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Pierce hue declined tocre high tuitions than ea, haul he the ljeited Mau. —Malwoulie News. The head of hie own brigade in battle, athoug the nett Ramo= AID hinalcraz.—What langusge cr ftgare of speectivould more graphically describe rre conduct of Glen. Piens in Mexico!— Mora. Onion. A Syncope.—. Anon. • "Pierce vas a firm friend of Pillow. "—Ohio Sew tinel. Pierce took coonsel of hie Pillow of Cheru t use*. An Irishman called on a lady and gentleruan, tu whose „Imp* he was, for the purpote ergot - - tag so p%) tea and toticoo. '4 •• • dhrante last night, ycr boner," said 11- • the gentleman. r " WU% 1r Li it, Pat?" "Why, I dkramod that yer boner made me a pignut of,a plug of tobstay, and her ladyship tuare--hedroo Woos her l—gave me come tay for toe good wife." "Ala Pat, dreams go by cootrariee, you lnow." "Faith, and they may be that," said Phi, without the least hesitation, ••so yer ladyship ie to give the tobtmoy, and his honor the my." - - The editor of the Wathingtod Union calla the battle of Churabtuitio 'a sharp conflict.' We •aspect it most have been a little sharp from the fast that flea.• Pierce fainted just as be got to the edge of it.—Loutivi/le Jour INSURANCE. • FIRE AND MARINE By the Under&loud. Agent fer :Le PROTECTION- INSURANCE CO., Of Hartford, Conn. Pascua lusted upon the roost favorabie terra, GEORGE E. ARNOLD, Agent for .111.taLargh sal Allogimay Conall• aaitLeo No. 71 !math eta., bx 3. Rosin, for sole by I _7 tura KNOLISLI t BENNETT. ; ACKEUEL-60 batl. new No. 11 rive, and for tale by taaLISII A VENN: 'IT •00.0 la:: &anal sod 111 ear•t ot FEATILERS, GINSENG & BE ESWAX— osek.o kestionn MISMII=Min .1 CO.. 'hater ostd t root xtrvety. awe A LERATUS--ti bble. in store; f..ir Ettio by t.t1,3 k BENNE IT Bnerehfield have xv..l littpit • iT ,l ar 2o er; dk and SP.llum Ptlat• rt 10.141 •VC.2 5, 4 7 SE-2U bbla. now,_No. 3 Mackerel, ju.c loO• by nu. 2. O. BLAt KI:1311N t CO. SlG{N,t FIGURED PAYER W IN DOS lILLIDS—nn ext,ntre and a,terst a,partmorl tomeot 'eel Alada nor and of fru. 11311.1.1p20a."dad for pal,. nor hx.br «lid THOMAS PALIIEb. 55 MATRet YL I_,OkatiL ASII-8 tone prime, for eale nog3k BENN.I.Tr. ►PIAILCA YY SEED—WO On. fur ante br aura ENOLI3/1t BENNETt. LI,/ Y SIIARES Bank of Pittsburgh; 20 '' kirbance Ott, 10 ° Morehead., .11soonvturers Bank A. WLLKIAr 0 etk, &cat a 4 Ynd koarch Mulla odrneoe. ~ Broker, 1 ti. UNE IC - 'YRUP—A superior article this AA, day eye'd, and ter rale, on yourlrrnzer et. by HENRY Li COLLIN, aura • Water at, above eetharte:,l. LTA aEESE--`2,60 bze. Cream Cutting, this tbry rred, for tale by •u¢J tIESEY U CaLLINS. i. LOKETS--200 dos. Brightna, for sale by b. 3.0 —J. A. GILWOILTLI C.. g IFE in the South; a Companion to•Unelo IToon . b 7 Who,. et North Caro[hn Jnot publictml. .141.1,1.012 . 11 N. Y. Dint Note No;••artor for Aogthn to "4.3b1&1 Kk/61.41 CALLON, Third stro-i. • • ()Drool. the Yost Were. tiIIGARS-250,000 ilavana, Princiv• .JEnd.. In Man , slut Dr able vary in.. by .El3O J. S. DILWORTH k nECKKEVS EYE BALSAM—An in Falb trio spwito Ibr Chrmic Ban. Intlamint sad Nwok a..vw perolalotts OrthaLalw kw Ni LI L. WILCOX R CO. • ACCO-20 kgs .Gedge x Bro:. Ky. triataar We by lira} MILLS LOAP-100 tits Cincinuati,in atore,for FILL ie b? Jen Meta LL9 ROE NARIES mita Tenclin 71 •• Pete.. ' tn barrels Lake Mb; 91 bbly.lleriin= . arm Jbale. elann 50 des Bureenn 10 bite. Nat Lard. Oin 40 200.1 . /louse Ltuivera. 20 n Orleans 8 bbds. N . . Orleans Son= . 100 bilk Weeteme ileorrry Caeca: 10 kans - pattm in store and Yor .ele by IrZt ;. 4. B. CANFIELIi. VOTTON YARNS-4,0U0 lba. assorted, in 1..) &WAD and for ash • .1.00 ROBISON. LITTLE A fil. BOTTLE CORKS-5 forsTmlely .17= IL E. CELLXILII.. POITES-120 bags prime Rio; for sale by //79 103114.8 RUE. INTASH--5 cooks for Bole by kIeGIS.LB k 11u1S. ALERATUS--10 cooks for wale by Jim 111:011.11. ROE ICIRRICLES-5 eke. 'flixon'o" nod Pbo. V elk bect black Lm4 Cunielk, forskl• by jra J. 13011100:01JiKek .". ELI X. LOU' OOD-30 • bzn. 'Sanford'n' for 12 sole by' J. SCHOON M &KEIL R CO. ALUM -30 bbls. for ode by JYs J. k.0110(1).3.1)1KER A C). LOGWOOD-100 bble. for sale by - /as J. terkliON MAKER. k (a. 420AP-25 bill. Castile; for solo by I rrs J. tCIIOONUA Kr. AC.). Sa " li. 2 2,1 ) 1C)" /1 amu ae . braal; • Jl 011ra firar••• Oa GiaL tar aale INGLIIIA3I YOT CLAY-12 tons Coploy's Pot Clay, 'Nos. liana 24 Just reed and for er J. YOHOuNNAEXII. • C. 1., 21 Wood wromt -nOS Qiii:fiETTING-alurphy Bordineld neva opened an additional aupply to nblte, pvrb mid colored. wide Botmett for do. LET MASS-25 lbe. for rale by sr= lt. X.FIX JAPAN bble. for sale by .1,23 n. ESELLY:B... O , 111 ORS. BENZOIN-50 os. for ealo by 1. .17:2 n. Z. BELLMS. cheAto, half do. and quarter d” to rani: t. +.4. by ./Tra IJAIAIi 111C.CEY a DI. bbls. in store: for nalo by 12._11111131CKILY a 0/ 12IRE & WATER PROOF MIN'L PAINT, 2: la stare; for NU* DV .1912 1/5A1.111 TICEEKT 4 CO. CHEESE---250 Western Rescriro this rac4.a4 fn “ 1 * b ANNEY U. VUWNS. 172 0 Water et. above ZbaltbLebl TARCH—Bonbright's & Glartneee fur 1.7 nle by tu20.1 IIENEY H. LOLLItim. ALERATU6-400 bce. warranted imo ParMwd; fee wl• er ___4!"") /I. COLLINA 111.1 Th OKLED OYSTERS—A superior article , Fat uP by .dernaott A _ Co „of Baton: jun moil Le - sahib, , W. A. alet1L11)10 400.. . - ...J , • do 258 WWII, . - • lit URBAN'S 11IIID, MAGNESIA—A .i.s.t r iawr. .1' thls elegant Ir . watklirra , Aaod flu 1,0, owns Ilan": at. awl Pisluou.l. UNDERWOOD'S Puro Lemon Syrup; Do Sersaparilla. Pine Apple a Ginger Syrup —. Do Illepbery Vinegar, Do Strawberry' do.: for ml. by W. A. IIeCLUAII a CO., Do. Da Liberty et. CALABRIA LIQUORICE O&M, prime --2 articin tor NOG by J. KIDD A OD. Jr/O CO Wood Arcot. liNT—Ree'd a lot; for sale J. KIDD a CO. iii.l3{.;Alt--40 bblz.pure Cider, for iTilo by w ATM VON BONNOORST a MURPHY. IMES Z-40 big. prime, in acorn and for 1,.) We by B. LIABBAUOII. - DILL FlLES—Aimotted sizes; fOr sale by 11 JTIS , J. KIDD PI ROCIIELLN-1080 lbs. in atom Ity sal La oak by kJLANGE R&&.1,-1 teas frosb driedsor kjIF d. br J. KIDD ic Cu . beAWNS—Murphy & Burchfield have • u good accoxiscgot of and BritSh Lao,. ATM zklef MAO mamma...Mods forLadlsedreasmrlAtb 10Zoa saa Wand. Whits Okt, scab as Scotch aad Sri. /dolls, 111.1 e Manama, . O. day. and mid open% . Sand JY _ , vviiifi.citioris=4.iiili — ..iffuli, ..fifan ,„,ok Mocha.. Soho do, plata and [awed, Gaeta Odd and hearod.t.atobloca Book Modica liistqp., .aola sod aa natant! accoctatoct of •Licoca Egging, LW at low prams Noodle Work.Collats. Carta Shays., to .at au. of MURPHY 1 Sttgellitiaux S TURVEZITINE-25 bbla fur silo ns B. A. I AIINEZTOCK A CO. ALOOROL-80 bble. 76; 92 & 96 per cent. - fir Inn er rte B. A. PAILNESTOCK CO. WRITE CORDED MUSLIN-20 pee. Tor ' ~., " """4 " " A. A. DIAA6N & CO.. 63 d .lA•rinot stmt. HOUSES. FARMS. &c. FARM, confuting of 75 acres cleared, and 7d rain heavy timber land. 41 well watered. la • • SW Yam .• milts trom the nazi Road Dept. at Sa OLIAL Emu.* of J. IL lIANNA. atm7,l.lw at Palmer. Hamm t Co'',. IGIIT Hundred old Forty Seven Acres WA of land. rottAble Wr O hi o d on • Narm,2% wit. north of thr hairtmore & K. IL on [Le and se.wling horn Uniontown to Brandon - rill, Weeton to. FlrCtnit; 40 or .V) acres rteAred; wer sere. Also—V.l.l( %e ~. Isnil to Farrtto Co.. rO., highly im- Prwrigl. 