4': - . -.. 441 1 i t , ok o - ~ 'l _ `fii'• 4.,• • j'e? • ' 41 : q .1 , •' f • . ;44 1 .4 . k / tie .• - •••,:!,„^":',-1: ' t.:.• s '• ; . ••• ••••• •••••f . •,, -4; ME= :Z1; . .1-', ~4 1! . , 1 . 4, .':f . .1 .1 ::.-'.l - -,„,•- - - • .1 'l:+°:'l'llt , .. '' 4' 44 47 ;1-',..4.1., t1 . 1 , :,< 1 / 2 1t,7,3 ii:;,-', ~ .4 ihig;:-. .t, .—••, ! : . 4-I'im l) * , - , *`-- 4 ,,,,, 'e s ; i flif.. s A4 ;! ! ' -ilt : ; . ' l .3t :*-, 1-,N it4, l ,V;:ti , 4 • - ~.. 1...' .4.,,..,,,,,,„:, ..„.., .„,.....,.., 5 4,,,..,...,..,„,,..„,.,...,,.,...,,...,„.,,,. ..t,..,,.......„......,....„ .. c y ...„,,r. ~, ,„„ ~. ~) li.V,'-,,:7y'::',?,1 7 .: ` • ( t r,30 1 34 ,; Ni 1 : 1 1 ,i 4 :::::: . ::' ' 1 •'; .'! ,'i : , ,..:.....':` , ..::: 4 4; I ;''''' " . i: - -:.:."',;• •-•* .. , -4. , , 5,••.: • •.; '.;:-. .„4 •.• ~. ~•:*,: 14 :..4. , :1 .•i-“:`.:'-.; 1 , :: •-• • ‘=, ..: , is. ISIM=M ~•••••;:-, • r 1;7", 7' • •" ak;:s.4 • • : •t' , ' • EMI townships mid borough. of the, next general. election, to desire helots erritten, or printed• fie= ituallibed voters Wetted, labelled upon the outside, "Poor House," and on the in aide, "For &Poor Hoses," or "Again' at a Poor it ntee," or which, tickets the County Commis sioners shall ; cause a emlfocieet 'umber to be p.inted, and on the eleetise day famished at the several pieces of holding• the elections in the boroughs and 'townships le said county, and if it shall appear open casting up the votetrof the di?- , terent districts, at the Comm !louse, on same:day that other retains are made mat, thus majority or those rho voted, ere friend to be spinal a peer house, the tangoing act to be, and the 'the same Is hereby null and void. 4 F.. Pape. Jaen Pottni. ' I.Z/ASAPPI• TTTTT . • I •,..1,1.. 1414Pleot. 1 Wm.,. F. Hmews. . 14. JAN. II C.APLALL. 1, A.A. T.... 11„ U. JAPO D. PAXTON, 3.11 W. Prot... IN. JAxot H. PlAtl.=. 4. Juan V. Ow.. IT. Dr. Jan. IleOrt.anoos. 6. Prowtot ticilwows. /N. N A.. D".2* A. .Ihatte W. Yvan. I N. J. " L'"". 1..14.44.4 Ocrww.. Si. Amen Itn'woo., . Sox, PRAZ.S2. IN. Thos. J. 1.101.1. 'P. Jwn. AS Lawn L. Lutz. 14. thwart P. Wauss. • •12. Caney. MOMS. IL. Noy 44,0110 r It. Dwltor Pa %e, e • 14. M. O. !meet. WI. 20111. S. Praoaxtr. 11. Na .11twomProtte. Antimasonic and Whig County Ticket 'Mr columns this morning are IA a great ez tent et:copied with the conclusion of our report of the great rstitication meeting of Monday cr own. The concourse was immense, the sPeal ing good, and the spirit and enthusiasm such as we have heretofore been accustomed to witness waly ou the ere of clectlon. The esropsigo hae opened admirably, and old Allegheny to Ftaitig 10 give this fall the biggest of for big tanjoritie: Soot: is the people's man. They know Istrn ell. It is not necessary to ask who he is. RILIORAT/ON TO AUSTRALIA. !bra consideratle time after the diseuvrry gold lit Australia wae announeeJ, but little iii ctitistion manifested itself among the cisme. of Ragland to emigrate. Recently, h , the tasni. of emigration boo Invidenly ilselt omnog almost all classes—lst.rors, ma. v hank% and even Liuker'd clerks and men of letters Love gone to that distant region tv Letter their foriune. Amen, ann. Ism we ot.ieri. the namea of it llihm IJußitt ee.l Mr It 111 ne The discovery of gold in that mai island will cause it to populate rapidly matt no CI., gelid rue of men, who, Conner or la y er aiii lirsalt away from their condition of colonist de cendinest and become a,ruling power in the for itnutbassi—anotber mighty nation'speaktog English langnagg and enjoying all the a.I•4I3iLL gee of the highest civilization. The arts and ociece4viti6l most advanced nations of the world be transferred to that far cif region full grown and in perfect development. The people destined to occupy that portion of the earth's surface will not need to toil slowly up wards as England ; Germany. France, and Pin . the Uoitvi Stale had to do. but like no in ant ownWisdonsin, lowa and California the steam engine, tie railroad, the electric telegraph, the eteim prim, and many other things which mark the bigheetgivilisation, will go inelronitaneonsly with the axe of the pioneer. Coder these migh ty agencies a nation may be said to be •horn in a days i ready to take its place in the great rem runnwealth of the world. Bat Australia, which has hitherto made no perceptible arreesion upon the effeire of the world, is now destined to affect it pettily. Its inSuence will be most sensibly felt by England and the United States. To the former it afford. a new and inviting outlet to her over-crowded and ever-tanked population; inspiring new boles, attic:misting ambition, and eetting before taw ryes vitions of prosperity, and even of wealth, in which, until no*, it would hen been mad. meg to hate indulged. Thle new and flattering field of enterprise and labor, and these hopes and vision., whatever may be thought of their tionudnese, will eensilay affect the present rates of sieges, and ocautequently the prices of every • prodat of the immense manufactures of Great Etritebx. ' Should this result be realized, She effect will be very beneficial r tho r n of the Oa Sed State*, which' 'have been negotiating and dying out ever eines the protective policy was abandoned in 1546. It is a shameful thing that preeperity of our own country should be left to depend upon such contingencies as a fan rue in lrellad, or the discovery of gold in Ana• trans; yet as the perverittnege end folly of loco famine have left us nothing else to hope for, to long as it is in the ascendency, taitich we oar hope will not he .much longer,) no are glad to Catch even at inch grenade of hope auJ .130011, agensent a are afforded in the prospective in licence of that far distant region upon the com mercial and manufacturing world. It may be objected that the same cause■ —which will enhance the wages of labor in Eng land, will have the same effect here. This may be trite in a degree, but as the depression — beTa Men greater there than here, W. may expect the Caine to operate with norreeptialing energy in England, nail the scale of prices in the two itaintries shall approach much nearer an equal to; than li iv at present. But la England do causes an 'operating at once to produce this obange—the index of gold and the tang of .borers; end to these may be added a third—the new market which will be created in Australia -rot the products of Britt/di industry. Thousands , who were product:, in England will become Qo=l7ololl In Australis. All these things are calculated to inspire hops amonpt US STRAWXIIIIII alllll l / 3 1G.—Oar citlzias remember that this pleasant festival some, off this afternoon and evening in the klasonlo .15th at: . The ladies have provided a great varie ty of refreshments, rind hope to me "the wh0.... town" at their Gathering. The small pries of ten cents ts charged fdr adaduion. 1.-The Infirmary is crowded with she sick, about tAiois of es/tom are charity patients, It is no trifle to support snob • family, and the ladies are doing • truly merciful sot in getting up this affair for the relief of this excellent While 'writing on this subject, we cannot forimar mentioning, That the sick hare nut .6 - ien transferred to the neihuilding—eolsly for wsut of means to furnish it We think a generous publio bier oats to know this, to order to ens. Me the Be,.i Mr. Panama to hare It made rea dy for the acoonun4ation of the sick. It mikes ns, that there aro Dump individuals in the com munity, who would take a sincere pleasure furnishing a room, or otherwise misting In •rr paring it for its Intended nse. There is ommiderable dlantistectios among nasty of tie democrats at the nomination made yesterday for ilheriff; .bot as Mr. ld'Cliatook re. oeind.• haeidsome Rapport in tie conTenti., end as hie scooesstal competitor, Mr. Kent, has achieved a bootless victory, It la hardly worth while to ha troubled about it. CUMIIIOTAIMILXI.—The law lo relation to the taapeneion of worldly employment on the &b -. bath was pretty generally observed during yw birday. In the city and districts there was, however, here and there a public drlikiag Wm or ntiotay.jcapt opea.—PAW. Seas. • ,7 ". • PITTSBURGH GAZET'tE PO FILIMIND IsT W a et ririsst;sen THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1842. WHIG lOXINATIONB rOll Parnosar DEN. WINPIELD SCOTT. New Jersey li=l WILLIAM A. NRAIIAM, N. Carolina. VOR COMMISIIONIM. IACOB HOFFMAN, or nixie corrrrr 1.)11 141.631DLITlia. ELCCIVag SIII•1,11{1•1- • tot MMus —Mir Dmolo,. DAVID MECUM Pitt.bursh. ran onARAW--72A Amu., THOMAS M. ROWE, Allearnr OIMIGE DARBI.7II:I.h.y. orortar R. •PPLISSON Birrniughssit 11105148 PliNNEr..B.loKeesport. itiOt tA TIMISILD Ci& Pitt IIVAN, lotrushir Pittsburgh. C. P. Is JUII M. poltriza. Tarentutit. sawn,. WILLIAM MAIIILL, PitiALursti 601110.1011. X. . 1 : 1 )WARI/CAMPO8LL. Jr., Pittslittegb AS \TX SCOUt OXIMT of QUASTII•ISSIONS, e. JutiN GESILIART, •Ilrghsur rcsigentotniu. ILLIAM ALIT Ku, Pittstutsti ibst. LtIW b.a UP. Pittsburgh riLLNeni I it Ellstorth THE FIRST GUN. ; GRAND RATIFICATION NENFINO. ENTHUSIASTIC ASSEMBLAGE FOR SCOTT AND GRAII/tM. .[CONCLUDID RDy TIMIUIDAT The Hon. DAVID , Ittreara rose amidst great applause, arid sold that be felt alMost ashamed to stand up before so large an audience, after the untleserrad compliment paid to hini by kis friend, Mr. Hampton. Mr. H. spoke na if he, Mr. It , bad done something to merit' their approbation, but be was a man who in political life, at least, had not yet been tried. Ile 1/64 only a candi date. If he ehould he elected, and after hav ing, discharged the dation of Congressman, he should receive the hearty greeting which was now accorded to him, he would receive it with the most heartfelt matisfaction, as the tee tiwony of their approbation for services render ed.. In the mean time, he took the present evi dences of their kindness on trust Ile feared to make any promisee for the future, remember ing.tha warning contained in the bent of books, not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off." He was delighted to eon that Immense unarm hinge to endorse and ratify the nomination of General Scott. This State of Pennelvania and this county have demanded the nomination of Orn. Scott, with-more resolute earnestness than nay other State and tiny other county in the United States. Their (ideals ip Philadelphia had seamed, many of therniat feast, to prefer the nomination of our' present. excellentPresi dent, Millard Fillmore, hot hie ,own preference, in common with that of those among whom he lived, was, and slwars had seen, for Oen. Scott . [Applause.] ❑e considered him htlitsid by his ossoclations—the arts of his previousLfe— to the fortherance of such a system of internal improvements, on shall show that the United :hates Is not always to continue in this respect call water government LLochl cheers. This system dintemal improvements to promote and facilitate internal commerce among Ito P.tate•. &served as much or more the care of the Geo (sal Goverciment as their foreign commerce. It vas true that this policy hod been abused, nod woe liable to be abused, and hence the violence . f the opposition which had been made to it -- It hen any appropriation had heen asked for an important object, it had been refused, unless sceampsuietl with