The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 22, 1852, Image 2

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- Having published at length. In our columns
Lecture of Bishop O'Connor, the public, (AEI
illonbtleas the Itercrend Blatiop himself,
, pect:it to reviewed, Re shall :have some
thing to lay ourselves, as soon as we can cam ,
mend a little' leisure, on. the e2traordinary
suniptione mid claims of the Bishop, and we
hare already had intimations that some men of
teaming and ability are sharpening their peas
, for the defenee of :Proteetantism—or rather, to
2 .; ., • show the uneohndnese of the Blehop's argument.
` We:hare alreadyrevioved one shortnoureounica
;' tics, on'the !natter, ildah shalt appear in our
next: -We ear he that the teintroverey,
wdlle It will entertain anil instruct our.readere,
may promote the advancement of religiole
truths, and the prinelplet 'Of civil liberty.
0110 ASO INDIANA EAILII.OAI).—W! acknowl
with plvtanre pie reception of the first An
mud Iroport of the Ohio task : Indiana Csropany.
itecompanied - with a map , . this oompsay is in
ceeperated by the. States of Ohio and lodises,
' toconstruct a Railroad from Crestline, 'at the
i.termination or the Ohin and Pennsylvania
to Port Wayne, Indiana, on the Wahnsh
and Erie &nal: - •
late entire length of ; lead, from Crestline to
.' - * (l !tr' ll lPrte, in 1811 mile , a. No curves eziet`e
nept those canted at towns—the aggregate cur
:.tratnros of." the whole line beteg only 2.14 degrees,
of which are et or near the stations. One
straigfit line Is over 00 miles long, another of
80 miles aid the aggregate of straight line on
the whole distance, in 127} miles. Hot ant carve
is lased having o radios en smell as a 'half
• In gzsdients this Iloe, squally, remarkable,
liavitig no vile greater than rate of lei fee
. per . mile, While of the whole road 63 miles i.
abeoletely lava . An average grade would in 9
feet per .mile.
The entire line is located, aniLltit to eautnie
wit° will commence, the; work immeJi
The omit of this wore Is. estimated se tot
...; lows:
' °riding, bridglnE, track laying, tilln,-
' ber, , bnildings, cbairs, and e piker ;
per contract, r .
Right of way, and.incidental ex
Iran rails, SC Ma. per yard delirf
idaelaiwary for firstyear, i
sl',l, 40,000
Th e whole amount of means actuall l y dee'llired by
imb , ecriptione is, $711,600. Thin is about
one-third of tho entire cost. Activeexartinne will
bkused , to secure further means, andt he ultimate
sucteote, L of the work is plaCed.heyhird doubt.
alba great - cheapness; of this 'work Vet mile, must
reiiler it one of the Moet profitable iti the cone •
try.., it is expected that it will be fiblshed next
opting - Which will be 'ouiy a few months alter
thecompletio of our western foal to C i reatline.
- It win eve no s continuous Railroad from Pit;•
burgh, almost'due west, it liaving only a Ali
northly Inclination, 'of 1117
4 MurrAre.--The *Whyte Patriot,. o die
cussing that the editor considers the etiperior
advantages of 'the Wellsville over the:Ohio and
Pennsylvania 'route to Clevelsad—afordlng the
Pintrilgri'the aiieeable variety of itailroad and
steipboat navigation—Tooke:l a 'mistake which
_in all honesty to be corrected. The editor
asystist the Carllof the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Railroad arrive in Pittsburgh, l‘dbour 81 o'clock
atwiyitt.!' The fact is, the can are due, from
the Test, at 7 o'clock, precisely, arid with the
ninettexeeption of the into accident, which de
tained them'tirs or three bones, rAry: dace hr.,
„Wed to scrim pree*Vot the time
7 o'clock:” 1n font so certainlytio th
tin at tißrEedarst streetiration: aC cli.hocirs
Arid uiain the time-table, that' the citizens. set
/. • their watches bythe whistleof the care mitts as
mush , eartaintY as by regulator. „This to n
tktue ',Weis aU railroalls would . do well to lad
tate. We never say of our western road, that
. the cars will arrive afoot such a time,—di such
annum - ma lifenott—We are glad te.see that
leidict Whig Ripers at the South are willing to
talle'pen. Scot. without any pledgee. Let this
'spirit prevail, and harmony will exist in , Whig
counsels, and the party; animate 4 an..iovigora-
-' i :;tett with prospeots of success, will go into the
: Presidential contest with the certainty of.a
=Thant, victory. We lately copied from the
- Xerheitle Jilaraier, to eho'w the warm sentiments
of allection'entertained fer . Scett in Tennesree,
?and the following; from the Riehinortd Wily, evi
, dances list he will be as warmly' 'supported in
"de to pledgee fronia candidate,-se j have no
great faithda them. If his life tirrd his positbn
do notinspire confidence, we would not give a
plnch'er snuff for a Itthe pietists he could make.
- The DentOcrate,ve know,. h2ve been in the habit
of - manning candidates fro M ertioni,it wag seers
' soy to extort plidgcs--and . , as might be ex
pected clinch characters, when it became their
intereart.thei disregarded them! Does our con ;
...teraporer y recollect Maitin Van Buren and his
- pledges? Ifs WO3 a very ' , sweet little fellow . "
--the Northern man with southern principfes"
—ready to make no many proasiees u the En.
udrer.could publish. V. hat is. Martin noWt—
'Mutt does the Eu4uirrr think of him and his
pledgest shouid like to hear. And then,
Mr: Jemmy Polk and the EAtieletter That
.was an excellent Tariff document, and by the
aid Of Ur. toterpretatiOns, pained
the vote of Pennsylvania. Are' any more each
pledges wanted? And Oen. CIUteNICIIO6MI Itt
' tar—that waa a mighty strong pledge to the
- Sonth:--erhat is the interpretation of it now?—
:Does not everybody, Democrat no writ as Whig,
maid that now. es # deliberate cheat and Ins•
..No: the Democrats may min candidates, who
' are: of anch flortbtful repute; that nothing hot
"pledges'.can givethem currency. 'We Will have
nothing to do with 'a man who makes profmoos
to gain vides. As to Oen: Scott, We hay more
coutidence la his pavilion--in bisi r,
mpro able
CollattiltlVO position,than we would , have in
...t ten thousand pledges. 1,. lie bssnotation to
:....- turintaln—his pane is. Identified Wi Lanni of
the Lightest incidents in our. bleto ; he, can
-,'not betray Isle country or injure i ,w e fare,
without diminishing his glory. Tharholdvhieb ,
the Republic has upon him is worth forty mil
lions .of paper pledgee. Roma reiminat. that
. _ candidates for the, Consnlabip shoidd , have it
.: least two children is pledges • of , thtii devotion
•.- to. the Repitbilet Scott's tutieventeets, and the
Itbesitile!perpetuate tito+,;glory that.. oncirnies
• them, are equal to a hundred children, ' ;.
. ' "We have already exptesied our; preferineo
for M. Fillmore. :.Wenik the con try owes
th ir
him at...ejection for hie osperoas!and happy
~. "administeallon of poblio airs, lint this shall,
not prevent .no from vindicating o true and no.
We Whig, whose actions have illoStrated some
. '. '.of the mosegMrious page's in mutation's. ° We
. do not must Any pledges Of him. ' We, would
not intrulthim or oarsolvei by asking any at hie
. '
. 151.412234 21 ..21120133112.=-ETert ., shere is
ihnery triumph:mt... northein men—to
their shame be it . s*oken,-. -are tamely yielding
to seutherudemandi; and diagrscing their men
., Lund by mraliimtting with 'cringing tiltul. patient
ebrusinionerntw, to the bloke and calla of the
slave driver, e "peculiar instrtutlec.: le qu i e tl y
~making Its way Into all tb et fair tchitories lately
... - 7rested tlrim Mexico in the late VDjillS4flAble
a rse.
Let marthertialooir at the following, and
- sok themselves they are not in reality bound
hand and foot to the triumphant car of slavery
' The Fugitire - Slave L 11.2 which has paned the
Californiadssembly provides that Mares brought
into the State priotto the adoptlott of the State
Constitution dual be liable to the previsions of
the Congressional fugitive :Alen lib. -This is
an infraction of the CODlStittition,ithich rays
that neither elavery nor involuntary servitude,
except for:crime, shallirver, be tolerated. in the
;lln the Califon:de 'nese:ably, Feb-. 10, Mr:
'presented a memorial from a number of
farm or plantere of Sarah Carolina and Flo
tide ' s's/lag the privilege - bring their falai- ,
din end aolared domestic& Into;jab Bate, and
&tun ,thtT nmy belmoteated Inlbeir, property.,
Thor ntemorlal was referred to a Committee on
Neditrid Ilelatimust-t
"..A bill has also beta isiceddisCinti the lei
hitstere to 'call a Count:titan to revise, the
- attention, the objectebeing to. divide State
and eel apart the southern portion tar - is sieve
The N ero rocks rims has received the proof
sheets of sipainphlet about to be published at
Cincinnati, which will contribute to a better pop
ular I sindentanding of Hungarian affairs. it is
'stilton by C..E..llgainvissaar, en English gentle
man, who had spent many yearn in Eastern En
rive, and who is probably more familiar with
the politics of that section of the world, than
any other writer known to the American public.
In this pamphlet he has presented, under sepa
'rate heads, and in a clear peripicuone manner,
all the histOrital facto•neceasiry m the forma
tion of a just and true judgment of Hungarian
aklairs. The Reuter part of it is devoted to a
sketch of the TeMent struggle in maintaining her
independence, and this is illustrated by outline
plans of every battle, and with clear demonstra
tions of the position of the country at each elm
mashie stage of. the war.
Ma: Vicenza :anti Face [ann.- 4 'llon. Dan
iel Webster, in a late letter eipressed himself
warmly in favor.of giving a form out of the pub
lio domain to every tiotuol'settlor. Ile 'says he
heel ong thought it just to give laud enough fora
homestead to every actual settler; on the sole con
dition of jactual residgnee for a short term of
years. In my opinion, the public good and hap
piness of i individuals alike require this. God
'gave the earth to titan to ho tilled, and 1.4 in
.of nh labile whatever till the approach
ration shown that it is ahoulto become the the.
utre for the applicatiou of human labor. the all
producing source of cinsfort anal wealth.
IVe .cOrdielly coincide with the sentiments of
the Collowing article - from the Nea Feet TraGunr
Upon the principles there laid down, and upon
no other can the Whigs hope to succeed. There
is nothing more absurd than to attempt to settle
treat questions of principle; upon which men
.who do theirjown thinking always lid and always
Will disagree, ,by the votes of Conventions,.
matter of whom composed or Lail chosen. When
we come together to choose a cabalidate to rep
moot our futolnmentatt principles as a . party,
if wo wish to succeed sr!' must spree to pqapone
any sido 'Aisne, that may have ari.thu amongst us .
just an the whole people would do were they
called upqn to meet k foreign enemiwhieh had]
lauded upon our shot:as. W hies are Agreed up
on Whig principles, but they:cannot he dragoon:
rid into new views respecting slavery ninths coin
promise measures. Upon these we must claim
the privilege of forming our meat opinion;,
priviiiga we accord to all.dhotis whose vi 'FA may
he iliametrically opposite to our own:
All...ruing that a Whig National Convention to
tot* held 6nxiae time during the ensuing flamer
for the selection of Candidates for• President sett
Vice President, it it evident that s colheion .ef r sen
timent is quite rikely to occur touching the now
issue" which have recentlf 'been engrafted on
the Politics (lobe Country Let.ue take on oh
serration, therefore, anti see where we 21 . . stand .