3 miles root(. llrtwelwriile--Lorated in one of the host neighborhood. of tiw nocirts of Friend.. Pelt, A.lO per herr. A DPIZ.in CURFIS A 1,010110. toe No. FM Wool IrIZINt. For Sale. n . Vl2_ awe well la tea coeditlon and oualftr. Al, to, .er, n..sr Bulets end 11..m1u0.0u C alloy tt. 0. I•.. It In I:T.11.11nm • .• •• Alan, 12,1 ar e beat quality ~ 1 * land In Brno Valley, Leven. Co- nt• near O. . • tid R. IL: on It soon) tavern ll , nor and Stabler. &ore Ilona. ' , mini Shop, Saw Mal. all In goal order—Thbi In tliny--Tertnv vuy—•l,toltong gEllagr„. CURTIS 121 11'0,.1 ,tract. A VALUABLE FARM, containing 120 rs_ Arrra.. r.tuald in Baldwin toweehtp. Allechroy ...11, and Lb.* rity. thr limworrtile road. and hew klank rod !min bete to Fame title. Po.reaßloo rov. iodlrpotablr. ter forth, partlonlaro, at JAY to br:LS J. It K. FLoYII. Pitt/antra, THE three Ptnry brick Store, in Raven 7:1 no, Portage Cunty. Ohio. built by alr.7 , ns. int b..nt. mai now bcablo4 by A. 11. A. MI ett i —ra... mn. Thn baildlngf of bri..l, with In..# n at by ii tri.t, a fur.. with timer and 1.411ar.f1u t, 14.1 "". Al tnaltVo a storiao h'; ' s.l7j b'''. l% . r b e 'i llE ", ll2l:n l re%• l' l 4 u/S ' ,A w ro ft e h pi-rtt n n S ri c oP ton rumbas. money em, rrmain niortaa, tor if yeral ynwro. For forth..? information.•o ulni of Daring Lyman. Eno.. tbn promise, of Mr. J to. H"." hi. "'. ' lift ti I je29abiln 111 Pearl Bt, New Yort. A DESIRABLE location fur a Saddler, in tho thrirang V.vro I.lxt.rer. Colutoblana 00001, oh . o . t0 ,at,,,. Li, r rvrobken Wore etwled for • ‘Prr.o f mrpon. of carrying tho Svl3lr mud 11an.... acmac,r.., and Ith esreneol. bout, .4 lan., b•vu Iv turd hn For IntrthrrirdUrttlltiOn.arrlr toJonepb Keith on the premler, or t. It T. LF:FCII. Jr -13.1 Wood .10.0. l'iltsbur st h. N. 1.1.—1 f not ,old ten".tht. fir 4 day of geptanber.l9s..... pros:, .rill r o tn. y oporrif of Ar Pttbli p..:02.1;t1 • -- JIOI3SESSIONf,iven July threu Mt 1. 2 •tory ,:ca Dwelling Mu,. .n Wiley .trees, lir VuLtDn. r,ntainii•g Pont. ihirt. en riumstluirli.. l .• n bczt anderz .trio, basal. liar Barnero ant 114 in all the principal mom awl a tuIIYPOI+I.I p•.—lt I. oe^uphni , by tit. I:cv ter.. . • Dwalllnz and Ladi...rjelninary. Nnquiry nr .10lIN WATT .1 CO. stre.rt. aieelbant briez Dwevlwat.d .r - a• o ronn at- loetor•en Wcyno •mrland. This I the. taw t deoliable 1,7.11 u :t In ch• cItY••••• • how*. b+in. tn toT•I4 and Into , hed In • Quo . t• .n.lco. molt rlo,ont part. of the title ,were(.. Enquire on' the pre=orn• of }Pilaf JASINO I). ILMO. 1 1 11 k mildenex of the untierAigned, ar.t Lut adi , - 21/OZ. lArt, nay end 11/.rlmPl Vnr t....rma, apply tr. tb. su...criber fuarW. b. hloOl.U11.1.:. VALUABLE , FARM C, FOR SALE t. hltr.o mU . Sit egheny Cite, thr, quarts , of a m 0 1m Le. erre, _s fl; h:eh le rich te , alaP , 4 ionlerits, azricalttival The Nal... t• lerlan.l. .n.l rammed. and well t.mbeee.l:h:/. a ee,r, or:haeal ol teeal lOU thrall,. Imre. It well watered. II e how.. an It. an. Teat. •..arA TUltiq IO put up a Leer br It L. that • ral,mad ptaiwn houne be DI. willliaaalf A mil.. (rem For term, ro,i, • f . . CURTIS 1.11::, (nler d: I rie.rn Panting 14ave..1 • • • • Id No. ccrner Moat an! 1.1:03 SL. • Valuable Tract of Coal Land For Sale. Property lien in Pool No. 3, opposite anon. Htczburo, • dstan, o ticina Cost. on ti,a I.:K tw r in .1or1n• and two. lava rr Linen:one. Th.• Lrst Vend ot C gal 1...• o. acsr e river as to render n ra... I ut...co,osary. Cts.: i. ind conveyed by a them n.nro tho tot Id the boat. prnyerty Crareat, :mat on the HT, of ncarly •otn.rur of • ml:.. and IL - 'rotor 11l &mod at all ...con% l'he , tract rontal . r., about /0 acme. an: ar1:1 11, "aid er 4101.1.1. to Pal Pare.liamort, Th. prcprrts. rod' low and on roa. • tunic Leo, and prcacnt;u rarc opportaufty for a r.... iornotosetdc Capitalists and Coal inca inritcd to, , snafu., IC Inquire Cl J. E. MOnItISON. Jew A1t.1717/P7 at 1.m.. No. 44 Unit Pt. Wanted. Desirable Property for Sale. rirllE subscriber offers for Hale, that beau ', tifol hndhighly itopraviet r.roperty. formerly th , A. Dray, ettuetel Ehit Liberty. with eeu h h •ndred JAIIIIR,IS the Ilmtroad ma ho ut Letwo.n 1.1, Fourth RI. .nd beirerab St. Plato. r. hhd which he will felt rethnr whole or in atc p r t IZZ . • rgar,t. my2..hutt Valuable Property For Sale. [III E Mansion House, the late residence of do ar. &lam, deed togettlnr with two sod hair acme 01 Itud, beemtlfully situate.' or, Oa Ohm river, two nuie, rittsburuh.• For tuttleulara,ruguire I !LAOS tieTrY. No. 71 Market at. Far Sale ar Perpetual Lease. alto. for not for out Cr root. roan., tha reaidc: of Cho at lot on the 11111, ratoallott boot to Ridge atm.. 1..1 IL.•paature For taloa. enotitra tit Mr.. MOSES COtt:,AND, twat L. pr”tolax. or of !ha cab...rib, at ttle No. 141 .treat. Pittshorytt Desirable Property tor Bale. NUMBER of very valuable 13uildtni; , 11,, Lute, a.ljoinlon thr Ont, Depot of the Ohio aril r , nney wants Itahroad, Alnhfemy oh,. fronting en iftdln , a,l, and on Franklin, Bidwell, e 3 Juniata etreetf , unl on Allegheny venue. 41.--A 'minable a onixoprorrd hot, on the corner of Lii erty nod Forum, “trees; Fifth Ward, °melte .the (ler man Catholic Church. SO feet front on Liberty, try 100 fn.: th- , p on Factor, running hack to p ring alley. Alar,—tbe three etnry lama Threlllog 1i0n... on Libert, odf Inning th- ahoy., the lot Lying =fret front 1 , , I,lfeet dr.p. The Leo, le l arge and C.ll rnn I t, built of 11,1ern Ay1e...1 0.14:n5... , even roonle. Fuca of LAIR. .aunty. 6 milee tr rm hew lave... IlFara. in 1,-svpr r. Pim fmto For Wahl lovr and on aconntrtodaLltor term. Lucuiro of N. P. R U. 1.. B. YETTIMMAN,. Attorney. at Law, au/1 Raul lE+l.ate Iteoutr. ore=tl No.lo. Fourth otre,t.. PiC.Ourgb. T -E lIE ALLEGLINY FOUNDRY, corner Ly.ccret ar....1 Am irtreetc, Allegb.o7 My. with o. 0 - r.rtrt, At. TOMB ...Of. Apply 14 ALEX. M. WATthON,'Attnruty at No. 110 4111ntrevt, I . lltsbarell. 0010 BENJAMIN 11AMAI1E. ...BA] • .I.v..kauzi *L. 21 19n.rd, T givex geuerul .utufsetion— E Mr. IL 11 trllen-1 hare use, • o,r Coush sup m affsetsm of th,: thsmat fin. tIF pat /011,.14+11, ass' :taro u•snd 3 a moat ipro,pt sni • ISt;sul J 0. UILLFSI'Ik: • Jefferroa Co. 1 It. E. gollon—l have n•,.1 your Imperial Cough Syrup my . bually for near three Tram, and had It the to, uur toot ean Tram, I reoutamehd It to F coo , in or.brocre auy othtr mrdirme Inor loop, and atm that tt xenon! eallafection.— I elk. oomouler I„c„Aher hirer awl Antl.lailsocA the [nod n tor thn • dmemes they to. diroete.t for by Too. %Wall!, It.. J. IL ~ .71IFFeT bottle Prepared and &old hy It. M. FELLEItg, sotb 17 W.l stre*t. B. A. lakuiestock's Vermifuge rfril ECIICSt and moat effective remedy for iu Chihtran and Adult, that Lavoie,. Non dh•zoverni. The following teetiznony of tte good rvan atIJ 10,1 - . . . . . ut,c i.x tr LI, :ix `fart: v.. !war'. rrll. Cr. Isur. Lau 141/1.”...111.1r and JUILN 1,1,µ;1i, 1 . :q.t.:C1, awl 0111 Nut in ft.. ...iv. law Shriver & McLean, Pr.duce and Coninsumm Merewnts, N., .4 e..,[1, IIitLALEI.I . IIIA NsIEN T 6 of FLOCK and Pro !uY. pm:apt•ith sxrIoN , Ll,ll. -.• L. 4111.; .h.n Lis-crnd. ~,,tan *ll:rt, Vittahurgh. Air. I ram,. ti. grA l.r. Lsms.lll3l). ,tno:r ,Lriv-r. sT. LOUIS Amum,w,ETHEßtu..v. Co , cot, .71 6rysr.nttog Mr,b..1., tar., . . • air-1,r71,.• Er: 14 , 1 P. .! • , I 1:: .• I )11ti IL AVorney and C0un ,1.11.1 Mato r !