hppropriotionfi to st.jeerm of shinst importance, nod iu the wily it 1.4 beets rendered impaeoll•le to pr.oolee wily alqornpria t.sueat all, DO moiler Low uccecesry titer, might I r This conduct on the port i.r th, toternell improvement, rewind,' tip hi times the attempt or it krge (Taut!, on )nong out of :t to rush dl ntthrongh n circletsar row Boar. Ity lheir t e6o,oCil the .10, wa r Used sad egresa for any M11'111440 It a joilieloui nystrin iiitiqual Lieuto Lad liven lierser,re•l in from the Uaitorttutent. kit itt.pototot entortai.aa ol that Itto.l would oiready hlat 1..; n . qoplothea Doti militnce L clallare t.:rth of I ; lerte, nti.l thaw. t.; of hues would have I.teh ;het pre ',vett I .I.r.platote. !ley had also the orrttatitty that ~It uld give a hearth upi.rohttion 1411* the ^protection ; f ADO 1.,111 ,toadolor; Tremendous applittee Sa tr,:ttr Ice alteo .1 . how far they might very Irk.. it. the r.,kutry Lan come Look titta policy 1., ptott . .t...tt At the title the 4'31,14111i:4: tryluv I. tit, Nut doublet r the tl•yrt fry a thit, Tzere lakr.• ..patiou_an to tirtaild, hut nom- u Itet gran.' vrtutt:plie. ;1,11 but roc h.+ t .1 . ..0 ROOM trout qpltr .11j t ,f., , • Lath; Welt coutirtne.l I L. • a mu ert,in.t.tly vet, ;•tlt, =IBIIIMII .04 ray. w.rd ;Li pad ecn•d enr3in Tnnrlnr.' rr.r. and GettiPM,l, Arn^ritnnl. I serval n^ n temmnn ' , Hier under General Scott in ;desk°. I have t,een ti Democrat 'from the time I could hnliow hurrah for dentition But I came to the ouch,- (don that Gen. Scott wee a good teen, at the bat tle of Cliepultepoe, and I (mid I wee going to rote for him, and I will. (Loud cheers.) ,Then. io no cironmlOcutton about that, and that rote will make no differentia itt my political opinions: for I am a BeEsocret yet. I would neither no cept nor seek for an eifice,.bat - I go (or "Old Fuse and Feathnr c " A abort; time ago when. during Copt. Porter'n speech, the band struck np 11.11 Columbia, some thought that it wee an interruption to the Captain , 80. no. it was • very happy thought coming& at the place which it dld; for it wan the very tune that the legit EMWM can bands played upon ths , belghts of Chepulte. pec. Had not Gen. Scutt beet' nominated I would have gone cheerfully for Pierce. But my motto ie Scott but, end Pierce aftewardi. (Yee• , mendous applauee.) The Hoo. GIORGII DARIIIII having heart loudly called for, rose and said that at this period of the evening, after the ground had been so ably gone over by 'other speakers!, he had but little to say. He hoped they would allow him to escape this evening, and he promised that he would not shrink from speaking hereafter, and they would find before the clove of the campaign, that he had done his duty. His fellow-chi:et:lather° assembled well [goer the feelings which hail animated them within the. poet few days relative to the noutinatiens. The public eennteunnee was atiarometer. When the telegraph brought nova favorable to the nomin ation of Dan. Soott, you could Bee it at once, ale au an index, IA the cheerful visage of every Whig, the doleful looks of every Democrat. When, on the contrary, the news woe adverse Whim, the reverse of the picture was Been. The Whig mtton/thee heciarne sad - and the Democra tic physiognomy briighle - ned. They well knew that their only hope and ealvation was in the de feat of Scott, for when the glad news of Scott's nomination came every Whig Instinctively felt that the battle wait won, still thMigh the Demo cratic party woe weakened and almost power low, they attempted to intreduce confusion into the Whig ranks, and staid that although they had selected a goad man„yet they had destroyed him by 'heir platform. What was this platform of which they talked so much. The Bth article was rilative tho Fooitivn Slave Law. And how did it ma: Ilow lung did it oily that the law should be obnorvil--not a day longer than It way ou the one hand not evaded, and un the oth er, not abused. No nee present would oppose that or any other law so long as It was a law at the United States. Complaints had been Math) that it had been already abused. Those making these complaints then, were at liberty to at tempt constitutionally to alter it. There was en finality here. But the Democratic party was tied neck and heels to their platform This law as a finality was feetentd round the neck of their party etooe. The Whig platform said, the moment this law :was evaded, or the moment It was Ot.llncd. a remedy should ho applied, and the abuse Torrated lie, far one, was williug ►:dept that platform it was one of which - be was not nAbarnal It recoguired the principle of perdeciieo to tmerteau labor, and of improving ~or rivet, and habors. The party had a glori .,us leader for the romony campaign and with loco be they would bring up the Whig ma)...icy itt Allegheny ‘,,,unty to ~tattl. as it► lair, no had eai.l • or coon to 6.ototi ac hi s tries! Cape I . .4ter thought lie was mashed that the mee•ritr a 1.,. Stole toe Se .it and Graham eared IS , taar I Loud cheers T I 1:1,••••• , r .11[1111011tLI (41 - 33..1 !sit! 111lt tee lot.) fee trent.. •fidti ~,,, , •vldrw t., tn, tcoltg suit ecliee Alleeher.y .After • fa• d.ye of .utettee eteitetuellt..their •tepee, tits well •d the ~ li ter taentl•erd i t the party fled ren wrettlie,h thanla lo the eles.ituess will tetriels tle• the Conveutteu. .Itsu i c to bun unto ray it.quittate.l Ile had ticarit the itarietuctory remarks it the chair wee hat uulernto , ..l that the mre}lag. had perm. piens 11.amitu.d moi trite 0,11 It I.t .: !hut a.a rr.i.iinte to aware Its sa for the y.iatly 16,11. 