The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 06, 1852, Image 2

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IcILLIA3I A. GRAHAM, N. Carolina.
JACOB HOFFMAN, or sums cocr:Tr
to the, room of the Mu. Inehr.ri Coulter, dores , ed.)
.4. Z. Flamm JAR. Nur.,
• 1.
Dlnt.te. ItlittrietA.
1. ,S max F. 111 LORI% 11. JAMES 11. Caseartr.
2'Jan Tnquan. Is. Jars 0. Priron.
a Joss W. Rican. lA. Jars K. I/AMMON,
ti. f4O: ~ .ti ?"tltVoigi. IT.
It • drallZ '''""
6, .16616 W. iturs.. 19. JOOl 1.10,06.
22288 Anceriab 1112.1221
8. Jeers 5.2/TVA. 21. T6Oll. J. BOT2III,
IX, Ja551.42.1244,,1 22. Ulm 1.. LOW/.
10. 1 A1.21 Wnan, 23, 11111.28
11. WATT ALTOS. 24. CUM, Paull,
1 . 2. 41. C. Law... 25. 842C1. A. 1172•4•225.
12. 14.0 51met.044442211.
Antimaionic• and Whig County Ticket.
ros cores -21T panic,.
' 'DAVID 11.0111 E, Pittebargb
FIR 03,10”..911—= M 52 1 ,7,
THOMAS 11. 11011 - I , ,•
GEORGE R. APPLICTON, Ilieggfrighabl.
11101 LARD GOWAN, MlLO:ugh.
C. N. NYTISK. MUT...gbh ,
L : Pittsburgh. .
—1.110,11020,41 Er.
: EDWARD GAME:DELL. Jr.. Pltebrugh.
0131 TO MOO or GOCZT OP COMMA &MOM& to 1
3011 N GERHART. Allegheny.
WILLIAM Atasc. Plttaburst.
nee ia onr advertillog columns; that the limo for
opening parade on the Ohio Central. Railroad,
Lae hem ititended to rho 20th of Aaguet, and
that Beeeral ranee additional will In let.
Loomis' No. 2,- American Farmer's Almanac,
'for 1862, bas just been publiehed. Calculated
hp Hanford C. Hill, Eeq. ' This is a very popn.
Ise and valuable Almanac.
Eatnestefforts are now snaking to extend the
Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad -down tke
Ohio to Bridgeportopposito Wheeling. The t
cal Setimated cost of graduation, meount - c;
'bridging, and right of way from month of Yel
low Creek to Bridgeport, 38 miler, is $343.000.
Coat of superstructare per mile $7,518 00-38
milts' is $285,684. Average coot per mile, $16,-
644 31.
'rob{ dist/Ince from Pittsburgh to Wheeling,
hg the north mid west bank of the river, it
log 'through Beaver, Wellsville, and Eiteuhen
- -
The Freesoil Convention, which meets in thiii
elly 011 Oat Wednesday, ie to he a sort of mass
meeting, If we uuderstond it right, In the no:
tiers for appointing delegaos, in the Ohio - pa
perm, It is stated that there is no limit to the
numbet: of members any place may send. In
Salem, and in Cleveland and other tarts of the
Wesferi Reserse, they ate making great effort.,
to 'Sabre as large delegations as possible. Let
them come, the more the merrier, and Pittsburgh
will find room for them all. Bet on what prin
ciple are these delegates to vote! Will the vote
of any one of the five hundred delegates frem
Obis, equal that of any sue of the down
gates from klassachusetto ? If co, the Western
Itesene, or Salem, Ohio, will control the con I
vention: Probably, however, the role will be
followed which was adopted at the Baltitoote
tlonventlons, to appoint a chairman of each
'fltste delegation, to cut the vote of the State
Tam Mesa s Crass' - kluaven.e.—We aro - glad to
know that Thos. Conger, ono of the owners of
the ill-fated Henry Clay, has been arrested; end
held to bail In the earn of $lO,OOO. This gives
at reason to hope that the ease will be thorough
ly inreefigetteil,•rand the guilty parties condignly
punished: The case has been commenced in the
United Stelae Courts, to gain .advantage of lit ,
more stringent laws against carelessness amine.
There la now n law pending before eungreae,
in relation to eteam rends, 'bleb wo hope will
he - paned before the adjournment. The grew
elestreetioa of human life dueleg the tot yeer.
for'reine adequate remedies, and we hope
now there. will be no farther delay io' applying
AC . COLINECD IND. AT LA3T.—A Democratic pa
perof concord, N. 11., is quite indignant at the
manner in which the Whig press lay the blame of
ritainimgthe religions test, et the door of the
Democracy of that State. It etheittles-an or
tide, In which it endeavors to account for the
awkward fact that the large majorities in favor
of the test, occurred only In the etrengly Item
oeratin Counties, indhese words:
. .
'. l iTtien nil see each men ea Richard Bradly,Erq.,
standing u he does at the head of the Whig per
ty of Concord, voting against the amendment,it
should marpthe no one that the Tate of this
town was largely the same."
Merrimack county, id which Concord isssitua
ted, is one of the strongest Democratic counties
in the Btate. On the religiocui test question It
gave a majOrity of more than two to one in fs
'vnr of its retention: - The cause of this unto
ward-resnit is statedo the above paragraph to
be thim—oßlehard redly, Esq., voted "igoinst
the amendment, and it should therefore surprise
no one that the vote of the town should be large,
If tie lama" Let It be remmdered that one
Franklin Pierce is also a resident of the-some
city, and,,it is asserted, voted against the trot.
Now in the city of Concord there Was the best
possible opportunity for Mr. Pierce to exert his
Influence against the obnoxious test, since he is,
iris stated, the leader of the New Rampshlre
Democracy. But what became of all Melnik
eons? According to the tacit admisiren. couch
ed In the statement * above quoted, it is altogeth
er iiiilloWed up in that of the nowoomparativi
ly °brine . Richard Bradly, Esq. What Whig
ever:ithenght of a man es obscure as Richard
Brady ho relation to the Presidency? 'And yet if
we may judge by the amount of influence he ex
,orta at home, and that is the only way to esti
mate the talents of (hillsides's who are cotenant
chiewheie, Richard tiredly greater elan
- thin the Democratic nominee for the Presi
NOITII Cauomsa..-.-The eleetione for Gayer
tor, members, of the Legislature end County
.alfteme took place yesterday. lion. John Kerr
. ie the Whig candidate for Governor, and Hon;
David S. Med - the opposition osedidute. The
. Legislature to be elected will be required to
choose a Gulled States Senator of its next see-
Arlon. .7e shall have some Delis by-to morrow.
Eni.Jszser.—The Whig Stat•Conrention for
the nomination cf Presidential Electors, will be
held at Trenton, Sept. 2. A Maas Book and
41rabata Meeting will be held at (1104600 Ikea
sod plat*. .
TRI Elil4.43Mtlig. —Der Nederlaadtr, the
Dutch paper published at Kalamazoo, blich.,and
extunalvely eireelited among the ilollanders in
that vicinity, has eepoused the election of . Scott
and Graham• This paper is etrongly in favor
cf River and Sather Improvements and Land
Berens There ere very few papers published
In America in the Dutch language. . .
A correspondent of the Ohio CoWrens vouch..
eifor the meet of the following recipe tor ma-.
king Traeger: -
- "Take end miz one quit. of racquets, tires
gallons of (rain) water, and one pint' of yeast.'
• Let it Cement and stand for four weeka,and thee
.. VIII have the best of vinegar." ' •
iami.--The candidates' for Camper an
A*: , Oppadtana.
Phffp Vela, , Barnhart : Him,*
John P. Coot Llaoolo Clark,*
Jae. P. Guidon..
a .
.iemiia took place August 2:
- •
~ ~V
Grant that Gezersi Pima is ail that his
Mends claim him to be; taint that his courage
is unquestionable, hit charaoter unstained, his
ability striking, his qualities sterling gold-
How touch Is there of this gold? _ln dealing
with the 'precious metal., onaisrdw hie matter of
some eettesquesee. =le there a iwabt A scale
l of which more, go to the wattoot +kited!s look
enough to tut It by the eine Gamma
Bootd's is awed(' that makes • frwentirin itself
forthe om Elehtt the gr its befie piste
se the t, the latter , gen fere eitt, ; - whethef:
II war ps peitoe,;-4(;,:,'Z'fitiat:'
Wastrotoros, Aug 1.
Adlmminent—Dilatoriness and twice' of eme
gress—Basedy. thcrefor—Democratie Ptat.forot
i foiling to pieces—The Devil ?Choking Sin.
Day breaks, the morning draweth nigh, the
ligtt Woes. The House has concurred in the
Senate resolution for a final idjournment on the
31st inst., four weeks from tomorrow. This
'session will be described in history by an inde
finite number of moil. If nothing has been
done little has been attempted. Foote's Com
promise resolutions and the interminable debate
which they called forth, were a continued burs,
worthy of that little, but disgraceful to
the Senate. Then came non-intervention,
.to flat
ulent nothing, a wind mill for expended wind
hags to beat themselves upon until reduced to
their native emptiness. The wind mill having
withstood the assaults of such champions, fell
over Reef. Next on the sea of Senatorial de
bate appeared the Collins line, a eubject, which
in a committee of respectable merchants, would
hare been wisely decided in an evening's sitting,
but which gave employment to the •rn;tost sweet
voices" of our representatives in Congress far
two or three months. And now business begins.
Arrived in eight of port, the ship's decks are
cleared, her rigging squared, and the sides warn
ed down to give her a decent appearance. In
short, both Houses have now begun to do what
they should hare complete,' four months ago; for
1 assert (hit a four month's eeeeion would have
been ',maple for all the busitiern done or proposed
to be dour. A yearly salary instead of the pre
rnit per them pay of members, is the hest mode
of correcting the above of these long sessions;
and that 61 the only remedy that will ho effect
The Rouse him got at the general appropria
tion bill, on which political speeches will be in
order for a week or eo. That is about all that
was done to day after disposing of the subject
of adjournment. to the Senate the River and
Barber appropriation hill was received and re
ferred to the Committee on Commerce. I think
this bill will be passed, as will also Mr. Ben
nett's for the distribution of lands among all
the States. Both these measures are ostracized
by the terms of the democratic confessiou of
faith, and both of them are !papuler among the
Democrats. Thus has their grand platform al
ready fallen off to a mere skeleton. The breath
of life is nearly equetzed out of its carcass, and
its shadow is melting away with the unity of the
The Sonthem Frees, which was lately so in
tensely anxious to cell its principles for the price
of one half the profits of the printing! is dis
gusted with the new hill on that subject, and de..
clircs that it is the result of a bargain between
the Whigs and Democrats to divide the spoils be
tween the Union and the Republic_ The latter
office, the Press asserts, is to bo gratified by
awarding to it the contract for the paper. on
which it avers: •lens of thousand+ of dollars"
rosy be made. Now is not this modest discourse
for a journal that has openly, day after day, ex•
.1 , 'bed itself in market overt for Sale, et a given
price, and at the exact price which tr charge
the Republic with demanding for itselt? For it
Ira within every body's recollection that the
s , r -04011 Press proclaimed that if the plunder
of the pub,—
erhstiiig were given by the deme
m elle majority to x ether journal, or were
.aunt inclatli
distributed among several, - '
that pilot, the Southern Press would in ,—_
event oppose the democratic nomination (or the
Presideucy. Its menaces and its offere to bell
; itself were treated with equal contempt, and the
Press doe+ oppose tee nominatioes, though they
are made in connection with the most thorough
ly proshaery principles upon which any party
ever presumed to appeal to the country.
