HOME MATTERS. Krounta'a httitamiata.—Thin delightful band of Ethlophut ierenadere, are now daring crowd d houses at the Munk lueU. They play, slug and dims admirably. Oar readers should go and see them. BUICILAEILL—Four dwelling houses, situated near the earner of Elm ad Franklin streets, were entered by anglers on Monday evening. The res , ..s. Is only enoreeded In steeling serious articles worth about fire dollars. COMITY JAlL.—Daring the week ending yea terday waning, forty-two persons were commit ted to prison on charges of ngranoy, drunken news and disorderly conduct. Fifteen persons were also committed for trial in the Court of Quarter Sessions. A Mourza. - -A Youngman named Peter De laney, a resident of Prospect street, wu yester day committed to prison by Alderman Mihjor, charged, on oath of his aged parents, with threatening to take their lives. i • Lascsv.—A colored woman, named Sarah Fredericks, was committed to prison by Aledr man Major on Monday evening, charged, on oath of Frederick Ilanalse with stealing clothing to the value of ten dollars from him. A search warrant wu issued, and the clothing found In her house. UK/ILT AIR BATTLIT.—A 1,012111 named Dickson, • resident or Prospect Street, also lodged "complaint against the abovedeferidant, charging her with assault and battery. This makes the third charge which Is preferred against her. 14 1 / I MI.OISTATION.—A new litlltiOn is to be ereotect ou the Peons,lrani& railroad, between Irwin'e,sodßrintoo's etettoo, to be termsi Lot itser's'etettou. DISTISGUISRID ARRIWAL.—Mr. Thompson, Pieddent of the Pennsylnnia retire ad company, and John 8 abet Eiq, _late speaker of the House of Representatives, are now stopping in Ogle city foe lb short. time. Mete/nom:v-1n the course of the wtek end ing yesterday, forty-five persona were discharg ed from the county prieon. The committed ex ceeded this number by twelve. There are now AO Ire pencil' imprisoned under various charges. . . FARS RZDSCRD. 7 TSO are on the Pommies ids tanned hoe been reduced forty-five r per cent between all Fleece east of Beatty's station and •weet of Harrishurh. Frntruna IiZAITNI);—A man named George Mowry, committed for farther hearing-by the Mayor, on a charge of larceny, preferred spinet him by Ann Greenough, and who was to have had n re-examination yesterday, was not brought out of prieon, the prosecutrix fall ing to appear. linos Fantrrs.—We observes very largo aunt bar of tinildings, non being treated in Pitts. burgh, widish have iron fronts. ' Accrosar.—A number of Young lads were amusing themselves in Allegheny city, by firing off a pistol loaded with shot. One of the char gas accidentally' entered the cheek of a little colored boy, about Six years of age, who was standing near, though fortunately without WO ring him much. The wound was dressed by Dr. Dickson. AMMO= AND BATTIII.4.—A man and a wo man named Sarah Fredericks sad Frederick Haunch, .had a fight in Prospect enlist, on Mon. day erening, in which stones, brick bats &a, • were freely used , though neither of the bellig• grants were much injured. The people reeldi• • in the neighborhood, caused them to be arrested and taken before Alderman Major, by whom they were committed, in default of paying a fine of five dollar', fer.dieorderly conduct. , 6nannm. 7 -A number of Workmen are * now engaged in grading and paving Webster street— * very necessary Improvement. TIPPLING Housa.—A man named Dennis Ehil den eras yesterday committed to prison by pro. ono from the Court of Quarter Sessions, on a change of keeping a tippling house. Swann Er.