no unplanasat malts It Dm titer bean
tried withal pnandog the moat salaam? abet Cook
mended by ant of es mat a3lllll.l4,oplieislo In,
aold17;11 tb• ieellalne id.u. l / 4 akin =a 'Kw
ri aft, offers to human salient- At to only neamm7 to
of as Ma medal= a trial. to plaeoLt amatory al snothal
uvula aLa land over cartel a far pada Oat and
wombat* a box has gay Dtosmirt,oe narebant. of feta
tt, sole ataleboa xiDD ca.
ACKSONT ationilDignerretixia_sumr,
corner of tin taaand arat Marna stnnaonetn.
wittortiprog nom) PlUatnno.
Ladies and tioutleateu Endue toobtohalVellkettkonses
at moderato onom .b lill pious aall at the steno ortolan.
ur.ot, Min up Nth my_ popula r . ekto and 64 , 145at0,
strewn nth irnen kill Mast Um otertator dot takes Oa
soon mounts fao Ilex of the human fbat nth tho
:salmatd II le. on vsafr.
Ptr= of .34
blonea nOt Idnilnat to trims
fort resom pletun. nano • nr•
leatketteneo Ulna of Ink out &mond porton to
our port of thpft not 'ninth,. •
treqlonms open, ant operadop Item 5 a. rt., antis 6 S.
01 .'
Fns.. In' he Mune& Penulattlra-
Honors tint :Itsimixos
Post Office Mollify, nird Mrat.
g ITIZENS and strangers who Irish to ob
i ) tabs au swamis. artistle and Ilk Ills Utmost. at s
Tr if madame prio., will tub It to th eir totems* to WI at
'h.. well Itarroostabliobrosot. Irborrooattro ostleostiou
' , wont...rd. or so ammo made. Us ton one of the
.t sod Net snowed Sid. sad Skydstits “rr
mted for the pp mo& mlth Instratconno of tho most
pn solid kind. sod havidg flior4.llth.ragai "Mr'
1 1 =1.1 , 11: irt pr To Vt.V,V b-ud
to re. estreilhr the art, • orylo of
rr ,, riord. Athos otosly or groom width Ins caret
sonme open orrd sgrattito: JI dl 'Wham fru;
in- te 0 . atali-Almr?
itisen's Jusunurm tiompany or Pittsburgh
U. U. UUFISEV, Pasuo.ult. \
OF ncp., 94 W V INITIT - Kllll4 W.914M AID
i Natio BS CULL arm laoo AIM ON TUN
0.i:0 A9ID...MISMIBO' O . tklnial.B. AND ,111180T4
gAr Jam.. wax lon or otiotapt Or - P I SS '
Wort lA<lr.+lf Mt AL miA LIVI4 NO NA 170.4 ?lON
• Dinsoromi: \ • .
0:e. o. moi.r.
i l i trimer:
r4b U lltifitt. I Wog Bittaam,
Mot Dunlap. Jr.. I I). Pettarett. •
ilarsogit. breeds lisitniu. •
• Eil•sra itro.,,Lauct, 84,4100/312/c4.
Cryset, Mantel Max.
LN eonsequencz of the refusal or theVanal
Cummigdoears to recede from the tax Imptimel by
.. Pearoodera Ohort the thtlouttline gall ItostUpemp
log extrx the Ilarriaburgh Munster Bat goad, *Wen
ham herstoade been paid on the Pittsburgh travel brittle
Penn. Olt Gotoputp. who have no Motet Intemet tho
ein.etkot.—The • ate of tare to Philadelphia nom it. Lk,
SP 117 of stetting coot of .Orsehahurx la avoided. gill fie
I‘. . • . •
oatue J. IgIISHIMIW. Agent P. 11,IL \
ser-WINE:; ac—Persona wishing topqr.
ehw Vonum WRII3.Aan Luau of all daniptions.
acrakt, an obtain them, at the lowed plow, sett*
Wsc,. nag of iI.OOB WEAVER,
karat and Fourth strata"!