Nn mesh for its err- ver the seill..l bawl, and
Ps howl of bribery arid corruption. is point of
I,ct there la GU pessitittite of eellosion in the
furnishing of the paper,' and there is net the
eiightest probability that the contract will boob
t tined by the Proprietors of the Republic, or by
ray body else in Washington.
It Is regarded es not impossible, however, that
the Latter will be chosen printers to the Senate,
II way of a compromise between parties. Gen.
Armstrong will doubtless be elected by the
th.. Daily NUALargl: 11. t
I NEW Yuan, Aug. 3, I 8 52.
' The wreck of the Henry Clay conduces the
ieuding topic of convereation, and there are
beget that the officers of the racing boats will
li e brought to justice, as they have all been an
eided and held to heavy bail before the (Jolted
:limes Court, which meets in September. The
roe of the ciiy continues to press the subject
.epoo the public, and continues to give the de•
bilis with great effect, and to the press will the
ideate of the caterers owe their thanks for any
ponlehment that may be inflicted upon the offend
,g parties.
From Califignia the beim is of the moat ft-
. .
:arable character for merchants, and there are
then hero The will reap an immense profit upon
eriormOne advance on hams, which sell at
eti. wholesale. Pork $45 per bbl; Candles
IS eta the Ib; Sugar 18 cis. per lb: Raisins $lB
lier boo; Butter GO eta , and other erticles in pro ,
;.ortion This advance has been sauced by the
.letention of the clipper Bert, but even its arri•
lal will not depreciate price, to-a great extent,
.nsstnuch as cargoes have been sold to arrive at
'prices almost equal to these.
Australian gold . Gelds aro now deemed the
most lucrative and promising, and a good nurn
.)er of ships ore bound there. A irteamer taunt
the West. Wind line also been placed on the
berth, and to already fining op fast, as she asks
lean money than the - California route cos', and
withal will land her passengers at Port Phillip,
with lea. inconvenience than Is now•experianced
in going to Ban Francisco.
•• • .
The new depot for California eteamera and
the New York and Erie Railroad in being pnehed
' on with vigor, end an application made to the
city for permiselon to establintt a ferry between
the new depot and Chambers street. By the new
ferry it In proposed to take pasecagers within a
etonee throw of the now leading hotels, and
mach nearer the op-town hotels than the me.
rot lauding.
Paine, the gee man, bra not after ail been the
inventor of the plan for dotting oars, that hoe
been attributed to him. He has only cabbsged
the design of Nelson Goodyear, recently deceas
ed, and hie heirs have oommenced snits for via.
litkialresdy. Upton the New York and New
Haven route a good many of the new ears are
in ace, end the passenger emerge from them aa
clean as though taker,. from• The colt
of applying the duster ie not large, and R 3 a
matter of saving to:tho cars. to any nothing of
the comfort of travelers, It should be universal
ly introduced.
In Wall street trositiess is duller than for a
long time, in the face of a euperabuudanoe of
money. Stocks are dull awl buyers have a
ded advantage. There is a good deal of money
ordered to be re- invested here upon European
account, and more coming. Merchants have no
tified carrespondente abroad that they cannot
allow interest upon balsa cut per accounts in their I
hands, and that they prefer to have the accounts
closed.' Brokers have a good deal of fonds in
hands at five per cent, and good landed security
is readily. taken at 6 per cent. There is no de
sire shown to operate in fancy stooks, and all
sound ones are held by capitalists and public in. I
stitutions at rates that forbivi speculation there.
New banks and new Innocence companies . are
being formed rapidly, and the sharpest means
taken to procure a decent r ate of Interest The
emery Iror just 'now is a dead letter here, and a
more popnlar movement would be one lo oking to
higher prime for money.
Merchants are more actively employed and .
w.c turning oat some of them an handfed cues
per day. ;The mevemimt In produce is active
and on all bands It loots like an ea (*Bent season
for trade The reported cholera onuses no alarm
here; In-fact the atmosphere we have bad teethe
past three Jaye is more like the cool breesee of
Newport in September, than the dog day wrath
et, of New Y0rk....,0ar bills of mortality how
ever, show an InCrease in the face of the lower
temperature, which must be attributed to the
advent of an immense mass of unripe fruit, ea
ten by the poor oreatoreo in the subterranean
localities of the town. : O.
rOT tie Pitt.bnrgb Oszette.
To the Editors of the Daily Mommy Post•
Hsankukst—Now, as General Boon 'killed
himself in the first place by hie own Billy let
ters, and the (polish friends into whose arms he
threw himself, hate killed him a almond time in
a mod/ essential manner," ae you say in your
paper of yesterday, will you please inform your
readere, of whom I am occasionally one, wheth
er the present Ricer and Harbor bill, now be
fore Cm:Trees, is Constitutional or not, and
whether it does not conflict with one of the Res
olutions of the Democratic Platform—and wheth
er it ought er ought not to pass and become a
law of the land.'
GM. Scott being ttrice "killed," as you say,
and the lost time "in a moat essential manner,"
you need not fear the effect of your answer in
the coming Presidential eleotion—"dead men
tell no tales." Can you not shed a few crocodile
tears over the demise of Gen. Scott, as you and
your party have done over the death of Henry
(Say, whom you abused worse whilst living, than
you have yet General Scott?
nr s TORAADO.—On Tuesday evening, about GA
o'clock, a violent tornado suddenly passed over
this place, and In its coarse, we regret tit sap,
swept front its foundation that portion of,the
Northumberland bridge spanning the river.froto
the island to the Sunbury shore. The bridge
now lies crashed in a mass of ruins, above the
piers. Mr. Krum, who resides on the Grant
farm at the eastern end of the bridge, had just
driven eff with a four-horse team, and by the
time he reached his barn, about twenty yards
distant, he saw the whole structure raised up
and hurled into the river. Mr. James Smith
who was hauling in grain, on the island, was
just preparing to drive over the bridge to this
place. Fortunately no person was on at the
time. The Northumberland Bridge Company
have been singularly unfortunate The old
bridges were erected in 18 1 5 nt a cost of 5110,000.
In the spring of 1839, the bridge on the North
umberland side fell, and was rebuilt about a
year after, at an expense of about 1120,000.
Several years after the Danville bridge was
swept off by the flood, and in its course, came
in contact with the new Northumberland bridge,
and carried off all but one span. The bridge
was again rebuilt the year after. About four
year years once the old bridge on the Sunbury
side was destroyed by the freshet, and was re
built the year following, and now lies in the
stream above the piers a perfect wreck The
bridge just destroyed was badly constructed, the
arches being so much sprung the first year or its
constrection that it required repairing. The
telegraph wires, passing through the bridge to
this place, being severed. has of course cut off
our means of communication at prevent, by tele
graph..—Sunhury (Pa.) American, Joie 31
Corretponritnee of the New Fork Tribune
SUELOYVILLII, Tenn., July 34.
the drift of public feeling in Tennessee is not
known abroad. The State in safe for Scott. The
dienffection in emelt and it has done more good
than harm; it -- b7" - ts aroused lukewarm Whip
and put them to work. There are twenty Dim.
cents in this State who will vote for Scott to one
Whig for Pierce. In this eonnty, no far an can
ha ...remained, there in not n single Whig who
do, not it,, for Scott with enthosionm, and many
Demoernta bore already come not openly teethe
Old Ile,. This county has been nearly tied,
and in the last election we carried it by it very
entail rote; this year we elan carry it over 300
Don't pot TPnoessee down again on your doubt.
list Kentucky and Tenneesee will go foe. Scott
by larger majorities than they cant for .Taylor
or ilarrieon. We bear cheering news from all
sections of this State The oppoeition grove
small by degrees and beautifully lens. With
the exceptions of Gentry and Williams the , foe
tiler Whigs who co against the Whig ticket are
person= of no influence. Drownlow will do as
more good than harm. lou may proclaim that
••all it. well in Tennessee.-
From thr Natbnmi
ilajor JACK DOWNING, of 1
AI.ASAMS, rows. 8 0 1711, July 10, 1842.
Hy Deis ja— Although you aro a Demo.
neat. awl I a Whig—, Southern elaveholding
Whig, to,. and you an Eastern playa "loathing"
Democrat u toilet enouse my writing to you,
o e-ti ereeent occasion. Fes rot el,
hos, d r. pewi Att you are a scholar and an anti
quarimi. I mny be excused for quoting Latin to
you. But Into sore we are no enemies, except
politically. I can ho no enemy to one whose
heart throbs with patriotism like youra. I ap
[Mal to you, Major, for information, becouee it
10 always to be had from your lettere; and 1
have as much pleaeurr in reading them as any
Democrat Through the columns of the paper of
our excellent friends, Mesere. Gales and Seaton
I shall hope to hear from you in reply. la that
way I shall be saved a World of trouble in tell
ing my friends here what you say. All agree
there is no disputing any of Major Jack Down ,
toga turd.: and to you, Major, we look for the
troth in respect to Down East facts. So I must
pray y, u to put matters right about your new
frieni the other "funeral," es he is said to be a
real Downeaster, or "true blooded Yankee,"
every inch of him.
If not taking too great a liberty,' Major, may
I milt of you the favor to explain a riddle that I
cannot comprehend, if tame others Jo' How is
it that your juvenile friend, Gen Pierce, Is P. ,
edrolt in his toctios.--"Yanket, tricks" perhaps—
that both the rabid leaden of "the Free-sod Wii
witti-provie,, Democrats of the North, and of the
tire-eating, slave-loving, aoti•lYilmot-proviso
Democrats of the South, Unionists and Socas•
timbale, are ell in ttie tame boat, rowing in one
tray and looking in another direction, and foruo
other ohjectthan to make Gen Pierce Proident,
if they can do it? By what hocus peens is it
brought shout that the lambs and the wolves lie
togethesy You know, Major, that it was only
the ofter day that every Southern man was fu.
rioue at the here mention of the Wilmot proviso
or of tree oust; an advocate of either was as bad
as au abolitionist, and deemed guilty of rank
treason. Our grentandever•to•be-Inmented pct
triot, Henry Clay; with MI his real and unsur
passed eloquence, could hardly prevail upon our
Southern Democrats to remain in our glorious
Union with Freest:Were and Wilmoteprovise men
A favorite with the Democracy, oee who 'hod
professed to he a "Northern man with Southern
principles," was thrown overboard by every
I Southern Democrat on his becoming a freesoiler.
