. ~~~ . ~::{ MEM . , . . , . • 4;5 , ..:" . •i:' 4 •'r, :f • - ;•• • ! 4 f;`, i' • C•..:• 1 ;•t 4.;:•••• .', 1:1i).-/40.4..71,., ~::• , . : +, : : t •;I'et,•::.„-l:-c;gq:.:k : : . c: i x:,.•.,',:+,t:..-..',..:..-,.:..4,f *.1'W:,1i...;..-: --i. , l 4 R 6 l? ciV ; tlp-:j•4°W .\/\ rAi4 y 4 •": 1 •:::,•••• ' 3 14 -‘l l 3 'or.- 4 0 ,s, ie ~ Z - .; . : 4 . 4,j1 . ..C'1 . ' 4s' ; `" , ,itt'' . :-". 11 . • ' g , ,,t; t 4V :41,.V. A . 7 A -34;V•,. . 4 , t: %.ttg: 1, :-;--.i . , --.*:•. *.. *- ','"i: 'l 4 ii.:V., , ,70,01 tt.: , ' 4, 44 . -.t . ::4:;- h 3 IVMNI.;t 4 ' 1 :.• - ,,;. 11 ,, :--:. . ~ ..s .:: :.:::- , , ,, .z. : .,+ .- i!. ‘., ‘' , :i4' 4 : 1: : . ..,' : Y, If sr 3,:•••-•e: , - , .. -*. i - • ; , ,,Z.t . , ..3.t . , NlO. ii ,, , ' '''''' : 1:7 j 1:: ..,:‘,. t• ; 4 I*- ft,i, *":. ' s. :;'::':''' F' ' . " % . 1 - : 'll' ‘s : ; 4:‘,, ,*:''' ...,.,,„...,'..:',;,..; .. ' ~;• = i'll'i'. i-;', -?, , ,1.1i, .i'k';'.i: ;''''•;'ill II: ", •:,-.'"..1:4, !Le,. 4 1:4-77,! : *-i.,:,,tizi;', 4 1 1. - ... u, .. 4 , ' '',... - H ap . ...: 11 i l 3`i 7 ' , fl : ;Z: 1 i l c1:7,,.,: ,, : . 3 . , .;k ,54, X 5 t .. :4...,'" • 1 ,, D''11 1— , ,, , .- - , 4- ,pl 1 ' i '; if4,:•. - j A.:'l 4-, L.. , - A '', -, ME 1- r. • ~ . : 4 , . . ~, PITTSBURGH GAZET The Dead Be.. CIS= Notes of • realist Traveler.] Oa lingering en the banks of the Jor , den three quarters of an hour, we remount ed our horses. We hid now reached, in the plan of our . travels, our. farthest East ern destination, and were nearly . fright tlmusand miles from home-mswect home." A: desert, was yet to be crossed, and other eentinenta and 'seas traversed, before we even reached that. wide • ocean that inter ' vested; yet distance and surrounding scenes 7:17f gloom aid desolation.seemed to clothe sett . h new din= home's .attractions, that 7- even here waked up emotions of delight at 'the suggestion,,- as we slowly turned our ..., !melts-upon the river, that thenceforward one destination was to be Westward and ••• Prom par visit here we have gathered some impresusions concerning John at the Jordan, to which, on another occasion, . • Providence permitting, we may ask the attention of the reader. We now proceed; ed on our way to the Deed Sea, diverging eonaiderahly to the west of the path of the river, which enters the sea considerably inclined to the Eastern mountains. Oar track was over a region of utter desolation. ',Much of the ground was thinly 'covered - with white incrustation, which on tasting madonna to be a nitrous delimit, doubtless canted • by the precipitatibn •of the Saline -- ingredients which combine with the anno ''' sphere while passing over the. Red Sea in tames of sirocco storms. A ride of an hour and _a quarter, under a burning that brought us to the Noithern • shore of. that strange ses,,whotte heavy watenl cover, as • well as commemorate, the dire catastrophe • of "the Cities of the plain.." . . We opened our Bibles and read in tho 19th chapter of Genesis the account of the destruction of Sodom . and Gomorrah, and • the cities about them, "Condemned with • an -overthrow ' Making them an example unto those that after should live.ungodly ;" 2 Peter 2: 6.. We were affectingly ad. Moniched of that borer ruin - which ins . • panda those thonsands who, in our ODD ' highly favored land, truly exalted to hea ven in her privileges, yet live and die in neglect of the glorious Gospel. Sodom and' Gomotrah shall rise up in the judg. merit and oondeMn them. Our prayer was here raised that we and ours to the latter times might heed this siotecof warning.— When shall the church arise from her apathy and hasten the lingerers around 'her pale, saying,' in the language of hea ven's importunity: "Escape for thy life, look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed." Hire at one o'clock, P. M., wo dis• mounted froM our horses, and spreading our cloth on the sandy shore, ate our lunch. Immediately hefore us a narrow peninsula `extended 7or 800 feet into the Bea. It is 'Spread out' in its southern extremity, surd . covered. with a mass -of nishown stones, which at eticao early period may have corn posed an edifice. A gloomy silence reign ed over the scene. Not a living thing was to be seen in'or out of the water, and its - saltibitter and heavy volume lay like a molten sea before us. The water was so remarkably clear and transparent, that one might well be tempted to suppose its taste as delicious to a thirsty traveler as its as. pest was was beautiful' to behold.' On ecooping .; - up my hand full, and taking a respectable quantity of it into my mouth, all such im - - sweesiteut were quickly dissipated. The sensation OD the akin, too, is particularly.l stinging and unpleasant. This had