The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 01, 1852, Image 1

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111AIRD & Real Estate, Stock and
'JP Bpi lintel% No- 404,11tch st. . are
ii:• 0 ',":,' , 0 44 ' 4 ",
, •
5.4 11
• N..
.6 4
J :J. MYKES—Burgoon and Phpician:
• oaks sad diodllad maw of !ksidAkstemi ecnr,
Tblni oared ado Srca. alsdassaas at
• Dr. Myna has winnow." mama In PlUdssonity sad
will Ma. ts dom. of kis Praloslos. Lleadll ova
parlitigars.!lltios to smatcursms. sad Use dismasof
el'uTSßUttqa GAZETTE
1,11. c ',lll fIIIIS INZl37.lllwit PCPs 151 . 113 P 4111MCL
D 4 ILV-6entslan
eLsw=rl .PZl, '"l ' . • l4 . ‘ 7,nr.
in Le
.... 11.4 =161-14auo m ~ y Tilo 6.lnaos. Otais
h.... 4 46 auanas $ 6 ob
• eolue do
,•... , ... 2 •O 4 WA 11
. .6.. , 0w-1 1; b. - 174
inratiably 16 airture.. No Chatt Pavan mil
6 r.111. 066 . 6:66tra0, sal.s6 lb. WM/ Wino!.
Ana or ABU/MING.
One dii•r• CIO 1150. of lioaparail.)
one hearties.. .4 060
La , . inefeddleorudloaartios.. 075 '
Do.DO. two wets 500
fro. threw 00
. two
• 00
00 . :two 1 00
Le abr.. 41 00
12 00
110 twelve 00„.
0 4.0110er C•rds. Of honor boa, pn , austam.-au
At+ I,dbir Cr each Wet/coral gar.
Met Sqoare. themaahla at Ocean (par ea•
ammo proluedr• of the PaPer..-^ ...... 04
5 .90 rack addalonallq6lllll.lo.l.ld ova 004 m 0010.404
r each el.l3,lorkal wow* Weer] 504 s the refer 44.44.
alf price.
• ;Ad rer liasofoo orter110: • narr
wi. 6.01 oof ore Mee.
l'UVistri h •ro
ore UM o=ooo4 ottar:ed L.a. their pub - ' ? "4":"44
A.Pdb ellos. to Om change ths
SI otaer alrari:amsota.
Adrertl.nt=l.o2l /harked 00 the a-opp. for • waled
ember of Inenlonaorlli le forehead Lill Cortdd.aod par•
r " sfrl ' iU sogLdrertisers strkt Had to
ther own laurestata buena.; are all acherlirmliefor
000 Dinaelt of otter else alladerrtherments not
I rocuallater toustactrnh the own buslacef. and all
dam. of actftrunamt.:os 10ef r es or otherwise. Woad
1 0 ' get =a i l s ag , !itts 4 ft g . 0.01 4.- 1: 0 0f;
. ..VT . 0 0 4 61.1001P•Traell Is &end. ' W.
. .11 admtlarousts for. chafirabl• Infumtiona, ars cam.
osaioVlrard, unetedpokfut ton Vale 10•0031110. 0.1
de* Us. to iar cturowl halt polo., paratla weer la
• .
Karrlags tiotkaa tO to &togged .60 rout&
*Mt incertod-artUtcut
agog br focaror acritagions or obtroarf rtatiMara aroC ClD cea. cog •bro
•aaoraroyao/r.l to to pail for.
/Irwolgt sirgsrloors. gad all utter goggling acrosourdro-
Saigogg g or rogutrurg nano. 4.islzoed to Pal attention to
la, 9011111111. Warn . % or goy vublla ectertalcuarenuo,
at... disown aro um& 0.4 Muctraneo,ol =ban of pre.
VW. oroatigUona—orary notice dreigood to call attention to
golvgtr roblgoiserg croordated cr go prtlara boat'
Va Tru: c utt:i tMo . .
sated to Lb. boat Warm the .aroo nil to blurs.. as Um
rate cf not Imo limo 10 recta gar 10m.
100 erra larabr 4r4r e limo
uncno $0 <co ta r hitr
b. eal nisi, vim
%W Pr
. .
11.1 Mato Azoot.o' onct loltortlattnento not
to be elsoood nalar Teel y tabu, but to no illowt4 • du
"nut oftlttit7thin .fl Gus ttar3 per coot, (tun lb.
moo=d MU.
Irma lamina a nua mus.
Oa.Nave, Qua* itmertkoas. I CO
Do. *seta utditional
Om Nous. ttoono Inaettiya amt..
I/a. each nanat mt.
all tranclant wlta meat+ to be Data ltrantaxerc
I) CRAW, Attornoy at Law, New - Castle,
• .
Leona,* County, Woosylosols.
Hofer to Hoc. Wolter tkolg. enosCeolr: 3. DooloP. rot
II•motoo • Smitt.Kramor A Wm, H.Chllls t Co.. Lo-
Rao. tOitolo ttb., H. bor. - su2S-JIT
AMES J, KUHN, Attorney et Law, °taco,
en Vomits ;Mot. tint Gnat, PI Mbetrilb. 1•11,41 r
..321:.%—eLNVIMAxrnejdo."4 CUI/Ip
LOoaals, ebak e a limatos,
ItUSS SNOWDEN; 'Attorney and
0:11.41zr at Lae...10/a4reallroce, Uri. la Thinl It.
Pittatour ge. Aatly
A W. KUTER, Attorney at Law.—t`ollec.
carefully' ottaalect to. Of
Infr. Amu/. stmt. mu' the woe
AMEN F. KERR, Attorney at/LW—WO
Oa fourth Waxen. PlailthAeld•Oderast. Pltta.
'WEAV&R, Attorney at Law, Fourth
Knot, ow the Ithlines TUB Pittsburgh; Po. Col.
mato. suesivi to prosopttr. • my
P. 8. O. L. B. FErtERMAN, Attor ,
edlyte i l i r aid Ittal liststs Manta, Na laAth
IfilitANCIS O. FLANEOIN. Attorney atLaw,
da ITO Fourth Anat. Plitobargla.
I ASPER lg. BRADY, Attormy at Law,
Hp. liV Alyistre±t. PltbbYrtb. Pa. •
il A ItitlSl* SEWI LL , Attuinoy at Law
r'TW" ,o4% ''
0114 Mpat' bon
021 r
/VA ' ' : 41 7 7: I 111:4!
.__,rant cuaa.
-Bankers and: Exchange , Broken.
Boy and sell Gold, Savor and Bank Notes,
gegrate Era iota. or !Rock Seentt
Vanlax=%7l4= ."
mad.. ui MAU La the IMIZ anaw torn.? of Thud
...sad 001 l M Mesa.. dievetly %waits due .
Chubs Wad
pEPOSITS of Uncarrent and Par Fonds
rmeW:e.l. lama allowed en Dm. Dipapikes. Tins
11. 5,.. git4 t r . l . aufz u =1:1 . 17 kr , l l ;t imi tre t latvi
Tiernan Cc Co., •
DA?.B .
No. Da Wood aired, Corner of Diamond dig
VII. A. HULL k CO., Banters sad .12ro-
TT kw% 04 Ward a.
- _
allTla: H. WILLIAMS A CO., Bank • •
sad lizeltssite Brokers. Nardi List corms of W • .•
hlnt streets, Flttsbursb. . ,
D. KING, Banker isu.l.6zahaugetroker,
• ' Dealer la Nara got.. 11i e of Yr
aa..,=.l 4 2rier. Sucks lemmas &VA was.
Le • • market price paal u premlem tor Ameekta
(VC J. A RIM JR., Banker sad Broker,
v• 4 tasta•st,Ne.os.sawlamvol•l•l3*.
AiVILWS CO, K . :change .Broker/;
• tiosab %we lbracr of 'Mal sal Ilaikeistrrita. au
tutu .e 11102/ tibilla
xj- HOLMES a:BON, Dealers in foreign
A I • 'ant Ma:natio 11/110 at 'Cuban., lksUllestar of Tir
pookl, Zaok Now an. Oren* b. an Mutat ot, Pitta lburab... - .ll:lll.oalleaktna nada an U lb* NindiaLl ann.
clanurbout Ctni Untl.4 Rabic
wan.. 11.11L....,-rin. IL UM.
JIALMER, ILANNA k CO, Successors to .
A m misu.
si Uaglaih r iasacaula=
IMllrittg, and Spoclticelli n get. coma
IVaad .4 Third Arms. thunst kizamy nadred at D.-
frt .
bli=Lion 1.14 kg Norsigs owl Asaarkas
Aalva s e ssudeasamulinnuttsolfßochmodttopaissa.
J. 11. Weldin
WLIOLESAL F, and Retail Denier in
blant and &hod Cooks. Paper and Idatkrom.
N. 03 IVoodasusd, (langraan Tand and nutria) FM.
loran. -
a C. STOCKTON; late Johnston & Snuck
'iv tau. Dookadlaa, Stab:mar. Mahn and innate,. cot,
ak Mutat aatinard drawn. rtm , e.
1 L.
:A.l)..liookseller and Stationer,
PIA TS Poart), Amt. Apollo IllotAllaeo.
DRY - 000D$
JAOISBA NoKNIGIFf, Dpsler in Yawn"
sod Staple Dry, fikod4 Wbolos•I•sal FM4
.4- A. MA N &ACO,, Wholeasle and Retail
Imam ha rux7 aid MAW /kir Clads. of Auto
• • •
Vit i ltPLlY BUROUTLELD, Wnoursais
sad it•tan (Dg i =larchastg. <emu ftut.l.
• tmts.
. - O.B. " 00% - -
- . Opllo and Orthoiledie Burfrilia.
WILL give pruticulaz attention.
2, 17 L. o , m rikt r or .I=as= cat Um
lirtilielsi irmothasetod. at earrto wally
a t A tre te= W d t rod to
I " w
attest. ""
I ' 2
t c i
eve the Dtursosd. 7.
501741 r• .
F. A. gooroal. D.,
apaclat taeotioo to the traillasot of Casino of ft
twos ao4 ehildno, awl mule dlowsto vareally. wall aa
aoroalo 004 aarl. Qom.. Mee oa Atatrrooa wool,
000 W. ltatol &not L .00 oast 400 r t 0 10. Plato
lop kW. Allagtoloy Qty. UYM boy. &Oa 7t09 O. PL.
trout t a... oat 14.114 to 9 P. M. torTtr
Aoaf-.Ath. BROWN wuuld moatrorriatrally inform
no vo ra blif flotii=o4boolsals Mod sotto not
e .117.• comfdireo fowl:mat
011AsffoNfaltholIkoltal ono fimfO 100 l
to the boo rtyle, offololot food so for la No 1J511.4
Sumo MA /1/P oat en moored sitlloott lb. ma.
fem. Orloff. Molitor Dortionil tOolooed
f.ff too fadorto.bllam.f of 1 1 4..0f 4 Nagr.M.. / +IP
tir n ff asii i i = " . , r , gll o .ll7. - r.:. -- . ,----
.g.„,,,, SIP Nu m, Papinnsb• •
raN a MELLO 11 ,Pealer in Piano Porta,
Abode, sAdi Mum.. I ' to. Mood Boas. spa
dam,. 150% . I Elmo Form kr
Plata. erait.or
rift ILLFLIIBIL, Denim. in Maio, bite
" krtr=mr a v al = r aj d 'ltanan lytnp.
oiskValues Rola= Ittacitavat. titax"ruji=
.I' . lf . :E - .: -. DAIIY _........r1TT50M0n...::::0AZ
WILCOX nzara.
.oules. corubr th-Apoth
itsgtV buul ran raw ran, ""'i•
ev• 1.3011.1.
rarraram„ ad' anal. p•rta/nictt
bIeGUi'FEY, iVriuleardelirug — grni
sat Noiiior In Drag.. r N01a... ONO, VotioNnoo. -•
ociuutorioo, Ao . Lao rem:motto No. 112 Wool
otrtot o Go* door tolotr mica to to Doyle Auction
Pinnbtargt., Pk. CloketlctiUr 4.0 11.4 NWT .(
dontati °ouch 89roni Woo P/II; unit Koren Knit,
John P. Scott. -----
WHOLESALE Dealer in Druge, Paints.
Oils, Varnishes sad Dye Bangs, ri..:.m.P.Ar
.trwat. hlttrtligll, Ps.
- tger:gUit:Mltnt"
a Z/xrbin2llr lnedid.l.
011.r21:44 .
k . FAUNESTOCK & CO. Wholesale
.. . L AT VsirS"'cla. ratrNtaTirrllsol:tli" .. snta l
bars Pa. InAt
0 KIDD &CO., Whotestae ist.. Ds,a
• ors lo Points Wm, DD. Stub, sal lotolun . nt,o
of Do. li'lat•O•e•l•brstad Norm 4. ti ,
trrkktmoaa No. 64, comer or W
row • iterts,Ytt a tiblytt. P' 4:l.ra will be corpinDy p..• 1
01. mot Itennordsd DUD di•o•Db.
It E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dallier in
''"`,7t;" - • "
1 N. IVIOKERSITA3I, Wholeealo Druggi6c
nitier.stat LUC, acing.
