The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 08, 1852, Image 2

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SOIL nrionno!?,
MYR CIABAI, ommisstoNate.
JUDOS 01 TNE EMI= 0001 T,
tin the men of the Noh. Mama Cod*• deefteeLl .
ZZZZZ °Slat.
' A. R. Ilsows. 31211211411. 11 K 1 t: .
Diotritil. DieLiien.
1. Wnstrx I. 116620, 14. JArn6 11. Comm%
2. J OE' i TILMIAIL. llk jarics D. PAM".
2. Jon W. 6wcw. 16. Jaws E. Drvarrorr,
4. J 666 P. VU,S.U.' 17. D. Du , . lteersiocon.,
6. Fracsa Mcwraar6. 16. Daum Dun. .
O. .386 W. MAN 19. Jogs Lams.
7. JOIN 1112111c1111., . 211. AltCalll l Holl=”011,
11. Joil2l IMMO. 21. T. 0,113 J. Bunram,
V, Jaws Mar.w..6. 22. ILwrm L. 1.4,110.
IL. claim e. Rat
11. Dols ALDO. 2A. DrAwm risus,
PI. 0. MarWr. . 16. YAWL A. PrsuAscs.
11. MA liDosnoruart.
,tintoonio sad Whig County Tickot.
DAVID RITCHIE. Plttebeagh.
arsouss-220 wan%
THOMAS M. HOWE, Alleghenl.
10t tT.
THOMAS PINSKY. Meßeerpott.
100111 ED °OMAN, Pitisbaseh.
0. S. STITSR. Tolmsblps
JOIIN IL PORTZ& Tnrentenn• •
WILLIAM MAGILL. Plitetentsb.
OCILLIS JII.OW OW Co= to WICIAllit 1112111 ,111 0 4
JOHN ORBHART. Allegheny: a
WILLIAM ALGEe. Pittobargb.
.7/AMES LOWRY., rittrinuce.
1111ANOIS.L OASES= Illesbetle.
Scott . Club' .
serTELE Executive Committoo of tho
.6tanty Beett Club" hors flied open the following meet
ings to Ws gad plot to the Own* Moss lie.ting on the
2:1/A of tarot snonth—, M.
At Perryttlile. 011 gouda. the 7th. .t P
'At If oloowport.otatidny.Boptembetloll, at TX o'clock
I'. IL
At Jolla Cowan% Bsltlyrin Taw ruhip.o. Satutizi.Wt.
Ilth.ftlX. P.n.
At TareAtm. on SamSu, Septemba 14th it 3 and 7%
At lattel Ireree.Boblneon .Pnernehly. on name,lli
ltsb Antettbot, at% delock. T. A.
At Noblest...A. on Ealtudity. September pth 7%
At 15hattAbuttb, Baturdar, Brytember loth at IN
nrsor, wourferaive
no PM still presence entire. silence on the
lights= of the Democratic , candidate toe the.
Bapreme Judgeship. .How are we to interpret
thin? rust, and mainly, it to a confession of
the truth of the charges. Could any defence be .
made It would not be delayed a day. fieCond,
we may interpret the. Poet's ellence as a deter
mination to let Mr. Woodward's election go by•
default, so • pumishrhent for the defeat at Camp.
bell, or for holding Dative - American opinioU
which the Post affects to abhor so much. Third
ly, the Post may desire to elect lVoodward, bat
eau no way to defend * him, and conEridere e
lapse the best polity, as by that mearis &w
-ands of Democrats will forte find out that they
are voting fora candidate who endeavored
deprive all foreigners who arrived in this coun
try after 1841, of ignite] rights.
Bat how does the Poet azeouni for the nomi
ustion of each a man by the Deuvictstic party?
What le the foreign, population to infer fromench'l
action? Does it not elzoi that - all their pro
fessed love for the rights of naturalized citizens
is more gammon, wholly Told of all sincerity
and earnatnees, and only used as 9. ClOak to
eat* voter.
This most interesting and important ululation
of the mannfacturing and agrioultursi peoduc.
Mons of Ohio, and the adjoining States, takes
place next week, in Cleveland, aommenoing on
In answer to-the numerous questions pro
pounded to us, in regard to P 4111024 fares, we
state, authoritatively, u follows:
Excursion tickets to Cleveland rind back, can
be procured at' the ticket office or the Ohio and
Pennsylvania Railroad, at any tfma daring next
week, from Monday to Thursday, for four dal
fan each, which is half price. Each tickets
be good until Saturday, and no longer. These
excursion tickets will be sold at all the stations
along the line, from Pittsburgh to Wooster.
Prom this, it will be seen that any purses,
ladles or gentlemen, who wish to visit Cleveland
during the Falr week and return, can do so at
half price, by puroksabig an excursion ticket.
No doubt that hundreds of persons will avail
themselves of lids opportunity to visit the beau
tiful eity of the Lakes, and to take a pitman;
healthful and cheap cm:Widen. ,
Articles for exhibition matt be shipped in the
freight trains, unless persons wish to pay the
price of express freight. Articles left at the
freight depot on Saturday's/ill reach Cleveland
• on Monday evening, and those left on Monday,
will arrive on Tuesday evening. The freight
trains leave at 4 o'clock in the morning, and go
through in one day.
T/331 Beau—Tua Post, aro Jon BALILIZ
The Post, of ymtarday, has the following empha
tic statement
i•Me have frequently said that we did . not
charge Mr. Magill with this fraud, bat only de-.
Mrs that a statement should be made to the pen
pie suninstinghtm fromall participation in it."
nista cool, decideMy...Who ever charged Mr.
Magill with sad such participation, except Bar
kw sad the Post—the one boldly, and the other
emesldngly and by Innendo. The Post !nits seal
to injure s lar. Ids4ll, has pities itself yin the pa
l otti t o . ot how to Joe Bit t er , sad now, feeling
the degradation of such elleoc4tia;:it Se Ity
lag to crawfish, and makes most
gles in its efforts to escape. It now tries, to
put on an air of Innocence, end most lustily ex*
ws tuner obsripsd Mr. Magill.with
any participation in the scrip instterl:we were
oaly satin= that he should ,be exonerited
fore the people trom'all partiolpstion in it. In
deed we cannot Mondly to Joe Barks; we don't
like him n; bit, we are not In collation with
himl" •
What disinurrated and virtaous editors! They
Were laboring all this time for Mr. Ilsgill'e ben
t dl. They wen desirous to clear Mr. Magill
'before the.Poople, and to destsny the Met at
Berkiestiandetst7shey :were not Tselnis
that growling Lion at least thiy did not
Intend to be, if we easy bilieentheir own repent
eat nonfeesions.
Well, we axe willing to give the - Post- all the
benefit of its forced couirition, but ling confess
that we have little faith in thesincerity of its
repentance; but having eoutpenedit 'to do Mr.
41411 - lattice, we will leivistrito ito ovntkittor
redactions. It is not our pie:01 ' 10 divorce It from
Lie 4011W90ii011 With Joiltsrlarf, whichviikvolun=
assumed, hereon much of may. pity
the helpless wretchedness of such a conditlini.
Tie nmeiptiof the Moreland and Pittsburgh
llama for the month oUnagnst, ere to
lolrc --
Per = l ersil; &Li
Total . 4W,at7 so
Tkla la atomism , Inatiaie oar te Koolau.
*oath, and atom tail tbla * -nook fi Is a
thrlotag sad boalthroltdition. The-fate ar
oaagoalast !of . *** Valtrgoto throaah
tweak thin lad tha Okla tad Pakmayloaltik,
W Proved matually*idos' to both Comp*.
. .
.44 do not dmiroto °ahead theme that wis
• ore .moor to detest tdagill, and that we
will sum mai Mad urns orttldb 'our shalt to
01 bol thearto'"lndiedf: Do you toil
Lanoodom and Inolnindlons intereded tq gin
• polat and throe to Darker's - elandem.koneort--
when Irvin 700 km been eompelted to aoknowl
. edge that Mr. Moglll Imo not obtnieus-to ouch
. dunes, and that you desire to eionmste him
before the people from allpartedOtr! In than
. • ...Zama," indeed. Prom Medi. howdy may all
rasa be &avowed. f.
. ...
, ,Tera Re an.— 'The line of the railroad, we
. ilia .
understand, is at last aPiatiry. It mimes to the
turn of the bill about a half toile from BOUT.
and keepe along the hill-eide to West Wheeling,
in this county. There they stop, and freight,
Ati::, will be taken scram in boom, below the
~point or the Wheeling Island. The road, we
understand, will be advertised for contract,
forthwith.—Beisiont Chronicle.
' If this is the. shortest tied easiest worked
route from Zanesville to the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, and the liempfleld Road at Wheeling,
we are rejoiced that tt has been taken by the
company. We bare no doubt the company will
have an inner depot not far from that of the B.
& 0. B. 8.. in Wheeling, in the course of a year
or two. The suggestion, however, may be pre
mature, tea aecyrrotieram.— Wheeling Times.
The above is worthy of the attention of Philte , .
delphia. While the people of that city are being
importuned by. Mr. Charles Ellet, Jr., to wan
'der millions on the Hempfield Road, it'll well
for thim to kliew that they will have to boat
travellers and freight scrota the Ohio river,
which Ls for weeks at a, time full of running ice,
at other times high and dangerous, and full of
diift wood, and at others extremely loft, as at
present. Now the easing of distance between
Philadelphia and any part of the West, by the
Rempfield route, will not by any means compen
sate for the delays and dangers of this moat of
transfer scrods the Ohio, so that the Pittsburgh
, route will be decidedly the beet, and Philadel
. phis will have epent her `millions upon Mr.
Ellet'a Bempfield project for naught. A word
of caution ta the wise is sufficient.
A LOCI:MC/00 EDITOR ,C031,0171[01113.—A gentle
man who arrived from Philadelphia within a day
or two, Informs as that after the passengers bed
taken their seats in the CCMcoming West, at the
blettntain Howse, person come to the door of
the middle car, in which oru• Informant wee
seated, and announced himself as a democratic
editor, and stated that he wished to take a Pre
sidentiil rote, to
all in fever of
Fiercest:id King to rise up. Although the car
was fall not a person- left hie seat. rids wag
ominous, and the editor very faintly requested
the Scott men to arise. At onoe every men in
the ear sintog to his feet, end the poor editor
miuled amidst the laughter and cheers of the
delighted Scott men. He bed had enough, and
did Dot try any more cars. Poor fellow, he wan
perfectly dumfounded.
We undeistend thst.fdr. Hour% the General
Buppintendant of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
has resigned his office, for the purpose of se
oepting the situation of Chief Engineer on some
Southern Railroad. lir. Haupt is an expert•
mooed and Sioomplished Engineer, and his eer•
viceswili be valuable to any company which may
he eo fortunate as to secure them.
It is rumored that the Cleveland, Columbus
and Cincinnati intend to put a night train on
that I:Mtion sod at* Thursday next. We hope
this rumor.will be yorified, as It will enable pas
sengers going West to reach Cincinnati in one
day from Pittsburgh, as they now reach Pitts
burg,h in one- day from Cincinnati• We shall
Wise farther information soon.