We of the North, who sin faithful to thritta,
ditiona tad seutiments of our fothere:k4are
too action respecting Slavery , amino none what.
ever, from anvilchigNational, Convention. •IV r
know and ackiMar;edge that on tliisitubject there
is a diverlity of views nod feelinga retween the
North and South. and wa - aeo no Imo inplaAterinz
over that dittraity with empty and ambiguos'
.words. We propose to lease Mwhera it has been
left by all former Whig , No ti onal rotator/eta,.
untouched. We hold, - us sasses held, that the
Whig party of the Nation was organised upon
certain vital Principles and so support tor ca
twin fundamental Measures. which have oohing
to do With Slaveioy or Abolition. Whig In Ala
bama may be decidedly pro-Slavery, no one in
Vermont may beearnettly anti Slavery, yet lelth
be true and sound Whip, and they may act.cor
diatly together in support of Whig prioeiplee
and measures.
If, then. que,tion Fault L r.trried
El to•our next Whig National Convention 1,, die
urb end distract it,- the North ■iahhrhlameiree.
It is content with tho oid plotittrats7rua oh! laudb
marks of thet :tarty. asta notlalautt ng-tod
to Slattery , in this bow:teeth's Lot that it hb Id
Whatever of new tests, or iire-brands, or
shall come into that Convention Wit Ire
throat in by the ItPuth and its troltolievrers--by
the same force that told the Wilmot .I`t
flatly no the table of the last National
lion. That Convention was largely in favor of
Kahl Proviso--the laying on the table implied on
ly that the euttjeut,.hl4 rightfully ho4lece in a
Convention pf the - Whigs of the entirernittn.'
Should the ',object OtSlavery hevievertheleim
thrtist into the next National Cartitrition; how
eon other subjects of interest be kept out: Thor
Free.ionvof !die Public Lanai; spitplithy with the
traeoPleil Millions of Etirope and other each rant.
tern *are worthy of attentien; if Slavery et, ito
axe ground; why should Liberty an-i. Labor stain,
bank? ~
etipy,ose jour game wins, gentlemen,
units majority of the conveistiou ie dragooned
into indorsing the Fugitive Slave Law—what of
it -Will one man who previously detested that
low-thereafter love it' Will one j,au'rnal which
previously denounced it thereaftey'. uphold it
What will your rattle be worth, supposing goo
get it?
Is any thing to he son by it* Lei the gee- ..
seal aspect of our recent southern elections give
answer. Convider especially the ante contest in
Virginia, whidh the Whirs fought under the han
ser of Fillmore nod:Abe compromise, which to
Whig Congressional Caucus had just indorsed,
while that of'the adverse party had wisely ta
bled at. The Whig candidate for Governor was
decidedly aber and more popular than his sa l
tagonitt, acid, yet the former wal Leaten nomi.
Seven Thoniand Voter, sod the Senate carried
'Wrongly agait . mt us on all points. Coo
Worth while to.fmh for emuthero votes witti.coin
.protiase bait alter that?
We armanane:that you,nome ititu?Convention iu
good faith, and rid , to numb:mid ti candidate to
the eta that be he elected. Theta do yen wivh
to rgir New York ;and preclude all hopes of
Maine, Ohio, mud Indiatia—fnc what? Just
count up the votes by which you expect to elect
on your platform before insisting upon it that
we aff crostil ; upon sink.
Sukloae you don't secure that ymil aim at—
what then?. SuppoSe (hone interesting gentle
men who, elected so Whig,. made over the l
should House; to the imposition, should now tjurceed
effecting's lodgment on the Lattimore' platform
—what of it! Can you believe aWhig candi
date fps' nest President would he hanker, oz. the
wholei fru-their pyre licetdility:
•11 we shall all bolt!: Whet for? Whet will
you makelly Ohio, Iroliand, and Maine tall
for Case before) would have 'rimed Glyn Tay •
for without a single vote'from the Flare - States'.
hilt wise without cause to force a sectional invite otr i
the.etuptry? -We of the North . are willing to
'live and let live.' Why should you, for a mere
name, insist idvdestroying us! Ranee and con
Inettaasca.—One of the chief conehlorationi
In making chola of an afEce in which to in
mare (property, it. to be snowed of its. entire worth as rents 'aro at pretest, 10'etel.1 though it'
soiled:teas,. To tote the premium, and Cie prop- he in the heart of Wall etreet . It is all °Weide
erty insured also, as well as experience a bitter dia.' , and were ihe buititag Plied up in the
di ,„,„",„,, 0 „ , for ...
,n , regation
~,,. severs otreet, , the materiels and land would sell for
,7 - -- "r , a milWou more than the price paid spday. ,
inam. Among, the safe iTlßLittlibni. a 0 ,1 4. Were
the whno . tiqUlre SCOPOMICILiIiIIat ittp . ert.
liPti‘len in tliin city, none ere WalLait . e. , KßUld it would yield a revenue ectuallo - that - of any
and . Prompt, than the...l/elitism hfotual Safety building in new York. ..
, .
Insurance Company" of Philadelphia: We put,- The Japan equedrou to ueertyuestly An. sea,
Theintte annual statement is tine ativertieing col- and is bein,g ,11"nd out in a ihuulii/th manner,
with materials fora lend 44 wall an snag expo.
mime, by which the reader wilt see that ii . is
, 1 dr , . ~. . 'Minn, ntl,We shell net , Japan opened 0.6 Cie.? ,
not,ott y,otte Joon oundatten, but that it 11 ly ad an oyster, from which we ought to get
dolept 3 profitable banners, one. of the first mast' pearlibto pay the costs. It is e new mls
, cotaideratious to ins - Oe nsfety_ 'flreone _wtje: elan, WS of forcible interrention by the govern-
I inure ~their property; in that inetitution, soap nibun,i. 'brat, " " 114 , 1 I 'l 3 ' , ni , nl n" Coliffundfl'a
ther t efore be perfeetthlssoured - of the'safeiy of '' e "!''" °xtteelt -to d o '" to sut° ' ! " l. Hs
, their risks. Yliar. aient, P. A. Malvin, Es 51"1
gaol excuse
t""ning -1 "' ""e
ii-i trade, and than open I fully.
lis ateost gititlemanly and reliable man; and it In Wall Street the 'influx or two milliouo pf
in a pleasure to do business with him. . • Paid hii - it bad vey marked rifted., wed the bulls
_ , , . are In fine spirits, hardly allowing the poor
, .
' 011ARAM'S MACIA7.I2M, .for April, has already' beers to hell theta
. anything. Pricesl, err all
p mail thr,
our table.rk feeling seems to be in - furor of still '
mijd Its aiiPunuluee O . where it it
further advances tiouslave been attained. Erie
.always a welcome, guest. This number is a. railroad hie reached 014, nod plenty at buyers
very fine one, both in it/ adornment and matter, at that. • The - July•dividend upon the -road will
th e h i tter -hiving been m i di { w o nte d o n ete • Ire somettg, but at the present receipts a largo
. .
t ' ' dividend c not be-paid out of Its minders,
and noeseseing generally an elevated and int
. , . e . A redaction to $2,25 bale been made in the
tivaltharacter. I . „,. ' , tarot? Albany. This is about li coati the
_. Mile; a rate that cannot but be rulnens. Two
cents por.mile is the smallest safe price a road
icon bozworked at,? ; -and stockholders will learn
the fact when too late.
~ • C.
I . llnrspoodectee t of Ms Plitthusgb Dully tte I
• WAIIIISIO7OA, Mirth eiti:
• The (loose 'to day reorirei another Ohio:nee
of the activity end.etteirj:of, the Cincroittee4
Wain and Means, fetu s *filch has' et length
=cried the bill providing for the deficiencies
in the lest yam , * epproprlatiou. , Thls deficien
cy hilt hie now!beeorme to regular proceeding,
and Is locked for with the seine oonhdence as
illy ',other apprOpriationbill.The amount of.ihe
percent bill Is $4,966,000, of ,lwhich $2,378,00()
or about four fifths are for expendltares in the
'Q i i e itereoaster'a,aml Ceiitettoaezy'a depirtmente
of Its The csassof this extretirdinary
otttlOrinexcers'Of the ,apPeopriatkoni to, that
4urillg the:last session; o - -prof 'eebtofOy tame
ever, We jair.;.; dorers all the
arm? estimates ea a 9 to lit Ore in the aggregate'
a proper etu2las they thoineht;;Yor the support
ofthettn Though sow
-7- •
cious reforms were effected by this Summary
mode of action, the. Procrustean' process bore a
little hard . oit the service in this particular
The bill may be debated for six weeks, for no
sooner had the flange gone into committee of
the whole upon it, than the old discussion 'upon
the presidency, slavery, free toil, and other
equally pertinent Issues', was resumed. sir..
Giddingirgare another chapter In, anti-slavery
intr, showing that slavery would never be con
tent with the reuse: Juice or let alone system,
but must 7
ucternagy agitating In order to keep
at peace withhersolf. Mr. Hillyer, a Unroll dem
ocrat of Georgia, assured Mr. Giddings that
slavery had nothing to fear from abolitionist..
Slavery was never so strong as now, the price
of slaves was neverso high in Virginia and the
breeding states., The overseer's Huth was still
heard at the South ea loud and sharp as ever,
and southern negroes were still bound,to their
daily tasks, • working without a murmur and
without hope.' These are inmost the exact words
of this democratic Unionist end defender of els
! very, and an it he had not sufficiently disgusted'
his heirers by ouch shameless avowals, heyent
on with some itnpertinent and obscene allusions .
to the law of Massachusetts repealing the pe
nal enactments against marriages betwien
blacks and whites: which MINIM hare been re''
crived with cold contempt, bat which, I regret
for the dignity of the House to say, were greeted
with precisrly that kind of applause which the
upper galleries of a;dow theatre bestow upon
.similar allusions there It iv probable, by the
way, that Georgia never had any Intel) prohibi•
tious to the frerent Miens - Anot between the dif
fercut ince, vf her population, but if they ever
had a place apon her atfAute hook, l venture to
any they were a dead letter The force of tur•
pndeoco eau uo fortiar go than wheu a ”tinble
aoutherue6.l alleets to criticise the habits of
northern satiety it t this particular. Whatever
the laws may declare in deference to the MIS•
Inc of g eneral liberty which trerttil among us,
the tastes and customs of the pot& emphan,
rally droller against any sdnitssstirul of bloo.d.
At the South, on the contrary, it is well F y nowu
that the process of amalgamation is 'steady and
active IPspeaks strongly Tor the generosity
of northeto seritinant that Allusions to this un-
laid - aid fact on rarely prOfefl from 0, in Ma ,
pnrrCtnnt cOntrovOrates with nor , outttern neigh
barite It :a - tuella - 61 . 4140 that aararttvi - e nhoull
be taken of our ear!zaPancc. If It, manner
a...lopted by the t_ltr, , ,ta. member
The !Zonate weri:l.nvitt ong,ageJ when I
not in up3n them at two n' to Jay to toting
upcii'lle lowa lanJ I suppun,e it i•steve.l,
or iniltienda apricot,' to have quite sufficient
,lirength to carry out the plan, The hip will
vanpenJeJ in the Ilun••
Rut iho thing is goirq Howe . en.
, day ~very properly tiro I in good tone gave notice
of for a grant of one milliriq ct acres of
Pot.lic laud in aid of the re.jrarti.t, a the
Pittel.urgh, liittaaning and Warren Rail It oil
commonly known on the Allegheny Vali.) , Rail
Road. and deolatied to c..uo cot the whole +yet..
of Weetern terminating et Plinth..Rh
* with tha , C of tip. loch of the, of Fort,
It lowa sso qulet4 . possess herself La
property for her Slate 1 filprogeolo o L v
thst..llLl cot Pennsylvania
'-1 nal glnd ta 40e thlt ••xte pototi tieji Leen
taken to inform members of the House ngainst
the evil. of patent monopolten. 1 hare before
Lae a pamphlex nhowing Nallle of thr
growix,g cot the Woodworth patent for plan,
tog h,;ard, nil lumber Facts and figure, ate
e,ren to 1101 C that the tat upon the people
through th,. atemarous it tortion v equal to
, f, , :'1100,000 per Aill/ 4(n. and that be the bate of
the espirationnf the preneht extension, the pro
prietor. will bare extrected $15,000.000 from
the people And yet the heir, and assignein
of Woodworth are ber:te*iott Congers/1 fey an
other renewal. The :hate of New York . has
rntlered most frau, thin itiont4,oiy..Slo it, Let
filature hare passed ree,lti tins. wirt , only three
diseenting rates in opponiti on to its eontle,
It would he difficult to glee nu ilea-of the en-.
