ESTABLISHED IN 1786. VI *1"11311R61:1 GAZOITE chII.I.IIAD LAMY AND WEEKLY BY - wzrrE & co. . Irani] (.1.111 oft: c ■ Tun. rralrrogrn 104/ TO Till Yon CThCL 1 , A11.1 --Myron ennura. rayabt• tail( ,e.r!l• , I 1 utm pc.lo .Iranre. - K l - -Tro+ll., nuunta. In • Ivanre. t2t.ttq mill lr.uVnl,~l On (411,..tuz r p.r bnnutu tti . rte at im..l,h (leo tn n n. gwrhns. tea 1..14 p.m tovAriably .Ir.o, N.-, Club Pa,. •111 stlor th• ynn• for RATES OP ADVERTISINO. On, 14 pt.', (1 5 Hari of R..Lam,411 1 lwert,oo . . 1 0 1 ,, Lk. . U 1, ....... . ..... 1 Ito Lk, 0r... . . ..... tin,* .... I W.... maati4 • . , jard, .tt4. 1.4 P. 04 ....1.1a1.11.11 •to• 5.10•,,,chart, , tt Is et t.l•••utv I yrt •13.. num) •xel•vislt 1,1 tle. t•ntrf tAi teat •Atlitional muttr, to.rt,l over coo tamp,. awl or .I.llth.nal ••tu•rt. tatoter tn. ;I,n) t•tes.. belt 1,1.0. A I tertittemout• ..see.mlll, • • t ut"... sml .t over t11 , •••ta t,clt•t•.l al. • .om. •tttl • Lull. eutAi•b•t• ,t Atrount•ltl• logni rotrettltetuont, W. ton.l atmouut el,ttritt•l p.r tht-hr p, • • Alito , utltinZ ran It rttlctto.l the nate it•ultt•r atlvatrtt.ttrte•nte. asterateotonots cto toartal 4.n therap,fa • oprelbal orponer 4 Inaertiona. teal t,otttntal par clout exact...l areonli he, • .rh. orialinzn of annual fOrertln, 1 strlotlr limited to own leoroedlate Gusto., and all tateortioneaeot. for limit ip../trof . other parnoa. wellasall rl wartleentrutartot nutto•cted their own i.1113011* ao4 all .ala.ars of a4vertlaement., In length nr othatnl... b./ 0 . 3 the linatho engaged, grill be etintrint at the penal raterb For all ouch traine.t Meentisine, bale et ,ii be atpairatell so hired, andrroteinbr , r.... Ararthaetaantt for chantahle ittatltallons, fkr• can. i tu r n.%7Jll7"en'Z' Toon.. Marriage oillres to ha rbala..l 00 .0.0 t.. !math notleeetoarrted eloarae, nobss aroottio. ale 4 bf Atonal lovlllatkor. or otetnary notice, and when .0 arootopsnia4 to to. potl4 ttegolat tolvertlftere, ant othere.oding cowman. lloohnr Trivalent., artier. deeittnetl to call altrotkon rnim Conoorte, or nor ,public entertainment.. where chart.. ate 611011 (tn . alootlarton—all nottera rf pll. rata ation,ialimo.—efory none, deiittoed to tall attention to Prilre44 voteratle., calculahol or 10hr0.1.4 to mama Ind". rhibbl Interest. min not r be liveried with the ucoler•larl. .torttnat the vame to be paid tar. If Intotalolln . arate4 In th. meal column. the ,ottre,all be chaired at the ' Fate of not le.. than 10 troll per line. Matt°, CT air Not le., to V, eturgo.l trip!. prlne. Tavern Lleare.e I'ention.ll2 each. . • . Raul Matti Agent.' and Aurtsineer, adiartioomonta and lobe dammed under yearly Wei, but to by allowed a di. `monothirty thva ant ono third pat rant from the of • Rau, 011•111•1111141.1.1 41 1443P111 1 1113. 1 044 Sow, throe Iwertionn 71 Nl oath additional Inoortkdi....-.. 111 • AMIVIT•OCCITS tit Irttr.l.l' oars. • I o r . 5c...., 00 1n...) 10•0‘., cmr.. Doi each i additlenta Insert ttscceient'adreetiaeccarnta to he naal In aker.nce. BUSINESS CARDS ATTORNZYS !1 P. SPALDING,' Attorney and Conn- IL • iOT ct Lew —CLETELCitI,OhIo. II I, ra mri—A. W. 'Llomir. Shah, t Stanton. rebs:dls ,2. ■ III ANTES ROSS SNOWDEN, Attorney.ocer or t1,i+...14.r Rt, 0111nr,reAdeon, No. 155 Third .1. eittßharah. A • W. MITER, Attorney at Latr.—Collee e:!„•,7".'l7lX:,""i.'ltVV:-Couor I AMES'. KERIt, Atwrney et Lva - --Oftioe, 0•.•, rt. LetwecelcbGeld and tin., Pitta• 108. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Fourth rtroet, urkar OP. klaToe• °Moe. l', 11. Col. ••••11..n. attendtd to oreror. .ter Melts_ _ - AT - P. L B. FETTER. lAN, Attia . ay, a t Inv and, Keal }:state Ascots. N 0.107 41h tract l'attaatltalt. (obi° ai l A IMES J. KUIIN, Atatrocy at Law, office, a . i i . gt b st u aztiall.vorn F t of Omit meet e . r . ll . 4rroad 1. 4 111. AN CI S C. FLAN EG IN, Attorney at Law, 6: No. ITO Fourth street, Pitt.ll.o. t]ASPER E.E. BRADY, Attorney at Law, No. to Fifth stwet. PlPabuest. P. IIAHMOI+I *WELL, Atttrrncy At Lew, I hio 1 , 10 , • Comect.e.nner for taring DerNition% Art. of 1 , rdx.11.3. 05,—inortb stre.t.bra• knaltheoti.: tartAl/hr:T -BANE:HES AND BROKERS. .1011 AIRD & Real Estate, Stock and 11 PM Bmksra. O. J. Flfth ,t. .p.i O'CONNOR, BROTHER, & CO., BANKERS AND EXCIIANGLE BROKERS. . DEALEEB IN COIN AND DANE NOTES. EPOSITS of Uricorrent and Par Funds InterrO , Ololowl oaten. D-posit, Time tfraftPeg ' otLgr ' Flll7cirro VAArptlgiietprab.. " BANKING DOUSE, CORNED 14! THIRD A WOOD STS., • . ................... Tiernan & Co., 13 ',NI:R(IS AND EXCHANC/E BROKERS, • No. `irk Toni! Aired, Corner of Diamond ally. s :car • AVM. A. Ili LL & CO., Bankera and Bra kerg:et Wocal ACO.,E. AUNOLD &CO Bankers: • Vcalsre Exttlauxr. On.. Dant Not.sih . Ate., No. 74 pelt door to the Bank of Pittsburgh. if tol l to, and the promade romittod to *or vt tbs. thalon. ty U. WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers - V aud Mitehmk• Broksn, North East canter of Wood And tilrsta, Pittsturah. All I, Mons made tsrlat, sad oollaMloga putottbll4 stbled to 1 . 1 K INO, Banker end Exchange Broker, 4 Fourth .asst, 11..1.r so flank Noll, Mills of La e iii,..(l.llAxl 0,11.5. Stock. bOucEissal sold. TA , Idshest market prise pad In premium for At:anima Half 14diarsoatl Mexican slot VP.ll.ldh Boll.n. In . par • Cumin. WI U . L.AItIM ER, JIL, Banker and Broker. siesinct, Nix . ,S4l,4dolus the Fuik of Mtuiburgh Arivit-KINA CO, Exchange Brokers, . South Fad earn, of Third nod SI exist streets. All easia,Uous at mart liberal rat.. UOLDIES & SON,. Lanier., in Foreign IA • aml Domestic gills of FArhauge, C•Ttlllelte. of TM. posits, Dint Not. mil expecte, No. 1311 Markst ctryst, Piths humb .„"Asylkillsetiona Ql.l. 00 11 ths principal Ills.. M.0.-bout the 1.10114,1`111G. {MYER AMERR - & _RAIIM, Bunkers and Ex change Broken,: •Onsloin In Forel.) sod Domogia kS2llllllge, C.rsterm.. u nN IL N... OMo :Iwo.' of Thl,l awl Wood Meek illoctly opFolto Nt Chaim lintel. .1111110 -J.llO/1 11•101• 1010. 0•111/. 'I9ALMER, & CO., Successorn to it. la „ & Co.. Ilettess. Etat usts throstni. iiria dreier* Forest and licairetic P.:change. Ltertilicntes Nowt. tot Nrwth": 4 .ll , Wog ronnit - Wood uti4 mord effects. Current Money rereirml Cu Di• 4,4.11 Sight Checks fur sils. and collections moils MI near. f - s• all 111. principal poltits of in... United States. The highest premium pail to, Foreign soil Ametions Oat. .4raticomins4eoneorotgnmentsof Prodnor.shipped east. Masai toms. ....ramnvairirTrA-777m J. IL Vir S O LESA LI 1 and Retail Dealer in Pteat .od Prdrinl Mohr. Payer owl Ptak...rt. So. Wood rover, ibriorro Third and fourth) Mho mad 111 trli Ifirm STWit , CION, Leto , Johnston A Stook ; irT i art=i=4 ti. " "". wr I LAMA). 