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'- . *° l•• 4.: 1- ..,,,,,,,,,, ..:.t . i,ii4.. - ; , 1,..*„. 1 4 :::.ii , :i1 11 :4 ..111k1:43iiI; :I'.*:sgi, #0..c,%4 :, •,!: i' , .., ....,.; ar i ' ..f i t oi , '4'..;:,', . 4•5 ;:.' " v:‘, : ' ,4, . ' ..: '' ...i.'o ."., ;4 4 : . ; ,),;; - : i;.'",‘,.. ‘,.4.1.,.,••::,, Litiltqf.,l•.- 14i , '''':. I ' 1I 1 4;;; • -.. ..k..4•„ ..,1- .. , le .f ,f ‘.. IVs • • :4 . , Z. 11S4''' n''l.l4 ‘l.l';'T'' ~.. " ,j 41 `•11-.1411q. ' ".A.l::i IN:":l::*,Y.:,:.'.'i.yir. 1;.,•,''';... ,;•;`.;.. 1- "::, t 1 : ;'1111'..: : ,:i ' i •'• -1. 4 ',' •:::,{ ,„.:..: ...:,,, ..i.. ,•,,....;.'4„,..,X,:i-;:e':', '-%-,,,,:,.., , , ~... . 4 . * ‘;''' ,1- .' 1,,,,,` .• • - ~ ..- ' , .. .1- . 3...': A ' ',5.„.4!:•:.,Z.i.1.,,?';'., 4, .4-:.;;41.-"4'''-'-!*?,' 4 4: .•.. 4 .1%,5,' :..'",." '*- 4. ti. l . '' 4 : i .-- :' 4. ' ' ' '' 4 :": Z.. '',...:, - A . e 4 , ~A 4 4 ;, i';: .: 1.-t, 11 '''`‘' ., ' S ' 'tl3; , "ll, , , - z i . . •L: 0 ;'•.. • l' :; , 1 , 4:- ;f' , • :, , :: -:%,- s* ,-,1 -.. '' , ''., I, ' ''''' , I• s ‘`...;-' - ,..5. , , ..,.. :. , : 1 ."- ...- 7 , " z. , ,;, •': ', ".. - ..:._.' ;. ll° -• ' ' ••'; :;', '.' :1 1; '' ' , - • ' efl.-3.',...1 . • is la • • *: :•• , WISE • : ( I.i . • 4 ~' ... ♦ ,~t..~r. IN'TABLISILED IN 1786. 13i "I'SBURGH GAZEIVE .7BLIDLIKI) DAILY AND WBELLY BY ' WHITE & CO. -41,1 r. I lair= • Idta aTlttre....llo,. 70 ISM MIT GRIM. • . • • • • aA. 4 , ldoreMe. Paratrto halt reartr. six 1•,..; oue yagl it..ivanegt. e. LY doliart per donor.. 10 adman,. MOM 111 Ides tottorteto a.odittato•-- , • O. /IT er.l;.• ....II IS 00 ooploa l. d 4 • 9 03 two oopioa 0013 Oa . . T weary cook b •. - .20 00 re. oor itrildiao,.trontlus. on Lidextr. Wood, and FiLith turC4:1:111 . _ CORNER PIM AHD LI HEMP' STM. PlTranOnon, PA. aANUFACTURE to order Upright and , 1101ir.1.11.1 atmoun Zoinottit fordetring Unlit/ .hop., Alin—Tools of the aunt Approved &slot Aulat, for =aloe am/44 ouch tot power and hand plotting muthlmo. gld.lnd hand 9.M/clothes/uptight &linos tusculum. Order. tom rallemul imp ..,C t h e Uturtduo 0 .• respectful/7 maid/ad, as the r/mos maw Noog mo4o ill our Ittols,• pate,. Mt, will extant: um to MI promptly WI order, Mr lablool7, tool% At . ..ln our line. 0p2.4416m .417: Banner Cotton Rills Wanton.. N 0.149 Ylnt .ad 133 Snow] St. tlnstorab WARNER, PARK & CO., MANUFACTURERS of Canna NA I homy 44 akeellosra do do do do ahanotosy• or all colors, Dyed Carpet Chain of all colart and anodic, Cotton Twinewhit. and variegated colon; ' Yates,, Candlewick, Dat/1.4, ett. ,nakciAal!eo. Penn Cotton MHz, Pittsbnigh. lor ENNEDY, (MILOS & CO. kruitano- Am_ tom. or 'Nom A. ?to. 1 boovy 4-4 Sheetlop• C.,p.tChSll3 atoll colors sod obaliec Cotton Twino: • Hereqh Mee and Eatll Coral' ot ea. and deseellnlonn Bettlitin 46"0rl W o ad BURY /teed were Stme too.gan, Wilson Co.: 131 edit have attent ; 1.1•33:13 lE NNETT BRO., Marnifacturers of plyo and fancy Yellow. Itookingbazo re , ul4 Cam Wap.t. Onlea at th .13anufactory.nurnor Wasb- Wenn and Franklin 'treats. Iltradnablin4 m o PPngin , lus bh. Pa. arnddly Ifeeron &Caswell, 'BELL eiRD:BBABS 'POUNDERS, ANUFAOTIMERS of allkinds of Braes 31. Work, Lootnnotien. Steam Engine. Pititni.mko. Aliais Cotton Batting 11autifseturara. Fotuniar. Bahama atm% Omer, eurner Of Market Alleghey . city. laud Path stu. Pittsburgh. Y. B.—Old Bras and Corner taken in exchunine for ens: or rash paid. Orden ,. t at the Toundrr or Olidee, be'attehled to ptinetuali 'lona{ iittigg, MANUFACTURERS . of Spring Find.Blitl ltirr Bre, VI.. }34. 8 131.1 1i neel WIDO. on, an d Yen 89 . ' ri g ns=d * ina T a " rea),;= - at Haa• .4 First nasal:trill. Pa. so= k D. D: Loons. * * * Dim s & Co. NI H ANIIPACTURRRR of Roger's Patent Improved gnat. Cultivator Tenth—toner of Rim arat I nt .treat.. Pittaburgh; P.. frb7 LW. WOODWELL, Wholesalauntatetai I fay . Ithainfattinar atut L.W laCablint Wara,blTbial street. • JOHN .WETIBRELL, Manufacturer . O . f PATCNT,BOLID DUX and BILUILD BOX VICES. =r oar of AMAMI= WU squat• from the woe wen I3fAn, Allooheny 017. 06,17 ILLINGS, WILSON & 00., Manufac turers ot 411 arra tattr, War sod &p 4elro, cigar .1, chair. sod lining nabr, Culoblorr, clout, bob, sal rhos ball; dour rodrrod lathing do.; also Ono 2d sal 1.1 bluedusll4.l4. Ala. burgh. 014.44 lace a co•No.ne. Va., a., plaa =oar. IRON 01TY TACK FACTORY.4The eub- IL salters ,lian aorta. and tarp ogpstantly 41.1 haul alt 117,11.TpC11:ri drror=ftraZlsl°. C.., du—, 2.4; Mum 1441 r. rat4sra Stakrne Points; W.f. amused 'ion, a“ u,turnL. vita+ a t.. 4)., NA 4 Wanbouse. 69 At, littalnagh,_ ivITTSBULIGH ALKALI WORKS.—Ben u.- Ben) C..lltanstisetannv of &d. Ash. Masai- Powctem, amniotic nisi SWAMI. Add. , Warshaw. N. Oa Klan et, bd. Fore, BAGRA . AND LITHOGIaPHING la ltstablialuaant, Third M street, math. Ma a i' oo 0 ...Pittsburgh. Maaatiarape s Portraits. Pao. 8111btads,Draa.Boa . al.trahttrataral wad .liaatunra Dratrirugs, /Algae= sad 010210 Crds. a0..'empt....1 or &ulna on atom. whited la. color.. hoig. Worts, or ti i ir il t t. t . ha ! h od F laral AV.. sad at tla• etaftnrh- TEA DZALI3,IIB. ROBERT MORRIS, Tea and Wino Alor oftwat. Esal. ad. Of lb. Dhunotuf.llttnbur,h iir s ZtrifiVagi - i - 65:ci11)3 e ' f " 6 -" ZOd Dee3M tto.ltat an.m. BUsiFt.AboTo Wood tur• elvers to • tap emaxtir of Cud. Grocer ., en.l Vim /W. Al fratu gm Nutt h mel mMI, Dealt= roppliell ea the limit Lena.. COMOSSION MM FORWARDING Springer Harbaugh. (auccznsoa T. El. II V. HARBBIJOIL) VOMMISSION FORWARDING .Her .) aunt, Dealer 1n Flour, Wcol and Produce general I r, N. lib Vitvc et-. and 111 Nocond et-, Pittab urea, Ps. op; Henry H. 00111111 1 HOLESALE Produce, Commission mod % V Forwarding Illtrubantst. and Dealers lo Iron. Nall., Gls, Cotton Yarn mid Pittsburgh Manufactures Pt.. rallr. No. 131 Water ot.- Pittsburgh, P.. arlbAir I. T. dc J. J. BOONE. • (uni or 01...11. ono) ICRWARDING to COMMISSION , Mer eltantu Deal.. In Products of all kinds,e. b No. •:.fI tr stmt. Pittsburgh, Pa. Mir Alum's, on hand. N. 0. Sugar and Molusau.s. BELL & LIGGETT. FLOUR FACTORS, FORWARDING k, COMMISSION MER CHANTS, and Dealer.. In General Produda. Nos. Mt Q, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. biberal .001111CeS made on consignment.. apT.3 I 7 KENDRICK, Forwarding and Com solsalots Merchant; also, Agent fee Alanuraettle era. 21 areboneo. No.'_ Wa.lstreet, Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to Forwarding Merchandise, and ralltdal:Mtals fur tale. No COnthectian • for Boats of any deamiotlon. Orders promptly attended to. Initructlona will to all cazea he impi kille obeyed. boor bosh:m.o Ls repectflAly solicited; and I pledge On- Ralf to nee every exertion In your Lebalt. pdrly IV N.. JOIINSTON, Forwarding and Dataralailon Merchant, No. 111 liocend street, Pittsburgh. ER, k, JONES, Forwarding and Com =Latina Merchant. Dealers to Ptah., and Pitts , . bore Zdanufartur.nlariteteot Canal Basin. near Seventh ttreeL PittattotTtli• ARDY, JONES g CO., Successors to At ... 3, Jon. & Co, 011=Cal.1.1 mod Foreanthaz t=trleatern in Partrbura Manufactured Cocci. PIC. buret. P► AGENCIES SAMUEL L: MARSHELL, Secret tryCiti one, 111999.ne0 Co., 94 Wal.r street NlVl.PaJlio..;ilbEASdirtilio,ctoohte.frlurance Co. n. GORDON, Secretary Weotern tram- A' • AO. Co.. 92 Water at A7S.TADEIRA, Agent for Delaware Mu L tool BaNty 11.9stranoo Company, 42 Wat.,trogit. CIARDINEA COFFIN, Agent for Franklin t /=.7 tortholool oir.of of Wood • . HARDWARE DITACHASTB. V.ITARIS WCOMBS, (successor to JOHN LKENlinr.orter t, Della: In Forala - n and Dome.. tu: ware. nod"; Wood eL h.tnnen Vtamond Alter and Fourth slOreet. PI tt.burah. SirCarpentore . on band. bI,&IISPORTATION AGENTS VOVODE to GRAHAM, Agents of Penan. Railroad co.. comer of resin add Vr•TOW MA, Canal flub, Pittaborith. folo II I A. McANULTY .t CG—Trahsporters, ILJ• Funrusliog rala llmamtplot Y.. trivet. rittlibunch. fr 1316 NATTERS AND CLOTHIERS. /kil 'CORD & .CO., Wholesale and Retail llianirberlivers. and Dealer* la lin% eat. and rids. coma. or Wood and Mirth emits, Pittabovgh. Whoa Ifni odor wrssa oci.plete Own. of lb.. al every . quallty and styli., by Wbolevala and Retail, and Is. vita the attantion of thole custom,,, and povehatiers genon alit. annul= them that the, will tell on the mud intvain tut.. ton. O CHESTER, Merchant Tailor and Clo- Lt. Misr, Numb. 74 Woc,l .met. rank/liar ottou. bon gold to otot Youth, Clothing Vir M. D10 . 