.... . -::.-?:"-z-::.t,t.,'.!,,' Meffti • •Aq314•;.1 • ;,4ire!, '.§.l.i"tpsl ':'.',4'4 1 •1 4 1 0 . 4-., - - VI.. :n4 i A . I -. rt:.}... . •-•-•;:'...; i'. r , .. z0 :71 '' , 4 ". - 1 . •; :: : il iir! ! ..1! 1 :1};4i . ,8, .let . lll;V .: * ivlr•-Arff:f.,;:t':4 ke 4 l ,•;:•4 .1 ,•• • 4 1 4 j1' mkt. • , r f •••,,, *- % r :. . • - . • LIANGINtiS--11.1.11,' Extension It ...I (Vim Pai.or. r•. , 1 from I.lll'oanlphi., ftLr .1. at :So. 65. Alnriteq. IK•tvprn Thirdnu.. V.Oll hr 1,4.17 I 111031.kd l'A LM Ell. Hottet. ETTERS-of Administration having been gr.n44l In the nolenenono.l. on Ihe of .11,115 inAnNboS. deed. WI , of th. linrot:h InauntA .111 Op. tn., ',men. In •ta. I..er. sod thorn elsonn saaa.unt the -nun , r Pent th-in rwttlempot 1t.1010.00, avian' It t.o s rn c , r— r. r. atria 11.,..tvi. o 16 l'utnareP I.lnrvr. roof roar—hoar rod :45:1.51 Ph.t.senph . from blekrn•' s rt, 1,1 ll•rtuon ,flumorth Quark, y Or July A. 11l I.PI:NrIiNNEV Sons of Temperance 'VII E (I,tud I , tvisi ,, n of PAhnqylvanin, v.il ji I. It F1..0n ..• at. at n ort.. P. M. .1. 'r.: W " P . . . P urn 1.. t mem of t ..• atzet,cl rtentlott Os. the . ,AMVEI.J phliaNt.r... • nn, r: sr. e •11.16..”.111111 Meeting of the Board of School Directors . of Robinson Township of School Dirreb.rn 01 Robin -1..v4141•11114. .01 me. t •4 1...414. 0 , Mr , . hnrlgh rerist.4l, t OMIJ rnwl.4l, 44, 4,mlnr tile 2-14 1.4 A . We/ rho:t . etitc.l.44• lug .. . tat,. -14. tr, .4 rut It.: 14, 4.4411 T..r..4.4114—.•14•ert •44,a44.. 4 .-r I The 44ehne.....41,4 5t....t 1.1 cr. 4 4 .4 , 4.4 4,14er. The 1 ruttee+ I, the ',ern. 414.4.ric•44. re4t Isttoud .s. "'" 4:1 I 11 , 1 , ,Q1 . /.7t “, 4 7 4 • th" . 1 11 . /11 . 4 1 4 II rl4 1.411, ,••*r Coke Wanted. 4()(K) in • 1•AIII , -4 44414. J,t-• It, .4T.14 •4 4.4 r • 6e:mtl111I Fruuo t'.,AL 4 2 e !lett., Y tre/tol re , ta..1...t. purer ure vr•trr, 1., le r ecocav f.L , I ac• 1 0..• .1, to ~.etlol t Ctiazen's Deposit Back. FEW Sharr., BMW., rorzwr p. , TbtrA laud Mt.... VOR SALE.--I,ool l azia , . land in .I,4ffervon I 1.,11,11)....11. , tb- V•: , loulrout—ELqulr• of illoMI`do), lIKLL et • Ilmtaso, jl LOOMS-3 10 tong ottperior Juniata, rot IP rale 67 aual6 • lilEa a JaNl..b fatcatkiag yurpo..,k, and srl' "7 fur pau. m alatiS r . la au HIRE annual election of the Stockholders sr ths N.lttc.re t-tstrosi Br la, 0•t1...n of olio. Hxna¢ma 4..1 • Stemma,. l.r'ald C.-23. ~..111 re hel.l. tr..o Toll 11. 0.. ol paid Como., on Is; r ' .:2F ' d d rt . 4 Al ...aro., iNSEEDOIL—IS bbla. just reed, tor sal, II cr AUlt16(1:1, Cll LI-.ttJ etroot Notice, IHE ertitiwrn of St. D. l'ArroN are 11,r,r,y •'MI, t- elit,A ntwall.v.te•l. to the out net", , K.r. 1.• Inter& to to n .vidonl nn all :me!" . 1 • 0 " 1 .) . ""enb,"". x 1 IC. countlng nw"". t K. It. Klan. Nr. 1111.1", A..:1K112 ' 21 1 1 EW BUOKS—Juet reed, Se,en Nights I to Goth..m: 0.,. John D cnw, anther of the 1 , 1" , r, of • Krredway Dandy. Adirrntneve ol • fnna.mao In f•art"h 61 Mi.". emith: I, Ansa A. Dn.,' • ••tre•K purply 0 , tlncl• Tnta . •l".•hin at It ' l.Ttr=ll4.7 'l V o 7 , " 1 , 1.‘n st," , , 13111:1 IRON-100 torts Winfield Furitiee, j_ Sorry T m f, rale by J 4 LI 1113101. waKlt I:,"nt, I Chant,. r SLED-35 bbls. fur sale by - - - - a lt J t It YLUYtI. BUTTER-lu kegs, for Balm b., au;t ll J ft 114)1ilf UPEE. FRENcti cLoTii—Sita r by tuyv:n.l column; BurcbteM affrays an on.nrtmant rf tnn tb.o< vf airy .up-Inor all tf., torn If lakto la select the Bert nnal mat, t.of If to Jura. I.li for —Alan. loaf prinnd Mon, Infisflf in Omen nna Bryn o elfarka, by Bora' voar—l on y tbaffnmrna. Lloyn. Illacx Sabo Vesta.aa, Wkaff J. ma-vv. willcommcnce tom•lTM sail, C nut o.rtqf 0 Full 00.01000 Monday. docuM latk. 4,4114 I SON-500u ILA. Llano Shoo Bar and uy asartad rombl abl,quarvt: tale by avyal VON 114NC:1101Ln a 51C111 . 11 V • ti INGER-30 keg.. ground, for an:C by aby.l3 VON 11,01101:SY 1, 0 . d.05, n i 1 EsU CORDS i als orw o. r. e tt i l t ; ,ll, lt , fo N t BON SAFEe-rA large second hand lde, I f sae by uvula NON nbSNIIOB.S _t MUIII.III. ACON SIDES-51W) lbs. clear, for oale by sazli VON BoNalloliaa♦ MIOU'IIV. I I EEICS Allt-8 blo. for sale by Yo: aoNNIWIt'T a MURPHY. Union Furnace and Landa for Sale. Itt r Au.ghenle em ;1 . 