—The street, in front of the Vig ilant Engine Eouse,,,is eo much blocked up by stones, as to render It somewhat difficult for the members to take their apparatus out. DISORDZILLT CONDCOT.—Alderman Thompson yesterday committed Henrietta Denglase m pri son, shamed, on oath of John Kelley, with die• orderly conduct. Tit"Luta 11 - 001111.—Tbe 'Mayor, yesterday, held a man named James Chaff to bail, on .obarge of keeping a. tippling house in the Fifth Ward.. Ai/AULT AND BAlTlCRT.—Alderman &WU, on Manday, held Matilda. Wiley to bail, charged, onoith of Mary ADD 'Taylor, with umiak and battery. des.--When the • Allegheny gu works are completed, gu will be furnished to the oltlsens at the rase of two dollars and Silty cents per thowarel. BR UNO LIQUOAL TO A hltion.—A wet% keeper mused Preyeogel, whose house is sitar tied on the Fourth 'meet road wu yesterday lined three dollen and the costs of role, by the Mayor, for selling liqutto • minor. BJJIOrr.--As the fie% Loyal Young, of Bet lir .County, was coming into town on Monday night, the horse attached to a buggy in which Maas riding, ran off down Ohio street, but com ing In contact with► post, the shafts were sepa rated from the vehicle and the hone TIM on, toned down Andaman street sod jumped Into • collar the doors of which stood open. He was rescued from his nsplessant position, and did cot seem to have sustained much injury. The Revs eod Young, was unhurt. Hs Wssants.—The Boston Journal of Wed nesday says: We notice In the Whig press considerable .speculation as the future course of 'Daniel Web • ' star, and one or two papers jump at the conclu sion that be will turn his book on the party 'which has supported bin, through the greater put of his lag career. We think that be sof &lenity indlosted his present feelings In the fol . lowing extract from his resent epoch on Boston Common, on the occasion of his welcome to that city: . . °Now. gentlemen, I bare only to say to you'that at my present time of life! am not likely to adopt say sud len change': What I bate been I pro pose to be. No man can foresee the occurrences of future life. I profees to foresee nothing. The future is distant; the present is our own, and for the present Ism content. with 'expressing my ut most gratitude to ,on and the assurance of my -perpetual regard." , !if r„Webster has been • Whig, and he proposes to he a Whig. At his time of life it can hardly be expected that he will take the stamp In favor of the nomination, but we him' teen no evidence that he is not as earnestly desirous for the tri umph of Whig principles now as In '44 or '4B, when be throw hie personal influence in favor of he nominees of the Whig Conlon tion. . , ATAiASTA, (0&,) Friday, July 9, 1862. Quit: an enthusiastic feellitg Is being aroused ihere, in favor of .Boott and graham; notwith standing the dictatorial course of Stephens and Toocal,, and the lukewaropees of nearly all our old Inters. We have called a State Convention, to 'Olt nib'. at Macon, on the 18th proximo, to rattly the nominiUone, seleet electoral tick et, &a., /tc., sod we are preparing In this coun ty, (I) Kalb,) where the Eadt ball was started, to bold a grand mooting shortly, to appoint Dele gates to the State Convention, Sc. It is t roposed to purchase Healy's great paint ing of Webster's reply to Hayne, and present It to the city of Boston. The original plan'tras rot twenty gentlemen to pay $2OO each; oco of those whole name was upon the list Insists up on 000tributing.