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" - ,:' ' • _,l*l ''lA.''''....: - ". <.:•-:..)!:•;?' 41 41. • 1., ` 1 'if' • Loom. Nawa—Our usual variety of !opal am Is crowded out. gotaT.—.-A little bey about ten years of am a sou of Mr. MMiehael of Lafayette street, was knocked down yesterday by s bog whieb ran 'goblet Moo, the poor little fellows scull was .frsowared by the fall s and his life is in 'great danger. I NOCNEDINCIII IN SELECT CODICIL Moneey, 28th, 1852. Council met. Present:' Messrs. Allen, Arm strong, Bailey, hence, Cassel, Cordell, Edwards, Kmcsid, Lorene,: Morrow, McClowu, Speer, Wilson, and Jones, President. The toinuten of the !set two meetings were . Mad sod opproied. - The President prrsented a communication from the President of the; Pittsburgh nod Steu benville Railroad Company, requesting Camel!e to make a subscription In ,tse capital stock of said road, ss authorised by tut act of Aesenthly, *copy of which accomponled the communion. tion. The communication:was read, and on motion of Mr:Bruce, refer - red to &epeeist committee of two from ft. Li. and three from C. C.,' and Messrs. Brace and :Wilson. were iippointed on part of B. C. Action concurred in, and llamas. Rid dle, Loaiorid Res oppointed oo part of C. C. • •, The President also' presented a communion ... Bun transmitted by the Mayor from the Chair man of the Committee - of Councils or, the City Library of Philadelphia, on behalf of that cor poration, presenting to tAccity of--Pittsbargh a oopy of the now Digert of Ordinances, An. of the . city of Philadelphia. t The communication woe read, and, on motion of Mr. Brum, it was Resolved, That the Mayor be, aol he jo here ' by, authorized and directed to trammit a copy of the ordinances of the pi ty of Pittsburgh to • the• Corporation tun city of Philadelphia, with a suitable loiter in 'acknowledgment of , their courtesy. 'Action concurred in by C. C. . Mr. Root offered . the following •resointion, which Was read three times and adopted, and action concurred' in by:C. C. . • Resolved, That. no collector of any ward in the city of Pittehorgh he authorised to. collect any taxi. unless his duplicate for the year 1851, • be settled up according be Ma ordinance of Council& • The Presidrat also presentell a s proposition ultruismitted by the Mayor) from C. liinrick's, of N. Y., for the disinfection and conversion of the feculent accumulations' of tho -city, which. was Coed, and ordered to Mt' handed over to the Board of Health. Action' coomared in by C. C. Mr. MaClowr; prLnentedn petition for grad . bag Clay Alley. . Mr. Allen: One for the improvement of Gib bon's it., which were to the Committee on Streets. Action concurred in by C. C. The following business from C. C. was then taken op and the action of :that body conconr aid in. Report of Committee.au Motionghels wharf, with's resolution authorising the Cleveland'and P. R. R. Co. to hese a wharf boat at Ferry et. In C. C report read and referred beck to came committee, and resolution read tile° and refer red to same. Mr. Wilmin presented the resignations of J. L. Briedle 101 board measurer of the let ward, -ward, and D., McClelland of the 2d:ward; d the same were accepted. Mr..Wil eon offered the folletwlng - resolution, which was read three (keen, and adopted, and -_.action concurred in by Common Council: Resolved, That the Select and Common Coon ells will meet this ereolog, at 81 o'clock, in joint election for Board kieneurers of the let and Id Werde, to fill the vacancies occasioned by the resignation of the prrecnt iocombents. Mr. 'Edwards offered the following: Resolved, That the Trustees of the Pi ttsborgh , Gas Company be, end they are here by request ed, to extend them pipe on Liberty street,' from its present termination, to Cerson street; on Centre arcane from Wylie street to Tannehill - lane, and on Pena street and Peoneylvania Ave nue to the city line. • The resolettion was rend a first and second time when • Mr. 11'Clovery moved' to amend by striking . out Tam:4lll Lane, and inserting Roberts street Which motion wits negativel Mr. Bruce then 1210•Cii the thlrl reading and Renal passage of the resolution; hut there being a vote in the neritive - , the motion (see. reg..) did not prevail. The following „bosinees Irina the Common Connell; was then taken up, sad 'their action concurred in. Resolettionantherising the paving-of part of Carson'etreet.- Referred to Committee on Streets liaeolethin for procuring ;slot for Unqueene Fire Company. Refer;ed to committee on En- Report of committee on Claitll9 and Accounts, with resolution in fever of 11. P. kinetic', Stock . ton and Willeins, and R. C: Stockton. Report read Nisi Adopted, and resolution read three Ulna and adopted. Mr. Bruce .morcal to ompenil the rules, for thepurpose of basing die'reeolution offered by Mr. Edwards, for the extermiiin of gas pipee, read a third time: • Which motion prevailed. And Mr. Bruce moved the third reading and Anal passage of said -dutiom Which motion prevaite.l. ", • The Clerk of the Common. Connell commuqi cated the resignation of datIMI 31.'Cnne as Col • hector of the 9th Ward, and a resolution to to into joint election this eveeing,st- 81 o'clock, to illi.tbe vacancy. In 'Mph action the Select Council coneurr.d. And tee Select Council proCeeded to the Com mon Council chamber, for the parole of hold ing the joint election, es aforefald. And the result of said election was as followic • For Board Measurer of the Jet Wad John, Owens had 30 votes, and Robert Walker had 4 votes. And John Owens having received a ma. jolty Of the votes . given, woe declared duly - • For II iard lingerer bt tbe'2d Ward, George Wiitte tied 6 Toter, Lewie,Cook' had 10 rotes, John . Creighten'had 16 votes,, mid John Smith had 2 rota:. - • :And no porton having receiVed a-majority of tlw ietts given, there was a failure to elect. And Genitalia proceeded to aeocond vote, the nein& of-which was as follows; George Al'- Kee had 1 Tote, Lewis'Cook had 9 Totes, and -John Creighton bad 21 Totes. .4nd John Creigh ean having received tt majority , of the antes giv en, woe declared to be 'duty elected. - For C Alector of the 9th Ward, George Itobbt was elected by acclamation. And the Select Council returned to their chnoi l bon and, on motion, - adjourned. PROCEEDINGS OF COMMON COUNCIL. kfoonsr, April 2t, 1852 Members present—Messrs. Bailee, Bisect Mask. Carling, Day, Dithridge, Fusion, Get- W, Gribben, Kennedy, Long, M'Auley, Rea, Riddle, Shore, Smith, Stenger, ]Taylor, Young, and President. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read sad approved. Tho President presented the resiguatioo of Ju. hi'eutte as Collector of Taxee of the 11th Ward, - s Idol: was accepted. . And on motion: it was Ruolved, That, the S. and C. C. will meet this evepiog - at 84 o'clock, in joint election to fill the vacancy Ummioned by the, resignation of , Jas. Wean.. Also, a communication from the President of the. Pllt.bmilt and StenbenvillOßailroad Com pany, requesting Councils to make a .sulsscrip. don to the capital stock of said voodoo, author ised by an act of Aseembly,.• copy of which ac. ponspanied the communication. The communication was read, referred to a speolil committee of two from t 3; C. and three from C. C., cad Messrs. Bruce and Wilson were ,appointed on part of S. C., and Mears. Riddle, Lug, &elites appointed on part:of C. C. - Mr. Rea presented a report from the Commit. tee on Claims and Accounts, together with the following eesolution,—vitt ' Resolved, That the Mayor be and he is here- Ike iwthorited to deli his warrants on the City r in favor of the following persons: II rMuellerfor $70,25; Stockton & Wllliemt for • $47,57; It 0 Stockton for $ 39 ,58; sod J W Rid "dlefort)H.- Report oceepted , and resolution read three • thin and Salsa Council.adopted, and action concurred in by • _ Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which wee read and referred to the Committee . on Fire Engines and Hose. flarelved that_the Committee 'on Engines and Rose be aid are hereby directed. to purchase a lot suitable for the. DINDeIIIIO Fire Company, • for the purpose of muting a house thereon suitable for said Company, provided said lot con be pufthased without cost to the city. Action oaneurred in by $ C. Mr. Stanger offered tho following resolution: . ' Resolved, That the Committee on Streeto Le . sad ate hereby authorised to cease the paving of Carson street; from Penn. to Liberty streets, to be done the ensuing summer. Read and referred to Committee on, Streets, sod fiction ectseurred in by S. C. The following resolution was then futon up sad read. As: Rasohrod, That as moat of en ordinance grunting the Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny the privihfire of .running Into the city with tke looomotlys, 'be and the -rune is hereby mot • Os ion, the resolution was laid en the te rse essolettionerthorising the bleyor to draw a warrant in favor it J. I. Kuhn 'for $lOO for trees imolai as City Selieltor, was taken up . attd read, when ' Mr. Reintored to emend Wetriking out $lOO and lased:kg 09 6 z-which Notion yasloot. • „el.. , . And the redtelatiett was read a third time and putted by the following vote, sir Yeas—Metre. Blue!, Black, Curling; Day, Ditluidgw, GetV, Long, WAtiley, Riddle, Smith., Stanger, Young and President-Ik. Nays—Mesere. Bailee, Fanston, Gribben, ken