1../4 t,,,1, etk, Lad, 11 was 41.6.11.. In ^ l I,,L•tue •0r,110.., 61•41; .! fate. all.l.oltiUgh I. I IklItz• 101,1. ••9 • Whit IL., all. tl.•• . u ) 1.1. c.. tiobc,•l IL , • 4 .4L 4:4.1 tweri.,l 'owe re•lffrip t , v.. 1.•, Le Lv4.4 4.4.41.P1 ••S l•Yeawr , h Senator Cram Hit viand, hal he .41, tietteral m the lite War r•IL Nita.. • iLaufhiar.. In 1 th'm teLea the the lel:Za 1104 prutteasian and 1.4 air oa orl.lcla the wait, or J• 71.11 PPM, thet (cam NI ‘rilin.l. teat intuited ae the ~ , 4 1.111e 4 IL. 1141..r0r.r• l'anraat.au rtataith ter haw. L,eever . they pad 'all gat the right, 4/1.1 their !elem.lva wary all a.ltnir• :tirtrel'o the yrtn.te P. 114 4 Neer Ilamy ,hae. t , that gl , riaut y:4.4101 , 11.3 their T,TIJ Oen nrack Ito Pierce yraAhter t Mr it ft.,. ouroie4: .n MI, :foie. Rhow mie Ihr eto homy which coo of lhe e!iikre the Port LAO mliarcird, • bre he beaidon Ftf,lay that the pre•pert• for :entt Were , gloolle • oh” 1,161 hr to Mr I: , with a rhoeklet 0,0 , 1 a grin, ..3cott I...hclred • Well Me. U .raoli now tell him that Pierce arm shelved, and that his hopes in this mutely In Nneemher, would ho buried henesth the atrial of els tilt...yawl voter. The Democrats 'Mehl talk of their; beat, plate of soup—lt should he both hot and' hasty for them, %Applause ) Fuss and froth.* indeed I they would make the. Gather. of the Dem:nestle par ty ay Dtd they not all know!that that great I..tely diem , d Democrati luminary. General Pierce, had pledged himself to l eote fur 50011, ugainst on candidates hot !timed!' (Cheers.) If he had done so, he asked the frlade of Cass and Buchanan If it. would he ma map!ardotialtie ein in them to follow the entente Ulloh he had set them lie appealed total the Do4iocrete present, if it wag not time for them topes., their (0,1 party—a , party which had melt', sod openlY crowed free trade doctrines Tpree thousand of them in this county, he hod no alubt. would fol- ' low the esample of Mr. Crawforveho had spoken there that night, and depositeithele votes foe Gemmel Scott. They hod the wnerel to Chief ? talkie Army on their side, and e tierretary of ' the Naey as well.. the propi and they moot summed [Loud applause I O n motion the_ meeting then' adjourned. and the loot 118.embly elovely ilieppreed, Ma hand playing come of these and invpiriog national eirl, amid the muti: of *LOA Oen. tloott has on oftil kJ the American arm'. to victory . THE NOMINATIONS. 1f a hwve as yet received but few srapouves of the pre. to the nomination., hot thea few Cr. .4 hearty. All personal preferences ere fortroitea, ottol the tlaß of the R.ll.ut heel! ‘e thrown to I. hearse by . those paper. which had ■upporteJ Mr Fillmore with a cavil also lily CO at their own arm choke.hal beret tieltol. ,3 We ill Ike tight siprit. 1{• ouhjoln 1,014 (tom !hero nest clew Ftlloto. Merl, FrurrolheVent." Tun Wum essoioss se to rue Fitt-b.—Ono* again in our lives it tlevuirea upon ue to prevent to our Whig friends the rondidates whom the Whig party, in National Convention aseembled, has tleslgnattd to hear Its Mandan] on to victory in ttie miming Cretin's of President of the Uni• let Matra. The choice .11 the party for that Idgh .lotion has fallen upou Wiersahu Score, of New Jersey, who was nominated yesterday in the Convention at Baltimore, on the Il(tythird rote, the MUD, after no long a mire of trials, being finally deviated to I.i unanimous. A unanimous nomination by such a body of toes—than whom a morep - atriotie and Justin• puirthed body, of Him r . r, has nev er before assembled body whose delibera. done, moreover, were characterised by a grimily and dignity each us are rarely found united In popular usemblieu—whilst It is an honor not to he declined by the object of it, must carry with it to tba people a moral an wail as political force hardly to be resisted. loom the Washington Rerattse Tux NOMINATION —Winfield doett Is the nom inee of the Whtg National Convention for the Presidency of the [Jolted Humes. Ile wax not As first choice amour, the distinguished men who were the candidateo for that position. Bat he is the first choice et a maimity of the Whigs of the Union. To all those who recognise the oblige dans uf pony this feel ie conclusive. lie is nom looted upon a platform adopted by the Conon • tien: he has accepted the nomination upon that platform; we do not see upon what principle any Whig can withhold fromthim hie earnest, eordiaL qui hearty support. No one C3O doubt his Ps diadem. Ills eminent services in the field.all of us acknowledge. IBs capacity for civic employ ment, wherever It hew been tested, hue been ii luetrated by uniform success. That he will be honest, true, aid faithful to the Constitution, every set of hie prliate and public life shun natty testifies. That he will be loyal to the UNIDO 11/) one can entertain a doubt. From the Baltimore American Nontwortox or Oax. Wtonxco Scorr.—The long protected deliberations of the Whig Nation al' Coavention assembled lo this city, have resul ted lituelly is the nomination of WINFIELD SCOTT as the Whig candidate for the Presidency. The „particulars are folly elated in the re portnf the Conveolion•s proceedings given be low. WO 11111111711C0 the nomination with tamed do. termination heartily to support it. Our iudl wideal prefsmnoes,as our IvarlPre are well aware, •era otherwise directed. But in the ceriuml action of a patty, holding to great principles, the surrender of individeal preferences is a mat ter of duty cheesier the common cause re quires it. A Platform has been established by the Con 'abliau, for which we thank them. It le broad and wide and national, and his the approval of General.eloott ; and any man who takes'a nomi nation ellen that basis is entitled to the cordial support of every true Whig in the Union. We have in °emend Scott a personage of distinguish ed repetition. It I. not necessary to ask, who is General Scott ?