' - r - . - PrfTSTURGII -GAZETTE": hitTEVIILIPhriV j and 'nifty perfillued Morn t tom `gloom is born.. - Elvin out the aqui depth.cd - rhlion Night The eters stied light;.• "Gears in the rayless ea'veribeW the. 01141 .• 1. .rr. • Neve their • From. wenderatiesiChemy ;if Winter hours •'' • • Come Summer flofiere: ! ' 1-•••••':' The hitter: waters of. Gm restless main t:'• ;s'2' . Give gentle rain; The failing bloom onl ilry seed bring once more i• The year's fresh store: `'3,ftst Sequence of clashing tones utford ;" The•fall accord: ••,ThrMigh messy ages, full of strifeiand rutW Thought reaches truth; • Through' efforts long in vain, proghtic need - I-beget/4CA deed: : I 'Nerve then thy soul with dire's: need to cope: • . hrightest hope , Lies latent in Ftfto's derallielt erc'r (respair. , I • Lio,thord Word, t •.: ~ i l'ittiallioq vs. ti3iNtllA 112s 1 vulcotly passel' froln darkness to .'liightr'''en,,,,tiolintee- the woes of single blessed .. oning!) Itnif-thetjoys of nfatrioiony as follows {1 • An the pitcher, "unregener fled cocks, coffer, sweetened with ieleles„ gas ,g,ceohn biscuit, , Ilstoljr #64lt. dull razols, coughs, - and cone, rtfininclo, aloes, wiefehednes9;•.&c. • ;•••••• -dtati4L4llo buck whent brit warm l4, 4! „- cotapoef.-tble..-slippers! smoking coffee, rouopl , :04 , 4 4- pa tips, (ahem!) chubby ,fut Imbiee! etc.. -...1 . ': ,!Il4.3.iriticiitt.ezttlting in button::: Te4larnied . Enoch- Mt.? ",,,,fttngseot,..),scht! - happiness, , , Luc A .161sir.--T4 •follawing ies ,lescriptioit stile young giautSos . ... '-.. : -: :VS bad the curiosity to drop in at the meta it ' . 'fair - evenings since, and had an interview with the .....-::' ' Lyiiiiuit Nona Scotia giant, Idr. Andrew bLoKas.' .'tell,-;.now militating here. We mayuow ante', - wisert that we have Seen a gintit—a real down :"right and upright, giant worthy it barb been a , ••:,..-..Xtiicscendant of the great Ciolialt'of . Oath', ''' We ' 4 * - 11sitse heard of Harry O'llrOw, trboUsed to light hie pip Wat a street' !snip, and iolik in at , fleeced ,story windows, and•we haie seen many tall per- - .. Sent icings time, but wo • never kid a true idea , '.. of a ilitataintil we BAR this you it. for he is hut . 3.9'Ostis - old. Lie isms; quly .tal , his knight be ,' lug i feet.,lol , isiuthes.;. hut his frame •is ill, ' -' In etise,kaii non , i4s the idsa of great atredgth. ~, .Think of a minit eswiring4. feel P inth 1 ee gonad the waist', 'la . fen • 13, inches . r nail the thigh: i feet round the ac-e, Sic. Ili oboe is 1 foot 4 :•:- inishes long' heel would make is' cragle for,a tel • sable.letized•baby. " 11tis Impossible to 09116[Ife , i more imposing 1 •:- an& majestic form-than he pre el:114, dressed in I 'i 'the,.fail:Sighland,costunie, and