We have received a malt pamphlet edition or '
the eloquent remarks of Sedge Conrad, at liar.
risburgb, at the Great Whig Mass Meeting, Aug.
20th. The pamphlet is entitled, "the career
and claims of Winfield Scott, the hero, statesman,
philanthropist and patriot," and is an effort
worthy the, genies and eloquence of the an•
thor..- •
Cassurrexer I—The Ulao7l spends a half co
nun in abusing Oco. Scott for holding
American sentiments,—and yet renders its ear
nest support to a num who holds such opinions
openly and avowedly. We refer to Judge Wood
ward. What makes the matter still worse is,
that its lea grows misrepresentation as far as
Gen. Scott is concerned, and an undeniable fact
in the case of Judge Woodward.
. .
The Buffalo Express tells of' a Docratic
Irishman who, suggests a Way lie Iri em sh could
pay off. their debts to their English rulers. At
the last St. Patrick's fastind in Albany, he gives
ihn . following tout: ,
..Protection to American Industry—lts moat
legitimate and effectual punishment we cut in
filet on John 8011, for his tyrannj and oppres
-1 ion to Ireland. Let us hare shish tariff—high
enough to exclude the Importation of di British
THE FTDi AT Ronwar.—The Natcher Courier
of Tuesday has the following brief scoount of the
die et Rodney, already mentioned:
• "We lean that on Sunday morning Mat, about
1 o'clock, a fire broke out in the kitche thr o e e
Hotel et Rodney, sad rapidly spreadh
. town, consuming aimed every house and
store. The sawmill of the Messrs. Weldon
was 'Mend times on fire, but was farttmately
eared without much damage. We also under
stand that the store of Messrs. 'hake and Griffis
woe eared."
Ettrurra LIJIIINT COXMITILD roc Mumma:
correspondent of the Milwankie Sentinel
glen the following account of an affray between
Leabey and a man cameo Manly, at Pardeerille,
Wisconsin, in which Manly wee killed. Leahey
is well known throughout the country as a lectu
rer against the Catholic religion:
write to inform you that there was a man
murdered yesterday at Parderriitle. The cir
cumstances are these—tt Mr. Lahr', (of Cath
olic notoriety, who once lectured in Milwaukle,
which caused d mob among the Ostholice.some two
years einne,) became saspicitme of an Irish friend
by the name of Manly of haring two much
macy with his (Leslie's's) Wife, and trued him a
few days ago, but failed to — convict him. Yes
terdry they had another trial, and Mal
yny was
Again cleartA; when Leahey drew oat his -
and shot Manly, causing his desth in a few
moments. Leahy also shot twice at Idorton
Squire of Pardeesille; once he rained him, the
elected time the ball passed through his clothes,
grated bin body and lodged In hiswhile.
.All of this occurred in the Court room,
theoom r was crowded. Leshey has had his
examination and been committed to jail for mur
For the Itittsburih Guiana.
'Mn. Enrroa: As the time is near at hand for
the election of County and State officers, I beg
acts to call the attention of the proper persona
to the followi following ?otation, passed by the
County' Contention: 0 Resoldot That • com
mittee be appointed by the Chair to address the
p ly (s behalf of the nominees of this Conven
tion, sal that the number of this committee be
left discretionary with the Chair." H
committee yet been imp:lined 1 Our October ,
election is one of vital importance, and no effort
should di wired to give our whole ticket a large
. " D'iti " --- . .---- ass
)tom t h e Ned.' Infiltdoxam.
An eminent :citizen of the West, (a neon of
Virgln ta wash:MlNl' blitturni"took the ho S in tm e th fro er: ‘,lroareete,ntwvillitileht 1
he travelled leisurely, and in the progress of hie
journey his thigh standing and national repute
, brought. btm in anted with most intellyent
parsons. "Ina letter of the 16th alt. he gives as
the result of his observation, se follows:
..litretarning home slowly, through the South- ,
ern Shan, I had some opportunity to form Tog-I
able conjs.: r Wee concerning the Presidential
eleetton. ink Carolina may be fairly counted
for Peen South Carolina will more certainly,
go for Prem. The leading politicians there
will support him because (being reasonably Ws
en the negro question) they believe that be will
set his fen, like a Sint, against Internal Im
provement and protection to manafectures. Be
sides, I have not seen a single avowed disinionist,
100 ,010 c man, or nullifier who does not go de
-1 eidedly for Pierce. Georgia, I rather you, will
In the end also go for Pierce, swayed ohleffy by
reasons that govern South Carolina; But It le
WTI even to peas about Georgia jnst now. She
rather • antic state at present, with no
magnised leaders, and no settled course of pol
icy upon which parties may rally and know their
flaPaat4" be'L•
81stutaaa" is certain for Scott. Boyles the
high appellation of martial renown which Ten
setnearie alive airplay, the bold and active tal
ent of the State Lida:May for Scott. No doubt
Of Tocurselea' •••• .
$lB,BBB 61.
11,488 'lB
Douai lorscrosq.--Bethany, Harrison 00.,
hxqlle,' was serioualy disturbed a short time
dote, by • awe of Lynching. A Dr. T.—,
under the indium* alas 'green eyed mender,'
bad stained his Mb, • respectable lady of that
place, with InfideUV, and had left her, but on
his Warn, he mai seised by • number of gen
tlemen, tame Mom the Doctor had elan slan
dered, who,. forming a circle in the street, Pre*
vented Maescape, while • larg e
nimber ano
dic/ autfijakd hies mith coo Aida to a/ ems ef
or and ,ft lathed The Doctor soon
ate left for parts uldtoperst, end we possums will ex
ercise miltila moos disorMina in his k.
,yam.- ± .,,•~ -.: ~,"` ,~:.,:,f„ ..-. > ~..~;r-- ~~,y~
As the impression in becoming generil that
Ohio la the battle ground of the present Presi
dential osseous, inquiries from abroad are mut
tiplyilig upon us with increasing solicitude, as
to the probability of the result- We deem it
Important that our friends, both at home and
abroad, should be properly assured regarding
the condition of things in Ohio, and shall there
fore endeavor to answer the inquiries referred
to, in as fall and tratisfactory • manner as possi
That the twenty-three electoral votes of this
State will be given to Winfield Scott, In Hoven,
' ber next, we believe as certain and Inevitable as
any other future event of the canvass.
Bat we dean to state, before proceeding to ,
I, give the reasons which have produced this con- ,
station, that now, as ever, we base no eaten's
don of !access upon any elate of facto which
does not embrace the most complete orpanizatio
land the most actire erection of the Whig party of
the State. It would be &public misfortune If any
I ex-premien of confidence from any quarter
' should induce the belief on the part of a single
Whig voter in the State, that Gen. Scott did not
need his vote, and his continuous and earnest en- I
deavors throughout the struggle. One confi
dence In success is founded mainly upon the be
lief that every Whig vote Is to be relied upon,
and that every honorable endeavor will he made
to secure success. For this belief, we have the
beat possible reasons, as we shall presently
That a triumph is within our reach is as clearly
demonstrable as any proposition In mathematics.
The most spirited canvass we have had in
Ohio since 1840 was that of 11344, when the can
dilates were Henry Clay and James K. Polk.
The entire vote of the State then was as follows:
Clay, 165,113
" ,149,0131
Total, 312,224
It will be recollected that the great question
of that canvass was the annexaon of Texas,
and that we were wall nigh borne ti to the ground
by the prodigious mistake of Mr. Clay's Alabama
letter. It lost us thousands of votes.
In 1818, our difficulties were greatly increased
above those of 1844, and the State was given to
the Democratic candidate by the following vote:
Cue, 154,773
Taylor, 138,359
Van Doren, 35,347
Total, 328,419
That the vote of 1848 was by no means a fall
vote, in evident from the fact that it did not
show a sufficient increase above the vote of 1844.
Notwithstanding the immense vote of 1840, the
vote of 1844 exceeded that by 39,285; while the
vote of 1848 exceeded that of 1844 by only 10,-
. 248. Nothing can bo clearer, then, than that at
the last Presidential election, many thousand
voters did not go to tho
If there be any doubt ou this point it will cer
tainly be removed by the fact that Gen. CAW.
vote RIO 340 km than it,. Clay'e in 1844 !
Bat the vote of the irate et the Gubernatorial
elections of 1850 and 1851, aro still more tn
structive. The vote of 1880 was an follows:
Wood, 133,092
Johnston, 121,105
Smith, (F. 8.) 13,803
Total 238,000
Here It will be seen that while Gov. Wood was
elected by 11,883 totes over Judge Johnston, he
actually fell behind General Taylor 5,286 votes,
and behind General Cass 21,580 votes; while
the vote of the Free Soil candidate was 21,545
behind Van Berme/ vote. Throwing entirely
out of the question soy estimated increase for
the two years, and we have an actual diminution
of 60,479 votes.
The vote of 185: was as follows:
Lewis, (F. 8 )
Total '284,114
Here Gov. Wood with a mejoity of '26.008
over Vinton, fails 9,607 below Mr. Clay in 1844,
9,169 below the vote of Gen. Cass in 1848;while
Mr. Vinton's vote is 18,763 below Gen. Taylor's.
and Mr. Lewis is 10,433 below Von Barea'rg--
making in all a diminution in the vote of the
State since 1848 of 48,365, and this too. without
taking into account the atimated increase for
the three years which had Intervened. Now, it
will certainly be within bounds to pleas the in
crease since 1848 to the present time at 16,000.
This added to the diminution in 1851 gives 62.-
000 votes which have not been brought to the
polls since 18481
Now, it is conceded that a large majority of
the votes given to blr. Van Burenwere
from the Whig party, and it must be admitted
that the reasons which induced those votes can
not new hare the controlling effect they had
then. The great object in view in 1848 was to
apply the principles of the ordinance of 'B7 to
our newly acqaired territories. The point Is
now carried, nod there is now no territory be
hinging to the United States, the character of
.hich, In respect to slavery, in not fixed. It
therefore, be fair to presume that a large
camber of the Whip who separated from ns in
1848, will set with us this fail; and especially
einem Gen. Scott, whom they all then preferred,
is our candidate now. And our every day's ob
servetion sustains this view. It Is idle en the
part of certain gentlemen to attempt to prevent
this point from having its proper effect in consi
dering the condition of parties in the State.
At the Whig Baltimore Convention, Gen. Scott's
nomination was urged with other reasons,
cerise it was believed he would attract support
from the democratic rank*, and now, ail over
the State of Ohio the prediction is being verified.
thmany sections of the State, large numbers of
e party have repudiated the democratic ticket
and publicly declare for Gen. Scott. Evidences
sufficiently concludes are at hand that the slime
thing in wetklng in other localities, more quiet
ly, but with prodigious effect. Divisions and vio
lent bitternesses among the leaders have relaxed
the stringency of party drill among the ranks,
nor is the power of intimidatiou and bullying of
any avail. Those democrats who have concha
,ed to think for themselves and vote for the na
-1 Bon's greatest chieftain and defender, will do
and nothing can prevent them. Let those pro
, Semen whq deny this Coll6llli the-record of their
secret canvassers and publish the record.