$500, and hence it is probable that the painting • 111 soon be the property of the eli). The total amount of hiporte into this country during the year from July let '6l to Jaly 111'52, wan $199,582,000,being eleven millions lets then the pm:tang year• The agnedaot on the Slisini cans!, near Mid dletown, broke away on Beaky_ night hurt, and inundated the country for some distance around. BUM Al Case or Dnownio.—The Vevey VOL) itepublloan says a man, whose 'name Is unkneen, came into that city Thursday after linen, nn¢ atter walking - around some ilme,seem ingly very coolly, walked down. MUD ain't to the river, and leaving his money, twelve dollars and fifty cents, on. the shore, walked into the river and sank to the bottom, and has not been lean sines. Wiling Mining 00. of Michigan. Orinz is hereby given inat an instni- IN .s.st of Twenty Ply. Branner Shan ban been ow noweettna Aba metal Wen of Abe Belling Al'aing Ohara. • ay. pay sb) FAUN aloe of the Treasurry, In Pntsbargb. 10th aI Anguet nem. Or wrier ol the Board of te• nem.. nicOiun: X. ARN.eII.D. 11% Senetnry sue Venturer. CHBAP BLACK SILKS—A. A. Mlll5Oll Oa Wm jut reed (per exptou) mew lus. lm of thaw OS von awe Illsolg Mo. some a low se The Wise& BY TELEGRAPH CO7ORESSIONAL. WAIMINGTO2I, July 20. Houss.—The me resumed the considera tion of the hill granting the right of way thro' the public !wade, to all incorporated Plank Bead and Hail Road Computes. Mr. Jenkins moved that the bill be laid on the table, which eras last. The enbjeit was debated until the morning hour had expired, when the House went tato Committee on the bill making approptiatioas for the support of • Military Academy. After some debate, the Committee rose and the House adjourned. BETIATZ.—Mr. Ptah presented • petition of the merchants and others of New York praying for the recognition of the independence of Hayti. Mr. James introduced a bill for amending the tariff laws in all eases where there le or shall be imposed any ad valorem rate of duty on any goods, wares, or merchandise imported Into the United States; that It shall be the duty of the Collector within whose district the same shall be Imported and :entered, to cause the actual market value or 'wholesale price thereof in the principal markets in the United States, to be ta ken as the true Trine at the port where the same may be entered upon which duties shall be es. sassed. Provided that-the actual value or whole sale prioes of all imported merchandise paying duty shall be ascertained by the Secretary of the Treasury with the aid of an appraiser appointed by virtue of the third section of the Act of March 3rd .1851. The bill also provides that chemicals: dye stuffs, drugs, raw silk, tin and paper stuff snail be free. • . The bid was referred to the Finance Commit the. Mr. Weller offered a resolution which was agreed to, requesting the President to commu. Moats all the Information in his possession rela tive to the recent diffioulties between the Ameri can Governmenti and the local authorities at Acapulco. The Senate then adjourned. BALTIMORT., July ;0. The mail hue been brought through from New Orleans, by which later dates are received from Texas, but the Telegraph has anticipated the atWS. The principal items in the papers are details of the many outrages committed by the Lathing. Large bodice of them were moving about the country, and much alarm existed at Ban Anto s& _ —. . . Jo. The Wee term Texan of the 7th instant, says It is representedithot on express passed through that city on Supday from Booneville, with de spatches for Got. Bell, and stated that the Mex icans had fired into another steamboat, killing _JO Captain, and wounding several others. It is said