to be endured till I found fresh water for wash ing, in. Jericho: The Dead Sea is 40 miles in length from north to south, its . average width being 10 to 12 . miles. We - .. had a fine view 'down a large part of its extent, as the • atmosphere was perfectly clear. The higher ridges of the penitusula Which from tho eastern shore project into it, some 30 miles distant, appeared like . - two men•of.war anchored in thb midst of the ma. The high and drowning ridges which border it on the west are barren and desolate, the western hills being 1,500 feet high, While the mountains of Moab and • Ammon on the east rise leas precipitously 2,000 to 2,600 feet high. . • Dr. Robinson and Mr. Smith explored the southern and western shoran, and Lt. Lynch' and his party sounded the sea in its whole extent, from which it is ascer tained that this northern 'portion of it is deep, corresponding Somewhat with . the height of the western hills, while • - southern extremity the waters aro very ' shallow. In • hie narrative he remarks, inference froM the Bible that thisen- Aim chasm , was a plain trunk and over whelmed by the wrath of God, seems to - . be sustained by the eitraordinary charac ter of our soundings. The bottom of this , sea epeeists of two eubmerging plain! an elevated and a depressed one, the islet averaging 18, the. latter'l,Boo feet below the surface. Through the northern and • largest and deepest one, in a line corms . pending with the bed of the Jordan, is a ravine which again monis to correspond with the Wady el jeib, or a ravine within a mine." . • • We had no indneementa to 'prosecute our joufney in dill region further. While exploring the southern extremity of the sea, and in close proximity to the salt mountains of lied= ' Lt. Lynch came upon a remarkable "pillar of salt," . which heihni describes: " Soon after, to our as tonishment, we saw on the eastern Bide of Theltun, one-third the distance from its northern extremity, a lofty round pillar Minding apparently detached from the general mass, at the hoed of a-deep, nar row and abrupt chasm.. We immediately pulled in for the shore, and Dr. Andaman and I went up and . examined it. The . beach .was a soft,: slimy lid, encrusted with salt;shoit dis Moe from the • water,.Covered with saline fragmente and flakes of bitumen. We found the pillar to be of solid salt, Capped with carbonate of lime, cylindrical in fiont, and pyramidal ° behind. The upper or rrnded part ie 40 feet high, resting on' lcuit of oval pedes- tal from 40 to 60 feet above the level of the sea. It slightly decreases in sine upwards, mumbles at the top, and is one entire mass of crystalisation- A prop or buttress 'son net:la it with the mountain behind, and the whole is covered with debris of a light stone color." • NAB the old maps that I have met, net excepting those published by the AM. Sunday School Union, the Jordan- and Dead Sea,, as some other localities, are very erroneously .exhibited. "The Caro . graphic Bible Atlas of S E.' More,".. far- Diehret by the N. Y. Observer to its sub: scribers, is compiled from Dr. Robinson's map and other reliable authorities, and on it...they are eorreetly delineated • • We made search around the shores for hit:Mien, but found none. It ie rarely seen in this northern extremity of the lake. We found specimens of a Miele fetid limestone, strongly improgriated with sulphur. This stone is procured here, and used at Jerusalem for Ornamental cops and vises, which ate sold to the and where's afterwards procured them wrought with considerable skill. , We noticed driftwood on the shore, some ' of it deposited high up in times of severe eirocoo storms. A. taste of the water will quickly, ootivinoe one that no living thing can exist beneath its surface. It has been said that birds do not fly around or over the sea. That' is doubtless a mistake, al though we saw none. As the sea his no vi t ae outlet,. and - the . Jardia pours its volume into it, the inquiry is often isi what becomes of .the water! i Th e rapid of evaporation n this g as p and seated chasm, is doubtless the trite solution. Corking up with care a Out bottle of the water, that we night rri*~.'' S.