PI'I"I'SISIJRGIi GAZET: I , I:II[4E4IND DV 1 , 741T11 0%) 4ITT , IID U It FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 16. 1852 Autimasonie and Whig Canty Calvention .40-The Whig. and Anti-Maslna, of Alle al.ar roonty. ill moot on Saturday, twstlthoru.r nett. at the nowt piano of bolding Iffifom7 o¢.attnp to tb. to ...Total olectlfordtstrteto. In lb* tllVllßllDllrninecttrety at 3 o'clock. V. IL to ad. it,.. at. 6, a:oink ettt'lectodblb to Ow botounhs and PM' tObnoldp et o'clock. P. 31.. to ' , bourn at 1 o'eloO and In brew.] nerds St 12 o'clook, IL to adjourn et 7 o'clock:AD election In the .mll to be by ballot. Each of the election diolniete to ...loot deleustet to a county couventlon, to be Judd et lb. e'clrt Not... Os ktondol, the 2nd of Jaw tollowlne. at 10 o'clock. A. 51., to notslnn4 n ticket to be napterlnl by thy party, at Ibe monolog October eloctlon. 3091.311 KIND, apll llbsicatuo of Cotornitte of Oorreenolchbv. FOIL CANAL CONINLIFFIONFU. JACOB ROFFMAN, or niw cpmrtr I I FOR PRESIDKNTIAL 141.12:42064. 1 SSSSS oal• 4. , '.1., BUM,. 30,1113.1 Pattn(T. , • II r. r " ' ' Dial , iclo l . Ulstrl.44. 1. 11 Aux F. 1180.8.. 14. Jan." 11. 041444413. 2.. 148 U 11442111, lb. Jurce P. POBBO3. r. .1,411* W. I.Ttly.Bl. PI. Jan K. Upenroom. 1.101 P. 1444114. II. Pr. Jsa. 444112444t400 S.. 4LNCIII MCILTASIS3, . 111, .1444411 Dna.. ....imp; W. Fetus. 19..10118 LA112.2. .100im MM.., ZI. A1ti.3(111 . 1/ RoInEVISA. 8. •1E.,101 Ibli.Lirrill. SII. ZII O III I 3, 111/1.14, 9, 1,0,4 81.0,11.8... V.. Lava 1.. Iron. 14. 1.*4.41.44 P. WAII4I, ' ZS, (Pi4142‘4.4 IL //Sin AISON, , 2. Plawia 11141.4.4. 1201. L\ 91.424, 24. 84411. A. Pu1m4:424 IL ....4 Iltkuuraw4a2K4 jijl - 4EA DING MATTER 671.1. BE FOUND ON EACH PAGE OF 71118 'PAPER. Mies CATIIMMIS Marne' COMMIT ..-013 Est i:magi evening, the_fer-famed Irish soiagstress, gives her firer, and, we are informed, her only coecfirt in Pittsburgh. Wm Hayes comes to na 'with reputation second only to Jenny Lind'o, and we think It altogether prohible that 'the • Irish Melodies of the Maid of Edo afford gait/ as Much pleasure, sod probably more deep feeling, than the more elaborate music of the Dwadlsb Nightingale. We confess that our heart warms towards the Irish girl, and we hope oho will bare a full Noose: Indeed we have DO doubt she will. Those who wish to secure good seats should apply early, as there will be a rush for them at the Wall this morning. The Lecture of Professor .3 ACjIII , S, which we imolished in fall, yesterday, is an admirable document. IL is a sound, logical, and 'most pow erful argument against Popery. It Is replete with facts, drawn from undoubted sources of troth, to prove the dangerous character of Po pert'. No civil. or religions liberty; no expan sion of the human intsUect;'no progress in bap tisms or -true greatness; no elevation of the masses; no physical, mental or moral progress. ion. can exist where Popery has oodi•puted sway. Any argument to-the contrary is foultd .ed on a false basis, and is dressed in the sheer est- eophistry. Let the people of the United Stclita ponder well the facts and arguments of • such Lectures as those of Ore McGill Rod Ja cobus. The repress train. nn the Ohio and l'etinsyl .vaisit Railroad. wee detained some hoary, ye, terilay morning; by s slip on the Narrows, eau, ed by the late heavy rains. It tiererthcles. made its connection with the 41c:scion,' train arriied lasi evening a little Mora 7 o'clock It nas never yet felled to make its ionnexion, and passengers can rely-upon it with almost eh volute certainty, Pinxii firltere.—A wriler the PM7eeterhy, reeterhy, ..he nips hie article •'M A T ilkett us to tusk for trestioethe nubjeet of th '.3piritual unfolding, of the pirernt reutury, Sal th• writer exile it, with irrevernuce So f no the thing itself is concerned we cannot trees it very seriously; but to find crucible and well meaning people hunbugged . by so bald on 'Mon is not a matter to he laughed at Tht writer speak. of Una a "deeply interesting and infinitely important subject:" but in ell serious ness we ask him what truth, who( fret, of the wlighest Importanse to 'the race or even to a single individual, has yet been resealed to os through this medium, either for thin life or the t which is to . oume? Every thing, so far, his been fist, stale, and unprofitable. .We must therefore egentit. or to regard these alleged reve lations as she ienult of jugglery in POlllO Caige, and of strong delusion in others - The writer evidently belongs to the latter data and honestly believes that thephentosmarof which be speaks, are caused by spiritual and invisitd e ogencles. lie .aye, "Here are certain facts and phenomena testi fied to by thousands of honest, intelligent men— facts such as `hat peculiar sounds, or electrical concussions, are beard in numberless places at • the present moment—indiesting the presence of invisible intelligences that vafions objects are moved about the room—that musical instru ments.are played in the most melodimis manner without visible agency—that the hand of score. of individuals, male and female, are controlled, without will or, thought of their own,to write something with inconceivable rapidity in a pro . . found and beautiful manner, ly g ner en , upona i nt a j o e r ct n e t o ~; w hich. the medinent. e nature, ie ° piritual nare, develop `"idect. touchl "f man — I. the 'condition, I. • ment end ,destiny - p ,. and locelity of the spirit world-l-eometimee an. , :t.swering mental and , test questiorrr, and giving : s : t .; an elect fact iiitsl4 of,-,the hand•writing of the • spirit eilllmiugio Comtitiniate." - tlstr gives the igelualisiVatim who are bettleit!cmAlittit that he and tb°l4:loltleines'..)::s4*.b/,-iantniiiioeue poem!, Dien deaii.d Oita credible as that Dr. ' . Joinson ; and , . other•ditanguished — Men should nave been deneivedliythitar famed trick of the C chlaod ahoit One of the most extraordini . 