, , , ~':....: ,4 I .1, „xca .V'T‘Ft, {l4lO . ' Jib',i•i' 7._ : i . i , ..,,;„- . 'iiii ..,,. ....,f.:,—,.. • ~.. ,•- ,-., ',.:.4.,.., • v.-41, :•'.."+'..',..i., •il' '' I'4! ,;• i• :.'" ' , V 5 .. --. . '. •1' ''‘ q: '..Z....,Y,';';i:'441.4:•44:r.,S :-.';-',. :t ., .t . , : ;.2 .F . _; • ' 4 =S t4 ,:ri . • ;i , : i." ‘ l :•.i4 -'t , •:4o: -:••• ~ e , 44 :..•:•:!, , :. ::":4•,: •,*- . s.' - •;,6. '• ' 0 , -,,:: ler , :, , 1..1 , ..:.: , ... - . ::I. :•It 4,4 ti , 4.1- ' ~ .-4:..-n% ti-: P. i:_.-. 4... •. • .r : ),4.' 4 Thgs- • -., ~4 ..4. 414 f, f... t .;:i.T.14%,•:;:..t:-.:,41:..1'i ‘..w.4'f'.i.",',4:.,.w,i‘,.,.:,:!•'4!-,)i ..,„*, ~,,, ~.... + 1‘..4.14.,:!;.):•„,,-n ,-, 41,t-ii .; !1,-:,.;::•,',..)„,, ,•;..,4.,g,,;,,,i Icitc; 1;03. i ,•-• ' t . .*z:..-,... Nq , 0, N..E.;1it,._ 1;.3 Y' -x-.1.-;l,i',„ 3.Z.)::::: 'F,,,..-',.. :4itiftlp:o°:::: .",". It i.:;:•.**.-.t f 1 . 41 : 4 ;14 - .. 4 !4 ''.«....:i• ?.-..:. . ,‘,.,, ~.. ~J•i':.'4:ll‘.'4''';'' .. 1 ' ?: 4,. .1, i 1 • „A: i 4:1 !::" .1; 4.4 ' 7 f .. .- 4 : - 4 ';.::,4.:, .".:'?.• 'e.'.•;.!.; ; .. , :i ..i;--.4.--- . z .,:j -.!. 4?. i,..0A1t-:'441,..i5:-U4. :: 4k.,„l*tio f '•;.`.:l-14 ',... . 1 .- - , Ir-i !•,z :1 1 . ,,,,,,,-. s„,.= ~,,z,„ „, ** '•.-0:,......;...> + l +,* ..- re/ ~ ...,.,, ~..„,,.,,,g ...„„A..t.,,,„., it. 11, .A, 4,,v14 reort. „,1- 1 , t,,,,Az , r, u ..)...t iti4cl 4, .: [...,...... ~... ~.-41,,,, ~., , ',....-. g , .. - T . ,: , 1 • , : ....',A3t” ~..p?1, , • • • 4 13- !' ' '•-t" 1 '-i,'!:44: .'•!4\,:;17: '',...1 ;1,. , , fl . 4 'l'- : • - , , , .... 1,..,....,,,.....i...::„.....!. lt , ,3).....,...... _ - • 'W:fiifl;'.rLildlf;io:: [ :.,,•!,. , ,,i,:,..:11-iA ,'" - •: , 5ta^._: .. , - .: ; I:iNtrz „.: ~ s .. Z1:N.1,.....:VC , t!4 , v , i‘..•:•:::•-•s-i: - , :,.: - .':•.-;...*-2,44 , -... t,..K.:::.4. ; ‘ , ,:-;.:.*:•:;':,..,.',. ' - f: : :f. - '-' ,, g.i ,- :!';' 4 i' . ) , i3 4 . - ,,,-, ,q* ,, - :.;••••%::: 1,- .itt . ' •;.i` , 43 :5 .- ~-.c..i-,,i,,,, . ,i , ,, ..*i!.N zi4A - 41 . ..:- fl'. , **',i: 1.,;.-...,,,, 1 ..x 4 ,!..1u. i ,,,, ....JiiN ,-, A,:: 1Y..1 41 ,1, • , i!•:•,.., - 4 , 1i,,:i. k . I: A - .-.,5i r, ,;: !::, .. - ".l' - , •s . -: • -, .r. .... . -:, ~,-,••:: .1 4 ' .":1' :. • IMRE .I:ns Game LAWll.—The Shooting Club of ' Allegheny County ate determined to prosecute. all elYealers against the Game Laws, and have lamed circulars to the Carmen, urging them to inform them ortheir Solicitor of guy infraction. Since ci my are ignorant of it, and it will here attar be enforced, we'publieh the important men tions: Electi, 8. That from and after the time when this act will take effect, It Shall not be lawful for any personsrithln the•Courity of Allegheny to shoot, kill or otherwise destroy, during the Months of March, April, IVley, June, Tilly and the flr,t ten,daye of August, in each and every year tiArrialler, any Boble, Flicker, Dine Bird, Woodpiisker,i Thrust!, or other insectivorous bird, pi ink Birds and Crows, only excepted,) under s penalty of lea dollars for each and every offence. • , See 9. That from' nd after the passage .of this act, to Person shall shoot or otherwise kill In said enntj, any pheasant between the Ant days of February and August, nor any partridge between the first - day Of February and the twen ty fifth day of - Septet:iler, nor Any woodemek. (known as mudsnipe,) before the'first day of Jo. ly, In any year hereafter, nndera penalty of five dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 10. Norosrrier, huckster, victualler, Inn keeper, or any, other person - stall hare in his or her possession, or buy or cause to be bought, or cony out of the said county, for the purpose of supplying any market, any pheasant, partridge, or_woodeock, unless tho name ehall have been shot or taken in thO proper season, under a pen ally of five dollars for each and every offence. fileo. 11. And person offending 'agibidi any - of the provisione 'of this. oat, obeli forfeit and pay the Num or Gee attached to the same with all colts and chillies, which - may bo recovered be fore any alderman orl justice of the peace, for the Conatyitorassid, the one half of the fine for the use of the informant, and the other half for the rum of the County., • j Sic. 12. That this act shall not prevent any I person or pereime from shooting, or otherwise , ' killing game,-orineectiveroue birds, on hie, her or their own propirty, at any season of the year. - • • Ebberte, wife of a carrier for 'one of the morning papers, ran off from her husband, taking away with her between twelve and thirteen hundred 'dollais,tthe fruits of his industry. Ile at once pursued her, having as. .pertained that she had taken paaaage for the East, and arrested her at the Motustain house. - The money woe all recovered. A Mae or FAIILT.A person who states that be is a French Naval Ofkoer, yesterday lodged tomplaint before Alderman Major, &plait a WO6lll/1 whom he aceueee of riesling a gold breast pin, of great value to him, he allege., eine. It has been In the poeloseion of his family “betwetat seven and eight hundred years." A search wan, we believe; made for the trinket, but in vale. CLIAROZ e► PAILIDICe COIIITZIFSIT MONEY.— Anne Wilcox was yeaterday arrebted and taken before Alderman Lewis, charge] with peering a Are dollar counterfeit note on William Beebee. It appeared that she 'was Ignorant that it was worthless, and on pitying hack the value, ehe Was discharged. - OBTAINING GOODS UNDER FALSE PRETENCE, —Frederiok Stitt, on . Monday, lodged a emu - plaint before Alderman- Lewis, against Christo pher Uhl and G. Graff, *ham he inmates or ob taining a cask of witis,from him by falsely rep_ Insetting that they, woild give him an order for a certain amount of goods for it. Uhl settled :the case, bat Graff was oomooltted and sabre. a quintly liberated on bail. Snuck BY Lionriman.—The keel boat Jenny Lind wee struck by lighiniog during the storm Jon Friday last. Abe was loaded with pig iron, on which the crow had apread their mattrassee. Two who lay near the meet were very much stunned, end were insensible for some time.— Another was stunned and actually turned over by the violence of the - shock; all the other bands Wiped aninjured, No . damage was done to the Csocro.—The'borber. ramp in both cities, the proprietors of which ore colored, were closed on the first of August. Police News—Very few offenders were brought before the rations , Alagiatrates of this city . yeo• Grday~ sad nothiug or general iatereet was trainseted. FlBl.—The Own y'eeterday afternoon, wee owned by the soca° a chimney, out the Fourth Street Road, takleg fire: Vnatecze.—There are 'three hundred licensed Tel:dales in Allegheny 04, in addition to a large number, the proprietors of widch hare aegleo• teet to take out any. , Dren.—Wm. Sim of the Third Wird, Alle gheny, died of the oholeni in paint Louis on the loth. -Tax Jan.—Nineteen penis's' were committed to prison daring the week ending yesterday, (or offences which will be tried at the next term of the Court, and forty two on summary convic tions There are now, bluely five persons in jtdl.- I Paourrrr.Alexandor Lees, wu yeeterdy B ud b 7 the Mayor fn profanity, and committed in-default. Tas Baser..—There Itersaltteonmarket boats la the case basin yestaiday. ARRIVALS AT TER PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up to 8 etto4, That romitip =IZ=II Samuel Lane, jr, Mt Vernon, 0; Andrew Bins. more, York oo; D P Swanky, Newark;.o P Dy sart, Cleveland; J Leslie; B R Ruth, Newcastle; Beitj• F Butler, Jae B Cooper, Wilmington, O; Jan 'Collins Shelby; 8 B Morrison, lady and child, Phi o; Eakin, Washington, Pa J W Walter and lady, Beaver; L Tuner, Mt Vernon, Iowa; S W Turner, Ohl i City; J Jerre', 0; Mn Benoit Detroit; C F Knapp, Davenport, Iowa; 8 Bell Lid hay, Chicago; R M Musser. Lyres blare E 8 Warner, Liverpool, Ohio; E B Tyler, Ohio; Thom Bishop , jr., Pe; .1 8 Lockwood, Mu- CVenkine, 0 indL. 110210)10AIMA -110C1111, WATLIt STEM J 8 BurdealL Cin; IVIiO Murray, W Canetb, Dallas, Ps; C D:Alleo, Greensbargb; T B Sampson and family, 'N 0; W • - Longdon, c r Landon, Albany, N TAM C Wells, Cairo, Ill; W Craft, Beaver, Ps; dltes Putosm,llaise Craft, Brownsville; B Woods, itiltieling; jL Leech, • Leeebburgts J H Starr; Sewickley; J A Sterrett, -Texas; F H Oliphant,•llelocitown, Pa; N S Rich ardson, Plana; J Woods, 0; 9 Burgesses and two Maesillon; A McGill, Butler; J N King, mother, and dater, Cin: .1;11 McLaughlin, Louis ville; 0 8 Abbott, La Grange, Tenn; C W Perci val, West Newton. ; • . Dr: GILLUM Dorn, WOOD STIZOT. Mooday, Steubenville, 0; L Harsh, Col hf Roberts, do;T A Soott,SaMl Adams, P RR; Thee Sargeta, J R Hatter, A A Douglass, Turtle Crest; W James, Miss "James; Miss Boon, Peru, III; J Milliken, Rlissbetic.l P 04400: F