7 ,, a t, f Courts hz ... dertLaled.adrolnletratorr, hf 11. Inmota . gh.., or. d•ea, .(1, for sale the lam and ••Inahle hale of lon.l, sada. t d In Ono bar town. hlp, ear Couple, Known DM 11,...11Men ?taro.," troperty, oontaloinv %Isnot FlOll rib - len &ND Alatdd, Irina on the Tnaehiegheu - , Porthar err , X lald 061 . 1 RIM. The turns.. tine heen It 'oat!? ?chola RIO rotated, Red IMP. at rho of Mn. r?l , ler. ~ry•um.ful baton. foclatlat ter tv, end Coal in great shoo:lam , . Selo? tr0uv011.44.1) ovon, oho cent..ropharti mull of the Latrobe slut lJnlon. Iron Radioed, end near the Tunable/hen) . laver, 1.1.10 u I..eatacted coca to be Improved hr Ds?. end This prated?? mull, ere long. become at. ry Tetust.le. as It .weeeeett oomerorm UMr memo of the moot eudortoa There aro twelve trnetz nf taut, beeddre ore priellf ge on •nother tracL Many tratte awl byte of meow Inn taloa ae gam and ttltZl till LAND, and l o rry rnranhinra- Ito larbrorrwoutz thereon. a further cm de barittubd dezeription. ffeenoel unneeenwary. an burehrvers who 000alnlit:otrtl:i"grrbriaredWfirPh:fin"VerritIathie. The un. derstabefl row authorized hf eell the gropertr I whole or I parts land upon the rno.taafelogo debug terms Then •aleo eell at private from appliraUffn to therm. nt l'lltflorroh. or Ismer Vserit. Es]. at L'nforbow . o. Ifs And t ereehzurodate applicants. one or both or us will he 10 the Fornaze on We ftll enl 211. f. daze ot Afford, INS% if matte priest. gale,. and on Wognanlng. the f'. sl . hot Angola. they will offer at piddle eslv. lb, whole of eh parts of lb. proerty . rte MAT loft be previously fliz pp ef. 511th rale will tato* place on the modems at th. Urß.r. 5.1 begin 61.1. o'clnek. A. A. on that fine. WILLI AM r. BAUM. J . BUILLN AJOIT:EI of holoaron Snloorer. ' ' STEW 0001)S—Jugt roo'd A, A.,31.av0n nnd (11, klarkei. at 1 .1 4 (wok wad hales of bleached ko•I Ormen Mardins (No. 15 - nem otyl. rut odorbd brims at 114.34100. Mr. tlinalbmix, CNnUre. Ticking. I ebb I.lnPrb Vlantiol, •v. • PRINTS—Jost roo'd 2 ayes more or those lar , °d te oted Striped Prio. outl3_ A A 111AFON *CO XTRAOTS of Vanilla and other flavors A of ['root. A Morelro trotko-10 FO, itiort rood or .1 KIDD t CO.. Go Wootittro t.. .:111DLUDIS SPECIFIC—Lot jut arrived, J KIDD kl 3). IJ NUE TOM'S CABIN, just redti, per ex ert...and for sal. at Lb. Donaatore of DAMON I AGNEW, N. Gi Market a...K._ For Bale. A SECOND HAND Four Horse Wagon, lA_ Suitable for Cowl. lulus or u nearly Dee, NO Will be sold at • bargain. Enquire el sugl3 ma, a Lauagrr, wat,a. New Aulie. WILL NO MAIDEN MARRY MEI— Word. by UIIAB.. T. lIIIIRAB, bluely by II 011111. KI,OIOI. W Ryer Lost by boring: merwl melody. for our or m fa'g l o c h . th Uod hl Nlethtby bun • ediemi h,s,dy fm 0.11.1101 . 6 IV. (ha Pim Tree. Rope wed tb. Rum I Remember the llour when we Par W: Wertlteu But Mew. • Weribt= Pellet Dream lly Demur ars vow to 1201 V OrTheir. Rae Ilve.' Come where the rouotaln. pier. !low calmly 'Mks the perdue, huh; oacerl malt. ithatlitilarailfttaa. Midlll.ol. Schottlea. • ' • 1411 a Ware Waltz . talfict—A Ans collartkna at Variation* Polka., mai. liattnattretaat ka-* az. PLISNItY IlatiatEß. Re. IUI. Third Etta**, Men of dui • Onlttlart 'tarp • BOOK FOR 'TUN TOLES---Lifo in the So ca. or Uoele 'lcau's CAN. as It Jr. Wog mum rnirrrtlgirlult rodwoudos bOo 12 .A/04 1111.13,10 •IM orliiratileezne.l , awl mat+, b,wnd for we by • W. A. AM.DAN•AIIiNr. • 00., Mil Nomto Wi t. • CETIC ETHER —lOO lb.. for sole by ft •ocis: J 11.1.01, lt C.. R isu very Coe, in store. MM=I I ALERATUS-2,000 lbs. for sale I,y suull J KIDD a C,. MASONIC HAIL ASTONISLIING MUSICAL PROP , lay— The Infant Drummer, iU bola • Ferkl , of his UrandWiest Levee", e.,.. , me.3 Or.g Tnemlay ”Telatog. Auout mu. ff... , 14.