1 , 3Z, Mrcl a han Tailor,, Dooper, . t aihrELERS. W, ".1.1 -so Wate i hos, Jawc ;, l7..S/Iver irmaAtreetonestersh,r::'i;.' ...tin noloal•-•-•4 _• - • PAPER HANGING AND PLASTERING. OSEPII JOHNSTON, Parte Ilemozia tJ PLAATIO , tt.—1,44.13m. Dr.., of Tbir.1a....13.1E..7 1 b. h u L1n..:.f1!. 31Ett., Lett, ho. 11. r .1.. DENTISTS jSCOTT, Itratrurr, Fourth etrect, ~.—........- , flog . door. west of Martel. ,11, ..... Ail mot* worranted . 101 l 10 R. i i). ' 11 . 1:1 , 1......T n:l i t,.. t lle , , ~,o , nt s Lr re, Furth 6 . Irltteat:ott. WOOL MIMCHANT'S. 11.1 Lee , ( a c s tL 1, 1 1 . 1,111 h r ) Wool 1M+1. r, .010 0I AO,-,,0•0 wOOl,-0 0 ev,lit, NI 137 Lit:v(l, aL,Of " bbl PAPER HAHOINOB 1T11031A:i PALMBR, Algumfacturer and hoporter of Wall raper,llorLerr, Yin. Board.. Print,. Loodsesre Paper. Wlrolom 11llad., te, bud 1.0.01er la icrittag .0d liVirst.pirm Paper. Bonn T et and Madeth. P ro' Bownle I[a - Le_ No. AS triter rtroet. be hird aril Four burgh. WALTER P. MARSLIALL, Sncocesor t) W gunnel C. LlM—lmportar and [healer W e a n F, and American Paper ilansdnidiand Ixrder., Window :Nadas, Fire 'kart Printa,te. Abe.—Writing, Ptiatinr. d Wrapping Paper Zin. 661 Wend street. between Steneth sod Diamond SUM Wittatnamsb. P. MISCRILABECIIIB CASDS, drz. IIi r OSIERY of the best quality, at low pri ce -I, may be obtained . t the fifth etrort EWrtleg Yid mho YhUt. 51mtuattory. Thom who wing to buy really durable &nil beautiful good& atthe ,an. em., two prat., ehouldGal st the Manuterturer. end 511th ettort, tetweettlYoal sal Mmtet ma 1.130. DALY It CO. • CARD. State Official Interpreter W •J. ROSE, Interpreter of Foreign Languages In and roe thsCumononerealth of Oboe PylTent. to rondo lo the City of Pittsburgh, ('..golf of Allegheny, may be Pound eve( Jar nom 9 a. u., until in the Quarter 14.101111 ti ourt ROW:a t Or et No. Ito fourth Meet- Bond., Deeds. Mortgagee. Pore. of At torney and all legal or other tenting , ohltoo.rer, dated from or Into the the (lemon, French. Mahan and Spanish langusges, grab neatness and despatch. Sp/ JNO. R. BAYARD It SON, Dealers in Leather, Olden and Oil. No. 91/t Liberty etrept, (op- Porno Slz tic et.) Pittsburgh. • Keep constantly on hand • general asenrtmen of Leather, Mltlas, Morocco, Oboe eoNaga. °unite.: Tools, OIL. le., coarc-1 • Lewb' Intelligence Office. WHERE Hotels, Steamboats and Priv: , te Hown will b. In mashed with wool Weirsals, .o Servants with Ow.. apb4ll7 Instructions on the Piano Forte, Guitar, and Vocal Kuck: AEKRY ROHBOCK has commenced to Laxly. Itudrachma In 11..1. oath. Plano Pune. Uul tar. and Vocal Maga, sea sin he pleanerl to melte fur ther applitathm. at the Susie Stor. of J. 11. Mellor, or through th. that 00r.. Torm.lsl6 for trenty.font Boat. I 1,1,5 IT3I. NOBLE, Upholsterer and Dealer in Vpholstzty, Wholeule Itetsal, 71:4r4 Om, oppcsits lh. Nut 0100.. , AOUNTY-LANDS—asPr. Cues. NAYLOR, Attorney at Lan. No. U 3 Third K a palter of Cherry . Wing made arrangements for the Potwar, nel procure Bounty Wait n a nd w ill cud aoldirra. bur. see and ohildrro. end will attend to any other btu!. wee. conneated with the warryeatornt or any of Its Dame mats. th e Panstonute en, or the Conde at the City of Waahinirkm• le27.du Alexander Bradley, No. 19 Wood itned, tetween Fruit and Bevora its., • - (siaN ON TIIE GOLDEN OTOVE,I ltyr, ANUFACTUREB, of °eery description elof CINLELVO NTOYEi z of Nag moat out -and r aL arrt snob o rondo. beet rattell. 00. AL.—PARLOR. !MOEN. among door via be found Jarrell ft Boon, edentate] folding door Pktlor Stereic'Ra itorsr, gaDatono Enuiklin Stares; IdSID end fancy (hater, 'to NEI& to !colts the attention of builder; Tea Settler; Hollow Warr. Wagon Dorm Err Do all of wlrlett we Invite trep lflontloa of delleso before vorchoelos elbow here N,Tfel Bolivar Piro Brick Manufacturing Compq. 01.01/114 , Y. L1116.......11.- F. /Mr n. 5. 1U SSV. GLOVER, KIER E CO., PPOPIIIITOBA. 9111. LE SUBSCRIBERS, having Wen up & Painted Agents far the above named imnoms. coontantly on bend • supply of the oelebnded Bolivar Sire Britt AlrucibletireCtsy.i arribeellimrthsandlungile. me,' UV yrapared to receive ordure for said BMW,to be mad. to elm and shape fo reit purchaser.. which .h.ll t promplif We do not deem It P.r.e...7 13111.11, w. Tutt.g. the Bolivar fire Prick poem. over allothersthet Amelia. offered for sale in the United Mates, their env- Ariortir Wag well known to alnunt all persona who me Dl,. Prick. The darapristom have determined that lb. Brick amnia/al Mae of their prising epelable reputetkm, met that no impetus shall be snared to make them ermi better Mimi they have a.mteDaa been. MU is the eddy establishment now manufacturing Firettnick at Saliva, ICIIIII. • nichtCanal emilti, Seventh el.Pitteburgh. . _ _ Vm. opooial attention to the Collor ' tka or claims for hlorohanta and others, in Wiwi. ern 'estrwylranall and Eastern (Mo. OM. in Tfhatwan Hiall.oispoolta tha Nrw Court Holm. Plttshurah,ra. Itefsrenrch—john SfortiaolhY.C.lnaarain, D.N.al.ass ICIIARD .1. O. BOECKING, Mannfnetu • it rer of thlt Portrait Heaney and Lonkina tilsas I rastm—Glldlo, nf any Mod dam. toorder. as roam I ' ol .00A• N. A. AL OW street, l'Otaburab, 111.101ThTA. 1. aainutaos ...nu .1111 Li t Am CO., No.ao;F A ll t urth nr, blann ant° ra of n tuna . tal " a l n, l =l 1 . 117.. 11 diabbn 'lan., Water Curate . an. fbrwwhn ha.• TOrk to do In our lint win do wna 0111,as tiler mar Dell havinu thnir work egscuted ',ratan:al workmn, nen an wn le sins 1.1 DIN and stint lend we cart afford to worn at leapt*. ion as ant other rat nbilehinent to either eine. Derrenin Itarn nnnotry who win, u> it tarn i o n mnrerinyr water from north ge win Ma/ It to their aa. Vaniniro DO nil Wt henwn Darehatinn from l hande,a ear. the onlyntanufectansrs or Lead l acun a inerin Munn Load 111 the city. . . . Order , from the women. for Leeel W fee. hheet 1 . 44 Pool,* sla reenive hromot ettention. •blll .•s n. ga. --- Banker and Eichange ;Broker • . NO. 68. ►DOLTY'ITIZZT. • • j r U,Y.S Doltati-at the tsigh oat market onern Eitnea booaln.and mid on CootaladoelOdtt. 0.01.7 tam at known ratog Oliht Check. On sal. no U. ELlterli CULS. Oolleetkaa made on the Wart. ao3l PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 21, 1852 NESMUMMOUS Lotz & Braun. RESCO, Home, Sign and Ornamental Painthre and Jawed% Ao.4olderketetniet, botireen econd and/rhltdots., Fitt/burgh, Pa All elution? Pthothids for Cliurobeit, Iteomn. de..la T 5 pr and on wain., done In the molt male= stile: Trlloll. parentimitation of Weal, Warble sal noon.. idannincturethof and Fluter. Patent 'fetal Lettere. Dealers in 61 1."1 Pain DI • PuttyV Limn at' Removal. D. WIILIAMS k CO., have removed to , No. 12. - - Wood *treed , three door. shore the old stand, =roar Wood and Yllth eta.. whore rho, will be pleased to meet their friends gad patrons., FAsll4ll GILOCKRIES. 1110, Laguera and Java Calm N.. Winn, and keened Sugar. Uolden gyros,. N. Orleans and Sugar Hoar, mod:sere, rine to Extra Plrse tireen end Black Tan Poen, Star. Mould and Dtpt Candle*: Palm, Almond. Cet.ttle and Eosin Sion; Pearl and Corn Starch; Farina, Pearl,Satto sod Arrow Root; Sams. Beef and l m Tonane,c With • arnerst araortent of fel:Masud Spires. Also—lron, Nalle, Whits Lad Cotton VILMA. Potent Zino Washboards, Om., Ic., Ae. Wholesale and retail hy J.D. WILLIAMS a Ott. mart No. 122, Wood .tent. JAMES . W. WOODWELL. Cabinet Furniture Manufacturer, Nos. 97 and 99 Third St. Ettsburph. eIW. W. RESPECTFULLY informs his • ni•nut. and customer, that he has Peet ckkottle , .. , Fbrti:iigto,sminkreorfoFttran't7a= le rolliPhenhgi be sold at prirea as low I. 0.00 113 the top 01.1.. EAST or Wray. A. be la nntermlnad In uphold ble d ock, with .4.0..1 mated Os, best workmanship, an newest de. signk and Awn the extent td Ms orders sod far.lllll iu numnfseturiog. he la enabled to gaud.