t==!3!iM ---KO'rinellcn.iJCSO .omm: —4eulge Agnew, 'Mills charge to the Grand Jury of Beevereoust ilt tole ), StrOpir. I . riTti on the I;Ni:et of licen sing ffriokiOgirtuses. rafteFlinViilifpliicedliiie 1 of licensesgxe..74-4litsteyemi9rofof applications Air license Affajtiliferti the brand "fury. to, l k , fis t i 1 6 0 3 4eteroOne :Snicked t itkO O ffi dhchouxes sotia rriidnot belicened. fie arc . 1 , I'. - • • "I toe mayekitailt ix; OipORIIIIiiy,.Of COD. *Ming brelltivilektff; nrey not speak for that by anthosityp - MM . for myself, I will say, that I shell tenant 12g . ihtelilie; hut. !Mehl felthlial administration .of the Mir I hhlieve con ' dueive to public good. I doubt 'not, -however,, that any brethrenOihose high -cheracter 'and steraing, annice.steVes judges, give tutsureece or their deepinterest In 'the suppression of vice and crime, will join with me in an effort tO ad mlniater the law, in tbe ',nide. I have mentioned. "In a neighboring country, uratards of thir ty ittdictatepteliere ;fowl at 4 , m.gie to and ' es banded tOt Ax,bY eat, forivo* of the grand. ;len' , they ge nerally , ran thustippling house, ,riot, `assertit ,sitlhatherY:—TiPpling house, is . seultittol batleey;:etentalt,eind betteey... Gentle men; I 'cinild nothelp tringhtitickwiththis:i and . 1 catenation: catenation, this.linking together of cause effect. Tippling-house,.,essanlt and battery! lie* natural that one should thus follow the oth ' er, the effect, the. cause. To Jireffecting mind, the Vteguraehtleilogical;: and fordble: because practioal. I bevelAmit upon the bench :for this district tint a ilk months, and take it in this county, Row for the first' time, Let me give yon my own experience is i this short! period. I have !pied . three eases of Murder, tine of, eison, two of as - " sault with intent to kill and murder, . (one with an On. ether a rigi d :dismissing, from view a.large away of minor offences; and I say to you '•that ever) orierof thesd high crimes proceeded, not.indinctly, bat immediately, from drunker , oem.” r • VRENOTI -WORIZED CIIIMIZETTES— A: `r-A. A. 311fon C...1.1v just reed 4.1 op.e4 large IMl.ri.t.matnrltt ottor rn•nch clikaisetieg. I..tr'S --,n doz. fttat ec:*(laaS.for sale I -tl—ty—..ill'-'..l!!l_...__,____2l. !!L!'_n'tf:t_.'•___ ' Alouoisa col,LAns s: ctiFfS-50 .t.,•_;saoufinaell norted,Atetereitelni . ' . iiiiFii i,'. eii.ii,Ldill.6o.,a CO ,ti., a lel 31arket et. ' VAl•ki NC/A. COielatt.lls k CUFFS-LNN' C ', - bare Coed inr•nasottlient a' more thin 60,denea Ana Valencia Collars gnat:tiffs. in. A. lIASON. a CO.. -• ' 'tnat9 • ". : titt nail 44 black.% et. ~.N EW E.lCE—ltee d at 256 Liberty street; ._._ - .... .- W. A. ttelaMaa .1 - 06 i •ii ' '' Orneers linul Se . 1 4P-1 .."" (111 ESE--Pine: pp ca . 'to • ootuan - - ' kfo-e W. R. cr r e l ••2 "' 6. '' - n•. sTAtiva a co. uno - , s6llory etreot. i . litiCON--7' clr.s. Ila d S m. mutiotilden; for 2./ . . a n010 by• ^ J, S. , DlLnll'47l4 .l:J? . . t. ._..2.......-:-------L--..--..-----,,...._ ...._ .. r ' - I UST opened at A. A. Illesot &Co.'s, a RNeasoleto szoortment of Gentlometi* black t.ollazi avant`. .I,nl NU ILISBONS--A. 'Amon; &, hoonjart ree'S tea opeova.4lk colts. hying 114 rich seiltrepeOor Oyler. . m.o . & _• faltiCS *a..A.TlNSLJunt,r6ed, over 50 lavers' 'Wet hilt. and Bath.. Olut Aftenet and *hitter. Salt of every *lath a.) emir... .t.. A. MASON d CO. IGIIT SPRING PRINTS—A. A. Nilson A CO, bArn rr6llo cares.nt P.. Allen A Snrll Spring n 3.0 S II NDRIES-- • • nets roar Woe • . bbls. Grease - . ICJ ••• Uroutal.tiaL, tacks YettbarK - . • :bale .To err's . e ou stranatr lie l era, for . • . - SAI/11.11/11K141( a 1,1) . Water alai Fran , • 11 O§IN-30 0 bble. Soapßosin, in god JAIL 014•101 far =la br DELL k LlOti cs, mare Nog. rk 101070 %Vat. i t. fitEGARS-300,460,•Cadtaton, in store and 17 `coons . abet sbu at - ..DAPER—Wrapping, Pint ',`` mer.lo7.4*br________,_ wr • • _± . •!..1.--"`!_ '' MOULD dANDLES,-251bx.5. pmeinunti 51 ` ald ' 41. LICK., t'rL C 9 k Watei et. TbUItroLINSEEtVIL-1 bbli. in store 3 " """ Leo , , , , —"L -7 -T. -- '" L • Tc7l3 ardeners. and within one mile Ti :kris of 1 ~,,,,ome,xo of t 1 eitr. and Wit= • tbriulug mad w LL ur klub of fruit 'M.. win WILKINS CO. htids. pilule, in afore ...a.fo , " 3 "br o.BLACKnu RN t CO. g,AgL .20 casks, rec'd and Co} rah? py riar2. 6 `' -COPPER , SfOt., _ ___ _ 1, ,j 5 h ! ,6 i viz ts x I L% ca p..?; _ r unalita . Comet Wood st.,oshl DismonJ LOT. L 60110) bbla. 76 and 92 rar cent; sale bs . ims,3l 12. R. bbtI.LER.: 4 • .-------------- PPER---- —l—N'--ER--.--19.d0.e.n . -p e r 't tr..by (423 EUTTER-4 bfilg..Yrsh.fioll; : 'for de by . 1(1;1 s '.!.411. FLOYD. . N - 44. --- wIT — T , L.. 3 il blit4. -- g . 7F.; rricq arid for Kale by• • , - nurcurbon 4 INti IMAM. ' .tF I ft AKE FISII—:-30 bblti pcoritailr of, ji. CA tiYCCLD • Hew Gres. i TIIST 'rpcpieing . at WM. 1) 13111 S. The' ilir FIRST beer Goo& ofSheessem. rompriejsts the; pe est *sod most fasbigumble Myles 01 Vestrems, .Cestarrgs. Cloaks. , The knoptiotor ho,Ues bog Infests sud customers gtee earls Mn fsb=_ 'RUM ITA7IO now landing from `ll4' i titA IL DICKEY tCO Itistor .4 Front sta. e., •V; ' • ',mill°. "1.. tITS-- PI Cherrie. • relf DT ." . "h'sb W ' M .VV:Wy ' stV;rt and . wa P/ U EFA) CheTri • N.ebm. ,4 rt:4,M r e 5.. - 1 , - Dr A taM a • • - • A mei TraiNt . --------------__-- 1.-• ' -• BONNETS! BON IVTS !-20 ctises - Spring , arid hirmar.r W0n.... w i r A elarv, l ,. o 4l,l, ~t• ' =Vs ''' • - c f .." ••• i (i:wir...t.t. "i-.. • ------ -- ; -----_2 -••- i . QI LK 1101,4 NETS--A. A. Mason & Co. 1' ~.„ u. 7 - iit boa u unona another lor of rich BIM ' , multi , . . 1.,,, ~ T IIREF" LARUE etat D ate; 1:- "4 , -..stsood'searnd hand faerieiArrmeartli v ., . x. t4ll,al,'•'::-."S„ - ' Central - Rail Hoed. o,l'rit-,-?.-r.ES.OIES for Halo by • .:4,-,„. ^b n{ 'AP - , d ..,' ..." . sv - L [ l " t i l l sitj, A r - L : ':': "I ' r ii "' diSg : 25 000 lb .-11Htrne'titotZers k saAdlib"6..L)B*:o:. Ltrt:t.s a c.l . _ _ . : • . Pittiburgh and-BostonlifirtligCo. -. t , IVE'lStuiree of this Stook "ranted iromedi , ... le -an ON.. j: misial.fr ~ ...P ;i" A. WILKINS I C 0... ... mrr4 • I ~.4 4. i Ceoaarr Market O.UST 1 t ... Bird, rc.CALLow's Litzraiy Lamed, l*l appeeta . tht .roft oak. freeeralr ./• Mimosa II . , Tilt. ....11A,.,,sAtill:=1:1h cur: * 1 • rbiboarti.. 0411tOrkiST ' ,,, 0; - 4 . I C I"'4"4" j4'.'d lrte kr INV7.4ltotne, ra.Citsittl a lb. Thoel . • Webrucel IN Inv!: . 4.• the Newirk /44,11e.faclety. s- Zgle a C 1.1. , Of. , _ • : Western Insurance Co. . A f FEW slidieS of this desirable opd prof , . ~- lilt " u !` k 415.,t° .< " Anil MINS i CO- 1 ' - 1 --------- a- Igo —lap tinis -on hand, for saie.by p__ __ .11 ... n0 „,..N.L,,......51)„.._ ..-- Qh i ...--- -.- -z ,, ---- --- ---Aabii fmprean. k.-7 INDR/ES -leed Pm' ° th . „ Ar , . , ' - ' ' • - N00 , 14. ns.sm • • • , • ,t';'..6 .. Ifawd: • ' . -... , li; ... niam,y : l•o4 , . ' (••• ?' ' 4 '' 3 t4,l:lla 11.;1' : .. , . ' .. 6 : .61. (mob Roil qtra L ro. . . , ,„. i•gnu vv. -: - --D:Oral44.ond..iitteeL__ T ARES.',-L{ otorO,ood for solo by mud - IdAl All DICKEY OD 11011EAtM H EO Mb dry for sale by t0cKey2,429,.. L _ Guido' for , California' Travc.llers: ' • KOSE-wbo arc cont9mploarig trip to • forsostlon to thsts,lexc also, the Constitutionof the ptate of 01.110 ,01 5. ees. tor sale st-ths Peticdtml Des. Lot SKIM It OA LOA'. 