Shuman, Riottold. Jefferson cc; 0 A Reich art, Misaßclohurl.MasterJC Rlteichatt,Pbils; D.,vinneY, Stenbluville; B D Agnew P C mocriron, Elderbridge; W Lawrence:Denning. ton. VI; J T Horner, Gets Horner, Hutton,, 0: A Lowry, Buller; II Johnson, New Mexico; H Schroeder, Mo; J D (Irma, Tiffin; Milton, Blair ao; Mrs Letherman, Cannonsburg; Miss Smith, Baltimore;, 0 Wilson, New Philo; B Hoover , Mos.c.lon;R Hawke, Canton; OSimmona pm' s; • 3 Riley, Hollidaysburg; Mies Bailey and Eisler, Master nsile./. CID; J Brodhead, Pa It R; S c Hummer, Philo; R Dale, Phils; J Malone, Mil.. lerstown. Pa; W Call, Arkansm;JS *Mentz, lloi• Adaffbarg; Oreenhoit ana Oen, Cia; • Caldwell, By; S Donbas, Harrisburg; Mrs Rein. bar{ sod son, Lancaster ca. • NATIOXAL 110TIL. 1178117. Ammand, E Bprogne, Mon. elks; A B -Easton, J 11 C9llln*, Al Thompson, 0; W Bala, & son, Ilarriaburgh; C Boyel,Bleuben allle; Vir Linn, I Milligan, T P Gordan and lady, Wellsville; 1' Bonsai!, Comberland;Capt J L Cal. .bean, Georgeteirm J L , Borter, Va; C Coll. Browneville; Mn Bproyne,and child, Mobile; V Edmonla and Indy, T McKeesport; J Hut ton, W Hutton, Alewcaalle; J Pchl, 1) McClary, N Y; J Mficoricte, Pe; .1 Mathews, PHIa; I Por ter, Bh7uselpien; JP Ranh, Bearer. yeomen mini. axtrnersan eraser. • Finley,B Westmoreland county; Bev Jae Kirk, Alessn Iris, D C: John L Offett, Steubenville; J • Meddlneart 1, Lower. St Clair, Mrs P James, • Chisel it'd; Mrs Heman, Washington Cite; C W - - Crawford, Marietta; J Crotiee, Wheeling:A Mar• dead. Indiana county; J D Smith, Smith's Fer ry; A Riddle, Newcastle; S P Sansom, A Martin, Indlann county; Mrs C Marshall, Dalt; H Campbell, Kanawha, Va; J Perchnient, Turtle Chet; I) It Dairidaco, John Bell, West Newton; C MI Hinz .Philads; Mrs 61 J 0 Malone. J A Chiffen, J Elton and-lady, A Elton, New Jerrey; C Vatson, New Lisbon; C Ilipple, Montgomery county, Pp; 8 Montgomery sad lady, Lawrenceville; Mrs DC Wolcott. Phil. ndelphla. - ArROUG W. AOILESON, Attica:lei at - • . I ityborgh. OHL , Four th street . t•ia ood or. o ' • Yozolocos-C Ibtoorn, W. I f. Wilson. Idol( ul.ht Erotb.r. OGWOOD, Faatick, Nick Wood, Brasil Weod. Cr Wood, Ulu NiGiot. Ltt. 47*. Potosb, Potoob. Alma. lad a comOrid t cd • BY TELEGRAPH LATE 7301 EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE HXEMAIIN Haw Yoar As 3. The steamer Hermann arrived Min morning from Southampton, whetter ehe exiled on the 2let inet. The Niagara seated it Liverpool on the 18th and the Pacifio on the 24et COMMEUCIAL INTELLIGENCE Cotton was la . moderate demand and prices firm. The tales on the 19th were 6000 bales;on the 20th, 4000 boleti. The Corn market was dull with a partial de cline of Li /it quarter. English wheat flour was dull. Corn meal had an inoreared demand . Oats 6d cheaper. lieans wed Peas firm. The growing crops are favorable, and the Weather ismagnifieent. The Money market is unchanged with an a biutdant 'apply of gold from Australia. Ponds Elm Consols, 10040100} and Ioo}oloo}. Paris Bourse, July 20.-4} per cents 1020.. LOXDOX, July 20th. In Sugar there was a underate buitineas done, price being stiffer and somewhat higher. Cof fee was in brisk demand, and tea heavy. • - POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. The English steamer Panama arrived at Smith ampton from Australia with $BOO,OOO. Daring Louie Napoleon's tour to Strasbourg, there wero exusorainary fetes and other demon stratione made by the people, consisting of mag 'nifioent illaminationa, a monster review, a sham tight, and frenzied shouts of •roam Napoleon," "vise L'Emporeur," &0., and showers of boquets and flowers. CONGRESSIONAL. Wastaiaroa, Aug. 3. Housz.—The House took up the general op. propriation bill. Atter a general debate the committee proceeded to Oat on the bill, and an amendment was adopted appropriating $75,000 for the purchase of books for a Congressional library. Alter various uninteresting proceedings the committee rose and the House adjourned. SII/ATl.—Thu President transmitted a com munication from the State Department, in an swer to Mr. Mason's resolutions touching the fisheries ' and mating that Coot. Perry, with the eteamer M8311'1401, had been dispatched to the coast to protect the rights of American fisher men. Mr. Case mooed its reference to the com mittee on foreign relations., CHOLERA. &mum, N. V., dug. 3. The reports of 'Cholera sent from this place aro greatly exaggerated. There are low cases, and no patio whatever. Oa Bandey it was the roost fatal. State then the cues are fewer and the attacks milder. REVENUE CiIiiTTER TANEY SUNK. Nzw Toss, Aug. 3. • The Revenue Cutter Taney capsized in the Narrows, at noon to day, and was sunk. It is reported that six persons were drowned. The captain and officere were saved. CIRCUS RIDER KILLED Nsw Yuan, Aug. 3 Sands, the well known cleans rider was killed on Saturday, in Wolcott, Wayne co., by atterofd iog to walk a ceiling with his head ii,worards. WAEIIIIVOTOS, Aug. 8 , 1852. Mr. Fickea's bill.gracting preemption to actu al settlers on the lineof the Chicago and Mobile Railroad hating become a law, orders have lust beta issued to sat Mend the public sales of lands to which preemption rights attach. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Pnrxxnet.rato, Aug. 3. Cotton—Held firmly; stock light Floor Quiet and unchanged; allot 700 bbls Penn, recently ground, for export, at $4; (mph ground $4,12; males for city cooeuroption limit ed. Corn Meal inactive; Grain—The supplies of Wheat bare fallen off, and'thero to but moderate inguirg; prices steady; sales 4,000 bu at 8d(;.88o for prime new South ern rod; 59e)910 for now White; 900)93o for old red, and 1010 for old Penns white. Rye 80e. corn scarce end wonted; , a small lot of yellow sold at Sac, being an adcance. Whiskey firm at 23c. NEW YORK MARKET FOOL NSW Vasa August D. Flour--2ales 5000 bbls Bute at $4(114 10. Grain—Corn mired 64 ®65. Provisions—Mess pork $2O, prime $1 7; sales 100 bbls shoulders at 83 D; dry silted hams 101; Lard in bbls 1110,111; Beet scarce at $l5 50®113 5D for mess, and $I I for prime. • Whiskey—Sales 200 bbls Ohio at 211. NEW YOBS MARKET. Kim YOau, Aug. 3 *vant3o. Cotton—Bales 1000 bales uplands as 101; mid dling Orleans at 10}; market firm. Flour—Sales 10,000 bbls State at $4,12; Gen esee same; Southern $ 4 , 6 r , • Grain—Sales 8000 bus Southern wheat at 90 for red; Genesee white $1,03. Bales 26,000 boa talked Corn at 66i. Provisions—Sales 900 bble mesa pork at $2O; prime do $17,76. Sales 100 bbls ',boulder. at Hi; pickle $4; mese $l7 for ordinary Chicago. Sales 200 bbls lard at 11}. flugar—Musoovado 41€061. Coffee—Sales 200 bags Rio H. Linseed Oil—Sales 4,000 galls at 62. Whiskey—Sales 300bbls Ohio at 211. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET. , Nair Yoga, Aug. 2. iteme-2250 beeves were offered and sold.at 6®Bl. Cowl and Calve-160 cows and cshres et $2O 045. Sheep, sad Limbs—Salsa 17,500 °beep and amber MI8150(34 60 and $5. CATTLE MARKET r ben EfILALI: t I PIIIA. 7er t B ug .50 2. v oirt Ueeves"gal es 1200 .hogs—Sales 40D hags at $7 5008 't) art. Coat-814es 150 caws at prices, rangiag from $l2 to 45. Sheep and Limit—The former $2 6004; the atter $2®360. .. i CINCIPRATI MARKET. NOOI 14,01 T. August 3. The river Is failing'slowly; Weather pleasant No change in the markets. Flour—Small calm Flour at $3,20C*3,25. Provisions—Nothing done. Whiskey-16i. Groceries—Sales 60 bbds low fair Sugar at 5i malts 100 bap good Rio coffee at 9f. • In other articles no transaction!, of any . p or. mace. CINCINNATI, Avg. 3. ECNNINGE The river is stationary. • Flour very dull; no sales of importance. Whiskey-14. ,! Nothing done In praising. Primo lard held at 10( 1011 in bble, and filmy, 11}011i. Hams In good demand; sugar cored 11i ®l2; common canvassed 10i Groceries inactive. , Pantrind of-all kinds executed at Isis ales slob sesta.. sad at reassnabla rates apKtai attention will ba 'gives to Poßtara sod srs. srmalcuso for Estilbitloss and Cososst Cards, Bill Undo. Mlle of Lading. Inrltatloss. Labels, aiss . b SW. Bills try assll7.spd stamp Cy rtoatad n House, within a few t en e ntqatutt—Trent, bb t Ito ul374 ' itZe i t 7:;:2717;;;;;; 741 i ta,vattr x1 --,/wsne rune three :ea. f..to nest weeks. tke,,,,,7 in, In Me. Ming . S atr.• No. ILL Wont elm, FOR SALE - 41bojunaing and Machina Shop of 11r. Jam es nay, autaata an /tank t.at. Lan, stmt. elm comahnne two To a las Lathes. Malan /Angina, !an and otter Manor.— I hit •111 Ea aold at • tazgath. nalaT OUnTlt. DORN, iTt2 aro. ra Wool Wont. K. E b s y .e . LN Soap, "gru . ino R j tlit"loj o s:11. ! XL-6/311 87 01 bbliSoiende by J., IDD W. IV OOLLEN 000Ds— V • .6 lk!.ack66klr sac/ And Crowe eds.% (.Usclmeaa: . black. gawk ackl =yr Twilled; 3 blue and crook Juno; drab and black Illkskst (Jotting: k w. Nick black 2.