The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 16, 1852, Image 2

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411TT. A 00
TUESDAY M08N1f40,.51:411.C11 16, 185'4.
4-, The Canals of this State - are open east of the
ifortniains, and are expected to be in a naviga
hie; state here today. Odr transpliters are
prepared to do 11beary boldness, and shippers
need have no' apprebensidn of any , delay of
goods passing either East or West.. Pittsburgh
Ibas now great,fseilities for transportation. We
have iltee greationteS,te the East, the Canal,
',. the Pennsylianis Railroad, andilie Slaokwater
1 and Writ Nikon rontp to Baltimore. Cur West
-1 ern &oilseed has also added vastly, to" our fa
: ciiities Ibi,coramunication with the interior of
Obio:' All the avenues will doubtless be full
sped we congratulate our business men on the
- cheering prospects before them. '
POLITICAL fiiiiiIINXTN . to Louisiana . The
,vote:of tho Demoiratia State Convention of
' ',Loulebunt, Yu 'explresiirig the choice of the party
inlhat State for the Presidency, was, for Gen.
1 Cass 191, and for, - Mr. Douglas 72. The name
~ ' k . of Mr. lluebacisri was ,also placed before the
I Cou'vention„ and afterwards withdrawn, when
his friends united: ith , those of Gen. Cass. A
resolutionwasPNNN 6- d: PiNagiNg tho Democracy
1 of Louisiana to the.dupport of any candidate
who obeli be nomineted bythe-Baltimore C
i O-
N'.'l....tuttion, and.a resolution declaring Mr. Doug
-11 las the liCOllilehoiCiii of the Democrats of Lou.
•isians was voted doWn: It is stated that the
I' 2 .ConventiOn was any thing but harmonious.
I . : .' ' .
' 'Mt...--
-There are now les[iriewspaper speculations on
Vitu • Presideney than we reccollect at any for
int; tittle on the iv° of n-tational canvass. Con
`gr`gsn is a gond deal, excited with the subject,
. .
but the people 'end the newspapers drei . ' Quito
cool. We still iodine to the' opinion that Gen.
Boot-twill bitlie 'Whig candidate, ind that he
will be elected,' The Ni lo York ' Herald, a sort
of Idonaelitish press, on the lith. inst., has a
lotiginticle on the subject, trivia 4,hich we take
the following extracts:
The nrit Preaideney.—The fog clef ring <mai/
Daring therlatt ten days several import:alit Pre
sidential movements hare been made, and some
tl:sSry tangible developments revealed on'the sob
:,t.-jernt of the next Presidency. 'We think we now
see it somewhat clearly marked in the future
• that . James Buchanan, if Pennsylvaniii, hue ttie
best chance at present, of being the-candidate
of -the Democratic Conventiod - to be held at Dal
on the Ist of June; that Winfield' Scott,
4TCief New Jersey,veill most likely get the Domino
--:•'.01511 of the Whig Convention in Philadelplda, on
the 17th of the samo month; and that the Abe-.
Whirl Convention-otherwise cuffed Free Boil,k,
'anti-Slavery, and intervention — which is about'
1: to be called in July, wilt pot forth the name of
Charlea FruncinAdams, of--Boston, er of lan
P. Vale, of New Hanipshire, as their standard;
bearer: • But q.thescrttiree candidates put for-",
! . ward to the people of the United States by'the
• . three organised. parties, the chances dicidedly
are Unit (lin:Scott will get the highest number
of sates, if he shall not be elected President for
the neit term of offiee. • • . • •
This oppears to us : to be the col...linen of the
I,...Presidentlat question at this moment, and the
probable bane of the nomination in midsum
. mer and the election in autumn fills. Buchan
. - undonbtedty, bn'the candidate of the
Democrats; but from their owo internal' dissen
t skate: he will most likelj Aire the same fate
which overtook Gen. Coss in 1848. Gen. Scott
ban the best chance of arnf one now in the field,
%said his chances are made up from.,she dissea
t if/QM of the Democrats and the diversions of
theanti-Slavery party, more than Nom the pop-,
• •• tilarity of his own name or, the strength and
.., concentration of the party that will:follow him.
elected, be will be one of the most interest
ing and amusing of Presidents—great In great
thaw, email in small things—mighty In a sortie
no' In soup—fall of foes and feathers on .
, all oc
; uisions,,And in su ffi cient quantities to t aste the
newspapers, daring the Presidency, interesting,
eTia9, witty. amusing, philosophical,
and laughable.
Spring appears: to , have fairly set in. In a
`;,Sew days the face of nature has changed The
•. grime has sprung up'suddenly, and the fields
'and lawns have put on a mantle of green.
Gooseberries and lilacs bate put forth leaves,
and the blossom buds of the peach are bursting.
`,',The spring promises to be very early. Fester.
day was fair, and clear; with a high wind, which
will airy up the earth rapidly., •
LiatlON. LAW 111 Tas 8211Aii.—
Th, niotiorimade by Ms Crahh, a day or two
since, to refeitlie Maine Litincr Law to 'The
Committee on the !JadiCiary, was's legislative
trick to defeat the bill. It 'is no with the
CoMinittee on Vies and Immorality, which is
faroiable to its passage, and itai..xeference to
the Judiciary Comtdittee would Stile if for the
--seesion. !The rote on Mr. Crshb's resolution,
therefore`, My, in a measure, be etinsiatteed •
test tote, and ia, therefore, worthy6if nate—
The yeas,,or opporiente of the Law, Siere liiesers
Buticsiew, Crabb, Darlington, Flat!,
Balton, JoneS, Kinser, 51Ottilil1P, Ilduhlersherg,
• Par.&`er; lihimer and • Walker—lll.:,'The'^riays,
Messrs, Bargee, Carothers, Certain, Beaus, Pprx
asp, Foierli„Otterstie.T, Ilaixiltott„
lett, Hoge, Riakel, SPCmlin, M'FarlevA,
dersotyirStaitrie, Malode, pliere,..}lalierte4
.!Worza..LISOREING: 7 The i r 'F 'l
1 'roe of Thursday says:.
..TBe Hudson River is tolerably cleat , of ion as
-.high AS Poughkeepsie, the atom boats, however, mot go *born lisverstratc at 'present. One
will start f?!...N4irburgh however, to-day. ,
'The Demoernew of l'ennoloania. —The noun
nation of Mr. Ichanan Vor the - Pirddency by
, theDemonritio State Convention of - Penosylva,
nil was followed by a resolution of that bOdy to
'appoint the endit represenTition of the'party in
V- that. Btate•tl•tin liationst Convention. 'this
lneasure aecures, of course, a full delegation in
'4avor of Mr. Buchanan. The frieudebt Gene
ratCanii the Co . niention thirty-three in nuin
' protested againelt tills atop, and refused to
take part in the furtier proceedings of the Con
; - iTeutioti. A case of . rebellion is plainly triode
The protest of the seceders breathes $ spirit
strong indignation. A portion of it may in
=4.-4 &sate thh tone of the whole:
"We solemnly protest against the risolutiOn
I just adopted, sea wanton:disfranchisement of the
oongreeeionnl districts, which we, In whole or
part, represedt. We denounce It as a flagrant
utuirpation of posreirim a desperate alternative
resorted to by a tyrinical majority to' manacle
rind silence a, large 'minority in this convention
• . upon a. vital question—it is n trampling under
-foot 'Oran usage s a nctioned by enaction of the
liemociatitt .party•ln its convention ftr the last
L • seventeen years—lt is pot only a violation of
sacrifice for a tenapiitary Taw:
pose of a cardinal DeMocratio,principla —While
the nomorraey Amber States are bringing the
election Of delegates nearer to , the people, Penn
, • olvula, by this notion of the majority of her
ontention, removes - it farther from them, and
&playas humiliating dietrast of the popular
. , . .
, • .The wholi prooeeding is an usurpation of
' • : our rights and the rights of the people whom
We represent,'directly.branding them and'as as
, . . • unfit to chose their eleM'oti and to rep
.. _ resent them in the National Convention. It is
• - - justifiable by no exigencY, it can be justified by
. : • nenti,it i.e pregrewit with .the seeds of discord
.and' isatisfactionin'the ranks dam Democratic
.partyisf Pentutylyinia. ... , - . '
We protest against the right of the majority
". - akthis convention to deprive the congretelonal
'd WM of their suffrage in the election of
tie and electors. We Utterly repudiate the
act y Whip it hat been done. • , , .
--is' ' if '
' Da the eubjeet of the mtieneesbf; the city of
'---..-"New• York the Times Rajiv,— , .
"ft would drag very bard on a roan's repots
.- Von for good sense, to be overheard saying
..-that this was one of the,best governed cities in
the world. 'Yet it cost shmething more than
threenutions of dollars Met year toicoverri. it
cost about tea thousand dollars a daY,.ex-'1
'elusive of Sundays, toadmlnfater Such gagent
meat as it had. -It meta over three times as
Touch to govern ihisiaity, att, it did to,' govern
the whole State Inclieling the ally and three
times as ;undies it did: to govern the sixqiew
England States. 'lt assts the city-lure to get
governed fora forfaiyht, than it coat any due
sixieeA- stateefor a year. And it coat
eity half as mach to get itself ger
' erned.for ayes; as it goat. all 'ouri,thirtpone
States for the same time." ' .
051.10. AND Pe. COAL .11,41.50 cOgPAIrf.-,Tbie
Company 'trill soon be preparad'bi:deliver Coal
to its stockholders In thlealty at $2 25 •tiloa.
They have extensile aoal bede pear - Limetatete
on the Monongahela river, and ;the coal is said
to be of the best quality.—Ckvaterjad Herald.
We L teceived yesterday is pamphlet on the CM
tivstion of Fax; and Preparation of Flax Cotton
by the' Chevalier Clausen Process, together
with a imall sample of prepared'fiax. In color
and gloss it resembles raw silk; in length and
fineness of fibre it it Much like cotton, and we
can easily believe that it can be manufactured
by the esme•machinery.
The writer entire into a . cilonlation to show
the profit arising from thetbusiness of growing
flax, and also from lie maisufacture of flax cot
ton, both of which promise large returns. Of
the'first he says:
A practical English fanner gives the follow.
ing as thetesult of his experience in-Flax-grow.