—although the Interrogatory at to We identity of General Pierce may be put more frequently than it will tiv satisfactorily an swered. The annteet now opens with a full array on both elder. The interests involved are greed. Let no but have u fair field and we will ark no favors. LATIL—THa VICC PRllllDElor.—After the foregoing article wan written the Convention, at its evening section, prcoreded to ballot for a Nominee for the office of Vice Preetdeut of the United State., and on the eecond ballot the Hon. lltu.time A. Unarms!, of North Carolina, was chosen. This distinguished gentlmisau now holds the office of Secretary of the Navy, with advantage to his country, sod with honor to him. eelf and the presentation of his name in coo unction with the Vico Presidency will be hailed with hearty acceptance by the Whig party of the The following curious etatietica will attract come attention.. of the accuracy of tho Rev. gen tleman's figures we are not competeni!in judge; hat ho evidently helimea that the fact/ are as he metre them. ROMAN CATHOLIC EMIGRATION. The Halifax Sun given the following resulta mad ktatietice of emigration to the United Stater Under the caption " A word in Stolen to the Pricer in Ireland," the Rev. Robert Mullen, Alin. sionary to the United Stater, on behalf of the Catholic Univerrity, endorses, unintentionally, a otatement, "that of the number of Irish Catho lics emigrating to the United States, one third, at lean, were lost to the Roman Catholic Church. The Rey. gentlemen recommends most earnestly that •the people be kept nt home," and -"mil lions ha Baled from spiritual destruction." The present population of the United States is about 25,000,000, and of these the Catholic Church claims only 1,980,000. From the year 1826 to 184441,260,000 left Ire loud, one million of whom came to Americas the proportion of Catholics amongst them mapte very fairly estimated at 800.000. mincie that period to the present, the numbers who emigrated thither from Ireland, at the low est calculation, were I,500,000: and taking the Catholios as shore, they will have in nine years, I :200.1*0. A large number, (lay half • milllou,) name from Bermacy, tome from Italy, France, :Belgi um, soil other conntriee,• during the list ten years, Lalf of whom were Catholics say 2tn1,000 Twrlhe gears .go America had a emit°liC pop ulation (according to Dr. England, Bishop, of Chatlreton, of 1,200,0011 CalcUltil4C the illeVf.o at thie number by I.ieth,; at the tery email somber of hil,teou, anJ ',Ming for convert. in the lerger_citiee and towns ttl.ooo, will chow the following total l'aihnhe emigrant." front the ye, In2C' to 1314 .110.001./ I 'sib o to enligi.ta from year in 44 t. I ...:00,00t1 Catht4, 'mtge.'s trom ether cat. tri.s Ametio. raiholie 1. o planti"D 17 yr.ra \OAR RICE'S CIROUS, (iltgit ' l ' HIPPODROME. ills Ilittipendpul Eetablishment, organic , 1 1 !. , :tg. - :: ,e, 1;71"..‘„71:21,.. T . H .T.11it'5.D...".. 1 L,Pal , lb. Om eft4rt sea We lb Int.nalue the .p.rta of ILI. -„., t .„... ; OWN U IP XP1.01 , 110116 in thlsrankarr • .01 be areaod Notate,- kOll to tin- Catholic I 'hurch 1, - Jeninase ilt i'anturoh. on Ikon 0.n.0.!, treat ot,tho Lueriran 1 11,nel, on Tlllll,angli,, July lot, Su en 0.44. nay in round numbers, no runlions' ~ ,• a Illtan4 tea- trite sneenlf.zont p•uoiaroa per.eta.4, tall lill SILIIIN2 is 11. l of Oplttiell that the nal: i : • .nuto.rat.o th. ,rand wens at t. W Lull he depletes is to be eat down to the at- , : ""` lWl'tatau g l '1rft` T ,....ic...4, ,stunt of the Bishops and priests of Oat. Caned TIIK TOIIMBANISh4 \ NI. Slates 0...1. is not, *elite this enthusitetic; ; . FOOTS os rug nastaelitt.l OLYMPIC P,F.ItTS; \ : •ftIOOS remit', i.l the Church "a noire apostolic i , ac \ hoiLerigs. prodeol, realm., ..lf h&e.hehle l"Jy C. , 'h. :, re,. an,c-nion-o. .i ,tio ceinfr=ln a LT.BALl.Er I tooriruti Vistoir • ••I1 ie not their faints troll . .7.antir. point...runs ~, or I ,rtr tonciter., nun al: tb., • • -0... f Um NI-1-ru el I' “ I tj artlns of auperi,:r onoit ,or the foal, .111.:1 .01 in aa many ectilloos Not at ; .;„ t . , nt ,„„,„ o , tt.‘ „y ~.,,o , , t atot , 0 .,.. , tot . , o , all the 1.111 If 0 Ibid to Le at Me door of the , •hid O i.trials.l on nasla - r- . • el, rod 1 irk) . . aLi its Ireland, inn.le II / Heart to r, ~,1f:.:,r„1t"';. . r,:..h0.6 . 4 .al ohhtshst to ttrakao of +s, the Fealty • ' DOUBLE BRASS BASIDK Ft, Oks I‘..nat .....- asii'i Gcastis Led by Almon Mentor, the Wizard Bugler! n STRAW-BERN-Lin i he ISt Ail. 3 0 5 PAVILION will bbldosaatortablr $lO,OOO Persons, NIP Wait I :--- lly .) aur Oar site of Ine. "leek. , •cat ‘• pt.:11.4 with *eery aaar.•,,tenae asset, au 1.011. ye,. that bates. man:n..4., while witn....lng I nee etrawberstee quoted at 3;1 cents per quart ; lb. 1,1 0......ua.... f.r the best varieties and V 6 teats for inferior lirri• , ••••u•'• ,, ' 0 ". i•eiceSs••o this ar. taco new, at wall, 0., ari l Intanahly be Loe, kb Acaardiug to those prices, we I stralrberry grow , bag 0110., . re, of Canto& I have bee. fooling non away, for ; ~,8 , ..."