HOME riIAT ihreJLIESSIS39 give a:ether of their charming concerts thiveveniu.. *hove who de aire to enjoy a real Xreat, and 9 be made.better by the eujoyinint, alloald not .it to attend. II any should bo .lierippointed, ey have a. differ 'ent appreciation of true merit roc on. Alp&lEßOrd ASSArLT.-LA b oody affray took place intbe Diamond at betwe n three and four o'clock on Saturday morning. Watelmnp Fits ' ntorris. !tied Boyd nook haring ;den sow:boned, resat to the market bons° wh they found man named William Phillips, b ending from set , anal y:01111de inflicted with ti to a iluteher knife by William ['Vahan". lie had face, which: etv'erinit the 'WA tecull, hie et4e t< At divided, VMS, name cut iillTiettap 'Found, du hie brevet The V eeilllrjA to t..ll(pe, tavern .sere r eed by Doctor, Nlurd buti ,}'feared that he cannot mintier' way laid before Aide! William,. arid At - alter, Graham to 6ail to FI.IISIIUT ‘of the he4ll.l.that 1,113 the tt • Tbcre has ni:fer perhnpa be fire 'ztp v,ll deiri Atmee and pltt.pagelvylyel No family ,hO - 41,1' w‘ttnrrit Gate w e d it utstr . 1- , , ,• r. you ng ill: CITt buin Fleniii4 na S • itnniny. ela r g 1 .. 1 licirntedin tk row IV hqllW o kl oug ernidng in-n bonie•t,n Ito CEO (ot6, woo el,rendycut on I fr .) . and tieTerat ntn«, • brn lens ' I They were , Inn . nt cro ,1711 - .; et+Hi,lntlerit,.. ~ r 1 of an tool to priaou in defnt.ls , i ' f w. , llLy dolinrn ,inren• W2trar ac .rtv , torn 6( Oh Court et 4. 4 ” n if4l : DI , 3OFtOLY 'aommitte,t.t9 f‘rigon on Lewis, on a chrrgo of did. wag tOloricte , l,of basin, Wt aues • at a . ioungla . ..l Cart. • . , ' • tAr..l von Tll.l....—The ' •.. priour,yrho wits I. pied far various oiTelic,. • Eip; i , aused of lAtCCOY. four' U • with intent to „W. ono Otl ' and tnulory, four n two of parsing counterfr4. :ing stolen go.7•h r and or.. trader tal.9e . preton ,, o , nOws accuse:l of Stlri , 7lli • tried at the'rronn: term yeral'..z. very 'severely ,inktred. oi street, a coal itilg,ll,ll left ' . - Tont:suir Emmt :roe.; were ale-cod at. fordmhip t .- place on Pride,' invt Essi Rierdirynam.—Jo , ence 'Compbelt; Inspect • : ,l'hos. Elmore; Aseemar, ' , *tont Ar3eMer3, AC. S ilverseere of )he goer, . ~ Fisher; Constable fr. R. I. Dar:l7„fetila Rriourd Adam Ilenthora. ' : • ree6kr To...l4)p—Stul kiddie, Ocerseers of the . . win : potrahtiell: Tenn Constable, James Crai Dillgr,, Jame? Woodrow: Dams; ,School-Director Campbell; Assistant Asse , . Geozce W. Lewin: laspec ..t 1 Aiken; Judge, 'Wm. Dim_ . 1 i i.Peace, Samuel Spahr. 4:, ': Coltins".2lo+l4,e—As ear or, John Stentin; Assistant Aestieom, IS . Worricantte, Samuel Chadwick: Superrlsors. B E Miller,tbaniel M'- Cork; School Diracto , L 11 Dooms), B ,IV ' ' Thooiss; Town Clittik, 1 It:Davidson; Inspectors of Elections,' :Thotas n Kennedy. 1.11 Davi- Awns-Auditor, It Ract , Juit,d,ot Eleetious; `'' .• . ' Etearget Ferree: e, • • . \•-• ; Bow l es Triwinatip.—Ae Gear, filotisrdDahurst; Assistant Aasemore, Ch rles Pugh, Robert Ar , ' weld; judge of,F,lections, John; Wo4de; Inspentor • , .. Ef A Gray, Charley II 1 artrenn; Auditors... f t Theklinu, Joe: Vosghtly, epervidor,C Stempel; .; :. • - Ovefs' Per dr the Dbor,• Bei ry 7.011er, ' tichoill Di .-o-cebt'orn, J?ihn Moilds; It' Voile Baster; L"onsts: ; . 'ble, James Ilongi Justice of tits Peace, 1.1 A 9ray, IV Wand.. - • ' Penn Tntrnel4.- 7 Assesecr; Christian.Suively; 'Assistaat-Assenisre, li. R. Stotler, Froncia Wilr ' . son' Overkeers of the P or, Jitho Morrisonl, • John Stoner; Supervisors, ;Ihrintaiii Stoner. Joe.; R Serallev: School Directo a, Claim It Johnston; • - 1111111:i4 Wilson: Auditor. enj. Sally; "aspect -Os, C tinively,;Robert Do cldson; Town Clorkd , gt. Dorteldean; Constable, 'm flares. • Jostles of the, Peace —ln4nwar St. Clair I p.; - , • - Andrew,B. Stephenson wan °looted ;Justice of •. .014., Pence, in place Of Abram Anlbler; and in l• ' South Pittsburgh, lyna. thi,on - --- . ~. i, ..-. Clur'iitßS Towoottr.—The following.is the result of the recent election is thie.tosonalp:7 • ' folios of , the Peace: 'Samuel Carnahao, .116 t; v Isaac. Ewan. 197; David Frear,l2s, ' 'Overseers of the Prot: odiugh Roberts, 1-70; • ." :.',"'Alchlt Smitley, ,,ti 155:olduel; Cainalum, 146; '; pividllobionen, Ir 2; ,lea. Careohati,.Esq., 13. . . Sehnol'llirectorm. l.l Vm. :O'Connor', jm,'2l9; ~ '- 'a l Ptillip J. Limitli, 209; Cornelius fietily; IOC; -, BabertSterrit; 1111. - ' ; - . ~' : Auporvisers: Pion'. Kittoedema:lBS; *lsaac ~.-.; 'Ewan, 181; tWen..Frew,,l:32; Jet's Pearson, 110_ • : --Almelo= *Wo. Perkins, 221; ;Moses Chess, 91. . ; • ;4:RicistatJe: ' - *John A. Ryan, 279; E. M'Anincb, , Anditort,vPhilip J. Smith, (a yrs.) 184; Rot.- '. eft Strmit, (S yrs.) 105; vAndrew liPeartney, (2,124 ,105 . . ' Judos -of :Election: *Jona P. 11r. lianccek; 19fo i ldAd Freer, 1.07. ' ; ';,... . .Inspector:' "Philip J. Smith, 194: 4 Jeseph B. Lawson, 84; Oates Chase, IS; Isaac:Ewan, .• . f`ll. • • ; , 1. ',Town Clerk - , *John Walkinshsw, 250. .' . Thorn marked with - ?* are elected. s , t 1 is :,, ,;; ~ , paocEntsras IN COMMON COUNCIL EOETICIAI 1 The Common Couhcil mid tin lest Tbursdey: Nordic:is preseni. Mrscrit.. Black Curling, Dithridtai, Punston, OriNsem. . Limg, MoAuley, Mickey, Nonfood, Scott, Shore,! 