'third st: . .. . . .-.:----....-H---------3---Ori hand; -l a complete w0rt r....4-ILOVZ G . t . 01 ,,,,,,m ..7ir • •.,' tA 'Asa or Lull. au4 cs: A. A. IIA110:1 A IgE___ . ti . .Irl----1-IA—COTTeki;---`4.000 dozen . ivat „,.e.i.od fq.°. °r. A. A.loAsoN a CO. • ''. "Ln----'a'--'-----rIIIIOIL, NEW CROiC-io bble. jta ' I 1......:- -- --- I. • .. it-E. la:Limas: 1,1 nes ..d fo' a I)? .. • No. GI w.00.t. 'y for saleby ssrm r Dl 600,861. f?a7".. - ` . T. 15.0. 'Vont TOO No. 3 thil.e.”4: • 00 Bialpla Clow t+erel, . - n K vadBl 14F cder.44leo. Eope • ' ISO .1 4 eon spa — l6Ets WATT S 00. .„.. • !.. Jr , . • r 0 InK ADVALTIIiP . - . ... _ I.IE 'NBA IV A TERAA N'S PATENT • 1141131Eftr)..5AWR.--111,,TAllrlY, Per. Irrinl.d oat . t a ate.u...or,lowark...3,:rarvirxrfa., -4. 1 * - „l , thl Fe m .:red than It ron lo by 'soy othj :47- ';',2 - ",. - fa. 44; linouP in aluebluirio that the ruillsee of ra•.7 5'4 4 see= trorlrair'WbirbnlfS I.l=r,i D..d. i t....t....i. , tomu_th.,t. thotehy grinding on ,beynoidriocrinsulidu curt of Um yaw: Tbeye runs sro not nolinbOdoind only require stria to be uplyietet,d, Th., Wm sleay. bean put t o t po i rtru best in rem , of the rsultr 'aze.irry t eit ' I.TV'erUlo'Mn rt.' all Anon( Tirgedtdrealzrosini. .- .. ;, i• -CURE. WATICUMAN A CO, .-i .1 .; , No.llo 0.00 stmt. Ter lent.—. • • -VEMICH. AND ENGLISH DRUGS. I.IOORE TAYLER, RI IttIIPEPT LANE, - .NEW FORS. VPORTERSOF.FRENOILitad EN6LISII ISRUGS. CUMIN/Mc 'PElllllilitltY, Manta:CA to it tR tare far oven' yearn thaa .!!"l TerrirZlV aLoxig:=ll:teen nt ette't how. EPabionilirld, Peatata)lthleh.are selected vita t.t7e P u lT tea t eett teze!an lelentat"i P"' rpz.ttrait, a,grAVAT,:l7'=:l 4 of' intake only that we anew - to he for.. and ran Itarrani, mar 8 • •'• • • P.;Lorilland, :., ~ •SfNUFP AND TOBACCO 11A NUFACTIJ ,OIEI Flo. 42, Chatham wow. Ne'e. Fork.ll now RPI , lIIKSIIIIII and Vine Cut To at reduced palm, Full rtict Current sent by CiPliCaPtrii,•SP above. Looking-EllaBs Warerooma Aft? IllePOsIT'0111,:AltIr BALLY:B.f. WILLIAMS, STEVENS A ITILLIAIS, No. 9.53. Broadway , Neer York. loot,. 115112 rilaworigtvagar, I m roareas and Dritane lt in Vim, Caw. Komarsaa V. 11111.01,0,, ARTpII 0 MATT.I... O PACSTIN.Ie, D ' 1 47 12 '.V.;.T.1Y ,' . ' 1 ' , ,5 :r 1,!'1,7r;,:A'„1,.,%Vi°,"1.;,1cit.:4, roth Um a morruce that every article will lw, furolitted o ~l op o ri n r puality, atihe m natreoranahle term, To Car Builders and Railroad Companies. • /PILE SIIIISCIIIBERI who now owns a ii . 5.. 5 ." swg . n oo, o sal a tmatTolot the whole vl Futtripi a a , P t 'n r l i on' , g l e l cu r 0 ..4' vete 'l7l'..TeTtn= r f re Itr!': 1 1 . '.* n bl o w, ifs put the prier at 'Firm (Immo a n'ar entooloadall.pnrchnowm a wilalitf which pill Kona any e ll, -.:Ar„, I rma a ta Collo,' Mateo. wirin . r the diameter .4 length of tbe *pringii, with the Woe r 4 tht E;74.`l,YooVlTlisttric4b4iAtT'—' ''''''''' lo Judges at the ralr of the ',Artie. I Ca rte aw.l ed Abs enbecrlho the VT`ollllll_ Mtbo beet Car ep=i , nr: . 'kipper last. ( Zuenalg.X.,ll: y. Ball, Black & Co., ' • . I.ICCESSOLIS TO IMARQUAND 1. CO., . MUlpilifilllrl...sod. hammier, of 111511111 AND ' t or tjeClMer. 1 "'Irtlt0 ?in' , 1 3 .`"..,7A r v A ''' '''Tf Murray Ozer, trpc b tl'iti7tne City . ua‘ti.‘iiew I ora, L' :. " 11. IL a Co Inn Mr. inspection of the lar g iot mg moot be ..rtruent or Sliver and Plated Ware, {rewire, Clocke, Diond". en 4 other Jew-Art.l4nel Article,* c., l o g be fon. Ina ny atom ill Amokon. 'churl the to I got haring a partner in enabled them to offer . . pr 7„ na 15 to igi por oent. Ire. than others. 'ploy are aloo yo irTreyd, 1t:wm.:,70',1"g7..:7,V.=`L!ig7;,X.1.;i7,;` 111tion. them yowl whiela mill le. satlatartory to throe lib. (stOCTr. clieTnoTZ:Pitig:rAl‘!"'`',°lll,:b'' 1RV;11 .7 A4, n4 _fe2l 'lf 111115:111112111,14,11N11011. Thompsonville Manufacturing' compsny. CAlll'llTfi! /'COMPRISING a Cull and eomplets nsorl- N...) is.uf of the following deWriptlorm. of *garret , nee and elegant &al g a, " Ea. Brower. Cwrpetino is.. SClPerelll. Carlton C. D.:11‘140.-..ply : 1,00141 ... 1 'IMO ; Medium e a.' a l 4-4,&-a m ol 1-4 foe sob t wilint 1 KNE-iiIANS Chenille Tutted IWO& lolliTr',./.w: Moe .1 L i j 11ILN111 C. TIONII'SON, /wen , .. r: it soil 10_1 1 ,1_,,0 at. Enameled Etalatare• TILE subscriber a oulti rei4pettfullY hro , at. the atbration of those who ar N e about furn!olinge.r hug new au' beautiful Flirt.. cf AYIELED arid CI IA 111 Kit IMN ITP so -Inure I u Inbred ti •Terr climate, as thy Inc oiler manner t f crudest it t abode Item or". e, rtnlaLel Ina emu Il o a r tal "t rl o c f li ' d "' eige ' ai " e 't r H iVis 100 e Ic.o d with atilt in tbic city Alen. hit large and elevrat asiontrouit of MIMI% tioD and NI trartbrr gay 1.1.• g r. gniallktinfa Bedstead, which hale two long supretnated toperlot to all others nen I Those who are about familia° Atbrr Stea•Omd , he or Pro. , Baia, will nod It an Meet to cull and,. amino the above pun 'melon el `. =l ..ov. LAN., nod r.-tttr Naw lgrat & GEORGE GRISWOLD , 71& 72 South Sa'et, SOLE. nil F.NT3 :TAW , 'MP ,ory l cairn it ,! u £ 7 ,o p , rt , ce; all lAt ‘, illrg'tftsinr7lsr, i h;shlct.tt worrantegrouperlor io:k.agirtnuoif...ture trAny brand. Also. OAR trtiit, of the range nunalagni sod INDIA RUBBER GOODS.' WOULD AN oand Canada. that hil hyrlfo .trek .d wn oto.r..jacitere,)l•lll be found euperkr,io man, .neen, area to any beretobue offered by him Ile of old mien all, remark this by • nay ond oxygenetre townie. meat IP and t'4dl.e. W crenpositanit and preen. of coring. PasCoato ranee albeit. with many caber , . tongerees a .oneri int Y he landing! . lila stoet consans in pm: of Loots. Cora, hoe. P.te, at•,—tb. odelgtivanl 7tli( For Ulcer (me wmh.ne. del =;',.`g!' awe, w e .d Plot, 1.-64 1.111131{1t, heada Of. butvell. =tnrrtriT.4l=L; altarll°,, tr.. Malden La... and fa Namara at. N. 1 ------ tuna HALL, viTuousALE CLOTHING WA R F.- ttn:OZ...fftrabilri4l) ITnitnm•mrw. it babuterit. built IS,11,01` , " fg.,the P city . of New Ira C k int tiott itit n-nui a every' &lent - bon inn. to tbe ilonthern /Old e n trade kept.. band vinlY to 611 tbs Ignignin onliero st an bonr ne N I , • IStrro.prth,"l..l.f 1107'5L og ran on band. v to 'tout us The Champite Loa fif the World. p /t Y NEW IL, Munuturtu-ere of the celebrated Parautoptle hank Lock. wine! , is h. -V-rantzttY„." tt",":,7IXF.V7, tArs.to • Lan Broadway, tew ti n 7 :. 'OCK FOR-SALE- Ad 7 ---T---Clll7 • •I • amantine., crs! • unctereigneif Cie LIZ* prepared to fill TI ea ewe.. re.:AllittlAti SteAIiDLES. Our pir trot roduold slob 1.11 wilt be torlotortory to our •triontto &rot ruotorrirr rit for your toter -II A.618-7_cnsitin nit ' Hor sale by f 1 m'r: - ,;5 111,101 Loll Err ., Q 1115 i 11 csks in snit, for sale Lula zr. lOTTON—flit bales M Middliia EY g, or f sale, by A_.) IMI DICK & ERItINOS s 5 WM. and Itont sta. bbls. Dry .Salt Herring, H.fa r Iti isle b • ' • IIALZELL a co. marl. T , . , . T . GITAIERT Si CO.'S ' - ~E0.1.1.4Y —PIAN6 FORTg.f. * 4 • :.. 