nedy, Ras, Shore and Taylor-7. The Clerk of iSelect Council communicated the following resolution: Resolved, That no Collector of any ward in the city or Pittsburgh be authorized to collect any taxes, unless his duplicate for the year 1861 be settled up according to the ordinance of.' Council.. In S. C. road three times and Tweed. Mr. Shore moved to lay the resolution on tho table, which motion was loot by the following vole: Yees—Meeere. Bail., Black, Dithridge,Shore and President-5. Kayo—Meyers, Bisset, lily, Fanstin, Oetty, Gribben:Kennedy, Long, APAniey, Rea. Riddle, Smith, Stanger, Taylor and Yoang-14. • The action of S. C. teas then cormaired Also. the follotring'resolatioisi Retolved, That the Trustees of. the Pittsburgh Oas Company he and they are hereby MeNested to extend tho Gas pipes on Liberty et from its present termination to Carson at. pon Centre Av enue from Wylie al . to Tannehill lann, and on Penn et. and Pennsylvania Avenue to the City line. In g: G. read three times and adopted. Mr. Gribben moved to amend by striking out Tannehill rind inserting binwiddie R. • Mr. Getty mooed to amend by adding. and a long-Front et. from Liberty to Ferry at., nod along 3d et. from Liberty to Ferry st. and to error gas potato and lamps at suitable places. Which amendments were adopted, aril the ro olation as amended adopted. Also, the resignations of J. L. Brindle as Board lleanurer of the tot Ward, and . Cleland of the 3‘l Ward. In S. C the same no. cepted. tgAleo. the following resolution. That the 8 and C. Councils will meet this evening at 81 o'clock. in joint election for Board Measurer, of the let and 2J Wards, to till the vacencite occasioned by the resignation of the present incumheote. In 8. C. adopted. Action of S. C. concurred in. • • • .. And tho S. C. having met the C . C . ., for the purpose of holding the joint election' no IttOre ssid. For result, sec proceedings of, the Select Council. Mr. IWAttley offered' the following renolettion, • Rewired, That the Committee on the Monon gahela Wharf be instructed to report an Orilla &nee granting to theowners of the weekly Pitts burgh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Line;-- , the Pittsburgh and Wheeling Packets, and the boats running iO connection with the Pittsburgh and Clovelandltaaroad Co. to Welleville,•the privi lege of keeping Wharf Boats nt the lauding be tween Market owl Ferry street., on such term,. an may be agreed opon between the Committee and owners of the lines of Parked referred to. Mr. Bleed mOred t 4 amend by granting the Caine privilege to the line of boati running be tween Pittaburgh and Brownsville, their whart. boat to be located above the MonongaVia bridge. The amendment was adopted. And . the resolution as amended passed. Mr: Rea, a bill of Wm. S. Itsven's for Ste tionery, amounting to $23,75. Also, a resolu tion authorising the Mayor to draw his war rants - for the' game—itead three times end adopted. Alen, a bill of the same for Printing, omen to $1111,63-Atead and referied to Cam. on Clai and Accounts. - Also, a bill of R. M. Riddle for mlwertieing, $5O • On motion of Mr. Kennedy the Mayor am theorized to draw a warrant for the amount. Mr., Funston offered the following, which woe read three times and adopted; riz Resolved, That the Htreet Commiten be and are hereby directed to 'have Denny Alloy graded. On motion, CJWICiI adj.-aimed. A RRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up to 8 o'clock fact corning. mkrioNAL QOTCL, WATCIEr. srlatlT T Dater, Cincinnati; hi Frlin and wifo, Wart. ingtin; it Aiden, Middletown; Jos Nobel,, IVret inorebmd C o; IV I) Jones, -: .1 Dinsmore, li Cookstown: G W' Smith; Greenfield; 11 11'isv and family, Bro en :vine; M C Morris, Cant L do; K 1 M..'lin, Cookstown; W Finl• ley, Elizabeth; A II klineban, Itrownaville : Douglass, Parker:bury;Uon g i nea, Mend sills; A Russell. Fayette co; Van ReeseN, West moreland; ll F liPFlain, do; S D Thompeon„ Portsmouth, F Neal, do: 8 Begnrden, Green co; ' S Coleman, do; A Marshall, Trenton; iI Darns, C Good, wiftfand G children, Blair eo;•-111 Eshle. ma, wife and 6 children, S stoner, wife and 2 children, Lama°, do; (leo Drown, Merritts. town; Mn Jane Lewis, Cleveland; Miss C Rose, do; Wm ArFall, California; J Jenkios, Coal Bluffs, 0 P Nichols, Covington: J Cramhaugh, ;on.; J Somers, wife and 2 children, 0 Cm, ningham, dot Jan Madison, Brownetown; do; AI Madison, do;J Kenny, McKeesport; IV Keenly, P lunter, do; I' Steen and lady, Charlie; J Webster, Circleville; C Webster, II C Webster, J Garver, Bedford co: J Quinn, Newark; T Pinney, do: It Francis, N Cootie; Wise Swamp. son, Washington. • • rr. miasmas worst, woo. writer., J Smith, Pinta; .1 I. Hay. and doughbr, Mt Jackman; Oweerey, Steubenville; M Medi gut, Pa 11 .11; P M'Colsoughy, Adatusborg; J Warner, W McCarty, thenbenrillt: Brelarard, 0; CI W lichramm, N York; 1) 'l' Cowen, lady and servant, 0; W McCullough, Miss dfcCul ' lough, Yellow Creek; J Knox, Armstrong Co; E Taggart, Philo:- B Fetter, Clarion; .1 Scott; IluntingdOn; L A Stereos, Philo: C It P Kelly,llD, Lebanon, Ps; James Piper, Union town; J-11 Irvin, Lebanon, II Alexander, Ky; 1i N "'oar: Mrs Blackfoict. Bhomietown: .1 Scott, I Township;-." Cs roses, do; A D 'Jacobs, Ohio; IV McFarlin, 0; I' It White, N York; IV Berger, Middletown, 0; "sass Miller, Scott Co; IV McCabe, Paris, Pa; P luskeep, 0; 0 K Ritchie, Ohio; A McCullough, Carrot Co Ohio; Miss I.lllsuituer, Mien K Ham mer, Johnstown; F Moorhead, , Greensburg; Kramer, llolidayaburg. .11ROWl ' 8 0 OTIL, ORITIFICLI) STRICT. L Kauffman, J Spiocer, CM: %V 8 Manful', .Btenbenvillm J Otterhant, do; M D Davis, N T: 8 M Davis, (1; J West, Leesburg; /I. Ilohey,flart. ford; W Cox, Concora; C Beall, Itealltrille; W F. Carlisle, Jamaica: W II McQuaid, W Franklin; W H -Porker, 4Varren; 9 Rhoads, New 'Brighton; J C Sigler, Lewistown; film Ritmo.. house, Louisville; B S Gleason, Akron, 0; A G E Zeigler, Harmony; J Flemming, N Brighton; J Arbangh, Bader; A 1.) Jaline, Jersey City, J Al lison, Beaver; I) Saurbeek, H Hopplo, A Scott; J Floorbeek, N Brighton: J Snore, Nashville; 11r D Tidball, It C Emery, 1.1 Emery, A Hallan,New Cisde; N W McAuly & lady, la; 9 Smell!, Tat J Gibber Canton, 0; J D Caster, .1 Stock, 0;11, C Jones, Brownsville; T Smith; Mrs Smith, Philo; J Withershurg. Wm M Smith, J3Wallace:Ltoevitt4 co, Pa; J Woodruff, A J Davis, Wm Uniiey , C Mollaya, Poland, 0; 0 Poindexter, city; AM While, Cam bria; W Faster, N .1: ,l C Brownwenn, 11 A Cook, Mrs Cook, 0; 0 O Pearson, W Scott, - I M P ow. if; Few Castle; di W Alliaod , J Allison; B Ad ams, Bearer; 'J Bowler end famili, Philo; B Coulter, Mending; .1 P Harbeenn, B Phi loon, II £oiler, J Holmes, Detroit:- E O Andoraiin,. A Dandlet, St Louis; T Brooke, S, Donlon; l' Gilmore, Warren, 0: 0 T Townsend; Girard, 0; Chas Lamberson„ Finley. anti wire, Mrs Hammer, - hfiso Binwidie, E(I Rebser, I' & O R - R; Mrs Gass, Mrs Buckingham, Mr. Bock inghant and child, Mansfield, 0; W Daily, .1 Nor, W Pearson, E Osborn, Cleveland; C 11 Steven., 11111; Mrs Robinson, 0;" Mr - Kinzie and lady, ii !Coincide and lady, Cheater co. MOiONCIAHRLA MUM WATCR .1 A Warden, Dale; T Pettanan, R E Pater. non, Anna Caron, It Green, Ohio; J M eon, do; M T Peek, Wheeling, Vo; E C Kernhaw, and lady and servant, Men C IV Tyler; C A Stu. art; Tear; J A Du 'Cary, Win II llama, Pa; R Haarlem, 0; MajOrJ It Ungar, II 8 A; J L Caw* Washington; G T Robertson, klcCon• pastille; 8 IISSOII, J M McLure, Wheeling; C NI Newell, N V; G.M Ewing, 111. 0 W Ileinhell and . lady, Ihlra Is C Lint, W 8 ;Clabough, Vs; Mn Wright; 0 ll,Thomas, Ky; 8 Hunt, Fiala; J Litt*, A Linz; It I' Campbell, U 8 A; W Wheeler, Mo; T U (Inwood,U Heath, Mrs Daher and family, O ; Mr Smith, Mr. Dust, Alin Dna, W II Farry and lady, 0; IV C Chap lin. U 8 Nacy; knee Olesam, Cia; Om Van Ren— Cellar. Alias Rensellar, Minn Johnson. Minn Leasing, Mims J hL French,'Albany, N V; IV 0 Armatrong T la; J D Itodgern, New Albany, la; 0 R 131tioner, 0; J II Rieman, ; Ball; E M Tau ten, Natchitoches; J Searles, Mine; Gen Sam Houston, Texas; J II Breckenridge and lady. Lexington, Ky. Samuel Gray. • BIERC GANT TAILOR, S. Clair Hata Baililingl, St. Clair Stmt. UJIIERE ha is prepared to show his usual tirtraiTtiriTi="4 v"lrr las him with met thP approndltion s of rmr vor him with timir patron., ms.ll4,ltt Chual an Our Firesides. JOHN •KNOX Lodge No. 1 of the Protest set As.c.iallets. has from Subbers.a. I tipmaisti Yoltral ob. UM door 1,1 tb. 0 AI. ftbeey 1 1 .14^-1.11 o• of bareuu.r. .Tory Monday ...tang at In.ll put 7 o'dock. .H. D. KING, , Banker and Exchange Broker: • so. 68, ronwrn era err. B OYS Hef Dollars at the highest market poke; Stea .ems nin.a sold on Connonankeno. ors =may talus west MAC 81/1“ Owns ~J U.S Eaton clUss. Oolisettore malls an 10.1 yea. 0.21 If Y,4 TELEGRAPH aiCILIVILD lI Till O . IIIIST AND 1 11131!ITZD %OR Till TITTIiTiOII OAINTTZ YHOICCALIMILL ARRIVAL OF THE NORTHERN LIGHT •., New Yam April 28. The Northern. Light arrived shortly after nine o'clock last night; ,having left Ban fain on the noon. of the 19th April. She left Hirano. on the 23.1. The Northern Light brought out 200 poucu. gen end a small amount of specie. The passen gers left Ban Francisco at 6, by the Par Mae clearer, The alonumetftal City arrived et Juan del Sad under charter to Vanderbilt, to Like those passengers at that point having tick out for the North America. There was no sickness on the Isthmus. San luau wan healthy. Ort Monday, at l 0 o'clock, A. K. the Northern light exchanged signals with 'the °ewes, and on Tuesday with the Illinois. The California mails were to leave. San Fran cisco on the Gth inst., by the Golden Gate, for Panama. . A committee bad been appointed at San Francisco, for the relief of the North America'. passengers. 