Ortnotlatfx Jetted npoir the puLlin though the
itTli - Aadies of certain ' , ideate Take for en=
. Itmpte datalyear'e patent India tubber goods.
lam told that for retry ono of the mitten, of
pairs manufactured in tile Vatted' Statet. ten
nettle punt 1, paid to . the patentee. end that
for retry )all of cloth h tnribf of there er lire
...Wit as tented by the eemr poteutnte C ie thin
nay t,e patentee and hie agenda levy trona et
4itnertir to half a million it lathes .. poet , 1.11-1
they iuo are layingliheir pirat, fora tene,wol •
~4 ih, rsOf
The arrival of the deet of Californi•titeamen
srith ts good amount of gold, and a horde of
pa.,sengrra, has Pima n klecidl4l upward 11%.•e
meat t.. tatainexa, and Imparted 6 fend deal of
,onn , leure to epeenlyrors in staiika nod test e,„-
tate The gold drain f.,1: Europe is deemed to
nave reached its extreme limit, and we t z
retain the future receipts Quite s new has.
sn has sprung into existence, caused by Ili&
drivel 01 1:611fOrraiII 16SpIrngerlo at our port le
si,the creation of a sharks, whii biard
the steamers fur the purple- of helping the
newly PrTiStti gold tWoker, to make op their
minds where they thwllitoilge, where spend their
looney, and where rellitheir gold dun The
!ionr fellows who are
green in this wrirld's,waya
-ire wheedled into carriage, soil trundled ~tf to
sharp tailors and jewellers who du not let thorn
oat until they trove 1 1;ried erery thing except
1063 to get Melft hard carried gold from them
Charley Dickens'
. netv vork. "'•
Itleak flouse
has been received taera from London, and prove/
equal 'to any of former works, in far as
ono can Judge by the opening. The tale that,
Harper k Brother. pay two thousand dollars for
advance ehetts Is a myth. W wan advertised
for tale in London on the 26th of February, thus
ollowiny, thousands of copies to ramn by the
:Attnes, if any one oboes to send diem. In the
story' Dickens attacks the ChenTery Coons
of England, a subject that ail..n him to writs a
t ale, the Miiit of which :at La appreciated by
The Ilerchaute' Ez ctuttige iu 14all.etrect
al len moist tits haustprr of the suct 'Otter to
day, for Stifs,ooo to.W. W.'Deforrest, of !tooth
ntrect it Iran told subject to a mortgage of
'104.000. This sum, email as kt seems for a
building costing a million of doliays, Is all it in,
, •
= New Yong Melton, 9th 1862.
Mt 1 2 promited lo write you' ehoulti' meet
%Luang In 1:14 journeying, L give you herewith
not icecieritific criticism, bat a few , impreuions
and fiefs relative to his concert in Botha°, on
Thursday last. The night was , stormv and
unpleasant, yet the room was well . filled with a
most fashionable and discriminating audience:
To say that the concert was entirely edoceisfoll
would convey but a slight idea of,the malefac
tion evinced by the andiince. It was certainly
the most intereating concert I haveattendeil tor
yearal Wauace, as a violinist,ls I think Safari
auto none ire have bad bore. He his perhapi
not hada execution: artits Bro.; , but
there is a dipth of feeling indinatubs of expres
s/4M whiCh; a hive never 'heard. In, any otter
Perfortoor. , _.
, 4.lll , o , Lasx,itose of Summer': and
were by far the' best CODCOD40:111 of theta favor
JOY pieeee / 444 41 L -424 nhifinnand en
'mite. American Melodies is cot only a brilliant
and pleasing composition, Ina is a work worthy
of the great name of Wallace. As a composer,
Wallace is exercising a. gross lath:tense on the
=laical 'world, and his music is more generally .
sought after and studied, than that of any other
author. Ilia position in Europe is second to
none, and in the United thates he occupies the
acknowledged position as tho first composer of
the age. lie has a ‘ versatility of talent which,
no one man has professed since the days of Mo
zart. Ile is equally greet es a.composer of
Operatic and classical music; or the graceful!
romance or nocturne for the Piano, nail brilliant
Bravura song for the artiste, or simple Ballad
for the Parlor. There in afreahnien Well that
he does which has already placed him: prst in the
rank of living aemposere.
The Piano playing of FILAULLIN 141441 E Sto
rni. (Madame Wallace) please little ides than
the performance of the:great master eplrit of the
evening. Madame Wallene.has forsorne years
had the reputation of being the second beet Lady
pianist in the world; Madams Played being con
sidered the best I doubt however It she could
retain her position were she now brought in corn
petition with Madams Wallace.
We have never had in America, with the ex
septiOn of Leopold lie Mos er , co wooderfoll
a performer; her execution is perfect, and her
style partakes much of the character of Wallace,
whose compositions she plays with such anion
iehing effect. ills celebrated "Grand Polka do
Concert" created as great sensation att 1 ever
witnessed in a concert room.
MOUE ROSA Joe(W)Cs la n young Lady of Very
interesting appearance; poseeseee a powerfoll
and sweet mono soprano voice, and was quite
eucceseful. There is undoubtedly more talent
in this party than in any of, the numerous ones
now 4 , 01m0-hams, through the country, and I hope
they will meet with the support they no tuily
merit Their concerts are nut intended to cater
to the popular taste fur the ephemeral trash,
with which the public have beet en overloaded
of late, but 1,0 present a higher ow:4l.rd, yet
each Amnon Iw understood Soil appreciated awl
will improve the l public taste. ;Gourd So., II •
Those who with a anperior creek.
ere, Pant 'and California
. Creed, euperior Family
hread, or cake, and c,onfacti artery, should cell
up . nt Shepherd's old, *ell h b
holm estalitihment,
an Liberty errant. A 'pod, Bawl, mound and
cheap etticle , eau always be obtained Ahern
TEM FRIORTATIOS. —We refit shippers to the
advertisemeit of Storrs. Bidwell 1 Co ; who
have to lablithed a tratutpountion Tina from Pitts
burph to Cleveland, Dy wa7 at river wad canaL
Slerehandile and produce committed to their
he trans - Milted with promptnews and
despatch. the proprietor* having hod large ex
perience in that line
crown, Eng., at theielfereen star, pub
lished in Brookrille. Jailers= county, Psi 3 in
the city, onJ will, wait aeon our merchants, to
onlieit chertleement.3 Mr Ina pager Those
who woM to rater' their. bueinees:•in that
great lumber region, will find tar stars wood
taeainm ot axisertiaing
Nelii'dirs First Preinunn
0!", Buado Str,t:
IT izEN s and !ASAnger' , It 1.0 t.. ~t•
' IJa •111 S “rato, artl.tic hi. kilo ttlectcso,
los t toodocatc crt,Tlll ZIA It Witt.? IcttaNlA to fall at
tut• roll lowmc r.tabttchtocat. vhcoot rutin. aattgtictico
111 oll•flastf•i. Lt [Kb data. liwt Ivo Ciao
•tut 1.54 Allllllo.l Folc itt.t larlitiht•
Cs tl* ktaptock. with ....touts of IL* cm,
,werict ft.!, sot 551152 ckmo.ltC., atcna pact.,
rcott Oct , a• to , * Jo.o - tt , - , 1 Itoo moo.tatni hoot, a
,D.t Neat l.gir Nt N. hoot.. If ts , l..
tto colc4l. ot Art. :.l • lot vt
rtvoumo. 511..1 met, o t r lc frcutc.. wrs4chlar C.'', I.e.
acrome .u.l. ocottalouit. la all trcaltws.. inm
:lock t. . 41 tos,J/IcT
strat toeauitir rotti.l hiloilrrat af
tetoltAr.•• sta.,iittos itir asoattrioa mr sse4,ios.
11..1 ast,sitt (Its out , soma, Sonarsdr
I urp rita.s. April t tall
Ninaalia . 41 c.
that • Apo. els AGusral ist,rtst I ProtOr
nit vasloor 't etsitfo,p. art Aluttairforoil
Loa Atih Sit•lltcr 11n.1. trulanastrA • a
I,al vt tirloor's
or-leatattel Aenrilluip..ttrotal assilsitOrit, Attasslo,, of
mar citp.) ASA aft" stung A tall 4. , .-.11.4 LA11.3 alrotaarlit
s tail Aairpt sari, 1 . 1.• lirsal ttoprtr
W lossorrltslrly .1 ..ria6l PortAatlortist Irr. &111... aro.
toils, loth . . pat.:to...quo of thy 1G.,1 s•ln. *WI rtProloal
renostios tat ;at WI. n..a y 1 UM.
at......hat to uPI
sao. •4 , •,..
• Oa.
1' by SMI tviswcut Do irtlU•ls'
As 4 kr vt.iftietcr. r , 1 KliW f CM. '
'other. gnu will, talk
'an Amy. sir] yes Cita, taw wt Liao of lb. Ott Ao
litc•A taLtsle OItAX;II...
11. II Yar.n.11,1,/.4istal 111044MA+ 1.1.0. out o.ctatl..stie ealsot ..t Ineal?tw.Lheaßt
NA .iOl.l tun, Iy. Li at pleatte to iroar-
I t i1.141.•14*.et •*1.3, to./..51e0 t; • t.o.
T.:1..4 Mal Ail!,
protav w nbd.Pell.
4 . 1 .
1.,41 VI, in, pla4. id , ..u/5,16,1•10P1 . ,. •
IU 11 .. 0: r , r414,•• Of Ll* bustle , Nrk
"ra It.; Fit. lb. et WO
Boarding School for Bogs.
nal Alrairray
Till ill/SESSION a I ibi! , ltiOn
I • .11 ..vou %1=.1,1•,. ithdx,.l Aiwa
run mewl It .tirstel IN Mtttebui,b 415-4•
• rival rpis• fr, en ritto.4l{4. tIA
th il,...:ll:::::at " .rV;i;:l , V • tl-.1./
•arre.4o frotql,
1,1 ,paint. 0 ,4.1 ,
roe ttro• g0v..1 .46.1 parc.coor. roor
..... Drib 0..7 pr. .*Nit.
o.u. 0k.h.K.0 o$ tte 4,1
.2tewhairy (Duch
undorsignal is is.Ar revelling hill
..osemoot la il- ...IF of In lit?' acidalr/s .
Palm Mann., the tovirral .t.l
0.. 5 . M.S. list , / flo,,evor Triala.p Wasp. map
;. orri troy, for u m t•on t, nf•
troy otylo• or .11 ,AP1..."1. [MIS(
warp , ' . from Co Vila. Cerk tin!
Nit 11,4,1111.141.1. l.: Vac!, Lt.
Mr:twat. .04 NLilicker. flui it to Ls.. oarintits
It yM i e, will In LW. 4,110.1 Li
eirt, (No? ft+ , Milltzt
- • •
''" '7. ail
. Pittsburgh and Clfvehind. Lino.
PLUS Troll L'intri/ Linr_will he rirlpareil an
tb,. °waltz or. L'annlo, t•Lout Ist'or ityal.) , tt ;11.
iZs r =lfilgrgtjt..=. •, ,. " ;":7t°
ttln•to .04 Watt I,.irat,t,
¶l. Aimt. t .