* warranted' FURNITURE at the lowest prime. 11. has adopted the princible of Identifying the custom er.. intarmt with hie own. In quality sod Primeatid keso 4 always on timid the greateat variety of every dna-Galion of Furniture, from Mealiest...at and piallieft, In the moat eleguit and wetly, that • house, or any fArt of ooe. me/ be furnished from hie stork.or maymbactured erpreasly to order. Thu following ertielea consist in part nt his sa• sortment.ripa.l4l width, for mho.* of style and MUG, cannot su lO ot e asetsna Louis XIV tea aclly tete th :ohm eitlea 60 Baba in Plush and Mule Cloth; 00 &ken Mahogoay Chaim; ao do Walnut do 10 glatiogony flocking Chaim: • 20 Walnut do 60 Mahogony Divans; • RI Wainut do 60 Marble top Centre Tablas. 60 do Drawing Eureaur • 30 do WaalistandE 40 Inclosed do 100 Comm. do • 20 PLaanDntestag Bureau,. 40 Mahogany iteds d teads; 40anut o 60 Cottage do • 300 Cherry and Poplar do; 01 Mahogany Wardrobe, 10 Walnut du 10MInureatts: dot 70 pining mid ilreakfmt Table. 12 lieeretary.and Hooke...me: go Roma Cane !eal. Chairs: 21 Cane Peat Rocking Chaim; Lathy' Writing Denim Elat and Towel stands; What , Nobe. MigniraN Paper Macnie Tables; Coneereation Chaim; Pembroke dot Elizabeth...it do; flail and Pier dm Reception do; Indleat dot Pessi Inlafd do; tateoetan Dining Tahlwg Arm • dw Ottoman., Gobble and Midi Chaim; Also. • /ago ....ntorunent of Common Forniture and Windsor chairs. Cabtetat maketo oarplled iwitb artlolea la their lino. S learn ta•sta todAntolo uralahed at tha short/et natio. All prima ore= attaadael tn. claylbly lOWA FOUNDRY, NO. 103 WOOD STREET, .PITTSBUROLI .5 SIZES lOWA FOUNDRY. COOKING STOTNN. which recelae4 h. by.prize for 11550 aul lesl. al the ayyleultaral Fain of allegbaby County, V. Lad recomnaribled by MOO venous vb. have them 1111 ufa. I Ob. £NTK4I KthKe, OKINU 6TOP . . • . . PAILLON ORATES AND FENDNDN. Of Inalern Pi rih • dr., tulett of patteros, brouttio to . . .. • • • . A lame Met of all Malaw* la we. Ten, Try. Azogricaty Male.. Crave', ond'a, l'exenelt'n. Lull, Imp. 13011. . DOIMLB PLOUGH The h a ll s Datable Ploodh is asp potent it Chat has tokenthe_prataldro at lb. Stab, Pala. ot PeatrairsOis,Nve York, aad at the Agricultural Pa. at Albs:heap County, Par ladl. It toss been bight, 4.l , PtOrni liwherever tried, sod is superior to mode Of euitteutiou sp other kind. nutting the 1111143 W A1re,..1.1 leasing a lore, deep, and wrist, aced bed. IRON PENCINII. Celt bersollfol desist:mot Orrososesital Veneta. PATENT CLIILLED EOLL.D, J. C. Pet Ty's I`..b.st 111 Cartios. Louie to order. LABOR KCITI.DA AND LARVA. ratolat R.ttoe for Pox,. Pot Ash. tbde Ash. Ar =MEE for the =nes:tore of Cane Nogar. The Entki can nu the Procne paGnted hy C. Party. and an, pup., nor for nu durab ol li, d ty d.l ao to any uthtr. sad cold loner then made dIA . sat %i bf.. 31. of 1.1,7 JA:rirli.2.ll. Igo, Pipe .1 %a,. for 114.11, t.a11;..Illtlx• of ...rryJlArtigq.k.u. IR.'S and %A 1.1. V. *LW.. 11.• J. C. rA au, New Dyeing Establishment. • ROBERTSON & WHITEIIOIISE, ISABELLA ROW, near Federal otreet, Ie flop. the the "Elect ` l ,l` . pat": Jywl and Onlzhel equal to neWt Drr sonde, Ae., 0f east ' ettehneds.Cation, Crane, and cote- auik i.lr.t, De Lalneditiewle.and every earletY of drowneidnelownwl• and the eolnra raaterwi to their Rimier brillianti.llnti no lobed ritual to oew. (lentlacien'a Waving nOtiorrniolinni .4 or dyrd wlthout.indog taken to piece, end erarratant not to rob oft ur end the linen. Blank dyed without to, torso, citric!. or any ether sub•taiteo rani.. to InJUrd U. Bole, 1e• *holt make It our tautly to wire IL. ntino ratti.tention those who may eloploy na. and of %Md. 1.4 meeting their sleben. we will rwdre withotii aberye. It natter onrielteetb—rwring Ite intent lon preiententa Ellie sod Use old lowntrr.-.01:11 work. tn lb... Tatty other DJ..11 to the Fluhu )terehonte Gonda dyed equal to their nei a enala. (Jowls war y rant ou ed. life. 'la a own, ..Whitint cuir wort, ani wi kr rsalvea. ; ne It. withal to inform hie friend, wham he has a Wirt In the wijonent eltiwi. that hi. location 1. nova In Anent.- ur City. - - - - PIKE AND CEDAR WARE. S AMUEL KROES :ceps coru3tand7 on °VA VIZ:11112 LOW Churn, Dry Aloanurea, Bloc erml ,herr7 Sraah boarSA. aid. all other It Indio of war. Io Übe. Warm.. MUM:6C LI•11. Wirth atroot. Plttaburah, Pa. .124:7 New Coach Factory—Allegheny. At. A. WIIITE .S; CO. would re opectfuLtr in bet w e en rublll rod they him trefitiopon I...sk i Vedetal and Sandusky strewn, They ere DOW making mad are yrepur•st to fterrir • • ° =734rs.Tu r ignr=s, ' te r •r, whist. from theft In o t goTatrajt th oy e hrTtMi t' al r"b G76l:rtV ". .g. =to, o work on the MC. raesointlite tem. ' With sating articles in th eir Rm. rnytnit turticuLar attention to the eciesthat mat/dials. and having none but cotnnetnuf vcrlinun i they have no hesitation In trarranttnit their push. We therefore ask th• attention of the public to dd. thstisr. Repairing thaw in the bait nuthusr, act on the most flux-natl. wt. NEW GOODS. `mil/ M. DIODY begs to inform Ma friend PALL a chnotnere, thet he le receiving his first oupple o FALL Agit WILITLII GOOD. nomptiong UAW owery thing that l• t•ehlocabje. gt04..01 tlw w ,f 4 " s rl'rf . weer. a ll . h:ing f let.nlenible uori. a7i -; Mtg . = .I,4lMtt Iri;tlll,Lp,tir;. they priwtnr hoM• that all .ho .u 4 m 'car"..Al no ha ny nd. Lb ben 113. MM. rash lonabl• stock at READY MADE In the eilw, ..Dickallc .111 be 011.0.4 at therm Is*sn Pres.. to, Contractors. Liontathe blorchthtla and ell 1t h 0 burebus largely, will and it to to their adrautage to rthnahl the etcek before purchasing. mg thee will meat with newt bthgabas. 1C .. 1.1..4.1 In the Tailoring lice matte 43 t,ede clb most fhchkatable ACM ta the ettorteet natio. A CM rate ttalemen Irratel Itomdt stoic. *nab Penn Gl= Works OEL'Z WICIIITAIAN,IformerIy of too Orr of Um. hieCrilly C 0.,) annfartorrre of ail =la or VLALEI r 11(YPILES, And W NINIW ULAPM, Water and 65 Front aNve4 Pittsburgh. Pa. N. B.—Particular attrinUou _T , Md to odd Humor Wiailim Olga sod private ...Ida fur Bottler, and Vista. mar 1 4 Straw Bonnet and . Hat Warehowse, • No. 105 M&RIZT STRUT, 11. PALMER otters for Bale, at very leer 1 g0e... Ball /ireol•treollt of Brno and Blithe 9.loNNlTS—Forvign cot Arrierl=n_ plain and • .nry Straw, Braid. Chip. Ulna,. .r. Pa tr horn,ar.,d. HA rS—Morin. Torittdo . . and Bore be.haro, taner and Crald. Straw, P.n.. Nfanillo. and Paha Lear. Ice nue Leghorn, Braid, &raw, Chip, Ulm/. Laos, and Hal. r.J/mny Mod, and alter Foram, in Bred WWI. t) of nhape and maiwrial. • ZUBBOIVS—Itich Brunet and Start plaln BaUa and Ta. rate .1 . all wllthe and nalar. Laney Can. a/Wen/pre Cap. L.ICAV/Iw Plain and firrurad 0011. and rolorwd and Ootwel N ett. STRA IV ITINKINEI.9-9=l, , ,Taxcallo, Bothena. Braida h Arlflf i li—lienell and Aiderleaw bDrl¢4 trinrßee rad 'P ETrriEr 242 1 1/7TV/1 1 /7 . 77,V8—1/ tam tiro. de • Plee f i : , 11 , 2 0 4. Florence, and Otter atria . ° BATIKS—Mooned post/we and color.. Mew—Web cod /ow priewd Peraeole • wl Umbrella., Ban Maw. a e. *a wool/ Pittsburgh Foundry. BOLL MAN A. GARRISON have removed rffilY. mel r, pew whnog , Blemloabazo, meat the berry. a ll lb. Improvements, for bear, wort, In Purl...a/km.4lU. Lathe spflother machinery. "ek"V'o. Dr A* . thry 4lu ' retaln fa:war...on Stnithheld Rt., on the old preani*ad.. Ishio at No 4 WOod it.) fallians or or. der* left there unite Indnritataly attended to. ItlotYlreen. with uy the nneL ' lrirfl i adii " .. lIENAV L. BOWMAN. ABRAHAM flAnftleo.N. • • enl2,ltf JOIIN IdellONoUoll. California Bread THE subscriber in vi.ariufacturie n n and has of Itoltiwomblo ro. Tram. and ofiked on, ort r ollt: furl:Lea st Ithort moiler). No. 317 Liberty olt4t. CITY PILOT BREADand CRACK t BAKERY. No. 317 I.ltrrity atreot. oppooltr thn kornd of Emlthdol4. rurettored °moot IY.R.Norlo'oCrarkoratol Pllot u r .,4 ...bin., oto rroporedto All all orient for (hoot. or. or Pilot Bowl ot Cho obortrat oak, Superior Vatollr Bread, Rye sod Dloprolo Drina. lorAo and euull Rollo - ffinth stmon.n. noun. Aa. enrolled olth .t.ard seat- Bread, it ill Um... /Air Cat. owl Cooßttlotory co bard boa load. to =for. Itoor2E) J. Ell BERARD. , ari ARBUTHNOT hae cortaraqeod .6 ro u. rens • toll ssortment or sxiag.a WM. 01. d rounding time.t of hstionti,Cloth,CsAncricent, Tweed., fiTnTs&t• attet " ltvinil; VI rut Lawns, Ilinb'd Swiss LILIIDA , 51101112 Olughtsoss,'Lkimenjo Scotch ellintlisromPonllos,CanotrlstneAtnellos,Tleklngs, lUbbous, Lien, Calm, Moen. Conan , Dutton, Valens Artifleists, Umbrellas: Parasole, horknonllertr e ilsh noon, nisdn..jiinaltr, to , 0., to 'tibial he niporthillr :Otos nisstion of llsnibuils is Pediment math = Se Wood tit. e Corner of Unillond l'hilipiburg,LWaterVive EstaNulunent. ' 1 N::,Phrilippbpralleavpy Counti, Penna., A Oo thoendttetldo el nip oter trr.oppan.th• mouth " TLtr v glrk l' l:tt 'f"urg A '' VotWl ., i t aO ela. 211 Ot b. 