'Smith; Steiger, Teylor, 'gm:ink; end. Preirident. •The'minutes of the' prexione r meeting . , , were • reud•pitt approSed.' 'The President Stated shot onacil had mot "for.the consideration of the plea Or a Market ..110use in the Diamond, to, fors euhmittcd to the 'Market Homo Associai . ' And, on 'Motion; Dr: Ell Gortam, on *behalf of nicommitiee from said' eitsocfstlon, witirtn sited to int:unit the plan mid address le . the • • Councitupon the eabject. And Feints" introduced do motion, the plea, aCd„ specifies:lmi were referred to a Epnitnitqo of EltVatl—thrie from S • iCrand four trent C C, with instructions to report at next umiak of Council, and Messrs. Mc- Auley, Gribben, ,Mriekey, 'strati Dithridge op - pointed. • An ,ordiotince rouctritiog measurement • i and aileiet Mtn:Minims ctal Willain the city of • , ..'Pittsburgh, waslakeo up, read Si third time and pained. . . . Shore offered tho following: • I - Thera:LS..li apprers that it house i huilt , • on the corner of-Grant and Tdomiiiid, flirted!, six offer the line, Tberefore!heit fteeolrorl, Mud a fmmmitiee of three—MO frem the SC and two from t he.o C—he appointed' to, eiwatinc the. said bootie, nod if found to en croach on tali street, to report tho, ewe to . at their next rorietinir. • • • Reed , and adopted, Messrs. fdioto and ; Fannon appointed. • ' Onloootion,ittlourned.. p .T ~. 1 1 . '' . ''ALLEAIirMIT CW,SCIL3.—lrhe Alleghefij as mot. Mt Wit Thar. , iday byrnitig: egt.Eer pouNctr... . • Tbeirepoit of the Cointnittas on Engines wee neeepted, and resolutittts adopted authorizing ' the pnypoent of feieral'ibille, _ • . resolutions atitherizini the empltiptelt • .•. m r . Glenn to my the,llose of the littolb and the. old rirdii. - or Pic different Companies, • and that the ,Committie , on Engigeo. be direbted - Co disPoee of,the Engine, ilonte, and tease of tot, whico a:citric, to the heat bidder. Concurred inby f1.'C.1 . ; A communication toss ptesented trent Jaines • 'Dunlop, respecting the appointment of a conk - • • mitten to confer with • him in reference to the • • Iteproletnent and possession of Kilbnok, Island; • . referred, to committee on City property; concut.:. red inhy C. c: • s' _A petition for grading', and paring Washing.: • ten 'street, lg,ag referred to- the committe on ttreets,iwith tnetructiors to . ctintract',fer the -;grading' and paving of-Ifectungton atreet pro .. • • rided that the.contructor +gaits for -MS phy, un collecteol.from,tlitt progefty OinErsbcoueur . . • red tq by C ,_ • • it , • Odatotioaiit was lEeeohed.-rat: ,the Mr yoibiptspd is lambs' .• to draw a warrant in authorized Ind 'require; favor of Robert . neno'°D for S SW * b e in g in part pay for i building bridge on Bank Lane, over Bor a c e s or g o o Mtn. Adopted and concurred Ili by C Ce cammittee 'on city prop- Resolyod, That. rty , , be oodtoriv imeonnecticin with the Street Regulator, to moce such change on thei grade oo roof f t e no on Ridge street, in order to enable m r. oeyrts to proceed with his band tog. 'Adoptl erol concurred in by CC. the SzreeoCiiinmisaioner be,, and be jo iereby instructad;Az fill up the gilt: tor, on yotson street, forthwith, provided the cost shall sot exceed five dollar. Adopted shod ottr i out i o d in by CC. L it k . i tted. That the Committee on Anderson. g rr „i Bridge be authorized tot, have some extra or a, work built tat strengthen the brick arch,i w it the amount does nOt exceed one baulked dollars. Adopted and concurred in by 7C. a. eat along the ',enemata," the nail one of his. 11:11cied a severe mno vat ho Re wowed. lick soil Ziforinni eorvire— 11.far an Majrf. and A communication from Jas. Dunlop, Esq.. was presented by Bagaley, relatien to title 04 Killbuck end Nelson:o Islands. on no , , tion elf Mr. Riddle, seconded by Mr. Baga referied to committee ou city property. Con; obarr.M.fln by 8 C. s, ' A petition from Mr. John Irwin in relation to hating o foot walk ,mmde noross the. West GA mon9 from Ohio Strung Railroad Bridge; dnO tion of Mr. Ray, .seconded by Mr. Gallagher; , ref. to Committee ore fitineta, Concurre‘t in by 8 C.. • ' Mr. A. Cameron Wired MS resignaltion to Director of the Poor,' kt.n motion oqN,lr e ,l(egn• ceepted I~3'hrOthtr, hell itoce. 1( 0 bawl Ha/ Punts a L eVlicine he rm/•tloir coral Chrry Pectoma. ji, and. thoße wh !=il I 6t lhoforo Mayor with' having' tr- Oitce on dal prcri st , in which le.01:41.190.1 a knife, ,r mutt, injured.— he kin.. •-of thr sr, czaX g a diarketshe :lid are hereby authorized to place the scale on he ,South-west square of the Diamudd, itnme lintely in the rearof theotoSna Resolved, That the committee uu mirkets he fmd'nrc hereby:authorized Ao fit up 4nd taitke use of the lower robin of the north end of the town house, for an office for the weigh voseter, and for the smaller market scales. Resolved that tb's street commissioner he and is hereby authrirized - to, have the goiters around the markets scraped forthwith! Resolved, That the Maydr be requ'illod to ap point pus of the present oily constables to at tend at the market ou mdrket days; .11,1 the evening,before market, io assist the :clerk of market in keeping order find enforcing the ordi , A rep/let of Mr. Craig, from cominittee and wharves and landings, was teed, accepted, and .the following resolutions adopted: Resolved, That the committee on itzervos and landings he nuihorized to expend the, sum of dollars, and elforge'lhe same to ep*priation on wharves. Con in C A nixie, (rem committee on poliCe, by,Slr. Nixon, the Chairman,. was read, accept ed.