•.1 1 y Prot t.I tb• Prt.unrn sti'ltary . .,SeeniL; Cblldtrn half price. avicL, GUITARS. c UST ree'd, a new lot of (kir...Re. from.tho c.dobrabd mocata,..rit, of a V. SIAILTIN and WM. Co?.. Na York. ia.truto..nb+ ary turml ao.t • w 1- akd witalibe m anger. and hove rcnirrd the ap• of all tbo brat Teachtrb+-1 that bag:rumen!. Th 7 vre a, (.110... Mat , aan y, xnd ..Ira moo SIS it. 1611,11.11 E..x r JUAN LI. AlKi.t..,[;, nt avglz, Agent 1 , ,r tnr Mmstufac:tarrei. - - . . . _ . _ Gothic Hall r''l.ll.S Establidltunt ix celebnite , ifq twat a_ n.n of 111, s,eneas of cloth., ~1111 vary Icw procro no hen aria Boy& Clothing; cre....:.,...,,. to run borer= WE STUDY TO PLEASE ~.xtu 41IIKSTE11. 71 Irnr-.1 .t ne t. _ _ . Sabbath School Books. L L the publications of the American Sunday Salad tlolan.and lb Ma.m.arhusett; Sat,. h School Arx.riatinr WgettllT with 81. the rLlbnr. the p'.bil','.l."h",u.%.'""'" nrOderl Ism a drelahr , pra.PtlY 030.1-61 .0 - DAViSON noel'!Cr, `,kV HITE (100I):' , --.A. A. 11Inson ACo. 7 V Lar. I • r l 'l Ol,P:Vt/lt , ll ' :l 4ll ;{ l,7 g . ft ^ :t; ', Blatt, .tu n 1 611 S—JuA ree'd (per tapr.3se) at A. A. L ti, 1111 wnortnunt RI riu' I ;•1> LACK SILK LACE—aI Fine Black 13 $ ,s.a t'Ul,, 1..1%111 A A 4 , 4) , aCV II lt,K -In ,btu.ltye,co per di ill ...l,friair.r PlUtlltS-4 III& Peach flraritly:\ • I At i rt va.raln. Odor: , 1,0 RONNIIOIIt .14 •,,vll •. ..n.l Ilh Front •t Art t,„ . A LkIIIATt , hhis. on hullo, lor by II %oh MJNNII.IItBT It• M 1; Tar- M J..z n • • eshAvtise e•.r. \a: , hr %OS , 111RA . 11. 7 • ' WA-AO et • net4 Young Ilyeo n : B I' • • 111.0, notm.l 1.4 n, It L 1• Raiir LT VON MoNNiielltn A /WU , Cash for Wool. • 11 . 1;41 - .4 tuarkt,t rive, inpaid W •bY \ • .aril EONSIIJIL9T A 31 WU' \II. t," H CIMNEY TOI'S—A tiatttiful mrtlrle, mule of 1, .111v , .tlyr-nly . Itt for n 'le Et:SE-117 hie. W It for Cale by %nal: J 13 IV ILL] INEG A fur Fair by nll,ll .1 a 'a 11 1. , .A,S O.P-I'nllas. Palm mai Rof , in: " , - -- • - • - - , t : ANL I. r.S -.4.1 !,re. Sperm am! Star; en - Aentte , .. Meal; fa• , .e•I'l.1 It wi i.i.t,t)i, a i• t... T ARCIT —4O MA,. Pelt!. in papero: •-"" ~,ii J D WILI,AIS A C , . 1 !NEN RN( F.5— . 2.50 li•tZ. Al dr , se earl i,-, a, lAt•r.. CAA.- , ..t .• wet 11.n•nt... ~, . -t r.-ej Cl ...ta:l,ale A A M.A.^ A 1., -- • :- 1 i'i Tl . . ii,---5 0 lik.v. n,r yeliorr, ih orate •T' b, it,,,.`11 .1.,115 , , WAI"C k C.. j,,‘ GliS-- . i,1,1 . I:,,: I,•,`'.i tot Sate Ili , J .., D:,..10 II A..1.0 . 0 A . A • , NV 13C0K 112S--11:1.011.S New I,ottk, • Itli,„..tel• IteteAtoe.., 1 .- IL., ~ f Aunt, by T.e.tet. ,,,, . , , ~....„ •-t,...A. r P.erl, • lot Jul. ,-...••,- • Illnt.. Ilt .1. 1 , mime., Ceepor.•enlninik4 ti. 111, An , . llrati•n t,t. tt.o. 1.1.. 1111.telc ....1 creine ':. .01 . , ,r, ad!, b, 1 W A cuLpr.:auNNt.v. zu:io.,. I, , isch eye, __ - i 6 0 , 1.: CI , L , A , 11 h, L . 1 , 1;1 . 1. d .i.!C1c— ....., 1t ., e i c . : 0 1 I r C i a l l u ltrw s ,. ~e., . ene, tte - L.,. of t ....4,A r 1 , ,, Thert•%, 1'....t..,..A., Retire te . July: 11.• er.l.el 1,,,Auntet..... ...V, ,4i II 1 . ? • , . : 1- 4 - I Na-N , A. , R. IL STOCK, tar oak .. ea :, A WILKIN:: A CO. Offil===l ASI) NARK= STREET., glom y bou4lit at tin) lowezt n. i4i4 un tq. Hut Pnrnnw`n l, . , bocal.t.mlvni.l :n ennam.,Mv. ) Sof tide z t ri K t:;l r. m A t ) . 1 1 1 , woe_ No. 3. ),Irge, jw . t. o g le a s .III.IiNKTT. !LING LES —1(10,000 for rode I, • see(' F.Nallsl.l d B,...iNgrT. 0 l E-Ji A.IE BLANKETS, FLAN 11'1,t,—_)iurph, Ilarchfixl:l tooolo, ft:ea ILe rtoltry • • apply of illaninte; en my.' Plaid Flannel , . • 61,11 Uvorolter at low rim :or ,ualt,t• 6.1,h I:111LE OIL ciorru—so doz., almorttO e id TAW, Otani And Bureau tlit attPrttlnn MArehanta, 1,1,1 t there , tr pa In.t..t to (Ida art:e.., tt.y are fnr ..• snArkett (yr Is l e. arhOlende re. 111.. 111% Market Atr,.A. NDIA (31111IiElt 6001):i—Riding Cape, • o Coo, Foothill.: I:Oam.. Morons. 1.q.. I troorvoro. Jacket, Urcost ampe. {Vhiph Nsopio Moto., I•l,hlnA Dooto, Doll e.isl. "fro vol. act , red/itooooll4 him Cloth; o Doob •OPPIS r. ortneleo or tho ioot ootOity.r. c'.l uol for 0.10 at • I r ti,,, , lorket nc II P1111.1.11':4 . . . . . NEW =BIC ' \ \ IL;, NCLE TOM'W Cabin; IL ) .41 Volk+ at Hon, . . Coral criknitwch; Rainbow Wchottk , b: lantbe Waltx—n new Wang by A. bohbw.k `, lionm trbottiwb. . \ Ktntp, Waltz: y Dtrlinc.: . Owr.wwri hara.. COI nw , 111. Nei., . Ilk! ll:cart, m, Wry,. tirw.lw "ay: 1.