‘',.1 1 )0 . L. 0''.....re w all c 0..... ,''''',;' We hat, beeo soiling the beet kinds for 12/ coots 4,4-'lWrernas rat .I.,..x.man6cs at :.;,,elaak. \ pot quint There to no croon here, however, "''' i 11 CASTLE, Ad _\L tt,... she rusk, 41 boatneso of it . n few of of who cul• Whitt, - irulphur Spri - oks, 1,61, them noe l only sae h ro ih the 11 ttair 1 eet 1 , 1 DOUBLING Cr IP,- CUAIDERLA ND CO, PA\ i ' "VII IS 'natty celebrated hl..urd..tin Retreat, sod sell our Surplus. I are been trying for five years to "gat the lent varieties, and have i i ,„,1,..1,„„,h,,,,,,,,..,,,, 0 , , t ,,,,,,,,,, . made up my [Wad that I have It In a svedlin v . iettb . ,8:14..!..2 kv:aht,t , da . l7,, , ,. , - Th . , tvy from Honey's seedling The plant grow. much ;Zs pave been greatly enlarged ant IrapWre4. 17u ardor more, luxuriantly thou liouey'e seedling, is ,Lira. at me 1.,,,0.4 t o -P•tvil!..... Penni:as 41.1 total/la. so soll so for 'hoot who a larger, though the I of the two ire precise. , „,,,. ~ „.,„,,, ~,t,, p i,,, „,,,,„, ~„,,„,, ~,. ly the came shape and appearence; the Bawer , ~ . ..,,, . ..ta..n, • ;:, .....I:l;ll , Lr u tzt ,,.r tz a•agn - t 1 1 . us. 0 11 4 ., . n pesfett flower, having both attune. &ad ' ant Plt't:burgb. three erring, are big by tku• pion : , Ike the apple' where*, the lloney's have frutr:!,,,lrao h i:d."-m4sl . k 5 ,1 1,, arstitii i Itaralo . r:.4:l , only I ~tile The frutt In much larger than the ; I°.' ~,.,1,,x , ',„".'„ j,, n 't,;;;;,f. b. , 1 4 0 `1,,:„,„ 1 '1„,,,t, ilnuey, of a pale red color. I picked aim .111 my 1 , 14,t 0 . 0t0 ... oto „ to otoko ottnot . o otot .„ , .„ qabt.. and 1,1.62. garden on Saturday last measuring 41 Inches in , a.,Jer..t• alrcUtuferfnce, and I have licked recta of them 7.,. R t r * " . ..' 4 ,7 t r 0 . 8 1 ' 8 D „ . ,W4 . 1.„,' . jobtJo."4"°,\.l:ditt.. II: which measured 4 inches. They arts fine flavor. - Te,f n ku2 o ; : 7 , roi,rx t,,,t id ‘„ rd-they far exceed limsey'e malting in maul of 19 earl' y t , .. in t ReiI I LVII - ,: v, , ~..c . d ' devor-it Is precisely like the e 5,..,, of a well • ,I. 10,:, rt,na ,opo r at Lew Ganta, taming ',Wet. ripened pine apple Aeother good quality shoot • ~.,, L ooL t tt, ~a , L , , , , , , r lustre: them I. that they begin to ripen about a weal - btu. sistansl, , ~ earlier than the nosey. If you have nothing of ," - v , am• \ 1 Lela Drawn and Ogaresl Iteragte, the kind In your market, it Would ha quite a Hun Woe It.ea, ang,Tluu*, Jeanie, ntutri for the fruit growers who supply lied 1, , ,,, Li•s•f. 0 . 0 "li.. doe l lwe . 5, linv' your mat !let We call them the •• mammoth artioea dr tom.ya.l Okra cnnaa., rtrawberry." With our present rail road broil' heh 6 h Lhhh• h 66 6 %, ~.. flee, th e plants could easily be obtained from 'roach La•no.•:-. - ;,y -here. They esquires good deal of road' between Wall Paper. the rows, sod hear about is well as the floury. 1 UST roc'd, a largo assoftmcnt of ant and Tones, de, 8 . c p,,.., • neaatitui,e,itsrns, from thith:Ast . llnisiunatifsa , terios. snit tie ma •or ft , C 441011, Stark CO , (0 ) June 23, 1852. pen ts alareet orreet. i i LAZED 0 RE:iisi - Psper Yard wide,' of 1:I en reetat c 0 sl r, lie Winton' Mini., oral far rale I, tell Tillie . PA OMR. . ':,.;notice Orrlog or 'OP RIDOC 'MINIM./ Co.. 1 ' . Pittebtirgb, June _1,.1852. i 1 NOTICE is herohy given that all Stuck in Ons Comps ur on algah the newssuienta or ann. 0,.. ~ al lua. dotter, and of ilarrh If .1 alai le, 1,,,5e ~1 Vale Coat. •03, are CO Pa` g 1 no ni• Mare It. sr.o : n.l 4.7 of Auguat neat. wilt Le tOrfeltert waled:4 sr 51 goo I. Mateo , as •ult.ho ne / kdear the *award dor. Wm: Interest .ad ,rat ureate. IlelJer.af Orrtlara. lorne,l ' Netatto to Jul, ist, , lsr, ar. reeneated ta Warn them an get other* without.,. 1. 1 . My ard.r Mip s tkar lof Ihn to.. 1.21 Cyr \\„ ..100110g lONN a, 1 • , ••• ,,,,,, , ' ' . : t , LINDH LES \., 1,7 NI Lbls Portland Surat, 10 - Nee lark hUtra gyp a lion•••• auger eared llama a Heat. • 'rd fr.eva.TZ's Slur. ealeriatias& Yeast ru•dSr IMO Super Carbonate APIs: \ 1,1 ape.. tYOIII., Cala. and illatiand`patc - .. Swum, eta; arid Moaner Owl'. WO doe Cern 1 10 00661 .11.4 hi - \ ~.., . _ .... ..-I,„ WI 1. lAll & CO, ISaliN it iIiND ' OIANO, full Aix Oc tavo, In • beautiful Ilstaatanr ear, nittkOolble ts, g 1 bri l tlaut ha, gal novena,* entry; for tale. at the lan prare.of SIP), .•§lk. JOllll 11.11C1.L011,., NlWood tax .'O, il/NIJII.I E 5..... \ v ' l2 t*Vg . fr. - J; \ 1 , I l i : :: tate Enterer.; Saimaa; •N oro. 1 liscloirel, ou kit DLO, .. •-• : 1 4., 4 e.: •\a :: 1 . . . ' IGO, .. .. k Lattimore Canto. 111 Iga. manunsetated Tob.ens • . Oh \ ''• Va. Twist and Plug Taborec, . bt ' htl. g.°.7.1 . :41 , 2.; .0.. 4 I . • 00 4 "'.... ,LI% ~.i.,,. _ • 1100 itdr• }led Palo lanttber. t/ I bt . '" ltuot, l4" 's ) 1 ,; 1 :: nuout Salto: ' ~. Jo tog/ reira7r'il'uttar: Ita store an& s in 0 ,0.,,,, Junta Warr cu. wii _ .....• . Linorty snot Citizens' Insurance Company. IOSIIA . RES far 'al°, ;l • .. \ iltid. A OU „. ika..l.§Wler _ __Wyk! Otis, I. twer Feartb, Increase N swt•er of cunletll NutuLer wkio 01164 to le CO.hed :070.000 Vumtlnwl.wrel'ytAohn 1,U80,000 W. IL King, tbirty-.it year. ago, Total in tbe Ronne of Representatives for a bank of the (lol led litateethe identical PIDISTUT over which Nicholas IRddle for • long time prnlded. lOT MI,ANE'S V ERM IFUOE—To Messrs & comer of Past .rod fourth street l'lltaborib. !Apart the Ituttui•i haring thJsee I th• to escape or 1 ble 10..1 noted rla Orr the aYhlic . This 1. has tiotto thrtorith thou.. It bar molt rivet heltro IL. Itutitio fiat mare tL.a a ea.. 111 Lu Lr.a kutrrititaN4 ludo all ...Iwo. DI the U mot Lu wirer, oh all /tire. My totAt ouotilato eatiolisethn Whet. 11 Lu taco trial it Lu S. pr mettocrd the hoot routed, for worms over in• t•sitoil. Peewit. ottoold aim, be without • supply. IV.: 6.1104 Into La ult• hot elnatles ftholabeis Oa. Yl. Sept. IS. Ill:. & Q.