„ah 1 lb , followmkpresolution was adopted , Resolved, That a Cominitte• of fire membetle, too from the'S Cinni three from hp.Ap• 'minted to procuge a piano:nod ascertain colt, and ways and means for the erection o'"'"" City flab, Nixon,. Miller, and Ray, of ,appointed--Concorred in h) , 6 C; an Marshall were appointed commit The report of,Water Comm' last meeting, Was taken'zip 374i_—Tho March n3t,,iofv3 com Te- Iclleniy an Aldermat Jeri 0. conduct, II malicionslp titre Lo was ,driving l e ore forttro ircius . nt tic , e pre:cout term .tee there are lie asHanh and Lottery hurgilry, five of eery .of the , peace, Mouey,*erce of receiv oT 'ebtaincog money large uumber of' per offerice, geho will he are out ou'bail I d. named Hager, was Friday in Seventh ring .passed Ter his The folinls!inip persons which took S C was concurred in gr of EledtioaibTer rs, P. I call, Ftertry:.9teeterti As-. tith, Fremeis Shatters;J. .nhert I,tridges, Ntoor3, - Axicii!oe, W. lustier of the Pence, The re3olatinn in t' Streets, on If MeV painted tit ,la,ty• • being unship" , 14herez_nry cape. , :An ordinance was adopted by g C. levying the lyor Too for the year I Wt . '. In C C con in, making the ordinance reed 2, nills instead of Mills. S. C. adhere and , sot n Committee of •ConferencP, Stershall & Baited. No 'action in C f,. c• • On tliotion, the Councils ailjournetl. tor, Lafayette. rear, Jahn Rohe,. Jeri:: Adam. Mohler; Super',Vkaara,' Jelin Assessor, GI 1. U. (Iron, Ales. flerti, Thom" Aikin, ors, Dr ICIVil?on, T. Of the Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittliblixth (111TICE194 WATER, DETWIEN MARKET' AND woop STEMS, INEUIIKS fllMd A:WA:URDU Hit;R:i ON Trill 01110 AND 1117611,, AYL 17.1111/TAI Rl6+. bvTIRE. AU!, Oar Arum gvatnirt lon m . damum _ aganast tie prni. I•pa =4 J.V.I.A _Ve • awl t.i.VSPORTA ; • MIIICT011111: O. il. If 1.6.7, We. 1;101141.1 . . Jr_ Ww.13,....1., , S. le. lifer A lima. il. ta,, I\'v. Blugltam. S 3l4Arrt Dunlap, Jr.. I....l.letisten. ~ 1 ., . ...ta 1 w 1 : Le' r b r . 1. 2 1:rh . a . . .1. 1 to . O. 1 :. 4F 4‘ .' SL" ' 'i.' 913," : r " . , ,anuel Hes. ' Ima.ll. Peannek - _ • _ .._ 'oar M.K f r. a —Lot me L--now ,ell,.elm put the Pt:Tsai:lts at.fur A,x y whulesalp IC it I. ar.jait off with a nut, Ntatai.l hut tlit• Circulars flit. ttibutwa The artinin IN writs.. :aiiiVentsl twilafattiva. , : 4 Tam, bull, A. W. IIaIITULET, I..metrec.,Uurlosi6.. N.tz Hummel.. lea ielL • eureolll rof 111 trolerea; It le ill 'old, •••1 more nente:.l, Serer Vice: tool. Veer. , e99eelt. ll t•lel. r. ?nay Norm, EASTM tCO. ulo by' Ilrityglele weevilly lltrougtout tie all WILL open on'tho Ist'ef April next, on Litwin CO. door peat of St- Clair. a Clothing tatlmlog tl,tablishto , nt: when Ithankfal to t.P.lve tlpr patroaay. of tor,ftieoli *lll to, abatot a 011011 time MaktPg a ...Am... lertlon of coal? I 0 the. yaalloo 11111111 401UND WATTS. , Ribbons, Hats. Silk Eh)oda, • . • • Citll. PALMER. 105,1!Nlitr . ket 'Strr+c(, ltno 01..• reed a tuft adopt, rt ,tai'. &tit rotor sto.o.int.o , .800000, mount.. 01 all de.drabla epee. rdr the_ re , 9lt ttitrto. Piald, [Junior pal Ectipott. Elonnai - ; Feart. soadlat Pabh6rd Inca et elPga. /1.:11211. Crirlr-1. Flaw erg and Tablevi emerni t,tedegt of Enthtlery conic. d'alro I,..LParuloo, htudtha,Legbern.Stralr,For. l4ll k, 141 oraraultlar • • Fire Proof 11.6ofing. ARVING tioccemoret Jatnere White eo.. Wtoethas. nuomtnelntero 040 f intd,rod Din and romateltdiln v!. es rieird,rolltrelt In, and th. p e rd, g r0p,,,,,a, that th.y inten I cdaettoglidi Ulla err a braorn or the hdra thf.y pl,dne tbrotrelvo. that ;these n - k .Oll i,¶o entire ~ ....attorredk.. In ail aLr. od gg,re thrirderetred. Ihn sard.rar ritiganp, !hot...tide:who nubstantial Vitt& AND le AISIt roofs Itbidaid pay attention teAhl; itnr , mot cnor lit.% la iedda rnra laved el vatiour 'm14111111( -Wafted tot ma yr iduet Iron root: It haora them tYtoo,v -♦ tr to the, following well known Damn. 11 L, nta who 011T2 tharrin4r teftlamodell thftnaetul ror.finn.• • . A Preset ot - Lenlaeltle Boot; t r rr7P;PriZlN . r. ' l;alt b j.t i Er. • nos L tibriver..danaron Ode/ & Co. n. lioninro Ldaear. 30 4 kh II Dario. • AltYo.pla d Oro. riarego & Oo pald,rip,l r 00.1 1011 wall. . • J i. 4 1 0 2; B. tieleta .11l for the rergot at 31r. Malabar's Flat, on Market atteet. will be prottadde attended to, etttabotith. drab.. 11, lE4'l. Ugh:dd., . • . Chartiers. Coal. rilllE CItARTIERS COAL COMPANY arM new Trrrniti.l to comet fur and to tloill dar at thekt voinuf, at Coal 1ta1.., (51oliett Itooltt:totwo o half to'llao hoion hittehorgh. from 4o totwontr the tand boohela of ;coil for da, rarehators forodtb.tholt own boat, Tta mil la of tooltilor onalitT, sod Metall," monad. The rim - 1t at one dollx,t . per tott,ot '.3510 woods — o oaht It / tett-9ra yes (ent ortna &Unwed. for Om In Alp:porn, or tantil halo, notice) 95 t 0.015 too ' TOW rontpaos ha* perutiot faeilitlea for leivijnstcanal hosts. flot