Boit now what "a change has come o'er the epic
it of the dream," when it is ascertained that all
New Hampshire Democrats are not only anti
Catholic, but Freepollere and Wilmot•provige
men, including Oen. Pierce himself. Ito consid
ers it "no harm" to be a political friend of At
wood," the abolitionist; "no harm in that," nays
Gen. Pierce.
How do you explain it Major, that what was
an unforgivable offence in Mr. Van Buren, only
four yenre ago, is now no harm in Gen. Pierce?
We see, too, professed Nullifiers, Secessionists.
and other Demo:rata of the fire-eating "slave.:
ocracy,' in free communion with professed Free-
Boilers and Wilmot-Proviso men, if net avowed
Abolitlonlege! This I cannot comprehend, un
less it be that the Democracy dread dying of
of famine, unless they can clutch "the spoils"
by means of ouch an union. le this what in
meant by "the Union party?" Is this the prem
ised political millennium of the' Democracy?
No one but you, Major, can a:pi/dr/these things
so an to satisfy "the rank and MO that all is
right. How is it to be explained, that, like the
vaulter In the circus, (and "vaulting ambition
o'erleape itnelf,") Gen. Pleice undertakes to
ride, at the name time, the abolition and the
slave horse, a log on encli—like the vain attempt
to Tylerise the two parties, by which the jug
gler was laid no fist upon Me beak that ha has
never gotten up from that day to this; I nay
how can Gen. Pierce attempt Buck a trick, to
ride at once two such restive and antagonirtia
horses, horde entirely "of a different color,"
by which it is almost certain he must have a
worse fall than at Contreras?
As Gen. Pierce's equestrian feats are much
talked of just now, and as the last one has been
perfoimed Down East, I have 'decided to ask
you, Major, all' about it, as no One Mtn doubt
your statement. No ono in Nett , Hainpshire
seems to believe what an opponentSaye, even
under oath; we, however moral in other respects,
they consider "all 89 fair in politics." So we
of the South find it difficult to believe in Neii
Hampshire affidavits; beeidea, 'we heard of the
names eubscribed to them; and until lately, we
knew nothing of your Gen. Pierce. Pray let
us know if be has really become such 'proficient
In horsemanship that he can ride two vicious!
horde At ono? Ono of them, too. a slave horse,
-and the other an abolition horse! Can they go
at aU together?
In some respects, oar Winfield Scott ie a full
head and shouldere over your General Pierce.--:
In hordmanship, Cleo. Scott has never had a
fail, except when his horse has been shot tinder
him,. and that more than once. When General
Scott was wounded in Mexico, it was by a bal—
let from the enemy, not by a fall from Mahone.
General Scott never faints In well doing; and for
statesmanship and civil services, we think he
towers over your feebler General as mach as be
does physically.
As I am *planter in Alabama, the inquiries I
make of you. Major, are interesting to me and
to my neighbor. One of them, a Methodist
preacher, who rides, the circuit, and is well in.
formed on the.subjeat, tells me South Alabama
will give her vote to General Stott. •
With great respect, Major, I am your friend,
By mid toith the advice and consent of the - Smut
Adolphus H. Wapptum to be Camel at the
United States for andsd Borlysi, In the Sepibl
Lio.or.lrenenntak in the pleas :of pr ec hm a k
Aid" MiltAred.
"~ • `--'_
The number of Maniere flocking-to the Lake
Superior country this season ie mush increased
over foimer - years, ariliVile boats and shipping
are doing a fine bluffness. The steamer Balti
more left the Snot on the 27th alt, on a pleas
ure trip to La Pointh, 400 i miles up 'Lake Su
perior. Several genilithien took that thole to
the Mississippi country. , :' At La Pointe they will
take a bark canoe and cutest to the Riviera Brule,
then up that river andAitorn the St. Croix to
Still Water and the Missi.oiippl.
The settlements on the South shore of Lake
Superior are flourishing: At Ontonagon a large
three story new Hotel has been opened by Meet
sieurs Paul S. Mitchell.. The opening was cele
brated by a grand Ball. At Eagle River, a fine
large Hotel has been sleeted by an association
of gentlemen of that section. The building it
three stories.
The editor of the Lake Superior Journal has
recently paid a visit in Keweenaw Bay, and
crossed overland from Eagle River to Torch Lake
21 miles. Ile pronounces the country a fine ag
ricultural tract, and paired over several copper
locations, mostly abandoned. The Indians at
L'Anse are opposed to retooral to the Mississip
pi. Many of them read their own and some of
them the English language. Father Baraga, of
the Catholic Mission, hes recently published a
Grammar of •'Otehipwe Language," a work of
570 pages, and is now engaged on a Lexicon in
the Chippewa language. It contain, aver 1000
marinecrlpt pages .
The arrivals of Copper at the Rant en the 22d
.sere 27 masses and 21 barrels, equal to I.oi
tons, from the Minnesota mine; on the 25th, II
tone from the Ridge mine and 13 tons from the
North West, and on the 27th, 283. toss from the
Minnesota and 15 tons from the Cliff mine.--
Tim Ftsnsar QUESTION—linton. August dd
—By the steamer "Admiral" we hare St. John
New B:unewick, papers to the second of Au
Vice Admiral Seymour, has purchased a brig
and echooner, which base been amuled and
armed to protect the Colonial fisherieo from en
croachment. of the French.
The schooner Union, reported yesterday as
seized, was taken to the Gulf of St Lawrence, by
the “Telegraph" tender to 11. M. steamship De
The New ..Brunswicker" thinks that when
the people of America understand the matter
better, they will have but little cause of Coto•
plaint. It considers that'the reported terms of
the new reciprocity hill are too favorable to the
The Courier, again explicitly declares that
there is no intention to enforce the headland to
headland part of the fishing treaty, nor to de
mand reciprocal free trade 119 the price of or.
ranging the question.
TEHRIIII.O 5T0631.-013 Thuraday 'not, Clan
bridge, Ohin, on the National Road, I.rao visited
with a terrific storm which proved dida.trote to
property but fortunately not to life.
The new Methodist College and Church which
eland on the hill above the town were literally
"torn to pieced'—and looked almost "a. if they
had been battered down." They were fine edi
ficeP; built substantially of brick
There is a good deal of alckness at Bothle
hem. near Maesillon, very much like cholera
It commenced with German omigrente—eight of
them died on Sunday and Monday. The Catn
°tic Privet, after •isiting the nick, of Nlattet
died of paralysis, suddenly: at first it write up
posed to he ehulers. cud created a good 'deal of
The ,Whig State Corerentiou, el New York, is
appoiate.l to meet at Syntett.e en the 'J Sere
I 1 Ilayee, E•q • A.rnericau Conaul at
Bathaboer, 'hat there ha the 14th inet , of cry
The luh•hit•ute of St. d.Fo do Cuba, were
alarmed by a /Melt if b. 4 a earthquake on the
trionSing of the 7th inst
The Governor of New iforcinvieire hay np
Pointe:l'TbUr.itlY, Nov. 11, no n day ,f (hanky
tlatlntoe Albotsi,
tar, for the rebel' of the poor oh..
nt Montreal.
The receipts of the Ceerrothent G.m Apr
ht to June 30th. CICIIISire I ( the quit fund
ere $11,174,316 07 and th e
The use of chick.), in eollce ix Met driving
coffee out of the Eng market Fire millions
of pounds 1e.,. of coffee were ceocumed ito
England in 1851 than in 1847, the adoltermon
14 Ito general •
The Morris Jereeymm re,rde thr deeeaet 0
Mr. Dash] Gordon. n soldier of th, Revolution
aged !C3 years, at • Rockaway. Ile served th
cnoutry two years iLthemost trying period a
the Revolution, and has ever been esteemed
faithful soldier and a good eWlsen.
The Rye negro, who murdered Mr. Jame
Mauston. in , 111c1ntiiih eounty, Ocorgtn, r
c,ntly were tried by a rotating of eittecus
that county; found guilty sod extcuted co tit.
Strenuous efforts are bring made by the
friend,. of Crlst, (recently convicted and centen
ced to he hung et Mobile teethe murder of Nye,)
t hare his sentence commuted lu imprisonment
fur life.
The Panama Gerald of :rely IG, atatee that
In consequence of competition between the
steamers Golden ,:ateand Winfield Beott, on their
last trip to San Francisco, many passengers
were taken for $25 each.
The Governor and Council of New lifampebire
have pardoned Kate Virginia Poole, the un
fortunate gill, who destroyed her own infant
laat year, by throwing it from the window of
railroad ear.
Commodore Stockton hoc refused to support
the Democratic rlatform, and has not acid that
he would support the Democratic nominee. Die
intentions on that subject, ho keeps deep within
Letters received by the Europa from the con
tractors in England for the Eurnpenn and North
American Railroad confirm the hermit. It
Is new aceented to'on Toth side and en
gineers, &c , come out by the Niiig9lll, expect
ed at Halifax to mr,rrew. rho work meet teem
go on.
The Rev Mr. Bummer and wife,. and Mies
Jones, sailed trom Boston on Saturday morning
for Chinn, in the 'ship Siam, CopC King. Mr.
10111 Mrs. Brawnier are to lob', tot Canton lae
an misfits-mien of the Americus Board, Mies
Jones in to proceed to Shanghai, where• Abe will
be connected with the Episcopal mission in that
The late calamity onj the Hudson River has
caused the proprietors of many of the steamboats
to use increased precal3tlons against fire. On
time of the Round boats a large number of buck
ets have iron procured for cub host, and other
arrangements made to Recede an instant oppli•
cation of water in candor fire.
A nunibir of Paine, Patent Care are running
on the New York and New Raven and Spring
field Railroads, and others aro being altered as
rapidly as circumstances will permit. The im
&esculent greatly alleviates the core annoyance
from dust heretofore experienced by all Railroad
Directly in front of Mr. Webeter'n marten, at
litarabfield, are two email elms which were plant
ed by the father la memory of hie children Julia
and Edwenl. He planted the tress without any
assistance, and then handing the shovel to
Fletcher, who stood by, said: "My eon protect
these trees after lam gone. Let them remind
you of Julia and Edward,"
- Miss Hillman of Troy,who lost her life in con
eequence of the burning of the Henry Clay, was
n mister of lease Hillman, the rarer strop maker,
of Troy who is at prevent In• California. After
the departure of Mr. Hillman for the gold regions
of-California; Miss Hillman continued the bald.
I nese of - Manufacturing strops for Henry Smith,
the famous end eccentric ' , One more left."
Whilet the King of Prusals nod the Emprces
of Bosnia were at Coblenin, a butcher presented
them with n eating. thirteen feet long, con
taining till eons of sausage most; and termina
ted with a pig's head. Their majesties laughed
heartily at the strangeness of the gift, but kind
ly accepted it. -
There ware 86 deaths to fiserrreento city dar
ing the 24 days ending on the 24th. inst.--aa
average of about one death per day Inn pentla
lion of ten or. twelve thousand. From this, It
would appear that tse city Ie remarkably healthy,
considering the transient nature of a large roe
lien of those who die in California towns.,
The New York !Tribune nye that the export-
Wnt recentlymedo it Stanhope, N. J., of mak
ing Iron from the Frank]Mite ore of that re
gion, has terminated In a perfeitly eueeeseful
manner, iron having been made of very mope•
rice quality, at the cost at ordinary Iron, and
the per . centage of sine contained in the ore
saved, and by the came procure converted into
WIZi. Bomber, recently burned to death In Al
ban'', had a most oingultir, preeentment of mil
when he left hieyo wife on the fetal eveolng.