Mg; Quantity!sown to on acre, gi bushels. Quan
tity of seed: iniaed to the sore, 201 bushele.
Amount of straw, 2 , 1 tons. Even 22 bushels of
seed and 2.4. tons Of straw' are not considered a,
heavy yield. ,
The Indiana 'Journal says: A farmer . to Pre
ble county, Ohio, this season raised 63 bushels
of Flax-seed on 3 acres and 10 rods of ground,
being over 22} bushels to the sore. This, with
the prospect of Flax Cotton manufacturing in
this country, will Indicate a prosperous host
nese" -
I know of no crop more profitable for a far:'
mer to raise it the present moment than that of
Flex.-Say that he qould raise no more than 18
buebele, to the acre, and It tons of straw,
and calculatini the former at $1,25 per bushel,
and the straw at $5 per ton, and. de - ducting 2
bushes for seed, it would emourit to $20,25 1
per sore. If the farmer in this country could ,
be prevailed upon to sow more reed to an acre,
the results would be fOund well worthy of. try , ,
ing the experiment. ' if the Archangel and Riga
seed can be had, I would recommend its use
for the first sowing: e
It itaboltdention of one of our most exteteL
sive faimeitt in Indiana tilerery,-L. Ellsworth,
Esq., lateCommissloner of Pittentsi,to sow 500
acres under Flax the coming spriegi - and a pro-,
printer in England Is now preparing 2000 acres
reclaimed from the sea, for the name object. In
Great Britain ma.lreland, not more-than 150,
000 acres were sown order flax during the pant
year, whereas her. manufactures consume the
growth of 700,000 'acres. The -guaranty given
by English Flax CottoeComPanies and Protiri
otora to the farmers: toporchloo their Flax of
them at fair rates, ,has induced the latter to
double the extent generally laid aside for that
The following is the estimate given of , the
coat of the prepared. article.
Tire tons of Flax Straw, at $lO,
ngredicons - employed, Labor and Inter
est on Capital inTesteJ,
I • .
One ton of Flax Cotton, at 10c. 'id lb. 200 00
. Profit end too, $9O 00
The London i r Stoining Chronicle, of Dec. 5,
1851, gives and/cella* of the opening of Chev
alier Claussen's Flex; Works, at Stepney Green,
Lear London. After tome general remarks, the
narrative Proceeds.: ~
"The visitsrii began to arrive- shortly after;
twelve o'clock, sad were introduced to' M. Claus.
sen in a waiting-rooin, where Dr. sty shortly
afterwards, and preparatory to the e urination
, of the works, in a very able and bate sting ad
dreiaadated the main points of t invention,
and, upon a email scale showed tech of the
chemical,processea to be afters examined.
Upon leaviag thin Apartment, the olehody of
visitors, headed 14. th e inventor no Dr. Ryan,
proceeded to the 'thriiple-room,' wht h was-fill
ed with samples of the fibres in each of the
stages of manufactote, unbleached, bleached,
and dyed, of every hue and ohmic of color, and
liebrice of various kinds formed °Ube yarn into
ishiell they had been converted. They mere ex
amined - with great interest, and, at the request
of fir W. Booker, an ample selection was made
for deposition in the Museum of the Rotel:deal
Gardens. From the 'sample-room' the visitors
proceeded to the threating and cleaning-room.'
In order to the proper undervisnding of the pro
cem here adopted, it way he necessary to state
that the stem of the Flax Plant, so it comes
from - the field, canticle of several perfectly dis
tinct ports: There is the 'woody substance or
straw„which supports the plant while g'roving,
the fibres which lie upon the 'surface of this
straw, Pad the glutinous and ether matter.,
which cause the fibril to adhere we wellth each
other as to the atom. (If these three parts,
the fibre only is the portion required for mato,
' factoring purpotteti...4he object, then, of this
breaking or partial cisaning, and which may to
called the preparatory dtage in the procea.a, is
to reduce the bulk and weight ; of the materiel
to he aftenrads °periled upoui to render' its
transport the grocer, and also to
permit him to retaina portion as chaff, useful
for mixing with othericattie food; thus return
ing to the soil' a large proportion of the crop.
which hitherto has been entirely abstracted
from the soil« or rendered valueless by the pro
gees of steeping. The manufacturer or person
employed to pthpire•rffirFlas for him aleq de
rives an advantage from this arrangement.; in.
aemnch as he is enabled tei 'steep a larger pro
portion of pun fibre than formerly in the steep
ing -vats, and ihe chemical agents employed,
whether fermentive Or otherwise, are enabled
to act more rapidly and more directly upon the
bee than when in its whole or unbroken state.
It is also adaptain :OILS stage for manufacture
into canvas, bail-cloth, cordage, and other coarse
kinds of fabrics. In the same room were two
cutting machines for reducing the length of the
fibre when required' for preparation for cotton
and woolen machinery, .
"Ilaviog shown the means by which the Flax
required for sleeping was prepared, the visitors
were led- into the steeping-rooms, where Dr.
Ryan exhibited some Ilai o du the course of boil
ing and steeping in cold water, in the unbroken'
an. well as broken !pate. When boiled, the pe
tied -if operation Is about four hours; when
Oteepod in cold solption of caustic soda, it is
not sufficiently, steeped in lees than twenty-four
boars. By the present made of steeping, the
period occupied ranges from three days to Mx
weeks. ' , The conteims bf one of the vats haring
been sufficiently' boiled, it - way taken out-and
plithed In a bath slightly acidulated with eel
iLphuric acid. A r drying, the fibre wan fitted
for the further process of scutching and cleans
ing. ,
daring gone through the whole of the stops
required to' produce the fibre for the linen man
ufacturer, the •cottonixing' process was next ex
plained. The Flax having been partially clean
ed and boiled, precisely as in the case of the long
fibre, it woo placed in the first of a series of nix
vat" containing a cold solution of coda and res
ter, in which it remained till fully saturated
Thence It with removed_ Into a vat. N0..2, with a
a ealution of sulphuric acid, where It remained
as keg ea any bubbles of carbonic said rose to
thesurface. It WWI in thin vat that what is calk,'
eel the 'splitting process' takes place, and where,
mechanical action of chemical forces is 8D beau
tifully Diustraied. 'the effect was Almost in. ,
mantaneous. The clistracter'of the Flax fibre be
came' at once changed from that' of a damp ag
gregated substanCe to a light exPinsive mom of
cotton-like • texture. WI epee - the gravity RDA
completely altered, and the mass, which at first
lay submerged beneath, gradually.floated like
an expanding sponge to the surface of the fluid.
The result was generally and locindly cheered by
all present. Por the purpose of removing any
superfinthis acid, and to carry the separation's
stage farther, the fibre was immersed in a Sec
ond vat of a weak solution of carbonade of
soda. It wanthen ready for washing, carding,
andepinning, in the same mantel as ordinary
cotter'. . .
, "A third, equally interesting and not lees
important process, shown, was that of bleaching
fibres, yarns, and fabrics. Under the existing
siettms, the time consumed in bleaching a piece
of linen occupies front three weeks to as many ,
Months. tinder Chevalier Claussen system, the
period required is not more then es many hours,
while' the chemical iogredients employed, so far
from injuring the material, greatly improved rte
qualitY. The rapid charge in the color, as In
theprovioutidastaisce, Of the texture of the sub.
otancei - wroi warmly applauded.
. "The bletthping process concluded, the visitant
were 1111Ownlinto the ' , carding . room,' where
a number of machines, such as , devils,'
, eardera,' and others usually employed in the
respective branches of manufacture, were shown
'atwoO• •- '
, ovro Mifetate that joie, hemp, and various
other fibilids ;substance were shown to be ca.
pable of. being treated upon the process, and
that, is Mower to several questions, it was sta
ted that the 'Flax Cotton and 'Flax Wool'
could lieipr.e, pared at prices not exceeding lid,
per pouiid. ' .
' Judging from the ',amide before us, there is
no doubt in oar mind that the most beautiful
fabrics can be manufactured from this material.
It is stated that it can be combined with silk,
wool or cotton, or be worked by itself, as may ,
be desired, which id a pen , important pro
perty.- 1
,•::.,51nw the IMO • and greatest question is, will
the calculationS as to dhe_post of production
be practically , realised I In these times of
railroad and telegraph spend, an loves-
-tion or ~ d iscorary arrive et itifection ' and :is
brought: into guars' use In : one year, we are
inclined to regard it as a frail - fie. It would be
"nafair:howerer, to bring this : thing under such
a test. Embracing as it does it great variety .
of mechanical' and chemical operations as ph
, . .
collar as they nrit novel, .tt le pci marvel Mae,
this m aymtieturo has not yet, taken its piece
amucg ti '..iegtdarii setabilskted 'Munches. of
badinesdi,.2.en'ir"feadern an:judge as well as us
can of tii pro-bible Sa.geS , 9!'!.tke eil'e mPeatl,,,
(20111.4111tItitailtil Itilarfsifen.:
..:,' I 1 .
Ij Flax cotton can be produced at the cost - here
specified,it is deetined to work a great revolution
iq-the business of the world, and in the cominer
dial policy of this government. It will seriously.
effect the cotton trade, by rendering England
independent of the' United States for the most
Important article of raw material used in her
extenelverasnolattares. It will; moreover,bring
the Northern States of this Union in direct
competition with the Southern States—in other
words flax will come into competition with cot
ton. The breaking up of the monopoly which
the cotton-planting States now enjoy will no
doubt modify' their views with regard to the po
licy of protection, and remove forever one of
the chief causes of strife end contention
between those two divisions of our common
iglorreeporsterres or the Pittsburgh lisilllhurats.i
Wastilittgros, March 11.
- The young grass, clothing the turf with its
,trefth verdure, mid the early tlowere, remind us
'of the return of spring. The season is very
early, and amply compenstites (Maio unusual
severities of the late winter. It ie to be feared
that the buds Of the fruit trees will be so far
developed aa to receive fatal injury from the
frosts which we shall probably yet experience.