'A large amount of Yliovisions had. already been sent, and the Northern Light was to sail on the 2d of April with some $lO,OOO worth of provisions and stores The merchants of, San Francisco are taking steps to build a Merchants' Exchange. 'lf. Burt, captain of tho Schooner Comet, of Baltimore, had ahaconded Stith the vessel and *bout $lO,OOO worth of goods which bad been pig aboard to be shipped to Panama Nothing had been heard of his whereabouts at the lest advice,. The iteamer Panama arrived at Ban Fran ellen on the let of April with the mails. Sb alto brought thirty-n.ven of the ?loth America' paean:gem. • The eteamer Peeifio on her passage passed the wreck or the North America, ehe stood upright with her meet, lever beam, and smoke pipe in their proper places. She appeared to boleti little injured, Thegtrgrei — iler Fremont. from Panama, arrived alder' Francisco. A tremendous 1.,1 elide had occurred near Calaveras river, involving the lone of a large amount of property belonging to Campbell. The news from the gold mines vs. very thee ing. Gold dust woe coming into Son Frannie. in largo quantities. Experiments are about to be made in inapt' county in the cultivation of mine The delegates In the Baltimore Conve. lion were to leave San Francisco on the let April. Immenee numbers of Chineao were pouring into Sun Frantiroo In the Ircgislatore joint resolutions were puls ed, instructing the delegation in Washington td to procure the posiago of a bill through Can grew., establishing another semi. monthly line of Panama mail rt'tescurrs..-. Thn bill prohibiting gambhng has been de famed. Advice from Honolulu to the 10th of Moroh state that :a terrible vOleanio eruption took 'place at Siena I. 111011111.ilill in Hawaii The lava poured down in torrents from the vol cano. The Oavernment publishes orders in astute . providing far reciprocal duties on certain mild, with the United State, COMAIF.RCIAL AFFAIRS. In San Francisco busines was exceeding ly brisk, and the ,teronfiel for goods was quite spirited. The stock in the market is unchanged. mess beef is scarce at San Fmncisco and prices high. Pork fictive at extreme rates. A good demand for coffee, in which lea movement is upward. Large sales of stig‘r. Flour unchanged. Whis key brick. At Stockton Sacramento, and Maysville' husinmm is represented as cheering LATEST PROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE NIAGARA New YORK, April 27. Thn Niagara arrived nt Halifax this morotog at 7 o'clock. She left Liverpool oo the lith April nt II o'clock. The Pneifie arrival] nt Liverpool on the kith._ LIVERPOOL COTTON MAIIEET. The advices by the Pac.tia give num an all ranting impulse; the soles on Friday were 12 000 balm 4000 of which were on epeculatio, and for expert. Holders quote f.tir Orleans a 5e5 ,, ; middling f?; fair Monsle GI; midliag Rio bite fair uplands 5,1 end middling do, 41' Oram—ln corn moderate transactions haw . taken place with en improved tone. Wheel in .fair demand at an advance of 21 Provisions—Limited transactiom at unchang ed prices.' Groceries—Sugar recovering from dews aim; limited transactions in"colfse at 65. e for middling Jamaica.. Money—lncreasing in abundance; Consols on Thursday night closed 100, being the first time in seem years. Amaricau securitiee were in good demand at full prices. Freights—To New York 12s. 64 foe iron. The Niagara htings dY through passengers. The Pacific was detained three hours, on no 'Count piths low tide; she reached the dock et 20 minutes past 6, A. M. The imports at Liverpool for the week ending on the 16th were 16,000 bales; the sales were 000 bales, of which 6000 were Mobile, and 22, 000 Orleans. The stock on Laud is 337:000 hale; of which 'A . 13,01:10 are American. Dreadetudii--licifenryli circular says, that Bone hat adeanced rot wheat ld®2d, yellow corn Ildele, white corn being In leas request. Brown R .Bhipley quote more bueinees doing last week, and prices extreme. Provisions—No quotable change. In new beef there was no change of any acconnt, the prices being extreme.' Lard was a shade eon ler. Tallow—Wl at fid being a decline. . Iltric,llores fide—Sperm Whale oil, dearer. llosin—Sales 700 hble common at 4e 6.1; fine 9a 'Q. Tar—Nothing done. Turpentine Wanted. ".e. • Stock Market—Maryland fives, 936494 ; Vie. Rini► ItC,6 et fttk U. H. Nixes, 1862, 103() 101; U. A. cult!, 111G5, 1100/011; Pena. Ilene 83004; Ohio Pilee, 18 . 15, 107 The tory ad ministration. (eking advantage,of the present high rates of government eecurities, contem plate reducing the interest on tome of the secu rities. The New York clipper ship Witch of the Were arrived wt London on the Isth, in-.. 0 days from Canton, being the shortest passage on,record Lord John . Russel's friends, Gering defeat in London, ore trying to smuggle him in for Edin burg. The Arct i c Expedition eailed on Theredey. CONURESSIONAL „ WASHINGTON April 28. ,GFATZ LIM called up the bill recall ing the Board of Commissionern fur the exami nation and payment of claims spinet the Uni ted Staten crowing out of the conquest of Cali. fornis, and stated a reason for so doing, that he had remised is letter from Col. Freteout at Lon. doe, elating that he hid been arrested by a par ty of *Sleets, and iniprieoneil for 21 .boon at the suit of unknown portion, fur liabilities amounting to 1i70,000, growing out of eertain military operations in California. . . The bill 'weinflien token up and, alter a de bate on the bill and amebdinents, referred. The non.intenoption Itesolnnen woo then cal led up. blr. Cooper spoke in support of the doctrine, and opposed the amendment proposed by Mr. Case. . When be =chided Mr. Wade got the floor, when the :Renate adjourned.. llooss.i—Mr. Olds asked the consent of the House for the purpoie of ittirplacing a Resolu tion requeniting the President to communicate to the (loose all the information colleoted in Mexico by aeons Bloom relative to the Gardiner, !lar ger's and other claims; 'also why the prosecution of Gardiner for perjury had been eo long delay ed in the Criminal Court of the District, and whether coy member of the Cabinet was impli cated in the proceedings. Mr. Brooks objected to the Resolution which was not received. The House then took op the Homestead Bill in Committee, and alter a long debate, of no 'particular Interest, adjourned. WHIG STATE CONVENTION RALEIGH, N. C.. April 28. The Whig illate Convention adjourned to day. John Kerr, of Colwell wan nominated for Uovernor. A somber of Resolutions were pass ed. The let revolution declares strongly in fa vor of Fillmore far President; the mooed re commends Urahatn far Vies .President; the 3d declares in favor of the nominee, if unequiro• Milky in favor of the Compromiee; the Lth dis approves of the public lands being given to benefit the new States; the 6th declares attseh mint to the Cocatitution and the Union, and pledges the patty to resort to all °nett' to pre serve them. The other resolutions were on the 'Akio& of State matters. SOUTHERN WHIG ADDRESS The .Republia publishes an' address to the Whip of the United States, of.thme columns and a half, signed by Mw Brooke, of ills atesippi; Morton and Well, of Florida; Moore end Landry, of Louisiana; Marshall, of Kentuc ky; Gentry and Wittiest', of Tecusseen; Outlaw end Kling:nun, of North Carolina; and Strother, of virgiste—giving an account of the proceed. tap of the Whig Conpesalonal Caucus, and sus. fartingl th e i r many in retiring. They boy 7 • • that It wee their object to distract the party, or to open afresh the slavery excitement. They assert that their motive was to put down Aboll. tion fanaticism, 'abase only hope is in the over throw of the Compromise Resolution.; • and also to induce the Whigs to assume dationol ground, and a conservatire . end patriotic poeition. the only potation in which the Statesmen and Patri ot can maintain the harmony of these Staten or preserve the existence of the Government Their object was to. terminate agilatiod by declaring the finality of the Comprise, in' the hope ant coming from so diotingumMed an assemblage, the country would enthusiastically respond. The failure to respond, they predict, will be nothing afore nor less thin the defeat of the Whig can. •didate for the,Presidenoy; for the potty platform will be too narrow for the patriotism of the peo ple. Should both politicol parties fail to mete the finality Of the Compromise the basis of their organization, the people will deinend such con sideration as will triumph over both parties, They recommend nothing, but invite . eerious coneidcration to the oubjett. ARRIVAI; OF KOSSUTH BUNtI., A2B Kosauth arrival yesterday,M aASS little p r after 11 o'clock. Ile was escorted to the State !louse by thirty-four military companies. Immense amide lined the way to the State House, which Wee . most.hidden with flags and streamers. Governor Rootlet! welcomed Kosenth, whovnado a feel ing reply. He dined at the Revere !louse' with the Governor, and there were many distingui - ail guestapresent. Ile reviewed the troops a the Common: 25,000 spectators, frantic to s e Kossuth, brohe through the lines of the militi • ry, but the review passid oil with credit. Nothing is said of the Souther° Whig mapir. festo in this city. FROM TEXAS DAMMAM% April 27. The Southern mail is through from'N. nrissns with late Texse dates but the news is not o much interest. James Falkerson, Sheriff of Lavaca, was murdered by o man named Sharkey. from Ilineite oippi. The eitirene.toek Sharkey, from jtil dnri jug tho night and hung him. The steam host Camden in_dencending Brazen, streek - Wwnise'sagi sash. she was ',laded with cotton.. Eight hundred bales of Cotton were swept away from Brazos Landing by freshet. The planters were recovering from the effect of tho late floods, and the damage done to the growing crops woe nut en gro it at anticipated. Nate Yong, April 28 'rhe America nailed from Boston to dny Ink 'ng 44 through passengers; uo PIMA DELPIIIA MARKP.T. PultdincLrntA, April Colton—holders ore aidting an ad.ance to day; nalos oplandl at 83011; Orleans, en time. at 911910. • • , Flour—tdoderate expert demand; fair brands $4,40; sales rye Hoar $8,12 Corn meal Meat': soden bAlm Penna. 