/- Bethel - Academy.- - • -
rrillE Winter Session erthie, institution
ji. sad [110111143t0 on Mouthy. the'
Maharay of fforsm
hh L ortiotts art moths. Th. hisarbas of
fg.htsostirsh are Osre:f . olly asiteatt=gbly the Light its
a. tat object Is la mit= yoang mt. awl boys to boom
tosoltent i g to satyr ths Whom Limas la any or oat
satmerlbsr Lamazed to mays • thaltal numbs:
Push. a. =niers Into has 17Q par &Won—
Um one Ira hs ml balsas* at 2ha and of the
Tem. This arars all samosa savor books a.l static.
l too noshed etas ass annum, $l3 tor
ratrinsa $ l 3 far amts. mattloa—la all rand In sat
rase. , Parwats or 0 twat...who atay .bb to atm tams
or malt wader his am. Intl Mass rill.. Mt at 11.tth ,
et. Atbartmy Oa t ?a. - • \ '
Omonox 411.11IIALL. • •
Edgeworth Ladles' Elatiipary,
THIS Institution, which for several years
o the muoesoftlltmeasnement of
Et. PrTtlq. , tarlde otentot on liondeT. the SIM
ef liceratert nut. under the um of A. H. WILL/AMIS.
We • rIV forest In /rheum:. Maltese, I.L \ -
101untatten ronoulan Tonne Qum of &Mar.& s.
mu to oteelnel from the Winch:oh/et Seetetley . nom
Omelet. len at the Dees Mete et T. U. Num & to., met
et the retiteul Wok am ID Plttebtuith:„ \
• CARD. \ \
ryluE oubecriber would ioapeetrully luloWH
M. Maga sad *a Kilda - LW be Mu Kama Ks
home lately oanoloa b Ywn. Mgr= a Sadism ear.
or. of Water/11w aW Vedas' A11egb4.4.-,for
vir Itr i Lusgrgam a ask , TU h i
to Katt • Kum of pajama.
14 - • WLIAM\ IRANCi..
70 04.. h, by \
.314 • •
• Wale: aao /Kat Ha
iLIRASE-6 bbls. to arrive, ror salo by
t .14 BALM DICKEY a 00.
Betober la, 1862... }
N election for Thirteen Directors of tine
the gossingrvtl be bd a N t tbelaa
log U011• • OD boesay,
l artorti dsofnov-obet
ja14141 410 ENTbg(ubia.
P°Lb lIEMIS--The attention of the La
dles Is Invittyl to • isenr ejle of /ulna JUAN , :
littadp, t. 1104 arta@ yet Inttalactglltt Itda mutat
Aum bran bfully eabbommt Harbatt Boas t outiralt diffior•
t•ttt fr0t..07100 , 00f Um. kind trtor Won met In sale
at tbe 1041 s Bobber Delve. ti..n
oel4 0 II 01111.14113.
S OAP -12 carnitt , i , le, tor saalncobl
l Ed NO LASS-30 eases Cooper's idlest and
ear"l'e W. b l rezoncrroCK A CO.
F.MON ACID-3 grouter sale Ly
II I oal4 15 - A 111.101020UX aOO.
1 - 111.-2 A bble. bleached Winter Whole;
1.1 .44 e6 Lanet
B• N aJnis t Ita pl. 1)1_ ou a
DREVIP. VAR. IRON-100 Ilia for sale by
vett -8 • VAUNEStOet 00.
II br Itoel4l B EIXII/PIItICIC 00.
II . I &SEED 014,-10 bbl pure for. silo by
as .10 bombe'. Neekaanock Potatte
b Was 'Baden •bd \
«14 LITTLI • 00. ,
ati r std i titi '; Vaptt ß ag, a b r e:t e gnad ' x 's,
Iwo 6 ILA •
luo dem eat apathy •
100 pats gout*
605 layer Rolalog '
20 arrouo4 PaPirr; -
/ 0 005 , oeala
0 .11/0100
Ws. ran r
Li d Wage
10 ramiZ gl" ,
150 ht- 5810. WV , tio. Meeker*:
10 bbla. / 4 .
II 615445 D.L, or. t 448. awl kits No.l Eltekorel
16 t..?u. Tumor? Oil;
50 0816. Warm:
950 boas Window (Hap. asiorta4 Wag
• ti 4 "r • •
. 0 0 EL:17:17 dvet
150 dos!satatiet Basksta •
• " Tuba .1511p5M1 cF 1 .:44
1100 1bi114 150,5 //il.2r. n 55 15 ..0 1 4
111 dT' l ll4 :llV . • Pid4
. maw 85n or sad WISPPISS eater; .
Yb Lone. _ Chortle*
il : Tim., n
5 bbie Whl
xo buss p a mould alradlen
loop i lg tt estlist id se /.ra .
. 3 EU ,
' 1000 18 " •
6 tr. bit= M dsr ales elbSletlll. Irisi reed
sea atle by • 3108180X...L .. 11 . 7 2 1.4 •00..
'ft Acc). • -,••
_ 0 barrels .
palls pare Po . b
oell' , t".
SI ! 11118150/7, LITTII 100.