that another express bad passed through on Tuesday from Rio Grande city, with despatch es for Gov. Bell, and stated that Rome and Rio Grande • had been attacked by about 500 Mexi cans and Indians, and all the houses burood, and that several, Americans had been killed. We give these reports as we heard them on . Le streets, without placing any reliance on them. A meeting of the citizens of Galteeton was held on the &hi instant to express respeet for the memory of Henry Clay. Not much reliance wu placed on the report of Carazajale intention to again litqick Untemo• Nsii YORK, July go, 18-52. Business was entirely suspended ihis after noon, on account of the funeral procession of Flenry.Cley. ' BALIII(OHI July 1862 It is positively asserted by the friends of Judge Chambers, that he has declined the office of Secretary of the Navy. Now OrLIANS, lolly 19. The salts of 'Cotton on Saturday, were 500 ban, and on Monday 300 at nominal prices. Flour—OldoT.3,6s. Proettions,—Mess Pork 820,60. New Onteaso, July 20. A correspondence has been published between the American Consul at Matemorao and Gen. A ve*, respecting the outrage of firing into the Steamer Camanche. Avelos threstens, and j tor ties the sot. He says that as tong as Reveler tionery leaders receive American protection the (rustler must not expect security. PHILADELPHIA MARKET PIIII.ADILPHIA, July '2O. Flour—More soave; Western $4; fresh ground Pennsylvania $4,25; extra $4,37®54,87. Rye Flour sales at Grain Wheat the supply is light; prime Pa. $l,OB. prime rod 95®97. Rye in demand at 808,82. Corn, good yellow 64. Whiskey, ce des at =. Cattle Market.-1600 beeves sold at $7OB. 60 ? 100 lbs. Hoge are sold at $707,60. Cows, 200 sold at sll®s4o. Sheep and Lambs the former et $2,64, toe latter at $2P53.50. NEW YORK MARKET. NOD, Nam Toast. July In. Floar—Bales 4,500 bble Bute at $4,31. Grain—Bala 1,000 bu Mixed Corn at 620. Provisione—Pork $19,37; Prime $l7. 811 es 200 kegs Laxl'at 121 c. Whiskey 711. Business bas been interrupted by the rune• ral obeeqides of Mr. Cley. There was no stook board. ZVIALAO 11.SPOILT. Cmchouerr, July 20. The river is stationary and the weather warm. ' Tbo Produce Market in very quiet. Nothing of importance' has been done. Flour—The vices are unchanged. Whiskey-160161r market closing beery. Provisions-=6.ln confined to 20 bads alma sides at 10a. Groceries—An' increased demand; sales 100 bhda Sugar at sieei Sales 900 bble prime Molarsee at 34; Sales 160 bap fair Rio Coffee at 9{ Linseed 011-65. J3T. Louts, July 19 The river is at a eland; weather clear and warm. Arrived sad Departed steamer , Gen. Pike. The market is generally doll. Whiskey bas advanced to 116®17. No. I Lord 1(310.. CINCINNATI MARKET. CINCINNATI, July 20. River stationary. Nothing done in Flour, and peen unaltered. Family brands $13,2003,25; shipping do. $3,10. Whiney 16016f5; market heavy. Linseed Oil lib. Sale 400 bblis prime Molasses. Sugar and (toffee without chapge, and in fair demand.' Dissolution of Partnership HE Partnership of J. C. PARRY & CO. T' I. this der diinked by mutual censernt. John C. Parry lc chariest with the settlement ottb• Amount. gad ties Wield or the deb% sod to empowered to slcu the name et the Am le the settlement of the beelines or Wel dm. JOUR C. PARRY PARRY.. M2=l Partuerobip of PARRY, SOOTY& C Pam 0). la Mil day &Errand by mutual ammerst. and J. Is Moored with Um settlent o( the busloads! of $d drm. JoUN me C. PARRY. • •• ALixeivEn SCAM ' 11 PARRY. . THE business clam lowa Foundry will be 4stiss 4 l SILJ• 5547,40 . 