RAUN REfi l kß, — i'llitoree - ale and Retail
Drupmiata.aorlaar of 1.41,rtf asal Bt. ePalr Pm.
Pa. •
JSOHOONMAKERa CO., W holeaalo Drug .
A., Ho. 24 W<4.4 Pittsb442b.
& Johnston,
%WHOLESALE Cl ItOClsitS, 11011111111 , 4i011
mem:Lae...lA Ufalors ie Plolne, llttabr sal
hisnoractur, 119 W.l.' t 166 Front ea. I mrl7l '
MatIEL P. SiiitlVEß th Co., Wholesale
/0 Grocers nO4 03ntmmint3 hlett6•l24, nal IhnOrra ht
Oeußtty. Frain. and PlunburrO LI/
ani /32 Berard ett+eL tr.,/ /own Wotd out limitttf,oll, run/-
!tour e. nnrrcara
.. - ....... . It MAJWI,I
1011 N S. DILW ()jail & CU., Wholcealn
Urooers, %tot Agoras for llosard'e Vora, Sal',E
kook 31 Wood a4,Fridal.trah.
11.211A1D Manna— —Rom , ... ttAxtumiort.
Unters, entniallwaun azt..KortrarJitaghlorchants
tt st.eret t Illaretand,Otoo,
Valtletilat attention giren to M. Durrha4 and role nt
Pratltten. Sit.ted us the sire, their Jacinto. for att.,
Et:t i t:ll i" ""'bt
Ir. O. .... tr..",
WM. BAGALEY 21 CO., Wholesale, Or,
N. an. 1112, W.o.t West. Mittebuegb.
144,12 , , ran..
. BLACKBlirtg.i. C O., iliholeeale Uro
cam, N eat and delelare Pmdkree ana
an tumoral ttZ L taT r. TA i' V1 4 11:1 1 ::t k Alt7r::
Ir el. IRMA .... ere. Imams.
w& c. F. ILLSON, Wholesale Grocers and
SIIEE, Wholesale °ewer, Conon' Ission
11 . 1 • L
elwassli, use dealer ja -Parer and Hi...meat°. of
cm sad Irrio Mewl, rittelevrah.
WEI R tt, INGRAHAM, Wholesalo
I Grows Comsolasion Ketch.U. ta a 11G Wats
rt. sad 160.11ortjamt. iittehnrith.
FursF4ita.Alorchazie. sal
1..4 IN 1$ .ter Iluaturcb.
Ws curas.
OLIN WATT ac CU., WhoI 4o
csalf, Oroccm,
amam an o a d r th raeon,t a t i adD oar t rca
rtlor Pralure
sire.. Pitt.
B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
Pearl wt" .O! Western Pendant annerally. Water .t
between Etaltheol4 and Weal. Pldobtenn.
k F. VON IiONNNORST t... 0.;
• W. Omen. Forwarding and Lioninkindna throb.
ea Alden litinburgh )tarroligtrirog end oar , .
Produce, No. 36, corner of Front streor nal Charger r Lan,
' "
1 SAIAII , DICKEY it CO., Wholonia On
Inf=47ll:2(' tVittATP
jENGLISII S. BENNETT, tato English.
, OaMarton. Lb, Wboeralallroons,Commionla end
Par Ur[ kisrch.ta, sod La 1.. - oday. sant Pia,
trurelL /Is4ufactures. No. 1= tSaccarl st. a.% Ea !ant 04.,
tenant Wm! an 4 ecallafiel4.
JO 2(9111..--.1.13 1,•.
'OLLIE k ROE, Wholesale tirvaera
C.asuabalust .141e.haswi. 2 5 : uwrr. err,
..._._ -._
yin Ur
_. _
1 ..,
I "Ekil 14 1E 111. r. :1:11t -t r l! ri b° Ph 4 e. 2 n raft ' ' ', ' .- A ..
~....1 14. . sk o. ktr of ‘ l i cortitla 'anti Wm..,
zra l if.lVll ofnOtrLlPPriCi OlO lii:orwcatteht ° ll' Wet,
711 be sal for for tack.
Top obravr DALZELL &CO., Wholesale
stsPet?.:= C iast.lins d i" g l.7lW r AY,...
JOAN D. DI U.— .•0411D
.finueElors to
L. 1.3. D. Wick, Wbolooraio Omer, am-worth:l,
and Otnaltdsaloa Ward:watt, dfslorn lag Ind. Nada. Woo,
DOILLOII tom. PlUsirargh itadatadtureo accrual,
man of Wood and Water etrootlL Vituoarah.
arCULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocer and
. chasalsoos &Intl:taut. Dealer ,s Produ atd
blu.lz atwoul a. acturel Artiolot. Loborty Pitt.
rb. P
J. D. 411.1.1111111.—.... .. .
an il ..77 •
ID. Wit 1.11 fire: . 65:, — WhoreEale 'and
h gal
rer-basito.on ir d DZ? C.m r
oi7Prod '' and . 110bor " 7
sloctorel miner of Wood and Firth Pittltnanth
110.30 , 11- TEM 1.1111........64.131.. R MOM.
11 932 r N.
L l Pltta i i.ty :h. a No. 55
ans to comaktutoct blerrhaitts, adealsta to iltlabna
81. BR. FLOYD,itaole•ale Grocers, Com.
• Wagon Were/Imam and Dealers in Produce—Bound
stra rah Orrallgure, fr Pa. onting on Lltartr, Wood, and Tim
ta. Pltaanargh,
11EN NETT BRO., Manufaaurera of
P1a1....1 fancy Plla.. hocking ham sod err.:
3 11 P1,111.te. than st cs.rwr WS.Fb.
Pao= &ad Frantlin Are.. Busoinstau....op . p. r.w 7 b P....
burgh. P.
lerron & Criswell,
ANUFACTURERS of nilkindo of Bray
Wort, Icx , otootrr. bream knattn, linorn-re,ac
ro t COMO Battlpa Warroractunan.
loon.?, arbacca etraat.l OrnOr., earner or klarket
Alleabenr. /Inn etc. rien,bureo
N. B.—Whiltraw, out Copper taken iO ...taupe nr
het or rain paid.
Order. Mt at ID. Itaratry or Oltor, be attenict to
paertuallr. folnly
Jones &
. unanToWa--..
AI&NURACTURERS of Spring and Blio
ter St!!L, liongh Euevt.4.s.:l Pimlou War.
..loge Bara nIW halt Ico
ntr: 0 .17.17:4, 1 ;4=7,7%,.
D. flu a — B; , liogers & Co.-
AtNUFACTUREas of Roger's Patent
lammed noel COlLlvotm Treth—rorner of Ito.;
and t urea. Pittstitirst. GL:
411 - WOODWE I A Wholesale and Achill
Woof darer and 'halerin Cabitk.t Wtre;s2Ttanl
101LN WETHERELL, hisnufacturer of
Mr Of Asthma =a ttnett. oa. mosey ROM thy
/land Stnet Bri k., /1/Itgbyny city. at,
t.n. of On Mani Wks, bra and gimp Wan alt. ,
and lining littlahlog, clout, hob, sag
aboo mailr; Boor ban e sag lathing Ito; alai) an. nt .04
ILI blued nallible
ook.a.U.efirlcepri, co., so.ns, vinn n., mu
wawa mastufaotwo and anon eonatancly per haa4 all
on of Tools, WAIL Adl Aparableginnbing, Clout, alkl
gob affair em Wool:Alone Banal and Latann Nang
LAPP. , Naga and Tad on Banal Nally Copper and yin,
&boo Natio: Patten linker? Mats; gluts, vented 4.4.
tfr.•-; do. • VAIIIPBELL. CULLi A
afflAy Warehouse, fn Wawa. Illtabarah.
ti O stUic ALKALI W ORK B. Ben-
Yet. Bon loo,iaaactarsoftdsAsh.Womb-
No Wer mt.btsl or alphos AMA Wanon°.
J 1 . 1. 1 4M 801110CEIMAN'S Lithograph:
k Ilitabllassnon Third Woo; .090.4... .
FlCts=. L1ar,........ Portralis, rnow Lion.
teral soul Alsotnwo
ioderos — Q . 7l,lltlng Wolff., a., gammon or
down% an Bane. and orialed In Mon, OM. .ono,, 0 ,
We let, I a the mon nvonwed Arlo. NM at the no
TEA DlS=Ed..
~I~):;.y;~i ,5 ~ • Nf:
111)1. 11.07 d
1". •N0..741 Mort,. ;tree- C X:r r :
OST• ohm-a off ./aryier:mortmnt of Ctioies pref.
4t—vomirs Itruiu U 24 u.ll bok.
mew moor 11.1 au eh& Imr.t tonna
rEMAS' PALMER, Manufaanater and
b.P. , .. 1 Wa/ P.M Soften, Fire Bout., Pri.U.
1.• AIM. Window Blinn& ae . sod Leah, Itt
114111 .6.4_W.P14.zir Pwratontietand Eimer.' Boards,
ae. No. 66 Mat./ sUst. be Orem Third scut 101111/1. Pitt.
WO,. • simp74
• •
. NJ ALTER P. MARSHALL, Successor to
HlLL—lsspostor sal Drier In Yroook
sod Asterism Psig hlm itaailars sa4 borders, Mato,
Ph+ Earl Le. - also—APrlllax. Priming.
sod xspoiso Paw, No. Weal stmt. Wimp poords
W Mama slim Pitbaossh. Ps
_ On et ,
Js fro doors ...riot Marked.
Au work Irsrrsotssl.
.433 sass..
j2it. D. HOST, Dentist, Corner of Fourth
sal ticautroL. Win=
. Ibabst sad fan drub.
WOOL 4111:11611A2iTS:
HLt (tuoeLesor hfurpt4 Lee,)
. Wool Nair. and Ocasmisrices tLershaskt Lk.
en Americus Woolisesl4 Ti 0.137
Springer Harbaugh.
(scrooTosoo TO S. & W. BLUBAUGH.)
chard, Drat., le Flour, Wool oal ?Baltic. firectrally
No. 10 Vint or., sol 115 e.0.m.) t.,l . Attzbarata, Pa
Johnston & Collins,
WHOLES ALE Produce, Commission and
Vornardlnn Werehanto, nod Dexter. Inl ton.
Glatot Coon Yarn and PLlWthurth Ilmoinetnrat stan•
troll, Nu. 134 Water Bt, YlUtbytith. Ca. aoltttil r
J. T. de J. BOONE:
(Los or siult, ono.)
. cLatkt.q In Prodoe4 of all klu4s, ge, N 0.21.
L o bitty xtre.q. rsttsburgh.
tar" AlwlyP b 4,04, N. U. Ape. aO4 UntavArt.
11., Alla GILL J. 0. YOOITt
en ANT:3, .0 bratere i o tienarel Prodo,e.
and 7U, Water almait.,FittaborKb. Fe.
84 . 1.114,1,1aleenern mad.. ov conelanMiTlit arti
ml , !l r o D n i l li en• C ti K antrTlT ' A rd emil il at a .il n a d onfa e rf ' ut:
ere. It spawns, No. 74 W 7411 1, tmot, l'ittwburgb.
Particular atkention pail to Fomenting nantiznalfir,
a nd
onwa rd rouslnlUt tor nate. lin oonn.ction, or pret. svei
tor 'toile Ma esetiptirm.
Orden. Droll:101y attrudra 4, In - tractions will in all
t•,.. kepi witiv obey,
loot boain..ll. eolintr4; .41 ,•
4,11 exert ',nap twtoilf. .2
,97.1 E IL JOI)NSTUN, Forwarding • wd
ER ;&., JUNES. Fcrwardiug and Cum
cushio. Alenatarda. ale In sad l'lne
blannlaenarnt Waal.% Canal Mann, near t , tranth
anat. eatabunda
LI AHDY, JONES CO., Sucoersors to At-
Jun , " 0,, ll.itoirescu sal Vorwardi a, Mot
-11.1414+113 /1 000.. Pat.,.
bomb. Pa.
QAI4tUEL L. MARSHELL, Secretary Citi
-1,7 SPE', !tn.-anent, .94 Water ,tract.
IV P. JONES, Agent of the Insurance Co.
V of norLtt Amerw, 141 /root at.
tiOltfiON, Secretary Western lean
• 1119, \ .t .r At
IL) A. MADEIRA, Agent fur Delaware Mu
t. nial Sotly etnapon, 4t Water etront
4.1 A RUINER COFFIN, Agent for Franklin
/It. /wimp.* 41onnon, north cant °tn., 01
1.114 Third ntruoto.
ORRIS BI4IOIIIBS, (ptweessor to JOHN
ALK ER,) Iraron., Deslos Vorrh..,n and
if: Itsrawatv. Ne.,l Woad I. belse.n Vtalnowl Alley wo•1
ronnh .trert. lt.bur,ll: Ktirearpc o ten , T.tx Ow+ F.
vn (1,2.1
OVODE OILAIIA.M. Agents of Poona
u.aro.,w C.., ',o'er ".1,00 hayur enua
1 A. Al( - .0 I.lL't
Fortiatlaug t..1411..1,1 Mord:mut*:
WWI, 40.. I,nti 6 crew/. I . lt.burtm. robjr.
