j a-,a ' 4, . f,' :1417:01g... :4"l' T f 1 =OM : .1,.; Ji. Great Sale' of Dry Goods! • . • . ' A. A. MASON a Co. • WILL comtottleo their Tenth Great Semi- Aouval hale of their *nitre Wirt, on Tutuila,, ' - July dth, at Now. =and N. Martel. street . ' • • • .no this eswsaloo, tidal. Wholenalo linorres will ha ore o . • . to Bondi Trade. anal their nanuoie stock, recently per • , , .2sesad of Manolbetarsui. 'common, aral large *lntr. salon, at a gloat Patti, bal. from mat. will all tie warted . .loww. and .1,1 at 'Oily taw third ie.a than usual rates. irs -.; , :.•.. , ....1:;0. , .....e•.- . • . . • • .. .. . • .4,. l'- . Au.-A , :-' ,l re"A`': ,, l. , •. ' .- Stooks For Sale. • " 1. :" ..7. :* .... , 1 , ."••• ... 1.8 811AILES Ohio & Penna. Rail Itxid: 2 do ' Marino 'Railway: .••' ' ..".":4• •• • • ••' •-; i - '-•- - • - Al' • do , let Alining (Amount - . ..• . 4.1.1•;A.2' , !...ia11'• • : - • 00 do - Norwiett 14'.!:4';''':4...' A. WILK INd A Oa, 24 Fourth at, iO2 . ' Klock and Y.aohanita Brokers. AAR::a.A.ltit,ii" . P2 , " ~ ;ri•6 4 .'nf.4lte:Asii;:. ••• . - it UItGUNDY• PITCLI-500 lbs. iMande., • V . .... . _ -- I) a vary hoe talkie.: tar tato br : -, ' , :l'tttii....ftr !. - . Ira J. KIM, A C.). iit'7 : "; , :ht.' ,', 1 .: 4 '~tiil4, •-••' _._ ~:-.:".;M, . ;.:zi:•:...: f , r -' - ' • 4 ' 41,j_ and Gar wale bY R. UtILZELL A CO.. ' ' ' .Ittj TA Liborty Creel Q A LERATUS--ConstantJy on hand in by, I;.4 • :. :;:: 4 4 Y 'A:I r .:: - -.— 1..3 ..I.lbble; star tnr 1...1. law. br , i , -:•."...1';;;41:- . ...r4 ' .: '.... rrl . ‘. . It. 1ML. &CO ---- 1 ; '. l .! - 1 ., . . . . . .. ---. " lilicr .IEIII3IC. . •.:.,11:',:: , .,: ; .:':47:',!::: :. VAREWELIi my Lilly Door: a new tidllli tic,(:;2a.i,:;• ..:.-: yr by roster. .....-.::::'•',"/- 'i . .:.1". , • • • riII ' S'ITI T U at lionis: • Rainbow orhottls-h: I' V :I';' . .:'' . : d :. • . . . A knot. that toy liodreertes . Lhoth: ... -noir al Arno, i• ' • ,', • '•. ‘,.• - • ; Lind and Catharine Ilayr: A . 1....:: ;;:' . ,p.2. - ..,. -..., . . , rum. rebound.: •; Lorgnette Polka! IV,!: :: : "; " ‘ : - •!",:5 . ... - - -' ;•.".' Jim:a/cement tilladtillts: ~ . . • , . ' Attaches.- linachillsa; ‘ •S'. : 4' ik' ''' ' 'h •'• • - • , , : , i: . . 1 .....,' lt '.. -ts ' . I, Pearl Po tlana 1441 1a tts; . . - hint Polka: I ir4. ! : ' ..A . ; - ' -:? . '''.'•. •."-• '" . . reatlsco's rolla:s,. _ . tharland Rota , .27. - ',.. •• , ~,',-,,• . , ,-- ~ . Nuhdln =on br r. u ',men Ratty Larliur. a tow and bsatiUtti Ito. ' , ..X.,•: • .' , ,' • :! , '„,afill ; : . - Padlng Moors: A ,, ilA. .. . •' . :;r 1 r 1 :721/2iitri_ . .' ' • • . . I Vial thou weft not noire ' -*, : •• • • k s 'lill';' ; ":%I l. - . . itilly Urine.: ' 47;;,.4:0:14.! •. ;, ~. .. 1 . ' 14 =illit Quirkstro: Just mewl tn.. SUM, ' Yll ii ;*.ki,,..:lip ~: .; , . . ~....z ma .,; . l . ~....; rib.. waltz, vanatlo7s. An, to, jb ... i,1 ; ,. ' 11 ' i1n;...... ' '...:. • • nano wlthol ' ara ;17ateZ t ra u ttrt Tr . glii ' Ztli:lnlit ' s ' s....gsn ' ' ' variety of etudes masts-prico. bits. • • . . lulIN II - AIRLIANI. 1 7aal Wood stnet. '' . 4ll( t i- t 7 t; ''''• . • • I 7 .nie et` t. nog,: tinnier 1k MURPHY. _ 1 A .....m ~- .. . . , LACK SILK L — ACES--A. -A. .11InAos. & 1 ~, h,t_;?,; - r. ~..... ,A:. ' . . Rea. will open, Inthr, a largo It ...ortment Blasi, flik i 44. [ li! ;'); A: 1: .