Ben. Scott has a strong hold upon the affec
tions of the naturalised voters which party drill
cannot cgotral or beldam,. conceal. The lode
, peadance and patriotism displayed by our Irish
and German fellow.eitisens of our own city, to
only a sample of the sem, thing extended over
the whole State. The polls will, chow the troth
of cur remarks!
We esy to you Meseieure the Lecofecos of
Ohio! Your destiny is as manifest a your op
position is intakes. During the ides of next No
vember you will be driven to the wall and spiked.
Burnt Inskdy can't nave you.
To our friends we would say, our prospects
were never more cheering. Be argued that retry
rote sill hrbrought to asps/le—which unlveradly
Decants a-Whig triumph in Ohio. The work Is
In the hands of the meet energetic, thorough and
reliable men. From every quartet of the State
from which we have information, we have news
of Important aceeesions to our ranks. What we
him said shave, is backed up with power. Only
be firm—firm no a rook, end seen to it, that you
do your whole duty. That done, and victory
will be ours, worthy of the glorious old Whig
party of Ohio.—Cleetland Herald.
The PROSPZCT.— We receive, says the Rich
mond Whig, the most cheering news from all
parts of the State. Our Mends in every quar
ter, are in high hopes, and are tacking every
preparation fore triumphant fight. The North
ern ales sad Pierce's blunders have alarmed
the people. His votes upon the subject of inter
nal u re provements, and Edmund Burke's position,
his New Boston speech, his close and Intimate
affinity with Van Buren, his known. propensity
for ' , fainting" on the eve of great mediate, all
tend to demonstrate to the people that he Is not
the "man for a crisis." The Democrats say
there Is a ' , iris's" at hand, and the people de
sire man of nerve, sagacity, decision, and will
to be it the helm of affairs. H sayi nr sing popularity of Gen. Scott. We to our
friends every where, that a continued effort, with
enterprise and energy, is all that Is wanted to
secure Virenie for Boott.
0111 AT Bronx IN F. NOLLND.-All parts of
Augustt& were
wilinguri the week
of preceding the of the steamer,
by storms of thunder and lightning of unprece
dented violence.. In England, Ireland, Scotland,
and Wales, they were alike destructive. Hous
es and churches were struck, and in some cues
conimmed; fields of grain prostrated. end men
and women, klled, and tho shipping of the coasts
more or less damaged. The London Herald has
three columns of clone matter, giving the details
of the accidents and losses. Among other pe•
culiarities of the' phenomena; were the shocks
of earthquake felt in come places, particularly
in Cornwall and Devon.
The news io Washligton from Cubs is tbst
thorough polloy bse been ordered. The Captain
Cenenl ender Instructions of apprehended In
vasion, has directed that every person taken
with srms in his hands against the authorittee,
shill be shot within three hours afterwards, end
in case any officer should refuse to execute the
foregoing penalty, he shill be shot initiate
piously for contumacy.
Ifetra.—The election of State °Meer. and 1
Members of Congress will be held In Maine on
the 18th of September. The dllferent parties
are liks• .tangled skein of Bilk. Double eats of
candidates are In the field, and the liquor law le
with many, Menu and i foee, foes. * nst l / 2 1mount eon
sidenttion. It to impossible to predict the re
mit of each • eommingliog of parties, and we
ll=that the election will not tarnish • wry
teat of _the innitiment of the &ate CD
The apeeeli made by Gen. Shields, at a com
plimentary dinner given to Geo. Scutt in New
York, in January VW, is a capital document to
silence the calumnies which the lecefocce hove
tittered against Gen. &tett, for his conduct in
the 'Mexican ware
(the Brigadier General of the same now present
A worthy chieftain or that heroic bond who have
costal:ileum:nay carried out the heroic counsel pf
the Spartan mother:a, to return with or upon
their "Shields."
than. Shields rose and said—Mr President,
with your permission, and the consent of the
company, Tartish, no a subordinate officer of the
American army, to give the health of Gait die.
tinguished commander under whom my honor.-
ble and gallant friend and myself have had the
honor to serve. I feel it due from me Ao Gen.
Scott, [applauee] first as one of his officers hay.
ing returned from the head quarters of the army
which he HO nobly and successfully commended. '
I think it still further duo, returning, n. I do,
with a conviction that that army him been rem- I
mended in such a manner by Gen. Scott as to I
call forth the applause, and estimation, and high I
regard, not only of his countrymen, lint of the
whole world. It would be a useless and a feel- I
ish undertaking on my part to attempt sdequate
ly to describe. before this intelligent assembly,
the skill and high military knowledge displayed
by Gem Scott in the conduct of that army from
its landing at Vera Cruz until it entered the go
rim at Mexico. If I should attempt the task I
should fail. I could not portray with justness
the conduct of that distinduished commander in
the hazardous enterprise in which he has boon
engaged. Bat I will say this, that in the Mato•
ry of the world=in the annals of all military af
fairs and enterprises that I have ever read, 1
find no enterprise comparable with the capture
of Vern Cruz. One of the strongest positions
iu the world—ao strong, indeed, that it was
deemed almost impregnable by the military
minds of the world, and yet on is coast Oho most
dif f icult of access in the world, it fell before an
army of 12,000 men, with a loss of only two
tumre. [Applause.] And the same skill
enabled him to accomplish thi,, undertaking,
marked every movement of its progress uutil ho
entered the gates of 6lexico.
In the remarks of fitejor General demur., res
peeing the bravery and gallantry andinteltigerme
of the officers of eon army I heartily t ooter.
Neither England, France, or any ethic country I
in the world has each a body of intelligent young
officers in the field ar theater who accompanied
Gen. Scott into Mexico, and If over 'entertain... l
a thought against Kest Point, I now make the
amend, honorabit. and recall anything to the pre•
judies of that institution that I may have thought
or uttered. [Great applause.] Se it in with re.'
gird to Gen. Scott. If I ever harllared aught
ageluat him, politically or otherwise--for a "has
ty plate of soup," [laughter] era Mow plate of
recall It all and tanks the daende to
Mm also, and fay that I should be verytmwtlliog
tu sce any othertnan take an army tf ten t hen
sand men into the valley of MnitC,,.,ad Itttrallat
to lead them in safety " Such undertaking
requires not only rintineetiounkle bralery nf the
soldier, nod gallantry of the officer, 1111' A resat
superintending military mind, that had ei , a.
quered and made hitneelf master of 61• profes
eion, and thus fitted himself to anoompliph pitch
an almost miraculous enterprise
With your permission, Mr. President, net that
of thin company. I g lee you the health MI %jot
General Wmieniam S tory. [Great Whin", ]
The Boston Courier says that the gentlemen
that city, friendly to the nomination of Mr
Webster as an independent candidate, are wait
ing for expression. 44 ' public opinion in othe
States upon that subject. Aud the question o
his nomination, it thinks, wilt depend on ill
probability of being Able to carry the elect,.
a President in the House of itepieseritative 4
If his nomination neem likely to scrum
plish that result, he will be ndminated, if no
not The whole que.dion, tberefore, nay pr
habit' be eonsid•red settled.
CoLtittaer, Aug. 31,
In one county . of St,stx, where Dent
Taylor 1000 vote., Stott will now beet Pierre,
and Hale will probably poll more rotee, thin
either. Many Care men are now for
F. S. Cleaver's "Prize Ilednl Honey So in."
liirTllOSE wlicy hare ventured "n the t: , ,
lE. end caprottable taitt of Intl,atlng
LMaI honer An h•re r.ry naturally farl , no- 1 that
IS. 1.11.-rtmlonta what story of th•ar.l,an: hon.! with
vth.r Inerallenta.
of mewl! Invented Pm:, i..ufllerut to 11a•..n ran
titian Ida, that pnalnewl ,y S. el•tery. 11 It but an
art cline-id, ho , vaor. tr. the. Illfol.y.t,t , r. 1, , Li. • 0
tamthi. tart ito , haYe t•ren tnaught
tt.. Ylrir or oh. learnY4 at..l Impartia ,
awardod to him th. :al) that L . lll 1111^WL. waf th.
r..ult of than°, Loy th. anal. 01 a er,n, , yoar,
but the fruits of lone and ra•and II
tooatodc• rho. mat•trtalt ecolh,
11.1061, sad an 01.11,1, waaJyal.. h. r41,1,..1 !Ito serg e
hVILLOLIbLe to blm.ll and ttaatul to the Wk•ri
Yor sale mail at •ll Prox 0100.. and
only by tt, sawn.• for rlttlharty!, and It. rt.
1,“ T
mer:llAlval a tilt. a 0,-
Medical testimony cannot be Controverted
11012 . 'ONN of tho ruo4l. atartlin sties is oar
-1-4,3 V.rra.o., by Pr 40 . .0 Boa., of
Lowell, ^ Co. ex.... woo the. ofa ionng
sly who blot born •rry oiant i rarl and boa 10n
0v1,4 a catalorr of chreolans. who LM trtatool it •• nor
of I'mbisious Uteri. Mr. But!, wag •bru..rel tn, end
far • time bellowrd with hi. prol o or.,or. th•t
rare of ProtiLys.. Ile bowr•or..»n forr-J tt. rt.
notrin.inn float hie i.sti•nt wa.rulfrraLS from w0rm....A.1
situ mooh perrontir.o, L-or ink? two
dnor•en of Ur. 4•1..n.', VormlfAzo. Thi.
thortirel of ermoriroo tram hor a .ota , num , oI
ri.o. MU , .h• Dares,lb. her
toly rrturnr.i. Mb. lo lb.
aid oc.niinnoo
Yr, ovallant
this Tremens• l .U. 1. ba4 PI m•rl aa I ‘l , i
In (awn and er•nsatra. •r. an; .ml. pmprl••an.
.1 !OM, a
o AV,.*l
.n.fid.tar - J3
jpirJos Pnixriso of Kll kintl9 naouutcd
st thls OWn •Ith n•+ t• reaw,,
.aa. and at ahla rat , .
zlwrial at:al:111Pa will b. ,lola art 4 Pro.
mmmn Ito Ext.ll.ltinata•nd '
rani., 11211 11..1, Bills el I.llllay. Inanative, Latlf.
Manta, MAT. , 1411, La-, nra.l; su,aptly rin,d a,
Sao aliL
Mr•IT is duo to Kier's Petroleum to say
ttod It bag been known to rTspletely ,314.1^ 4 41. parr, -
re•tlge rrf this dreadful doe', In time than any
W hir remedy, and at lent rept or Imo. enlanee to :be
Th. tbaumalide of eertifire!Kl its the haul. of the re.-
prlater. many of •bleh are trnni an,wn .rittaen. of
the city ot Pittsburgh laud Its un.llnte •oluo 0, go to
thnv clearly and beyond all doubt. that fill'at's Porf..)-
1.01111 le medicine 01 an entronon value. only La •
loetal lewd, in Paralyals,,eatuea, of
Plata. but ww a valuable. intern,
{pa...floating pbye!eians, se well a. trio suffering patient.
to baeorma at/untitled with Its merits.