Mat.. .Ito: tooth , I,ato,of low, locate!. Arpit at thkolifte, at the wharf TII()IA) Prroldeot Otani*, Coal Cotooior. ClaChtuatl Glitotto nod LottloilleJOutual (noon oone • trook 3tt cot, ipkt *end hill to this alio, • touGhlttato " • ItemovaL, I L. AVIILIADig it: CO., hale removed to *JP j . ,Z . Z. Woad atnist. three &phi above thei oid atuas, corn. , Wood and Fittlittdsti shah> Mei - sill pleatord hat ;t ffll , oll. spa hatrony. YA111111; Ilin.Lastairts aud ; New Minna nisi Itellati•r " sr • Vyrup. Wheat); antl FiLiar Cords [1.11,66er, Sloe toliat qr. , * mai Dinah em; • Si•rm, ra hist tbwller Palm, rasa and Corn htorch; SASO *ad An. Root: itaisa:l3.4 and Wei Mosher. • • • With • .atisk'wsorwora• tof 1/rolts . •Si Baia , p White 1+.4.1 Cotton $llO9. attest Zinc W.hboards,'•:, as ilte.l Who - koala sod nrittalliy i 'J. V.IW /1.1i1A318 • CO.:i • "16: It; Wi.lidtaSS__ Jug. Received at Wm. Digby's, No. 181 ladriy•:Srect. ENTY Pieceß.of new' style Cassimerce. y . erlendid wborttnent,Of Yeatltlye, IWO etylna.. went ,Vince., of bl .11 awl colonel - Cloth*. The braprletor of the above establlatbent,lwas to ap, ptlee bie (mode And cuelowlerr, that bevies Sweated lb. iwedetance 01 Ur '01:11110 to eoperlatelNd the eattlng'donartneent, he hopes tof be order wire2ll.lll. eati.lwdem to ad who favor hine .with. mud • THE undersigned °Worn at iirivate sale; '.lk: their oar White Lead a 1 Sill SIDI; tocatrd on the torte of Ault.torn!! of eltratt. tbr ally of et Igor, tituator on a lot of gm froottnh two hundred for on mho .tent. and rur:l4o tooth to the rhanorl.of Chouteatee Poth.t. The brleß•boltrtior lour oral • half starlet. Itirla.arol front., Ittly-t bete am/ 4 half fear on A tis'in etrt el.'turning tooth tiffirtfrever and • hall fret. owl motaina leo run 'enter. 4130,0. latitout tat. Ovasr-• d u , tot!!. two lama dry kiln,.a romplate • bprgar !stab -1,hm,,,t, one kNg L otaelalor,tro ImprOvothf ro .hanlirptty ee.(ciLlgulated.rlll.• 1,31 . 1 - 0/10y tor Inutwa W . .) one P , F , T borae poor! ,ngine.„ll.lMan,' oiling . Tninablr, iniproae- In ouch ottahllthinents. Tbarr it also arotter• upon the Finned. 04.0 One Ainty 1.0100 by thirtt .Nur feel. 4 ,, 0 , rofr arellltot bmoN to) torwabo, iby twenty haeL 13.14, sc. Thlt !sweat •Ifordt copra bath., Icontaut,d,,,,i, butters,/ than any who . . 41 nix. dh/raleuor Oared In them rlttitnit. to bu.e.t. The thole will be sold en. aceoturn3altho tartO. • C. •CLiltlf. CO. - 3et l Rehab_ JUST received, Marcus Wayland, ir The Leo( Leta Spins; • tele of : the gents. by Cer‘tttite, .c,ttet74; ietteereen's Stott by' -*- kit ' all:eitte; the Stra rt. couble,:c !lip it; br Draw 31", •Irtsipp-I;•tiOneut s'eqeiv bw. r. , Yod .4,olimurigrisit kO3. at Lets he IF 1 tli ,t hn r srla imp t, with a the cattle e pee " ii . were an . dlit end' .ait . // ..t . et iii 4 0. , 0 . I sad the action of ... ,t , , C, .ter: - 6c04 report of.Commirteti ori Jam uf Conform:ice orus.up- Ztriretirig, nod said committee ago agree, wee taken up. C C etill ask at:other committee of Confer- C. O. lIUSSEY. Nrsataar, • .!=. - A7.11.11:t. 1.. 31ARSLIELL.Sce, For Bale BY TELEGRAPH pielivai, Di ills SZILF, TZ7XCIILLP II .IST,SI,ZPOILTID lOU ?111 PiTTSI3O3 OII otarrc. CONOII-ESSIONAL. Warrusara, March '20,1862 The SENATE wa not In session to-day. Hocss.—Mr. Marshall of California present ed a resolition,from that. state, asking the re funding—of certain monies collected thetein before its admission into the rnion,ind Raking increased iialoriei for district Judges of the State. The House went Into Cistamittee of whet° on the„Dehoieney bill.. fter some debate the committe rose, and the Mouse adjourned. • Mich 20. A fore broke ..abetweettl2 anal o'clock to day, in the linear 'yard of Stewart and Dem ing, on 3d, lietweleti pmith and Park Streets, which destroyed . alarge amount of luMber, and 20 dwelling onuses And shops, mostly frame buildings. Alnumber of first claw buildings were also injured. Tbkloss is estimated at ,Sloo,ooo,.witti eery litti'annsurauce. • Mirl it 20. , mod, Cotton--Tho ' marks; ie qui4t, with' sales 2050 baleS at B¢(no4 tor'uplanoa, and t)Kitlo fur Orleans, Fluur---Thq Market is rather dull The do tuniui for export iti:tapstly f o r straight and NO lockd liraniln, sales at $4,1" for stun lutsi an tinolthino. and 1,374. for lirtajtlystitte; sales to home consumption at 1,12.1 for common, nu 5,50 fur fancy I,rantit. Corn Meal plentior - times of 500 Ithl • N ow , tt ,i,;:1,12t bbl. which is n dochne. Ilye4lour--gurplios ore limitNl, with rules g f hid Oruiu—defies of good end southern ;them at for red, sod • lON for' white_ . ftyp . suirco brig irupi - ora: with nodes of ' ,other. o t .103(pG1 for yfillow, And itflyrl for whit?). Oats Pre , request, with stars, or 7000 bushels et :180 for IteNwpro, and 3tO dor Peohn. • rrkitiriorli—Pork and Iw•rf gist ,sr •, WI ales of tho 'formal. at 1.:17,W for meat, ftfoll • . 0) fr prime. Carol,. in ilemoud, er_itt oat, Hio . ,Si foe nhoulders: 9 .1 for Nide., ... 1 . 