^ fawn tllLokolk 30 ;decal To• Cloak on band. onncra.lcomini, slot tor Ws, ox footage 6613.1.14 143.. h 2 9 121.1 Waal, NIS —WO - Wool:Begs unhand, end fur P "W. by . [Jab) it LEE. INHE highest price, in cub, paf fortVi.)ol by i Jrain 11. LEE, ktEEL & CALLOW, Third street, opposite the Port Mbar, hisn reed to roattry 8.11, s treatbr on Lb. Bre. dins obd impost of Domoolia Yowls. by Dr. pb.utt• Th. UK. Ton Thou.& Braittiorsit'o Reverplet, J,2 • rt 1 kg, e .ge B Iro..Ky. & hoist fin a 4 6r flnAl TfrOILLBI , RUN -'OAP -1W las thneintiati,in etoro,for sale kJ by J , 9 Idea ILLS! ROL LNEATIiERS I UINSENU— . • Mkl„t, groor rtaamer Tea CO: gm br • ISAWI DIOKIT' a 00. ' Jrn • W""r arm /rant W. • =E!iIEM3= SUGAR & MOLASSES -200 Dbl.. New Chicano Molar... CO bb , lmi New Orteam Sugar frk itale Or irV Medi LIS A ROE. 10PFEE-120 bags prime Rio; for stile by lf_J 117 J Meo ILLS • ROE. poTASH-5 casks for Bale by jrn kIcOILLS Jt ROE. QALERATUS-10 casks for gale by Jr'-'e fIcGIL!.• I . ROE drIURRIOLES--5 elm "Dixon's" and Phm- J black brak Curriclm for all.o J. SulluOMfaxalt t CO. EX. LOOWOOD-30 bar. 'Sanford'o' for AA We by J. 801.100 N MAKER • CO. ALUM I-30 bbls. fur sale by jrZ J. 801I0ONMAKER A CO. CHIP LOG WOOD-1044145. for sale by rte J. ,I,MAKER CO. (.10AP-25 his. Castile; foie side by 10 1Y22 J. HIDAD27.II•IIFII Ate.). VIARIS GREEN-100 cane eaeortetcellades g . ad the rolebratel . L°.^ brands—tor uniformity. brll. Honey sod_prronnerary It steeds onedoellot for tab, 'err low, by .1. tettOONIIAKCIt • O. HERRING -30 bble. gibbed Herring, just reed .1 for rel.. by WICK C IdeCANDLESD .112 9 ea., to Wood ond Wsr etrortt QUIMR-40 DIIA. N. 0. on consignment; 10 for mile by J. It. Flora D. TSEED-2Sbbla. fer sale by 1 irz J..% C. FLOC . pOTASII-30 eke. at J* 2 2) bbl; haleraturf tor Pile by J.! It. FLOYD. .• . . D EER ilAIR_lOOO,l v . 4 rl e n f w owle by 2)1 LthertY ..Vot• g --200 tan Cream Cutting roe'd NJ Ulla da, f,r ale bv HENRY COLLINS. Water it ad:ma Pealthfleld. . y UST ron'd, Brniihwait'a Retro •./ epeesof Practical Idedie'na and Nur. part 25. for July Ranki . .. Hatt I early Co , tract. fro. ' January to June. Castor Also, a a rist tm ,l, reed novel. ealP ta al th Uppar by Ten Thousand; by p andr e• e b. W..\ (JILIANFICNSY a CO. jr7.7 Vourtn SALER. ATUS dt PEARLASH this day rwd; saw for sae I, Rat lIFINILY 11. COLLINS. d DEESE-25u lIA. just recd far sale by ) 13r: VON IV:NNW - MST WINDOW GLASS-50 bas. 7by 9; for vale Jr=r br VON lIONNIIOIt-T l hallti'llY nIIRLAPS-15 pcs. for sale by ir'27 Va . tioaatmaar a NILIIIP, II CORN BROOMS, WHISKS, &a— ril derma Kn. tornfimoms: - corn WhIAA and yhtrt Rra.tror. for Plti• by fez VON BONNIIORST a Al UltPlll. IDB.IK LED SALMON--A auperior article, put or In 10 lb e1tbr, , ,,1AR , 761 . .g . f0r sal. by O?m.n and Ten Dealer.. VIEFI - Sli LOBSTERS— !' Fre-A 1.40 , 10, !teen SwiElo.: • put on in tvemetleally emlod W. .1 McCI.I3I:O tu.)., No. x6lll.itott,Y 1... r pain to l.:r NT the Cheap Pithligark,” 1 A lemon, to Kattnanda. (fh•onnifal of Nopoul ) vottll thae•tnn of Juan Etataah•of. jar...aline 14 Orton of Snood.. Amato...galore at bora, Laar.nroellrbant 0, A. RI I.I.VNFENNEW a CO:. 70 Yuan,. atna.f. `UM ATO KETCllUP—:Undertrotsrs Mo t perk, Tcnotto Iletrtup la W qua rt awl pint bottio* for mot, . A..IIoCLUIIfI • et, LiGAR--13.1 hits. N. 0., fair to priror: • al for rtlo br 01,ASSES--' /Tx Int tors. Plantation. o•lt enaperanon ennar Dn.., for 1110.1 b. .1324 It If 1..1". * EATIIER—MaI sided Bed; branded paid, for,.!rtJ /Ulf: Y, IIATIIIF.II - 1. 4 (r , , _ • . g COTTON YARNS-4,00U lbs. asserted. in afor• rata hr I.ITTLF. t r o. Xr, LS-500., kegs asFerted, in stura and far ,a. br JJaa" ROBISON. !arms ACo Ill{l ED BEEF, (Sugar Cured) in store, J awl f, Fs „a, RORI,ON. LITTLE A l' J. I,TARCII-25 ha,. Cincinnati extra, in hr Vollit.ri.LllTLE ARS lI'S Improved Patent Shoulder v.". Bove • largo ...Masa% at 31anfla"•/ur.ri.. wow, tno on , f nr sr In to, Jon. 4 WII.0)1 • (JUN T P. 11% ES—Murphy & 14nn'n -4J • till artioto a.. 1 r01..r..1 t tr. alat. ann. • Iglu bon .1... oral". 1.1e12., • limn ant t0ta1.... far Irullt• •a natandlocrinn .orvirs.rnara.l). snob a , Table %ad To•el. loan Nan., Craela Nankin, o ne, rtn.Vano. lolls .I.lru.•u ant 5N2:11, 8, and al at nor., p....‘614 to Ire, rrN4 PriABLE SALT—'2S don. poxes tine ground a- pat *p ra "'"l' t 4. A. tin-CLUtifl A Cat. jeZI ...nor. and To, Dealer, II F.V. MATHEWS t Co. Li XTHA STA. RC Bonbright'el imperiur i!dtit ta . .1". A .12 ragil r eir s'. of )72i oa. 230 Litortly rtzvat. WOOD'S IN DI CHOLAGOGU L. 11 .17 2 1rm-ber Master al and /.,•.L1C..111.1 1-%7 . harrels role tlat — J 11/ Wool .t.rmt. bbl,. juat reed, and a for Vie by ,J. KIDD S CO. . I., , CITWARTZ'S PARIS OffEEN', nt iron 1.3 elms. eta salt eurebb..mx lor 17=1 t. KIDD t UTCII—A lot for sale by - II Jr« J. KIDD t II AHD bble. Numbers I '2 11_4 tor able by J. KIDD t CO jr , II F.ESE--300 Witt K; kJ Vice Abbl, for sal.. by ttaa VON lIONNIIONST WINDOW GLASS-31)1 1 : It . .ts. 10 1J 110br 1, Vor nab. by VON DONNHOP.br NI I UI y O.III. Ohio & rerun. Rail Road Stock. FEW Sharer wanted by /Jr T"2"re;ll:t:LAteinak'ktitrjr.ent..". Cleveland & Pittsburgh Rail Road. 50 SHARES wanted at the highest mar kt! pries. A. WILKINS t Etock 1.3,1 Xxebanty. Urok.v.. 1,22 75 Yourrh Wye,. A I.aai—s bbla. for sale by -11.- JI2 2 R. Z. S.ELLMLA. 11",o1 BLUk; MASS-2A lbs. for eels by Jy22 IL Ittla.l.l:lC.i. JAPAN VARNISII-3 bbls. for nale by irss. It. IL SEL-lIRS. . IPLORS. BENZUIN-50 os. fornde by I ' ITT] It. IL lIIILLLR.4. H 5 OTTLE CORKS— bli;Jor sale by UP . .17= IL. E. 4ELLkIIB. ri I EAS-50 cheats, half do. and quarter do. .l )a orr; for •.10 LT //27 UAW! DICAEY & 01. IiZREASE-10 bbli. in sumo for rule by LA Jr= MIMI DICKEY A IX). LIRE.c. WATER PROOF MIN'L PAINT, an.; tar sale br jrn 1.9A1A II r ICKX EY A CO. i.:;iton DE LAINES--Just reo'a at.A. A. M 0.% Cles, 6 more or the..ewer Berne or cow—feet oolone—at I rgo. f rr! IHEAP DE LAINE4—A. Ai. Mason & Cc ere row opening 10 row, more of those welreorDne or cheep De Don al at ID. 1,211 Valuable Books for Mechanics. ikPPLETON'S Dictionary of Mechanics; Norris' Ham/ 13. k beletkenrers *al 111.thin'ets, T • Calculator Trea , lre nn a box Of Inatrumenta.and the PH& Itoir. far Gwen., Eastlows, Encore, and etadent.. The Catdrud Maker's Cota.anton; Paper Ilanger'a Dyer . . Painter', • Mader's Millet's Tuner'. A”ayer.• d,.. A. 4n., Pc. DAVISON A AtINEIV. jrlll GO Plarrst wt. norr Fourth. MOSQUITO MOOR of Ilcssulto Itsr,'for rale low, or OIOJe co for ad.. 4,...0m5rp promptly 011e4. .- jy2l . WILLIAM NOBLE. DEPPER SAUCE-15 bxe. superior, put oo iii , Undert.od. of Ikrgon; sale br L'r24 • W. A. INIKII.VRO L 00. More New Books. lIE Napoleon Dynasty; (M oillistory of bile Booooatto Focally: • work of et GOO page, a XI of tbm A_poototeCAtlaille Athllll. • 111solt1000(1 . • Magazine for July. The PrUde &out. No. IS floor, Um White Frit,. Von, Vol.. Ifiorpor . : Mount:no. borolootorly I•ounJ. cf Ilturralo Scott ottl 11.. r ,e• Iced and tor solo by UALLOW. Thin , tattoo, J,2 1 °Froth.. lb. root °Otto. BuNDRIEs_ l 7 30 mete Pearln 4. Notwo. bblx. oneralur, tnx. barralt Lake n& br. bble.llerilac 1 w Omar. I befell Ibsen Falb; GV dox. flueletc •10 bps. No.l Lord 01b, basso llocuw 30 Now erlaaas olurts X bhda. Now Orlean• Pam. 200 Lae. Waslarn Raw.. (lb .• 10 logs Button lo Mora and for role h J. B. Cara' Books for warm Weather. LEAK HOUSE, by Dickens, No. 5; the Rohin It In ths flush, by StOndin P nibnt va; or Aust.*. then...lade:4 refiy.r. 01 butler Ilk Wb[tertian:or the dey* of Charles the Innennd: V• 11 ntossuond; or the Queen's Vico= by / . /1 , 1T4 Eagan. emblem or Ilobln or LAU* rettllnatuu and the l'edllndtoulanc • V. 1.21 Unnuon's Ptrbsrlah handsomely bound: od Ws*erly NOTPII6 •. i Gothic Hall—Ray. rr N ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL euce. Weds, the teturietor delemluel to epee out hie Men and Boys' Summer Clothing .t th e I.set powlble aggro., ata great redantaa. The tun gulatta an netted to alrL tJara boyar no, to antrumodatetl. WE STUDY TO PLEASE, H. CllK , Titit, 7 , llined street. 1 4 A uT i s i t lB- I.t: Pani tt. at ;t'ipti AFri ELT SE-20 eke. fa oblgi z jgrzaw SALERATUS--110 casket; La barrel*: 3 ( : coni__l papera) lo Oars IBAIA DICKEY • o, Wator and Froot eta. rnd lor 6.1 n LT il'M I HEESE-150 lac in gore, for role by LJ rrzr • DICKEY EIX). , OFFEE--100 bags Green Rio; in store; sod tot .4 by /eV ISAIAH DICKEY A 11SlDOW SHADES—Anotber lot just re -110 re nt . fbr nl e . whol.uae sad retail at No. )014 COFFEE—SO bags rr l ime Rio; 1121 J. D. WILLI nyra,i'' .. " l 4 :7lkirood U. I) I CEPS to titie.re.si.lZravej. Jon J. D. WIL IS t CD. 8 YRU P—lo bbl. N. York Sugar Doom; 10 Portland: for rat e by IT2I J. D. WILLIAMS A CO. VENISON--300 lbs, prime c6red Hama; y for WO br jylll .1. D. WILL4I.II/3 a ix). ICKLED OYSTERS--A au erior article I pot up by Underwood it Co(o. • loot rec'd Uran. r rale by A. A. Idet.ollo Ulf Jilt o Liberty at URylvtaAY.,'S.