• lon ,, nu...lsvip limes
• omahva •
110L00. mac a co ,Gio-rusa3;
AttsIDIVELL CO„ Trnaekrtinearii rot
•nlinsi itorion,
IL ir ur a zli C1ev.1.1,1 tine. race Lai .11.4,111P L E.Sca,
%lanes oci 11,0 C.Ja FM' . tatz'a
California Bread 7 •
riN j fE ntibticrilinr in rntintifneturiing - iind ban
j einiu d 4 .. cf 4 it bi r r .
fta01 , 1.111 , 5.131•?..• .a - or;111,Ls:no r or
e I Abort O* ice. J. Alik 1113 D.
R r
amet•22 • , • No. Z 1: Liberty, area.
ii tit ItAitillitV. ho. 11: Isitsertr etreat..tilarelte the
heiJ tstoalthetekt. ,
titelag todrehasea eee 4 sely.l l ./4etitt'ssateasl(4l44u./ Nee
limed oneentnar. 1 s9lle4rapsred total en ordate Fur Itestl4
sa at Pilot Brow 4 st the th 0.1.14 tiettko: , •
dot:arida rolutly Creed. Aye add Dtartpsit slid ad, films
etwi thWit, Own oral - r rourui
:Amato Wall, Inhpllett with e i thtau tot
. •
eAki.l acul I..oriledioec azi hsiss
nnler. ! 311k111.011,
17IIE Pa warship' butwceti the it mlorsigued
st XIDIVELL 4 I , llolllltlt, we dl+
lb* tub 10.1- by mutual eobbot-
Little+ tto. PSI the
Imoloom. J. C. 1111.414:11.1., Vdtsbeugb.
. 1 1 . 1 , 11 , 1Y!7,1.L. /lobbed.,
Alareb 74, mar 22:
W pOW ULA4S- , -
1000 Wry. 0010;
. .
too . •••• loth";
'Vito "• 1011.1;
' ••
10 •' 11x17:
ro •
of lorstrouut., Lookdr, awl for nit,
1. VON 00NN410104 a 00.,
rogrir allOO6 Elyrtlll.ll
R . 46, 2 P . P 1 1 ,. ,\ , :2 .
c PAl'F i y,— lur _. • ;•.
20. • mr:.;.°
boob. Crown
" Dn.
Ilrotited ion! Mr by J. R. WEIRIN,
marll • klocolooller'...lBtalloner.o3 Wood rt.
Ai 451ASON & CO. trill receive, por
tr'irtl Lr ueedno
ry tioolvv. • ortrll
APLE SUGAI!.-2 bble,'New, of eu
MTV P ' si
" Y '"" tetliTLtlu
2.54 Liberty lima.
fr"h'°""g"'''' by
W. A. iidnAilld A
.woe" und 2*. beaten.
BACON-84We A Sliodilii;Tfor sal, by
i'ILOVER.SEED-25 bu, lancline, for sale
gj- tasu-'4l DALZFIL a W.
pt... nor Isadlot from 1 , 1" .1 . 7
""%. th
./diAtlrdil f"" b'
• • • Water and Frtutilt%
Old Allegheny Bridge.
4 SUAREZ; of the stook 'of the old bridge
tur Nal* A. lIILL ell.
mar '-'2lllw Stnet itul Rachman Brokaw
Citifies roars:ice Cg. ~,,
SIIMIES of the Stock of the abr4 . 6 Co
value, $l2) for
DRIED PEACHES-200 bu. in good or
dtr, for e...1r, low, to cit... crnatolm.lot. Vy
auirz2 noutsoN. LITTLE A no.
ass it Co. aro Gila dar in resellit of 2 Cases Summer
oshams, splendid styles. mar 22
COTTON HOSIERY-509, doz. assorted,
J now opening .t
mar 22 A. A. MASON I CG.
SILE GLOVES—Just reed and opened at
mar= A. A. MASON t co.
ANTILLAS—A. A. Mason & Co. will
thin day Introduce Twenty Pine of the newest and
latest style, mart:
70 011 Cloth Over
:12.1 Nu polo at ' AO !lark.[ stmt.
Jwt — 'd "—"
[use= - • J. t 11. I'M 1.1.1c6,
HORSE COVERS-12 Gum Elastic:
'3 .l.lliVil
mart No, 110 Mariet Atm,
For Every Family.
11 h••
,1211—Vor giving uti f I gloss to Unarm, Mtn,
fikktubrics,Collsrs, Min tlosorm, u.,tnd al2,
fonts th. iron from adhetiog h. the Linen. and preTvnta
dust Irmo ottirktoit to!Linens, tr and L-onttaLs nothing
I : 4 Sh ma tTe: erit rate :un c le, Ind chrap--p.l,
bought the rauht Igr Allegheny ,ounty fer
three ye•rel, the trade will ho supplied up en term•
Sold arlualelaland retail b 0 It. E. SELLERS.
war,: Nu. hi IYucd Ftreel.
iIOOK JACK, by,Cartain Maryatt; .
a Orettude
Parlsn. Ilse Merchant Mdse..
A :gory wAltnat name, lor 44. I. I: Jam,.
eaves:Ml., Ito. 1.44 nf the
Thr Female AO,
11.... he Dation... reynel h. the Vona.l.• aPT
0ct.0,1 for Iltintiand. Lag, 11.11-•.1
oloaley'ir Lady. M. 4 for Aprll.
Orahaso . a Magarino ••
J. 1.51 rec'd 4.lxd for rale st li k . I.Lt CALLIA
Wirt! fh.r.l at ..pprielt.. IP • Post 1101 C,
Great Demand
I[ 4 l oll. the only true and genuine LIVER
P 11.1 1 ,.. girepare,l by It Y. eE LLKI,
Must.. t/r.tetlcrt
Marth I/182 • /
281184111.arepurritsiswl onrialooslly bout. ~/
yr.,. Pills of Vet - sorb/go ism reller ho. 1..4.11 In
b.b.hit 01 through our Dia,. but s, !Iv has
na n , brvu thrugh tu lately , the gtviil tletnaml I.r Your
th..ll,lnr, Induce, mo/, to solicit lin sgenry. lam agent
fa WM! 10us or dr. 01 Pill, Itat , yon el Pill,
c.rtx rho lx-st and rn,t raltabl, I boor ...Ter
t , trritr imm. ntligv
1 our, re.mttrully,
IMlh It rrtatms - ter.
,pt..r , I •111 r‘l,l I.; ,+IILI.EI*.
. . . . , . .. ..
In 0 , ,. Crnrr r I C'rm, ./1 , , , , at Allrg , -ry Co.•
Th.. I.nlo, s !'roar. 1:41114.1 I l.b. •
r: • /S n St.ln,..7rris,.lsh I
Th. :sip, r toots of Ohintr.rsestur i.
M!, AND 110.1 to tit, Mardi 20th,
.;:' 4 , 1 . 10
( .16 , 2 , 11 .. ero d rt i, u102ez .: #,X . r m rzr i l ,, t; . th , r ,
4.: .. ::::: .,,,,,,,, : ,......,,,,„ u ., 7: 1,,,,,r L: ,1 that
t ~. a th. Ming . at enzflrrasilon ,
'. .ift . .2,1t0 alai Atarrirno ' . ."By the rpurt '
marl Ciro. I. I1A1'.:. frr , tl.,nrtw•r.
e . _-
,nr Ttp 'EI (i:i!
0 '.. ..rr.....j, -±5...,/ ,'.!s) ~.Q.)
on; !: I eli/j:
MA" n:
....-- ; V' -- t .
....... .
'VMS inniluaLln relllP.iy for all k1i,14,4
nl et, hs• k tol e nsir7
frr-tri .1 , aalrr ,c10.13,1L. WI, nll,,
cintv....i , u• n.
,f1ypa1....t.. harr aha.l
v 11,1 n
frlars Wils/or,. aral tin•
Itll Ja. lie bairn, I.lly 'v.,. evorr
slierr 0 0 kr., vv.. • r
As.r) IL. r0.,a77 lo.ll , yratlZ,
A =A.A.', raw 11:1. Jaw ~ i1aw1,11,40,
3aJL rould I.ut Em. n.. 1 Via ,1-la.,
Put. Lt,. 10.L1 p. 0., At WI,
tni Itir,,ekout
Tho , inbra,s LI., e
u.rr.•4 ,04., 145
... •
1.111{.1' t" -
do. tl.rt , tut
3,11 r, 1.4 e, .
1 OM, lb*
Lo-1 • , 11....11nm0 istir. - 1010.53
11+ 414... AIM:, 0 tn 011 4 ,1% 4kn0,.1 I
4i.. 1,11.,.1.. tho
IN.III :at .4 111-.11.V.11i
art.,,11.1q ,1:11011 11.. o,t
leng, I,utta t.,1 *I
etto,i 1,0.u.•117
1,4.7 IS 4“. 111. to .11 twat 11,40.1. .4 1141.
data If. .L.
051 d
11u1 Casts: I,
fest', I ,:srtie4 s 1, , so 5..,02.4.t50ce tome eel,.
smel U.CebaSht W . so.. r t.. 0. eat sat;
Ale 'Psi tteels ouatl• ta , nre tro, Lt. tot ••• es
tronhels 1.12. 1.• ma" ,esst,
Win rs-•I4 be clAstue4 0 , 1 12t,e, 40J I to-10ce..1
U441ii.5.110 wt.xlif . st meshes. , 4 014.1 1104041•
*telt Lott tore 101 Ilae. 484 Inst nltx 1 04 0 e
'MT sorpti.. r. my *worn. t 4 c•set 1.4 to lb, oh.; 08
ts, o, INe he,. an/ CS4 to.I eottroly
(41844_ 3a. urea" Ulm thy dor Ls' rc.rea,0,...1 t .
hoe .at 81 lot W. 01 at. Ina< nt
lUttivot , row.. 4, oaf eeleeto
.Citsart l'octoam. bat hero din4lllstll sot eesrul.Lut
martel •A trot) 70
H U. 44
Heat, the Patten
kg. U Art, Lesllll-. Umr suier
13 4 ". 1 / 1 1 1 /111 11 1 . hrsitt, I eon,
leo • ropuesid_my case, shkh att. t.,pot
Ush t•ir bournt •11,11.14 I 104.2 . 4,1
(1,4. s.sechapa•Ost • worre . 0 4 M•Lte ni use 4
Pula, .011Q/3, 111//,../ . . cl , teluxog rebel' I sr.
Is ptr• op bomb+v. Insmenti, ru2te11.1re.1.•43 10144 .01
poott.r..t oiebt A 11 1. 4 4 ." t°s.
l'axstt Pctrj•st. tl..tape of shirt, I IMmi‘hsuor 0.02,
1111. .n*x(l.4Bl dlr.. area I 0.•••;,,s1
ants tellUe. , mal sue to 810 1 , 04111 0 1. I
PA, m 1 nu¢k 0u cesse-1. su4 all thi L.A. a jou:' er - ONIL. A II
eflootool ILios
II /1• ,, 11 ' 4. 044. April
I , ••4 I lob 126...44 lett *lt thst ettitte.Zatt • enogl,
Inuit "tut ['Matt Ls. Ls me 11 41. e.
sesno they 1411 SM be terovllt.te.l 1.1 tl.. to { . , 1 4 • 1
• Awls, ieter; oLich lel MI Wove .2011 thA iallscord.
Eel. vett loyhte un•Lle or-tottoth el • 21 . MI
Stouctal umet • sip?. .1 041
1)4 aj , ff.:, 8.1, 41.14,2 ....uch tra.t 1,61 wet] itt. Pas
••••, 1 Peons sske be•ohfo! ty the
oil ae.e . ..t • , terilti,•ll. ohn lks.l ono Ai .the. Wog. It
esse.l ros .osh,st stret. 8.1 rive no tr“ t l,l.Gt in
thhh • ttrthket 1 :out 1 :IRA wolt,hti I hit tha
0f4.".112, Ircutie•ctoo. ter it4ol.llt• retorae.l.•o4 Mr
kcal oLor, too, .1,1.12 wk. 1640,3 r4r ^1 ,4 041. ,
aft•e br. vet% I sell an einma. with to , eth
er Lclp the* S; 41 Cherr, Voctor.L
Yaxrts 1.11.11 JULiA PLAN.
i "14 ths :he .r,etstsmeot aro., 011,
.14 ,41 , 4111/r r.with Own •iv 1.1%.:r moo., 001 ber
vet. t', Fotwiithl ea
341 1. 1 r Item, .n 4 Jolli, Ms erlfe,
lotrao to me, an.l Impllelt eoollArt-s mar
Es *lBOO4 to fir ststement.
