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'J t OLPOB lIOFMAN, Ot nit;cm COUNTT • ..roDOII or TOM scram COuliT, • cri et. 'loom of theft.. Rkhord Coulter, deloomed./ JOSEMBUIVINOTON, of Armstrong Co •• • 3 • tdr. PARSIDRIMAL XLECTOELS, . . •:.„. !;••! • •• • AAAAA 01[1•1_ 41.*. NAAR. - Diatriet, 1. Wittily F. lloann, 14. Jam 11. Catrert , .. J. 1, P.A•vo, ' W.l.lrota, 16. JAY= ‘4. 7 ecor P. Trim. Jo Dma. , •'• ' 23. :a L n, i 6, nnursolg, H.MILS=2. Sa...T ja t . cor J. War... ,' 16:IIAntal Comenirlt U .llTAts, 111. 1 1 / a re, ' UAL LrAimv, Pan" , - s..tlaart. A l'cramlicr. "14.1%4X AIME: A. Anti:masonic and Whig—Cqnty Ticket. bx ' DAVID ILISCILIE. Pitticeargh. • rot cooionoo—= tomer. TLIOIIAS M. 110W$ 01:01KIE DAUM. AlleghenY. GEOISOM L APPLISTON, Glelnlnghan. .511031A1 P ANGRY. Megeeeport. ( I.wt4l.l.lltlff.h. JOina.ll. T11.1,11t1120. • , • • • • 11111:BM. if/LULU MAGILL. Pittsburgh: 1401110NOTW. ELWAMI) CAMPBELL, Jr...Pitteburgh. anal. name or COL 47 01 otriam ac. ' ' 7.1011 N GEBILIMT, Allegheny. rILLIAII ALUM. Pittaborgb. bownr. Pitltburgb. IIAIIDNETL. Elimabetb. 13!E itarTIIE Executive ComMittee •of the 'Count, Poott Club^ have Shed npon an following meet. lege to ble twig Wet to the Orem Masa Meeting ma the :Pal of neat month— At 111ruMogham. at the Market bonsa i on Tuesday the ..11th of Atignat. at :Seem*, P.M. Itl AMwthear dt7, at the Market Mouse, on Tbumlar, the lgth at 7M, P. M. At Clinton. on Tagalog, the 8101. atTM P. M. • - • : 'At TasUe Creek, at grorrtVa hotel. on &Miele) the th 01 flptember. at 3 P. M.- At Paerreritle. on Pouralay. the 711. at 7% P M. --, At 31 eltemport. caPrhle 0. September 11th. at 7M, 0.01,et • At loan Bonier, Baldwin TownididpAn Saturday, Sept. tit, at .. At Tareatum.on Tuesday, September lUD at ti and die •t Satardar: September ISM ai 73f. Alt tibeitabtligb. on Eaturdsy.Septetaber 97th at Vi ' CONVENTION AS • PITLIONROB ON TOO 23n. We notice that eosin of our friends ,in the mar rotinding counties continuo to speak of the op - {on:aching Whig:Convention on the tenth of Sep.. tCmber, not having noticed, probably, the an ' ilotutectnent that the time has been changed to the twenty-third to accommodate our friend., in nth . - or planet' who have appointed Conventions at or about that time. Editors will please anew:Loco this fact We shall 'Lore p Stoup' us gathering of the frionde of Sitotf . tin that dai.'" . 'ln the mean time l"taarnsitip,..,Ward, village and county meetings are i. every _day vie.arrences. ren.csylvania Is going I, tight . We have cheering intelligence from eve- I! .ry quarter. Elan old Westiierelood Is exhibit- unwonted life, add wo are assured 1.; that Scott will thin the ranks of locefocoism .'rhera moot alarmiegli: From old democratic Armstroogrthe - intelligence is eheering; our friends there are not without hope of cari7ieg 1 the county , for Scott. Waihington the Whip 'ore :wide awake, 'Ana will give a, handsome so. ;cetutt,iif their labors in October and November. . The State WO regard as safe for Scott; but -shall we be satisfied with electing him, and then him'bi conteild with an L oppositiou Con ` great? In out two-districts all will be right; but .whit ire ticieFtriends doing In tAte more deribtra 'udistriets. - Whigs of Westmoreland, lila 1 ' attic mid ludiatos; cannot you. beta that Drum? Depend upon it, if you do, the sound will reverbe-, rate from Melee io Celifornist, It Is a hard io.he sure, but Scott and Eutaw are potent ' dt thii thee, in 1848, there was nothing like ..the same unanimity and enthusiasm In Pennsyl- 3 1 , A14111 that, we have 11011; and yet Gen. Taylor swept the State like a hurricane. ..Let us this year, while the tide is up, make up nor =lade net only to sire the ;rote of the State to 'Scott,' but carry Judge Buffington for Supreme Judge, tind . Jacob Hoffman for Canal,Commiesioner.— They are both admirably adapted to the stattons - tor which they are candidates; and if-the Whigs fiil to'eteet them It will be their own fault. Werset r out with some remark' about the Con. Aention of the 22d September, e'ld have wander• ed off them:MX . oi; but no matter: let us have on ttMt day such • gstherini of the friends of the old hero turwill make las opponents give up all idea of :defeating him, if, Indeed, they still en . tertain each an idea. Me, MAGELL.