Those baring • dread of 12i;l41. are weenr.l that MIN
tncdinine is purely natunal, end la tAttrel floes burn
the boon of the earth.
Tha f o liosing reettnnato Is copied tetsa • paper Puh , ieh
ssfat Syracuse. Net York, and bears dote August 2. Ist2
to which Is law , supend.3 the eerilssats or the esl-1 rated
D. Y. Foot.ll. 0., of Syracuse,
Title may In truth cattily, that I hate le en nadir of.
flicted with Scrofilla for the last morn years. that nowt nt
thn time I base lawn unable to attend to In I of bu
elnsse. gni must. of the time unahls tonsil.. and ....merest
to co • Awl, mad Bata been treated nesTly all the !hue by
the beg phyetalaei our country affords: I
got wow relief, but no cure, end continued to grow "erne,
until for. root vctscimendoll lan to try lb. or
Rock 011, as every thing aloe bad tallr.l l .I',l no without
Yeah at Amt. but the affect was aatoribiblug: It threw cat
pole. to the surfs.. at. ones. and I at ones began to stow
better. and by *ring Men bottles, I bore ant a core earth
thouaando of dollar..
ml. mar certify that I Lave been acquainted with Nier'a
Petroleum. or finch Olt, fw rmon than a post, awl hate
repeatedly eeitneseed lu benenclal effect. In the onto of
inuolent ulterrn, and other diseases for which It la memo.
Mendel, and eau with caufldeunn rocomodsnd It to be a
medicine worthy of attention, trot •oar S armly war that
*ocean has *Ahmed.' Ito use. wh
D. ere oth
VoOT. LI. D er medicine .
Y .
for tali by all the Itrugalsts In Vittaborith.
aughOd arr
varSIIERIFALTY—To the Freemen of
nnuw fl?Vitt,lriTo?,;VXl' , l".l
all wiles. Altar millet. 01 thirty Mime reel". hate
dime month.) to Pittsburgh. In ultra biselneet, tf
hatert, le known to
t o require ten) Please awl bops I may te•
t g umettuttiy. Please girs ytarr Patinae. to the
(but not the Moot fortunate) Ilootgeller In Weatirnunt 1.00n•
oritaula, nod oblige. Cientlenuni, your
anal Luith
A1 11 1 . 1 : 1 1 E! !. - rI
Between Third and Fourth.
jMy Mock embracee every variety and
toil , at Root,, abort., Bonn*le. a,. panto aped dlowt from
the New EnelS94 filat.10.44111•11 1 . adapted espreanlr No
Pa 1 and Winter salve, and will be mitt at , re relee r
—Plow rail and examine Pedro bupina. oe/
ACKSON'S National Dagunniean Watery:
f corn er DI of tbe Di amond and M d
arket street. (atWKwo
I.llVlloox's MII Stared Pittsburgh.
bailee and Gentleman wishing leotards. Menke likenessesw
at moderate lea% will Owen call at the shove c.tablo.h.
50...4 abed UP withfore perior Nide sod akf
warmed with mob skill tha su t ths operator mn talk. the
moat sconmte fit , ) Wallies of the human form with .11 the
expression of utimabatlllo, ta sm. wbsenrae.
nr,;Z:=olttitfantw a:curate , ly apied..nd du•
is.ilereang not required to takes plants, onPas I. taw-
Her rseemblanr•
1113.LIkeossess taken of Molt and deceased Mr.., in
My nett of th writrmat widaitf.
iaritomfd even. nod onerstiow from El x. al.. until 0 P.
et. 1411tranae in be Diamond. tePaatterlvtt
JUIN O. OM.. ................ ..».«.-TANN 6 N'COU
Pdtsbargh, Po.
Nelson's First Premium
Petit Oilice Building, Third Street.
d , ITIZESS and strangers who wish En oh
j ra art irtic and life Menem at •
ry tottlere , priet , a - ill Owl It their interred to eall at web ttaten tottablitbinett, where
~,,,tetel, 110 oo charge made. theme.. of the
end Moo arrattord bide and Skydohla ever oo
eroded for the toupee. with lattrunteuts of the molt
ot hit and borioz adopted the system of 0011107 -
?I , 7 or rittr. no now method by the celebrated !toot, et
Ithilielphin roe/ New York. Mr. N. Ilattere hhattelf to be
elle to oder to the Wren, of the Art, • atria ofler.
ee tt
'Loer or log - mop, which been.ybeef
to rsette ,
ana o per4tlno, to all weathers, Ir.
Suroosuor to Li. P. Nelson & Co.,
on, Nn. tuvol, thtvl J.:or abov.6 Avalthll.44
gs"AII •...ak war:ll[o.o4 roul tp aul wantuturr.l.
6 . :ltzexCF insttranve, t.ompany of YittsburglO
Q. O. I'.lllnroe,
sAMUISL, L. MAllBlll[l.L.lllei
t haul(t u‘ fou or auouvo 4. PIRA:. Also.
nr, the orral Me :,RA and INI.A.N I) NA VIOA TION
' .1. liar.,VY ra. !Arm,. Jr
• I
re, "
a i rs rrl,. '
interments in the City of PittAirgh
EltOM AVOW , r 00, TO 8E17.1, 1.02.
of rtrf.
:001.00. lutmataxm
11,10.11..0rui 0 .
Isinartmat:oo ckf* 0.
11,00111 r. 10rth
!gin 1.40 ,
. 1.
1.17. d, 1 ~,a1
at I tot
. .
"•.,5,;:40 0
I.l.rolcotn •- to Point of
To the Business men of Pittsburgh.
r. t . 1 11F.. l'obli4ber of the' MONONG
itterifLlCA , re v....fu11y the afteouro
. to the r1.114.110{. io.f.yeement• preeev`ed • it. hie ray.,
e .1 ol 1.n11,1 f,RI.MOTrInSr•b4O. City. Pi
c • .•'•• the 111-..
lo the centre el the rich
nil 1. hr ‘lrringaigeli. Iv A:Tula:lnn alen4
• ev.r . f me, ..ever thin say ether publislod to
eni tt au extensive olio' eircuistlnn
• .1.. ee .I,llatif Ifelleetz: Reouillein to ho
•••}rh•. er• not, Ineefuh .bah Pittebefih lath the people et the Mote
ee o tee
lb. Y.:11ov,
1 'nut. 0 nvntt, 4
r.i ..! .$1 40 51
tv-rr. 1r0n...... ._.*t,
wren ~-....... lo.) 4 ...... 00
• 00 (n, 4 to
sa s e:•••• •34
.3,1 •
-'•".1""r"• tso. ..... 0 0.--j. ,0 400
T,..hor /hr 'lnt,."• t at 4
11, 11P, (by,' ,ot• 4,4.
Edmund Watts & Co.,
Tailor'. No. 185 Liberty Street.
Tll 1101 A, receiving our Fail Stock,
v aL ,r• roshl+-1 pre,ot me In , t o.lm of
AI, tar ruht,r. no,natlt•l wo•ortmont
nrol goo.:. modnatt
ca.col to the char.:or of oar et.ttytt,
totl comfort. wo It., on bawl <noir. Iwo
.o,tax.ot rowly amt. .l 10101 of our ow I 1 manias,
Montgomery Greys.
Volunteer Company will paral "' ode o
CA:,ES Winter Strained Elephant Oil;
,f.) 1.. ht, rot.. LO - ki
t or. L:tt.....101 1
10 103%1 tor nal
, OFFEE—I7 S bag prim° Rio Coffee—in
/ bun , n for NO, K. 0, BLACKBURN A V/.
VOR SAI.E,.—A new two-horse wagon,
111 tt.r cAnn. RUN .ELL JuliNierii•.
School Books, School Book's.
USIOPENSNO at LW Sow Book Store.
ei N. a , ' •11.. t. • great rarirZiol all th e test
t...,11 , ••1 tho Cit) aa th moo la zoom
nl aro throagl.cut Ww mosttrr
311.111Ari1t,...1 the }".;loctle ..d.• of
• Towle.. awl Sandrre Opal .
aerie• C.,,aleart. dialth'S sod
Artthcaol. ,
;1 .); Ws. att.lotaor.
htaLth's 11a .11Oft 1,51:14 Attatyticat
tn. hicbor toot
h . tionloa-r. 1t,..,t1z. 1.01-
A rply el th• t. ,, k. for Pablysth
try the /111.13..1% 6. 0. Vona, Bontoo
ha , LSON /. gai.
Mart.: rt. n"
Now Books.
Artaal °car $1... /Oght fthooldaa.bT the arfthaa Of
4i'ate.Aium,by authar of Tha Wide. Wide
ha faart , ,ao.t iert voluno. at Coatuna.
ajaaaro ta•Y.a.a , r Nar. •
CarOlent apra.u•
ebal~r +f ,tn.rsr
rreirinc unrat asalata b,"
of or: a u,.
It It rtat rt. oast Fourth.
Aa , at
I" :j A 11..CLIIILO A CO.
%AO 'NE %Ll\ }MAI , torto , mg,
I' floe n tor,rsle b
Farm for Salo.
, ONTAINini 230.64-160 acme, 100 of
l rods eye stud., rultiTallon. situate In I , matuultia I
ennbqs, Merrx couuty. Va. about 7 m
ilia ile. ?row Nest
an.ltbe otempiated •laP 3 t of the Erie and
,treborab ratboad. there I. on.d.ald lam *tiara 40 teat
with .1.1.000 touteme•ih, built Lu 1,80, two
ry 1., hour., and n I,* hours Perm l eree.d. 24
u 1 , 1 0 0 114 1,. Matt. The Parra •houtla In good
og water. Kul lute iron or. itu.l perb•Pe
,•e•1• , . yoen.l erdsara of Wu aqui.. tree. Pear.
,11 , 4 chorr a!, 011,:ee grattteo !roll. bald
e te , .01 , 1 .tther the whole or • bag. 01 , 44 ,
hat( rash aO.l the balance no time. APO!.
JAYE." , 11IC110Li u1
Oran‘avn. Otto.
FruE SUBSCRIBEP. invitees the publid in
4 grn.rgl. In call xml,atnlns stock
t , tono Martin, Lynx. Frenc..
on.irquirr., !tufts. Limn. Vl,l.4risa, Ar. Al...illack
nn .l Ic tV.ulding hr
blevst pri^ , raid fert . :Thinning Fol.—sorb
irln Muskrat
" F".
"""r inr!'rl: ,l .lt(Z . .e ; .
.41 ltrl. o. which artll hn e)1.11,6 o r Lte . p . •lVAT,,kr r ilr•P.
hn. 10 North Ynorl4 .1. Philsdalphla.