1 43 ,(4353,06; Brandy-. Ornin—Wheat in in demand sad pricea have further s..ranced one cent; salve - ::000 hnrhrin prime Penns white nt 07 lire grant.] at 71 There ialittle corn.offerinr: natal. at c..l^ for yellow, and 132 for white. • Groceries—ll,nehanged Provisinna—There is lint a moderate (Imam) for pork, hot it to generally hoyers mark; Mesa Pork, $19,50; prime, $17,50 LIM, in bhla 10 @I04; tlo kega II • NEW YORK MARKET. NEW SORE, April :2A. NOON REPOLI, Cotton—liosettleci Floor—Wee 3000 blile at $4(.1.1,31 for Slntrg $4,50 for Indiana; owl $1,186.14,13 for Ohio, : Wel 100 Able Itle Floor at $3.33 Groin—Bales 7500 bosh mixed l'irePterri Corti 04464t15; White mut Yellow Noittlorn do &o Prorisiona—Pork is in better demand. Sales 200 hide new Prime at '10.87; new Mese, $lO,- 147. Pickled Merits and Western quiet. Lard held at 101-(lillOie. , Best lower; sales 2:10 Primo at $6O/4i. h1eft5,1,050613. Whiskey—Depressed al 21/4 . 421. Other aMieles Biro hut inanimate. Stooks—Erie RSi: Reading 719: Ohio Ws, Si'). pen,... ~.31 Pro;mu IFPORT. Nsw Vostr-Xpril 27. Cotton—Sales 1400 bah, at former priers. Floor—Sales or 11,000 hbls at $4,14.41.31 for state. Gnarl—Sales lOW bushels Itye at 77e. Provisious—Ssies 4:114) bl.ls meet at far• mer quotations; sales 4.10 bbls mess Pert at $9, 14 4 77,, 512.74; prime heel Sales 10011 1.131 re Lard, .t IN, Keg Lard I le. litoomlon— r Firm at. unobt - ngol - ritiCer; .• Sr Loets, April • Tho ricer in Calling, sod the •enther is clear ,t 1 pleasant A it:.reamer l'ornslot. Departed lin and Lady Pike. s •j • The Mesmer Poona.• No. 2 sank io the kltn urt river, and is reported an having broken in The markela are dull. Sai" 10(0) hide Flour second brand, city., , Yeaterday, afternoon. at $3, 2:i. Wheat, 7:itlit7ho Corn dull at 31:c Oats 290. Barley. good fair, 171 c There Was nothing done to-day in Pork, IL, eon or I..rd Mean Pork la nominally $111,5C, Lord, in bhis or tierce., Sibidt Whiskey, 15ic. Lead, Freight, to Nag Orleans have declined teday. Pork, nore,i,:bl e; earn, i s bushel; lints not Bran, tic; Lead, iOC 1 4 COIL eIIAII.I.IITOIII, S. C., April 27. Cotion-Balea to day 1482 hale. at S. the mar Yet le firm at full prices. . _ STEAM BOATS, _ leo R WABASII leave.ure VEIttIONAOL Model, Mit win tor the al.orr Rod oilleteran.• Pont. no It,. dar, at 10 o'clock. A. II Vo . r . f . gigbt '.711'..,Z111P.1.itiT.471,V01/;il. Act . - 'FOIL ZANESV ILL E—The Lon fni ehilt l da nt ott rrh ~ v .n ‘t r eon se l . intertinliat• Pont.., 4 Vilna MOO day. the I , th I[ol Ent ferheht or ...Mt, apply nu Lard. - : 1 , 011 ST. I.o( l lS.—The A and (apt "feature li IA DE AI, corbren • aster. will leave for the abort. and All i, ter median nirt* thi.dar at 10A_ 11 ap7 , li•Olt ST. LOB'S—The 11.1 run . Wog 'tram, J ADAAIN. Lora. I oter. will leave tor itir Ont. seal .1 inter alien or.rta no hi, doer . o.llg hint 10 gerMel.. For (might or aot.h hoard. io am" JN. Ji • Awn.. 114 1 01 t N A SII V I ILE—The nplrn• etrioner HARTFORD J. II 11..1.41. louder. will Iran (hr ri t es alio. and tonna notialo posts no this dor, the :Nth ion •al 10 A el. For freight or mown apply Nat. or to art, Jolla VI.ACK. FOR LoUlsVlLLg—The line Ins otetion TWIN CITY Capt. II Ile. krlry, sill leave for •bor. sod intone. dial., Von (night of pena.r apply n t.nnl, or to i•P2I JOHN FLACK. Aerate. itiEOULAIL PACKET BE TwEEs ELL:H.IIIIDi nurhl eteatiie ANDr AUER A PITTS iti()Apt. H. Everett, will rim regularly tolerant the oho re pn,l ants: tOnsbo.,rarianh *my Tonality , WA Worierleard• r loonlity and radar, ar . Won fraleht nr Dorian, tool, ~o board. 11nulf. Olt LONG ILEAC'', 11A111_ ILT TA, PARK El:MIDI/HI( and HA L.LIF. lA. rt.. •ple(olat porkrt aleamer GOV. 111EIUM, Capt. shook, will run regularlr la the shun trade, learner Fillstairwl. ewer, Tora,hir aileron. at P Mere. men t t lhIlI V N I N ; e 1 17 1 1 4 . E l 7 a 4 p D l,( t los• • . This ralroill.l final wan hold s Met owner" of the ...wet I MA, Newton. and Wrn, kW N. elpelnuati and rithrinnigh Parket trod, and will Loan Forty Wnlnewhai for Cincinnati. - Per (night or panago, apply nu briard,Or hi maela U. 11. 11 11.TEN0EI41ER. Aral._ Wheeling and Pittsburgh Pabket: swift I tor 1.47 k V0 .1. *wry., a Thunday and Sitlonlar. lit 10 oeimk prorinly. Tin WINCHESTER, ('.pt. Oro. 11. Mane. will Insn littrborali every Teenier, Thendar. and Saturday, at 10 A. AI, raturnino. 1.1111.4 illsrallow every IlloeilAY. U.+ oradar, and VrWar, at 9 A. At. For (nigewed, or to ht or enamor. having •Ptily on superior arcerotondallona h • OROZER a ((L. Apts. Slarket etereL The Wltlehndor Is on. of theta/dem teeet.• ever eusetruc led to the trade. Puseuere tot ehltsperm , eo &loud ell he onis. in the trade reirshale. I t E, ? , ll..'t'ilrTguVii„„!lt)l see smoke. neaten, DIURNA, Ocoures/, ' m ter, le nom rerforitd sit bee regular tri.weehly Ripe hetutls (lA. nil > Whee/Inil. lotting ris.bund , Ss u s `..° Freer Studer, Mednulty and Yrlday. ud rethrolnit. Laves every Tuesday, Thumb., ani4 . 1? 0 :!:/; Is esch ereet. rot Indght or ARSlSTran n am. l The Diurnal U. ehle wheel host. and le retest inertd sod lanteet bosh. rear ronetmeted for the tondo. Peeves. sere end ohlspere eau depetel on her enotluslu Is the dRSI iIEGULAR PITTSIII.I.4IIII and jare .A . qt.-mina new yeast Meant. ViillENT ern , A. ?gunned). tuoiter, Humes Plitebnruh for Wellevillo *very Art.. iescepting Nund.r.) ti Weinek, P. AU, ang retanr '" y " W. " .. " 1 "imool Any .t &Mork, A. M. T.' Vorest City runs In content., lain' the gleveletni tool Ilitoborgh liallonail Li... Ticket Agent, 0.11. lIARTON, Slonenngabola Mayo. Freight Agent, O. liAlitelgiL N 0.62 teal. awl 63 First Arent. ten Notice to Contractor. riItOPOSALs will he received until the tlb of May mkt. at lb. Untie. or the linittniew of the 7Weil iittree h irth ' 4l ' tt!V G oo r r il it% rgl 112 1o:J. fowl Ylitabnwils ea " wpbeire i ßsin, * rowyrirlac • teasel or WO yards tear,. aret rere e L e ery ileetro, for snob Other work on Line ar may then be • for rootraet. Information inverting the my he obtairwil at MIN Otilar. or from W.ll. koberio. Conerillinu KnaiwoL at rterion, UT elver of the Board. iraitilirresOrricArirair&•ll.lo.24farriVii.wo. riELATINE 48INO LASS—rot making J•Illoc lalan•• )(inn. tr. Coerces American dbeet and Ph rvgl Waal.= Tratuloreet Red and .15 - bit• 0.1. U.. Name* 01700.. dlar Y.I. by .1,21 • . 111% McCLU &Mk RAIL ROADS,_ ICHIRM% CENTRAL RAIL ROM) Ara 1852. .E_WON Cleveland and Detroit Line. % - .. , :roravltte•E've::?l,7d...:l7lYA:l,"i, R. and Mehl... Central It. It. pesENGERs will be ticketed through from any rolet nn La Michigan. to Cleveland. Cdteinnall and a nd front either of those ain co, to tor nolot no Lite Mlehitate. M. eceoromed or two nen len prewar.; h‘r t.. r .?— “ . t ...C . a„ C. C.:4.1.W AND von mrr CU! ••. ISkvt. L. A. r,aacc. A boat win leave Cie,.land f-ie Deunut. and Detroit Try evening at 114 o'clock. arvlvsng In both 1,47 Wr the Lak . o rinnerior awl Saginawkoala at vvetrolk Thvy will ran from Cleveland la the (idiom inn name Mond,. . Friday. POtIVNT CITY CYP4n44.l,Turyr -. et.trziAt:D: T"-.1- CLEVELAND. ‘Vyalnesdar FOREAT CITY. T9 g1'?;;;, '''''''' • Icind• freig " ht fn.' Velar In Daum:ALM...l6.lr, haute tha Mar, and .11 hart. nn Lake. Michigan. OCAN CARMAN hod Lois win mo 3 pm. IL L. , li,. until the new bnale mre r roul r. V. BR'Alstllat`i A elemental. Tho%llllll teele A JONES. uetmn. • ' 185: SPRING A RA NO P ,ENT PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD aligiWis*Regalegg Two Daily Trains, FROM PITTEELTRHILTO PHILADELPHIA • . . TWENTY RNIIIT HOURS THROUGH. FARE. $ll. VIIE EXPRESS MAIL TRAIN will !mice I the Dorwit nn I.o;rty et:vet. shore the Canal Itridge. okerr-rnornlng P igere will gn the ettrw 12 to Iris to Turtle Creel, whore Its, will Gni' Ilrr Ilatal...t *lurk... in twalwww In muter them mgr., neer %Aral nb Turtspike gowl. to Ilevetty've elation: Igottilue Wertsoureur ...elk train of gesvelse.,")•nit then !wk. the ears :A 11/thelavaltttre. and chew took.. vetstusltil elrepink Ustre Ptiarr T.) PHILADELPHIA ANN tallittsug. Pueeengeris toritellinoke tele the rare or the York tool Coml.erla,,,l 11.11 geed nI ll•rrolturstit, *nisi', at IS, Alm... 4, br...tklaat. and 1% wlttitglon m lag. aw maga logll Watt, duly at 6,11. arnt lat Phtladelphia next r.lnning. Ilaßeart. awdwd through to 1. 