—We learn irons various BOUM@ KLat Joe Barker has been circulating charger, • netrartitiniii by a particle of evidence, against VtLIJIAX ItLtair.r., the Whig. candidate for iffsrelative to his conduct as County Commis. - slower; cal.:elated, if believed, to injure hie rep: titmice. Mr. Magill desires us to say thai these elierges are wholly false and calumnious, and that, in a few dayn,.he will publish a statement refitting them, which he believes will be entirely satisfactory to his fallow citizens. ' From the notoriously irresponsible 'character of the mouser, it seems to us that it ie hardly worth while tp notice these slanders: but 10111 it may he you enough that Mr. Magill should meet them in the Smatter he proposes. Where he le personally known It is not at all accessing; but in a large unismunitj ithe this, there may be some Persons whose minds can , be aimed by the bold and mmtelogly plauelble statements of . this Judi- ' Pttreevaoll LID SIIIIINVILLI RAILROAD.-- We lawn that &highly spirited and vary large 'meeting was held in favor of this road, at Bur gettatoona, on Friday last. The speakers were Dr. Smith of the Virginia Legielature, and SlCeffT9 Robert McKnight, Robert Woods and Chas. Ni:v. ler, Of this city. Tho history, progrue, present eituation and proopeite of the road were set forth, and the Railroad policy of this part of the country mat Therwork bai been ootenttneed, on the road, Arm:llton! Its entire length, at all the heavy mate and MD, and a large force is a worktmon It. Dr. Dsith =lured the meeting that the Virgini an. would have 'their part'of it cOmpleted by the time that the Pentitylvanla portion should be finished. He tmdertoolt to =ewer for Virgitds, cod be did , answer for her, we are told, to the satisfaction of all present. The right spirit prevails along the Doe of this .road, which Is the rarest Indicstion of ectoceee. When people are Loth able and willing to push on it' great enterpriee in their Midst it is sure to 'go, and . thio J 8 the ma with them. Wo are' now perils:dad that - Virginia:Will not long withhold the tight of way through the half-dorm miles of lerVittrey Ohl/ between the 'Ohio river oppoeite iftrobenville mid the hinniyivinia line. The people of the 'Tan-handle^ are eager for the hodem of the work, and the Old Dominion to not - j;Oing to deny so small a boon to that isolated portioned her eldidren. ilitteiniegiritasi . heretofore; been reproached 41, t iliekwArdpestiitt respect to nal!model but - she is no* doing' that which will not only re mom, from her itl cause for =eh reproach, brit anther forwent 's among the foremost of the j A ktropi Miles of the triton. With one great tha . ",Ohie ' end Pee saylvanis," just coil. • plitlXom VlitSbargit and Steubenville limpid . ptto'Mrtha Allegheny Valley almost ready fo 6e iiat,,4tei-Ooittraot, with proposed breaches 41gaiiiiing -IL any direetlon--what, will not ba - iiiiircatt*lthly- bet Baena- attend theta : WlWlWhetter .. the choler& hai abated, flettpiral nano and a ha dutbe still occur deny, bta. onl/liarlignat. IJ:cinnamon in that limn. The Democratic State Convention to nominate a candidate fotludge of the Supreme Ctshrt to .the room of Judge Coulter, deceased, and sian didide for Canal Comtbissioner in the place of bearight, tateiy dfteased, hilt meet inliar risburg tomorrow. The names of numerous gentlemeiiltive beau ingested Air the lastMen tipped office, among whioh we observe that of Mayor Guthrie of this city. • Tali Cnors.—fn the Eastern States the crops hove partially failed-this year, on account of the dry weather which prevailed in that region. Hay especially it; very scarce in the east and fn many caeca it was scarcely worth harvest- Iv this State, particularly. in Westmn Pentv , mylvattlit we have had an abundant harvest, not withstanding the extensive damage to the wheat crop by the weril, other- coatbilremoles . being very favorable. Corn will be about an average crop, from present appearances. In Ohio the long. ocuitloned dry weather has had a very injurious effect In the western part of the State it is thought that the yield of Indian corn will not be half so great ae• tt want hut year. The telegraph brings intelligence of a hea vy rain which has at length revived the drooping vegetation of that State,, , and this may dis appoint the foreboding, of the farmers in this rvirct. 