800 oiler and Stationer 4r. • :la 73 Fourth etre., Apollo Darkling. DRY 1300D8 EF.ReRbiTS JAMES A. MoKNIOUT, Dealer in Fancy ♦ auf Staple Dry Clad., Wboirs.le and Retail. 02 You ttli t on, P1111.014/11 0. ant 10111( •1,4 lent A A. MASON & CO., Wholescdo and Retail fa. _Union in Fano , and ataole Dr? clad, V:31.1.k,t t. miabarat. URPITY k BURCIIFIELD, WITOLIMIa /WI rks ud Dri tleftln Ahreba.t..... Nurth sad ot ands. Pittsbunth. • PHYSICIANS F. D.. - Itoore, M. D., 11T1(8 1 0 . r w ..ka o ll u dev ot to: oniu und chiklrau,aml sour. ill•usas ganesallr. a• Si .caran.c: And surin•Al dl•••••, And.nen . .•••••k• 11.4 lilnorl lindsna. and u•xt Jone tn. Lisa. nut All•nbroy C.f. tune. boors from te A: Al. &and tram to SP. X. to/d.:l • U. J: J. MYElLS—Surgoon and Physician. p :110. sad edrenf DArllneinn's rnr. No. ...Third =not orma door above andtbll•ld•t. • 1/,,” pelasainntlyl•••4•l It Vlttrburah, and .111 Ast•mal ta dodos of ht. Protawkra. [brain awe : Dantenlar an•ntion tn . Amman cam, and dm &mu.. of • to. and •toldron. •plddln VENITIAN BLINDS A, BROWN would mostrespectfull yiniTiiii t s,oesellethat tAtseps en batelstblottand oath. ..t of IV ploonnloslo Sl' , Sheer ref. • eatipte ti ssoshrtaent valets WWI% •boollseltlan Shutt.. ars made to mist olf.. 4 .th• Wee mile , or•orlees4 .0..1 lo her in, he, u n i,.. Illatso. Ills 4o ran he. or:novel without the ahl el • ' re '," 0. dri"r.e.ittit'ar.r.TNl=.7natil...ii,TVen .........- - ' 'Abh:' ‘erniontbsls 014 rushenero. as wellt. lb• sob bo it :t:sr:Le *serf thine leo Welt. illii, Am.., too. h Wen 4 hattabarsh. • J k. liftg Win JEWELERS Vfnl . I W. WILSON Watchen, Jawal2.'ilver njA"lt tg r k DENTISTS I St:o'l'T, lhxrzßT. Fouith wortace west d Ranee. Alt warrsated. • ntilo t roz Fourth BURGEON. titatitAlLY DA6IIIA , tinzry Burgeon, k w tNm NaLo & o, &ottani, Innen trintatuil, .40.1111 i tWipabile %WA Su d al mminal primates la lb. by Wet:alma to ► what... It .I•lrartet l to WO, tim [wpm. to awe Wilful.. • • La anatatiao with Jamas Hula, Mr,. tchoew, lod Ansansludas“idal ma. at th e nnua it Puma s a u.t awiraiila Mall; • THE DAILY PITTSBURGH DRIJOGISTS John P. Scott. WHOLESALE Dealer in Drugs, Paints. oily 1 . ..a1tb,1 and Dle 296.1.11...rty Plt Wash. Pa. s u n a hm will reertve prompt 4,,,t0nt Gr I.laden •Co'd Talyabb family 3aniteln.a. Lasraldly • I AiiiES 310.1 U ti r '4Y. (ime..wortoJuku D. Wholeaale Druggiet. and 011, 07... Stuff, l'erfuol•rie, N. 9.1 “tr....f. nue .Ic.,r na:thOr Di•UlUfid •Ann,. II Rubor,: h, .up,t, S 7, I°o. 81•41 Nom balk,. A. FAII & CO., IV holesale manufacturar• of White Iwul awl I ad. af. , l Lilbargo. ourue 7 Woo 4 aul Wc-.ut .trert.. I. toch: 1.141. MS KIDD &A.:9., WholenalP DruKgiHts: Deal. cip .e at Palo4i .111, UT. Stuff, lualtueteettr.— i•rorrietur• of Ur. Norm :Villa. 4.1 f: alOl oi.loal , b. • 11 L. SELLERS, Wholetnila Dealer in ILIL• Drop. Punt*, Dye Atutgi Oa.. Varnitlum, &e, t.; etc.,* htt..L.11.11. PL rarruutnl N. 'WICK holeeale Duggint. r d ,,Z:rn;Ti'g mv"'''''"' m ro t. , u RAUN et I'VER, Wltaleasle and Retail Irru.k.t•, of I.ll , ert, Clair el., .411. I KI:1100NACA1i Elts. CO., IV Dra t • - aaa... No 14 4 1-4 .1. 1'0,0,0.1.. GROCERS. I' 1.„; AIIIUEL F . iSII ItIV It Co., W holasale - drorers a Comnossion ID erebsols. sod Dealer. In country ',Woos sod Pittsburgh alsuolsetures, ht.. 140 and 131 Kendal street, Lotuses, Wool sod guatttaltel,L Pitts. burgh. . 53 roux r. DILIFORTU. .... . ........... erg DIVRORTII. 1011 N S. 1/1.1AV01t.T . 11 , 4. CO., 1V holesale 10, drones. sod Agent!! for Hasson Poorrlor and gaiety suss, gt 1 rood AL, titaborsh. Sol uau mains ...... zdtuasagessots........shau vas ..r son: ANNA, OARKETSONCO., W hole side Onucere,Ccanconoioa tal Forwarding Stmt... stmt, Clevalso4. Ohio. Particular attention given to th. gumbo-. si d Pale ol Produce. !Musts.' op flu er, their lactlitten or shio ging sod rmis tog freight bathe Late are equal to sot' house to the p10d., . tondo dram VIC ILLOLLZT JOUR O,USAVI v, n. spoons. 1.1311 11,RIST. AMR ATIFILL. 11,7111. BAGALET & CO., Wholesale Gra- V errs. boa. IS and :II Wood strest, PittAhurgh. _ - BLACKBURN CO., Wholesale Gra andr tdr, to Prat so.t l'ttUb rah on band .1 tbtr Wrarttnno, i l s il 11':h4Ttre7. Mb:rlj: P. Aeulgiy aro. amosott, JR 11•11.40 M. F. WILSON, Wholesale Grocers and 1:061191ARiVII SterehantA. Agents for role Do PosDot Powder. No. lln rscoud. sod 117 Front dr. of I SIIEE, W holenale Grocer, CoMMilDitult Merehard.. sod dealer lu Paper sad hugs. earner Frio and Irwin lunch.. Pittsburgh. J. W. ORH . ID I. G I E & INGRAHAM [P Whole n a le Grocer. and Lbritmleetele Alercbante. tie 116 %, *tenet. and 150 Virg. al.reet. Pittaborah 1,11 HEY, MATTHEWS tr. CO., Whole - al.. L drones, Commiedon and Pureraril. Slerrhae..•nd rrots lb, Brischtort austral Yams. 01 Ni'ster eL,PtttAborgh JOHN Oll l, 11111.71 OLINWATT & CO., Wholesale Grouter, Ilbatemateetort Merchants, sod Dealers In Praises and ttaborgb kisbutecturee, No. WI Liberty Street. Pit. Lovett. l'a. . . !N. CANOIELD, late ut Warren, Ohio, t vgrugr . iniej:,earki, .oe yani Pearl ARA. awl We...Tv Prod.,. ¢ertenly b l . l:lrVlZt. tattvevn emit/1640d nod Wood. l'ittAburch.. V. VON BONN HORST 61. CO., W hole • dodo °Mem. F.d . eardivcc and Comm..= Merrl , . an Node" lo I'dcoturgb linnutudurcdt and Produce, No. 38; corner of Yrrmt rtreet and Max., y Lame. Pictabionch. tairiniOktfii .. WareLIMO. tere_,O3mmlitsints htsrehants, mud Prsisr. Innslure— . 66 Wanu, and 10 kraut Arrest. Pittsburgh. WK. IL L,C1.11. -JAMS J. 111,01117. NOLISII & BENNETT, late English, Gallagher a Co.. Wholrodollnarttru.Colarairtoun .ad on... Pug erchant, mid Praire" Ir. Product. And burgh ilanutucturen, No. 122 Surond rt. and 121 I,m tt_ between IVood arid ectltheaLl. . RN 11.11.1. Jams O. WALTIA NI'GILLS & ROE, Wbolesale Grocers an& Crenr, , , , n Morehanti, Na 237 Lib,t, ntr,t. OB El er 5100 RE, Wholesale. Grover, Ref:olff 1031111er. d. Lr to Prl.olu,s, Ift.burgh afaufaetur., and in t.:nd. of Yervira ond Nom... 1a55•15 , 1 lAguork No. 315 Lltomr .fe.o. =5:4 1 0 1 I =l: , :vez 51.1 : 11of1.01150Lbei.• 11 \.r. Elt r T & C 0.,. Wholesale 51041 fittsbaraik hisoufacturo-0. " W?. ".;.4 ;1 7,. ° ,.17,1°.7 : Plttebstrgls. Altril A FILL otllt brem1114,44.. 117 1f.:A .. t it! e s gn v D h L o, aucce:anra rdi to mod Ootoral..l. 31.rrhauto, dealer.. Ir.. NX . 4 .11::, COW. am, I.l.ufactuno comer of Wood sod Water stnora.Plunbursh. t GrocerCULBERTSON, Wholesale rocer and 0313..0r.0011e.11.1. Dealer lo Produce and Pottr burgh .I.3lartored Artirlra. 1.3 Ltb. , r Wro , , into bun.. f.a. J. O. Int 1.11.