% i• :. ' ' .4 . : . • " • - 1 . 44 , ---.. ' - 'i w ...,41... 00L--Tho highest 'price. in C. 21411, i.aid for all the dllionintwrades or Inn wasbs4 RI,. * . i .. . , . ...4ir - : '.- - . WS . it. bblt. fro Mu Libirrtr ar. ..th• -, `A 'r 1 4 . ' ; • • ...;; ',.. !41) . : ;; k ; •W 4.4.111.. ; 1 ' "' L '' ' .1::: .; !(•.;. ,,, , -. Y;. - . '' l` :. '• * ' - ; b:1.:; ;, ..;;;5,,..,:;,.r5:i:.;,4 1 . r .,-. .! . .:11. 1, .. :1-1. ;::' .• • 4,.., 4...4 • icv 4. , 4 t iwl.i.' 1 ',!g7' •, 1 1 1 41 •,•,,-41 - "?1:4•[ iv,S7NS,"Y% • *: " • • s :4•J •• •.•rl, • . • ~14' . ~... '-.~f.~k~ , ; •,; 4 t",V:I 'tip` `~l , ~~'i',~ :, '.., le ...y,:. 2 .. .. ! 4 ,::.. 4* 4i . : .: ,t ,. ...4 1 ; ' 7 :':-. 1 ''' . ' • t v. _ . I _.,.. •r :,.. _::!,.. ... . ii At.T - - 4 ''' ' .": ::k : -•-- 4.-..1.,. 1. ... • .. l':. • ..i. 4 :~,,~ ,v'.w t =BEE - RAILWATV EiracAxp.— From. the annual statement of the Railway Department of the Bestial board of Trade, it appears that the in 'crease In the lines of railway during 1861 we. not no great as in any one of the preceding `- ears mince 1844. The numinsum increase west lilB4B, when 1,182 miles were added to the preexisting lines. biliCe 1848 the increase has been diminishing. Only 269 were added in 1851. . extent of railway •commtudostion open for traria ha Orest Britain Mid Ireland; at the °lore oflB6l, was 6,890 tsllei. , The number of employed on railways In Enelantron . the 20th of June, 1851, eras only 106,501, being .197,226 less than et a oorresponding period in - .1847. The capital the completes, raised by shares sad loans, at the end of 1861, amounted to $240,270,746. A GREAT naaimt.—gxdskt's . celebrated steam dent, fot all Ole' oneratione of rock ekes esting--s powerfaL machine, - which boo been in - wits in Maseachneette Ind other Eastern States for tee het tines yeStll—bis, we are nitifilled '' to state, just betnintrodaced Into Penneylvewila The it: m drill Ira tried this week for the first time, on our ale" - rock at Hurley's ledge, in Um di* tof West Philadelphia. ' This. ledge is situated directly estate Centrel ItailroiAociar "the bank of the, Behwylklll, a abort distance north west of the wire bridge. The bit - nines, of thoracic' It oulculit id to put the machine to the e eeeeee t 'eels. Ite duly nparations which have '.lieen witnesaed by in large number Of Interested spectators, have so far, been attended with the 111011 i trithaut enocett... - -The es amenity made at the Haley ladgo, here demonstrated the ability of thecciachine to drill to the depth of upwards of twelve inches in tin hour, through the hardest formations—truly great performance. An examination a the ',team drill; show" it to be o perfectly eimile piece of machiner); while the consumption of foetid driving remarkably economiouli— ..kiraxtrecaiika ti■errcn Olt Beers —A short time ago there lath exhibited ie Parte, in a or. ist'e shop On the Boulevard des Babette, several 1080 trees upte which weep grafted a few straw berry plaute. Tflie curiosity attracted much attention from the passersby. The Teeiest° by which it was effected was as follow,: In Rummel a few dog-reset ;of good sorts, en 'bete cwn roots, are selected and planted to pin al the alma lira° a well -rooted strawberry - IS placed with each rose, plantedlest beneath Ito stem of the rose- In epilog, when the mimeos push out, two or three of them are tied opts the stem of the rose. It id well known tbrt the ranners of the strawberries soon make the, own roots, and in doe time these roote.aro , rat away, mak• tag the cute 19 for a scion, sod then they are grafted rat the rote. stem "'wheat outtiog or tearing the runners from the patent ttant in the ground." They should be ;Tattered very care folly, to.lead the Sap upward to rho 001000, and, treated in this way, the strawberries will 'toe tote upon the raid tree for eoma time. I AWNS—Now opening at A. A. Mast.n a ♦ Cris, E. twee fa/ orauaal lambi. at S sat lne j aw ricT VU SK%—t.,k) °kn. tor sale by jrn J.I. DII.WOWNI 13 , MOSQUITO A R--1 bnvc un hand a large rloci or ). 1 m.1. 1 t0 r cr semie DP rn , beda mad& Or Order" vrnapli, WILLIAM ?VIII& higheet.prior, iu caeh, paid for WoJI, • in' _..... i _I IT:91 11. LIIK. VEM, & CALLOW , Third et.rect, ..ppoe•UP. Ilb The POrt rfil•ll4 hi.. ...e.l .. uo Pory nettle • Irratlor on tbe Inorainu an! ?la tuoutunt orlunnertle Yawl, by Or. 110111-il. • 1110 Pop., Tot, Tbaumod. Prlthbwalt'u Itotroopect.A, le.ht., TOBACCO- 4 bl km, (ledge 'N Urn . lic. ti • Pond: kr rallely : 117 101 1 Ileull.lIt• Wilt 1 6 20AP-100 bie Cincinnati,in sto-e,for sal bZ by 1.29? 51,414 LS • RIM. IPEATLIERST,,L INSENU -21 sack ..thalllter. 18 .• 0011WrIn no. [VIM &leActe. T•in CRT: (r fsl4 by • •• ' Sew_ Books. • —• rtiIIOMPSON'S Detector for July; ttld ht.. Paolo. by W. 'lyrist. Aianrintli: nob enmity of F:eitzwe, 0r.k1.11.11a Vele, by la re. Lee nets. With • rsiiety of Batten, Litersr y pa., t rec'J 01 ILIUM • till.WW'S, N0.747'11111 ot.. 140 the /tot tiftob. n ONNETS, BONNETS--A. A. 51t000, it Coen. ekolo• oot their lam. ot carefully otorit of flirting Ito• Foto/tier thitio.O• enottly rotor... prices , bap prime Rio , ron baled N.../ and to WIT... rer,sale hy - Joaa +1(1/11.9t a ,y/K. , 40 BORELS iarge-No. maokerel,_ ' eo de. Phomtlm alalasam • 00 bates It tatlo.p la star.. nd for p.a.. 141 11. BLACKIIWIN 1,/. ',PUN/MS-25 tons Juniata Nu 1, a sup, tier article, ter rale br AWNS, LAWNS- - Aj 1 ewe iost colored b UMW. ht 1:1% gate; 1 wood .do 10 do. tz laud du N do. Jan need and tor male by A. MASON atm. .20 . oaf el Id orket K. (2 AL SODA--10 casks, very o dry, for eale b,.. • firm ... __.. J. IM P b CO. Uelatioe .Capeules of .pure Oopalbs IglO,nL4 CubebY JUN Coe O'.—lb yy.. for ebh , by I Habl J. NI VII • O. A i INSENU & YEATUERS -10 wicks tils.ntr. Clochn;stl. for i qi; . by r"th'"°. ftom .‘" _1.1? tri a Y S U Liu:m{lr 1 00. TNUERIVOOIYB PICKLES— e thoidno to nollon. half n*ll.. onon and idea rod; Mle.d Mentes 'I • Iloodilly • 'I 11 Walnuts' In Tann . ..Ann_ , Wank/were . • - • °Wow Kea wbar, • " Those Plotow-we road** dlrrat &o the c*l*l./...3 bowie or Wm. Underwood-* liostoo. cod we sr* row WWI to 1011 thorn an knr. Or the down,o. the nun* .11 tn"' UlLat.P. Pirtle* and rine*.•W. A:AM:WHO vu_ No. :So letort,*l I* BOOKS-4 oat received itt the thin • vas hoot Rote . Vol. Lalearthee'e ltoetorbUeu hr luberrNY burn - ore. Ohm Pours Thieriot by • Jamb Abbott. lelle &al Lettere br Niebuhr. OCUS•i*POSTii-A lot rpo'd on conaign 1- 12-7"'" " ake.touLrAo. 11110 Flag PROOF PAINT-10tonn ut thiA uluabl• Pmlut +.l fr.!. b i l• J. 1 . 