The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 16, 1852, Image 4

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Camonstit.—Extract from a letter
from Bro. -Maelay, to the. Corresponding
• Secretary, dated Jan. 3:
I seise a few moments every month to
O;iwrite to you some incidents, thinking you
• t always anxious to hear of our demos
- 7ai/ this aide of the Fes t waters. Mrs. M.
arul,ulyself are in good health and spirits.
• ; =Io: of religion is still on'the ad. ,
- • • -vane. -.Nei, for my first visit to San Jose
mission, the last' mission, I believe; estab—
lished by the Mexican , governmenti It is'
styled the frofitier •mission, established
• some , eizty or seventy years ago. It is,
•*•. 'directly north of this some fifteen miles,
- • Amer a • beautiful plain, which, in, a very
": • few years, will be laid out in well-regula
ted firms. I stopped with Mr. Beard, one
- •ef the principal proprietors of the place.
His wife is a member of the Presbyterian'
. - Church, and 'a very clever, pious lady,.
They received and treated me mostirindly.
..,. On Sabbath morning a large room ivaa•pre
; pared for preaching, and by 11 o'clock 'it
, • was crowded full of attentive and appa
rently scrim persons., Little did, the old
• -•,
: priest' 'think, seventy years ago, when
. building the church and adjoining build
' - • inge, that one day a Protestant sermon,
yen, Methodist sermon, would ho delivered
within the holy precincts. Strange "things
' cell) to pass in this world. The old adobe
• church, covered with tiles, bears the marks
•••of old gray-beatied time. The g rave-yard
is 'next the church, where they bury their
pions dead. I passed through it, and ob
served a rough coffin standing against the
- building carelessly. Upon inquiry, I was
informed' that all who were buried there
-were \ first put into this coffin, and then
• • • thrown loose into the grave, without any
' ';thing bitt,the cold earth to press upon the
corpse. Passing on, my eye fell upon
human boneelying upon -the surface of the
ground. I felt shocked at the sight; and
• expresied• myself, so; but :My friend, Mr.
• M., merchant of•that place, formerly of
' - Pennsylvania, en ollacquaintanei of Mrs.
laid,. "Sir,. I have-teen enough of per
sonedunng the last twelve months buried
• there to cover the entire surface two feet
deep; they dig them np to give, place for
new irubjeoti." Said he, " Come up a lit
- Ale further, and you will have a still stran
ger sight." I followed, and soon we stood
, upon the skulls and unbroken bones ofi
. tomes. These are the bones of heretics or
unworthy members of the Church:
The country east of- thi mission is menu=
Mittens; west, a plain stretching' out for
miles and miles to. San Francisco Bay.
There is a fine orehaid connected with the
mission ; ' the pears are getting ripe, and
. are the most delicious I ever tasted.—
Grapes were coloring,, peaches not ripe,
but looked a goolLsize, and put me a little
. in mind of home. Upon the whole I was
pleased with the mission. I trust the Lord
will bless our feeble efforts to do them
TAICZN AT urs Wonn.—A profane
young man, drawing wood in the winter
7 Of 1880 2 became enraged with his. oxen,
beating them, and " kill
you today, or you shall kill me;? adding
• .1 dreadful oath. Before night, a stranger
found his dead body in the street, crashed
by his load of wood. ".Verily there ill a
God that , judgeth the earth."—Ameriean
MaL—Rend good boob, not forgettiug
the best of all. There is more two phi.
looopby in the Bible than in every work
of every sceptic that ever was %visite; we
sbottla be all miserable beings without it,
mad none more miserable than you.
Corner Third - sid iiirket its., Pittsburgh.
_Straka lantabt and .14 at Canon... tilabt eberlto
...a Innen. and lamina an.. or rate. littered al
lowed. timoD,o-olla. lantrelloas natio nu *!I the Mt .
of thit Colon tonida (mold and lidera bonaet at h.-.
War. • ; apit
If i aILVER. ‘VIIITE IN TUBES-4 grnmu in
itor• for ale t 4. 1•41 J..1111/1/ aW.
Alkj ALL PAPER —A frcali murival from:
VT -11•111cory. lorlmliog • v•ri,li of alr mad band
pomp pattgovs, at Tory mod.tste toloo*.t•st too',l 6.1 Is
...Jo by • . 2114.1MA11 VALIUM.
• 14 Illsotot Morel.
• - RA elate. tweed and unbound, err ado
It. *IRWIN, Dont:wk. a enatkorrr.
tom'{ %foul ft . L.ta.Yn TLInl awl Fourth.
' •
tart inernor, • •
• • - 'l' do. dry Mt..,
' • 1 old nowt P1111_• Lanting from etair.
'eWester, fur eel I !MI MI DICKEY a DI.
'A bait ebeuts Powder and T.tra6
76 eatlys do do
• Ito balrebolto Co6ehon l'llorno
bra l i la ra b o t h
' 300 ta . ti.°&oar• 13.6.;
60 Dalt tn..
'o g in: d dg;
L ir =--
• , ,!mti az
•); =i 'Ws da t a
bra tkeer tio. I
. :1410 '
" 10 bsaarmot.i.nrikri!
3100 do,woottOcr Wirdoo - GO.A
00' d 0 SOO Tibia Ilegadomor
levy Itairtydnd . •
' •
- ism ...ameba sad Polvortsal Sawa:
" " all raps atesivtea sad fa st , Trrith smortasia o
iraul• ir..BIIAIVER co,
No. 1.90 mai 1212 &woad stmt.
pavan GOODS
-10 arts prima Oftion .1 Blank 2.. M
- .• • T 5 0122 boom ••
100„bace prima Green and Fancy Ilds Coffer.
1 , 13221. mad Md 00,million:1151mm
12 1 15 .0.24 Erni sod lb lamp Tobaom:
bbla Nub 1 and 3 Illarketol,
It do Loaf and Croabod Sugarm . -
. ,
• 2 do Hop Orb. tirdm.
do Cm= Tartar;
'l O dd Orddshol Lowdood:
ID boa. ltausot da
40 do Rear sod Som. caodlow,•
40 do Mould
o * Iddladl •d.
DO do tra w.
00 do Atwood. Rl= wad
Bodo down
do do .Roonow7, Windsor sod Costile
10 do Omar wad Obooolatr. _
.24' do dalongiow
Roolo Oondn
ID do "Robbing 80.111104 resst 00,4. r.
10 do Ws Al Co. Obomlool Boor,
00 do 111. L Loxia 110464 .
6 do Itootorl Farina;
6 do Corn Storeb:
; 30 do Clotho, Mew '
10 do Ilslebeo ODontar Resin:
R bolos Cloong pad Costlo;
1 0000 Salaam
6 bits nippipt sad Platentcr.
60 - lokra sad , 000 Dar• around Spiam:
bond pun 01000 d Olnorn
e ewes pure Arne. 00;
00 drum 15m_yr0s Piss
1200 laooo ostra , 1•040 n. -
11.1118. WsWTI Japan llisellusr;
300 &cilium'. psalms. dcs
.1) da Manias's Oslambi. Ink.] os. bleat.
kw bottles; ."
1.50 do Con Brom% •
- •10 e
do patemt Wlssh Bawls;
11) st Ourds,
/so* sad Malloy Glass. Wigan - Um and Batting. Mato
I.soct, Is. Wbolsrale nd brr•
J. D. wiarams a co..
Na. ISt Wood stmts.
Au. doors above MTh 'trust.
SEED --10 bbla
_ -
.L* " .'rth' lll4lgrt ritggATl. f°'
. 122 Selma at. 162 Ilrst
AOKNII L-50 bbls. No. 2;
ILIAY-20 Ma. to close Consignment, • for
Ai oak br 1.0.11 ELIO, marrux wal a ou.
421 NEY BE LT S-6 dozen Buckskin
Ilirsor &N.( • superior quailtr bed and
ea • J. 11. PU11411131 •
No. 116 Hastert sr.
B ito lAils, just. ce •
X !* ktv
bige loans One lasullas brat RaMad. kr
ReRR 1111NOINO.:4--Nalter P. • Mar
l. 116 Wood W., bat am rottd•ed tdt mate week
W Parr. AMIGII4 camp.. am J.
pryr de per nil from et‘e to U. • -1a144
New Goods! New Goods!!
—rpm niterriber has the posture of in
tit*.„Mps.."l-11...=hr.,==bk•—• d""1,
losable eporttePst ot opiat a:WI tssuaaser
°Mom, Cunixopet Pat
talise.. "B =l. `" F.;= to sake to orttrt, to VP
. =teeakoattle Prim. •S put shonest oak. Le Poo
tly ea mat • luso soil IlehWeeter
=e; Pads elothlett eat thalleasna
iriMmbo mad Mall. st Sli• ottird.. Ell - T iair a
_ an i. L—T. tto
_ w teie. u. ..=ro W a verer:. iiitt emw iaLliii
2 114 . *foot oeuhut. r mat
IMIDIOO aka. landing. from
1° . 1 .1 112 "- 1. ."- NUTS
-16`.4.51.it1i main sit
MED - PEACHEB—WO yn. in good or
der.da krw,lo tiosafgals_ glets,F7
i 0 barks (1411--7 A kelp Blatt.—
& Eggs. Redd =4 Ibr ado by
15. Y. *MCIVER & Co,
•p&- 133 1311 bomb& st.
II MATE TIN-300 lbs. in stare and
I tn.'s!. by J. K DDt Co.
apt GO Wood Wert.
ftlettlemeb's , ltubber Gloves.
frIIE LIMIT LOVE—Destined to entier
, 11. colathe block kld.a wlnterthiorK not only most
ly as awl pliable. but much more ditrable, and pe
owtly water proof, !welder pones4ok all th. virtues of th e
troller Oleos In enliair thappod broth, le. .
TUN II NAV Y 01.011Z—thwful fir a drirtha Ober and
may of bane, korai. Ito hands oat nod smooth, In all
{la. of work whet. ony othor iglove Is 'Oath&
kelftlAN lIALV-LONO OLOTR. or filter. opal An'
proretleti In all Mettle of arid work of the ChYmist sod
Irroggiat. inanulaertire and handling of Ibitaither mad,
*Orr otroaq WIWI.: for Carry, in 'tor., and Draw
1:nooraol-• in the Ph* fieportmont.
Thirty Ibsen palm jest reed..d fur vele •t the Robber
(mot. on. .1 I 11. Pil [MIPS.
3111 IRON-200 tuna Clinton Furnace,
Alle.bray. for MOO by [IJ MeGILL ROIL
NO. SUGAR-60 high", received and
~atee e., br fapl.3 , NOILL • ROE.
N OIMOCAS:iES-L1(11) bids., oak eoop
' wino,. hut rev•irv.d. . 11r , 111.1. a ROE.
..' ...' . _ . •
PORACGO-20 keg,. "Gedgeft" 0 twist to
bum, Is oton , and for rale br 11,11 LL • ROE.
•PL ..
RIO COFFEE-1(t 1 hags good Rio Coffee
. Re tale be 1.1 , / 1 MrOILL a ROE.
1 1%/INDOW GLASS— i.. O4) bo d x ., es 11 . " -- 1,;.. '1 1 F . 1. f..
.. 01 i .o.i • McOILL • 1106.
•1.1 11 11••• reed • .pplr 41balflorr t ludo of
etaper.l for prowl:11oz dreetters,..mett att ' Al Vence d.
Lain..: !i . e . d• Lek. • Phan Mures. Ceualem Crape.
Botrehartnee. Itenute•tinnAltmereee. C•nrou Cloth.
114.31: Alper.: seta myna rem.* 'rumor Cady
.... to etr. them • cell.
it UTTER-2 kap, ruurived and fur 'tale by
! 1 / 4 1. 7 C11MOND TOBACCO-210 half boxoo
be, he and pounds of the mold approved brands, for
Iman3ol tn. RAGA Lhlt Ch).
L'ILOUR-10 bbls. Worth's Extra Family,
reroived ancl for aide by
H ASPER'S Magazine for April, for sale by
J. I. READ, No. 78 Yotrtb et.
I ARD-55 kegs for sale by
NOLISH Split Peas, for soup, reed and
k fror •-• Is by W. A. bIeCLURU CO.
mar% YU Liberty ist.
CAROLINA (MITTS, a fresh lot roc'd by
inarlt9 Grocers And Sea Denim.
SEEDS 20 bide. Timothy Seed;
3 Cloorr dcr. for role by
mar2.l J. t R. VLOYD.
IL PI 60 doyen Plaid ...3.I.FARCT
blsek Blain Mr sale by
marao C. ARBUTHNOT • es sc.
ICIFFEE-154 eke. Green Rio, rad per
.t) Canal, and far sale by A: CULtlktrdObi.
, =OO
Q VG AR-50 bap; Brazil, rec'd per Canal
10 for ale by Imor9JJ A. CULBhATSON.
IA 100 ika.l,Mek Anilcolored BpAn . l3ll.
kgyptiAo •• the,
al " entocAl LICA Tonal;
" Emb'd Yllk L o Rrt .le Lf
lIOSIERY-500 doz. assorted,
v.. AA. opening At
Lose= A. A. MAFON & CO.
ICK-2O CCM. freali, landing from steamer
n ' t6t° fi.r b (r. RAGA I.EV CO.