10 0 . : for 1;4%1 in nJare, with boies of 1001 1 ..4 . /iooi ^ E , I Th. for ' 'lii. and • or kegs Alrocerip , --Sugarl are with •nles of Orleans mi. 4,1 , ,..f , 5A. and nt' Porte Rico at if M,hc It.; mde.4 wepm-t;J, land Itte on time. NEW l'pRN .NIARNET -- • • Nun font. Marc Cotten—The market in 'weedy, vr . enlen of :Stloo hale, The mire were 19000 !idle., or Si for I[o , Orlelns , aed Mobile Flerir--.9.1e5.650)11 tr ht,l G ram—Sal?" . at IDBe " •N. etat.,s, at 44 , h• 1 -/t)' -000 lu. eoutlitrn while wllreif 0,-ye alai WO box corn 11,1 dhol n—hales )1110 111 at $3,50 "t 1 bbl. ice—thilet of II))) tierce, nt ? 100.. GiocerieP—Sales 200 hp Rin ootree et 9ia, so. and WO do JaTs )it 111 & th ; sales noo bat , 'Pala Ftt6o.lliolavi at 20r1 tales of Cuba and 11:1'11,nzrol 'otzur at 4i 14 Ih. Lineee4 inn/ galls. g ot Ode 4 gal• lon %Vpielaey—Salea 300 prison htdat .4. 20ic • Vtarialons—Bret has aatvatice3. cifth shlea n prime At 5,75G6,75, and mesa et 4,-76g12,7. bbl..`..Porl,is Bearer, and unchanged. • • CINCINNATI MARRET. '1 March 20. Flour , -.The mother ie daft - , with no sales of conhennence. Mayen , are awaiting the opening Ditto, Miami canal which id'announcrd for mdo dai"next. !Whiske..-...Nalee %of 15i 71) gallon. Prorixtons—tialea 100 tddamess perk a 4 15 37 new held.ai 13 box 001. Bales' of Bacon at 7i for ehouldira, and NI for Om Not Much doing. Lard is helAnt for- WM. and (lroccries are firm. and , unchangtd. Closer .eced is 'dull at fin 'pi hn/diel. NI)TICESc. . . Notice. ". ,irtuAll, eireu 'rum ft.. , for thy °". . ol• 14 of April. A., haesorr Int!, All ton,. yr 1,..tt.1.y tbot I hzvo frootwod ,count for nor 'Auto.. At•t K.V. ent.n. IA ft 41,condoert , leiro. Awl ropvist soy q . t. , . A.A.04 0 . 0 m. to &liter It to II?. 11-41. ILP4SIIAI • IVITE'II.)I9,I Of 541..1 Difeoiorm of tb' Wieol. , mill to,l IN. A rettuli iota !L:Ot - 44 ,110 I, it.. port.•• g. a t ' { l.l4 4 .At . 4 .. t i nau ' I" Mervin' I..Praol .1+..t1 Jt A JoNm A Sculevit, MAVI Fad my entire eniek at 1.00 k. ,. 11 Peri4, ,, slt, In, . tiet.ro • 1114.1. A CA I-WM..I n-rt•tatimattt thttst to toy truer. ,t...tnetet AA vita. sodoihtM to too will at th. Gtd tiata htnt otttle •, J It' 11.4:11 t Third A t_.,,,,L11e the 1,:t.0154., • • ; Co-p...t.rtnershiplgotiCe.. • • lutvlngi purrliamd enitro‘tocl. 14 J. 11. 1.5001121.41.10:1.11 , 14,1 , m0“ . Ina nr .. loatt. th...tay un.lrr l. firm [MEI. i`ALIAIVV.. Thal 111 Ilial.kfpl a.cinllnpaure , palinnaraiand alao happy 1,41;11 a rail In.ra the!, yez.. , • rr A Intl avartmcnt ~ lrrr artArlo he All m.nttarted J.. 1., Alt.J.'ll. .111 h. faYn1..1.e.1.0 t.y 0. lIEV4. 11. I'. CAI.GOIV. I.l.lbur V., 14:4 —igowel Notice- • frIlE sul.-til,orr. h ipg retin,r4 .1 ma nipto the wntrlvAaw. (A ‘l.l . er door. tbn ir IM. esi.siall , liottcot, brit I nlotm th frirp,l. 641 rtt•tbzurr• thin they NI , rtrl••rnl t^ 911 all d.rz: ter I.4 , eks. /4irArl, 1140. rm /Nu, , rr=l,l[7el*. r;'l'olll•lNrrs.7.l° • 'l,lO • - DiAnolution. P HE jinrtnnfshiii linrexdore existing be r,rtt. ..b l u.ry IS. CO-PARTNF.R9 I I I P. -I have thin any naso4liattql with Me, in tip: IVIPLMALI: CIA.A . AIer AA!, LIQIIMI fi r m t.. ty. cm. J a il H. l'Apl7lL, under lb. firm ~I .. J.dol I..N,Fsikt l" .1 , 11174 7081‘711. t - ebrtutirP, '.' , :.2.--froledf To the Public: • 11F. NOTIP: of tho . Diesolution of the A r f Jo. Co. fa, It. morning parer. ;,1 I,ylr1.0e i/IL (11 , 1413. t del:a BA L1:1 & . • Flour and. deueral:Produco 0'h13.1 188 CO - N 11 7 0 U- SE , :11, eIAJTIt (LOU' A 1 .1.1), t'At ItALT4IOOO tITIMET , 11.41;71MO-R6. RAILINOAh TRACE 21) fla PINK, "LIBERAL ADVANCER MASA ON COVRICINIININ. . "Itering at ootel cltarrtege• In Transportation with en) snart.e.t. tn.. sea L•uttl, • 6.1....4.te t• b.f.,'" with geth't ..lett awl quirt. r•turnd. nil h•et peo,e. ruhl retwettelly hattell lettrthtetß. A•ter v•-• and thuhter of hleiGhent.' Bank', Stunk Of Italhltiorr. Common - 461k rumors' Bent h.rlf ;T.T • WrT14•411.1.. T. 144.TITED. - :S.A. 111 EL J. IVETIIkIRILII C.O , Coat ettealmoll.l to the purehmetof Lea 1:61.111.e.1 Refer to ...Au gutsell I:enteettt' tearer trulA tt Co. Iteotert, det,y ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. MIDDLETON, *ILIA & :WORE, I.4lnowtik.n. omtFortrayslitie Mnrchasitt, th• t. io AJ.ssuder'llunlt.,loa4 Lure. Ztrti.al CM . r • 41•AY ---- yACID C. T(3 'TLS Attorney at 'Law, and cataaa.a.tatilar Notaylvoola: Irk 'kola, Ma itoloroontralloo. i.rnorMlT annovrod.- not= ly DUN U. RANKIN, Attorney and Conn yllor at Low, Owl Col.lllllit ~r U,. Mato o eu.volgt, St.l.ouln, Mo., (tote of PS ttollutt h.)• 'lteforooo,—Ylwebwrolo • Mo. W. Forward, Watopton A mkt, All'andlou a Mcpure, Job E. Porto. 111W.M1. A pgamln, AlcOnd Ay e. , 0u4,14f1y CIIIcACa.) AND PEORIA. TILOILIS RALE, ' FORit'AUDIEO A COMAIISSION MERCHANT,. CllllllOO. - (10NTINUES hio' mood Ineilitioe to receive: ‘,..) on Monza, halo, Ron Tranehnlmant, Marthamilaar coneigned hie . Mate leave hi. dua l dally roe all PAM.: ,gt the I.On, and the I Minna Canal mill hirer. • Iterrenwee—hleurt. Lon , m nterhon Cal , !ileum Jon.. klulga-,; M. John se4a3m • Wm.ll. • GENERAL COMMISSION AIERCITAN2 ANT) AUCTIONEER No. ZIV strro.tr...t, PEORIA, tir4=lll:E= Wanted, p p Y AN experienced Wurellowie man, in iittootalnation al a 11:10.1.11•Ir A rr wanting tuoh ohm obtain Ilia**** b 7 iablotatina farriero I t Nii.l4inibliatiurA P. atatina abate an in tap bo Inal. eatiotaelory roNtruct• 13, —. 