It had been for aornettmo his convialon that be
abl.tdd die rt violent death, and an hour before
hii, death be mentioned the violent fate of tern
nil relatives. Several times dining the day s
of the accident, he eumreensd presentiments
of immediate evil, and talked about making a
The Worthington *or respondence of the Phila.
dpiphla Americari soyothottheDemminalo
Mionibero of Congener front Peansylvania,hirre
rtioelvert suit news Is
their districts as 'to
compel them to admit hat Scott will earrysthat
"_ _ ..z."ate t> y..4...,.:.r: .~
A criminal trial has been in progress at Alba
if, Tor two weeks. 'lrish girl , named.hine
O'Donnell,wascharged with stealing large viand--
ties of table, towel, and bed linen, from Congress
flail and other places. A person took the stand
ass witness in her favor, but in the cross ex
amination, acknowledged that one of the jurors
had been tampered with. The Judge, August 2,
immediately discharged the whole jury—sent
the girl to prison, to await another trial—com
mitted half a dozen of her witnesses, who are
suspected of having -committed gross perjury—
and suspended the last witness, a lawyer, from
law practice, until further order from the coort.
Ile, (the lawyer,) will be examined on a charge
of miedemeanor.
Oar. M.
OLD Maan.ano.—The Rockville Journal says:
The Scott enthusiasm is raging with a perfect
heat! in every State of the Union the Whig
been is right—the Whig cause is onward. Old
Lundy's Lane, who never eurtained a defeat, will
bear the Whig Sag triumphantly through the
contest Always a favorite with his soldiers,
thousands of those scarred and weather•beaten
veterans of the Democratic party are now shout
ing for their beloved old leader. Front Maine'
to California,' the fame of the old hero is famil
iarly known in every country, town and hamlet.
His humanity, benevolence, and affection for his
soldiers, have been displayed in every act of his
life. His devotion to his country, upon whose
battle fields he poured out Ins blood; the many
incalculable services he has rendered the nation
as well in peace as in wit, have excited the
love and gratitude of the American people, and
they are determined to reward him, by electing
him the next President of the United States.
Successor to 11. P. Nelson Sc CO.,
I LaTED 81:0YRIdi, kIAT CKS. I
P. 1 4, WRP,
PICK,. YORKS. lc.,
Orr ~e \o. 134. Wab, umt. third door above Scolthkeld
fal-All Work watrantad oonal to tar roanfactured.
F. S. Cleaver's "Prue Medal honey Soap."
se - INDEPENDENT of its happy and
boa•Drinl effeeta oath, meta,. of the akin. In prnotolYng
not re p , rapleatlon, and Imparting ',nil:dilly and whit*
nee •to the handy. "Clearer's Priam Medal Haney finale'
toe wag, the quality of giving a dearan.;"pmnuirat awl
harmless prrfun,e peculiarly .rateful and goalrabre to
th. , • who ue• It
For sale retail at all Dispenung 'Drug Stare., and
nh leap,. only by the agent" for rittahurgh and it. vi
ZliirJun Paiririao of all kinds executed
at Ihir offl, trial and at reaagnabla fatal,
ctt.atico will tt. alr.o to l'oeter. sod Pro.
cri.mmen fir Exhitalnas cud Cone:ert
l'..rda. /1111 Head., thug or Ladlna,'lllritallon,
11 11000 .1 140 re 11111, Maui a 5.1 promptly P [toted
M KIE;K--And now oa to your
Petroleum. I thought.. I h.d delayed wiling to long, it
.i6l be well to watt until I had "somewhat to write."
IVI -, en I arse aCerad the nil Inv sate, the people thought It
pt.rltaps like the 00.0 patent prAluntiontiol the age.
an ten felt but little dlomeed to buy. But I earnlt to
1 tnnte on trial. and persuaded earn, 'to boy, until I Ott
then to tent it. medical power,. It'soctu Vegan incure
deaf and lame. tr. A man wh7 had
+l,ll year, wax 1,110E4,1 to try its virtmlle,ho fo n r
1.0 on 4 used but three bottles. he could an krine, the
nt , to. and clearly distinguish the rotor of ebnitat
tab., Lis health otherwise club improve.L. Ills
to have been the releultof • eery_ lora,
',re cgs of nerofula. Bach morn :night be na:tl of the
healing powers of Petroleum. But let It rum,. to sat
th..t haa ot.tained an extended popularity In this noon.
have cold all that Ton gave me. and might have
a !tundra/ bottles more. 31. - 41151E11A Un 11.
FrILOrkT./.111 Wisenneln, Slant/ 1a Mgt
Nelson's First Fremitun
I ) A ( itiERRB()TYPES.
l'ese Office Building, Third Street.
I t I'FIZENS and strungern who wish to oh
tatole o att aktvurata. artiotle and of. like Ilitenent. at •
tharanteed, r charge matte. flaying tne Ot the
and teat • erangeot nit!, anti Skylichts ever eon
or..,ted the purpose, with lestrumenti of thr moot
,g.rful Vaud. ant 11%,104 Isdopinl the oyetem of Dago , ,
Pot, .e now preens...l by the evlobratni flew.. of
:ladelphil and Now fart, Ile. N. fiancee r to lar
no' , to ogee ht the pat root. of the Art, style of
—tape',rnLn oingl; t.t. an grout,. which has never been
ncennt .fa, an.:
a operatlng. al/ weathers. nom
lg., Agri
--....- ,
ACKSON'S National Dagnerrean Gallery • .
obroerat the lbabanal .od Market greet. (opeceite
1.. Wilkes, bru., btote.)Plttebutub.
mg lbw Obi na. to obtain Wel to liana.*
veal pleat. Call at {be above estabbah.
eapvlov sod Fly Llabta.
rani ebeLlo!l4 t be
itlroa two buodred dor by the bre
flawop touch •,
rr.ongwd • ith such skiff that tow ~
most sprorat• far simile oft hr human form •
rapnwir.. of anionved life, to sm ut . )ll..
Copra, inns, Pall:Mon", Alte.., cr.pini. spd
pll , stes taken nt original II tenr•srs
tl .I . enotp. OPt rentaiml to tats picture. unless • per
fre[ irwrinancw. •
44- I ..ii;;nUan; taken or
pink and deteaand nnvann• le
ast port j r. 0 _ . • clad,.
and nneration from IS •r., :iota r
• 1• ." 0 " . n lilamnnd. leCildavrty,T
It is superseding all others.
M LANE'S -r errnifuge it, rapidly
sucotaullog LW other Wormloinen Where pent. It
proaluoot the beet effrrte. drtrinp out all other rrmolle ,
Real the foll,rinkt—
Urmr,sti.i.x. Ma, Jan. V.
1ee.14r... J. Kidd & Co.—Please eetid me (Oh
mw M'l.Atru , o Venstifouv I have antd double the twit
of your Vertnitu, to that of rahneKtrek. It liar : and
thsult thh. yet', the tatter will be pretty well worn out
I,xanotti, Lents Ca. Ky. Feb..'., 16n1.
Masers. J. Kidd dr. Co.—The demand for Dr
ll"Lnnee Termnun" and the Liv , r rail, M Ter, great. au
I wl.b to bar. a lot of ..oh .0 rat on conainnon. fbn
IorOTO, Fabnootorn.'a lernarnan hn. b.n iLe nnd radon
bin, but Winne', le non onmernedinn
Par •at by moat Pruagl. H.
ant Morettoty. InY.ON.
an/ o.ootry. a. by 1b.... yroprtatora.
lhw S etreet.
Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rail Road
TICKETS Tintll , ol To
. .
Vara to Cleveland.— S 3 40
rfitiE new and fart running steamer FOR-
A_ ICST CITY, I -aver the Sloonntrahelahars °pro.
site Monongahela alarm., every morning (Bonds), et.
ecnted) at n o'clock, precisely, manacling at iVellerllle
with the gar twes Prato or the Cleveland and Pittsburgh
Rad dorm. I.arlng Wollrellle at 1128 P. .11., and arri,
Ind al Cleveland at 40
of past o'clock, I'. SI., arm
v. - smoking Itb steam boat Dunkirk, Itulhdo, Toledo,
Detroit, 5111traultle, not Chlrago,
Passengers leave Pittsburgh In the morning, and take
ten neat evening In Chleago.
rowengere gtonstCleeelarml via Ohio and Penna. R.
R., ter rot out at Alliance. log the 8.20 A. M. traln.l at
I o'clock I'. gal (by o'cicel, A. Al. Indu)at t an I'.
0., where they hare to wait till 3 o'clock, P. &1. , or the
Exprent train from whlch tales them on I.
Clevtlatel, ateletnd at 0.4 Urew and In /IR.', trah t or
CM'S tbas. who go be Way ld
tlsrmare chowliol thron g Dan Pittokurgh to et e rs.
land. nn beard the steamer Pored City.
For filters. arkir to
• Chorela M noN A.
tCtsAU n U Ihl
Ohre 10 iloosnsabels Ilona, {Valor St.. Sod Ator from
corn.. of SnaitottrOl.
into-11, the, lotto t P• 13111 It. N. to Allison ArAl
Clerolood nod FittAborgO N. N. from Albano. to (..16To
larol. the faro I. St.®. IltAtf
Citizen's insurance uomgany of Pittsburgh
0. 0. HUlloKY7 — Putumni.
~ ...51111CL L. MAIUMELL.
Inno es against Lou or damage i>y FIRE. ALW.
Waine SRA and INLAND .\•A iIOA 170/V
.ad TRAA Srol? TA rho.
Ir 0 TIZOTOR.11:
0.0. iitt.airl.
Was. HAVeler, A., !Orr,.
Hugh U. Hits,
~ ,, I. o ,l, ; Lti tsp n u Al!i:, r ., 0 4 . ° 4,, , v ° ,.,, u ," 3 *
I,lwant I
• •.,• e l chnonettals.r.
- Vamual
intv , 01. Posetoork.
Yesterday evening lE ,
at 8 o'clock, Limon, w.,
tea of 0. W. and Diary Ante liardo.r, aged are year,.
The funeral will take plea, this afternoon at 4 o'elt ek,
nom the tetidenee of hie ornate, No. to, Logan St e Stith
Weed. The friend, of tha.famlly re reepeetfolly Invited
to attend.
PrIIE mcnibera the EAGLE FIRE
CONIPANY arm h•nby notified Oalland
i t ir „oitll ll;l,. ll tiorTaillliplrft . oter,t r a
aotalh2t . ALAP E. lifer.
. &Moira
VijE have removed to No. 94 Water and
y • 118 Front street. Warehouse remelt terepied by
Nome Omen Mehtleht.
