MEE • •:'::.7 . V.'71 , r .. tr, " 7:!-1 • ' - • .;* t.*-4., , t';,.;t:; . :.;:i.t ,- ;;',:; '-'IP. 1 Yttr -=-‘tV4i r :'• rtz,3.4:-.:• - • a. ,:t15,; . ..1? - 4: - .Y...:: , . 4,1; , .'' i., ,:".• ;„ t i,l. , 4, W l ^ ' . .t . - - •:•,.. ~'., • ,I.: ~ .;- . 1,-, i • .-:;!',:--•; t 1,.- `,: - ..... 1 :• . '` ,-, :. 7. 4' , ' , ;;' ,V 4 J.4.4,,, - ,.; :.,,,... f. 1.( .11 71 fj t;‹ * - Z . : ' 4 . ' t ',.• .4. . 4.' , ;.0rw...!:,•ei: 5 1 , :1:: ,1 , - . ••• '''.`...,,.; •••• ' ,,:0 ... : ,r41'4ir,::,,q . ; ', :.1 . ;„• ~ ,; .;.:::',..- : -.-- • *-k.h4l, ,if i. q . .,-,. -! . ..:.„.:i:1,.•:1 , :itr.-4 . 11.:. iri.,.. 'C-•,:4-.41.' ,: ,.,,,', '' :24 l' . . 41: 11 $: 4 • 1 4, :: T;: '' t 4 ..- - 4... 411. '' -. n , s.:, .X.! . • 'rte'".,: -`1: 4 ,t a*-1.?" . litliiVr l l t r _ ..ti Y ; 1 1 ' .. e. : , ~!...: {7r ,''''; l r:•.44 , `:4;• '' , ,' ;•,,,, N.% .. ''' '' 3 ^ S. .. ..'4.t." ''''''N'is.,“ ~. ' - ' 0 : , ~•`.; e -.. ,, 30. i::: ' '1..... , ' .., ;,, •A}.“ . ...; • . .1 ' ' ' '..0... 4, ` ,' " 1 . , ' •':: .:: `;.:•'... • .. [)ERAL ASII-6 tons prime, for sale by . L Lugs - ENOLiBiI A BENNETT. • k ' T Y IMOTH SEED--WO bu. ibr sale by ant 23 =abaft a BENNET4. • , •17:„'„IC ..; - • • H r t ' PITTSBURGH GAZETTE . 430 rAlliMilner Vlll3ifialill.:-. 1 am a reg ular downright Tegetsriact, i em. I taste no that lute been hem:tee/id with blood, and •-• *mash is sa free from the flesh of beasts, binds, sod thee as It ie from that of my owe :hole hoc without killing • •Inin, and if I were a Ont. I ehould shudder • when making cue of hid bristles. I had once • • memo hair bottomed chairs, batiny coneoience ,wasp Under that I emelt not sit down upon them without •feeltne a degree of liTr, ea . gave thentaway for the take of peace, end got • . moms air bottomed once instead And now, con ' • - sideline the whole, it may literally be said. of • me that .I live upon the wind. - My shoes are made of Anna percha and west of England.— ..11m phrase "nothing like leather," don't suit me.-- '1 cannot look at the article without" think . ingot b100d... Shirt and other buttons made of bone, I abominate: they email of death, and that • sickens me. I wear no buttons but. those made of • papier maolte, which In reality are vegetable but tona_Tburnt my wife's muff last week, and threw . . Away a halt a score of ' kid gloom; and the skin of the poor dear dumb animals mein, me. I hate the butchers with so much seal that 1 could droym them in the blood they shed, were it per tained me to take life.. Myself and a few eimi larePirits are about forming a society, which is ; I to be called the "Autl•derearing Club." The objects ofbe to save all life, from an wi der to ► rhinoceros, from a sprat to a whale, from a wasp to an eagle. Persons are to be em . pilled In the lomat, to prevent the wild beasts from gorging upon arch other, and divers will be tent Into the deep, to tame the sharks, and • ,- canoe the huger Atheitto live upon sea-weed In stead 'of upon the small fry. Green, the sr°. rant, will be the Van Amburgh of the birds of prey,„in" the airy regions. And tinily, we shall have all the butchers, sausage makers, and, rat catchers tried for wilful murder, and when we have found thentenilty, as being taken red fang, Instead - of finishing them capitally we shall - send them - to Botany Day, there to vegetate for the rest of their lives, upon the eseulents from ' which the place takes Its name.—English poper. There are same children left! A t least I mot one the other day. It was a little fellow of tire years., He had come with his father into the country to see one of my friends. As soon as ho left the climb*, he ran to the kennel nf a large watch•tlog that was chained in the court-yarl. Don't touch the dog," I cried, "he'll bite ram" ." Why will ho bite me?" "Liamttee he doesn't kuowyou. "Oh! If that'll all," he replied, I will tell lam that I - sm Ilenry."