+•. Lout., Mo., flat, nl P1tt01,3%, I . hon. 11 rarwer.l. 1 11.1 1 (..1. .gel I • CINCINNATI Ohio Laboratory • 76 9(2 • , till 9 5 WU .4 ikdt txo,' 1 / 1 / z•' Per cent. Strength. DWELL FLETWIER .4 CO., hinnotactu il LCOLIO/ Pun. Splr • tor Colucoo tn! I:roto ~poor oror IV , Rio av no hood. Corlo.r of In. ood Yrout air+ Co. Cuortmoon. lint). tOr All nob,. froo l'ittobo ro.rny rued toortot tloos. PEOIII A . Wm. E. , EN ERA L COMMISSION MERCIIANT t' A LCTION FA Wo. 1 . E.11.1 A. - - 'lv,iyil a USQ UI TO NETS —2. i ii 1 pc,. mNo r [nil coln,jubl nr l l at JloliilLi; STOP MELODEONS—Juet r, r ~., ,, ..1 0 111 1 Ail, al,. 10. uorlrall, 1.u.1*. TWO NI., ....ipnv-.. maal. I, CA.III, %In. thA o , lincial 1111.1.134,, rL,...0 :I:l l4 ,rvuartelt. wt.*. Ant, r - 11, 1. - Arlaartnt.ltztvt ~...r. Ronal rurersl.eno, are •1 , ,-C6, 1 1/11,0:111.1 for g.r,,..-r Ina damp... Ai ton. 1 1 1..r , i•L1! .. .n.1 , Atana1n... Yes. , al. , 1 11,11 . 6 , ...• Agent, 11 j • No 101 Tblrd ofror, - - • - •- - ajAliON Sidet. sad Shoulder. tot bale by jrll J T. AJ. J. WWI II i. 4 !! 'i ULP i l i l ATE IRON—Pure, j f; , f , e , gn .... 1 , ! .) : . - - 14' Nn I DoW GLASS-- 1051215 uvlt _Jr•• Pr cab. hr ~11 voN N N • Mllllnlir GLASSE -, —25 Lido. Reboiled; 25 Sugar nom, now lend. ism , tom Atm, Coy. •onati, for sale by Deni W ISMAIL DICKEY • CO., ad., and Front 1r.... tt UTCII--A lot for sale by 02.1 J. KIDD ACD. t 1 II REBli--300 Phan Apple, tor sal. by VON 11/INS 111rItOTA MUltl.ll - W /:`t DOW OLA Sti--3tmi bx, sby 10, tau •• io y by I.: 40 10 b 14, y or vain I.e VON BON NIIOIOtT A tiUltPtIV. ALUM -25 . bids. for sale by r It. ItY.LLIDIS, 07 Wend at. 111ANSPAKEN'r CUItTAIITi —A gem.] adaortment nf new - and beautiful pat tern., r,•e nal. by telt, TIIoSIAS DALSIDIt. . . . . . OLASSES---5l bids. Sugar House, just .111 re.t'd Inr mi. by reMtJ. u. CANPIRLD - - - LI lint «doe.;. tuU bonnie fir MI. by fele J. 011111 A 100, fIEA . P DRY GOODS— ; 7,000 Y.... iteregart at hire, 2.11,0 Berea. de lain/vat 12jgc; ..00d Lawns at and 11/m Dun rip.r,wl at A. A. BIABO A Wg., !Maul 04 almket at. 1 sa l e EIC IN (I S —l°( Ji l u 1 ,3 " ; . 11°;;;iiiirano;!. for • ' by ii ßAN ; "ob i .fr ft r l ai al for .ee I„ie ukeaiiik. .I ) oBE—Just ree'd at the " India Rubber Dtrot"—• fresh wilily of Volerialsed Robber kie aarnavve• loather in ins relloolog important oar. ',lslam. Int atrength—the hearleat 'mamma has hero oar. •ithout bursting it. It la torfeetly light—thou. sands of feet may be connected son tarried thi , ufiii MUD and Dwelling without Making • drop. Be than need, no oiling, hence Moult. Ism rare than leather. It will endure a much higher drum. or beat tham loath., and win not treem in the aeremat nub!. It is parDetly amenth in,lde, hence it will throw water tell or twenty . per emit further th an the loather. lt 1. twenty per rant tones 1: eels.—(or loin br Min No. 110- - Alarket atmot. A BROW ROOT—Gerinine Bermuda for by 1/1101 J. tIOIIOONSIAKER £OO. L',ALERATUS--10,000 Iba, pulverized, in la tooth pm-juges, arriving. and for We br JOIIN WATS CD. ALUM -20 bbls. ia store, fur sale by yell J. KIDD re CO. 011KS-1. bale, for Specie Jars, for sale hr J. KIDD ,11 CO. A - 1 UN DRIES— Leila Cinisie; • tt a l FT:e n arvitlandin riven noir. ilartni. Wr OM. hr Trani 111Alaig lilUhle.l AWNS—Nose opening at A. A. Alatiotts. oo's & mem fast colomd [mat. at 8 and 10e. . SAFETY FOSS- 2 11 eke. for sale by 1721 4. S. OSQUITO have on hand a largo platof Mendnito thir. fur evin low, or rondo up or made. Tr iers rrennylly wiLLIA3I NOBLE._ 11F1LAC/C Mph) /1u reh Odd.,.d=eruaersesrAWN bla:flk Lao be al • lag TRANSPORTATION, dce FARE REDUCED. West Newton Plank Bead Bente eon P llll -IDELI'III,I .j- WASH . INGTOY CITY. PARE R E.DC C ED. Balcimore $2,00 less than Pa. IL 'Road Philadelpta $l.OO t o lc , o Waahlocton city . 52m do do This W a sh i ng t o n , t lwhichenaureaat mu te. ET Co and b r taking this raceengere • will NM, nine and mono, The Mail host. (carrying the United BLsten MaiLl leuvra the Monongahela Wharf. atore the Wire itridae. EVERY ArPhl:NuON, at Z. o'clock. Ma the Youghiogheny river. pa,, , wogere will lodge on the twat. and mho aplondid U. 5. LII Garner at Wnt Newton, neat morning ore; tn. Plank Road. emeeing the Monntalne In daylight. Take magracent el....ping cam of the Baltimore * Ohio Ball: ad. at 10 o'cicea, P. M. Breakfast at Ilalttmorr arid W City, dlneln Phlhalelphla. and armee In New Pork the name evening. Fare In ...... . .. ......... P..) 1%2 MONONGAIIELA ROUTE. The Annamer , eaten the Wharf. slaw. the Bridge, Bally. at 4 o'clock, A. M. Traveller/. !oaring Pittoturch by the , error, beat, will en,. the mountains the mace niyht, ono tarrlrn in Cumberland next morning tor the 8 reclotit train of cam for Baltimore. Wallhim in Baltimore end Washington City, and arrive In Philadelphia at 2 o'clock the mow night Yam to Italtltiore B,Paisoo Wanbinghm city 10,60 For ticket, by either of the above Linn. Dimmecall at the Went Newton Plant Road Onice, in the !Monongahela Bout, Water etnwt. .1. J. RYAN& Aczeol. Pennsylvania Bail Road Emigrant Line. E are now forwarding pnnsengers to v Phlladelidua and Intermediate point. br Line. .F.rr. " 1 .h. -0 .17 - mil, nm'. Tame I hromat. three lilt's. jes COVODE k GRAHAM. Anent . RELIANCE LINE. PORTABLE BOATS. '1852 Et A ..Tl(l . 7tatt . o . t ‘.. tr .. z n i m i.r mo em ,rn e r3 n , t r: o h re t fi r e . polo, of time au..l rater, 1.9 cannot foil tn eesure au increase 14 the liberal patrooy, Ire boys heretolare sujoyed. We.. Pe. prepare.) tneoettart for Ind twelve frrlgia. to t.o promptly forwarded. The agency of dicier., Bell A Liggett hark,. termini,. flol. communications owl cont.ignineota will be ruldnwell ATKINS h. KEENILE. Canal Ilasin,Libert,atrret. Pitteburi,h, ATKINS A CO, No. s. 7. Market iittert,l,ll..l.lpt.ia, JOS. TA YLUIt A 80.. Mete lloward .t, Baltimore. Notice. 1011 N A. CA UCIIINY having retired from the Agenry ,Tf the Union Llue, G. NI imirroN. Linemen, Monongahela allou‘r, ioNlPted hy 3lr J the nlllee Suren,ll, t.roph,f Li Mr. eannLeJ• hureelter ,t Agrn, for auol Line I'hr UNION LINE 1852. To Cleveland find the Lakes. 1:1:dWrOla) 1 1 1 1/ IS W ELL KNOWiNf= is pre ' p . t a tl re:d Itl tranr,rt trrtkhl an prr, I. tw..rn hrdli and Ch-rrland,ll nthe Lake. aud-horte"n. .hr lanais Thr .tralart 111rhl.su No will multi rronertlnn wt. hotagru l'lttalwrdli untl 11 ,, i,t4.1. dad: unday•or , plett s k4dnnerttred at Endb.alwr with a dadr. "'"" Aden, Slonougahr/3 . 11 3 r . r&iatri . burgb. arid •talthMl II and Water 0e kfICHIGAN CENTRAL RAIL ROAD 185;2. -wr.) Cleveland and Detroit Line. In eenneenou with the Cleveland and etnrlnenti Ft I . Ctreeland ntl trie IL 11.. Cleveland end I . ltLenurnd IL. nue , Ilrhl,en Cenlral It. SSENUEILS will Le ticketed throuttli , - nritrltTn c ti E.1',T,L04 1 ,1t:1 to any pnint on Lake Nit taxon. Tla• rannyww.t.l at twn no IriFfw low urentt.r- Ne v"'"b C. C. Sto.wour C..pt 4 A. l'iszt,r . will In VY CifVeilksl4 rur brtro4t t. rriand..r.r aenin: ct IP . Heark,..(l•lo{: In bart. r:. I • rrtornlna in oel.lll. for th• raven,. ur 1..? Chicano,&nu l'tt.burgn. rat, n the v, Nup.ro.r and Sa.nallar taw. .1 fracrrrt .i!1 run Ire.= Clow-lon.l In W. 1011... hag log, rd., FOILVIT CITY; (MEV . Naturd, willi...r.l,etron eI..Y ;LAU C.. EVILEST CITY. Tamolay ..........hoed, • Saterd•T !le umlercroe..l tore. rinpar,t to make cantnwt. It.r treigl4t. (ruin CloTelao.l en betrolt, 31.kinar. Merl.. 411 , 1 .11 purl. no Lake }ll.,blgon, CANVIAN and aT. tout,. !h. lu,. until tO. boaam are reaa 1-(1.. IT 11 AY I (NI N a JUNES, 1.44,1 t. . phlen 852 &MKS; Merchants' Portable Boat Line. FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF MER CHANDISE AND PRODUCE. (VI. PENNSYLVANIA CANALS AND RAI' 11ETWEEN PITTSBURG!! jp A oELIIIIIA.