with,the plomo of 1 ''• , his bonnet away up in the air- Tall men 0p ,.. , pear , quite tiThriles-by pis aide; 'C all 'arms with him Ignd could just react tits elbow; and stretching Inlets:yd. could colt teach his - Wheink bone with the tip of our Utiger. • lie really is a physical Tiler,- he is a re -\ ~ uniikable fact, that add bid Welfthyeare was -quite &dwarf: but Whinhe egad to ntretelt out •• ~ he made up for lust' time, arid lams increased for the Inst Seven yeari at the rate (.I'.wo-rthirils of au inch permonth, and is:sr growing. • ; . ._ . ~... . The. American Coloolsati Society will send , T .. . otictaig the Ist of May unri a ship froid,Balti .- merry orNorfolk with. em grams to Liberia. ' Quite i number- are making (arrangements. to go tsthee; • ~- • • ' 1 [ • i , ..- aonspetrs - ---"Ilowir all triable," nay'sßa i ' •,..'• 'i - .elite;'.ilis'. the.. simpliCity . f the EfangeliFt!! i, t .'l - .' They never speak injurious yor the enemies of " '.2stmia.Chri'at, of his Jr+.1,..1e , nor of his *wenn , I- • • ";=... til&tout.. l ..lhey report the net Witbotit is?einghtt i - i i• ''',44leinfitia., they confine- ;t. either •on thetr '.,binsiren 'mildness when hq ~, s smitten. nee on . -. .. _ . ...: .• i •'..- -,. huieotisisteney 0 the hour o hio ignominious • .. death, .which they thutt .tles rihe : —Anti they . . . - . 'crucified tom " ..1- :. . . - • ,Beautiful things nre ellggesllte a a. purer ". '- Wad - higher !ere, all site us Ivrilli drainsteil love ~.... , and fesi: Thryisve a grucie'usness that vine - . In, and an excellenue ta wtrh lee involuntarily sio rewereuce. t you ar e - too . ; poor, yet, pure --.. , '• la,Wd honestly as leing, keep . 4t...ia flower.' en . :.. .yutte table wet hey well LOaintaitt , your dignity, and secure for od'Onsiderstica and delicacy -'l.- or:behavior. - I , • ... Adsmantin: Calilles. . • • an i Bred t. 6 11/lE:uud°"igned now Oar Dre' 2 •"'°: - ..i."F"'DA"l's - TFiVi...i..,lno , ir your iol+r frleods •nl cut , t,twra • .1 , nt tur-lour by Ur. ,ttbonuri • 1 ARAYIi SIIAWLSL:Aust opened ltpriy Jilett' plain mud tnabrolaii.:l Rawls. - - • • fol Rbnt. TEM subscriber hail seterhl very Pi an; fur tent. A4c fx eat.. I 1.,114,4¢.1 haul Maws. rx.tellent rornlllon. 9ail iLOViiRSEEDI! for solti by' •• • It. DALZIILL L CO. tigATHEllS—ln'43thre and for'sale br Its•rt • • . 1. IPAIAII DICKEY aCo • LlARillOb'ltiefnitidiiid Statasict. IPr : Pta.rchebsti- Loyd fp:pit-Pt alit. '•. • I.lenteunpr.lt Cp. Foutlb •• •.' • .• . - ' thterrot rieceptog :kr lt.o. 1 xbk by Cc to S l.2 • i l . =p's • ••- •..411.11p.Nagasiapp t.P.!thit Pro.PIO P.O ;lhe LEAD--10p44,,iikSofi ardenn;lo SAI,ERATUS-4, 11 bail, H. P.. UO. , , , 1 re • 12 iaicks i n - fil{lol.l- FE ukiltrZwS Iv y ror ftle • '4s' VANDLES--8 (1 .1,/;rimo sowl &wan. VENISON y _ .4 1 .212r.r; Jot ine'd from Mejunt, QALI? f RAT . IIB+; — , 4-561) doz r - Ceriredan:iar 1' 'it iVtP iF mccr.uga a co., 'eft ERAGE LAISES!