• lIT 00T. JD. WILLIAMS & CO., ISh Jr and " • Retail Family Ororore, ForrOrditto Como:anion orthants, .r 1 Lesion U 110.11117 Praluce..o PittAbtargb aoutootares, moon . of Wool and Fiftb • Pitlebnr,h. son. noasmon fa. tin. ev, Y. storxhb. ItOLUNSO. n N ,. . Nu.s dffir« out Commindon llrrrbsvul, - .14 d.slers Put,Luz klanutrettire. - - JP. MID 41C01.11.1. k R. FLOYD, Wholesale Uswers, Cow . Ilerebanbs, lava Dealar. m Prodave—itou.l 4 1- urch Bending,. rooting Liberty. oting on Libey. W.A “i . d SiuN sheet. Pittsburgh, P. . MANUFACTURERS I , IENNET'r BRO., ;Munuftleturera of Plain and Fancvaunt.. noel:lngham and•Cr.ani 1 vaunt.. W. 011ie, at tha klanufaciort. corn, of VV.. ington and Franklin atrrets. Oltmlugh.m, opomate rat. burgh. Pa. marilo,ll, Herron & Criswell, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, xi A S.IFACTURERS. of all kinds of Brass la s_ 11 ork. ritoorn Nu¢inn Plumber, •c. Cottoo Bathos; sionufgcturore. Pop. oar, ttot.-ca 'trawl. orrice. corner Cr Stark. t nlienaeny city. I MLI Esltb otc. N. 11-014 Ilrt nod Coptor'r taken hs rxeltao yaw for wen or rwlsl o 4. ord.. 101 l a 1 Ilia FontKlry or Orllze, yin be attenJo‘l to Inenctonor. lelalr Jonei & Quig, caMANUFACTUREKS of bpriog and Bits ter Steel. Plough! Plah Steel. Steel Neagh Mugu en and Italprie Swinge . , - Bram hut Taper, Halt Pat. rot, Screw Hail and Hammered IMO Asiee—norner at Hama sad First Its.. !Mot:nab. Pa. rust, a QOM .. B ROOM D. B. Rogers & Co. Ti4ANUFACTURER„S of Roger'it Patent IV !mom* ol Stool eoltintor Tooth—eorun of Roo, to 4 Ant otroots, Yatotokfull. Pt. fola JW. WOODwk;LL, Wholesale and Retail 11.ofooturor and L'ealer toCabinot Waro.Kl non* •Lroot. 1101 IN WETIIEItELL, Manufacturer' of 0/ PATENT, SOLID BOX mid BRAM) BOX VICKBoma. ner of Marylon and Robins:el streece, one eguare turn the Maul Street Midge. Allegheny city. nlO7 AVELLINOS, WILSON, & CO., Alanura,c inn. slave tab. ill sl tab.iod inns tad.% elm.' adult. and bolos nada: tlnlablos, oloot. bol., and *boo balls Sour barrel and lathing do. also Co. ad and 2d blued .111. A. se. Oates at LI ITENCUTT S CO., No. 111, Wade et, PIN. buesb. . IRON CITY TACK FACIIIRY.—The Bub , aCiNiara k manufastuz sod kanP.OSLIIKaII kat Mud all la of kr; km!. r rftet prorzfx-ilhat‘r,rl:,...-4 004 flue'oggt"ltgretc:,varZa t ite. o. .&., c.tswurt.L, e..Ess Cu., • .avbry Watabouee. bU %Woe et.. Plusbutsb. ENNEDY, 011 ILLS & co., Blanufactu kn.r. rep? superior 44 Slued.. PArbet Chair, Pg. Twins awl Battinu. Pour. Mil. Pittsburgh. 11172 . 1 . 8ui1un it .A%K t. A t. LII WfOßKS.—tten tr Powder, duriattesaTlialphuri. O Aer. AP.;IIIOJ.'" Wlll.llO below Perry. INDRAWN° AND LITHOGRAPIDENG AMES IL PARKS, Designer and Wood Mamma', Philo Hall, Third streat, over Post Ofnua story, moat rarosetralld InFotma the public t h at ha I prepand to immune all kinds at I... Coning and Woul an rains. mach as itleon of UtOldiugs, etaamboats, and rgniMMg. Voci4ll.. feels of • deueriptlon. (trmonen. I ditneahaver mods, UrtIRRO.' LahH., CO/1.011 Motor. sod b b aw isi th , a o . lan.. lorry mutant.. nail ILLIAM SOIIUCIIMAN'S Lithograph in Establiatanent, Third Moat, oppatim ma Post MM, Pittsburgh. Atom Lando-are, Pertralts , r bow ahout, Pratt" Mud. Label.. Arch...ponies! and Dlsablos Mannino,. Ousloana and alattlug Card.. Su, .31[71.1 . 1.1 nr itoron Ptone. and muted In colors. tiold, Mani. lo tha moat approvad stria, and at Ow meat mom. •Ftrre Mw maw - Wegner, Buchner & Mueller's NEW LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISH:MINT. r IRE ABOVE FIRM respectfully announce 1 to their Mende and the yobbo eeoerall,. th. 4 atio prepared to , tdt two... wrltlrtt hatt pr.setit.. Under Ow Hydrantle ;47.1.7r . : ATr: ' l:. 47' 1 '7,l::::.l"u k v;;rowr . .. - p k .ihro•gt i :. I, ,011,1 In ItttntotrAnn !wary ••••lion 111..nt..t . , ton 1.0 . Comfort.. tour `to rt., tout Towns, Phlor P. 0.. Bearer t...ounty. Penn.. marl.; Just Received at Wm. Rigby's, So. 181 Liberty Street. riIWENTY Pieces of new style Cassinneres • .1.1,10 l'a•W nrw • !1ce1.,. IL soul rAlor-.1 `. . Thes., , prtrt, tur abr.. eMnbitobtuent, belt. bk. tr , 4.z..1• thut hart.: necitraql he k . 4 11r 41.7..141.11.. ARMOR. In supontatt.nd t 511,2 .h ut.v•rtarla, 10 h.• , non att..t...ti.g, 4. , 411 w la•or bun with 011ie, Copley's Pot Clay. r L •ll£ lol.....tcriboro 111, 0 always on hatid •.0.00 1.l Put Ptak. uuauulacturoci Jpiliskh Cupid. 1:•...1,01.0,.1n.r. , princlk ,01g lor 1:1•600/. It p au vO.ll entallll.b..l row/MU/h. rar.l.o, pr..p.0...k and put up lu barrel., Pr./portkon• Irk Inu up, chr. nal nara taw., ..1. row third td laird Gprprin.' /..•• .1.0.. .11,1 oati o nay of thii mukterik.l r.du...Ll stu.ll, t bon thure wad. erelu ....zu,no clur. INSURANCE Marine, Vire, and Inland Transpoitation insurance. In,ornot, t 'ow party "r North America, i.i.oki..ipb..--11urten.1111A. Cep.' truoku. flown .10uo•ri /,•1. $1,0t11.11,1 50. IV 111 •toshe I omursury ou 1.1/111), •4.1111.1( c - . 11.41 u .. thi• ea, 0113 vlell, Moo • Lipi , d 1.0 01.001 butte ~ , h,,ton,rtxtion or n Ills • EIMEMEI tattEINZ! 1112114111 .. .. . • . • tow.: I'. n.lll Prrre, linfluto, r.luAl 1.1 -,. .. • r Amin A11it.,,,, I.lsar.-• Izyli.r, 1, co. r e 0,..,... A whrt. ~ 111.11. t.. , ,,,. AsKtiostl, u.. 1.. M J. Illr tan, Jam. .\. N. 'o,og, . • Lars . . II sin, 11 I Ina.traut • Cc ifif.z.of nit tholf,diti...l. - ..fates awl WWI /1 , . hick fikera..nee. %mole 0.10, ar.lllQ, ali 1141" of an . ..llra Im..”rJenfo charsel.f . , ft .1 IS Jk/N 11.trut, :/// ill Proof otrol. W ocirru 1 nit' ratwe Company ofrittabargh. , \ '4;100,000. It. mum:, .1 - R., NI. tiorJon.. , orre.ary 1.11 an of.. aq‘lt...ll fund, o.f 11 , 0, ..4 Manure. - SI a al 1..1,1.,1, .2.1111 fLad pr,fp," .1 Loaf. I :et.... n— tf.aff:"f el 1, r• Ifr flu ar.. Ifn.o.n in t/I, ..../M/11111, nn.l yell) i.towyn.-o• and lorralft, tr. ta.•nl•oi. CLl,lllr. r what. 11f•I' , t prot...3lfmt io flaw, 311a1rr, Ir 1 IV. Bud., 11m Ly .l.Lut•F 31 113, IvOL6gud *cm 11. erria. .. • . stet t. ot 61au.; W (Jo. opztsit-. PIIIE INSITRANCF. CONIPANI J ESIG NEI) oniy 1.. r the eufer chigoes of ..r I+ .1 ~, nt .4 ch. eq tu ne.o, I..r.nt tz. ,O n.: nun, ,r I tiptn e i rt hu.l o ~f """' ctuarr, itT•ur 4 , 1 , Wiaihi,d 0 .4,1 . 101 , “Nh Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of IThilnd'a. kl li ECToltS: Cherie,. W. Booeker, Geo. .y The. alnn., MonleralLemix. Toblaa magner..,104.4..4 on,'a,l th an, 1 0 16 , 1,1: , , Brown, K. 'Nunn. Mlt • I \MA, ER: Pr... Wont C.a."... U. 114, t!..14. uu to or liuttr•l. nn rrrri Prr,rit inwn and rx.untrr. •t rut., 1,1. ut, sn lb r,cariti., The tf..mpitty h.., tv‘erve.l w continarut luta, which. with their Cupital Sad Premium., rately Irawawd, 0,14 att.olt. prot , ..naot. to the ~,, t oL ,In.C,..suoy,on Jantiotiy let, 14:.1. •41pUtn. •tr.ul.l, It. lb.. Ant nt rut, folloke, 11.1 .Ir.rrimrart sl:n2 21 ,70. 44 1 , 11, , t Inn•rronrwlbm, o,ll.l•ltrearo, lbw/ tip O war.l- of no Nlsllinv I,nr II untlr.l Th0u...11, 14,115 r, 11,11,. warwww,...4 I t••,5rwn.,..... .r• r 1..