•111,0.133{110143 re A SIIA•I . I.TV • CO .CattAJ fortemuom Poon, 1 I hlP at Do DeDcc4r, o st na ds • .1.-Dv qL. hert,Loo Itoxt ,yotot.y. Tr•.l :Dm I prow..oDuLa L. 14r, iu u•• h- gr• to ot nrul foror • r .-, gumrsoDo t••t st IY rto lorutor ft., or olD , rtato olyoriznout: but to AA ymotly nuroryor Duty motto of tn.,. Dl.ou totornoetnY t y lu.1•1 into our Now It flttshorsb moon rfiturbo auntil auto:44,le, r•str vrArotonoolu Marko[rtreot rblim... - 10 , A.thoreby Alittrwly as,l.llustA•de,yeLoDoil•-. ,yugAry_dyferretf lroArAtynnewt,,suo.l mot . ..Drina Ow dr..., ot Dl.s outirm lout, tho yewAstiaos Koos mud ID. cool ..t.lor wtoul yhippod. Prsluce, Ac..Do.lato4l L. noun. PlI Et, rorolv•I Kul foru.olotot ur alwayo at Ito al . lowooGLurgt our et/so, r•to• u.vonflug to to,tl - tiotio. , • it, to ohmroto for ta•stuoLorloo.l:lCorm,. or solvim,. C. A.3lcAritilflel CO. Cias) liaNz i 85.1 A. CURRY, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, illrrohniaeforarrtyppm..ed by 1. L. lirtmtt. CLIVIELAND, Onto t;ent fne ala . hinan aouthvrnßaWroad Lin, and Daily etll.l limas Dative,' ?drat ant and littabursh. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILROAD. ans•uinot nt navhlatinn. artli plain ?. ?tilt vl.ar elan. steamer% One &I tla-a. Loa?? • tar tine?? every .resnion, thindaya •••erpted, tar tahrhing a: Mandl/Aar and Tob•da. and arming at Moan+ in tint. 1.4 tb• muralug train Greats Inv Chira. .• , onnactlng with thy Chichi,* and at. Walt Ilea. ranal and Fara/ph?... Vasaeourre Jr this lint art's. Chirasro , nn th• ?..linwtna aitornaon aiter ?raving Glenn. r t.r. :a,. apply at tat olh., hu. NI hit, . (tn. - 7,Z( i A. ..I.IILILY, An.nt. Bingham,' Transportation Line, afgaiipai, -- - 1852 • • BCTWILISN PITTSBURGII & TILE EASTERN CITIES 4 ) N opening or the Canid, we will he rea d, is r-r33IT. 1111411 forratd ymrienl, 1.3, 3 13, 3 3 wd ‘ .3 , 3.. Pniettz •Ivra.to at low,ft rate. ellarg33.l by 3 . 33.3,33331301, 1.133,3 l'noluor and alorehanrilaa will be roceirol and lormardod es, anJ weer.. without any charse rorwanlinw sr ad. o sol; frvight. romalhalco. or aroma, hill, of laalialg larwaniat, and all dire & rtlono Naftali) ."'4 "1" Canal /luin. to (lornor Llberty sp,nll w. r me MI, Pitt...burgh. lIINN [Uhl k DOCK, slarkrt ft, hottoon fourth and Pifthato.l . lllladolplila. JAMNS . /tarot.. NO. It') NorthWl L llow ltON anl strool. Ilsltimtrtn No. 10 Wort at. ml Now York Oard. FrUE "PITTSBURGII TRA.NSPORTA VON LINN'. will bo wsrried on by U. O . OI.)NNOR l'illsbureblt, awl SITKIt, JAAIRS CO. l'htled'w Mr/ Inter.wt In thr Ranking linllre or O'Connora co. conslabe or olermen thoumnbd wrote hundred nod 00 dol. mw, rut, bald •hlnh I wlllinerwswo to twenty Cla mmed dollen, (Mith%CC It. O'CONNOR. .E4Ull A R--20 hlals. prime N. 0.; .0 We Loaf, crushed and poleerlardi 10 `. Clarified; for gale by .1. D. WILLIAM/AOl. TOBACCO -200 bas. s's and S's Richmond Toheim, W. 11. Ululat e Modell Robin...in. and other e woe brand, for gale by ARPER'S MAGAZINE FOR JULY— La . net beenrereived at Reel A Callow`, opposite tn. rot rimes. i'lunianar," eelehreted play, Jess II ANDS FOR PAPER. HOLDERS-3 J. No. 110 Mark PEULLIetI.O. od. le2o 4 GROSS Sleeve Protectors, for Ladies dress es 'r" T u .l a. ft t ', 1iii.1.71 , Y, ' ; . ... h 1104 1 :er.7 . ..g:rt!' " 40 litrEtent.Sme tobacco, per Steamer Jo' A. CULBERTSON. (.3 11 CASKS NEW YORK SUGAR HOUSE NJ SITUP, for eel, by jedl A. CULBERT:ION. VINEGAR -1W bbla for Hale by leer A. CULIIIIRTBON. William's Nationai &having °ream. fruits Cream will yield D. very abundant, I fragrantand permanent lather. which le a beauti• no em it allayinit all Irritation and Fem.*, of the suit leavina t telt, smooth sad healthy. put.Rvary narthex., who le not 'Jewett PILb the uncle it &until to return It, ales ebe 6101311•111 be refunded. Cur gale bi 11. R. tiELLRItti join 47 Wool stniet (71 ) 0UNTRY BOAP-3 bble. prime, receive,' soll for Kau by UKL & •4 Water ottraL - P . ARASOLS—A largo and varied aasori: dant of Oingtnn. S il k and ratio Rwanolo—p lain and taw...l—dud awned at A. A. EtAAQN 00 tall 62 and 64 Marlon .toook Dru A POTIINCARIES Counter and Pre Grip non &aim with Marble and DrainDrain Column, ono Weight. lastand.: a th or ough awortareat of the leen otyle and MCA, tor rain by J. KIDD a 00, • jell Cu Wood amt. (I . OPAL VANNISII-6 'Stnith'e Now ki York Celebrated brand,. for oak by jell , J. KIDD • CO. 1 OLD LELF—A superior article, fur sale ,fi br (J. 11) J. )11D1) • W. Cg o T received at W3I. DIOBY'S, new ttern Coostemorto. very clump olLoo. ou haul the t mod moot flotionablo swot:Of ttotly mode Motto 11l to the city. t 02.6 1 v . GOS-2 bbls received and for Sale by A I IMB-50 bble, frosb,Louisville just g_A and In sale by W..* F. VI lI.BON. Hag . L ., MI INerml 0. SALSICATUS- -35 pkgs. ;Woodford's pure Powered, two far rag bL_____ , WO .omir a course. . • MISCELLANEOUS E - SS. GINGER-24;m0 Browne, for ei s .le Dr 2CHOuNIIASEI3. et CO, - - t• ALERATUS PEAB.LAS.II ttus th.ly ird for Nale by 1Y1 , 7 IIENEY B. COLLINS. HEESE--250 bxß. just ree'd for sale 1.; U VON BONNIIOIUP 611IURPUY. IVINDOW GLASS-50 bxs. 7by 9; for a In br VON BUNNIIO6IT a 3117EPTIV. I) GRLAPS-15 pus. fir sale by • 1027 VON LIONNUORSTA TORN BROOMS, WHISKS, Fre-2 - 1,./ 114 dozen Extra Corn Etoorna: W cam. Whlgka and abort Ertrmr; for lola UT. 1r 27 VON OVICiIIORST k mussily. • I.4 I ANCY SOAPS— tio.i.s Varb4rated enaDln ba, 54 dozen linen. Dallw 1 . 2 Loa'. Brown Wineport • r iroYi d 2 ' 'T P .'.4";l7Z:i.bit h ults;!;!" .l- 1 1011 N-50 bu. prime yellow, in car, Just o fret "" 1,10 IIUSSELL. a .1011NETON. IPEAP DE LAINESA. A. Mason &Co. Da taivea at 6 and 10 rents. 1 .10 " thaw Tort N,rnp 1111INTS PRINTS !l—Now opeiting nt. A A. A. Mason k Co.'n. 3 ea., fan ellort.i rambler I , rlnte, at ON cents. LOBSTERS-- r "WP.:',01110. :Sardine. o" o ri. j' A h .wzevara* i ., co" for rale by hat Ho. "16 Liberty otreat. BUM/UNLIT Very 6 m/alio., for rale by 115 J. 0101) ao,. I ooL—Tbe highest price, in cash, paid far ail the dlffrrent.rade.. of alarm fraabat ‘OO4. inlbll. LEE. No. 1310 Liberty rt. lIONNETS, BONNETS—A. A. Mason it _up Co. are elnaina nut their largest:ld carefully srlect..4 .toelt epriox nod hummer ii.suort. at greatly reduced F' r, "" It'd pos, extra quality . a A ,04.054-4. lr_i Jll.l r , e'd at • • A. A. AtAli N k ,OFFEE-200 ' bags prime Rio, n hand End to arii•e. Jr3 , 10T .41.. by aIcUILLS A 1 K. 4()liAltiOlLS largo No. 3 mackerel, so do. l'lsteatl•ln Illotaanec hll Boxer Itt.ths Soso: In .tore and for rale by BIACKBUiIti 2 1r B . LOOMS—:IS 1 , 11313 Juniata No.l, a sup :\ rior article, for rah. by NleOlLl2.l k 1100. ii AWNS, LAWNS-- , LA 1 ....,,, 1....1 toyed brtwn iIICLIS AI (til l ( 4,,t, I •• erual •1 do • Im., do. I .. au:tl!, red Jo A , do. /net reed end far mi. by A. A mAsoN A CV. 112 end M Mart••t et . t,AL SULIA--1,0 ("auk., very diy, ii . vr sAie LI br I J •..l J. Kll4lO A (...9. 1 :', )I•ANTN • Es Soiatibe CapAirlem of purr a_ 0.r.10. LalLu. al., anabe•be and enfritea—•.lf• gm* I leZnl . ,J. KIM, A CO. 1 TNDEItWOOD'S i'IOKLES-- ,- • . IL) ilerlinaa in callon. ball vitt,. °wan and nint rat + • .:iily .. . .. tv..lnuAl in AaArt Jane: . Cauliflo...ro, invone “ • , . ~ • Iteel Cabba, . . • I.abaler. •• , The. ?frt.., we reevire direct fram Abe talebrend bon •eeW m. Underarm:al A Co. i1..011. 6,3 , 1 we at.. kr -51,1 It. F.. 11 theca a..