'STEW yoB.K . ItiAItIIROOIS at 34, & 447 Itruadoway. b., a Tory large aradlonatot ni with and widadd the ndoch adtairetl .4,Joda. noso hlwaye k found at isholwal• ana1 . ..11 orb , same ad so th.'l'a"'rltio.t I l lf ' r ' : 47/4 1 .1% " ;F r rIsV .I.X:eltit feral " ' gti f . -1 oat I V Mall. Kau. to a leg 0 pa, ral 1.11 wind 4no odor, luabsil of tha hpraa bar of tln• N4arldun i ? artalcaWvjalb peal to p t jay atul ri t ch:r i s o =pa.;,u. IltAta Paths ytis out of fun? Kp+ "'IVII okay a a j;r - rot olaantaA by lowa fa tune the tun?, and Th. Kat... sr ,. ....yr.d..4 50 giv.• wd.l•fartinn , or the awn, ,futulrd. Persona aroma i lion.will loadmrs ilalther. yr AFEltfl. as above,.ao (ha a:mamma rn tof tb. tie r. CILIUERT Schanck, Downing &- Co. • 10e; /OW 108 FELTON 8T8.E.1.T 31. V. - AIPORTRAS and Denten. UEI F SIRENCH LU' 41.1471.1.C°0Z Lllll7, ! ! .41. • o Os. Itothrlol/. PT, DL,Mond rpt •Deitz, Brother & Co. - • 10. 134 WILLIAM OTBSZT, KEW TOOK. i. IVI.ANBFACTURERS of every variety of IMLL.AstPUt?, N B% 11';., • , c, It i e 11 Vtgi. " L. Alan. I..hophotio sod hpirit Gas of tlie 6114 ouelltr. WM:MO(3K S, •- ' fashionable Hatters 275 Broadway. 111XING MOVE", NEST TOOK. !The 'gratifying approval of tho ellaractpr .paerp; Of flats onisootini: from our ect.ibllehmeot, al otortiFeetod io an eftetielor sod ret.i.HT hior , oeio 4 Sego. - loriti. is iihmletatiale evidence of their writ. I Mill 'Estate at 11011.18L10 SALE--:The above property'..wi 't l toes toy Ltlrssl ow the Drrthire.'ov ll N. at is shun/T. it. East eniv tow nnhop. Chen?, co,. Prla , 114 milas L:l ob the Penn t o( '1,11.1.41 1 1 , 1171 g I 0.. 1 1,11, eyyDrored wlth .Lest Iron. it .v t.llul".=' tr:Llif:Rrkl!;;AVl';'?l,lill742llsl 4 ""f:,,Tita• : . :Xdf:;;;T2- 10.I...11thro:! WujalsrficiT:tlrrhn'Tfint'aei'ule":;" ri'"l the il.r.ro eit U 4. "' in ' : VA I liirtrooMs and a WeAtitingutei a Darn id• ' etsincientsa gIOUT DOUCILF. ifitAXIK ThNEMILNTIL int the irennordton• of rw lmlller, .17,ntigjA,',1%%"*.tq1,(371,..4 twoo LAND. lunation awl hapeorentents MUM property cambium Ito in ofaleft'alrrt joortl.ll=obaTarret :UT= • to Mai • canteen. Derma. "Tithing to Ow the "remit." • . 1" b"b"' tIr tot same by oo Atal) THE 11E.Ittillinitillfr , asar2Sitante BALE LtiLY-20 tuner of ree' k. SON. d and for Feuer- WOODS • Mall he. AI. Iralen t. IM. - -- ITAVER ' SiTET)---45'landing from t omunb..o Clayton Ode day ' and Sw rale bf =La IL. LACONIA.. A ARPER'S Monthly .111agasi BEA ne for sale ;, IL: D,. - No. IN, Yourtb street . Visited States recta. Office, Feb.l2, 1851 Crthe petition of Wm. T..kmes, ofliew Cr Sachet N yjcirs,,gllltgo,r thArs%nlow =to:. C.:44.7ellemProto to es t ' dretic% oftoll ;Vent, • bleb taktethifet o t ered i11e.,13141z04t,pr11.t.1. D. /Of , a,e vot. oat Offlos, on reday. theNlart:f4r.l3.lol2...a.=o.- =ll- and 6,,,,y,r,...4...h, said politico:Fought not to be gralttedc- . tooscais °months (P ot exam:too ire twouttal to film lo thaWateMot Mee their Oloectlocu, specifically met forth to • afrittrtVat treat }west, diya tw.fortt the der of Luling all Latham . tied by 'Mal partf to be wad at the seat heaLow mast be talons swill-Lomat-tad la sowed.. with tbe Poles of the obloc.ombich will to famished. elddlow tam. thawed. also, flat Abls sconce be ratable' to the N. Lobar lotellloose7. itspoldle, end yellow it,Tathitaghwa L. idtp o rar, Er4Z1:1.4 , ',1t ili•ritr...4l:2:l , 4; Argflgt7, Ps.; !arms, New zark, :a Y. also the Lally'Leco Boston. Nam; oese a web for fibres IMIMI,III/8 worke previous to the inn day of April cent.- TIION.Y.W DANK. 5T.2n..32! Owcomiselmoter of Patent. ___—________-_—____ -TUE ntATTlilt of t"A es i g nmbnt of A_ : L imn 0, Kt LLYs—All parsons hating 'slate etstst said estate will prnant thski otsthandPetr ladabbe ran anct sattla the woe, at ,the wand! bps, of J.1 71. 1 31. 1 0 1 r 1"1.' 401 IN Maiesk,.• IIIaWBEST DAVE—`Seller' s Cough J. li OP. . trainnurnuE - 74. 17.7M152.; Mr. , 'Etti This k.lutt of asatld , yok , *kith sg ssry MeV. It Is seldom that venous who o. to 000 It, do hat oaths back rOT morn. JAritere. is Olt b4ohewid. ICV'loragre • • T or Truly, ma athi"sgbll";'*'ff'il" C rt IP& WOtat strbtt. MEAT.— "l g ibe:---- i°rebY'alC flos . _ • fiRAPESIIAIVI.Iust opened thirty lJ Rkh Dtsln rt N co. (72 otol 72I,Ltk . • Pianos for Rent rr 11E'subscriber hue aeverld leery p,ood Pi for root. Alen, foe solo how, tro oerotol hand ' II.IIMIEN. No.lol Third ot_ Sion of the ,cIELeo - --- -----_ Ca LOVERSEED-75 bu. for salt, by .) roarlElt.t, a 0? . . 11.4.I.EATIIEjl.q--In store and for'sale by I' roam • •18AIAll DICKEY dOO la ARPER'S International & linickerbock nr..?..t,"pr,..:T.TrV.:blkorotr. `---'''' '"V. Also—Cart tar. olaclf ' ll/!.e . htsou lor tho 111at0 , 7 or tbo Human Hoare by NIrs.1:111 , • Nl:agent (WIC or I rah, bemuse 1.u004 hr Coll'hh 7,6rlhrlbldo,h'a Means:tiro NI rd,silne and.F.ualnerralouroal. " All tbn Magmalneß for talk month, ahtl the hack NIA ran b,, had al. the .l orr plaro. , amyl VE AC II ES-20 bp. D o ed, for LsEaleo 1 o.y marl UP-3 6 IA: bbls. Sugar llonsh Syrup; ...- - 1, 1(1 .11tAioin. Ilefloary.'' ;i tal .- red awl for . aale tr yr Itja alcollail , a_ks , marl ' 131 d, LEAD-1000 pigs Softklalena, to ar t Orr. and for sats•br E ,kl WIEN% MATTllfillh A co._ I.:, ALERATUS-10 bbls. 11.4'. Attune ' 611-, 1..7 yo.nory for .18. by l'ol RILEY, MATTILE7S A 00. _ 11 V 06E1 FEAT if ERS- 1 ; ; ;I eats in store V V of for eale by ' fellil IlllEly 51 ATIIIEIVII k CO. -I%‘LAX SEED-7' bad. for salelbY a CO. is _ . srfaL, MI EY, MATSUI:S drIANDLES-I:boxes Dipped, for stole to UpgrC"""" "'" 11111:Y, mArrnr.we A Co. NfEN (SON RAMS A DEER. SKINS= OM Inc. . ter Voill.” Ilaroc. , 70 0 - 1 ,, ,K, Sklar. Jast ,.. rrA l d from teams Jeller.a, azlctrilleAys,,,... 1 . ALE itkruS.---:15 bOxes Saleratum .r3 fe.%l , . ' A. tp 4111,11.TY10h. _ 11011ESIT EG OS-- 500 Mrs.:received and for I. ' "1.."' "" ‘"'"' - 1 , 7 A'.McClArlttl a C 1,.. fb2l VA , Llto.rty stroot. aI:I:ARE DE LAINESI—Itoe'd, 1 ease up no« loss, kto (Alm, troi:tna. Arztxtlgua.... felt 02 a 0 c,,1 tla Market at. LACK LACES '. —A. A. MASA , ' St CO 3 . Z i bkkh ha Ilaml ok ^r ..g , to. 1,11 , i Silk am% Cottou I. •e , ..,_ lel.l , . CUARON ' I A VERMICELLI Fresh. I tunas MaerarmabllNJ Netralbelt, for wale hv ' WM. A. aIyCLI.III.O A co, op:. ,IrchArs am, Tea {haler*. ..,...- —..._ it LIT.fEt---2 blots Roll' Batter recd and l)I rst•Jowto I,:s wa F. IA - IL , L ,, , , 1. voliFfsii-10 ,Ir,unisprime, reed and RA' 'V oat. , or i , wa I , .WIL:50: , fr., Ilk Sooorol larval. d i LOV El t SEED- 7 5 bu.. prime, for sale by li, J tai.,, L_l______EAALZEt______ ILIOLASIiES-101) tills. N. 0., for sale by 's i t. Isc:. • J 11. CANFIELD 16% VI Alt-Ll ' !.s blot+. prime N. 0., for sale by r ... . 1, : . P ~,_ J. B. CANFIELD d. URFEN--50 bags Rio, for sale by IK Ii la.. . •-.}. a CAN . FLD . 1 ARD 01L-H'2o bbls. No. 1,, for sale hi , 14 le/i --- J. a VAN Fall , BU ' r T F. I : - - -4 1,1.6. Fresh Roll. reed for Ad. by (marl I , _. notesys. LITT LEI.