16 a.) II Wout rinet
oat, for gale by 1 1 / 1 0
bbls. Tuarte C urranta. IALISY auding froCO. m C.
do.Alsek PI
.. . .. . .
9•• ''• .. ...nytni Alec frir
ylde by ttnar..3oi
....._ _ C. A ItIIUTLINUT.
l I I_ 008-10 bbls.ree'd and for sale by
Li ...e..1. '‘,,.. BULL. /I LIGUATT.
BACON -20,000 lbs. rec'd per 0. & Pa. B
, for %AIN by I mart% I a. LaLZELL CO
ARI)-20 bbls. in store, for sole by
mar:s N. DALZKLL a CU
Bladders Wanted
IhUE highest price in cash given for Beef
Mad.lett. by D. A. FAFINISTOC74 A tA.. '
Ma. R. E.—.l. bare sold all the
fum.rtoll.lortuh yrup .. your rigout h tro.. athl
shout.l 111 E. to lotto worn of at.. We hare rued your ,)roo
1111 roar foruillor. sod ho rarely prououruw at the but Gwvl
Jtoileirse we hare ercrlwwww.stut canoed meomarmot at
bight, to .11 who ore Ifilfet.O with roust. or c 01... o.
alit two taco corp.
H. tork.r. Nut Maud., J. M. Itros-b. J tr/olt.r, J
1 hn tte•ltently,and 1.1 . ir1 , 4 • Si bOOl
ettatton.tu te.hnie.t the !wet tsnit.h o , drsn. nl tho det
.Venterel eni I by IL t dep.Elle
-usseln h.., Vin el eh
DUAI lei': STONE—U . OO Itm. Ground Inr
sale be to/sea.' J KIDD Co
10 ITEILAS--6111,1,14. lor sale by
suarlS a4.11100F st A KVII 4 m
50 b m blo.. biting li u, r e re t e o la taKK...).
ft OTTER-5 bblo. Roll. for sato by
1) lot tam br matZlsl WICK MeCANDLEa.
UMW f)l4-10 MI6. in store fur sale by
tusr.S J. KIDD It W. GO Woul st.
11. VITItIOI -b rtaboys fur sale by
lUF mor2ll J. KIDD h Ou,
Ice -
Ma It:
Wll lIMIALLY a tA).
Le.l and for .1. Ivr
WRAPPING PAPER--- - 240 Be.. /14.112. Ittraw4
" Tr":
^ Crows.
44.1 " Krt. .1. .14 wellatt, rattan. ,
to Ilardwerell.., for sai.:
J. SeIIOONSIAKLit • (4 , -.
24 W.-cast:get.
PEELED PEACHES-2o bultheTe — ree'd
ll .1 fur rain by 1t0ur . ..51 F.! W. 11A1111AU011.
F I OI3ACCO-40 itegs6 twist, just received
1•on entwignmaut eta Tor ea& low_kr
msr2,l F.l W. HARBAVOII.
I.IIIEESE—SU bra. W. R. Cheese, in store
J sed for b r Imarf . 4l S. AW. lIMIBAUtr IL
) ' rata.* of At , duntlAllty of worktoolublp wad low
N.N . B AND NOVO' CLOTIUD Li—Stocks largo soul
huhlonablo—tAval iwdsriwat:o
Cds. eo.tA buyers.
fir-N o <baron for @how os
. . .
smirirriaa BT.. war Dt.caml alley.
ILK POPLINS—New supply of 10 pes
pl4l. l Aszl6l A. A. MASON A 00.
B 11.00:18-36 dos.' Corn; for sale he
nacho. comet%
mar.o WinA 70.Watn•
fI.INGHAMS—Ofneat styles, no quality,
A_l .Isht, medium. and dark. rses'd by
roar= IdUltPtlY t BURCIIIIELD.
I 00UST POSTS--1300 Locust. Posts and
A MOO lomet Pima of anterior ouallay. Jan reed oa
'''''4""'"..'"" VICIet MeCASTLIBd.
mar2l comer Wood and Water sm.
1, A~IILI FLOUR--The clioretesttaxiii;
breads au bard, tar agi l e by
Floor Oil Cloths.
- EST tec'dfromPhilliparille Factory 10,000
suds of : i d
_llettlun sod •Lbat Flor oft il Moth,
Xto 11 fard• wide. of the amass style patterns.
Mere/Alas and others 1011 end it to theta advantage to
teal sod erostine our stock before purehaelog elerwhere
So. 116 Market street •
. PAPER , ,
T ' ••SOLL TAT. Vow" II!, Wrapping Paw:
100 " Daub. Crain .
100 Med.
Ilocolovol and 11.., tole trT J. B. 11111.D1101.
eaart2 • Bootooller and Ftallonor. 07 Wood .1.
MASONA CO. will moire, per first
• arrival by Canal. Thy Mandrel Caner and Packs
gra Goad. _ • riarn
MOLASSES--150 bhLs. N. 0., in oak
IN.. cooperage. arriving per M.
A Zrr sale by
1.1 OSIERY-300 dot. Cotton, white, block
And salmi. for mak by U. A RBUTHNOT.
msrl7 E& Wood grew.
%.$ , Ada. pattan Lige tbmil. Ladle. tlAr
SALT PETILE-85 eke. Crude. for sale by
t.. 17 DICKEY a CO.
DOLL BRIMSTONE-5 bbln. in store and
and Am bile by
wfor,IINISENO--1 bogs lending from gr. Hurt
% fi
sale by
awn DICKEY a tm.
14'EATHERS-53 bags binding from etmr
11 art.kol, for tali by .U.ATA II DRAM' landing
mailb Water ao4 IMO Ix
RACON-1 cask Hams;
gal •Fr 0i5.;19.1 VAltelitiCralrbdi'd
SIJOAR &MOLASSES-8 laidn. Sag* bo
lAndleir. for Palo D7 - '
IFONNET RIBBONS-25 Cutout+, !ring
1 1 ler, tar iak/•
ear by 0200101 u. esearnxui.
MOANS-40,000 common Cigars in store
..okr 01. b 7 (mats] 8. t W.llAitEtAlliill.
i 10 IRON-200 tone Mahoning - Fumaco;
100 Winfield
" LUZ %Mit.
TPLOOR-:-.100 We. Extra & S. F., for Bale
(Mall J. T. • J. J. BOOK.
aA tORN ME4L-20 ski. reo'd, for sale by
) esar2.l . J. T. t J. J. GOON C.
LAMES' AND DENTS KID FINISHED CILOVC6—.Iint ''d end ot..!ned at •
• Jut ned We' by
marl 9 • . J. [IUD CO.
A LCOLIOL:-100 bble 76,92 a 96 per cent.
amen, I. More. fa, We bi
YAlltiiirrOOK /I CO.
Oman Wool and Yard Wore..
_INSERD 011.-65 bbln. in store, fur sere
_4 by. Irastll9l H. A. VAILIESTOCK aMA
, /Nag D - 014-20 MAL just rod s lk+ . We by (marlin J. Al DD 0..
h i ntafft toed Duo**, ..,y dainal• Rooda.
VIIMI-60 NJ*. No. 3 Mackerel
A - de Pkiwm a.luttkite"
wads • . /Amy ,
NALL&-401:1 keg assorted city GITI
FOreignHardwain and Commission Atta.
OF i rip. for BALE from m the shelf, by the
Tom . It 11=1. :Mr t r y C. It AT47:::; s"."'" 1:
Bram. and fasts Ogrussr. mad. by Wm. Bicholams. ' ir;..
Buxton and others. embracing • comfictc assortment.
J.N22.11 Tema, kW. and Bs". made by 11. Brown. D.
nalber. /. &Walls Cs- Y. 'Voltam snd mires.. Bass
Smut warnsnbal manufactured by John Cutler. Bun
gmaa made by J. • Wiley Corr, sad arvrantad or the
esry twat quality. !Inns.. manntsettund by Jobs atm
mcs. &Pm, oarransel, marg7sl3m
Lookint ' Glair and Picture Frame
67,69 AND 71 ressrru srassr, NEW YOWL.
ri . se lllE undersigned having devoted hin per
sonal attention for am to the LOOKINO
INESS. le lolly corm
potent -by his experirom to ezeonts nark (M every dr.-
iption) that will glee antler... Don to the moat tartlet.
E So EVAVaggirT L OI R g EB e, ITirsi N 4l . OOT."TE-N.
1117171.16 " Vir 1.7 7 171[VV111: I o V ot ß ... lb . 4 ta 1711,BP I :
continual Increase of trade n from all parte of the Vil n a.
with the many improvement, the undersigned hat re,
c e n t
condo In his unwhicetry. enables him to cell hie no.
Holm n 0 I. prim than toy other Sistinfacturer: and he
cmpectfally solicits!. Menlo and the public to eetieral
to cell and ...mine hi. large a nd
GLASARti and PICTURE FRAMES, preview la par.
al LT MOULDINO. of every driwriptinu, and all lengths.
lcommunirationa through the Port °Mee will be
thankfully received and punctually attended mi. Direct to
boo tell. Chatham r l / 4 1... Poet
1.417,13t0 S. 3. SIG LEM
11A.1111EItED PAWB—The mtbseriber 'would call
sotto, Of tinders. and other; to th is pnior arti
cle. Ity hid patent proms of hammering. the wve It morn
thorodahlr tempered than It ten beby soy other earth.
.1. It P. Linen meoblobts that tbe etarface of
Istopersi steel he the
poo part. Where eaves are tern.
Tv,gel most th serviceable part of the s.r. These Pane &repot
hive h a e att/T:b.o pot u tlibt ' pe r t ' re o xt b gt In
largest Pad WWI. to this riclottr, add propounned um
a-Malted. We at, n prepared to execute orders for
all Ka. of Pit a nd CI
TiMAN co,
N 0.114 :tomb street New York.
WARNS, ke.—llavinic be. for several years ens.
Red in the Importation of tile above, we an, prepared to
hpply the Trade with ulentenelv•eariety (testthe hest
ooves to Englandand !mope) which an 0.1.1"1 with
lb. utmost demand warranted wenolpe. and of the Snit
quality. We rues also paid especial latent/on to this lur
PirtaUon of Essential/Iln. and blelicinalltytraels. and
of those only that we know to he pure. and can warrant
am such. was
P. Lorilland,
L 7 RIB No. 42.Chstbsm street, New Fork Is w ee.
Hug Sued sod Me Cut Tobacco et reduced p ri se s . . Full
Fibre Curreht not by suulleatlou, SA shore.
Looking-Glass Warersoms
No. =I, Broedwer, New York, Laotian Gt.&
MAYSTACTEragaiI, lairoliklui end Musses lo Flan CLASS
ETtorlesal RIIIIPATTInS, Latin. MArratALA 011. rAurfros,
Damian, ETATosar and Wont, of Sas ganerallr.
The attention Of purettaeare Is reepeetnair solicited,
with the usurricre that ever( ankle will
ter furnished ol
superior Instil,, at the most reasonable nor. .„
To Car Builders and Railroad Companies.
rrilE SUBSORTBER, who now owns It
. g itiod Infringement. as h emiva e
Is determined to enharre his
tie.. 11. has put the wee et 01,11 Cares pound. guar
en.ngall purchaser. • ntialltr which willstond goy cll.
nude ) Ind enema..
Orders froro stir part of the United Et at.. gating the
diameter and length ef the erten" With Lba gra of the
hole. Will be pertoptly assented, the patronage of those
opposed to entwine g rota bluenose 11011eard.
ThaJuds, at the Fair of the Amarlran Institute award n
ed bvriber th e am for the beet Car erring In
(AdoLor last. UOILACR 11. LAY, •
tdliourtlarklCov, Y
Ball, Black & Co.,
a Mnut Damara sod of SILVER AND
til, WARD, Thawed, notches, Jrbelry,
corn..r 01.1
f tolden.Eante. BitOADWAL math 1.1
Die City Wall. rim York.
U. B. A Co. tome., toopectlon of the lamest and mint
rampp trto waortment of Plirrr and Plated N are, Wateb,
L'Aorta. Diamond,. and otber Jeweir. r. Fancy Article a A r.,
to twfoon4 In any .tore to thr Union. 001,0 111. attrac
t... of haring a partner In Luray. enabler tbroi to offer
from IS to:D ort onot. Ira that. They arr , also
3:;1;;":1,•,t`g or dl Eeult t to ~
cotton. at prima which will in. ,atlefantory to thew. who
faro, Dim with tbrit 0rd.... Au topp,rion of th. , :r
start dm , . not torn? the Dart obligation to pun:bare.
1/10ittY BALL.
14 , 1. BLACK,
Thomnsonville Ilannfactunng Oompany
■/ lOMPRISING a full and complete a9aurt
ter•ot Ih•.lnll•+loY dA,lirdiatta..l .I.l.lrely ueo
m.d ..eogra
t, C.11.1.10r. /..1 mtperflur c.srv , Dir
Tbror I
" Supetnn.