'ry phinomesua'nf the human mind is its diristi ti2n to take up and cherish the gromest v end ',- Wildest delusions. Jnirimerable examples of ..this are ifon?ished by "all history and by the now effsting state of the world, whether Pagan, klobalirdon, Christian or Infidel Revelations from the spirit world, as recorded in the Inspired Volume, were ever character _lied, both in their matter and manner, by a mo . rat grandeur, and a weighty purpose, which at once challenge our respect and belief, but itke ' quires more credulity than we possess to attri bute td Superior intelligencles the wretched pla titudes which reach us through this newly in , Tented medium of communication. Hoping that our friend M. A. Ti will soon re cover both his right mind and his good temper, we:ltemise the Subject for this time. The Nora British Review, for February htia ten - leading articles on highli Interesting !ob jects, ill of which are treated With great chill tr.:, Among them, the last—•. France in January 4 1852^ we esteem to he en article of extraordi nary interest. W. A. Oildtaltuney, 76 Fourth •t, it It Miner, .82 Smithfield stied. lion. C. J. FAULICIIIII, present Member of 'Congr - ess from the Tenth District of Virginia, hes putlished a letter declining an appointment he msenber of a whig State Contention. says that if the Nationel Conventienz shall re fuse cr 'neglect to indorse clearly and Unequivo cally the Compromise measures, or fail to pledge themselves to a "stern and inflexible execution of the Fugitive Slave law," he will not support their nemlneee. He declares his - want of confi dence in the Whigs of the North and aids: ' "it Is impoemble for the Whigs of the North.' and South, at a period like the present, to meet is Natlonal - Coneention without a frank and ex plicit declaration of' the principles upon which title Government is to he administered. Thh ntrpriaolpie platform of 1840 and 18413 swill not be tolerated in 1852. Among-thoee principles nes t iskact 'unqualified pledge of the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave law. Will the Northers Whigs sirs inch pledge? If to, why • ie itlhat Millard Fillmore no without a party in thiNerth?. If not. can there be say onion or ottemetrt of action between Northern and South. • ern Whlp?"_. • The following paragraph le, from the *ell I rosin comer:dint of the Baltimore Sun: ,The intelligesee that the Whigs of the New- Fork' Legislature hair. unanimonslydeelared for • tad that the Silver Grey, hare unanimous seved — ia, or backed oat, has produced eon: adorable sensation here, particularly se it oc curs immediately after the exposition In Con- AMU of Neribent Whig sentiment In hostility to the mimeses. There are some Apo. too, Comprom that the ise ibuthern Whip will fecov er from their devotion to Fillmore in Time to .Mite In the hurrah for Seer" and .fleott. -If eo, they Will throw up their heeds at the very moment when they have tbe beet chance Ibrthe VIM .1f they stand finn, the Northern Whigs • ootne to than on every substantal.point YEA' WASSIZOTON pond...m.of Um. 1).mlly Pittsburgh bluiett..l WASIIINGTOPI, April 10th, 11852. e telegmph will have informed yon of the leading fiCte in regard to the carious of Whig Senators and members last evening. There acre present from 05 to 70 persons. The total number of Whigs in both holism is one hun dred and sixteen, so that there inis a tolerably Food attendance, especially when we consider that some of the so called Whigs, like Faulk xer, of Virginia, and_ Brooke, of Mississippi, have busied themselves of late in writing letters declaring their intention to vote for the Demo cratic candidate, in a contingency •ery likely t, happen. Mr. Mangum was in the chair, and gave notice, that as the purpose of the meeting woo to appoint a time and a place for the meeting of the Convention, he should not-entertain any motion not pertinent to that business. liamph. ery Marshall, of Ky., Mr. Outlaw, of N. C., Mr. Moore, of ta., and a number of other Heathern Wlf.gri, expressed the opinion that there were important preliminaries, even to the rolling of a convention, which they were called upon to settle. The Whig party most have a platform, must adopt a set of ,principles coiled to the crisis, and must resolve that the man to hs nominated mumpledge himself to govern his administration by those principles. Some of them intimated that unless the Compromise were re-affirmed by the Whig party, it could nut I • kept together. Judge Underwood hod Mr. Ward, of Ks., re plied to these arguments, ardi denied that it tram the businette of Congreeeiorail caueuesee to Uttar. platforms for the Whig party. They denied that the fidelity of the Whigs of the Saud, to the party depended upon pledgee to the Compromise, and eo far from Kentucky re pudiating pen. Scott, if nominated, because not so pledged, he would be triumphantly sus tained in that State. Other speakers argued that all such questions should he lelt fur the National Convention to Determine Mr. Brooke, of N. V., considered that the ge- lection of a place wee of great importance, and he mooed the adjourtimeut of the caucus for a week, that the absent Whiga might be brought in. After touch additibnal debate this propoei• lion was dirtied. each questions of party proceedings as are now pending, candor is the truest policy. It is due to candor to state that the Whig members of Congress have'receivell no authority to make platforms for the party, nor to nominate its can didates. Since no other mode has been provided, it was allowable, because convenient, that they should appoint a time and place for the Con vention. lint for that body to constitnte titres selves, indeed, a secret convention. and to usurp all the powers of that great council, is presump , 'none, short-sighted, - and intolerable. It was just such a conclave, which twenty-eight years go, 'ass:tilled the control of the Democratic •iirty, and nominated Crawford. The couse toctior w ao that half n candidates took the-Tield, and that the caucus candidate was the List in the nice. If these sort of meetings con tinue here in ItlisLiuglon, there wild i.e no Na• neon' Whig Convention, and that is thought to be the. game of some who are most active In get tug them up. Mr. Mangum, it is understood, announced that he would persist, even at the next meeting, its excluding general questions ot politics nom consideration. The time and place will be agreed on without contention, or the meeting will sepa rate without action Nome tittutheru Whigs are anxious that. the place should be Ilalnmate or AIItISINIIIO. It is a point of too ....sequence whatever, and may be 3 iehled to them by the, Northrre brethren with. nt tlm.lea I .10.inien , to their rights or fee-begs The appearance of the Ireniocnitie Item for March has widened the quarrel hetwrsu th sections of the opposite party The enemies n