—Wu tint • 1,4 of tour ritta reeotatu.l.l It So., hest =WI. kw tar worm. ••• have •••‘ ha.J. Or. Al 'I. ••••'• V•rsolftt.t. ham bet., 1•11^1 to maw+ the d.roJ de, .1. •1.1.GV CO..' 11.1.8 , lebr•tet tetnlfts•e P.( I.•. 1 Item lout Inuit rut. sal II•r. - h.ute. Ip tuva th• sit. J KIDD / • • Mar S. :11 KIER - -Aud POW as to your Patrol.... I Ittought a. 1 Lod Askew! oiling to lona. It onull ba 1.11 to malt until I had .. .ornawbat to writ. - ii I,ru 1 Lam Onarel the oil tor IL. people thought it I au perhaps post ' , meat pro-tut - Pon. Dl the ag.. .0 la. kit Lyn al,paisa Lay. oat I oars ul .. I trus ou aug par.unkd stoma to Los, unt.l I got them to telt it. onallenl palms. It soom tog. to cur. tte. drat anitatue, CM .1 man who had Leerlhad gar .1.1 Ins., 11 , 10 V 0.4161114 Is trr its when: to. Ind said bug Vb.. battle., ha kwild sow Mans lb. tit., sod clearly diniumakb, the etnor-ot cloths, tia, oldie Ma .I.atlit w.a otikrirld. rough I.:loaner anoxia to Lase tams the ...Ito( • tan local. roam age . ..lw Muir, kora might La Bahl of tba p.altag goo.. as Pmwsktatu. But 1111 It soaks. to Sat 11.1, it ha. toLtalyw,l as. eaLnals 1 popularity 1. Mk romp try I G.I. *old all that 1.0 alibi have a. 1.1 • bustfral Loth.. at.... 11. 11 I SIKBAUII 11 0w5....1 iaua , Wimonalo. Marsh 16, 15.2, Melson'e Pint Premium 1 /AGUERREOTYPES. Pot Often Ilgildihy , Tian, Stmt. C i I TIZENS and strangers wh o wish to olk• let router*. Ink*. wItT 1 1 1 1:!rit to l and ltivirrlitleikat=laital 11.te wall Lod. a s who. coll. satiahatiort sa.t.ots.l.• or as charm. t 0.40.• llorlng on. or W. lamptat 0r.4 hest •111•11.114 B ide aid Shylighta rar coo , aoudad roe Mot purport.. lii iIsaILYILI4IIIIO Lb. moat powerful Mod, aral 651 log agerphod She eta of Bo gusn madrpluir, ouw.praoliaal bp lb. rel.braord 800, 14 Philodalphia and New V orl, Mr. N. Maim himself to L. able to other to upo patrons of lb. Art. stark, of ltvoirt y.otypas, villas /tingly ur In groups, which bas never Loan ••trposai. &nom op. .1 operating. lo all weather,. final $ esinek a. ra. tun P loaksl/IwT • I'. S. Cleaver'i "Prue Medical Roney air TILE unexampled patronage, and u 1..- L.uoiod circulation uhtch "smut's Prim Modal Honer :oar,' has obtained lu Berland, be , ponorfally amliatt lo luonter,l It. reputation h. tbo United 01.1.., It is gold meet M lb. meet cmlonat Dmitri to, Arr*lbin." "` i l'ortmoro. In the principal oitlee of bo Union: and glade in .veer 0 10117 .nett NWT worts un. rot lb. tin... N. Toilet .al Do•seingrmm. Thin oriebrated Bose IN sale rot al et ail hitTruCui LON, Storm, and elholesale onlr Or too agents tor Pius. turgb and Its Mcialtr. 6 • 1.1141.5. .1. 01 115 A CU. (.4/ Wane atmet. Serif there be ray moo, be ho 'Riegle or mated, Mower, amehatmo, merobant or trammehubn La act Yet eupDlicel himself with 61,4411*0t ILO. Patron's Arabian Liniment, let him no now . 04 40 11' for 00 Noed, 11 0111 be rant, Is Niebt la 1014 own .04 aver , again, betbm It abaft .11 hare Non used. Nee here oar ward to that, Rosier! Son edrectiestaesh auto A. H. HOLMES & BRO. Sucomor to U. P. Nelsoti 11 ANIMACTU6RIN Ur SOLID 808 VICES, 1 1 110TkLP, MAITOCKs. aPAUSa. 11C113. MICH. fUO o.Ac., ! PITTINITION, PENNA. • Ofltro No. 1314, Astor wow, third door above Smltlinall vat iroaraotod equal to any atardootorad. -~a-..~ ~, _ . ~.. _ .~~1 r te, ~. • \\ toa.\ \.lO CPy \ 1001 JUNik 14 'Pt) Je \\!. rIV TI =,!1•1!\,[4. . MIOVE T ,ra o••••• P ... .... ..... ! roiß 'Grow`, Pr orderV the Ih4V Ileolth.\ . Phrsioisto th s yosed kleallih. _________,_ 'tu r n?, u.uLLANh a r,.. „i„,, , „, ,d,a , lol—A 1 ,•!..0:1" ' A P " ".." iTtirpWriTAL.'ol'"`l ~ot f° 14..4 ' ‘•• ~\ ' e. i 11 . 31 ' ''' ' , _ ~.—!2: . i”!!..""4-. , GROSS SloProteek , re',.for Lailietfare s 4- ••• E . r" rl"ll'..tinh; 11 , 7; 1 11 ' r 5 ) I "bl'' D.P".'k, 46 ki.:!':,",:;,,\'.rtv, !°l'"i''. per SK:amer CU LPRIIThaN. ;03() CASKS NEW Sli StifiAlt 1100 SE " " P ' 'br" \ hr A. A nr v ori ,LBE Pt) . , VI IWIA — R - -100, hbIL f r eala 1);‘ . V 1.2.1, _ \ . ‘ \ll. cut4nrnon. it LA NIC ilOOKSPl"1 AND. STA— ' I P TIM: CIIP.—The glabailbir ba an hanJ % well o. 1..? d gogoV.rtrtn , !,*( blarN 1, 41k . V. , , ,, r.1,!,,,a;ir 1.1;:i IrAl.l7t7.,lVfilTrif b o elrllT r af:J4 - tha13 ., ..” , fell In, {flag Nal lino. \ o AT RAIIIIi/AiNa%l “tvry nh., Aplortptlo of Jnb to r. t. In .reolg.l gab ag.flo.ga 40.1 4glbaeh. Chant 11. 9 ru lel god onond to or Oren patio's.; ol I I lcg•..boond Sa-Cagh pald Cot N \ .\ \ Mil. J.\ E. WEL El,. .., ', lin...lcsrlor,soll , in ,r , ..r. -. .1,11 No ,'t WI? A .0., ),..1...a au . 1 411. TO fVfiTE.RS - .\ . PRINTING ink\ l i - pufft..ture\by . D. MoCrgar , , Ns', Sot n ' owl 11, hon., 11. er 11l form 25 eta so S.l .t rwr o . b. Al.,.i r red. .1.% an.1 . 1t , h . 1 I' li Pe r l,"ii,l "'A h l:, , , r ;; ! .iii.'?;,t",:if 11l 1Z14%. 50 et. per lb 001.1 Ilia /13 h 0 ,..... ;. .. z , w , . 4ra4 f . , gal ''', l'n)lk1 ilgr and Atotlogar. On oil Wonl:,lia'tlv..on Mankkltb. tiOUNTRY SOAP- 3110 reced ; .71t1 for Halo for II 'a Limner. p. 24 , Water Mr** . - -- , 7 A VON--. ,, 4,001.) shoulders iowls, rre'd, 0.1 for maim 1, , , IIEIN 1.1(11313Tr. ,1 . 11.0 g• I trahrbt brands. he'd and for mr.l. h 'N ..._ . 2F•t !:',. 'FT Y.:_. FOG.S-2 blb/s received, and for P flw b y 4 0024 , YELL A L NETT. . ' hioms • 3 ‘ 1 , line. •Ptirohases. \ • N EA R. FORE.IGN FRUIT, 00 EN loran ho Sinni..p lha 1 1 1amoni ham met 1 don el from Nra• York. wham on rommarnr• of the dal R.. ion the, purrha..l for rub. mach Foto...man ma e. rr . •E.,1 ma h rm i al.are maxl4..rm a qukk quarter better: Ma It' dm. doll, p.m Kers the mMom it •to fractimal rro 1 . • —thy fmmh avatm maqin of \ 15000 'lhm. French 1 %3r - ratite, 10.006 •• arraeh Plato,. 100 \ 200 114,am Hamitic- \ •• ' 1,,q... .. 