—porpet Bag. _, Jack,,cout ;on tell um what's tho host • Wag to bold two picots Of rope together.?" "1 rums toot."—Lostern. "Ras that cookery book any pictures?" . "No. modern. none." "Why, what's the nee of tell. lag no how to seek* a good dinner, it they give on no plats 1" . ' , Thei following illustration of Out coolness of • the true Yankee under all circumstances is given in the Knickerbocker Magatine for August: i•As one division of General Scott's column iten patig leisurely alma; in some portion of Mateo, during the Late wsr, there came down, Jost 'at twilight, front a convent that crowned neighboring height, a .procession of cowled • wanks, the leader upholding in Me hands a eon telbution-box, on whieb 'toed a lighted lamp. We column defiled by, many soldiere dropped small coins into the aperture provided for that ' purpose. One Mae, who seemed pearchiug for some larger testimonial of his plot:. regard, • fazabled in Ms' pocket, and at lenctlidrew out what looked to be a roll of bank-noire ; opened It; took trona it a—paper of tobacco; filled 3 . short, rusty pipe, lighted it by the esered lamp, and with 'Mach obleeged to yoou, Snusr;,' passed on." INSURANCE. FIRE AND MARINE, Dr the Undentlasett. /tend. for the PROTECTION INSURANCE CO., Of Hartford, Conm Policies Turd upon Na mut favorable terms, 6y GEORGE E. ARNOLD, Agent for FittsthtSub and Alleututly County. No. Fourth street. SOAP -159 bn. Rosin, for sale by Ansa • EISILISII SS. IMIT. VI, AGILE/In-' -SO libbs. new No. 3, to RE -1T& t.!4.11411,4811 BENNETT. 123 Eiar..l anti 114 Vint et. aari . VEATHESS;UINSENG . .i BEESWAX 05...:k'SrAh•-ei.r, for ITLlA.Batinraa; haling Erma amour Tin.. bY !LUAU DIGEST CU.. waft asul Front sterete. SALERA.TI3B-6 bblo. in store: for sale by 4.0.3 INGLIEII a BENNETT. .311` i urpry :acrcff , el , •ave reed la rural, of Baker dark andkledlum Print. at aorta. warranted t.or calm. soak- k . IBH-20 bble. new No. 3 Mockerel,just landing. Ls We by stub _ . O. BLACHLURN s CO. tLAIN 'dc FIGURED PAPER WINDOW_ ILLISD3-655 astrnsire and general uscrtment t r.ed titL a Prelr a lt TRUILtE PALMER. 65 e .ja.t 06 _ Bank Stocks Wanted. 20 SHARES Bank of Pittsburgh; 1 20 " Ezebal6r6lllolg ,-• • -- 10 - klarelm. dt /160¢1mturer's flank .awk .11 . ..W d /L x 112 ... 6 • Ca lkm. . . • met • 76 Yourth etrwt. I II °REY SYRUP—A superior article this - ii day reed, stul for We, on oonrigraopeL lir • FUNKY U . JLLINA, ang2 Water .hose railthtid. mIIEESE-260 bx,. Cream Cutting, this d•Y med. hr-debi ICY 11 11/LL1213. sow, BLICKETS—WII doz. Brighton, for sale by MO J. S. Brighton, k CO. T. Tom' iiattpo:bUna.dDClo. - /AO KEEL it CA Lyourr h.h.r.,t,./1=1; tot met, .Prodea 100 yo.t oake. SUNIIitIES—. • - 1.00 Barrels LaT34 . IITo. 3 Mannar/0: • GO Do 1 nhad:— /0 20 2 H 1:0 altdo do " 2 1 G ehl: " 40 Burgs• ... 1 OsOnow. 30 Do I DION , '4 Kase • '1 lewd: . • • ILO Bareei. SAM. If olneees; 100 Do N. O. Ditto: . 00 llbil. Now Orleans Fogs; on band ant kw aloes lll3Ol JOHN WAIT a °A ItAGB-41 Wool Bags on hand, and fitr ■ir ... flYaki 'PEPPER SAUCE—LS bxe. superior, put irtt br irneriattfirl •61. VSIF "E.F.--100.bage preen Rio, in store ILJ and lot NON .171:1 DICERY • CO. BIUBLINS--Murpby & Marc h 5...7 ea* eoatlans to mr partied. et tendon to Moat.. de afriatloa of (kale. and have now a supolf of lb* • e.ef Wel/maim Neutka la waat of ahlrtinfollooda vlll do volt to ea/1/with Max. Daiwa Lisese. Irartsated aura flax. Ineladloa f.vr Woe. oatra 41.11% lately raalvial. ; muff PICKLED SALMON—A superior artiCle, j_ set Ittp b. 10 lb 000101wo, jaw rte.l and On rale kr - - W. A. Alda.U.oo OA Jr" Omens And IbA itACON-30,000 lbs. Bides, first quality, in Awoke hour. .ml terra]. by hit 11081.01 , 1, LITTL.II tOO. SIJNDRLES-- Wooed OU. • • 11919 014 • 999•99 1:11h • , L 9999 Ws-. .111 r. 011; for 9919 er JANIS 1186149Z11. 