Turning aside from of politics and
news, 1 to-day availed myself of on opportunity
to examine a very interesting and valuable cop
lection of, paintings, which I think ought to be
•the property -of the nation. They consist of one
'hundred pod nighty portraits of Indiana, taken
from life, and scenes Illustrating the maumra
and:habita of this fact fading race. Gentlemen
serif:Minted with the Chiefs, and other pereona
ofuote, both male and female, whose portraits
are here given, and . familiar with the scenery
depicted by the artist, pronounce the likenesses
perfect, and testify to the fidelity of the sketch
'es in which the most prominent characters ap
pear: The
. painter is Mr. Stanley, who hae
anent a considerable period of his life in rivali
tying himself for executing so important a work.
These Mementoes :of our predecessors in the
land which we have made a heritage and pos
seseion,'shcruld be religieuely Meserved, and as
Mr. Stanley in willing to dispose of them to the
government, it may be expected that Congress
will authorize the purchase of them. Mr. Stan
ley has been offered a very large sum fdr the
paintings by a person "who wishes to take them
to Europe, but he is not willing that they should
go out of the country, at the risk of being scat.
tered and never returning.
It is Bald that Mr. Kers? has been thus far
unsuccessful in finding the government of Nice-
Teague, and that he ie to be commirodo'ned tone,
so.m to eAable him to treat with Costa Rim in
regard to the possession of San Juan. My im
pression in, that if Chatfield, the meddlesome
British minister to several of We States. has
teen really withdrawn, the' civil disceosions in
Central America will speedily come, and we
!Mull have no difficulty in finding a government
there, which can make treaties, and cause them
to be respected. By the way, it was reported
by the latest arrival at New lock, that the Amer.
lean merchants at Pan Juan had refused to
pay We charges levied by the British Cantill,
who is the representative of the royalty at bin
Mummitmatt majeaty, and had appealed to etittr
modore. Parker for the protection of his guns
The ComModere is further mill to have cuts -
plied, and promised to repel ail 11 , •Iraer fr
British, authority. I hope this is true, but It
seem, to conflict with the notification oven by
this government, in the attain of the Prorustbsits,
that Ainericari vessele would not ho protected
in resisting the exaction of port 'lit and lora]
taxes, by the Brittenieo Musquitolanthririties
The wretched and miserable debate sn the
Presidency continues in the Home, with toile
hope of any relief. It Iv impassible to persuade
that body even to appropriate a tow hours to
business, no that the means may be provided for
paying off claims for which the dishonored pro
raises of the • government are hawked about
from had, to hand, like the n Farr orals of a lame
dmk. 'Thee kropriations for the subsistence
and quarter master's department of the army
'are exhausted for the building of the capitol.
lad many other branches of service, but not
one hour can be obtained for the bills which
are prepared far all these objects. Such con
duct is at the name time disgraceful and calam
itous to the country.
The Committee of Ways and Meane hats
agreed to report the appropriations fie naval
mail, steamer" all in the same bill. and tilde
pendently of every thing else. This lam glad
to hear.- l desire to see the whole busitiens of
drement epoculatlene in the paseenger and
f~cight line discussed on its own merits, so that
the appropriatiolin to support the system met
be iiiinted or withheld, according to the honest
judgment of Congrcee.
' The debut of Mr. Margin/I, of Celif.ania, is
•e House to-day, was a very eucces,kfui ellktr
Ile declared himself openly a champion of Sen
ator Douglass for the Pre,idency, and he au
owered Mr. Brackenridge'e attack upon that
gentleman with great success,. Mr M. is
brother of Tom. Marshall, and hat all the tat.
eats and eloquence of that diatingutehed orator,
and a good deal itioro judgment lie has, too,
a happy audacity which carries him through
tight places where most other men would fal
ter. Thus Mr. Penn, of La, n brother Demo
crat, asked him If he had not communicated an
article from the Pennsylvania Keyatone against
Mr. Buchanan, to the Republici with n request
to publish. Mr. Marshall answered inetuntly—
I cluttlwi alny, add it was the very thing that
ought to have been done. Upon the whole,
BuchanarAnd Butler stock fell to-day, and that
of the “Little Giant" went up a shade. About
a hundred thousand copies of Marshall's epeech
were immediately subscribed for by Douglass
Dem ocrate, for distribution amongst the sover
eigns. 1 should not be surprised if 'Rime
Pennsylvania Whigs should think ft Worth while
to give such sound doctrine circulation among
their constituents. During this lawful struggle
between infuriated Democrats, the N•hign ray
bet little; they prefer to allow the Kilkenny
fight on the other side to go on uninterrupted,
and they are right. When the word to charge
given, the (tirade of old Lundy's Lane will do
it in I;l4e:ceder, and in double quick time.
I am Pleased to perceive that since his return
from Philadelphia, Mr. ilowe, your representa
tive, hoe appeared greatly improved in health.
Ile is a thorough Internee. member.
Hon. John W. Hone, I regret to say, - 10 con
finest to hie room by an attack of fever. Noma
hoe been more efficient nod faithful in the die
charge of hin duties than Mr 11. during th
three years he ban been in ire House.
The late *only exptanations of Russell and
Palmerstoa "shout the dissolution of, the minis
try are le capitally hit off by the fallowing w
rithe from Punch, that I cannot mist the temp
intim to copy it, though not particularly perti
nent to nay topic adverted to in this letter .
Tnctlnaen E 101.041114,1 - 1' I`ol.olllt
Normandy antd,Turaot said IS sieve.' cud hy amid-
I mean the nobld 19n1 slid—mere than we .eiLl
Oa I said. did he eat what certainly h• celd—res th, ..Id!
Then ha-to what rsaid.•fter now three or 11. or day.'
lay, Raid.
Th.t am to what I ,and they .441 he paid. h. had *aid
and to;
'Whereupon I uld, that alter what be Sill via mnild'ot x.
OW amine bail better go .
Tot L•x.Muutun Brea tact.
With regard to .erhat I uld: at luut, iceman::lW ab
the, havelnalil.
To my noble,triand—sa he pra.ibk 1 0 0 , he
s a ajaahhag of that nature. P , ehaaa. i to ' , ld,' aid.
Aa Kam AM I had time, but thry had not .ail quite what I
!land., I aid. what I acd, as aforemaid.
Ile ((nl4 . well, and that aid, and many man Paid:
.ttatrwhal I said, as i n maid, aodthery mld. I had a flab
way 111 chow.,
And after all'a WJ witi-tiolu. It I. I who have tort yo ,
from Mow..
'Rummer. fionscairtions.—The question as
to the constitutionality of county subsoriptions
to railroads, Is in a fair way for decision by the
Supreme Coati of Ohio, now in session. Mr.
Stanbery, yesterday morning, sound the emir',
on behalf of the Clithinnati, Wilmington and
Uneerille 'Railroad Company, for an alterna
tive mandamus to the cotinty coinmissioners for
Clinton county, to compell them to testis bonds
for-the abuk subscribed by the • county. Mr.
Fueitmade arinillar,,motion on behalf of the
aterbittrille Railroad. We tinderetand that the
cobstitutionsi gnestiop ig:ctirectlY
','these' cases—and that,theywa'probably
gitidthLr wesk.-0. S. Journal. . •
liArauencrean, March 11, 1852
'T,here was a very large number of petitions
from all parts of the State, and signed by over
80,000 names, in favor of the enactment of the
Maine Liquor Law.
The committee of conference upon the amend
meta of the House to the hilt, providing for the
ElectJou by the Legislature of a State Librarian,
reported that they could not agree upon the
sable& of a salary in dispute. [The Senate
had fixed upon $lOOO, which the House struck
out, and Inserted $750.] ' The report was ac
cepted. . .
Mr. Beet:aisle theiTintroduced a bill similar
to the other, providing for the election of a
Elude Librarian, and ENing • the salary at
$B5O. •
The,foilowing Lips were severally considered
and passed:
To ineorperate the Allegheny tins Company.
The bill relative to the Schuylkill county pri
son and the discharge of convicts. '
The bill for the better regulation and manage-
Meat of the public works of the State was then
taken up on its final passage, and after some
further debate pissed, yeas HI, nays 13, as fol
Yeas—Messrs Saily, 'Barnes, Carothers, Car•
son, Crabh, Darlington, Guernsey, ifsinilton,
Kinsey, Metlurtrie, Malone, !Matthias,
Mublenburgh, Myers, Robertson, Shimer, and
Nays—Messrs Burkalew, Evant, Fernon,
Forsyth, Frsiley, Fulton, Ilamlin, nor. Jones,
WC.lin, Nle.Farland, Packer and SantJerson--
Me. Frailey moved tlial. the Senate proceed
to the consideration of the Bank bills on file,and
that they be taken up in numerical order.
The motion tsrai—disagreed to—yeas 7, nays
The Senate then adjourned
Tho Mose, after the prehoutation of nunter•
uus petitions, resumed the consideration of the
special order, being the Congressional Appor•
tiontuent Bill, nod after a lengthy speech train
Mr. Speaker [they. it woe passed to a second
reading, aud then pustpotted —yeas 02, nays
Nlarch 12, 1M62.
The Senate, after the usual morning busineva
proceeded to the consideration of the various
hills, and the following wan passed
A supplement to the net incorporating the
Pittmliurgh nod Erie Itailro.l and Coal Com.
The select committeenppointed on that rule
jrcL reported a revolution authorising an to.
•estigation into the conduct of Levi G. Clover.
late Collector of Pittntiurgh.
The hill authorising a loan of iiinifiu,lloo for
the immediate completion of the North Branch
Canal war thou takeu op and a long discuSsion
ensued upon several points of order mired.