140,040 r o 4,i.tea . W .u arl booty. Nu 103, 404 420. t, a tz 84043 110.402041. W. 040 urx to raromoooo4 log o°o °°°°”°"°oo AMANDER SCOTT, 11. SAOSlr,_ CORNIMPUS VOINSIS. Stone Pipes. Yn BOXES a uperior Stone Pipe, jun kny cee'S eon.liinnwn.t.otoxilliara.by No. _2l bisrket rtroet. . U. SUGAR-220 hhda. on hand, and by 7 17 Y " . " NBURBILIDGY a 1201114 M. pLARIFIED SUGAR-12 hhda Jima, ou on hand and for ula or /07 BURIIIIIDOE l INOURAII. LOAF & CRUSHED SUGAR---7 ---- - IN Ws. Lie Bayer. amarted:nombm; 60 •• Crgobod and Vo•derea: .h. 64 6000 by 210IILIRIDO l manila. — Pittaburgh Life Insurance Co. . 25 SHARES for lain la A. WI INB a Jo.. 71 /north athrot. iIIEEBE-300 big HENRYrime Cream Cutting I_l So. alit by H D. COLLINS. .o'l 6 Water stow.. EmIMUM. S u • UNDERWOOD'S Pur r eL! . .,:m n o i. n a Ib F's'C'lli./1.540.5r Do D. " ba r n,' dot /oral. 1,7,„„ b 0 60. 7' - w. A. MO"' Dl4. 2,srilhertlr 1711 INALLBRIA LIQUORICE-2 cues, prime article; kat W. b 7 J. KIDD k CYO. 00 Wood stmt. SWEET OIL-2 cks. in store; for enlo Ly 1718 , J. MDD * Co. /AIL PEPPERMINT—Reed o lot; for Bale ‘ l 7.lby _ ' J. KILDA CO. CARAWAY SEED-200 lbs. for sale by 1 1.2 1110 J. KIDD S co. PILL FlLES—Axsorted sizes: f:ruaclS. by jo6 J. XI 1041 it bTat=l2 Wne Copley ' a Put Clay Noc 21..ibst ned and Mr oila by • • • 150/100NMAEMR CO., 34 Wood moot. NEW HONEY— IZios iOnte Clover, In tea Oomb. WITT inind•aln, put Toed for rah, by - • w• A.IIOWLUIVJ a 00, Iris' WOOL SACKS-600 forrale by . YON DONNIIORST k MURPLIT I.II3RLAPS-50 pea. for jig 3 b y - - VON BONNUORST a 11URPIIT GIIIEBR-140 bit. prima W. R., for sale b 7 VON aommismar a MORPHT, AY Rakes, Scythe Sneaths, Ray Forks mr sale T‘Olf TONNUORST • MURAT. GitiNDSTONES-150 escorted sizes. for sale by TON !MINIMUM I MURPHY. IiURLINGTON ILERRING--450 bce. new Alt reed and for ale at MORRIS' Tea Mast, lO la lb. ma& F'~~~~"~ RECELVEEr at the Third Street Literary 11 Depot.. hew supply of Use foltovrise— The LanEohette; by I. R. Alone!: Freels Illeanthas Reveries of a Barhelor Dr.e A ha -01 mm W er In Foolish& by Abbott. Confosiont of an Attorney: irapitiilltle• of • Blaligell Conroe. a nd, complete. Waverly Noveln Ahnhder Panty. the Poir.tot or Pirate Chief of Ft. Dotalog& Lite of Denersl Erott. REEL A CALL'IW Jlll. EEL the Port °Vito. SUNDRISs i_ ZOO bass lao Coffee: MO boxes moureccured Tobeem •• No. 1 Mackerel: I 0 ht. bble. 60 bmr. 3 (Nan/ 100 " I Usllimore Herring: 40 °Mind te) Nor. I and 4 Shoat Lake Superior Salmon: 30 ttbda N. O. Nunez: 200 bit!, 4 LL Itotsaree: (CO " No. Itmin; SO ht. bble. raodered 611.1.40: for use br • JOHN WATT It M., /714 Mort/ street. C:IE:NOIRE FRENCH CLARET—S 4 per VA down. or A7He per Moth, tor We et MORRIS . Tea Store, in Om Diamond. a LAWNS, LAWNS--Juat opened at A. A Mason *Co.': 3 ea.. pan Colored Lanns at It 3 arta h and to HEW MUSIC • MASSA'S in do cold ground; a new Ethi °plan malady by IL C. Pinner. Gh. bow I !eye tar Mountain Hera.; a new and beau. Ural duet, a. sang by the allenhanlante Where can the Soul hod Reel; •3 coup by 'be Peaer Fatally. TChhe Garry EaatilY raw.. illy Polka. Pearl Pei.. Emma Dale: an Ethiopian ocelot, Blanch lain. Laura Peel by d. C. Foster . I tonna. the Gay World. Them., Pitt Ticce Gayland Received wyl ler sale by JOINII. IiWLLOR, Wl2 at Woad atneet. FFATHERS —76 eke now landing from str Financier, ter mala br ISAIAH DIOKLI k Co.. .012 Wator ant float Eta. aINSENG-24 Mu. landing from stmt.. Fi LSI nantier. For sale by )712 ISAIAH PICK €t t 00. FLAX SEED —O boxes; It barn lanai,. from otolr. a Inez, crer. for Fee br. - • ISAIAII DICK'S At CO. a IIEASK-9 bblt. landing, from steamer is Financier. for sale hy - Jyl2 DICKIII t CO. BEESWAX -2 tierces now bonding from Cramer Financier: Ira cab. by ISAIAH PICKCY if CO rAL LOW OIL-22 bbl.. now landing from sternum Nam:Kier: for rely. AT 1112 ISAIAH DICKEY 0/ FOUND—On tho street between Ails-. Oro, City an. Slroohrster. a Child) @met. roquir• at .1. F.C1I01)!OBIAKER At CO. jylo No. 24 Wood erre. BMISER'S & BAT tiING SOAP-.Just reed 11/0 lb* el • • eporlor faliele of Whit* Fe , riffd 50Mh.1. 