119 Wood 91- Plterburah t • TOMATO.KETCHUP—UmIerimxgro xu .. tli . ;) , r Tomato Ketttop . ll.. 414=3 , 31 R. V21;61t . t1,.• W ... . ... ... ... , . /10,11GAIL--1.34 Wads. N. 0., fair to prime; 1..7 . f0e inkio by - • 4 ' i/S4 - RUM% MATH IVA a CO. . _ fa ESAN Soap, "Genuine Buttein" for salt EL by . . .1. KIDD . 00. VIOL.a.BB ES— IVA. IN btp. Plataaloll oak owyrer. • 5,24 41 84"... /11111 r . MATltigVi 1 CO. A . 4 kyr XATIISR-500 siden Red; branded good; rlio bi /Tad MIRY. MATIIIEWSZ 00. SUOAR & MOLASSES -200 Ws. New Orleans Itolansea ao abets. New Weems Sawa; for sate at —1:12 atauaLa at BpSOOOIYB INDIA CLIOLAGOGUE,--A &mom br admixture ter reTer Yid Agl.o , Mamas Illoaa -. WILCOX co, cornet 'tartlet at. spd Iliamopd t I I . :4: '. " . : .11P.: . ‘.". —Ani l , ', . modlie Or Cluval. Ban. 11;ftsaisa and .....k oTr., ILOOZ 4 CO. TAROII-25 b Ka. Cincinnati extra, in kr We br • I/30 • ROBIJION. uniA a 00. TOBACCO— 20 kgi Dodge Bra,. Ky. 6 ftikabr sae br 1.11 . 291 MeCIILLB* SOAF-100 big Cincinniti,in atore,for enie • by - • .1,20 1140311.111• HON. a tan& CORKS-5 bLe. for sale by Jr= IA. E-SELLItRa B/I:rE MOBB-15 lbs..for, sale by lyri R. R. IiELLIIRS LIM LICK WATER., by the barrel, fug 11b1 • JAKESIeaUMY. A . GENERAL moortment of Soapo. --- Pci Nu thm o da‘fPolr Wool d.ra. Oalogar+AA= a, ihr A. 441.1 r LI ED & LARIANT & B!dITH'B 'wo putediePordr, k Deer Yak 46 Betalteoting BA* b7 bb". - I° ll DiLR O " ROUSES, FARMS, aza Farm for Salo AFARM, consisting of 75 acres cleared. red and 78 *erne henry thriller L. all well watered. le ollt• for . . gait Yana Is 2% =llea tram the a.n Rasd Depot. at Bar lona. Ohio. &Kama of J. U. HANNA. attetalltr .t Palmer. llama& At Co..' ' ler Sale 17.10 HT Hundred and Ferty Seven Acres IA of land. Imitable for tannery. Mir, rtoet }arm. Ofj miles north of Um lialtimom. a Ohio R. a. no the moil moans from Uniontown to Brandi..lli.. Worn. to.. Virginia: 40 or GO acrro cream!: liwritrino, . . Alad-121,ad acres laud In Fayette Co- Pa, Maly lae rdedtad. 3 miles south Brotroaellle—Lfrated ono or U.. boot dldibberhoods pith. Anclety nt Mend, Prle, HO per acr, Apply to CUMIN DOBBS.. anal No. ED Wood oboe- For Bale. TWO Hundred and Fifty Acrea land on the ohs 3 a Pa. R. IL weer Bdosa.Ohlec IDO cleared. bal. Kam well tlemberro—lwed In best mosdltbso sorl audit) , 10ei servo urar Baden and Ilssolisprtms Madan; cos tea o.k Pa. IL. It. well improved ia toslldlogs, kr-, all acres bottom had . ....... Ain, 120 aoroa bast nadlty of land In 80611 V. lly, Lannon. Co. of war O. ro. &IL IL.; on It a gad 'ay.,. Ilnotoo and Stableo,_ollnno lion" Smith Shop. 8.. 21111. all In good order —Tbla Is otoosp—Tortn4 oug— i lv mining a oiling*, CUILTIB4 wag. _ 123 W B Wood !maid. For Bile, AVALUABLE FARM containing 120 Acme, situated Lu flelAvlej lowrahip, Allegheny t), eig miles from the city. au the growusrale mad. end new Plank ford from here to Finleyettle. rowiewlon Aiwa me immel ere. diately. Title lndloutable. For further 1(36 gmtisyp Ir 4. A B. FLOOD. Pittsburgh. For Sale. ICE three story brick Store, in Raven ... 2 a, Portage Oottotr, Ohio, boil! by Mr. Zenon X. aml now ocormieel Dr M. A. A R. A. Gillett Th. banding in of brick. with Gt. Moo. Moo lo Goa,, a 3 by 68 feet, 3 Morin, with Garret and Cellar, liniahnd throughout, with office., hall. Ate. Alto, • brick front erare how.. attached to the Man. 30 by 65, two Moth. Air egi a d i r o T n enepaj n ro n te o rd i he wl):1: buildin eaa g. main on mortgage =rowel yearn. Tar Inrthe e r y informattowete go:Groot Darius Lyerart, Esti.. on the premises. of Mr. Joe. m. Mood, at hie twsidento, or of DANIEL CUIITISIL 111 Prorl EL, Net York. For Sale