'W.et,=portenda rosaltr ithtriolatt, tlroleo Ll' width_ I • hot prattlood 1121Jer LU Uldrathie Mt".. 1',......eir ass dollars per'edit. payola* T weal. Ail iiisluans •/..111.1404 OH mow. Noah pttloot IA notated to , oak too A ry 'mono. Dittko , .L .ol ! , Oo Gotolotts tont M.A.., out Towels, ssul opeealllp Monte or loll ok Iltittoor tito. . Pit h EDWARD APPEL P vigor. Yhillpaboxi k Itochaoter, P. 0.. Bt.* , Chmat•Pta , to• nisrl3 . , • ISFERIBANCP. New England Live Stock Innirance Co MICEMICIIMEM HORSES, CATTLE, &.c., insured agairst ai drat h dire.. or ancidout. $50,C41), with Dover Colo:roar. to 6103.00+1. DIRECTORS: Thomas Rewirirk. Alfred IStlvritz4L, ... . • • . . . ... , John Solt= J. Lewis TN - .lor, Nathan:del Thurber Wm. W. Kenthid:. itIONIAS Klerilgt.Wk., Prr.elJont. Geo. T. MM..% Secretor,. GUII.TIBd DOBBS. Arant.J. N. I I. e;a:aur of Rtu r ad Y111.4 . Ma. _Jul. (over Patrlets A.Prlood'a Pat Alva Loom Delaware Dlntlial Safet7l.onraneeCoaney \o."9if IFFICE , and 10 Ider,ollanta' Ex 'V CIIANON Third Mrimd ~ MARINE, I N L AND. AND. AND VOW. INSURANCO llavtad ItonataAcra—Oa VeuseiNCAritaanA th latatra lamm eurorld. acr.a—Ort by glaer.Canal mad Lakes, and by ding thy. LMaa ut Caa Lnatil e to MI garb. of the Iltdo. Wein. k by F ir e " Vaerarrooats,:e ' . "'"" APBETS OF TUE COMPANY. Mortnage• and Ground ......... $ 24,565 3.1 1133.065. Peato y Ira aim o'a par cent Loan 33,009 09 $12,000 do lyre do ..... 10,7013 1.30,000 City Six do 20,30 00 110,000 Camden .3 limbo; It. n. FM. Per rent L.nan.. 0.425 00 $6,000 ?ring Oanlon 040 Per mum 4,76.4 00 2.105 00 lOU nharrn . lati t s ' y t gan 2 l l a II all Road " ComPan 60010 DO do ' 9ttamaL6P ConsWr 1.000 00 - 7 50 " 51.:roheotatt alauutanterma . Dmit. 7, " Philadelph.a uovro lira, 00 ;Amain Boat Ls.tapaux 250 00 7: 2 Exehasagn,CompaaT. 76 00 Ecrlp and Rock 'of intudry Mutual !unman, - Complain, 10,644 '7O iteml,sl.te 121.000 NU Cash on Land 24.283 21 Haterieee io Pendia or Ag 1.12. mud Premium. ou Marino remully irsurd 77.996 02 eubseriptiun 100,000 00 1109,037 09 In9.l , rnhv—Joneph EJuncul A. Annan.. JaL n C. Dark, Robert Burton. JuLn R. rover, Damsel 0l O 4 0,,r, C. 1,190 r, Edward Dailbuena. IPOOO D0. , 04 Wh• Dun 9°116,0. John New 9, Dr. IL Al. lington. Jarn9J 0. Tio-ophiln. Paulding.' il. Jame Drool., ary dlc.. Huth Cralz,JBo.ph D. Burnett. Etpur9.9T 3tellran. CharbA Kelly. J. (1..101,nn00. Woo. finf.- Jnhn 991196 ". err.. Jr. William Thalia J. 0. ohtuton:Sunuel rtnlea. Junes Trugoldr, lame. Tonnant. JuaLua L P 0... J. T. LADLo.l9DAburgh. D. T. Morgan, dn. Wn.ann Maartn. I,lnnt.ni_ 1609.0. 21..11.. l'Nut dent. JO., W. COW.. Euerehtry. Jr.rollic9 of thu Company. No. 17. Wan.r ptre.ah PlCA burgh. Inc?.lAf I r. A. MADEMA. Agent- New York Life Insurance Company ACCUMULATED CAPITAL, $50,510. dividentld have been unusual .. 17 largo. oho.lng that the, ,comparir The . d ` i, 4 l.irifl7% " , i ,, s t ir;7. 4 ...tir.,...07. 1915 •• •. Ind til comp>nies In . ttllfignktj h ei .; •reunaula.l.o.l I. PrePidi”nt. • "r"j"3• DO I.IS. ~ Pittsbu¢crner et WLIA a 21,1 a Friend': Denting limn, CA LItOIINIA TAKEN. • • Alro.sKentitlta rrotertlia. as;.l barolee . tt . Fire •.13.1 .11a. rine I anat..% 14:A3 tratach fac....Can• p:•.•lth sweivol,ll2. 1.4 eepttal $11,1 , 00. Alto. 'won , tor the puichaoe PO. of r•rt 111. , sino, Fire, and Inland Transportation Insurance. 1)11111. Inn ara nce Conipalay of Nordi Amorica, t'bilaloll•ltS•k—Cl•ortr•lN•al 1794. Capital 55U(1.1.039. &vett amt.,' 15. P.51.111.001:4% IQ. Will mats 1.51,r.ce utl Duallbg, sui ttr'a r,r.twritr..tn tble c 11.7 awl vleirdtr .100 ri••••,proty ••1 , b I PP. ,I Pte.= kn.. a..1t•t1.•: •••••••:, • Pl., hi Pales traotioott.a.•••l2, the Artrast U. ertilln, Thasnal. Y. Coy, Etisl2ll:l MEW= I=CM . I . rentin Ilcotha, . - Jot. A. l!ny.. - 4, .94..usuot r. 121:312113 MS= IMEEZEI M=;1112 is,pb Jam:. N. Vickszt • • - S. Nntrir It. U. ahertenl. arc y av lo the old-n: arnyvar• Varalia , tr .tbe Uulte4 112 Ligh staadius. long ealairteuce, ttraale taranr, aa.laroullna ell Hata of .o nn hazard... taaracter, 1( CAT De warble...l ea altering marl. aueturit, La the public WILLI )'. JnNIErl, heat, No.•l4lProt..et. • • Veetem histaanca Company ofPittgburgla. dill 8300,000. It. MILLER, 32., Ataat, F.ll. lirratott.CreretarY, 'ill Inaorr agalltrt all Ir.!a rar mita, alre stbrl An 1g.. , V/In be I,lYrallJ UJlCard and probably CAbt A now. lostltutlrn—raaar.,l bytare:ant who are fir tAl . r.ArttaltY; ... aird who sty dateratlvarl prtrAplnes. libarallty t maintain tbt. alrarartar arbkll Tt tb, bare aurtaart. aa tantita tlre aratnrtlau tlarara •ter tlnaurral. . . I`mx , rou....—ltrutrro 51111.4., Jr., J. W. Atria., Wm. I.r. on, C. Ih a. Me.,. R..,tt. Ales. NlrMelf, 1.11.44 Lira. Jntk•on. Jame+ lil'Aulrr, rf.fhimlei IL:hoer, Jacc.lippinrott, ~::1 11, tImILL. Oflor, No. LI %V Mei of Fmmli d Do. rtrirs.) fitiobunfri. aTATp lIIITLIAL FIRE lURURANCE PAN}" ILA R lilt:X:1W. PA. • . h ESR1101.) only for tho safer olas?e of pcperty, has an souple capital, and *tants Papyri. aalTalsty. poiut et chtiphro, safety end gm.ttar. dattca. city sad t.ltotr, tartehaota. oaJ Emu., of daelltatts, and tpalated cr muatrz t•mtwft.,. A. A. A A Mil 2.0. Actuary. re.l I:ranch one, An. 14 knlthaeld It lAtt.l.urah. Frattkita fire InStTanCC Co. of Sast.aael titara, Aril S. &I/Olin. .1.71r.1i./tPI7.I`q:BANCKEII, • ..rht " ° r•ti=l "- Us' ta="'es tnf VS; re r t:Ty deraiptiou or rro`p?;-7;oviolrand Youstry, retra sa low as Arai...lo.ot alta a , urit The (..ntap.my Os,, taaerved a. large svalingent Nod, atich. .tart: U., Capital sad Pro:111mA. anal, it attnal atur rcAerthu to the +mural. The ta,l tot the Cotnaoy.us Januar, Ist., MI. as put,. e‘reeaLl, t!le A...11y. text Si follows, tit • 411Ni:A 114 ...... ............ ........ ,4177 Talatrar, ...... ...... 64 . .3.4r. SI j 1,112.701. •6.:rlncr (Toroth:a. • period 111 1:1 .ytarly 16.4 hay. p 411.1 upwards of O. /11111ou roar laurkTred Thousand Dollar. Lose.. LI. YLle. thereat ...gaoling evlbn. al' he loluraore. a. 1411 tbrlr •11114 sod dl,. p4 , 41V r. c, Moot wltl4 porllmptur... all 114.11.11r5. J. 0.411 N. Agnbl. talk . Ottlea x. K of Wool aml 3111.. White Sulphur Springs, DOUBLING GAP, •COMBERLAND CO., PA. wii.RiiS,jutuly celebrated Moontain Itetreat, ...red nod favorably litsown to tbo Item , of 11.11a ph12. II alLmere. l'Aloburgls and rater place., will ha open fne .12 aul Clay the lot Joao. Tina NAM. Ind. Leen boon aroatly enlarged mud Improved. in. order to moat L 144 144,4;1111g Pat oo,oo4 Ze• • 0•••• 1.222111.1 and Invalrle. 40 wail +. far tbove who ..l. Jlan oottutai.ll ronery, thee plat, offers pormsoant tw. oventanta, •nlea ',inc.., be autai•evad by •rY ,l storing j'ils-o In ll:a tioltol From Pittahargh, Memo Paring, aye liveaseablo by the Penovytirsolv. limier 'load t 112,Ishuro. sod thence hy the Cattnler...2l vitae,. HMI blond, via tierfiele ard may Le reacted Innbout 4010010 boom.. Mi!NM=IM= dolor IL lifters, J. D. lo,opl: U. UM. It. D Thomvon. Jobe I. McCord. htaj John alefahlotll h. 11(JUTS Utica Nool Depot. r HI sulmeribere, buccessoro to Taylor & Itactwell. will continuo the Wool ltomtalanion heal neat, hateall.re. eta] conelencartale Cana tho. drelriva al- tuatere mark., esati 0..11ar,a Wade aud it cv , t , letalaw Ulm.. New ntl NEW CLOTHING HOUSE. Edmtihd Watts & Co., • SIEKCLIANT 'TAILOItS, No. 165, Liberty Street above St. CA.I7. LI AVE ottenpd a now Clothing store, at, LI the place.atl Ott cow riteivity syleadhl lot of Clothe, enetameree, Waning:, ate., at thy latest ha Porta [lona, arahaani with %spacial leted ail, tra.le, taut latrct •blett the y ara or.porol to to 1 4 , n' to natnt tad mot , f..blnnotln "t a le,. Thor latesal to pOr Mitt Atte oil.) to sada branch of Ito it bmineya, and they Lava faneon..donre (tot they will be atdo to give therr attatotaera•Dtll4. i.iool. TheyT are Alan matte/Wu. dna • choke lot at lIKADY SIADIt CUITIIINn, of the ;17 7' 41 1 1X4:4:i wil lt; f. f% . 