Pending the question alma the bill, the Sen.
ate adjourned until Monday
to the House nothing of general intereat was
The'i ell nuthorisiog the Banks of this State
to flue nmall notes hoe been rejeoted by the
Semite The same body refused to repeal the
Oct to prevent the circulation of the email note,
of other Staten out Saloon ore wise men, true
ly They refuse to glee our hanks s privilege
which the law they teflon.. to repe•l ['linnet pre.
rut the hunks of other Staten from enjoying
If their intention is toneriire the eiretiltuoti of
;Terse, their object is wholly fI,IIIIISVNI in thin
...rtiou of Ike State, where tiur circulation in
chiefly made °p l ot' the entall note, of the bank.
of "lit, Indian . Kentucky, to
1.1 , 1.10" I% . 11sc Sr"r • -We find ihr 101
lowing report in 0 liinconontiipapet
Tilecdse Ira., iiidiii'.l the firms branch of the
State Tank of ith'io vs I' lil T Gibson and i
other, one of ltic series' or ~....,, ,n which they
wete sued its ethlorsersi, of It 'I Itennot The
special defence sei op in they crass was that the
druft on whirl: the snit was brought WW. pay,
tile at the lluruniercill Lank lof Cincinnati in
epee.e land. llthough the note was illiwilutit 1
ea at sia per rent. train the face of it, they
contend chit making the lime payable in specie
hind, rrio equivniecif to I pretest I+r taking
iasurisse inure., and therctore that principle
sail interest were Loth forfeited, under the
statute fur-Lidding banks to take more than six
per cent- itrterest ln his a l lege to the jury,
Judy ll,otillry instrur'teil them, that any de
vice or contrivance by whi,ll it •asinkinded
to obtain More Mari sis per rent , reader
rii the note void, to the hands lA./any-3We
I hanks, nod they could sot recover on it. It
,d,,1 rot m .Ol, whether in firm the transaction
was foist or not: if it 'o a contrivance u
scheme to. no toil the amity laws, it wan void. r
' Another paint urged on the part of the defend
anto was that one partner cold not sign the
pat torrship name to an tiecoruniodali on endorse- ,
total. The Court, in relationdo this bratioh of
the defence, hitid, that a petiton who buys a
drafitrom the hcfepter, token it subject to all
legitimate defences against it: and if it was en
dorsed by 'one partner, without the authority of
another, for the accommodation of the acceptor,
that would Most the firm, unless their custom
of business was to dell in accommodation pa
per, or to endorse for the necommollatilin of
others. The jury, who had Ilia use andel' coo
-1 mideratiou for some time, brought in a verdict
' for the defendants.
eachange infornot ILA that Nome :were tor
Oral operation, have'been performed lately at
Viennui . ty moftot of platina wire betted red
hot, which ben been found. to se•ertleali with
as ranch mule, and celerity as a knife. One ad
vantage offered by thin method Is the very slight
effusion of blood caused by toe wire. a, divid
ing Instrument.
We refer our bean:tone men. to the advertise
ment of the "lktnestead Journal," published in
Salem Ohio. A, we have intimattA. connection
with that phies now, that paper found
good medium for the use of our merchant,
jinn' GOODS
Coach and Car-makers.
Remo rEi) TM
IV 111;1111AV STREET. NI:Alt ASTOR 11111iff..
no•npl, fIA at. nlli,. NNW NTIWN
To whirh Ilrsneh of Trwil. th Iraluotlon will brroeftor
Th., will h.v....1.n[1, ~0 haw, awl r.cwiwr 111
tho 11 - .1.1,1141,r, d0^...f11.110n wrwl quail
Its AA • 111.141 W I'APINIIS
111111111! AND V MTN BLANK CTS
ADA. • NU Ana r,mplAtA Am. - qtr... 01
11..re1v.1 direct fren. 01.• rn•nelt no , l 1/..rman Vsmnin.
ramprl.lnic • ,,, 1”. 01 7
Tl, attention a CITY sal COUNTRY.I/rALRICII. V.
14.1arly Inrll.l In not Plat..
Z4f . DR. LE. BRDNN oiler, to those sU trvr-
Inc from Draft ~,., m. loralllble aural Tem.-dire, which
bast• tarn nur,osful In nearly Arr. rarre r.. 0
(.coral d earner, Throe remallro rt.mprl.odltlert.ot T..,
Inc dltreette Of the Intrroal. middle, ander teratl N... and
ha,. baon pronounced by thaw cotlenrated aurlyttt—Ur..
I( tamer. 14 : Perlin; I lard it Dela.. of Pavia
a l'aendey. of Loodon—a• being thr moat wonderful
atol rffartoal e , ar aralled fur dattara of the Internal sod
ran their elteetti are apparent no the fifth or .lath
day. Dr. Le ll..aftrronts d care In every cat. where the
ear a perfect In ionnallow De has trrtlficatee
of curen from tiara who had been dal ono and
Whota-heariow li Dow eompleuly mfttor6,l, .0,1 are now
omitted In learn the ill. 1114,1•1 The names of niter lawn.
farmen hundealrernma who tut. loon rural, by Dr. Le D.
may tat area by applltatlon. ratloote, by tending a d0 5.1403°11,01
$.1403°11,01 thole' cut, ran. hare rental'. .rot m 007
Part. Tertn•—ss coniultation Eft.; slohr to he paid atoll
race hmrino 0 ralarel to (is original andmear, or when a
watch will bo boan.lto beat at tho dlatanro of etchteen fort
from rltheraar-
N. IL.—Dr. La Iltlantio Truallre on the fist end It, Dia
eater, and Treattnant of the Deaf and bomb: trotted."'
from the Preach—ptico.lll.' Add r cs Dr. Le Bruno, Union
era.. Uust Ohre. N. T. frlfalm
SeeGo where you will, talk about What
ion may, and you will either nee or bear of tbn great As
obi. preparation. known to tb, people of tbe U. States*,
11. U. VarnoU'a Calebratsd Arabian Linimeat. /t los made
pane of thto moot remarkable camp of paralYalo , thetmo.'
/ion, moms. Affection% ipironl roomplalata. te.. on ream %
and. indeed,. au eMernalremotr. It aPPlimiolt to Aem"
IJ all Monica whicrtibould po..ibly toro benefited by • ma-
Mame of Out kind. Oleo odoortleosoontl
a •
Nelson's First Premium
Pest Ofre llvilding, niral 'Sfrtet.
(lITIZENS :thd ,tyarrgers who Wish to ob
i lain amaceur. y
r earl I irr likeif
in., ...d e em.. pricae, te •
ill find 1 . 1 le their 1.1.n-it e lei rail at
this well known when entee riallidarlinn
Is guarstifeed. or no made. P., ing the
and /was arrannid and :Li isier
sruenial fn r the purferien.' with .ine,runieriii.
powerful kind. and basing li
eetein nf lien r
mot, ping. si new DrsaiW to . the releiiru,l
Philadelphia and Nevi York, Mr. N. Ilatirre to lei
able in tiller to the patrol:ln of toe Arc. it e 1.. n,
minty pa, either einclT dr In atiyiu shirk ban ties isr heen
open and npetaling, in all weather., Irate •
t. w..•in io v. v.
tart Nlll A NA-Lthtle of Dr. M'Lane'N S V r
mifuxr T . —AmoDg tl;,•llundphla of letsernovrttliext.. , ;,ll.l
Krt...te4 r rn. atath...•llort
a It ,u., .41.teut urrt lb. 0.1
ton arr dry 1.,..11 1 .. nu•r,lumt, but nr..d.o u,ntur Ili.
.1, a U.. aum,,t
.• I s 1,1"
. . ,
Arse:. Ki4l .
ititriiiitievil iti 41.11111111.L1if
&nutria Imcv.xt 1.,r it tit,
ialiimittid. It
h.. tie., lord ~,, , tt,t in ter, popular 1,
Oi 11
itiple. ntii lir tit,.
ilirt-rttfrom it
J. Ct)I.TioN
et.l. • Loh,slo unit tribal: by .1 It 11,
Ite.1,11,1“. h., 1.1 N.
Sa . Mu. SA s3 ' l. M. K LEIt —1.4 . t OW kn.,
la, you rau yaa tn. Patuyaytu ot. tor uo. L. who, a, a
a Le urana off ru4L, msLer I 1.0.1 Va , atur..l.
traaard Thouhirioum , er,,
1 oura arca A. NV. HAl:Tali:l'
LM/M, 1,4,1% E... Nto
S NI. It Ira, E./ .
all tit.. • tortilitt r.l lititroliint, it ri . 41.1
i• I t. I. doz... trout I ... .
it trill "ill ratiiilit
Truly Yuan, I,I,TNIAN, .rri.T.os A 01
Fur bale by Drubnuble grnerally thrtruAl the e
Cituen's lusunuice Company of Pittsburgh
MISS EV, lqa.omt•r.
,AMk:l,l L 51.110+11E1J- ,Eo•T
001 . 1,t, In Lt. I,NI, 1:1/11 tls riot
1.1110 .k NIP me,i,slll , l II ritmcr.,
et,,t . Nl.' VIII A/. 1,;.111 , ,N
TR.121.5/ ,, iii.G. 11,5
14 1.• I.Jr
lb Kt. Ikma.
1 1 81. ,
lielOk.O. kw,
11.1wrt Dunlap. Jr .
11;0 .1,4,
f.l • attl
11ait, 11r, Ant,
lotaar 11
Ito Tlittro ittt. I Ith tut., to
Ita ',mot, II too tott•it. tit.- t t• t . tttottl.
To the Realness Alen of Pittsburgh una
•Vicinity. •
THE rt•mtud lhr hustor , s
l'ot,o,tt .0.1 •
I lOU:MI . .Id , Jtit 1,A1....u1.11•1• , 1ets .1.. t4...J *WA It 1..
Steamboat for Sale. •
, ontrolltrp; intcna• or. 11.
Canal Boat Furniture.
I II A V . E hand a tars. d.t of Rank
cern.. ~re..inv 11,11 a,
'lin V Pt: 11.4.11,1 t..
•Jr•lt o
I 44,4. urs st•r 11 I ~r• I:,
Smoke Barn,tng.
T UE sol— rihet w. l u id o 111 til .• r, ILrnll , ti
rr4A4rnrc.ll6, tart." ttlAtr • 4,
h•i4trAt A I •r.r , A.. 11,- 1.•
1,111 A.. 114. m. 1.41 Aft rAurrot , Fr- thr
Ln n 1
• •t thr r.•twAt-r. .nrout,4,
tural , 4,
V.ll' V 1tur.14 . .4,1 I. sr t r•-• •t •1$ ,t 4•14,444
411 i .trwr •-sn ••16144.. t
1.1 . 1
11 ZI •
...t1 11.4. .4”.4• A r r ,
full AA n ••4 r,
d 01INTE1:PAN e try. n
4% -'l\'c
•t,te•n. ,
" I~u x " r; • Afr ' : . :ret. ' :-.A l r•r. ' t;A ‘ r
at,. V , t“ ,
ms,lr A ll TIE! I,
. Craig'cab Stones.