ADESIRABLE location for a Saddler, in the thriving town of Elanover, Columbiana (leant!. . The buldings on the Detain. were erected for the eaprees purrtee of carrying on the Saddle and thrones Inannteettire, and an *stollen% budneat has been dons In that line. Far fiutherinfortnation. apply lode...gbh Keith en the prentlser. or to IL T. LENZ'', Jr., 133 Wood knee, Plitebargh. . N. not veld betian the tintday of Bepterober. IE3I the ram trill on that day he .Iloceed of at public rale. For Rent. -DOSSESSION given July let—A three g gory trick Dwelling Ilonee. on Wiley Omit. Z . i r n i aieTeVy ' bal i .Vi:il=l . 7l=%%al . POlnerfar.ll B•lle in all tne principal rooms, end • very oinronlect Belt mom —lt in now ceientile.l by die Rey. linuborn. • Dwelling and Laelles i bemitary. Enquire of JOIIN CO.. • ielt Liberty arreeL To Let. N excellent brick Dwelling, Si tilnI411;.11 on Penn ste between Way. enc Hand. This ..! le ono c.f the moil desirable Dwellings in lb, cit). the houso being In good repair. and Inealed in a on!o,, and one of No met pleseant parts of the city. Tetras modantn. Entatithe an the musts. of D. HELD. FOr Salo. T HE residence of the undersigned, a tk •n..t moat Lot adio , nbac, on Peat, .tact. tw...elt n.r sat ..Ilarbktrr For tz•rvg, eprly to Um gut . ..ittor JAM! IV. It. 31tOLURF., Farm For Sale. 3 . VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE=Sit 4 taattal on fllg Sewickley Creek, fifteen stile. be;oe , Al oehany City. sud about three Quotient of &mile from the Railroad, cnotalnlng 48 acre, ..Z of which le rich bat. Lm land. well &Lamed to gardening or agricultural pur l.... Tne balance te uptanl, wool eltuated. and well pinta:nal; Intl a coun, or4tiard yr about IGO thrifty tree, Azle well watered. It has a Man hone. on !1.. and mate- Azle ready to put up • ter eon II hr 31. /t in eryecte I Wilts raibnad elation houee will be put of within half a mile from It. For term, enquire nf CURTIS C tittlaitt. Real Fatale Agent, (over Petricka• Frlond'e liankMe Rome.) I-10' No. 122. corner It oal and FM et, Valuable Tract‘of Coal Land For Sale. "till IS Property' Iles in Pool No. 3, oppoi.ite 11. Monoucebela City. . 1 l mile. above Ilttehurgh: .1 4 . ,ntalne two Vein. of 11. al Coal. one FIVE. the ether nit FRET in depth, an. two (fins of LILLEStOtM. The !vet Vein of Coal Ilea ao r the river ea to realer • ro.I rood 111:111,..111, the C. al heing conveyed by • short chute from the pit to the r. The pmperty neve.. • front on the river of near y a °muter of a mile, and the Le t t It goCal at all era.. v The tract ...eine about I'. are., end will he 1..1 to3etber, or divided, to suit punitive,. The proper) otll be told low and on too. c , nottle time. sr4. meet. a rare opportunity fora eve invertment Caylt.sta a 4 Clot oz-n are Invited to to. amine It: Inquile el J. 8. MORILISON. /4 Attorn yet tiny. Sea l. Greet et Desirable party for Sale. rIME subscriber o ers for sale, that herb '. Liful and highly im roved ormaterty l formerly ha l= j: ' otlrd .. C re ' d .' 7ere ' P t tre=l:ll• ' 4 .l t 4 4 1 ' 71. kat t tt midway between the Fourth et. and Seventh et. Plaen Road., which he wiheell caber In whole or le lota to ma !V= T = ''''-1"" 1 t ,747 U : N' l t ) 24t. eyßeel - - Valuable 'Property For Sale. hinnsion loose, the Into residence of 1. Jame, Adam, Nee- ked Icnether with two and Lot sena fland, twantlfally rit..twl on the Oh a) wirer =llea below Pluaburc Fnrj A aftgenew i n i 9 . tlr• et 0124.210 No. 71 Market mt. For Sale or eruetual Lease. FORTY-THREE BUILIING LOTS, laid no In out to the Geis/nal plan or the town Allegheny, nowthag on both Woof Bekeennreet. awl on Bank Lane. fOr rent for one or more yours, the resides* at tb. our lot au Um Mil, extribitsur buck to str.t. 10rr , 7 .111 4 4% a Yr. 110.11:13 110reLAND, near r". 