• br. by 'be doaen, a.i.tbe eatne v. be nurrbaned from (belt amnia • in l'biladely•bba Al., au ne.nruneat of ern , . A nlacLwell'e, London. eleadee ate/ rau,... W. A. McCLUkfil A.W. n• ,:• • Nn. L.• 1.11.0 y et. iUNIATA SLIT NAIL II.01)S---40,060 pnunde for 'ale be • VON lIONNIIINIFT A HUILF . IiV. No. IT Ivan Olt, !lads. Go arrive per suur Mop -3 Raul for ,IS ISALLII DICKEY .I. hhtle. N. 0., just receive'', L 3 end Lr . e to, CANVIP.I.I). OCILST POSTS--A lot reed on consign went, awl for ./e by J . Z.t WICK C McCANDLESi, vidk.PLif; l i U h kegs put up for ,ezu WICK LiecANDLEI.S. d 1111 IU FIRE PROOF PAINT-10 tons r f IU, thig v.leatrZe Punt mchl anat. .ale br •21 - J. t li. PHILLIPS., FLOUR— TOO Ltd, - it Inioey'm Extra. WGlte Wheat OLIN 105 .. "Dickerson's" slitE.S 0 " ~xtr., •: 1 MIAITXY'M futdry brand. san. txx , AAA I , +.04 br BELL A A.xtiMEIT. x..,1 X al , r ogxxvL B IWO Nl-100 pxtra C ii r E n N'ik r n ' t. 1.47N5. ' PA NISEI IVIITE-25 bbls. in start, and I - 7 It.t rale by J. KIDD A C.X, I.X. eV WouJetrect. a LACK LAWNS dc BEREGES-to per. CP Jolt recwil,liat j.lit A. A. MASON A CO N SOD LIVER. 01L--Just roe , : a lot from it uo.htnn, Clerk I Co, for sale by 1011 J. KIDD t CO. tiLASSES--60 bbla. Plantation, to at rive per atm, \Dayflower for vela by 1016 InAlAti 1111.1KLY ACU. 8,111 1.1 ITN FlSH—This dnw reed, for Bald V bY ljei B l IlEtileY 11 I'oLLINS L)ALED IlAi —l6O Ws. in spire fin. sale lar Lint 1 BELL A ED:OE7T. II RPM' & BURCIIFI — gth halm ja,.. 1 V meeTei an a.s.rtrnent i'lloted Irish Linen 2: -loorno B and Chii4ren'd Jseket. h ALo, French Limn Onlltint.ishlte with Dole red strip, f. Men and lk.yre wear. Alto, Twillol and Plait Sanktr... both iwde nets prof • gr.," ...roety of ether idyl,. rummer •ear jet i 511F.8—.21) bo bls. Saleratus; onto Jton..ll; Jr eels by J. a it. PLOYD, 04 1 L 0 Olt-350 6618 . Ohio super fresh etmld LA !.rands. reed and for sale BY BELL A 1,11.11ig7T. 4 1 SS. GINGER—S gross Brown's, for F 4 b. , I.lell J. 6C110083186t1t A CO. 1 lIEESE--200 bag. prime Cutting• reed N_J this day ant 2r sale by J. li. CANFIKI.D. found ri RPHY third BURCHFIELD hare ;mill the , r 'ripply of new Good; among which will no ark :hike. high loetr, •• Lino watered. Plain Brown end fignrsd Plain L ine 180 raga and Tissue. %V IrLsh LIDP6/1. for Mims drdoe,.. end Bop.' Sorlasii'd,intzes ...I dark Calla., Drown Lean. for , French !Awn, ae, t iLAcK SILK LACES --A. A. ALZ Co will novo, to day, a barge wsorlawathle4t, r, ruin DoLLARs to invest in MoMs sy.sjilifivjusie, on good Real Debits In the City or, ooghoorho.t. Apply to A WILKINS A (AI, Eschstise.Brokern, 76 Fourth et. iIISILASOLS--A ason it . A. M Co_ aretell s isir oat the balance of their large stork of Plaino,otrl3 rni lasoloo at a great rodurtleta from fernier prides. --- g LIST RECEIVED-3 large Sheets Floor sy Cloth,f New York Mantiflordare, of the nevest anA matt intdotiful style of ratters,, which we odor at t.- dom..' prim.. .81.0:1—dio• sheet of 8 roads tilde, of the kedieleet quality, on newest style, whiehgot wet In the transportation, ho the sinking of lid. Canel Boat. we will &ell at the rear low one. .of co. dollar per W... 7. 1 . J. 11. PHILLIPS. Jolt fle. 116 Market stlvet. • - - - - 1 OFF RE-250 bags prime Rio, arriving e../...1 tor :tab by W. Y. WILPON: jel4 '147 Prime and 118 eeental ata. XTRACTS for Savoring, Ice Cream, Pud- C 4 dinua-111 dnr.. of Preatnn l Merrill . , aaperlor Kt. I nic tit, viz • Vanilla. Lemon. Mow Petieb. Oranger. ge, Litter Almonds. Lin Itore, Pawn and 01.nr 1 1 . 0 ;rANf u e k trilla .. .11, by telB No. 238 Liberty at ViANILLA BEANS--Of superior quality, T for nnurnally 2., rea w,„ a r, 67 , 1.18 800 r.,, and Tm Denim:. URPfIY BUCIINIELD continuo to I'VA receive Glees e. and °a new Geode—open Ude morales. Needle er e Cellars, pe. Black Vicured 0110., very rich. lgazarioe Blue 11110 s, for Mantillas. '• Watered And ...treat varlet, of other anlcln. Jell OT CLAY—A few taaa olCorley's Alan- Y endure, on hard and for gals by • J. 1601100Nk1.11111411, A CO, JAIL 14 Wood street. 1i. 4 , ... C14 . 0 ,, Ti j i .,,, C . 1....0Z1.1 4 / . N u t3 . 7 ., 3 0 0E1 ' . 1144 . 1 . 4121f 0 0 , f 01, the above aceda need tbl. day,and f I L sae low. by J. & 11. PH • fela hoe 110 Market ate UGA.h. 1; Ithda. 1 1 ? ..1 1(j 0r1 " . fi: E star. 40 bbl New Orlesea Edelen.: landing Item eteanier Envoy, fur rale he telt, J. & 11. FLOYD. 1‘,401:18 DE LAINES--5 catazg at 10 and, IV 12tev.to.t re.xlved at A. A: MOON 1 CO. AWNS I LAWNS !!--...just reetl at A. A. 11./ Statton *Co. 0 gees tea entered Lawns, at 11.1. c. elan ekes 8e10w... Mt. iII EATILERS--30W IN,. to airive pe• stmr Buren, for nal* by • . Jell 1801.111 DICKEY & (UNDRIES— • 4_7 11 bags Gllnnelel ra • t . N ta ti r. I east Bents.: to arrive be ohm. Huron, thr eel. by Ijan HUI An DICKEY • 'l.lth UNDRIES-- LI 160 half chests Y. IL. O. Powder and lap. Tea: 76 catty. dn do do; SO hallnhogsPowchows and Murano Mr.: 100 Das. 121. 6'. and o'o 041.4 Itiehatooll Tobtstenn 300 bags 1110 60• St. Doming , . 063 e, 2% ) .kr=r,vi 60alt h bro. AL EL Rollin, 10 =gluttons:ft 100 Ltd& No 3 Plockarsh 50 klt do No and 2 do; 60 UNo 1 drams (bag, : 6O hails PePP.rt • II a l t. m 300 otatta Culla; 3 soros. IL Y. hone.; • 2 moo Stardlla as 30 , olde. Hemlock Would Lathan LObra. Raker's No.l chocolate;2 cum Liottorte, 1 2 4 8 N u . 9 47 . V 8'4K • 60 bad...rant Locvecdt ' 200 do satortad Window dim,. 100 do Rode Roo • , 60 do N tar tho bbls. Molasses: 00 do Now York arropt • 100 014.. Roast: , 60 bbla. Cracked and Pulse:hod flirt . 2.5 do Lcaf 4at,w4•lpplllott in strt•it With • hal antonaulutlt. 610er gords to oar tht.l4 sad tor sale Dr , 13. BUR • • MOKS,','MUSIC, &c. Xew Supply of Cliicliering's -Pianos. USt direot.from theoFir ivil ,t Chloterlog. Dos • . nlii 6s '"714 M " .1 , . ew =. °t • ree.l EcKoeu Piano Ferte, full Esveri • tl/4",,,EZIAZIth I. l l•there,ent huhrs , remeuts, eaute hi Mr. sr tar—goat 0, Carirl I onble %m hu ud Cereere. Six d !nt, One ave.-smut Double Eon.] Conazim, 4•,E. Too lhe,,ble Cotner, Roeeirkj. pie cud three quarter o h . h-K.44.0.1 Ihron•I Ce:ro,E, with Eli and' owe half two I , hes•raml SIX Oeleteac. torten,, with Slaary l eN , . ', ll;Oe ' t Zl:O ' rtU ' Ach I r '44.:Olul.l"gatfgt.:lll%7A2:. cherautitt Th. hEI..,E arc the SACCIM ze elur 1 .1 et the cahumfeEiory. to Ec.t.aE, cad will be eohl nu the nett ouhmtuousting lerme, hr JOIIN tl. N11,1,10E. 4. at Alarm:a:Meer for Pllhd.aatithe . • n,l Weeteru Pe sry.eds. No. sl Wocel'etreet. • Life of General Scott p ' . ll7turilel,ri, lite 6f o.n. ecntr, , barn mcd t 536 ne,,J. St; rd;.. cent,. • tAlle ot Oen. Fr3k)Vece renbt 'Ann'. Cabin. Nit gilt. 112,Q, • Tlto Itorti•-ulturitt fyrJul.r4} entllTt'r ' H AP ALIItI,.. of 1,16" In fit 7 Tort: or ter VI). eru,rt of I)uuleatlx. ngurtgr. Re. _ Now Books. r INIIOMP:SON'S Detector forJui 1 old CC. P.u)A, by. W. )laxiiitou Altunvort.by Fn , 11.3 . 4myy of Noline. or dlegTolla Vali.rby Mrs. L . %% b s r, riot .1' F.,,,Errn Liten , nr pnpv./..lnat iced nt lI.EL 11.:ALLI1VI ',, :ip. 74 Tluiq et.. . .- .7.,A1tr..,th0 ilsat Op.: . N , . EW _llri/S/C\ ".. De,' RA R EWE LI, Lilly N hy O. L. Pootter.. N.. 11, . tiew'sfong tl . • tur Ft.lie at 11c.ta, Hatultasr rct.attiacb• . . I lav, :bat ny 14•421ermer LlToth: as pari), hr Jen 47 Lind aml C4thwinn Homo Seht•tilact.: • ' 112221229 • • • r • H ,:saprntat, quadrillF A • 11:4•ta P l• lk.az olt Wai!Mr . , n; linrland Pch Polk , olnkt,n rtmoln l'nlaw Kulaii, 1 , .,:g 1., n. C. YOl tol, liatti9htline: a n..