I kti packvd 1,1,=. rsf ;ix
11, 401 uovr Warn+, -a rr - rr ur, ara. tr
r i
ar. r Ir.trana"l•aagl , clarersa rrl•
r utter anlo In 1..1• I...• 1111 put , 4,
\ V It N ,oral Wtratsar .
Ne• Vara. Mareh 1 I • marl, all.
Copley'a Pat Clay
TUE rtnttiteriberit hnle hilwayti on
tory,' y of lii flay, tunnufsetunsl by J• sAt,
n.l trwil ht
ttiitr It it titi Artfrient yfEll l• n.
osevfully prspare , And nuf EffnAs ih
nll,ll ~• ,..n.i
cla, or, f.ny• third Cori., thiiJE•Enom.
1111E1 ,Aa•oh,•ll, , fs•E uta.l.• ittfo fom, nAI
',Mass mon nod lA. 111 r t Eau fl•os , A, os
nrAn of rlAy
J A Al ES if 110 , ,i MA ti ,A 4.1
uyit Aron Pres. foltatylf 11,11,0 ...mut of . no•I
rhanyr °then • In" i,
Maurice Tiernan.
SECOND ,ni.plv ..1 Maer..,T,era,e,l6
hut of Chart... •••;.r. t.or lt
W. N•houal fr.r
Itt, .•f oth, n•• 1.. t.
1:13:1. • l'Al.t.olt lord .
Lost Certificate of Stock.
• rilillS givo notico that a t' , :rtitical, 4
l iY r.
tor tie tl,
110..1, March. 1,1. 1.
to Joh.. ..r n.. 1,1. 1.01
that run, ti.o
Tho InlrL 111 to. ..utlut.l,
mm 11,1.4 1.11 F1.11.11,1t
C II tit:AN d
Fancy Fair.
91 1 11EUri , ' Fair Wy
5 n,t 11 T0...01n, nest, 00
•••••utet , 1
00y ...T...
r.I 00 , 0,
0001,11 awl fa., •r.OlOO Will 10.
clu lr
t hO.l I. ,r 1 , 01,111 of .0 tTurelt
!iv 0,,r 4 , 1 I,.ll.tniglittee.
Notice. t .
kNi 'amt. the tfife thorce
Oa Wail, ,1•••,.. • ~, Ir anti
haliolarlk drea, dari, e eek +total.
Maul. el n 34.1re...t1 iaarl , A .1
C. F. Leeds. Tailor,
ATE of the fine I, LEEDS& liAtalS,
4 rm.
.I , nuth Fn Lb Mr., ton,lnrn nt•ove
ttnnt ..I . nn. .. lunar 11. ~1.1 Onntt. 1 . 1n1.1. , n1n,
wt.,. In. In.. lin , Isirn4+ 4 il lln•nuldl,
N II - The 1.14 nnd fuo.t In•lnonablv 0... - 1. 11,1“ 1.11
Ann 4. •n.l marl« in the nen , r In. tn•rin.l.4
THE Stnekholdera , rt this Pittsburgh and
lah ha, al 1111:ling ran , ' ..I l'lrtrlmr,l,. .r.
hrrrb• ...rd. that an at., in•nit. , l lilt,, pr r Om,
It. 1.1.0 brill upon tl, •Ir+ - ol oxul er , mvan,. trlr .I.i,
•I (ha Air" ur Ow Trra.ur r. nu Ihr lrtl, A 1 ,0
nra I Ih...ran, It/lINI IMP, ir . ,r-r',
ratstatn4 h. , Intel, 1,.. 1 , 2 --leoralL a.,
-- Orr ex i'irrsouson it. It Co I
RTT ""'. " 1 "
!I/‘ .
y tiNi is no i Ong, Age,. tot
m arind.o ILL 01
S;UNDItIES T.:,, •
s lz ,
stn 'I ull s
To nrrive 111
ale Ml,
11 at. en.l V n.ut
nv rmpplv..l II) Fe
-0 plutt I Inn.rl , I
11,11 °MINING BEI:
A. Mr.,n A Cu. LAT
nod nod .Jl,,
I. IIF. N IZS-- A.
a low
A'. A. Makoti fi Ca
()sum Tsi
1 4 1.. r.• tre . .l rw
IME to the residenen of the se
V Anhnexii,or, Math..l.r.
ThurKlay ewei.lna, %veil I Ith. two
artril brown. with whin.
Ifand kiwi, fe,e, and W. ',nit, a tall .I.kut
)rato m,11,. rho, 1. a mule, lath
axu,l Maven W1114.--11X ,
Morn Ovlnu milt—l., in tnr, or.n , htlon•
reilrd.l nano ..resal, pa,
chirgre 0n,11,L10 thew roll secor,llog
to level
71 Smiddield At.. near Din.
woe, 111.7. In In rreolpt of a ".
looted Awl: of I. , ornimillog thy., among. ...oh an. •
oroet eerletr or HIM so& riAtin Cravat, S.A.. and soarl..
oolootod by bluvorlf in.., IboImponor• 110E3, rilrifwllth
obelongre (I.llloltkon. At.,; Mono, Reit. I'ol io %baba,
(ll)Ten. ac.. an. WE 1 , 11.11 A To I.I.EASE.
For Rent
- • • To Nursery .llrn an, Gardener,
FrIIRTY tieres of ground, with good Barn
and pt boutas.andbOwelltox of litur or Ova romp , .
T n rtn.roht.t. wawa b. yenta.] Ina to au, on,. taw anuld
Itunaoan lb. around. and [art of the rent eaten in Trees
and Shrtsbbery. rummaging:l,o,pr, Iranntliat el,
marl:: . A. WILKINS A 1.x..
pLi' E\V ROOKS —"Mltrt.tia Worland," or
T h . m o ., Opt s o . a tale SO ti e 24.00. bY 51i.. ,,, '
' ao ataul SA • Otutettr bEittt rditor
:led "Job rilldtts." blis. tarot rt,..ved nt the LtersaT
Divot or .. ,i 1 , ::' Ittl.l. a CALLOW.
IttaliZ ' .. :: OpYalstla I.Sa Poet Otto..
Penn Glass Works.
• •
• •
Uli EY/. LITMA.N, (formerly of the
a Irma of {f nit,Ctlar t C...,) , ,ln.oulanturaTa of all,
wiNuow ta:
Water awl an , l'lttal.frah. F.
. . - • .
ff. tl.—lfortioular fff trot.° mmil to ttlfl .11.. of Willa...
Inn.. nth, tam,. conthl. far Itottlee tool Visit stfar 1,
l'hillostinrg Water Care Establiehment,
N 14,urg, Beaver County, Penna
gneau tit ,fte of the flhfortre,oppoefte the mouth
Ilea rernatl.,. from Iffth.latrub, rff
le• h-elm atol 1.51 from Clerehtful Tta. r ftfrt
If fmeter
imrrelent, f ear.. et porlenfee se • roftular
mte,.. of it Iffelf la•• pref. - U.4-d hurler the Ily death,
--- - .
• .
...m .y... 3.. .nl,r t. .111rx p-r- w”.k, ~.y0.1.•
~.1.1,. 1. nom... ~... md...... indrpettleet.e,
1--n , .. t. iilnl .- nu.1....1 . 11.11141 .0 '1.1,1 y fr,11..11
i'..1,. , IVd• 1....1.:-....1... 10.. :.-1,.•-.. 1,11/ Tr , ...10.
n' ' '
""' l/11 ' ,..i r .,; . 7,11.1, " ;;:t L '. .ir. c,„.,.,..,
c . t..,.,.. , —. c;....,,er. c. .. 11,1. r Cow., l'etstt.
Fry; TWO .\'lG//TS 0 A 7.1".
T FAN ETI'II II A 1.1.,.tql Alonday and
Sl:Lrrh loth :4141 1,1 .
4.1 1 r , ,a4 nor., Playery ~,,mtn4 thic .. 11 1•
thrir n. 4.4 ..t,4 I.llliqur
.Ith+ 1 . 11, , L 1 .4 t l l4
1..1, Vat, C 1,,. ~..131.1,3. 1 1,,1p IC Icy IN , uglar "'."
tisT Mare. W:Lrlatol, or 'Di.
Lkie of 11, ,ots , b, bJ Carnl.
A ott.olt Shunt Loon: or the $l. to
Art t'.oto , Moot Croto.
Th.. 111 LA, rat...l I•••tt•lt.t.t Ntetw• and Tontlnn I'unt-h, boy
II . .
W. A. ti I I.I.ESF N 1
71; Fou,sll,trr,t.
111110. N. 1.3 Mackerel
0,1 ti.h. ..uperior ar
A. I. It MIT sk,N
116 Lit...rly
N ;11 , 0 kegs, a..vorted city lirandm.
marl ~ A
ri4:A--1 01 hi. l'll”,ns
3.1 're', tor •Xle t.i
“111 CU Llll-1117: 1 4
t 1 IH .\ doz. reed and fur
!lulu! ;1 r. A WllAllllAt' l lll.
I I N SEED libk: Inatome, and fur
1.13[1.i, 0.5 IA 11A1{11A1A1II.
A It N. V.. ree d uml tr_r .. oak'
g LA1111.'1E1( St/l; Alt —5 in' at.ll} . l!
3.1 C., realn trj.
S W. II 1t11.11,111.
't t".l :K bills. in nore and fur
V ,marl:; t l . lIA It II lel II
tan's 'and 5 1,;.11. in ease and
4 13...r1.1j 51 11A
H. D. King, Banker & Exchange' Broker,
al Pll'lllEll S rIOOO.T.
I Pi/ I.IEST inarkrt priei , paid for Anwrivan
I.n4u Al.o. 14, )1.‘1 , ..
rloru IvucLt eval m. 1.1 11..crn
UN6l.ltill .Pl{lNTS—!ilurpl9 , Burch-
Itt-t n.. 1 lot el r
ol now/ so , t wrtol (.01. .w.lor,
* •1,1.,01 Moorir,u •r
la en nt rad", owl low
IP I 1:S ITUIiE PRINTS- orphy . A.