'Arm"' cribs subscriber, - eet ofiret, tie. lot = " l'llis 'r burstb. SILIDY WILYINN. Desirable Property tor Sale. NUMBER of, very valuable Building Ktio!mac ta. fitlb.r Depot or the Ohio .1 liey 'Tanis gal['pd. in Allegheny Olt, fronting on the Kali:v..l. and on 11 . nuakiln, !Myren. sal Juniata hurt., and on Allegheny avenue. Alan —A valuable. unimproved Lot, on the menet of LH. en, and Factory rtrtete, girth Ward, oryneita the thrt. moo Catholic Church. no feet front On Liberty. by 100 feel doe, on Factory. naming back to eqa alley. Alvo—the three rtory Dark Derel Rowe on r u nt So the above. th. lot be ng tart front bf 100 feet .bsep. The her.. le large and convenient. bollthi ovident rty le, aralcontalar eleven 19011.. Aboo—A Farm of 2.14...—e. to. Lenore coats,. I mile, irain rte. tarn. _ . Alm—Fmme lu Hiram eo of rufous elm ,weprlceeL WO see..koro. Far one sod sorommodatine ten.. Ea..* of N. Y. U. L. it. 11friNIMIAN, ;M;MI For Salo or Rent PHI; ALLEOIIENY FOUNT/RE, corner L of Leanock an 4 Ann rtreetA. Allyn/tar., City. with ?Asa,. Or4n4.Ac. T.tIIIP 4101. Apply to ALEX. M. WATIWN. Attorntry at la, N 4.110 4th street. Pitt...burgh. At to BENJAMIN RAMAGE. toarliAt Jnekeon FL. :11 Word. Ategbrn, MEDICAL. .• Seller's Cough Syrup. g T gives general evitistietion 2. Mr. 11..,E. relicts-1 have ulted our Cough gym, In tl li ..ear„,Vol.un'' . auf Prsvervainm. J.Z.tnD CO. ni R. E. Keller.--1 have nee 1 your hoperis/ Couch - 71MP 114 eni tsautty In. near three years , and and It the bent In p " r!fr t ge Ot r h7rlT L Sl.l4 my 010 p, sod fla 1 Lost It err. general esitafsetloc..— In 1 also coogider in= Weer sa. l Anthillllous tills the bert In use, Fur the .11seselo the) are tiftsytel kn. by you. Your,. /Iv, Twenty rive mot. per oath.. erepalll rohl by J. K. REES. R. E. SELL E R gosh red 5 17 .et. 1 -11. A. Fahnestock's Verinifuge. rp111; Ewen and most effective remedy for Worm, II Children and Adults. that has weer beret therovermi. The lb/lowing teellmohyot Us gond eke , . I. oatr.d• Croat Vr. IiENRY OTT. Merchant; Caiwroammtlx. Indlaoa. Oct it 61 . . MrEarn. B. A. Fahnestock k Ca --43entle turn—Your Venality. is desk:Wily Toyotas 113 thlo nat. lir. I could take hundreds of eortillostas Eth rofnehro L. the good streets reoultlas Stem Its on. anon{ toy tss. tenon. I eounientlonly Mc= WWI It r ton and Salo talmlo tor the eiraddou of wonna from Mt onto.. Mr es me largely inoaslon. Melon sold more this meson .hann.r ptneding year rine, I hate been neut. I Imo o sale ',stern other Vomitus's. but nil man of nun Li n nn of ell others . . . .. ... etessestfully Your , RENEW 0TT.,., Pregared wad sold by A. r•IINESTOOK it CO.. jy2b•Als canter Wood sad hest Ms, Pettsburgb. Pram The Great West. frill Microscope reveals what dentists Ma long seers. wit That the teeth am Wetted ...1, Planttzwi . • ggricsl aoo II Bo ace and ttologioaflnilection In loan month. brining tooth ache. lwthl breath; irwaUod face, natiatows drag% ham totals. and the dentists horrid array of Trois. Trio boot padean.. the teeth and avoid all thaws dila o thaw, as wall a. tO =TO the rarest month I. Atlanta'. licaratta it• operation la Italy nirptidta. Mold and warnanklbr tho principal Dwriptialti.mod by the pro pnstor. • . A. PATIELSON, itiaodtarT hitnaltittoun. Pon.. L. A. Page's Anodyne OIL riMIE only positive and sure remedy for a mm divtreveleg dies.