1 LLI PS. 4144' . , • :14 LILAJUIt- ; - 2110 bbla, Estri W 6 cat.olllo; 100 " • "Dlakersoo'4".pd 40 " Sums% •! awl ratty: 700 " • - Puedry •brao4ls an.; fora and lm 1311.1.1. t .6111..1111 . 1, Wat.r stmt. ' 11E1.00M-1W extra Corn, for vale bi . • , IJKNILY U.OULL Chelp. T DAVISON& AGNEW'S, G 5 hlnrketst, Allameman and l'arelcsi lat , or sod Ponlaen. wt.r of &AIM./ far fichools c tzr. Iderebssti and EN:a lt 14..1'4' 000M sad Burt Drawls, r ietTtli Pasts, Cray,* ,and Chadt maths. Se.,•st aura - • • • 1.15 4.IPANISU bbls.iu store, tU 'by a& by J. EIDD • eta, - iota a • , • so wool LILACS. LAWNS & , lIEREGES-40 pan. Nur iatt troairad at lab ' , A. L. ItAMON t 4:10; -„ &MS, Sugir Cured, for gala by . hal • -A. I. J. woo 15131 s: toss: Mr stmr.llsySaver for Ws by latlAa VICILIT a 00. OD; WVSS 011:-460fl tt lot from asaationak4 • I.IOUSF,S. FARMS, Sc VALUABLE FARM, cantaining' .120 error. orteurit.d . ln Baldwin tolrerhlp. Alfewheuy odotr.ll.4i nun trona the city. on the Brownerille road. ant t o rlankreod from hero to Failey 1 . 000...1011 rofrn ItuMedlately. Title ludisputala. For furttow rartiewlars. apply to • J.* B. 11.0 . 01). Pittsburgh. THE three ntory_brick Store, in RavenE as. Porter. timely. Ohio. built by Mr. henna heat. end now creupte4 by F. •-t it. A. tlitlett The bundles or brick, with free enter, over. In (rept, :Id by 05 Mot, 3 Mertens with Garret nod tSallar.liateheli throughout. •Ith • rarer, hall. hr. Alio, a brick tenet MM. Louse, attached to . the s, So by- GU. two `t°rl•n h"gbi with e dry other medey (bewhole buthltod. A lirse poflina of reamsrebssp money ran remain OD tinvqt....• tor ...vend For further intermation. on re of arrive L. , z i roltt. , EA, on the et ream. of Fir. Jho. d n ,or of DESIRABLE locution rot a Saddler, in th•thrifloglowo of mover, Volutotlane Coooti haoo , rbe.trahlimrs MA metal.. were ereeteJ for the aPreoe VMS.* of corrylog the 504.11 e Sod Harm. numunam, wri szceiiro on t Lando,. hoe boo done lq Mat Itor. Fot forth.lnformation. apply toJoeeph ltett the il.. T. 11.-1 f ant cold bet ro 1, ne 33 Wool 'Wet. Vb, eboteh: te ols, ,o 0 ei et Po ., W. prte lo that ion that dah & y be di d mm ed hlio 113,4 proluiza POSSESSION riven July let—A. three t o Brick Ihrcllng Barn, OP triley near Pa enntainiag roun.l.Lirtz. ...Ant finish.a.. In the very beet 1n0.1..rn style, barink Gan iturnenand 1.1.41•Iall use principal mom, and • ye., ronr..ni..a. Bath rimat—lt 11. non urcupi..l by tt,.. L . • 0.1.1111ng and LaikeettemnoLcY. JOIIN 11ATT a Co_ N exenllent brick Dwelling, situated it llaxel Thi 41! Vt ' imt, , - ,Da.. w atlill. c,t;zl.• o e bet. in good geNar. sod Inestel to ta:puierl, aul oue uf the 0100. r;smar.t part. cd the nit; . ern. Dhquim It. preml.ee ..Ir jellat .1 A3l D. REID. " For Sale. •InIE residence of the undersigned, v."l. Vuzot Lo; .1301.1nc, nu Polo I tn.., b, ja tyre,/ liar awl Matburr t.rms,.ro, loth, sut vriber I , 9Pr 11.11KILIME, A VALUABLE FARM FUR SALE-Sit. Ig t , ewlelVer Creel, tiftrou mllee bel.w Letttroy Car. .4 SINSr throe quarter. Mom Ile Italtruml. ,, mtsinluc ten,. as • [Lich la rich to. Win laud. well adept.d to g.r..wing or •gr , oUltUral Cur p“aerc. The b.alacco le trot.. v.. 1 r.tuared, end well tanberml:hug • young orchard of about t twiny trees It 1e well watered. It Lan • email luw.euu it mud mat 01.1. rasay pu, up • rew...n- 1,32 It 11. expec..