1.115.1 , 11.1tm. Ur I.NYA:II tkt. h nn „ lti:Rh PACKET LINN twill Wave deg, at k. P. it:,eitnneeting sit Mallow with the rtwon. It s ellrend- Thrsiouli trona litteliorgh to rbllsslel. phis and Itiltitrinre In Iltlrtr eight hour , (Olin $lO 1 . II,•41,1, will proeure their Tieloor at the I:nitrites.] °Mee 111 the Mont.:l4l,la Maw. 11 a., (Wert. N. 1 1 .--Seltwlnltt limn.. Initnn.- t Yntoa l'allt•lttrah lwara .rt rtatiwt Ifl .h.ltfottt o to 11.111derelittra.lnr lusting 5,1. wile,. Apr.... 11..1 From to o .• (to /qui., over tkaluhe lo.lole w 00 1 ... thnr on Inch portion of Ito. root., no o+n h.-4,11110y sonde. If no noos {won't Or. Lennon cboold :n, Ion ! in.o.enn• an• inl3rmol that 1.1. itrlnge nod Colinnt,is Ion! Invol are on t0.,1 no 0n0rn0...1 by Inn 015Il• of 11.n0n., nod xre in on 00.) mon, lb. la nuncfnoort or control ..1 lb.. P. on, noll Road co. mnr.3131 J. 11l Enll.l 51EN, 1,43 Agent I% 11. '. tinnrr—ln emln Colonial,- • 111 hold them. wlrrn r , 111.n , n 3 0 for Ikrrnankl Lang.,:o only, null for en stroolistl n, dn.,/ our )411161r, 4 nu,l liflv EW Alt ItA NUF3IENT. WESTERN RAILROAD FROM PITTSBURGH TOI EVFLAND.( GLIPIIIIU4 R CINCINNATI AI I lAN( CANTON ANII 1144411 ON ronnertion with Mt Rana. Central Rai/read THROUGH FIIONt I'ITT/ 4 1111.r..i11 TO CLEVEI.,%:.I/ IN LES, TINN TIIN 1100110.- OW A 001,1A/11011P ILHOAP LINO 1 7 11 F. Express Train on the Ohio and Penn. ti;losve• Pillatnitats AE tihi A. M. {,.g.ing RE baw irk a . Its.alsaats tow /44011.. !Nabs., lon Knon.l . l.l•.lltie. slaitsinldatta. And Salem. And es AI liana., `...:!nd,ra (sans Pitlanurals. oil I P.M. Pawn. arwrA Irate Albans...on stn. einvolund Ilailrnad a.. 0. AL. and razes 0IVV1•110/1. at 6 P. Al. I:Alumina Mr ;warn car. illarmla,al at 9A. Al Allsnorn 13u P. Al, sod ,anants PittAisurala at 6.0 P. in limn Inanouret wilts lbes earning 'rain nn Elsa Ponso, ' lrstoft Ibtliroad far 0011 A. slalph;A. N..ry I.dis sod, naltsmot, •ud elan with lha odsallsoalsonf I.,ans Nal and lAna Usual root., Pa-Artssa..re na rant, novae kr. Itio , innsts En Pilth burgh sn da,.. libnat night aryl. And man Iran. .In inn alas,. In rostortUtng 11, Prune. lientl.l P.Adrnad. Ilutunagere lust lou_lfillekorgli or 4:m A 11.. irMett C.o. tom mf If 31 mud nt fat P 51. AI 1‘...u.L., Ihe !Ulu eon brill, oltu.\:• l lffffeler. /I•rfelu.l.l, N. 1 . 1.1.1-Iplife. mf .1 ..t1 'nuff 6 hem Cuff.. Ifflunfl. N. e, and Elie. • tr. - Thu - I:fur Ilrlghtora Aeunuu itistlku frrul ff IrmuUr I'UT/W.olml 111 .1.11.u.1 :r1 I. 11 . awl New 1 11 141.1.1 .1. 1 1 .1 P. 11 .. flfflPfutf . iffftrutfulla ff etufsf.u•. M. ufterf Ti Ittlet fol.l If fueesf Put, tr, It luuter au/ rt bun/tea t If. 1-It %AA ul k ..I , lrLel• r flfe 1 Ifef Trututo hot "ff. 1/ Mundur Prim:l4u. en u effettfonfel f ILA trolnu fro. the utulfen um t.ltru/ ! lure IT 11. "41 ef.ffriutfou. Ifajutm.l Litof fen. Pi l l. botch r, I'leve/m.l. 111, afflee. Sq. lu 1i 4 . 4 11100 11.4 /.11'11 • rErlo • n. [...1 'IR:A.:IIW, 11 Norr—ilr Ihr by Imo .tnit..r lin. lar, April I. 1..5'2.. Tetuisilvania•Rail Ito M 1 Company. IV E are oiliv propa,d u. torward pri,thlre;• w , . 1.1, .1F.r1t 1,. n 111••••• t. . 100 T.; . I,st,, TA.... 1.1.1 I IA .1 •141 .Yta 51n,nvo I , ltr. 16er awl U . . okin, 1 % COV11 , i;• II AG.L HEW CLOTHING HOUSE 1 Edmund Watts & Co.. MERCHANT TAILORS,' No. Ih4, Lehrrty Slrrrt On., 54. (.744 1 .1 A , t y . 1...i ..., ..pr i n . :1 ., : t. ~n , ..,e w , 0. 0 i n.r t ith , i , T . .; .., 5t0re, „,.,,, n , t , 1.4 ofillollo. 1 . •••nn."... Votson .o• .1 the Isnot Ito 1 ;;;;;1n.: . , , ".1 . . 0 r4,*,::: . 1.';17::: '..; I,:: ' - . 1 . 1!:':',.• T.' 1 17 t::% , 11: - :1,nT,T,::;;;:,',•.,"7,,.,;',I7, i "1:".!..r.r.. , hate h er, sent .1. nos that In, aro 1,.. ante r.. ~,,...the i ' r en.tor orlon ea0.r......., In.. see sin. onenota.to. one ...to res WI ..1 IL 11l I. t Al 11.0 ia.ortiiatt, of the •eneo al On. .11,011 the, will -''l I, n r.• ...on A• all tho •tolt leentlrely n,., It O •orll.l II C 1.., en noon af huts. I AI RS A. LEECH reiTeettully .1,1000- t.a.he will hats Ftn 0,..../ ct nt.r...4 ‘1111.nett..... Tintraday. I .... 1.1 L F.. l'arl• Oa. o' the tO , Inn MI. • t no.. whlch.nor 1...0tt owl 0. ,- • "......, ..."11....” 4 1 . 1.11.1r.0 . . Bann.. nt rowo tenet, Lad..., blot Lirewwo owl Clam Vreneh ......... len,. aol I los ton with a tarn. ty or soak in he. line ',sr "ye. Once more on Hand, AND to be 41 1 11,111 al the loot of Pitt Arent, vb., I shall nonetzt a few .loy,lneen tor sale a lose ~,a, ~, e , ..t0irw1 , t.....i1......h ... r , e,tlao Sit wtto nt ea. fano ..oli.o. . 1/ se.len any 11, Onto, er rat.. Conlin, a... 1 }loony., neon., Sari. a.l rine .. A. A 1,.. n wonl variety or It Inn.. Sa.h. Panne? Own, loorh ten... •I. . all of whist. will no n. 14 el 1••• noon, .t. 1.4 0 A 1 . 11.401 01, IIItOWN. GOTHIC 'HALL. MEN AND ROTS' cLoTHING %VIII. lII' Iif . KNF.I4 ON T 11111151,4. Alltl I. 10th d 1 ItEsTEu, in anramneing his retimv al, X i t.,, I.a.r. to 1.1111 . 0 In. "01 ,. •.• thank. to the sot. Iln. lor the ir anon., I tototoon •on urn I. lie ha. neen 7wArrri4 „,. 11:t...4::... , 11;,..T ~. ;, 1 1....1 tr.: . A t . I .: 1: I 1 , 1 ~I to , , 1 ,.. 1 . ....J p 1t I . t •a th • ta O. h. ln.d.:nn • retain=l, ' l.V.v..l ..o:l.nont . Oats ... 4 .1 worsta.wl no I.' N. .1.1...,,t. 11 ny lonnor • pc.% 1 ut 1.5.......• n 10..11.1. •.• .1•11 In by Ow on p r owdento.......ton ../ 10be.... • ...... a h toe lw. 4.,... tt inlontallVe n••••••• 11 It dl, 11," • ~,,,, n for .en large no 1.0.11.... 1.1..... I . wonsmol•le loa hog of eurlnotera Al • non or tima owl 1n . w0.,41 1 .11111./. II 114, 74 Wool tor .4. ha* Non noot ton in 4 .11r toil rale lu On Immo. i11,.0. ri old! ne inn °tweet room. lon the ;neut.. ~,,, 11. e. let • innthri, 4:nowrotili h. .q...n1• 1....1 of Slots 1.1.1 Irvin' •2# ....Mx e rtionol.entnrolt, all rode. el ....On r • n Oie l•neat el, le All be 1111 0141/1,1 an Ms rps. awn rM. yerryworeo twa...inneotrys.W.on ins p0n 1 1....r.......tenn. onl al it HII 10.1.. :4 PI IWO srßix lf r. f .. 1 .., 1 po l rgrit 4 1.. rilliq T. o 1 . 1.1: It I t 1.1.1•1 II —All nolo. in the Toelornas lon evonotoll a. •pl 1 New Cloods! New Goods'!! 1:11E ...limerit., , r ha. the pleatinre of tn tortalnc MI thew. Mln.l f•rtnnt ~.tlta.. that tan has Ito notoneel ROO Merano . , non, Ilm•IFIC 1.,,,,-,...^.1. aro•an.l Isehlonolno woonnont of V Inot4 on , 4Or tott e t natter onntroona not y SOW t, .1,a„a,..t , ,,,,,,,,,, a , a t ' ZlViTia,rat i t:t . : ' : . ;ti...;Te'tr. l , :I;:,;:', ' ;',!:.='''4'; ;i: loesl ent.tainlly on hand n /at, ion feehlonnt.le an...0-we. we. of ready M. trorhion awl Ileor I. woo, ronsohists flood.. whal.•••ln and recall, al Ore 1.1.1 alon,l. No. Int Lll. - 11,7 - 4„...-.. .r. - ...,," Alii.l4y," I, J. 11. lo so IhOntont. Is Ito . trultrotimod agent ' rot n a. it. Chap. _I , • Ellyn. ay•tert. of roc rillllll4, 01•101 • - n=le.= Volt HOTELS', SKIPS, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, Coach and Car-maters. CONVAICIIIIM filt .11,11.1 OP trlllt wAntrnor, no,to mut, ru g ust.axingro ll Art RENO Damon TO 21 PARK PLACE - • 4on IA MURRAY KINIERT, NRAII Ar.r , )it IDIUSE,N. YORK. Where thee are now neaulna .an entire NEWTOCK . of FURNISHING DRY GOODS To whlellEnwat of Trade their attention will haroarter eariselvely .11reetag. They •111 have roostarilly on hand WWI 1441,1• P I V. from the tomvutartorar..erery deoerertion awl NIMI• lly of 14 PAM I LINENS. LINEN an.l COTTON NOE ETINOS. Do do PILLOW CASINOS. TAIII.II DAMASKS. NAPKINS end TO WELLINcIa • COUNTKIIPANKN A N DQUILTA. SATIN DE MONIES AND lIIDNN`ATELI.P. DAMASK AND 1 / 1 1)11 1 111111141. Wl.OhltD AND WHITE PLANK EDS. IIARPETINII% ALL MK VARIETIES 11ATTINIIS AND DISUGOICP.a. • CURLKD lIAIR AND FEATHERS. Also, a toll and rotoplete arwortMoot nI COACH AND CAlt TRIAIMINOR Received direct tram It., French sad fireman FaetaNea, rompOslng every Variety Or PLUillffeL OATHS. OOTTEI.INES, MARCELINF.ILr; CAE. OIL CLAMS, ENAMELLED AND PATENT LEATIIICK, 00ACI1 LACE AND rittNoLs. ALaNDAAIASKS, curriNas, monks No. and CAR-' DETINUS. For ()HURON PURPOSIOL TLa attent/rom orvrrvooo COUNTRY DRAT ERS la Poo . !calmly Invited to ourelook. DOREBIUS NIXON. M=EI lIANGLINGS,LIn Chintz' L . 0 B.ezt.Z. Pattiz., on light sal rkh dirk R 4 for tale by son IUMMI P. 1IA11811411g: HOUSES; • Desirable FamilY Resideace----Healthy. location. (IN the earner of Seienth and Webster 'IL etreeto, Pitt+burgh. sleep, *Perla. brick Dwelling. heats/ a spaeinue dmine `Wm. litchen. roller, ample hall. deume parlor. drerhozabena.firo of them Teti' P.N.. toe other three of woof aloe: together with an candlelit warn, •dridetl Into apartments. and well celled and lied, ed. A large yard. lk with ornamental badge. several tee, antis areas plat: bed, for regetabler. and two large mid choke grown., Of torrent vsrirti•m. and ot the hod quality. A stable far (our Anne% or • ear. pin e and two homes, a bath hone, with aPparplusne. screwy tor 'bower and ti err baths o¢ , hil/rantoa noels. the knehen. wit h the ether tn the per A coal bons, 'nob home. lrmoit kettle Pet. an eleinanradelt oven. rtog home. and water elowet. The D well Ing item. and all appartenanevanameal are in prime halt. 71", present occupant, the Iter.Nattil West bring about to re. snore tram the rity. offers to di Id hie MO. to the remaloderof hie :ewe. / ternwort reers,.nowlrentagema• terms. rower ion run be in :three or fourarecas, For turthe• please apply to the nem, of • op= tf For Rent, .