~ F , allow our frienda• personally to test its qualities . we re-mounted our horaea . at half poet 2, r. 31., and retutned to our erneanryg. meat at Jericho, which we reached at half Pad 4, P. Mv„and remained for the nigh; from which place indications of an impend ing storm hastened our departure for Jan. salem on the following_ morning, by the tame rate' ite ;hay° befonr describ in our journey to Jericho:—.Y. Y. Observer. • MISCELLANEOUS Magnetic Powder _ . For Me dattreetten of all loads of .laarets (r.eZ:NlTEL. LYON ; Inventor and posses. meat th. insoluble ponder ibr the Jentnactlon at as, Ind Ba Moths, Ants. Film, nese And In mess on Flatffin also, Mils for the destruction of HATS and MICE. within ars minute, mter Winn, Mr.". is .titvar.vaftvates wt th tan Tall. Frio, a.v boa, tot. ttav levvvrauest In a Ponder combounded of Mats, Meths and Finnan, fuse hone any Illtortanear ablate could ffilmffil/ War. man as domartic ulttasin. and in devoid of any Misaksesbint asks, It Inas bent exandoed et ta. it . ..WI, of France. tondo:and Denmark. from MI of Whom In h. amble testimony of its efficacy. • For W. Id botanists snd malt. by . . 11 1 . 11EESE,—t50 bre. Cream, recd for eale gje:re JOHNSTON a COLLINS, 137 Water lime. B ROOMS -141 dor. Corn Brooms, for sale faplelj JOUNSTON • COLLINS. STARCH -40 bxs. Bonbright's Extra; A . do Lartavec tor sal6 JOLINsTOS &COLLINS. 8 IMDRLES-- . . • • To are.. oo dousort atri 0 • ISAIAH DICKEYCO IROUND NUTS--100 ski. for solo by I arm ISAIATI DICKEY • CO. WRAPPING PAPER—Large 40 la sige: , 20 rydle% " :al by 40 , . R. WxL . DIN Ikoksrl let sad 814.1 oner. 63 'Wood 3 A...below..Vim! it h. 1416 LARD GREASE--4 - bble. for sale, by BOLL! Ll(io oyf. • • 64/ Pnd 7o Wst.ffr pt. •- : ; • --I,7ritsTtresil Dairy Butter. WM reed atLibyand for by W. A. dleCL ert Udid Cd.. edit Ureter. and Tea treater. OAF SUGAR-430 bble. asaorted Nue ay3R h"a • fisr" IIMBREDOE a INGIIRAM. SALAI) OiL of Illuporiorsivality, reed and Mr sale by IY. A. 3I) a very toneentrat artleta.j out need wad for sale by .1. K. WY abIN, Itcokeellet a Intanotter. btape ' N 0.03 Wood st.-. bet... Third a Follette GIRD & IRVIN have removed to No. 45 lilltb .t.—tam glee their attention Ito the buret:are al. o( Rey gnat... A LP, donde, Now, Drafts, ad, negotiated.i atto - - PEACHES-- 200 bn. Dried, in fine order, laical.. by [aplol • ROBISON. LIME t co. AA OLASSES--350 bbls. N. 0., in blare and IT arrive.'fat age I )- 1 , 00 ROBISON. LITTLE it CO. WINDOW ,CURTAIN PA . PE R. - New &pa ptterns at abobtaWALTWR Cl byaRSRALI. • Stooks Wanted. - E ::01.1A.NGE Bank of "Pitts burgl4 Ilettbureb and Dawn Mining C. - 14MM ("ClOr") nklue Wein. Comtsto . : • Phoenix Neetberesternktitnue coataanr. Adventure A. WILKINS A CO. Stock and Luken. Brokers. comer of Matket• and TlOnl etreeta. ent LANK NOTES AND DRAFTS, news ptst., teem) and nikonod, foe L, J. kLDIN. bootaelter • tkatkroar 43 Wood at . Nome. Third and /worth. !IV PRINTERS--Printing Inktuanufant tumid byL - 3. I. lleemary. New Yost. lu ram slur Seas. tram I lb. to 100. from 1/3 ten. to $2 Der pound. a/so. Red. dart and light Blue, dark and Bed Green In•s, in cane or.l lb. hum 11 -ends to $13.0 or $; al, Ver. nub in sod I l each , an rent+ and $I pre IS. doLl Mae to sm. .1E $ cane. VI 11 , —.Timas eash—(^r rale by J. IL WKLDI N. Runlueller Statlmer. aPT -ca Wood 0.. between Tblol MiD . AL O SSES-309 bbli!.li. 0., for sale by • ••. X-DALZELL CO. FPEATLIERS-60 'aka. landing from atmr. Navigator. for rale by IA DIMLY A a).. ma: Water and Front nt. I)EE.pli by LUM 25 bble. for sale L by rt spa • BCLIOONMAKER ACO. ARD OIL-15 bbls. "Burckhads" best Z I br al. by J. 801100 N MAR ER • CO. _ - (aI.LVEH WHITE IN TUBES-3 g rose in atere fee sale by faDS) J. KIDD a CO. HIDES -300 dry, for sale by SPRINO ER lIAII/ 3 / 1 00 fiILOUR-150 bbl s. S. fibs store swot. er ROBISON. LITTLE At (X/. lIIBBED OIL- - 30 bbls. warrantedpure, Al for sate b r •• sp6 J. SCIVEINILARER4 CO. • ---- rj XTRACT -LOO WOOD—SO Ilxa. "Sac, me. amt taw. br J. LTI/OONMAKER & 00. 'DROSS. BLUE--7 cases “Pottm" for Jap. mans, I. by J. SCLIOOSUAKIIII. A CO., bye. ' Wool eye.. NO. 6 •Put#anee Library for •Trarellero and lhalulds*. Contacts of !ha Tren t No. 1. Homo arrativsfrota Diakonal Household , Also, hladalleva a tAls or Aural". I Jolla author or — NattAlls." ••Womso of Larly Chrlatlauhr.;' e. fop sat,. al ths ot/T. A. aTitrilltatga, Q. TAR 'CANDLES--20 - in atorO for 1.7 sale by J. KIDD 2 - CO„ elo Wood greet. IpILDE N'S ALCM:IOI,TX S -100Iba in stony Dr ale !ir .P 5 . 3. KIDD It 00. EIOUSEKEEPERS--Can be stipphed with to P "" th ear " w "rifttra"Rittiaau'a FRESII FIGS-100 drama Memo =KIK Plus Ultra, reed sad far sal. I. . • W. . aIeCLURO CO_ • Graben sod 7. Dealer, DINE APPLE CHEESE--idlee ity _W. A.IIcCLUEO 1 CO. ONDON 14 lISTARD—A auperior articlo uN grow. loyedou'Wumbrd. be .17. by W. O. Met7LIYIVI A W. (Cbrinabtle com) OLOGNA BAUGACTES3OO lbs. sup — r Bologna Saznynps, noadved mid for We by W. A.IIOCLUEU W. 256.1.1berty otrret. ICIDLAIN'S SPECIFIC-2-gross in storo LA for W. by WA] J.klDDa W. ITLK P08.11,-200,000 lbs. Bulk Meat nogrouid, rill rut, In rt.n and for 4.13 br rlll/40K14 1141311404/11, N. 143 ilzst 110 &nowt rt IHRESE-31 bxs. landing front Union ibxrJ. 07 R. DALELLIJI CO. UOAR.