• I hot stnlay rtul n ,th 11,.:111L,.. . • . J t1:10.Ell Agent. arid 0 F....,,n0r oi on.l and Penn klutual Life Iniatraneo Co.. GENT IN -PITTSBURGH. W. H. DAVIE, /inner. Jr., n. 3.03 Liberty streeL or the eonveni..nee per.. melding In the iltrt of the oly, the agent may al. ho'found daily, r',l`,',,'„'„" 1 '0;1 i'.-.":L °l ;`Z*;.,:,'`.l b r;el7 , Nst'all':,':a! envy Information will he Oven an r...nnnualeatbna pmmpb I, attended to. Pamphieta etylaloing the principle , . and benefit,. ol in,urunee. and blank 4..rtne turn tahri on applwatinn. egg.itril welt over 1a.J.C.00 and ootortantly Inerwaaitur.-.- ProLL• divided annually arnhuagt those ILlPtiffli for Dye. t , ttehureh. Jan. :it. IWO —isMa Delaware Mutual Safety InguraneeCo4 3: 4) FFICE, NORTH ROOM OF THE EN-- Thirr.. Philadelphia. FT. Iderrhandlan. and ottr pmperty; in town co.l coun!er, Ineured mtainat !mix or, Jamare by en. at the lowe“ role of premium. aloativa al.o hours Ve‘eah., Carrwa. sn.l.Freighte. fo reign or ex....tune., under open or menial prairie., the may is. ToMVll , l,l‘llolll.—Tirry ale. loram llercitandlaa tfat..prql..l h, Wa,one. had road our,. Canal 1... C., and Mean; rite:, and tab.,, nu the rot. litwtal terms. Darla. llober uton. John IlFle tn n u n n a d o .A. a S mu d e e l r E dw NC Ileoratt helper. Edward Darlington. leano.11: Dave., IVll- Ilam John Newlin. Dr. 11. 11. flu ion .1.1000 C. Hand. Th.... Waive Paulding. 11. .I.W. Brooke Henry ' Akan, Ilugh Craig. lieorae Perrill, bpearer Charlet. 1.:1.11y, J. ti. Johnson, ta. Ilay. Dr. A. Thomas, John Sollern, • Illniereas /1 Prrmituaort—D. T. Morgan, Hugh Clahr. John T. Locatt. - • • . MArrin, Ptend.nt. Tilos. C. flAno, Preal dent Jeocra IV Cow &N. Seerpl.“,.. • cry-Orttrz of thr Cempatn, . No 40. 14tor taxt. Pitt. trinch. for ..- . 'll I • •. AI A DEII:A. Nearly all Now Open. \ M Ull , i'li . l , :•4 , 4 lLlo 7 ll o C o l ,, V 4. lLl i; li t ;t , t4fttz their Prrtna nurrha.c. Eland.. Ineetrarlon of • c rrrrnt aoet.r two urn tn. *pm. and battle •arly Out atock tort' full, •nd a, herrn:4,mM.* at thr In ramna cncotoncinti linuaeltaapirtt vitt Mad a general aonrtmant nf tit t1.141,1i.k . b.1.151) `purn as Cate 3tuallna. Table InsposVrclucl. lined°, and Craoh, dr. \ tl..ntlemen laid find tha brat male of French Clobha,to whirl. part vf oar ....wit at- pay very ap , a,lal attention, ),l,satmate. a - nd black NOM La Itea , V rappliett 011 1 11 Ire Offal.. In groat barlet,l — itt''"J•Q ill our rn.....nt ' , opal, are a.m. e'er...Mtt, totta.broo. bla.k damask ngS.rM_... Fire Proof Roofing.. irIARVINC co., Nueettneors td ~.Jstmes .x_x whine nf mauttfact‘torri of War.' can't. imprat..l an.llVater tonnwittomenr.fs.iritlnta lo Inform thaw friend., in. tn.l the unt,bc of- l'lttabartth. that May loleal abvnina. in this city, It branch or abnre latatnaat and they thatolvito, that Utah. wok nth oama atibltolost to all who [nay en. : !rtt s ra tb :tt le t.7l:U . lZ' F Y I rtZ ... a I NIV IV.M.7o } l:l=PrtVrt 'would ray attention in this Imporntot annnunerantub raftann material; sub a lantad Pr nu o 'boo lran root; it, barbs than; trout rnnnnr r,T.r vr,.11 name, In I.ruir• h ,• ha i.,..1.1•udrvl the upetuj mtine. . . . . - .1 bolo., Pool r 1 lool.villo IWO, Wool,. Ilollenon, MY, , M.. 11, O I‘,Kil M..linle.l. No., f lllnkorli, Tloo f.:Thriver. 1 . ,,. ....koka.n 1/..10r a Ca, I,llnnoon a Carol. Jmolt II Davi... I .1 II Oomph. a Bro. %Mauro Moryln ACo . 'Jacob Hal.loran. Chnrloo ' , Onkel!. 111 vb. a. TAILOII, .iOl/11, t. T.wlrr, - IV C M Whip.. a (0.. Lan. ClVilliorn,on. jpir 1.. S. Inder 101 l for Iho prosent al Ma. Mon:he'd Mote. on Motto,. 'Mot. orill ha yrotoolly stlolvlo4 10. 1,114 llnrglt. leb. 21.15,2. . 1•2,...140. Second hand Pianoi, for Sale. A- MAnocoNv 5 1-2 Piann S . 4a 5S erde : r A MATOO . Ony 0 A koonol 1.0 A o, In of XEIV I'IAZrOS t, among 0 fint strul.o by Cin.L. trom the ,elehratal nototafactori “Vbiottolow," Pootoo. . . JOlpi 11. MELLOR, x.,nl street. NEW BOOKS NEW . BOOKS I ADY FELFMIA, a new.worVily Ileory II C. 0... V 1 s r of ,Vatentinn VoCiAr. Al4O , el., Lit y V•Wri• Is • tuniii attractive noTO, .rnsuruer4 Lb. rolum• to Um whatrers 61 ..44114/4•144 I/44 51/sWeir• AII/o/orfri/11.0 W e 001444 ••that of /I Wrle• tsnlinn: R WM . nul Lio, ae. " ;W:A. Ulld.o(eioer A en.:7o No4u4tb • greet Rave theo tot 0/144. • OWNER IVANTED—M prove property it kypt. at fit , "tre.llV=.4'. 110USEKEEPIstS—Oiders for rape*, JL Ilativra an 4 Whimrsitroe i lektfga ii i . ► • \ E\ ~ RATES OF D 1800017.. avaasernn DIET Fat TM, firrininlndi inztYrn. at' N. lIOLMF..B & SONS, npkere. /Vm 67 Jfkivka irk, damati Dant INI4I iblt: PatsOkrik. PENNAYLVVINIA. ', !Mulch ati llon-.--X. Back of Plitairsh—Tha Branch at Wociaer—do , Rachman Bank of d0..-..par Branch at Xerii.....-... .... .do Ader. and Han-of d0....--pat Branch at Yormcvoirs-.....d0 Blink of Commerev...---pan City Bank, Clo lama do Rank of :Yeah Aramies--par ttninin.relal Bk. Inch:mall& Bank ofNorth i riLlinirtiroDatilkariklin 8anit....,....,.-.. .. do Bata of Penni.ylvani•-•-•par'lafarrin. 80nk...k..- .. .. -40 1'444 01 Bonn Tonzehip...par Ohio Life In. • Tina C4.,....40 hank of the Boiled Main 12 Wenti.rn Itnindimi Iniall-.--Jo llomnivrelal Bank et ki....par Banker Magaillon...` --hi 1 IlaniLis... a Ihnhanica Ilk Dar Small , 1W • oinnillauk . Dar 2 if KW kNiILAN . Ketaninvon flank ...... ......parall'ailmint Ininkv X Minn.'s, a Itiniti Cank,-Avar '., 5. kW kolas, y fli.mnitin,i . lima_ p .c Yea inrkellr... ...... .......livV, floyammainn Bank.. ..... .maii , uvary ...... ........•.... , 1 . Philadi.lphla hank - .i.inirl MARYLAND. , Soninnak Bank- • i .di , vM/ialtimory ...... .i. ...... .... -Dn. Drahinniank Mutt .. .... ... pare 101201 Y .. ........ .. . :. . ii Western. i Bank.. ..... ... ......pvii N. , kgsky 'AlailiitY ARV\ Lol l k of C.....i { u•r..1.1.11 .- , v l f4" fi ''' . ."' 11,1 .'...: --• VI Bank nfininavr c... 1 ,-P. V/ 1 0 151 . , Rua. Of Duns ille nalliant of thy v navy lima of INV 1. 1 0 .'llitimtor .giur•ilk•of Visa.. Richmond - Baca rot ihrmanifivrn tar BY. Bank, Vc• Norflt--. •• Kant of lielfyidnagh X Varna's . liaulif V irgioin •• Bank of hewhitown - threlants . • tech. Bmili , Ralik of Illifillenimk X North,Wairtioni It \al •• tioni.goinar an hank_ _par Branrbni. ..... ~.......... flank of Norttintoboriand.pari ' NURTII CAR( VANA. Galicia Bonk- .. ... ........• X1" 11 V"er r l vr.L .-i-. %. aniunbis 131‘ it firkinVeolimikk Of At.iii N.U./.01 \ 13.... 4 bunoo II 0u0 . ,......`..par Aram prelv.l Ilk, Wllepiog% 1,. 1 ". 0 0 " 0 \ ' ' " X t 74"d iivrillt i tiltbi l l4 h A ."" Varlf o eVi l lfk7,liil, - i.iiiaid,..parißk of tb. st, of s.L.L;olitia 2 Mainers' Ilicaf Loncsator.pia Bank of Booth Caroller:,... 