411) ,1 1.1;.; MATTERS Colactscrextrr or 307Z1U1011 Conteuz.—A very large number -of persons congregated on Wednesday in Canonsburgb. to•witnese the semi oentonoiat commencement of Jefferson College, among whom were many of the alumni of pre clone y ars. The degree of A. B. wan_ conferred on fort; students, members of the 'graduating ohms, rod the tonal addressee were made by a number of them. • . ' Slone, Esq., Oresident of Genera Logan n;litty, Ohio, delivered an address to the Franklin literary.eoolety, and the tier. Alexan der Campbell. D. D., of Bethany College, Vir-. the Phiio. The addreee to the Alumni wu dellyered, in ennsentience of the llMen of the It,. /Alexander T: McGill, D. D , of the Weetet a Theclogieel Seminary. The degree of A. M. wee conferred upon a large number of gentlemen who had graduirea in thrmer years. The Ilonorary Degree of A. M. was confer• ,red upon the Be•. M. 11. W,llson, of Jaefuton. Indiana county, Pa., and J Booth, Esq., of Busityras, Ohio.' The degree of 1). D. was ciatifirred upon five ministers, among whom were the Rev. Messrs. John Skin, of Allegheny county, Pa., James Johnston, of Minefield, Ohio, and Septimus Toe tht, oL Washington City, D. C. The degree of L. L D. wen conferred on the Rev. David Datidsort, of Glasgow, Scotland. Jefferson College is, we believe, the oldest chartered collegiate institution west of the Al leghenite, and we are pleaeed to learn that its prospects for the coming year are brighter than ewer before. FAME Bursar.—A :rumor is sow in cireula- CU, which originated in certain quarters, the locality of which-we need sot name, to the ef fect that the friends of Lieutenant Chaplin 'peek ed' the Coroner's jury. This is a gross falsehiod, no relation or friend of that gentleman haring.spolten to the Coroner on the subject, mare to regatta a thorough ex amination. As it was q cue likely to involve important Interests, that offlier was more care ful im his eelection than oils], baring plated three physicians andehree lairyers uphn It, but Lieutenant was not, so fur as we can lascertain, personally acquainted with d single member of the jury. . ltailmors.—The Ministers and Elders in Con nectionwith 4115 Aseociate and Associate Re formed-Church, wilt assemble in Convention, in this city on the 18th or August. They will meet in the Associate Presbyterian Church on Bevimth eteet, when, we believe, it is anticipated that the two bodies will unite. Tue Foote TL111.913.—A gang of precocious young meals who reside In Bayardetown have organized themselves into a body and adopted the name of ' , The Forty Thieves." They act under the commands of a captain and lieuten ant, whose orders nre rigidly adhered to, and they have coradioed many. robberies both in this city and Allegheny. On Wednesday morn. leg, a party of them broke into the cellar of Mr. Myers, of,Cheenut street, Allegheny, and helped themselves to a quantity of articles of toed which it contained. One of the number was arreeted by police officer Montgordery, and put in the Writch.hoose. Ills companions, five In number, made their escape, and took the road to-Beaver, but were overtaken In Manchester, end arrested by officers MoVieker, Gallagher and Long. They bad a leaf of bread and a pack Of Cards in their possession, and were committed to prison by boo honor, Mayor Fleming. 811KMAILT Con'lCTlOn.—The number of =- an of summary convictions, reeeipted for by the Mayor, daring the month of /tine, mut one hun dred and fifty one; in the month of 7nly one hundred and nineteen. Ilaracm or A Cat Ounntancs.--Jasues Lore wu yesterday Pried by honor, Mayor Guth rie, for permitting Ma horse and dray to go a long the street without being alongside. CArrix Ktuarn.—A oow nd bull, belonging to Mr. Kohn, a dairyman of Allegheny county, watch were lying, under a tree, were - instantly killed—during the storm of last Thursday, by lightning. The bodies were thrown in opposite directions. - ' Roane.