• kird to llhv idi • t'i Vne.s at ili.m , * Mfwwnt , t Ul; Bird u: ltn. I rouwood; ,r,, n, K ~.ww,.,...y.i.ty- of rww and W;pul. Se , Oftl, Polk 4'4*" '''''' by K t 'Y"'Y. : Y: :4 ‘ : g MELLOR, .nr. Ww.,lArret. --_— Of New Goods For The Storm. A A. MASON &. 6^ and 61 Allrket Ca. •. Ftritt. thine joiL rme l a I:rmest. nod me...c1a ....n0n of NW:ea:Seri. *err ommlosamt to Pittsburgh. I let ..1.•. dug thm Moment yli,. in Chetalartiem, anli...eutt.i. Collars. Sl st e,ven. tr. AO int.lltae itionViaint of new Print.. Drina... Mil: . nine% tAlt... °lovert flninr, ac.. de. a lt Sights Chocks . on Cincinnati , ONSTANTLY for gale by WII.IIINS tt).. Knehmene Motets. masa° N 0.75 vnurth street. fehrililmle cool.) - NEW 'l3OOKS—Ju6t recoived, ta i alp , The Ilortleulriat .ml • 0.31,11 M, lIS n tuPPIT of the 15mmg -C l lity bete. from an Arrilm .enured: !moth. 10 the Polar Iteninnm.io wenrth of Sir Jolla engin. ilfl nr Tiprlnsh et r.ln.. (nom, Ar., ge ilmnonlrm ni home; by . of lion. &nit. by Yinnyfielt. M Pl.eanted Ihhtmri or illotlbiltren of the ill, hT ' . it tale tal ent th. OVID. - IP 11. lIII.PENFENNY Cti, Paarlli at. • fV A NITN:1) v, buy a tVw P/11140ei Of Ohio & v.."' IL n''''''2llll:lll`f,ON 1113.1, µ O, suult) Cbrner Third lind MAtkat ntrer: AIitiEREL-5U bbh.. largo No. 3,:outt. i't A reed and for nala b! JOHN WATT 001. • auµlo rrol BOOKB—Just acrd at the Central Book Etoro, nest door to dlrpreos, Na. lb 1 owl It street. 1111.11.ot:1 . n 11.$. Cl rot...mond sorle.. "l Y.' n', or th+ Ambleultlea. by Stoirtn , , obtrlos, tilt=rora tol the surttrortorto: •,...11U 4 la LI. halts Wltsberalt. the Itootet.ano Ithoet: tho Itooltotder harenam the hut...treed blyeteriett Warta , . Astrology, Dreams: Iletoortr; Ghttatet Speetre.t. rte. atiett J. 1.. READ. ylarge, in bble. toad 17 V. halt barrel+. this a.,,twa: for rah. hr IRVNItt It. thll.t.lbtS, .l . ottr street. ahore g UNEY U l' E.b A_nottier thin y cps ree'J and ; New Arnvale. *-vF ',.: -,...7w,-...- _ i.F . ,:(.!., , N ,1-it*ZgZ,iy. . - . . UfIWIN mini, nw, THOMPSON BELL & CO. Exchange Brokers, Cliff Mule PPUIIU4! Extensive Arrival TO CONTRACTORS. I Central and Ohio Rail Road. ‘, • • IijiItOPOSALS will bo received until tho 10th day of Annan nosh at thiothp of the Chief Engine., it, Zanesville. for the Itradatton and Ito o on-r7' of tort? Una ...clam. of the Alan,rotel.watendlna Soma o us 0 ollletosott, of Canthrblae. to wlt bln about ti 0.1110 nt the Oblo 10000. near Wheeling. Va. The work mow tbe (creator Wont. this tlivielon Is very levtat , Work:ding cameral Tunnels, awl INVO DoOloOl4 o . of hia•unry. lttaot Worming 10 rrosiiro n Per .9 , 11t00 crioweeot to Cho atm!: of (ha Road aro dwlrablat though a favorable consideration will he, wilco to PfOIOO.LO fbOO.COOtorb " trmoTttttlona our be o f nod ot tho newea onkel. godUmpreio, nod 461.0 ot Umbria.. tomi boolOaF. aD and at ter the Zit lust. - 11.0111hVY OteLltharh auktl ' Xnaineti: Central Ohio Rail Road. TILE concluding day for dui roception of MM for Oradlin and alanury or 41 nectionll of thlo g 0 ..1...in0ia. from a point 6 miles tut or tb.mbruhr., to wsrdn tho 000. liver; will be postponed lip. the lbtht to W. Will lost by which thit berm! liar Mr will also be receive:lira the remainder of tile to Wheeling. embracing MOO If Or II INVLloar..ad rastaug to the •Rgra gm. 40 ay 60 resume. - nbt.for the whole line aa well as by eretlow, for .44 alone. or oath and sloth. Iff . awe - Chia lintlfwei., ( 1 ) 101 .T.E.K-300 bao ilio for onto !SSG LIFII * toursEr7. 42 WAR, MOLASSES it. bY.RUP— too hb.l4. Neu Inks. Nagar: 76 limp: In Alotp..kr ..1.1 by • x.xt.oatinIIALNNETT. • pc,: Oluo 141'^a. toy Rile by • SOO . J. 8. DIAIPMR II I CO. "0" , 4-5 -,,..r,Nttd • i‘l E A L MI/WRAP:3S Oil, VIE OCEAN 'STEATIERS. 1...111 - 13 1./Y . AND 94011 TUX UNIIA: Si`AT):::. rO6. s•rkret. 011.1:1CA. :••lant. 13,,,c0n hLit•PI, ...A, 1, N.... • 1 ~ ~ 17 ‘ i ‘ lltl ':. 4rill . Z.ll()KT4 ' lll l : ' l:l ' ,• 1 1 :111.1 , •1 - A. ............... N 1 %I: 111. A. -1••:;,.. 11-,wn ~..• •• • .•.; ••• . CANA / . .. ... u e w Ama':el h/./1.1 . a,t0 .... oFN kllTrNe4l r 1141.. 