1.1111101. C VAN IiCSIITI:NT
Y•vt....t e 1 th, Itspttet Church
r.ti Li .t AUS.• C. A V Ph,
6..4.11 U.+
wt.lalal• ant I•ttll. •t B A. liii
218. , 14,i; A CO, .n 1 J. !.1.'11.1141,1.11,
Liti, Li 11 i'.31 , !1M,111.11. J r , .7t
.n./ 1/33i3,1430133.3-...3 <3.179.
J. B. Weldin. •
WE S A I. F and Retail I/cater:l in
Nark and erbecni Ilwkr, Poai^n.,,
No.Ls 11.n.1 .1.4 d 10.1411,.
Blanks Books and Stationers.
UK subeorlber renpoctfolly informs his
faint& Cot the 'midi*, the{ t: Is oportin •
Irooriot wvontrotet Illonit Sobool lkok g
Etillootry.tfrlttng,Pilotiow OW Wrapping Poi*? Row
wit roara% of "ilia h. will .mil sa Ivv .141...
. .
(envy. "..von• ottu. t.I
Pgloi los extwute-..1-w ith *WI d,roth
- .
Magi Blow.ntlrJ cng Rlll Fly.. I ,, tcr.
Old 1.. , ,1tt0rp Mutt'
• . •
J it. W 1.1.1411,
tio 6i W.trrl rt hrtwerti rctitth.
ra4sl . o.
IL 0J1...",:i stvl Por 1.41.. 1 , 1 -
D. A. rill - IMPS - COCK A CA
mer7g . errrtiet:rant and iWood tts.
IJITCII-50 bbls..itintore, for onle by
C barn a.IILACICnCH9 a.OO
Adamantine Candles
BE undersigned .ILre now prepared to fill
obten for ADAMANTINE CANDLES. Our pre
. reda....l token are sorb se mill be ralleheo.7 to cur
.trbm.l. sad euounuent We eboll mole it for your Inter
est to pareluou u4.Sromlooo o n
botb.bro JO3OllO. DAYIB A CO.
,iIROONti---36 doz. Cm, for zalo Cy
nna 70 Wats.. nr.
,FAMILY FLOUR--The clinbost . , family
6rac,l2 cu 14.4,1'46,101g
_ _
.Flottr Oil .
T US:Treed front Philiipni Ile lac tory 1(1,000 .
41/ Ye.thi ol /teary, Ittolitan stet Lotht Ifloor . 011(11oth.
Into to tiirttle of the cr... n yle of potttros_
Metebtoto stel fault will nod ft' to llour advtotego
•all owl examine uur inset telote Duteloolltth elaoooore
, .1. tl. 1 . 1111.1.1 PA.
11121 to.tld ittakat etrert
Furniture Oil Clothe
vrivo iIuND.RED.z..., asmoried nixes, of
Tabld, cloudand Iltarto Covio, • la' belilltlittl sale.o paZtrrna We hall* 11, attnutioiol 116.116.. ii, pi,
Llcular. CO ILO /atm, 1. '
a 11. M 111.41114
• toar2o No. )16 klark.t 64
to II M\ .... . .....14.
.... M n _ ....V
aiolinewre,lnuissletonYnrwar,ln Merchant."
or o etrret, CrehhOblo.
. l'orrlrular otb• le nttnn g ne lee. to the Rum b a ., a „ b , 0 ,
.... tiltuatenn , ..l.he rlyer. their ntelllnea thr whir.
Flog oil rreeletnA freight by the Lobe ern equal • to Ann
11.10. la the Ober, Inutl9•lnto
- ---
Second hand Pianos for Sale.'
A MmtaticarY .5 1-2 Octave Piano S .10
A 4* ••
•• In az ,
, )rot cell le t • , ,75
A A15i11.4014) . 1111 .. .. II)
A lage t Irerntro er 'Ark:IY PIANOS will le, renetre4
m . o u
oroooArort b ney a d Of ll:hlckona. toed+
lath' &Won. C.lonal, How 'tho orlrbetted
moth) - el Vona etrert.
aced Cuthhrrut reel at nortleort Fourth and
arts ttreoto.
dgest a largo ii,eorttersit carer Nio thogle.
Vodia Wad.' 000., •
Black Mot:ILN and 11.1.1 Eng, very titudrige
Light eligorroahlo Wowed
Block Dem. Moue do Lain..
etylo honsgo Ilpue de Woo+, very rigodrogic
All omit Mo. de Lege,
grouch adhl Nagllgh lihintsoN
• hutting supply' athirst. Cloth, '
turtle Northeast outlet Fourth and Mak. an,
CASSISERES—A large 'took of
L Gtirlmerw alut Clothe for west. med
s.a.e. corner liourtband Matkod./S
lau WilitPllY aUItCIIII6.4D.
ALCOHOL -IUO birs 9G per cent.
't"lith.l' .tore.
e 4.1 b
1° 6A
tosfilit (brasWoo:luta Vint newt..
INSEED OIL-65 bbLs. Hortfuronto
A by rauallij A-PAUYEdat2.4.qp:
INSEED:OIL—VI bbli. just res'd and
14 Ice Emir/At
11 " D °II'.
' :loislAs..for sale 11;y • - '
Izikarn . - - I °.D CC4
Second'Night of the Hutch:4°n 'Family,
atusDA rEVENING itußcll 22, 1852.
'VII 11 II UTCICINSON'S return their sin
JE. cern them
far their enthusiastic reoep
thin giyen them on their that appear..., end reaped:LAl
ly announce that their SECOND CONDEET will be given
as strive, when they .log. among rnhere...There's •
01 Dom owning," Whet, skull th &V find rest."
"Cold Water Song." "Bingen matt, Rhine. "re. Italian
Burlesque.' (Improtoptul "Ben Bolt" 'Thellountalneer,
"erending PD.,' The Waxwork." "Don gad torn when
you ran." "The Rona It Sea." Uncle Email Farm, Dort'.
cultural Wife Thn Snag of Home, Ship On Fire, The
Faintly bony,' Old , innate ,t•to, de, to
Tickt• ! . .0c ea Two ti-kts will admit cne Gentleman
soil two Leak*. re be had at the prthrlpsi Hotels and
Mum, Store, OM. I the door. on the evening or th e Mu'
.erg. Nora open it Wipe. 0 o'clock Monday evening.
nooks of word/ 'Juntaittlng GO songs a awn. Faulty
tor /air,. the do r
- -
11 E P--51 bls. to arrive, for sale by ,
lbs. Llama, Sides and
math , . ROBD3ON.LITTL&d tu),
i/UDEY FOR APRlL—Ueda', Ladles'
Hook for April; and No. Wed Douwheld Words, hays
bee. re. 'd at the Literary Depot or
marls r opposite U. Post thitimi
Steamer Geneva.
UTICE—AII persons having olsims or
41,nen.1• on ale etetruer Genera up to the Mb
inelueire. will pie.. leare their Wile et the MM.
el A WILKINS W. for settlement_
uierPlellne WILKIML
ARD -6 0 bbls. Lent;
_KJreeNI en.l far Ltle by
tuero LITTLE a 00.
gt LOVERSEEI)-20 hu. prime, foe - sale by
st mar I u ROBISON. LITTLE.: CO_
VI.OUR Ibis. Extra and S. F. for sale
Lr 100.•19] ROBISON LITTLE • CO.
gI HEESE-260 bxx. rec 'd, for sale by
, en•rlv nOICSON. LITTLE & FO.
-170 uhls. Lary NO. 1 /I.E O mE
24 ULM,. 2 /1 " 0 tal• LI
m,lO 005150 N. LIME. C
IL m lvlU r0,..3 mud tor oalo Dr
IST AR'S BALSAM-2 gross justreo'd
V nod olr o.sla 1.7
.1. KIDD a CO.
111 ROM E L LOW --600 lbs. in otore, for
b, !noo.loi J. KIDD& Co
- -
II ROME GREEN-400 lbs. Tiernan's
Imarl9l • J. KIDD *CQ
/Q . ROUND NUTS-100 tits. landing from
gfinrar lisrtlori. (or gal. 07
1 IRIC APP LES-5 boge - landing from sir.
1 14,1,9.1 , 0 sale 1,7
NSENO-4 bags landing from atr. Hart
IFATHERS-53 bap landing fro;fitmr
by ISA II DICK hi at CO.
11-mi Water an 4 .
B Ac6N-1 cant name;
1 do ELles, landlog frm rtr. Hart
1!;!arl? . 1 ISAIAH CO
.(1 A RTAI:C'S Nlognzine for April linty been
r.,A W. A ILDFA FEN NT • CO'?, No. 70 rourth
I . l3Totro I.lbrary for Tn.llres snit Fits
Th , rtAltants of thta oomher 1.. Ilcaxl . ft ova Mort.
cd Patera. all oari , n the Morel:mot PrlN,.•lllStbriCal
lan, by Ctlnt Id rahlgrtoO. author of•• TA, Creamot
anJ - Memoir of Prior< Rupert Rol tb, Cov.
..11.-a;nall 14.a:oar.' de, tr.
Lumber for Sale.
EST quality of seasoned White Pine,
Cr. 131.1, I•rn hatclieilltuanapd !wt.
61.:t CErrel boards piauk. hem
• •.olliske
mar', T.:••• .JAMES a IfOROAN.
For Sale or Rent
artl t Alt All.4chen-; City. with
''" 1 . 1!;X ' 32 ."l llZl}ll , . 4 ll P tC 7 rl ! , ' :q .t Law.
!in. 110 4th P4tt•bo.l.ll.
• ..r tw 111:n1:011N RAMAi,
!srltwon .1.. ILI Ws-.1. tth t r S stral
ERAGE OE LAIN ES—A. A.. 31.1..0n
rwr,tpl a ca... tl,O Etttmottr
• Llwn, marl!
RLsti LiVOl , :a--We7.llall Open inn ran'
2.1/ d.” tj..a tan VI :wsws Varied no !twtwct Drers
.• O.IOS, de Lana, alachaa...
, .
14 , 1AG:it • bbk J i In, fur solo by
mu, 1,ALZ1:11. Ckl
j.; A LER ATVS II 5 HA, Saleratlia:
no haw
4,1 naLa.l.l. s Co.
rill AI DT for
It nkLte.L.l. A (-11 l
lOA R. 30 1.111.61! in. Mute, for gilo byj
IL LA 1.1 CU. A Ca.
01..A55"."-E•S - 144 r. N, (1.. in . Val( an.rmw I.lstifwri, tar
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co.
tr.- Affair, W th,CcaspkatAller vnator•
.ulty orith a 1-I..,Astm '4 It. C/...144,
re. ix. nrao trt. ata 75/
Flo )Iwine awl lultart _
/111X:CIIA 11;...
t. • .
lulanit AI. .. ..111.14.6 4 R1
On - 46 ,, 043 „
j t, t u t.lra. I'LFSC, 111 111
I:ettinaN l`retataack. a
- lb 422 42
- . ,
Et r..c.htl. nett 60a4.2422; .... 9.690 :0
• ssis:rro os
Olin rtrirraNT /11
'lsverir,,ry, -
. $l
uNtmortr•tkta Zisp per
'MCC , . an Piro •• 10,161':3
4) , 3,0.) rbilt, lett km. City Skt ' 30,&1144.1
11:1,000 ,• Iketklea )1.akt....1 0.11. ro. per
iri Uardpis ,
to r cent
1. P-1,0. I•etulrYttlts!.
_ t.r.i4
N Rosa . tkamolnkter.