-1 .1610 • ra.:lrt.lit•iton hour. well 1. put up within half 1.411 e from It For tern.. 101)11m. r , ililr:Trs ',onto. lov,r Vatrirke Friend', Ilantion Houle* I ~10 No. 123. corner mud awl Firth s Valuable Tract of Coal Land For Sale. Property lies in Pool No. 3, opposite i:ity. Vies .ho,, Illp.hunth!lt •u.i.tainntw. , Vein. .A C.. 11. .r.or FIVE. Mr other PI X 'TAT in 1. , pi b. .In. of Loa evince Tb Ile-tbeln 1b.., over M. tiv, r.ctlrr • rnl roma tinn.r.....ry. the boinr, raRITP)rli Ahor ..beite Inr., ti.. oil to the bold. The yrni..rty Ironic.. 11.. river nt ^. tb ••trr is trod at. .11 ewor , il4. The tr•ct eutt•lvie *two . ..WM! err., am! uEI ro .1 tn... 1.0.1. to rui put. roper!, .111 nntLl 1,..ut on r. Juumt.4. ltrue, mut i.r.-orttir s. ram 0,,,(10..it fora soli Crul invitrd . n unlot it: loquite et • J. ai '310111(1b11,1, . - . • . . . .t 1.2 Att,nae, Ist I.sw. No. 41 brazil it. Fourth Street Property For Sale. F IIIE sullectibrr offer, 1"r bale, on very socototondotior ,rsa....ittki. sou or tvt hi. boo - ~ , situaintl on thy nottlawati Fr..lrth wt th+ eorcer of Cherry All,. .112, al..sch 21111. to noot. hf 11.)ft devp, to an al re :1111- sit.. Th.. bow. `of brick, the+ rtoro. big!, with tiv.to , nt. and U. an eligible location fe , i rvwt.te. CI. 01 prottw.locial For forthwr pe.rtleobaw..l3l4.! to 11(t,'21.4 LIPMAN II All,hone City -10 4.11. 2111.01.0 NILKINO. 1411111 ° lal Voarth Aro., Heal oa for Sale. 1111. Ell Leta, (lying together,) ,raelt (mt. oo Mitlo greet. kr the 110:nuch nr end" , berm Alm..on. nth, Lst. 1., 10,10 .41.1 14,00,µ1t, ar L.ra, ltll.ll A C0..1 1,0 Norkft Priro vvr, A”rir DAMP A IRS IN, lnythl ai 111th Desirable, Property for Sate. bubt.crilicr offers for bale, that I.ct.u- L - dial a hiAbly imrroTe4 rror•rtr ter.erlr to gh A. umr.., et. mtuAt...:l n.wr w•ch in th.r. hon.lrod lard. th. 11.41roui o+trot, and About mulway between Lb. Fourth u.sknl.l Rood, which be n1_11.111301, an wbc.l. or In puretrameen. 1.1,3 —for partaruh...ra 1c tlth Labirt, strwt. J.IIN hAYAnn. tart , nditl • Valuable Property For Sale. 'FMB Maneinn Mons •, the late residence c•I 11 - .P.M. Ad..... req.. tritti end =bait scret ot tend, b•multfullt .mural to the moron.. Woo Yittebta... Ynr In, ncul.rit ronnn ry ti cor24.ltt 71 Jutrl.l. • For Bent. temmi DICKEY t. W•.r. ets A ROOM fronting on Water Ht., Second ' FL nrA r•irru~, 61, C 119 Ai., ' 3111(. IN - dring how, .7FT ; Ind to Cla T tr, Is, • ,terlo• two hik y t, I!, • ith • uinc no -15 he h,.11•1 r. In trout Ay. • WHOP, Agri... mrl2 , ol cr rharaal ana toiNd vr.aro. rta: Terraria]. Unoarena. Nharing Toilet. Yank.. barn ra. National rhaving ac.. warratstrd to M a trtpertur artier. For gal.. by It. It. MILLED-3, 57 Wood groat. • it)511;EG ,,. 0 ,4 p prepared ,f.. C , oro,i:oun n u k fiteut i r i e t. d found a hlggy butritioulg, e r ine-41Aciy partt:blo. ;•eTrerby 1•Al , l.. and .rmily phpartil foi . (Able. A freih plr I.Aot r.•••• 1 nd [ ' or •Ale by H. 7:•NEL.L6AS. ,- _Si Wad . trerl. . • . ACO.AI-4,000 shoulders and jowls, tee'd LIP _.at fry gale by HELL 1.10061 T. L 0 1.18-350 bble, Ohio super fresh atrelnht brood', reed And for tale bY • • ilfiLL LIOGA7T. SS. LINI GGER - gores Brown'sor sale by ULAI etal(h)riAfAKlSH CD. lIEESE-200 bid, prime CuitiniTrec'4.l I..)Wis dity end fc , r rale by I ` 6 J. P. CANPIRLtt.