2 Harmon' Bonk cllLisrllng par Bank of Chairlarrin-......i.• 2 Yarn. bkorfrthuytkillOo.pull'l•ut...! anchanica. tit 2 Pad Pro,. Waynodtiticg. id fl 0011014., • YinBLIB I Bk•WafidDianfitivr Augusta Inn* Ridalita Co, UarrUhurg Rank. ' Hook of Ancanii,-...-...... 2 ilunvalah ilank, ....... .....i,Vv.llli of Drunimick,Augnata 2 La:amnia Bank_ . . s . ... --Vat TkNNEvinkß. Lansvivivrevandy liau . L....fyiyl/111 ooletnt hsta....l ...... -. 3 , /.Ibsnon Bank pat If ENSUCK Vi. • Miner , 11.00 'f Poltdrillo X Wt. St , nlaida. Inuleivitlr X 3100002 am.). Bank-, .... parillk of bailalllo. rhoraton avat lininch Bonk ... —.. Northerner 111 of linninikr • • Wyoming BlLYillkosbarcora [embryo Ilk of henlocky York Bank... ............. ...... fi MISHutI4I. ~ . . . ... .. Ilene( N0t0a_...._....... 41 Ilk of State of 31000ttrt...,...% tnilu. , ' ILLINOIS. .• Ohio A 4 Houk ........ -...-ti ,Stato•ba Pk and loanont4l-.41F =l o ,lliTni. - . - 3:,''"''``',`‘ltVc 4 ,;,N. '" Branch at Bridgeport- do Marina 4. Fire Ira-Co. thke 6 Branch at Chtlieotha .do 1111C11100N. branch at lllceel.d do Fennel 5 . '.5145-11.1.440 bank 3 branch at Toledo... ....... ... do aoroonno43,Slook Bank-- 0 Flranoh at Dayton. dol Peninsular Hank 3 11raorh at Delaware dollosittanor (Foronsati..._..... a Unmet, at Columbus.... ... .. drtatoliaal... , ,-.. ..... e.. ...... 3 branch at Aelitsbula... ...... do C.thl.IDA. branch at Salem do b ank f o ften a riot Tor/Alton Branch at Ilan/Meld ......, b o 1 . 4.41 e. Torontus Branch at Ripley dolßank of Mont:oft 0 brooch at Cinoinnall-......0113ank of EL Canada. 'I oro,nto 0 Brooch at Colunthua.._ do I:0811,1M NACIIANON. Mranch at Kaattinaten --do On Nen Zell. (Prom) - Branch at Coda.. ..... .. ....10 On Philsdelohla d0.....-.......4 branch at LancaoLtr • .do On halnotore d 0.1,.,. .... Fe 111419011 at 1"ttl11,11TIlle lo IV E.ST KILN rAcii.txur.:. Snatch m Mt. rernon.—.do Chselnnalle `Branch at heirata......- ..... do Lotilrrl l / 5 -..- 71, ttranth at I.lrria do St.'Lonia...-......, ....... .. . /.....I,i 13 3 =1 . 5: x 1 i r . rgte11 . ...... -.2 0 0 1.&e r 1 ,. t . D . 41 , .f o ttio. 0 0 41.1 „. I. ) . brat:hell at Toop ...... ............dol do ralriot..-.....10443 branch at MI- Illeuattl.... ,Io Ul.• Ohl it /0.00 Wanda at Z][ll.l,lllo do Iluie. n'm • 11,00 Branch at Norwalk do ProderiokreFors-...... ...... 7.40 at /Taut.._ -do fon Tluiere • LW) bratioh at tint..., G,OG Branch , 0 lhoon-..... ....... .dolreveorips. 4.19.: Ilraneh at Ravenna do Teo tlondera. 4.00 Branch at Chillicothe- do,Napch.ona ....... ....... ..... r.. 00 Mauch at,earahotta.-..-..dolPuc- ,, - ----• ..... --- LIO Hunch at T010d0.....---... 4 ^ 3 ' TRICEB OP EITOCIp3 iCKINAITED Tpkt 1.17MIGR11I! GA/1.77F. WV A. 1V I.KIN.S. & Co. STOCK AgP EXCILAIsaiE BROKTItS, CORNEA O.IIARKET /1:4 , T.llftli ParrauLdn.. April 14 .41 •• m1:11. , 4 44a440 n 6 lull ...... 1,`% kt A u ll r o • trb A , 611.11n'd IA t. . lot Map G Arir PUP bulAn rar lW\l4l l I at..lau a Juif. All L., : i.„ ' ' \ Ird v ; v l % da " 6 .' . \ i r bniA 6 ,nt, SI Lvlpret 4. N r lrgchauts klauul 11.46. f y, .1 r arLange \ll4k. so. 111esbrur ; Plrn.lpartu•lt, .... ,Utv. Mari el hard nk. DrllAr AV 4 4r,i l hr. • 1:L04,4 Ncrthrrn 1.11..r11.AN- I :2 1$ pr wa,l4,,r,rpcs7 • \ rravALAIA. Pittrl4 I.lfelnsuran A WAsnrna lasurLoca [inv. 6 'Oct. loturanra , Crik., , 12 lir PLr.4aasir u • v . uaiArn \ \ titean . J; htlelasrplt; .6 14,114,1 i, .17 J 1 da lat.. Art. .......... AV 2, , Plv I izio 111krra • MrAnatir. .... 511, rr nun Aar*, kLarilralkO, rittaburgh 4/1141{.41.144 \ ;.3s P.4.Van. lyre Muntranabolr ilarkes.l.• Yought.lProv Plarleat, Perm'. Contral4l,ll „i; al Unto L Penn, of * Pall.* Onto 1..11 Pral. • Cleveland a Wei... fin II .H Maria, 11 Way, I.rr Dork, I,r; Ihr VtrG prel 1 1,1; lb. Jr Mr 10.1 • Turtl• Creek Plank HAL: 2r. 1,1 Allnc r 1 141, ‘i 24 1 - P ri 41P.runbk, Turnpike Ink-, no y Marti.. CALI Co 1 In, 16 , t:Arri nanny, . n . . . . . ki 12a k r . Plttrnurph PnAnn .., Inv, 1,1, VIP tlnio lola l,rl ... rrvbaut_ - Advroture IlouLlarr hoututrn-. Ohio Temp Aelee mart Penrdaulax., Avrrr Pbornit 1 • subeeriber intendi opening an IN- K TEL LIOENCE OFFICE, the let of Athll nest en do Clair elreet, left entrance to brides It. telt. Strum bests and pHv.O 6nYwa wttl t.... Putt.-0 with none other than fatthtui servants, writ nvotamendkd. The public le reepeettully Inntad Pa avail themselves of the facilities now sajlete.l. muss O,PII LEIV IS. CI N. WICIaii.SIIA3I, corne i of Wood Sap and 'Sixth FloVell. Pittithoreh, Pa hoio. and retail dealer In Itruse. Slothethen and Ctreatkeals Paints, tide. V anthill... , and Ilya Rude; Window Olsrs and Putty; Perfumery: \ Finn Poster Fine tooth and Iher brash.. theses, the Patent or Zits:Trion'', Illeditinea of the Day; tlevlact Peed. and Awriaullum.l InaPkVnteote teen winet tiproved Ithem, atom it on hand. Muntry &urea and Phi aielene will at thle Geatabliehment fresh and alnaduhreuted Rearsarati, which ave Leen aelecteil with great pentenal thee (or this mar ket. All rowe l:mien ate Melted- to examine the p lenk. as they will llnd It to, and ensbrawina as great a math, tr ku the welt. fe23. . —......,_ • HACK kniEL. 811 AD. CODFISH....' I Constantly rya band 44 for PALIION• eala by lIENKHIIIP. , . , ',J. PALllga,aco.. PuKb, • , 13.1nrkrt ntr e • t IPA art' II tAld AND S IDE'. ' ' PHILADELPHIA. 211011Lmo I. IRD nod PAPA:Pg. inier2n2tnicnn I-1 ARN ESS LEA I'llEl{-4 rolls for sale by . ms it. ItAI2ALL & CJ. IPLOUR-40..bb1m. " Watigh'o •Lagringe ji: mitt." w i ttlt i e . orat. Prl7 for hmilie.. 5 , a do • N:77l7:mrfe::: .1 do o 0=114,4: : \ 10 d for (We by `. .IsELI. s Licovcr. it" Km (0 oral 70 Water Mont. Steel Peps. 0 it s toree Niotora No 303 extra fin itt points; • tt'im .avo • _11.4 ••• \ !claw' '334 With • artat carlo P r W otheia. far wklo b J. It. WLLDIN. \ 662 63 cod at.. between Third sod Forth ICE Vf CIVN have ived a faith - mapply Ot e 1.,/ Good*, alsrais trr o C . bj . c u la . ,..La t iTr i zaS4 :Choir a tolbriatabla qual3tloo. .363 \ ° I.yur.aiy • \ Wall \Paper. • • . J UST reed from sor eta' of tho 2.4 w York d aeortal atcoilc• aveorilg6og t eqof lo lablb• nanufactaretl. a largo an wiw paloal Wall Paw, Tho twlors aro bailltaut..\ tao pelt 036, mod tbo *WW2 0.3.6 a3tractlah. THOMAS PALIIICK. • toal= \ No 55 Illattot alma. _____ LIhAIIIERS-3\ aka,' him, for ealu by l• . A „ U} 4. A ttuaart. PktOVERISEAL--lho vast improvement in , th......prooratuv , doil. tridrzlisol.tbo i poLl44r4lp ic, Oltri. Ti ,T 5 1 7',V.1.0.f .V. 4 TA';ll tg . ilts a '' \ CIIESTER'A nols -4 cLural.Nti Eyo ' Rini. cl of wit Roma and , riozp t ag o o ri ar , i ) p ktg0r ... 