1,13 wo , would ree,romend fro Ih. oft of Bart...rt. Hotel Ketperr. or for fru. MM. W. A fdeCLUILO A Co IJln No. V• 6 Lit...rtv it FANCY SOAPS -- 23 bol.s Vkkr;ecar..lEnsp irk tar.: 24 dozen flory, •• Low's Brown Wind.. Superior Palm and Olathe. Boar:, fbr wbol.ale and nand. b, 11,101 W. A. SIrCLO BO A Cl. GORE ~O bu. prime 3elldw, in ear, just twelve, an, for SIP be 1110 ROBSELL l JOHNSTON House of Refuge. DROPOSALS• receiv/n1 until Fix o'clock. r Architect the T.Gth day ot July. at the Maze 01 J. in Kell, . F.r the reenatruction r 4 the House or Refuge. Plena aSpeediest-loos will he rablbtted one • rfflk prevlune to the Usu./of letttn,. III& may be meld* for the folios Ina item, erparately. v•a: Lumber. &livered On the grenThad—tirelle.g. SGOOa. Work; Back Work; Iron Work; Ples&reum Ya.intlnal Carznter Wma. .t , also, for a von gum for the entire GEORGE le A Itel J.A.11K.1 ANDEBAII,I, .1. K. $100ellIE•Il. WEYMA2g. J AMES CIIIIIREtbI. Building ecmmittre tiEAP DE LAINES—A. A, Ma on & Co. MO LOW opogns Aocthpr nno. nl tho. 4 T•ry e t .. , D: Lain. at And 10 rente. Jim JRINTS! PRINTS !!-Now opening nt A A, I , lsmon A Co% eves to, , .12red I . tiole At ay orate. h to 111EAP DRY GOODS it I :F.ono I .rdr 00. Lawns at • A A MAA • $ 02And A 4 Mart•t //la QCREENINGS-100 hu . just rec'.l and for I - 3 saes nV. LLLu JuLINSTON 111 KKK— 750 be. fresh, just recd, rind for sale AT tlylol RUSgI.LL • rossarrlsv. LACK Lace Shawls, de. Scarfs., Murphy • llorrb6•1,1 hero r0c . .1 • ennnig of I.ole. WI/eh of ern lon. IsCON — TSID - E.S-L-31AXI (be. juet rec'a for A R sale by tier, P 11.1111RAV011' YItUP-50 hhls., a prime article, just to t. J (c." i.IIOII3IIAL'UII. I INEN SIZE A:TING-10 pee, extra quality 1.4 10-.lstrdll4jugt tre'J at A. A ' , WON • 0). N it OLASSES-10 bbls. Sugar llounc, (St Jamte• Hallnety) Nat aid and ( , 4 ta`a by NOSIPON, LITTLE A CO. SYRUP -13 tbls. Gulden Syrup, to : , ,,gor Item. 4. ost maga Inea..fx sale bv . j. 7 IDAIAII DICKEY It Co. It-11.00 1.1611., stun. WANTED -101,000 ILO. WOOl, for which cub will to WI. reß J. T. it J. J. EUUV E. • Alt D-8 kegs just rece i vedor chic by lJ Ats recatett. a JOIIIISTOIC 110 Water 6ss-164. WIACKEREL--"ffl bbls. 10 hI. do. No. I .I.l66rge.Juot reed awl far 6.616 by J 6-6 It CrIELL I J 01INSTON. (lIERRINO—D) Mils. No. 1 received and ILL lore •66 by - R 1168111.1. • JOLINSTUE F ISII-30 bbls. Lake. Trout; so 16 barrels 166116 . /Isb: 16 EL •••• S.CAS P 1 lrimed for 16 ILD1• by J. CHEASE-300 bin. Cream Cutting: :tot, &WWI D. rT. re , ll fo• el* bySbiftlf H. OULLINB, Rata, rtroot. &Um. 1121.1,1 • GROCERIES-- 21 bM.. Ram: CD bola. MoWane 100 Loa lo Con., EDO Dm lug. 100 Nutoyeso. 