'Accounts from Virginia State that tobacco thrives hotter this-season than it has for years, - Valle Indian corn is very abundant. There have been no complaints of dry weather. The crops in Kentucky are about as good as silo. al, nod piennt no remarkable features except in r•.letlontd corn and potatoes; the former is much damaged by draught,while it Is said that the latter acre never more abundant and they present no signs of rot. In Indians and Illinois, corn has mafferod from too dry weather, although but slightly in the last mentioned. The Watertown (Wisconsin) Chronicle i mp ) that the wheat crop in that State exceeds every thing that has ever been seen in tbat or any other State. The yield, as general thing, will be averaging from 20 to 2.5 Inishels to the acre. Scott Club From the South we learn that in South Carob ta,the rice crop is favorable and will yelled abun dantly; in the adjoining State, Pelmets, it has rot flourished to well, being Injured by heavy mine. In Alabama, Mississippi, LOIIISIIIIIII and Texas the cotton crop 11 said to,bo unusually rood. The fears 'that were criteruitned lest the army worm would destroy the crop in many riaces, have been dissipated. The damage from this cause was but slight. A few planters in vArioui parts of the South have began to gather ih their cotton and it in represented at being of rcellent quality, , , Is_ The great railroad bridge over the Oen. ca e, built by the Buffalo and New York City Railroad Company, is completed. This fills up the last gap in Ike line. This bridge's created on a number of wooden pyramids 234 feet high which is higher than any other yet b iilt. It wee tested en Saturdv, and bond to meet the ex ',citations of its buildera in every respect. One rf the .companies!, locomotives ran earn.) the I ridge at fall speed, and tat a height greater thanlhat of the top of Banker Bill Monument. gel.. The first division of 'the Springfield, Mount Vernon and Pittsburgh Railroad is pro rapidly. The rezim4ted cost - of this dlvisiort is $890,000,. over one /tad of which is elr.ady raised by individual subscriptions and municipal bonds. The remainder is to be raised by, the sale of as Company's bonds. It is thought that them will :go off rapidly, affording means sufficient for the speedy construction of this part of the road. The estimated cost of the ,aond division of the road is $BlO,BlO. Toward CIL., there has here robed the same of $lOO,OOO in private, and $170,000 in municipal subscrip ,ious. It is intended, if possible, to raise the tonsainder in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and New York They call 4n . Pittsbargb for $lOO,OOO, which is a small cam when comparei to the ad vantages which our city would reap from its coastruction, farming, as it does the shortest route to Cincinnati, in respect to time, that could be found. As a south-western couneotion i.f the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad it would be of great importance. • OF 'The Whigs of the west are to hold a maim meeting at Columbus, Ohio, on the Bth of Sep t ember next. serThe tennis of thleggo has )ust been ta ken. The total population is 88,788, of which ?acre than half aro foreigners. In 1840 the population was 4,479, and iti October 1860 it was 28,269, showing an internee of nearly ten fold is the List twelve years, and an increase ears than ten thousand, in less than two Cer The akeleton of o mammoth has been discovered in Bath county, Ify. It has not all been taken out yet, but aufficient is known to prove that it belonged to a mammoth of the largest size. The editor of the Mayriville Eagle )tai Hen one of its teeth, which he describe! as being partially,petrified; the enamel of the teeth is however perfectly sound. This tooth was sixteen inches long end four wide. It is but a few days since a quantity of similar Assails were found near the same place, they were, however, of inferior size, and tel. prefect% gsirln the year 1642, the town of Ville Ma rie, now Montreal, hod a population of about 60 person,. In 1881 it bed increased to 27.. 297. Its population in 1842 was 40,466. By fbo census just completed, it is found to have 'deceased to 57,715, which is an increase of nearly 25 per emit in the last ten years. 1 . gs_The report that the cholera had been very fatal at Sandusky City was greatly exaner ated. But few deaths have occurred, and those were principally among the foreign population. Little alarm en that account exists. 