Walla 7 4 ••
', 3-4. b-A and Ens. and trilIEJ V ENETIAN,
EuEral El ETA, 4.. Foraallo by
II NIII 4' 2111011,5,1 N, A ern,
71 & 72 South Street,
FFER for wale at very low pri r om,
kinds of ah• a.• super - kr CANTAM :sh• 1 • In.
and 2410rb0• rule. l or: 'nein •elvsg, Tne To , n ,
ASI64IICAIi r•Ila .rte mad, t Itn• 9.1.1rh .
warranted 'flni wiry ertna tusaufwelute lov othe
hpand. Cu,, Dctt. of 9n4 fume nuinto•i• and Vflatb.
-naunr. to Merchant, throughout the Staten.
an nano., Hat hi. huring 9hett of /tubber Gado WM.
anortuartufactare.) will he World aupettor.inmaur.
•ren to atl heretofore , (Meted by Men. 11. arotaht raps.,
aIJ r..martt that hi a one not expenalve haPn.cstorot to
FLa r. tatowitlon awl proem." of elinne hist . oao au./ Clutha.
theseaistirle. with man, others n not
ben.n.fore ...tont. Ills atuek 0.n.0.. Au tort of 1....,
ti , l a a ri , e;:: , l'oneboa. Mot, Isett,ttug, redo/Tate./
Gloves fur washing. slime. awneing. &hi.. to
Carriage Cloth, Piano Coven , Lit. P p.nwtro,
Ucou and Pant, Itrenat Pump, holt bawd, htler Who..
hoor alwring, Steam Pasht, MlaeLlun Bolting. gm
111—Order• not 1111.4 on liberal terms at In.
271.1•11va Lane. and LW Ntwann at. N.- Y.
IL •
,ylitalse, comma of Folios sod Na.can
Humid and don bunt.. N. y.)
bold exoready for chomp..., P. 1.. Roger,
aid Opened Iptiovernbrr.lBso.coorbto of Sla Pinom, omit
of orbleb Is of Krell a ...plata dopertment—dos •holo
combined oar of the moot pc.. and com prawn.
dry Wholesale Cloth i ng Zmprrinto• to be rained In the
city of New York.. Garments of over, dewripUon mind
to the Pout.. and Weed. Mode, k. too band road, to
fi li th ß.Vraete=atfrio ' y'r Cabins omotantlf
un hand.
The Champion Loot of the World,: •
PeLY Ir. NEWELL, Mama:sett:a-era of the
relebztod Ihkro uk optio f o rak Lock. whirr. Ilr.
k. koxiro r d els lois. soolol n
kr hlk Ppeclal nOProbo.
Wm at tits World's IWhibitioo; ovory ratty?! of
books tor Worm dwell's., wsg to
Broorlway. Noy York_
lineal won whore • very large aSsortmeill of
os. WLA awl soltkout Um mak Warred ..Eldion. mar
Wears be found W. wholesale. and retell wit. ,
ramp as at
the inwrifectoey. lit an carminn of ween rows gat
seseral at:import mprorrenianta. we hare brouatit the
Atollsif Plase to decree of
attititanl by on
oaten. losbead of lbe handl tow of the der:whine.
produces one equal purity '
and Whew to th e parlor
Mg, an. Eithen may be used erperately or together. The
lane este out of Woe, war la always wriert
standard Dr which to rune
Piano. The Pliatoatv
warnalted to Ebro tatiefaccion ltio money refereel.
Pompons Weldon for • Plano Port, will addrem HORACE
WATERS, ...bore, who nw the management of the how
York ware room.. . .
Schanck, Downing & -
SOB. 106 AND 108 SULTAN erritirr, N. T.
...44 or O. beat brands .01.1. 111,UNI/1t1.1.. isI'ENCE
l i
CO'S Totals. 1.1T7 sod 10 011., Bailed 011, Patent 06Y..
01 . 1 . 1 e• Pala." Piam9l3d.,KulTen Ulalsioud Bpark., ae..
Deity, Brother & Co.
134 inuami ATIEIitT, NSW Toll.
ALANUFACTURERS of every variety of
CANT/MA[III 7 A, 01-
I.lanthea• and Sylrit. Oss tlon
Fashionable Hatters 275 Broadway.
Hiroo 0008!, OW rout.
.The gratifying approval of the character
awl stile of llats trasnattag from oar oetahllehment, ma
atardreeted la an aztenelre sad rapidly Increasing paw
Witt, b aomlatakable ertideora of their isteria
For Every Family.
YlBH—Cot gleitur a beautiful rims triLlueno, /Ism.
Cambrioa, chin busomo, al. and alou
tent. the iron from metering to th. Linen. oul prerents
duet from otickleut to Limmo, Or,. aril mtitaim nothing
"tito Ill6tet rate mild, mil cheer—brim IMi mute
per cake.
IkilllaYlnK bought tho rink bar Allegheny tounty for
tbraayeara. tha trade Will be suPPnedurno
hold Abolwale and retail by 17 K. SALLEIttI,
moat ho. 67 Wood Meet.
CORN BRUOSIS-100. doz. rood and for
oils by t y1:11 8. ik W. ILAROAUO 11.
1. INSNED 01G-100 bblo. in atoro and fey
4 yds by [marlaj 8. t W. LIAIIIIAUO
UOAB.-10 hhda N. 0., ree'd and for sale'
0 by floarl3) a. a W. netsAUfill.•
I,ILARIFIED SUGAR-5 hhdß., in store'
.1 and for ado try
VLOUR-80 bblx. S. F, and Extra, for sale
Jr DT .1. T. &J. J. OONE.
rastll . - 1.11-I.4betir rt.
f i aHORTB--I0 bu. for ;sale by
1,7 marl 2 J. T. IJ. J. BOONE.
MIDDLINOS 7 -20 bu. for sale ).ry
triarl2 - J. T. kJ. J. ROOik.
nItY 11111E8-4UB reed owl fur sale by
enowl3 S. I W. lIAILBAVOII.
AMANTILLAS ---A. A. Mason & Co. will
1 tilw d Introduce ay Introdu Twenty Pte. ado. emlt e ard
rst style*. • mar=
hitY APPLES-5 bag. lauding from etr.
ay Dartford, Re Ws by
TEA -100 hf. Ches
P. onng Hymn, Int-
TILL ORADb.rdes six! EW tilfA
T.. Ai gaCULBERTSn by
fn sre and for
(marls) 'a. a W. ILLARBAVO
JUR-7 bble. S. A, in stare for sale by
own " H. DAIZXLI. • 00t'
HEMP-40 lA. to artbre,lbr sale by
la awn !LARDY. JOEURS 5 00
_ ruancia.
n fte, B. Z. awursio— , Your Vermlfoseje -ftweelte
beet we have %We. Year new wane bled bee
same. sad are feballkw. but they goon tell
as berm e marital one tuns - • •
ralalow.".lrstawww-NriniliVors t_"•=riti;W
D,7lnetr-ri 'ib4jfis
- .
J 31131
mt. Omen, No. Maxim at. Philmleirlda.
J. B. Daggs & Son.
Merchant Tailors, Na. 'ISO,. Chestnut St. Phila.
(Frame trout, orrery. petunia asu-)
AVE received their Spring Fashions and
iincias ma will main.. tummy. be seer, anima.
th PeZemee ' rrelttoe the ere 10.144 to tell. All bosh
I. of the late ern of Leech, Ileoee. 0111 b e .eueo b r
Philadelphia, Marsh =l, 18.52—imsrunt1,
HE undersigned is, now receiving his
SPRING annol a MILLINERY (8 , 0183.
Bonnet,nelnde Lear , ety of Wt.' and Girl.'
PRaw of the neweet Perim nnl London 81,1...
Bor.' Steve Be, Pnnoi 1111 a. Trimmings 1)8nn, Btrnw
Cord.. Oe- A 1.,,, Bonnet Ribbon, from No 12 to 24 of
very leteef at 710.5 Marie silk, of 01 eoln, lor ...Anal
bonnet,. (rem 62e to SI per Tar: Whiteend Colot.d: Tarletette.lduftloo Nett.. Buck Pllke, 800 baBinee.
White and C.lored Kik Lee.. Buckram. Cover, Lin.
Incr. to.
.11.:rohants and htillloara will find it to Utair advantage ,
to p.• List a rall, athey will b..h1.c0 find at thia ea
tabiltbn. ant. every artiolo thay 1211, nowl In tho
err line of burin.... W MOHR la,
No. 31 South Ewoond
mar2l.l2in lot
Chain! Chain! Wholesale and Retail.
T is important to know wheretobny cheap
ann Prat Chain, Itecrrtion Chain, Ann and
Ulna Chair, Can. t , rst t4t4ro, Lounaeo, Mom 6tnola.
se-. manulaatured at
Phllad..phis Farw7 rhnis Factou. N. M N. Sisth
str:et stove Arch.
N. It —llforehnote in went 61 Chair. for the Southern
or Wfttero trade. can Orr h{ro , call and t s•tothe hi.
' ,3,1r0
The Cheapest Bonnet Store zi
in Philadelphia is at No. 331t2C
Merchants and others will and a Isree ayourttornt of the
andfaehialvh!e stolen of Ladles' and Child.. Bonnets
and flat, whol..alr and retell.
M B anufarturer end DealG. O
er InWERS.
Mr.. flor..b ,
}barb 5. 1%;02—mer19:M...m
E. VAN METER, ManoNoturer and
0 - v ed i rr e nli, „ 4l , /rt . pANG/XCN AND ODE
Na 'a %mil Third etre..
. Straw Goods—Spring, 1852..
MITE Pubseriber is now prepared Inski., p.
esilibit to Meriman+ aml hie usual • .
NILK ' r). ,I IN ° IIT L S " ,
KTIFICIAL Virt AVNILS: Poias L•af, I isnam, and enrry
tarrirty SUSINEIi If A TA. tor dentleusen, whirl, for
extent, variety. and Leant, - 01 vn•ii
uniformly elan. pri-er. 0111 be found unrivaled.
TiItIMAS WIIITR, No. 41 :tooth Norond
Bonnets, Heti, and millinery Goods.
tikil ahem to l'hiledolphia to putrbaut their*
',trill and it to their Moore. to examine ~ur
/arras:a farbionalde etEr l / 4 of STRAWOOOIO4.
of F'Vel;rr .11:oe'.Irtrhy.itt4:t7t7rowith'it
er tivantageo.ruableen. 4 , fter liberal ttroloorments to
Do leTitatr3m 47 .n , l .1! 6,..=1F-" co.
"war F,roal.
- .
Important to Manufacturers.
rfillE subscribers are prepared to supply all
kinds of COTTIiN AND 111A12111N}:11 Y. of
.opener quality; Moulin,' and I , o Ceunnia with no'
proved Cotiplitio and Pullet.. Self.olllnl lisuitern I whi•O
require. oiling only eon In three moutlit.) AOOlO of
• great •.rlatY of Pattern& to . hoor •ial mat,
fro. on* eighteen taidf,Or O.r (Wu 0111.,
Lte of riIDIONS Irmo liu tadn per minute.
They vw enabled trout their tateunlve Improvement..
to produce Yarn. anddlocals with comparatlrely
lilA. la
hot: and all manors...torero before pUrehanina their to,
chironn., will do well to .1,11 Phila•elphia and 'Lanny.
whey, in -roan Fee the marbly...l. w ration:e latent In,
on...afoul:int, In full and Porceontui or or they ran
ieferred in Fartnrie• in •Imnst every State north and
by toldresolug hue to the subeeribere.
liode•burst. near Philadelphia.
reN. LI —Plats of Facia..., with the inestion 01 inarldn•
- a. the aler.pleat method of dnaltor, and ealculailnu of
lurionlied nt rharge. 1.11:10
Philadelphia Carpet Warp.
(;UPERIOR quality Ft' tr. IVricur and no
Pants BCAIIIIM Oleb.tiiTriN YAK 1, ball& WICLi.
tc „ Ate., for ento at the lowetitprice+ bs .
I.,alth . TON R. 1100 RI:
116 North Third ,r , et.. I'nlun s.
d ..L4 h • ( ,. l . en t r . lr t, n ,„ l
toOr .0 ~,1 116.,13.11.., 1 gr..c...n •
MPORTERS and Wholesale Jobbers in
A ItDRAILE AND CUTLERY. Sc. 18.4 Siari..% one.,
1.0.1 prlrs.
J n'
IT IN ES 1 , 1 N A I.L.
JAS. 8. I%lASIlts; k ('II., lucre REMOVEIP
their laud 1,1..:7 tb•
eperu.u. MIANITt. I, 101 Norm Fr”ot.t.,
whcre nubile. trt ..tler II:1.31111M 4 , l••fiNN
Tiltlll , ,A 1.01.001 4 , 211, IrAle,ll,
It 1...1.1 01 31..betal, beeler, in IL.
T711f:541 superior articles or Perfumery,
omowg. whoh emmerato.l relit rated
. 1410, .letwAl Alwhorter, Pearl, Lear, tenth .
rotted Powder!, Crthowe Velvet. !Atom !approved
Ein.• band brown .01 %tut
indonr. rtnatina. Almond. Fancy and 'A,ll , d
Snap. ~harinyr enrin. 11,.a. by, C..logow Malin , . KS.
Lraeo; handi,r-tee(., , Marrn bear'.
ant, artir.l, hair Luntral air It.rtarab,
1114 . .. '' :1 ni .:; , 11{1, , , A.. ac , aro turd.atunoir..4 and hr
nab. Or ...Ma C 1.11111.1.