LEECIi S. CO. Traiiiiporthra by Cancd
) the
e.d.r.lf van. .11;evitabt. corner of I vino Era%
'CORD & CO., Wholesale and Entail MatoiLletunrr, awl Dealer. in nate, 04. ani fun.
IV.dmiltad hill. strntft, Ytttehuryrh. I%ht n
slier • lull a.o.lrmayl,t. el , rF of Ilate. Ca,. Ea., a,
*T.*7 nasal) .04 .lyle, Wll4lralkl. sod and
tLe ettec4ou their curunaent•nd prcLas:ro
na,i rm r
unus thorn ttal till WI ou
ter W.
•,p CHESTER., Merchant Txilve and
GS Mkt. Numb, 71 El .oj 01:f, Gti
t. 41 !wig' C1.4.1.14i•
1 , M. Merchant Tailor, Drat .
V •t.l iJealer In 1.2. - 4ttuc. 131 I.4rti
tlf W. %VILSON Watetica, Jewelr), : , 11ver
and iltiltAry
N . f .nd
tourth‘t rnetcalratoarn C. Va. N. Li.— W • L. , / lteck.•
- -
USEPII . Yarca 111.10 EC.
QV 1. i. , : 17122 . -12, 41.12.z....... - ....r.2.1v2 l r.22 . 21.21 . ..21.2-,2
:krtgr. Lath. . tor rale
AIBC.F.L.L.A.IabtiS CARDS. de.
~f ttir Le,t quality, at low pri
• • mar as• obtairoq at Um 113.14 str.-t 1 , 0 , -Otto:
aou boarr !Litt bloc. iry. • lota 1.0 • to
io•or Our. 00..,
, sar t•o PhoulS roll .t tbr on/
lootortArv. tov totw•cat gni Mar..
State Official Interpreter.
IV3i. J. kOSE, Interpreter of Pr rrigu
A* J
1it.:14,4. U.) L. 10....1 A
I' Y., tAta.ilet rreAlon , ourt Roc., or tio.
VCUSILI rt.rnot. P. , ..0rs a At.
ate /01,,r ott...r
a/..11100. ar taco lb+ Ursula. r fr,,cla. I
.IpaniAtla.9l.l4.ay. apt
§ NO. B. BAYARD ON , I),,alers
1211 0 ,, N,, Ld....1,..‘.1%
pAit, el>lp .L)
b.* Lan.l p.r.wral •imacrta,is cf
11.r0c...0. et..< ~1114,,, Carix-rn Tea.,
Ult. I, A.r.
Ku. Sr. Clair tit.
tir,ITERE Ilotrqq, Stearaboati. and Prirat
v v P..raJ•t...l,tn pr...1,r1 , 2101.. an
Lustructicitts on the Piano Forte, Guitar
and Vocal Music.
g it, to.lructious ID lluelt us Ihn haw,
la. an.l Marl, aril will I. pleam-1 teret... iu
applumum. ai :duple 6torr ./. IL Stull,. n
tttttttttt oret,.. ten.. 05 I, t...ut, -4.ur ie
litr M. NOBLE, Uftiolsterer and Dealer in
• liph<4.lyry. .n 1 Tturti
an, Gypo,i. Ind P... 1 Uai
Allorn.rat law, ho I , JTpud IL, corner of Crimy
twat.. arraugarntata for Mr p.p.., will
nrcestrr. hounlT Lauda td. Wawa awl aoldwdr. their
vrtlow• and chaldrro, and ril l attend to and idtwo haa
i.e.., tar with wr.rawcartal or an) of ha Or parr
alehta, It.en:nal... l'enston ton., or It. llourta at It. lhdr ni
Alexander Bradley,
No. 19 Wood stred, &queen First and &collet ,
(NUN her THE lit/14/EN
M ANUFACTUItER every description
ft , cl/. /NO S MFRS. of
must &ppm, d rat
tertA, and ouch we *III rend., the ”tbfactiop.
Alito—Kiltalkt STOVES, atoong which, will be fon.:
a Roan, eolobrdred folding door PariCr Storeir. rgi
Sk,vor, 114,11.1 n, Fruttlio Shut.:`o,
to irbieb vue toril. th< ntlesition of bniluerr, Tea Erttl.4
Hallow War, W 1.013 hO.l. at.; to all or w h ich oro Wrap
lb* att•plo,o oh olnaler• I,eare Derr/m.l2g elno•bore.
1.1.1 0,7
. -
Bolivar Fire Brick Maaufactiring Comp's?
u. nova. s. r.
/FRE SUBSCRIBERS, having been ap
1. poilaba Ageing the above nazi..l veneer% VIII
keep vorgetently outland • • heel, of the eeleigrated Bolivar
Piro liriel.Priscible Virethy, Parcae. hearibehillovealle.
They ars al. I/venereal to receive Pile,. for hid firth. to
be made to v ice and dope to hit nimbi... Ts. which cball
bephdoptly 1111,4.
Wed° ht deem it viereagary In enumerate the many ad.
tichihnee the Boh! mPi re brink pkwonte cmor otherkth
have been offer.l for hie hi the Unitoil hates, their hev-
Writy bolo. hell known to short all phlegm vibe eve
Vire littirk. The protalegong have determined that the
Mirk eball !he hone of their premien irthrialde reputation.
and that gm exp.w shall ha spared to make them oven
Letter than they, have heretofore been. This In the only
actablishment how manufeeto rind Ph . .. Brick eV Bolin.
HIEN a .
melt Valhi Pecln.Phenth • Pi JUNO tteboritt.
. .
Wm. M. McKnight •
Alt/ ILI, give special attention to the Calico.
v thin of rialtos Co. £l,, chichi and other,. in West.
hinaylreola and !when Ohio.
(PC ‘ c. I. M 0... hall, °Phalle the New Mort Howe.
Pittsboiret, Pa.
Day.... ; —.J.b.jj &n .i.,,, P.C. Plbswirin. D.N. White
INnems Dampt.t.n. and \V m,.Nnbullru, W es ., rtiti
VIANUPACTI3 RE to crder Upright and
llorisoLital.lratn Engines,for klrivlumll4.stiops,
• v2lAlan—Toolo of Mt vote npproard di-rlgn and Enid., for
n shone. sorb Afa:mar and hand idardoir Oman°,
id. and hand turning latlaraoapnght drilling gaunt.%
Ida 'rate. ar-
Orders arm rallrosa Co poles, torabine snaps. to,
re•peelfolly ou 'abetted, S. the Imprownornis now boas
awls in r tans, Diatoms, tr., trills wank , us to Ell
Dremistio al unlearnt nuittanory s Leta. Er,, al onr law
.• Samuel Gray.
St. Clair Hotel Buildings, tst. Clair Sit L t. i.
IkVHERE ha is prepared to show Ms usual
large•oitkrell ;miaow! Mock of VASIIIONABLE
050 - Dii. which will be male up to ortlar lnA maple which
h. I.'"w ill met ILe riTuitiation of thosa who map
Tor hior with their patrocia •
• inar2l•Air
niturr--11I141br rt *oy kind duns w ltr. .1.1,001 ,
1. .'W I% Claw 'Aso.. NM/6meg, PA.
‘g, N. WICKERSIIA3I, corner of Wood
$O. and Sixth streets. Pitmhuryh. Pa. whniewoe and
L'A;V:gr:bl4 ta,.. l Mgra etnl,l•ga",°,l°,l",i
Panumery; Pins mis,sw Vino Troth sod hair Brusher
imimst all the Patent or Prolorletory Ifodisines of the Pan
Warden !red. and ARAN:MoraI Implements of tfie most
linvroved kinna, lilo,ololl hand.
tAnnirl Norm , and Physicians will always ?od at Ohl;
sm,bushntmdf nth and toradailtrated Yoltnna. which
bass NMI iieltrt.t with crest Nrinuall oar. for ibis mar
tat. All humble's. •r• ineatsi to examine the Om*. wi
they will pod It .q.. 1 , cnbfmid• great a Tate.
e 7 SA any other 111 lb. weft. feat
sbargh Star Cracker Bakery and
Confectionary.. :
- - - .
MR. SIUNNEIt . unnourtres U, hie custom.
etimodUepublie, tint be tblok r e IWENIT VtAltB
Witi r de t ailli b ;r=lotitigitn ' sill w e ' Ant i n . 717.1
oitlent with
so he, may in tevon e
i. phalli be a det to
the esnl”t term.. sod • ith eotitssetisfutem. Ills (Iran ,
*resod Confe , alostary will In ot ererr varirty,ll.i era,
rank( ire. from all dalotarkma tubas/Irv,. 110 too jar(
rentorei from Uanebet rtreet, to hie walnut Maul. • few
doors hokrw .thria street. .01420rn
Lewis' Intaligence Office.
Jos. F. Hamilton &CO,
31 c.:03 LibErb./ Si.
Lott 6: Braun.. •
IiNRESCO, House, Sign and Ornamental
Painters mot Japanms, Nn.4/llnerke• street
reorrl and 'Plant MA. ittaborgh. hi
All •in ot for Chucchen, 1t0... to., ter led o ilrolors. do. In the =wet modern eh.: Tams.
ra m rent..Wind. Blinds. Imitation of Wood, Nimble .t 1
i:,,dlalt,tagrittincOarito tAletal r. Le ea. thrale.r....
ID. WILLIAMS & CO., have removed to
• No. 122. Wood sYseet. dues des,. sydes the all
stand, comet Wood sad Fifth fits, where they *lll La
Rinsed Lowest their friends sad psisons.
Rio, Laguna and ikon (baton
Plow annum and Reined Sonar,
Iliktan Syrup. N. Urioana and Sow Home =clam.,
Vth. to Extra flim Green and Slack Toss.
Sperm, Mat, Monad and Dist Candles: ,
Paha, Almond. Coatilo and Rollin Soap: •
Pearl oat Cara Starch
Farina, You!. Sano and Arrow Root;
Ham,. aloof and Roof Tonanon
Iltith a mmeral 11.140t1t0.11. of Mainland Li
wleavlr pkin.
Ann—lron, Nall, Minna Lead, Cotton Vain,
Zino Waalaboarin. to, •n o
„ a t e ;
611111. • I
No. XL, Wood Groot
Cabinet Furniture Manufacturer,
Nag. 97 and 99 Third St. littsburph.
lii, . friend. and euototners, that he ha. just ersinpletal
hia annoy slack of VAMAki, which is decidedly the lav
aeal and best eye, offered for sale la Hilo city, which will
be add at priera as low al any in the United 1 0 .1ew Loot
or V. au. As Ito Is dot...minimal to uphold Ida
.1.1".0.41 1.41 -vial.. best workmanship, and [lateral wi de.
t V .0 iltextent of his order. and fullity In
t.o I, enabled to peplum war
11. •. • dided tti rained
t the lowest n
d I o o ad pie Identifying the custom.
•inteivt •Ith. own.lo quality and prior, and keeps
aloop. on hand Ins greatest quality
of every description
of Vuralturo; from the cheapest plainett. to Ills pest
elegant and sontly. that ar il
41.044.. an, Pan of our, may
be furnished (sou hie stork, ty nianunieturod esprewly
to onto. The following Wades doneut hi nut at hi•
settswent, whist, for riehneds of style end hutch. cannot
OSflutpawal In any of the eastern rill,
Louie XIV tato a tete
fel :Wu In Plush and Hwy Cloth:
do4s o n P4a o Lxiny Vitiat o r,
ilehozony Hooting Choirs:
20 %slain
CU litatinenny Dirac,
1.11 along o
Marble top t ents Table,
Ou do throslng Pure..
.14 do Wsehatande.
411. Ineloeed
100 Cumnica do
etalnDnnaing lintrana
40 alabouony bedalawls:
40 Walnut do
It) Outbid. d d
: . .00 Cherry and Poplar J.,
filahoituar Wardrotas •
t/ a
l rr Wlnu )
t do
10 be r g)
10 Plain Ituresnr dui
70 nthing and lireaktut Valdes
12 Secretary sod Hooke.,
Duten Cane Veal Chau...,
24 Can: Few( i t s Chain,
19 Lali.s . rum.: Doane.
Ilya and To•el monde. u hat Note.
Ettanievil Caper .ltsAir
o,...ersetion Choir.; I . .witrote do;
lilitatwthuu .1.; Hall and pier do;
Pearl .1... Ladles'
al de;
ENtenell diming Tad,.
Arm do. Ottnawiy.
P.ALIc ant Hall Chatty
11' ate, e
ch ai • large amoutdoent of rotnu.n Votniture and
Cabinet tuatara supplied with artlelea In Utah line
stwuub.attaan.Y 11..tele furnish.] at the anuttest nonce
all orders pram ptl r attended 10.
marl ly
.1 STOVO. n4vlved wAn.priu• far MD and
1,1.14 M. Aar...Dural PAID , eat Allegheny ecuAly . ,Yu.
rn - omm , D4rA I,y 140 U trti , Darr M.. ID 0..• 111, KA I'DIZPIIISD lAD)/(114u sroy'gn
of Of I, • gm. 'Win( pattriut. beautiful
ly nAADDaD,M.I.
large lank of all Hu auula in or. Ito11`• Ealrga
ye, traU/I.rien/41, I:T•inrP, itso , allf., Hcr.'',
rearnei'.. Lull , 1 .00.