—Rec'd; 1 cane 61.9 ntTOACI Da,Lsibeo. u al l avl urt .4 ...• pLiACK( LACES !—A. A. Al MCI'S „, . ' of low on baud corer V./0 rc.f. iii.k Silk ant Colton na Al4c l 7s:Cluf2f r iilCti f i fibliii-,-frp 4 i _LT , ..1, /Winn At ~ , n, n l ana;& 3 72,.. t f2111 . r” 1' • i'lli ' ~ ~ 1ii44 4 44 skid Tiro.nrila . ll. iItUTTER-1. bbli 11;i11.. Itnuer rei,od , and -VI me saheili., I - fr....in, : ,21•• : kY, 1Y 11, rf .1 ,, •••.- .+. .• ---. i nrinin .'il3f,'lli• t „ t !r` UOAtt— _ 0 rids _ fIoF.E . RE-ill-ttaga "Rio, for sato by .• . ;i. B. Cdl aILLD. als.N.ll for Hale 111113 TT E I tH4 bbls. Fvesh rec'd fut. JUP lati try , tasiati,'l' nont, , inv. LITILR k CO. - '5,F,k,1.).--9 bbli; Prime, just rec'4l. -itottrsor4 Mint: k CO. bxe:g . n: 1 ~ fir ante by ir.,Lnkum.Xe kw. by. 10ied, for sok by bble. SsrHouse Syrup 1V 1(h teo e tveteel t eo.pt.. _ f ir cENT'S KID Dl,OlillS—Over 100 doz. • A 'Al A tlfgelie c ilt; -.I.EOSTON OitAeliEltS4il..o. a the colt; /tn .. = iiri'ut=l`rgTetzrd Fro er".?"' : • . , WA.A.3..ctundacy... - • . . 1.410rt76t. rIVBACCO+-6 0 kegs Six TATiBt. a I LLlAdri '.,11c111L1,7, ttlititi • ioit.li_--25.000 per, Staamei itisvol niu 'l °4l° .'" . BT ktr: Eitairmi;tm A f L a: -5. 5- I L ° 1 t r al i tit y tt Ow . ie rs : l6l P ;-.1:20‘) 11;441;' ,;.112 7% co, I[ll 7 F c aiOil la 'Li: ia`s'E' ASSAFCETIDA--2 cages fKaato by AYKINGES--75 dom.:lne and . triediiim .." JfnKox~nLfarakur_'J. KIDD bbla. plan; for salo I ! J.SCIDSONEC/X2.2 ACV. IaUTTE.B.-;-"NY-k222i reed 'On4onalgo - ment,. toe biLituvir NVICS.kI22O. I2 i I Z 22 !_•_. Q L — PI - 111 , 10 4Nit 1.312202200.baretar do 2 CAPT.IS fluelB2LIC ~~~n~~y; 4u 4 , 7. :~ t~"i .S~r~~.~ ;t2ALERA I IIIS-20 casks Salentils; 111% 1 tb, parerr.) .0,°2 • - • • '~~'tTEW ~TOB$ ADVEE . TF6EffiE~TB' e lErg lilt I' 'NV Rik!. A N'§ PATENT L SAL $ANVE4rtie anbiaitter would , eall the ittentlon ordeal... and;Mortis to thininforlor artj. ale. US log paean:mains ountarring.tiot maw In mote , ihritoughly tritopr,rot than It man be by ant oliter meth tat. It t+ttll CIIiMMEM..FIIUNITIIIII:, at tau.ol.:y 1.. evert r4lcaalt... tio,l-tvultar f ttolth rendre. it .„ tiantt.le; hoLAN io ora ttialkM oroarn.roc,l lacts lut:ltrtt/iVrlt.A..":ra'tore.l nu.; ‘ 0 . :11.4 -. .7.;;:r „ 1 ' : ruqa. In LI, Mt , la:, tad ea,nnt.a.soCtu not 102,14410 and 1.4...tt.tr .4 , lth la,t, umum 1.4.14 U , '2) read„ ablr/1 113 T. Irmo 10,7 st , creciat... 4operiar 14 all ..tLern who ar , .tout ftirolehinc rjruhr /lc or .7'nualt /Java., ast) nu .4..,;c1. retl awl am Erne ab,rr Et Frr 0tr . :113.