I,llqm, and 0...m1.1,
Markel etr.....1...10w
Mlc, ..
114-Nlerau. 1.4,1 th•
au rzl...u.i..usauularaory in tb• rity. Ohr him a
Striver & McLean,
Flour, Product' and C0mmi.11.7.14 Merchants,
No. 21 Sumo 11/TBl
/lONSIONIiENTS of FLuUtt and Pro•
reoelpt of NI It. of L.~ma worn Orel d.
o IL•ner Ilaspplon a MI
ler, l`ltbhu,obu
. Mt. band. U. Palley.
51r. Alm. Laughlin, a
51r. Emil. P. obriver. ml 9,
r c EiomAs S
sloconil ONNIT
-I,ACTUKEIt, No. 11 South Street, labor. ut. east Ade.) Philedelobia. fet.lsoll
Lewil's Patent Reversible Water Filter
.19 NOW to be leen in operation at WM.
TA= • 03.8, Plumber, No. 10 Fourth street,
teem Perm out Liberty ste.. and al Pillion • WI LETB O ,
No. 10 Market street, Pittsburgh. Tbls Flits twomodriel
..Gold Media from the American Institut. of Now fork •
anl a Omtlfleata from
.. for lts su tythtoe
g hlt n eU . l l u . s ll o ie f l o. r M t o lad l ia
oh tlaMs fomt rn meMm them In i mnPhildel t a ph i a o ,
of whleh the following are etalklileu
"runtermot.A. It wee e3OO.
It farm ma gout pleamre to reeinnmen4 lb the haws of
pm, Hear water. the Patentilemrllols %liter Lln•
by llr. Lewis. Umlnw need ons of s lue
fur ram,
slinontlos I am nothlid to mdm of tn.* value
1/14011.11E PLITT , 157 Walnut oreel"
.Pettanntem,slaboli 21 th . 1851. •
Tne Putenthmersible Water illterer. Inv.:Art by Mr.
Harlot/4 11. Lewin Cad toed by too for mum montbt at my
nisidence. Is all that any promo iroula .1.6. 1
therrfers col:W.ler It • pi•llege to ham It Intoy power to
recommend 10 Lo the TAMP, JONAS P. FAINI.A.IIII
Na 8 Summer street."
Tn.. Filter& an waresated to tab Dur s anl moll or
taste which may trip, float deeclaposed animal or meta:
hi. matter la the watei. Ttwy are trammed to tool two
yisre. and with ordinary aim will last tem wal notrialn
only to be men to Le &immolated.
0211 Arch Meet. Philadelphia.
craiglekth Stones.
INT, UU6 DR ED, packed in btat.o, Or nix
l`lDlel. DOW i‘,—. r•ry filDfrlottklr. Also.
~..1 . f40 ton. Nora dovlUt.Nerreaelle, S le ueroer.ould.
(part Idereaal and French Orindetonre, Until bend and
water, trimmed and mnah. AgeD.Wi urortmr,t of xlass
cutter's Orlodetonns. for Palo In I MP to cult rebasers, Sr
O. S. F. RANDOLPH, yard 3n 'Pulling ton •L
More IYS Warren IL
Non York. Idareb 11—mule din • !Courier.
T. CILIOCRT • Co. Raton
Orrscs or a'. Catty...MlA harr,
14n P e arl,corner Wall Nen ' t o ok.
1 N • Consequence of numerous personal
soyeeatiosU,and Ow by Mail and Telegraph, for
lolormallon rent el lOO the lines to Cal torn., and to to ,
Inonesoluta Thakets on the 'drawer, the Ouboeriterit
r r ene a circular tides each month, Wooing the prh
<es o charged on different [Wee with the date* of orparture
frm Weeny, mud the period to giblet. tietoto haw.. been
gold in advance.
11.. •
Also, au amount of the departunt of Tranylent Y.amers,
and railing ar.rand Cate Horn. with pricy" of pee.
sage by each, when the Oate ran h obtained.
out long *aperient.* la the California kronen businieni
enables as to prette e rattler from the moot syllable
pouton, and which ens a ralirs numb useful inform/Won to
three rating. or Info:Wing to so, to California.
The. lit want clench information can tering/1W with
Circa lug, by addraeition mi. (poet paid.)
Persons Nino at • distance from New hock who
deg,. sur t o to Catifonsla. can *eonnay lttemprlety the ripener
of *Journey to Now York, and ienent on of time,
and an obtain Cotes by trolley 'le tt draft. on Nan
•iiirk. Salable to out order, or by il.fer•OCTl to a rented.
LIP house, who will pay 'hr the Siege. when wand.
The compenrallost rhatred for rain terrace Is Roy Lei.
lan for each ticket procured. Ail order+ fLt rackety
rhould be accompanied er the names ot the milky In
We forward a Package. Parcel and Letter Papreee per
each ateatm leaving for Califidals.
mule TliUMfnlIY • LIITC:11COOK. "
• 001,I1d4SSION lIO,iJSE,
LIUTAL ADVA3IIOI3 NADI! fila oopsithimitrra.
flawing at least owrial edrantagee lu Smosportmloo
lel r otter market ea the ma beard, a moderate tale
of taupe, with quirktale* mai oplek Morse. and
Market mires, we Imola respectfully WPM petwursae.
Beier to—
Preeldent aud,Caehler of Merolla/WV Batik:
Omit of fla/timores -
A Commercial Laymen' Dank.
CHICAGO. tt.LlNoio. -
111ONTINUE8 his usual facilities to reoeivo
oa Istorso.N., and Tranablinnent, ht en h ea dd i r
olaned him name leave hie dock daily (ne a p points
he tab. and the Illinois Canal and Alter.
Ilefrinne—Afeent.lncetie. eitiniths 0a;
dleinnaJonire * 44.Acr.
Mr. John A.Caugh . atibalna
& Haikill,
AND AUCTIONNIA N. 3 Walar 4tneet. PgONIA.
opodsl . Ittontkm, to Coliioallolou buboes. 3ate
Beliefs Vertnipaze,;
Gm* W ens Medicine.
Envincrimut, ilatel 13. 1C.2..
Mt. E. Bilaus—ltr I:.rotberiarr baTilr akamaJr.
=Wet . " gap Ida rnse eta alatrart your,.
the cont.sat
'Ea• 13siri Whim twoakaldnen,thmemant wonas
r p ~ r ab i V. a a, to :minter nul Mu, is Alasp.llmrrond
Srrarmallimpthp Ina aah •*1 alone *era ragdi
ctwo Marx walk.
New Millinery Goods.
Straw Goods-1852
Moore Heuszey & Co.,
WALTER .t. CO., _
Flour and General Produce
For Bale.
MITE undersigned offers at private sole,ttbetr mw White Lead and Oil 51111, located on the 1
corner of Austin and Twelfth streets. In the ear of St.
Loull. situated en • lot of gronn4 fronting two hundred
feet on nteetin street and rutting south to the channel of
h alf Pond. The 1.-kk btillalt/1 helot four and •
half storiss high. and fronie Etty.tbree and • half feel on
n u t aesin Arret.. running south ninety-arrow and • hall
rentains two run water stones. ono lasso, sue Bo z ay.
dim mill. t wo large dry kilns. • mitop less memos total,-
iishment one low machinator° borrowed hydraulloprowie
(calculated either hir coerce or oit) one matt
harm power egine, end Many other valuable now/n0...-
melts appertalnin g r ound , b
i n
on. There ts
e r e et e d upon it. min on. story casting m.
twelve by thirty-flute feet toe one
'o n dwelling se:
...emidlng bonne, eighteen by twenty feet, stab le.le
Thia market alt.)* more tseilltMa, (connected with the
t o thou Ashy other. A ram chance Is ne anew
la time.. wtshing to *mouse hi the hi:wines.. The whole
br 'l4°"7'""l"h T 'rm tl. C. I.nicii Co.
St- Louts. rob...T. MT—it:Me/Min tSt Repub.
s. J. Isamu..
!,.! AM OEL J. WETII [LILL & C 0 ... Com-
Iw:on and 2 se ad0Z17..47Z ,
itirl'artictuar attention Dal to the puirhase Remp.
Lead. bulb Meat moil Baron.
Refer to John S. Thomson: wail' 13.41e1t Laker,
ilmilek Co- Bankers , dee,
reaminegmidjsniin -
pn.,bann entelossnino. awl Formanling Mernbants, on the
Leynn.til../exph, Mn.
elicsantler Gordon. and Lnenns, F.torlipc Or,
I)AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
...ierommettiotter lot Pennsylvania. et. t.ouloalo.
rotomoutrattotm promptly answered. areatl
I 0 N IL RANKIN, Attorney and Conn
ed; /allot. at Law. and Commie/done? for tha Rade o
Panylania. Pt. Lamle, Me, (late. of yirt•burgh.)
lief.nou4,- - Pitanhurgh: lion. IV. Foremast, Hampton
0111., Weandlrat 0 11 , Clor, John Park, flia,ella 0
taroq, McCort Co. - . -
IhNE 11UNDREL) AGENTS _to circulate
p by aubacrlptien, a now antl ao:t
twautlfully hlatortral. and Jerry - m[lre wort.,
entitlwl ttrlllt GREAT WErtT.° Y.vrrgetfe own ran earn
from 8'2.00 to $5.00 per Jay. Thaw only newt] apply who
lay for work. when they order, to Jo bleb re•
.luu n "°ll / 1 .1 f f4 I lfrlrtV4?. '"
Ohio Laboratory
i)),! 5 1 14 i
85 ". 1,11,
Per cent. Strength.
A rent
of AU2OIIOL4 Pm. Hplrita for Cologne aod bran
l'opver Divtilled Vapor Wlkkay always po hand.
Cprorr of Vie. awl ' , root ostreat,Curmaskil, Oulu. ,
11:rAit from Pittaborich be promptly
at lowed,. markot apl7.lf
SALEIIATUS--15 bble Sitleratus;
10 b..
In more nod for sale br It. DA1.7.61.1. t U).
FI N ORACCO-25 kegs t twist, euperior arti
el, for r91..1.7 A: CUL10:101(0.
195 mbeetr eteret
I ARD-15 kegs Lard;
2 bbi,. al, for
U RANDY-45 eeke:Wild Cherry Brandy,
AN for 'Rio br I roar . :oj A. CUI.IIkRT...O.
'PATENT Letter Balances, indicating the
vr.t/../..1 t rate. of pum nen, pro tno.l and unpa7d,
lor F.,1 , I war e. I .1 .11.
,iW 1
(00 10.02;
5.1 10x14,
1.0 •. 10,0:
.10 11107.
lAI .• 12N Ifq
di ) IST CO..
rn 93 mu] 00
1 , 11..1 rt: '
r . IIEFISE=IdtI bze. tee 'd,
for T e r i . l i %hif
L o.
IAR. AMMONIA-700 lb,. for pale by
rnsr2fl e . 111111110-111.
1I N gium C 0..;
4., ..
1 . 2 WI I:l6th Ovrt •• •
11,1 for flu atiin `"'" h' E"""
mar= J 11. PHILLIPS.
n 08.: CON' ERS--I2 thun Elastic;
21 oil,u4t r•;e'd
J • 116 Sl 11. PHark.ILILIPS.
tLar.: N.
110111211--511 bbls. in ritnr.., fur mak by
YRES' CIIERII i PlarrORAL--3 Uri;s4
res.'d In I Aor,tie by
13. •AII Y. E,TA .01. k CAA.
lust', eb•n•Ar EA. Wob4 At,
Atil , --1.) keg,' No.l, for rule he
11Aar12 WA! I4IU/11.fii a CAI.
Dray Horses. •
rr WO fine •Inty fierc a fir m a k.
71J N.ter
4 , i.nx-21)ii lbs. f or — _ .
ii •
clurl2 3 T. a 37. 11 , WINE.
C S UNIIILIES--2 e":l,lcs r. ragm; , ....
• lot of
J • J. J. 110,0 a:.
St)ot) FF:F:l`iurh Chem b, rds for side
QUOAII.--30•Iihtio. in store, for solo by
It. IoAI:ZELL co.
1.4 1 1.0U11 PILIIPKINB FOlt
rrr,ll Int /wit I.ed Lr
W. A 31re1.11/tll
mAr2' Oravni And To* Dealer,.
IJLASSES--20 LW& landing from attar.
Tas.stora. ter ..Is Cr
• It. nAl.zni,t.. co.
tirrEß—Fresh roll just rec ; tl7ondFor
jr We et MORRIS' Tea btoni.
toaris in the Dianitvoit.
B ACo :ll —Sidem & Shoulders,
' kfa a .! c
‘LOVERSEiII-25 Lu. landing,,for saki
fmarT2l 11. DALZELLAOII. •
4.2 Alt
LE — ATUS--30 caNkm lJ ; •
40 A. ir-s. tilts cintaitr, In L,
paper., now landing from .it e xr i rdire i tatj i, tr. br
. mnr:l2 Water and Fr+rt,ot.