'The Nowburypert Herald gives the foUowing al the reason of the anticipated return borne of ] Hon. Abbot Lawrence, our representative at ' ]the Court of Bt. JILITICS: • ' We haves hint from a well informed source, that Mr, lewrenoo returns from England at request of boatel of his business associates] in Massachusetts, who desire Ms %deice and as sistance in consummating some of the Important mannfactaring operations whtch have bees •In embryo for some years. and in which he and they are largely interested. 'Among there Milo li,eex Company st Lawrence, which is now con tooting its operations on a gigantic scale, and iv now engaged its one of its works In construct ing an enormous mill 600 feet lang,far the man ufacture of barer de Janes, an article not before attempted in this country. Thus hilt , it is sold, ]will require bats million'dallirs to complete it; hot it is the opinion of many that to complete and operate it will require doable tilt 11:120011t of capital. As It Is a new undertaking, It Is of course liable to be every losing ors very profit able concern, according to the knowledge and skill displayed in its construcdos sad manage. ment, as well as the state of the times. Pauly to Summei.--The Wider Cure Journal tam In regard to the use of trait/ and vegeta- • ' , There Is a very eitnplarnie for guidance In this_matter. Always select ripe, fall-grown roots, and mildfiavared, well-ripened treat, and then eat them freely, at meal times, of course. It this is done,the only restriction! necessary to ,Impose on the ..quautity women the puree ra ther than the stomach.' The best antiroholers, anti dysentery, nati-dinerbrea, att ti.fereer, and anti all kinds of summer complaba.t. epeciae on earth; lean abundance of good fruit.' A correspondent of the New York illsrar, who was a passenger on the steamship Pacific, utter last homeward voyage, describes a hair-breadth recaps of those on board the vessel: -order to make the shortest passage that was ever made,• on th• 'great circle," Capt. Nye took the northern route and ran as far north as 62: degrees; ,he relaked nothing in. his speed when enveloped in those fogs of Newfoundland, which Mast be seen to be appreciated—they are like the thick black smoke of a furnace; be ran Co aloes to Cape Broylo that ho crushed to pieces with his wheeM a boat and Its crew who were fishing in feuded security; and just as abs wee prig Bowe one to those rocks, hundreds of feet in height and. thirty fathoms of water at their base, s saddest cry of %top the trogineretal , board year helm--hard a starboard!' wu all that caved the'lhoilla and her passengers from etsofoosetto contact with a rock five handred feet itrhaillh4! and when the helm loupe& koala board, sad the bows cleared the fearful battler by a sodded sheer, delta! of that Immense alp swept; with a power that made eau ~gb{didy, with fa set fur of the procipitotur utskil the most timid, as roU se '.be boldest, held hht, Tuttle Tai BOOK or !boss, by W. it. 714thory--A very itmining estirel,.. 4...10011111ZY kATUAISDU, (the Capital, a llepard,) by Laurence Oliphant—A Epiritcd elceeelLet Oriental Scenery, Maanere, Cuteme and Incidents. lle Courray Lumens—Edited by Professor II National Observatory. This ,fisok scam! to be nude up of alarming sketches of domes tic life In Its happiest phases. We can confi dently recommend it. Assurrox's Mica/ma's AlAossisis, (or Au gust. All far oats by A. 11. English, 79, Wood Street. Tnw MAIIM LAR.—A gentleman writing from Maine, tells us how the Liquor Law works. 110 Bays: The Maine Law hue ahem up the tippling ehnpe —banished drunkenness from the etrecte—car ried peace and plenty to hundreds of families before abased and starved—diminished the ex pense of crime and gauperism fifty to seventy. five per cent, and In some cases oven more— added to the school funds, in some of the town:, in like proportion—given no quiet nights, uodm Curbed by drunken brawls—and ebielded young men from the temptations of the bar room. This, to our certain knowledge, the law has done, and It is yet doing, wherever it is enforced; and it is enforced very generally throughout the State. If, es is sometimes said, there is nn much rum now drank in the State an ever the: e was, I eau tell you, it is not the people 'oho drink it, It la old mother earth who drinks the most of it, and it does not seem to hurt her. She eon drink all that the large-hearted and Miffs:- minded Boston liquor dealers will have the gocit nese to send U. • Will