% ids.: Plies or 0.113111101 - - ...Edda—the nineteenth csutury ean bone. of no grestor discovery. is one nude valuable than tbli. IPHINICIAX t h may mrtly that 1 have used lleserd Pate 1•aall. Anodrne 011113 my practice, for acme tlamb and with wi the utmost boditildence recom mend It ass sourreire remedy In tbat moot distrenelng malady. vas rims. I feel satisfaction In rrencilll•edlog Its use to the public 111016A11 D. YUSTKII." Yor sale by IL IL Illtl.L6Sh. mY3I No. 67 Wood st. The Truth VONCERNIN'iSaIIer'B Vennifugo. A aim %,_/ ulal D*o ' . T r. sawJnod : b . o onC t h uu oll 2 o 7 n , i l n e g t . . M.. U. C. Ultra. ddr—l boughtof J.. It. Pau. Ll e boat* or roar Vannltant. and save It to • chUd of ml n. and It a:poll.' 66 Lva. norm. and .1.11611' a number ol null one. • U. PALMER. aaaXat Tr.. JoMasan 00. Web. 7. 1102. It. 8 SELLOS--ihelieir trial your Verndfna• In toy I caa aay that It la not to be summand by a n y I(6=lft:to In the world be axpalllass wornta. U. itIIDADS Mae.. Ty.. Jegereao Ca. Feb.l7, um a. it essum.-1 gave one bottle of roar Veregrage ro expelled 71 large ram.. I tblak It the best to we._ Tows reepeettally. DgXlllll. For rale. wholemeal. sad retell, by WI/ R. It. 8/... 00 0.. VI Wool rt. TEAS -- MI bolf ebesta Mop, Orem and Mae TO ram bon& • 10.12.14 and 10 Mc Nobs 0; .00 . LI, 14 ousd. 20 Ibi extra 041040 . rerml4 br .1. D. WILLIAMS & ). POPPER SAUCE, excellent gaol ity,l2 1-2 costs peT kW% Ibr We at J 72 MOMS L 1 PSOM SALT 8 7, 2 1 5 , 11 p p! t o r,r obj.. To Attorneys. • ItSUPERIOR or;tiole of Brief Paper, reo'd awl foffsl• wElapja _Bookamiler sad Stationer JI2 Wool gnat. Doty.= sod 41.6. FRESH OYSTERS: Vomit a n d by Underwood • log up Is ono and twe e 'pooed our, neroodkally wiled., coed end Was br W. A. Wannd a . „in it 0.11 1 ,11 lAberty Maui MISCELLANEOUS Excelsior Fatally Soap. DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—Cold or warm 415 water—elther @oft. hard or salt—mar 14 owl with Perteat gamma Hub Ll:moan upon the clothea and then - pot them to moat for threw or four bourn then take them end rub Mimi and lin. theon out- They reouire hut tittle robbing' after acwithos. and too le required. eis le venal with other soap.. A lane washing can be Bone fn rue third Lena time and trouble tad aspen se than with any other camps Wink e u. Thie soap to warranted nee to in any way the nemata fibrin or the akin Or an/. think thiit it le .0711.1 to. It .111 retorne an, kind of Grease. Bathe. Tax. lnk or ?Deana £O.. fromany Good.. witho9t the lent injury. Ibis "AD is roanufactured All i'n;WeeTt4l:47:'ettaen°2'n'ill.P4th"a'n' Rork. Yor ule at .I.IOILIIIB . Tea Mart. - tot In the Diamond. I INBRED OIL-125 bbls. for sale by B. 1. FAUNA:STOC int K A CO, TM corner Wool and P street, VENISON--300 lbs, prime , cured Hams; V far gala hy 1721 J. D. WILLLABB a CO. ZItINDSTONES--150 assorted sizes. for NA role by VON BONNUOBST a INUMNIV. ARD OIL-40 bbls. Numbers 1 & 2 X I for eate by I iral J. RIDD a CO. ticKETs--50 don. for sale by Lip .iym VON BONNIIOII.I3T 0 1111.11011 Y. 11ENULNE FRENCH CLARET—SI per LB dawn. or NJtio per bottle: for ule at MORRIS' Tea Store. In the Diamond. trl3 NW HONEY-13 boxes 'White Clover, 1V in the Comb, very handsome just reed for Kale by W. A. dieOLUltti • co., Jyls Grocers and Tra WOOL SACKS-500 for Bale by y 1015 VON BONNIIO/Isl . a VAIRPIIV. ILINESE--140 lan. prime W. R., for sale by VON BON !moan a IfUltlitlY. AY Rakes, Scythe &teethe, Hay Forks 1.4 for polo by /715 VON BONNIIONST a KUNINIY. _ URLINGTON lIERRINO-30 bxs. new tad reed and for We at 1101t111S• Tea Matt, in the .17 13 CHEAP BLACK SILKS—A. A. Mason A 11 Co. bare Jut reo'd (per expecte) another lathe lot of those eery cheap Black 811i1.11, some as low 10 i to per Tart. 1545 I AWNS, LAWNS—Just opened at A. A LA Mason a 0.3.% 3 ewes hal Color,/ Laetao tot 11:h a and lv (.I,WEET 01L-2 'ks. in store ; for sale by 1-1 Jets , J. KIDD • CO. . it -JEREGE DE LAINES-uot reo'tl at Al A. Moon 4 C. 1.. 