% Lk, :I LOVERSELD-9 bbls. Prime, just reed xi/ :ad for aala 13, E 111111,02, LITTLE a CO. itOS IN SOAI'-200 bus. No. 1, for aide by . WM. IlAki &LEY a CO. UENT'S KID OLOVILS—Over 1 1 0i1 do'. A 1•11041 4 .. b.,84.. coracle by art.. A. MAhON • CO till sad CA MarEkt a t. 11 ( j , ST , :i I N . . e l it.A. oo .C.,Kj&l 1 itA.L.,t.:rsilla Cole r".d'r f""""A''''tirl.. r. 1 ;1!ZI.1)TtO a 111.. fetli ,110BAC'e0t.'61) 'ielp Si TAVIAL, no.n. I Nu *AI by ll.lll mu tm. 1,11.1 LK. FORK--'-'5, 000 lb'. per stearaer „... llVellre Ille. awl for hale bk ,t p. sato , vi:i c. I ARD-25 kegs No. 1; for sale by . -: A t.':: ' 8. P. Sllltlk La II C. 111.2•11111STONK--T,D)0 lbs for sale by al . tp 1,7 J. KIDD la 1 INBRED, 014-1 5 bbls. forsale.by _ • a CO: d lORKS,-1() bales pore velvet; ass maid, L , Is:osts. aid al; ass. by , G . :: i J . KIDD* CII., I .- ( ' old ASSAIIIETIDA- 2 eases t D or s Je ale ~ by 11 rpcn • J EID Co 11111iiNt-ES-75 dor. lino and medium ^ _ 1.. - r • 1P stern awl for rah. by , - ~ Kuo, ...0 :;:„ I RA iggEE D 011.—'a) bbls. pure, for sale by p 2.5 J. helloo4/81AKEit a CO. . . ~ 13 LITTER—t.I) kegs. reeld on consignent , tor ..a by I rd. 241 area a IllyklaNDl.C. o rk_ SPRING AND SUMMER POPLINS—A- A. NI AFON a W. barb for sal' A CAPES fink 0400 Ibl lino Prayed sad Plain (E 8•23) 11 . 1 OTTON-68 baled now landing from ser ‘./Koy look.. buanal for eala by to'll . I. DICK El A 00.. Water sad Fmk , Mk liNSggp OIL--:S0 bbls.Oriswold's Bra D.nd, ,41 for nlebr J IL ANIIF.I. ILIPEARL ASll—'-'. 5 casks for sale by a Ya4l, .1 11. CANFIELD dIOT ASll— , 2t l casks N,...1, for Gleer I. ha., .• ' 3YIlt. . -1 I ,ARD--20 kegs and bids. for ;We bi• LA .1,,,, J IL CAN alill.l l ' it Uiltit—C, !ibis. and 10 bas. fresh Rolf . j'f•':.:f:"',"'."..a '''''' ''''''''. t. ' J. IL CANFIELD. - , . . . ... jsi .IF ESE-5 0 0 ',set. Cutting; v and b• Emyliab J. airy: : DI EL Yoe asla. D - .) '. . WY g ..41W-60 bbln. Leaf; 14id terra reed wod , or gale bi maxl_ . _ 11010r,ON.1.1111.!: d L . _.._ SUN DRIES--60 enelln feather,: .. 3, do Oroood Foie I 3 do Murmur, Id In Dry Pratt. • do In as !trod . _ " d'ItIAIN"tiNV.I un _ ....v. , Ihdor *rd rune_____ MALT 85-- , 85 naekn crud nn band 10 lr•al• by DOUAI' DICP• d CO. W alrr ano o.° " T 1019 011,--15 bbln. WinteTror silo by 1, rv, , J. IrCID/ONIIICK • 0- . ' A oi%i NI4:TW—RIII-CS::--GT/g.eS V20(1-:000) gat. 8,01.F.g 4- OD. ~ fry 'sly by , rL , V tonal , bi WV t • - Cif Tri:ARE ti:Ati;=lo oerelalos low ILbrL.: , ,_____ . / t A ELSIA —'.. 3 .e.fi mai, for rialiy f fo•!S , J. ,88.14 bl AK CU .t CO. giSc K. 'IRON y .iiiliifft—`2ldirit fur sato hi . , $C11,...49:1M go., , t. fri. , CASTOR ofir--.10 bli. cold pretsW, fur Li rel. r 4 . _ j. fIIOONSIARR a co. _ OLASS---:1-,inWiTo-i-T-8 bY I° i .. lu bi I" . Pir ittl• 1, . ''''' • ItirOrktikAt oll, Po. .47 ti cod street. TATiiiirAtUS--5, b ut. and 30 bbirr i 5 .' • • 'ln fr tote and for .001 J. B. CAN yi,LD, T EN..c.I SON-147175 l t is. this dy raid fors a l toe V''"NDLEP3.I hi Ii . I_A-300 bbls y. f.ea.;ftofif W ,ii Vartortioale e... i , . LA lids "-- • . rec'drr at'r Forret CO. not Mr *et. 14 M. HMI/ILES & co. 0.11. 1 r rta : 1 ii , . . ftrell bi etesinir Tibor. sod 1 ,_ tI?OR STR I CTL Y MP' pi "'ilit Tea More to the , ei. /yikiliir kiiCif dirl : Ilpte relobrittit D. P 1 tPi.t) SPring AA. MASON 6c 0 e came Spring 1 A enorl.llAnns Cambrii feb2.l I,E El ALE!, WO / 2 8 '...“.. ti Go S-5 bbln j unti , p o rn fm,nan by 1 -- ,i tilidt. - -iiTitidii.j - 1... i.....?..1.....t. L zt . _ . .4o k0 c,..., ti: rliCTlifdaj :- 3614 a. nitin, e.nl by i iritrai -15 lThij __... ib2l Awb u T oz.,-sa - } .N .--6 ;...0 . 51ja and g' Li, bIOLA. kltazor. fund. 1 :If O L AF , BUGS . r Li tia'Oonnd -• QYRUF L ij x"- - -- - -,- - .; ..---,,, S ITe i. AII-10 hh de o : , ,L to cu r shalt,::=bysoN:. LSE felB e: cawtn=sov PERSIAN DE LAINESI — A. A. Mestiiii A 1_ Co. ono dodos out their 'WA of Pertlan De Lahtto st redoeectritr: 41 e TiIIIOTHY SEED-6 5 bn. for sake b IL. DALZHI.L t CO. PLANTATION -MOLASSES-200 bbls. fareg.- do...rEupt..vhetzapi co • 309 3)°L ARTIST'S POLOR—los , Ht in tab., Iv 1114fe and for ~.. --- —,--------..._ airiLOVER SEED - 33 ble. prime, for sale by U. felB • WICK a IfoCANDLESS. LI EINIP SEED - 30 bble. fe - Fsale by RA 1 '.... , • , J.1:11)11•CO. _ _ . I. I . 'IIEFSF--`25 0 boxes prime Cream; , au o W. n.: Tor rols bY 1-j-,_ It. DALZELLAI3I). _ %0 ~1311n,eri:laVARbNIS.11frEr-.S—Smiths /1. KIWI aka`. --- ._ QNUFF—A freshmupply . of Mace:Limy, for 1.. - _ , - salo be - • J. 111 1/1) • CO.. 03 Go W.. 1 0_ _ . . Il 01,41.1 BUYT-6 bbls, prime; reed and ALL Par .,l. , by (bAI. I T. T. SIIKIVIIIt a co._ Vfig . FAIX.R.--30 bbls. - pure Cidel Vineisar to , Pere by urxt I J. • . BULK PORK-30,000 ths. tee'd BIIIIIOEII • per rail I. nod for ado by T. 11. 0)- &21 I GL ASSES--100 bbls. Plant ft n red, i t., Rlr Urilllant. and p al . for.; br 31' . 141. •IIRIVEll k CIL It IJ LK PORK, - -4,000 lbs. ree'd this day "ter 0 . . "a P.' ''. . h ''.." for IZ'LIi.ZELI. • CO. 11; ,, 0 . ,X, i'S.de,,,l.NuComl N.N A,T,1,,5,‘11;1..t.1,1.4..1..1.1,--..1t.i1t..11,k,..x.- -1Z5R01.).:411 BLACK 1.,P::111.1.--L-1"3:0"hEal:i e e l: i e . sts , ei : a1...a. ratr:Zl're:Fila"algr.,°'‘f 1. , T0 ' . P:i ' lt.. oo N". 2.00 . 1.1brr1T st.r TA - A hbrral dlsmunela rrtallerr, W. A. AktILUIll) ACO., WA/ • 011.,), .4 T.. Dealer• / A i BISLS.bAiI.I) 01 L— Burekharlfs brand llifor 6•11. WI feb2l .... KIDD,* ?I AO LItIV kit SEIE:1)-150 foLbille-iS ViymceloTl!T kj b.. 1 for ale by J. A lil LWOIITII AIV LAM 11 Wool et__ lki OLAIrSER-1.00 bbls plantatiou inulna /VI ""71"'°i"°`" ff.TtgWORTII A 0). leb2l nI W.r.l It. Ar ItkiliMlON SI:OARS-50 boxes tandiag lii. hpor Warner Brillmot. and for gab. by 4,30 IV U. IIAtIA LEY A CO i 11 1.-30 bbls. pure Wlter Strained La.:7l. "WA/ ''''. l' ''''"'"'" "°*,..4ciLkesnults a 50/.. - IL or ASI4-16 realm prim, for sulo R. I 6.111 J Kt DD a CO, er, W.A A Q ROAR-4 (focus IV bite Ilavana,. , for sale 0 ~r . lfollll M.:M.1 , 11 • ptatcm. IjIKANUTS—'269 taga sl f l o l r SI , 1 , e ,, i; c y ,,,,,:rr, ,r ~ '0 R A_ RP OIL—.. 11 bid KMor 10ae by NNETT _ 041 , Ai411.10 Ali-15 hbds. N. 0., for sale by I. y felt, 1 , 501.10 11 a lIKAN4YTT. 11....Efr19 L-21) II". Lin'egiefbotrsilaaten..ZaaT' - - --- - it UTTER-6 bbls. fresh Roll. for sale by I /Ur 1,. wm.11.131.11T • ixt _ .4,'1 II N i)III ES— f•• - 1 ors. r. Haa 11 0••• Na i 1...1 lard: ! ' o . le 1,,'",: * ` 4 ,,,.' ‘ O ,O- a.. !Ruth ' 11InAl'AII'lrICKTA t 001-. Wo.r au.l front t. Mr 1;: . 1.. , ... for .1. , ter QQA P 15i.xes FatieY; • I. • u, - I'd,lf.l. ; plwt rre'd sr..l tL.r war IT f./. lANA.I..In II I DAN N ATT. _ '' R tAli.s---Ciaca.lnudiTag from/a-ea:ll,r ~,klAll I,lq.Al.a_.t.Ek.. 0111u.1..., as .1.• 1 y 1011/.lrl suit VIE .ut (sl4 Hateas Q Altlwl NES ---tOO WV, anti isAir 1.0.... 1.7 finl. oorJuma. AI lb.. l ag i.nillous Ira. , a n tt.ral sml for role 1 y M IS. AWO 1.1.11 Al.. 1.1.1 tlrres. 5041.. 1..... - NZ U. SUGAR-5 hhas. for sale by .I.‘ . ..ii fl. 11A47.1.LL • 0 SUGAR --50 hhd. for sale by Mu I v N,,,ar ai ) j 1.11 0t i., ,,.,, ,, :, 5 ,i 5 r0, E tiLic 5— :.4,:.n i u 0 i.N.," 1 ri0 t ,0 , b ... " ,.., , , , : , ",,,,,,,,,i,im'iotirii-,1, isrtidia•E'llj.. W. b y b f i IT 1 r.. 1 .: ll AW 111/I.ISli EY- 01 hble far sale by I it, for .4 _ 4 VS .?•_ST_!...:O d I ItEASEe--19 bbls. now landing from sat. 1 13 11. made. tor Nu. er midi DICKLY a co. rate _ _ % sataaa l'ehut Ma _ , 4 3 sh.