„ tr It PH Y: It ICURCIIFIE have k. their third rope), of ni N r e.nne.uhleb .1 I o tounrl Lle black 14.1i.,hhch lurtre: blue nret,,t. Blown an.l figure I 14.ragen Hain blue ll•rcre end TI - I•no. poured Irish Linen... to, • .1-‘t; fle.d (Mintz,' end dart Brown La. fur - 12 Xe. Frobeh I.s•no. •... UST itECEI large . Sbeebi Fl or *7Oil Cloth, of Ise York of the tif.a.fl earl ar. pricer t hlrtutlfu I .4;lp of roteror. which let , oder of, t he IrPerieet hr ngl wet to Out tretteporr...l-on. .r i 4.1.:„ eel! et thn t•rl ItAr 1./ J. /1 P 1111.14 1 .2.. No. LdAVlrt nli —.Mar/rt . /6,7 .Lugo prime Rio, arriving .) and tnr nal. by W. V. WILFON, Jell - 147 Front and 11 , 3 Sono.] tt LACK Lure S6awlH, do. &Tern, Murphy it i. , L r e'd gonydi •nore, Vntl, ACUR SIDES-30m Itoi. just \recea for P onle Ly 1,41 Y.. If AattA Wilt j 0-I ar I N SILEETI NU-10 pre, es travail ty hl 4-ry 1 n'd ,Junt r. at A. eS4 M)N &Q , l A O.LAssEs bbl.. Sug ar Ijouse,,(St 4 ••• , r) PIO rn,Al and r b 7:./IWON . LIT I LEe ery • • Y Mds. Gold.ol Syrup, -11Ithoe.; ~.. ~..i :IllA II DI(IKK`:.,LI.:O , S 4 f! Al 1:--10 4I lb. ree'd for gob hy i .1 T A.l . J. fond& ... ..:‘ , 7 I. bell, rir.,.l. ...._ . W ,\ N e n•h 'TE ll l.) , - ; I i i ) , o,ooir lbs. Wool, for w hi ch s 1. T A,l J. 1 14 0P..N . . -.A' . A A l ( 1 1 - 8 kegs just received for sale 1,) KJ y 1. 1 1. 1 15..,1:1,1.. 5 .". .1.111Nn02: • ' 119 %Ater aln . rrt , i ACK 1:111:1.- 7 :20 }Ads. £lO hr. do. No. iv gl a. r,,,jor t ric . .l ivol , fo-5.141., „„,,,,,,,,,, .., u„,,,,,,,.. I f:b111 - 1114t1: leeyeland I ~.,.01 :,il,liV,il,, w r p: Lifil ES -177 .a. 001. 1 , 11ta , 01 Plircw, , 1.. he , ./: Vullt lain error: •- • :. ft..,%.• , u..,, cuml 11.0 Dirt( 11.. a ', ...., ,10.1. I..pj.u. . In 1mEe .,1131,41, c......0.0411..ra1us A Y..kat Por.ter I PM Sur.erl.7.4l.onelar.olw. ,_..... ~ . .. - 1 . tsease Zn ' ol o I:III:so 1 Almond Snip .. ~..rn. s ur•nd et sans( 101 ex . - / 14 1 ' '' " n'"' r r.III-1LL,....t,, ip A RL 1` . ..fl -1 ,, Lka r., .1 tins day for oat , Al, t ,,,, 04 NI V II • I 01L12.5 a lIIhS FT 1.',.7% I I , - ', Twilit Sc BM"( lit ‘,. ff tell I orn nITI>. I "111, 0? the 41 W• 1 45 0 00 .• i 10000 a fore • .41.4 411110 T /OW r. 01/k Nero lo 114 J IRA 4 ,1(11.A55F. 0 . 4 - 41 I:Ade LA.; .1 0% 1 11 , 1 M I/ oso Jost reel co Neu ...nen TO. 4 e eI e ,xl %11k a 001, 024114.412. a , tik.ESR---.0 0 bc t prime W. 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CV I I \ ,‘ \.i aea elro . er \ a 1 IGO- i hi,l , $ kagrAu' l / 4 I r ',i ' f'ar a n( , 5 I to Ile/TI , \HAI atsin illl l'A ltllsf}-:N1 4143. Ae \ 1,4.1, oat .. \` \ lnkw.or \ / II I \ I`LO I n AFl.l)lliii, l / 4 0 - 4e7;13.7tr g ' c'\ ri'li :TV. , t ' l!; ',. . 1 a ' l% , Jt h' SZ • ait s :iiit \ ?.\ \ L i 4... t IL\ (., R \ ANI/ MUL.A.,.., , ,E,-.., \ \ '. to., NY: ;:: ‘1 . 4...tr " -, ,V...-- \,..lo, t int„ ( • 1,1.4 ; 6- ' l)9 I'/t' '``lX C,4 : ,t r ln iti , \ ? r n 1..? b \ Vl ' M b lfl 11, 1, 1 1 :1 1 1 ,1, 9 , J 4 Aster vole t,41 Is va I se . , . 4 , 1 ' 1 t)(‘} l' it S N - \ \ ' \ ‘ if 2 I t. 1. 4 ,,,1 \ • 1 4 le ' ' le b‘‘ i7 b j' fi ji%: ' \ 1. \ IL '" \ \ 1. 4,. \ \ . 