-50 Mids. . 0., for sale by •, R. DILZ/LL i CO. PTE. TURPENTINE-15bble. for solo by S ape ' J. 1301100 NIKAHEIt & 130. . COPYING Present, Copying Books, from i i n t . to . eo ors. Brushes, ou el Peps!kid w iioarge Inks, Book eneStaticenry Shan, ' tl Wod4 st„; hotness Third and Fourth WINDOW Bi B H-840 . li ghts B M IO il• /441.2 .. V d 4 ' d In' J. r.. J. J. BOONX.• TIMOTHY SEED-75 bu. in store far sale 1•P51 K. DAILLELL I 00. . LAZED AND UNGLAZED GREEN PAPta—Of Tarim shadst• • aprefor artirk• for , isdo• MUM. rad r•ra tram P phia, and Ibr iNi•J TUO PALMS& LA -RD-10 bbls. No. 1 binding from !tzar m`• .tergab Ds • LULU DIME I' a CO. • .1' • IDi: : /e 9 . ;f: UOIL&TEI-12 doz. roo'd, for sale by sssJ. T.* J. BOOR& laTB-800Iver'd for sae by lity - J.T.*Z.J.JIIO9II JOHN• , 11-I,OKIN,iON, riPORPER OF DIAMOND SPARKS 'and Mannfartoror o. akires PAYYNT SIPTVEL DIA :IDS. • No. .30 Niemen Dere r New York. Disenonde Ind warranted bent. alakllho WILLLUE EITENTON & BON. ForeigszHardware and Counissicm Ag'ta. NO. No curr erazrr. IFFEN for SALE from -the ehelf, by the dram liol t o .0d .nn • rumble:arm acoonnt. dram and taxa Comma. U. br Nick=fro.o. hazion and others. tonbrartna • conidata mearnadot. looms Taotajbadoa and Drrn • nada by IL Brown. D. Yhubar. Y. Z. Walla a On.. P. Waftaas and others. Zona 7001.8 Varriuded Esabsibetstbad b 7 John Outlay- lhorn. and nun mid. by J. =ay Oarr. sad narrantad of Ow my• bast dallty. Nandad. nuanaytnrail by Ja ge. •wr • Pon. varant.l. • • marC Looking Glass and Picture Frazee MANUFACTORY, 67. 69 AID 71 tot ITltigg, 11W 'TORE. pin undersigned having devoted his_per- OUrtan t ir * V°in's% roll& rs l.bl-17(::;11 went or to. orPorienno to osoctito work ( of t every dp scriptlon) that will give aaistotton am moot portion- IIIYIKI . IS VAWISIIIINT L oI n thc jni k L n ft tie situ. It MOOS =TIN. rasrilltro I taate n TOZIII - a:d " 11:: lons R istabl ist n o3 and contissual Increase trade from all pulp of Dm Union. senor made In hL th Ale ' sh i Tgr a voll h blf. F e": Del. at hem prin. Loan any glisor Ilansforstnor : and no respectfully oolirits his Wood. and thy pub Or to p.. 11.1 and exansino bin lug* amttortit or LOOKIN,I °LADIES and PICLURI PDvtotul Dor obtain.. 01-ablrlflivarr .LTlL N viz . . " . o o . .l, N ii r .:, for thlpping. All onstuounicatlono Al. R. SfILLIgIiS, 67 wrrri ~.ommunicatione through tLe Pcart 011 trta a . gbA r rt 1"4 " "t'"'d oe " . Direct' to 8. J. PIG LER. lIENR Y WATERM.ApN'S PATENT LH HAMMERED EA WS—Ttet sutler-Aber would call gl e . lir tr..p.1114.- b'ol'h Ifeni o n ‘ l o tte ." lta r Vr nte br" ore theronahlr temperL than It re tat by ' s, other meth ed. It la well known to tosehl irm that the surface. of temperate.' is the hardest Whore saws are tem.. weed aeonnthta to the usual m thod and hammered by hand, It is haturisary to polish them, therebTurinding off / the most servieesbla part of the a.... Theseyaws polished. and ohlr require a trlal to be appreciated s .The,h have already been put to the severest test in some of the larcest P.O Mills in title Tidally, suet unmounted un— equalled. We are now prepared to eserate orders for all•sizes of Mill, Pit wad Clectdar saws. DOER, WATERMAN A CO.. N 0.11 4 South strwt.Nwe York:: . _ FRENCH AND ENGLISH DRUGS. MOORE & ThYLER, • 81 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. j s DRCIO. CHEMICALS!. PIRFUMMRY, •POTLILMA • WARIM tr.—Mastro! been for several loan e.g. , - .evi in the importation of tba atm, we are pi . .. Pared to supply the Trade with an extensive variety (from the boat loonies in EZIOALid, And Prano-) whia .e. iwiected with the utmost eaxe.and warranted genuine, and of the drst unlit,. We tine also plial 'special attention to the Ito. we:anon of Emmental Oils. i.id Medicinal kis tracts. and of end, of 1.11.11 only that we know to liss pure, mu oat, warrant mar ii • - 71.•Lotilland, NUFF AND TOBACCO DIA_NUFACTU. ,2 Lj L t 2 inthil=7 Costont o.nt by application, ...boy.. • Look:Wg—CiLasa Warerooms ART.HZPOSITORT AND UALLZPIT. iLLIAMS, STEVENS& WILLIAMS, YNo. SIM. Broadway, How York, lotto Mae, 3 1extralimunta. IwPortints and In our (tea, Eauttarnems, Am, r . MaTif.M.T. OM PRIMING,. IGIATTINGI, !TATOU, mi.l {PONTA of ART generally. The attention of porch..., Is r.,,Raflllly with the amarrnew that every article will be furnlehwl 01 auporlor quality, at the most rewonaldt. term, To Car Builders and"Bailrond Companies. IIRE SUBSCRIBER, who now owns I largo portion. and wmtrole the who, of PORLIR'S PATENT lwata Mtwara Cal T canUona the pub.., against lulancerneut, wo he Is deter Mined to «armee hie ruble. Hotta put the price at PUTT CLITR a pound-guar tontoelow all as a quality which will eland ant 01, lulteatGl RSTRORIZTe. omen. (rota any pan of the United e tee, giving the diameter nod length of the spring, with the rte of the hale. Will be pF.ruptly executed. the patronage of time, Oppoenl to owtrulllng emalrtuatnne The Judger at the Fairer the Amerman Inatitute award ed the rutwr:Ler the premium for the bewt Car Sprtua In tletobew Net. IIOItACE DAY, 231,1 , ,urt1•0dt et_ N 1 . . - Ball. Black & Co., ,g UCCESSORS TO •MAROAND CO, I 7 Maurfacinwre aml Itup,rtere . Hi I.VEIt AM,/ PLAThIi WARY., Diamond, 117w.ghes, Jewelry, Awn 01 eh...1/olden tht.gle. Alt 1:11DA DX Oh. .I.oth ~,riter ni Murray wreet.oppoeite the Ca; Bell. fork. b. 11. I Co. 