--Sereral of the eehool houses in Al. leghemy are now being repaired, and improved. The pupils are enjoying a vacation. RIOTOVI BillAVlOL—Aldenzum. Thompson, yesterday, committed John Jumbo to prison, on a chsrgo of riotous behavior. anriss:—,The odor arising from many of the city arvers, ii very- offenaive. Some disinteri sm etocid be used. Tac-Warcdt Elorsa.--Oseeolitauvagrant pewee beton Mayor Guthrie yesterday, by whom be ern committed fur 30 days. Pot= Fun. There wee no police nevi of interest at soy of the Aldetzten'e offices peter- BILATIXO HIP War. --Major Guthrie yesterday committed. .Tohn Irvin to prison on a charge of committing an assault upon his wife Mary, who ina badly beaten. The parties reside in Straw berry alley. On hie person was found a curl ens weapon of offence, consisting of two enor mous screws, tied together by a piece of twine. bloCiee, a prisoner In tbo jail, Is now laboring ni. 4 , 7 a 09n'T9 at tack or manta-a•potn... lascinrr.—Mayor Fleming, on Wednesday,. held Beajamln 0. Sampson, • oolong man; to tall on n charge of stealing a wheelbarrow, be longtogla James Eklna. ' FINID.--His honor, Aleyor Fleming on Wed asedey erasing filed Teter McGinnis fifty dol lars and, costs, for selling liquor on Sunday. B it ; eras entered for an eppeeL g"„„„. ~,,„voci n. .—Thiring the storm of Ur. George Taylor, Thursday lust the house ua - • ... n ay, vs. is 81 , ppery Rock township, Batter struck by lightning, and with its contents, entirely consumed. The loss Is qulte heavy, so the Gun was filled with grain. MIDI= _LSD BAITKET.--EDODS Taylor OD Wednesday laid an information before Mayor Fleming against Jobe Saes, whom he anonsom of moult and battery. The case was amicably settled, however, by the defendant paying the coats. Pic tito.—The Duquesne', Oreye will have a pin via atSwlrevale, the twelfth of thte month. Tnaaartento ins Last—Daniel MeGrimly on Wednesday laid an information before Alderman McMaster against Daniel Strain whom he owes with threateding I& kill MM. A warrant was leaned for his "rim— -,- .13uoasa --We had a heavy shower 'mitt - dab accompanied, by thunder sad , lightabag, OR RENT—A fine Rouse, within it few iquares or the ttellrie b %e t .l4reo, le Rood wee"— :2.7nApr gege n.'uttw, T art ' freetstet vithout rite or sent. rometee t e l eieee Iv th z . woe. OFrOh..t la" b' aVilatr. ?OR SAL}--Tlio Turning. and Machina 4. Stop at Mr. James Waste on Rank Ls., .tit. 0..0ry stow, Altthto7 oST. two Wit. Lathes, Stet. Roth.. Caws sod other tudares.— This tall b. told 01 barge!. • Apply to • CURTIS i DORM, ' No. 1M Wood stratt Wlt ITE LEAD; itrOil And Dry; Red Lead; Venni= 11"1: eps.oish Whiting; Ulna. with • puenl asoortment a 7 PLI.Us fin' Snkla by , JANK6 ANNUFLEV. R 0 LI, BRIMSTONE-1500 lbs. for sale by , it3o . J. KIDD t CJ: kSAN Soap, "(lel:mina lifogiD"logs.ala ALUBI-0) bbla. tor sale by jr33 • J. JUDD At CO. vi , OOLLEN uoubs_ awas fans car arid b‘ro.a talsedEaadtaa.".: a " • blaak.arsea and dray Twilled; . • 3 " bias and an. -a " grry. drab and bloat Blintiet oo*Ear; — t " raper black Oval.. •O. bru.a riaastelc char Tow Cloth; on hand, oa ronitignmeaL sad f, Ma% ea krorable terra. br IL LEE . Lawn, kr... •LiinLin/WOOD, Foatick, Nick Wood. Brasil . Wood. Com Wood.' Blue Bt. Pobutb. IWOOD,. Pobub. Atom, mud s. general assortment. of Dl* Mull,: oral.f . JA.111.9 Idef/01711T. (a (I OAK & MOLASSZS-- this. New (Memo llele•mc 0 , ) lakes. New Orleans No ter sale by IIeUtLLS • AWL ;01 , N r .14E-1W bag:s rimo Rio• for , VI by TJOTASH-5 casks for sale b_y )122 ' NeGILIZI 801 SALERATUS-10 casks for sale by .tem . _ _ • • DRRIOLEB:--5 its. "Dixon's" and Pion-. blbek Ind Cvnieler. for_ Dr iya • • , •J. beILOOSMAM 00.. - - LOGWOOD-30 but. 'Sanford's? for A Meer J. P 01100 N MAXIM a CO. .I,U2d-34.1 kb's. fur Bela by jog a. zonooNmAKER, a co. 1112. LOO re 001:1-100 bble. for sale by -< 11r➢-.::J. SCHOoDIVASCA A CO • QOlll.- - -2511m'Cootilir; for We M. A7': by , .voctoomanai MMIM!