Senator Douglass have succeeded' in identifying him in, the popular mind with thr II VP, lil.l ha is greatly injured by the tone of flashy v./l gorily which pervaded the Mach number. Thin periodical is helping the camee of the Whig: an machete itdamageo that of ••Young America," far the respectable portion of the party, which tome with a quiet contempt from pretensions of lend ernhip put forth in dinch language, naturally togronl a party which ban never acknowl edged any ouch organs • 3rnn-• WASOII2IOI3A. April 12, 1:152 The expedition to Japan begin. to attract .1•lic inTor, and to cortge the fttvorsble 0000 of other 0001005 Representation of California °sprees much gratihiation with the project, and expect im portant results from the promotion of their trade with the East, or rather as to them and as the farthest west West. Althea& the force of the expedition is formidable, in 'comparison with the means of reactance-which the Japanese e believed to possess; yet no hostile more en•s against their Country is anticipated.— Flowerer, it has been justly thought necessary that any attempt at intescouree and negotiation with that people should be basked by in impo- sing display of the national power. The only nation or , outaite barbarians" having any COM words' relations with Japan, is the Dutch, and it is understood that their trade, which was nee• er great, has fallen off with rapidity, since the beginning of this Leentury. At one time they s ent three !hips annually to the particular port at which, alone they were permitted to land, now the whole business gives employment to bat one. The Dutch are a declining commer cial power, we are rapidly rising. It is natu ral, therefore, that what is languishing in their hands should pass into ours. as soon as we take measures for promoting our interests in that quarter. Yesterday, the four skeleton companies of marines, which bare received orders to embark under Commodore Terry's command, at New York, paraded and exercised in front of the Capitol, before a largo collection of spectator.. The battalion isamder 'the command of Major Reynolds. It is • fine body of men, and their disciplice is s credit themselves and their offi• eery This is the birth day of Mr. Clay. The yen- arable Statesman has completed_ hie seventy fifth year. Ale health has again declined with in theflast few weeks, and is lower now than at any time since his recovery after the alarming attack under which he suffered in January lad. Agrand birth day festival is to be given in New Tork by his enthuslantio admirers in that city, and . many Whig meiobers of Congreen bare availed themselves of the occasion to visit that city' Among others who have gone there to to „participate in the Proceedings, in Senator of Tennessee, which 'connote for his oh -Renee from the Whig Congressional meeting on Friday night. For one, lam inclined to hope that all who did not find It convenient to he pre sent at the bat canon., will find at leant equally Wang manors for being absent from the beat This is about the time for discontented Sout hern Whigs . to. commence the business of letter writing, lecturing, warning, and admonishing,' for theteneSt o(their Northern fellow cititens. is pnisuance of this laudable system, Mr. Cabell of Florida, and Mr. Humphrey Marshall, of Ky., have paternally taken up the cps of the North ern Whigs, and have issued special rescripts or bulls, gating in very explicit terms what they desire and expect from the party in that direc tion. Mr, Gabel!, who is certainly entitled to our most distinguivhed consideration for his votes against Mr. - Winthrop, and for his narrow sectional course on all occasions for three years past, requires pledges that Abolitionism shall be suppressed and proscribed,' before he will act with Northern Whip. As an inducement to unconditional sabmission, be calls to mind that fourteen of the twenty-four Whig Senators bate been. returned from Southern States, and that unless their views as to slavery are adopted by the States represented by the other ten, those fourteen &other° Whip will abandon the party, and so break it up. • One of them fourteen Sen. Mora is Mr. Brooke, of Mies , who Is es ardent find devoted a Whig, that it seems he pledged himself to vote for a democrat for President in index to beorre his own, election. Another Toombe,:ykof it hovering on the outskirts of the Denteer4lo.l3otivirstion:::, To retain inch mew in the Whig ,Ocestortition, gnat lINFUNN Milt to be ;luta• l i t t ' ° g at " . Pq 4 theln • ': Whig Senators., their fidelity does not require to be purchased, and in no event could the price suggested by Mr. C. be mad. All thes)?comninnicstione proceed from the idea that slithry Is not °lily the first but the only question in oar politics, and that the senti ment of the satire party in relation to it must be levelled down to the bigotry of particular lo calities, and the fanaticism of the little coterie. who regard the peculiar institution se the com ment Corium of human felicity. The less of this sort of thing we hove, the better. If the free interchange of opinion is all that is sought for, let us see southern journals offer to publish letters from Thaddeus Stevens, J. R. Giddings, and Horace Mann, giving their views on Bee donut questions. All those distinguished gen tlemen, and even Mr. Seward, stand ready to give any quantity of advice gratis on each is sues. WASEIISO2OI, April 12. Another Midi has .arlsen which portends se rious reaulte to the 'old fogies' of the party press,. if not ultimately to the conotitotion and the Onion. The printing business, the finality of which was supposed to hare been happily set- lied by taking the totality Of it away from the contractor, and giving it in equal proportion. to the Republic and Union newspaper.,,M again producing agitation and excitement in both Souses. Senator Borland this morning resign- ed hie place as chairman of the committee on the part of the Senate, on the ground that mat- tore were not conducted in it to snit his notions of propriety, or to equare with the eternal fit ness of things. His fastidiousness in this M ennen ie a little remarkable, for, l believe, he was one of the warmest advocates to boetow the whole job of printing the census return upon Donneloon and Armstrong, without reference to But the House went into the subject con amore Brown's resolution for restricting the pow- era of the printing committee; which was also one of enquiry into the dismissal of the con• tractor. and -the appointment of the newspaper men in hie stead, was celled up,and the rote for a enepeosion of the rules to permit of its Mime- diets consideration, came within two or three of the required two-third's majority. In a dem ocratic Nome, this was strongly indicative of a very decided suspicion of something rotten in Denmark. .