Co. &rein, .n rer,ipt of 1 CV , . luo ,s 1 a> eutntner
mule ,
T lIE PRlNTMurphy &Burc
1.44 loamatinther lot of ror
rwl2 itablturr Plinio, for itp4,prrissl, Curtains,•c.
marl 2
APLE SUVA It —2 bbla. :New, of a nu
qu•llty, rred and .
nsal,r2 256 I.lba
AWN-50,000 lbs. limas, Sides and
.ff shsplJers, for est* by
Erbibl9 ROBISON, urns a co.
I Akll--ti(l bbln. Leal;
X/ • ....a trey reekl •n, for isle t: - r
tusras nontsoN, a.t
VIWOF PAINT—A mated Color
I for .le by 1(101) A Co_'
. G U . 3.1 .. ... 1 .1 . .,RA81C-1 case Sqlyc i t i gtr . sego by
VLOV ERSEED-20 bu. prime, for sale by
11,01.1180 bi, LITTLIS Al CO.
14 , LOUR-150 !Ads. Extra and S. F. for sale
10101191 f111111.,0N LITTLE Co:
Wall Paper, Borders, 4c.
1N addition to the present general asliort
, allot of sloaiwt .. ar legitimately Worming
We Wall Paper Iluslniws, arowslotis b mule
h. Ituontti4. by the out freight beat, altar lb. apoolug
of the esual, whl.-11 Is ospirowl to taiga Ora no lb. nith
ust. 'OllO3lOO FALIIKR,
wain CS Stark.' alhoot..
I.'ISH-150 LW. Large No. 3 Mackerel.
uhf Jo 4.
. No V. "
10 Of
J oft reed anti for role by
marl littillAtite. LITTLE 1 co
(201YEY FOIL APRIL--Oodey's Ladies
LA Oonk tor April: mot No. Obil Committal Worth,. Lae.
been reed .t the Literary Dot. of
REEL CALLOWmiIt) bppoolla W. re.' oak,
II ROME YELLOW -40D lbs. irietore, for
(106 •113•1131 J. KIDD it W.
lIROIRE QREEN— kOO lbs. Tiernou's
f rale br [marl2]• .1. KIDD a ro.
-110 1335. Large Nn. 1 Iforker3L
• 20 11(Lblr. ND( 2 A - 3 for ra Ie hr
marl 9 • RODISON, LLITLE (.10.
AM Cuffs. pnFt tee,' at nOrtlleant comer Fourth and
PAPER-260 roacos34 by 3a 444nrin a
3:24 " 21 by ad
300 " 12 by 22
200 " IS by 4i. b, L 4l: I.y 34. 23
400 • • Inns. factory raper;
12)0 Pinola Cronnl l tran
70 0
320 " dloddlo. nd tingle Crown g.
1%. andendaned korpa an on band and for sale
or exchange for Hag., Awl gonadal ossortmant or
B u l o a, Lotter. Hardware. and Tro Yaporr; llociart
: .
nien—Pelting of all alma, for paper toannMotnrepe.
Printinn Paper made to order on short pone..
- ..
J. • •
I, .
corrurr of Ponn and Irwin as.
EngliahQ6 Bennett,
71017TIOLESA LE GROCERS , Commisoinn
V Merenant. and oesuro in Prattle , . mid Pittsburgh
blauuntrtorre—No.l2.l %trend st. ml ISt tirtwerts
Wood and fimiththild sts.. Plltsbunth. Pa.. hose
T o n baud
anij .111 molt. the r0110•1111X good., i g okb o ff.r
oats at the Invisat market rating-=
ISO boom osaol'd Tobarro, IMO bag. Rio (l 0..,
. 6 . 6 Lis it lb lamp,, /40 rage Yomot Hymn Tn,
26 Imo. 6 twist Tebaere, Plit. •
60 odor One eat chewing do GO bh.lit N. 0. eticar.
100 rut A . dry smoking "AO bbla N. 0. /blames,
In 01 11•118patilala Oran, 80 0.16 •
080 MIMI. • • • 400 lints Mills. gonad .lea,.
a 6 117 . mita /TM boom IWO tOolg Glass,
log mon 10.000 lb. Eadaratua,
GA biles Alma da, Umbra 31a02mip
P.. Walnut. Comm Date 28 mugs Atom.
nod Omuta/ nuts.
80 boles Rock Moan 240 4
60 mum Tomato Catonp, o panel
60 " NNW/hum 8:10 ' lanuid*Dip Campo
100 g• • LiStim*Sh 100 bbls (Ir 2D thnea ritant.
orm . a.itatataa. lbs No.Trobed e.g..
100 • Orentao Splors, Pat pkgaid. and SO- Fla oB4 .
900 matiCanda. 60 bbis Loaf thomb..
60 boxes Whit. Omnoras, Wbltlopt, Chalk.
60 ban White &salt oted.Votton Yarn; Datong. Cog.
M Mom r Mr.* illeirlek and Uarret tthaln.
n. 7
RUOAft, k MOLASSES—. - r r •
W. i ff
oi2grnd .
p t . r:ifil i r n ti A: .Er
Anna • nos. 180 and ('m erit. .
OTTER - -8 bxelYreeb :Roll for sale by
, - ---
Steam Commtnication Between BiverixAol
and New. York. \
u S. , nssesyiesiiiio-Shfp. 3.504 was. Copt ..,-•:
n. is, ma•havr.Alair canineander of the - • , •
Great il'oener ani Citv al tilat3ow etre..
ibip,) will' L dispatchod on nitorday, let Mar, fr.,.
Liverpool d.nv I to Nom York. ao4 an Toealav i lat Jon a , tre've York la LiverpoN.
tI.TV OT Fla
trail \ sivrapoot ro xv , r T...
After tislooriSi.... .. ... _..- .............. .-2u 1.17.44tair.
1A Jo:
- , u: ar kliashici berths ;11.1, do
Gaeta 0 , T...4\1 MUM Xilt TO. TO
AlreT Saloon sop
Pere 36
•• I le; Thihisrtartha at—. .. ,- 60
including Strernrava fee. tbovittodanee of an experiene
but Vora. ..awl all Pn\elaionit, rate pr wine, aro' houorr,
which will bet annulled atonneleraiv hrirva.
Flue (kr de. Wei lea . ilibil'per ton 31Vavarerura L. Cava.
hood.. hardware and, wriObt omoyolne I. aurvatoant.
V . 'tl4l ' lr'' . 'l. lv i a t i4 P l i v a r., rt ' v uLi :;a ' ..7 ' 4 \ louT .U 4 h oPa ' r ' a it7.l
. ri,ite re...per pourld Sievilii, 7
Viola hew York . Liam puui. freight will be taken at
the currrot TAteet.' • % '
Apply in loverpsq, to Maara.`„ GIBBS. 0/1101IT 0'0.14
or io New I Urk. '‘o_filellAttli 11l YIN,
\ .33 *rant atrvei. .
New York, Staab T. 1952—a131 \ i_ .
Steam Communieation Bet Weep Nd7ork
. • and (liana* ,
YORK, Steam Ebip Compani3v w
..,,,..... v"„ ,
e . al Stomata* OLNSV) 0 W , 16h2 to a - . APO t eil
rand 440 bora. power. Hobert enig, - - - •
opsuisr. Is appotrits4 10 . Ile hum New ark. direr; far
VI orow, on VIATI3RDAI , flint vt of 51av , tor Lot It:O'clock
PASSAGE 3103aTi \ \
Find Cabin, (etavr . abrs.fea inclailuf, ............tia) \ \
ho letrerarr raviengrritak,3o. •7
Pea irbt of apeie. '3 'per cent. Carrie* a etihreon.
'fieer 1.1.1. toriiiile pIOVI.IOO, but no.whiev or liquors;
which will Or PLIPPt , 'I Op
...Ur.. thing'.
For frelnbt or rinr..ll,• Itvra rin 0. kIehY4ION.
• ' ' I al thave twat. Nam York. ,
7 march 10. 11 , 42-Icoarl:iJaer,:w , ' \
I OCR6li\Magazine fur . Apri
e t,,trr..ed at the PerhAlleall4
of W . A4Oll.
. ha, a UAlm!. m.% Fourth et. Atru,APPlef On • Merbonl. ,
Maintain.. f•kr \ • eptt
DOOR JACK, by Captain Pittryatt;
(1•1111131.10 Letter.
Darien. the Merchant
A rwry Itbuut U., by ti. PS‘lt.
nevem-110e; Thp howl of the l'atutit -
The. Yeettle e ay;
‘ cratt j.'l'lll,",', " :l7, l l l .Z.l; ' fi F ul r n ' 'T
• Gratrl Book fur April:
hartaires .
Just trod Aug far retest REEL A tt/11.1.(1W'n.
turtr tt: Th i rd " 4, nnte`alte the'Pcert oak..
rutnam's Li my. •
. ,
-4EEL &CA LLCM, Third'etreet r , opposite
the Port Ottlee. horn received \ , \
u. a or Prituam'a Srml.motitbly I.ll.4arr..ritalolog
Ilorne Nat . /three." or etori.ur from Diekroa! flomaktintil
Blahilinen whale of Auerrria, found.' an fart. by .M in
Kl.Y.syrkromtlior of "NOM:MIIe,"
Sc. I.‘
Ali the m•liaeirlaiii toliether with the rublfeatiooe f or
ask. et th e Third Fore. Wirral.) liana of .
. ar.s iiiikli. At CALLOW. \
rip ol eHE Seven-Brothers of IVyominirorthe
Nr lel M aNtmmie of the
ee Revolution. This wmk h he terra.
l evhibiting apeetillar feetuee
the Rovoluthm. W A. t/Ildeol , nor .1 Co, No. NI
Fourth atreek On.. it Coy owl.
Renoir,. or litrah Margaret Folier , edited by . kalph
Waldo Maervon and Wm. 11. Chauning.
The Wide Wide World; by kileatroth Weathe-el. \
No.! aporelone Library, containing th e Yellow Plush Thiekera, roar=
Engineer's Stationary.
• .
.. ,
7 . 11 ATMAN'SDrawingPaiwrofallsizeel.
Tratilwina, Cm.. eolins Diamm Payer. for Embank •
wenn. of 14 and dt• fret roadway, and Luaratione al IS
and . .11. feet roadway.
It(I1 Drawing rm.., 59 Inebee wide:
!netid.. rarer( ' .. .. Usable Elephant,•
Teo. Idnee, oiled, divided In tenth , :
Jaulgeon,. Veber's, nuokruan Ind Langdons Lend Coo
oil.. India Ink. India Itobber, Month Woe, Se.
-The abor with alull anortment or other kind. of
Stationary,LJust opened sod for pale at tbe new IkeDk and
dialsonary dtore. ha , fnl I Conti Street.(betdeen Third an I
routth. . I gnerd9/ .J. IL WKLIPIN.
• • Fourth roe har ere,/ a new supply or the Nbe
m. Ira e‘ Sarah Ilargeret Culler, edded . hy Ralph W.l,
Emenion -101 CM. II Chenninu.
di., Thompeenb.,Aank Note •od Corottierelui Ileidvrer,
for the month of dorli. p.
.-- -
r , Intt•rnationiil sliwaraur , for April,
II be, :Gem rernixwl .t W. A. OildeWletame a ten.. 7,
fourth Thl. number retwrieten the falli totem,
the Two Bride, . shat. of lied wyeer emit
by T. S. AttbWr. '
. .
lha Newg+to Catendee. containing the lire,
trial.. an I atawdrlrs or all the man nnt.ntin char-nn. In
he known word, , iar3.l
- „ . .
NEW BOOKS —Ito! Nowgate Calendar,
TheTmpßrd en
, o y A rthur.
intrinational for Arrin
Trgether with other new work.. jvat received and I,
gale at .11.11F.L • CALLOW'S
'Literary DelaiLJd et.
I.IIETERSON'N .Lndiem National Magatine ,
for /lard heels.. reed At GI WAN VENN V f
To.:. Yourth ' \ '
Apptetc , ro: Tular Iloothly LibrWty of Mob,
Authors- Me reibinecontain+ / . swaye from the Land-u
limes. the rontenta at, lord Sr...maid lAmly 111111.14ni.
hallway Novel., Lunt , . Millie, and rill Family . . Drama
of the IWenitition. 'Howard the l'hiLyntlfmmat, Robert
rionineyr-ILon 1 , 1,111.: Myna and Vitoereit,a,
Ihe 111.41..0 LnAdon News lintl mnoh:
work with Ire `title. of •liertrode 141MP:or
th• ltu.ro4 rewarance, tram the times of thiiress Marl.
. "
V, EWSPAPEIi FILES=j. A. Rtickweln:
Peomt New•rpaper Wiles. thcbk. to+ In lOW reed'
J Inr e•g•v• by . • ' 4,n. WEIZIN
: ..I,•eller a 5t51.1..1. &I Wool et.(tittseott :), a. 4112 f . .