• Fr WO brick Dwelling 'louses, one (our, the other Ai, rooms—in Wed Order. on Caottc Avenue. (liners. ill. Road.) t+crenth Wan!. AP ply Pa JtIIIW WATT 2 cal. ap2.2 Liberty street. For•Rept or Storage: \, T ILE Worehone'vn Third street, running .pin to ,0000 d Intelrnerunlor by A. ILA... , CoVullß e MLA lIA SI. o Let. • • • • \ IROR the term of itcOlertro, the Store F 7, ,I,lr;t:cl°lo; Z i tt:.?; , iciM '7 P.'"lili'L.4;'•;:;l.'"ili .: r n , 71 broiihtbdd a, r0a...10n Orrn on it.. rotate, ~n o Fok Lease Or, Bale. . . TFIAT very eonifortable 'three story Ft brlrk rlli. IlosnWon Hand aiLl Vayrtfr out :rag arnh apparatun tor beat., \ linbUinLatill •a .p. 1..4, i nil°.t.!..tosvaiTur'r,..^7,r2;..%T.P,::-.,",;.',4.... n gar... W.I. ( ld art hl n 13 5 ) and bullollnglo. op 1/bon,4l,oula Attune mul Braddock Amer, nu 4 the barrat Lesiolirul itifo. for Couttltr Itemils..6lltftql raid , e .. Apply at No. Fourth . Of rev t. . ~I.ASII:PbbedIAVT marll.l( i. ' 4 ._ For Sale or Rent ' •-`, FrillF. A LLEiI fik:NY FOUNDRY, eorner of lannork. and Ann alr•ole. Allaitheny Cit,., with litarka, five., Lc. 1 prmCeady. Arndt In N, ALL:X.3I. VVA:1,0:1, All.du. at Lao , NIIL'h:4IOAIVa Iri'gAlYi.j:!"'Ckh inarlalf , Ot to J.... j et., et Ward. All.ghi. Viiivable Real Abate for' •Sale: 17\ A TilliED‘ctory lirick 'lonise on Smitic ert,,, .an llv V;i'" , ...e , 41 - P,;.'"n't`t," c t,rl,r d I:.T,',iipt ' .l, " , ' ,l k`g:Ll l' '' ,7,7,\ Ar b f k l."•llT,!'t;',."g.;*:,',..fr.',Ut h 'a ~.,..„ nnathro.l.l xn.l ii rant Mr...4;0m whlrb in erll,l trafue . nn.itlent, i.n. Int , o 210 foot Inv hr 11 do.. p, ito , "In" ' 4 ''''' 1"."r .\, of - Jilin. FL K• 111) UIII I N. ' rtmrlll3l2l N.. 54 \ 5( . 3111 al ahorb:liinittillrl.l. . . Houses To Let. \ • rlIWO• \ . comfortable . 11rek 1 1 WELLINO 111i11: 1 1'..1 To Let In Ille'nfalL Wood. rr,n.r DIA 11 ark and Log. Merv!, 3:13.01n1c.1 the .1.. rt h.. at ihe .1' , 11.11.1 llooL 1 1 ., 1s e 0t01.16 p0r,1. • or al 1.9 d•.III.. 1./ Clark ...et. \ . .1. I..KnAn. fdlnuf To Le \ .. \ .'.., Let.... \ \ • r ill , lß , R i a r ibse . r . i . ber n o tt .L, L i ro , .v ,r,n rerL i t ii ' ,.. tlt . e.z . ..4, ,, nay!, No 7 51ari....t ....I lb. ~ . io‘iren on turlra44. 1.1 of April Ennolr.. ('. 1 11. PA1,14.....N. ian 11 NJ, ;:i 111•4 .11 . . Desirable Property for Ikale. , A , NUSIIII.:It' er very coin:Ll:le, Itnibling , . to, atiolning 1.1“. Outor Inpnt of tho 11111,, so,) non :11 ranla Itaiinbad. In Alleu het, ed., , Ironting On On. Railroad. nnd n n F - raTddlri,..ll4ll.ll, .1 Juniata ,tri,d , t, and i1411....ny ay.... a Im—, talisltdo onimprel,ll.ll. on th.. nor.ror !A , Pit, and Parlor, 0f..., 1111.1. hard, npao,L. lho ii, pr. Calhnlle (Imre!, no Ilsllrt. on 1410010, by \4l I, 0. , ,. nu 1.t0r,. ronnlng lawic to Spurn, all,. e 11...-11., tut.. odor, ilrb, l:n.inon 11, , b, on L krr alt.,. alunnln, thr a1.0v.. th e loi I.nuf 21./ 1.-• t Ir..nt I, 1./ foot d,...p. Th.• boon. is lan, and nor-nh-ni, bunt i ~1'1..e r n r '1 ' ". :1:0 , 1 . 1. 2 11:::? in .. 11X;:2; ...not r. 10 mil; ~ N o . ~.,,„.. A !K.- Verins in Roarer rn ',1.• ration. 0n... a ''''.;.tbdrt 'l,,W.""atT...n'ilUnNr.intnn.lating L-n.. n.„1„ N. 1'.4 il. L. IL fI , (4 . I:IISIAN Alloreept at 1... ant 11,1 P...Auol:fa, or'2.l'lf No 117 Foutlhatrd.b.l'stubuu.h • For Sale. , . A FlRMxcri , containin g.,: f I VO \MTN lIIIF.D nlul nil Inn Inc van.. tlit. en; • .141, n n tnghty nen , .luµ hi.nan an.l'liaint. .1.119.u151.1, Y,c In munl, tn inionlo .1. 11:,4 1 1,111 - For Salo or I Perpetual Lease, ? , OIiTY-TIIREE 11,1MNG Lon,. an in 1.111 Int Nil I,J. inigin..l pia" n 1 the Inn.. e Gant Lane. I. Ult 116.1n.rcustnn.t,ini.1 A 14., for real tar fins nt'lnorn pt... the. rriilo. tln out Int on th eltal. li. Ft,. nnruiiird istunur./ etr,et, ritt.liurul. pr 111. 1 .V1/ rrerivell illy Spring 1;not19, Into A ar., 4.1' In niln. in nn.l $l.• ro.•te ni 11, 1,1•1-r t .n.11:.1•1:1 I '4 In rnennn4..e., Lee :Irt . 11%.,1 Esell.renel.t...l I Lai n. 11...n...1 Ilvente Ereet...• • erSin, C•erlntn aP ~K•ae/. an.l. an l P lane.TYra 1. an.lt,q•a• la n.lasolnus an rin nd Tal , lna•• Ina a n/ llni ,3.1 e uej 4na 1., Frlaz., • 'lnele• 1.1.tola.1:, let 111110,1/erro ekel ne•el rronrome. n n Ilegalea 1 1 reatne:,,,aeir 11. a fnr 111.1 s; Ton, lInaan1l.•1, 14.4. 4 P.I4I4rVL \ ..{411J,1 ill,ll lueolenv. Itnlnlarn ate' 111..na, I • het, nth, Vairenl 11., 11 , 1,11, ..... IrhL.mo ar.ll4rlet renan•nl . I Tne•ln Ow n tinuetlnn Le1u..3, , W11./.4N . YR.1..., • peaue,,ti altetal.ll - 111,-,Tera-14., [ln • • 1111 1•..1.., rr Thin, I ...1 Removal , . • Of the 0 . Melly Ttlet;•ro 9 l, (pre, rvir. OFFICE of the toiin wicoiwl to the 'f riol anti Wowil Wilourgh, Isno rhirdotroot i. wrior to m, the want. tiro j I lo• new Telcii.iwiply plush roityrykil 111, •Eld ~, 416.1 rd. to ini.oki iownipt or t. .1111kIlli-1, 4 Id loa co Luitwi t 0... Nwcilort an.he both wiputstion which Mc Laic, to 1,11, , 1ini ADAMS la CO.'S EXERESS--FREIGH.T • REDIICED. and tilt, this date. our rala,/ all round Iry Oa front . 1. Pawl.° rsili , r• .tar, ot 1., • •••••[. 1 Irmo iiitho li ur, nn ISAR LI: s FUN., , AaTiai tui.ir*lissi4sKiTii • S aLE. '. Valuable Iron Foundry. and Nail Hoad, Car Factory for tale, at Coluxobus,'o. 1 N congequenee of the death of thnj ior 1 and more ortlre barther In the ron,rotg.amt 1,, lo Clinto.rr, tb re a itl be eOl,l ,m the ornos,ne• At \as e I ioo, on dm . X.h,1., of \ln, he. t. 1..t.0..• n the b..on• ~ i l ;;P:re k ;l ' iCiif7 ' ;M.; . ;..or, 0 /, ' :oTr l , l /.r) ' . 1 1 . ,T, - ,, i . ' , ' ,,.. ' 1 % I\ the lab, nem ~. 4 1.1.0 FAL A I a c....•n0:k 11 . 1 anAgl(.3l A K1A111111.1.. , The 11.01 rot' NMI T i• f Itust. il at Colantme. on the hign.goriwor. and Nat ionalfload,audwl , inerad,,.. w. hell put intoopt,onen 1.. J Ilitn/W A A LX , .. itg,ln22, from • high In the o +toting 01 to :Liner, .1.1 ~ther •rtiet... 1,, , G. earned 'cau l alit . inbsungolen rot, ...0.1 hoe t1,71..1.:‘.. 1 "!i5",',72,* 1 1 . ,..'711 . 1',°;,' . .t.'.'7l:::?, L Z,!'".7'i'„: l Tf, time, 1e... ed.lel '... Ike Ongroretoleide ..t I i.,0 \wroe, base ',mind... tlott order', have hewn and •re it r. alsod DO nearlp ell lo pnlan. ntaehinery.. noel. et n0e11...n. w eoneht. iron. Lent-, •e . an wofl 0. t:. ,1 1:110ine \ rot • ~,,,, tlillo. toga 1.1,11, ill, n•• Al to. le kr. .N 0 04, 00 gissollty 0/ Kr,0•011. 1, I ith • •nrernotu. ..1,1.g, .lul.X earoinge o, a, ,i• 00nluvt..,1 x Ilk 0.0 Is'oo2olry. Th ...........lo ...II N-ll,r 0 11/rl , -I 00. :0 , 4 ...se•llz . oorlll..L. .. it .4.1,1. ar veil • the 'w ,, ,sl soon et the ertabli: tinwot. will 1... I onnonored toll.. ; , ,orrhnar. Tioo I AI, gall roilil , i•rit,..1.4 4 t me...ern... ..I'.laocr Iron, .7,e slot, hounder. aaTia t.r ,g.,..1p1.4 leo II nlge• ar * higna•ll,l4r , are engnw .1 in tg.ll.lmg neel Eva! Orr, .r.l ev........er1pt10n. ILo e•lanto•hment I. • ‘l,.tn., an ..., tettryto 14.1er., tinder Iln• otinerlntendee.ce,d 3fr, rear/ Kimball, ceodletn..l IT ranenenge in the hntoie.gc aat, who, lo willlng to retina.. in .11. '0 risen tern, . ittap ' be Ranged toot•non Wm' sat tin , poro ham,. -' Thor. , . over thnw cl . remn,l 1 4.Innving to the Con litelorr. Gm Gird. Inn. tn lenut h. 1w0... the Conoin. his sal .Xenia thoshonstl, 0mr, 1 01.0,t /or .I...i.etlit.rr.org and tor r.. , ,, ir Inn ing.tiala. 'ltem hoiNtin g a ea.., t. , . • tome e 1 „ u.• . ear 0h..., .ntoon etuilltrhon. elth An 11., 1. ...eking 0h0... lrOn 0 1100. Maul,. 0.1, turn t.1 , 1.),.,cer to ' nel,... A n., al. wen adard , gl 1.4 the ha., k, Ttie twoittonnf the aleo, denwinotl nrivorty, in rel.- fro In the r %riot. rallmonit aria lu u.., auto thn cone:, ea taloa em.strated, n. noel, A. 10 ...tat... Ihn I elle!that, IL will .4 , 011,., In be lake,, Ihr• nowt 4...irab10, retablnti.' non. in the roordr(. Tont. anlThe lit, , ,d •..... The •pecille orrtes nal b.... ni the I too Foundry, nre as ballonw to oil: The following 1 4 re. or paleo:4 St ' Pr •tOort T. oittulte In 1 the county of Prauld'on and Ct.... of 111,1, a ourtinn•l In 10l in thorny of Volosontg... In a , 11,1 l'epallln co , number xty I No, Ink) Alen, I , ,,rtat inlot nnahne oft., ono (nn 01 1, In gall tit* , of Volumbne, ...taloa sal 4... soonest . ' irt ' w . ;:tt ' s. ' ,lXA?, , t7l t y Verr tt:',l;rilit'lletntn'il'r'neTTl'l?.: warn morn now etanding then.ron. ...now Irlorly with theo-no.l annul' otanl . wan• root., Pinot, two' b..): thrinw en•tertr, penile, with Dread .1.., to the 0,0. lin• .:.I .itt ''blot No. bl, thenni,nonherly. ...1 raid mod lini, 01 ea , ,l In. , lot no 14. 100 tent, \them.. eig.terly. nntallet 011111h`1t.0.4 , Pt . to Hank slier, (hon. wino the .....t line ,0 . ltaok nitep . 