Central and Ohio Rail Road.
I )ROPOSALS will be received until the
16th day of Sutton mot, at the Mace of the Chief
ICogineer. Zanemille. for the Gradation and Mammy
of Fart! Ora rations of the abort. road. extcalling from
a tstint 6 mile" east of Cambridge. to within shout cl mile"
I al the Ohio Itlnr near Wheeling, Va.
The work upon the greater actrilon this dlrlalon V rely
heavy. Including mead Tunneltb•nd a large faroportion
of Masonry.
tAlenstickr =eikt l t i o " itiaCbalt=ftgb l l':
oonsidtration will be given to mommue 6,, emir. each
oecltiation. may be obtained at the Engin dn..
In Zraem eer'.ille. and alm at Cambridge and Wheeling on
end after the 2.1 d inst. =BEAT MeLEOD. •
mixo• Chief Engineer.
Central Ohio Rail Road.
concluding day for the reception of
MU fa Grading and Masonry of 41 'motion. orth le
amending front • paint 6 mile" east of Chgehridge.
toward. the Ohio ricer. will be vatlioncd from the nth
te the 10th inst , by which lest named de. hide will also
be tcoolrod for the remainder of the tine to %Cheating.
embracing atm nor 9 emotions. nod making in the agar,
mite 49 Of GO raglans.
Dlds for the whole Um alt wall ne by 'action. for crab.
Mom, or coati and Mack, will he debt' consldalad. •
aged Chief gnaturer.
. .
. • . ' Wanted, .. .
4MERICAN lielf Dollars,
Nola. do floverel.u.
=t Pn .
. g lizir ,
Ft. f hue rime?. • Tan Thaler Pile.. ...
geom. Crolmf. , • Xasllsh INlver, • :
Nrettab dor ,-- _ . .
.. ' Patriot Voublo.; '-'. • South& Deal:lkons.: • , ,
7. all al camel th, 111 0.tairtatprke. In pa fink*
!ill b IL D.'lU/110.111..,A 0r...
.3 , . lie. MI. Somali itnot.
.. •
-S - -
• - : , TU.
• Committee On Exhibitions,
Ol thd.fl'ankiat butt that of tht Slate of I'misyl•
•. oanti,, fur the promotton of the Mechanic
&et* VI l'CLILleriXA23ln. he the promothin of the Mr.
r enle Atte. will bold its Twenty avant itabltititu of
Anisrican Manure - ruler, In the month of October next,
In the liens of taclluienct huilling. in the Util....Phl!a
delphia: and the undortlated baring tn . '. •Pr...t—t.
Viimmittee to r.,111, Chin purpose Into emote, ream:that.,
Invite our er -ntertitii n lu the miscue,.
Twenty eight yea. ease timead away store the first
Exhibition of Americeri Manufactures war hold nyder
tor acistenes of We Franklin ltte titer., In the city of Phile
&debts. The result of lost Exhibition hoe retialartorilf
t , n.eal the utility clench dleplay.. and hare totbregrient.
ly leen tonnereil in Now York and many
they elites
Mt: rughout the Union. Irtultit that manifest thegredtml
an i euniebmet pregreer of the Art, In tenantry.
1117 afford a atletalna to manufacturers fir forth., in t .
ivenniat. they Indicate ne 11001,*, of supple to Pat
rbasere and create new marke w
ts ft.. producer... It It not.
however. now necessary hodi:ate oath. lel vantaget of
pubilt•Fxhibit'one. they are univeitally aearowl ,
ad led. Sal their popubtritr In thii.counti y ban perbace
Induced an imitation In greet Uritain 'doting the, Prat
year. on reale
oft unpreowletad grandeur, whi're wee
fo: first m ttempted to crolient ingethe- the best
enceintrat of the Arta. Prodded. , and Mitrintatture. of, the
whole world. For maroon which it la nanecareary to
mention. but which are kneed to 'hr oublia. , the United
S tate. was tut partially acid Ineutlldentiy"reyreninted,
libough come brilliant and uneful specitnena Oared the
nation from abrolute
att e hit felmMThufctmrmaendnlExhanle io h s ou h ghOt o t eh Lo .a mh,e
ele and skill ad mar
lblt the proem
the A11a11.190111,1 331, Merry fa-lifty will be afforded to
lb. conttihutore from all parts of eye oountry, to fake ads
theirthin Exhibliion for t'ke Inmate of making
their giggle generally known. All,attlebniforwerdett
We inotltnte will be earefolly preserred while under their
cherge, nod wilt be an placed as to command their 64
share Of the etbm ion of
co vu
tent • \
The tail extent end convenient a: mange: ant of the`
rooms In which the Exhibition,' are held: present greet
mirenteres for the display of anode.
'I he annexed regulations aro sukatandally thesameas
those b 7 which our former Exhibltigne he
been goy
arnel. Tie, rule requiring that good, intended to be
antirolLted to them . xamination tif thityndsteri.And n on
to • premiu Chad not be depoaitel later than on
the daYlnwainue to the owning, ban
live of such esnrenlenut ti the derewitots at td the
manerietn. that It is edit enntinurd.
Arrangements will be made •exhibit to ndiatilace,
any working modelsof machiry thet moth. rentrathe
mem. COntlnl , onon. In
s h o wranch Bre nnnertfoll Tin
•aed. es exterience had hn the interest whirti tbe
pith:intake in therm and the le ialculated tun *
an lawful inferination arid to ben.. the Inventor. \
remittals will be awarded 'or mulct. of laseollar
not excellence, under the nes - Wattle. hereunto annexe , .
Believing. therefiew, bet this Exhibition will afford
vei treble newer of submitting to politic inspection each kr s
aa you red' le , de, Imes of having more generally
ko iwn and perectiveil. r.ripertf ant Incite con no
-r•trl nut, non , ouelly tnrounli Yam-egret, the
Pritsluete or ru e. skilt. leitr inirelly,PACl, lenge or u'll.ty
Vele styls or warlimenerdr. d thsir ia leptatiem to for
purposes inModed, that ho made known' L 3 the come
sonnitr in general.
ef the Twenty Permed Ea Whitt.. of Amerivan Alaaufsp
tar, to be held In the oily of PhllodelPhis. fr. ra the
I.lto lies 11th day of 1/otaser.lneht 1a52.
1. The 'Exhibition Boom, will he prepared for the recep
tin a oftlotsb., Fliday. [ID, 15th of October, and open
or the Wm,, on
rialtos, on Tuesday. the 19th, at 10
~.dock, A. SI, and the exhibition Will close on Niturday.
tho 3:th day of Or:ober. at 10 o'eletelf, I'. Al.
Na atone deporltorl alter Alooday even ing. (letoher
Itth. can be entspol on tho Judge.. Os! for ..lretilion
or but may br del . ..shed toff:shit Itlon ask
Aft e r eatorday nyanlag. toloi , er. 213.1. debngits
rearl ,, d, oxcart apeial ant. , t, of the Committee on
. to whom the applicatlna Janet he matte In
'will'. Ankle. ',lsnot be "erne...a from the Itxbibl•
lion rooms. after telpg entered In the involf+ books until
th • day after the eloPt c nl the Extdhltlon.except by apeolal
acrionef the Commit ...enexhlblllone. •
Tninaure a perfect the , blenaners of the
the-Committke on Exhlblllomm e and all Flews
CoPatine/snip, In whien• Manager. or a Member at the
mmittee on Erhibitione. Is Interceded. shed] be ex.nte
de 1 from competient and the J ads,. theft he aSelan arty
relect.el from person,. :tracheal], alit aintel with the
..era I branebee of Alanufacteirea on "'Web they ehall
aboolrted. but who nee neither elapo,d,dya ,f• a d ab man..
f , . tunes themeriree, nor in war latereetod In the artklen
rubcoltt-d toexamiration..
t... Awards will not be confined to rpeciartenla prepared
en prem.], for exhibon. hat, ,
and one:Rya( the artielnkepillpar,l the rarnw
to [ht
deterlption of forrigt , goody, and with epemmens
ad at former exhibltione. and haidedukt shell be snarl
ell for in article that has reeeired pi one at any former rah,.
bitten of ft.. Institute.
Throe grade, of ehall t.aaward.d.styled.
a ete-ond. and a 'hint pretniume. , , ..Vhsn nu artiste
ohtil be nolne..t worthy of a hod prearlum. In mow. the
soaker hes re sleet • 15['t premium fe a •i mils arra],
a, a hibition. a tertlficata (atyled Recall Pre.
ui Witt low ar.ed, rerenbg Lo the T,rmer anard.
an I , datlng that 'the prevent la equal In aus:ity. artless
thp tmpreorement over the frd swept only be Judged
se.rthe of esiottor teat an:orlon,
when tb , ,,,,dg•a are orpolnion that an • Invention or
hopro.....entPeauireit more deliberate Invents/Mon and
+a b, they. may 1 , ef1ar.12.11,1 It In be erildallted m the
Oommitte• s , ...ettee and the Arta of the
, Inelftutelor
on t
mteeem Potence and the Arne butsuch eranaluallho will
made only on the titter. re., nest thn ownerits de.
T. Proof of ortgin mart be I ornbibel. if kentlirer. for
eeery epre-lraen otTernt for exhibition.
All articles depewited tint le achmropanied by an Ir'
Teter, 'Latins the emus end resi.lenee of the meta,
not depoeltort and it le Partieuldely requested that Isbell;
tato he attached. bearing t tome of the mat:et—in de...
In or whleh. ...bele. have felted to rte one any away
by the Judge, It le aleo drsleable that therm , [ cf tbe
ahould be marked upon them. and that thaw In.
tended for sale. rhould be marked with their , prices, and.
Cur pl-rea where they ran ha obtained. ,
O. The Cremlttee will uw. ail diligent. in preserring
the stole tom being lost or !rimed. by • roplOylng emits.
persons to assist 'them at auperintendingltie Mon,
end a 1.., faithful
. and competent wetchmen during the
tht—Prtrell arbrles to b. at the tick of life trepositors.
all • are rettoested to eta, all small and valuable.articles
In proper show. ea es br their IstSeetlon
to he mdroluse of rash day. unt.l Indllnad@'briore
n'e eel, shall le appropriated to the sndae...
11. Neither owner . ..or dePoeitere of gossip will be
nutted to the Itabibltlon root.. during the time apt roars
Joda.,,, except et the eperieJ request of the
leeches of the esttrl ra
ee caned OT 4.11,Fi10i by them .
, The atvre pr. mien. , are—lrt. • Plire ' s
Ateda% la Bronx. 4 eel .1: 04.. Ortitleate. anon \
J KIDD 1 (30.. (. Wand Ft,nt..
-"•114, to the Diamond Dlarket
''" 'he Tid- , 1 lar , 6 , lnvot
LI untlee.. of
will be duo on Nonday. ihq In l. th InAt. H. nb
1 , 1411,1ing Commqlar.
iI7ERTERN, Money'diought and
v fifteen Evetuvere for at,
Onkleetfnent male en the Wen;
ettelte leonnhtAnd nein nn Wen;
' It. D. RING t Banker k Ureter.