(~ A ItTAIN'S Magazine fi,i' Ain'" ---7--- il hzie i t been
I. 3 r.c . •11.1 14. /I..C.ILIILNPE:INT a cn'A, tin. ill c•orth
— alr - O. No. Putosnio Llbrarr for Tre L ytAlers ankF L bc
'ter. Tho contents of this nucabew 11.11Und,1 own sal.. t
rd Pasoro. and burl n toe Ilerchant nonce \ a Ilutostr of
Itolnanc ; by tloiot Umbria., anther of °The crewel.,
sod tb —Sloanoir of Ilinro .I%ul"rt ah,4 the Caw. '
e 1
•Ioro." °ltaaina US kl Hawing," tr., an „ \
• ~
HKLEIS K R, Ina jUlit
cal.,tbo aboro wort; cAnyroolog selrotlon f
r pow, Marches. Quirk Hops. loilww,ett., earofullY
and VIL•J i,-Ikrestured. for monk rasa band. of eight loot r u.
moots, Mli - rituals. two Coronets, too, Lllbcooku.n,
Wall* Trumpot. Trosubano and Oa.* Tuba: by 1 , . h1714r:
and .N. Young. Tbo blares aro of tho moat popular cl 4 sk. I
arta,. sod exprestlY rornpowd and arnuswol fore roall
bands, and It ts bnpod, laid pl cities a variously felt
by bras, hand sasocastlbto, toudio tharenn\'
try. rib choir* ply,. of music well -and ezolly awzancod \
Fur eight inotruccants and at comwaratlrely Pyre.
lot Thlnl ay
cf the tickle, &lisp.
11—.1 &auction made to deaterrand ttacissrs ci
bawls. ',Moab
received, Marcus Wayland:o2.l'lw
long Moss leprlng; a talc of the &nth. by CAZOiil.
Lev Ilonts
aOOl as • Ocosvoln or tb•Tannstseaul Stery." by
anAlitob. „
Job 1•Ipplos:,tho Lau wbo couqu't bolp ib bT
• •
A Ar* ruPol'or.Coaitt Moat Lem: ar the bp, In &Act r
a roouterper I Of COY el Moot Crud.
„ .
The Illustrate.] louden Nears au..l London Paach. her.
all I.eeo re eared al
naarl3 :A reran L stmt.
1 ILI)EN k'k:NN Y .t. CO., No. 76 Fourth'
!Norlne. bare reed I , breuertilt a new trcrlt by thu
or the Witsolotttrub ilobleot 11.11. Ac. a t .
Alpo, The Ilea) of the lialbllytattex book•by the author
of .. I.Mee't mut "lb* 041Irtur.
llhe uue of 13[11:abate: by 0. !L. &taborets of the . Blyi.
tlest Aunt.. le.
Putnam'. Librarr: • ,
Cultlestoe end Horticulturist; fur 3letcb; • .
No.IU Pictorial F1.2111'1001 .of tbe Revolution; •
. . . . . .
Klinborg ltexlee. torJ.natt,
W A. Ideufenny t CO. ate the static/m.4 egret. far`
ell air Lentltn klevterltee awlleekeoal Sleg.teleee.
DotrMT, Reed Melodeons,
Made by -the original inoentor,CarAardi, N. York.
KLEBEIi hoe just received one elegant
Ai 5 octave 5111LODItllx. mole by the °Mittel' lei
'tutor .
J. earhardhli. Y. TOL Inetrament has a - double
sett of reed!, and for beauty, delicacy and "Myer of tone,
en well o f
raylpity it touch. noryiamelliall other IMAM.
emote of the kind. It ' , ventrally &Mated tomemu mui
eity and intioltely preterit/de to small Orestail. ...hoe but
one fourth as much, and at the same time more durable
avid easier to liva.p in order. There la one in nt the
her. lsr..Fulton'e Church, whith unlimited eatudar
. .
R. n:—SG. puldlein reerreitiiii7 id/l/rd b "in •nd ei
No. 10/ Third at
The Great British Quarterlies ,
1111111111,01? Horn"lox sa tog ltn3 or rort•otl
LEONAIID\SCOTT C0.;N0.'54 Gold' at.,
N vontc, - contlartio to pobllgh Itzo fothmom
I ph Yorlodleal, 'lt :
TIIENORTII (irregiCburch),
Thum Reprint. bete now holm in succatefol operation in ,
thin thantry for 'wroth Yews, and their circulation le
nanny on the inerethe notwitiortanllng the auntatillori.
lb., enconoter from American paiedlcals of's. elgollar
clew, and Nom nottlerOnli Ithicelks ant Ilagaxine• wale
pof mlectkmp from foreign periedienia This feet shove
clearly trio high eetimillon in whwb they are bold by the
reeding pnblice nod aiNoUti • jthatablee du ,
they are estabiwbed on a firm baste, and will be continued ,
• It hoot interruption. • . •
Although•ththe works are distininisbed by tb6 Witt '
mil abscise ober. indicated. yet both stesll portion of their dnvotnltntelltlealbsibleVivs It I/their therm,
ebanteter w hien ghe e them their ebb( value, •to/ in that
they mend conthemaly tar above , all othermorneis of their
cleat. tqaciwooth` Mil under the muter!) guidance of
Christopher Ithrth.\maintains Its ancient celebrity:alai
be et Mb. time, utioutally attmictlre, from the
work. of Unlner an I caber llnnyfy,. written for
that megatine an ant orreries Wile whoa... both M
great ItntalU s and In the 11n1104 Shane soth tort e "The carton*" atel tlir New Sore; both .
"My Peninealer Pledt.l. ll .I%* (kee l ( are
n clt.. and bulweothe)er
aerials, of whim.nitmrlum deal editions um lowed by
the heeding isubliebere. In this county, her go b e y o .
prinewrby tbewe nubile/tem Irem the pan of theeke roo o.
alter It boo been lamed by llescre Peutt Vo.. thoc on n.
...thereto the Kerala Otthat 31 amino may ethoyo my
on bating the caribet rewilne of U. fascinating Lies,
For any one of the four 00
For thy two of the tear
For any three the lope Knelenb. 7 a For all four of the Horsey
For Meek wood and I (IN CU
For Blethwood and the lour tat
tistretags to be made la all *tongs atinawr:.oney car.
rest in The SOW &Wry Weed wilt be rtyceired attar.
maggot., \
A dierount of tuenty-lith per Iron the noose prime
will la showed to theta oniermo four or moth copies of
an term nr Snore a a...b....x.4. .thne • Four copies
et Bin.k wood or of one Barlow I booth{ moue odd nag
f o r 18; four copies of the four Reviews endlliacknual pin
130-, sod es on.
The poster on them Periedkals her, by the late bier.
been redutht,ori t nearer..., about enure ignorer:! The
yellowing UV ttn.present rattn.•lt:
ra , 'Nuanrowin ' • \
A ordthance not exceedieg /500 tulle, 9 eta Per quash
Oyer LBOO and not elowdlog 150 is \
Or,l WO and got exordia* TAO . .1 1, 1 • .
Any distance not ssethdlogsoo mile; sot.. illaT gas,
Veer • 800 and not OlCoolll2ff 1500 8 • 1 ,••
User 11 not exceeding .. 18 •
At thebkratennnoldentlon daub d be bah lawn fete.
to Melvin; the works by mall.
theedrente. and regular delfair•7 7 ! '""1""°6 O 9
air gortakttaimis mid common esti.. ehoul7 allthth
addrarsad., tentl/681. tbarobitthere._'
N. • • 9 1 7\ githnitt, New fork. entrance 04 Gold
8.-14. 11..5 CO. hare recently publiebed and bk.
now for eel, tht.VARMER'I•IOIII[IB," bY Henry !Boob..
*lri:;:tatent24ll AtUgIVITAT New
y steel arid 500 wood than stings. trin,
•Ilif D1 ' 1401115 01 in pew Mr the Mali 111. In con.
OiHiatt's Pens
Girtrorea Victor' a Pens No 303 ex. tine points
Ib.' . Ladles' de No. no do ,
Do do do. N. 179 dO do.
”PPIT or tba .boat, POW Alit teed a b d the Qontltr.or 04 II asv.b3 Losgala, bY
al %Mal attaet.
CLoi,RsEED—..I.S bbla. prime Western,'
yds by 4:2• k4:4. 800 NE....
• 1 1 141 • XlTLlDatlyannit,.
\ \\\„\\ bIE , DICAL . ; •
Me ,
daily\ Nair of the oast Astonithinit Care. Mins
• t irret4,4 Oat great find poptihar ~.dime, ,
gre':liteet;remetty ever dieeovered for
ainlo ot ne.fiAlrlog sifesiOnadflitePb.
• tio ther la soma araonot. laths !bon lektttla of turte
It ei
introf &cello the people of the United Seat,:
It alo aalual a repatlialva uneauallad by .ybtber med
Hue \ tto known", itot 11 by le iff Ti.. ',newer h.
h ff.eetttee no tatViellfe of the kind au oyez-Avon a ul
be.l\fre...the pubii: eat, Ttottfo on of then rich Iltuthht It her
40.1 it *III Main. togair. friend. see love to it
I.fofortuk the ofoshextritontilf•tY ob.. of►
100., .lire the doeume and Ali. other yea:edhv hot 0.11.1
Irmo Lluitornt et, too; vel u m:unfree watch ao . eta
or coftlifitatheao.lo Nut rots to', bete rertihostm t.f tihs ,
it tt. t.oye: \
Tb...l.teus :multi, of II o f C - 84ek. Tatewell rouble. 111..
..ay, h.i lost the toe of or aim for t . " .. " ...• '•"'" ? '
'hr es ,4 l . l'oraiyetio Itoe'Dta had entirely. withefra
..T• "tg 'vl./113a tat o la, , a votal awl bone.
trieu all the I..dTt ftefelore. am ail ,tho tenirdies
i t .
twee of. hot the y ell 4 no ecr.4. \ I then eotortneneed
uf.a ILO Wa ere flhe Antblon L!ititzteett,futel • fow tattles
entirtir 0f...\ end 11.1 irtn fellow fustrooß and lieslfY
••• the ottief. ant raftf'for burro, eprifinsatut
Tbe‘celebrated ,
relintallnu m • bnns
factor to mauttind gonna. Q.,. Ilia whole, world, reports
that e 1•40 al one of the 110,0 fouilliti In l'hiladelPhia
bed been ...inbred to tier bed tourteen rear* with Rheum-
Ue 0100 0220: •'Your tfulfiliti?ritUrgtgarA;:;llarYl4:olrt'ot
• mpOdY lnitnnediately by lemb., (ba.Rua'
31 dauptiter, .ben Indict/is old, isitan with
awaiting In tbestousils, which grow Large. , end.lllltlT.Ult.
, Vo r etk:gr . i; t etA,0h i t , ,00,: t ha , 11 , 42.4 , 04 ttlintotitY Wwellent,
r e bel ., tosedoeloon attgotri t e
no rebel. I took her to the.misinetuir; l / 4 . doctor. Au the
weft they . rata thkre WWI no h• 14.011. boo ut to oot,roe
14 With a rad brut I twterned b.m. willkhe[: whoosh.
I,lcatoe so murb woo. that the doctopi Led In besotted in
ac 0.41; they derided IL, Motile motet be rut Att. aothe 4ll
IJ Inmost I g 'lnc relief.. 11 wir.,erould ma co ...out IC.
ill, sod ehe determined to try your .
Yore reilef the eery
ove r application. add by atcolittliacirtt
or, h
m antirely recred. , Abe Is wow 10 yea \cid, mil,
nevi, kt Rodttilyast oinlint be desired, Your talent .0
lhe \ beat gin tioe for Forams, bootee,. rum. harm, h
it caked
moot ert poun u toe rum
Wen It el/o cure.] caked wildiec In my crow bie • tor ,
49. •'
Mr, 11, U. ,
Voltam.. Your Arabian Lit,inint;tli the'airst.
sit utedtakie lot horse drab in wood.. I nod • totp•
about to ohm) she became w halpiens Mat iehe Could
not nee (Non the ground; ehe was to this way \too several
dote, wbea,arith Irowen other., 1 nurceeded moue 1,-1,
up, which eat the out T. way It could Laden, Wilfet I NOW
tneneed the \nee of your excellent , Lininuent; Ribbed
well.tivar thedolos; end. wStOttleOling allt May appear, Imo,
fore I need or,. 1 , 0 0110 ol the dollar fl oe, eh* waiablo
get my end wallt lomat!. m a nuld but hare givenßits'
dollars for her before. end adyleed magnet** het
leen{ bar out ol,tulroryt ob. be now One of Ony_beet mare. .
enntioee it wan a strain In lbw loin. W. RUNT \
PLOW, 4.410 1.1349.
betiore of Connterfdito.':, - ;\ '' A
1184101) ARAI:VAL 1.11•0:41TIOR RICO .T. 1.1111 /tilt
. The Yobbo ere ortetieutarly.routloned apalust Ban
Llo,eartleit trlalcit hos lately mid, Itn appeorageo. and ft
lted by the luipooter•bo chase it rlknui 1 . ,1j1 r‘to
au Liniment." TI,I ie • clancrioine frond cud more te
to deceive team ilde bearing the same a( Ferrell. 1b.,.
\ portion', fa.r,ln nail for It loc lA , .toestialla IP,
lanimedt." for Unprtucipled dealers utli theani•C
RIO r. , 1 mitt:cr. upon you tor the geti yin, , but itheups oat
fah ' , II. (I. Arato , co./ammenhlt and lair no Meer.