-Ie donor v.M.AGuo 'd sod (r tri • a uo., rele -A 7;1 7 corner Market o and Diamond. 11,111 IT I.; GOODS—Such na Mn I, and Nan , v took Idtudine, Prrbe do, plain and to . r. plain and barred, Carobrke, Book di ,Biallop I,lrna, and an ean , lient semottmeot of- Edging.. Ineertiogr, Needle work, Callan.. entin. Slaty.% Le, to be hod at low price, rt Corr of 1117 31111IPIIV a DDRCII9I LD. Ai 11 , 18 lt.f id l , T NETTING—M i u by , a , to;to Netting, 0 71 . 1;: r at ' red ' :nd .d ,41 ' 012. ' " ilSe Bobinett for do. in ro LLIS'S CALOINED MAGNESIA—GiII A fee,. nom tb. ordinary )Inecorla elderly In the In lowmg proper Des. Ylf: la Dm purity, laung entirell free root Co tante Aril. gritliner. unplearant hate and emell.eod Laufer or more dens . lit. bistros It LII .trrogth to three or Dor tearpoot full 61 0 11.1., • .41 , 14. J magunta: rcr Ws by 1.. 011.4)0A • CO. : If IT eorner Market at. and Diamond. New Book.. • JUST received all the Lady's Magazines Ina August. Onley's LAAy . .. nrok for Augunt, brattro'm Mar.. """'"' o C lo . " A th ilittVkVlgillt e l a i d (1 O f 7,-1; 76 Fourth B UCKETS -50 dor.. for eale by VON IION , IIOIIsT s MURrli LL 1 ENUINE FRENCH CLARET—S 4 per It dozen. or 37aie p. bratic for sale at MORRIS' Tom Eforv, lb. bl.oond. dell EW HONEY-13 boxes White Clover, /1 In dad Comb, very buadroma, dust reed for tale by A.MeeLURO • 00., Orrery, and Tea Landers. L -SW °4- 1,14 SAC VIN 0024&R i A le .: VURPIIY. lIIEESE-140 Las. prime W. R., for sale 1., by VON nu. SIIOINT NILIP/I Y. A f Y Rakes, Scythe &tenths, Hay Forks ley rate by drIA VON lIONNIIORST k MURPHY. . . tI . R , i t ; d Gak rn N , 11 E . t 0T'1 3,7 T 3 e• I'll: new • n c I 19 • • • 1 1 11EAP BLACK SILKS—A. A. MasonA. j Co. bare just rhe'd (torr acme another larsta lot of thaw. vary cheap Black bill.. acme aa low as 76c Mr Tud. WEET OIL-2 els. in store; for sale by sin J. KIDD O.i.MOLAS.SES-450 bbls., oak and ey. 11 a ortgP. rhope,ove, to hand and kr stale be INGSIRAM. s UEAP PRUNES-. 3 cks. cooking Prunee to, rkle lovr by TY. A. ( IA NC 1' SOAPS— reir.,st.d.•:,amp in bmw. IA sm., tins. l: Iknwn Riodmr perlor Palm and CaAU.. Vp . . A 11 . -nia rl wAnl : . i . , , ,7. and it , l g OliN--Sir rm. prime Sallow, in ear, just arrival an 1 fnr rob. by 0 , in Itt7OOELL A JOlll'itiTON. _ - - Q t I'EAP DE LA INES—A. A. „Mason dr Co. s nAr. i ,;;? .... s l ke .. tthrt rte. at Itt o at Nrs PRINTS!!—Now Ipening ct A A. Marto A 1.70..1, 3 rtefti rAt etitred troaLter sy .1110 I ri gliE.%P DRY GOODS— ,OIO "rip 11,,, St 14, tt. Mut.. d. Latoe. at Lawn...l sad 10,5 Jim trrel at IJIJA ...lA.° A 62 and f 4 Market .t. L , CREENINGS-100 bus just reed and for 13 ...$o t v It1 . 001:1.1. • JOIINEToN. liRAN- 750 tat. fresh, just fe0 . 41, urel for oalw 1, 11,1 .1 I:VS,hI.I. A Jt/lINsroN. Pittsburgh Life Insurance 2 5 SHARES for A sul , c il lar aNs //la Na. TA ...mirth /amt. tit I ,. DOLLA . , It i s _lrtv , est in Mort errMM.F .to . ir" n trr' A WI L 1 V.14 °OO " It 1.0 ttschaoto Urchrn, 71 Fourth Id. JIARASOLS--A. A. ?durum 21 CO. aro ad:- I, lt d oat lb. bettors of their larc. atnel or Nato and f‘orwl Paramolast a .rvat trdtirtrn attm tamer en.... tt SS. 011WER-2 gross Brown's, for sale I* J. SCHOONSIAXIIK A CO. A R.4T.ti,V illln) J. e s n e rhit d 1 fur A(0.(0. S PI C 8 . 5 ,7„, 100 . mote Cal elm; NurWrstie esln J. PCIIOUNMAtittIi (V. lOU :t1 Wood rtztet. USE—hart reed at the "India Rubber Woof—A frmbrapply of Volonalard Rubber liant, • wh eurpata... Irstb, in 1.1.• folloartnir froportaot lieut... it. stavn•tb—than brarmrt pregnem bla. Irmo arpll.4 •Ibboot beetling It. It Is ',fleetly 110.1-41mn• f,rt may be Docneet.,l damn car/Ind thr.t•th litho .cd D•0111D, altbont boating a dter. no °Wo. ben. rout , . than Iramber It •111 rodur• g a mtob t 'blew d.grre of host than leather. anJ will not In.. Ite IL. Deter'. co .1. II Id pert. etly Faannth to tile. bonen 11-welt threw rt 17,11 . 7 . 1, 71er ".. felt I 1e... ru h"U"' J. a IL ruihurs. /IN No 114 flarltrt rtn•t. I JOT CLAY-42 tons Copley's Pot Clay, L Nor. trend :Waal rae'd tad for ealr by J. / 1 4 . 111.11./NkIAKER k CO. . Worlettewt. VINE bILESS GOODS AT ED• PRICILY—A. A. Slum a Co.ara'pow alt•lng ouL w. their greet Cale. their entity atocb.ot no. dr.. Goof, atan moment, mdartion WAD former ork..: who cur. audthnagner dbaela. Yaram , Ly Cannel, , and Bono, t Ribbon.. /01 11.10TASII—S eke No. 1, ree'd Tor Sale by t 1712 IfAll.B• GUI!. aItINUSTObiES--150 assoied for Aft rala by VON BONNIIOItIiT mu Krill% CARAWAY SERD--200.1b5. for sale by 11 ,16 .1. Kum a co. 1 4 , EATHEtts-76 rim now landiteC from str. Floaneler, for net, by IPAIAII DICKEY a q/.. ..17/2 1051., .5J Front see. 11.INSUO-2.1 obi. landing frum stmr. esuei•Ar. for Azle by 812 DIAIAII NCH KY A CO. F LAX SEED-9 bores; It town landlny from Am, Close. We by ISAIA/1 Cleft/.Y a CO. BE,ESIV4IXT.3 r.lizrr re.::lo . w landing from l'7• 1 / 1 1D1C•ICY • CO. -TALLOW bbls. now landing from vh " . " 6 "'Co te 11 irll /7 All DICKEY a CO. F'VOUND--On the street between . Amor Clty and allytabert.r. • Child. east 4 await" J. SC1100:4111A KKK • CO. /110 No. 2.4 Wood Strrot. • ARBER'S & DATUM() SOAP—Just p_p rre• IDU lb. of a onpolior artkle of While Nrogrd MintKw.. c ryre, boap, whi Kw.py ch re, or for wr wohl.l en• Snip,.tr. - oh:mead for the ore at B ar bers. K. A. AlceLl3lll A CO.. ylO No. 250 Liberty It. U 11 HIE 6 - J 000 Farr 1010 Coder: 60 60x. ruatnikerure.l Toh6 , -0 6 No 1 M 10 86 bblc •• 10 6:06. (New) ' 100 . I 0•111606 re llrrn6 6 o 40 llibbed No.. 1 and 2 Shs hb.:0.,11,,n.;',8,0f6.11er estrum ZAP 1,11/. 8 11. 61 ' ClFatrir; 100 No. 11N0r1; 00 ht. 01.16. powilerri Nalrrattir. for 041, by JOHN WATT • C 66, 414 • Llb•rtr URN fiIEAL-75 An. prime yellow, fresh it/ Ar6IAL just rreelred, for oak by 4/' 11.11110 ELI . f JO.`IIIBTON !VANILLA BEANS--5 lbs. fr sh, for bale m. by J. YeUrbibblASElll CU. PRESTON'S One Extraets of Vanilla, lemon. Or, fon rale by jylo J. SCHOONMAKER CO. Time Bills Wanted. P IME Bills and Acceptances on Cleveland, _IL Wesel,. balsa Loa., Loolorille Closieneti will Le bersabt at low bare by A. WILKINSa 01, igecloiors Orthere. 7Wreurth et. -A %1 . 1 9 11 81 12 ; S r e i ls h s ° , l i: I stock o for , 13 .1 8 A. chstarren;', 91.E.ESK-50 bas prime W. 11. just rood I.J and An sale by iI,'SSILILL JOUNSTON. iy9 ll9 Weer Asset. QOAP—.SO his. Cincinnati Soap, Wawa, tor We ir.cow and Plain MW O. for funny an% rea'd and ba W. A. hinCLUAO k CO. - - CLIEESE—Extra Cream Cheese rou'Llthis J. T. • 3..1. BOONE. Bair. tor ibis by 2Y7 'Abaft, etreat. Goods for Shirtings. URPIIY & BURCIIFIELD invite ntten• aeon to tteelr ateellent assortment or Goods...pt • ol for .4 common Mblrts,.ch an Magna Ithlt.eg Itrintli Melote4 Irish Linens; hhittlog ch.tbra, h Mc.; MI. Mom ms = UntCOftoc kws, attanthl all Unit, tiny. an bang. but of these fl ode bale, Pun:basal direct), froo the nauettfeertrer el hie 111{Frittla:1131 beeohtat the eery loved okra.-'CD/en are invitsd 11DT114 1 1 , 11T.11 1b ldig-:a bbl e. nt " 7 * S. DILWORTIt t CO. i c t.ORI4ETROOMS--21.16 dozea for sale by 71 .1. lit DuaosTa k bOTASII-30 aukspkrixao for sale by Jr' J. R. DILWORTH , S UN DUI k rArro. L4t22 Nan Mat ere; I Shad: ll4lfd o o 4 . 1 Dltot Harken!: 2441 0 44 2 40 Darri44 44 I NtIt000; , . 11/ Do Ditto; 4 . . 1 Lard; 110 Il K ar 24 rols IL IL Molan4n , 100 Do N:/1. Ditto:, 2414 22 WWI_ 4 SO inal 02142222N*.t0'024 4124 t1UM1:12•27 A 04. NOTICES. &e • Coiling itusthir, 00. of Niabigan. NOTICE is hereby _given . znatian instal nem. at TWO.) Ara Cools win Ebara boo Woo as. monad on the apltal tt o ➢t of the Colllog SP log Comm o' lb. toee at Boson est. ar or let motors. 000110 0. 41114.$ D. 1,0 gee - Mary .n.l Tr...Nunn Notice to Stockholders lI'S Stockholders of the Pittsburgh , end Staub...lle Railroad CepepeAr ate herebr uplifted ° l , hr thgnlntz:m.T; =rag mL,Ig N th o. e 647oe2t .. " PTatar. " ". BY order of the Board of lAN... i» v _ Vflt A. HILL, Treanor.. Botice to Travellers. 'I WO Daily Lines of anlonthd Coaches run from IgluWirral Ha Witatungton to Wheeling. Pm eengere illnd the gond, and driver. areoutmo dating. The malt b o ne ne. every morning. punetualir. at 6 airlock., ite aunaL Citizen.' Line leave, everyafternoon at 2 &Moak, en rept Sum / are) Part of the Road le Planked. and the re mainder tomalamiled. Per puma, enquiry at the releet under the Mononga hela Ilototaabree doom from thy entesnee. Water:street viatt JOHN J. RYAN,. Agent. HE Annual Meeting of Stockholders of tlrd a the Allegheny Valley Hoed CoraParlY win b. l the UM& tf Ma Cowpony In the tity of Mt. burgh, on Monday, August 21,156 1 1, at 10 o'clock. e. th., when • Prertdrut and Biz Maniac. 