„,„ ju , ~,i . 4 51" A W 4.:11:1... 1 1 ' 1.2 1 F. 4 1 4 1 Ot_P ~,t,.. SA. C. WAll'Al hi •Ata.o:tt,.._____ x ~_ VI AURICE TIEINAN, the Soldier of e,.'...,,r:=rxr4rut - :::... 7„h g . .. ,nvnt.7:..44 LWOW' Iltorory Dopot Third sL pi, 1 i.LUE-rioll bh). for rile by V.! 144 J rciioobmaEra a l'a_ 44 R 01.1.010 : 0 fOir,ls bblf:. superior, for sal; st a i toil J ALparsklg.).l. Of COPLEY'S. lINERIOR POI fri, jytillsll.llll,lSu a CO, 2/ %1, -, 4 , -_ . - i MAN A I LES-1 0 bills for sale by (11 WM A 51e1.1 .4 V0 0 , a LS... 4 014 ....• t WIT 41 Wc2.l:-.:1,?,'415, n" TA & I na Po l lga f a i T n a ' ocl " 4, 101 l il_A afar sod fr..st WI LARI -50 bbls. now Landing from Ai r flow. site., for role., USAIAII TICISPY al, Stator .rat brunt K. WI VU'I. bt. }ISE!. BONE-15 J ATM) • 0 lbs for CIL krill CIPCOLAYE. BROMA, fre... 1:4 bale. horiblk Chm.late .. . t 3 "•`s" :1W - ~..* W M SADALEY • Cl). lA 0.1 .1. Stool st. itll A FORTIS-15 carboys for S al Ivy f .13 J hil.• n. A LftitATUS-150 boxes unadulterated, A role b., ti AI ISMIA .nILY.I • l‘f., fell lolltw.l .. , LOVES--5 bbls. for sale bY .1 rais a 3 ape oeo 61 ICI LY LIQUOItICE-0 CAAPA fur ask by 0 413 J KWh a CO 1.111.A11i SILKSI-A. A. bl.soN A. Co. arc I bet .Illpts tbels largo stork ~ r 11.14 roc, at se duerd prin., tr., Ii AY-36 Lairs (on wharf) for sale by x 147 if • V n 11..0% 1 1 GCS- 4 letans fresh eggs, just ree'd per T . ? sad P IL ft.." 4 ''' MI. V (111.7M1 L 1 CO I IHEESE-al Cos. Crean. Cheese, reeeh l ea it j ..d f I ...by (fe2l3 It DA L 7 CU. •CO Xi 0. SUGAR-1.15 lambs. reo'd per sir. Sa• M 1•) ,1... , to , ..40 b .... " " 1V1:1 " ..1 R .:) 4g1...._ IL , ALE k NCIA CUFFS COLLAIIS,-- A de- W eiroblo stock on hand at A.A SIAAON aCo 'tt. CA oral f 4 Stocks( stmt. , C o 11.11RINTS I-Best eciadder colored Prlnts ars 111, roilar. at , A A VIAI± , I4 a (1V... (al: s;,ouisa Slarket A WI.IITE LEAD-150 kegs 11rOU pure TTII. Wilde 1,14 foe sal. by •JAI ' No 4.. 7 . gond ...eel tent VI OROAN'S Cough Syrup and Morgan ' s af.a."r° Km..-t .'"t'",r711,7.;,1vir,0,e,504 ..11 8010 prapristra, No 13 Wool street. PLOVER SEED fr. WINDOW G LASS— V too bush Closet Arad. ~,it al loxes Masai 101114.14512=1,Z2: Z0 i r . 4. 4 .2s by EATILERS AND OINSANG-96 bags KfoatherSalbsisfiloyansys7lrod yor steamer Wlrt . nod Mr ordo by. 15551.111 !MANY a flu. IWIII . _ it UTTER.--dt keg. packed, for vale by .. In) S. a WARBAoSS/. _ I ARD—`2 l . l kap No.l, Leaf, for vale b ' l4 lota • S. 515 W. IIARBAUGII. . • NDIA RUBBER PASTE—C. gravy ofthat ). losalostdo sedel• for motoring _Moto and Shoos 7w Pa"%fVr.V.".Nnaltrrg ; th ° Pomr-" ,. , - putt4..iro. A A. MASON & CO. aro cloaing out their /kw WI. Slouch Styria* at fno. and SI. , .17111 .... VINE FRESII BLACE i'EAN—:IO half Itia Tuft. °"lt•Fv:ityNgitaewrqut.n,l2.llll.,,.indVt"t ......r.. 5 IS aMI Wood stroot. LlAlVl.9l—Juet: reied, 2 cues. superior tolouriArovittmki.w..st.mor., which w' •QCRTLT .' ,•. P r oz. _ atantcketa juat IJII Imams firomatomoor Hail Columbia. Vor solo bi •'• WM. BAUALgir A _CO. 1.7 rth laumnanP N--68 baits bi t " 3 " 1 j'alraltlBll lIIKNN "" 'V—ISLE bblo. to arrive OKS.• MUSIC SMV BOOKS! ESP , /10M! AT HOLMES LITERABY DEPOT. Ne. 74 Third otter(. Poet Office: 4. =him' Panora tor the Pronto—No. 4„ Pettnatta'S Pernialontlaly Library for Tut. oilers tind the Fireteide—No. 3. f.llte? National /Lawton:ie. for ?larch. &Wain's Count Mot... Leone, the :ivy ha Society, Ktilekarbocker Matruh:tr. for February-00e, IT:lkh°l:l:.brs7=."" " Women of C l l from for art* of Piety and Charity . by dttli• Kofon•ugh. 7chr..110 Mogaahn% fur br 11 • 47. 10110) Architect, tur february—No. St, Harper's Ilagatine, for:February. Lair Lawrence, s Ituntancer'brtlan author of .. .atlatiflol , l X=l o ,7,lll:ll l l .. . "l,' ;W S ; rteutc.' Yankee Varna and Yonkre Letters. • Home it Unto, druireodir tale. nine Rompers, by Pepl, t ref ,Magne.ll.ll. Ta. fIEW. BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS %rA. GI I.DE N PENN & CO. laa.vt • just na II a 'reel. Aupply'ot the tor owin, ne• nod Interesting lioußo. Os: ", Lor,nott, or tuition by Its )wand. ..f 1,16., a tale of the tho-oter. ([erodes of a Ilarbrlor, Rook of the ' The Wei. Wide World, 14 Nl,tabellt Welharall. ! l i: . :7 o l . ol t . ' l l 2 o l • u " l ' :Xj . h ‘ll..o f e l i,nll.l, The II I.i.t A Iniaspoe. Bronhwait'e lirtrost,ort. of Prsetleal Alia Sur. arm—part 21. Louden; by W. Ilarrison Ainsworth. emboariblione reaoired for all tile Periodicals, ot IV. A. filldonfointry,l 01111.1. fit. • tole • - - The Great British Quarte r lies AND It L A 01: W'o bD' S SIADAZIN E. ittroltTANT atom - nos ' L ena RAT. or IDATAOII EON A Itl) SCOTT 44. CO., Na. 51 Gehl Bt., 1 . 4 NEW I'llllll, ann... W .publlolt 11.0 /Wowing -1 dpsh sit • Ilb 1.1)N1,01N QUAIITP.P.LI REVIEW tenni...restive , . :r f I I t ' t i ._ 11 11 , 1'11 ‘ 11 ' 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 !r1 5.111 Y 1 F1 1.1. { . 11) Tll vr 111313 W (I.4l.orotb ‘ 111.1eltiVtalleS EDINIIII6:1 11 .3110A7.INItefor”. lie.. her. now been Ir. ourre.inful oporat.on in llde fouutry for beauty yeart, and their atreutallon stoat!, pit ti...arra... notwlllsslandlng thr emopetition r Ts " . s .L a n t...l " lr r it r„l l l7„ ; ', . ', A!c j ilir r o i n ' t e g ."l.l:,:",l'l.r. .0 or aeleettona trout foreign peri t reala. This fart shows eirarl, tho Idaho...Linnet'. In w eh they are runt 10 the laylligent reading pub..' and'aflorda guarantee , that 11.ej,:ur,p;,%+:.,...,14tp1,trd.0.n a firm boil., ando,lll Although these work,. are distinguished by the politi ral rhadle. shore indicalsd, yet but...nail portion nt their contents Is devoted tdpolitl cal 5... a. IL...their 'afro, rharoater which theirti their chief ralur. sad In the) they stand aorifereedfy far above all other toun.alo Al their Ansi , ita-oporroue, still mid, he toesterly guidon,. of Phibtopher Nortl.. rusintai. Its at. tient rslebrity. via id tut. Sot, unn.aislly attnietive, from 1)10 of Wonof Bulwer atel other. literary notoblow. written for that Mt RrAt arTtrArtog rotutu. both In Urea( Ilritain and 1,, the Valued Purb work• ae TI.. Pattuus ^ and My :4es. Novel. - (both by flutorrrl. sL;dy Pe ii i ttt 111 11 soon Iland. - a.) othr I', C *2. print the ed by tier. publudirre reran the page Lit 111.1 twbrd, otter It has bean loaned by Atesose. gnat • Co- waist out, rerdwro to 01.. Reprint of that Mognotu • may. 11.raya 1,11.10 thr earliomt rrashug Of thee. faseinoting tole. Ti:11)1, 1. For 0111 ones.) the four Reviews. V.ifls. ol the tour /.+r an three ..1 tb., tour Res leas. ..... for all fails ot the Itervaotto For Bloat threo . . for 111,1P. , ..1 and the four norbors, Id Lk mad+. 1. uJI raw, In adeano• lloareg, ran, Sin, adder Isrua,l tool ts. rapier. , at pd.. dltahrou. A .11.' 0 .. 1 of ...Idylls. per rent.frans the shore [Dors wilt br atiov..l lour Or tor, aeries at . .111 , 17 5 a. 0 ::1 " ; 17 : 1 far 1.1.. four rotors st ltd. tour ...Ira. bud: 11a In.sel tat ea au. REDLICV.D Ptl9l Ad Th. vetoer on there Prrusheals u has, by Oa. lota Is., barn sea uoad. on Lb. averoao, about 0...a.01 ,ART are tho present raise, 111 0 . present stson Any ,11..Lanar .a fdiit nole., P rto, per guar . psi .04 uoi ear-with.. .. irss. on, lo '-` u u SOD A RVI., Any. 41.110 a. eat etaredlog ptSO mile, 4 sta Per , in•r ok; a n d 1.4 ess.wanur laa. • 10 r lisin and ~1 440, ma ^ 1. 