• - Bask Stook,
on MARES. Ideralinate 'and hipufacita-
Intr e /4114 ",""" niu: &Ca.
Oft ii A
SHARES of • stook , ranted,. for
- -
WNW BUCIEWHEAT—Just real a' mall
apuf.retr , -- n-olvrnr•re.-.
No .256 Lardy rt•
Nrcepaciaa TO male x zurcian.)
MANOPAOTURBRBoITioan, Stovetaci.,
• after ot Llbrrtr wad Mt oboe% Plitrburgb.'
'imboottborwoold nioostrallotootattotalgositia
A l svo rs =l4 ,„ rz. k rv,k,.. Sam etwro thei
Vot t r/oo.►tmU7 .o r trhAiraltt,alfl4;
will olfor lbr
id Nam "at, ao do* or olswwww UMW aoy boooolw
Flaw, nett volinalfoWn, *widow etorropplo
how Lower Parlor el r a wk
hara • , o lu Vow
-ICotmprtooved d
801 l Pa lol arrllodoni, Common do,
' an Ono hoe.. '
lama true. Iwo CbalßaleTrir.
°gland.* a awe nrofslis Pans.. "
s lor l rei tL ohOwlelso a to . Pwr t U .
il i to a oillott
tiONEY-40 Us. Whits (Wm?: for isi4 a hi
4.13 TON rwmuour * Minttur.
eft" mr."l"'44l:"'Laus-oa.
DlR:ShirehOlders of thbi art
amt./ sKithaman
tea um..4"u
" 44 ry.4.4-
s, !t sbit :A lmth,,a n i ri i Nano .
• "On,
.t.,A ---:: ` -, :f,,
i',- -
.. • . \ -
~:,‘`l,---:7-: ...:;;„'.,';',lr•zi:.',---W
-,itc--•,4-;-';7'-?,1::".Z:tz:,,:i., i. ;,,,,..:-- , ,....---
~. 0, ,:-_:,4.-4::2.(',..1A',-;----,r-,.4 ' -,'
~.,,,-.lf--,q--:r -,...--,1-,,----, •
. , i - • 0'i. , .. ,, :', , i..Fre..ti . ,
' .':,--:•....'' ...':..,1:.:......-1:....
-%i ~'" ~~'•t
AT P 141.1.0 HALL \ )
giVERY moat., comm . encing on FRI
. DAY VINING, Fazdembor onioo.Or.
‘ o i tr o =mir gi tAtr . and
of tt. p.g. thn TA , • ~ , x !, ,,Y
shT oni near !,!
17.-tt mob, otaid.”,,, = l 7== . .
o. poos.o
N.C.:fa wile by
ii oda \ VuN 8 0201110 1 / 8 1 . acitUurilif
. .
To .the Ladies
W. M. E BOBIliiSON,No.• 32, St.
illlt street..tetiblly Wm. her , MP
noend the logee , geoerelle tbst she erill
, ven en Tharetsg, llegoterrllltb..lB32,. moot beau
tiful ant etteasire gab pi Faber .111111ners Undo. eon
stales of the latest Arles of &meets. gibbons. Caw. eta,
• bleb she doing sehatid, ,with great care. in tb.Batt•
ATTU Malta on reverted to exasolve her arson,
Aip &MCA, VISO to aitond to a
zweil d*- 1 lies 4.57 tba bdt
nm. , " aa ...dards isnrl =se sod IsiZrs.Ap
ply at ms store ot DIMS= BURY CO.. -
ostU2s • Rest street. mar Market.
. " Six First Class Preigdonui__
forthe bebtatpi zsa klTown‘. add. TUVaLLZO Bane, it ; RI
A La ll i et szas
FAIR, of
The wohieriber ilaistre nut ',timid from' Now'Yotk.
end Pialledelohla, is now to neap' of hie Vail meta
C.* owielatind of the Wort and 10071 fuldokabli dyke
of 4. 41.. 1181.7.1.120 .Trunk ktonatinge, to Mond In
Ile twe oo hand, of hie own maarifsetnre, Ike latent and
had *skated stoeli of. &alb% . Rumour. Frankel Carpet
Pao, le. in any aloft., crash/ irtonent. lie is ahr, pre
awed to make to order any article to his Hoe, of entirely
new styli., which ars admirably' adapted - for we in the
~11ret, axed 0111 tavoratd; eon:mare,. both in onality'and
wortmanahip. with any article of the kind In the...m—
all of which he ,
otherned to eell on more favorable
tome than nor establishment thatprotemdsbo make
eneal w
Ile oboUnnee to atannLeture all kind. of Riveted
cßae, and also al itollinenda. ethitotual br parterre' ma
chinerr. cemented and Lindal. A amend antoriment of
all tin:laths and 'tithe, conmeotir on hand.