1 1 4 V -A. ATIANTI.I, C.h w VtVk..... ..... it Nt, ,111r.raa •O".API J r •• • ' t'k NcV Yu+ •••' ... nun f••[lNe. Turk onlee/ etWele,w pt. , / ruew tea [Las ',All, AetA. imr. New l'nr. . num d11i,,/1. On,. for lhorrt• A .;111 1 blianwu. trom /mune. DAT, In. Yuri( : , . 11 ,7 . 11. a rl w 1h•cf , ig L I,Sr ..... tIATTP,TAWV tr. Wylie. In.: 1/wiwwlelelww.. ' l:l &TAN ' S ' . t1 i g. 4 .4 '5. . Td. l 7;- -A"4 \ 'l 4 Nt zwano, Wt. Ikeiteal ...... ....... NIAII Ant/ durelwrin,tren/ New tnrw Wi "' "WN ' u"c ... ..... • All cesh asel ef , um Tilt CIIE.,CENT Tleer....- Sehertk, 111. . ... ... UNIT CD a_zvo ' Ci. MIMI , - • '‘', roil) mut 111e141:tort.lk, JJ,11,1 C),,I;''Z'CATI/Wt.''177111:46/)...:•Ialioll. for Eava.nall Aau US' Ow), 1//r .... ; AK? NeltY taw), ,k6V11:1. .. • _ Br/um OF Tilt FITZBBIELOI I Kikasirr. Par N< wrek Ak.nial 17.1652. I iki—T heQuOa t c i o oO green-e -odilo he f uud d= o K m t l - ie W d I....Aoiouuki Vwlorie when othor•ie uaiea: I d ttil in .41 the 1110101 a kuall °ner to the . 0 ,, or II die ...Wilt., triute, buyer , . tr , • Iron dire, to five i.or rent ohove thwe ounlotinnit— IV.• forthvo untort. [hot there are triati• ortielee e.i.;01. It It In onY findher than die nen Drirl., ilotn •n Ire r.ive , tio, or. rre ntor• irk,' , think the •eievicue...l,eountry dealer will hod but l`illidthruivhing the reculer oo.rf Dr .3, to what ohbukl be tho tint bond marketbrim Inc paielueikl ‘, (intmott. revicoog the une. l'r lb.. w t , ll a unt ciceni. wr liar. Very little ' 0, 1 , Y• t. a. eto roll,. Lit hoe he , n quhe mutt wet natir: , no aka.,Od ,ha, ye Iwanotatio. from oar wrokly irAe. Th...net4her.for flko moot Pitt Las to , ren c.,,r nod dry, but ndlito tho last too dain hot rain. TEI rivet' ha • been'nearla at , a stand in: 0;0. with tlO :..1 - Ikbri ati! It inch 4rod.— Ihr yoreint. rat!.r. low 1n.140 hay. Mean Ttri4lght, lot tuna' tire of diq have twen, D pea tf.twarl. and or Alt draught ateamTra bolt bean r Oar Tai . , ..A.l ul filbf . A coot:tape ‘tolls nt condition (h:., low water in rho ink ' , rot .bithurioeeala Writ t.:Mb thow , way nkna. wal,oi0111:\ r„ • ' The operatior• Of the mar et . bPre, been th,, , week, rate, 10 , elog nliutnally onlsnnl t., the rrau'id . hnnr ronnutoolion , titroefons Vi . rj brae,. onoralne, ta,ran, locrtat , Inet. w.lh if a l hoot, twit Lay • 101;. tii,h; 0 cot 01iv: . 3 Vt o '.er It at\tite fullonftoi pmt.tb or einiiT boa.: n'ea ,, a ) fi s ra a. they, wrilird on the to. • tr.' • and sfartori\ I ion be, $7, and two or y•acknc.t. ot+ by the bblalarerotted 051:$1.1.).• 100. , It 1 ..r.nt l. ..n, noaavr• an s iu 1a...t wg...k. The ta ,doa ~ n e..la ,1.. .. which e,*o 1..",:- luct' . It, t o f a . C.r at ~.., , 14:1 , 1 , . at.1;..4,.. on tie ha, 1)..00 tf i linnt..l ...steal .1 PV01..1. 5,i1194c.: faloratus :4 ,-..i..,1 ~..011an to , t. daical, talk:a. 16 - .11u , k4. 1 .rat.rf .n 1.1... Itiollllo o 't ' , tr.p 11 g f the matt..4, th. rt., A1.0,-00. hnTo nl. atierattor al . tba t...,141 - cir-nn't Wes 1 \am. nlln. la tt.talti y arta .1..,... \ .k1A. , 110 , 1.-: , ..1e. Iri.,ifrolt,l ut.....:1e ii ,I. .'.t . t.coN-Tb.• ral•-• , N..a).. Its. not non Fr lolly t ' I r ,:t1:4,1.1+L a. 1... owing; ‘1, ‘ , 1.t. mat' lu.'d fr -1- .4 , 0 11 1 ni,...\,..g, .. It we me., 44400 . lot' ter ImpioretcOat t ..,,, Vie tr. • the ,011060 F t, , . 1 dr inn the :ea t . 110'4DL,!e, Al 01101):0. 12 ,1 IDs Is uskrs at fg.l2W,:, ..1 . 1.5 ~.. .1.0.11:ar. at Sl4 O Cal 10.0 .!.; pkain tug.. ent. ,l ha* , .t 110411)00'9 Co. ullsls...hgat l . 4a.at 9,7090 Da barna at 10...• : Siy%ft,..autat3d , r• at , i, ‘..l* 01 111.1 , ..51 foe thaul \ ~t.., , It - , Oviino, MY. 11, il4 N,11,4 0 r^.ll 01.1. °war 1 con.l i1,4114,e )..; 341. , .. a. Itral a .A n rCV4, isoo 0..1100 1.0. at . 57,4; t, , , ,AM 0. F 1.1•4 AO . E4V,t 1 .1 rhouhle” It "4c:. ..:...s , bs o,•l3,,rwa! , ured hiral . 1/0 100011.1 tide. at, 'a, 1:, ~, ,N . Ar..1, - . at . U... 1. , ..;!.:tk1ha teat , nl. ar . , I ~ ., . .....1A11,..in,. /IL 1 0 , IC, 100 ,liota!grea at oc. WOO 0.. g 300 -1.a.1 to`ri, atcll!4., ...I t r.,-keAttovldera at We: , cI !. 01, : r r,n`l:l A . 