‘113 , elvartu-1 , Nu., 4 ;TO 12212)21245.1... • • Ter,ll ;tr., & GEORtig 0111.0 W OLD, 71.& 72 0 bull Street, &MAI r0r.:711 CIE•Af i .V.C.F C4 - f1.1" , 2-1 - A NI , AE. I COTTIJN MUCK. . O TTER' fo.- 141.0. frury low prise,, hl :1,,4 I 4 ~ and !II 10.,11.4. tbc....:1•4.44 , hr AMERICA'S ran. Icnul.bl4 i whrrantr.l paper:Al . it asoula , ,tur.. 4r,, brand. .11....i..r:5tr Ducm, a lb- isut uutut ,,,, *et aim, • • INDIA; RUBBED GOODS. 'vire tiNDEHSICeNti WOULD Art N -111,;;;,, I}.• 1:1114.1 Ora lownt,/..telirrt.j Till N. R.:11.1,42,... ,4 0 ,, io msay , nny gdru, Dolnutt., and Deity eu ettt 111.UTTF bbis. Fresh hall, for salt bq JUP 'V.r LWILSON.ICatrata. DRY (40.DS, • • • New Gods Arriving. vi [IR PII (1141/MD have eem -1V11.......1 rerrivim t'arty ha. Mhne.l an h:llthVt.. uat Ehrea.l 11...1, llursg-a. Marl. awl .k i I ...I, ..hr art. Lan, Centralization haio contralizod thoir go, moo ot •tt• ....a tot, t•ot ttl t•to-Otte. I lir, t•ttn tr.. • LI, ut. m,.tr to tar et- to . , t•t•Itt•• thm.l3.-1.-t• .11 • 11 - 000$ 01 I, 10 0101011, 1• at Alt 10, • • 4, 10• 4., n • ..t a 1 Mt. I uut e plod, I I 1 , 111116t/.1 , 1 vlrent.. bearbiamou.l tionie-taade Blankets. rii Fh to:, I , ri.v received 1.. P..1.;,..1 11a, 11111..11.-,1 Cpsll.• do.. nit mit—l *2:l 0,41. Ast.l Larrs..l r...lerwmadr , I I'l.l E., .0, .. aa .0 111111111, , 21.1 SOF Vlnnuel.. =al== f 11.r4 r' 2,22 -2 .112; • 1.15 • 'LOTUS 1 CASSISIEItES—Un 1. n xe.l "Ma 144n...14.1,1411.• 1,41 4... 1u.144: o 4 ~.i44.41.41. 4 1 111.1. 414 4. , 4144. All 11, Ints, 44144 41 Fanc . , .1; I A Si 62.. n( J )Inrk..t ATI N ErtS !- Nil,ll . llY 111:11C1IYIE1,11 u Ir..u. ttio, miatuf, , orvr-1 rme.• of Ater. Mnoteu un.l pfitin ke.l Nr , yard or Neer. hA. Rh MIXED CAJiIMEREti!—An n. ,mtrilvnt r.I &Irk inl./,1.1•A. am' other colink It .1 11).• 146..1 • }lr 1;1`111 A BC ixit)ria.to. Moro New- Goods. A NIES A. N 0.62 Fourth st., AP tun tatectal .tappra at' Fan mai Wittlai tt....i• ttla.,lty of weblett havtna bran putrttat....l at . • rt.. urn Eyre, ilthrOrdrin. Tel ler • Ileash pains In ties ben.. and jotn la. old era,, liken, Wour..terio.Chrothe Conaho, Arthroa. Itroorilltis, and all Pultruntarl n.Oactior.sop a chronic natl.,. trading to Id.. dun. Conourthtlon. Mart. and Reads. or tbu• illaddrr and Manna. Chapped Hand, .!}prier, 0)11,1 awl Itunion. In loth It lk ru.w...r...1 b. bean ithal In wort of tha within fare with the moot porrert etrtthrad... 