Lbekennine elceo vs Lae tbe , lottere C:betnre Vomit*
his , eignature it also on the ihutaide woapper,and
N. blown in the ulnae bottic/.......U. IL )hrrefr, Aran.
Litoce , nl,..ProraL"
Aocars wanted in emery Towth Village and Ilambillt
,tbe Culled Plate,. to Cash out brunt ectabliehod. Apply
by letter to Lt. (1. Farrell. Veotie. 111.. With 61 ,- .1 tettoeWci
...1?ae; renecnslbility, \ • -
Cull on. d the . assent who ftornisb Free of Charge; •
Omit siontaittlug much •aluable lufOrmallonfor *Troy cll.
APats-2bernith CO mato, andene'dollar per bottle.
gotrnra nanufocturrol by \ U. Ferrell...if
inernlor and proprietor. and wholeeale , druggitt. No. 11
hlolnetrest. Peor Ill.; and torah. wholesale...l ortoll at
proprietorh. priea by R. E. hELLFIIB.
r1r7,111.:, . Ne.. 151 Wool move..
nolzhby 11. Id. CURRY, Alleaben, air. \
• MORSE'S • "
, Compound Syrup , of Yellow Dock Root,
iLCUPIES the front rant aniorl4,be pro
t.rtetoOy medicinee of thin country fa r la`
Cumoig l.opkat, holt Ithruus. itryelorloo, and n
!, ,, Lnit'Crtnn cin ltu.l.9ne state the Id el s AL.
t..Zlt ' s ‘ ,l4t i r ' en? , ;. " ,ru n' irl'oc " gto r t:llt i or tre tu are ' t l ,7r,
chime: or hoorecueo.. doylies*. kod a ticklloc oilpnatba
threat; and Is need with unprecedented suit: A
lu all twee .
Art, esti lireal - ness 000 i 27e)tera/ Debi/ity:\ \
tP. wmkebed LO P . sci•itta tote. wiltA,
stßun nseelts...l ttistittnnUng qt, .P`tert• \
the N0...W001), thowandem time tonne.., 01000
porta o( the comotry. rob
0012 upon. It In einuote
.ty elbeackrus In outing ail Howtore, end wOloole, deVilito \
Poi and broken dawn constßutlions. be purely Vein,.
o r , in Its entayonition. and an aecUratedy combitool t . ,
Proportion., that. the chemical. botanical:. and tomllioo pco
v , et lea ,t rect.,ltyeredient
t h e smite to
Torify h \
ft boo removed maul chropledi.sweiwhieh Meirebotnec
. t11111 1 ... 10r
P k b ar:=o " lii ‘ lt, " :l= " 7lslettlitli r .
nyrut enstrety ' l:aley to make the trued itnrierolou
At lime laden
to lo many ‘nones of CAII.CELUbb
211/110. Tip, moat nhetinate Cancer, hat...been cum!
ill. Ile rhy,, tb it Le avaluoblerowlinue in id
ill I.liitici LaiIIPLAINT,i. It remoren all obstrUctione
the stroulatina renditlitg the Liver awl
. roniovee Palpitation of the liesyn, nod rallectioa ii
ell toot.o of Art Lute, and may be used In all throateo,
at all 0000020 or Ma seat, \
1 bh. Orton preeenolo , nly 11 Cc lit)11130 tAI.„ a IL
Fountain 01r.0.t , Provideucel, R. oral wild, wholecaleoin
_ Only ommt f tn tap
..11itr eetno—X;;;;Att
Nand and Slyth Pt, Pl't
p—Da Jet, 11 the diovener and ale er ra nd, a
a Nora most popular and beraticial medicine& awl aor
tit, inventor of the celebrated luctimem - for Canting Me
Lunn, in effecting cur of Chronils Sawa.. sends no
lent ortlatt entrant phyralra. Doetra Physle, nod s
gran/ten the University of PeumylegOnAnd foe Uinta
ens 'nee hid bran erigairod ‘ lu the luvastra de
stion oe s
Tand the application of reutedlea thereto.
coach the wee of hip lunation tube, ire nausea/ow ern
ht. Smell, ladle Syrup, ated other of tin fettiddifdt 1,0
gamed untord'elid radiance let cortex Ono oresdir•
and fatal usatedie Tabun/tar Centssuptem, Camera
&Pare le. !the umatiem. Asthma, relit and Aga., FeTersoe
all kind.. Chronic •+! DTI sad kall , qa Maltase die
rank peculiar to Ideal. iticlecl. 9 ffgn of dlarde
easiehen mder the use of his remedies. w /a hm./
ty heir— net by the 1.1, of one craracuud only, for Cal
Is inrompatnie with Phydnogiral law, but by the uu
his audit .% esdapted to. net prrteniral for, ends penile I
Dr. Sue', Tenn\ .111nallve Pillk wintradeVara bander
id; ante whet to to
h o
numeric tp all °there, as a pa rya'
taro liar pill. Inunattok as limy nave the bOwele pe
/lly free from rostlcenesc. as alwa his dokien Pills are ad
milted, by the faulty, to poen. peddler properties, Us,
ted female dustier: but being motteDU that abase Cid
lu r unk lent to establish what has hothead, la the
the most skeptical \
The afflicted spa finites! to call umm the agnate and prle
to (made) one of the Voctor's runrbleta, giving ads lael
ad manna of nab rand i - ,,aad ILTapPlieffba.
For rale et the folio. log agent., as wellan ht . Ong &WIC
U. VanZ6,4 ritte;arch , 30 i crannied. Prunglet. 40.1W/et et.
ken A Beckham, Dreg/Ist, near tle Post Odiewcifieshr
'r iae " p . ti liarldwr.DarlingtOn Begat =sty. \ Pa.
Jahn 00 1st.
Sumo idler.. \
T. Ulnae. Reeser,
To toll Reader" of the Pittsburgh thitette. , ,
\ - DuBLIC ATTENTION Is respectfully in.
cleat to the fallowng Crank/et for la rendes ta
otio of the most Common remedies of modem tuned
ilt - ruuLt.tat OK MUCK UM; it Yalu metre Cu u pt.
tsar• ago nun this gnat .com e); wu brought Inter! Ca
gt i tk.rec t r.llWlll=ll 6 79pPatVel ry w g:
mom one,
and we Allege that au inlet' it le trlra r,
mare certelanill its greet fame ratted tl9 th. reni
edy of a day. got PP for Um vele pupae of udder twee,
but. eztaw bin we isoneelpe, will random. to be \ sod her\
ail other nostruan have been insolent The Iraterando
Naturddinarayselaborsted la the depth. of the r.llll
ur a power \ and sums that laughs to scorn all boron'
rompelltiord, It is our duty. wheal we mate about a meet
cite, that weonite the trull—that we ny nothing eaten
laded to
or those whO may trust cue valor yin man
dean to or statements, the sin are very apt to catch al
au thing that premien relief WOO dstooke A dory rtra
hardly to too Urn wrolaght uswer tbr Object Of KOH
laser butane. us soart9 'of them. Now, we dp not drain
td thic we use idnititte 0 0 1 Stint the truth in 'Anita ta
erar remedy should he told, in enter to scene bar It a repo
Latina far *needle; soy etuals'attieldlo the mateda mod .
Ica. Tido ourerhedfards—rta that mar bemoan/an
mour& and neigh/et/hood ample tntramay lo fa
Within the /ast two morn tyro of OUT own oltlcton
who were tally bllodAhavw been \cutout! to sight. tin.
nal cunt of lalladeen.dre the tints of Ohio. have ben
tared Arai. Oa, the ranof • gedtlranula Bruer county.
'There are other/ but these an aura Veer home. Lad test
be renrral to hi\ ear Minn Übe hare doubts ea the auk
tut. ?lOW couosoron co red atter their had tuns erankw.l
wel by phyalqatrene hwke. Tho Petroleum will run,
when used aceurdiag to WlreUute—Uientu,Dreer•to,
rte.s , lo l tpe os t= 33 ,Vat i ..4 l. 4.r4riezglen th . eiyas i
ticalS Heed, pala
in'the haus sad aolutt r oia UTCO , i
We.,•Ague, gam& Cough/ Intleso. hohltis. mad
Puratowan edentates chnrato`nature..tradlut to yaw
duce CcutunapCon, \ \
Burns sal scalds, diner. of the Plodder and Edney/
Chapped nand/ Eireelded hlppleu Conas , ,,,a LYnbna
meet aloes rip./ aragot, mad be tem trait
Ite within the put Mar wit/ LI
the head.
Certifentee that will eaten/eh en IP
th e beau .4 the motarkdor,ertiewltt take pleasure In gnu
nig them to tho aMacted or their friend/ \ \
Whatever others
may eaeiaboat their atedkbtec the
Petaluma is the mutat Remaly of the ago nye/lace
If high 'Maio, Irk the proftestoo an begraulag tap ..e (I
tholurroctloo. Three who at Snit Inked on with \ doubt
and urecertaluty, are arglipg lirwardi it doe lanne rand
Cnrateratloa. scion mother Tray ra in round. di will tet
riperad aolytented/9 that the Petroleum le the groats
rat medicine ever discovered. Yoe kale, wholesaio cid
tall, by FIER kIeDOW/ILL, Ut) Word at.
Aleo--R. E. dollen. 07 Wont atreeti di,. CON/
Elliott, Joseph Douglas, ADeginter City Am , by orb
pct tin.
f i Nt=l " ttlrere d trir • ti"`
7 - Great Cure.ol\liver 'Complaint, :•
'BY. the original, 'only ; true ' exit genuine:
Pinar Calm Ohio go., Ye., March gp.
Idr. R. R.—hear BIM I. Rank It a dray 1 awe to
Ih e.
n andpublic getterallY, tir state that 1 haat to
ABM mad w ith Liver complaint fee•• long time, end bad
iT that at eps,,,t,diritst . ted broke. 'lra klataft\ak2.ll
14rr. tTril`74` . ..glTrf..l.V4f,, , a°l4Nfridy,
rmy pb ysietu. r . gall
elud tad
`eluded to
t he them • 'Mr trial. I purchased oak tax,
and forma them ta be joet what they ar er hlxe n nan tar, reentennanted ,
the Nat Liver Pill ever und : and aMa tatting our
I dud the Creme has evaltely me, und lam now per
featly well.' Respectfully yours, D. 11. mincgsp.
' ' ' Dm , March 01. 18,12: \
\ t minify Mat lam remonsAly nalotexl with Dr. Co t
man. and two bear leatimony to the tenth' Oahe ahoy,
rettleada, , 4.lti , Pater
Prepared only andeold hr lL k. WILLEM!, Id odd Ac
prrminnv, (Fifth Ward.) Feb. 2nth,140.
Mr. R. V. Sollerm—Ou tho Intl ult. I caught • very or
roldr• Th. Mor t *Dewing wont to Pod rutin th o .
timid:Yeti notwlitutauding .1 had Wept none the night
befog, the you.* glorying with me nu b muck eunoird
hr my encintilugh'thnt P. not up and mutt tog
unit bought• bottle orlon Cough tirrup, on nogg et
•hich. to my wood ointiput mr etual, if.
by magi. I went to wort to thy morginm onit mic m oo
(mite ' •
.1 tomb,. taut r well sem:mitten with the
Kate otreumstanaiontiol that the litatengent moon Intim,
Ihmrod goiit by rt. r. i57.7,7 . 7 . 7itt 47 77 4 .4 .
1)R. ANIMEW ROGERS' Ootipoand Sy.
s Imp of al'eawokr. TAR, sod CANlNlAlutalitt.
DOlral of nod reetonoanded Of Phrokimis of the blot.
Poe the eratolete core of COUghll. Pals,
tallsetwa. e.t.a OA Lidernlo llrzmrhltl Alubto. It torte
gth lf :TLtZr& , tmic.6 " 4lll.e%
• rem. eold. a bad eauub, or lug ue
about the .
It ..Ix lx ) %thould i ta thi c e . Zrokaldo
sr fata l
tat ea ' cte ‘ d aadthend to ‘' i an en.
TRY. I. In fatal INtr t utoption. relra. farce
Woad ItiV;bl e Vglr.trgatby IA IL lIELIMRB.
. Wood rant. mid the health Ite.r4ed. aleiTee We
tarb p o Igen: t.,Z,It ty tt ' b b g:
TIT Mk pr... of health. All ay ea who Ilan UlTi IL
A few bottles have often tee sweat uae: "f, putomed yeaderful cares, *alp
ha nederehrocd has hue alleted vettb that thlawhia
VlZt=e=rtnix ". .ip Areitig. n e ' t ' N ' tfkaletive. 'd _ 7 "'
the hoop et Ire/leer mace hoot. and niter taldnAt dye A ' s.
tien;trw remand tortect w ,
Tbi above tearrinelstr4 Bseuntb
1 1 . e v o ..ri t teiR A 141 ;MW
del6 and led Wood et, WT. INIUI4
I D OUSSEL ' S ABIANDINE, for the Cure
and remotion of °harped liseda.—The yen.
re melee at the Ataarellae, dating the lad 1 hirteeo
g : wrongly Meet Ittejthe=l.otiLerulall
virtue ttt . 4 N rayTigiatat estitteratten, vetrudedual
MT:lnger:di= ilTatTaTd=rarieglettal
eurEtet tbe za
"Il Mg
At 6,
\ DRY iiDODS, Z 41.1.