0111 be elected for the measure:mut of the a a the Compan w y; V. It. of PecrePa pro trea our reps.. etre Cm Press cud Demount, lialenaluill Jellerroolate, Advo cate an d and 'Lubber. Clarlorg Ole County Advocate and !lateen Urblt copy tuttll day of meeting. rl6lltd THE SUBSCRIBERS TO THE DIAMOND Market Heuer, 11 . 111 please take =tire that they are Wldid A erat ed Yar tw...tr net. te their sub early sa d o orl4th Jut, Inet.. mad ternty percett sr..: thirty day. themdter, peril all Is pald. By order orals Bandit:La Ooostittee, 171 D. KINO. Treasurer. Notice to Rail Road Contractors. T ILE aubscriberr, having undertaken to the Vrtlgt.trbltTstr arget=linilllltotrbig.nhVi.ttf burgh tO the Virginia !km. respeettalir Invite ouch non. tractors so have made lair bide tot portion. of said work. at the sate lettantr and any °them desirous of having work on the end, to .all trihnut daisy at their celee, earner of Om M elet and emo d alley, up etatra,orttentone or more notrobere or the arm w ill be found , prepa-0 to make eat ithetory arrangements with mitten/am fry dome parte Al the work. hone het respouvini• contractors, or thaw litho ten tome well remain:tended, need apply . .ewe are determined to have - the work Ihroty promectited. _tell 11ANY1.11.16, N 1 mne ollol.BoN • CO. I HAVE appointed James BleGuffey, No. HO. Wood suvet, two doom below filth. my role agent for Pittsburgh. l'enna to nell Branum's. Liam. Unm an Btho Want Pills. mo. roy ju ]I a n loretabla ham, LlM cornt. aim, toy Justly celebrated Bronchial Srrop. aud my dant or Cholera Drum, Wholesale and Retail. byltho nu. ar bottle. or boo. It Ir unnetweary to ray auy thing boots) a pert. medicines..) !viol rum.. In curing all gonemil Jingoes w th them thy Juhlio Is vary familiar with it, and ' :•rP n litt r uZeli t g. r27r:1 2 7, , '" ro:or ."1 rt 1 41 Qt. Ott' : Pittsburgh. Juno ith Notice. 91LIE partnenhip of JOIINSTON d COL LINE la tbla day dkaaolard, by mutual coo t—the lotto la duly atborlual tapir...a alb.. BM to Eaattat Fettled pu y b Ilea, !I. Collin,. the ma. ROULRT JOHNI , IOI4. =rat Li ad ay IL COLL} NN. rivrE partnership heretofore existing be !wren tbn undenigned. In the CC.21011001:1 and For. warding Lupines., ete.... and. r .bn nno ol 8. V. VON BONN BORST& CO.. Le thin day dbienlynd by mutual of...mt. The bualnera of the late bon .111 he bottled by V. V. Von Boonhorat. who $. authorised to tom lbw MUM* of the Om fur that purpnew. WILT lAM 610110AU11, e. VON BON N MAST Intltturgh, Mn, 3,1. lISSZ —lnt Co-pa.ttnerzhip Notice rvilE undersigned have this .by formed a t o of VON BONN (WONT WarthoONF No. 57 WO., =a Front JAMES R. MURPUY 6. Y. VON OONNOOOdT. PlUOJoreb. Mo, 14, Dissolution. PIIE partnership herstofsru existin,; be- Jiti 4- i r .neea . rur.:ft: v .a c dt - Li". ^ .t" °•" '" V.bmary 11. 1559 CO.PARTNERSIIIP. I have thin day cumaiated with me, in the 11710LZSALZ DEOVAIII' AND LICIL'OR ' DVSINMS. JAMB It. PARE Mt. w4.r the ram of .. .ion, Poi.. • Co.' . JUIIS PAltli tehrutry In, 1A:4.-11,16M To the Poblie. TE NOTICE of tho Dissolution of the t.a ie I. r. of Jona 1 . 44r.r. • Co. to Mr uortilog Dann of w 147. corn,. 4 411..010tt00 rontAinaplateal, of Lech Has public 'boll hos.. Jae IN., Irt.....onsuanas. WM. 11411 it, 0.019:00 Of Cora of JOHN 0410000 •LO House of Refure. rVHE aubseriberto for the erection.of on of Refuge f.r Wearern Pranay .7. C.relpr (ll notinwl th at an nooraeunnnt ni twenty err rnut. nn the •1:1141 oub.rrined ht earn, Ir ro,pri na M id r-u,larer, nn Or beton. 110 14LS der of N.-a.. nest IV onter of tbe'Boartl oflhr•-IZre• oc=n, lIANN,Trean. I Could not Recover TIMOCTI. Warren 00., Pa- June 9, lk afr. a. IL Fe Flr-I hereby earthy that I bate bora atnlrted with • ream h and alnatlnn of the Louie-1 was •111.4.1 oerrantly that my friends thought I mold not teener. lau raeommerideJ to ue• poor lams% Symp. • blea I did, with Lb. most happy et fat. I aro mow mainly .11crfa, and feel It Mb. • dn.,' to reornsmen4 the um of UM rho. dlsealed In !Newso m, If you eboom to nee lb. .lore gertifeate, you an. ae Peahen Warty to do en You Ac, . U. J. Talmo Praparal an.l for pale by it. It. PULLER.,' lab IT Waal stns[. VIAL;1:-211 barrels J: Clark's Super.— rlralita braal-fOr W. by ire _SUNDRIES-- n?pair. Cotton, •/' Lou oJa Y 1 _ChM 131omr, :4 brtal. Ilateeed, bbla urea, tierc, Ineeor.; to arrive, far aato by ISAIAH VICKSY )17 Water and Front eta. I'LUUIi—lpU bbls. S. F. rtvi'd, for sale by jll7 116k840011. iIiEESE-100 bxs. in store, for sale by lJ 11 1 IPAIAII Ultla EY a Co. rIIALLOW (111.-22 tibia. to arrive foisale L by #. ISAIAH DICKIIT a CO. LE ORNS-3 hhde. to arrive, for sale by 11~Nf ISAIAH DICKEY • OO. TI _ POCKS WANTED—. _ _ _ 35 Phan.. Itarban.pir Bank. • 10 • alertbsomi and Itanufactorene Book. lo • Dant of Iltratiorgh. If Pittaborth Um Com Pool 10 ir North American Idioms Company. 30 • Pirtaborg and !Lot:Jo • vear.t . se a co., 317 Ronk mot rbotioarro Limier, If, Ilk et. D ( IAR-14 hhdd. N. U.. 6 , 1 , 1: 1 1 . 13r . Ij 305 4;;AitniNs—o( the celebrated Guilluta I.brood In rebore and Marimbas received am! for .aleby A. 51 . 01.013) kerb ryl Urnr.rra Pro.loc I OAF A. CAUSIIED SUGAR -1.4 150 bbl. Lrar Supra. Moortod'oomticrri 50 •• Vioaltrel and Pormlorml; or, band Penal by ltun.lntnx i t (NUN/N. `NUPE—Afresh supply of superior Rap to Pss and Mae•o•boa Ere t r . aalaf.lfor r . c. er ,ra , ..,,...r ;1.:" 1 1,...'.c. 4 4; ti....i. KNIUK ------- alt -7 7J 7- EIiBOCK IAGAZINE for la ir Ma bean mair...l, aim the I Izry of a I . llpluna Ur amael C. Wartei . x2 . ..47L1 , 74, c - ir i 'la r ilirau.a . Year, to., lc. iy I in Yount, atreeL ROUSSEL'S E.:CFR — ACT for the Ilanaker , ale. km rata by L. WILOUX &CO.. /lb reran. 11 . •91i Ihsayntyd. `OAP -50 bro. iu storo, for ralo'by .111: S. lIAKIJACCIII. LACK SILK LAIIE—A. A. 3lneort A. Co. bun jll have , Jost res'dlper oxpri.”):l. Wee. I , tom No:ltnr tare, .171 V wdu.Qort th•lr Ist*. I...crYnent Bei att...l • ....Danl. from foesavr pewee. tle et .1, 4.1 MOLASSES— . 2d towels Gondol, brand. " Jam. •• ou " Woo lira, •• On Lood. tor nay by DITHAIIID•111 A INCIIIIIAII. ikolloll.l, NEW BOOKS, just received tram IVA Do Mob • "Peep a N bee PI re"; "Itylonfro 111orto. C.OlOl and Cure; "Illblo In Ms VotollT, be rmadutooP. "Pothket Mel In Proton 'Data or Limo CoLtota". "20/. rmoloor and Copfploo . Florfot”. "Übrlnlan afttlodlo. , • Onoch on th y StudT . o7 Worths Tb• Lott Sooty, Deaftwes A Blind nos bit(' tb; '4ll =l l ti r l l tqFPlL .' AsalTtont"• "So Iptura•ProDboy" Inlet. Tomo: A "liltto brown a Welty Coortroef. r., An /TI DAVISON A ACINKI2 of Markey et. To Attorneys. A SUPERIOR orticlo of Brief Paper, reed . (11. and for sole by J. IL 1P le Dookolbo and Stormate 112 Dl Wood stoat. baboon 2.1 and ill: 14 .1 11.E511 OYSTIIItd; Pooh Latutrok bosh Salmon; by Cairorcol rm.. Dorton, pnt nook, ono and tan mllO4 eO.ll, 111.1•104. ...Mond for oar by W. All Clara • (10... No. l it /Moat IVEIR SALE-5 share, of kilchange Stock 62 Shot* or Al:* 11. Bank Wholp.• Va.. llastrot funds Lonibt at /coot onarlot Oa by 11. D. KIND. banker rubor, alb ot.. i QUA y AMMONIik-300' lbs. K in store for i is..shi bJ. IDD* ott EPPER SAUCE, excellent quelity,l2 1-2 emote per bolt* for rale et jr2 110BRIS. PSObl SALTS -25 bbls. fur sale by /72 J. h7DD • co.. en Wood int Bewepaper Files. A. ROCKWELL'S Patent Noirep por .1111. tboboat no lc use. reel and lur Me y r h 2 63 Wood otdoot. bot.r. ad and 10. Life of General Scott. E • I li t,Fit ' ..to . el 34 e L°W .'d tar' Se., oppos ite ...4hr. rl I, 630 0 1 174,11701" . .i.ol tom 'mt. IWO Gon. Fraet.Plereo.26 ,soh - • Uools 'IOW& Cabin. fall MN. 03.60• The llortlooltorin PA July. Ttot Cultivator •• • Kamm o of LIG to Now Totkr or lb. No. "601110 of Ow VII. • •Otuort ofDuolestlt. • Ingomar. to. . t Jul ' ‘I.AKET WINE-100 eases a superior ar e d Itk gfor ma.br ka ()LASSES-5W bbls. just received. and lv a temsal. br J. B. OkSTILELD 01AV )1 . FUSE fur blasting-20 Osaka for . lisiot•i , UM J. DLIWORTkI 10*--2Atieroes fur sale by J;i3. Dumont!' it 00.,31 wow ft, KEW YORK .A.TYRKYKIKKaNTS. max wag. U. VD:n.4 Aliilirl6.l7lo LIMA. /Ca. NUUC{P. SI, TOM. _ The Old Bstatilis lass hed Looking G Ware- House .of 1794. • •• • No. NS COUON•OdN Street, New York. I Z ICHAB.DS KINGSLAND, Wholeant() th itl i tinrtiir,47re IL L :rlVat! no " nle and Store' ' irindowa Merchants, ettd. buyers generally Fre Wind r ows. ened [petit sod emends. his large Met. elaberming all the sisal and 1 , 11110 O• stylra now ]mo u e. to this COUSIIST. Mao • tax Cent Mots. -to the gouily onmaratra Mirror of ilea Hundred It Alarr, sad uperen4. .1021,J3t0 McCALL, BLAKE & F - ACIECHILD. Foreign and Domestic Goode. COMMISSION MERCJIANTS. NO. 11, Broad Street, New York. Agent: ter to, Myrrh:nark Printx, J. t P. ltwit'm Spool Thread.