1.1.1. osonlah the isa Mob...aloof the proprietor. S ali m! bn ill rote aux.. Inaba', ing them to tie attia.lur thoir.thenlA - • laatorn .there mar about thoir L1,1i11120.11. t er h• Petr..leum fa tha arentog bechoti of th0"....0. Inblab atsrolina in the prot.e , ort be. oath, , the ig In their prartieu Thu, who at r.rd I.derd no with doubt uelnneortandy.aro.ublling to award it due plod, met cousLioratiun. before moth. T.thr6lls round. all wlll tar comp.ll.l to aeknowded, that the P.tholu.n la then reat} rot medicine !NOT diarorrred. Ft, I. horde aA IM tall. br • • h. • .31.rta.)W bra. LW ttio.l E. Pollen, Li Waal auto , : S. Curry, D. nt Jrarphdanu:i.. r eel e 4 ty. hi. it, pro athn.thr, 8. NI. Canal Peet, p i r thr burzl., and 11. A. bet • Co.. ifor:i end Vone, • Great ;Cure of-Liver Complaint, RY the original, only_ true and_ genuine Liter rill. I,S.Tetur..rner, Obi.; 3155reh 5 .. 5 0,1519. )Ir. r,. vir 1 ilitht ;Vitty - cor• lit 4 , 0,4 11.14 / Imre hr,o.. 54111irtvd Lir, Complaint Odra /one: I .shshanct ro bal• at e, fnrrAt‘i end bmka. 151 t me in v..sry. tow ATAIe, lining lorni Cl rode lobratasl Lint !silk /wing for ale br A.ll. Sbarth W."...‘ Libortlh and ra,nz.toondrl to =pi., sh s r t.byan , sst,.'l4s. eich,l„ u. giro s brm • rgr rill. 1 5 itr,.5 nor te a . anl taint Item 1 , 11+,054 vi: rho, - sr* , to.nd.l— VIII •r.tl 's..ni•rour bairn 1..“ . I %Ail 'i.e ',ill vets. 11. 5 . 5 rohAtoilY r s .or". 11 5 :1. , 01.T.N. • We, 11.).',. 1,49. ,rtti. Intl r...r..9,11s uith )Ir.C.ole. lIA/11. All A.A. leer 1.55.451n55111 ty U.:Aro of till, 10.10 to.rtAluta. .1. It. STIAltr. only and sold hy SYRUP.--“lT ' ithout 1,3 • i'l r•rirca• (/it,b 11 , ar , A . r. 1S!.11. 1,5 I. t0 .1.t. t0 , 4•Ftitoten.lloC 1 ' 1.54 gone th. ,ula. hero,. r..•n ..1. 5 5.ten.5. a 515 i too ',a aura, rtt by toy sast. inc. that be had . rout.l.l 4141.1cxtel, 14n1VIA A lo 511.• of Ihur eng.r.ir 5 5 ,1 , 51 A 5 . 5 . n 0( whlda. It, iv e•lrmlalltn , ,,l. ..11. 5-5 1.1 ,51,5 g0 . 555 by tuit;i, as.. to work In lb. n...roing,az4 cm now toile \ turn, a, • 31A. Dm, I.Plrbr mxn vlll a s oinsinlrl +an lbw *bole virrunw.tato,hancl that the al ~.toctil PratANs.l ud aohl by C..E. SELIA'AF, L 7 N • ooi at. W • I{6l.i}lts Cumrsmad Sy rup c.f I.IV rI:WOLT. TNIZ, CANO , PALVA"A. o.r Irs 04, ti•vot , olthe bhob rso wobtlito. ier ar rtei- of Ccrasair. lor.sienza, .to-. 31, t:1.roo 1 . ..,me1p.,Anth.n5,% hoer, ing Coo,C, l`ro.or, .111..0. IA ylaMt., to eile ETra.-.....N.,Lt /.14.4 , 1 8.1 it oll•T Lour o.lo.•int. N '0.4 hallow• ewd, I,Nlrut,l, any (CUT diMeaftr noon: Ott Ihmot or 1u0..V. (.1.(.1 , i fly this Ltosaltoxt•le Aurfly ihoismuulo. in (tie city. : A taa r. 1 ,1 11,1,,t111-,1 001150.1 to - rcro... •152%. rot. to latm . il:ort1.10.11 , 11. I "fejt. 1ar,1 , G1010 , •, , st. 4 boitl" , torts. A "r tlVvrttolvul• Kul felml br tttal et net. • 01.40. • E BLOOD .IS Tilt; I.IM- 1 -aieep the , LIPoI law, run•• ...t elan f •es. aa .lera Innn roll so 61 ' 1 t' to t 11111M1 nat 111 . 1 \ l. t ir ts . ra 1.1•2 flpmlrt i• A4PIS tk that , • b..•;1 Var. I,role z 1 ‘t 11 t,r I, l hil I ;It,.