1 . \ , I‘ l .OOMYt!. -.le , nt\•2.), /a Bcp ni Forge.4 s 7 1: , tan. halm, ot ...e , k 4 hitti; /47. /ant. 001.1 at 5 ., .."e '''',• 1 I . rril:1:- Itutiar ci.W.04 , ... :LI come funno,l, •,ery 9010. , 1 1-•••., 11'.. not,. r..i,f 1. , k0.;. at 111,1 e. nittl,...\.: 00th 1 , .-. 1: '. 1 .. "P l'ia.t. and 1.; Er, la- bat'aa worth 12', 1 413.. ? 0, t atn but loanLkA, ,1. 114 AN-We bar- no 4174 a4l BEIOOI4III to n•nort.\ll:a • .. aotod t.tang 1.10:' , ....1.1h" .h. -1 . \ ' ..1 ...14.:Iil-ia el V.,0 .1 ii.ril,;,ar lairk ••,...5 • 1 , 100 0 .. ‘ 11.00 . 1., ..., / -au • .1 At S'd 10 Wag kV il'ON 0.1.1:Nr.—The1 , : 1 00,:,.i.;• , ,. a Gras.,.t..llissaft,hk, t a 0,10..0 into, Li lii.c.ll '4l ..iii I. t' ,,, :. it u Z u 0)) , to hai ty..,(2 13141.1 1 Tfiti. py...e.r., '',N call. 14 \ , 1 1 . .,... ~ . ;"4,t.5.,r.,.1t,.....`%..........te tkr,' H ir.I.:::::.:;17.r.:::Ilk . .ni ...... --. • :.1.:: , :: pi; % t.:72.:t :: ...... ...... ....... z . 2 -,, t.keraptt tnalligb.tv.locl, ll, 'll - Cori:dot Yarta-..... ~Z.L. .. • 3 .Z.V . .... .... - ---. • ''''' That.h rtlinc . .I'.7. *** .T , . '• .• 41 ..... : ............ .04, .• !fatting. No . iltilil4ll . . •• a.llOOO. -lc, t 0. ., an alterntionF 1.. notic.A4.ot thio 71:0 I,.ilan in., i. , Ita.trect 10..4 nrie., ...., ..... .-......;fAti... ? . ... 4 2ar. , i , :!oe. Mc " \ ,'ll CLI[GXLINcs. ar.tl la.. 7 n.. 111. R.N. IM dn ,Vtd. b." •• .. . . Caching Yarn. 00 trrigt Ca)l7l7Atlf7—Tlit tolluming in a list of prime a,' v article at corlarts Manatuivrad at ths Cyan 31ille ) Cotton 17• Te, ta‘aln. upward, to ..... cents. • Cu da tlelnv t a In. dn. C•niali des " Seib letnin ...... nt ti Tains 1.5 hot 1... per b.' ri1ht.T.1):177 , --Tas rein). Ilminer.and Anchor )) • ars isllina glair make of brown ettreinas. o.os ma at 7 hi fur Na. ). an-17Si , for nonatnah. t!AlthelT t7l.lA(if nianniacturad carper ,elun;tie ems an litog Siam the mills at 1:30 a 5, for color.'.). ant 11,) tor Thr retreat Cachet Main , mania. , tar.•l-at the Nan, and no the Banner tails. Arc ehlrmliA• Slot lull; equal, It not eunsiCni to eastern roartufaature. t'!IEFCAI7—The arrty h7tbeete harm !Teri moderate. s oti47lnaihat.re. with Fere 10) bit. e• sa c tthAT WesterlTltAcric at me 7..4x 'a Th. '• elt-teliklith-stur niannfactorirs continuo to do'a lash lairceen. Ah ra.tw of nil th,ycenmelir. at the following 0 kart [Ter try , la Lunt.- . ratter '• " ... 'lrrnentle •i • •, •\ 'user tirsekere, V pauntl.„— IXtun—Wo n.,11: rate , GlOdearti at I•4lBXeltdexto with, . 1.11 Cleaned ' , I, ,iiii—s,dea jean; the week 1 :re boon very moil er l e. \Vire te the 3.'„ht nr. lin,. 400 we harp no very 1 10 0 , , r • af,change • x entice In puotat:rna The 1.. , ..• en, W deenley the 10th irri,it b: Idly at 113,15 2S at Site/Ci for a. f. xed V e tt for 1,14 a. tin Thera ley --inn hhla at the nv, r at 73. 120 at V.:it. - .41. 10 et 72:2142:5 1 . DO , lble at 13 .2. 41.2X;end 12 bills rota flout at 11 . 1.,31 04 I et. On Fiial-5i 6610 st 113.25; 113bbla at 113.2", IS at ide12013,241001 13: hide oeur tluer et SITS 21 latd. On Satentay-121 elate extra at 13,534 15 DWI at 52,2211113,27 , Ord ro till. et r,O 00 bil• iin Meads'. tbrre 'tr. no et 5,0 al., rod xxx•ze\urntly no tetra from next Lancia. The rat, from atomi s e the, el-ea: or tOo ensa b,b. ~,,a . " 0 4 . - 37055..43 t•r a f, N... 4 1:3 Geottil.e2 for extra, by dray load la. lo N FLOUIL—Wit Mvo ro arbor worth] . co ropert— Pri r e are an •nether \nemmeal. , 1 . 115}1-154 notino a \contitutol Oruiorrs in the market, wit a folr bu , l Delo dolou ot Ito , folloOlno rrto,s —herge 10... .5 FrOtk Iknrol Eike. auswit sto $7,1,05 No.::110.64.00 4 1 No . I or SW NIA). herring !di shad 14/..‘exleeo SIS, and Is, (tont at OV. OV s I•ildTlittitE—The moo V ')0 in lilliii..4 lu, IA dir." b , \ x , , 1.111/116-110 , following e , under tixe yrewent s ruling once* under this lacial: Fialetne, new Ewen Tr 1500 --\,..,• \ 1 1 1 . 50 ds old du X .. 2,15 Aterinie 31 • lk ' ......,......-.... , 11130 , . :Ado Onlrocto •• - t ', VOi'W , W., ru x• I,llmi yule IS euebel- ...1).'4 Lemon/11i ton ' Dot, • • ilndiFtard—Tte market rTntineu7 litmopnd priers Y.