our opponents give ns a law that witi do better? Will moral snasion do bettor? Then let no abolteh all formal statutes, and depend on moral plosion for the prevention of theft, arson, and murder, as w ell as for .the prevention of that moot detestable, most tioul.destroying, meinest, foulest of crimes, the crime 411 Itrunkord mthany for the rake of gain; for that is the single &viler against which the Maine Law is directed." We giro in another column ruch further por. deniers touohing the awful deotruction of life by the oinking of the Atlantic, ao bare come to hand. 4Last evening the Sultana arrived with some likef the servitors. We conversed with aeverd, who gave a most harrowing account of the entn, troche. They stated that Capt. Petty—nut Se Bride se stated yesterday—was in coniroordl of the Atlantic at the time of the collisiou,and that he accounted for the fatal meeting by mistaktnit the propeller fore boot hound to Buffalo. The Ostlensburgh, they had no doubt, elockened her speed on discovering the danger, but the A Onto le was under fall headway. The crash wad red suendous, the propeller's how cutting into too steamer forward of the wheel house, and dirdetl opposite the furnaces, so far to to m.rry ko-ay two or three state rooms, and open rpm: r, flood to rush into the hutl. The jr,, of th„ Atlantic swung the ',opener 1..1n1. ea.] at boats immediately parted. The Attsot:c kept en until the water put out tit, fire:, :he cabin, filled with steam sad smoke. which extiocei-h,4 the lights. The ilremeo and etimeeem CI-l ed their poste sad meet of the crew took to •hs email boats. Capt. Petty recei‘ed a fw. incapacitated him from eapervi9l, confusion and dismay. - The boot filled with water rapidly, out r. 1131: ty the bend: The after portion of the borric.e deck remained shore Sviter, and L. eared were tahen from it. Many who were b. t ween dock) could not in the darimese reach the the upper deck, and many of the poor Nerw,,nn emigrant?, ruched overheard Cr vote drowne,i in the lower cabins It is oupposed that here of paseengers were drowned i • herr _ - state room!, and °Thera are known t, have leaped overboard es the water rose ilpv2 thf Some were Teemed after Eniog. hear, in the Lake. We heared severs/ cases stated of noble asries on the port of the rescued, and of nioet co! separation - in the trying moment. A I,SPIt his wife Eat together en the Sattunu, thtir four little almost naked prattlers gathered strecti‘, stogy around them. Lid you a.see peer lltur CAS.7 we enquired. "Yes thank God," said the father. !lows .41 smelt tothe wreck,suosing the , if we left it glue mast perish. I got the children together, Dung my arms aroued thtmkand held to an upright poet As the waters rose abate them, I lifted them higher. The propOler came at last to cur reliet " The passengers are confident that the tote! lots of life is fully 400. from 40 to 60 of atm cabin passengers- They linseed no resointi , ot of censure, not because, as they said, me one deserved censure, bat because their Freittn.le for escape with life UWILIIJIMI up oil other fool lugs. Capt. Appleby did every thing poesibiT to kis unfortunate pa.stiengers and :he ladies on board the Sultana r. enty eperod their trunks and divided their etlthici.; vt h the euffuers. but they purchased materials hoer and formed a Bevrinr Sncitty t., help clothe the destitute. They will have their reerari /and Erruid. Two years ago, the Whigs of lowa bet koth members of Cokgress; tow they have gained one of them. Then they were beaten on ()evertor 2,6111 vatca; now, while the veto in largety increaecd, toe majority claimed an State 'Ticket io bat 1,- =OO to 1,600. Two years ego the Whigs carried lean than as-sixth - of the Legislature; now they have near ly half of the members ehoeet this year, though fire Opposltioti Senators who bol4 aver st , crtro majority to our opponents. The tiorlitsot. Hawk Eye, of the 11th, has the hiltrat rotorro, which arid up: 1 Bowe, Whig, 13 Opp 14 /10060, with our ettangeet section to heir from —This io what they call n sousing Democratic triumph. Row could they stand suCh another? 