1 LYnn allay. iltEnuat with Mo., south lino of Linn oily • In the frictional Inlet No.ol. \ Alen, inlot In Pall Pit r of Onlonibor;n111111wr tilly, nine (nip Into „ Alen. tnentp.l..feet oh Intot, In', Id At, of toninn.l....t.' nutulwred 11111 right, (X 41,7), to Iselelten oil nut month 'T"hethorpoTellie"L'Og.totdandidtn".'n'n.d"r"of Th ” . l' ,l %. l.l .". la l c o l t ory. n 0,,, IR] , follnarr, lo wit —g•rt of eighteen arrownf Inind ort W. weol aide of Moto river. which raid tlf Warn Jul, ann. mu. , rnyal by )alranlll. Illatlnr,dldan..tit 1 4,twaf 'nen., bp loot be l aritt i d•to Tole: ...nth A. 1 . I , el. and dulp , andel pas Venn in to, 11(.4. , l ant . w ith . foll low•—beglnnlng*hare UM *with linen( the attundrinand Xenia rallroad. Itelooreeet Owl \ weal hon,i raid cuttingn wen bar I. thence *out h II deg,,. nnt 12 No 10.1roalee Vika mono. lb! WO 11 , 01.1, 7 3 (dew ~..t:l7 note% to a alone. thence nowth.l 1 deg., w•st. lot 1.0-1.1 nolen,'ln 0 .4,0,,,, r ,.„ .tTen' , i . .. rt . h ..=7;0,!74 . .., , ,',:.',76:::4.•,! . .42 .3 d.it, treat 2loolgo t he n elm tree, I hem, ...nth k 7 doh, went In role, along t nail :Imo ot Aid roilltnad,Jo the beginning, enntAtnlng three neer/. and s nor tau \hum dendtho tflin •er l . boll,, ear. moan ...r lenn, ' , tor further intonantitna eddn.... J, Mannar : or)', 11. F.:, 1 2'.,, `,`l'V''"'f,"'" 0 13 . J " . 1'2 .7. 4'T it ' ..!1 . c1 . 1 d g . a. ! ' '. C.' 100,13. \ ~ '. aiwelai .aleigeent. lthownoern, 1 AINIL (RAISINS: g 4 Iluorh •\ \ eedlev do., \ \ Nunn \ awl:: , , '11..0. &tall. Itfl A 9.). . . .. STOCK EXCHANGE &. COLLECTION f - \ OFFICE' ', \ ~.-... \ • A. AVII.AQ:.!4S ..&:, (X)., . \ Corner Third and \ ldartet its., FittaburEll slosh, bought and fold'On rlgnoir•slon. . Sinhtehtnli . : on liar En tern awl Wootern qtler Itor rola. intern" , at . lowed nu time (*polls. 1 :41.111014,. blo. 00 all U., citien gsf the Unica,. korelgt. 11,14 mid Nil', lentil. , II lost d '. and 1 1 NAME TOM'S Cahill; orliii aulorig tho Li lowly, lay,lhorriet Ilerebee time. .. ta . ro story 1.• acknowledged !wall. vol. Ilya real 11. lo he the matt thrilling ;gory leer Irettid frau lb „ . 4 01. 01. run WT., It ran be load at ‘,, s . ', anln W. A. 1.11 LDENIPH NET, N, tr (10, Nth Trlrentrth ntr.t.L ' diltACtikill COCOA*, COLOA \ SHE LlS— it J Jgod regetreol fel the. torn', Noe. 1 and ° . lln. CocOrdr9t4 • ICU n n '. n 1 Cooked Caveat fornal, Ey SPIT W. A. Ale.Cl.l,llt. a Co. '''' LA 1! . .11 . 1;ir FUSITItk tj . b!s . bi t i , l 4 ;tr ra r i ,4l , l . for SAL SODA-4 cekq: joss retedliir tvilo by ~,ra t • .....3 ,. 6. V. 141131(.1t.$11 td.t,......_ it ITlli.ltt I'S, fur „maul 'sacking, 'jk)lt ar e a IJIP rd. hatthiatt torne,Foarth and blatiet ntnnefa. \ aplt:, \ • - -Ml.illt:ltY*111111t,tflf ! . \ H ".4.: ARNESS LEATII4-4itillusfoc Bili; usLasu..aoir.. T RANSPORTATIOM, - --- • --- -- 4 Notice :\ A • • ' \- ~ Al OliN A. OAUGMBI haring retired from Ntt, La- Agvney of th• Union Lila, .0:11• EIARTO/910., iti,lra l office font rii cootUrinllyy KV A f el ' artor- ' . 1 ,4)..rea11.r art it• Agnate rt. ..blytta,,, . . ~ , ,7 Nlati eilbr ell'A wee:r . rztv......; . \ ... :,-- ~ .... • _ UNION iLINE.\. Lhiriett... 185.2 WFB: ---._. T , ' Olereland and the Lakes: ; '' eltAlk:Fo . ltD i! CdI+I,SIINKLIN. Cleveland. Prorn. Tin. WRALL KIITIVV I :P 4 no la prep' I ''' to 15:„°:.r-:,:;lt'tf,wr*,,-;:5:y.L.:if;,727;7;.:.,"; Lb. :lli n' a mr".l. :::b" 11'.'ear'.1'..:t4t'rVt{cl? t'e'lial.. tcd'h4t*:-P;41" .1:14 . ' \\\_. 1170 Agent. SlonoOt•bela ALlaa2l,ittatutrab. , el,etter Eptithlt,dd and Walwr milt. \ . \ PAll Rialucti. • . Wait-Newt:n Plank Road Route ' • \ von • .4 TLVORE, P RILADA'LI'III.4 tt Ir..4iTl ',' . INGTQN C1T.17. , .7 \ IF,A It K 11 ft D U.O iD. TOli i l ii i:11101"e s2oolean than ?a. R. Road \ To I` 11.14,1p1w. $l. OO \ do ' 0 V ,4 ab 4 1,, t , e 11 1*2.30 \do . , do t7\ Tbls I , tb 0u1i....111?, whirl) enaUrrosttlC.ol.loll TICK_ ~ . ...:. , 1 11c,,,, i 54, .2 ho cakla,! this roll.. rattertrs.r• Th. Ma1 '1 1 , 140 4, :;,..,111it the UniteiStatet, 11•11.1 letters otb; tot,pgsat.la, tyt,.rti,hotv tlho Wlre Ittridp,a ^ rmir .7).4.1;,....:111•10,1:',.,'-.l;vlk 1. 0 :n4 ,• °tra" 4 ,,,,FZ1,,1r1 5 :. • 71.. Gninb.r. at. 11i . .t . y...ru.n ' , ' .011 `aternlntr.Over lb. Plank lieut. ereattlo,, 'II* onnpotales IP day light. Tole 1;;;IMrval1.6, I j l Wi ' n : Cll . .T.t..?li.s,_ ...I ' 'hirr'4,. littlallVetMot%°•lll: 'at,i,,,,,t.1,1 en,, dlottin Fitllatitlptda. week ....lII a ltwor "`r;; ! :7 , ; g ilnlrtgg.'.\;.:, . :;,.•-.......... .. . . . :: t ',l ;;;V , ;lP , l , q:`ar!,.. 7 :;:z -. ...7... 1( : mo,N()Nonttba Rtiott;.• \ 10,10. ~. Tb ' '1"m" I', lire • *i l ' ir l ' : . / ir4i ,, ,e4t, -0 , ,,7;v::,,1-..i„,„....'1.,:ial l i' 6 l; un``, ':' to, In. t, te, n n e set* Alp and arrire In Cunabarlattl ne's t, ototo 'UK r tb 0110. , 410 4 11 . 'll A ‘ a ‘ t r ln ' t r w . , t '4',l'.:l4°,=...;.l').".k!qalial:TlT,Zail "'" r:::: rt;io'll4l,ll"ruer,A. '\ V , \..s 9 00 ' \ " r 1 d,•11e1 1akdZi . ......7. 7 .2::...24 . .X.Z:::....5"; 1...00 \ \ For I tokeX,rp i :le:7. g, ‘ T .- ; . iii --- : , • -" ,, 4 , .1),X . ,,111., :11.1 W... 4 Newton nlank hood Ota,ll,4,l,66.lllonhogattals. 1 , 85* tiltia -,...\ . .4. CURB,Y, '.. '' \-- s, . • , Porreardmg and COMmilkSiOn Merchant, bt llt ' ll7reetont• formerly neern,al Lye L L.4.11c44. • . , Anent In: ...I \ 7' 111 • CLI t'en :VP it ,0 1 .0 • 10 11:111:d I.lnr, and \ 10,1117: 1 L 1000114); 1t.., " L, between 11.1 eleadarerrittebult• b; 1 \ (TIN/HONED., \ . Itri.r,elprt.l, Pettibenn, Varolusky. 1.//tx' .. \ 1 . Prawn tl, g i t. l : ' .. ! ;;Atttilettl.n. \ \ \ 1 ' 1: ' Van% In" . I k ' & o .. ll . l .t ' Vallet il l i tiltlo ' il. \ I n.,ltlcklna,on, Al•ut,an. Vile , . , todti. 1.. I 11,1, Utbr , -1 a1.k , .. Ketnaitt, It keon.ln, \ . , \ Dutton a 0..„ Ririe, Itlaronain. , , t , ntb . otr. a , :o t, 3l l l wsokl.„ II Imeensln, \ ' lt,rtnwol a, Vr01F1V1411.1.,) wan, 01 • ,.. , , , ,, , i¢. ' , 1 e. ihdrroli. l'ittAhttrAh.... ~, 'T‘tour:ot ~ , 41. wittiAtimmu., o hin, . . , A 1 1,..t. i r A Co., Prtrnk, Mach l u:en. Etr e;49o, ' ) 1\ .011 , Itilti A Pon. Akn I. •.i. XII. 1' t,.1.(:,.1.111,i,tia..i0tt1., ,AI \ 'l v ..r. q t a 1nat., , u1.11/. W. b.Pard,lThleit.,llfioola,‘ --‘ Agent Ili\ Merchants' aill s„ Miller's Line, - - , ”:1111/: KM (1,1 'AI. ' \ tr* ma. tt,,.. , , rt 1.1.0 ta., &to S,rl ` APrIY I, , ,ln•drY It y.....r 0.411 .1. 0 .1 1 .C.c ,, ,111-lentles 1 , 110.. 1 . ... 0k \\ J. It. I, t,, ~., Qua, ,tre. Albans. Illnut II '..,... A \ ~., I , \ , prl.t.r... Ito Lester. 11. S. Itee.b.r, Itn f. 0., \ , i.. .: , ; , :1:::::..1k t i 0 r.4.; II a 51 LIT. ^ tta7,l-1 Ilul.on River \ I.•a re .. Nor\ `: ~ :a t Itin r, 11,,411 at Nr , .L.r 1 .,1.. 5/ \ (:I.EVELA.,,q) Ez.,OOOENBllOltOll LINE. :;I ~i , " ., ^. , ,,,t , t r a F ..... k . 7 1 0 ..y , .....iL grit ,: 11111 , ~...11..0'0'.:Yr,..71.,"....4:;;,:, f1,7, , ...,..rii.„ E . :1;t»i'6.4.:;,..,.. g, ..k. me tyo mt... rt.,. ~la 11,,, ...• be oldelood tn. by,tratiF.• of 51,, y. - Kabolto . . l .. , ,tin.d.,l , l•uumi tc .Car IL. , \ \ '' ' - 1 ci.r.vi.A,ANl) & Elt;L:81,E11011'. n,L,.l,t.?gil..nliatAljßooslt).z„o:l.r....l I'r not I. 71r tii:p,. ,, , ,?alt. .i ulli ''lirer blp iltelht d g.g irol'UeTu . NIICIII4AN SOUTIkERN "EAILROAT). Tlo , romp, tn, nimenino oenwotootion, 1411 Id., en In, n.,to ~,. t0. , -I rta.. , t.tru.rek t l / 4 , • I Ilea, boat. ~.11 .... iny .1.1. ee-ry .e.,,ist.t. t , tind. , toczetetr4, C. , ' '1...m, t.nebl,l SALM., r .out Toted Nod am rm.! r 4 11 , ...... in Ihn . . 1 r 0,.. ..0,111,4 Unit, , d'tar• for CIA.. ~.,. 11,1- .. , ..,,,,,,0,..,ib t.n. I .!filve,ntMod ‘l.. Lowi. 1 It , " 61....,1,1,.1 rt...1nt... n. - , ‘ ,. ,‘Pliger. I , l'llll/VlBo, nrrtse 14•• , Inr.: a.... ea.. int, "Inc Itt.r..on fttiitt tolortue Cl-re 1.4 , 1: 0 'lira 11, , r b.-AA mord, , it Lir oAII? ' 4N:.. SI ltie, \ -rte., Inmeel I ' .., ..1 , I: KV, A it..pr. L . , -: mti i , L „i5 . ! . .2 wfigwti , r,rero,Lant.. , . Purt A ble Boat LUI' C . EN',z ,),‘ Till.: I'EANNEOIL:I'ATION cirel,E,R.- ell.kNI , IsE AN.LI I'llt°l-) UCk;' \\ .\ (vie I•FS Nth*LVAIN IA CAN. 01.4 AND RA ILIIII)Aidl,r1 us E'l'\¢l:Eis; P uri'sl:l4i(lli ANL , * 1.11 li r s ) A t, b 1 .1 . 111.1,1.n.i.t . db.., .\!4.1,4.ing., lline, Y. _ .t 'l'''' ' l'l.o N''''''. 401.1 2'...!/.7//01:121r.:tti'i.4. IL A. Nl . Atilll.ll - A Or .I . anal lia.An. tot a 410 Penn .. , . 1 1T7SUCI:(,11 .n t1 ' ..% ,,,, vner......4 our laeill , be, and °Derv,. Ilityrnerd A. 1414:144:41•41,14( tr1.t....k..................1 44 4.444 e• • tura.. arnetrot .f Prudure and Ilentokodifei 1.. ,, t0ts ton tb. nt..ntrot or tn.. ea Dad) will, Oronartnew•and i...1.1t , ch, • ch., ,«..11.0 0,01 s,, , pn ..0 Traugnorkstlen OTC. ..11/ :tato hn11.1,-,. n:, L.. 1... n ix, 1,:. about WI I',...sutd Ibt- tre.t ',tn..... at .I I•ver I , h., toet wIlk:Is • soli. .lent /mann... that It,, no [Alter ...n.od.rnt • doubt.' lot 4, .1,, WO. c{.41u404 LW In .4110•1•441 0,...11 t'tlr annerlor to and made 01 tra.Dert.t/on Wed. , ..,nato .1..0 i11et.,,..W1 by rstlroade. \ d!l.ur. 1107.1 U ,4 T o m r.l o l . o l ur a t . . t u o r a w t s e rah un b ue urg Mar a et f ir ed:: 01.1.,,1 ka...lle.rebr Itatbrel, ar,lutpatherideycnnartowtal 04. thr4...di.erest tre n...,,,,. wt. wit werwribit We de11.1,47 44 1.4.•441a1 eutt. to•A, Ihe package,. el.mit and Inn wend erfer . when ntoened. '\ rroone.'.l, ,r -hued In our ann. at Nttabaratt, vr,lt 1.. r.....i...1 ,, m1y.rw.,,bal ellwa) a et lb• lowett cur, r...,‘ raw,' rat, etrirtly •4:044:11., to ltutructioto. with ti txtrack•ue I^. , -.n1..i0n„ torag., or adult e:Ltt l'haii.er, le ~ . ' C. A. iIeANULTS t Co, 11.na1 Hum. Einghant' Transportation Line, asAiRR3 '185.-iiimiiiii taTweeN 1 . 