-0y We noir rake 0103 lands Orleans ragas In lets ma inflow , . —2O 1 'lna St Se; 4 do at4'l, rriabi • .o do • st ~,,,,,,„ b so et ex, 2 do al 2.1.(r, r ood 11 do 'of 6 . 40, ,VI IN 31.slaa:r. he. :veil clued quiet, with \ Woo of trl Mao .1 31100, 1 mar the, end i f•oriena ether renal! 10 1 4 •1•36(4 ie., 71 gallon. for Ur! , was aul 13013. bk Celina fez ettwo 1 I atm , oreord'to 00 000'110. \ \ I ORAN—N.IOIIone! mrnxeml. hes tt &repined'. the rani? meat. t 'Mee loot week, ,mint. 1000)011 bren`very light. Oita 15eve been rather on the daTilno, with nata In lots ori me 910 tolobrlo at 321,11,11 r 04 burhel.l2, hew about 1.1• e re, b‘fronl atere. Wheel. continuen In elead • reiterft for etlll pr, at 021411241.7ne ii, turbo!. Nye et 45a. 3 aro .t 46.. t Ilorley le nomlnei at anent 4111430e211b 0 . \ ,„ II 0 11 - o elra at tlia trait. if 65 1,040 or *flow u- 33 tool_ , at teloblit 13 a. n". 111011,20; 16 at 1701712. and 13 loots itt*5,31:1,412 V: tXn, 0 Mat :11000 0 , 2110 0001 00.• 131.0) ' , rico iieit peek., _ _, IRON oop,NAILN-10e rutloin • %Olaf Pr... 0 . ‘' .o 'i • `prop itnotpataTilrire: \ (lir —Vint 1,,. —....2;411t ! d in g , '''•. irt ...,......................-•...... 1 ,1, 1 i t. at.a—q0—t000W,;17i.....:::.:::::.i.i1ija7,...,,7! Es 'i, t' i 1 ' 4'177 .' . . .:r. .•... .. . 402 ... . • ire tr::::::::::=:::.: Xba Netted-4441 'to 4 -)11ach........- . • .... ••••• .„.„ '' , Ont. 6tO ri a0h..... ...... --... ...was... ~l ' I . • en , a Itoa B e fie ad, The at.l*Pe , ett.."'''''' uk"' t a at Bcatth. for ris \ LrAli,4imall male} ha S ‘ranlT rt , • • fled 3•01 , i ,' 1 ‘,,% , .a ° V 4r , 4 0 . ..., ‘ 1 - ba r e eir, rum tit Tatra are 91,23 for lie 1, ooa It.; aOr P.r . , , ~, . Ith 1 1:1311111:11,-1 h. market is binplic owe, 41 for 0 ,„, ~.•.. with s,erintar Was trona lbw ywrsw 4 otroatork eni 11.1 . 4 fOr OW. frit** at ILo iondloon Am rofortort or, '0 for etioroorn. ord 010401 11 fizektoo , LAU OAWe hare be 00 ard or no oto , worth . rePorNoo ,WelutaT 0 4. .. 4° ,.' "''' r 84,11°":‘4'tcot.' U. melt i 02 !wolf roO•so're VA .1111.1,119_10 I , 0 1 01100 00 sae* b e If about the mlint; Market • rine, i PIG SIET Age-Caadd ewbtorde br i N ii g, r t rri r it e a w lo 004(4 n 0 ~b,nd fell piked reesor i, I r .. fibeing lottainced tom this markt; e ft to ant.hrt_ „le, .ololfromo norieno. tootorsterfkw ~ 14... of uhirbo ~,,t, 0 sale of 115 p eons itt alb Market at $Z 01, too. ia 300050100tte11 , w ,1 00 Abe.teutt,'Lan..,:tivt 00.4 $ll to lOU. 41010 of 14 tow.l.:Ak Lhiko rannl .C\USeni.": * w 3' \ ' Oti .... '-• , .: ,' - ',.., .. ''' ...2.. 1..../.'.:,,-‘k:,'''..,::'''CY''''''''"•'4,',..,.*l''''.''''l 5. 1 . e ,,,,,,N, , , ,- • ;• - h ,' • • r:;.. - 0113 , 7; ,- .1.;S . 4_,t'it',A.•-•t• -., : :: :;,•?:: . .W .: •••_•..,7,:,•., : :.' ...N . T.,• : „- - ; , :... -....-. ,-r.-- ca. Of flatyung Noce b. b. sole* 2Zo taut ai• reaction from tint bends .t NZflebOrniNs:, 'bide nu* ratal at ti7l tau. The beuttt a fllf bare r (uPINi••• RAG; —we, notice • conbnien etaeAly demand at OK. saih. SALT—tartber taint at t 15 ., vatic , o' bee is lute at Lb!. Axle of 11 bbililO,..l at Iko. Lard ail cells at faAtir No 1. awl 7b far • rttA 200 bonet les lot: :,„ic east, and te ou „, • , N ~ . ty It is K EV—PricA bar., hr ... 4 1..incr our /.."...."th t. 1.4.00 b 1,14 to lola at 19(4173. V gek. , . ' t'• , . a 100 t''''' ,v•Ufi.-11. •'...., tVINDOW iiimi-4—' Aro IhA , toll estpc off ILr cS.,V ireik 1:•,i111.6 hitiLKETS. „ \ A ta.zunaa r. Attattst Ill'i 186 E. \ flee N r..—Thvto were About :150 head 14 bii7s eg , ..er , f et fhe yard U, L. ertli. were pri net osliroold. f t 1 U. , .1:/.11;VI V.O. lire fright. ~ , n•ext, .a.— AVY 1..)1.!n0...,x, krt...l were. A/hi At itWen s 14.69 kr 6 lintp , and sl4l.l;4:fie ir at,, ' • 4 lilF." Vla.: ~Il •nd l' t. we 1,1,216 n-portable al. 4 . .. , ' 11,litingt Aug. 13.18.52- \ 14:i 4(2, Arna.- , —Th era. were offer ed at tbe, scale* nu 11.114,, COO funuielf bee -u 4, of Which number 460 veto ..14. to net butehen.;' a. :1 , 0 4.lr:ven 1.0 l`htl.deinhig. l'tin,.a mogul fn. p to I=l. the boul....Vuti to 1 " Is . .:S, rut, .11:1 averninny $3,40 Ebel. .Unis—weaunt,, g1.4,7b.316. 