1145. fi , "&l. .1 0 1 1.0r, t , Isol cu R t . ,A,,, , . ~.. t ruiq.s. , r. % miu t t , . ci j I ....... _\ 4 _ll . ,_.aiAt . ______,_ X I A PLI. MOL A tihtS--11.1 kegelut u I / a .O.A . ocmix us. me d Ti l t f6II??:11<4.. ,,s„ Fihti-10 bbler Lrri.;\ Trtni \ l r ~,, , PO P4, +" l " WiL.I YA °4 \ \. ' \ I 1 ,I ( \ ~ , 1 i OUR k./1, Ir A lI4S-4 \mitten ac`,l. xnd la \ a a\a i las N a NI - 0- , „„ e ,_ - `_„ -- TO 1 0 - - n 0 'f'S' , u f ilVlN'i I LANS 1 , ;.,S 11-Juat eft' It A , \ lt. A Ala:. n A Co., • \ fart snit re I (erne 1.1 / s r - , . e ern,. sone . 100 se 11e s ..... L 44, . '‘. 0 , ( \ 'it / Ft:Nit-20 b..T4>, C7arn1 1 70 :1 71:1 11 fill A PIIRI,S- 3000• Ink to ttrve ttlf 111211' 11. 11 `..tt ' . '"t." 4, A ttot am AA 5 4, 0 Jell , ... \ , t,,,U1 , .1 -4 itl.l\S- , -- \ \ " t i a. l l n ialf, I nl la. aaa.i. ; I .4.1. toon. I mV, Per stolril . r. V •ale L> 40•115, irk I 414431ChF1 A , e. \4, ‘., OICED LS ' Afig/N Onla - Tin , for as ol , y' `1 • .0, ' W. 5. l:CildH111‘":le-- 111 tEE 11411- 2. . Tbia ' sitrtnea entehtng, t A .31 et 11, 11 11., anr/ frr eels tn. \ el L 115Nli k COLLINY \ ( , I IL} bi . ,,--I nglA Davy 4butting l)r Jun‘nr, o, f‘uf-LIN. 'l'6 laitestvlnientaim BENTS tt , e in v ite d i t :all atleko4no Moll li enl res.-010o). new paten pest eseelynl (rd. In. Fool on In lb. sheet 04 a cloth. erelin Sllte Yoe: watt - T .4 ere nee 4 elore4 ; to i l i l k f u r , . 7 . 47.1 ,,, t , t: „ ..r t 1.- ~,, ,„, 1.4 0 WE PTV/A 10 Pl.t 2021 . L .„ 1 " 4 1 11 .1 L (1 1 1 1 1 1' r 'S l j e ° e U liin i tl B ? T i iP 4A: r x,;l B . Or r rah. o ho "" ' \ ‘ J till/4 4 . rIll111Flir ) 0.4 Nio 119 Wool eta", I I \ a 1101 1 Ell , 14 1 J'SS MilibIlls , ?;„0I all fiu , 6 ...,„,Ill", t o Le I”m tpt l fitltii7 0 1 , 1111!tt " %ak I.n \ B Roords-zO dos.iTi i n, 2 l:ll. e th I INS 11)1-----• '''' - ----"-----.." )3, an ar -0.1(13 1 1 11. 1 ti t :et S u o p urtt nt •Voltl i h e o de tte. im tut, ( jel I JAIIIN4 iletilli IP5t --',.- T - -0 Qs It NDRIES- . \ 0. 1.0 halt ch.te I 0.0 -I'Dumtr and llop s a.u.r. do dee \ deT\ 0 ball clients Pogroteng len 1 1 0 % , „,..,0, ,i b. Pe, A's end 9'e 1.....51 kb nd lotner \ 7.0 ° St lta Inenlngoooffee , 20 . '1,0 re 'h. l l l V ttzaff- 10 hid; bee 2F.11 lieolne; e, \ In eteks4 usratlLL , ' LI b t ' l ' 4 N b o l'i tt "4. I GO klttello 1 end 140 la ( namel 00d/let. , 00 nce Ppper . s, I ....11 do Pleoenu; \ \ .0 soellsVesels, 3 eon:000S Y 2 met 1410 , 111. (r 4 Is \ ~ 0, 44.0 Ileenloak lapped Leather. ° 0 GO bee. Sinker* No 1 oboe, letel . 2 0/111.00 i made , . \ \ ore kr.t,:jint, C .C.T u% ?Obi \ 10 110 tole exlinet Unmoor , \ TOO dO mantled Window Oleo. 100 .10 Sten limp, \ SO do /Owl:4141M \ 'a b l" m 'XIIM r 110 ri \ tol bb/s.shed all s ffutvetlt,lSl n n Pt vivinx aud 10 .t-0. withstul tuattruttertt If aft ot; or 0 ,4 . "'°"` "" " 4 ''''. It' V PEMIVER A 0 ), . apfl o 0 131/ •Tr 1\132 Semnd street iIIILIOMPSON'S Commercial - and Bank No - t; ll &Tarter latJave 11,1. rfrortrOwthrlna*llrlof all the... Oven/ ssoke Id the Uelt.d Btu** ow aunt. A. /tUtleratict4l . t i t: 6 s4lrlons andonAnkage4l Hate "b' W. aim A. 4 ,111415145 .4 \r0 4511511 400. nfek'ilmsok , \ " • BO ()K Sif U #49. HEW BOOKS \ I . . 