R. 11. fIARTLKY, •
odialal air ' No. ad: Wood abort
NEW BOOKSI 0,1101013. BOOKS! 0000
COMP but rerielved—
The Cabin and - radon or alaresend Marten: by Thorn
ton itandolph.
North Wool, or Lire North evi South. by Ws. &mit
Itedlieott. or the Coo:ding M. by
The aoovehave been received bv .
11 F. WEDDELL, Agent. for the purchase.
Ut. 'end rate or Rest Irstate. Dealer to Bond.; !dodge
APPLE'S -30 bbla, Rambo, in find order,
roi We by 2 foel2l W A SUCLUBO & CO.
• • Card Oct... U. • • ‘.•..
in: from Phi lodelphishni New Vert • Lotto ant
.et" urn, of Foreign and doorearle Irrrolloodooketrd
trith etre from /oho imporratroos.
\ Posers edit find in thin antral amid. of the nxwasr
ICS, !radar Lon Cosh Moo. .
hAsherrobants 'tithing to re p ;-
thee otwks rUf
Q &Smith no orner *tyke of derhohle goods not robe frond
it ORS! BOOKS I-L-Thosejn Want or val-
Arjet4 l ;ngl i r r TtgEWttl:rt:'iblgie l tr,
tno.tb., , with nag:tell= other: \ .
\ TT. White 1t,.. .
funnel:it . .
Aunt YblTill• \ • - \
The Wayelly NurelA—Aentinnsetyku. - '
• S.r. , !n Itruthers Wynn:Ann
• • •
Tbe tadut all cutiTr ,
Uttuol'ulArina - . \
Sot b 7bint uttert'
Smithfield Stieet Property For eater °,
WO Latent'
gtionod on Smithfield street,
I nob 10 teskby 60, Opts}ls Os =IV Gostrms Hone.
for tale olt Amor*Ms tat 0t5..60.1 16
t. -+ • •
Ott thr 21101166 1611.14•8. N 6. 47 Dosurth it. ':
11 . UST reced.4oo pat •
_:, Mary 'Omen Oil
Cloth for Window. Writhes titular hUlshed, oo both
601—reirli of our memo Ottierk of ittiht Orson Oilcloth
W. WHO the streutlou llecehanta
Ltml _Housekeeper+ Lethle arelete, , es It to fee seperlor t 0...,
..., et the light Hod ever belong, offered In tbls titr e It
leiter pertectly dried to the mesolfietaritic Out thenents
t I not cetch Ms Putt—for lupe. wholesale sad Mall at
ht , Oil Cloth •Pfareroogus llo:11611arkit st. over litteetre
N MIN WETRERELL Maiinfactcrrer of
14. X mad BRAZE r• 60X. VICIN rorwr of Au D..= osacl
it”boorona lorooltr, olio "oars (rot:other Iptodkltevet 11041. e.
etwror ._,___L_Lroo3o}l—n e I
INNA)ION-100 math' reed far salo by
1‘ I cell li Y SELLISIIB37 Waxl , , , trrot
lardEoB=loo foo'd tor ealeby
1 . von A. I BELLERS.67 Wood ktmt.
LOVES--3 bigreed foi sale by \
; \ \ oen /I SELLNELS. N. . Wool dn.t.
, cask reed for Bala by ..\
0,.11 r. StLLb.lll3. Wmt stmt. \
AIM TARTAR'-1200 lbs.. warranteA
cut, f I.b T all 1L X =LEM
RITISLI LUSTRE-4 eases fcrr sale by
\ RS SELLERS, 67 Weed ertneet.
§1 : 1-7 , 5 . ba t tl;Rale
DA!SINS.SO kegs seedlare;
boxes u KI lon for nels br
\ KmiuBll a veNrsierr,
• nel N. 1.. V Serease4. ld 141 Vint •treet
t,iUGAR-40 bbla. Loaf, enishe4, !Ind Pal
it;r4 sol. sale •
- • - atiauste in/Nita-IT.
lINKED ott..-4(1 just ree ----- 'd and fpr
a j Ado by [64l] , 'ENGLISH a BANNED!.
lIIARTARIC `4OlDr4lOOO 166. s wdered,
a tn. rap \ B A num aCM
comer Waal And Plan saves.
DIIEfir,VE PLASTER-500 yds. sPread,
. -
b r 'a 1 rentQcstnett rxr.'