'Dello an Inewcalon of the large.t and meet complete assortment of filleer and Plated 11 are. Widener, Chwke, and ether Jewel,. racer trtlele,ae., te tonna in any oder In the 1..7ni0n, which the &dean. teen. el having • pawner lu Europe . natl. them to oder from II to per neut. Irma than others. They an. also prepared to martufaet ore any article of Pilter Ware et Jewelry. however elehorate dettign or dinleult to ear entlon. al idle.. whirl eaDetactory tottime who nor them with their order, All WAIN rtuTti el thew etuc do, not loror the leant obliwatlon to, , urobsw. bALI., {VII. lILACB. fe2.141 (1 1 105(21,11 AIONIttiE. Thompsonmlle .Manufacturing Company. CARI'ETS: VOMPRISING u full uml complete uesort br.l.l3t of lb. b.11‘..1, derriptanc, of eollrvi, bew umi/ 4,rant Ih. ir Tbre.PC•rpolluel irfuperbo littyl . ettur CarpnlJoic : " yx,m 4-4, Si. 6-4 and Att? '" A.twille.l V Cboallle Tafte..l !WU.% MATS. ' kka to, W. by JUNK? 111111.151P80:,. Asont.. .026.1 f Y so, N. L & 138011ifli GRISWOLD, & 72 South Street, 80LX AUENTB Puri TII V. SALE OF 00LTS grAN DA BD corroa BOCK. IiFFER for sale at rosy law p . rices, all AV:r211,2171,1;11,1' 9 1` 'fr. ? ' 'TV lie t t o ,i SI AXXIcAII w wooe r fenm Ibm Can,..,.whichwarrantod otmerior wen stock. and mannfacts, I lay r•th Ir or Mural. Alm. tun. Dhx,nr the aam.. num tms sad. idtb. INDIA RUBBER GOODS. TILEIiNDEnstoNo WOULD ANT— . ',man llorrhanta.. thmaabout Mao tlnitrd Main, Canada. ihathie Oprins Mort of Rabb., (qf eons sammiddem.) br found oupvrtur.in moo y oven to any hermoMre ..Band by him. 11. ormild raped ..ll7 remark.that by a n. and repetitive impmema.mt In •oampooltion and prom. ef oaring Walks. mnlCkais. Mono artielro with many ether. MAY.. • ouperiority sot Lomat.," a:fah:od. Ille mock c.o.d.s to r•r , or Came. Ponclma Pant, Leggings, (Mos—ttio Rabbet Gine. far wmbing.dr lag. swvetang. A.m.., on . Carriage Cloth , Piano Covers..l.ll. Pro...ream. plotting Mots sod Pont, Breast Pump% 801 l bead, Over lbor $ 61.16 Steam PmAing, Machine Belting. Or.— el, when. and Oiled oo 1,1.4.1 tonna at Mor 1100031A7i. 27 'laicism Lem, and Noonan at N. Y UNION HALL, 11LT HOLESALE CLOTILING WAR E r v honae. corner of Fulton and Naoano at, tovnoolte tholleraldasuanun buildings. N. Y 4 Tlas humane. estalo lixinnent built eaprorely for the proprietor, P. and opened In November. 11160, tano.ints nt Nov Plectra earl. of whlal hot ItoolPlk roloplate department—dm whole eombinval forming one of the Emma perleet and nolann.hon. wive Wholeoude Clothing Sooporittax• to to tonal lo the oily or Nen York. Cannon. or every dok - rintlon anltod in the Southern and WO trade. Sept. n hand ready tilthe largeat ord.., at an boor, nod,. to N B. A large a...ottani:it of Bora Clothing ron.tantlf on hand. r. 4 111101=9. The Champion Lona of the Wor ld PnY & NEWELL, !Llano facto -ere of the ftiebeetee P....title Hank Lock, whith Mr. hs coneinol theiet. medal for. with xpecial ataptobs t n. at tho World r Exhibition. Ms, nvory toiloty of F or ,too., dtolltog •o. ane Bremen,. F. Tort. • T. GILBEfIT & _CO.'S ;£01.1.A.N- PIANO FORTES. T.EW YORK WARE ROOMS at 333 Woolen, .whem • Tarr tante .anr .vent of anta oad miller. Me lama admired ,Enipm. mar Alexis foond at whoa... end retail ...A oat. the manufa,to, y. Ur an enpenenc• of amen "ars sod ee. Impertaut Impromment a . ne hare brou g ht the .E.ollma Plan. to.* dear. of perfection attained - by no nth., Imam& of thabarah tone of the Seraph... II rondo.. one equal in purity and rkhn•Fe to tho park. . ?? -rllth t lß'ut m ut r le b o . o'lV tun .rioted to u r 1•11,1 ercla to ton. 'Pomo. Th:rt. Irian ...r for m • or the 010130 f refunded. 