• What means this tumuli in a yea I tale veins," theatrically exclaimed Gorman and Stanton, the committee men, intimating thereby that this was a email affair to cause so violent • shock to the virgin modesty of their friends.— Bayley and others, being fogies, and indulgent ly disposed to such operations, wanted leave to be given to the committee men to make a verbal report of their doings. There was an almost universal cry of ••Oh no' If they are not cohamed of it let us have the report in writing. I understand that the terms on which the newspaper' officer get the printing are the same contained in John C.Rives'hid,put in et theorigi eel letting Now the enquiry arises wby war not Rives selected by the committee as the next on the lint of Hamilton's competitors, inasmuch en they accepted his hid • Rives is • practical printer, with all the means and materials aheut him for doing the work, and withal a reapeasible and ftithful man There srs another point that looks 6a.1 in Isis err...mgt.-most If the democrat's ma jority of two thirds in each liranetb and on the committee, thought it essential to divide the spoils between the Union and Republic, why was net the bid of the 1,4,1 - trio's of the letter gaper taken insteoil of a conriiierably higher ore • FPr it ill ti fart that tbr rest lowest ted derr to Hamilton for tbr whole Of dill work one year •go, were 5: Co or the Republic. It ir a curious aitair altogether The opponent uf thin adjustment hatetol. if they C•in fret at the subject, to gamest the com petency of the colitnitttee to net at all; fur it serm• that the law of II 4L regulating the man ner of procuring the . printing, xtrercribes that the committee shall he elected by the House, whereas this one was-appointed by the Speaker. the caucus which at to reassemb!e on Tuea day next, will in all probability he • harmoni ous and efficient business meeting If there he soy signs of preconcertett di•torhance, Of fitc. (ions opposition to the simple parrot.< of ap pointing a time and place for the •log ettroven bon. I presume the meeting will not he held It was quite suffictently demonstrated at the last Meettng that come gentlemen were seeking an excuse for ratting from their piety Bat they proved fewer and weaker than map et reet• . .14 , ^•t , f. I J.••••• 4 which 44.1 a g 0.41.4 1+1.11+144 . A.. 1 rte.- • f th.t Itini Ai Ton,. 44,1 I mar 3on 1 . 111NT11441 of all kind.. exe.eut , tl yr a.. • in..• with .ml N rosontgal.l..4• +r.,.1 at:retina a h. ctn.. 1.• L foe SAM...to aa.10.a....r. 1,111 Ilea.. 1411. Lutiox. la. Lat..... Ar, , r n.. 17 awl pn.mpttl 1)A(il I ERRE()'I'Y 1 1 ES. r6sl (t/ e..• ihrichng. rAtni Strert. tIT izeNs a n d stratagem. who aviela to tate two on a.vor.,, amen. anJ 111.n.....1 •orr m.l pp.,. win Pod It tholr loMtn.t 14.0.11 at tine ..11 *lrmo ea.thanctool. ohnr• enllrro aotolartlon ioorsotn.d, or po .horn mad.. linvltO4 111,, , 1•1Ni •nauond Pido. and Pkylionto .1 town .1a..1.4 for oh. ourmnn. •11b Inatrumnon. of Ib. town no•.rnsl ILlod. and haling Woonol the ar.tam of Dacus.- rvoty am non mnenani IL. no.l.l,rontl Pool, of rldladolphia awl Nan lurk, Mr. h. Pollanln la. ob.. to MI, tha patorms of lino ArNa.lpin,* Inucurr• •11hpr ainaly tr. g,nopo,•lalch loo , tx•••, pan 00-I 11'111 o.2.ltafrr. Pram a lo 6 man . l•• 1 Removed, %if McKendree Wright, M: D., 4,4'3?.:17 . ..'",:"1. 1 w:; - x.t, ° . 1 4 ;;;;; SPRING ARRANGEMENT. R&M ent i F i lv i rdnail Road an xpress Packet Line. (ALICI - WV/LI: rox ) Bthrern AP:burgh, Aele, York, Philadelphia and 310 wiles Rail Road, 72.milea Canal. Tlll TiII:MAIM !Intl HP. FARE Tor PIIILABELPHIA BALD. VO. Sarre". Yon P1A11.00,1 Awn Ortraaravte UN the opening of CanaT Navigation ndai -1 Pa. of Sayre.. Parket Boat, will Inn. eet• lug at Blairsville with the Penn JJJJJ nla conn A Paekot - Mat will leer littatnirali Pr ete nine at A o'clock. preeleoly.,0,111011.th0 R a ilroad at 111111.1”- •ill. neat day St noon, ....lint lb. Ptrlaire hotel day Bahl. arriving at Philadelphia or liallimorr, early veal mornior Ilaltitoore tweesonarra cri the at Ilarria burgh. tak• haprilie Train Cara of the Ileillmora and riowinehano• Hall Road In that city. arrodoi, in time to Pr 0.....1 aranhinatou city 11.0.1 F gnome.. For the Pittsburgh Gotate . . . paimyt. 4T olbor Inform Atom, .11. 1 ) 111C24110N • Tiek. J 111EAN IM 11114 N, Moo Donn.. • or W D. LEKCII A 1130 11e.,11 izen'i Insurance Company of Pittsburgh U. 0. 'wan. rnsn.s.t. ,Amum. 1.. mokiumitit..b.r, OFFICE, 94 WATER, BETWEEN MARKET AND WOOD 9TREEII. 4,r INSURED NULL AND DAIII/0 111211iN ON 'lll - 111 01110 AND AIDWIDDIPPI. 1111 KU AND TKIVIITA -111104. Q Now , : apconsl 1.. n Or danulOr fir FIRE. Al.o. theNtram aj Mr SSA INI,ANIP .Nul TN ANNNONTA riy,v 0. U. Bunny. rtZto " ittnir. Robert Dunlap. Jr., tl.llarbanytlt. Entrant Hamlin% • Walter Bryant. Isar • seirDa. 1111,A N trAfilV ER PILLS 11- 1 Thie great American remedy (or tailor the meet tumid.- hie 111. that deeh le heir to. I. now ecicowle4tred eaperiar to any EfledlClOn of the kind over oderol to the public. The What le waxy. certain. nal atlendatit with or. uoDleennt regulis. It has been tried witboot groduriag the meet salute/7 .feat. Coto pounded by one or our meet eminent phyelelane out reentry. It le the medicine whieb science. skill awl experleino 00.00 to ho m.. eat- Wing. Alt that •re gotteglue from • diet:met Liver, eboald rail and oureltam • boo. 