Nn. fin 4th greet
. . _ .
kIUGAR.-20 bhde. N. 0. for sale by
Ineen VoN noN,lfollAT MURPHY,
I ~OLASRS- 15 bble. for Bala bY
NO t'APRR ycam
--70 e Crows,
V Uoutee do., e ref Ined.ntn. f v
acme VON OUNNlleloe a 111DRt'IIr.
DINT Fl.eliigKs - 4 4 0 grnee foiarile b•
r AnAG VON cud .t.1113,14P0N..
if I lIEESE-250 hte R ;
11 " Pl^" 10* .
aueei VON lIONN 110 ineT IJ f b l.
doz. gilt bandied;
arinekA forret. hr \
sage VON DONN HOW:2T k 31URPIlir
LIONEY—A eeca dujtply or new Ilona) . \I
fl I vet', ennee—NO heefor
_axle ny
W. A. 31rOLURG el).
&Ann • tifewere 'atel Tea Dealers. ‘,l
lIEESE-2 dLoc. old Pino Apple, of sups.
) n""""-rer'd and r stale bi
tE I A CO.
&oat, No. 11541 Morn, plreet.
Rev:Dna Sao,
Rawer ease,
lobo Ball Faso,
Tomato KetehllPS '
worsts Blustaid;
CO hard. and for sale by
assist, W A Islcill.MOS A CO.
Excelsior Family. Soap.
lIIRECTIONS FOR USE.- 7 ,001d oioraTm
watts—sitlnk Wt. hood or colt ay to wool with
p•of , 111111,14.. Itub the MAO urnn th e clothes anti, then
t•`Sslkk for I hror or lour hours then takethon‘
nod rub thsra and tin., them ma. They will nnulro but ,
is rubbioitafter booking. and no behind Is rmolred.a.•
usual with nther xosrol. lorge washing ran to. dnur
In one third Ins. limn and trouble nub ease.. [him . with
.ny other
.nap, known. This enno Is RAP2•l3Ltti MO; IN.
lupin Iny way the slightest Oboe. 6. lb, skln or any ,
Ilslng Not It 1 applied to. It willremove any kind of
tinase. Paint. Ts.. Ink or Stains. front any
wahnut the halt lulurr. rout Is mknufketured !No
thut•ell. Ramon oo..299ltlynigton st., New Rork.
Ali orders promptly attended to.
for ogle at • DIORRIE , Ted Mart,
—. • - In the Diamond.
Ohio it Parma. R. E. Block.
'FOR SALE at No. 75, Fourth street.
mega Rock end Beebano It
0 "8-400
•000 h 0,2.5 Market street,
bu. just rec'd,.for tale by
j ruuulue 2 BATNMAN.
v 4 •AthAl/ wousta,...4 confident!, reemt•
sanded • rata sod. elfoottal nsullaine for experting
worms funs the eytem. The unexampled esteem tiler
me situated Its adtninietration, In .11.17 ease where she
alienate realty elitist...l with wormy, sertafttlr mudere It
They the attention of the outside wrappee will bac, the signature of he
'realists, without which, none le genuine. ;
Prrrearma, At1r11.11951.
This le to rertify that ere Oho undersigned, hiire usol la
fezoll!en irkterabata's .Verietatle Vonnifug,
rid do ooheeltellarlr rroaounre it the beet trona med.
rine of the der, or met hem ever 'rota- under oar homel
JACOir , , ,
Aahmafian. V. May 13, 1332.
Mr. A. N. Wickersham—Thia le to eertify that I per•
clued Some etyour Vitaatab . c Vcrantra,e and stare one
battle tea chiM mine.., dialed, and the recond day
eh• illechitracci over PO Worm., nod to hearing of toe of
int tieighbor'a children being tack. gave theta a bottle..
Port of wt. , h was tate, by the boy, and he reseed over
4 'forme-o,li la the moat pleaaaat Vertnituae 1 hare
irer toed, add produces the teat effect..
*ugh • R. DO
Ghats Works Pcir Sale., •
Npurturuica of an order of the Court of
rtolZAlrb.l-'tzufA 5, rg! ,-7. 4trINZ. •
0110 Wel f oi ', Z o. ° Vtitre .
the Drettrhie Glare fel rite, alined', en Gunner': Lou met
Vawe etreehin the Itlitakt or Kenfiniton. la U.l.ooll2fir
I NaNdeirad.
bhaLtoisho.n.loria.,maderlr June
The tale wilt IneTride werl p the IMAM 114 ;rich fixture.
thole sfe tea renakiere4finiinunrebi• Mr the mann', 1
fern:weer greet, Ulan fellow Ware.
Terms of thile—Moh withiu ten dare.
cony of the LORIN, together, with en Inventory of the
Too snit nature. which will ii•kionipuir It, ono to De in
cluded la toe 'Woe tOne ha non at lh. Auction nor.
where aim the kers of the premiteeare.
aniaijodat THOMAS BON , •
N, Anetinn t
e rr.
. tier ‘ 93. Walnu Wert_
rrfir v . cry best of Eireroly
A. or bottle,saltable for'nedleint
trays to obtained .4 bIORILI.
QUGAR CURED LIAAIS-4phvithstaiti•
top= Iniat,"CP, lat
1 ZVI Fr band.
Seller's Cough Syrup.
FT gives general satisfaction—
M. It. E. &Um—leas...a 'our ossetieTiaP
hate toned it a moat r-littdurgt.l,e r nr end
R. R. Fellers—l ha. mod QM. BIM
10 Mr tangly ae near three' years, and dad It the begs
mKleine that lam get feu coughs. I moon)..od It to
all my eosumere.loprsfeteneeto •121 other
.0t loe lo
.d that I/ Ids. 00 . 0 0 1
I also coneater your /dyer amt dathalltous tbet.t.
in we, jor the diseases they ...meted for by yen. •
Your,. Re, •J. RIMS.
' • Tont) neef oentisper bottle. • • • •
Prepared and 0041 loy_lt. R. PRILERP.
snob • 57 Wood street.
• 1 IPE in the Bonth; a - Companion to Tule
xii,,, .'.- JannelLngm! '• ••" • •44/IgArg.lriginTa=tr,ruft
v: served• an a zunsiniatr in Company mix iv_ , .. , t &M.& QALLOW Thl&& ofowo,
r - • ••••• in...aux hut 015an
j9.,, a n . ixtb , at P'-gt," bfi'*“"l trf tolfilrt \ ' -'— : :•
-' - .
oirt&iiableilb:47l7CrirP - Nr:otratoboAW. ..POW - ' I A I
...44, - • Pedines I waginv *loop&
• o
' A.. WILKINS , -.
.1 - aul;tenae for -Er4ailv of'. 4- J.KICID .1 CO
(Chroakk NAM) :' - ' ';
,JOi 0 • - •, • ' ' ' s - , " • - .'
' ' ; el k ." .. C.4 "NC;
.~~ ~ ';__ t
_.. Y
Yen itg Ladles Seminary,..4alegherty.
.taitv.,. their Autumn Pnadott Monday. Au.
aoet h. .N their 4wotling. 14olcral tens% .. Xt.
eleac'e.ltew. Mons. P. W. Oroontobre la " engassed
in.dructlob ch, and Mann. di P. derseanabre Draw.
lad and TOP ti g. Scholars may enter at any time, and
to chahrol tuition from the time of entrance. to the
eln• - n of the woniou. -Cu.... or yr , rotated manors bs
.* l;47 ***** O* th * m. r u l e.
ith rali " rtlie n ct ''- td
In 11 , a1 I' •In • eth er ose
All other a vl r ta the Sams as heretofore, which
may eno-nytatued o,\nderencn to the ctrrularoqr hY.P
-pl,lnd to lb"lo t VI:lot/vs.
Allot:ban, Attutud. TAlNZl2.—suadtf
A N exarninatian,-.0 applicants for skim—
tints as Tescit4a thy Third Ward PubllC Bellow!,
spit b• held at the poheol Ilene.. corner Grant and -
Seventh at, Thurnday Aogq.tl2ttwat 10 o'clock, A.ll.
Tb+ preltent required will he
thirtona , ontr.ating Of ond, Principal, • mals-Assistaut
su.l alanam female Al.lll Zt4t.
for any other in fid nattithr •
01.. n /rl i tz l i v r ,= . •
Jos, w. awls, smnury.
. .1011 N fdctiflf:WA:S,
Vltti'&" l ;l7lli . .y.
•8. liikdf:
Female BeMMary, . .
A FTEit 41 relaxation of A, fog' 'ooonthß, Tor
the improvement of broil', ML W
I. . LOG AN, by
firm. r erunesion. VII IMI* her labors cm the Irt day
of Serbanb.r. iv Pt. Cla i nstreet, No. ''l9.'vert. devr to the
()Ireton Zenhamte. Vs Ude Zurtantlcteje Waited in num.
ber, the. etehlog to epter are rrepectfullifor-* rborter
eolith. to
10l ty e.iy. No 'Pupil VIII he teceired
ean than a Yee-loth era no theinetto2
, 'I be Made for
lateen.. except In protracted sicken.: enris of guinea
. formerly.
' ''''''''" ''' ay " n..thi.. ^.^. -..... .......... 00\
endlornry ref /4 , , , 1011................ .......... ~ 6(I ~
\ \ Fuel per vountli. \IV " \
. \ vil half the tuition to be paid It ode... \ \
..=. \
'....... .._.
\ For Sale.
r 110 Hundred and Fifty - Aeree land on 'the
.11 Ohio a Pa. IL It near Salem, Obtce 120 <leased. bet.
an, en llnsbersa—land In le.neondatoasod quaint.
Also. arrea near !laden and 1t...0ng - ton Ptatlonsry
ra th e 0. a \ Pa. R. P. well Impr_Yel In building.. a0,..314'1
tarn( bottrda lan
1t041,1, 121 qt.,' beet (wanly of Wed 10 . E0.1, Valley(
~,.t ne Ca.s.oc near O. F.., tt. on Ira goal tavern
and ntat..e.. Mal: non, gtelth Shay, Raw
goof order,-Thts IA cheapja i rr4 ree n ritrlning
• 123 Wood Ware.
\Public Sale. • \
undersigned, Trustees appointed,to
spo, a,a, f. Lbs MUT. Coto rho KlisktathotaS
liver, at Werrsti. (now. Apollo Donega) Armarrongt
Cone; ;by riot,» rf an nal of Assembly ( satholdaltagdatt
the', mate. at.ll by [Abbe outcry,tbenald bridge
to Pinbesi and best bidder. gale to tato place at the
raid briaa., In the Itorottals Antertroog ' ,NA-
Mon fift.entb (Ildb ) day of November:A. D.,
1554, at 1 tirdoek. P. IL
T . eirsa oh.le---eash On the etreatiOn and dollyaired
• deed by thr . Trosteea W tbe porrhaser of eald . bridee.
nag. \ \
0 531 1 17 0 NETTINGI.;MbIiki4,
tirle, anti offer It at' trlgret.t.Pele,awholeVertuld
BLEACHED SLIMS-Wolo,lhave open
fhb( morning otts's4.litfonst aupply;of the above.
irem pu p up t o to 4rwitr
W.II,!TE B(..
cea open LN,14,1 1. R113130N§--A fell
~ua4 • moa 91v a ItIRC.III,IIcI.O.
j 4 IIRE 'BOARD PRENTS,..of 'splendid pat
to..., and at tOl\prioar pat reel. at 6.5
.tartet EL. and for rola Et .
ouiti ail PALMER.