11.1 TltaVrlatl e„t1O1 RVIT• • Assignee's Sale of Real Ditate. undorsigned wishes to dispose _ of the Iroparty of John Caliwoll, Lean , that innate.' ! ' o ' ; ' :r?kg " rs7 - by Ito Ilnntoe t from I.llOCt to atrbeL Ammo. tha . ian Sart d Third and attort.ol. ay' now oecnyhol by Mr CaLlwoll. Doquomo lonnitah. for particular/ and plans of mob. arty:.owo call at tbe waroboon. of Jahr, Iran. a Sony., earof lorry awl Floot ettettd. JOHN JOIIN IKW IN, rarlnolfba .lengoara : •. N. WitllitiftBllAsl, corner of Wood k a on 4 bltth rtreyta.l•lttAburzb, Pa,artwl...oh. and lolynlyr Urnna, Sl..lipine. cud bbybil.nioa• P.1121X, Varnlyb., and Dye WludowOlaor pint Putty: Perfumery; Plop :nape: Yin.. Totl. and Hair Itrooben all rho 1..1.01 or Proyrk.tory 3'1 , 41,11tea a the Dalt (tablet tbota an.l Acrlcoltural lonnotnan of toe moat Itnorov•l !Einar, alwaya on band. tannin 6q4,0..0 Phydhlano will alraya drol at thl. yytalyllybroetniroa and undululleralni mbleb Inn spisett,l with grant banana! 0000 for Ode mar Lat. All parchment nry107,10.1 In YlAnittav u,, a1..10, LLej HMI It eq4lll to. and embraeln: ru.n rya yaya,. ty Old any Otter In Pittsburgh Star Urackor Bakery and - -• Confeotionary, (D'UOL.D.ltiligi AND lITT A 1.L.) I:A3 Liberty St. • • rit2 Tt. ,SKTNN EE. announce to his Custom iv I and thepublie;thathr Chinks TWENTY vrAict , exp....bitter iu Or bonnie, together with the I:ter...twit t . il i th . o f hip Inestitat Cattle Lim to say, : n o t snlrril with 4WD Le pity In fevored,n hall try :not en the euilvet temp, and •filinn ill '4mb:faction. Ills Crock. shdYennidationgry will bp of every rarinty.•pg runted frre frog: nit elate:Dna ruhetwoore. lie b‘e to at r.tinit , from Ilburirik :greet, to ban prevent nt.wri, • few doorabolow Irwin , itrort. pnCoop • 'To Glass Mannfeeturers..:. subeeribur tattoo B Ina Mr Irian& ro the , elm. Btulndes; that h., tog il.V.scza , !ireprovemvot m.ut. taaohlorrr, prieis.d At:l'27N: Alll 1 7N til'i u t?•s‘7, „„ top. A lan, otanursaturtnir firm la Plairletphia t who bare trl,l thla Clay. In tar too for ih which la tits att. ortiotartu eh, In that oltr; bat owing to tho ox. .peurrpr fralg T hr ft a.7tl m ot p., b , o LraTerd Otero at that yth.,n Lbw, tlomiao Clay, troth $lO , tr i s i rwere tt • . Is round lit the M c tr . :'zl f t h n . liy n zo k. k i,, o , r i e b s i ; ntr l s V A s tt ' iusn. " ZterPhs ' lng earetuttr,, , tleanarldhlm wUdearthr matter, If Is groundsman and IMMO. llamas through a he. namemor .'lt Is then Motel I r market, In melon It, two' third. of this ille , Xlaraltht h on third or Osman. Clam or owl third alibis, one or o iht tJ of demon Clay. Ileeemt, d.italthOttlttokar. ticat,l_Vta , tstrek s aran& o ta r t i r t uratst II matte 41Clos, rtyslnum b. tier lb. 90 'in the Shade. • 41EN's wcar---Caslunarate, Drap Inge. Camitnete. Queen. Cloth, Limo, Beer r . p e r tolft f0n,112,00 co 67. not/mirk stock of Boys' Clothing In the inkuftments to mit, buten, WE STUDY 7'o PLEASE. - ids CLIMSTEIi. 74 Wood stmt. ~~~ ~-:t. ;,,~~:d: DISCOUNT. \ lIIITUrteir:CLILITM a, \ BONS; Bankers, \ ' a ,„‘;1 .114,11isi$. riwzmie. 'flrittels at 314..51100......-1: Beinatk at Wocatetr...-...40 BratLeh at Xenta.-..........d0 Itnanoti at Yonagettfarta.-,to City Itaot. Ctindituati. ... . . .do Connarretal lik,Xlo-itotatido Fraoklie Rant —...-. do irtat7 : ta ll' ir ".l l7 .-"T k .\'' .4 Rant of 111:11 ' 111.-t..7....do, Small Nota--_„. - -..da, 1 . 'NEW ENULAI4I). •., RATES OF N. 110LIIE9 11.4 El if, bduram Yki Bank of Pittaborr.b---.par korlaang e Bar* of Mr.. 4 Alan. of !lank of Oommem..--par Bank of North America-par Bank ofNortbblLlberthm.par Bank. Pannayiranna...-par B a n k of Venn ak of (be Coital Stun L. Commercial Bank of Pa-yar Barman' alernealesl3l. par bank......... Dart - Bennington Bank. -Dar Illanufae. a Mean par maqsaser . Baur_ Moyanatulcu Bank Banl Phßa-......par 4elabla ...... --par Boutbwaric lante rn sealante .-----par Bank of Oranab.aburgb.. X Bank at Obestar County-B. Il.k of m:Mll..- —.-par Bank of Lato..olMatar-par aLukaknk of Uerm.niopn.__pvr B Bank of bltddletoyen.,-.... Montgomery Co. Bank- .par Bank of thoiroberlanda. Carliabi Bank- ... X Columbia bk ißringe ...... Doytraituarri Bank. Barton P.a. par Fria Bank taxmen . Ilk 08.. C0....,il Yuma& tla. or Lancarteraarn Fa/19,e Bank 0111.11E¢ 91 Cann. blottlebnylkillOo. I Bar.A Prot. Waramburio• teank.linilk.lYmihlngtanil Ilardanueu lloroalalo ..... , I Lairmurtarilank...-. laccasterCounty 11/wk.-par , L.b.on Bank. part Batik of Po:Urine XI blemonnatiola M. Branch Wymninit Bk.Wilkeabarrepar I York Bank_ All lvent 1 Yeti YON.N. Nev. Yeti eft,' NITiFiEriVABw dlirollyrt •VIKNINIA. . IRA -.Z. N. • 6k,ofVlrOola. Rietmoral rtgers ' %llll3.7erinfi .:: Blerelimate in \Meal. - Heat " North Onneben • ; I NORTII CAROLINA. FOVI:M. V Za.I.'.." • 0 .42".mi11. /.12,11Rfahor . % ou Ora. vL 11of f ELof SLarn.ln.a ICC1 CC , A oSbuth OWl. lne,..- 3.p: ofCGßOrea2n ....z. k IPOARoI MW/IR .ics' I 2 Aucusta BidrA ithoik of-- ( Ok of Brucowlet..22 - 2uoto TELINCBBR.R. EMOM . . _. ~ cl6of Kerlueky. Loulf illi• ft lik of Loutfftclo• ',Thwart:au • /fortheclo k# of . K.•cltuoltf ' clouttotnittit. of Kfuttekf • ',,, 241.2!2•01) ttl. , IcleofUtr.. of Ilififmr!:....,A . . Ohio Btateltank.-----kt Branch It .... . do Branch at Athena—. Br Branch at tmliMIC : Branch at Clacrelasul t ... .... .do Branch at Branch at Da-ton .. \O Branch .ladavratc.....- ...do Branch at tkannlbuc...-...d0l 'Branch at Albtabola-t....d0 I Branch ..Palexa Branch at k1an5ke1d.....:...d0 : Branch at RIBIry !Bauch at thnclanotl-.....4 1 Branch at Ocl Branch stWarlahakton do Branch at 0ad1a........, do ! - Branch at Laneadoc.„ do, Branch at Stanbanwllic do. I Branch at kit. Vrnt0a.:......41 Branch at N0wark..,... 7 -../lo Branch .}:lrcr...- „ N r .I. do Ilrnlrck at Branch at TTor ..... Burch at alt. -Branch at Taraw.d. Branch at Norwalk ...... Gnanch at Branch at Portak . ooth....•-d!. Branch at Eaton---- dot: Branch at Itarauna...--.-.d. Bronzh ct CLU8cca.c........d0l Orazoth at Curabocta...-....d. dranch Toleata-....---dot i3telt , B.!.[;iLd iriiicree.... 6 E.t. 111 lob. TF \ \IVISWNSIN. 31•.rita i Fire In.. W. elite IF . . • •,31.101133 - 4,. . - . • Yamers:Aimetimalm.3aa•O remmmtlnorlk.k...._3 1 , .03,11mk•• 3 twr,...Cka.r.r. . . Aiiiikfrari - ************ in ofl3.N.Atotok.o.TornotoG 13. k of the Papple. Toronto 6 Bank' of MonlOpl. --..... ..6 Hank of U.(onnan...lP:ontotl \ I:AEI/SRN UXUllAkitie, Op :fen Zork (pr0tn),. • .:....: 5i Z3Viir: l "%7 2 4 o .11 - 0.001 . .1000i lauukaii: roil/anti. Ittlll. -.- ...... "7 -- 11(1e A , OOO . _811..C1U .. 1 . . a1..11 . Lk Ma ie., opanOb 10.00 ! • an., \ tortin• 10,60 .(Poti:. n 'l iPS,.... .... 2 . .........12ti :. tfroanficknl'oP.. ..... 7.1.0. TaZt1et4..1.,... : .. , ..... . .1 ,, ,Z 1dig...,7:11:-... ::::. . ~ ~....4 • • PRICES OF sivqEs. ‘. It.CPuNTI6D KIR Ti/E VITNI3BuIaG4 A. W 1 N S o STOCK AND EXCITANGE \\SSOKEI;'q,\ , NO 71. rOURTIE HTI/Xll. • Postvann. 141 , 51.'\ 1.1 tt Ii L)UI raithe et.ll/.6 0 , .111LJiga July • j" I y Co. Int Ale, Do. , eoap. Ce.n - rt .100 11,1 eitt.4l3urch 1 , 7 r, ,, + No. .e.o,ap6'e. N .'III lust 0.4 Allothent city ta, ..... a., rottnn. eta_ Inh. ff/1.4n Dena Intarte \ I Lhohlt of 111tthorgh. hti ..„ e.,4' Ult.nlat At; et Merchants . * hlanuf aunt , tn. \ eh Is\ hschanne l.tix an 0117111110 14 . 0 1 , 4 ' ; \ tarn.. arottn. , ! , lenonnaheln . aret, it. Claw at. ..... .; anir Ilard ........ nn th \ a 0 .. northern 01r. .13. pre. 14111 port •n IL ; I ., netin ' afr frifniranct..J 44 1 haei Inentan It , et. Inognneo ' II • 1150wei. , ..1 firm:tn . ., Co. i6it , 114.1:1 i'" Z 3 l.O file Z.r. h .L tti ,(04,1"11• Mamie !Jenne:le . :7.- ... .1 ino all/ nom, nttentettrni ' / • 1:48, CittelpurxhOssltotb--.! ne, Ih.nonrDLdnfntels .Slsewaterl , 50 1.4 ' iy . f . „t Ohio PCOIVA. Nan hood '44 i • Italt. 1 Ohio Mail rne4. Ckrtlana it Wahine It. 01 , lantine It Way. I,ry Nat Ult. Now C irk , metro Mann!. tn. to , Lrnonne,loho.-.;10h \ Turtl Creet 11..,... AlllO. 4 . l,ruirrllle • reensto. To rnAtt. • to Cheatiere Ceol /Annul , • Pl...burgh 1. 111, %We tor. 11 ha. lu Ntrth Aolenrto . :4 tor ‘ L !!!I!_n‘Y.- ritt,burgl; lu I.uulux.; haaL Ottlu Trup Erc% \ Culling 4. II ;!9 Nun.: Cirla Powerful Patent Iron Capetioe. MANUPACTURP.D BY • TALCOTT & CANFIELP,• • piLOPIETOII9OItho Lake Ontario , Formder, Bt.. • EllO. nu] Steohine Woo., 04. ldad k-T . • In,o, Now York. Mora Bete.. ate en feller tI \ one Won of the Lica Br u..end •••!. v • reintnend Over:mkt, n to the , \ • " • • • Bee of Bn Bost Ownopi nod Build., from their vidtplietty. of ronstructiob.dhvir evtranv nor> etronutb and the immense power the, WO Capable ofeurt, log. One Mallon IbCPO emmtam. Is equal totemMOlS. On an ' sour.yPi . ... with • winkles:var. •—" Thor c. reed with e ither single . ..Uhl. nro o.ilr rlandol UN') deck. lake up but little room work holly and rariatr. b.ttn• evidence need be produced of their utility' and purple:lth then the leol, that the wen at away others, fit tbe a.'42 t4:IPI iV.l3::l7;:k"ift.a. hetr hant,lttimudia, Si r . B. Ninon.. Mosiv•Lostoition.thilifor. I o Uheneolfor. Untideile of them oleo .0E( ttire Pil Beast Fieamete. Pr•. en end Tweeds 7 the ?Vigil. • , trn da•10 agree: too. The proprittorr also Diana... them mon.. with, John lI. A Cutße A. lt 41t3burx h. to (1430. JoVU . W. W. WALLACE.', Mill , Furnishing. Establishmeni,, \.l , 619, .121, (01 1 2.1e5. 249, 246,)Aiterty SR; 4710',1 liteSAithfield, Pittsburgh Pq • 1 ‘ITEAM Engines and /Lilen, best qualiiy, ij Own," on hood and tuna, to order, on atnort . , vodka dud 100 Laurel 11111 Otonra. all oi alarara ud. French burr Mid ctonei; or tut non toretasaufae, twat of a ntn and ap,rlor quaint It Blotto, all sloett. alwais en band and Made to enter', thnt totter, nt greatly toduerd ;Aron. . honing Melba, nillarr. 13100, I.est numbly . , warrnnb.d to bolt freely, at orlon lone; than halo Bret hatoto born Oared in this market. inn-krill Caatingo ttenerillr ida band. mad.. to order, on abort non,. earl entnlonuot of pattern! Varnished to Allltwrlnbta and other, Mall Spindles and Mill Mont, .dray on hand. Still and lighter omens sod. torten also. Corn and Cob Glithbna, Vatent sal Coca, Ituthto. Metal fro Inert, no Lb, nrrolr Monet, rtay on baud at 310 and 331. t lbertr moat, trittobbrab, Pa. Unto. drtordoh. „ . . Platter Pans for bond and bittern work, Water L10n... tounrillo t.lino, tad UrltdiWureat W vita taut attar, abrata on band. W. W. WALLACE.' Pittsburgh Steam ht . arblo Works, Nut,. 31D, sa, am, liberty SA,,Oppositc Smith - Aid St., ,l'ittatmrgh. • , 1 1„20NUMENTS '.6.11:11 bS, ‘ G rave Stones, y.mituro alwzysott bowl awl tw!, to o • A LBO--Ruble ' , latter", matolfortoreiby ottehloety, a large awl bitotttlul erotic • . balul awl ea.s.lo orator, toe elm t sold et 615 to ,Atrilbtl Aark. Pow elbow,* Tao invited to call sad asewltto tbarstatlYea. ./AZ For toe Toilet, . , PATTERt;UN'S DgT.ERO kT is warranted to ' traduce all rim resale th e ete l ee r refillbroi 1 array twee: t ottl•by tat aryllyallow bqtloctly raw,. tt l ., fowl. bowl.b. • , It will whiten Lbw toot ilw , Olowd yen the formation or Terawl—lf. will Intent Mt dnts or theta/Atilt—lt will thorough Loon, lbw .t uttlwaltby wn., Vilf•••I I.loUtbil CON 110 VS AO Oily blobs fteliZtAY. A , Yew Y.l oposta. Praperot awl Abbi,whtlwalyalli rata, or A, Nal' ORSON, Atotb.aasi, Walletotbasw Amt by 41 tb• LlnutolAw) tay24.4*. Portable •Thrsabing lliztobines and sop— AIRRANTED , to ttiorouguly 1614 , sW to work:Went mato and \ eold WW. FtVe . frikrau P rgit . B. l l fr irre7l . ltPhWee t e U ge . l4l% I. stattide Payand nem Inatt, 14•4 knotty searowst Pun plate W In wad with edam convenience in named . eta. Po rowthlnel runs Pelted, throat. hortemds• malma better work. Mors than 9,0051.0 ttewn *ranee/Ikm. to. the Western States, and at num} Past or lb. Sleshisaue. Many 01 them have thrashed RV tie to 100,000httands spoh; and, on tharcomh trial, thanks. nem reennmomd ed there who sae bessememplete.and Moron. am cello am to the 'mid. • • - The Bowden. le bank Patent, .led le attacked to the' Threahce, rehaptetely esetumet ;the eked num the pato, sod hm rives oath* when. - ••• *lntake I \ iiEOROIt B. AIIIIOLD-4. .• BAN'S/PARS.- osautne IN. zion A mai, nom; naNi , .cryti;.fsf. ; Nn 74 Py2221.54, 22211 fn, Nm 4 qf /421552424, ' 214.4 nusd brats oolledqd co ;all p.O!. of eq. 1.1t1ai,.. 15 . bnaabtroul onlAt no ftun1 , 41.11.0.. folds3lll7. • ( n it fo ICBALE— Ia SO OmM MeraaAh , ... , bk1 V 5f5 4 .51.1,.14 0.• • 21 - 5155 22,f.5p214 2 1222 , 1.5, ' -‘•" t 1 l'artll Creek flank 12.q22; ," 1514 405 P 15500221012 city : to" \ A 143. (r. daartios. 4th lo ,Wcal .t. \ GAZETTE. WEDNESIAY, MORNING, .1111.1 - 21, 1852,, ' WEATERIVN PEARCE-A 01108 T "TORT; 7 C...m.0rt.1ev , \, ,,, f tae -Couzier ars [tit. Cul.- n'an:l o,l for the #‘Pittsturgh Daily\Ocuettr," \ \,. , et triplex, a, nose. , ''s \ c \ •T' \ taws, June 25, 1852. SOnle ti ago It was Immored that the Prince 'President had hutened, to release M. Arager from every kind of oatli Political, mathematical and 'astrological, for leer 'that the illustrious Perpetual Peoret4 l 7.,of the Academy of Sciences might:get him ihro dlfficioltk with hie star, if the star, of 'Tea. lEth. 1848 , avid Deo. lid, 1851 thasfenta the eolipetocwhichatdelit be brought upooft by, a &avant - f credit in the celestial epheree, idesoognizeo in him \aiii, influence s of which M. Arago might feel! Le nailed on, at Gail time, to ;rende r a good could '. 15r Instance, might we not, .without being indiseyeet, ark him just now, what has bociime 4 the\ Renee:tee! Bete?" yeeterdeP woo the day o s n'Ailiich the Spring, yielding it" last worm\ arid \line:kid sigh ,in the bidding andezpeneiou_ed the Isteatrone, drove before 14 in \lts retreat, the citchk‘, grey clouds which valve: the, blue oftheaveh,,And give place to`-the blazing eon. :- \ \ i` \ • Such at least woo (Ilk 'OI6OEI imppeed ‘`cion ` - it by the Almanac, that iiene,rel of fthhioe. \ liert let any one tell me that ainonthe 22d Inst. the% sun bas. entered 'the.,filign Of Cancer! Be bhp iadeed entered it so notripletelY, , that no body can get anightLef him, and if tho, first day of, the' solstice was the longest of the Year, it assuredly was not by the presenCe of that 'orb whose rip. log maids the, morn one whose setting marks the approach of 'night. The son tif,M. Roque plan, in a certain, Act of ...The Prophet," is far mere brilliant than thie,,sert of 'dark yellow sealing wafer stuck upon tha s kiceet of grey Pa per that servekus for a sky. \ , The fact is, that if thin .basiness thetild eon tinuk,if M. Arsgo ahonld find thoo tonne ofket. (log irin order, alieoria of calareitiee threaten no, sod the too foment dearth of 11MG, sq \ fatal , to French stomseihs,might, rise upon no ones ' more frem our golds of levelled 'pain, hue, flooded titers and decaying vintage.; One reads in the "Notes of the present condition of CM, na," published in 1695, by Father' Louis i.e. comic, one of the eclentifie miesionaries tient to China by LouirBlV, that in the said (mutt:ry— a country which:lies furnished ne with Bente thing mcro impovtant than its pottery and its . tea, viz; the ma:lakes compose and gunpown :der--when too lone" enceetision ef rainy days threaten the rice trope and makes the Felicia river - and the Blue river overflow upon the l'greentneadeura, they manage to change' the meterological influence bx very. simple means: they merely fire off a number of cannon abets into the - ir. The eleitriesd agitation thus pro• dated, according to Chlneeka , cience, dissolves the ',Tort and the emoke of the exploaione dri ving away, the clouds, allows the sun to re-op , , `., I do not know whether this method would mvervith the : approval' of the Boaid of Longi tude, but at any rate we are goiekto request 9.1. Romeo to thenefee to the. Aro-de\Trtomphe, or talhe towers of Notre Dome, the electric apparataa, by the aid of which he made ' mob tillialicip . appeals on the Boulevards tide \winter. An artificial sun would do us no, harm as a sub: stitate forth° principal but invisible actork In ~ :a word, hlPParts le" sighing, cat ardetitly, \kit ' , frigidly, for ray of finical:debt ' ' .