'Ycr 1. by Iderchanto and Pryor Itts In town .od country. And by the rob, cootortrtorr BIARELED, Ye • Thoredej-evottlog last, br the are. Alr. Jae. H. Muer. to Mal CAAOLtes daoiehler uram Miltenberger. X. 1313131NE&S firms mmirgirivate indiVIIISSIS- Mm Moo Ima& or who hors not boob Inn their am ADM ore meortftllr roommol letvo their oddrom 00l Km wpm/IMo for maxim Jo as at, Ulm. toroTaii tier WOODWAßD • BOWLMII),g Third or, • Pon 11110.410,11••• 7..0" ittir Dr. Stevens' splendid wiliness to the gradowees In the colic... ot DO/.iron. coollt to"ptioto4:o tottemot told otrr the whole 20.0130 Ph!. Memos of the Uoltod htatro n.toPollod to loom It tor heart. Ile moot otronvourly rerhmmeuded the n.Wof Dr. WATT:' NEII.VOUS ANTlDuTU r oarlog. . - Tbere wore too forth. ode of o prioo disrares; the one WON to follow the obaortm. doom of the eft. et. of Ten:edit, rod to ...wet tho, that Prodhee tho ProPorhott of botteht. and nothing lota erre panned Dr. WATIIS . n.tody. tor itulohe.t o.rto phut cvitaluty; by mattorthsior tho to-rv.5.d0....0 must rout., ro d r o rorory le coral., If dr palleot h.. ruflicirot stroorth lett to ',pert% rho ravager or Om To by bat of 7. I. thrthbort. Se s.o[llll-1.1 at.-1I splaohltlo Mettrborrh. For Bent or Storage. IflllE Warehouse on Third street, runring dirvuah to Second Intrlynecupied 14, /1. Beeler, 1.00 tkIVODF. dttetti AM. 14NLORENCE WHITE-S(M lbs., superior t, white berwl, tor tinlship4 just eyed for , by • null) J. K LtD Cri et. Helimn's lint Fremiam EE==l Wllll. I.arimpr. Jr. lirot t ; U. Debartn. Ilranrb - YJ. baboonmak..r. am.' Pfflnep.mit. .1. KIDa a O .. No. .13 wood rt. Removal& ==! in aura, for einiWby •0 10 J. KIDD 0 C) [PHOSPHATE recd for snip by Iwlnl J. KID t CO. lAsToR 01L—'25 al 1 in store, for se by ,trIG J. KIDD t 110. ,„!ALERATLIS , --3,01it) lba., a very superior retie', Mr ralr by J. KIDD Ail). . VERMILION . AM:MOAN-120 lbs. in ! "re. not I, rate by i apla SUNDRIES— • tthas nr,mn New Odeon,. Sac iN 1.111, L..:11 and Cry.ll.l 1. OM/ " N.l l . 110111 ,1 1 P, 14.111/111,1, 111 .• rl. Jan.:Sugar lino., Ali.laaisn, 111 toirtio p. ma Carolina 111...: !4,1 It11114)%1 111th id Cramsr. Win,. and 1.1.1t 1 / 1 1, lir ialo apt,, ( 4 II KESFe -- 15U Las. Creato, rod for stile JOIINSTON •liLLI NS. 134 \‘aisr Anal 111:001S—l - 11 dur.. lirommt, for pale hr 111D1u1 .1111INtIIIN A 1.1 1,1 INS. STARCH -10 Las. Bonbright'A apla .101INeSON A COLLINS. :I Br. 'VI ax. 6 61,64 II To urn, on 1.. 11envvr for bv IsAlAll I,lCli EV A CO. Apiry IVA., I ad I . ry,llll.t , UN PRI ES- C) 71 ol,i; Nut • • I 11., nt.: 41.1. No I • • 1, err', cm .t.entuer:or ni•Di All DICKEY A CO d I HOUND NUTS—IOU xks. for man kV ‘ll oblb ISt , 411 DICKbY a CO. ___ IV ICA PPI NU PA PER —Large mire: . Itonn—• Ic... , g•ir 7 34 by 40 Ibrit, ,il - 30 by On ••• t•••• tsl• by J. It. WKLUSN, It•••• 4• 4 01, tett.l Ft 4 'ion,. CO Wool rt..brltret, 0.1 and 4tb. FRIO ATTOILN mlperiur artide of " n 'r 14.1"tig o ho‘ ua.k anti St, ioner, ~re. • • n 1,16 (1, tt Intl nb, te1....n[11l nol.ltb. _ . . 110 ANILLA ENVELOPE PAPER-20 'Yr. 114.,,, mln lila Fermin, I,per. '2l by :17; for ;ale nt J U. WELDIN'S Wank [lonic nod enttlemaryti•nry, . ^O 4 . . IS Wood W.. I etweart owl 4111. 020 I f KA.:4 , S „ P u t w od r il i fi:rr o i2r .t encelope U. W ELM 'dank Mot:. l'agrer 1,.(1 :Woo, fwd. • • .111, .1 todue.d, Zd awl 401. `ALT PETER bap crude, in store s.sql KO. by 111A11 PICKEV £CO. abb. Water an,l Float Mx f•' , A lamp assorted IY , AIAII DICK t:1'• btl_ Wit'er•nl rrbnl It •. (14 IFFEE 1 , 31:.Rin, liolV landing, L. nd 1,0111 IPI , 'K•V • Warpr E,,,,d ft.. Magnerie Powder lei the tirrtrriffittrt tttnli kirlth of In.,erte: 1 4 , M NUEL I,y4iNt Inconwr A mitt Or, 'lt, ttttltltt ••tlt r for the. tI tl,trtot Gr•lttr tarlm. I,tl Br, Cod,. An.. F . •r t 1 , 1 .1 , 1.0 110 0 011111 1, 41ler r . ln Lb, tt-Ititt., ttt.untrtl wahnot 10,1 r Itttx t 10.11. 01.1 ttr err• frt-eltttet atty rtott.lttrttt• r.Ltelt •rttalt retroltly 1040,11.11 nr tlttutt—itt.att-tutrl.t. 211ttl tlrrttt.l t ttest tl .... trlt•t I I..rtt r•rco •ttt .1 It, Irtlt a t t rt Ilurr A t rt. ttlen att.' tem, Irak Itttnt aft 0, Itotto Ile t• toth,tlr 1.1111.11, ttt tt • .11,, ott,l yr.. 1.., II S I. LOIN .cr., 0.1•11 i: g...-partner.lttp hithnrtp exi,tira nn .l, t.• ....I bro. 10114.i:T•oN • EVITI , LT tt... morran si wk e rt adisarata W ith ea sent nutoliesed.mar he nein. , Viii.trutonied containiniz the a+ l• \of the rionge(lo Freprii. (phut and taelish. may obnnnrd in the (101 oa khe g al lull delta Doors ope n st hall hait o. (inured td minium:ice n. - II 110,11:41101i. \ Anent i t h 1 TUNE' I'HENCIt CIR:CUS. Thi\Laraist and NV. Troupe in the 'lll3rld. rivHlStiplerldid Troupe, comprisinga great 11 h umber of artishis loom ail the prinnipal Hippo drome...of earn., likin9nn, %awns Htlielsrshritah, will in, &Inn .tarxonlr..-ocurnenning on W RDN/(Slia APRIL tub. iv 00001 of the A3IERICAN 1107114. Penh: street. Pittshor i th. \ • SIX LADY Ei./11P.,STRIANS. eosin., whom antiSPlla 1,131. e Tournaitr, and syn. Joe... Aloe, who bolds thy lilßhest rank. A fait .00111100 111 lIALLF.T. rompriashit le n no, esritn, titanic and Aukustei 110011 KIST. tbn rade. hraidl Osman Hercules, who will d rock toil& /ir .IV, WitlillE, the Insorife Clown. violin mit wll(aet the Aiwa. in roar of 'mirth.' Aercirtron i r. titrykor.3lnrratl. (eirset, .1.1 a bolt ofpther.; romp°. lion coup.) under: tin sklllut direction' , of I•refevn N, Jchtiston. (Ir. IL Willi, is Loader of thy , ti r ei d t ea , , , w hi c h I s wi . et hy hn, Mvh reputation. inn•rt at l deluelt. Purfarrantuvoromsnetien at 1 , 11 stork. Ail IL 1.1011 [VP \ attn . . S..MORItISA Attorney and Pounsel t:ii,niZot Q. 44. (I trlgslV " )(41.70•1A. Johnston 4 •Collinik • UIIOLESALE Prodlrk, Cominission and Womittling Dealersle 11,13.1'411N C 41.11 Van, and Pi. obqrall ll.urvturos Wirri• ....MA . D:1 . 0,13 , 1 %Vat., et . Pitteouruh, \\. AMERICAN MOTEL, \ , Broadway, Corner of Baroilay Stieet, I.ow•rinntin '.\ NEW TORE. . `.. faentratre ` thrtatt. ..rlrl.lltikwoll known nous° hnokeeentl.k been 1_ poi, la rhinpleic onir, new rurnltarr. has lten or de,.. r and mant`ttriarnvem.uts male. for lb. ca,neenienee \o' It. ilue,tk' The location Is ebartninth hobo, d r. it'eVr ' l :l,r:i'lf;g7 blVtirg h ....,'",:2l=4"l'arkral rit ' in, d m Magnotosmt rattotain. throwing Ite cool water loin the bawd:tn.. malow It \ tho most deeitable eituation In the oily tor LA64401.1 forntlemon I•arelling too Sham,: it ',Von caLretnely%destrahle tor lb* Merchant., beton en cotta.nintly 111...A.410 their hosinett: The Iledfa la'noni Zr th,ht.ted and in tip. 11 oil, TAIIMR & SIN. soaDded by' .I::.`1 AOE IL wan baslatorned, and will rrettsm , , 11 11 du lice in: the °Mr.. and lIIATEIt 'l'. lIA ItDON:. fdrworly Ihotadireto r of the United :totter. lintel. lioatort, and late ..I.llathbarth. Motet. artiVallend the nook, and Financial Department. J: M. LLICAti still officiates at Ilia liar, tool .1 A' Writ ' l i ar It 'l ellTte d. t ' Vroltrr L r , al.tl.