4 . ' l iYEL INTELLJ(F i\ AT 'UM VALS AND DE.WiIitUREI ' - , S.- l'as 14ira Ther: , :,...ere I. feetlla I lee. to dia'" bY ..-1e Mll4, at 11 \ tqh. ort elreilng. Inal Whoa Floortr. I„ • onatv 46, . Allakle.karklC)ou. 141 , ,.wiany111. TWA. Ithr Ogle, 11 , ..; \ 1,0, : , . nor; N'Jil Pr. litt .11 lapel il.g. CL rind: G"ldrino+ .1 .13 Uordbo Ira . U '''''' ' ' \ r:=:.°Eis7347sii?,allaiilli, ' \ '‘'DBFAltl,jtll. t 'e ha 9brirer.\llaitry. Whet Newt.. Atlantic. Parlihwa. it.mo'n.U. ,, \ \ Excluiner..l[Linte , \ Wtoil.lag. . t \ RID,. &WNW.. 1111.1 la);. al 1..11e11 , 8011. CineiboatiA o,arion.llllllncet,:Cl4danikl Luuruv, lleanutt;Jrovfpxylll \ --- 110.1.T0 LEAVLDB ThIB DRY. . WU r.r.LEva—Kun...in, I.. , .)uisv3LLB—N.igntoc. \ • \ .. actornevaLLs co‘erc 1.441. \ BROWNSVILLE. 4 4. 4,... sh..l 6'e. I , \ WERT N /MT n N, iA.... 4; 1.: cs d C`V. ML ., D. Leech a Co.'s Expreccraetet tae. Cyr. M Fon Lomovita.r.-The fine light thAtiglit etmr 'l4, wan, OW. Wm. Des, .in Wave suk .6440 . NI day. LOUISVILLE—Tht swift' a_ st.sner itYIiIATOR, ICra DMA will lesee for the whore and inter irelitaihnorts thleility at 4 P i n. • . Fur ireinht I.lla paalawe ac 447 en neer& hUltl•St‘ EDUCATION 'N, TfiEOOLLEGE OF ST. JAMES, ' i Washinp,toneow4y,ltaryland. • . ‘yiIIt'ILEVEDDND JOON D. EIDEFOOT, r. D, !LECTOR. - 16 1 .111, Eleventh Annual Session of tho Col jritfii' liTe:rI n sa. n. ll?-4'24 7 1/?n t :o b o . jigiFlVorge l tht - o,of Utz rt./Wool Evfeeoors. thae .atn Its each year. iLvg, ,,, gri. A 4; t,ct....b7 Droleteoro stot.Lutly 'letting Th. o f n t h , tra de, Dr dUtite tut the L'1T'a,? , T.Tr01i b :p.gt . . ,,,,u 1 ,,, 1tz ,1, :. ,..,7„ 5 r.r. g.. - T -,1 . diegnottoo sot uoutigrotont at the two.lepultuenta UV quite duttthot. but b..tt ate under ttr direct. super , Islay Vol':ft,li.r. 1 : 34° , " '''''''.g" 'n College on Drummer 1 ,, r rooDßsticrib Ute... apply to the Hector. Pollens flt, Jmeshis.-1:eod. , ettolt.dlew2to ------ linni:l4adles Semi n ary O , Allegheny, i.. L lß..und\ mllS. N. W. METCALF Win rip milme , 4eik their Autumn &blob ott Ildrottar. Atin 474em'sfielto.wet!' =a d . riCeVee r. Nee ll eLerolftglisstgisi.%"•l9; :in ; ; how b mat enkr .t toy tlm4 one t t+ rharwel Lull lon from theb. eurrsoca to thee etc-, the ectr.tir of r t, es< tpd Wanes. wi l l be see e"te"°U" to the iu s t non ir " e at c 'e ttli ee .iil t i t t se hTokw. ses ci the P ,it enei eSb n et tarangtwriciabritito woe cts hitrelotorc, which risertw,wwer.tsineti by reftireoce to the circular. or hr tat Attger, !=t ee tr. ib : , e, t rad Cl' • Female Seminary. FTEit a relaxation cif 'a few months, for the forintoromont of 0 , slte. E. W. LOGAN. by 11;f, t 0 yt o p m r nr'nmo nL Congmeeet .E No ; . a l e [.t en l to dthere Onnton If.ohnkon. An tler IteLfesste 1. limited in 0 0 m - Lb.eo ni,hl4¢ to' enter ore roweatfdlly. rolicliod to o; I) eerie. No 1,511 Le teeeircl for • etorter tinnyteas Y.eloc, end no (Intact:Kra .111 be made for ate. non, ..seept In pro trtoln.l tlckteme, Torres of ton , leneion Of fife months —ll2 00 \ Junfor 0ine...5„. N OO Etationary ter'keteon ...... 50 tt l f 11 ' 2: litt ' tViif t aVgg " 05 . . \1]i50:155 steal &no Cominissary.General of Subsistence WA51111201 . 02 August 5, 4 \852. a Q EPARATE PROPO SALS will be rawly 13,eliteihts ram until the 1,4 do of °d011... , nala for too dwilterg of Proelkona In bull, f. the otal 04 the troops a - chap aloof ststso, umn Iranaetlone as Iblharo — At \N•O4e. Orleans Barracks, Louisiana. \ - , ,2, ',1,,,11-; of la . waterloo. flour. ' , , , 14 tattele• el new w rol to geld Leone.. Fog poundworke.d bard soap. Pen p•unds of pool hod rearm canal..' 1 14 lowans Al gad than dry tine EFII, ':'w stall , mo et nowd elder vinegar: . • At Asian Rouge Barracks, :Louisiana. \ ca barrel. ire Tara:. ' ' \ • . \ Ila panels of troth ?pronto , ' flour, \ \ IS bushel's atm. 'state told Omni: a slf• impede of good hard war. , \SO rounds of good ball spay. candles \ '' 4 ' :erl en'slir.:l=2lrTgir, '''" ' \ \ - At rey Weft, Florida. , s '4 I 'la r' nels foLlhlarfinedralr. s \ I ss signets now ' ohne geld Leone , 510.1. 0 1..1. kood 1 . 1 " soap. 1. . ' \ l d rte ' llt d l o n "nr.i.tr