14.. ,id 27 nAm ilikal,l 11.1 1 011 ... b i worcitor Alloy L: 3 I.INDRIEIS- ''\ \ '... . :I \'\ i f ,,, ,i,..,,,i,.., ,t6,.7-, ; . . bblo. 2oliorr; \ ni km Clorer Stio.ri i - ' . \ lon - th"bY JOI . I I 7 '. II - Vi r ii l'a": for oo'd % yr - 27 . , .\_ __ II rliVil'A CO—bs but. :At 8e Lump, furiiti a. low twi oto ET , 4011r1 Itarr a co. t;OFFEE -150 bags Superior, new coo . I ,\. kid. for did Er inarri .l 12 , 12"!'W(7.) . , . ri IDES_ 50 doz. dry, to arrive, for sale by mi. min: '.. A. !Ir. lIARBAVO 11. CO:\ oeot) for 809 KIM. a co. 1 AHL)-2u, kegs and 5 , tads. in store Etn3 Ibr•els bgarl..!:l K L . !, 11.111tbAU011. 14 4 / 8 11 bbls. labitporb3r Palm 50 hr. end 4ar wkle b MYIENTY 1 ) l ; 14 9, .„, , ~, w Alauvs i a4kauaLL, . 11.611P-49bb.toannan ti lit 4gr na. Exordia vij..a. b. - (gum, Rio alum \ • • \-\ PITI'SBUR - Gll GAZEI'YE, , , Teta 1110 S sa Sr. Loets.—FrOm the Internam or ceref Tuesday we copy 'the following account of the riot in that city on`Mondayi ' Mob at the Pint Weed Poils—Dtath and De struction of Proprrty —As ItUlAenerally eipected tha,Firet WlSni,llll , l yesterday the Beene of the grossest, outrages upon the ballot hot and the tights of 'nettiv born eitiserle. At ,an•hatly hoof in the \ day it, became tient \rit that a large portion of th\ Gerunia inners in this \ 'aril Were,: determinedsovevent these eateitaining,views ifireimilar tn their oirti;frosit voting, andbrfortil noon a number ar peaßeable, quiet chi:eine, \who, went to the pone \ for the purpose of `dePosiling their votes, were driven Off with slicks indatoixes and prevented fron\exereteing the elect re 'cren chise guaranteed to try `citira.b. Dr. 'wheal, I 1, 11 highly respectable entleinan, badever inilig-‘1 city cast upon him, a only camped tiy the Merest chance from the rowel i that followed' i. ' Ink m ling after hi every tartgi\able miesile.\ tatew io the day, Mr. s Bteite, a resnetta le Geritien resident of the Firnt Wit`ed, was smile. whild.passing tic pulls in Liebuggy and grocer ly atneeed. Mr C. W. Cocae,AssiMant City En gineer,Vras nssatiod without ' , causeor provecs tine. knocked down and beaten;, and t e mud and filth 'tattle street heaped apon hi p s pro s ate body. \‘‘. The Whip, as a general thing, webeaten off from thtille and dared riot show th lr femea' s News of t e outrages reaching \ the mad, `Third, Four) t, and Fifth' weeds, itaint 3 oc' lock, in, the afternoon a body ofinatlve bait)), a well as adopted eitilteris, to the number ofUome dee or six thousand %it down and effeetitally clean- • ed out and drov the Fret Ward btillikat frain 'their' position, an from the time utile the closls, of the polls, the purity of the ballot bite was maintained. The abuses heaps upon native barn citii\DiP t however, enraged the. crowd to euch a degree that the mere fact of retaking the polls did nel \ ~,tpi r , and , eppeatte theM. , - , Nomeseven or eigh beer and coffee-houses in the vicinity were bro- • ken op. -and the liar fun d aro and fixtures 'effec tually ilemoliehed; not however, until a number of shots had been fired frcdp the windows , and doors upon the unprotected crowd In the street. The Soularil Market coffee-hone, directly across the !arm from thapolle, was\ heat demolished, and the others followed in raOrd \ tan:mention, the Germane (for we hay\ every reason to believe them such) all the while keeping \up a running Ore. Several persons were abot\Fd slightly wai:tiled, among the number, Air. ames Har per, captain of the hlses'orirl flee company. and a German in the employ of Henn, b of maker, en Chestnut street. • 1,16,• In 'the evening, nca after the p Is were domed, the uptown crowd started hackot when et the cantor of Seer nth street and Lath Avenue two or mile idiots were\ fired from the er2rul 41ory windevre et Neihemeyer's tavern unpie crowd, and Mr .1 os. 8 levees, s wire - worke r,' . the employ of Mr. Hough,\ on Second scree 'killed outright. The windoartrana dotire of th house' were almost inotantly l\roken in, 1113,1 the crowd, gaining access to the interior,' fired the -touting and burned it to thegrial.• The body of Mr. Stevens was laden into drug more on Cernmielet Atelier, whore it masked until a lam boar kat night, whoa a deputation train the company went down and brought it 'up to the en gine hour, . \ • , , , At the \ oreerof Park and Caronamet avenues the crowd , was again fired on, and Alr\Edward O'Hara, or member of the St. Louie Greys, dan gerously woutuied in the leg. The ball intesed entirely through and broke the leg of A gentle man walking Rear by, whoa, name' we did not learn. The house from which this shot wee' tir ea *as .led fiddled, and these. fauna within roughly handled. \ The crowd then piasued their way up town altlinat• further maleetation, nal\ quietly diepersed„\Elowever much we depts.. cote mob violence an \ all its bearings , the clog- Mg scenes of retails) , were brought about and urged by the partY,tlint suffered ,most severely, from its consegnezemn eV future all oath, as well as foreign ern will liana to know that qualified voters are net to he driven from the polls with rot the party \ attempting it meets ing the most fearful retribution. .. ,• Military Ordered Out..=-The 9t. Louie Greys and German Tenger' 'were , ordered out by the mayor Met night, to protect the Anzeiger , Des Western printing (Ewe, on Third street; • .A large crowd had collected, but act iriolenee was attempted. The Grays formed otadlarket and Third, and the Yeagers en Chestont4nd kept the block intervening clear, ,until a late hour het night. The offile, to appearances, Wins deserted as no light was vieeible from the wet:Aosta We learn last 'evening that a little child of Mr. Neibioneyer Vac killed in the issault cabin houso. We hope the report has no fountiation in fact. Mr. trea.meyee we nre eatiefied, from what we know of the man, would not ;and did not connive at nor countenonce the tiring from bin window. • 'Meets Arnold and Boas, members of the night police, were badly abused and, beaten it the First ward polls. They were placed there as coniervetors of the peace, burin attempting to dizaharge their ditties were knocked down, beat es, and driven from the ground. Mr.. Arnold, it Is stated, is badly hart. •N Marshall Felps and Of f icer Guzzling were par ticidarly active in the Fink ward yesterday, in endeavoring to appease the wreak ?of excited eitiikus and prevent personal viblenee.• Mr. Cozzeas, we learn, met With an mieldent which is likely to confine liinifoX several deys.• • Young Stevens, who woe killed 'in the First ward yesterday, was ib o¢lllll Of Williamsburg, New York,. lie is about twenty years of 'age, and hale beta in the city but a tew,weeks. The fatal charge\ took effect immediately in his breitsx causing hosting death. • \ I • • • \,' Rumors that sererel 'Oernsne and•oth=, ere, whose names we have ,notslearned, ware shot in the Fire‘ ward last eienink. When the smoke of the battle clears up, AM hope to be able to funZish • * more correct report than este now be prepared. HANCOCK. STOUT AkILLA.