=ll'.". - • \,. • An the ffeltraciew of the poison will conaLantlY be found on In. htbMe. awl the liourktor mean t se rammed ve.to .uit tLe tortv.ttlocanf %Ili eitry attention ...ill bo paid to their nnest-el to make tbr ,tombertable. and we art * continuaneehof our threat pontons,,and solicit the kiwi, patronatmof , th. Martin!! .eqntrattotty. ,•Plihdiga \ i'TheAtoild'6 Fair ' , ~ P RR IdIUM. B ABBE,: , I. IW.POT _ • oncr.Nnt.ock, 1 1 41.01". STREST, ' \ (r.arwam MA. DE?i 1..41A I.h 'AND WALL BTIIEET.) , t.N Ell' \I - PVC. rt !HE eubscri'bei'pliteea \hie Fire'and 'PLur 1,, ina..Prot.4 Indi‘ . ..iatea I. roMbetition witty lb. whet. ,ehrel at IL. arest,P.lthitihn in.Landert, lur will. It an ~Itep artil jury awarded wovotal. , ', \ To}. American tile. Ifeld laat fall St,Ca.tio (tartan., alwc awardt,l to him wiltdi Ittedal tor I.ll•6 \ blamt Firs pr.( f ale.. J roA hag tw•el., tailn.4tn obtain ..11.10b.st prenaluat hoo hierafe hat te‘n ant in rompet tiowailh othertot \ L Az puf.4oo, Certlntate,i, heel. beers \ reatived troth the X.. Ineint, well Itanarn • OlOcCUlllin honant, who have had \ t . or L 0 ,4,4. pap.” and pommy poraerretidn the.. entert o 1\ at-. within tbe lull thir‘y dart. (and ema. with UMLII7. ..AP, ,^ of at ni,t• 0 , ...) ill., Meal.. fftklhrell a Mon 1 and Illr . L ten,lelothln th e Podoteet OK klotare. I , i 4 RoLlamn. and \ ‘l,..ta. Jobta LnckwOrid • 110 -. 11 ' tilt . at an , . corner of Lib , ,rtyandffaaranatehard Meseta Prot t Boirman, in Jar.:' me., • , , '1 a h. prnywietor of II ILLY PAT1:110 le9ff.,K.whtrit `4.lhpal a .Lt (in lb. name Il Adam. k 1.,0.. lionotht at 'llia \ orldhk ffahibillort, and., It condered . tbe boot hoek h be prh, ....la rooted, beton 7 ,00 1 ark nu. pow. der n no t a kryl 0 e on larger than 4 cent. sal cwt.. made . 5, ,, .., '.,.' I not I purici;aser. be a ekeet'and e•rtht , ,nl"Mata lion ref..re urchtition. mod deeid"for threaselvarh , , oh.. mates 1..b4 •tt Fire:, Burglar and Dipatrtali4 , 3feri , com• ~ N, 1.1, anti:OS .11001 i ..I.e .t rel. No• mill. • anCritif., 1, Jobn Aar . :II trattiot alreatr‘/'bikaleirbia '''`= a (.. L. Marro ct.Lltleura. 111. 1, - Ilene, 0 111 ass, ktit•auhi., it In. , cry . litrCa ' 4,ll.l., Krhinorl, Va. - . _ • Real %Ea ate For Sale at Auction. \ 1 1k,'1 , 1,.1..1 , . , : i ' 1 tLa r a c \ i t , .. „ 11 ,p e ,, F i r . r . ra ,. .1 . 7 ....0.c , , , , e ,i n, .t . u . t; ';,,,,:."...,","" 'f':?3‘i,:ci - i n . Cgt: A :7"'"l i . 4 4 - ', 14' .. 141 . ! ..o r tr i ......i. t rrals i ..eq I tbenicnceKea 11 Yet 0 In Iv.. ,leg Int no 1.7. in Ilan's Om kJ( I4s—tl. tr,treTl. 01.151n5. At Po tnes. lrfine aniAn 4.lrn en day f sale. bpi', ' .\. I'. 1! ; DAVIS. alnlK;ner. Coantri ' Store for Sale. \ QITUATE in North oligAson. ht - ...lmPing %J:01.oblo, being nen otlho moot lladile ..11124. an the ~....... lb , e , ren. AP, l.A.e. bneatiful lon , 0 around .1,olnin,•111 datolliur how, ou r t.lo.ll.llen, an ~ 1..4.1s '" 1 " to. "' "" t niiitAirT!t .'' at.o mi t '._ \ Igo. 131 .styr Arent, rd , sunr b 1 or JUIIN COOT Within ni , \en 'Malta • en the Veered., • \ 1 ,0 APLE SUGAR & • I tIOLASSES--leat, 1 4 'd et No. 25G, I.lberne street , bhls. Merle Suzan \i " " alebn`a.' rqe.sanbe \''' IV. 01,, Atre oil PD.. .143 Orioles n,! We Dealer, VILESII SOFT SIIELI. FIALNliTS—ii ‘ eaki Walnut , . need and toe nela IT • ~ ' \ aOl3 ~ )F. A..lkl..Ltlitll 4 co. PHILA. STEAM SIRUP 2 bblaover- Ina. iltsare Seven .11.1.17,ng, reed and If n%ds be apl3 .. W. A. 11043LIUMI a 130. . -- e ' \WYItUI . & MOLA SEt . 7 . • ',, I \ - 3 i. ti.i... secs Ile . dee4e arezr i. .„ l„ .. 0 5013 " , Sl\ltinr .tt ; so i sks ,:i linuil , 'ogi t t: i 4l i t t ig i, l , ci..'l 1111 kAS-53) hf. chests Young Upon and, \ 1.. , . i [ ALTATauntTunt reed and for .I. f \ _ 41. CULIIICRTMIN. ; MURPIII -a. 11111teLIFINO1=1re ' el'd iLl atli merultt . mots Deny tian , ln, &COMM wiljett ulll Will Calito. twit Vinery. sod warimated 1.. t eoirmi fnt 1% Ors.. , tuNtrallenns nost ''. do do,i4l:2lir liloon,blik. Tissue , tbr 'l.l g . , i'uk , Trd Kid Uln \rP: , . - . . . A1 , 44...1A14.1164. Ac. . • apl2 North tmo earner Allokk a3,VAylb vl • LARA) 0! L-2.s — bbta, , 'Conklin g's" No. 1 for nile tit 4. A. YA lINASTOOK titsme nor. nest in 4 Ward .GA. ,_ ` “Uriewold's" L iNsKED 011.--56 - .bble. so -Win...." for Kai. by • sPI:i • U. A. FAIR. MOCK A CO ~ • Shades and. Blinds. T HAVE rto'd a large stock of Window Mull. anal Bplit. Hfirgia .4 Trio:l[o[w. for 418 aylU. WM, NONI,N, IRANIittS fu " P ar by 12' b"... " N'15 ::. 14 A. IC Y * l. ' ll . 110 A CO. Sawmillßun and Philliptburg Plank Road 4 T meeting of the Commilmioneis np .1 . 1. voluted by an Act of tbe Legislature. Us organise • company tor constructing • Plank Road. front Sawmill Imo, to unstllst%tawnship. Allogbeny County, to VW; Ipsbors. In Kiser,- County, bald at the Ht. Charles Itotel, tu Pittebunth. Astuntsy. the /UPI.. undr”tinsi d wrr^ nerstatal • e•inntltuis to insect limits fur the nub. sertpUnn of the Stivieto the told MMult nusd. Turerrcre, antics I. Instal' Alt. that /wont , for the ,Autricti . v ranti 61 sold stock be opautd at the tollowlun vlacesiz At nose.' motto at the mouth of baactoill Run, on Tntwilsy. Moll 01 Slane. , " noutlutistipen for tbnw days timeAt SLicutetroru, ore Monday, ltt• 10th el shr.mm coo. epcst tor twodsta. Am vstnipcb•e• op llotstay 121 It of May. anti cuts noun 01411 for two dare. , , Snare* tot each. . • r,,T,P.!= Jo. Vot., Mints. .11carr. April 1,32-IStiwk4lllawleiT ADJOLIRNED AD3IINISTRATOR'S SALE Of the Rpnaisder of tAr Lou, Owner of Liberty and Water. street,. Ridge of Ross Black, Dec'd, AT PUBLIC AUCTION, April P 'll} undersigned will offer for sale pur l. ttani Won enter of lb. Orittins• Connt the filow. la. 4. o ocettoil Roal W.fttat•-1 Lot. No. I. cornet Liberty anJ Water Lot No. j nOiOn4OI.N., nwt notoWN tent through Irons tabotto to Water 84 t, Lot. No. 13. no tVeitor 04. ettontling tonne on an GNI., i Lot, No 9,00 Flout It 1.1 load ing bock TA foot 1. lb All th o %tow. Ledo have et front \of no foot, ~optingf l ee ow , on the corm., cf I.sharly 00 Water, which hos Wfront oral Par. :IN in, on Ltheitr atil the pato. on Vratcrot, All of which will ho otNowl Inn oWto ot suction:Wet tho 244 of ' ,noett, t to lit Incht,t and toot bidder.