• \ `n , . Yee Intireety Imagine that the ,obseneo qf the genial-orb re ally Impedes the round of ral, redjoyn. Tbit n washes, from the Walls the' leirecanty bollUg'or ipleamore trains.' No one, • dirckto quit Pamor his urebrella. The Lack ner onachmen roll to gold. My .nankeen , pa n . taloOes walla to lo low the, first white muslin ' Brit the, theatres pro t, by the inclemency` of the iteasom The cloud burst into their coffer', in a thowee, of gold. . \ ' \ Wail, thern,ii roian, it' own, and se shiver; and 1 dill . take adrenal% .•if the weather to make, you ahivir , a little mein at narrating what was told ineyss4ider eventnrlu a ealoon,where they had hit upon the excellank idea, of lighting a fice. - .;',!: groliVertign ladv , 4tho Vesicles at Broieells, hod comto Paris . ,\ whero they, had ro ( 1, promised her a mon th (allot litheland euethino and finding nothing Bni th e defog" I have - &- Bathed:was Peri:lade.; darieg they, to 4i4it. `the somaitmabullet Aiello.. 'alleauvprieing rev .l elations made to tine by the colebratkPoracle of the Rite Waage de Bataliate moved hid\ cameo- ny so powerfully that • , "11 the eiroucier„minde among them "yea whill trying to Isegh th" mat ter elf, determined, in - peteo,lo coneult threeer in peens°, on oho , morrfnir.^.'4 , lchor eenteisition had unleaded late eilencef,encireao prises`t Wroa giving Linen eacidencallguirdthonghts, inio tioes.fthre--when an oWiehll , "the bed ‘lielid command.i& Africa, , ,enterePtha. "keen, dimly illutainated in thane long, long dip"; of the year, by the flickering of the nnatdentethed fire eri the hearth . c; , "What's ening en. here?" sail thici count, ‘itehy, it la like a sepulture!" ' ~ . .., .. We were jilet littera/I to the%prodigies of untied eight," some tine replied.' nhlipltupe do 01, i • has hem tafergeeltthat ker. : brother, who la, in Africa, has ,narrowly escaped. tlehth within : • the pant few days, at the investmeatiof Cats In hisbylli, and' she both bellaven . arid doubts the talethhe believes in'the danger, but double bin escape," i• - t'Artram it Alexia who told you this 1" sated the • .!lhe v ry'eeme!.\ , cafe `Well! IdAlesis 'Old you that your broth.' \\ ..fir is a Spend ybu may mad time it, ad !Talmo tkuk so," eel:hob:Dad Madame do * *,..stularliat raakesyeu anconfidentl" 1 \ "Ezperienee.Xhte in poipsethioh of a similar ' riot. Tile mat e 1 'refer to', also ocearred ,in 1 Afileai,Air:zie played his part it, too; listen to , , . , , • , 1 , 4 •Lloee Dot madam ~ th e hlarlibionees, desire, beela t up r! asited'is Bervant,who entered nt that ..inent.:., ~\ \ ,', , ;t. \ "No I.:=let vs remain \ mi'Vre are!' : replied the Generel: iiThec mule around us leithi,very thing for my Ui BTy.--jUSt tkiii.' \• \ ' ' , We made riplacti fee hinki:efir gate: ail Fa thered around hIro,,KML hieing , pansedan to. slant to listen to : the 'rein dakhitig In torrents tinniest theowindow, sashee, and the moaning of the trees in the courtyard, to-sett and -woryied by the wind, he bigiii--' \ . \ \ "Yon all know," said he,! , thiat Young Tiistan de. Posige. an. officer of Eceonves,hon of thh, duke, the former'iloveinor General, wad Alain ur the \ battle, - of . I'l4l. i Well, it leo \ hie death that 'I am abbot to speak,":'• • , \ ,*, i "A double lueltitiO; eqtially'eramillnehy In 'each part, rendered it remarkakel-one \ other; rieg,in the.horiso et Alexis, the othe smolt the Pireacth in thiPchatoau of ,Baibezzio an estate belonging to bin family. - - ', . ''`, \ It'ines oh the 13th of A u gust, 1842. All Al. . rig wee preoccupied with the hews of t born, fiardmeot of Tangiers by therrinee de Jeitivllle, Who; ezi \ board thi . Suffrrn,r badmap as ,alone 03 possible to the 180 meutes of tae jor treazes ,wheth ho, replied to thefl9 balls:of the Mareacansia.renalved fall ietthe tlmbera of like ship, 6y:1668 cannon thole, dealreglait thatewiN ,azaidst -the - plaudit' ot the American, Saidbon', imaddwediiii and Spanish tIOCUI, Okla to thigreat ohhgria of the 'English—.-A yonng girl presented henelf before Alexis. \ She held in bee,hatid a lettenieocived th ee. came monolog which informed her, that Ina few days, 110 ZJII - division to which the writer belonged , would teardiagainst "the Emperor of Morocco,. ` • , The young girl in her'inzlety; Lad come to !erten the fate of him !n when; ehe was en warmly inter ,valid ; `Alexia Wok 'Ake letter, threw hiniself bacik,. Into the clairvoyant state *\e * and stirldonly, eirialreeille ; falls,--4,fa11e;,-• blond 'flown Io rivera,-nit 'agonizes me to see lt,leaken ,ilie`-,what, sianghter. I weiell cot, looltuPon ill" \ .. • , . , . Well, on the Beath dey and at the eamehour, ~„ • . seewhat was taking placo among the P,yretises, nearto Relit Berteand ile,thaninicgo, to the old chateau of Dartidlilui built in fill, and remaining in.the,family from the period whenthe Barba, aids allied'taemeelres`to Gar priicolgthouses or _do Pot' and d'Albret. `'\ - ' '' It Ursa threw O'cleek in the 'afternoon. The th'izillyef Rovigohid received notice (het at the 'knee of the' campaign , Tristan was - coming to pais semi; dsys of furlough at aarbszan. 'A 'tfeewthitentered the chamber Which:they whre peepariag for the officer. • What won' his *pen facttpn at 'beholding a man In the Routhe not. form, ''etandlog before the secretary and Beira big among the papers it contained!, He attempt-, eel to tryout but bin tongue above, frozen :with boner, .4 tds- palate=he fell in ar, tiWoOka,Ot ,ivith time enough to recognize Capt. Trlafel,'- wbo othdellen a alga to keep vilest `. ' °theta" rushed In; the'servant was restored to coateioweeviand old what'he asd MIL ` ' The secretary, up to diet time ;closed (for thin Capt. 144 taken away,thin key with him, when be left ,tor ,Agrs2. !Pa foui4 wide or 2, and . psi, of _ , ,l)Cuelyirpere•lFefft the tellers wales by Are, who ert,te ac me /leo*, *4sSissifissialestr. I Axil at 'the name biern doe. 4 , 1. COOfamM*(4,, de Rooiff, jig i *.f.lig, woPlica 4• 11. e 64 g1i of ritt f • ,:, 4 kw daYeaftPiwnipie ilia Pete% eitl:"° ,l ** , ed,kpaeltet of, tat* wr itten hy her to the dB!. cat:';(aaiudatolijiWd lahl,Oete on' herpilloc Sleet theik elm hempeif_d;Sa olh_ ~,,,. V l s l thacacouva vy—te whom' she never mintfithe Alai& - Confide then, Madame, in the infallible clair. i \\ VOLUME LXV N IMIBER iopent, oonihmed the . Geoernl, if be fella you thetyourbrotber hes come offsets Lad round tom 'the "affair of Nolla, the fistula balls have spilled him! \ . JULES LECOStrEA ' WAR -- Voltaire thus eapresseshiseself on the\ • subjeot of,vrar:' "A hundred'ilonsand mad atel ~ Dials, wheee heads are mire, ed wlth• hats, ad- A yahoo to.kill or be killed by the like namber of \ k \ tbeirfellow-mortals, covered with turbans. By • \ 'this stninge procedure they want at boat to decide \ '‘.. • whether, a traot\ of land to which oche of them V. , • . lays anrclaire, shall belong to a certain men ., who!' they call Bdltan, or toanotherwhom they \ ‘,,, Czar, 'neither of, whom ever eaw, or will see, the eliot se,Derionsly'contested for and very few • .. ~ - of those'creeterre, who thns mu tually ' butcher ' 'each other, aver , behold the animal for whom they cut eschsother's throats! prom time im memorial this hie been the way .of maimind al most over all the earth. Whit an excess of mad men is this! Aid isow desolivedly-might 'Supe rior Being-cruel:4o atoms this earthly ball, the bloOdy neefoT suOli`tddiquions m rers urde. , The 21re Penblade of E;-- ett./ming,,—The body of Barnum, the unfortunate , indivicluel who cord , ... milted suicide by . jainping \ out of a window at the Washington Hoteloebout a week, shoe, has been embalmed by Dr. Pilate\at the City Hopi tat The doctor merely 'opened the carotid ar- tery,'end Injected a subetence k knewn "only by himself, into it.. The effetiewsus wonderful the body commenced daily. to grow harder, and le , , novilti 0 condition which the Doctor assures, 4 " • neither time nor climate can affect..7ourattl of %Commerce, ' - \ \ \ \ .;,.