1b... ran. on "therti ,, n bo mad.. so beer ddr.ro. to rser ..lnes Lt.. watt hy mail. sod thus peers,. 11.•,. sp.edy, 5 . .1 r-RIDAT dr' , ltrt • arr.l.l.ttaow • AIDA tniattltiast Attoo. should be olaart ..ed raid. lc die t.u, P.ONAhltoti er PCOTI • Co, Vulton oh., N.• loot. retro... Al lliAd ti. 11.—L k. • nwently yuldloho.l, sal boor W lor sato, the -P1.1,11 1., Hour, ~ . pb• DO gibutdsrs.l., and Prof ,:ort , al I air .1 N 0 ttaTert. rots rel;arn..A.lll3lDß mItO P'31.71."?. r: T O A .S :I?.; rtt. " .. ! D • ¢._ - - Books Just Received /I T APOL ti L rO 1 b l u l n l , L byl) IS, y 7lolrl Fourth rt 1,n04 4 :b ald long, Vrsue.. by 14,e RI lion. Flr Jams , ol•ph..nr, C 1.. Li.. rrotew , r of !Ili.' /10t la th, , Uulverairy r 1 es . rnbr , do , _ blacuura* nu ,rtylural ryny.bery, by or lurilor. Vary." , )tagannaf , r Yebruary. - 51.10 Italy Toatamont..., pounded and Illu.lrated cordlca ta• UPUILI marginal roterr.,l, In a., noll• of Seriptura.,VVnthor rith the bola, and Mo.** Sauna, sad a •-rcTllle Idargind liarmany of the oiculrols. 0.02v0t 117.1alenn 1. foal 17.,r0t0r of . rg ark 0....!.111 ary 6 t; _ _ LL or _ - • N . Mute. KLPSER hi , tig just re m cc i ia7 . -d _ tffs ' ~t In It. Lam rtatlamaa L. Rn.nlq Ilbutanaarti. Iry 11:1ilabwr. tlou M soain ,,,, r , Fennell. by Dalt.o. lt my Oral, by 5- Foot, tt ' lly , . OA a IVar,,. tueg 4.lnlidnd. Tto itatenowond Waltua, arllb.au ..scal,ent harm* a SUMO?. Rain and Pia ;falai, to cl,aractors Lucia II I.annarynt.. e funtilootoa Nlka, lultneuloc , d vi.rnottot nt /I. rniaLl,"nd YL:g . Labk Va. rani 150ade.;14, vlanalso of It, n? of Va.?. brtat kw 1.,•1t 0, by btr01..... , 41; lAA W ' alt. a Lunatl, Wye, I. Nag'. HAI. yerl , run.4 by with oir houndadarplatt., at LW ,nrvrla In rill.barab• 17.1.1 . tr laud with rol.r...l.riam 4 t , "'""' o,7l„l•4lTiiip PTIIKETi ettu of Lbo,loblco ham NT CLAN-1 New Books. .41 7R 4polh l: ti/dirwx, Ft.urfll Pirret. 1 1 1111 icicle Wide World; by Fdirrtko . dll 1141" . • oy age nonni Worid: 41,64 trscx.l.- A L tot. Itnn, tb*l.erva.t. or Ida PlrtiVr. Jr, Prrer vel nit!nen .14..ntbe nttno flubl Dlutncc b, D. 11 Won/. Tlnnught• nv Ma Origin. Cltarrntor wry') Int. , 1• 1 n 11 b , •• of tn.riptuntl r'n.rouran• by J. 11. Turn., D. Wort s. vol. • ernlsCi 1•It: rburglx. Thn 11n.b.n Urv.l.i .4:nl .I,r Vo.rar. br 11rn C 11. IV Filitte.t,ran,rly 111.. Wnterninu. Tbt'TV.ll:ll'.Zll3."'"•'l•" • P"'r .? r2rtglr° Gift Books for the Holidays. ItOLMES' Litprniy Depot, 1f sr. 741 Thinl hot • .1 Atimi. el. 1.1 , 1. al tale+.• tango. In. T 1 to law Th.. St men a WIT Chrtetlimit!. • e• with loth •eynTrtste Iworlipti.u. Awwwicwh . .'BT,ramt`.. with 11 orional engtsfitt" bound lo TO. , Olt- T roe.he St,tt,ettlY none-tit-440R Ixok tar all grucar.. with 13 le.auttitttly Ithlrleet eng re, itto by the a...t o o:st:. be Layttl ltnreloate. letiog Journott . t ta i rtat , by bA Ir. 1... alth nu. r . .1•••• • The Ii••••• 1 • •111. WA, •Ith Illwqrstianv the 1(1/4 Mal Illumtuolva wureotr.with Leallot• of Meow, ••ho•utlful ft•tottal. with 1 1 .11 ,1 • 1 • e The 11r1111•nt, • gilt I.,••,•wath IY Illuanaten. CalApet f Mod.. Art, with . 26 trm•ultkvut "•••• cf th'atttr. • lit.r•ry OIL • Sue Illuatration. tioto ot i ttle:l4.••on. • on. welate. 10 the. Tot szdat, • • gin c.l frtenalehlN IS do. P•rn•ltlault r als. • gilt Look 1, •11•-••nnl., ChrtrAtua• it u.et, ty hlari•J. Melnt,ll.ll:illued nate-4a, it' lad 'lnvr•r; • gift fl.ur the hohlaye. o•rno of 1....ye1i0n”, nth sIntl , "•• Th. l'olvalls Cirri , . awl rsqlor Annum. P•en.4l4••••, or Ow 11Inrre of the Illble. 'the sacred t•bir•tzt. • Itemork•l l . l . u.tOrt mth• ri. hl. The Magunlia. u t t hl ~ Flalt;, ar,alTrttt•lrhin'e Uff-r ID 1i.?.. frllt. b i ' rfted " ,, , ,Ro l .r. k e i, hr. ~," ;:,-. r. , ,,r, ,„,.. I. -- - V m., ~,,t,',°,,.;,:',!1,,,.,Y!'.‘::;, 1 •T m ., 1,1. .P . T.7 r i1'e, V , T , :. ...nit-al n j arka. Lelia Itcolth ' Al.. a large a. c rtment of 11,11157 MR Molt Cyr cIIII.IIIIEN n de Newitioili of bitil - kerin --- gVs tai , no o — rtes. I otih U. M ECLAIR, t•I Wood f cm 0 .4.4., bat reelre.l au eat...4y ne Au. kof 1 IAN() Va IIIGA, from the ar c. to brat.' manufactory of Chlekeena. Ecaton. Vol:1147 rn ' : ". o ... r 7 r l tlye Roca.o.l I:, ,„ xl, 11512 . , .‘ (X ' '• al, 113 , 3 ... . .. ... llil, ;0. 1 Craved Moo:mood I 7 117 M, • ~S L DA VI, 11672' 11.5' a1.,07 ... • The (annuli. Plano Fortte 1 rota other tnantartorarp.Tlv. !II U r 2j ''.l ! ". 1 7 r nMll:l=l;a'lin ► V- e;.t atqd: :: as, :: i tAlron. _ . do.. 3..) ILO . • :iii,!, ' ' .7, ‘ . """:"'"". 1",,. =A . 1 . 41 . r. .. 6 '' " Woodward & Brown. :a.e3 do. ' OF: " 6% '" Domini, Gilbert. Poston. ...•:4 A mahoganT 0 orGve frond hand, 0.2.5 dolt S - ACKED I%IUSIC h SCHOOL SINGING BOOKI4- , t t i lrz w i .. lCAJlo, by L.l.le*ort M A r(;:tg . itt cu e Etnolr. Now Varm"roa Herrn: ttectio•ey (Ili% Borhtt Normst.bebool eongTtoott Tom mortal** lelreteout Oleo Mr, hy 1.. ?dawn fl:r7l4l?lggreitrolt**mt ll•matles of Calni,i., • Itrlmar ScboolPoost U.*: ;110400. Teutterrsure Mom( Boston Chorus 1.10011 I Itookt Alto—Tile Albstron, • very pretty now tukum worsts by 11. ,tl. w ng...twin by Mrs. nvil: Willie my Drove, now mug 14 tt. II Poem: 0 Th• Rork of Ages, e erred outtmettn The loam Bunter'. Yew: The ilionmer'e Comolianh Cei.li ti l . " o " e e 'lTlzaatz t t. Third ;ge t !? . non Itlen of the Oottlru horp. French Empire. (new edition,) X7l; ARE NOW to have a now edition of, aUctlealL7te' Ohjggi'tiiitnrtbAllrra:tthfa. „ ug orto b.: •111 Orem troublemoso=slj2• o 7,M, gtarTti.r;.'lll.tll.ll:lNlVan.Ftr ESIPOrtIUM:eI Ito, and./Pyr /UMW/. Vjl.t-tteelllturiotl mir etcck tetn t'lfrst•blibil'l.lluelf oll'etrAt+tgpriftir: wir snrDvro PLIZASIL i _ 3.29 . _ :_ It Emithtleld,neer„ • Diercionikallei._ ''' Clarionetc. 7• rritr, difficulty opobtaining a corrdet and go,-..tunfit,caitoiiet In this triiintry• berms been re'grtaL x'alteltiariltfit:VererAtty, _PVli[fiab.,.." Qr,-,g-, .Ikll.o. Just arrived. They aro Tram the tertnry ow the beg 11110./ 111 litlfiVe6_ol3.l IV. war nastml Wort Mon tt. no&TogrtlS el - 7 arced for sa.l*—esst or west , A 6.4ne1:1,-111ml 1f Keyr. A. A. 31ABON t CO. ;nand IM Markolnt. TOES-2.5 bble. to arrive Tom. asgt for re. by ENOUBII k BENNETT. ' 4 --200 bozos for solo by A. CULBERTSON. i;i mpat_sos,__ . "St.. James," .TIEILTS9N. S got " w .. .. I Thew. hi want of reslly nowt Clorloneler. ye lit fliel tide w nt online. 11. KLElllill, re n et • . Plan oCibe Golden linen. No . lot Third st: ____....—- New- Num. . . • - -i- 1 11IN 11. IttELLOR, No. St Wood street, .1:, nenelrod the following new end Porolof phns of . _ Now Goods Ettlivin. MITRPI.IY S BURCELFLEII) have Com -I:Clencal recelrinit thAr. eanly eving h a vet • Y ya I . 7 . 0x::; . .14 . 