— Wrong ems. awl .1 I k . Tor& known on Om day ofaate. • (Anus BLACK, 44ogri`o • of thw Nototoof, Hots Mack, deed.. Pitt tbutph. April 1, 7142. B'.l—Tbooo wldalow to pee • plow of the *bole Intfi, eon wtotuto one, be ralnog at No. LO Liberty at. or on T. Orninn fro. .Iql ulam.wt. O. B. apl Itanwlowt4 . \ ZINC M.A A,CT E D BY\ ITIN NKW • .iftiVGV , CXPLOILINUAND MII /iti COMPANY •• • • ml, Com Oar loon:pond ,to'thtnitth ointooly et the. valon'olo , ZINC PAINTS, 1 IThictrlttsoe bttett In nscl otter stows' voomtKtrtol. beth to Sump.,oot Uoltol Ottato; to mato *Aim orirtoot bakuly boa pr 0 ,,,,, ,•• ropertoe prim poi whoOtyst W . Tholi WHILE ZINC PAINT lue e n y tl gn an te d Impurity w n b d tLe oWrn It a ov rse stf‘aereen ~o anutally white, atal I. entirely Zen yenta the ponnoons • : - 11lcrrtiW" d"'""6l7ppAtrtjk IT •th. WILL NOT TURN YELLOW tgu. Den ...tr=t%T.lll:t.V4attMn than toy ether, not being to to turn aky or to es . ss m s eos t y yob eit. it roar w01ir.. ! 4 i t wth any Mee, with water angels. wiAn verntah, whist. gives the ode: heated woo:lath Anion. BLACK ANI) COLORED ZINC PAINT& nein are farelobed at • low prios.and are undoubtedly e t ,o best palate in the matte, for wallas se n t., wvitri, outhouse', 'steamboat... or any empanel nit bee domed, brier. tla, , nr low!, ae they are both WEATILEIt ANI) FlltE PROOF. `Yea hot wartatsee there's. partiesdarly valnableone they.. kw attend* roe neaten, and entirely presees they dry quickly. and.laffmt agate inotia/lia bank uof dome* solar Me man/ or Ilee.earthy 1.10 rs insPellettola liberal tame by_ eat. ot*, ...Iwo . . • • • W./UMW Bola Rhino& Pladagras,' au5741420 , . , I:7 , OIIFMIERCIAL riirsablAni \ \ , sate,Palt,lma..i. lia.ni.. 1 Vvidar• Itestuua Atril‘lll. 163. I Olar merchants yesierday vete, generally, buelly'vtgld lo the requlai.ototemer way, bat we have, eery 61; I. , avy operating. to tato.- Atie,31013.4. Stan' „ t t o m -stall . eovaht. the weather ',strong v. ssralU .I.. as \ t4rmaitt Baal:Le...al Op . ,the wharf waa .tlve. Mali. w. shilue .Imina the 'day. and' it dusk fat a t \ ,•...Wog arewails about 13 feet eater lo eltauttel au] Lilt oath • \ 41.4a. , . . . . FLl.ll)l4—The neelota .oe dour toter were Israel • ~... tor „ia data i. a 4t. 'lce It,. thr tollowlua,-200 1.61. a. 1. itt I. at 44;10 661. eetra at 113.1 . 646113,16: 431 at 1 61511.3416; at 0 1 ,13; bbla rttna • t 13.1 . 264:4us +I, bbl. • ti itAts-45114 the 6teotlon of oats we have as rep0rt „,,„.4,...•k.1,4,0° bp Lab at 26e. 114 atal TO' bushels. tat. lAa, at 27y; : 4, b. it '6lor: 40 bushel. at ZS, anct ill nt i•tot to rOuato4l6T;at 3** bo. - Wheat .ottotts4'l. 6s 60146 a err 46e1‘lilorik606 la,b4srliel. Neth ug to hour. pi tIAR—We notkes,con'tinue.l Mame.. la Num. with a Ca.risattosts dotna. ‘ i,:l , alrsili.hhtla at 614.4 moutbr, - 16 at 6.644 SI prime, Ii at4;tl:l43.4siil 14 at 6 , 4, rub. Mt t 1.141161C5-44a14 l'lt•hble . .at'iltie,for rypr'....,...136e 10, nab pile, 4 moolliS hbli. it? .1qe,143.1a3n 60 bbls ~,\ is at AS,. 4 oath.. aial ' ltd.. Splint hquse at 410.4 cr.. C0V1 , 141.1 3 .,Fa1re to is a ''...1 , 0i4.44.1 :h -ha orb.. at It, A \ \ \ V , , \ \ .11ACON—Itanot rontiaurs'.!:..a.lv attl Ana, but owluat b. the larAw '1 ts lately Irudlit 011 .Aietn acanthi. tale. \ I,se have bia e.‘ freq.. t 4 ot \Thr 4 ! .,,,10k 'mtg. were vi e w:el tot t e 'rola, — . . , .3.0tTa• 100 t ., nt.',a,44, sr - eotittt at INe rasit• 4104.4.10 • •Mie ea. . 1,Q40 bat Se for atantia , 44, \Oahe a 1.1.. 0 11401'0,1..4 7. 7,'.6 S. lath „ n o r , ra t a t 0, 4 c.......,.4......t 5 Al 4 r 4 , 011,1t0. kid. mud hmun'atel 30 tirro , 4lo.oar.rorto loitits, we. ,o. at 10,4, 14 poutal. • \ .. LA Illi—liale i2O lo.:V 10.1'4 bbla count” la Int 04 , 1 4 P. primp No lin ley mai 1. , .04 01 . 1 at 00 44 ' ItVrystit,-Fair e rz.;,, , ,, ins from art' bantla a 04711 B. 40.04.; S•lor roan ntorral 36 bosee, sod ‘ 1 400 4 . 1 7...°‘ V , IP . t.liat , -4kle of 411.1..3 'AIM Iltlnzet,. L ', 4 C11P'1:3 4 44-6'slea 2.40 la,vvell,,vtinn it, Se 6116 • • te -7% 1ta1C , ..-There tre b; from iltoa Stt. Co the I Ita inielu..l,6, the market elmslait, nlm at It too. (ASK CrAll.erEitvErre-11..1..... licrUster Rises ..., the (tile w intit lint of .the latest \ counterfeits •It lett have made Ittrir atlvearanse at the 0 Ibt. , tat tho balk of North Arnmi7, Cann`, am mid to la s \ \ ., i in rirrnlatinn--paga r comer. . , la .4.. atmfs bank. altered rm. it I ruken hoar*. n— ' old ontetot sterAtayre 0511... \ \ 5x on the Fortner,' and Mochani\ s' hank. Eaelsta. l'a. \ '„,,,„ :I P u rn . g r ri n r t i.74 a h 2. l l . :Xa h n u gs ' i ' f( Ln t:Z:!!..t ‘ frelS • frol \,6 ' it—a ' , Kure • and do %a on the right:end.. i the Woad k: FIV It on ttleft. t ,\ '3. tdt 111. ' antlidvounty 13!stit. VS: \Thh ‘ t 1..b . 1um Ito 4. genuine titre 4&.1 {lt oilkulabsn. ~ \ 6s,T ui. tleo Captral lirhk, If Ormats ~ .r. 5 1, N , - ' il!'e rabkSe I:\ ,1 4 1' s. on :IrslLblen Ink. Cot.. Centre\ via.. ti.4,r.- \ :. nialos, aarieultuktl imp•isdnente.'whtalf of If rah, Mile. , ; etas*, gr. with it ndindalle- touted.= hant , `5 on earl , I 7: rile of SlR—on napes mkt. sorner'llio letter 'V with Dos.- ' k' lt wit of Lafayette in the centre ambrirs . to it e o rmer te. tat end. nopar rorne.tlie word Viso. mod the Ist4r, S 'of...lower roruer.th I. canitim between—anchor to.' ri lattrosw lite einnstu—enafsving wall .h no. \ tot on tbe Naurokoda lianlO. Salm°. Ala., altered \ from ,„etof 0111,1 by the oastirot tiseratiett4 hold them 41 1.40 • taght. , • 7n ort fb. New liar., liank.Conatristt. Via. 'team- 1 . , ~......n k. 'l , l row Loaf, with a sfec ia . `and figure 'l'oo ,I eschen I, arat'a dna and Safe botsres t a aionatttr, . . 104 ma ilia Itimitstone liana. flo'rto . it red fro onel , —an lruilin girl. bow. rmatr,and, a 'cora\ .doh IL.. right • mergin—thk i ; munl. boa; 101. On amen areirb—ifttompotris liemirter.. \ ~ . ~ RIVER INTELLIGENCE. STEAK BOAT A.BIIIVALB ABB . pirAtITRES \ • Ant:1111M , HAW, Fl.onnalL Itroinmria, s ,Ita,ard.P•ehle, Eltaate.s. ‘l ' lebigan. I ,,, atry. \ . \ Venture. %Catkin.. lin , Cn , ..111r Fon•at Cit r . Itittlorle.l't lloyiklt• Plnn.l..,Connvll,,, . 1% b elVle., Tlurkrt..."Late Dran. CI elnnall. `• icellerlll.l. Ctirlntlar.l.ll•l4or..nnet, \ Vial rig. City. : 4 1er Ilw:. bt.l,?ni. \ trEPAIt.TV.I. , . \ \ \ .. , \ , ~iJr J.... Mai.. Itentlrkka.P.i S. , . tiallT.TAi l lrt l - ' l . l;;ZiT:iT ' , , Veniurr , . W,altm.n Ilrn,.aenlaAvilik • \ Vorsti Lit,. Munl,h. Illrlia\W 3 Lr`at l TNl " l it.O . c.Cl . cin ; v . Brlita a ti \ En,„l,...ulmrlllq. „.. \ • 0, , . IK • . BOATS LASINOLT/I:sai. I. , \ . tsllEELlNl7ttnlttrual. , \ ,ClNClNNATl—Pittrburgh. .. .. \ NASIIVI.I.LIE—Yort : PIit. \PrXLLSVILLE—Forert City. . ' \ W.ELLSElltrAt—Arann. \ \ tit TESISSIP.PI RIVEIt —Nair. raga. \ ''.l3l\ 't.tlL'lS%-Fdllsr. \ \ \ 1:17117:4,011.1.t DACE., Wilt tia‘nrN6Vii4l.l:. S a. , ana r Cr' . i '.... \\ \ .. __......