21 , . Y. Tri6uns, THE FISHENG 1%01:1110.3-41TATE OF FEEL. ENO IN TEM PROVINCES 41 nom the &Moo Trareller. In conversation with a gentleman of telt city who arrived In the Sir John tiarvey,from a tour in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, he . wo learn some facts"in relation to the state of feel" iog there lit regard to the fishing troubles, and whet is believed to be its accompaniment recip rocal free troJe waif this country. To begin at the beginning, it is well to state that the navigation !awe lately adopted by the mother country bed , site* a serious blow t., the prosperity of New Brunswick and other of the British provinces. ' 'lt was formerly the practice for mere:auto there to build large ships, load than with deals, and sell both ship and cargo in England; and this bunkers, in the run,provod quite profit‘We Now t Amerioen and Prussian vessels ore goo. metal competitors for the trallEtc,agd the Amer ican flag:waves from numbet.4 of largo vessel,. loading for. England in ehnost every harbor of New Brinostriok and some of Nova. Scotia. The people of- the Provincee are well disponed to thin condtly, so far an our informant a fold Judge, and the greatest desire is Raelprocol Free Trade. They complain that while Atuerie.to goods there pay duty of coven or eight per cent. they have to pay a duty there of from twenty five to thirty. Norwithstanding this, the people of that country, except a tel merchant,t -.etc Owners of Molting vessels in Nova Scotia, do net desire to press the matter of enforcing tiro fiat-1 try convention as to within three miles of the chore, and even they disclaim any idea cf car rying oat the headland to headland construction. ; It to evident, however, that so far as the al. lowing of the fishing of American vessels within three milts of the shore, that the English Gov ernment nave strengthened -the hand, of the Colonists to stop It, and it is alio evident that if it is stopped, a beefiness of immense importance to Noir England, nod which, bee been allow lowed to reach Its present extent by the supine nose of England as to what it is now alleged are the right/ of the Colonists In the matter, will ljn paralyzed, if not ruined. It is the urdtereer teitimooy that a reeve , from a New England port, with inexpensive fit out, cannot proeurc a remunerative fare If kept at all times outside of three miles of the ghetto. The Colonists .ozppot there will bo negotia tions he the Matter,- And that the people of this country will grant them Free Trade in exchange for the liberty to fish upon thin coast. As to the seLlure of American fishing vessels, though there may be cues of 'violence on the part of the commanders of English cutters, yet in some cases, where a dozen capture, might here been made, only one him been taken, and that for testing the question. Aso general thing, the fishing vessels 0114 ebOW the English. cotters a clean pair of heels: It Is 'only the steamers that they are afraid of - The most valuable vessel silted has been the Florida, of Gloncester.. She-1s now At Chariot = tetown, Prince Edward Island, and, our Inform. ant states, that there are some doubts whether it ewe can be made out spinet he?. The steamer Devastation, it is understood, bee cleared. the Bay of Chahar of American tithing vessels, and a leading man la Nova Scotia .publiely declared that It had,beno determined - upon d arnecan America n eemei should' fifth within the three' - - Tbe AlmaTiCala steamer wns still at Halifax on the 17th. Commodore Perry and hie cacere bad been feted by the Oorerpor And Admiral fleynioar,and bad Mao been invited to dine with the Catholle clergy, who, 11th Arch biehop and other Clisdkoitof Ws cows- I g MII I 1 i WSW BOOTUIL THE ATLANTIC MURDERS 11.11.1, ANT., C. 11 1 , 4 ,1 LOSES Orl THE offio !1:t • AND TWItIVTA. - • Inn" uysl • ti»'l^rr nr aom4= )4, pAyR. ianae the ml'44 si 11.4 ALA 41.1./NLA VIVA MO snd SPUR IldrithS .J,~ .t.W 2r.:Y - .vw~ try, ware in r.ami,w th - rro Com. Perry atatoct to Gay, 11:110316'6 :bad br alionlirriall in a yew -4aya ei .tho Ticiatts fishing . grotuids. Hir bidero were to ,return . to New I r ‘ orlOy Pritte4ar, tej.:•6:oELe Japan Bqtutdron. "IF WE HAD —KNOWN." „„ • After nu election is over, if our side happen' tt t have bern.neral,ree art nlwaya favored With I:evy of",jvhfi.re oarfertcrs who tell us hote , rary they nouid h.tvo plied the - .dditional vote neeeso siry to entry' their State, if they itatl . only known dm: tt wan wanted. If they had not sup4.osed that we were cert.tiu to he beaten, or cer in to succeed, they could have got cut the few, votes neoctonry to turn the scale. But they ttrouyitt it was all ref-, , rani lee r , , and so made on seri