—We abiessaln the Gazette And lObt of the.Sth . cOlumoilicx lion signed T. J. Sighs*, which•eipmep to be an appeal to the\ public ea,eisliar theliayttepa able. in his behalf, oijas intitdates) -- on. be „half of tome of biAcilents;Lon aCeoune Of. the repeal of the law tending Mal:meek sheet. We think • this raai er.:irldiedods '",Melee of Mr. Bigham and his coadjators, they, have been whipped at their nerd., glme .7 l But as men have a right In this conntry•ren to make them-, soiree ridiculous, we do optimised” them for it. Since, however; Mr. ilighsim has mi4e us 'type m• as eignera to a petition iti:fiyor! Of this wild scheme, 'we have thought proper, s, to ttßoble yon witti a brief explanation. , ;,\ .• - .Ino. F. Perry called on us to alga to,Fetitfon to the legislature to saes a law to Sotliartse the widening and extending of Hailer% street, at the same time inuring us that thssidpenie at tending it would be met by the eitY,ordhe Sold 'ere or propertynn that streid, whiehoiould'in greatly enhanced Mildew thereby-rand an thod&l oonditionsalone our signatures were given, an many of the other petitioners were, as we are , informed, entrapped in the same way. \ Mr. Perry did not go emong! the property holder', or persona te , be erseesied, to sign tile petition —bat went gaitely among pereona whe had no Interest in the matter, rard runny of whom don't own property in Pittsburgh or else. *horn. - There ore fifty-four trainee to his poll. thin, and among the whole number there are only fodrieen persons *lshii are allaessed to pay for this project; therefore forty of the signers had no right to sign it, and had no interim! in it and among the fourteen signori; who are an messed; we' believe there Is not one man (except leg Mr. NCO himgelf,) who hate weer moved in thin matter ;er asked for it and most, if not all,of them, ate opp osed to IL . i The proceeding on the - part of Mr. Bighom . and hir. Perry, from beginning to \ enj,. has been conducted With great unfairnese: the names were obtained to the -petition Unfasely, , and the law wan framed non \ passed unfairly. The low . gave unlimited_ power to seven men, to, allow any price \ they might please for the proPerty takers for the street, and to coerce the price (In the shape of, damages) en at, many poisons,' or ttateger pa ly nop sad in any artionet they might ermine nod all this without any accounta bility on their part, or appeal. or review, or remedy whatever. on the, part of persons , grit!. It sled provide*: ' .T t . the damagevivesessed upon the lots shall ben continue toho n lien upon said tote, until paid; and if not. paid within eii months'otter the apple's ni by the , Uourt. process'mat issue . in, the nature of a writior writs of ticiereffariarnp• morgity,e, and be prosecuted ;to.trtal, judg ment and execution, for`the amount of datnigee, withdotereat wed coat " , . ' Under thielaw, the 'degrees twat decided they would:glee $12,448 for twenty feet of thißehwep pe propertY; 'al thongh J no. leiwn, the trustee and admit:detester, bcd prerionalY offered the.'whole property for $12,000, and cobld'obtsin $3,000 . for the remaining den feet, mating $16,448, far whet wee only.wpith $12,000: They also de ,sided they, would glee Mr. Toisthisotrs3.6o o for .slot of twenty feet; 'tit the corner of the alley, 'and Penn street' :Weeder to pay these immt , ' 'they esseased ;sll4oreni,,the.beirnof P. MoterY.. and not, one cant, on the property iddeding on the West. $226 on Ales.',Leughlin, , and not one, •n0...01, on the property.on the East; s3oo en. Alex. 'Rd'Utorg, and not non conked , the properly on the Eart--4sid made, ther aseenuneets equally disproggsrtlonate sad oppressing. , They extend-, Nik.rfklo .ton W err a co. \\,\.\ *4O VOLUME LXV---NUMBER 207 ed their essesameate 'stook Wood street to the 'orsinghelii drer,tneariys mile from the pro posed street\ they might as •ell have extended theist across the rher to,Cosl This Hewers seemed to .labor under the idea 1 1. -'j that they were Obliged, under the act of Assent- si bly, 'tit report In \ favor of opening the street,— E . land fielding that it would cost more then it was . - d worth, to, those Who owned property tilting Ir- k! win'. alley and Hamsock . street, and who alone 1 4 would be IMnefitted, 'they came to the conclusion f ; Ito assess the outfit:Jeri, who would not be bane. ' fitted; mace the p roperty to be taken must be , - 1 paid for, le s same way, - or'the project contd \ not , , ,k be carried out.,\ end when complaint was made . I.; to the vieWers; 4 the harahnessand injustice of - 4 the Act of Aesembly,they replied that with that IA they had mithinito do—and however much they ti might disapprove 4 it, or of. the mode Frew:A- ,:. bed by_ it, it tras\rvertheleis the Act of the . 4 Legishiture, an tey were appointed and felt st t imperative on etio , cartly it put. a \ Porten who e \ fl - riered and oPPreseed • 11 wished relief; au that relief was for them, . 4 `since' the ' ct of Ationibly did not provide for a 'A, review of appeal? 'Beller the law Itself, there I was' really tone, they ,- filed exceptions to the report of the viewer:4*er, - as the Act did not - z Vice' any restrictions en them, the court as a atterof course confinied their report, and the .1 tenor - emit Court below. lee Much\ for the 6.146 ."1 IMO., \Patehing Of the atura of \iedfilneet 4 I .` - ; solemnly pnesed upon and titled bkthe Court li tk of Cuomo:1 11and Supre e Coe \ mm \ Bab haye'sre will 'correct an error of fact ki ithich 'Ortiz to inadveitanee th,e court V' 0 em. yea t : plies elEin, vise\ (oa MrVßlSheeldltates 1)1. 6 . that \ e \ number who remenstrataiferere ... lees than one` thitl in nuniberientlia little ever . ~J one fourth lit.tal et; of all the amuiseed." The 4 court*as ltd , Mtrey in thitpoist; In lids way. ,-. 'About \ the HMS \ the matter came before: - the ",s court \ for argument a remonstrates was pree . .. n pored I.ohele.PTet of the \ Peer; ends Per , son nam ed George W.