1 alshlou for Ptah° Porte Will saltine+ 11111tA0E ttATElth.. morn, .1...., who h u the tummuesueot of tlin hen lark nary C/LilitEitT 1100 Itmlon Schanck, Downing .li• Co. abs. 106 AND 108 YDLTON oTANDT. C. T. IMPORTERS and 'Dealer!, m FRENCH I 4.4Wortit)LrgnigglU!!!ll. il !re'e; 0 , 11 Panda. Dry and in Oil.. Dolled 06. Patent Du,. Olsalma Dlimunalr.litilrea, Diamond road., a, to.. te. Deity, Brother & Co. 110 184 WILLIAM ATIULLT, XLW YORK ANUFACTURERS of 11001- ere avariet ofAk,lDLZectriMLtridilNlrd e. MA, eamLhAle UM PAM 11 v of the Om Quality . -----, WARNOCKS, ' Fashionable Ilattirs 275 Broadway. IRTINO 110081, awn rota. Tbo gratifying approval of the character and style of flats emoootlea from our mustilstimeol, as manifested in an extensive and undsir loetmadott IMP.. halt,, I. tunntstakehie evidence of their merit. Rlaintilia Furniture. . i JIBE subscribers woo l ' respeetfully invite the attention of Mow who Tv about timnishink, to , ..,TZTutlUltagt° K L A M.ry O ml`74, 4 t o the Boogie. Waimea -oil th e ' Mier Manner in Bitten " 3tre i r i ott; not "" ;4 *. lit r ottfol nit ' t i "' re y ,lo b'''' It and durable; onleheo tu t % great tatty ot eiades UL and r ems hiShl7 ornameolast Otto In nod deb elleate titrtet executed In • stele etol roamer roughout superior to in, thing of the kind that ems bit obtained al any ea ISer: esfsfillabotent In trite city. Moo, their large mr4lo,4lll3ta•dlortmentOt HUBBIt iyol) end bIAIJUGANY PURNLTUZetaber wltb thee, pew can Oft Bedetenda, rat e, hoe ° long g pprrn ated •• eatertior to ell other, In . Thome who to about faro either Stemeleatt• Ads lie or Prioate Floosee, will nod It an °Wert to nth mid ex- Milne the above [wk.. Durebeiderg elsewhere. ALLENDOLIM • g iro. fe]attf . Nos. 403, MN. Mid 407 Broadway. New Ito.. SUNDRIES-- MO ball ebeste Y. LL., O. Nowder mid Imp. Tom 1200 P g74. 4°‘; tl h.;d lfax .l 3 l. ml t'e 300 bog . Rio Coda.; 60' St. Domloso Ooffem . 50 tzekla Jaya Oolloy„ 60 ar Du. 11. H. 10 am. thelfanao 100 bbl., No 3 Mackerel. 60 1 do 140 des 60 kNM No sad 2da 10 dream Codfish: 60 begs Pompom 20 do Plawnem • 300 meats Cram • • . 2 1 Ara ria l Lla t i b bb. Kale. NNooel'adlos dm t Wood Loath 1. 1 chomdsta: same 1410404.' 100 12 bag• btda. N Sha. U. Cast. Ilmla; Um 00 Du. cosset • 200 do @mewled I,ma:rOlmen 100 do an. Sam 110 do Star • bk. Nola.. 00 do gm, Sark Syrup, ' • 14/0 Maim Sugar =bat sad Padvatisod anAer. , Bacohrbet sad la at: wi th still s it 04.11 ot/Mr goods la MM Mar mfr Wm by Mead 432 1, alarm oa. VATRIER BLABT/0-6 groeo IL/ history, sal *VW, br a. soma ockg ;‘ ,7, ORK ADVERT:EII : 4 MI S W. II Ariamands. •Honnets, Hats, and Millinery Goods, 1.V114.11.11..NTS AND MILLINERS.* 411/ whirl in P1i11.1.11 , 41% to Doran... their 44 toil it to tr luterunt to ...ow our N. lance awl I . ..loutish). stOCk NTILAN titfof A. monota-tore. r, itutort 4tle. of Foreign Fs bnk, Uri. winch. t.tellier 'nth tot, er aleautages, etaatiln on to offer ilberal talonnaeut. It A. Ci:llliii (X) . tiu) ern. telthilaw,cs 47 au. 10 Cheiunit neer Ser.. I Important to Manufacturers. subseribera are prepared to bupply all litutu of 19 , 41. 0 tV.1.1.4.N 31 ACIIINTIIII',I • curer., c 4 aliir: Shcfitttu irn4 Ceurfogh . with I= pruttul Couplitut nod ra !.11' min] olio tu ulghtueu anatt/rs hirlo•Zeite"cu,s. of rootiltio fro. Ilai no Welts • That •euableil tru. their . ltetintve 119149.94.9i.0t, t 4 win e. tinl eras 1/..1 With COLOP.,VJVPir ill roams:a-tor-an uurut.....ios their a 94- 110,0. la eLluary. 1.1 I flu •ell ...4t and w Here the, eau nee the tuachinery with all the Weill 11.11 wear, tit toltirusalug • litl , Vite , utt..-ribers tl ' et . r N 74. H —l9an4 nI Fartorisc, with the tomitiot of , aeLiu err, the oluiplert method of dris loc. ...I eldculatiou ut fornieh.9l or alt.-, .Itrly • Philadelphia Carpet Warp. UPERIORI; qttstly FLW . WLIGLIT and no 1. 1 Pant t , Tr. IN YARN, LIPS. it WE, • MIILK. Nrd-Iti 1 hiid strrvt, PO X a EHCIac & ANTELo, General Counniti- Mi. nert, wad... 44 ~..f..“.1:1•1k. I . n.lutr oterte.lll jar.. Moore Henszoy h CO., MPUR.TERS . and Wit4slcsult. JohlY..to • 111 tILANDW ANY, AND CUTLECr, I:7llllvlteln,re.t, Str.ek •.4 • mito'r;;, 3 ; —.• J eaaaa MASON'S CHAT.LPAGE BLACKING. ALI.. JAS. S. MASON Jc InttIILEMOVED the Ant. taataar, 11 / 1 1adelphla. Pa Um Ile. wad Pave/ova ORAMT. glilLlloo.lo, North r„,„,,, .b.tr It., , dror a PREMIUM /PP tiNll// TllitaC,o/D aay 01 //a. kla , k/ai It L. /a,* hr ail c...pactak/1. Matchazas Led ralalra. (ha Unit.J atrGa. /ap.a. a. blaik 11 17.;TINO INK / al My Mar. n.a.N:Jaeor.. CLEGG'S PE UMERY FANCY rtiBESE superior articles of Perfumery, tai toilet Powders, Chin me Velvet. chill, and uther approved acid fAernetica. • Sot, —NV ain.a.nd bora Fins San.l itsoarn en.l ate Wind. Ra , !tio, Palm. A Zonma.t. Van, and 1.11.1 Shaelt, tr.vati. Hair. ll7a, (:Malec %Mem. r-a• tract. for th.. hatalterehieG n t. Marrow, time. 00. Cep.. tal Pomade new article.) Kau Luatral Moir Meetoracte 11, ac. et, are snantetsctured foi . mi. by AMIN T. (ILLUti. • Perla... Vend Clumtist. 