I n. 1,1 Ira.. tl.auttatrriett „I rtt It /u. 1.111,
1.61 N. S. F., and I.3.stra,
( 4 , 4 1101:TS -10 ha. far sal,
1 • asrl , .I.T • J J
I ID!!
141.15 -DM It., for nab
rsubt J.T J J 11,0,E
lid, hr. I.lnen. .4 r - <4l. to,
JCT It J. J. 6u..5 K.
t.‘sT , lit 111 L--,511 bl2iN. ree'll and for 1.a.1,
I , . ;,.,....1,1 • J. KU. t,' „
I )I \F
,_) h Itt A a __) 1f,,,. re,'l :twirl, pat
I t.,. , marl 2, J KIM. k ,
t I:T I STN' 01/I,llltS ...01 ii.
.t. nal,r, .. r •alu I,
V EN v: , Ti.tN 031. , , 11 1 y
. . . .
. ,
'PS ..,I,Lr. 446 k. Serer, I r'sltreed I.)
M 1.: 11. Y:A CO
F, - ..41/
ri r, w, y o , T
N.\! i
t..nored 01010.
'O4l it 4.. 511.1 A Co
IVI\ I,lll} ;.,1..%5S
ir IlAt. 41.1'1 a
N N ,
.r 1 : 44:0 LO I. V A G.
r '. i I."
''F:Y,'l---3„11,111.1iii'1111r":1%1: f"r
l io , gs No. I ,
Dray Itorsts.
ir tine •Iray Ikr”em or 'ale.
1101.1. A Llt.titrt.
I.: Ilia :0 ..
4 BI!' —1 S , `ltry
I S . ‘%H , I I 'll ,
I II A \ E this day , nh nn• in
r n.t•
NTIII:I , fTE Anthrieite
.t 1",,,•1 nwle low w
tawrll Penal 111.-to.
A t; , l.)l). lz iv.' , :; .. l,y'll'ur4.lll , KlN LI.
.111,r ..... ar• L•rrlry 001110.1 thn! I lea, rrvirnl
r>ooo,l I.•r
ll~.•.00. kW! Lay. ..nternl
ll.nrorl..r•• 0•10.0, .01 I rrquert nor ,non tLv
I. it to 111. DAL . • •
New Books
tEcl.)LLEcjiwss a a Literary Life;
I.q Law anl
J 1.. No. In 'mirth nr.
HUNK i.: - rs-- -In great variety
odorlo 311,11 . 11.1 k
lENNY LIND VEILS, Black laee
0 Inn,: nod .I.orl. 1o I. r• 11 Ilsono an.. now np, wt
o^r," M 11r111 n itticciiklol.l).
LINENS, .'f all the 41i0trent (0011
• atrw you Irn•too Idoon..iunt
11.,. n lurthor norm, of lhono nopirlor $lll/11'111
111 nt. &rd. • good nr11,1” ni/o in: loc.
conrlo Sit 111 . 1 IV 1:U11111M:1.D.
Wall Paper, Borders, &c.
I N to The present general assort
' me,. t.”l orrr7 1..1. 1 /.,1.•
LI.. 10,11 large +III 1•
Irt.laht eat. 7 the
I. L. lake oJata• on 11.. 11311
•ritomlS PALMER.
nlnr.l.l I. 1• Mart..rm..
1 4 1 L.IX Sk sks. lauding fr slier.
ffi 144 44, n, 1444 - 444.414. hr
44,41 . 1 .4 4 lem,n 1
I 'WI'S U N UT.;— too nke. landing From
111 •trthr
144,44144. a...1f0r sal. 1.7
mr, 1,11111 DICKEY 11'11.
etramerll... II. 1 "
1,11111 PR%
AP.\ KM 1 . 0 ntaining TWO iIUNDRF.I I
ACRES, ....led NV,lfinoton T" .b
rnrelan.l Connt, sod ff. ol • RIR , of tr, flonf.•h
• o ' 4l "b c . ro ' ; '" oret t r ' Zr•;:f•l ' lT: '
barn • For further into•rznati..
nvt•fr n, •rlo l J • R
Cir ItEASE -6 Ras. now landing from ntuir.
non ' :l7 '' 404
11.116 NIrEN s ffi CO., No. 76 Fourth
Plreeb biro recs., Ilwienwelllb • new •byt by LI,
author 14 Wslmin glen,. Mordant Ilan. ar, kr.
A1w..11.. 1b...1.f the YArnll,, n tee• •uther
.1 -01.,a1t.1 tocus,..,
The 1,... of hy , axolo.roo. of the -11:0
w Puttta ,
l'ulnse,l 1,, Third.,
No 1.0 ~
1 1 ,, - ,r1.1 Vi,141 of
I:O.-Wen, Co. ar.• agPol• for
II .1, Quarlorthen
E ttEAN PARE Atttlel.g—Tha tatta.t and moat
atterEve tatraaly Pt trams that has lawn
. .
..11, ....pawn rourent. II A PAlllVilner., Vrtkurrtie
14 srlrnowl...ll,l to he , • / artlel. , , in thir ...lion
of c00n... 3.111 our .1.r.0n r 5.. . ,...., ~ ..I. eurts••••.
. trrr ly ..... the, se I,lk.arr it much Ow th... ~ rrur.
I h. , .1 1...... we prr....he It reyllinfll .n our prsrt...,a.,,
.h unOorrn an.l .11 wore "I Ll Iltsn il •01,1
11. rb, ...sear Vre.....1,“/ pill together."
.Isu DWI. .
er,....h55.1 , .. 1 ‘ 1 I. 11, A. abn,lrk AG. mt.. ~t
W... 1 ..- . ~r •I ..t... Ihrlslourgh. ,
1.... r f blb by 1.1....4. ,n.l N1,r1...t0 Ihr.uchoul th.
II 011....... • tu5510.....k111 .
Cannot he Recommended too Highly,
kOrliO.Tp: 0. Fo.t. .1, Is,:
MR. R. •E. SELLERA-1 hare null all die
Syrup - ynnr scent 1.11 with tue.n.l
•Ilk.. Ir, bn•e nrinre et IV. WO (UP
52, via[lmo ',tot, prom..., it the r,
• - rn . tr. , ..‘”, end .-anunt trenturnen.l I t
Itt,bll (0 an wt.. •re lalln.led It I. enunb• enla, •
,ne.J, no I remain eure
r. I•net Mneter, J. 51. Wart, J nlul4r. J R.
I.l‘lle, .tiendn‘re.
The above to Jtnkn. ntnopy,antl narml whout eoll
italton, In behalf et the best neuall mr.lntine .1 the dot.
Prepnre I and Pohl by. I: nEI.I.P:IO, •
marlo N... 5:
Übli 11A MS-1710 lion' landing trol l ,
. th rr -° ""'!"'''''tl7.4.ll DICKEY 1 CO..
FTh ( , / , 7. , vatrr . ira, }'tome.. CherrJo,
1 1
For sal. by L.
W. A. ht-CLURU a Co,
matt' 250 Libertyarnd
. . _ .
I ) RIFG.) (jli v e i rr .... ice, alld”,Pulunms,
rnl So,
5,,,,, b
r n 1 • ' Pan 'is..A.SlZllltl/ a r
moat Usveeri and Tea Dealers.
1.16N , N . VI'S!
umm.rEt.)a,,,Nt...N 1
j : .. '1 , 5 , ! ..,. — ; ;-'0 ... e , as ,n, e , s , S i [ , : t ring,
A. AAI A , :',N a co.
twos 02 atO 0! Market at.
1 1. K BONNETS—A. A. Mason E. cu.
13 Ino,va just opeoe.l another lot of rMb Bilk Moneta.
.•'. ,
rIMIREE LARGE coal flats;
! '" 4 '"'" °4l "
.IVillilintiti VCD..
=AI 11 Wood street.
"something new under Sun
e-t's, l 47;
let ti
E, fg o
.aapZredrt wn
tner, add and Idememet
ten ed!'
thaL indrnment in the Unitrd
11 MneMer.) , ./er ef the Idu.d., sUI preeidr at
Card , id adnair_eidn; rent, Cenerrt id n.. ,
7 .eelnek. . E. ltlidd
NIA In 1 , 11.1AN11111 . 1 , 11411 NallV
liltK —The litaammlnr 1 , 1(1111A NEVA.
11,L. of Kowa.. ( . 11,Lnp
Irma Now )Ivrelt 17111. for (115amvs.
Lem will Mk. tr.o.lammoM:y N I.IW 1,111-KANS.
.doh. (am.. lima et Panama. without oteralon on the
helonl Ytm als .mehlp N ITI:1 1 STATI:r I . of 11, Now 1 ork
meamelltg. I.lno. -all Ivy. York.
Marohl,lll, 111.arnr. ongom or a tat, tho
( pl. Summ•o WINF11:1./ SCOTT, noo to, I
nom Vanaula ato l m( p
11111( April. l ali.' It loalomn .
A No riii.niaioo front l'atiouts lit in
V I N SCOTT, oar ,
u by ani
A !ilia.
cornervoid Ia
Ani-iatii of Is 11. 11-1.10 Noe lo t.
FAKE—From fib K,5:'•.. through Ilolnt,
. .
- - • .
, v o the I lottoratae, the Judges of the Cotirt
nt tleneral wafer ncerint, a the Pener..;n and for
the 0.001, ..f Alledhenr•
The netstndl f J. Melt. AN of the r{cend
Ward of the city id' htlynntstb, litttntlty_
Nnur ,tltiniser hall. nrierided hinneelf With tnalyrial
the enonnondatl.... of trarellere and other, at ha.