• and I.watitifo w - ,1, 1 , ...ung, 1.10......", lit.:l. 1 .. T; - off ISaltitnetr,, I vr6.4 Lhicu , sert. of qa.4l.:lteer. 1.11 ErLrndrtue furl rerl•2l the 11•Wle, 0110 "la rrre tet of p.dltr..., 04111., rarlationa..le al, I , rorr . ueir Instruction 11,,k. foe the Plano Fort, 'il'atr,wul bout x. Mn]... n n erk rootairting a vent oh""' 11. nt:LIA)II., eZ/ vhl It e.ll etrt.ot. BOOKS, trin! ' Ci/eap.Publicatiou IN .111... morn,sty c IN e,eleh of epnulr-e Anahn.radore at ehawrhome, h..nrs . ,:itt hunt. It /1 011.1iXNFENNT:1' 1,20 1 • lo Fourth ntnert. Books for warm 'Weather. LEAK 14.,Unn. by Diet:ens, N 0.5; RI" Irnnub.ng ifiln the !huh, by Xlre. Mord], 2110 Pra rl. hrock or A ;ratan, the Itnivicad.‘ roman, nt hneder lit, Wtdtefrinr.:rr Ille , ,c;:a of Charlos geru nd; Pnir Korago2nd: or t e lto.rtfa Wham: by MEn arra g All. 0011/01.,1 l, ltln Pedlinuledh an , he P2llinglonlan. 11 1.21 tilv,-Fer P 1,2 1.2a1. handartnelr banal: 2.1 Ware., Nor.% if= To Drawing anr\l'aintiair Scheele. s l . ,l7ll:vjust opepsd a l arge and br v!tuti i.o;';'r 4 .' i 7;: i rl: 2 tuolnY(:1. am, 'r sober. Thr,skrlrhex are the la.rt pl, liehrd. and adapted to all They enrhra,. airme MU. Laindpeoy,e. Al. :..rturahrdorrt, r.ra.l Mum! 'Wait.= brow. lag Pencil:, than?, Crayon:, lo oat, by 51.0 AGNEW kurar inUrth. TO pitarrEas:\ DiltfiN.TING ink manufbetart by .1. D. 31Lereory. Nen Work, lu era. and kemufrour. 114 In 2.1 from as ‘;‘,.. 32 nor lb. Jam, rrnh dor% and light darn and hob] ‘trr,n int, In eau, of 1 Itejrotal.) tti 91 . .50 D, lb. Alin. rarulrh it on, half sad re,ll, mu; 2Com. per 14. (halt Cite in halt Ilhmo, $2 pot rh. tor salr .00 J. 11. Vira.LlklV. nooinaller and Etatloter. EnJ.2 l No. Wool I,trraen ..11(111. ~i neer Stationery. wFIAT3IAN'S Drnwinr, Paper eft NI Traclosi,l'aper, sll else Trwein•Alloth, In eoll, Inebea Trantwiade Cetwi fiection Diagram paper for embank. DaYnt, hand 24 ley t roadway, aud ~ , tc,Taclons of amt . .% feet rriaw:Hlw.T, • ikit Draw nft - , paper 6Y inch". wide: 'l i •• Elephant Leanly Park, , en, ,311 l hive in truth,: , 4ectoon's. Laboe s . o and Brookrann langdene Lead Pencil.; , dater India Ink:, Rubber: TG:id tilt., Thorid with a full merortnaent all ollayr kind! Of Rationary, no gala by' , , No. ft:S.Wetal st betwern ad and 40 - . lENT,RAL BOOK STORE, 75 Fourth et., CJ ankian'aliconanlern at by.t. A now iltemoo). and Faykattion °Pile °nape!, con.dat. hag cdparallal and cordbinadarrangetnot•Lon*.a new plait. of the nartatitya of the , four Ekangeltais, aroaniing to i th ;;% ' !• ' f 00l lin'tket. ....tit a anPnietnytit. coat :nlng eitende I arer:l/4 , g nal add Topographical tbs•ertatlons, and , 144131 , 10 , Any r ed by June., Strong, A. Id— atilt nap• and colored kncraktnra. • J 4 Cheap Stationery:. lkT DA VISON. AGNEW'S, 65Marketet.. I Ana rirau and Dorman Letter and Fodianp paper a, 11,4 and upwants. n reap.. latlnwok,y.ro Lawler?, Merchant, ‘9 , 1 pkuellk Cala-kr-IGS —nrair-ixt.y42.l4lnsEtt„i ~ .Intx.Craylwa and Chalk"..peneile. , at wholnall.• rktait. jela EK E ANtI VALUABLE BOOKS--Put -1 narn'y eeml•toonthly Library: Hoar aodSorial Phi. App,ctnn's— a,arary—pne n Journ ' , Tanner, Tilbyt and China. t enlmrsl,,,,alsraym front boo •:•.n Titnae, (o)e., tltldra an , ! 31artlid life at Mary Powell, Parte Sketch Honk, tn.. to. EekermarVa lkataerrat,onA with lioothe: IScbillyr and welly; My own Lila, lloetbe,l , lodorit Paintere; A Lady:4 .rolution, Orators trap, Recollections o of Liter tri .... MltCord: Aretir Fanediunn; Workg; ',mg'. do.; tiotherwell'a bitta.trYlor lloWitt} ntrittoll el tic One, :h t . Wnalsdr. thy Whale. by Igehrille: 1e,...nr.41 Thot:ht. from. favorite author, of I outblua Chrf.tlattk. Tong Lady . , llama; eNiabt Side of Nature, or 1; and (lbont Peer Ilesulleek:Worte Cap t.trult, tb ,, Old World, itunattOre Bordland, Life of def. treys, tint iu [incept; of Living: all of Carter',' Utll• Jlelluet Molts in great eurietl, Jr 6 '„ VISO , : A .AONEW, alaritet Lives of Scott and Pierce, II UST read, the I.ife et General Winfield .1 Cr. ,t. and the Lin , Gen•ral Franklin • Appleton}, 51, , ttank . a Stonent for July' . • Cltieaten• IV. A. OILDENFKNNEY 0.1., \ • 70 Fourth strayt, NET* BOOKS, just raceived from p Number . °lreland's ]liserior. Canes and Core": "Lllble in the Family. by "tkhosl iTicl In France": 'Vasil or Lirrta 'Vb. tionlnet and Complete Florist": • "Chtistlan Melodies'; on the Study of Worths .- The Lost Sentree.Deafuess Blindness byeisttt, \ °Princeton Pulpit": ' \ • °Tishman's Pulpit Assletani"L `\ CBitty "nerlidnre Prophecy" by Dr. Titttter. itoriwn S. her filly Corollas; An., &o— -rOl •. DA Shot:. d ASTNEW. Of. Nisoket et. \I%LF; ON, COVENANT'S. 1 1 0 R TI - m i LL . E., T; (l,w l e u t L fsal i t Rill.. on the Law of Corenanti This Work lel ' trotrZtio ' l.gc!::.rd e :cation of the' hoe and tights of Vender. of p,..4 liat s y g , thole CnrSnant for Title., At tuch corenantaritwinammi shape or otbsof introit norOl lota nearlyry conen,sant, hoiliortato on both side. of the Atlanti eve c, it le holes' the proferwiffn will not doehl unnecessary a tart which Lae tor Its obleat thelr'analyttis and preollealeffect In English treatises on the,law at . Wender sod PoreheseEttes wildest of COYSIIIIIIta for Title has allotted to It only slim, rtisl epees, but thero Ina tart body of American authotl.' tow seen, have' not hilliest° ,comiscel the clasalaca. tine mud analysis which ILO imrcistance of the enlists de. 'mends. For sale br .1. IL WELDlN.Bookterlier and Stationer, je26 • Ward : et. between Fol and ith T New Books! • ISEEL & CALLoW, - opi‘osiil the Poet Of- L tee. Third street. have received the follotriniti— ThMraeNy'74llYettbki hflyaere*Fi'tri'l.74lV.l7 Tine 11d6t. c .e...N.,” in warn., b a y witer u irerthi , .1,11 'ltOr TJ'l't)".°•,l.-ytirittl:l".lll`Bll4..7- , Third etreet, HEW BOOKS ELT NEW I , ORK PRICK; Theological and hiiicellaneons BOOKS. • o w opening. from Carter'e, Colby's, 7N, 4 1 ; t01 v, appinow,,, &Muer* podd'o Putn.W. And M- \ And from Daniel. it &nab, Praby taint, [Kahl of Ftit lication. American Sunday' 2thool Union and aluesehm .the Sabbath &law' hocloty; trwelbor with Dab import.% tioth n 1 Statham Theological Werke awn Europa d k la th lamely of Sualthary. Clergymen et/imbed ay R an aab rn Mamma by DAVISON it AGNEW. e mrty GS - Market at. recond door from youtth Cl. • lOW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS Apr JURY Racket Scapegrace. a a The Neemmtheer. by Harwich, torsiczaoaCsatlc by him. (lore. Wavarly—boaatibilly ilinstrated edition. Finlay Thorn, by 1117 a 7 Cookie,,. Lady Vela% Kato Penroth or Life and Ito Letetele. or .0 bkinte-boy, from the original Awed 'Together with a large athrteant of Magazine* Ltd Modern Literay.FWtert CALLOW, too, (or sale • • ay 25 " TP " PL ' Itt ;LW. Odle!. 25,00 Copies Sold in Five Weeks! I THE GREAT AMERICAN TALE.UNCLE rokiA cAam.oit AMOND THE LOWLY. By kora unitiErr STOW E. For thrilling 4011,4- .I.Mo of tharalter, wadpoWer of description, ibis wo t r i l ..-Narld,72);4k It , 7101 Eta l lrWie n tt , Tl4/Vr r lw . ; nal:awn mows havo been sold t hree weeks is ekidethe onallelent of ha unbounded lalarialas-Thtwe F•W a " '",l Wiw twdodthtlf At work. moth atuting the ta_Per. tbrte powdr mums am Work in t•eletrfe.., 44,1 n printing it, an d mom than ono hundred,. binder. era inthetthtly plying their trade. to bind thou, .4 , 4111 it boo Mondmpthdble h. tto tothd. ee supply ." thowaT a t l thordalo, Of the etrontha ; h Cohn!. 10re ireedreeVtipublle,[Trzuq, Reed - and toe par t , Fit ow • trztrTNUSIC. -- K.LBER has just roseived Rail ..y Br at , brti. 0. Feeder. .