1.11.tt . . Nearly all Now throe BURCIIFIELI) inform their .1V R and tailora nonsmallp, that their wont .arty *clot pu re rrhatoi of flood& ltlstls lila ^..lPOutlr unr k t 3:„ ,°,7c;'ral . lAt n : wlT'llTroVet.%": l tha Irorett. Paraont etszatoanriug . tlopteVooploc.o.lo owl uch Ism, do, and ileath. a: • ootle.. wig find Maloof oak. of Vrenth Clot lo t to glitch bars of tlir Moot • pay ttf7 owlet t tlentlots- Alto; lhutlatarna am! hist& Patin Vttling& • 'adios can le otspplial with Dr tinoltin great Variety. -Ancholod In one. ptooput etipplf aro M.e esetat3lngly bandtoar black 4sanuk Ilgorrw. , 7 7 RIBT PUBLISHELD, TRE.BRAs.SBAND comPi.k/o.v. .11 KtElgil,i has just published, turd for 11.I.ibbuive Work, rwtnorklut • Iwatlitl•• of eta I/ ttlek tltewy, Y01k.% wt....taunt Ana rawly •II•11104. law natal btu, bands gal Owl:griller°. meta., wt. kt bugle; two Corotiatu, two /11••••••••. t?"'" t q ' lw .14 rb b g- by brow, bawl bd It systw'uttutwb both eittro awl tbitztan tyw.rts: clisucwww-sw•vt taw'. well awl twiny atrw•igt4 ;r e ltj ' AtlM," . • " lll:tr:ttl:TlTg l eittll k pl ".". IC" tlyda•tto . st Avails to Oviltro atidlyftebet• of • ...41 • POP/ANS-kleiLisPolv. of, 10 DCE. EUROPEAN PACKETS. AKIiAN(IEMF , NTtI FOIL Fe?" 8. JAS t UROPEAN AGENT and Dealer in For / elan Exchange, le also Agent for the nollowing Pao krt .I;iXtline of Steamships, between New York and Liwallow Tall Lino, sidling frau Now York and Lire, pool ,in the nth and 21001 each month. Neer Line leaves New York on the 2Gth, and Liverpool on the 11th of each month. the Star Line leaver New Itrk on the 11th. and Lir, pool on the .6th of each month. 2 Line tails twice a month from Liverpool arid New York. The London Line of Packets II from New York the l.t+fith, Ifith. and 21th, mid from Loudon on the 6th.lath, 'flat and gath earl, month. The Clod* Line ol shelly: Packet. roll mon th . York and 111•Fgow on Ft and 11,11 of eget, A Weskit' Lone of Packets front Liverpool to New L t co Lln. for ))grant Imp nod es aliooa,l. M a ntic burgh. I,....engen , will reoeive every attention , and whin , Mren rtnerfulli at the onlee. of W. Tapeev.tt Co, lf an fore. Dublin, and et Ueorge's Liverroet J. T. Tapper. ` ou t wart. or at .the office of tbe aarg•rtliorl. l'ormoaa rekidloa (n the United hiatee or Canada. who webi•end for their frt..). in an/ Port oi laud, Scotland, or Walt...ran make 1.1. nn,evevary sr , rangennents on application to thr aubnctilwr. and have them brought out by any of rho lib , ra favorite Lines of Park.. (which move tom 1100) to 2roo tuna northern.) or be lind ohms awrellant Attie ter favorable terra., by war of Liverpool. Loudon , illaegow Their t erms, Cl,, tawetbility of delay. i'aeeate alto, also, be prored from Liverpunt to New Orleano, thaltimore. Philadelphia. Boatel. Charleston and :ava. nab, dirt Itentillan , (l in !quail load large VIM, at , usual (I.c.r lintatu and Ireland, Ale a sra. {V. A J. T. Totowa. S 00 1110,1teral Into arrangement. with Mews. Vogel, Kock Coen., Conker,, Vrankfort-on th , -Nlait., and with !deism. Edward Mount St (11. hankers. l'arta, it. drew t'ght drone, which eau lw made pa, able in all the ',dant:nal 1,1,a,a„ throughout y rae ,..• an d th. rma n, Peerage ilekt.ts and drafts al. waystor tale by the nuder,ogned. enter „ f Sixth and -Lile rti .1001, (on atwino nest door to Meeen,„l.s 1(11.(.1', bole.otirl , ,s;;zl o).. , h. . S or+ Ili. vreads. time ~ 1 railing and burden, eau be had at the aben. grati, feW MEDICAI Morgan's Cough Syrup IVienesist n, Obi, Feb Ma. 31. Ilnl rrt tT NI, l hurt. Ow morning seld th. lad Nettle of Mergnst , Ceitgli NI tnii. It is Flail in lie Ihe lit medicine I,ul Piss ever leieu,selii in this nine, and 'Ale try readily IF .h nie els den . n of inn •h.-1, «1.•u.l tLite—eenil the enre M.lorr. Nun ti.h. n 111.11. u II - 4 ..1 41..4, 5u.1.1..nt.10 0.4.1..11 , t11ng .- T .4 11hrm41, 11 . ,9 • Ntude: %1111.10•111••• spd Putt I Fl h.. Viu.. U° Ilasr ell llw nr 51ml:riper tlw Par xts.l ar1 , ..11 oral ol 1r... Inn% lon essUle, and Ph .elesou. hill ulunl • find nt (hi abl6Loteul .11r.sh on:( Ihst....ann. whirl &elect., wit Itgrunt • ne" . purrhauera ore alhotel tnetnno kve .leek. w 111 Iln.l II equal L... au.l ay nu I ugh, 11, 5.11 1; ‘ ‘,. 9 1. 1, +7,7 " 4 8 tiITD V AZ e .: I I.A A t .l r .: d °I Th. re , ctrrt +Ol ..bly r 0 brepreatien Cre the be , ream.. urr urumbhur 'herb... tbr I.ungr r obes thwe ter sablurrri .greted hr lb. 110 It. , Meerut,. Inrt.Qurnaine.l 11714 11.1. Nl7lloll' FAIT. berrhOn.,_ Y.YII. c r uF ..... Kr/ mp.)...1 1 / 1 JD ir Nor,. V, r 1/.../matEgto. ra,/, tr. the 11.441011 or J. , st.t., //II N thr. //1./..1.. .1 11,c1 , 44/!1, 1 • 0 /.. 4 X0P.1. 41 /. 4o..tiadtsl/000e00Vlr0/llrrllf'V;te'"!" 