6 CIA, more et those cheap floret! , Ines—Pont inlets--st II:Ke. T. EAMILY FLOUR—A regular supply from the Chtter 5111 Ir—frees ground—ln. ....NJ tte ar Whest. for hull) we; for We tor jell DMA a LIDA LTC. \Voter rt. i v alLK POPLINS—A. A. Mason /tea. have junt reed 2 etuen fine lilt Popliun. /1,1 tONSET LININGS—Jast reed trt k. A. limn • Co.', d 5 do Torletou and Lner .Innurt ndno. (voriva velem) LINEN LUSTRES- 30 pev. fir e, fast col orv. Just, Mare! Id tell A. A. MA Oni • 0 ASECOND HAND PIANO, full six tw tavr, in • beautiful Mahogany vs . •ith t/ette , cte. of brilliant tone, and in perfect order; for ea,. et ttop laxplicte.ef cult. JUIINI/1. 11LELIn At. JAZ WOW UM ELASTIC V7EltlONO—Rec'd tft the India Ilabber Npot. 60 Tarte ef Rlaetic Wct. bine, ice Couto,. Hoot.. me attention of ehoemaket. Invited to tbe above erUcle, which we wUI sell low. }man .1. • LI. PUILLIPS. L + r S A LIT , AtUS-100 foreeby J .4N .. 'Ball: SHAWLS-A. A. Bluoon tt. Co. 1 . n. k-Oing rot lo.roo u.olitooOt of Plato mJ tauta,l•lrr,l o •u4l adored Crol. realr Ix smoly Improved Patent Shoulder rym.'"""'`"" IMl.roynn, IC U. MOLASSES-. 451.1 bbin., Oak and cp. I • yr..n m. rn hand sod IC. rialo Dr BUR/O[ll,llE S INGltartM d REA. I'HUIS ES-3 cko. wuking Prune, Vi :0r.,., Inv tr . . ' W. A. .11,CLUIlit t CO letio No. 250 1.11....rty et. lIMIE highest price, in cash, paid for Wool, • 1., I ral IL. LEI:, U.AIIED Peaches, New York Plun;n; and Dried Apple.. urJlol Fruit; far ralo at 17 0 moandc DICK LEIJ IlkiftltlNG—The hest the L city. au! Smoked littlibristou thereiti,, for We at 00111110 . ONDUN PORTEll—Trnmen Hamburg l 4 otlx.tnn'e-2.5c goer Krodiatt bottle—torul• at o.ltlitttv lENUINE - lintiorted French Chocolate 25 rep. trr pettrul; for rale , ikt ItORM: . - HEGK.ER'S Farina., Corn Starch, Rico ever lent:14111f and Ilaccaravi: for w. .t 11011.1t18' Beat this if you can. L." XCELLEN'r Cooking Raining and Cur nu. 415. e. polml, for male at T.. Iyl to the Dismood 61,0AP-50 bxs. in store, fur sale by iTil E. ILILHBOOIOII Q 1 LACK SILK LACE—A. A. Mason Co. UP hays Jost reerl (per expron) Macro MsNotribr ham Loroo 1,-19 gINSOWN LENS—A. A. 31a.0n Co. aro aolllog off (Lel: larim mocylment rtrolro to at la from Ste r,Ja4loo former prior.. .1,11 DRESTON'S tin° Extracts of Vanilla, Lemon. it, for role Ly 1710 J. settoosmiLluat i co. Time Bills WMited. Binallnd Acceptances on Cleveland. I . 0,4.1,1,1nt Louis, LnolAvill. And llorianatl .111 In b,tibt at Inv rat.. by A. WI LK lAK • 1.1.1 . V+ ncbAbliA LICAO , I*. 70 reoreb .7 %%TINES—A choice stockofßt!Tdien, t,roA .ataro!‘. 111BESB-50 bra prime W. R. just rec'd lJ et for by Rt. ABELL It JOIII;t4TON. ITV a 11R Wary Argot oAp—no bra. Cincinnati Soap, Brown, 0 Yel L ra , and Phan White, ta tamllr ea., toed at7.l tarsal. by Jl9 W. A. DieCLLISCI • CO 1 -1 1.1BESE—Eztra Cream Cheese recd ' thin der. tonal. by J. T. 11J. J. BOONE. 170 877 Want" at.r.•L iI NICKERBOCKEA MAGAZINE for Ja , Ir hoe been received: War the 1 iary a a rhyrve br eaalael C. Warren. ha, sattor of ... rev Thooraad r•ir. W. A. uILPFZIYZNA A (..1)., . . 71 Fourth at.S4l. 222 OUSE} L'S EXTRACT for the liandker• Lt. eO.l. Ser owl, be L. WILCOX CO.. 7c. corner Market O. sal D 1.01114. . ti . OUN TER PANES-11 u rphy A. Burchfield %_)a siinkyr rapplind aith &So,. arttcle--whlla ant aa lored. Alan, Vunalton, Ifinsity. hite and strip.; Mrs, risk& holy do. Scarlet Chlntars 0 1.1 n ani printed. for tratir. d Coonterp..--.4an amortmout or Llsnoarieeplng Ooods amorally, mach aa Table .IA4 Tow.l - N.., Ch, Napalm.. 