Thy Wel:lran k
Pugh C•tr patent Plough.
that has tat u the prar...ium a' the Prate Pura of 1.+ 1, ..
Peotoplyugua. Nee 1 , 11, ah.l At the Ignrult oral Ping 41
Al/.. ♦ ahafag Coctuty. 1,51. 1 1hIght7 515105.1
hererer trlar.ll, ru.arrlor gultawatlra. to
au) o th er kind, raliat...l the 10rwr into taro alweaastal
I 5 litt. n 1,,•.e. Jeep, scat larfal
O!! P
fog hI bro wlitul d..11R4L601 ENCl.M.)rotrang,
I`AIKVT 1'111L1.1..1, EWA,.
lS C. P.l - ry'o Caillo4 lint.. Alov, &Abe.; nhi
/. erri.iza AND cuare.
1 . 1.2.01 Kritlos for t. No. 111 tole Ask.. tc. I
Icr 1u0...g.-Zut. of Con. :olfasf. Th. Cottla. are
It,. rf , r—fna,cle4 by J Wary, sot
nor for donkhiliry N. Nay .41.10rr.....1.44 low, that 1t,.,
no tb, 0.1.1 plan.
fte.rr Jorcriftlifoo, I'4e OW Tua
tx for nov, t f ra0. , .-r.i.t.;.oz
f • a lowfort
J rA 011 y A Cn.
New Dyelog Eitabliihnicat.
r Instrlxrqr.
SABELLA ROW, near Federal ntreet,
T. , . the • . •Ilegtutor so, 1,
I. 'MI the ^iNreo , On th, ther ‘l,O
Pro , . ,reor eh. fe no 4 'NM
irll.l c.,,a1 u. ' utra.vrw,
l+uu,. flI I Tof Jr...ow , mlmett.ooe.t.
So.! toe 00uret. , 00.0.1. thojr [um., Lt01!4.cY...1L,
.o,3,Tut 4:N.:l.'s Si warls.r
.1(4 40.1 V111,•00 1.100 nod I
oottr rus, otT rr millnv burn I rtav
ratapleetwo Lii oh hoar .nd ine.rlng their ori.ori. sr. .11 to-J .W 14.1 furtt , r
thore, • IX.e. Batter oun-etees (12tt the lat,trO.l
prte,aecti Gni • t••
!.7u * : ' tlPeir 6 L . :ve
o , ol,yearmete4 (i1o• a tot!. lIOL=11.• cur 501
...Jr.. r
LO LI& o,ou . O 0
A e - r c t t . •
or Cal
•SAMUEL f R O E .SFN eL•rnt.ILoa ,
(ft (r, hitehet c Ina. 4keet•l.4
‘Nraet.: St-wl, Churn, lir, M-oare, 74,,111 Lt. - 0'
itulk.r , arle, analorb, trwla GI we
artr.e.en Sta..uie 11.11, Falb a rflrl-ewrrnr,
• New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
ef : . , A. 1 ,, r. A , CO.
1, vc,uld re ,
Atcpc s..ta,ill•72.l',kratt'AT
arr... The, at+ DOW .In
ckt rst,r...t. to It. menttf• - ttirr , 01 ant. m tw,ll.
so-. 1 It* ti•ttitite thwr hay, th,11.,1 tutth.lenl mi.
P•st.lw.l do it, l
masott.bla ten u with
thonw tratititi• it. thAr lime.
Payinq parLeular att.rtit;,ti to h• ittivdi. et a ...nal,
ISt harm. woe tut .
0. - 411;vtent orortimw. Lew; ha...,
hwaitati uott. awry.. a•dt
attentiato ot lcc Pohl, to LW titiiltwl.
t lirtmatut.t J une Ow brut Ittants•r, sal nit the
WA . 1 :,, D . 1 , 011Y
of VA LL AND lllNl'Elt r•anpriung aa
ever; that. that laattl.matte, abd new, L.r 0.5110
men 'a wear It .In. uttettr Raw. Ode deaeribr 140
r.r✓l; and elegance at the and 0. -
and Venom., or theabpee. 4 .l.. l l.l U
.hae othr,
the h.,. that all alio par. haee •or
article ia hit 11..111 ...or Flat with au early toll A 1.,,
ow hand, IL. luta., heel otatantectunst, and -thovt
k.nable Flack et 155.405 !JAW. elArriliNtl In the cat.
all of •Llrh till he barrel at the eery low.. priars
I...4 , otrartora, Country Vlvr , banur, and all who purrtme
laricoli, lhad It much to tbe+r adrantage to
41. .
the Aort purchaete,, as they till meek a ith
Kvery artAIA Jo TAILArIAg 110 e TAA.Ie tO Arlo ntb
lA•bwreALIA aly 4. At the AbArtert uotiro. •
A trAt now HALAAnso •Auto-t ttottArlialAr. A•pls
Penn Wass Works
.a . i . b . Ta A VEL.llllreull..t.os..) Mrufertunr•
iesof ail
°L, r.:
. mar If
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehonte,
No. 105 Mums? STurr,
PALMER offers for
, s i alt, pa nt.
x v . e u rj .
I trerylllnb.nigeneoe aneortuetot o f A
tge t 1 ' i. V g 11 7 — L117. ' 1.°3:,111, A .,t '"'" 7,6 1 , ° ,..r 4 , " ;:z
born, 111.
RABA—H.% l'ontne, and note' Lueltorn. loner .4
elalo Brill. Plea. , Panto.. Hantito, and Palm Leal. in.
Pante' Lenborta khaki. Pte.. ch., Hoop, Loon, .4 Hut.
alb. meet, Jenny lotal, atal othetLrona in emelt earl.
ety or she, and material.
ELEDONS-411. Bonnet atol Bout yW n B•Ha and Tab
Peter, all niAthn and onion fancy Usti. and Crape cap.
LACES—PIain and tiLitret nhlto and colonel PIM .4
Bolton Piet.
. -•- • .
STRAW TIIIIIIIING3-oorls.Toffilo, if altnna, braid;
Flufnn A.., /to.
PLUlVl7o , —Preneh end Atnerimo SFrlra bow!. Inn d
" rdAti b iY 4 , i nkintllVA—li I m 41 re, do No
blite., tiro. d. Ithine, Floret., and eMer atylm. addort.l
•1241 calo.
fidruce—diatimed anallUos and colon. '
Atoo—llieb abd taw pieriod eal.POta and Umbrella; Ban I
doer do_ he . motile
Pittsburgh Foundry.
B OLLMAN GARRISON love removed
irony. /
ter their new buildings , In hirer Ina ham. neer the
Wing ell the late item setuente, tor iti
work, In Puma.. , with ladten ' atotelher machinery,
St d treplin abeam the but nuMitien of astetelit they en
premiere) to fundrh untehinery. Sr.. with promptereed.
As they still Wain the wanleuee an tinalthtlekl at, an
the old tromlene. (also It he 4 Wood at.) 'onetime or car
der. lett tit..? alit be Immediately attended ta.
Iliortur awarelatad John alebooeugh with oe the hod.
nemlll hereefter be conducted In the name ef BOLLalAte,
tiAItRIMON A (10. . . . .
California Bread.
IHE subscriber is manufacturing and hen
o band a =parlor art/al e . of thl• Itlsgenetblars•
t. o for ClalltOrnta(emlirranta. It rantalito good for
',true. and will stand 11 r ellutato. Any quantity PLO be
turolsbsd at abort no . J. ell CYII.I.H.D,
war= No NI? Liberty *tree?.
CII No. 117 Ilbseti street. oppcaita the
4 of ItallbOol.l.
Having purrhaaed anent If It.Norl'eracter.d
Brad anweltinte, 1 ant orerered tonll oil order. tor Clerk
era et Eliot Dread at the shortssa notios.
Poperit.r ritolly dread. /1 re and loanspala BFed, lams
and mall *llll, (roots ...Ty Murata.
1101010, nns .00411. 1 with hard and art?
Broad. 14 CI lirprP.
Jar CM.. and Cnorectlanw on hand and mule to
I marl—^/ aIIItYIIAND.
V • iARBEITEINOT has commenced to re
nein, a,fllhilinentorhhilmt, namer Gond..
coalstins In part cf hallnatz,Motht, ennothherra, Thrnln.
Jew., Vont.IIO,I'4I2I.IIIOOn . SLIIIN Utley., Alvah., PTInIA,
Nankenn. //Inn.- D. Lalnr, Unruh. De mains PrintM
Worn, Em b ed SC. Lwow,. Illnhlnhan, ' Dnlnnxth•
• ISeotth MN:I/lour, Popllhn,Cainhfleks.hl.llon, Tlekloo4
RlbbOns, tilorm'Com Dutton., Thlnsd,4
Artlikhd. tatrn•llse, thwarolnaunket entlerr,Fl.h//001.•
thanks. .l r.ahr. le, *eh, to which hn renperlfhlly la
viten lb. •11^n hap of 11,,thm.
mnrh. eY rnnd St. 111 Unner 01 Diamond
Philipsburg Water Cure Establishment.
N Philipsburg, Beaver County, -Penns.,
us the +moth Antra thh Ohld rtrar.oppoclte the Mouth
oßig Bearer Creek. Wee Gran Plttaburgn. eY
from Whatllo.: and 100 from Cleveland. The proprietor
bol lehty I•llll.•ltperinted al physldan.
Melee of .blebhe him praetlae4 Imam the Ilyarathia
matem. Tenn.. 0017 tun dollars per en.ek, payahle
greekly. all 0f.. 00 are ealanted 10 klplropollk cwt.
yam. petient m reeptler.l le tunaleh two heavy woollen.
litankelre. 1.0 lone. CoMfaele, Pont Roots. four Towele:
one ramp Illenter, lonia Dubber pleat.
Da.O MID AUUkll.l.7Ol4iOO,
KOMlmtee. b. B•sTerCounty.Yenoi.
1 DelawareMitialaiiietrinssinuiceComPl
1 oFFICE,,;
No: 9 „and . 10 Merchinte Ilr
3410. inzausp irtt.b., Cargo and *right. to all
- • R e BiIk E irLTL I NV,: . 'ill/ t. FIRR iNSIIRARCR.
Polle In thenorld.
LT l . 4ll D l ..nmaxam.-4:12i Goodell,. Blom Canal and Lakes,
rd. b i t e l f:J e ta ,3 l Hr 6 t o i ell 61 , 1 , Of tba Radom, Woke.
Fl.e. L esowlemi l- Oil ' llTglimidge ‘ iieuemnr. 0 0 111 m e,
Vereillue douses, ao.
&sari itthregagra and Wound Rent I 24.664 33
5.1.1.t.t0 Peam>leaskis tt• a per rent Loan 33,00 e 69
112.000 do - Flee do . 10,76121
1/30,000 Philadalpiala COT Flo do 20 e Vid UV
710.001 Cannlrn & Amboy Ile R. Are per cent
FLOG) FOrlonlraeren kii per rant Coaes . ..-.- • 4.703 Ou
RI,UOO tinibri &taloa lili
Rol rharra Rail Road Oompany 6.00 d (61
a • - do litraramheti ' OtoriP'Y 2.600 00 ,
1.0 - hlerobarda . & Plaoularturers•Bank.
6 " altdritt - end Havre do Vrar;
Roane Pow Moat Oompanr..-...-
ll " Philadripbla Evtumire Company,
SmiPnrul Mork 0. eomire 111010i1 limemime
Corapaui r e....-•- . 10 644 IR
............ ...- •
Hills Rerelrabla ....._ • 121..600 02
CaLb on teal ' - 21,2.33 24
Plalatrra In bands of &toot lea ne dremium. on
Marloa Policies mostly 77.0001 03
Suberription Neter. 100,1.64 00
$100.07 09
latrcrlmi—Jinerh Li. Pral rilmmin A. Minalor,'Jono
Dab, Kraal *halm. Juba k Yeoman, Samuel 17.1warNi.
linoni. it I...iper i Edward Ilarhaguni, Name K. Limn, •
lam rolnall, .Julat Liman. in. K. 111. !Imam, Jmurit c.
lino.l, law:4111m Padding, 11. Joints Nrciro L . Warr
Mono. Ilona (Nina Jimpli S. Burnett. rinumr
lanrirs bell, J. U. Joboron. Um . . Jona Mane,
Wm. amJ
. r. Wiliam Muller J. U. Julantori. naval
ELUL., Jairmi Trimuna. Jane. Manama, Jmana. L.
Prim. J. T. Loam:. Natinarith, b. T. Alorimili Jo.
Wallin Liman, 1 . (1.111d•TIL Mum U. WAN, Wien Fran
Mail. Juni* W. &amt./.
ArdriUrrirs nr the Company. No. MI Warm giant. Pitt.
I arpil:tf 1 DIADIMUA. An" l.
New York. Life -Insurance Company.
T , • ,
HE annual ' dividends have bean nnoual-
Ir lerlphahowina that the compaul tun been Icena
hater lame amt prtaperoun busiorma• •
• 3 to` `Javatuoe In lead ware 60 per rent •
1617 -
"`• `` • let o' o ' l '`'•
tehO •• 40
1001 •• 100
1063 " Ju " T,'ltqteLeUtlaillte'CO=VlUl2,^,tfitV. V:l b .
b, Dl tootobera, Dwelt .64 tutor .