4 r" • • 14/IL. $1 , 1 , 14 aM nboall/Int. Ural /AI I.IA/it/ Lax/) * -.Jana , IL. 111.1 . ii sr YFiri A.Vo WV; Tba attaltar prepay-at `raealuir lawl" and 11, . - Ite Sataata4,l4," wra tha laTqaualt lalsedlal Laaate (ma whiett larta,aa.l liatra:t of Vati,aa,Da..k .o,l6at<4,Nr-lita tl• tabula lora of I.t. [lot salt kw retry,. as Ilia tontirett tlruadonnda P - 44.1'4 0, ... Pi+ .11 444411 c.. p(rprell..9 of 114 lad Lill.? Unita: rar0na..01.41.1....., Eaperltuenta wtrx mw.lu tar aiaaautactura of thltatte, uttail It 11.11.4111111:Lat could toes haltiathatitt* Daaatd. Aroirdlagla. we eind It rem-teat, alaauut rarsgaly. la maaa at,/lapcle.:k.nLatlul unal eutataotaa nlull lb. 111.1 p,a• era, /44 tbao• tarawatialt diaaaaaa of alto 41.trt ttltalt to jutVattata'atid taabklttalott• 1^ 4 4 4 ; •4 4 hicrofilla..S4.l,ll6, Mr•otrittl I. ,, trttalutt. Caroor.. efetv.,Altual.,,go W. WO *5OO taroty olbtrtiter kaad daugt note d,tes•or, ar• .not,hly and per. ". t oaf t .dtif nurt..ll.o mu.. 01 11,1. toolitine. , , shunt. ollth..thdot, f , tt, 1151, ,7t}. Jain 11. halt-14u tit. It l• with untill•rablo f•olon;• of gratitude .bat I am alio. through the Itivitto rof httnc'o of *halo snot 11 the uttoter-workteg, atreter ol f r io,kcac.ilntt uteatrt,s, tlof not', 1,11.. w I,ek and eta ntotrida, In ova lob a few otyrot.toms of Tor ittraunt hoer lu the olutt, ot Pau 1 ••• cl.ktd with awe 0 , 10 path wbah wen .roactullf aita/4114, tlitotlitti Ills whOlo tight thh, and hog at lb. ttco,thtotor•• • to. ProidraU•tt at tor •ht•trol .I.L tat also, ml tog 60 abrlttlk to about tvo.thltda of it. rontuton ase. I proeur. el thoi outrider. , of a skilful vt•ettliakotr, who pronoun ' mt., dlataxe on. of tlit w,,ret forme et liter rota platot. coy rn.o waa on. to , tt.a•lly haudlol. but prootrth. eat for no. 1 mulatto-I butler tot tn..tatent wall I was satit.4•4 he call.l Owl help we. 1 then rnsout,..l of •our aftint at thia {dare. IY. A. liven, two butt., of ttui...,,•a tsdloit Dort lOW fartararllta, hr. which 1 root. , toot timottnt of tonotit. Alter h•rinn 1•8rn fair faith. .oto 1 ...an to put.. Ott lattice,. without ttavat and . LAre town tint• that t„,.• • wod ••••,. Wit a abort period 1.470 1 1,..fut.• 0t..a.,t to tuy fhb. fottith• of lbe ang I railt.a wrath,. Ito tr turn of toy Intalth to.nri} other taw lhat by the ay.,. roflltot truly valuable torth•inx, YelkAr Dock aid Starsapullia. 11 ASSEL LAUIIIPEIL 11 r.. 1 Vitra—Nur 14. 1 etla4 You lb.. foftitolug frr , ttfital•, and no Or the two, 14 15 all true. I atocurol it., ttotAing 11.01µ1.11 lto • benefit to tat and It, Ito. •11.1 i, tot. Nutalsv., list ptiTll..o or bulb. It a. you (Walt boil. • our, • W. A. nitrat.s. ,o • ex Th. followlag lettrc le teem a hlithls recordable Aped* .: who enjoy. act eshturler . oractire: ti atlas. stark court', U, Nor. 1, IA ol Dr. John 11. Pate—Derr est . Dr. Goy soti . • Katmai al Straatweilla bar 1m....n d0 . ..m.11.4.1 , i toe tut tho lad Direr )an, wah corcl caret, in 0 Drbalill. Leer Coot , ¬, Jeurolla, Itysp,rydd. end Chn nit and li.dlrondi Dlerarwr. In all Venial. Contplaluts It eretaluty It mu shallot. In the me of 111. towllelae the hellcat rowetaut ly amine ettength and tiled. • Feet wtottty of 'prat our otletaloo. It le pleaeant to the Md. MI .m;11. And ran be heed by Scortoita wl.th Qat coma ..lint. stet:WlZ. with ndndr.l2nEltd ndi ell-cum...es. Imu Bp...kin. loon es. Vertex ..and to the elliietad I advise Ws wee. DU. J. S. LliltPllo... Sad IF J. U vAr.u. tinechuall. Dhlo,DaftbrarttieTtltr st.VV.III4I/1 Wrlbut efts:ells...tame WO W . allnat drool. • ':torn all orders mud. irtleidtaa.l. . I 'J. lirt• A Cr_ V. A. Vithorionelt • Co., J. A Joe... L.; wi 1 ,..„, J r , put.b...h; law A. Beckham, Allegheny CAtst I.C.' T litoorll. Wttehlosto. I. U. Driest, tloloolowth llz Wm,. ur...b.r, H. Kounts..itacitmt: Halt t (Wise 0. IN.+lford: Reed / Sots llusticksoloot Shatter; ilolllda tat 001 1111Joheatol A Co., Dollops: J. R. Wright. lllltattelbt Itrano A Co, Ilrrok4lll., A. Saber 1 Hon. Ware..barin bleVacalod A IS, h . Colldator. Ll•add alto. Ilortoo A Cl E ,,, .4.1111n3 i Stoker. Dore,. Jathen Kelly A clo, lint. ler: S. Smith. 'Ward: J. o.othotortlns. Danes; T. L. A 0 s Jerre. Oondreeorto I'. Ctroli or. it.. litembevlllo. _ , Bolt Prier—');l pee Bottle: St: (iota,. for $1 . —. • . A",'"•thaT . . —..._------ 2 1 k Doz. MORSE'S Syrup of Yellow Dock II Hoot, Pool toed nod fur .I.• 1.1 ti. WICKNRSIIASI, fos cos nor of Wood and elath ozo - A., - ' -= CitliiN4Ni.l iti:l6.oiDE t..6SWr.S- - -A. 14. A•11..1 A Co. hare jar , rre , l • Taw pin,. tow •ri Goat rlY,e• maL/ Jp U lIN I'm RE PltiNiii---31.urphy & Unruh Ileld bay mr,l. hr Prprsor..•uothrr lot of three .hy.,nit.,...,...„, for Itrirl‘r.lli , Cumin& Zr. to•rIll • _ _ 1411()ti1t-1811 bbi . • g. F. andE;tra. for rule 'J.T. t .1..1. IltlOIC E. roir•I'll :An liberty et. (g II0133:3-10 bu. for !lulu try 1,7 ', marl:: i, T. i'.l. J. BOON R. It4IDIMINGS-20 bu, for sal. by 1 111 A marlT i 34 T. AJ. J. IlollNli. VIA.X 11 : . :21:1° lbs.for said m.r3 l': * .1 J. DOvNr.. . SUNDRIES -9 sack. r 0 e;. • lop yard! Tor Itum: iota b,w4o litor doer • J. WON N. IYNA.BI) e.elehraied lob, in more, sod fur tile Pi KIDD a t IA Wood .t. iszrl2 la 1.1 LK IiAIiSL-1.710 ni --- ,w Tunqii - r — H , .. .llje etmr.thoevs, for it 11 ,,i icK • k:v *, rstrtil {l' st r se.2__l FT lIIIE FRUITS—` , vote=trite, trot Ye Itur Forest. Dr b h w.,4:, I IVIED Cherries, and tur Plums, , Pmts., paled seal unpaved f ran nr A.11.4:41.11“1 Cca. ' OTC.. gni Tes Dealata. JJPONNETS I 11UNNETS, 1-21) nuns Spring thizeurker iugt rt'ea 1/11.111ZE LARGE coal Hats; - X . TRANSPORTATION, &c, SPRING - ARRANGEMENT PENNSYLVANIA RA ROAD Two Daily Trains, FROM PITTSBURGH TO PHILADELPHIA "AND BALTIMORE. THIRTY HOURS THROUGH. Fen, $ll. . TE EXPRESS MAIL TRAIN will ]cave 11. the Depot vo LibertA wine[, Om,. the Outs] itYktge, 12 33, eve It_ ear