7.1,1 for o n ta,bi..1.1 Ttin.l IragiUll. • Rich Itaragrot. Anwar French Mouslin de I.aines. Rich Black Figured hilks. and • variety of orb., gcodr Our regular OtlinnlZlrff. and btly Pnt ly are- iriaitmt to call with us. fetal Centralization. • FRENCH hare contr . tiliged their kon rntora aa sear pas point at 'f.osAible.. Slisj rap do as ttvi But It t+ , even Lori; to ren. trail'. tb. ra..mon n , tar am to r0m.11...ct Mist tAtester b cloolup..ut ana,nablr. of clothisa. at Ito-lowest clblo print. Ili, stock 1.1 tWlr Clothtur. . at all tutu, encdpl..to Boysel all an. , attr.l out lturerdia.l,. Call Itlllif,lllol,3l‘. R. atudt to ' 1.1.11 it ttoloLf.ld otrast. near Dlarpotut Alley Home-made Blankets. • NOTIIER 'SUPPLY I—We have received n von more pall , of ex...M.la home-road. Illattlec , 4,, Ono:ern Marotta. lomat du-. Crolle Cnolle and Land.10.......1..Y1acna1, white. nom, and harnst. Yim laaaterulna.l.. Plao.l /1anc..1.. only 31akt a• tid. Unahrlttkanle Welsh Leonel, all qualitifte tl als.l Silk Flannel' , So , . too /'kf.n ' n 9 lanfit r t r iii NR. renter ol Fourth aunt Market Ma. We Ina.. attrution u. treed.,r.or Nlttalina. at eon.- per aro,,unt LOT lIS (I.ISSI:VIERES--Oct build,l ) 1,113 ntnelt of Yorn..ll and Inoneatl. Clutha nool l'apottnr...,neltaliat the make+. or 'enonalr. and Mal. aloe. all th. late.. at ylve . Of ka . ne, .1. AA. .1N A 0..)..02 sod alaraet at. • ATI N ! env & .M.1.111'1E1.0 have Jut ree'.l..ltreel fn. tloitnantlfarturryl Nato:kelt., roualsbna et Grey. Brows toad Otto ant rtl.taal. nod artOel. ore a. Illoa loa 3 - ../ 1 . 0 1,1,e• t ARK. 'M I &ED CASSIAIERES'.—An tt. 111 Fortoiont dark mke.l. snot other color, h.. rms., nt the nor. of er: • hIIMPITY ' D • .1 ES A. Nle1;.N10 No. G 2 Fourth tit ey LLIA arrond 'mural of Fall and Mut thr majonty wllkts haring tn,a purchaand LI, large sued... aalem lu the ramtern ening. nunng tl 415 lirnrhal.nng Trry ebnap: Plain CaPhmorn Mann. :Omni.... Bar Stan., at cuanufseturres Srl.nor. Pn.uch klerhad Yu. , Innl.l :Silk, Turf denrabn, Cloaking., . kr : (tt 111 A INIA0V1) IJOUDSI—A. A. Motion (I 7.111 .pen. nu N.ronolwr :All, II ra.en ‘h " .." 6 '"'' V r ,,:, l ::r 7,l„l ;r „o• ztr ,' ; '„l"2"'''" c,;1•11.,,0,TA, b." 11. n 02.4 - card. MURPIIY 111.111C11 FIELD inform their otodoriodAatot huger, gmhfrall y that they had, raw open entmso large rdprly of Womb , lid tto, I+ll (noir, Aa art sareortun Io Ihrit unnmuallf lull armor, GOOD: 1 , In gnat rlrh rrlnl , 4l 14. Laird, earelerv., llolkurgm, Yrrneh filrrlsom. dtuxho Dag.. ar. ell AK .4 1.0110 and Manse..—.'rte et, 1m fgrr hatelm. , row. Cludimere do., 1.1•1nd.. 1 gni Mt Ird Mart , al erdered ar. (Or plald ItlLl.lue, blot k end 5.11 Mourning dn., viw. at, lr Agek - e..tlna' 1d • further morrti of eon. , 10.10tIng dladio and Itiodi Lineup, nal MO , lifowlm gen. rall, andal I n 5.1,1 at Ayr ;wired Urn--haulm me. lo•ilm41 rall iku n r .d w d. bnlewale g oer, U rdstrg, when. 01..1. an , k. 1.1 low. LK WARP PARAINIAT'CAR--Justreciii kJ al A. A. IlAidei l CAL . & 1.12 naiad flartgt at - cell I LOVES AND 110SIERY —A. A. :Vlssos 11, a blow hen 110 ILX.I 750 Cg,t, uddw, adk, flwww.l. - .1i1.1. and othwr .0.07 a...dr...tn.', id IlAsinr,, marrying morn llawzi Ifoo don't, A. lONE __ 1 %It ESS GOODS—Opening daily at iv m 4 VoN a (51 . 5. ay., y ,stvle of form - mall. Dr , . ......neDting of :nit, Daahtner , , D. Lato....M.vino Potato. ta, Alpaeta, dID, ma S ILK S! A S ILKS I—Novropening.;t A. A. .1 . p1...,".1 .en I....btonabl , Plahi Flit, 'on. :V ~ nto- , .10., ' per.. Drh 111 a, Dr, aten', to I. rlegant /Drool.. an. ce 8 1 . 1,:5i, N.51"..„,1,tb1u8L0.N:5--,r.i.A.; ~ ,,,A , :,.0 - !1 ,. A ,,, 5 ,, Ci 0, , , N i ic . r..t Bbbon,l ncl . NEW PLAID BONNET ItlßßONS—Nl'ar ;Sly 1 Dam-bleb] have D.-rived • frveh .arch of t 3 he s draftable ~vale.. or _ . . QUPEB..BLACK. ALPACCAS—Murphy ,t. k. 7 Burchll.l , l have rervived a tali Wort:meat al above gcada--ianne av low as D&Str per.vard—end raw sora.au; - . , ray.. Hohalt A1p..., et $l,OO re, yard. no.l I)A.ILKh,II,.,IIaF D,OEISKINS--JfareLA, &svicrero mootD.,. owl and Doc,. mall, which they areaeiDna low —moot Wart I.lowirneres and cloths, and a va. Pt!e oo evae r t rtylolall.r adapted nr bov _ we'ear. _ , c-13, NEW GOODS. SUIISCRIBER having now received 2, n entir• smelt HALL AND- WINTER nr 6001 , -I, would arp•etfullr lu ol ßroa hie euttnme and the publ , that a• la prepared to dlaioa/Inf RD , Weal, either aehot... 414LiG. Of 141+31.4 1 ye, luar 1I• hat In Dry Wogs all the 0•11 ad • tato svedt Of Panay Dr* kral, comprising to part-- 4-4 Carew. ,411.1. f_lo feetna a,l eh..t dime., ',Late. , 4-4 Rreesd• Milt s. Heart Mark vim. and wirs. • llamado Elea ..1141 . ' • Haney Watawal ta10..11 Aviv: F' • roplla4, llualna de Las Creath Retinae and Ca•baarree; Tncethor =RA Fr•tu - h and linaluell 1-4141.a.10 tudleild,rs i•ty. FURNISUING GOODS: 11-4, VT-4 .4ml Darned, Ml....dint, 4-1. Mll and • . • and trudi I . lllne 1-I, a-1 and 10-4 TOO* amedlr. Pa and 11-4 Deasaak R Dsll,lna R an 1 10-11 1 .10 lloctaback Napa( and Craah Tuwahluaß . Hlll , h 1`,010 . 1 planl nod Table Cover, 04,0 , F0r..1 araedlo Quill, avouch, //vaulter.. Ihmiry.Curtemr.t Curt," Mal.rials. le. MOURNING DRY GOODS: aluTllasinar, atan de Wm.. 34 and N wider, Cantedl • '":" Henur . I7lr E rna.ltall, I n•nrh *ad 1 tallan Crap., Mode and Cr, V•ila Chemise... and lalr•yuc I_,llare . and Cur, and 116.1.4,, ail .4 • hl.l. Cif.od• 111 Or warraut,ed.,lg dud eh. 1‘ , . 00,•RIT • .nel6 4.0 11E4 A. /I,INIOIIT. u? 11. PALM En oirera ftale, ck.t very iIL • I.* taw... rull a....‘rtmelat rkfmr %1111i.s. " 11 ‘ ,!V;;;PY I I e.fr. hot. e. )1 AT: -Sten , . V,att.'. and Boy , !..c.1...et rj , ..r., . 1;T,':•1r.1i1.0.171:1•17.4...;"1,:11,1!:71.1,.'1.;r. tall ti. Wt.. , .:.v". Jena! km... Land WIWI' tarn.. in timid I! ' ' 'lrir f itiZ ' ,V-11.%; : ..:1 t rt and. S.rr. Plain Satin and 1 Id" P. 7.!il a j . .. l Ltt! " :!,.7 1 '.„';. 2 :1 3 : 7 ,2 , :": , : t‘,.. 4 . e ,r.,1";:r...,' c'... l ,l;ql"l"fiaN.l./:.'l,49—earra..7.ltelik.Enttona.firaul , P'o‘l,'lN'rli..L2;. nmu Am. as q do...Dona...and ante, ri . r4 aurn7•••l at lea ' ' 1 : nrt.lN.,/.l' Sa.fi, .A.N11 7 NA . T1.N.% —llla,, firn. de Noe pile. tiro. d• Elm., 3,2,0., an.l . Vber ell ~ a• - •or , II daunt... and .4•10. rt..f V,N. , —Aaaort•l durli(tC.• ..14 Ml.' , )11/..—ltlch and I,•• pr.. raradnlO and IldatrallaA, Dead Rat ea. . kr_ llr tk ehli U . -_- -- - - - ---.--- OLL HEAPS — VI I - I.z. India ..Rut , ber, 1 " .1 " " "" t '''' ''''' ' . "•. 1 " : N,A;1,..1 . .,,, ~., x 1 CH.'S. % ICTORlN.ESoic. — lleeOlt i l l.i IT a c.,.... , ['Mg . eV., out tlopr st..rk ot ivic,,a..l thorn at vary r•durrd rr.e.. Ladle , .111 Sad it. theil mil 2 1 ASIIM EKES b. DI: LA INS.—A. A. M A L) D „% a CO .1 in do,/ 4,1” LIP. r•rnaind•r od Ow Lla . ...lanorm D• Laln., and other Mee* 4,4,, at loaM n. l. In.tr/et•r , rri••• I 1 ONO SIiAW LSI—A. A. MASON tk. CU. 11.4 ax• diring .1 IL. balanr• of lloolr 1 .ot/ and F. Ile .... WO. , Br 1...!! 33,6 0 and iN,..,. _______ j.. 16 _: '‘lll'ilit3l---)AS Ct. l'A c lL lart t log M' o % lT r atl lS2l : 4:3 ;; kl ;k A ol n... 11 1 , 1•11 non. Pararnatta , tlya•ral.Ar. _ rala SOII-ANNUAL SALE.— T he semi.artnu ,,,,,,it : 1 7 i; n o , 7 J1 ,, ..e , t , . 5141.9.1..t1t.C,0..;r0y111l e4 . 13 , t . 1 tr. of N b 'r. 4. 0001*, domertir and for•ldn. arr ..eILnZ at ab'lnt orl La the usual 3•1‘..a. /RV • !....11LE. W A R PCOBURGSIThis detirnlire -3 ' lo ' l " ' T s . ru'ircriti . ‘ ralliigl7," . " 3 Jai() Nurt Ilea. rae. Fourth and Market C.A. ``l UPI?.SII iirri NU 'MU SLINS--Just rr i'l relved at the slortilemt rollw of Votalb arid Market ..ire•r•--on. care anprr Shirting Morin:tr. at IZin Prr id, Inc, AI LINENS. of an arr.... 4 . 