. . .
.1113 i Mast., Artwary.
- (..1.11111:4 BOSUN, Aget,u, ivr,“ ..4
ClVriza,rn noon,
Nkutio Inr Yroltrllma sabl "bana.r . . Elm sal Nit.
rig, Ito oraoio, g .14411\14 OW. bad of Urem b kw
11.14 Illotlll, Am. •On et ca.', ,nriuLltn, aceutauls-
144 pItAl ph.4.4.r0.
Al 4..erpt lb. azd oal, Of mai yttstr.
Marino, Fire, arid Inland. Transportation
InuaraticeCnopsny of North America,
■ l'OLlWalptalo—Lltiarli.rod no.a. Capital EW.M.i. *
JeYller) 13, 1151, $1w1...1.i4 W. Will WeYw Iwurwon up
pwWiurr arkl their wiwwWils ttlii cite acid vithiltr, a/in>
cf over, ottipPnl per •tet. Duals
lul>3. l WAWPOTlttilm et tin the
Alamo (1. Men. Pmet. num. P.tboo.
orino' Cl . Jour, Jobts 11..ti0n,,
L.ttoomi Stunt, • itorhonl U. 11l nal.
• -inn. a A: curb. Williom Web+.
8..4 Y. Mont. 1 , ,,,raL.. ilootint.
Cattmet brook,: . „nt Allston ALtftomo,.
Chun* tot tor. , , st nt. K. &form ~ .
C halk.
%%It, Urorno Afr . ou xll. i
Joron IL Ttonno, Jmnoo,l4..Motoott.
. , IC firmloWalft, 11. It. knttnrul..llrer.
Tak.i.1b...u...11......... Cumplair,htb4 United Mak e
alai frOm Ito Llktt *tanning% lonnexperomm. mut& wren,
and OVtoolintf 141 mks of on antra lomordono obararer.ll
Mar Co 0000dono1.0 ulbriog ...Amity fo tilt. public.
11J1J../AMP.3(I/i/M. AVIA.
i f' .l .-.—:. _. ..-.....Yt ' )U1 1 : .4; .4 7'.
Weetcrn liiiuran . 'co Company OfriltituFgfi.
gl APITA I. E 300,000. R. itILLER, Js.,
i t Moontlwent. .
[ lto. GorMns,Mmootair.. - •
ill loot,. amoi4 oil L•mlo t•filAi - 0.. , FTV11 tad Hula.
111 isms. .oil In laoittilf vaindo..l mon P 1 =1 ,,, VOL
A Inmo lo•tflotitn.--mxonoon b r litroctnE:o . oro son
Ittforn twat., tot_munltt, mot Kb. sto tonolool 11)
' mom pinntf.ol litotaltly to Dlotanlin Ina t ilahvb
111, 1107.14/....t. of oComits tho boot "rotate". tO tbmte
rhononro to 14 itunsod.
Iftmmmtm—ttuben 11111 co, tr. J. 41. Antler. Wm. tr.
.R. G. Itttoon, Tiont. ~. .t.t. Alen - . 11 motet. Moo. /nook, lien
It . ttr:.? ' .4 ". .417,; 'n '' :: ' lll.l ,i"ii! ,'4lL",`• N '''''''''
1N211 4 . ‘ .110 ' . ' 1., mm;r ottoltltrarenouno et•spoun i Cu ,
t:attlnf.l l'inf Lnfitn. 1 f tta..ll, '
• STATE Miiiirl,l. --
Jr.!: tigutliita. 4-..„
liirsif.RlED Ably foi the . asAfer ellt,ees ol
peon/ r: r. fitot ms opplo tlopitttlx ort•1 Minot. Deport
i.r1 , 1.41 , 14.4464 solot7 .... at rm...
4.• .Ity S. taunt() .Inotottonts. •11,1 unman Cl
tttrollit.m. 0,1 1,..c al,l c- oanntly tor fort,
A.A. 11.1.1t1t/ nil; l ottiory.
, - -7 Etas: 1] fa,. I:_ni.l.l rmlM.firs.i et....l'attottanth•
Franklin Fire Ingarance CO: of l'hiltuni.
)1111ECTOlt.9: Charles W. Bucker. Ono.
.., W. Itiolmolo, 1 - 1...:110rt. IloNotm It. 1,....4..T0t100
antur, Zidoloh. K. none. Eonatori timm. boo ow n. Coon,
:Om.. K. ;NAM. :..i..,n4 Pt.ttorom.
CllOll.En V. 1 1 411(.101i. Prorklent
(11.1.1. t 0. p...5.a.i..,,,,,,,,.. -
1 . ,.-.1."+•; ‘or notinto.t lo mat , Imommom. tommonaot
or ntr.itatt; no 4,1, ankri,t:,42 of I,' ts.rty ist tee. Ott
I ,
toot. IA TM, at.. lA, iti .ra holit , col•nt rite ...UM,.
Tto stmonto too, moor of di 4 ton t.
1...,....t PI It. a . , ;vl,l is.l Crew..., m4f..1.e . ipr. , .1....1,
at,/ P I
th.r.u . ..1.4.
it• n.... L...f •t,..L•c.,..1, oo ./,....torf 15t.111.1.a.
et, ut.
ttfoot oof:. a. 1/.. Art - . I',r
. .e.n.,1, ww, sec. 0.,.
111.11i2.:o4 44
• P!11,4 c( A ytni, Mel
b 4 T^ nwoni, 3,0 u a ;'our
loOlzra I ttzt....7 all rling
iwl EL.
slot 6.14,0 ..1 losatoo., o.• veil thoir o.tom,
q -,4v11:1:1•4 Ast•l3:.
4,A4 F....7 , 11:V1 of Woo! sad 3.14,4
To Rail Rofad Contractors
DROPOSAL6 will Le rtueited until ttin
a .1 t: I t 1.10.14 St IL. E1.:54r:
at tn.. ..*:. ra l as.. Call 1.131,
C1art.1.570. It, lb. 1 ; 141 .. 1 .'s
t tour 101 41.51 vat 55.1. each/
fkl •A .4-4. tit rum. ill tt. lursvlrlt pan. .1 li,.
v.wk, 56J er walla qa. a want,. 01 latlawl, 4...5.•611.145 •
w• 11 IL. .55.1.1.r.0 I. .15/....1
1,51, 5.1.1..41 S. mar, 15e the
Cut L. roil. On+. ti.dl 15.1..1 IL. .101515 Tsr,
14/5. t 114 ale,. • 4. .1 1.1../maLL I.•
5. 11. tor 15.1 .1,.1 1.1 106510.
id n..h In. I mud 0.401, 404
Of., .1 alt.: In, 5.1. Jutr.l*.Xl s a, abJ
.4,1 Le up.t. taw to
IL. mai pa.... I.balllar.
ruler.! t., mar
1 , 1,4 Pc 5....{....er1ir0w ..tany mow.
51 Ihe 1 5 .rz.d...t. 011 I , Lio 11•11.51.1, lb.. Natitretl.tts
rnsll- .I.t so.). 4.111 Int Ilbia we.
Or 'bed. ...calla. 51 ibt s.r. bay.,
11..1e wn,t rm 151.5551544 u 11.1151445cr. 4
sJ 1 .4.1 1 1' la ...W.1.. 4 . 11 ..
I...tad • I.rd. am..llul 51 11101.1... mu. Lrin. IL.
as, ..11 41.41 514.1 . tloy
t 7. ho""
" % I F " 37*.''[;113'.5.11.2t(r7r.'
1/3. I'4l.
I KAI, PlPE—lmproved pltent lead pipe
j L. 11T.Irnal,
~1 1
I..alral 11. • .1
IL. ~. Mo., ka on band .n.l ldi Palo
lot. by A1.11.111d1a14ti.5.11.%
- H. D . KING.
Banker and Riehange Broker.
no. 411, FOUILTIS araarr.
B UYS 11311'1)01111ra at ti.e highent market
Vire .51 e a .t ,n ig h t
it. Omakairolow o.4l,, night Cheri. , Ira %ale on
In. r,ttr,a COW, o , ll,linus ems& on In , . {Vona .ea
Cotner Third and Market its.; Pittsburgh.
Innwht nod na1.1.12 COlSlralutqu. • ,ninht Cheek*
on the Etna,. and Wootrrn for ale. Intennt ad.
100..10n lian• Urnuna. Conortion. In•J• on all the tn..,
Of the U mon. Fortinn 1.101.1".0..1 nnaer bousakl nt twat
_ . .
Edmohd Watts & Co,
No. 186, Lamy .teem olmy St. Clnir.
ope i ne4:ll , 1318111 1 iig Stor em i e, , tt i
ofelutte, l'avitneres, 't":;:tiZ r T
ponL gaol PIMA noel/Aim to tilt trade % sod
nI tl. 61st in
norhi. b th ey aro pr , pared tool. up to order ha
latest sod moot faahloo t tdo O f Thep Inhoot to ray
Roles st.t.iloo to this brooch n 1 th:r e higolorts, sad the,.
have follconlidrore th a nes a able. to Moo
';l7r:i'gr,re: b rt ':1 " NIVA HI 111,1,1trlttrollta
altloo which Ilior ps t-f tell low tor rub. At .11
thisatort laentirol r nay. it If await' of the attesll:4l of
11111.111(11 11.152.1011 /0.111.4 11•11.11 ,
erect near Lltirir, and ii..;rlot,Fter!h
y, hanufactoraro of throat Lead, Leuten - Pipes.itvil t rfinta
Baron, Water Olroot• Pc, o.
l'ersoo. Iron bass work to do lo nor Ilna will do well to
ca 11.., they mar rely on baying Male wort erocuroi by
Pratt:eat arortmen. and as we 1:031.111C1{11Vour Ova lead
pipe laid lame, lead we can effort to work at Meat a• p. O
a• any olhar establlahnrout Ire edgier eitien.
Protons from the rerontry who wish to WO.. piles
for conveying water from r prtan will had it to their ad.
erantage to gime no •e all begin marehaslog from wand
tude we were tha only Cronufacturers of Lead Piro anJ
doer. Leul in tbn city.
Onlera from trui natty: for Lead ihren, Ahmt Land ant
Pump. tv 111 renelra prompt attention
fatalurowlrg •
Assignee's Sale of Real Estate.
rpIlE undersigned wishes to dispose of the
~,,T h'ir"?, 7 .l l l:;`, ,a .VP4l} l ,7l. d t,7°l l graltl,l'
aws., •e_raerrlog I.lp fret DD Ye - s loud Third ri•
Ilulrro artsrlet. riOIN menp'ed r. csuppli.
lard roil
bOdueene borough. For Particular,' a n d plans of prop
erty. vinare sode waren.. or John Isula COW..
rorsor Perrl Snot Areas.
.1411 IN HERRON.
AVING received my Spring Goode, lam
ittr`tril.reg o ti r Le ir " 4 l" l "" b4 ""• th "
ray, ccarcint:to'grr r D IVISM,I 6 ' xi a
)laihrol(onml L o os . Botta dm. an. Btotttol l I.lokno
Itantamli. Mormons. Yr' num. of On color, and with %Co,
Euorrd tot P10t..,
w 4 and Mon
Tab'. and Sofa IMAINII4 Pooh atol Knoi wornimi
and wilion ot all klub, Dialing% Border. aul
Bed Flintre% Window Abode% Buff Itoilor Blinds. Pont
Blind% Green Oil Cloth do.. Conte Taawb and Tottm=inga
Too*, in,molla Orlogo, Epiar Eagle@ flit Monett"
Plinth:Ton% Diamond. Do Lain mod Balton% Fcliclinato
U1t..% Ow Cabinet Idninitu Veal limo Blind Cowl. Towels
ood in..Bno.lletto Politer. and Pinang Ynoch
white sad enlortii Carlo! Lint. Hunk% Cotton. H.%
Bt.", and doling klatlranwto Cote. Door Hahn Oclaclatim
Fhetts, Flip% Ihnuitotclonos. Quin% Mon and Sable Car
\ Ucli T u u .2l , V "" Tin d T Aril l arms 6 .. 6 004
'All nohow romplly snood.* to.
Arartwo Boca at tho door.
• BOOLC, Upholtionit.
ao'd .• Thinfotroet, °PPM tO the Pan Onion
urrsit-3 bbla. frealbroceivod for solo by
110 UCKETS-1100doz. for $lO by
oisuu coca:* co.
COMM" DUD ma rat tyrimmunin 11.12M1y1L-ay
N. HOLMES & SOBS, Bimini: :
zy,,,ky MdidyLtyfitiems 2101 f and itsatkds./121162nik.