ENTIRMRNS,CIothing wits exchurive•
lir 1r to order ass watioolmil to nat.'
o i l VI:O d e&
it &Natal aogortallr
thocootott Las got ' . 06 ,
LI PBO5l tSALTB-40,bblo:` for sale by
N AILS -200 kegs assorted; for sale. by
QIMAR-40 hhds. Q. s for sale hy
' \ A 00/.4E4'olok'. .
%/OLASBEI3=IOO bbla. tatillo - bt lov
P1' , 004-150 bro. s's androltiohmond,
Tonne:en Ibreste
IphlC--5(1 hblo. foriole
(jam\ • - Stocks For Sale. \
SARES Ohio 4 PahAri \
Itny \ leo North Mattison Qt..; \ \
, 1.8
oro - 8, Ymm Cc, 0011 1 eor. Wend and Feertti its.
A PfLETOlCBtethaniced_. Magazine • for
itg',4 - !Ap. fl thlty*tpx!...r7.,• to 1,1
s. 1.417 g
=oat4=74 .mmtid,4,..z4twatriiwita
tneehatkle beettoeis to ett:eht • pots; etba owe tem..
rr hire eenta per womb Übe! than lov the real: aunt'
lonnottke end prettied looetrkdae it • 11l ottord them
Nobteriptiotke ml br ' •
NM Books anc!,:nanorm; • •
lUST real at the Osteiaaa Boaz *aa,TB
Vaortta Stigma—
Tha Dalrriaues 11110040;bal90 aeado IDLD. for the
Amadeu, Dalryaass; •Ith onP bY
Z% <d • ib Lgnt.
Notes hT! \ W IL X. Ila
I lba.breala
YamnY as .n
Amortrao halm by ILL Wm®.
s •
no 141M/safe Itoeselaandla. Dr Dr. T4aiiL * 9 904.,
12 \f • Dialar to b
Natural PbOosophy. or Dm as n. Tent .
&bows mai Aearimakac sanr sana naaluDatilbalLllins
tratad tbro. bandrol aod twenty _anyrsalnal by
yaw, jobbatan a LL. Yr dame PlaLsral Wants
Wesleyan Uultaralty. \
llomaemathlo rhylliclaarvbr Ormaai..
' II
Da. • do. 00.. • by Dr. 13.
I NDIOar-5 maroons etaocaa;...,
oer ,•• JaP"Ol100. 21Wpm .• .;\
SPICES -.S baleaethe
6 bbla. Glum
oe9 - 801101 . 1 Mi1a11101 4 % OD.
/'BURN STARCH-7 odaea-
li r ./ • —' • • - IleCk44 •Fartes:
•by • [ ass] .1 011 1000MASAR a 03.
LllNE,'Exernatafill t.. Lemoii, Ac Iton
aa. by • 001100 N AAAA `O.Oll.
Ilatle, extra qualitiv -
'.l ICDWNaI9YKIt pl.
at kbeeee
/41.1 V& OlL — Volk:Just read tor. eal —r— ehy
sea J KIDD a 004 CO Wad YD.9I.
..T 09 .; 41 1 (1. ! - A,
r irfEN TINE-20E-2QUPbble in store, for vale
eLEA. I IFR'S'HONEY SOAP-3 gross for
J . Rd) 1110 bl ,
- -
R :DAIXII7.I; W . .tl= t"t'll7
FLOUIt-300 , bbb. fresh super - NIA extrk
.- ixLt b LIGOWIT. Water stmt.
- - Torah - 141 it - Proctidon:
JUST. red tUrrese, - st leer . ,l o t ; i d
' amerrandm tfo k ruk t4 ye tr e . ".
- • Books and Biationery.:,
in APRON & AGNEW Iwo 110 W Opelli4
""n" egemat th V l L ,' &V".
ttato Unit ...awe olset Rotel
&bast Eabrialiel,
411 41 " 41 — "G!
.4 ","4" 1141 4;th'4, I
f..:. , i , i,z - 5 -,- :. 1 . , 7 , ,"?;',',W ,
rirnsuitea mum.