John M. tieyborger 4e. Brother,
forth Seevkd Sired, Philadelphia,
lI'ORTERS of every dencription of Fish
llovkn I,ll,ll4vg.(arkln. fork.Grtalm V. , 1 000 d ,
, I'll, and avoniva APV.rstue. Vo twine , . and Itotall.
GETZ. No. 72 liouth - Scoond
strvrt, l'hiladelplilm.ntlorr for In a largeand wall
enlented ......orttnent Cl ?WHS. Import. and Tr i mm i n g .. w
ufnoturg. roch at Lad,: Moira, and
...ding Coto:error, ituatien. Sable, B.ank and :direr
tot. Mar un. H. , I,rns. Jan.. Awl.t: p.n. and
all %Isola er fun. Whele.l• and Itetall. on the gaud raw.
..bin Verna.
V. n. —Purr of all kind. 0:gaowl, manufwetured.altered
rnpairni in tha
reprnarrliu , *
Kn. B. F. Harris,
.N.:mber Seventy.TAree Arch Street, Philadelphia,
the attention of Merchants and
tij w.f. , her barely.. aseertmerd. of Fall end 'Mo
tor Ilonnallnr lino latest creed , and Hannah atylamada
or the tend material, end •hiett ohs e, ode.
anll low. CALL , AND ISXAMINZ.
13.—Parlloular attention paid to-ord...
To Bridge Builders.
F:ALED P ROPOS &LB will be received at
t car. of the Ceuta) ConVnladonerguntllnmo of
lir ed. ll‘e 14 th irt.for the erection of bridge or e s UM,
t orn non. the Weahlont.en count y linn. titone abut
non. and wooden ouporr,ructure. Pia./ M/ , r.d". ,
be ma at the errire up to the nf lentos.
JAMES 111T(1111 , 1,1 , .
•tiovtre. •
Pitt.. Rapt. 7, 19,.3.
ratArdlwaslb .
41,N,T.W n
, 300 KS--Just Teemed, -
1 otos.. Library: meats
A 11. T. Turk armee.
The llortioulturtet sod Goltirairr. far
• _
Ltd.. or Adventunin ot • French Mllltnrr, hr Alcsan
vlvr Munn:
Th. , Adventurer of Clamor. Bolton or Lift In Kr
lurk. !m'et'h A. Ancrul'e—v4ltor of the Pick. Inv *al
by W. A. ULU/I:NIT:4Y A Ca.
renrtb otrvet.
ESS PORK-20 bbls. heiWyWess Pork,
AOON SIDES---20,000 just out of smoke
') 1 ono 10 Dew order, fee Yale
eop7 11011124.11.1.
Ribbons! Ribbons! •
AVE have just received a Brilliant aasori
T Y moat of Poll R1Lboo•, A- A. MASON k CO.
fna. 66 64 O N .1.
UST opened a; A. A. Mason and Co., 15
clumm of _New Bt,lt Ile Ldveu tap 7.
on Co havojuat
kp_peelved pa. Paprows .wortsent at VallDonwits.
VEATIIERS-- 12 . 8 sacks now landing from
4 1 ,r" Mih t rit'Agt.n..wat.r t Front at.
racks now landing from
etemer Orn.daloar. for ludo br
Water s Frost Weds.
To Let,
A- 1 7 % ii . 't t "'"' 1 ° :711V:glg:V;:" . " - •
. 81.11vLISUAN . CO..
oni. .. . . Mao Moot
_., 1.4 - ..,
^.~1.a re;S ~~
Foreign and American Silver.
T HE highest market price will be mad for
Meek.. and American &R am
American Ileiree p. 4i r c rters and M.%
grart i n DollareWriTi, BllliDAur.
at the Exelmoge and Ninth= Douse of
WM. A. nua. * co.
ns...use. C 4 Wood Eldeor Irmo corner _ of Fourth._
irtOTTON-4 9 bales, to arrive, for sale by,
%Mora Front greet.
r XT. Water__
Notice to Stockholders. •
HERE will be an election held in the
Itortugh of porn affe c tingarsier, the 6.b der
r eF)ttober, for th. one Prerldent, four
Itenseen, one Twesurer one and berretarT,uf tbe Tough.-
(when,. Nay.gstioo Cemriter. for the e1...n..6 Yee x
order of tbe board.
Wil. li. NCIVLON. tlerretar.
A N APPRENTICE wanted at this Office.
1 ,
ct,AßlFEp tb ßo ki s , l9N r E bu l
wmP'.77'''''7'l:l4ll:;h44°Mo/1:13' In tti M e
WE have received our Fall assortment of
Dolma kl.aßotore4 Bed Blankeerta, ef the varl
.leer. We have also rewired from the Country spool
ernlent llornamade Blanket. and Flannel..
BTAe we dePtan keeping up our sworn:neat of theta
miduringthe Fall and Winter.pernnet wwellog torn ,
will Pod It to their ad.:Ranee to :all with Si
• For Spreads and Quilts.
hee I, ma ~ry log of Oil avd elder Uhla. ;,11,
1, - 1 Mr per gallon ar He rir callow, by oh. barrel, fee
rid. , at rep7.l to the Diamond.
English and Claszkal Seminary.
11 1 1 R. W. McDONALD, A. M. Into . Tutor
IT I in Oenerra College, bas teen induced, at the say
am, tolicitation of bin refemnree, to re open Iris Seminary
~A 50 7. no tire 701. i Say of September, for ~ at Plo.ll
Volron street.
Toe [umber of oyile being erPllnsfirrim rof
relmiesion timing l i e limitation have relative priority of
5.50 per omitted' Tom.
V.'t further informotloo. amplictiMo me" L", male to
.liner army Itortadds. hot. IV Li Vulddit, tiou A AV
Charles ItooDIN Jr.. Job. Meyer. WM. W
ha' 41em onoMdlte
• Mohongahela Bridge.
Pirreetmon, September 3,1852.
of the Company far erectlne • Midste or. , lb.
olon•abela. opposite rbtebureb, in the Count: .1 Alit'
Mitete.e.l.l,ale deslareal a drrldrua or four Per Othl. on the
o i v..tal . r . e n altaosrn!ybetl,as.t
13 h mow he, parable at tb• Toll
no p. THAW T
Tionesta Pine Lumber for bale,
RAFT, containing lineal 5030 ft., cubic
New Plank Road.
A PLANK ItOAD. fnm Pituborch to Darl ,, In I , :xx
lownn u lbr Fourth Porrt Raid. In no
rfi. {llO,l, and °Ron fur tzsrel. •n..DP O
Of mane thl4 otrsl.nncl,abb. rout, It r.D .
1 f esp.n.e, on next 7;r!,,,T,
r.'"rbe'plZil to "“
MSINS-100 buses bunch Raisine,land
ir sod forma. by R
rrs,,d sod 3J Wood stre.L
ACK EItEL-100 bbla. large No. 3, now
Isodlosr sod for rale by w
G) ONSET BOARDS-76 doz. on band, for
NjWe' Totry low by JOHN II MELLOR,
6 RI {Pool
ALLOW OIL-64 tierces to arrive per
“Paacler ebylock. for eal. by
I ILEASE--13 bbls to arrive, for sale by
• 1. 7 1 N a Naas Mamba;
26 .` FaLth.l4
.14 cask tmarrlye, fnio•al. by
TTON —26 bls, to arrive, for Bale by
r„ ,O
jkI EI I IICAN Dollars and Flail Dollars,
Oradell Plll. do It ' ulneX ".
emen do Napolwo..
nee Freer flees, twent• Yrent.
Ten Melee Plebe., ' Perrin 1 1 10/ 111, b ,
1 1i Perrin Drablron,
1,111, kbleb the highest market in 11. fund
w 01 be pild hr IL hi. BINII. Banker , k broker.
N, IL Fourth etre.,
(I , LIEESE-50 bxs. superior Cretuu canting
V. )ma rota and tot r a ts by
- .'!1 S P SURIVER A W.
4 lh . liFol? , IND IANA
Al bang l et at Dm at rat., by ''
r•pti II D KING, Psalter Jt Prr.llt.t.
i Il ACON-20 casks Bacon Shoulderein store
II and far Fate t.i. ENULI.II k 11101:0412.
”a, La tempt .t. )014151 Vital
V )16S-25 bble. Linseed; s
a " Lant Iv 'qtr. and rot sale bt
atrel EN(ll.lali a ItalD NEXI'.
S i ß rt r Zy t e T for
911 TIE6CE S Sugar Cured Be e
th "°". for " le &Lisa a ;
Bank of Pittsburgh got
A. Jones Co. cr. Wo
OSSHARES Fireman's InAurance. Co.:
100 do Coding. 3linlng tx , nr ...1,,
leo b.) d o Iro rb n Otto lioi.i, do
) An do
For este bt LOCI' lb .t- 3.IcDOWELL,
pep.' oyes S-lont,.* Co.. ebr. Wrod and Arb Fin.
iSURE Cider and Grape VINEGAR, suitable
- I.,TrVickle n :Viorstar. ter ~,,Atn, ..-...KIAs
!mom.' brooch
Vb. aro. or. all warrabted Purr,.G . ;;;l";;L !WAIVES'
To. Hart, In :be blarnon.t. .bct
' k.l Lai dR-.150 bags Brasil Solar juot rcc'd
1- 3 and for tal• LI . J SIIKI`, MID
CI ' .
NO 1117 'Abort,. Attest.
.A. '
, • __
- is I,IIEF.SK-400„bzo. W. R. Cream;
vs..- Patti errant: lon 1.<.4 and
fo: sal. by LICIoRt II COLLINS. ' ' Wass at. .bore entlthaeld.
- -...•,--
1 i 1 IIEK::E-20 bro. ',.ooshen, lauding, for
1 ..) ~Isar 1.1.4 I, ' U. 111 COLLINS.
ArrE FISH—lh bbls. & ht. bbls., roe'd
and for vela by . .
„11 ARPER'S MAGAZINE fO7 September
1.2 reed at Cebtral scat Store. rest &Kir to`AJarcuO
t.r.e.oort I evall \ J I. Itlliko.
-,--- .
/V 2 r• •2 • e woes ni raldtilloda. are^bil which
roll t..Aou ' ed. ' \ '
1:101 I.lrrrade SILL.
.. strived
, .
Phdo Illach. blob Lug..
All Wool M. da Laing. , err fla, ..iota ~
Jacooet and Mull lidainaa. very cheer..
- o IrovwOos - r.
Ilellrocer Plaid., lot children'. dverare. ',
Needle Werked Collars. .
ticle rtatimla, all 03/o[l.
Ikenteds and Rom:let Itibbona.
',di Northeast earner oth and Sle - tot rte.