1001 NSZLTAKIA. Unlash at Slamilloo- ..
..- I f
Dank of 111.1.121*M----pat branch at Meader—du
Eschany• Bankof do—pas Branch anYanla.----...d0
Slar.and Man. of do---m ar a y, a t, a t y aa
Bank of MOrilladle---.Dst CUT KM*, C1272=7.7./.. g
Bank of ISarth Amerise.--pity Ltmusterdal Bk,Llnchazall do
F. l
Dank ofilortteuLibertlettrar Franklin Haut...-. ...Ala
lima of, Pennsylranla—zka W.p.m. 13,0*................._d0
Pank oflienn Tor whip-par Ohlo Life In.. 4.Trust 02...du
Bank of Om Ilaitsd Staid, 12 Rested. Meld* hint...-0,2
Oammurcial Bank at Pa_..par Mani of Msaillkus----dir
gartnerittacebankkellk nmaollotins—.-..--.._...d0
Eitsrdilsaly-- ---.240 NNW kNOLAHD.
Ilidialtigtonallalt.r....-.-Ilar Al/ sandal klaikka....-..,..- X
mattuute.4 Much hank.....yoar NW YORK. ',
Mentlasder Bank.:__. pa r N.. YorktlitY-.-..-...Lror
1,14=4.0h=ikk......::::::Dar Lioundyzri.n.....i.z„ X .
nuuttstaylr k1kak..........-par -althnora.--.----....yar
Znirrr, 1ar . ...,...-, k-- .7 " Ti7,laEll . i - .......
. 'g
Naas of Unanuoarsourgn.. st ettanlvent balts--,. &WA11 ... ki
hook of Obestyr Odutly-par V ittliINZA. ".'
rlittl ql ° l '''' •L% l'. ..traktlr . :.hat trol 1 . /1 =tie titzzo. --- i Li
Rua of listmantcut...-pr I*. Bank. Kodiak-- '•
Banker IlettlabUrfal--.. .. NiAi rumen . Bank of %Ma* ••
Kant of tsmriktosn--Z - Merchants' Medi {lank
0 1 M114intorn...-- % North Wwi
0117. e1n13.4-..- "
Rua. eiNtinhukbarlandpari NOKTII 0Al2.)1.1 A.
thollalt, Bank.. -- ~. MlSsak of Ceps Ynar........... 2
Oclaudds lik a tirktge . V•mar Bk nf St- of N. thiralina.... 2
ruL5at0m1111amk , .........-“parluommorcud lik t al ilmkuin
Bank-......... ..... 4W' Morcitants' liauth Ilsldecrt 2
Ma hank- , ..-.....,- M tadrlll OARIO.I NA.
Varmenenk - of . 11usite lletihar Ilk of the nt. of S. Ounditka ?
etuhtsta• Ilk. itiLancaster.par flank of 24201 Camilina_... N
Yanners'llstk alltanillite yak iimik of ebarlestoki-- -..' 2
Ifants. kilieldbuylklllOoyisr Ylauttra•lt Mychatilear ilk 2,
Var.i Dro7.lVanissatUll.. hi 0 0011t1/ A.
lirantllunk.Waskinnlem rat austuda lima lianklug 02
Itadieburty Bauk.----.. M liana or Auguata........-..- 2
llonealsle Dant....... /a tlk of brunswlck, Augusta
Lansaster flank -Par ' TWIN/a:W. .
Lantastrttiounly Uank-par All cahoot nault. II
K aliTlielf. Y.
Miner., !L Minamn
ank sf ii,li;.iis. x Ilk of Kentucky, toolskflisk
Wr it Ilauk-- ... .pkr Bk of L. 187111. :bunt.
Writ tratteh bank- —• hi titalborn Ilk of 11 entunkr '
YkYstalsal tZuMol 2 2 . limzePar Suutturn Ilk of Kuala/kr •
kerk N5uk.....—.--... kr, IdI24OIJILI.
ltalisitintra..---... Pi Di MT/afoot Mistmutt X
- 01 1 111. , 1 LLINLIIIi: . •
oNt Me liank.--- M Matti Batik an.l Stanches-SS
Absinth St .11kron-.....-....00 itank of I 111ai55...... - IS
Prazieh st 111...- ' du. W IYCX.OI2 IH. .
Branch at thiilkirratt.-.--de Mar*, a /ifs, lint Ils. clik/ 1
Brandt at , 4ailrat.- ..... ..ia, Allrti4.;
*at 1 . 1 detat61....-• Murmerr ke antes am* I
Undid at Tols4o-...... ..... , u Lidernment Mod Vant-.2
Branch at Dayton ' does oinsular tank...._.:...... 2
tirshelt at IMiswara.-.---do Isminutcyticutkany--..-... 8
Braga* at tkilutsbus-.....40 Slats liauk..-.........-. ... ... 2
hrsuch at AntanEula--..-do CANAL*.
Mauch M.Slalcut.... .....da 2 k oft. rt. Am6rial.l%touta
Ifranch at 21.09•111......d0 Hank of the yoghts, Tod/duo
tlrand at /11Mor ... ----sq. limit of bluutryal 6
llrauell at tannin nall----46 D ank of U. Ouniala, Turusto 6
branch stOulttral2o.-. d o .2ARTY.IO4 Y.XI.IIIAIIOII.
Praha, at WIV•11114(1.1 'do Op rim Fart () 0001........ of
Ilitstash at L.Sults--......L...d lits Philsdalphia do--- ..... a„
lirauch at lin Handouts do. . _....,,,
Mauch at Kid stdurtily du 0 Kenaul ItZIitt;MSUE.
Branch at AIL Vona:Kt.-- de £lOOl 0.0........._...._......
Branch at fie0010..........._.du Loulsyllte... ...... ..----.14
flrauob et 10701 a ' do Vl_ Linde. ...... ..,•••••,-; .l . ....1.
Knoell ant $1 , 1220..41.......12 001.p...,%pp 2 vac, a I Ault'
'tasty:bat Murat._ _. ..... o D.214,..au5. Mpaulta....._lo.oo
lirsrsk, al t. lU:sant-As Wad, old.- 1,1.10
ttraud, at Zansitylity ...... _do Kittle. now.-- ... - 1
000000 at Norwalk.-- .... du Yrslerick,,,Yors....- - t. 20
C..* al 11•12.--- --do r..Thalen . . ... .........-- 1.20
ratuih al lairisaindts..... du thdnes....._ ...... ..- ..... - 40?
Wand at Itaronns...... ..... du Vomit, Jura_._'...-..._. 1.01
proms at L'hlllkutint I, h5ku1d05..........,.. ..... ... SAM
lifandi at Cnyabirs •le linztai .-- ...... - ..... - - Xi ,
Mrsiadt at Ta..---ds
COUNER Uf uAtuurr At. D THIRD M.
1510419..1 eiv.,,ssa.
0 6 1 44 31.11 n en.—........ 190 . I._ 116,.90•,911/
/10. o's..............-' 194 -.- : Rt. Fab a •tig
1 0 6901 v.. V* 199 1 -101. Jan • Joli
Do. Vs .lia.,, 40 : - 901. .9.909
alleur Co. 9 , .. lau 0 : , ... Intel:o9A N....
.. 1... .:0, tia,araDl.. 97 I.- I 01 .
0111•barret. cop 94...0..- -:1110: 95 j - , 1 111.1411.1.11117
114. pup. 1 1 .4, 1 . 411....10it - 114 95 I da
AlLezhany dir 6'• .. --. -'lOO 107 -.• .19619•9
i - '1200.. en0.090.14.16..169 91 99 , I do
_ mat 99999.5. I I l_,
Utak 41 Illt•btatb.---.,1 69 06 165' . 9 / 9 .14a 40901
Ilantaate.ll,•oolo9l9l. Ca I , 4i.iiii. 4 ,,
2}, 64 66
ftr..tre, ilttirTiizi;ii " I it- - I .
1111.12 11144,15. ,
11441,0141.1.‘ 11,30-....1 2.„ .2. 4 ,
~• Dll.llar4pref
el. CISIr EL. Itmli,-e.... .... .. ..5 ~,,,,,,, K:Dir. Jail. B• ct
Used Et 1 . 7 5.10 - 0-....-.00 . I 69 46 • Diy. . r' •
sort.born L1brtti.6......... w Iy i :4:, Intr. •14 71s.
li ill•azoos,ol,kid"---- ' . 0 • • " 1 -
1. 6 144.0tet. , ,
l'lttbh`4, La. In ..... .1 .- ii 1 8 L
.70 1.90, - .9.6m ex....-. 19 ,14 . DI., Ct.
.. b irl ' s•44. 1.41.444, 4,1a....1 -. 12 :lu
, .. - 44..1. fraviner..o Ca: .. C. 9 : 0 j
4; .1.16 1 . 61 D.- 1 16'' 11 ;42 'invAl.r.3 pr et.
1n.., ur4h. 0 Lcoun:i.. 11, 14 ; 1., do •
e 6•. ial.• ............ ..... .. ... I 0/... .... / ... 10194.99.9.60999
ill ... ,:91.4901,.. .... ..... 'l6 .. .-
Sin. num. 5tac.9100,09.1 1
OAS, Ile. . 1 1
P111..1,4, 4 :4 Liss 'l , MIES.- -4,,, r,c, 1 4 ., ,11 1r.J1.11. 41 , ~
Ws... nga1..,.11 Magnasiat, 00 La I ... I .
I 0...1.4.1 .. Lra1 . :Aar 1n..: I ia: j.j • ... ,
r ,.. 679 4 • . %%.:1 1r a ." .1 9 1 1 41 4 / 4 r1 c.19 d I
ta g'', 7 . .j . 0: L ' l, l
0410.0 111“, 'toll 1 . ....1 - t 1.4 i ...
4 :L0re1.r , 1.1 V 1.1,11. li.ll to
43 4 1 .
?lann. IL. Way. 0,1.66:4 1,. ~..:, :,, o •161.19.• ll rrel
Var.:. 0.401 CD- -. 66 c, ,64 ,
1tz1.1,0....11 110r..1..69.39- . .1:.
1,. 6. 1..) li' :. 1 .. I
1....90 1' 1 . 1.0, 4.....,4 ...,, 49 j„
All/4 a 1 - arrj.a.l . , Ya 11... - a ~ I
' ./....a.b. Tame. 6,9_
. a 59 9 .90 , (
m dl • 1,960 . _ .... - 116 106 1. 1,6 4. 140
Norlt, A10.rm5e,..... .. 81 . 00
gt!Ng Z::' --- .... ..- t :. t; . .t.,.
..,..,,„,,„ft * 111. n 0,.,.. .. t , ... 1 \
6 0 . 9 4 0 . 00 1 . 1 - ,...0:5:..9-- _ -.. 0.. i s
ut6s In? i10t.i..._.-- \
, 7,. i, , ,,
I: .!: es ; \
::: :.. , \
White Sulphur. Springs,
justly celebrated Mountain Retee'ht,
awl tavorablr 1010 WTI LI thy e.t.a, tr Phi t\
de Italtattote. httabotab awl ntlitt Fume, will I.
Mon lot visitor!, on au) aft m the Itt Aire. The kw!
la. bay. been amatt, antaraed sal icaartrea, to ardor
to meta the ismetuta, pattoaavo.
atatilim to
lataliJr, WI Well se tot L tltose ulto a I
toltel.maataltl elec. alb," .amantoro•t
a artla o 545500 be taround br ant other
' VZ . Pt P t i t r a . l . W . Ol ia it h t aV:i:diTa o t ' ars. aable tro the
Yvialitylvattla vmstral 11.1 llama Itatrt•bura, of
lima,. by the touter:awl Vaal., nail aOa emeete
as,l airattlle. poi War to tearuo4 IA sabyl treat`,
beau..,ate re plalte .1 to mite •ititata matfortable, awl bills
14.1 pr u. /Ann. J. V Mllllims , Jonepla 11, Hal, IL U
Tintopmal, Jot. ii Ilei`or.l. Alm hirCantilitb. ' -Jona t.`,4 LK.
On Saturday, July 10, at 3 o'clock, P. M..
L'iltolo the foot of North Illoore sobk .
et,.....t; 3turth iktver, the 1.111, mad
Fyleh , ll.l‘kuble euglue
Oil Olt 0111 . 1111.4iti Ft,
2,401t00. hur.l.h, 13 C. Sh.teebury.
e loy Yanr,Useiee t 0 lAnn tu M un e t . e %t.M wult
rp,,nu/ t
oe SAYVEL Mr, u& y10, s e“4.=
11hIs eleenitt ha. el/tree:a seetroualatione, (*wall Tan.
1.1•04. otleorwiee Alted for the Mal., It a confident
ly eel - acted that she will make Me {weave in ale latotteat
earre ou record, thus agoolin• • rare eltenee to fatelliee
end °there, •OA Wilts hi avoid tee ercard•l Alpe, els the
lhtboaut, seemly • Ilakit,l monitor et pawnor,. will 0,
taken. A mill quantity of Irrieta will Iso be
s oft=
Amusement., tern teat med. With the ownerf the
two etesaantp. Loch !tam, 1100 toss—num hillthan--to
meta • through econectlott, and shettill won tete her plane
In the lam.
• Woe l rr,Y h l or e VANLi 11111Althet/11.
AA 41 Exeltetore Place.
or to little, Ito. ta Cottle:hit re.
Agent of the butte Pam.
Vork..lano IOOT, . I.lldlOnA.
Utica Wool Depot.
TILE imbecriberp, aIIeCCIMOrB to Taylor &
Itackwell.wllleaniinua Kcal Cannenlatleq
pawnaaan , f ,,,, , and . 01 WIL .anAßnmant. !b.+
drairtolt an kastan market.