\ Been 'Vat employed to \, 3 . I take it around an , l'e Mitt the signatures of these ' . remonstrating. ' dl/Skie f taking the list of all c ox, . , the Persons \ mseised,. his 'et the\ list imitate'. \ ' log the names - of one \ Mimi. f the vomited, His ''. teme &Messed \in the liege t atoomn.,..this Rat •t a \ only contained about One third ;of \the whole - S number of 'persons, remorioiT \ iting, intEnfter they 3 signed the remonstrance i f, Was handed up to \ .4 the evrt without MaminaHop, *lilt the"m l ttake was ant- Mimi:meted `lstil iftlit. he ehlk\ . hed • V passed k upon it This, hediever,,\ was only a -I mistake, and Mr. Higbee:, elibuld not brie 1.4-- ---- ti .ken advantage of , it in his ippcalao'the pithltin it since be certainly, knew:la was to_,,mistinee. ,If he does not know, be catoesellreshertain from \ Mt. Bunn, who is. deputy Beal* o'li:eights ' and Nominees. But - the fact thee, of the whole'. number emceed, (being about ono hundred and \ \ ~ forty persone,) every iodividnal, with the ex- \ fo. 1 caption of eight or ten, remonstrated te \ the legislature, and protested against the.lsv, 1 should, have been eufilcieut 'to convince. Mo. . ,„. nighem. • IVe cannot conceive how any injury has : been. -- Joao to the heirs of Mr. ficherippe, or to Mr. \ l Tomlinron, cr nay body eloe. . Not one inch of \ . tele property has been taken : away or touched; t ey hoes all that .was ever theirs, and we do • \ , 4 Go want it—never wanted it—and refused to \ tat it; than why dei they ballot that we shell ' pay or it: Their'. property his been occupied \ mail his very d, r , but if there has bees any\ abide ent of rent-on accsunt of this project re- ‘ .. mainin in pespeeoe;, of if ohyNproperty has \ !hanged hands at adrrossed priers wi th \ a view V . , , u this e eculation, it 14 the fault ef Mr. Big- -- ' 1 ham and ' M r. Perry, atilt they should be held \ p\2, account:od ' Bat perhsk Mr. leirinde dliap- ‘: pointed, bee hoe the. Selierepye "property has ea sl not been tok en at some $3 tilt more IM,n lt Is • . 1 worth, and pe ape Ni. Tondinoon findsA elm. liar disappoint ant ? • \ \ Among - the pe one &seemed \ are many 'odd; `awe and oipbane,. he property of Mine of vi. t\ gould have been sold by the sheriff to pay the • losmente, to enrid;ll , f o r. Perry, 'Mr. Big • .. an one or two oth .- Whet, thin was the onl altensative? -It to have this disgrace. V. \ . fal and opp aaaa ive law pealed, -„andthe Lee,. - -, - 1 uthr4sye, been Itito enou g h iv have it repeal- •'. ed ..and if vie aro not tolmaken, It will former ' •-• ' stay reneged.- ' '. , Bat Me, Bigham says "that hirled horenrand -secret lets re, had demo the Work." Has Mr. Bighate ao \mon forgotten that this inhuming . low was paseed,by semi lettere and hired bor. era? We think Mr. Ingham ehOuld never again ' allude to hired, borers—after tho.7 , yart be has - taken in this frineletion; it cur L*l.o.lstare Wm' ever oorsupt, it Was beferelthe pnt asselom , , .-: it has been the glMy of One present Legislature ` •- ~ • to redeem the eherseter of th at hed,y,ley annul;,, ling the impositioni.praotieedupon their pride. - V \ cessoors. By an act, passed Jane 16th, 1886, •\ N the City Councils have power to, open, widen, or • \ ~ ' extend any streets, lanes, or Oliva within the ',, city. If the widening Itwin's Alley into Han- -,'' cock 4treet be an improiement or 'convenience ' to the city, let the Councils , do it, and the city, . - pay for it-or, if it be a benefit tilli 4 Perry or Rev. Mr. Smith, let them pay for it—bat Swill -, not benefit ne, and ea long se we can preven tit, . •-• we will not pay for what will enrich them. In conclusion, we would gay to : Mr. Bighani s. and his coadjutors, that they have been foiled in ...., their, attempt to enrich- themselves at the \ ex- pence of the swidow and'erphae, end the less they say shoot Hancock street . the better. ' - - Jame Weeny, J..A. R. Floyd, ‘ Henry St • Samnel,WClerkan. \ . • Writing . NIAYNARD'&• NOYEs';celebratad Bisic.k ' \ tii Weidni- lok.'iar koetall i c. of iwilli yaw. 2bl. 1p1E . .;.i..y o•• frenly froru U. Pi . .. ..• E•01 , •01 ..••• wo i- , , , r... eatnes a beautiful trotrustwat 1•26e1D . .. .-.. e '': \ ek ,. ...,,,,,,, Am, dr•olat A l WELD .lwE - wid.S•d - ;red for .."....., air to JIL N' LtookoWlerib trona, ~., WO . .r. 4.13 W •L. bet•wei • rostra. Th id ' .1.. - , ,-: INSF,ED OW-40, 4,14f 7 ,70 . ip .,„. , j*X'%lrk* "TRACT 4 LOW I ifj9 • - FT 7 S e '`Rotta" for Jap; • •;• , aiigebtw,:actroointAwark. &co., 1 Wood-Amt. 11.10IIS it AMEEPEg , Pqrq .titostptios4. .L0p0t,74 *. VRESti - F10ZT,,44 . 90 dniimrP9v3i - an r;..tiltrL9s.d•W tirocerril rT "rn. DwNm PIIigAPPLE CJIEESE;--Itied for salcill aos w" W. a. NeCLURO a CO: ONDON ItIOSTARD--AVeliperior article Li a genulot Undo.. Sturm* Or ph. r* WI A. OWL° Rig & 00. , D OLOCISIASAIi GAO E S--300 lbs. superior ;!-) notom, Pauia¢u rroeirwl ritAlt.ttr& CO. UDLAJICS SPECIF . IO-2 , rsa m a in etdre Li for We r.*s] ULK •PORK-200,000 Balk, Meat, 111 floor:mod, well rut. In elan, and for onan • \ OP/UNGER 11A1111A111.111. no; \ n 0.145 First &mat K. • jj LNZ E D ASP,' UNGLAZED GREEN vaeltioo ehel.,:s very noinnior ortlaler • for IFlodos reed. fron, PhllooloplOs, ann for We by •, 1001 •Tflf/lIAS \ • LARD-10 bble. No: I ;anding from stmr4 I_/ Navigator •or s•la by ••6 • BLOOMS--2617.1anding from. eteamir Navigator, toy Pe. by ' `••b • •IS MAR DICKEY e 0: . .., . Mogan it Cough Syrup. ' N. J. , . lleGrnal t., ~, Meths, queues Co: T. • ans ' ..• • . • Door elr—Havine netaet here rem. two weeks Mom we In 4 hureelver no ff.:. D. Nerwenl One). weehp..— The ant eurVer we ante' tpa when Jw Ina+ eitr being all rola, and'-.rory much - wentedi me hal J. D. aloepall'a ‘ 04 ' 14117 1 7 gl .* .rui. th 4r „ r.474 , % °, r. ' rdit: . .tt \ r., err Login Keller a CA• t 11114. ~ ... N D. — . A=ltr t .i..i.l4 I . vitr.V.PU L d:ro . 44 " Tu'uo• JANES eaIIIPPSY, We Trerieletor.' .' ' ho `• , . , \ No. 93. Wow meet, ritt.boraig. : ................_ BUOKETS4I:rdox. feags tnr unle by (OATS -3UO b. ive' d for sitle by 13 spa .. A \ J. T. 114. J. 110011 F INDOW SA 4 kll=4l.lo,ligtita 8M 10 0:4 v • v aaa j : 4 1 .." e. ac 00.4 BEED-V75 stoyt far sale 1 DA U , k CO. frAR-50 bblo. Nprthearolino, fo rode by •P 2 - . r..igysn tdrorrArrr. _ I.IIMAPEX-Mordware and Dry tioildp• 41. 1 ,1 4" rf ictittowA4saic)). HUBS--G doz. Todd for \ , . J. r.qh I.IIOOMIL \ § i aUGAR-26 bhda. New Orleaxre, ? T ACIT. 111.4148 • CO. ia.X. 'S bbb.. iientore:;Tde solo by' r• . truer. we'ernonsvk L 2RD--9 kegs No r 1 in Atino. 'break by r° ;gg.lll7.* IA in w. bt:ii cliwilialtim: 7 .. ' - ' : 350 t,"Tlontllshr: g?'""6:- .50'f....`... Nk. Is etah.....a' 6. or.. A,..,,,,,et_. 6 it.= _ It Lny t t i vb 16 . \ , • ', ' l iii •=4"".3r,11.1rP=r...-- ~.... n.j. t ity.,.' . --.'- ..911thltfr:. :. Pw. t , f.. 6 ig• Uic.i.i h'.'• ' ' - '. \ '... . Z 7 . 14 . 2(043 . ' ''' ''. Igatragi.pratt.:.. _ '• ~., - I.., .,. jlitar . :sl:" ,, ltyc . w ,.. 2.livED ., o: :: : : o.t ek h. : , : ) : lwriops,irr • inuearms : ~,.., ~i , ,,,,,, , tim p h ~., .I .. .K . a i rrii m I T and le dar*Sad 44 .6."-.i 1.• yizT"i 7,11 P" -';'-jsr, e[ • .416110, _. ..rt..-4:7t-rm..4 '''':'•-;;---'• \ 2 '''':''' • ‘•'''''' '''' 'Tan be'vn4o . 4slCriVr Elgi.agMots 011 M PAL ~,,