11 OSE ASITFORD, or the Itiiiiled'Timster I ts Ir. We Eb' b Zie r ottultuaufa rw :at:or A ~..dvent..lv the booth Wirt The Ns - mm.lnm., by Reynolds. roTtl'..7Arria tr.lll.l'r4 yarpre. negative titsbr's Un Rervleed and for rile at /tr.ht. A CALLOW& 74 1 - Mt... coposlie the Pm .ENTicAL BOOK STORE, - ;;T' Foertn. ) iCirviae4 Ron:twain: l , it hr.,. A sew liars:icor and Ks 0-anion of the Goepels.ronatet. log of perallel adul comblandaneen setroot:. ma neer plan. of the hamar.d of the rout Ey snerlista..conllta to the amhotized envier, sod a. roatinuou Commentary. with t.riannir , rubiotord. Being Ite pro vrrort of the i/oa. del niebw. •With Tube's...la. cool/dal* etteible4 estonoloOml 1104 topowcante.na dlr....flat/on, sod a ooturirre Aprlrtlealbadr, or James Strong, A.31-mitti maps and colored enftrartOteT., •V ENV AND VALI:I3 . I3LX BOOKS—Put, LI Itoott:s teml.ruchibly - Library; limn 'nod Poeta. Phl. hmuphl. Walks and Talk* of pa American Warmer Loglaml, .te.l Journey tot Iceland, 21.4. t. An, ac— Alpplmon's 'Popular Librazy—llnea Jolnnel thnmab Tartan'. Thaw% and China: 2 •e15.54 00 : 11 ...c... rio. Lo d.. Throe, 614.; Malden and Married life of mary.Posoll, 40.4 toe,. eked. Mot. act. , • • ktek•rumn's rozovemallgus with Goethe: Schlllor mol Omni.: Sly ono LIM, Goethe , Mod•rtt Fabler. A hou...e, • 0 ./.." wood the Oland Pagkot or Frioneb Ricks. or Patis' lq ltfal; Wlmahamnf. T. /3. Arlhur, Urstara of •Ammican geoclallom Orators of France. ltecollectluns of, LlOrmoT Lila. Wilford: Arelln•Expeslillon; Ilant/torrea• won.; re rimer. do.; Alothergell's Plinstrelayt llogitt's Planer, ot to, Poets; II ngb 11111:er's Work., the Vitale. by /routed Thoolthle.' from tarotits anthono. Tondo RI Ynulhtut Chriensor; Touch Lady . . Uomr, Night blimul Moore, or ti boos and Illusi hem, lb...ller'. Worth Oap - t rains MO.^ Old 'World. bummer In Scotland. Life of. ef. Il•34 dot In Ptseme; Philogmby of Living; all oil:oiler's Book. Juretilholkols ing IS reat Yarleyy. .1•5 :Dab . ..EON 4 AUNW: 66111arketst.. V, OS. 10 nod !lei Petnnuee Library jest 'll r4i'iL containing Ito the Rhine, by I both 11tH , with woul• Mr, Dollars and Cent., by the author of Wide. Wile World, lluerchey, 0, • . : Koick•ots4g, lluganne and thllUvatur fiT Jane. • • Ashford; cm the Milne °smolder, 1Y:, A. OILDI:I474NNET 4. (PL. 76-Fourth Morel A IiPEII'S 111AGAZINN--Tfie June No. loath monthly ban loon 'nvellied• by H. .L CALLOW. mi at this' Thirl strew Literary. D,pob number connovolces S tow volume, ther•Lo• no• la • lime to it a C.,y1.: ournlsh flat the publlsbm . . Ingest rytun. • 111"071160118.' FRESll•arriv4.l.4t thd.Cent rat Bouk.Store; a Fourth titraatApaltri , •', lihrio Torn', Cabin atridia. • ' , TI.. :iutne.ful iiierahauti n familiar .boot for the Minn erary marehnni rtbnold rrad it. " The Pritirltilro of Courtedri with biota it. obeamatknin oh manner. and habit, by Oro. Winfred Benny. Ihr worn. pr !Rapti.. Win: D. h., L. IX, tate /V.I. der.t 4A Mr 1$ rals.ran Uniraraltr. .1. Firumltio,or roton- of the law, of the Lilo Gram: llarrlenn. Prof. of Ancient Lit, noun,, In lb.. nlvar•lir Pr Virelnia. l: ural • /10,00, or Antalea of lammo. @Wird ip American Cimintry. Liro, with rolional `l, hf U. Wherler. flora/ Aiviiitorture, LJJ t . P. Allro. Th. Prortioal Mati.il Worker' aritiatant, by Hrn, o it onliiw.o.th on the Aroc.lnw. \ , F;NTItAI. - (s su ‘ ENT ItA BOOK- .Vl'UttE, 79 Fourth et. Ur