2 , 1" bushes Cum.: 14 ease Tobwon 10 ball ehogy Young limo Tog tg/ Dago grudo SaltpeterA l•ll , for r•lo by ion In MCKAY • oi MAPLE IVI6LASSFIS-;-16 keg* put up for Yattuli omn. nne'd and far Fain by WICK a Mbef_NDLE.S. QIINDRIES— ... b 0 bbl.. Pcrtlapd Barnes . . ld NI. 5 otk Itztrs 97naIn b threes Engar exited IlanyA and Bona 540 pound., Venison dna, in babas BabbllC• amain Calaralno • Vein nnalar I bbl. Puri lbdrtanzats 6n/a _ I boil. /earth. Pala. and AIMIna Snap: • 8.4 '• awn, nay sod nterslar, WO 1..0nm Mora, for ..I. by no= J. P. MILLI MIND W. DEARLICS 11-18 eke reed this day for tab br I l_bl lIKNRY H. COLLINS. fIAtIEE FLANNELS—Murphy A Burch- LA Gala Ears JIoq• • outwit! . of the teel Welsh and Euglleb Gees rimmed.. sloe. Amon, •od Allk VIWP do. jes VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MITE undersigned will offer at public eels, JiLl:gaiiro7 '4 llge f rrriikg ' inTWlLl f fAllVlN tartamaint. of Ittebard Gramm. deed. the ibilowing Deal mom, of about Vise itundmil stol Twenty Pte. Acres, ritual& Omni fire miles from Kittanning. in the townnblp of KlVU:ming. In Artastrnog County. the ortipin• Dom flutler and Kittanaing to ir Cana and libembargb. MOW. through ads valuable body of land. Thy,. is apeut Two 'tundra! deem of Imam land, which in n ow all in clever, and the whole of it lw nigh 'ate of rultiratit n. There l• alga large Orchards on mai land. cnnfisting of ApPlee. l'cischen. Plume. Deem and .1 - 11osi..army other dewcription of fruit of the very best Onality. Tttere In alio doe drink Dwelling limn, large limn. and all othcr c unrolls. out building s . with a pump of nning water a& the awl.. Tel. laud is also 11•11 ru Tnaproperty.tateri trgrilier. Is arta inir the most desirable and •alnable prop.) .0. for I. 10 uty of We western mantles of ob., Ctale. 71. property will be Wit in body or in ntinil Inuits to MID combo/nom Tertas—Une third In band. and the batsmen in two me anal PaYreciots, without intemet. Pale to commence at chitin, pi. amen of numbs. to be muted by bond and Wattag. Neh e fin tOff HOFIF.RT WOODWAttIi. Bar riving amenity of iiichani tiraham.deed. I Kitianning Y. Po. oßatier BARGAIN! California Cold Wanted For • THAT !splendid Narrn, 7 miles oast or New odic the peat or Jug!. fur lb* new Couoty of ..., on the Mate Road, leading to Huller, and one halt mile Wool the of 00neelon. hold farm eon stn. oont lao atter, nearly all under good tones. and 100 whet 'ander cultivatioo—it would to.dirld• lor twoluoillee, at there is on the orentleas two dwalllns boll. bee. two name. au, with au atundante of emit of all lots, Tartoa, Sit on semis law If. lo rat. looportion of the numb.aa reaper la paid in hand. Voeserelon e'en at any thus within one month afta rale. Jyttletol. O. W. If oOLULIAN. _ • O. S. 01WILBElanill cOMMERCLAL COLLEGE, located cantor klarkot and Tart Strsobb Pittsburgh, Ps. • R. T Keustaug, Modred, and Promoer of lb. Bep once of Account . . P. "UN Prifosear of PonumanolilP. Th ch. e win Wort of this institution is to otiord =ILI= artri?u bid Vr!erl tot 41 " n i g h, lb sorb:mho. to boohoo. generslle• APPitfoots onto! the Llollego at any tiort and attond both dor ond treotting. The moue of luaus:Lilco is such as will enablo otadent to lake chat of and conduct on mbutilic PritsciPleit any tot of litniblo Baby 'brag, on completion A 1 the same. ikametorhip—To volt. a fteo god legiblo hand Ls au isecompllohront IP the ott ooo lk. o r 10.00 gentlemen, for every prifesoloo, and more particularly to 80.. who.. desirous of trial/yin, thogirolem for Kir. vr ti reap, e Thin Dap . ,derlb. control of P. It Bronco. a Onio. ' tautbor w ortheamavni..nt.a , ol IbtomonohiPJ• geatioman well known thronahout estlntry as a superior penman, end alto SA OSA of the ttloln 5ue , ..10 1 1 1 kasha" of dm us. Oimmunkatiouo aldrem to O. B. CUANDEALIN wit I,Art•A protart abortion. tnerfftwtT A tan VALUABLE Farm in Upper St. Clair et miles from he 04,00 al 11. .td.10" j4"".“'"'"I 4 airoafoll 7'1 l Ellllu. 