FiIEA, WINEkBRANIA—Morris; in tho
2 Illarnnoil, hai the reestaties of relltbs Tea. l'i a lcie,
:. ',. .1 - U„il7:elL;l:ltTltta'auttntill:'llieZr..e.lntitie2frore orr--
ollrlnt sueb a: ha, wid,rilzzill,boTt...atrAnnlg biro.,
..eol \ n. 4 of . the DlLltred
I N DIGO-3 eases in store, for sale by
o / KID' a CO., CA Wood street.
i LIJ -.,
M-25 bbls. for sale by
It .Igl \ 4 KIDD* OIL
61YAN1$11 BROWN--1 \ - eke, for sato by
1..3 r,p3
inuihrpt LIME—In \ store, for sale by
\., .1 KIDD! W.
gAREAINCT—ARTAR-600 lbs. pare lor -- sale
. 1 1., ‘J 1,11 , 0 A CO.
f , ITRIO ACip--J oat reo'd,
,t; lor sale by
IDD a co.
\, For Bale.
LARGE Gkavy Ruth Horse:kuitable for
00,1 w`.'n **'t' \ "'Tr 4, =lit& arM."`
Masonic Hall,
J_ 2 , 1.013 Co. lows sort opened over DO rkstisrsh
7,0701 Wool Ds Lain btillbost soling also, 00 p tars
01010 Sop. 3
. ..
H ONNET ,RIBBONS::---5 0 cartortaNYall
11. no.t.t. trawl.% 1211111410
\ 11,c1 . 114. moot &Atonable irkyles
jnra opened br • !, , A MASON CO.. A__ 'o
'-:.._",,.. trl6ed 64 Market etree4 t
n LACK spAs-A. it on & Co. hale
KJI 1 art reed. per Kromer. 23 more of *zee high, i
Metre f 4 w1666114.21.A.N.,_411!,241.61. 1481 : mR3 A 1
VirlllTE. GOODS—Junt\Te*lrred at A A
' Y i Mum a
t`i; ° ' 41 :1 1 r4 'fi ° 11"14:1. w
sr,g,Pnr,,..l.ll:N=r—n. 44 'bi tl .lo. .0 •
.000 k . e,,• NO. 1 SWAMI; Powder; \ \
me • `4, Deer War:
31U . ", Kr. ,
. 140 " , '•,, '. N. Y; ••A . \
MS " Mal3hoolin4
„a y \ _ ,
VA We. Soflar raler4 A • .1. M ka• .. 4 Or
see Or , J. 6,DLLWO 'KA C6.,`
~ ' 31 14 . ; ..t,,k.,.t.
Irg...PrINn..PA '
v.•Ts EPf:2 . i t a l t 6 l). re utral itarr a M ß
neat door& Aufk: r ne Er... M.... \ .
.1 I. u,:i.:\
k. 7 ti
e.rf \
4.,2 ED 11ALIBUT--164) poundaret
owte4 \thn. a a 1.0. reed br '3., !Rt'n , t ili 4 l,
from noston, rye ...a. , nr w. A. A twom , A (A,. '\r .,
No. 24 . I.lberir ot. ;
OUSEDIRLLMON- 10 ciins 4'lo poundi
. 1.2 1
t zl: d ..tri.lamird or Planted nalzonn, j.,i m us
'Sf A )1414171UL 6..
\ Gemara and Zia Mahn.
X_J surl tor .ale r.
110BAILIC0-780 :do (best branas) bound.
lamp, V. BY ha to and for mil. •
mrptt . Jl a sun tt..
‘c legs and boxes
TRA 6-440 half
nylon, Impala . Cu* Taw* and Black, Lent lm ' .
P‘ruatons, reed and for liR vLO.6.
SUGAR , & /110/a&SaAS ,,
70 hLda Nor Orlosna`flubil:
- suo bblo, PluttationOars m xtnre. for pal
isoal l• lt./LOYD . •
1 P for W. bye
rvANNERT Ott-10 bbh. , ,for sale by
I . lc B sas,:
LINSEED 011,-10 bblrt. rcKeiore fors ae .
any 27 \ \ '°' It
AlOll. FALLW LAINEStpUrel f L. t .
Itattbaeld have loot teed et-h
mach. Britian, and Anotyleast Ptisdad /dot
ratibmldoted !lariat. Mtn% folorod aod otaktt ttooo.
and many, other at7in of,Nin. Good.
soy.. gill "LOW aly•saa,a anti.
.4, lot of
gIXe ittl motor, to It daf - I,t mob
mous e M .11:14 ugly
bolo* u1n 1 M.64... \ ,
eT Nors—tbe quotatiam ¢trent the
view, oe would loo• our eorootry noolcro To
Rt.. ch. W h ol esale rrireo.excoot when iotherw ttotio , LO:
.01 that in all clam, In the 11.11hoo ot ord." w .th ...
ot f nn [IA country tmle. bun, m....
tr -1-•
ie xr , v411.1) Oltholt to quote soy lo o rtuar
the otore Drla. lint whoa we girt eleeooNcl store RriCN
Nilil b il t i n g,ll3t .;;IVIiIRM,"1111211/t7MITitl.r flll boil e
rtcultr awn
I.bould'l, the Pert Woad mukrlen , for
\, fr" . "... ..',.... ^Wine Sadesebe. - 7.1 , 362. '`.
GirtatAL lizazyuca.—The week just elosedhas
been without movement in the general market. The per-
Did revirsi‘O trade noticed last week. whirl: was Proid'', - ,
eel by the rise in our rivers, has twat back again into,
eomparative Unietzess: nod the etilrentzuragement left
fur the buslon,community. it to look reward [oche final
opening of the II trade:which, in the regular mar, of
nature ,nrrt hear distant.
We ere glad *p see that our wholesale dealers'
generally . hare beat making ample on:el:dna for the ace
ermmitlation of thetfall cuatomers, end, the etoeke of
Dry Buda and thereons artlelcSof Pitteldtrgh manufac.
turn, are such as to wa t county,' dealereirtrisillnit U. ,
earls. with the confideo anztranee of liodingnvery VII.,
they may desiteln Owe raneb , of trade, tatirrices which
annot fell to meet their views. We feel warranted in the
belief that the awe), of Dry Goods, GroOer11111: /14.1 , 1WP5..
Que.:owe:as Cut:tern irate. She, and lecedY MOO dell: -
iny, will 00 ' , wally. superior this fall thiaany preceding
...won, and that the pekoe of oho above ertuaterrtedirticles
wit: be at ea alight an Wynn, on castor. \ Prim. , i, to
toms. It a matter of mummy, tenth of time arAntalziY.Wlth
western dealers. to examine our gotta baton gong NT.
they ewe: for 1711 feel assured that by es doles: they will
be constrained to buy Ilbetally In :hie market. and hard,
their fine WI stoebe op, tiel and dood•rod to their tinstre
mere at home. hddre they could be ehlpped: ware they
purchased in the east..
The weather during the week bas been clear,
c,cl and art, which esurelthe river to sink me.' fat, and
Pt to to op. A lirelibuelprw ha. been doing by
eiaw FL avers. and diniuid. end eine° the eine, be
,anse quentitier of drr rood. hese. been rblpped ham
Wlt point west...l lame quantifier art asundo to be
AillEit—We bare no alteration to make In our prh
of last wertk. The principal buslnem See been In the lead'
ins arCele 01 sods liah, of watch w e bore salmi is foil.'
—lO at Z.. 4, 4 co, 10 tons at 3.!40 time, 30 Oka WC.
4 mos, .:...1 mi.: at 353..2 'P cent di La - .4i: 40 cask...A
:334!03.40 nn time; and 3 tone at :No, . ',pox E n le 5t 5
too. toarla.h at 1441'2 5. Limited ea/r. of Non(
a, 5343.41. nod of cobalt at ,415314531 16 0. The l ip -
Kr. lot. tide market. from tho east. of soda and °thin .
rubes. Mang the month of Austria. were 733,723 Ds, and \
s i n , opening, 2.300,323 Sr. We are inforrned that a Parri .
ty proportion of the above Mirage' colorists. not aide
Rah. but of a U desert{ lion of cake salt. which le seat
lien. in roe mmufactura of rods salt. No other ash. ,ek.
rutin. nola are Imported tram rite to title markell k
A VPLLg—Green opal. hare. tome forward ringin3l},
old 000(1 P11. , 11 are obtained la this market. We note
Co of la obis fair quality. on the wharf at 31.7611 bbl.
A LE—W., bay, no alteration to 'node. In the Priem.*
...the r...tular current rest Lelng 30. 37. and VI It Lbl,
tor,q•ding to quality toil dmeription of package.
A LettlioL-snlea In limit° I tote br the Ltd are reported
. ,
at 450 rt. gal.
II ACON—buriegthe late rlee in the river, the almost
sq l, ‘ ,‘,4 101 ., lira of thin ,i,ata 'err rarthell relicT* ll
hy the arrival from Cincinnati of general cmulderablelota
of • noon TM tone, ea the market. howaver, has not been
alt-rod in tli. Most, and oar quotations of last week are
.111 ...el maintain ,- . The following salm hare trans
~,,..,4 during the work:-3116 gm able, at 101; 5 , 100 Da
sh.uldere at P. 21.40 5. plain barna at 1144. 139 piece.
s i,,,,,,Lpes .t 9, 21.0 pm in
Lams at 125.4., 210 pieces
should,. at 9c b do at 94 1 00 the Anew at 100:300
sh,udders at fret 310 pm do at 9. 30 casks Wee to eltr
teal.. at 0;5415 carke chouldem at 9. 2. In satin:sugar
rirel I am. , at 140. 2000 Da shoulders , at 9. 0000 144 sidie
at Or; 41010 13A tiontidere at 9.- 2 toe Niggle' Itszia* l ran
Ilk thee, oh...alders at 94 3 Md. dr. at 514 e. with pay for
rnk. GIC,O 54 shoulder/. et th, naafi make do at 9e. * 5.--
1 be s ht,monta of baron cant by the canal arming Anglia,
amounted to :180.390 tog arg the whole rbipmentik shim
op ring. to 36.579.002 ss.
illiTTEll—Sales 35) Do tarmlel butter at 1123111ic.
Kai is worth llbie. and'toll. In bble and boxes at 141{211
Ito 2D. The shlpments of butter hy tonal during An
na, were 19.5411 SM. and 190.010 Ms slurs ormica•
tilt01:01,!--Sac 0125 dozen from entre attn.:7 31 dozen
The ruling rate. of the market tap, 513.5(3411.330111,53 13
donn, for good merehantable descriptions and extra or
f tory. bleier prime.
BUCKETS ft TUBS—The manufacturer's prime 00Dea
roe buckets are pretty firm. and our merchants are now
Netting. at 31.7542 il doz. Tube breeching at 5723730 *
doz. • ,
. iIItICKS—We notice a contlnanl gaol demon. at 32515
1091 for rat con kod SAO for extre3flolls.l and, 54 036
for common. ham the yard, .
C tNl)L3B—City montafactumd star an selling to • reg
in, say et 20c *D. 5 * ant off for eiseh. Balm Mould
tin .14 . ISO C*i •10... , ~... dii 3 0. 4 . , ' 9 C V D.