•• Clow ish bona +uo¢bJßlannraTcderea- I bay. bone log duvet to toil You , It le totter t Lauab than be filablad: Irmo Anteretla DoPct ot . dert Ilnutee bentbellishnteota. alma with un bounded applause Catberise Itaye, at bee concerto In l'ltteburah. Katy Luling; • tssuusul Retitle. &lxvourueen. , s - m gm. Yale- .ya. Happy With unbounded &bal. by IleaMenai% agitate Lash Concert... barouyseen Wish: en a by Ce•bo•tnedbra. Ben Bolt. Ravenswood welt's*. Sontag Poll.. llItt• raptor "V..ll:Voyerire ebottleb, P.; , 7 Polka. Releteltv &h ot• tlab, will be no tlin a lel, day Sim o ttte Palen Mo. tnyb o.101.•tdol etytet. afar.l- fi•.,t.ebd * co. `GHWARTZ'S PARIS (MEER, iron WICERSSJIAII'S prci. `•ieret l, nt rely T.getable,nurt ont.l. of lv,reono• \ ME D ifkA I. e mender aa a eas, •d effectual lore:III:no to 19,,,g worumfrou. the qtritt. The unexttntled etir.vre‘ 4 ...• ha. intended a rtorrlotratlon.. r•1144::.,‘.11\, V ri44 A ' he r' ;XOUTllVl ' vto 4 7 , .. '".'tr' t '' • • • The outrida error yr *ill. hare Iho .Itivialtsre of .1 • abl,lin^,ne In no, .nhet. \ • • A \ Thi.i4tiv.ttly chid tee ash our fedile, e. N. triekitr..bantle Vernt...e..Vrerairusi. en do unhesitatingly • mourinnoie It be 4 t•eOre.tned. lei... of the dat, thet MM. undvr kto.knoul. race. \ l A ,Y l l'3firgs, \ \ LEII.IXin Annirecn.C., 3lay 13, , 31r. 0. N. Viirkerthiun—Tbietv that 1 pirt: L... 4 ouzo, of yont• Vert Vdrottt sod nave ono bottle ton child ol 'mine. dlipetell, e.J the wend day • the dlpnbarcet OCT Morn, . Ilevrind of one of ,bll,l7.vrt than • •°"'". • rut of oa, taken ny LC , try., -./ h e pat.ed over 4 atran.--,10. ie the , moist r , ..ataaty..drtloite 1 h. , * etvelint produce& tbe best anus • 1e!..DZ1R.31:111. B. A. Fabnestock's e tni4a4r o rI I IIE safest and mnst'nffertixeninedifo eR Worm+, le rhilnr.n and Adults, thct then ever bore .illseever.l. She :lele.log teelimool• itl ohied et:recta' EVler.l. D../ a IL W. Wildseli. Drug,. I lk X. "Lerarrrra, I *eons. 11. A. Fatin.stong a Co., li.nts: 7 l ( hare been \ t:11';15,"1!4ti";e!l'r ' lwlvsln Ihk rielnity it le Ter7 1,mb...0dd tVe •11170 . 1 ! Inan Oran th.'nertoce aenehen ol Ver. tedfogelo the market, nen. ben no g , ol • 1 .1' 1 .1 01. .. jours, ethl unc. l2 ll.lothila. r enuld multlclrruelances of tbe goal effect, ...Ming tnasal;.. use, but wren., nneh 'mold be untie,rent,. f cur pe most resinet•hl• pb]sinarts use it in their angtow • reennitoend it no,•11 nn •efe nettle fer he /rapt:Won of Kern,. NiO tbe, - eteni X " D. 1 1 , 1 11 i sTAOII. Deena.l andbinid be IL A. FAUN e Arrillll. rll., . earner Wood 004 Fir, etre. .ittahurgh. le]alkwirn Erown's .t•gence of :Jamaica \Ginger \ 'elaborately ‘ pre , pored taint entnfully at \ .1_ Inched attic:es of\ the tert bung, it worming.] tam nll tbe u.. J. Unailloger,jand getivultel be ire. Dom • 11 1.11, Una or tulle, propeith. 0 ail injurious cn,leine:.X It in I.llelinially tired v a tun.. rtreumtlanne chere a warm cordial and grateful .oc:tame I,lrire.l, entieutarly in Cafes Whert 1,11 ors• is rerlf.• f .114 Y qt.t. .11(lutr 1111 M •irecelnifiliglinor 1.01. &coils Oaf tuinblre of water with a lit 1.141 MURIA, tit l'm:lll4MP 4.o.ctosi sod mart elnicaut re l torenve. ul,inh nukes ILLS, Cen.• n1144111]. adailinii In , a tnaelMer's lonntenii so: w.ll es to the haunt : roil ettou of reineelien. bare ' ther• ie en unpin...nit enb..,t weight or Mown .ntter rating, Dina Itiiherf•rt inuLoettini. Or Olsen pause. X indurel ircm ridit, In e rer, rarneg.,.or rroin •ttie motien of n nneel nt on, the oi Dinner, Irairen te the direal , I, WIN elimoet 'nen/Jobb • :lire relief. In,ndinnr di0n5...;4; 1 / 4 4rient cho!era, In 'bort, In all ane'rd nn.1.001100 ot ele.etive.tonetim, whether Iroin ..r diereee. te of 'nee:unitle value. lorring Dic rummer month. nod In ronthern climate* it In Invalcaldn, rertluinrie donne Die rrernlenro ot epi demic nisei,. no tries - eller pr Molar ebould be without it —l4 FtOrnAlst rkeired 1 ,, r .air by WILCOX V 0... corner Markel xi. and Diamond. WICKERSHAM'S LINE': t.N1.l ANTI ItILIOUS PILLS. l'o e Liverß thplaiote, byspepto, f' m eor, cm -vasm- , net.;. Imp tit:, of the Blood, •.'ask Headache. Cratierneso, Paine in the limo), Breast, Side, Bark and Limbs, BillOtie 4fitetions, Female Ditrasea, pro., etc. lIIIHEIir4 is , ienrody any dii-cascLin Willett Puroatiee Medicine, am um more or I s. required. OAP ~ loath elckneee and /suffering .nog et prevented were, th+y root...generally need. No ve , egn'ren feel well whil,a cootire in.hlt on body preraili: betthe, it mean generate.. nerlou,and of len fatal clieveeee, bleb might are ire arobleC, by I timely nod join are of prop. er exits: is mediciti.e. . Ibe "'mod- can v.:emu. ad 01...5e Mlle with th• b e honfidrom, believing them r open?, In ther m In getut& nam mole mild. more promo:, este nail un in their ope.ration. ~.. • Thor met. be t 00..? Man Lime, end In wort Ellevasee— in intlammabcry, Intermittent. Remittent, tlilintm and leer other term of Fetel...lannii, and Liver umpiaLtit. For , 'lreton/dn. they are really an icvalue hie ardole, grad. nail y changing the vlbli.ted 4erretimm trf the Mei:oath and . liver:end ploducing healthy aerjou r. than, important * o.gans. They are very geod.for dfxd., of the Ohio, end Mr What I. rorn,El,Suly raibm eltoodrity of the him!: no d atm for Veinal,. amiplaiuM, Cretivonme, •t, end in fart in every dia.. e where norgaltrernedi in P . may he regal , el, For eel, by : •H. ~ 11'11,1,1,1thi1./1!il, .... my:it our. Mond and i ko th eto.. Plttaluireile. 1„., , ~ .51. . WICK ERSII,IIII 'S \ PIidTORAL C. 1 002dPOUND—Thiff orenaration ha, proud We/ to sof very meat ethtmlir in the gni*. m otwtinate (loughs Cold., -.Lathan.. Wheonimktlonah.. stlttinfe of lihod. sod other Pneumonic at:le.:nom, and tbe t rt.onetor feria war ranted in reemignepding It or a lute at 4 utOul medicine. and le prepared to show irtti beat,/ 01 indlaputable mg thority, in te,tlmony of ite velar. • • • PirreaCnon, Fob. 2, • 1852. This is to certify that. 'after having iced all the pi:molar tough prtlynialbinv or the der. t waalaztund ni try M N. ITletenduan's one Cemeonnd fold./ Cough., t o end alter nein= one lott, , ILI. ,11,0 t, r.. Herm! of a dietrerstng cough, and do net Imitate toVro i ovum, it the best menaratiOn i f the kind now otremd In \ the public. lIENRT I. FAILNEhTIKIIiI,, • \ --. 0 :‘, l ', ; Pla - tancnnn, l'in. .5, 1852. \ 1 do certify that 1 purcbilsed A Hattie of B.'F Vlic , rahogrile receerni Cf.{11,11.,, ,1,..v.n, th e rare or co,h, and side, and miner ming it V..llitirrly, ~are o I gint hich was Very Lrouhlemm. e , of et thnen prevent ,om to \ toy steep. I would ednfideptly red f.attltrldT. 00 tlll ctn.., allii,le4 with, a ..rungt; or mhl ti'cl'eriltilicultanor:e'rr' X. "r*''' ' to ."T Other " c,red . the on Idie, \,. \ JUII. MN.H.IIItK. For rah, W. , mlonole and retail, at bin brag litota. rare., . , f Wood and Alsth etre, . ' royl9 A S. h. WlC4Elilllreted. DIFORT.&kfT TO THE ILITLIOTRO. 14 1L RUSE' - CELEBRATED REMEDIES. FLY.--fa.JAM: D the disJcnerinend solOympriet. • :Lew men incolny tenendeloi matieirma, and - el. 3 n en. r et to. w . brated MM.. me', fosiothelog the I. In,. In , C.d. aez e 01 Chronic nun... wag a ato• , et of tint • ailment r 'Can, Donlon Physic, and hi . t.. odours et the Unitecelt of Penotylnelaland for anctrs - :::172 - ,. ' V - ,'":. .I'.l,ll,l=VA "'" ‘4 ".'