63 Martot street. twkny 11.51.wheiphm. Itralerchata• don't ft raw. that Cletrea m etimpest and wet •ab..natar manuMeturr, In the ell, trim him a rail. Shriver & McLean, rimer, Prr.Surf and an.mil non •Merattule, No 21 and Werra nears. 1 . 111 I.ADI:LrI)IA. ONSION ENTS of )'LOUR and Pro ti dur. generallr, will rerelre promo attenUou. with our le.t.nd.a'mmm wive satisfaction. AJT.O(2O [Dago nn Itipt al 11111. of Ladiha Whet, &ain't.. m, to—Nlasem. llampton • f 1 ttler.l . lll..hurgh. Mr. tranel.l3. , ImK 11r. Alva- LmilLtl,M, M r Muni. I. S rivrt, BONNET MANU VACTILTKEIt, No. SI South Seemed Street,(stelae taut.east We.) l'hiladolohm. rohla:la Lewit's Patent Revertible Water Filter S NOW I e t e"..e k : pa ,t m ee t:ft in eo. op ro r '; "o rl'A.. " Lln i : i`o"fa k. tiold . Medal from tia. American Inetituh. of Neer T.qk. STPI Cerltheata from th. Vrankiln inahtuM Philedel- Ona. for It. superimit7 it. cleaneln at .l ^Pettic , .. , o ' o certitteste• from this. having them 10 00. in l'hiM.l.lhhia. of which the fullowlef an. exempt.. • PHILWILPILLL. March V.th. I !kit It ems , . am. , pl.wourn IV,ITimMI 4.140 beers pure. clear wager, rateot iterroraihle Water rented by Mr. Wel. theme used nue them for MT, al """U". ."(raTrAiiirW.tthen rain,. The Putout Ite„roilriTtla't.-"Vilitv4'en. trties l l7.l Mr nionual 11. lA.), anduse.l sue fur some month, at m) private modems. all that 141/ pereon,..uld .rah. 1 then•rnr• consider It • prielle.re to have it Iv n.. 7 power to ncntornetat rl Loth. unblie.. JONAS I. VAIRLAM D. Twin. filter are warrante4 to Ws. taste which msy sem from decomerred animal ..r tte matter In the water. The, are •arrantr4 to /aN. two ream, and with orditury care will tut taw and calf to La .ran tu he ap,m,tated rm aly SLATEIt A J All DIN, euritot7. • U'V Ai-chatty,- l'hllad.lvlsta. _ _ _ wALTE.It k Flour and General rodnoe COMMISSION OUSE: NO-29 BOUTH 11,9WA111) NEAR BA LTIMOIM NTULET. BALTINORP. LAIIZILLT. ADVAECIEB MADE ON aosetalanni. i ttw a log ot lose!, Lori ti,J:fautano Troosparlotioio 01 ottattletZ th wrihTtflek s ' atot ao " tt . ookk . it:tott " Ot 7:4 o‘erket p,ltoo, we would nui.e.thllly volkut oottoott,e, Itelor to— C"Y"" i lti h Vf n it Clantotertoal i Pttisetill' Hank. ST. LOUIS & ST. JOSEPH. For Sale. FiluE undersigned offers nt prir zit° Rae, j their new Whits Lead and Oil MIL located on the rorner of Austin and Twelfth streete. In the city or Pt F i rwr i t:it Tirrts." .1i.1.14,77;° l'%"l:,‘,l7.,ochbanlrl annutean . a Pond. The brick ' sodding Wing four and a Leif Mort.. high...tad front. illipthre• and a half feet on Austla stmt. running south satiety-amen soda halt feet , end contalcut two ran water gone, , one tastiest else Boger. due gall , two lance dry kilo. • contplete vinegar web d ll e ,.b grlVA=lfir Pod LTC "Zblit..l.llTty" em power engine and Many other " valu o lible comest•-• inetua appertainitueln such evtabllahmente. There le elm erected upon Ow avowal, one Co. story outing btu., tw e l ve be chirty.lbur Fret: 0116 Ull• story dwelling hyoid; t oo corroding houses, eighteen. by twenty feet. /gable. ie. This market attottle more belittle.. (connected with the Onalnesal than any other. A rare chance le now °freed t o thee. wishin to engage in the business. The whole will be wild ono romenodatlng terrine • PI Wade. Feb. 9. 16.62.—{ntargaUts11.. C. CLARK A I Pt L. Re O. pub. QATiIITEL 3. WETRERILL a. CO., Com nileition and Forwarding Merchant.. No. . "LIB &Vey. end 66 Owitmencial amt. pr. L 4 PIO. . L .sg • r iu turatttegt i lan Paid to the purchase of hemp , Rehm to John &Thomsen:: It II t 0 • Rankle A 00., Hanker. . '''' """' l'"r. , • BT. 708.11PHYORI. r • MIDDLETON, RILEY it WORE, Produce. Ooottonott a t z ta rroodlnedonobants, trot the etotarata- Roam to Almada.- Uorttotd,rariarons. Star li ng a Go. l - AVM Q , TUTTLS , A ttorney at Law, ikstd Oariminic.r Peanytranla, Bt. catomardestion. promptly aanrored T ,Fune .11TKIN y and Conn st Law. and Ommio.. lb, Lb. Btu* e w of or... tubar i u . ` JoluLL-fifL Illsoolla liasple.MaCked On Aluetlr LUNCH WORKED:MOURNING Collin sansad Oadv.Jaid re . ed aarthedat einawrovia and • s • *tit= • ausdrznim ~., - • CHAINS! _ , JA YES EDY6IID, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CHAINS, NO. 2 DOCK triatl22 SMIRK . PHILADELPHIA. • nr AS constantly on liana, and to arrive,aa 11 amortzdent of the bi.f. quoin]. (with P...at 0.n.0. edam) dnaliatt and Americus Bace, close /ink &oil Chains. Dunaj:do for Kathoodd, Tido*. Kinurty.,,, add iffilo L=PTor Cbagrozoodaoal D Pd 2. dud at tte lowatal ash ratax udable Va.mols ta farsdilled . with CILUDS NW ANCHORS on la m. Chaim cut ID AST Lt.. N. .11211 K. - 14. I)AOALEY, VOODWARD /I Co., Whole- Oroecr. Xi. M 311.picet M Philo&lphia. J. B. Bagge ek• Son, MeTeharil Tailors, No. ISO, chethput St. Aida. H(noon, Poroe,. uou-.) AVE received their Spring Fasiddne and Goat ,awl will cantina. to receive b, every ar01 , ., ./ . I.WPtoiliPe the oastPe 1.0..1 to call ell b pi of tiP !atoll.. or L.:l.