morn'. et 61e evid• trill go . lj ~ye let to Tortl • wharo they will 11 the [yet of (barb. In rend:Jame to entree! them 215 tallee.oler .fi r .y yeto,Toynotko ttual, to "Beatty's Btation; (lbtolue tome at:comply...soh:Ulan of burp and b C : oothes,) kout , then tale tO4 Can vhD.lB. p no .o.rre.for Beath: one tote the care of the Tar moo Cotaberlettil 11011 Iceta W Ilarylrborgh, stt Lao at Ba timore to breattmet„ nod Wuhlostoo City woe morn. 4 • THE EVRNINO TRALY will lea.. daily at Ca/ P._ ._3l, arriving at nolsdelyhla next evening. Raging rboclud through to Plilladelptag D. LEECH k 0.1.'a ...MUSS PACKET LINE .1111 eave dally at S o'clock. P. 11., connectiug at Dialrerille wlttithe Penn. Railroad. "Ybrougb Rom Pittabargh b Philadel- Phia and Ualtitnore in Mid)" right hOgrg RARE $lO. Pa/tnagers will aroma* their Tirkata at the Railroad (Minn in the alcnongahela House. Water Street martuilf .1. SIESKIMEN, Ticket Agent P. R. 11. FARE REDUCED. West Newton Plank Road Route BAiTIMOIZE,IIIO ' DELPIIIA 4. WASH- •II E uplendid Cast running, grainer. rlluv All NII6tPR4 imivea 3lonenzahela wharf. above the bridge. dally 31 l'a.engera will remain on hemil until tal , tioarhee at IS A. lg.. ero, tit mounain+ in darlight, over the Plank Host, and take the Sieepin., th e of lb. Ir. Ji /1. at 10 A. M , at oitok the next morning. m o re gent that leave in the night troin, breakfa-t Baltimore and In Philadelphia. Those loaving in the morning train. arrive at lioltiniore nt to o'clock. I'. M.. PhiladelPhla .10A.11. l ons going to Philadelphia can stop ID Italticiore na long az they Ana resume their neat m ant time or, tho mime tlcitata. Fare Villaltinion. ..—S 9 .. ... . .... .. In Vor ticket. at the I . la . tik 'Offk, Motion. gahels 1100, Water acre, marin J. J. &Y ANIL Agent. RELIANCE LINE Portable Boats. iOado tortour arrangements twwwwt e.wwon. we ere enabled to prelates sn ot ewe farilwle, polite nf tittle and rates , as cannot fail n seem.. an lawrea.,, of the liberal pall...age we hall heretofore NV ere note prepared toroutratt ler.and secure tesi.algta nw,mptly forwartttd. a ,cenny of aleerrs. Dell A Llswelt hall tertalnir rotuuletii.,..linue nod eaarlgnments will be addreeeetl ATKIN! , laresllV... Canal Basin, Litewtr stn.. ,t ATKINS a CO . ti V2l attest. Phila;te . .plila. J on. "P AY Witatttl, ts, Ilewant hattuvorn. By the el.evelazd and Pittsburgh Railway From clrrhlrn.l tnElatiotr , $. 11 . 101 ....------th rano. rrr Wrllot 111, 1.1 et5cr—..—.......20 .. );7rfit•cowo,':it„,.. Pittrhureli 1.7 [h. new mid .1 , 1 ,,, di. tterimrr 1:011EXT CITY. Thu .rrro rs grnmint id t lour nlit the tot Jan. 1652, w Oro thr rx will run rou from Ci u rrrhaul to Mallimille. frlfE Extiresn Train of Cars will leave TlaTelsoll itailr (autidaya alarpt,al) at PAS A. a tor tto , ormul of thr.oloht Trolu from Cloclunati. &Tri via., tilltlOVer rtatarn at 12:15e. aml at WTl...Title .l 7 K P. . orml HlLlGurab the away avenlaa. . . •• • ... • . I:.tutt,G.. 1.11 1e... littulmrgh duly at arly— .Cleyolut bt..111 ,neon to conuect with ttio Kv,-niny 'Train t., ClD...lusts. at. with •teatabfute Xant at. tt.ugatiott. Tim.. iron, 1 . 1.4.,11 to Cleyoltod. 'b) houre.taOtn- Wnnti ::n hew+. ' Faro to el.grliml. SI; to Clueltmall $lO. . , PILENTIM, Pr*sialetat "Mu.. 11. C. Co., Itaven.s, Nov. 5. 1.51. torll. ILAUTt/N. Ermrri .1 f cAour.l.l..la Howe, littsburitt. .IffercijrAts Portable Boat Line. =r=== NEMWM Hovel.. Putter, Rret. Tsllo.. 1...r.1 nal Lard NI SC, 14 100 SW. fge. W 1(.0 Ito Soto, C50..11c.... Hones had...... 'De •• {VIAII, . Soe Arfh., and Peactlen Earthtu. v., Itlas• vt IViodotrgl.% awl 11124. I'9l .4 1.,41 Asbra nu Ihrt and Buffalo Wotl. 1,1,111.. re Alanufaciur.4 DllllO. M.a4mes . . 9ra• ike,wrg ............. 11. hew( 145. , 4bl . and Ow, C. A..MrANIILTI (XN thaul Baaha. Merchants' Portable Boat Ling. FOR TUE 'TRANSPORTATION OF ,BLER CIIANDISE AND PRODUCE. (PIA IT.NNSTLVANLA CANALS AND RAILROADS,) itoETWEEN PPTTSItUROII AND PIIIL- AI , FIDIA....AF , ouIt built trabloptett: Thria..r. Daoar — ' , perros_ cc V Nal..tgi,..l.lbot . aloret. watt PH IL-4DELPIII i . -e. A. 31 . 411YULTY A CO., Basal Itaato,4oB A 410 Non i ttr•od. I'ITISBUJIGII., 11. Int 1111,51.61 005 raallßLop,and ot.bervisaimorovrit our arranaeopat. tor trausourtattort. ye are not" prop...A to rood. a largo al:roost of Produce and ilarthandloa. lootOp iota B. opoulto; tad tbo ea ant) ullitProtoPUtott.. 3 ' ltT;retion Boat tzt of Tr . . portal' Oyr our ewe lutprormats. L " .a. ' boettltt unealeut t 'b atr yr:la.adal Ma areal woe. cold favor ir b. root tallb.L. a net, DAintorautee Lb. iri. so I,norloon•lderad a dnaut. DA or socorsOn r aperit.ula but 11 wino. ',Mood by all rattly rare - nor mealy mode of tratorortatld• Otod 00 owsala 0 bau lut.r...oted I.r railroads tig..,ola 80d.2 Imo 0 cik .0.,.. at Bittaburab remain tiro dbl.!. .1 until onloa, •• . our Sarobou. to Mart. Krt. Pital rl rbtsd beret., .o.ir at ot ,11 .1: 11 .1 , 1 , roo.Ourof . thew diferna troarwononte...l ...earl Ito* deurary of *oral, in rot s 10, tl, paelages rleau sod to . good onto,. taro io. Prolate., te. roaopro+l to our Hots.at rittaburatt. •lII.b. ,weir..! mot long. - Jed aloar• at the Boa. , rot' root renal rat, a:Hotly or.-ordlug to tortruellom,,ltto out our ultra