• 4
: r
. Gm= I•Frsayeas tattm, 4
..' ''.. Toattir Xhiihi, vaihalt;lSth,:; I
The. 'market was viler LiV. Tide; xestelday,
„Lou-n_3„. t i .,,,,, gim L,....0, PAL al 1 1 4 4 15 4444, :
11 It 11 Ms at 13,C0 14 41: ak of , ..u, tgto. •iareatia, i
0 ItAIN-No `rain .fence Le,. ;.5.4 urrewiferhora
time. Wheat cot louse in 4.-.., 4 tspr. tat Ihist/lh at
atrootrlar»tar 314.413erear,n. C. :.. :II *jot; and To.
p. La whits.' in otherichlth • !,., r - 1 .... pan* 6 a.:
tier. or ran to nazi-
II &T=Ths rakeepi Ti.?),: VP, 1 ,- l'ads at.. $10,6064
112. oat yreberdar li hale at 141,t0,441:111 to.' ,
s licah-',80.1 of 9:0 peyl '
.'deilana:i..el.Ms Who ea
6,120460 t Iherstbas it Ka V!-.03. Abe Ittartatta dr.. -
pl., ;red lad attars anxious t0it137.4 Fteneml lothati
1A , T.J..... Ora/Mk/Met ra.kkiiitio, nl.lbtirrestilorc
u lax:181E5-42 7 little Intl dohhrhii talieli; ...
note aWe 54 . 14,4 labia. star. 4 math. Saar 14 .
stair a CUED kr ftegans. and 0 000 Dv tat' 0 4' ,
Lam. , nay t. emoted at 03104410c.1bra MOO the. - ,.
4 , ODA A -Ashes W randia at 1!044 .mast 1. • .
awls 44 , 04 &wash. at h.Wr. 0 months. • '
WILISICRIt--fali, of 111)44rtat161 all, ad 40 deal
li.KM)*l4O Oa a b.Si tVs r.. .. ,
T 010213 SEED-Vila 4.0 of Sii bieh4l4 trots awe.
att2 holl Du. : ‘
1./ It D-6.1/ of all 131.1/ tio. /, dalivsesbh, la Nanabse
rill/UK—Sal/ 7/ ;4104 At GSA/l/e
- Fleur—We bake rale 1001.1 lew mutat law blkb 1
VI, bat übleb are not t tegarled ea say beelleatiou of
what Very lasltrl Inquiry. Gsd the ally seen ar‘e se.
ek • e Le I. bu 11 - ablel3 pnvell serene. white Is belt at ,
t1 ) 134-4.Nreasercl geol , end mark. Ons Helmet Gen
cam tokae7 SIM Stnfr.tmat
and Idlebitau amine. at 1 4 , 70 . 11 A 7 G1 ...G. °Wa t t eue
WA, nu b .
Satbent la_in tad [14,244. It 1/1,71•4 4
ors snalerain demand for ems.•with *Ow *tro
l. lane: kulsed ISkie7.l wlttt• at Wes ba,,,ea.
1. thern oatearsla gx4 demand attbetin babel, cob..
eaters Ina:sail iGa. at 86611 bubo'. ekte •
• IttalteseClAllolbAs erg be.. begarestaled
cart anode. le beton pee caused destine la the arlewer
hews for the parting reason noW shoat comlnenelrig. ,
.tilosinuatt prices IsavederafeedSg rents tholialt eentrante,..
bees teen webs he 114.000 beep st
boa, la.. about. 116,000 head have been toutradted
an , IS net lit thablitlind pries In that elelallyttit ea.&
wwdoi Upstltl natters bare oontrarted for.opwarda ;
460403 bees. and the prevent sunlit OM !pp.. %pito
V. isle felly ealaillsted that aywardepf ra0.0113. hOga
will be slaughtered bare ttim eearan. • .„ ..
A Welter In the fhatilaasti • Comirtirtial. from R s . Mates that.• we ST 1 166.1410rin1, 4elowto the 'eau
krt. the bandit of ereentatiors. by idyls/11ml pram
will rule low. and that there *ld be • cyst .Inereass In
tit.. crop this year. In this the writer lasitagetter imps.
Th • Courier bee ladalwed lo epetuttationgwrissme.i..
bat on the, metres, e• hare *maned ourselves Ea Abs..%
Ikea ee we anther them. burs 111 U. emir parer that beef
pahlinhed fall and reliable Infatuation from all quartet.,
*al all aid.. in regent I. the now stop, led is no lesbians
has. ea stated that there moal.:1 be • attar
eattla the lumber at hogs to be eiatiatilared wound Lag-' , '
gr horn, Oetobef I.
Ilona—One of our rite Batt. ,, *attracted today*,
tion.sna Final of hem—tire bandied to be denten/A
rby Li.. I;th of Nerember. sad Itut remaining dee
bs the sitri of
11d. er.nee o e beritthetol 9 o s w o leg pro. ea /
76: ire th o a r n lgl,BV.hw r gateraen d we hue frog
: the •
earrator Ma:rail. matdins It a.. Mott pglabla.-4lapata
Sescrt,Tbe _New York: entimercialirsji:-;-:
Ths V3P3111111 sped. "r,e tho rehrk.aeLl for 11101.mi:b.