A, MASON & llas'e rlinr ready for
.ralf.Teentr ea PR Fut Cent Calluetitt Nand 6 eta.
ern. , Slow De 0
ete ,• • Sattehand
ettnettun Gingham. at 16 etaeitt, Wrought Volk.
Z•.lT'ittr.'l•lll` , 3ltrnr. VNe"d,, it eta, .... en 1 " .1 "•,
)Initline—some as taw as A thtt44l/dlllllslldl4a nw
lot at e rta.
V W SPRING GOODS ---A., A. 31ason
cv. wiil . douteletes treelo• on .17taay mai TutediT t
• l'a7ekettolfry' Ihi',UZl•trtlftToilr!l;T"6l4a C r. •
oe. tOnhoto ay.! Feam-etite oratory dugtta k
ending putout, cake rateitu ana Detkeialtt hluta, • ,;
par:hue. et the
tect.takty Ao • itttoal.e. at
great seezinew Crum _ lear•la
1 lOU , GRAI/S-6 tbaok tbittafc, reha
ijr 11oftJe.auttel r.,..“1tt to retort and ke nate
at AO. 110 'Market etrue. lap' J.,• Tinware.
ILA PE SITAIVIS--2i.. A asoir o.
lJ , ria.r.4n
or 'ft elratJar. the ‘7.1 , 11 lint. giver in.
tbcomml, ktniutleera and 7 . 1ka . .1. qt. •04 lAgon4
Crepe Ahem et all Trite. • turn
V IN COOLS--A. & G0.,.10 •
otroteoet7el ud eve new rrina.,6,4irri. , rart.e. , 1
tho ut
uL:comprne•eilke, (.1 5, 1 -er.,,tirwasc4ll.s.
riONlllll. 1:•1000 da Ltoinea. Jaunt... teatimes. Shawl... ,"
M 04111 de:Leine.. 04103
.I.lAbSIbl ElliES—A large ,f 1
l • autuderuall4 Clothes for Mee wear , inot reed
tiarth.tet tuner Fturtiri and Market one..
our)* • 11111 Pitt • DIIfteIITTELD. , •
A/ /TI i&Bliiii7ilEii.i.llcave now
ltetieh • Ito. usorktiett of 1441:4 Neu Otatlo,
India ITULIne ens.:
/nut litre... and Molted 6111..., vett - hanleorne.
Lieht ' ire.
itauretTetAte •
'. Ikons. Alen. dr Liteneet
New ,hyie rkr4.llM . ol). do lauties„ our 10.6.1sonnot •
all wool MenttleLtittee t 1111
French *kJ kaalish Chintz., A '• •
A bather, supply . of l'ermao C10 , bo: \
toatiO NOttheltrt comer tourb aA Market eta..
of styles
jj nue "ten at atom of
tuarva \ • tAatetIFIELD.
GOODS AT CIIE 6-- este
0 0 0111101100000 to boa patron. tali the .htte,lt te r
a.. le no r , n ' 1
ht. Npirlog ankh 01 (Anita, Cutikerrst
Vesting* Rua tueulehmg 000 s. 11i tonneetfitti with the
au. 411 war... of g. in the merle, at Om nutlet, of
the his aneat.t ineleated forth.n of. poreltulait
took nut hawk, eurblee Wm U. agora mut, whieh. toT
110d1 elegem', cannot leurueed. •
\ The tlkie, ma to esit atalormonna.. •
tiTh DI 10 FLtteigle. •
\ • \ No. 71 Vott.thaeld 0014 Diamond 101.7.
lt it (1 to jareptrkl to 1 1 1,014 ailord,d, I. the .
totth prool'lit n, and in the laheat it/ht
SILES—A. 'A. MASON d Co., barn just
cr epiee.,l lOW pleo.. or •eir . choke Atte 44 trench,
1, EYI,4IA f, dares. nwro of new goals afar .
prigSri rttlr l • gi N.P 47,
\„t„<„., „,,., tow ruh 1rt..4 buten are kite
tart,O,”atniue;4o. altittPlir tstmetteistays.
~2.urtto.omt Lbllkor Fourthk Ataraet eta.
\ i oUlslTElty.ANES—ltia' ease, ree'd a fur
sr.!, ertiele.,whltO and adored.
re`rtZeil/,': : -' % ll : l Pntrt , T4 , lltl7;V:Allll,l:ll..
oa!!10 "
AIL IIPIIT • tincnriraT.
'I3.ONNIiTS-- 7 -firgreat variety
ei`rli+, uovi'ciwo .
'TEN Y3 klace do.,
loug 00.1. I,oort, c\> lined 031.00,1,
marl" 31 . 011C11 1
e,sif ~..-.\.uNS',Vor: all the ditTer;ni
tiee,teeleathettiat ev Beene, Lava Jt , t nem.
torm;e2 4 . 7.e i r t . g thorn .14; 81111RTI.N.:1
o . arlo, 1
SA7T4NS:-.hiEit over 50
_ _curs
EIV SPRIN lIQODS• i:ontinue to .or at liluirhy t
Burahhald's, horibrut earlier of
curth and'alaract Overt, \ •
Jar.t cirri.), rich Baratta da ertliair
ab,„o. all apnea black and
faro, dr lalars rich French Ull l'hinrica. 'or Leda/m.IM
Buyers will ',kV. call %War fad
if 1 LOTIES & CASSIMEh r ES—Or, hind; a
) 'etanplke ato,k of Preaeb aad'lk,ayeatie Clotheaaal
emeimar. , the be,,t ertalYa k .t Rhaaoie and
Jle.ea Co:a al., all the latratatrief'pr Taney do,
fob A A. 11wetON eta. C. had &I Market aL
ATINETTS.! I—M Ott PUT Botctiniti.
10 L..n Jun ro.:'..t.din.f.t from the u...lttifoctuter— le ue
" Lar J, '"U'allgirdinTit;et ZlT,r'in,dl,"`V`4",*"
or r era.
BONNETb—A. .A. l'ilanon4. Co.
AAX. keot nrenel:anntber 104 01 rleh eta. troit.te.
101.4 \SPRING PILINT:i—A: A. Nabob
Cryllete reINI: /0 of 4'. Allen d &dm drydidg
kOp 1 .1 'd 3 , o le,
eed 11.0 A.
iILovES-4,4 1 mtr„J. e , iminpleto isoort
, N j o mootnt
.: plyvd Urn.(lll , t E.+, to? rmy
t 1,13. • .IAVIS, ,A 'A:AJA.C.ON ACM
iiin - ;ec'd.hd 2.°°()
d° , 2° na°Cirted '
• iII,tENCEI IVOItn1:0 -
‘dayrmrl'iro , k,d,'iimri,...r. t , •
V A.A. /..63 A 64 Market et; •
On, Vtrieti,'.74 ""'
m \ ‘,
IP.ST 'lWe:a nt A. A. .Tet\ort Co.'e, a.
romp;ete iwalonrot of tientlunial blaelt Italia&
rre,it n J opennl 40 cartons Epting
u,rich Ara now l , t Ryles. .1, nail
`)LAID SIEKS!-74:31i.aorrAco: are
d t_ ma v i ... auric , 4or aLrf..tmior,raaa Eith, .t m
\ *lSt.
. .
drable ittock. Maid a • A.AA ILINSON CO)p, az
/hark. atm.. \ •
RINTS!=BeaI mad
a fe l l eillitat 'A. A s
fialLlAVLSrust, reed, owes superior \
kJ Nay tato Lc4l4 MI rode,. toriAtagyk
. luny LtaL Xlll
`R will 14 km as /7.1#4.4 OM.
4;A. 1‘ . 30N &ea.
' • alt 4 C 4 Ilsatet
,r cotoiett Prints
.11AISON s 1:028. • \
tUand 6•1 hiuketst.
NEN lIDEr&-Just received 90 dozen'
worka Linea Cmatrtia Ifichneerblifl.
$ 2, 62*14 Market Mint
_ • .__---—___
\ll, - .V.'4AOE, 'LAIN.ESI—Re'd. 1 CUB
Itorage Linirten.nrkallatla oest.iahra'
- A. .11.4.130N , ,4 W..\ ;: • '6l sud G 4 31.01i.t.
(V. hay., for . en!. 2 CAPEC4InIt
Mo New dook_, \ I
ICI I IT, N0...6 2 Fourtiks 1
mama or Fau vu leat.t
11:.4 1 .7.Vitt";i.ts .r iA the
ntsgtfax nth...daring 4a , \
friers:ell VIF Tet`'Xrlgil7:4ll=V• \
VP h. Lou ek./Cr, very cheep; YlLlit Cantasurs
fibs! Ir.. itcy titer', at tut uracourotec ,
• . ylltvt; Precut, 2 cric.oa wad Cast...tot Para.
• cy Pl u s IA
k ilr o uli k i
a d e rtble;
11 1 11 E SUTsSatIDER having now receited
Mc entire tcolt et VALE AND 161,:f TER (MODS,
mould toopeettally ImfOtia his Colton., stud the panne
lootmeod todtnatoomf hi, emote, enter heir
D . t . j . 7hoottA "" itirtro Recto oto won an a \
hook f l l= tefhl W.Ve e'rOmDrlo,, fa 3'(044
4 11rAtg i trik.
Doerr Wattned.nnt. s arlehaJoh
V 7llfiglrl i tilhon s \ ,
/roach Medea. ea C 1 ,140.0 . ,.
Together with hooch
Trt, thd Emcdoh krinto.t. imams».
114.104 d 154 Datmel46thoollace;
44, 64 stet 6.4 .std 101 1. tytl(..l Llneaq
\ 1.4,64 and I , l4•Tattl4 Vaantoko;
\ • Wiped 34 Deena heckle. noel t 11.4
\ _Web atV,ll'Zerittl..l!:::Z,".'"'"..
autotellhe pada, Frotteb anner, Medi,.
trate Etlatonalm ae. • f
Luittel Meek
Ileuello do:Aaiun, a and 44 4.
KIR pp AI• 18 baton ,
Atte o
week Chant.-
Vell4itedt, Froetch cti...itst.oh C ra g.: 11.,4 a Cr.
t , noteatottoto old iihrovelte thitersirett eun'atilan"
tettA Nonelleall et a:Acta tloodo 'twit ,
colon end t•hmth too quelits,
va Died at A'ood
_ ach . l6 \ JA111.3 1.: 31.1.161011 T.
Straleßonnet and Hat Warvhotuio,
ER offer,, f
irl•;• t vt•For \ t and 1100041•(0,,slain
4 rJ.-11.110, tenths% nod Rep, tottioort, fancy and
` e 4a
rnr. POIOILLOo.3IrtiII, otol I o.13:1 loolL
e ~t'U laver. Jirlfolliltrol7;l42ll.?3,'•l4OOLD 'Witt
711/War.St/11r1=116.1 &art 0101, Odin i‘adTak •
tour. •ri .3O11101•1111 crOlor,logl:, (g 0..., and Cooootllopa.
LACRN—PIeno and hooted *hint lorod mO.
16, VILVM/AOS—Cor,tl,Toto, to, DuttOolOoNteMno
ectorlettio, Am, Am \
FLUISEIt t rYnnt oa t Cctimblanthonalld.
" rtrNP/ . N/Lok nd r
A/61 1 ,1/14.)•&lliok Clte. de Pier
oleo, Oro. de Ithlmo, Itorencet, ou#. ei• or AIL% monad
rilvs— i % rted duelithe and al.,
Alto—Men eaTN ertml l'aracett.4lllxibrallnitalch
li b A E-MAl tt. k' ; " l! 4 4 '4 ,r:4 , l.7. , , MußrAT
I tor. enadoblettootot, aloe cm hettd:...... 6.4 Eros eos
a 76
)1104011ao Itile4to , and Enotoolo modO
‘. 1 . 7,1 1 .tr0 h l
,torecison to (Woo rho oar. connect* 41Ottert:t 6, 1,,F.-g
trni?‘ " TtAlNlT.:ll., •l 7' "' k"" • - t . \ U'‘
It (.4A itm. l ,l o. l . lllohtemtt , :dz, , arg \
lONG SliAlyLS!-- u•ritiMmiatiina
a hard roc') Lorry or Lno`onoro
do, of an Quetta,* from oornr [nett. owl of pharl
1111 d ttletht eOlOllO, Mkt of Otlmyt 00.. 0000 .If. , 0/2“
krorprters for opolity art 43 H.
Abo—llrocka Long rkurwis.Tl oriel a » drholea
X. IL on" honingnow nee. , ot rkre;rit oreryfro. dart-,
Jost rrea. !no analna }lamer, ~ r olortroblo Mery end
J IIST rtecitiag at. M 12.1. ,T6\ WIRST sue amuot the in... “11.1,rieAlg . 1,0 "
.1 molt IsabiomOlo oss/re at Istrossa, Csaarray
Clths, 71.11roninur hcpra. be Okada as
customs. will Os* bias an ...sir 1 - .
Housekeeping OiCilt,
71otreeke4 . ia
°lto ra'd lnr1 " 01 ' 1 1 4 1.
rafiraz d Tel . l4l•ltirt4l%:=Ladan , :r22 . ,
IlemOf vatioortmtx Oaf
Mt Zllllll4l 8 .6 • - : :On