--- 1 \ ' \ .serre_t,Tlier.. IS seem I.K. t inch. , Inclines, by ri4 i,....i.i.r.`t yrrl,enct stylutk. and aster. .\ . i'lpte 13 r,. 1;ii1115.-The replier imeket steiusLez: A. , ,..eit:ean. it , l‘, %torn:nay. Will leave lb" t day f.tr 5C.11.00. , ie,solehe 34,astrri, riser, petering n rale wild teppretolltr to , all repo m. y tat . roing In that direction: \ • t t ', • , RIVER FINKS. ,\ ) ne Lore \ FtVoe.—The lirqwnoville Free \ i not to rota le th. off , glononcah.la, Irmo which It an r. But the Iwo auetained hl lb. Inhabltanta *loon In. *rola orthr river la Imaten.o. I.' ora l ' ek,:n tul t h .f l : l l : oTl i b::gt " o '' n e miles : d4 ev i :: a n u b:ye \ Est got, in( :Mott tptally.lettroved e tfi.ra benagonlr Mimi bouria.lelettaollinto and vacant k4o, and hooselvan . • (tunnies remilo oar,' to A.Il the MM. Mermen. 1., itch .1 Itnhe of Moricantero, lost !lour and Joaalher tattle knotint erp.ihr. \ The warehhtnl qt . Jamre Money of Wert Morgantown 'as( carcled od. Inse eat inlited at Mom 1...10 tolhiatl. . \ Th. horn of Mi( Morer.nn Cabana ereek.With all Its er ,3 •l4ten i ti.. one ..el.l OB.\ The trldge at Booth's Creak was , , . tieto n oret mill vent Mccnahlonoewm-Mlall , &MM . (Manville. three antes below knegintown, nn numb vertsf.arilh water, and all the build Ors the river t au., arms...o arar, as alto the bill/mid that lbe ,brelliag 1 Mr:\ Wilrht. at Mandl of Cheat, wilt. it: nano contra la, :u aartat Tho tont rally anl trashy at bleary W.lm, a< nett Port •ere :stoned, Lowe cent:laird at COM The koitelltrears. Prlnale a Oman sad Cache* Lan :haat, areti'ver‘l, heavy. Paladin trot two boats partly tht .hed. and porka Lai:chart. ode. The lane the am, ,1 v le eralmareatat 1125.000. !rows. Watkins a Ca; mere heaat lawn, theft Moo b estimeteil at id,ooo. IMPORTS BY 'RIVER. WiLLlir [LUZ-J.= Foam Mu butler, 'airfield: 214.14 Mb. II Riddle: C. bus 1ur01t994 W UeL r..: 1 lour 1 km butter d Unmirr: MA 1000. larU • Thaw: lu do knobs. Livimrslus a liormera Cr do. 19Irruule My: M. ON -1 Ur Imre. J ll 14:114: I mule 40, 3.14:401au1: 2 bah., 97 Mu Mr, U 9 9 19.1 14 0. WiIMaJNO. Prit . W44currtru.,lo • La 1 bra lion: t.hornbrrger:. 111.1.11 ale, W burr. ulusi rbl .11,k.92 .21110 u. Janob etmotn 4 btu ruder I Mira, Ituker t'llorm Oh. 1 br mdrrt. Allstur t Q. I do r ll Ora& Co: I bum, liW Seat. WTOVI Iltuubrui4l/4-1 bbl 1 ho; notw. Amour:au it Cm.: 19 MA flour. J b. cadre:Wm Cu; l L,l mos infr. h lydo 409 , 999. 2 On board. ,CINCINNATI, Pot 1 rrrffni Md. 4366E60, Wal• .666t0ral Oa; 16 bbls beat. tcat' , ll k im A ige , h rt tk% bhd ll n g lsb."' i ILa war. 010 ra 1.06 . •10116 ileZ•7l66 l4 ll;.: *b""' s wool . . . 5l rat leatio bo ra 1 a funk abet: 114.4bekia I 10 mks aolphor. Bonnet, Berry a Cr; 50 bbla .1,11 W 0; 4do Fold 14.4 Knox 4 Co. 25 taproom, Jew ~.70 1.1010 *agar, Motloilcorak 1451; 10 htuLilo,J 111•01.4Co7 6 bhd. 40. Marro, llohluana; bbla alcohol. t/gdea raoador; Lbla whiskey. Wan kotovor C.. 0. 123 bbla do It MM.': 43 s k o a aukar." skarleijr I, Co; lo 1114 mots.. co 4 blAseukar 151140 "rap LAI do meet 1 krido 211 LW. loolasacr; D Morgan; 4$ bola zookoaos Mots saga,/ oonco 2 has aoLot.ll Ura2.l ko; 3 obll. cop.. U Ureeh /a. Co; IbbLbtartic. 20 Male loGamr, Clark a Tu..; /6aal/ ~ WELI9III.T.P., Pas Antra-142.131N floor. 0 A Mc -51) do %boa. Dail L 122401; 97 ha crook Orlin ora board; 2 canal koala In toe, artier on boanl T. LOWS, Put ramair,Crer —ts;a pc. .1k ahka 4,380 .14 ste alders. Clark a 1141_4: 4SI bate park 21 4n do 8,066 ralk•ehoulaerr, C. 1.01 .• a Ideliniata; az' aks faalber• drr hide, 8a W Ilarbaogto; , bbtss glaselea 14111trassra Poiret McKee.: 121 bbl' Aluleany k 1.4111 e; 'l2l Bakevele4 Pears; as do. /her 4 NA.. • BRIDGEPORT, PM WSI.-22 bblidloor, 801 l • I , bla Rout 11,trou it Bromic an INgs bbls do. ob. o Noble; B 2,r0 hod 1.2 bl do 1 oak LAC01:1 2 oto rods I boro'solno I , book*, Clatk .ATI.saG 11 blds blow,* W,o oshosorl Co.— \ • RAIL BROAD OONVEA'ANC:II.. PE,NEPTLIA:OA RAIL ROAD—HOBT. • The Remise Morilig Watt Scarce it Ote o'clock--ei!t2 he Expretitieultm tealo InirA At cg 111110 I'.KNI4YLVANIA • RAIL Itl.mir.=-Timt. The Kepeets.. testi; i•SMCS regimen e eeeee etntioe At 6X' Weloek. A. It., nOd wires rteTO eclat*, r. N., every day . _ ieeptlett Seethq. The elerointenclitfin tide leeievat tieltek. utd.C.-20 I. Y. . CANDIDATES FOR NOMINATION .\ Coto:oat—lV aro riluestrit t 6 ...unounce tio emits of Illuelb Walklnelluv“ er Charil,4,4 • oath of Sa i rMlll !lUD, as nakdblat.• vrt et mare. \ For Sincittre—Wm. \ Magill, or the 'Filth Wart': Iltttbuiah. Is a thotlldsth, Irk or 1124.11i0n tbis I A,' of herlff; , ,befors theAuttrotronfe alai hth OWltthr o...cation. to thret In Jaw. Drat.): ' .aplt,tr.vtra . _ Coeaaea—Tne undernimil te.pctfully un hdlr,i+ n e'o,littate for toe tr , of eortissti Star to the deei.loa s of the tiStt 11' L and AoUsathoalt ththreithntl, lsol3.tel t ,l Carotlit-4, Vf Pasta& Township. lea candidate for votuitml Wis fsr aloe of CotolatheNtier. Leh. the Aftiomaiu.ic %lag Cottryle wort s Itt mett au the um II egloopley on pas. aor.thavot4Jl : PROtitONOTARY—Edward C impbcll , jr., cif the Thiel Ward, Plttateartb, mill be'.. headidate ler the , Mee of Prottehotarr, weldert to the awl_ toe et the ...P -led Wide end ►etlm.ronrc Catweatten Witt PROTIIONOTAILT—Tho litideTaiglied rtSpeCtral. IT peen blautell see ettulldate ter thoitire of }Witham tt et t aeooteVour O tte tO the th•dettet pi the L• 11. Whig AM Alt* •. ' mei . .3•IIIN.OALDWELL. • ;:nzeirsolar—W Mout rof,lth, of the bo -131,Rh et Levreeethillo, Olen bitheelf. kethdidete Ihr thee. , ef berth!. Moen th m, gle.e.eth et the Wst sod AnUmtheede Ctheentioo. thethaylth . • . 17 100 eaetr rerv; fn n 1.1.7 3 riON r ti. r : b l A t arIAL-' AVER r, etol eKrK dt4 reed WijLinta k bhds. prima N. 0, justreed pO4 man. Ambaiiakw. hod Lo c tliiri niftui 41112 L ,UUB.2"i'd ilenator L"',Bu - GAB,i3O bbh. rtssoFted Noe. on harko, .n 4 for ell* ter •pl 2 , RUKTIKIDO -A .A.' , PdAson'&, Co: :mut v pen this itst . to rom. Q., of 16. w /g3a . D.. .1.TA16 EFINED , It • tto 1123.341 N. 114.yAUtit,a • . •