111'511010311 Sr. TEE EAStERN.CM . ES , 4)N , : y orniu rn i,ir r,. ~ ..f. t l:, e . .c a i nul, ere . will be roe \ ~l iirt,an/1•4 elot arcl u vrt.el ". P" '" 'F. Ruder. and L. P n ro m istbu laws>, ftt lownrt mt. tbargoi by nespoOsiblo .411 .Ti ' : 1* =. "1 =17t d .rr 'd ell i :a;:rrrr=7:74 , ngJoing frrlat.ormausl,•but. nrototime. 1111. , .1. Luting tmwardr•,. a. all 4 1 ftetlut.takbfaitr tt,trl 4,. &Mr. - wt....1 , NY . \ , \ ~ WAI. lIINUIRM • 011.. Canal Ilasip, \ \ .'"l;r4lltl7.gl rlar:ll3.t"ii•rztilt.,"xt" L.1.4...t.1 , urth and Villa oda, Plilladelp•lAL ', JA?II. , U' I L•ON,Avsai. \ "C. 4.i.Z"2.:171:14tiT1N,P1"'"•• . , ~ , • °- • ',,N1.1"k A Card. E TRAIVApORTA ON Ll'Vt. • If ill bo earrle4 on br II.VCONNOI4. I. fl I. nIj WrI:II., J 1.,0 ..AW* , ( 5 0.. rhilmr• f )Coo Ixm and In:, filch 1 kocr..w... to torrntr thou I frI , SA” . I o'CuNNojt, gioFF mr,--too 1.4.... 'tin, now binaing,o.nd ie _ .......... .. H\ IN , r Eit.- t 124., l'Xeli II ... I toll, rew'il aiiil, ii II tins 1, "l,. 171 `3Ol7Cl A' COLLIrI ,_ , ' N \ t:W llli it irtNo• 2 7-•, - 2. hAtI. NO. ....f knit \ , , \:• , .,.1T \ Jorkty,Al'r 4 Ci) . I 11 , ertc On'al-, li l iSik-3111) a,F4 - . vo. I ands:: LakeSupolior a nannnn, In prlenos•r/irt;lor natei, , ' , 9‘ 47 ,..,-- - ----\ —.-: J 'T.. ^ 1,,!*_ , 2 ,. .f..^.,__. 11110 E —lO ii;,.. iri\o4 4 lre, fik,ooe by . • 211 ',...1.1 \ ' JIIIIN 1 ' /err a Co. 41,AX —TIO iii,;4l. 1. .0 . 411, for‘oole by ji ~,,ez . \ \WAIN ‘:' C 1 : t i : , ,, , : t t .. ; - ,:1 . tt , 1 b . !‘ ,,, 1...N . :( , ),.. , fi k 1i ,t i. r . .te .. 1 . 4,y ,street, l' ..., "7:11":a400., ''''‘\b.s:'': : tt."64. \\i l l :I ....... m - rciwito . : ' ,.. \ i.. ' ', , ' 5 \ \. a a.l.' 's , . ~,,,‘ \'. anl; , \ IlrnavontniVrea 14.1.-ot., _ Fifteen leer t, nt. , Per \ iiiintnie•A ' • \ i t3g,4llrtsfil'pt.l oir.iiiiticetliii,4lq:,Stciok,, \ _ i[nek earn lon., Ilrolarrly: ' ' \ ‘ . an10 . ,.. , 1.., . nr n Markirt andthod II& P1..„11i II: ..1.1,ii ea'Nationiil'lklo - ga4iTeSelp May, ~.. ~...n roed al 1111.1enientny .ii 1. o:4.l6Yolirlit at.. 10. , :ralkIan I, 10,. E. 1.. 11ut . ..r, Ilm, no, cheap ‘nlitkln ,`,.‘" Pnbln•lnO. , I , j NO bli roNtS CA HIN—Ju.O reo'ot\7B, F,. o rtO ntr..net.' Apollo . 1%01E04., T he 150 •on• , 7ndzi r p!...anndorlalOorr nag ~. nn .y . r kE4 1 , -- • ,- , r-- ,-- ---\\ ,lEMIN—s) lils.'to nrrivo, roe Pilo bz I ' ' 4 '4 , ' ._.t i N " . ! -IIV ! .•_ik"„N" 7. r!... I , I • OEPPIS li—,o oiike. in !dote, fob 'Pali, by „ % ' iiikr.i s \. : l \'J. S. roi,wonlll e. oi. 1 I_llo'fAgit--,''23 inika - .1;O'il fol . . r. sale 11:3. IL at '22 \ V , ' 3. R. 11119C0RT13,3 CA \ II it F.; ' ,S 411-iiiIINI I Nl` , -200 ' 'Twils. blatifbl -7 5 ,01 'a ' ioar'Or,n,r, coe,ai.• ay \ , ~,,,° ‘'',_.• -\ • \C. ATUOICCIINGT.. , g liovy,..i , u'iqvystih, . Blasoiii NI! Co. bar. :ust rne' , l . l:ol 4 l dos el len'a and tAatler . 10.1. SFIlk, 1 4 ,1 10111:17 , ,:tdandCi_lion Mare, , • Iy , •p 3 - 1 , 11 0...! .ia) , { b 2 .-/ ,‘ ‘...ti:Y , / ,, U,11 , 40r1 , 4E , L ,, 0. i havp 4 . 0 . 2. 0., 11 . , :i. ', ;: ',., gri:iTgor;' , `g r .oiorinTii.4oiowo` , an CM 1 ,, d,t.. 0, !Inn bingr.and hair lbw, _, iii.-,..4 , 11N - 11 - 11 1 1201111:11,1EAnntber bugs let , : or . LA Emarololerir+.Coll,4oll,gVa , Cla•mirf WI, 144 ‘ r.r.l ~ A nlxr,.'enllars. Cu11.e,1e...CL4 Alt se...lred br• , , ~, n , .A. 1114SICI & CO. k_ . • 1 0611V,091 ) ---20 bills. lattopeachy 'icihippod , ' 1,/ nt .. I r , n,r. .P.ht-r•'"'',.. T \ tililig.ntitt' i 0r.12 \ \ ' ..:01 , ;o4. 'w iola Sloth at, , '' l tH 1 WOOD---5. 1.1,1 a GrountiVaspeachy of 14 ''n''' ^4.ll4. ' ''' rr 'i l VisliZiailaba, .:_:\_. _, ' It. Na ------ /rEA-56, half CheStB liunrara.,iler,.Yriag Pu i l f itiiiiity a rqull nail tiRQuER/15, ..,, , N , ~., , . " :5 °?:'''''''''''''''' m ll 'l.L' 4 1 1... 4 4 , g'ZIM -....4 A Lnuhtititai;eoe I ' l th ' sfrTainiilZMpetial ii4,ll!;cill 1,.1ce;21-. :je k b l . .,d 2 \-• \. '.''' • \ ' \ • V tertrir`caVg ...\ \,, ' } \ s , . 1 23 'b"St trlllt ts ' IC I I d Vti * r;aftl ' lO .1*;.:34 \ tor \ Isla 1 1 , ..fm;11-.61 . .. V. $. D AW . MTII 4 C (. . ' + NWOOL C T \ \ ITIrcE tigheat market pri4e, in \c ab SC4I , INI JL "Vaal. thaajaat , hami i w it ali l a ul A f„ I \ \ ` ~~.\ ~_ _ , R. of the Ismer wadi:pooh beremttalited a Mietaity from Its remarkable mese , nemi ,Oloolld Pr all 011..0 Mod telote tufo. . Other preParatkros ban ..b tbem soiree pudiatfech amt toutetiosed effected actable, corm. s but Itas eget so to l / 1 deb the tbdadoldstie''M sois7lty where I! Is kosons.X \ After yeti* of al la cue Ilmate, the moduli bare , I,thutablr dwelt It to bow. %mastery mere thls dangersM Oleo. Of t l / 4 hit* colukthot tell to attract tbe • atteattort of ?by Ps/lards, sod the publie taw ' \ • ... - • 'hr Pee the Museum, non of olitturre ladlirldrolhouid froild dtataut places:but oleo. hbo ode known, and ' ed throushout Um attuutry. . \'' I \ ' __\ " The widely 'selebrated Ourgesha. Dexter YdeglNP/NE • ,isorr. of New Yost clkh ohne \ \ . \ ' ' ".. "It M. mm aa/cure to dejtaLtbe rates end tallest of a l a Maar Peceolat l b I oonebtr tetterller .dttLird ltlagil.tbirr"i7es===l,rtltekuseett t. i iNg tr Z n l t elte• ono of Me ectlmalp harmed rhYstedaue • ''•*4 In ll Z . :erl ' o h :: hYsen, fratt ," ==ral= ' ' 4 • t% T ' lIII P V. ° 4 7 1.(1rA re TIT= 1 iLler4 of th e 11/tuix!t et/t u mb. emit. to the memytete, maths etteattou, er c.1111=1.. li:risgttai , 'is ' letortkotter be lased la ou%Mereular, to be bad of lbe ' - • y t % r.111 . ..yr:V1 the atteu too of Asthmatic patent. 4sts, mo m mum the *elk lumen Inemput al MIN- _ •••• ...lolfterLeof the,trziti deal . ..rola We $61161,61 ‘ I teem: Ittr-tom 16;1414.:‘,' 4 , • teem. / ranted a •ttla mme ant i tnteajec tatate • Cr' , &ae, thought be bo sell Lb rad ids snack cormutabtbs. '' - \ . . • a ' l ''' err gthtir ni b . 1:4 " 1, r ,:? .. tV...,V 1 w r, 1 . 4.:" - , \ ; aulaserelleteookl be ethane, 6r s.• moat 1 tont**. .. '`, " them tit ttriryomr anoidient treellegat t m a t mah I latmedP Autry lets team for tbs. errt .. sod Ibu mayjudre of • • \ sa l surrey on nut raturn i o tit In Om *lost on', ' '‘, • . \\\ en way bme hum themes: and bud bad entire!, tii. '\, . revered. Pour reeks frrou the day be co tabbed ' ' " • . your modiesres, be am at rusk at, 111/ ..rout trade Of * \ Its, ' ,,, Theron. Otber cues within °sr blOwledrhcbev e tbe .. \ r i, 1 (*ay rm....h. beau alugularly rommumt %HMO. ' - 1 . IV rrkal an Ude. Very trulwoure. v\ v Eear ` the Pedant , Ilr.'.i, C. Amu. Leoiegl- Dear We —Veelloil et \fider'obll- ', ' , „ \ '‘ getiobe to you for the restored., of. =I bealtbeitemel r a report of my raw. V bleb 3 CHI are at IltanlY rote • .la ,r th. b....tiL It others. UM oobrn. m I took* bad 1 , • • Med. emmottenhel bra severe much and made sterdf ' \ '\ • , th,.., modiettere, without obtaining... Arr. 1.;• 'S4l2Var.thetPltr.r=lrcfsle'r•.tb...°Al'at " e u, f3Al7 \ -1 • ' . , e . (.SII,IIN Pr011aill„. {1,,, pm or • bk.!, I immediately gem. \ , . \ tomcod, moorlbm toWhelk. • I berej out purebaect \ q.,.. tro, bottle. met 40,. fen.... 1' [lOlPO.l.lt. \• \ . . • \ , by th.'ils• of toot ', ' ‘ Ig,',N,X, rr',ll4,tair,","!! '' PrinNo, a v5,,,,,-4 A.ll. — 7 '' ,\ ' \ t et ell. \ beer Stiel eLett'l tlooil grAgetttf,rlVl4.l%ta \ " •11 F.: -\ ~ 4. \ - we" tt ., : , rax . ra t:. .. 2. ,,, , ,, t . t1..,,,,,,,;:;,..f..7.1%.,.. I4hot ~.. \ . ...„.1. \ iisl7lhF tereh dbtelv loft hty loam, *sob a red lothated. \ 'lt, '', i, teln3e.rtr.flfcliiiii.lortitir':e'ortrZalfearerugiVglllrard . e . • f. ' .'.° no, spa tee, mu a dreadful mach vitii too In.: Illkt en, ' ••0, 1 • . nrA,1.....,,,fr,f.an..,:ji.a0/..L00be..1,4..1.31411,111:11.1,..b.1. t I/4 , - \ ......a .u,, ~...% .1 - ei4...' and gm* emit at wig. la ' s Ir. tbeet 11 fortnight I could set well, 4134 my cough bed . 1., ' ceased to be Isaiah:mom. rot ert MI6 fetuomd• . 6 1 6 7 • • Mel tiourithorl me, *bleb room **bind Me •Irttb ?Imo. "Rol 1 4 44 \11,rt•1. lam hell and !I rAngt ~,,. ..." \ y ; I : or hriP r"r' l Y lMl C lPlrliTs. l e ' reV4 ' , ”L , 4 u t;i A DEAN. ' ' , \ \ , I hereby ...ebb, that she &bore Of of ette elfe in ' . tt ~ .• in nottornitewift r` ern teat beer...maul rot • : , 1 Ayt , :f Litetre I rrtoral . .1011.11.11,MCAIV. _N!,,, mho of erek•tonebb Joao. 4141 J Pa, blit wife, t ' l r oi ' •lircit:l: -" =•;; ' ,,. o . ".'"' '' ''''' 6"'f."'... '”" ~, A , At! I:ttl.'Cr '..III.DIIIIWT. . , • 0, to lent rn !rnl td h vin c . et nt i r, - o,o, ' Alm-c, NP.;: ' ; l •Pe ' '.; Z,TV;!\.:h'4. t•S ' N ' ltt r tgl ' 4o-t , " 1 1' A. lA" ' • In .1.1. le ch. tile, bt ii.... , icli*:A l '''' j.',;•.,, x..,0,11 .., ...• .I. t4l IVrvan,ll/..1 ....• ~ ~. .l, .... • • QV foi \ 1.,,, flood Newi fW \ 4.110 R. LATROBW:i', FRENCII FEMALE Ka sinly I,r lezen.l W eat nf e All• v ~PI 11 : 7 1:1 " 4:11gb y .: - Lo" Ar,ti , e, T.. wee, rstp non. biornsasl rpi nr, r " I r 471 Z rnstllal ,:r .. .,11.t t r ,, 1 , 4 , ...:! , , , , , 7 , 1%5nt.1 I.nl hu ' Actail nr - - \ \ .- ' The best Ite*edy ever known to Ilan. \ .oh=. Aem... 04,41_(,....r. Nr...,,,,4, ‘k.jr......‘lll'”i' \ ane ~, M. IL isiz,s,\ PU44,14114 4.l " ltnet/Dtip. , l (sex .r.t... \ \Jililinn cm w-nin.ss•anltlic Leroy er mi . . karri stosrh., *\` In . { , use, ten floisom istMeahoriy adopted to cebrir \ NAtie Luna a nd Llactlttok•ca to proctored ear wet \rithnockatokt 1, • ITILD OILERRX:\IIAS LONG *EN . , T Imo./ toimmesa itrazitiastkatalkixalptam tl ea • fliti a t\ Le (ouilitor to eeeee 'nstal, In oar lamt,mad nivdten trewibe It lin'eariety of lona foldlf &tent Waal. Tar, aim Imsimet,