Cash advaaete made end prompt rain anatantaxl.
itOeIiWELL ayeaa.
- vtam. -
Orphans' Court Sale.
jjY VIRTU of an order of the l'Orphitur.
or Allegheny Caantf. thou/211..4 E. K
ume If Mallet Ramsey. late of the cloy I fl lthobaitth
Eked, will enlgoe to 044101 427.1;e voodoo, on the pranth
on NAT/AWAY, Mu 17th dor of .li/14. 1150 g, at lea
o'clock A. H. of Fold dor, all that vett/111f lot or plooot4
tzg a .2tvg ,. .l:hf. l :t4',,w,xgro4ogr..l7ZLPL'a
Paolaa .11efl throve along raid alter tO tee, to lot mu
lct ten. then:. at right sums 'nth told allot, aloud the
hoe of lot Lumber lea 10 fat/ and 4 Whoa, to lot ontaber
el,tht; Mehra alone the Ilas of lot nutritor right. Not
Tchoorlui Alreet; theoce aloha veld street, 10 teat 4
boohoo t 7 the Place if begloaluf, sthothou le eructed ta,
brick.Deelllad Hoc..
; A 111!kst attlian la or , ilt'l4of ground gltu it
‘.l a . s: v c ,l,: a i t
~,,o r
4 7 .:
f t 1 a tu . r 4 b 0 t... ,r11. 91. 7 , , ,,, , ,„,:5irtzvai
110.0,4„7,11.1101.,.,-,2:.rf.,, a PLI'MIN,;,%., 19
tb.,,,,,,,,,,,,,f; p..!!!.. of mod ahjoL&r: lot, ..atier :it ' .
11,4trVe:r.u.74,°: ;II? , clamber .if lot number h.:
Dy r llin, ig" .r tmal.atr:tit the 1100 " t •idlalt
..... 4.
4.211i"14.• ' • • .
Joan reiNft,'".
Krtautann. ,
.;_ty2..l a. ier"—_—_ll.lg4tl7.l7
To Glass Manufacturers.: '...•
"GE subscriber takes pleasure in inforni
lag hi. Motels in the Ghia. littolnes, that basinef
poouin ' re m. rorr;rAit Pat h c i l T:i• U' rrx rr etk‘r i 9:37 d b:
tout rAlOttof ht• tot 0.7. to flu
per ter
ton. odd ; •• - „ •
trodtjg elitTll7,69rieir* in i n 4 .ll; it, bl :iti o lertt ' gi:
Print linkman
in tha ut owing ro the cm ,
R oo fmxtzt It noOtio4 be d el ive r. / there It that trine
her how.etAt is rho.r than tionaoli 4114y4Stont
to 412.
Tht• Olaf
I. found in the form of i Illati roc), of or.'
ceelitutir tine texture. -It is erta ofthaMC44 lorn o thle.onbotances known.. All.,
all earthy matter, It groom/op. and drain wont It all
posifor es through No. 24 to o en It to then laurel/cit. up
rrterCitittnlathrt.lrdol or
tou t ro og • ztot 0nt 0 04..d atm tbiro ox Gorman O lds . Slew,
J. ticrooonoval. t Ca, 21Wocelenne j
thitette Ofnee.Pittstinfirf, Mr
TIE.—A. Irwin, on the• Law of Cronantoi
r title Ilr Honey }Welt. ,
This *oink dorotod to the entioldoratlon of th. . 'llobill.
ties and Itintrts of tendon, of noel /state. atitittket, from
their tiormant for Till, do such eovensnts., lawnmq
ilohsa or mho, Introdnood Into toarlif
It Ire
icnric!Viil'lnclittnetirtil; ',FMK .tud
boo tor Ito obleet thoir anatralo end method elfeet, ln •
freattlina. theta. of Vend. ant Parehmee, the
oulooet of Corer
for Iltlo has allot./ to it only atim-'
ited spurt' host ...ifs a ran body of American gaiborl.,
tin sill& hare not hitherto mein/4 th e davit.-
non and ulta r aio which qr. kiiscirtiiniv of the whiertde•
mand.. P. polo )).
: J.ll. W MAHN, tic.oitealler and Milo-her.
. • 113 trood'ot, between TI and ath.
QALERATUS-10,000 lbs. Iglvesiced,
fa 100 Undall• fo ,
i.nway.. I ,
ig\lrir ,
64 .
Messrs. Eturote:—Del4 , I Isenieb yO. ea
for pubheatioa the address b( (lateral Franklirk
Pierce to,his soldiers after theabstan of Centre.
raNand although It may dote eMpare with *Rol,'
la's Address to the Pertrvlann'yt, as the Gene-,;
rat has made few speeches, it lintel' 'that theist 1
few ehould be published for the perusal of the
people ".
Toted scarce expect one of my gli&
• To walk through blood up to my ryes ;
And it a Would I am not
Ac treat so Jackson or eafloolt,
Don't view me with • oriato's ue.
Bat plea noy bnperfeations by, A, .
Largo streams from little vellums) ZOW,i,
And little balls glee a hard blow. • \
But though end fell baok
When loud I heard the muskets mink
Yet many a brace and gallant , son, •
Like me,might And it good to run;
' For he, who lights Lad runs away, ,
May live to tight another day.
But why may not New Hampshire's soil ,
Rear men as great as Britain's, Isle
Exceed what Greece d Rome bare:done,
Or any land beneath the sun. , •
Or, where's the Glossal six feet high
-Whorn made improvements more than I.
These thoughts inspire my gallant mind
To be the greatest of mankind,
Great, not like Scott, on victory's. MALI,
rixi great to fall, to 'faint and yield.
PROCEED/11GS IN enter .cointak'
. .
Council . met—Present, 'Messrs. Alias, Arra
stroog. Bruce,. Cassel, Cordell, Edwin*, Kier,
Kincaid, Mackey, Morrow, bi'Citary, 111 Vetch•
eon, Speer and Wilson..
The President being otteent, Mr. McCutoheon
was choeen
k iesident pro ten..
• Mr. Brom. Presenteda bill of Foster & Flee-_I
, eon, for $159,75 for advertising..: Referred to
Com. on Cialins and Account. .', . . . ,
The chair Submitted a communication from '
Toe. McCullough tendering his resignation, as
Collector of taxes . In the 3d Ward, Which was '
I read and accepted.
Also, et antrum:lb/alien from a committee ap
pointed by a public .meeting at Caumisburg, in
favor of the Pittehurg and Washington Railroad,
urging the corporation of Pittsburg to Moist In
its construction. ' _ ''
The communication and acc o mpanying dam
manta were read:and on motiou'of Mr . Bruce the
lame were referred boa especial oommittetof two
, from 8 C and three from C. • -• . ' ..,
And the chair appointed Rena and
Morrow on part o(9 C , . .
bir Corde4l praanted n communication -from
1 clerk to Witter Committee, stating. the 'over
! payment br Caleb. Russel, collector of Tina
Ward, of $371,95, on his waterloo duplicate
, for 11351; and submitted the following nialts
Resolved, That the Mayor 66.241 M Is hereby
authorized to draw his wareanton tbe City Tres.
screr, in favor of Caleb. Rastsi, 'forage= of
$371,95 being the omonas overpaid by him on
hie water tax duplicate for 1851. \
'Site resolution was read twice, and Mr Arm
strong moved its third reading: butthere being a
vote In the peptise. the motion sea reg. ati
not prosauL
Mr. Morrew.offerof the (allowing resolution,
which was read throat:saes and adopted.
Revolved, That the Street Commissioner of
the ..1 Die trice be, and,be Is herby authorized to
notify the Gas Trustee, to have the fence re
moved and the side walk paved, in ft , unt of the
gas works on Second st. s
Mr. Armstrong offered the following ea..
elation, which 111.11 read three ;Rase and
:. Resolved. That the Mayor be and ho la here
by..aullsoriaed to draw his warrant on the city
d'reidarer to favor of W II Whitney, for nee of
I Jos McCulloch, tor $82,15, thatheing theamonut
I of said Whieney'i tiller printing city ordinisica
Ale ClllllOl4, from ax the Co cri
,onstlidat a nd .
caned, presented a repir eubmitting the follow ,
log reeniutionr;• : \ '
Resolved, That the corn on aqueduct and canal
to and they aro hereby authorised to. receive
propoeals, and to contract With tbe loirest and
hest bidbir, for the construction of is, many
imitable ice.breskers as the committee may think
necessary for the, proper pretection, of the
Resolved, That if the` committee en
It 'unk .. at s
pedient and necessary th have theliqneduct re ;
painted, they are hereby enthorteed to coatract
Tor the eame. .
The report Tai read and accepte d, an d th e
resolesions ware read twice, and on motion , of
Mt. bleClowry the same were referred boa , to
the committee with Instructions to aseertain and
report the probable cost to the
next meeting of
Conocils. \
to all of which action of S C the,C C concurred
nod Messrs. Riddle, Kennedy and limeind were
sppoluied a part of C C as to the reference of,
the courinuniention on part of, the Wahine"
and Pitteburgb Railroad. , ' .
Mr. Cordell offered the following re solution;
which was read three times and'adoPtaels-
ReerOverl, That the Treascurer be authorised
to allow Cobbc, Russell, Collector of the; first
1 / 4 .War,t, credit orihis depilate for city taxes for
%1 2; the amount , overpaid by him upon his vs
tc tax duplicate for that year. . '
e Clerk of C R communicated, that that
hod :roast in readiness bo meet the 9 C In joint
electron for collector of - tate ' Ter th e third
Ward,in place Of Jo seph McCulloch resigned.
Whereupon, on motion, thii 9 C proceeded, to ,
CIO C C chamber for thae.purposs.
And kerne° met, Gabriel Adams and Charles
W Lewis reV,re, respectively ~.:placed in nomitua':'
tien• and onenotion, the nominations wereelosid,
'anlilbe Cookels pretended to an election, the
result whereof ea as follows . '
. ...i,
~ - -
For \Charles W., Lewis, ', ~ 18 votes.
'e• Cabriel Adams, '.,'. 'l5 ".
• •
_ .. .
And itr, Lewitt biting receired s 'a majority of
the votes east, was - ideslarod to be duli,elected.
and the S council etkurnect to their etembee.,.. ,
The folloning businena'from C 011a ufhPl'a ke n up.
A- communi lion feint Mm tirilki*\ lit be
half of the, Petssaylvanf m %Railroad Compiny, ,
relative to the s vicatlon f Eighth Streskand
Plum Alley. for the pas Of the erection of
the Inner Depot, `of , said Comperty—tmeloslng
the Act of,.Aseembly,on the zniVect, and • plinik
`And the following 'Tsolution, \ . '-‘'l- - ;
Resolved; by the Select and "Common Conn=
elle of the city of Pitteharsii, That the assent
of the Select aud.Common Councils,
,c 4. the ally
of Pittsburgh be end is hereby glebe; to these,-
cation of so Mach of Eight strect'inid Plant
Alley, in the sold city, extends .threuth the
property owned by the Peruisylvmda 'Eallicuid
Cemparty,, for tho purpose of being nsekbj the
said Company as their Inner Degrot end Posen
,‘ ger Station, as contemplated by 00 Act of Ail..
teeiribly, passed 23d of April, 1862. Proilled
that thin assent 'hall only . oontinctikin forcie',,as
-long es the said ComPany , hall occ upy and nip
the said ground as herein bolero, minnow:lL
\ \ n 0 0 the communication was beid,`sitid the
resolution read twice, and' , both, referred to e
epeel,sl c o mmitte e of two .from El a and‘..thres
from CI C, and Messrs. Riddle,Curlirigandidoti
teeth eppoiuted on part of CC. • , \ .
In 13 C, en motion of Mr. Renee the mellower
C 0 was.non concurred in, and the conitnindie-
Hon end, the resolution Warred' to the coo; mlttee on aeta; in, which action the C . C con- -
The 37
eagle ou in fever of. Caleb Ittuaisil was
seturned - froM 0 C, the action of.ll C nos: eon- i
ClUnkti 3 O.l l o the resolution referred to the Wa-
ter committe-, - \I• . which -,actlon the 8 °non-
Resolution directing the ootruzdtte%on streets
to hive Penns:\ Aveus opened and put In order
to tbe city line. \ In.
,0 referred to committee
Resolution for tie esteaslen of gas lamps on
Penes Avenue from,Legtm to Dinwiddlo street:
In C C referred to nommilono lighting. ~
• Report of Water, cola is \to cost of_eilenelon
,6fplpe,aed metre therefro ln on cer tain .
tain streets.
In CC readindittiOeptid. \ '' ' `.,- ' '
~ 'A communication from Themfore-trancitoielt.-;.-
log the right to - oeoupy the river arid wharf free
of term., far the establishment of floating baths
on the Allegheny river. Ain ac sad refer.
itml totem on Allegheny Vfharf, nr tb power to '
act; butrestricting tbe locality pro cud to .be
graittedso hikes!, to the lines of .' Mal Viet
and Ray etreets, and r limning - th,t' Xeriod' of
r 1
the grunt to' one
\ln all of which settees, S C,cOncurliV - .- -
.- A pith - Dion repulse to the 'colurditilat et. Min
cower on WashiegtOti st,rnistiln&o to; the \ loala
Sewer on Sevietb.- lioad and retrieved no's' pa.
olal 'cool of three, endldeetta ' . s l 4a,thn and flooti
oppolnled on part of 0C - \' ' • \l l -' ~'''`,- S.