0 !.. 2.1 " pur•nal, al nay, on baud. . II A lIIIINII—A •unnly or With. and Mart. rnd reed 1.., MURPHY A 11131:Cl1VIELD. MESE \ ..-4. 41 ro.t. - 1 March from' nix qtr L. ' ",1.01..g."... Memno te-lltarer, . Fret blacett: ..'l".. • IP U CTrTrg . 44 I.. . 4 I pare riche!, the ....441 • •• - hennl—ranatlenc. " L ernaa nag roe chat nreet air ,e; _ agato-erachtionr,. • - .11Tr:V.V2r i =":; - . ..I n l.oog teutic chars., , .. , 11.1" 31 , 11 Wsl4n 4 r. i t lre JcVy. 'nr sale by lista. . Dotage Reediffeiodemu -Wade 1, 31 iht ariit • Mat *men& ataliardt, N. Fork. 1.11 K LEBER has just IL 4 -Tired one elegant i i i .ti: I. C',% l itil e ta l N N. i z _ A T_. E ‘4I . - ,`lrr. ', T. ,' : o7 : ll' itlt : le ft of reetli. alp! tor peatity:atelimal a l,l Power of tope. all Wan Werr ..:ge*lttPit,rtlr,:rkt7. ‘lt.'f.::•ebt'w.4tht,t,i,,lnttt. sle, and 1nE014.1, ..rable to small Orpst , a. estlag but 000 Aurth as mut sod al Ito , Wile time Aron duratte Val eZtia• I' t., toe-pln order. There IS One 19 use at tho• Bev. 14r. Vultoti'a Cburap PbSelt Air. 1011,,,,,litalastidat on. i' A. IL—The public le rrspaetfollY tolled c V i " 4 ... Ine Ilse above. yipsyips er th e /k se m W 24 No. PA Third et. ---- fiOTASII- 40 casks in store and for sale by oil • J. 0. taidinaTll A CO. ! I --- - paiilEl-..-- ; OUr kegs hlAstiog; 'Lazard cpantrfactura. 4:.., 4., Illea. do ' 46 4 , bt,r , Solely Sof, for axle by J. 1.0. 1 , 101 trlt'flt A I.V. _. —..-. I CST reo , d at \V. A. Ott.I.)ENFFINNBY & ty, to,. (lap. ti . C. NV all.s.).,Lorar'a pelt work. 911r51 0 0 13..01, 111... !...1,1n.r o f9loo l 144. A. or tLe ll.ctop, or a rrrrnat Maid. by It. IV. SI. Itel ta , 1 , 14 tlr ga, with a tare , sasorttneot of VA LF.NTIN KS. ~,,,'• • • No.lolorarn UT. —. . pAPER-2.000 bills. Single Crown, :Stadi a rI3 strl D0r, 0 1. , Croat , /trap ',per, t, 1 0p 1000 ar , i• ep,in 114 re anal Pr ~ Palc by .1 1.. ,ilyte., Lyn Peon and I trio ON, tiltlYElNti RAPER — 500 reatas 4.411112 - • • eat rises, for sale hi J. 1.. 0110 R. feW, toter reop And IrPin IV. , . . .__ uo Ar. k iktimA§sss--12 blido. Sugar , 1.. t r.! 74 bbls., l'ls]ttatioo.lriftr.tadilat 15.,...t,L.: ''' 'fr.ft Liberty rt. —,----- ------ ii ALOIER, STEr-- --51, Lae. re,ed this day Lt. ,doi 100 sal.. hr F(11113111' PA 12.F.1.1.1 (XL fall_ . .111a.r, st. - -_ .. _ Moro New Goods• Strut.; Bonnet and Rat Warehonse No. 105 M.ter.vr Srxr.c.r. I 1 OM E-NIA DE FLAN Is: var PM tir Boartmtmu have memoir.' an additional maF of Itsmommle Flannelet also on hand, Whited, Brown d, I.lllZarllal Blue dm. WA ):1131.1,2 made Barred 11 , snorlm at V:1-7.;:.7,14711„`Ir t ntiVikVs'aIIWZm n o i ct A Z I lmfact lon to those VlllO loam used them. on account of their tgaslll.ll,,lMAreej.4.altrays band• its. hewer niNmEt7,':`,.‘"‘",'7,74r —6- be E'd'el!?a pe to or tb190170 11 . • Chester's Clothing Emporium. *ELEDRA'rED fOr Nentness of Fit, Finn teas of Quality. and Durability of Workmanship tmr stock le foil Rol romplide, embracing all artistes of llien'a and Boys' Clothing and rurnlithlng Onads. .- yr...lured wider my own iropeetion. Purchasers l ate it s ited sited to call and oraraino, as we ami determined to tell \e. ;1 SMITIIFIELD ST, nine snonsers4 &ley. 11.-1 , 07 s of .11twee and clam fitted out on the short. it. de3 ONO SIIAW LS!—AlUlt ray & Buscurrum. Wm. reed a rots full ...lament of Stui above lath of all dualities from common to dn., and of plain and briabt rolort , :ral of newest stria:, and otter all at A=lll ' Usteng ShalrVi7 . of nowert styles mai oboke patterns M. U. ma com:woos goals at of inaryfos Wu. jaw moil two batting Fianna. of desirable color. *rot did Wistfully Cold Weather has Como. DON'T FORGET CHESTER'S Emporium a Men's .41 Dore Ite.ly Hallo CLOTHING. W. """. LACK SILK LACES—A. A. litisom 03.1411 often Mt. mond. 10 eartnns of black Silk 01 all qualltieo sod widths. MA' 1 . --- 1 BLANKETS --.IIIIIAPIIY k. II I ! ME MA o )11 this dray , il a . lar . 'ot of ram nor . ILt'el=ti.:U...r.ri,b,,,,. ." ' Alert 44 white Mode made FLANNELS. Northeriet cor n, of Foiiirth end Market str, not --w--- iieol Gooda=Third Supply for the Season. • MURPHY. zo BIJRCIIFIELD commence opening thle roitrotoir their lIIIILD a urrtY o f • for the Felt sod Winter. , New Arlo Yana moo Cs...doter.. Whet. and Fill Scoff, and various. other Goods will be . oren tredsy. Ifirliortheristworrter of Fnu It !end Starker Plreetx.. ,1010 .• ----- -.. . (OIIFAP TURRET) FI NN E 1.5.-111 U II e.„) POT a BUROLITIRLD het.received a' lot. OP fin lierrrit Flzoootr, retail Mee ars suiting *int...lmola all tawdrier. of ills. per pant -Aloe. EON.. o. 11A 11 LE et eon attend' , ...Weed price. ..:, d e 1 4 IOFFE&-400 bags Rio, for solo by ft,/ dell ' WM. BAOALEY I CO. 'ANTON FLANNELS — For 0, 10, ' and I:fi mite per yard—the lattel err/ ed.welor. to I. Noll at the Store of jell MURPHY A BORCIfFI ELI) _L._ Goods for Cold Weather. 114 MURPHY &11rs URCIIFIELDinrito the at tentiod of Tope to Owl ,. ret7 ro il erWrtment of e earkwer Mods of llrp Goods adapted for cold weather, Such u• , ' llorde Illeite.Fleonols, whits. brown, Ude API pldto Wetrotoe %Paige do., . Alum s lleder do r . ell token paL Dear4Coristroz.V i p t tllf S i tg e lteri de e • der Sttll d Oortirqs,oo. AndEdirtiddalltiplyttrildkr iIIISCE -2 1111.. S- --- -A riligc siippl l - v .., :.: ... 1" 3 Oil, Lard OIL • cola p,e6red Corr 01 oroPra OIL L a1M 1 ...4 1 Vr . 01./FTEIr. N a . y 4. Ilitnd $t,... On hand and far rate kW tyla , S UNThill ES-- 6.0 ream( Gloss Pape • 1 Cut Carbonate of r, /Mania. len, Cub. 31annesia. 31 More busbheld's herr.. and bra Liniment- I lin. 1.1141i'li l ' , :iv ,l-. • mhos LIZ Comp eta. 4704.(1, to toosoMptiom Thos. barley a wren eohl, a bad rehab, or my other dAlbeelSl about she throat or lapse. 11/./ Id trs tho i.T.b.bie:r . i.1gt, , ,V;. 0 Ttigstn:lam. l . t .V.TZTAZ : r. , abeam. Ma u in fatatChasmaso one. rii,f, il! la:ge .aU...• 11 . bee WO° or viz bottlen for Cl. Tor sal. wholesale and retell by r, 5. SELLYMILICS Word street: . • • dell 71 4 11 E BLOOD is TTl} LIEE. eqp e 14.4 v.& the taalth will be good. bIOILSKII `ktentpottad corn? t r keliow Dee: hoot - it ino bail pntk, tier ot the b 1.41 new tatoin, conateittaniVO" , '" .. " Oaeil .. rot and preterite of health. Alt at i tt- A lew bottle. hate often partarnati emir, tal core, at la th qbetord:f . dC.ntel bar Teen arricte4 ;Ida tint line lingetlig' diateao—Cotatnnutton.lf.ts maser ;eat , apatite - mete-a b laplmictan, hie. was insured to mt. the Syrup of 1 eitor Peek 0004 and afro, - taking too kat eith." tire rag 101.01,7.1c1,(Vett ottl She above medicine la Le 0.000 1 , dal& . 16i and 1!A Hoot cor.ti biatk. npussmis AMAN3JINY;, for the Caro 1.11., .1.1 Prevention pt C,errod: h.:ie.—The mien - Mk, 01 OA Atoenhhe. ttoolee the ha 0211 1 / 4 13 onr u :47 .eammutt ,:.,,ndut..!,,,vnewae u. ,",...... i. x. be, it 1 71 r. 1 .., : .4. zAt...giatou exa,li,gerelhat=i=l,l4 rine eettit vitt ' : et: jai; stltt° ArZ T OLurinit a. eh i t reesansb.poll4theaE)er.„. i„,,,,..„, B.JULLIMMU . _.._