LINOS—An oslenorro and gloats] roPoOrtmrst of
r•ory shade el color not Wri rCr of pattkro.juat
'c..‘.lltfarcim " j 'llit 4 o . , ileflAt; 7670 1 :3"?..°1.1 et.
. ,
FIVIE subscriber offers for ealo Fai th ,
•ri snub town:whip, Washington enmity, Wahl. one
Ilea dean:tor and adjoining the village of Binger, C one
tin wet 26.5 arr., he land Is of the bert qality, b and
souirly intnated, well fumed, ilmaered and watered:.
eloundlim Moue mid, of miry acmes and of the best
tort, am d itimeontie ebundutor tiro- There If tqcotr
or meow grimnd on the tune, sod two ;Willing Onto.,
large Orchgrd, and a fret rate Musk Barn, of large Ms ,
teout Tbe Itailanad beginning robe made
em l'lttehurgb limobenvilla, will pain throUgh the
form, culling loth two taro. mntleting. ef emit 17.1
herrn on the at m edit and tiv ott the other, width would',
iornt two lanne.lllth a dwelling bourn on eseb, and
beet born ma theitarger divlslon, each having enough
et meadowtimbre and water • end• right proportion of
cleared land. By, the Railway, thefannirill be Within
of an hoor's rue of I'll4Mo:it,
lithe above be uet 'previously told by pirate twrmiln.
ut will be offered Ina public rite on the '.'6th day Of Au
gust next, at I &Meek. r- at e end either L• One farm , or
io divided a t may iota i purtherners. Pomeolon will be
.i gAzt l ‘ ir th e rot Aurii next, mid • clear deed, with
-'2.7rhT14.,:rt.7,,,,i,0`iir.00 thew., or Dr. Wm ,
P neve, of b
the uraetstown.'or r. John DOIMLI3. of Clicker/
.1.1. the to i, 'lealk7,,lahrr4i,AN
Memnon, July T 7, Ififil—iyiShintrlin •
rEILIE Goads damaged bi\Flre; Water and
smote.'on \Tomb./ minx. will umnribnr, otrEntrrth meet. will be arrartge.l for sale this
I Wadnnatlay) Mum nn, at Um ra natl. op
The groat
mot... Minn of Onolit are milted to the comfy g ammt. (the
• unommenabl i er rtmr.lrhav log been dlarorr I and rogn
rt;".llThVod:Ortelfrinkablailmmeln \
1:1,1 Eye Diap:m.• \t l
French oral 'Eltirrlrsr Print;
4rrtb Ide l :tTe4,l firromed Cambriaildkft:
Untar—fovarlably. Cant:l-01rd no Good, to in ' taken
on avorobatiln•
' 7 ,4s!'iKMA jug., lot of PAW' milt Spool Cotton, but al fkla
ly damaged." 37.4'. ' "'"Cl : ' IC Eft
an" •
\' , PlTTSraell
, ,
. TTnat and fla*gs Conipany-'
\ CAPITAL, :, MOM A, ,
4,000 51t,iuts .. e.r flrtt, C0L14115 EACH;
7 I tS nowdoCumged, rirgatused, ander 'Letters Patent,
dated 2nd Yale. 11.52. sod lUprepered 10 nowise
11,4, and oreeste. the none. '1.3, order of say Court of
Record 1F1V.113 the Blare of Ferinsplesals, Or of individ
mils; will receiro'nutier
,cn deposit:, slog silos intern:
on none, loireol ford rioted pe riod!: Suili hien ont. the
001131 M Had rtt.r alll7 Promisem
/11otee. 1117. of EScharupt. sod Ott motto coliketions. .
Bonk: ere now op."' at the' et rtis Comoury, No.
/I*, Wood great. :our doue :Oxon Fifth . : creek forrsle of
lb. remataltut ohm. of stook..
threetom m ewl on W. d....t.r. and ElktiCRIP)ll, \
pPlICTOM7.laakrl, Lang/alp, Prenidew4 dohs Lin 7.
w N rtirrisk, Win. IllostisoUTboroas Ihrs.losse rd. Pen.
name.....dc. 11 . otchiron. eronuelUes, 11 Y jdneir.. \
curhsi Pi twolly. , . 001.1.10,
~.. :- ..4.11t,e; .. 'it'li ..t. Pa. Railroad
1,5 for Rale by • '
WTS-5o a_
auad . • J. -
iv...CITA • ICS' INSTITUTE—New wrote!. alded drip
biz Die month ofJuly, 1852:
Peter Tab., Rlabardami,
WlDlama, T II : Elliott:01. D. .
FRANCIS S. Deb AMARA:, Liornr:so.
LL PAPER.--Of a beanaftil style,
J ' fem.' exeolleat quality, Val o r .
• ob ACM by
• - OS ball
Bank Bps Wanted.
' 4ll
Copper Stocks Cheaper than Ever 7 —%
i no vj a i.nt , Es Mining Company;
1 "
50 •• b
60 b A .. •
Will be sold n 0 t
ahrberell entoel ' low este, , ebt. ' leoe 3 % • . WILKINS t r ee/. I.*.'
North American Copper Stock'
g` W ANTED, at,73 , Fourth. Street.
AIp i CKEREL-30'bble. now No. 3, to ar
, " d 2" vale b serNwrr
trteet nod ri4t it.
ALERATUS--6 bble.Liaiotore; for sale by
113ERA,L‘ASH--G tone 'Mow, f isle
aua3 \ ENULitql 5 BENNETT.
r ipIXOT.IIVEED-201i btr. fir sale by
(.10Ai",•153 bro. Rosin, for erle,by
4IOFFEE--30Tage Rio for' ealelF ----
auta • \ ENGLISH & _ BENNETT. •
SSo bad.. N,. ti;s. \
Lott 77** fir
s b it INNE
GROUND NUTS-1011bu. for Belo bs'
aura anoltion a BENNItr \
I-------- •
Mlt GEORGE 'E ARNOLD b been,
Mega/Ursa es 'AV C7l 28
• let
r ae r. f.::ll l lfu h e A.ll.ltlt4r ‘eSilkBlW
r premium to ene t hlyttt r
trertr be' ***"********be
!eminently. The A. Is now Verm► 'l". Thi d , e e t.A. **** -
Whet in o ttio bend. of Mr. ARNOLD. seal the Meade
4, 2
1tr.<2.7.4 " '"' "'
W. ROBIltP114•41"" e*"4".
roc Agent
HT the Cilerdentel, Arent foithe \ \ •
p a l
Of Hartford, Conn. •: ' •
Policia limed upon lA. most fatornble lanu,
..Agent \
F4,Pitteburith Allegbaar
Ne.. 74 Foerth • e•
p .
RINThy & - Buoroldield hove S— Stur p , rostd awtrplr of. Soper dark aral Itlptiuna Ytfot. pt
la); rapt. warrant." tatt
811IRTING MUSLlNS—MurphyttLuahy;
1/4 etP a e rf U trt=rl=l:l474!nr th e v.'
t mare, ° Prrlnnts In want, orjahlrlntlS'O.d. will do
well to WI with them.
ne h ' 4l;
lalwcao U 011914 `warranted' pun thaawa
ant $1 per„quait
•hr Illamood
HONEY SfitUP—ksuperior artiolo this
atta9`, Water*. above badtbefaid.
11 1 ,1IEESE-260 bx.; Cream Cutting, WS
AJ dar alth. Lj•
• 11.6nLit II COLLIN&
BOLOGNA SAUSAG.II, of huperior
11 Itr . fbr ffat•br W A aidn,Usa ao.,
•.ogs 256 LibtnY stzrat...
71 VER ` SAND bbla.
"-•.„4 7 b 7 w t ..IPCLUItit a CO.
gzuni4on's Wario—tha rosalt-of p.m , .
-04 Dnnsa.a of Ilona. an 4 Cann; Kilo old La pm*.
ed by ~ ,,,T 3 l nan i tto was►broom. now.
, = : :,pplrg.••Lgn I:74 " Elirotlr , fen sal.
fi3lt=2otTtre. new \No. 3 filfq 'tat
. I
E, Lading:for Ws by •
For Sale.
—' ' l t
* . s ,
\ sto
el ~. N
. -
. rOa Yu malt. slam. \
A176111C Shannon from Donlon . - ‘ ..Jnly Id ! ',\.. l
EUROPA. It. tor Itew York. ......... .-.......-_.\....1n1y 17 \
tiLARGOW.R-Vale, Dom tilaanow amp 17 \ . •
CITY OF CILIAnnOW, Wylie, Jar PhllaStlanhalUlF 21 '
PACIFIC, Nrot for Now York,.-.--....\.-- 17 N
tttletaror, no .—, -k------- J I
CANAuA. e., I . :I': °"'"----- .......,_A ug Aug 7
(11 TY OF AI A N CaRSTS It.1:1 - tek - ../o - t; kid - 1;1 Piti - a - ..Alt 0.1 i
T Vll
ticw7T' liar
1 Took..
. —.-•.— . l tr :l t l 4Aau+osA kt ':-.
ASIA. Jodklna.fori 1 ! . ... 7 ... 2 : ... A" fNi atb i'7ftl-.7....:.....7;..k
' . ''
4UAll.l=l. f2,- 7 - .. . , . .-t
... 21' foot. and frNow York a nt e,. ..... ...
C't, , . ._ •
, ratyYnt, volt° 011014.
4lr DI 1 \ '- ;
117114 D ' O ' LWVrei,IVI l ins. ------ - ...lair 21 • .. '
Ammuca, niynnon. fro: 1.1.U.0.0.:.',..-:=.1.17:::.,..Aa1y \
ARCTIC, Lose, Doan New York An . ...'
IdkßLlN,'Paratonn. for Berntuda, Fs-. .... .. • . ...4.g 9 . \ - \ ,
ETRYI/t.rAtcrl'A fZlll " Airl - FcadTlphla...2.ll l l '
II RRAIANN. 111Nalos. Tor Etinardv-...-............Aug 11
OiLASSUOW,„CraIg, for 1.11aar0w....,. ..... ......-.....,-And IF . • t \ .