, Cordell =pied tittni•cor4e'lli a iiiltlo4
of C L l , and refer the petition' to imar - unstrettn -,
which motion was IlltitthAllia the tallbli 44,0 ,
C conducted In, Ind Mr' Elbe s.spoisted CO pal i
pail on for gas lamp On costerof \ First of
anileticriyAlley. :la C c referred to co ,
Pakiin s i..,\.,-, •_, -.. ~.... ~.• .:, A • ..\ . ,
.• . . \ ~
,-- ....',..,,.:,..,.......,
.C.neurninliation from - listed of Heilth sang
tePProlartat . idn'er.slooo. In CC !charred tonna
. Ablo.the thilpievireOhitlo h(corioto74
Reseltredi s That e corn on Woolen 'Whitey
he instructid to in Sire Into ' 'the erection of
"Medea bu il dings ~ b - the Penneybondi Hatt.' '
'road CompanNend others in the Fifth and Ninth ;
!rf*. \ \,\ ' '`
_•\.4.' petition for s ga s stamps on the CMUIP Of
a r ,ligtoTT and Fibn'aud Walnut and Pike eta, ,_
' Also, the . proceedings \ of\ a meeting, of • tlst -
,Boaid of Trustees of \ the Polorth Amoeba& Hit.- -
fotMedChnrch, upon th e anme,trobject.; '•,\
lit 0 C read and referred to elmittittee on gen
lighting. ~ ..,,, ,', ' .'\'.
A petition from , Livingsten,; , ggin t eck,
asking the privilegibf putting's .weighing ma
chine Into the south aide of Front. street,betweno ,
Grant and - Rose atreebt, for the, purpose. of,'
weighingenel. etc. In C C read and rdared to '..
Also the following resolution In 0 Chretul three • '-‘,
~, Resolved, That the cote on Clainin and Act- ,
moots be instructed - to investigate in:connexion
vitae the claim of Me Pex, all other Clabni =to i
reward offered by Councils,. agreeably to an or
dinituce paned for the arrest and conflation of
certiro persons for arson. •. • .-.
Alsh.the following resolution; In 0 Creed three
~timee and adopted. the „ • f
Pitt ~
, . Itheolrod, By the El and C Cot city of ,
burgh, that the cont. on Fire.liegines and Hose, \
be and is lierebY eutherliett to sell the !Mae and \
lot rin Smittfield streak `now need and occupied
by the Duqueeno Fire Engine Company; \ state ap •
ply the proeeeT, arising from' auchaelo, to therm
chase Of a morkeuiteble.l94 and the erection of "
a convenient- house thereon, for 'the cold provided that In the pu rchase o f told lot
, for the erection °Plaid house no - appropriation
of Money shall be,ronuiral fr om ' the Et MAC C.
Atm, a report Of the coat on Claim and Ac
counts together irithi.the followieg•resehttion,
1 viz; '
Resolved. That the /Ivor be, s and hobo hers- \
by instructed to draw his\wsrrant ''on the city \
Treseenr, in favor of Darld , bleol,ellaitd A Co,- '
In C C. report read end akepted2end ' .
Con reed three times and pose+, - '.2.
Also; the following resell:llion, In CC t
referred to COM an etc." - .{ ' ‘ ` ' '" ,
- Resolved. That the cumin striate,. ke;
they are hereby anthorlsed to extend the
tog and -paving of Webster 4reet,\ to '
side of Logan street, proeided•hat the a
dope on - the same terse as thaf t part Minh
for, and to to paid for in the 'same manner:
Also, the &Hoeing resolution; in C V rend •
three times lied adopted: . . 'A • • \, - • .
Resolved, That the Meyer be andhe thheritliy.
anthorixed to draw hie warrant in toter of Wil-...,
116 M 8 Haven; for the of $52.6.1,\ in folk
his a c c ount - up to ' January 9th. lan i s sndered, ,
ID allot which action oCC the S C orPomits- .•, •
. -Mr IteClory offered, the 'following reseittiles -, \
Which was read three Gwen and adopted; . \
Reeoll'ed, That the city Solicitonbei helmeted • \
tnexaminess to , the &Integer a : warded:and paid\ '' \ ,
W 'owners ..4 property on Binwiddie \ oh*. for \ \
thehtetod proposed to be oroupied thereby, and P, , , ‘
to report the same to the nest meeting `of colon-
And the Counel adjounied. ' - ,,,,
PROaILEDIRBS.IA CONXON 91'111 g \ ..-.. -. .
Member. i,re.int_itiesens. Itailes,Black..Cdtr .\,, , ,
lisg,;Getty, Gribben; Mesa - Kennedy , Eng. ',,,
hl'Auley. Mont:mat: Res. ErdlTe, aphi HMI%
Taylor, Young; and President,. , \
The minutes of tho proCrodientm were ' .
read and approved '.. .. \ ,
The President rob Itt d ' on! 'R .
on ‘.
from the Board of Heilth; which was 'read kph \ \
j referred to Finiece Coirtmittee.\ s \ •',
Dir t Renard:. A petition : for the erection of to
gas lamp upon the corner of Chem alley and ,s \
rust eta. Head and referred to Committee on , \
" `
Cul Lighting. : • ~,, . " 7 . .10 s'
Ile. Bitith: a report from the Water Cominit- ' ..;,, •,
tee. Read and accepted. \„. , , , u . . s
Hr. Rettnedy: The following resolution, vim ~ - .'. ,,
Reeolved, That the . Street . Commissioner he, \ .
Mid ere lierebi directed 'to hove' Pennsylvania .. . \ •
AroodePtlt in order from Dinwiddle Street ho the ..; ''' \ '''.
city tine, ~Iteed and •referred to' Committee on '
Aso, the t slurring ~
Resolved, - Tbat the Cotimittes on Can ,
Light- . - , '.l
lug be, end Is hereby, directed to use their, n- . ..
Cuenca In Laving the gas pipe s extended on ... • Penn I
sylvasin Avenue free Logan to Dinwiddltilts. - .
The business from B.'e. was then taken . , •
action coocurred in, and Councitedlortrue&- up, .
~, , _
E annual 'meeting of the 9lockbo'ides - of
Atlaatle add Ohio Telitrramb etanbereti•glll
b. 1. agreeable to the Tbatelaf. Jule' Ittb. i 1 •
1 1 o'clock. X .11 tballeempaoy'. Mee. to tbe lorostith
of Belford. Po. for the barbers of eleetloo rim Ulm boane •••
for tae ottintetlifta h 'lll33llGL tUeb Calor b 1240.11-
A LL` PERSONS •knnyving theinselVis in
herebytardto tbe estale of Calk, AVOrath en, ore
notltlal that their asenaoto oe pissed in the
hands of a alaelstrate Ise rallertlan. If pot paid or lona. ". •
tortoni y &nutted, on or tsol/ re the Urn day ofJoly. 1112 a.
tiOrirtes , or Tn. 'RUMP MINLWO 'CO., '.. 6
\ , Pittsburgh; June 1i 1862. f
is beteby given that all Stick in- -
10, A!: ,', s yar.r°, , js
Pllty Mat. sorb, are not Dail on or Pawn theotaltwil •
day of nwoletaszt.w/11 Onfeited std soldlor so mash
lhoneot as salt henentowty to payllie amount d,.. lrith \
Intelsat andean °rode.
Holden of Orrtlanwae tamed prorlans to Jolrlot,lBBl, . •-• •
tza requeoxls to stint's them and gat Wises rd wlllloat
.•\lay. try aarof the'eopt orDlrsetorn • , •0 •
.0 •
1.1141.\ JOSIIPP II aN/I.4.llcon'orer. ~
• \
Notice Road pantractorso. ",.
11E, saba6rilico, having thadeitaketto \
mono. the Oridltan out Manor 7 of the *bole of
T. Pittsburgh awl°Nteabip s Ilia tall tont ifroto Flits • `,
burgh to the Virginia line. waTectfully Write ouch so* .
Uwetora se bore wade Wr , bids for porttoos of told woill
Ot. Ito tote/en:or ...I ellen:ldes/rout or harlot wort \ •
pa the reed, toll lthont del." at thew alike. coiner at \
Woad et.. end Maw:all alley .tap slonsorhsre ewe or more \
toenbarsof the tato wilt!. tcaod r Prelskred. to Mato .
rd. - Wrap . ..y.o=ot. with tvotratters. tor dolts part.A
of Ow •ork. tope hat re/ o poprlbte oantroctorn =OW
lo'non come wall rewatoaradell, 'wed apply. uwe .
darn:6o4A tO Wm. the wort, sigerounlareeeetned.
. •0 \‘' 0.,
appOinted 'James 'lslcOulTop, No..
rito. wool street:two jos» bed/ Mrlisoultids Smut
Pitmburah, Prem.. to WI tar lh rpopsta. Miler. Dry
er, Ottoulant oho, nay Intl. Terstards hens Mm.
msnt also. my Justly castrato! lirourtkhd Strap, and my
saga osUsgsra DeoDr , Khol.alt. and 14tan. by the to..
it o unnermary to my toy thing 'shout mr truraml-.
War mass. egtitl. dissarm grin Mess
tothltotams. as the publio - is Tarr Laminar mith It. Mgt
toad my 011111:111terW 1111R.1 Da It nrssettionss In th. ~st*
stuanurab. forman7 spars. kt. T. NOW '
\ Pittsburgh. Jun. 7111.18.2.35 S "
Jl)issoturzoW.9F-' PARTNERSHIP:- . -.
0 Th. 'fin. heretototo .sWiog under lb. tholoo of
dIMOI N T:PA B Y UI egr ettleigt LA ch i n ."
dVe1511...% . 7 " ;' ' ' --.
' P. ! latn i T b hlh b :rtitrTe b gtet r , l rilo i l ' b n let h rhtrlUT :'''' l'.
• „ .! • - \h \ 11 . 1 , L 1 111,1 -,\:: ' '
IieITHOGRAPHINO:---Tho Lithcip:nApilig . \
lbashmihentotore anted o ti lir %Vega". Bocehnir ', '
& ogler.' will aureate.. to moth:hoed at th e aid place \:: '.: i .
N. al 4arltat , at iv r
I T HE. andenigiaea 'wishes ta'..i}vcia iiiinseii: ~.. '
of MU oplortoolty to rimhooret h d addi eft,. to . tha , ' \ .',,,
coaildenaa aad patroaada cf the Nagle Ul vaeral. limn ',I • ',. ..
• i tt'reLall4=bar aeo r todughtinos ertfitts, Of ma-
143htlre. Weep hobr.ti i I'.
th ' li iirct=t \:. \'..
"t4 4 T"'"um ° ,`T`'• 11 " 6 " l iin:•}aii.i.zi:.' ...-: '''
\ ,
. .; \ .
. .
• \ : ..,. ''' :4otibe. ' _ •'‘,, v , ,- ~
PILE partnenhilibf 'JOHNSTON A' 0ft,...,i.... ~
MI ( if ado dar duaelred; br rauttral eastentit—tiii, - ' - '
valet d*VArdillttrut hY ' V.'" H. c''''""'• \ '''' x
. \
airill \.' \~ . - ' '
• •
. ,- .
THE . palitnership heroforrire
tieven thisutretfirnicl. In the Catesittnien tai rw. \ • '
e b t!TVl ' L ' t a1;'°,11247 1 4 .11.Vitt1 8 1 2
.Z ; ‘
The Dustman of bate tirte mill to setthel
.\ •
a.nbent. lebe finchfetted to use the mt. orttur auk,
tb"P'9l*". 1: 7 1Awargez— 5
• • •'• • •
yux ,u6dersigne4 luKo this day fdrineit
I t. t. tr . zi i pt .. . l of &Zoo/ tW
arm et NON Iketll e.tnter SAX ti Waplhouse N outr :•\ •.,
t 7 Ifeter tool 116`E s hretkt , eteer.. • ;
i• •
istirsiso. Mir 3,1:11,62—5irS l ti
rpilipartztershlp heretof,ye existing i:oe• , \
PAW BehnhkeT 4, 188. t
•• '•''
I hivei•tldir day aasoiiatadiadttlne; in the
IvrtriLeSAl.2 airOcEnr blpai.Ar_,BLlSZNlcas.
; , 7* 11. ehliKhh.„un
,40 INT the ran of Joeu • .
11h1 . • •
Yebnteti• /8.194 . 1 , —(414ztt ,' • Phlllllqh ' •
• .
TO the PII C
NOTICE of tho lheialution 134 - the •
c. 6. la thlmonthw of
.17,11,27ant1l tatrii:=l.7,4 4 , •
Of of..JOIIN rrictlati'MA"
i Roue of Refxzo.
vlbsoribore tor the erection of on
, ar la et
w tar Wtera Peaasrlaaata,
bamby ti mulad that so argavawayr tr=ut.aant.titt••.
.1t das or '
IX sad. of 'thy Ward er
kt- , • .t.",