•Maguey Also ma, German Oath. and Dowykirm Atoorican Mottoes oral Woolen, with ...Mynah,. lawn FASHIONABLE of Porelan act Dom-mir Dry Ownia. pat FASHIONABLE HATS. • Warnocks, Hatters, 275 asosaw,,tr, IRVING 1.14088, NIA YOWL. DESPEOTFULLY remind Gentlemen 'in a, ea of& Pubionable Lint. that Wry be follol located ea above. Thar deem It no impropriety to ear, that their long ...tithed reputation, sod the popularitr , of their Productions, are ample auartmare tor the etrio and eitarsetar ornate,at all Umee cm/M.)12.1.m them. AMR and Nan Cap.( than. United Stntra re.latton, mumfaernred in a Impactor mannet, and runt/dual !am nia.. B. F. CRAG.III, No. 20, Nassau Street, Retteem the Poet Offke and Mem Howe, N. P. TWENTY THOUSAND Gilt Block Let a M te hincry.n of different eke& for Algae. named by Cnnun ac The thliteulty of yrceuring Cheap and handcomo Signe It now obvtated by the me of the,. Getter, having two west adrantacee oser other blow—they ran G. packet and forwarded to any part of Marld without injure. and put In the denim' cituatlon wah TO, little troubl.. ETON letter, warronted not to eh., Color.. .177:datt / n, A onto Piaros. h4FINE aseor ent of Boeton ? Fp A ili with or witbuit!tho &Intim. F .. . 0 . 1. 1 7 . 1c i r . rif? ,, toentanaile b, ttioold, NEt thole Now I , nek trifitt . r. ' , 5 7latwar. Then. orthern and Wooten:, einttomerit will be aereommodattit hate. Prove toeil tutor...". the Polar so In itiiii. A hall on pie ortionond haul rim:ink Neon. to 'Ol. Xi., at wholeeple end nett.% Liberal diwount to the trade. • GOULD 0 HERM . . Ai•rr : Inn...lvan, New Irk 110)..illeinms (lentil . %Try art nsteo.iiiiw draiere it bolo. Dealers and retail, In shoot nitric awl nitinleol pnblleannti, Dealers in I•ianos and Mune .supplind on liberal tern.. 1+'41.3t0 & SCHRLI.bIet --- LISH COACH VARNISH SUPERIOR EN, lEPOT, 36 N w Street, New York.—Thin Jr la Is hl y ceb.bra rarninh i.•xproaaly 6 , 1.1..4 for le. OM Otrrlagn 'or light unrk of toy kind. In irao partnc7, brilliancy and dnrabillty nor ourp.ur+.l on, other artlcho nf the kind non I•ut up In nano n(1 , 2 and 6 gallon, each. AOLPHUS HUGEL. Polo Azrot t, t D he Ufa u.letaten and Cne.l4. tooftlanny r. bard. Pufenor 4,1111, f,rabwri and mt., work. BROWN. PALMER & DWIGHT. no. 172 111(3191FA1 rtaw pla to.se t nattirif :Awe. D . 1 .1 d ! Jtle 'l e 1 1 1. ' 7 e ti r i7 en r Wan,. Mod, Boxer.. tancr Artkile4, to which they inn , - the attention of the irnevilly. lligoontiotit orinotry. • JAMES A. H. BELL, -- 11.8 krotit Otnet. (Corn," Maiden Lane.) how York, XIANUFACITURER'of all kinds of Oil IT& and Water Colon, In Ite,: Zit,l'aloln and Vat eb, and IA holonale Dealer lu.Whie heed, boportot Linseed Oil. enl , tita Turpentine, faint I,firelum ti , - an Zinc IVLslo. lion the Fartor; Ilnehas l tlo., of lolheim. who reml.+l the (met el., prise modal at the torrid, Yale. tor t hl, article. Vii , t Oelnt yurpurea an/ %Ire White is, the too ~ r otio,.' of holy and brllbacq, and may be I , Ltaincl Loth dry nil in r II Oe raroleh fir. jANIEi A. !I. BELL 14q Front et N. RAIZ , . JOHN HIGGINS & CO.. 11 ANuFAuTuRE IC of Sowed :Ntut•linm, I t VlLltercho.n. Quay. Dahl, ant Ira. 01 ramy a W] e lt v r 3 fa l. l.e.lJcl.llb,. ii l , Sßroa •. d l mt.., 5.024 ONION & wilEELoux. Mand ~,..,, Importers A u(' qtr: ry e, One Cutlery. c., LAtiijN;wnf the Mena.. at .11.-eLeals most esporhsmen 43 these ex(etsslre mad •all thin groculss. which ths, offer at the 1..15t ....eta, priced ..s1 vs( sect....tallee tem.. l.c.'s( for .the. I.le Ilevol. ...and °thee (....l.eterre.l Astra l The, het. I.:eit'ts Pistols of f oa ee..r2 GRAMERCY HOUSE, Corner Win New Cart... S this day opened (or the reception 00th.. ll,r, evu:r• nr rim inert .ta• .t.rit.tn N-rity. .n.l th.. prog.ri,tur. unlit I.t. ri7 . l•l'.,T:X 411: l'r'Cb l `:." - j.'1=',',, h .", 0 ,7.1.1:1,31, 0 F,T; n.e.prre u gue. , ol Nn.r Who 0147 tontpur.nly 'riot Lb. etty. Cork, -Imo, 11.22 —1,..T1 I..tINALII A CO. MILIAN') TABLES, New York Billiard Table Manteraetlry, No. 40 Atm Ntr.t.t. New York CUT. WRERE a large stock may with ei v .jew ," ;:b r i l lo a : 4 4:4; ° "o"riv i t'il7r7f7Q.`«i t o 7 ;: orh.r. I:teen-mu to.lla to the plue• of I ,, krte.i•Okt. I. to wdractotrecrer the old Oty!e. ...1 . 301.0 thy I opro, soetst the Cloth •ott Aubt, %w("whim hich wesato the la., year inh.ojured I n tbepule. Ovntlontro •t Mao.. vt•Lltto. '4U , claw Tal.los. to OT Marblo th•r oNerw 11. n.r.e as sr tb., were ono.frt. a.l.lreeh log oy mall. Always. oo hood, Cloths, ft.. 39, troth I...Uwe. well Pocket., 0,1 th • toot il...ctiptioa. 1` oiwl awl .14i,m1 to all porta of 11111. Pll'll L LOCAbe, W Atm et :New York. Paper Wareho [- e. ti\ J. T. DERDICKSON Co.. 105 Yahoo a arrot. New Yo Ic. ilk FFERS for sile v on the lowem t,,,nnl‘,Wri ur ling Cairn, Knalhlt, Frorch and Atutran. raper, all also, artahaa ... 4 . , 11;:ekn 11. k roer. Tram. hatar, (mot rotor. stua whit+ of tho I t quolit Tv Hazer, asp, ',Wan arol e , forell.altfor,nt aldth.... flatters' pato, thlo awl nf tho'ho , aqa=l.tr. \ Cloth " Z. 0.10, to r 0 aw1 : 40149, Polhrh " 00 rolls tor tohatA, leaalbb Il ora v or.asper.•lartoutoorlsnentjuot a [Tea ' Sheathleta paper. ol Ina brat quall , 4, Wrapping, " rtro, rag aml !atoll'. - • Taa of a tfferant u, \ Tar roolog " oaltablo for root., (carol," 1001 Wholes* Dealer—ltub9 hoes. Paw Yoe, Odeon-m.lr., one 114. call upon yun would profit no .I . lt—my or roam fo r. rbl.--o. i.feiy mill. porno nut l' It: qnslify equal ony In markm—ererrea,l —prima cht,p er than the combitatiou. To Adel. Ton that corm.. sod tante of the combination are Imlduldoir mlietnlng to teM my 4 only tel p.l-cu In dhrepul~—that It Ida m i years yea I bate publudy *armed plc Danl , the rale, Ore e. the imoneltlon practiced open the oommumsyris the ean— Written who hate pommised I himmetreo or an ;Wont, long Mo.' declared tioelmo arid Dewitt,. Mum, under curer of this they set up Demsear • errs In.ator. but make nothing itriumenlamm apt; thdLliogna Dittent, I hare tried my utmost to gat the. Simmers Mtn. a JJury. up. th e muretlen of wheat, I or Greet year or =WM ur y. wan the nth:loaf end tree first I wielder, but rot h tear Met they Loma atukled it leitheneh they lure Hied to rant too unprepared; but aas,' when I ifts y they backed out , and they alwayekwlll. they dart w i t s o Libre afory mode. SO tar I havelemon ti win In et erT rami. These F mar. tact wee 1n meet the me balm. Aminoe tact wee that:Wang up it erh and putillthlne It reel ;ine en Daniel, ltrebtdeo, I bare three ractorbe--orer ona hoodDli thousand dollars of my out In the buoluess--ornthe chart u aumoetur, now in the Itel.. In the U. ...—..m.rrof over Tweet/ 1.1/11 Dubber Pelee's—wt.? unlersdi Mesomlomat'on.-- !IF at,.. remotted the lei premium. Sitter UAW. at Deco. 'her Yale or American limuture. ItUt. l e d!. lIORACtyI. DAT. LEONARD' MACHINERY DEPOT AND LEATIIER BANDINO MANUFACTORY, 109 PEARL AND 60 once. !TRELTII. 'NEW SURE. fiIHE OBJECT OF TUE ABOVE ESTAII - it le hero at .seitimee, nu lmnt. and reedi\ tor thuemiliol , deliret7.• •elge eupolp "t argaia redulred by the J/ECHN/C w. NA.VD,Al:runta:. mat LIA A ND r•• kb. 111.11 N ailing aml Ver.! , Drilling Machin. ; tuttlnu Peal,ee , Dull euttemlidDee etillitry, al• Itrt, evee , Unint ,li Choc.. Resto. 10 WOOD N IND Machin. ; troop. lag and Motill km Machines. eTl:4tl ENIIINILS and Boller., Pundit.*, where, an Dm: , 111 oiled Machine 1I I ueming, Wrough t Iron ehatti...tlettno and Woolen Ma. rhlneeTi tattoo 4/1., alatufecturvm findin... /M., Re.— Slant. tact ury ot LKATIthlt DAN lisiNtlaurolo trom the bort. lute tanned leatherand thoridich. entre: br pow rrful I machinery. M 12 0.1 • A. \ PREMIUM PIAROF RTES. , GROVESTEEN WOULD trail attention o 'that°. about WOULD el,t'gr. h go% o gather In tha city, either Ft t i, C belch, or tt yutl tty this, r they would Ante that of the, hot fair 14.1/te Annul elan Justirote.they were %nettled tekiULL) /MAL for the = i ,' Pr e it ' l 64,ll l .:4ll' i e . „ ;. ", ! 2„ L o tg e llt e ellia . V. l"-‘l"eh they For the Southern snorkel INN ore bikini Double I r ron Yenta 'et sod deleetn,trArel:rt.ettlittrir reinhhul .1, WWl' tenTENN, %VAL TnU.i.tl. ( ll", he 481 Itrosaray, New Yoe), tig. Floor Oil Q t he. AT ti No. 40.P0r. Bur:4,NX% YORK. PRINTED BY A NEW I'AiIiNT,PRO IL tofu. IL R. RIOR YalenteohCiptiki mon re. ereettnily announce to the trade. Met tire, \bare obtain ed the great deeilemtum or relting Floor MI Clothe by machinery. retilch,ter elegem.. of (Mich. hammerer been excelled. and which they are now iNetioc. ica , mher with g leans and dwirablo .took of elOthe, Mem 2 t0 , 04..at wide at greatly reduced Otter., at Mei,. Warohd No. 40 Moe at. my/irelml \ ' \ , . ' Cheese Warehisase. . • kIENRY it. COLLINS, Fikrwaniing:*ol 0011161141.1014 Matetuat, and I:cal/win Ohrse. Balta . , 4 • Kell sad Prsdiim onerialr, 13, Miter ex.,. staple s Xmillodlidd. Pittsbarah. ' \ aly3l. \' EARLAS.U.