ous effort They will try to Jo better next time. Firieod., P.eott tiraharo! undirstand nno: !led hst.r.oferti, every vote is tortittea in your towu and Ornate! Don't ray your State is ourc, or is Impoiros; for there not five States in the Union that are fixed beyond controversy, and area In these wo wan; the last Whig vote called out. Effort in Vermont is desirable and noetle.d, though Vermont will give a large ma jority for Scott and Graham. So is in effort in Alabama. though Alshoma is movaliy_oer tam to vote for ; t ad King. Enthusiasm ie contaginue, sul efflrt In ono State stimulates' t :loot Lo. ether, Witt. proper effort On the part of his friend:, Gov. Scott la not to be beaten But the conse Leeds wont: First, in putting it.f,,rmation into thy bond+ of'alf the voter; next, in rffeotine ouch nn orgeniantion as will sedore a full attendance at the polls. There vet thousands of Whigs (we sty it with sorrow) A . , et eta ge .. jeurury in October and fall to r re Leh inane till , lftet the Prebidentini election in November. if t boy ,e not entreated to do other wtoe Many ovid start an voyages of business Cr pleasure who mean to do tee right thing, bat, uode- the deeeptive l.iet that "ONE Vote too te,k• no difference," they will severally abstain thorn retwg, an.t Fir:lops otOlectively defeat the CAtetry', eau., We care ;;iti to great tam legs, hu; ;:oimowo bo everywhere dif fuHl tlo r- ago Org,oitstion effected, and w. 11 th, fee a .fltred of n Scott triumph. V. Ingo every rhert : rto a Moment until your se, Connty is therou,..;;.:, supplied and organ. taro "..t motion to your dilatory neighbor , 1.).;,, art peribus-,work wow! - -------- - -- KIER--And now no to your _ .... petroleum. I thoughO . I had dal•Pq with.... l oult.K wonld Ir well to watt until I had u nomearhat to writs." When I first offered the 01l form!, the people thought it won perhrty, like the Quark patent product:lone 01 the age. and . felt hot little dluponed to boy. but r goon it to .z:e on trial. and persuaded node to buys untild got W.= to 1 .. . , i. medial] Doyen.. It noon trout tn corn ticr deaf and lac,., At. A mn arbo hut born blind for ehatt Yearn, was permute./ to try Its virtue , . and when he had wont but three bottle, he could one scrota We rum. and ,dearly diatlnculab the color of clothe. Ar., aloln hit health wee otherwise much InarOmed. Ilia Windt... oPPeare to bare been the result of a wet/ lard erPlM, of Scrololo. Much glare might be Fed of the lir.llng power.. of Patna:sum. But lob It nulllce to inar that It hat obtained Co ettandel popularity In tido coon. tey'. I hove anti all that ron gnat me, and might hone P.'d n hundred holden morel. M. lIISIEMACIIII. 4.4.01,1. Faun. Irteroutdo, March 16. MEL A Good Compaijoon. 'TILE Roy. Wni. Raulatt, n well known llntluntlet Clergyrroott residing at Napier • drawn the fol io. n In anntaltur but apt romparis.da, between hr. 31 . - Lann'n coltbrat•Ld Veer Atugr and o tornit— ••.l fermi, when blood et the entranon of •t t hole entr., theeyerture. truants 04000 the Fannon. .b ..* of ou the rat, rme.toluaten his l ex.teoc;. and d we tl nounal l n defunct romans In the habt. Audio Wile we ore hove I found he. hl'Lacel. A tneriennVeroalluth. to or-I>. um, +Orme , Lon" dmadfu: bud ..anntroun It on-- lore n: child.. Thinrettody. Ilk. the fern, erb th- erwretatenf rho nuoith, travel. down the gull.. Atm round the ...mart, lay, hold of the worm, eh ro t IV: out of the reptiles, newer rle.o their den. and cart tt....r comae.," clear out of the nyatem. ride, a lee ha. hest the ednot of the Ynrmilown upon MI eh id. , A neigh, or of Ile. Itoula:i, Mr. John !blown, al pie t nit.lne of the retnrrod nnrtierr. thna both Orlin • the nr , t unuluir.uu trurovut of thin great rp,llll , aft 1...10g wituemwd he operation upon their own I taro Lot outer, try It. and be euuxuut flue Vortalfurro In to he had of not. ltrug,,petn e I Al, .l' I clouts. to town awl country. and by the Rota pro, into, Corp J KIDD • th ..il J attollblb,h at wend. . [N...t. eu' - ork Trrlnono. F . . 43 . el,- • - _ -,,D. gh • hi~gl ,, A+ have bccn vt•ised awl e•.:r:.