+. i " Tic . o . rp , la -.' ZA‘Glalit . iiiii s t•Tali: °°. ....41.13 A ..,t,e , s 1 atjuntegehnet potion. so curio\ th dresilf4l • 1 ' fatal undadne, Toberealhe (buses don, lattnen, s .refuts.lllzeutuotina,Astlonto,Varew Slut 24.1.0. Pig:IMO a - I / 1 tun I. Chen& Fr; angles. But all thew. Olactlri • dla a •'..e 4 y-cuitsr to female,. tode.A. seret - y form of beans i the ta , of !us rerocallen, to whin, buntani• •., --.!..- sn 'oeitten' . .. by theta:nor ere anareund only, ter et ° .... I t. theenstntle ono Play .iele gnat Law, lot by the a .. 3 reatedaw, ad oyted tn. and Innwriblid Ave want , /Inn V 1 rot \ r. .....» Toni - . n 1 tnratire Pttlm. eltehtned, are Invent* , osionnialded mln ener:or to leant eroa, mace. e. it,.. or liver eel, inasmuch as they tb• Des• f ..tly Ire crew 1.1, noes, as al. ine i Gelagn tills.. ad ^sDiti by Oh' Lase.), to to lend n pro, *Onto reel to fensole dines.... but being eatnEnd th t a hsre ugl •mllicaent Le establish what has boon eatla them/oder/ t',.• most ekaytteol. The *Mined or. invited to call ulann the agett6and yr./ ... (gratis) eon, f the Dwctor y opamphiotootie detatl: • .. I tn.,. et Ist,eb re. ed T. end its annthatnnt. i 1. cs PSI, by the fellu1:4: agents, . well as Dymond drag. g , I. throw:bent the eeohery. \ 0. Seboonumbr .0 Ce.,24 Word tn.. Piltoburgh J. 11.11terneend. Druggist. 4b.Flarket et., •• . • \ a . roLee A Ikekher, Innsol•t, beer the lest Othe,AllegL-• , • t city. ts Jogeph linalty.Ln3lnset;:it. Boner eo.noty, Pa. \ Jobe Ellett. Lanni 4oy, - •• •• T. Athar.s. yVATI, .. . .. , t. .441241.1. • \ To au Readers of the Pitteoaxe — h - Oaxettb \•, , i1pi1 v i r 1 ., L . 1 ,... C .,t0 .11 ,1 T ,0 T irt..1.,, EN t. T . L0N ,h,. :t ee s : r r t „ 2c i e r. t.!3 , l . ll o. in t; \ . o a l iguigUst .r. 00.1..ettp ; oil T,: - '2 O- u --1 more Us. ona rcer ik etit,7 „ Are . s ar i . , litZt u rronlY t ti . o: ,, b;ought before the • ' lsleZ ora. none then, e'4l,dfully ;/cAs.frt.:l7o. enhopthlity. and int alkge that the mneer it le trs the . :tore certain will Its greet fame syneel. 'lt le not the rem. ~T.A.oole,..l,atioV,rtitlor th•enit• u porm u le of t lneel , hg mann att ether nostrums ItsWireit7GysteTtien. m. Th ' e Petrel : I' ll a Natural Ilertnaly.eloberand in Cl,, deaths, of tbe . en ' th Ly o power tad ogenrY tint laughs to nem all hum. entnyetltina ', lt is our duty ~~ when , we erna abr./ • medt• LA (I"cle'eari is,=Wrlt; 4 lg 1.:7u ;tioni n [ l • " jec . :VE; • ~J eltnn, lat or etatements. * The _oleic are s e.ry ptir Caten se ' . II thhaC that romlaft glint tram the , aal hi] celi , ardly'hu tnehlkly wrought to answer they oldest nf gull. mg or I. lig tome of them how, we do not den. tlO4O th ine are anyle. only that the truth In rnation le eor remedy otrould be told. ill order to Ft...ttre for it • r e p. canon for eseenklng any angle article in the Malone med. Iw. Plain unsorrurbed facto that hay be overtalood to our ally sod nelabborhood, bear =isle teatinamay In fa- Tof th y I. let.. \ ' liltign tbeSast two thong., two of oar owncane., , tbaseere to y blind, lir. len r es to r e t to Rcht. Fev• nal nu. of blhaneite, ni, the !tat. u: Oh, a. twat c . hend. And.almi the ...Cosentino. In nemeer conntY. risers are etbenn but thee! ue• nadea hen , 1n. , . anima) " le: refeered to by any penal. who hots ...Moon the stall lert. These now ware meal On they had lean abandon, • ..1 by physician. ae \bevel.. The Petroleum will out. when. und enerdmdt \to cillontn..._iyugwbgas nyea.ceeai - , . rag, ghennangun. oat, he und....Egoinicon. the Ginii • Pont tea on the fan, Minnie Poe, gy.. Meow arm. Tettes4 o end Ilewl, psaingin the knee* sod pion, old races, Ineerr e hens, Ague, Dhow'', Omaha, Ant... brenchtta, and a , l room nary 1111e000LI. of a•chruale Wipe, tetutillir to Dail duce Othatienttlnt, . Bar. and SataLle. db.,. 'thehe Bladder and Aldnore I:boa./ Hoods, Eneliated•hlynlen. Verna and Darden. ' lo tact, It le • ow, norentatt ironer, and has bee., cond . - le most of the Oboes 41*.ero within the ns pnfe et inter est , atle r ta t wpi a rta s yea n " i s wish . n a thehandsofthe p ro p riVat whowil h tak l yhaurein l h ew "1 4 tXr te'; t Ate d ra lik ett i tY 7r wy th.g a s ' llit i r their ed Id ra. tau Patrol.= It the greaten say . t, 1 tit sat?. I • l3 . stela. hly.h Alta:kilns in the yMtbegon a t beihnutch tO oh 11 10 then manna now who al tirst looked nu with doubt rotdre = ' . l / 4 . 4 . . "l"i tgr i* Ft:rn% " 40 1=111 tante/led to annealed. that t h e I . ..giro:la the great .-3. Medici. ern diseeeered. For •nds. sSole.ale nal rei t .L. be • KEEFER* bIeDOW EL pa wood et. Alg•-••11. It Fellers, ET %Teed street; D. l. Lort73 D• A l•Illett, Joseph Douglas, Allegheny WIT. n Alau. by We PhD ralt r :4111: VP11 . ..=`,. Tl'l;r4t,ritt.T l .ll; 1 , arealore of Liver Comploa*, i l y Li, th .r o pi r i v g i na l, only t ru,o and , genuine . 5e,1tTc...... Ohio CO, ta. a itareb TO,llB. lir. It: R. BatLus—lar Fin 1 [blot it lad uhy I owe to . you obd the ptiblia :centre:lT. to atata, 1b.," I Dao,• kne,,,,,1t 41110ted with ) lied lathathl. , (•• • ••• F ..•••••. '-',- 17 that an abaeo. formed and broke, woint Ott ma in a hend of your celebrated Liver ‘l , lll, V.7,:t1° . .1.V 7 '1. ft. Be.rp, in Av.,. Ln.rev ene t nnommeolled r lo ate Ly tor physic/an, Dr. E. bnith„.l ... I etudwl to sire them afar tr.l. / yurebonol two bog. • 1 nod. found theta to bents( V bat. they are recommend.- lot best Lien rui ewer wed t nod Mtn taktog four bee. 1 Gad th e &hone ban entirely DE Meotod 1 am qr.. ~,,, c..,n,,, e 11 : Itesyntfully yen.; It u.uomu.. • I certify that / am yesionally flowed Cited with Nest N and eau boar tentmeny to the truth of the • \ . t?,a-iii.,,,,,„ A. IL Nit PT.PMVII only k.rfold by D. E FELLERS, s 7 Wooden,. Pittsburgh. \ ELLERS' COUOII SYMTP.—"Wicb — out is \ exited^ c Pnitatrocu, ilitth Ward, \ Feb, :nth, I an. , 4 gr. g. g.Fellent-ottri the 18theglt. , 1 , esuobt a very se. h UV:aVet; 7 ll 4 4 VI it h s t lc i dl n tit D i ? 1:7411 I s ' c ',' t ' l7o l uTtg: r ulttl L.A.:i.th: PTlN=Pcs't-er7iste'h Tn e ht ''" •Tt ' telt= 7 ;; l a 4 oc T scl bnntil b a ' bottle of e your Dentan ' S•youp„ ese ochw n ch Lich, to m great estonlabment, atoppat my nogh oss iy, , , '. l y . ..eh Iwent to noel in the tuotling, and ma apw , , Pelt+ welL You., As., Jean Dug. ‘.. I hereby artily Met I ato well ariptaleged , elth ih a above eircumnaneetaard that the etatnwent given le true. Crayon/I and cal by R. E. SELLERS, LT Wont et. lon b it. ANDREW ROGERS' eunlpound jr rap of eta LRIVOkT, TAIL and CAPVIIALAOLd. pprorod of and rrApaannended ployolciarni of thy high, Iten=l" utelnd h ¢b=r4 Lod (tough. Ctitoßllto *toy. Oonaidadd s Pod. In tits tO , Ix or Mout, :tight forosto, Floittto. et Blooot ard all 0 ,1, hoe, coottlainta fowling to Contoraptto#TbOo• a cold lo pe bad rough. or t h o u r illatro'' ohout tha throat or s. thoWd tri Laren or . cci .lit Rt s read euo ne too. 1t btt cored to 3dn.,. VD - It hi/4 C OLII I IMPUI , 2I...I . rots,In I 1 .14 . 0 r tgrklre , r For rale wholrrato cod rootl tr. 4.4 P. PI Wood stwat. rrIlE BLOOD IS VII 4n3iya bk grAtret a‘ lAVIUStin, ro-r Um biLl nowt two. conerdaistir '6l4 : lo7 7 l 7gelitiT i merk 'k ort l erig6 "' erfnl 6 , 6; imerNielletmierith the merrocoptlon. for many year*, end ho Wit "P' r? u"." metirred iciperrect basil e. Warw. Ogren Ward, Ell 1 above medicine for rale w ale en 111141.8431 6all 164 mid 16s Woolly. tor. FIIIIRPENTDIE4IO bbla. *tabby • J' l re °'' • 4.1121te• . • . \ • %, .\ , \