„„ pt..„......,• ~_. , , ' Vt'f' , ... ,, ...u. ,, kication BetWeextNev\York - , 1 '', -tiad Glasgow. N. rilliN GLASGOW -AND NEW :\ ,Pfiltif, Shoop Phip C 00 00 0,., ono' whowoobtp 0 L.Ai L. 0 0 Pi, 0 , 0 tons owl 400 ham power, Robert Ctalo, Com. mandef, It appointed to mil footo liow YOrk. Waft r tiluguori,ho PATURDAY, the Ltth of Auguat howl, at V: , PASPAGE PIONLY: . /Ira' C/, (PiloOri Ntatn. rum) 00 " \' Wirood LI, 10,l .• hthithtP " ........... Tb \ Attewartt's fro o osorethtioht.rPa. en. Carico a Bur‘ , ` Thom rotas toihido proriolomo, hOt hh hi... 00 *l.OO , \ ' `bleb •r !!' II flul.l±l°'.. 4 :'.: o .!t.w°7UP.3 - 1z!• ', , -.- Per Aviator ii:4;liii;;Ct; —". .ritietitiiii”: .sr P. 1116.1--fifig-er 2. N ~4 .37* .. Noi .r t. , ividand. • , - • \ , • \\ Omer or rrrrtrrnart aft., CourexT, ) ', • ‘ . ' `':, Jlati 12, 1862. .1' . . rE „r,i - „,e , , , , ,, ,f th ~, , „ Pitt:l d Tjh ,d , G o r ti t:Z i t- r ~,.. 1.:60; on,the Capital flta4 clai4CriaL , a,:ut et the profits \ ortm l a..4 .1. moral., ;Anat., h" Bkat•Old.. Or their ‘ lug el Itoprysentatiret, lortberith - .4 at the ether at the gutki. L . 1 . JAILES All:.l.llll.lßTY,Tyeatarrt.. • • Jll.' Ctor2ll` . , . •;.,, ,• gram The Great West • 4L, ICHE hlicioEcope revealee whst dentists bwrihen`pistrial. al= That ta•th lent.* In maw/WealManta and Animal.o-ni liew irwinantlY and thoroughly 'airanwa. Thing of tianall haulegl awl *AM.... or Malan in your roontlT, bringing tooth note. foetid branttroarrilat 11/LIMAys drnm, base wets wal the 'debits. horrid away of Tpol The bat vemaralion m slianw the awl h and Amid ikil•thogas au Man as wall arm cilia lb, war t monthly, laiterace• Daao... its npervillob Is trail aurtaUin*, DM* .tetee kr the Minairal Drum:bra. and. Oty the pros. Prieto, • , ,A. DATTENNAIie 11 littAaT, Dirminalaulr.rum • • • Orphate \Court Bale.' • viioio , of of the Orota P ine Court g 0 Allegbeni Cauntr. at 12. Metal Won. I will taro* to Puille`hak. at Lb, Ccutt In.theeltr of elttaborgb, tbe glat dal, of Jul). Md. at 10 o'clock t. 01. err rall day. the tolloolkg el** 01 vatgablo Property.belennlogro Matelot.: of Re. C. Tostucend, deed. I', 110. . The ,goal undirlied cart of all that certain 1. F oo g . entrt:n t irt il .'l . Z . Vl 7 Cl l :4ll7 ' lll l 4=Va V n n t,l \ of mud o ty. atel . teunde4 ite4 derortbod ea falkocet \ ete—llesegning on Market .4,4, pn 100 Ilne pf lot No. A 248 , 0. told Von. 10 fen fro= Ism fere'cr of Croat street. 1 [berm rnnutognottlowardly along Malta etro.t. 02 ler? .1. , gel locheo. to the line of lot ON-oat...l:kr ell Ed enunnann. 11.000 n atatasedly along : the • Inn of INA lot, and parallel i j 01 th Pecoed (Newt. TO Net, to tie vesterntletrt hoe of ht Ng. 518. thence .onth.srai,. {grand with INA.. Weld. 62feet gX 'nob., to Vfllllron Ilellooo . llotr,lloooo east. utterly. through lot. Nee. 24,Tand 248,10 &tang the Pl.* M 0/ginning—on part of *hick Utre erinted , ,too three stombekk eatebonter. • Thaterma of Ude We ore, one (h ood in eu s i.on thecon. Grmrtlgn of the nte the th - pbazie,Celnro of Alleitheo treuutyr ono third In one row. an d einatilrd too 'mere gith letteregt, theerbole to lac re und tone -and sure. the premier. MART 4. 2. WNlllfel D. 1 - 111.HESE—Ey.tra Crown. Cheeep rood thisi NJ Jar. foreele br • J. 5. Sr J..1.1100NE,‘ Goods for. Shirtin , toe iftfif.,attet bait o,r toe anj roentgen n uts. tuck 010, . • Shire! 1-Welton 50000.; \ Printeti,ldett. alnolut • - • Shirting Iduelltut • Clne.but/a. Cheeks. free " \ Ping 10000 .I.4ooo4 , .retranted nrl en. ahrayaeh • Most Often Coed, beige inrciarod from' tie • • t%tre! ' itt r ;o r r ' iatel:f. 4 . 1TX , 07=1. 00 00" j}7 .1 \ UTICA LIBLE-25 bls. inert re-`.. UTICA Meal and for tale , 2. II DILIrOATII t CO. '• Colts BROOMS—wadosen ibr male by 7 .; 111 • .), s. nriAroaTiii%.,.. • viparlfsti-30, cubs prim' ()for 8010 by B. DILWORTIi 00. \ • SAMtri .b . G.SEi . fur,b3 s ni s t . itv-T vt, for CE-20tierues . f..-esln'by Jo. . , J. 3. DlLlikoBlll a 90.81 trcal at. IJRPHY A i : 1) '3 l l 4!Vis i l i B l 4l ) 71% V e e s, r f e o; I tis dresses : sad Blatt rilk MIIRPIf - fANtiiNGRCHNIEb.) have re- s 'ost,sd Name's 0113gbp.11. \ Xoliming Goods, . , , A A. .3IASON & CO, have ji.i,t received 4 . 1 - KI; Der C 2141.1.1• a large imertniutzt or dolma.: Blount. MO ,0 4 11.10..sawislug Black I.l.olRaer,Tißao 6. arertsd• ~tore., Do Lane, 6.6 war, Re, Re. • _2_ _ ir ID OLOV.F.B—.Jast feceiving al A. S. .n. L Munn a Co.. ad dos6n Al••tawier . 1r Kid Illtrea?..- Tx‘. A. MASON .1. CO., are now °poising a :, !arca lot of Nr`jr Stil, OlaJplOßl:tioq.,,..utwt4. '_!kr,'- _..-%`..,__'_-._ _,..... _.._?,,,.. '. . Newspaper Files. N } 4„.A.,.R00K1V ELL'S Patent' Nawspapai\ il'lled t the beet Row lo`tssj . za`4lll , ll. rale by • \ • \ .. Ikainder nod Vtat4er .0• \ 2' . . \ 63 Wool sterdt. bets - awe 3el wa4 Rib. ~ ILILF It APLlNG .. P i ti. r. P ..„ F t l!arg 3 e . : ll,6 ..\-\ a v ~ , 33360 111.: X re! we by \ `.:,, , Hoot 0 ' , 34 4 1 , y1V4 ti; ` , ~,... \ . \ ' Jr2 X 6 5 Wrod erral, hetVen 34 wad 416. \. , Ai ORE NEW IIO9KS, jun b. \ vie:Livedl7;i\ .„, , , '• \ .1t,v214,7:Zt.. ni,E..01,..., 61416 la the .6.111 r, by 11.1roau". • .iebad tlltlla France •• \ -Bum 6 unit t.v.tal...- \.. , \ ' 'Th e tiLdner sad Onalpletw . X,lori6t"t •Chrirtlan 6161allts"; \ Y i . i , triot!ZZWX „w : r a j k;.;we,“l,-rxlto: \ , rlitcotan Polplr3" X ``llardoatd. Polrit .6.6666.6603,_ - t ' . : raltVrTartr/i6Z_4 . l":;•tot i P,/c . .., le. jr 1 ' t . , p.tvisua A'arVi/Mf. RI Alaska. 6t. \ \- \ ‘, ' ' o Attorney 7 s. ' \ . SUFERloll s .artiele of Brief Phrer reed ,i , IL nod E,lr 6610 by \ '‘.. 4 .1-oWrianS. '‘. thwkadkr led alationor _ \ ' 3 W.° l • Jqi . ` ,b ? t .'..' -- P. ''! . ._ . 28, 4th • _,.. 14 4 17ESLI\YSTERS,• ',, . '\ ; \:.,. ,' ^ ' s e 4-- . \ '. \ - Y l t ..,' VIIITA,, 6 : 1:1.. .1., a tx.., \ .8.1.., ant aplt,cao 664 two yroso4 edaß hmarticallY led, mid szt4 Stir 6t16 by , ,W. R.. VClats u Co.. t , lit ~, t • :10236 lll l ,ltr rt-rwet• " \ • . PAREIVELL v. Lilly Daar; a nal:veal:lx ‘\ aycsar. \ tbst [IT lido ry Llytb; .100,4 Itrybeit eiasm %Pa l lt u.dtakx 1 0111:170 4 14bodnilet: . \ • \ .ttelk• tot& by 9, tiattet" ..ottb Lib= DIM 1.1141 bi.ltifl:4o3SUr \ \ bish Mo la tt 'rah bet Liole,t, an bioluit'att; l oci toblyed to o /,bowly with :oboe. b i t ot olbob. waltz*, yortatkrbb, to-, aton. ' • , \ o t It not a bit it , 1. % nut' trotb com Po bining • v YaTutT ast toZt ' h r% l Vet c tl 4 - • 1 WInTE PlBll,--Thla day ico'd, for' do VV by \ Opal - COLLINa. - _ f6O bra - iri -. fo Ittl ,'ED il igor '• ~ ifizu.:C.sojr. •. \ \ \ ....\., Printed bleh Zteede- , \\\ \ ~. ' 7I4IJRPII.I" A BUirc/iFISLWIIite just \. • , 1 mottled ari stsratzent 0 Prlard Irlatt Llepa, for ;J Y , Ybs bb ,(2,114 .... Jb `bzW , • ,,, r ow. s , % • A 1... /mutt fackto Dralingoist . ute EU? ahead mitdDr.. . % 19 VIIZIVIlrd ' IFILii. 4....), ir4 a abetrerhal orothar xtrltoOmens.rt ).. s _7., .LY % A SLIIRS-20 bbls. &itcrittlit;'' • ,‘.. •,; .'N `OAP, SOAP—Just rood ge*B°°"' ''',k' oc i' lp.M'g ib litl4 4 joJe:oroVO,SPiait i l l ' \ I e..w;:,Natiosill St:Aries fYrbbbb. Y .. ~,* b. bo ..upra3r 0kr#9.1., Ear a!i• by 1 4'. IL ." - tak , • O SSVIMP: 'PlPPi rVilo tn-t e, °' : "(a4 % o - \ \ f,„,„draL l T:=l. , ;...mozir I.litag;,LVio .' .t i l , . 1 - broltbbral coal, wpste4 A. th. table, . A mailtuD. \ p1!:,12t rr*J i!? eby••• l : tbr r, :.,. ic...yLetE1.w.',1421.6„ charl. . \ • r o - .O—LlAxbbi: Red pettilete, at* - ._, PIT Td = t 0.1,5 11151* toi. T stetmer /02 .. • \ . • , . \ \ • . . ~\, \,, ,'''.,:'`,. ~ , . ~.. , \ - •\• • . : ~... ',.; N \, \ i , \ \.....-.... - •,:::-, - ....1