NIAGARA. /stone. am Baton )..... ....... .........And IS
NIAGARA, llaryiron,fnno Now Vollk.- ... • — •1 9 . 9 .2 • \
FRANKLIN, Wetted for thole •
All (lot. And Ed• Llrwrywol, anion snilwrano, .foal. ? \ _
rot narks., ranlea AND SNA , ADIAINVII. \
*OHIO. Pokk. T. O. mal). . . ..Z 1
, , .
reek ‘
VIRGINIA. Tal. for Rlehtoond
CITY Or BOSTON. Ilasterbrrok. for lloatot, ... ~ . ::::P:.‘q a!i.
l ' ,..Wri r aivllll,l G ,k:l::::,!: ° , RAPllott,',::!!'..:::\ 7. tr.: 1 -- ,
...:11 7 OW NEW Tußn. Caster. tor Boono-. ...... :Atm 7 \ • '
enTssuaaa NiAIiKRIL
. \
. --' ,
Oirenin Prettroun 0a i •111. t 1
• Friday Stortimat.',Ananit 5, 1.50. I i
\The weather was unusually cola for the sea- i
som mid are • were visited during Um day be frtquent i
heavy shower. of rain. The cannot na. sena/elle atulat.,l
mid sales llmited,with no leapurturit ahanae in nameileo ? ,,,o
`, 5140,R-0 at little wag doing in the Itanr marlin. ite-E
ceiptinre le
llght,aul pricetquite snu.-1
Bales front Sent hands of 65 Dbl. at 13,21 fors. 1., tad $3,1
37 for extra; 55 bbla extra fresh mound I omtli brunt* at.
83.50133 MO fumy one at $3.30,5 do at 53., and 10 Dbl.
antra Prom store at $3.50 41 hbL
URN 111-11 No nate sole. of oat} loom Piet lianli asnorml.i
lug lo 009 bii os t 37e, anal 300 hr., new env at $54 , 51 bol
()father into. we hare no tales to report'„ mn ies.* nto-,.
OROONIIIES--litinar continuos in fair reporstealth?j
sales /4 hbds`prinie at ago, 4 month.; 11 hholitfair ata 4 : l \. o:3,
aitn4 7 I.bdt do 555511 0 ONo Balm 10 IMIs roolamo inii
mean at 3 1 / 4 x, sod 10 do, oak bbla at 55e "0 8:1. 410 1,
t ‘ la desdy at 10®10%e it, 0. Nolen 3 tierces else at \ 51‘,0 e: 'a,” • . \ , I
italXlN—Aslos 3000 tbs aneat cored hams,.not airictly .._ \ \ '
PAM. .11014 u 600 as Plat. near caned at lie: moo o. '. • • `, . '
coMmon, cannoned him* at 11m 11001barboulderst85(q I . \
00,000. do at 51Cm 3 htids western need shoulder. alit, . . , •
flii 7, do at a% foe ;shoulders and 9140 for ham.; 3 hbdr\ ..... , \ \ ,
OM. has at 111 a 51 0, and CM imii '<guanines! ham. at
t l .lsVil O. •
LARD OlL—Ewalt Was tnetspleml it 105585 e for No. 1 ...{ • :, \ ,
and 7055740 for No. 2. . i `
, . .
111.10/1-11••• ilinineu, with min 700 demo form Anil ' ,
handa at /3.14 5 a 151 dos.
~,\ ".
BUTtEIt--,:),0f30 fea boll at 13c 11 0.
115Y—Nalealp lmall at 180511 VI ton.
. ..
\ • —,...,____.,
, .
Lourivuhs, July 31. )
51 1 0,7 r. ) 4lee 'lh o i nos . t ratts tr o s=jit=g;Nrl l 44 .. \ -
Md.. at 113401101 M toot the damn idee.,Vli a for ribb.d. \ \ •- \ '
to prime country ahlmislers, and Ito tar choke rags , r s , \ . \ \
cured hams: Then hiks; been comaldetalila inquiry Sol, \ .• o , , \ \ a.,
hams to the last few dam and wa bear on miles from poll .
hams of ;700 !ilex.. 31X9 of which plain bagxl4.ll . \ a'', .' \ \
lambed at 10e, mid 700 aNits vom bed at 01(0, ' , ' \, ' . \
letlie r e ' : Y sl4o * an 4''''
"ifireelr:YN'ell'o'oPiltrtalfipter L,
. '
1 ,
Country hams am seared uididina readily lidelinii4nn/ , ~ . \
Teen olden Nom the country vs, 0 note at 10a, god shim , . ,
dere 75097)11e. Palm of 10.311t110 hag. lord ar idWil , ' • . , ..... '.•
Journal. s,
July l Xll 44 ) 1 a ' \ \
s ' Primmiss sop Lon—Mend ayinalea of 40 usrwor , \ '', \ %, \
don at bise fi do eannased do atloe, nod 5 do Nino.
~/,,..- -1 4„,,,,.. ~,,,,,,x , ,,,,, la y, 1....d.,.. t b.,,,,,,i •\ . , . \ ... a \
Mausactlons made known. 2/3 bbls romp perk. attlS s r \ • .
bbb 70 auk. ribbed older pork house. 0)..r. 10 ask. el -, • , . , • \ ' .
d a o o a .t t
ati!”...424-tyldooroltb.loallhoudida...o,o4o7ool. 4 . I. lll la czka . n . lb... , x , \ ,• a
In report. Tools, 5 Cask, ribbed Ales at hooted 330 bb \ , .• • \ A
and titer*. of No. I lan!. at 100. , \ „
ittVER . INTELLIG NCB. •• • \N\,, :•... ': • \,. •
Troi Wirt-
The. were 3 feet 0 10ch... by metal marl
er•t errata %at duet, and likai.
ARRIVED. . ' \
• ,
ilidtle. o ller= k ll... to . cloreffit Ti ,
-'• Tleir m . /Ayer, hallei. ITZTNe:Irtoo..
• Genoese*. gt. Clair. West Newton. '
• Julia Deani. Wocelwarl, Zeneerille.•
a Erecters,
Eschwire, Rhodes Wleellna
. allehlgari No. 1, Waver •
TN. Ehriver, Ltilley, Wert Newton .
BOW.. Bennett, Iliwrarrllle. \
Atlantic, Parldoeora lirownerM ,
Wt.., Et Clair, West Newton. '.
Marlon. Cleteloneti. l • -
lan= WIIIIIIIi. WhiglinE.,
alighlwa, B , eare l /.
- , Allegheny WO, Cyclonal/. , \
WHEELlNG—Euhsaire. \ ',,
ERVER—Hichigszt No. 2. \ \
BEAVER—Cblettale r \ \
\ , .11..”nmati Pain un.\ \ t
\ WEST riswroN. BR. AL , .844 T. $ \
, , .. .. .. ..
D. bash 0 Farm. Repot 1.16. fk,
fical,L..-We lean from the bloolaaati 1:1 I
that thEtatesmer Alta wee mid at 81 Louis,
the 28thl'aitt, to'so Upper Misalseippl Compie
for slo,Gel
VOlt OINNATI—The splon
did e. Iliad Omaha stetatar ALLI.
ANCE, Capt. P.CL 'Nan, will testa for •
11 40 A , fine
p 0,4,
freighty..c n.
or d. passage apply . on bonrd„
. „
VILIX=.• \
he tine stow 11AWITORD, Cant
IPST• kw the shorn and all lotermedlote pante fhb
at 4 o'clock. \ • •
• pg 3 \ G. IL 110 ILTENDICUOIR,Airil
1 1 4t...1 4 7,7 I" gr
lea. for the ahem and all Intermedlite porta tide d
the 19th lost. at 10 A. M. • ' •
V" au frei g3 ght*r
J Ji.f new
ll l eteimer.WAVIPIA d TOR. Wm Dean
eaater wieave for t base:we aml In
medlateportv on 31tuttoky It r. k.
v Per freight cahl pomace a 'os. beard. •
f4 5 (Tk -- .WIIEELINO:
, The fine ht cht steem. •
.110:f.Captala 1.10111110, w leave for
the shove and all Intermediate roir; day the2l
lust. IP a. sr.
Por r:risht or per... spray oo rd:or to
Jr. , t JOLItt LACK, Amt. .;
F rHE highest cash prices paid fo Ike Hop'
&Prated during the packing noon. •t the Wtd
pool Pork H 0.% oltoated'on th e Ohi r o nen • • Pe ••
and Ohio - Ball ltbd. 3 ogles blow Pittsburg ;or at
Pots (rem Loudonville re Plttabo •
_For hi •er
• • rem • W3l IL I 0••
r ft .
OILS -20 bble. pure Lard Oil
.7 - An• 12 Lt. ;
.ed In ictore,tay
l o t ACON--30,000 lbs. Sides, liret quality,
LB nuke boon and Akry we by
ti hbd.
www frOnt anal,
PLOUR--100 MIN C. ft, Prog , bargtee anyl
it ; • 93 ROM:
44 , JoTerpost "
.1731 ' ir larlq"l,ls gr. I
\i t.,
IFE i n the South; a componitin to (inc
ram•r Oath; br O. 11. Wiley. of North Carollllll.`
• •
igtaiNagk w. a Daak , NO(.1. atePOTIAT, for Au , !
\ -, - .1". A. OILDENTI.N7iii 4 C(l.. ' ~
,___— , 70 rattrth Wool ,
',VI:LASSES—'4S bills.. N. 0., piime coo
irsimlaesali by\,
J. B. DILICOPTO it 00.
i hn f 15 , 04 X-100 lads. N. fair to 'prim.
7 n! ,
1, In 'to non fur We by "
' rrS.), J. B. DILWORTII * CO.
UCKETS-200 dos. Brighton, for sain,
Lg. 113) •J. B. DILWORT Ua
. .
t I* ' $ avana, Principe lino;
•VI ESS PORK Ileavy-2.5 bble. ato ,
\l '113:" ItDIItWK. 41 r7LBt CO.
INSEED bble: rr.:'d for ail . °
i,30 t..\ J. KIDD ej,
1(1410 • 411ETA1.-13-§ , lk • • tOtie Foundry
- Fors. tor it'. ,
.444 =pr. CO.
LIP A vim lb, Clunk, Bars, loriame , l•2l4l weak gryq
iy24Parvlikloos Opthanda; Oa ' • •
Llni - LICK;WATER; by the barrel,
lairdid - r$ Cholera M ne, 'Ke t e,
man JAMES tor/Ulf/EY.
GEN EItAL iusatirpnent of 'Bove, PI
A ZkmA R
E f ri 4 o, : m u laN m,,,
770 -'" !eV: :
a RT , *
ix ewe; C...".; 4 ltlawzimo sad
bbb' tk le ilAro ft Ott.
ral! . 4/ 0 •
, 31 Wool street,
lba. pL Idea in rmpiG'2.„
LpACON--30,000 -lbs. llime n 4n ) ,
infr, of erst quolUTALsforo and f
.111 0 BQUITO.NSTTINCI—Whit e , B. •
Blvw Onww. whim • Aid.
w Elbist. Ipt wasio__• • ronitywwlwall
iworWot ir3OJ -• 1 1.14 . 1 ire suscarizw,l,
OBLIN. DE BAGS:-,rA further' lit
la, of the asse maw sad aaaltsbaa artiaa, tar OM
as anima arsiatedlladaz i r
tiao r
- .
:~-vt%;::t _
1 \