Sri.; K:ll.sor, Mitre. Pr. SOPS
eh e rake, Br. Us; leder, &ha: IMO
r 041110.. Es.rits. •
Ship reran flueosol Arres . .ider. . mot
etrr. !matt* d. rd ,
rashly AG lea, Litervaol, Am. - 61 ltl
,:.174 . 786. ‘1
- 4 M4
T. 41 fromitn 06.1 to .. .. . 1PM.212.1:16k i
rrtrttlr ....... sl anBol
gvqva.v 4, A )(4. 1 A1,1141,6:71:%,1974.•1
Tda R 4414-42.44 lifte 4 '(rotla:netl, luchin4dl4`'
04 lot 4 ”. 1 .4 It dung. 4 4 4 ra1144 $14411r.
A saiia;
TOOO. ointiver, Wein• Newton. , •
Lawn,,. 1001044 00,nry..80110. -
10.00.00. at Olair,W•allismtoo.
Michloo3 N0..2, Bearer \ .
Ulote. 10aver. •
11:64 Ahdrer. Bailer. W*ool'l4oool, .
M. 0 I, Wag \
1 111=1:f00 • 11b 3 2'''' ,0001 C ri7 "" " ' \ -
BOATS I•tiArnio Tloln, IlAe\ ' '
017 , 01111EIVILLAI. A 0. It. nod 0 r;
Quite • lively wheyreeehted on the whatf -min , •
der. The lassie( ires Uterallf arelnederlib itserchaadlar..Y
ant• aomber et basteetie engicel l rofttelea herreei.%
TRH OILY taint Puutitere 0g v m e. *me
zwamt (*permission) frosts Si'varrit
CiT . 416114i portrait in du dithellam;'
rriIELS superb picture, Engraved itaddrtler . ..
u superintertderace of TUOILIS litlLLYAret.. the odd:,
n• et es.l 619 : ?, inftedrist. th: only correct Iliwoler
I r be . bet frolltlf .eer
r. &I , blp.lry. IT&Tret
tar inure of the aellipeod eo'
Ww.blagton, ItEOllOll WASHI2I4ITON PAUJCIIC L n, .
TlS..fro um— "It 11 , • faltbfill reeresentellori or tbroeie-, •
P sing ortensid..end b MIRY JOSTLE% TaN/Cf.ronthea
E op.• Ooort of the Unolted Mater. whO rarr . **
et of re let. ItAr ese.filand and beeirty must srdlOk elnerr
ate who
1•0a11 and re IP. len happy faits Masan to tree,
Lahr" of els einrtry. t
i nes t rory nay Entwine to Elea
wn tge Ln rfe rdrtnt * l l l bt'
b rrt rii ' Veleary wl". 4r
v. =sot ,
r um, rx . d. 4.1 0.0 r
rt z g. ATI. tar* f ir:jotik, A :`,"" %* *""v
I reensent 1/ILLIIOIth weik cope.ratoorn
nwre been annintitly ineenledki elalterlMlr mate? .
I , ..4r. `, = " ll.l l" ter Prdak` . aaithe
rel. , . to Ory ain,lo more reinertabbe the: war Kim
1 =Oil! tz ahm izyg L id . 1
and =4",
,;;;; oiTinZe p,,ar.rar. wirier ell rho ewer rut Ida
or on • mutes etursetorlola the illnarims ass,
r.l 7 r7TiC a bl '" 7 .l. stoo lL te a thin tbe poralle .4 " /6 14 te "Wep te re:e=
of tins paper. sal to Ow !Khoo es Ow SAWS.
Amu eutm Jasista and Ettudereerwirepner
ititST--Xeretasit end Elliott, of Eery York: bewilree
11 r.
*hon.{ nist I , kabdima. of fa lls
theater Wer.
Woe. or Murton. Marne Eraser. lir Charbaston. r lea&
to the adopted ens Werhington, W.
ham...lran artist TEttelltnilatentiafty.lell,
E Moor% tlejsr 0.11. 111.01 , 3 nem. 1100.
S l itt.t
henfte.lll. Uca. IL
i t,it/Whom a , b. Et JOUNCE.—
tlz itor./iT=Y. so t t .lebY 4A A" Th6 Duer palm,
174sliliLi=he'r t " rirrtf= ear .lo earee
t,. TrOrirk
e, ern" re. WitiOltleirl ulidrettt. bon Edward
ereW Lt. D. W. Prommt.
S ' 7,farma r n i t r aif ' rim a r:.= . l;.