~,,,,,,_,,a p piles hare come forwrird - mOre freely.—
Th. market le dew trctive. and prices area =adorn. The
tat , . of the week creol.l probably net exceed MO lioxmint
01014•1: 1 0 good common, and 6140 for prime W. It. The .
r. i I Irtnent. by cartelduring Ancust amounted to 4937154.
an tine, opeutoc, 0116.211 D. 7111 shipments to Bril-;
. ti.ore wit grownsellie and West Newton. have been
lull during the Rum Period. •
ACKVAIS—Our menrilketorim continue to do allvelT
m. with males of .11 they eon Make. . 1 the 1111eV03
,bage prime green 4 . i0 Teo'
nonnd Match untalos.
LDIe., to arrive,
J • a rwra.
_., . .
. \ • •
, \
. A \.o
Tir';.'-' , ,, , - ,- TC - .....• -'' - : _. 's " •
A'r , e ,
. \ r...‘ , ' ;,„,;',,.';;;;--..\;.• ''',, 7---,:?.. :77,:gif,'S.-;--.-,-,-.',',..4?..,2:,,-?,,:Ti-7;'..7.,,,..?....•,- ',4' , r
Water ~ ... .
Utter •—•
tql ' orM, A .....
Snqtr ers••••,rx.,
. -
.ata - •• .........—.....--.......... ~
` N
YARNS—We halo no &natation to motleys in
or furtirea or haat wen. Our milk t a r dant: a (Richard
N ,
~ r at the tollonina rotas:— , „,,
tiono tut,:
fi IM . ,Ne.l4.
k...:::.,...-.170 . N0.W...-..i.,... ...-....2;
No eiie ! " . I=lert C ,N 4UNFid .,...- t. .:'h 9 r i'
Z ' :: 1:-' k . " -----. . 13 . Candle Wiek.....,.-.-17e ^
N01g0.,1,.._.-..._.. fig, . 13attIns, tio 1L2.1,2011 i.
CO itriMill-We hare no •i ...thin. to mile. Studer thls
Mad.' Thefolkeelos to • eareett lin of oritein \ ,
\ ,
ardlia.... 2'..-....-51,00.111emp • ...... -....760 *dos.
Dantlls lio n.: \ r mi 1...- ............ ...- ..... -160 tlbe
Do do \ r0t...:..
White Rope. b onil.-.- ............ -.........11e
lid do
Its • do \,
Packing Tarn. On ....-..... Bo .-
CISTION CORDS° ii-Tba 'following la Viet of pr
u•...: article of coning, thanufectured at rho 0.0 .
Cottoo Itcpe, fea in. Owned. 15 1b..........16 eet
oo do hetes Ir .ND. dO. ---.40
COTTON PIIKETINGS-The koala. liartuer.old Aught
'Mil:,l sp. Felling their make of brawn sheeting& very Ott
ph. 5e,734 fur No.l, and 73i0 for etPuktook ,
CARP/IT ellol6-Plttsborsh %mhuumetnes l sari.
etude. are Felling tram the mills at 1)'10? la, for pelored,
and 13e tor odd.. The sobered Carpal Obelus manta.•
toreW st thS Pens, VA at ho. 140000' 1)1100 ant splendid.
and folly .11111, if not superior to ows4ro manuftwtore.
1/10151 , BLIDT-Thit market is nearly itr quits Wye. and
we here no eels" to notice.
1:069-The Seeelpis Of ease have been light. A good
article from And. hand wmall command. or' dos.
' FLOUR-The 'receipts 9f flour during the past Week
b., been very liOt. yet we have no rue:keit change , to
Loll, in macee. Os repOrt the 00110.1110 oak.. a. they
transpired from daylet dar...-On Tuesday the 31st 515.-
56 bble viper Ono at p. 1.3734.27 do at $6,33. 33 .t 83.43, 20
do extra at 1340; 23 elf. at 66.35; 100 bbh In lethal 53,
40 f,O e., f. end 13.60 toe.extra. The talcs from inure were
' centinedte day load In at 63,604143.6215bbi. OniTed.
needs -3..' bbl. es* °rah. wharf at 11346: 25 do W" f. at
g 3.3,0. 13 blob, at 13,49 DI SstesetPe. 12 do sour ai12...
33, Prom Store the WO were 73 Mlle at 113.56; 100 bbis
,3, 01 .3,3,qm1 61 at 5.3.66'1l bbl. On Thunstay-Trithe
wen , k•etter, with tales 120 this on theStbarf at 113,60453 e
6560 bbl, at 63.60, 60 at 13,60§5430:and 64 MU .163-
OF pl MA. On Friday-ILO btOrtrom ebire at $3.62 for Ow.
tree sod 76 do, at /3,76 illlbl:Wtdefi, was on selvsurel 40
bbls from first hands 8113.52: 19 Wafg3.46., 951100 in
lots at 541.40 for supee lime, 5tn.18593 for est* 40 Gbh, ex
tra 8133,40. and 50 do gaper Toe at \ 63,40 41 bid; 30 Dbl.
at 5•',61, 30 et 13.11 th 51. at 14930 end 60 blab , it 53,404 4.3,.
5.3 It bbl. On lateo44y-17 bib at 69.45(.09.140: 30 bbls
from Fore st 13.00; 00 bbl. at $3.46. s t d 60 bbh at 11540
Tibbl. On Monday-40 Ws Dom Trotßmls under for•
race cuutraot. ett $4,3734e 13 at 93.60: end 60 at 9340 11
bbl. Reeelpte continued light at the elowt) , ,andpriowinery
hero. The ehlpmente of Pone mug by the final during the
montlt of August, wee* 12.,161 bids. and sloe. opening
162.917 bble. \
The following anA the Inspevtions of door .h tots eity
Dr the mouth of, It. .P. atspleford. assisted by
11'm Culpt- '. l
SuPorano ' 3113\Ifle \
\ Total . .
- The iIISP,COOI2I few tbs hat theft. mouths, ending .3014
31. *Mount. in all to Atilt td-h. , , • • • \
The, comparatively Inert amonnt of's...levied ontitl
above woo sow, or mustrillourothlch sou sold gmandly,
at 83.Z51.112.35 IP bbl. \ ' \ '. .
KY Y. 11011 R-It will •he Seen by the amouni.of Inslaw`•
lions that lho receipts of rya flair bate betties's...liner
light, and no Elate of momeni\ have trauepired. re may
quote nominally Romani handl at 63 y. WI.
.. ' _
CORN 313,04313,04-Owing o-Owlew tolloi s sinall rocoltds. tWei s • 4 •s•
is nearly bare, food tweealee of moment bare traneoli7l.-
A cood artiele would probably bit : rue - 6U* bta. . \
PISh-we notiro s toutluned Oneness In 'the estekek.
but we eau reportwone other than lode , in limited lots at
;suet the following mil t-ello. I matter , / 613: No. 2.1 5 :y
4611,60 for shun and here t lee 710. Mr 3,37.66 witsll3,
i 66.50 Oar largo: Paltirooro InsPechO hewing. Kg .had'
VI: Wm... 116; letMO salmon, sub uxty.t. front it PO
,18ii be). ' ,
% ' *
PPATITE.II9-Putall • Salei• trovpine [kw Mote at 655'
"1130,114-Tteseints oklawitt 0006500 light, and toe deli
eafatfli's an report ages, ballowete-Of ree,66/ bit et 4990
too itl W h eat at gam the eity'uoilts aro buying pretty Piety
Wt 6.5\64 'hid and 730 34 while- Pecs 30 hit barley at 60e
tut% Dfc.ta we bare saleskf 3= PI b. at 250631frat0
ant h'ISMIS..eid 'ao Itoat etoree-, ths market clesing with
...g e .,%.s s . temleney. ITo have hltestiol nothlok d9lng '
OphoPpll94-44-• not
pea 00510041 fainness fra, the
w 5..., m i,rksloat fully anted welsh. 9herrinopal Mow.
. 6 ., b.. heel fu tniar. Of which tie note "Ones
-4 Mule at thito33SM 10 do's.) 6`Bo To' 00 :6 j, .. 66 , 340 , 440
t tie mac 10 btois at &XS. 4 i•PW 0 Ida. gG. D.-6. I
..- -- ,',.,;.4d3, 4 , tints, aro snout the eitilera figural*
r:', 4 •?,.. 4 .,......,..161.,Thqq.-10priottohak Otis 55.365.100 do .l.'
4 0 0 moo .ad 56 hfrie st 31310 11'gal. 5100 . /0 binnw mes
hes.' Is solo at 46s legalloo. In small lots. 04 nolfessales \
b oo s 1. ~. w . mopegati ,80001 milt, at 10C110)4e hernia
‘'''''k! 'rk*'t y 6X ...l 42t*4 a! ''''' t t‘yneAs% p \ lt,l o ll.. 'TEAS! ',TEAS! 1-, - - Notwittustanding
,wohp.-are w slit , mane. •
Did lotg. ... ~ ~ \ , \, , . ~...6 ..1 0 .nn. le the prienaof Tesa in the Li
~,,. one still Yelling Dare Teas elite Old ra
„ 6 „,y_w. pale.. Dell, regneet Wt. ' POLY <Moen Mt. flood Bison Tea 3734, . Otess.9 irPee 'r e W EN '
0 ,14, Art. We note. Wes daring 160 sheet of a hive
. .. re . flu t pa w ri:r . ,.:..:
h. ...,
.. : 60 .
... : e t:
T w i1., — ,.... 5... . " 'ill:
losd• at tie leoe3vs la loilhaso-121oula 51'46469 . 10409513 9- • .1. 0 % . 6 ,..,,...4' V' Witra 0.. '• \ µ
1.a..* VIASIO, land 17 loads at {OOP'S 'l5, ton, \ . \
11.30 P-1411 has Also oftien Loh, 600 end toy) bead tab. I leans, hernial _ ,eallid.. sod nerwetlythi. - Wokta.
dsliVered to Detolier, at Vie 504153.55 11100 Issidlykillag 261 6 .==..;: n „r t•mo ........1-ftwait*
203. Packsr4ere are Inforaied. Will neat pay Mato POWs 110016 n. , • •
.• "'Ailk". • ‘ 9 " 9 '3' s9 ol10! • ,.
for how to be delivered late ISI:a mean.' W•oearn
. . \ - rc w . A. wim i ta I o b . ,
um. will b... ;up =Daft ' LOP driven ayr.o4. ! .: !Aar \ . ~ •
5., 256 .11tialpy ,
. • . . _
..,-,..,••?...-- , , , , ,, . ,, 0 , _; , :i..;,, ,, , -..-L.-,,,,...-F.N. , ...:,..r...,:.4.4. , ,,'5., , , , v , , , •.:4,, , :,4,... , :. , -...J.,,,N.. ,,, z , ; , ...- , ..„ .........,--...„..........k*.
ki , --,,,4 , .."& ,,, ,3.4.?..b..,••••,.. , ,-: • ~--,-.....,•• .. , - - - -44.;-,;,17‹ . -, .-:-;:. ~.1.;02.:!...;...:41...