=I _AILEITALI AT TEM PRLIICIPAL HOUMA- Up to 8 o'clock, hot rrening. BROWN'S HOTEL., EMITLIFICLD WIRSET - F Williams, err Empress; W Waugh, Washing ton; A Short, Economy; J Walker, Athens, 0; T Zane, Si Louie; J Elcook, J H Shea, Logan co; W Abrahams, Allegheny co; John Cochran, Steubenville; W Gams ' R ,ow Castle; II C Lytle, Haztingdom J 8 Eoklsa;Canoneburg; B T My era, do; J H Roher, WIW Jameson, Wheeling; 8 Hamby, Catharine Rushy, Xenia, 0; 8 MeQuin ton, Enon; W Bell and lady, Ill; F Pounce, (neveland; H Habbiston, Balt; J Rowland: Bed ford, Pa; Peter Emrick, Rock Grove, Ill; L'Tros tle, Allegheny co; A Cormerry, Lancaster city; Thimpson, Liverpool, 0. XONONGAIIILA EIOUBS. WATER STRZET T J Hopkins. Nathaille; B Webbler, Pettus It B; D B Parsons, Mo; D W Brown, Lexington, Ky; 3 Wilton, Philada; B. Terpell, Maryland; 0 V Salsbury, Brydford•county ; J J Hale, Belle fonte; 8 Stebbene and lady, New York; W A Nel lon,'Bt Louis; Wm II Craig, Shippensburg; Hand Livingston Florence; .1 Walker, Elizabeth; T IV Gorman, Bin; L Little, B Bunting, J 8 null, do; A Creighton, Memphis; 3 A Thomas, Louis ville; C Warford, Miss Warford, Balt; Pf Mor ris, Philada; T Ilendrickson, U 8 A; J J Grier, Tenn; Samuel Johnson, jr, St Louis; 3KJlughes and lady, Balt ; 0 W Riddle and lady, Philada; Arntfrieler, N G North, New Orleans; E R Bay, Chicago; F D James, Philads; Mrs Genie and five children, Wnthineon City; J A Genie, lady and child, Louisville; T Bowers, Tenn; A I' Claggett, Louisville; G C Bowyer, Kanawha, Va; Met Deßoy, Mrs ()ray, Miss Wright, Cio; J Wililains, Tenn; Mrs Stiokney and daughter. Mrs Scott, Waahington. R. CLIAILLIS norm, WOOD STREIT. J V Warren, Clarion; D II Thompson, Cin; A Gllddon, N 0; A Campbell, Halifax, Noon Sco tia, H B Gray, Philo; Wm Dungan, Shelby, 0; It Clarke. Blairsville; 0 A Milton, St Louie; A Sitzell, Kittanning; Z Ilinsey and lady, Wells vine; J Mothers, Mifflin ; Po; RJ Hicks, Oxford, N C; 13 White, Newcastli; L Mines, Beaver; J Dunbar, Wheeling; T 8 Woods, New Lisbon; It Sutton, Newcastle; J Montgomery, Clarion; E M Wilson, J F Robinson, 'Jefferson College; W Mitabell, Canada; R H canary, Johnstown; T J McNite, Jeff Col; C Merriman, Eldridge; H B Swig, Leechburg; D H Blair, Washington; F Brady, do D Welty, Greensburg; C Mol3lll, Mer cer; T Brashear,D Martin, St. Joseph, Me; Capt J H Marshall, Crawford oo; Mien Kate hl Hopkins, Washington,;Po; Wm Hopkins, do; J Rowland, MoKOesporl; D Hall, Boller, ft. Kennedy, Philo; J P Thompson, Blairsville; A Line and wife, Mies E Haas, Canton, 0; J Steeds, Hollidaysburg; W Barringer, D Morgan, St Louie; 13 Scotch, lady and child, Cleveland; J S Shaman, Mies Orr, Stenbenville NATIONAL UOTIL. EATER Brain% D Clark, Mice M MoKenny, McKeesport; .J Whited, W Shocum, W Beon, Belvernon; A G Corte, III; H C Corse, J Lindall, Lancaster, Ps; J Price, Boston, Mao; W S Connell, T H Mc Henry, Wheeling; H J McHenry, Florence; T Connor, E Moore, W Stafford, Cirolerille. J Finaimmons andiady, Peru, 111., C Derix, Miss Dern., Brunswiati, Mo; J Porter, Drawley, lady and three children, Harrisburgb; C Berry man, Lexington, Ky; Jae Arnie, Granville, N C:- J Dunn, Andes, N Y; F Morris, Westmoreland co; H B Kuhns, Mies Rebecca Kuhns, E1i7.3 Kuhns, Mies M Kahn; Kate Steck, Greensburg; 8 II Hobb and lady, Mt Vernon 0; C A Smith, do; H. C Lewis, P R Roberta, Mifflin, Pa; J Karnes, T Haney, Anland,O; 8 Milgain, Juni. alit, Co; W Wright, J 111 Vanmetere, Jac Von meters, Ky; A B Gallatin, et Ben Connie; Bev) Jones and lady, Phila; A Orris, J C Merriman Crawford co., Ps; 8 W Boyd, New Salem; A P M Conroy, Lancaster, Pa; S 51alborn, N Albany, la; A C-Keating and lady, Mrs Tisdale, Cleve land; H Terry and family, Phil; J D Dave, 0; A D Wilson, Detroit; F Thompson, 'Chicago; T Dalton, N Haven; W,J Legere, Adams k Co's &prawn J Taahold, N Yon; W H Keleey, Syrn. ease, NY; Wm L King, 0, J Blaine, ate Ben Contain. NOTICES. &c °MOE OP THE ALLCOMIXT VALLEY IL IL 1 • • August Bd, 182. j • FIVE Stockholders in the Allegheny Val• 2. My Rail Rood Ccottptup ore per nodded per • woad inotaltoont—ltro Dollars per Stare—to the CO.. rarer, on nr before the trot dor ot BoThrtobornett Ity order of the Board. JOHN T. 1.(10API. Treagnarer, gor = DlepstreZrta d n " l 4 P U'b ge b trsorlAte n roontan, Clarion ott:lor W copo oro o month and