••. Pvulawylvaatli
n 'll,ns 1 . 11116.1, r.i liarTo dalimc•
I , b.sho oar , Coarmany... CE
:• , unl., , wk surdii ilatoallsuctremtVP 10.614
Phl. - 121.459 /.2
1:44/ .41 ... ..
Balstrrn .r nal Vissei.
tims no Marto-1r )I,a 7.7.3 t;
• • " Ite,ooo
NomaErr 3d. 1331.
TI.. haarl ef Ihrrttort rare Ik3 dor 4•clore4 ill dirt.
%load hi El X VEIL CENT. in f•Pil• Mt th• Oaritol Stock.
row SIX PLIt ektit an Ih- Ern,. of the 4.lmapanr. pays
tol. on eat oftor Oarrnaler 15.,• Its3l.- AI.,. dirt...lead of
rRN PE R eltrlT latterly. od Lao Capital track andeorro4
l'rerattoat.. Cortotrator for which hall to looted as abort.
013T,CTOVIE: .
IVIIII,I, Marti, John F. Newlin.
Jota Ph 11. root. Pr. IL 34. IlnotaT..
Li. nOd I ttnudtr. 4 Joahrtto. natl.
Jtthn I. Mr/3. to Throphlto. oord4ln4,
ItolArl Dwain, ;.:0 0. Jr,o,-Itrator.
John It. rrorr, ' Ilt lir{ Sloan.,
otooor It. I..rt ter, Iltathett/ht.
Etlnnrl Ilarli glop. 3Wllllcra 11yr041i.. -
Irste IL Ithrl. Ctrotleo Eelher,
Willi.. Folortt. .1.0. Jnhurno.
Fomuol P. rtnErn. Jmnon Tiwznal,
PpArnor 11Ittflrot, J • I n. T•tin...
Joiorh Et Darn.. JatboatL.lrrlrs
• 4 T.
''''"l' l_ r ll! ' l , .f.3 D Ett r ill i rti ' letVl:V el : '
10011AE 0 Illt3ll`, , ilco Perrti4ont
moor,. W. tows,. e.errettri ,
• Fly the set I neettoratitog title Company. the oartlea in
sann totogtr thertin aro sontlllsel to a Starr of the'
r rot. g
of the InetituUon. wihriout eubtartlng themoolras
any liability herend Smlninnt
Fte eat nal MatOm an lr -Mhaertrtlon . out anan Plot.Mol
cltheft...mar tor loiyOutot of lomat and the profits
thoctunrany am *dad tot. Inreetog and menato
the posseeeloto of tho , Corperatton. as . fond ter the
further toourity of amnital. fattal aril! bit rap
wonted by brat boartug maitturrat of staparaent dirtied n,
amonu the Insure:load storghollan, pro rata, upon the
amount of tamed Premiums and Capital float. •
In Oil Fire, Hull mat Cargo Mak. aa usual. oh
the most liberal terms
No. ai Water at.. Pitteburatt.
1.10 . 5JE . R 4 1 .7, 30 . 0 3. tz. Crt .
sneer BS Waal stn.,
-2,) del. Callon t LW. thrtad.Lutly• sire:
Toe sal:, by !mull". AAVIITIINOT•
BONNET RIBBONS-25 pirtnco, tiprirtg
ales, Bale by
marl, AIttIVTIthOT.
1,1 Pd. 10.1 . 171 O. ARBUTHNOT.
PRlNTSlgarphy . k
e•id lisve tuft opened .In of very hentleome En,.
rdau, oan
f ors Milo, d marrantel hot mama.
Al, nett ylez of Amsrican Rot eolith, and LT. I
r marl . / I
ETERSON'S Ladiem, National Magazine
for Aped hm bcon nod o 1 14ILDENVENNy *Cd'e,
Ito. TO Fourth etreet
tloothli Llbriot of ton L•Tt
Author.: thle motet. Emaye Item the London
Timm, ate cootenta mu, Lord lielsonmid Lady
Rfolletty tiorclr, teat. PhIllIr• and hie tananr,
•tho Rution, Howard the Phllanthropiet, Robert
Panther. Dana Mello and.Vanaces., att:
The Illuttratet Loudon New d London each;
And •ma Nark will the 11 t h. Of liertitple Litelle; or
lin 4Unn,lencettoce, treue the tine. at Omen Stacy.
6 UOAR AIMOLASSES- 2 8 idniTs Sugar;
landlog,for 1./
ALT PETRE—SIi eke. Crude. fdr ante by
110 ILL hIRLMSTONE--5 Ws. inatora and
Lc end for pale by
marl: IBAIAII ItICKXt a co.__
WELSit FLANK EL S—Murphy k.
lharcheeld Gee, juallved an addltlunat mnply of
the above, settmumni the portant. attxls.'. Al o,
and American awl:titmice 41,0' Elannals , of rufous
tirade. Alm, Penton. 811 k and Rause Plannalt. A went
full amortidentof them goods alwaye on band. , ontrl6
ic i tOUNTERPANES—,We lave "reo'd 'a fur
ther aorply of the slam. ante!, white and colored.
new .1/1m ehtrarra. lbr 11.1nm:eds. Clortalos . ,..a.
IV a hare air° • Tarim of Arles of whits Cartain
at low Niro. a
1 4 Alip ANL TALLOW wanted by
/L tiftANT 00.,
ra•11.11%15t• Ildaklelntas.
e 4 ari : :
SECOND suppl 3 i,CDfautico.Tiefnan, the
Lrt or Charleslames. and ackaonledged One at his
' •
lay National Magnin. tot ApH4 Optioer
a bt anther now lamas.
marid • Oppocito the Poet Otiloa.
•• mrwc
. - .
: 1 , bb,
id /rma I3b.onliect,
1 " e....
. .
1. b
Tdarslse on ssember Ilbiliskrar y & E. ()
(Ssurlb . 1 . ..i Water si front as.
atte,:mt ?fed cum", eery Mlx bI luau.
BAUM). AlLLlCar — Aarertiamortsarki subecriPio
for thp paper naive] mut frrairdell rree•or stream,
rEoli NI% 1011. 1.11), UTII.IOOI. •
S,aturdny, April , 3.... ....Wrl.lnealay. March 10
Saturday, ...... _..—Nreduedday. Mar , .h
Saturday, Nlay Aprll 7 ..... --
Saturday, May 15 ............. April 21........
0/1 0 0010 Slo p
. Wtr.d'":l l:yr, y
Saturday, June 155.. ..
June '
tialurday, July 10 WrduesdaY. 15 .....--
, luorday. July 21....-........-Wrdarralar. Jut.
tlaturday, Aug 7, ..... July 14
&Mutat loothy . Aug :U.._ 15:rdaauliar. Jul? VI
... Aug 11....-.-
Wedneatal. Aug
ratan:lay. urt li
Wedurals.Y. rdllt
SaluYsla.Y. ....... &IA:"
SalUtallty. Wedueulaneul ...
Saturday, Nov
....... Wralnrerlay. Oda) ......
E.t.rd.Y. Nov . .... Weduraday. Nov 3
Saturday. 11 %.N0v 7.--
Saturday. Dad 115, . .......... •
Wedusaday. Dea
NIAGARA. for Bodo°, daranlay, the okh
NURODA, fur Bruton. Saturday: the 13th •
CANADA. to Nee York, eatuttlal; th e 20
AFRICA. for Now York, Saturday. the 27th
ASIA. from N Fart. Wednesday. the Rath.lll ,
NIAGARA, (nun 80-ton. Wed...lay. the also
EUROPA. trom N.Fork. Wednesday. tbe 7th Ay
CANADA, frrm.Beston. • Wetltlearlay, the 14th ••
AFRICA, from N Fork. Well:malay, the net
•With the LI- 5..11111.
From South
From Fro= =Woo for
. Nov York. Nag York New York.
HERMANN I • Feb ' , 4: 31.., 26 Mardi 31
HERMANN, Mar ?! April :2 , 3 April kk
WASHINGTON, A ,K I .: :-,.,t i'',';,T, It m .;?;.. ?..:t
wneruNtrioN. Anon IS July Di Jolp 119
July IT Aug 13 A g 14
WASHINOION, . Aug !:el,llf pert l, . l 8'"
Oct 19
Nor 0 Der A Dee
11E113/ANN. Den 4 Deo II Jon
Ovens Ihranntilan ()amens. t
Mond.' hloMinx. !faith 22.1832.
The market on ll.lsturily was vary dull. and but few
voles of Importance tratuyteed. The weather was rote
and dlsaay.eabl. which meined to rittek the activity
which might °theta.a, have prevailed.
FIA)C11--The market ..without any tostetial_aliaed.
either In pricee or demand. We hat° sal. to Ins as tot
tear--10. iy, den../t., and t. 4., bLlo at 130 bbd. at
32 for aX. and 33.13 fer extra. Prom ,lore eale. are ,oh
toed to mail lots at $ 1 . 1 2 . 5452.23 , 413.2.5 VI blot for au
peenna and extra brands.
ORSIN—We bt.r n q eder of grain worth raportlug.
111l0C1111113—We wake . eel:atoned atesdlwa. m Lb. ,
mutat with light operailm.. Bal. 15 hhd. Sow et
bA(Fi+he. I dr. prima et hd(e cash; 10 hhll refitted at 7r
nob. ar. , l at 7't,60 dat. d al.. 100 blds
In I 4at aan3ic lOm Seca. -Rome 01clastea la go..
I. tL - Fah. 40 .5. Rio Coffee 10X(I1le
SgAlN—Ths fallowing Wee <rem reported SO us on
sMiardar —4OO bble llama at Dg-. La:* do al age; 10 ;
000 a. ab,,uldera at agrea7s;,.. eashand Uraet 3,20 i/ Pe noTi
3'4% , no fine adaM ms °ldes at Wet 5,000 bs
dem ad :tit. and 0 ten. Sugar eared kintla at 10)00
EGIOS---SMes of WS Mum frdtudto re at 110.. Sales from
Seat haoll at 14 ai dm.
C111.T.5.E.--Salaa of 170 boo at :14-1c al C.
011100 ' VaClT — SaPtdim ara eery MMUS, OldO small
mb . !dr. , at 02. 0 04011 0 for uomealad Pesaro, and Vldo'4.
$.1 , 2 ter Apples. .
LATIIt.II2--Begalar wan, traoaph - er from Mare at
Gt.taa niv email lets, and VI Cagle nets.
-41N1-Ihe market eon Nolte, newly, with o umoldrt
able degrae of fitmtwx, We quota No, 2 Matketol at 27,
:=227.101 - . !fa. 2 25.505429, col No. 1 et 212. 'II bbl eels
no El , rttag 22426.25 - 01,61: ,
CANDLII:I-2alea of Ma at 21, tonutl tallow at 121,
sot 4101.-113 SVicti.V, 0.
WHISEVI--talsw bate wean cc:knot,' to mall lota a 2
4312: f4r reotifia
Lounvl!..t..s, March 16.
The river is falling rapidly. with about d feet
wratrr N. tans The thatoberPtal river at Clark/milk.
Eatunlay, warlalliac ebwlj. with It) feet water on tLr
rhoals.- its.. Denitcrat.
Srcswoos,. EXPLOSION MIL; Loss OF Liss.—
Po. aSaucr Mary liloolautl. Capt. Plallip...aP‘odol to ,
LSove starboard ballot. nu Ito , maorninc at ;h0p.13 ult ,
a (e• uul. tiro (Mesa, Abe had a A bara,-
tao Um, and a echoeurr In for at Ma tulle.
Dr .. • Ticino:meet llnestrany•And
Jiavtrona acciden t:
Latot. YLIIItD.. ellghtly injured: Ware, semnd
enkiner!, killed an the opal Ilea. Seiler, 11. pilot. se
eelr je,ne • d, aj,d dead; - Minoa, Jams Wal
.tera and • Cream.% name uaksudea. s ll atitle unlaced.