.Inr the rt•,. aterrynnl, and pray,. that
t raft In. unre nod I. plea 3 nl n , grant him a 1n...ft...t0 keep 3
yeahlie tooter 0f . .. ent. And ontretnnonnr. ue in
.1. honnd. will eeer pray, ettOnnAN
e, nt.. cllt.trtle of the Ward nty.reeanl.
erytify, that the ale., petitioner ip ine.l ' , Tote tot In.
nett mud lenne.ratte.., and , 1.1,1 inn hnum.
nedo and ~,,, Lot them-nu...1..1nm and 1....10114,
.(ran., , and trat mull that euels talent I. 111.,,
W. 1t..1,. ihss,ll, 1. a. too.. Weld. rah
net.. I , 11. . i .... r 11.11111. r.
J • Th., R. 111.1mbh 11. else ,
11. Slltarssr. W. W Lb, 11...14c
- - -
ithrnixoT I . o.lll.lPNced to re
seortmetst ,pric.4. S.lnwner,Aitis In D. .4 se.tinete. Cloth, ere.. Tube!,
hnnk.5.,.. 1 11.10 Isdieb. Ilerbb I.sine. I w t .tlt
Law. e• 1:11,11'.1 irk.. Lawn.. Mnblin
s I‘...seh
s 1
Ilnetery. byes. thssl... Tbebel.,
, Se. he..... whirl. he Teepe.-thilly is
sates the erten, of Men-haste .1 Ih.llnro.
mar,. bn
Corner of ' , bomb! Slier
Nearly all Now Open,
L uiz 1'). URC II F . I I) n
n1,13.......61 - 1.'4,-1, I , 11,01.14
1..) Are now open. vorA l!Arir -or', rallr.
tur rrrr and
I .r . n r t;Yjn r .7l=l7ol .- 'l7.=l: ' llTA i . " 4 4 rni t y..
5111.11 n...
hog "n I Urrrh. Mr.
tirutrrntrnfinA the IN—! 'link,. of Frail
hub nArt twil l Anor An. Alt w- grt) , err
A 1.. end I . ,iart. ruvri
Ls lirr ern r.unAlled Cr
r.. r A irr,
--turludrA crir Ar.r4 ut A.' rr...r. 1 .nA1,
band.. me darria...t Azure.,
Cotton Kill Operatives Wanted.
fIIEN or FIFTEEN sveßvors can find-am
-1 ~,,,i.l,mertt. I tbrra.l rah paid
r. lc ELBE:, t'u,n0...1..nt,
I . .ndeltr, 0414.1,1 l'anaeltots.-1-.lnnA
• . • . . • .
N —4.1.11er ..7)11 fr•iAlled •111
11‘.11.••••• ••! 3•••• rent. the.) fulai•ls tl•••
.a...11..11.1. it,
It 31111. . mar , .11•
ID.W I I M S ,vz. CO., 1.3 remny - N1 t"
.thr.oe 41.,,r• ... alkl
.L.-. whet.- th . ,
t,• frt,nds A“.l,mtrc -
FATAL 1 1:1;.R
I:,r, L3..,1,ra end Ja•n •
N... in•lven•
end Su.,,r • 41.16
Yier. Extra T....
ntnr, nud Dlpt
‘1,13.t.i....tt1•• end
l'ontf,,n.l Cor • -
1...1.1.5n, n.. 1 kr,
11., end 15...1
Wlth I•rult... , ar, I SO,.
Iron. 1.., 0,1.4, "on,
Wn.0....a1.• vu.l r.E1,11 I , )
7111. - r;r:.•ts BA.VI, cOjir.4.vir,‘
II LF.11.1,11., jut,t und for
. th. ••,rf . ..elect:en e.
pi ee., More tee.. t!tnek ,toh.. I coc.. area
oad orrosl,l. o - .rooll I ra. hoo,t, ct area Inotrn
nl., I. :No Coronet.. Iv.. 11.1oco
Kn orn
aloe frupt,ch Tocroocote otol Totoo. r
m.;! cenno‘eol%soh arroar,l ter felt h0h1...,1 h tr.,l is I I 16114 r felt
4 vl. t ul
hthioh.trucuelate NM e ceonpornlivel, I. price
he lel hlrd .1. :Wu e: 0..1J0r. llu
It—.t tinil.llllo4 h , end troche,. el
I I & TAILS-2 e.ties ua
'h . % Ilialln., an! I l,,
-14 514ann A en. hare:l3;A reel.) sod rata inal • large
laud a,urtnirnt of fine Vionelt
marl/ . . . .
I trek ETS-- '25 dox, just r eed and tilt nal.
IV A N - TE P—A second hand steam en-
Vuior. frain Went, thirty bur... Awe,
Any peru.n haw tug Due %or rah, will avelv itunistiatuli -
to WIS. (lA. ALIA' t 011.,
mark Is and al Waal aL
To Organists - and Leaders of Choirs.
rpiE NATIQNAL PSALMIST, in new col.
mqhm SACKED MUSIC. nunaiatina of 1 . ..A.1ns and
1 , ran tunes. will/ a choice Mkt... $•......rwr5. An.
Oasis. and Chao.. .1-siuned for (la Ore of Choir, Con.
in-ruhatiou. and hlin,:ing Solvol, by S. 1..
and 11. K. Omuta.
i'ubii.L~l by Wil kin,. Cart., A Co. Price 50c •
Thr,abov..aurk is arrahu..l with en arromphinnient for
" by
11. MELLOR..
Mar, .a 1 Wool Are,.
MOURNIK , O . t , :O I LLA t RS , LCUFFS--5u
mo 9 A. A. SI ASA . 1
Market cL
ha,.reed an rtineut of morn. than GO dui.
One alonain C nao
ullAra and Cults.
and ~ If
F.W. RIC E—ltee'd at 1156, Liberty street;
W. A. MrChlli:ll A M.,
.-il (inv.,. tad Tea Lauder,
lIEESE —Pine .Apple;
Ili inn. W. IL. Crean,
. . ,
• • (.7 tale
,11,C1,1J110 A CO- .
marts ..trsne. '
11./ ATS —7 eke. ll j aut. S. ~; 11, 1 , k 1. 0V T 7 , 1 ,C 1 t:, r 5, for ,
isms, :a 1y...1 stn..,
I Anti—`, I, or sale I.v
J 5.1111.11 . 0011 A 00
•••, - - -
I UST isponsi. at A. A. ISIANos & Co.'s. a
ensatsletss anursusnst I,..ntlentrn s • Mark Malian
Cr 7.177•1 mart,
['RING it. HIIION S .1.4135un & Co.
1 7
.h•ys• lv rll an! sunnnl I.i Pariunts :Irll l., 1141,
ss... rich and nuneriar slyka
g ILKS & SATINS-11,3- ovrr l ruii
I.lsstss. Salts. 1111.1 st
1 •Isu.s, (Haas llounct
•u.l Vlonnvas Slit. of Its,r,
A. A. MASI'S A 00.
nustsi , a na 1/ salsn •st._
14 A Co. h sr.. rn..'d 1.. ea.... Is. All. ts A ,onm srrtnr
l'rintt. ts.t's
. . ,
hams in balk. •
1: *eras
tiround NOIN
rnrk• Yeathar*:
To aru.r nn
"'"'"'" 17.*V11111;N:V A I'o
an Vront
OSI: N-300 bbls. Soap 'Rosin, in k...soti or .
LC el. a. anzl for *ale 1:r 11ELL .i
Mar. an.ITJ **afar *1:
EQA Common., in Eton, and
h T W.lo{, k
naLL, Na al, W. 1.,
1"}: r3ppi rig , W no.l Print -
I inir t•r , ... by W M AWMI All..
New Bonnets, Rfbliams, Hats. Silk
Goods, l&c
ttl .' 1
, 1 4 ,I . r n k t r t hs
m t i
and ca de.sraWu'r.ty f-r the. di.r.LC
A lr
liu--I . lAul l'hUL nunrell Ftri,l. Seurr
And 11114.. n.
Hun..., Fatio.r. How,. .1
1 " 7 " 7 ." 4 " :, "' IA
e1tj ' 11'!„1 . 11;!..!V.71 ,. . ' ''''' • "7,•,,,7,:' •
it ouI.IICA NOLES..-25 Vincintiati
IT'l I for
liKl.l. A 7.1110 Krr, .79 .4 7U WA. n
ErE LINSEED I L-15 .1.411 R. in store
I • noXior enlely
0, 10.A1'KI:l'ItN Rco,
A Card.
I•WILL open on the le April next, on
t.,trtr.t••• , i of St C.., 01.0b.n0
tatat.O-Ition. 1 .10 0140:M10
lb.. 011,1111, 14 .111 , Iriesd• at..l the
1011 he •••..1.1 • Om, hra.• to•Oin4 a
„.. _
,To Gard ers.
TWEN'ri of ,an., within inn, milt.
rite, anti ttvin.; thr.ring ',one Orebar.l or
'nano, Lind, ortruit trrr, too tenO•l o
draw, at o rot, If applimtiqu W ut0d....0.
mar.. .1.11 CO.
O. SlJORViihdti. Flinn, in Fiore
. rot imlo nr • x
Steele Wanted. _
f)SIAIES lt:,flitsatrpl .lil 'Escbaupn..l i i i n,,
Amit lied RAO.. Ilmkerr.
Ohio & Pennsylvania R. R.
20 SHARES for sale by
Val. A. ul Lax CO,
Nutbaut nerve on x Wood sta.'lr •
111EARLS---20 eaßks, ree'd and fottiale by
W.• r. wumox. 147. Front ,t.
) WI Shares .filnlntialmt Orto paw.
Ily _ a co.. •
malf.t.t 7 Garna . Wocd st. asul
11: lbw t“ , an 1 zorws.r..l
Tor. eta The water will probably bav
ri tb.• ra,p th,t,ntu:r.
a rlsu. 1, 14.111,- to a Tea days.
of theroir4.l,..r a 3104
“• nt.1•4,11 11‘st impT,ve-
t rt r,,..
l'o•-n•Int 1.-••••••. n, I
Inn•to.t .••••••rellt y.oot • • ntortlay.ntol no
nnt rout .I,••r I•o-•••••••• TIo riv.r n. nt
r t o.t orl•.. to•ennt' I•tit,t•ntly' to•rn Cho Altnon
n r • I,t - ` - rt erl n I ht
but to utb., traneptrni 111'(..,n
u $3.0::: I , ut In tvan rtor s
pnsl.• t.. 1 Id- at $.10 , 3 1? 1.1,1
"I, • • intl.. us , dt•s a •<t. , "slln a=l
tnn . .;.m..1.1•5.1. tlo;41iss.::; tr.•ol Ent
r smit..4ro unanninal. •
,i14tr1:11l$:$- Su. ar $ll.l W.:- .+4.liilna Alts.s7 al
1,;71n741r31.1‘. enle ;:! , u,:sr a I. moult.:
sn..l IJo In Ivo I..ts
„„„ ,re, •• au.l .k Then•
u cry 4;l' tk 10! n. no I. srn.