* Hoc*, .1/1 be lottlfil u hr tbno. klareb‘=. New NlRinexyciooiti. XNE undersigned is now receiving his SPRING supple 3111 .LINISIVY COORS- Ills an. no sot will include n ew strict, of Wien' and OirLe Straw Bonnet, of theest Paris and London Sty Kora' Straw Hats. Saner Mien Trimisinan Miter, toraw Cord, tr. Also. tkamet Ribbons. from No 12 to 21,01M:to var, late. style.: Girl.. Hike of .11 cola.. %Denning bonnet,' (,m OG. Co SI per Tani: White awl Colored Crape, Tarlanns.liluelon Netts, Black NOR,. Ito.bamne% Whiten wl Colored Silk Lace, Lock... Cron. Lin• inn le. Merchants old Milliners will find It to their advantage tt . sh n ° 4 ' ;,•". mar Arad 2:11,„` '5'1111r:: err line of Dwaine. W. %MIMI.. No. 31 South Second st., Philadelphia. lPo•t Wholesale and Retail. • I is important to know where to truy Panay Cane &at Chair.. Itace,tinn Clad, Ana sad hoekloorCh•tra, Can. east rietter, Lonnara, R.+ 114.1 A, le.. Orkimultbatured at Wll. All FVER'S. pbihomphla reetr,' Chair Vector', No. 66 N. Sixth ettret ahoy,. /kerb. or lies " Z - vrt 7r ' er, ' can ' t:l7,r holm' CLain :11h.e..52,1:15° stnek. BONNETS! BONNETS 410 The Cheapest &meet Store*, in Philadelphia is at Na 33 NORTH FOURTH 9TREF.7. ABOVE ARCll—Whnre Merchant. sort °then •ut nod s farce amortment of tta• awn tanblonabla atylua LoAs..e and Chlldrntnni;ounet. and Ilan, whol.nals and retail. DOWIIIIA. • Manufacture? and Dealt: In ,traw ' Zliarril 5 . 184.1.—euarla:d2va . 'I E.. VAN METER, Manufacturer and fp nf PA PRR if...Nam - Gs ANL, IMF 'TA" A L.V . P.ZWR.V. Na.Od Nortt, Thlulatnvt. fa?/.1,_ 1. 111115014.11 14. Straw Goods —1852. i tN C'N.RI VALLED .ISSORTNIENT. TIIO3IAu Hill:. telt, 41 tooth Sertnel et., Poittbstriux.. Straw Goods— Spring, 185: mubscriber it now prepared toGoer)tbiß, exhibit to Illerch.lnssol 1 1 1111uer.b4 usual ILIC 71;0:•':,11:::'',';',:,',..Z,3711".;:133TZ,VVt'1N1) Alo'l FICI AI. FI , IWEMI.9 P.llln lovt. Part axn. arid en ry rvly ...711111:1? HATS, An Gentlemen: widell. hw extrot, •arbAx. and tunoky of we'll:Vertu., as well as utulbcroly Home pri-es, .111 he runt ontlealetl. T 11031.18 Li ITIZ. Nu. 41 :loot Seron.l ex. • I'll I I..tlobLYll S RAILROJD TRACK' TO TDB ROOK. , aarao7l ---- 1 0 6:..7= -,\ , 11 1170 and Pennajacania Railroad l ;.:,`,. . • .1\ . , , \ V r i - L1V:17„.1 4 .., . ; t . ..'.• .. .... ‘:\ \. • \ L., `‘,,,,,11.21....dwi..rirk57.E= -,' —,,.. 4. ''',,, \ \ , \ nrtgnr.t ri awi l .n A t a tm vino V • elogr.,.. ',„ I . t ilifi and isclani• Iliol4 !clit:eMaiblei ‘,.. \ : • .'l '. \ '',., ; .:. ' M . • '.' : \ . • ' ,- , \ . \, • s . . - ~ ,,,, , fi. ... f.r. . .Mf.3,,, , '' Y V-:.'ir- & ':;; ; •.'„'..., ;; ;;;', r,' !;:f., : , ; ::i1 : :'4 ..,,,,' , ...,,,,... ..t. : ;, . ...4 E „ .. .< -„x 7, .. j. ,,, , h - ,. ;:,, 7 .,,, , ,, , ...L.. ,,,, : , ,..i.0'. , r, -. ; :.ii . .. ~.,';- ., :..'A-.- ,: z:, - - i .- i f.., ; %:4, -.. ..,\, ,: - , -.'k..,....N,\;:., , ,, , ,..:2,,,::,-,:1„:,--,,,,,,A,,,,,,",,,I:\ , ,: , 4:-.N.;:, . .;,..,,:,..:,,,,L...24::::::::,:..,,,,_ --' -' - - • • •• • • • , , . , . , ,--.•,,, . , . ., • \ ~\\ , \ „.. s,. .\•,„ ••• A, . -1\ •. .'• •\ \ - \:,',,. • •=s„. ' ',.' ‘.‘, . NEW YORK 11.11211BICAS HOTEL, Broadway, Corner of Barclayltreot. , ~,,,,.. taw TimilL f allemins 5.,..... t . y 111 well known House tan recently been. .rut In comploto ceder. now farnlburo on hat hum mod and missy improvameota suds. Ihr the convoulum• of ltalto Oneeta. She Imation Is charming. Mins directly. , mica Umtaro. with its deihnom Rower, madam, otrabborr. tin neat and boatilal walks acid with a magalikont Fountain. throwing Ito Mal wader !moth. minoldno. mates It the moot - Modish% eltootim In tba city . tor ladles and flontlenoti tearalling tor Meson% it is aim ontremely dadrablo for the Merchant. WOK to . aim Mtn/god-to their trualuem TM Howe le now conducted and In the film of J. TARRII a SON,ad M. J.l TARRR. who has rotanwd , and.will mec umO dn. It.. In the alto.and DESTER P. RDON., former!, I Book.kooper of Um Cleated Mat. tioteL. Boston. and late of Rathbun% Hotel, will attend Um mote tend 111111.11.1 gdiDeparonout. J. Id. LUCAS a= allielalse at Um Mar. and amot: t npi L L. d74l:d are , sodatod bp O. F. %OM AR tha delicadas of eT palms Rmtpp ho fauna on Me talon. and tho boon s , tot. wal es. sed ! a n t t w o It the coureniqm of the mark attention oilLba paid to that,. .mere. to maks tomfortoble. mad \wo oak,. contiousom of our tenon. patrons, and L oolialt Mut kind patronage of Ma Unveiling communlt aplivellm ____ Wri Fair PRZICItit_EUFES. ORSIN BLOCK, wersa Brasier. '