-50 bble. for said l• Jsa J. U. OA I MEM/ OIL-15 bble.juvt, reacd by II /has J. KIDD t 00., 60 W 4G jN URPILY & TIURCILFIELD ha,vo, rao'd Jalt "Irigalr.7ld= VD '' . "'1:41R... it LACK Silk Lae.] for Mantillas; a fn iimtLtooftt to (Dual at Ma *torpor jea stuttoar, BURCIIVIrLa. WINDOW OLASS--200 bze. 8x10,• 'lOO lb bum. aal toryaby by_ Meo LLS iitAt Mut REAL, 0001) ond. Tit,:kit to MO Mo r e na' Toll , In the Diam \ giISNUINE • FRENVII ll ble for medicinal parpoa , e. eau abraja do obtained' a t MORILIe Tea Alaq,..ta the itou AAare bottle. • \ ,\Jra . . Mourning Goods. - • • A. MASOXA I..o:,'havo\juFtieioived i . ,..k , nrtmentaolll:l3/111t SlOiZtlf • ,43ords,egrrItial Iltaek lietattet. T 0... a t+tnar itar.l). Latina t...aarte. • • OLOVES--'-Just rucOvingqlc A.. A: nu=♦ 00, 40 dorm A4aanlmNlUd4ions BVI' Olive Oil, a lot for sa!a ElDb 11 11SCEIAANEObk 1 Important to 3feretuulte, Manners Tradesmen sad Professional ten. 48 SOUTH ThIRD STRUT. paisioniars. 'I I IIO3IAS B. CALVERT, Oenind Fathoms and ilauttfactoor of Dire fort uoi- , - tom Carle. Adhetio Advertising Envelope*, Bill se& and Label...would most rosoctfully MI the attanhen of mercanßile end poreational men to Ohm toot ImpArlitul and potential anklet, The Adtteolva tnvelenett bottle tame and Mario' . idea original devigno embletnat'e of the busittetti cob- Winton:ly and beenUfellemalmoodobtil b. Mad net olf,, zat i. :4l , •/. , l4rtionient. but prorate detszttioa la the, m Tbs. EVllllO{. have lb rettonanen datinnand patnntase with o ut Offint autharitle. No au, 1110e1111 Eon ehonld be eattho detention of one Impotent letter. probably, motes moth greater low than the T tsf ooe of DO Die. iltrioneal L Don the ram D 1.., to evowle. The adventoor lotto an lopolion of hie • mono Nhich *into tonnd olondid. litlllffeadsond Om ot. and Letter toper stamped. ." ,-. `"Att it /Boileau.. &n a tation f ro m the °rig/nol o - end boatitulle Looted on Mei or Bras. The adrertior ho nor the too arlonetve establioh. meat In tnn,Colted Elates, hay*, nocusoll the service. of Aro eloo workmen. from Ds la Itno, London. d oth er eminent, booms. Mx EllAtOlDell W. 1.111Z4 " • .beat cotbsy, too 4 he I. prelored to groom ail Indent 01 Mort rotten Wettern &Cott ' man' Good News for the Ladies! Lllll. LATROBE'S FRENCII FEMALE y PIMA, ma Innotaxt,. Pare sat affentual llamaly for oglc Fluor Albut, loopproaa on, 11.orrous lnbultr. Gonna! IVenkuroo, Nauzra, L0..0f Val= In the Maid nod Lhaba Tremors, Dlataal Coot...nem. Initabllit2, byxpepela or Indlcartlaa. at. lour+ nr Wu:W.l,nd all Coo/Distal. Prin. 25 et, 'nod rl(Va'al'lll;er.liradx...l"l76., " "n rn br bur W. ort ' and al-ALL 1.112 Davl:uflaa.b Pull Xvinlan In olopol with ...lb hnx. deollial&orly41 07 SITGAR---220 . ' hhdeL on , hand, and . gala be 'ft; • DURBRIDGE t 1N0111451. ILARIFI Ell SE4AR--I2 hhdsSc,Ja — mon, Jo t o hand anJ r' "%irTiatu . no - a 15a3kIltA2l. J t. by TNDEIiWOOD'S Pure Lemon Syrup; lA, Strawberry cm; roodaw by W. A. MOM RAU A 00, 2IA• Liberty at tor, lALNIIRI4i LIQUORICE-4 cues, prime po. by J. ,UDD. t r C o cod .•• tnet 0 pEIpERJ.iI,3.O.I6 60 J. JUDD l CO. NEW,. MUSIC..., • lki ASSA'S in de cold ground; a new Etlii• Iv ',rm, nodedy b 7 A. llTArlen. . Oh. how I tare tor blountalp libme; a mow and bean. " Wl . ; ' ;;: t e:r . k TerPrd Td A ß;:Z a g ' stm b 7 ti ' lliaks , FacnOy. 1. 1 , lianry Family /bits. , .1 , „ , lalfr NI). Pearl P.1 , ,a. tlsga4 pttn EtbiOpith raarlriT.. • . 'Aura Ere; by 90. foal*, ~ '. . I Torrat. aitha fi' T 1 Wo 14. * ' ' ' 4' ... a Tbar. rvalCima ' Cocr•frry. o.r.iandPulka: Hefei...l and f ar rata 11.7. - J 0111( 11. knit - Ala, • irl2 , \Fi Woad, atm!. • lii IN lt EGA--40 hb . ls.pure Cider. for sale by V Jim VON BON: 1 11068T. a ASOKPIIY. dtrz. for sale by 11 yyZt %UN RYNNROAST NAIL ItODS-15() bundles Juutsta Hatt 53r syly by VON tONN/I.YRST t MURPHY - • . t UEESE-250,Las..Western Reserve this tj "' l "' " I " b u. uot.LNs. .OVI • Matra. it. store B.lth Be I d . . . QTA Itililionbrigh & Gartner'a fur Ls I LIENRY H. COLLIN& -• • . bcs. warranted fine IC, Paired xrd. far sale 1.1 dIF...NItX IN,UED 011,125 bble, for sale by ro u rOr". ir ' fol N L B l7l,l ' st a si o la. ipt 'AiiiPOIL Ws. strictly No. I . for aA. FAON63TOCK CO. bbls. for sale 10 b.' U. A. FAIINC.I4TOCH CO. ALidoll(.ll.- -7- -iidCbis. 76, 92 & 96 per cent. for Pair sr, s, jsIO \ B. A. frAIMP.STOCK A CO. HITE; li0111:0E1) BIUSLIN--go pee. for C , ..arr•...1t0r A. A. NAIVIN k QOM, .1; 62 sad Si Market greed.. 4 , 11EESF.-40 as. prime, in store arid for by , a. nannauon; 1)1 LI. FlLE.Arkorted sites: for sale by dyld J. KIDOACO. 00 lil f t r F. , fo b C11.61,14-108(1 lbs. in . store • 3-K0)0 A CO. PE1 , 11,-.21 :cam fresh dried, for \ KIDD SCO. it3IAWA. OlNGER—fint of ground in Ipyl.l 4e. and fbr by \J ISOM CO.' F ON. pure 16euell Vinegar, to V 11110 of E t.inEEN--300 netnan's, V.) J.l.rne•ln• .nJ ;WA by Jr= C co. I OD -. LIVER bbL Itlishton It; Curk'n no-oboe and foteal• by J KIDD & lIINGLES-21)0,000 fur mac by \ t.\ 110AISoN, LITrLII CM, . •.2.55 I.lbertr JAR. hi) New lurk Plumit and iirrwi Apple, Up. 11.1. riull; format. st 11l DICKLE" ) 11EIL2!MI—The k the r'itrirao na; kti Eurilnitrm Ilrni fn. .:: v it sr: - ONDON POKTER--Trumati Ilamburk / D..tno'•--2Se per £balleb bottle—for Ws ort ;12 1, ENUINE Imported French Chocolate 25 teas rwr riound, ft, rale at. DIORRIS' • - LIEOKER'S Fariue, d7err -- 7 . Starch, Rice g 7 I'l.lll'll,llli ant Slamareni; for sod. at Jr= _ Beat this if pon can 1 4 1 XCELLENT Cooking Raigina and Cur , ..,i nub 13* p, pound, tor peon _ , . IlUttitis . TawMatt, Jr: - • to Om Dlamood. p N DIA WASH SlLKS—Murphy 4 Burch. a 1.41 hat. I. \ (meal/oat awattment of theso4wll . abl 01., ,which 'bar saw o.elllnti law. - ...AlSOl.S—Another lot of thosoVely cheap Paruntalutt reed at . A. A. MASON ei:le and. C 4 Illart4 I I A-Z 6 I G I K N : Paper, Yard wide; of . A rerbr (n gty forilAdorl4lss.Neefrs , . -I,.i lir A(iipLIFI just reCeliei;7 7 A , \t .,k sl.ev4''' ""' ' 1 ;. .. k 1.5.155555 LA un l ' io :lot tar o t il. t , b :ol r ulliri r = ‘j.f rtir:l n a ' 4 7l sPs:s7l4tsll .l s h l2. *°° . ! °' T b. '"P'.. 5517 \ , _Or. A. neLDANFANNAY .AOO. '. D.E.SScint. t: SI- - •,. lust reed ais,the ”India iii„k - --s.l,:".lipay.tv...tnit- • • 5 Market 55 • 'RYE' APPLE ellEESE—itoo'dikkin clay 1.1 be Dile br': }el4 lIENTLY CLCULIAN3. ititp-1 50 bbfe \ Nos. 1 &2, In arra.), and 1,7 1 1 , 2 br JOAN WATT am, ITI F LAX . .;:E:1:1). 1 7:tierces; obtl. fon by. 2 aselu2 lbodlog from stoma.. czb , ' IP\ LICiLlf 4'oo. • .. • URPITY Arty D 1 - 11 — AIIFIELD-have re ly a, ,el.,st by kxpreas. Piet% , Ilbuir ik Tbstwbr II t-R ellk Nett %, A. MASON .t CO., at now opining a la wifz t ?ot or NOTStylo tHomploOkYriegoo, UIiPHY • BORCLIFIEJA) fislc just tvesite4 and nnened, • e I.ets• long Meek Net 3111 tr; Null tot drettug • "• 5° tet dluelln de Lain for Itk,itt Intl; AS ; 141 r draw.. 4 tcs. reo'd for rile by BC.LL. LIGGIIIT an . Painting \ „Schools. opened a large ‘ ol4 Naafi of Varela lgopraylnik Prints, k‘g mi., Drasrior Canto and . thples tor rearlign And Pu pil, \ aTt , raf ,k .`qq,'„ltl. l ,7l,l=l,l• t43 =gw.;', o ir, 1 , 5e!,14.: rf:t,. DEA _RLM. c., ----- .. by \ 11_ /00 - , ' ISM. QA L Edia - TUS--Zo,psgs. Woodford's pnio L. - .. rowd trt9. reed for gsfe, , by i eZU , \ \ HENRY II COLLIN& FLOUR -40 bbl.. S. let \ au' PgM. \ • .. .JL th half cheats Prime. Ureic and Eget ; • 7.1 .11ty bowlo., 10.12,14 /pi 16 Itta.l727as Goa: ZO ••• \ 12. 11 ant Mibs emirs (Woos; eleale'bf: 'N .1. th W 174.14.5115 ' 4 1 1.131t011).Eltili—Just opined t .kA Munn Ca:e, et tier atul ssiorm run, • A. tfgzwilitiftcrairtt..Cricrikeuer4Ungierti r yr' '".l6"" 11•30 °LASSES-- LTA 141 bbll.4• a lo a r 'W ham \ T oaer • eate. jell • li•t S a DlU i Kalt& C • 'r ro k rt Dr" 1 110AR-46 hhda. 0%, landing for enle • D7_ U• 1131 DIO&Y`i • I.,S{). COD LIVER 01D—A trosh ouppkt of Rtatitou digk'e reeds:Ad torah by • \,- =CO L. WI,LUOX 4 CO. t AHU S bbis, No. reeds%rarionlitbzi.. \ • • • Farm for Sale,. CONTAINING Ono Hundred and \- . 4afc4ty It Is three Mlle: from Dear Creak I,oa, ind 'lliz.n4ionna from Vittabetrgh. . The Improvammus ...- A tont tldrue and Harnoritts all asoassarr cot Wildman Tt tee lansalred and any choice Apple Mo., Psano. , ,Plam Poor mod Charm. tea. Una bound mos Tbr farmla net natmad. nod water good Rama Thant La .l A small Maks:Ant on Itio.tand-tbia farm can to divided to salt pumtassirs. School Flown sad MURIA Ceara. 