• 1 C.et 4. for !loathing on th. Ki ng o,n gene to ertti,tokd Curipmr), to. hishetLitti, lenviug his wife tu at t the, ;Intro ct hir The N Amo lc t“3, a! Philodelphm, have rlty ncd onuuty ticket, nod have A' • 1.1011140. to ornalguninte Will. Soy p,rty anal. VOt, s..W rr , Spetlderit er the . lialti• Stu atte at: ttitorr will acnept un re,m any trierter ail the talk to the .rtity cettritht,,tte, I . I- I eqviro, 4mcng the Fr ' • t.' tt hr beat pro f: ..n^d 311 , 1 that be is shortly t f 3. ,(316 1u 'Europ e at the head of an frf• At,ttet.in, tt.th about eighty pas tt.:ett i t,t ArottrAtm, flatlet( from Sc. N ..f those goiog to yill4/4 w..n I,toltmgmg to tb ,, n`ltUll.,tr.; by Prof S:nlielin • : 0.• orlt birwty men one- Thi3 mere ; c,t3ios nicety- Ta, ...utalo.3 ninety. Ov....oto:Aran •; , ,I 1,1 st ef-S F htilltitod 43 , 1 y amt.,: 0041 e.rr fm-4 to Oewegc. The ~ I."mc la, not four feet .11- a,J:•,r • f Tidt ~ . ; t.e• I.ltn: an Cog. inipAn7 rarite-1 to ennstruct 100 ,4,f innards p,, a t ~:;10 000 per o,e line is 1,...n,ied t., Ile r .b,d r,p:dly hrw•rd until it r:v.hes 11.0. The whole di s t . itt .T.Kiri.rd of t f :ate+ that lard tsauca as 6,1,7t04 m'“ztirrar..t.,red y ct f:;; r. t• 1I;F CA ‘,71, .“ They nra t;ohly g.l! the in re,Z,:r.•• zo,n i xo closely a. , to d ,- .eisO 1,, - tr.,-,1% ‘tire tn list 1,0” in the en cf Cselt . rijp.,l2,l recta each for each egg : Inr.le .hey pent; h•tm. vri:h mire, C 5.- 171:!, ':••• 7 - 4:: v.:red 1V...1i1,tb a way to retrer.r octet , nnnkert rolled about. The.. ftrird latrhett tranler the st‘rfax• nitte, pnn crl ren.r.tt•- 7, Pr .t.„. erauhieg r•r•ettS I is tee ore I , ...teiej within the I,rie 1* - rt.r.• .-td a ct.rt, he'd geedOlt, e;a 4. . rFi••.ll cat: ~t etl to , c f i e long rope :.rou.eie with knots, Owl nee, :ripped the down by • ht(dchly r.ltsiott the the cattle caught the rope en ihs h^ru: not rahovray drogging the h .hen resOuctl they werelwo cud their wristet eatilyrree•l to fur eithltroferfteee. Itoth died. " ANC/ .• 4 .11{ ox,ut.Nl ..... nt , r. , • , • • :wt.,. .11 rnr I ::renzutUn I)AG U Eft 11 ' EI /TYPES. 7'.l4re wish r G. • • I. -1n lrnt: . • franc,tlmltetiom 1 4tinzt ”f " • Alt 111.totra, b1..1( to b*. ~. r.• r th..• , • .1., trt:o•h rr•Url•,,,,ri • rra,farrT levolund and Pittsburgh Rail Road 71. TA !LAM It 70 DOPI.:1,1), DUNKIRK. TOLEDO, DETROIT, cdtuDio. ,111.WAUKIE. Wl:Walla and to Cl . .... . no .13 60 ,oritting Etcar n-gn.hcla wharf. tell.. (impdar. • wit . and 1•0. 4:,tirgh lout: W../ifitt bad wt et I.loi t.l 10 /wt, , rut: J Lvt. I'. 0 and boat taut.., it llw I tTMIn an! tut:3,1,1.N vie Whin MA 1 . .r..4- ~ Itr tr /' the it,:q .1. 31. trall , p.) a A. 1.1. traltt.lo. eh P. .1 ..ee Y., :A 4 oclor.l. so, the Ls,. ~rts 1 011,11 tbrm nu to n: tom, n. , 1 In 4411 uf tbroug4 Irozet ptllbttrall to Cleve- F , m-nt Lill- Jou:. A. 11 .81 1, 11CV,.Agent 44igre,,t vbutgn h 41100.100. Ifrom m 4.1, ~aiti wad Pmantir, , ..S It tr, • Chrv oll , I rt:irSl.lt;!:lF..l-11'—'fo the Freemen of Como; off, :bell! •ootrlidoht f.tr {hp llr. of [.., g .rat, ond Wililo4l. on, ht , Jorhiuhnoo. h ho ,Odooectltot oatolltlato, an ow 1 thou/Jolt, tho ~' of mf CMSI,IIIof ell tou. A Flnr a fr..... of thirty t old trot, (ft ,00r4o) Pit. , 66,6 I" nett, tOOO, I truht [)Tirol -t- . .0r I , I u- , vro n .11.• c 010 .66111tr. 00. I :nor 10 doentel tru•!• , •rtlii. V 6. 6, a 'n or 1, 421 , 0 C-1, . fhp nkhot nut tho :hos ttoohtot J—;l, Woßipen r. go. lien a 1.10,1 at 2:.• tam vp. 141 0144.113' lacC01113t;, \lmporter and \ Wholeietle - Bea* FO lON AND DCVItEISTI'Ek.II4III/7.4RE,: :78 not roccietak, d&et.frozn't he \ 41°,7yribd to ‘ParTt r j C4lterr, 7.x,14 0. IP - .term to red at lowed ei da stock a. szr and nal* Cldiog A . .\ lebraled abo4ls aotl Anatit.DextlzV too \ • A j ) • IC`C7te rect:d rtroutUfrn ' I. lad . ..mu t now nweitet, 'p . ,Per racket triftri abd,. \ ttl \ RO 1 N uoun a . (or tale aye I4' ' YON BONN tidltdr k %Lutteur. !,471bil3QW GLAtiS-100): bitt abeort74 \ \ 7 7 oi"r;tagfc'ettler. AT/ 1.11:i •:- IA \ • . - • L'a • • Llama inciudit • Kato owe' Proem ob. k wanted • \ 4Vgli ‘;- 'SHARES . ~,,,,.7._ ...,.,,_ _ ..... , \ i il beau Ptimv .....ii'martar. ..:- ' ' •',,,.\:.• • .. 1 1 , 1 ,7 ;1:i I .l2d t irie .1 . \'• :.:,', l :' t, 7\ ;• ' 2\ \ \,,, .:I' DR \ 4'..!bbt.7. T a l ierift \: ' •.::',--:. .1 : ;:,,,..., ‘ . :' , ,,.:;:c! . \ :', '...; ...liar. :`, 2., , , :' : • ...-': .'l,,'„ ,::ii\., \ gt Itt‘. P . , did l ; . ' V ---"-:-. )44 a 57,,, '' ,, \ . ...: eaktd, , ,Bear.r and .1144,144 8p..4.5.tuu 9 0 ... , . ind Sca• sal• b 7 \\ \ twain - .....— J \ 3 ‘An l, • l4 . •.. , - , • . \ - . : '',,, i , ' ' \ ~,\\ ' • ...::.,,,,,,,,,..4.',..:A4.N. \ \ t• ‘o\ A ~.j:: --- • C \ • \ . \ , ' --- ,~ '-t N \