2..0 fkr , ttlie Piup, Amur..., • ',I, V 16,111 Fluent f1m10..1 old N,untry A atom feat: 10 Roar. t • Prvrt . , ..1.01 (I , ocle. Nut.. . -. \ ~ t. tibia:Nom lark Plum , 11l •• Orafti.l a00 1 .4 , 1.1ri. , 1•'' . lu •• Parra Pavan: I (.0 I.lmrrilmarnalni Immtr.n a,rau; \ ' lo '• lett.. tioldruArrapt '. • . A 11.11 111.1• . Extra N , .. 1 11....k..n., 10 'MM.. 1 , x.1...f1u, Pirklerl fin.lar 211 Glutei. k r u r lelidt 010O lo t a • ••Fr ta . 1 •, lu , No , Itl'lllsl "oCa . t , , j mml'M Jar• ..ml 1 1 :e la4l French t1b.,,1at.• ,• 1.00 It MIA* Pr...llsal.ory. 1.4010% Vol . ;A 1t.., f.er.b - r.14,. 3 en, 'l. " Pr."'''°7'l44l l T.' 74 ". : " l : ' % . I;P.[ora thl' ' i 1. 141 'l3.mmal hi.... 10.1.1 g O ILUENFkitiNY s', CO. 'G Fourthl4„ I I har...reorle• 1 a frenh .anplr .". 1 thi'fo ll oakalt ...4• 111,1.. Wide W0r13." Vc1.0:011 41 10 A....r.Let. ' .\ " " • s l : 2 ' 'molls. mod Lent. . \•- •• AMA. :la. ha. Cabin •.• Pap., Al Aar. 1:1u: 1k...2 41 1 gm:lam 14 /au. W. A . 111 L DENF EN . ,..• 1 A Ccl. ...3 ' l. ',arta ..l. , .)IBARILELS ia . - l•\ N,I ..., mackerel; watl:ikur• Clatro Pla Itordo on. ton•AWl vtle Ar imkekiiilly.s, t?LOUR,-40 bbbi. S. F. for tilde by • Jen RUSSELL a JUWIITON. ACKEREL-16 kite No. 1 reed for sale dVi. u.rni W. A ZdeCLORO & CO. 10;116104 Si AL MON—In ki , te Nl*. A n );!tnnrleto • C N0.2.541.1t.rtf Canadian Ponies, PAII OF MATOIIES, Fire Yeate4N.... /V old. fort' Clansdloa Porde,. will traced t,, 1": a &M... "obll vent , L ".31:i"\" I.lr ,noun fourth stmt.. C(IFFEEI-421ems Prime Hie; \ " Pt."l74t. j aane' i m i t." \l• - • Wood Amt. ~., , FrEAS. .. , r.' tO EMI clusti Prime . , Ormt and 111.4.,... , , , sz.; o catty boa.. 6, 10.1 . 1,14 and Id Me. E t a. ' n • •• I^' . 14 atatl 0. Itm est. OnloniE \ „ ,J. . roEnte ' ' V ''' u waLtauss cu.., rrOBACCO— \ JU 11,1 - gzoi hUltmelrg Ir. afgl • ',lO Ittuago IggihurgOil and Grua'. 6 g Escharglga gtul itklorsde word,. ' WINJAMg 4'oo. ArLASiES-25 bl.l 4. ltrsboilid; sr, gur How, uglir laud. tug nom gloat, elneloustl. for ,utle Il ' • • • Iggla ••MIDST * 00, • WW2 'gat blunt argot& iNSENG`tt'FNATIIERS—=; A Is • D. AA" Dhow= o rostromo now landing (rota Mr, Cloolooall; for iple . o7 r .. a 00; IBM All D LILO SEEIH7'TIODOta; i• \ • aselrr; lotoDog Tramorror, \ N Cla \"l. 1/1 111 slue \ IFINANNheS' SCIt.4-3 tkara s.uiy , land •47"l° 4=teratfurot a 69. • Mel= ' .', ). It 11!\ 41 E if ( ' I A I, \ ‘. \. \ a•llllllinitiE laralatt'i. ' ' ' ' \ - . .1 ‘ ..ca rot .stk.au ill . 1 , \l'hur..larValortunc. Jeue 21, 15.5'L IXO 'hued ,builivn to \ ceartrd at for the labar i {{Otani . • rrper pi , norlap, borates, trios extrptoall ..z ll. m rttra astre. PiNhablp. 13 tsa P.0.,- ' 011\re 111,77autrair.71cth 4,nlab./rtrett.tat aalea oah ItioP., att ale'at. 1 to , iv\r , .ut •1,,,00, 75 at 53.11; at A.l 0et,12. lest 111411.), 1, a_..:3/,::0 a 43.0:!1 5 atl 4.-3,111. \ • \ iR/11. -14 - 4. nni with tto\ ea ~ from t rst hand, we gum., at,G' - RI? \ 5 r‘rheat. 404 Poro.sv:‘,lllo for ca.: .10 bd. fa, toter., attk, \ 115 1..-.5011 al tip. \tee:, 44 5.14., at i4sl3-.,..z..pd -100 .0.1 ,1 1 tr. \. \ ~ \ \ CIII1:/4,411a 1 . 1 0 . 1 1, 3 1 (43V. R. , .. 1 ' ,L i , __. ~/ 1 . ..1 1 11-s'rt\ 1 155, , 1!,r0 3 ItaNlte . ,at 1:\ 71; 14 llf 1 , 11. at $.145. ', , \ \ACtI:I- :a1.,. I ellne .1.0 . 501111 Nt. pt 54511,Ne Par 11, f th011ider...1.,1..',p it l ' O 4 tt \ '1a. 1, P.....1... 1 2 hh.l ti Car at 0;1 •' bblitta,- . '1,....0 . 5.5 c GO daj'ai re 1 11(gt. So. , , 8011\* P B ll-6.1•? eas 1.20t0. cat 33 c,il4 \ \ •/I 11 . le 0 bcely .art at'4.54 0. \ \ •', It atip \-5..:, a lota itaxa a as'a aat '. ~p,,, p4 N 1 V 111R4 ,1-, •1. °PPP,' tat al 171%419e. . . \ . 1e.41, 1:04 \ Luz a Juitz.-1 tichoottr Alantiotdat, Capt. t.elsays.l . ..tuructl to tat tat Pe , ttaty from aeruktt to tha b e .{\ Late rtopertnr. t . pao,it to Foo•IN du tate,`Fith froiaut and paPpeope ter Cho teMILLA Co.st tradtog post on,roa Pt. Loolsetttper. apt. a Kay foutpt [ha bt. wl, nsstra Pith era... 5 t . loth ittapatt. trheo within tart.) , 1.14 V that rt 7 th. , it .., ,0,..141. to prucard, Awl he. a. Ladle.. t reit. ..11,ii,14.1415•41.. eeopat. and freight ;t L. 1..,‘,.., , \ i rb5 , , ,Z . J . V a ,n, , y,. ,1 4.7 , ..1.111.-.3 ' tof ato aka aa Ot .' ;‘ , ..u . ^e g ' t,h. nohroi ' :u /47T Al It ' b :.tPl in4 ,.., :7„ \ \l tern aye .11 from 1/fte.-o•fp ,enty 1511,40.1e;t1tb.altd5ual- Nt h rtt!P n e .I.:lll.ttlf,7:p= t'o':.l..;:tr'NkVelt vNi: eo Ihe tee "a, 0011 atl \ hard and d( Inme.ape title :z.fe; , lvtot'b 2 :; ,2 :xtr.tyv_,.. - Ini v. ,, - . .1 4 \, , ", : _r,,..! . ,._::,--'. ....,,.1 %tlle. ti...1iP1.01/•*lid at,itti• La.. n p. ' ,.. j r ~.... I *, E.; , i 7 , 11 , ' ,, , ' ts .: 1 1::I n. __. 1 ,.. 7 . 1 F . , Vi . ..471 . ; ,. .-1:1 4 g pL\: :: : :,.°,..;.: t ‘ 1 , 1 7. 7. ', ;v.—, RIVER IN f. % :I". ' rnlx‘ "" l3:llV:irlla\ \ b. 8ar.41..p.,,bi 'bi,,,,,,,t,. , \ , II; 11 , • , ..f. i '" P.T4, r ,U4akIII, POrown.flla. 's .' \ \ innon Co,. 510n10 , h7,088114,111.... \ N. b Enwrap, WoalbBB,9 • taslarilla. r \,.. : \ 1, l'In : Mill, NloTele. ,I, ~ . ....1.88. In. Lovb, I \ I/ . ' EpAETE4 7brot 8 firer. BaVey. WestWowlou. 1 l \\el6ll""4rlftl , . \ ':;br PeeBl, Ig!fk '', \I. I'. bar 08411, brorfo.ll4 \ Vgre l ' llity '', 1V17,41 ‘ ,,Wel ;N4l2' .• \ l'acl.onatl,. ..CI ~, \ JP , Tl. c .A.. ' l!ot.teZi. N \ BOATB .1.4 \ 4,11 - NU TLIIS DAV. \ rli afueb 0 00:4 sob .0 VicOot 1.4114..6V1, \ \ Lubl VlLLE—Lanford, 4INCI 'N.47l—miniAurk \ • tillEE Nfl—Wiracbstar\' \ \ 17 LOP Eoror I \ .", i \ : \IN [US BY 'n ' Eli , 1. w iit;ELIS,U), lir f'bNof —lf ptirsl.l Er 4: 1 OS. ittj 111.0 a C. 'trona e eobbrille—Kl 6 a 15.8 ~.7..ruks, 111,,n 8 bakbatllck, P.O ...1‘• wo