'Xbs sabertbar Ofolateg to to 1111 Adal orb op, and on ramonabia torsos. Eaordmon tato of I'ttnak• I TERM. J. Pal \.• i A Parm for; Sale; • • - RIRTY - TRUE ACRES on the , Winti. T Iturtmi toraritc , :slx miles from . Pittsbuzirla Thor Bproviona. 6.-tbrim tountlantrallinsr moms, n. top hundred clootto /fruit Mos, In folt no Om la well eaten.; and fsmard. and foII inrjr.olAV: 2 =4 , ttd l .4, " firllt " '*, i:A [bas anal a Aofiltoi LOW, ItAs tornots, with gaol llamas 'and bun. _Wm Bead panne nlthltetbree anent-at rads of val. pLace. the ". - - 'lama ' • s• 'sir au. ITEWARTA 4, = 304 ttornep ail • an milDWat toi l„ Arwef . 11,•.c.„=„mr, ~),,::'. -: . -. .k. A . 1 L '' . .00A1* . i.' . !,. ..:.',‘.. \. • 913 ,M81ER-AlliteiGEMEllll. OHIO* PERROT/MARLA RAIL ROAD atir t iligkgE oiszy • Weitenin Roil Road Russia!WlNA out FREE FROM ALL\ TFLE DELAI3 OF. TER trn. TORLEVELANDotco, COLIT a IJBUB, CINCINNATI \.OD THE PA2.101/3 LAKE POBXB. ( . gy TRIT Line Wster. to eoo star. \ Massillon an •••• ' • TIVE Tralno otartlioom PittOburgh (Run ' t „,a. i '/XP/16.93 T8A.13 Lean's trltt.burglia4Z3 Passenger% tine at MU =43 \ sa!itt"rit! low oreruatal boo eam 111,tt automata:N.3mm talc Ulu tray- Olin PUNA. \ .1 - 5.3(1193 PAST APSENBER TRAIN Lespea Pittsburgh *tar a. It. dialog et 3atern, and mach. log Allison.* 946 P. a. in, time ter thatmin to Men land. This train ging; oral 11/1 \ ituabwter. Brighton. Boom Coltunb a l lo tuta and Nano DJ tither et them webs ti,levelitna.3o:7l/I=ye oleloplt tall% thelytat ' 11\ X. they ran trammel. bleb . btleinets In rilltaintrithi,brlbre Analog / AAA / tkine brunt aner tb) Wellmiltor rout.. Pasmumwsean take the fast, train, and be 13 Dunkirk the nail latu:tdag, ha \\ Lbw erenlow of th e aestday. " • Thrown , ' from Pilmourab to C1em1114 , 4 140 Mlles. In about 3IX AND .A U 3 Lie 111.111/3 5 SI. Yam to slamPlon.loB mile.. 33.5 • 5 \ The 3spree. halo rombut•raatually. kaikur JfasalUttsi at 11 a. Y. mach.. Alliance at Ya.l6 31 corm/china stilt lhs line bow Cbeyeland. die. them. antlarriyotat be rah at 6 . gleles Miewager. Bow. %tr. b. I. Pitt/Mors& and no co op Or ilmnrylraolik 1110..15t 620 r. w. \ \ Pahreevre by this mow mime from Cluelnattl to PM.- burgti two dale, without :Jab% betel. arum horn une to two dote la roe .clin g will the Pc da. Centre' Rail ErrW . Pasaengore leatlaa blorriM 'at 330 A.ll yr. Ma at P. M. and Plassillon /1,30 P. 31. At the line atuartret..with tags librooto Ituerter. Naw tramp, Mere.. lnd I:ras. Boon tit New Ba.th "311, 331(1/11 . Tlt \ 4lll With a vaacaugar ear ottuabaJ, leave" Vittabt a at. sod wafts et 4111,0 g.. Mr the arrtral of the leaver there ItuntAllmaly slier, etal marbee- It. 6.3 U 1. at. • AWT . I%. Sew ltrichtuti Ataironmaratbin Trait PM/louse, at to A. 31. ami b 1/..11...5and haw Del / A. M. and 1 P. 21., etupplun ut iate Bacon/mu wroltem..m.l Mr top ass, ankrol PUL/nu hw b. ltuc.ee aud New linchtun. Quarterly tieltem aro 'old at low tab/4,1.3/110u pm mwe .. uus nt the at atumm Moundcn sortie/ are necututaw/ated at maulaa . The lout Brightonaturniug Irsia Allianua a. hew al P.O.and raarb l'ituturgh Tba Trait...do not run au Ito nil or • umultutores run M cutinuctlon with , th e trai from the nation on Vuderal etrret. • Poi Brit./tit apply at Mu Fudrial ntrwt ktatl Ohio and Pe. Railroad, to '11301:01 1 . Ticket, 0.0 to 1116131.11311. 31uttourallela Mut. Norc—Dy the ruttto by. team Prat tur mitre to We end thence by Railroad. 100 muse to CleveLital. 0,50. Pittsburgh, June =l a 1852. .• New Booicel 4 EEL & CALLOW, apposite the. t o tile,. Third et:a;el. haver...l4.qt the fella e ' 111.4 i/L r' 7l l :ll ` ,l;,J . V - ytt"T. 1ur...." ' ~ ., , ph i ;wi tti 4 ; re.uv,hs.,...nti . P(4.,.. 1' ii ' .„r, sz. pJ.,.."liif,ctrjagi:itolnAligt ; n mbar, 41 1 n . ",zavr . 0.4 . ; t ,,,,,,,D.,...... ix—, Cal pley— t . ftkht. aVA w, Mt otreete ' Lives of Scoff and Pierce. UST roc'd, tho Liff, ct tlenßral Winfield 'lv:No.l4. and the Lit. or General Prsiarlirt Pierce. Apretc..• AI-chunk'. ,Zcg3rick... icr July; Llorticulturitt 11 ALYNS-Aluiphy ‘ 4r. - Burohaelct have a A Card angora:arta at rr.aaa cad 1341143 Lae era 01. or sty tra:ct thaw nt.amtr G.4/1. tor dremeenrhkid they will yell ode. • • Whde *tch land Palas rlala rad ac.lara. barrrrt Jacked:le, bought thedv. meld ek.eee: 147 t I ORN--400 (in the eat) ree'd fer sale ) by. 1J,71 e.n. Water Pt. ACON.,-100U, Bhoulderalior :.Nn ld s—.heity elrert. A.MR-36,b614. Faun. rini.l S. Elust ke ,iir...11,,r solo by ' \ • J , 4_ • k OfIN4ION. REDIeII TESTE.H. VthEtt.--.A beßutital r just ave'd. nni for /tiro by • ' 21101 AS PALHEIt,\ Narak a:net. 133131 E It SHAWLS—i+ mu5,711, - 0 4 . ba , ..lm t oproud a largo mortal/4ot of {Lola and erg, blrodrrrd Vrago, Wort., Ca!lger, 4.10 Lalnt. aod other , Nurraarr Rotolo. FIFTY CENT Oolorag Tea, whioh has given such general eattaractltn to our retail reittontera. haz lot. wo en s now supply to any ext.; having but rears• e Good Blatt Tea at MK mo • • \ Setweior and Fat= Blank: a m t 7& toll! Tot :tenors ..... . .10 wed • Itled aes a . * Wipe and nummer Stiaant rr I.twint and Ilutilint Into, mono KA low ea—...loe n 0 . ," 14 . , M ll ur,..1 ens:mimed Penrl34, turch re•arl t. n 4,1 r 3,1 !or ite,ll • 15 2f. 1,1141% Mt 0.• , •• . • , Samond , for Kiv D an a co ' : Xi U ll3l -- fl ed. dve LOG WOOD Off/ YPED-50 bbls:ree'd and 'far We by' (jell Z. ittoo aW. 1141 D WOOL --15 bbls. forsdeby .7.`m-vo UOAR .11011 SE MOLASSES— , -29 bble; reed on.conrlbba eni, per . &Oar. IfartO (drift's rd, b • Jb. , • ISAIAH DICELIC t CO. y I.IIOUTABII—A prime lirticla for \ retailing, 'for lode ' • brm.V IC VI/SINS. TNELYENS-. ()that's. Victoria: Nl., estrr fl;3 - • Lo LsLei . o. ll'. • ' lt th7 . ..p .1 . ' Wirkthip teltbnO•v 4 r uaL c' el r 0. 3.-" • "t''''•loo th w11.1)1Te. "'"T \ °` • . ;a> ••. • Ottitt2:llltl:::«ViatZ' 4 j 25 COOperflgo4. 1.42,,50.01e13. ; IMATA/1 DICNNY Jr.CO. tiORAPS--1 tiate justroe'd fo: .d. by b PA:MILL a. 00.. 111J3E SE an wing qatly, of all ' ••• mudate,.. for :A2 . , by • • \ 1.4 • it.• beLzi.x.t. e co. 41CON 4.*SbonWeis larval° by \ 11. I/M.21;1.4k CO. I.4IAA4ILY regular supply from Adoel.l Mt* Wfitat. tornal) or, re to • . I \ Ia • A I,III.:CAT, Water .4.11LX t Co. has . ° ,sol D.t ra.i.,2 I.l o NisitaN,L.lNll , ;o ‘ ..ti— , ,Just rc'd at I. A. 11. oh 121. 7.1.1.. 11s1.0 FINEN e_4lLUSttES—=.l6 pus. fir o; ast'uol- Ili/I Fit OC. • fatta4ft'a Mthataity alth Oothlt r• f :Wive ttat,af. , l part,t valefttur.fale, at tee Loa ttlr, of atoo. aap!e, • • ,• • • \ • MERICAN 110/laittl;• T 1 10.; \ • fl eirtitl • \ n • . V;gtr T•74.l4'Spas:L • • NM.% Sptatsa 4totiOatul.,, At t h p au_fpgpaaaachap. Otis. \ \ • , •11,11: ottoatt • vOR tine itt)Ckai - ay, -heall4 ner. Eggair• .I .GRUILWII): , 1 • \ IV. 13. r ft , mart at_ -FLOllliieer hio Flour itTgtand . ', Jas\ i • EL Agiiitvt. 1a;1T7.4. atd/na&Rabbpm, tJxt.IA.I!ImIL .t . : .le4 • 11. 11.1.1PS SIXgRATU8-41001t..19 for ealt: - .1.1 1,2,3 _..__f, V) i , RAP); SIIAWLS.—:A. A. Masouk Co, •\ .no.iatilt,,, ing thtlr lu , t , '.... , :ttnent of Hain. id • \ Irallasi.rw t, late enaJ cniori., tut.. rt,ml. kter..ur \ .' • erduroll i•rf ,,, ..', 4.1 iLh.. ./ i 021.' , ..b1'5--.4., A,' .s.tatlvrt A; Co.. 47 have n. reed. finer Expre.. , 4 , 10,.; a, IA k VoT • ',. , TDow.t &al mr..t f k . btoumbt....ft!le..,.',.. • •Jel4 RiiiSPA.li.kici'ls'i.N—LOW Ciiit'i c AlNS .. ~ —A.-2,.....t P_H-2rtment erica ..1 begullfal pat tetzt. be Wu by- . . ' .. MOLASSES--SnjbLl. Sugar,Ltouse C PMT.D. 31 : 1 611faAthe sertt7lrelan•fult Pape, ' /en J. 1.441.41 NED AIA.ONES c:Z7 ti o p i trorovoovo r ♦ co y{o, ,at,, J,t 041 O 118 R , E . Epay:IIEtqIiTAIENT losWoo -1m ponds of all rint:rost , I rci.l; Clatbre Plus; _tstat — eslass.r.selr.. Wo. nod 2mo 11TLy....m!, ••!•..-.1:.. ors, Toss/ Eltsatte,elotsor llvrros. :.. _ , _ _ i - .. ll'Ora Lies CelepOylul Norton:visor FkruttOra Pot Th...: ., ~ far slesruing sad Nestor* lo -la tlvir oruntt lootte ykr. , slated ud .pollgtftt Patrulsts, ...0., a,.....a?,,n50grr0Ad...... Ms eatlrrly eopere•.-ond a1t , %: . :: , , :rs rtlt Sat tr )10 rrikbiS::,,, M i r :=PArtielic:o. Plats • ttorrdtrrto Cif - jolng tlzi! '. V1=4;41% ! lir . ' MnY"Vfli'llATlt LI. 2 .-, Ail" ' • . •:: .• _ No. 2 . 4l l.llortsfrta . ______ IliOßOßETllßOAT—liustitorek, L.IIIP. ••• ma, itaiforEataal.: HE.4.27a-• Ma ads ba • L. WIL,CaX a Co., XTRA.9--3 dea. ii,i3 - 1c0 . 4 1 - Fintm. rid ter ta:4 to aka, IT 'ZINOWOODEN MARL awn.°`'''. "VA:Arwmit o a co., • 4 M Yu,. i_ 4Y. ~TS- OO bp: red4Corealc by j. 16,:. -. 1l 1L W~terlL 0. UNIAT a t V LIT NAIL RODS--10,u00 o ""' br "'" 4 ° ox - lIONNLIOIt Si At if nuitit traAlt—.44 Aktnr. osoi tor oleo b " '" W err Stzar /day— mi a 1 Q880&• Paper :if tiVritir 4113.4itY• "41 TIMIArrAIZIEZ: '' • 1:101). 44104 ,PAMII4I. ~..1 , 1