?bit bun au deck, of the hod ar;re much al:tattered
the eaplakm, d
artl , the teuWviuß theca bonen aud ca l
serttA.47 daiaaa-ed
the M doTlarea.
This the thlnt value ary Ithrliala.d ha. 0 .1 ,1 e 4 .
ed her tonrr..—l Som.—The noir ntenmer Jeffee..
MclSlmzeT. tram Sbnor•tart, with • cams at
IMO bate* ct axtos•strael • um, tm tt.• Zlll nit, 11
tab. Campo . es Bad river. .12 mak twit:ldea
Er•• lbe penbelelr be • teebi toeo d greet.:
pxttan of Lb..grayallllal eabeb.erMent damage. -.410
rarer •Gm flan sine. abet,* Um ramith of Ibid "0 ater,
sal gunk lessoslisielx.—(lb. •
Tor steamer lilidas la attempting to go oTer
the tut evening en the Picks at the ketielrl
the Ihliluss Chute, end Ind not cuticeeilet In getting off
up to • Istebour tat sight. We gerenteptge en team to
that extent the see daroscht.—{Th.,
. 131z..ua5q.A.2 Accor.Nr. , .—A telegraphic despatc..ll
tnoo,Nasbvirte, Medea dist lEFCt eolonoti and Nashviae
racket nor
on eaunuy tio ;44.,n.en.-n o
ral u ern
It nlar °Me 4ld bra°
thrown overboard and devarne,l
The eteemer Vbi packet between Gransam.
colt. ertaans.strpk • gam 031 tb• ath toe .
about Met tbo Ibrerott plats athl =al , bollata—
'no had otoolarl. at Z.Y.) bolos of tattoo la her ball, bilialt
wilt be a total 1t... Not :mach Dr ,Yrytet of nab= the
boat. No Haas loot. Boat bat Insured, but garestal Yalt
of the otaloa corned by laaniattro.—{t3o. Auto.
• •
The etenmkoat Jefferson, the -- sinking of which
in the Gel liver tow elreadv been annommed. tree 'reign
ed Be tel? y 'rich Government Korn. The 'freight wee
all landed but the Meer role ep rabidly that U wag
all canted Sba basin tha Ornate:tad le aftblatted
la veer Id:GAG—Lou Journal.
FLATEOAre A STORAL—WO learn that sev
u weck with gricktuee atid. rtniaitt•A teen it ,
• •ittinnit n•Alltion Atiairnectacia Int Saturdar nicht,
Item the ttit,cia of•• storm at wind that iirevinied.--.l.Lnia.
J. Melina. ItendriebtasollelEaterPtrt.
Bank. Ilenortt. Ij ..Thaw
N. ilertinl, Paola" Clnatoth.
Hienixen. Wa tkins. te.
Venture. Brotrintellle.
Forest elty. Murdoch. '
J. It lathe. Breigenert.
Vermont, lisalett. Eminent*.
Hail Columbia. Colt. t loekttroti
Atlanta?. Nato*. Brirry
Ttine Ntiriyer. Ballet. Wert Monte.
Allegbeny. Batchelor. Ctueintottf.
Keystone 1R...W. Mane, CluelsinalL
Parkineett. Command:ll.
J. Alai.. Iteurtricionni, McKim/Mt
J. Bayard. Peebles.. - I.l.limbeth.
Italtie. Bennett. Brownsville. .
Venture. Wallin*. Illennuirtillt.
C.est City. liontrett. NYbeellon.
Itoektrye tiara ~ Dean Leuirellbe.
err, /toas. w tlea b la , r i.
lileeseuitar linetnn.ati.
WI6I.IWILLE—Foregt City.
011,11 DPOL 16-0 .•• lia g E
• suarryna baccesu6.
BECIIIMPVLLLt. II A. id. 60 6 r.
t•„iafi.H read 100“ a cacao] by b'
tart. Isa. orradae dak, , ud Anal. , •
ISE'lltd , inthnienD.
den TimedAdial s -prop:ninon is on foot tolstilli susiron
etssmorld - 15/ nig. In length:with gated beam, and 35 la
dentdil with four erten,' of 1003 borne Lamer, ands earns,
'itt there will tes eight =Leis, with hngetatteen sods.
The rens!, sr* to be built of iron, and will he not mil
shot bat ere nra,,Cand from the novel method, though
.IMO., and Cr strength known to error rciroolbor, their
immense length rendlrs them more safe than these of
smatter sonstenetiOn. It to ratealated m ear? 2100 Pen
anserre,with a theatre Mr aniusemtntt te e gad ..uLt
ease of war, Own • batters' of threestmlrol gone. .This
projeeted erheme is for theyorpote of bringing the Eng
lish Coloulet within a month's retch of London:
The hull 0, Cepa Steel's new steamer was
went us to tide rity tythe fine. Wigs on Paturnkf night
nhr use built at Point [ha mar, and 1 desivanl fur
the Iduattnnum rirrr r unfe. It Uor very' light draught.
awl to cel l adaninl to the for whirn It ir dreivrett.
SYCANNONT Bnkg.—T6e 8 le= er Logan, bollitti
from Bow lincgraNN to this patt with a heavy cargo, nok
lhw tightp fl at the wood Iµ-k it limo tvy. Yo
ire. were loot The loan lONA ownal try Cry/L. tittllil2.-
Oct. her maNdr, spawlll probably bra total Lam
The steamer Elite, sprung e,leisk and etutleat
350 k 5 btk saitta ofcotton ondd Terii.• Ur rooks etas. Ph• hitt
Boanesa or 'A ST.illtllt.—We learn from'the
b...h.y.(r a .) Whig f thedbit Mt., that the slesadwrbl.
.7, wee meetly an red b 7 an aka.. dwell,* ralee be
low- dart Uitues, re:rya:ruee lauding au the Mat
ta/mama deer. at pearly cane buadtedbus coda.—
No Utee were last.
BILIEOPORT, PraiJ. a Genoa -471 bbla 60ur 6 bhda
teem., D taxa& co. 4.101,00 pour, Baker t Nprsyttl.
WELLSVILLE. Pia rOmr Cni-10 rake 16 DLLs 43 bs6
relsratea.lo4•6 Meter aOn 4 WU paper. B Blagerly;
10 aka nyea, 0 Malchera 2 :meal. are, ncekmater.6 Retell
2 . dO, W 1307111; int iestalor .4 tanners 11
Mean 60E6 potatoes, Brad elO aka brae; D Aiken. '
WIIELLiISO, Psi VlMarursl-11 Ids. bbl.. ?mu A
11111Unn 01 do. A 1 A Woodn al bbl g! wars I Om do,
Athos a 1e.40n14 2 bas mdse. Hanle. Vor.lth- 6 kegs
lard. Wtri In t gbank A Cm 6 Ins cheese. kick a kleCaod.
lam I bags Lb 11661, pamengst.
LOVIAVI E, I , ol.2dicuti Ernst.-111,1 yerdson Nunn
Mart a Than; 164 Wes ammo. 0 Leech A CC, 3 ea. nee;
Llamas A oyen. 8 exp kirks, Adams A 132 ad ea bune. IT
t A MeCotennen 1* Mds whiskey. 11 A Weave.; 1 tags 1
ask gel" Wkd mon A Walk 2 Dm books. It 0 Enceirunn 1
do ends.., Clink a Tkan:•22.otda "M em 4 44 whiney. a
A Holtman: 4 do tannus 2 do hams, Cosode e .4 tirananw.6
*lmam fallen dt kOtr.6s laid, .1s Klee /Joan,
UOCF.INGPORT hti am C42.623m-12 hbla•• *Asir
11 021 ktd. Wick A llcOsallezr. 44 Wes bay Jolm ki
Aker= :2 sks to sem. 2 do 'rooks. ookslgnen 4.5
elm oorn 23031m0is lea 4 31 Pk. 666M05, 3. 11011: 10
'ntels tolnoeo; Wm mamas; 4413 Lao Pol.. dirners on
100.0d1216) starts 1426 do, owners on totted; to earl.
'ton 1 los skles. John fiver: bbls flax seej, W .11 Jot.-
oord 22, Ws selds ,key IV , A P Wilson '342 bids door 12
216ds toldero.D L.nk a Co: IT aka feed. 0 W Bmtlin 300
tlus. gut Alekare. . .
. ,
. . . .
NAltil VILLE, l'sr. - TIC - 1L)10M--1 . Aloft tobsrou 7 do lead
pip. J W Bulb, A lire. htsl. Islam , 4 lads !atria
sL I..ttters. 1.1 Leech A Cm 5 bates rortonfilog. Prsoork
Corr? Pair, rotroa. P 51oCortsicl.: 11 , Y stems, - 40 -stk.;
frstbrrt• Mtstrit tYx•ii tr.. pis wrist 17 tnles 1 bra
Ir b tat A t=tla r rgrirale4 C. J:C l o . , ‘ ‘ .Z ' t .. 4 ' i% j tu K r ' s l irttßf!
trier 10 at. glamor 4d
.do ro4. bales skis. Corals A
Orslostat I bale robs tobarno. ll4rbrrt 44 , ern baso. 11
lint! 0o; 101 bbls roars,. tout. 14 starts trt,r;
dry bule.s. Jur 7.44414 • Cm. Wazt ecr, 100
B 8 1 . 5 . 11 It , 40 LlTtt Von: 14 Ails huultte.
It Ore Ns :I talss dr, r to t . II Irtiutros4 Bra.
d ruv , 11 Keyser* Coo 1: .41 deer 4%.3u. A Culbertson
Co:2 rasss rigor.. T Diqrr Vta.
•N NW ORLEANS. P. Pam Atritrettue-252 bbje suer '
60 bblo rettund.dd :41,10 unlaarn II on riot. SC 1.44 m.•
C.; IS) EtrAr rug. :rt Itrln rrestud d , tin do Indleenen,
I,,,mb nr r E tnUtruto; lu tot re, linotriddr a In I to.
mare, Ilerney n etel,11,11; 3 Itud,,, ortn,thdrrate,
rote, tiro tutHe;l,oks. 1 RiChflll3.ll. -
Yd 77, Pct
heasetrir-1 Loa all. 63 bra iwerb
aah hs, D Leaali Co: 70 6.t. barn. Clark k
Thaw - . to lea 331 bids baterll. l alo Ind ail 4.11 Learned!. GI
aua Irnther.ColoJe a tole, 15 bbls laid. P. 1b,14.10n,
tirrorn bank Smith bbl. whisk, 10,1,, al
robot. 11aworth A.Caiat6 W 061,11 whi,key. NlcLauerb
lie, 60 b randlee...lbabiolosi a Llttla:lobby. 'ablator,
Sikh,. C Kearala; W rata ban., El. ...lone.: 103. balos
6=60. Kennedy. Clads A Co; oxp rtra, ad.,.
Malan. .eatulegok rkma,ovner , haul abbe:
bomber bake Nies, 9 1131..1er bbla 1 boo 000 a. C Quin
ler: 16 all bbla 3 If do. tI 16 eolith It co.
Wf136‘1313, efk Ataa-130 bbl, hoar,t 1 4630011 v
Co; 13d PI Wheat, lilbearth Noble. 41114 brnl.lll6 low
to ow.
IVULL Fo66.wiCirr-230 las tetra 31 DLit
to, C.risat A Cc; 3 . . 1 11 we. cart, 2
ltrroll '
trotter, ta.' 3 . aSi llartiwh; ito ban. 3 tut ,
ter ; olcr, J B In to.. !Canld: 19 bbls tour. C 11 6 16 a Th aw: 60a u te
brae, J 3.leCleirg, lll tow rwroar.,_.