11I0tl3tlf 120 South stmt. ARRIVALS AT TEE 'PRINCIPAL ROTEL!. Up to 8 o'clock, hut grating. gr. cruets'. nevax,wool3 ems, D Cooper, Wellsville; S C Ridge, Texas; H W Crothere sad lady. Wellsburg. Vat • Gee helm, Portsmouth; E H Davie, Ebtlitoth, E Q Pussy, Jae M Conrad, Jos 11 Brooke, Ann II Brooke, Phila; E Stevens, New Baltimore, 0: Mies Jack, It. Shields and sister. Greensburg; W McDaniel, Mies M P Whitney, Cloonabarg: Jam Vatimeter, Miss E Vanmeter, Lexington, Ey; J Vaameter, Moorfield, Va; W Reed, New Brigh ton; J Halt, Washington, Pa; J S Welty, W . M Muffly, Jao Deokson, Greensburg: Wm O & H It It; .111 Luwiß Wooster, A McKennay, Jas C Clark , Greensburg; A Scott, Pa It It; J Pond, J Rapp, Phila; Wm Campbell, Boiler; J Gardner, Washington 00, Pa; W Ebbe, West Chester. naowz's ROTEL. ~M ITIITIRLD ITR[IST. PaGeo. W roz, River; hi Bearhear L Moore, Fred Hint, agent of Empire .Ciroue; W W Bar riaby, Great Western; J B Emery, Nowcastle; J Manful Augusta, J W Hamilton, Elizabeth: Jae Taylor, 11 lipeeler, Liverpool; Wm Snowden, Brownsville; B E Booker, Gib Hardin, Franklin; T C Wheat, hire Wheat and daughter, Wheeling; A Brown, Turtle Creek; JIll•Clorg, Birmingham; Sorel 15 Fri, Penne; Wm Bharpleev, Brownsville; Wm Howell, Ohio; Geo Nutter, F.ast Berlin; J W Rose, Ohio; Thou MaFeters, %Vaynesburg; T Kauffman, Lancaster, Pa.; B Id ?dosser, Thee Lewlahorg; J Poe and lady, Oeo W West and lady, Georgetown, Pa ; JCPaCe Levels, Phila. Mrs Burroughs. 0 II Burroughs, N Jersey; H Haupt, Phila; 13 Stokely and lady, Steubenville; J 1) Stream, Washington, Po; R W Jorin, elLI; M Arnold, Master 'Arnold, Phila.; A Criswell, Pa; W Dempsey, Balt; Wm Eberhart, Jlt Kreps, Brownsville; Miss Way, Sewickley, pa; J Way, jr, do; J C Campbell and family, Vicksburg, Miss; P C Tiernan, Brownsville; 0 II Starr, Sewickley; Thos Duncan, N Thee Russell and Jody, Balt; W Ii Clark, Brownpille; .1 hi Mc- Clelland, Uniontown . ; R C Booby, Phila; H Neel. Miss M Carey, Miss Rollin, McKeesport; J Koine. J B Ramsey and lady. Cm; .1 Dunlap, N 1; J 0 B Sandbridgo, Phila; Mr. C Shriner-and Md; E A Shriner, do; Thou Lingle, do; E W Emhart and lady, Boll; Mre Bailey, Master Bailey, 0; J L Cox and son, Zanessilie, 0; Col Acklin and lady, Ls; Mese Hays, Nashville; 0 B /Nye and lady, do; E IH Matthews, Cleveland. A Stevenson, New Castle; T Dongberty, do; J M Springer, 8 M Gibbens, Bellevernon; C Bes set and lady, Monongahela Cit 3; M Sanders, Llmetown; W H Perry, Wellsvule, Ohio; T S Hamilton, do; C M Cale, Bellevernon; T H Hope, Chester Co Pa; 3 M Calhoun, Perrytown; G H Tower, Elizabeth; S Dougherty, Steubenville; P 9 Taylor, do; 3 P Bailie, do: M M Sbxger, Bloomfield, 0; Mrs Jane Seeger, do M Lewin, D E McKinley, Charles Benny. J Hausman, Washington, Pa-; J i tekstow soil lady, Harrisburg, LI Smith, Pa R R Co: S Hous ton, Kittanning, Pa: John McClelland, Thon 0 Taylor, Oreconburg: Than Cunningham. -wife and child, BOSTOT; Mrs U Malthouen, N Brigh ton; J 8 Forbes, Wheeling, Va; H D Pattern., Washington: 8 Moorhead, Rallyeburg ; tamuel Roberta, et Louie ; H H Murphy, Philadelphia; David Clark and lady, fi'm Briscoe and lady, Point Pleasant, Va; Thomas Carter, Elk county; H Short, Blair county, Pa; Mrs C ❑ Leo, W II Mullin, Zolienople; Dr W F Bartlett, New York; Thomas Howard, Mo; Col S Thayer. El 8 Army: E Molden, Troy, 1; L North, Wooster; Mamer Smith, Cleveland; Jenkins, 8 Barettri, chin and Penns Railroad. NOTICES, &c T HE Annual Meeting of Stockholders of allraheny tali, /tall Ansa Cooaan, .1 11 . tit at lbw ofh. of !ha Company, In rity 14 111, burgh. on Mondarequanat 74.1 , 42. at 10 I.elock. mama a I,..latit on 4 010 Vlanawar. lat cleats.' 1., aba anana.,..ent of