40.0 1 . :•t v...
!moos— rn- yr, {ll :tt I ill WO
Late .a 1...: ,trout al ,•• ,Itl., and
C.rll¢to, at .00V , : 4 60ut
aer, on fvr
r.,14., 3.1 liomn. 1.14.1 1,41 n• at ta,il
cuo, snErk—s.,l- ot 40 14.1.1.e1. al • . al
SI ma:F.—Sale or I:. 10.13 at So:. rO O O 1.
ANti—s 3 l. ni lit 1..r.F00 11141.•
.lov. - al the ,um.
1•1.1 !111: \ t.t4.
1,11 4 licslkeuy,
4nwate term.
LAND 1..1 , 144 ..0 lar 011.17.'r fur NO..
4.11. q..
NAV—Flat, 40 0.1.1. 1..1,111a, alai'.. 4110 4 veaatat Cosal.
We t.c.m.o.rtnent Faber ankh.,
ar. Kt.uerally
BALTIM. 11( I: axo .1110 1,111. I:oAl)—Tl.:fnllowinc
anniaranda the tan , u•a• Ufa.“ na• nnAnnnrn and
I:ali I:•atd. 1,11..111,01 •,flS.dd. -
The Lranmp.,stalLda ,nob th, ilaindan , a
rcusr di Ow pnnet,..4l I,en 101daa—
Bur'L2,, 1 aLui__
I ;tort... ntf 1.4,
dn, o 14.4,
LoFv, .• .
Ivan, ral:le: 4 , 1
111,13 MIA
111 tal.
36a 1.1.14
Zit Lon! .
MI st in ii.
Ili II
1 I
Lanl mud butt.,
71 "
evelot, utt.fttlf I..l.ruar . Ws+ ,rrs .512 . 2
07:. Jct. r of Of fr. Tr.,in ttf.. rtrni, an 4
`1111•SILN •
lull par. n. ..•
nn. V i 5...,
tor "N.. - 1•11.•
There ha , rfoien r.mvidrr:d.!. decline in the
number r. 4.1 .n - milt rt.
Il~u 1~•+.1 1.
styr T:tr,l,
1 , 1.11 0.., 1.... a, lei. SlSki
m,r,..1 I. 1..11
,t,t-tqt an 4 1 , .a.•' Sh , elt
4.taall't id at:Artie! wiltrft -4,1 at t a to aim', anti
11:. 1. , el 171:j7r. t- 112TIF nn
u> 4 . ,
r- Is . ut..l the
14. 11. W.' • 4". • toloptioi, seriot—
Lu-nt..... mai 1.11 a broil.
air.l •.• Imo ram.,
r .
1..4 4 pr...• a. rapi.ity nt
I. dna.. I bi 3
... tin ratul nzar..... At
iben tn. rbaul , id
‘31111:V.S.:: . fs,4 1% inn
-, 1,, 1 , 1.: . S.. 1111,40 , 1 11;
tit, li n
• it.o.• Y.„
..n r V
I. I. rlea,ll.rtiti.,
1,1,43. •
I:;tr, I I\'l'l:•.rotrina• tuak..
t, "...le tt Porto,. lalr tour.
iu oast• ot • • itt• att." tono"1
yll 1.. ..... . utut ~.111 the ealltit
t: r. qu0..., r... they alit doubt
. et tat, t" • itt 11.1 saw flack" , wilt
lier3l huner".l•lt...o to tat t net, t..l,ttelt. lb,
• all Ittot• Anti t n•nil Th.. es •...rtatiott u• 11.02
ai t....L.tei or..u eat.. Itou• • tteut to the truth. II
ue tot. u fur tear- rt •••• al , "
tru.etl. e Mt.,. that.
h.,. hake uone uell .11 tYt .riet- an."
lOnn tin , In ll• u 4.t the lieet,
tut e • onto,i ,tu 1.11 IS VIII pnl , s,l'y dietzieu,
t V... lAA
al , ”1 --1 tr•
lA4 etvnits,
- . .
1,11,51... L
. .
. .
mitat,... I . n.n - n•s111..
Fr,jl. Ca,. un1..e1t.1.1..11•,11...
1171 , !•v.1...1:1tr...1q . . run.,
J. Rayeird. l'e-eLlv..
Veittur.., %Val tz,,
1)11 1 roc., CH). Murduato. r.
N ABllll - 11.1.15F0rt
14A,AA,11.1.e rAcAAr
1i110WN6V11.1.1.. 8 A. Ai. •vl L r. in
. ,
Pra EDIT h Berwrit
hhi j;•
pka teaLtiore .1.• I, L.-Li
of JJ:rr 1,4,.* Ira. A &Kg All tler
bklen, .1 11 {toy and; n boo
ert....m 4 Co; OO PO.trup,..l.....rroptt rittloh: li/40
I,aro y 4 mug,.
skum, Car... a TlckinigiA, I.,liphantt C. 4 •
plealro.l 4 kg,. 1..1. lb, ti S. , *hot, Iturbrul,l ,- 0 . 1-hprat:• [wart... Town,h.l: 4 la 14110 11.1 i. t..11.rr
4.30". I ,
hble,t Intro.. Who llinghana k Co:
131.4.,...1ank.* I .1:). hh.t 1 .11 ‘,11,-, Moo. Wharf
Loot. 341.1: r Wrier, J [ChOOltalker
iliOll4 tO, 331011,, , , Clark t 1,41 s oil, EA
kr* 0 WOW law, yams. Laker .S kuraylh.•- •
I'cv, 4. II So. hluta 1.04,ar.•
ro. C.O u.. 43 100119 be.tsi. 00mer.1.:41
Au.kriit Y Co: lOJ Ju, 1911 , r R Forsyth ; • '
51) Jn,o A NlcAuulty. •
SUNFISH: rric Wfur . Huo--9.10 11. l flour Wulf Ho
II Lorrlk k et, uhl.+ll , or tu alot :I.ip /duff,WTl
II JULnrlun.:• 1.11.1.p0n 1., Nit, I.blsi 111 , ur,
A McAnulll : Am.trong.ttr.,:ei
oil Can 1 ...1., K I: Ilona. II Una t
a, 0 IV An.b.rebst; [Si
PENNSYLVANIA 11.11/, In - /AIt—EAST, •
The Esprra , thion,h Irvin hart, at EN o'clnrk A.N,
Aucimittokriall..ll train Iraaea •-
WEI, A EENN.`3I . I.VANI.V 11A11..1:6A1/
TI, Elprent I r Icares 1,11e1.4--sit..ct Station at 8
olelnrk. A Inn an..l arrlve4-40.7 o'clock, r. rtyr) day,eV.-
roptltnt :laud,. Th. ArrannoluttnE• train leave. at to
n'clock,S. w, 50,14 r.
Modern Languages.
- . -
• P. SANDERS, Prof: of MoJOin tar;grait
;slys ku
AN.;;;PANISH nt;;;117A1.1.0. silos
;;,• prlf ,••1,. ul.l et 11, ;Oath 14;.!
11“; "guile :q, Kletsr. Th,r.i at._
No lul
1a5.,;1 , 1--“.‘lDirlawfilik. NI D.; fit.
;Islas Pr, k.;;. f.turrls r.l ontoDt.;•l4
Paper liartgings..
11/ ILL 4:r r,•,!'‘l tir,t C. 1.11 Boat =6-
,A...1a, , I ltal,
t151,,1,4, 4 lir .10,1 w1:40 will 14
W. 1.„ 1\0f.,1 4.
A N . It FA C I'll
la a iv gsi3 K \ 1.t.4.1:1 . 411 AN L. etalrANY.
at S. r•r1..,,,, .1
11,1,0,thiml, ..1.1.1,1 P , 1urt,4..1, a .1 , ‘ , 41T. tko.
KI I+r ) • lest. hu.ID
m 4.1 th- 1.1,04,1 tg. m - W.lmkt
I. , mtuu Illa /MT Mt,AM
14 ra,t, to 02 . 00 nr . iaarrarilett (vie from ail—
irt,r. it wife?? well.ll
and , ruttri.l, Potot...
r 4...1 to
i•ren he°
d. Ot .. an otitiide
It with.tan a weartii-r
titan JOY not twin: wt.:. to to chalk!
e zl. It L.:13 arra. toy
with asit.l P 101,7,, 4, Wala • LZ1...p0q1p..11 Ktte3 Um. relit
[ orn Inrotrh.,i nta tux prti....i.,4mr, °odds:o444ly_
chriii...ll ritarltrt for
(..01111, otiiatot,ibs ^st."."
wnwl, Li, or Imo, l NAL
AZ:Li. Plitt'. PitOOF.
Jivo aurt.iiirs en.
tuckiir.tranii; rottoiit yrewifr to Wi th
ti,o, I a
li, dry nowlily, Poo'
roliir lit, many 61 the. T PaWa
ill IL,. •
Eciato %I Parc,. lititatOid
Good lieN6 'for tie Ladicsl -
1111- LATItOII4I'S FEJ.LALL' ,.I '.
in Head and Litshii.
lin.. nt Appet.itir, Tri.noar. Itoics.ted
leriility.l.4litivpi-ia or I iadigoittii,
le or It aol all Price
i.e tire tosmi kir It.' r4.ilit nitall'hY W. C. • 'I
AlltihiM. I.awrty no+, ol tt rittaburrYFrl
asJ'l.y ALI TILE DictltitllST, k s..idAr
elniait with tact. lao..
IVLOPII.--Zliti.ifit. S. P., re.'d end for
• thiitlitAll. '`•
- • - •
LAO. bide rr
_ dud
• Inc isle G 7 im.151 4.11