GALLIPOLI:a. I•se o.r. lines-34/17.11.0w plea lea,,oda
- . 1a4 .3Zata, rundrio: d at a t Aga 1, Cos
batti.e:doa; 1.60arwa..1 11110. A: 16 sit cat. 13 da rota 6
Qu brae. Ibun:ro.6 10 Pea 1r n. L 1,1:A1S Cia: 74
balsa 'door skis, 16 bairn tar, do:
9'l3eta cata'a a. cd 1: balo, km, 06100, .3; Nicola:
J 1 bbl, do raadraoa. C Gatee, I.Mo ca.rn .1 do \
ni. 16 al E Kali' A 1t,,; r, bbla auw,ltia. 41
aka cora 4 bekS hat ...xi itxrea„.lo, Hall, 1, L l O, oaedrlra
11 docorn 1...,•• .6ts hh,l lb da anal 11 do'
haw, T Moe...,;hbla 1111.5ee.1.11 0.0,11 • Vag In ht;. •
ousalrla",L Uharly: gl do cora. bourn, 7 bee wood" 10
taw cwaao'sot. wet., Pesaro; 311 brwoa,a, A Ca ,
barbs. : 111 1,1/iloaLlier h.ilas rat A Co: I
obwaaterot bun, Cart. at. oh ok•10ao,. blot. I.l.lawro,
Dllwaxtil s Cu,' 11101. Wu-co. 11 .balm-Von; 13 IW.
wheat, Wiluoueb W •16 ai,a son 4 lawsau6,llll..
lbobert; 3 Lae 6abacia.,..' r, a7 ,1,
poles 3 1.,00., A 1.., ttr,r; udoo`6ll.i II
•.eh Oa.
WIIEELINU—Pat tr , r, Iron, 11;o0 . 1 "
plun 1.1,8 61I• ' , Oaf
•o:art a Thaw; 23 , 1 Pk%
Th. Totprees threugh train ' , men at t”.. n'clu..k 4. le
• arotarnadatlen train laarea 81( o'cl;ek.y. P.
01110 t • PKNNSVLVANIA ItO.lP—WF_ , Tt
Trto Erpres train 1,111 . 1, Fricral Ott Cation at It
re ao.l artier, at i e'rl,ll'. I'. it.. every da, et -
rattling Sender. The Aernmrattlettet, Walt: leaver/ at.lo
o'clock.•.tij aria i r. at.
Penn Gan WOril4
tuos, uyorntas . .
0 fiEN Z 11T31AN, (II re rly of. the
firmol 'WM- )14:11117' 4 C. , ...) Ni,tur , , ti ell
and-WV:DOneufW tilASi, 1.3
T. R.I. awl cs}'rout, Pittsburgh. UN.
B.—.Psrt.culaw atk'priti,n_rs.o In v 6.1
4.11a5, rrtra. moulds
Rlt .- , - ,
GI HI W. 5 --
- .ND
Coach and Car-nu
11ciss:hrrtce or TEL mrc.m. Cr ms. WAISEVOCAJC .
e 0.0 ers,rr, racrevp - ..5. LE lure
21 PARK PLACit:.
Whion liar aria vont owning an anti. c NI:W STOCK of
To vilneh Crawl, of Trona flick ationf inn will honest.
The: Hill tare mast-en:IT an bawl rtloi - gill lttn Ire di
TPC: tram tbr IZETIGfa. - tor, , ,,t,iption'und nn li
4-1 i'A lILI LSINEN.S.
T, Jo . ra.t.dw
Ala. • full umi ucmplet. armr-nea:
iteceisc.l direct tram it. Preget, and. arr.,. Pattories,
campgaing ever) varlet , el '
1 . 1.11:11ti1.CLOT11 , , . '
' .-'•
C IMADL'illtl, .
Alec, i/Alf AMA. LAPIINtiA, SluilEess. lag CAD.
pervion, for CilUfiell PORPOZED. . --
'ft...attention of PITY aadC9UN'Ellt DliAttil.3 is par.'
1 ,
Heats it layslu.l I. our Flack.
DORF:N.I'W; &.: I'iLXON.
Philipsburg Water Care Establishment.
114 ' Philiwintsg, jleaver County, Penns„
o 0 aA m instb die of thahiotim.otepos.D. the mouth
c the 010 Desert Crook, Cl nett, from . Pittsburgh. AD
itherliu: aid 10(11rogAGiovaistid... the gralpieter ' '
h. had P.a. , / teat , eltactiaaFe AA a rtgular physigigu.
we,. et which he boo prseueto mom tbollydroasle
wfaa , Terms. pair Orr dC/14111 por r0..k.._ pagabls
sweetly. AU Drum. at's .44,...i t•-• ilrgropasu, tura.
gash talitat la begUlreA to larni.h two batty gaelletr —
Bitutat, too Iseg.igglacts, 1000 tilvatc., four Thiele.
Ind Ruhbe- Fleet.
'. 4. . 4 C4''''''' . 2L" ll. ; F.l . W.Airtl ACUEIt. Proatieut..
3 ,, utg, 1,...xt,e,5,, P. 0., ll , aver Cuuntraeung
mat ,
- Seller's ' l 7mithige, •
The Great Worn .Vedieine. ,
• nerintmerata, tEtin,4ltch 1542. •
bia. R. E. Setxiis—hly brathashislatr turtattaitaio-
Istered, • few worst situ,. .2 vista qe STLove's Perauff.4s
tea Shout (fort. gave him one vie of seers, thaeontmar
at slaieti he state to his t iihiLireNtbs .010013.111 ffr wotcos,
dtaliasarni both as w, sosslttes nod else, In almost beyos4
ballet Soar l'arsilligs4cra its arsrk.etell— .
You:4 iteritsettally. JiiiiitUti 1.1E.NC.Y."
Partatn ata wish '• sale em! etritieat 'roam mall.
nine. &haul& ass that tirepars.l stid int 4 by
=tarn 11.. E. 4 ELL Eli 4, L 7 tTn tat.,
Steamboat for Sale
- -
, 11111 E controlling interest, sr, i[iequired,
tbe whsla tine SI easter PILOT Isln. T,
IL, at the wharf, lit Le rninl Ins lc, ov.b.nT scsnl
dory.] pap., Far InTlhir
C.most 0 rwr of IT In' gad Slextet
Canal -Boat.Bmittut.
Et E hand a large lot of Bank
ltninves. Slrturv e - g ,trtb. Co tort, Pfl. . bbeeta and V 0 ..'0r rale Inw.•
lazate; ' NOBLIG:Thied Ore.!. -
Craigleith StALIES . .
O NEniTh
i }once, or nix
each. haw landing—a very LuDeirlor article. At.,
to Tard.Aootona NOTlllians.Nerrersitr.rcletcsrary.Ohlo,
(part Iterean awl French II rradetenee, both bcord'irad
Water. eitsuaeLl and rough. AL:ream' esaartatent of glass.
eirDer'a Ortarlatoner, for Pale to his to rrot purebaram hi
O. W. F. /LANDOLL'''. yard .^o
Sten 12.' Ilarrnob
WarILLnALon rt.
New York, March 11—ncar1841ret
Copley's Pot Clay.
anbacnbers have alwp nn hand
atrlUcpipirKiastCltl`Trtrild72l7g Caput;
Rhos rm., It It an artlel.ol o.tohlleht.l2frIt111:111,
caratolly oraparal and Pqt tarml. Prapottlons In
tt....4”—tarn third+ Coolera clay, oral one-third tar
Ger clay: ea. cam thlmi IMolwes, roetierrosa,
and third oto.halls. I vld WA male cf talsonarerl./
prudent. mon and bottor obeli, than thee. mate *dr
orely of Gorman
J. - fetICKB.II,IREP. A cal, t:t wo.d -
Broomall!. Ira Pre ma pub Malt tattle =aunt of bad
chard. thla . rancid
V ARBUTIINOT bult Coltunelier..d
‘_./. Cairo a fall arortfaentor &Smarm - Vow%
C tr
ra "''" jOaq%Urf=:: ' lVT, ' . trO ‘ i.tV;l;=l . 4l . 7e:t
aolo/00. Moos Pr 1.1.111, llorsao PrfaL Iros,.Lawns, Cu..lio flOaallaroa,
& lkotal
A n o b t= " egta . a= 7 ..Portc: ' 4S:o ' r ' Sithll74 ' ..,
Clock. Jorslrr Lc, ia • artoell rariertfolln to
altos cla attaation of ilnerasola a . Potato....
roan:, OS Wood Si a lkolor ol Datum:al Allan.
Dg — 0 • ; 4uc crel
is ' riekeled ;6
,Cat m
. 'a cri,
CUL 11Eg7143.4 ° -
m. 115 375 Lib•rty.t23;t
AILS-400 -keg,l,, assorted .city brand;,
natel3 A-CL1.111:8130N.
VA-100 Lt.--het., Young fivuon;drn
yerial,Oomnalir Dl.* rt, far by ,
regol3 -
R t Li.2E-20',4, reed and far sea by
marlT • /r. W. HAUW.4IOII
IORN BROOMS-10t1 jinz. reo'd and for
sal* by I mittl3l N. ;tit% 1/.4.IICAUCM.
142V1 CI 400 for
~ r / L7
AR-10 hhds. N. 0., roe'd rind for eel;
10 by 4. SY. 0.610/.1.174.111.
ILARIFUED SUGAIt-6 .- 111as.: in store .
) a,ud rale br •
1 ACKEItEL-34) bblr. iu et-ore and for rnarl2i B.k h 1111717111.011.
I ARD--20.kegs andsl - bbizi. in stnre nod .• tii.idtio - ;L . & iv. nitaaxcaa..
11. D. Kbg, Banker & Exchange Broker;
FOUtTlf DIM katT
IGILIEST market. prive pii,"l for Amerienn ill
Hall DOlars. Al.. l'slr qn1.7..T. atal FrataWt Dollars ..
Foreign i)altl. :Dort, baltaltt sta.,. solsl. I:warm .
ilathastar. tor as's..
___.,...._ .
.tsarlZ' .
. _
iIt:STEP, 71Smithfield td., DOM . Dia
.. !.
ttotrl Whey. Is W sece:pt of a reiii , lete sad vre:l
, ttek ot Pcirgdalang..loodr, sr:Angst villas Jur •
Cott rsnat ( €IR atel Patin Crand.N. St ode and SAM , .
selertextby:LitwOr trout tM laivrt,r • Anoka. ertafloAßT
ahallengte . entarviscrtt. Aln Porte Umiak*
Oltrenc,:, - ar. • SEEDY TU PLEASE.
N. J. - .
saw, bate boom km:id atotraevetol Imre ted• mm
Lome sod United itatoO, to to tt:al.!"
beauty and ttrotoottto otottrtles own, to any cacao .
pant 'whatnot. lbetr
• •
rarely an Oxide of role, and L. earrnited free frocran
adollsranon and Impurity. sthone - sessee t tcl,lll ern: •-
teuildrolly whet% and In ectlre/y We retina. Wantons
artipertfee of Inon other en ihdaderons to the
halth ot
and then issllles. •
What exyasel sidnbureda xtryliiltz elbalitkeis;ht
eye. oheo dna op In a Mose roma. Alan outside patah,
It withstand.% a sontLent climate end 11de/earner hen.
thou Lo y akin, cot is turn chalky er to
cent:dile and rub off. It .may t o noisol ohh coy wino.
OOwater mill.. or .nth varedeb, tedh girrt tilt Cat
tled Stpreelalla ati,h.
Them are fortdaiud at a LW yrite,sol an umlaut:44ly
the theeheit xxi teet IN As io me, atarlet tot meting,
tooth teuoicy, any osseeed
Weal rod, le tr . they aro bola- •
For Iron Isc•Pieill tLet are intrlzr tat. , " raloah4e. as they
fOnn a oaleanta eorwhoei, eishonedely 7rstcnt eaLlie
11., they dry oniekly, end heating a eon inetaine ham,
do not ttoon•
pt: bhe teeny af the earthy tOleia :WV
4 , stisrt tyjerilas.l GM Literal tarns by the agents tha
C. didh.n
•11171 h). • ' I Soutli Wbar.e.