1i,., lihrtOint,. Gt. Lin., sat kluslou. •, and lore. posatblo prior. as - F LOUR --100 blds. Hanover Extra. toe ,nl. be J!ld BE.LLt mom. LPEATELERS--6,000 lbs. prime, live geese, resew. In store, for aat,.br r.ll IoAIAL DICHEE A CO. I HEESE--100 bas. ingood order, in store v...) and for eel. br MAI - All DICKEY I CO. MILL GREASE—On band, for Baia by JeWl 1001111 DICRZY * CO. QM/AK-75 bhde. in store, for sale by J• 111 MAIAII LOCKET • W. EGGS -14 bblt, just reo'd and for sale by jeZ3 ISHLL It.l(iti6lT. Water ot- . SALMON—In kits, reo'd and for solo by w. A. IiteCLURO 1 CO., IC No. WA Llboty atm.! Old and New Books. atsILD and Now Books, Theological, al, ad stud Illasulan• us, Acaorican and Itaallab, Its at less au+ses by . . . . DAVIISON A AONKR, linoluellen and Importerr, CZ !duke ALI:IM ►ViUri) Wall Paper. JIIBT recd , a large maortment of new and beautiful pattern. from Me Philadelphia manes. °runt., and f rale hy TIIOB. PALM Ng. .1 , 10 111.a.t Meet. 11El SE Snrrior Old Ooshen,• do Weetern Resarma Pine A New pple; Jo ao do Durham Parte Nutmeg tl Ito. . re Say oegv.neer 00 baud. art Oen,. to be had le w. A. lII:CLUNG o 00.'0. No. :AO Laberstr Meet. IIEARLASH-20 cks. rec'd fur sale by /40 LIENEY It. COLLINS. LALT TARAR-150 li.. for sale by 1730 J. KIDD Ai CO. b ..3IBROIDERIES-Just opened at A. A. Musa .1 Co.'s, • pew angle - kb assortment ef limbrol te orsoprisiuebssosetts,Wisrs.euffs.Uniirrsio,so. Unto and Muir. 11.11U5.. UMW rugs. Isms to. fra.3o ifILAZED GREEN Papist Yard wide, of XI superior ouslity. roe Wirscia• Minds.. PA sod fLMRR.or rub , hr egi SLIM Af, AZINES for July, just received; . 1 (soder, Wes Book tor . Julpi s hisiTalno . . Rattail:es Pell a. .I.l..betsford antiou of the Waverly Nowlin handoonsely lwmtel In cloth; Offenit Volume 1 ennui., Weyerly Awl (any Iliouninit. The 'halo will be ample. ten In twelve volume. foe °oh. $l2. . ten n. ILDKNVENTiaIf 00. VESSABIES—Just rood at the "India Rubber Doiat.." .7 a bug Na. 117 . 1.1alkat wt PINE APPLE OLIEESE—Baa'd this day Pond* Mb In- ICINRY ILCOLLIPI. FLAX BEND--17 , Tic k , 4 roes: ma :IA Col nl• bY IBA1•11 DICRUN I 01 belunPHY: Atop BURCHFIELD have i Ved hitmrk ls t l eat Ell e n n k 111 . 11 g Ti.,.scllo. k•t3ON & 00., are now opening 8 it i tellot of am Stria Olniping Wring* olultabl. WJ .... EWRY & BURCHFIELD - have just I received sad opened load Mak Not Mltta MM. Moll for dam.; 800 da ttaa da nolo 8100 Bo lootlt Moan do Lain ea Ito ma rank Bala Bate , * ood a /mo do • Black m Mullah Cava Ard lkabradatal Malls tor draws. Red Nortamat Gorton Mk ml Mattel Me. . . L'LAX SEED-4 too, real for sae by 3.2,1 gem. a LIZKIFer. - MOUE-40 Lb's. S. B. for eid; 1;1 ' lm MUSOKIL £JoUReroN. aver Ni/e& ri A. ROCKWELL'S Patent Newipaper •190. the best sow u? al r atigisal• br 1N to Bookiriet •101 MAWR., want roma ea eat ma PHILADELPHIA Wines and Liquors. 500 PIPES, Half Pipes, Qurter CagirA, Madeira, itarreio. PS 1.4 (lola end nro.. Sherrie, L P. Demand, and London Doak Poet Wine, WWII, L. P. and Came Teneriffe, Sweet end Orr 31.1.4. Wt....Ch....P.C.. se. of rations bixrds. ALSO; maPurnell Brendle, of eerie. brfutin Uollatul GU, J. Gum. high mid Scotch Wblskey.fiew England and .fiew Ode.. Rum. Lo. Part of the above are entitled to debenture. For sale in Into to suit penehaser ,s and on it nun. by GREEN A 011112111311. fel No 10 . . enoutb Front et; rblladeltn.u. CHEAP MM., GLASS, &c. TYNDALE & MITCHEL?_.. 21 NO. 9 CHISSTNOT 82. , g iFFER to the citizens of Pittsburgh nil IL, ib vicinity, the choice et their teoutlfal - au4 ha' mele j oinchinan 4% H et v F :112 of Att. gas Min. of DISURS. PLATIC2I. PITClte,/le'" of French or LIM UINA or WARY WARR. Abe C , ULAPS WARE, Cut and Mouldedan greatrai lel,. " Ig . telrio b l " L ' as t l . Privabe bourns snlentgty:th th e beat sondes. at very Finely prints. AGALEY, VOODN 7 iARD do Co., whole• 141_ ale Groan, blark.t st, Philadel ht. J. B. Eng% & Son, Merchant Tai/ors, No. 180, Chestnut 31. Phila. ,smAVEr:Zor;c7l. orrtlrp Sp ' rrn ' glas ßA L A co ) ne and will continuo tomcat.. Er rem' =lie el, n'es7roTtE,otag%'elnho'f'llndo: I ' Llart n Ta t er o lTel,.e ...",14 b at throe. Philadelphia, March 'A, 1812--I marfieully E. VAN METER, Manufaaturei and Itfi ri lApogiA a rt! my : AIM/N0.4,1ND WIDE ru311:11. rth ThlrO•tr