Wit Gilmore 'Miaow end from thit)pi,
TAM :rl. T. IL illsonoley4Blitittshfledinli.ort, Lord aiLy
ae. TLII4 thionateat
e , o tire Oat:m s .las. vita ono voim. racelalsaat tto sacita,
To allwo...ade salnliblnknauv, It trioadt,
,I etDf
N. W. caner of end Arelt street, pkiuddigo,..t
Sole Aret Ur Weston Pa fa _
non psetrelt can
only be obtained Onto '
or lo oi Moan's ealtierlsed ovate
Arrmeeakauto hare bred nude with t the Pat Ones D—
by Inucksopies of air tt ortrait esa be sal*, tanks. per ha Dearer order.
surnorsse raautee ire dallsei to]. tr. Heave. s
.q.uburgb, Pa, sill bores copy of the portrait sent ulna_
ilp-)1 se fkent Oalrin - 111. soF 5i.D..1....011 tar Om
LTs.r. Is, figailtm• at the low pr.ed of SI ma,
A. mrkapipmENT .rowriterr
wpm"; Bait,. ear tbcluipal cann.iti7bida tce
4 .l.blPArt:iti tmedi TiritOdnipp,;''lqXl.
Cale.h.-LandVarriage :
11011NEIC or 14111%3A L 'and Re ttresa.
tennectfully Wane - deb
frlendt, and the nem tnetaVi . the4 thee aro Leann*.
itat=li s a!al nier L ritlene ot=f l
All orders ill hit 'attend .alai indeed to dim<
hlhty and bluely. at Babb. Replan. nut ej,e,,,b,d
teen the mat reemosatee letem:Alwln Inaetaelt work •
the beat Ittatexn Shalt,. Pelee nnikll.l SUM they bet -
meth:lent that all *be Woe. them lth Welt vette" owe
be wavily se Wad an tttalal lel/Ont.
1111 . 0111141411111 r manned te Tethedei-ewi beam, nn.
*um ClioWilialiatian BeiWee \ a : Nooi York.
\., . • 4 , _ gad Glasgow.. •\ .. ,'-',,,;-'••
g yYOUR fitennk Mgr'ir_ km.' .: .
Mu. h..nroWanstip 0 LAM It IS .lon2 tone zi
and .Inl Mtn., pmnr, Itobeit ...10....C4
enndeT . ku .19/I;6l 2. lp A r r an I* . .313 If irlr Inn., Irani iPI . .
.1 1 .1711147. iatil T iPiftitalil24l, V I A :el 1 1 417:7,,, b r ""
rii/Te 0441: iN , 4 204 110C.0.1111.r 111 ..4i1‘ 1 0.7. .4
',..:=1e.1bt .......... : Nin.nll):: ..t. , . fi ., ....,',.....-tV •
• . • Onowwll. /he Inetuden. ..! , .-.7.7-7••••-•A' •
___ ....• . , : cre4orsen Pramarns
v u. .; 3 • c )...,‘
Time Mon nitad• ortnlqoas. but RA . ..wines nothooln ... ,'• \ \
ideal...Ml be robed en tfsnittnnlers{e gnaw. —" ' '
rot Indibtn, Duman !tow 11l -- J. gcsi - NRAFf-:-. A•
odlalAmtds ..• •1. •..- 'Xi if tneirr.r. Pi.....1'..4„ '‘...
\- •.: LA. Pitmestmik '‘,Teiskilligt . ';.-.,. ~.i
: \ 11.11111 T rm. 1411. J010k , 7;, 21ii1;71117. 1,11111, .1 •
15...., A. p -.1.100i4
..1(117-7,-,....inu.lrotaVerasiracwhot ' '''
alT.4l7lll:ratirfagg.. 711.Ciraftrgetgettlit
may familia; *Di mama .often Mud *III da. i %
Vl=lirr",s4= lityltr.-I*-1--:.,10-?
Tao gstus • evarircupplint Lemp, loan ch.ll,lrep..:.
simnel bell a r,-, areararearilarcii e. h Imp • ...4 %
my coots:01r an tq,11. , 1 nol7oatolag.nui• ...nal a
r. land mkt tor - IL,a; NMI a .. t
. ' - De', 1iaaW "1 " .6.4 4+6ll4l2''''
XATENT Vlltini' Ps d i k ' 6114 Loll' titi
. t„. Lititlas Itreolap. Stetwabt Att :
,17. a. Mama.
cis C HHi, w,14.,ii,j,, • jet& . .
a l til i eheM ; -Th '
I Z -:
0145 4.,