N ,..i . A..--- --.e•-• ,• N . v L: A • , . • ~,,,,,.............,...,..- - - ,-_,..0....n••
.;•I , Hamilton, the umlaut N
0...c.a....Li SOD: 00
, 'i, i ca
our packers here. The kw rides of in lob: .., w Lich the
Ohl A Peunsylmila ii.ll . rad odll earn' bogs. and the
blob brine void by our rector. trill hare tho•elfect of
toritiok large numbers of boot to this city that In tonnts
yoac Inmt to Papaw% y. We also underctand that dot
'induct. of hops packed and cured in Ohio market 0111 MIL
it.. 2, to 00c . 100 blither than country on and cured.
~.. 1
.. . city voted article .111 not wilt ho 000.00 0 . 01 . 0 .
bn will be better mud. and keep long. , fr. f+. 0 . 01.,11 C
re • dation rummer than the country clttl'd •
1101 i AND NAILS—Sh• rise In pig iron him rendered
th market for nalia and loon unedited. We 0 0010 iltootto
bone unt/1 a odder urine Is ntreed upon br our nnunc
(Adorer& .
I kg AD-Owing to the /loaded supplies pricer tun alight.
Inproved. and we rosy now Quote pit at St( end bar at
te rs.
I'R Lys LEAD-.The roomier current rates are "Ls bat
.)so 1. and 81.11. for Dors.
`1.13)48ER-Tbeinarket le .101 ennked with imbed.
with regular Nes Irmo -the yards at Sl.l =mem - •
and An for clear. Prim , at the lutdinge are reported at
.0.0 for common. and 16153517 for dear.
market Is we¢ raPPll.d . with. ender.
And western manufacture. We note regular ales of felt
Union at TO to Ze; New York 16 to lget. •
_ LARD-We hare nothing important to mart in•hta. '
keg may be nominally quoted at 101(131015o.
ALTYront 761.6 86olt bushel are about the sorrelst
rides of the market •
POTATOES-Wenotkw fair supvilee Intht market, with.
alp at 66 , 5620 • bu. •
PlO Mx:Eva-The nipplles are eery light. sod the tars
toms men are aneeireting ng advance neea the spring sad
srunsier rake. The only sale, we have greloo tong Win.
114 , 1 at 125.60, 0 mos. (now held at' Ufa and pot tone
, Osteology (Allegheny) raital.'at SW, 6 noest. at:the fur
nace lauding. 'tianging-Boek h. b. la gold it $lO R ton.
nAOI3-Ituthar eaten of 6 tons at Age evil.
FAIT-negulat tabs trans Ore at the: renal at $l.lO
barrel. •
SOAP-Sales 60 bra Rochester rosin soap at dlie: gad 13)
bones Pittsburgh Manufactured at 44610. mean.
SHED-Was 49 bri tintothr seed from fI , F , hand. at 5.1.
and 416 bueheis at $2.25 IP bushel. Eva weed Is worth $1
10 he. Nothint to report in olorSr. . ,
T,ALLOW-T e notniegl rates of the Market are 71(13
7J541 a. "\ •
-TISIZGAII-Seim 20 baba' eider vinegar, in 1011, at 70
711 e 'ft gallon. . \
W MAIM -We note slimier kbEl bbis restillellu lots 0
followeirgabble at 21et16 at'le)(42l: 21 at 20.16c;65..h)and
90 hble sips. and 60 bble et 2.1 a • gang. Saw le Nara.
of held at 2laß 01 , •
WINDOW abAEIS.-Fig fife Ite tollowingswiew of the
saket. et Cutouts or 0 - 41 neat of! far esatfi- •
•• ltlxl4
Country Berdeg)elo
0)(1.1- 2.60
Ar.r.soniaxs, Sept. Gi 1852.
Berm—The numher offered at the :yard to•diy
rem about .400 bead, Mostlr of common quality. all • of.,
tebtob ems taken at Mild* 100 Ilvvmdgbt equal to $4
'too net.
ducee—Prlcee lam deelMed, and !Onto a felt *nest ,
mere made at Sl@l2 heed,
\ to ' ' 4;e C ha ". f r e"n7.7l"gi from
130 to
. .
Burnes, Sept: 3.11162.
a r Ckervr.—There Vein offered at the Koalas
on ATlay r unnier beeves , oriel:0cl esurnber 810 were
'old n esty cache:m= o to taeke. wag 40 ware lett war
rrleAranglo4 Tenn 63 to .18270 on the boot equal to
8001$7 net. and avraging s24o7lisarroess. • , .
lion We q tit at e $7,16(413. N
--- •
T.. Ittun—V?ere It \re 2 fret 0 Bache , In.vbsolit. br \
ILO Wag at dT ...,...,,, ~......
A. .. 0.....
V .
1. 9 ,1 . 1 N1. 2 zr i 5,= , .
t \p
rietn= ti e . Ztti t r ; , W tiv.V.B.\ \ -:\\ -
Kzettt.r. W MINI.
Julia Doan. id, Y. Wine. . -
D. B. Ald. Qv stl. '
. " I:Xtilt ~ \
Shoo Shtivalait Vire,•27t olta.
=n 4, B 2villtle• \
0 ortuttv4. Bt. Melt, VKest Nittion. \
1111=11.17,...0ozrAtilanli, V
Julia Dow. Zantsvaill: • ‘ , l
. •
. j.. BOATS 1.2.4V1N0 Figs Dtil,
'I OI;4OINNATT—BenCoiSBA, .. \ A
1 WABEI.INO--Erthszon. \
• BEATER—Sikhism Na 2. `: .
• \ • IsinisigllLLA 242/n ilitn• S
saowmaut. 6A. B. tad a i., X. \ ,
14 .....,.,,.... .. 8 T V Z WTPN.B.A4-. and t.k. ,‘ M. %
.. 1/. IL Mal . /.M2\
• Cineinna‘and Madison Platet2l.\
VMS line lig t draught etettmeieV , 1,
•.g. sTATEA It ...—......'..essteATiVid. \
Will tv;gibPAVainii'ibl'io7r;at:r...4..ll..lis
'"7"•d" "Vd=rnAtCl?Ndffirs.:.VOSSlES
iiTPia VP --- - - -.--- ---± ~ A D RS. 0 \
. ___ A ' 11B.• \ ,
\ \
L PTS. TUR PENT{ , ', l*E- 1 41:1b1.13. just reo'd'
for Ws bT , X X SELLER&
.172 67 Wool drat:
D Arne
vx , ft gapia l i ! '" ... ' ,7 6. ! ' llVlPZlX , :$ 4
. _ .
IINSEED OIL-10 bbh. rot 'sale by V
A ' mro2 \ R 1046LLRRa..
.. a
l i l lr' ESE—?so wiieß°
j -1 '
60 bb!.. Lune number 3 Mse; •
Watt E w r 7 . 1 Trri . 4 \ •
\Be •• Like knurl. , nad. 2
' . . • 10 " • T.. 8, • \ \
11.0 tens mime Butter. in c 0 ,4
ROCADN; SILKS— A A Mason \if \Po.
haTejust ready plea rich new fall style $1061411
ATINEGAR-50 V3ls. pure olderjust ioed
111113,11 Y \X‘
~..1 Tat
ROOMS--50 dos lxtrs lnige, for sale
M-04SSES-40 bblk Home for sale by'
Fr./SACCO-2A bra. Co kro3's S'a.
• • Innen J. VA;
• • 1: MorTelest int b
• ores 0 .y
) you : BoNbatonsf* 511710114. \
OGWOOD,-115 - Ible ohippectifor sale ti
A MDI ' TON Domionn alumna.
- ORRETho Store Room and Cellar
Na. 62 losath Areet, now owl:16W 622123' 21.
and after October Tai. The bulldlng mill 1,4 . 2
pa rtretrrpalr. 62216r1 t 0 Nit tenant.
-aryl 2.,
EATON. 77 21•21t6t 22264.
SORIP I IRON-17 !Lege f t oranlo by G
OLDZPPER-1 fcvglilLezkli,
TIEARLS--40 bblo.justreo'd for ral6
IL fox - .SP rflurrao &CA
ri~IMOTIIY SEED-- 60 . gala by
agall \ 13 r runty=
lISTMID-5 bap enpetor English jar
ITII reel and for Mai by
W e md:Ttlino a co.
T( AIRY SALT--100 bp. fine, of ern
my Are. pot loCror dal= or Weir. usr. toe oda kr
.aosB6l 7ir A XceLIIELO s CO.
TABLE SALT-12 dos. boitep 2Torm...
1.• Just reed sad nls bv.
A. }fepLIIRO i Cow.
• \ • - Xors New Books. ‘ -
VWhite' Mimi, or Memoirs of \ •
et.% . air and cloth ideas,.
. W' r t7 N' l` a 4b l egil Mlth"7 /= and ll \
Tlnsarra's NAM York Auk Nit. Rep:etas Ibr .
' terslarr. • \ \
ft.. 61.
11.7.e.P.5CR111 . .
. B.i
• Ldintrons assts. los Jo . .
Mari *ans. bi lfts.tirsl. 11,1
r.a !.
• tirdors. Wens.% and eiltilrlOn't nes.
\ Dr. Itnrostili Postit.rl Bonk._•
„ ,• . u
\ iloosellold:Ards. bonssl. Rea and Tor. s I n ,
• a OALLOIrri. T4.11%111 rase.
\ ;nos , \ \ osposfin nu \ p. 4 re...
cw — okerinz's Pi/LOOL\
JUSTpew supply Of . ttio buve crel
owed etaliftos,t 4)( an 4 . *Staves, beentll
tone me finish-01dt eftl to dl2l xi the la, o . lf=
q . sis h' fir= F7. l' at . p , „llVlollVir AZ:.
eels neat for n &Thses Munn Steplsonfah 7 t l
ISlstess realm)
1,7 c, ?haves Etdblinss Itsth
143 \ ratmr, Ptak how. \
, 0 0 hind
7 ; \ LiA tsfjs4B • 21•D0W5 , ,,i ;
.aciff3l 'over Jonas Oesofan Wood asA los
4OFFIE-560 bags lar..ding aid
Ai ad. br W - 44.0 ALL= a 00..
", stun • \l6 5a,130 Waal 11
itiOLONG •
so ratty bora& Extra OofiTtir Tr: •
'h 6.oALErit[l.
Smoot. by
-pa u.TmEos, CLQ\rss,
\ i oW rook
es C pri iorm*rC Nir.=
\ XlOO motto Oman En /*Why
.. .la. CAW tor Coat, Lamm oi , l3tons.rborslioorr.
be sold ono Wag. _approro of ‘;\
\ . BILL LIOGETT. Wobrrst.-
Tao. " R° g ers •
'served as ii?desithan in dorm
0,3 Stztki;enewet Infatitti tm noi
th.2=" b dale
4 as koorth
' lir mitu 4 nrow,